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1982 01/07 - 1982 12/16
REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 7, 1982 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session 1/7/82, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors W. Olson, J. ~nn and President J. R. Jones. ABSENT: Directors Kashuba and Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, G. Plasterer, Attorney J.C.~idman, M. Ambrose, B. Fischer, Sam Davis, G. Sills. ROLL CALL CONSENT CALENDAR: Director ;~fnnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unaniouslv carried, consent calendar, as follows; be approved: (1) Letter to LahontanR~QCB Progress Report on NPDES Compliance, Times Schedules. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED. (2) Changes in Sewer Billings (On- Site Inspections) a. Lake Tahoe Airport 33 050 060 - Change billing to increase 10 SU - total of 27 SU and back charge 2 years. Lake Tahoe Ai_rport: 33 050 062 - Decrease 2 SU. Total= 9. SU and no refund c. 31 226 100 Increase 3 SU (Duplex) Change billing to 6 SU; back charge 2 years. SHOP STEWARDS REPORT: None ~UTES: Director ~,'~fnnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, the minutes of 11/5/81, 12/3/81 and 12/17/81 Approved. (No meeting held on the 19th of NOVEMBER 1980 (no quorum). ~/NUTES OF 11/5, 12/3 and 12/17/81 APPROVED REPORT BY BOARD k~ERS: None CO~TI~EE REPORTS: None. President Jones stated that the Committee Chairmen will remain the same as in the past 2 years. IX. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS 1. ~tigation Task Force 12/18/81 WORKSHOP SESSIONS M3~NAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that the Concept Approval Draft (Revised) has been received; still not in final form, however, it has been revised to show the $25 million project; several of the items have been listed stating determination will be made after the 10% design; land for purchase for the Haz~ey Reservoir is grant eligible; Diamond Valley land may be declared eligible. MA~IAGER'S REPORT Regular Meeting -2- 1/7/82 XI. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman reported that he has been ~rking on the Heise matter and feels that have come to a point of decision. Also, Mr. P~idmmn suggested that a Public Hearing (Connection Charges) should not be held other than a regularly scheduled meeting, as the law does say (SB 1005) that you will hold at least 1 public hearing at a regularly scheduled meeting. All information for the public regarding increases of charges must be available to the public 10 days prior to any meeting or hearing. The Fallen Leaf Lake Hearing will not be held on the 14th of January 1982 as previously scheduled, as reconmended by Attorney John C. Weidman. XI I. CO~.~NTS FROM AUDIENCE: None XIII.REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: ~. Gary Plasterer, Manager of Operations, introducted Gerald Sills, Senior Operator, who has received GRADE V certification from the State of California. The Board Members congratulated~. Sills for obtaining this Grade V certification XIV. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION: 1. FALLEN I.FAF LAKE S~ER PROJECT: a. Manager's Recommendations: Approve ~difications to Project Authorize Design Modifications $13,000 Authorize Design Review by ~C $3,000 Authorize Payment to Swanson- Oswald for Construction Manage- ment 9/81-12/81, $13,550.13 Director Staff to Notify Fallen Leaf Lake Improvement Association Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, ~nnager's recou~nendations as stated above be approved. CONNECTION CHARGE ~NG RE FALLEN T,FAF LAKE HAS BEE~ CANCET.LF.D (1/14/82). 2. ASSISTANT DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REQUESTS: SOUTH "Y" WATER PROJECT, 1982-1 a. Proposed Assessment Boundary Map and Resolution No. 2234 be Notification of Intent to City of South Lake Tahoe, RES.2235 approved. EXFILTRATION STUDY, REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Director Olson moved, seconded by Director ~.~fnn, unanimously carried. ATTORNEY ' S REPORT PROGRA~ ~]ZNAGER REPORT (G. Plasterer) MANAGER'S RECO~ATIONS APPROVED A~SSISTk~ DISTRICT E~NGINEFR'S REQUESTS APPROVED RESOLUTION 2234 and Boundary ~ap Approved. APPROVED NOTIFICATION ~ CI_TY~ AND RES. NO. 2235 APPROVED AUTHORIZE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR EXFILTRATION STLqDY Re ~a~lar ~.~eting -3- 1/7/82 XVo 4. 1980 WATER DISTRIBUTION I~fl)ROVF~ZNTS a. Change Order No. 3 (HOOD) Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, ~unanimously carried, Change Order No. 3 - HOOD CORPORATION - be approved. Approve 5. 1981 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVF~NTS a. Authorize Notice of Substantial Completion and File Same. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director W~ann, unanimously carried. APPROVED 6. HEAVENLY VAI~Ry WATER TANKS a. Approve negotiations to purchase lot. Director Olsonmoved,secon4ed by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. APPROVE Ye MUFFIN ~ONSTER a. Requested purchase of complete replacement unit, and approve $7,460.00. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director ~fnn, unanimously carried. APPROVE PURCHASE FOR $7,460 PAk74ENT. OF CLA~4S : Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $569,426.54 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPRO\~D FOR PAY~%iNT NOTICE OF ~ETINGS: 1. CASA Conference, 1/20-23/82 ADJOURN TO 1/28/82, 5:00 P.M. Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Room for regular meeting, and Hearing - Connection Charges - 5:30 P.M. same date and place. ADJOURh~ AYTEST: ---- TAHOE PUBLI flTILITY DISTRICT / / / 'Y. ' / ?.:,'~ /3' , ~,.~/_r¢/~' .~ - ,~1 SO~ T_~OE P~LIC ~ILI~ DIST~CT REGULAR MEETING OF THE 21ST OF JA~HTARM 1982 CANCELLED FOR LACK OF A QUORUM. ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 28, 1982, 5:00 P.M. SEWER & WATER HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF INCREASING CONNECTION CHARGES 5:30 PM The Board of Directors held an Adjourned Meeting and a Hearing on the 28th day of January 1982, 5:00 P.M. at the Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President James R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson and J.Wynn, L. Kashuba and M. Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, M. Ambrose- Clerk of Board, R. G. Baer, S. Davis, B. Fischer, R. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams, J. Mallinich, Bill Bryan, D. Laine, and representative from South "Y" Laundromat. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None. ROLL CALL AGENDA APPPOVED CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, Consent Calendar, as follows, be approved: (i) Interim Consultant Contract with Ruth Heng, Grant Administrator, until replacement is hired. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED REPORT BY BOARD MEb~ERS: None. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS: Manager Cofer stated that the Board Workshop Session was held on 1/25/82 and items discussed were: Fallen Leaf Lake Charges, Mitigation Task Force Status, Special Edition of Tribune, Alpine County Agreements, and Concept Approval Letter from State (Grants) and Sewer Budget as of 11/30/80. Workshop Session of 1/25/82 MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that he was in attendance at the CASA Conference and surveyed fringe benefits as a re~ort to CASA; CASA is soliciting all agencies on Sick Leave benefits, and report to be received at a later time. MANAGER'S REPORT Also, Chuck White of Lahontan, stated to Manager Cofer that they would be doing their own EIR on Water Rights; our District will do our EIR before any action is taken on our permits or any extension of our permits. Status report on Fallen Leaf Lake will be discussed on Monday, Manager Cofer stated. Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- 1/2S/S2 Manager Cofer also stated that Attorney John C. Weidman put a good program on re OSHA at the Conference. Director Kashuba thanked Attorney Weidman for the excellent presenta- tion and knows that much work was put into; thanked J.R. Cofer for his work on the Survey of Fringe Benefits, and to Walter "Neal" Olson for the excellent reception team. Director Kashuba stated that there was a Resolution approved at CASA regarding Clean [~ater Act. The Com~.ittee will prepare same. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: None. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: None. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ACTIONS (1) Manager Cofer requested transmittal to EPA on Status Report #1, Mitigation Program for the Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facilities (ST PUD) Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (2) C~C Request for College Well - Increase of $4000 (Design) Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (3) Request for Value Engineering Proposals, Plant Modifications and Alpine County Reservoir. Same will be sent to seven Engineering firms. Director Kashuba requested that the Assistant District Engineer get with Manager Cofer and review the booklet on "How to Select Consultants" Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (4) NOTICE OF FINAL COMPLETION, SLUDGE HOLDING BASIN (T. Haen) and RESOLUTION NO. 2237, for approval. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (5) LIME FURNACE REPAIR: Manager of Maintenance, Sam Davis, reauested the Board approve the Staff action taken to repair the lime furnace as a great emergency in the amount of $6500; the old hearth was torn out and new one poured in place. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (6) LETTERS REGARDING CONSTRUCTION GRANT PROGRAM AND RESOLUTION NO.2238 APPROVED Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, letters re grant be approved for transmittal and RES.NO. 2235 approved. LETTER APPROVED FOR TRANSMITTAL TO EPA APPROVE C['7C INCREASE OF $4,000 (DESIGN) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR VALUE ENGINEERINC PLANT MODIFICATIONS & ALPINE COUNTY RESERVOIR. APPROVED. NOTICE OF FINAL COP{PLETION AND RESOLUTION NO. 2237 APPROVED. APPROVED LIME FURNACE REPAIR $6500. Letters and RESOLUTION NO. 2238 Approved. Adjourned Meeting -3- 1/28/82 (8) JOYCE PERMITS: Attorney Weidman stated that we gave Mr. Joyce until Monday to make a non-refundable deposit. However, he did speak with Mr. Joyce and now requests the Board to extend to 2/18/82. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that Mr. Joyce be given an extension to 2/18/82, as recommended by Attorney J.C.Weidman. EXTENSION FOR JOYCE FOR DEPOSIT TO 2/18/82. APPROVED PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn and seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $730,315.05 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED RECESS: 5:25 P.M. RECONVENED at 5:30 P.M. for HEARING - CONNECTION CHARGES President Jones called the hearing to order at 5:30 P.M. lie went on to explain to those present that this hearing is for connection fees only and not user fees. The Board is considering increases the connection fees, but no decisions hav~ been made, this is to hear from the public tonight and to receive their comments. Mr. Joe Mallerich stated that he felt the entire cost should be divided by all property owners and not just those that are now connecting their property to the facilities. Mr. Bill Bryan was also in agree- ment with Mr. Mallerich and stated that this would be what he considers a fair charge if it could be handled in that manner. Another couple, representing their laundramat,and their complaint was regarding a recent invoice received from this District. They were asked to please bring in that invoice and set an appointment up with Barrie Fischer to discuss same. The Board felt this was not a connection fee the couple were speaking of. Manager Cofer explained the reasons to those present as to why we must increase our connection charges for new connections; that there is a limited capactiy of approximately 1000 connections left in the plant; we ware trying to go back to secondary and eliminate the high degree of treatment we now have. Director Olson stated that by 1985 the District will be well into the building area, and there will be no need to have a connection charge of this size and a high service charge because the maintenance and operation of the plant, as far as costs, will drop. Should we get effluent (Secondary) into Alpine county, service charges Hearing Connection Fees 1/28/82 would drop by 50%. President Jones stated that there will be another meeting to discuss connection fees, and at the regular Board meeting to be held on 2/4/82, any further comments will be heard. No decision will be made by this Board until the regular meeting of February 18, 1982, 5:00 P.M.- District Office. Director Kashuba requested Manager Cofer to have a report ready for the Board as to what the cost would be if each lot is charged; and what type costs would be expected should we have to go for a bond issue. President Jones adjourned the hearing at 6:35 P.M. ATTEST: MA~:~D:~bfose, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ~_s R._ Jone~/Fresident ~uth Tahoe ~ublic Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 4, 1982, 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, 2/4/82, 5:00 P.M., District Board Room. BOLLCAI.T.: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Kashuba, M. ~dden. ABSENT: Director John Wynn. ROLL CAlL Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R.G. Baer,Attorney John C. Weidman, G. Eppler, M. Ambrose, B. Fischer, S. Davis, J. Heusser, G. Sanders, J. Hubbell and Barbara Hahn - Tribune Reporter. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None AGENDA APPROVED CONSFAYP CAT,_'67qDAR: None MINUTES: Postponed REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Kashuba stated that she and ~4mnager Cofer attended the City Council Meeting yesterday and asked the City Council to appoint a representative for the council to attend the next ~tigation Task Force ~eting; this is important to have one present, as they are the decision makers, and we do need them. She further stated that their main concern at the City is that our program does not include additional capacity. BOARD ~ER REPORT (Kashuba) SHOP ST~JARD'S REPORT: None CO~,~TEEE REPORTS: None REPORT ON ~DRKSHOP SESSIONS: 2/1/82 - Mitigation Task Force Subcommittee WORKSHOP/MEETINGS MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that we have received notice from the contractor on the headstart program wanting to change their subcontract, and we must receive State approval - letter will be sent today. ~gINAGER' S REPORT Director Olson and Manager Cofermetwith Mm. Frank Peters on Fallen Leaf Lake Project. State staff persons review the revenue program of Step 3 Facility Plan. Mr. Peters stated that he is most willing to work %~th the District.. We will also have to submit our revenue program to Mr. Peters. ATTOP~PEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he met with Max Hoseit, attorney for JOYCE, and will report at the next Board meeting on the JOYCE transaction. He also mentioned that he will be submitting a letter to the Board re sewer permits, that Andy Sawyer (~'~RCB) raised. This letter will contain some suggested changes for procedure of issuing sewer permits for grants - audit accountability - where the responsibility lies, which is with the District and not other agencies on the issuance of sewer permits. AT~fORNE. Y ' S REPORT REGULAR ~ETING CO~9~YfS FROM AUDIENCE Items None. -2- (Short Non-Agenda REPORT BY PROGRA~ ~2qAGERS (a) Staff Report on Sewer and Water Connection Charges. Manager Cofer stated that after return- ing frc~ Sacramento, staff did attempt to revise the breakdown on sewer charges, based on the understanding of what/how Mr. Peters w~uld like to see it done. The report that ~k~nager Cofer presented to the Board ~mbers is not in final form and needs more ~Drk on same. PUBLIC CO~XEfS: John Hubbell stated that he felt each lot should be assessed and not only the new connections that are going in~. President Jones did mention that a hearing was held on the 28th of January re connection fees (increases) and all comments at that time made by the public was most welcome. Any input that we receive from the public is most appreciated. He also stated that on the 18th of February 1982, Regular Board Meeting, a decision will be made regarding connection fees. At this time, however, the Board Members could not state a fee for same. (b) Finance Officer's Report on BudgetSchedule Finance Officer Barrie Fischer presented Board Members with the Budget Schedule for Fiscal Year 1982-82. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (a) COLLEGE WELL Building, Equipment and Pipelines Bid No. 81 82 27 Director Maddenmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, staff authorized to obtain bids. (b) OPTION AGREEMENT - Harvey's Reservoir Site (Submit to Owners with Time Limit) Attorney Weidman explained in detail to the Board Members what has transpired regarding the Harvey Place, negotiations with Heise Land and Livestock, Diamond Ditch and Swaggie re agreement for disposal of effluent. The Board felt there should be an agreement with the Board of Supervisors and have a contingency clause in the agreement to where if the Board does put up $30,000, this money will be insured for the District, as Attorney Weidman stated that it would be advantageous now to see if the option could be exercised with the $30,000 payment to start; the Board felt they needed some type of an agreen~nt with the Board of Supervisors of Alpine County and have a contingency in the option agreement to insure the $30,000.00. Director Olson felt that ~nager Cofer should meet with the Board of Supervisors, have a draft concept agreement prepared, and state also exactly where the effluent will be distributed. Attorney Weidman will have this draft prepared. 2/4/82 CONNECTION FF~ CO~S Budget Schedule Authorize staff to obtain bids -APPROVED (Asst. En~r. to Mail Out Notice to Bid and Plans & Specs - Clerk of Board to Advertise in Pa~_uer) ALP~ CO%%~ ~ND OPTION AGREEmeNT. RE DISPOSAL LANDS REGULAR ~ETING -3- 2/4/82 (c) REPRESENTATIVE TO EL DORADO WATER CO~ZITTEE President Jones will remain the representative from the Utility District for the E1 Dorado Water Committee, and Bob Baer will be the alternate. County will be notifed. EL DORADOWATER CO~9~TTEE (Jones and Baer as Alternate) NOTICE OF MEETINGS 2. 3. 4. 5. 2/12/ and 2/15/82 Holidays 2/16/82 (Tuesday) Workshop Session 2/18/82 (Thursday) Reqular Board ~eting 2/22/82 County Water ~o~nittee ~eting 2/26/82 ~tigation Task Force (9 a.m.-Timbercove) PAi~T OF CLAI~iS ~ETINGS Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $80,306.70 be approved for payment. APPOINR~S TO THRESHOLD STUDY AND AIR QUALITY: M/ckeyMaddenwill be the representative for the Threshold study and Jim Jones for the Air Quality. ADJOLYqX%~: 6:10 P.M. CLAI~IS APPROVED REPRESENTATIVES APPOINTED THRESHOLD STUDY T~DAIR QUALITY (Madden and Jones) A%~fE S T: ~3ry D. ~/~brose, Clerk of Board South ~ahoe Public Utility District ~s R. Jones, Pre~nt - ~o~th Tahoe Public~ftility District REGULAR~=ETING OF ~E BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 2/18/82, 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors met in a regular session on 2/18/82, Offices. 5:00 P.M., District ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors W. "Neal" Olson, Lorrene Kashuba, J. Wynn and M. Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Engineer R.G. Baer, Sam Davis, G. Plasterer, J.C. Weidman-Attorney. ROLL CALL CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None CONSENT CALENDAR: None }~NUTES of 1/7/82, 1/28/82 and 2/4/82 Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director ~'~;nn, carried, the minutes of 1/7/82 be approved as submitted. Directors }~dden and Kashuba abstained. 1/28/82 ~nutes: Correction: Resolution that CASA adopted urgenc}the President and Congress to appropriate the 2.4 billion dollars as approved in the Clean Water Pollution Control Act (Director Kashuba stated that this change clarifies the Resolution adopted at 1/28/82 meeting). Director Olson moved, seconded b~v Director Kashuba,unanimously carried, minutes of 1/28/82 be approved as changed. M/NUTES OF 1/7/82, 1/28/82 2/4/82 APPROVED 2/4/82 ~nutes: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director ~,~dden, and carried, minutes of 2/4/82 be approved as submitted. (Director Wynn abstained) _REPORT BY BOARD MFk~ERS: None ~tOP STE%~'S REPORT: None CO~I~ REPORTS: None ~DRKSHOP SESSIONS: ~nnager Cofer stated the following ~rkshop/n~etings held were: 2/16/82 ?~rkshop/Agenda Items 2/11/82 ~eting held with S%Dervisors Stewart and Lowe re Mitigation Task force Program. WORKSHOP SESSIONS HElD MA/~AGER'S REPORT: ~nnager Cofer stated that staff reported to the Board on the problem experienced at the Plant ~%d Sam Davis will further discuss this under the ProgramManagers Reports. ~hnager Cofer also met today in Oakland to ~rk on the CASA fringe benefits. A questionnaire will be circuited to all the agencies in CASA on the fringe benefits ~nd hopefully at the next meet- ing a report ~11 be made on this survey. ~ANAGER'S REPORT Manager Cofer also stated that he had much difficulty with his car on the way back from~]e Ymeting in Oakland; to discuss under Board Action. Regular Meeting REPORT BY PROGRAM ~iANAGEP~ Sam Davis stated that there have been some problems at some of the stations, and Spring Creek had an abnormally high flow; upon checking, they found that the manhole grade ring had been lifted from one of the manholes, (due to the ice buildup) from 2-1/2 to 3" crack around the man- hole. A contractor was contacted to correct that problem. Another problem, similar to the Spring Creek Tract, was located near the Country Club. Another location was at Tahoe Keys, and the ice buildup caused the manhole to be below the road (6 to 8") and a crew was sent out to check on that today. Gary Plasterer stated that we are exporting and everything is back to normal at the plant. ITF~.~ FOR BOARD ACTION (1) 1982 SEWER CON~IECTION CHARGE. Director Olson moved, secondaw] bv Director Kashuba, ~d carried, the 1982 Semmr Connection Charge be_ tabled.. (Director Madden voted No) (2) 1982 WATER CONNECTION CHARGES ~nnager Cofer stated staff is reconmend- ing $1,000.00 per connection, or $800 for those where the developers stole the water connections; since 1978 the District has expended over 2 million dollars on u?grading the water systems, and we will probably continue up to about $6 or $700,000 a year; staff feels new connections are benefiting by that upgrading, and should congribute towards that. At the present connection charge of $400, which has been the same since 1978, the revenues from water connection charges is estimated at about $40,000. 9~nager Cofer also stated that a survey was taken of the water charges around the lake. Attorney Weidman stated that the Board should set a time and date for a Public Hearing on the water connection charges. It is a requirement to have a public hearing and all data available for those interested parties 10 days prior to any action taken by the Board.. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, the Public Hearing Date be set for March i'8 ,1982 at 8:00 P.M., District Offices. (3) SOUTH "Y" ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, 1982-1 (a) RESOLUTION OF INTENTION to Make Acquisitions and Improvements. RES.NO. 2239. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director ~dden, unanimously carried. (b) CEQA REQUIREMENTS - Approve Staff's Initial Study and Notice of Exemption Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. 4. HEADSTART PROGRAM (a) Substantial completion, small vehicle storage building. Request approval of RES. NO. 2242, and file Notice of Completion. 2/18/82 ~YAIAGER OF MA17qTENANCE REPORT (SA~ DAVIS) .MANAGER OF ~^TA~$~"~E~,[ATER OPEPATIONS (GARY PLASTERER) S~R CONNECTION TABLED WATER CO~CTION CHARGES HEARING DATE SET FOR 3,,L8,'782 8: O0 _p.M. RES. NO. 2239 ADOPTED APPROVED STAFF'S STI~Y AND NOTICE OF EXEMPTION (CEQA) APPROVED RES. NO. 2242, and FILE NOTICE OF COM]PLETION .~egular Meeting -3- Director ~Jynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, Res. No.2242 and the Notice of Completion be approved and accepted. (5) (PROPOSALS VALUE ENGINEERING, STEP II DESI~'~, FACILITY PLAN R. G. Baer stated that he would like to have a committee from the Board assist in the interview on 2/25/82, 9:00 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. (6)a. PLANS ~ND SPECIFICATIONS FOR 4- ~4EEL DRIVE VEHICLE TO REPLACE 1976 JEEP, AND b.4-WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP TRUO{ w/ hitch. Director Olsonmved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (7) JOYCE P~'~DERHO~N SETTI,E~ENT Attorney Weidman stat~] that this Board authorized a conditional settlement with JOYCE P~,~ERHORN in December 1981, re non-refundable sewer deposit. Since that time, there have been 2 developments, which have made it unlikely for them to put up a non-refundable sewer deposit: (1) even though they might get a vested right under TRPAand their problems there, M~erewas a District Court decision that the building permits would still be within ~he compact allocation and that may present quite a problem.; (2) a draft letter, and a lengthy phone conversation between Andrew Sayer, State Board Special Projects Counsel, and ~. Weidman - - Mr. Sawyer received oopies of all communications regarding the Joyce Settlement, and he brought it to Mr. Weidman's attendtion that the District should not be issuing any permits at all in violation of our Special Grant fund. In view of all of this, the Board extended the time for JOYCE to _perform their deposit. Manager Cofer and Attorney Weidman discussed the matter with~.~. JOYCE, and ~. Weidman also discussed wi~ ~.HOSEIT, Joyce's Attorney. ~. Weidman suggested that the Board offer an alternate settlenmnt (to get the District out of any law suit and to release all claims) - - ~his would involve assigning the sewer units, but not any permits in the numbers formally conditionally authorized; it would be subject to compliance with the conditions by 10/1/82: (1) that JOYCE comply with the City Attorney's letter to J.C.Weidman of 12/3/81, involving the dedication of 5 acres of land to the City, plus the other conditions the City wanted; (2) all further City approvals; (3) TRPA, CTRPA, Lahontan and State Board approvals; (4) be in compliance with District grant contract conditions; (5) no legal actions pending re the issuance of sever ~uermits, and no legal actions pending for approvals of the above; (6) the sewer deposit would be refundable; (7) there would be no extension of time to perform for any reason after 10/1/~2, and,finally, the sewer units 2/18/82 APPOINTED DIRECTO~gS OLSON AND JONES TO ASSIST IN INTERVIEW APPROVED AL~EHO~gI ZATION TO OBTAIN BIDS FOR VEHICLES JOYCE POWDEPJ{ORN-BOARD APPROVED ALTERNATE SETILE- MENT (See conditions) Regular ~eeting -4- 2/18/82 would only be issued or assigned temporarily with in~ediate dismissal of prejudice of the legal action against District, andimmediate release of all claims against the District, by JOYCE, and those ~volved in the project, including the release for all sewer permits, except for the rights that he might conditionally have to get these units under this agreement. Attorney Weidman reqluested this settlement offer mentioned above, be approved for submittal to Mr. JOYCE, and if this is acceptable to him and authority also be given to J.C.Weidm~n to follow through. The advantage to the District is that there would be no litigation. Director Olsonnoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. (8) RESOLUITON TO OPEN BANK ACCOUNT AT BANK OF A~.~RICA (Plant ~odification Design Grant Account) Director Olsonnoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. RES. NO. 2240 APPROVED (9) 1980 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVF~.~NTS, ~^~3NSCHELAND SMAT~., ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2241 AND FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION Director ~ddenmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. RES. NO. 2241 APPROVED AND APPPOVE. D TO FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION XV. PAYT~NT OF CLAIM~: Director [~ynnmoved and was seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $606,21~.24 be approved. CLAI}~S APPROVED FOR PAY~NT XVI. NOTICE OF MEETINGS 1. Water Purveyors, 2 pm, 2/24/82 2. Mitigation Task Force, 2/26/82 at 9:00 a.m., Timbercove 3. Workshop/Agenda Items, 4 pm, 3/1/82 4. Regular ~eting, 8:00 P.M. at 3/4/82 ~ETINGS SCHE~DULED ADJOURNMENT: 5:40 P.M. to an Executive Session. J~ R. Jones, P~ident ~ TAHOE PUBLI~ [~fILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: ~-D,,~ ~m~r~se, ~'i~k ~f Board South 'Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR MARCH 4, 1982, 8:00 P.M. President J.R. Jones called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M., District Offices, South Lake Tahoe, California. t~DLL CAI.I,: Present were President J.R.Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L. L. Kashuba, M. M. ~dden and J. Wynn ROLL CALL Also present were M~nager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R.G. Baer, Manager of Operations G. Plasterer, Manager of ~intenance Sam_ Davis, B. Fischer, .Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Hahn from the Tahoe Daily Tribune, Bill Ettlich of CWC, M. Ambrose. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None CONSEY~ CALENDAR: Back Charge Two Years Increase of 61 sewer units, as follows: (1) Cavalier Motel Increase Chippewa Motel Fantasy Inn Farfy's Fundominiums Flamingo Lodge Fours Seasons Lodge Olympic k4otel Swiss Village Motel Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried the above Motels be charged accordingly for increased sewer units, and that they also be back-charged for two years. 2 SU 3 SU 2 SU 34 SU 6 SU 4 SU 4 SU 6 SU AGENDA APPROVED CONSENT CA~A~DAR APPROVED MINUTES: Minutes of 2/18/82 be amended to read that (Board Action #1 - Director Madden voted No). 2/4/82 MINUTES - Director Wynn abstained. 3/18/82 - PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR WATER CONNECTION C~iARGES. ~NUTES OF 2/18/82 APPROVED AS A~ENDED. MINUTES OF 2/4/82 APPROVED AS AMENDED. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, minutes be approved as amended. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: President Jones stated that Manager Cofer, City~%nnager R. Milbrodt, J. Marchini, L. Powers and he toured the West Contra Costa County San. District (Resources Recovery Unit). He stated that those fromWCCSD will be willing to come here to explain just what they are doing; they will also be making a presenta- tion at the Eirectors Meeting at CASA. 3/3/~2 the Water Purveyors n~t and are now kn the process of putting together a Water Conservation Program; Rich Hydrick (Keys) has received much information from different sources. T~ signatures are still lacking to formalize the Water Purveyours Assoc. Group, and J.C. Weidman will contact the Lakeside Mutual Water Company and ~. George Baron of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas to obtain the signatures. BOARD ~ER'S REPORT Regular Meeting -2- 3/4/82 Also, Chief B. Cherry was here and discussed the County Emergency Plan, trying to tie together all utilities and civic groups, etc., to set up a plan to where all will know just where our resources are, and who to contact. SHOP STL~TARD'S REPORT: Neal Trebotich (Operations) was present, but had no report. REPORT ON ~DRKSHOP SESSIONS /MEETINGS: (1) Workshop/Agenda Items 3/1/82 (2) Mitigation Task Force, 2/26/82 - Manager Cofer stated this meeting was a very positive meeting and most of the agencies were represented and mst are now putting to- gether budgets to cover what they are dong; EPA is very pleased with the progress. Director Kashuba stated that the Mitigation Task Force Meeting was an excellent one - many of the representatives from the various agencies were present, and they did not realize so much was going on and so much was happening - but they did following that meeting; they are identifying in their budgets the areas to carry this out. These present were the people that make the decisions and it was truly a great meeting. The State Air Resources Board and the TRPA seemed to reach an agreement as to what has to be done to reach our satisfactory program. MANAGER'S REPORT : Manager Cofer stated that he, J.C. v~idman, R.G.Baer met with Ann Schneider to discuss water rights and to review the water rights in Alpine County. It appears the Federal Water Master will be the key to approvals. Also met with Y~. Frank Peters,(SWRCB) who is reviewing our report on connection charges, and he does agree with six of the concepts with M & O costs, and we will continue to work with the other 2 concepts. Mr. Frank Peters is ~Drking very closely with us, Manager Cofer stated. AI~fORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he met with the Insurance Carrier Lawyer (Litigation) - Met briefly with Fred Swartz on export pipeline litigation and discussed the trial date on this. SHOP STEWA-RD'S REPORT ~IANAGER' S REPORT ATTORNEY'S REPORT CO~ENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None Regular Meeting -3- }~nrch 4, 1982 PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: None ITF~ FOR BOARD ACTION ACTIONS/RECO~9'~ENDATIONS (1) Request for Adjustment in Sewer Service Charges, California Department of Parks and Recreation, Mr. Bob Mr. Mmcomber was present for this meeting and stated to the Board that they were very surprised to find the sewer service fees had increased by 40%. He requested that the Board reconsider the charge, and charge them for the actual sewage going into the system, per their meter. He further stated that he does not want to see the Park close, but on the other hand, he cannot see where they canmeet the costs as now charged. Director Olson moved that Staff work out an arrangement equitable so the Park would not close. Director Kashuba stated that with the Park, we wouldknowwhen they close, but with an individual cabin we v~uld not know. Attorney Weidman stated that we are making an estimate on what the 1974 data was. ~.~nager Corer stated that 70% of our costs are fixed and we:~sure 70,000 gallons of treatment in this plant, so he does not feel to go strictly on the capacity; if we maintain the capacity, we should stay with the old agreement. Director Wynn stated that he would .move to have the Staff review the contract, and if there are any reconmendations by staff same should be. brought back to the Board. He stated he could not support lowering their fees. Seconded by Director Madden (also stalk to State to see if they would consider reducing their capacity) and un~mimously carried. (2) Value Engineering Proposals Report by Consultant Review Committee. R. Baer stated that the Review ConFaittee met and discussed the proposals received, and it was the unanimous agreement that James M. ~'bntgomery Engineers be awarded the contract by the 18th of ~rch 1982. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. STAFF TO REVIEW CONTRACT RE PARKS AND RECREATION, AND DISCUSS WI_~H STATE IF THEY WO[V~D CONSIDER REDUCING THEIR CAPACITY: WILL REPORT BACK TO T~HE BOARD. ~©NTGO~ERY ENGINEERS AWARDED CONTRACT, VALUE ENGINEERING Regu!arMeeting -4- 3/4/82 (b) Report from Bill Ettlich: - ~. W. Et-~lich gave a det~i-~ report to the Board Members on the Plant Conversion and Harvey Reservoir Design. (c) LUTHER PASS PIPELINE REPLACEMENT Mx. Robert G. Baer, Assistant District Engineer stated that 8 bids were received, low bidder was Wunschell and Small in the amount of $32,400.00 (Engineer's Estimate- $52,500.00) and requested award of contract to Wunchell and Small. ~'TARD OF CONTRACT ~ ?YDNSC~=L A~ND SMALL FOP LUTHER PASS PIPEL~IE REPLACI.~CENT Director Olson moved, seconded by Director V~fnn, unanimously carried. CONSTRUCTION MANAGF~dENT : Assistant Engineer R.G. Baer requested approval of award of contract to Montgomery Engineers for the Construction Management (Luther Pass Pipeline Replacement). Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. AWARDED CO~YfRACT TO MONTGO~ ~RY ENGINEERS FOR CONSTRUCTION ~qANAGE- (d) PRICE ROAD WATER ~ROVEME%YfS, CHANGE ORDER NO. 1- Thomas Haen. ( Contract amount totals $29,661.12 and time extended to 7/1/82). Director Wynn moved, seconded by DIRECTOR Olson, unanimously carried. 3. ~STERNWATEREDUCATION FOUNDATION Manager Cofer requested consideration ~$200 contribution to this organization and Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director ~dden, unanimously carried. CONTRACT C~_Ai~GE OPDER N©. 1 THOMAS ~LAFN AND EXTENSION OF TI~ TO 7/1/82 APPROVED CONTRIBUTION OF $200 APPROVED FOR ~STERN ?~TER FDUCATIO~ FOL%~DATION 4. REPORTS TO L~QCB Reports given to Board ~3nbers regarding the 2/15-17/82 storm that we mailed to L~QCB and the Contingency Plan. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. REPORTS TO LAHONT_AN OF 2/15-17/82 STOP~ ~KND CONTI$]GENCY PLaN APPROVED 5. CLARIFIERREPAIR PARTS Manager of ~intenance, Sam Davis, requested approval to order clarifier repair parts, which is a budgeted item, in the amount of $15,202. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. CLARXFIERREPAIR PARTS ORDER APPRO~D ($15,202) 6. REPAIR OF ROND NO. @ DYKE Director Wynnmved, seconded by Director ~%mn, unanimously carried, we declare the purchase of repair materials and work for the Pond No. 2 Dyke and consider this a great emergency purchase and repair. 7. ENGINEERING SERVICES TO REVI~q RELATING TO OSHA INSPECTION Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that CWC Prepare Report (Budgeted at $7,800) for the following: a. Review Hoists in Pump Stations and Plant b. Ce GRFATEMERGF/qCM PLV~q~ASE OF $10,000 (Repair Pond No. 2 Dyke) AUTHORIZED ~TOPP~PARE REPORT, BUDGET $7,800 Carbon Column Access Review Grit Chamber and HeadvDrks Electrical System. Regular Meeting/Hearing -5- 3/4/82 PAYt,~NT OF CLAIm,S Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $210,596.24 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF MEETINGS Manager Cofer stated the following meetings to be held are: 3/11/82 L~^J.QCB at T T S A 3/15/82 Workshop/Agenda Items (Prel. Budget Report) 3/18/82 Regular Board Meeting President Jones stated he will not be present for the 3/15/82 workshop. ADJOUPA~E~: 9:20 P.M. ATTEST: Mary D./~r~rose, Clerk 6f BOard South Tahoe Public Utility District CLAIMS APPROVED ~ETINGS SCHF~DULED ADJOURNED AT 9: 20 P.M. j s R. Jones, Pres~ent -- ~uth District Tahoe Public gtility REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SO~I~ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 18, 1982, 5:00 P.M. The Boardof Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 3/18/82, 5: 00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CAI.I.: Present were President J.R.Jones, Directors Olson, Madden, Wynn. ABSENT: Director L. Kashuba Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Engineer R.G. Baer, G. Plasterer, Pat Mamath, Sam Davis, B. Fischer, J.C.Weidman- Attorney,and Tribune Reporter Barbara Hahn~ Ross Johnson - Shop Steward, Operations Dept. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested an additional item under Board Action: AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED (~5) Intertie Edgew~od Water System. MINUTES OF 3/4/82: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, minutes of 3/4/82 be approved as amended. MINUTES OF 3/4/82 APPROVED REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: President Jones stated that he did attend the ASSOCIATION OF WATER AG~CIES, Water Rights Con~ittee, in Los Angeles this past week. They discussed the water resources initiative, which is an all encompassing initiative, similar to Prop. 4 and 13, and there seems to be many items that will really change the water laws in California. Peripheral Canal was also discussed. SHOP STE~'S REPORT: Ross Johnson stated he had nothing to report - all is going well. BOARD N~MBERS REPORTS (J.R.Jones) SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT (Ross Johnson) COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Finance/Ins.) Director Olson stated that the Finance Committee met today to discuss the budget and also discussed the financial ~ituation on Alpine County Facilities. COMMITTEE REPORTS (Finance) REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS: 3/15/82 Workshop Session/Agenda Items and discussed the Lahontan Meeting and the sewage spills re the storm of 2/13-17/82; also discussed the sewer budget for 82-83; Attorney Weidman reported on the Alpine County negotiations; also a report on Ann Schneider's review of the water rights. CONSENT CAT.~NDAR: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wvnn, carried, following be approved: Approve Contract w/James M.Montgomery- $50,900;Furnace Repair Parts Purchase- $6,695.17;Increase sewer units to 8 SU and back charge 2 years (Triplex from SFD);Authorize $10,000 for cleaning and repair of Chemical Clarifiers; Authorize purchase of $21,207.20 for telemeter equipment. WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND MEETINGS CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED Regular Meeting -2- March 18, 1982 X. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that a letter was received from Congressman Gene Chappie to Ann Gorsuch, Administrator of EPA, requesting her to give utmost consideration for the District's grant and projects. Also, Craig Vassel, EPA, will be leaving EPA Monday as EPA Coordination, and Mr. Fred Lief will be assigned in that position. A notice was received from Lahontan today (Certified Mail) re a Public Hearing re the District's discharge of partially treated sewage to Lake Tahoe, on April 2, 1982, Arts Building, South Lake Tahoe, California, and again on the Agenda on 4/8/82 at Susanville, California. Staff has taken the 10% design report and looked at the updated cost estimates, and feels the local share will be approximately $5.4 million dollars; staff has also tried to establish some priorities in the facilities program, should we need to defer construction because of the lack of local funds; the Value Engineering will start April 5, 1982. XI. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he has done son~ research on the law concerning the Lahontan Hearing; has spent a considerable amount of tim~ on the Alpine County negotiations; has also spent some time assisting the attorney in the fatality claim against the District ana the trial date in this matter is scheduled for August 2, 1982, and will be here at Lake Tahoe Superior Court; he has also spent a substantial amount of time on the college well contract award. XII. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None prograomManagers Reports: None XIV. ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION M3~NAGER' S RE. PORT AI~ORNrEY' S REPORT ACTIONS/RECO~v~%~DATIONS (1) COLLEGE K~LL (a) Construction Contract R.G. Baer, Assistant District Engineer, stated that 9 bids were received; South Tahoe Construction claims their bid was the lowest bid, however, their bid form was improperly completed, and a ruling was requested from Attorney J. C. Weidman. The apparent low bidder at the time of the bid opening was W.E.S. Cons. of Reno at a total of $418,685.00, however, their bid contained 3 irregularities: (1) They did not attend the pre-bid conference; (2) they did not leave -the bid form in the contract docu- ments; (3) they did not supply the pump and motor information required with the bid by Section ll.a of the contract documents. The next low bidder was F & MEngr. of Santa Cznaz=$419,700, who properly complied with all requ~irements. COT ,T,EGE ~,F~',T, Regular Meeting -3- 3/18/82 Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the a.~Darent low bidder was W.E,S, Const~actlon Company, Inc., and their bid was $418,685 they said, but it was totaled to $419,375. Mr. Weidman stated that there are several things irregular about their bid: (1) they did not attend a pre-bid conference, as is required per our bid documents; (2) they did not suh~it the bid in the eontract document book as required. In this type of bid we were concerned about the turbine pump and appurtenances, and we asked the bidders to submit, in accordance with these contract documents, pump curves for the well, and other information on the pump performance; we did not receive this informtion with the W.E.S. Construction Company bid. In addition to the above, they did not list the well equiument installer (Item #5) under the services called for in the bid form. They did tell Mr. Bill Ettlich, our Consulting Engineer, who reported to Bob Baer in a letter dated 3/15/82, that the bidder did not intend to perform this ark, and that a Resources Development Company would per- form the work. Bill Ettlich advised Mr. Weidman that this item is a substantial portion of the contract - far in excess of 1/2 of 1% of the total bid. In doing that, and planning to have Resources Development Company do this sub-contract work, they are violating provisions for the sub-contracting and sub-letting of the govern- ment code, and the only way we can permit this to be done, would be if we knew about it (and now we know about it) would be to have the facts constituting a case of public emergency and necessity to justify listing of a sub-contractor where one was omitted, and none of this information has been supplied to us. There was a third bid that totaled up to $426,892, South Tahoe Cons. Co. The total was incorrect - the bid form clearly states the bid will be computed by totaling items 1, 2, 4 and 5 and the item with the pipe, either 3a or 3b (Cast Iron 3a; PVC 3b), that the owner selects. We recon~nended., Mr. Weidman stated, 3b (PVC Pipe). Their total ~Duld be $559,192, yet they show $426,892. They claim, this is an item for 1, 2, 3a, 4 and 5, and that if we look at their bid, we would find 3b is $20,000 less than 3a. South TahoeConstruction computed Regular Meeting -4- 3/18/82 their bid for what we would want to award on and it would be $406,892. Mr. weidman feels that there is an irregularity intheir bid formand that he cannot really read whether it is 3a or 3b, and it is not the way the bid should be totaled, accord- ing to the instructions to bidders. In addition to this, they did not sut~t with their bid the pump curves, which is important to the District. The F & M Engineering bid for $419,700, for a bid higher than WES Construction Company ($325) is a clean bid, supplied with everything in the bid documents. There is but one thing that concerns Mr. Weidman, and that is if they did any rock excavation, they would have a lot higher excavation figure that we have to pay in re- gards to the other bids. Mr. B. Ettlich has responded to that by a second letter to Mr. R.G. Baer, 3/16/82, stating that they do not anticipate any significant rock excavation. Mr. Ettlich told Mr. Weidman that they did some preliminary rock excavation and that he did not find any rock that is going to be excavated. Mr. Weidman stated that the right to waive irrgeularities is dis- creationarywith the Board Members; these can be waived, if in the Board Members judgement they feel they should, or the Board cannot waive the irregularities, if they feel, in their judgement, they should not; also in the Board making their decision, they can consider anything else that might be relevant to the performance and quality of work that we would get from the college well contract. In this regard, Mr. B. Ettlich, Mr. R.Baer and Manager J.R. Cofer, have pointed out to Mr. Weidman that the well equipment supplier is E.E.Ludorff Company for F & M Engineering, and that the well equipment installer is also E.E.Ludorff Company, and the District has had a very fine track record with E.E.Ludorff Company, as far as performance of work with the District. Mr. John C. Weidman's recon~nendation, as concurred with by James R. Cofer, Bill Ettlich and R.G. Baer, that in this case, and because of the irregularities, and because of the consideration of the listed sub for well supplier and well installer, that the Board award the contract to F & M Engineering, at the bid contract price of $419,700, and that the Board not waive any irregularities, in the bids of W.E.S. Construction Company and South Tahoe Construction Company. Regular Meeting -5- 3/18/82 Also, Attorney WeJ_dman recommended that ORDINANCE NO. 333 be adopted for AWARD OF CONTRACT, and that the Board will not waive any irregularities in the bid process. This was moved by Director Wynn, seconded by Director Olson, carried, AWARD CONTRACT TO F & M ENGINEER- INGANDORDINANCE NO. 333 be adopted and waive no irregularities. (c) ENGINEERING SERVICES- CONTRACT WITH C W C - (Construction Inspection) in the amount of $38,000. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, carried. (2) EXFILTRATION STUDY (a) Select Consultant (100% Grant Eligible) Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, carried, Kennedy/ Jenks Engrs. be selected as the Consultant for Exfiltration Study, $30,000, as reconnended by Staff. (3) 1982 W~ATER CONNECTION CHARGe]S: Staff recon~nended that the Board consider $1000 per connection and $800 per connection where developer installed water connection. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, carried. (4) BID OPENING REPORT (Truck and Car) The Board reviewed the bids for the car and the truck; in the past, we have not had a Datsun Dealer that could repair the trucks in this area; parts had to be sent for, or the trucks taken to a dealer out of the area; we need a dealer that can ~rk on the trucks in this area, and for that reason, the Board voted to purchase the Toyota from Shehadi ~eators, Tahoe. Regarding the car - the Bo-rd did not feel the AMC Eagle Sedan ~uld suit the needs of the District; there are 6 persons traveling to and from on District business and they did not believe the Eagle, though the low bid, would best suit anyand all needs of this District. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried, that we purchase the Chevrolet Suburban and the Toyota from Shehadi Motors for their bid price. ORDINANCE NO. 333 ~PTED AND BOARD VOTED TO NOT WAIVE ANY IRRE~TIES RE COI,I,EGE W]~7,1, CONTRACT AND BiD DOCKS APPROVED CONTRACT ENGINEERING WITH C~'~ FOR CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION ($38,000) APPROVED FINAL NEGOTIATIONS WITH KENNEDY/JENKS ENGINEERS SUBJECT ~ APPROVAL BY STATE WATER RESOI~CES CONTROL BOARD APPROVED $1000 PERCONI~ECTION AND $800 PER CON~,_{F~TIONWHERE DEVELOPER INSTAI.TgD WATER CONNECTION APPROVED BID RECEIVED FROM SHEHADI MOTOP~S FOR %lqE CAR-CHEVPOLET SUBURBAN $12,932.00 AND APPROVED BID FROM Sh%IiADI MOTORS $8,692 FOR %%lYOTA Regular Meeting -6- (5) INTERTIE, EDGEWOOD WATER SYSTemS Manager Cofer stated that he has met many times with the Edge~Dod Water Company re- garding an emergency intertie between our t~D water systems, and they believe there is an old intertie between the two systems that has been inoperable for a number of years; there is a line that goes under Highway 50 from Harvey's to the front of Harrah's. We do have a quote from T. Haen Company to uncover the valve box and to uncover the 8" line that goes under High- way 50, and if it appears to be service- able, he will drill a tappet to see if it is under pressure, and if not, we will put a blow-off on it and open the valve at Harvey' s; test it at 150% of working pressure, and if it appears to be a use- able line, we will put a permanent valve box there. Edge~Dod Water Co. agress to pay fifty-percent of all costs. Manager Cofer requested approval of the $1500 quote from T~Dmas Haen Company to proceed with this project. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, carried. XV. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, carried, claims in the amount of $650,283.27 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF MEETINGS 3/~/82, Mitigation Task Force 9 a.m., Timbercove Lodge e 3/29/82 Workshop/Agenda Items 4/1/82 Regular BoardMeeting 4/2/82 Lahontan Hearing, Arts Bldg. ADJOURNMENT: 5:50 P.M. 3/18/82 APPROVED $1500 TO THOMAS HAEN CO, ANY FOR WORK AS DESCRIBED AND EXPLAINED BY MANAGER J.R. COFER CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT MEETINGS SCHEDULED ~th Tahoe ~ Utility District AI~fEST: ~[[h ~oe ~lic Utility District P~EGU~=~R ~ETING OF 1~ BOARD OF DIP~CTOP~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 1, 1982, 5 P.M. ~. Board o~ Director~ cf the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 4/1/82, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. Meeting called to order by Vice President M. ~dden. ROLL CALL: Present were Vice President M. Madden, Directors L. Kashuba, W.N. Olson, J. Wynn. ABSENT: President j. R. Jones. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. Baer, G. Plasterer, S. Davis, P. Mamath, j. Heusser, B. Fischer, B. Hahn - Tribune Reporter. ROLL CALL ABSENT: Attorney J.C. Weidman. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded byDirector Olson, carried, consent calendar be approved, as follows: Correct billing: (1) 25 032 080 increase 3 sewer units (2) 29 ].60 030 increase 1 sewer unit and back charge both for 2 years. (3) Certificate of substantial cc~rLpietion, first floor of maintenance building, Headstart project. MINUTES: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried (Director Kashuba abstained) that the minutes of 3/18/82 be approved as presented. ~/'~OR]? BY BO~{D ~MEMBERS: None CONSENT CAI~ENDARAPPROVED MINUTES OF 3/18/82 APPROVED SHOP STEWTLRD'S REPORT: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Finance/Insurance Director Olson stated that the Finance Con~nitteemet and reviewed the proposed water budget, and highly reconm~nds same. Also, Director Olson requ. este~ that the Manager remove the sign at the entrance to the District Offices, which contains the phrase "Leading the Nation inWater Reclamation" FINANCE/INSURANCE REPORT REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS : AND MEETINGS: (1) Workshop~genda Items 3~-9-/~ (2) Mitigation Task Force 3/26/82 WORKSHOPS ~LD / MEETINGS ~LD MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated the District received a letter dated 3/26/82 from Attorney Julian Smith regarding the Harvey Place and Diamond Valley Ranch. The District is close to an agreement, he stated, and Attorney Weidman will be meeting with Mr. Smith Monday to go over the contract, and we hope to resolve same at that time. Manager Cofer also presented plans to the Board re modification of the Board Room. AI~fORNEY'S REPORT: Absent CO~TS FR0~4 AUDIENCE: None. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: None. MANAGER'S REPORT Regular Meeting -2- 4/1/82 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ACTIONS/RECO~W~NDATIONS (1) 1982 SEWER CONNECTION CHARGES Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, carried, that no Jmcrease from the present $1,330.00/sewer unit be considered, and that we extend the time to make the deposit from 30 days to 60 days. APPROVED NO INCREASE FROM PRESENT CONNECTION CHARGE OF $1330/SEWER UNIT: AND EXTEND TIME TO ~AF~ DEPOSIT FROM 30 to 60 DAYS. (2) HEARING PANEL, APRIL 2, 1982 - Manager Cofer stated that Mr. R. Hampson did post- one this hearing for a month or so, and Mr. Hampson will notify us when same is rescheduled. However, the District is still on the agenda for April 8, 1982, Victorville; he stated that we should make it a point to monitor this meeting. Manager Cofer and Director Olson do plan to attend. (3) INFLOW/INFILTRATION STUDY: R. G. Baer recommended approval to authorize Kennedy/Jenks Engineers to Perform a Study at a Cost of $17,000. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, carried. (4) HEADSTART PROJECT: R. Baer reco~nended approval of Change Order No. 11 $10,888.68 increase; Change Order No. 12 - $5,537.78 increase; Change Order No. 13 - $10,898.40 increase. Director Olsonmved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. PAY~-~T OF CLAIMerS: Director Wynn roved, seconded by Director Olson, carried, claims in the amount of $251,479.88 be approved for payment. NO FURTheR BUSINESS - MEETING ADJOURNED at 5:10 P.M. APPROVED KENNEDY/JENKS ENGINEERS TO PERFORM I & I STUDY AT A COST OF $17,000. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS NOS. 11, 12, 13, Headstart CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAY- ~NT ADJOURNed: 5:10 P.M. MARY M. MADD~, VI~E PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHO~-~UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: ND/~Y ~.--~M~'~OS~[ ~RK OF BOARD SOUTH ~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGJJLAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 4/15/82 - - - 5:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING ON SEWER, WATER, LIGHTING RATES.. The Board of Directors met in a regular session at 5:00 P.M., Offices, 1275 Meadowcrest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOLL CALL: Present were President J.R.Jones, Directors Olson, Kashuba, Madden and Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Fischer, R. G. Baer, P. Mamath, M. Ambrose, G. Plasterer, S. Davis, H. Williams. Barbara Hahn - Tribune Reporter, D. Morgan - KTHO Radio Station Representative. MINUTES of 4/1/82: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, carried, that the minutes of 4/1/82 be approved as sut~nitted. President Jones abstained. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, the Consent Calendar, as follows be approved: 4/15/82, District MI~.S OF 4/1/82 APPROVED (i) RESOLUTION NO. 2243 - NOTICE OF CO~!~TION, FURNACE AIR SUPPLY CONTRACT, THOMAS HAENCOMPANY REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Kashuba stated that she attended the APC (TRPA) meeting regarding the Air Quality Plan and Threshold Study that was discussed. TRPA hopes to present the Threshold Study by July 9, 1982 in final form; the public hearing was last week, and there is another to be scheduled the end of April. There were no costs mentioned in certain areas of the Plan and this brought about some questions. Stan Randolph of Air Quality Resources was very sympathic towards the District regarding our Program; without the Threshold Study, the District cannot move forward. The Study will be distributed by April 21, 1982. She stated that we must continue to remind TRPA how important the timing is on this Study because of our District programs. RESOLUTION NO. 2243 APPROVED, AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION APPROVED FOR FILING. DIRECTOR ..WJ~SHI~A -REPORTED ON TRPA (APC) ~'~ETING RE THRESHOLD STL~Y AND THE AIR 0UALITY PLAN Manager Cofer and DirectorMadden also attended the TRPAw~rkshop regarding the study and plan and stated they came away very concerned and mentioned that they will be in attendance at the 5/4/82 public hearing. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Director Olson stated the Finance C~n~nittee did hold 2 meetings and same to be discussed under Manager's Report. COMMI%TEE REPORTS (Finance) WORKSHOP SESSIONS: (1) 4/8/82 L~nonhanMeeting (Victorville) (2) 4/12/82 Board Workshop/Agenda Items MEETINGS HELD REGULAR MEETING -2- 4/15/82 MANAGER' S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that Alpine County Board of Supervisors agreed that we should appear before them at their second meetings in each month between now and July. They also gave us a list of 20 questions to be answered and we have prepared a draft letter, which the Finance Committee reviewed today - few changes made and copies will be given to the Board members Monday. ~nnager Cofer stated he,and those Directors that can, will attend the Alpine County Board of Supervisors meeting this next Tuesday. WATER RIGHTS - Manager Cofer stated that the State will issue a Notice of Intent to prepare EIR to consider Water Rights con~nents and environmental issues - will report to the Board at a later date. Value Engineering will start their project next week and a tentative report will be given to the Board at 3:00 P.M., Friday. ATIORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that he and Manager Cofer met with Fred Schwartz of Rust and Armenis, and James Crawford, and Ron Lamb to discuss the pipeline litigation; preparations are now in process for the trail, which is set for 9/20/82 through 11/1/82. Mr. Weidman also stated that he will be monitoring each deposition taken. He has also been ~rking on the Alpine negotiations agreement. CO~S FROM AUDIENCE: None. REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: None PUBLIC HEARING ON 1982 Sewer, Water and Street Lighting Charges: President Jones opened the hearing at 5:15 PM. Finance Officer, Barrie Fischer, presented the staff report, and stated reasons for consideration of increasing the rates. One comnent - Owner of the Hill Shopping Laundramat stated that she had no objections to the increases re~arding her home, but she did feel the increases and charges for her laundramat were somewhat high. No further conments, President Jones closed the hearing at 5:40 P.M. ORDINANCE Nos. 334, 335 and 336 were presented for consideration to set the rates for sewer, water and street lighting charges. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Ordinances 334, 335,and 336 be approved. MANAGER'S REPORT AYTORNEY'S REPORT PUBLIC HEARING ON SEWER, WATER, STRF~T LIGHTING RATES. ORDINANCES 334, 335 AND 336 APPROVED FOR S~ER RATES, WATER RATES AND STREET LIGHTING RATES FOR 1982. Regular Meeting and Public Hearing on Sewer/Water/Lighting Rates for 1982 -3- ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) SOUTH "Y" WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1982-1 (a) Notice of Determination (b) Additional Engineering Services (W.F.Pillsbury) for Easements and and Right-of-Way Acquisition ($4,085) (c) Prepare Final Plans and Specs. (Pillsbury - $8000) Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Notice of Determina- tion be Filed; Additional Engineering Services by Pillsbury, $4,085, be approved to obtain easements and rights-of-way acquisition; and approval to prepare final plans and specifica- tions in the amount of $8,000 (Pillsbury). (2) WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN UPDATE...Re~uested authorization of $28,000 to CWC to update plan. (3) AL TAHOE WEI.L, Great ~uergency - Requested Approval of Staff's action = $33,000. (Well was taken out of service on 3/26/82 due to high turbidity and high suspended solids concentration; E.E. Luhdorff Co. pulled the well pu~. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, $33,000 great eu~rgency, be approved. ~), POLICY ACTION TAKEN BY THE BOARD AT PRIOR ~ETING to increase deposit time for obtaining permits from 30 days to 60 days. Manager Cofer stated that this will pose a great problem for the City and the County, as their ordinances do read deposits for permits will be made within 30 days. Following discussion, Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, carried, with President Jones abstaining, the deposit time to obtain their permit is within 30 days. 4/15/82 SOUTH Y IMPROVF~NTS A.D. 1982-1 Approved Filing with County of E1 Dorado (Notice of Determination) APPROVED Additional Engr. Services (Pillsbury - $4,085) Easement/Rights- of-Way. APPROVED Preparation of Final Plans and Specs. ($8000=Pillsbury) APPROVED $28,000 for UPDATING WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN (CWC) APPROVED GREAT EMERGENC? FOR $33,000 - A1 Tahoe Well. REVERT DEPOSIT TO BEMADE WITHIN 30 DAYS, k%~ RESCIND ACTION TAKEN PRIORTO READ 60 DAYS. Regular Board Meeting and Public Hearing on Sewer, Water and Street Lighting rates for 1982 -4- (5) DUES FOR MOUNTAIN COUNTY WATER ASSOCIATION...Attorney John C. Weidman stated that this Organization would have a lobbyist representative on both sides of the Sierras working for all Districts, and suggested that it would be beneficial for this District to become a member of this organization, for $300/yr. Staff recomnended membership approval Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, we become r~mbers of the Mountain County Water Association, dues to be paid in the amount of $300/year. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn roved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $901,490.42 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (5/7-8/82) (5/3/82) (5/6/82) (4/27/82) (4/30/82) CASA Workshop/Agenda Items Board Meeting, 5 pm Lahontan Hearing Mitigation Task Force April 15, 1982 APPROVED ~MBERSHIP IN MOUNTAIN COUNTY ~TER ASSOCIATION- $300/yr. CLAI~%q IN THE A~UNT OF $901,490.42 APPROVED FOP. PAYMENT MEETINGS SCHEDUI.ED. ADJOURNMENT: 6:15 P.M. ~ldent SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: S~OOU~ -THD~oEr~s~i~leruT~L~yB~RiCT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 6, 1982--5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors met in a regular session 5/6/82, 5:00 P.M. ROLL CA2.L: Present were President J.R.Jones, Directors M. Madden and J. ABSENT: Directors Kashuba and Olson. ABSENT: Finance Officer, B. Fischer. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, Attorney J. C. Weidman, G. Eppler, J. Joslyn, P. Mamath, G. Plasterer, S. Davis, Barbara Hahn, T.L. Stewart, D. Crabb. AGL~DA: Add one item(Time extension for deposit fees) ~fENUTES OF 4/15/82 - Page 3, #4, President Jones did not abstain - his vote was NO. Moved by Director ~/nn, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, minutes of 4/15/82 be approved as amended o ROLL CALL AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED M~NUTES OF 4/15/82 approved as amended. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: President Jones stated that he received a letter from G. Chappie, in which he enclosed a letter of a letter from EPA regarding supporting Clean Water Act for the $2.4 billion Dollars. JO~S (F~ard ~ember Reports) SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None }4ANAGER'S REPORT: Much activity on the pipeline lawsuit has been taking place regarding the trial date set for 9/10/81; he has met with Alpine County regarding negotiations and action is requested on the agenda this evening. ~AGER' S PEPORT ~,~ .R. Cofer) GENE EPPLER reported that he has met with BLM regarding the relocation of the dams and will meet again with them next week on the same matter. AI~fORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he has been working on the export pipeline matters and also Alpine County negotiations - same on agenda for consideration today. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. CO~FfS FROM AgDIENCE: None. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: None ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) TIME FOR SE?~R DEPOSIT OF CONNECTION FEES ~tt Yeomans, Donald Garden and Frank Benevento presented a letter to the Board and requested considera- tion be given to the time limit on sewer connection fee deposits, since CTRPA has as yet not determined the land capability of many that have been drawn in the allocation, and have, therefore, requested an extension for those that CTRPA has not approved as yet whether their land will be able to be built upon. Since the District requires fees to be paid by the 19th of May 1982, non-refundable, Regular Meeting -2- 5/6/82 the men asked for consideration for approximately 12 lot owners. DENNIS CRABB, City Attorney, stated that the City Ordinance states those that have permits must pay within 30 days, and it is possible to amend their ordinance, which would not be effective in time to help those people. T.L. STEWART stated that he can see no grounds for an emergency ordinance (T.L. Stewart is with the County Board of Supervisors, E1 Dorado County). MANAGER COFER stated that everyone has the right, under our. Ordinace, to appeal to the Board for relief and they should deposit their fees with the District - the full $3,990.00.. Following discussion, it was moved by Director Wynn, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that for those that have not received a classifi. Dation letter from CTRPA, and have not paid their deposit fees, they have until May 17th, 1982, NOON, to get their appeal letter into this Board, and that the District will obtain the list of those people who have not received their approval/ classification letter from CTRPA, send them a letter stating this deadline date, and that this meeting be adjourned to May 17, 1982, 4:00 P.M. to review those letters and take action, if necessary. (2) ALPINE COUNTY LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM. CONSIDERATION OF EXTENSION TO PAY S~RFEE CONNECTION COSTS (a) Formal Offer to Sell Harvey Place and Diamond Valley Ranch - F. Heise Land & Live- stock Company (REJECT OFFER) ALPINE COUNTY LAND APPLI~TION PROGRAM Manager Cofer stated that we are not making any satisfactory progress with Heise Land and Livestock, and recommended that the following action be taken: (1) Rejection by District of the formal offer by HEISE LA~ANDLIVESTOCK CO., dated 3/26/82; (2) Abandonment of further attempts by District to purchase all of the Diamond Valley Ranch properties; (3) Re- direction by District to negotiate contracts for land application of treated wastewater with persons other than the Heise Land & Livestock Co.; (4) Direct Attorney to obtain necessary right-of-entry for District to conduct engineering investigations related to the Harvey Dam, Reservoir and appurtenances; (5) Direct Staff and Attorney to identify lands that must be required by District in order to construct and operate the modified land application system. APPROVAL OF ALL (4) RECOMMF~ATIONS BY MANAGER J.R. COFERTO REJF~T OFFER. Moved by Director Madden, seconded by Director ~n, unanimously carried, ~lmaager Cofer's 5 recommendation be accepted. Regular Meeting -3- May 6, 1982 (3) ASSESS~ENT DISTRICT 1982-1 (SOUTH "Y" ~TER I~ROVF~R~ DISTRICT): (a) Resolution No. 2244, Preliminarily ApprovingEngineer's Report Under Division 4 and Fixing Time and Place of Hearing Thereon (June 10, 1982, 5:00 P.M., Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Room); ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS: No. z24_, 2245, 2246, 2247 (b) Resoluiton ~b. 2245, Resolution of Intention (c) Resolution No. 2246, A Resolution Preliminarily Approving Engineer's Report and Directing Notice Thereof, and Describing Proposed Boundaries of Assessment District and Directing Filing of Boundary Map; (d) Resolution No. 2247, AResolution Approving Plans and Specifications, Calling for Sealed Proposals and Fixing Liquidated Damages for Failure to Complete the Work Within Time Specified (Bid Opening June 3, 1982 at 2:00 P.M., District Offices) Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Resolutions 2244, 2245, 2246 and 2247 be adopted. (4) OPERATING SUPPLIES Requested authorization for bids for operating supplies for budget year 1982-83 by Gary Plasterer, Manager of Maintenance, for: Lime-dz-y and liquid; caustic soda, chlorine, sulfur xioxide, aluminum sulfate, polymer, deisel fuel #2. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, ~nanimous!y carried, authorization approved to receive bids for above. A-PPROVED AUT~HORiZAT!O>? TO OBTAIN BIDS FOR OPERATIb~-G SLPPLIES (5) HFJ~DSTART L~PROVEME~S, PHASE I, CLOSED VT~{ICLE STOP~.GE, LARGE OP.E~{ VEHICLE STORAGE, AND EXISTING M3tINTENANCE BUILDING - W.R. Th~mason, Inc.) (a) Notice of S~stantial Completion Resolution No. 2248 (To be recorded and filed with County) Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Notice of Subst~-~tial Comple~ion be Approved, ~d Resolution No. 2248 be approved. NOTICE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AND PESOLL~fION NO. 2248 APPROVED HEADSTART IMPRO~s, PHASE I. XV. PAYMENT OF CLA/_MS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director ~adden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $381,616.82 be approved for payment. CLAL~£ APPROVED FOR PAY~5~NT NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) Workshop/Agenda Items (2) Regular Board Meeting (3) CASA - (4) So. "Y" A.D. 82-1 (5) " " ,, ,, ADJO~ TO MAY 17, 1982, 5/17/82 5/20/82 5/7-8/82 6/3/82--Bid .Opening 6/10/82--Hearing 4:00 P.MGen~ o..=__=f Sewer Connection Fees Payment) -4- AI~FEST: M~y ~/ ~r~se~ ~Cler~ of Board SouthSTahoe//~ Public Utility District 5/6/82 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MAY 17, 1982 -- 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met at 4:00 P.M., 5/17/82, at the District Office to consider extension of time for sewer fee connection deposits. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors L.L. Kashuba, W.N. Olson, M.M. Madden and J. Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R Cofer, R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Fischer, Bill Dunckhorst, G. Plasterer, S. Davis, Bob Eppler, Bill Ettlich, Barbara Hahn - Tribune Reported. (1) REQUESTS FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO ~KE SE~R DEPOSITS: Manager Cofer stated that the following have submitted letters requesting Extension of Time: Leon A. Howorth, Mrs. John Hood,Robert Fletcher, J.G.Macklin, Mr. andMrs. Angelo Lombard, R. Burgess Matthews, Lido Martinelli, Alfred E. Botzek, Elton D. Savage, Robert W. Jacobson, Frank Benevento Matt Yeomans and Donald Garden, T.B. Freeland, Frank Ulrich and Phillip W. Myer III. The following action was taken: Director ~[ynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that those that have submitted written requests to the District for an extension of time to pay their deposit fees, because CTRPA has not classified their property, and those written requests were received prior to May 19, 1982, 5:00 P.M., at the District Office, be given an extension of time to make their sewer deposit fees up to 5:00 P.M., June 18, 1982. APPROVED DEADLI~ FOR 6/18/82, 5 p.m. for those to pay their sewer deposit fees that have not received their classification from CTRPA and have had their written requests into the District by 5/19/82, 5 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: 4:14 P.M. ATTEST: ~-D./~n~rose; -Clerk of Board. SOUTH IVLHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY lr~ 1982, 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session May 6, 1982, 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Madden, ~%a~n and Kashuba. ABSENT: President J.R. Jones and Director Olson. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, M. Ambrose, B. Fischer, Gene Eppler, P. ~mmath, Sam Davis, Neal Trebotich, Gary Plasterer and Barbara Hahn-Tribune Reporter. ABSENT: kssistant District Engineer R.Baer. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer req~_ested an Item #6 be added --- Consider Purchase Offer of One-Half of Harvey Place-Alpine County. CONSENT CALENDAR: (1) Replacement of Export Pump Discharge Valves (2) at $2,615 each. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, carried, Consent Calendar be Approved AGE~DA APPROVED AS AMi~DED CONSENT ~ARAPPROVED MINUTES OF 5/6/82 - Director Wynn requested these be carried forward to next regular meeting of the Board. REPORT BY BOARDMEMBERS: None SHOP STE~ARD'S REPORT: None COMMI?EEE REPORTS: Director Kashuba stated the House in Washington did approve the $2.4 billion for Clean Water Grants, and if this did get through the committee, it will be on the floor for the Senate on May 24th; if their are any co_~ments regarding this, she asked that they be given to her, and same will be wired back to Washington, D.C. LEGISLATIVE COM~YTEE REPORT (Director Kashuba) REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS & MEETINGS: ~&lnager Cofer reported that on (1) 4/13/82 - Lahontan Hearing...He and Director Olson attended and Lahontan unanimously voted no enforcement action against this District re the February spills. (2) 4/14/82 -- EPA Meeting, San Francisco. ~.~nager Cofer and Director Madden did attend and discussion was regarding the Mitigation Task Force and Grants Program-- and the TRPA and Air Quality Plan; also met with Frank Covington and Fred Leaf, who is the Tahoe Coordinator for the Tahoe Project. Mark Zuckermann is being reassigned to our Project. Also, EPA is moving Tahoe lower in priority list. WORKSHOPS AND~ETINGS HELD Regular Meeting -2- May 20, 1982 MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated approximately ~7 made their deposits approximately 3/4 million dollars collected, and we have 5 not paid, one of which is a Fallen Leaf Lake Permittee, who will not pay the fees until we connect Fallen Leaf Lake, at whatever rate is established, and 8 have r~equ~ested extensions, and 3 are to be redrawn as those were duplications. One has been cancelled. This is a total of 205, and the remaining went to Tahoe City Service Area. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he attended the Alpine County Board of Supervisors meeting with Manager Cofer Tuesday. Alpine County is also considering making their annual request for fish, and will be on our agenda next month for discussion. Also discussed was what type of contribution the District could make to Alpine County regard- ing Indian Creek Reservoir Recreation Project. Mr. Weidman also has spent much t/me with the pipeline attorney re~_arding the upcoming law suit. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None. REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: None. ITE~ FOR BOARD ACTION MANAGER'S REPORT ACTION AND/ORRECO~LYDATiONS (1) VALUE ENGINEERING- OWNER/ DESIGNER RESPONSE, REQUESTS TO SUBMIT TO STATE. Manager Cofer stated that this report has been reviewed and discussed with the Board at the workshop of May 17, 1982; we are proposing to accept the savings, which total about 8 million dollars (land), and approximately 3 to 4 million of that is for the facilities at the plant that we are reconmending be deleted from the project. We do need to send this to the State, who will then con~nent on the eligibility of the proposed project, which is approximately a 15 million dollar 1982 cost, and the local share is approximately 4 million dollars cost. Manager Cofer requested authorization to formally submit this report to the State for their action. Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (2) PROPOSAL FROM DREDGEMASTER (Inspection of Luther Pass Export Pipeline) ($15,000) Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, contract be approved for $15,000 from Dredgemaster for Inspection of the Luther Pass Export Pipeline. SUBMIT VALUE ENGIb~ERING REPORT. TO THE STATE DREDGEMASTERCONTRACTAPPROVED FOR $15,000 (Inspection of Luther Pass Export Pipeline) Regular Meeting -3- May 20, 1982 (3) APPROVE BILLING, SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY - SA~ IS GRANT ELIGIBLE. (This is for system modification necessary to accommodate the District's desire to convert the existing electric service to 14,400 volts) Director ~qznn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. (4) RESOLUTION NO. 2249, A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Amending Resolution No. 2220,Establishing a Bank Account at Security Pacific National Bank. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (5) PURCHASE OF ONE-HALF OF HARVEY PLACE, ALPINE COUNTY. (Board did adjourn to Executive Session to Discuss). The Board approved an offer purchase price of $144,000 for 1/2 of Harvey Place, Alpine County. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. PAY~ OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $464,646.30 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF MEETINGS SCHEDULED (1) 5/20-24/82 ACWALos Angeles (2) 6/1/82 Workshop/Agenda Items (3) 6/3/82 Regular Board Meeting (4) 6/4/82 Mitigation Task Force Timbercove Lodge ADJOURN>~NT: 5:35 P.M. ATTEST: AUTHORIZED BILLING IN THE AMOUNTOF $23,323.58 - SIERRA PACIFIC POWER CO. APPROVED RES. NO. 2249 (Establishing Bank Account at Security Pacific National Bank) APPROVED PURCHASE OFFER OF $144,000 FOR HARVEY PLACE, ALPINE COUNTY. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYmeNT MEETINGS SCHEDULED 4pm 9 a.m. ~ry M. ~dden, Vice president South Tahoe Public Utility District ~ry D.-~k~r~se, ~l~erk-of ~oard ~ South T~hoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District - JU/YE 3, 1982 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a recular session on June 3, 1982, 5:00 P.M. -, Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors L.L. Kashuba, W.N. Olson, J. Wynn and M. Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Assistant District Engineer R.G. Baer, B.F. Fischer and G.Eppler, G. Plasterer, S. Davis, J. Klykendahl, p. Mamath, andA1Dine County Supervisor Davis, B. Hahn - Trib~e Reporter, A. Hauge - QUAD Consultants. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AG~DA: None. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, consent calendar, as follows, be approved: (1) Sewer Unit Increase, 1897 Delta Avenue, Parcel No. 32 273 01; correct billing to 3 Sewer Units and back- charge for 2 years. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by DirectorMadden, carried - minutes of 5/6/82 be approved as submitted, and Directors Kashuba and Olson abstained. AGENDA APPROVED CONSENT CALF/WDARAPPROVED (Sewer Unit Increase-3 SU Parcel No. 32 273 01- 1897 Delta Avenue) & Back Charge for 2 years. 5/6/82 ~N[EEES APPROVED 5/17/82 minutes - Director Olson moved, seconded by Director ~znn, carried, minutes be approved. 5/20/82 minutes - Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried, minutes be approved with Directors Jones and Olson abstaining. 5/17/82 ~rNUTES APPROVED 5/20/82 ~NUTESAPPROVED REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None. SHOP ST~RD'S REPORT: None COM~!~fEE REPORTS: None. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND MEETINGS: (1) ~^~q~CB - Sacramento 5/24/82 (2) Workshop/Agenda Items 6/1/82 (3) Cogeneration - 6/3/82 - Lahontan- City Representatives, District - and South Tahoe Refuse met. WORKSHOPS AND MEETINGS HELD MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer asked ~. Andy Hauge of QUAD CONSULTANTS to give a status report re ~tigation Task Force. ~. Hauge stated t_hat ~hemain report is well on its way to completion ~nd the reply from all agencies have been excellent. ~ch v.ork has gone into the Air Quality Plan. MITIGATION TASK FORCE PROGRAM REPORT (A. Hauge - QUAD CONSULTANTS) JUNE 3, 1982 -2- 6/3/82 Manager Cofer mentioned that bids were opened today on the 1982 Assessment District - South "Y" Water Improvements, and bids were 21% below the Engineer's Estimate. State Board Priority List is scheduled for adoption in August and a workshop will be held prior to that time by State Board. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that he has been working on the A1uine County items and all other items o~ agenda this evening. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ~NAGER'S REPORT ATTORNEY' S REPORT BOARD ACTIONSAND/ORRECOMMENDATiONS (1) SET PUBLIC HEARING regarding adopting appropriations subject to limitations for FY 1982-82. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, public hearing for above be set for 17th JUNE 1982, 5:15 P.M., District Offices. (2) PROPOSAL FROM REMTO UPDATE EXPORT PIPELINE BREAK RECORDS. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, authorization of $4,000.00 be approved for TASK I only, as described in the proposal from RF~4, and that TASK II be deferred at this tim~. (3) REQUEST FROM ALPINE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS for fish plant at Indian Creek Reservoir. ~. EL~KDOD DAVIS, Alpine County Supervisor attended this meetin~ to discuss this subject with the B~ard Members. Mr. Davis stated that each year there is 80,000 fish planted - this year they are wanting to plant two other types of fish along with the rainbow trout. They are planning on brook and cut- throat trout - and should be stocked with 8"-10" fish. He requested the Board to consider $5,000 for stocking the reservoir with fish. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that the District purchase, and not PUBLIC HEARING SET FOR 6/17/82, 5:15 P.M. -APPROVED APP.ROVED BUDGET FOR TASK I ONLY WITH R E M ($4,000.00) ALPINE COUNTY/FISH PLANT/INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR to exceed $4,000 , for one time only for Indian Creek Reservoir. $4,000 APPROVED FOR ONE TI~ ONLY FOR FISH PURCHASE FOR INDIAN CRF~K RESERVOIR. (4) SOUTH "Y" EASF~T...KNOX JOHNSON Request for a payment of $5,000 (per_petual easement) and 30 year license agreement for lump sum of $7,500 to Knox Johnson, per agreement, and upon review of Attorney John C. ~eidman. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. PAYMENT OF $5,000 Lump Sum for a Perpetual Easement and $7,500 - Lic. Agreement to FtNOX JOHNSON APPROVED for South "Y" 1982 Assessment District Easement. REGULAR ~ETING -3- JUNE 3, 1982 (5) HEISE LAND AND LIVESTOCK NEGOTIATIONS Negotiations are taking place between HEISE LAND & LIVESTOCK CO~2ANY and Manager Cofer stated that t~hey have requested a tM week extension regarding these negotiations, and reco~nended same be granted. Director Wynn n~ved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. HEISE LAND & LIVESTOCK CO~M~ANY GRANTED AN EXTENSION OF 1~gO WEEKS FOR NEGOTIATIONS (ALPINE COUNTY) PAYME~rf OF CLAIMS: Director B~fnn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $252,780.24 be approved for payment. CLAI~.~ APPROVED FOR PAYMENT ($252,780.24) NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (Scheduled) (1) ~tigation Task Force 9:00 a.m. Timbercove Lodge 6/4/82 ~.~ETINGS SCHE~ILED (2) Hearing, South "Y" Water Improve- ment District, LAKE TAHOE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD ROOM 6/10/82, 5:00 P.M. (3) Workshop and Agenda Items 6/14/82, 4:00 P.M. (4) Regular Board Meeting 6/17/82, 5:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: ~eting was adjourned at 5:30 P.M. to JUNE 10, 1982, 5:00 P.M., for a Public Hearing on the South "Y" Water Improve- ment District - 1982-1, to be held at the LAKE TAHOE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD ROOM ADJOUt~NED TO 6/10/82 5:00 P.M. AYTEST: ~ARy b. ~R~SE, CLERK OF ~OARD- SOUTH TA~E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED MEETING AND PUBLIC D~JLRING FOR THE SOUTH "Y" ASSESSMJ~NT DISTRICT NO. 1982 - 1, JUNE 10, 1982, 5:00 P.M. Vice President Mary M. Madden called the adjourned meeting to order for the Public Hearing re the South "Y" Assessment District No.1982-1 at 5:00 P.M., Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Vice President Madden, Directors Olson, Wynn, Kashuba. ROLL CALL ABSENT: President J.R. Jones. Also present were ~nnager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R.G. Baer, Attorney John C. Weidman, Bond Counsel Steve Casaleggio of Jones, Hall, Hill and ~^~ite, William F. Pillsbury of W.F. Pillsbury, Inc. Also present were FredMuther, Leata Plu~ner, Henningsens and Markey representatives, N. Findley, W. Jory, John Marchini, Jeanne Sellers, D. Cope, T. and J. Kaelin, T. Grunes; ~. and Mrs. J. Koller, Vince DeTarr, O. Dodge, W. Moyer, J. Cassle, W. Solley and B. Solley, George Mahe, Allie Edgin, Bruce A. Hall and Chuck Phillips. VICE PRESIDENT MADDEN stated that the hearing is now opened, requested any written protests be filed with the Clerk of Board. She then asked the Engineer of Work - W. F. Pillsbury to please give a su~naryof the project. William F. Pillsbury explained the areas that are included in this Assessment District, the various costs and a brief background. BERT CHERRY, FIRE CHIEF, stated that the water in this area is very inadequate, and the entire system must be improved - it is an absolute necessity to be prepared and most especially in this area should there be any fires. Right now the supply is inadequate to handle any crisis should one arise. WILLIAM F. PILLSBURY did mention to those present that any of the properties that are not develQped, an assessment will not be levied, and the South Tahoe PUD will pick that assessment up, and until the property is developed, there will be no assessment for the owner. In the future, should the vacant lots become developed, they will pay their due assessment to the Utility District. Mr. Pillsbury also explained the formula which was used to assess the properties. ENGINEER OF WORK REPORT MR. STEVE CASALEGGIO of JONES, HALL, HILL AND WHITE, explained that those owners in this area have 30 days to pay all or part of the assessment costs, and if all paid in cash a rebate will be received by them in the actual discount that was outlined in the sale of the bonds. BOND COL~SEL REPORT P~mlar/Adj ourned Hearing -2- SOUTH "Y" A~SSESSME~Yf DISTRICT NO. 1982-1 June 10, 1982 In the event one should chose to not ~pay in cash, they would have to pay their share off over the bond term, about 15 years, and principle and interest is collected on the tax bills. These will be bonds against the property. W.F. PILLSBURY stated that bids were received and opened last week, and there will be a 28 to 29% reduction in all assessments from the original assessment cost notice sent to the property o~ers. T~ FOLLOWING LEUfI~RS OF WRITTEN PROTESTS ~.~RE RECEIVED, and Manager Cofer read same: (1) Leo Gananian (2) Joe and Thildy Kaelin (3) CatherLne E. Hoover for First Church of Christ, Scientist (4) Angielin G. Bernard (5) Harry and Leata Plummer Vice President ~dden opened the floor to those wishing to protest: (1) Darrell Cope (9) Janet Stephens by (2) Orval Dodge Robert G. Baer as (3) WilliamMoyer requested by~. (4) Chuck Phillips Stephens (5) Fred Muther (6) Joe and Thildy Kaelin (7) Tom Peshel (8) Allie Edgin Ail above felt that they had ample water supply and did not feel this was a necessary project. Those in attendance were in favor of the assessment district and comments in favor of were given by: (1) W. Solley, Retired Fire Fighter (2) Jeanne Sellers (Coca Cola Bldg) (3) John~rchini (4) And Property Owner at 2105 Ruth Avenue B Jory. (5) Joe Cassle Vice President Madden stated that the Engineer's Report, Bond Counsel's Report, Written and Oral Protests, and all co~ents will be made a part of these proceedings, and she closed the hearing at 6:18 P.M. Director Wynn stated that there is to be a 28% reduction in assessment costs, which is the most favorable we have ever seen at this District. He further moved that we proceed with the project and moved, also, that the following RESOLUTIONS BE APPROVED: WRITTEN PROTESTS ORAL PROTESTS FAVORABLE COM/W~7~ES FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT HEARING CLOSED AT 6:18 PM Adjourned Regular ~eting/Public Hearing -3- June 10, 1982 SOUTH "Y" ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1982-1 (1) RESOLUTION NO. 2250, A Resolution of Determination Under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code to Proceed with Proceedings for Acquisitions and Improvements; (2) RESOLUTION NO, 2251, A Resolution Overruling Protests; (3) RESOLUTION NO. 2252, A Resolution Ordering Reduction of Assessments; (4) RESOLUTION NO. 2253, A Resolution Adopting Engineer;s Report, Confirming the Assessment and Ordering the Work and Acquisitions, Directing Recording and Filing of Assessment, Assessment Diagram and Notice of Assessment, Appointing Collection Officer, and Providing for Notice to Pay Assessments. Director Olson seconded, and unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:25 P.M. RESOLUTIONS NOS. 2250, 2251, 2252 and 2253 APPROVED (SOUTH "Y" A.D.82-1) ADJOURNed: 6:25 P.M. A%~E ST: ~-D'. :k~brose, Clerk -o~ ~7~rd ' ' SOUTH %5~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY_ DISTRICT June 17, 1982 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe ~blic Utility District met in a r.egular session on the 17th of JUNE 1982, District Offices, and Also Held Their Hearing on RESOLUTION NO. 2254 1982/83 Appropriations ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors L. Kashuba, W. Olson, M. ~dden, J. Wynn. ROLL CALL Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R .G. Baer, John C. Weidman, P. Mamath, Gary Plasterer, M. Ambrose, S. Davis, R. Rattaro, Paul Carrion and B. Fischer. CORREC~fIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: AGENDA APPROVED AS CHANGED Manager Cofer requested the following additions: (10) (ll) (12) (#9 -) Poly Pump Purchase Parts/Secondary Clarifier #1 Purchase Dewatering Equipment Purchase Defer Purchase of Board Room Furniture to next Meeting. Director~nnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, consent calendar as follows be approved: (1) COT.TRGEWELL TET.E~fERING EQUIPM~£ Authorize purchase of equipment from Motorola in amount of $7,988.52. CONSE%TE CALE~ARAPPROVED MINUTES (June 3, 1982) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, minutes of 6/3/82 be approved as suhnitted. MINUTES OF 6/3/82 APPROVED ASSUBMITEED MINUTES of 6/10/82 - Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, minutes of 6/10/82 be approved as submitted. President Jones abstained. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Kashuba stated that she talked with the E1 Dorado County Auditor regarding our financial records, and there was a very high compliment given from the Auditor for Barrie Fischer, and that we do have outstand- ing financial records. MI%K/fES OF 6/10/82 APPROVED AS SUBMITTED DIREC~RKASHUBA SHOP STE~ARD' S REPORT: None CO~_ITTEE REPORTS: (1) Finance/Insurance - Director Olson stated that he did make an effort and contacted Mrs. M. Springmeyer regarding easement of her land and was not success- ful in his attempt. FINANCE/INSURANCE (Director Olson) REGULAR MEETING & HF3LRITNG -2- 6/17/82 REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS Manager Cofer reported on the following meetings held: (1) 6/14/82 Workshop/Agenda Items (2) 6/14/82 Report on Headstart Construction by Mr. Murli Tolaney of James M. Montgomery Engineers, and Mr. Dave Argo - Consultant MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer presented. a letter to the State regarding Grant Priority and requested approval to sukmit same. He asked the Board Members that if any changes are to be made to meet with him following this meeting, and same will be incorporated into the letter and mailed this Friday. Also, there was a scoping meeting held at SWRCB (State Water Resources Control Board) today r~garding E I R on Water Rights. They hope to have an outline of their report next menth. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: All items on agenda. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: Mrs. Frost appeared before the Board and complained of her sewer service fees. It was explained to her the fees for certain number of sewer units - clarifying the charge for 1 kitchen 1 bath is the same charge for 1 kitchen 2 baths. HEARING ON RESOLUTION NEEDED TO COMPLY WITH PROPOSITION FOUR FOR FISCAL YEAR 1982-83... President Jones opened the hearing at 5:15 P.M. There were no written or oral comments made or received, therefore, the hearing was closed inmediately, and the following action taken: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2254, A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPTING THE APPROPRIATIONS SU53ECT TO LIMITATIO~? FOR FISCAL YEAR1982-83, be approved. REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: None ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION WORKSHOP SESSIONS ~.D ?F~AGER'S REPORT SEWER SERVICE CHARGE COMPLAINT (MRS. FROST) RESOLUTION NO. 2254, ADOPTING APPROPRIATIONS SUBJECT TO LIMITATION FOR FY 1982-83 (This fIearing on Res. No. 2254, was needed to comply with Proposition Four for FY 82-83) .... BOAP~ACTION (1) HARVEY PLACE ACQUISITION: ~3nager Cofer requested an extension of time from 6/15-6/29/82 and Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. EXTENSION OF T~-~ GRANTED FOR HARVEY PLACE ACQUISITION (June 15-29, 1982) APPROVED. (2) SCHWAKEAGREEMENT : Attorney John C. Weidman requested approval of the Schwake Agreement, and that the Board adopt by title ORDINANCE NO. 337, which he will prepare for Board signature. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, ORDINANCE NO. 337 BE ADOPTED BY TITLE AND SCHW-AKE AGREE- ~ENTBEAPPROVED. ORDINANCE NO. 337 APPROVED BY TITLE (SCHWAKEAGREF~ENT) Regular Meeting/Hearing -3- June 17, 1982 LUTHER PASSPIPELINEREPAIR: (a) Approve action taken by staff of Great Emergency for Change Order No. 1,~ Installation of an additional 120 feet of 24" pipe. (Wunschel and Small - total amount =$23,556.55) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, action by staff of great emergency be approved. (b) Increase authorization for engineer- Lng inspection for James Montgomery in the amount of $5 to 7,000 pre design... Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, additional inspection costs of $5 to 7000 be approved, 5bntgomery Engineers. HEAVENLY VAIJ.EYWATER SYSTE%4 ~4PRO~S (CWC) $16,000 Pre Design Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, um~mnimously carried, $16,000 for CWC - Pre-design for Heavenly Valley Water System Improvements be approved. PLANT CONVERSIONANDHARVEY RESERVOIR PROJECT, CONSTRUCTION ~U~A~ SERVICES ~irector Olson moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, approval to Request Statement of Qualifications be granted, as requested by R. Baer, Assistant District Engineer. HEAVESILY VAT.T.EY TANKS, PAINT TANK 1/VI~RIOR AND EXTERIOR Director Maddenmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously, staff be authorized to obtain bids for above. CONTACTFOR ACTIVATED CARBON Copy of the contract proposed was submitted to the Board and Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, the revised contract be approved, as requested by Manager of Operations - G. Plasterer. HEADSTART PROJECT (1) Change Order No. 14 (W.R.Thomason, Inc. - Service Equipment for Emerg~_ncy Return Station to be pole Mounted at M~adow View Dr. and not on Outside Wall of Emergency Return Station. Increase of $1,876.27. (2) Change Order No. 15 W. R. Thomason, Inc. - Relocation of ~nergency Pumping Station; Deletion of Deep Footing at Same Station and Non- Removal of 36" Spray Pond Feed Pipe. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Change Orders Nos. 14 and 15 as stated above be approved. PLANT SUPPLIES, GASOLINE AND LUBRICANTS, AND BOARD ROOM FURNITURE. MANAGER COFERREQUESY~D BOARD ROOM FURNITURE BIDS BE DEFERRED TO NEXT BOARD MEETING. (Bids were opened 6/11/82, as follows:) APPROVED STAFF ACTION GREAT ~,~RGENCY REPAIR OF LUTHER PASS PIPELINE (CHANGE ORDER NO. 1, ~.kmschel & Small, $23,556.55) AUTHORIZED $5 to $70001 Pre Design INCREASE FOR ENGINEERING INSPECTION (MONTC/~MERY ENG~RS) APPROVED $16,000 CWC FOR PRE- DESIGN HEAVENLY VAII.EYWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED FOR REQUEST STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FROM CONSULTANTS PLANT CONVERSION ANDHARVEY RESERVOIR PROJECT, CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES. APPROVED AUTHORIZATION TO OBTAIN BIDS FOR PAINTING HEAVENLY VAIJ,EY TANKS REVISE CONTRACT FOR ACTIVATED CjLRBON (CALGON CORPORATION) APPROVED C.O. NO. 14 Inc.$1,876.27 APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 15, Inc. $3,358.00 BID OPENING OF JUNE 11, 1982 FOR PLANT SUPPLIES, GASOLINE AND LUBRICANTS. REGULAR MEETING/HEARING -4- 6/17/82 The following are low bids received: SULFUR DIOXIDE LIQUID LIME - LIQUID ALUM - CAUSTIC - DRY POLYMER - FUEL AND LUBRICA/YES - Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, the above Company for each item be approved for purchase of supplies and gasoline and lubricants. Also that BOARD ROOM FURNITURE BIDS be deferred to next regular Board Meeting. POLY PUMPS - Sam Davis, Manager of Maintenance requested authorization to purchase two polypumps (one to replace the last old pump and one for a spare for the three pumps). Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, approval to purchase tw~ poly pumps in the total amount of $4,636.00 be granted. PARTS FOR SECONDARY CLARIFIER %1: Parts needed to maintain secondary clarifier #1 are requested in the total amount of $4,495.00. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, parts for the secondary clarifier #1 be approved for purchase. HEADSTART, DEWATERING EQUIPMENT... Approval requested for two (2) filter presses. This will not be a part of the Thomason Contract, Mr. R. Baer stated. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, approval for 2 filter presses be granted. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $514,692.68 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) 6/28/82 Agenda Items (2) 6/29/82 State Board Hearing on Priorities (3) 7/1/82 Regular Board Meeting ADJOURNMENT TO AN EXECUTIVE SESSION RE LITIGATION AT 5:55 P.M. Approved purchase from Sierra Chemical, Reno, Nevada. Approved purchase from Gilmour and Company, Salt Lake City, Utah Approved purchase from Stauffer Chemical, San Francisco, Ca. Approved purchase from Sierra Chemical of Reno, Nevada. Approved purchase from Sierra Chemical Company, Reno, Nevada AQUA BEN Corporation Bid approved for purchasing Dry Polymer. RDC Distributors awarded contract for fuel and lubricants. APPROVED PURCHASE OF TWO POLY PUMPS FOR A TOTAL OF $4,636.00 APPROVED PURCHASE OF PARTS FOR SECONDARY CLARIFIER, NO. 1 IN THE AMOUNTOF $4,495.00 . Approved additional equipment of t~D (2) filter presses to remove old centrifuges. CWC working on Specifications. CLAIm,S APPROVED FOR PAYMENT MEETINGS SCHEDULED /~ J~es R. Jone~/~esident ~/~outh Tahoe ~D~flic Utility District REGULAR ~.~TING/~NG -5- June 17, 1982 AI~fEST: Mary D. ~os~, Clerk' Af ~ard ~u~ T~ ~lic Utility Dis~ict REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 1, 1982, 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, July 1, 1982, 5:00 P.M. ROLL CAI.L: Present were PRESIDENT J.R. Jones, DIRECTORS W. N. Olson, L. L. Kashuba, M. M. Madden and J. Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R. G. Baer, Attoz~ey John C. Weidman, B. Fischer, M. Ambrose, S. Davis, G. Plasterer, H. Williams, P. ~mmath, G. Eppler, and Barbara Hahn of Tahoe Daily Tribune. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested the following items be added to the agenda: (6) Centrifuge - $6,000 purchase (7) Change Order No. 16, Headstart, Increase $8,794.06 (8) Director Wynn requested the Board Room Furniture Request be moved frcm the Consent Calendar to Board Action Items AGENDA APPROVED AS CHANGED CONSENT CAI.ENDA=R: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried, that the following be approved: 1. Sewer Unit Increase and Back Charge 2 years (804 Los Angeles, Parcel No. 26 107 171) Director Madden abstained. Other Board ~mbers voted aye. 2. Notice of Completion - Repair of Luther Pass Pipeline - Wunschel and Small and Approve RESOLUTION NO. 2255 Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED APPROVED NOTICE OF COMPLETION LUTHER PASS PIPELINE... WUNSCNEI, & SMALL (RES.NO. 2255) M_IhK/fES OF JUNE 17,1982: Postponed REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Kashuba stated that she and Manager Cofer, Director Jones, attended the State Water Resources Control Board Hearing on Priorities Grant Funds. She stated the District has been put back for funds until 1986. It appears San Francisco, San Jose and Los Angeles do have the priorities. BOARD~K~BERREPORT (KASHUBA) A decision will be made on August 24, 1982, and the State Board will then decide what the priorities will be. However, there will be a workshop on 8/5/82 and a meeting on 7/19/82; plus, a revised priority list will be avail- able prior to the 8/5/82 workshop meeting. COg~4ITEEE REPORTS: Director Olson stated that the Finance Committee did meet to discuss salaries and reorganization of the District and same on the agenda for consideration today. FINANCE COMMIt~fEE REPORT (OLSO~ SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. Regular Meeting -2- July 1, 1982 MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that several letters have been received supporting the District's efforts to get back on the 1983 Priority List with the State(CTRPA, County of E1 Dorado, Resources Conservation District, N. Shumway and City of South Lake Tahoe) AI~fORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that he has been busy with the South "Y" Water Improvement District A.D. 1982-1 easements; Pickles Claim; and working with G. Eppler and CWC re pre-condemnation in Alpine County, and requested an executive session following this regular meeting to discuss negotiations with Alpine County, Diamond Ditch, etc. in Alpine County. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: (Non-Agenda Items) L.A. Rose stated that he felt the money due for 1982-1 Assessment District, South "Y" Water System Improvements, seems to be very expensive, and that there is already an 8" line on 3rd and Eloise, where he has his property. Mr. Jerry Hendricks also stated that he is covered, as well, by an 8" line in that area and felt the expense is not needed. The Board explained the reasons for the charges, why the high priority in this area, and that the District is contributing $150,000 to assist this area because there is no adequate protection as it is now for the water supply should a crisis arise. REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: None. ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION MANAGER'S REPORT ATTORNEY' S REPORT COMMENTS FROM L.A.ROSE AND JERRY HENDRICKS RE A.D. 1982-1 CHARGES ACTIONS/RECO~NDATIONS (1) Manager ' s Reco~nendations: (a) District Reorganization (b) Classified Personnel Salaries (c) Management Salaries Director Olson stated that the Finance Co~ttee met and reviewed the salaries for Management, Classified Personnel and Manager and Clerk of Board, and recon~nended that RESOLUTION NO. 2256, RESOLUTION NO. 2257 and ORDINANCE NO. 338, as submitted be approved. Director Olsonmved, seconded by Director unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2256, RESOLUTION NO. 2257 and ORDINANCE NO. 338 be approved. (2) Harvey Reservoir No response has been received regarding the District's Offer; therefore, Manager Cofer recon~nended that our offer be withdrawn, and we proceed with condemna- tion re Heise Land and Livestock Company. He stated no action is needed at this time from the Board. RESOLUTION NO. 2256, MANAGEMENT SALARIES APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 2257, CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL SALARIES APPROVED ORDINANCE NO. 338, MANAGER AND CLERKOF BOARD SALARY APPROVED HARVEY RESERVOIR SITE Regular Meeting -3- July 1, 1982 (3) Reconmendations from Management re Stmm~_r Help Program. (a) Office Help (1) (b) Pump Station (3) (c) Treatment Plant (3) (d) Inspection (3) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director ~dden, unanimously carried, approval for sun~aer help be granted, as recon~nended by Manager Cofer. (4) Conflict of Interest Code Attorney Weidman stated that there is no action needed at this meeting, however, he will prepare the Conflict of Interest Code doc~nent for the Board's consideration at a future meeting of this Board. (5) College Well Project (a) Change Order No. 1, increase of $1,846.25 (supply and lay bare #8 copper tracer wire over the top of all 12", 10" and 8" diameter PVC water mains) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, College Well Project, Change Order No. 1 for an increase of $1,846.25 be approved. (6) Removal of unnatural materials, grading, smoothing land at Diamond Valley Ranch, for a total of $6,000.00. Approval requested for this expenditure. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (7) CENTRIFUGE PARTS - Sam Davis, Manager of Maintenance, stated that it~uld take approximately 4 weeks to rebuild and re- quested approval to purchase the centrifuge parts, to rebuild 1 gear box and cover rental of another. Amount is $6,000.00. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (8) Change Order No. 16 - Headstart in amount of $8,794.06 increase , covering ground the existing generator; grounding the existing transformers; remove ground fault indicating lights from existing substation; add ground fault relays for each of the two main existing substation power circuit breakers; install small lighting and heating transformer in 9 MCC. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, Change Order No. 16 be approved. TEMPORARY S~4ER HELP APPROVED CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE COII~GEWE. IJ. PROJECT, CHANGE ORDER #1 APPROVED, FOR INCREASE OF $1,846.25 APPROVE EXPENDITURE OF $6,000 FOR HASKELL D. RICHJR FOR RE~)VAL OF UNNATURAL MATERIALS AT DIAMOND VAT.T.F.Y RANCH GRANTED PURCHASE OF CENTRIFUGE AND PARTS APPROVED ($6,000) CHANGE ORDER NO. 16 APPROVED FOR W.R. THOMASON, INC. $8,794.06 INC. Regular Meeting -4- JULY 1, 1982 (9) Board Room Furniture: The Board reviewed bids received and agreed that the recomnendation from the architect should be followed. Therefore, Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, Board Room Furniture be purchased from M.G. West as recon~nended from the architect. PURCHASE OF BOARD ROOM FURNITURE FROM M. G. WEST APPROVED PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director ~fnnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $505,438.52 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAY~-~ENT NOTICE OF MEETINGS: July 12, 1982, Workshop/Agenda Session, 4 pm July 15, 1982, Board Meeting, 5 pm July 19, 1982, Workshop, SWRCB, Sacramento July 23, 1982, ~tigation Task Force Meeting 9:00 a.m., Timbercove Lodge 5:55 P.M. to an Executive Session. S~O~ ~H~EONEpS'~I~DILE~ITY DISTRICT ATTEST: · '~M~R~D//fAHo~ER~SuB~LTcCLEJILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 15, 1982, 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on July 15, 1982, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, ROLL CALL Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Kashuba, M.M. ~dden and J. Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager/Engineer R.G.Baer, S. Davis, Barbara Hahn, W. Dunckhorst, Bob E. Eppler, P. Mamath, N. Trebotich, M.Ambrose, B. Fischer, Attorney J.C.Weidman. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: ~nager Cofer requested an Executive Session following this Board Meeting to discuss litigation. AGENDA APPROVED AS CHANGED CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that the Consent Calendar as follows be approved: (1) CHANGESIN BILLINGS PARCEL NUMBERS: 29 072 060 80 111 041 34 641 161 FOR THE FOIJ/J~ING minus 1 SU 31 062 010 " 2" 29 200 31 minus 1 SU 29 141 160 - ,, . 29 200 221 minus 8 SU 27 361 131 minus 15 SU 27 350 150 Plus 2 SU 33 332 180 minus 3 SU 28 301 411 minus 1 SU 25 611 031 minus 1 SU 35 145 041 minus 2 SU Memos of 6/30/82, 7/2/82 and 7/6/82 covers staff recon~nendation. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED NET~UtNGE OF 35 Sewer Units. MINUTES OF 7/1/82: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, minutes of JULY 1, 1982, be approved as subnitted. MINUTES OF 7/1/82APPROVED AS SUBMI%TED REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: President Jones reported that a memo received from the City of South Lake Tahoe states that NEVA ROBERTS will be their representative to the MITIGATION TASK FORCE, and FRANK BENEVENTo as City Council Representative. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (JONES) SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Neal Trebotich reported that everything is fine - and he is the Shop Steward covering the Operations Department. No report. CON~LITTEE REPORTS: None. SHOP STEWARD WORKSHOP SESSIONS: (7/12/82) Manager Cofer reported that at the workshop session, Mr. Murli Tolaney and Mr. B. Ettlich did give a status report on the Headstart Program to Board ~bers. WORKSHOP SESSION OF 7/12/82 Also re the ~AIAGER'S REPORT: Mr. Cofer stated that the District does have the SCH~IAKE signature on the Agreement and the Water Purveyors Agreement has also been signed. ~iZ~AGER' S REPORT Regular Meeting -2- JULY 19, 1982 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that we do have a potential problem regarding a recent bid opening, and will discuss same at the Executive Session. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORT: Barrie Fischer stated that Bob E. Eppler has been appointed Manager of Customer Relations, and he feels confident that Mr. Epplerwill do an excellent job. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION: (1) SOUTH "Y" WATER IMPROVF~455rf DISTRICT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1982-1.. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2258, A Resolution re Determining that the Issuance of District Bonds is Not Subject to Prior Investigation, Report and Approval by Office of State Treasurer, District Securities Division , be approved. (b) ORDINANCE AWARDING CONTRACT TO TOMHAEN Board deferred action on this ordinance until all permits from necessary agencies have been received. In the event all permits, approvals, etc. are received, the Board could call a Special Meeting to take any action needed. (c) ENGINEERING CONTRACT, W.F. PILLSBURY (Inspection) No action taken. (2) HEADSTART IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE I (a) 15 KV Service and Switchgear - Tentative Certificate of Substantial Completion, request filing of same and adoption of RESOLUTION NO. 2259 ( W. R. Thomason, Inc.) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2259 BE APPROVED AND NOTICE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION BE FILED WITH THE COUNTY OF EL (3) ENERGY RECOVERY PLANN/NG (a) Manager Cofer stated that an MOU with the City of South Lake Tahoe and the County of E1 Dorado is being prepared. (b) Board President attendance of Government Refuse Collection and Disposal, International Seminar and Equipment Show. 8/16-19/82 at Dallas, Texas. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Board President be directed to attend the Seminar mentioned above. AS~fORNEY ' S REPORT PR~--~RAM MANAGER (FISCHER) RESOLUTION NO. 2258 ADOPTED (DISTRICT SECURITIES DIVISION) NOTICE OF SUB. COMPLETION AND RES. NO. 2259 APPROVED W.R.THOMASON, INC ENERGY RECOVERY INFORMATION APPROVE SEMINAR FOR BOARD PRESIDENT 8/16-19/82, Dallas Texas Regular Meeting -3- July 15, 1982 (4) }~_3tVENLY EROSION CONTROL PROJECT Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried: (a) Amend Falconi Contract, Amendment #2, authorize $2,300 for survey (erosion Control); (b) Approve staff to purse obtaining rights- of-way on Lots 48, 49 and 50 (Heavenly Valley Tank Site) (5) FAT.T.EN LEAF LAKE SEWER PROJECT Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, Change Order No. 19, Byars Construction Company, increase in contract price $41,335.55, 1981 Modifica- tions, be approved, subject to Byars signature. (b) Change Order C-20, Byars Construction Conlmlny, increase contract price $158,543.60, subject to approval by permit agencies for project modifications Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, C-20 be approved, subject to above conditions stated. (c) Authorization for Swanson-Oswald Project Engineer - Work Performed to Date in the amount of $24,027.80 - this amount was requested by Manager Cofer to be approved for payment only. Director Olsonmoved, ~conded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, the Manager's Reconn~ndations be approved for payment of $24,027.80 to Swanson- Oswald Engineers. (1) Other workperformed -Manager Cofer requested Board to deny claim. (2) Construction Inspection System Modifications - Manager Cofer requested board to defer action. Director Olson n~ved, seconded byDirectorWynn, unanimously carried, Manager Cofer's recon~nendations (1) and (2) be accepted and approved. (6) MfTIGATION PROGRAM: (a) Amendment - QUAD CONSULTANTS CONTRACT $41,099.00 Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, un~3nimously carried. (7) S~gER UNITS FOR 1983 Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn and unanimously carried, approve sewer units for 1983 up to the allowable under the compact - 84 SFD and 1/3 of the conmercial, approved as reconmended by Manager J.R. Cofer. Manager of Custon~r Relations, Bob E. Eppler , also mentioned the problem that Bender's ~rina is having as they want to transfer and move the sewer units on the modular home they now have to County Club Heights. This was information only...no action taken at this time. APPROVED AMENDMENT #2 SURVEY BY FAILY)NI $2300 APPROVED STAFF TO PURSE OBTAINING RIGHTS OF WAY, (Heavenly Valley Tank Site) AUTHORIZED INCREASE IN CO~fPJtCT PRICE SLqBJECT TO H.M. BYARS SIGNATURE AUTHORIZE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY PERMIT AGENCIES FOR PROJECT MODIFICATIONS (C-20-Byars) APPROVED CLAIM FROM SWANSON- OSWALD FOR $24,027.80 ONLY Deny claim from Swanson- Oswald for other~rk performend, and Defer action on Construction Inspection Sys. Modifications. A~I/IE~E~TOQUADCONS. CONTRACT, $41,099.00, APPROVED SEWER UNITS FOR 1983 APPROVED Regular Meeting -4- July 15, 1982 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $280,556.38 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 1. 7/19/82 2. 7/23/82 3. 8/2/82 4. 8/5/82 S W R C B ~eting re Priorities, Sacramento Mitigation Task Force 9:00 a.m. Timbercove Lodge Starboard Boom Board to discuss Fallen Leaf Lake, Meet at District Office, 3:00 P.M., 8/2/82 Workshop and Agenda Items 4:00 P.M., 8/2/82 Regular BoardMeeting 5:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT TO ANEXECUTIVE SESSION 5:55 P.M. ~UTH TAHOE PU~EIC UTILITY DISTRICT ASTEST: ~?thD~r~i~l~[~l~~~reta~ ADJOURNED SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 29, 1982 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in adjourned session, July 29, 1982, 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President James R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Kashuba and J. Wynn. ROLL CALL ABSENT: Director M. Madden Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager/Engineer R.G. Baer, G. Plasterer, S. Davis, B. Eppler, P. Mamath, M. Ambrose, J.Heusser, Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Fischer, W. Pillsbury and G. Mays - Pillsbury Inc. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ACTIONS/RECO~{ENDATIONS (1) RIGHTS OF WAY - SOUTH "Y" FIRE PROTECTION PROJECT. Attorney J.C.Weidman requested the Board consider authorizing settlement for Knox Johnson in the amount of $22,500 for 35 year license agreement for rights of way. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF $22,500 to KNOX JOHNSON RIGHTS-OF-WAY 1982-1 (2) AWARD OF CONTRACT, SOUTH "Y" FIRE PROTECTION PROJECT, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1982-1 - TO THO~S HAEN COMPANY, AND ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 339. ($273,890.00) - AWARDED CONTRACT TO THOMAS HAEN CO. SOUTH "Y" PROJECT A.D. NO. 1982-1 Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. (3) CONDEMNATION ACTIONS - ALPINE COUNTY Attorney Weidman requested deposit of $2,000.00 to Alpine County for eminent domain proceedings, Alpine County; hearing scheduled on 8/13/82. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. APPROVED $2,000 DEPOSIT TO ALPINE COUNTY FOR CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. (4) RECESSION OF BID, LIQUID ALUM (STAUFFER CHEMICAL) AUTHORIZE REBID FOR LIQUID ALUM. APPROVED RECESSIOn? OF BID AND AUTHORIZED FOR REBID Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director OF LIQUID ALUM. Olson, unanimously carried. (5) AUTHORIZATION FOR NOTICE OF EASE- MENT PROCEEDINGS, SOUTH "Y" FIRE PROTECTION PROJECT (KNOX JOHNSON). REQUEST ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2261, by title (J.C.Weidman will prepare this RESOLUTION), A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY TO AUTHORIZE FILING OF EMINENT DO~IN PROCEEDINGS AND SET HEARING ON 8/23/82, an ADJOURNED MEETING. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2261 (A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY AUTHORIZING FILING OF EMINENT DO~I~PROCEEDINGS, K.JOHNSON) APPROVED SPECIAL MEETING -2- JULY 29, 1982 (6) ENGINEERING ASSISTANCE AND FIELD INSPECTION CONTRACT TO W.F. PILLSBURY (RESOLUTION NO. 2260) Contract Amount = $27,088.00. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. APPROVED RES. NO. 2260 W.F.PILLSBURY ENGINEERING ASSISTANCE FIELD INSPECTION Director Kashuba commended the Staff amd Mr. Baer on the excellent tour given to Carla Bard today; she was very pleased with the plant and the tour. (Board will adjourn to an Executive Session following this meeting) ADJOURNTO EXECUTIVE SESSION. (7) MEETINGS SCHEDULED: Workshop Session, Fallen Leaf Lake 8/9/82, 3:00 P.M. 8/12/82, Adjourned Meeting, 5:00 P.M. 8/23/82, Adjourned Meeting, 5:00 P.M. (8) ADJOURNED THIS MEETING TO 8/12/82 5:00 P.M., District office. J--~-~S R. JONES,,~RESIDEN' ~TH TAHOE P~IC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: f~A~ D~/A[~B~]~C~SET CLE~-~ OF BOARD SOUTH ~AHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTOPS OF THE SOL~fH TAHOE PL~LIC UTILITY DISTRICT, 5:00 P.M. AUGUST 12, 1982 The Board of Directors met in an adjourned regular session on 8/12/82, 5:00 P.M. at the District Offices. ROLL CAI.I.: Present were President James R. Jones and Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Kashuba, M.M.Madd~m and John Wynn. Also present were ~nnager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager/District Engineer R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Barrie Fischer - Finance Officer, Pat Mamath, M. Ambrose, J. Huesser, T. Powers, G. Plasterer, S. Davis, B. Eppler, Barbara Hahn - Tribune Reporter and B. Baker- representative of First Church of Christ, Scientist. Also present were Attorney Ron Lamb, Attorney James M. Crawford, Jr., and Attorney Fred Schwartz and Judge B. James. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested one addition: #7 (b) Fallen Leaf Lake Construction Inspection. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wyrmmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, consent calendar, as follows, be approved: CONSENT~~RAPPROVED (1)Tentative Certification of Substantial Completion for Emergency Pump Station, RES. NO. 2262, W.R. Thomason, Inc.) (2) Check Valve Replacement #3 Final Pump. (3) Street Patches, Integrity Construction, $9,500. (4) NOTICE OF COMPLETIONS: (a) Hood Cons. 1981 Water Main Imprcve-~ ments, PES. NO. 2263. (b) South Tahoe Cons. 1981 Water Main Improvements, RES. NO. 2264. (5) ORD. NO. 340 Fixing Rates of Taxes 82/83 (6) ORD. NO. 341 Fixing Rates of Taxes U-1 82/83 (7) R~.L~. .... h{~.~.,~'~ Transferring Unpaid Charges. MINIZI~S: (7/15 and 7/29/82) Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, carrie, minutes be approved as sutm~tted. (Director Madden abstained) ~INUTES OF 7/15 & 29./82 ZLoPRO\~D REPORT BY BOARD MF~ERS: Director Kashuba reported that she and Manager Cofer attended the State Water Resources Con~7ol Board 8/5/82 Workshop on the Priority List and their staff reconmended that the Lake Tahoe project be moved to the 1983 Category because it is a unique area; she stated another meeting where the final decision will be made is scheduled for 8/24/~2. NOTE: Since this meeting, it was announced at the C A S A Conference that the Priority List ~eting has been changed to 9/2/82, 10:00 a.m., Sacramento SWRCB Office. REPORT ON WORKSHOP OF SWRCB HELD ON 8/5/82 SHOP STEWARD ' S REPORT: ~?one. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. A~.journed Regular Meeting -2- REPORT ON WOP~SHOPSESSIONS: ~.gnnager Cofer re~uorted the following ~Drkshop sessions held: 8/9/82 Fallen Leaf Lake re connection charges; will contact the District for another meeting; also discussed at this workshop was Alpine County and correspondence received re connection, assessment and service charges for 1982-1 Assessment District, and the agenda items for this meeting. ~NAGER' S REPORT: None ATI~'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Wei~nan reported that he will be inAlpine County tomorrow to check into a precondemnation order re Assessment District 1982-1 easements. COMMENTS FBOM AUDIENCE (SHORT NON AGL~DA ITEMS) Mr. Bob Baker from the First Church of Christ, Scientist, appeared before the Board to request relief of the Assessment Charges for 1982-1 South "Y" Water Impv. and stated that he Church group meets only once a month, and also requested that the Board consider only a portion of the parcel developed. It was stated by ~nnager Cofer that it is rather difficult to treat one developed parcel as an undeveloped parcel. However, he stated that he will have staff check into this and report back to the Board. No action taken at this meeting. PROGPJ~MANAGERS REPORTS: R. G. Baer stated that a Value Engineering work- shop was held today, and they recomeded that we will have a savings of approximately 1/2 million dollars in design engineering. To report further at a later date. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) Purchase of Small Computer Laboratory/Terry Powers. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. (2) AGREEMENT FOR MUTUAL F/~ERGENCY AID Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, Agreement for ~tual ~nergencyAid be approved, and that a letter be sent to North Tahoe PUD expressing appreciation for their assistance, and also that Lake Tahoe News be included in this Mutual Emergency AidAgreement. August 12, 1982 WORKSHOP SESSIONS HELD ATTORNEY' S REPORT_ PROGRAM ~ANAGERS REPORT ACTIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS Approved Purchase of Small Computer, Lab, $10,000. APPROVED MUTUAL ~RGENCY AID AGREEMENT (RES. NO. 2271) Adjourned ~eting -3- (1) SETILFJ~-%Yf OFFER, ST PUD VS CH2M HILL, ETAL, ~fR. FRED SCHWAJRTZ OF RUST AND ARMENiS STATED THAT: This case was previously set for September 20, 1982; we had a settlement conference scheduled for August 18, 1982, and depositions have been taken for several months from the various personnell, and as these depositions progressed, it appeared that the defendants were interested in making a settlement offer. Mr. Schwartz stated that it was agreed we would have an experienced Judge listen to both sides of the case and we did this by agreem~t rather than waiting for the settlement conference. Justice B. James was selected, and both sides presented the case to him, and. we discussed both the liability aspects smd ~be damages. Judge E. James stated, that he assesses the liability aspects of this case, as follows: Judge James stated that because this County is one of his special counties in this type of litigation, he gave more background about himself. He stated that in addition to having had an active trial practice, he has been a City Attorney, Public Defender, County Counsel, District Attorney, and 16 years as Superior Court Judge in Plumas County, during the course of which he sat in 41 counties throughout the State, on various cases, from Elenor to ~doc to San Diego to Imperial, under the assign- ment by the Chief Justice. During that period also he tried many cases in this county starting with Highway 50 extension, Placerville, to Judge Ball's front lawn, down through the case of E1 Dorado against SMUD, and out of all the Judges in this county, he %~s selected to try that case by Sacramento Municipal Utility District. He has held over 1,000 settlement conferences and the last few years he was an Principal Appelate Settlement Judge, approximately 700 to 800 cases. Hewas asked to conduct the settlement case ~ this regard, smd v~s quick to respond. He stated he has been retired from the Court of Appeal since 1979. He stated he was happy to be called in on this case; and fHne Attorney for both sides then filed with him the pre-hearing settlement conference state- ments, in which the facts were briefly stated and all statements were excellent. Judge James reviewed all staten~nts from both sides, and they then reconvened in Sacramento with approximately one dozen people, including insurance and bonding people, as well as parties named in the lawsuit. August 12, 1982 PiPELIN~ LITIGATION COM/~ENTS BY FRED SC~]'~TLRTZ OF RUST, ARMENIS & SChl~a2rfZ COMME~f_S BY JUDGE B. JAMES ADJOURNED MEETING -4- August 12, 1982 The first to be done, Judge James stated, was to evaluate the case - liability and money involved; he stated once this was evaluated, he used a range of $2.5 million minimum to $4.3 maximum. Once this range was reached, many sessions with both parties, and all others involved in this litigation were held, arguing, discussions, negotiating, etc. Judge James stated that the conference lasted 4 days and it then became apparent to him that this was a clear case of liability, and he did express that opinion to all parties involved. In his opinion, he would believe the Jury, if this did go to Jury Trial, they would have found the defenden~sliable. Judge James recon~nended whole heartedly that the District accept the settlement in the amount of $4.3 million dollars. Attorney Fred Schwartz was in agreement with the Judge's decision and recon~nendation to the District. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that the $4.3 million dollars is a fair offer, and that the President be authorized to execute and sign the appropriate documents, ORDINANCE NO. 343. The monies will be delivered to the District on September 14, 1982. Attorney John C. Weidman stated that we did not learn what was wrong withthe pipeline until we hired Rust, Armenis and Schwartz. They did an excellent job; should anything go v~ong with this lawsuit settlement, we are prepared to prove some additional damages above the $4.3 million dollars. Attorney Fred Schwartz stated that this settlement was through a team effort of Attorney Ron Lamb, Attorney Jim Crawford, John Weidman and ~mnager Cofer. RESOLUTION NO. 2266, Co~nending Attorney Ron Lamb, Fred Schwartz and Jim Crawford. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2266 be approved. Directors thanked Judge James for coming to this meeting to explain the settlement to us. ORD. NO. 343 BJ?PBOVED AND ADOPTED ACCEPTING $4.3 MILLION DOLLARS FOR PIPELINE LITIC~ATION SETTLF/~ENT RESOLUTION NO. 2266 SC~JARTZ AND CRA~A~ORD Adjourned ~eeting -5- August 12, 1982 PLAA~f CONVERSION AND HARVEY RESERVOIR PROJECT: (a) Amendment to Joint Kleinfelder/ Geo. Resources PBQ & D Agreement ($106,557); and (b) Prepare Operation and ~intenance ~nnual with C W C ($41,446.00). Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (c) Requ~est Proposals for Construction ~nag~ment Services from James Montgomery Engineers, Inc., Harris & Associates and John Carillo Engineers. Director Maddenmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. AMENDMENT IN A~UNT OF S 06 15 APP, ~e~e~derT~&D APPROVED PREPARATION OF M &O ~NUAL $41,446.00 CWC REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS APPROVED (d) SAFETY OF DAMS PERMIT APPLICATION (Amount of $22,480) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. APPLICATION TO SAFETY OF DAMS APPROVED ($22,480) Se PURCHASE OF SNOW CAT (Approximately $40,000) G. Plasterer requested authorization to go to bid for a purchase of snow cat. Director ~dden moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. AUTHORIZED OBTAINING BIDS FOR SNOW CAT ORDLNA~E NO. 342, District contributions for South "Y" Water System Improvements, 1982-1.. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director ~dden, unanimously carried. APPROVED ORDINANCE NO. 342 (District contributions for South "-Y" Water Sys. Impv.) Amendment to Change Order C-20, Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project in amount of $128,957. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (b) Construction Inspection, Lloyd Bracewall in amount of $9,300, absolute maximum. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. APPROVED CHANGE ORDER C-20, $128,957 APPROVED $9,300 ABSOLUTE ~iAX/_MUMFOR FAII.~Tq. LEAF LAKE INSPECTION, LLOYD BRAC~I~LL PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Barrie Fischer, Finance Officer, gave the breakdown of the payment of claims; following it wasmovedby Director Wynn, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims be paid. APPROVED PAYMENT OF CLAIm,S NOTICE OF M~ETINGS ADJ. Meeting 8/23/82, 5:00 P.M. ADJ. ~eting 8/26/82, 5:00 P.M. Workshop 8/30/82, 4:00 P.M. Board Y~eting 9/2/82 , 5:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: 7:00 P.M. NOTICE OF MEETINGS ~pdth Tahoe .9%hb'lic Utility District Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District August 26, 1982 5:00 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in ~n adjourned session 8/26/82, 5:00 P.M. for Board Meeting and Hearing re South "Y" Fire ImProve- ment Project 1982-1 (Knox Johnson Easement). ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Kashuba, M. Madden and J. I~rnn ROLL CAT,T, Also present were Manager/Engineer J. R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, Attorney J. C. Weidman, P. Mamath, M. Ambrose, G. Plasterer, S. Davis, P. Carrior and Barbara Hahn - Tahoe Tribune Reporter, and B. Eppler, Gene Eppler. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: ~enager J.R. Corer requested this n~eeting be adjourned to 8/30/82 at 4: 00 P.M. regarding hearing on South "Y" Assessment District 1982-1, re Knox Johnson Easement. AGE%$DA APPROVED AS A!~IqDED CONSENT CAT,ENDAR: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, consent calendar be approved, as follows: CONo~qT CALE~x~AR APPROVED 1. HEADSTART PROGRAM: (a) ~nergency Return Station and Hoidi~g Pond ~bdif'ications, Notive of Substantial Ccmpletion, RES. NO. 2270. APPROX~D FILING NOTICE OF SUBSTPi'~IAL COMPLETION, t{EAD- STAPP2 PROGPJalq, RES. NO. 2270 (2) SOUTH "Y" FIRE PROTECTION D_ozRIC~. (a) APPRO\~ RESOLUTION NO. 2268 and AUTHORIZE CHECKING ACCOUNT FOR A.D. 1982-1. AbwiltORIZE CN..~CKZqG ACCOUNT AND ~PPP. OVE RES. NO. ~=u~ (3) TELEb~RY EQUIP~IYf FOR SE~GE PUMP STATIONS APPROVE TELDXq~NF~RY EQUIPMENT PURCbLASE FOR SA~^RGE PUb~_ STATIONS MINUTES OF 8/12/82 - Postponed to 9/2/82 ~7N_~L~S OF 8/12/82 Postponed REPORT_ BY BOARD MF~BE.~S (1) President Obnes gave a report on the recent ser.~nar he attended at Dallas, Texas, regarding recovery systems. He recu_ested Manager Cofer set up a workshop meeting with the County, City and Refuse Company to discuss this subject. PPY~SID~? JOB~iS REPORTED ON RECOVE, RY evc~w~ (2) Director Kashuba reported on the CP£A CONFERENCE held at S~n Diego, August 17-2]_, 1982, which covered, topics such as debt advisory, self insured and health care services, financing %<astewater services, legislation topics by Dr. John Hernandez of EPA and Clint Whitney from the State of California. Also a safety award was given to this District for second place where there are 35 plus employees employed. DIPECTOR 7LASPK~A REPORTED ON THE C~A CONFERENCE, SAN DIEGO. Director Kashuba thanked the Board Members, and Staff, for their support throughout the year given to her. Director Jones commended Director Kashuba for the hard work and many hours she has put in as CASA President. Regular Adjourned Meeting -2- August 26, 1982 SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None COMmiTTEE REPORTS: None REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS ~k~nager Cofer reported the following workshop sessions held, etc.: (1) CASA Conference - 8/17-21/82 (2) Workshop Agenda Items, 8/23/82, at which Headstart Construction; County Water Agency ~eting; Grant Administrator's trip to Orange County re Grants and Sewer Transfers for Benders Marina were discussed. MANAGER'S REPORT: None. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that this morning the court granted us an order of entry for precondemnation activites in Alpine County. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE Mr. Peter A. Tomaino, Attorney for Benders Marina, referred to his letter of August 13, 1982, requesting a transfer of sewer units from Bender's Marina to another parcel for Mr. and Mrs. Milham. Ail interested purchasers of Bender's Marina see no problem nor have they any objection to allowing this transfer to take place, as far as their interest is concerned, except Mr. and Mrs. ~nx and Elsie Edwards, holders of the first trust deed. ~. Tommino and Mrs. Milham stated that all fees, at all times, have been paid by Mr. and Mrs. Milhamonly. Following further discussion, Director ~ynn requested our Manager set up a meeting with The CTRPA and the County to get something final on this request, so we can make a decision one way or another. Manager Cofer will set up a meeting and advise all parties involved of date. HEARING: 5:30 P.M. - President Jones opened the hearing at 5:30 P.M. and Attorney Weidman advised the Beard to authorize the President to sign the water license agreement and approve the grant of easement and pay $22,500 to Knox Johnson, $500.00 to Attorney L. Berkson, and that the fire hydrant will be installed within one year at Sunset and Cascade Road, and requested this hearing be continued to September 2, 1982, 5:00 PM, and to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 2269, A Resolution of Necessity Precondemnation 1982-1. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. WORKSHOP SESSIONS HELD ATTORNEY'S REPORT BENDERS MARINA DISCUSSION NO ACTION TAKEN, ~TING WILL BE SET WITH COUNTY AND CTRPA AND DISTRICT REGARDING BENDER'S MARINA REQUEST TO TPJ~NSFER S~ER UNITS TO ANOTHER PARCEL OF HEAPING: pp~CONDFk~IATION 1982-1 (Knox Johnson) APPROVED RES. NO. 2269 KEARING CONTINUED TO 9/2/82 5:00 P.M. Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- August 26, 1982 SAFETY A~ARD: President Jones pres,%ted the Safety Award from CASA to Shop Steward Paul Carrion and John Maxhimer and co,fLooded th~a and all employees, as well as the Safety Officer and Coa~nittee for their good work. Director Kashuba conmended all employees and mentioned that this award was given to her by Dr. John Hernandez, EPA, to present and this is for 2 nd place for District with 35 plus employees. ITEMS FORBOARDACTION Si~Z?Y AW~L~D PRESET{rATiON ACfIONSAND/ORRECOM~EY~ATIONS (1) HEaDSTaRT PPOGK~M: (a) ~mendment No. 1 for Inspection Services wi~h CWC Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. APP~qOVED CHANGE ORDER iN THE D~UNTOP $39,275 (~7C) (2) HEAVENLY VA~.~.EY TANKS PAINTING (a) O & S Low Bidder in the amount of $20,740.00 and also to approve a Change Order in the amount of $1,000.00 for additional type of paint, contractor in agreement, that was not included in the original specifications. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director ~fnn, unanimously carried. D~PKOV]EDAWAI©ING CO~lTiACT FOR ~AINTINGTOO & S and CHANGE ORDER P~. 1 in the amount of $i,000.00. (3) SOUTH "Y" FIPg PROTECTION PROJECT: (a) Resolution NO. 2267, Determin- ing Unpaid Assessments. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. APPROVED RES. NO. 2267 (b) ORDINANCE NO. 344, Awarding Negotiated Sale of Bonds (Miller and Schroeder) A.D. 1982-1. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. APPROVED OP~. NO. 344 (4) AIR TEST/GROUTWORK, REQUESTED AUTHORIZED B~ OF $15,000. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, $15,000 be authorized for Air Test/Grout Work from ABC Services. AL~fHORIZED $15,000 FORA IR TEST AND GROUT Y~RK PAY~r OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $473,803.07 be approved for payment. PAY~NT OF CTAI~APPROVED IN AMOUNT OF $473,803.07 MEETINGS: (1) Workshop/Agenda (2) Board ~'~eting ~7~CB Priority List Decision (3) Mitigation Conference Call ~eting, Sacramento 8/30/82, 4:00 P.M. 9/2/82, 5:00 P.M. " 1:30 P.M. 9/3/82 10:00 a.m. ADJOURA~%rf: to 8/30/82, 4:00 P.M. (Hearing, ~82-1) (Precondemnation-K.Johnson). AYTEST: ~OUTH TAHOE P[~LIC UTILITY DISTRICT M3~Y D. ,~RO~E, CLERK OF~OA~D- SOUTH TkHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FJDJOUP$~D REGULAR F~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TY~IOE PL~LIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 30, 1982 - - 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors met in an adjourned session 8/30/82, 4:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R.Jones, Directors W.N. Olson, Mo M. F~dden and J.Wynn. ABSENT: Director L.L. Kashuba. ROLL CALL Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant ~.~%nager/Engineer R.G. Baer, G. Plasterer, P. Mamath, M. Ambrose, B. Eppler, Attorney J.C.Weidman, S. Davis, B. Fischer and Bo Hahn - Tribune Reporter. ITF~ FOR BOARD ACTION: (1) Change Order No. 17, College Well in the amount of $18,701.00. R. G. Baer requested approval of same. COIJ~GE y~ll. C.O. %17 APPROVED, $18,701.00 Director Olsonmved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. Also, Director Wynn stated that regarding a meeting on recovery and reuse, he reconmended that we have a full Board ~Drkshop. And it was suggeste~J_ that September 13, 1982, 3:00 P.M. the work- shop be held along with the insurance review that will take place with our agent - Howard Ingwerson. }~RING: Rescheduled to 9/2/82, 5:00 P.M. ADJOURNED at 4: 30 P.M. ATTEST: Ff~Y- D~ROSE CI~ERK OF BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 2, 1 9 8 2 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session September 2, 1982, 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors W.N. Olson, M.M. Madden, J. Wynn. Also present were Assistant Engineer/ Manager R.G. Baer, P. Mamath, B. Eppler, Barrie Fischer, J.C. Weidman, Sam Davis, M. Ambrose, Barbara Hahn- Tahoe Tribune, representatives from John Carillo Engineers. ABSENT: Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer and Director Lorrene Kashuba Lowe. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITONS TO AGENDA: None. ROLL CALL AGENDA APPROVED CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, consent calendar as follows be approved: (1) Sewer Unit Adjustments: (a) Parcel 32 313 201 Increase 3 SU and Back- Charge 2 Years (b) Parcel 22 141 141 - Decrease 1 SU (c) Parcel 25 402 101 - Decrease 1 SU MINUTES: 8/12/82 . . Director ©lson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, minutes be approved as submitted. MINUTES OF 8/12/82 APPROVED REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS Director Olson stated that he spoke with Roy Hampson of Lahontan, who wished to convey to this Board and this District commendation for the settlement of the lawsuit and that he mentioned without a question we would be given our Priority 1983; and that if there is one agency that he enjoyed working with, it is ours. DIRECTOR OLSON BOARD REPORT SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None WORKSHOP SESSIONS HELD: 1. 8/30/82 Public Hearing/Agenda Items 2. 9/2/ 82 SWRCB Priority List Meeting Sacramento WORKSHOP/MEETINGS HELD MANAGER'S REPORT: None 9/2/82 -2- Regular Meeting ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that we now have the key to enter HEISE LAND. Also, he, Ken Rollston and Manager Cofer met with parties of Fallen Leaf Lake, and we have agreed to the $580 connection charges. Mr. Rollston will draft an amendment to the MOU and we will receive shortly. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: None ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ATTORNEY'S REPORT ACTIONS ~TAKEN~ (1) Hearing opened at 5:00 P.M. re Assessment District 1982-1, Knox Johnson) No parties present for discussions, hearing was closed, and Attorney Weidman requested adoption of RESOLUTION NO. 2272, Authorizing Filing of Eminent Domain (KNOX JOHNSON) Attorney Weidman to draft the Resolution. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2272 be approved. APPROVED ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2272, FILING OF EMINENT DO~IN (1982-1) KNOX JOHNSON. (2) (a) COLLEGE WELL PROJECT Reduce Contractor Retention from 10% to 5% (F & M Engineer- ing Company) R. G. Baer stated that the contractor has performed much better than average in progress- ing to completion of the college well, and he anticipates the contractor will complete substantially in September. He recommended approval of reducing the retention fromlQ to 5%. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. F & M Engineering Co. College Well Contractor Retention Reduced to 5% PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $172,337.09 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 1. 9/10/82 Operations Committee Meeting, 1:30 P.M. (a) Interview Consultants for Construction Manage- ment Services Plant Conversion and Harvey Reservoir Project 2. 9/13/82 Insurance Review, Mr. Howard Ingwerson, 3 p.m. Resource and Recovery Meeting (Board) 3:30 P.M. Workshop/Agenda Items, 4 pm 3. 9/16/82 Board Meeting, 5 pm ADJOURNMENT: 5:20 P.M. [IX~S t[~--~-I~Es, ~R~S~DEN ~fUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 1~, 1982 5:00 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 9/16/82, 5:00 P.M. BOLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L.L. Kashuba Lowe, M.M. Madden and J. Wynn. Also present were Manager J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, p. Mamath, M. Ambrose, S. Davis, B. Fischer, H. Williams. ABSENT: R.G. Baer, Assistant Engineer/Manager. CONSENT CAI.ENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, mnanLmously carried, the Consent Cal~dar, as follows, be approved: (1) 32 313 201 Increase 3 Sewer Units (SU) and back charge 2 years for 3 SU. (2) 25 402 101 Decrease 1 SU - No refund. (3) 22 141 141 Decrease 1 Su - No refund. (4) 31 258 071 Increase 1 SU and back charge 2 years for 1 SU. CONSE%I~-P CA/_A-~)AR APPF{)VED MINUTES OF 8/26/82AND 8/30/82: birector Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, minutes of 8/26/82 be approved. MINUTES OF 8/26 and 8/30/82 APPROVED Director Olsonmov~, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, minutes of 8/30/82 be approved. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: President Jones stated that he, Manager Cofer, Barrie Fischer and Attorney J.C.Weidman, picked up the check for $4.3 million dollars, which was immediately deposited at the Bank of America, Sacramento. Also resolutions were presented to Attorney F. Schwartz, Attorney R. Lamb and Attorney J. Crawford con~nending them for their ~ork, and Channel 13 was there as well to film the resolutions given to these gentlemen. Director Olson stated that the Finance Cc~mittee did meet and items for act/on on agenda this meeting. Director Lowe mentioned that we have been given Category "A" Priority for 1982 fund- ing for the Facility Plan. BOARD ME~ERREPORT (Jones) COMM2TYEE REPORT (OLSON) COMIVLIYTEE M~ER REPORT (LOI^~) REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS: Manager Cofer stated that a workshop session was held on 9/13/82 . Mr. Howard Ingwerson explained the insurance programs for Board and Management personnel; also discussed was co-generation and energy recovery program; report given on Bgpine County negotiations; settlement agreennemt on e..xport pipeline was discussed, and agenda items for this neeting. On 9/3/82 the Mitigation Conference Call was held at Sacramento. WOPJ<SHOP SESSIONS & MEETINGS HELD MANAGER'S REPORT: None Regular Meeting -2- September 16, 1982 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman reported that he has been to and from Alpine County regarding negotiations; has been working on negotiations with Carrows and Motel 6 easement and hoping to clear all by next Tuesday. OOMMENTS FBOM AUDIENCE: None PROGRAM MANAGERS REPOR~fS: Barrie Fischer stated that the $4.3 million will be invested iamediately in the Local Agency Investment Fund with State of California. He stated that this fund is currently paying 12.04 percent, 2% higher than any of the banks now paying. He also mentioned that he will be looking for other types of investments which may pay higher rate and be just as secure. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTI~: ASTORNEY'S REPORT INVESI~4ENTOF $4.3 Million (B. Fischer) ACTIONS TAKEN 1. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT FACILITY PLAN Manager J.R. Cofer stated that several proposals were received and all reviewed. It was the decision of staff that John Carolla Company be considered for the Construction Management, Facility Plan. Mr. Cofer recon~nended Board approval. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Manager Cofer's reconmendation be approved. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 2272, DETERMINING ~ UNPAID ASSESS~S SOUTH "Y" ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1982-1 ) RESOLUTION NO. 2273, A RESOLUTION WITH RESPECT TO CONTRIBUTIONS, A.D. 1982-1, SOUTH "Y" WATER IMPROVEMENTS RESOLUTION NO. 2274, A RESOLUTION DETERMINING UNPAIDASSESSMENTSAND PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 2267. ORDINANCE NO. 346: An ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 342 ENTITI.ED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT WITH RESPECT TO CONTRIBUTIONS AND REIMBURSEMENTS FOR ASSESSMENTS LEVIED IN A.D.NO. 1982-1, SOUTH "Y" WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, RESOLUTIONS NOS. 2272, 2273 and 2274, and ORDINANCE NO. 346, be approved. SPILL AT STORAGE POND : Bill Ettlich stated there was a spill at the return storage and explained that manymnifica- tions had taken place in and out of the holding pond and one of the adaptors on one of the pipes slipped and caused the leak. All is back in order now. 3. ASSET APPRAISAL FOR INSURANCE 'PURPOSES: This insurance appraisal w~uld be for replace- ment cost purposes. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, asset appraisa,1, not to exceed $5,000 be approved (General Adjustment Bureau). APPROVED PROPOSAL FROM JOHN CAROLLA COMPANY FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, FACILITY PLAN RESOLUTION NO. 2272, SOUTH "Y" 1982-1 APPROVED (Amending RES. NO. 2267) RESOLUTION NO. 2273 APPROVED (SOUTH "Y", 1982-1) RESOLUTION NO. 2274 APPROVED (SOUTH "Y", 1982-1) ORDINANCE NO. 346 APPROVED (SOUTH "Y", 1982-1) REPORT ON SPILL AT STORAGE POND (Bill Ettlich) APPROVED ASSET APPRAISAL NOT TO EXCEED $5,000.00 REGULAR MEETING -3- September 16, 1982 4. SURPLUS LIST FOR EQUIPMENT Manager Cofer recon~ended that the surplus list for equipment be approved. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $414,775.22 be approved for payment. SCHEDUT.EDMEETINGS: 1. 9/27/82, 3:00 P.M., Workshop re Review Architectural Drawings Facility Plan Project 2. Workshop/Agenda Items, 10/4/82 at 4:00 P.M. 3. Board Meetings, 10/7/82, 5:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: 5:27 P.M. AT~EST: SURPLUS LIST APPROVED CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT ~o~TR~oJ~n~l 'Plcre~iity District Mary D. Ambrose, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, 9/27/82, 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a SPECIAL MEETING on 9/27/82 at 4:00 P.M. to discuss Modifications to Contract for Additional Soils Investigation in Alpine County, and to review and MDdify Contract for Harvey Dam Site - Design Review. ROLL CATt.: Present were Directors Madden, Olson, and Wynn. Also General Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, R.G. Baer-Assistant Manager/Engineer, S. Davis, P. Mamath, M. Ambrose, Dan Hinricks - CWC; Ron Perisho from Kleinfelder and Associates. ABSENT: President J.R. Jones and Director L.K.Lowe and B. Fischer. (1) Manager Cofer stated that we asked for a Special Meeting today because we dorm~ Board action on Alpine County Study; and also inform- ed theBoard we had another break, #41, on the pipeline. Mr. Ron Perisho (KLEINFELDER & ASSOCIATES) was introduced and gave a presentation describing the presently proposed project andre reasons for requesting additional funds for exploration of the spillway (Harvey Place Reservoir, Alpine County, CA.) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, $35,000.00 for Additional Soils Investigations - Modifications to present Contract be approved. Maz~yD.~Ambrose ********* MODIFICATIONS TO CONTRACT WITH KLEINFE. T,DER & ASSOCIATES APPROVED IN AMOUNT OF $35,000.00 ~K~R_Y~M.: MADD~ mm pRESIDENT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 10/7 /82 5:00 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 10/7/82 at 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R Jones, ROLL CALL Directors L.L. Lowe, M. Madden and J. Wynn~ ABSENT: Director W. N. Olson. Also present were Manager/Engineer James R. Cofer, Assistant Manager/Engineer R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Barrie Fischer, M. Ambrose, Pat Mamath, Gary Plasterer.. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested Item #6 (Powderhorn) be deleted from agenda; that Items 4 a, b, c, d - Consent Calendar, be moved to Board Action Items -#8. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED CONSENT CAT.K~DAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, consent calendar, as follows, be approved: CONSENT CAT, ~-~D~R APPROVED (1) Purchase of Telementry Spare Parts ($7,330.00 of which $394.50 is over budget) (2) Change Order No. 18 (W.R.Thomason, Inc.) Phase I, Wastewater Reclamation Plant Headstart Program Improv~ts for $12,290.00. (3) Headstart Step II Services, First Amendment to Agreement ($5,109.00) (CULP WESNER CULP) (4) a, b, c and d moved to action items on agenda. (5) College Well, Change Order #2- $4,078.27 Increase, F & M Engineer- ing Inc. (6) SOUTH "Y" FIRE PROTECTION PROJECT (a) Construction Agreement - Motel 6 (b) Construction Agreement - Carrows MINUTES: 9/2/82 - Director Madden ~oved, seconded by Director Wkrm, carried, minutes be approved.. (Director L owe abstained) 9/16/82 - Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, minutes of 9/16/82 be approved. 9/27/82 - Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried, minutes be approved, with Directors Jones and Lowe abstaining. 9/2/82 minutes approve.. 9/16/82 minutes approved. 9/27/82 minutes approved. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS. None COMMITTEE REPORTS: None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None Minutes of 10/7/82 -2- Regular Meeting REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS: (1) 10/4/82 Workshop and Agenda Items (2) 10/7/32 Water Purveyors MANAGER'S REPORT: All items on agenda. AT/ORNEY' S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman reported that he attended the Mitigation Task Force Meeting regarding the E I R; filed documents regarding Alpine County; met with representatives of Heise Land and Live- stock and another meeting is scheduled for 10/11/82 with Heise Land and Livestock representatives. The Alpine County Supervisors did express a desire to complete all negotiations this year. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION WORKSHOP & MEETINGS ATI~RNEY' S REPORT ACTIONS. 1. Bids received for purchase of small computer for laboratory. Terry Powers, District Chemist, stated that 5 bids were received, and recon~nended the bid from COMPUTE~, RENO, NEVADA, their bid price of $7,118.33 be accepted. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried. 2. Bids received for purchase of all- terrain vehicle. Gary Plasterer stated that he would like authorization to purchase the all-terrain vehicle from Mountain Services, Inc., Sacramento, CA. their bid price of $46,871.84. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried. m REPAIR OF BRUCE STREET WATERLINE EASEMENT. Manager of Maintenance Sam Davis requested authorization to award contract for work in the amount of $4,300 to Olson Cons. Co. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Lowe, carried. PREPARATION OF SUPPI.EMENTAL EIRALPINE COUNTY LANDAPPLICATION PROGRAM_... Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, Jones and Stokes Proposal inA mount of $18,144.52 be approved for Supplemental EIR -Alpine County Land Application Program. LIQUID ALUM, APPROVE BID FROM ALLIEDCHEMICAL. Attorney John C. Weidman stated that our bid conditions do state that we do not accept telegraphic or telephonic bids and stated that though Stauffer Chemical was the low bid, they did not comply with bid conditions and was not responsive, and that the low responsive and responsible bidder was ATI,IEDCHF3~CALAND RECO~DED~ARD OF CONTRACT TO ALLIED CHEMICAL CO. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Lowe, carried, recon~nendation from Attorney John C. Weidmanbe accepted, and a¢~rd contract to Allied Chemical Co. for purchase of LIQUID ALUM ($113.) AUTHORIZ~DPURCHASE OF SMALL COMPUTER FROM COMPUTERLAND, RENO, NEVADA, $7,118.33 AUTHORIZED PURCHASE OF TERRAIN VEHICLE FROM ~UNTAIN SERVICES, INC., SACRAMENTO, CA. BID PRICE OF $46,871.84 AUTHORIZED FOR WORK TO REPAIR BRUCE STREET EASEMENT IN AMOUNTOF $4300 tO OLSON CONS. CO. AUTHORIZED WORK FOR SUPPLEMENTAL EIR, JONES & STOKES, THEIR BID OF $18,144.52. (ALPINE COUNTY LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM) AWARDED CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF LIQUID ALUM TO ALLIED CHEMICAL CO. Minutes of 10/7/82 -3- Regular Meeting WATER SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION AGR~MENT LUKINS BROTHERSWATERCOMPANYAND SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, carried, agreement be approved as submitted. 7. ITEMS TRANSFERRED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: Mr. Russell L. Culp gave a progress report on the Headstart Improvements, stating that the portion left to complete is approximately 30 % - he also mentioned to the contractor that following this payment, before any further payments are authorized -much more work is to be cc~pleted. He stated that the retainage has been reduced to a lower level, and paying for work that is now complete, and requested notice of completions be filed for those portions that are completed, as listed below. Also, Manager Cofer stated that he ~Duld recon~nend approval of payment in the amount of $150,882.00 to W. R. Thomason, Inc., and that the amount of $166,489.49 originally issued by check bevoid, and that the following NOTICE OF COMPLETIONS BE APPROVED AND FILED: (a) Second Floor/Maintenance Building and High Bays 104 ~]d 115 First Floor, RES. NO. 2275; (b) Chlorine Bldg., Residual Analyzer ~oom, ~nergency Generator Bldg. and Azlm. Bldg. Modifications, RES. NO. 2276; (c) Luther Pass, Final Effluent, Trout Creek and Sludge Recirculation Pumping Station and Sludge Holding, Te~tiary and Incinerator Bldg. Modifications, RES. NO. 2277; (d) Headworks and Grit Building Modifications and Site Work, includ- ing 16" Plant Bypass and Electrical Underground Feeders and Cables, RES. NO. 2278. Director Lowe moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried, that NOTICES OF COMPLETIONS be filed, along with RES. NOS. 2275, 76, 77 and 78, and that a check for $150,822.00 be approved, and void check number 2117 in the amount of $166,489.49. PAYMENT OF CLA/34S: Director Wyrknmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, carried, claims in the amount of $752,042.71 be approved. AUTHORIZED AGREEMENT WITH LUKINS AND ST PUD (WATER SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION) NOTICES OF COMPLETIONS AND RESOLUTION NOS. 2275, 2276, 2277, 2278 APPROVED for HEADSTART IMPROVEMEntS, PHASE I, and that a check in the amount of $150,882.00 be issued, and void check number 2117 in the amount of $166,489.49. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PA~ ~.~nutes of 10/7/82 -4- Regular Meeting NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) 10/9/82 Joint ~etzng with City of South Lake Tahoe, E1 Dorado County and District 10/9/82 ~eting with Alpine County 10/12/82 Carolla Engineers re Construction Management Contract 10/18/82 Workshop/Agenda Items 4 ~n 10/21/82 Board Meeting, 5 pm 10/29/82 Mitigation Task Force ADJOURNMENT: 5:50 P.M. AI~fEST: OF BOOm- SOUTH 7~HOE PUBLIC ~I~ DIST~ REGULAR MEETING---i.~'~OCTOBER~21, 1982, 5 pm The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 10/21/82, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CATI.: Present were President J.R. Jones and Directors M. Madden and L. Lowe. Also present were Manager/Engineer j.p. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Assistant Manager/Engineer R.G.Baer, B. Fischer, M. Ambrose, G. Plasterer, John Maxhimer, Barbara Hahn and Bob Eppler. ABSENT: Directors W. N. Olson and J. Wynn. Pat Mamath, Sam Davis. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA. Deleted item regarding purchase of Staff Car. Agenda approved as amended. AGENDA APPROVED CONSENT CAL~NDAR. None MINUTES: Minutes of 10/7/82 - Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Lowe, carried, that minutes of 10/7/82 be approved as corrected. M17~UTES OF 10/7/82 APPROVED REPORT BY BOARD MF~ERS: President Jones reported onthemeeting held with the City and County regarding co-generation. Mr. Jones stated that we do need to find others sources of electricity/power. The County did request their staff to report back with a recon~nendation regarding this subject and how they would be involved in same. At that meeting, President Jones did state that this District, at this time, did have other high priorities going right now. He also stated that there was not a representative from the Refuse Company in attendance. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (President Jones re Co- Generation Joint Meeting Held) REGULAR MEETING -2- October 21, 1982 Attorney Weidman stated that he felt it would be a good public relations move if the District could participate in the Joint Powers Arrangement, if the cost and staff time is not too great. The residents of Alpine County would like to see the refuse trucks not make those regular trips. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that the District has received a check in the amount of $45,938.71 from California Association of Sanitation Agencies, and this amount represents 77.9% of a good safety record for this District - the Workers' Compensation Insurance Dividend for 1980-81 FY. Manager Cofer, John C. Weidman will meet with the State Board tomorrow at Sacramento to discuss the State Loan Contract; there are some problems with the State Board regarding this matter and hopefully same can be cleared up at the meeting scheduled tomorrow, Manager Cofer stated. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney stated that he has been busy with the Alpine County negotiations. Also that he will not be in attendance at the next study session and regular board meeting as he is taking a couple of weeks vacation. CO~NTS FROM AUDIENCE: None REPORT BY PROGRAMMANAGERS: Staff report given to all BoardMembers ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION MANAGER'S REPORT ATI~RNEY'S REPORT ACTIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS (1) AMENDMENT NO. 5, QUAD CONSULTANTS Mitigation Coordination from January 1983 through June 1983 = $20,000, re STEP 3 GRANT. Director Lowe moved, seconded by Director Madden, carried. (2) CONTRACT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT FACILITY PLAN /MPROVEMENTS, TASK ORDER NO. 1, Management Plan. ($226,109) which will cover: meetings, monthly reports, project delivery analysis, construction manual, safety program, lJ_aison and assistance, software and computer and Fox and Associates for construction management; design consultation and contract bidding and award, and the revenue program. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Lowe, carried. (3) PLANT CONVERSION AND AGRICULTURAL REUSE PROJECT, DESIGN CONTRACT AMENDMENT #2, ADDITIONAL SURVEYING $9,590.08. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Lowe, carried. (4) AMENDMENTS TO FACILITY PLAN GRANTS (a) Facility Planning, Step I ($119,566) (b) Facility Planning, Step II ($396,333) APPROVE )$20,000) QUAD CONS. AMENDMENT NO. 5 APPROVE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY STATE OF GRANT FUNDING APPROVED CONTRACT AMENDMENT #2 (~qC) (J & T) $9590.08 AUTHORIZED SUBMI~AL TO STATE FOR APPROVAL Regular Meeting -3- 10/21/82 (c) Headstart, Step 2 ($6,262) Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Lowe, carried. (5) NOTICE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AS OF 10/8/82, FOR ENTIRE PBOJECT HEADSTART STEP #3, W. R. Thomason Contract. APPROVED FILING OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION, AND ADOPTED RES. NO. 2279 - APPROVED FIL17~G WITH RECORDER-EL DORADO COUNTY. Director Lowe moved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2279 be approved, and NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR W.R. THOMASON, INC. be filed with the County of E1 Dorado. (6) SOUTH "Y" ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (a) Change Order No. 1 = $6,566.19 (b) Change Order No. 2 = $10,302.84. Direct0rMaddenmoved, Seconded by Director Lowe,~darried, change order number one and number 2 be approved. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 AND NO. 2 APPROVED PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Lowemoved, seconded by Director Madden, carried, claims in the amount of $618,887.67 be approved for payment. RESOLUTION NO. 2280: Approved NOTICE OF MEEtINGS (1) 10/19/82 (2) 10/29/82 (3) 11/1/82 (4) 11/4/82 (5) 11/4/82 (6) CLAI~,~S APPROVED FOR PAYmenT RESOLUTION N0.2280 Approved Unanimously, Contract w/E D Alpine County Board of Supervisors Mitigation Task Force Workshop/Agenda Items State Board Workshop Regular Board Meeting 11/19 through 20/82 CASA Conference, Carmel, Ca. ADJOURNMENT: 5:45 P.~ C WA ATTEST: ~-'~R% D. ~ROSE, CL~RK ~OF B~ARD South T~hoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT November 4, 1 9 8 2 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 11/4/82, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ~onn CAT~,: Present were President J.R. Jones, Directors W. N. Olson, L.Kashuba Lowe, M. Madden andJ. Wynn. Also present were Manager J.R. Cofer, R.G.Baer - Assistant Manager/Engineer, Attorney J.C.Weid- man, B. Fischer, M. Ambrose, Gary Plasterer, N. Trebotich, Barbara - Tahoe Tribune and Mr. B. Baker - First Church of Christ-Scientist. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA. None CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, consent calendar, as follows, be approved: (1)Decrease in Sewer Units (22 431 091), from 5 SU to 4 SU; (2)AmendmentNo. 1 - James M. Montgomery Engineers, Value Engineering Services (Approved Amendment #1) MINUTES: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, minutes of 10/21/82 be approved as submitted. CONSENT CALENDARAPPROVED MINUTES OF 10/21/82 APPROVED REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None COMMITI~E REPORTS: None SHOP ST~[ARD'S REPORT: None MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that he and Director Lowe attended the workshop, State Water Resources Control Board, re the amendment to pipeloan loan contract; if the State Board approves this amendment, then it will go through their Finance Department for consideration. MANAGER'S REPORT ATIORNEY'S REPORT: None C~DMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: None ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ACTIONS and/or RECOMMENDATIONS (1) Request by First Church of Christ Scientist, Reduction of Assessment Charge. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, deny request. (2) Meeting of 11/18/82 - Postpone to 12/2/82. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. (3) Suk~it 10/82 STATUS REPORT to EPA Director Lowe moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. MEETING OF 11/18/82 POSTPONED to 12/2/82. APPRO%ED SUB~I~fAL OF STATUS REPORT TO EPA Regular Meeting -2- November 4, 1982 (4) Purchase of Pump and Spare Parts for #3 Water System. ($5,401.00). Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (5) Change Orders NOS. 19 & 20... W.R. THOMASON, INC. (#19 Increase $8,758; and #20 Decrease of $5,824) Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (6) Review Management Insurance Program. This item was discussed, however, no action will be considered until the 12/2/82 meeting. (7) Increase in Authorization, JONES & STOKES Supplemental EIR ($2,011.87) Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (8) WORKSHOP FOR NOVEMBER 15, 1982 .... 3:00 P.M., to inspect the Alpine County Facilities. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $473,660.23 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) Conference (CASA - 11/18-21/82 (2) Workshop (Alpine County Tour) 11/15/82 (3) Regular Board Meeting 12/2/82, 5:00 P.M. (4) SWRCB 11/18/82 (State Lo~m Contract Payment) (4) Mitigation Task Force, 12/3/82, 10:00 a.m. ADJOURNMENT: 5:23 P.M. APPROVED PURCHASE OF PUMP AND SPARE PARTS FOR #3 WATER SYSTEM. CHANGE ORDERS 19 & 20 W.R. THOMASON APPROVED APPROVED INCREASE WORKSHOP SCHEDULED 11/15/82 (Inspect Alpine Co. Facilities.) CLA~S APPROVED MEETINGS SCHEDUI~D ja~/R. Jones, PrUdent S~6~ T~{OE PUBLIC UTILITY- DISTRIC~ ATTEST: ~,~-~. ~ro~e, ~Clerk -of Board SOUTH TAH6E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ~{E SOLeil{ TAHOE PbqBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECE~ER 2, 1982 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Ntility District met in a regular session on December 2, 1982, 5:00 P.M., District Board Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones and Directors N. N. Olson, L.L.Kashuba Lowe, M. Madden and J. ~9fnn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, P. Mamath, M. Ambrose, S. Davis, Bill Ettlich, Gene EoDler, Bob E. Eppler, J. Heusser, Barbara Hahn- ~ibmne Reporter. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requ~ested Consent Calendar #2 be moved to action item (Sewer Unit Increase and Back Charge for 23 543 211). AGENDA APPROVED AS CHANGED CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded b~v Director ~dden, unanimously carried, that consent calendar be approved as follows: (1) Sewer Unit Increase from 3 SU to 6 SU and back charge 2 years (30 390 291); (2) A~ADues for Water = $2,300. (3) Purchase of 10" Eaton Water Strainer $5,630. (4) Grant Applications -Erosion Control- Heavenly Valley Water Tank Project, Cold Creek Watershed Project (APPROVED SUBmiTTAL OF (6) Authorization Approved for obtaining bids on: Janitorial Service, Uniforms and BottledWater. CONSENT CALENqDAR ~PRO~.~D MINUTES OF NOVF~ER 4, 1982: Director Lowe moved, seconded by Directo~ Wynn, unanimously carried, minutes of 11/4/82 be approved as submitted. NINIJTES OF 11/4/92 APPROVED REPORT BY BOARD M~EgS: None SHOP ST~'[ARD'S REPORT: None C0~'FfEE REPORTS: None REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS: Mznnager Cofer reported that a workshop session was held on 11/29/82 to review engineering contracts and discuss agenda items for this meeting. NIANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that we have been sued in Orange County for $1500 and we are to appear on 12/23/82. (Mr. Baer will be appearing for the District) WORKSHOP SESSIONS t~LD ~'DAIAGER'S REPORT A-~ORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman reported that Chris Gansberg, Jr. has been appointed to Alpine County Board of Supervisors; to meet with Alpine County Tuesday; Monday meeting with t~ise; and that he attended the CASA Conference and felt the Attorney's Session was most helpful. January 3, 1983, is trail date for Pickles Case. ATTOP~EY'S REPORT Regular Meeting -2- December 2, 1982 CO~.gm~%rfS FROM AUDIENCE: None PROGPJ~ ~ANAGERS REPORTS: None ITFf~ FOR BOARD ACTION ACT IONS/RECO~ ~ ~E~DAT IONS (1) PLANT CONVERSION ANDAGRICULTURAL REUSE PROJECT (a) - Bill Ettlich, ~C, reviewed the status for design services and requested an increase in the amount of $7,580 for ss/Re. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Amendment No. 4 in the amount of $7,580 (Increase) for design services by ~C be approved. (b) JOHN CAROLLOENGINEERS, CONSTRUCTION ~IANAGF~5~NT SERVICES.. (STEP II) Director ~dden moved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, John Carollo Engineers be authorized to proceed with services: Task 1 = $130,000 approximately Task 2 = $ 29,250,approximately, as recon~nended by staff. (2) DILLINGHAM DEVELOP~%Tr CO~.~ANY, TAHOE KEYS CONVENIENCE CENTRE Correspondence was received from Del Laine requesting consideration from the Board that should the Tahoe Keys Convenience Centre not commence, assurance of the refund will be made. (3) The Board discussed this item with ~. Laine and Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, recomnendation from Staff that 20 Sewer Units @ $1,330/SU = $26,600, be refunded should the project not core, hence. SOUTH "Y" FIRE PRO%~CTION PROJECT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1982-1 (a) Contract with T. Haen Come, any, Change Order No. 3, increase of $465.~0 (b) RESOLUTION NO.2281 - ACCEPTANCE_. OF PROJECT COMPLETION. (c) NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE OF SUBSTAINTI_AL CO~.~LFTION . (d) RESOLUTION NO. 2281, Correcting Clerical Errors Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that Item,S. a, b, c and d be approved. (4) MANAGEMENT MEDICAL PROGRAM Attorney John C. Weidman has been researching the Board's request to change Insurance/Medical/ Program for ~4mnagement Employees. He has suggested to the Board that they consider changing to Travelers Insurance Company, and requested also that all enrollment cards and applications be completed as soon as possible and that notice be given to Blue Cross and Guardian and the change- over to become effective 1/26/83, and that the District will also cover JohnWeidman under the Travelers Insurance Policy. APPROVED fg.5~NDMENT NO. 4 C~qC FOR DESIGN SERVICES IN A~IDUNT OF $7,580. AL?HORIZED JOP~=~ ~n~OLLO ENGINEERS TO PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION M~'~AGF~.~E~]T SERVICES ($159,250 approx.) REFUND OF PRINCIPAL SE~ER CONNECTION FEES ADVANCED FROM TAHOE KEYS COI, ArENIENCE CENTRE WILL BE REFblNDED IW C~Y~PE DOES NOT COMMENCE. CHANGE ORDER NO. 3, T. Haen Increase of $465 approved. RES. NO. 2281 Approved Notice of St~stantial Completion Approved RES. NO. 2282 Approved Regular Meeting -3- December 2, 1982 Manager Cofer stated that the District will continue on the payment of the premiums for all employees until July 1st, 1983,and until management increases are received. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director ~nn, unanimously carried, fahat Attorney Weidman's recommendations be accepted, and we proceed with the necessary paper work to convert to Travelers Insurance Company for management employees, directors and Attorney. (5) AUTHORIZATION TO OBTAIN PERMIT, FISH A/~D GAME STRUCTURES AND IMPOb~!D~%rf AT ALPINE CO~ffY AND BLM PEP~.~IT FOR RIGHTS OF WAY AND RESERVOIR SITE. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, staff proceam[ to obtain necessary permits. AL~fHORIZED STAFF TO PROCEED TO OBTAIN PEP~ITS (ALPINE COUNTY) (6) PRECONDEMNATION - $10,000, HEISE LAA~ANDLIVESTOCK Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba Lowe, unanimously carried, funds be released as recon~mended byManager Cofer and Attorney J.C.Weidman. AL~fHORIZED RELEASE OF FUNDS (H~ISE LAND & LIVESTOCK) ($10,000) (and authorize to siqn stipulation by gualified appraisor' PAYmeNT OF CLA~: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that claims in the amount of $1,186,279.07 ~ approved for payment. ' CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYT~ (7) REQUEST DIRECTION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 631 ANITA AVENUE, to Back Charge for 21 MONTHS and Require Separate Sewer Lateral Connection. Followinc discussion by the Board Members, it was moved by Director Wyrm, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that a letter be sent to the City of South Lake Tahoe, sta-tinj the Board requests them to set a policy regarding cases such as this case. (This was an existing dwelling and connected to the same lateral- 2 connections on one lot).. LEYTERTOBE SENT TO ~ CI~ OF SOUTH LAKE T~OE REQUESTING Tt~M_TO SET POLICY Manager Cofer mentioned to the Board that we should correct the lateral situation. NOTICE OF ~ETINGS (1) Workshop/Agenda Items, 12/13/82, 4 P.M. (2) ~ C W A Conference, 12/8-11/82 (3) Regular Board ~eting, 5:00 P.M., 12/16/82 (4) Workshop, 12/20/82, 4 p.m. AEgOUP~N~NT TO AN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LITIGATION. MEETINGS SCHEDULED Regular Board ~eting - Decem~er 16, 1982 5:00 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 12/16/82, 5:00 P.M., District Board Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President J.R. Jones and Directors W. N. Olson, L.Kashuba Lowe, M. Madden and J. Wynn. Also present were J.R. Cofer, ~%nager, Assistant Engineer/~nager R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Fischer, M. Ambrose, H. Williams, Sam Davis, B. Hahn-Tribune, Pat Mamath, Gary Plasterer, Bob Eppler. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director ~mdden, unanimously carried that: (1) RESOLL~ION NO. 2283, Transferring funds from Special Assessment District 1962-1, 1968-3G, 1970-1, 1972-1 and U-1 Connection Fund be approved. (2) ~nnagement Letter from Ehlman & Roberts re Audit FY 81-82 be referred to Finance/Insurance Committee. CONSENT CAI,ENDAP. APPROVED AND ITF2~ ~2 REFEPRED TO FINANCE CO~WI?i~=E (re Letter from Auditors Ehlman & Roberts) RESOLUTION NO. 2283, Transferring Funds from Special Assessment Districts Consent Calendar unanimously approved. MINU~fES: (12/2/82) Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, minutes be approved as corrected. ~mfES of 12/2/82 APPROVED BOARD~MBE~REPORTS: (1) President Jones reported on the ACWA Conference he recently attended (12/8-1~/82) SHOP STEf,IARD ' S REPORT: None BOARD MF~ER RE. PORTS: A~VA Conference (Jones) CO~,~,~TTEE REPORTS: None. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS: (1) ~tigatimn Task Force met on 12/10/82 (2) Workshop/Agenda ~eting on 12/13/82 ~a~NAGER'S REPORT: [-~nager Cofer reported that a tour is planned for Bakersfield to tour the spray irrigation and land applica- tion projects in Bakersfield. ~'~ANAGER'S REPORT ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman requested a brief executive session following this meeting to discuss Pickles Case litigation. A_~DOP~TEY ' S REPORT PROGRAM~&ANAGERS REPORTS: Sam Davis reported that the District did take 1st place at the ~,YPCFA for Safety; the Board stated that the Safety Officer (C. Ross) should be congratulated for a job well done. C%7PCA SAFETY AWARD RECEIVED Regular Meeting -2- December 16, 1982 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ACTION TAKEN (1) FUTURE SEWER CONNECTIONS (a) Confirm Policy to Approach Treatment Plant Capacity Cautiously APPROVE APPROXIMATELY 612/SEWER UNITS PER YEAR (OVER 5-YR PERIOD) Spread Remaining Capacity Over 5- Year Period With Authorization of Ap~.roximately 612 Sewer Units/Yr. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried (2) FILE APPLICATION FOR NPDES PE~4IT, FACILITY PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. APPROVED FILING OF NPDES PERMIT (3) PLANT CONVERSION AND AGRICULTURAL REUSE PROJECT, STEP 2: (a) Task Order #3, John Carollo Engineers, $29,683. (b) Grant Increase Amendment Request to S W R C B Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Lowe, unanimously carried, Task Order #3 in amount of $29,683 be approved. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Amendment for Grant Increase in amount of $511,314, be approved. APPROVED TASK ORDER ~3, WALLER & ASSOC. SUB-CONT.) ($29,683) AUTHORIZED AMENDMENT FOR GRANT INCREASE OF $511,314. (4) AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES STEP 2, HEADSTART PROGRAM: (a) First Amendment to Agreement, ST PUD & Hardison, Komatsu, Ivelich & Tucker; (b) Second Amendment to Agreement, ST PUD & Hardison, Komatsu, Ivelich and Tucker. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba Lowe, unanimously carried. FIRST AND SECOND AMEND- MENT TO AGREEMENT, STPUD & HARDISON, KOmaTSU, IVELICH & TUCKER APPROVED. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $766,773.70 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) Special Workshop,12/20/82, 4 pm (2) Workshop, 1/3/83, 4 pm (3) Board Meeting, 1/6/83, 5 pm ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION ATTEST: hA~ D. ~OSE, CL~R~-~Fa~ARD SOUTH TApOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CLAIm,S APPROVED ADJOURNED AT 5:35 P.M. SJ~T~HS~ ~~Y DISTRICT