HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-02-86REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 2, 1986 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, October 2, 1986, 4:00 PM, 1900 Lake Tahoe Blvd., City Council Chambers. ~PABD_OF_DIRE~TOR~ Directors Mason, Jones, .Madden. Director Olson/Absent, Chairman Wynn/Absent. Cofer, Baer, Mamath, Fischer, G. Eppler, Tiran, B. Eppler, Cartwright, Swain, Plasterer, Hydrick, Rieger, Attorney Weidman. Walt Howard - Carollo Engineers. Manager Cofer requested the addition of an Executive Session at the end of the meeting, regarding the Schwake Federal Court Action. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS TO ~QENDA .... Mo_v.e~d_ Jon_es/~Sec~ond_ }~a_dd~enYPass_e~d _Unanim_o._usl¥_ _COlson .... ~W_vnnYAbs~en~t) to approve as submitted: 1) Agreement for Assignment of STPUD contracts with Culp/Wesner/Culp to CWC-HDR; 2) Authorized Sale of District Surplus Property on 10/17/86; 3) Authorized District's Legal Counsel to Take Legal Action to Guarantee Payment of Assessment District Pay- ments as shown on the attached Exhibit A List which becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein. to approve the September 18, 1986 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. None None None 9/22/86 9/26/86 9/29/86 E1 Dorado County Water Committee @ South Lake Tahoe & Tour of Sewer Plant South Shore Water Purveyors 4:00 PM Workshop/Agenda Items Manager Cofer attended the South Shore Water Purveyors Meeting. Mr. Carl Lischeske of State Health Department reported to the Water Purveyors on the potential impacts of the Safe Water Drinking Act of 1986. It will require substantial increase in water quality monitoring and may require modification of the Cold Creek Filter Plant to include coagulation sedimentation prior to filtration. The District will have to be in compliance by January, 1992. Attorney Weidman reported he had worked on the subject that will be discussed at the Executive Session: Schwake Federal Court Action, and spent time working on the Confirmation Compen- sation & Health & Welfare Benefits for Officers, Managment, and Confidential Employees. Rick Hydrick and Tim Rieger gave an update report on The Tahoe Savings and Loan I/I problems. They stated progress had not been timely to this date. The Board recommended a letter be sent stating the District would start charging for gal- lonage treated and would be forced to dis- connect if it affects the Plant's opera- tion. The Board also wanted the letter to point out the long period of time the owners have had to comply with the Board's Ordinance. APPBOYAL_OF.~OABP~~ B_EPOKT_ .B_Y_ _BOAB~0_ M_EM~B_R_S_ ..S,H~OP_ STE__W.ARD_'..S...REPOB~ .,CQM~!I ~_T_EB_ BBP_OBT~ PA_S_T_ ME E T~IN_G_S _RE_G_ULA_R_ _BOARD_ M_EET~N_G_ Il I N_U_TE_S_ _-_ _OC_TOB_Et{[ 2_J _. !~_8._6__ PAG_E _-_ 3 .... N_oi!_e_ .COM~!_EN_TS~ F_RO_M_ AUD! (Short Non-Agenda Items) BOARD_.ACTION. Moyed_Jones/S~conff ~adden/Pa~sed Unanimoualy..(.O~Pn .... ~ynn~bsent.~ to authorize payment in the amount of $316,733.58. Presented by John Cartwright. ~nes_Moved/~_ond_Ma~n/Pass~ U~uanimous!y.(0!sop~._WynD/Abse~t.) to authorize staff to proceed with 2-week disconnection procedure for accounts presented on Exhibit B List, made a part of these minutes by re- ference herein. Presented by Barrie Fischer. U~animous!y_.(.Ol$~n .... ~¥nn/~bsen~ to: A) Adopt Resolution No. 2413-Determin- ing that the Public Interest and Neces- sity Demand the Acquisition of Certain Public Utility Water Works/Tahoe Paradise Water Co. B) Adopt Resolution No. 2414-Determin- ing Adequacy of Water Supply, That Acquisition can be Accomplished from Revenues and Ordering Filing of Plans and Estimates and Agreements/Tahoe Paradise Water Co. Unani~ously.(Olson, Wynn/Absent). to: C) Adopt Ordinance No. 389-Determin- ing to Acquire Public Utility Water Works and Approving and Authorization Execution of Certain Agreements in Connection Therewith and Rescinding Ordinance No. 387/Tahoe Paradise Water Co. PA_YMEN~T_ O_F_ CLA~IM~_ DISCONNECTION OF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS__ ACQUISITION OF TAHOE PARADISE WATER_COMPANY ASSET~ ,RKG_U. LAR_ BOA_RD_ ~E_E_T !_N _G M_IN_UTES ~-_ OC~TOBER_ 2 .... !~_8_6_ . ._P_AG.E_ r_ _4_ ...... Presented by Rich Titan. ~Danimo~sA~,.~9lSO~,_~ynn Absent) to authorize going to bid for budgeted vehicles. Presented by John Weidman. Unani~ousl~(p~p~,_Wynn/Absent) to adopt Ordinance No. 390 - Con- firming Compensation ProviSions for Officers of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Presented by John Weidman. to adopt Resolution NO. 2415. CONFIRMATION OF COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS FOR THE SOUTH TA~O~P~L~C_PTIL!~.~!STg!~ CONFIRMATION OF COMPENSATION FOR MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDEN- TIAL EMPLOYEES AND CONFIRMING HEALTH AND WELFARE BENEFITS FOR ALL MANAGEMENT AND CONFI- 10/3/86 E1 Dorado Water Purveyors Assoc. @ Georgetown Divide PUD 10/13/86 10:00 AM - Board Tour of Treatment Plant Construction Project 10/28-31/86 CA/NV Section AWWA @ Caesars Tahoe Convention Center and High Sierra Walt Howard, Carollo Engineers, gave the PROGRESS REPORT: PLANT MODI- Board an update on the Change Order Nego- FICATION PROJECT - CONTRACT tiations with Alta-Pacific. 5:15 PM For discussion of the Schwake Federal Court Action: ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE Melvin Schwake Jr. vs So. Tahoe Public Utility District of Cali- fornia/No. CIV-S-84-1515 MLS ~, J6~N W~N, CHAI~MAN~OF BOAR SOUTH~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 2, 1986 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES EXHIBIT "A" ACCOUNTS SENT SECOND LETTER, DUE TO NON PAYMENT OF SECURED TAXES THROUGH EL DORADO COUNTY TAX ROLLS. LETTER DATED 9-11-86, ACCOUNTS WERE VERIFIED UNPAID, 9-10-86. 21 251 201 0 ~mit~h _ 144 Sand ~ ~Ca. 94025 21 261 161 0 ~ Beatrice 2433 O~ A~, Ca. 95301 21 261 361 0 Grubb, Roberta L. 9600 E. Girard Ave. 8-E Denver, Co. 80231 $536.84 21 301 201.0 Wright, Samuel L.. Jr. 490 Walsh Rd. Atherton, Ca. 94025 $99.76 21 301 221 0 21 311 101 0 21 321 101 0 21 321 151 0 21 371 031 0 21 391 091 0 Turley, Suzanne E. 4210 Paradise Drive Belvedere Tiburon, Ca. 94920 Bourne, George 170 Montrose Rd. Berkeley, Ca. 94707 Etcheverry, Bernard & C. 315 Vassar Ave. Berkeley, Ca. 94708 Delfs, Edwin Ralph Trust DelfS, Annelle Chappus Trust 10505 Sundown Canyon Way Los Altos Hills, Ca. 94022 Colyear, B. H. Jr. 1363 South Eliseo Drive San Rafael, .Ca. 94904 Houston, Jean D. 1331 Torrey Ave. Davis, Ca. 95616 $120.48 $117.76 $91.94 $110.26 $619.32 $273.33 OCTOBER'2, 1986 · REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES EXHIBIT "B" SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MEMORANDUM DT: TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS RE: John Cartwri§ht, ,.Col. lection' Of. ricer ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED FoR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECT PROCEEDINGS 23-132-231 Manzanita Motel 532 Emerald Bay~ ~, ,,-~. . $ 490.59 ;. 23-141-061 ~ Lazy S Lodge 609 Emerald Bay ~r~-Ta~ ~:~ ~ ' . , .~ ~ ,~.~ ..~ ~,-,7 757.83 2~ ~-~' Hung-Ming-Tiong ~'~ ~-~- ' ~ ~ 26-067-111 Frederick Swanton A-A!amcda Motcl 737 San Francisco 443.80 408 '~ 272053-151 27-081-051 7-11 Motel 3640 Lake TAhoe Blvdf~:~ Kent Motel '. 3773 Lake Tahoe Blvd. 460.17 2,546.72 1,759.93 27-081-061 Chippewa Motel 3780 Lake Tahoe Blvd. 27-135-171 &~:~,4~'Te~ce~.e~.p,-v~ ~,,..~,. ~ ~'/~.~ 27-135-181 Irene Tercero Strange 1120 Sonora & 3697 Larch 2,697.16 455.44 27-144-231 & 27-144-241 27-155-021 Larch Manor Apts. Nephele Center 3777 & 3781 Larch 1169 Ski Run 1,007.62 524.34 27-322-191 2~7-33!-!4! 27-350-011 ~w ~ 111 29-141-161 L.J. Logan Sierra Play-Chalet Motel II=' 1153 1198 Ski Run/~ Timber Touch Motel 700.35 641.81 2,724.71 3532 Lake Tahoe BlvdlQe~ z/o-3 ~ "~x~,7817.66 Lloyd Bretthauer 3628 Pioneer 734.75 Tahoe King-Franklin Motel 3988 Pine 738.94 ~dCOUNTS SUBMITTED FOR AUTHORIZATION OF DISCONNECT PROCEEDINGS, CONT. ?A( - 2 ]9-161-241 Tahoe Mountain Lodge 3868 Lake Tahoe Blvd. ]9-371-011 Diane Watson 3884 Pioneer .......... 'T~4 ,.~,.~ ,~ ~ '~ ]9 381 ]2-161-091~~ Paula Wheaton ;. ~,', ~ ~M~ 1345 Bonanza $1,080.27 1,076.92 3,113.4-2 1,820.67 ~.61-051-601 to 604 ~91-900-601 ~ to 603 Tom Murray Elm Inn'~'' '~"'""' ~_z,. ~;-,' ,,~.:~ ~9-44i-041 . ~ Culuny 3057 Sacramento 920.48 4082-4090 Lake Tahoe Blvd. 7,598.09 S794 M~utr~l 2,253.5G '~' 388.5D9 3,041.17