HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-03-87 MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, September 3, 1987, 4:00 P.M., 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, City Council Chambers. BOARD OF..~IR~CTDRS;_ Chairman Wynn, Directors Mason, Olson, Jones, 'Madden ~OLLCALL ~S~TAFF: Cofer, Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Hrbacek, Schroeder, Tiran, Swain, Plasterer, Cartwright, Miller GUEST~ Kiewit Pacific Staff/Dick Hall, Dick Lukins, Dick Garland, Mike Killian, Marsha Williams; Cliff Zipp, Joe McNeil, Keith Klein, Jim Dipeso, Marjorie Springmeyer; Jim Hoggatt, John Carollo Engineers Marjorie Springmeyer made a state- ment regarding a letter from State agency regarding water quality and questioned the Board as to whether or not a notice had appeared in the paper. COMMEN~S. FROM_A~DIENCE (Short Non-Agenda Items) Manager Cofer responded there had been an official notice through the local newspaper. Manager Cofer also outlined other plans for noti- fying the public about the same subject (in billings). Cliff Zipp read a letter from Steve Coons, the subject of which was the smell and high-pitched roaring sound in his area and re- quested a presentation of reso- lution dates for these complaints. R~.QULAR_BQA~D. MEET~NG...M!NUT~.r..SEPTEMBER._3 !987 PAGE - 2 Director Mason asked if Staff knew where the noise was emina- ting from. Bob Baer responded and said the exhaust fan was the cause of the noise problem. He said he was working with the supplier, Lurgi, on a muffler system to solve the problem. ~OMME. NTS__~RQM_AUD~N_C~ (Continued) (Short Non-Agenda Items) Chairman Wynn said this topic will be presented at the next meeting as a resolution update by staff. Manager Cofer requested to add Item 5 to the Action Calendar- Replacement of Square Manhole Covers. (Urgent I/I resolution) CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR C.0N~.~A~EN~A~ MoKe.~O!spn/S~o~ J~aes/Pa~s_~d Upanimous!y to add Item 5 to the Action Calendar. Mo_v..e_~_. Ma~s~n/Se.¢~.o_n.d Madden/Pa_s~se~d_ _Un_aB_~m_o~u~s~_¥ to approve Consent Calendar as presented: CON_S_ENT.. CA L~END .A,,.R 1) Approved changing Management's dental insurance coverage from Provident to Travelers. ~.oye~. Jpnes/Se¢ond_Mason/Pas..s~ ~nanimD_us~ to approve 8/20/87 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. 6.PPRQYAL. OF~OARD~MIN~T~ None ~EPQ~T BY BOARD MEMBERS None BOARD MEMBER CQMM.I.TT~E. REPORTS 8/21/87 - 10:00 AM, So. Shore Water Purveyors @ STPUD PA~TMEET.INGS 8/28/87 - 11:00 AM, Mt. Counties Water Agency @ Sorensons 8/31/87 - 3:00 PM, Adjourned Regular Meeting 8/31/87 - 4'00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER ~.._ %~.8_~7___ PAGE - 3 Manager.: None STAFF REPORTS Attornev.: Attorney Weidman reported he has been working on Contract 5. EE2gram ManagDrs: Bob Baer reported a Pre-Constru- ction Meeting was held'today for Contract 5. Approximately 40-50 people were in attendance which included District staff, various agencies, utilities, contractor, staff and subcontractors involved in the project. Bob Baer introduced Dick Hall, Program Director for Kiewit Pacific. 'Dick Hall introduced the key people for the project. Bob Baer also introduced Jim Hoggatt, the Assistant Resident Engineer, John Carollo Engineers. Manager Cofer reported the latest news from the Corps of Engineers and the State on Project 5. September 17th seems to be the earliest start date for this project. ~o_t! Steward: None ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved OlsPn/Second Jones/Passed ~R~R%~R~[Z to approve payment in the amount of $867,213.30. Presented by James Co'fer. Moved Mason/Se¢on~.Madd~2/_Passed ~n~nimousl[ to approve Change Orders Nos. 27-34. Presented by James Corer. An extensive discussion regarding payment of the fine and a letter to be sent to Lahontan was held by Manager Cofer and the Board. APPROVE PAYMENT CONTRACT CtIANGE ORDERS NOS. 27-34 PLANT MODIFICATION PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 1, ALTA PACIFIC COMPLAINT ISSUED TO SOUTtt TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR VIOLATI~ OF WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS,BOAR] ORDER NO. 6-85-~~(~ ............... REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUT~ - SEPTEMBER 3~, 1987 PAGE - 4 Director Madden and Mason re- quested a meeting with the Lahontan Board to discuss this matter in detail and asked this be added to the letter being sent with the check for the fine. COMPLAINT ISSUED TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR VIOLATION OF WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS, BOARD O_R_DER ~Q .... ~-85-2~~B (Continued) Move~Ol~n/Sec~dMadd~n/Passe~ .U_~k~~_~ to approve payment of fine and send a letter in lieu of signing the form letter waiving the Lahontan Hearings. (The letter would include a request for a meet- ing with the Lahontan Board and our Board). Presented by Barrie Fischer Finance Officer, Barrie Fischer asked this item be deferred. He presented a schedule for the reno- vation of the office areas. He said he will bring back some al- ternatives that should be more flexible and fit in with the final move back to the plant. L_EA_S~ING_ _OF~FI_CE SPACE Chairman Wynn asked if the re- modeling for the Engineering area was to be done by the Contractor or in-house. Bob Baer responded the remodel would be contracted out. Director Jones asked when the lease for the Keys office was up. Barrie Fischer informed the Board the expiration of the lease for the Keys office was March, 1989. Presented by Ken Schroeder. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to accept the bid of G.B. Construction as the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder for replacement of 100 square manholes in the amount of $22,400. This work is to be done by 10/15/87. MANHOLE REPLACEMENT PROJECT REPLACEMENT OF 100 SQUARE MANHOLES B!~__~87-88-09 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES~ ~_SEPTEMB~R3.,. 1987 9/11/87 - 10:00 AM, E1 Dorado Water Purveyors @ EID 9/14/87 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/ Agenda Items 9/17/87 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Meeting 9/18/87 - 10:00 AM, South Shore Water Purveyors @ STPUD 4:28 PM ADJOURNMENT PAGE - 5 NOT~.~ Q~_?UTURE MEETINGS ATTEST: ~0H~ ~YNN, CHAIR~^N o~ BOARD SOU~2]rAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A] MAMATH, C~,E~K' 'OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD ME'ET I NG GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: <please print) NAME: ADDRESS, NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE.