HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 03-03-11 4 O cw. rY °3'_ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, March 3, 2011 2:00 P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbri • , General Mana • er Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Mana • er Dale Rise, President BOARD MEMBERS Mary Lou Mosbacher, Vice President James R. Jones, Director Eric W. Schafer, Director Chris Cefalu, Director 1. ALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on short non - agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five minute limit. No action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request. Comments and questions from members of the public, staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION / ACTION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. The Aspens at South Lake Authorize Staff to Work with District Pg. 11 (Paul Hughes) Counsel to Draft a Commitment Letter for Board President Signature, Approving Deferral of Water Impact Fees b. Granicus Media Efficiency Suite (1) View Demonstration from Tahoe Pg. 15 (President Rise) City Public Utility District's Website of the Granicus Meeting Efficiency Suite (an On -Line Video Streaming/ Digital Recording /Agenda Indexing System that Records Proceedings of Board Meetings on Internet Site); and (2) Direct Staff to Pursue Purchase and Implementation of Same, in the Approximate Amount of $6,200 (Startup), and $7,680 Annual Service Charges ($640 per Month) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 3, 2011 PAGE - 2 c. Payment of Claims Approve Payment in the Amount of Pg. 21 $1,551,568.72 7. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Rise) b. Finance Committee (Schafer / Cefalu) c. Executive Committee (Rise / Mosbacher) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) 8. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVES REPORT 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 10. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT(S) (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. El Dorado County Water Agency Policy No. 5 Project Submittals 11. STAFF / ATTORNEY REPORT(S) (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS / EVENTS Past Meetings / Events 02/18/11 - Finance Committee Meeting 02/23/11 - Finance Committee Meeting 02/28/11 - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting 02/28/11 - 03/04/11 - ACWA (Association of Water Agencies) Conference in Wa., D.C. Future Meetings / Events 03/09/11 - 10:00 a.m. - El Dorado County Water Agency Board Meeting in Shingle Springs 03/09/11 - 2:00 p.m. - Board Budget Workshop 03/14/11 - 03/17/11 - CASA (California Association of Sanitation Agencies) Conference 03/14/11- 3:30 p.m. - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting at District 03/15/11 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Supervisors Board Meeting in Markleeville 03/16/11 - ACWA (Association of California Water Agencies) Legislative Symposium in Sac. 03/17/11 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District 03/30/11 - ECC (Employee Communications Committee) Meeting at District (Director Cefalu is Board representative) 04/04/11 - 3:30 p.m. - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting at District 13. CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below. Closed Session is not open to the public; however, an opportunity will be provided at this time if members of the public would like to comment on any item listed. Three minute limit.) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) /Conference with Legal Counsel Pg. 37 Existing Litigation re: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J -M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CV06- 0055 -GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 3, 2011 PAGE - 3 b. Pursuant to Government Code 54956.9(c) /Conference with Legal Counsel Pg. 39 Anticipated Litigation - One Case 14. ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 15. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, March 17, 2011, 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified, but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. Backup to any agenda item(s) not included with the Board packet will be made available when finalized at the District office, at the Board meeting, and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (i.e., disability - related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at 530.544.6474, extension 6203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. " 1.,.:7 , ✓ 3 °.: L av ' 9r • • 1959 • • IN *�i iii "Ii A CONSENT CALENDAR MARCH 3, 2011 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION a. Alpine County's Summer 2011 Fish Purchases Authorize Payment to Alpine County Pg. 1 (Hal Bird, Linda Brown) in the Amount of $48,000 b. 2011 Cathodic Protection Project Approve Proposal and Authorize Pg. 5 (Peter Lavallee) Execution of a Task Order with JDH Corrosion Consultants for Design of Facility Cathodic Protection, in the Amount Not to Exceed $69,000 South Tahoe Public Utility District • 1274 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 • Facsimile 530.541.0614 • www.stpud.us • Gerd Manager - ---- - - - - - - Rickard K �Sok* � = S outh f , � a :� J an sR. Jones ubEic Utility District , P ` '` ' ' Eric Scharer E 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544 -6474• Fax 530 541- 0614•wwwstpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Hal Bird, Land Application Manager Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: March 3, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Alpine County's Summer 2011 Fish Purchases REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize payment to Alpine County in the amount of $48,000. DISCUSSION: Alpine County received one quote from American Trout & Salmon Company for the 2011 fish planting season, with the same prices quoted as the previous two years. The District has paid for Alpine County fish plants since 1988 as required in our contract with them. Prices have increased an average of -2.5% annually during those 23 years. Staff believes the quote from American Trout & Salmon is reasonable and recommends payment to Alpine County. Staff audited Summer 2010 fish purchases and all funds were spent. SCHEDULE: Payment before April 15, 2011 COSTS: $48,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1028 -6649 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $52,800 ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Alpine County t CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES 4t// 41 NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -1- C! ' ne ount Fish cZ ame Commission Ca4fornia Chairman: Dave Zellmer PO Box 3 Markleeville, CA 96120 530 694 -2114 Commissioners: Bruce Huff, Markleeville John Jackson, Markleeville Stefan Krayk, Bear Valley Buck McLelland, Woodfords Earl O'Neal, Woodfords Todd Sodaro, Markleeville * * * *4 MNNNNNMN4S.4 •••NNNM N •M4 4 4I4S February 4, 2011 Hal Bird, Land Application Manager Diamond Valley Ranch Alpine County, CA Dear Hal: Alpine County Fish and Game Commission has received one bid for fish for the 2011 fishing season. American Trout and Salmon from Susanville, California, our supplier for the past several years has supplied this bid. The bid came in at $3.20 per pound for 15,000 pounds of fish for a total of $48,000.00. This bid is for catchable fish delivered to Alpine County streams and lakes for the 2011 fish planting program. We are very happy with the fish that he has provided. We are once again please to partner with South Tahoe Public Utility District in this joint program. Thank you again for your help with this project. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (530) 694 -2114. prey, David 0. Zellmer, Chairman -3- General Marwger Richard H. Solbrlg Directors ' '�`` South Tahoe CMaCetalu James R. Jones ^ Dab Rk Public Utility district , l Lou r e Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe* CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544 -6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Peter Lavallee, Assistant Engineer MEETING DATE: March 3, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2011 Cathodic Protection Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve proposal and authorize execution of a task order with JDH Corrosion Consultants for design of facility cathodic protection, in the amount not to exceed $69,000. DISCUSSION: In the fall of 2010 JDH Corrosion Consultants (JDH) completed an assessment of the Districts cathodic protection system on its water and sewer systems. As a follow up to this assessment, JDH will develop a design and schedule for construction, as well as, provide assistance during bidding and construction. This work will help protect District facilities and add to the expected life of the facilities. A total of sixteen (16) water and sewer facilities will have design work completed and will lead to the construction of cathodic protection facilities. The El Dorado County Water Agency is funding $55,000 for the design phase. In order to fulfill the requirements of the El Dorado County Water Agency all design work and contract bidding must be completed by June 30, 2011. The contract with JDH will continue with construction and start -up assistance to ensure that the cathodic protection facilities are installed correctly. SCHEDULE: Design to be completed by June 30, 2011 COSTS: Not to Exceed $69,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1029 -8133; 2029 -8113 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $11,119; $41,668 ATTACHMENTS: JDH Corrosion Consultants' Proposal CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer & Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES L I NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES !r! NO -5- Protecting the infrastructure idh corrosion through innovative corrosion Co rrosion Engineering Solutions c o n s u l t a n t s , i n c. February 23, 2011 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Attention: Mr. Paul Scluto General Manager Subject: RFP for 2011 Cathodic Protection Project Year Paul, Pursuant to your request, we are pleased to provide this proposal to provide cathodic protection design services for the structures listed in your RFP dated 2/4/11. Our firm has provided cathodic protection design services for numerous cities and water and wastewater districts and agencies throughout California and therefore we wish to assure you that we have the experience necessary to accomplish the following scope of work in a timely and professional manner. This project includes the following structures: 1. Baldwin Beach Pump Station 10. Taylor Creek Pump Station 2. Beecher Pump Station 11. Trout Creek Pump Station 3. Bellevue Pump Station 12. Venice Pump Station 4. Camp Richardson Pump Station 13. Luther Pass Small Tank 5. Diva Pump Station 14. Colt Creek Tank 6. Pioneer Village Pump Station 15. If Street Tank 7. Pope Beach #1 Pump Station 16. Tata Tank 8. Pope Beach #2 Pump Station 9. San Moritz Pump Station Our anticipated scope of work will include the following: Phase t - Preliminary Engineering 1. Perform a current requirement test for each pump station and determine locations for anodes and rectifier placement at each site. Also, determine the source for suitable AC power at each site and the conduit run needed at each site for running power to each rectifier and the anode header cable to each anode. 1100 Willow Pass Court, Concord, CA 94520 Phone: 925.927.6630 Fax: 925.927.6634 -7- , South Tahoe Public Utility District 2011 Cathodic Protection Project 2. Prepare a design criteria report for each site for each pump station and for each water storage tank. The design criteria will provide the criteria for protection for each structure based on the current requirement test results, the degree of electrical isolation for each pump station as well as NACE Standards. Phase II - Cathodic Protection Design Services Corrosion Control Design 1. Detailed Design Assume a 30 -year minimum design life. Prepare detailed installation drawings and technical specifications for a cathodic protection system for each pump station and water storage tank suitable for bidding purposes. Also prepare bonding details for underground piping systems at each pump station site, as warranted. Design drawings and specifications will be prepared in accordance with the project standards. Desgn details will be prepared in Auto Cad Release 2007 format and electronically transmitted to STPUD for review. Specs will be prepared in Word format and e- mailed to you as well. Design drawings will be prepared and submitted to STPUD for review and approval during various stages of the project as follows: 50% Design Submittal 90% Design Submittal 100% Design Submittal 2. Design Review Meetings Attend design review meetings with STPUD as requested. 3. Detailed Design Estimate Prepare a detailed engineering cost estimate for supply of materials and installation of the proposed cathodic protection systems for each pump station and each water storage tank. 4. Develop Maintenance Plan Develop a maintenance plan for use by District Personnel on all above ground storage tanks identified in the asset survey (water and sewer). Phase 111 Bidding Services and Eng. Services During Construction • Attend pre -bid meetings as requested. • Provide technical clarif cations to bid documents. • Provide technical assistance in the preparation of addendums. • Review and approve material submittals. • Provide on -site supervision and inspection assistance as warranted. A minimum of eight (8) visits is included in our estimated fees. • Provide QA/QC assistance during installation of cathodic protection systems. • Assist in the preparation of all change order designs and associated cost estimates as required. • Prepare technical memorandums for clarifications during construction as needed. JDH Corrosion Consultants, Inc. 2 -8- South Tahoe Public Utility District 2011 Cathodic Protection Project Phase IV - System Checkout & O &M Manual 1. Perform a thorough checkout of each completed system and prepare a system commissioning report after the satisfactory completion of each system energizing and adjustment. 2. Prepare 'As-built" drawings for the installed cathodic protection system for each site. 3. Prepare an O &M Manual and training for STPUD maintenance personnel in the operation and maintenance of the subject cathodic protection systems. JDH Corrosion Consultants, Inc. will be pleased to provide the above - described corrosion engineering services for the following Not - to- Exceed fees* (see the attached manpower cost estimate spreadsheet for additional details): Phase I - Preliminary Engineering $ 18,840.00* Phase II- Corrosion Control Design Services $ 21,100.00* Phase III - Bidding Services & Tech Services during Constr. $ 15,100.00* Phase IV - System Checkout & O &M Manual $ 13,645.00* * These fees include all engineering, laboratory and support services necessary to complete the work. Charges will accrue in accordance with our standard fee schedule attached. Invoices will be submitted for work performed on a monthly basis. All invoices are due and payable within 30 days of receipt Relevant Work Experience Because of our familiarity with the STPUD facilities and working with the STPUD engineering and operations staff we look forward to working closely with STPUD personnel on this project. We thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this proposal and we look forward to being of service to STPUD on this important and challenging project. If you have any questions concerning this information or if we can be of any additional assistance, please feel free to contact us at (925) 927 -6630. Respectfully submitted, Qrss J. Darby Howara4 Jr. * Exp. Jane 30 2011 J. Darby Howard, Jr., P.E. ar,P JDH Corrosion Consultants, Inc. Principal JDH Corrosion Consultants, Inc. 3 -9- South Tahoe Public Utility District Project Sr. Project Design Project Corrosion Lab Task Manager Engineer Engineer Engineer Techs Fees Expenses Total Hourly Rate $ 175.00 $ 160.00 $ 145.00 $ 125.00 $ 95.00 Phase I - Preliminary Engineering 1. :,4. - $ 1400.00 $ 1: $00.00 F. 00 Phase 11 - Prepare Design Drawings & Technical Specs 4, s z 00 O i � £ _ 11111111111111111 4240 rammimmiiiiim maw mama amall1111111711111111.1111111111111111111111111111111 NNW :1111111111. 1111111111::111111111-1111111111C1.0121/1111111111111111UNILLE:13 Phase Ili Bid and Technical Assistance during Construction eV: 11111111111,7111111111111111111tmK.-. 11111P7 „. Phase IV System EnergizaUOn/ Final Checkout Report and O &M Manual Project Total $ 68,685.00 JDH Corrosion Consultants, Inc. Page i General Manager Richan: Ft. So!brig y -� S outh Q> Cefaltm ..Y . , . ..��' �t."' James K. Jones bAosbaciver Public Utility district , "' Lou Dide glee Eric Scimitar 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 544- -6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: March 3, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: The Aspens at South Lake REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to work with District Counsel to draft a commitment letter for Board President signature, approving the deferral of water impact fees. DISCUSSION: The Aspens at South Lake is a proposed 48 unit low- income housing project under the developer /owner Pacific West Communities. The estimated project cost is $14,632,392 and is proposed to be funded with a variety of funding sources including State fax credits, State HOME loans, Redevelopment loans, and District deferred water capacity charges. The South Lake Tahoe Redevelopment Agency has committed up to $2,500,000 for this project, which is $500,000 more than originally anticipated (see attached letter from Pacific West Communities). The estimated District Capacity Charges associated with this project are $580,000 for sewer and $550,000 for water. The completed multifamily housing development is estimated to generate approximately $25,000 annually in water and sewer service charges. The Developer is proposing and requesting the following from the District: 1. Pay the District upfront the $580,000 sewer capacity charges. 2. Defer the payment of the $550,000 water capacity charges. The deferral of the water capacity charges would be under the following terms: 1. Repayment Term - 55 years Q 3 %. 2. Loan payments made from residual receipts (gross revenues Tess operating expenses.) 3. Principal payment of $10,000 first in line to receive residual receipts. 4. Interest payment of approximately $10,542 last in line to receive residual receipts (behind deferred developer fee, HOME loan repayment, and Redevelopment loan repayments._ Paul Hughes March 3, 2011 Page 2 5. Principal loan balance would have a due upon sale clause in the event the project was sold. 6. Residual Receipts are not guaranteed. If the housing project is not profitable, the District will not receive payments towards the deferred water capacity charges. There is a risk that the District will not receive the water capacity charges. The obvious benefits to the District if this project moves forward are the receipt of sewer capacity charges and the ongoing water and sewer service charges, while the addition of new low- income housing is a benefit to the community. The inherent risk associated with the future collection of the water capacity charges along with the precedent setting action potentially attracting similar future requests, have to be considered. District General Counsel, Brad Herrema will be prepared to address the issue of "gifting of public funds" as it applies to this situation. If the Board authorizes the requested action, a commitment letter will be drafted for Board President signature. A more detailed fee deferral agreement will be drafted by the developer for the District's review and acceptance, following a formal award of the tax credit financing to the project. SCHEDULE: Executed commitment letter needed before March 18, 2011. COSTS: Approximately $550,000 paid over 55 years through projected residual receipts . ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Pacific West Communities CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer & Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES LAM NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -12- 430 East State Street, Suite 100 Eagle, ID 83616 Office: (208) 461 -0022 Fax: (208) 461 -3267 February 22, 2011 P STPUD Board of Directors South Tahoe PUD 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 . Re: Request for Impact Fee Deferral The Aspens at South Lake A. To The Members of the Board, As I understand from PUD Staff, the Board requested clarification regarding the total development cost for The Aspens at South lake. The projects costs increased from $14,324,000 as described in the December 13, 2010 financial projections to $14,632,392 as described at the presentation on February 17th. This is about a $308,000 (2 %) increase due to the type of financing we are modeling. In December we weree proposing the use of 9% low income housing tax credits ( LIHTC) whereas we've now modeled the project to take advantage of the less competitive 4% LIHTC Program. The potential availability of supplemental state HOME funds enabled us to model using 4% tax credits. This type of financing provides at least 50% less equity s r than a 9% deal and therefore requires substantially more public funds than a competitive 9% deal. In addition, a 4% project has higher soft financing costs because there are more parties involved (4% federal credits, state credits and bonds). There's • the 4% tax credit investment team and counsel, a state tax credit investment team and counsel, a bond team and counsel as well as a permanent lender and counsel. In • a 4% deal we also work with more public entities. For instance, both 4% and a 9% credits are awarded through the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC), • whereas the bonds are allocated through the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC) and the California Statewide Community Development Authority (CSDA) is the bond issuer. Each entity has their own stringent set of regulations that are required to be met, thus increasing soft financing costs. 1 -13- Our total development costs are based on our experience developing, constructing and financing 4% and 9% projects throughout California so we are confident they are strong estimates. The South Tahoe Redevelopment Agency recently approved up to a $2.5 Million loan for The Aspens. This is more than originally requested primarily because the RDA would like to see this project move forward and they were willing to forward allocate more of their future low/ moderate housing funds to this project. They are also aware of the intricacies of affordable housing financing and understand the competitiveness of funds. Given the RDA's commitment ($2.5 Million) coupled with the proposed PUD's commitment ($560,000) and the award of supplemental HOME funds (totaling $5.0 Million) we could finance a 4% deal. In the event we are not successful with a Supplemental Application, we would then submit a very strong 9% application and the PUDs commitment would help the project's tiebreaker score enabling the award of 9% tax credits. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any other questions. Best Regards, Shellan M. Rodriguez Special Projects Manager CC: Caleb Roope, Eugene Palazzo, Paul Hughes 2 -14- General Manager ' Richard H. S outh Chris Celski 1 Y y! :;..m....... " J amesitJones ----- :, Maly Public Utility District , �'" Dale Rise Erie Schafer 1275 Meadow Cruet Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 514 -6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.etpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6b TO: Board of Directors FROM: President Rise MEETING DATE: March 3, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Granicus Media Efficiency Suite REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) View demonstration from Tahoe City Public Utility District's website of the Granicus Meeting Efficiency Suite (an on -line video streaming /digital recording /agenda indexing system that records proceedings of Board meetings on internet site); and (2) Direct staff to pursue purchase and implementation of same, in the approximate amount of $6,200 (startup), and $7,680 annual service charges ($640 per month). DISCUSSION: The Tahoe City Public Utility District has a Granicus Meeting Efficiency Suite that cross links a video recording, agenda, and minutes to create an integrated public record. This system indexes a video recording of the meeting proceedings by agenda item, and creates action -style minutes with a digital recording of the proceedings and publishes an integrated record through the website. It also produces a digital recording of the meeting proceedings. SCHEDULE: 2011 -12 fiscal year COSTS: To be determined after consultation with Granicus representative ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Correspondence with Tahoe City Public Utility District's IT manager; Granicus Meeting Efficiency Suite brochure. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: General GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO , -15- From: Craig Trumbull [mailto :craig.trumbull @tcpud.org] Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 11:06 AM To: Cindy Gustafson; Ginger Charlton; Craig Trumbull Subject: RE: Grannicus System Sorry for delay.... There are different types of suites that can be ordered. We ordered the "meeting efficiency suite ". With the equipment we needed for our boardroom and that particular suite, we paid $6200. The monthly charge for the Granicus service for this suite is $640. Hope this help.. -Craig From: Kathy Sharp [mailto:Ksharp @stpud.dst.ca.us] Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 1:37 PM To: Craig Trumbull Subject FW: Grannicus System Hi Craig - Thanks for the info! A few questions for you if I may: Who does the video taping? Or do you just have a camera mounted on a tri -pod? Who is your Granicus rep & contact info. How much staff time is involved in implementing it, and then thereafter? Does it require constant upgrades to newer versions? Do you like it? Anything else pro or con you can think of? Thanks very much! Kathy Kathy, No problem, happy to answer Q's. • No one man's camera; it is fixed in our boardroom to wall and started - stopped by our district clerk. • Our sales rep is attached: Kelly • Took a couple days of my time to setup; now just a few minutes before meetings plugging in microphones and laptop. • So far no version changes or upgrades; been online since July 2010 • The system seems stable; it has been turnkey and haven't had to manage much, which 1 like. Hope that helps -Craig -17- 9 ran i cus . www.granics.com connecting government Meeting Efficiency Be more efficient in public meetings and simplify your minutes workflow � 4 . ik Modernize your minutes` - save time and increase accuracy! r 1» oaeg r Ni Create and publish minutes with end -to- BRAZE end automation. t„G,,,,,,,,n,,,, J.../)K .II.....fM ./ Streamline meetings. Easily record roll call, motions, and votes. IL 0110411114 ,w .« `. ✓ Capture more than the text of proceedings —share the intent behind gm..4 _' decisions. `o . �' "� ....w.. ./ Leverage familiar tools including .. '°"., iru Microsoft Word to finalize your minutes. « M . Wpm I ./ Easily publish minutes and supporting materials into a comprehensive public record. Meeting minutes are an essential component of the public record. They ensure government actions and decisions at meetings are accurately recorded and made accessible to the public. However, they generally require an extensive amount of time and effort to create. No matter the method, shorthand, audio - recordings, or word processor, the minute - taking process has always been Tabor- intensive - until now. Before Granicus, it took roughly two days to complete The Meeting Efficiency Suite is a new, completely automated my minutes, now it takes me solution that modernizes minutes creation. Unlike any other solution, about an hour or two. It's it combines action -style minutes with a digital recording of the proceedings and publishes an integrated record through your website. been a real time - saver! fl) Moreover, it turns an otherwise tedious process into a fast and Tanya McNutt accurate, new way to capture and publish minutes so constituents can Deputy City Secretary stay informed - all while helping you save time and cut costs. College Station, TX 568 Howard Sleet, 3rd Floo.; San Francisco, Caidornia 94105 (415 3ii1-361$ www. i:anicu <..c m Copy. 199:: ) 2010 Granicus, Inc AI trademarks and names are the proper,y of cheer respective owners -18- Modernize your minutes. Save time and effort. • Reduce your minutes workload with meeting preparation tools. Import Features fdlr Staff agendas from other agenda management systems or from Microsoft WordTM • Live » before the meeting. Pre -load motions and meeting attendees. • Microsoft • Save time by capturing meetings actions as they occur. Record roll -call, • Linked Mi agenda items, speakers, motions, votes, and notes through a simple interface. • Cum NotessBtThat Expansion Create minutes documents on- the -fly with just a few keystrokes — it's never been faster or more accurate. • 8 Printing • Capture digital recordings and index your meeting live. Save hours of Tools re- typing and eliminate cumbersome analog tape recordings. Instead, record & Pttdishing the meeting video and create index points right as you click- through the meeting agenda — no extra work required. • Cep , •- Hands-Fri Cats` • Finalize minutes quickly and easily —even in Microsoft Word. Finalize your minutes in less time, from home or on the road. Whether you use the web solution of a more familiar Microsoft Word interface, you always have access to a complete video recording of the meeting to review. ‘, Modern VidooPtatter , • i Publish a comprehensive public record at your website • Create a better experience for visitors with linked minutes. Produce a new •_ kind of minutes that link the actions and decisions of a meeting directly to the recorded video. Visitors simply click the links in a summarized minutes 3 document and jump directly to the segment of the video that interests them. * Feet petrels ate! separately • The new way to share the proceedings of meetings. Linked minutes is quickly becoming the de -facto standard for government because of its proven time - savings for clerks and popularity with citizens. Plus, Granicus ensures that the record is secure and preserved in an online archive permanently. '°""'° ""'° """ ""`° OFNIWPORT • Incorporate linked minutes into a complete, Integrated public record. air awn After any meeting, a completely searchable, integrated public record is ' published at your website that includes the video, agenda, minutes, and • .,,..,_ =row ".... ._ .•.. supporting documents. Everything is cross - linked and easy -to- access. .. � x r Best of all, it all happens automatically — imagine how many hours you �" • will save. `"""" , Exclusive! Finalize your minutes a • review video directly in Microsoft Word. ,a,m .,s a .. . , . l e a' MY OF )&T s ; --- Bum dows +�4rwM11Q+i6'se may -„T..4 ..,., Hi �•, > _.h',PS+ :ro ..ar ,x . . II Seam* a. qn.%.A. .it•aWr.11.wr.r - - i..ry wm a* irr S•I.waaer.m. .111 r..+aw. . ■rrwra �I� Y l,�� Twrti .� M Y + �� I,.. -`:.. • j:r --• .�,�.�� v ''. y . - °y,, 't.i �- ..�, =..,i i�' - � _ :'I "`r a i"i'�s;.:;,�. `:;. i ', : : i l• . . r/ It ♦e ' r. V 's'i , .. documented for you as they occur. agenda, and minutes — all cross - linked together. —19— PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL March 3, 2011 Payroll 2/22 /2011 428,583.46 Total Payroll 428,583.46 ADP 0.00 American Express 107.43 Bank of America 0.00 BNY Mellon Trust Company 0.00 Brownstein /Hyatt/Farber /Schreck legal services 0.00 CDS- health care payments 148,039.50 Union Bank 0.00 Total Vendor EFT 148,146.93 Accounts Payable Checks -Sewer Fund 529,418.79 Accounts Payable Checks -Water Fund 410,351.99 Accounts Payable Checks-Self-funded Insurance 35,067.55 Accounts Payable Checks - Grants Fund 0.00 Total Accounts Payable 974,838.33 Grand Total 1,551,568.72 Payroll EFTS & Checks 2/22/2011 EFT AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care 0.00 EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 18,780.54 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 89,696.41 EFT CaIPERS Contributions 70,100.92 EFT Great West Deferred Comp 19,475.08 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,421.72 EFT United Way Contributions 134.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 218,634.91 CHK Employee Garnishments 1,389.22 CHK Employee Paychecks 7,950.66 Total 428,583.46 -21- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proj Name Dear tion Acct# / Proj Code Amount Check Num Iyp8 A -1 CHEMICAL. INC GEN & ADMIN JANIT /SUPPLY INV 1000 - 0422 46.00 Check Total: 46.00 AP- 00078467 Mw ACWA HEALTH BENEFITS AUTHORITY GEN & ADMIN VISION INS 1000 - 2530 2,626.33 Check Total: 2,626.33 AP- 00078468 MW AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES INC ENGINEERING - REPL GEN, LPPS REPL GEN LPPS 1029 - 8933 - RGLPPS 2,582.28 AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES INC ENGINEERING - IROQUOIS BSTR ST BSTR STN IROQ 2029 - 8987 - IQBSTR 1,989.00 Check Total: 4.571.28 AP- 00078469 MW AFLAC GEN & ADMIN SUPP INS WIH 1000 - 2532 744.70 Check Total: 744.70 AP- 00078470 MW ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ELECTRICAL SHOP RB MT SWPS TBD 1003 - 8108 1,763.68 Check Total: 1,763.68 AP- 00078471 MW ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE GEN & ADMIN OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1000 - 6081 250.80 Check Total: 250.80 AP- 00078472 MW AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES GEN & ADMIN UNIFORM PAYABLE 1000 - 2518 969.44 Check Total: 969 AP- 00078473 MW 1 N SPEN PUBUSHERS INC. FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039 - 4820 123.41 1 ASPEN PUBUSHERS INC. FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039 - 4820 123.40 Check Total: 246.81 AP- 00078474 MW AT&T MOBILITY UNDERGROUND REP TELEPHONE 1001 - 6310 8.63 AT &T MOBILITY ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 1003 - 6310 4.67 AT&T MOBILITY ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 1029 - 6310 6.90 AT&T MOBILITY UNDERGROUND REP TELEPHONE 2001 .6310 8.63 AT&T MOBILITY ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 2003 - 6310 4.66 AT&T MOBILITY ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 2029 - 6310 6.89 Check Total: 40.38 AP- 00078475 MW AT&TICALNET 2 GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000 - 6310 344.52 AT&T/CALNET 2 PUMPS TELEPHONE 1002 - 6310 88.03 AT &T/CALNET 2 OPERATIONS TELEPHONE 1006 - 6310 30.83 AT&TICALNET 2 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 1038 - 6310 7.21 AT&TICALNET 2 GEN & ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000 - 6310 344.52 AT &T/CALNET 2 PUMPS TELEPHONE 2002 - 6310 35.52 AT&T/CALNET 2 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 2038.6310 7.21 User: THERESA Page: 1 Current Date: 02/24/2011 Report: OHJMT_CLAIMS .JK Current Time: 14:48:11 PAYMENT OF CLAMS Department / Proj Name Descrlotion Acct# 1 Proj Code Amount Check Num Um Check Total: 957,84 AP- 00078476 MW BEST & KRIEGER LLP ENGINEERING - HEADWORKS LEGAL-SPEC PROJ 1029 - 4475 - HDWORK 1,506.25 BEST & KRIEGER LLP ENGINEERING - HEADWORKS LEGAL-SPEC PROJ 2029 - 4475 - HDWORK 1,506.25 Check Total: 3.012.50 AP 00078477 MW BOBMAN, SANDRA CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200,00 AP- 00078478 MW BROWN & CALDWELL CONSULTANTS ENGINEERING - FILTER ASSMNT REHAB FLTR S&6 1029 - 8066 - FILTER 6,788.31 Check Total: 8 7.88.31 AP 00078479 MW BROWNIES DIGITAL IMAGING ENGINEERING - HEADWORKS HDWKS IMP PROJ 1029 - 8033 - HDWORK 3,231.72 Check Total: 3.231.72 AP 00078480 MW CALIF EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPT CUSTOMER SERVICE UNEMPLOYMENT INS 1038 - 4303 899.93 CAUF EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPT CUSTOMER SERVICE UNEMPLOYMENT INS 2038 - 4303 899.93 Check Total: 1.799.86 AP 00078481 MW CAUF REG WATER QUAL CONTR BD ENGINEERING - HEADWORKS HDWKS IMP PROJ 1029 - 8033 - HDWORK 317.00 Check Total: 317.00 AP- 00078482 MW I NCAMERON, BRUCE GEN & ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 1000 - 2002 261.60 ca 1 CAMERON, BRUCE GEN & ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 2000 - 2002 261.60 Check Total: 523.20 AP 00078483 MW CAPITOL ENGINEERING LAB INC HEAVY MAINT CONTRACT SERVICE 1004 - 4405 400.00 • Check Total: 400.09 AP 00078484 MW CAPPO INC FINANCE DUES/MEMB/CERT 1039 - 6250 65.00 CAPPO INC FINANCE DUES/MEMBICERT 2039 - 6250 65.00 Check Total: 130.00 AP 00078485 MW CAROLLO ENGINEERS ENGINEERING - HEADWORKS HDWKS IMP PROJ 1029 - 8033 - HDWORK 8,938.88 Check Total: $.93.88 AP 00078486 MW CASHMAN EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 2,365.50 Check Total: 2.365.50 AP 00078487 MW CDS GROUP HEALTH SELF FUNDED INS ADMIN FEE 3000.6741 2.874.00 Check Total: 2.874.00 AP 00078488 MW COLLINS, WILDA CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP- 00078489 MW 1J : MESA Page: 2 Current Date: 02/24/2011 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 14:48:11 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Ven Name Department/ Proj Name Description Acct# / Proj Code Amount Check Num jypg CVVEA PUMPS DUES/MEMB/CERT 1002 - 6250 132.00 Check Total: 132,00 AP 00078490 MW DIONEX CORP LABORATORY LAB SUPPUES 1007 - 4760 634.14 DIONEX CORP LABORATORY SERVICE CONTRACT 1007 - 6030 2,601.80 DIONEX CORP LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 625.32 DIONEX CORP LABORATORY SERVICE CONTRACT 2007.6030 2,601.80 Check Total: 6.463.06 AP 00078491 MW DIY HOME CENTER UNDERGROUND REP JANITORIAL SUPPL 1001 - 6072 68.47 DIY HOME CENTER PUMPS SMALL. TOOLS 1002 - 6073 14.68 DIY HOME CENTER PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002 - 6073 14.67 Check Total: 97.82 AP 00078492 MW DOMENICHELU & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING - DVR IRRIG IMPRVS DVR IRR FLDS PHI 1029 - 8161 - DVRIIP 45,804.42 DOMENICHELU & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING - DVR IRR IMP UTL DVR IRR FLDS PHI 1029 - 8161 - DVRUTL 12,948.75 Check Total: 58753.17 AP 00078493 MW DOUGLAS DISPOSAL GEN & ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000 - 6370 1,112.32 tv Check Total: 1,112.32 AP 00078494 MW 1 E&M ELECTRIC & MACHINERY INC OPERATIONS - SCADA IMPRVMTS PLNTSCADA SYSTEM , 1006 - 8328 - SCADAM 8,259.26 Check Total: 8 AP 00078495 MW EL DORADO COUNTY ENGINEERING - ANGORA CRK FISHE EC PROJECTS 2029 - 8064 - ECFISH 9,839.50 Check Total: 9.839.50 AP 00078496 MW EL DORADO COUNTY CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPUES 1038 - 6520 7.50 EL DORADO COUNTY CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPUES 2038 - 6520 7.50 Check Total: 15.00 AP 00078497 MW ENS RESOURCES INC DIO CONTRACT SERVICE 1027 - 4405 6,416.17 ENS RESOURCES INC 010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1027 - 4820 484.33 ENS RESOURCES INC DIO CONTRACT SERVICE 2027 - 4405 6,416.16 ENS RESOURCES INC 010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2027 - 4820 484.33 Check Total: 13,800,99 AP 00078498 MW ERS INDUSTRIAL SERVICES INC GEN & ADMIN - FILTER ASSMNT CONST RETAINAGE 1000 - 2605 - FILTER - 15,408.21 ERS INDUSTRIAL SERVICES INC ENGINEERING - FILTER ASSMNT REHAB FLTR 5&6 1029 - 8066 - FILTER 154,082.10 Check Total: 138.673.89 AP- 00078499 MW User: THERESA Page: 3 Current Date: 02/24/2011 Report: OH _PMT_CLAIMS_EK Current Time: 14:48:11 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS a Yeedot l&tne Department/ Pry) NamR Descrietien AcOt# / Proj Code AMISS Check Num ]y FARO & SONS LLC GEN & ADMIN - T&M UB CASH BRD MISC INCOME 2000 - 3540 - TMCBUB 2,000.00 Check Total: 240040 AP 00078500 MW FAST FABRICATORS LLC PUMPS WELLS 2002.6050 255.00 Check Total: 255,00 AP 00078501 MW FEDEX FINANCE POSTAGE EXPENSES 1039 - 4610 7.35 FEDEX FINANCE POSTAGE EXPENSES 2039 - 4610 7.34 Check Total: 14.69 AP 00078502 MW FERGUSON WATERWORKS GEN & ADMIN PLANS & SPECS 1000 - 3531 100.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP 00078503 MW FERNALD, STEPHEN CUSTOMER SERVICE -WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.0000 AP 00078504 MW FGL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY - ARHD3 TRTMT EXP MONITORING 2007 - 6110 - AH3EXP 100.00 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY - BKRFLD TRTMT EXP MONITORING 2007 - 6110 - BKRFLD 100.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP 00078505 MW FRANCO, KIZA CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 1 tv Check Total: 200.00 AP 00078506 MW 1 FRONTIER DIAMOND VLY RNCH TELEPHONE 1028 - 6310 155.13 Check Total: 155.13 AP 00078507 MW GRAIIGER HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS & MNTC 1004 - 6042 430.25 GRAIAGER HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004 - 6071 294:44 Check Total: 724.69 AP 00078508 MW HARTFORD, THE GEN & ADMIN UFE INS 1000 - 2512 2,008.13 HARTFORD, THE GEN & ADMIN LTD, UNION 1000 - 2539 2,487.75 Check Total: 4,495,88 AP- 00078509 MW HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES LLC ENGINEERING - HEADWORKS HDWKS IMP PROJ 1029 - 8033 - HDWORK 1,355.00 Check Total: 1.355.Q0 AP 00078510 MW HAZLETT, DOUGLAS CUSTOMER SERVICE • WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 290.00 AP 00078511 MW HEALTHNEWS ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS 1021 - 4830 10.00 HEALTHNEWS ADMINISTRATION SUBSCRIPTIONS 2021 - 4830 10.00 Check Total: 20.00 AP- 00078512 MW Vier: THERESA Page: 4 Current Date: 02/24/2011 Report: OH PMT_CLAIMS.BK Current Time: 14:48:11 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vender Name Department / Proj Name D_usdalian Aect6 / Proj Code Amount Cheatham UM HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE CONTRACT 1022 - 6030 100.85 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 1038 - 6030 110.52 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS FINANCE SERVICE CONTRACT 1039 - 6030 201.72 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE CONTRACT 2022 - 6030 100.83 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 2038 - 6030 110.52 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS FINANCE SERVICE CONTRACT 2039 - 6030 201.71 Check Total: 828.15 AP 00078513 MW HUSSMANN, NANCY HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1022 - 6200 51.00 HUSSMANN, NANCY HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2022 - 8200 51.00 Check Total: 102.00 AP 00078514 MW INFOSEND INC. CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 1038 - 4405 125.00 INFOSEND INC. CUSTOMER SERVICE POSTAGE EXPENSES 1038 - 4810 2,963.09 INFOSEND INC. CUSTOMER SERVICE PRINTING 1038 - 4920 1,535.78 INFOSEND INC. CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 1038 - 6030 145.90 INFOSEND INC. DIO PRINTING 2027 - 4920 3,657.12 1INFOSEND INC. CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 2038 - 4405 125.00 N ° INFOSEND INC. CUSTOMER SERVICE POSTAGE EXPENSES 2038 - 4810 2,963.09 INFOSEND INC. CUSTOMER SERVICE PRINTING 2038 - 4920 801.28 INFOSEND INC. CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 2038 - 6030 145.90 Check Total: 12.462.18 AP- 00078515 MW INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY GEN & ADMIN SAFETY INVENTORY 1000.0425 192.35 Check Total: 192.35 AP- 00078516 MW • J&L PRO KLEEN INC FINANCE JANITORIAL SERV 1039 - 6074 1,603.50 J&L PRO KLEEN INC FINANCE JANITORIAL SERV 2039 - 6074 1,803.50 Check Total: 3.20700 AP- 00078517 MW JOBS AVAILABLE HUMAN RESOURCES SUBSCRIPTIONS 1022 - 4830 17.50 JOBS AVAILABLE HUMAN RESOURCES SUBSCRIPTIONS 2022 - 4830 17.50 • Check Total: 355.00 AP 00078518 MW JONES, JAMES R BOARD OF DIR TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2019 - 6200 377.29 Check Total: 377 AP 00078519 MW KRLT FMIKOWL AM 010 - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027 - 6620 - PREEXT 898.00 KRLT FMIKOWL AM 010 - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 898.00 User: THERESA Page: 5 Current Date: 02/24/2011 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_SK Current Time: 14:48:11 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS YAP IAMBI= Department / Proj Name 12,1111RBSIE Acct# / PrQJ Code Amman Cbit:k Num IXitt Check Total: 1.798.00 AP- 00078520 MW LAVALLEE, SPRING HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVELMIEE7INGS 1022.6200 30.50 LAVALLEE, SPRING HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVELMIEETINGS 2022 - 6200 30.50 Check Total: 61.00 AP- 00078522 MW UBERTY ENERGY GEN & ADMIN ELECTRICITY 1000 - 6330 74,066.86 LIBERTY ENERGY GEN & ADMIN ST LIGHTING EXP 1000 - 6740 5.47 UBERTY ENERGY GEN & ADMIN ELECTRICITY 2000 - 6330 26,040.81 Check Total: 100.133.14 AP- 00078523 MW LOOMIS FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 1039 - 4405 321.99 LOOMIS FINANCE CONTRACT SERVICE 2039 - 4405 321.98 Check Total: 643.97 AP- 00078524 MW MACFARLAND, JACQUELINE CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6860 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP- 00078525 MW I 'MACKAY, DEBRA CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 I Check Total: 209m AP- 00078526 MW MAIL FINANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE EQUIP RENT/LEASE 1038 - 5020 29.66 MAIL FINANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE EQUIP RENT/LEASE 2038 - 5020 29.66 Check Total: 59.32 AP- 00078527 MW MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002 - 6051 209.76 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002 - 6073 77.68 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001 - 6052 732.83 Check Total: 1.029.17 AP-00078528 MW MCDOUGALL, JOHN CUSTOMER SERVICE • WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP- 00078529 MW METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS GEN & ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000 - 0428 1,829.17 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039 - 4820 166.05 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS FINANCE OFFICE SUPPUES 2039 - 4820 166.08 Check Total: 2.191.30 AP-00078531 MW MITCHELL INSTRUMENT CO. ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 1003 - 6071 465.18 User: THERESA Ps.e: 6 Current Date: 02/24/2011 Report: OHJM7 CLAIMS_1BIC Current Time: 14:48:11 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/ ProjName Iletraptian Acct# I Prof Code Amt C Mum Ina MITCHELL INSTRUMENT CO. ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 2003 - 6071 440.27 Check Total: 905.45 AP- 00078532 MW MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 1002 - 6083 196.60 MOTEL 6 UNDERGROUND REP STANDBY ACCOMODA 2001 - 6083 275.24 MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 2002 - 6083 196.60 Check Total: 668,44 AP- 00078533 MW NEVADA ENERGY SYSTEMS INC ELECTRICAL SHOP PRIMARY EQUIP 1003 - 6021 499.73 Check Total: 499.73 AP-00078534 MW NORTHWEST HYD. CONSULT INC ENGINEERING - CTC GRNT -BMPs BMP PROJECTS 1029 - 8737 - CTCBMP 1,269.91 NORTHWEST HYD. CONSULT INC ENGINEERING - CTC GRNT -BMPs BMP PROJECTS 2029 - 8745 - CTCBMP 1,269.92 NORTHWEST HYD. CONSULT INC ENGINEERING - DEMO FP,COLD CRK BMP PROJECTS 2029 - 8745 - DEMOFP 1,724.25 NORTHWEST HYD. CONSULT INC ENGINEERING - DEMO RALPH TANK BMP PROJECTS 2029 - 8745 - DEMORT 1,283.87 Check Total: 5,547,95 AP- 00078535 MW OFFICE DEPOT GEN & ADAM OFFICE INVENTORY 1000 - 0428 282.6E Check Total: 282.68 AP- 00078536 MW 1 NONTRAC LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 1007 - 4810 7.00 • 02 I Check Total: 7.00 AP- 00078537 MW OUTSIDE TELEVISION DIO - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027 -6620 - PREEXT 780.63 OUTSIDE TELEVISION 010 - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027 - 6620 - PREEXT 780.62 Check Total: 1,561.25 AP- 00078538 MW OVIVO USA LLC HEAVY MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004 - 6021 1,457.00 - Check Total: 1.457.00 AP- 00078539 MW PARR, KEITH OPERATIONS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1006 - 6200 326.20 Check Total: 326.20 AP- 00078540 MW PDM STEEL HEAVY MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004 - 6021 387.38 Check Total: 387,38 AP- 00078541 MW PERKINELMER INC LABORATORY SFTWR, LIMS 2007.8622 6,239.41 Check Total: 6.239.41 AP- 00078542 MW PETTY CASH PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002 - 6051 60.00 PETTY CASH PUMPS SUPPLIES 1002 - 6520 25.00 PETTY CASH HEAVY MAINT TRAVELIMEETINGS 1004 - 6200 24.99 User THERESA Page: 7 Current Date: 02/24/2011 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 14:48:11 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Yens MA= penartment 1 Proj Name Duadsticin ArdstiLearazde &aunt relackkham Ina PETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION POSTAGE EXPENSES 1021 - 4810 1.21 PETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION TRAVEUMEETINGS 1021 - 6200 6.50 PETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 1021 - 6621 18.58 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING GASOLINE 1029 - 4610 33.50 PETTY CASH INFORMATION SYS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1037 - 6200 2.50 PETTY CASH UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2001 - 6200 28.56 PETTY CASH PUMPS WELLS 2002 - 8050 22.00 PETTY CASH PUMPS TRAVEUMEETINGS 2002 - 6200 80.00 PETTY CASH PUMPS SUPPUES 2002 - 6520 25.00 PETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION POSTAGE EXPENSES 2021 - 4810 1.20 PETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION TRAVEUMEETINGS 2021 - 6200 6.50 PETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 2021 - 6621 18.56 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING GASOLINE 2029 - 4610 33.50 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING - WT METERING PRJ WTR METERINGINEW 2029 - 7078 - METERS 100.00 PETTY CASH INFORMATION SYS TRAVEUMEETINGS 2037 - 6200 2.50 !PETTY CASH CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2038 - 6200 40.00 N u:PETTY CASH CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 21.38 1 Check Total: 551,o AP 00078543 MW PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002 - 6071 126.27 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002 - 6073 32.51 PRAXAIR 174 HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS & MNTC 1004 - 6042 256.92 PRAXAIR 174 HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPUES 1004 - 6071 428.68 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007 - 4760 460.97 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002 - 6071 126.26 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002 - 6073 32.50 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 410.97 Check Total: 1,923.06 AP 00078544 MW PRO LEISURE ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 1021 - 6621 70,08 PRO LEISURE ADMINISTRATION INCNTV & RCGNTN 2021 - 6621 70.06 Check Total: 14016 AP MW RED WING SHOE STORE LABORATORY SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1007 - 6075 110.93 RED WING SHOE STORE LABORATORY SAFETY/ERUIPIPHY 2007 - 5075 110.92 User: THERESA Page: 8 Current Date: 02/24/2011 Report: OHBMT_CLAIMS BK Current Time: 14:48:11 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / Proj Name Description Acct# / Proj Code Amount Check Num Ina Check Total: 221.85 AP 00078546 MW REDWOOD PRINTING ENGINEERING - HEADWORKS HDWKS IMP PROJ 1029 - 8033 - HDWORK 1,430.29 REDWOOD PRINTING ENGINEERING - DVR IRRIG IMPRVS DVR IRR FLDS PHI 1029 - 8161 - DVRIIP 193.70 REDWOOD PRINTING CUSTOMER SERVICE PRINTING 1038 - 4920 154.85 REDWOOD PRINTING CUSTOMER SERVICE PRINTING 2038.4920 154.84 Check Total: 1,933.68 AP MW SAN FRANCISCO FORD UNC MERC EQUIPMENT REP REP TRK 46 1005 - 8179 20,992.06 Check Total: 20,992.06 AP 00078548 MW SASS, AUSTIN CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP 00078549 MW SCOTT FRIEDEL OFFICE MACHINES CUSTOMER SERVICE OFC EQUIP/REPAIR 1038 - 6027 49.35 SCOTT FRIEDEL OFFICE MACHINES CUSTOMER SERVICE OFC EQUIP/REPAIR 2033 - 6027 49.35 Check Total: 98.70 AP 00078550 MW SHERMAN, JOHN OPERATIONS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1006 - 6200 232.00 Check Total: 232.00 AP 00078551 MW I a HRED -IT GEN & ADMIN OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1000 - 6081 48.00 I Check Total: 48,00 AP MW SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES LABORATORY SERVICE CONTRACT 1007 - 6030 160.74 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES LABORATORY SERVICE CONTRACT 2007 - 6030 160.73 Check Total: 321.47 AP 00078553 MW SIERRA NEVADA CONSTRUCTION GEN & ADMIN - REPL GEN, LPPS CONST RETAINAGE 1000 - 2605 - RGLPPS 4,745.78 SIERRA NEVADA CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING - REPL GEN, LPPS REPL GEN LPPS 1029 - 8933 - RGLPPS 87,457.84 Check Total: 78.712.06 AP 00078554 MW SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP OPERATIONS POLYMER 1006 - 4720 74.56 SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 1022 - 6670 267.68 SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP ENGINEERING - HEADWORKS HDWKS IMP PROJ 1029 - 8033 - HDWORK 100.35 SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 2022 - 6670 267.68 Check Total: 710.27 AP 00078555 MW SIGNS OF TAHOE CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPUES 2038 - 6071 43.50 Check Total: 43.50 AP 00078556 MW SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN & ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000 - 6370 3,052.92 User: THERESA Page: 9 Current Date: 02/24/2011 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS BK Current Time: 14:48:11 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vernier Name Depertmpnt / Proj Name Acct# / Proj Coale Amami Check Num lyis SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN & ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 2000.8370 321.36 SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004.6041 3680 Check Total: 3.411,0. AP 00078557 MW SOUTHWEST GAS GEN & ADMIN NATURAL GAS 1000 - 6350 128.69 SOUTHWEST GAS GEN & ADMIN NATURAL GAS 2000 - 6350 224.72 Check Total: 353.41 AP 00078558 MW STOP LOSS INSURANCE SERVICES SELF FUNDED INS EXCESS INSURANCE 3000.6744 31,779.55 Check Total: 31.779.55 AP 00078559 MW STRAUSS, CRYSTAL CUSTOMER SERVICE - WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038 - 6660 - WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP 00078560 MW SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & INFORMATION SYS CONTRACT SERVICE 1037 - 4405 365.12 SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 1038 - 4405 365.12 SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & INFORMATION SYS CONTRACT SERVICE 2037 - 4405 365.12 SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 2038 - 4405 365.12 Check Total: 1,460.48 AP 00078561 MW I tXA'AHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE GEN & ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000 - 6370 312.50 r !TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE OPERATIONS SLUDGE DISPOSAL 1008 -6652 11,544.00 Check Total: 11,856,50 AP MW TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS 010 - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027 - 8620 - PREEXT 125.00 TAHOE MOUNTAIN NEWS 010 - PR EXP- EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027 - 6820 - PREEXT 125.00 Check Total: *AO AP 00078563 MW TAHOE TRADING POST ELECTRICAL SHOP SAFETYIEQUIPIPHY 1003 - 6075 76.26 TAHOE TRADING POST HEAVY MAINT SAFETY/EQUIPIPHY 1004 - 6075 180.24 TAHOE TRADING POST ELECTRICAL SHOP SAFETY/EQUIP/PI-1Y 2003 - 6075 76.26 Check Total: 332.76 AP 00078564 MW TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SHOP SECONDARY EQUIP 1003 - 6022 17.86 TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003 - 6041 226.41 TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 2003 - 6041 659.47 Check Total: 903.74 AP 00078565 MW TEICHERT CONSTRUCTION GEN & ADMIN - CALTRANS EROSION CONST RETAINAGE 2000 - 2605 - ECCALT 24,144.60 TEICHERT CONSTRUCTION GEN & ADMIN - LAKE TAHOE BLVD CONST RETAINAGE 2000 - 2605 - LTBWLR 112,373.32 User: THERESA Page: 10 Current Date: 02/24/2011 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_EK Current Time: 14:48:11 4 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department / PrQ) Name Description Acct# / Proj Code Amount Check Num TOCR6 Check Total: 136.517.92 AP 00078566 MW TESCO CONTROLS INC ENGINEERING - IROQUOIS BSTR ST BSTR STN IROQ 2029 - 8967 -IQBSTR 12,750.00 Check Total: 12.750.00 AP 00078567 MW THOMAS HAEN CO INC GEN & ADM - IROQUOIS BSTR ST CONST RETAINAGE 2000 - 2605 - IQBSTR - 18,440.77 THOMAS HAEN CO INC ENGINEERING - IROQUOIS BSTR ST BSTR STN IROQ 2029 - 8967 - IQBSTR 184,407.70 Check Total: 165.966.93 AP 00078568 MW U S BANK CORPORATE UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS /MHLS 1001 - 6052 10.00 U S BANK CORPORATE UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPUES 1001 - 6071 494.81 U S BANK CORPORATE UNDERGROUND REP DUES/MEMB/CERT 1001 - 6250 250.00 U S BANK CORPORATE ELECTRICAL SHOP TRAVELIMEETINGS 1003 - 6200 89.87 U S BANK CORPORATE HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS & MNTC 1004 - 6042 239.72 U S BANK CORPORATE HEAVY MAINT SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1004 - 6075 152.25 U 5 BANK CORPORATE HEAVY MAINT BIOSOL EQUP/BLDG 1004 - 6653 724.94 U S BANK CORPORATE EQUIPMENT REP TRAVELIMEET INGS 1005 - 6200 600.00 U $ BANK CORPORATE OPERATIONS OFFICE SUPPUES 1006 - 4820 106.81 1 U S BANK CORPORATE OPERATIONS SMALL TOOLS 1006 - 6073 122.38 S BANK CORPORATE OPERATIONS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1006 - 6075 800.67 U S BANK CORPORATE OPERATIONS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1006 - 6200 1,311.63 U S BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY LAB SUPPUES 1007 - 4760 59.54 U $ BANK. CORPORATE LABORATORY OFFICE SUPPUES 1007 - 4820 63.46 U S BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY LABORATORY EQUIP 1007 - 6025 120.41 U $ BANK CORPORATE BOARD OF DIR TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1019 - 6200 550.00 U S BANK CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1021 - 6200 464.44 U S BANK CORPORATE HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 1022 - 6079 56.46 U S BANK CORPORATE HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEL MEETINGS 1022 - 6200 -0.50 U S BANK CORPORATE DIO SUBSCRIPTIONS 1027 - 4830 349.75 U S BANK CORPORATE DIO TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1027 - 6200 207.55 U S BANK CORPORATE DIAMOND VLY RNCH OFFICE SUPPUES 1028 - 4820 346.88 U S BANK CORPORATE DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS & MNTC 1028 - 6042 318.05 U S BANK CORPORATE DIAMOND VLY RNCH TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1028 - 6200 565.00 U S BANK CORPORATE DIAMOND VLY RNCH TELEPHONE 1028 - 6310 59.99 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING GASOLINE 1029 - 4610 7.50 User: THERESA Page: I 1 Current Date: 02/24/2011 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS .$K Current Time: 14:48:11 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Y uNkr,N81n D•lairt.o•M / Pro' Nam* IlusdRtlen Acct# / PrQJ Coda Amount CC ck Num Ins U 8 BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029 - 4820 44.63 U 8 BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 1029 - 6200 516,44 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING DUESIMEMBICERT 1029 - 6250 150.00 U 3 BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION SYS TRAVEUMEETINGS 1037 - 6200 178,73 U 3 BANK CORPORATE CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1038 - 4820 397.45 U S BANK CORPORATE CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1038 - 6200 335.22 U 3 BANK CORPORATE FINANCE OFFICE SUPPUES 1039.4820 18.21 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE SUBSCRIPTIONS 1039 - 4830 102.50 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE TRAVELJMEETINGS 1039 - 6200 190.96 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE SUPPLIES 1039 - 6520 64.75 U 8 BANK CORPORATE UNDERGROUND REP SERVICE CONTRACT 2001 - 6030 130.39 U 3 BANK CORPORATE UNDERGROUND REP DUESIMEMB/CERT 2001 - 6250 111.04 U S BANK CORPORATE PUMPS TRAVEUMEETINGS 2002 - 6200 19.95 U S BANK CORPORATE ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPUES 2003 - 6071 43.49 U 8 BANK CORPORATE EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005 - 6011 538.63 ill 5 BANK CORPORATE EQUIPMENT REPAIR TRAVEUMEETINGS 2005 - 6200 600.00 L..) Wl S BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007 - 4760 59.54 U S BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY OFFICE SUPPLIES 2007 - 4820 63.47 U 8 BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY LABORATORY EQUIP 2007 - 6025 120.41 U S BANK CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION TRAVEUMEETINGS 2021 - 6200 484.44 U S BANK CORPORATE HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 2022 - 6079 56.46 U S BANK CORPORATE HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVELJMEETINGS 2022 - 6200 .0.50 U S BANK CORPORATE 010 SUBSCRIPTIONS 2027 - 4830 349.74 U S BANK CORPORATE 010 TRAVELJMEETINGS 2027 - 6200 207.55 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING GASOLINE 2029 - 4610 7.50 U 5 BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPUES 2029 - 4820 44.62 U 3 BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 2029 - 6200 351.43 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING DUESIMEMB/CERT 2029 - 6250 150.00 U S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION SYS TRAVEUMEETINGS 2037 - 6200 178.72 U S BANK CORPORATE CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2038 - 4820 397.44 U S BANK CORPORATE CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2038 - 6200 335.21 U 5 BANK CORPORATE FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039 - 4820 18.20 User: THERESA Page: 12 Current Date: 02/24/2011 Report: OFI_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 14:48:11 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department 1 Proj Name Descrillign Accl# / Proj Code - Amount Check Num Ina U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE SUBSCRIPTIONS 2039 - 4830 102.50 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2039 - 6200 311.89 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE SUPPLIES 2039 - 6520 64.75 Check Total: 14.847,39 AP 00078571 MW UNITED RENTALS INC DIAMOND VLY RNCH - SNOWSHOE DITCH -2 DITCH PIPING 1028 - 8131 - SNOPIP 8,198.25 Check Total: 8,198.25 AP 000 MW UNIVERSAL HEALTH NETWORK SELF FUNDED INS PPO FEE 3000 - 6742 414.00 Check Total: 414.00 AP 00078573 MW WECO INDUSTRIES INC UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 1001 - 6052 3,574.75 WECO INDUSTRIES INC UNDERGROUND REP REPL MNLN CAM 1001 - 8100 33,223.13 WECO INDUSTRIES INC UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 2001 -6073 657.94 Check Total: 37.465.82 AP 00078574 MW WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 1003 - 6051 197.11 WEDCO INC DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS & MNTC 1028 - 6042 359.75 Check Total: 558,86 AP 00078575 MW t SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS LABORATORY TKN DIGESTER 1007 - 7607 2,932.50 da i Check Total: _Loam AP- 00078576 MW WESTERN ENERGETD( INC GEN & ADMIN GASOLINE INV 1000 - 0415 1,113.77 WESTERN ENERGETIX INC EQUIPMENT REP OIL & LUBE 1005 - 4630 196.41 WESTERN ENERGETIX INC EQUIPMENT REPAIR OIL & LURE 2005 - 4630 196.40 Check Total: 1,506.58 AP 00078577 MW WESTERN ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY MONITORING 1007 - 6110 680.00 Check Total: 6d0,00 AP 00078578 MW WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002 - 6051 31.56 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY HEAVY MINT GROUNDS & MNTC 1004 - 6042 99.94 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY DIAMOND VLY RNCH - SNOWSHOE DITCH -2 DITCH PIPING 1028 - 8131 - SNOPIP 808.24 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001 - 6052 996.15 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002 - 6051 1,199.82 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY CUSTOMER SERVICE WATER METERS 2038 - 6045 587.99 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 2038 - 6071 37.58 Check Total: 3,761.28 AP 000 MW User: THERESA Page: 13 Current Date: 02/24/2011 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 14:48:11 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Nama asaartnaniaccalamit fin; Acct# / Proj Cods ADlitlini Check Num Tvoe Grand Total: 974,838.33 to User. THERESA Page: 14 Current Date: 02/24 /2011 Report: OHJMT_CLAIMSJ3K Current Thee: 14:48:11 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS - SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULE American Express EFT Detail Vendor Name Department/Prof Name Description Acet #/Pros Code Amount Type Ferguson Enterprises, Inc HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 2004 -6041 107.43 EFT Total: 107.43 w of General Memoir _ Rldwd H. sole* Cehiu c � � ou a oe = DInrctors 9 1 ubiic Utility ni5trict , �"►`�`' Erie Schafer 1 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 961504401 Phone 530 544-6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 13a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: March 3, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J -M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CV06- 0055 -GW, United States District Court for the Central District of Califomia. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES t NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES °: , ENO Gans* Managar Inokani FL Sober S outh Proctors ChrisCsfalu i i "" �';�. ;. , J anes!Lbw ,.- Public Utility Marylou Maabadkar Dais PJas I 1275 Meadow Crept Drive • South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150 -7401 Phone 530 54+6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 13b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Sotbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: March 3, 2011 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (one case) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding anticipation of litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES AL % .: NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES L NO -39-