HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-02-88 MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 2, 1988 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, June 2, 1988, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Mason, Director Olson, Walker, Sinclair, Jones ROLL CALL STAFF Cofer, Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Brown, Schroeder, Hydrick, Taylor, Plasterer, B. Eppler, Miller GUESTS Cliff Zipp, Marjorie Springmeyer, Bruce Burns, Ida Amato, Jennie Sorini, James E. Ward, Rocco Bentoldo, Mr. & Mrs. Lamont Morgan, Curtis A. Warren, Scott Swift, Lou Pierini, - Tom Hiscox-KOWL, Jim Dipeso-Tahoe Daily Tribune, Keith Klein-City Council, other members of the public who did not choose to sign-in. None COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Short Non-Agenda Items) None CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to Approve Consent Calendar as presented: l) Authorized execution of Agreement between STPUD and Tahoe Conservancy in the amount of $92,000 for funding Erosion Control Facilities Between Cold Creek Filter Plant & Cold Creek Reservoir. CONSENT CALENDAR 2) Approved repairs of the Bird Centrifuge Scrolls by purchase of Stilling Vanes in an amount not to exceed $10,500 + tax and shipping. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 2, 1988 PAGE - 2 3) Approved Change Order No. 60, $11,006.30; No. 61, $4,856.25/Alta Pacific Co., Contract No. 1. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 4) Authorized Ehlman, Roberts & Maston, Inc. for the amount of $20,000 to complete the Annual Audit for Fiscal Year 1987-88 of Sewer Enterprise, Water Enterprise and Special Funds. 5) Authorized Waiver of Ordinance No. 94 for APN 22-131-01 to install driveway across sewer easement. Moved Jones/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimously to Approve May 19, 1988 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. None APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS None 5/31/88 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda items 6/01/88 - ll:00 AM, E1 Dorado Co. Water Agency 6/02/88 - 3:00 PM, ERB Bid Opening Manager: Manager Cofer reported on the ERB Bid Opening - ERB Sealing Project. He said there may be some technical problems with the low bidder, but this will be resolved at the ad- journed Board Meeting next Thursday. Staff will request the Board to take action on the bids at that time. STAFF REPORTS Attorney:. Attorney Weidman reported he had been working on the Corps of Engineers backfill wetlands regulation plan and the Schwake pre-trial. (Contract No. 5 - Alpine County) Program Managers: No report. Shop Steward: No report. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 2, 1988 PAGE - 3 Moved Olson/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $2,881,594.03. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Presented by Manager Corer: REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD BEN EHRLER (Lakeside Mobile Home Park Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to waive 3-year back charges and begin charging for 5 additional sewer units on the next billing period - Lakeside Mobile Home Park. Presented by Manager Cofer: REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD NEAL LEONARD (APN 34-321-031) Attorney Neal Leonard, repre- senting property owner, Marilyn Holm, explained Ms. Holm's position concerning the extra unreported sewer connections found by the District Inspectors. Attorney Neal Leonard was ques- tioned by Directors Walker and Sinclair, and Chairman Mason. Bob Eppler explained the District's findings on the property in ques- tion and reviewed the current status of the property. He also respond- ed to questions by Board Members who then discussed their views on the subject. Moved Walker/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to charge property owner, Marilyn Holm $11,403 in back charges with structured payments to be arranged, or to have the property owner revert the property back to a single family dwelling. The total back charges include charges for six (6) extra units, 3 years service, current connection charges ($1,330 x 6), and two (2) years back charges for water. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 2, 1938 PAGE - 4 Presented by Bob Eppler: Moved Sinclair/Second ~Valker/ Passed Unanimously to Authorize Staff to Implement Water Dis- connection Procedures on APN 26-086-061 and APN 27-163-301. NONCOMPLIANCE OF ORDINANCE NO. 394 BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES PUBLIC HEARING: SETTING APPROPRIA- TIONS SUBJECT TO LIMITATION AND PROCEEDS OF TAXES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET Chairman Mason opened the Public Hearing at 4:23 PM. OPEN HEARING Finance.Officer, Barrie Fischer, presented a staff report on Appropriations subject to limita- tion and proceeds of taxes for Fiscal Year 1988-89 Sewer Enter- prise Fund Budget. None STAFF REPORT PUBLIC COMMENT 4:27 PM PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD CLOSED Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to Adopt Resolution No. 2466 Setting Appropriations Subject to Limitation and Proceeds of Taxes for Fiscal Year 1988-89. BOARD ACTION Presented by Rick Hydrick: Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve partici- pation at a cost to the District of $14,985. SOUTH SHORE WATER PURVEYORS ASSOCIATION WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM PUBLIC HEARING: WATER ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET AND WATER SERVICE CHARGE~ FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 Chairman Mason opened the Public Hearing at 4:30 PM. Finance Officer, Barrie Fischer, reported on the Water Enterprise Fund Budget and Water Service Charges for Fiscal Year 1988-89. OPEN HEARING STAFF REPORT Public comments were received from PUBLIC COMMENTS the following members of the public: Callie Burns, James E. Ward, Lou Pierini, Karen Morgan and Marjorie Springmeyer. REGULAR BOAR MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 2, 1988 PAGE - 5 5:17 PM Director Noel Walker reviewed the budget projections showing 0% increases, 5% increases and 10% increases. Barrie Fischer re- sponded to Director Walker's questions and comments. Board members expressed their views on the 10% rate increase. Moved Olson/Second Jones/Sinclair Voted No/Passed to Adopt Resolu- tion No. 2464, Adopting the Budget for the 1988-89 Fiscal Year Water Enterprise Fund. Moved Jones/Second Olson/Sinclair Voted No/Passed to Adopt Resolu- tion No. 2465 - Establishing Annual Service Charges for Water Service. 