HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-21-88MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 21, 1988 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, April 21, 1988, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Mason, Director Olson, Walker, Sinclair, Jones ROLL CALL STAFF Co£er, Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Tiran, Miller, Hydrick, Cartwright, Schroeder, Sinkevich, Plasterer, B. Eppler, Attorney Weidman GUESTS Dena Schwarte, Bob McIntyre, Ken Rollston, Cliff Zipp, Rudy Vogel, Keith Klein-City Council; Richard Solbrig-John Carollo Eng.; Jim Dipeso-Tahoe Daily Tribune None COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE Manager Cofer requested to add Action Item #9 - Resolution No. 2460 regarding authorization to advertise for bids for Emergency Retention Basin. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS to AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Attorney Weidman informed the Board this item came up since the Agenda was posted. Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to add Action Item #9. Moved Jones/Second Olson/Passed Unanimously to approve Consent Calendar as presented: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Plant Modification Project, Alta Pacific Constructors Con- tract No. 1: REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 21, 1988 Page 2 Approved Change Orders Number 51-$2,658.24; 53-$8,015.06; 54-$2,843.81; 55-$7,133.35; 56-$5,812.57; 2) Accepted EPA Grant Increase amount of $4,521,242 and the State Grant Increase amount of $753,540; Authorized execution of Grant Amendments by Manager/Engineer - Plant Modification Step 3 Grant; 3) Approved costs to be paid to Kiewit Pacific Construction in the amount of $11,400.03for equipment and operator for tests conducted by Kleinfelder & Associates for the Zone 1 Clay Borrow Area - Alpine County Portion of Plant Modification; 4) Approved payment to Anlab in the amount of $7,065 for sludge testing of the Emergency Retention Basin Sealing Project; 5) Approved payment to C. B. Ebright Construction in the amount of $8,022 for paving and hauling of spoils on the water line replacement on Lost Lane. Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve the April 7, 1988 Regular Board Meeting minutes. None None 4/08/88 - 10:00 AM - EDWPA 4/14/88 - 2:00 PM - Mtg. in Alpine County re Fire Hydrants 4/14/88 - 7:00 PM - Lahontan Regional Board re ERB Waste Discharge Permit 9:00 AM - E1 Dorado Water Agency in Placerville 2:00 PM - Workshop/Budget Review 4:00 PM - Workshop/A~enda Items 1:00 PM - Tahoe City PUD, Dept. Water Resources Water Rights 4/18/88 - 4/18/88 - 4/18/88 - 4/19/88 - CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS PAST MEETINGS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 21, 1988 Page 3 Manager: Manager Cofer reported on two items: 1) The State Water Resources Control Board approved the District's Step 1 Grant Increase request; 2) He had read a recent article in the Engineering News Record listing the top 50 heavy construction con- tractors in California. Kiewit Pac- ific was listed as No. 2; and in the top 400 in the Nation, Kiewit was listed as No. 25. Attorney: Attorney Weidman reported on two items: 1) E1 Dorado County Water Agency Tax Transfer Funds - He stated his immediate involvement had been to obtain tax funds for the current fiscal year and the next fiscal year, but didn't have much hope for long term funds. Director Walker added to the comments and stated he felt the chances of getting the funds for this year were negligible and any future funds would be under the direct control of the Water Agency. Attorney Weidman was still hopeful the District would receive this year's tax transfer funds as the allocations had not yet been made. Director Sinclair questioned whether there was a legal pre- cident to pursue these funds. 2) Other items Attorney Weidman had been working on are the Alpine County contracts, Land acquisition in Alpine County, the Emergency Retention Basin Sealing project, and the Plant Accommodation. Program Managers: Rich Tiran reported to the Board on the District's surplus sale and stated the amount received from the sale was $8,400. He also reviewed the District's purchasing practices for this year's chemicals. STAFF REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 21, 1988 Page 4 Shop Steward: None STAFF REPORTS (continued) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $1,078,807.30. Presented by John Cartwright. Moved Olson/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to implement the 2 week disconnection procedures in conformance with Ordinance No. 173 & 372 for the parcels listed on Attachment A. Deleted. Presented by Rick Hydrick. Moved Sinclair/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to send a letter to the owner of the property and to the tenant stating the District will disconnect the water service to the property if another violation occurs at 941 Tulare Avenue. Presented by Rick Hydrick who reviewed the plan which was updated to include the suggestions made at the April 18th Workshop. The Board directed staff to implement the plan. No Board action was needed. Rick Hydrick said staff would be work- ing on developing an Ordinance which would address future concerns as well as the immediate concerns for water conservation and drought response. Presented by Bob Eppler. Moved Sinclair/Second Walker/Passed Unanimously to direct staff to notify the affected government entities that the District would start charging for the extra sewer units starting July 1, 1988. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS PRESENTED TO BOARD THIS DATE DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR UNREPORTED SEWER CONNECTIONS VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 360: WILLFUL WASTE OF WATER 1988 WATER CONSERVATION PLAN UNREPORTED SEWER UNITS: CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, EL DORADO COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE AND LAKE TAHOE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 21, 1988 Paqe 5 Presented by Manager Cofer. Moved Olson/Second Sinclair/Passed Unanimously to authorize Task Order No. 1 with John Carollo Engineers in the amount of $6,800 for Design Review (Value Engineering). Presented by John Weidman and Ken Rollston. Attorney Rollston reviewed the Ordinance presently in affect (No. 403) and stated he and staff were working on revisions to this sewer transfer ordinance. Discussion ensued between the Board, Dena Schwarte, Bob McIntyre, Attor- neys and staff. Moved Jones/Second Olson/Passed Unanimously to approve the transfer in conformance with the present Ordinance No. 403 with the deletion of the reference to "open space" and with the allowance to return to the Board for a time extension of the 12 month deadline and considera- tion of the service charges under the Ordinance in affect at that time, providing the owner shows progress on the project. Presented by Manager Cofer. Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2460, Rescinding Resolution No. 2459 and Adopting Drawings and Project Documents and Calling for Bids. Manager Cofer reviewed the odor con- trol measures being considered for the sludge removal portion of the project. 5/02/88 - 4:00 PM - Workshop/Agenda Items 5/02/88 - 7:30 PM - PUBLIC HEARING - Sewer/Water Budgets 5/05/88 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Mtg. 5/05/88 - 4:30 PM - PUBLIC HEARING - Sewer/Water Budgets 5/06/88 -10:00 AM - EDWPA @ EID 5/13-14 - - CASA DIAMOND DITCH PIPELINE PROJECT TRANSFER OF SEWER UNITS: HILLS MOBILE HOME PARK SIERRA EMERGENCY RETENTION BASIN SEALING PROJECT NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 21, 1988 Page 6 5/23/88 - 2:00 PM - ERB Construction Bid Opening 5/26/88 - 4:00 PM - Adjourned Board Mtg.-Award of ERB Construction Bid 5:16 PM 5:40 PM None 5:40 PM NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS (con't) ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION UNDER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9B - CONTRACT NO. 5 PENDING LITIGATION: 1) ZONE 1 MATERIAL 2) INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE EN- CASEMENT RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNMENT ROBERT MASON,'CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MA_WlATH,' CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTACHMENT A DT: April 18r 1988 M E M O R A N D U M TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS FR: John Cartwriqhtr Collection Officer RE: Accounts Submitted for Authorization of Shut-off Proceedinqs Account No. 23 141 311 25 763 121 25 764 201 26 086 061 27 053 041 27123 211 27 151 221 27 311 091 27 311 241 27 311 251 28 081 081 31 095 221 31 114 151 32 201 071 ~A A~I 293 910 701/702 Owner' s Name Ouellette, Adelard bpp=. G~i, r~l Mitchell, Richard Stephens, James Cannon, Donald Alta Vista ~btel Paradiso, Jerry Ramsey, Delores Ski Run ~nagement Gardner, Paul ~, D/~in Ro/H~e H. E~c'.g:ay T~st H~t, F o/Liss~r, R. St~t, Pa~e 294 040 601/602 Molnar, Jotm & Phyllis 311 340 501/502 Pierce, Steve Service Address 2014 Thirteenth 3358 ~]==~=*~z %%11=3 1398 Matheson 1444 Bozsman 3121 Harrison 3622 Lake Tahoe Blvd. 3603 Alder 3678 Larch 1128-1140 Ski Run 3643 Birch .1261 Ski Run 1089 Lodi 1251 Emerald Bay 3660 Rocky Poin~ 3794 Steven/ll21 Keller 1084 Charles 527.89 563.89. 611.34 1,267.96 1,283.79 523.37 1,324.55 1,663.33 1,500.50 r'- 551.68 2 557 ~ o 2,052.54 914.69 927.23 707.32