HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-01-85 AdjournedMINUTES ADJOURNED P~GULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 1, 1985 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular session, July 1, 1985, 4:00 P.M., 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, City Services Center. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Madden, Directors Mason, Jones, Wynn, Olson ROLL CALL STAFF: Cofer, Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Cartwright, Sullivan, Schroeder, B. Eppler, Taylor, Attorney Weidman GUESTS: Peter Weigelt and Attorney Greg Lien (Public Hearing) None CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA Moved Wynn/Second Olson/Passed Unanimously CONSENT CALENDAR to approve as submitted: 1) Authorization of Membership renewal with Mountain Counties Water Resources Association with a request to E1 Dorado County Water Agency to make payment from the Tax Transfer Allocation. 2) Authorized increase of 1 sewer unit on APN 29-083-161 (Playland Motel) and a 2 year back charge in the amount of $180.00. 3) Authorized an increase of 6 sewer units on APN 29z161-091 (duplex at 3839 Pentagon) and collect back charges, connection charges, service charges and permit fees in the amount of $8,896.00. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve the 6/2~/85 Regular Board Meeting. None APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT None Director Jones noted the Plant Operations Committee had met re Board Action Item No. 4. COMMITTEE REPORTS ADJOURNED REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 1, 1985 Page 2 6/28/85 - 10:00 A.M. - E1 Dorado County Water Agency Erosion Control Projects with Supervisor Lowe. PAST MEETINGS Manager Cofer reported on the above 6/28/85 meeting. He stated Supervisor Lowe had invited a number of people from the basin to meet and form a Task Force. She informed the group the meeting was the start of a change in the position of use of tax transfer funds. She wanted to explore the interest of the group and 1) identify erosion and drainage projects within the basin; 2) establish long range planning; and 3) obtain a commitment from Lahontan not to change permi't conditions. Supervisor Lowe further stated it might be possible to separate the west slope pro- jects from basin projects and Supervisor Tom Stewart stated concerns for losing area monies to the west slope if a "priority project" approach was used. Supervisor Stewart felt it might be possible to use the tax transfer funds as a revenue source for obtaining revenue bonds. Manager Cafer said he stated the District's concerns re the money staying in the area and its use for water projects only. Further he told the group there might be legal issues re use of the funds. Supervisor Lowe stated if there was any litigation re legal issues the County (El Dorado) might withdraw the tax and that these would be the ground rules. The next meeting is scheduled for 8/16 to receive Agencies priority projects. County Council will be circulating a joint planning agree- ment to each of the agencies. After ques- tioning by Director Olson, Manager Cofer re- quested a Board Policy position to present at the 8/16 mtg. Director Jones noted he had also stressed the legal questions re tax transfer funds to Supervisor Lowe. Attorney Weidman stated we needed to wait for a legal opinion from County Council as to what can be spent on erosion - (1) Is it going to be legal to spend monies on erosion any place in the basin within our District or (2) are you only going to have to be limited to spending for erosion control projects to protect the water supply? MANAGER' S REPORT ADJOURNED REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 1, 1985 Page 3 Attorney Weidman stated he had been work- ing on Ordinance 372 (Board Action Item No. 6). Discussion was held re the Candidates Statement for the election of Directors whose seats terminate in November, 1985. 1) The length of the Statement shall remain at 200 words by No Action by the Board. 2) Director Olson Moved/Second Mason/ Passed Unanimously to have each in- dividual candidate pay the estimated cost of his or her candidates statement. None None 4:15 P.M. Presented by Bob Baer Additional comments were made by Attorney weidman about the easement areas involved in the lot in question and the background of the District property on which the water tanks are located as it relates to Lot 50. ~ Property owner, Peter Weigelt, was rep- resented by Attorney Gregg Lien. Mr. Lien presented the concerns of Mr. Weigelt followed by Mr. Weigelt speaking in be- half of himself. (Mr. Weigelt is the owner of Lot 50, Heavenly Valley Homes, Unit No. 1.) None 4:42 P.M. ATTORNEY'S REPORT PROGRAM MANAGER'S REPORT COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Short Non-Agenda Items) PUBLIC HEARING: INTENT TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY AUTHORIZING FILING OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS-HEAVENLY VALLEY WATER TANKS EROSION CONTROL PROJECT, LOT 50 HEAVENL' VALLEY HOMES, UNIT NO. 1 OPEN HEARING ENGINEERING REPORT PROPERTY OWNER COMMENTS PUBLIC COMMENT CLOSE HEARING ADJOURNED REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 1, 1985 Page 4 Moved Wynn/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to continue this item and reserve action until the July 18, 1985 Board Meeting. (Also, to be included in July 15th Workshop.) BOARD ACTION PUBLIC HEARING (continued) BOARD ACTION Moved Wynn/Second Olson/Passed Unanimously to authorize payment in the amount of $314,386.41. Presented by Barrie Fischer. Director Olson noted the plan had been reviewed by the Finance Committee. Moved Olson/Second Wynn/Passed Unanimously to approve "Adoption Agreement" with Manufacturers Life Insurance and authorized execution by General Manager and Finance Officer. Presented by Jack Sullivan. It was noted this item was discussed with the Opera- tions Committee. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unan- imously to purchase machine for an amount not to exceed $6,000. Presented by Bob Baer. This item was discussed with both the Operations and Finance Committees. Moved Olson/Second Wynn/Passed Unan- imously to authorize Change Order No. 4 in the amOunt of $78,802.34. Presented by Barrie Fischer. Director Olson noted this item had been reviewed by the Finance.Committee. Moved Olson/Second Wynn/Passed Unan- imously to approve lease for HP 3000 Series, 37 XE System in the amount of $1,832.40/month plus $396/month main- tenance for a period of Five Years. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS EMPLOYEE PENSION PLAN COMPACTION TESTING MACHINE 1984 WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT, JOE SUTER CONSTRUC- TION CONTRACT DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM-HEWLETT PACKARD COMPANY ADJOURNED REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 1, 1985 Page 5 Presented by John weidman wi~h additional comments from Collection Officer Cart- wright who felt the shut-off policy was needed in order to collect the older delinquent billings. Director Mason requested a summarization of the shut-off policy be included with the next customer billing after the policy takes effect. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to adopt Sewer Services Ordinance No. 372 as amended (corrections and comments re- viewed by Attorney Weidman). Moved Mason/Second Wynn/Passed Unanimously to adopt Water Services Ordinance No. 373 as amended (corrections and comments re- viewed by Attorney weidman). It was noted by President Madden Ordinance No. 372 & 373 would take effect in 30 days. DISTRICT SHUT-OFF POLICY: ADOPT SEWER SERVICES ORDIN- ANCE NO. 372; WATER SERVICES ORDINANCE No. 373. 7/2/85 - 9:30 A.M. - Senate Water Committee re AB914 7/10/85- 9:30 A.M. - TRPA APC Meeting re Plant Modification Permit 7/15/85- 4:00 P.M. - Workshop/Agenda Items 7/18/85- 4:00 P.M. - Regular Board Meeting 7/24-25- TRPA Meetings 8/14-17- CASA Work Conference 8/16/85- Task Force with Supervisor Lowe 5:08 P.M. NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT