HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 01/05 - 1984 03/20Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 5, 1 9 8 4, 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors met in regular session 1/5/84, 5:00 P.M., Board Room of District Offices. ROLL CAT~,: Present were President M. Madden, Directors J.R. Jones, W.N. Olson and J. Wynn. Also present ~re ~nager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Engineer R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C. Weidman, M. Ambrose, B. Fischer, Kay Taylor, R. Tiran, B. Eppler, G. Eppler, K. Schroeder, P. Carrion, G. Plasterer, Pat ~nmath, Sue Schlerf - Tribune. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TOAGENDA: Manager Cofer requested that Item ~4 re ~nployee Assistance Program be deleted. AGENDA APPROVED ~ED Did Item %10 re Cancellation of Escrow for Heise Land and Livestock. Item regarding Angora Water Company be on next regular meeting agenda. Agenda approved as amended. CONSET~f CALf~gDAR: Director l~;nn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2312, Approving Salaries for Confidential Employees, be approved. RES. NO. 2312 APPROVED (Salaries for Confidential Fmployees) MINUTES: 12/15/83. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, minutes of 12/15/83 be approved as sut~oitted. MINUTES OF i2/15/83 APPROVED REPORT BY BOARD ME~ERS: None SHOP STK~{ARD'S REPORT: Paul Carrion present but had no report. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. ~r~INGS: (1) 1/3/84 Workshop/Agenda Items, 4 pm MANAGER'S REPORT: All items on Agenda. AT~fORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that he has been ~Drking on the position frem legal views (Alpine County) and requests executive session following this meeting to discuss s~ne. Also, requested Item ~8 from the agenda re PG~DERHORNCASE be dropped from the agenda. REPORT PBOGRAM~ANAGERS REPORTS: None COMMf~,~S FROM A~IDIENCE: (Short Non-Agenda Items) -- None REGULAR ~ETING -2- January 5, 1984 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) BUDGET INCREASE - HA~iTAT EVALUATION PROCEDURE (HEP) - (Jones and Stokes) Director Jones mved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, budget increase (Jones and Stokes) for Habitat Evaluation Procedure be approved in amom]t of $7,688.32. (2) PURCHASE REQUEST FOR CO2 COML~RESSOR $20,000 - with 16 to 20 weeks delivery. Director Wynn asked if the delivery time could be speeded up for this item. Ken Schroeder stated that he would follow this through and report back. (3) REORINTATION OF PROPERTY LINE AT 637 Anita (Parcel No.23 543 201 and 23 543 211. Director Wynnmved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that staff reconmen- dation: Payment of fees due $4,280.20 be paid and installation of sewer lateral for new lot be done. That the City be notified to not final M~. Strauch's application for reorientation of lot lines until that is done. (4) APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO EL DORADO COUNTYWATER CO~.~fTTEE Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that Director Jones be appointed as District Representative to the E1 Dorado County Water Comittee and R. G. Baer as the Alternate. (5) ORDINANCE NO. 362, PROVIDING FOR EXPENSES AND FEES, DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, ORD. NO. 362 be approved. (6) NOTICE OF VACANCY FOR DIRECTOR All notices have been posted, and Tribune will also carry an article. Letters of interest from those interested candidates are due by January 18, 1984, 5:00 P.M. (7) ANGORAWATERCOMPANY...Manager Cofer requested President of the Board to sign and send letter to Stanley ~rtin acknowledging receipt of the stocks. President Madden to sign and send letter. (8) CANCEL. ESCROW,,..HEISELANDANDLIVESTOCK Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, letter be signed by the President of the Board requesting cancellation of escrow for Heise Land and Livestock Company. ACTIONS TAYd~ APPROVED INCRF2~qE OF $7,688.32 P[~CHASEOFCO2NASHCO~.~RESSOR APPROVED STAFF RECOMMENDATION RE 637 Anita Parcel 23 543 201 and 211 APPROVED. (City not to final application until requirements of ST PUD are complied with) DIRECTOR JONES APPOINTED TO EL DORADO WATER COn, ii?fEE AS DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE AND R.G. BAER AS ORD. NO. 362 APPROVED (Directors Fees and Expenses) (Retroactive to 1/1/84) NOTICE OF VACANCY..LETrERS OF INTEREST TO BE RECEIVED BY 1/18/84, 5 P.M. frc~ interested candidates. LETTER TO ANGORA WATER CC~ANY APPROVED ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF ANGORA WATER CO. STOCK APPROVED CANCELLATION OF ESCRf~ RE HEISE LAND AND LIVESTOCK Regular Meeting -3- 1/5/84 MEETINGS: (1) Workshop/Agenda Irons 1/16/84 4 pm MEETINGS SCHEDULED (2) Regular Meeting 1/19/84 5 pm (3) CASA Conference, 1/26-28/84 Indian Wells, California PAY~ OFCLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $289,600.90 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT ADJOURNMENT at 5:15 P.M. TO EXECUTIVE SESSION MARY M. ~DEN, PRESIDENT SOUTH TA~E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: MKRY D. ~mSE,' C~ OF B0~ ~ EX- O~ICIe SEC~T~Y... SO~ T~OE P~LIC ~ILI~ DIST~CT Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors SO[~fH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 19, 1984 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the Sou~ Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 1/19/84, 5:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CAI.I.: Present were President M.M. Madden and Directors W. N. Olson, J. ~a~n,J. Jones. Also present were Manager /Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Maa~ager/~gineer R.G. Baer, Fin~%ce Officer B. Fischer, M. Ambrose-Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C. Weidmm~, P. ~nmath, B. Eppler, G. Eppler, K. Schroeder, G. Plasterer, Rich Tir~, K. Taylor, Jim Martin, Jack Sullivan, John Maxhimer and Sue Schlerf-Tribune Reporter. Dr. Frank Hembrowand Lynn Smith. CORRECTIONS ORADDITiONSTOAGENDA: Manager Cofer requested an additional item for Board action be added to the agenda: Collection Procedure for~Unpaid Accounts. CONSENT CAI.~qDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by DireCtor Olson, ml~limously carried, ~]e following Consent Cal~dar be approved: (1) Sewer Unit Increase APN 22 082 071 (1 SU) (2) Sewer Unit Increases (6 SU) 26 036 01 Approve invoice total in amount of $8,912 to cover connection charges, ~mual sewer service fee, 2 year back charge for water and permit fee. (3) FUEL and LUBRICANTS - Purchase from RDC Distributors approved. (4) ~SC~W.r~NEOUS LUBRIC~2qTS = Purchase miscellaneous lubricants from Bi-State Petroleum MINUTES OF 1/5/84: Director ~qznnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, carried, minutes of 1/5/84 be approved as submitted. ~DITIONALITF2{ ~RAGENDA REQ~S~D. AGENDA ~PROVED. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED (1) Correct billing and send bill for additional charges for APN 22 082 071 (2) Approved invoice sent for $8,912.00 for sewer unit increases, connection charges, 2 year back charge ~nd permit fee for water service. (3) FUEL & LUBRICANTS purchases from RDC Dist. approved. (4) MISC. LUBRICANTS Purchases From Bi-State Petroleum approved. ~S OF 1/5184 Regular ~.~eting -2- 1/19/84 REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None SHOP STEWARD ' S REPORT: None - John Maxhimer, Shop Steward, was present. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None MEETINGS: 1/16/84 Workshop/Agenda Session Held. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer reported that he checked with ~e State and they stated no conm~_nts were received regarding adopting of the Basin Plan. He has been working on the ~mual Tribune Issue and does needassistance reviewing same from the Board. Have been working on a report regarding the monitoring of 1915 Assessments on the Assessment Rolls and will get the report to the Board soon. Manager Cofer also requested time for Rick Hydrickto make presentations to the Board Members. Rick Hydrick presented each Board member with a "T" Shirt, which will be given to some in the Comnunity as awards for the Conservation Program he is now working on. ATTORNEY'S REPORT:. Attorney John Weidman requested an executive session to follow this meeting to discuss litigation matters, and Alpine County Initiative. PROGRAM~XNAGERSREPORTS:~Ken Schroeder stated that he did check into Director Wym~'s request to up the delivery time on this item and they agreed to a 2- week delivery and will ship the Compressor next Tuesday, hopefully we will receive next WecLnesday. Mr. Schroeder also introduced Jim Martin, employeed transferred from Angora Water Compa~y, and Tim Reiger was not present today, the other employee from Angora Water Company. COMMENTS FROM AUDIenCE on Short Non- Agenda Items. NONE President Madden introduced Dr. F. Hembrow and Lynn Smith, interested applicants for the Board Vacancy. ITF2-~ FOR BOARD ACTION MANAGER' S REPORT PRES~qTATION BY RICK HYDRICK ATTORNEY' S REPORT KEN SCHROEDER REPORT-C02 COMPRESSOR Introductions: Jim Martin Dr. Frank Hembrow l~.~. Lynn Smith , ACTIONS (1) WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ~ROVEMENT PROJECTS: Staff requ~ested authorization to solicit proposals FROM: C%~C; James Montgomery Engineers, Inc., John Carollo Engineers; William Pillsbury, Inc.; Quad Consultants and Fort Jim Civil Engineering, Inc. Moved by DirectorWynn, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. (2) EASEMENT, LOT 49, RELATED TO HEAVENLY VAI~Y WATER TANK EROSION CONTROL PROJECE. Staff requested authorization to s~%d ease- ment to USFS. Moved by Director Olson, seconded by Director Jones, un~%imously carried. APPROVED STAFF TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS (WDSIP) AUTHORIZED STAFF TO SEND EASEMENT TO USFS REGARDING HEAVENLY VAT.T,~.--~.Y WATER TAI,~/EROSION CONTROL PROJECT R~egular Meeting -3- January 19, 1984 (3) COLD CREEK WATERSHED EROSION CONTROL PROJECT Staff requested execution of Closeout Agreem~_nt wi~ Precision Seeding. AUTHORIZED EXECUTION OF CLOSEOL~ AGREEMENT WI%~ PRECISION SEEDING Director ?~nnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (4) HEADSTART, STEP 2 Staff requested acceptance of grant increase in amount of $5,744. APPRO\~D ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT IN AMOUNTOF $5,744. Director Olsonmved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (5) FACILITY PLAN: (a) Agreement for land application with treated wastewater, Dressier. This was explained to the Board by Gene Eppler at the workshop session held on the 16th of January 1984. Cost to be approxin~tely $685,000 of which most will be paid through grants, and the District share of the expense will be approximately $130,000.00. AGREF~f APPROVED FOR EXECUTION (RE DRESSLER LANDS) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (b) Tentative %~ste Discharge Requ~irements. Meeting to be held at Susanville on 2/9/84 by Lahontan. M~ager Cofer and Director Olsonwill attend this meeting. Staff and the Board members were not in agreement with Lahontan on one section of the r.equirements where it states to limit ~e flow; Board &nd Staff felt that they could limit the number of connections but not limit the flow. It was agreed that a letter would be prepared by Manager Cofer stating the Board co~nents regarding this and same mailed prior to the 2/9/84 meeting. Moved by Director Jones, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. ADJOURNED AT 5:21 P.M. for the (6) ANGORA WATER CO~ANY BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~.~ETING 5:21 P.M. APPROVED LETTER TO LAHONTAN RE WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS WITH CO~NTS PREPARED BY ~AGER COFER. (1) President Madden opened the meeting at 5:21 P.M. ~3nager Cofer requested the following action be taken: (a) Adopt RES. NO. 2313, Action by Consent of Shareholder Electing to Wind up and Dissolve. (b) Adopt RES. NO. 2314, Action by Consent of Shareholder Electing Directors. (c) Adopt RES. NO. 2315, Res. Electing Officers and Adopting Plan of Distribution. (d) Authorize Shareholder's Receipt and Assumption of Liabilities in Connection with Distribution of Assets of Corporation. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. ADJOUP~ED WATER MEET~qGAT 5:25 P.M. South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Board Meeting reconvened at 5:26 P.M. Regular ~eting -4- 1/19/84 (7) tK~'~DERHOP2~ PROJECT Attorney Weidman stated that there have been extensions given regard~%g this project in the past, and he now feels that no further extensions should be given on this matter. He requested that the Board d~y ~is request from the Powderhorn Project. The Board was in full agreement no extension should be give] for the Powderhorn Project, and it was moved by Director Olson, seconded by Director Jones, ~nimously carried. (8) COLI.FCTION PROCESS FOR ALL UNPAID ACCOURqTS. Attorney Weidman stated that we are going to have to prepare some procedure for all unpaid accounts. Much discussion took place regarding this subject, and Director Wynn stated that he felt we should go against the property, not the individual, and he felt this should be discussed in Study Session. It was further suggested that this item should be brought up at the CASA Managers ~4eeting and ~e Attorneys Conmittee Meet- ing January 25-27, 1984 at IndianWells, California. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, that this matter be put up in draft in Legislature, however same not to be ~troduced until word is received from this District. THE BOARD DET~IED THE REQ[~ST FROM POWDERHOt~N PROJECT FOR EXTENSION OF TI2~ COLLECTION PROCESS FOR UNPAID ACCOUNTS WORKSHOP SESSION TO BE HEI.D RE Collection Process for Unpaid Accounts; same not to be introduced for Legislation, until %~Drd is received from this District to proceed with ~is issue. (9) RESOLUTION NO. 2316, Accepting Lease Agreement for Purchase of Jet/Vac Unit. Director Olson~moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, RES. NO. 2316 be approved. ADPROVED RES. NO. 231~ and Authorized Execution of Agreement. MEETINGS: The following meetings are scheduled: (1) 1/26-28/84 CASA Conference (2) 1/30/84 (3) 2/ 2/84 (4) 2/ 9/84 2/ 9/84 (5) 2/13/84 (6) 3/ 1/84 ~_gTINGS SCHEDULED IndianWells, CA Workshop/Agenda Items, 4 pm Regular Board ~eeting, 5 pm Interviews/Board Vacancy Lahont~ Waste Discharge Standards Meeting/Sus~ville Workshop - City Manager, Planning Director - Redevelop- ment Plan Joint Meeting, CSLT/ST PUD PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that claims in the amount of $373,887.53 be approved for payment. CLAI~IS APPROVED FOR PAIT~A~T ADJOURR?~NT: 5:30 P.M. to EXECUTIVE SESSION re Alpine County Initiative/Litigation ATTEST: ~Mar~ D,,/Ambrose, Clerk ~f Board/Secretary South ~ahoe Public Utility District ADJOUP~]D AT 5:30 P.~. ~ M. ~, President Sou~ T~ ~lic Utility Dis~ict REGULAR MERTING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 2, 1984, 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 2/2/84, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. BOLL CALL: Present were President M. Madden , Directors ~q;nn and Jones. ABSENT: Director W. N. Olson. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant ~nager/Engineer R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C. Weidman, M. Ambrose, P. Mamath, G. Eppler, B. Eppler, Gary Plasterer, Sue Schlerf - Tribtu~e, Neal Trebotich - Shop Steward, K. Bushe-THS, Lynn Smith, Sue Hrbacek, C. Bittner, G . Smith, Ken Schroeder. ABSENT: Barrie Fischer, Finance Officer. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: M~nager Cofer and Attorney J.C. Weidman requested an Executive Session foll~ving this meeting to discuss Alpine County Initiative. AGAIqDA ~LoPBOVED AS AMENDED CONS~CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, consent calendar, as follows, be approved: CONSENT CAI, .~7~JDAR APPROVED (1) RESOLUTION NO. 2317, Entitling Certain Persons as Listed on This Resolution to Purchase Federal Surplus Property' fr~m the State of California; (2) CONTRACT AME~/~TNO. 1, Project C 06 1414 201 Headstart, Step II, Approved Increase of $783.00. MINUTES OF 1/19/84: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, minutes be approved. }~ILrgTES OF 1/19/84 kDPROVED REPORT BY BOAPD MEMBERS: None SHOP STE%TARD'S REPORT: Neal Trebotich was present, but had nothing to report. CO~4ITI~E ~ETINGS/REPORTS: None ~ETINGS: 1/30/84 Board held their workshop/agenda session. 1/25-27/84 CASA Conference. Manager Cofer stated that there were 44 agencies present for the ~4anagers Committee Meeting at CASA, largest attendance in a number of years. The Conmittee discussed waste disposal to land and the liabilities of Board Members, which Attorney Weidmanwil! discuss with the Board. Regarding the Heavenly Valley Tank, ~nager Cofer stated that it would be preferable to obtain a letter of credit rather than a Certificate of Deposit; the Board discussed this matter, it was agreed by the Board that they prefer to have all monies regarding this up front, and in a California Bank. Therefore it was a unanimous agreement from the Board that all monies are to be put up front if a we cannot get into a Calif. Bank. HEAVENLY VAr,I,EY TANK HEAVENLY VALI.EY Regular Meeting -2- PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: Accepted A%qIDRNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman reported that he has been working on the SCHWAKE Agreement, Grant Processing, ~nd reported also that CASA conference v~s most interesting ~d that a great attendance was present for the Conrnittee meeting. CO~qI~TS FBOMTHEAUDIENCE: There were no conments from those visitors present. President Madden introduced Sue Hrbacek, Carolyn Bittner, Lynne Smith and Glen~ Smith, applicants for the Board vacancy.~ BOARD ACTIONS: 2/2/84 MODIFICATIONS TO UTILITY BILL- ING PROGRA~ & MID .YEAR BUDGET REPORT ACCEPTED, '(INFORMATION. ONLY) ATIOPA~Y' S REPORT (1) EXTENSION OF TIME TO MAKE S~.~ER PERMIT DEPOSITS Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that the extension to 90 days, after TRPA adopts plans and ordinances, to make sewer permit deposits, be authorized. (2) CONTRACT WITH TAHOE HU~iAN SERVICES, EMPLOYEE ASSISTAi~CE. Mr. K. Busche briefly explained the services, and Manager Cofer reconrnended that the contract with THS be approved. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, the contract (2 months) be approved, and same not to exceed $4,650. (3) PROPOSED PE~TMAINTENANCE PROJECTS, WASTE DISCHARGE REQ. UIRF24ENTS: Manager Cofer requ~ested the letter prepared to send to Lahontan regarding this subject be considered for mailing to Lahontan. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (4) ADDITIONAL CON~IECTION CHARGES for Lots 1 and 2, Block 9, A1 Tahoe, for Mr. Frank Ds/Rosa. This was discussed at the workshop session of 1/30/84, and the Board requested ~m~ager Cofer check further into this additional charge. Manager Cofer stated that he did study and review the request from~. Frank DaRosa and requested the Board consider billing Mr. DaRosa in the amount of $1240, ~d not charges for connection fees since the structures have been co~ected to the sewer system, for more than 10 years. The proposed charges recon~nended are: 2-year back charge/Water $ 795.00 Annual sewer service fees 410.40 Permit Fee 35.00 Total $1240.00 Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, Manager Cofer's recon~aendation be approved. Also, Manager Cofer requested a charge in the amount of $727.70 be approved for Mr. E. Farrell, owner of Lots 1 and 2, Block 12, Al Tahoe for structures existing before this person owned the property and to be consistent with the DaRosa case, reconmended approval. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimosuly carried. AUTHORIZED EXTENSION TO 90 DAYS AFTER TRPA ADOPTS PLANS AND ORDINANCES TO ~AKE SE%~R PEP~IT DEPOSITS THS CONTRACT ACCEPTED, NOT TO EXCEED $4,650 (2 n~n.) 2, Block 12, Al Tahoe, Parcel 26 036 11. Authorized invoice in amount of $727.70 be charged Mr. E. Farrell for Lots 1 and Authorized invoice in the amount of $1,240 be charged Mr. Frank DaRosa, Lots 1 & 2 Block 9, A1 Tahoe. AUTHORIZED ~R TO IAHONTAN RE i'~sSTE DISCH3IRGE REQUIRF~5~IfS Regular ~eting -3- February 2, 1984 (5) PURCHASE OF FACTORY REBUILT GEneRATOR A1 Tahoe sewage pump station generator had a mechanical failure causing damage to the field coils and rotor coils. Gary Plasterer, ~nager of Operations, requested that authoriza- tion be received to purchase a factory re- built generator frc~n Sacramento Industrial Electric, approxir~tely $4,500, and delivery ~uld be 2-3 weeks. Director Wynnmoved,.secondedby Director Jones, unanimously carried, rebuilt generator be approved for purchase from Sacramento Industrial Electric Company in the amount of approximately $4,500. ~'~ETINGS SC~{EDUI.ED APPROVED PURCHASE OF REBUILT FACTORY GENERATOR FORTHE AL TAHOE PUMP STATION (1) 2/8/ 84 (2) 2/9/ 84 2/9/ 84 (3) 2/13/84 (4) 2/14/84 (5) 2/16/84 (6) 2/27/84 Hearing, Sac. Waste Disposal to L~%e (Workshop) L~4QCB Hearing, Waste Discharge Requirements, Sus~ville Facility Plan Waste Discharge Requ~irements Maintenance Project Board Applicant Interviews HOLIDAY Workshop/Agenda Items, 4 _Dm Board Meeting, 5 pm Workshop - City~nnager and Planning Director, City Attorney, regarding Redevelopment Plan, 4 pm (7) 3/1/ 84 Joint Meeting - City of South Lake Tahoe/ South Tahoe Public Utility District, 4 p.m. at City Council Chambers. Regular Board Meeting, ST PUD, 3 p.m. City Council Chambers/Lake Tahoe Blvd. &Tata Lane PAY~NTOFCLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the CLAIMS APPROVED amount of $514,995.31 be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: Adjourned at 5:30 P.M. to an Executive Session - re Alpine County Initiative. Following Executive Session - no action taken, but Board adjourned this meeting to 7 p.m. on 2/7/~4, 7 pm. ~R_ M. ~%AD~, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE ~PUBLIC UTILITY_ DISTRICT AYTEST: ~D~RY D. ~MB~S~, C~RK-OF BOARD/SECRETARY SOUTH T~OE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 7, 1984, 7:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session 2/7/84, 7:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President M. Madden, ROLL CALL Directors J. Wynn, J.R. Jones and W.N. Olson. Also present were General Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman. The Board adjourned to an executive session to discuss the Alpine County Initiative and Ordinance. Following the Executive Session, no action was taken, and meeting adjourned to 2/9/84, 8:30 a.m., City of South Lake Tahoe Council Chambers - Board Applicant Interviews. ADJ. TO EXEC. SESSION AND NO ACTION TAKEN ADJOURNMENT: South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: '~r~_i~. ~b~, Cl~rk of Board/Secretary Sout~Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 9, 1984, 8: 30 a.m. City Council Chambers, SLT 1~ne Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourn~ regul[~r session on 2/9/84, 8:30 a.m., City Cou/~cil Chambers, Tara Lane and Lake Tahoe Boulevard, to interview applicants for the vacancy on the Board of Directors. Board ~rs Madden, Otson, ~ymn and Jones were present. Scheduled interviews and applicants as follcm~s: 8: 30 a.m. Carolyn Nagy 8: 45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Allen E. Dunlap 9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Fran Cocking 9:45 a.m. 10: 00 a.m. Bruce P. Grego 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. H. Roger Hinds 10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. N.R. McGrew 11:15 a.m. 11: 30 a.m. Glenn ~thews Carolyn M. Bittner Mauro Capone Harry R. Gibson, III Dr. Frank Hembrow Sue Hrbacek Bob Mason 11:45 a.m. Adjourned for lunch. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:15 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m. Meeting reconvened with the following applicant interviews: Scheduled/Trudit]~ L. Morgan, ~d she did not show. Edwin G. Morrow Sus~ Abrams Paul Robinson Lynne Smith Joanne R. Welton George B. Wilson 1:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Cathy Lou ~Dsbacher Goerge B. Pulskamp Glenn S. Smith C~orge S. Ticknor Patricia ~itely Ail applicants were asked to respond to the following questions by mail: (1) What qualifications do you have that will compliment and/or add to the capabilities of the other Board ~.~mbers? (2) ~'~at are your ~oughts on transfer of sewer units and/or permits? (3) ?.~at do you think the Board should do about the Alpine County Se~er Initiative which was passed by the Alpine voters last November? (The vote was 217 to 207). Also discussed with each applicant ~s their thoughts on purchasing any of the other available water cc~,panies; their flexibility, which is important for Board meetings, also many times spur of the moment travel out of this area. Ail agreed they ~uld be available and that they were very flexible. Adjourned Regular Meeting Board Applicant~ Interviews -2- February 9, 1984 The Board adjourned this meeting to February 14, 1984, 4:00 P.M. with the hope a decision will be reached by them~ to appoint the new Board Member. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M. to February 14, 1984, 4:00 P.M., South Tahoe Public Utility District Offices, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA. ~ary M. ~d~en, ~resident South TahOe! Public Utility District A~fEST: Mi~ .~ o~e, Cle~ of Board/District Secretary, South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOUP~NED ~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 14, 1984 = 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular adjourned session on 2/14/84, 4:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President M. Madden, Directors W. Olson, J. Wynn and J. Jones. SUBJECT OF MEETING: Vote for appointment of new Board M~er. Ballots were given to each Board Member to cast their vote - the first ballot being a tie vote; and a second ballot then given to each Board Member for another vote - - the vote was as follows: Robert ~son 3 votes Dr. George Ticknor 1 vote. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, carried, Mr. Robert ~lmson be appoinhed as the Director at Large No. 5, replacing Lorrene K. Lowe. [~. ROBERT t. IASON APPOINTED TO THE BOARD - DIRECTOR AT LARGE NO. 5. Meeting adjourned at 4:14 P.M. Mary M. ~den, President South TahOe Public Utility District ATI~EST~ ~://- ~ ~. ~,, ~ _~ar? b%' Ambrp~e, 'Clerk of BOar-d/Dis~:ic~ secretary South Tahoe/Public," Utility District REGULAR ~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOLFi~{ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 16, 1984 - 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 2/16/84 at 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CAIJ.: Present were President M. Madden, Directors J. Wynn, W.N. Olson, Jim Jones and Robert Mason. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager/Engineer R.G. Baer, Attorney John C. Weidman, M. Ambrose, B. Fischer, K. Taylor, R. Tiran, B. Eppler, L. Bran, P. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGEN~A: Manager Cofer requested that a claim was received against the District from a Jason A. Pride for an injury he received due to bad road conditions, and Manager Cofer requested that this be added to the action agenda items as #4. Agenda amended. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED CONSENT CA]-.k~NDAR: None MINUTES OF 2/2/84, 2/7/84:, Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, minutes of 2/2/74 be approved and Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, minutes of 2/7/84 be approved. ~NUTES OF 2/2/84 and. 2/7/84 APPROVED AS SUBMII~fED REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: No reports given. President Madden introduced the new Board Member - Robert Mason, who will be seated as an active member on 3/1/84. At this time she also appointed Mr. Mason to ~e Public Information and Legislative Cc~mitt~e as a ~ember and also Board Administratioi, Conservation and Training. MR. ROBERT MASON INTRODUCED AND WELCOMED BY THE BOARD ~MBERS SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Linda Brown was present and had no report for the Board. CONFLITTEE REPORTS: None MEETINGS ~ET.D: Manager Cofer stated that the following' meetings were held since the last Board Meeting: (1) 2/8/ 84 L~QCB/Susanville (2) 2/9/ 84 Board Applicant Interviews (3) 2/14/84 Adjourned Meeting/Workshop Session MANAGER'SREPORT: Manager Cofer reported on the meeting held by LRWQCB at Susanville on 2/8/84; he stated that approximately 250 people were in attendance and one-half of those people did not get to testify regarding the Waste Discharge Requirements. MANAGER'S REPORT ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he has been w~rking on the Alpine Initiative matter; contracts with Schwake, etc. and w~uld like to request this meeting be adjourned to 2/27/84 at 4:00 P.M. to perhaps take some action on the Ski Run Water System Improvements Project. Board agreed for adjourne~, meeting. ATI~RNEY'S REPORT PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: None. COF~ENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None Regular Meeting -2- February 16, 1984 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) SKI RUN WRrEM SYST~ IMPROVEMENT ACTIONS TAKEN PROJECT The following items were discussed, and Attorney Weidman requested that no action be taken on this subject today, however, requested an Adjourned Meeting on 2/27/84 to discuss and/or take action on this project. Adjourned meeting will be held on 2/27/84 at 4:00 P.M., District Offices. (a) Seasons Resort Contribution (b) Heavenly Valley Ski Area Agreement (c) C~RPA/TRPA Permit (d) Construction Contract for Phase I Improvements (e) Contract for Engineering Assistance During Construction (f) Contract for Soils and Concrete Testing REFERRED TO 2/27/84 ADJOURNED MEETING (Ski Run Water System Improvement Project) (2) PURCHASE OF CARBON SCREENS: Gary Plasterer, Manager of Operations, requested approval to purchase the carbon screens ($15,209.60). Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wyrm, unanimously carried, purchase of carbon screens be approved. PURCHASE OF CARBON SCREENS ($15,209.60) APPROVED (3) REQUEST BY FISH AND GAME FOR DISTRICT TO PLANT FISH AT INDIANCREEK RESERVOIR: Manager Cofer discussed this matter at the workshop session held on 2/14/84, and each Director received a draft copy of letter to Fish and Game, prepared by Manager Cofer. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that the letter be approved for suhnittal, as requested by Manager Cofer. LETI~RTO FISH AND GAME FROM MANAGER APPROVEDFOR SUB~I~fAL (4) CLAIM RECEIVED FROM JASONA~PRIDE:.. Attorney Weidman stated that he would advise the Board to deny this claim received for injury from Jason A. Pride and refer same to our Insurance Carrier. CLAIM FROM JASON A PRIDE DENIED AND REFERRED TO INSURANCE CARRIER Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the claim from Jason A. Pride be denied and referred to our Insurance Carrier. MEETINGS SCHEDULED: (1) 2/27/84 4 pm Workshop with CSLT/ST PUD District Offices (2) 3/1 /84 3 pm District Meeting - 4 pm Joint Meeting with CSLT At Council Chambers (3) 2/29/84 Interview Consulting Firms re Design of Water Line Replacement Project (Mason/Jones) MEETINGS SCHEDULED PAYMENTOF CLAIMS: Director Wyrmnx~ved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in amount of $384,163.94 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 5:36 P.M. to ADJOURNED TO 2/27/84, February 27, 1984, 4 p.m. District Office to discuss Ski Run Water System Improvement Project. MARY M. ~D~, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAH~_~PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAtfY D.-~~, clerk ~f-Board/Distriet secretary SOI/i~{ TA~DE PI~LIC UTILITY DISTRICT 4pm ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 27, 1984, 4 p.m. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular adjourned session on 2/27/84, 4 p.m., District Offices. ROLL CALL: President M. Madden, Directors J. ~;nn, W.N. Olson, J.R. Jones and Robert Mason - (Director Mason had no vote at this time). ROLL CALL Also present were ~nnager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager/Engineer R.G. Baer, Attorney John C. Weidman, Barrie Fischer, Kay Taylor, Rich Tiran, Linda Brown, M. Ambrose, Bob Eppler, P. Mamath, Gene Eppler, Attorney Horton and Dena Schwarte - Tahoe Marina, Fresh Ketch Restaurant. BOARD ACTION ITEMS (1) SKI RUN WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: (a) Seasons Resort Contribution (b) Heavenly Valley Ski Area Agreement Director Olson moved, seconded by Director ~qznn, unanimously carried. ACTIONSTAKEN Approved Agreements for Seasons Resort and Heavenly Valley Ski Area (c) CTRPA/TRPA Permit Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Olson, %unanimously carried, CTRPA & TRPA Conditions be approved. CTRPA & TRPA CONDITIONS APPROVED (d) Construction Contract for Phase I Improvements. AWARDED CONTRACTTOWUNSCHEL AND SMALL ($575,000) Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (f) Contract for Soils and Concrete Testing in amount of $4,500 (Kleinfelder) BUDGET FOR $4,500 APPROVED Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (2) SCHWAKE OFFER - Manager Cofer requested approval of the Schwake Offer in the amount of $29,627.00 (as described in letter filed in District files). SCHWAKE OFFER APPROVED Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. ADJOURN~5~T: ~eting adjourned at 4:25 P.M. and the Board Members met in regular Workshop Session ADJOURNMENT 4:25 P.M. Mary M. ~den, President South TahOe Public Utility District AR~fES T: ~.~n~br~se, ~lerk of Eoard and Ex-Offmcmo Secreta~ -South Tahoe ~lic Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 1, 1984, 5 p.m. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met regular session on March 1, 1984, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. NOLLCALL: Present were President M. Madden, ROLL C~3~L Directors J. Wynn, W.N. Olson, J.R. Jones and Robert ~son. in Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager R.G. Baer, M. Ambrose, B. Eppler, K. Schroeder, G. Plasterer, P.Mamath, B. Fischer, K. Tayor, R. Tiran, Attorney John C. Weidman. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONSTOAGENDA: Manager Cofer and Attorney Weidman recommended two additions to the Agenda: (!) Ordinance No. 364 (2) Consideration of Approval for 3rdAmend- ment to Agreement (Alpine County Contract) CONSENTCAT.ENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by DireCtor Olson, unanimously carried, consent calendar as follows be approved: (i) (2) COLD CREEK 'WATERSHED EROSION CONTROL PROJECT: (a) CloseoutAgreement and Release of all Claims, and (b) RESOLUTION NO. 2318, PreCision Seed- ing, Filing Notice of Completion PURCHASE OF INVENTORY FOR UNDERGROUND REPAIR/WATER (Budgeted Item of $3,600) MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 9, 1984, February 14, 1984 and Minutes of February 16, 1984. Director Olsonmoved, seConded by DireCtor Wynn, unanimously carried, minutes of above be approved as sutxnitted. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED M_INTES OF 2/9/84, 2/14/84 and 2/].6/84 APPROVED as S ' UBMI~D REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: President Madden stated that she and the other Board Members appreciated. receiving the Expenditure Report of Output from Accounting, and requested that same be given to Board ~mbers each month. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None present. COgnITIVE REPORTS: DireCtor Jones reported under Water Committee that he did meet with the members of the E1 Dorado County Water Agency last Monday, and one topic discussed was the SCA 16 Bill from Senator Ray Johnson, and it was voted that the Board of Supervisors be notified the Committee does support this bill; another topic discussed 'was theSi~rra'~F°°thills ~'~ter'Manageme~t Studies dated 1t/19/83 reCeived frc~ the Calif.-Department of Water Resources. WATER COMMII~fEE REPORT JAMES R. JONES, DIRECTOR MEETINGS: February 27, 1984, adjourned meeting held and workshop session for this meeting items. MANAGER'S REPORT: M~3nager J. R. Cofer stated that he did receive a letter of resignation from the Clerk of Board/District Secretary Mary D. Ambrose, effective April 4, 1984 Mr. Cofer also reported that Mr. Hubert Bruns has changed his position and will now allow us to deliver water to his lands; Lahontan giving us a letter approving irrigation of other lands also. MEETINGS HELD M~iqAGER'S REPORT Resignation-Mary D. Ambrose as Clerk of Board, effective 4/4/84. REGULAR MEETING -2- March 1, 1984 Manager Cofer also stated that the State of Nevada reported that we were illegally dis- charging to Bruns, and we did investigate and found all grounds to be dry. There was no discharge there. Indian Creek Reservoir is now 1-1/2 or better below the spillway. ATIORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated his items are on the Agenda. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ACTIONSTAKEN (1) 1984 WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT AND SELECTION OF DESIGN ENGINEER. Director Jones stated that the interviews were held with several engineering firms regarding this project, and it was the decision of the panel to request approval to select William F. Pillsbury Engineering Firm - they are local and they felt the firm did do good work for us in the past. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Mason, unanimously carried, William F. Pillsbury be selected as the Design Engineer for this project. (2) STATELINERESERVOIR REPAIR PROJECT: (a) Change Order No. 2, increase of $4,160 (DeBeers Corporation) (b) CloseoutAgreement and Release of Claims (c) Modify Design Engineers Budget CWC in amount of $2,274.79 Increase Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that items 2 (a), (b) and (c) be approved. (3) TAHOE MARINA (FRESH KETCH) SERVICE CHARGES: Manager Cofer recon~nended that consideration be given for this restaurant to the following: 36 sewer units will be the total count, and the amount due and payable by 5/1/84 totals $10,267.60. This was discussed withMr. Horton from Tahoe Marina, and they are agreeable to this charge. DirectorWynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that the ~3nager's reconmendation be accepted and that a stipulation be put in that in the event these monies are not received by 5:00 P.M. on May 1, 1984, charges will revert to the original amount, plus all penalties due, and this Board will rescind any action following that (such as the action tonight taken on the total of 36 sewer units and the amount now due of $10,267.60) Director Jones Abstained. ALPINE COUNTY, THIRD AMENDMENT. Attorney Weidman requested the President execute the Third Amend- ment to Agreement with Alpine County and approve same for submittal. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. AUTHORIZED STAFF TO NEGOTIATE CONTRACT WITH PILLSBURY ENGINEERING. APPROVED CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 DE BEERS CORPORATION IN AMOUNT OF INCREASE OF $4,160 CLOSEOUT AG~ AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS APPROVED APPROVED DESIGN ENGINEERS BUDGET, CWC, INCREASE OF $2,274.79 Manager's Recca~nendation Approved with the Stipula- tion of same to be paid by 5:00 P.M., 5/1/84, otherwise all this action taken tonight will be rescinded. (TAHOE MARINA INN/- FRESH KETCH) THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREE- MENT, ALPINE COUNTY APPROVED FOR PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE AND FORWARD SAME Regular ~eting -3- March 1, 1984 '~etings Scheduled: 3/12/84 3/15/84 3/20/84 Workshop/Agenda Items, 4 ~n Regular Board Meeting, 5 pm Joint Meeting, City of SLT and ST PUD, 2 pm (Council Chambers) MEETINGS PAY~5~NT OFCLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $220,501.62 be approved for payment. ADJOURNed: 5:30 P.M. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Mary M. Mad~e~,-President South Tahoe k~blic Utility District AI~fEST: Mary D.~brose, ClerK'6f goard and Ex- Officio ~ecretary South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULARMEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 15, 1984 5 p.m. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session March 15, 1984, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors John Wynn, Walter Neal Olson, Robert Mason and James Jones. ROLL CALL ABSENT: President Mary M. Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer James R. Cofer, Assistant Manager/Engineer Robert G. Baer, Attorney John C. Weidman, Barrie Fischer, Mary D. Ambrose, Bob Eppler, Gary Plasterer, Pat Mamath, Richard Tiran, Ken Schroeder, Neal Trebotich. CORRECTIONS. OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Attorney Weidman requested an Executive Session follow- ing this meeting to discuss Alpine County Situation and the Petition received from. Tim Pemberton ofAlpine County. AGENDA APPROVEDAND EXECUTIVE SESSION POLLOWINGTHIS MEETING APPROVED. CONSENT CAT.ENDAR: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimosuly carried, the consent calendar be approved as follows: (1) Sewer Unit Increase (APN 23 311 301) Correct billing and send bill for additional charges. (2) Lease vs Purchase of Existing Telephone Equipment (District enter into a purchase agreement with AT & T for the March quote of $13,240.98, for a period of mon~%~', that ~uld be in the District's best interest). (3) RESOLUTION NO. 2322, Authorizing Depositories to accept checks for deposit only. -2- ~rch 15, 1984 Regular Meeting CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) (4) Stateline Reservoir Repair: Approved Resolution No. 2323 and authorized filing Notice of Completion (DeBeers corp.) MINUTES OF 2/27/84 and 3/1/84: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, carried, minutes of 2/27/84'be approved. (Robert Mason not voting as he was not officially seated at that meeting). MINUTES OF 3/1/84: Director Olson ~ved, secOnded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, minutes be approved as amended by Director Jones (cc~ttee reports by Board Members). (Discussed was the Status of Sierra Foothills Water ~nnag~nent Studies dated 11/19/83 received from the calif. Department of Water Resources). REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Neal Trebotich, Shop Steward, was present, and had no report. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. MEETINGS HELD: (1) Adjourned Meeting/Workshop 2/27/84 (2) Regular BoardMeeting, 3/1/84 MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer reported all items are on the agenda. ASTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. weidman ~eport~-e~--~l ite~S--°n agenda, and others to be discussed at the Executive Session following this meeting. PROGRAM MANAGERSREPORTS: Gary Plasterer ~-eported that Pump No. 4 at Luther Pass is now in operation. CO~MENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTIONS (-~) don~nendation of Mary AmOrose, Resolution No. 2319. Director Wynn, on behalf of the Board of Directors, presented Mary Ambrose with a Resolution of Comendation. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimosuly carried, RES. NO. 2319 be approved. (2) REORGANIZATION OF MANAGEMENT STAFF RESOLUTION NO. 2320. Director Jones moved, se~nded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, RES. NO. 2320 be approved, as follows: (a) Delete Gr~nts Administrator position (b) Add new classified position of Clerk (c) combine Clerk of Board/Grant Adm. effective 4/5/84 MIbRfI~S OF 2/27/84 APPROVED MINUTES OF 3/1/84 ~ETINGS HELD PROGRAM MANAGEPS REPORTS (Gary Plasterer) BOARD ACTIONS APPROVE RES. NO. 2319 COMMENDING MARY ~ROSE RESOLUTION NO. 2320 APPROVED (Reorganization of Management staff) Regular Meeting -3- March 15, 1984 (3) COMPENSATION OF CLERK OF BOARD/GRT. ADM. Ordinance No. 365, setting Salary at $2340.00/Month Effective 4/5/84 (4) Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. CHANGE OF LOCATION FOR BOARD MEETINGS: Effective March 20, 1984;and thereafter, District meetings will be held at the City Council Chambers, Tata Lane and Lake Tahoe Boulevard, City of South Lake Tahoe. Directors agreed to this. APPROVE SALARY AND ORD. 365, Clerk of Board/Grt. Adm. CHANGE OF MEETING PLACES, AT CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE COUNCIL CHAMBERS EFFECTIVE 3/20/84 (5) STATELINE RESERVOIR ACCESS ROAD ~ROVE- MENTS - Assistant Manager R.G. Baer stated that he is re~nding the Board approve RESOLUTION NO. 2324 authorizing William F. Pillsbury, Inc~ to design the 1984-85 Water Distribution System Improvement Projects; set the budget for the project not to exceed $43,000.00 ; authorize Task OrderNo. 1; authorization to file the Negative Declaration in which is stated that the ST PUD has conducted an initial study of the possible environ- mental effects of replacing, during the 1984-85 construction seasons, approximately 11,000 feet of corroded water mains serving District residents, at various locations throughout the District. On the basis of the initial study, and the STPUD's agreement to avoid the effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no signific~tt effects would occur, the District adopted this Negative Declara- tion, certifying that the project will cause no significant, adverse impacts on the environment. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Mason, unanimously carried, and also set the the HEARING DATE AS APRIL 19, 1984, 5:15 P.M. APPROVED RES. 2324 -AUTHORIZING W.F. PILLSBURY TO DESIGN THE 1984- 85 WATERDISTRIBUTION SYSTF34 IMPROVEMENT~ AUTHORIZED AMOUNTOF SAME NOT TO EXCEED $43,000 (Task Order No. 1) AUTHORIZED FILING OF NEGATIVE DECLARA- TION HEARING ON WDSI PROJECT 4/19/84 5:15 PM (6) MASTER AGREF~NTFORENGINEEPING SERVICES FOR WILLIAM F. PILLSBURY, INC. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. APPROVED ~%STER AGR~R. MENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR WILLIAM F. PILLSBURY. (8) RESOLUTIONS NECESSARY TO I2~PLF~T SUPPLemeNTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1971-1 Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the following resolutions be approved: APPROVED RES. NOS. 2325 and 2326 RES. NO. 2325. A Resolution of Intention to Make a Supplemental Assessment to Cover Cost of Overrun for Acquistion and Improve- ments needed in A.D. 1971-1A RES. NO. 2326 - A Resolution Preliminarily Approving Engineers Report and Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests and Directing Notice Thereof, and Describing Proposed Boundaries of A.D. and Directing Filing of Boundary Map (HEARING SCHEDUT.~D FOR APRIL 19, 1984, 5:00 P.M.) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. FORASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1971-1-A Regular Meeting -4- ~rch 15, 1984 (9) MODIFICATION OF UTILITY BILLINGS. MODIFICATIONS OF UTILITY BILLINGS APPROVED Barrie Fischer, Finance Officer, requested approval of the following changes: (a) Consolidated utility billing(into 1 bill) (b) Quarterly billing(July 1, October 1, Jan. 1 and April 1) (c) Proposed change for billing metered accounts (use one-twelfth of annual minimum on each monthly billing to billing for all water used) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, modification to utility billings, as explained, be approved. (10) THIRD AMENDMENT TO ALPINE COUNTY AGRF~T, ORDINANCE NO. 366: Attorney Weidman stated that he has met several times with the Board of Supervisors in Alpine County, and they all concur with this Third Amendment. Same will be presented again at their meeting on March 20th for signatures. APPROVED THIRD AMEND~NT TO AGR~.MENT AND ORD. NO. 366 Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, the Third Amend- ment to Agreement with A1pine County, and Ordinance No. 366, be approved. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 3/20/84 2:00 P.M. 4/2/84 4:00 P.M. 4/5/84 5:00 P.M. Joint Meetingwith City (AdjournedMeeting) Workshop/Agenda Items Regular Board ~eting PAYMENT OF CLAI24S: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $389,636.35 be approved for payment. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION (Alpine County Negotiations) at 5:25 P.M. and to the Joint Meeting with the City of South Lake Tahoe for March 20, 1984, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers. MEETINGS SCHEDULED APPROVED CLAIMS FOR PA%~q~T ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION AND THEN TO JOINT~EETING WITH CITY SCHEDULED 3/20/84, 5 pm AT CITY COUNCIL CH~ERS. ATTEST: JO~ W~~, ~I~E [~RESIDENT S~U~H TAHOE PUBI3fC UTILITY DISTRICT ~/~/~O~ BO~%RD ~ EX-oFFICIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JOINT MEETING - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AND CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE COUNCIL MEMBERS March 20, 1984, 2:00 P.M. Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. and introductions did take place of the Councilmembers, Directors of the Utility District, and staff members. Mayor Woods also mentioned that he would like to take the opportunity to wish Mary Ambrose a good retirement from the 23 years service with the South Tahoe Public Utility District. ROLL CALL: Ail council members were present (J. Cefalu Absent) (N. Woods, N. Roberts, T. Trupp, F. Benevento, (Directors Jones, Madden, Wynn, Olson and Mason). Staff Members of ST PUD: Manager J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, M. Ambrose, K. Taylor, R. Tiran, P. Mamath, B. Eppler, G. Plasterer, K. Schroeder, B. Fischer, Attorney J.Weidman. ROLL CALL City Members: City Manager R. Milbrodt, Ann Bogush, D. Crabb. DISCUSSION ITEMS: (1) Rich Hyarick, Inspection, ST PUD, discussed the water conservation program and what the residents have done to help conserve water, stating that motels, especially, have been very cooperative in the installation of water saving devices; literature regarding Captain Hydro-in form of comic books, that have been distributed to the schools, etc. He then presented each Council Member with a T Shirt with the logo of the Lake and SS PUD lettering. WATER CONSERVATION (R. Hydrick) (2) Manager James R. Cofer, ST PUD, gave a presentation on tke £~wer plant improvement project, and Attorney Johz~ C. Weidman, Attorney for ST PUD, discussed the Alpine County Initiative, and the contracts with Alpine County, as well as what is being proposed there. (3) Robert G. Baer, Assistant Engineer, ST PUD, did show slides as to what the District has done regarding all improve- ments made for the water System projects, fire flow improvements to the water systems and the plans for future improve- ments. Bert Cherry, Fire Chief/City of SLT, pointed out on the map where areas need fire improvement; explained the sooner improvements are made, the faster the insurance rates will decrease. Adjourned Joint Meeting with CSLT & ST PUD -2- March 20, 1984 (4) Proposed Cooperative Public Agency Purchasing Agreement Linda Dupree (City Finance Department/ Purchasing) and Richard Tiran (Purchas- ing Agent for ST PUD, both reported on their investigations into the feasibility of cost savings through cooperative purchasing of supplies. They stated there are many options they could follow, and will report more at a later date to the council and the District. (5) Status Report - South Tahoe Re- development Agency Financial Feasibility Study Results and Implementation Plan. This was given by Ann Bogush, City Planning Director. (6) Sewer Transfers and Building Permit Transfers This topic was briefly discussed and it was the suggestion of City Council Mayor and President M. Madden of the Utility District that a sub-committee of both Staffs be appointed to review and discuss this topic, and report back to both boards at a later date. A sub- committee will be appointed to work on this project. (7) City Manager R. Milbrodt stated that the City has been in 3-days of training to prepare this City for any disaster/ emergency. He also thanked the ST PUD for working with the City on many of the projects and invites ST PUD'S attendance re the training of this emergency/disaster project. Mayor Norman Woods thanked all for their attendance and adjourned this joint meeting at 3:45 P.M. PURCHASING AGREEMENT (Information) SEWER TRANSFERS & BUILDING PERMIT TRANSFERS (Informa- tion) EMERGENCY DISASTER TRAINING PROGRAM BY CITY OF SLT ADJOURNED: 3:45 P.M. MARY M.~.~DDEN, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: ~Mk/~y ×I~[~-c~f ~ ~ ~ ~. AMBROSE, CLERK OF BOARD/SECRETARY SOUT~ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT