HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-87REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August_6_. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility Disstrict met in a regular session, August 6, 1987, 4:00 P.M., 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, City Council Chambers. BQARD Q~.~IRECTORS: Chairman Wynn, Jones, Madden, Olson, Mason R.O. gL. CALL~ S_TAFF: Cofer, Baer, Fischer, B. Eppler, Schnakenberg, Miller, Swain, Schroeder, Attorney Weidman GUESTS Councilman Keith Klein Carolyn Shafer Carolyn Shafer, 1547 Pioneer Tr. reported on the poor water pressure and actual water stoppages that have been occurring on and off in her area for the past three years. She re- lated the many inconveniences and constant fear of not actually having water in case of a fire. C0~MENT~. FROM AUDIENCE Manager Cofer reported it would take a new water line to correct the problem and the design dollars were in the 1987-88 budget for a relief line. Chairman Wynn asked if there was a chance of getting the new water line this year and suggested this topic be put on the next meeting's agenda, August 20, 1987 for discussion and further consideration. Manager Cofer reported Item #2 was deleted from the Action Calendar. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT._~LEN. DAR R,~EGULAR B_OA~RD_..M..EET.!NG.. ~_I. INUTES ,-_ AU_G,U~T 6 ..... !9..8Z ............. Pa~_e ._-_ 2_ ..... Mo_ved O!~.on/Se_c_ond_.~aso_n/Passed U2ani_mous~ to approve Consent Calendar as presented: l) Approved Change Order No. 26 in the amount of $17,102.77 for the Plant Modification Project, Alta Pacific Contract No. 1. 2) Approved Purchase from Flexible Sewer Equipment Co. for an amount not to exceed $8,250 plus tax for 50 Manhole Chimney Seals. 3) APproved Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $8,197.04; and Adopt Resolution No. 2440 Approving Notice of Completion for contractor Wunschel and Small - Black Bart Court Water Line Replacement Project. MoF~, Jo~s/Seco~_d__Madd~n/P_a~s_e~ (~as~ Abstain~d~ to approve the 7/2/87 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. M~ved. J~nes/~,~,con~_Madden/Passed ~.Ma$on...Ab~ai~ to approve the 7/8/87 Special Board Meeting Minutes. ~oveO. Olson/.Sacond_Jo~e~/?a~s_~ [nanimou~ to approve the 7/13/87 Special Board Meeting Minutes. Mo~ed_Mas~n,/~,e¢ond O!son/Pass~d Unanim.~u_s_!_¥ to approve the 7/16/87 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. MovedMa~on/Second Madden/Pa_s~_ed .UB,.a. nimo. u_s_~¥ to approve the 7/24/87 Special Board Meeting Minutes. None None CON_SEN~ CALENDAR APPROVAL OF BOARD'~INUTES .R_EPORT..~Y BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS ~EGU~A_~B~_OARk_MEETING MINUTE~_~_~.~GU~_~...!987 ~a_Ke z3 7/13/87 - 4:33 PM, Special Board Meeting/Union MOU 7/16/87 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Meeting 7/24/87 - 8:00 PM, Special Board Meeting/Union MOU 7/28/87 - 2:00 PM, Contract 5/Bid Opening 8/05/87 - 3:00 PM, Erosion Control/ Truckee River & Trout Creek Bid Opening None Attorney: None Pr~Kra~.~g~e_.r_~s: None None ~AS~._M~ETINGS STAFF ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved. 0!~o~/Second. Ma.d~en/Pass-~4 Unanimous!~ to authorize payment in the amount of $1,233,709.16. Presented by Bob Eppler. Unanimo.~sl~ to approve disconnection of water service in accordance with Ordinance NO. 360, Article IV, Section 5.3. Presented by Gary Schnakenberg. Moved Mason/Second Olsqp/passed Unanimous_~_~ to Enact Ordinance #402 to Award Bid NO. 87-88-07 to the Lowest, Responsive, Re- sponsible Bidder, Granite Con- struction Co., in the Amount of $105,218.00. PAYMENT__ DISCONNECTION OF WATER SERVICE TO 937 THIRD STREET, APN 23-311-301 end 677 CLEMENT AVE ..... ~PN 23-491-15J EROSION CONTROL PROJECT FOR PORTION~ OF THE UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER AND TROUt. CREEK REDULAR BOARD..MEET!NQ M!NU.TES. - A~GU~T..~ 1987_ _ Page_- Presented by Bob baer. Mg.yed. J~nes/S.ec~nd_.O_!.son/P.assed ~ to Enact Ordinance NO. 401 Awarding the Construction Contract for the Harvey Place Dam and Irrigation Works-Contract 5 to Kiewit Pacific Company in the amount of $14,043,982, subject to SWRCB and EPA Approval. 8/07/87 - 10:00 AM, Water Purveyors Picnic @ Stumpy Meadows Reservoir 8/12/87 - 3:00 PM, Stateline Reser- voir Access Rd. Improve- ments Bid Opening* 8/12-15 - CASA 8/17/87 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items 8/20/87 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Meeting 8/21/87 - 10:00 PM, South Shore Purveyors @ STPUD 8/28/87 - 11:00 AM, Mt. Counties Water Agency @ Markleeville Director Olson asked Manager Cofer if the District had any interest in obtaining the remainder of the lot connected with the Stateline Reser- voir Access Road Project from the Masonic Lodge for future purposes. PLANT MODIFICATION PROJECT: HARVEY PLACE DAM & IRRIGATION WO__RKS_- CONTR~T.~_.5~ F~T~B~M~ET!~GS * QUESTION: STATELINE RESERVOIR ACCE~__R_OAD.~OJECT. Manager Cofer said the District would have an interest; it was being evaluated by TRPA and once a value was established, staff would decide if it would be in the District's best interest to purchase. Director Olson requested Manager Cofer pass this information on to the Masonic Lodge. 4:30 PM AD JO~RNM_EN~_ jOH~~HAIRM~N OF BOARD SOUTH ~AHOE PUBLI~ UTILITY DISTRICT ~AT 'A.-M~,~OARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD M E E T IN G -,~.~)~-¢ GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) flAME: ADDRESS: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. NOTE: