HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15-88REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 15, 1988 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session September 15, 1988, 4'00 PM, City Council Chambers 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. ' BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~Chairman Mason, Directors Jones, Olson, Walker, Sinclair ROLL CALL STAFF Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Miller, .Schnakenberg, Hydrick, Schroeder GUESTS Lou Pierini, Marjorie Springmeyer Lou Pierini complimented the Staff and thanked them for answering his many inquiries. He appreciated the time and effort for all the explanations given. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Short Non-Agenda Items) Marjorie Springmeyer thanked the District for her sign. She also read a news clipping dated 12/8/70 regarding the purchase of Water companies. She asked whether we charge E1 Dorado Co. for water. Finance Officer, Barrie Fischer, said "Yes" Rick Hydrick and Barrie Fischer answered questions from Ms. Springmeyer regarding the City's water usage. Assistant Manager, Bob Baer, re- quested Item #2 be delted from the Action Calendar and change Consent Item #1 to Action Item #6, and to also add Items 7, 8, and 9 to the Action Calendar. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Sinclair/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to Approve the Changes and Additions to the Action and Consent Calendars. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 15, 1988 PAGE - 2 Moved Jones/Second Olson/Passed Unanimously to Approve Consent Calendar as Amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved Change Order Nos. 63, 84, 85 for Alta Pacific Contract No. 1. 2) Approved Amendment to the Harvey Place Dam BLM Permit for work in the ICR Campground. 3) Declared 1968 Jeep, Force Main Vehicle Surplus Property For Sale. 4) Awarded Bid No. 88-89-07 to Sierra Chemical as the Lowest, Responsive, Responsible Bidder for Hydrogen Peroxide; Amount of $181,79/500# Drum for the Time Period Beginning 10/1/88 - 6/30/89. None APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS None None 9/09/88 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ EID PAST MEETINGS 9/12/88 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items Manager: No Report. Director Sinclair brought up the status of the EPA approval of the ERB Lining Project Contract. A lengthy discussion ensued. Chairman Mason requested Assistant Manager, Bob Baer, call Lahontan concerning the sludge removal deadline imposed by Lahontan staff. STAFF REPORTS Attorney: No Report. Program Managers: No Report. Shop Steward: No Report. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 15, 1988 PAGE - 3 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to Approve payment of $520,762.61. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Deleted. DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS FOR COMMERICAL PROPERTY ON APN 27-362-07 Presented by Bob Baer: WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN UPDATE Moved Jones/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimousl~ to Approve Master Agree- ment and Task Order No. 1 with Boyle Engineering in an Amount not to Ex- ceed $86,000. Presented by Bob Baer: Loved Jones/Second Olson/Passed Unanimousl~ to: A) Authorize Engineering & En- vironmental Consultant Work for TRPA Permit for Expansion from 7.5 MGD to 7.7 MGD to Quad Con- sultants in the Amount of $6,000; Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to: B) Authorize Carollo Engineers to Proceed with Task 1, Phase 1 in the Amount of $22,600; Moved Jones/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to: C) Authorize a Budget Increase for Carollo Task Order 6G in the Amount of $9,375. Presented by Bob Baer: Moved Jones/Second Olson/Passed Unanimously to: DIAMOND DITCH PIPELINE PROJECT A) Approve Plans & Specs with minor changes. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 15, 1988 PAGE - 4 Director Jones said the Operations Committee met and several modifica- tions were recommended. Assistant Manager, Bob Baer, said the modifi- cations were taken care of. DIAMOND DITCtt PIPELINE PROJECT (Continued) Moved Jones/Second Olson/Passed Unanimously to: B) Authorize Advertisement for Construction Bids; Moved Walker/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimously to: C) Authorize CWC-HDR Task Order 26/ Amendment 2 in an amount Not to Exceed $13,744; Moved Walker/Second Olson/Passed Unanimously to: D) Authorize Carollo Task Order 3 in an Amount not to Exceed $49,000 Construction Management Services. Presented by Gary Schnakenberg. Bid submittals and contract delays were discussed. Attorney Rollston explained procedures and Director Mason answered several questions on the subject. WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS AT CEDAR AVE. & BLITZEN TO SANTA CLAUS DR. Moved Olson/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to: A) Declare a Great Emergency, due to time restraints placed on Tahoe projects. Moved Sinclair/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to: B) Approve Wunschel & Small Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $38,092. Presented by Ken Schroeder. Moved Jones/Second Olson/Passed Unanimously to: A) Declare a Great Emergency due to time restraints placed on Tahoe Projects. WATER LINE REPLACEMENT ON B AND MARGARET STREETS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 15, 1988 PAGE - 5 B) Approved purchase of materials WATER LINE REPLACEMENT ON B for District crews to make the re- AND MARGARET STREETS (Continued) placement for an amount not to exceed $10,000.00. Presented by Ken Schroeder. Moved Jones/Second Olson/Passed Unanimously to: WATER LINE REPLACEMENT AT 4TH AND HIGHWAY 50 A) Declare a Great Emergency due to time restraints placed on Tahoe projects. B) Approve Purchase of materials for District crews to make the re- placement for an amount not to exceed $10,000.00. Presented by Ken Schroeder. The warranty on the mechanical seals was discussed. Questions from the Board were answered by Attorney Rollston and Ken Schroeder. BIRD CENTRIFUGE REPAIR PARTS Moved Olson/Second Jones Passed Unanimously to: A) Declare a Great Emergency due to a 3-month delivery schedule. B) Approve Purchase of Mechanical Seals in the amount of $7,367.90 + Tax and Shipping. 9/28/88 - 8:00 AM-Dark, Open House @ Treatment Plant 10/3/88 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items 10/6/88 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Meeting 10/14/88- 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ South Lake Tahoe City Council Chambers NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 5: 43 PM ADJOURNMENT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 15, 1988 PAGE - 6 ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, CLt~RK ~OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Date: BOA RD M~ E E T.I'N G ............ · _ GUEST .SIGN'IN SHEET: .(_please print) PI4ONE NUMBER: .NAME; ADDRESS; NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFORb~ATION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE.