HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-18-85MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 18, 1985 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, July 18, 1985, 4:00 P.M., 1900 Lake Tahoe Blvd., City Services Center. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Madden, Directors Jones, Wynn, Mason/Late Director Olson/Absent ROLL CALL STAFF: Cofer, Baer, Fischer, Mamath, H. Williams, B. Eppler, G. Eppler, Schroeder, Plasterer, Attorney Weidman Manager Cofer requested Item No. 3 be deleted from Board Action Agenda CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA Assistant Manager Baer requested Resolution No. 2372 be added to Consent Calendar Item No. 2 Moved Wynn/Secon~ Jones/Passed CONSENTCALENDAR Unanimously (Olson, Mason Absent) to approve as submitted (with addition): 1) Purchase of Autoclave for District Lab through bid process in an amount not to exceed $4,500.00. 2) File Notice of Completion for 1984 Waterline Replacement Project/Joe Surer Construction Co., Inc. with E1 Do~ado County Recorder and Adopt Resolution No. 2372. Moved Jones/Second Wynn/Passed APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES Unanimously (Olson,~ MasQn. Absen~t)~o approve for the 7/1/85 Regular Board Meeting. None REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT None None COMMITTEE REPORTS PAST MEETINGS 7/2/85 - Senate Water Committee (AB-914) 7/10/85- TRPA Advisory Planning Commission 7/15/85- Workshop/Agenda Items REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 18, 1985 Page 2 Manager Cofer noted the Senate Water Committee had passed AB 914 by a vote of 8 to 1 and that the TRPA Advisory Planning Commission (APC) had unanimously recommen- ded certification of the District's EIS. Manager Cofer reported on three items: 1) U.S.F.G. will not renew the District's insurance policy which will terminate on 10/28/85 and has arranged for Jim Norton to be present at a 7/24/85 Workshop to discuss the matter further. 2) Supervisor Pat Lowe has established a subcommittee for Soil Erosion, Drainage Control Projects within the basin. The next meeting date will be 8/16/84, 1:30 P.M., Library Conference Room. 3) Manager Cofer attended a luncheon meeting with the Board of Realtors. They are interested in the District Shut-Off Policy and the Unreported Connections Policy. He noted he had received two compliments about the helpfulness of Customer Relations staff. At the end of the meeting a motion was made for the Board of Realtors to oppose the District's reserving capacity for the Forest Service and State Parks and charg- ing for sewer service for incomplete construction. The motion was referred to committee. Attorney Weidman reported he had been monitoring AB 914. During the Attorney's Report a phone call was received reporting AB 914 had been passed by a vote of 23 to 7 in the State Senate. It will go to the Governor for signature next week. Gary Plasterer reported the Centrifuges were in very poor condition. He stated something must be done immediately as the District was losing ground in its sludge handling operations. There are 4 units, all having problems. John Wynn suggested a meeting with the Operations Committee. MANAGER' S REPORT ATTORNEY'S REPORT PROGRAM MANAGER' S REPORT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 18, 1985 Page 3 None COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Short Non-Agenda Items) BOARD ACTION MoveJ Wynn/Second Jones/Passed Unanimousl~ (Olson/Absent) to authorize payment in the amount of $543,243.38. Presented by John Weidman. Moved Wynn/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously (Olson/Absent) to authorize acquisition by payment to property owner of $7,651 appraised value plus up to $100 in property taxes. Presented by Pat Mamath. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously (Olson/Absent) to authorize solicitation of construction bids. Deleted from Agenda and held over to next Regular Board Meeting. Presented by Ken Schroeder who noted he had met with the Operations and Finance Committees regarding this item. Moved Wynn/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously (Olson/Absent) to authorize purchase by bid process for an amount not to exceed $71,000. (Truck to meet CA, NV, and Cal Osha requirements) Presented by Ken Schroeder. Moved Wynn/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously (Olson/Absent) to authorize purchase by bid process for an amount not to exceed $16,000. Presented by Barrie Fischer who noted this item was included in the 1985-86 budget. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS HEAVENLY VALLEY WATER TANKS EROSION CONTROL GRANT PROJECT: ACQUISITION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY ON APN 30-402-10 (WEIGELT/LOT 50) SOLICITATION OF CONSTRUCTION BIDS TAHOE HUMAN SERVICES AGREEMENT PURCHASE OF 10 WHEEL DUMP TRUCK PURCHASE OF 3 ELECTRIC UTILITY VEHICLES DATA PROCESSING MANAGER POSITION REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 18, 1985 Page 4 Moved Wynn/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously (Olson/Absent) to approve recruitment of a full-time, permanent, management position with a beginning salary of $1,950 plus benefits. Presented by Barrie Fischer. Item continued to July 24, 1985 Adjourned Regular Meeting. 7/19/85 - 10:00 A.M.-So. Shore Water Purveyors 7/24-25 - TRPA Meetings 7/29/85 - 4:00 P.M. Workshop/Agenda Items 8/1/85 - 4:00 P.M. Regular Board Meeting 8/12/85 - Water Agency Meeting 8/14-17 - CASA Work Conference - San Diego 8/16/85 - 1:30 P.M. - Pat LoWe Subcommittee DATA PROCESSING MANAGER POSITION (cOntinued) REMODELING OF NORTH WING OF ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AND PRESENT OFFICE OF FINANCE OFFICER NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 4:50 P.M. ADJOURNMENT TO JULY 24, 1985 ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOTI CE OF ADJOURNMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICTj HELD ON THE 18th DAY OF July, 1985 4:00 P,M, AT THE REGULAR MEETING PLACE WAS ADJOURNED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO THE 24th DAY OF July, 1985 AT 3:00 P,M,, MEETING AT: City Services Center, 1900 Lake Tahoe Blvd~ So. Lake Tahoe, CA DATED: PAT A, ~AMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT I 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2372 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING NOTICE OF COMPLETION, 1984 WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT, JOE SUTER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., TRUCKEE, CALIFORNIA BE IT RESOLVED, by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the SOUTtI 6 TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, COUNTY OF EL DORADO, STATE OF 7 CALIFORNIA, as follows: : 8 WHEREAS, the District Engineer of said District has 9 accepted completion of 'the 1984 Waterline Replacement Project: 10 Waterline installation on Michael Avenue, Chris Avenue, Sierra II Blvd., San Francisco Street, Midway Street, and South "Y" Shopping 12 Center as described in Drawings (Sheets 1 - 9), Project Manual, 13 and Related Change Orders and that same was completed on June 26, 14 1985, by the contractor: 15 JOE SUTER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. 16 P.O. Box 3000 17 Truckee, California 95734 18 WHEREAS, the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, 19 P.O. Box AU, South Lake Tahoe, California, E1 Dorado County, 20 California is the owner of said work. 21 NOW THEREFORE, it is ordered that the Assistant Manager 22 of STPUD is authorized to execute and record a Notice of Comple- ' 23 tion for said project. x2R 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ': 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Resolution No. 2372 Page Two PASSED AND ADOPTED at a duly held regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District on the 18th day of July, 1985, by the following vote: AYES: Directors Madden, Wynn, jOnes, Mason NOES: None ABSENT: Director Olson MARY h~,IADDEN, PRES'IDENT OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CL~RK OF BOARD SOUTtI TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT