HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-04-87MINUTES REGULAR MEE?ING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 4, 1987 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session June 4, 1987, 4:00 P.M., 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, City Council Chambers. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Wynn, Directors Mason, Jones, Madden; Director Olson Absent ROLL CALL STAFF: Cofer, Fischer, Mamath, Miller, Tiran, B. Eppler, Cartwright, Brown, Taylor, Plasterer, Swain, Attorney Weidman GUESTS: Keith Klein, Council Member Jim Di Peso, Tahoe Daily Tribune Mrs. Minette L. Flynn Manager Cofer requested Item #2 on Action Calendar be deferred to the 6/18/87 Regular Board Meeting. Also, Manager Cofer requested a Cross Connection Report be added under the Manager's Report. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Attorney Weidman requested two items be added under the Attor- ney's Report: 1) Possession of Schwake Property. 2) AB 318 Hearing Notification. 4:02 P.M. A) OPEN PUBLIC HEARING - SEWER AND WATER BUDGETS AND RATES Manager Cofer stated Staff had nothing to add and all informa- tion had been reported previou- sly. B) STAFF REPORT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 4, 1987 PAGE - 2 Mrs. Minette L. Flynn submitted a letter to the Board to be read aloud. C) PUBLIC COMMENT Director Wynn read Mrs. Flynn's letter. (Attachment - 1) 4:06 P.M. D) CLOSE HEARING 1) Moved Mason/Second Jones/ (Olson/Absent) Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution NO. 2435 Declaring Sewer Enterprise Fund Appropriations Are Subject To Limitations And Proceeds of Taxes For Fiscal Year 1987-88; E) BOARD ACTION 2) Moved Jones/Second Mason/ (Olson/Absent) Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution NO. 2433 Adopting The Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget For Fiscal Year 1987-88; 3) Moved Madden/Second Mason/ (Olson/Absent) Passed Unanimously to Adopt Resolution NO. 2434 Adopting The Water Enerprise Fund Budget For Fiscal Year 1987-88; Attorney Weidman stated the form but not the substance of Ordinance NO. 397 should be revised/clari- fied. 4) Moved Jones/Second Mason/ (Olson/Absent) Passed Unanimously to Enact Ordinance NO. 397 with '- the revisions/clarifications in- cluded made by Attorney Weidman and the Manager of Customer Re- lations to Establish an Annual Service Charge at a Monthly Service Rate of $6.34 per unit per month. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 4, 1987 PAGE - 3 Moved Mason/Second Jones/ (Olson/Absent) Passed Unani- mously to approve Consent Calendar Items: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Authorized purchase of Rabble Teeth and Lute Caps from Lurgi Co. (Single source items) in the amount of $16,993.20. (Replacement Parts for Furnaces) 2) Approved Change Order No. 18 in the amount of $2,236.14 - Plant Modifi- cation, Contract No. 1 - Alta Pacific Change Order No. 18. 3) Approved, in concept, the draft letter to Calif. Water Resources, Divison of Water Rights and direct staff to work with the No. Tahoe PUD'S in the submittal of the letter - Water Allocations in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California side. 4) Authorized District staff to retain the firm of Ehlman, Roberts & Maston, Inc. to per- form audit - Annual Audit for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1987. Moved Jones/Second Madden/ (Olson/Absent) Passed Unani- mously to approve the May 7, 1987 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. None None APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS 5/22-23 - 6/01/87 - CASA @ Incline Village 3:00 P.M., Special Workshop (Report on Emergency Retention Pond Lining) 4:00 P.M., Workshop/ Agenda Items 7:30 P.M., PUBLIC WORK- SHOP/1987-88 SEWER AND WATER BUDGETS & RATES PAST MEETINGS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 4, 1987 PAGE - 4 Manager: Manager Cofer reported on a cross connection problem that occurred on 6/2/87 at Dr. Fry's office. Antifreeze was evident in the water supply as a result of a cross connection with the heating system and the water supply. The check valve failed. Samples were taken outside the area to see if contamination got into the public system. The results will be available in the near future, but the taste and odor tests do not reveal any contamination. STAFF REPORTS Dr. Fry's office has been advised not to reconnect the heating system until an approved cross connection device has been installed. Manager Cofer said this is one incident that indicates the seriousness and importance of the cross connection program. Attorney: Attorney Weidman reported on the immediate possession of Schwake Property. The order was signed today and it will not be necessary to go to a hearing in the Federal Court on 6/15/87 to obtain the possession. Also, Attorney Weidman reported on the AB 318 Hearing Notification- San Marcos Bill. Program Managers: None. Shop Steward: None. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Jones/Second Madden/ (Olson/Absent~Passed Unani- mously to approve payment of $1,241,181.12. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 4, 1987 PAGE - 5 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION, Continued Deferred. Presented by John Cartwright. Moved Mason/Second Jones/(Olson Absent)/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to proceed with Water and Sewer Disconnection Procedures For The Accounts Presented To Board This Date. (Attachment - 2) Attorney Weidman stated he had reviewed the Contract Documents and Bids thoroughly. He advised the Board to reject all bids and re-bid the Project based on the ambiguities caused by the Dis- trict DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR UNREPORTED SEWER CONNECTIONS DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS STATELINE RESERVOIR ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS: CONSTRUCTION CON~ACT Attorney Weidman answered some questions from Director Mason and clarified some o£ the ambiguities in the Contract Document. Moved Mason/Second Jones/(Olson Absent)/ Passed Unanimously to reject all bids and re-bid the Project. 6/05/87 - 10:00 AM, E1 Dorado Water Purveyors @ EID 6/10/11 - 9:00 AM, Prebid Con- ference @ Turtle Rock Park 6/15/87 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items 6/18/87 - 3:30 PM, Workshop (Unre-ported Connections) 6/18/87 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Meeting 6/19/87 - 10:00 AM, South Shore Water Purveyors FUTURE MEETINGS 4:18 P.M. ADJOURNMENT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 4, 1987 PAGE - 6 DISTRICT ATTEST' PA~ A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BO RD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTACm~ENT - I Sm. th L~ke T~hoe, C~!if. June ?, Board of D~rectors South Tahoe Public Utility P'.O.Box AU South L~ke Tahoe, C~!~fornia Attention: John Wynn, Chairman Dear Board of Directors: The demeanor of "Neil" Olson, Director, ~a~s not only rude, but emb~rr~sin~ to the people attendin~ the "oublic he~rinT~ and w~mkshop" of Jnne 1, 1987. For your edificat? on, a "o~blic hear~ n~" contemplates a fair ~nd impartial hearin~ ~t ~bich competent evidence ma~,' be pre~ented before a fair and impartial tribunal (Bo~rd of Di?c~ors). The term "=ub!ic~ .~ ~ Hearing" as used in the statute, connotes affording interested persons the opportunity to appear and express the-~r views regarding proposed le~slation, i.e., rates. The m~ndate for a ~ub!ic hes. rin~ and notice thereof ~.~oorts the obliga- tion to consider whatever testimony is ~.~en in order that basis for deter- minat~ on may be definite and certain where issue~ ef fact are presented, and in order that determination ma~ be reviewed, a dut? is imposed upon the determinin~ body or offfcer (Beard of Directors) te set forth factual ~reunds of the decision, particularly where relief sought is denied. Does the Board of Directors actually want the "interest~d persons" te appear and express their views, er are these meetin~held te "rubber-stamp" what hs.s already been d~cided? In conclusion, it is my view that the demeanor of Mr. Olsen, reflects unfavorably on the entire Boo. rd. CC: Tahoe Daily Trib~me Attorne.y General State ef California Respectfully submitted Minette L. Flvnn ~ ATTACIt~ENT- 2 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MEMORANDUM DT: Mayi27,. 1987 TO: Board of Directors FR: John Cartwright, Collection Officer RE: Accounts submitted for authorization of shut-off proceedings Account No. 26-084-061 26-086-061 27-062-231 & -241 27-063-121 28-081-081 27-083-081 270-830-801 27-090-221 27-222-201 29-041-181 29-041-471 & -551 31-254-281 oi-2~A~ 221 Service Address 920 Alameda 3121 Harrison 3677 Tahoe Avenue 3681 Tahoe Avenue 981 Ski Run Blvd. 1261 Ski Run Blvd. 3838 Lake Tahoe Blvd.. ) 3838 Lake Tahoe Blvd. 3452 Lake Tahoe Blvd. 1095 Craig 4093 Manzanita- 4110 Pine Blvd. 4130 Pine Blvd. 969 Brockway Amount Due* $ 1072.83 1230.92 1851.43 3240.01 2548.65 1466.29 5435.00 3~54.53 2119.11 476.92 749.62 893.26 2706.12 3989.76 2552.2~ *Ail listed amounts subject to 10% penalty on present quarter charges as of June 1, 1987, therefore amounts will differ from authorized amounts after June 1, 1987.