HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-16-86MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 16, 1986 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, January 16, 1986, 4:00 P.M., 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, City Services Center. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wynn, Directors Mason, Jones, Madden, Olson STAFF: Cofer, Baer, Fischer, Mamath, Miller, Plasterer, Schroeder, Hrbacek, Taylor, Rondoni, Tiran, Swain, Trebotich, Schrempp, S. Clark, Attorney Weidman-(4:16) GUESTS: Doug Thomas-Carpenter's Local Union No. 1789, Terry and Boyd Youmans-Mid State Electric Co., Norm Woods-City of So. Lake Tahoe, Jeff DeLong-Tribune, Mike Madsen. None Moved Mason/Second Olson/Passed Unan- imously to approve as submitted: 1) Approve submittal of pre-application of Erosion Control Grant to Tahoe Conserv- ancy for five projects - (1) Forest Mt. Water Tank, (2) Twin Peaks Water Tank, (3) Lookout Point Water Tank, (4) Angora Highlands Water Tank, (5) Cold Creek Res.; 2) Authorize execution by Manager/Engineer of Step 3 Grant Amendment to revise Grant Condition No. 10 and the "Building and First Year Operation" schedule; 3) Authorize execution of 12/31/85 Amend- ment to Agreement for Water Service between Harrah's and STPUD in the amount of $9,411/month; 4) Authorize payment to Peter Weigelt in the amount of $55.40. Balance of payment for easement across Lot 50, Parcel No. 30-403-10 related to Heavenly Valley Water Tank Erosion Control Project; ROLL CALL CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA CONSENT CALENDAR REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 16, 1986 Paqe 2 5) Approve hourly rate for Insurance Consultation Rates with James Norton, Sierra Tahoe Insurance,at $50/hour; clerical work connected with same at $23/hour to be used on an as-needed basis with prior approval by Finance Committee. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unan- imously to approve 12/5/85 Reg. Brd. Mtg. as submitted. None Neal Trebotich reported everything was fine. Director Madden reported the E1 Dorado Erosion Control Task Force Committee had met. 1/7/86 - 4:00 P.M. - Special Board Mtg. (held at District) 1/9/86 - 1:00 P.M. - Special Board Mtg. (held at District) 1/10/86-10:00 A.M. - Adjourned Special Board Mtg. (held in public E1 Dorado County court house) 1/8/86 - 2:00 P.M. - Open Construction Bids-Contract No. 1 1/9/86 - Mountain Counties Water Resources Assoc. - Sonora 1/13/86- E1 Dorado County Water Agency 1/13/86- 4:00 P.M. - Workshop/Agenda Items 1/14-15- TRPA Consensus-Douglas Co. Library Manager Cofer read a letter he had received from Fire Chief Cherry, City of So. Lake Tahoe, conm~nding Mike Rondoni for his assistance with an accident. Mr. Cofer also commended Greg Schrempp and Steve Clark for their help with the same accident. Manager Cofer also stated he had received a letter about the success of the United Way campaign which showed a 15% increase by District employees. He commended Kay Taylor for her efforts on behalf of the staff. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT COMMITTEE REPORTS PAST MEETINGS MANAGER'S REPORT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 16, 1986 Page 3 Manager Cofer stated there had been two letters mailed. One to IBLA, Hearing Officer in Washington, asking them to expedite our BLM Permit review and the second to Congressman Shumway asking him for his assistance with the expediting. Pat Mamath introduced Sue Hrbacek who has been hired by the District in the position of Grant Clerk. None MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) PROGRAM MANAGER'S REPORT COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Short Non-Agenda Items) BOARD ACTION Moved Olson/Second Mason/Passed Unan- imously to authorize payment in the amount of $714,122.77. Chairman Wynn appointed Director Madden to be the District representative and Director Jones to be the Alternate. 4:08 P.M. to allow for arrival of Attorney Weidman 4:18 P.M. Presented by Bob Baer who reported to the Board the District had received 7 bids with the apparent low bidder to be Alta Pacific Constructors. He further said the District had received a Mailgram from Roen Construction Co., a telegram from I.B.E.W., Locali'401-Reno, NV and a letter from Mid State Electric Co., and had been contacted by Doug Thomas of United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local Union N6. 1789, all re- questing the District NOT to award the bid to Alta Pacific Constructors. Attorney Weidman stated he had some rec- ommendations regarding the matter, but suggested the Board hear the people present in the audience who were there to address the Board: *Terry Youmans, Mid State Electric Co. *Mike Madsen, Grove Madsen Industries *Doug Thomas, Carpenters Local Union No. 1789 In view of what was said by the protesters the Board made the finding there was a *See attached verbatim transcription. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS APPOINTMENT OF EL DORADO COUNTY WATER COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE RECESS MEETING MEETING RESUMED PLANT MODIFICATION, STEP 3: CONTRACT NO. 1-TREATMENT PLANT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 16, 1986 Paqe 4 potential for litigation. Moved Olson/ Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to adjourn to executive session. 4:30 P.M. 4:50 P.M. Chairman of the Board, John Wynn, an- nounced that discussion would continue on this subject and at the time of Adjourn- ment he would adjourn the meeting to January 21, 1986, 4:30 P.M. John Weidman reported on the progress of the escrow on this property and ex- plained the 1/10/86 Meeting at the Public Court House to those Board members un- able to be present on 1/10/86. Moved Olson/Second Madden to adopt Res- olution No. 2377 Rescinding Resolution No. 2376 which was to Set a Date For Hearing on Intention to Adopt a Res- olution of Necessity to Authorize Filing of Eminent Domain Proceedings. Passed Unanimously. Moved Olson/Second Jones to authorize Vice Chairman and Clerk of Board to execute escrow instructions and prom- issorynote in accordance with the court order ($700,000/total price) and author- ize payment of $175,000/down payment and closing costs, payable to Intercounty Title Co. Vote: AYES: NOES: Directors Olson, Jones Mason, Wynn Director Madden 1/21/86 - 4:30 P.M. Adjourned Board Mtg. 1/23-24 - CASA 2/3/86 - 4:00 P.M. Workshop/Agenda Items 2/6/86 - 4:00 P.M. Regular Board Meeting 5:00 P.M. PLANT MODIFICATION, STEP 3 CONTRACT NO. i-TREATMENT PLANT (continued) ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION MEETING RESUMED PLANT MODIFICATION, STEP 3 CONTRACT NO. 1-TREATMENT PLANT (continued) JOHNSON PROPERTY ADJACENT TO TREATMENT PLANT: PURCHASE NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS ADJOURNMENT TO JANUARY 21, 1986 4:30 P.M., City Services Center REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 16, 1986 Page 5 SOUTH~HOE PUBLIC ~TILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD MEET ING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET: (please print) NAME: ADDRESS: NOTE: COMPLETION OF THE ABOVE INFO~TION IS VOLUNTARY AND NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE. BID PROTEST CONVERSATIONS January 16, 1986 Board Meeting Notes transcribed from recorded tape Bob Baer speaking . .On Wednesday, January 8th the District opened bids for the Plant Modification Project, Contract I-Treatment Plant Modification. Seven bids were received . The apparent low bidder Alta Pacific Constructors, Inc. Since the workshop on Monday, we have received a written claim from Roen Construction Co. requesting that we not award the bid. We received a telegram from Western Union from IBEW requesting we not award the bid and just a few minutes ago we received a letter from Mid State Electric Company requesting that we not award the bid. (end Baer) J. Weidman speaking. . . I have some recommendations about this matter, in fact that's why I am late. (He asks who is here). If you would like to hear from Mid State Electric and Doug Thomas that would be in order and after that I think an executive session would be in order in this matter and then we would adjourn back into the regular meeting and advise the people who are here what the course of action will be and if yOu woUld care to hear from Mid State Electric and Doug Thomas that would be in order preliminarily. end Weidman. Wynn speaking. . is there anyone here who would like to address the Board? Come forward. Give your name and Company. Speaking Terry Youmans, President of Mid State Electric Co .... We were one of the electrical sub bidders on the project. I think you all have a copy of the letter we have written. I don't know if you have had a chance to read it as yet. We have taken exception to the award of the job to the low bidder due to the fact that he did'-not list an electrical subcontractor. All of the other bidders listed Mid State Electric. They all listed for the equipment -2- manufacturer, Westinghouse Electric. For the supplier of the equipment, Grove Madsen Industries. The low bidder in his list of subcontractors neglected to list an electrical subcontractor, however, he did list Westinghouse Electric Co. and Grove Madsen Industries. The people from Grove Madsen have never, ever had a word from the low bidder's office. This raises the question of how can they list a supplier that they have never talked to? We feel there is something wrong. I am not an attorney and don't know all the legal aspects but would ask that you at least see the award delayed to give us some time to consult our attorneys and take whatever action they feel is appropriate. There is probably one answer that you will get from the low bidder and that is that they have not listed a subcontractor because they intend to do their own electrical work. If that is the case, first it should be known that they don't have a C-10 electrical contractor license in the State of California and, secondly, I would question their capabilities and their background to take on over a one million dollar electrical job. I would request that the Board look into their abilities in the electrical field. From what I can gather they are a brand new company and don't have a track record and I think this is something where time should be taken to consider this matter. Thank you. (end Terry Youmans) Weidman speaking By the way, Terry, I did talk to Mike Madsen, who is here, and if he would like to make some comments or verify what Terry said, please come up. Mike Madsen speaking. I'm Mike Madsen from Grove Madsen Industries. We are a wholesale electrical warehouse in Sparks, Nevada and on bid day we did bid all the electrical contractors and we did not bid the general -3- contractor. talk to Alta Pacific Constructors, Inc. Thank you. end Madsen Doug Thomas, Carpenters Local Union speaking. has basically covered the electrical problem. I am the one who bid it for my company and we did not That I will verify. · . Mid State Electric I have a problem with the contractor as to his track record. How does he establish a track record when he has only had a contractors license issued to him December 27, 19857 I don't know how they could call him a responsible bidder as what type of work did he do in the past? That sort of thing is what I question. I was wondering where they came from? Is he responsible? Has he done sewer plants before? Weidman speaking. . .If he is a licensed general contractor in the State of California and he can supply all of the bonds then prima facie tells us we are pretty well in the position that we have to consider awarding him the contract. Doug Thomas speaking .... Okay. Weidman .Doug, were you there at the bid opening? Doug. .. Yes, I was. Weidman . . I think you noticed this right off the button. Doug. . . Yes, well, I couldn't pick up anything on Alta Pacific. I couldn't find them anywhere. Weidman. . . You caught the fact that they did not list an electrical contractor and all that? Doug. . No, I didn't. Not til someone brought it to my attention -4- Weidman speakin~ · · . Your main thought here is that they may not be qualified? Doug. .That they don't have a track record and I don't find anything through the Contractors Board that they were licensed until the 27th of December and we had never heard of them or either person that is listed as the Responsible Managing Officer and the President. Thank you. end Doug Thomas. John Wynn speaking. . . Anyone else here to testify on this subject? Weidman. · . I would like the Board to go into executive session on this. I don't know when you want to do this. I do think that they would want to learn of this course of action and after executive session I think before you do that the Board ought to make a motion that there is some potential litigation here arising out of what you just heard and therfore you have justification under the new government code to go into executive session,. Olson. . . I so move. Madden - Seconded. Wynq . . .Those in favor? AYES, all. Those opposed? So carried. end subject on tape. esh/2-6-86