6/09/88 - 4:00 PM, Adjourned Board Meeting (Award ERB Con- tract) 6/10/88 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ Timber Cove 6/13/88 - 9:00 AM, E1 Dorado Co. Water Agency in Placer- ville 6/13/88 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items 6/16/88 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Meeting 5' 30 PM PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD CLOSED .BOARD ACTION NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS ADJOURNMENT TO 6/9/88, 4'00 PM - CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Date: BO A RD ME'E T~ I'N G ......... ~ GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) PHONE NUHBER: ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. AFFI DAVIT OF PUBLICATION Affidavit of Pubfication of Sn Tn hn~ Pud Post Office Box 70~42 2o T,aka Tahna: CA STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of El Dorado I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County foresaid: I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a part to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of The Tahoe Daily Tribune - Tahoe Sierra Tribune a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published daily in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of El Dorado, and which newspaper has been ad- judged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of El Dorado, State of California, under the date of March 6, 1970 Case Number 18569, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: ~v~aY ~5 May 51 all in the year 19 88 I certify (or declare) under penalty, that the foregoing is true and correct. Datedat So Lake Tahoe -~~this 31~eof Ma(~ T0256 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CHAIRMAN JOHN WYNN Sewer .1950 .Water A PUBLIC AGENCY DIRECTORS P.O. Box 1298 South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 1275 Meadow Cre st Drive Phone (916) 544-6474 ROBERT MASON JAMES R. JONES MICKEY MADDEN WALTER "NEAL" OLSON May 20, 1988 Tahoe Daily Tribune Legal Notice Department P.O. Box 1358 So. Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Subject: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Please publish this Notice of a Public Hearing for the 1988/89 WATER Budgets and Rates on: May 23, 1988 May 31, 1988 Also, please send me two copies of Proof of Publication. Thank you. S in cerely, Pat A. Mamath Clerk of Board Enclosure NO TI C E O F PUBLIC H E ARIN C NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING ON AN INCREASE IN WATER RATES WILL BE HELD ON THE 2ND DAY OF JUNE, 1988, 4:30 PM AT 1900 LAKE TAHOE BLVD., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTIRCT AS A PART OF A REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING TO CONSIDER: 1) ENACTMENT OF AN INCREASE IN THE EXISTING WATER SERVICE CHARGE FEE OF 10% FOR ALL USERS, COMMENCING JULY 1, 1988. THE DATA INDICATING THE AMOUNT OF COST, OR ESTIMATED COST, REQUIRED TO PROVIDE WATER SERVICE AND THE REVENUE SOURCES ANTICIPATEAD TO PROVIDE WATER SERVICE WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR THE PUBLIC TO INSPECT AT THE SO.~TAHOE PUD OFFICE, 1275 MEADOW CREST DRIVE, SO. LAKE TAHOE, CA, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8:00 AM AND 5:00 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, BEGINNING MONDAY, MAY 23, 1988. AT THE PUBLIC HEARING ORAL OR WRITTEN PRESENTATIONS CAN BE MADE. NO ACTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILL BE TAKEN ON INCREASING THE WATER SERVICE CHARGES OR THE JULY 1, 1988 - JUNE 30, 1989 WATER SERVICE BUDGET UNTIL AFTER THE ABOVE MENTIONED PUBLIC HEARING. DATED: May 20, 1988 Pat A, Mamath,Clerk of Board SO.TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION So~th Tahoe PLU) Post Office Box 7C~42 South Lake Tahoe, CA 9~70~ Affidavit of Publication of Public Hearing STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of El Dorado I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County foresaid: I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a part to or interested in the above entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of The Tahoe Daily Tribune - Tahoe Sierra Tribune a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published daily in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of El Dorado, and which newspaper has been ad- judged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of El Dorado, State of California, under the date of March 6, 1970 Case Number 18569, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: },'lay 2~ May 31 88 all in the year 19 I certify (or declare) under penalty, that 'the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at So Lake Tahoe / Cali~s 3 ~l~of ]'~'[r~ 19_~ , ' ~ '"C.'~- I il S~nature TO256 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CHAIRMAN JOHN WYNN Sewe~ .1950 .Water A PUBLIC AGENCY DIRECTORS P.O. Box 1298 South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 1275 Meadow Cre st Drive Phone (916) 544-6474 ROBERT MASON JAMES R. JONES MICKEY MADDEN WALTER "N EAL" OLSON May 20, 1988 Legal Notice Department Tahoe Daily Tribune P.O. Box 1358 So. Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Subject: .NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Please publish this Notice of Public Hearing for Adopting the Sewer Enterprise Fund Appropriations Subject to Limitation and Proceeds of Taxes for Fiscal Year 1988-89 on: May 25, 1988 May 31, 1988 Also, please send me two copies of Proof of Publication. Sincerely, Pat A. Mamath Clerk of Board Enclosure NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE 2nd DAY Of June, 1988 4:15 P,M, AT 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard (City Council Chambers) BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO CONSIDER Adopt±nq the Sewer Enterprise Fun. d. Appropriations Subject to Limitation and Pr. oceeds of Taxes for Fiscal Year' 1988-89. PAT A, MAMATHj CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DATED: May 20, 1988