HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-21-87MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 21, 1987 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session May 21, 1987, 4:00 P.M., 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, City Council Chambers. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairman Wynn, Directors Mason, Jones, Madden; Director Olson Absent ROLL CALL STAFF: Cofer, Baer, Fischer, Cartwright, Taylor, Schroeder, G. Eppler, Titan B. Eppler, Swain, Miller, Attorney Weidman GUESTS: B. Ettlich, CWC-HDR, Inc. Keith Klein, City Council Walt Howard, John Carollo Eng. Mr. Gregg Wike Mr. Gregg Wike requested a water service line to his property on Saddle Rd./Pioneer Tr. Director Mason and Bob Eppler reviewed Mr. Wike's parcel plans which he used to identify the area and to support his request. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Short Non-Agenda Items) A 6", 4", and 2" water service line was entertained for Mr. Wike's property. It was decided a 2" water service line would be adequate for Mr. Wike's residential needs. Moved Mason/Second Madden/Jones Abstained/(Olson/Absent) Passed to approve a 2" water service line to Gregg Wike's property. Consent Calendar Item #4 was moved to Action Item #6. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 21, 19~7 PAGE - 2 Moved Mason/Second Jones/(Olson/ Absent) Passed Unanimously to approve Consent Calendar Items #1,2,3,5,6, & 7. CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Authorized annual purchase of trout for an estimated cost of $7,000 for 4,000 lbs. - Indian Creek Reservoir. 2) Authorized execution for the remainder of 1987 for permission to graze and water two horses - License Agreement between Philip R. Caterino and So. Tahoe PUD. 3) Authorized execution of Change Order No. i/Balance in the amount of $333.53, No. 16 in the amount of $1,498.66 and No. 17 in the amount of $4,326.20. (Plant Mod. Project) 5) Approved expenditure from "sole source" distributor, Niagara Pro- ducts, for an amount not to exceed $7,000 - Water Conservation Retro- fit Kits. 6) Authorized purchae of lumber and fuel wood from B.L.M. in accordance with Right-of-Way grant Number CA- 13255 in the amount of $16,257. 7) Authorized going to bid for Venice Drive Pump Station Constru- ction. Moved Jones/Second Madden/Passed Unanimously (Olson/Absent) to approve the 5/4/87 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES None REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Madden reported she attended a meeting with The E1 Dorado Water Purveyors Committee, The E1 Dorado County Water Commitee and The Water Agency on ~ay lSth. She relayed information regarding future Tax Transfer Funding and stated these funds would no longer be available to the District. She noted the District would lose $117,000 income for our water bud- get. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 21, 1987 PAGE - 3 The next meeting of this group is scheduled for September. BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued) Manager Cofer added the group ex- pressed interest in preserving the water rights in E1 Dorado County and there was a good chance they would assist the District in "water rights" activities relating to the water compact. Manager Cofer felt if we had to do an EIR, water update the County might help fund that activity. Director Madden said if projects were for the overall good of the County, they would help fund them. 5/11/87 - 9:00 AM, Budget Data Available for Public Inspection PAST MEETINGS 5/12/87 - 10:00 AM, Alpine County Archaeological Work In- spection 5/18/87 - 10:00 AM, County Water Agency @ Placerville (Water Committee and Purveyors) 5/18/87 - 4:00 PM, PUBLIC WORKSHOP/ 1987-88 SEWER AND WATER BUDGETS AND RATES - Workshop/Agenda Items Manager: None STAFF REPORTS Attorney: Attorney Weidman reported AB 2118 (The San Marcos Bill) passed the Assembly on May 5th with the urgency clause. Program Managers: None Shod Steward: None Resident Engineer: Richard Solbrig reported on con- struction activities of the Plant Modification Project, Contract 1. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 21, 1987 PAGE - 4 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously (Olson/Absent) to authorize payment in the amount of $677,102.23. A) Presented by Bob Baer Moved Madden/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously (Olson/Absent) to authorize Advertisement for Con- struction Bids/Contract #5, Harvey Place Dam and Irriga- tion Works. B) Presented by Manager Cofer, who stated Director Madden had assisted the Dis~ict in nego- tiations with CWC and reviewed plans. Director Madden asked Bill Ettlich to explain why 2 inspectors were needed, one with Kleinfelder and one with Carollo. Bill Ettlich explained the circum- stances which he felt necessitated the need for the 2 inspection firms. Director Mason asked about the eco- nomical advantages the District would have if only one firm did everything and also asked what would happen if the two firms (Kleinfelder & Whale~ disagreed. Bill Ettlich explained the func-~ tions expected from each firm and said the plans had been reviewed to have the tasks overlap as little as possible. Manager Corer explained the reasons there would be some overlap. Moved Jones/Second Madden/Passed Unanimously (Olson/Absent) to approve CWC-HDR, INC. Task Orders: No. 9G in the amount of $363,393; No. 10G in the amount of $43,555; and No. llG in the amount of $16,656, all subject to SWRCB approval. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS PLANT MODIFICATION/ALPINE COUNTY REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 21, 1987 PAGE - 5 C) Presented by Manager Co£er Director Madden noted Walt Howard had made the negotiated changes. PLANT MODIFICATION/ALPINE COUNTY (continued) Moved Madden/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously (Olson Absent) to approve Task Order No. 4G in the amount of $1,233,221.00, subject to SWRCB approval. Presented by Rich Tiran. Sweetwater Chemical Co. Protest letter was discussed. AWARD FOR BIDS FOR YEARLY oPERATING CHEMICAL SUPPLIES Attorney Weidman advised the Board not to re-bid the con- tract for Sodium Silicate. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed (Olson Absent) to award bids: No. 87-88-01 - Liquid/Aluminum Sulfate to Imperial West Chemical for a total amount of: $152,636; No. 87-88-02 - Chlorine to Sierra Chemical Co. for a total amount of: $136,796; No. 87-88-03 - Caustic Soda to Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. for a total amount of: $1~7,023.68; No. 87-88-05 - Dry Polymers to Hychem, Inc. for a total amount of: $79,330.40; and to authorize the Purchasing Agent to award Bid No. 87-88-04- Sodium Silicate to Sierra Chemi- cal Co., for a total amount of $19,320 based on test results of corrosion properties. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 21. 1987 PAGE - 6 Presented by Barrie Fischer. Barrie Fischer reported the Board no longer needs to approve lease of temporary office space during the Plant Modification. He explained it is planned some employees will be moving to the existing Tahoe Keys Offices and some are staying at the District. A lease is not necessary at this time for more offices. LEASE OF TEMPORARY OFFICE SPACE DURING PLANT MODIFICATION Presented by Ken Schroeder. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously (Olson Absent) to: A) Approve Purchase of Metal Siding from Yancy Co. for an amount not to exceed $4,770.81 plus tax for Sludge Storage Tank #1. SLUDGE STORAGE TANKS SIDING REPLACEMENT B) Approve Purchase of Metal Siding from Yancy Co. for an amount not to exceed $4,770.81 plus tax for Sludge Storage Tank #2. Presented by Carol Swain, who reviewed the costs of the various options. DATA COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT Moved Madden/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously (Olson Absent) to authorize purchase of a pair of MICOM multiplexors with built-in modems from InterLink Group, Inc. for the amount oF $7,424 plus tax. 5/22/23 - CASA Incline Village 6/01/87 - 3:00 PM, Special Work Shop ERB - 4:00 PM, Workshop/Agenda Items - 7:30 PM, PUBLIC WORKSHOP/ 1987-88 SEWER & WATER BUDGETS AND RATES FUTURE MEETINGS 6/04/87 - 4:00 PM, PUBLIC HEARING/ 1987-88 SEWER AND WATER BUDGETS & RATES; ADOPTION OF BUDGETS AND RATES - Regular Board Meeting ~(After Public Hearing) 4:45 PM ADJOURNMENT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES- MAY 21, 1987 PAGE - 7 JOHN WYN~~, ~HAIRMAN ~F BOARD SOUTH TA~E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST' PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT