HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 12-07-06Richard Solbri•, General Mana•er Eric W. Schafer, President James R. Jones, Director 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. 3077 Fresno Pg. 85 (Lisa Coyner) b. Payment of Claims Pg. 93 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, December 7, 2006 2:00 P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California BOARD MEMBERS Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Paul Sciuto, Assistant Mana•er Duane Wallace, Vice President Kathleen Farrell, Director 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING — PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non - agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five - minute limit. No action will be taken.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION / DISCUSSION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION Approve Agreement and Release and Authorize District Staff to Negotiate Final Terms Consistent with Board Direction Approve Payment (Payment of claims will be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA — DECEMBER 7, 2006 PAGE - 2 7. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Farrell) b. Finance Committee (Wallace / Schafer) c. Executive Committee (Schafer / Wallace) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) 8. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Redevelopment Project 3 (Schafer / Wallace) 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 10. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 11. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Erosion Control b. Medical Insurance Program — 3rd Party Administrators / PPO Network Choices 12. STAFF REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS / EVENTS Past Meetings / Events 11/28/06 — Meyers Landfill Meeting 12/04/06 — Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting 12/05/06 — 12/08/06 — ACWA Fall Conference 12/06/06 — Redevelopment Project 3 Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Future Meetings / Events 12/11/06 — 12/15/06 — Training Conference Week at Lake Tahoe Community College 12/13/06 — 9:00 a.m. — El Dorado County Water Agency Regular Mtg. in Shingle Springs 12/15/06 — 9:30 a.m. — Tahoe Interagency Executives Meeting at TRPA 12/16/06 — 6:00 p.m. — Employee Appreciation /Christmas Celebration at Tep's Villa Roma 12/18/06 — 4:00 p.m. — Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting at District 12/19/06 — 9:00 a.m. — Alpine County Supervisors Regular Board Mtg. in Markleeville 12/21/06 — 2:00 p.m. — STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District 12/22/06 & 12/25/06 — District Office Closed (Christmas Holiday) 14. CLOSED SESSION (Closed Sessions are not open to the public.) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) /Conference with Legal Counsel — Pg. 95 Existing Litigation: Beth Jett, Kendall Pearce, and Pearce Family Trust dated 1 -20 -88 vs. South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District, Cox & Cox Construction, Inc., a California Corporation, Nimbus Engineers, a Nevada Corporation and Does 1 -100, Inclusive, Civil Action No. PC 20050567, Superior Court, County of El Dorado, CA REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA — DECEMBER 7, 2006 PAGE - 3 b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) /Conference with Legal Counsel — Pg. 97 Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S -01 -1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of CA c. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) /Conference with Legal Counsel — Pg. 99 Anticipated Litigation (Three Cases) d. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) /Conference with Legal Counsel — Pg.101 Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; et al., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S -02 -0238 MCE JFM 15. ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, December 21, 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (i.e., disability - related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at 530.544.6474, extension 6203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. ITEMS a. Caterpillar Loader Pg. 1 (Randy Curtis) b. Section 125 Flexible Benefits Plan Pg. 5 (Debbie Henderson) c. Enhancement to the District's Deferred Pg. 7 Compensation Plan (Rhonda McFarlane, Nancy Hussmann) d. Reimbursement Resolution Pg. 21 (Rhonda McFarlane) e. 2006 Al Tahoe Waterline Replacement Project Pg. 27 (Julie Ryan) f. California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC) Grant Pg. 37 Funds for Water Quality BMP Upgrades at District Facilities (Julie Ryan) CONSENT CALENDAR DECEMBER 7, 2006 REQUESTED ACTION Award Bid to the Lowest Respon- sive, Responsible Bidder, Holt of California, in the Amount of $134,524.80 Approve Increasing the Maximum Medical Reimbursement Cap to $3,250 per Plan Year (1) Approve Entering into the Reality Investing Advisory Agreement with Advised Assets Group, LLC, to Provide Investment Advisory Services to Plan Participants; and (2) Authorize the Board President to Sign the Agreement Adopt Resolution No. 2821 -06 Regarding Financing Sewer System Infrastructure through Future Issuance of Tax - Exempt Certificates of Participation Debt (1) Approve the Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for White Rock Construction, Inc., and (2) Authorize Staff to File a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk Adopt Resolution No. 2823 -06 Supporting Grant Funding from CTC to Design Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Water Quality CONSENT CALENDAR — DECEMBER 7, 2006 g. Luther Pass Pump Station Seismic Upgrades Pg. 41 (Julie Ryan) h. Bayview Waterline Pg. 47 (John Thiel) i. Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Pg. 57 Facility (Jim Hoggatt) j. Alternate to the Water Purveyor Representative Pg. 67 on the El Dorado County Water Agency Board of Directors (Kathy Sharp) k. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: Pg. 71 November 2, 2006 (Kathy Sharp) I. Special Board Meeting Minutes: Pg. 77 November 9, 2006 (Kathy Sharp) m. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: Pg. 79 November 16, 2006 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Approve Minutes South Tahoe Public Utility District • 1275 Meadow Crest Drive • South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 • Facsimile 530.541.0614 • www.stpud.us PAGE -2 Approve Task Order No. 6 to Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers, in an Amount Not to Exceed $54,894 Approve Change Order No. 2 to T &S Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $37,471.60 Approve Change Order No. 7 to Roebbelen Contracting, Inc., in the Amount of $152,833 (1) Appoint Director James R. Jones to Serve as the Alternate to the Water Purveyor Representative, through February 1, 2010; and (2) Adopt Resolution No. 2822 -06, Amending Resolution No. 2806 -06, Supporting the Appointment youth Tahoe public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive= South Lake Tahoe • CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544 -6474 • Fax 530 541 -0614 • www.stputtus BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations MEETING DATE: December 7, 2006 ITEM — PROJECT NAME: Caterpillar Loader REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Holt of Califomia, in the amount of $134,524.80. DISCUSSION: The Board approved sole brand purchase at the October 19, 2006, Board meeting and authorized staff to advertise for bids. Bids for the loader were opened on November 28, 2006. There were no exceptions to the bid. A summary of the bids, along with a staff recommendation is attached. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $134,524.80 ACCOUNT NO: 2005 -8756 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $165,000.00 ATTACHMENTS: Memo CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES Af NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES lYY NO Richard H. Selbrie Director* Kathleen Farrell James R .Jonas Wiry Lou Mbacher Duane WaOaee Eric Schafer SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CATERPILLAR MODEL 924-G WHEEL LOADER BID RESULTS BID # 06 -07 -09 OPENING DATE November 28, 2006 Holt of California 75 Day Delivery $134,524.80 Quinn Company 75 Day Delivery 138,097.79 Peterson Tractor Co 120 Day Delivery 145,222.34 ,South Tahoe .Public; Utility District ~;tI'l:(tl.Solbrit ~rr.ct0r6 ~tl1leel) F 1I11'ell Jari1c1l ~ JonM Mal)' Loo MOoHtacher DtJJlnt W.lbel> . . E~ ~h.tfcr 1275 Me3dO'tY Crest Drive. South Lake Tal10e · CA 96150~ 7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-06.14. www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Debbie Henderson. Accounting Manager MEETING DATE: December 7, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Section 125 Flexible Benefits Plan REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve increasing the maximum medical reimbursement cap to $3,250 per Plan year. DISCUSSION: The maximum allowable medical reimbursement under the Plan has been at $2,500 since January, 2003. Due to increases in cost of living. staff recommends increasing this limit to $3,250 for the Plan year 2007, and subsequent Plan years. This allows participants to deduct pre-tax an additional $650 per year for unreimbursed medical expenses. The recommendation was reviewed and approved by the Finance Committee on November 16, 2006. SCHEDULE: COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAl MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~\c... NO CATEGORY: General -6- .........Q:' bouthTahoe ,Public Utility District Pir~ Kathleen F.I.,.eU jam~ It .)cne. "'lIlY LOll MllI>bacf1er . 011.", w.illact Etit ~rer 1275 Mead. . OW Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 . . Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. WWW.5tpud.US BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Rhonda McFarlane, Chief Financial Officer Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director MEETING DATE: December 7, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Enhancement to the District's Deferred Compensation Plan (Plan) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Approve entering into the Reality Investing Advisory Agreement with Advised Assets Group, LLC) to provide investment advisory services to Plan participants; (2) Authorize the Board President to sign the agreement. DISCUSSION: The District currently sponsors a voluntary deferred compensation program under Internal Revenue Code Section 457. Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Company serves as the District's Plan administrator for investment transactions and record keeping. As an additional service to Plan participants, Great- West via Advised Assets Group, LLC. is offering investment advisory services. Plan participants will have the choice to use these services or not at their own expense. Staff is recommending the District enter into the Reality Investing Advisory Agreement. The employees' Retirement Benefits Committee has requested the District make these services available. The agreement has been reviewed by Hatch & Parent. Advised Assets GrouP. LLC, agreed to document changes requested by District management per the advice of Hatch and Parent. SCHEDULE: Immediate COSTS: None ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Reality Investing Advisory Services Agreement -7- McFarlane December 7, 2006 Page 2 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ;{(jJ~ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES.l.-\ r-rv::- -8- NO NO CATEGORY: Sewer & Water REALITY INVESTINGsM ADVISORY SERVICES AGREEMENT This Reality InvestingSM Service Advisory Services Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into as of the 7th day of December 2006 by the South Tahoe Public Utility District (the "Plan Sponsor") and Advised Assets Group, LLC (HAAG"), located at 8515 East Orchard Road, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111. RECITALS Whereas, the Plan has established defined contribution plans under the Internal Revenue Code (the "Plan"); and Whereas, the Plan Sponsor has selected Great-West Retirement Services ("GWRS"), a division of Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Company ("Great-West"), to provide administrative and other services to the Plan as set forth in the service agreement between the Plan Sponsor and Great-West ("Service Agreemene); and Whereas. AAG, a wholly owned subsidiary of Great-West, provides investment guidance, advisory and discretionary managed account services ("Reality InvestingSM') to defined contribution plan participants; and Whereas, AAG has conducted a rigorous review and evaluation of participant level advisory service providers and has selected an independent financial expert ("Independent Financial Expert") to provide such services to MG for use under Reality Investing, and has negotiated certain pricing arrangements for AAG clients; and Whereas, the Independent Financial Expert has developed a methodology and proprietary software and technology used to provide participant level investment advice and discretionary managed account services; including personalized Intemet-based guidance, investment advisory services and discretionary managed account services with respect to investment choices held within defined contribution plans; and Whereas, the Plan Sponsor desires to make Reality Investing available to participants ("Participants.) in the Plan in accordance with Appendix A. attached hereto and incorporated herein; and Whereas, AAG will assist the Plan Sponsor in the establishment of Reality Investing and with the ongoing review and monitoring of the services provided by the Independent Financial Expert and will facilitate the Participants' access to the Reality Investing; Now 'therefore, the parties hereto, in consideration of the mutual covenants and representations herein contained, do hereby agree as follows: -9- 'tERMS Article 1 Selection Plan Sponsor hereby agrees to retain MG as investment adviser to the Plan to provide the services selected on Appendix A, as described in Article 2. Article 2 Services 2.1 AAG will make available Reality Investing to Participants in accordance with Appendix A. Reality Investing includes one or more of the following: Online Investment Guidance - An online tool that provides personalized asset allocation assistance without recommending anyone specific fund. Online Investment Advice - An online tool that provides personalized investment option specific recommendations based upon a participant's financial situation. The recommended investment portfolio is based on information drawn from the Participant's defined contribution account profile and from the Core Investment Options available in the Plan. Core Investment Options are those investment options selected for use in the Plan by Plan Sponsor which provide investment choice under the following asset categories: Fixed Income/Cash, Bond, Large Cap, SmalllMid Cap, and International. Core Investment Options do not include any employer stock alternatives or self..cJirected brokerage option alternatives. The Participant then implements the recommended investment portfolio and manages his or her retirement account online. Manaced Account Service - The Manaaed Account Service is geared toward Participants who wish to have AAG use its discretion to select among the Plan's available Core Investment Options and manage their retirement accounts for them. The Participant receives a personalized investment portfolio that reflects the Plan's Core Investment Options and the Participant's retirement timeframe, life stages, risk tolerance and overall financial picture, including assets held outside the Plan (if the Participant elects to provide this information), which may be taken into consideration when determining the allocation of assets in the Participant's Plan account (MG does not provide advice for, recommend allocations of, or manage a Participant's outside or non- Plan assets). Under the Managed Account Service, MG has discretionary authority over allocating among the available Core Investment Options, without prior Participant approval of each transaction. Managed Account Service Participants will have their account automatically monitored, rebalanced and reallocated every quarter by AAG based on data resulting from the methodologies and software employed by the Independent Financial Expert to respond to market performance and to ensure optimal account performance over time. Participants will receive an account update and forecast statement annually and can update personal information at any time by calling MG at the Plan's toll-free customer service number or visiting the Plan web site. Under Reality Investing, MG does not provide advice for, recommend allocations of, or provide management services for individual stocks, self-directed brokerage accounts, guaranteed certificate (any funds with a liquidity restriction will not receive any advice allocation] funds, or employer-directed monies. A Participant's balance in employer- Opt-in PNP 65 Page 2 of 12 v.0712006 -10- directed monies may be liquidated, subject to Plan and/or investment provider restrictions. Participants may be required to liquidate the above-referenced funds prior to or as a condition of enrolling in Managed Accounts, subject to Plan and/or investment provider restrictions. AAG will on an ongoing basis review the methodology and services of the Independent Financial Expert and integrate the Plan's Core Investment Options into Reality Investing. The Plan must at all times have Core Investment Options which cover the following broad asset categories in order to use Online Investment Advice and the Managed Account Service under Reality Investing: Fixed Income/Cash, Bond, Large Cap, SmalVMid Cap, and International. The Independent Financial Expert is solely responsible for determining the adequacy of exposure to the aforementioned asset classes and for determining the core asset class exposures needed for the provision of Online Investment Advice and the Managed Accounts Service. Reality Investing will not be available for participant use for seven (7) to ten (10) business days following changes to the investment option lineup. AAG and Ibbotson need to conduct a new analysis of the available investment option array to accommodate these changes. This analysis will take approximately 7 to 10 business days, during which time, the Online Investment Guidance, Advice, and Managed Account services will not be available for participant use. Once the analysis is complete, the Online Investment Guidance, Advice, and Managed Account services will once again be available. 2.2 Plan Sponsor hereby authorizes AAG to offer Reality Investing to Participants in accordance with Appendix A, using Participant information provided to MG by Participants, the Plan Sponsor or its agents, and/or MG's affiliates. Plan Sponsor acknowledges and agrees that Reality Investing will be provided by AAG based on the methodology and proprietary software provided by the Independent Financial Expert. 2.3 Plan Participants shall pay all AAG fees, in accordance with Appendix A, for the respective services utilized. Plan Sponsor authorizes Great-West to serve as collection agent for AAG and deduct fees from Plan Participant accounts in accordance with Appendix A. Article 3 Representations and Warranties 3.1 Both Parties. Each party hereto represents, warrants and consents that (a) it is authorized to enter into and perfonn its obligations under this Agreement; (b) any actions by, or filings with, any governmental body required for the party to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement have been taken or made or will be taken or made when required; (c) entering into and performing its obligations under this Agreement does not violate any applicable law, rule or regulation or its organizational documents or any other binding instrument; (d) this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered; and (e) it will perform its obligations in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. 3.2. AAG Opt-in PNP 65 Page 3 of 12 v.0712006 -11- (a) AAG represents that it is registered as an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 ("Advisers Act"). MG agrees to maintain the required federal or state investment advisory registrations that permit it to perfonn its obligations under this Agreement. MG acknowledges and agrees that it may be deemed to be a fiduciary of the Plan(s) under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"), if applicable, to the extent it provides investment advice or management to Participants under Reality Investing. (b) MG represents that the Independent Financial Expert is not affiliated with AAG or Great-West and that AAG has entered into an agreement with the Independent Financial Expert. MG's agreement with the Independent Financial Expert includes representations that the Independent Financial Expert: (a) is registered as an investment adviser under the Advisers Act, and (b) will maintain the required federal or state investment advisory registrations that permit it to perfonn its obligations under its agreement with MG. 3.3 Plan Soonsor. Plan Sponsor represents that it is the Plan fiduciary with the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Plan and its Participants and commit to the terms of this Agreement. Plan Sponsor, by itself and on behalf of the Plan, represents and acknowledges that it has received and read MG's Form ADV Part II (or equivalent), consistent with Rule 204-3 of the Advise'rs Act. Plan Sponser acknowledges that the Core Investment Options offered through the Plan(s) were chosen by the Plan Sponsor and not by MG, Great-West or the Independent Financial Expert. Opt-in PNP 65 Page 4 of 12 v. 07/2006 -12- Article 4 Term, Termination & Substitution of Independent Finane 4.1 Term and Termination of this Aareement. This A! effective as of the date stated above (the MEffective Date") and COI effect for so long as the Service Agreement between Great-WE Insurance Company and the Plan Sponsor, including any extension! GWRS to provide to the Plan Sponsor the services pursuant to the ; unless one party provides the other party with written notice of its inte Agreement no less than ninety (90) days prior to the end of the I subsequent Renewal Term. This Agreement may be terminated pri< Initial Term or any Renewal Term in the following circumstances: (a) Plan Sponsor may terminate this Agreement up AAG if Plan Sponsor determines in good faith that the A! ERISA, if applicable, or applicable state law; (b) If Plan Sponsor determines that AAG has mate its service commitments to the Plan as set forth in this Agre has failed to cure such deficiencies within sixty (60) days of Sponsor's written notice of such deficiencies, then Plan SPOI this Agreement upon written notice to MG; (c) Either party may terminate this Agreement up' the event of default by the other party if the defaulting part) such deficiencies within sixty (60) days after its receipt of party's written notice of deficiencies; (d) In the event that Plan Sponsor terminates its with Great-West, or the Service Agreement expires pursuan this Agreement shall automatically terminate, effective on 1 Service Agreement betweer:1 Plan Sponsor and Great-V\ expires; or (e) MG may terminate this Agreement under the in Section 4.2; (f) Either may terminate this Agreement without (90) days written notice to other party; or (9) The parties may mutually agree to terminate any time. Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, all Actual U~ Appendix A, will immediately be restricted from using Reality Invesl fees due up until the effective termination date will be paid in accord; A. Opt-in PNP 65 Page 5 of 12 -13- 4.2 Substitution of the Independent Financial Expert. During the term of this Agreement, MG reserves the right to replace the Independent Financial Expert in its sole discretion. The appropriate GWRS field representative will notify the Plan Sponsor 90 days prior to the termination of the independent financial expert, unless the expert is being terminated for fraud, misrepresentation or similar acts. The notification will be in writing to the Plan Sponsor. In such event, a replacement Appendix A will be provided to Plan Sponsor, if, in MG's sole discretion, a replacement Appendix A is deemed necessary. In the event MG is unable to contract with a suitable replacement I ndependent Financial Expert, this Agreement shall automatically terminate upon written notice to the Plan Sponsor. Article 5 Confidentiality 5.1 AAG and the Independent Financial Expert's Confidential Information. Plan Sponsor acknowledges that information regarding MG, the Independent Financial Expert, and Reality Investing including, without limitation, the databases, hardware, software, programs, engine, protocols, models, displays and manuals, including, without limitation, the selection, coordination, and arrangement of the contents thereof are intellectual property and trade secrets, proprietary to AAG and/or the Independent Financial Expert, as applicable, and constitute .Confidential Information: Plan Sponsor acknowledges that all nonpublic information regarding the business and affairs of AAG and the Independent Financial Expert including, but not limited to, business plans, agreements with third parties, fees, services, customers, and finances, constitute Confidential Information. 5.2 Plan Sponsor's Confidential Information. All nonpublic information regarding the Plan, the business and affairs of the Plan Sponsor, all Plan Sponsor intellectual property and all personal information of Participants including, but not limited to, the names, addresses, social security numbers, financial information and compensation data of the Participants, learned by AAG or the Independent Financial Expert in the performance of this Agreement constitutes Confidential Information of the Plan Sponsor. Notwithstanding the foregoing, MG may provide nonpublic information it leams about Participants to the Plan Sponsor and the plan provider for reporting purposes. 5.3 Non-Confidentiallnformation. Anything in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, the term "Confidential Information" does not include information regarding a party which (i) was, is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure by the receiving party or any of its affiliates, agents or advisors, (ii) was or becomes available to a party or its affiliates from a source other than the disclosing party or its affiliates or advisors, provided that such source is not bound by a confidentiality agreement for the benefit of the disclosing party, (iii) was within a party's possession prior to being furnished by or on behalf of the other party provided that the sources of such information were not covered by a confidentiality agreement in favor of the party owning the confidential information, prOVided such confidentiality agreement was known to the receiving party at the time the information is obtained. 5.4 Treatment of Confidential Information. Confidential Information will be used by a party solely in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. Each party will receive the Confidential Information in confidence and not disclose it to any third party except as may be necessary to perform its obligations under this Agreement or as agreed to in writing by the other party. Each party further agrees to Opt-in PNP 65 Page 6 of 12 v.07/2006 -14- take or cause to be taken all reasonable precautions to maintain the secrecy and confidentiality of the Confidential Information. Neither party may disclose, and shall make reasonable efforts to prevent the disclosure of, any part of the Confidential Information to another person. Confidential Information may be disclosed to a party's directors, officers, employees, consultants, representatives, and the Plan's recordkeeper (each a "Representative") who need to know in order to further the purposes and intent of this Agreement. Disclosure of Confidential Information may be made to such Representative only after the Representative has been informed of the confidential nature of such information and has agreed to be bound by the terms of this Agreement's confidentiality provisions. Article 6 Miscellaneous 6.1 Notwithstanding anything else contained herein, this Agreement may be amended, supplemented or restated only with the written consent of both parties. The parties agree that they will amend, supplement or restate this Agreement as necessary to comply with changes to applicable law, as amended from time to time. 6.2 This Agreement and its Appendices constitute the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. 6.3 This Agreement will be governed by, and interpreted according to, California law without regard to its conflict of law principles, except to the extent it may be preempted by federal law. 6.4 Plan Sponsor acknowledges that neither MG nor Great-West makes any representation concerning the tax treatment regarding an election by a Plan Sponsor to pay (or have the Plan or Participant pay) for Reality Investing. 6.5 Subject to Section 6.7, AAG nor Plan Sponsor is liable for any losses a Participant may incur if the value of his or her account should decrease related to the Participant's use of any component of Reality Investing and/or the Participant's investment decisions in following, or not following, any investment advice produced through Reality Investing. 6.6 Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations (other than a failure to comply with payment obligations) hereunder n such delay or failure is caused by an unforeseeable event beyond the reasonable control of a party, including without limitation: act of God; fire; flood; earthquake; labor strike; sabotage; fiber cut; embargoes; power failure, e.g., rolling blackouts, electrical surges or current fluctuations; lightning; supplier's failures; act or omissions of telecommunications common carriers; material shortages or unavailability or other delay in delivery; lack of or delay in transportation; govemment codes, ordinances, laws, rules, regulations or restrictions; war or civil disorder, or act of terrorism. 6.7 IndemnitY and limitation of liabilitv. (a) Except as otherwise set forth in Sections 6.5 and 6.6 above, MG agrees to indemnify the Plan Sponsor and the Plan, hold each of them harmless and defend each of them from any Liability (as defined below) directly resulting from either the following: (i) any breach of fiduciary duty by AAG; (Ii) MG's material nonperformance of its obligations under this Agreement or (ii~ any Opt-in PNP 65 Page 7 of 12 v.0712006 -16- negligence or willful misconduct by MG or the Independent Financial Expert, to the extent that such Liability is not caused by the Plan Sponsor's breach of this Agreement, or caused by or attributable to an act or omission, negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of the Plan Sponsor or a Participant user. (b) The Plan Sponsor will indemnify AAG and its Representatives, hold them harmless and defend them from any Liability directly resulting from either or both of the following: (i) any breach of fiduciary duty by the Plan Sponsor; or (ii) the Plan Sponsor's negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct or material nonperformance of its obligations under this Agreement. For purposes of this Section 6.7, "Liability" means liability, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees. Neither party will be responsible to the other party for any Liability attributable to an act or omission of a Participant user, the other party, or a third party. NO PARTY WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, EVEN IN THE EVENT OF A FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY OR IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Each party's indemnity extends to the other party's fiduciaries, agents, directors, officers, trustees, custodians and employees. Either party's indemnity obligations will be reduced to the extent that its ability to manage the claim is materially harmed by any failure of the other to give prompt notice of the claim, complete information and reasonable assistance to defend or settle the claim. The indemnity does not cover any Liability for which the indemnified party actually receives reimbursement or indemnification from another person, including under a liability insurance policy. Any finding that any aspect of this indemnification provision is unenforceable by operation of law will not affect any other portion of this provision. 6.8 If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the Agreement will remain in effect. 6.9 Except as specifically provided herein, neither party may assign any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the written consent of the other party, which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. This Agreement will bind and inure to the benefit of the parties as well as their permitted successors and assigns. 6.10 The failure of a party to enforce any provision or obligation of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of the provision or obligation or of any future obligation. A party's delay or failure in performance resulting from causes or conditions beyond its reasonable control will not constitute a breach or default. 6.11 Notices will be in writing and sent to the address specified in this Agreement or to any new address the party has supplied. 6.12 AAG currently maintains an Errors and Omission Liability Insurance policy in the amount of $1 ,000,000 in the aggregate. Opt-in PNP 65 Page 8 of 12 v. 0712006 -16- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the parties as of the date stated above. By: Print Name: Eric W. Schafer Title: President Address: 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Advised Assets Group, LLC By: Print Name: Title: Address: 8515 E. Orchard Road, 10T2 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Opt-in PNP 65 Page 9 of 12 v. 0712006 -17- APPENDIX A - REALITY INVESTING TERM SHEET Plan Sponsor: South Tahoe Public Utility District Plan(s): South Tahoe Public Utility District Deferred Compensation Plan Target Rollout Date: December 2006 Initial Term: Continue in force and effect for so long as the Service Agreement between Great-West Ufe & Annuity Insurance Company and ihe Plan Sponsor, A. ParticiDant Fees. Participants who have enrolled in and established an account in the Plan are entitlE-i to access all services under Reality Investing. Participants that enroll in the Online Investment Advice service or enrolled in Managed Account service. Reality Investing includes access to the three services described below. Please check the box next to each service you would like AAG to make available to Participants. o Online Investment Guidance - An online tool that provides personalized asset allocation assistance without recommending anyone specific fund. There is no fee for using Online Investment Guidance. o Online Investment Advice - An online tool that provides personalized investment option specific recommendations based upon a participant's financial situation. The fee for Online Investment Advice is $25.00 per year, or $5.25 per quarter. This fee can be paid for by the Plan Sponsor or the Plan Participant. If it is paid for by the Participant, the fee will be debited from the accounts of those Actual User accounts within the last five (5) to seven (7) business days of each quarter; however, if the Actual User cancels his or her enrollment in Online Investment Advice, the fee will still be debited from the Actual User's account within the last five (5) to seven (7) days prior to the end of the Quarter that the cancellation was processed. As well, if the Plan terminates its Service Agreement with GWRS, the fee will be debited upon such termination. Enrollment in the Online Investment Advice at any time during a quarter will result in the Actual User account being debited, or the Plan Sponsor incurring the charge for the quarterly fee. Plan Sponsor agrees the Online Investment Advice fee will be paid for by a Plan Participant, as described above, unless the following box is checked. o Plan Sponsor Pay o Manaced Account Service - The tiered pricing described in the table below applies to Managed Account Service. Actual Users will be charged a quarterly fee based on their account balance that MG manages on the day the fee is debited. The fee will generally be debited from the Actual User's account within the last five (5) to seven (7) business days of each quarter. If the Actual User cancels participation in the Managed Account Service, the fee will be based on the Actual User's account balance on the date of cancellation and will be debited from the Actual User's account within five (5) to seven (7) business days prior to the end of that quarter. As well, if the Plan terminates its Opt-in PNP 65 Page 10 of 12 v.07/2006 -18- Service Agreement with GWRS, the fee will be debited upon such termination. The fee for an Actual User is depicted below. Participant Managed Account Annual Account Fee Balance First $100,000 of account balance 0.65% Next $150.000, UD to $250,000 account balance 0.55% Next $150 000. UD to $400,000 account balance 0.45 % Amounts Qreater than $400,000 0.35% For example, if an Actual User's account balance subject 10 Managed Account Service is $50,000, the fee is 0.65% of the account balance. If the account balance subject to Managed Account Service is $500,000, the first $100,000 will be subject to a fee of 0.65%, the next $150,000 will be subject to a fee of 0.55%, the next $150,000 will be subject to a fee of 0.45%, and amounts over $400,000 will be subject to a fee of 0.35%. Plan Sponsor agrees the Managed Account Service fee will be paid for by a Plan Participant, as described above, unless the following box is checked. D Plan Sponsor Pay AAG reserves the right to offer certain plan discounted fees or other promotional pricing. Actual Users must allocate all of their account balance to the Managed Account Service. Partial management of the account whereby Actual Users can invest in other Core Investment Options while also participating in the Managed Account Service is not an option. Once enrolled in the Managed Account Service, Actual Users will no longer be able to make allocation changes to their accounts online, via paper, or through the Plan's existing toll-free customer service number. In addition, Actual Users will not be able to make fund-to-fund transfers, change fund allocations, or utilization of dollar cost averaging and/or rebalancer. Actual Users may still request and be approved for loans, take a distribution, and retain full inquiry access to their account. All of the aforementioned functionality will be restored to the Actual User's account no later than the next business day markets are open after they cancel their participation in the Managed Account Service. Actual Users may cancel their participation in Managed Account Service at any time by completing the cancellation form available online through the Plan web site or by calling AAG at the Plan's existing toll-free customer service number. B. Set.Up Fee: Included. Set-up services include analyzing features of system parameters of the Plan and the underlying investments, assigning unique portfolio accounts for Actual Users and testing systems environments. If additional set-up services are required, any fees will be separately negotiated. c. Communication and OnGoinG Maintenance Fee: Included. The communication and ongoing maintenance fee includes monitoring the use of Reality Investing, and integrating Reality Investing communications into the Plan's overall communications campaign, including enrollment materials, forms, web site, and group meetings. Opt-in PNP 65 Page 11 of12 v.07!2006 -19- At least one mailing to a broad range of Participants regarding Managed Account Service may be included in the standard services package for which there is no additional fee. Standard materials may include a discussion of Reality Investing in enrollment/education materials, on the web site, and/or in personalized Participant materials if the Plan is providing a full payroll data interchange file. Additional or custom Participant communications materials will be used by AAG and may be paid for by AAG, Great-West or the Plan Sponsor, as negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Such additional or custom communications may include targeted marketing techniques based upon participant demographical and/or account data (including but not limited 10 age, income, deferral rates, current investment elections) to identify participants who may benefit from participation in the Managed Account Serotic6. The participants identified will be targeted for additional solicitations or other marketing efforts designed to educate them regarding the features of the Managed Account SerJice. The dedicated representative(s) of the Plan, Plan Sponsor, Great-West and MG, as applicable, will facilitate communications regarding Reality Investing. Reporting: On a quarterly basis, AAG shall provide Plan Sponsor with a report on the number of Actual Users enrolled in Reality Investing. Addition of New Plans: Tax-deferred plans not listed at the top of this Appendix A that are added to Plan Sponsor's program after the Effective Date will not bcincluded in this Agreement, and will be subject to additional fees. Opt-in PNP65 Page 12 of 12 v.0712006 -20- ~...",...,.~.,. .... -.--.. South Tahoe Publiq Utility District Pirectorf Kathletn fwell J.ni~ f(. ..lone;' Mary Leu M~'~er Duane Wallacll Eric Sch,ifer 1275 M~qw Cre$t Drive · $c>utI1 Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 54-1-$474. Fax 530 541-0614. Www.~tpud,{,l5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: MEETING DATE: Rhonda McFarlane, Chief Financial Officer December 7, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Reimbursement Resolution REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2821-06 regarding financing sewer system infrastructure through future issuance of tax-exempt Certificates of Participation debt. DISCUSSION: At the November 16,2006, Board meeting, the Engineering Projects Priority List was reviewed. Due to the costs incurred for the Diamond Valley Ranch property purchase, outside funding will be needed by the sewer enterprise fund. The District intends to issue tax-exempt debt to plan, design, and construct new and replacement sewer infrastructure. It is necessary for the Board to adopt Resolution No. 2821-06 in order to have the current capital costs eligible for the financing that will take place in 2007. SCHEDULE: Adopt Resolution No. 2821-06 as soon as possible. COSTS: None ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2821-06 and Exhibit A CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~~ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEsFm", CATEGORY: Sewer NO NO -21- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utilities District (the 8 "District"): 9 RESOLUTION NO. 2821-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILlTIY DISTRICT DECLARING INTENTION TO REIMBURSE EXPENDITURES FROM THE PROCEEDS OF OBLIGATIONS TO BE ISSUED BY THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 10 WHEREAS, the District proposes to undertake the project referenced below, to issue or 11 cause to be issued bonds or certificates of participation (in either case, the 12 "Obligations") for such project, and to use a portion of the proceeds of such Obligations 13 to reimburse expenditures made for the project prior to the issuance of the Obligations; 14 15 WHEREAS, United States Income Tax Regulations section 1.150-2 provides generally . 16 that proceeds of tax-exempt obligations are not deemed to be expended when such 1 7 proceeds are used for reimbursement of expenditures made prior to the date of 18 issuance of such obligations unless certain procedures are followed, one of which is a 19 requirement that (with certain exceptions), prior to the payment of any such expenditure, 20 the issuer declares an intention to reimburse such expenditure; and 21 22 WHEREAS, it is in the public interest and for the public benefit that the District declares 23 its official intent to reimburse the expenditures referenced herein. 24 25 III 26 11/ 27 11/ 28 11/ 29 11/ 30 -23- 1 NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby DECLARED and ORDERED, as follows: 2 3 1. The District intends to issue the Obligations or cause the Obligations to be 4 issued for the purpose of paying the costs of acquiring and constructing capital 5 improvements to its sewer collection, treatment and recycled water system, as more 6 particularly described in Exhibit A (the "Project"). 7 8 2. The District hereby declares that it reasonably expects (i) to pay a portion of 9 the costs of the Project prior to the date of issuance of the Obligations, and (ii) to use a 10 portion of the proceeds of the Obligations for reimbursement of expenditures for the 11 Project that are paid before the date of issuance of the Obligations. 12 13 3. The principal amount of the Obligations is expected to be approximately 14 $12,000,000.00. 15 16 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution 17 was duly adopted and 'passed by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility 18 District at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 7th day of December, 2006, by the 19 following vote: 20 21 AYES: 22 NOES: 23 ABSENT: 24 25 26 27 Attest: 28 29 By: 30 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District -24- Exhibit A Sewer Infrastructure Projects Collection System Improvements Crossing 89th & 5th 5t Wildwood Interceptor Planning Documents Diamond Valley Ranch Master Plan Collection System Master Plan WWTP Future Connections Pump Station Improvements BMP Beecher PS Wet Well Upgrades FLL Pumps & Motors Generator Sets Generator Trout Creek Johnson Generator Set LPPS Motor Rebuild LPPS Vegetation LPPS Replace Transformer, Generator, & Equipment, Rehab Bldg Security Measures Tahoe Keys Motor RcondiUon, VFDs, Millronics Telemetry USFS Trout Creek PS Pumps, Motors, VFDs Indian Creek TMDL Indian Creek Riparian Habitat Recycled Water System Improvements B-Line Revegitation C-Line Inspection Harvey Place Emergency Storage Ponds Sand Traps Dressler Ditch Snowshoe Thompson Phase I Upper Dressler Ditch Treatment Plant Improvements Aeration Basin Alarm Blower Bldg VFD Carbon Odor Scrubber Fencing WWTP Final Pump Flock Basin Bypass Fuel Tank Generator Lower Shop Groundwater Nitrate Sentinel Wells SCADA WAS Pump WEIR Washer In-House Engineering -25- ,South .Tahoe ,.Public Utility District ~rIi ItScAri, Dlrr~ "athl~ri Fama J,Imt, It JOIIe$ Mal)' l.au MO:lll,ch<< Puane Walla~ E~ ~hafer 1275 Meadow Cre5t Drive. South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 54+6474 · Fax 530 541-0614. www.stpud.u~ BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Julie Ryan, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: December 7, 2005 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2006 AI Tahoe Waterline Replacement Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Approve the Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for White Rock Construction, Inc., and (2) Authorize staff to file a Notice of Completion with the EI Dorado County Clerk. DISCUSSION: Staff has performed a final inspection of the project and found that White Rock Construction, Inc., has met all the contract requirements. Staff recommends approval of the project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims, and the filing of a Notice of Completion with the EI Dorado County Clerk. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7054/AlWTRL BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ($668,875) ATTACHMENTS: Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims, and Notice of Completion, Budget Analysis CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO . CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Water -27- RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Heidi C. Donovan South Tahoe Public Utility District WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: SOUTH TAHOE PUBUC UTILIlY DISTRICT 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, California 96150 SPACE ABOVE THIS UNE FOR RECORDER'S USE APN: NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The undersigned is OWNER or agent of the OWNER of the interest or estate stated below in the property hereinafter described. 2. The FULL NAME of the OWNER is SOlITH TAHOE PUBLlC UTILITY DISTRICT 3. The FULL ADDRESS of the OWNER is 1275 Meadow Crest Dr., South lake Tahoe, California 96150 4. The NATURE OF THE INTEREST or ESTATE of the undersigned is: In fee. (If other than fee, strike "in feeR and insert here, for example, "purchaser under contract of purchase, n or "lessee. R S. The FULL NAMES and FULL ADDRESSES of ALL PERSONS, if any, WHO HOLD SUCH INTEREST or ESTATE with the undersigned as JOINT TENANTS or as TENANTS IN COMMON are: Name & Address Name & Address 6. The FULL NAMES of FULL ADDRESSES OF THE PREDECESSORS in INTEREST of the undersigned if the property was transferred subsequent to the commencement of the work of improvement herein referred to: Name & Address Name & Address 7. A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was COMPLETED on 10/26/2006. 8. The work of improvement completed is described as follows: 2006 AI Tahoe Waterline Replacement Project. 9. The NAME OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR, if any, for such work of improvement is WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION INC. 10. The street address of saki property is See Exhibit "A" attached. 11. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the Oty of South Lake Tahoe County of EI Dorado, State of California, and Is described as follows: As shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and commonly known as DATE: December 7. 2006 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT OF OWNER VERIFICATION FORINDIVIOUAL OWNER: ERIC SCHAFER, BOARD PRESIDENT 1, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am the owner of the aforesaid interest or estate in the property desaibed in the above notice; that I have read said notice, that I know and understand the contents thereof, and the facts stated therein are true and correct. DATE AND PLACE SIGNATURE OF OWNER NAMED IN PARAGRAPH 2 VERIFICATION FOR NON-INDMDUAl OWNER: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I am the Boa rd PreSl dent of the aforesaid Interest or estate In the property described in the above notlcej that I have read the said notice, that I krow and understand the contents thereof, and that the facts stated therein are true and correct. December 7, 2006 at South Lake Tahoe, CA DATE AND PlACE SIGNATURE OF PERSON SIGNING ON BEHALF OF OWNER ERIC SCHAFER Notice of Completion -29- '8' " EXHIBIT "A" The sites of work for the 2006 AI Tahoe Waterline Replacement project are located on Merced and Sonoma streets, located within the City of South lake Tahoe, CA. The work to be performed consists of the construction of 4900 lineal feet of 8- inch waterline and including interties to existing waterlines, transfer of water services, installation of fire hydrants, paving, and other related work as detailed in the plans and specifications. III III III EXHIBIT "A" -30- South Tahoe Public Utility District December 7, 2006 1275 Meadow Cres't Drive · South Lake Tahoe e CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. fax 530 541~0614. www.5tpud.us I HEREBY CERTIFY on December 7, 2006, before me, the undersigned Clerk of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, personally appeared Eric Schafer, Board President, known to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledge that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board -31- CLOSEOUT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS THIS AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS (Agreement) is made in South lake Tahoe, California, this day of December, 2006, by and between South Tahoe Public Utility District, (DISTRICT), and WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION, INC., (CONTRACTOR). I<NOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: 1. That the undersigned, as the authorized representative of CONTRACTOR, and for each of its successors, assigns and partners, for and in consideration of One Million, One Hundred Ninety-Five Thousand, Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,195,250.00), the original Contract amount, and the sum of Two Hundred Seventy-Seven Thousand, Four Hundred Ninety-One Dollars and Seventy-Five Cents ($277,491.75) for Contract Change Orders Nos. 1 and 2, receipt of which is acknowledged, does release and forever discharge the DISTRICT, and each of its successors, assigns, directors, officers, agents, servants, volunteers and employees, from any and all rights, claims, causes of ack)n, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, damages, costs and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys', paralegal and experts' fees, costs and expenses) and other claims, which may be asserted against DISTRICT by reason of any matter or thing which was the subject matter of or basis for: A. The performance of all terms and conditions of that certain agreement dated July 31,2006 for Purchase Order No. P17744, DISTRICT project described as2006 AI Tahoe Waterline Replacement. B. Change Orders Nos. 1 and 2, as approved by the parties, pertaining to Purchase Order No. P17744 and shown in Payment Request No.4, dated December 7, 2006. 2. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall waive or alter the rights, privileges, and powers of the DISTRICT or the duties, liabilities and obligations of the CONTRACTOR and its surety(ies} in respect to any portions of the Contract Documents for Purch~:ise Order No. P17744. 3. The District has received no claims from the Contractor. 4. Upon execution of this Agreement, the DISTRICT agrees to promptly record a NOTICE OF COMPLETION with the EI Dorado County Recorder. 5. The current retention amount is $73,637.09 $1,195,250.00 $277,491.75 <$1.399,104.66> <$73,637.09> Original Contract amount Total Change Order Amount Less: Amount Previously Paid (Request Nos. 1 through 4) Retainage BALANCE: $-0- 06072006 2006 N.. TAHOE WATERLINE REPLACEMENT SECTION 00 6200 CERTIFICATES AND OTHER FORMS 1 -32- The retainage will be released to the CONTRACTOR at the expiration of thirty-five (35) calendar days after date of recording a NOTICE OF COMPLETION by EI Dorado County Recorder or when all stop notices have been released, whichever last occurs. The release provided pursuant to this Agreement shall not apply to CONTRACTOR'S right to the retention amount until and to the extent such amounts are received by CONTRACTOR. 6. CONTRACTOR and DISTRICT agree that the total adjusted Contract price and time of performance for Purchase Order No. P17744, after the execution of change orders, is as follows: Original Contract Price Original Calendar Days Adjusted Contract Price Adjusted Calendar Days $1,195,250.00 80 $1,472,741.75 7. It is understood and agreed by Contractor that the facts with respect to which the release provided pursuant to this Agreement is given may turn out to be other than or different from the facts as now known or believed to be, and Contractor expressly assumes the risk of the facts turning out to be different than they now appear, and agrees that the release provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be, in all respects, effective and not subject to termination or rescission by any such difference in facts and Contractor expressly waives any and all rights it has or may have under California Civil Code Section 1542, which provides as follows: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the Release which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor." 8. The release made by the CONTRACTOR is not to be construed as an admission or admissions of liability and the Contractor denies any such liability. Contractor agrees that it will forever refrain and forebear from commencing, instituting or prosecuting any lawsuit, action or other proceeding against the District based on, arising out of, or in any way connected with the subject matter of this release. 9. The CONTRACTOR releases the DISTRICT from all claims, including but not limited to those of its Subcontractors for all delay and impact costs, if any. 10. The CONTRACTOR represents and warrants to the DISTRICT that the CONTRACTOR has not assigned or transferred or purported to assign or transfer to any person, firm, corporation, association or entity any of the rights, claims, warranties, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, expenses and other claims and the CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the DISTRICT, its successors, assigns, directors, officers, agents, servants, volunteers and employees, from and against, without limitation, any and all rights, claims, warranties, demands, debts, obligations, liabilities, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, expenses and other claims, including but not limited to attorneys', paralegal and experts' fees, costs and expenses arising out of or connected with any such assignment or transfer or purported assignment or transfer. 11. The parties acknowledge that they have been represented by counsel of their own choice in connection with the preparation and execution of this Agreement. The parties 06072006 2006 AL TAHOE WATERLINE REPLACEMENT SECTION 00 62 00 CERTIFICATES AND OTHER FORMS 2 -33- acknowledge and represent that they understand and voluntarily consent and agree to each and every provision contained in this Agreement. 12. The parties further acknowledge and represent that no promise, inducement or agreement, not expressed in this Agreement, have been made and that this Agreement contains the entire agreement among the parties and that the terms of the Agreement are contractual and not a mere recital. .13. The persons executing this Agreement represent and warrant to the other party that the execution and performance of the terms of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all corporate, partnership, individual, or other entity requirements and that said persons have the right, power, legal capacity and authority to execute and enter into this Agreement. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RICHARD H. SOLBRIG, GENERAL MANAGER December 7. 2006 BOARD APPROVAL DATE ATTEST: KATHY SHARP, CLERK OF BOARD DATED WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION, INC. By: ROCKY DUARTE, PROJECT MANAGER DATED \\bugs\engineering\Projects\Water\A1 Tahoe Water Main 2006\Specs\Division 00\0062 00 certificates.doc 06072006 2006 Al TAHOE WATERLINE REPLACEMENT SECTION 00 62 00 CERTIFICATES AND OTHER FORMS 3 -34- AL TAHOEWATERLlNE Account 2029-7054 BUDGET REMAINING ANALYSIS: 2006/07 All Years Spent to Date 1,467,216 1,655,150 Outstanding Purchase Orders- White Rock Construction 59,226 59,226 Total Encumbrance 59,226 59,226 Total Spent & Encumbered 1,526,442 1,714,376 Budget/estimate 857,567 1,045,500 (Over Budget) (668,875) (668,876) Note1: Of the amount over budget, $220,750 was due to new paving requirements of the City of South Lake Tahoe. -35- SouthTa hoe . "Public Utility District ~td H. Sqll..rif D11"l'~ l\Athlten F .ird! J.ime& R. Jane!! Mary Lou M~!>.1Cher Duane WalIac:d . Eria ~...rf'r 1275 Mtadow Crest Drive. South 13ke Tahoe. CA 96150- 7:',()1 Phone 530 544~6474. Fax 530 541-0014. www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4f TO: Board of Directors FROM: Julie Ryan, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: December 7,2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC) Grant Funds for Water Quality BMP Upgrades at District Facilities REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2823-06 supporting grant funding from California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC) to design Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Water Quality. DISCUSSION: The attached resolution is required to be adopted by the Board of Directors as a condition of the final CTC Planning Grant application. The District submitted a pre-application in September 2006, for planning funds to design Best Management Practices (BMP's) for Water Quality at District facilities. BMP's are a mandated requirement under the direction of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) and the Tahoe Environmental Improvement Program (EIP). The dates for implementing full BMPs in Priority 2 watershed areas was October 2006, and in Priority 3 watershed areas will be October 2008. The District has been working closely with TRPA to meet this mandate in a timely and cost effective manner, together developing a process for implementing BMPs at all District facilities. The CTC planning grant application is a part of this process. CTC has recommended $200,000 in planning funds be awarded to the District for the 2007 funding year. The final grant application for these funds is due December 15, 2006. This funding will be utilized to hire consultants and/or pay for staff costs to evaluate District facilities and design BMPs in collaboration with CTC (and other local and regional agencies, as appropriate). The facilities most likely to result in design are those that have stream restoration, significant soil erosion and/or fuel reduction . potential. The District and CTC staffs have identified 20 sites for funding; the priority order of design for these sites will be established in cooperation with CTC. It is expected that the District will in the future apply for additional CTC funding to implement the BMP projects as designed for these sites. . -37- Ryan December 7, 2006 Page 2 SCHEDULE: May 2007-December 2008 REVENUE: $200,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1000/2000-3518 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: NA ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2823-06 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTIO~: GENERAL MANAGER: YES AlH.-l NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEs-1(.t-0<-. NO -38- CATEGORY: Sewer & Water 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 RESOLUTION NO. 2823-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SUPPORTING GRANT FUNDING FROM CALIFORNIA TAHOE CONSERVANCY (CTC) TO DESIGN BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs) FOR WATER QUALITY WHEREAS, it is generally acknowledged that soil erosion is detrimental to the environment of the Tahoe Basin, and WHEREAS, it also generally acknowledged that soil erosion does significantly affect the water quality of Lake Tahoe, and WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District recognizes the importance of 13 Best Management Practices in advancing the goals of reducing soil erosion, restoring 14 15 streams and maintaining forest health, and 16 WHEREAS, South Tahoe Public Utility District agrees to design and plan site 17 improvements at District facilities to support these goals. and 18 19 their Erosion Control Program, and 20 WHEREAS, the California Tahoe Conservancy has specific objectives as part of 21 WHEREAS, South Tahoe Public Utility District recognizes the importance of 22 these objectives, 23 24 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that South Tahoe Public Utility District does support the request to the California Tahoe Conservancy for funding the proposed 25 26 erosion control planning in the Tahoe Basin. 27 "' 28 III 29 "' 30 /1/ -39- 1 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing 2 Resolution was duly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe 3 Public Utility District at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 7th day of 4 December, 2006, by the following vote: 5 A YES: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board 25 NOES: ABSENT: Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: 26 27 28 29 30 -40- . . South Tahoe PubH.q Utility District, ~NH,~ Dlrr.ct<lrf ~l:h1ten Farrell Jamc, ~ Jonc6 Mary I.DlJ MOIW.tChu . Duane W.llaGll EriC SWf<< 1275 MeatfowCrest Drive. South ~ke Tahoe -CA 96150-7401 f'hol18 530 54+6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4g TO: Board of Directors FROM: Julie Ryan, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: December 7, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Luther Pass Pump Station Seismic Upgrades REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Task Order No.6 to Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers (W&K), in an amount not to exceed $54,894. DISCUSSION: At the Board Meeting on January 5, 2006, the Board agreed to proceed with the evaluation of the Luther Pass Pump Station (LPPS) by Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers (W&K). W&K has completed their evaluation and has submitted a final report, completing their obligation under their previous contract for Task Order No.1. As a result of the evaluation, a number of projects were identified to maintain the lPPS as a critical facility, and a CIP Schedule was developed. One of the first priorities identified on this schedule is to perform a seismic upgrade of the pump station building. The expected cost for the construction of this project is on the order of $300,000 dollars, to be performed during the 2007 construction season. For the proposed Task Order No.6, W&K has submitted a Scope of Work and Task Order Budget for the Luther Pass Pump Station Seismic Retrofit Design, which will provide Construction Bid Documents and Design-level Cost Estimates for seismic upgrades to the building at Luther Pass Pump Station (attached). This work will be completed as a task order under the existing Master Services Agreement with W&K. Based on the proposed schedule for completion, the scope of work will be completed within 18 weeks after notice to proceed. We anticipate that the bid package will be out to contractors in April 2007. . Staff recommends approval of Task Order No.6. -41- Ryan December 7, 2006 Page 2 SCHEDULE: December 15.2006, through April 15, 2007 COSTS: not to exceed $54,894 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8720 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: 2006/2007 - $267,500; 2007/2008 - $171,700 ATTACHMENTS: Luther Pass Pump Station Seismic Retrofit Task Order Request CATEGORY: Sewer CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES J!.H-.J, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES_~('(\~ NO NO -42- W ~ZLER&KELLY CONSULTING ENGINEERS November 28, 2006 Mr. Paul Sciuto, P.E. Assistant General Manager/Engineer South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Subject: Luther Pass Pump Station Seismic Retrofit Design Task Order Request Dear Mr. Sciuto: Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers is pleased to submit our Task Order request to the South Tahoe Public Utility District for the structural seismic retrofit design of Luther Pass Pump Station. It is understood that the scope and budget for support during construction will be developed later. This Task Order would be executed in accordance with Winzler & Kelly's Master Agreement with the District. The Luther Pass Pump Station Seismic Retrofit Design effort is defined by the following attachments: 1. Scope of Work with deliverable milestones and drawing list. 2. Budget Table detailing the fee not to exceed $54,894. We look forward to continued service to the District. Please feel free to contact me at 916-799- 3114 if there are any questions or a need for additional infonnation. Sincerely, WINZLER & KELLY r2=L.~ Senior Project Manager Attachments ., 3410 Industrial Blvd., Suite 102, West Sacramento, CA 95691 ., tel 916.372.6606 fax 916.372.6616 www.woQnd.Jc.com ., -43- South Tahoe Public Utility District Luther Pass Pump Station Seismic Retrofit Design Task Order Scope of Work Task 1- Structural Design General Project Understanding and Approach The project consists of the structural retrofit of the Luther Pass Pump Station (LPPS). This pump station failed its initial seismic screening conducted during the asset condition assessment performed by Winzler & Kelly (under Task Order No.1) for the following reasons: 1. The sloped roof is missing in-plane shear transfer cOlmections. 2. Concrete masonry (CMU) is not anchored for out-of-plane forces along the building's short direction. 3. eMU reinforcement may be too lean and needs to be verified. 4. Roof diaphragms do not have continuous cross ties in the buildings long direction. 5. Roof diaphragm spans are large, and therefore, may not have sufficient shear capacity. The building will be analyzed for compliance with the 2001 Edition of the California Building Code (CBe) considering lateral forces, such as seismic and wind, combined with gravity loads. The building's base shear will be detennined and then every element in the building's load path will be investigated. A design will be devised for all elements failing to meet current code strength requirements. It is noted here that the retrofit will address strength requirements as an Essential Facility and as much as practicable will address code detailing requirements. The preliminary design will provide a technical memorandum that describes assumptions, methods, seismic design parameters, initial investigative structural calculations, and recommendations. Contract documents will then be prepared incrementally with submittals at the 70% and final construction bid document stages. Construction cost estimates will be submitted to the District at each stage of design. Because the continuing operation of the LPPS is critical to District operations, all levels of design will address construction sequencing to ensure that the project will not impact pump station operation. No bid additive or deductive alternate schemes are anticipated. This scope of work does not include monitoring or mitigation measures for possible settlement of the pumps and motors. Subtask 1.1 Geotechnical RecoJl)mendations Winzler & Kelly has teamed with Fugro West Inc. to provide all geotechnical engineering and related site soils investigations for the project. The geotechnical investigations will obtain geologic and geotechnical inforrnation needed for the retrofit of LPPS and will consist of review of existing soils reports in the vicinity of the pump station; no new soil borings are anticipated. To support retrofit design, the geotechnical recommendations will cover seismic design parameters per the 2001 CBC. . Subtask 1.1 Deliverable: Project-Specific Geotechnical Report (submitted 6 weeks after NfP) Subtask 1.2 Preliminary Design For preliminary design., Winzler & Kelly will prepare and submit a technical memorandum tbat describes assumptions, methods, seismic design parameters, initial investigative structural calculations, and recommendations for the LPPS seismic retrofit. A technical memorandum review meeting will be held with the District. . Subtask 1.2 Deliverable: Preliminary Design Technical Memorandum (submitted 6 weeks after NTP) . Subtask 1.2 Deliverable: Review Meeting Minutes (submitted 1 week after review meeting) Scope of Work -1- Rev. 3 11-28-06 -44- Sheet No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Drawing List South Tahoe Public Utility District Luther Pass Pump Station Seismic Retrofit Design W&K Task Order - Preliminary Drawing List (11-28-06) Drawing No. G-OO 1 G-002 8-001 8-002 8-004 8-101 S-102 S-103 S-104 S-501 S-502 S-503 8-504 Drawing Title Title Sheet, Vicinity Map, and Location Map Index of Drawings, Drawing Designation, and Symbols Structural Abbreviations and Legends General Structural Notes Typical Details Pump Station Foundation Plan Pump Station Floor Plan Pump Station Lower Level Roof Framing Plan Pump Station Upper Level Roof Framing Plan Structural Details - 1 Structural Details - 2 Structural Details - 3 Structural Details - 4 - 1 - -45- Rev.3 11-28-06 W &K Task Order Budget (11- 28 -06) STPUD: LPPS Sesimic Retrofit Design Task Description Task 1 - Structural Design Subtask 1.1 Geotechnical Recommendations Subtask 1.2 Preliminary Design Subtask 1.3 709E Plans and Specifications Subtask 1.4 Construction Bid Documents Subtask 1.5 Design -Level Cost Estimates Subtask 1.6 Project Management and Quality Assurance Total - Task 1 PM 5200 /HR 4 4 2 2 12 24 aaoc 5190 /HR 16 16 StruclArch 5130 /HR 8 42 58 40 16 164 EnglScient 5100 /HR 12 8 8 4 32 CADD 5100 /HR 64 48 112 WP /Clerk $65 /HR 4 4 6 4 8 26 Total W &K Hours 8 62 138 104 26 36 374 W &K Office Consuinables $48 5372 5828 5624 5156 5216 Total W &K 51,088 $8.092 516.628 512.214 53,296 56,176 52,244 _ 547,494 Fugro West (sub) 55,200 55,200 Travel & Repro 5850 5850 5250 5250 Total $6.288 58,942 517,478 512.464 53.296 $6,426 $2,200 554,894 Notes: 1. Other direct costs and subcontractors include a 10% administrative fee. ,South Tahoe Public Utility ,District ~O'~'_,~~~r J:lchatd 1'1, $QIltrlg Olr~ r;.a:ll~ Farrell Jall1lll! R. JDMIJ Mary Lou MO&lIaGhcr , Du./1~ Walbic, En.: 5c;~fer 1275 Meadow Creet Drive- South lake Tahoe- CA 96150-7401 Phont 530 544-6474.Fax 530 541-0614. r."WW.StpU~I.!.l5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4h TO: FROM: Board of Directors John Thiel, Principal Planner MEETING DATE: December 7, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Bayview Waterline REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No.2 to T&S Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $37,471.60. DISCUSSION: This change order includes three items: Part A, in the amount of $44,843.46, is to compensate the contractor for the increased excavation and depth of waterline required due to sewer conflicts. Part Band C, are balancing change orders to 'account for actual in-place quantities, which added $6,603.14 and deducted <$13,975.00,> respectively. The total for all three items is an increase of $37,471.60 to the contract. The total for Change Orders 1 and 2 is $86,750.60, about 6% of the original bid. SCHEDULE: Job is complete. COSTS: $37,471.60 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7049/BA YWTR BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $692,279 A 1T ACHMENTS: Change Order No.2 with T&S attachment. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES tflIIJ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: . YES_~ V'Y'\C- CATEGORY: Water NO NO -47- CHANGE ORDER NUMBER ~ Project SA YVIEW WATERLINE PROJECT Contractor T&S CONSTRUCTION CO., INC Date DECEMBER 7. 2006 PO #P17373 The Contract Shail Be Changed As Follows: A. Add depth of waterline due to sewer conflicts for a lump sum amount of $44,843.46. TOTAL FOR ITEM A IS $44,843.46 B. Adjust quantities from Change Order #1 as follows: 1) CO#1 Item B.2., reduce quantity of "pulveri ze asphalt trench half of street 9" deep" from 55,000 square feet to 50,866.5 square feet at $0.517/st tor a credit of < $2,137.02>. 2) CO#1 Item B.3., reduce quantity of "rem ove 3-inches of pulverized material, compact subgrade" from 55,000 square feet to 50,866.5 square feet at $0.861/sf for the credit amount of <$3,558.94>. 3) CO#1 Item 8.4., increase quantity of "Add 3-inch thick asphalt paving with City mix" from 55,000 square feet to 58,548.5 square feet at 3.466/sf for $12,299.10. TOTAL FOR ITEM B IS $6,603.14 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 2 IS A+B+C = $37,471.60 DoUar Amounts Contract Tim Ori inal Contract Previous Change Orders Current Contract THIS CHANGE ORDER New Contract Total $1,395,525.00 $ 49,279.00 $1 ,444,804.00 $ 37,471.60 $1,482,275.60 Contractor agrees to make the herein-described changes In accordance with the terms hereof. The change In contract price and/or contract time noted Is full settlement for costs Incurrlld as a result of the change Is) described. unless speclfleally noted in individual descrlptlon!s). Date: Authorized By STPUD Board President Date: Accepted By Contractor Date: Reviewed By -49- 1 C. Adjust for final in-place quantities: 1) Bid Item 5b -18" DIP: increase quantity from 3,845 LF to 3,852.5 LF for a lump sum of $1,425.00. 2) Bid Item 15 - Single Service Laterals: reduce quantity from 122 to 106 for a credit in the amount of < $22,400.00>. 3) Bid Item 17 - Fire Hydrants: increase quantity from 6 to 7 for an additional sum of $7,000.00. TOTAL FOR ITEM C IS <$13,975.00> TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 21S A+B+C = $37,471.60. -60- 2 T & S CONSTRUCTION CO., INe. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION October 19, 2006 Attention: Jim Hoggat South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-7401 Subject: Bayview Waterline Project Re: Addcd depth of waterline due to sewer conflicts Dear Jim, Please review our analysis for the additional cost incurred by the sewer conflicts that were encountered during the construction of the 18" water transmission line. These conflicts required that the 18" water main be lowered various additional depths that were deeper than that shown on the plans. This additional trench depth below the planed design depth was an added cost to T & S Construction in placing the new 18" water main. For the purpose of estimating the added costs sheet 1 categorizes the trench excavation prism to three basic configurations; one is the designed 4 foot depth of cover, one for 5 foot depth of cover and one for 7 foot depth of cover. See sheet 2 for the tabulation of volume of extra excavation, sheet 3 is the average daily cost for the crew and sheet 4 is the added time that impa~ted the cost for the installation of the 18" waterline. The basis of an adjustment in compensations has been arrived at as described and outlined in General Conditions Section B-6, Section A, Subsection (1) to establish the average daily crew cost. An average yardage per day for the project was established and with the average yards per day divided into the total increased yardage to calculate the additional days that were required for the additional yardage. The cost f.or this additional work is $44,843.46. If you have any question regarding this request do not hesitate to call me. Yours truly, ~~ Art Spinella, Vice President 6108 Hedge Avenue Sacramento, CA 95829 Phone (916) 381-3052 fax (916) 387-1861 -51- BAY VIEW PIPEUNE PROJECT / T &S CONSTRUCTION EXTRA DEPTH FOR PIPELINE INSTALLATION STA. 13 + 50 TO SAT. 19 + 00 5' FT. OF COVER 550' SECTION " A " STA. 22 + 50 TO 27 + 50 7' FT. OF COVER 500' SECTION " B " STA. 38 + 50 TO 39 + 17 7' FT. OF COVER 67' SECTION " B " TOTAL FOOTAGE 1,117.00 SECTION " B " PAGE 1 OF 4 SECTION " A " 60" 5' OF COVER 84" TOTAL DEPTH 40" 1:22.‘" Ckr. 7' OF COVER 1.08 YARDS PER FT. 40" 1.55 YARDS PER FT. JOB AVERAGE AT 48" OF COVER 72" 48" 108" TOTAL DEPTH 4' OF COVER 72" TOTAL DEPTH 34" 0.75 YARDS PER FT. BAY VIEW PIPEUNE PROJECT / MS CONSTRUCTION EXTRA DEPTH FOR PIPELINE INSTALLATION TOTAL YARDAGE STA. 13 + 50 TO SAT. 19 + 00 5' FT. OF COVER 550' SECTION " A " 594.00 STA. 22 + 50 TO 27 + 50 7' FT. OF COVER 500' SECTION " B " 775.00 STA. 38 + 50 TO 39 + 17 7' FT. OF COVER 67' SECTION " B " 103.85 TOTAL YARDS OF THE IMPACTED FOOTAGE 1,472.85 TOTAL YARDS IF THE PIPELINE WAS INSTALLED WITH 48" OF COVER - 1,162.50 EXTRA YARDAGE ENCOUNTERED 310.35 PAGE 2 OF 4 T & S CONSTRUCTION CO., Inc. 6108 Hedge Ave Sacramento, CA 95829 PHONE (916) 381 -3052 WORK PERFORMED BY: T & 5 Construction Co., Inc. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Added Depth Project: Bayview Pipeline For: STPUD DATE WORK PREFORMED: • Report No. Equip # EQUIPMENT HOURS RATE EXTENSION P.R.# LABOR HOURS RATE EXTENSION 580K Case Backhoe Loader 9.5 33.18 315.21 Foreman Operator 8 52.58 420.64 570 Loader Scraper 9.5 26.07 247.67 O.T. 1.5 69.53 104.30 621 Case loader 9.5 46.07 437.67 Equipment Operator 18 51.10 919.80 CX 210 Excavator 9.5 65.21 619.50 O.T. 3 67.31 201.93 Broom 9.5 27.14 257.83 Laborer 24 37.45 898.80 1 Ton Utility Truck 9.5 16.84 159.98 O.T. 4.5 49.90 224.55 Water Truck 9.5 29.86 283.67 O.T. O.T. O.T. TOTAL COST OF EQUIPMENT 2321.52 O.T. MATERIAL & RENTED EQUIPMENT 2770.02 DESCRIPTION #UNITS UNIT COST SURCHARGE 13.0% SUBSISTENCE TRAVEL 360.10 Rented 9050E Excavator Operated 9.5 160.00 1520.00 760.00 10 cy Dump Truck 9.5 80.00 Cost of labor A 3130.12 2280.00 Cost of Equipment & Material B 4601.52 25% ON LABOR 25.0% 25% ON EQUIPMENT & Mali 25.0% Subtotal Page 3 OF 4 Bond Total This Report (A) (B) 782.53 1150.38 9664.54 0.00 9664.54 T & S CONSTRUCTION CO., Inc. 6108 Hedge Ave Sacramento, CA 95829 PHONE (916) 381 -3052 WORK PERFORMED BY: T & 5 Construction Co., Inc. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Added Depth Project: Bayview Pipeline For: STPUD DATE WORK PREFORMED: • Report No. E X D nD M D v X/ SWv Wm X -< m z n co O co 0 c WA -I rn XI m 0 rn D rn 0 C rn (n o Cn -i co M c „ ✓ v -r rn n AO 0 -.I C 4 D o .< --I > 0 0 ▪ xi c n o m M m D m cn 0 ✓ -< 0 a cn , . .South Tahoe .. Public Utility DistrIct. . - ..,-.. ~tdH.~ Dlr~ K#tJ,r.:"" ti,r'I"eI1 jalrie$ R. Jonee Mary Lou t.4o,;b~r Oual\tlW6ClI ~ 5ch,'er 1275 ~ Cre6t Drive" South LakcTahoe.CA 96150-7401 Phone 550 544-6474. Fax 530 541.0614.. www.stpud.w; BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4i TO: Board of Directors FROM: MEETING DATE: Jim Hoggatt, Construction Manager/Engineer December 7, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Facility REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No.7 to Roebbelen Contracting, Inc., in the amount of $152,833. DISCUSSION: The itemized parts of Change Order No. 7 are as follows: Part A, in the amount of $39,939, is for the changes in laboratory due to the City permit. Permit review comments and requirements were issued after the bidding. Part B, in the amount of $3,209, is for additional insulation for the hydronic piping. Part C, in the amount of $1,280, is overtime pay differential for the ironworker's crane operator. This work was performed in November and December 2005 when District staff approved to pay the overtime differentials for ironworkers to install roof. Part D, in the amount of $4,235, is for relocating the fan coil control panels in the Customer Service Building. The relocation was required so the control panels were accessible for maintenance. Part E, in the amount of $5,057, is for a modification required between the Customer Service Building exterior wall and the breezeway roof. The original design did not fill in this space. If left as designed, snow would have accumulated betWeen the two structures and could have caused problems. Part F, in the amount of $1,557, is for providing a X-inch steel plate between log column and concrete pedestals, not identified on the plans. Part G, in the amount of $5,089, Is for the staff requested changes to two of the wall finishes in both downstairs and upstairs conference rooms. Staff requested the walls be changed to a tack board covering. Part H, in the amount of $2,137, is for hot water dispensers in rooms 125 and 134 including the plumbing and electrical service not identified on drawings. . Part I, in the amount of $2,1 09, is for the motarbed required for the ceramic tile. The contract specifications call for the ceramic tile to be thin set requiring no motarbed and the structural drawings showed this area as depressed requiring a motarbed. -57- Jim Hoggatt December 7, 2006 Page 2 Part J, in the amount of $4,937, is for providing a snow shed required by Southwest Gas for their gas meter. Part K, in the amount of $1,973, is for field changes to the laboratory casework. The laboratory casework had such a long lead-time that some of the required changes made had to be done in field. Part L, in the amount of $3,289, is for additional electrical power for the boilers. Part M, in the amount of $5,518, is for additional rigid insulation that was installed above the exterior soffit and the Operations and Laboratory Building exterior wall. Part N, in the amount of $1,239, is for the hot water line to the emergency shower in the laboratory. The extra hot waterline was required due to the installation of the backflow device placed on existing hot water line. Part 0, in the amount of $719, is for an additional door installed in room 159. Room 159 is the data and telephone equipment room and the extra door is for accessibility. Part P, in the amount of $4,083, is for a correction to the main entrance to the Customer Service Building. There was a discrepancy between the contract architect~ral details and structural details. Part A, in the amount of $1.342, is for relief ductwork on the exhaust fans in laboratory. Part R, in the amount of $2,278, is for the handrail on the exterior walkway that was required by the City code. Part 5, in the amount of $1,602, is for the modifications to restroom doors due to fire rating changes. Part T, in the amount of $1 ,588, is for the changes to the height of the wainscoat wall finishes due to ceiling height changes. Part U, in the amount of $585, is for painting the galvanized exterior vents to match the color of exterior. Part V, in the amount of $4,886, is for increasing the sizes of the impellors and pump motors for the heating and cooling system. This was required as the size specified was too small to properly balance the system. Part W, in the amount of $614, is for the extra electrical outlet and Iightfixture requested by staff. Part X, in the amount of $2,466, is for increasing the size of the exhaust fans for the laboratory fume hood. Part V, in the amount of $8,538, Is for winterizing the site as required by the TRP A permit. The final landscaping project was not part of Roebbelen's contract. The landscaping will install the final BMP's. Part Z, in the amount of $947, is for the additional training staff requested on the fire alarm system. Part AA, In the amount of $2,900, is for relocating trusses X-bracing to eliminate conflicts with other systems. .' . . Part BS, in the amount of $11,115, Is to provide and install additional copper flashing that was not identified on drawings. Part ee, in the amount of $5,726, Is for the additional plumbing changes requested in the laboratory. -58- Jim Hoggatt December 7, 2006 Page 3 Part DO, in the amount of $3,098, is for changes to ductwork due to room constrains in laboratory. Part EE, in the amount of $598, is for providing and installing a privacy curtain in the operation locker room, as requested by operation personnel. Part FF I in the amount of $18,180, is for the extra redwood cedar trim that was required to cover the exposed steel beams. Staff recommends approval of Change Order No.7. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $152,833 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8401/DSTHOQ, 2029-8677/DSTHOQ BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ($1,211,277) ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No.7, Budget Analysis CATEGORY: Water . CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YESAl- NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO -59- CHANGE ORDER NUMBER--2 Project: Customer Service Facilitv and Wastewater Operations/Laboratory BuildinQ Contractor: Roebbelen Construction Inc. Date December 7. 2006 PO #16294 THE CONTRACT SHALL Be CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: A. Provide labor and material to install the changes to the Laboratory as shown on PR #8 for a lump sum amount of $39,939.00. The request for a 10-day contract time extension will be determined at a later date. See attachment A, COR 9 CE 112, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM A IS $39,939.00 B. Provide labor and material to install additional insulation for the hydronic piping including credit for trenching due to relocating the hydronic piping per RFI #36 for a lump sum amount of $3,209.00. See attachment B, COR 22- CE 19, for breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM B IS $3,209.00 t rOUQI = . , Dollar Amounts Contract Time Original Contract $ 9,498,000.00 Previous Change Orders $ 671,948.00 Current Contract $10,169,948.00 THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 152,833.00 New Contract Total $10,322,781.00 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 7 is the sum of A h h FF $15283300 Contractor agrees to make the hereln-descrlbed changes In accordance with the terms hereof. The change In contract price and/or contract time noted Is full settlement for costs incurred as a result of the change(s) described, unless specifically noted In Individual descrlpUon(s). Authorized By STPUD Board President Date: Date: Accepted By Contractor Date: Reviewed By -61- 1 C. Overtime for the ironworkers crane operator for 12/3/2005 and 12/4/2005 for a lump sum amount of $1,280.00. See attachment C, COR 44- CE74, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM CIS $1,280.00 D. Relocate the fan coil control panels in the Customer Service Building for maintenance access as identified in RFI 126 for a lump sum amount of $4,235.00. See attachment D, COR 57 CE 55, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM D IS $4,235.00 E. Provide the labor and material to modify the breezeway roof per ASI 32 for a lump sum amount of $5,057.00. The request for a 14-day contract time extension will be determined at a later date. See attachment E, COR 60-CE 68, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM E IS $5,057.00 F. Provide labor and material to install a 'y...inch steel plate between the concrete pedestals and log column per RFI #223 for a lump sum amount of $1,557.00. See attachment F, COR 76-CE85, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM F IS $1,557.00 G. Provide labor and material to install tack board and Vinyl wall covering on west wall room 129 and north wall rooms 134 and 225 per PR#7 for a lump sum of $5,089.00. The request for a 2-day contract time extension will be determined at a later date. See attachment G, COR 79-CE 105, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM G IS $5,089.00 H. Provide labor and material to install hot water dispensers per RFI 303 for a lump sum amount of $2,137.00. See attachment H, COR 86 - CE 122, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM H IS $2,137.00 I. Provide labor and material to install a mortar bed for the ceramic tile for a lump sum amount of $2,109.00. See attachment I, COR90 - CE127, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM liS $2,109.00 J. Provide labor and material to install a snow shed for the natural gas meter for the Customer Service Building per RFI 298 for a lump sum amount of $4,937.00. See attachment J, COR 91-Ce128, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM J IS $4,937.00 -62- 2 K. Provide labor and material for field changes to the Laboratory Casework per RFI . 336 for a lump sum amount of $1,973.00. See attachment K, COR 92-CE129, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM K IS $1,973.00 L. Provide labor and material to install an additional electrical for the boilers per RFI 329 for a lump sum amount of $3,289.00. The 2-day contract time extension will be determined at a later date. See attachment L, COR 100-CE138, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM L IS $3,289.00 M. Provide labor and material to install rigid insulation above the exterior soffit per RFI 351 and 361 for a lump sum amount of $5.518.00. See attachment M, COR 107 & 128 -CE144 & 167, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM M IS $5,518.00 N. Provide labor and material for hot waterline in lab per ASI 68A for a lump sum amount of $1,239.00. See attachment N, COR 108-CE145, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM N IS $1,239.00 O. Provide additional labor and material for adding a door to room 159 per ASI 77 for a lump sum amount of $719.00. See attachment 0, COR 112-CE149, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM 0 IS $719.00 P. Provide labor and material to correct the main entrance to Customer Service Building per RFI 354 for a lump sum amount of $4,083.00. The 2-day contract time extension will be determined at a later date. See Attachment P, COR 116- CE153, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM P IS $4,083.00 a. Provide labor and material to install the added relief ductwork for exhaustfans 5 and 13 in lab building per ASI 96 for a lump sum amount of $1,342.00. The 2-day contract time extension will be determined at a later date. See attachment Q, COR 122-CE161, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM Q IS $1,342.00 R. Provide labor and material to install the added outside handrail and other miscellaneous work items identified in ASI 91, 63 & 65 and RFI 370 for a lump sum amount of $2,278.00. See attachment R, COR 136-CE172, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM R IS $2,278.00 -63- 3 S. Provide labor and material to modify the doors to the public restrooms per ASI 78 & 69 and RFI380 for a lump sum amount of $1 ,602.00. See attachment S, COR137-CE 173, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM S IS $1,602.00 T. Provide labor and material for changes to the height of wainscot in room 132, for the acoustical ceiling in room 233 per RFI 314, and changes to ceiling per RFI 260 for a lump sum amount of $1 ,588.00. See attachment T, COR 138 & 139- CE174&175, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM TIS $1,588.00 U. Provide labor and material to paint the galvanized exterior vents for a lump sum amount of $585.00. See attachment U, COR 141-CE178, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM U IS $585.00 V. Provide labor and material to change the impellors and pump motors per ASI 99 and RFI381 for a lump sum amount of $4,886.00. See attachment V, COR 142- CE 179, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM V IS $4,886.00 W. Provide labor and material for the additional electrical outlets in room 150 and light in room 220 for a IUI11P sum amount of $614.00. See attachment W, COR 143-CE 181, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM W IS $614.00 X. Provide labor and material to increase the size of the exhaust fan for fume hood in room 167 per RFI 382 for a lump sum amount of $2,466.00. The 1-day contract time extension will be address at a later date. See attachment X, COR 144-CE182, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM X IS $2,466.00 Y. Provide labor and equipment on Time and Material to spread District provided wood chips to winterize job site for a lump sum amount of $8,538.00. See attachment Y for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM Y IS $8,538.00 Z. Provide additional training for the fire alarm system per the District Staff request for a lump sum amount of $947.00. See attachment Z, COR 150-CE188, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM Z IS $947.00 -64- 4 AA. Provide labor and material to relocate trusses X-bracing in Customer Service Building for a lump sum amount of $2,900.00. See attachment M, COR 66-CE106, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM AA IS $2,900.00 BB. Provide labor and material to install added copper flashing as required by ASI18&74, RFI195 & 175 for a lump sum amount of $11,115.00. The 5-day contract time extension will be determined at a later date. See attachment BB, COR 103 & 109-CE63 & 146, for a break down of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM SB IS $11,115.00 CC. Provide the labor and material for modifications to the lab plumbing per ASI 85 for a lump sum amount of $5,726.00. See attachment CC, COR 111- CE148, for a breakdown of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM CC IS $5,726.00 DD. Provide labor and material to change the round duct for square duct in the Operationsl Lab Building for a lump sum amount of $3,098.00. See attachment DD, COR 121-CE 160, for a break down of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM DD IS $3,098.00 EE. Provide labor and material to install privacy curtain in Operations mens locker room per ASI 51 for a lump sum amount of $598.00. See attachment EE, COR 117-CE 154, for a break down of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM EE IS $598.00 FF. Provide labor and material to install red wood cedar trim for exposed steel beams per AS! 45 for a lump sum amount of $18,180.00. See attachment FF, COR 129-CE98 for a break down of all cost. TOTAL FOR ITEM FF IS $18,180.00 TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 7 is the sum of A through FF = $152,833.00 -65- 5 CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER LABORATORY & OPERATIONS FACILITY Accounts: 2029-8401 & 8677 BUDGET REMAINING ANALYSIS: Spent to date Outstanding Purchase Orders- Alpine Metals Blinds & Designs Granger Lumos Associates Roebbelen Contracting Inc. SBC Pacific Bell Tustin Lock & Safe Winzler & Kelly Consulting Engineers Total Encumbered Total Spent & Encumbered Budget Under (Over) Budget 2006/07 All Years 2,374,450 12,448,909 702 702 0 0 0 0 1,014 1,014 1,178,367 1,178,367 3,575 3,575 0 0 6,071 6,071 1,189,728 1,189,728 3,564,179 13,638,637 2,352,902 12,427,360 ( 1 ,211,277) (1,211,277) -66- _ M' _.....,. .....__.,_. ~tdH.,~t '. South Tahoe . ' ' . . . .'. . . ..Public UtUityDistrict . PlrutIN ~t..r"eft F.rrt:ll J,m" R. jo,;.,e l.l/llr,)'1.ou MO!lP.tcher OUan~W~ Eric; 5ch.or~ 1275 Meaaow CrOO1; Driw" South Lake Tahoc. CA 00150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474" Fax 530 541,.{)614 " WWW.Stpua.U5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4j TO: FROM: Board of Directors Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board MEETING DATE: December 7, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Alternate to the Water Purveyor Representative on the EI Dorado County Water Agency Board of Directors REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Appoint Director James R. Jones to serve as the alternate to the water purveyor representative, through February 1, 2010; and (2) Adopt Resolution No. 2822-06, amending Resolution No. 2806-06, supporting the appointment. DISCUSSION: Tom Comte previously served as the alternate to the water purveyor representative, Director Wallace. Since Mr. Comte resigned, effective August 17,2006, a new alternate must be appointed. Director Jones has indicated a willingness to fill the remainder ofthe term, through February 1, 2010. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2822-06 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~ NO CATEGORY: Water -67- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RESOLUTION NO. 2822-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2806-06. NAMING A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO SERVE AS THE ALTERNATE TO THE WATER PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVE ON THE EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of EI Dorado, State of California, as follows: WHEREAS. Tom Comte was appointed to serve as the alternate to the water purveyor representative on the EI Dorado County Water Agency Board of Directors effective through February 1,2010. WHEREAS. the Board of Directors accepted the resignation of Board Member Tom Comte, effective August 17,2006, making it necessary to select a new Board Member to serve as the alternate to the water purveyor representative. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District appoints Board Director James R. Jones to serve the remainder of the term 17 vacated by Tom Comte as the altemate to the water purveyor representative on the EI Dorado 18 County Water Agency Board of Directors, effective through February 1. 2010. 19 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution 20 was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public 21 22 Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 7th day of December. 2006, by the following vote: 23 24 25 AYES: NOES: 26 ABSENT: 27 28 A TIEST: 29 30 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District -69- ~ -1' \~!.. . . ~1"~ '~'.,.. ..~) ~ 'i> ..'. ,\.' _" , .;" '\~. ,\ '.j,;..,t; 1\~"~;"'\\'\'~\; 't~ ~ (\. ..,.. "".""" . ~'''\)~'A''''''~~ \.' ,.(t\~.... \o.\~'~:.~ (\'t:~. t' ~\') 'l ' .. '~~ ~.. .... . ,.. -(:" \) ~ ';0.,"': , t~ 'i';; \. i;, \:-"". . ~~'., '_ . "'t-'.'t:~."9 ~,.:;:"' ~. .~..;" \"l4,.\\>., 't.:,. ~~;~I ~"'\':"" . \',' ~, ~ '''''l~ ~,,,, ~~~::t~:~;t~;:;,) i:....." .. i."".t~ l" ..,~. ,';.:. ",':-,.- . .'\ "':0.. "...\:.~; ::..:: " ....,,"'J '....f" . .i . \:;.:> SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTiliTY DISTRICT IIBasic Services for a Complex World" ~ ..Ri~har~ Solbri~, General Mana~er uEricW:Schafer, President ...... . .... ...:-'--. . }~ '" BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant ~ana~er . II ... .,.......... ....... ....... .... .... ...... ........ Duane Wallace, Vice President JamesR.. Jones, Director . . . ~ Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director -~. . Kathleen Farrell, Director ..' .' -." 'J .... . """"'It REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 2, 2006 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, November 2,2006,2:00 P.M., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Schafer, Directors Jones, Farrell, Mosbacher. Director Wallace was absent. ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Sciuto, Sharp, McFarlane, Cocking, Brown, Bird, Curtis, Powers, R. Johnson, Attorney Berg, Attorney Kvistad GUESTS: Eric Graham I Maxwell Research Moved Mosbacher I Second Farrell I Wallace Absent / Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: CONSENT CALENDAR a. Authorized staff to solicit bids for new Caterpillar loader; b. North Gate Repair - (1) Authorized exception to Purchasing Policy for special circumstances; and (2) Authorized purchase of gate repair, parts, and labor from R&S of Sacramento, Gates and Entry . Controls, in an amount not to exceed $16,793.40; -71- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 2, 2006 PAGE - 2 c, Authorized staff to advertise for bids for continued cattle grazing in Alpine County for 2007 season; d. 2006 AI Tahoe waterline replacement, Highway 50 Waterline Replacement Reno to Meeks and Bigler to San Jose, Bayview Waterline, Bayview Well Controls Building Facility, and Customer Service/Operations/ Laboratory Facility - Authorized staff to reduce retainage to 5% for projects listed; e. Resolution of Intention to Join the CalPERS Risk Pool- Adopted final Resolution No. 2819-06, authorizing an amendment to the contract. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ~ T During recent union negotiations, the District agreed to form a joint committee to design a voluntary tax-free retirement health savings plan for District employees and to implement the plan by January 1, 2007. The District will be participating in the Vantage Care Retirement Health Savings (RHS) plan developed by the leMA (International City Manager's Association) Retire- ment Corporation. It is a health benefit savings vehicle that allows employees to accumulate assets to pay for medical expenses (e.g. health insurance, co-pays, prescription expenses, etc.) at retirement on a tax-free basis. The plan is voluntary and allows employees to designate from 1 % to 15% of their pay into the program. In addition, upon separation of service, employees that have so elected can contribute their remaining sick pay, vacation pay, compensatory time pay, and or holiday pay to the program. The participants will be charged an adminis- tration fee of .4% of their account balance annually and retirees pay an additional $30 annual fee. The program is important because the District does not provide post retirement medical benefits to retirees. Rhonda McFarlane reported the Retirement Health Savings Plan developed by ICMA-RC is currently going through IRS scrutiny, and recommended if approved, the enrollment be delayed until those issues are resolved. Gary Kvistad stated a side letter with the Union would need to be executed. -72- RETIREMENT HEALTH SAVINGS PLAN REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 2, 2006 PAGE-3 Moved Jones / Second Mosbacher I Wallace Absent / Passed to approve the establishment of the South Tahoe Public Utility District's retirement health savings plan and: (1) Adopted Resolution No. 2818-06 adopting the Vantage Care Retirement Health Savings Program; (2) Authorized execution of the Plan Adoption Agreement, Declaration of Trust, Retiree Medical and Dental Expense Reimbursement Plan and the Administrative Services Agreement; and (3) Approved delayed enrollment until such time as staff receives assurances that the elective pre-tax contributions are allowable by the IRS. In addition, staff was directed to enter into a MOU side-letter with the Union to allow the delay in instituting the Plan. Moved Farrell I Second Jones I Wallace Absent / Passed to approve payment in the amount of $2,216,072.66. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met October 30. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Finance Committee: The committee met November 2. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Executive Committee: The committee met October 30 to discuss the District's response to the EI Dorado County Water Agency's proposed amendment to Policy 3 (related to the percentage of property tax revenues the agency diverts from the District). Supervisor Norma Santiago, will assist the District. RETIREMENT HEALTH SAVINGS PLAN (continued) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS General Manaaer: Richard Solbrig reported on three items: GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS 1 ) The City Manager called the Department of Health Services (DHS) to inquire about funding for system improve- ments for the Lukins Water Company. That phone call prompted the DHS to schedule an inspection of the water system since they realized one has not been performed in many, many years. 2) A customer contacted the City re: a streetlight out on Glenwood & Lewis. The City Manager responded to the customer that streetlights were the District's responsibility, and copied the letter to the City Council, City Planner, and the police chief. The District sent the City and their staff a letter clarifying the District is only a billing mechanism for Sierra Pacific Power Co. and the City, and is not in charge of maintenance. -73- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 2, 2006 PAGE - 4 3) Since costs regarding utility relocation should not be addressed through a MOU, CTC will incorporate the other provisions into its guidelines instead of by a MOU. The District received a large bill for utility relocation and should not be expected to be responsible for those costs since they were part of a transportation project. GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (con't.) Assistant General Manaoer/Enoineer: Paul Sciuto reported STAFF REPORTS on the cleanup of the October 17 emergency generator fuel spill. District Information Officer: Dennis Cocking reported on two items: 1) He met with ACW A's state legislation committee re: utilizing the water code to provide board compensation; 2) He is working on a new, improved water conservation incentive program, including a turf buy back program, and incentives for commercial washing machines. He will bring this program before the Board in January for their consideration. 2:50 - 3:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. MEETING BREAK AND ADJOURN- MENT TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION - - ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION - - ~.. No reportable Board action. -74- Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Real Estate Negotiations: Negotiating Parties: Board Ad Hoc Committee, General Manager, Assistant General Manager/Engineer, Chif~f Financial Officer Under Negotiations: Price and Terms Property Identification: Lukins Water Company, 2031 West Way, South Lake Tahoe. CA PAGE-S REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 2, 2006 No reportable Board action No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. 4:00 P.M. A TIEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District -75- Pursuant to Govemment Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Beth Jett, Kendall Pearce, and Pearce Family Trust Dated 1-20-88 vs. STPUD, Cox & Cox Construction, Inc., a California Corporation, Nimbus Engineers, a Nevada Corporation and Does 1-100, Inclusive, Civil Action No. PC 20050567, Superior Court, County of EI Dorado. State of Ca. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (Three Cases) Pursuant .to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD VS. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, Ca.; et aI., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02-0238 MCE JFM ADJOURNMENT Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ..." \1;. .~; ;",.'J ..........., \.\. '.;.;.> ~:'!' ".\,,'j> '.;. . (,>~".N",,1r. 0& \~" ...\:.~. 4"~~~'".iI ~. ': ~;, ~'i..~';\, ii) ~. \~~.~ ,~:;v\' c:C-'$~'~ \,~ v ,A>...." '" ) -41~ 'W'\t ~.~ ~. ".. "" ~. ",," ,l-... ...s:",... '\\" " ~~"J: ,\ I'J rs- ~~.~.\.. . ~. r. .~. '.' .. ; .\\O~"! ,...':'-> ~ ~.~~ ,,i. ... t~),-$ "" .:, ~:'~, .~\~ ' }. 0(\ ;.t.:,:".: or. ,,~.,,~.># "'\~:~:~;;>;~ ~ h.. l'';~lf:.tir7l~.):o . !ii" " ..,:ir"'~" ''''~: ~'j~{./J" S:l' ..,::,....;;' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IIBasic Services for a Complex Worldll . d:~ich~~~ ~olbri~, ,G~~~~a~ ~:~~~~~.. . Eric W. Schafer, President ~.~r:...~".= .~':".. ," ' " .~.,. '1',;-,," BOARD MEMBERS ...... ~~~. ~~i~t~,Assistan.t Mana~e~f. Duane Wallace, Vice President James R. Jones, Director . ,,:- ".- " .. Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Kathleen Farrell, Director . ~ """Ill~.. ';'''i'' 1"..... .. J ' '. ~ f.lIl!l~~~~ . A- SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 9, 2006 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a special session, November 9, 2006.4:30 P.M., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South LakeTahoe, CA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Schafer, Directors Wallace, Jones, Farrell. Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Sciuto, Sharp, McFarlane, Cocking, Bird. Attorneys Kvistad, Lewis, and Berg participated via teleconference. 5:35 P.M. ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENED TO OPEN SESSION 4:30 P.M. -.-.. -- .,. . ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, Ca.; at aI., United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02-0238 MCE JFM -77- SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 9, 2006 PAGE-2 5:35 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District -78- ~~. .~~, '~ \~~ ~ ~.~ '~'::" .,\ .,~~ . ~.. ~,~}0.':;~t::j) .~ ,. ."...~. ; '{ .~. .. ..~ ~. \lI. '. ....' "'::.j.,' . X\, ......., ~,..~\\t\~. ' '>1"" V', .'1 . - ~'l\ ,., ~'~8i . ' ~ .... C '~. 1,. <.. .\ 'i}.\ '" 'f;'~'''' '\ '~.~~.~ ';""... ~;,'i~:..~ ~~t-.:l'tl~i;J '.. ~.. '\,~' \~i~..:~.~ . .~.:' ,. (;~;2?ij;,)" t~. P"J~' .~., '~:-,,. -',r (". ? ... ,Ii ,"'! ._ .1 './ . (. j.~ 1'" It ,. 'r "J~.~;~.f>\ ,~ ...... /:i{}?:~?~>~> ~) '. <.' i:":~~::;J SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" .....!~~rd Solbrie, General M~~a~r n' _..~ I . ~.. ... . . Eric W. Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS Paul Sciuto, Assistant Mana~er aNi'..... ,,!U. . ""','. ,_. rr ,.~ Duane Wallace, Vice President James R. Jones, Director ... . Mary LouMosbacher, Director Kathleen Farrell, Director ~,....,., "A""~}'-=""'~,~~~:I",Jl_.r......aaro:"~_~.'!4oWlJW~r.,..,........-.:a,.......,......_........-..-..~~~""""......",,,..;;;.M,'lM*__ '" '. .... "' REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 16, 2006 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, November 16,2006,2:00 P.M., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Schafer, Directors Jones, Wallace, Farrell, Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: SOlbrig, Sciuto, Sharp, McFarlane, Cocking, Hoggatt. Thiel, Ryan, Henderson, Donovan, Bergsohn, Curtis. Attorney Kvistad participated by teleconference beginning at 2:55 p.m. GUESTS: Eric Graham I Maxwell Research Moved Farrell I Second Wallace I Passed Unanimouslv to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: CONSENT CALENDAR a. Water Conservation Grant Program Agreement- Authorized execution of the Intergovemmental Grant' Administration Agreement with Tahoe Resource Conservation District; -79- . REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 16, 2006 PAGE - 2 b. Water Conservation, Dressler Ditch and Indian Creek TMDL Budget Amendment - Approved budget amend- ment for both revenue and expense line items to reflect grant dollars allocated from State Water Resources Quality Control Board; C. AI Tahoe Waterline Replacement 2006 - Approved Change Order No.2 to White Rock Construction, Inc., in the amount of $56,741.75; d. Drug-Free Workplace Policy - Approved Updated Drug- Free Workplace Policy for safety sensitive and all other employees; e. Construction Project Retainage - Adopted Resolution No. 2820-06 authorizing designated personnel to determine if project contractors are in substantial compliance with the first 50% of project, and at their discretion, reduce the retention to 5% of the total project; f. Adopted Regular Board Meeting Minutes: October 19, 2006. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) - --........-.-.- ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION r", ....._ h "'_~'_ The Engineering Department met with Operations and Maintenance managers and supervisors to review the budget, and to finalize a project priority list. Jim Hoggatt, Julie Ryan, and John Thiel gave a PowerPoint presentation that covered the process used to prioritize projects, stemming from the ten- year capital outlay plan. They also covered each project that is planned for 2007 in detail. Moved Jones I Second Farrell I Passed Unanimously to approve 2007 project priority list. Moved Wallace I Second Jones / Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $905,810.17 (2:55 p.m. - Attorney Kvistad joined the meeting via teleconference at this point.) . Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met November 13. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. -80- ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2007 PROJECT PRIORITY LIST PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 16, 2006 PAGE - 3 Finance Committee: The committee met November 16. Minutes of the meeting will be available soon. Director Mosbacher reported on three items: 1 ) The Fish & Game in Alpine County have been heavy handed lately - fining citizens for working in their drive- ways, claiming erosion could eventually impact the streams. The supervisors will hold a workshop on this issue. 2) A representative from Governor Schwarzenegger's office will attend the next Alpine County supervisors meeting. 3) She attended the EI Dorado County Lake Tahoe Storm Water Management Plan meeting. The plan was supposed to be released for public comments, but has been delayed again. Director Jones reported he will not attend the December 7 Board meeting since he will be at the ACW A conference. Director Wallace reported Jeff Fedorchak will be adding staff to his company. John Doolittle plans to spend more time with his constituents, and retained his post on the appropriations committee. Director Wallace reported on the November 8 agency board meeting, and the efforts underway to retain all of the property taxes from South Lake Tahoe. Several District Board members objected to the tentative compromise that was reached that would provide a sliding scale of grants and after five years, 100% of the property taxes would be forwarded to the agency for distribution. The General Managers of each agency were directed to prepare the five year transition program. General Manaoer: Richard Solbrig reported engineering projects will be coordinated with the City and County to mesh with paving and erosion control projects. District Information Officer: Dennis Cocking reported on three items: 1) An open house will be held for the new Customer Service. Operations and Laboratory Facility. 2) He met with Senator Cox re: compensating the Board under the Water Code vs. amending the Public Utility District Act. -81- BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS COMMITTEE REPORTS EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT GENERAL MANAGER REPORT STAFF REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 16, 2006 PAGE - 4 3) Lake Valley Fire Protection requested a District Board member be named as designee to meet with their designee re: sprinklers. Rhonda McFarlane volunteered to serve as staff representative, and Director Mosbacher volunteered to serve as the Board designee. Assistant General Manaqer I EnQineer: Paul Sciuto reported on the cleanup of the October 17 emergency generator fuel spill. Chief Financial Officer: Rhonda McFarlane reported the District was not awarded a grant under Proposition 50 (missing by one). Six out of seven grants awarded were for the Bay Delta, and Southern California. The next application period is in March. 4:00 - 4:10 P.M. 4:40 P.M. STAFF REPORTS (con't.) MEETING BREAK AND ADJOURN- MENT TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION - . - ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION t. ~. ...~-. .~ ~" No reportable Board action No reportable Board action. -82- Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Beth Jett, Kendall Pearce, and Pearce Family Trust Dated 1-20-88 vs. STPUD, Cox & Cox Construction, Inc., a California Corporation, Nimbus Engineers, a Nevada Corporation and Does 1-100, Inclusive, Civil Action No. PC 20050567, Superior Court, County of EI Dorado. State of Ca. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 16, 2006 PAGE - 5 No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Govemment Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (Three Cases) No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD YS. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, Ca.; et aL, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02-0238 MCE JFM 4:40 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District -83- ""!'W'.~.....~~, ~(YJ Ii~l'rit ,South Tahoe Publiq UtiHtyDistrict OIrc:ctorl1 !:.B.tlllec:~ p;a,rrllP j~~ It JoneO Mary Lou Mog!1~cllc:r Duanc:Walt.u ~rfc!;ch.rer 1275 Meadow CreGt Drive. South Lake TaMoc. CA 96150-7.401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614 .www.stpud.U.5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Lisa Coyner, Manager of Customer Service MEETING DATE: December 7,2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 3077 Fresno REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Agreement and Release and authorize District staff to negotiate final terms consistent with Board direction. DISCUSSION: Richard Green and Deborah Leach-Green are owners of the property located at 3077 Fresno. During testing of the District's Bayview Well, it was noted that their private well suffered from significant drawdown as a result of the testing and would most likely be permanently affected once the Bayview Well is placed on-line. The District provided water service connection to the property owners in September 2006 and their well was subsequently abandoned. District staff recommends that the Board approve entering into an agreement to provide a connection to the District's water system at no cost to the property owner and to provide water service at no cost for a negotiated number of years, which has yet to be determined. The Agreement would also obtain a release of the District from any liability. This arrangement is similar to the agreement made between those homeowners affected by the AI Tahoe Well. SCHEDULE: COSTS: Will be provided at meeting ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Agreement and Release CONC~RRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTIO~ GENERAL MANAGER: YES 1!11.~ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES R(~ CATEGORY: Water NO NO -85- AGREEMENT AND RELEASE This Agreement and Release (Agreement) is made by and between Richard Green and Deborah Leach-Green (collectively Owner) and the South Tahoe Public Utility District, a California public agency fonned in 1950 pursuant to the Public Utility District Act (District), this day of December, 2006, at South Lake Tahoe, California, with reference to the following facts and intentions: A. Owner is the owner of certain real property (APN No. 026-093-02), located at 3077 Fresno Avenue, South Lake Tahoe, California 96150-2645 (Property). Owner owned and operated a well on the Property for the extraction of groundwater for domestic uses; B. The District is a California public agency which owns and operates municipal groundwater wells (Municipal Wells) for the purpose of appropriating and dedicating water to beneficial and efficient public use by the District and its inhabitants; C. The District has operated two municipal wells in the "AI Tahoe" area, commonly referred to as Al Tahoe Well #2 and Paloma Well, for extracting groundwater. The District recently constructed a new well in the Al Tahoe area, commonly referred to as the Bayview Well; D. A dispute has arisen between Owner and the District regarding the current and future operation of the District's existing and future Municipal Wells (Dispute). Owner contends the groundwater pumping by the District's Municipal Wells has caused or contributed, or will cause or contribute, to a loss of production in the well on the Property. The District contends that many factors other than the District's operation of its Municipal Wells may cause or contribute to a loss in production in Owner's well, including declining water levels associated with droughts or mechanical problems, age and construction design of the well; and, E. It is the mutual intention of Well Owner and the District to resolve the pending Dispute between them on the tenns and conditions as more fully described in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Aereement. The District shall: a. Abandon the well on the property in accordance with all State and local rules and regulations; b. Reimburse or pay directly a licensed contractor hired by the Owner for all reasonable costs associated with connection to the District's water distribu- tion system, including but not limited to construction of pipeline laterals and installation of a meter and valve; c. Exempt Owner from all connection fees; and, S8 413098 vl:007627.0001 -87- d. Provide domestic water service to the Owner at the Property in accordance with the District rules and regulations until 2. Release. In consideration of the above, Owner, on behalf of themselves and their respective heirs, employees, relations, beneficiaries, executors, administrators, agents, repre- sentatives, attorneys, successors and assigns, and all persons or entities acting by, through, under and in concert with them, fully compromises, settles, releases and forever discharges the District and its elected officials, employees, agents, representatives, attorneys, successors and assigns, and all persons or entities acting by, through, under and in concert '',lith them, from any and all action or actions, cause or causes of action, in law or in equity, suits, debts, liens, contracts, agreements, promises, liabilities, claims, demands, obligations, damages, losses, expenses, or costs, including attorneys' fees and costs, of any nature whatsoever, known or unknown, fixed or contingent, by reason of any matter, cause or thing whatsoever from the beginning oftime to the date of this Agreement, without limitation, and any and all claims arising out of, based upon, or relating to the Dispute and the District's current and future operation of its existing and future Municipal Wells (collectively Claims). 3. Unknown Claims. It is a condition of this Agreement, and it is the intention of Owner, in executing this Agreement, that the same shall be effective as a bar to each and every claim, demand, or cause of action specified in this Agreement. In furtherance of this intention, Owner expressly waives any and all rights and benefits conferred upon said party by the provisions of section 1542 of the California Civil Code, which provides: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him would have materially affected his settlement to debtor." Owner certifies that (he/she/it) has read California Civil Code section 1542 and indicates that fact by signing (hislher/its) initials below: (Owner's initials) Owner understands and acknowledges that the significance and consequence of this waiver of California Civil Code section 1542 is that even if they should eventually suffer additional damages arising out of the facts referred to in this Agreement, they will not be able to make any claim for those damages. Furthennore, Owner acknowledges that they intend these consequences even as to claims for damages that may exist as of the date of this release but which Owner does not know exist, and which, ifknown, would materially affect Owner's decision to execute this release, regardless of whether Owner's lack of knowledge is the result of ignorance, oversight, error, negligence or any other cause. 4. Assie:nmentffransfer. Owner represents and warrants to the District that there has not been, and that there will not be, any assignment or transfer of any interest in the Claims, and Owner agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the District harmless from and against the 2 S8 413098 vJ:007627.0001 -88- Claims, including attorneys' fees and costs incurred by that party which arise out of or relate to any person asserting any such assignment or transfer of the Claims. s. No Admission. This Agreement is a compromise of disputed claims and shall not be treated as an admission ofliabiIity by any party for any purpose. Further, the District denies any liability for any of the claims, demands, damages, actions, causes of action or suits released by this Agreement. The undersigned further understand and agree that the execution of this release shall not constitute nor be construed as an admission ofliability whatsoever by the the District. 6. Advice and Understandin2. Each party represents and warrants that, in executing this Agreement, each has been advised by and has relied upon independent legal counsel, and that the terms of this Agreement and its consequences have been completely explained by said counsel, and that each party has read and fully understands the tenns of this Agreement. Each party further declares and acknowledges that it voluntarily consents to the provisions of this Agreement. Each party further acknowledges and represents that in executing this Agreement, each has not relied on any inducements, promises or representations by the other party. 7. Conditions of Execution. Owner acknowledges and warrants that Owner's execution of this release is free and voluntary. Furthermore, it is understood and specifically acknowledged by each party that this release is made without reliance upon any statement or representation of any other party not incorporated in this Agreement. It is further understood and acknowledged by each party that this release is a compromise and settlement of disputed claims and in no way constitutes an admission by any party of any fauIt or liability_ 8. General ProvisiOlis. a. Cooperation. The parties shall, whenever and as often as reasonably requested to do so by the other party, execute, acknowledge and deliver or cause to be executed, acknowledged and delivered any and all documents and instruments as may be necessary, expedient or proper in the reasonable opinion of the requesting party to carry out the intent and purposes of this Agreement, provided that the requesting party shall bear the cost and expense of such further instruments or documents (except that each party shall bear its own attorneys' fees). b. Authoritv. The individuals executing this Agreement represent and warrant that they have the authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform all acts required by this Agreement, and that the consent, approval or execution of or by any third party is not required to legally bind either party to the tenns and conditions of this Agreement. c. Construction. The provisions of this Agreement should be liberally con- strued to effectuate its purposes. The language of all parts of this Agreement shall be construed simply according to its plain meaning and shall not be construed for or against either party, as . each party has participated in the drafting of this document and has had the opportunity to have their counsel review it. 3 SB 413098 vl:007627.0001 -89- d. Successors and Assi2ns. This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and asSl gns. e. Governine Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California with venue proper only in the County ofEl Dorado, City of South Lake Tahoe, State of California. f. Severability. If any tenn, provision, covenant or condition of this Agree- ment shall be or become illegal, null, void or against public policy, or shall be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, null, void or against public policy, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, and shall not be affected, impairs or invalidated. The tenn, provision, covenant, or condition that is so invalidated, voided or held to be unenforceable, shall be modified or changed by the parties to the extent possible to carry out the intentions and directives set forth in this Agreement. g. Attornevs' Fees. If any action, at law or in equity, including any action for declaratory relief, is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement, the pre- vailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees, which shall be determined by the court in the same or separate action brought for that purpose. h. Good Faith. The parties agree to exercise their best efforts and utmost good faith to effectuate all the tenns and conditions of this Agreement and to execute such further instruments and documents as are necessary or appropriate to effectuate all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. i. Headin2s. The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience and reference only, and shall not be utilized in the construction of the tenns or provisions of this Agreement. j. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counter- parts, each of which shall be original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. k. Waiver. The waiver of any breach of any provision hereunder by any party to this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any proceeding or subsequent breach hereunder, nor shall any waiver constitute a continuing waiver. No waiver shall be binding unless executed in writing by the party making the waiver. I. Notices. All notices, approvals, acceptances, demands and other communica- tions required or pennitted hereunder, to be effective, shall be in writing and shall be delivered, either in person or by mailing the same by United States mail (postage prepaid, registered or certified, return receipt requested) or by Federal Express or other similar overnight delivery service, to the party to whom the notice is directed at the address of such party as follows: 4 sa <113098 vl:007627.000J -90- To: Owner: Richard Green Deborah Leach-Green 3077 Fresno Avenue South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150-2645 To: South Tahoe Public Utility District: Richard Solbrig, General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, California 96150 With Copy to: Gary M. Kvistad Hatch and Parent 21 East Carrillo Street Santa Barbara, California 93101 Any written communication given by mail shall be deemed delivered two (2) business days after such mailing date, and any written communication given by overnight delivery service shall be deemed delivered one (1) business day after the dispatch date. Either party may change its address by giving the other party written notice of its new address as herein provided. m. Waiver of JUry Trial Ri2hts. The parties hereby irrevocably waive all rights to trial by jury in any action, proceeding or counterclaim arising out of or relating to any of the actions of any party in conjunction with the Agreement and the enforcement thereof. D. Entire A2reement and Amendment. This Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement of the parties, and there have been no promises, representations, agreements, warranties or undertakings by any of the parties, either oral or written, of any character nature binding except as stated in this Agreement. This Agreement may be altered, amended or modified only by an instrument in writing, executed by the parties to this Agreement and by no other means. Each party waives their future right to claim, contest or assert that this Agreement was modified, cancelled, superseded or changed by any oral agreement, course of conduct, waiver or estoppel. s S8 413098 vJ:007627.000J -91- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as ofthe day and year and at the place first written above. (OWNER) Richard Green Deborah Leach-Green SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT By Eric W. Schafer, President 6 58413098 vl:007627.0001 -92- South Tahoe . Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. SolPrig Directors Tom Comte James It Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Erit; 5chaflll' 1275 Meadow Crest Drive. South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www.5tpud.U5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Accounts Payable MEETING DATE: December 7,2006 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Payment of Claims REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Payment DISCUSSION: The Payment of Claims was not available when this agenda was published. It will be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: To be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACrJN: GENERAL MANAGER: YES /fl.tt -".', CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES; -1<1') Y_ CATEGORY: General NO NO -93- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL December 7,2006 Payroll 11/22/06 Total Payroll BNY Western Trust Company FirstTier/Cost Containment-health care pmts LaSalle Bank Hatch & Parent - legal services Total Vendor EFT Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accou nts Payable Grand Total Pavroll EFTs & Checks EFT EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care CA Employment Taxes & W/H Federal Employment Taxes & W/H CalPERS Contributions John Hancock Pension Loan Pmts Great West Deferred Comp Stationary Engineers Union Dues United Way Contributions Employee Direct Deposits Employee Paychecks Adjustments Total 11/22/06 233.66 13,610.66 74,633.42 47,852.02 4,321.82 14,327.14 1,967.99 92.00 168,546.00 18,638.19 0.00 344,222.90 344,222.90 344,222.90 298,017.46 49,998.48 156,572.80 0.00 504,588.74 129,615.11 503,003.55 19,760.70 0.00 652,379.36 1,501,191.00 Vendor Name A -1 CHEMICAL INC ACWA ADVANTEL INC ADVANTEL INC AFLAC AFLAC AFLAC AFLAC AFLFRED HANAN ALL SEASONS PLUMBING & HEATING ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE COMPANY ALPINE COUNTY ALPINE FAMILY PRACTICE AMERICAN HOMELAND SOLUTIONS AMERIGAS - SO LAKE TAHOE User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Prof Name GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM UNDERGROUND REPAIR GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION OPERATIONS GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH OPERATIONS OPERATIONS DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION AP CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INSURANCE SUPPLEMENT AFLAC FEE DEDUCTION AFLAC FEE DEDUCTION AFLAC FEE DEDUCTION MISC LIABILITY CLAIMS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES LAND TAXES SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION PROPANE Acct# / Proi Code AP 1000 - 0421 Check Total: AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP 2019 - 6250 Check Total: 1037 - 4405 2037 - 4405 Check Total: 1000 - 2532 1000 - 2538 1000 - 2538 1000 - 2538 Check Total: 2027 - 6660 WCNCTV Check Total: 1001 - 4520 Check Total: 1000 - 6520 1000 - 6520 1006 - 6520 2000 - 6520 2000 - 6520 Check Total: 1028 - 6651 Check Total: 1006 - 6075 Check Total: 1006 - 6200 Check Total: 1028-6360 Check Amount Check # Tvoe 49.02 00064778 MW 49.02 14,790.00 00064779 MW 14.790.00 157.50 00064780 MW 157.50 00064780 MW 315.00 835.18 00064781 MW 110.00 00064781 MW 110.00 00064781 MW 110.00 00064781 MW 1,165.18 400.00 00064782 MW 400.00 Check Total: 456.31 280.39 00064783 MW 280.39 32.00 00064784 MW 32.00 00064784 MW 32.00 00064784 MW 32.00 00064784 MW 32.00 00064784 MW 160.00 23,300.68 00064785 MW 23 300.68 177.00 00064786 MW 177.00 516.00 00064787 MW 516.00 456.31 00064788 MW Page: 1 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 Vendor Name ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ARNOLD MACHINERY ARNOLD MACHINERY ASHLAND SPECIALTY CHEMICALS ASPEN PUBLISHERS INC. ASPEN PUBLISHERS INC. ASSURANT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AT &T AT &T /MCI AT &T /MCI AT &T /MCI AT &T/MCI AT &T /MCI AT &T/MCI AT &T/MCI AT &T /MCI AT &T /MCI AWWA CAL -NEV SECTION AWWA CAL -NEV SECTION AWWA CAL -NEV SECTION AWWA CAL -NEV SECTION BANK OF SACRAMENTO Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR OPERATIONS FINANCE FINANCE GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PUMPS OPERATIONS INFORMATION SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PUMPS INFORMATION SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION WATERLINE, BAYVIEW PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description UNIFORM /RUGS/TOWELS PAYABLE UNIFORM/RUGS/TOWELS PAYABLE AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE POLYMER SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE LIFE INSURANCE SIGNAL CHARGES TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE DUES/MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION ACCRD CONST RETNGE Acct# / Proi Code AP 1000 - 2518 AP 1000 -2518 Check Total: AP 1005 - 6011 AP 1005 - 6011 Check Total: AP 1006 - 4720 Check Total: Al' 1039 - 4830 AP 2039 - 4830 Check Total: AP 1000 - 2512 Check Total: AP 1000 - 6320 Check Total: AP 1000 - 6310 AP 1002 - 6310 AP 1006 - 6310 AP 1037 - 6310 AP 1038 - 6310 AP 2000 - 6310 AP 2002 - 6310 AP 2037 - 6310 AP 2038 - 6310 Check Total: Al' 1007 - 6250 AP 1007 - 6250 Al' 2007 - 6250 AP 2007 - 6250 Check Total: AP 2000 -2605 BAYWTR Check Amount Check # Type 638.57 00064789 MW 699.08 00064789 MW 1.337.65 57.73 00064790 MW 11.56 00064790 MW 69.29 10,264.70 00064791 MW 10,264.70 144.09 00064792 MW 144.09 00064792 MW 288.18 2,057.21 00064793 MW 2,057.21 33.83 00064795 MW 33.83 15.00 00064794 MW 16.66 00064794 MW 22.08 00064794 MW 82.42 00064794 MW 7.30 00064794 MW 14.99 00064794 MW 16.65 00064794 MW 82.41 00064794 MW 7.30 00064794 MW 264.81 17.50 00064796 MW 17.50 00064796 MW 17.50 00064796 MW 17.50 00064796 MW 70.00 71,503.01 00064797 MW User: THERESA Page: 2 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 Vendor Name BB &H BENEFIT DESIGNS BB &H BENEFIT DESIGNS BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS BERRY - HINCKLEY INDUSTRIES BERRY - HINCKLEY INDUSTRIES BERRY - HINCKLEY INDUSTRIES BERRY - HINCKLEY INDUSTRIES BERRY - HINCKLEY INDUSTRIES BERRY - HINCKLEY INDUSTRIES BING MATERIALS BOC GASES PGS BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT BURTS, BARBARA BUTZ, GARTH CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION User: THERESA Department / Proi Name HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR OPERATIONS OPERATIONS OPERATIONS OPERATIONS GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH UNDERGROUND REPAIR PUMPS WELLS ARROWHD WELL #3 TRTMT EXPENSES DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH FINANCE FINANCE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES BIOSOLID DISPOSAL COSTS BIOSOLID DISPOSAL COSTS BIOSOLID DISPOSAL COSTS BIOSOLID DISPOSAL COSTS GASOLINE INVENTORY GASOLINE INVENTORY GASOLINE INVENTORY DIESEL INVENTORY DIESEL INVENTORY DIESEL PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES OPERATING PERMITS DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION AP SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Acct# / Proi Code Check Total: AP 1022 - 4405 AP 2022 - 4405 Check Total: AP 1006 - 6652 AP 1006 - 6652 AP 1006 - 6652 AP 1006 - 6652 Check Total: AP 1000 -0415 AP 1000 - 0415 AP 1000 - 0415 AP 1000 - 0416 AP 1000 - 0416 AP 1028 - 4620 Check Total: AP 2001 - 6052 Check Total: AP 2002 - 6050 AH3EXP Check Total: AP 1028 - 6650 Check Total: AP 2027 - 6660 WCNCTV Check Total: AP 1039 - 6520 AP 2039 - 6520 Check Total: 1028 - 6250 Check Total: Check Amount Check # Tvoe 71,503.01 624.50 00064798 MW 624.50 00064798 MW 1,249.00 915.91 00064799 MW 719.06 00064799 MW 458.38 00064799 MW 728.28 00064799 MW 2,821.63 1,315.74 00064800 MW 1,315.74 00064800 MW 523.85 00064800 MW 4,071.74 00064800 MW 1,112.65 00064800 MW -5.16 00064800 MW 8,334.56 517.43 00064801 MW 517.43 549.53 00064802 MW 549.53 4,700.00 00064803 MW 4,700.00 75.00 00064804 MW 75.00 50.00 00064805 MW 50.00 8.00 00064806 MW 8.00 00064806 MW 16.00 Page: 3 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Current Time: 10:08:59 Vendor Name CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES CALIF WATER RESOURCES CTRL BD CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT CALIFORNIA OVERNIGHT CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CAPITOL WEBWORKS LLC CAPITOL WEBWORKS LLC CAPPO Conference CAPPO Conference CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP CDW - G CORP User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH PUMPS FINANCE FINANCE GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION LABORATORY LABORATORY DIESEL FUEL SPILL, GEN BLDG GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION LABORATORY ENGINEERING SO UPPER TRUCKEE WELL REDRILL ENGINEERING ARSENIC STUDY SELF FUNDED INSURANCE DISTRICT INFORMATION DISTRICT INFORMATION FINANCE FINANCE UNDERGROUND REPAIR UNDERGROUND REPAIR INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION AP DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION AP SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES MONITORING POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES CORROSION PILOT TSTG,SUT WELL ARSENIC PILOT STUDY EXCESS INS SELF INSURED MED CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TRAVEUMEETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEUMEETINGS /EDUCATION INFILTRATION & INFLOW INFILTRATION & INFLOW DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Proi Code 1028 - 6250 Check Total: 1002 - 6250 Check Total: 1039 - 4830 2039 - 4830 Check Total: 1000 - 4810 1007 - 4810 1007 - 6110 DSPILL 2000 - 4810 2007 - 4810 2029 - 8717 RWSUTR 2029 - 8718 ARSNIC Check Total: 3000 - 6744 Check Total: 1027 - 4405 2027 - 4405 Check Total: 1039 - 6200 2039 - 6200 Check Total: 1001 - 6055 1001 - 6055 1037 - 4840 1037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 2037 - 4840 Check Total: Check Amount Check # Tye 70.00 00064807 MW 70.00 170.00 00064808 MW 170.00 200.00 00064809 MW 200.00 00064809 MW 400.00 102.14 00064810 MW 84.67 00064810 MW 132.20 00064810 MW 102.13 00064810 MW 93.81 00064810 MW 58.91 00064810 MW 32.24 00064810 MW 606.10 17,375.58 00064811 MW 17,375.58 35.00 00064812 MW 35.00 00064812 MW 70.00 247.50 00064813 MW 247.50 00064813 MW 495.00 139.72 00064814 MW 7.99 00064814 MW 404.07 00064814 MW 8.60 00064814 MW 8.60 00064814 MW 269.37 00064814 MW 838.35 Page: 4 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 Vendor Name CREEGAN, BERNARD CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL LABS CROSSPOINTE PARTNERS LLC CROSSPOINTE PARTNERS LLC CSDA CSDA User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS LABORATORY DIESEL FUEL SPILL, GEN BLDG LABORATORY DIESEL FUEL SPILL, GEN BLDG LABORATORY LABORATORY DIESEL FUEL SPILL, GEN BLDG LABORATORY DIESEL FUEL SPILL, GEN BLDG LABORATORY DIESEL FUEL SPILL, GEN BLDG LABORATORY DIESEL FUEL SPILL, GEN BLDG LABORATORY LABORATORY TERRIBLE HERBST CONTAMINATION LABORATORY ARROWHD WELL #3 TRTMT EXPENSES LABORATORY BAKERSFIELD TRMT EXPENSES LABORATORY BEACON CONTAMINATION LABORATORY TERRIBLE HERBST CONTAMINATION LABORATORY BAKERSFIELD TRMT EXPENSES LABORATORY ARROWHD WELL #3 TRTMT EXPENSES DISTRICT INFORMATION DISTRICT INFORMATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Department / Proi Name Description DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM Page: MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION AP DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION AP Acct# / Proi Code AP 2027 - 6660 WCNCTV Check Total: AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP 1007 - 6110 DSPILL 1007 - 6110 DSPILL 1007 - 6110 1007 - 6110 DSPILL 1007 - 6110 DSPILL 1007 - 6110 DSPILL 1007 -6110 DSPILL 1007 - 6110 2007 - 6110 HERBST 2007 - 6110 AH3EXP 2007 - 6110 BKRFLD 2007 - 6110 BEACON 2007 - 6110 HERBST 2007 - 6110 BKRFLD 2007 - 6110 AH3EXP Check Total: 1027 - 4405 2027 - 4405 Check Total: 1019 - 6250 2019 - 6250 Check Amount Check # Type 400.00 00064815 MW 400.00 160.00 00064816 MW 160.00 00064816 MW 190.00 00064816 MW 720.00 00064816 MW i MW MW MW 190.00 00064816 MW 227.50 00064816 MW 227.50 00064816 MW 227.50 00064816 MW 227.50 00064816 MW 530.00 00064816 MW 285.00 00064816 MW 285.00 00064816 MW MW MW MW MW 0.00 00064816 1,920.00 00064816 320.00 00064816 5,670.00 3,036.16 00064817 3,036.16 00064817 6,072.32 1,581.00 00064818 1,581.00 00064818 5 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 Vendor Name CSMFO CSMFO CWEA CWEA CWEA CWEA CWEA DAUGHERTY, ERNEST DAVI LABORATORIES DELL MARKETING L P DICK'S FULLER - DIVERSIFIED CONCRETE CUTTING E &M ELECTRIC AND MACHINERY E &M ELECTRIC AND MACHINERY E &M ELECTRIC AND MACHINERY E &M ELECTRIC AND MACHINERY EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name FINANCE FINANCE UNDERGROUND REPAIR HEAVY MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING UNDERGROUND REPAIR ENGINEERING DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM ENGINEERING SO UPPER TRUCKEE WELL REDRILL INFORMATION SYSTEMS PUMPS BELLEVUE GENSET BUILDING ENGINEERING NEW DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION AP DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION AP DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION CORROSION PILOT TSTG,SUT WELL AP 2029 - 8717 RWSUTR Check Total: REPL SERVER, MAIL BLDG, BELLVUE GENERATOR CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES UNIFORMS UNIFORMS UNIFORMS AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP 2029 - 8401 350.00 00064825 MW DSTHDQ Check Total: 350.00 AP 2029 - 4820 AP 2029 - 4820 AP 2029 - 4820 AP 2029 - 4820 Check Total: AP AP AP Acct# / ProI Code Check Total: 1039 - 6250 2039 - 6250 Check Total: 1001 - 6250 1004 - 6250 1029 - 6250 2001 - 6250 2029 - 6250 Check Total: 2027 - 6660 WCNCTV Check Total: 1037 - 8740 Check Total: 1002 -7519 BELVUE Check Total: 1038 - 4308 1038 - 4308 1038 - 4308 Check Amount Check # Tvpe 3,162.00 110.00 00064819 MW 110.00 00064819 MW 220.00 56.00 110.00 30.50 110.00 30.50 337.00 75.00 00064821 MW 75.00 116.00 00064822 MW 116.00 11,098.51 00064823 MW 11,098.51 25.20 00064824 MW 25.20 744.63 474.10 159.69 22.50 1,400.92 00064820 00064820 00064820 00064820 00064820 00064826 00064826 00064826 00064826 114.75 00064827 57.37 00064827 57.37 00064827 Page: 6 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW Vendor Name EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY EMPIRE SAFETY & SUPPLY FEDEX FEDEX FEDEX FIRS TIER ADMINISTRATORS FIRS TIER ADMINISTRATORS FISHER SCIENTIFIC FISHER SCIENTIFIC FISHER SCIENTIFIC FISHER SCIENTIFIC FISHER SCIENTIFIC FISHER SCIENTIFIC FRIEDEL OFFICE MACHINES, SCOTT FRIEDEL OFFICE MACHINES, SCOTT GB GENERAL ENG CONTRACTOR INC GB GENERAL ENG CONTRACTOR INC GEOTRANS INC GFOA GFOA GFS CHEMICAL User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH FINANCE FINANCE SELF FUNDED INSURANCE SELF FUNDED INSURANCE LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE UNDERGROUND REPAIR CUSTOMER SERVICE INFORMATION SYSTEMS GIS SOFTWARE FINANCE FINANCE LABORATORY PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description UNIFORMS UNIFORMS UNIFORMS HEISE RANCH LAND PURCHASE POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES ADMINISTRATION FEE PPO FEE LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIR OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIR PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES LARGE WATER METERS GIS IMPLEMENTATION LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check # Imo AP 2038 - 4308 57.38 00064827 MW AP 2038 - 4308 57.38 00064827 MW AP 2038 - 4308 123.21 00064827 MW Check Total: 467.46 Al' 1028 - 7039 21.52 00064828 MW DIMOND Al' 1039 - 4810 7.75 00064828 MW AP 2039 - 4810 7.74 00064828 MW Check Total: 37.01 AP 3000 - 6741 1,959.24 00064829 MW AP 3000 - 6742 425.88 00064829 MW Check Total: 2,385.12 AP 1007 - 4760 19.25 00064830 MW AP 1007 - 4760 20.86 00064830 MW AP 1007 - 4760 25.70 00064830 MW Al' 2007 - 4760 19.25 00064830 MW AP 2007 - 4760 20.86 00064830 MW AP 2007 - 4760 29.01 00064830 MW Check Total: 134.93 AP 1038 - 6027 22.50 00064831 MW AP 2038 - 6027 22.50 00064831 MW Check Total: 45.00 AP 2001 -6052 11,110.75 00064832 MW Al' 2038 - 8743 40,569.00 00064832 MW Check Total: 51,679.75 Al' 1037 - 8638 6,203.84 00064833 MW GISSFT Check Total: 6,203.84 DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION Al' 1039 - 6250 72.50 00064834 MW DUES /MEMBERSHIPS /CERTIFICATION AP 2039 - 6250 72.50 00064834 MW Check Total: 145.00 Al' 1007 - 4760 8.64 00064835 MW Page: 7 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 Vendor Name GFS CHEMICAL GLOBAL EQUIPMENT GLOBAL EQUIPMENT GLOBAL EQUIPMENT GLOBAL EQUIPMENT GLOBAL EQUIPMENT GLOBAL EQUIPMENT GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER GRAINGER HASLER FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC HASLER FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUGO BONDED LOCKSMITH HUSSMANN, NANCY HUSSMANN, NANCY HUSSMANN, NANCY HUSSMANN, NANCY User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_C LAIMS Department / Proi Name LABORATORY GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING WELL, BAYVIEW HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description LABORATORY SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PRIMARY EQUIPMENT BUILDINGS BUILDINGS BUILDINGS GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT RENTAULEASE SERVICE CONTRACTS SERVICE CONTRACTS SERVICE CONTRACTS SERVICE CONTRACTS WELL, BAYVIEW TRAVEUME ETINGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEUMEETI NGS /EDUCATION Page: 8 Acct# / Proi Code AP 2007 - 4760 Check Total: AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP 1000 - 4820 1000 - 4820 1000 - 4820 2000 - 4820 2000 - 4820 2000 - 4820 Check Total: 1004 - 6021 1004 - 6041 1004 - 6041 1004 - 6041 1004 - 6042 1004 - 6042 1004 - 6071 1004 - 6071 Check Total: 1038 - 5020 2038 - 5020 Check Total: 1021 - 6030 1021 - 6030 2021 - 6030 2021 - 6030 Check Total: 2029 - 8574 BAYWEL Check Total: 1022 - 6200 1022 - 6200 2022 - 6200 2022 - 6200 Check Amount Check # Tvoe 42.67 00064835 MW 51.31 441.23 00064836 MW 294.16 00064836 MW 195.30 00064836 MW 441.24 00064836 MW 294.16 00064836 MW 195.31 00064836 MW 1,861.40 85.60 00064837 MW 32.33 00064837 MW 36.72 00064837 MW 84.13 00064837 MW 106.24 00064837 MW 62.41 00064837 MW 235.94 00064837 MW 188.24 00064837 MW 831.61 122.57 00064838 MW 122.57 00064838 MW 245.14 9.64 00064839 MW 47.78 00064839 MW 9.63 00064839 MW 47.77 00064839 MW 114.82 34.37 00064840 MW 34.37 26.70 00064841 MW 149.52 00064841 MW 149.52 00064841 MW 26.70 00064841 MW Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 Vendor Name IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. IGOE, JUDITH IGOE, JUDITH IGOE, JUDITH IGOE, JUDITH INSITE LAND SURVEYS INSITE LAND SURVEYS INSTY- PRINTS INC INSTY- PRINTS INC INSTY - PRINTS INC INSTY- PRINTS INC INSTY - PRINTS INC INSTY - PRINTS INC Department / Proi Name LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM ENGINEERING COUNTRY CLUB TANK REPLACEMENT ENGINEERING ANGORA TANK REPLACEMENT HUMAN RESOURCES DISTRICT INFORMATION CUSTOMER SERVICE HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR DISTRICT INFORMATION CUSTOMER SERVICE INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION User: THERESA Page: Report: OH_PMT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE TANK, COUNTRY CLUB TANK, ANGORA SAFETY PROGRAMS PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES SAFETY PROGRAMS PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Proi Code Check Total: 1007 - 4760 1007 - 4760 1007 - 4760 1007 - 4760 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 Check Total: 2027 - 6660 WCNCTV 2027 - 6660 WCNCTV 2027 - 6660 WCNCTV 2027 - 6660 WCNCTV Check Total: 2029 - 7063 CLUBTK 2029 - 7064 ANGOTK Check Total: AP 1022 - 6079 AP 1027 - 4920 AP 1038 - 4820 AP 2022 - 6079 AP 2027 - 4920 AP 2038 - 4820 Check Total: AP 1000 - 0421 AP 1000 - 0421 Check Amount Check # Tvpe 352.44 112.01 00064842 MW 215.50 00064842 MW 3.24 00064842 MW 1,231.15 00064842 MW 32.33 00064842 MW 32.32 00064842 MW 1,163.70 00064842 MW 3.23 00064842 MW 215.50 00064842 MW 101.82 00064842 MW 3,110.80 250.00 00064843 0.00 00064843 - 250.00 00064843 250.00 00064843 250.00 4,400.00 00064844 5,600.00 00064844 10,000.00 MW M W MW MW MW MW 445.90 00064845 MW 504.01 00064845 MW 265.90 00064845 MW 445.90 00064845 MW 504.00 00064845 MW 265.90 00064845 MW 2,431.61 351.79 00064846 MW 86.76 00064846 MW 9 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 Vendor Name INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY INTERSTATE SAFETY & SUPPLY J &L PRO KLEEN INC J &L PRO KLEEN INC KENNEDY /JENKS CONSULTANTS INC KLINE OD, STEVEN L KLINE OD, STEVEN L KRAKOWIAK, LEONARD KRLT & KOWL RADIO KRLT & KOWL RADIO LIQUIVISION TECHNOLOGY INC MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION FINANCE FINANCE ENGINEERING SO UPPER TRUCKEE WELL REDRILL ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS ENGINEERING WELL, BAYVIEW ENGINEERING WELL, BAYVIEW ENGINEERING WELL, BAYVIEW ENGINEERING WELL, BAYVIEW PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description SHOP SUPPLY INVENTORY SAFETY SUPPLIES INVENTORY SAFETY SUPPLIES INVENTORY JANITORIAL SERVICES JANITORIAL SERVICES SO UP TRKE WELL REDRILL SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM WELLS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS WELL, BAYVIEW WELL, BAYVIEW WELL, BAYVIEW WELL, BAYVIEW AP AP AP Acct# / Proi Code 1000 - 0421 1000 - 0425 1000 - 0425 Check Total: AP 1039 - 6074 AP 2039 - 6074 Check Total: AP AP 1003 - 6075 2003 - 6075 Check Total: AP 2027 - 6660 WCNCTV Check Total: WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE AP 2027 - 6660 WCPROG WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE AP 2027 - 6660 WCPROG Check Total: AP 2002 - 6050 Check Total: AP 1002 - 6075 AP 1002 - 6075 AP 1002 - 6075 AP 2029 - 8574 BAYWEL AP 2029 - 8574 BAYWEL AP 2029 - 8574 BAYWEL AP 2029 - 8574 BAYWEL Amount 267.65 206.88 332.65 1,245.73 1,603.50 00064847 MW 1,603.50 00064847 MW 3,207.00 AP 2029 - 8463 5,418.77 00064848 MW RWSUTR Check Total: 5.418.77 74.50 00064849 MW 74.50 00064849 MW 149.00 75.00 00064850 MW 75.00 546.00 00064851 MW 546.00 00064851 MW 1,092.00 10,980.00 00064852 MW 10,980.00 6.12 61.72 62.13 11.42 Check # 00064846 00064846 00064846 00064853 00064853 00064853 00064853 7.84 00064853 MW 7.54 00064853 MW 22.24 00064853 MW Page: 10 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 Check Tvoe MW MW MW M W MW MW MW Vendor Name MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MEEKS BUILDING CENTER User: THERESA Department / Proi Name ENGINEERING WELL, BAYVIEW ENGINEERING WELL, BAYVIEW ENGINEERING WELL, BAYVIEW ENGINEERING WELL, BAYVIEW UNDERGROUND REPAIR PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS BELLEVUE GENSET BUILDING HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE DIESEL FUEL SPILL, GEN BLDG HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE HEAVY MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT REPAIR OPERATIONS DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH INFORMATION SYSTEMS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS PUMPS ELECTRICAL SHOP EQUIPMENT REPAIR ENGINEERING NEW DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS ENGINEERING WELL, BAYVIEW ENGINEERING PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description WELL, BAYVIEW WELL, BAYVIEW WELL, BAYVIEW WELL, BAYVIEW SMALL TOOLS LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS BLDG, BELLVUE GENERATOR BUILDINGS GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUPPLIES GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE STORAGE SHED, DVR CHEMICAL OFFICE SUPPLIES PUMP STATIONS REPAIR/MNTC WATER TANKS SHOP SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS SMALL TOOLS SHOP SUPPLIES CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER WELL, BAYVIEW ARSENIC PILOT STUDY Page: 11 Acct# / Prol Code AP 2029 - 8574 BAYWEL AP 2029 - 8574 BAYWEL AP 2029 - 8574 BAYWEL AP 2029 - 8574 BAYWEL Check Total: AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP 1001 - 6073 1002 - 6048 1002 -6071 1002 - 6073 1002 - 7519 BELVUE 1004 - 6041 1004 - 6042 DSPILL 1004 - 6042 1004 - 6071 1004 - 6073 1005 - 6071 1006 - 6042 1028 - 6042 1028 - 7515 1037 - 4820 2002 - 6051 2002 - 6054 2002 - 6071 2002 - 6073 2003 - 6073 2005 - 6071 2029 - 8401 DSTHDQ 2029 - 8574 BAYWEL 2029 - 8718 Check Amount Check # Tvoe 11.79 00064853 MW 26.38 00064853 Mw 16.29 00064853 MW 1.00 00064853 MW 234.47 13.37 00064854 MW 2.53 00064854 MW 48.66 00064854 MW 119.05 00064854 MW 1,161.86 00064854 MW 449.58 00064854 MW 956.18 00064854 MW 74.75 00064854 MW 266.35 00064854 MW 201.38 00064854 MW 6.78 00064854 MW 17.93 00064854 MW 443.60 00064854 MW 131.94 00064854 MW 37.18 00064854 MW 365.14 00064854 MW 5.59 00064854 MW 48.64 00064854 MW 119.02 00064854 MW 24.14 00064854 MW 6.77 00064854 MW 24.47 00064854 MW 55.10 00064854 MW 167.29 00064854 MW Current Date: 12/01/2006 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Current Time: 10:08:59 Vendor Name MEEKS BUILDING CENTER MENDOZA, MATTHEW A MENDOZA, MATTHEW A MENGORE, JOSEPH MENGORE, JOSEPH MENGORE, JOSEPH MWH LABORATORIES MWH LABORATORIES MWH LABORATORIES MWH LABORATORIES MWH LABORATORIES MWH LABORATORIES MWH LABORATORIES MWH LABORATORIES MWH LABORATORIES MWH LABORATORIES MWH LABORATORIES NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE NICHOLSON, CHRIS User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT Department / Proi Name ARSENIC STUDY INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ENGINEERING OPERATIONS OPERATIONS OPERATIONS LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY ENGINEERING SO UPPER TRUCKEE WELL REDRILL ENGINEERING SO UPPER TRUCKEE WELL REDRILL ENGINEERING SO UPPER TRUCKEE WELL REDRILL ENGINEERING ARSENIC STUDY ENGINEERING ARSENIC STUDY ENGINEERING ARSENIC STUDY ENGINEERING ARSENIC STUDY ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ENGINEERING DISTRICT INFORMATION PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEUMEETI NGS /EDUCATION TRAVEUMEETI NGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING CORROSION PILOT TSTG,SUT WELL CORROSION PILOT TSTG,SUT WELL CORROSION PILOT TSTG,SUT WELL ARSENIC PILOT STUDY ARSENIC PILOT STUDY ARSENIC PILOT STUDY ARSENIC PILOT STUDY OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE Acct# / Prol Code Amount Check # hoe ARSNIC AP 2037 - 4820 37.17 00064854 MW Check Total: 4,784.47 AP 1029 - 6200 AP 2029 - 6200 Check Total: 90.00 AP 1006 - 6200 AP 1006 - 6200 AP 1006 - 6200 Check Total: AP 1007 - 6110 AP 2007 - 6110 AP 2007 - 6110 AP 2007 - 6110 AP 2029 - 8717 RWSUTR AP 2029 - 8717 RWSUTR AP 2029 - 8717 RWSUTR AP 2029 - 8718 ARSNIC AP 2029 - 8718 ARSNIC AP 2029 - 8718 ARSNIC AP 2029 - 8718 ARSNIC Check Total: AP 1029 - 4820 AP 1029 - 4820 AP 2029 - 4820 AP 2029 - 4820 Check Total: AP 2027 - 6660 45.00 00064855 45.00 00064855 102.00 00064856 27.00 00064856 182.45 00064856 311.45 490.00 0.00 1,440.00 70.00 200.00 39.50 247.28 39.50 247.29 573.57 00064857 00064857 00064857 00064857 00064857 80.00 00064857 MW 320.00 00064857 MW 3,650.00 00064857 MW 270.00 00064857 MW 390.00 00064857 MW 220.00 00064857 MW 7,130.00 00064858 00064858 00064858 00064858 450.00 00064859 MW Page: 12 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 Check MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW Vendor Name NOLAN, LYNN NOLAN, LYNN NOLAN, LYNN NOLAN, LYNN NUROCK, DOUG NUROCK, DOUG NUROCK, DOUG OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. User: THERESA Department / Proi Name Description WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM FINANCE ALPCO GRANT COORD COST SHARE FINANCE GRANT FUNDED WATER PROJECTS FINANCE GRANT FUNDED WATER PROJECTS FINANCE ALPCO GRANT COORD COST SHARE OPERATIONS OPERATIONS OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION PAYMENT OF CLAIMS TRAVE UMEETI NGS /EDUCATION TRAVE UMEETI NGS /EDUCATION TRAVEUMEETI NGS /EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES AP 1039 - 6200 ALPCOG AP 1039 - 6200 PROP50 AP 2039 - 6200 PROP50 AP 2039 - 6200 ALPCOG Check Total: AP 1006 - 6200 AP 1006 - 6200 AP 1006 - 6200 Check Total: AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Proi Code WCNCTV Check Total: 1021 - 4820 1021 - 4820 1021 - 4820 1021 - 4820 1021 - 4820 1021 - 4820 1021 - 4820 1021 - 4820 1021 - 4820 1029 - 4820 1039 - 4820 1039 - 4820 1039 - 4820 1039 - 4820 2021 - 4820 2021 - 4820 2021 - 4820 2021 -4820 2021 - 4820 2021 - 4820 2021 - 4820 Check Amount Check # Type 450.00 30.09 00064860 MW 30.08 00064860 MW 30.08 00064860 MW 30.08 00064860 MW 120.33 108.00 120.15 31.15 259.30 13.62 15.92 3.13 16.10 16.16 18.85 1.48 1.69 2.89 30.71 4.36 4.48 9.94 16.88 13.57 15.93 3.14 16.10 16.16 18.86 00064861 00064861 00064861 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 00064862 Page: 13 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Current Time: 10:08:59 MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW 1.49 00064862 MW Vendor Name OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. OFFICE MAX - A BOISE CO. PAPE MACHINERY INC PAPE MACHINERY INC PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PINE CONE ACRE MOTEL PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name Description ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR HEAVY MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCES CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR CUSTOMER SERVICE FINANCE FINANCE FINANCE UNDERGROUND REPAIR INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Page: GENERATORS GENERATORS TRAVEUMEETINGS/EDUCATION OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGRM SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION INCENTIVE & RECOGNITION PRGRM SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION SUPPLIES STANDBY ACCOMODATIONS PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Proi Code 2021 - 4820 2021 - 4820 2029 - 4820 2039 - 4820 2039 - 4820 2039 - 4820 2039 - 4820 Check Total: 1005 - 6013 1005 - 6013 Check Total: 1004 - 6200 1021 - 4820 1021 - 6200 1021 - 6621 1022 - 6520 1038 - 4820 1039 - 4820 1039 - 6200 1039 - 6520 2021 - 4820 2021 - 6200 2021 - 6621 2022 - 6520 2038 - 4820 2039 - 4820 2039 - 6200 2039 - 6520 Check Total: 2001 - 6083 Check Total: 1037 - 4920 1037 - 4920 1037 - 4920 Check Amount Check # Tvae 1.69 00064862 MW 2.89 00064862 MW 30.71 00064862 MW 4.37 00064862 MW 4.48 00064862 MW 9.93 00064862 MW 16.87 00064862 MW 312.40 36.64 00064863 MW 28.00 00064863 MW 64.64 75.00 00064864 MW 3.89 00064864 MW 5.00 00064864 MW 25.00 00064864 MW 3.07 00064864 MW 1.92 00064864 MW 5.62 00064864 MW 7.52 00064864 MW 8.56 00064864 MW 3.88 00064864 MW 5.00 00064864 MW 25.00 00064864 MW 3.07 00064864 MW 1.92 00064864 MW 5.62 00064864 MW 7.52 00064864 MW 8.55 00064864 MW 196.14 344.00 00064865 MW 344.00 0.54 00064866 MW 25.86 00064866 MW 4.31 00064866 MW 14 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 Vendor Name PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS R &S of SACRAMENTO R &S of SACRAMENTO R &S of SACRAMENTO R &S of SACRAMENTO RADIO SHACK RADIO SHACK RADIO SHACK RADIO SHACK RONDONI, MIKE ROSE ELECTRONICS SCHWAB TIRES, LES SHIFLE II, RAY User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Pro' Name INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING NEW DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS ENGINEERING NEW DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS ENGINEERING NEW DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS ENGINEERING NEW DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS INFORMATION SYSTEMS FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS FINANCE UNDERGROUND REPAIR ELECTRICAL SHOP EQUIPMENT REPAIR PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Page: Description PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING PRINTING CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DISTRICT COMPUTER SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EDUCATION REPAIR/MNTC WATER TANKS AUTOMOTIVE DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE WATER CONSRV INCENTIVE PROGRAM AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Proi Code 1037 - 4920 1037 - 4920 1037 - 4920 2037 - 4920 2037 - 4920 2037 - 4920 2037 - 4920 2037 - 4920 2037 - 4920 Check Total: AP 2029 - 8401 DSTHDQ AP 2029 - 8401 DSTHDQ AP 2029 - 8401 DSTHDQ AP 2029 - 8401 DSTHDQ Check Total: AP 1037 -4840 AP 1039 - 6520 AP 2037 - 4840 AP 2039 - 6520 Check Total: AP 2001 -6200 Check Total: AP 2003 - 6054 Check Total: AP 1005 - 6011 Check Total: AP 2027 - 6660 WCNCTV Check Total: Check Amount Check # Tvpe 4.31 00064866 MW 4.31 00064866 M W 43.68 00064866 MW 25.86 00064866 MW 4.31 00064866 MW 4.31 00064866 MW 4.31 00064866 MW 25.86 00064866 MW 0.54 00064866 MW 148.20 60.00 00064867 1,935.72 00064867 201.10 00064867 4,242.45 00064867 6,439.27 369.65 6.46 00064868 8.08 00064868 6.45 00064868 8.07 00064868 29.06 130.00 00064869 130.00 369.65 00064870 661.36 00064871 661.36 250.00 00064872 250.00 15 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW Vendor Name SIERRA CHEMICAL CO SIERRA PACIFIC POWER SIERRA PACIFIC POWER SIERRA PACIFIC POWER SOUTH TAHOE PUB UTILITY DIST SOUTH TAHOE PUB UTILITY DIST SOUTHWEST GAS SOUTHWEST GAS STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY STANTEC CONSULTING INC STANTEC CONSULTING INC STANTEC CONSULTING INC STANTEC CONSULTING INC STANTEC CONSULTING INC SUB STATION DELI SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL & User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Prol Name PUMPS GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description HYPOCHLORITE ELECTRICITY STREET LIGHTING EXPENSE ELECTRICITY GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION OTHER MISCELLANEOUS INCOME AP 2000 - 3540 1,500.00 00064875 MW Time & Materials - Cash Board TMCB Check Total: 1,500.00 GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION SERVICE CHARGE REVENUE NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION LONG TERM DISABILITY, MGMT ENGINEERING IN HOUSE WTRLN, AL TAHOE ENGINEERING IN HOUSE WTRLN, AL TAHOE ENGINEERING NEW DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS ENGINEERING WATERLINE HWY 50 MEEKS TO RENO ENGINEERING WATERLINE HWY 50 MEEKS TO RENO ENGINEERING ARSENIC STUDY UNDERGROUND REPAIR Page: WATERLINE, AL TAHOE WATERLINE, AL TAHOE CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER WTRLN, HWY 50 RENO TO BIGLER WTRLN, HWY 50 RENO TO BIGLER ARSENIC PILOT STUDY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 16 Acct# / Prol Code AP 2002 - 4755 Check Total: AP 1000 - 6330 AP 1000 - 6740 AP 2000 - 6330 Check Total: AP 1000 - 3101 Check Total: AP 1000 - 6350 AP 2000 - 6350 Check Total: AP 1000 - 2531 Check Total: AP 2029 - 7054 ATWTRL AP 2029 - 7054 ATWTRL AP 2029 - 8401 DSTHDQ AP 2029 - 8548 H5OMKS AP 2029 - 8548 H5OMKS Check Total: 1,822.00 AP 2029 - 8718 ARSNIC Check Total: 68.00 Check Amount Check # Tvoe 116.96 00064873 MW 116.96 11,471.99 00064874 8.17 00064874 33,233.93 00064874 44,714.09 MW MW MW 1,822.00 00064876 MW 121.63 00064877 25.71 00064877 147.34 MW MW 1,460.99 00064878 MW 1460.99 1,637.50 00064879 MW 11,948.75 00064879 MW 2,032.05 00064879 MW 2,766.83 00064879 MW 1,780.60 00064879 MW 20,165.73 68.00 00064880 MW AP 2001 - 4405 966.00 00064881 MW Check Total: 966.00 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 Vendor Name SUTER ASSOCIATES, LYNN M. SUTER ASSOCIATES, LYNN M. Tahoe Asphalt Inc Tahoe Daily Tribune TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY TESTAMERICA TURNER & ASSOCIATES INC TYCO VALVES & CONTROLS LP TYCO VALVES & CONTROLS LP UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNIV OF CALIF BERKELEY UNIV OF CALIF BERKELEY US POSTMASTER US POSTMASTER US POSTMASTER US POSTMASTER User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT CLAIMS Department / Prof Name DISTRICT INFORMATION DISTRICT INFORMATION HEAVY MAINTENANCE DIESEL FUEL SPILL, GEN BLDG DISTRICT INFORMATION WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM ELECTRICAL SHOP ENGINEERING ARSENIC STUDY ENGINEERING ACCESS ROAD FOR DISTRICT HDQTR ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER SERVICE GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Description CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CONTRACTUAL SERVICES GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE WATER CONSERVATION EXPENSE BUILDINGS ARSENIC PILOT STUDY LAND, ACCESS RD LOT LINE ADJ FILTER EQUIP/BLDG FILTER EQUIP /BLDG POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE EXPENSES POSTAGE PREPAID POSTAGE PREPAID Check Acct# / Proi Code Amount Check # Tvoe AP 1027 - 4405 1,225.00 00064882 MW AP 2027 - 4405 1,225.00 00064882 MW Check Total: 2,450.00 AP 1004 - 6042 45.41 00064883 MW DSPILL Check Total: 45.41 AP 2027 - 6660 2,673.00 00064884 MW WCPROG Check Total: 2 673.00 AP AP 1003 - 6041 Check Total: 2029 - 8718 ARSNIC Check Total: AP 1000 - 4810 AP 2000 - 4810 Check Total: AP 1038 - 4810 AP 2038 - 4810 Check Total: AP 1000 - 0304 AP 2000 - 0304 222.36 00064885 MW 222.36 456.29 00064886 MW 456.29 AP 1029 - 7509 1,075.00 00064887 MW ACCSRD Check Total: 1,075.00 AP 1003 - 6023 AP 1003 - 6023 Check Total: 2,259.48 2,240.13 00064888 MW 19.35 00064888 MW 500.00 00064889 MW 500.00 00064889 MW 1,000.00 AP 1021 - 4830 5.00 00064890 AP 2021 - 4830 5.00 00064890 Check Total: 10.00 5,000.00 00064891 5,000.00 00064891 10,000.00 2,500.00 00064892 MW 2,500.00 00064892 MW Page: 17 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 MW MW MW MW Vendor Name VERIZON VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION VWR CORPORATION WALTERS CONSTRUCTION, K. G. WALTERS CONSTRUCTION, K. G. WEDCO INC WEDCO INC WEDCO INC WESTERN ENVIRONMENTAL WESTERN ENVIRONMENTAL WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name Description DIAMOND VALLEY RANCH TELEPHONE LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY LABORATORY GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION WELL, BAYVIEW ENGINEERING WELL, BAYVIEW PUMPS BELLEVUE GENSET BUILDING ELECTRICAL SHOP ELECTRICAL SHOP LABORATORY LABORATORY HEAVY MAINTENANCE DIESEL FUEL SPILL, GEN BLDG HEAVY MAINTENANCE UNDERGROUND REPAIR UNDERGROUND REPAIR PAYMENT OF CLAIMS LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES ACCRD CONST RETNGE WELL, BAYVIEW BLDG, BELLVUE GENERATOR BUILDINGS BUILDINGS MONITORING MONITORING GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE GROUNDS & MAINTENANCE PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES Page: 18 AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Proi Code Check Total: Check Amount Check # Type 5,000.00 1028 - 6310 224.28 00064893 Check Total: 224.28 1007 - 4760 1007 - 4760 1007 - 4760 1007 - 4760 1007 - 4760 1007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 2007 - 4760 Check Total: 2000 - 2605 BAYWEL 2029 - 8574 BAYWEL Check Total: 1007 - 6110 1007 - 6110 Check Total: 1004 - 6042 DSPILL 1004 - 6042 2001 - 6052 2001 - 6052 14.73 22.41 15.98 15.18 90.25 71.39 63.82 77.02 22.41 61.42 47.04 15.98 517.63 00064894 00064894 00064894 00064894 00064894 00064894 00064894 00064894 00064894 00064894 00064894 00064894 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 MW M W M W M W MW MW M W MW MW M W MW M W M W 89,950.18 00064895 MW 4,500.00 00064895 MW 94,450.18 1002 - 7519 584.87 00064896 MW BELVUE 1003 - 6041 4.54 00064896 MW 2003 - 6041 27.02 00064896 MW Check Total: 616.43 1,020.00 00064897 MW 150.00 00064897 MW 1,170.00 140.53 00064898 MW 185.05 00064898 MW 18.66 00064898 MW 1,028.15 00064898 MW Vendor Name WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION WHITE ROCK CONSTRUCTION WINDSHIELD PROS OF TAHOE WINDSHIELD PROS OF TAHOE User: THERESA Report: OH_PMT_CLAIMS Department / Proi Name UNDERGROUND REPAIR UNDERGROUND REPAIR UNDERGROUND REPAIR ENGINEERING WELL, BAYVIEW CUSTOMER SERVICE GENERAL & ADMINISTRATION IN HOUSE WTRLN, AL TAHOE ENGINEERING IN HOUSE WTRLN, AL TAHOE ENGINEERING IN HOUSE WTRLN, AL TAHOE EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Page: 19 Description PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES PIPE, COVERS, & MANHOLES WELL, BAYVIEW WATER METERS ACCRD CONST RETNGE WATERLINE, AL TAHOE WATERLINE, AL TAHOE AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Acct# / Proi Code 2001 - 6052 2001 - 6052 2001 - 6052 2029 - 8574 BAYWEL 2038 - 6045 Check Total: AP 1005 - 6011 AP 2005 - 6011 Check Total: Grand Total: Check Amount Check # Tvpe 1,746.63 00064898 MW 899.71 00064898 MW 383.76 00064898 MW 112.02 00064898 MW 7,704.13 00064898 MW 12,218.64 2000 - 2605 67,714.49 00064899 MW ATWTRL 2029 - 7054 0.00 00064899 MW ATWTRL 2029 - 7054 59,226.00 00064899 MW ATWTRL Check Total: 126,940.49 114.13 00064900 MW 114.12 00064900 MW 228.25 652,729.36 Current Date: 12/01/2006 Current Time: 10:08:59 S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 12/01/06 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS b: R 37481 #fR039 - ---� 0 //2009111 /37/20066 . rpt id: FRI, DEC 01, 2006, 10:52 PM --leg: THERESA--- CI, 3L- - -loc: CfEITE - - --� SELECT Check Types: ExivT Defaualt S electicrl: Check Stock ID: AP Verr]cr Bare Aooamt # repeal T1asrriT iai 20 - 0 26120 261 0000 FAIR 'IRA /7bGa1: 'IRAIl�Is, HARRY Page: 20 Total 652,729.36 Less: Grand Total: 652,379.36 rnt Cock # r lAze - 350.00 - 350.00 00062670 RV \.Jt:r .t:r;,11 1..'j.,."1n.~er. .:it.hartl H 5cllm!J ..~~~~~., .f;,( . \',; -1'\:' . ........... Ii'':'' ::-":~:,,' --= ,/ ""\!~. -::.. -./~i ' South Tahoe Public Utility District Dirr.ct/>n; K;,tLh1/:t-I"J F arreU Jame,; R. JOflt:!> t/.Zlry leu M~~.:;,hcr D,,,.r.c W;iilacc Eric. 5c\1"fr.r 1275 M!~.;idcw Crest Drive. South l;,;ki~ T;;hc(;. CA 961~)()-7.-;{)i l1;one 530 5"'1/1-6-174. Llx 5.::;0 :141-061-4. ','.v.'l:':.s:pd.ll::J BOARD AGENDA ITEM 148 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: December 7,2006 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Beth Jett, Kendall Pearce, and Pearce Family Trust dated 1-20-88 vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District, Cox & Cox Construction, Inc., a California Corporation, Nimbus Engineers, a Nevada Corporation and Does 1-100, inclusive, Civil Action No. PC 20050567, Superior Court, County of EI Dorado, State of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~,'I/.,f CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ktft CATEGORY: Sewer NO NO -95- \....r.~, :!':"i'" ''''1c'"l",l.J~t. .~Ir.";\.clli ~"IJ --- - --..- ,...'-;'- as For A Co -"".. '/~;';~~~'\ ,'1::1'/ . . . \\00::; '. .~," ~'_._._' ).~ t ~. ~.;!.\ ~~ ~ -~.- /J''; / .. .... . /" /" j . "'. ...~:"'c>".-,.,....::.!. ...~.;/:/ // -". \---==- South Tahoe Public Utility District Dirr.r.lm" Kath!::r.."':l F:.trft:U JamCll R. JorlClt flat)' 1 0;; flof.t~acl;cr D....ne Wail"cc Eric: 5Ghafr.r ..._---~ 12'7~; M63dC.lI'I Crest Drive. South L~kc T.'i.lhcc. Cr. 96150 .7/;-Qi n10ne~ 530 544 -6474. FiIi{ 530 5..~ \.061.1 · ...N....:. !',... p\,:lw-j BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: December 7,2006 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Meyers Landfill Site - United States of America VS. EI Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. 5-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES Ilfi-i CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES..R~ CATEGORY: Sewer NO NO. -97- ....'!"~r,tr;i' r..1;~r1,~C,. Rif;hM.P Ii. Solmg ._.----~fc;; A-c;----.... S t h ~ h /;ir~\ti.\) PubOll'CU Utl'll'tylD .al'stOr'lcet \ '~,. f i .il ,/ '. _. ..~:"~~.:.,~=(~.-=~:~::V ,:.~___,_:..-==_~___ Virccttlr6 y..;J..hteCrl r ;.w(~11 Jame!> R. JOl1elO Mal')' lOll MO';:';lcr..-r Duar.c Wallace EriG SGhalr.r __._....__...__._. ".... " "..._.." .",,___ ..__ ....____.__....J 12'75 ~.I.t:adow Crest Dri~'e. South L;;lke Tahce. CA 9(,.,150 7.~i Phone 530 54.tl. 6474. F:IX 5.::':0 54l-061~t · .....\...,'.'.:}tP\)Jli~i BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager, Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: December 7,2006 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation (three , cases) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding anticipation of litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YEsR nn::.. NO CATEGORY: -99- l.7!":nt.:r;il "."';h.,.~~r Ric;harti H $Qllmg ..-.'~~5Fo'AC';---.-. S th 1 h .'~ ,~\f!.~::-==,",-=-'!!.O/... ~..... 0 u a oe /.~ ~:l<:.::'-- -"~~~ , .~ . (~\r~~1A) Public Utility District ....:~:'~~~.~z:~ (~~-:-=-_ .-~:.., ~.__.~~==_._. virCGl<I~ K<1U:ir;cn f:lrfF.1l JamC5 R. JOfIc5 tl.al)' l 0.. MOf,~~lier LJU<1nl: Wallace Enr. Schafr.r 1275 Mt:aciow Cre~t Dri':e · South LJKC 1.:1I1CC. CA 96150-7401 (:>1'01'" r-.7,O lV1'1.r.:. ,Ot7/1. f"" ::')''10 r;41.n-::'1." .....". <,,1 r:..-j 'j" (\ .". ~_ ..r"t IiCY t ...'" "- '- ....J ......'\..I.t '.',,4...).... I.......f,. _.J BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager Gary Kvistad, Legal Counsel MEETING DATE: . December 7, 2006 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. 1442.92 Acres of Land in Alpine County, California; United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca., Sacramento Division, Case No. CIV S-02- 0238 MCE JFM. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ItH,/ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YESJ~ ft'(1c=-- CATEGORY: Sewer NO NO -101- " f ., T) I -:+ ., i) Rd C.~) I ;~J,16lo h.."I~ \ LEAL'S CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE P. O. BOX 14227 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96151 CA License Number: 529211 Voice: (530) 577-7898 Fax: (530) 577-7898 South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Attention: Board of Directors Subject: Fire Hydrant Purchase and Installation Dear Board Members, I am here before the board to infonn the board of the inequitable requirement of the purchase and installation of fire hydrants for new and remodel construction. In trying to pull a permit f<:?r the addition of a new residential unit to my existing developed two acre parcel within the Tahoe Basin, I was required to pay for a fire hydrant and the installation of said fire hydrant. It is my understanding that if a remodel or addition is made on any parcel, a fire hydrant must be within 250 feet of the property line. This is required by Mr. Gareth S. Harris, Battalion Chief/Fire Marshal for the Lake Valley Fire District as item #2 on the letter to me Dated June 30, 2006. I have provided you a copy of that letter. In discussing the requirement with Mr. Harris, I was informed that the requirement was and will be applied on a case by case basis. The reason he gave me was in some neighborhoods, it would be impractical to have a fire hydrant every 500 feet. Also he said that the STPUD system could not handle such a requirement, therefore the case by case basis. This requirement is placed on the first parcel making an improvement or addition. Subsequent improvements on other properties would not have to install a hydrant if a previous owner installed one within the required distance. The minimum charge for the hydrant and installation is $5,000.00. I have paid the fee. In the process of working with the EI Dorado branch of the County Development Services Department, I informed them that an extensive remodel was done to a privately owned structure across the street including the addition of a second bathroom. I informed Mr. Green of the activity and stated to him that they , 't '" I should be required to install the hydrant, not me. The structure is a "cabin" on U.S. Forest Service land within the Tahoe Basin owned by Mr. Ronald Iverson, APN 036-120-04-200 at 2888 South Upper Truckee Road. Mr. Green informed me that if I wanted to "rat on my neighbor" I would have to submit a formal signed complaint. I submitted a signed complaint. This was done to have the requirement lifted from my development project. I was further instructed to contact STPUD as they are the ones that I paid the $5,000.00 to. I contacted Lisa Coyner at STPUD and informed her of my desire not to have to pay for the hydrant. She said that she would email Mr. Swanson of the South Lake Tahoe branch of the EI Dorado County Development Services Department requesting an inspection of the privately owned cabin on Forest Service land. Ms. Coyner contacted me and said that her email was forwarded to Mr. Green. She said that . she received an email back from Mr. Swanson stating that it was out of his jurisdiction and they were not going to inspect the property. The matter has been forwarded to Mr. Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager for STPUD. She said that he was not pleased with Mr. Swanson's reply. Mr. Sciuto explained to me that he was not pleased with Mr. Swanson's reply because the district has no way to account for the additional bathrooms and services in USFS structures. In a conversation on November 30. 2006 I had with Mr. Green, he said that the same parcel did pull an electrical permit in December, 2004 and a final inspection was done approximately three weeks later. He also said that a mechanical permit was pulled for a gas line extension for a gas fIreplace installation and that permit has expired without a final inspection. He tells STPUD that the parcel is not in his jurisdiction, yet he tells me that his department has issued permits and performed inspections on that parcel. The email from Mr. Swanson to Ms. Coyner states that the building department must be "invited" by the home owner with the "Concept Approval Letter." I contacted Cheryl O'Brian, permit administrator at the U.S. Forest Service. I was informed that in 2002 plans were submitted to them for work to be done on that parcel. She told me that she wrote a letter, a "Concept Approval Letter" to the home owner and a copy of the letter went to the South Lake Tahoe branch of the EI Dorado County Development Services Department approving the work. With subsequent investigations, I have been informed by Mr. John Maher of the USFS that no letter goes to the building department, only to the home owner and only for exterior work. Ms. O'Brian informed me that the South Lake Tahoe branch of the EI Dorado County Development Services Department was in charge of permitting . ~. \ # " . and inspecting the property. The USFS and the Building Departments policy circumvents the permit process to avoid the STPUD charges. This increases the districts costs without USFS cabin owners paying for them. I have seen many projects on USFS land. This policy promotes bootlegging of hookups as the costs are considerable to legally install new bathrooms to include fire hydrant installation. This is not equitable to the first construction project owner. This system forces one owner to provide the infrastructure for others. This is unfair. The hydrants should be paid by all owners as all owners are benefiting from the installation of the fire infrastructure. If no work is done in the area, no hydrants. If you extend lines the district pays for the hydrants. This means that a person paying for one hydrant for his construction project will also pay for the installations of hydrants on line extensions as all customers of the district pays for hydrants on extension lines. If hydrants are needed the district should pay for the installation. The district could then adjust the billing of all customers to pay for the hydrants. This is the only fair way to upgrade the infrastructure as all upgrades to the infrastructure are currently funded this way. I have provided you with the packet of information that I submitted to the EI Dorado County Board of Supervisors this last Tuesday. I have asked the EI Dorado County Board of Supervisors to instruct the Grand Jury to look into the inequitable enforcement of the installation of hydrants. Please review the packet and discuss the inequitable charges of the hydrant purchase and installation. I should receive a refund for my project as the forest service cabin owner across the street should be liable for the hydrant as the current system allows. You may contact me to pick-up my refund as soon as possible. Thank you for your time in listening to me and taking the actions you feel appropriate. I will await your response. I am available to answer your questions. :i?j~L/ David T. Leal . .> ' " \ LEAL'S CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE P. O. BOX 14227 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96151 CA License Number: 529211 Voice: (530) 577-7898 Fax: (530) 577-7898 December 5,2006 EI Dorado County Board of Supervisors 330 Fair Lane Placerville, CA 95667 Subject: Letter to the EI Dorado County Board of Supervisors Dear Board Members, My name is David Leal. I am a homeowner of a 2 acre parcel on the Upper Truckee River within the county portion of the Lake Tahoe Basin. I, along with my wife have lived in this home since the spring of 1981. We have raised two beautiful children who are currently living within the Lake Tahoe Basin. I am here before you to inform you of an ongoing group of problems that I have incurred with the South Lake Tahoe branch of the EI Dorado County Development Services Department, specifically with Mr. Bob Green and his subordinate Mr. Jim Swanson. I have a copy of the letter I wrote to Mr. Larry Lohman, Deputy Director - Building Official on November 30, 2006 for each of you. This letter explains most of my interactions with your personnel in South Lake Tahoe. In addition to this letter are the emails between STPUD and Mr. Jim Swanson. I have received a 2006 building allocation from the TRPA to construct a second unit on my property on February 22,2006. Mr. Green refuses to include the second unit of use on my site assessment. I tried to submit complete plans with STPUO fees paid including their stamps on the plans to Mr. Green at the EI Dorado County Development Services Department on February 23, 2006. Mr. Green refused to accept my plans until a second site assessment was performed by him. In the Allocation Assignment Notice of February 22, 2006, there are critical deadline dates that apply to the allocation. The "Response to Allocation Notice" must be received by the building department by March 22, 2006. This must be (. ~ .- . done in p~rson with a certified copy of the current Grand Deed and $100.00. The date of the letter is February 22, 2006. The deadline is March 22, 2006. That only gives the owner one month to personally present the documents. Another way to loose your allocation is that a complete permit application including all plans with structural calculations and energy compliance forms must be submitted by September 22, 2006 with written verification of water and sewer service must be submitted at this time. In my case, the building department delayed the acceptance of my plans and would not allow me to complete a permit application until another site assessment was completed. I applied for that assessment on February 23, 2006. They did not issue an assessment until June 30, 2006. That assessment was so inaccurate and riddled with errors including changing FEMA maps and previous land capability determinations to reduce my allowable coverage. After contacting Mr. Tim Hagen of the TRPA, I was able to force Mr. Green to comply with TRPA regulations and change the allowable coverage to the previous amount. Only after this confrontation, did Mr. Green accept the application and my plans for review. When I finally was allowed to submit my plans for review by the EI Dorado County Development Services Department on July 18, 2006, Mr. Green informed me that I had until July 18, 2007 to pull the permit or I will loose the 2006 Allocation which I have waited for years to be issued to me. There were no notifications or any other documents provided to me that include any mention of that my allocation would expire one year from the time a completed application is received and accepted by the EI Dorado County Development Services Department. Is this true? Is it possible to extend that deadline? The 2nd revision of the site assessment was not issued to me until October 31, 2006. This is far beyond the critical September 22, 2006 deadline. Had I waited until I received the corrected site assessment, I would have forfeited my $1,000.00 allocation purchase option fee. There are at least five new construction projects currently underway on my street alone. One of them is an allocation issued February 28,2006 and a permit for construction was issued August 17, 2006. The construction is being performed by Younkers Constructions. Yonkers has two of the new houses under construction on my street. MacIntyre Construction is also building a new house on my street. These builders are able to slide thought the system in a timely manner. I have received many delays from the building department due to incompetence and wrong actions on their part as proven by the TRPA for reversal of the site .. , , , assessment. In trying to pull a permit for the addition of a new residential unit to my existing developed two acre parcel within the Tahoe Basin, I was required to pay for a fire hydrant and the installation of said fire hydrant. It is my understanding that if a remodel or addition is made on any parcel, a fire hydrant must be within 250 feet of the property line. This is required by Mr. Gareth S. Harris, Battalion ChieflFire Marshal for the Lake Valley Fire District as item #2 on the letter to me Dated June 30,2006. I have provided you a copy of that letter. In discussing the requirement with Mr. Harris, I was informed that the requirement was and will be applied on a case by case basis. The reason he gave me was in some neighborhoods, it would be impractical to have a fire hydrant every 500 feet. Also he said that the STPUD system could not handle such a requirement, therefore the case by case basis. This requirement is placed on the first parcel making an improvement or addition. Subsequent improvements on other properties would not have to install a hydrant if a previous owner installed one within the required distance. The minimum charge for the hydrant and installation is $5,000.00. I have paid the fee. In the process of working with the EI Dorado branch of the County Development Services Department, I informed them that an extensive remodel was done to a privately owned structure across the street. I informed Mr. Green of the activity and stated to him that they should be required to install the hydrant, not me. The structure is a "cabin" on U.S. Forest Service land within the Tahoe Basin. Mr. Green informed that if I wanted to "rat on my neighbor" I would have to submit a formal signed complaint. I submitted a signed complaint. This was done to have the requirement lifted from my development project. I was further instructed to contact STPUD as they are the ones that I paid the $5,000.00 to. I contacted Lisa Coyner at STPUD and informed her of my desire not to have to pay for the hydrant. She said that she would email Mr. Swanson of the South Lake Tahoe branch of the EI Dorado County Development Services Department requesting an inspection of the privately owned cabin on Forest Service land. Ms. Coyner contacted me and said that her email was forwarded to Mr. Green. She said that she received an email back from Mr. Swanson stating that it was out of his jurisdiction and they were not going to inspect the property. The matter has been forwarded to Mr. Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager for STPUD. She said that he was not pleased with Mr. Swanson's reply. Mr. Sciuto explained to me that he was not pleased with Mr. Swanson's reply because the district has no way to account for the additional bathrooms and services in USFS structures. ( ,; . . In a conversation on November 30. 2006 I had with Mr. Green, he said that the same parcel did pull an electrical permit in December, 2004 and a final inspection was done approximately three weeks later. He also said that a mechanical permit was pulled for a gas line extension for a gas fireplace installation and that permit has expired without a final inspection. He tells STPUD that the parcel is not in his jurisdiction, yet he tells me that his department has issued permits and performed inspections on that parcel. The email from Mr. Swanson to Ms. Coyner states that the building department must be "invited" by the home owner with the "Concept Approval Letter." I contacted Cheryl O'Brian, permit administrator at the U.S. Forest Service. I was informed that in 2002 plans were submitted to them for work to be done on that parcel. She told me that she wrote a letter, a "Concept Approval Letter" to the home owner and a copy of the letter went to the South Lake Tahoe branch of the EI Dorado County Development Services Department approving the work. With subsequent investigations, I have been informed by Mr. John Maher of the USFS that no letter goes to the building department, only to the home owner. Ms. O'Brian informed me that the South Lake Tahoe branch of the EI Dorado County Development Services Department was in charge of permitting and inspecting the property. There clearly seems to be a problem with the inspections. Mr. Green's policy of not governing construction work on U.S. Forest Service property is of great concern to me. As an adjacent home owner, I have seen many projects underway on many Forest Service cabins. If the work has not been permitted and inspected, there is no assurance that the work is done by licensed people and that the work complies with the local building and safety codes. This presents a great potential for safety hazards to exist. These cabins get the benefit of county snow removal and county emergency services without paying for them. With the lack of oversight, hook-ups to the STPUD system cannot ~e monitored or paid for. This puts an extra burden on the already over burdened system and makes all the legal hook-ups pay for their use of the system. I ask this board of supervisors to review my packet of information. Additional information is included within the packet. I would like to ask the board to oversee . ~ ~ the research Mr. Lohman is undertaking. I also ask that this board of supervisors to require an inspection of all U.S. Forest Service structures both private and public for compliance to local building and safety codes as currently permits and inspections are and have not been enforced. I also ask that this board to instruct the Grand Jury to look into the inequitable enforcement of the installation of fire hydrants within the Tahoe Basin, requiring selected developers to pay for the hydrants. Is this hydrant purchase and installation requirement enforced on the Western Slope? This puts an increased financial burden on some owners and not others to pay for the fire suppression infrastructure. The financial burden to provide fire hydrants should be equally distributed among all owners as the benefit of use of the hydrants benefit all owners. My communication with you today along with the packets I have given each of you is my formal notification to you of the hazardous conditions that exist due to the County's negligence as demonstrated by the lack of inspections and oversight of construction on forest service land. Should I incur any losses from damage to my property, person or if I am financially damaged by unpermitted and/or uninspected construction done on Forest Service land, the EI Dorado County will be held liable. This is an unacceptable liability for the county. After all of this, my last conversation with Mr. Green on November 30,2006, he told me he would do the same actions all over again if he had the chance. Thank you for your time in listening to me and taking the actions you feel appropriate. I will await your response. I am available to answer your questions. Sincerely, # , .-~~-/C~ /./ ~ ..J_ -,i I _ hrC(~ David T. Leal ~ ~, . LEAL'S CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE P. O. BOX 14227 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96151 CA License Number: 529211 Voice: (530) 577-7898 Fax: (530) 577-7898 THIS IS A FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET TO: ARLA FAX TELEPHONE NUMBER: 530-543-2739 FROM: DAVID T. LEAL SUBJECT: LETTER 1;'0 USFS, Ms. Terri Marceron Co~ments: Included in this fax is the letter I wrote to Ms. Terri Marceron today. I am mailing you a signed copy today. Thank you for the time that you allowed me to explain my problem to you. I understand that Ms. Terri Marceron is unavailable at this time. Because of the liabilities that exist you may want to forward my lett~r to others within your organization for review and assistance in resolving this matter. I am authorizing you to forward my letter to appropriate personnel within the USFS. Again, thank you for your assistance in this matter. TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: 4 ~ 1 LEAL'S CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE P. O. BOX 14227 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96151 CA License Number: 529211 Voice: (530) 577-7898 Fax: (530) 577-7898 12/04/06 United States Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit 35 College Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Attention: Ms. Terri Marceron Subject: Inspections and Procedures for Inspections of structures on USFS land. Dear Ms. Marceron, I have been working with the South Lake Tahoe Development Services Department. In the process of acquiring a permit for construction, I am being charged $5,000.00 for the purchase and installation of a fire hydrant. This is a new policy enforced by Lake Valley Fire District. The policy that is being enforced is that a fire hydrant must be purchased and installed by the home owner if a hydrant is not within 250 feet of the proposed project property line. Therefore, subsequent projects within the area are not required to install another hydrant or reimburse the first owner. I have personally noticed construction work being done across the street at 2888 South Upper Truckee Road, South Lake Tahoe, CA. Since that project precedes my project, I believe that the Forest Service cabin owner should be responsible for the installation of the hydrant. In researching the pennits and inspections ofthe construction project on Forest Service land, I have been informed that on projects that affect the exterior of the units require a "Concept Approval Letter" from the Forest Service. This letter is given to the home owner. It is the responsibility of the home owner to contact the local building department and obtain the appropriate permits and pay the fees. If the home owner fails to contact the local building department and pay the fees, no follow up on the projects are done. The Forest Service currently does not inspect the property for any compliance. I have contacted the EI Dorado County Development Services Department in South Lake Tahoe. Mr. Swanson, Sr. Building Inspector, was contacted by the South Tahoe Public Utility Department at my request to inspect the property. Mr. Swanson's reply was, "...This is Forest Service land and we only have jurisdiction when we are invited by a "Concept Approval Letter" to the cabin owner, instructing them to obtain a Building Pennil..." "Concept Approval Letters" are only issued to the home owner and for only exterior projects. The EI Dorado County ~ ~ .~ . Development Services Department will not inspect the unit. Without an inspection of the unit, STPUD is unable to verify the addition of sewer hook-ups. There is no oversight of the construction work done inside these units or work done outside the units. It is up to the home owner to comply and if they do not comply, no inspections or fees are applied. The building department only inspects units by invitation only. Even at the request of the STPUD for an inspection, the response was the same, In contacting Cheryl O'Brian, I was informed that no inspections are required for work done inside or outside of the unit. No follow up on the "Concept Approval Letters." No "Concept Approval Letters" are issued for inside work. No permit or fees are paid to the county or utilities. I also contacted Mr. John Maher and was informed that no "Concept Approval Letters" were issued to Mr. Ronald Iverson for remodel work done at 2888 South Upper Truckee Road. Since there are no procedures to inspect the unit and both Mr. Maher of the USFS and Mr. Green from the EI Dorado County Development Services Department rely on jurisdiction issues to deny the inspection requests, I am unable to verify the illegal installation of a bathroom at said property. If! cannot verify the existence ofthe bathroom, I will be unable to prove the hydrant purchase and installation fees should be born by Mr. Iverson and not myself. I am requesting qualified inspection personnel to inspect the private property at 2888 South Upper Truckee for compliance with local building and safety codes. I am requesting that at the time of the inspections, that verification of permitted work and hook-ups are inspected. I also expect that at the time of the inspections, the inspector is informed of what is allowed to exist within the structure with relation to sewer hook-ups, water hook-ups, water heater earthquake strapping requirement, gas venting requirements and that that the unit complied with the requirements of pulling permits for remodels and replacement projects within the unit. Enforcement procedures need to be in place to assure compliance. The lack of oversight has existed for a long time. Mr. Green has been the branch manager in South Lake Tahoe for less than two years. Since inspections are by invitation only and no oversight of the work has been applied to the USFS land, all USFS structures must be inspected for compliance to the local health and safety codes and local building codes. This lack of oversight has allowed for a great potential of health and safety violations to go undetected. This greatly increases the potential of personal and property damage to arise from illegal and substandard workmanship and materials. As a property owner and neighbor, your policy of not verifying compliance to health and safety regulations and code requirements puts my property and family at risk. I am requesting that all structures on Forest Service land within the Lake Tahoe Basin within El Dorado County be inspected for compliance to the local building codes and that the appropriate fee have been paid to the appropriate agencies and departments. I am particularly requesting an inspection at 2888 South Upper Truckee Road and that the inspection report be made available to the South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District, the El Dorado County Development Services ~ \ Department and myself. This will facilitate me in my investigation of who is responsible for the installation of the fire hydrant that has been paid for by myself. This letter is also a formal notification to you that a negligent oversight system is in place. This negligent system has and continues to put my property and people at risk of damage. Should any damage arise from this negligence, the USFS will be held liable for all damage that may happen in the future. The complacency of your oversight personnel and the lack of follow-ups has given rise to an increased amount of unpermitted and uninspected construction work. I have personally observed many construction projects on numerous structures on USFS land. It is imperative that you address the above described negligence as soon as possible to minimize the risk of structures on your property causing damage to other people and property. Your negligent policies of oversight of your structures and your tenant's structures not only puts my people and property at risk but puts my tax dollars at risk. This is an unnecessary exposure. Thank you for your assistance in this matter and I await for your response. Sincerely, '? ,/ / a'-~ ---- /. /" "" / ------- ~ ~7-? k-,,' ~_..- / w._ C. __ ' c- David T. Leal Cc: EI Dorado County Board of Supervisors file .. ~ -----Original Message--m From: jswanson@co.el-dorado.ca.us [mailto :jswanson@co.el-dorado.ca.us] Sent: Friday, December 01,20068:34 AM To: Icoyner@stpud.dst.ca.us Cc: rdgreen@co.el-dorado.ca.us; larryl@co.el-dorado.ca.us Subject: Re: 2888 South Upper Truckee Lisa, We do not have an active permit for a remodel. This is Forest Service land and we only have jurisdiction when we are invited by a "Concept Approval Letter" to the cabin owner, instructing them to obtain a Building Permit. If I can provide any additional assistance, just ask. Jim Swanson Sr. Building Inspector EI Dorado County Building Services 3368 Lake Tahoe Blvd. Suite 302 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 530 573-3446 j swanson@co.el-dorado.ca.us Icoyner@stpud.dst.ca.us To jswanson@co.el-dorado.ca.us cc 11/30/200609:20 AM Subject 2888 South Upper Truckee Jim: I received a complaint from a neighbor of 2888 South Upper Truckee who said that Rondald Iverson, the owner, is currently working on a $90,000 remodel, including adding a bathroom and lots of square footage. We don't have any record of plans being submitted or another bathroom being paid for. Could you please check this out? This is a Forest Service leased house. Thanks, Lisa Page 1 of2, AT&T Yahoo! Mail- dtleal@sbcglobal.net AT&T Yllh90! Mail ~. at&t ~:, ~goOr MAil ~ , Se.rch: r-----.---.--.--.---..--......-.-..~...~------.--.- . w.~~ ~e~~h J Welcome, dtle.IO.bcglob.I.... Mall Home I Tutorials I Help [Sign Out,My Account] Mail For Mobile-Mail Upgrades - Options Check Mall Addresses v Calendar Compo.e ..I Folders [Add. Edit] Inbox Draft Sent Bulk (9) [Empty] Trash [Empty] Se.rch Shortcut. My Photos My Attachments r" .--------...-.-. .-.--- _. ~~'_c~~~~1 J I ~~r~h .th~.~~~ J Previous I Next I Back to Messages Delete I Reply Forward ! Sp.m I ........ .__.....___..__...J . Move... This message is not flagged. [ Flag Message.. Mark as Unread] To: "DAVID LEAL" <dtleal@sbcgloblll.net> Printab'e View CC: Jswanson@eo.el-dorado.ea.us, rdgreen@eo.el-dorado.ea.us Subject: 7 Re: APN036-600-06, application 178144 From: larryl@eo.el-dorado.ea.us 'r..J Add to Address Book Q Add Mobile Alert D.te: Frl, 1 Dee 2006 08:47:25 -0800 Dave, I am reviewing your letter with Mr. Green and Mr. Swanson. I will respond next week after thoroughly researching this matter. Thanks. Larry Lohman, Deputy Director.. Building OffICial EI Dorado County Development Services Department ~~_?.9-':.![!!!!)!.9.~~~.PJ!!~_'Y[I!.,_g!!!f~m.i!Jt~!lJ. DAVID LEAL <dtle.lQsbcglobal.net> To !!.I!.'1!~,~~~!!.,l2!,~! ex: Subject APN036-600-08, appHcaUon 178144 1210112006 12:29 AM Dear Mr. Lohman, Attached is a letter I wrote to you today. I am mailing you a signed copy today. Please read the attached letter and contact me at your earliest convenience. In discussing this matter with Mr. Green, he said if he was to do it all over again that he would do the same actions. In the light of this attached letter I am outraged that a public servant has this attitude. Thank you for your assistance in resolving this matter. Sincerely, David T. Leal P. O. Box 14227 . ~Q.~~b..h~~~_I~b.Q~__9.f.d~~J.~J. Attachments Norton 2006 Attachment scanning provided by: AntiVirus Files: A' fJllarry_lohman1.wps (42k) [PreYlew] Scan a.ld Save to Computer - Silve to Yahoo! Briefcase http://us.f829.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?MsgId=6703_19735477 18152 1832 181... 12/1/2006 .. AT&T Yahoo! Mail- dtleal@sbcglobal.net Page 2 of2 . , ; ~~ete J ..!.~~I!d.,.J _,!.~~rd..,__._J s.~_~~J Previous I Next I Bac/< to Messages Move... i _~_.." _ _____ .,___---11 Save Message Text I Full Headers , Check Mall j I compose.i Sear.ch. Mall ,J Search the Web I - -"--'_0. .____ ,j Copyright 2006 Cl Yahoollnc. Privacy Policy I Terms of Service I Send Feedback I Help http://us.f829.mai1.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter?Msgld=6703 _197354 77_18152 1832 181... 12/1/2006 ~ . LEAL'S CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE P. O. BOX 14227 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96151 CA License Number: 529211 Voice: (530) 577-7898 Fax: (530) 577-7898 November 30, 2006 Development Services Department EI Dorado County 2850 Fairlane Court Placerville, CA 95667 Attention: Mr. Larry Lohman, C.B.O. Subject: Parcel APN 036-600-06, Application #175144 Dear Mr. Lohman, I am outraged at the treatment I have received from Mr. Bob Green and Mr. Jim Swanson. The treatment of my application has been so unprofessional and substandard that because of their actions, I have incurred tens of thousand of dollars of unnecessary expenses. To explain their actions, I must inform you of the history of this application. In 2001, I met with you in your office here in South Lake Tahoe to discuss a possible expansion to my property. At that time I presented to you the Land Capability and Stream Environment Zone Map Determinatons that I received from the TRP A on 06-03-1988. That determination was 80% of my property was Land Capability Class Ib and 20% Land Capability Class 5. I asked you if I needed another site assessment. Your response was that I would need a partial assessment and that the TRP A portion would be accepted and complete but the county portion would have to be done and that I would be charged one-half the assessment fees. In 2004, I applied for an allocation to build another new single family residence on my property. This was allowed when the governor allowed for an additional unit of use for parcels larger that one acre. I have 2.0 acres on this parcel. I paid $1,300.00 in fees/deposits for the allocation. In February, 2006, I received a letter from your department that I have been issued a 2006 allocation. On February 22, 2006, I went to your Department office here in South Lake Tahoe to pull the permit and submit my plans. When I tried to pull the permit, Mr. Bob Green informed me that I would need a full site assessment. I explained to him that I have discussed the matter with you and reiterated our conversation and your acceptance of the 1988 TRPA Determinations. He did not accept that determination and said that I needed a full assessment. He said that the department could not do the assessment until the snow melted and I would have to wait Wltil May. I asked him to contact you to verify your acceptance of the 1988 TRP A Determinations. At the same time, I tried to submit my plans. Mr. Green informed me that to accept the plans I \ ." would have to pay STPUD fees and have them stamp the plans. I went to STPUD and paid $9,400.97 and they stamped the plans. By the time I got finished with STPUD, your South Lake Tahoe office was closed. On February 23, 2006, I went back to your office. Mr. Green told me that he contacted you and that the 1988 assessment was not acceptable and that I still needed a new full site assessment. I paid the fees and was informed again that the assessment would have to wait until the snow melted. I tried to submit my plans with the STPUD stamps. Mr. Green then informed me that he would not accept my plans until the site assessment was completed. Since the assessment was not to be done for many months, I returned to STPUD to refund my fees as 1 pay interest on that money from my home credit line. STPUD said that they would refund my money less $50.00. It took over one month to get the refund as they have to have board approval and they had to wait for the board to convene. In May, 2006, I contacted Mr. Green about the site assessment. He told me that I am on the list and that they would get to my assessment when they could. It was not until 6-9-2006 that Mr. Green and Mr. Swanson met with me at my property. They did the field visit for the assessment on 6-9-2006. During the field visit, Mr. Green informed me that there is a 30 foot set side back restriction for parcels over one acre for fire access. I would have to contact Lake Valley Fire District to waive the 30 foot side set back requirement. I never heard of any such requirement. I was further informed by Mr. Green that I would have to have Lake Valley Fire District review the plans which is a new requirement that went into effect in the spring of 2006. In contacting the district fire chief, Mr. Jeff Michael, he was also unaware of the 30 foot side set back requirement. He waived that requirement on my plans including his signature. The site assessment dated June 30, 2006 was riddled with errors. In that assessment, Mr. Green and Mr. Swanson moved the boundary between the two classes of land. They reduced my coverage from 5,213 square feet to 4,547 square feet. The reduction would require me to remove existing verified coverage to progre~s with the project. 1 went to the office during the week of July 5, 2006 to discuss the assessment. I met with Mr. Green and Mr. Swanson. I informed them of some of the errors and again made the request for him to contact you and honor the 1988 assessment. Mr. Swanson then left. Mr. Green informed me that he was not going to budge on the issue of moving the class boundary. About the errors, Mr. Green said to me that it was difficult for him to work from the entire plot plan and that it would be easier for him if 1 would provide him with an exploded view portion of the parcel. On 7-11-2006, 1 returned to the office with my letter of 07-11-2006 and an exploded view of the plot plan. He infonned me that utilizing the TRP A guidelines, this is their interpretation and they would not change. I asked Mr. Green that ifI go to the TRP A directly could I have them honor the 1988 assessment. Mr. Green said to me "I am the TRPA." He said that ifI wanted to "fight" with him I could file a fonnal request for review. I did not want to "fight" with him. After Mr. Green reviewed my calculations and the exploded view, he revised his assessment with relation to coverage both verified and not verified coverage. He still did not revise the total coverage allowable. " '1 On 7-18-2006, I went to the office and paid the fees and submitted my plans for review. I went to STPUD to repay the fees and get the STPUD stamps. I was then charged for a new water service and a fire hydrant. My fees went from $9.400.97 to $17,997.20. The additional fees were due to increases in fees and a requirement of a hydrant installation that went into effect during the spring of 2006. During the process of sUbmitting my plans, I was informed by Ms. ally Kaluz that my coverage with the new unit was more than the allowable coverage. She said that she could not accept the plans for plan check as the total coverage exceeded the allowable total coverage as determined by Mr. Green and Mr. Swanson I then contacted Mr. Tim Hagen at the TRP A. I explained to Mr. Hagen the situation at the El Dorado County Building Department with Mr. Green. Mr. Hagen said that Mr. Green did not have the authority to change the 1988 Determination and that the coverage determined in that work was valid. He also told me that he would contact Mr. Green. Subsequently, Ms. ally Kaluz informed me that the coverage issue was resolved and that the 1988 determination of coverage would now be honored. I then submitted my plans for review. I then requested the revised assessment to be made available to me in writing. It was not until repeated requests that I finally received the "2nd Revised Site Assessment". That assessment was not written until October 30, 2006. I never received a "1 st Revised Site Assessment". In reviewing the "2nd Revised Site Assessment", I noticed that at the bottom on page two the verified units of use is listed 1 Residence. I called Mr. Green for an explanation. After leaving multiple messages, Mr. Green returned my calls yesterday and left a message. I contacted Mr. Green today. I asked him about the verified unit of use he listed as one and informed him that I have a allocation for another unit of use. He said that I only have one residence unit of use and that only upon fmal inspection that the second unit of use would be verified. I should have two units of verified residential units independent of whether or not the unit is built. I want the unit of use to be verified in writing as things change. During the conversation today, I referred to the delays he has caused me and the costs I incurred because of his actions. Mr. Green became aggressive in tone and said "Get a lawyer, bring it on." I was shocked. I informed him I have no intention of "bringing it on". I informed him that I wasreferrlng to the additional costs as it related to the $5,000.00 charge from STPUD for the installation of a fire hydrant. I informed Mr. Green that my neighbor, Mr. Ronald Iverson, APN 036-120-04-02 at 2888 South Upper Truckee Road, across the street on forest service land did an extensive remodel. That remodel should be the responsible for the new hydrant and not me. I informed him that I was concerned if the remodel was done to code and the safety of neighborhood. He told me that he could not inspect the property as it is on forest service land. He told me to contact the forest service and STPUD. I contacted Cheryl O'Brian, Special Use Permit Administrator, at the forest service. She informed me that the home owner has contacted their department and that they ,< approved some work and a letter was sent to the building department. 1 also contacted STPUD and was informed that no fees or hook-ups were paid. Mr. Green said that if! wanted to "rat on my neighbor" that 1 need to file a formal complaint with signature for the building department to take action. I am not "ratting on my neighbor". I am informing the appropriate department of work done without the proper permits and inspections. I requested him to fax me the formal complaint form. The customer service representative at STPUD said that she would request an inspection from the building department and that she will email the request to Mr. Jim Swanson. I asked her if! still had to file a formal complaint with the building department. She said that I did not as her email covers my complaint. After my conversation with STPUD, I called Mr. Green. I informed him of my conversation with STPUD and the email requesting an inspection. He said that his department would probably not act on the email. As the conversation progressed he rescinded this and said that he would have to contact Mr. Swanson and read the email before deciding to act. I then asked Mr. Green iff still had to file a formal complaint. He said that f would. I filled out the form and faxed it to him. He said to me that when he received my form that he would forward it to Mr. Silvera in code enforcement. In 2001, my business relationship with a fellow contractor, Jeff Schneider, went SOUT. I filed a law suit against him for his activities. Included in the law suit was slander and liable. In deposition, he admitted to slandering me throughout this town to include the EI Dorado County Building department personnel. This was verified to me when I went into the office in South Lake Tahoe on February 4,2004. 1 do not know the name of your employee but she is the heavy set lady that works behind the counter. When she heard my name she said, "Dh 1 heard about you." I said, "I hope it was good." She did not respond. I never met this employee before. This was said in the presence of Cory. This brings you up to date with my contact with your department. I feel that I have not been treated fairly by Mr. Green and Mr. Swanson. I believe that I have been treated badly by your personnel because of my association with Jeff Schneider. The actions taken by your personnel up here has delayed my project by at least one year. 1 could not start this project this year. If your personnel continues to derail this project, my application and allocation could be in jeopardy as I have one year to pull the permit. Can the permit time period be extended? If so, please contact me with the instructions to extend the application. Mr. Green said that 1 will get a refund for one-half of the sit assessment fees. I want a review of the fees I have paid to your department. 1 want the one-half of the site assessment fees refunded to me as agreed upon by you and now agreed upon by Mr. Green. 1 want the requirement for a fire hydrant not applied to my project as Mr. Iverson should be liable for the fees as his project would require him to pay for the hydrant. 1 want a refund for the $5,000.00 fee I paid to STPUD or contact with STPUD authorizing the refund. " t I am continuing to work for this project. Since I will have to have inspections on my property in the future, I am fearful that I will be subjected to a different standard. Because of the treatment I have already received, I believe I will not be treated fairly in the future. I would like to know if I could have my inspections done by somcone other that Mr. Green or Mr. Swanson. Please review with your records and your personnel concerning this matter and contact me at your earliest convenience. You may contact me at the above address and telephone number or you may call my cell telephone at (530) 308-4464. Thank you for your assistance in resolving this matter and I await your reply. Sincerely, Jq-:--~/ ......, ---------:;. c-:--.... 1________- ~-' David T. Leal Ccl Helen Baumann, El Dorado County Supervisor District 2 file ... " COUNTY OF EL DORADO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT "..., ". co.cl-do rn do. ca. us!" u i1din!! c\ ;'"f 'J~ ~\. '?' ..q L IFO\~'i PLACERVILLE OFFICE: 2850 FAIRLANE COURT PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 (530) 621-5175 (530) 622-1708 Fax Counter Hours:7:3OAM to4:3OPM bldgdept@co.el-dorado.ca.us planning@co.el-dorado.ca.us LAKE TAHOE OFFICE: 3368 LAKE TAHOE BLVD. I srE 302 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 (530) 573-3330 530) 542-9082 Fax Counter Hours: 8-12 AM 1-4 PM tahoebuild@co.el-dorado.ca.us EL DORADO HILLS OFFICE: 4950 HILLSDALE CIRClE, SUITE 100 EL DORADO HILLS, CA 95762 (916) 941-4967 (530) 621-5582 (916) 941-0269 Fax Counter Hours: 7:30AM-12PM 1-4PM bldgdept@co.el-dorado.ca.us planning@co.el-dorado.ca.us p..DO C' o~'\l. "OG- Q '-z.- . ....~.,.. --' -.J r..~, -< '" ../'-':~l . . 'f,~ February 22, 2006 LEAL DAVID T POBOX 14227 SOumLAKE TAHOE, CA96151 Re: ADoationAssignment Notice/or APN: 036-600-06-100 ; Application Number: 153711 EI Dorado County has received its allotment for 2006, and your name is included in that allotment. Receipt of this assignment notification presents you with three options. You may (1) accept this allocation and proceed with the application process; (2) refuse the allocation and request to be moved to the bottom of the list (requires a $300 lldrninistrative fee); or (3) refuse the allocation and request to be removed from the list and have your $1000 allocation purchase option fee returned. CRITICAL DATES March 22, 2006 - The Building Department must receive the completed Response to Allocation Notice indicating whether you accept or decline this allocation. It is recommended the completed notification be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. The Allocation Certificate must be claimed in person by the owner or an agent (with written authorization from the owner). In order to verify ownership, a certified copy of the current Grant Deed must be presented. September 22, 2006 - A complete permit application, including all plans with structural calculations and energy compliance forms must be submitted by this date (see attached requirements.) For South Shore parcels, written verification of water and sewer service must be submitted at this time. NOTE: THESE TIME LIMITS ARE SET BY COUNTY ORDINANCE AND CANNOT BE EXTENDED. Please complete and return the Response to Allocation Assignment Notice .,P-''';:. RESPONSE TO ALLOCATION ASSIGNMENT NOTICE Please select the allocation option you are exercising and return this notifice to the EI Dorado County Building Department. OPTION #] ~ I agree to accept the allocation and comply with aU required codes and ordinances. I will r claim the allocation certificate by March 22,2006. This option must be exercised in person and requires a $100.00 allocation issuance fee payable to TRPA when the allocation is claimed. OPTION #2 o I refuse the allocation and request to be moved to the bottom of the list. This option requires that this notice, with $300.00 ,dministrative fee, be received by March 22, 2006. OPTION #3 o I refuse the allocation. Please remove me from the list and return the $1000 allocation purchase option fee. I acknowledge that I am :fully aware of the allocation ordinance and I agree to comply with all the regulations pertaining to that ordinance by return of this notification. . I uDdentud that after ,I,imill' tile ADocation, if I fan to ,ubmit a complete permit .ppUcation by tile Septembef 22, 2006 deadline, the 51000 aJIocadoD purchase optioD fee wiD be forfeited to EI Dorado County. If title fOf this parcel it tnuasf'ernd after claiming the aDoeatioD, pre the aUocatiOD certifkate and penait .pplicatiOD pacbtl to the Dew OWDer. The critkal deadline dates also apply to them. Ii' . /JJ 7 . ~ i~ .~../ clef_ XL, /' Property Owner SignatureIDate F' . [r" j' ,~ "- {~C::-t,:" - C) C:..: Assessor's Parcel Number REPOfn': "IpISO\ITllNcI <. 1 ... . " LAKE VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT "Serving the Community Since 1947" Jeff Michael, Fire Chief June 30, 2006 David Leal PO Box 14227 South Lake Tahoe CA 96151 Dear Mr. Leal, After reviewing plans for a building permit (County of EI Dorado Permit Number: Unknown) to construct a new single-family residence at 2895 South Upper Truckee, APN: 036-600-06 in unincorporated South Lake Tahoe, California. I offer the following comments/conditions, which will be applied to your project: Your building plans have been conditionallv approved subject to the following conditions completed prior to a final inspection by the fire district Please contact the fIre district if you have any questions or do not understand any of the following project conditions. 1. As per the 2001 CBC, Section 302.4, a one-hour occupancy separation wall shall be installed with a solid core, 20-minute fire rated, self-closing door assembly between the garage and the residence. 2. As per 2001 CFC, Appendix llI-A and III-B, a fIre district approved fIre hydrant must be located within 250 feet of the proposed single-family dwelling unit measured by way of drivable access. The hydrant must produce a minimum fire flow of 1,000 gallons per minute at 20 pounds per square inch residual pressure for 2 hours based on your project's square footage of 952. Field inspections indicate that a hydrant meetin2 all of the above listed criteria must be installed as a condition on this proiect. Fire flow testin2 produced a flow of 1995 2aOonl per minute from the closest hydrant located 820 feet away from property. 3. As per the California Building Code and the California Code of Regulations Title-19, the applicant is required to install State Fire Marshal approved and listed smoke detectors which are hard wired. interconnected. and have batterY backup. These detectors are required to be placed in each sleeping room and at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each separate sleeping area. A minimum of one detector shall be placed on each floor. Smoke detectors shall be tested and approved prior to the building fInal. 2211 Keetak Street, South Lake Tahoe CA 96150. 530-577-3737 Phone' 530-577-3739 Fax 1 , ' <. LAKE VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT "Serving the Community Since 1947" Jeff Michael, Fire Chief ~ 4. As per the 2001 CFC, Section 901.4.4, and Lake Valley Fire Protection District Standards, building identification shall be conspicuously posted and visible from the street. (TEMPORARY ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE POSTED PRIOR TO COMBUSTIBLES BEING PLACED ON SITE). The letters/numerals for permanent address signs shall be of adequate size and of a color, which is contrasting with the background. In no case shallletter/numerals be less the 4 inches in height with a minimum 3/4-inch stroke. Such letters/numerals shall be internally illuminated and facing the direction of access. 5. The applicant must have a maintained all-weather surface road for ingress and egress of fire apparatus. The County of EI Dorado, the Lake Valley Fire Protection District, the California Code of Regulations, Title-19, and the California Fire Code shall set road standards. As per the 2001 CFC, Section 902.2.2.4, dead-end roads exceeding 150 feet shall be provided with a turnaround in accordance with Lake Valley Fire Protection District specifications. As per the 2001 CFC, Section 902.2.2.1, road width shall not be less than 20 feet. Existine: fire access road satisfies this condition. 6. The 2001 CFC Appendix IIA and Section 1103.2.4 requires a minimum clearance of 30 to 100 feet, or to the property line of all flammable vegetation to be maintained around all structures by the property owner. This does not include individual species of ornamental shrubs and landscaping. Our review is not construed as encompassing the structural integrity of the facility nor abrogating more restrictive requirements by other agencies having responsibility. Final acceptance is subject to field inspection and necessary tests. If you have any questions regarding the above conditions, please call the administration office during normal working hours. -_.-~' S. Harris Battalion Chief I Fire Marshal Lake Valley Fire Protection District cc: Oily Kaluz, EI Dorado County Building Department Lisa Coyner, South Tahoe Public Utilities District File 2211 Keetak Street, South Lake Tahoe CA 96150. 530-577-3737 Phone. 530-577-3739 Fax 2 .. . , DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT bttD:/Iwww.co.el-dorado.c:Lus/devservices ~f'.D 0 C' O~O O.~~~c:- ~. ,,(I)~~. ~ ..r ~.~~ - (' t., . \' "IIIFOV~\.' PLACERVILLE OFFICE: 2850 FAlRLANE COURT PLACERVlUE, CA 95 667 (530) 621-5775 622-1708 Fax Counter Hours: 7:30 PM to 4:30 PM PM:lldodeDltfilco.el-dorado.ca.us Dlanninatfi!co.el-dorado.ca. us LAKE TAHOE OFFICE: 3368 LAKE TAHOE BLVD. SUITE 302 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 (530) 573-3330 (530) 542-9082 Fax Counter Hours: 8-12 PM & 1-4 PM lahoebuildfilco .el-dorado.ca .us EL DORADO HILLS OFFICE: 4950 HILLSDALE CIRCLE I SUITE 100 EL DORADO HILLS I CA 95762 (916) 941-4967 & (530) 621-5582 (530) (916) 941-0269 Fax Counter Hours: 7:30 PM to 4:30 bldadeDttfi!co .el-doradv .ca. us olanninatfi!co .el-dorado.ca .us October 31, 2006 David Leal P,O. Box 14227 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151 Dear Mr. Leal: Subject: 2nd Revised Site Assessment APN: 036-600-06 Per your request, a reassessment of site assessment done for 2895 South Upper Truckee Road is complete and the results noted as follows. Your property is allowed 5,213 square feet of coverage. Of the total existing coverage of3,948 square feet listed on the site plan, permit records were found for 3,756 square feet; therefore, you have 1,457 square feet of remaining base allowable coverage. For additional details relating to this site assessment see the attached sheets. The site assessment detail sheets should be given to your design professional so they can design a project that meets code requirements. If you have questions relating to the site assessment process or these conclusions, please call the Building Department at (530) 573-3330. Hours for the Lake Tahoe Office are 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. Sincerely, 0~ 6)J~ Bob Green, Branch Manager, South Lake Tahoe Office For Larry Lohman, Deputy Director-Building Official Enclosures: Site Plan Site Assessment Field Notes ), ;,)fi~'..+tliL! '~! I \;'1 t" .\~.,r',>'I\\11 '-.1\,') 1!H.l'Hi..()() ~i:l! t,! '. I. Ii ~,)..' October 31, 2006 Page 2 " . The following information should be given to your design professional. Land CaDabilitv Verification Land Capability for this parcel is Class 5, with allowable land coverage of25 percent and Class 1, with allowable land coverage Allowable Land Covera2e The base allowable land coverage for this building site of89,880 square feet is 5,213 square feet (25% x 17,976 square feet = 4,494 square feet and 1% x 71,904 square feet = 719 square feet). Land Covera2e Verification With the information reviewed in county records the following can be verified as legally existing land coverage: Onsite Covera2e Verified NC Driveway ....................................................................................... 618 square feet Residence ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1,492 square feet Walkway - Steps ..................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 256 square feet Detached Garage ... ...... ... ... ... .... ..... ... ... ...... ... .,. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ..... 440 square feet Decks & Stairs ..... ... ... ... ............ ... ... ... ... ...... ...... ...... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ........ 366 square feet Stables .............................................................................................. 488 square feet Storage ............................................................................................... 96 square feet Total Existing Coverage Verified 3,756 square feet Onsite Covera2e Not Verified Storage 1 &2 .............. . . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . ... 192 square feet Total Existing Coverage Not Verified 192 square feet OfTsite Covera2e Verified NC Driveway ..................................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 700 square feet Verified Units of Use Primary units of use ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Residence i l;d!. ;l,1 it: It.! _;r I' I'~ \1'1') \.'..: J ",>.,' r i' \ tOll f; (~,.j ,I )iJ..1){) ~:rd f'~l'i, -J .I,";d .1,.;' '" <' October 31, 2006 Page 3 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Owners of developed property in the Lake Tahoe Basin are required to install and maintain Best Management Practices (BMPs) on their property. The deadline to install BMPs on this parcel is October 15, 2006. A permanent erosion plan with BMP calculations must be provided with the permit application for any proposed activity on this parcel. Refer to the site assessment field notes for required BMPs. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS PARCEL INFORMATION Plan Area Statement: 137 - Christmas Valley El Dorado County Zoning: Rl Hydrologic Area: 7 Watershed Area: 44 SCENIC DESIGN Scenic Roadway Unit and rating: N/ A Scenic Shoreline Unit and rating: N/ A TREE REMOVAL The Tahoe Regional Plan requires that trees with a diameter greater than 30-inch should be saved when feasible, even if the project must be redesigned. The diameter is measured at 41/2 feet above the ground. WOOD BURNING STOVES County records indicate that the last change in ownership for this property was after 1992. If there is a wood-burning stove in the building it must meet EP A Phase 2 standards. If the wood-burning stove does not meet these standards it must be replaced. ,f !;dl'l;l'~jld '= ~r'!] '\~,;~j.C.'>~\i)''\ rS\j,l('-{}(}(H}(,lJ:dl~",,\-f('Ji(h',\; APN: Q3'-' - bOO - O(p LEAL SIT1.~SSESSEMENT FIELD l~OTES DATE VISITED~ STAFF '?bCt /:::rK.:5 ADDRESS 2PJ9t:5 <~. u.PPeJ! ~crFE fu . , 1 NAME 1 . BMP's NEEDED ~ITs along Roof Driplines ..(~ ITs along Driveway 7ii'Swale, Benn or Drain to Orywell ESlope S tab ilization- Where? ~Revegetation Where? tJ.. LV. (nJlbJ.n.... "WL~ '.UJi)D ~F ~Gravel under Decks _Other BMP's(Describe) LAND CAPABarry ~~'1 Japability 2. ~ 3. 4. Map~d Soil Map Unit 1. fJJJ I b 2. Mwh 3. 4. TRPA WORK ONLY Additional TRPA Work Required Y@ Date Completed Staff Verified as Mapped Y/N _ SEZ on Parcel Amount of SE* on Parcel ~, ~ 7+1 t,e, 0 Verified Soil Map Unit 1. Mnfb ()-5"4 2. e 0 I b ' 3. 4. Observed Sl~ 1. S- 2. .".,... 3. 4. SCENIC CONCERNS I ~ ',,,,, '5~~ OF LIs S-o A~ ~ 4,,,,,,..,.,7 AUUfllUNAL ~MMKN'l'S : . . , 6 B~'tt.~ ~;:.Tl ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~J;ibP~~~~~N~~~~,;~~ ~ ;-~~~ /~ " ., TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY . < 'I 195 U.S. Highway 50 RO'Jnd Hill. Zephyr Cove. NV. P.O. Box 1038 Zephyr Cove. Nevada 89448-1038 . . (702) 588-4547 REQUEST FOR LAND CAPABILITY AND S'l'aEAM'!:NVIRONMENT ZONE MAP DETERMINATIONS .,.. s- ufo ~~; ~~L ~ ~{/~g 'd~/ 9S7cJ~ ;)A'I'E : JAKE : nAILING ADDRESS: ':I'l'Y/STA'l'E: TELEPHONE NUMEER: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: \--5~ - rP ff7J .- 0 ~ lEI Co. 'F~ J -.-;,;}\f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ('1'0 be completed by Agency staff) Allowable Coveraqe 1\ 1\ 1\ l' 5\ 20\ 25\ 30\ 30\ DATE: b - .3 - fR ;, THESE OETE~INA'1'IONS ARE BASED ON INTERPRETATION OF 1 n - 400' SCALE MAPS AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PURSUANT '1'0 VERXFICA'l'ION BY FIELD INSPECTION OR A STAFF INITIATED LAND CAPABILITY CHALLENGE. 2/10/88 FORMS: Form - LC & SEZ Request ~ .=:.s.. . - ~ . . ... ~ ~ .1 . I . ,II ~ il " '11 J ~ If i . . l: If .. >> a " 17I - '1l 0\ f~ tl ... .. ff ~ ~ ~ '" ~ ,.. .. ....,.,.,.... II! "..,.- # . ./ J 07-11-06 Mr. Bob Green El Dorado County Building Department 3388 Lake Tahoe Blvd. Suite 302 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Subject: APN 036-600-06 Dear Mr. Green, As per our conversation last week:, I have drawn another plot plan exploded view to 1"= 1 0'. I have also measured all coverage per your Site Assessment APN 036-600-06 of June 30, 2006. I have included with a copy of the drawings, a calculation sheet utilizing the triangulation method to measure the areas of irregular shapes explaining the calculations and how I arrived at the coverage for each item. Per your conversation and during your inspection with Mr. Jim Swanson, the bridges, tree house and dog house will not be counted as per your and the TRP A determination to be classified as landscaping. In your inspection repo~ you indicated that the four posts in the ground at the river is defined as a "Ra~a" and represented 96 square feet of Not Verified Coverage. I have removed the "Ramada". I have included with this letter pictmes of the "Ramada" in place and pictures ofthc "Ramada" removed. Since the "Ramada" has been removed and not on the original plot plan, as I thought the structure was insignificant and had essentially no coverage, I think that we should omit any reference to the "Ramada" in our calculations. In your assessment, you state that I have a verified 565 square feet of deck, yet only S09 square feet of deck is at my property which includes the back deck. the side declc9 the rear steps, the front step and the entry. You further list in the Not Verified area more walkway and step. Clearly there are discrepancie.s. AA you informed me upon receipt of the Exploded Plot Plan, that you would review your calculations. I have reviewed the calculations and conversed with you pertaining to the coverage allowable on my parcel. I have supplied you with a copy of the oriainal "TRP A LAND CAPABIUTY AND STREAM ENVIRONMENT ZONE MAP DETERMINATIONS." In your refermced Site ~ you moved the boundary oftbe Classification S & 18 Zones. During our conversation, you said that your are applying guidelines set by the TRPA and moved the boundary. The net n:suIt of your move was to reduce the aUowable coverage from 5213 square feet to 4547 square feel This is a 666 square foot reduction and is a significant amount. The TRP A determination of 6--3()..88~ clearly states that the land capability a1Iowable coverage is I b=BO-.4 and 5-20'.4, which translated out to be 5213 square feet of allowable coverage. Your move of the boundary states the allowable coverage is 4S41 square feet which traDSIates to allowable eoverage proportion of Ib=84.6% and 5=15.4%. I submitted to you and again with this letter a copy of the . . 'l TRP A Determination with a copy of the parcel map with the boundary drawn in. Comparing the shape of the boundary line of the TRP A Plot Plan and my Plot Plan, they are nearly identical in shape and location on the parcel. Please review your determination to return to the previously agreed upon parcel percentages and documented location of the boundary of the Classification 5 & 1 B Zones. Please provide me with a copy of the guide1ine~ method of calculation and calculations you utilized to move the previously detennined Classification Boundary. Please review the above and contact me at your earliest convenience as I would like to submit my plans as soon as possible. Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter. Sincerely, _ / / ~'KA-J David T. Leal P. O. BOX 14227 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151 530-577-7898. ~ . . ~ C) ~ t <t OL :r. L-. - ':) ._.J t. " Q c. Q ~ q ! __GU b- ...... ........ G..: t c"' ~ .' ~ e cNL 'L (C A-Gi '- (! A- L.~ fA L. A i7 OAlS A- ja L)~) (ve t.uft~ 'LJ \ I q I --F"ar3rJ\ ,:(70 .-. ..." :-'if7/";l ox' 4 \ ~r~~, - I 7~ /~ ( ;. I:;). U ~ ~~ (t/ )( =< 0) 4ft L/ ;- t...f y~ (I X.3) I, ~ V(IOX~O) ~O'-o.. ~(Iox~a) 10'1) .-,....15' (, I ~ ,;J..S R~S' D1 J...J~ 1-. ;J. 3. ~')( & 0 ~ ::- -~----- LL) A- L.ot<: w A~ ~ , 0 X ~ 0 ::- tJ~ r-A<'t-.I ~D G. A ~ A t"CC ';'0 X ~ ~ ::;:- p~ t"S' /"5 T<iPS I ~ , R q It-l... Dill.. k - ~ TU It<.. i, 33 ( ).. 5 'JJ2 1. ~3:" I s I f L'f U tn-I \')1\) ) /-(, ~ 'i 1""(;; X. S' .2 I ~ , I \ <-3'- vA 0 Q) , L Y' ~"2 - I.!.J"l ..J ~ S-~.!!. f :: 15""(, T:J I /':)(,lJ B S"' t:>'L D ~<:!..fc - A-d,U ft L / I..IL. )( /7 'l. · /1.5 '- If..:;Li:rJl'tT10~)Ef~L.orclATIO.J ~7)= I (II ,5 '-- L~fj 07 ' J = I 7.;2 .'690 ' /73Q I ~,f2~ftPL Si'iP' SX~ ~ 'fOOl '10C 1> I f Afi~ 'f /5T'i P5 (i ox I ~t-('fx..IO) = I~ 00 ' 1'/0 ct' TOrrrLD~C!. -< I SrfPs 5'O? [j I ~ )TA- @ L c; S A ~ ~al p~ 'AJ r ::: 10' 't 'f 0 I ~" I=- Lf 0 7 CJ I J::2 ~ v'l uJ t'rH CZ L't II A'" '0 A.J "i?tt 0 r.t~71 0 A.J j U , , I~\( I' " Ii ( - ) ~ - ( 9 tiL'lVAr.,1)'j "J 'fL'i'ClA7/t)^j L'-/O't,t, ~'/f7, tJ... I .LA- R~ 'i 5 r n 'foOT rn eT1-loJ) ::. Vg81:11~ 'fggI] S\O\?I'\ ~~ (A-r ~l V~~~ '8''>< It- -= qG.l:1' 1ft, D ~ ",S,o ~ ~ C ~ ..1- ~ x., :)..' ::: 9 t, r:J ' 9C, /]1 ~~.~<;f' ~ ~)l.. L'll =- r't, 0' 9(,0 tTO-r-A-L i=1 I 3 q ,~c [j I Cr t/ 'I- f) ,-- 7 C/ ') . dull " ~ I ~'1J b 1'6 q .. ~] I ?/'-/ () I ~J "3 9 ~ f:1 (:sG.) ~ B Q c:t' -<.f6 II Cf 0 0 I DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT t. 1 h ttO://www.co.el-dorlldo.ca.us/devserv ices \l-p..DO C' O~O Q,: ' ' c- Ui'" .~~~,~ '.'../'1i:~l' -< .', #'.....~~ . (\ ,,' ',' "'11.;io~\~\'?- PLACERVILLE OFFICE: 2850 FAIRLANE COURT PLACERVILLE, CA 95 667 (530) 621-5775 622.1708 Fax Counter Hours: 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM PMbldadeot@coel-dorado c'LY.~ planning@<;o.el-dorado.ca. u~ LAKE TAHOE OFFICE: 3368 LAKE TAHOE BLVD. SUITE 302 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 (530) 573-3330 (530) 542-9082 Fax Counter Hours: 8-12 PM & 1-4 PM \?.h9~Q!,Jjld@co ~-dorSldo. ca. u~ EL DORADO HILLS OFFICE: 4950 HILLSDALE CIRCLE, SUITE 100 El DORADO HILLS, CA 95762 (916) 941-4967 & (530) 621-5582 (530) (916) 941.0269 fax Counter Hours: 7:30 AM to 4:30 I2.!Qg.Q!,J,l!@kQ,!'l:Q9IP.Q<L9.it!JJl olanninSl@co.el-dors9o caus June 30, 2006 David Leal P.O. Box] 4227 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96] 51 Dear Mr. Leal: Subject: Site Assessment APN: 036-600-06 Per your request, a site assessment was done for 2895 South Upper Truckee Road. Your property is allowed 4,547 square feet of coverage. Of the total existing coverage of 4, 1 08 square feet listed on the site plan, permit records were found for 4,108 square feet; therefore, you have 439 square feet of remaining base allowable coverage. For additional details relating to this site assessment see the attached sheets. The site assessment detail sheets should be given to your design professional so they can design a project that meets code requirements. If you have questions relating to the site assessment process or these conclusions, please call the Building Department at (530) 573-3330. Hours for the Lake Tahoe Office are 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. Sincerely, /r~ Jim Swanson, Sr. Building Inspector, South Lake Tahoe Branch For Larry Lohman, Deputy Director-Building Official Enclosures: Site Plan Site Assessment Field Notes ) \l)~'::;J'H;lLi ','. h \i ij . >'<':1, ',\:~ii ',.(:"" (j;(>,,(~~::!..(it) i.t..~::' d;),.' '\0- #.. June 30, 2006 Page 2 The following information should be given to your design professional. Land Capability Verification Land Capability for this parcel is Class 5, with allowable land coverage of 25 percent and Class I, with allowable land coverage . Allowable Land Coverae:e The base allowable land coverage for this building site of 89,880 square feet is 4,547 square feet (25% x 15,200 square feet = 3,800 square feet and 1 % x 74,680 squ~re feet = 747 square feet). Land Coverae:e Verification With the information reviewed in county records the following can be verified as legally existing land coverage: Onsite Coverae:e Verified AlC Driveway....................................................................................... 785 square feet Residence....... ................................................................. .................. 1,392 square feet Walkway - Steps..................................................................................... 200 square feet Detached Garage ... ... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ... ... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ..... 440 square feet Decks .. ...... ... ............ ............ ...... ...... .... ...... ....... ... ....... ......... ...... ...... 565 square feet _ ~ 1~ Stables... .... ..... ..... ..... ...... ...... ...... ............ ... ........... ....... ..... ...... .... ....... 630 square feet Storage ............................................................................................... 96 square feet Total Existing Coverage Verified 4,108 square feet Onsite Coverae:e Not Verified Walkway - Steps .................................................................................... 156 square feet - Storage 1 &2 ....................................................................................... 192 square feet Stairs (Rear Deck) ................................................................................ 40 square feet Ramada Frame ..................................................................................... 96 square feet Total Existing Coverage Not Verified 484 square feet Offsite Coverae:e Verified Ale Drivewav .... ........... ..... ...... ...... ....... ..... ... ........ ............. ... .... ........ ...808 square feet Verified Units of Use Primary units of use . ..... ...... .... ..... ... ...... ...... ... ..... ....... ..... ............ ...... ........ I Residence "! Ih,:\.bulL! ,';:(i' ....,! :-\~<\i "~',~~;', '~~.,I>(,_O'j L:,.:J d,~:.... June 30, 2006 Page 3 . BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Owners of developed property in the Lake Tahoe Basin are required to install and maintain Best Management Practices (BMPs) on their property. The deadline to install BMPs on this parcel is October 15, 2006. A permanent erosion plan with BMP calculations must be provided with the permit application for any proposed activity on this parcel. Refer to the site assessment fi'eld notes for required BMPs. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS PARCEL INFORMATION Plan Area Statement: 137 - Christmas Valley El Dorado County Zoning: Rl Hydrologic Area: 7 Watershed Area: 44 SCENIC DESIGN Scenic Roadway Unit and rating: N/ A Scenic Shoreline Unit and rating: N/ A TREE REMOV AL The Tahoe Regional Plan requires that trees with a diameter greater than 3~-inch should be saved when feasible, even ifthe project must be redesigned. The diameter is measured at 41/2 feet above the ground. WOOD BURNING STOVES County records indicate that the last change in ownership for this property was after 1992. If there is a wood-burning stove in the building it must meet EPA Phase 2 standards. If the wood-burning stove does not meet these standards it must be replaced. ,,~.hlnU.< i:: \!; j /, '1'-1 :--\\-11 ;.,. i ~')3(.,.(;(;!.,f.)f) !..((ILdi)I...' ,... 4-- South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Neadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 (530) 544-6474 ",o':<{iG8 c<: .(. 07/1912006 Receipt I: 0232168 2:43=07 PH Custo~er No: 016884-000 DAVID LEAL 2895 ~O UPP~R TRUC~EE RD SO LAKE: r'A"liOE, -CA'- 961514227 Sewer Connect Fee 9,276.00 Sewer Prepaid 311.98 Inspection perMitting 50.00 ' Capacity Charge 1,997.00 Water PrePaid 426.32 AdMinistrative Fee 150.00 Water Meter Sales 286.00 Physical Water Conn ~ 500.00 Water Ti~e ! Materials 5,000.00 Total 17,997.20 /f\lCLulJ'l.. Cash 0.00 CSChecks 17,997.20 Change .. O..OQ 1006 Cashier: sandy Batch ID: 023 07 2006 j. .0.....0.. .... o. ~f Y(I e;n ,ll lb; II !') 0 /J,. C(2.e~ · ........0..0. :: 311.88 i- l~26'32 ~- I 'I 'l c:.', ., 1 [J /!. . :j:) .- 376.20 .) Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 (530) 544-6474 ( . . .:..- -'::':~:.'_~~::~~Jf':~'.:~.;_ '.:~'~ !006 ~ D: 0232168 ~1"\ No: 016884-000 '.EAL iO UPPER TRUCKEE RD : TAHOE, CA 961514227 :onnect Fee ,.00 'repaid ..88 ,ion perMitting 1.00 .y Charge . .00 'reF'aid 1.32 :tNtive Fee 1.00 leter Sales .00 11 Watel" C,:,nn 1.00 1'1011.1:1' r'il'le 8. Materials 5~OOO.OO Total 17,997.20 Cash 0.00 CSChed::s 1006 17,997.20 Ch-?I1f,le 2:43:07 PM South Tah~lic Utility District ~Headow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 (530) 544-6474 :'.1]1 }:mt'!!l~Ii!~~@!!lM~l 02/22i2006 Receipt n: 0207260 4=05=28 PH CustoMer No: 016884-000 DAVID LEAL 2895 SO UPPER TRUCKEE RD SO LAKE TAHOE, CA 961514227 Sewer Connect Fee 9,276.00 Sewer Prepaid 74.97 Inspection perMitting 50.00 ------------------------------------~--- Total 9,400.97 Cash . 0.00 -~Checks 8542 "000.97 Chang~.,~... 0.0.0. )...,..----:~, . Cashier: rex Batch ID: 038 02 2006 .. South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 (530) 544-6474 ~; ~~~ .~ :tor: ~ > x rn .~ ;lI;:i:n I ~:~ l _m~ c ' ~~~ " ~~i .. :.- Z r o i: :.- i -4 m Z :.- Z n m ;.:,1 :Ha)~U~~~l;n;:~!E; 02/22/2006 Receipt n: 0207260 4=05:28 PM CustoMer No: 016884-000 DAVID LEAL 2895 SO UPPER TRUCKEE RD 50 LAKE TAHOE, CA 961514227 Sewer Connect Fee 9,276.00 Sewer Prepaid 74.97 Inspection perMitting 50.00 t::::l ~ ~ I ~ I C'J ~ -------------------~-------------------- Total 9,400.97 Cash 0.00 C5Checks 8542 9,400.97 Change 0.00 ..' ~' " \..~ ~ ~I Eb C:l 0) .~ " "' m' 'Q .... CJl :ti ilJ -~ ~ r u '" ilf .,.- I\) r Cashier: l~ex Batch ID: 038 02 2006 ~ .. . . 171968 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ~ Conty or EL DORADO http://www.co.el-dondo.cLusldevservlces BUILDING SERVICES PLACERVILLE OFFICE: 2850 FAlRLANE COURT PIACERVlLLE, CA. 95887 (S3O) 621-5315 (530) 822.1701 Fax Counter Hour.: 7:30 AM to ":30 PM bldad.DtOCo .I-<foredo CI.UI LAKE TAHOE OFFICE: 3388 LAKE TAHOE BLVD. SUITE 302 SOUTH LAKE TAHOE. CA 98150 (530) 573-3330 (530) S42-8082 Fu Count.. Hours: 8-12 PM and 1..... PM tehoebuildfJeo..I-<forado ce UI EL DORADO HLL8 OFFICE: 4SI8O HILLSDALE CIRCLE, SUITE 100 EL DORADO HILLS, CA 95782 (918) ii1111-488hnct ~ (918) Count . . . PM bldadaot8ccl.Il-dorado.CI.UI FEB 2 S 2006 SITE ASSESSMENT APPLICATION uNTY EL DORADO co oEVELOPMENT8ERVlCElDEPT Mailing Addres.Cl Y,4-u I () !?:.AL fJ;O)V /4-LL7 .5 L, c:rr;,/r;--/ ,er;-'J 0-- S -; 7r. 7~? Owner's Name Phone Number AUTHORIZED AGENT: Name Mailing Address Phone Number DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Assessor's Parcel Number 0 3 ~ -? CTO - OJ::, Subdivision Lot Number. & Address c?Z~) C;( Lt. (f2u~ Ref All property comers must be located and staked for this site assessment. Use stakes driven solidly into the ground at the property coniers. In cases where there is heavy brush or tree cover, surveyors tape (brightly colored plastic n'bbon) shall be tied to the stakes. If this is not done for the site visit a $SO.oo fee Will be charged to revisit'the property. The address must be posted on the property. I give the above mentioned "authorized agent" authority to act on my behalffor this site assessment. I authorize EI Dorado County Building Department staff and Tahoe Regional PIaming Agency 1IlIlf..-. onto the ~ V Assessor's records _ Owner's Signsture ---:J _? T7/ rfl Date'?" -:l.3 or:. .. t EL DORADO COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT RECEIPT #: 112888 PAYMENT DATE: 02/23/2006 =======~======================~============================================= RECEIVED FROM: LEAL'S CONSTRUCTION & MAINT. PARCEL 1D: 036-600-06-1 PERMIT # 171968 TRPA-COMPL SITE A 669.00 $ 669.00 @9, TOTAL: $ 669.00 RECEIVED BY:BLRD2 INITIALS CHECK# 8543 $ 669.00 BLRD2-02/23/2006-14:27:32 CASH $ 0.00