HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-16-86MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 16, 1986 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, October 16, 1986, 4:00 P.M., 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, City Council Chambers. BOARD MEMBERS: Chairman Wynn, Directors Mason, Madden, Olson, Jones ROLL CALL STAFF: Cofer, Baer, Mamath, Brown, Tiran, Plasterer, B. Eppler, G. Eppler, Miller, Attorney Weidman GUESTS: Noel Walker, Keith Klein Manager Cofer requested the meeting be Adjourned to October 27, 1986, 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers and to defer Action Item XIV. (5)-District Insurance Policy Renewal, to the October 27th meeting. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA Director Madden requested Consent Calendar Item No. 3 be removed from the Consent Calendar and placed on Action Item XIV. (7). Moved Madden/Second Olson/Passed Unan- imously to approve Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Authorized Notice of Completion for Relocation of Water and Sewer Lines at Hwy. 50 and Ski Run Blvd. by adoption of Resolution No. 2416; 2) Authorized execution of Agreement Amendment between U.S.F.S. and District to extend the time to 6/30/87 for the Upper Truckee River Erosion Control Project. Moved Mason/Second Madden/Wynn Abstained/ Passed to approve 10/2/86 Regular Board Meeting minutes. None CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT None REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 16, 1986 Page 2 Director Olson stated he enjoyed reading the PIPELINE and felt it was a splendid job, well done. He also thanked all those who contributed to the articles. 10/2/86 - E1 Dorado County Water Pur- veyors Association 10/3/86 - 10:00 AM - Tour of Plant Modification Construction Area 10/14/86- 4:00 PM - Workshop/Agenda Items Manager Cofer reported on three items: 1) Stated he had presented a paper at ACWA, entitled: TAHOE EXPERIENCE, for the Water Reuse subcommittee; 2) Reviewed the upcoming vacancies on the Lahontan Board; 3) Stated TRPA had given an October 15th deadline exemption for a portion of work on the Plant Modification Project to Alta Pacific. The District did not get an exemption for the Sam Small Water Line project. That work will have to be re- scheduled for the spring of 1987. Attorney Weidman reported he had been working on the following items: 1) The Schwake release settlement; 2) The insurance matter to be discussed at the October 27th Adjourned meeting and the alleged additional liability of the Dam in Alpine County; 3) The IBLA Permit language (Mitigation Program) for submittal to BLM; 4) He had been in contact with Tom Woodruff in Mike Dillon's office re their appearance at the Joint Assembly Committee on the San Marcos issue. None None COMMITTEE REPORTS PAST MEETINGS MANAGER'S REPORT ATTORNEY'S REPORT PROGRAM MANAGER'S REPORT COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 16, 1986 Page 3 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed Unan- imously to approve payment in the amount of $1,427,460.53. Presented by Rich Tiran. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unan- imously to award the bid to Crane Service Corp. as the lowest, responsive, respon- sible bidder in the amount of $6,143.16. Presented by Gary Plasterer. Moved Olson/Second Mason/Passed Unan- imously to authorize purchase from Calgon Corp. for an amount not to exceed $25,500. Presented by Bob Baer who explained to the Board the many conflicts between the City of So. Lake Tahoe project and the District's water and sewer lines. He further explained there appeared to be no coordination between the District's existing as-built drawings supplied to the City and the City's project. Director Madden requested a formal com- plaint be lodged with the City for the high costs incurred by the District for their project. Manager Cofer stated he would be dis- cussing these costs with Lahontan for a grant eligibility determination since this City project was being funded with Lahontan Grants. After considerable discussion Madden Moved/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to declare a Great Emergnecy and author- ize the relocation and rerouting of lines for an approximate amount of $20,000. Deferred to 10/27/86, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS PURCHASE OF TWO OVERHEAD HOISTS/BID NO. 86-87-07R PURCHASE OF 34,000 POUNDS OF VIRGIN CARBON GREAT EMERGENCY: RELOCATION OF WATER AND SEWER LINES FOR BIJOU WILDWOOD EROSION PROJECT INSURANCE POLICY RENEWAL REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 16, 1986 Page 4 Presented by John Weidman.who reviewed the findings in Resolution No. 2417,with the Board. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unan- imously to adopt Resoultion No. 2417 which rejects the bid received 10/14/86 and authorizes a rebid. Presented by Manager Cofer who stated the College was requesting a refund of the First Quarter Service Charges and a deferral of Service Charges until 4/1/88. After discussion between Board Members, Manager Cofer and Bob Eppler the Board elected to take no action. The Board requested staff to revise the Ordinance to address Public Works Projects as it relates to Connection Charges and Service Charges for review at the next regular board meeting. 10/27/86 - 2:00 PM - Adjourned Board Mtg. 10/27/86 - 7:00 PM - E1 Dorado County Water Committee, Placerville 10/28-31 - Calif-Nevada Section, AWWA @ Caesars Tahoe Convention Center & High Sierra 11/3/86 - 4:00 PM - Workshop-Agenda Items 11/6/86 - 4:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting 11/14/86 - So. Shore Water Purveyors 11/14-15 - CASA 4:35 P.M. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION FOUNDATION CORRECTION LAKE TAHOE COMMUNITY COLLEGE SERVICE CHARGES NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINTS ADJOURNMENT TO OCTOBER 27, 1986 2:00 P.M.-CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, HELD ON THE 16th DAY OF October, 1986 - 4:00 P.M. AT THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE WAS ADJOURNED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO THE AT 2:00 P ,M,, MEETING AT: Chambers 27th DAY OF October, 1986 1900 Lake Tahoe Blvd., City Council PAT A, M~MATH, ~SLEI~K OF~BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DATED: October 16, 1986