HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 01/09 - 1983 12/15 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District JANUARY 6, 1983 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, 1/6/83, 5:00 P.M., District Board Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President j. R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, M. Madden, L. Kashuba Lowe and J. ~;nn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Corer, Assistant Manager/Engineer R.G. Baer, B. EPpler, J- Maxhimer, G. Plasterer, S. Davis, R. Rattaro, B. Fischer, M. Ambrose, Attorney J.C.Weidman, K. Schroeder, p. Mamath, C. I. Ross. CONSENT CALENDAR: None ~0aRddJ~D~I~T~IO~N~S ~%~__A~GENDA: Manager Cofer ~ltlon to agenda: #5, Amendment to State Contract for Exfiltration. and seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, minutes of 12/16/82 be approved as suknnitted. AGENDA APPROVED AS A~NDED MINUTES OF 12/16/82 APPROVED REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None. SHOP STE%~ARD' S REPORT: None T__~_~.~ REPORTS: The Finance Coramittee met regarding the Audit Report, and Director Wlrnnm°ved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, the Audit report be accepted. AUDIT REPORT APPROVED REPORT ON P~RKSHOP SESSIONS: ~~__~____ Manager Cofer ~ mne~ns zor this meeting were discussed at the workshop session held 1/3/83. WORKSHOP SESSIONS HELD MANAGER'S REPORT: All items on agenda. ATIORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated he met with--th-~-~eFedera1 Water Master re water rights in Alpine County; Pickles litigation has been settled. Robert Baer also mentioned that the litigation that was in the small claims court in Southern California was moved to E1 DOrado County - this was regarding connection to the sewer system, by a property owner. ARTORNEY, S REPORT PROGRAM MANAGEPS P~PORTS: Ken Schroeder reported on the force main break, location 61+00 on 12/28/82, near the Elks lodge. Director Madden conmended Mr. Schroeder on his written report to the Board. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) BOARD ELECTIONS - Moved by Director Madden,-- KEN SCHROEDERREPORTED ON PIPELINE LEAK NO. 43. BOARDACTIONS seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, the officers remain the same this year: President J.R. Jones, Vice President Mary M. Madden. Also, President Jones stated the con~mittee members will also remain the same. BOARD ELECTIONS Regular Meeting -2- 1/6/83 (2) BID OPENING REPORT AND REQUEST FOR AWARD OF CONTRACTS: (a) WATER - Iow bid was received from Sierra Springs Water Co. Moved by Director Madden, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, bid for water be approved and accepted frc~ Sierra Springs Water Company. WATER CONTRACT AWARDED TO SIERRA SPRINGS (b) JANITORIAL - Following discussion by the Board, it was moved by Director Madden, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, the bid for JANITORIAL SERVICES be accepted and approved from PRO CLEANING. In reply to Attorney Weidman's questions, Randy Rattaro stated that the above were the lowest and responsive bids received. JANITORIAL CONTRACF AWARDED TO PRO CLEANING (3) STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD AMEND- MENT NO. 1 (Repayment Loan). Manager Cofer recc~mended approval of Amendment No. 1, repay- ment loan to the State, Facility Plan Project. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, Amendment No. 1, SWRCB, for 5 annual installments, repayment loan be approved, as recon~nended by Manager Cofer. SWRCB AMEND~ NO. (Repayment Loan - 5 Annual Installments) APPROVED (4) APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE AND ALTERNATE FOR THE EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY. President Jones will remain the representative for the E1 Dorado County Water Agency, and Mr. Robert Baer will remain the alternate for this lear. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE IS JAMES R. JONES AND ALTERNATE ROBERT BAER. (5) ~ TO STATE CONTRACT FOR THE EX, FILTRATION STUDY (Through 5/1/83). Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, the amendnmnt to the State Contract for the exfiltration Study be approved. AMENDMENT TO STATE CONTRACT FOR EXFILTRATION STUDY APPROVED PAYMENT OFCLA//~S: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $325,294.57 be approved for payment. CI2LIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT NOTICE OFMEETINGS: Manager Cofer stated that the following meetings are scheduled: (1) 1/17/83 Workshop, 4 p.m. (2) 1/20/83 Board Meeting, 5 p.m. (3) 1/26-30/83 CASA Conference (4) 1/28/83 ~tigation Task Force, 1:30 p.m. District Board Boom (5) 1/11/83 (6) 1/18/83 Alpine County School District Alpine County Board of Supervisors MEETINGS SCHEDULED Attorney Weidman stated that there is an amendment to the Basin Plan coming up on the 10th 6f January, and action to be taken on the 20th of January regarding waste discharge and building on certain lands, and reco~nended this District and Board should not c~¥ent on this regarding prohibition of building on the lands. ADJOURNMSI%~ AT 5:43 P.M. Jes~. Jones~.P~ident Regular Meeting -3- 1/6/83 At~EST: ~ b. ~b~6s~-,-Cl~r'k o~f Boa~d/SeCr~etary South T~hoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 20, 1 9 8 3 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors met in a regular session 1/20/83, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors Madden and Wynn. ABSENT: Directors Kashuba Lowe, W. N. Olson. ROLL CALL Also present were Manager J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, Sam Davis, G. Plasterer, P. Mamath, M. Ambrose, J.C.Weidman - Attorney, Gene Eppler, B. Eppler, Neal Trebotich, Barbara Hahn. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONSTOAGENDA: Manager Cofer requested that Item #3, Board Action, be added = Sewer Allocation AGENDA APPROVED MINUTES OF 1/6/83: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, minutes be approved as sukmitted. MINUTES OF 1/6/83 APPROVED REPORT BY BOARDMEMBERS: Director Madden stated she did attend the Allocation Meeting today and Manager Cofer will report to the Board. SHOP STf~ARD'S REPORT: None. Mr. Trebotich was present for thi~meeting. COI~v~TI~E REPORTS: None. REPORT ON WORKSHOP 'SESSIONS: Manager Cofer reported that a workshop session was held 1/17/83 to discuss agenda items for this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT.: Manager Cofer reported that another tour is scheduled for the Tuolumne Plant and also that 2 new supervisors frc~ Alpine County want to join in the tour, as well as 2 school district board memebers from Alpine County. A meeting was also held with Heavenly Valley representatives regardir_g the resort. Bob Baer will have a report for the Board at the next regular Boardmeeting. MANAGER' S REPORT AT/ORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that he did go to the Alpine County Board of Supervisors meeting and the School Board to make a brief report; also, he has re- con~nenced negotiations with Heise Land & Livestock regarding more excavation needed on the lower part of Diamond Valley. Pat Mamath, Grant Administrator, stated that she attended a Lahon%an Meeting last week and both Erosion Grants presented by the District were approved. Pegular Meeting -2- 1/20/83 COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None. ITEMSFOR BOARDACTION ACTIONSTAKEN (1) SUPPLEMENTAL ARCHAELOGICAL INVESTIGATION FOR ALPINE COUNTY LAND APPLICATION PROJECT Manager Cofer requested approval of total amount $1,212.00 for Task 1 - Field Work; Task 2 - Report addendum preparation for Intermountain Research; and also up to $25,000 for archaeological investigations at selected sites in the Indian Creek Reservoir Vicinity, Alpine County, CA. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. APPROVED $1,212 AS DISCUSSED APPROVED UP TO $25,000 FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS... INDIAN CR~.K RESERVOIR VICINITY. ALPINE COUNTY, CA. (2) TRIBUNE PROGRESS EDITION Director Madden stated that she did not believe the District and Taxpayer's should be paying for an article for the progress edition, due in February, for the Tribune. Further discussion took place and the Board postponed further discussion and/or any action to the next regular board meeting. NO ACTION..TRIBUNE PROGRESS EDITION .. POSTPONE TO 2/3/83 BOARD MEETING. (3) SEWER ALLfXlATION Manager Cofer reconmended the Board notify the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of E1 Dorado, and Lahontan, that the remaining sewer plant capacity is 1,194 sewer units or 373 equivalent single family dwelling units, and recon~nended allocation of remaining capacity over next three (3) year period. SEWERCONNECTIONS NEXT 3 YEARS 1,194 SU or 373 EQUIVAIA/V~ SINGLE FAMILY ~ELLINGUNITS RECON~NDEDANDAPPROVED. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $515,025.26 be approved for payment. CLA/_MS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT NOTICEOFMEETINGS: (1) CASA Conference, January 27-29, 1983 (2) Workshop/Agenda Items, 1/31/83, 4 ~n (3) Board Meeting, 2/3/83, 5 p.m. (4) 1/25/83, County Water C~L~t~tteeMeeting ADJOURNMENT: to Executive Session to discuss litigation. ADJOURNED AT 5: 40 P.M. ASTEST: ~,~LERK OF BOARD/DISTRICT SECRETARY REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 3, 1983, 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 2/3/83, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L.Kashuba Lowe, M. Madden and John Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. G. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Fischer, P. Mamath, M. Ambrose, B. Eppler, S. Davis, G. Plasterer, B. Hahn, J. Heusser, Gordon Culp of CWC; Walt Howard, Joe McNeil and Joy Parsons from Carollo Engineers. CORRECTIONS OR ADDTIONS TO AGENDA: Attorney John C. Weidman requested an Executive Session following this meeting to discuss litigation and precondenmation. CONSENT CALENDAR: Consent Calendar as follows: AGENDA APPROVEDAS AMENDED (Exec. Session Requested Following This Meeting) (1) (2) (3) COTI.MGE WET,T,, CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 (Decrease of $3,239.18) WATER DISTRIBUTION MAPPING, B. DUNCKHORST, NOT TO EXCEED $6,000 PER YEAR. RESOLUITON NO. 2285 : A RESOLUTION NO. 2285 AUTHORIZING FIL~G, EROSION CONTROL GRANT CONTRACTS AND PAYMENT REQUEST COLI.MGE WELL, C.O.#3 Decrease of $3,239.18 APPROVED B. Dunckhorst - WATER DISTRIBUTION ~.~APP ING, NOT TO EXCEED $6,000 Annually Approved RESOLUTION NO. 2285 APPROVED (Erosion Control Grant Contracts & Payment Request Forms) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Consent Calendar be apprved as presented above. MINUTES OF 1/20/83: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried, minutes be approved as submitted. MINUTES OF 1/20/83 APPROVED AS PRESENTED ABSTAINED.: Directors Olson and Lowe. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Kashuba Lowe gave a report on the CASA Conference and discussed 1983 Bond Issue, Federal and State Grants, Local Shares, Clean Water Bill and the Audits. BOARD MEMBERREPORTS RE CASA CONFERENCE President Jones also mentioned that he felt Larry Walker had some excellent con~nents regarding state and federal audits. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Mr. Heusser had nothing to report. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer mentioned that Connie I. Ross, Assistant Manager of Maintenance has submitted his resignation, effective 2/28/83. MANAGER'S REPORT Also that Bill Dunckhorst has retired and the District will not replace that position. Regular Meeting -2- February 3, 1983 Manager Cofer also stated that he and Director Madden metwith Jack Seeclock and Jim Burrows from Congressman Shumway's Office, and that they expressed their desire to be willing to give any assistance they could to this District. Mr. Cofer also mentioned that we had another break - No. 44 - bringing us to a total of 4 breaks in 131 days. He also attended the CASA Conference and that Mr. Hernandez was most helpful discussing the audit problems for Districts. ATTOR~EY'S REPORT : Attorney J.C. Weidman stated that he did attend the CASA Conference and they did review the legislation for 1983; he also attended the Medical Insurance Con~ttee meeting at CASA, and did prepare a letter to Barrie Fischer with suggestions. He also met with Joe Flynn, E1 Dorado Supvervisor, to discss Water Agency Tax Transfer Funds; met with representatives of Heise Land & Livestock; Alpine County; and he requests an executive session following this meeting to discuss litigation. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) PLANT MDDIFICATION AND AGRICULTURE AI~fORNEY'S REPORT ACTIONS REUSE PROJECT (a) Presentation of Plans and Specifications weremade by Gordon Culp of CWC (b) Presentation of Construction Management Plan made by Walt Howard of J. Carollo Engrs; (c) Presentation Revenue Program made by Joy Parsons of J. Carollo Engineers ACCEPTED REPORTS (d) STEP III GRANT APPLICATION - Director Lowemoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, application for Step III Grant be sut~nitted. (e) RESOLUTION NO. 2286, Authorizing Filing of Application for Federal and State Grants. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, RES. NO. 2286 be approved. (2) SKI RUN TANK PROJECT (a) Contribution From Heavenly Valley Resort Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, staff prepare M O U. (b) Proposal for CEQAAssistance, Jones and Stokes.. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Lowe unanimously carried, approval and not to exceed $2,900. (c) Proposal for Engineering, C W C Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, not to exceed $61,170. (3) ACWA DUES : - Director Wyrm stated that regarding the payment notice due of $2,300. The Board felt it was right to pay the $2,300 for the water, however, we are now billed another $2,300 for the sewer as well, and Director Wynn is not in agreement with this additional charge of $2,300. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, this be continued to another regular meeting. Approved APPROVED RES. NO. 2286 APPROVED STAFF TO PREPARE M O U (3 party agreement) AUTHORIZED BUDGET NOT TO EXCEED $2,900 Authorized Budget Not to Exceed $61,170.00 Regular Meeting -3- February 3, 1983 (4) CONNECTION CHARGE FOR FALLEN I,EAF LAKE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION' (1971-1) The Board agreed that this should be further studied and a cc~mittee of Directors Wynn and Madden shall study same and report to the Board. (5) TRIBUNE PROGRESS EDITION: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that an article for the Tribune Edition be approved...Same to be prepared by the Manager and the Public Information Cc~mittee. Also, that the 300" space per year the District now has be approved for their weekly articles. (6) GARY PLASTERER stated that regarding break No. 44, it appears that the pipe plug blew out and we estimate approximately $10,000 for repair of same by Byars Construction Company and he did request the Board to consider this a great emergency in the amount of $10,000. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $229,240.26, be approved for payment. CONNECTION CHARGE/FAT.T.~N T,F3LF LAKE - REFERRED TO COMMIS~EE APPROVED ARTICLE FOR TRIBUNE PROGRESS EDITION APPROVED $10,000 GREAT EMERGENCY FOR REPAIR TO PIPELINE (#44 Break) NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) Workshop Agenda Items 2/14/83 4:00 P.M. (2) Regular Board Meeting 2/17/83 5:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: 6:01 P.M. To Executive Session on Litigation Alpine County. AI~fEST: 'M~ ~D./~qOSE, · , ~ OF ~BOARD AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT HELD FEBRUAP~Y 17, 1983, 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met on 2/17/83, 5: 00 P.M., District Board Room. ~0LL CALL: Present were Directors J. R. Jones, W. N. Olson, J. Wynn and M. Madden. ROLL CALL ABSENT: Director Lorrene Kashuba Lowe. Also present were Manager J.R. Cofer, Assistant Engineer R.G. Baer, M. Ambrose, Attorney J.C. Weidman, B. Fischer, B. Eppler, H. Williams, P. Mamath, Sam Davis, G. Plasterer, B. Hahr - Tribune Reporter. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, consent calendar, as follows be approved: AGENDA ACCEPTED CONSENT CAI,E~DAR APPROVED (1) Request from Dillingham Develo~nent Co. for purchase of additional commercial sewer units for the Tahoe Keys Cony. Centre under same terms and conditions as units purchased under 12/2/82 authorization...(REFUND DEPOSIT WITHOUT ACCRUED INTEREST, IF PROJECT DOES NOT PROCEED) (2) Notice of Completion: RESOLUTION NO. 2287, COI.I.F. GE WELL COMPLETION AND FILE NOTICE WITH COUNTY OF EL DORADO (F.& M. ENGINEERING) REPORT BY BOARD MEN~ERS: Director Madden reported that Rick Hydrick gave a presentation and speech at Soroptomist today and it was well received. She further stated that many of the questions asked bythe members made one realize the public does not really knowwhat is going on; each member took the water conservation kit that Rich gave out, and she also stated that Rich Hydrick is to be conm~_nded for a job well done. Director Madden stated that the District also did approve the article for the Tahoe Tribune progress edition. BOARD MEMBER MADDEN REPORT ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. John C. Weidman, reported that he has met with the Alpine County Board of Supervisors, is in contact with theAlpine Fish and Game Commissioners. He also requested an executive session following this meet- ing to discuss Alpine County Contract. He has met with the Diamond Ditch people and withHeise Lawyer. AI~fORNEY ' S REPORT PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORT: Manager Cofer and B. Fischer will attend the County Supervisors meeting and also toarrange a meeting with Supervisors Lowe and Stewart. (This meeting with the E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors was re~ardin~the a~ortionm~ent of ad valorem Taxes and direct charges to the Tax Roll). PROGRAM MANAGER REPORT COM/~EN~fS FROM AUDIENCE: None Regular Meeting -2- February 17, 1983 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ACTIONS (1) Draft Supplemental E I R, ST PUD WASTi~qATER PLANNING PROGRAM Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, hearing be set for 3/3/83, 5:30 P.M., District Offices. SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR MARCH 3, 1983, 5:30 P.M. Thursday, ST PUD BOARD ROOM Approved (2) WATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE, E I R, AUTHORIZE CONTRACT WITH QUAD CONSULTANTS FOR PREPARATION OF DRAPT E I R APPROVE WITHBUDGET AUTHORIZATION, LIMIT OF $15,000 Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, contract with Quad Consultants ($15,000) be approved. (3) 1983 WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN UPDATE (Russell L. Culp of C W C)... Mr. R. Culp gave an up to date report on the water sytemmaster plan, what has been accomplished to date. The Board expressed their approval of ~e report and it wasmovedbyDirector Olson, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, the update report be accepted as given by Mr. R. Culp. ACCEPTED UPDATE REPORT (4) Letter to California Congressmen or House Ways and Means Con~ttee in opposition to eliminating the voluntary termination of social security converage by Public Employees. Director Olson requested this be tabled to next meeting of the Board of Directors. TABLED LEI~fER RE SOCIAL SECURITY TO NEXT REGULAR MEETING PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, the claims in amount of $509,756.37 be approved for payment. CLA/MS APPROVED NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) Workshop/Agenda Ite~ms 2/28/83 4:00 P.M. (2) Board Meeting, 3/3/83 5:00 P.M. Hearing, Draft EIR 3/3/83 5:30 P.M. - District Office (4) Lahontan 3/10/83 10:00 a.m. (Future Water Development (Cofer to attend) ADJOURNMENT: 5:50 P.M. to Executive Session re Alpine County Negotiations. S~dTH TAHOE PUBLiC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: /~ /-~ ~ OFFICIO S~RETARY -BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOLrfH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING & REGLTAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT .... MARCH 3, 1983, 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 3/3/83, 5:00 P.M., District Offices and also held a Public Hearing at 5:30 P.M. re the ST PUD WASTEWATER FACILITIES PLANNING PROGRAM, DRAFT SUPPLF~ENTALENVIBONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones and Directors W. N. Olson, L.Kashuba Lowe, M. Madden and J. Wynn. Also present were Manager J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Fischer, M. Ambrose, P. Mamath, B. Eppler, G. Plasterer, Gene Eppler, Dan Hinrichs- CWC, Paul Carrion, Barbara Hahn - Tribune Reporter. CORRECTIONSORADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested Executive Session following this meeting to discuss Eminent Domain Proceedings and Negotiations - Alpine County. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED CONSENT CAT,~NDAR: None. MINUTES OF 2/3/83: Director Lowe stated that the minutes reflected that ~. Hernandez of EPA was present at the last meeting of CASA (JANUARY 1983), and he was not; the con~nents referred to by~nnager Cofer were those madebv~. He~nam. dez, Deputy Dir. of EPA, at the Aug. 82 meeting of CASA. ~,~INUTES OF 2/3/83 APPROVED AS CORRECTED Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, minutes of 2/3/83 be approved as corrected. MINUTES OF 2/17/83: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director ~fnn, carried, with Director Kashuba Lowe abstaining, minutes were approved. REPORTS BY BOARD ~MBERS: None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None COIV~VLIT'i~E REPORTS: Director Kashuba Lowe stated that the CASA Conmittee met last Friday. Several of the Assembly Bills were discussed by the Conmittee, and John C. Weidman submitted recommendations regarding each of the Assembly Bills as to whether CASA should oppose or adopt; the Conmittee unanimously agreed with the recommendations sut]nitted by Attorney Weidman. Director Lowe thanked Mr. Weidman for his help and time taken to sut~t his recommendations. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that he and Director Madden attended the City Council Meeting and gave a report on the sewer unit count, and did show the City Council where all sewer units have gone since 1977; also explained the Alpine County Program, and explained the Mitigation Program we have. Another tour was taken of Tuolumne. Attended the 3/2/83 Alpine County meeting (Board of Supervisors). MINUTES OF 2/17/83 APPROVED AS SUBmiTTED DIRE~5~R~ ~O~DON ~ACOI~ffTTEEMEET~G MANJtGER' S REPORT Regular Meeting & Public Hearing -2- March 3, 1983 ATTORNEY' S REPORT: Mr. Weidman has met with the appraiser re Heise, BLM Area Director- Carson City, Nevada, attended the Alpine County Board of Supervisors meeting, and mot last night and today with HEISE. At the Board of Supervisors meeting, Mr. Bruns made statements and explained the background of the contract documents; R. Hampson explained the enforcement action of the Regional Board; Dr. Hayes explained some of the concerns regarding health hazards; Terry Powers explained the monitoring program; comnents were made about the old well on the school property - and conments as to wanting another well constructed on the school property. Mr. Bruns, former Supervisor of Alpine County, and a member of the Lahontan R~QCB, stated that Alpine County should place a 5-year moritorium on all ST PUD development after the operation of filter- ed secondary effluent. Mr. Weidman did state to Mr. Bruns at that moeting that it w~uld be unacceptable and unattract- able to this Board. Mr. Brun's concern is for the West Fork of the American River and Flood Irrigation. Mr. Weidman also stated that this is definitely a Conflict of Interest on Mr. Brun's part, and that Lahontan is to be contacted to ask th~n to convey same to Mr. Brun's. Lahontan representatives were present for this moeting (Mr. Klykendall) and they stated they w~uld montion same to Mr. Brun' s. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: Pat Mamath stated ~RCB did approve the revised Grant Package. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION ATIORNEY'S REPORT STATE APPROVED REVISED GRANT PACKAGE ACTIONST~/<EN (1) Technical Assistance, LahontanBasin Plan...Requested authorization for Quad Consultants to Assist District ($5,000). Director Olsonmved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried. (2) Report on Bid Opening Uniforms Director Olsonr~Dved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that the bid for uniforms be AWARDED TO STEINER CORP. as they are the most responsible, responsive bidder. (3) Beecher Pump Station Repairs Approximately $8,600. - Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (4) Letter from Lahontan regarding Maintenance Waste Dischs~ge Requirements. Manager Cofer requests letter frcmDistrict be submitted requesting Lahontan to consider all three Districts. AUTHORIZED QUAD CONSULTANTS TO ASSIST DISTRICT ($5,000) AUTHORIZED AWARD OF CONTRACT TO STEINER CORPORATION AIrfHORIZATION G1-V~TO GO TO BID FOR REPAIRS OF BEECHER PUMP STATION ($8,600 Approximately) APPROVED SUB~iI%TAL OF LE%TER FROM DISTPICT TO LAHONTAN AS REQUESTED BY MANAGER COFER. Directors approved the Manager's request. Regular Meeting/Public Hearing -3- March 3, 1983 PAYMENT OF CLA/~4S: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson and unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $276,291.58 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) 3/10/83 Lahontan RWQCBMeeting 10:00 a.m., Turtle Rock (Manager Cofer and President Jones and Attorney Weidman will attend) (2) 3/14/83 Workshop-Agenda Items, 4 pm (3) 3/17/83 Board Meeting, 5 pm (4) 4/8/83 Mitigation Task Force Meeting CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT PUBLIC HEARING .... 5:30 P.M .... ST PUD WASTEWATER FACILITIES PLANNING PROGRAM DRAFT S%~PLEMENTALENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (1) President Jones Opened the Public Hearing at 5:30 P.M. (2) Report was given by District Consultant - Mr. Mike Rushton of Jones and Stokes and Associates, Inc., regarding this project, what will be involved, the schedule, etc. (3) (4) (6) Public Co~n~nts were asked for: NONE Attorney Weidman stated that the Completion of the document regarding this project will be published in the Tahoe Tribune and the Alpine Paper; following the publications (30 days after) we will respond to any and all comments, and following that, we will consider adoption of the Final E I R Hearing was closed at 5:50 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: 6:05 P.M. TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RE EMINENT DOMAIN AND ALPINE COUNTY NEGOTIATIONS. ~TR~H~OE P~j~UT~ DISTRICT ATTEST: MARY-D. AMBLE, CLERK OF BOARD AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY.g. .SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUI~{ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, 5 PM MARCH 17, 1983 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a r.egular session on March 17, 1983, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones and Directors W.N. Olson, M.M. Madden, J. Wynn. ABSENT: Director Kashuba Lowe and Attorney John C. Weidman. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager/Engineer R.G. Baer, B. Fischer, P. Mamath, M. Ambrose, B. Eppler, G. Plasterer, J. Maxhimer, B. Hahn of Tribune and Del Laine, Ken Schroeder. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONSTO. AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested an Item #6 be added to the agenda - Definition of Retired Employee. AC~NDA APPROVED AS AMENDED CONSENT CAI.ENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, consent calendar, as follows,be approved: (1) RESOLUTION NO. 2288, Setting Salary for Manager of Maintenance. Approved CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED (2) Letter from Attorney Kaufm~mn re: CLAIM FORM-TRANSFER OF SEWER ALLOCATION PEP~T. Denied and referred to District Counsel. (3) Release of Claim - Sierra Pacific Power Company, Damage to Stateline Reservoir Telemetry Equipment. Payment by Power Company of $655.68. APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED R~I.?ASE. (4) FILING FEE, NPDES PERMIT, $7,500 - Approved. MINUTES OF MARCH 3, 1983: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director ~.~/nn, unanimously carried, minutes of 3/3/83 be approved as submitted. ~NUrES OF 3/3/83 ~PROVED ASSUBMITrED REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None. SHOP STEWARD ' S REPORT: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: None (Finance Con~nittee m~t and items are on agenda tonight) REPORT ON WORKSHOP: Manager Cofer stated that the Board held their Workshop/Agenda Session on Monday, 3/14/83, and discussed tonight's agenda, Stateline Reservoir Update, Tax Roll Apportion- ment; meeting withHeise, Alpine County also. MANAGER'S REPORT: All items on agenda. ATIORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. John Weidman, Attorney, absent for this meeting. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: Bob Eppler, Manager of Customer Relations, reported that the County wants to issue all permits remaining at one time - 10% to low-cost housing; 10% to cor~nercial, no transfers will be allowed from buildable to the buildable lots but will be allowed from non- buildable to buildable lots. MANAGER OF CUSTOMER RELATIONS REPORT Regular Meeting -2- March 17, 1983 COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: (Short Non-Agenda Items) Ms. Del Laine was present this evening, and she stated that she wanted to bring her thoughts to the Board Members regarding transfer of sewer units from one large project, where sewer units were assigned, not used, and returned to the Utility District; she hoped, as the redevelop- ment takes place within the City, that the Utility District would have some mechanism to transfer a large number of sewer units to another l~J~e project. John Wynn, Director, stated that the Utility District would display flexibility as long as it is to the District's advantage. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION. DEL LAINE, RE TRANSFER OF SE~ER UNITS .ACTIONSTAKEN (1) AGREEMENT FOR SAT~ OF PROPERTY FOR F. HEISE 1AND & LIVESTOCK COMP~ Manager Cofer stated that Heise was told that we were not, at this time, prepared to have the Board take any action re the agreement; Heise is working v.ith the District on this agreement to hopefully reach satisfaction for all parties, and Staff will come back to the Board at a later date. (2) HEADSTART PROGRAM, ADDITIONAL STEP III ENGINEERING SERVICES. Robert Baer requested approval of Amendment No. 2 with CWC.(Olsonmoved, seconded by Wynn and unanimously carried) (3) PRELIMINARY ENGINEERINGREPORT "REPAIR OF STATELINE RESERVOIR" Director Olsonmeved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (4) EROSION CONTROL PROJECTS: (a) Heavenly Valley Water Tanks, Construction Management Plan and Construction Management (b) Cold Creek Watershed Construction Management Plan and Construction Management. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried (a and b) be approved. (5) FAT~.E/qT~AF LAKE PROJECT: (a) CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION WITH PUNCH LIST - RESOLUTION NO. 2289 (b) CHANGE ORDER NO. 21, EXTRA FORCE ACCOUNT WORK - $640.25. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried (a and b) be approved. (6) DEFINITION OF RETIRED EMPLOYEE (For Traveler's Insurance Plan) The following was requested for approval by Attorney John C. Weidman: "A retired employee, for the purpose of this policy, is defined as an appointive or elective officer or employee of the insured who has been employed by %he insured for a period of 3 years, and after such period is no longer an officer or employee of the insured." Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. NO ACTION RE HEISE LAND & LIVESTOCK CO. AGRREMENT APPROVED AMENDMENTNO. 2, CWC, $6,900. AUTHORIZED CWC TO PREPARE REPORT... B~T NOT TO EXCEED $7,700 FOR CWC AND ASSISTANT CONSULTANT - P~K%CHASE ORDER TO BE ISSUED TO C W C APPROVED AMENDMENT NO. 3 WITH FALCONI AND ASSOCIATES IN AMOUNT OF $2,707. APPROVED T~DME%ICNO. 4 WITH FALCONI & ASSOCIATES $1,329 APPROVED CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION/PUNCH LIST/RESOLUTION NO. 2289 ACCEPTED ANDAPPROVED CHANGE ORDER NO. 21, $640.25 APPROVED DEFINITION OF RETIRED FJMPLOYEE as recomendedby FINANCE COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING -3- March 17, 1983 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $343,873.51 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 3/25/83 3/25/83 4/4/83 4/7/83 4/8/83 3/25/83 Alpine County SWRC - ACWA Workshop/Agenda Items 4 pm Board Meeting, 5 pm Mitigation Task Force Allocation Meeting/City ADJOURNMENT: 5:30 P.M. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT ~A~/ R. JONES, P~E~DENT S~J2/~ TAHOE PUBI~IL~UTILITY DISTRICT AT~EST: ~ ~.~O~E, CLERK OF NARD SOUTH ~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT.. April 7, 1983 - 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on April 7, 1983, 5:00 P.M. BOLL CALL: Present were Vice President M. Madden and Directors L.L. Lowe, W.N. Olson and J. Wynn. ABSENT: President James R. Jones Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Barrie Fischer, Pat Mamath, Mary Ambrose, Bob E. Eppler, Gary Plasterer, Ken Schroeder, Neal Trebotich, and Tribune Representative Barbara Hahn. ROLL CALL ABSENT: Assistant Engineer Robert G. Baer. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONSTOAGENDA: Manager Cofer requested an addition of one item: #7 Authorization for Assistance for Emergency Repairs for Diamond Ditch ($5,000). Also requested Executive Session following Board Meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by DireCtor Olson, unanimously carried, that the Consent Calendar as follows be approved: (1) Sewer Unit Increase of 6 Sewer Units APN 31 254 311 and back charge 2 years. (2) Sewer Unit Decrease of 16 Sewer Units and refund of $2,065.92 back charges. (3) Enter into Grant Contract with State for Erosion Control Projects at Heavenly Valley and Cold Creek. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED MINUTES OF MARCH 17, 1983: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, minutes be approved, and Director Lowe abstained. REPORT BY BOARDMEMBERS: None. MINUT~ OF 3/17/83 APPROVED SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Neal Trebotich present, and had no report. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Finance/Insurance Cc~mittee: Director Olson stated that the Finance Committee met this afternoon and their reconm~endation re the collection of delinquent charges is as follows: That the District create their own financial system for collection of delinquent accounts; we should go along with the County - proceed on our own, hire personnel to take care of this. HIRE PERSONNEL TO HANDLE DELINQUENT CHARGES AS RECOMMENDED BY FINANCE COMMI%TEE. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (Public Information - Director Madden) - Signs will be put up by Ken Schroeder, Manager of Maintenance, explain- Lng just what is taking place regarding work being done by the District. Board PolicyManual i.s being worked on. Director ~dden stated that P. Mamath, Grant Administrator, has volunteered to work on this project. PUBLIC INFO. REPORT (Director Madden) Regular Meeting -2- LEGISLATIVE: Director Lowe reported on the pending legislation and action taken by CASA REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS: (1) 4/4/83, Workshop - Agenda Items discussed; also reviewed the Draft Agreement re District and Heise Land and Livestock Company. April 7, 1983 LEGISLATIVE COMMII~fEE (LOWE) MANAGER'S REPORT: Items on Agenda AT/ORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he did meet with the Water Rights Attorney of Heise Land and Livestock, and also met with Ann Schneider regarding water rights. Will report further on this at a later date, as he will again be meeting on April 14, 1983 regarding water rights. ATTORNEY'S REPORT PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORT: None. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION: .... ~'''' '"'ACTIONS'and/Or'RECOMMENDATIONS (1) TREATMENT OF INFLOW: (a) Requested that Mr. Tom Berg be billed in the amount of $2,892 as re~dedby the Manager of ©astomer Relations - Bob Eppler. It was mentioned that Mr. Berg was notified he ~Duld be placed on the agenda this evening regarding this charge. (Notified by certified mail) Moved by Director Olson, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Mr. Tom Bergbe notified by the Manager of Customer Relations that he is being billed for the violations mentioned in the amount of $2,892.00. (2) STATELINE RESERVOIR REPORT BY RUSSELL L. CULP OF CULP~ESNER/CULP Mr. Culpmade his presentation to the Board of the report for Stateline Reservoir Repair/ Construction/ Mr. Culp stated that the~isting building is inadequate and there is no choice but to put a new cover on the reservoir that meets all standards. The approximate cost is estimated at $132,000.00. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, report be accepted, and that Mr. R. Culp return with a design report for the Board's next regular meeting. (4) HEAVENLY VATI.MYWATER STORAGE PROJECT Tahoe Seasons Resort will contribute $150,000 to the proposed storage tank (sized at 1 mg) and Heavenly Valley Ski Resort will donate the land_) - the Board discussed same and it was moved by Director Olson, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that both offers be accepted and that Manager Cofer notify the City of South Lake Tahoe our intent to proceed with the project. (5) PURCHASE OF HOT TAPPING MACH/NE & FIRE HYDRANTS. Ken Schroeder requested authorization for $33,000 to purchase hot tapping machine and the fire hydrants. The hot tapping machine v~uld allow us to install new fire hydrant connections without having to shut down the water service; and the 1983 update of the Master Plan for ST PUD recon~nends a total of 183 fire hydrants be installed over a period of the next 10 years. APPROVED INVOICING MR. TOM BERG IN AMOUNT OF $2,892, who is in violation of S~,~R ORD. NO. 300, Article VII, Sections 7.1 and 7.2 e and ARTICLE XII, Section 12.1 (Drainage into the sewer collection system) APPROVE AND ACCEPT REPORT ARiD REQUESTED DESIGN REPORT BE PRESENTED NEXT BOARD MEETING. AggEPTED $150,000 CONTRIBUTION FROM TAHOE SEASONS RESORT AND ACC-t2~fED LAND DONATION FROM HEAVENLY VAT,T,kTY SKI RESORT AND DIRECTION GIVEN TO NOTIFY CITY OF INTE~f Regular Meeting -3- April 7, 1983 Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, requ_ est for purchase be approved of the hot tapping machine and the fire hydrants. (6) REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ASSIST FOR ENGINEERING REPAIRS FOR DIAMOND DITCH IN AMOUNT OF APPROXIMATELY $5,000 Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, assistance be given for engineering repairs to Diamond Ditch, in the amount of $5,000, as so recon~nended by the Finance Con~nittee. (7) AGREEMENT FOR SALE OF ALPINE COUNTY PROPERTY. F. HEISE LAND & LIVESTOCK CO. The Board discussed this agreement at length during their Board Workshop Session held on the 4th of April, and again reviewed this agreement at this Board Meeting - the following was reconmended by all Board members and the Staff was directed to proceed with the changes, as follows: (1) Agreed in principle to acquire Heise Land and Livestock properties identified in the draft agreement subject to execution of final agreement. (2) Agreed in principle to construct entire "Heise Pipeline" including 500' extension requested by Heise regardless of success of Heise water petition. (3) Did not agree to construct effluent line from Schwake property to Diamond Valley Road. (4) Did not agree to language in the agreement referring to "historical irrigation practices"- Agreement must be clear that District will acquire all of the Harvey Place Water Rights. District Counsel to revise language re protection to downstream irrigators. (5) Requested clarification of Par. 6.5- Reclaimed Water Quality on conditions that Heise can terminate wastewater use. (6) Reserved agreement on Clay Removal Plan until further soils exploration is completed and further definitiom of Clay Removal Plan is provided. (7) Did not agree to join in the Heise water petition. Would agree not to oppose Heise petition, if petition is consistent with District's water petition. Heise water petition must be attached as part of agreement. (8) Conditioned agreement on the following items: (a) Cc~pletion of archeological investigations of Harvey Place. (b) Receipt by District of Federal and State Project Construction Grant Offer. (c) Separate water petitions. (d) Success of District's water rights petition. (9) Agreed in principle to re~ainLng portions of draft agreement. (10) Requested modification of Par. 10.4 to clarify when District would initiate eminent domain proceed- ings and when District puts up monies. (11) Directed District Counsel to prepare final agreement form. HOT TAPPING MACHINE AND FIRE HYDRANT PURCTLASE REQUEST APPROVED ($33,000) ASSISTANCE FOR ENGINEER~NG REPAIRS, DIAMDND DITCH, $5000 approved. AGREE~DNT FOR SAL:E OF HEISE LAND AND LIVESTOCK CO - STAFF DIRECTED TO PROCEED AS OUTLINED Regular Meeting -4- April 7, 1983 (7) PRESENTATION OF ANNUAL REPORT TO THE BOARD Manager Cofer presented the annual report to the Board of Directors and stated that the report was prepared under the direction of Manager of Customer Relations, Bob Eppler, and con~nended him for doing such a fine job in such a timely manner o PRESENTATION OF ANNUAL REPORT PAYMENT OFCLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $605,545.55 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT NOTICE OF MEETINGS (1) 4/11/83 Workshop for 1983-84 Water and Sewer Budget 3:30 PM (2) 4/18/83 (3) 4/21/83 (4) 4/22/83 Workshop/Agenda Items 4 pm Alpine County (10 a.m.) Regular Board Meeting, 5 pm Mitigation Task Force 10 a.m. ADJOURNED AT 6:16 P.M. to Executive Session. MEETING CAT~.RD BACK TO ORDER AT 6:30 P.M. and the following action taken: Staff recommended that the Board of Directors approve going to arbritration over the recent grievances filed regarding personnel appoint- ment. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. ADJO~: 6:35 P.M. STAFF AUTHORIZED DISTRICT C~D TO ARBRITRATION REGARDING GRIEVANCES RECENTLY FILED. AYTE~T: .~ S~, CL~P~ OF B~A~D~SE CRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARY-M./~DDEN, ffICE PRESIDENT SOUTH T~E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR ~-TING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICt, AND HEARING REGARDING WATER & SE~R BUDGETS APRIL 21, 1983, 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, and also held a Hearing, on 4/21/83, 5:00 P.M. and 5:15 P.M. NDLL CAT.l,: Present were President James R. Jones, Directors L. Lowe, W. N. Olson, M. Madden and J. Wynn. ROLL CALL Also present were Manager J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, J.C. Weidman, B. Fischer, G. Plasterer, P. Mamath, M. Ambrose, J. Heusser, B. Eppler. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: ~nnager Cofer requested that Item #1 from the Consent Calendar be moved to the Agenda for Board Action. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMF/NDED Directors agreed agenda be amended as requested. CONSENT CAT,]~: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director ~dden, the Consent Calendar be approved as amended, and that the following items be approved: (a) Stateline Reservoir Repair Proposal for Engineering - CWC, $15,000 CONSENT CAT,lqINTD_A/~. APPROVED (b) Purchase of 24" Force Main Valve (c) Water Will Serve Letter for Proposed Senior Citizens Center (d) Formal Advertising for Operating Supplies MINUTES OF 4/7/83: Director Lowe requested that the information regarding Senate Bills discussed at this meeting be included in the minutes. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Lowe, carried (with President Jones abstaining) the minutes be approved as amended. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Madden stated that Ken Schroeder is to be cc~mended for the good job on the signs that will be posted stating what is actually happening where work crews are or why the water is off, etc. Moved by Director Olson, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, the signs as presented be made up for posting. MINUTES APPROVED AS AMFAIDED BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS (Director ~dden) SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None COMMI%mfEE REPORTS: .(Legislative) - Director Lowe stated that more legislation is pending in Sacramento and another meeting will be held with CASA onMay 6 and 7, 1983. She stated that she did give a copy of the Legislative actions taken be CASA to J.C. Weidman, M. Madden and J. Jones. She further stated that there are only 2 more weeks for any further legislation to be introduced in Sacramento - things aremoving rapidly. LEGISLATIVE COMMf[TI~E REPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that he attended the Lahontanmeeting in Bishop and that Lahontan stated they felt the District was doing everything ~eycould regarding spilling; there have been no further spills at Indian Creel- Pes. Also, the District is assisting the work for Diamond Ditch and getting the ditch in oil_ration again. (Lahontandid not cite the Distrmct). MANAGER' S REPORT Page 2 Regular Meeting and Hearing on Budgets 4/21/83 A%~ORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he has been working on the Heise negotiations, the water rights as well. He also requested an adjourned meeting for April 28, 1983, 4:00 P.M. to discuss litigation, and that Ann Schneider will be present to discuss the water rights situation with the Board. He further stated that if we are to proceed with this project and not hold up any more, we need to adequately describe the project in a surveying manner - Millich Flood Channel, Preliminary Design Work; Design the Dam Parcel and those 3 or 4 parcels on the uphill side of Diamond Ditch. A%~ORNEY' S REPORT Director Olson stated that we should not continue negotiations with the Heise Land and Livestock Company and the 100 options. He stated it is now time to close the door and come down to son~ decision - legal descriptions are needed to file eminent domain proceedings. Attorney Weidman requested authorization to proceed with the survey as mentioned above, in an amount not to exceed $30,000. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, Attorney Weidman's request be approved. SURVEY REQUESTED BY AR~IORNEY F~ I DM_AN APPROVED (Alpine County and Heise Land & Livestock) Also a precondemnation order as necessary against Heise Land and Livestock to get any further access for what we need preliminarily for e~inent domain proceedings. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried this request be approved. ADDITIONAL PRECONDEMATION ORDER AGAINST HEISE WAS APPBOVED HEARING, WATER AND SEWER BUDGETS, 5:15 P.M. President Jones opened the hearing at 5:15 P.M. and asked the Finance Officer to make any comments necessa~f. This was also discussed at the workshop held on the 18th of April 1983 and therefore since there was not one in the audience that wanted further explanation - the hearing was continued to comments from audience. One taxpayer was present and asked why she and others in the area are being punished for the snow damage for the roof at Stateline Reservoir, and why would not the insurance cover this. Mr. Fischer explained just what portion of the damage the insl~rance would cover. Also, M~nager Cofer explained that thisstructure was purchased from a private water company - and that the District wants all necessary repairs to now take place so our insurance rates will become lower. The 8% increase last year was to cover the capital improvements that took place - approximately $700,000 to one-millionper year over the past 4 years was used to improve the overall facilities. The rate increases have not been covering all of the repairs and improvements - new pipes, new wells, etc. The District did receive $800,000 state monies to makemany of these improvements and we are repaying that loan now. There will be no increase in sewer service charges, and only a 5% in the water. No further con~ents were made; hearing adjourned at 5:40 P.M. Any action requested will be considered at the next meeting scheduled 5/5/83 at 5:00 P.M. WATER & SEg~R BUDGETS NO ACTION TAKEN Page 3 April 21, 1983 REGULAR MEETING & HEARING ON BUDGETS (2) PLANT CONVERSION ANDAGRICULTURAL REUSE PROJECt, AUTHORIZE JONES AND STOKES TO PREPARE FINAL EIR, $6000. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. (3) SKI RUNWATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT.. Requested the Initial Study and File the Notice of Preparation of Negative Declara- tion and publish the Notice as well. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (4) HEADSTART PBOGRAM (a) Change Order No. 21 - ina mount of $13,412.72, and (b) File Notice of C~mpletion for the Project, with the exception of 3 items to be completed, and a 5% will be retained, as the District forces will do this work. We will deduct $2,180.00 from the contract to cover the remaining work to be done. It was requested that the agreement with the Contractor (Thomason) be closed out, release all claims except for what the District forces will do and deduct from Thomason contract, and also file a Notice of Cc~pletionwith the County. D~l~pt. ResQ~utionNo, 2290. ~ ~ ec~or u±sonr~ove(1, seconGe(/ by Director Lowe, unanimously carried. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 4/22/82 4/28/83 5/2/83 5/6 & 7/ 5/8/83 10:00 a.m., Mitigation Task Force 4:00 p.m., Adjourned/LitigationMeeting on Water Rights, etc. 4:00 p.m. Workshop/Agenda Items CASA, Sacramento 5:00 p.m. Regular BoardMeeting PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $498,271.62 be approved for payment. ADJO~: 6:00 p.m. to April 28, 1983, 4:00 P.M. for discussion of litigation matters. APPROVED JONES & STOKES TO PREPARE FINAL EIR, $6,000 PLANT CONVERSION AND AGRICULTURAL REUSE PROJECT APPROVED INITIAL STUDY SKI RUN WATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND FILE THE NOTICE OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION (Jones & Stokes) APPROVED TO CLOSE OUT AGR~/~T WITH THO~4ASON, DEDUCT 5% = $2,180 FOR REMAINING WORK TO BE DONE BY DISTRICT FORCES, RELF. ASE ALL CLAIMS, AND FILE THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION WITH THE COUNTY, PER RES. NO. 2290. MEETINGS SCHEDULED CLA/2~S APPROVED J~ R. JONES,~IDENT V TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AImfEST: SOU~H T~OE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, 4:00 P.M. 4/28/83 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular session at 4:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors W.N. Olson, M.M. Madden and J. Wynn. ROLL CALL ABSENT: Director L. Lowe. Also present were: ~&~nager J.R. Cofer, J.C. Weidman, A. Schneider - Water Rights Attorney, B. Fischer, M. Ambrose, G. Eppler, Dan Hinrichs - CWC, also Bill Devine with Downey, Brand and Seymore (same firm A. Schneider is with). ACTION - Manager Cofer requested the Board take action tonight on an amendment to the C~C contract, to start surveying and the contract to be amended to $18,930.00, to survey the Heise properties on the parcels necessary for the District project. APPROVED AMENDMENT TO CWC CONTRACT FOR SURVEYING PARCELS ON HEISE PROPERTIES. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. ADJOURNMENT: 4:10 P.M. TAHOE PUBLICtUTILITY DISTRICT AI~fE ST: REGULAR ~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 5, 1 9 8 3 5:00 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, 5/5/83, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones and Directors Madden and Wynn. ABSENT: Directors Lowe and Olson. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, P. ~.~lmath, M. Ambrose, B. Fischer, B. Eppler, K. Schroeder, H. Williams - Shop Steward, Barbara Hahn-Tribune Reporter. CORRECTIONSORADDITIONS~TOAGENDA:.Manager Cofer requested that Item #3 - Proposal for Engineering Services, Pilot Reclamation Project (CWC) be deferred to 5/19/83 meeting. Also that this meeting be adjourned to Executive Session, and that an Adjourned Meeting be Scheduled for 5/10/83, 4:00 P.M. to discuss Heise Proposal/Agreement. Director Wynnmoved, secOnded by Director Madden, carried, agenda be approved as · amended. AGENDA APPROVED AS ~IDED CONSENT CAI.ENDAR:~ Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, consent calendar, as follows, be approved: (1) Refund of sewer permit fee for sewer permit number 16822, refund $1,922.16 plus 6% simple interest for a total of $2,268.15 and District retain the $25 permit fee. (Send cc of letter to Senator Cranston) CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED (2) Contract for Liquid Lime - Authorized Staff to negotiate price with current sole source supplier. MINUTES: Director Wynnmved, seconded by Director ~.~dden, carried, minutes of 4/21/83 and 4/28/83 be approved as submitted. MINUTES of 4/21 and 4/28/83 APPROVED AS SUBMIYTED MANAGER'S REPORT: Have been working on the Heise contract and Water Petition with R. Mets and J.C. Weidman. MANAGER' S REPOP~f ATIORNEY'S REPORT: Met several times regarding the Heise Agreement; working on Water Petitions and Alpine County Contract. ATTORNEY ' S REPORT COMMEhIfS FROM AUDIENCE: None. PROGRAM M3kNAGERS REPORTS: None. REPOi~TONWORKSHOP, SESSIONS: (1) 4/18/83 Workshop/Agenda Items, Alpine County Agreement (2) 4/28/83 Water Rights Meeting with Ann Schneider -Alpine County Contract REGULAR MEETING -2- May 5, 1983 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION. ACTIONS (1)a. ORDINANCE NO. 347, Establishing Rules for Water Service Charges Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried. b. ORDINANCE NO. 348, Establishing Rules for Water Service, Rates, Operation, Methods for Enforc~nent Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, carried. ORD. NO. 347 APPROVED (Water Service Charges) ORD. NO. 348 APPROVED Water Service rates, operation, methods for enforcement. (2) COT~.RCTION OF UNPAID SERVICE CHARGES Director Madden moved, seconded by Director [$ynn, carried, the following be approved: Bill water charges at the same time as we have been (May and November) and spread sewer service charges January and July, and set up lighting charges the same). 30 days after billings, a delinquent notice will be mailed r~minding custcmers of unpaid bills. 60 days after billings, a penalty of 10% will be added to charges and a delinquent notice mailed notifying customer that if not paid within 30 days we will go to court seeking judgement for payment. If bill not paid within 90 days, we will go to court to obtain a judgement, which if not satisfied, may result in discontinuance of service, and additional charges to have service restored. APPROVED ALT. NO. II DISCUSSED ON 3/14/83 AS STATED NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) 5/6-7/83 (2) 5/10/83 (3) 5/12/83 (4) 5/16/83 (5) 5/19/83 (6) 5/18-20/83 (7) 5/9/83 CASA, Sacramento Adjourned Special ~eting, 4 pm Adjourned Special ~eting, 4 pm Workshop/Agenda Items, 4 pm Regular Board ~aeting, 5 pm ACWA Conference, Sahara Hotel and Caesars E1 Dorado County Water Agency (Jones) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS.: Director [~frmmoved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, claims in the amount of $226,541.74 be approved for payment. ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 5/10/83 to discuss letter to Heise Land and Livestock Com_many regarding Agreement at 5:16 P.M. Following Executive Session, Board approved the drafted letter to Heise Land & Livestock Cempany regarding the contract document, and directed Manager Cofer to mail same. ADJOURNED TO MAY 10, 1983, 4:00 P.M. to discuss litigation, Heise Land & Livestock Agreement and this meeting adjoumm~ed at 6:15 P.M. S~H TAHOE PUBL/C UTILITY DISTRICI' Aq~fEST: '~,- D: ~7~ROSE, uCL~RKv ~F~ ~b~RD~ SOUTH ~OE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SPECIAL ~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RE CONTRACT BY AND BEI~NE~ F. HEISE LAND AND LIVESTOCK CO~ANY AND SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 10, 1983, 4:00 P. M. The Board of Directors met in a special session on May 10, 1983, 4:00 P.M., to discuss and consider action regarding the F. Heise Land & Livestock contract agre~nent by and between th~m and the South Tahoe Public Utility District. ROLL CAll.: Present were President James R. Jones, Directors L. L. Lowe, W.N. Olson, M.M. ~dden and J. Wynno Also present were ~nager/Engineer J. R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, J.C. Weidman - Attorney, B. Fischer, M. Ambrose, P.Mamath, B. Eppler, G. Eppler, G. Plasterer. EPA MRE. TING: Manager Cofer stated that EPA was to hold a meeting last Friday, however, he tried contacting several that could tell him where and when the meeting was to be held, and no one had any information on it (regarding enforcement action of the District spills). Attorney Weidman stated that he and ~nnager CofermetwithSupervisors and Mr. Stew Merrill of Alpine County to discuss the contract, hydro electric rights in the pipeline, monies to be paid and planting of fish in the Indian Creek Reservoir; also met Friday with Mr. H. Bruns and Mr. Westergard to discuss the use of Indian Creek tailwater. Attorney Weidman stated that we do ne~ to set up a meeting with Lahontan staff and following that, n~et with all the ranchers so there is no misunderstanding regarding the project and the contract. Manager Cofer was asked by the Board to obtain a statement of the difference of tertiary and secondary filtered effluent. F. HEISE LAND & LIVESTOCK AGREEMENT: Attorney Weidman stated that the contract/ agreement with F. Heise Land & Livestock was delivered today and that Clarence Burr has executed same. ALPINE COUNTY MEETING RE CONTRACT F. HEISE LAND & LIVESTOCK AGRE~]v~-?qT APPROVED AND ACCEPTED The Board. has reviewed the contract/agree- ment and Director Olson moved, seconded by Director V~fnn, unanimously carried, that Ordinance No. 349, Authorizing President of the Board to execute the Agreement by and between F. Heise Land and Livestock Ccmpany and South Tahoe Public Utility District. ORDINANCE NO. 349 F. HEISE LAND ANDLIVESTOCF AGRE~7~TAPPROVED FOR EXECUTION BY DISTRICT Director Madden mved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that the $200,000 be authorized to put up with Inter County Title Company and that a separate interest bearing paying period also be set up. Copy of this agreement will be sent along with the check for $200,000.00 to Inter- County Title Company AUTHORIZED $200,000 be PUT UP V~?H INTER COUNTY TITLE CO. AND SEPARATE INTEREST BEARING PAYING PERIOD BE SET UP. SPECIAL MEETING -2- 5/10/83 EIR Attorney J.C. Weidman stated that though Mr. K. Jones has semi-retired from the firm of Jones and Stokes, he will be retained by the District to review all correspondence and ccr~nents received regarding the EIR. Mr. Weidmanwill also see that the necessary Resolutions and Notice of Determination is prepared, which must be put together for the Final Draft E I R. Special Meeting regarding the Draft EIR is scheduled for 5/12/83, District Offices, 4:00 P.M. ADJOURNED at 5:05 P.M. to May 12, 1983, District Office, 4:00 P.M. to discuss the Draft EIR. INFO RE E I R 5/12/83, 4 pm R. JONES, S~3~H TAHOE PUBL~{~ UTILITY DIS~ A~ST: /~ /~ ~ ~] S~ ~OE P~LIC ~InI~ DIST~CT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 12, 1983, 4:00 P.M. - at DISTRICT OFFICE The Board of Directors met in adjourned special session on May 12, 1983, 4:00 PM, District Office. BOLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors W. Olson, L. Kashuba Lowe, M. Madden and J. Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C. Weidman, M. A~rose, B. Fischer, P. ~lmmath, G. Eppler, M. Rushton, B. Hahn - Tribune, K. Schroeder. ALPINE COUNTY - Manager Cofer stated that 2 Directors of Alpine County and 2 fromthis District, along withhimself, will meet in Alpine County to discuss the project. DRAFT E I R: Mike Rushton, Jones and Stokes Associates, Inc., presented the E I R to the Board, and briefly went through same with the Directors, and explained the Mitigation Report contained within the report. ASTORNEYWEIDMAN RECO~ENDEDADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS: (1) RESOLUTION NO.. 2291: A Resolution of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Certifying the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, South Tahoe Public Utility District, Wastewater Facilities Planning Program, and Certifying Environmental Impact Statement Where Applicable in Place of District's Final EIR Environmental Protection Agency, Wastewater Treatment Facilities, South Shore Lake Tahoe Basin. E I R CO~ENTS BY MfKE RUSHTON OF JONES & STOKES ASSOCIATES, INC. RESOLUTION NO. 2291 and 2292 APPROVED/and ADOPTED SPECIAL MEETING -2- May 12, 1983 (2) RESOLUTION NO. 2292: A Resolution of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Ordering Changes or Alterations in and Incorporated into Project..SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES PLANNING PROGRAM. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO, 2291. be approved. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba Lowe, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION 'NO. 2292. be approved. Attorney Weidman also requested that the Board Adopt Resolutions (by title) as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2293 - Making Findings RESOLUTION NO. 2294 - Approve Project for 7.5 MGD - ALPINE COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2295 - FILE Notice of Determina- tion with E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors, State Resources and Alpine County. Director Kashuba Lowe moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, RESOLUTIONS NOS. 2293, 2294 and 2295 be approved, by title. Manager Cofer thanked Mike Rushton and Attorney John weidman for their performance as it has been very hectic for beth of them. RESOLUTIONS NOS. 2293, 2294 & 2295 APPROVED by TITLE ADJOURNMENT: 5:10 P.M. oNms', PREs? TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AYTEST: MAR? *D~-AMB:B0~ C~ERK OF BOARD/SECRETARY SOUTH TAHO~U~LIC UTILITY DISTRICT Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 19, 1983 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session, ~y 19, 1983, 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Lowe, J. Wynn and M. Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, P. Mamath, M. Ambrose, Attorney J.C. Weidman, B. Fischer, Ken Schroeder, Bob Eppler, Gary Plasterer, Barbara Hahn - Tribune Reporter. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested Item #6, Board Action be added: (6) Discussion of Allocation Program and ADJOURN to 5/23/83, 4:00 P.M., regarding Offer to Heise for property. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED CONSENT CALENDAR: Director ~/nnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, Consent Calendar as follows be approved: CONSENT CALE~DAR APPROVED (1) PreliminaryEnvironmental Assessment Stateline Reservoir Repair - - File Categorical Exemption STATELINE RESERVOIR REPAIR (2) Ski Run Blvd. Water Tank Agreement for Testing and Survey be Approved (3) RESOLUTION NO. 2296, Renewal of Contract with E1 Dorado County Water Agency and ST PUD for Fiscal Year 1983-84 be approved. MINUTES POSTPONED TO 6/2/83 MEET/NG. SKI RUN BLVD WATER TANK AGRF.~NT RESOLUTION 2296 (EDCWA and ST PUD/F Y 83-84) REPORT BYBOARDMEMBERS:President Jones and DirectorMadden attended the ACWA Conference and sat in on the Dues Committee Meeting with Barrie Fischer. President Jones stated that they were not successful in having our dues lowered; also that there are 38 entities that are members of ACWA that have dual service. ACWA CONFERENCE REPORT/DUES Director ~fnn requested that this subject be discussed in more detail and requested samebe put on the agenda for the next Board m~eting. SHOP ST~.~ARD'S REPORT - None present. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Finance and Insurance Cc~mittee: Director Olson stated that he and Director Wynnmet with Alpine County Representatives, and that they will report in the Executive Session following this meeting. FINANCE CO~STEE REPORTED IN EXEC. SESSION No other conraittee reports given. Minutes of 5/19/83 -2- 5:00 P.M. NOTICE OF MEETINGS I-]-R, TD : (1) 5/16/83 Alpine County and ST PUD 5/16/83 Lahontan MEETINGS I-TR, T,D MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer reported that there was an interesting article in the Alpine Newspaper regarding the Project; also a petition is being circulated restricting wastewater in Alpine County; and he requested a ~ttee of the Board to meetirgwith Fallen Leaf Lake Reps. to discuss th~irproject. (President Jones and Director Madden will be the Committee). MANAGER' S REPORT AT/ORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman reported that the contract with Alpine County is now being redrafted. Heise has consented to the archaeology dates for the project. ATTORNEY'S REPORT PROGRAM MANA~ REPORTS:. (1) P. Mamath stated that the SWRCB will allow us $36,000 for the Change Order No. 20 - Fallen Leaf Lake. (2) Gary Plasterer stated that Lukins Water Company tied their system into our system about 4:00 P.M. today, as some of their water wells did fail. (3) Ken Schroeder stated that the lime delivery truck turned over on Highway 89 yesterday, and our crew drove there to assist, as did Tahoe City. We did have another lime delivery today to replace that which was involved in the accident yesterday, he stated. Piq0GRAM MANAGERS REPORTS Manager Cofer stated that this District responded to assist as did Tahoe City, so we did use the emergency contingency plan we have with Tahoe City and the Joint Powers Agreement workedvery well. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) ASPHALTBIDS Director Lowemoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, authorization to obtain bids (budgeted item) be approved. (2) RALPH DRIVE PRESSURE VESSEL Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, Purchasing Agent be authorized to obtain bids (budgeted item) for Pressure Vessel. (3) REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF SEWER UNITS for PARCEL NO. 26.114 181) ' Mr. Clarence A.Thompson of 156 Lunado Court, San Francisco, CA 94127, owner of the property located at 946 Modesto St., South Lake Tahoe, California, requested time on the agenda for his request to transfer sewer units. Mr. Thompson could not attend this meeting, however, he did ask Mr. Westbrook to appear and speak for him. Mr. Westbrook stated that a propane explosion demolished one of Mr. Thcmpson's duplexes, which was 2 units of a 12 unit complex, located on the same parcel (26 114 181), 946 Modesto Street, and he is now requested that these sewer units be transferred to two different parcels located in the Tahoe Keys Area. Staff stated that Mr. Thompson's request is not consistent with our Ordinance No. 321, covering sewer unit transfers. AUTHORIZED OBTAINING BIDS FOR ASPHALT APPROVED PURCHASING AGENT TO OBTAIN BIDS DISCUSSION RE TRANSFER OF SEWER UNITS (26 114 181) WORKSHOP SESSION TO BE SCHEDULED TO DISCUSS THIS REQUEST 5/19/83 -3- Regular Meeting Manager Cofer stated that staff is requesting some direction from the Board regarding Mr. Thompson's request. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, staff set up a workshop session to discuss this matter. Director Wynn did mention, however, to ~. Westbrook, that as it stands now with the District's Ordinance, and our policy, Mr. Thompson's request would be denied. (4) ANALYSIS FOR HARVEYPLACERESERVOIR Director ~ddenmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, Jones and Stokes be authorized to prepare Analysis for Harvey Place Reservoir, not to exceed $9,259.71. (5) DECLARE GREAT EMERGENCY FOR BUDGEFOF $10,000, REPAIR OF DA~,~AGE TO VERDON STREET Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. (6) DISCUSSIONOF. ALIOCATIONPROGPAM WORKSHOP SESSION TO BE SCHEDULES RE TRANSFER OF SEWER UNITS FOR MR. C. THOMPSON'S REQUEST(RE PARCEL 26 114 181) AUTHORIZED JONES & STOKES TO PREPARE ANALYSIS - BUDGET NOT TO EXCEED $9,259.71 $10,000 APPBOVED AS A GREAT EMERGENCY FOR REPAIR OF VERDON STREET ALLOCATION PROGRAm4 On 5/20/83, there will be the Allocation Meeting at the City, and Bob Epplerwill attend. He also mentioned that he spoke with Supervisor Stewart today, who mentioned that the jail expansion project has a chance of receiving 75% funding, and would require 36 sewer units. Manager Coferwould like to have Bob Eppler state at that meeting that we have given out all of our capacity and cannot give anymore; it ~Duld mean that~uld have to come out of some other source. BOB EPPLER WAS DIRECTED TO COMMENT TO THE ALLOCATION COMMITTEE THE CO~rfS ~ADE BY MANAGER COFER AND DIRECTOR ~DDEN IN THE MEETING HErD THIS EVENING Director Madden stated that there are only so many sewer units to be used, and it is up to the City and the County to say which way they want to utilize those units. The above comments by Manager Cofer and Director Madden is what the Board agreed Mr. Eppler will state in the Allocation Committee Program Meeting on 5/20/83. NOTICE OF MEETINGS (1) ACWA Sahara and Caesars (2) Mitigation Task Force (3) Workshop/Agenda Items (4) Regular Board Meeting 5/19-20/83 6/3/83, 10:00 a.m. 5/31/83, 4:00 P.M. 6/2/83, 5:00 P.M. PAYMENT OF CLA~: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $773,176.15 be approved for payment. (TUESDAY) CLAI~,~ APPROVED FOR PAYMENT ADJOU~: 5:55 P.M. to an Execut~e Sess~n, and also to an adjourn~meeting on 5/23/83 at 4:00 P.M. to discuss Heise Land Offer and Alpine ~oun~ Contract N~otiations. JameS,. Jones, Prurient ~~~' ~ ~] ~k ~ ~k_~ s~ Tah°e Publi~ ~tility District/ ~ykD. A~b~se,'~k~ ~Bo~d~strict Secretary ~uth TahOe Public Utility Dms~mct ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIREC%ORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 23, 1983 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular meeting on May 23, 1983, 4:00 P.M. to consider authorization of an offer pursuant to Paragraph 10.2 of the agreement with F. Heise Land and Livestock Company for Sale of Real Property. t~T,T,C~TI,: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Lowe, JohnWyrm. ABSENT: Director M. Madden Also present wereManager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidrmtn, R.G. Baer, M. Ambrose, P. Mamath, B. Eppler, G. Eppler, Gary Plasterer. ABSENT: Barrie Fischer President Jones called the meeting to order and the following was discussed: PARAGRAPH 10.2, DISTRICTOFFER,(AGR~Xrf FOR THE SATR OF REAL PROPERTY BY AND BETWEEN F. HEISE LAND ANDLIVESTOCKCOMPANY, A NEVADA CORPORATION, AND?HE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT). Offer is as follows: Parcel Property ACRES.' Price/A~re Total Price 1 2 3 4 5 E-1 E-2 E-3 Harvey Place Parcel 480 }{arvey Place Disputed Parcel 20 Diamond Valley Dam Parcel 42 Diamond Valley Scossa Parcel 11 Diamond Valley SE Parcel 41 Diamond Valley NE Parcel 41 Road Easement 1.9 Tempo_rary Clay Easement 140 T~np. Construction Road Easement 3.70 *NOTE: Parcel 1 offer is for a 50% interest in 480 acres and all of the F. Heise Land & Livestock Co. water rights pursuant to Paragraph 13. The District's offer does not constitute a waiver of conditions in Paragraph 13. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, th~tManager Cofer be authorized to submit the conditional offer as discussed above. Manager Cofermentioned to the Board that the Cor~s of Engineers turned do%~ the District's request for $39,000 for CWC, however, the District made an appeal. Also, Manager CofermetMr. Pope, who will be the one to sign off for the archeaology survey, and he told ~. Cofer he didn't see any problems regarding the approval. ADJOURNMENT at 4:20 P.M. to 5/31/83, 4:00 P.M. to discuss Alpine County Contract. $ 1,000.00 $ 240,000.00* See Para. 5.3 1,450.00 60,900.00 1,100.00 12,100.00 1,100.00 37,400.00 1,100.00 45,100.00 1,100.00 2,090.00 See Para. 3.1 See Para. 8.5 TOTAL $ 397,590.00 CONDITIONAL OFFER TO F. HEISE LAND AND LIVESTOCK COMPANY APPROVED FOR SUBMI%TAL TO F. HEISE ADS to 5/31/83, 4 pm Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- May 23, 1983 _J~s R. jones, Pr~t ~Q%~fH TAHOE PUBLIfDUTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: Mary D. Ambrose, Clerk of Board SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURh~D REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 31, 1983 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors met in adjourned regular session 5/31/83, 4:00 P.M. to discuss and perhaps take action regarding the HEISE LAND AND LIFESTOCKCO~ANY AGR~TANDOFFER PROPOSAL. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones and Directors W.N. Olson, L.L. Lowe, M.M.Madden and J. Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C. Weidman, B. Fischer, M. Ambrose. ABSENT: R.G. Baer, P. Msmath. President Jones called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M. Manager J.R. Cofer stated that the District has not received a formal rejection(of our proposed offer)frcmClarence Burr, however, Mr. Richard Mets did call and mentioned to Manager Cofer that the offer will be rejected. No further business to take place, the meeting was adjourned at 4:15 P.M. and the Board went into their workshop session. ~ Tahoe Public ~U~i±ity District AYTEST: REGULAR~ING OF THEBOARDOF DIRECTORS OFTHE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITYDISTRICT JUNE 2, 1983 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on 6/2/83, 5:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Lowe, M.M. Madden and J. Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, B. Fischer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, M. Ambrose, P. Mamath, G. Plasterer, Ken Schroeder, B. Eppler and R. Rattaro. ROLL CALL CORRECTIONS.OR.ADDITIONS TO ~AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested an action item be added regarding HEAVENLY VALLEY WATER TANK PROJECT to agenda for this meeting. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED Also, executive session requested at this time to discuss the Alpine County contract and eminent domain The Board adjoured to Executive Session at 5:05 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 5:25 P.M. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, consent calendar be approved as follows: (1) Reroofing Tertiary Building by Yancy Company in amount of $6,041. (Two bids were received. One in the amount of $9,000 and another for $6,041.) (2) Award to Purchase Approved: Caustic Soda, Chlorine, Liquid Alum, Dry Polymer, Sulfur Dioxide, Hot Tapping Machine, Hydrants, Valves and Accessories and 24" Gate Valve. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED Reroofing Tertiary Building-Approved $6,041 Chemicals and Supplies Approved for purchase. (3) Authorize to Declare Surplus Property and Scrap Material - Approved. (4) Authorize to Approve Negotiated Liquid Lime Contract. Director Madden commended the Purchasing Agent, Randall L. Rattaro, for his recap of all bids received regarding the supplies and chemicals. Surplus Items Approved Approve Contract for Purchase of Liquid Lime MINUTES: 5/5/83 Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, minutes be approved. (LOWE AND OLSON ABSTAINED) 5/10/83 Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Lowe, carried, minutes be approved for 5/10/83. 5/5/83 MINUTES APPROVED 5/10/83 MINUTES APPROVED 5/12/83 Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, minutes be approved for 5/12/83. 5/12/83 MINUTES APPROVED 5/19/83 Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Olson, carried, minutes of 5/19/83 be approved. 5/19/83 MINUTES APPROVED Regular Meeting -2- June 2, 1983 5/23/83 Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried, minutes of 5/23/83 be approved. (DIRECTOR MADDEN ABSTAINED) REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS. None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT. None COMMITTEE REPORTS. None NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) Workshop/Agenda Items 5/31/83,4 pm MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer reported that the Allocation Committee met yesterday and one item discussed was the new jail facilities of which the County will have approximately 75% in funds for. This project would require 80 to 85 sewer units and the County will have to show there is capacity available for this project. Manager Cofer suggested that we make no comment regarding this project until same is discussed with the Mitigation Task Force members tomorrow at their meeting. Also, the TRPA staff draft document has significant impact on the Utility District; prohibits in-basin pilot project; not allow for development in areas that do not have adequate water storage and fire protection; in-basin use - and who will pay? Manager Cofer stated that the North Shore managers have been contacted, and we have also sent a copy to all water purveyors. Manager Cofer also mentioned that TRPA stated 8 utility companies would be contacted, and we have not been one that has been contacted, to evaluate the report. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C. Weidman stated there are some ease- ment difficulties re Heavenly Valley Tank project - we will call for a hearing on July 7, 1983, and will be mailing the necessary documents to the property owners re this project. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: Representative from Lake Tahoe Realty, on behalf of one of his clients, stated that his client has a lot in Tahoe Keys who would like to transfer sewer units from an old structure and parcel to his Tahoe Keys Lot. It was suggested that the gentleman from Lake Tahoe Realty come in to discuss this with Bob Eppler, Manager of Customer Relations, obtain a copy of our Ordinance, and it was also mentioned to him that he would still have to have a Building Permit from the City. 5/23/83 MINUTES APPROVED MANAGER'S REPORT ATTORNEY'S REPORT Regular Meeting -3- June 2, 1983 PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: None ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION: (1) PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR ANNUAL RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING APPROPRIATIONS SUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS FOR FY 1983-84 Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, Public Hearing be set for 6/16/83 at 5:15 P.M. (2) ACWA DUES: - The Board ~embers did discuss this item many times, and it was agreed that the dues AC%~ is requesting is very unreasonable. This District is also a member of CASA, and it was mentioned that when there is any issue before CASA on something that does affect this District - Mike Dillon (CASA) felt we could get the help we needed through CASA. President Jones felt we did receive good information from ACWA this year; also that he and Barrie Fischer did attend the Dues Committee meeting of ACWA and they did say it was too late this year to do anything about the fee, but perhaps would have this next cc~ning year. Director ~gfnn moved., seconded bv Director Madden, carried, (Pres. Jones voted against) withdraw n~?~3ershzp zrom ~C~A ~um t~at ~ Board Members that now serve on committees be r~moved from sam~. (3) LUKINS WATER USE - Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, staff be directed to charge $450 for Lukins share of connection to our system,,for emergency water supply. (4) ALPINE COUNTY CONTRACT .... Attorney Weidman recc~r~nnded adoption of ORDINANCE NO. 352 Authorizing Execution of 2nd Amendment of Agre~nent, as submitted previously on 5/26/83 without change from that draft. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, ORD. NO. 352 be approved, and that the Contract/Ordinance be hand-carried to the District Attorney of Alpine County and the Alpine County Board Members. (5) ORDINANCE NO. 350 - Providing for Enforcement Penalties and Interest WATER... ORDINANCE NO. 351- Providing for Enforcem~_nt Penalties and Interest SEWER... Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, ORDINANCE NOS. 350 and 351 be approved. (6) PAINTING WATER STORAGE TANK Gary Plasterer stated that this is to be approximately $76,000 to do this project and requested authorization to obtain bids. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, bids be obtained for this project, and that P~RiNG DATE SET FOR 6/16/83 at 5:15 P.M. ACWA DUES - AI~fHORIZED THE DISTRICT WITHDRAW FROM AONA, AND THAT MF~BERS OF OUR BOARD THAT ARE ON SPECIAL COMMI~i~E.S BE REMOVED FROM SAME. APPROVED CHARGE OF $450 to LUKINS BRfTUHERS ~I~TER COMPANY and SHARE OF CONNECTION TO OUR WATER SYSTE~ ORDINANCE NO. 352, SECOND AMENDMENT TO ALPINE COUNTY CONTRACT APPROVED ORDINANCE NO. 350 and 351 APPROVED (Enforcement Penalties and Interest for WATER and SEWER) AUTHORIZED TO OBTAIN BIDS REGULAR MEETING -4- 6/2/83 same be approved up to $76,000. (7) TRANSFER CHARGES TO TAX ROLL: (a) Discharge of storm waters to sewer system (Mr. T. Berg). (~) STATELINE RESERVOIR PROJECT- Attorney Weidman requested adoption of RESOLUTION NO. 2297, Calling for a hearing on Stateline Reservoir Project - July 7, 1983, 5:30 P.M. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. DEFER TOWORKSHOP 6/13/83 4:00 P.M. ADOPT RES. 2297, CALLING FOR HEARING ON STATELINE RESERVOIR PROJECT on 7/7/83, 5:30 PM (9) WATER PUMPING AND STORAGE FACILITIES IN THE KEIIgRROAD-SKI RUN BLVD. SERVICE AREA: Call for Public Hearing June 16, 1983, 5:15 P.M. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, hearing be set for 6/16/83, 5:15 P.M. APPROVED PUBLIC HEARING DATE JUNE 16, 1983, 5:15 P.M. (10) HEAVENLY VAT.T,F.Y WATER TANK PROJECT CALL FOR HEARING ON EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS. HEARING SCHEDULED FOR JULY 7, 1983, 5:45 P.M. (RES. NO. 2298) APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 2298 CALLING FOR HEARINGRE HEAVENLY V"AT,LEY WATER TANK PROgECT NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 6/3/83 6/7/83 6/8/83 6/13/83 6/14/83 6/16/83 6/23/83 Mitigation Task Force, 10 a.m. Alpine County Board of Supv. Meeting Water Purveyors Meeting Workshop/Agenda Items, 4 pm Special Meeting (re Heise Purchase/Offer) 4 pm Regular Board Meeting, 5 pm Regional Board Basin Plan Hearing, 11:00 a.m. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $230,359.94 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT ADJOURNMENT: 6:12 PM JAM~ R. JONES, PRES~D~ SO~H TAHOE PUBLIC ~LITY DISTRIC~f ST: // ~A~J.' ~-I~3S~, -C-~E~ SOUTH Ti~-K)E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 15, 1983 SPECIAL ME. RTING OF THE BOARDOF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session, 4 p.m., June 15, 1983, District Office. ROLL ~T,T,: Present were President J.R. Jones ROLL CALL and Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Lowe, M.M. Madden and J. Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, P. Mamath, M. Ambrose, G. Plasterer, B. Fischer and Barbara Hahn - Tribune Representa- tive. President Jones called the adjourned meeting to order at 4:00 P.M. Attorney Weidman stated that the check for the $45,000 as so stated in the Heise and South Tahoe PUD agreement is ready to deliver to Julian Smith on behalf of Heise Land and Livestock Company as stated in the agreement, paragraph 15.2.1. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Lowe, and unanimously carried(by roll call vote)that I/{E CONTRACT BE ACCEPTED AS WRII~fEN AND AUTHORIZE PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $45,000 TO HEISE IAND AND LIVESTOCK COMPANY. APPROVED ACCEPTANCE OFHEISE LAND ANDLIVESTOCKCOMPANY AND SOUTH TAHOE PUD CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF $45,000 TO HEISE LAND & LIVESTOCKCOMPANYBEAPPROVED. ~.~lnager Cofer mentioned that Lahontan received only tw~ (2) comments regarding the Basin Plan to date. ADJOURNMENT: No further business was discussed and President Jones adjoured the special meeting at 4:17 P.M. J ,A~E~ ~ R. JONES, P~S~QENT S~3~ TAHOE PUBLI~UTILITY DISTRICT AT~EST: 5~f b.~ ~M~Sz/,J -CL~RK OF BOARD~/~ECREmARY SOUTH TAHOE ~BLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR ~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF T}~. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 16, 1983 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors met in a regular session on June 16, 1983, 5:00 P.M. in the District Office. ROIL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L. L. Lowe, M. M. Madden and J. Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, M. Ambrose, B. Eppler, Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Fischer, Neal Trebotich, Ken Schroeder, Chief B. Cherry, Barbara Hahn. CORRECTIONSORADDITIONS TOAGENDA: ~&3nager Cofer requested an additional item for Board Action #3(a) - Negative Declaration, Stateline Reservoir... ADD NEGATIVE DECLARATION TO AGENDA ACTION ITF2~ (Stateline Reservoir) AG~qDAAPPROVEDASA~NDED REGULAR MEETING -2- June 16, 1983 CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wyrmmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, the consent calendar, as follows, be approved: (1) Tertiary Roof --- Requested Approval of Additional Amount of $7,600 (during re-roofing of tertiary roof, it was discovered that the fiberglass base and insulation was saturated with watermaking it impossible to apply a new roof - this would be the amount needed to replace the base material). MINUTES: May 31, 1983, Adjourned Meeting: Director Olsonmoved seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, minutes of 5/31/83 be approved as submitted. M/NUTES OF 6/2/83 - Regular Meeting. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried,, minutes be approved as corrected. (CORRECTION: - President Jones voted No on withdrawing from ACWA Membership). REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None. SHOP STEKrARD'S REPORT: None. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. NOTICE OF MEETINGS HELD: 6/3/83 6/7/83 6/8/83 6/13/83 6/15/83 6/16/83 Mitigation Task Force Alpine County Board of Supervisors Water Purveyors Workshop/Agenda Items Special Board Meeting (Option Payment - Heise Regular BoardMeeting MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofermentioned that regarding Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project - the District can include the connection charges as part of the assessment .... a letter is being prepared including this information. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he has been working on the Alpine County Contract and also on the Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project documents. REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: None. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION CONSENT CAT,K~NDi~ APPROVED ADDITIONAL AMOUNTOF $7,600 TO REPLACE BASEMATERIAL/ Tertiary Roof Approved 5/31/83 ADJOURNED ~KETING MINUTES APPROVED 6/2/83 REGULAR ~TING MINUTES APPROVED AS CORRECTED MEETINGS HELD MANAGER' S REPORT ATIORNEY ' S REPORT ACTIONS (1) Exfiltration/Outflow Study. Requested by staff that the Board receive and file this study.. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, report be received and filed. (2) STATELINE RESERVOIR: (a) Hearing for Negative Declaration - Set Hearing for 7/15/83, 7/7/83. (b) Approve Plans and Specifications for Stateline Reservoir Project (c) Authorization to Obtain Bids. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, a, b, c, be approved as stated above. (3) LUTHER PASS, PUMP #4: Requested authorization to issue a Purchase Order for repair in amount of $12,825.00; District will attempt to get reimbursed by contractor - W.R.Thomason for full amount of repair. REPORT (EXF ILTRATION/OUTTTOW STUDY) RECEIVED AND FILED APPROVED HEARING, Negative Declaration, JULY 7, 1983, 5:15 P.M. APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AUTHORIZED STAFF TO OBTAIN BIDS Regular Meeting -3- June 16, 1983 Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Purchase Order in amount of $12,825.00 be approved. 5:15 P.M. }~JtRIN~ ...... RE: ADOPTING THEAPPROPRIATIONS SUBJEL~ TO LP.~TATION FOR FISC~YEAR 1983'1984 (~) Hearing opened at 5:15 P.M. (2) Barrie Fischer, Finance Officer explained the reasons for the adoption of this RESOLUTION. (3) Cc~anents frc~Audience...None (d) Hearing Closed at 5:20 P.M. Barrie Fischer,Finance Officer, requested adoption of the following RESOLUTION: Resolution No. 2298 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE APPROPRIATIONS SUBJECT TO LIMITATION FOR FISCAL YEAR1983-1984. Director Lowemoved, seconded by Director [~dd~, unanimously carried, RES. NO. 2298 be approved as submitted. 5:21 P.M.----HEARING---- RE: WATER PUMPING AND STORAGE FACILITIES IN THE KEI~RRROAD, SKI RUN BLVD. SERVICE AREA. (1) Hearing Opened at 5:21 P.M. (2) Staff Con~nents by R. G. Baer, Engr. (3) Con~nents from Audience..None (4) Hearing Closed at 5:30 P.M. ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution No. 2299 Approving the Filing of Negative Declaration with State Secretary of Resources and E1 Dorado County Clerk. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, carried (Director Wynn not present for this action), RES. NO. 2299 be approved. EROSION CONTROL PROJECTS: J.C.Weidman, Attorney, stated that we did set a hearing date at the 6/2/83 Board Meeting on Heavenly Valley Tank - Eminent Domain - He stated there is a lot that is 15' wide, and the easement we want is 30' wide; we might have to buy some more land, if we need the 30 ' easement - and reconmendedthat the Board consider this possible purchase of lots. It was suggested that perhaps the USFS could buy those lots, and Mr. Weidman stated he would check into this. Further discussion and information will be brought before the Board, Attorney Weidman stated, on this subject. (7) RETRACTION OF BID BY D.L. PAVING R. Pattaro stated that D&L Paving did not, when they sutmnitted their bid, include their labor, and have requested retracting their bid. He reconmended at this point that the Board allow D&L Paving to retract their bid, and award contract to the next lowest bidder - Ebright and Turk in the amount of $6,380.00. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, carried. (Wynn absent). LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION REPAIR, PURCHASE ORDER APPROVED FOR $12,825.00 ADOPTED RES. NO. 2298 RESOLUTION NO. 2299 APPROVED EROSION CONTROL PROJECT (Heavenly Valley Tank) APPROVED D & L PAVING TO RETRACT THEIR BID, AND AWARDED CONTRACT TO EBRIGHT & TURK, $6,380 FOR ASPHALT PAVING AT BETI.EVUE PUMP STATION Regular Meeting -4- June 16, 1983 NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) 6/23/83 Lahontan Hearing Basin Plan (2) 7/5/83 Workshop, 4 p.m. (3) 7/7/83 Regular Meeting, 5:00 P.M. and (Hearing - Stateline Reservoir and and Hearing - Heavenly Valley Water Tank Project) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, claims in the amount of $978,365.44 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF MEETINGS CLAIMS APPROVED .FOR PAYMENT REGARDING BIDS RECEIVED AND SUBMITTED 'TO BOARD: Director M. Madden stated that she ~ould like to have relayed to the Purchasing Agent how much she appreciates all bids being scrutinized before being submitted to this Board for action. PURCHASING AGENT COMMENDED REGARDING SUBMITTAL OF BIDS ADJOURNMENT TO ANEXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNED AT 5:50 P.M. R. JONES, PRES~ TAHOE PUBLIC ~P/~LTTY DISTRICT ATTEST: REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 7, 1983 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session 7/7/83, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R.Jones, ROLL CALL Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Lowe, M.M. Madden and J. P~znn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, M. Ambrose, B. Fischer, G. Eppler, B. Eppler, J. Heusser, Gary Plasterer, R. Rattaro, K. Schroeder. ABSENT: Pat Mamath, Grant Administrator. CORRECTIONS ORADDITIONS'TO~AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested Executive Session following this regular m~eting. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED -1- Regular Meeting -2- CONSENT CALENDAR: Manager Cofer requested that the request for purchase of the Blazer be deleted and change the request for two (2) 3/4 ton vehicles. APPROVED: (1) Tw~ - 3/4 Ton 4 x 4 Pickup (2) One - Cc~pact Automobile APPROVED: Agreement Between City of South Lake Tahoe, So. Tahoe PUD, Erosion Control Project, Cold Creek Watershed. APPROVED: Policy on Return Check Charges (B. Eppler) Contract Awarded to Ebright & Turk for Beecher and Alma Paving, $6,620, Bid No. 82 83 25 APPROVED: Fallen Leaf Lake Project, Amount of $971.44 C.O. #24 in Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, Consent Calendar be approved. SHOF STEWARD'S REPORT: None REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: Board ~nistration, Conservation and Training: - Director Lowe stated that for the upcc~ing election of two seats on this Board, the County will notice the election and the District will not be doing this. No other cc~mittee reports. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 7/5/83 - Met to discuss Teeter Plan 7/6/83 - Met with Board Committee to discuss Fallen Leaf Lake (Olson/Jones) MANAGER'S REPORT: All items on agenda. ATI~RNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that he did meet with the E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors to discuss the Teeter Plan; and withAlpine County; also with the Collection Officer to set up a program re our service charges. He also stated that our initial agreement is not what we had hoped for regarding the Insurance (Medical) Plan, and he will be meeting with a representative of Travelers Insurance at Sacramento to further discuss this. PROGRAM ~iANA~ REPORT. None COMME?ffS FROM AUDIENCE. None July 7, 1983 CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED BOARD AD~NISTRATION, CONSERVATION AND TRAINING REPORT BY DIRECTOR~. Regular Meeting -3- July 7, 1983 ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION (1) PLANT MODIFICATIONANDAGRICULTURAL REUSE PROJECT, AMENDMENT NO. 6 TO DESIGN CONTRACT IN AMOU~ OF $163,681, C W C - Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that Amendment No. 6 with C W C for Design Contract in amount of $163,681, and District will proceed following approval from SWRCB. (2) GREAT EMERGENCY, LUTHER PASS PIPELINE ($9878.00) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, repair of Luther Pass Pipeline be declared a great emergency and approved expenditure of $9,878.00 for repair of same. (3) FURNACE BUILDING ROOF...Authorize staff to obtain bids for repair of Furnace Building roof. (3-a)TERTIARY ROOF REPAIR - Ken Schroeder stated that the Tertiary Building Roof is badly in need of replacement and he has received 2 quotes for same - following approval from the Board for the repair, would take approximately 4 weeks before same can be repaired. The low quote was received from Western Erectors of Roseville, Ca., and Yancy Company would do their work for them- in the amount of $14,820 - the other quote was for $19,400. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Lowe, carried, that we proceed with the repair of the Tertiary Building Roof, and not to exceed $15,000. (4) ANNUAL SALARYADJUSTMENTS: Manager Cofer requested approval of the following: (a) RES. NO. 2300, Classified Positions (b) RES. NO. 2301, Management Positions (Salary Adjustments) (c) ORD. NO. 353 - Officers of District (Salary Adjustments) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Lowe and carried, RESOLUTIONS NOS. 2300 and 2301 be approved, and ORDINANCE NO. 353 be approved. HEARING .... 5:15 P.M.....STATELINE RESERVOIR (1) President Jones opened the hearing at 5:15 P.M. (2) R. G. Baer, Assistant Engineer gave a report on the Stateline Reservoir, stating that we did receive some con~ents from TRPA, and did include their c~nents in the Negative Declaration (dust control; impacts caused by construction activity; altered diversion course for water pumped off the reservoir; tree cutting; use of road by riders from Stateline Stables re construction activity). (3) Public Co~nent...NONE (4) Hearing Closed at 5:25 P.M. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, carried, the Plans and Specifications for the Stateline Reservoir be approved, and the Notice of Determination of Negative Declaration be filed. ACTIONS APPROVED AME%KIMENT #6 DES IGN CONTRACT, CWC, AND WILL PROCEED FOLL(~V- ING STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD APPROVAL FOR $163,681 APPROVED ANDDECLARED A GREAT FJ~RGENCYFORREPAiR OF LUTHER PASS PIPELINE IN A~DUNTOF $9,878.00 APPROVED AND DIRECTED STAFF TO OBTAIN BIDS, FURNACE BUILDING ROOF APPROVAL GIVEN FOR REPAIR OF TERTIARY BLDG. ROOF, NOT TO EXCEED $15,000. RES. NO. 2300 APPBOVED (Classified Positions Salary Adjustments) RES. NO. 2301 APPROVED (Management Positions Salary Adjustments) ORD. NO. 353 APPROVED (Salary Adjustments Officers of District) HEARING OPENED AT 5:15 P.M. (Stateline Reservoir) APPROVED FILING OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STATELINE RESERVOIR. Regular ~eeting -4- Attorney Weidman requested that the Board meet in Executive Session at this time(5:25 P.M.) to discuss the next portion of the AGENDA - STATELINE RESERVOIR REPAIR AND REHABILITATION, EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS. MEETING RECONVENED AT 5:40 P.M. 5: 41 P.M .... HEARING .... OPENED BY President Jones re: EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS, STATELINE RESERVOIR REPAIR AND REHABILITATION: (1)Hearing Opened at 5:41 P.M. (2) Staff reported that we are in need of additional area and there are two (2) owners we have been negotiating with: Masonic and Van Sickle Enterprises. The District serves approximately 60% of our people frcm this reservoir. The cover has collapsed and a portion of the reservoir is open to atmosphere and Public Health requires it be covered. Attorney Weidman requested that we adjourn to Monday, July 18, 1983, 5:00 P.M. to take a look at these documents, further discuss and reconm~nd a dollar settlement. NON MANOUKIAN, AI~fORNEY, for Masonic and Van Sickle Enterprises, stated that there should be conditions set forth as to co rtinuous monitoring program to insure no leakage and the reservoir be sealed and covered. He stated that these 2 conditions are of great concern to his clients and he stated that he does feel we can arrived at a solration. HEARING CLOSED, NO ACTION TAKEN .... BOARD WILL AD3OURN THIS REGULAR MEETING TO JULY 1i, 1983, 5:00 P.M. to further discuss this subject. AI*fORNEY RON MANOUKIAN, ATI~DRNEY, stated that there has been much work on both sides regarding this matter - with R. Baer and Attorney John Weidman, and he felt compelled to state that your counsel and Mr. Baer handled all matters excellently, we asked for documentation and meetings and received both; he stated he could only ~t to the Board that Mr. Baer and Mr. Weidman have been most cooperative and they handled all matters in a very professional manner. Attorney Weidman recommended the Board rescind RESOLUTION NO. 2299 regarding the Hearing on EROSION CONTROL, HEAVENLY !Y~kT,T,k-Iy TANKS - Attorney weidman stated that we have learned the USFS would, perhaps, obtain the properties and if this is the case, then we can outline to the USFS what properties we need; in the event the USFS cannot obtain the properties, then we will bring this matter up again next spring. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, RES. NO. 2299 be rescinded. July 7, 1983 BOARD ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 5:25 P.M. HEARING RE F~INENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS, STATELINE RESERVOIR REPAIR AND RE- HAB ILITATION ..... OPENED AT 5:41 P.M. HEARING CLOSED AT 5:44 P~4 AND MEETING WILL BEADJOURNED TO 7/11/83, 5:00 P.M. to further discuss this subject. RESOLUTION NO. 2299 RESCINDED HEAR/NG... CANCELLED .... for HEAVENLY VALLEY TANKS, EROSION CONTROL Regular Meeting -5- July 7, 1983 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES, PILOT RECLAMATION PROJECT, CWC, $30,000. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. NOTICE OF MEETINGS 7/11/83 5:00 P.M., ~Jjourned Meeting 7/18/83 4:00 P.M., Workshop/Agenda Items 7/21/83 5:00~P~M, RegularMeeting PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $283,298.19 be approved for payment. APPROVED PROPOSAL W/CWC RE ENGINEERING SERVICES, PILOT RECLAMATION PROJECT, ($30,00O) CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY, 7/11/83, 5:00 P.M. ADJOURNED AT 6:05 PM ' ~A~S~. JONES, PRE$-~ A%~fE ~T' ~ ~UT~ TAHOE PUBL~f~U~iLiTY DISTRICT SOUTH T~OE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT' ADJOURNED REGULAR M~ETING .... JULY 11, 1983 5:00 P.M. President Jones opened the meeting at 5:00 P.M. The adjourned meeting was called to discuss and take two actions regarding the Stateline Reservoir Project. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R.Jones, Directors W. Olson, L. Lowe, M. ~dden. ABSENT: Director John Wlrnn Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, M. Ambrose, P. Mamath. ABSENT: B. Fischer. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Manager Cofer requested an executive session following this meeting. STATELINE RESERVOIR PROJECT: ~nere are two actions to be considered a~t this meeting: (1) Purchase of property from the Masons in amount of $7,500 (.1 acres) and (2) Purchase of property from Van Sickle Enterprises in amount of $6,000 (1.1 acres). EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED FOLLOWING THIS MEETING Director Madden moved, seconded byDirector Lowe, unanimously carried, $7,500 be paid to the MASONS for land needed by the District. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, we purchase land from Van Sickle Enterprises, in amount of $6,000, and that we have a bi-annual monitoring program of reservoir leakage (1.1 acres). APPROVED PURCHASE OF LAND, $7,500,FROMTHE MASONS. APPROVED PURCHASE OF LAND, $6,000, FROM VAN SICKLE ENTERPRISES and that we have a bi-annual monitoring program for same. ~journed Meeting -2- July 11, 1983 ADJOURNMENT: ATTEST: 5:15 P.M. to Executive Session. SESSION. . JO~_S, P~~ OE PUBLI~ILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 21, 1983, 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 7/21/83, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. Present were President J.R. Jones, J. Wynn and W.N. Olson. Directors ABSENT: Directors Lowe and Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. G. Baer, J.C. Weidman - Attorney, Bob Eppler, Gene Eppler, M. Ambrose, R. Vonderscher, H. Williams, B. Etcheverry, B. Fischer, Sue Schlerg - Tribune Reporter, P. Mamath. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONSTOAGENDA: None CONSENT CALENDAR: None AGENDA APPROVED MIN735~S: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried, minutes of the following meeting be approved as sutm~tted: 6/2/83; 6/15, 16/ 83; 7/7/83 and that the minutes of 7/11/83 be postponed to next regular meeting. REPORT BYBOARDMEMBERS:. President Jones stated that he and Manager Cofer met with two members of Congressman Norman Shumway's office and they were thanked for all the assistance they have given to the District, and explained to them whatmight or could happen in the future regarding the District projects. MANAGER'S REPORT: All items on agenda. ATTORNEY'S REPORT.: All items on agenda. SHOP STEWARD'S,'REPORT: None MINUTES OF June 2, 15, 16 and July 7, 1983 APPROVED MINUTES of July 11, 1983 Postponed to Next Regular Board Meeting. JONES REPORTED ON MEETING WITH REPRESENTATIVES FROM CONGRESS- MAN SHUF~Y'S OFFICE, Mr. Jack Seglock~and Chris Seegler COMMITI~E REPORTS: None NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (7/11/83 - State Water Resources Control Board (7/18/83 - Workshop/Agenda Meeting; Manager Cofer also reported that EPA is still investigating spill from Indian Creek Reservoir; no report from EPA as yet; also, Tony Resnik from EPA did inspect plant facilities this week. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS:. (Gene Eppler, Manager of Land Application System) Gene Eppler stated that he attended the Board of Supervisors meeting, Alpine County, 7/16/83. One item on their agenda was in regards to the Clerk's Certificate to petition protesting adoption of the contract. Mr. Murdock, D.A. , reconraended the following to the Alpine County Board of Supervisors. (1) The petition not be referred to the voters for the following reasons: a. Board action was not ky ordinance, therefore, not subject to referendum; b. Resolution authorizing contract amendment was not a legislative act and not subject to referendum; PROGRAM M3LNAGERS REPORTS (Gene Eppler) Regular Meeting -2- July 21, 1983 c. Referendum petition not timely presented to Board in that the contract amend- ment was already effective when presented; d. Board action was merely carry- ing out a policy established by state law and, therefore, administrative. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION. (1) FArJ.~. LEAF LAKE SEWER PROJECT: ACTIONS/RECO~7~DATIONS (a) STAFF REPORT BY RICHARD VONDERSCHER, PUMP STATION SUPERVISOR. Mr. Vonderscher stated that we did get off to a late start this year because of the heavy snow; most of the pump stations had to be rebuilt; had problems with infiltra- tion. On 6/29/83, the first 6-hour test was performed and 3-hour design flow and 3-hour peak flow - all worked fine; on 7/12/83 we started up the cemplete system test (24-1/2 hour test) and did experience minor difficulties, corrected same, and all should be ready to go next week. We are happy to report tonight that we now have a workable system at Fallen Leaf Lake. VONDERSCHER'S REPORT ON FATI.~N LEAF LAKE SEK~R SYSTEM (b) MANAGER'SGOLDENPLUNGER. AWARD%2.. Manager Cofer presented Richard Vonderscher with the GOLDEN PLUNGER AWARD %2 for his outstanding work, and that of his crew, and completing the workable system at Fallen Leaf Lake. PRESENTATION OF COLDEN PLUNGER AWARD TO RICHARD VONDERSCHER (c) AGREEMENT ON CON/~ECTION CHARGES FAr.T.~N LEAF LAKE HO~OWNERS Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that the agree- ment with Fallen Leaf Lake Homeowners Associationbe approved. AG~W~5~NT ON CONNECTION CHARGES, FAT.r.k~N LEAF LAKE HOMEWONERS ASSOCIATION APPROVED (d) AGREEMEhYf ON CONNECTION CHARGES STANFORD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Agreement with Stanford Alumni Association, connection charges, be approved. AG~.MENT ON CONNECTION CHARGES, STANFORD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION APPROVED (e) AUTHORIZE STAFF TO NOTIFY FATI.EN LEAF LAKE THAT SEWER SYSTEM IS READY TO ACCEPT CONNECTION S AFTER 8/1/83. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director ~fnn, unanimously carried, Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer System be accepted and connections to same after 8/1/83 to be approved. FAT3.~N LEAF LAKE SEWER SYSTEM APPROVED AND READY TO ACCEPT CONNECTIONS AFTER 8/1/83 (2) EROSION CONTROL, COLD CREEK WATERSHED BID OPENING ' , Amendment #5, to update and 'i~clude grant requirement items which were not known at time agreement was negotiated. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, Amendment No. 5 be approved. AMENDMENT NO. 5 (TO UPDATE & INCLUDE GRANT REQUIREMENT ITEMS) APPROVED (b) AUTHORIZATION TOAWARDCONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO PRECISION SEEDING, WAIVING ANY IRREGULARITIES IN CONTRACT, IN AMOUNT OF $36,745.00. RESOLUTION NO. 2302 APPROVING Director Wynn mved, seconded by Director Olson CONTRACT AWARDED TO PRECISION and unanimously carried, contract be awarded SEEDING, NEWCASTLE, CA. to PRECISION SEEDING, NEWCASTLE, CA. IN AMOUNT OF $36,745 Regular Meeting -3- 7/21/83 (3) AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR STATELINE RESERVOIR REPAIR(ORD~NO. 354) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that ORD. NO. 354, AWARDING CONTRACT TO DE BEERS CONSTRUCIONCOMPANY in their bid amount of $256,600 be approved, upon receipt of the two easements (Masonic Temple and Van Sickle properties); and subject to agency approval (CTRPA and TRPA)- (CTRPA meeting in Julyand TRPAwill be in August). AWARD CONTRACTANDADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 354 to DE BEERS CONSTRUCTION, AUBURN, CA. IN AMOUNT OF $256,600 NOTICE OF. MEETINGS: (1) 7/22/83 WRC/Priority List Workshop (2) 8/ 2/83 Workshop Agenda Ite~ns, 4 pm (3) 8/ 4/83 Regular Board Meeting, 5 pm PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $589,258.75 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT ADJO~: 5:45 P.M. ATI~ST: TAHOE PUB UTILITY DISTRICT ~ D. ~MB/~OSE, ~LERK OF BOARD/DISTRICT SECRETA~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARDOF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 4,1983 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, 8/4/83, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R.Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Lowe, M.M. Madden and J.Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R.Cofer, Assistant Engineer R.G. Baer, B. Fischer, M. Ambrose, G. Eppler, P. Mamath, B. Eppler, K. Schroeder, G. Plasterer, Attorney J.C. Weidman and Sue Schlerg - Tribune. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TOAGENDA:~ Manager Cofer requested adding the following items to the agenda: (#5) CORRECTIONS TO FAT~,E]N T~AFLAKEAND STANFORD AGR~MENTS (#6) AUTHORIZE CHECKS TO VAN SICKLE ENT. ANDMASONIC TEMPLE (ADJOURN TO ANEXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS ALPINE COUNTY NEGOTIATIONS) AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED CONSENT~ CALEJ%IDAR:~ Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, the Consent Calendar be approved, as follows: (1) Reroof Luther Pass Pump Station -($7500) Authorization to go to bid approved. (2) Issue Change Order to Ebright & Turk for BellevuePump Station in the amount of $2,262.62 approved. (3) Issue Change Order to Ebright & Turk for $3,500 for excavation, grading and paving of Beecher Pump Station approved. (4) Authorized purchase of Capacitor for Luther Pass Pump Station for a total amount of $11,977.20 (5) Authorized Award of Contract for the painting of the 3 District potable water storage tanks to Petersen's Painting Service, Inc., of Chico, California in the amount of $58,794.00, who was the most responsible and responsible bidder. (6) Claims for Damages and Extraordinary High Turn-On Charges: Barrie Fischer requested that all claims for damages in the future, other than sewer back-up claims, should be referred to Manager of Customer Relations with a written report by the Crew Supervisor, and appear on consent calendar for Board approval. Board approved. (7) Approved obtaining bids for mzu%hole covers and rings. (8) Approved annual audit (J. Ehlman) in amount of $10,000. CONSENT CAI.~WDARAPPROVED No irregularities werewaived in this a~rd of contract to Petersen's Painting Regular Meeting -2- August 4, 1983 MINUTES OF 7/11/83: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, the minutes of 7/11/83 be approved as submitted; Director Wynn abstained. MINUTES OF 7/21/83: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried, the minutes of 7/21/83 be approved as sukmitted; Directors Lowe and Madden abstained. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORt: None COMMII~fEE REPORTS: None MEETINGS: 8/2/83 4 pm Workshop Session Held MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that he did attend the luncheon with Senator Doolittle; Senator Doolittle stated that he felt Mike Dillon of CASA is about one of the best lobbyists in Sacramento. Also, the State Board Staff have been here at the District this week for reviewing plans and specifications for facility plan - they intend to complete their review so that we can get a grant out of 1983 priority list. ATIORNEY' S REPORT:. Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he has been w~rking on the Alpine County Contract and this will be discussed in the Executive Session following this meet- ing. Enough information has now been obtained to get the easements for Fallen Leaf Lake for the collection lines and pump stations in order. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: Manager of Customer Relations, Bob Eppler stated that a request was received for Happy Hom~ Cemetary from City of South Lake Tahoe tha~ we release one sewer unit (1983) ~nd one sewer unit (1984). Director Olson moved, seconded byDirectorWynn, unanimously carried, request from City be approved. MINUTES OF 7/11/83 APPROVED MINUTES OF 7/21/83 APPROVED MANAGER' S REPORT ATTORNEY' S REPORT APPROVED ONE SEWER UNIT FNOM 1983 and ONE SEWER UNIT FROM 1984 ALT O CATIONS FOR HAPPY HOME CEMETARY It was also mentioned that District staff is drafting an amendment to our Ordinance No. 321 regarding sewer transfers and will be presented to the Board shortly for their review and/or action. REGULAR MEETING -3- August 4, 1983 ITF2~S FOR BOARD ACTION (1) RESOLUTION NO. 2303, APPOINTMENT of COLI.RCTION OFFICER Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (2) RESOLUTION NO. 2304, AUTHORIZING Kathryn Taylor TO CONDUCT FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS Director Lowe moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. (3) RESOLUTION NO. 2305, TRANSFER UNPAID CHARGES TO COUNTY Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (4) ORDINANCE NO. 355, SEYTING 1983-84 (5) ORDINANCE NO. 356, SEI~fING U-1 RATES Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, ORD. NO. 355 and ORD. NO. 356 be approved. STATELINERESERVOIRREPAIR (1) CTRPA PROJECTAPPROVAL Attorney Weidman stated that CTRPA approved the project and placed four special conditions on same: #24 #25 #26 (a) Security of $1,000 for revegetation (b) Security of $2,000 for improvements (c) Develop provisions tominimize impact with Stateline Stable operations #27 (d) Pave access road from Montreal Street to reservoir including drainage and erosion control. Attorney Weidman stated that on the condition No. 27, if we pave this portion of the road, it will be dug up when Montreal St. is dug up for the loop road portion. He recc~nended that we appeal condition No. 27, approve conditions Nos. 24, 25 and 26. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, conditions 24, 25, 26 be approved as set forth by CTRPA; reject and appeal condition #27. (2) PROPOSAL FOR STEP 3 ENG/NEERING SERVICES DURING'REPAIROFSTA~LINERESERVOiR~ DirectorMaddenmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unaninDusly carried, STEP 3 ENGINEERING SERVICES by CWC in amount of $9,520 be approved. As suggested by CWC, an independent lab be hired to do the testing for soil and concrete in the amount of $2,500. R. Baer stated that he will contact Kleinfelder Firm. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (3) STATELINE RESERVOIR'SNOWDAMAGE LOSS Barrie Fischer, Finance Officer, stated that he did speak with Jim Norton, Russ Cooper of USF&G and Jim Lear, Insurance Investigator. USF&Gwould like to conclude the claims payment; taking out the contingency of $16,500, they evaluate the loss at $90,659.80, less the $25,000 deductible, and USF&G will make payment in the amount of $65,659.80, and the $16,500 contingency will be held in abeyance should it be needed in all or part. The insurance company stated the maximum loss will still be in the amount of $107,159.90. ACTIONS TAKEN RES. NO. 2303 APPROVED (Collection Officer) RES. NO. 2304 (Kathryn Taylor to Conduct Financial Trans- actions) APPROVED RES. NO. 2305 (Transfer Unpaid to County) APPROVED ORD. NO. 355APPROVED, SEI~fiNG 1983-84 TAXES ORD. NO. 356 APPRO%~D, SE~TING U-1 RATES APPROVED CONDITIONS NOS. 24, 25 and 26..APPEAL CONDITION NO. 27. APPROVED ENGINEERING SERVICES (CWC) IN AMOUNT OF $9,520 APPROVED INDEPENDENT LABORATORY SERVICES IN AMOUNTOF $2,500 FOR SOIL ANDCONCRETE TESTING (STATELINE RESERVOIR - Kleinfelder firm) APPROVED ACCEPTANCE OF CLAIM FOR STATELINE RESERVOIR SNOW DAMAGE FOR USF&G Regular Meeting -4- Director Lowe moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claim be accepted, as explained above. AWARD CONTRACT 3/4 TON FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP Kids Were received for this vehicle and it is the recc~m~_ndation of staff that we purchase one 3/4 ton four-wheel drive pick- up from SHEHADI MOTORS in the amount of $14,204, and Purchase one 3/4 four-wheel drive pickup for the Manager of Alpine County Land Application from TAHOE FORD, plus the air- .conditioning, and minus cruise control, mn amount of $12,736.42, and Purchase one-compact front wheel drive sedan from TAHOE FORD in the amount of $6,940.86. Director Wynnl, moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, the above vehicles be approved for purchase. CO~E~E~CIAL SEWER UNIT INCREASE, 5 SEWER UNITS, CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE POLICE FACILITIES A sewer unit count was taken at the Police facilities and it revealed the existence of 13 sewer units, an increase of 5 sewer units. Staff recommended that we correct our billing and charge current connection charges and fees for the additional 5 sewer units, as follows: Connection Charge: $6,650.00 Sewer Service Charge 342.00 Total $6,992.00 Director Madden moved, and seconded by Director Lowe. Director Wynn stated that there has not been a change of units from the original structures and he does not feel it appropriate to charge the connection fee. Majority of the Board in aqree- ment with this stat6~nent, and Director Madden withdrew her motion, Director Lowe withdrew her second. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson and unanimously carried, the connection charge requested by staff for the Police facilities of the City be waived, based upon the ground those have always been there and are not additional sewer units. CORRECTIONS TO FALT.~N I.F. AF LAKE AGREEMENT AND STANFORD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION AGR~q. MENT The Board and Staff discussed the changes to both agreements (same in District Office files for review) and requested approval of these agreements as modified. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, agreements for FALLEN LEAF LAKE ASSOCIATION and STANFORD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION be approved as modified. August 4, 1983 APPROVED PURCHASE OF ONE 3/4 TON TRUCK FROM SHEHADI MOTORS, $14,204 APPROVE PURCHASE OF ONE 3/4 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE PICK- UP FROM TAHOE FORD IN AMOUNT OF $12,736.42 APPROVED PURCHASE OF ONE COMPACT SEDAN FROM TAHOE FORD $6,940.86 WAIVED CONNECTION CHARGE FOR THE CITY POLICE FACILITIES BASED UPON THE FACT THAT THE 5 SEWER UNITS HAVE ALWAYS BERN THERE AND ARE NOT ADDITIONAL UNITS - AT.T. OTHER CHARGES (Sewer Service Charges) REMAIN FALLEN T~AFLAKEAND STANFORD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION AGRPA%~NTS APPROVED AS MODIFIED Regular Meeting -5- August 4, 1983 EASEMENTS, VAN SICKLE ENTERPRISES AND MASONIC TEMPLE, FUNDS DEPOSITED INTO ESCROW FOR SAME ~ Attorney Weidman requested that monies be deposited into escrow in the amounts of $6,000 and $7,500 for Van Sickle Enterprises and Masonic Temple, and Van Sickle's request that we will have bi-annual monitoring of our reservoir to determine leakage and will line the reservoir according to contract award. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, Attorney Weidman's recon~nendation be approved as stated above. WATER STORAGE TANKS (PAINTING).., Attorney Weidman stated that we are to make certain the award to Petersen's Painting Contract it is noted that we did not waive any irregularities - (Consent Calendar #5) NOTICEOFMEETINGS: (1) 8/10/83 SWRCBWorkshop on Priority Lists for Funds (2) 8/15/83 Board Workshop/Agenda Session (3) 8/18/83 Regular Board Meeting, 5 pm (4) 8/24-27/83 CASA Conference, San Diego PAYMENTOFCLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $570,070.47 be approved for payment. ADJOURNing%fl: 5:45 P.M. to Executive Session. APPROVED MONIES DEPOSITED INTO ESCROW FOR VAN SICKLE ENTERPRISES AND MASONIC TEMPLE WITH ADDITIONS RE- QUESTED BY VAN SICKLE ENTERPRISES. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT _J~ZS R. JONES, ?~DENT ~3TH TAHOE PUBL~iC~UTILITY DISTRICT ASTEST: ~AR~ D-.A~E,-'cLERK OF ~O-A~ AND EX- OFFICIO ~ECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 18, 1983 - - 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 8/18/83, 5: 00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President James R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Lowe, J. Wynn and M. Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Barrie Fischer, Finance Officer, and Attorney John C. Weidman, M. Ambrose, P. Mamath, Ken Schroeder, Gary Plasterer, Gene Eppler, Neal Trebotich -Shop Steward. ABSENT: Assistant Manager/Engineer R.G.Baer. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynn moved, by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, Calendar, as follows, be approved: seconded Consent CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED (1) Retrofit of Westinghouse Air Circuit Breakers ($18,800.00) approved purchase. MINUTES: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, minutes of 8/4/83 be approved as sutm~itted. MINUTES OF 8/4/83 APPROVED REPORTBYBOARDM~MBERS: None. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORt: Mr. Neal Trebotich was present but had no report to give. COMMI%~fEE REPORTS: None. MEETINGS: Manager Cofer reported the follow- ing meetings held: (1) 8/10/83 State Board Priority List ('84) Workshop at Sacramento (2) 8/15/83 Workshop/Agenda Items (3) 8/18/83 Executive Session on District Matters and BoardMeeting at 5 PM MEETINGS HELD MANAGER'S REPORT: Items on Agenda ATI~RNEY'S REPORT:~ Has been working on the Alpine County Matters and same on agenda for this meeting. PROGRAMMANAGER'S REPORT.: None ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION: (1) SEWER TRANSFER. ORDINANCE- Manager Cofer stated that the amendments to this ordinance would incorporate most of the transfer requests and would also allow some secondary parcels and damaged structures to be transferred to another parcel. All comments and suggestions given by the Board will be incorporated into this Sewer Transfer Ordinance and same will be presented at the September 1, 1983 Regular Board Meeting for consideration and/or adoption by the Board. SEWER TRANSFER ORDINANCE DISCUSSION (2) RETRACT VEHICLE BID for 3/4 Ton Four- Wheel Drive Truck. It was requested by the Purchasing Agent and Management that the bid received frcm Tahoe Ford be retracted as they could not supply the motor required by the District, mnd that the purchase and awardbe given to Tahoe Carriage. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. APPROVED PURCHASE FROM TAHOE CARRIAGE Regular Meeting -2- August 18, 1983 (3) PRECISION SEEDING, AUTHORIZE DIRECTING CONTRACTOR TO DO EXTRA WORK, CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - which w~uld be a reduction in contract; CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 which will be an increase of $1,325.00 (covers additional erosion due to the recent rainfall causing large trees to fall across the creek, and have to be re- moved). (Additional work amounts to $4,970, Decrease in Contract $3,645 Total Amount requested: $1,325) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Lo~m, unanimously carried. (4) HEADSTART, STEP III, CHANGE ORDER 22 W. R. THOMASON. Requested approval of Change Order No. 22 in amount of $16,233.00, W. R. Thc~ason (Chlorine System Modifica- tions) Director Olsonmved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (5) DIAMOND DITCHAGRE~: Manager Cofer requested approval of the Diamond Ditch Agreement, and also requested same be executed by the Board President. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) 8/24/83 (2) 8/29/83 (3) 9/1/83 CASA CONFERENCE WORKSHOP/AGENDA ITE~,~ AI~D ~EETING WITH JOHN WISE, REGULAR BOARD MEET17~G PA~ OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims be paid in the amount of $445,500.53. ADJOURNMENT: 5:24 P.M. EPA CH~%NGE ORDER NO. 1 APPROVED CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 APPROVED (Precision Seeding) APPROVED C~3~NGE ORDER NO. 22 W.R. THOMASON ($16 , 233.00) DIAMOND DITCH AGRE~.MENT APPROVED FOR EXECL~ION BY DISTRICT MEETINGS PAYMENT OF CLAI~APPROVED ~B~UTH TAHOE ~LIC UTILITY DISTRICT A%~fEST: ~Y D. [~4B'RYOSE,-CL~RK b~ B~A~D AND EX- OFFICIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 1, 1983, 5:00 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 9/1/83, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President J. R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Lowe, M. M. Madden and J. ~%gm. ROLL CALL Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Engineer R.G. Baer, B. Fischer, J.C. Weidman, K. Schroeder, G. Eppler, B. Eppler, Paul Carrion, P. Mamath, Dena Schwarte, Sue Schlerg--Tribune Reporter, Walt Howard of Carollo Engineers, Jim Goforth of San Rafael Equ_ipment Company. CORRECTIONSORADDITIONSTOAGENDA: ~nager Cofer requested adjo~t to a short executive session following this meeting. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED CONSENT CALANDAR: None. REPORT BYBOARDMEMBERS: Director Lowe reported on the CASA meeting and stated that Mr. Cunningham (Speaker at CASA) made the point that Districts could apply for assistance when s.~ills occurred (if documented properly) under the District Relief Act. Manager Cofer stated that staff would contact the County Officer. REPORTON ~A~NFE~ (Director L owe) Manager Cofer has also been appointed Chairman of CASA ~nagers. Director Olson is Chairman of Conference Coranittee. SHOP S~YARD'S REPORT: Paul Carrion, Shop Steward, had nothing to report. COmPri%TEE REPORTS: None NOTICE OF ~TINGS: (1) 8/24-27/83 (2) 8/29/83 CASA Conference Workshop/Agenda ~ting ~NAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer reported that he contacted Mr. J. Wise, EPA Region 9 Representa- tive and suggested meeting dates - none set at this time. ~%IAGER' S REPORT Mr. Cofer also gave his deposition for the Fallen Leaf Lake Forest Service vs the South Tahoe Public Utility District controversy. Also, two items from the State BoardWOrkshop: (1) Basin Plan - no opposition, District can live with plan as amended; (2) State Loan - District must repay the $1.3 million loan because (a) District does not meet the financial hardship requirement; (b) a new loan would r~equire voter approval. Also, South Tahoe PUD received the second place Safety Award from CASA. ASSISTANT ENGINEER R.G. Baer reported the presence of Walt Howard, Carollo Engineers and the progress of the negotiations with him on the Construction ~mnagement Services, Plant Modification Project. Also, reported by R. Baer the receipt of the tentative waste discharge requirements from Lahontan. Regular Meeting -2- 9/1/83 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that he has been working on the closeout agreement and the letter to the County regarding jail facilities and units; as of this morning, no decision has been made regarding Alpine County law- suit. PROGRAM~IANAGER'SREPORT (Bob Eppler) Mr. Eppler requested authorization to send a letter to Mr. Joe Winslow re Expansion of the E1 Dorado County Jail Facilities at South Lake Tahoe, stating the following: (1) The District will accept County's application for a sewer permit for 84 sewer units at the jail after verification that the County Board of Supervisors and City Council of South Lake Tahoe have allocated these units within the 1194 sewer units made avail- able to the County and City for the 1984 allocation; and (2) The District will give the County relief from paying any connection fee deposit through 3/31/84; and (3) The District does not reserve sewer units until allocated by the County and the City. APPROVED SL-"XIDING LE%TER TO COUNTY RE JAIL~AC. The Board was in agreement that the letter be authorized formailing. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE:None. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) APPEAL SEWER CONNECTION CHARGES FOR FRESH KETCH (}.is. Dena Schwarte present) Ms. Schwarte requested clarification of the additional charges for the Fresh Ketch Restaurant, which the Board did explain to her thatwhen additional unites are located in an establishment, the District then charges a 2-year back charge and a connection fee, which was so in the case of the Fresh Ketch. Attorney weidman stated, however, since this is a substantial increase in charges, the Board does have the authority to give relief for a method of payment for these additional charges, which Ms. Dena Schwarte stated she would like to have and appreciates this considera- tion from the Board. (2) ORDINANCE NO. 357, A~gENDING ORD. NO. 321, TRANSFER OF SEg~R UNITS... President Jones turned the meeting over to Vice Pres. Madden and excused himself from the subject discussion. FRESH KETCH ADDITIONAL CHARGES APPROVED AS COUNTED PRESENTLY ORDINANCE NO. 357, TRANSFER OF SEWER UNITS, APPROVED Regular Meeting -3- 9/1/83 (3) AUTHORIZATION TO LEASE/PURCHASE SEWER VACUUM UNIT Director ~,~fnn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, the sewer vacuum unit be purchased, and that Staff be directed to locate best ~ethod of financing for leasing this equipment. APPROVED I.EASE PURCHASE AND DIRECTED STAFF TO LOCATE BEST METHOD FOR FINANCING SA~ (4) AUTHORIZATION TO OBTAIN BIDS FOR SKI RUN BLVD. WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS, AND BID OPENING DATE IS OCTOBER 13, 1983, at 3:00 P.M. (PHASE I) Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried. APPROVED OBTAINING BIDS FOR SKI RUN WATER SYSTF~ IMPROVEMENTS, BID OPENING DATE IS 10/13/83, 3 p.m. (5) HEADSTART, CHANGE ORDER NO. 23 Attorney Weidman requested authorization of execution of an amendment to closeout agreement and release claims (W.R. Thomason, Inc.) - Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. APPROVED C.0.~23 and AUTHORIZED EXECUTION OF AMENDMENT TO THE CLOSEOUT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS (THOMPSON) (6) AGRICULTURAL REUSE PROJECT, CELIO CONTRACT Gene Eppler, Manager of Land Application, explained the contract to the Board and following review and discussion Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, Celio Contract be Approved APPROVED CELIO~ CONTRACT Manager Cofer commended Gene Eppler and Dan Hinrichs for accomplishing all the work they have done regarding obtaining the contracts needed for our projects. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) 9/6/ 83 (2) 9/12/83 (3) 9/15/83 State Board re Priority List Workshop/Agenda Items, 4 pm Regular Board Meeting, 5 pm MEETINGS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $294,995.98 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED ADJOURNMENT: 5:45 P.M. to Executive Session. ~es R. -~one~//President yOUTH TAHOE ~BLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: Ma~y D.-~A~o~,~ Clerk 6f~a~/Sec. South Ta~e 'Public Utility Distr~ct REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTF3~ER '15, 1983 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a r..egular session on 9/15/83, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CAT~.: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors L. Lowe, M. Madden and J. Wynn. ABSENT: Director Neal Olson Also present were ~3nager J.R. Cofer, Assistant ~nnager R.G. Baer, B. Fischer, M. Ambrose, P. Mamath, Gary Plasterer, Ken Schroeder, J.C. Weidman - Attorney, and Sue Schlerf from the Tahoe Tribune. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested that Item #1 under Board Action be Deleted (Vernita Smith Contract) and that an additional item of Stateline Reservoir, Change Order No. 1 be approved for Item #3, Board Action. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED Board approved agenda as amended. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, Consent Calendar be approved as follows: 1. (a) (b) FAT3,ENI.FAF LAKE, CHANGE ORDER NO. 23 F.L.L. FILING NOTICE OF COMPLETION (RESOLUTION NO. 2306) (c) CloseoutAgreement and Release of Claims Byars Cons. Co. 2. SEP~RUNIT DECREASES (a) 39 390 291, Decrease 2 Sewer Units (b) 34 763 061, Decrease 1 Sewer Unit CONSENT CAL~XK1AR APPRO~D (3) Materials Storage Bins (Tahoe Masonary ($5,50O) (4) Reroofing of Furnace Bldg, Anderson Roofing Company $9,190. ) 5) Manhole Frames and Covers (Pinkerton Foundary $15,799.50) (6) Archaeological Costs, Intermountain Research in Amount of $2,885.22) (7) RESOLUTION NO. 2305, Authorizing Representatives to Purchase Federal State Surplus Property (California State Agency) MINUTES: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Lowe, carried, minutes of 8/18/83 be approvedas submitted. ~/NUTES OF 8/18/83 APPROVED REPORT BY BOARD ~MBERS: None. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. CON~LITTEE BOARD REPORTS: None Regular M~eting -2- 9/15/83 ~ETINGS HE.T.D: (1) 9/12/83 (2) 9/9/ 83 (3) 9/15/83 Workshop/Agenda Items Executive Workshop Session State ~eting Re District's Loan MANAGER' S REPORT: ~anager Cofer stated that the State Board met today regarding the District's Loan for repair of the Export Pipeline Contract, and we do have to repay the loan by 10/1/83. M~ANAGER ' S REPORT Also, letter has been received from~. Heise regarding discharge to Indian Creek Reservoir and Diamond Valley. We have had several meetings and are not able to resolve some of our concerns. Regarding the discharge standards, the State Board discussed that the standards be adopted as submitted by Lahontanor refer same back to Lahontan to have another hearing scheduled regarding any concerns we have regarding discharge standards. AGR~F~NT RE~ISELANDANDLIVESTOCK Manager Cofer requested adjourned meet- ing on 9/29/83, 5:00 P.M. to further discuss this contract/agreement. APPROVED ADJOURNED MEETING 9/29/83, 5 pm RE: HEISE LAND & LIVE- STOCK AGREF~ STATELINE RESERVOIR PROJECT: Requested approval of Change Order No. 1 for an increase of $18,792.00, as explained by Assistant Engineer R.G. Baer. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1, STATELINE RESERVOIR Increase of $18,792 APPROVED NOTICE OF MERT~qGS: (1) 9/21/83 (2) 9/29/83 (3) 10/ 3/83 (4) 10/ 6/83 (5) 10/13/83 Meeting with J. Wise of EPA Adjourned Meeting, 5 pm Workshop/Agenda Items, 4 pm Regular Board ~eting, 5 pm Lahontan - Waste Discharge Requirements Hearing ~ETINGS SCHEDULED PAYMENT OF CLAI~iS: Director ~/nn moved, seconded by Director ~dden, unanimously carried, claims in amount of $529,357.49, be approved for pay- ment. CLAIm,S APPROVED ADJOURNMENT: 5:20 P.M. to an executive session and also this meeting adjourned to 9/29/83, 5 pm. R. JONES, ~E~IDENT TAHOE PUBD~C UTILITY DISTRICT A%TEST: ~IARY D. ~BROSE, CLERK ~DF BOARD SOUTH ~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, 9/29/83, 4:00 PM The Board of Directors met in an Adjourned Regular Session on 9/29/83 at 4:00 P.M., District offices. PRESENT WERE President J.R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Lowe, M. Madden · ~-~ Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. cofer, Assistant Engineer R.G. Baer, Attorney John C. weidman, K. Taylor. ABSENT: John Wynn, Director. ROLL CALL ABSENT: Barrie Fischer. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ACTIONS TAKEN (1) HEISE LAND AND LIVESTOCK AGREEMENT Manager Cofer and Attorney weidman requested any action on this item be taken up at the regular Board Meeting of 10/6/83. APPROVED. (2) GRANT INCREASE, HEADSTART PROGRAM FACILITIES, IN AMOUNT OF $18,790. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, grant increase in the amount of $18,790 be approved. (3) STATE LOAN REPAYMENT Director Lowe moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, the State Loan Repayment of $1,386,285.14 be approved. HEISE AGREEMENT TO BE DISCUSSED AT 10/6/S3 MEETING GRANT INCREASE IN AMOUNT OF $18,790 APPROVED STATE LOAN REPAYMENT OF $1,386,285.14 APPROVED (4) LEASE AGREEMENT ON JET/VAC UNIT Lease agreement on purchase of Jet/Vac Unit was approved and check in amount of $2,250 was approved. Moved by Director Olson, seconded by Director Madden, and unanimously carried. (5) PURCHASE OF ANGORA WATER COMPANY Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that the purchase of the ANGORA WATER COMPANY be approved. Adjournment: LEASE AGREEMENT ON PURCHASE OF JET/VAC UNIT AND CHECK IN AMOUNT OF $2,250 APPROVED APPROVED PURCHASE OF ANGORA WATER COMPANY 4:45 P.M to 1 4 PM ADJOURNMENT ~A~ R. JONES, SyH TAHOE PUBL~ UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: F~A~Y b7 '~A]?3~R(J'Si~-~,' CL~,RK O~ BOARD AND EX-OF~CIO SECRETARY - BOARD OF DIRECTORS ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 3, 1983 - 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an Adjourned Regular Session on October 3, 1983, 4:00 P.M. in the District Offices. ROLL CALL: President J. R. Jones, Directors Olson, Lowe and Madden. ABSENT: Director Wynn. ROLL CALL Also present were Manager J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, M. Ambrose and P. Mamath, B. Eppler, R. Christensen, Gary Plasterer, Jack Sullivan, R. Hydrick, Polly Nelson and Pat Painter, R. Tiran and K. Taylor. ABSENT: Barrie Fischer. President Jones called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M. to discuss action regarding the agreement for Heise Land and Livestock Company. Attorney Weidman stated that we have not come to an agreement with Heise Land and Livestock and requested that this item be moved to the Regular Board Meeting of October 6, 1983. No further business discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 4:07 P.M. ~~~~j ~HR. JONES, ~IDENT TAHOE PUB~IgI'C UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: M~RY D.//A~IBROSE~, CLERK OF BOARD AND ex- Offici~ Secretary of the Board of Directors REGULAR MEETING OF %~{E BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 6, 1983, 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session October 6, 1983, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, ROLL CAlf. Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Lowe, N.M. Madden and J. ~^~nn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant ~mnager/Engineer R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, G. Plasterer, M. Ambrose, P.Mamath, R. Christensen, H. Williams, R. Tiran, K. Taylor and Sue Scherf - Tahoe Tribune Reporter. ABSENT: Barrie Fischer CORRECTIONS'ORADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None CONSENT CALSiNDAR: None MINUTES: Director Lowemoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, minutes of 9/1/83 be approved. Director Lowemoved, seconded by Director ~dd~% seconded, unanimously carried, minutes of 9/15/83 approved (with Director Olson abstaining). MINUTES OF 9/1/83 APPROVED ~q~UTES OF 9/15/83 APPROVED REPOR~ BY BOARD MEMBERS: None. SHOP STE~tRD'S REPORT: None (Manager Cofer mentioned that Linda Brown has been appointed Regular ~eting -2- 10/6/83 Shop Steward, replacing Jim Heuser. CO~e~ITI~E REPORTS: None. MEETINGS: Manager Cofer stated that the following meetings were held: (1) Workshop/Agenda Items on 10/3/83, 4 ~n (2) Manager attended policy review session on the Teeter Plan in Placerville 10/5/83. Manager Cofer mentioned that Supervisor Pat Lowe, and Supervisor T. Stewart, stated they ~ould not have a problem with the Teeter Plan if we would put ad valorum taxes on only. Also, Manager Coferwas asked if he would make a presentation on the District's operation in Alpine County on the 27th of October in their library at 7:00 P.M. He will be there. ATIO~'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that he has been busy with the Angora Water Company negotiations. He has also been preparing the necessary documents (for ~minent domain proceedings - Resolutions, Notices of Hearing, etc.) re HeiseAgree- ment, Harvey Place and also Diamond Ditch. PROGRAM ~iANAGERS REPORTS: None CO~NTS FROM AUDIENCE: None ITF~ FOR BOARD ACTION (1) Application to Alpine County Planning Con]nission for Determining that Heise Land & Livestock Ac_quisitions are in Conformity with the Government Plan. (a) RESOLUTION NO. 2308, Setting date for Hearing on Intent to Adopt a Resolution of Necessity Authorizing Filing of Eminent Domain Proceedings, Heise Land & Livestock. Attorney Weidman recor~nended adoption by title, of RES. NO. 2308, and SCHEDULE HEARING FOR NOVF~ER 10, 1983 at 9:15 a.m., District Offices. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 2307, Harvey Place Hearing, scheduled for 11/10/83, 9:00 a.m., District Offices. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, above Resolutions be approved, and Hearings as so stated be approved. (2) LE%TER TO LAHONTAN, RE, BASIN PLAN: The Board discussed the letter prepared for Lahontan, attention of F~. Roy Hampson, and approved submittal of same. A representative from Lahontanwas present at the meeting and letter was given to her to hand-carry to Lahontan Offices. (3) CONTRACT/LIQUIDLIME. R. Tiran requested approval of the contract with Gilmour and Company for liquid lime, under the following terms and conditions: (a) Price for carbide lime will be $52.47 per ton, including California sales tax; MEETINGS HELD MANAGER'S REPORT ATIORNEY'S REPORT ACTIONS TAKEN RES. NO. 2308, PLEISE LAND & LIVESTOCK HEARING AT 9:15 A.M., District Office Approved RES. NO. 2307, HARVEY PLACE HEARING, 11/10/83 at 9:00 a,m., District Offices APPROVED LETTER TO LAHONTAN, A%TN. MR. R. HAMPSON, APPROVED FOR SUBMITTAL RE BASIN PLAN CONTRACT FOR LIQUID LIME APPROVED WITH GILMOUR AND COMPkNY Regular Meeting -3- October 6, 1983 (b) Price will remain firm for a period of 12 mnths ccranencing 10/7/83 to 10/31/84; (c) Amount used will be approximately 70-100 tons, per month, of which Gilmour and Company guarantees delivery to the District, subject to its availability and realizing the amount may fluctuate depending on the District's needs and Gilmour and Cc~pany supply; (d) Weight tickets will be supplied by Gilmour and Company on all loads delivered to the District whenever possible. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, contract with Gilmour & Company for liquid lime be approved as stated above. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) Workshop/Agenda Items Session 10/17/83, 4 p.m. and tour of water facilities at 3:00 p.m. on 10/17/83 (2) Regular Board Meeting at 5:00 P.M. on 10/20/83 MEETINGS SCHEDULED (3) Office Closed 10/10/83, Holiday. PAYP~NT OF CLAIMS: Director Wyrm moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $2,005,250.16 be approved for payment. CLAIm,S APPROVED FOR PAYMENT 5:30 P.M. ATTEST: O~M~F~'ciD~ A~R~S~,~ECRETARyC~ETHE~ ~OARD AND EX' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 20, 1983 - - 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session, October 20, 1983, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President James R. Jones, Directors M. M. Madden and J. ABSENT: Director Lowe and Director Olson. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Engineer R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, M. Ambrose, B. Fischer, P. Mamath, B. Eppler, R. Christensen, G. Plasterer~ Sue Schlerf. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested an AJjourned Board Meeting on 10/25/83, 4 p.m. and also to postpone the hearing on rights of way ~d rescind action taken on RES. NOS. 2307 and 2308, and change the hearing dates to 11/17/83 at 5:15 p.m. (Harvey Place) and for 5:30 P.M. (Heise Land & Livestock). Agenda approved as amended. ROLL CAT,T, AGENDA APPROVED AS A~NDED CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Consent Calendar as follows be approved: CONSENT C~T,~NDAR APPROVED (1) Increase of Sewer Units for APN 32 162 041 (1334 Bonanza Avenue) Charge all current fees. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: None MEETINGS: Met on 10/17/83 at 3 pm for a tour of the water facilities and at 4 pm for the Workshop/Agenda Items for this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer presented fl~p charts for Alpine County to the Board; mentioned that there is now a flyer going around regarding the sewer quality initiative in Alpine County and that he will respond to that flyer in the next ST PUD article. ATIORNEY'S REPORT: Manager Cofermade the request regarding an adjourned meeting and also rescinding resolutions 2307 and 2308 for the Harvey Place and Heise Hearings scheduled for 11/17/83. MgUNAGER' S REPORT PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: None COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None Regular Meeting -2- 10/20/83 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ACTIONS' TAKEN (1) PRESENTATION by R. G. BAERRE THE ANGORA WATERCOMPANY. The slides shown covered the wells, pump stations and area of Angora Water Company. (a) Joint Application to Public Utilities Cor~aission for Approval of Purchase of the stock of ANGORA WATER CO. REFERRED TO 10/25/83 Adjourned Meeting. (2) COLD CREEKWATER SHED, EROSION CONTROL PROJECT: (a) Precision Seeding, Change Order No. 3 in amount of $1,779.50. (b) Falconi and Associates Amendment No. 6 in amount of $3,097.00 approved CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 APPROVED for $1,779.50 AMENDMENT NO. 6 (Falconi & Assoc.) APPROVED ANDUNT OF $3,097.00 Director M~ddenmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (3) GRANT INCREASE OF $29,491, Fallen Leaf Lake... Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, grant be accepted ina mount of $29,491. (4) ADJOURN MEETING TO 10/25/83, 4 pm GRANT INCREASE OF $29,491 Fallen Leaf Lake, Accepted ADJOURNED MEETINGTO 10/25/83 AT 4 pm APPROVED (5) RESCIND AC~ION ON RESOLUTIONS NOS. 2307 and 2308 APPROVED Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, meeting be adjourned to 10/25/83. APPROVED RESCINDING ACTION ON RES. NO. 2307 and 2308 Director Wynnmoved, secoD~edby Director Madden, unanimously carried, RES. NO. 2307 and RES. NO. 2308 be rescinded. NOTICE OF M~.RTINGS: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 10/25/83 BJjourned Meeting re Angora Water Co. 4 pm 10/31/83 Workshop/Agenda Items, 4 ~n 11/ 3/83 Board Regular Meeting, 5 pm 11/ 8/83 Election 11/ 9/83 Basin Plan 11/11 and 12/83 CASA Conference. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by DireCtor Madden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $421,695.47 be approved. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT 5:35 P.M. to 10/25/83, 4 pm ~/R. Jones, P~dent. SQ~H TAHOE PUBLI~UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: b.© ; 6sE, CLEm B-OA D SO~ T=OE P~LIC =ILl= DIS~= ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 25, 1983, 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors met in an adjourned regular session October 25, 1983, at 4:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CAIJ.: Present were President James R. Jones, Directors J. Wynn, M. Madden and W. N. Olson. Also present: Attorney K. Jones. ABSENT: Director Lowe Prior to this adjourned meeting, a workshop session was held with Attorney Ken Jones, Attorney Jordan Nielson - representing the District, and the Martin Brothers and their attorney to discuss, review and revise the Purchase Agreement of the Angora Water Company... Following this meeting, a workshop session was held and Mr. Ken Jones explained the changes and/or revisions requested by the Angora representatives to the members of the Board and Staff. ~ETING OPENED AT 4:15 PM by President Jones: Director Olson stated that he felt the agreen~nt shouldbe again reviewed by our Attorney and Manager, the amounts to be clarified, the exact dates of when this District will take this company over in all respects, and same be brought back to this Board for their consideration at our next regular board meeting. The Directors agreed with the co~nents made byMr. Olson. No further business brought before the Board, meeting was adjourned at 4:35 P.M. ASTEST: 'N~ ~Ambro~s~, Cl~k of Board South ~ahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District 5:00 P.M., November 3, 1983 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 11/3/83, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present Were President J.R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, M. Madden and J. Wynn. ABSENT: Director Lorrene K. Lowe. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Engineer R.G. Baer, M. Ambrose, P. Mamath, B. Fischer, K. Taylor, R. Tiran, John Maxhimer, Sue Scherf-Tribune Reporter, Attorney Ken Jones and Attorney Jordan Nielson, Gary Plasterer. ABSENT: Attorney John C. Weidman. CORREC~IONSORADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested that the Board move Item #1 under Board Action (Angora Water Company) to this point in the Agenda. BOARD ACTION/RECOMMENDATIONS: The Co~ttee (Directors Madden and Olson) met with representatives from the Angora Water Company and Attorney Ken Jones and Attorney Jordan Nielson - Jones, Hall Hill and White) to review and discuss the Angora Water Purchase Agreement. It was agreeable by the BoardMembers that the contract is now satisfactory to them, and it was moved by Director Madden, seconded by Director Olson, that the PURCHASE AGREE- MENT OF THEANGORAWATERCOMPANYbe approved, and that the following ORDINANCE NO. 358 and RESOLUTIONS NOS. 2309 and 2310 be adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 358 AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DETE~4/NING TO ACQUIRE PUBLIC UTILITY WATER WORKS AND APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT IN O0NNECTION THEREWITH..ANGORA ~IATER COMPANY. AGENDA APPROVED AS CHANGED ACTION BOARD ITEM (Angora Water Co.) AUTHORIZE BOARD PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE JOINT APPLICA- TION (PUC) ORD. NO. 358 APPROVED AND ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 2309 RESOLUTION DETEP~[NINGT~IATTHE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY DEMAND THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY WATER WORKS...ANGORAWATERCOMPANY RES. NO. 2309 APPROVED AND ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO., 2310 A RESOLUTION DETERMINING ADEQUACY OF WATER SUPPLY, THAT ACQUISITION CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED FROM REVENUES AND ORDERING FILING OF PLANS AND ESTIMATES AND AGREF~...ANGORA WATER COMPANY RES. NO. 2310 APPROVED AND ADOPTED CONSENT CALENDAR: None MINUTES: 9/29/83 Director Olson moved,seconded by Director Madden, carried, (Director Wynn abstained) minutes be approved. 10/3/83 Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, minutes of adjourned meeting of 10/3/83 be approved. (DireCtor Wynn abstained) MINUTES OF 9/29/83 APPROVED (Director Wynn abstained) MINUTES OF 10/3/83 APPROVED (Director Wyrm abstained) Regular Meeting -2- 10/6/83 Minutes - Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried, minutes of 10/6/83 be approved. 10/20/83 Minutes - Director %~fnnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, minutes be approved. 10/25/83 Minutes - Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, minutes of 10/25/83 be approved. REPORT BY BOARD MF~ERS: None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: John~l~xhimer was present but had no report. COMMISTEE REPORTS: None MEETINGS: 10/31/83 Workshop/Agenda Items Alpine County Presentations attended by Manager Cofer, T. Powers, President Jim Jones, Gene Eppler and John C. Weidman. He did mention, however, much opposition was expressed regarding the sprinkler irrigation of Schwake Lands. 11/8/83 Alpine County Election ATIORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, absent. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: (1) Barrie Fischer - - Barrie prepared a response to the Audit Report received fr~n our Auditors, and it was the request of President Jones that a w~rkshop be set up to review this response. Manager Coferwill contact the Board members re the date for this ~rkshop. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None. ITEMS FORBOARDACTION NOVT~ER 3, 1983 10/6/83 MINUTES APPROVED 10/20/83 MINUTES APPROVED (Director Olson abstained) 10/25/83 MINUTESAPPROVED FINANCE OFFICER' S REPORT ACTIONS TAKEN (2) RELEASE OF Al3. CLAIMS, ST PUD VS USFS President Jones raised the question regarding reassessments and Attorney Ken Jones suggested some language change in the release, as follows: Providing that nothing in this release shall be construed to prevent the District from conducting reassessment proceedings to charge such real property with the benefits enjoyed by the property from the public improvements constructive assessment proceedings, in the event said property is sold to private persons and improved and used for other than open space for other public uses. APPROVED REI.FJ~qE OF ALL CLAIMS, ST PUD VS USFS WITH THE LANGUAGE CHANGE SUGGESTED BY AI~fORNEY KEN JONES (NOTE:--Refer to minutes of 11/17/83 regarding this RFI.FASE OF Al.I. CLAIMS) Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Olson, carried, that the Release of All Claims be approved, including the language change as suggested by Attorney Ken Jones. Regular Meeting -3- November 3, 1983 (3) PURCHASE OF TWO ADDITIO~ALCOMPUTER TE~NALS (Approximately $7,500) APPROVED PURCHASE OF 2 COMPUTER TERMINALS DIRECTOR OLSONmved, seconded by DIRECTOR WYNN, unanimously carried, purchase of 2 cc~puter terminals be approved. 11/17/83 11/11-12/83 11/14/83 11/17/83 11/ 9/83 NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 5:15 P.M. Hearing, Harvey Place 5:30 P.M. Hearing, Heise Land & Livestock CASA Conference, Carmel, CA Workshop/Agenda Items, 4 pm Regular Board Meeting, 5 p.m. Review byLahontanof Basin Plan XVI. PAYMENT OF CLA~4S Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $359,425.95 be approved for payment. CLAIMS IN AMOUNTOF $359,425.95 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT XVII. ADJOURNMENT Executive Session re Union Arbitration (at 5:30 P.M. to an uz ~xz~uu ~~=-°~f~ic~i~°r~Secretary of the Board SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT jAMES/R. JONES, PRESCOTT ,,~ TAHOE PUBLIC L~ITY DISTRICT REGULAR~EETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 5:00 P.M., November 1% 1983 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 11/17/83, 5:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, M.M. Madden and J. Wynn. ABSENT: Director L. Lowe Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R.G.Baer, Sue Schterf, Tribune, B. Eppler, G. Plasterer, K. Schroeder, P. Mamath, B. Fischer, P. Powers, N. Trebotich. ABSENT:Attorney J.C.Weidman. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: ~mnager Cofer requested an Item ~3 to Action Items, CASA Resolution, and then to an Executive Session re conference call with our Attorney for any action on Alpine County Initiative. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED CONSENT CAIATqD~: None. MINUTES OF 11/3/83: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, minutes of 11/3/83 be approved as submittal. ~NUTES OF 11/3/83 APPROVED REGULAR MEETING -2- November 17, 1983 REPORT BY BOA_RDMEMBERS: President Jones stated that he attende~ the tour of the Auburn Dam withManager Cofer, and to have the opportunity to talk with Senator Waters, Johnson and Doolittle. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Neal Trebotich, Shop Steward, stated that Dennis Longhofer has received his Grade V Wastewater Operator Certificate. President Jones requested a letter be sent to Mr. Longhofer congratulating him of receiving this certificate. CO~l~fEg REPORTS: None MEETINGS: Manager Cofer reported on the following meetings held: (1) Workshop/Agenda Items 11/14/83 4 t~n (2) CASA Conference, 11/11-12/83 (3) Auburn Dam Tour, 11/17/83 MANAGER'S REPORT: Any arbitration with the union is postponed until after labor negotiations. CASA Conferen3e had good meetings; there were 35 District representatives in the Managers Meeting and action is requested tonight re CASA Resolution. ATIORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. Weidman is absent this evening; he and his wife involved in a car accident and presently at the Los Gatos Good Samaritan Hospital. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORT: (1) Phyllis Powers, Lab Technician, stated that we did have visitors from china, and they showed a great interest in our tertiary system operation. The visitors represented the Environmental Protection AgencY, Bureau of Fushun; Con~mittee of Science and Technology of Fushun City and General Petroleum Company of Fushun and Second Refinary of General Petroleum ComPanY. They presented the District with a picture that will be displayed in the Board COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None BOARD MEMBER REPORT (JONES) SHOP STEWARD REPORT BY NEAL TREBOTIC~! PROGP3~'~ M~NAGEPS REPORTS VISITORS FROM THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA ITE~IS FOR BOARD ACTION: (1) p~I.FASE OF ALL CLAIMS AND RELEASE OF LIEN, STPUD VS USFS. Director Olson n~pved, seconded by Director Madden, Release of all claims and Release of Lien, be approved and release be executed.- Carried. (2) REVIEW OF SE~q~R,WATER AND STREET LIGHTING ORDINANCE FOR CHANGES. Referred to 11/28/83 for discussion and review. (3) (CASA)RESOLUTION NO. 2311, A Resolution Opposing Proposed Revisions to State Board Regulations Governing Waste Disposal to Land (Subchapter 15). Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, carried., RES. NO. 2311 be approved. CLAIMS AND LIENS, STPUD VS USFS) RELEASE OF ALL - APPROVED WORKSHOP SET FOR 11/28/83 FOR REVIEWOF SEWER, WATER AND STREET LIGHTING C~3tNGES RES. NO. 2311 D]PPROVED REGUT~AR ~ETING -3- NOVEmbER 17, 1983 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, carried, claims in amount of $358. ,026.29 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF ~ETINGS: (1) 11/28/83, Workshop/Agenda, 4 pm (2) 12/1/83, Board ~eeting, 5 pm (3)__12~15L83._Christmas Lunch .e~_n_, NOON 5:15 P.M ....... HEARING ..... HARVEYPLACE Manager Cofer mentioned that all involved regarding this hearing were notified that no action would be taken this evening, and he requested that the Board rescind the action taken on Resolution No. 2307. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, Hearing re Harvey Place be cancelled and RES. NO. 2307 rescinded. AD3OUPAIEDTOANEXECUTIVE SESSION at 5:17 PM CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PA__V~NT ~ETINGS SCHEDULED HEARING RE HARVEY PLACE CANC~IJ.RD AND RES. NO. 2307 RESCINDED 5:30 P.M ........ HEARING...HEISE LAND & LIVESTOCK Clerk of Board called the meeting back to order regarding the hearing for Heise Land and Livestock, and adjourned to recess until Executive Session is over. President Jones opened the Hearing at 5:32 P.M. and Manager Cofer stated that those involved in this hearing have been notified that no action would be taken this evening, and he also requested the Board rescind action taken on RES. NO. 2308. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, carried. HEARING RE HEISE LAND & LIVESTOCK CANCETJ,P~I~ ~I) RES. NO. 2308 RESCINDED FOLLf~ING THE EXECUTIVE SESSION, ATTORNEY JOHN C. WEIDMAN, REQUESTED THAT: (1) The Board authorize the District's Attorney to file an action to declare initiative invalid insofar as it affects our Alpine County Contract. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, carried. DECLARE ALPINE INITIATIVE INVALID INSOF~RAS IT AFFECTS OUR ALPINE COUNTY_ CONTRACT - Approved. ADJOURNMEhIf AT 5:37 P.M. %~H~ TR~gEO~ P-~S~L/P~E~ I I~I TY DISTRICT AI~fEST: ~ .y .y - , ~? . , MARY D.,~AMBROSE, CLERK OF BOARD AND EX-OFFICIO SECRET~LRY, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 5:00 P.M. - December 1, 1983 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District m~t in a regular session on 12/1/83, 5 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CAT.T.: Present were President James R. Jones and Directors W. N. Olson, M.M. Madden and J.~fnn. ROLL CALL ABSENT: Director L. Lowe Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, J.C.Weidman, M. Ambrose, B. Eppler, B. Fischer, K. Taylor, R. Tiran, G. Plasterer, K. Schroeder, R. Christensen, J. ~qaxhimer, and S. Schlerf-Tribune Reporter. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None. AGENDA APPROVED CONSENT C3tLENDAR: (1) Installation of 8 Monitoring Wells at the SOUTH TAHOE PUD 60 MGD HOLDING PO~D (approximately $6,500-J.Kleinfelder and Associates) CONSE~ C. AT,1 ,~.1DAR APPROVED (2) Conmercial Sewer Unit Decrease, 27 111 11, Original Count was 24 Sewer Units, Decrease to 13 Sewer Units (3) Cancellation of Conmercial Sewer Permit, (Lots 5 and 7, 23 362 021 and 23 372 011) Director Wynnmved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, consent calendar be approved. MINUTES OF 11/17/83, Postponed to 12/15/83. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: John Maxhimer was present, but had no report. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None MEETINGS: 1. Workshop/Agenda Items 11/28/83, 4 pm MANAGER'S REPORt: Manager Cofer reported that regarding the cleanup and abatement order (ICR OUTLET VALVE) - corrected the leaking valve at Indian Creek Reservoir; a meeting was held withNEVADA D E P was held on 11/21/83; and the State Board Workshop regarding the Basin Plan Amendment - there was ~e Lahontan Board and ST PUD representatives there; Smith stated he would be sending a letter after Dec. 15th regarding ~e Basin Plan Amendment. MANAGER'S REPORT PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: Manager Cofer stated that Gene Eppler did present slides and gave his report on the EPA Inspection of 11/18/83 at the workshop meeting of the Board. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that he has been working on Alpine County matters and also the letter of cre<lit re SEASONS; and check forthcoming in amount of $18,710.00 for return of some deposits ( Eminent Domain). ATI~RNEY' S REPORT REGULAR MEETING -2- December 1, 1983 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ACTIONS (1) Request for Purchase of 30 KW Portable Generator frcm Norm Gratton for $12,500 Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, approved the purchase of 30 KW Portable Generator. (2) Request Approval for SEWER, WATER AND STREET LIGHTING ORDINANCES: (1) ORDINANCE NO. 359, S~ER Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Olson, carried. (2) ORDINANCE NO. 360, WATER Director Maddenmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried, ORD. NO. 360 be approved. (3) ORDINAI~CE NO. 361, STREET LIGHTING Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, ORD. NO. 361 be approved. NOTICEOF ~ETINGS: (1) 12/12/83 (2) 12/15/83 12/15/83 12/15/83 Workshop/Agenda Items 4 Dm Christmas Luncheon, NOON Board Meeting, 5 ~n State Basin Plan Amendment Meeting/Hearing PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, carried, claims in amount of $652,405.59 be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: Adjourned at 5:12 P.M. to an Executive Session re Alpine County Initiative. APPROVED PURCHASE OF 30 ~'~ PORTABLE GENERATOR ($12,500) ORD. NO. 359 APPROVED (Sewer) ORD. NO. 360 APPROVED (Water) ORD. NO. 361APPROVED (STREET LIGHTING) CLAIMS APPROVED $652,405.59 JAMES>R. JONES, PRESID~N~/ SO~ TAHOE PUBLIC UT~q~ DISTRICT ATTEST: OM~RY D.-~ROSE, C~LE-RK OF BOARD ~AND EX-O ' ' C SECRETARY, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 15, 1983, 5 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session December 15, 1983, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CAT.T,: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, M.M. Madden and J. ~,~r~. ABSENT: Director L. Lowe Also present were Manager/Engineer J. R. Cofer, Assistant Engineer R. G. Baer, Attorney J. C. Weidman, M. Ambrose, B. Eppler, G. Plasterer, B. Fischer, P. Mamath, K. Taylor, R. Tiran, K. Schroeder, B. Andenberg, R.L. Culp, Sue Schlerf, Fran Cocking. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Requested that Board Elections be Item ~8 on Agenda AGENDA APPROVED CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director ~dden, unanimously carried, Consent Cal~dar, as follows, be approved: CONSENT CALEND~ APPROVED (1) Change Order No. 4 - Cold Creek Watershed Control Project, reduce contract by $500. (2) Surplus Sale - approved obtaining bids. (3) Gas, Oil, Lubricants, Solvents, - approved obtaining bids. MINUTES OF 11/17/83, Regular Board ~eting and minutes of 12/1/83 Regular Board Meeting. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, minutes of both meetings be approved as submitted. MINUTES APPROVED: 11/17/83; 12/1/83 REPORT BY BOARD MF~ERS: None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Not present. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None MEETINGS HELD: (1) Workshop/Agenda Items, 12/12/83 4 pm (2) Regular Board Meeting Tonight, 12/15/83, 5 pm State WRCB meeting on Basin Plan held Today. ~iANAGER' S REPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer and C~ne Eppler attended the meeting with the S~RCB regarding the Basin Plan, and it appears same will be approved. ATIORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that he has been working on the Basin Plan; and the Alpine County initiative action regarding Alpine County contract, and ~e Seasons matters. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: Gary Plasterer stated ~at the old generator was taken in for repairs, and it was learned that to repair this would cost as much to repurchase another generator and asked the Board to approve purchase of new generator. Board approved purchase. ATrORNEY'S REPORT GARY PLASTERER REQL~STED APPROVAL TO PURCHASE GENERATOR. APPROVED. COMMENTS FROM AUDIETqCE ON SHORT NON-AGENDA ITEMS: None. Regular Meeting -2- December 15, 1983 ITF~ FOR BOARD ACTION (1) COMMUNICATION FROM DIRECTOR LOg~ (RESIGNATION FROM BOARD OF DIRECTORS) Directors received cu~L~nication from Director Lorrene Lowe stating reasons for her resigna- tion. Same on file with the District. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Director Lowe's resignation be accepted with regrets. Attorney J.C.Weidman reviewed briefly the procedure to follow for appointment of another Director to complete Director Lowe's term. Notices will be posted right after the 1st of the year; followed by request for letters and their qualifica- tions for possible candidates, and interviews to appoint another member will then be held. (2) P%~RCHASE OF ANGORA WATER COMPANY. AND ESTABLISHING 2 NEW POSITIONS (Employees from the Angora Water Company): (a) Pump Station Operator I (b) Underground Repairman Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director ~dden, unanimously carried. (3) BILL ANDENBERG, REQUEST RELIEF ON S~R SERVICE CHARGES: ~.~. Andenberg appeared at the 12/12/83 workshop session, explaining to the Board that he did not have his motel open during the winter months because of this being quite an old motel, and same not insulated and rarely the rooms are rented. The Board and staff reviewed this request, and it was the recomendation of staff that Mr. Anden- berg's request be denied. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, staff's reconm~mdation be approved. (4) EXTEND TL~ FOR BIDS TO P~IAIN OPEN FROM 60-120 DAYS, SKI RUN WATER I~ROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO. 1. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (5) ~ASTER PLANFOR WATER REUSE: }~. Russell L. Culp, Culp/Wesner/Culp, reviewed the Master Plan with the Board of Directors. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that the Master Plan for Water Reuse prepared by Wesner/Culpbe sukmitted to Lahontan. (6) PAYOFF ASSESSMENT FROM SURPLUS FUNDS ON USFS APPROXIMATELY $25,000 FOR PARCEL IN 1971-1 A.D. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. VISION SERVICE PLAN (Rate Adjustment) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, the increase for Vision Service Plan be approved. (7) BOARD EI.ECTION: (President) Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that ~mry. M. "MICKEY" ~ddenbe nominated as President. ACTIONS RESIGNATION FROM DIRECTOR LOWE ACCEPTED WITH REGRETS APPROVED 2 ~[POSITIONS (Employees fromAngora Water Co.) ~. ANDENBERG'S REQUEST FOR RELIEF ON SEWER SERVICE CHARGES DENIED APPROVED EXTENSION OF TIME FOR BIDS FROM 60-120 DAYS SKI RUNWATER IMPV. CONTRACT NO. 1 APPROVED SUB~I~fAL OF MASTER PLA~ FOR WATER REUSE TO BE SUBMI~fED TO LAHONTAN APPROVED PAYOFF OF USFS PARCEL IN 1971-1 A.D. ($25,000 from surplus funds) RATE ADJUS~NT INCREASE FOR VISION SERVICE PLAN APPROVED Regular Meeting -3- December 15, 1983 Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried, that the ncminations beclosed. MARY. M. "MICKEY" ~ADDEN EI.ECTED PRESIDENT. ELECTED ~ARY M. "MICKEY" MADDEN PRESIDENT FOR 1984. Director Jones nominated JohnWynn as Vice President of the Board for 1984. Jim Jones moved the nominations for Vice President be closed, seconded by Director Olson, and JOBNWYNNELECTED VICE PRESIDE/~T for 1984. Carried unanimously. ELECTED JOHNWYNNVICE PRESIDENT FOR 1984. MA~NAGERCOFER also mentioned to the Board that at their w~rkshop scheduled for 1/3/84, officers for the Angora Water Company will be held (President, Vice Presid~%t and Secretary/Treasurer). ANC~RA ~TER CO. OFFICERS EI.ECTIONTOBE ~LDON 1/3/84, 4 p.m. NOTICE OF ~ETINGS: (1) (2) CHRISI~AS DINNER, 6 p.m. St. Theresa's Parish Hall December 20, 1983 Workshop/Agenda Items, 1/3/84 4 pm Election officers/Angora Water Co. MEETINGS SCHEDULED (3) Regular BoardMeet~g, 1/5/84, 5 p.m. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in amount of $550,313.93 be approved for payment. ADJOURNED AT 5:40 P.M. to Executive Session to discuss tt~e Initiative Challenge (Alpine County) CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAY~/qT ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION N3LRY M. ~'~DDEN, PRESIDENT South Tahoe Public Utility District ASTEST: Z~r~ D. ~ose, clerk of ~ara ~d Officio ~ecreta~ Sou~ T~oe ~lic utility District