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AP 03-17-11
Dale Rise, President James R. Jones, Director SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, March 17, 2011 2:00 P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbri . , General Mana • er Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Mana • er BOARD MEMBERS Eric W. Schafer, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director 1. ALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING — PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on short non - agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five minute limit. No action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request. Comments and questions from members of the public, staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION / ACTION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION A fpribve Leak Aclj.isfrimahvk ,;CtI • a. Meter Error and Leak Adjustment Policy .) Enact Ordinance No. 529 -11 Adding J" Pg. 45 (Tim Bledsoe) Section 6.4.11 of the Administrative Code Regarding Meter Error and a Leak Adjustment Policy b. Headworks Replacement Phase 2 Approve GSE's Request to Substitute Pg. 55 (Julie Ryan) the Approved Subcontractor, Conco Reinforcing, that was Listed in the Bid Documents Unless Conco Files a Written Objection to the Substitution. If Conco Files a Written Objection, Hold a Public Hearing During this Agenda Item to Determine Whether to Approve the Substitution REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 17, 2011 PAGE - 2 c. Luther Pass Pump Station Standby Power Approve Sierra Nevada Construc- Pg. 61 (Ivo Bergsohn) tion's Request to Substitute the Approved Subcontractor, Nelson Electric, that was Listed in the Bid Documents Unless Nelson Electric Files a Written Objection to the Substitution. If Nelson Electric Files a Written Objection, Hold a Public Hearing During this Agenda Item to Determine Whether to Approve the Substitution d. Payment of Claims Pg. 67 7. 2:30 - 3:00 P.M. PRESENTATION a. Viewing of "Poverty to Prosperity" (Steve Teshara, Presenter) 8. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Rise) b. Finance Committee (Schafer / Cefalu) c. Executive Committee (Rise / Mosbacher) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) Approve Payment in the Amount of $1,309,401.37 9. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVES REPORT 10. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 11. STAFF / ATTORNEY REPORT(S) (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS / EVENTS Past Meetings / Events 03/07/11 - Board Rate Study Workshop 03/09/11 - El Dorado County Water Agency Regular Board Meeting 03/09/11 - Board Budget Workshop 03/14/11 - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting 03/14/11 - 03/16/11 - CASA (California Association of Sanitation Agencies) Conference 03/16/11 - ACWA Legislative Symposium Future Meetings / Events 03/30/11 - ECC (Employee Communications Committee) Meeting at District (Director Cefalu is Board representative) 04/04/11 - 3:30 p.m. - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting at District 04/07/11 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District 04/13/11 - El Dorado County Water Agency Regular Board Meeting in Shingle Springs REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 17, 2011 PAGE - 3 13. CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below. Closed Session is not open to the public; however, an opportunity will be provided at this time if members of the public would like to comment on any item listed. Three minute limit.) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a) /Conference with Labor Pg.83 Negotiators Agency Negotiators: Richard Solbrig /General Manager, Board of Directors Employee Organization: Stationary Engineers, Local 39 14. ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 15. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, April 7, 2011, 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified, but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. Backup to any agenda item(s) not included with the Board packet will be made available when finalized at the District office, at the Board meeting, and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (i.e., disability - related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at 530.544.6474, extension 6203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. ITEMS a. Surplus Property Policy Pg. 1 (Linda Brown) c. 2010 North Apache Booster Station Project Pg. 9 (John Thiel) e. Grizzly Mountain Booster Station h. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: Pg. 39 February 17, 2011 (Kathy Sharp) CONSENT CALENDAR MARCH 17, 2011 REQUESTED ACTION Authorize Changes to the Policy for Retention and Disposal of Surplus Property b. Union Memorandum of Understanding (1) Approve Letter of Understanding Pg. 5 (Richard Solbrig, Nancy Hussmann) Extending the Union Contract One Year to June 20, 2012; and (2) Authorize Execution of Same Approve Change Order No. 1 to Thomas Haen Co. Inc., in the Amount of $41,418 d. Tank Coatings Assessment and Design Approve Proposal and Authorize Pg. 13 (John Thiel) Execution of a Task Order with V&A Consulting Engineers, Inc., for Assess- ment and Design of Water Tank Coating Systems, in the Amount Not to Exceed $68,000 Authorize Staff to Advertise for Pg. 33 (John Thiel) Construction Bids f. ERB Replacement Project Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids Pg. 35 (Julie Ryan) g. Alpine County Groundwater Monitoring Wells Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids Pg. 37 Installations for the Construction of Fourteen (14) (Ivo Bergsohn) New Monitoring Wells to be Included in the Alpine County Groundwater Monitoring Program Approve Minutes South Tahoe Public Utility District • 1274 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 • Facsimile 530.541.0614 • www.stpud.us South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 54+6474 • Fax 530 541-0614* www stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: March 17, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Surplus Property Policy REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize changes to the Policy for Retention and Disposal of Surplus Property. DISCUSSION: Currently the policy allows for employees to be given scrap material as a matter of encouraging reuse or recycling. Staff is recommending changing the policy to disallow that practice in order to avoid conflicts or the appearance of conflict with employees. SCHEDULE: Policy takes effect immediately COSTS: None ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Surplus Policy with proposed changes CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ' NO -1- CATEGORY: General General Hairier Ridund H. Selbrig Dknctors .Chris CAIN James R. Jones Mary Lou Moolowbar Dille Rise Erie Schafer SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC U711.11Y DISTRICT POLICY FOR RETENTION AND DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY 1. Prooerty and Surplus Property Defined: The word "property" shall mean personal property. The word "surplus" when applied to property shall mean such property is serviceable and valuable for other than salvage/scrap, but is deemed either useless or uneconomical for use in current or future District work and projects. 2. Determination of Prosy as Surplus: Whenever a Manager determines that District property under their jurisdiction is surplus, they shall report the fact to the Purchasing Agent. The report shall contain the description, condition, location and quantity of the surplus property, and give the names and addresses of any prospective purchasers known. 3. Reallocation of Surplus Property: The Purchasing Agent shall evaluate the surplus property for possible use in another area. If he/she finds no use for the property, he/she will inform other managers and supervisors of the availability of the property. 4. Grant Items: The Chief Financial Officer or his/her designee will determine whether any surplus items were purchased through grant funds, and whether they can be surplused or will explain any special conditions necessary for their sale/disposal. 5. Exchange or trade -in: The Purchasing Agent is authorized to exchange surplus property for other personal property of at least equal value, or to trade it in as part of the consideration to be paid for other property. The trade -in will be a part of the replacement purchase request and so will require the same authorizations. 6. Sale/Disoosal of items valued < $1000: For each surplus item with a value of less than $1000, the Purchasing Agent with the approval of the Chief Financial Officer, will determine the best method then complete the surplus sale/disposal. 7. Sale/Disoosat of items valued $1000 or more: For each surplus item with a value of $1000 or more, the Purchasing Agent shall recommend the method of sale/disposal, and attain approval from the Board of Directors before proceeding with the sale/disposal. 8. §abligispowattetosjE Costs of disposal will be considered in determining the best method for disposal of surplus property. Whenever possible and advantageous to the District, surplus will be sold at public sale or auction. When in the opinion of the Purchasing Agent, a better return may be received through direct contact with N01� Board Authorization -3- manufacturers, resellers or users of specialty item/s; that method of sale /disposal will be utilized. Items of nominal value or items that have received only a nominal return in the past ($200 or Tess) may be disposed of through donation or another sale method. Donations of more valuable surplus must be authorized by the Board of Directors. 9. Sale Proceeds: Proceeds less direct costs from any sale shall be returned to the general fund/s unless the surplus property was originally purchased utilizing a specific fund, in which case the proceeds shall be returned to that fund. 10. Donation defined: The term "donate" means to transfer ownership of property for no consideration or for a value less than the reasonable fair market value of the property. Public or govemment agencies in the State of California, and civic, community, or non- profit organizations in the Tahoe Basin or Alpine County will be eligible for donation. Other donations may be considered when a public purpose is served within the District's jurisdiction. 11. Salvage & Scrap Materials and Un §ojd Items: The terms "salvage" and "scrap" shall mean items of scrap, metal, wood, paper or other materials which are no longer useful for their past or designed purpose. Salvage and scrap may be sold or otherwise disposed of by the Purchasing Agent at any time without public sales. Items of surplus property may be sold or disposed of as scrap when bids for such property have not been received through sale methods. 42 Sellino to District Employees: In order to avoid a conflict or an appearance of conflict, the sale of surplus or scrap material to an employee will only be through a competitive process open to the public. Employees who have been responsible for declaring an item surplus, may not bid on that item. , 13. Non - warrantv of sumlus/scraD: All property disposed of as indicated in this policy, will be "as is" without warranty, express or implied, as to condition or usability. 14. Non - Guarantee: The District's intention is to award and transfer surplus property to the highest bidder. If a mistake is made, an attempt for correction will also be made; however the District offers no guarantees and accepts no liabilities for completion of sale /s other than to retum any applicable funds received. 15. Records: Any sale /disposal of property will require a written record. All records will be kept in the office of the Purchasing Agent for a minimum of 5 years. South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544 -6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director MEETING DATE: March 17, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Union Memorandum of Understanding REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Approve Letter of Understanding extending the Union contract one year to June 20, 2012; and (2) Authorize execution of same. DISCUSSION: Staff met with Charlie Solt, Business Representative for Stationary Engineers Local 39, regarding the expiration of the Union contract on June 23, 2010. Mr. Solt agreed that the contract be extended for a year, with no cost of living adjustments, maintaining current level of benefits, and agreement to begin preparations for a Compensation Study in January, 2012. District staff recommends that the District accept the Union's proposal, with the addition of adding language regarding the new Health Improvement Program that was effective January 1, 2011. A Letter of Understanding was drafted and is going through the signature process with the Union. As soon as all Union signatures are obtained, the Letter of Understanding would be presented to the Board and District staff for signature. SCHEDULE: Sign Letter of Understanding when returned by Union COSTS: - ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Letter of Understanding between the South Tahoe P.U.D. and Stationary Engineers Local 39 CONCIMEENCE WMEM RESTED ACTION: SAL MANAGER: YIDS s .. NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ' NO -5- CATEGORY: General General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Deactore Chris CAIN James R. Jones Mary Lou Moobacher lam Eric Soluifrr Letter of Understanding Between the South Tahoe Public Utility District And International Union of Operating Enaineers Stationary Engineers, Local 39 This letter memorializes the agreement between the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 (Union) representing the South Tahoe Public Utility Employees' bargaining unit. The purpose of this letter is to amend the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated June 29, 2006 - June 23, 2010 and the subsequent Letter of Agreement dated April 14, 2010, with the understanding between the parties outlined below: 1. Extend the current contract, side letters, addendums and any other applicable agreements through June 20, 2012. 2. There will be no Cost of Living Adjustments with this extension. 3. The level of benefits will remain the same, including the Wellness Guidelines changes that took effect January 1, 2011. 4. In addition, effective January 1, 2011, q new Health Improvement Program will be initiated. The H.I.P. is a voluntary program consisting of testing, evaluations, lectures, and coaching and a participating employee can earn up to three 8 hours off per rolling year by participating and meeting the agreed upon goals. The Health Improvement Program is described in detail in a separate section of the binder with the updated Health Insurance Plan Document dated 1/1/11. 5. Preparations for the Salary Survey, including review of job descriptions, will begin in January, 2012. Dated this For the South Tahoe Public Utility District day of , 2011 Dale Rise, President Jerry Kalmar, Business Manager Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager Madison Bland, President For the International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 Joan Bryant, Director of Public Employees For the International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 Charles Solt, Business Representative Wanda Stanley, Chief Shop Steward Phillip Trella, Shop Steward Cliff Bartlett, Shop Steward Douglas Van Gorden, Shop Steward Mark Gray, Shop Steward Paul Carrion, Shop Steward South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544 -6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www stpud.u6 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: March 17, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2010 North Apache Booster Station Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No. 1 to Thomas Haen Co. Inc., in the amount of $41,418.00. DISCUSSION: During the course of construction, Haen performed additional work beyond the scope of the project documents. This work was generally completed on a time and material basis as detailed on Change Order 1. There was one credit item and additional work items as follows: • Part A - Delete two 12" flanged gate valves near the intertie location at the property line for a credit of <$3,797.00 >. Due to the installation of new valves for the Meyers Waterline Replacement project staff was able to delete these valves; • Part B - Remove dead and other excess trees in addition to those shown to be removed on the site plan for a cost of $920.00; • Part C - Provide complete assembly of 12000 Programmable Logic Controller including configuration, wiring, control engineering, drawings, technical documentation, programming and setup, communications setup and implementation, application programming documentation with control strategy narratives, testing, startup, debugging, and training for a cost of $28,474.00. The District originally intended to provide this project element from a separate contractor, TESCO, and so it was not included in the contract work. Staff later decided to have TESCO work directly with the electrical subcontractor for Haen, to streamline the controls process and to reduce potential implementation problems; • Part D - Provide additional electrical work as specified in Design Clarification No. 1 which includes additional lighting, motor -rated relay, NEMA 1 enclosure, and other wiring and receptacle changes for a cost of $2,700.00; • Part E - Install additional landscaping, including trees and shrubs, to provide additional screening for the adjoining neighbor for a cost of $806.00; • Part F - Install additional stone veneer at the building entrance for a cost of $700.00; -9- General Manager Rioharel H. Solbrlg Directors .Ch,isWats James R Jones Miry Lou Mosbachar Dale Rlee Eric Schafer John Thiel March 17, 2011 Page 2 • Part G - Place additional boulders on site for snow plow and snow storage protection and delineation for a cost of $860.00; • Part H - Install a yard hydrant and related pipe and fittings for a cost of $4,461.00. The hydrant will be useful for working on the pump station and flushing and disinfecting lines without impacting the distribution system; • Parf I - Provide waterproofing on the east exterior wall of the building for a cost of $1,496.00. Final site grading, especially fill along the east side of the building necessitated the addition of waterproofing along that wall; • Part J - Raise the crane support beams including the fabrication of beam spacers for a cost of $1,506.00. Modifications were required to achieve the proper lift height for removal and installation of the pumps; • Parf K - Additional and modified site grading. The District agreed to pay the overtime portion of wages only, in order to complete the changes by October 15th for a cost of $1,481.00; • Parf L - Upgrade all exterior doors for a cost of $1,445.00. The upgraded doors have greater energy efficiency and noise suppression; • Part M - Upgrade interior door from wood to steel for a cost of $366.00. This will lower long term maintenance costs. SCHEDULE: Upon Board approval. COSTS: $41,418.00 ACCOUNT NO: 2029 -8967 / IQBSTR BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $882,079 ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 1 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES - NO NO CATEGORY: Water CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 Project 2010 North Apache Booster Station Proiect Contractor Thomas Haen Co, Inc. Date March 17, 2011 PO # P23015 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: A. Delete two 12" flanged gate valves near the intertie location at the property line for a credit of $3,797.00. B. Remove dead and other trees in addition to those shown to be removed on the site plan for a cost of $920.00. C. Provide complete assembly of L2000 Programmable Logic Controller including configuration, wiring, control engineering, drawings, technical documentation, programming and setup, communications setup and implementation, application programming documentation with control strategy narratives, testing, startup, debugging, and training for a cost of $28,474.00. D. Time and material for additional electrical work as specified in Design Clarification No. 1 which includes additional lighting, motor -rated relay, NEMA 1 enclosure, and other wiring and receptacle changes for a cost of $2,700.00. TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 S ITEMs A throu ! h M = $41 418.00 Ori • inal Contract Previous Chan! e Orders Current Contract THIS CHANGE ORDER New Contract Total $ 1,027,749.00 $ 1,027,749.00 $ 41,418.00 $ 1,069,167.00 Contractor agrees to make the herein- described changes in accordance with the terms hereof. The change in contract price and/or contract time noted i full settlement for costs incurred as a result of the change(s) described, unless specifically noted in individual description(s). Authorized By STPUD Board President Accepted By Contractor Reviewed By Date: Date: Date: 1 E. Time and material for additional landscaping, including trees and shrubs, to provide additional screening for the adjoining neighbor for a cost of $806.00. F. Time and material for additional stone veneer at the building entrance for a cost of $700.00. G. Place additional boulders on site for snow plow and snow storage protection and delineation for a cost of $860.00. H. Time and material for a yard hydrant and related pipe and fittings for a cost of $4,461.00. I. Time and material to waterproof the east exterior wall of the building for a cost of $1,496.00. J. Time and material to raise the crane support beams including the fabrication of beam spacers for a cost of $1,506.00. K. Additional and modified site grading. District agreed to pay the overtime portion of wages in order to complete by October 15 for a cost of $1,481.00. L. Upgrade all exterior doors including greater insulation value for a cost of $1,445.00. M. Upgrade interior door from wood to steel for a cost of $366.00 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 IS ITEMs A through M = $41,418.00 -12- 2 South Ta Public Utility District TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: March 17, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Tank Coatings Assessment and Design General Manager Rlchand H. SoIrig anoctors Chrb Csfalu James R. Jones May Lou Moebacher Dab Rise Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake 'Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544 -6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve proposal and authorize execution of a task order with V &A Consulting Engineers, Inc. for assessment and design of water tank coating systems, in the amount not to exceed $68,000. DISCUSSION: The District plans to contract with V &A to assess the coating systems for fifteen water tanks including wet inspections On five tanks. Based on the assessment, V &A will develop design drawings and specifications for bidding out the coating rehabilitation and replacement work. Staff expecfs the construction work to be completed over three years to reduce the operational impact of taking multiple tanks down for coatings. The El Dorado County Water Agency ( EDCWA) is providing 100% of the funding for this assessment and design work provided that it i4 completed by consultants, not District staff. Staff is also compelled to complete the work by June 30, 2011. V &A will have some work remaining on this contract beyond June 30th that along with coatings inspection work during construction may be funded by the EDCWA in the next fiscal year. The construction work is not included in ilhe EDCWA funding but is currently included in our water budget. The District sent a Request for Proposals to foul firms involved in coatings inspection and design work. Two of these teamed up for the V &A proposal. The other two did not respond. Staff has reviewed the V &A proposal and found that it meets our scope and schedule at an appropriate cost. With Board approval, V &A will begin work immediately, with the condition assessment completed by May 16th, and the design work, completed by June 24th. John Thiel March 17, 2011 Page 2 SCHEDULE: Begin immediately upon Board approval. Design complete by June 24, 2011 COSTS: Not to Exceed $68,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029 -8261 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $618,000 ATTACHMENTS: V &A Proposal CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -14- CATEGORY: Water al V&A •: . is Utility District Crest Drive Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 RE: Proposal for Tank Coatings Asses Dear Mr. Thiel, The proposal we have subm (District) goals and objectiv qualifications. The V&A T investigations, perform un the design plans and s The V&A Team offers exten this project to a successful c V&A Team are established in coatings and corrosion assessment, District. For over 10 years, this Team California, in particular the Lake Tahoe Bas intricacies of working with other agencies in an 155 Grand Avenue, SuWe 700 Oakland, CA 94612 areas to guide of the as p> ovidre s We created a Team to accomplish the required tasks of the excerpts from a recent report prepared by the same Team that was su sample of our work product. V&A will serve as the prime onsultant and day= District. V&A is an experienced coatings system manag ent and corrosion engineering firm completed dozens of projects similar in size, scope, and plexity for cities and municipalities in California. We have supplemented our internal team with the exclus a support of Bay Area Coatings Consultants, Inc. (BACC) and Aqua Video. BACC will provide coatings in ors to augment the V&A coatings experts, and Aqua Video will be available to provide underwater dive i spection. BACC has recently provided coating inspection services on several tanks for the District and t eir staffs knowledge of the District is a valuable asset to the V&A Team. In order to expedite the contract review and notice to proceed, V&A has reviewed the sample agre and respectfully requests adjustments to the insurance limitations as discussed and approved by the, Assistant General Manager per an email dated February 4, 2011. The remainder of the agreement accepted as is with no other exceptions. Our Team is av ilable and ready to begin work upon Board approval. 1 commit to the District that this contract will re ive our full corporate support and resources necessary to achieve a successful project. If you have a y questions regarding the proposal cogent, please feel free to call me or our Project Manager, Mike rioI at (510) 903 -6603. erely, onsulting Engineers, Inc. °x w "Iltpue- OArL +u D f SAN DIEGO ( HOUSTON I SEABEE -15- 510.903.6600 b 510.903.6601 Fax vaanOneertguom Firm Experience The V&A Team has been providing coatings and cathodic protection services to special district, municipal, county, and private agencies for three decades. The proposed V &A Team represents a strong base of local and regional experience in similar coating assessment and design projects. More important to the success of this project, V &A possesses a strong work resume of coatings and linings system management, corrosion control and design, and condition assessment projects throughout California. The projects and references provided below are from the agencies that we work with to provide responsive, professional services. City of Millbrae Water Tank Cathodic Protection and Coating Design, CA - V&A is providing coating and lining and cathodic protection assessment and design services for five steel potable water tanks ranging in size from 0.10 MG to 1 MG. Scope includes data collection and evaluation, design development and construction support services. V&A is preparing plans and specifications for the interior and exterior coatings of the tanks. Reference: Khee Lim (650) 259- 2446; Costs = $152,804 (On Budget); Dates: 5/10- Current (On Schedule); Staff: G. Willson -PIC, M. Oriol -PM, M. Najar - Coatings, K. Packard- Corrosion, E. Darrimon- Coating Inspection Zone 7 Water Agency Ceearwells Evaluation & Design, CA - V&A conducted a pre - design review of the interior and exterior coatings and linings of clearwells. The 4.5 MG clearwell is a welded steel tank that is 24 feet high and has a diameter of 182 feet. Provided design for the upgrade of the existing CP system on the welded steel tank. The 3 MG clearwell is a partially buried concrete structure that is 158 feet by 157 feet and 29 feet high at the center of the structure. Prepared a coatings design and provided construction management support for the recoating work. Reference: Mona Olmstead (925) 454 -5033; Costs = $74,788 (On Budget); Dates: 4/08 -5/09 (On Schedule); Staff: G. Willson -PIC, M. Oriol -PM, M. Najar - Coatings, K. Packard - Corrosion, E. Darrimon- Coating Inspection City of Sunnyvale Wright Avenue Steel Water Tank Evaluations and Coating System Recommendations, CA - V&A conducted a corrosion condition assessment of two 5 MG tanks both 160 feet in diameter and 35 feet high. The confined space inspection was conducted when the tank was full. Coating samples were collected from both tanks and analyzed for their lead concentration. The interior and exterior coatings of both tanks were found to contain high levels of lead. V &A provided the coating specifications for the removal of the lead -based interior paint and the application of a new epoxy system. Reference: Nasser Fakih (408) 730 -7618; Costs = $79,000 (On Budget); Dates: 1/06 -5/07 (On Schedule); Staff: M. Oriol- Coatings, M. Najar - Coatings, L. Tzeng - Structural Knowledge of Lake Tahoe Basin and Surrounding Areas Throughout the past three decades, V &A has been involved with projects ranging from design of new cathodic protection (CP) systems to the preparation of standards and specifications as well as the assessment of existing corrosion control and coatings systems. The V&A Team has performed work in the Lake Tahoe Basin and the surrounding areas for nearly 10 years which provides our staff with an understanding of the issues encountered in terms of climate, topography, and soil conditions. Examples of experience in and around Lake Tahoe include: El Wastewater Backwash Tank CP System Design, South Tahoe Public Utility District El 16 -Inch Effluent Line Corrosion Assessment, Incline Village General Improvement District El Evaluation for 22 -Mile Effluent Pipeline, Incline Village General Improvement District a Effluent Export 18 -Mile Pipeline Condition Assessment, Douglas County Sewer District El Inter -tie Water Pipeline CP Evaluation and Design, County of Douglas Ir. V&A South Tahoe Public Utility District Proposal for Tank Coatings Assessment and Design -16- 2 Firm Approach Project Understanding V&A understands the South Tahoe Public Utility L istrict (District) would like to determine the existing condition of the coatings and linings of 15 potable water storage reservoirs in order to conduct replacement or rehabilitation of the existi g coating systems. Bay Area Coatings Consultants (BACC) conducted an assessment of five (Gardner Mountain 1 & 2, Iroquois 1 & 2, and Lookout) of the District's water tanks in 2007 nd 2008 and has retained information on tank size, coating condition, and year last coated. Coating cracking, blisters, delaminations and areas of pitted steel were observed on the interior of three of the five tanks. This previous knowledge of the tanks' conditions and experience working with the District is a value added for the V&A Team. Project Approach/Scope of Services Phase 1— Tank Coating Surrey Task 1 — Project Management: V&A will interview I District staff and will coordinate with BACC and Aqua Video for the scheduling of the site visits and will provide all record documents necessary for the tank coating assessment. V&A vrrill provide the District with a schedule for the assessment and design phases of the project. Task 2 — Document Review: The V&A Team will r view available record drawings, dive inspection videos, and assessment reports avails le for the District's 15 water tanks. The information will help gain knowledge about how th District operates the tanks and how to prioritize repairs. Task 3 — Tank Coatings Assessment: BACC and Aqua Video will conduct site visits to five tanks that will be in service during the assessmen V&A will conduct a site assessment for the Tata Tank. For tanks that will be out of service dur ng the assessment, BACC will determine the general condition of the coatings and dry film thick less on the interior and exterior, and will conduct a visual observation of any existing cathodic protection system components. V&A and BACC will coordinate draining and access requirements and will provide required confined space access equipment, as required, for safe ac ss into the District's tanks. For tanks that will remain in service, BACC and Aqua Video will reco d dry film thickness on the exterior coating and determine the general condition of the interior exterior coatings and any existing cathodic protection system. BACC will be present during th dive inspections and will provide direction to the diver. If a tank was built prior to 1978, a pai t sample will be collected due to the likelihood of lead -based paint. The V&A Team will obtain up to 10 paint samples for testing of 17 heavy metals including lead. Task 4 — Tank Coating Analysis Report: V&A will report with the findings and recommendations bas provide the District with rehabilitation alternatives t the tank assessments. A planning level opinion of the report. V&A will include proposed construction tank coating rehabilitation based on the existing c Phase 11— Design Task 5 — Plans and Specifications (90 and 100 Pe cent Design): V&A will develop plans and a coating specification for the tank rehabilitation des n. The design documents will be submitted 1v&A South Tahoe Public Utility District Proposal for Tank Coatings Assessment and Design -17- p repare a draft and final tank coating analysis d on the condition assessment. V&A will used on the specific findings during each of p robable construction cost will be included in s chedule in the report that will prioritize the ndition. 3 for review by the District. The plan drawings will contain up to 5 details for weld repair plates (if necessary) and other site specific details requiring instructions for the coating applicator. The specification will include requirements for the SSPC Painting Contractor QP1 and QP2 Certification Program (field coating of complex structures with and without lead -based paint), health and safety, product submittals, coating warranty, ambient conditions monitoring, dehumidification and ventilation, third party inspection, final testing, and curing. The coating specification will contain requirements for the possibility of the presence of lead or other heavy metals in the interior or exterior paint in at least one of the tanks. The specification will have requirements for the Contractor to implement lead abatement procedures per Code of Federal Regulations Title 29 Section 1926.62 for handling and disposal of lead particulates during construction. For the 100% Design Submittal, V&A will incorporate comments from the District in the plans, specifications, and an opinion of probable cost for the tank rehabilitation design. The 100% design documents will be submitted to the District and signed and stamped by a California - licensed professional engineer. V&A will provide digital copies of the plans in AutoCAD 2007 format and specifications in MS Word format. Three signed complete half -size sets of the construction drawings (11 inch by 17 inch) will be provided to the District. Task 6 — Opinion of Probable of Cost and Rehabilitation Schedule (90% and 100% Design): V&A will use the information gathered during the assessment to produce an opinion of probable cost for the replacement or rehabilitation of the existing coating systems of the tanks. V&A will submit 90% and 100% submittal of the opinion of probable cost and schedule to the District. Task 7 — Bidding Assistance: V&A will prepare the bid package for the subject tank project to be released by the District for corn etitive bid. It is assumed that the District will provide the standard front end documents (CSl format Division 0 and 1) to be combined with V &A's technical plans and specifications for the project. V&A will allow for one review cycle by the District prior to preparation of the final bid package. V &A will attend the pre -bid meeting at the District's offices. V&A will provide the minutes from the pre -bid meeting and provide answers to questions from bidders. V &A will provide up to 8 hours to prepare necessary addenda resulting from questions from bidders. Time spent beyond 8 hours will be invoiced on a time and materials basis. V&A will provide the District with assistance during the bidding period including the review of the bids received by the District and provide the District with a recommendation for award of the tank rehabilitation project. Task 8 — Construction Assistance: V&A will prepare the agenda and meeting minutes for the construction kick -off meeting. Time spent beyond 8 hours will be invoiced on a time and materials basis. V &A will review and comment on shop drawings and material submittals, as well as review and comment on requests for information, submittals, and change orders from the Contractor for up to 16 hours. Time spent over 16 hours will be invoiced on a time and materials basis. Task 9 — Coating Inspection: The V&A Team will provide a NACE Level 2 and 3 Certified Coating Inspector for full -time coating inspection of the coating systems to be applied on the District's tanks. The coating inspector will observe, record, and report if the contractor has met the requirements of necessary containment system, surface defect repairs, surface preparation, ambient conditions, surface /air temperatures, mixing of coating materials, the manufacturer's recoat window, and wet film thickness. The coating inspector will also document the coating progress, quantity of coating used after each day, the results of holiday testing, and the daily operations of the coating applicator. Daily reports with photographs will be submitted to District at the conclusion of each recoating or rehabilitation of each tank. Public Outreach (Optional): V&A will develop a plan for notifying residents or visitors of properties affected by the recoating construction operations. V&A will assist the District to create a Communication Plan for addressing concerns during recoating work. .3 V&A -18- Proposal for Tank Coatings Assessment and Design 4 Pro}ect Team South Tahoe Public Utility District Proposal for Tank Coatings Assessment and Design Primary location for the stuff assigned to Mrs project V&A Consulting E.ragincei ,, 155 Grand Ave , 5!sit;; 7d;1 (L klantl, CA 9 Q (510) 903 -6 +500 I ;r1 0) 903.1i60 V&A Consulting Engineers, Inc. (V&A) is an independently owned corporation and national consulting firm founded in Oakland, California, in 1979 with a simple goal: to be the industry experts in evaluating, rehabilitating, and preserving municipal infrastructure. V&A's engineers and technicians have actively participated in the evaluation, design1, failure analysis, repair and preparation of specifications fcr coating and lining systems in water, wastewater, and reclajmation facilities. The V&A Team has extensive experience in evaluating coating and lining systems for both steel and concrete structures. We have assessed and written specifications for coatings that require the removal of lead -based coatings as well as assessed coatings of welded and bolted steel potable water storage tanks. The V&A Team's experience with Boating systems includes epoxies, polyurethanes, vinyl esters, cementitious coating, PVC liners, and HDPE liners. As an exclusive teaming partner, Bay Area Coatings Consultants, Inc. (BACC) has been serving the coating and lining industry for over two decades. They are a leader in the inspection of plural component epoxies and urethanes with n failures due to stringent surface preparation and application inspection standards. BACC's in ctors are National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Level III certified inspectors for oatings. Their inspectors have experience with the coating systems for the District's tanks fro previous projects and will be utilized to supplement V&A's coatings expertise. V&A and B CC have teamed together on dozens of tank coating assessment and design projects over the ast 10 years which has created a Team synergy in terms of project reports, coordination, a d camaraderie. The depth of the V&A Team provides the District ith the added ability to adjust to unforeseen conditions, such as the need to develop lead abat ment procedures or structural rehabilitation design. Whatever the condition of your assets, we ve got you covered. Our cohesive Team allows us to deliver a streamlined schedule and w rk within budget. This Team has the availability and capability to su port this project from assessment through design and construction. From answering RFI's a d observing coating application to warranty inspection and cathodic protection system start-up and fine tuning, we are here to see this project through from start to successful completion is an expert in coating system evaluation experience includes the evaluation, and c structures, transmission lines and I be responsible for the day - to-day contact, of the scope and budget. He maintains Our proposed Project Manager, Mike A. Oriol, PE and design and will lead the Team in this effort. Hi protection of tanks, reservoirs, concrete and metall treatment plants. As the Project Manager, Mike wi assignment of personnel, and overall managemen contact with the coating industry manufacturers, applicators, and the local SSPC chapters to stay informed on current coatings technology solut ons. As President of V&A, Glenn H. Willson, PE will s a as the Principal -in- Charge. He is a licensed civil and corrosion engineer in California ith nearly 30 years of experience in the design and condition assessment for corrosion pro ection and coatings systems for municipal infrastructure. Glenn is a NACE Level 2 Coating I spector and is experienced in the evaluation of existing coating systems, pipeline and tank reha ilitation, and construction inspection. He will be responsible for committing the corporate resources needed to complete this project as well as offer QA/QC oversight. 1 -19- 5 Keith A. Packard, PE is a licensed professional engineer with over 20 years of experience in corrosion engineering for municipal infrastructure. The depth of Keith's experience also includes evaluation and rehabilitation of cathodic protection systems, design of new systems, and construction inspection for water transmission, storage, and treatment facilities. Manny Najar, PE has experience in coatings and corrosion control systems for metal and concrete structures. He has experience with internal corrosion of metallic pipelines and tanks for water and wastewater conveyance and storage. Manny is certified as a NACE Level 1 Coatings Inspector, SSPC C1 and C2 specialist, and confined space entrant. With over 35 years of coating and lining experience, Ed Darrimon is the principal of BACC and has designed, developed, and inspected the coatings and linings on a variety of water and wastewater infrastructure. Ed, a NACE Level 111 Coating Inspector, has worked side -by -side with V &A staff on numerous projects for coating inspection as well as worked with the District on several coatings assessments. Organization Chart The organization chart below illustrates the individuals proposed to be involved with the successful delivery of the tank coatings assessment and design for the District. The individuals identified from the District are representative of the possible resources needed to obtain historical and future information to prepare the assessment report. Other District staff may be interviewed as part of the project, as necessary. All staff are V &A employees unless otherwise noted. *Provides exclusive independent consulting services to V &A. -20- Proposal for Tank Coatings Assessment and Design 6 Task 1 Description Project Management Principal- in- Charge Project Manager 8 Sr. Project Engineer 4 Associate Engineer CADD Designer Eng. Assistant Clerical 2 6 otal 14 2 Document/Video Review 4 8 12 24 3 Condition Assessment 16 16 32 4 Technical Memorandum 3 8 24 16 4 2 57 5 Plans & Specifications (90 %, 100 %) 3 4 24 10 18 2 61 6 Estimate of Probable Cost (90 %, 100 %) 4 8 8 20 7 Bidding Assistance 8 8 16 8 Construction Assistance 8 16 24 9 Coating Inspection* 8 8 16 Subtotal 6 68 116 46 18 4 6 264 South Tahoe Public Utility District Proposal for Tank Coatings Assessment and Design Manpower Requirements Below is a table illustrating the initial estimate of the manpower /labor requirements for the District's Tank Coatings Assessment and Design project. An itemized breakdown by task, title, and hours has been provided for your review. *Some aspects of Task 9 — Coating Inspection will be performed by our exclusive subconsultant, Bay Area Coatings Consultants (BACC), and are included as other direct costs in the cost proposal. In addition, the depth and breadth of the scope related to the coating inspection will not be fully determined until the completion of Task 3 — Condition Assessment and the hours and cost associated with the recommendations can be discussed with the District at that time. : V&A 8 South Tahoe Public Utility District Tank Coatings Assessment and Design Project ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Mar '11 A. r '11 Ma '11 Jun 11 ul 11 A .,... '11 Se. '11 Oct 11 Nov' 6 Mffil - , 4 4;iii; . ;ig, - :;;JAIM.;i.:plii;11.0.,:j! . .41E;'!1ig;,; i ,..,•:,,;a;:igajiaI71414::1-IIiIiidhittiltigt . ;3441iti 3 iE17K11 8 MME11619M 3 1017KOHNEREI 4 1 tisgall 9 MEM V&A 1 I 1 Project Management 161 days 41 days 10 days" 15 days 6 days i Fri 3/18/11 Mon 3/21/11 Mon 3/21/11 Mon 4/4/11 Mon 4/11/11 Mon 5/2/11 Fri 10/28/11 Mon Fr471/11 Fri 4/8/11 Fri 4/29/11 Mon 5/9/11 SI IN 91111111111■81.1111111111111. RN itIMIIIII 2 Phase 1 - Condition Assessment 3 4 Document/Video Review dWilifiriWA:siesiiiiiiit 5 Technical Memorandum NNW 6 STPUD Review 5 days I 50 days 15 days 10 dayi Tue 5/10/11 Mon 5/9/11 Mon 5/9/11 Mon 5/30/11 Mon 5/16/11 Fri 7/15/11 Fri 5/27/11 Fri 6/10/11 7 V&A Response to Comments 8 Phase 2 - Design 9 Plans, Specifications, sad Costs (90 Percent) STPUD 90 Percent Review 10 11 Plans, Specifications, and Costs (100 Percen 10 days Mon 6/13/11 1 daYs MOn6/27/11 75 days' Mon 7/18/11 75 days 4 Mon 7/18/11 75 days Mon 7/18/11 Fri 6/24/11 - - Fri7/i 5/11-- ---- OrTiorieff . Fri 10/28/11 Fri 10/28/11 12 Bidding Assistance 13 Phase 3 - Construction Support 1 14 Construction Assistance VIIIIttlitttlittlIIMIZIalaltailgItilP14., 15 Coating Inspection :i v im► 11-0079 RAE PROPOSAL NO: 11 -0079 CLIENT: South Tahoe Public Utility District JOB TITLE: Tank Coatings Assessment and Design Project Sr. Labor Principal- Project Project Associate CADD Eng. Hours Labor Task Description in- Charge Manager Engineer Engineer Designer Assistant Clerical Total Cost Total Phase 1 - Tank Coating Survey $21 1 Project Management 8 4 2 14 $2,470 2 DocumentNideo Review 4 8 12 24 $3,920 3 Condition Assessment 16 16 32 $6,080 4 Technical Memorandum 3 8 24 16 4 2 57 $9,519 $13,039 5 Plans and Specifications (90 %, 100%) 3 4 24 10 18 2 61 $9,679 6 Estimate of Probable Cost (90%, 100%) 4 8 8 20 $3,360 7 Bidding Assistance 8 8 16 $3,040 $7,520 8 Construction Assistance 8 16 24 $4,480 9 Coating Inspection 8 8 16 $3,040 Subtotal 6 68 116 46 18 4 6 264 Hourly /Unit $259 $200 $180 $140 $124 $108 $75 Total Direct Labor $1,554 $13,600 $20,880 $6,440 $2,232 $432 $450 $42,548 Phase 2 - Design Phase 3 - Construction Support RESOURCE ALLOCATION ESTIMATE Glenn Manny Dan Day/ George Dalouny Yuliya Willson Mike Oriol Najar No y Medina Phannavong Scales Phannavong Date: 1- Mar -11 Page 1 of 2 :1 v 11-0079 RAE PROPOSAL NO: 11 -0079 CLIENT: South Tahoe Public Utility District JOB TITLE: Tank Coatings Assessment and Design Project (Hotel/Per (Aqua Video Analysis Field /Office Total Diem) +10 %) Subconsultant (Xenco Labs Supplies and Truck UT Meter Labor and Task Description (per Trip) (per Tank) (BACC +10 %) + 10 %) Reproduction (per Day) Mileage (per Day) ODC Total ODC $24,895 $46,884 Phase 1 - Tank Coating Survey 1 Project Management $0 $2,470 2 DocumentNideo Review $0 $3,920 3 Condition Assessment 2 5 40 10 $50 3 250 70 $24,845 $30,925 4 Technical Memorandum $50 $50 $9,569 $100 $13,139 5 Plans and Specifications (90 %, 100 %) $50 $50 $9,729 6 Estimate of Probable Cost (90 %, 100 %) $50 $50 $3,410 7 Bidding Assistance $0 $3,040 Phase 2 - Design Phase 3 - Construction Support 8 Construction Assistance 9 Coating Inspection Total ODC GRAND TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 2 $150 $2,420 RESOURCE ALLOCATION ESTIMATE CAM -17 Travel Subconsultant Paint TBD 5 40 10 200 3 250 70 $82 $385 $1.00 $80 $0.50 $70 Date: 1- Mar -11 $0 $7,520 $0 $4,480 $0 $3,040 $300 $12,100 $3,280 $3,850 $200 $240 $125 $4,900 $24,995 $67,543 I $67,5431 Page 2 of 2 Education B.S., Ocean Engineering with emphasis on corrosion and materials, Florida Atlantic University, 1982 Registration Corrosion Engineer, CA (CR1076) Civil Engineer, CA (C57739) Civil Engineer, HI (11304) Civil Engineer, AZ (42971) Civil Engineer, OR (77410) Civil Engineer, WA (45578) Civil Engineer, UT (7239718 -2202) Joined V&A 1993 Total Years of Experience 29 years Training and Certifications ♦ NACE Level 11 Training for Coating Inspection ♦ Supervisor for Lead Coating Removal Projects • Confined Space Entry Certified ♦ Basic CPR/First Aid Publications ♦ Pipelines and Light Rail Transit A Delicate Balance,' Pipeline & Gas Journal, 2006 :1 v&A Experience Summary Glenn is a licen ed civil and corrosion engineer with more than 29 years of experie ce in cathodic protection, coatings, and condition assessment a gineering for municipal infrastructure. His experience inclu es the protection of tanks and storage systems, and potable wat r/wastewater transmission lines for municipal and private owners. Glenn is experienced in the evaluation of existing cathodic protection and coating systems, pipeline and tank rehabilitation and construction inspection. Relevant Proj Experience D Water Tank P and Coating Design, City of Millbrae, CA. Principabin harge — Providing coating and lining assessment and design rvices for five steel potable water tanks ranging in size from 0.1 MG to 1 MG. Scope includes data collection and evaluation, design development, and construction support services. Preparing plans and specifications for the interior and exterior coatings of the tanks and CP upgrade. ➢ Del Valle Water Treatment Plant Clearwell Coating and Cathodic Pr ection Design, Zone 7 Water Agency, CA. Principal -in harge — Conducted a pre- design review, prepared a design and provided construction management support for recoating the clearwell. Provided an overview of the design for the upgrade the cathodic protection on the welded steel tank. D Wright Aven e Steel Water Tank Corrosion Evaluations and Coating Syst m Recommendations, City of Sunnyvale, CA. Project Man er — Conducted corrosion assessment to determine th condition of the tanks and their coatings. Presented fi ings and recommendations to the City, who decided to re abilitate one of the two tanks. Provided the coating speci cations for the removal of the lead -based interior paint and the ,application of a new epoxy system. D 20 MGD Wat: r Treatment Plant Corrosion Control and Coatings Design, City • f Fernley, NV. Principal -in- Charge - Provided protective co ting and cathodic protection design plans and specification for the interior and exterior of a 20 MGD treated water resery •ir and cathodic protection for the facility piping. > Anahola Con - to Water Tank and Haena Steel Water Tank Evaluation a d Rehabilitation Design, HI. Project Manager - Conducted a ondition assessment of two water tanks to determine th = condition of the interior and exterior coating, measure wall plate thicknesses, test the concrete, and perform a structural a alysis based on the data collected. Designed the rehabilitation or the two tanks and prepared details, specification and estimates of probable cost. • Tank 1200 N rth Rehabilitation Evaluation and Design, Hawaii Water Servi «_ Company, HI. Project Manager - Conducted a condition a ssment of this concrete water tank to determine the condition • f the concrete tank interior and exterior. Prepared drawings and specifications to rehabilitate the tank. -25- Glenn H. Willson, P.E. Principal -in- Charge 9 Education B.S., Environmental Resources Engineering, Humboldt State University, 2001 Registration Civil Engineer, CA (73720) Joined V&A 2001 Total Years of Experience 10 years Professional Training ♦ Confined Space Entry Certified ♦ SSPC C1 Fundamentals of Protective Coatings for Industrial Structures, 2002 • SSPC C2 Specifying and Managing Protective Coating Projects, 2003 ♦ NASSCO Pipeline Assessment PACP U- 207 -4292 ♦ Basic CPR/First Aid • Asbestos Awareness Training, SCA Environmental 2008 ♦ AutoCAD 2000 Associations • The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) • International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) ♦ Pipe Users Group (PUG) Publications/Presentations ♦ "Preventing Problems with Liners," Water & Wastes Digest, 2008, p. 44 ♦ "Top Six Requirements of a Successful Coating Specification," CoatingsPro, 2007, p. 14 • "Rehabilitating Primary Waste Treatment Structures: From Assessment to Warranty," Joumal of Protective Coatings & Linings, 2007, p. 24 .! V&A Mike A. Oriol, P.E. Project Manager Experience Summary Mike Oriol will serve as the District's Project Manager for the tank coatings assessment and design project. With 10 years of project management experience, he will be the District's day - to-day point of contact for the V&A Team and be primarily responsible for meeting project milestones and deliverables within budget. Mike consistently manages his team to a successful, timely conclusion on projects through proven V&A management techniques and tools. His technical expertise includes condition assessment and evaluation and design of coating and lining systems for water and wastewater projects such as treatment strudtures, pipelines, and reservoirs. Re levant Project Experience • Water Tank Coating Design, City of Millbrae, CA. Project Manager — Providing coating and lining assessment and design services for five steel potable water tanks ranging in size from 0.10MG to 1 MG. Scope includes data collection and evaluation, design development, and construction support services. Preparing plans and specifications for the interior and exterior coatings of the tanks. > Del Valle Water Treatment Plant Clearwefl Coating and Cathodic Protection, Zone 7 Water Agency, CA. Project Manager — Conducted a pre - design review, prepared a design and provided construction management support for recoating the clearwell. Provided an overview of the design for the upgrade of the cathodic protection on the welded steel tank. ➢ Wright Avenue Steel Water Tank Corrosion Evaluations and Coating System Recommendations, City of Sunnyvale, CA. Coatings Engineer — Conducted corrosion assessment to determine the condition of the tanks and their coatings. Presented findings and recommendations. Provided the coating specifications for the removal of the lead -based interior paint and the application of a new epoxy system. ➢ , Pump Station Condition Assessment, Orange County Sanitation District, CA. Coatings Engineer - Condition assessment of the primary effluent pump station header piping consisting of one 72 -inch header and four 48 -inch pump inlets. The condition assessment revealed failed interior coating and severe corrosion in the form of pitting in several localized areas. > Coating Rehabilitation of Primary Sedimentation Basins No. 3 and No. 4, Fairfield Suisun Sewer District, CA. Coatings Engineer - Conducted a pre - design coatings assessment of two basins. Large pits caused by hydrogen sulfide corrosion were observed on the concrete surfaces above the water surfaces. Prepared coating specifications, drawings, and reviewed construction submittals. ➢ 20 MGD Water Treatment Plant Corrosion Control and Coatings Design, City of Fernley, NV. Coatings Engineer - Provided protective coating and cathodic protection design plans and specifications for the interior and exterior of a 20 MGD treated water reservoir and cathodic protection for the facility piping. -26- 10 Education B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Califomia - Berkeley, 2002 Registration Chemical Engineer, CA (CH8184) Joined V&A 2002 (Full -Time) 2001 (Summer Intern) Total Years of Experience 9 years Training and Certifications ♦ NACE Level 1 Coatings inspection ♦ Confined Space Entry Certified ♦ SSPC C1 Fundamentals of Protective Coatings for Industrial Structures ♦ SSPC C2 Specifying and Managing Protective Coatings ♦ Basic CPR/First Aid Education B.S., Metallurgical Engineering, University of Washington, 1989 M.S., Engineering Management, Califomia State University, East Bay, 2010 Registration Corrosion Engineer, CA (CR1080) Joined V&A 2004 Total Years of Experience 22 years Training and Certifications ♦ NACE Cathodic Protection, Theory and Data Interpretation ♦ Competent Person Trenching and Excavation ♦ Cal-OSHA Fall Protection ♦ Confined Space Entry Certified ♦ Basic CPR/First Aid V&A South Tahoe Public Utility District Resumes for Manny Najar and Keith Packard Manny Najar, P� With over 9 years of coatings experience, Manuel has been involved with the condition assessment of coating and lining systems for metal and concrete structures including digesters, pipelines, tanks, and other appurtenances for water and wastewater facilities. He is a registered California chemical engineer and a NACE Level 1 Coatings Inspector. Manuel has been involved with plant-wide coating systems management plans and prepared the standard coating design specifications for multiple municipalities throughout Califomia. Relevant Project Experience > Water Tank OP and Coating Design, City of Millbrae, CA • Del Valle Water Treatment Plant Clearwell Coating and Cathodic Prctection, Zone 7 Water Agency, CA • Wright Avenue Steel Water Tank Corrosion Evaluations and Coating System Rehabilitation, City of Sunnyvale, CA • Los Lagos V'Okied Steel Tank, San Juan Water District, CA • Water Tank Coating Specification and Inspection, City of Femley, NV ➢ Coatings Ma agement Program, Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, CA > Reclaimed Water Export Pipeline Condition Assessment, Incline Village, CA Keith Packard, PE Keith Packard is a licensed corrosion engineer with over 20 years experience in corrosion engineering for municipal infrastructure. His project expertise includes water and wastewater storage, transmission and treatment, municipal and federal government agencies, pe • emical, military and electric power generators. The depth of Kei 's experience also includes evaluation of cathodic protection and • . ting systems, design of new systems, and construction ins • = • n. Relevant Project Experience > Wastewater Backwash Tank Cathodic Protection System Design, South Tahoe Public Utility District, CA ➢ Water Tank P and Coating Design, City of Millbrae, CA ➢ Del Valle Wa er Treatment Plant Clearwell Coating and Cathodic Pro ection, Zone 7 Water Agency, CA • Inter -tie Wat r Pipeline CP Evaluation and Design, County of Douglas ➢ San Jose W er Company Annual Corrosion Services, CA ➢ Town of Cort Madera San Clemente Creek Pump Station Discharge Pi Tine, CA > City of Palo o Reservoir and Receiving Station Rehabilitation, CA -27- 11 Registration and Certification • NACE Level III Coating Inspector ♦ Confined Space Entry Joined BACC 1987 Total Years of Experience 35 years Education B.S., Civil Engineering, Cheng Kung University, Taiwan M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Rhode Island Registration Civil Engineer, CA (26422) Structural Engineer, CA (2688) Joined V&A 2007 Total Years of Experience 31 years Associations ♦ American Society of Civil Engineers ♦ American Concrete institute ♦ Concrete Reinforced Steel Institute South Tahoe Public Utility District Resumes for Ed Darrimon and Long Tzeng Ed Darrimon With over 35 years of coating and lining experience, Ed is the principal for BACC and has designed, developed, and inspected the coatings and linings on a variety of water and wastewater infrastructure. He previously served as the supervising coating specialist for the engineering & maintenance departments for the East Bay Municipal Utility District. Ed has worked side -by -side with V&A staff on numerous projects for coating inspection. Relevant Project Experience ' Water Tank Coating Design, City of Millbrae, CA • Los Lagos Welded Steel Tank, San Juan Water District, CA > Various Tank Coating Inspections, South Tahoe Public Utility District, CA • Annual Coating Inspection and Design, Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility, NV > Annual Water Tank Coating and Lining Evaluations, City of Sacramento, CA ➢ Annual Reservoir Coating and Lining Inspection, El Dorado Irrigation District, CA > Annual Coating and Lining Inspection, City of San Francisco, CA Long Tzeng, PE, SE VVth more than 30 years of structural engineering experience, Long Tzeng's expertise includes water, wastewater, and all types of structures. In addition to expansion and rehabilitation work, he has had experience in investigation and seismic retrofit projects throughout Northern California. Long's projects have all required compliance with earthquake regulations. Relevant Project Experience ➢ Wright Avenue Tank 2 Seismic Retrofit and Relining Construction Assistance, City of Sunnyvale, CA • Tank Seismic Evaluation and Modifications of AHM Storage System, City of Milpitas, CA ➢ Reservoir Corrosion Evaluation and Repair for 3MG Underground Prestressed Shotcrete Tank, City of Los Altos, CA ➢ San Lorenzo Valleywide Wastewater Facilities Structural Evaluation and Rehabilitation, City of Santa Cruz, CA > Digester Floating Roof and Post - Tensioned Concrete Wall Structure Evaluation, East Bay Municipal Utilities District, CA ➢ Clarifier Nos. 1 to 12 Safety Platforms Structural Design, East Bay Municipal Utilities District, CA • Zone 2 Reservoir and Pump Station, City of Milpitas, CA D Effluent Diversion Facilities Structural Design, City of San Jose, CA -28- 12 :1v&A Many of the tank coatings sampled contai protocols are required for the removal of 4. Cathodic Protection - The existing imp tanks are operating ineffectively and ineffi protection systems should be replaced in • Seismic - The tanks do not meet current the tanks is required to meet the high leve However, the constru tability of a practice Tanks is likely not feasible due to limited s construction equipment. City's water reservoirs. V&A presents the following • • • Rehabilitation Option 1 - Make improve would require the City to lower the maxim determined in the 1988 Dames & Moore R Rehabilitation Option 2 - Make improve the Helen, Skyline No. 1, and Skyline No. operating water levels for the La Prenda a Rehabilitation Option 3 - Make improve Skyline No. 1, and Skyline No. 2 tanks a Vallejo. Probable Cost = $5.6 million. VA10-0211 10-0211 Mi9xae Tanks Rpt - 2 9 - City of Millbrae ater Reservoir Condition Assessment Technical Memorandum The following p ges are excerpts from a recent report submitted to the City of Millbrae 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY for a similar tan assessment and coating design project. These are offered to the District to dem nstrate the quality and comprehensiveness of V&A's reports. V&A has completed condition assessment, stru raI (seismic), coatings and corrosion engineering services for five potable water tanks for the City o Millbrae (City), California. The basis for this project was to provide the City with justification and guid Ines for the rehabilitation of the City's potable water storage tanks. For this project, the Helen, La Prenda, Skyline No. 1, Skyline No. 2, and Vallejo Tanks were evaluated. The results of the assessment are summarized below. Coatings and Corrosion - The interior coatings for the tanks have reached the end of their design lives. New coating systems are recommended for the interior of the evaluated tanks. Some corrosion damage has occurred on the interior steel elements. The extent of corrosion does not appear to warrant the need for s ctural repair at this time. However, the need for structural repair may be determined durin coating rehabilitation work. The exterior coatings for the tanks are n r the end of their design lives. New coating systems are recommended for the exterio of the evaluated tanks. The piping coatings are in good condition With the exception of the partially buried piping for the Helen Tank. significant amounts of lead. Lead abatement ese coatings. ssed current cathodic protection systems for the ntly. Several components of the cathodic er for the systems to operate properly. ismic standards. Anchoring and strengthening of of performance necessary from these facilities. anchoring system for the Vallejo and La Prenda available around the tanks for large V&A has determined that major renovations are necessary to ensure continual performance from the options for the City to consider. g ents to the tanks without seismic retrofitting. This m operating water levels in the evaluated tanks as port. Probable Cost = $1.9 million. ents to the tanks induding seismic retrofitting for tanks. This would require the City to lower the d Vallejo tanks. Probable Cost = $4.4 million. ents induding seismic retrofitting for the Helen, construct new tanks to replace La Prenda and Rehabilitation Option 4 - Construct new anks to replace the Helen, La Prenda, Skyline No.1, Skyline No.2, and Vallejo tanks. Pro able Cost $$6.8 million. Estimates of probable construction costs for the e options are provided in the Recommendations Section of this report. Page 1 of 36 :1 im► 3 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR OBSERVATIONS Interior and exterior observations were documented with digital photographs, which are included as part of this report. It should be noted that much of the condition assessment data is subjective and based on the evaluator's expertise. In order to consistently define the condition of steel surfaces, V&A has developed the VANDATM' Metal Corrosion Index. The levels of deterioration of the steel surfaces are based on V&A's past experience. Table 3 -1 documents the different deterioration levels of coated and uncoated steel surfaces. The extent of steel corrosion can vary from Level 1 to Level 4, with Level 1 indicating the best case scenario and Level 4 indicating severe corrosion. Level of Corrosion Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 2010 V &4 Cc) u st r! i E Stage of Corrosion Description Staining/Surface Rust - Minor corrosion. First stages of corrosion damage indicated by corrosion staining or rusting. Pitting — Localized corrosion damage of the ferrous surfaces in the form of pits. Depth of pits can range from small to large. Measuring these pits will determine the extent of corrosion loss at the localized area. Flaking/Exfoliation — Top layers of the ferrous surface have corroded and exfoliated or flaked off (also referred to as scaling). The extent of corrosion can be determined by removing corroded surfaces until reaching sound steel, and performing ultrasonic thickness testing. A direct measurement cannot be used as the exfoliated and corroded metal has expanded to many times its original thickness during the corrosion process. Significant Loss of Material — The extent of exfoliation has reached a degree wherein the remaining thickness of metal is not sufficient to maintain the structural integrity of the structure. l: Descriptive Photograph VA10-0211 10.0211 Millbrae Tanks Rpt -30- City of Millbrae Water Reservoir Condition Assessment Technical Memorandum Table 3 -1. VANDATM Metal Corrosion Index for Coated and Uncoated Steel Page 4 of 36 v&► 9 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of the condition assess presents the following conclusions for each facility 9.1 Helen Interior: The interior coating has reached from VANDA'"" Level 2 to Level 3 coated which is occurring just below a tank wall v ❖ Exterior The exterior coating has reach and is near the end of its design life on th corrosion occurring and are in a VANDA corrosion does not appear to warrant the •:� Piping: The partially buried piping on the steel exposed. Vault (currently not in service): The co wom and in poor condition. The steel vau occurring and is in a VANDA Level 2 co o� Lead Content Analysis: The exterior an of lead. Removal of these coatings would Seismic Analysis: The tank does not me shell buckling, roof and column damage, large magnitude earthquake. Anchoring a high level of performance necessary from Cathodic Protection System: The initial receiving adequate cathodic protection. T sulfate and the electrode is not accurate. the electrode inaccuracy. 9.2 La Prenda .•. corrosion does not appear to warrant the City of Millbrae ater Reservoir Condition Assessment Technical Memorandum nt, seismic analysis and our experience, V&A the end of its design life. Corrosion damage ranges Steel condition. The VANDA"" Level 3 condition, lent, may warrant the need for structural repair. the end of its design life on the roof of the tank wall of the tank. The roof plates have uniform Level coated steel condition. The extent of eed for structural repair at this time. xterior of the tank has wom coatings and bare ng of the mechanical appurtenances in the vault is cover has uniform corrosion and minor pitting steel condition. interior tank coatings contain significant amounts squire appropriate lead abatement procedures. current seismic standards. Tank instability, local nd soil bearing failure could occur as a result of a d strengthening of the tank is required to meet the facility. tential measurements indicate that the tank is not e stationary reference electrode is leaking copper - e rectifier output was adjusted to compensate for �• Interior: The interior coating has reached a end of its design life. Corrosion damage ranges from VANDA Level 2 to Level 3 coated l condition. The VANDA Level 3 condition, which is occurring on the interior ladder, w rrants the need for structural repair. 4• Exterior: The exterior coating is near the 4nd of its design life. The roof plates have minor corrosion occurring and are in a VANDA Level 1 coated steel condition. The extent of Vault and Above - grade Piping: The coat ng of the mechanical appurtenances in the vault is in fair condition. The coating of the above rade piping is in good condition. Lead Content Analysis: The exterior tan coating and vault piping coating contain significant amounts of lead. Removal of th se coatings would require appropriate lead abatement procedures. Seismic Analysis: The tank does not me t current seismic standards. Tank instability, local shell buckling, roof and column damage, a d soil bearing failure could occur as a result of a large magnitude earthquake. Anchoring a strengthening of the tank is required to meet the d for structural repair at this time. VA10-0211 Page 33 of 36 10-0211 Mil brae Tanks Rpt -31- Tank Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Helen $240,500 $895,700 $895,700 $450,000 La Prenda $432,500 $432,500 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Skyline No. 1 $393,600 $1,069,900 $1,069,900 $1,500,000 Skyline No. 2 $635,100 $1,817,000 $1,817,000 $3,000,000 Vallejo $230,600 $230,600 $330,000 $330,000 Total = $1,932,300 $4,445,700 $5,612,600 $6,780,000 :1 v&A 10 RECOMMENDATIONS City of Millbrae Water Reservoir Condition Assessment Technical Memorandum Based on the results of the condition assessment, seismic analysis and our experience, V&A has determined that major renovations are necessary to ensure continual performance from the City's water reservoirs. V&A presents the following options for the City to consider. Rehabilitation Option 1 — Make improvements to the tanks without seismic retrofitting. This would require the City to follow the safe maximum operational water levels as determined by the 1988 D &M Seismic Analysis Report for the Level II or the maximum credible earthquake. The reduction in capacity could be supplemented with secondary storage tanks. Rehabilitation Option 2 — Make improvements to the tanks including seismic retrofitting for the Helen, Skyline No. 1, and Skyline No. 2 tanks. This would require the City to follow the safe maximum operational water levels for the La Prenda and Vallejo tanks. Rehabilitation Option 3 — Make improvements including seismic retrofitting for the Helen, Skyline No. 1, and Skyline No. 2 tanks and construct new tanks to replace La Prenda and Vallejo. ❖ Rehabilitation Option 4 — Construct new tanks to replace the Helen, La Prenda, Skyline No.1, Skyline No.2, and Vallejo tanks. The tank improvements mentioned for Options 1 through Option 3 include coating rehabilitation, cathodic protection upgrade, and structural repair (if necessary). Construction of new tanks shall include all the necessary components (e.g., high performance coatings, cathodic protection systems, and new tank designs with the adequate foundations) to build a high - quality and long- lasting water storage tank capable of withstanding the MCE. Table 10 -1 summarizes the probable cost estimates for the rehabilitation options. Detailed probable cost estimates for each tank are provided in the Appendix A. Table 10 -1. Probable Cost Estimates for Tank Rehabilitation VA10-0211 Page 36 of 36 10-0211 Millbrae Tanks Rpt -32-- South Tahoe Public Utility District BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: March 17, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Grizzly Mountain B oster Station REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff t advertise for construction bids. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES r DISCUSSION: The District is currently designing a new booster station, Grizzly Mountain Booster, set to begin construction in June 201 1. This booster will pump water from the Twin Peaks Zone to the Flagpole Zone. The Twin Peaks Booster Station pumps water from the Stateline Zone to Twin Peaks. These o booster station projects were identified in the Flagpole - Combined System eliability Improvement Plan completed by the District in October 2006, as the preferred Iternative to provide redundancy to the Flagpole Booster and the old pipeline locate under the Upper Truckee River. The new station will be constructed at 1553 G izzly Mountain Drive on a lot recently purchased by the District and will include thr booster pumps and a diesel - powered standby generator. The station will also inclu e a PRV station, creating a new pressure zone, which will provide higher operating pre sures and fire flows to the Mt. Rainier area. Staff plans to complete the design document and go out to bid on April 10"', with a mandatory pre -bid on April 20"', open bids o May 3 and bring a recommendation to the Board on May 5th. SCHEDULE: Advertise 4/10/11; Open Bids 5/03/11; Award Bid 5/05/11; NTP 5/19/11. COSTS: Construction Estimate $1,100,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029- 8176 /GRIZBS BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $132,266 (2010/11); $1,100,000 (2011/12) ATTACHMENTS: None NO NO -33- General Manager Richard H. Sobrig Directors .Chris Wail James K Janes Mary Lou Moe6adrar Dale Klee Eric Schafer 5 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544 -6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.6tpud.us CATEGORY: Water TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: ITEM - PROJECT NAME: BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4f REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to Board of Directors Julie Ryan, Senior ngineer March 17, 2011 ERB Replacement Project DISCUSSION: Ausenco Vector and District stal for the Emergency Retention Basin (ERB) Replc removal and replacement of the existing high localized grading of the ponds; upgrade, repl appurtenances; and various site improvemen documents, staff proposes the following sche so that the project will be on track for complic Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Boa Board Authorize to Bid Advertise Mandatory Pre -Bid Bid Opening Board Approval Notice to Proceed Contractor Mobilization Project Complete The approximate cost to construct the projec $1,150,000 based on the 90% design estimate Modifications to the 90% design are expecte This project is funded by the State Water Reso Revolving Loan Fund. Soutl-1 Ta Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544 -6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www stpud.us advertise for bids. is working to finalize the bid documents icement Project. The project includes density polyethylene (HDPE) liner; cement or removal of existing s. Pending timely completion of the bid Jule for the bid period and construction, nce with the project timeline set by the d: March 17, 2011 April 13, 2011 April 27, 2011 May 24, 2011 June 2, 2011 July 1,2011 August 1, 2011 October 15, 2011 is expected to be approximately rovided by Ausenco Vector. to impact the final Engineer's estimate. rces Control Board's Clean Water State General Manager Rlehani H. A Dirnctore Owls grata James R Jonas Mary i ou Moebadan Dale Mee Eno Schafer Julie Ryan March 17, 2011 Page 2 SCHEDULE: See above COSTS: $1,150,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1029 -7581 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $1,760,888 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO -36- CATEGORY: Sewer TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: Sout Public Uti BOARD AGEN Board of Directors No Bergsohn , I-lyc March 17, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Alpine County Gr DISCUSSION: Changes to amend the District' pursuant to Water Board Order No. R6T -2004 Regional Water Quality Control Board (LRWQ+ monitor the ground and surface water in Alpi MRP will change the groundwater monitoring seven (7) new monitoring wells and discontin wells and two (2) existing monitoring wells. In are also proposed for construction to comple of treated wastewater on the Diamond Valle November 2010). The proposed changes will i monitoring network to collect groundwater d changes in water quality from present and fut County. The project is needed for constructio Staff proposes the following schedule: • Advertise for Bids • Mandatory Pre -Bid Conferen • Bid Opening • Board Award • Notice of Award • Notice to Proceed • Project Completion � Tahoe ity District General Manager Rktrard N. So lirig Dkactors .Chris Cora lu James It Jones Mary Lou Mosbaoher Dale Rise Erfcsiar 12 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 54+6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stpud.us 0 DA ITEM 4g ro- Geologist undwater Monitoring Well Installations REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for bids for the construction of fourteen (14) new monitoring wells to be incl ded in the Alpine County Groundwater Monitoring Program. Monitoring and Reporting Program (MRP) 10 are being accepted by the Lahontan B). The MRP requires the District to e and El Dorado Counties. The amended network in Alpine County by requiring e monitoring from four (4) existing private ddition, seven (7) new monitoring wells e the application to permit the disposal Ranch (submitted to the LRWQCB in prove the capability of the groundwater to that can be used to better evaluate re uses of recycled wastewater in Alpine of the new monitoring wells. March 22, 2011 March 30, 2011 April 19, 2011 April 21, 2011 April 22, 2011 May 09, 2011 July 29, 2011 No Bergsohn March 17, 2011 Page 2 SCHEDULE: As Above COSTS: $72,000 (estimated). ACCOUNT NO: 1029 - 8136 /ALPMWS; 1029 -8161 /DVRIIP BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $200,000 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO -38- CATEGORY: Sewer SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Richard Solbri., General Mana • er Dale Rise, President James R. Jones, Director BOARD MEMBERS Eric W. Schafer, Director REGULAR MEETING OF TH SOUTH TAHOE PUBL FEBRUARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Rise, Directors Jones, Mosbacher, Sc Director Cefalu was absent. STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, Sciuto, Hughest Bergsohn, Hussmann, Curtis, Attorney- trrema. Brad Herrerna led the pledge to the flag. Staff requested Consent Item i, Pylon Memorand Understanding) be removed from the agenda. It be placed on a future agenda for consideration. MINUTES GUESTS: Andrew Thiel, John Thiel, Ernie Clain Eugene Pal Director of Redevelopment . for the City South Lake Tahoe; Nancy Ke ss °develop Housing tviggieger for the City of SetIth Lake Taho ; Shellan; 'guez /Project ager, Pacific West Corrmlnities mai f Moved Schafer /Second Jones / Cefalu Absent / Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: a. Grizzly Mountain Booster Station - Authorized T sk Order to AECOM for electrical, instrumentation nd control engineering services, in the amount not to exceed $32,500; -39- E BOAlat OF DIRECTORS IC DISTRICT 17, Paul Sci Assistant General Mana • er Mary Lou Mosbacher, Vice President ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE m of CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR ill CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR Chris Cefalu, Director REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 17, 2011 PAGE - 2 b. Grizzly Mountain Booster Station - Authorized Task CONSENT CALENDAR Order to Hauge Brueck Associates for CEQA and TRPA (continued) permitting assistance in the amount not to exceed $25,000; c. 2010 Meyers Waterline Replacement Project - (1) Approved Change Order No. 4 to Campbell Con- struction Company, Inc., in the credit amount of <$32,954.55 >; (2) Approved the Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims; and (3) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk; d. Echo View and Angora Tanks Replacement - (1) Approved the Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for Resource Development Company; and (2) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk; e. Headworks Replacement: Phase 1 - (1) Approved the Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for Evans Brothers, Inc., and (2) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the B Dorado County Clerk; f. Sale of Surplus Generator- Approved sale of sinus generator to Nevada Generator Systems, in the mount of $3,500; g. Hydro Truck Bid - Authorized staff to advertise for bids for a sewer cleaning truck and mac; h. 2010 Legal Review of 1 =rat -End Specifications - Approved amendment to the existing-contract with Best, Best, & Krieger LLP, in the amount of $3,102.50; i. Consent item removed; j. Luther Pass Pump Station Standby Power - (1) Approved Change Order No. 5 to Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc., in the amount of $5,526; and (2) Added eighty -eight (88) calendar days to the contract time; k. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: January 20, 2011; I. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: February 3, 2011. -40- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 17, 20 Shellan Rodriguez, project manager for develope , Pacific PRESENTATION: THE ASPENS AT SOUTH West Communities, Inc., gave a PowerPoint prese Cation LAKE TAHOE PROPOSED LOW - that gave an overview of the proposed Aspens t South COME HOUSING PROJECT Lake project (a 5.5 acres, 48 -unit low- income ap rtment complex) near the corner of Ski Run Boulevard an Pioneer Trail. Ms. Rodriguez, along with Eugene Palazzo, Director of Redevelopment & Housing for the City of South Lake Tahoe explained project approvals and funding commitments that have been received to date. They requested that the District defer water capacity charges , in the amount of $550,000, and would agree that the developer pay the fee over 55 years with 3% interest. The developer would pay $10,000 par year, and if residual receipt payments were higher than $10,000, the District would be first in line to receive payment. The payment of $580,000 for sewer capacity charges will be paid up front. A letter of commitment is required by March 11. The Board discussed the risks of this proposal since there is no guarantee the loan would be repaid if the project is not profitable. It was the consensus of the Board to request a recommend- ation from the Finance Committee, and to direct legat counsel to issue an opinion whetheir the request is considered to be a gift of public funds cind if if t OH owable. No Board action. FOR BOARD ACTION The Distripecial Use Permit (Stnot for sewer facilities USDA SEWER SPECIAL USE PERMIT on Fore'ervice land expired a number of years ago. After the District settled its portion of the Meyer's Landfill litigation, the District submitted an application package for a new SUP in March 2010. The Forest Service requires the District to enter into a cost recovery agreement and reimburse them application processing fees, including assoc"ated environmental artuysis. If the actual costs of processing the application are loves than the estimated fee, the District will be reimbursed the remaining amount. Moved Schafer / Second Mosbacher / Cefalu Absent Passed to (1) Authorize execution of a Cost Recovery Agreement with the USDA Forest Service for processing the District's Special Use Permit application; and (2) Authorize payment of the estimated processing fee in the amount of $51,672.54. 1 PAGE - 3 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 17, 2011 The Airport Well has been declining in water production over the years. It was deemed a standby source of water supply by the California Department of Public Health due to the presence of arsenic slightly above the state and federal maximum contaminant level. Staff believes the well is amenable to well rehabilitation and well modification methods that could restore lost drinking water production and reduce arsenic concentrations in a cost effective manner. If successful, the well could be reclassified as an active source, without the need for wellhead treatment. Funding for this well evaluation, provided by the El Dorado County Water Agency, requires that all work for the well evaluation is completed by June 30, 2011. Four submittals were received in response to the District's requests for proposals. Staff reviewed and ranked the proposals based on a set of pre- determined criteria, and selected Farr West Engineers. Moved Jones / Second Schafer / Cefalu Absent/ / Passed to accept proposal from Farr west Engineers, to provide engineering, well rehabilitation and well profiling services in the amount of $80,000. Moved Schafer / Second R / Cefaiu Absent / P d to approve payment in the amount of $1,252,214.37 Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met on February 14. Wnutes of the meeting. are available upon request. The agerLy Board met on February 9. Election of officers were held, and Director Jones was voted to be President of their Board of Directors. There may be extra money available to distribute to purveyors for additional projects. The District's project funding requests for the 2011 -2012 fiscal year budget are due Much 1. Director Jones reported he, along with Dennis Cocking, will travel to Washington D. C. to attend the ACWA (Association of California Water Agencies) conference. They will seek funding of $5M for "continued projects" from congressional representatives, and also seek support for renewal of the Tahoe Restoration Act. ACWA will hold a legislative symposium in Sacramento in March, and is a good way for Board members to learn about California water issues and federal issues that impact the District. -42- AIRPORT WELL EVALUATION PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVE REPORT BOARD MEMBER REPORTS PAGE - 4 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 17, 2 Director Mosbacher thanked staff for providing n of planned generator testing to the neighbors of Pass Pump Station. Director Schafer reported on his attendance at t February 16 ECC (Employee Communications C meeting. General Manager: Richard Solbrig reported he p a conference attendance summary, including e for the joint utility management conference he a President Rise will assign an ad hoc committee to the legal service providers rate comparisons; and Clerk of the Board: Kathy Sharp reported there a rently two travel policies in place - one for Board as part of their policy manual, and one for skiff. S recommended that the Board follow the staff adheres to recommended reimbursements at th This item will be placed on a future agenda for c Assistant General Manager / Engineer: Paul Sciut that reimbursements to the County fox waterline r erosion control projects win be place on a future consideration. Legal Counsel: Brad Herrema updated the Boar Diamond Valle, h and Inds Creek tempor rights issue. held and the request approves with no opp i n received. 3:51 P.M. ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District -43-t 11 President Rise' request, staff arranged for the film "Poverty to Prosperity" to be shown at the March 17 Board meeting and invited District and City staff to attend. otice BOARD MEMBER REPORTS the Luther (continued) e mmittee) epared GENERA MANAGER REPORTS penses, tended; review per e cur- StAF ! REPORTS embers e y, which IRS nsider reported ation for genda for on the Ty water s ADJOURNMENT Dale Rise, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District PAGE - 5 TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: ITEM - PROJECT NAME: REQUESTED BOARD ACTIO Sout Public Uti 12 BOARD AGEN Board of Directors Tim Bledsoe, Man March 17, 2011 Meter Error and Le A pp rbv nact Ordinanc Administrative Code regarding meter error a DISCUSSION: The District has determined that responsible for the cost of an increased wate the plumbing system on the customer's side o opportunity for customers to request adjustm who has such an error or leak or who is seekin for a meter error or teak shall be treated in ac SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. 529 -11 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES -45-4 NO NO Tahoe ity District Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544 -6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stpud.u6 A ITEM 6a ger of Customer Service k Adjustment Policy Adel r,) *24 No. 529 -11 adding section 6.4.11 arTh d a leak adjustment policy. it is appropriate that customers not be bill when there is a meter error or a leak in the meter. This policy provides an nts to water use charges. Any customer an adjustment of a water usage charge ordance with this policy. CATEGORY: Water General Msro:4w Richard H. Solbrig Directors ,Chris Carobs Jam K Jones Mary Lou bAosbacber Dais Mos Eric Schafer AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH T ADDING ADMINISTRATI REGARDING METER ERROR AN Be it enacted by the Board of Directors of of El Dorado, State of California, as follows: The purpose of this Ordinance is to provid for the establishment of the South Tahoe Public Utility District's Water Meter Error and L ak Adjustment Policy, and the incorporation of its operation into the Administrative Code. SECTION II — E For the purposes of this Ordinance, the ten A. The District — The South Tahoe Pu B. The Board — The Board of Director C. Administrative Code — The compil, Administrative, Water, Sewer, Stre Plan Ordinances of the District, wh for the decisions of the District, an District operations. D. General Manager — The General M lin ager of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, El Dorado County, State of California, makes the following findings: 1. From time to time, the water meter District water customers function incorrectly such show that more water has been delivered to the c This may result in an error in a customer's water b water than the customer receives. Ordinance No. 529 -11 Meter Error and Water Leak Adjustment Policy Page 1 ORDINANC SECTION I - POLICY AND PURPOSE SECTION III - 47- NO. 529-11 HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT E CODE SECTION 6.4.11 LEAK ADJUSTMENT POLICY the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County EFINITIONS n s used herein are defined as follows: � lic Utility District. s of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. tion and codification of all of the t Lighting and Groundwater Management ch establish the authority and the principles provide the public with guidelines applicable FINDINGS used to measure the water provided to at their readings are not accurate and may tomer than the customer has actually received. 11 such that the customer is charged for more 2. From time to time, through no fault of the customer, a District water customer may experience a leak in the plumbing system on the customer's side of the water meter, such that the customer's water meter, while it may show the amount of water that was actually delivered to the customer, will register a larger amount delivered than the amount of water the customer puts to use. This may result in a corresponding increase in a customer's water bill such that the customer would be charged for more water than the customer has put to use. 3. The Board has determined that it is appropriate that customers not be responsible for the cost of an increased water bill when the increased amount is the result of a water meter error or a leak in the plumbing system on the customer's side of the water meter. Accordingly, the Board seeks to establish a Water Meter Error and Leak Adjustment Policy which sets forth the procedures to be followed when there is a water meter error or a leak in the plumbing on the customer's side of the water meter and provide for the District's operation in accordance with that policy. 4. The Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the health and safety of District's residents to adopt this ordinance to establish the District's Water Meter Error and Leak Adjustment Policy attached hereto and incorporate its operation into the Administrative Code.. SECTION IV — ADD SECTION 6.4.11 TO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE The following section shall be added to the Administrative Code: 6.4.11 WATER METER ERROR AND LEAK ADJUSTMENT POLICY Water meter errors and water leak adjustments shall be addressed pursuant to the District's Water Meter Error and Leak Adjustment Policy. The Water Meter Error and Leak Adjustment Policy adopted herewith by the District's Board and may only be modified through action taken by a majority vote of the District's Board. If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or the Administrative Code. The Board of Directors declares and determines that it would have passed section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof of this Ordinance and its implementing rules and regulations and the Administrative Code irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases may be determined to be unconstitutional or invalid. This Ordinance adding the above referenced section to the Administrative Code shall take effect thirty days after its passage. Ordinance No. 529 -11 Meter Error and Water Leak Adjustment Policy Page 2 SECTION V — SEVERABILITY SECTION VI — EFFECTIVE DATE -48- PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board�f Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at its duly held regular meeting on the 17 day of March, 2011 by the following vote: ATTEST: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board Ordinance No. 529 -11 Meter Error and Water Leak Adjustment Policy Page 3 -49-- Dale Rise, President South Tahoe Public Utility District Meter Error and Leak Adjustment Policy POLICY STATEMENT The South Tahoe Public Utility District ( "District ") has determined that it is appropriate that customers not be responsible for the cost of an increased water bill when there is a meter error or a leak in the plumbing system on the customer's side of the meter. This policy provides an opportunity for customers to request adjustments to water use charges when a meter error occurs or a leak occurs on the customer's side of the meter. Any customer who has such an error or a leak or who is seeking an adjustment of a water usage charge for a meter error or leak shall be treated in accordance with this policy. RULE AND REQUIREMENTS FOR METER ERROR AND WATER LEAK ADJUSTMENTS: 1. Customer's Responsibility to Monitor, Investigate and Repair Leaks The customer is responsible for monitoring higher than expected usage as reflected on the customer's bill. Higher than expected usage must be investigated by the customer and any leaks promptly repaired by the customer. A customer who has observed or has actual knowledge of a leak on the customer's side of the water meter is required to promptly repair the leak. 2. Meter Reading Error If an investigation of a meter and meter records shows that a meter was misread, then the customer's bill will be revised based on the corrected reading on a prorated basis. If there was a failure of the meter or the meter reading device, a new bill will be issued using an estimated usage based on the average use during the same billing period during each of the previous three (3) years or any information that is available on the customer's account prior to the bill in question. 3. Proper Meter Reading If an investigation of a meter and meter record establishes that a meter was properly read and that there was no failure of meter or meter reading device, the customer's bill will remain valid and payable on the specified due date. 4. Testing of the Customer Meter If the customer questions the accuracy of the meter, the customer may request that the meter's accuracy be tested. The customer must pay a meter testing deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for meters of a size of up to and including one and one half inch (1.5 "). The District will remove the meter and test it at the District's shop or at the District's election have the meter tested by a third party. For meters larger in size than one and one half inch (1.5 "), the District will engage an outside consultant to test the meter if the customer agrees to pay for the testing. If the meter's accuracy is found to be within the guidelines established for meters by the American Water Works Association (AWWA), it will be deemed to be accurate. If the meter is found to be accurate within AWWA guidelines, the customer's meter testing deposit will not be refunded. If the meter does not meet AWWA accuracy standards, the District shall refund the meter testing deposit to the customer, repair or replace the meter, and make an adjustment to the customer's bill in accordance with the test results. 5. Request for an Approval of Adjustment If customer believes that a leak in the plumbi meter has resulted in an increased water bill customer's bill, the customer must submit to t Leak Adjustment Request Form, to be provid the customer's receipt of the billing statement the water leak occurred. The completed form receipt for the repairs performed and /or a rec businesses with in -house maintenance staff manager who witnessed the repair. All requests for billing adjustments must be re Department office of the District during regula 6. Eligibility Any customer requesting a water leak adjust for at least a three -month period at the addre order to be eligible for a leak adjustment, the kept current until the leak adjustment request determination regarding the request. Only on months per account. 7. Leaks Qualifying for Adjustment and Ca A leak adjustment request must meet all othe requirements of this policy are met, the follow' leak within an underground water service line building (2) a leak within or under a building if service line or similar sudden release of wate commode or faucet. The District will not adju hoses left running, the filling of swimming poo of lawns and gardens, damaged irrigation spri fountains, etc.) leaks, premises left or abando plumbing system, or similar water usages. W construction damage is not covered under thi 8. Calculation of Billing Adjustment Only one (1) bill, or two (2) consecutive bills if be adjusted to credit the customer's account f The estimation of the proper billing adjustmen usage based on the average use during the s previous three (3) years or any information th . prior to the bill in question. 9. Requirement of Actual Leak The District shall not consider or approve any unless the increase water bill is the result of a adjustment in the bill is requested, and the lea 10. Requirement of Request for Adjustmen The District shall not make an adjustment to a adjustment request is submitted for review to t the customer's receipt of the bill. A customer three (3) days after it is deposited in the U.S. g system on the customer's side of the nd desires that the District adjust the e District for review a completed Water d by the District, within sixty (60) days of that covers the time period during which shall be accompanied by a plumber's ipt for parts. In lieu of receipts, ay submit a statement signed by the eived in writing at the Customer Service business hours. ent must have been a District customer s for which the request is presented. In ustomer's account must be paid in full and s reviewed and the District has made a adjustment will be allowed every 24 culation of Billing Adjustment requirements of this policy. If all other g leaks may qualify for adjustment: (1) a • etween the meter and exterior of a he leak was due to a ruptured water from a water service line or (3) a leaking t any water bills as a result of faucets or s or hot tubs, pressure washing, watering kier heads, water feature (e.g. ponds, ed without reasonable care for the ter loss due to theft, vandalism or policy. he leak affects two (2) billing cycles, will r charges incurred due to a water leak. amount will be based on an estimated me billing period during each of the t is available on the customer's account eak adjustment to a customer's water bill actual physical leak for which an is located, documented, and repaired. within Sixty (60) Days of Receipt. customer's water bill when the written leak e District more than sixty (60) days after ill be deemed to have received a bill ail by the District. The District shall not extend the due date of a customer's water or wastewater bill as a result of a customer's submission of a leak adjustment request. 11. Field Verification The District reserves the right to make field verifications of the repairs performed before approving leak adjustments. 12. Approval by District Staff for Water Leak Adjustment All requests for adjustments shall be approved by the District's Customer Service Supervisor or the Customer Service Manager before an adjustment is credited to a customer's account. When the Customer Service Supervisor or the Customer Service Manager reasonably determines that the customer requesting an adjustment of a water bill for a leak had actual knowledge of a leak, or with due diligence would have suspected or known of a leak, and did not take reasonable and timely steps to investigate, locate, and repair the leak, the Customer Service Supervisor or the Customer Service Manager shall not approve the request for an adjustment. RECORD KEEPING REQUIREMENTS The Customer Service Department shall keep a written record of the customer billing adjustment request and the action taken by the District. REVIEW BY DISTRICT STAFF The District's Board of Directors hereby authorizes the District's Customer Service Supervisor and Customer Service Manager to approve adjustment requests, as appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of this policy. If the customer believes the action taken on the customer's request to be unacceptable, the customer shall be advised of the customer's right, upon the customer's request, to have the billing adjustment request heard and acted upon by the Board of Directors. If requested by the customer, the customer's request for a billing adjustment shall be scheduled for consideration at the Board of Directors' next regularly scheduled meeting and the customer shall be informed of the time and place of the meeting. REVIEW BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS When a customer appears at a Board of Directors' meeting regarding a billing adjustment request without previously submitting the facts regarding the request to the Customer Service Department staff, the Board of Directors may delay hearing or ruling on the request until the next regular meeting to allow the District's staff, attorney or others to locate and prepare materials concerning the request for adjustment. NOTICE TO ALL CUSTOMERS All notices, statements, requests and other communications from the District to the customer shall be deemed sufficient and properly given if in writing and delivered by U.S. mail. A customer's refusal to accept any notice or communication shall be deemed receipt. MODIFICATION OF THIS POLICY This Meter Error and Leak Adjustment Policy may be modified only through action taken by a majority of the District's Board of Directors. Water Leak Adjustment Request Form Leak Adjustment Policy: • The District will grant no more than leaks on the customers' side of the connection every 24 months. No le . of faucets or hoses left running, filli pressure washing, watering of lawn sprinkler heads, water feature (e.g. left or abandoned without reasonabl similar water usages. • A Water Leak Adjustment Request Customer Service Department withi receipt of the billing that covers the occurred. Account Holder Name: Service Address: Description of Leak: South Public Util Contact Phone Number: ( ) Property Type: Single - Family ❑ Multi - Family ❑ Date leak was discovered: / / Location of leak: Leak Repaired by: Date leak was repaired: / / Description of repair: For Office Use Only: Date: Approved by: -53} Tahoe ity District 1275 Meadow Greet Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 Phone 530 544 -6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 ne water billing adjustment for water ater meter per water service k adjustment will be granted as a result • of swimming pools or hot tubs, and gardens, damaged irrigation onds, fountains, etc.) Teaks, premises care for the plumbing system, or orm must be submitted to the sixty (60) days of the customer's ime period during which the water leak Account Number: Commercial ❑ Account Holder Signature: Date: / / NOTE: PROOF OF REPAIR MUST BE ATTACHED OR ADJUSTMENT WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: ITEM - PROJECT NAME: South Ta Public Utility District BOARD AGEN Board of Directors Julie Ryan, Senior March 17, 2011 Headworks Repla REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve GSE's r subcontractor, Conco Reinforcing, that was li files a written objection to the substitution. If public hearing during this agenda item to de substitution. DISCUSSION: On March 2, 2011, GSE formally subcontractor they listed in the Bid Documen listed to furnish the reinforcing, Conco Reinfor furnish the reinforcing as quoted during the bi between the bid item unit price and the total Generally, the Subcontractors' Listing Law pro subcontractor listed in the original bid. Howe Section 4107, the District has the discretion to subcontractor for another subcontractor (or f Contractor) for certain reasons specified in th listed subcontractor fails or refuses to execute the price specified in the subcontractor's bid. Reinforcing has notified GSE that it will not pr• On March 3, 2011, the District sent Conco Rei replace their firm as the reinforcing subcontr• Section 4107 (See attached letter). Conco R object to the substitution. If no objection was be deemed to have consented to the substit Conco has filed an objection, the District mus item to determine whether to approve the su General Manager Rfohard H. SAN@ Directors Ch James R. Jones Mary Lou Moebacher Dale Rise Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544 -6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stpud.us DA ITEM 6b ngineer ement Phase 2 quest to substitute the approved ted in the Bid Documents unless Conco onco files a written objection, hold a ermine whether to approve the equested they be allowed to replace the s, Conco Reinforcing. The subcontractor ing, informed GSE that they could not •ding phase because of a discrepancy amount of their bid (see attached email). ibits a contractor from substituting a er, under the Public Contract Code • pprove substitution of the listed .r self - performance by the General statute. One of those reasons is if the a contract for the scope of work and at (Pub. Con. Code, § 4107(a)(1).) Conco vide the reinforcing services as bid. forcing notice of GSE's request to tor pursuant to Public Contract Code inforcing had until March 11, 2011, to filed by that date, Conco Reinforcing will tion and the District can approve it. If hold a pubic hearing during this agenda stitution. Julie Ryan March 17, 2011 Page 2 Once the substitution is approved by the Board, GSE will provide information concerning the subcontractor to replace Conco Reinforcing, so the District can review that subcontractor's qualifications and determine compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: None ACCOUNT NO: 1029- 8033 /HDWORK BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $9,000,000 ATTACHMENTS: District letter (dated March 3, 2011) CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO -56- CATEGORY: Water March 3, 2011 Mr. Jaden C. Luke Gonsalves & Santucci inc, dba CONCO 5141 Commercial Circle Concord, CA 94520 BY CERTIFIED OVERNIGHT MAIL Re: Headworks Replacement Phase 2 Project GSE's Request for Substitution of Subcont Dear Jaden, This letter will serve as formal notice that GSE has subcontractor in your place, providing reinforcing justification is outlined in their letter of March 2, 2 Please be advised if you do not submit a written ob receipt of this letter, the time limit provided by Pu deemed to have consented to the substitution, whic an objection to the substitution within the above ti during the District's Board of Directors' meeting on whether or not to approve the substitution. The loc Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. Sincerely, Sout Public Uti Julie Ryan, Senior Engineer Attachment: GSE letter (dated March 2, 2011) CC: file Ryan Gobel, GSE Ta hoe ity District General Manager Richard H. Soibrig Directors Chris Car* Jamas R. Jones Mary Lou Moebacher Dab Rise Eric Schafer 12 5 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544 -6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stpud.us ctor requested permission to substitute a ervices for the above referenced project. The 11, a copy of which is enclosed. ection within five (5) working days from your is Contract Code Section 4107, you will be will be approved by the District. If you file e limit, the District will hold a public hearing March 17, 2011 at 2:00 pm to determine tion of the Board meeting is 1275 Meadow Julie Ryan South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 RE: . Subcontractor Release Headworks Replacement Project - 613 Dear Julie Ryan, We respectfully request per specification 00 20 00 - 3.08.0 and 00 73 00- 2.06.B to be granted permission to release Conco Reinforcing from their contractual obligations based on refusal to sign our subcontract for the amount listed in the bid documents. Please see attached email from Conco stating that it is acceptable to release them from the contract. Ryan Gobel, Project Manager GSE Construction Co., Inc. C O N S T R U C T I O N Document 613 -LTC -3 Cyan Gobel :rom: Jaden Luke [jcluke ©theconcocompanies.com] >ent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 11:21 AM 'o: Ryan Gobel >ubject: RE: Headworks, S. Lake Tahoe Ne cannot execute this project due to a discrepancy within the bid item unit price verse the total tmourtt. We are willing to be released from the contract document if we cannot agree on the total 'mount of the listed $286,000.00 as listed on our bid items. >» Ryan Gobel <rgobel @gseconstruction.com> 2/15/2011 10:26 AM »> :mild you please respond to this email stating you cannot execute this project with the price isted due to an error in your bid and would like to be released from the contract documents. nom: Jaden Luke [ mailto :jcluke @theconcocompanies.com] ;ent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 7:41 AM o: Ryan Gobel subject: Headwors, S. Lake Tahoe louring Ryan, inaily got done reviewing the numbers for the Headworks project. My apologies for the tardy response. etween being too cheap originally and the recent increase in material, I have to stick to my original bid f $286,000.00. y deepest regrets and apologies. lease let me know how you want to move forward ASAP. egards, xien C. Luke onsalves & Santucci inc., dba CONCO - 925.681.6514 - iduke @theconcocomoanies.com ww.theconcocomoanies.com C. # 199902 28/2011 -59- Page 1 of South Ta Public Utility District BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6c TO: Board of Directors FROM: No Bergsohn, Hydro - Geologist MEETING DATE: March 17, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: LPPS Standby Power Generation Facility 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www stpud.u5 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Sierra Nevada Construction's (SNC) request to substitute the approved subcontractor, Nelson Electric, that was listed-in the Bid Documents unless Nelson Electric files a written objection to the substitution. If Nelson Electric files a written objection, hold a public hearing during this agenda item to determine whether to approve the substitution. DISCUSSION: On March 9, 2011, SNC formally requested that the District allow Minden Electric to complete the electrical work for construction of the new fire pump building. Construction of the new fire pump building was added to the contract under Change Order No.1; Item 2 (June 17, 2010). The electrical subcontractor originally included in the bid is Nelson Electric. Nelson Electric has declined SNC's offer to perform this extra work as bid and takes no exceptions to the use of another licensed electrician. Generally, the Subcontractor's Listing Law prohibits a contractor from substituting a subcontractor listed in the original bid. However, under the Public Contract Code Section 4107, the District has the discretion to approve substitution of the listed subcontractor for another subcontractor for certain specified reasons listed in the statute. One of the circumstances when the awarding authority may consent to substitution of a subcontractor is where the listed subcontractor fails or refuses to perform his or her subcontract (Pub. Con. Code § 4107(a)(3)). Nelson Electric has formally notified Sierra Nevada Construction that it will not provide the electrical services for the extra work item as bid, and consents to the use of another licensed electrician solely for this extra work item. On March 9, 2011, the District notified Nelson Electric of SNC's intent to use Minden Electric to complete the electrical work solely for the new fire pump building. Nelson Electric has until March 16th to provide a written objection. If no written objection is received by that date, Nelson Electric will be deemed to have consented to the substitution and the District can approve the substitution. Should the District receive an objection, the District must hold a public hearing during this agenda item to determine whether to approve the substitution. -61- General Manager Richard H. Scant Directors .claisCefalu James R Jones Mary Lou Moabacher DabRisa Eric ,afar No Bergsohn March 17, 2011 Page 2 The District is waiting for SNC to provide the information concerning the other electrical subcontractor to be used for the new fire pump building so that the District can review the subcontractor's qualifications and determine compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: None ACCOUNT NO: 1029 -8933 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $541,817 ATTACHMENTS: Sierra Nevada Construction Letter No. 31 (03. 09.2011); Nelson Electric Letter (03.08.2011); STPUD Subcontractor Substitution Notice (03.09.2011). CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES /Oa NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -62- CATEGORY: Sewer SNC March 09, 2011 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 (530) 544 -6474 SNC Job No. 10648 (530) 541 -0641 Fax Letter No. 31 Attention: Ivo Bergsohn Re: Luther Pass Pump Station Standby Power Generator Facility Project Electrical Work in the Fire Pump Building Dear Ivo, SIERRA NEVADA CONSTRUCTION. IN mail po box 50760 sparks, nv 89435 -0760 yard 2055 east greg street sparks, nv 89431 775.355.0420 phone 775.355.0535 fax nv. lic. 125565 cd. tic. 1593393 As stated in your email sent 3/8/11, an electrician from Minden Electric arrived onsite to begin work in the Fire Pump Building. Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc. (SNC) did not list Minden Electric on bid day in the List of Subcontractors because Minden Electric will not perform work or labor or render services to the prime contractor. Minden Electric has been contracted through KFC Building Concepts, Inc. (KFC), who is listed and subcontracted with SNC to provide for a lump sum price Bid Item 25 — Furnish and Install a Sprinkler Fire Suppression System complete and in place per the DESCRIPTION OF BID ITEMS provided in Addendum 1; Item No. 2. We request that the District allow Minden Electric to perform the above stated portion of work for the following reasons: 1. Minden Electric (CA License # 808075) will perform the electrical work associated with the Fire Pump Skid Enclosure only. This scope of work will not include any of the original contract electrical work described in BI 21 or shown on sheets E -101 through E -113. Nelson Electric has satisfied these requirements (and their subcontract with SNC) by installing conduit run P24 per sheet E -108 (from Panel A to Fire Pump Skid). 2. Nelson Electric was asked to provide a proposal to KFC based upon the conceptual skid shown on sheet FP -102. This request was respectfully declined per the attached letter from Nelson Electric. 3. Neither Nelson Electric nor any other electrical quote received by SNC on bid day included scope to provide for the electrical work in the Fire Pump Skid per B125. This skid was called out to be a pre fabricated unit to include interior electrical components. Change Order #1 dated 6/17/10 modified the contract to allow for a CMU block enclosure complying with all applicable building codes and satisfying the fire pump skid manufacturer's installation recommendations and visually compatible with the new generator building. In closing, SNC does not view the decision to utilize Minden Electric for the work in the Fire Pump Skid as a subcontractor substitution. This is based upon the fact that this scope of work was not part of the bid day contract documents and was not quoted as such. As you are aware, time is of the essence. We respectfully request that the District allow SNC to continue with the completion of the electrical work on this project. If you have any questions or require additional information, we can be reached at (775) 355 -0420. Sincerely, Shah Taylor Project Manager Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc. 1410 FREBPORT BLVD. SPARKS, NV. 89431 PHONE: (775) 358 -0643 FAX: (775) 358 -0674 March 8, 2011 Shaun, To Promise Project Manager Shaun Taylor Sierra Nevada Construction 2055 East Greg Street Sparks, NV 89431 RE: Luther Pass Pump Station Fire Pump Building Nelson Electric was asked if we wanted to provide pricing to KFC for the electrical work required in the fire pump building. Nelson Electric respectfully chose not to price this work. It is understood by Nelson Electric that this work will be performed by another licensed electrician and takes no further exceptions to this decision. NV. LICENSE: 016697 CA. LICENSE: 322768 OR. LICENSE: 26-261 March 9, 2011 Lloyd Nelson Nelson Electric Company 1410 Freeport Blvd, Sparks, Nevada 89431 Re: Luther Pass Pump Station Standby Power Generator Facility Subcontractor Substitution Notice Dear Mr. Nelson, By this letter, the South Tahoe Public Utility District is hereby notifying Nelson Electric, that the District has received a request from Sierra Nevada Construction of its intent to substitute Minden Electric, in place of Nelson Electric to complete the electrical work solely for the new fire pump building portion of the Luther Pass Pump Station Standby Power Generator Facility Upgrade Project. The new fire pump building was added to the contract under Change Order No.1; Item 2 (approved June 17, 2010). If Nelson Electric disagrees with this substitution, please provide your written objections to the District by no later than Wednesday March 16 Under the Public Contract Code, failure to submit written objections constitutes the subcontractor's consent to the substitution. The District's Board of Director's will be considering the prime contractor's request for substitution at the next regular meeting scheduled for March 17 Please contact me (530.543.6204) should you have any questions regarding this notice. Sincerely, No Bergsohn Project Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District cc: S. Taylor, SNC B. Herrema, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck Jim Hoggatt, Engineering Division Manager Paul Sciuto, P.E., Assistant General Manager /Engineer File Via Email and Certified Mail Richard I-I. soli Directors Chris Ce faly James R_Jowes marl t.ou Mosbacher Dale Rise eric scha fer 1275 Meadow Croat Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL March 17, 2011 Payroll 3/8/2011 437,398.95 Total Payroll 437,398.95 ADP 2,899.94 American Express 196.70 Bank of America 0.00 BNY Mellon Trust Company 0.00 Brownstein /Hyatt/Farber /Schreck legal services 19,938.36 CDS- health care payments 69,262.25 Union Bank 0.00 Total Vendor EFT 92,297.25 Accounts Payable Checks -Sewer Fund 291,474.67 Accounts Payable Checks -Water Fund 488,230.50 Accounts Payable Checks - Self - funded Insurance 0.00 Accounts Payable Checks - Grants Fund 0.00 Total Accounts Payable 779,705.17 Grand Total 1,309,401.37 Payroll EFTs & Checks 3/8/2011 EFT AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care 1,634.91 EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 19,855.66 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 93,152.33 EFT CaIPERS Contributions 70,480.88 EFT Great West Deferred Comp 18,899.08 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,422.16 EFT United Way Contributions 134.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 220,784.28 CHK Employee Garnishments 1,389.22 CHK Employee Paychecks 8,646.43 Total 437,398.95 Vendor Name 3T EQUIPMENT CO A -1 CHEMICAL INC A -1 CHEMICAL INC A -1 CHEMICAL INC User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Department / Proj Name EQUIPMENT REP GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN FINANCE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description Acct# / Proj Code AUTOMOTIVE 1005 - 6011 JANIT /SUPPLY INV 1000 - 0422 OFFICE INVENTORY 1000 - 0428 INV/FRT /DISCOUNT 1039 - 6077 Check Total: 230.61 AP- 00078582 MW ADVANTAGE LASER PRODUCTS INC FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039 - 4820 171.89 ADVANTAGE LASER PRODUCTS INC FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039 - 4820 171.89 Check Total: 343.78 AP- 00078583 MW ADVANTEL INC INFORMATION SYS OFFICE SUPPLIES 1037 - 4820 212.06 ADVANTEL INC INFORMATION SYS OFFICE SUPPLIES 2037 -4820 212.07 Check Total: 424.13 AP- 00078584 MW AFLAC GEN & ADMIN SUPP INS W/H 1000 - 2532 744.70 Check Total: 744,70 AP- 00078585 MW AHERN RENTALS DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS & MNTC 1028 - 6042 51.85 I of Check Total: 51.85 AP- 00078586 MW CO 1 ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002 - 6051 3,099.92 Check Total: 3.099.92 AP-00078587 MW ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE GEN & ADMIN OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1000 - 6081 246.90 Check Total: 246.90 AP- 00078588 MW ALPINE COUNTY DIAMOND VLY RNCH LAND TAXES 1028 - 6651 29,157.24 Check Total: 29.157.24 AP- 00078589 MW ALPINE METALS HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004 - 6041 84.83 Check Total: 84.83 AP- 00078590 MW ALPINE, COUNTY OF DIAMOND VLY RNCH FISH 1028 - 6649 48,000.00 AMERICAN EXPRESS FINANCE SUPPLIES 1039 - 6520 100.00 AMERICAN EXPRESS FINANCE SUPPLIES 2039 - 6520 100.00 Check Total: Y00,00 AP- 00078592 MW AMERIGAS DIAMOND VLY RNCH PROPANE 1028 - 6360 1,767.52 Check Total: 1.767.4 AP- 00078593 MW Page: 1 Check Total: Check Total: 48,000.00 AP- 00078591 MW Current Date: 03/10/2011 Current Time: 08:29:10 Amount Check Num r ws 479.75 479.75 AP- 00078581 MW - 312.54 541.65 1.50 Y.RIXISH Name Department / Proj Name AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES GEN & ADMIN PAYMENT OF CLAIMS DASIORtisal UNIFORM PAYABLE Acct# / Proj Code 1000 - 2518 BMI SYSTEMS GROUP INFORMATION SYS SERVICE CONTRACT 1037 - 6030 Um: THERESA Report OHJMT_CLAIMS.J K Page: 2 Check Total: ARETE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING - GIS SFTWR DEV ARETE, GIS 2029 - 8120 - GISSFT 2,651.25 Check Total: 2.651.25 AP 00078595 MW AT &T MOBIUTY PUMPS TELEPHONE 1002 - 6310 19.80 AT&T MOBIUTY PUMPS TELEPHONE 2002 - 6310 19.79 Check Total: 39.59 AP MW AT &T /CALNET 2 GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000 - 6310 430.03 AT &T /CALNET 2 GEN & ADMIN SIGNAL CHARGES 1000 - 6320 31.64 AT &T/CALNET 2 PUMPS TELEPHONE 1002 - 6310 104.72 AT &T/CALNET 2 GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000 - 6310 430.02 AT &T /CALNET 2 PUMPS TELEPHONE 2002 - 6310 103.23 Check Total: 1,099.64 AP 00078597 MW AVINA, FRANCISCO UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1001 - 6200 158.00 Check Total: 158.00 AP 00078598 MW c +BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 1022 - 4405 2,350.00 l0 1 BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 2022.4405 2,350.00 Check Total: 4.700,00 AP MW BAY AREA COATING CONSULTANTS ENGINEERING - FILTER ASSMNT REHAB FLTR 5 &6 1029 - 8066 - FILTER 2,600.00 Check Total: _wpm AP 00078600 MW BB&H BENEFIT DESIGNS HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 1022 - 4405 824.50 BB &H BENEFIT DESIGNS HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 2022 - 4405 824.50 Check Total: 1.249,00 AP MW BEALL, JUDITH CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP 00078602 MW BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS OPERATIONS SLUDGE DISPOSAL 1006 - 6652 3,594.22 Check Total: 3.594.22 AP MW INSTATE PROPANE HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 1004 - 6041 25.38 INSTATE PROPANE UNDERGROUND REP PROPANE 2001 - 6360 37.63 Check Total: 63.01 AP 00078604 MW Current Date: 03/10/2011 Current Time: 08:29:10 &Daunt Check Num 926.12 97.50 IX� 926.12 AP- 00078594 MW Vendor Name BMI SYSTEMS GROUP User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS BK Department / Proj Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description INFORMATION SYS SERVICE CONTRACT Page: 3 Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check Num ypg 2037 - 6030 97.50 Check Total: 195.00 AP- 00078605 MW BROWN & CALDWELL CONSULTANTS ENGINEERING - FILTER ASSMNT REHAB FLTR 5&6 1029 - 8066 - FILTER 8,337.34 Check Total: 8.337.34 AP- 00078606 MW CAUF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2001 - 6200 100.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP- 00078607 MW CAUF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES OPERATIONS REGLTRY OP PRMTS 1006 - 6650 2,542.00 Check Total: 2.542.00 AP- 00078608 MW CAUF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES UNDERGROUND REP DUES/MEMB/CERT 2001 - 6250 80.00 Check Total: 80.00 AP- 00078609 MW CAMPBELL CONSTRUCTION CO INC GEN & ADMIN -WT METERING PRJ CONST RETAINAGE 2000 - 2605 - METERS 101,773.28 Check Total: 101.773.28 AP-00078610 MW CASHMAN EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005 -6011 66.40 Check Total: 66.40 AP- 00078611 MW CDW-G CORP INFORMATION SYS DIST.COMP SPPUS 1037 -4840 195.70 -4 W-G CORP INFORMATION SYS SERVICE CONTRACT 1037 - 6030 171.68 CDW-G CORP INFORMATION SYS DIST.COMP SPPUS 2037 - 4840 195.71 CDW-G CORP INFORMATION SYS SERVICE CONTRACT 2037 - 6030 171.66 Check Total: 734.75 AP- 00078612 MW CHEW, LEONARD CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP- 00078613 MW CHIEFFO, MIKE HEAVY MAINT TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1004 - 6200 28.56 Check Total: 28.56 AP- 00078614 MW CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE UNDERGROUND REP REGLTRY OP PRMTS 2001 - 6650 1,232.00 Check Total: 1,Y32.00 AP- 00078615 MW CONTROLCO AUTOMATION INC. ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 1003 - 6051 302.30 Check Total: 302.30 AP- 00078616 MW CPI INTERNATIONAL LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 -4760 708.13 CPI INTERNATIONAL LABORATORY LAB SUPPUES 2007 - 4760 685.12 Check Total: 1.393.25 AP-00078617 MW CWEA ELECTRICAL SHOP DUES/MEMB/CERT 1003 - 6250 203.00 Current Date: 03/10/2011 Current Time: 08:29:10 Xerr Name CWEA CWEA CWEA DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DICK'S FULLER - DIY HOME CENTER DIY HOME CENTER DIY HOME CENTER DIY HOME CENTER EL DORADO COUNTY v 1 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CO INC EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY ENCO MFG CO. ENRIQUEZ, JESUS S. ETS ETTL, MARLENE EVANS, DONALD User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS BK Department / Proj Name OPERATIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE UNDERGROUND REP INFORMATION SYS INFORMATION SYS HEAVY MAINT PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP GEN & ADMIN FINANCE HEAVY MAINT UNDERGROUND REP LABORATORY CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS - WTR CONS PROG - WTR CONS PROG Page: QuodMion DUESIMEMB/CERT DUESIMEMB/CERT DUES/MEMBICERT DIST.COMP SPPUS DIST.COMP SPPUS BUILDINGS SHOP SUPPLIES BUILDINGS WELLS SHOP SUPPLIES REGLTRY OP PRMTS PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLY INV INV/FRT/DISCOUNT SMALL TOOLS TRAVEUMEETINGS MONITORING WTR CONS EXPENSE WTR CONS EXPENSE 4 Acct# / Proi Code 1006 -6250 1038 - 6250 2001 - 6250 1037-4840 2037 -4840 1004 - 6041 1002 -6071 1003 -6041 2002 - 6050 2002 - 6071 2002-6650 1003 -6051 1000 - 0421 1039 - 6077 1004 -6073 2001 - 6200 1007 6110 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2038 - 6680 - WCPROG Check Total: 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG Check Total: Current Date: 03/10/2011 Current Time: 08:29:10 Amount Cheatham Ins 132.00 132.00 132.00 599.00 AP 00078618 MW 3,510.02 3,541.41 7.051.43 AP 00078619 MW 25.82 25.82 AP MW 18.09 33.26 17.96 18.08 87.38 AP 00078621 MW 632.00 632.00 AP 00078622 MW 4,306.10 4.306.10 AP 00078623 MW 345.83 47.57 393.40 AP 00078624 MW 213.53 213.53 AP 00078625 MW 158.00 158.00 AP 00078626 MW 992.25 992.25 AP 00078627 MW 200.00 200.00 AP 00078628 MW 200.00 200,00 AP- 00078629 MW Vendor Name FEDEX PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Department / Prpj Name Description Acct# / Proj Code Amount Check Num IYAg ENGINEERING - FILTER ASSMNT REHAB FLTR 5&6 1029 - 8066 - FILTER 14.96 Check Total: 14.96 AP- 00078630 MW FRONTIER DIAMOND VLY RNCH TELEPHONE 1028 - 6310 45.47 ■ Check Total: 45,47 AP- 00078631 MW GALLERY COLLECTION, THE HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 1022 - 6670 59.18 GALLERY COLLECTION, THE HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 2022 - 6670 59.17 Check Total: 118.35 AP- 00078632 MW GLOBAL DATA SPECIALISTS PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 525.00 Check Total: 525.00 AP-00078633 MW GRAINGER HEAVY MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004 - 6021 82.99 GRAINGER HEAVY MAINT SMALL TOOLS 1004 - 6073 304.02 Check Total: 387.01 AP- 00078634 MW GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY INC ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 1003 - 6051 1,640.41 Check Total: 1,640.41 AP- 00078635 MW GROVE MADSEN INDUSTRIES INC ELECTRICAL SHOP SECONDARY EQUIP 1003 -6022 1,552.70 I - N GROVE MADSEN INDUSTRIES INC ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 1003 - 6051 142.17 I GROVE MADSEN INDUSTRIES INC ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 2003 - 6051 161.01 Check Total: 1.855.88 AP-00078636 MW GUNSCH, CLAUDE GEN & ADMIN SUSPENSE 1000 - 2504 47.10 Check Total: 47.10 AP- 00078580 MW HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES LLC ENGINEERING - HEADWORKS HDWKS IMP PROJ 1029 - 8033 - HDWORK 3,790.00 Check Total: 3.790.00 AP- 00078637 MW HDR ENGINEERING INC FINANCE ADVISORY 2039 - 4440 8,212.50 Check Total: 8.212.50 AP-0 0078638 MW HENDERSON, DEBBIE FINANCE TRAVELIMEETINGS 1039 - 6200 87.99 HENDERSON, DEBBIE FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2039 - 6200 87.99 Check Total: 175,98 AP- 00078639 MW HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS OPERATIONS SERVICE CONTRACT 1006 - 6030 43.15 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS LABORATORY SERVICE CONTRACT 1007 - 6030 21.57 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION SERVICE CONTRACT 1021 - 6030 182.91 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE CONTRACT 1022 - 6030 176.49 User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS _BK Page: 5 Current Date: 03/10/2011 Current Time: 08:29:10 Yonder Nome HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS IDELL, CHARLES K. IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. .JNTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY wiNTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY JONES WEST FORD JONES, SARAH KIMBALL MIDWEST KINGSBURY GENERAL IMPROVEMENT LAKE VALLEY FIRE DISTRICT LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_H K Department / Proj Name ENGINEERING CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE LABORATORY ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCES ENGINEERING CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE UNDERGROUND REP LABORATORY LABORATORY GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN EQUIPMENT REP CUSTOMER SERVICE HEAVY MAINT GEN & ADMIN - USFS GRNT ADMIN PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS 201101111211 SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT TRAVEL/MEETINGS LAB SUPPUES LAB SUPPUES SHOP SUPPLY INV SAFETY INVENTORY REP ENG/TRANS TRAVELIMEETINGS SMALL TOOLS SUSPENSE LAND & BUILDINGS LUTHER PASS SMALL TOOLS MOBILE EQUIP BUILDINGS Page: 6 Accflk / Proi Code 1029 - 6030 1038 - 8030 1039 - 8030 2007 - 6030 2021 - 6030 2022 - 8030 2029 - 6030 2038 -6030 2039 -6030 2001-6200 1007-4760 2007 -4760 1000 - 0421 1000 -0425 1005-8151 2038 -6200 1004 -6073 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 2000 - 2504 - SMOKEY Check Total: 2002-5010 1002 - 6048 1002.6073 1004 - 6012 1004 - 6041 Check Total: Current Date: 03/10/2011 Current Time: 08:29:10 Ammypl Check Num Int 144.31 56.46 8.95 21.57 182.90 176.48 144.31 56.48 6.94 1.220.50 AP 00078640 MW 499.00 499.00 AP 00078641 MW 456.76 517.60 974,36 AP 00078642 MW 313.99 647.58 961.57 AP 00078643 MW 2,482.69 2.482.69 AP 00078644 MW 140.50 140.50 AP MW 440.33 4 40.33 AP 00078646 MW 2,071.26 2.071.26 AP 00078647 MW 5,549.31 5.5441 AP 00078648 MW 42.93 115.88 685.27 3.50 Vendor Name LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA LAKESIDE NAPA MARY'S ALTERATIONS User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS BK Department/ Proj Name HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT HEAVY MAINT EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REP EQUIPMENT REP DIAMOND VLY RNCH PUMPS HEAVY MAINTENANC EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description Acct# / Proj Code Amount Check Num TXAe GROUNDS & MNTC 1004 - 6042 884.00 SHOP SUPPUES 1004 - 6071 923.81 SMALL TOOLS 1004 - 6073 168.33 AUTOMOTIVE 1005 - 6011 1,827.68 GENERATORS 1005 - 6013 29.41 SMALL TOOLS 1005 - 6073 217.71 GROUNDS & MNTC 1028 - 6042 26.28 SMALL TOOLS 2002 - 6073 115.68 BUILDINGS 2004 - 6041 18.66 AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 732.04 SMALL TOOLS 2005 - 6073 51.48 Check Total: 5,842.46 AP-00078649 MW LAVALLEE, PETER ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1029 - 6200 800.00 LAVALLEE, PETER ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2029 - 6200 800.00 Check Total: 1.600.00 AP- 00078650 MW LIBERTY ENERGY GEN & ADMIN ELECTRICITY 1000 - 6330 69,444.73 'PUBERTY ENERGY GEN & ADMIN ST UGHTING EXP 1000 - 6740 1,529.32 LIBERTY ENERGY GEN & ADMIN ELECTRICITY 2000 - 6330 14,626.10 Check Total: 85.600.15 AP- 00078651 MW LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC. EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005 - 6011 799.79 LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC. DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS & MNTC 1028 - 6042 25.00 LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC. EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 72.91 Check Total: 897.70 AP- 00078652 MW LABORATORY - IND CRK RES MONT LABORATORY EQUIP 1007 - 6025 - INDIAN 15.00 Check Total: 15.00 AP-00078653 MW MEEKS BUILDING CENTER UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 1001 - 6073 5.68 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002 - 6071 2.99 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 1003 - 6071 41.09 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004 - 6071 105.95 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINT BIOSOL EQUP /BLDG 1004 - 6653 41.24 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS & MNTC 1028 - 6042 43.69 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS WELLS 2002 - 6050 40.04 Page: 7 Current Date: 03/10/2011 Current Time: 08:29:10 Yaeger /lam Department / Proj Name II AcctNt /Pro) Cogs AO14ypl Cheek Num Iyp! MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 87.28 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS SHOP SUPPUES 2002 - 6071 2.99 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER ENGINEERING - IROQUOIS BSTR ST BSTR STN IROQ 2029 - 8967 - IQBSTR 113.91 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 2038 - 6071 23.75 Check Total: 608.61 AP 00078654 MW MEYER, MAURICE CUSTOMER SERVICE -WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 -6660 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP 00078655 MW MID MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005 - 6011 75.00 MID MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 75.00 Check Total: 150,00 AP 00078656 MW MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 1002 - 6083 353.58 Check Total: 353.88 AP 00078657 MW MOTOR INFORMATION EQUIPMENT REP SERVICE CONTRACT 1005 - 6030 760.00 MOTOR INFORMATION EQUIPMENT REPAIR SERVICE CONTRACT 2005 - 6030 750.00 Check Total: 1.500.00 AP 00078658 MW 1 •-.14WH LABORATORIES LABORATORY MONITORING 2007 - 6110 60.00 I Check Total: 60.00 AP 00078659 MW NELS TAHOE HARDWARE HEAVY MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004 - 6021 10.62 NELS TAHOE HARDWARE HEAVY MAINT SMALL TOOLS 1004 - 6073 22.83 NELS TAHOE HARDWARE HEAVY MAINT BIOSOL EQUP/BLDG 1004 - 6653 2.18 NELS TAHOE HARDWARE OPERATIONS MOBILE EQUIP 1006 - 6012 58.70 NELS TAHOE HARDWARE ADMINISTRATION SUPPUES 1021 - 6520 25.00 NELS TAHOE HARDWARE ADMINISTRATION SUPPLIES 2021 - 6520 25.00 Check Total: 144.33 AP 00078660 MW NEVADA GENERATOR SYSTEMS INC EQUIPMENT REP SFTWR GEN TSTG 1005 - 8150 1,678.96 Check Total: 1.67L98 AP 00078661 MW NIGON, USA CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 2,00 AP 00078662 MW North Tahoe PUD GEN & ADMIN - USFS GRNT ADMIN SUSPENSE 2000 - 2504 - SMOKEY 15,171.33 Check Total: 15.171.33 AP 00078663 MW OUTSIDE TELEVISION D1O - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 760.63 User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_B K PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Page: 8 Current Date: 03/10/2011 Current Time: 08:29:10 Vendor Name Description Acct# / Pr4Code Amount Check Num =ype OUTSIDE TELEVISION DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 780.62 Check Total: 1.561.25 AP- 00078664 MW PERKINELMER INC LABORATORY SFTWR, LIMS 2007 - 8622 808.76 Check Total: 808,76 AP- 00078665 MW PETTENATO, DEANNE CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP- 00078666 MW PINPOINT LOCATING EQUIPMENT & UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 2001 - 6073 87.08 Check Total: 87.08 AP- 00078667 MW PITNEY BOWES INC GEN & ADMIN INSURANCE PPD 1000 - 0301 116.85 PITNEY BOWES INC GEN & ADMIN INSURANCE PPD 2000.0301 116.85 Check Total: 233.70 AP- 00078668 MW PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002 - 6073 59.29 PRAXAIR 174 HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS & MNTC 1004 - 6042 38.05 PRAXAIR 174 HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPUES 1004 - 6071 248.14 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPUES 1007 - 4760 64.59 .L PRAXAIR 174 UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 2001 - 6073 97.59 o% 1 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002 - 6073 59.28 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPUES 2007 - 4760 64.59 Check Total: 631.53 AP- 00078669 MW PURCHASE POWER GEN & ADMIN POSTAGE PPD 1000 - 0304 1,000.00 PURCHASE POWER GEN & ADMIN POSTAGE PPD 2000 - 0304 1,000.00 Check Total: 2.000.00 AP- 00078670 MW RADIO SHACK ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 1003 - 6071 3.25 RADIO SHACK ENGINEERING SUPPUES 1029 - 6520 6.52 RADIO SHACK ENGINEERING SUPPUES 2029 - 6520 6.52 Check Total: 16.29 AP- 00078671 MW REDWOOD PRINTING UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPUES 1001 - 6071 499.99 REDWOOD PRINTING ENGINEERING - GRIZZLY MT WTRLN WTRLN, GRIZ MTN 2029 - 7092 - GRIZWL 1,018.02 REUANCE STANDARD RELIANCE STANDARD User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS BK Department / Prot Name GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Total: 1 AP- 00078672 MW UFE INS MGMT 1000 - 2525 511.85 LNG TRM DIS,MGMT 1000 - 2531 1,269.49 Page: 9 Current Date: 03/10/2011 Current Time: 08:29:10 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Yspdor Name penartment / Proj Name DIOLlRIIRO Acct# / Proj Code RENNER EQUIPMENT CO EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005 - 6011 RENO DRAIN OIL SERVICE EQUIPMENT REP OIL & LUKE 1005 - 4630 RENO DRAIN OIL SERVICE EQUIPMENT REPAIR OIL & LURE 2005 - 4630 REXEL NORCAL VALLEY - SACRAMENTO ELECTRICAL SHOP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1003 - 6200 RODERICK, GLENN PUMPS DUES/MEMB/CERT 2002 - 6250 SCHROEDER, JESSICA CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVELIMEETINGS 1038 - 6200 SCHROEDER, JESSICA CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVELJMEETINGS 2038 - 6200 SCOTTYS HARDWARE PUMPS SHOP SUPPUES 1002 - 6071 SCOTTYS HARDWARE PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002 - 6073 I vSCOTTYS HARDWARE UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 2001 - 6073 v SCOTTYS HARDWARE PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 SCOTTYS HARDWARE PUMPS SHOP SUPPUES 2002 - 6071 SCOTTYS HARDWARE PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002 - 6073 SCOTTYS HARDWARE HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004 - 6041 SENSUS METERING SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYS DIST.COMP SPPLIS 1037 - 4840 SENSUS METERING SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYS SERVICE CONTRACT 1037.6030 SENSUS METERING SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYS DIST.COMP SPPLIS 2037 - 4840 SENSUS METERING SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYS SERVICE CONTRACT 2037 - 6030 SHEPPARD MULUN FINANCE LEGAL - REGULAR 1039 - 4480 SHEPPARD MULUN FINANCE LEGAL - REGULAR 2039 - 4480 SHERIDAN, JOHN OPERATIONS TRAVELIMEETINGS 1006 - 6200 User: TFIERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Page: 10 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 03/10/2011 Current Time: 08:29:10 Amount Check Num ],yo 1.781.34 AP- 00078673 MW 887.07 887.07 AP 00078674 MW 37.50 37.50 75.00 AP MW 1,372.83 1,372.83 AP 00078676 MW 90.00 80.Q0 AP 00078677 MW 63.50 63.50 127.00 AP 00078678 MW 33.05 18.30 35.12 61.69 33.05 18.30 9.54 209.05 AP 00078679 MW 19.61 897.19 19.59 897.19 1,833.58 AP 00078680 MW 56.25 56.25 112.50 AP 00078681 MW 75.84 75.84 AP- 00078682 MW Vendor Name SIANO, CHRIS SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES SIERRA CHEMICAL CO SIERRA CHEMICAL CO SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS -.SIERRA SPRINGS co SOUND STRATEGIES/OFC INC. SOUND STRATEGIES/OFC INC. SOUTHWEST GAS SOUTHWEST GAS SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC. SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC. SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC. SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC. SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT CLAIMS _BK Department / PrQJ Name OPERATIONS LABORATORY LABORATORY OPERATIONS PUMPS LABORATORY CUSTOMER SERVICE PUMPS DIAMOND VLY RNCH CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE DIO DIO GEN & ADMIN GEN & ADMIN INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE ENGINEERING INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE ENGINEERING - J-M PIPE FAILURE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description DUES/MEMB/CERT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT HYPOCHLORITE HYPOCHLORITE MONITORING ADS /LGL NOTICES SUPPLIES SUPPUES SUPPLIES SUPPUES CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS TRAVEL/MEET1NGS TRAVELIMEETINGS TRAVEL/MEETINGS TRAVEL/MEETINGS CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE Page: 11 Acct# / Proj Code 1006 -6250 1007 - 6030 2007 - 6030 1006-4755 2002-4755 1007 - 6110 2038 - 4930 1002-6520 1028 -6520 1038.6520 2038-6520 1027 -4405 2027 - 4405 1000 - 6350 2000 -6350 1037 - 6200 1038 - 6200 2037 -6200 2038 -6200 1029 - 4405 1037 - 4405 1038 - 4405 2029 - 4405 - MANVIL Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: 03/10/2011 Current Time: 08:29:10 Amount Check Nurq jypg 60.00 60.00 7.23 7.24 4,349.10 841.93 5.191.03 AP- 00078685 372.00 372.00 AP- 00078686 411.99 411.99 18.85 18.85 9.71 9.71 49.00 49.00 98.00 14,977.54 996.51 15.974.05 405.00 405.00 405.00 405.00 1.620.00 28.00 156.48 156.48 1,295.49 AP- 00078683 14.47 AP- 00078684 AP- 00078687 57.12 AP- 00078688 AP- 00078689 AP- 00078690 AP- 00078691 MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW vendor Namt SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & f 4 TAHOE BLUEPRINT Tahoe City PUD TAHOE PARADISE CHEVRON TAHOE PARADISE CHEVRON TAHOE TRADING POST TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY v kO TECHPRO SALES & SERVICE INC THOMAS HAEN CO INC THOMAS HAEN CO INC TRELLA, PHIUP TRI SIGNAL INTEGRATION INC TRI STATE SURVEYING LTD TRPA TRUCKEE OVERHEAD DOOR INC User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT CLAIMS SK Department / Plyj Name ENGINEERING INFORMATION SYS CUSTOMER SERVICE ENGINEERING - GRIZZLY MT WTRLN GEN & ADMIN - USFS GRNT ADMIN UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP UNDERGROUND REP ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP HEAVY MAINT GEN & ADMIN - IROQUOIS BSTR ST ENGINEERING - IROQUOIS BSTR ST OPERATIONS OPERATIONS ENGINEERING - DVR IRRIG IMPRVS ENGINEERING - ERB LINER REPL HEAVY MAINT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Wseriotian CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE WTRLN, GRIZ MTN SUSPENSE DIESEL DIESEL SAFETY/EQUIPIPHY BUILDINGS SHOP SUPPLIES PRIMARY EQUIP CONST RETAINAGE BSTR STN IROQ TRAVELIMEETINGS BUILDINGS DVR IRR IMPRVMNT REPLACE ERB UNE REPL ROLLUP DOOR Pere: 12 Acct*t I Proj Code 2029 - 4405 2037 - 4405 2038 - 4405 2029 - 7092 - GRIZWL Check Total: 2000 - 2504 - SMOKEY Check Total: 1001 - 4620 2001 - 4820 2001 - 6075 1003 - 6041 2003 - 6071 1004 - 6021 2000 - 2605 - IQBSTR 2029 - 8967 - IQBSTR Check Total: 1006 -6200 1006 -6041 1004 - 8075 Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: 1029 - 8161 - DVRIIP Check Total: 1029 - 7581 - ERBLNR Check Total: Check Total: Current Date: Current Time: 03/10/2011 08:29:10 Amount Check Num Typt 28.02 156.48 156.48 1.977.43 AP 00078692 2,043.96 2.043.96 AP 00078693 260,231.24 260.231.24 AP 00078694 83.00 391.70 474.70 AP- 00078695 180.24 180.24 1,150.96 43.07 1.194. AP 00078697 762.05 762.05 - 4,141.80 41,418.00 560.00 AP- 00078696 AP- 00078698 37.276.20 AP- 00078699 267.00 267.00 AP- 00078700 560.00 AP- 00078701 6,485.00 6.48540 AP 00078702 4,288.00 AP 00078703 2,025.00 2.0 .00 AP- 00078704 MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW Vendor Name Department / Proj Name UNITED MICRO DATA INC INFORMATION SYS UNITED MICRO DATA INC INFORMATION SYS UNITED TEXTILE INC GEN & ADMIN UNITED TEXTILE INC FINANCE USA BLUE BOOK PUMPS USA BLUE BOOK PUMPS USA BLUE BOOK HEAVY MAINT USA BLUE BOOK OPERATIONS USA BLUE BOOK PUMPS USA BLUE BOOK PUMPS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description Acct// / Proj Code Amount check Nunn Jyp$ SERVICE CONTRACT 1037 - 6030 440.00 SERVICE CONTRACT 2037 - 6030 440.00 Check Total: 880.00 AP- 00078705 MW SHOP SUPPLY INV 1000 - 0421 291.67 INV/FRT/DISCOUNT 1039 - 6077 15.40 Check Total: S07.Q7 AP- 00078706 MW FLWMTR PMP2 BIJ 1002 - 8104 4,376.59 FLWMTR PMP3 BIJ 1002 - 8105 4,376.59 GROUNDS & MNTC 1004 - 6042 134.75 LAB SUPPUES 1006 -4760 472.22 WELLS 2002 - 6050 432.32 PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 1,228.18 Check Total: 11,020.65 AP 00078707 MW VALOROSI, JOHN J. CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: Y00.p0 AP- 00078708 MW 0:WASTEWATER TECHNOLOGY TRAINERS OPERATIONS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1006 - 6200 595.00 I Check Total: 595.00 AP 0007 MW WEARE, LARRY UNDERGROUND REP DUES/MEMB /CERT 1001 - 6250 39.00 Check Total: 39.00 AP- 00078710 MW WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003 - 6041 16.85 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPUES 1003 - 6071 106.67 Check Total: 123.52 AP- 00078711 MW WESTERN ENERGETIX INC GEN & ADMIN GASOLINE INV 1000 - 0415 7,522.23 WESTERN ENERGETIX INC GEN & ADMIN DIESEL INVENTORY 1000 - 0416 16,218.34 WESTERN ENERGETIX INC EQUIPMENT REP OIL & LUBE 1005 - 4630 322.66 WESTERN ENERGETIX INC EQUIPMENT REPAIR OIL & LUBE 2005 - 4630 322.65 Check Total: 24.385.88 AP- 00078712 MW WESTERN ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY MONITORING 1007 - 6110 240.00 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY HEAVY MAINT WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY DIAMOND VLY RNCH WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY GEN & ADMIN User: THERESA Page: 13 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Check Total: 240.00 AP- 00078713 MW SHOP SUPPUES 1004 - 6071 44.91 GROUNDS & MNTC 1028 - 6042 535.59 BOXES/LIDSANV 2000 - 0403 3,114.38 Current Date: 03/10/2011 Current Time: 08:29:10 vendor Name WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY t N 1 WINDSHIELD PROS OF TAHOE User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT CLAIMS_BIC peparrmpnt / Proj Name GEN & ADM IN GEN & ADMIN UNDERGROUND REP PUMPS EQUIPMENT REPAIR PAYMENT OF CLAIMS 0 REPAIR CLMP INV SADDLES INV PIPEICVRS/MHLS PUMP STATIONS AUTOMOTIVE Page: 14 Accts/ Proj Code 2000 - 0406 2000 - 0407 2001 - 6052 2002 -6051 2005 -6011 Check Total: Check Total: Grand Total: Current Date: 03/10/2011 Current Time: 08:29:10 Moult Check Num Iyp! 1,576.66 1,032.69 995.76 324.22 7.624.45 AP 00078714 75.00 75 AP- 00078715 779,705.17 MW MW SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: South Ta Public Utility District CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Directors . Chris c Jams K Jones Mary Lou Moeb Cher Dale Rise Erfc Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 13a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: March 17, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Labor Negotiators REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct negotiators DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54957.6(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held regarding contract negotiations. Agency Negotiators: Richard Solbrig /General Manager, Board of Directors Employee Organization: Stationary Engineers, Local 39 -83- CATEGORY: General