HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-11-87 Special MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 11, 1987 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a special session December 11, 1987, 4:00 P.M. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, District Offices. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Mason, Directors Olson, Jones, Walker, Sinclair STAFF: Cofer, Baer, Mamath, Attorney Weidman GUESTS: Dave Pivetti, Bill Ettlich - CWC-HDR, Inc., Jim Dipeso - Tahoe Daily Tribune, Joe McNeil- John Carollo Engineers, Steve Teshara ROLL CALL ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Manager Cofer asked Attorney Weidman to define the District's position as presented in the Resolution before the Board. Attor- ney Weidman stated there had been a meeting between Directors Jones and Walker, Manager Cofer, Mr. Cefalu and Mr. Sweeney and him- self to explain the District's position to the Supervisors. Director Jones stated he felt the meeting had been very productive. Discussion ensued regarding the monies received in the past and the projects the District was able to complete due to these monies. Director Sinclair expressed his concerns for having~ these monies returned to the District. Moved Jones/Second Walker/Sinclair Abstained/ Passed to adopt Resolution No. 2447 Approving the E1 Dorado Water Purveyors Association Presentation to the E1 Dorado County Water Agency. Manager Cofer distributed the document to those present which he will present to the E1 Dorado Water Agency on 12/14/87. It lis- ted the projects the District had constructed with the 1.4 Million dollars from tax transfer funds. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE EL DORADO WATER PURVEYORS ASSOCIATION PRESENTATION TO THE EL DORADO WATER AGENCY SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 11, 1987 Page 2 Manager Cofer stated a major problem had occurred on the Alpine County project and felt it should be brought before the Board. He introuduced Joe McNeil of John Carollo Engineers hired as the construction manager and Bill Ettlich & Dave Pivetti of CWC-HDR, the design engineers. Joe McNeil explained the problem had oc- curred because the safety of dam inspector at the site had been bringing up things that were not in the contract, specifically the aggregate which had been used in the concrete. Dave Pivetti explained the~ problem in more detail using diagrams/maps for clarity and responded to questions by Board members. He stated there were three alternatives: 1) Replace all the pipe presently in place; 2) Totally encase all pipe and slip-line it if it becomes a problem in the future; 3) Install pipe exactly as shown in the drawings and test to see if the combin- ation of aggregates is potentially del- eterious. Each alternative and the associated costs were explained in detail. The Division of Dam SafetY has the final "say" as to which alternative will be used. Dave Pivetti stated he would rec- comend Alternative 3. 4:43 P.M. REPORT ON THE HARVEY PLACE DAM CONSTRUCTION ADJOURNMENT ROBERT MASON, CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT N'OTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WILL BE HELD ON THE llth DAY .OF December, 1987 4:00 P.M, AT '1275 Meadow Crest Drive, So. Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 District Office TO ACT ON THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1) 2) Report and Informational Discussion on the Harvey Place Dam Construction District and Water. Purveyors Statement to the E1 Dorado. County Water Agency DATED: December 7, 1987 PAT A,-MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRIC