HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18-86REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTtt TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 18, 1986 Directors Mason, Jones, Olson, Madden. Chairman Wynn/Absent. Cofer, Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Miller, Attorney Weidman, Brown, Schroeder, Plasterer, B. Eppler, Swain. Richard Solbrig Councilman Keith Klein None .U..Daninto~s!y__(~ynn/Ab$._eni3 to approve as submitted: · ) Award Bid No. 86-87-12 to South Tahoe Construction Co. for the amount of $20,307.47 - Manhole Replacement Project. 2) Authorize purchase for an amount not to exceed $15,000 - New Centrifuges/ Spare Parts. 3) Authorize purchase for an amount not to exceed $10,000 - AC Drive positive Displacement Pump Unit. 4) Authorize staff to obtain bids for repair work - Repair of Luther Pass Pump Station Foundations. .C.ORREC~!DNDY~ADD~I~TIDN_S_ ~Q ~AQ~ENDA ~C QN_S_EN~ ~ C AL~N_D_AR _R_E_GUL.AB._ BO2BD_.MEE_T!NG_. M!N_U_~ES_ - SEP~EMB_E..B_ ._18 1_98_6_ _..P.2._GE__-___2 ......... . ycdMad.d~n/5~cDnd_...J.on~sYD!sD2 ~b.stained/Pass~d_~Wy. nn_ Absent.) to approve the 8/25/86 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. APPBOYAL_.OF..BOARD.. M !N_U...TE8 Nnanimo~si_v__£~y~n_AhsenD_). to approve the 9/4/86 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. None None None 9/5/86 9/10/86 9/15/86 10:00 AM - E1 Dorado Water Purveyors 10:00 AM - Area Managers Meeting @ South Tahoe 4:00 PM - Workshop/Agenda Items 5~OP_~TEWARD_'.5. gEPQg% Manager Cofer reported on two meetings be had attended: ~_ANA_GEB_' S_ _R_EPORT, · ~ He met with the Alpine County Nego- tiation Team on 9/15/86 along with two Directors and Attorney Weidman. 2) He and Attorney Weidman met with the prospective buyer of the Heise Land and Livestock properties in Alpine County to familiarize them with our Project & Plans. In addition to the two meetings mentioned by Manager Cofer, Attorney Weidman said he had met with Gene Eppler and Dan Hinrichs, concerning matters that will have to be attended to in Alpine County; Met with the Purveyors, the prime in- terest being the San Marcos decision by Appellate Court. In relation to the San Marcos decision, Attorney Weidman discu- ssed with the Moskowitz firm what autho- rity the Districts have to serve the State and local agencies pending clari- fication of State Law/Code. A~T_OBN~_Z.' S_ ~REP02~ BE_GULAR_ BOg_RD_ MEET_ING.. _3I_INUT~E_S._ _- _SEPT~MB_EB_ _1_8_._ 1986. ................ PA_GE.-._ zh Solbrig of Carollo Eng. reported on the Construction Project of the Treatment Plant for Contract No. 1, with Alta Paci- fic. He explained the activities that are ongoing and what has been completed, (18%). Rich Solbrig also responded to questions from the Board by Directors Jones and Mason. Bob Eppler gave an update on Parcel #29-132-031 (2840 Pine Blvd.) He reported the two certified letters sent to the property owner were both returned. Today, the property was posted with a 48-hour disconnect notice. (The owner was given a hand-delivered notice). None P_R_O GRAM MANA_GER_'_S_ Prior to "Payment of Claims", Attorney [dman brought to the Board's attention v,ie check to the U.S.D.A.F.S. ($46,760) and the substitution of Securities check to Alta Pacific ($44,946) and stated the Board's concerns in both cases had been resolved. _M_oy_ed_ 0ks_on/S_eco_nd_ Jon_e_s/Passe_d ~U~.animous!m Gtvnn Ab_s_ejat) to approve payment in the amount of $981,719.94. Presented by Manager Cofer U_nanimous!_v__(.Wyn Ab _en ), to approve Task Order No. 2 to J.H. Kleinfelder in an amount not to exceed $9,850 for related services. Presented by Manager Cofer UnanimDus!y_~ynn.Abs~ng.) to approve CWC-HDR Task Order No. 26 in an amount not to exceed $44,310. _. 5_T. AFF_. R_E_C. OM~LEND[ED_ A_C~I_O~ ........ APPB.OYE_PAYMEN~_Off_.CL3~N5 APPROVE LAHONTAN BOARD ORDER NO. 6-85-22 and 6-86-87: EXPAND MQNITORING_Q~. EMEgQENC% HOLDING.~..POND DIAMOND DITCH PIPELINE DESIGN ~O~FICAT~Q~. ~Q~LAR. B0~D MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER~ ...... ~986 PAGE - 4 22/86 9/26/86 10/28/86 - 31/86 4:30 PM 10:00 AM - E1 Dorado County Water Committee Meeting @ City Council Chambers and tour of District's Sewer System. 10:00 AM - South Shore Water Purveyors Meeting CA/NV Section of AWWA at Caesar's Tahoe Convention Center and High Sierra NO_TI CE_ Q_F. _FUT_UBE_.M_E_E_T!ND_$. ROBERT MASON, VICE CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~ A. MAMATH, C~RK O~ BOARD ~UTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT