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1981 07/02 - 1981 12/17
REGULAR~TING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT July 2, 1981 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session July 2, 1981, District office, 5:00 P.M. ROLL CAI.I,: Present were President W. Neal Olson, Directors L. Kashuba, J. W!mn, J. Jones and M. Madden. ROLL CALL Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. G. Baer, j.C.Weidman-Attorney, B. Fischer, C.I. Ross, G. Plasterer, Bill Dunckhorst, Bert Cherry, Norman Woods, Bill Anderberg and W. F. Pillsbury, M. Ambrose. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested an additional item be added: %9 - Letter to Congressman Clausen re Grant Award Delay CONSENT CALENDAR: Director W!rnn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, the consent calendar, as follows, be approved: AGENDA APPROVEDAS A~DED CONSENT CAT.V~DAR APPROVED (1) CHANGES IN S~ER BILLINGS: 29 403 140 +3 Sewer Units 27 234 120 +3" 31 253 050 +3" 31 074 030 +3" 32 242 160 +3" 31 114 020 +2" Total increase of sewer units equal 17. (2) RESOLUTION NO. 2129:. A Resolution of the STPUD adding to and making a part of the annual assessnmnt levied upon the land upon which sewer service and/or water service and/or street lighting was used and charges therefore unpaid at the time of fixing the rate of taxes 1981-1982 fiscal year. ~NUTES: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, minutes of 6/4/81 be approved as amended, andminutes of 6/18/81 be approved as submitted. BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS: Director Jones stated that he attended the Seminar in Southern California on retrofit existing sewage treatment plants. Mr. Jones requested a con~nittee meeting (Plant Operations Committee) to discuss some of the ideas that were brought up at the seminar. He also mentioned-that it was well ~orth his time to attend. Director Kashuba reported that the CASA Executive Conrmittee met Monday with Richard Sullivan, who is the chief Counsel for the House Public Works, Washington, D.C.,. Mr. Sullivan is very understanding of our problem, and very knowledgeable of same; he provided CASA with information that RESOLUTION NO. 2129 B~NUTES OF 6/4/81 & 6/18/81 APPROVED. BOARD MEMBERREPORTS Director Jones Director Kashuba REGULAR MEETING -2- would be beneficial to the District and Director Kashuba rec~ested that this be discussed at a later work- shop session. Mr. Sullivan had also rexTaested that we Congressman Clausen r immediate problem of grant award, and who does have authority over EPA, as Chairman of the House Public Works Conmittee, by letter telling him of our EPA problem and the delay in the grant award. The letter was presented to the Board members for their approval for transmitting, and santo was approved. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance Committee did meet and on action items for this meeting. No other con~nittee reports. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS: Msnage~ Cofer reported that on 6/24/81 Water Purveyors met and on 6/29/81 the Board held a Workshop/Agenda Items meeting. ~NAGER'S REPORT: ~mnager Cofer stated that Director Wynn asked him to s%~narize the status of 1981 Allocations. Mr. Cofer's concern is the commercial allocations; there are 163 sewer units available and of this, 149 were allocated, and we have only collected for 54; there were as of this date 109 sewer units available that we have not collected on. Regarding the single family dwellings, we have collected for almost all that have been allocated, however, we have not given out many sewer permits, and they have until the end of August to submit plans to the City or they will lose their alloca- tion. Manager Cofer stated that he would suggest a workshop to discuss this allocation. NormanWoods stated that the City will have another drawing that will be coming up this su~er depending on SB 12; then another drawin9 Ln Sept. to get their permits paid, plans in and approved. M~nager Cofer stated a meeting will be held regarding the Allocation Program with the City staff before this next meeting of our Board. 7/2/81 Director Kashuba's Repert FINANCE COMMITTEE WORKSHOP/b~ETINGS HELD ~IANAGER'S REPORT REGULAR MEETING -3- JULY 2, 1981 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. ~eidman stated that No. 1 lawsuit now is the one filed by the Piute Indians and requested an executive session to report on this subject. He also stated that he has been working with the Attorney for Craven/Fallen Leaf Lake, and hopefully all will be settled favorably; JOYCE litigation matter will be brought to court tomorrow and will discuss further at the executive session tonight. He also attended the Manager's Meeting (agencies) at Truckee regarding the Joint Powers Agreements. COM/KENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None. PROGRAM MANAGENS REPORTS: None. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION AYTONNEY ' S REPORT. BOARD ACTIONS (1) Request byMr. Anderberg RE: Sewer Service Charges, Lake Motel. ~_6rA~r~ ~.that the sewer service charges exceed the annual gross income that he has from the ~Dtel and that he would like some relief on the charges for this motel. Following discussion, John Wynnmoved and Director Kashuba seconded that we hold any action on this request until after a study is made. Carried unanimously. MOVED, SECONDED, CARRIED, LAKE ~IPEL SEWER SERVICE CHARGES BE CONSIDERED AFFER STUDY MADE (2) Modification of Master Plan - Water System - South "y" Fire Protection Project. Manager Cofer recoumended the following be approved: 1. Modify Master Plan to include So. "Y" Fire Protection Project as priority 15, with completion date of 1982. 2. Indicate District's intent to allocate $100,000 toward financing project. 3. Request that the property owners in So. "Y" service area indicate their interest in the formation of an assess- ment district to finance project. 4. Indicate Districtwould consider financial costs assessed to undevelo.ped properties and to be repaid to District at time property is developed. 5. Indicate District's intent to use engineer- ing firm of W.F.Pillsbury, Inc. and the Bond Counsel-Jones, Hall, Hill and ~ite.The Board not in the position to be bound at this time. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. MODIFICATION OF MASTER PLAN WATER SYSTF2[ SOUTH "Y" FIRE PROTECTION PROJECT. MR. WOODS STATED ALL PROPERTY ARE VERY MUCH FOR THIS PLAN. (3) REQUEST BY SENIOR OPERATOR JAMES GORBET: Referred to Executive Session tonight. (4) 1980 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVE}~NTS, C.0.%2, HOOD CORP. INC. OF $4,030. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. REQUESTED EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS EMPLOYEE JAMES GORBET/SICK LEAVE APPROVE C.O. HOOD CORP.#2 - Inc.$4,030. (5) FURNACE BUILDING VENTILATION SYSTF~ APPROVE BUDGET OF $5000 WITH CWC. -ENGINEERING CONTRACT (Budgete~!) REGULAR MEETING July 2, 1981 Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, ~C design, prepare drawings and specifications and cost estimate for bid on outside air duct system for 1LTe and sludge furnaces.($5000) (6) SLUDGE PUMP NO. 4 REPLACEMENT (Budgeted). Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. APPROVE PURCHASE OF NE%~ PUMP FOR $7991 (7) NE~J SLUDGE PUMP TO FEED LIME FURNACE (Budgeted) Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. APPROVE PURCHASE OF NEW SLUDGE PUMP IN THE AMOUNT OF $7991 (8) REPLACE PLANT AIR COMPRESSORS Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, specifications be approved, and we authorize for bids. APPROVE SPECIFICATIONS A~AUTHORIZED SOLICITING FOR BIDS (9) LEYTERTO CONGRESSMAN D CLAUSEN. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, the letter from Director Kashuba to Congressman Clausen, with a copy to Senator Cranston be approved for submittal. LETTER TO CONGRESSMAN D. CLAUSEN APPROVED PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $250,306.67 be paid. Claims in the amount of $250,306.67 be paid. ~,~ETINGS SCHEDULED: 7/13/81 ~brksho/Agenda Items 4 pm 7/16/81 Board Meeting, 5 pm 7/20/81 Recei'veProposals Sewer Rate Study 7/27/81 Interview -Sewer Rate Study SCHEDULED MEETINGS. 7/29/81 South Shore Water Purveyors ADJOURNMENT: 6:15 P.M. to Executive~Se~igLn .to. di.scuss Perso~m~and Litigation ~ South Tahoe Public Utility District AT~EST: Lvmry u. ambrose, Clerk of Board/Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC L~flLITY DISTRICT JULY 1 6, 1 9 8 1 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a reqular session on 7/16/81, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President ?lalter ROLL CALL "Neal" Olson, Directors L. Kashuba, j. Wynn, J. Jones and M. Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C. Weidman, B. Fischer, R. Heng. W. Dunckhorst, R. Baer, G. Plasterer and C. Ross, and Barbara Hahn from Tribune. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager J.R. Cofer requested an additional it~nbe added for Board Action - Leave of Absence - James Gorbet (#7); (#8) Exec. Sess. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved and seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Consent Calendar be approved, as follows: AC~TqDA APPROVED AS A~ENDED CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED (2) for: (1) Changes in Sewer Billings on-site inspections for: Tahoe Pines Campground + 3 SU 3601 Aspen Ave - 3 SU Authorize advertisement for bids 1981 Water System Improvements (Engineers Estimate $80,000) (3) RESOLUTION NO. 2220, Requesting Signature Authrity, Security Pacific Bank. RESOLUITON NO. 2220 APPROVED SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None present. BOARD~MBERREPORTS: None. COMmiTTEE REPORTS: None REPORT ON WORKSHOP/~ETINGS H~LD: 7/9/81 Lahontan Meeting held re Waste Discharge Standards WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND ~=ETINGS HELD 7/13/81 Workshop/Agenda Items MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that he has received a notice that a Mr. Peter Cri~zle is a candidate for Region IX, EPA Administrator. MANA~R' S REPORT COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: None President Neal Olson did introduce the reporter Barbara Hahn from the Tribune, that will now be covering our meetings. NO COMmOn, TS FROM AUDIENCE Regular Meeting -2- July 16, 1981 PROGRAM MANAGER'S REPORTS: W. Dunckhorst reported to the Board re the smoke testing program and on the water (domestic) flow for the month of June 1981. Director Madden conm~nted on the excellent publio relations the water department/inspection department have shown to residents in our areas explaining our smoke testing program. Staff Reports included in packets. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman has been spending considerable time on getting the grants going and has also been working on the Alpine County documents. ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION (1) Re_quest for Bids: (a) Cathodic Protection Equipment for 8/11/81 3:00 P.M. (b) Gasoline/Oils for 8/11/81 at 2:00 P.M. (c) Vibratory Roller and Mobile Trailer for Case #W121 Roller for 8/11/81, 4:00 P.M. The above are all budgeted items. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, the above items be advertised for bid. (2) Erosion Control Projects: (a) Status Report on Grants/report by Manager Cofer, who requ_este~] that the Board take the following action: APPROVE REQUESTTO THE LAHONTAN R~OCB TO CHANGE THE DEADLINE FOR EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT TO A LATER DATE (AGREEABLE V~TH PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE) ANDTO REVISE THE ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS: AND TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PROCEED WITH DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AND AREVISED ESTIMATE OF THE PROJECT COSTS. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (3) Effluent Force Main Inspection & Repair Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that this project is categorically exempt under Class I of the State Guidelines of CEQA, and authorized filing of the Notice of Exemption. (4) Installation of Emergency By Pass Facilities at Sewer Pump Stations for A1 Tahoe, Pioneer Village, Upper Truckee, Tahoe Keys and Johnson Road. Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that this project is categorically exempt under Class I of the State Guidelines for CEQA, and authorized filing of the Notice of Exemption. PROGPJg~ MANAGERS REPORTS (a) Smoke Testing Program (b) Domestic Water Flow for June (c) Staff Reports ATTORNEY ' S REPORT ACTION BY BOARD ADVERTISE FOR BIDS kPPROVED APPROVED REQUEST FOR DATE DATE FOR CO~rfRACT FRO~ LAH. AND AUTHORIZE TO PROCEED WITH DESIGN AUTHORIZE FILING OF NOTICE OF EXEPKxfION APPROVED AUTHORIZE FILING OF NOTICE OF EXE~xfION APPROVED Regular Meeting -3- July 16, 1981 (5) Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project: ~nager Cofer requested the Board approve the amendment to Engineering Contract in the amount of $6,340.00 - Construction ~mnagement Project, Start up for Swanson- Oswald Engineering Finn. Also, that Change Order No. 18 for H.M. Byars Construction Company - Increase of $5,814.67 be approved. Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, Amendment to Engineering Contract be approved. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Change Order No. 18 be approved for H. M. Byars Cons. in the amount of $5814.67 . (6) REVI~OF ORDINANCE NO. 327 re PRETREATMENT. Attorney J.C. Weidman requested that ORDINANCE NO. 327 be rescinded and that the following be adopted in its place: (a) RESOLUTION NO. 2221 - A Resolution of the STPUD establishing an industrial wastewater pre-treatment program and rules and regulations therefore. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 328 of the STPUD Board of Directors Amending Ordinance No. 300, Sections 7.2 (k) and SECTION 8.22. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried that ORD. NO. 327 be rescinded; RES. NO. 2221 and ORD. NO. 328 be approved. (7) ABSENCE OF LEAVE/JA~S GORBET All vacation time and sick leave due Mr. Gorbet has been used up; today the proposed leave of absence was discussed with Mr. Gorbet, in which we told him we would hold the Sr. Operator position open until the 29th of JULY 1981 and following would the position of Operation II, Step H, until October 16, 1981, and if he is unable to return to work by 10/16/81 this will be cause for termination of his employ- ment; also, during his absence, he will be responsible for the pa~vn~nt of health/medical/retirement and any other premium payments applic- able, which will be paid by him to the District prior to the end of each month of absence. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. PA~ OF CLA/MS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, claims in the a~vunt of $789,972.74 be approved. A~END~ENT TO ENGINEERING CONTRACT ($6 , 340.00) APPRO\~D CHANGE ORDER NO. 18/(BYARS) INCREASE OF $5814.67 APPROVED ORDINANCE NO. 327 RESCINDED AND RESOLUTION NO. 2221 AND ORDINANCE. NO. 328 APPROVED ABSENCE OF LEAVE GRANTED TO JA~ES CORBET WITH THE CONDITIONS AS STATED. CLAIm,S APPROVED FOR PAY~T Regular Meeting -4- July 16, 1981 NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) ~/3~ Workshop/Agenda Items (2) 7/29/81 Water Purveyors (3) 7/20/81 Review Proposals for Sewer Rate Study, and ~nager will notify Board of time. SCHEDULED MEETINGS ADJOURL$~NT TO EXEC[~fIVE SESSION RE WATER COMMhITrEE. ADJO~fRNMENT: 5:45 P.M. Pre~i~n't South Tahoe Public Utility District ·~ ~ATTEST: / ~ D.?~r6s~ CleZk ~f ~ard South ~oe ~lic Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District August 6, 1981-5:00 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a r~egular session 8/6/81, 5:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President W. Neal Olson, Directors Kashuba, Wynn and Jones. ABSENT: Director Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R.Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Fischer, R. Baer, C. Ross, G. Plasterer, R. Heng, M. Ambrose. Barbara Hahn, Tribune Reporter. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None. AGENDA APPROVED CONSENT_.. CAI.E~DAR: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director ~'~ynn, unanimously carried, consent calendar, as follows, be approved: (1) PLANT SURPLUS - Approve to Advertise bid Bids, by R. Rattaro-PurchasingAgent. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED ADVERTISE FOR BIDS PLANT_ SURPLUS APPROVED (2) ORDINANCE NO. 329: Fixing Amount of Taxes to be Raised by Taxation, Fixing the Rate of Taxes 1981-82 Fiscal Year (3) ORDINANCE NO. 330: U-1 Improvement District Estimating Amount of Taxes to be Raised by Taxation and Fixing Rates of Taxes 1981-82 Fiscal Year ORDINANCE NO. 329 & 330 APPROVED (4) WILL SERVE LETTER (Water) For 2158 Jean Ave, Parcel #23 374 06 & 07. WILL SERVE WATER LETTER APPROVED M~NL~ES: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, minutes of July 2, and July 16, 1981 be approved. P~PORTBY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Kashuba reported that the ~tigation Task Force met on 8/5/81, and Paula Connolly, new representative for Tahoe from EPA, was present and she gave us a very favorable report on the EPA level regarding our grant, and the State is reco~nding a change in our priority for design; the construction grant is still for 1983-84. MINUTES OF 7/2 and 7/16/81 APPROVED BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS (Kashuba) COMMI%~fEE REPORTS: None MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that, according to the paper, EPA is withholding grant funds for the San Francisco Project because the Legislature did not pass the Carr Inspec- tion program, therefore, some 43 million dollars are being held up. AT/O~Y'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that there will be some discussion regarding the Joyce litigation; he is also down to the last of the Ranchers re the Alpine County contracts, and ready to proceed with the option agreement on the Harvey Place. MANAGER'S REPORT ATTORNEY'S REPORT Regular Meeting -2- August 6, 1981 Attorney Weidman stated that back in 1977, a Mr. Bill Fredricks had sold his property to the U.S.F.S. (Fallen Leaf Lake); back in 1973, the District paid the District on/ for a lien on that specific piece of property; then we had litigation re that area, and we felt we could return the monies to the title company, together with the earned interest on this. The title company mistakenly returned the money to Mr. Fredricks, who is now in the possession of themonies. The District did not give up the lien in lieu of assessments. When we sent out the notice of assessments to the lien holders, we learned then that the property (Fredricks) was then sold to the USFS, who took the property subject to the lien. The USFS does not want to pay the lien, Mr. Fredricks does not want to return the money, and the title company does not feel they made an error. Mr. Weidman stated that he has mailed the documents to the Attorney Mr. ~ke Novey, who will institute the foreclosure. Mr. Weidm~n stated that he will keep the Board advised. Dennis Crabb stated that there are approximately 21 cases of milti- family conversions without the necessary docun~nts and 14 have been resolved - City will issue the necessary pezmits to cover. The other illegal conversions are being worked on now - contact has been made by Mr. Crabb with either the property owner or their attorney. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE. None PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: Gene Eppler reported that the right- of-entry has been received for the Harvey Place; 7/24/81 Gene Eppler and Dan Hinrichs met with the ranchers, who have requested a few changes in the contract; they have also been working very closely with Lahontan on the waste- discharge requirements. Attorney Weidmas stated that there is a very substantial deed on the H~ISE PLACE, and we do have a problem with the Diamond Ditch people because they have not paid off their loan. ATTORNE~ ' S REPORT MULTI F~ILY D~LLING REPORT BY DENNIS CRABB PROGRAM ~ANAGER' S REPORT (ALPINE COUNTY_ _ G.EPPLER) Regular Meeting -3- August 6, 1981 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION BOARD ACTIONS/RECOMMEDATIONS (1) (a) REPAIR OF EXPORT PIPELINE (Budget of $65,000 from Contingency Funds) Manager Cofer stated that at the 8/3/81 ~rkshop session, Dredgemaster representa- tive was here, explained the work that would be involved in the repair of the pipeline, and staff recoumended that we hi~e Dredgemaster to proceed with the repair of same. (Open up the pipeline, Dredgem. aster will crawl in the pipe, clean it, document the condition of the joints, repair the pipe and to film for both before and after repair. ) The line will be shut down for approximately 4 days, Manager Cofer stated. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, Dredgemaste~ Contract be accepted and approved, as recon~nended by Manager J.R. Cofer. (b) EXPORT PIPELINE REPLA~ R. G. Baer recon~nded approval of $6,500 to have J. Montgomery develop specifications for the purchase of materials and development of drawings for the future installation of the pipe for the Luther Pass Export Pipeline Repair. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (2) SEWER RATE STUDY : Manager Cofer stated that at the workshop of 8/3/81, the Board discussed in length the proposals for the Sewer Rate Study. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that REM Proposal for the Sewer Rate Study be approved and accepted, and Manager Cofer stated th.~at the study will be spread out over a longer period of time, as the Board requested, and that REM will involve the users in that study so they can under- stand just what is going on. ~.~nager Cofer stated that he will return to the Board with the renec~otiated contract with REM to include the request of the Board. (3) COI.T.EGE WELL: R. G. Baer requested that the CTRPA and TRPA Conditions be accepted, the bonds be filed as required, we advertise for bids (engineers estimate $60,000); authorize CWC to prepare plans and specifications ($25,000). Director ~a%n moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (4) JOYCE LITIGATION: President Olson stated that this item will be discussed in Executive Session following this meeting. (5) 1981 ~'~ATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM iMPROVF/~%rES, FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARA- TIONS. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. AUTHORIZED CORrfRACT FOR SEALING OF DAMAGED AP~EAS WITH DREDGEMASTER) EXPORT PIPELINE REPAIR ($6,500) FOR J. MONTGO~-~RY FOR DEVELOPING SPECIFICATIONS FOR PURCHASE OF MATERIALS AND DEVELOPMENT OF DRAWINGS FOR FU~i~/RE INST~T.IJ%TION OF PIPE APPROVED .... _APPROVED R E M CONSULTING FIRM TO PREPARE THE S~R RATE STUDY. ACCEPTED CTRPA CONDITIONS AND WILL FILE BOND OF $5000 ACCEPTED TRPA CONDITIONS. AUTHORIZE FOR BIDS FOR PHASE II CONTRACT AUTHORIZED ~C TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROJECT JOYCE LITIC~ATION/EXECUTIVE SESSION ADOPT FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVE PROJECT Regular Meeting -4- August 6, 1981 NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) 8/17/23/81 (2) 8/24 & 31/81 (3) 8/27 & 9/3/81 CASA Agenda Workshops 4:00 P.M. Regular Board Meeting 5:00 P.M. MEETINGS SCHEDULED PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $481,490.81 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT ADJOURN~Tf: 5:50 P.M. and next ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE meeting of the Board of Directors SESSION. will be August 27, 1981; next scheduled workshop session will be August 24, 1981 at 4:00 P.M CT_ ~:'i~,~iC'D.~'-~ihb~os'~,, clerk of Board SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District August 27, 1981 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 8/27/81, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CAIJ.: Present were President Walter "Neal" Olson, Directors L. Kashuba, J. Wynn, J. Jones and M. Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, J. Joslyn, R. Heng, W. Dunckhorst, R. Baer, G.Plasterer, E. ~lson, B. Ebright, M.L. Garten, Attorney David DeVore, Patrick Martin and Mr. and ~s. Joyce. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Mmnager Cofer requested an executive session at the close of this meeting on labor negotia- tions. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED CONS~f CALENDAR: Unanimously carried that Consent Calendar as follows be approved: CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED (1) Purchase of portable flow meter in amount of $4,770. (2) Purchase of Cathodic Protection Equ~i[~nent. (3) Advertise for bids to ~aint interior of grit building. (4) Approve Resolution No. 2222, Compensa- tion for Manager of Maintenance. (5) Award purchase of gasoline, fuel and lubricants, Bi State Petroleum. (6) Award purchase of asphalt roller and .mobile trailer for roller to Neddenriep Equipment in the amount of $9,722.10. ~UTES: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, carried, that the minutes of 8/6/81 be approved as s~bm~tted. DIRECTOP.~iADDENABSTAINED. MINUTES OF 8/6/81 APPROVED BOARD MF=MBER RF~ORTS .- None. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. ~NAC~R'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated ~hat he received a copy of the Record of Decision by EPA on the grmnt signed by Frar~ Covington on 8/21, stating that EPA had approved funding of the design of the 7.5 mgd plant for ST PUD and that the design of the 7.5 mgd plant for ST PL~ and that the CS~RCB also intends to offer grant assistance for the design of the proposed treatment plant. It is anticipated t~mt a Step 3 Construction Grant will be awarded, if funds are available, following the completion of approval of design. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that he has been working on the Alpine County Contracts, and making progress, and should have our positions with the ranchers determined~thin two (2) weeks and will be able to proceed on Alpine County. He also expressed concern about the Board's refund policy on sewer pemnit deposits; he said it should be made clear on the receipts ~NAGER'S REPORT ATTORNEY'S REPORT REGUIAR MEETING -2- August 27, 1981 and on the application forms that their deposits will not be refunded if they do not get their building permit and come within the 1981 allocation. If some of these people fall out and want their money back out of nex year's allocation, it must be clearly understood that this money is absolutely forfeited. Ail sewer permits will be cancelled on 12/31/81, if they do not pick up their building permit and deposit will not be refunded. CO}.gdENTS FROM AUDIENCE ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: None. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: None ITF~ FOR BOARD ACTION ACTION TAKEN (1) JOYCE LITIGATION: The Board decided it cannot consider this matter until ~. Joyce meets the conditions of the City regarding establishing vested rights under the Bi-State Compact and if the permits would not impact the moratorium, the City would issue building permits. (2) SE~R RATE STUDY BY R E M. Moved, seconded carried that the contract for $32,500 be approved and not to exceed that amount and that this is an increase of $3,000 over proposal. (3) HEADSTART PROGRAM. CHANGE ORDER 10. Moved, seconded and carried, Change Order No. 10 be approved. (4) PLANT AIR COMPRESSORS: Moved, seconded, carried, the bids received be rejected, and the air compressors te rebid. (5) TELEMETERING SYSTEM. Moved, seconded, carried, telemetering system in the amount of $40,256.96 be approved. (6) UPPER TRUCTGEE PU~ STATION, ACCESS ROAD PAVING Moved, seconded , carried we advertise for bids. (7) CT.FAN F~RGENCY SLUDGE HOLDING POND: Moved, seconded, carried, we advertise for bids. (8) ~fATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTFkd I~RO%~L~NTS: (a) Price Road Improvements ~ved, seconded, carried, contract be award- ed to T. Haen, $18,350. (b) 1981 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYS~M I~ROVF~S: Moved, seconded, carried, that M.L. Garten bid be withdrawn as they reguested, and the the contract be av~rded to South Tahoe Construction Co. $119,100 by Adopting ORDINANCE NO. 331 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. (c) PIPE, VALVES, HYDRANTS FOR 1981 ~ATER DISTRIBUTION IMPROVF~ENTS. Award of Contract to Camellia Valley Supply for $16,051.58 - moved, seconded, carried. No action. COntRACT NOT TO EXCEED $32,500 (AN ~CREASE OF $3,000 O¥~R PROPOSAL) ~tANGE ORDER 10 APPROVED BIDS FOR AIR COMPRESSOR P~JECTED AND AUTHORIZED TO REBID AUTHORIZED PUR~iASE OF TET.F~ERING SYSTFk{, BUDGETED ITEM, $40,256.96 APPROVED TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS UPPER TRUCKEE PU?dP STATION ACCESS ROAD PAVING SLUDGE HOLDING POND CI.FANING: ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. AW~/~D CONTRACT TO T.H~_b$18,350 PRICE ROADWATER ~ROVF~%~S Board approved award of contract to South Tahoe Construction Co. $119,100 and approved withdrawal of bid from M.L. Certen. Approved OPDINANCE NO. 331, Award of Contract. PIPES, VALVES, HYDRANTS FOP. 1981 WATER DISTRIBUTION I~ROVEMENTS TO CAMELLIA VAIJ.~Y SUPPLY APPROVED. REGULAR MEETING -3- August 27, 1981 (9) COI.T.EGE ~'~LL PHASE I I (a) Well Drilling, Development, Testing Contract; moved, seconded, carried, that Stang Hydronics bid of $54,206 be accepted and that contract be awarded to sam~. AWARD CONTRACT TO STA~NG HYDRONICS $54,206. (b) Inspection Services..Moved, carried, contract award to CWC, for INSPECTION SERVICES. seconded, $3000, Approved ~C CONTRACT OF ~ARD $3000.00 for INSPECTION SERVICES (10) SL~SET CORRALS REQUEST FOR 12 S~ER S~ER UNITS ...1980 costs of $580 per sewer unit. APPROVED !NSTAI,L~NT PAYMENT, SUNSET CORRAL CONNECTION RATE (11) REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF SB4ER DEPOSIT BY .MR. EBRIGHT...Board unan~nously voted that Mr. Ebright release his permit; if soft-one draws it in the new drawing and pays deposit, Mr. Ebright will be refunded his deposit; if not, Ak. Ebrightmay come to the Board for relief; however, the cabin in question must be connected to the system. MR. EBRIGHT TO RELPJ%SE PEP~.~IT AND REFUND ~%~DE WHEN DEPOSIT IS MADE BY ANOTHER FOR THAT PERMIT.. PAY~_~T OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, was seconded, carried, that the claims in the amount of $1,150,714.74 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT NOTICE OF MEETINGS: MEETINGS SCHEDULED 8/31/81 9/3/81 9/10-11/81 9/14/81 9/17/81 9/17/81 9/18/81 9/30/81 Workshop Agenda Items Board Meeting Nevada Water Pollution Control Association Workshop Agenda Items State Board Meeting re Grants Priority List Board Meeting Tentative--Mitigation Task Force Water Purveyors, 2: 00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT AT 5:55 P.M..to~x~ive Se~ion to Discuss Union Negotiat~hs. ~ ~k , _ Mary D. ~se, Cl~r~ 6~ Bo%~d ~- South TahO~ Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District 9/3/81 - 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular Session, 9/3/81, 5:00 P.M. , District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N. O!son, Directors L. Kashuba, J. Jones, M. _Madden and J. Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Engineer R.G.Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, G. Plasterer, W. Dunckhorst, C. Ross, R. Heng, Tribune Reporter - Barbara Hahn, M. Ambrose. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested that an additional item be added to AGENDA: Contract for Consultant re Alpine County, as requested ~V Attorney J.C.Weidman. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED Agenda was approved as amended. CONSENT CALENDS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, CONSENT CAI.ENDARbe approved, as follows: CONS~.TqT C~T,]~NDiZ~ APPROVED (1) USFS Special Use Permit-Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project - Permit Extension Approved. (2) USFS Special Use Permit, Luther Pass Surge Line, Permit Extension Approved. (3) Water Will Serve Letter Approved for Office Complex for Mr. Richard Blamkenship (4) Fallen Leaf Lake Sewage Collec- tion System, Byars Cons. Contract, Change orders C-9, C-9A and C-9B, approved. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Kashuba stated that she attended the State ¥~RCQ meeting with Manager Cofer today regarding the priorities. Their reco~nendation regarding our District was that we be included in the 1981 funding for Step II. Also, their bonds were offered for sale yesterday at 11% and no one bought the bonds. BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS (1) Kashuba SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None present. CO~I%~fEE REPORTS: None. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that the justification letter on Step II qrant is in San Francisco; the special gra~t conditons are still being discussed, mainly the EIR, EIS, Basin Water Quality Plan. The grant is to gotoWashington, D.C., and will have to be signed off by Mr. Hernandez. Manager Cofer stated that the SWRCB staff did not make thy recon~nenda- tions regarding the Step 3 grant. Manager Cofer also requested approval to submit the letter the Board has reviewed to Mr. Stafford. Board agreed to transnz~t. MANAGER'S REPORT 9/3/81 -2- Regular Meeting ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he has spent much time on the Alpine County Contract. Also, the forfeiture clause for people that are in any redraws for permits has been taken care of. COM~YfS FROM AUDIENCE: None. ATTORNEY' S REPORT PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: None. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTIONS Engineering Proposals-Erosion Control Project. FURNACE BUILDING COMBUSTION AIR SYSTEM. Requested advertising for bids. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, we advertise for bids. APPOINTED DIRECTOR JONES AND VrYNN TO ASSIST IN SELECTION OF CONSULTANTS APPROVED WE ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR FURNACE BLDG. COMBUSTION AIR SYSTEM. Se Request for Sewer Connection - Wesley Ball at 1203 Margaret. Manager Cofer stated that this is an existing structure, and had had utilities and he recoumended that we allow this connection. Documentation has been provided from the power and refuse company. We will also charge back 2 years for charges of sewer connection. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, we accept the recon~nenda- tion of ~nnager Cofer. SEWER CONNECTION APPROVED Consultant - Alpine County Contract Attorney John C. Weidman recommended that the Board approve hiring Mr. Clair Mohanna as the consultant for Alpine County Contracts with C. Burr, J. Smith, etc. at a cost not to exceed $1,000 total. Director ~ynnmved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, Clair Mohanna be hired as our Consultant, at a cost not to exceed $1,000. total. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $148,087.02 be approved for payment. CONSULTANT HIRING APPROVED FOR ALPINE COUNTY CONTRACTS CLAIMS APPROVED NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 1. 9/10-11/81 2. 9/14/81 3. 9/17/81 4. 9/18/81 5. 9/30/81 5:40 P.M. Nevada Water Pollution Control Association Workshop Agenda Items Board Meeting and also State Board Meeting on Grants Priority List Mitigation Task Force (Tentative) ~E-Pt~veyors ..... SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT A~ffE ST: ( /~ . SOUI~t T~OE PUBLIC UTILII~ DISTRICT Regular ~eting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public utility District September 17, 1981, 5 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a r~egular session 9/17/81, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ~OLLCAT~: The members present were President ROLL CALL Walter "Neal" Olson, Directors L. Kashuba, J.R. Jones and M.M. ~dden. ABS~: John Wynn, Director. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C. Weidman, R. Baer, R. Heng, M. Ambrose, G. Eppler, Howard Ingwerson, B. Fischer, ~ke Adams, G. Plasterer and Barbara Hahn - Tribune Reporter. CORRECTI~S OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA Items 9 and 10 additional and request for an adjourned meeting. (Action Items). AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED CONSENT CALENDAR: None ~NU~fES: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, the minutes of August 27, 1981 and the minutes of September 3, 1981 be approved as submitted. SHOP ST~SqARD'S REPORT: ~ke Adams, Shop Steward, stated the negotiations of the Union and the District are completed, and all employees are pleased with the new contract.' REPORT BY BOARD ~/~BERS: Director Jones reported that he and Manager Cofer attended a meeting re the "Y" Improvement District. He stated that one-half of the residents have responded to the request as to whether they do or do not want to support the assessment district proposed. Director Kashuba stated that she and Manager Cofer attended the SWRCB meeting at Sacramento today, and she also spoke with D. Sullivan regarding the Water Pollution Bill which is now drafted and we should be receiving a copy of that draft soon. MA~LAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that he and W. Dunckhorstmet with the representatives of the Edgewater Company - they are interested in the intertie to our system. Further report will be brought back to the Board. ~NUTES OF 8/27/81 and 9/3/81 APPROVED SHOP ST[5~RD'S REPORT- BOARD ~ER REPORT (Jones) (Kashuba) NO COMMITTEE REPORTS MANAGER'S REPORT. Also, today, he and Director Kashuba attended the meeting of SWRCB, Sacramento. They continued the 1981 priority list; they adopted the 1982 list, however, the staff was directed not to send the list to EPA until the 1982 appropriations are cleared up. There are 19 projects with justifica- tion reports for grants in Washington, D.C., and we are one of the 19. They gave us a list of questions ,which we will attempt to answer to the State, and they will wire same to Washington, D.C. Regular Meeting .2 September 17, 1981 ATIORNEY'S REPORT: None. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTIONS ~nager Cofer stated that much time and manymeetings have been held with the Operating Engineers, Local 39 re the MOU; all are in agreement regarding all phases of same, and recoumended that the Renewal of the MOU be accepted and RESOLUTION NO.2224, setting salaries for the classified positions be approved. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. 0 MEDICAL INSURANCE FOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES: (Howard Ingwerson and Barrie Fischer) The insurance plans were discussed by the Finance Conmittee and the Finance Officer, and it is the recomendation of the Finance Comnittee that the three plans (Blue Cross, Guardian Life and Occidental) be approved to cover insurance for the management employees. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the Finance Comnittee recoumendation be accepted. Also, since there will be a lapse of 4 days between coverage from one plan to the other, it was moved by Director Jones, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the District will accept the responsibility of picking up any hospital charges for the 4 days of coverage for anyone that would be admitted to the hospital for the difference in time of the two insurance companies. 3. SALARY AEgUST~%Yf, CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES: Manager Cofer recomnended approval of RESOLUTION NO. 2223 - Confidential Employees Salaries, and ORDINANCE NO. 332 - ~nnager and Clerk Salaries. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2223, and ORDINANCE NO. 332 be approved~,as reco~nended by the Finance Committee. RECON~NDATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS ADOPTED MOUAND RESOLUTION NU~ER 2224, Salaries for Classified Personnel. BLUE CROSS AND GUARDIAn] LIFE INSUPANCE CO_~PANY AND OCCIDENTAL INSUPJ~CE COMPANIES APPROVEDFOR ~NAGH~NT EMPLOYEES. Blue Cross = in hospital Guardian - out of hospital Occidental - dental. Time difference of Ins. Co. Coverage - District will carry responsibility of any employee in the hospital. RESOLUTION NO. 2223 and ORDINANCE NO. 332 (Management and Confidential Employees Salaries) approved. Regular Meeting 3 September 17, 1981 DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES, EROSION CONTROL GRANT PROJECTS. Director Jones stated that four (4) Conslzltants were interviewed for this project, and the panel agreed to accept the proposal from: FALCONI A~ND ASSOCIATES, INC. NE%~ZDA CITY, CA., for this project; he moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. SEW]~R LINE EXFILTRATION STUDY Manager Cofer reconmended that the authorization be approved to execute agreement with Lahonta, NTPUD and TCPUD re Sewer Line Exfiltration Study. Director Kashuba moved, secor~ed by Director Jones, and unanimously carried. PURCHASE MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that bids be obtained for purchase of manhole frames and covers (Bid No. 81 82 20) - Bid opening is set for 10/8/81 at 2:00 P.M. PERI~fER FENCE - Gary Plasterer requested authorization to go to bid for completing perimeter fencing; approximately 750 feet needed. It is felt that the plant should be secure to protect the public and District Employees. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. UPPER TRUCKEE PUMP STATION PAVING, BID NO. 81 82 20 R. Baer stated that one bid only was received from Ebright and Turk in the amount of $25,420.00 (Under Engineers Estimate) and reconmend that the contract be awarded to Ebright and Turk. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. e DECLARE SURPLUS OF PIPE (FROM EXPORT PIPE LINE AND RF~©VAL OF SAME) G. Eppler requested the Board declare surplus of pipe (from export line) as OSHA has recon~nded that we remove the pipe and restack; some pipe can be used and the remaining pipe should be advertised for surplus - (Removal of the pipe will be at a cost of $4900.00[ Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba $4900 be approved for the removal of the pipe to a safe place, and the remaining pipe not used be advertised for surplus/ sale. SEleCTION OF CONSULTANT A~D DESIGN WORK AUTHORIZED FALCONI ANDASSOCIATES RIEVADA CITY, CA... AGREEMENT EXECUTED WITH LAHONTAN, NORTH TAHOE PUD AY~D TAHOE CITY PUD AND SOUTH TAHOE PUD. OBTAIN BIDS, MANHOLE COVERS AND FRAMES APPROVED APPROVAL GIVEN TO OBTAIN BIDS FOR PERIMETER FENCING. UPPER TRUCKEE PU~ STATION PAVING AWARDED TO EBRIGHTAND TURK DECLARE SURPLUS OF PIPE AND APPROVE REMOVAL OF SAME IN THE AMOUNT OF $4900. Regular Meeting -4- September 17, 1981 10. SUNSET CORRALS/CONNECTION FEES... It was suggested at the 8/-~-/8~meeting of the Board that Patrick Martin, owner of Sunset Corral, be allowed to pay the connection fees for twelve se~er units ($15,960.00) on installment, and presented the reco~nended basis for palments to the Board. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. NOTICE OF (1) ~ETINGS: Board Study Session and Adjourned Regular Meeting 9/28/81, 4:00 P.M. (2) Regular Board Meeting 10/1/81, 5:00 P.M. (3) ~tigation Task Force 10/9/81, 8:30 A.M. - Timbercove/Quarterdeck Room SUNSET CORRAL APPROVED TO PAY CONNECEION FEES ON INSTA!.TNL~NT BASIS. S~{EDULED MEETINGS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Maddenmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $362,639.39 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PA~ 5:55 P.M. to 9/28/81 4:00 P~~ J~ALTER RESIDENT _-'/SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: ADJOURNED REGULAR~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRRCTO~S SOL~fH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 9/28/81, 4:00 P.M. -- Present were President W. N. Olson and Directors Wynn and ~dden. ROLL CALL ABSENT: Directors Kashuba and Jones, and Manager Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R.G. Baer. Also present were Attorney J.C.Weidman, G. Eppler, B. Fischer, Sam Davis, W. Dunckhorst, M. Ambrose President Neal Olson stated that there is NO ACTION RE GPJe~TS... no action to be taken re the Grants, ther~fere, he adjourned the meeting at/~:05 P.M',-i '"~'~N~,~ /'"' "~~ -di-s-~, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ~ D~2'Ambrose, Clerk o~ Bo o South/Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PL~LIC UTILITY DISTRICT I-I~,T,D OCTOBER 1, 1981, 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a r~egular session on 10/1/81, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.Neal Olson, DIRECTORS L. Kashuba, J. [~fnn, M. Madden and J.R. Jones· Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, S. Davis, R. Heng, W. Dunckhorst, B. Fischer, Attorney J.C. ~ei~man. Barbara Hahn - Tribune Reporter. · amorose. ABSENT.: Assistant Engineer R.G. Baer, G.P!asterer. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested an executive session following the meeting (Personnel and Litiga- tion). APPROVED ADJOURN~2~T TO EXEC.SESSION. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Consent Calendar, as follows, be approved: CONSENT CAT,I~AR APPROVED (1) Reduction of Sewer Units and Change of Use: Refund for 5 sewer units for a total of $303.60 (Ski Run and Mackedie). MINUTES: Minutes of 9/17/81 postponed. REPORT BY BOARD ME~ERS: (Director Kashuba) Director Kashuba stated that we had our last report from Congressman G. Chappie this morning - "The Dude Has Been Signed"- Manager Cofer, Director Kashuba and Director Jones went to Washington, D.C. and worked very hard to contact all the _Legislators, who in turn worked for our benefit to get the Grant signed, and they should be comnended, as well as their staff, for the work that they did to help us. Congressman Chappie especially worked extremely hard for us, as he has been in the Lake Tahoe Area for a long time, and was well up on what we needed and wanted...he was mst helpful to us; as did Shumway and D. Sullivan, Senator Cranston and his staff. REPORT BY DIRECTOR YJ~SHUBA GRANT~NIES Also Director Kashuba and Director Jones did sit in on the hearings for the amend- ments to the CleanWater Act Bill 4503; these an~ndments will be going to a public hearing ($2.4 million dollars for continuing projects under construction) REGULAR MEETING -2- ~mnager Cofer stated that by getting the Step II signed, in FY 1981, it does assure us of 75% construction grant, if there are federal funds available and if we canperformunder the Mitigation Task Force. Otherwise, it would drop to 65% Federal funding or it may be lower, and that difference is several million dollars. ~lmnager corer stated this is a big step forward and he is thrilled with the outcome. Manager Cofer stated that the Regional Manager for EPA has been appointed, who is Ms. S. Crow, attorney from Los Angeles. President Neal Olson con~nendedManager Cofer and Directors Kashuba and Jones for the excellent job they did in obtain- ing our grant signature. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORt: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: None V~RKSHOP SESSIONS AND/OR ~ETINGS HELD: 1. 9/28/81 Adjourned Meeting and Workshop Session for Agenda Items 2. 9/29-30/81 Washington D.C. for Grant Signature 3. Manager Cofer attended the OSHA Hearing on 9/24/81 - Sacranmnto. ~,I~NAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that OSHA was here this a.m. and inspected the plant and they decided to not release W.R.Thomason to work again, he now has no permit for excavation, and THOMASON is bringing in another contractor tomorrow, and Thomason will be working for the other contractor, until the excavation work is completed. Also, the State Contractor's Division is now going to conduct a full investiga- tion on the accident and the citations violated byW.R.Thomason- ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he has been work- ing on the case of G. Pickles and this will be discussed in the executive session following this meeting; he has been in contact with Congressman Chappie also regarding the grant and signing of sam~. He met with D. Hinricks of CWC and Gene Eppler and some revision was made to the Celio and Springmeyer Contracts, however, those are not completed as of this time, we will also revise the Heise Contract - how- ever, most of the contracts with the ranchers are completed. 10/1/81 ~EETINGS HELD MANAGE. R'S REPORT A%~fORNEY ' S REPORT Regular ~%eeting -3- October 1, 1981 CO~ENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None REPORT BY PROGRAM ~NAGERS: None ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) Preliminary Engineering Report South "Y" Water Project (W.F.Pillsbury, Inc. Proposal) Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, the work be authorized as stated in the proposal from W.F.Pillsbury, Inc., not to exceed $2800. (2) Design Grant Application. As discussed by Director Kashuba and M~nager Cofer. (Report by Board Members and Manager's Report) (State is working on the Conditions) (3) Proposed Waste Discharge Require- ments Maintenance Projects. Manager Cofer stated that the Waste Discharge Requ_irements do differ from our existing maintenance requirements we now have, however, these are what TCPUD have adopted, and Mr. Hampson is trying to standardize these reqm~ire- ments throughout the basin. The two clauses that were deleted from the existing Waste Discharge Requirements: (1) Findings Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 shall not be applicable to repairs iranediately required until the ST PIeD has had an opportunity after discovery to promptly respond to the immediate need for a particular repair and an opportunity to promptly contain flows an.d discharges to comply with said Findings Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. (SECTION II A-EFFLUENT LLU~TATIONS) (2) Order Nos. 1 and 2 shall not be applicable to repairs immediately required until the ST PUD has an qDportunity after discovery to promptly respond to the imnediate need for a particular repair and an opportunity to contain flows and discharges to comply with said receiving water limitations Order Nos. 1 and 2. Director Kashuba stated that her concern is that these Waste Discharge Require- ments have to last up to 5 years and because of changes in the different Boards, we should consider if we can live with these for the next 5 years. Manager Cofer will contact Lahontan and request that the 2 clauses that have been deleted from the V~DRbe added. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, the ~anager's reco~r~ndation to adopt the Waste Discharge Requirements be approved and that Staff will work with Lahontan to resolve the addition of the 2 clauses as mentioned above and request same be included in the new WDR. MANAGER'S RECOmmenDATIONS AUTHORIZED WOP/< BY w~. F . PILI~SBURY NOT TO EXCEED $2800 DESIGN GRANT APPLICATION STAFF AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT REQUI~S - 7~D TO CONTACT LAHONTA~N RECJtRDING THE TWO CLAUSES THAT DISTRICT FEELS SHO[ILD BE PART_ OF ~ REOUIRE- MENT_$... October 1, 1981 -4- REGULAR ~¢FA~TING (4) Installation of Fire Hydrants on Black Bart Avenue. Director Maddenmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the contract for the installation of fire hydrants be awarded to Tom Haen Company in the amount of $10,000. AWARD PURCHASE ORDER IN A~U~ OF $10,000 to TOM HAEN CO~A~Tf (5) Furnace Combustion Air Supply System, Bid No. 81 82 16 AWARD CONTRACT IN AMO[~EfOF $13,900 to TOM HAEN COMPANY Director Maddenmoved, seconded by Director ~,~nn, unanimously carried. (6) GRIT Building Painting Bid ~81 82 16 Director ~addenmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried contract be awarded to Pederson Painting in their bid amount of $7,250. AWARD CONTRACT $7,250 _mO PERDERSON PAIbJfING (7) Sludge Removal, Bid #81 82 18 Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimosuly carried, contract in amount of $22,800 be awarded to T.Haen Co. AWARD CONTRACT TO THOMAq HAEN COMPANY IN A~©UNTOF $22,800. (8) Air Compressor Re-Bid Bid #81 82 19 Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, Purchase Order in Amount of $28,000 be awarded to Christie Machine Works. AWARD PURCHASE OP~ER TO ~{RISTIE MACHINE WORKS IN AMOL_~T OF $28,000 (9) RESOLUTION NO. 2225 - Authorizing Signature Authority to Open Checking Account at Wells Fargo Bank for Separate Fund Accounting - EBOSION CONTROL GRANT PROJECT ~bved, seconded, carried, RESOLUTION be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 2225 APPRO\~D (_Open Checking Account/%~lls Fargo) EROSION CONTROL GRANT PROJECT (10). JANITORIAL SERVICES .... Director ~ddenMoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, authorization for bids be approved. AUTHORIZED STAFF TO OBTAIN BIDS FOR JANITORIAL SERVICES. BID OPENING 10/15/81, 3:00 P.M. PAk74ENTOF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded CLA~.~ APPROVED FOR PAY~%~NT by Director ~dden, unanimously carried, claims in amount of $686,798.73 be aoproved for payment. MEETINGS SCHEDULED: 1. ~.~tigation Task Force 10/9/81, 8:30 A.M. Timbercove 2. Workshop/Agenda Items 10/13/81, 4:00 P.M. 3. 10/15/81 Board Meeting, 5 p.m. MEETINGS SCHEDULED ADJOUP~NMENT TO AN EXECUTIVE SESSION: ADJOURNED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 5:55 P.M. FOLLOWING EXECUTIVE SESSION, ATTORNEY JOHN C. WEID~'~/N REQUESTED THAT THE BOARD DENY THE CLA~4 OF ONE FRIEDA CLAIM OF PICKLES DENIED E. PICKLES, CYNTHIA HAIJ. (STEP- DAUGHTER), CHRISTINE PICKLES, IIffEYNE PICKLES, YVETTE PICKLES AND ANNETTE PICKLES. ~.~ ~ Director Wynnmoved, seconded by // .... ~ ,A~T:,\ ~Direct°r~J ~ M~dden,~{~/. ~/unanim°uslyI\/\ ~ ~. car~i~d.// ~,, /i,~/, ~ ~ SOUTH ~%HOE PUBLIC I~ILI_. DIS~RJ//T ........................................... REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY__ DISTRICT OCTOBER 15, 1981 5:00 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District m~t in a workshop session on 10/13/81 to receive a presentation from Mr. Kermeth B. Peters of James Hansen and Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, regarding ener.qy conservation and the many ways that this Utility District could, perhaps, save on energy and costs. On 10/15/81, 4:00 P.M., Bill Ettlich and Gordon Culp from C9~ Engineering Firm, met with the Board prior to the regular meeting to discuss and review the proposed engineering contracts and construction safety. The Board met 10/15/81, 5:00 P.M. in a regular session. President Neal Olson called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. ROLL CAI.I.: Present were President W. N. Directors L. L. Kashuba, M. M. Madden, J. and J. Wyrm. Olson, ROLL CALL R. Jones, Also present were [i~nager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R.G. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, R. Heng, M. ~mbrose, W. Ettlich, Gordon Culp, Barbara Hahn-Tribune Reporter, B. Fischer, G. Plasterer, S. Davis, W. Dunckhorst, G. Eppler. COP~RECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGL~TDA. None. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, and carried unanimously, Consent Calendar be approved, as follows: (1) SPECIAL USE PE~T (Bridge, Rainbow and Upper Truckee Recreation Residence Areas) (2) PURCHASE OF C~S PL~S from T&T Engineering. ($8,467.00) MINUTES: 9/17/81 and 10/1/81 Minutes of 9/17/81 reads: EDGEWATER and should be EDGE~'~OOD). Director Jones moved, seconded by Director ~dden, unanimously carried, that minutes of 9/17/81 be approved as corrected, and 10/1/81 be approved as submitted. AGENDA APPROVED CONSENT CAI.ENDAR APPPOVED: (1) Special Use Permit Renewal (2) Purchase of C~s Pup. us ($8,467.00) MINUTES OF 9/17/81 and 10/1/81 APPROVED REPORT BY BOARD ME~IBERS: None. ~{OP STt~,[ARD' S REPORT: None. COMMIYTEE REPORTS: None. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND/OR MEETINGS: 10/6/81 10/9/81 10/15/81 Senator R. Johnson Visit ~tigation Task Force 4:00 P.M. Workshop on Step II Engineering Contracts and Construc- tion Safety by CWC. MANAGER'S REPORT: Yzmager J.R. Cofer stated that he will be in contact with Mr. Harvey Banks to set a date for the Special Consulting Panel to inspect the Plant and give the Board a recommendation for 1982 connections. WORKSHOPS AND MEETINGS ~AGER' S REPORT Regular Meeting -2- 10/15/81 MANAGER' S REPORT (Continued) Today, ~lmnager Cofer stated, we received the letter from EPA offering the ST PUD a Step II Award in the amount of $939,000. We have not received the State Grant. ATII3RNEY ' S REPORT: Attorney J.C. Weidman and Manager J.R. Cofer met with Lahontan re the Maintenance Waste Discharge Requirements and carried the Board's wishes to Lahontan. 10/7/81 Mr. Weidman and Mr. Cofer met with Ann Schneider (Downey, Brand, Seymour and Rohwer) and the Water Rights Engineer on water rights applications and the matter of the environmental impact report with the State of California to join with them and the other two Lake Districts in paying for an environmental impact report on applications for SWRCB. There was another meeting on 10/13/81 on this same subject with the Y~nagers of the Lake Districts, Ann Schneider, Water Rights Lawyer, and the Lahontan Staff and the State Board Staff. Manager Cofer stated that the State agreed they would put together a more detailed statement of need to identify the task that they thought had to be done, then they will come back with us to discuss further. The State was ask- ing for about $95,000 for this EIS, and there is no way, at this time, Manager Cofer stated, that we can come up with this kind of money. We will wait until the State comes back to us with a more detailed report of what they have in mind as to what they want done. ~. Weidman stated that another meeting with the Lake Attorneys, County Club - Utility District Managers and Ann Schneider was held and we received a report on the Pyramid Indian Litigation, and also at this meet- ing discussed the portion of the fees for this matter. Further discussion will be held as an agenda item for this meeting. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION: EPA GRANT AWARD RECEIVED FOR $939,000. (1) MANHOLE COVERS: Requested by San Davis that Award of Contract to Pinkerton Foundary be approved. Three bids were received, and the low bid was Pinkerton ($12,434.00) Director ~ddenmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (2) JANITORIAL SERVICES - Requested by San Davis Award of Contract be approved to Robert C. Fuller, low bidder (2 bids were received). Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. (3) STEP II DESIGN GRABS... Mmnager Cofer stated that we are anxious to get design under way, however, work cannot be authorized until there is a contract ATTORNEY ' S REPORT JANITORIAL SERVICES AWARDED TO ROBERT FUIIgRAS OF 11/1/81 ($776 Month for Ite~ #1 and $200 ~nth for Item #2 ) STATUS OF STEP II DESI@~ GPJLNT AWARDED CONTRACT TO PINKERTON FOUNDARY FOR MAI4{OLE COVERS ($12,434) ACTIONS TAKEN BY BOY_RD Regular Meeting -3- 10/15/81 and we did receive the EPA Contract today. In talking with the State, they are still having difficulty selling their bonds, and the State is trying to amend their contract to read that we may not receive the State reimbursement if the State is unable (amended contract hopefully ready next week) to sell their bonds.. and that no monies will be received until the bonds are sold. There are, however, 17 special conditions in the EPA Contract, which are the same 17 conditions presented and discussed by the~tigation Task Force, and which have been reviewed by the District Board inthe past. MANAGER COFER RECON~ENDED: (1) Contract with EPAbe executed in the amount of $939,000. Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Jones, carried unanimously. (2) Authorize execution of the State Contract following review byAttorney J.C.Weidman, regarding the paragraph(s) the State will add re~arding bonds, and without the EIR grant Conditions. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, carried unanimously. (4) ENGINEERING CONTRACT, STEP II DESIGN: Manaqer Cofer reco~nended that the Board consider approving the contract with ~C and the sub-contractors, which total $1,260,000 with the following conditions: (a) That the District has execuked and accepted the State Contract, and (b) That we have received approval by the State to award Contract. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (5) PURCHASE OF CAUSTIC SODA G. Plasterer requested the Board to approve authorization to obtain bids for purchase of Caustic soda. Director Jones~oved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (6) YLLOCATION OF COSTS RE PRELimiNARY LEGALWO~(, PAUITE INDI3LNS Manager Cofer stated that $5,000 has been expended on legal work responding to the Indian Suit, and it appears that approximately $20,000 will be needed. The Country Club felt that they are involved to a degree and would be will- ing to pay 5% of costs; the ~,l~nagers of the 3 Utility District met and recon~end that each District pay in proportion to the build-out of the 208 Plan. M~nager Cofer recoumended that this District ~ay up to 64% of preliminary legal cos%s allocated to the Utility Districts (95% of total costs). Total costs not to exceed $20,000 legal cost level. MOVED TO EXECUTE EPA CO~TERACT WITH EPA (DESIGN GRANT) IN THE AMOUNT OF $939.00 STATE CONTRACT BE EXECUTED FOLLOWING AT~ORRTEY REVIE%.[ AND WITHO[~ EIR GRANT CONDITIONS. ENGINEERING CO~fRACT, STEP II DESIGN ~TH ~4C AND SUB- CONTRACTOP£ APPROVED WITH TH~ TWO CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED BY ~T~NAGER J.R. COFER. AUTHORIZED TO OBTAIN BIDS FOR CAUSTIC SODA PAUITE INDIAN LITIC~ATION AND COSTS FOR PRELimINARY LEGALWO~{ APPROVED ST PUD PAU UP TO 64% of PRELIMINARY LEGAL COSTS (Pauite Indian Suit) AT,TOCATED TO THE UTILITY DISTRICTS (95% of Total Cost) and TOTAL COSTS NOT TO EXCEED $20,000 LEGAL COST LEVEL. Regular ~eeting -4- 10/15/81 Director I,~yTm moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. (In reply to Director Kashuba's questions, Manager Cofer stated that the Managers of the Districts feel these are equitable costs) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS:::- Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $959,163.46 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT NOTICE OF MEETINGS: SCHEDULED MEETINGS (1) 10/21/81 Water Purveyors, 2 pm (Election of Officers) (2) 10/22/81 Chamber of Commerce Luncheon - Harvey's Inn. (Kodak Presentation of Lake Tahoe) (3) 11/2/81 Workshop Agenda Items, 4 pm (4) 11/5/81 Regular Board Meeting, 5 _Dm It was also mentioned that ~.~nager Cofer, Director Kashuba, City Planner and City Manager will be meeting to discuss and to clarify just what is and is not avail- able regarding matching funds for the public projects. Report back to Board at a later date. ADJOURN~4ENT: 5:58 P.M. ATTEST: WA~ "NF~" OLSON, PRESIDENT TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT '~D-~.~i~§e, Cl~rk o~f-Bo~rd SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY November 5, 1981 5:00 P. M. OF DIRECTORS DISTRICT The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 11/5/81, 5:00 P.M.,District Offices. ROLl. CALL: Present were President W.N. Olson and Directors J. ~znn, J.R. Jones and M. M. ~dden. ABSENT: DIRECTOR KASHUBA Also present were Mmnager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Fischer, R. Baer, G. Plasterer, R. Heng, G. Eppler, M. Ambrose, Barbara Hahn - Tribune Reporter, Cheri Williams- KTHO, CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: M~nager Cofer requested an Executive Session following this meeting re Alpine County Contracts. AGENDA APPROVED CONS~TCALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Consent Calendar, as follows, be approved: CONSENT CAI,ENDAR APPROVED (1) Increase 6 Sewer Units, 835 Lakeview (2) Increase 6 Sewer Units and back charge for 2 years, 23 351 280, 900 Glorene; (3) Decrease 1 Sewer Unit and refund connection fee and $60.72 service charge (not permitted to build 3rd bathroom) Lot 3, River Park Drive, 36 471 030 A~.gA Membership Dues approved for payment in the amoumt of $4,400.00. MI~TOTES OF 10/15/81: Director Madden n~ved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, minutes be approved as suhnitted. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director John Wynn stated that he attended the Allocation Committee meeting and they have agreed to reconmend the allocation program remain as it has been in the past. Those will still have ~e requirement of obtaining their uermit within the 30 day period; transfer of property without restriction of land capabilities. NOVEMBER 30th is the deadline date for all plans to be sutmmitted for the permits, and there will be additional drawings, if necessary. SHOP STt~ARD'S REPORT: Not present. MINUTES OF 10/15/81 A~PROVED BOARD MF~BERS REPORTS (1) Director John NO SHOP STE%IARD'S REPORT COMMITTEE REPORTS: None NO COMMITTEE REPORTS. ~/~AGER'S REPORT: - ~nnager Cofer stated there is a groundwater meeting to be held, which he felt we should attend, however, there is also a meeting to be scheduled re~arding a hearing called by the Governor, and Manager Cofer will get more information on this meeting and/or hearing and inform those in~emsted in attending, should the groundwater meeting not be cancelled. Consultant Panel will be here on November 23 and 24, 1981, and ~mnager Cofer reqested a workshop session on Tuesday, November 24th at 3:00 P.M. to receive the Panel's Report. ~iNAGER'S REPORT (J.R.Cofer) CONSULTANT PANEL HERE 11/23-24/81 and WORKSHOP SCHEDULED FOR BOARD ON 11/24/81 to receive report. REGULAR ~ETING -2- November 5, 1981 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman requested an executive session following this meeting to discuss the Alpine County contracts, and also to discuss preliminaries for eminent domain action. Attorney's Report ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION: (1) PERMIT TO CALIFORNIA STATE FOR INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR INSTAT~.ATION OF SEISMOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTS Director Jones n~ved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. ACTION and/or RECO~%ENDATIONS APPROVED EXECUTION OF PE~T FOR INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR (Seismographic Instruments) (2) HEADSTART, PHASE I, EROSION CONTROLS PURSUANT TO SECTION GC 13.09A OF CONTRACT DOCU~INTS (W.R. THOMASON, INC. CONTRACT): (a) 10/16/81 - 7 day notice to contractor to complete erosion control work. APPROVALS OF: (a) Letter of 7-day Notice to Contractor Approved. (b) 10/23/81, Order to Contractor to Cease Work at end of 7-day Notice; to exclude Contractor from areas of project site where erosion control work is being completed by outside contractor. (b) Cease work, Hire outside Contractor to complete project. (c) 10/23/81 Authorize INTEGRITY CONSTRUC- TION to complete the erosion control work on t~.m and material basis. (c) INTEGRITY CONS. to complete erosion control work ($13,000.00. (d) Pay INTEGRITY CONS. and dedcut amount from W.R. Thomason Next Progress Billing Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (d) Pay INTEGRITY Cons. and deduct fromW.R.Thomason next pr~ress billing. (3) NOTICES OF COMPLETION: (a) 1980 Water Distribution System HOOD CORPORATION.. (NOTE:NOTICE IS FOR SUBSTANTIAL CO~LETION ONLY) (b) College Well, Phase II, STANG HYDRONICS, INC. (c) UPPER TRUCKEE ACCESS ROAD PAVING -EBRIGHTAND TURK ADPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2226 and FILE NOTICE. OF COMPLETION APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2227 and FILE NOTICE OF COMJPLETION APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2228 and FILE NOTICE OF CO~TLETION (suB.) Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanin~usly carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 2226, 2227 and 2228 be approved as reconmended by ~lmnager J.R. Cofer. Xl~Z. PAY~%Ef OF CLAI~%S: Director I~nn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the ~t of $760,305.31 ~ approved for ~t. N~ICE OF ~T~GS: 11/24/81 Consult~t Panel ~, 3 ~ 11/30/81 Works~p/Ag~da Session, 4 ~ 12/3/81 Board ~eting, 5 p~m~.~ ~ ~O~~: 5:15 P.M.' to ~ E~C~ S~ON~ .~ ~ ..... SO~ T~OE PL~LIC ~ILI~ DISTRICT ~ D//~mSE, ~ OF lBO~'- SOU~ T~OE P~LIC ~ILI~ DIST:~ CLAIMS A~PROVED FOR PAY~E~f REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECF~ER 3, 1981 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 12/3/81, 5:00 P.M. at the District Conference Room. ROLL CAI,L: Present were President W. N. Olson, Directors J. R. Jones, M. M. Madden, L. L. Kashuba and. J. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R. G. Baer, G. Plasterer, S. Davis, G. Eppler, C. Ross, R. Heng, M. Ambrose - Clerk of Board; Attorney J.C.Weidman, Cheri Williams - KTHO, Barbara Hahn- Tribune Reporter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Joyce, W.F. Pillsbury and Dennis Crabb - City Attorney. OORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA OONSENT ~AR: Eliminated 6 items from consent calendar (See action taken for Consent Calendar) AGENDA APPROVED AS AME}~)ED ADD RESOLUTION Congratulating City on their 16thBirthday. Executive Session requested following this meeting to discuss rights-of-way and negotiations withAlpine County. Director Wynnmved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Agenda be Approved as Anended. ~INUTES OF 11/ 5/81 postponed. APPROVAL OF ~INUTES POSTPONED REPORT BY BOARD ~.~_~BERS: None SHOP ST~,~ARD'S REPORT: None CO~ITTEE REPORTS: None MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated he did attend the CASA Conference, Monterey, California, and stated it was an outstanding meeting; there will also be a safety seminar scheduled soon and mentioned that we will probably send our safety officer to this. Also, the South Shore Water Purveyors voted to send the letter to Senator Ayala inform- Lng him of the Association and what they are trying to accomplish. President Olson stated that our dues for A~A were in the amount of $4400 and he requested that in the future, the budget for sewer and water be divided, which will save our District approximately $3600 indues. ATTOPNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that he did attend the CASA Attorney's meeting. They are going to be doing more research on SB 105; that he has been working on the Alpine negotiations, and will discuss further in the Executive Session following this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT A~'TA DbmS ATTO9NEY' S REPORT REGULAR MEETING 2 12/3/81 CONSENT CALENDAR ACTIONS 1. Correction of sewer billings for: 2131 Texas Avenue, Lot 140 Decrease 1 SU and no refund. 1136 2nd Ave., 23 392 140 Decrease 3 SU and refund $665.72 as City issued permit in error. 1052 Tata Lane, 32 291 290 Increase 4 SUand back charge for 2 years. o Ratification of FOU, ST PUD and Stationary Engineers, Local 39 Erosion Control at Cold Creek Watershed and Heavenly Valley Water Tanks: (a) Preliminary Environmental Assessment (received and filed) (b) Notice of Categorical Exemption adopted. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, the above mentioned items under the consent calendar be approved, as reconmended by Manager Cofer. (Status reports were also requ_.ested be given to the Board atmonthly intervals) COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None PROGRAM~,~tGERS REPORTS: None ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) SOUTH "Y" FIRE PROTECTION PROJECT (a) Select Engineer and Bond Counsel (Adopt RES.NO. 2229) (W. F. Pillsbury and Jones Hall Hill & ~ite) (b) Authorize Engineering and CEQAWork Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, RES. NO. 2229 be approved and the Agreement Authorizing Engineering and CEQAWork be approved. (2) P6~DERHONN PROJECT (JOYCE) ~nnager Cofer stated that the Board has taken no action on Mr. Joyce's request for a settle- ment of lititgation against the District pending determination by the TRPA of the project's vest- ed rights and he has reconmended the following: (1) Proceed with notification of City of South Lake Tahoe and Comity of E1 Dorado of District's intent to withdraw as of 12/31/81 all 1981 sewer units that are unassigned and sewer deposit un- paid. (2) If there are sewer units withdrawn from the 1981 Allocation, District will assign to the Powerderhorn Project up to 108 se~mr units (36 units at 3 SU/Unit) subject to the following: (a) Settlement of all legal actions by Joyce and Powderhorn Project against the District; (b) Deposit by 2/1/82 of a non-refundable deposit of $143,640 (108 SU at $1330/SU); (c) Final sewer permit will not be issued unless the TRPA determines that the project is outside the TRPA compact limitations. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED ACTIONS TAKEN RES. NO. 2229 ADOPTED Approved agreement Regular Meeting -3- 12/3/81 Dennis Crabb, City Attorney, hand delivered the following letter regarding the JOYCE ~ATTER: "This will confirm our conversation in my office on 12/2/81. The City is willing to settle the Joyce matter and issue whatever City permits and approvals may be required on the follow- Lng conditions: 1. Total project to be 36 residential units. 2. Joyce must abandon all rights under previously approved subdivision maps of the property upon the issuance of building permits for the thirty six units. 3. Joyce must dedicate to the City the five acres of property previously discussed for park and open space purposes. Such dedication to be without charge or expense to the City, other than filing fees, if any, for the gift deed. 4. Joyce n~st obtain all regional agency approvals before any settlement with the City is effective. 5. Any building permits issued to Joyce by the City must be available for issuance without regard to the provisions of the Bi-State Compact. That is, he must be determined to have a "vested right" to the thirty-six units so that the City's ability to issue building permits in 1982 and 1983 is not reduced from the number allowed by the Compact ~oratorium provision. I believe this clearly sets forth the City' s uosition in this matter. If there are any ~estions, please contact me at any time." s/J. Dennis Crabb, City Attorney. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the reco~endation of Manager Cofer and as so stated in letter from City Attorney, D. Crabb, be approved. It was also mentioned by President Olson that we should include in the above action regarding transfers: should be agreeable to the District, County and City and the compact allocation. Board approved. Mr. Wynn also mentioned that he does not want to see this District get into the selling of sewer permits. RESOLUITONS OF APPRECIATION FOR: Willis Brown (Postmaster) Amelia McAnnally (County Auditor) Moved, seconded and carried that the Resolutions of Appreciation be approved (Madden/Jones) for W. Brown (accepted by his wife, Louise Brown) and that the other for ~rs. A. McAnnally be approved and presented to her at her retire- ment dinner at Placerville on 12/12/81. Resolution No. 2231 to W. Bro~ Resolution No. 2232 to A. McAnnally APPROVED REGULAR~ETING -4- 12/3/81 CONSULTANT'S PANEL REPORT: The Consultant Panel met with the Board inWorkshop and gave an evaluation of Wastewat2r Treatment System and Facility Planning. The report received and filed~s the recommendation of ~neManager. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, report be received and filed. CONSULTANT PANELS REPORT RECEIVED AND FILED. RESOLUTION NO. 2230 - A RESOLUTION OF THE Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Establishing the Allowable Sewer Unit Connections during Calendar Year 1982. Director ~ddenmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, P~S. NO. 2230 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 2230, ESTABLISHING S~R UNIT CONNECTIONS FOR 1982. CERTIFICATE OF MERIT Certificate of Merit from the Tahoe Resources Conservation District was received by the District Board and Director Kashuba stated that R. Heng, Grant Adw~nistrator has worked very hard re the erosion control project and is to be con~nended for her hard ~Drk. CERTIFICATE OFMEP~T FROM TRCD RECEIVED FENCING : Gary Plasterer, ~mnager of ~Operations recommended the contract for the fencing be awarded to 17~OLL FENCE CO. in the amount of $12,943.22, low bid and requested a purchase order be issued for same. ~{OLL FENCE CO. A~ARDED PERIMETER FENCE CONTRACT Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. HEALTH INSURANCE (Directors) Attorney Weidman stated that he has investigated the possibility of the request for health insurance as was discussed in t~e last meeting, and he does not see any objection for Directors and Officers of the District to continue with their insurance as discussed at the last regular meeting of this Board. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that our existing contracts be amended to include this clause (health-medicaI / hospital, dental and vision): The individual will pay (following their departure from the District) their share and dependent's share of the premium as charged in the Group Policies, and shall be covered until death. HEAL_~4 17qSURANCE, MEDICAL/ HOSP ITAL/D~/~TAL/VI S ION TO EXTEND TO DIRECTORS A~ID OFFICEP~S OF TN3U~ DISTRICT_. AFTER HA%TNG SER%~D ~EIR TEP~ (minimum of 4 years) AND FOLLOWING THEIR DEPARt?RE FROM THE DISTRICT (INCLUDED IAI THE GROUP POLICY OF THE DISTRICT) AUqDIT MANAGEMENT LETTER: Director Kashuba momd for a workshop to discuss this letter. Director Madden seconded unanimously carried WORKSHOP TO BE SCHEDLT~ED FOR AUDIT MANAC~YF ~R. CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE : The Conflict of Interest Code was adopted by this Board in~.~h of 1981, and the County could not locate same; another copy was sent in to the Board of Supervisors requ_esting approval of same. CONFLICT OF ~fEREST CODE REGULAR MEETING -5- 12/3/81 PAIgL~NTOF CLAIMS Director %~nnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanLmously carried, claims in the amount of $1,042,229.73 be approved for payment. ~7.ECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1982 PRESIDENT: James R. Jones nominated for President. No other nominations given. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, nominations be closed.. VICE PPESIDENT: Mary "~ckey" Madden nominated fo~--'~ice President. No other nominations be given. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, nominations be closed. Gavel was turned over to President James R. Jones, who stated he will be contacting the Board ~_mbers regarding assignments and committees. He also requested that Director Kashuba be the Parlimentarian for this Board. PRESIDENT: James R. Jones Vice President: Mary "Uickey" Madden Parlimentarian: L. Kashuba ADOOUR~.~NT: 6:10 P.M. '-- SOU~ TAHOE PUBLIC-'0TILITY DISTRICT AI~fEST: .- 'B~$/E; "~, OF BOAP~ ....... SOUTH TAHOf PUBLIC UTILITY DISTP~CT REGL~J~R ~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 17, 1981, 5:00 p.m. President J.R. Jones called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M., Board Room, District Offices. ROLL CALL: Those present were: President J.R. Jones, Directors W.N. Olson, L.L . Kashuba, J. Wynn and M. Madden. ROLL CALL Also present were ~nnager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, G. Plasterer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Fischer, R. Heng, M. Ambrose, Gene Eppler, H. Williams, J. Heusser, P. Carrion, N. Trebotich. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA. AGENDA PPROVED MINUTES . Postponed to January meeting. PEPORT BY BOA_RD MFk~BERS. Director Kashuba presented a proclamation to Walter "Neal" Olson on behalf of the Board of Directors for his guidance, time and great leader- ship throughout his t%~ years as President of the Board. BO~L~D__.~F/~BERS ~EPORTS PROCLA~ATION/~AL OLSON President Jones stated that he attended the Threshold Study of TRPA last night and the Consultants for same have been hired- Brown and Caldwell and Bagstad and Brady. June or July the study will be completed. SHOP ST~'.[ARD'S REPORT: The Shop Steward for each department were present to introduce themselves to the Board of Directors: H. Williams, Paul Carrion, Neal Trebotich and J. Heusser. Ross Johnson will be another Steward for the Operations Department, but ~s unable to attend this meeting. SHOP STL~,[ARD' S REPORT COn,II-fEE REPORTS: None. PEPORT ON ~RKSHOP SESSIONS: Agenda Items on 12/~/81 Fallen Leaf Lake Status Report on 12/14/81 (Bill Ettlich from. ~C and L. Bracewell from Swanson and Oswald) WO~(SHOP SESSIONS H~LD AND/ORMEETINGS M~NAGER'S REPORT: M~ager Cofer stated that Staff and Regional Board met regarding the concept approval letter on the facilities planning - much progress was made at the meeting and a revised draft of this letter will be out next week. ~ANAGER' S REPORT Correspondence has been received on the replies to our letters re federal funding for CleanWater Grants Program and copies will be given to the Board tomorrow. AYTO~NEY'S REPORT: Conflict of Interest Code filed; Uniform Code for Districts adopted and Nr. Weidmanwill have the resolutions and code at the next regular meeting of this Board. Conferred with the Special Counsel re Export Pipeline Litigation; and he attended the hearing re Puite Indians, and nothing was resolved. District has been sued by Frieda Pickles on 12/7/81; ~. M. Hosiet's letter has been received re JOYCE PROJECT; Alpine County Appraisals have been received. AI~fORNEY ' S REPORT Regular Meeting -2- 12/17/51 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) Manager Cofer presented a letter for Authorization for Advanced Purchase of the HARVEY RESERVOIR SITE, and requested authorization from the Board to submit same; (2) Letter to ~RCB for Authorization for Advanced Purchase Diamond Valley Land Application, and requested authorization from the Board to suhnit same. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, the letter be approved to mail re Harvey Reservoir Site. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, letter to g~R~B re Authorization for Advanced Purchase - DIA~4OND VAI/.EYLA~DAPPLICATION be submitted. (3) FAT.T.EN LEAF LAKE SE%~R PROJECT (a) Status Report was given at the Workshop Session 1~14/81 by Bill Ettlich and L. Swanson. (4) (b) Board Action - Manager Cofer recommended no action be taken at this meeting, however, did suggest a hearing be scheduled for 1/14/82, 5:00 P.M. Same will be discussed at the 1/7/82 Regular Board Meeting. HEARING for WATER and SE~R CONNECTION CHARGES (a) Schedule Hearing for 1/28/82 5:30 P.M., Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Room ~ved, seconded, carried, hearing date be held on JAMUARY 28, 1982, 5:30 P.M., L~<e Tahoe Unified School District Board Room .... (5) REPAIR OF LUTHER PASS EFFLUENT PIPELINE. (a) File Notice of Exemption per CEQA Guidelines, and (b) Obtain Bids for Project - Bid Opening scheduled for 2/25/82. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn and unanimously carried, Notice of Exemption be Filed and Bid Opening for Repair of Pipeline be scheduled for 2/25/82. (6) CAUSTIC SODA. Gary Plasterer stated the bids were received and opened on 12/11/81; Sierra Chemical was low bidder and requested a~rd of contract to them. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director k~nn, unanimously carried, Sierra Chemical Bid be accepted and contract of award for Caustic Soda be given to Sierra Chemical. ACTIONS LEI~fER RE H_AR~Ek~F PESERVOIR SITE APPROVED LE ~fER TO APPROVED RE ADVANCE PURCHASE.. DIAMOND VATJ.RY LAND APPLICA- TION . NO ACTION RE FST,T,¥~ LEAF LAKE PROJECT.. TO SCHEDULE HEARING AT 1/7/82 ~TING OF BOARD. HEARING/i/28/82 5:30 PM, Water and Sewer Rate Changes FILE NOTICE OF EXF~mPTION CEQA, APPROVED }~PROVED BID OPENING DATE EXPORT PIPELINE REPAIR FOR 2/25/82 AWARD CONTRACT TO SIERP~A CHEMICAL CO. Regular ~eting -3- 12/17/81 NOTICE OF ~,~ETINGS: (2) 12/22/81 Mitigation Task Force 8:30 a.m. Tin~ercove Lodge Christmas Luncheon New Warehouse Building PA~OF CLAIMS: Director ~efrmmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $654,433.16 be approved for payment. SCHEDULED ~.~ETINGS CLAIMS APPROVED AYTEST: 5:35 P.M. ~s ~. ~o~s, ~~ ~SOUTH TAHOE P[.~LI~ UTILITY DISTRICT_ MARY O. A~4~ROSE, CLE~<~F BOA~D -' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT