HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-20-87REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUS_T. 20_~ 1987 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, August 20, 1987, 4:00 P.M., 1900 Lake Tahoe Blvd., City Council Chambers. BOAB~ OF DIRECTOBS: Chairman Wynn, Directors Mason, Olson, Jones, Madden ROLL CALL STAFF: Cofer, Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Swain Schroeder, Schnakenberg, Tiran, Miller, Taylor, Attorney Weidman ~UESTS; Mr. and Mrs. Springmeyer, Keith Klein, Jim Dipeso, Mr. Clifford Zipp, from Pioneer Village Margie Springmeyer asked the question "Who is the boss of STPUD"? Chairman Wynn responded and explained the pro- cedure in reference to authority on certain topics. ~C~O~MENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Short Non-Agenda Items) Attorney Weidman and Manager Cofer responded to Mrs. Springmeyer's questions in reference to her obtain- ing a copy of the Draft of the History of STPUD. Mr. Clifford Zipp, of Pioneer Village, expressed some of the concerns and reiterated the key complaints mentioned to Bob Eppler in regard to the irri- ' ' tating roaring noise and pungent odor coming from the Plant due to the reno- vation process. Chairman Wynn thanked Mr. Zipp for coming forward and assured him the Staff is working on these problems for a speedy solution. R_~GU_~A_~R BOARD_.. ~_MEETIN_QQ_M_I~N_U.TES - AUGUST_. _20,_~__!9_~87 .. PayEe -. 2 Manager Cofer asked to delete Item #4 /MOU Between Kiewit Pacific Co. & District and to move Consent Item #3/Stateline Access Road to the Action Calendar. Moved Madde~Second ~¢~o~P¢ssed Unanimousl~ to approve Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Authorized staff to obtain Bonds in the amount of $170,000 for Encroachment Permits & Clay Removal Permits - Plant Modifica- tion Project Harvey Place Dam and Reservoir Contract No. 5. 2) Authorized staff to obtain bids for project No. 87-88-12, Maintenance Building Eaves Modi- fication. Moved ~.l~n/S~e.c.ond Jones/P~e~ UnanimouslE to approve 8/6/87 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. None 8/07/87 - 10:00 AN, Water Purveyors @ Stumpy Meadows Reservoir 8/12/87 - 3:00 PM, Stateline Reservoir Access Road Improvements - Bid Opening 8/12-15 - CASA 8/17/87 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items None ~t~oY~.~y~:, Attorney Weidman gave an update on review of ATA with regard to Contract 5. _Pr_o~r a~n~ ~M~a ~na~_e. ~r_s: None CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSEN!~CALENDAR AP_~ROVA~,,Q~.BO~RD MINU.TES REPORT ~_BOARD MEMBERS PA~T.M~T.!NG_S STAFF REPORTS .Sh_Qp_ _S_t ew a~r_d_; None REGULAR _B_0ARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 20., 1987 Pag~.~_~3 ...... ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Mov__e__d_ ~O.!so~/S~cond_. _J~o~es/Pa_s.s..e.d U_na~n~im_ousl¥ to approve payment in the amount of $427,959.14. Presented by Bob Baer. Gary Schnakenberg answered questions from Board Members Robert Mason and Mickey Madden regarding TRPA regulations. Director Madden stressed to be sure and notify the parties that brought the water pressure pro- blem to the District's attention. ~n~nimonsly to Authorize Inter-Tie and related Costs and Declare a Great Emergency for this work. Presented by Ken Schroeder. Director Jones said a meeting was held with the Operations Committee and recommended this purchase. Mo~J~n_e.s/Se~ondMason/Passej U~anj_mou~%y to Authorize Purchase (with Trunions) from Bird Centrifuge in the amount of $59,613 plus tax and shipping. Presented by Gary Schnakenberg. Mo~d im~to Award Bid #87-88-8 to the Lowest, Responsive, Respon- sible Bidder, C.B. Ebright Co., Inc. in the amount of $28,000. Gary Schnakenberg answered questions from Director Mason regarding the alignment changes. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS INTER TIE BETWEEN THE FORMER ANGORA WATER SYSTEM AND TAHOE PARADISE WATER SYSTE~ STAINLESS STEEL CONVEYOR ASSEMBLY: P_U_R~C_H_AS__E ....... STATELINE RESERVOIR ACCESS ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 8/21/87 - 10AM, South Shore Water Purveyors @ STPUD 8/28/87 - 11:00 AM, Mt. Counties Water Agency @ Sorenson's Resort 8/31/87 - 3:00 PM, Special Adjourned Meeting 8/31/87 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items 9/3/87 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Meeting 9/3/87 - 9:00 AM, Preconstruction Meet- ing/Kiewit Pacific Co., Contract No. 5, Turtle Rock. 9/11/87 - E1 Dorado Water Purveyors 4:30 PM NOTICE OF F~TURE MEETI~Q~. ADJOURNMENT TO BOARD MEET~N~_~_~3!_/87 JOH~ ~Y~I, C-HAIRI~N OF BOARD SOU~ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST' , . PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT