HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-05-84MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BEARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 5, 1984 5:00 p.m. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Pulbic Utility District met in a regular session, April 5, 1984, 5:00 p.m., City Services Center, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Madden, Directors Wynn, Olson Jones, Mason STAFF: Cofer, Baer, Fischer, Plasterer, B. Eppler, Taylor, Schroeder, Maxhimer, Mamath, Attorney Weidman GUESTS: Stan Hanson None Moved Wynn/Second Olson/Passed unanimously to approve consent calendar as presented: (1) Adjustment to Commercial Sewer Unit Count/APN 27-361-041. (2) Amended Roster of STPUD. (3) Bid Opening/3/14/84-Water Dept. Inventory Supplies 3/15/84 Regular Meeting: Moved Olson/Second Wynn/Passed (Ayes: 4; Abstain: Madden) 3/20/84 Joint Meeting: City of So. Lake Tahoe and STPUD Moved Olson/Second Mason/Passed unanimously None None None 3/20/84-Adjourned Mtg. w/City of SLT 4/2/84 -Workshop Session/Agenda Items 4/2/84 -Subcommittee Meeting with City and STPUD ROLL CALL CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES REPORT BY BOARD ME~iBERS SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT CO~4ITTEE REPORTS PAST MEETINGS Regular Meeting - April 5, 1984 Pa~e 2 Manager Cofer reported he had been assisting Weidman with legal matters related to Alpine County; met with Heavenly Valley and U.S.F.S. re trans- fer of reserve sewer capacity and sewering. Important Meetings: 4/9/84 - Board President and Mr. Cofer to meet with R. Westergard, Nevada D.E.P. re ICR discharges and plans. 4/12/84 - Lanontan staff report on status of project, particularly releases to avoid spill 4/25/84 - State Board, Archaeology con- sultant, Robert Frank/Chairman Washoe Tribe for CA and NV, and Mr. Cofer Have been working with lawyers on re- sponse to Change of Venue; Filed points and authorities on 4/5 in Alpine County; trying to get list from Lahontan to the State Board to notify who would care to make comments on the petition to review waste discharge requirements. Will try to get it to the state board on 4/6 so they can send out the letter and get the 20-day time clock running. Bob Eppler distributed the 1983 Annual Report to the Board members. Jones suggested 2 copies be given to the local library. Cofer commended Eppler's efforts. None BOARD ACTIONS MANAGER'S REPORT ATTORNEY ' S REPORT PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Short Non-Agenda Items) Authorized Payment in the amount~of: $[~6,904.68. Moved Wynn/Second Olson Pa~ed unanimously Revisions explained by Fischer: Increase Water Budget by $15,000. Increase Sewer Budget by $30,000. Moved Wynn/Second Olson/Passed unanimously Resolutions explained by Fischer: (a) Resolution No. 2327 to Rescind Resolution No. 2325 and Resolution No. 2328 to Rescind Resolution No. 2326. Moved Olson/Second Wynn/Passed unanimously (RESOLUTION 2327 and 23'28 ATTACHED) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS APPROVE BUDGET INCREASES APPROVE RESOLUTIONS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1971-1 Regular Meeting - April 5, 1984 Page 3 (b) Resolution No. 2329: Intention to make a Supplemental Assessment to Cover Cost Overruns for Acquisitions and Improvements made in Assessment District No. 1971-1. Moved Wynn/Second Jones/Passed unanimously. (RESOLUTION 2329 ATTACHED) (c) Resolution No. 2330: Preliminarily Approving Engineer's i~eport, Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests and Directing Notice Thereof, and Describing Proposed Boundaries of Assessment District and Directing Filing of Boundary Map. (Hearing will be 2nd meeting in May: 5/17) Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed unanimously.. (RESOLUTION 2330 ATTACHED) Explanation by Manager Cofer. Moved Olson/Second Jones/Passed unanimously Request explained by Plasterer to clean (1) Luther Pass Tank, (2) Upper Reservoir for Filter Plant and (3) #3 Pond at Treatment Plant Moved Olson/Second Mason/Passed unan- imously. 4/12/84 - Lahontan Regional Board 4/16/84 - 2:00 P.M. Tour Water System 4/16/84 - 4:00 P.M. Workshop/Agenda Items 4/19/84 - 5:00 P.M. Regular Board Meeting 5/11-12/84 - CASA - Sacramento 6/4/84 - 3:00 P.M. Joint Committee Meeting City fo So. Lake Tahoe and ST. PUD re Water Systems (This date was changed from 5/21/84) 5:17 P.M.-Fallen Leaf Lake 5:30 P.M. APPROVE RESOLUTIOMS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSF~NT DISTRICT 1971-1 (continued) AUTHORIZED LETTER TO U.S. FOREST SERVICE APPROVE REQUEST TO GO TO SEPARATE BID FOR CLEANING CERTAIN DISTRICT FACILITIES NOTICE OF FUTURE MEETINGS ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNME',~T MARY M. M DpEN, P SID .NT SOUTH TAH F/ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PAT A. MAMATH, Clerk of Board/District Secretary-SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JHHW:ROH:cp 03/23/84 0166R RESOLUTION NO. 232? A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2325, A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO MAKE SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSMENT TO COVER COST OVERRUNS FOR ACQUISITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS MADE IN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1971-lA SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1971-lA RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, California, that WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2325, A Resolution Of Intention to Make A Supplemental Assessment to Cover Cost Overruns for Acquisitions and Improvements made in Assessment District No. 1971-1, was adopted by this Board on March 15, 1984; WHEREAS, adoption of said resolution was premature and inadvertent; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that said Resolution No. 2325 be, and it is hereby, rescinded and shall be of no force and effect. ATTEST: Clerk and ex offici~ Secretary / ? ? 7 /President I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 232? duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, at a meeting thereof duly held on the 5th day of April , 1984, by the following vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors: Madden, Wynn, Olson, Jones and Mason NOES, Directors: ABSENT, Directors: Clerk and ex off icilY) Secretary South Tahoe Publ i c Uti l i ty Di stri ct 2 JHHW:RJH:cp 03/23/84 0167R RESOLUTION NO. 2328 A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2326, A RESOLUTION PRELIMINARILY APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT, APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING PROTESTS AND DIRECTING NOTICE THEREOF, AND DESCRIBING PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND DIRECTING FILING OF BOUNDARY MAP SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1971-lA RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, California, that WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2326, A Resolution Preliminarily Approving Engineer's Report, Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests and Directing Notice Threof, and Describing Proposed Boundaries of Assessment District and Directing Filing of Boundary Map, was adopted by this Board on March 15, 1984; WHEREAS, adoption of said resolution was premature and inadvertent; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that said Resolution No. 2326 be, and it is hereby, rescinded and shall be of no force and effect. ATTEST: Clerk and ex of~cio Secr6t~ry I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 2328 duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, at a meeting thereof duly held on the 5th day of A19r±l , 1984, by the fol lowing vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors: Madden, Wynn, Olson, Jones and Mason NOES, Directors: ABSENT, D~rectors: ' Clerk and ex oYficio-Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District RECITALS: JHHH:RJH:cp 03/26/84 0153R RESOLUTION NO. 2329 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO MAKE A SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSMENT TO COVER COST OVERRUNS FOR ACQUISITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS MADE IN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1971-1 SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1971-lA In the proceedings in Assessment District No. 1971-1 the following were accomplished: The Board of Supervisors of the County of E1 Dorado approved the resolution of intention and the boundary map of the assessment 1) proposed district; 2) The County Health Officer recommended the proceedings for a sanitary sewerage system; 3) The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District adopted its resolution of intention to order acquisitions and improvements for said assessment district; 4) Based on the County Health Officer's recommendation the Board of Directors determined to undertake proceedings without proceedings under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code; and 5) The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District approved and adopted the Final Environmental Impact Report and the Notice of Determination was duly filed in the County Clerk's office. By reason of the foregoing there is no necessity to duplicate the above matters in the proceedings to be conducted pursuant to this Resolution of Intention inasmuch as the supplemental assessment is to cover cost overruns for acquisition and improvements made in Assessment District 1971-1. NON THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that it intends to make a supplemental assessment to cover cost overruns for acquisitions and improvements made in Assessment District 1971-1. Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof describes the work which resulted in said cost overruns. 1. Except as herein otherwise provided for the issuance of bonds, said work which resulted in said cost overruns shall be covered by a supplemental assessment as provided in the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913. 2. The costs and expenses to cover the cost overruns are made chargeable upon an assessment district, the exterior boundaries of which are shown on a map thereof on file in the office of the Clerk and ex officio Secretary, to which reference is hereby made for further particulars. Said map indicates by a boundary line the extent of the territory included in the proposed district and shall govern for all details as to the extent of the assessment district. 3. This Board declares that all public streets, highways, lanes and alleys within said assessment district in use in the performance of a public function, and all lands owned by any public entity, including the United States and the State of California, or any departments thereof, shall be omitted from the assessment hereafter to be made to cover the costs and expenses of said cost overruns. 4. The work involved which resulted in said overruns are hereby referred to James R. Cofer, General Manager of this District, as the officer having charge and control of the work involved in said cost overruns, and said officer is hereby directed to make and file with said Clerk and ex officio Secretary a report in writing, presenting the following: -2- (a) General Manager's estimate of the total costs and expenses of said work involved which resulted in said overruns and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith~ (b) Diagram showing the assessment district above referred to, and also the boundaries and dimensions of the respective subdivisions of land within said district as the same existed at the time of the passage of this Resolution, each of which subdivisions shall be given a separate number upon said diagram; (c) A proposed assessment of the total amount of the cost and expenses of the work involved which resulted in said cost overruns upon the several subdivisions of land in said district in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by such subdivisions, respectively. Said assessment shall refer to said subdivisions by their respective numbers as assigned pursuant to subparagraph (b) of this paragraph. 5. James R. Cofer, General Manager of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, is hereby designated as the person to answer inquiries regarding any protest proceedings to be had herein, and may be contacted during regular office hours at 1275 Meadowcrest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California 95705, or by calling 916-544-6474. 6. Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments, and bear interest at the rate of not to exceed twelve percent (12%) per annum, will be issued hereunder in the manner provided by the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, Division l0 of the Streets and Highways Code, the last installment of which bonds shall mature not to exceed nineteen (19) years from the second day of July next succeeding ten (10) months from their date. -3- 7. The provisions of Part ll.1 of Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code, providing for an alternative procedure for the advance payment of assessments and the calling of bonds, shall apply to bonds issued pursuant to paragraph 6 above. 8. It is the intention of this Board to create a special reserve fund pursuant to and as authorized by Part 16 of Division l0 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. ATTEST: and ex officio Secretary sident I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 2329 duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, at a meeting thereof duly held on the 5th day of Apr±I , 1984, by the following vote: AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors: Madden, Wynn, Ol$on, Jones and Mason NOES, Directors: ABSENT, Directors: Clerk and ex of~cio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District -4- EXHIBIT A SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1971-1A MODIFICATIONS TO SEWER SYSTEM Construction of the vacuura/pressure sewer system under Assessment District 1971-1 was essentially completed in September 1980. AttempLs were made to 'Lest the system in late 1980 and the spring of 1981. During these periods the vacuum/pressure system never operated longer than a few hours even though troubleshooters were present at all times. In late 1981, it was decided that the vacuum/pressure system could not be operated as intended without further modifications. Engineers reviewing the project recommended the following modifications: 1. Install 4000 gallon fuel storage tank. 2. Relocate alarm panel and connect to Transmitter. 3. Install two Moyno pumps, piping and remove No. 2 receiving tank and. third compressor. 4. Install electrical system for new pumps including starters, and new control panal. 5. Expand Main Pump Station building by approximately 150 square feet in area. 6. Install ventillation, heating, noise control and electrical service to expanded Pump Station. 7. Remove excess piping, valves, conduit and reinstall vacumm pumps and compressors in Pump Station building extension. The recommended modifications were made in 1982-83. The date of final completion of the Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer System Modifications was August 1, 1983. The Final Inspection of the project facilities by the State Water Resoirces Control Board was conducted on November 10, 1983. Notice that all conditions of the Federal and State Grant Contract had been satisfied was received from the State Water Resources Control Board on February 16, 1984. JHHN:RJH:cp 01/23/84 0156R :cp 03/26/84 RESOLUTION NO. 2330 A RESOLUTION PRELIMINARILY APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT, APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING PROTESTS AND DIRECTING NOTICE THEREOF, AND DESCRIBING PROPOSED BOUNDARIES OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AND DIRECTING FILING OF BOUNDARY MAP SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1971-lA RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, California, that NHEREAS, on April 5, 1984, this Board adopted Resolution No. 2329 , a Resolution of Intention to make a supplemental assessment to cover cost overruns for acquisitions and improvements made in Assessment District 1971-1. The work involved which resulted in said cost overruns were referred to the General Manager for the purpose of making and filing a report in writing under and pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913; and NHEREAS, said report has been made and filed and duly considered by this Board; NON, THEREFORE, IT IS FOUND, DETERMINED and ORDERED, as follows: 1. Said report as a whole and each part thereof, to wit: (a) the General Manager's estimate of the total costs and expenses of said work involved which resulted in said overruns, and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith; (b) the diagram showing the assessment district and the boundaries and dimensions of the respective subdivisions of land within said district; and (c) the assessment of the total amount of the costs and expenses of the work involved which resulted in said cost overruns upon the several subdivisions of land in said district in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by said subdivisions, respectively, and of the expenses incidental thereto; are sufficient and are preliminarily approved. 2. Said report shall stand as the Engineer's Report for the purpose of all subsequent proceedings herei'n. 3. Thursday, the 17th day of May, 1984, at the hour of 5:00 o'clock p.m., in the regular meeting place of this Board, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard South Lake Tahoe, California, be, and the same are hereby appointed and fixed as the time and place when and where this Board will consider and finally act upon said Engineer's Report. 4. The Clerk and Ex-officio Secretary shall cause notice of said hearing to be given by publication once a week for two weeks in the Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper published and circulated in the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and by conspicuous posting along all the open streets within said assessment district at not more than three hundred feet apart, and not less than three in all. The first publication of said notice shall be made and said posting shall be completed at least twenty days before the date herein set for said hearing. Said notices shall be headed "Notice of Improvement" (in letters of not less than one inch in height on the posted notice) and shall, in legible characters, state and contain: the fact and date of the passage of said Resolution of Intention, the filing of said report, the date, hour and place set for and the purpose of the hearing on said resolution and report and of protests; the total estimated cost; that any 2 person interested may file a protest in writing as provided in Division 12 of the Streets and Highways Code; and reference to said resolution and report for further particulars. 5. Said Clerk shall also cause notice of said hearing to be mailed, postage prepaid, at least twenty days before the date herein set for said hearing, to all persons owning real property to be assessed whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment roll for general taxes or are known to said Clerk. Said notices shall contain, in addition to the matters provided above for the notice to be published and posted, the amount, as shown by said report, to be assessed against the particular parcel covered by each such notice, respectively. Said notices shall be mailed to such owners at their addresses as same appear on said assessment roll, or as known to said Clerk, or to both if not the same. 6. The proposed boundaries of said assessment district are hereby described as shown on a map thereof filed in the office of said Clerk, which indicates by a boundary line the extent of the territory included in the proposed assessment district and which shall govern for all details as to the extent of such district, reference to such map being hereby made for particulars. Said map contains the name of said District and a distinctive designation in words or by number of the district shown thereon. 7. Said Clerk shall endorse certificates on the original and at least one copy of said map evidencing the aforesaid filing and the date and adoption of this resolution, and within 15 days after adoption of this resolution, and in no event later than 15 days prior to said hearing, shall file a copy thereof with the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, in which County all of such proposed assessment district is located. The County Recorder shall endorse on said copy of said map the time and date of filing and shall fasten the same securely in a book of maps of assessment districts which he shall keep tn his office, and index such map by the name of said District and by the distinctive designation of the district as shown on such map. ATTEST: ?resident ~Clerk and ex officio Secretary I hereby certify that the foregoing ts a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 2330 duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, at a meeting thereof duly held on the 5th day of April , 198~ by the following vote' AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors' Madden, Wynn, 01son, Jones and Mason NOES, Directors' ABSENT, Directors' Clerk and ex officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District 4