HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2638 \" \r ~ RESOLUTION NO. 2638 RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO CONDEMN PROPERTY WITH REGARD TO THE OPERATION OF AND ACCESS TO THE HARVEY PLACE RESERVOIR AND RELATED FACILITIES ON THE MATTER OF INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS AND MAKING A FINDING OF PUBLIC NECESSITY FOR THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN ALPINE COUNTY OWNER: Melvin H. Schwake, Jr. and The West Fork Trust Agreement WHEREAS, a certain parcel of property located in Alpine County and designated as Assessor's Parcel Number 002-230-030, more particularly located and described on the attached Exhibit "A," which is incorporated by this reference (" Schwake Property"), is necessary for continued access to the South Tahoe Public Utility District's ("District") Harvey Place Reservoir and related facilities operations ("Access"); and WHEREAS, certain stockpiled material from existing rock piles and unengineered fill material on the District's property in Alpine County ("Rock"), more particularly located and described on the attached Exhibit "B," stored by Melvin H. Schwake, Jr. ("Schwake") pursuant to a prior agreement between Schwake and the District dated May 25, 1990 which is attached as Exhibit "C" and incorporated by this reference, is necessary for existing operations of the Harvey Place Reservoir and related facilities operations ("Operations") (Access and Operations are collec- tively referred to as "Project"); and WHEREAS, the District has been unable to negotiate the acquisition of the Schwake Property and the Rock; and WHEREAS, the District has given reasonable written personal notice and a reasonable opportunity to appear and be heard this date on the matters referred to in Section 1240.030 of the California Code of Civil Procedure, in accordance with Code of Civil Procedure section 1245.235; and 43017.1 :7627.1 c \., \" WHEREAS, on October 17, 1996, the Board of Directors of the District ("Board of Directors") conducted a hearing on whether to adopt a Resolution of Necessity to condemn property pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 1245.220 m.~. with regard to the Schwake Property and the Rock; and WHEREAS, the Schwake Property and the Rock are to be acquired by eminent domain pursuant to Public Utilities Code section 15501 m ~. and Code of Civil Procedure section 1230.010 m. seq.; and WHEREAS, the acquisition of the Schwake Property and the Rock is exempt from further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act as it involves continued access to and operations of existing facilities and is therefore subject to the Class 1 categorical exemption under Title 14, section 15301 of the California Code of Regulations, and is further exempt from such review under Title 14, section 15061 of the California Code of Regulations as there is no possibility that the acquisition of the Schwake Property and the Rock may have a significant effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FOUND, DETERMINED AND RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION A. Proper and timely notice by first class mail was sent to the record owner of the Schwake Property and the Rock, Melvin H. Schwake, Jr. and The West Fork Trust Agreement, Melvin H. Schwake, Jr., Trustee ("Owner"), prior to the date of this hearing in accordance and compliance with Code of Civil Procedure section 1245.235. B. The Owner did _ did not --K- file a timely written request to appear and be heard by the Board of Directors. C. The Board of Directors heard, weighed and considered all oral statements, writings (Evid. Code, ~ 250) and other information submitted by those having a right to appear and be heard and from the District staff and counsel. D. The District seeks to acquire the Schwake Property and the Rock for the uses and purposes of access to and operation, construction, maintenance, inspection and repair of the Harvey Place Reservoir and related facilities as part of the District's wastewater export system project. The Schwake Property and the Rock are being taken for public purposes under the authority of: 1. 2. Article I, Section XIX of the California Constitution; California Code of Civil Procedure section 1240.010, 1240.110, 1240.120, 1240.510, 1240.610; and California Public Utilities Code section 16404. 3. 2 43017.1 :7627.1 ~ '-' \.. E. The Rock and a portion of the Schwake Property are located within the District's jurisdictional limits and are located in Alpine County, California. The portion of the Schwake Property outside the territorial limits of the District is being acquired for sewer related purposes, and the District is authorized to acquire property by eminent domain for such purposes. F. The Schwake Property and the Rock are located and described in the attached Exhibits" A" and "B," which are incorporated by this reference. G. The proposed acquisition of the Schwake Property and the Rock is exempt from County building and zoning ordinances pursuant to California Government Code section 53091. H. The Board of Directors finds that a good faith offer in the amount established as just compensation by the District's appraiser and engineer was timely made to the Owner of the Schwake Property and the Rock and that the District has engaged in good faith negotiations with the Owner, all in full compliance with the letter and spirit of California Government Code sections 7267 ~seq. I. The Project falls within the existing facilities categorical exemption under CEQA Guidelines section 15301 and 15061. IT IS FURTHER FOUND, DETERMINED AND RESOLVED THAT: a. The public interest and necessity require the proposed Project. b. The proposed Project is planned and located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury. c. The property described in this resolution is necessary for the proposed Project. IT IS FURTHER FOUND, DETERMINED AND RESOLVED THAT: the Schwake Property and the Rock as shown or described on Exhibits "A" and "B" be condemned in the name of South Tahoe Public Utility District for said public purposes, as specified above and the law firm of HATCH and PARENT, Counsel for the District, together with Robert G. Baer, General Manager, is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to prepare and prosecute in the name of South Tahoe Public Utility District such proceeding or proceedings in the proper court having jurisdiction thereof as are necessary for such acquisition. 3 43017.1 :7627.1 '" WE, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting President of the Board and Secretary, respectively, of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed with a vote exceeding two thirds (2/3) of the Voting Percentages of the members of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of October, 1996, by the following roll vote of the Board of Directors: AYES, Directors: Wallace. Strohm, Mason, Mosbacher NOES, Directors: Jones ABSENT, Directors: None ~7y-.~ Christopher H. Strohm, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Clerk of the B Executive ecretary South Tahoe Public Utility District \r APPROVED AS TO FORM: HATCH and PARENT By ~.-~;, /' ~ .______- K-eviDJ. Nees0eneral Counsel Attachments Exhibit" A" Site Map of Schwake Property Exhibit "B" Site Map of Rock Locations Exhibit "C" May 25, 1990 Agreement Between Schwake and the District \,. 4 43017.1:7627.1 ~ ill ,. . .'...'; , ". ;. .....,'1:. ~ .,cJ 35 R.I<1 E., F2.. 'lO E. . Q Exhibit A '.'". ............."..".', ..:::. ....- ~. "." '. :i":.u.....~\1:._.:..~.;."..,.. . ".....".:<..,.".~~~~f\\:'~....,.-'......... ....,........_.....~h..tr'1~..~~ '. .. :~._;:- <J.W ~10S3 ~pprai381 Group Site Map ~ DIA.MO~O ViJ.,J....Ey ~/ fb,,.Jr of C~(,I,J,J'A.M - ,. .t. - - . - u , ... . _.u. --~ u". PAAc:.El.. oS .~ ?p..U~,-. (l ~ !Jo. 5 , <:) .s .... ;5:.HOOL ~~v d-.,;": 17Y.r:P'" J F~L kIo." : . ~E.C.JloJ ~ 3513~ ~'Llr of ~/tJU/..Jc., :5 rA~E!.. 4 d- ~ ,.] B9.5~' e :5 o.4-'OO.cV .,' (..a,oo' .' 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R€rr\AININcJ ----~ t:..I:::.Tv'\C;"'{I=-O ; _ _ _ _ IS. I 4. Me:o ,\..(~: iC, fJ/<.1"tP (/1- +- IS ') / "J I') <..' '2. T. 3G. ~ 'f I!.., P ~t't-f' if .;. ~S'J . ( 2-.If" ~ <rti" ) _ . , .b~ . l-o..v....d.s. c:. ~ ~ ~ fN.,. ) ~ ~ ( <;"-t- H- ) . f,/~' 3 0; !z? .:.~ .....--~..... .... .. I ." . :- . . ! ; j I . Vou.. n1~ (Co'1") I 2. /80 C Y ~ I 4-40 c. 'if .~ I . t.: i I ! 4; 7,0 '"1 ~do (.. i' ! I 9sp G1 #f~r : I sob C. Y 1 I ...; . I e ~ c'l 20 "'1 . .. . . ~ .. '.' . , -I . .1 , I ; \ '/f :, ~ c:.. 't I I .. . I .3 900 ,i . ! ! I <:..-Y I c..'i; ; I Z. Co zO I . - - 4~D ';1 i I. I s-OO '- Y ! 1 ! I i I I ! I . ; i TOTAL P.GS .. , , .--.. \. --r! ..-: I ..-.>\ .. . . .. .....u .1.. \., ,\, q. \., -, . ,.- .'-1 ! . -. . I -, Exh:lbit C AGREEMENT It is hereby irrevocably agreed by and between Melvin Schwake, Jr. (hereinafter ~Schwake~) and South Tahoe Public Utility District (hereinafter "STPUD") as follows: 1. STPUD and Schwake agree to stipulate to entry of judgment in the case of South Tahoe Public Utility District v. . Schwake, et ~l., No. Civ. S-'87~0039 R)..R, United States District Court for the Eastern District or Ca1ifo=nia in the form of Exhibit A attached hereto. 2. Schwake will sell and STPUD will buy th~ ~roperty described in Exhibit B, attached he=.eto, with all ~ppurtenant water rights, in fee. For said property and water rights, STPUD shall pay $71,710.00 into Escrow Account No. ~~P2365, Inter- County Title Company, F. O. Box 1048, Placerville, California 95667, on or before May 31, 1990, and, thereafter, five annual payments of $115,691.60, to Schwake on July 1st, of each ye~r, commencing on July 1, 1991. 3. The $71,710.00, and the $128~290.00 provided for in the Judgment in the case of South Tahoe Public Utility District v. Melvin Schwake, Jr., et al., No. Civ. S-87-0039 FAR, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, both sums to be deposited by STPUD in Escrow Account No. ALP2365,shal1 be first used to satisfy in full all liens and encumbrances of record on the property described in Exhibit B, 1 7265-1-A042690-3S1 .. -.. r "' . I}-.J . .' including the deed of trust to secure an indebtedness of ~ $180,000.00 dated February 7, 1974 and recorded March 5, 1984 in Book 461 page 445 of Official Records of Alpine County, California. The remainder, if any, shall be paid to Schwake. 4. Schwake will not object to any water right transfers by STPUD involving Claim Numbers 45, 46, 47, 48, 453, 454, 4551 456, 457 and 458 as designated in the Final Decree entered in the case of 'U.. S' :p........- ~.:. AfDine Land and ReservoIr Company, et al., Civil No. 0-183 BRT, United States District Court for the District of Nevada. 5. Except as provided fo~ in paragraphs 6 and 7 . .~: below, Schwake shall remove all personal property not affixed to the land, including the machinery loading rampl by July 1, 1990. 6. For a period of five years after the date of this ~ Agreement, Schwake shall have the right to remove stock piled material from the existing rock piles on that portion of the property described in Exhibit B, situated in the w ~ and E ~ of Lot 4 of Section 5, the E ~ of Lot 15, all in ~ownship ION, Range 20E, M.D.B. and M., solely for use on Schwake family- owned prope=ty. Tne=e is to be no coa~ercial sale of said rock by Schwake and Schwake shall accomplish the removal of the~cK-' pursuant to agreed upon schedules with STPUD, and said removal shall not compromise project operations or project facilities. Schwake's access to remove said rock shall not be unreasonably impeded by STPUD. ~ 2 7265-1-A042690-351 --) ;)..-J 7. For a period of one year after the date of the \., Agreement, Schwake shall have the right to remove decomposed granite from the existing pit on the portion of the property described in Exhibit B situated in the E ~ of Lot 16 of Section 5, Township ION, Range 20E, M.D.B. & M., solely for use on Schwake family-owned property, not to exceed a total of 200 cubic yards. There shall be no commercial sale of said decomposed granite by Schwake and there shall be no pits or holes left on the property with a wall slope in excess of one to one. Schwake's access to remove said decomposed granite shall not be unreasonably impeded by STPUD. . .. .~~ 8. Schwake agrees to effectuate the agreed settlement of Aipine County Superior Court Action No. 963; Nadine Barthoff, et al. vs. Melvin Schwake, Jr. to the extent that boundary line ~ adjustment documents will be recorded, including a Record of Survey. DATED: May 25, 1990. SOU~H T~~OE FUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT By: gQu,.j- n1oA~ "~~.-I~ /I S~/!<-~_.4 /r. Melvin Schwake, Jr. / Approved as to form: KRONICK, MOSKOVITZ, TIEDEMANN & GI~~D BY:ct~~ Frederick G. Girard, Bar No. 025033 Attorneys for Plaintiff \.,.. 3 7265-1-A042690-351 ) \., WOODBURN, WEDGE & JEPPSON By: 0.~ G. David Rober n, Esq. Attorneys for Defendants . 'fo. ., ., \" 4 7265-1-A042690-351 \., '-- -.. ~ flLELJ BARP-AI r '~IUl!:~ ", i, '," . TO:. Alpine County Clerk P.O. Box 158 Markleeville, Ca. 96120 C.~T 2 3 1996 BY~~ FROM: So. Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION Project Title: Schwake Property and Rock Acquisition Project Location - Specific: Located in Alpine County. 16.23 acres Lot 17, Section 5, T10N, R20~, MDB&M, (Adjacent to Diamond Valley School.) Project Location - City: identified as a portion of Parcel 4, APN 002-230-030. Project Location - County: Wood fords A!pine County Description of nature, purpose, and beneficiaries of project: Acquisition of this property is necessary for existing access to and operation of the Harvey Place Reservoir and related district facilities. Beneficiaries are district ratepayers. Name of public agency approving projec~: South Tahoe Public Utility District Name of person or agency carrying out project: South Tahoe Public Utility District Exempt Status: Exempt status under CEQA Guidelines, Sections 15061 and 15301(b). Reasons why project is exempt: The acquisition is necessary for the continued access to and opertion of an existing facility. Contact person: Area Code/Telephone/Extension Robert Baer (916) 544-6474 ~~ , General Manager Title Signature