HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 1426 / ' • 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1426 2 A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REQUESTING THAT LOCAL AGENCY 3 FORMATION COMMISSION TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE DISTRICT 4 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 5 ANNEXATION NO 1970 -2 6 (EXCLUDED PARCELS) 7 8 RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE 9 PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, El Dorado County, California, that 10 WHEREAS, the District proposes to initiate preliminary 11 proceedings pursuant to the District Reorganization Act of 1965, 12 Title 6, Division 1, of the Government Code of the State of 416r 13 California (commencing with Section 56000) as amended, for 14 annexation of the territory described in EXHIBIT A attached 15 hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter sometimes referred to 16 as the territory); 17 WHEREAS, the proposed annexation of the territory to 18 South Tahoe Public Utility District will not affect any other 19 District, but will affect the City of South Lake Tahoe, and the 20 County of El Dorado, State of California; and 21 WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed is 22 uninhabited as such term is defined in the Government Code, 23 Section 56045, and a description of the exterior boundaries of 24 the territory is set forth in said EXHIBIT A; and 25 WHEREAS, it is desired to provide that the proposed 26 annexation be subject to the terms and conditions described in 27 EXHIBIT B attached hereto and made a part hereof; and 28 WHEREAS, because of the geographical location of the 29 ter to be annexed, the District can adequately and economi- 30 °ally furnish services, and there is presently no prospect that 31 I any other such agency will be able to so furnish such services 32 within the reasonably foreseeable future; >N & MO RNEYB GAIL AT L U AW 325 MAIN STREET ERVILLE, CA 95667 TELEPHONE 1161 622 -5260 • vow 4440 4 1 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY FOUND, DETERMINED AND • 2, ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 3 4 1. That this resolution of application be, and it is hereby adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe 5 Public Utility District, and the Local Agency Formation Commissio 6 be, and it is hereby requested to take proceedings for the 7 annexation of the territory described in said EXHIBIT A, and on 8 9 the terms and conditions stated in said EXHIBIT B, and in the 10 manner provided by the District Reorganization Act of 1965, as amended; 11 2. That the Local Agency Formation Commission is 12 further requested to approve the proposed annexation after 13 notice and hearing by the Commission and to approve and 14 authorize the Board of Directors of the District to annex the 15 territory after notice and hearing by the Board of Directors, 16 but without an election, provided that at said hearing of said 17 Board of Directors written protests to the annexation filed 18 and not withdrawn represent less than 25% of the number of 19 land owners within such territory and not more than 25% of 20 the assessed value of the land therein. 21 22 3. That the Board of Directors hereby waives mailed 23 notice pursuant to Section 56261 of the Government Code, and 24 hereby consents to the Commission's approval of the annexation 25 after notice or hearing; 26 4 That the Secretary of the District be, and he 27 is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of 28 this resolution with the executive officer of the El Dorado 29 County Local Agency Formation Commission, and that the District 30 Finance Officer be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed 31 to pay from available funds of the District any fees up to the 32 amount of $500.00 as established by the El Dorado County Local V \N & GILMOUR INK RNEVS AT LAW 325 MAIN STREET 2 ACERVILLE, CA 95667 • TELEPHONE (916) 622 -526c3 1 Agency Formation Commission pursuant to Section 56133 of the 2 Government Code. 3 4 5 6 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a duly held regular meeting of 7 the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District 8 on January 22, 1970, by the following vote: g ! AYES: Directors Kortes, Wakeman, Ream and Hegarty 10 NOES: None 11 1 i ABSENT: Director Fester 12 13 14 Rob r akeman, Acting President o the 15 Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District 16 17 ATTEST: 18 4(0-16/122/ 19 David W. Callahan, Clerk of the Sou 20 Tahoe Public Utility District 21 ' 22 (SEAL) 23 24 25 26 �! 27 I 28 29 30 31 ' 32 .1 3• W \ N & GILMOUR R N E YS AT LAW 325 MAIN STREET j PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 TELEPHONE (9161 622 -5260 .4109 • kof itl J.1 (:• iLy 81 Dorado, State of C1 ornio, ds ibed dS fOli PLXF.1. 9. 1 Lot 17, in Lakeview 'Teights Subch-ision, designaecl and numl :red on the o! map 01 aid 1 ake- view Heights Subdiviflion, filed i•, the officE. (.f the County Recorder of El Dorad State of C. 3, 1947, In Map A, at Page 70. P.Ai'CEL NO. 2 Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, in BE.) •k 16, of Al (2 -023 - 02) said Lots and Block re. designated and nun2 1 on the Official ,r.nierided Iv1;t:. of Al Tahoe filed in th fic f the County Evcorder of El Dorado County, Novei r 21, 1917, in Map rook A, at Pr,:) 3. PiCEL i‘O. 3 Lots 18, 19, 20 and 21, in Block 16, of Al Tal., o, o: said Lots and Block are d .:ignated and : tho Official (2( -023-19) Amended Map of Al 'i ihoe filed in C,e office , .)r C-.dnty (21 70) Recorder of El Dorad County, No'.. 21, 1 7, in Map Book A, at Page 3. PAdCEL O. 4 Lot 11 in Block 18 of Al Tahoe, as :laid Tot. are -02C designated and numl on the official "Alnc 1%:!p of Al TaLoc filed in the office of dc' County ; of the County of Di 1 , State r Califc,rnii,, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book Pa(,;,': PAItCEL rj 5 Lot 7 & 8, Block 4 of /N.1 Tahoe, as said I, Edo( arr. (2k-032-y6) designat and numl)..red on the official of Al Tal", filed in the office of 11 County of the County c,4 El D State of Californi November 21, 1917, in Mop Book at Pace 3. PAH(1ET, ')„ 6 Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, in 13 of Al Taho Eu (2L-035-,5) said Lot: and Block at designEA and '1 on tt,, (26-03r)-11 official 'An:cm M,.p of Al Tahoe ", filed in 8 (2t 035-17) the Com ty Recorder ,,f the Colintv ,, f El 1 ord , 8t cf (2t 035- 18) Califorrd I, on Novo! 1, 21, 191i, in Mij L t Page 3. PAP 'LI, : ). 7 Lohl 7, 10, in ;'.1, 20 of 1,1 1 C.?* 031- and Block ara dnsign :_ed and not,7 1;H c th. "Amended Map of Al r.i.thoe", filcd in thn ufi: af tilt County Recorder of the County of 81 1)cradc., to of California, on Novell:1)er 21, 1917, in Map A, at • Page 3. ihre --1 460 • . . 1,,, , !I;' •. of the Co' ,ty the (onn: ,f L1 1) of Ca lito! on 21, 10i , in Ifi 1 7 A, t Pagcs 3, r. particuh-ly clescrilK'd That porti. of S Jo: . Avenue ly i hetwc.'en 1, 9 a :1 10, Ploch 20 on the ::th I.1•1(1 Lots and 8, Ph ". 29 the South, J.I \',e._ of the Vet lit of Sacrui,:e uo Av. 10 extended a Sall j:e Avenue, d Lost .)1 tL line of Jc. 10, Mock 20 et.:tended S .:111 across Avenue Er '5 6 pal eel of land feet Ir: 1Ut 6 et. 9 Lot 11, PI ).:1 20 of Al Tahoe, is Lot and ar 4 hoi (20-- desijnate ini num1• on tlic of Mai of Al Tahoe", filed in the office of th County Pe Ls.. -der of El 1.)orado, State of C7i 1Lfornia, on T''. 21, 1917, in Map Pool; 2, at Page 3. PAS( 1, N 10 Lots 1 an 2, and the %Vest 10 feet ' Lot 3, in 11. 1 ;1, (26- 1 '39-0 of Al Taho -, as designated and nu or th( "Amended ' of AI 'Joe" , filod 1 the oricc ; County Re - older of the County of 81 1)crad,.), st,,4.- Ca Worn' ,, on Novel:it' T 21, 1917, in Ty lap Pool, 6, at rocie 3. PAP, 1 11 The East 15 Lot of the South 15 fee of Lot 5; t} .1a 21 (20- -19-0 .1 feet of Lo' 0; the - 15 tent. c,f \,A, 2t, f 1 of Lot 6 Lot 7; Lot P; the Nort: half of Lot: 9 aid 10; t 11 : Lot 12, •ept the t 35-1/2 fr'.: r f",, Nor8 75 the South 1 : 1 .) feot of 1,,c; 13; the SoH 75 fc c 1 .f 5 feet of 1 , 1 14 ; all o( the abovo i flock 21, Luicl and Ploch are shown on tli<7 Official .'.nicirled k7 of At Tahoe, fil d in the. office of the Co .ty 1 f th County of 1:1 Dorado, 7trtr of Cali". N 21, 1917, in Book A, Mp No. 3. 41111 12 1,01:; 8, 9 d the Last 1..11f of lot 11' in 1 5 1 1 .1 (2c,- 14-0 as r,d.1(11 ':; 11iEl 11o.5 le desiuna' - land n!n.' d L i. (26- 14-1() official "I ended i 1 71 ;11, filed ill 'Hi .1 the ( ci; (.iv ( 1 21 Ji , , ; .1. C , cr, N 1 r 71, 1917, 1 -• 1A2 1.5 t, 1. Lots 1, 2 1 16, in 1:1 ufr (26--t,i15-01) and Block ire dcisignat. d and nitrii:. [.•d • (26-045-00 "Amended l'.1ap of Al Te!• filed i the oriee ¶ thr! County Pe .)rdr of the (2uun1 y of 1:! RI 5 • f 116 ni n Nove: i• 21, 1917, 151 ',1, , 1.1 Lot -:, h 1u, oi 1 • (2 1 7 1t r: trit f!r‘r (Jr ,1 trt r: 4 111, "Pr,: tH ,.t CH1 :rii, , r , 21, 1 917, • • -3- . PARCEL NO. 15 Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block 49, Al Tahoe, as said Lots (26- 061 -04) and Block are shown on the Official Amended Map of Al (26- 061 -05) Tahoe, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the (26- 061 -06) County of El Dorado, Stag of California, on November 21, (26- 061 -07) 1917, in Map Book A, Map No. 3. (26- 061 -08) PARCEL NO. 16 Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, (26- 061 -11) 21, 22, 23, 24, Block 49, Al Tahoe, as said Lots and (26- 061 -12) Block are shown on the Official Amended Map of Al Tahoe, (26- 061 -13) filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of (26- 061 -14) El Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in (26- 061 -15) Map Book A, Map No. 3. (26- 061 -16) (26- 061 -17) (26- 061 -18) iiry (26- 061 -19) (26- 061 -20) (26- 061 -21) (26- 061 -22) (26- 061 -23) (26- 061 -24) (26- 061 -25) (26- 061 -26) (26- 061 -27) PARCEL NO, 17 Lot 6 in Block 29 of Al Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are (26- 072 -03) designated and numbered on the official "Amended Map of Al Tahoe ", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3 PARCEL NO. .ILI All that portion of Alameda Street lying between the South (26- 072 -04) line of Block 29, the North line of Block 36, the West line of Sacramento Street and the East line of Nevada Street, as said blocks and streets are designed on the official "Amended Map of Al Tahoe ", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. PARCEL NO. 19 Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16, Block 29 of Al (26- 072 -09) Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the official "Amended Map of Al Tahoe ", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. PARCEL NO. 20 Lots 5, 6, the West 20 feet of Lot 7, all in Block 28 of Al (26- 073 -12) Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are designated and numbered on the official "Amended Map of Al Tahoe ", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, to Map Book A, at Page 3. ihiw PARCEL NO. 21 Lot 7 and 8 in Block 35 of Al Tahoe, as said Lots and Block are (26- 074 -14) designated and numbered on the official "Amended Map of Al Tahoe ", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. • -4- 'N:f. 22 Ints 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J3 and C ' ;' ;') 1',1... is of id T,t; , ,, ;.,, i 1 T. 't'd i' ie i ;+ ri nip rod r,:1 ti, H1 1 hiee c;...! Tahoe", iied its the o i∎ of t' • c' • Record of the Cou.tty of El Dor, do, State of Cdit::ucnia, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. PARCEL NO. 23 Lots 11 and 12, in Block 36 of Al Tahoe, as sc Lots (26- 075 - -03) and Block are designated and nu bored on the official "Amended Map of Al Tahoe ", filed in the offict' of the County Recorder of the County of. El Dorado, State of California, on Novembc: 21, 1917, in Map Boole A, at Page 3. PI.RCEL NO. 24 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, (26- 07C -•01) and 16, in Block 37 of Al Tahoe, as said Lots and Black are designated and numbered on the official "Amended Map of Al Tahoe ", filed.in the office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map rook A, at Pa e 3. Pr`ARCEI, NO. 25 Lots 1 and 2, in Block 46 of Al Tahoe, as said Lots and (26-077-01) Block arc designated and numbered on the official "Amended Map of A! Tahoe ", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. 1`itRC1;1. NO. 26 Lot 16 in Block 46 of Al Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are (26-077-04) designated and nurrbered on the official "Amended NT p of Al Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book. A, at Page 3. 1'ARCEI. NO. 27 Lots 15 and 16, in Block 45 of Al Tahoe, as said Lots and (26- 078-13) Block tiro designated and numbered on the official "Amended Map of Al Tahoe ", filed in the office of the County of El Dorado Recorder, State of California, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Page 3. EXCEPTING THEREFROM thof the Northerly 30 feet thereof. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following described portion thereof: That certain parcel of real property 20 feet x 40 feet in area upon which is situate a certain pit type well, 5 feet x 5 feet square, being a portion of Lot 16, Block 45 of "Amended Map of Al Tahoe ", filed in the office of the County Recorder of El Dorado County, on November 21, 1917, in Map Book A, at Paga 3. �- PARCEL NO. 28 Lot 8 in Block 45 of Al Tahoe, as said Lot and B1oc:k are (26-- 078 -14) designated and nur. bored on the official "Amended Vep of Al Tahoe ", filed in the office of the County Reccrdor of the County of. El Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1117, in Map Look A, at 3. • • • • 41110 1411110 • • • • -5- PARC1 ;I, NO. 29 All tiLit portion of Lot 11, Biocr, of Al Tahr.'., as s;+ id Lot and Block arC' and nui:lbcred or thl? ! "lCiiil "Amon led Mot, of . ".l 'I'ahoo", f.i1 1 in the ° ii,; e of t; o County Recorder of the County of El 1)orodo, California, on November 21, 1917, in Mop Book A, at Page 3, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the South West corner of said Lot 11; thence North 82° 55' East 50.0 feet; thence, along the lino common to Lots 10 and 11, North 7 05' West 50.0 feet; thence, South 82 55' West 20 feet; thence running parallel with the Easterly line of said Lot 11, North 7 05' West 70 feet to a point on the Northerly lino of said Lot 11; thence, along the line common to Lots 6 and 11 South 82 55' West 10 feet; thence, South 7° 05' East 30 feet; thence South 82° 55' West 20 feet to a point on the Westerly lino of said Lot 11; thence, along the line common to Lots 11 and 12 South 7° 05' East 90 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL NO. 30 Lots 9 and 10, in Block 42 of Al Tahoe, as said Lots and (26- 08B -06) Block are designated and numbered on the official "Amended Map of Al Tahoe", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, In Map Book A, at Page 3. PARCEL NO. 31 ,Lot 8 In Block 55 of Al Tahoe, as said Lot and Block are (26- 102• -03) designated and nunibcred on the official "Amended Map of Al Tahoe ", filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, on November 21, 1917, En Map Book A, at Pacju 3. PARCEL NO. 33 Lot 22, Harlow Acres Subdivision, as said Lot is shown on (27- 112 -24) the Official Map of said Harlow Acres Subdivisidn, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, on September 23, 1943, In Map Book A, Map No. 29. PARCEL NO. 34 Lots 40, 41 and 42 of Bijou Pines, as said Lots are designated (27- 223 -12) • and numbered on the Official Map of said Bijou Pines, filed (27 -223. 13) • In the office of the Coui.ty Recorder of the County of El Dorado, (27- 223 -14) State of California, on September 12, 1929, in Map-Book at Page 13. PARCEL NO. 35 Lots 68 and 69 of Bijou Pines, as said Lots are designated (27- 225-25) and numbered on the Official Map of said Bijou Firm;, filed (27- 225 -26) in the office of the County Rocorc.a'r of the Co :My of El Dorado, State of California, on September 12, 1929, in Map Book A, at Page 13. • • • • -6- P.; J:1 : P i er ,i. hr,i ] 1 :+l! (.' -2 t j Oi {lci 1 ''ap of :;ail ;t) ?_. , la rtcr , itl, l;1 .i it of the C, r c: '_i1e Co, of E1 I: :. ), State of California , on August 22, 1941, in A, Map N o. 28. PA ;.CEh '0'O • 37 Lot 46, of the Katherine Smith Bill RZesubciivis rctn of (21-.032- 02) Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, of Block A, First Sub- division of Lakeside Park, El Dore to County, C hlifor; ia, according to the Official Map of : aid Reaubdivision, fi'ed in the office of the County Record er of the County of 1.l Dorado, State of California, on April 10, 1937, in Map Book A, Map No. 24. PPT..CE1. NO . 38 All that portion of Lot 54, as said Lot is shown an the (2(h- 033 - -05) map of Katherine Smith Hill Resub l ivision of I.)t 2 , 3, 4,5,6, 7 and 8, Block A, Lakesid Park El Dorwlo County, California, filed in the office of the C( )unty Recorder of the County of El Dora'.) on April 10, 1 937, in Map Book A, Map No. 24, desei ibed as fol]ews: Beginning at a point on the Southeastern line of said Lot 54, distant thereon North 19° •15' east 338. fl0 feet from the Southern corner of said Lot, and running thence along the Southeastern line of said Lot 54, North 19" 45' East 72.60 feet; thence Northwesterly in a direct line 103 feet, more or less, to a point on the Northwestern line of said Lot, distant thereon North 19 East 379.86 feet from: the most Western corner of said Lot :,4; the.ce, along said Northwestern line South 19 °45' West 67.03 feet, and thence Southeasterly in direct line 102 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. PARCEL NC). 39 All that certain parcel of land situate in the County of (29- 036 -16) El Dorado, State of California, described as folloy,vs: The Westerly one half of Lot 6, B] )ck B, of Lakeside Park Subdivision, as said Lot and Hock are shown on the map entitled "First Subdivision of Lakeside P:hrk, El Dorad:t County, California ", which map v;as record d in the office of the County Recorder of El Dori C- vi:nty, State of California, on October 5, 1909. PARCEL NO. 40 The South half of the East half of l.:,t 9, B]ocl: C, �1s aid (29 3) Lot and Block were sl:awn on the t: i1) entitled "First Subclivisi of Lakeside Park, El 1r Count!, California ", which map was recorded in the off iee of the Cot :nty T;c'corder -- -" of El Dorado County, State of California, on October 5, 1909. PA1•`,C ;EL NO, 41 Lot 14, in Lakeside Lodge Subdivi.r ion , as sa i •1 1.:-,t (2) 073 - -f->) clesignat. 'land nurrli.- ied on the orficial o,` Lodge Sr 't iit.ision, filed in the Of lire of the C ;'t' ;{ of the C- hty of El Dc)rddo, State of Calif o nigh , on AVi:htst 7, 1945, in Map Book A, at Page 31. -7- PARCEL NO. 42 Lot 23, Lakeside Lodge, as said Lot is shown on the (29- 074 -02) Official Map of said Lakeside Lodge, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, on August 7, 1945, in Map Book A, Map No. 31, PARCEL NO. 43 Lot 22, Lakeside Lodge, as said Lot is shown on the (29- 074 -07) Official Map of said Lakeside Lodge, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, on August 7, 1945, in Map Book A, Map No. 31. PARCEL NO. 44 Lots 66 and 67, Lakeside Lodge, as said Lots are shown (29- 083 -01) on the Official Map of said Lakeside Lodge, filed in the (29- 083 -11) office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, on August 7, 1945, in Map Book A, Map No. 31. PARCEL NO. 45 Block 4 of Pinewood Park Subdivision, as said Block is (29- 344 -01) designated and numbered on the official map of said Pine- . (29- 344 -02) wood Park Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of El Dorado, State of California, •on July 19, 1926, in Map Book A, at Page 9. PARCEL NO. 46 BEGINNING at a point on the Northwest corner of Lot 7, (31- 241 -01) Section 3, Township 12 North, Range 18 East, M.D.B. & M., thence North 89 50.' East 388.7 feet, more or less to the West side of the California State Highway; Thence South 49 38' West along the West side of said Highway to the West line of said Lot 7; thence Northerly along said West line of said Lot 7 a distance of 327.1 feet more or less, to the point of beginning. PARCEL NO. 47 All that portion of Lot 12, Section 4, Township 12 North, (31- 290 -11) Range 18 East, M.D.B. & M., described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the North line of said Lot 12 which point bears North 89 12' 30" East 195 feet from the North- west corner of said Section 12; said point also being the Northeast corner of land distributed to Knox Van Dyke Johnson, under Paragraph 3 in Decree of Preliminary Dis- tribution entered July 18, 1958, in the Matter of the Estate of Stella Van Dyke Johnson, deceased, Probate Case No. 3919 in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of El Dorado, a certified copy of which Decree was recorded July 18, 1958, in Book 438 of Official Records of El Dorado County, at Page 415'; thence along the — easterly line of said Knox Johnson land South 36 23' 30" East, 507.38 feet; thence South 53 28' 55" West 2.40 feet to a point on the Northeasterly line of Sunset Drive as said Drive is shown on the Map of Country Cross Roads Village Subdivision on file in Map Book B, at Page 64, El Dorado County Records; thence along the exterior boundaries of said Subdivision the following courses and distances: South 36 lbw 31' 05" East 412.32 feet; North 19 38' East 672 feet; North 40 21' 20" West 412.52 feet to the North lino of said Lot 12; thence Westerly along said North line 791.17 feet more or less to the point of beginning. -8- P ?;CE1. NO. 48 A portion of that poi of LOL's 11 nr,d 12, in Sooi n .; ;31-290-15) Township 12 North, Range 18 Ea: M.D.f3 c M. described us BEGINNING at the in ist Southerly corner of Lo. 64 of Country Cross Roads Subdivision, a 3/4 inch c:iamet :r capped pipe; thence from the point of beginni,.:; North 49 38' East 402.00 feet along the Southeasterly lino of Lots 64, 63, 62, 61, 60 ond 59 to a point on the S ;tcrly line of Lot 58, a si.,:ilar pipe fron, which the n;ost Ed ter1 corner of Lot 58 of said Subdivision bears North 49c' 38' East 25.00 feet; thence South 40' 22' East 33' .60 foot to a similar pipe in the North line of IIighway No. 50; f: nee along said line South 49 47' Wo_;t, (recorcicc' South 1 9 ° 38' West), at 381.10 foot a simtl.ir pipe on tho right hank of the Upper Truckee River; 411.10 feet to a point in the channel of said river; thence a lon the chd nnol of said river North 48 12' 35" West 482.97 feet to a point H said channel; thence leaving the channel of said ri'.nr Norte 49 38' East at 40.00 feet a one inch diameter pips: and at 105.00 feet a 3/4 Inch diameter capped pipe on the VY'ed:terly line of Ponderosa Street; thence along tho Westerly line of said street and the Westerly line of said Lot 64 Sot 40° 22' East 140.00 feet to the point of beginning. C >nt. >inirq 3.92 acres, more or less. SAVING AND EXCEPTING T}IER}TROM that portion thereof described as follows: BEGINNING at a point from which the Northe_ml corr,ior of Tahoe- Sierra Subdivision Number 2, filed in the Official Records of El Dorado County in Book A of M ps ut Pact; 39, boars South 45 44' 03" West 1176.52 foot, said point is also 40.00 feet Northwesterly, measured at right angles from En •ineer's Station 52 +15.00 of the Base Line of the State Iligh4wy Survoy from Meyers- McKinneys State Road to the California-Nevada State Lino, Road III- ED -11 -K; the ice from said point of beginning North 40 22' 00" West 20.00 feet; thence South 49 38' 00" West to a point in the channel of the Upper Truckee River; thence Southeasterly along said channel to a point in the present Right of Way line of the al p ve rnontioned State highway; thence North 49 38' 00" East i'long the present right of way line to the point of beginning. Said portion contains 0.03 of an acre, more or less. PARCEL NO. 49 A portion of Lot 12, of Section 4, Township 12 North, Range (31-290-22) 18 East, M.D.B. & M., located ;south of Lal•o Tdhc>c in El (31- -290 --29) Dorado County, Californ:3, and more particularly described (31-290-3(.11 as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the Northwesterly corner of the parcel, said point being described as hearing S.>uth CO° 59' West a distance of 1067.58 feet from the Northr•.,st cc ocr • of said l.ot 12; thenco North 49 3`:' East alono the property line a distance of 210.85 feet to a point at the North- '<,terly corner of the parcel; thence South 24 20' Ea; ;: d]0n . the late property line a distance of 470.62 fret to a p:Hir :t ithor -9- ci)rri thr «u ri CD! r;, • „ rt; f st riHit . t1ir.mc7,) Nor1 . 1 sii id 11 ',,voy Jinn a (ii:ztcinc of 2 1.00 feet to c point Sotithy. corn of t. rc:e1; thence Noith 20 55' 20" West alo'ig the prop-r,../ a distance of 487.80 feet to the point of beginning, said parcel containing 2.481 acre;, more or less. 4 itiv • • 4111w . 9 L � %or Y 1 EXHIBIT B 2 1. In the event the District shall require any 3 payment of a fixed or determinable amount of money, either as 4 a lump sum or in installments, for the acquisition, transfer, 5 use or right of use or any part of the existing property, real 6 or personal, of the District, such payment will be made as 7 follows: 8 (a) If payment in a lump sum is required, payment of such sum shall be made in cash to the District 9 prior to the effective date of such annexation; or 10 (b) If payment in installments is required, an agreement providing for such payment shall be 11 duly executed with the District prior to the effective date of such annexation. 12 41010 (c) In lieu of any payment set forth in (a) or (b) 13 above, payment may be made through 14 1/ The formation of a new improvement district or districts or the annexation or detachment 15 of territory to or from any existing improvement district or districts; 16 2/ The incurring of new indebtedness or 17 liability by or on behalf of all or any part of any district or of any existing 18 or proposed new improvement district therein; 19 3/ The issuance and sale of any bonds, 20 including authorized but unissued bonds. 21 (d) Annexation fees in effect at the time of adoption. of Resolution of Application by South Tahoe Public Utility 22 District Requesting That Local Agency Formation Commission Take Proceedings For Annexation of Territory 23 to the District, Annexation No. 1970 -2 (Excluded Parcels), shall be paid to the District for those areas 24 to be served by the District prior to the time that connection to the District's system is made. „ 25 2. Upon and after the effective date of said 26 annexation, the territory, all inhabitants within said territory, 27 and all persons entitled to vote by reason of residing or owning 28 land within the territory shall be subject to the jurisdiction 29 lof the District, shall have the same rights and duties as lf 30 the territory had been a part of the District upon its original 31 formation, shall be liable for the payment of principal, interest, 32 and any other amounts which shall become due on account of any WEIDMAN & GILMOUR 'TORNEYE AT LAW 5 MAIN STREET P RVILLE, CA 95667 TELEPHONE 19161 622 -5260 "wr+ 4 41110 1 outstanding or then authorized but thereafter issued bonds, 2 including revenue bonds, or other contracts or obligations of 3 the District and shall be subject to the levying or fixing and 4 collection of any and all taxes, assessments, service charges, 5 rentals, or rates as may be necessary to provide for such payment. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 *toe 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WEIDMAN & GILMOUR 2. " TTORNEYE AT LAW 5 MAIN STREET P,.,a VILLE, OA 95667 TELEPHONE [9151 622 -5260 • • 1 610 0 ' 4 110 • � I , • 1 CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) 3 ) ss. COUNTY OF EL DORADO) 4 i I, DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC 5 UTILITY DISTRICT, County of El Dorado, State of California, and 6 ex officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof, do hereby 7 certify that the attached Resolution No. 1426 is a true, full 8 and correct copy thereof, and that said resolution was duly 9 adopted by the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY 10 DISTRICT at a duly held meeting on January 22, 1970, and that the 11 original of said resolution is on file in the office of said 12 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Said resolution was passed 13 and adopted by the following vote of the members of the Board of 14 Directors thereof: 15 AYES: Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Hegarty and Ream 16 NOES: None 17 ABSENT: Director Feeler 18 19 20 -- • ' Lei A Day • a ahan, le r o t o r 21 TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT and ex officio Secretary of the Board of 22 (SEAL) Directors thereof. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WEIDMAN & GILMOUR ATTORNEYS AT LAW MAIN STREET PL ILLS, GA 95667 T (9161 622 -526