HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 03-01-07 , SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, March 1, 2007 2:00 P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South lake Tahoe, California Richard Sol brig, General Mana~er Eric W. Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant Mana?=- James R. Jones, Vice President Duane Wallace, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director ..,.- Kathleen Farrell, Director , 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five-minute limit. No action will be taken.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION I DISCUSSION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. Arrowhead Well NO.3 HiPOX Treatment Pg.19 System Status (Ivo Bergsohn) Approve District Staff Recommendation Regarding the Future Status of the Arrowhead Well No.3 HiPOX Treatment System (Recommendation will be presented at the Board meeting.) b. Payment of Claims Pg.21 Approve Payment in the Amount of $703,737.94 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 1, 2007 PAGE-2 7. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Farrell) b. Finance Committee (Wallace / Schafer) c. Executive Committee (Schafer / Jones) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 9. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 10. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 11. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Future Connections Plan b. Lake Tahoe Restoration Act Grant Funding c. AWWA / WEF Joint Management Conference 12. STAFF REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Lakeside Park Settlement Agreement (Rhonda McFarlane) b. Self Insurance Audit Field Work (Rhonda McFarlane) c. ACWA Washington D.C. Trip (Dennis Cocking) d. State Legislative Update (Dennis Cocking) 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetinas I Events 02/20/07 - Finance Committee Budget Review Meeting 02/25/07 - 02/28/07 - AWWA / WEF Joint Management Conference 02/26/07 - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting 02/28/07 - ECC (Employee Communications Committee) Meeting Future Meetinas I Events 03/06/07 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Supervisors Regular Board Meeting in Markleeville 03/06/07 - CalPERS Election re: Benefit Formula (Voting times are: 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., 12:00 - 1 :00 p.m., and 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. in Conference Room 2) 03/12/07 - 4:00 p.m. - Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting in CR2 03/14/07 - 9:00 a.m. - EI Dorado County Water Agency Regular Board Meeting in Shingle Springs 03/14/07 - 1 :00 p.m. - Board Workshop re: Budget in CR2 03/15/07 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District Office 03/16/07 - CSDA Strategic Planning Conference in Pleasanton 03/20/07 - 9:00 a.m. - Alpine County Supervisors Regular Board Meeting in Markleeville 03/21/07 - 8:00 a.m. - ECC (Employee Communications Committee) Meeting in Boardroom (Director Wallace is the Board representative) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 1, 2007 PAGE-3 14. CLOSED SESSION (Closed Sessions are not open to the public) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg.39 Existing Litigation: Beth Jett, Kendall Pearce, and Pearce Family Trust dated 1-20-88 vs. South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District, Cox & Cox Construction, Inc., a California Corporation, Nimbus Engineers, a Nevada Corporation and Does 1-100, Inclusive, Civil Action No. PC 20050567, Superior Court, County of EI Dorado, Ca. b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg.41 Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of CA c. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b )/Conference with Legal Counsel- Pg.43 Anticipated Litigation (One Case) 15. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, March 15, 2007, 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (Le., disability-related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at 530.544.6474, extension 6203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR MARCH 1, 2007 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION a. Bayview Waterline Pg.1 (John Thiel) Authorize Staff to Instruct the Bank of Sacramento to Release all Remaining Retention Funds to T&S Construction Co., Inc. b. Surplus Vehicles and Equipment Pg.3 (Linda Brown) Authorize Nationwide Auction Systems to Sell District Surplus Vehicles and Equipment at Public Auction c. Adoption of the Resolution of Intent Document Pg.5 and Disclosure of Future Annual Cost of Providing the 2.7% at Age 55 Benefit Formula (Rhonda McFarlane) Adopt Resolution No. 2827-07 d. Special Board Meeting Minutes of: Pg. 11 January 24, 2007 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes e. Regular Board Meeting Minutes of: Pg. 13 February 1 , 2007 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 · Facsimile 530.541.0614. www.stpud.us ~......~' ... ~.H.""" South Tahoe Public Utility District D1~ K.I1:hIeM F lImlIl JamCl'& It .)o!w. Mary Lou M05l>m- DuaNW~ Erlo:;~ ---==- l 1Z75 MaadowCreet Drive -South J...ake Tahoe- CA 96150-1401 Phons 530 544-6474- Fax 530 541-06W-www.etpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: March 1, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Bayview Waterline REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to instruct the Bank of Sacramento to release all remaining retention funds to T&S Construction Co. Inc. DISCUSSION: On December 21, 2006, the Board authorized the Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims. This process has been completed and the 35-day waiting period has expired. The project is complete and there are no outstanding claims. This represents final payment. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: None ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7049/BAYWTR BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $654,695 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES (~{' ye. NO CATEGORY: Water -1- ~~ ~.H.'" South Tahoe Public Utility District DIntctonl I\.IrtJ1IeM F'amlII .-~It JoN6 M.ry Leu Mof;IJIICher DIl.1w W~ ErIc~ : :: I 1275 Meadow Crest IJrfw -South Lake Taho.J.CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 550 541-0614.www:5tpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: March 1, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT: Surplus Vehicles and Equipment REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize Nationwide Auction Systems to sell District surplus vehicles and equipment at public auction. Truck 21 - 1991 Dodge 4x4 utility-bed truck, VIN 0304, mileage 67,920 Truck 30 - 2001 Chevy 4x4 pickup truck, VIN 2209, mileage 103,199, "totaled" by insurance company Truck 41 - 1991 GMC 4x4 pickup truck, VIN 5570, mileage 139,946 Vehicle 7S- 1985 Cushman electric cart, VIN 2025 Natural Gas generator - -1966 G3400, SIN GH3313321, 645 hours (from Pioneer pump station) (6) Portable generator -1988 Kohler 100KW, White engine SIN 4015576, 2468 hours Nationwide Auction Systems has been responsive, quick, and received fair returns in their previous sales for the District. Nationwide will complete required vehicle smog testing, and perform minor vehicle repairs with District approval. The totaled vehicle and any vehicle which cannot pass smog certification without substantial repairs will be sold to dealers only. Staff believes that selling through Nationwide, a professional auctioneer, is the best option for the sale of this surplus equipment. DISCUSSION: The following equipment is surplus, and has been replaced by the District: (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: Income less 7% commission for vehicles & 20% commission for equipment ACCOUNT NO: Various BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: NIA ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~y~ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES .r~ CATEGORY: General NO 3_NO ~ ......... ~tt ...... South Tahoe Public Utility District ~ KA1:h1eetl F lImllI ~ l;:'J0M6 Mary loll "*,.Il:hllr D\.t.lIrII w.w., EI1c; Sclt.tfer - -.-J 1275 Me.adowCrest Drive. South Lake Tahoe.CA 96150~ 7401 I'hon6 500544-6474- Fax 5:30 541-D614.www.5tpud.U5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Rhonda McFarlane, Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: March 1, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Adoption of the Resolution of Intention Document and Disclosure of Future Annual Cost of Providing the 2.7% at Age 55 Benefit Formula. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2827-07. DISCUSSION: The Board agreed during labor negotiations to change the CalPERS retirement benefit formula. CalPERS have now provided us with their contract amendment resolution for you to adopt. In April you will be asked to affirm the resolution a second time to make it final. Please note the amendment costs per CaIPERS- · Change in the Present Value of Benefits · Change in Accrued Liability · Change in the Total Employer Rate, $1,618,039 $ 589,656 3.481 % In addition to the CalPERS Employer Rate increasing, the Employees rate increases 1 %. For that reason, CalPERS requires a vote of the CalPERS participants to make this change. The election is scheduled for March 6, 2007. The District's Memorandums of Understanding with employees provides for a sharing of CalPERS contribution costs. Based on that formula, the District and its employees will see a 2.3% increase in costs each. The majority of these increases will be offset in the future as the District's normal cost is lowered as a result of joining the CalPERS risk pool last year. -5- Rhonda McFarlane March 1, 2007 Page 2 SCHEDULE: Adopt Resolution of Intention today, official CalPERS employee election March 6.2007, Finalize Resolution April 5, 2007, effective June 28,2007. COSTS: The estimated District cost increase is initially $213,000. Within 5 years the increase will decline by about $100,000 due to a change in the District's normal cost as a result of joining the CaIPER's risk pool. ACCOUNT NO: Object 4315 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $351,129 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2827-07 Resolution of Intention to Approve an Amendment to Contract between the Board of Administration California Public Employees' Retirement System and the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District, Amendment to Contract CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES JVHJ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES QVY\L.- - CATEGORY: Sewer & Water NO NO -6- RESOLUTION ID. 2827-07 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Public Employees' Retirement Law permits the participation of public agencies and their employees in the Public Employees' Retirement System by the execution of a contract, and sets forth the procedure by which said public agencies may elect to subject themselves and their employees to amendments to said Law; and WHEREAS, one of the steps in the procedures to amend this contract is the adoption by the governing body of the public agency of a resolution giving notice of . its intention to approve an amendment to said contract, which resolution shall contain a summary of the change proposed in said contract; and WHEREAS, the fOllowing is a statement of the proposed change: To provide Section 21354.5 (2.7% @ 55 Supplemental formula) for local miscellaneous members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the governing body of the above agency does hereby give notice of intention to approve an amendment to the contract between said public agency and the Board of Administration of the. Public Employees' Retirement System, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, as an "Exhibit" and by this reference made a part hereof. By: Presiding Officer Title Date adopted and approved (Amendment) CON-302 (Rev. 4/96) -7- A CalPERS EXHIBIT California Public Employees' Retirement System . AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT Between the Board of Administration California Public Employees' Retirement System and the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District . The Board of Administration, California Public Employees' Retirement System, hereinafter referred to as Board, and the governing body of the above public agency, hereinafter referred to as Public Agency, having entered into a contract effective June 19, 2003, and witnessed June 5, 2003, and as amended effective November 16, 2006 which provides for participation of Public Agency in said System, Board and Public Agency hereby agree as follows: A. Paragraphs 1 through 11 are hereby stricken from said contract as executed effective November 16, 2006, and hereby replaced by the following paragraphs numbered 1 through 12 inclusive: 1. All words and terms used herein which are defined in the Public Employees' Retirement Law shall have the meaning as defined therein unless otherwise specifically provided. "Normal retirement age" shall mean age 55 for local mlscellaneous members. 2. Public Agency shall participate in the Public Employees' Retirement System from and after June 19, 2003 making its employees as hereinafter provided, members of said System subject to all provisions of the Public Employees' Retirement Law except such as apply only on election of a contracting agency and are not provided for herein and to all amendments to said Law hereafter enacted except those, which by express provisions thereof, apply only on the election of a contracting agency. -8- , ,...",......r...~/I'''''T . . : "~' >I I '.' - -. ;"'\ f ,.,. ~ I "........1 !! n I'T' r., , i /.'\' . ~ ~ 1 . i'! " ""'" ",- j., ; ['"'" ,. ; , ; I l ;.,' .,,- It, 0."" ;,.."i' ,,-,' J ~,'- J ; ') J '. ~ {', r~ - .:.'I;,,~ I '-, - '" . '" _1 \ I: l: i t,..<. 3. Employees of Public Agency in the following classes shall become members of said Retirement System except such in each such class as are excluded by law or this agreement: a. Employees other than local safety members (herein referred to as local miscellaneous members). 4. Any exclusion(s) shall remain in effect until such time as the Public Employees' Retirement System determines that continuing said exclusion(s) would risk a finding of non-compliance with any federal tax laws or regulations. If such a determination is contemplated, the Public Employees' Retirement System will meet with the Public Agency to discuss the matter and coordinate any required changes or amendments to the contract. In addition to the classes of employees excluded from membership by said Retirement Law, the following classes of employees shall not become members of said Retirement System: a. SAFETY EMPLOYEES. 5. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for local miscellaneous members in employment before and not on or after the effective date of this amendment to contract for each year of credited prior service is 0% and the percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited current service is 100% and determined in accordance with Section 21354 of said Retirement Law (2% at age 55 supplemental to Federal Social Security). 6. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for local miscellaneous members in employment on or after the effective date of this amendment to contract for each year of credited prior service is 0% and the percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited current service is 100% and determined in accordance with Section 21354:5 of said Retirement Law (2.7% at age 55 supplemental to Federal Social Security). 7. Public Agency elected and elects to be subject to the following optional provisions: a. Section 21024 (Military Service Credit as Public Service). 8. Public Agency, in accordance with Government Code Section 20840 and regulations, has elected to participate in risk pools for its local miscellaneous members and shall share its experience with the experience of all employers participating in the same risk pool. -9- 9. Public Agency shall contribute to said Retirement System the contributions determined by actuarial valuations of prior and future service liability with respect to local miscellaneous members of said Retirement System. 10. Public Agency shall also contribute to said Retirement System as follows: a. A reasonable amount, as fixed by the Board, payable in one installment within 60 days of date of contract to cover the costs of administering said System as it affects the employees of Public Agency, not including the costs of special valuations or of the periodic investigation and valuations required by law. b. A reasonable amount, as fixed by the Board, payable in one installment as the occasions arise, to cover the costs of special valuations on account of employees of Public Agency, and costs of the periodic investigation and valuations required by law. 11 . Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be subject to adjustment by Board on account of amendments to the Public Employees' Retirement Law, and on account of the experience under the Retirement System as determined by the periodic investigation and valuation required by said Retirement Law. 12. Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be paid by Public Agency to the Retirement System within fifteen days after the end of the period to which said contributions refer or as may be prescribed by Board regulation. If more or less than the correct amount of contributions is paid for any period, proper adjustment shall be made in connection with subsequent remittances. Adjustments on account of errors in contributions required of any employee may be made by direct payments between the employee and the Board. B. This amendment shall be effective on the BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION ~. " PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RET!RR~ENT SYSTEM \ ':;:~:::).... t''''~ ~>(,) BY ~":::" LORI MCGARTLAN!i:CHIEF EMPLOYER SE~ctS DIVISION PUBLIC EMPh.~~ES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM ~.~ :"-.J I AMENDMENT ER# 1869 PERS-CON-702A (Rev. 10\05) -10- day of BOARD OF DIRECTORS ",'" SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC ~fiUTY DISTRICT '- \<:;\ \ \ '\r<'" \ v <... , '- ,,\..(' ;'''.'\. BY (',::'\ v PRESIDING~fK:;ER .0, . ..... ", I ("\' \,- r,' , <' '\, ,-' ,,' ... r;.':~""_,.. -/ Witness Date Attest: Clerk 4;.e .~~",~:.~f;~'J .,' '.,. \~/) ('<J~:~~:>~}~ . ~~~~:"$OUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~<f!!.;;." . ~.~: ",~.., \:' :'>'b "Basic Services for a Complex World" ~,' ;:j,,!~1'f " .~ 'ii' !; 0', .."" ~ /,~',/ :i;' (i;t'~ ~ ':''r.''\J:;~{J,l;i i~''') 1&' ..;,/t> Ii' /) .') !:~ /,/ ,J'f ,:to.t!' /It "" ";~i~}'~~!,'!>;,." ';.';i: ./1, . (II) '" (~ JJ) ~..~~ Richard Solbrii' General Mana~er Eric W. Schafer, President Pau,l Sciuto, Assistant Manager Illh BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice President Duane Wallace, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Kathleen Farrell, Director .... SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 24, 2007 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a special session, January 24, 2007, 2:00 P.m., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Schafer, Directors Wallace, Jones, Farrell, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Sciuto, Sharp, McFarlane, Nolan, Curtis, Cocking ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION The Department of Water Resources (DWR) mandates that agencies supplying water to more than 3,000 customers must submit an Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) every five years. If a water agency does not have on file with DWR a board adopted and state approved UWMP, the agency will be ineligible for state water funds administered by DWR. URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Currently, STPUD is partnering with many other regional agencies on a grant under Prop. 50. Kennedy/Jenks -11- SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JANUARY 24, 2007 PAGE - 2 was hired to completed the UWMP for submittal, and recently completed the final plan for approval. It is very important that the UWMP be submitted to the DWR as soon as possible in order to be eligible to receive the grant funding when the DWR makes its final funding approval (expected after February 5, 2007). URBAN WATER MANGEMENT PLAN (continued) Randy Curtis reported two public notices were published in the Tahoe Daily Tribune. Moved Jones I Second Mosbacher I Passed Unanimouslv to make the UWMP available for public input, and hold a Public Hearing on February 15 for final approval. 2:20 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District -12- ~, ~T~ .~'>"1' 1f\<,\\~ f}J / c:, ~ ~\" ."" 7-.... ~1t'" ~A \~ / .jj '~;;'.;; "....' "....... ,: ~~~_!,;.\_ _~. ! '. ~'i/~. f ~ ::~'\""1~;" . -___.~_ ~~. _ -' '. , ... '5;,.. \ . --::-. .. ~ I '-'';' ~"\")* \" ~ (;i:.....;.: .f0~f\~)} ~_~{e"'er .1950 .~.~~ ~.' ~~\':"':~\ ~'LlTVm~~:--- ~~blJTH TAHOE PUBLIC U~ILlTY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" ,.., ".'( . " .') Richard Solbrig, General Manager Eric W. Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant Manager James R. Jones, Vice President Duane Wallace, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Kathleen Farrell, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 1, 2007 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, February 1, 2007, 2:00 P.M., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Schafer; Directors Jones; Wallace, Farrell, Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: Sol brig, Sciuto, Sharp, McFarlane, Cocking, Nolan, Coyner, Hussmann, R. Johnson, Bergsohn, Attorney Herrema. (Attorney Kvistad participated via tele- conference in the discussion of Closed Session item re: Meyers Landfill.) GUESTS: Ed MorrowlGeneral Manager Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association, Chris Stetler/Jerry Wiliams Associates, Peter EicharlTahoe Regional Planning Agency Consent Items c. (Special Use Permit) and e. (2007 Washington D.C. Legislative Advocacy Services) were brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Farrell I Second Mosbacher I Passed Unanimouslv to approve the Consent Calendar as . amended: -13- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 1, 2007 PAGE - 2 a. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Application for Flood Control in Harvey Channel - Adopted Resolution No. 2825-07: Designation of Applicant's Agent; b. Bayview Well Controls Building Facility - Approved Change Order No.3 to K.G. Walters Construction Co., Inc., in the amount of $19,644.46; c. See Consent Items Brought Forward; d. Liability Claim Against STPUD Received from Kyle Schrauben - Rejected claim; e. See Consent Items Brought Forward; f. 2007 California Legislative Advocacy Services - Authorized execution of contract with Lynn M. Suter and Associates, in the amount of $29,400; g. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: December 21 , 2006; h. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: January 4, 2007. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR DISCUSSION I ACTION Director Jones questioned the need for two firms since there seemed to be a duplication of efforts. The effectiveness and successes attributed to both firms were discussed by the Board. Moved Jones I Second Farrell I Mosbacher Voted No I Passed to authorize execution of contract with ENS Resources, Inc., in the amount of $75,848. Moved Wallace I Second Mosbacher I Jones Voted No I Passed to authorize execution of contract with Cross- pointe Partners, L.L.C., in the amount of $66,000. Ross Johnson reported the discharge rate fee should be changed from $6 to $6.50 per one thousand gallons. The Water and Wastewater Operations Committee reviewed this fee and recommended approval. Moved Jones I Second Farrell I Passed Unanimouslv to approve fee adjustments to Special Use Permit. -14- 2007 WASHINGTON D.C. LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY SERVICES (Consent Item e.) SPECIAL USE PERMIT (Consent Item c.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 1, 2007 PAGE - 3 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Ross Johnson reported this construction special use CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL USE permit will allow others to use the sewer system for PERMIT dewatering purposes for construction. Up until now, the District has refused such use to protect the collec- tion system from stoppages due to heavy solids discharge. Staff, along with legal counsel, developed a permitting process to minimize the potential for damage to the collection system, and hold the permittee responsible for spills resulting from misuse. Staff also has the right to deny discharge into the system for any reason. In many cases the District's collection system is the most practical means of accomplishing construc- tion projects while meeting Lahontan and TRPA require- ments. The permit costs are designed to be cost neutral. Moved Jones I Second Farrell I Passed Unanimously to approve Construction Special Use Permit. Moved Jones I Second Farrell / Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $1,237,999.13. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met January 29. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Finance Committee: The committee met January 24 to discuss the request received from Mr. Leal re: fire hydrant installation. They also discussed grants, and Sher funding. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Director Mosbacher reported on her attendance at the Meyers Roundtable meeting held on January 31 . Director Schafer distributed an article that highlighted the importance of maintaining adequate water supplies for fire suppression. He also distributed a summary of the recent CASA conference he attended. General Manager: Richard Sol brig reported on eight items: 1) He is working with TRPA staff to extend the Future Connections Plan and mitigation program to dovetail with Pathway 2007. Pathway 2007 will show where the basin is heading in terms of future growth. 2) He is working with TRPA to clarify the intent behind the L TRA (Lake Tahoe Restoration Act). A former TRPA staff member incorrectly interpreted -15- PA YMENT OF CLAIMS STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 1, 2007 PAGE - 4 that the District is not eligibile to receive money for planning efforts. The USFS denied funding based on that opinion. The original intent of the L TRA clearly allows funding for planning and the authors of the L TRA (Doolittle and Feinstein) are ready to attest to that fact. 3) He is trying to finalize the plant coverage issue with TRPA. Quite a while ago, their staff proposed possibly considering giving the District credit for the significant air quality improvements resulting from the solids handling project. This has been in limbo since. 4) Several waterline projects in the 4,000 - 5,000 feet range are on the horizon. The District has re- quested the TRPA/District MOU be expanded to cover up to 5,000 feet to avoid having so many individual project permits. Peter Eichar, TRPA, reported the MOU will go before the TRPA Governing Board in April. 5) District staff sent a letter to the City of South Lake Tahoe voicing concerns regarding the coordina- tion of the convention center project. 6) He will attend a Tahoe Interagency Executives meeting February 2. 7) The California Tahoe Conservancy inquired about the District's ability to treat storm water in connection with implementation of BMPs. The plant is not cap- able of treating that much water. Since the rate of residents completing their BMP requirements is so low, their idea is to have public utility districts run area-wide BMP programs and charge homeowners on their sewer bills. The District has many concerns regarding that proposal, including staffing, authority, enforcement, and Proposition 218. 8) Staff will attend EI Dorado Irrigation District's strategic planning workshop to increase involvement with west slope water issues. Assistant General Manager I Engineer: Paul Sciuto reported quarterly sampling revealed some wells to be out of compliance with the new federal arsenic standard. Staff is working with California Department of Health Services and ACWA to determine the time- frame to implement noticing requirements. District Information Officer: Dennis Cocking reported on the efforts underway to use provisions of the Water Code for board compensation. He also reported he is representing the District in LAFCOs municipal services review. Manaqer of Customer Service: Lisa Coyner reported that realtors will help the District identify properties that appear to have illegal sewer units. -16- GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (continued) REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 1, 2007 PAGE - 5 3:35 - 3:45 P.M. MEETING BREAK AND ADJOURN- MENT TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION 4:30 P.M. ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Liability Claim Against STPUD Received from Kvle Schrauben No reportable Board action Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Beth Jett, Kendall Pearce, and Pearce Family Trust Dated 1-20-88 vs. STPUD, Cox & Cox Construction, Inc., a California Corporation, Nimbus Engineers, a Nevada Corporation and Does 1- 100, Inclusive, Civil Action No. PC 20050567, Superior Court, Countv of EI Dorado, State of Ca. No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1 520 LKK GGH, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litiqation (One Case) 4:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board -17- ~H.~ South Tahoe Public Utility District Dintctor!.l ~leeIl Famtll Jame9 R. Jonet; Ma/)'lOl.l ~ Dw1ml W.1Iau Erlc 5cMfllt .~.---______,..,...,. J 1275 Meadow Cr8E;t Drive. South lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone: 5aO 544-6474. Fax 530 541~0614. WWW.stpudJJ5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro-Geologist MEETING DATE: March 1, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Arrowhead Well NO.3 HiPOX Treatment System Status REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve District staff recommendation regarding the future status of the Arrowhead Well NO.3 HiPOX Treatment System. DISCUSSION: In June 2002, the District started operation of a HiPOX Treatment System at the Arrowhead Well NO.3 site. In compliance with the Board's policy regarding MtBE, the treatment system was added to remove trace levels of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MtBE) found in drinking water produced by the Arrowhead Well NO.3. From November 1998 through December 2003, MtBE was detected in Arrowhead Well No.3 waters at concentrations ranging from less than laboratory method detection levels [0.2 micrograms per liter (~g/L)] to 0.4 IJg/L. MtBE was last detected in samples collected from this well on December 9,2003 at 0.3 IJg/L. The Arrowhead Well NO.3 HiPOX Treatment System was last operated on June 30, 2004. Since that time, the Arrowhead Well No.3 has produced more than 530 million gallons of drinking water without detectable concentrations of MtBE. District staff is meeting to discuss current site conditions and the necessity for continued use of the HiPOX Treatment System at the Arrowhead Well NO.3 site. Staff will present a recommendation regarding the future status of the HiPOX Treatment System at the March 1st Board meeting. SCHEDULE: NIA COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: None -19- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL March 1, 2007 Payroll 2/14/07 Total Payroll BNY Western Trust Company FirstTier/Cost Containment-health care pmts LaSalle Bank Hatch & Parent - legal services Total Vendor EFT Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accounts Payable Grand Total Pavroll EFTs & Checks EFT EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care CA Employment Taxes & W/H Federal Employment Taxes & W/H CalPERS Contributions John Hancock Pension Loan Pmts Great West Deferred Camp Stationary Engineers Union Dues United Way Contributions Employee Direct Deposits Employee Paychecks Adjustments Total -21- 2/14/07 6,718.99 16,417.77 96,487.22 47,390.38 3,482.05 15,066.44 1,858.58 92.00 165,294.58 48,507.05 0.00 401,315.06 401,315.06 401,315.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 158,416.76 127,615.10 16,391.02 0.00 302,422.88 703,737.94 Vendor Name A -1 CHEMICAL INC A -1 RADIATOR INC A -1 RADIATOR INC AFLAC ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ALL EaCTRIC MOTORS INC ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY AMEC EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL INC ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES User: THERESA Department / Proi Name GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION OPERATIONS OPERATIONS GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Description Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check # Tvoe JANITORIAL SUPPLIES INVENTORY AP 1000 - 0422 199.33 00065550 MW Check Total: 199.33 GENERATORS AP 1005 - 6013 2,771.33 00065551 MW GENERATORS AP 1005 - 6013 365.00 00065551 MW Check Total: 3,136.33 INSURANCE SUPPLEMENT AP 1000 - 2532 Check Total: UPPER TRKE PS UPGRADE AP 1002 - 8631 UPPER TRKE PS UPGRADE AP 1002 - 8631 UPPER TRKE PS UPGRADE AP 1002 - 8631 TAHOE KEYS PS UPGRADE AP 1002 - 8711 TAHOE KEYS PS UPGRADE AP 1002 - 8711 TAHOE KEYS PS UPGRADE AP 1002 - 8711 TAHOE KEYS PS UPGRADE AP 1002 - 8711 TAHOE KEYS PS UPGRADE AP 1002 - 8711 TAHOE KEYS PS UPGRADE AP 1002 - 8711 TAHOE KEYS PS UPGRADE AP 1002 - 8711 TAHOE KEYS PS UPGRADE AP 1002 - 8711 TAHOE KEYS PS UPGRADE AP 1002 - 8711 TAHOE KEYS PS UPGRADE AP 1002 - 8711 TAHOE KEYS PS UPGRADE AP 1002 - 8711 Check Total: SUPPLIES AP 1000 - 6520 SUPPLIES AP 1006 - 6520 SUPPLIES AP 1006 - 6520 SUPPLIES AP 2000 - 6520 Check Total: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AP 1028 - 4405 Check Total: Page: 1 UNIFORM/RUGS/TOWELS PAYABLE AP 1000 - 2518 UNIFORM /RUGS/TOWELS PAYABLE AP 1000 - 2518 UNIFORM / RUGS/TOWELS PAYABLE AP 1000 - 2518 847.90 00065552 MW 847.90 1,890.00 00065553 MW 265.95 00065553 MW 284.46 00065553 MW 1,715.00 00065553 MW 90.25 00065553 MW 132.97 00065553 MW 334.03 00065553 MW 17.80 00065553 MW 16.16 00065553 MW 334.03 00065553 MW 16.16 00065553 MW 1,960.00 00065553 MW 90.25 00065553 MW 132.97 00065553 MW 7,280.03 5.66 00065554 MW 11.31 00065554 MW 34.50 00065554 MW 5.65 00065554 MW 57.12 596.45 00065555 MW 596.45 Check Total: 2,257.39 701.92 00065556 MW 642.58 00065556 MW 912.89 00065556 MW Current Date: 02/22/2007 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Current Time: 13:12:24 Vendor Name ARTRAGEOUS FINE FRAMING ARTRAGEOUS FINE FRAMING ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AT &T AT &T /MCI AT &T/MCI AT &T/MCI AT &T/MCI AUERBACH ENGINEERING CORP AUERBACH ENGINEERING CORP 1 N L.) 1 AWARDS OF TAHOE AWARDS OF TAHOE AWARDS OF TAHOE AWARDS OF TAHOE BASIC LABORATORY INC. BAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC BAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC BAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC BAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC BAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC BAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC BAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC BAY TOOL & SUPPLY INC User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name FINANCE FINANCE GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION CUSTOMER SERVICE GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION CUSTOMER SERVICE ENGINEERING UPPER DRESSLER DITCH PROJ ENGINEERING WATERLINE, BAYVIEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS LABORATORY GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES LIFE INSURANCE SIGNAL CHARGES TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE UPPER DRESSLER DITCH PROJECT WATERLINE, BAYVIEW OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES MONITORING SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY SMALL TOOLS INVENTORY SMALL TOOLS INVENTORY SMALL TOOLS INVENTORY SMALL TOOLS INVENTORY SMALL TOOLS INVENTORY Acct# / Prof Code AP 1039 - 4820 AP 2039 - 4820 Check Total: AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP 1000 - 2512 Check Total: 1000 - 6320 Check Total: 1000 - 6310 7.50 00065559 MW 1038 - 6310 7.35 00065559 MW 2000 - 6310 7.50 00065559 MW 2038 - 6310 7.35 00065559 MW Check Total: 29.70 1029 - 7062 13,492.93 00065561 MW DRSSLR 2029 - 7049 403.00 00065561 MW BAYWTR Check Total: 13,895.93 1019 - 4820 1019 -4820 2019 - 4820 2019 - 4820 Check Total: 1007 - 6110 Check Total: 1000 - 0421 1000 - 0421 1000 - 0421 1000 - 0423 1000 - 0423 1000 - 0423 1000 - 0423 1000 - 0423 Check Total: Check Amount Check # Type 40.15 00065557 MW 40.14 00065557 MW 80.29 1,984.58 00065558 MW 1,984.58 33.07 00065560 MW 33.07 6.06 00065562 MW 147.80 00065562 MW 147.79 00065562 MW 6.06 00065562 MW 307.71 376.40 00065563 MW 376.40 25.33 00065564 MW 41.89 00065564 MW 124.13 00065564 MW 30.90 00065564 MW 98.14 00065564 MW 51.66 00065564 MW 75.32 00065564 MW 91.59 00065564 MW 538.96 Page: 2 Current Date: 02/22/2007 Current Time: 13:12:24 Vendor Name BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS BING MATERIALS BING MATERIALS BING MATERIALS BLAKE'S FLORAL DESIGN BLAKE'S FLORAL DESIGN BLINDS & DESIGNS BLINDS & DESIGNS BLINDS & DESIGNS BLINDS & DESIGNS BLINDS & DESIGNS BLINDS & DESIGNS BLON'$EEL- TIMMERMAN, DESIREE CALIF EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPT CALIF EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPT CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIM S Department / Proi Name OPERATIONS DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS LABORATORY LABORATORY DIESEL FUEL SPILL, GEN BLDG UNDERGROUND REPAIR INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description BIOSOLID DISPOSAL COSTS GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES CUSTOMER SERVICE WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES Page: 3 Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check # AP 1006 -6652 957.72 00065565 Check Total: 957.72 AP 1028 - 6042 AP 1028 - 6042 AP 1028 - 6042 Check Total: 364.24 AP 1021 - 6520 AP 2021 - 6520 Check Total: 49.99 AP 1000 - 4820 218.57 AP 1000 - 4820 420.22 AP 1000 - 4820 32.50 AP 2000 - 4820 32.50 AP 2000 - 4820 420.23 AP 2000 - 4820 218.56 Check Total: 1,342.58 AP 2038 - 6660 250.00 00065569 MW WCNCTV Check Total: 250.00 AP 1019 - 4303 AP 2019 - 4303 Check Total: AP AP AP AP AP AP 1001 - 6052 1037 - 4840 1037 - 4840 1037 - 4840 1037 - 4840 1037 - 4840 AP 2037 - 4840 AP 2037 - 4840 95.26 00065566 134.26 00065566 134.72 00065566 25.00 00065567 MW 24.99 00065567 MW 00065568 00065568 00065568 00065568 00065568 00065568 167.00 00065570 167.00 00065570 334.00 AP 1007 - 4810 9.62 00065571 AP 1007 - 4810 16.50 00065571 DSPILL Check Total: 26.12 200.16 00065572 13.97 00065572 21.54 00065572 514.78 00065572 27.47 00065572 14.53 00065572 14.52 00065572 27.48 00065572 Current Date: 02/22/2007 Current Time: 13:12:24 Check Tvoe MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW Vendor Name CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP COLE - PARMER INSTRUMENT CO COLE - PARMER INSTRUMENT CO CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CSRMA DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY DIESEL FUEL SPILL, GEN BLDG LABORATORY DIESEL FUEL SPILL, GEN BLDG LABORATORY ARROWHD WELL #3 TRTMT EXPENSES LABORATORY BAKERSFIELD TRMT EXPENSES LABORATORY ARROWHD WELL #3 TRTMT EXPENSES LABORATORY BAKERSFIELD TRMT EXPENSES LABORATORY TERRIBLE HERBST CONTAMINATION LABORATORY BEACON CONTAMINATION ENGINEERING INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING CSRMA LIABILITY CLAIMS DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES Check Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check # Type AP 2037 - 4840 285.81 00065572 MW AP 2037 - 4840 21.54 00065572 MW AP 2037 - 4840 13.96 00065572 MW Check Total: 1155.76 AP 1007 - 4820 AP 2007 - 4820 Check Total: AP 1007 - 6110 DSPILL AP 2007 - 6110 DSPILL AP 2007 - 6110 AH3EXP AP 2007 - 6110 BKRFLD AP 2007 - 6110 AH3EXP AP 2007 - 6110 BKRFLD AP 2007 - 6110 HERBST AP 2007 - 6110 BEACON Check Total: AP 2029 - 4521 Check Total: AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP 1037 - 4840 1037 - 4840 1037 - 4840 1037 - 4840 1037 - 4840 1037 - 4840 1037 - 4840 1037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 33.54 00065573 25.86 00065573 59.40 250.00 00065574 MW 187.50 00065574 MW 265.00 00065574 MW 265.00 00065574 MW 190.00 00065574 MW 190.00 00065574 MW 190.00 00065574 MW 190.00 00065574 MW 1,727.50 4,429.53 00065575 MW 4A29.53 247.99 2,130.54 16.14 80.78 46.83 102.31 93.68 239.05 239.04 93.68 00065576 00065576 00065576 00065576 00065576 00065576 00065576 00065576 00065576 00065576 Page: 4 Current Date: 02/22/2007 Current Time: 13:12:24 MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW Vendor Name DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DELL MARKETING L P DESMOND, LAURA DIVERSIFIED CONCRETE CUTTING DULYANAI - TENANT, MARK rn EL DORADO COUNTY EL DORADO COUNTY EL DORADO COUNTY EL DORADO COUNTY EL DORADO COUNTY EL DORADO COUNTY FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. FIRS TIER ADMINISTRATORS FIRS TIER ADMINISTRATORS GEOTRANS INC Report: OH_PMT_C LAIM S Department / Proi Name INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM HEAVY MAINTENANCE PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS OPERATIONS PUMPS ENGINEERING SO UPPER TRUCKEE WELL REDRILL EQUIPMENT REPAIR SELF FUNDED INSURANCE SELF FUNDED INSURANCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS GIS SOFTWARE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES BUILDINGS CUSTOMER SERVICE WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM OPERATING PERMITS OPERATING PERMITS OPERATING PERMITS OPERATING PERMITS OPERATING PERMITS SO UP TRKE WELL REDRILL GENERATORS ADMINISTRATION FEE PPO FEE GIS IMPLEMENTATION AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Proi Code 2037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 Check Total: 2038 - 6660 WCNCTV Check Total: 1004-6041 Check Total: 735.00 2038 - 6660 WCNCTV Check Total: 1002 - 6650 1002 - 6650 1002 - 6650 1006 - 6650 2002 - 6650 Check Total: 2029 - 8463 RWSUTR Check Total: 1005 - 6013 Check Total: 3000 - 6741 3000 - 6742 Check Total: AP 1037 - 8638 GISSFT Check Amount Check # ins 102.31 00065576 MW 46.85 00065576 MW 80.79 00065576 MW 16.14 00065576 MW 6,776.41 00065576 MW 24.78 00065576 MW 2,130.54 00065576 MW 248.02 00065576 MW 12,715.88 250.00 00065577 MW 250.00 735.00 00065578 MW 250.00 00065579 MW 250.00 456.00 00065580 MW 394.00 00065580 MW 394.00 00065580 MW 271.00 00065580 MW 288.00 00065580 MW 1,803.00 2,806.00 00065581 MW 2,806.00 27.93 00065582 MW 27.93 1,858.92 00065583 MW 599.20 00065583 MW 2,458.12 3,617.60 00065584 MW User: THERESA Page: 5 Current Date: 02/22/2007 Current Time: 13:12:24 Vendor Name GERBER LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER N HACH I - GLI Intemational HACH - GLI Intemational HACH - GLI Intemational HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name SELF FUNDED INSURANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP LABORATORY CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE HEAVY MAINTENANCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS FINANCE GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Page: Description EXCESS INS SELF INSURED MED SECONDARY EQUIPMENT BUILDINGS BUILDINGS BUILDINGS BUILDINGS BUILDINGS BUILDINGS BUILDINGS SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS PRIMARY EQUIPMENT PRIMARY EQUIPMENT LABORATORY SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES BUILDINGS OFFICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SAFETY SUPPLIES INVENTORY SAFETY SUPPLIES INVENTORY SAFETY SUPPLIES INVENTORY 6 AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Proi Code Check Total: 1004 - 6022 1004 - 6041 1004 - 6041 1004 - 6041 1004 - 6041 1004 - 6041 1004 - 6041 1004 - 6041 1004 - 6071 1004 - 6071 1004 - 6071 1004 - 6071 1006 - 6075 Check Total: 1003 - 6021 258.60 1003 - 6021 14.00 1007 - 4760 62.28 Check Total: 334.88 1038 - 4820 2038 - 4820 Check Total: 1004 - 6041 1037 - 4820 1039 - 6520 2037 - 4820 2039 - 6520 Check Total: 1000 - 0425 1000 - 0425 1000 - 0425 Amount Check # 3,617.60 3000 -6744 13,932.90 00065585 MW Check Total: 13,932.90 24.65 113.43 70.08 64.65 47.58 42.80 45.45 85.60 80.81 25.24 1.00 175.04 57.02 833.35 350.00 26.88 8.08 6.98 8.08 6.97 56.99 00065586 00065586 00065586 00065586 00065586 00065586 00065586 00065586 00065586 00065586 00065586 00065586 00065586 00065587 00065587 00065587 00065589 00065589 00065589 00065589 00065589 95.22 00065590 141.84 00065590 677.21 00065590 Current Date: 02/22/2007 Current Time: 13:12:24 Check TVDe MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW 175.00 00065588 MW 175.00 00065588 MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW Vendor Name J &L PRO KLEEN INC J &L PRO KLEEN INC JEFFCO INC JEFFCO INC JEFFCO INC JEFFCO INC JOBS AVAILABLE JOBS AVAILABLE KENNEDY /JENKS CONSULTANTS INC KLINEo�D, STEVEN L KLINE ' OD, STEVEN L KLINE OD, STEVEN L KLINE OD, STEVEN L LAKE TAHOE EYE CARE LOOMIS FARGO & CO. LOOMIS FARGO & CO. MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name FINANCE FINANCE ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR ENGINEERING URBAN WATER MGMT PLAN EQUIPMENT REPAIR HUMAN RESOURCES EQUIPMENT REPAIR HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR OPERATIONS FINANCE FINANCE PUMPS HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH UNDERGROUND REPAIR PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description JANITORIAL SERVICES JANITORIAL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES ADS /LEGAL NOTICES ADS/LEGAL NOTICES URBAN WATER MGMT PLAN SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT/PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SMALL TOOLS SECONDARY EQUIPMENT BUILDINGS GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPPLIES AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Prol Code Check Total: 1039 - 6074 2039 - 6074 Check Total: 1029 - 4820 1029 - 4820 2029 - 4820 2029 - 4820 Check Total: 1022 - 4930 2022 - 4930 Check Total: 2029 - 7059 UWMPLN Check Total: 1005 - 6075 1022 - 6075 2005 - 6075 2022 - 6075 Check Total: 1006 - 6075 Check Total: 1039 - 4405 2039 - 4405 Check Total: 1002 - 6073 1004 - 6022 1004 - 6041 1004 - 6042 1004 - 6071 1004 - 6073 1028 - 6042 2001 - 6071 Amount Check # 914.27 1,603.50 00065591 1,603.50 00065591 3,207.00 87.50 00065593 87.50 00065593 175.00 1 349.30 20.79 51.98 926.04 9.63 294.82 203.65 248.45 47.56 00065598 00065598 00065598 00065598 00065598 00065598 00065598 00065598 Page: 7 Current Date: 02/22/2007 Current Time: 13:12:24 Check Tvae MW MW 3.48 00065592 MW 7.80 00065592 MW 3.48 00065592 MW 7.79 00065592 MW 22.55 MW MW 1,349.30 00065594 MW 100.50 00065595 MW 78.50 00065595 MW 100.50 00065595 MW 78.50 00065595 MW 358.00 205.00 00065596 MW 205.00 253.79 00065597 MW 253.79 00065597 MW 507.58 MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW Vendor Name MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MITEL GOVT SYSTEMS CMAS MITEL GOVT SYSTEMS CMAS MITEL GOVT SYSTEMS CMAS MITEL GOVT SYSTEMS CMAS MITEL GOVT SYSTEMS CMAS MOHR PLUMBING, ERIK MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO MSC tDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO MSC IttIDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO MSC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO MUNDY, LIZ MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name UNDERGROUND REPAIR PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS INFORMATION SYSTEMS I NFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS UNDERGROUND REPAIR PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS User: THERESA P age: 8 Description SMALL TOOLS WELLS PUMP STATIONS REPAIR/MNTC WATER TANKS SMALL TOOLS PHONE SYS UPGRADES PHONE SYS UPGRADES PHONE SYS UPGRADES PHONE SYS UPGRADES PHONE SYS UPGRADES MISC LIABILITY CLAIMS PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Proi Code 2001 - 6073 2002 - 6050 2002 - 6051 2002 - 6054 2002 - 6073 Check Total: 2037 - 8781 2037 - 8781 2037 - 8781 2037 - 8781 2037 - 8781 Check Total: 2002 - 6051 2002 - 6051 2002 - 6051 2002 - 6051 2002 - 6051 2002 - 6051 Check Total: 2038 - 6660 WCNCTV Check Total: 1038 - 4820 1038 - 4820 1038 - 4820 1038 - 4820 1038 - 4820 1038 - 4820 1038 - 4820 1038 - 4820 2038 - 4820 2038 - 4820 2038 - 4820 Amount 101.34 29.41 200.20 139.00 122.12 2 394.99 404.08 121.22 38.42 8.08 400.03 971.83 280.52 280.26 253.57 45.41 253.58 0.21 1,113.55 250.00 4.20 4.30 0.36 1.02 12.22 1.61 10.55 2.09 4.30 10.55 2.11 Current Date: Current Time: Check # 00065598 00065598 00065598 00065598 00065598 00065599 00065599 00065599 00065599 00065599 Check TYPE MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW 2001 - 4520 480.00 00065600 MW Check Total: 480.00 00065601 00065601 00065601 00065601 00065601 00065601 250.00 00065602 MW 00065603 00065603 00065603 00065603 00065603 00065603 00065603 00065603 00065603 00065603 00065603 MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW 02/22/2007 13:12:24 Vendor Name MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS MY OFFICE PRODUCTS NEWARK IN ONE NEWARK IN ONE OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFIC MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFI0 MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. User: THERESA Department / Proi Name CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PUMPS ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH FINANCE PUMPS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES INVENTORY OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Prof Code 2038 - 4820 2038 - 4820 2038 - 4820 2038 - 4820 2038 - 4820 Check Total: 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1000 - 0428 1002 - 4820 1021 - 4820 1021 - 4820 1021 - 4820 1021 - 4820 1021 - 4820 1021 - 4820 1028 - 4820 1039 - 4820 2002 - 4820 Check Amount Check # Type 1.62 00065603 MW 10.19 00065603 MW 0.99 00065603 MW 0.36 00065603 MW 3.50 00065603 MW 69.97 1003 - 6051 487.12 00065604 2003 - 6051 221.64 00065604 Check Total: 708.76 19.78 19.80 36.46 274.71 17.15 28.70 41.89 41.89 41.89 6.62 16.16 81.72 13.71 13.19 58.19 30.26 55.17 41.34 4.47 4.40 5.33 5.33 5.33 5.33 17.63 14.88 41.35 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 00065605 Page: 9 Current Date: 02/22/2007 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Current Time: 13:12:24 MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW Vendor Name OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE PRO OFFICE PRO PACIFIC STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PENN VALLEY PUMP COMPANY INC. PENN VALLEY PUMP COMPANY INC. L..) r PERKS PLUMBING & HEAT INC, L A PINKEL,MICHELE PINKEL,MICHELE PIONEER AMERICAS LLC PIONEER AMERICAS LLC PRAXAIR 174 PRAXAIR 174 PRAXAIR 174 PRAXAIR 174 PRAXAIR 174 PRAXAIR 174 PRAXAIR 174 PRAXAIR 174 User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION FINANCE ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION DVR CONTAMINATED SOILS REMOVAL HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION OPERATIONS OPERATIONS PUMPS HEAVY MAINTENANCE LABORATORY LABORATORY UNDERGROUND REPAIR PUMPS LABORATORY LABORATORY PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Page: Description OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE ACCRD CONST RETNGE SECONDARY EQUIPMENT SECONDARY EQUIPMENT CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGRM INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGRM HYPOCHLORITE HYPOCHLORITE SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES 10 AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Pro' Code 2021 - 4820 2021 - 4820 2021 -4820 2021 - 4820 2021 - 4820 2021 - 4820 2039 - 4820 Check Total: 1021 - 4830 12.50 00065606 2021 - 4830 12.50 00065606 Check Total: 25.00 1000 - 2605 DVDIRT Check Total: 1004 - 6022 1004 - 6022 Check Total: 1004 - 4405 Check Total: 761.25 1021 - 6621 2021 - 6621 Check Total: 1006 - 4755 1006 - 4755 Check Total: 1002 - 6071 1004 - 6071 1007 - 4760 1007 - 4760 2001 - 6073 2002 - 6071 2007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 Check Amount Check # Tvoe 4.47 00065605 MW 5.32 00065605 MW 5.32 00065605 MW 5.32 00065605 MW 5.32 00065605 MW 4.40 00065605 MW 14.88 00065605 MW 987.71 12,403.10 00065607 MW 12,403.10 1,350.00 00065608 429.12 00065608 1,779.12 761.25 00065609 M W 55.91 00065610 55.91 00065610 111.82 3,033.54 00065611 901.80 00065611 3,935.34 79.18 310.81 60.29 91.42 85.83 79.17 60.29 91.42 00065612 00065612 00065612 00065612 00065612 00065612 00065612 00065612 Current Date: 02/22/2007 Current Time: 13:12:24 MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW Vendor Name RADIO SHACK SETON IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTS SETON IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTS SETON IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTS SETON IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTS SETON IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTS SETON IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTS SETON IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTS SETON IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTS SHAW- MILLER, PAM SIANc„CHRIS SIANc'CHRIS SIERRA ELECTRONICS SIERRA ELECTRONICS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA NEVADA CLASSIFIEDS SIERRA PACIFIC POWER SIERRA PACIFIC POWER SIERRA PACIFIC POWER SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Pro Name Description ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM OPERATIONS OPERATIONS ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION UNDERGROUND REPAIR PAYMENT OF CLAIMS OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION BUILDINGS BUILDINGS ADS /LEGAL NOTICES ADS /LEGAL NOTICES ADS /LEGAL NOTICES ADS /LEGAL NOTICES ELECTRICITY STREET LIGHTING EXPENSE ELECTRICITY SAFETY SUPPLIES INVENTORY SAFETY SUPPLIES INVENTORY SUPPLIES Page: 11 AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Proi Code Check Total: 2003 - 6071 Check Total: 1039 - 4820 1039 - 4820 1039 - 4820 1039 - 4820 2039 - 4820 2039 - 4820 2039 - 4820 2039 - 4820 Check Total: 2038 - 6660 WCNCTV Check Total: 1006 - 6200 1006 - 6200 Check Total: 1003 - 6041 1003 - 6041 Check Total: 1022 - 4930 1022 - 4930 2022 - 4930 2022 - 4930 Check Total: 1000 - 6330 1000 - 6740 2000 - 6330 Check Total: AP 1000 - 0425 AP 1000 - 0425 AP 1001 - 6520 Amoun hC eck # 858.41 5.38 00065613 MW 5.38 Check Tvoe 25.35 00065614 MW 2.28 00065614 MW 76.04 00065614 MW 5.90 00065614 MW 5.89 00065614 MW 101.04 00065614 MW 2.27 00065614 MW 50.35 00065614 MW 269.12 250.00 00065615 MW 250.00 90.00 00065616 MW 85.00 00065616 MW 175.00 45.00 00065617 MW 45.00 00065617 MW 90.00 582.92 00065618 MW 824.86 00065618 MW 824.86 00065618 MW 582.91 00065618 MW 2 815.55 73,900.75 00065619 MW 8.57 00065619 MW 17,655.27 00065619 MW 91,564.59 159.00 00065620 MW 159.00 00065620 MW 21.85 00065620 MW Current Date: 02/22/2007 Current Time: 13:12:24 Vendor Name SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS SIERRA SPRINGS SOUND STRATEGIES /OFC INC. SOUND STRATEGIES /OFC INC. SOUTTSHORE MOTORS SOUTHWEST GAS SOUTHWEST GAS TAHOE BLUEPRINT TAHOE SAND & GRAVEL TAHOE TRADING POST TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT Deoartment / Prol Name PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP HEAVY MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT REPAIR OPERATIONS DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH CUSTOMER SERVICE UNDERGROUND REPAIR PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP EQUIPMENT REPAIR CUSTOMER SERVICE DISTRICT INFORMATION DISTRICT INFORMATION EQUIPMENT REPAIR GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING WTRLN DESIGN -GM AREA UNDERGROUND REPAIR ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP UNDERGROUND REPAIR ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AUTOMOTIVE NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS SUPPLIES PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES SMALL TOOLS BUILDINGS BUILDINGS SMALL TOOLS BUILDINGS PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS Page: 12 AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Proi Code 1002 - 6520 1003 - 6520 1004 - 6520 1005 - 6520 1006 - 6520 1028 - 6520 1038 - 6520 2001 - 6520 2002 - 6520 2003 - 6520 2005 - 6520 2038 - 6520 Check Total: 1027 - 4405 2027 - 4405 Check Total: Amount 1.50 7.28 21.85 7.28 21.85 7.28 7.28 21.85 5.83 7.28 7.28 7.28 463.69 Check # 00065620 00065620 00065620 00065620 00065620 00065620 00065620 00065620 00065620 00065620 00065620 00065620 49.00 00065621 49.00 00065621 98.00 2005 -6011 10.18 00065622 Check Total: 10.18 1000 - 6350 2000 - 6350 Check Total: 2029 - 6520 GMWL07 Check Total: 2001 - 6052 Check Total: 19.66 00065623 326.22 00065623 345.88 142.18 00065624 MW 142.18 584.02 00065625 MW 584.02 1003 - 6073 86.20 00065626 Check Total: 86.20 1003-6041 1003 - 6041 2001 - 6073 2003 - 6041 2003 - 6051 2003 - 6051 167.10 170.27 252.03 167.10 789.29 00065627 00065627 00065627 00065627 00065627 Check Inc MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW 61.00 00065627 MW Current Date: 02/22/2007 Current Time: 13:12:24 Vendor Name TAYLOR, JONATHAN TOYOTA MATERIAL HANDLING TOYOTA MATERIAL HANDLING TRPA TSI INC UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE w VERIZON VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description CUSTOMER SERVICE WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR ENGINEERING SO UPPER TRUCKEE WELL REDRILL OPERATIONS GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE SO UP TRKE WELL REDRILL SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES TELEPHONE LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Page: 13 Check Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check # Typ Check Total: 1,606.79 AP 2038 - 6660 250.00 00065628 MW WCNCTV Check Total: 250.00 AP 1005 - 6011 255.15 00065629 MW AP 1005 -6011 10.78 00065629 MW Check Total: 265.93 AP 2029 - 8463 428.00 00065630 MW RWSUTR Check Total: 428.00 AP 1006 - 6075 3,577.80 00065631 MW Check Total: 3 577.80 AP 1000 - 4810 500.00 00065632 MW AP 2000 - 4810 500.00 00065632 MW Check Total: 1,000.00 AP 1028 - 6310 162.20 00065633 MW Check Total: 162.20 AP 1007 - 4760 74.66 00065634 MW AP 1007 - 4760 23.01 00065634 MW AP 1007 - 4760 41.43 00065634 MW AP 1007 - 4760 41.43 00065634 MW AP 1007 - 4760 29.81 00065634 MW AP 1007 - 4760 11.29 00065634 MW AP 1007 - 4760 128.06 00065634 MW AP 1007 - 4760 36.58 00065634 MW AP 1007 - 4760 50.66 00065634 MW AP 2007 - 4760 50.65 00065634 MW AP 2007 - 4760 36.58 00065634 MW AP 2007 - 4760 128.06 00065634 MW AP 2007 - 4760 11.29 00065634 MW AP 2007 - 4760 29.80 00065634 MW AP 2007 - 4760 41.43 00065634 MW AP 2007 - 4760 41.43 00065634 MW AP 2007 - 4760 23.00 00065634 MW Current Date: 02/22/2007 Current Time: 13:12:24 Vendor Name VWR CORPORATION WALKER'S BUSINESS PRODUCTS WALKER'S BUSINESS PRODUCTS WEDCO INC WEDCO INC WEDCO INC WEDCO INC WEDCO INC WEDCO INC WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN ENERGETIX INC WESTTRN ENERGETIX INC WESTERN ENVIRONMENTAL WESTERN ENVIRONMENTAL WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION WRIGHT, CHIRLEY D. User: THERESA Report: O H_PMT_C LAIM S Department / Proi Name LABORATORY FINANCE FINANCE ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH LABORATORY LABORATORY INDIAN CREEK RES MONITORING HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE PUMPS PUMPS GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION IN HOUSE WTRLN, AL TAHOE ENGINEERING IN HOUSE WTRLN, AL TAHOE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description LABORATORY SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES BUILDINGS PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES GASOLINE INVENTORY GASOLINE INVENTORY GASOLINE DIESEL MONITORING MONITORING SECONDARY EQUIPMENT SECONDARY EQUIPMENT SECONDARY EQUIPMENT PUMP STATIONS PUMP STATIONS ACCRD CONST RETNGE WATERLINE, AL TAHOE CUSTOMER SERVICE WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM Page: 14 Acct# / Proi Code AP 2007 - 4760 Check Total: 842.14 AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP 1003 - 6041 2003 - 6051 2003 - 6051 2003 - 6051 2003 - 6051 2003 - 6071 Check Total: 1000 - 0415 1000 - 0415 1028 - 4610 1028 - 4620 Check Total: 1007 - 6110 1007 - 6110 INDIAN Check Total: 1004 - 6022 1004 - 6022 1004 - 6022 2002 - 6051 2002 - 6051 Check Total: 2000 - 2605 ATWTRL 2029 - 7054 ATWTRL Check Total: AP 2038 - 6660 WCNCTV Amount Check # 42.97 00065634 1039 - 4820 145.46 00065635 2039 - 4820 145.46 00065635 Check Total: 290.92 300.00 Check Type MW MW MW 54.35 00065636 MW 1,047.50 00065636 MW 116.19 00065636 MW 380.57 00065636 MW 221.48 00065636 MW 62.74 00065636 MW 1,882.83 2,191.38 00065637 MW 1,466.59 00065637 MW 553.48 00065637 MW 889.76 00065637 MW 5,101.21 210.00 00065638 MW 90.00 00065638 MW 84.35 00065639 MW 43.40 00065639 MW 140.30 00065639 MW 91.09 00065639 MW 121.43 00065639 MW 480.57 73,637.09 00065640 MW - 1,160.89 00065640 MW 72,476.20 250.00 00065641 MW Current Date: 02/22/2007 Current Time: 13:12:24 Vendor Name ZEE MEDICAL INC OPERATIONS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Check Department / Proi Name Description Acct# / Prol Code Amount Check # Tvoe Check Total: 250.00 SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS AP 1006 - 6075 Check Total: 579.26 Grand Total: 302,472.87 579.26 00065642 MW User: THERESA Page: 15 Current Date: 02/22/2007 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Current Time: 13:12:24 South I fte P.U.D. 02/22/07 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 02/16/2007- 03/01/2007 W TELL FEB 22, 2007, 1:24 FM - - -rte: '} ER - -- -leg: GL C1EIIE - -- -job: 379717 # Tl77 - -- Pgu: CK509 <1.07> rpt id: CK SELECT Check Types: EXMni Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP Vendor line Acccunt # Department Description ant Check # Type E.AKES SO LAKE TAHOE 10 -21 -6520 ALMINLSIRATTCN SUPPLIES -25.00 20 -21 -6520 AIMENISUATTCN SUPPLIES Check Total: -24.99 00064662 RV Grand Tbtal: -49.99 03.3 J J J_ 3- 1 ~~ ~ H. &oIIrie South Tahoe Public Utility District Direct.or6 K.1th~ f IIITlllI Jamefi R. ~ Mlill)! Lou MOf>p.lIGhlt" DUlil"" W.u..e" Eric 5ckafer 1275 MeadowCreet Drive - South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 5M 544-6474- Fax 5M 541-0614 - WWW.Stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: March 1,2007 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Beth Jett, Kendall Pearce, and Pearce Family Trust dated 1-20-88 vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District, Cox & Cox Construction, Inc., a California Corporation, Nimbus Engineers, a Nevada Corporation and Does 1-100, inclusive, Civil Action No. PC 20050567, Superior Court, County of EI Dorado, State of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~ NO CATEGORY: Sewer -39- ~,~ Rk:hMl. H. ..... South Tahoe Public Utility District DfrllCUlrfi IYtth~ F.arret! Jam~ It JooH Mary lau Mol;!I~ Du.ane W.lIIIc<I Eric Schafl!l' 1275 Meadow en.t r:>rive. South Lake Tahoe.CA 9615O~7401 Phone 5.30 544-6414. Fax 530 541-0614. WWW.5t:pud.US BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: March 1, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Meyers Landfill Site - United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES -1t.}:JA CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES CATEGORY: Sewer NO NO -41- ~I"at~ ~.ft~ South Tahoe Public Utility District Dlr~l"lI K.ltttllcen FoIIl"rCll Jam" R. ..JoMs Mary lau ~r Dua"" WalIaa Eric; 5clWdr 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe. CA 96t50~ 7401 f'hone 530 544w6474. Fax 530 541-0614. WWW.5tpud.US BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager, Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: March 1, 2007 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation (one case) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding anticipation of litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES.nL NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES (.(r~ NO CATEGORY: -43- 'I ) . .:. ., J" t',.~.) HiPOX TREATMENT SYSTEM 2007 Status Report 2007 ARSENIC REPORT · Proposed Treatment Facilities Design -Coagulation Filtration (C/F) - Adsorptive Media System (ADS) 1 (1) ~ .0.. o :I: I I ! j i I I I i I i I I I ! i i I I ____________...1 -------------l 60' Filter Drain Flash Mix Pump Pump 1-11-1 DDD - Filter vessels - - 30' Electrical Room -~ elF Layout ~ I 'I L ----------------____________________ --..---------.---- 1-r=-e/t::s. -~i=ayout~.. - . 'I 'I. '.~I """"""'''' ,_ I \\ r-~':...:.:;:..~~ .-: -:-. '[------ I I 1--'- \. r :-rtii '-""- / \ i \.\ iil. o. .'~'n-. . I I : , I i - Lt.J,;Jl. :." ~D.L~1,..., ~\~. ) ~ ',- ! '- . ~::! '.- -: ~ :\ I!, u., ~!! \ ' !, '",. I i i 'i - \ ~ -..,..-- \:-=--:=::=--=-=-==-0;':":..1.::., -JlIr ~~ -- J ::'-.~:-r : I '. , i ClXD'1 "~1IIIi OIl"fnlflJMllU:TDl --a~~= 2 30' ( (1) ~ .is.. o ::I: [QQ] Backwash & Vessel Drain ~ Pumps Filter vessels ~ ~ 40' ADS Layout ~ Electrical Room I I i L-________________________________ I L, :-'=AE)S'S tte-~lay--~.---~~~~~-.-"~-~~-~ i * . , 1 'I . ~ .~ I I \ r--~r:.:::.:.:.:-:--~=~---- i--.-'~--'~ -~-, :-':y;;-..-..--.----.- i . I \ /. V 'ii!JI' i, " I I-I j'i'{ ~ ,~\ I ! I I !ftl · / \ i I I 'II i ,'-,." \i- i: . [" ~\ i 1,-'''- t'T, .Ft !.\ I I · I '1,'- ,\ I ~ iin'~' :~-\\::. I \~ ~ ! ! I i -='~ 'r / I : 1Cl.1..... \ ----.-..--~ I \ " . ~r ' .'\ -'HMl ir-J;, : i ~~~~::~c-;.- .1 :~:=. - --. .- -. -,' i ~,,-_. D,' ~-_.~~ '--"-'--"l ' !a5rl:: 3 Is HiPOX Treatment Necessary? · Cu rrent site conditions · Cu rrent conditions in Meyers area ARROWH EAD SITE · November 1998 - Constructed Arrowhead Well No.3 · June 2002 - Start HiPOX Treatment · December 2003 - Last MtBE Detection · June 2004 - HiPOX Last Used 4 c C) !. ~ o ii: 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Rl Rl .(0) ,),93 ~o ~o ARROWHEAD WELL No.3 --- FLOW . MtSE . 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 __ ...I 0.6 a = 0.5 ;u- 004 a 0.3 ::E 0.2 0.1 0.0 ~<:> ~" ~Il,. ~":J ~b< ~~ ~CO ~O.:". ~O.:". ~O.:". ~O.:". ~O.:". ~O.:". ~O.:". -r; meyers2006.jpg 5 FORMER MEYERS BEACON · Suspected source of MtBE Contamination. · USTs removed in August 200l. · Remediation Completed in August 2005. · Low levels of remaining MtBE contamination may remain NW of site (2005). FORMER MEYERS SHELL · October 1998: 640-gallon gasoline release (IV 425 pounds of MtBE) · October 2003: USTs removed · February 2006: GW Extraction System SHUT-OFF (rv9 pounds of MtBE recovered) · MtBE plume is NE of site · MtBE is impacting water quality drinking water aquifer 6 HiPOX REMOVAL # YES NO 1. Simplifies Treatment Considerable MtBE mass remains. 2. Simplifies ATF Groundwater Construction remediation has ceased. 3. HiPOX Cost Recovery If needed, costs for reinstalling MtBE treatment system are significant. 4. Improves site aesthetic STAFF RECOMMENDATION Status Quo 7 JEFF NEVES SHERIFF - CORONER - PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR COUNTY OF EL DORADO ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA REPLY TO, : -: IIEADQI!ARTEHS :~oo FAIR I~\NE I'IACERVILLE LA 9;;007 ;;~o 621.;;6;;;; FAX 626-HH):J .IAIL DIVISION ~OO FOIlliT ROAD I'IACERVILLE LA (l;;667 ;;:J(j 621-0000 FAX 026.9472 Rhonda McFarlane South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest drive South Lake Tahoe Ca. 96150 / X TAHOE DI\1SION l:JoO .JOHKSON BLVD.. SPITE 100 SOlTII lAKE TAHOE LA 96150 ;;:m ii73.:JOOO FA.X M4.oHO~J February 281\ 2007 Dear Rhonda, I would like to thank you and the board of directors for the lease of your building to our Sheriffs department. I appreciate the district's commitment and partnership with the community to public service. We now have a central location for our search and rescue volunteers to conduct meetings, training and CPR classes to aid our community whenever needed. Rhonda, I would especially like to thank you for your time, commitment and leadership in making this positive donation to our community become a reality. Sincerely, Jeff Neves Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator ,7 /J ;i ""',' .1,' F/ By: ./~4?4~~. Deputy Mike Sukau Search and Rescue Coordinator "Serving El Dorado County Since 1850"