HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-06-86The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, November 6, 1986, 4:00 P.M., 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, City Council Chambers. Chairman Wynn, Directors Mason, Madden, Jones Director Olson/Absent RDLL__C ALL Corer, Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Swain, Tiran, Plasterer, Schroeder, Miller, Christianson, Cartwright, Hydrick, Attorney Weidman Doug Thomas, Keith Klein, Delores Cofer. Manager Cofer requested the addition of Action Item #7 - Mitigation Fee, Alpine County. Chairman Wynn requested the deletion of Item #4 - Ordinance No. 392. Attorney Weidman requested a meeting with a Committee or some of the Directors and Manager Cofer on the above Ordinance before the study session. It was agreed to meet after the Board meeting to discuss Ordinance NO. 392 and what changes were needed. g~Ne¢ ~_as_on/Sg_con~ Mad~_cL/Passg_d Unaniln_Du~.!~ (Olson Absent) to approve Consent Calendar: .CONS ENT_ ._C._ALENDAB 1) Authorized Notice of Completion by adoption of Resolution No. 2418 for Relocation of a Force Main at Hwy 50 and Ski Run; Installation of New Sewer Lateral at Paradise and Ski Run. 2) Waived late charges in the amount of $382.83 for interest penalties in- curred on the July/August/September 1986 billing - Richard Luippold Account. MEETING_ _~_ ~_NUTES. -. ~QV_ E-MB-._E_R_ 6, _ _1 _9_86 ........ P_AGE ~y~d_Madd~n/S~_¢Dnd_~.on~s/P.assed approve 10/16/86 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. U~ani~B~lv (Olson Absent) to approve 10/27/86 Adjourned Regular Board Meeting Minutes. None None Chairman Wynn announced there will be a meeting with Mr. Cofer, City Manager, and Mr. Klein of the City Council on 11/12/86 to review some proposed sewer transfer develop- ment situations. 10/27/86 - 2:00 PM Adjourned Regular Board Meeting - Insurance 10/27/86 - E1 Dorado County Water Committee Meeting 10/28~31/86 - CA/NV Section AWWA @ Caesars/Tahoe Convention Center and High Sierra 11/3/86 - 4:00 PM Workshop/Agenda Items Manager Cofer reported on the Brown Act and the Amendments that will become effective January 1st, and one that will affect us will re- quire posting the Agenda 72 hours prior to each meeting. A schedule is being planned for 1987 so City Council Chambers can be reserved. It was suggested that the Workshop be moved from Monday afternoon to Monday morning so the Agenda posting would be before 4:00 PM to be able to meet the 72 hour posting requirement. It was decided 9:00 AM was the most convenient time for everyone to meet on Mondays for the Workshop. .APPROVAL OF BD_ABD_ MLN_U'_T_ES B~EPX)B T_ B~Y BOARD_. ME~{B_KRS SHOP STEWARD' S_ BEPOR.T. COMM I _T_T_E _E_ _ B EPQB_T_S PAST_ MEETINGS BE_G_UiLAR_ BQAI{D_ ~EEJF!~G_ _MINHTES - NO~EMBER _6 L _1986 ......... PAGE_ Manager Corer reported also that the CA/NV AWWA conference was a great success and thanked Mickey Madden and Bob Baer for their hard work. AWWA sent the District a plaque and Mr. Corer shared it with everyone at the meeting. Manager Cofer presented the 5th "Golden Plunger" Award to Bob Baer for his excellent conference ~ planning. Also, a first-time award, "The Golden Washer Award" was given to the following people for their hard work and effort during the AWWA Conference week: Rich Tiran, Gene Eppler, Carol Swain, Kay Taylor, Chris Christianson, Rick Hydrick, Gary Plasterer and Margo Miller. Attorney Weidman reported on six items: 1) In addition to the items on the Agenda, including Item #7, he attended a meeting in Sacramento with Jim Cofer and Pat Mamath on Grant Eligibility of Attorney fees, specifically related to the Step 2 design charges. 2) He attended a meeting in Sacramento to discuss the Water Rights Problems the District may have as a result of the State's failure to adopt the Inner-State Compact. Attorney Weidman and Manager Cofer met with the three other District managers, The State Dept. Water Resources Chief Council and State Water Resources Control Board lawyer on these same problems. Attorney Weidman will report on the latter in the near future. ATTO_R_N_EY ' S_. R~EPO~R~T B_E_G~ULAR ._BOARD. ME_ETIN_G_ _MIN_U_T_E_S_ ._.NOy~E!I~B_E__R 6._~1986 PAGE _-_ _4 _ 3) He has also been reviewing AYTOBN~'~_B~PO~T .... CQN~. how much work remains for him to finish his portion of the project in Alpine County, along with Jim Cofer, Gene Eppler, and Dan Hinrichs. 4) Reported the Schwake matter is finally settled. The settlement documents show the District owns outright the valve, the pipeline easement, and there is, now, no claim for effluent on the Schwake land. 5) Reported all but about $24.00 of old Eminent Domain deposits had been taken care of with the County Clerk's office. The remaining orders for return of these deposits have been signed and waiting for the auditor to issue the checks. 6) He will be filing the Heise Eminent Domain documents tomorrow. This will be the subject of the Executive Session today. None PROGRAm{_ MA_NAGEB:_S__ REPORT None COMMENTS FROM AUDIENC~ ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved_MasDnf$gDfind Unanimously (Olson/Absent) to approve payment in the amount of $676,299.34. Presented by John Cartwright. ~ed ~ason/SecQnd._Maddgd/P~ss~d Unani~Dnsl~ (O!sQn/Absent~. to proceed with water and/or sewer disconnection procedure for the 3rd quarter accounts presented to the Board this date as shown on the attached Exhibit "A" List, which becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein. PAYStE_NT OF CLAIMS DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS: DISCONNECTION PROCEDURE B_E_G!JLAR__BO_A_RD_ M~EET_LN_G_ MI_BIU_TES __-.._N_D_YFJ!B_E_~ _6_ L. 1986 P2G_E__-_ _5_ _ _ Presented by James Co£er who read changes aloud. N_nanimousl_¥. (Olson Absent) to adopt Ordinance NO. 391 and pro- viding for sewer service charges payable in advance. Presented by Rich Tiran. Mo~_d._Mason/S_e_cond_.J_on~s/Passe~ DmaD~mo~sl~ (Olson Absent) to award Bid No. 86-87-13 to Shehadi Motors in the amount of $15,867.14 and to South Shore Ford in the amount of $54,303.31. Presented by Bob Baer' M_~ve~ Mason/Second Dnanimous~y. (Olson Absent) to award bid to the lowest, respon- sive, responsible bidder, Alonzo Ritchie for Construction of the Project in the amount of $42,445. Manager Corer reported on the November election. The Histo- rical Protection Ordinance was defeated by 262 "NO" votes to 166 "YES votes, for a 61.2% negative vote. It was defeated in all five precincts in Alpine County. Presented by Attorney Weidman who reviewed the Mitigation fees and work needed prior to construction in Alpine County. He also remind- ed the Board of the Second Amend- ment to the Agreement in Alpine County which provides an impact mitigation compensation fee of $100,000 annually. Attorney Weidman suggested the Board take action on this matter after the Executive Session follow- ing today's meeting. ~[E_ND_M_E-N_T_ _OF_ OB_D_I N_A~_C E ._NO 3 Y~. PUR_CHA_S~__Off_ __4_ X_ _4_ _D ! ~STR ICT_ VE!t!_C. L~_S. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION FOUNDATION 5YABILIZAT~0N__. M~I[r I_GAT!ON_ FEE___-_ _ALPINE_ COUNTY 11/7/86 - E1 Dorado Water Purvey- or's at TCPUD N_OT!..CE_ _O~F_ ~UT_UBE_ N_E_E T ! NGS_ 11/14/86 - South Shore Water Purveyors, 10:00 AM - District Office 11/14~15/86 - CASA 11/17/86 - 4:00 PM Workshop/Agenda Items 11/20/86 - 4:00 PM Regular Board Meeting 4:33 PM For Discussion of STPUD vs. F. Heise Land & Livestock Co., Alpine Co. Superior Court, No. 909. 5:00 PM Presented by James Cofer who re- quested authorization to send two checks to Alpine County: One in the amount of $100,000 for miti- gation fees and another check in the amount of $15,000 for water quality monitoring. M_o~_d_ Jongs/5_e~ond_ Maddgn/P.asse_d Un. animou~sl~ (Olson/Absent) to authorize the requested checks as noted above. ~, DJO_UBN..MENT ~T~O._ EXECUT!Y_E_ SESS!OH ACTION ON ITEMS FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION: MI~!~AT~QNF~_.r_ ALP~NE_ffD~N~ Attorney Weidman gave an update on the outside Counsel bills and the items each firm and attorney is working on. He suggested the District share the services and charges of Fred Girard (with the Law Firm of Adolph Moskowitz) with Tahoe City PUD on the State Water Compact, Water Rights issue, except for permits. 5:10 PM C AIRM OF BOARD SOUT JrA OE r UBLIC UTILITY IST ICT :A~ A. MA~ATH", CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT