HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-17-87 MINUTES REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~.EP~T_~.ER~_ _1~7_._ 1987_ The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, September 17, 1987, 4:00 P.M., 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, City Council Chambers. BO_ARD OF DIREC~ORS: Chairman Wynn, Directors Mason, Olson, Jones, Madden ROLL CALL S~AFF: Baer, Fischer, Mamath, G. Eppler, Plasterer, Taylor, B. Eppler, Curtis, Sullivan, Hydrick, Carrion, Schnakenberg, Attorney Weidman GUESTS: Cliff Zipp, Bert Cherry, Keith Klein, John Cefalu; Ralph Cisco- U.S.F.S. Marjorie Springmeyer, Jim Dipeso; Kerry Miller, City of S.L.T. Nat Sinclair, John Stansberry, Thirl Baker, Blair Baker, Cathy Turk, Sharon Sawyer. Marjorie Springmeyer read excerpts from the 9/21/57 Board Minutes. She commented on the use of the property which had belonged to her family and the way it was acquired in the past. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Short Non-Agenda Items) Gary Plasterer gave an update of the costs on Item 3 on the Consent Calendar - Repair of South "Y" Center Well Pump. Gary informed the Board that an additional 50' was found after "pulling" the well, which brought the amount for repairs up to $6,815. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA QR. CON~ENT CALENDAR Moved Olson/Second Madd__en~_Passed Unanimously to approve Consent Calendar with the cost change on Item 3. CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved iow bid of ABC Service as the lowest, responsive, respon- sible bidder in the amount of $9,515.00. REGULAR BOARD MEEtiNG MINUTES~. ~EPTEMBER_!Z~__!987 PAGE - 2 2) Approved Change Order No. 3/Bal. as a "No Cost" Change Order Plant Modification Project Contract 1 - Alta Pacific Change Order CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 3) Authorized Byron Jackson Pump Co. to make the repairs for an amount not to exceed $6,815 plus parts - Repair of South "Y" Center Well Pump Mo~Ma~oa/Second Ma_dden/PaMsed Unani~ous.!¥ to approve 8/31/87 Adjourned Regular Board Meeting Minutes. APPROVAL OF BOARD. MINUTES. None REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS None 9/11/87 - 10:00 AM, E1 Dorado Water Purveyors @ EID 9/14/87 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items PAST MEETINGS Assistant Manage%: Bob Baer read excerpts from a report by CWC-HDR in reference to noise and odor problems with the sludge incinerator. He said the Testing Laboratory was at the plant yesterday and today to see if the District passed air pollu- tion standards. The results will be available in the near future. Lurgi, the subcontractor for Alta Pacific installing the fan in the incinerator, will try to reduce the speed on the induced draft fan which in turn should reduce the noise of the fan. Next week some testing will be done to determine whe%her or not the noise will be eliminated. STAFF REPORTS A meeting with Lurgi, attended by Jim Jones and Bob Mason revealed if the above solution is not satis- factory, a silencing system would cost approximately $80,000. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 17_~. !~87 PAGE - 3 Attorney Weidman reported he is working on AB-318/San Marcos Bill. He requested action from the Board to send a prepared letter to the Governor asking to support AB-318. STAFF REPORTS (Continued) Moved &~so~n~econ4 Jone_~Passed Unanimousl~ to forward a prepared letter to Governor Deukmajian ask- ing to support AB-318. Gary Plasterer Reported E1 Dorado Air Pollution came in yesterday with an Air Pollution Agent to set up air tests at the Emergency Hold- ing Pond and the Wastewater Treat- ment Plant. Gary requested an air quality test be done at Pioneer Village also. A complaint filed with E1 Dorado County is the reason testing is being done. The results should be ready by next week. ~ho~S~eward: None. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed Unanimousl~ to authorize payment in the amount of $386,946.78. Presented by Bob Baer. Bob Baer stated Mr. Miller had attended Monday's Workshop meet- ing and was present at today's meeting to discuss the need for the intertie between Lukins Water System and the District's Water System. Director Madden questioned the cross-connection issue addressed in Mr. Cofer's letter. Bob Baer said he discussed the subject of cross-connection with Dennis Crabb and it was agreed that a cross-connection clause would be added to the Agreement. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, LAKE TAHOE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, LUKINS WATER CO. AND SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY D~TRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES. ~ SEPTEMBER !7,_.!987 PAGE. ~- .4_ ... Director Jones asked about added costs. Bob Baer replied it was hard to determine the cost at this time and the expense would be to the Lukins Water System and/or the School District. AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, LAKE TAHOE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, LUKINS WATER CO. AND SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC_UTILITY DISTRICT (Continued) Bert Cherry discussed the Agreement regarding Back Flow Prevention requirements. He said this could become a part of the Agreement and did not feel this would affect the Contract in any way. Back Flow Prevention Requirements and final stages of the Connection were discussed. A copy of a drawing of the planned project was distri- buted by Bert Cherry. He named the locations and outlined the major construction to be done. Moved Ma~4~/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve Agreement to Provide Water Line and Fire Hydrant for Area Along 3rd Street Between Ruth and Washington. (With the addition of a cross- connection clause). Presented by Bob Baer/John Weidman. LAND EXCHANGE WITH U.S. FOREST ~ERVICE FOR EMERGENCY POND P?OPERTY Attorney Weidman suggested Staff obtain an accurate survey with mapping of the parcel and a final appraisal be done using this in- formation. Director Mason outlined the in- formation he felt was needed before a land exchange could occur. Director Jones concurred, but thought this information might already be available through Jones and Turner. DirectOr Jones inquired if'there were any deadlines to meet. There were none Stated. REGULAR BOAt~D~EETING~ MINUTES - SEPTE~IBER 17., 198.7_ At this time Marjorie Springmeyer came forward and voiced her opinion regarding the land ex- change and gave some background information regarding the property. She thought the Holding Pond was just a temporary situation and was not in favor of the land exchange for this purpose. She further stated the District had not.yet paid her in full for the property under consideration for exchange. RAGE- 5 ..... LAND EXCHANGE WITH U.S. FOREST SERVICE. FOR. EMERGENCY POND PROPERTY (Continued) Ralph Cisco from the U.S.F.S. came forward and went over the specific steps necessary and required by law for a land exchange of this type. He spoke in favor.of the land exchange for several reasons. He stated the uses for the land would be permanent use of the land and no longer would be considered National Open Forest Land, and therefore, it would be in the public interest to exchange the land with STPUD. He stated there has never been a formal offer for the land exchange previously from the District to the U.S.F.S. and the U.S.F.S. would be happy to entertain an offer for public exchange, and then go through the proper procedures. Mr. Weidman responded he and Mr. Cofer had met with the U.S.F.S. staff to inquire about proper pro- cedures for an exchange and have followed through the required steps. Director Mason requested clarifi- cation on Mrs. Springmeyer's state- ment regarding the loan not being paid off and how the District was involved. Attorney Weidman answered Director Mason's question and said all legal matters were in order as far as the District is concerned. ~u~QULAR BO~DMEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 17 1987 Blair Baker commented on condi- tion #29 of the U.S.F.S. Special Use Permit. Gary Plasterer responded to the comments made by Blair Baker. He said the District cannot pump raw sewage to the Emergency Hold- ing Pond, that this is physically impossible. He reviewed the various procedures for treating and pumping sewage and some of the reasons the District had to use the Emergency Holding Pond. A lengthy discussion on the Emergency Pond and its use was held by some members of the Board. Gary answered questions regarding future need to use the Emergency Pond. .PAGE - 6 LAND EXCHANGE WITH U.S. FOREST SERVICE ~GENCY PQND PROPERTY Continued) Mr. Cliff Zipp commented on the importance of the success of the Modification to the Treatment Plant. Move~ Mason/Secon.d,~ones/Pass_ed Unanimously to Authorize Staff to Obtain An Accurate Survey and Mapping of the Land Exchange Parcel with U.S. Forest Service for Emergency Pond Property. No Action. Presented by Bob Baer~ohn Weidman. John Cefalu commented on the Humane Society parcel and re- quested a time frame from the Board and some indication from the Board as to whether or not the requested acreage was favor- able to the Board. B) AUTHORIZE DISTRICT OFFER TO U.S. FOREST SERVICE TO EXCHANGE 70.15 ACRE PARCeL_FOR 39..265~A~RE PQND. PARCEL EXCHANGE OF LANDS FOR HUMANE SOCIETY PARCEL Chairman Wynn stated it was im- possible for the Board to give the Humane Society a Time Schedule for the Land Exchange at this time. Director Jones said it would be possible to write a letter indica- ting the intent of the Board for the land exchange for the Humane Society Parcel. REGULAR BOARD. MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER _~Z .... 1987 .PAGE._m 7_ Moved Madden/Second Jones/Passed Unanim~ to Authorize Staff to Work with County in the Land Exchange and to provide a Letter Explaining the Intent of the Board. EXCHANGE OF LANDS FOR HUMANE SOCIETY Presented by Bob Baer/John Weidman. ACQUISITION OF 1.389 ACRE PARCEL OF DISTRICT PROPERTY BY U.S. POSTAL No Action. Presented by Gary Schnakenberg. ~Q~ed..Ql~Qn~n~. Mason/~d U~ani~ou~!v to: MAINTENANCE BUILDING EAVES MOD!FI~AT!ON A) Reject Bid No. 87-88-12 received on 9/10/87; and B) Rebid the project with modified plans to include re-roofing. Presented by Randy Curtis. Moved Olson/Second Madden/Passed ~nanimous~y to Approve Installation of a New Tank Bottom by low bidder, Cal Cut Tan~ in the Amount of $9,108. Presented by Bob Baer. Moved Ol.~p~/Second _Jo~sse. d Unani.mQus!y to Authorize Staff to Obtain Permits and Easements For Construction of Pipeline; Authorize Jones & Stokes to Prepare a Negative Declaration. DECA~T..TANK. REPAIR~ ~!AMQND. D!TCH_P!PELINE - ALP.!NE._COUNT~ 9/18/87 - 10:00 AM, So. Shore Water Purveyors @ STPUD 9/28/87 - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items ~OTICE.._OF_ FUTURE MEET.I_NG~ 10/1/87 - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Meeting 10/9/87 - 9:00 AM, Joint Meeting; EDWPA & So. FAR @ EID Director Mason requested the Staff have a meeting with Ms. Baker to explain what is being done presently to correct the Emergency Holding Pond Problem and what the District's future plans are to alleviate the problem further. A brief discussion of the problem was held between Board Members Attorney Weidman and Gary Plasterer. ' REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER~7~._~87 PAGE - 8 4:48 PM AD~Q~RNMENT ATTEST: P~~ARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) NAME. ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE.