HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 1653 S 1 4 ` 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1653 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAKING 3 DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVING THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SOUTH 4: TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 1971 -1, AND MAKING DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVING 5 THE ANNEXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U -1 OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY 6 DISTRICT, DESIGNATED AS ANNEXATION NO. 1971 -1 -U -1 TO SAID IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 7 8 RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe 9 Public Utility District, El Dorado County, California, as 10 follows: 11 WHEREAS, on May 6, 1971, this Board adopted its Resolution 12 No. 1559, A Resolution of Application By South Tahoe Public 13 Utility District Requesting That Local Agency Formation Commis- "' 14 sion Take Proceedings For Annexation of Territory to the 15 District, which resolution, together with a form of Written 16 Consent of all of the owners of land of all the territory 17 proposed to be annexed was filed with the Executive Officer of 18 the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of El 19 Dorado; and 20 WHEREAS, on December 22, 1971, the Local Agency Formation 21 Commission of El Dorado County adopted its Resolution No J 7/ , 22 A Resolution of the Local Agency Formation Commission of the 23 County of El Dorado Making Determinations and Approving the 24 Proposed Annexation of Territory, Designated as "South Tahoe 25 Public Utility District Annexation No. 1971 -1 ", to the South 26 Tahoe Public Utility District; and ilirie 27 WHEREAS, the Written Consent provided as a term and 28 condition of said annexation that said territory be included 29 within an improvement district which provides for sewer service 30 to said lands proposed to be annexed, which said improvement 31 district is known as Improvement District No. U -1 of the South 32 Tahoe Public Utility District, was Mtisfiedb3r.:.ali .of said:ovaaers ha JOHN C. WEIDMAN ATTORNEY, AT LAW 7E■ MAIN /TREEL PLACERVILLE. CA 95667 TELEPNDNE 622 -5260 1 • ‘ibr. 1 consented in writing to inclusion of said territory within said 2 improvement district; and 3 WHEREAS, because of the geographical location of the 4' territory to be annexed, the District can adequately and 5 economically furnish services, specifically sewer services, 6 which are urgently needed within said territory, and no other 7 governmental agency is now able to so furnish such services, 8 and there is presently no prospect that any other such agency 9 will be able to so furnish such services within the reasonably 10 forseeable future; and 11 WHEREAS, South Tahoe Public Utility District was 12 directed by said Local Agency Formation Commission by its said 13 Resolution No�-.. ` 7/ to annex said territory herein proposed 14 to be annexed to said South Tahoe Public Utility District, to 15 said Improvement District No. U -1 of the South Tahoe Public 16 Utility District; and 17 WHEREAS, the annexation of said territory to the South 18 Tahoe Public Utility District and to Improvement District No. 19 U -1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was authorized 20 and directed by said Local Agency Formation Commission by its 21 said Resolution No.o -5 1/ without notice and hearing by the 22 Board of Directors and without an election therefore; and 23 WHEREAS, all published, posted and mailed notices of 24 all proceedings subject of this said resolttion whether 25 proceedings by said Local Agency Formation Commission or this 26 Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District r 27 has been published, made and given as required by applicable 28 law; and 29 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS FOUND, DETERMINED AND ORDERED 30 THAT: 31 1. The territory proposed to be annexed to the South 32 Tahoe Public Utility District is uninhabited, as such term is JOHN C. WEIDMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW SSR MAIN STREET 2. PLACERVILLE. CA 96667 TELEPNONL 622 -6260 1 defined in Government Code, Section 56045, and the description 2 of the exterior boundaries of the territory is set forth in 3 Exhibit "A" attached hereto (South Tahoe Public Utility District 4` Annexation No. 1971 -1) and made a part hereof, and that no 5 written or oral protests were filed. 6 2. The annexation to the South Tahoe Public Utility 7 District is approved subject to the terms and conditions as 8 contained in the aforementioned Resolution No. 1559 adopted 9 May 6, 1971, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe 10 Public Utility District insofar as applicable to South Tahoe 11 Public Utility District Annexation No. 1971 -1, which said terms 12 and conditions are set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. 13 3. That said territory proposed to be annexed to 14 Improvement District No. U -1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility 15 District would be benefited by annexation to and included 16 within Improvement District No. U -1 of the South Tahoe Public 17 Utility District, which said Improvement District is in existence 18 at this time and provides for sewer service to the said land 19 herein proposed to be annexed to the South Tahoe Public Utility 20 District, and that said Improvement District No. U -1 will be 21 benefited and will not be injured by annexation of said land 22 to said Improvement District. 23 4. The territory proposed to be annexed to Improvement 24 District No. U -1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District is 25 described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (South Tahoe Public 26 Utility District Annexation No. 1971 -1), and no written or oral 27 protests were filed. 28 5. The annexation of said territory to Improvement 29 District No. U -1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District is 30 approved and there are no terms and conditions of said annexation; 31 provided, that those terms and conditions established in con - 32 nection with the annexation of said areas to the South Tahoe JOHN C. WEIDMAN ATTORNEY, AT LAW EE9 MAIN ETREET 3 0 PLACERVILLE. CA 96667 TELEPHONE 622 -6260 • 1 Public Utility District, are in no way affected by this 2 annexation to said improvement district. Said annexation is 3 designated Annexation No. 1971 -1 -U -1 to Improvement District 4 No. U -1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. 5 6 7 8 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a duly held adjourned meeting of 9 the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District 10 on December 23, 1971, by the following vote: 11 AYES: Directors Kortes, Wakeman; Ream- 12 NOES: None 13 ABSENT: Director Feslerand Director Hegarty 14 15 16 L lrg-Z 17 Robert Wakeman, Acting Presidenk of the Board of Directors of 18 South Tahoe Public Utility District 19 20 ATTEST* 21 ■ 22 David W. Callahan, Cler of t South Tahoe Public Utility District 23 and ex officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. 24 25 (SEAL) 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Nip C. WEIDMAN ATTORNEY AT LAW MEN MAIN STREET; PLACERVILLE, CA 96667 "Y TELEPHONE 622-5260 . e-N . . 4 rie • f:• r'T C !"-•1 t 11 t t n th Or Li C: , .• Sta. tc? :Licur t1nt pertiorl r t, qi.):_lrt.f of . ..'•c•ctioin , T. 12 • r th , 1 U Art D .111. M. p I iy ri.7> o 1 , i p( thr..?.11c..L1 from poi of ' " v :„t li , i; „ , t alifo, cti in ci 10, iri or.): : 744 f-'• • apui • r -1- 1 r.;1- (7 1 Ez :t Nortfi 31` ...1:;0" Fs, 2C..* r * - 7.!.;t, feut ■N•lort.i 1 1 ';' ii.t f f.1•7:1-J 21C;" La.t 1C•217.:.:2 ° f.T.. 47.7-1 ft.•'(•.1: on the Lik.s.,1 th€:. • t qLrton of 21; thr 0 G5' t 1C7. i c. to tic. of 4 hoo 4 1111W • •• fe".'N • ' • „ . EXHIbl'i 3 41W 1. Ii 'Lhc: c'. et the District sho11 k.`f a ed r d..tcrrninabl i'nliount f moroy, oit.fin as a lur::p cr t.. installmcnts, for rile ci txrlasier, Uh ri;:ht Ot ucte or cony cf pr(.4).:qty, rt Q pc:rn.ol., •i 51 frr t.r t will bt, r.rcte ;s fCliowS: i;:•..5yment in a lump sum 1 rc-quirc.,3, zuch .urr 5 'R.:A 11 inz.. In czAih t.%) 1.7 pri.or to - ,:he lute dut f such (b) if pilyrwat lr: in: is requiriA, iri rnL Tr, ctiolt r,lyront. shall br.; ctuiy with tile S LOCI. pri-=.r to the date (c) 1r Ite.1 of paymerc:, rvrtri 11 (a) or (L) by. 1./ Inc'. (..A 3 new t:Ir t .;its 1 1)11y 03:1..;t4 15jC.)VC:1110.11t dis-.rict or dit:trict3; 2/ Tile IncurlIng ‘)f n'w 11,:b.11ity by or on bchzi.11: of all or d!.: Lao. of e,ny lif3ixict or of i'hy cY.1: nevi ii,-11;r0vcrnzt'nt, indri; • : The i:.;.61.j.:14C,:er 1 S LLE ni , (;•: .. ffct Om! of ,1 tG clnn)tlor. Utility L 1).2 . pois.. to t!y 1.4 to time zo the 1)1 is TiltJ 1nd to he azinc.:.(ed hLd1 I. jr: in 4 100 Iniprov I. IT. of J ;,.Ltioe PQ1Att; 1.4lity purRL: 16 :U7 • of • 1,,,r '111C V11LL n 12.,DU.1-1 U L LT./ by •?.it!on for mnnen. to lznproveractn.t of the South Tahoe Public: Utility IDL-?, without lvictic,.: and Hoaring. E111:3IT 460/ . , . . • • . . , 4Ihe 2. Upon hi...: uf,.(1r Lc eliticitivo (.1 e. oi the terrqory, a 11 it, withtn said teri•lry, ond all entitled to votr.; by r.:,J1 of re:::,tdir.., or owrityg 1n': v.ilh!ri the • territ hall bo subj •,.:::t. to Jurit:oiction ,.. thrl DisLrict, sn have the Came rights and .11.ttios 8, 5 if tIle territory 1 .-„ --, d 1 .--., pt • of the rAstrict ut:-::1 its urWinal fc,:iftatiork, sh61.1)..,- 11,):,1c.; tot tnt paytner.t of princip1, intexerit, arid any othr emoting; which snail became cue on uccount of any outstanding or then atithori2c.ci but tharLaitar iszticd 1.,•ricis, including revanuo bonds, or othr or obli. of th L) tic 6nd shall be subjcot to t,: oavy.inc.. or C o, fixing iJnd :...*1Lion of any and all taKe:. on..,,,,s1wif nts, r.,,..rvir.: . charciec, rontnis, or rir, r (13 may be ner;cuse:y to pcovi.ic i•,:Yr L1, . . payment. 3 4 0 1 EXHI3IT b 4 . : CO . . ____.........____........ .... _..... .. •, .4 err 1 CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION 2 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. 4' COUNTY OF EL DORADO) 5 I, DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of the South Tahoe Public 6 Utility District, County of El Dorado, State of California, do 7 hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 1653 is a true, 8 full and correct copy thereof, and that said resolution was 9 duly adopted by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public 10 Utility District at a duly held adjourned meeting on December 23, 11 1971, and that the original of said resolution is on file in 12 the office of said South Tahoe Public Utility District. Said 13 resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote of the 14 members of the Board of Directors thereof: 15 AYES: Directors Kortes, Wakeman, :Ream: 16 NOES: None 17 ABSENT: Director Fesler and Director Hegarty 18 19 20 21 David W. Ca ahan, Clerk of t e` South Tahoe Public Utility Distract 22 and ex officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. 23 24 (SEAL) 25 26 law 27 28 29 30 31 32 JOHN C. WEIDMAN ATTGRNLY, AT. LAW 355 MAIN •TRLETT PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 TLLLPHONL 622 -5260