HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-07-88 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT J~nuar_v_ 7 ..... !9.88 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, January 7, 1988, 4:00 P.M., 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, City Council Chambers. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Mason, Directors Olson, Jones, Walker and Sinclair ROLL CALL STAFF: Cofer, Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Schroeder, B. Eppler, Miller, Plasterer, Brown, Hydrick GUESTS: Keith Klein, City Council Richard Solbrig, Carollo Eng. Jim Dipeso, Tahoe Daily Tribune None COMMEN~.FRQM~UD.!_E~C~ (Short Non-Agenda Items) Manager Cofer requested Consent Item #1 be moved to the Action Calendar and add this item as Action Item #7. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Ols~n/Second Jones/Passed Unani- mouslE to approve Consent Calendar Items #2 and #3 as presented: CONSENT CALENDAR 2) Approved adjustment to Section 1.3 changing the Errors & Omissions Insurance carried by ERM-West from $2.5 million to $1 million (ERM-West Master Grant Agreement). 3) Authorized payment of charges based upon the number of registered voters in the amount of $5,066.13. (El Dorado County billing for General District Election). REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JAN~A_RY 7 . ~98. 8 PAGE - 2 ~oved Jones~cond Olson/Passed Unanimousl~ to approve December 3, 1987 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. M~ved.~oaes/.S~.c.~4. Si~clair/Pa~s~d ~aai.m~y. to approve December 11, 1987 Special Board Meeting Minutes. ~Q~ed_O_l.son/S.ecQnd_~a.!ke~/P~ssed Unaimouslv to approve December 17, 1987 Regular Board Meeting ~inutes. Director Sinclair said he received a letter from the Emerald Bay Motel inquiring about the policy concer- ning additional sewer units that were discovered, and disconnection procedures. Director Sinclair wanted to know what the Board policy was on the subject. Manager Cofer explained STPUD's Disconnection policy and procedures and answered Director Sinclair's questions. Considerable discussion took place on the subject. Director Sinclair expressed he would like to hear from John Weidman re- garding policy procedures. John Weidman said he would like to respond at the next meeting after all the facts of this particular case had been gathered and wanted to discuss the details of this particular case with Bob Eppler before he responded to the Board. Director Jones reported he and past Board Member, Mickey Madden, received a Certificate of Appre- ciation from the County of E1 Dorado Supervisors for their participation on the E1 Dorado County Water Committee. APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES ~PORT B_~ BOARD MEMBERS ~BOARD .ME~T~NG M~NUTES - JA.... NU~_A_RY._Z.,.. l~&_ PAGE_-._3~ Chairman Mason reported the Operations Committee met on 1/7/88 to review engineers for the Water System Improvements Project and are still in the process of selection, as more information is needed. 1/04/88 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items ~EPQRT B~_. Y BOARD MEMBERS L~_~ontin~ed) PAST ~EETINGS _Manager_:_ None ~AFF REPORTS Attor~e~L Attorney Weidman re- ported he has been working on the Revised Environmental Assess- ment for TRPA for the ERB Lining Project. Attorney Weidman also gave an update on the San Marcos Bill which included a brief descr~- tion, and history of the Bill for the benefit of the new Board members. None Sho~.StewardJ. None ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ~ove~ Olson/Secon~.~alker/Passed Una~imous!~ to approve payment in the amount of $1,963,030.90. Presented by Manager Cofer: Director Jones reported the Opera- tions Committee requested more in- formation and wanted to expand the scope of work beyond the original RFP. He said supplemental infor- mation will be requested from the Engineers and a decision will be made at the next Board meeting. Director Jones answered Director Sinclair's questions regarding allocation to the new plan for redevelopment and what kind of PAYMENT ~F_.CLA~,[S_ ANALYSIS OF DAVID LANE & KELLER BOOSTER PUMP STATI,.ONS REGULAR BOARD MEETING ~N~E_~S_L_~AN~.7_~.1988 ...... ~_kP!GE - 4 participation Heavenly Valley Ski area will have in research and ultimate cost. Director Jones stated there were 5 consulting firms interviewed and fel~ all five firms could do the job very well, and it would be a difficult selection. Chairman Mason stated the Operations Committee felt other District wells should be included in the scope of work and recommended supplemental information also. No..Aq.~.ion...By~B~a~_. Presented by Manager Cofer: Manager Corer stated Terry Powers had explained this request at the January 4th Workshop and requested approval. Unanimously to Authorize Purchase of Sirco Automatic Sampler & Enclo- sure from Flodyne Corp. for the amount of $4,519, plus tax. Presented by Manager Cofer: Manager Cofer presented the Policy Statement to the Board and asked for direction. A lengthy discussion was held on the subject by Board Members and Attorney Weidman. Keith Klein, City Council repre- sentative, suggested the Board take no action until STPUD and City Committee had met to discuss this item. Chairman Mason directed item back to Committee with no action by the Board. ANALYSIS OF DAVID LANE & KELLER BOOSTER. PUMR STAT.I_QON PURCHASE OF SIRCO AUTOMATIC SAMPLER AND ENCLOSURE POLICY STATEMENT: ACQUISITION OF PRIVATELY OWNED WATER COMPANIES REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 7,.~!~____ PAGE - 5 Presented by Rick Hydrick: Moved Sinclai~LSecond Jo~P~sse~ Unanimouslv to approve Services Agreement Between STPUD and Lake Tahoe Community College. Rick Hydrick answered several questions from the Board con- cerning seed money and related services. Presented by Ken Schroeder: ~a~i~.o~$~v to: A) B) Declare a great emergency. Authorize purchase of parts from J.B.I., Inc. for an amount not to exceed $13,200 plus tax and shipping. Presented by Richard Solbrig: Richard Solbrig reported on the construction progress of Contract No. 1 and Contract No. 5. Manager Cofer said he would like the Operations Committee to travel to the Alpine County job site. He will also schedule a Workshop/ Tour of the Alpine County facili- ties for the entire Board. Chairman Mason suggested a map of the area be made available for everyone going on the Workshop/ Tour. Richard Solbrig presented Change Orders No. 5, 7, and 8. He an- swered Director Sinclair's question pertaining to time and materials. Moved Jones/Second Olson/Passed U~g~Y~-dus~-~b--~pprove ~r~lne C~d~y-~-~ge Orders No. 5, 7, & 8. SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN STPUD AND LAKE TAHOE COMMUNITY COLLEGE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR RECTANGULAR CLARIFIER (D~d Pr~. #!~ ~ ALPINE COUNTY CONSTRUCTION: KIEWIT PACIFIC CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUA~ 7~_1988 PAGE - 6 1/08/88 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ EID FUTURE MEETINGS 1/14~16 - CASA 1/14/88 - 8:15 PM, Lahontan Hearing/ Cease & Desist Order - Ridgecrest, CA 1/18/88 - 4:00 PM - Workshop/Agenda Items 12/21/88 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting 4:43 PM ADJOURNMENT ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT