HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-19-87MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOV~MI~ER 19, 1987 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, November 19, 1987, 4:00 P.M., 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, City Council Chambers. BOARD OF 9!RECY~_L Chairman Wynn, Directors Olson, Mason, Jones, Madden ROLL CALL STAFF Cofer, Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Swain, G. Eppler, Cartwright, Miller, Tiran, B. Eppler, Brown, Schroeder, Plasterer, Taylor Attorney Weidman GUESTS Richard Solbrig - Carollo Eng. Keith Klein - City Council ,Jim Dipeso - Tahoe Daily Tribune Mr. Cliff Zipp None ~Q}~M~NY~ FRO~.AUDIEN~_ (Short Non-Agenda Items) Manager Cofer requested the following changes: CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Delete Item 5 - Bijou/Wild- wood Project from the Consent Calendar. 2) Move Item 7 - Stainless Steel Furnace Stacks from the Consent Calendar to an Action Item on the Action Calendar. 3) Defer Item 3 - Disconnection of the Fresh Ketch Restaurant from the Action Calendar. MDve~,..Olson/.~econd JQn~s/Pass~_d_ Unanimously to approve Consent Calendar as amended - Delete Item 5 and Move Item 7 to Action Calendar Item 12. CONSENT R~.G~LAR BOARD MEETIN~ M!N~.E~_ - NOVEMBER .!~,_!98Y PAGE - 3 None 11/6,7 11/13/87 11/16/87 11/18/87 - CASA - 9:00 AM, EDWPA @ EID (SOFAR Mgmt. Authority Board Meeting) - 4:00 PM, Workshop/ Agenda Items - 10:00 AM, Area Managers @ South Lake Tahoe M~na~er: None Attor. ney~; Attorney Weidman reported on the following: 1) Attended Joint Powers Ins. Meeting @ CASA, and gave a report. 2) Reported on the status of the San Marcos Bill. 3) Reported on the BLM permit/ Alpine County. 4) Reported Heise L&L had a new attorney in Auburn. p.r..ogra_m Ma_namers_:_ None ~ho~_ ~teward; Shop Steward Linda Brown thanked Chairman Wynn and Director Madden for their ser- vice on the Board. She said it had been a pleasure work- ing with them. BOARD ~_QMM!.TTEE REPORT~ PAST MEETINGS STAFF REPORT BOARD ACTION Moved O!son/Secon~.~Q~s/Pass~ Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $824,336.39. Presented by Bob Eppler. Bob Eppler reported there has been a payment plan set up for 6 months and requested dis- connection proceedings be carried out if they do not comply with the proposed payment plan. ~ovedOls~n/Second Ma.~.den./Passed ~nanimous!~ to authorize dis- connection proceedings for delin- quent account if payment plan is not complied with for the total RAYMENT. QF__CLAIMS DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS FOR SEWER/WATER SERVICE ON DELINQUENT ACCOUNT -APN__31m2.2.6rlQl._ REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER. 19 !987 .... PAGE - 4 amount of $1,307.02 on APN 31-226-101. Presented by John Cartwright. M~ved ~.ason/Second. Ma_d.d_e~Z~sed Un.~nimo~s!~ to authorize staff to proceed with Water and/or Sewer Disconnection Procedures for the accounts presented this date. (A copy of list is attached) Presented by Ken Schroeder. Moved_ J_ones./S~econd. Ma_so.n_ Un~_ni_mo_us.!_v_ to: A) Declare a Great Emergency; B) Approve Repairs made by Kiewit Pacific Co. and purchase of necessary materials, not to exceed the amount of $12,000. Presented by Ken Schroeder. Moyed .J_oBes/S.e~Qnd Olson/Pas. s_~_d Un_anim~oua!~ to approve repair of motor in the amount not to exceed $11,000; Approve Repair of Pump in the Amount of $7,500, plus shipping. Presented by Gene Eppler. Moved. Mas~B./5.~con. d_O~son/Passed Una~im~ to: A) Approve an Additional $27,142.60; ~,{ove~.~[ason/S.econd_O!son/P_a~e~ U an' ousl to: B) Approve Budget Transfer of $125,000 from the Diamond Ditch Pipeline Account to a new account. Presented by Gene Eppler. Director Olson asked if this bid was more or less a firm bid. Gene Eppler replied that it was very firm bid. DISCONNECTION PROCEEDINGS FOR SEWER/WATER SERVICE ON DELINQUENT ACCO_U_UN_T~.Co~n~in~d_I DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS EXPORT PIPELINE REPAIRS .F.~NAL. EXPQB~ M~TOR _A~D. PUMP_ REPAI RS ALPINE COUNTY WORK: WEST FORK CARSON RIVER DIVERSION STRUCTURE ALPINE COUNTY WORK: SPILLWAY, HEADGATE AND DIVERSION STRUCTU~ R~E.G_.UL~AR~. OARD MEET.!NG_MI~NUTES - NOV~MBE_~R. ~!_~ .... 1_987 .... _~P~G_~_z..~5~_ U~ag. imo_as!~ to approve a budget of $62,200 for Completion of these facilities per the Fred Dressler Agreement. Presented by Rich Tiran. Uaaai~ousl~ to Award Bid No. 87-88-15 R to the Lowest, Responsive, Responsible Bidders as Presented (List is attached and becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein). Presented by Mr. Cofer. Mov.~d~._JDaes/_S~n.O. O!s.on/Pass~d Unan~.mous!~ to direct staff to continue to argue for proper distribution of tax transfer funds for use in our area. Attorney Weidman conducted a lengthy discussion on the Draft of the Water Purveyors Managers and alternate proposal to the Water Agency. Presented by Attorney Weidman. Attorney Weidman elaborated on various options to correct the Air Quality Test Violations. A lengthy discussion followed and it was decided to defer this item to the next meeting. Mg.y~.Mason/Sec~nd. Jon~ea/Passed Unanimo~_s!7 to defer authorizing the Purchase of Stainless Steel Furnace Stack to the next meeting; and directed staff to obtain an expert for a second opinion on the subject. ALPINE COUNTY WORK: SPILLWAY, HEADGATE AND DIVERSION STRUCTURE pU_R~CgASE OF DISTRICT VEHICLES WATER AGENCY POLICY ON THE AGENCY*S PURPOSES AND ITS DISTRIBUTION OF TAX TRANSFER FUN~ PURCHASE OF STAINLESS STEEL FURNACE STACK REG~LA2._~OAR~__M~ET!NG_M]NUTES.- ~Q~EMBER..19 .... !987_. PAGE. m 6 Presented by Attorney Weidman. MovedJon~s/.SecQnd_.M~son~,Rassed Unanimou~!v to add this item to the agenda. Attorney Weidman discussed several issues that were not presently subject to the BLM Permit and stated BLM had advised the District to apply for an Amend- ment to the existing permit. Moved_O!son/Se~ond._Jones/.Passed .Unanirno~s!~ to Adopt Resolution No. 2446, Authorizing Applica- tion for Transportation and Utility Systems and Facilities on Federal Land of the BLM. Presented by Mr. Cofer. Manager Cofer thanked Director Madden for her 8 years of service on the Board ahd read Resolution No. 2444 highlighting her years of service. A plaque, contain- ing the Resolution was presented to Director Madden. MovedQ!son/Se¢o_n~_Jones/Passgd Unani~o~sl~ to adopt Resolution No. 2444. Manager Cofer read Resolution No. 2445 that highlighted Chair- man Wynn's 8 years of service on the Board. A plaque containing the Resolution was presented to Chairman Wynn. Moyed Jones/Se~D2~ O!son/P.ass_ed ~panimous.ly to adopt Resolution No. 2445. Chairman Wynn expressed his thanks and said he will miss everyone. Director Madden also expressed the same and hoped to keep in touch. APPLICATION TO AMEND THE EXISTING BLM PERMIT/HARVEY PLACE RESOLUTIONS NO. 2444 and 2445 ~Q~ORING DIRECTORS MADDEN AND WYNN REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 19~1987 PAGE - 7 Mr. cliff Zipp came forward and expressed his appreciation for Chairman Wynn and Director Madden's work on the Board. 11/20/87 11/30/87 12/03/87 - 10:00 AM, So. Shore Water Purveyors - 4:00 PM, Workshop/ Agenda Items - 4:00 PM Regular Board Meeting 4:40 PM RESOLUTIONS NO. 2444 and 2445 HONORING DIRECTORS MiD__DEN AND WYNN (Continued) FUTURE MEETINGS AD.JOURNMEN~r ROBERT MASON~ CHAIRMAN SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MEMORANDUM DT: November 9, 1987 TO: Board of Directors FR: John Cartwright, Collection Officer RE: Accounts submitted for authorization of shut-off proceedings. Account No. Owner Name Service Address Amount Due 23-171-131 Lauwers & Heiser 817 Emerald Bay Rd. $ 533.35 26-087-151 James Edwards 912 Tallac 618.29 27-076-281 Richard Gregg 3742 Paradise 417.05 27'125-301 Walter Weinzheimer 3613 Larch 429.07 27-134-171 John Simmc~ds 3747 Aspen 441.67 27-154-191 E.T.I. Financial 3734 Birch 506.32 27-311-241 Ski Run Management 1136 Ski Run Blvd. 485.97 28-121-121 Joseph Salvadore 3743 & 3747 Ruby Way 738.92 · & -321 29-052-131 Gray Eagle Inn 4081 Cedar 1011.63 29-082-121 Donald Anton 3994 Manzanita 886.62 29-161-261 Luis Reyes 3819 & 3821 Pentagon 752.49 & -271 29-371-111 Roy Taylor 3880 Pioneer 584.36 31-115-151 Alan Scott 1080 Sierra Blvd. 442.17 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Server .1950 .Water A PUBUC AGENCY Phone (916) 544-6474 CHAIRMAN JOHN WYNN P.O, Box AU South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 1275 Meadow Cre st Drive DIRECTORS ROBERT MASON JAMES R. JONES MICKEY MADDEN WALTER "N EAL" OLSON DT= November 11, 1987 TO: Kay Taylor, Accountant Richard Tiran, Purchasing Agent RE: Bid 87-88-15R, District Uehicles On November lOth, bid 87-88-15E was opened by the District for the purchase of vehicles described herein the bid specifications, listed below are the bid results, evaluations and recommendatE6ns for purchase. BIDDER/COST SEE ATTACHED PAGE. BID EURLURTION UEHICLE III(LRHD APP. > Rll bidders uere responsive to District specifications, with the notation that none of the bidders included the ouerlaod springs thst were called for in the request. VEltlCLE :2(PUMP CREW) Rll bidders were responsiue to District specifications with the exception of Green Ualley Ford and Elk Groue Ford. lhey did not include the ouerload springs as requested. UEHICLE D~ <UR/S - & All bidders were responsive to District specifications with the exception of Green Ualley Ford and Elk Grove Ford. They did not include the overload springs as requested. UEHICLE ~9 (UR/U) All bidders uere responsiue to District specifications. STRFF RECOMMEHDRTIONS Staff recommends that the award of the vehicles be made as outlined below: ~EHICLE ~1 The low bid was submitted by F.B. HART; using the 3X Local Preference rule, the bid should be awarded to Shehadi Motors, not to exceed $ 1S.OSZ.OO VEHICLE ~2 The low bid was submitted by Green Ualley Ford who is considered non responsive to the District specifications as they omitted the overload springs called for in the bid. The second iow bid was submitted by F.B. HRRT~ using the 3% Local Preference rule, the bid ~hould be awarded to South Shore Motors, not to exceed $ 18,933.62. UEHICLE ~3 The low bid was submitted by Green Ualley Ford who i~ considered non responsive to the District specifications as they omitted the overload springs called for in the bid. The second lo~'bid was submitted by F.B.HRRT; using the.3% Local Preference rule, the bid should be awasded to South Shore Motors, not to exceed $ 16,301.88, per vehicle purchased. UEHICLE U4 The low bid was submitted by Sacramento Ualley Ford; the 3X Local bidders preference was not applied because the difference between the bids was greater than the 3~ allowed. The bid should be awarded to Sacramento Ualley Ford, not to exceed $ 17,755.00. BUDGET INFORMRTIOH In past years the vehicle makers specifications were all very similar to each other which made bidding very easy for all involved in the process. This year one of the auto makers changed the specifications of their vehicles and they turned out to be drastLcally d~fferent than a~l the rest. Originally the District had 1/2 ton, 3/4 ton and I ton vehicles in the budget. The Board of Directors approved that al! trucks be upgraded to I ton which, in effect, increased the prices of ~the vehicles over the previous budgted amounts, budgeted by the Board of Directors. This fiscal year a total of $78,000.00 was budgeted, and the vehicles totaled $B3,586.12~ -=- $5,586.12 over budget.