HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-02-87MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOYEKBER _2 1_987 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, November 2, 1987, 4'00 P.M., 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, City Council Chambers. Vice-Chairman Mason, Directors Jones, Olson, Madden (Chairman Wynn arrived late); Vice-Chair- man Mason conducted a portion of the meeting. ROLL _~ALL ~TAF~ Cofer, Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Taylor, Schroeder, Curtis, Tiran, Trebotich, Schnakenberg, Miller, B. Eppler, Plasterer, Swain, Attorney Weidman. Richard Solbrig/John Carollo Eng. None ~Q~MENTS. FROM~._A~DIEN~ (Non-Agenda Items) None CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR ~O~SE~_~_CALENDAR. to approve Consent Calendar as submitted: ~NS~NT..CAL~ND~R l) Approved renewal of insu- rance package through Fred James Insurance brokerage (District Insurance/Auto, General Liabi- lity, Umbrella, Property) 2) Adopted Resolution No. 2442 accepting Notice of Completion for project (Erosion Control along Portions of Upper Truckee River and Trout Creek) REGULAR. BOARD ~_E_~ING~INUTES ~ NOVE~BE~ 2~ !9S7 3) Stateline Reservoir Access CO.N~ENT CALENDAR Road Improvements' A. Approved Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $522; B. Adopted Resolution No. 2441 accepting Notice of Completion for project. 4) Accepted price quote from Lake Tahoe Glass in the amount of $6,401.60 for Furnace Build- ing Glass Replacement. 5) Authorized payment to County of Alpine in Compliance with 2nd Amendment to Agreement in the amount of $100,000/Mitigation Fee, $15,000/Water Monitoring Fee. Moved Jon~$/.Se~nd ~l~.o~.~ .(~h~..i~-~ APPROVA~ O~ MINUTES ~.a_n~.~v~n/Ahse~n~.~_Pass~ to approve the 10/15/87 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. None REPOR_~._B_Y BO~R~.~~S.S None B_QOAR~ ~M~~MM~TTEE REPORT~ 10//16/87 - 10:00 AM, Supervisor Cefalu re Tahoe Water Rights Issue, SOFAR Project and E1 Dorado Purveyors Assoc. Director Jones thought the meeting was beneficial and suggested to meet on a regular basis to keep everyone informed. 10/23/87 - 10:00 AM, So. Shore Purveyors Association. RE~U~ ~O..~D~S - N~VEMB_ER 2 , 1987 sT~PORTS ~ None ~o~e.~L Attorney Weidman reported on the following: 1) E1 Dorado Supervisors regarding Tax Transfer Funds and Tahoe Water Rights. 2) Status report of the Alpine County Eminent Domain Process. 3) Attorney Weidman also said he was working on the Emergency Holding Pond Issue. P_r~o.g~a~ ~Mgn~g~: Rich Tiran reported on Vehicle Bidding Status. ~i~t...En~i~D~-~ Richard Solbrig gave a status report on Construction Contract #1, and #5. He answered several questions from Board Members. ~Sh~o~....St~.a~,~-L None ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moyed. O!.son/Sec~n!_Jon.esY- .~ ~_hai.r!m%n_ ~nn/Abs~-t-I-Passed to approve payment ~n the amount of $2001,446.48. Presented by Rich Titan. (Cha.irman.~nn/Abs-en~-k passed to: A) Declare a Great Emergency and Waive Liability Insurance clause which normally appears in our Contract; B) Accept lowest price quote from Van Thompson Construction in the amount of $44,500. There was considerable discussion regarding the warranty and time constraints involved with this project between the Board Members & Rich Tiran, Richard Solbrig, Gary Schnakenberg & Attorney Weidman. pAXM~NT. QFCLA!MS MAINTENANCE BUILDING RE-ROOFING P_~.OJECT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 2_~_1987 Presented by Bob Baer. ~oyed_M~d~.n/.~e~ond. Maso~ ~as~d~nan~m~s~ to: A) Authorize Budget of $30,000 B) Purchase Silencers C) Go to Bid for Stainless Steel Stacks Presented by Bob Eppler. MQved. Madden/Se¢on~ Mason/Pa_ss~_d- ~ to Adopt Amendments to Section III/Limitation of Sewer Ufiits; as presented ex- cept delete reference to Four- plex; Section IV/Conditions of Transfer of Sewer Units. Presented by Rich Tiran. MQv~.d 0~son/S~c~n~ Mas~n/Pa~se~ U_~j~~to Authorize Replace- ment of District Radio Equipment, for an Amount Not to Exceed $7,600. PAGe_- 4 CHAIRMAN WYNN ARRIVED TO CONDUCT THE REMAINDE~ OF_T_TH.E~MEE~T~ NOISE SILENCERS FOR NEW INCINERATOR AMENDME~T._~S~.TQ, ORDINA~CEN_QO...357__ (TRANSFER OF SEWER UNITS) REPLACEMENT OF DISTRICT RADIO ~Q~IPMENT Director Jones requested Rich Tiran make a status report to the Board on the remainder of the radio equipment at a later date. Presented by Rich Tiran. Moved Olson/S~cond_~J~n~/Pa~-s~d ~nani~o~M%~ to Authorize Lease/ Purchase Agreement with AT&T for System 25 @ $1,198.60/Month for 60 Months. REPLACEMENT OF DISTRICT PHONE SYSTEM Rich Tiran answered numerous questions regarding equipment available and lease price of the system. Presented by Mr. Cofer. ~o_v. ed..M.adden/Seco~Dl.soa/Pass-e-~ U_n~_~i~ou~v_ to Authorize an Additional $4,500 to Quad Con- sultants' Task Order No. 4 to Include Coordination with TRPA Through the Negative Declara- tion Process. EMERGENCY RETENTION POND SEALING - c~NT._~S ~RVI ~E_~S REGULAR BOA_RD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 2._~1_987 (Total for Task Order No. 4 would be $12,000). Attorney Weidman explained Waste Discharge Requirements by Lahontan and TRPA and a lengthy discussion followed. Presented by Mr. Cofer. Moved Jones/Second .O!son/Pass~ ~ to Authorize Carollo Engineers - Task Order No. 5G in the amount of $77,200. Presented by Mr. Cofer. Moy~d..Olso~/Secon..dJQn~/Passe~d ~ to Authorize Letter of Appreciation to Special Legal Counsel - Greve, Clifford, Diepen- brock & Paras. 11/6,7/87 11/13/87 11/16/87 11/18/87 11/19/87 11/20/87 5-09 PM PAG_~E__~.~5 EMERGENCY RETENTION POND SEALING CONSULTANT SE___R~VIC~ (Continued) EMERGENCY RETENTION POND SEALING - FINAL DESIGN LETTER OF APPRECIATION TO SPECIAL LEGAL COUNSEL - CASA FUTURE MEETINGS - 9:00 AM, EDWPA, @EID (SOFAR Mgmt. Authority Board Meeting) - 4:00 PM, Workshop/ Agenda Items - 10:00 AM, Area Managers @ SLT - 4:00 PM, Regular Board Meeting - 10:00 AM, South Shore Water Purveyors ADJOURNMENT ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: .......... ._,-~ a; .... OARD PAT A MAMATH, CLERK OF B SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT