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REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 4, 1986 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, December 4, 1986, 4:00 PM, 1900 Lake Tahoe Blvd., City Council Chambers. BOAR~.MEMBERS_:~ Chairman Wynn, Directors Mason, Olson. Directors Madden and Jones absent. STAFF: Cofer, Baer, Fischer, Mamath, B. Eppler, Cartwright, Taylor, Plasterer, Schroeder, Swain, Attorney Weidman Keith Klein, Margie Springmeyer, Joe McNeil - Carollo Engineers Manager Cofer requested to add Item #7 - Assignment of sewer units, E1 Dorado County Jail Expansion Project. _CD_R_.R .E_C_T! _ONS / AD~D~I ~rl ONS _ ~0_ AG Ei~LDA Director Olson stated he pre- ferred to wait until Staff has reviewed the County plans and related information for the project before placing it on the Agenda for Board Action. After discussion, it was de- cided not to add Item #7 to the Agenda at this time. ~.gv~ .Qlson/SecQn~_~Lsson/P~ss_e_d UnanJJno_tus2y_~d.~en. almd_.Jon_e~ ~ to approve Consent Calendar as submitted: ~ONSEN3__CALENDAB 1) Appointment of Director Madden, to Committees and Associations for the 1987 Calendar Year. ~EffULA_R_ BOARD_ M~EETING._ M_IN_UTE.S_ - DEC_EMB_ER_._4._ 19_8_6._ a. E1 Dorado Water Purveyors Assoc. (EDWPA) b. Mt. Counties Water Resources Assoc. c. E1 Dorado County Water Agency and Committee 2) Adopt Resolution No. 2420, which supplements Ordinance No. 389, attesting to correct- ness of assessed value and bonded indebtedness of STPUD (Tahoe Paradise Water System Acquisition) ~nanim~2sl~__CMaDden_.and_J_on'es ~g~_~ to approve November 20, 1986 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. None A_PPRO_V_AL_ _0. F. B_OARD M ! _N~U _T E_S_ None .SHOP S_T~A_RD_' S_ R_EPOR? None _C_O_MNLT..T_EE_ BE~OB_T 12/1/86 - 3:00 PM - Workshop/ Agenda Items 1) Manager Corer requested a Workshop on 12/11/86 at 4:00 PM to review the I/I Programs and the District's response to Lahontan. PAST_ ME _E_TING~ .MAN~AGER. ' _S_ B EPOB_T._ 2) Manager Cofer distributed a copy of the Alpine Enterprise revealing the response of the voter results on the two checks that were delivered to the County. 3) Manager Corer also distributed a Memo from Dick Milbrodt regarding the Bijou Project. None .A_T_TO RN EYJ.~S _ B EPO__R_T None PROGRAM .MANAGE~_'S_REPOR~ None COMMENTS_FRO~.AUD~EN~ RE_G_ULAR_ BOAR.D__ MEE_T_I.N_G MIN_U_TE_S__.__DEC_EMBER. _4 .... ]1986 PAGE_ - 3_ ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved_O!~n/~e~ond_Ma$onfP~s~ Unanimous.lv_(M.a_dd~_an~_Jon~ ~ to approve payment in the amount of $1,104,721.58. Presented by James Cofer: Abs~nt). to defer action to adopt Ordinance NO. 392 t© 12/18/86. ~zexlO!son/Se~c_ond_-Maso~/Pass_md pnanimously (_Maddmn_and_Jon~s Absm2t) to direct Staff to postpone processing sewer service applications until Board Action on Ordinance NO. 392. Presented by James Corer: ~$animo~s2m(~add~n~and_ don~. ~ to approve execution by Chairman of Board of the MOU between City of South Lake Tahoe and STPUD concerning Joint En- forcement of Regulation. Presented by John Weidman: Moyed_O!son/SeDond_.M.ason/Passed '~nanimouslmiMaddgn_anlJon~s to'adopt a resolution by title authorizing Chairman of Board to sign the Modification Agreement Between Diamond Ditch Mutual Water Assoc. and STPUD. Presented by John Weidman: ~oymd_Maso_n/~e~ond_.Dlson/Pas~ed ~nanimou_~_y_lMadd~n_.and_Jon_es. s~ to adopt resolution by title'authorizing Chairman of Board to sign Agreement Between Fred H. Gansberg and STPUD. ~PPROY~._PAYM~N~ AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 372: SERVICE & CONNECTION CHARGES ON UNREPORTED.~ONN~CTIONS...ANP..D%~CHA~E~_ REGULATION REGARDING SINGLE FAMILY CONVERSIONS TO ~ULT~.pLE FAMILY USE5 PLANT MODIFICATION PROJECT: COUNTY_.POBTIQN.. ALPINE REG~UL_AR_ DOA_RD. MEKT.IN6.. M~N~TiE~_ - .DECEMB_ER_ 4 .... 1986 ......... _ PA_GE_ _- _4~ _ __ Presented by James Corer: _MD. yed_ _Ols~onJS._e_c_omd Mas~n~/Passe_d Unanimo.us lY- -( Made_eh_ _and_ Jones _Ab_san~3_ to authorize CWC-HDR Task Order NO. 27 for an amount not to exceed $5,066 for a Construction Waste Discharge Report for Lahontan Permit. Presented by Bob Baer and Joe McNeil: At this time, Joe McNeil explained the problem with Change Order No. 13 and stated it is held over for nego- tiation with the Contractor. M~vgdOlson/S~¢o~d_~ason/Passed ~ to authorize Execution of Change Orders: No. 9 - $5,225.40 No. 10 - $1,773.04 No. 11 - $2,016.10 No. 12 - $1,561.10 No. 14 - $115,412.28 Director Olson stated he had discussed the 1987 Election of Officers with the two absent Board Members, (Madden and Jones) who agreed with the motion he would put forth. ~oyed_.Ols. on~ond.~asD~/PasS~ ~nanimous!y_lChai~n_~vnn Abs~ain~d]_.l~addgn_and J_onga ~_~ to retain the present officers for the 1987 term. 12/5/86 - 10:00 AM, EDWPA @ EID, Placerville 12/11/86 - 4:00 PM - Board Workshop I/I Study Discussion 12/12/86 - 10:00 AM So. Shore Water Purveyors 12/15/86 - 4:00 PM Workshop/Agenda Items PLANT MODIFICATION PROJECT: TREATMENT PLANT - ALTA PACIFIC ~HAN~.Q~DER~_. ~QT!~C~ O_F,,~ F~U~UR_E_ M~]S.T.~INGS R G LAR OARD TI G ~IN TES - D C BER 4 86 P G - 5 12/18/86 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting 12/18/86 - 6:00 PM - Christmas Dinner 1/15/-17/87 - CASA 1/23/87 - 2:00 PM - Hearing: Third District Court of Appeals Sewage Quality Initiative 4:20 PM for discussion of STPUD vs. F. Heise Land and Livestock Co., Superior Court No. 909. 5:05 PM None 5:05 PM ADJOURNMENT ~_O ~EX~C~T!Y~- S]E~SS!O~N R~CON~VEN.E- TO R~EG~ULA~R___S~S SI ACTION ON ITEMS FROM EXECUTIVE SOUTH TAH~_~ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~T' ~-. MA~ATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT