HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 01/08 - 1981 06/18 AN ADJOURNED REGULAR ME~.TING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1/8/81, 4:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met 1/8/81 at 4:00 P.M. District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President Walter "Neal" Olson, Directors J. Wynn , M. Madden and L. Kashuba. ABSENT: Director J. Jones ROLL CALL Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R.Cofer, R.G. Baer, R. Heng, B. Fischer, Clerk of Board, G.Plasterer, J.C.Weidman, H. Avakian, W. Dunckhorst and Mr. and Mrs. A. Hauge. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested addition of one action item (#3) 1980 Sewer Permit Allocation. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that agenda be approved as amended. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED. BOARD ORGANIZATION/ET~CTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1981: EI.ECTION OF OFFICERS 1981. PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that ~ALTER "NEAL" OLSONbe nominated for President of the Board of Directors for 1981. There being no further ncminations, Neal Olsonwas elected President of the Board of Directors for 1981. PRESIDENT: Walter "Neal" Olson. VICE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that Director James R. Jones be nominated as Vice President of the Board for 1981. There were no other nominations. Director Lorrene L. Kashuba co~nendedMr. Neal Olson for his excellent direction as President of the Board of Directors his first term; all board members agreed. VICE PRESIDENT FOR 1981: Director J. R. Jones MINUTES: Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, minutes of 12/11/80 be approved as amended; minutes of 12/18/80 be approved as submitted. MINUTES of 12/11 and 12/18/80 Approved REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None. NO BOARDMEMBERREPORTS. SHOP STESIARD'S REPORT: NONE NO SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT. CO~qITrEE REPORTS: None. NO COati'fEE REPORTS. , ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING January 8 1981 REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS: Manager Cofer reported the following: (1) 12/22/80 (2) 12/23/80 (3) 12/30/80 (4) 1/5/81 (5) 1/5/81 (6) 1/6/81 1980 Allocation Conmittee Air Resources Staff re Mitigation Programs E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors -Mitigation Programs Workshop, Agenda Items Public Hearing-Alpine County, SCS Report;Land Application of Dc~estic Wastewater Study Session, City Council, South Lake Tahoe (Connec- tion Charges) Workshop Sessions/Meetings Held. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that a letter was received from Rudy's Plumbing cc~nending our Staff/Employees for coopera- tion he has received throughout the year. MANAGER'S REPORT. Also, a letter from Walter C. Bailey of Tahoe Resource Conservation District, in which they state South Tahoe PUD has unanimously been voted as the Outstand- ing Cooperator of the Year, which is an award to the one person or persons who has done the most for conservation during the year; same has been sukxnitted to the State of California for competition with other outstanding cooperators within the State. CORRESPONDENCE. Another letter from Mr. H. Avakianwas received; Manager Cofer requested that this item be scheduled for 1/15/81 Board Meeting re obtaining funds for plant expansion from an Assessment District. ATIORNEY'S REPORT: None AR~fORNEY ' S REPORT. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: Mr. Hal Avakian stated that he is interested in discussing his ideas with the Board Members re private money to expand the plant facilities; he was told that this would be discussed at the 1/15/81 regular meeting of the Board of Directors. The Board thanked him for his letter, ideas and interest. AUDIENCE CO~ENTS. PROGRAM MANAGER'S REPORTS: (Water Con~nittee) Water Production for December 1980: NOV. MG 1979 1980 % Change Well Pred. 67.3 60.7 - 9.8 Cold Creek Div 36.5 41.0 + 12.3 Totals 103.8 101.7 - 2.0 WATER COMMITTEE REPORT. Cal. Yr. To Date 1979 1980 % Change Well Prod. 1047.0 1060.3 + 1.3 Cold Crk ~ Div. 471.5 437.5 - 7.2 Totals 1518.5 1497.8 - 1.4 Total water production for the year of 1980 was 1,499,064,693 gallons or 4601 acre feet. This is a drop of 63 acre feet of water production over the year of 1979." ADJOURNED REGULAR ~KETING -3- January 8, 1981 (1) AMENDMENT #6 , SPECIAL USE PERMIT, USFS. AS FOLLOWS: Improvements are amended to include the following: 360 feet of 4 inch sewer line (right-of-way 10 feet wide) to connect to existing main line. Lateral line is in place and serves 3 homes on Pioneer Trail. A portion of the NWl/4 of Section 15, T.12N., R.18E, MDB&M as shown on maps; area is amended to include .08 acres or .07 miles for a total area under permit of 14.28 acres and/or 4.81 miles." Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. APPROVED (2) BIDS, SEWER LINE REHABILITATION PROJECT: LOW bid from ABC Services, $5,565 for Sewer Line Rehabilitation; bids were received. Director Wynnmved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, bid frc~ABC Services be accepted and they be awarded the contract in the amount of $5,565.00. AWARD CONTRACT TO ABC SERVICES, SEWER REHAB. PROJ. (3) 198) ALLOCATION SEWER PERMITS. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that we continue to issue permits from the 1980 Allocation, as reconmended by M~anager Cofer. The Board recognized that permits issued in 1981 _maybe counted as part of 1981 permits allowed by the Bi State Compact. WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND/ORMEETINGS SCHEDULED. (1) 1/21/81 (2) 1/20/81 (3) 1/15/81 (4) 1/20/81 (5) 1/22-24/ 81 Agenda Items/Workshop County Board of Supervisors re Mitigation Programs Board Mee ing, 5 pm City Council re Mitigation Programs CASA Conference. APPROVED 1980 AllOCATION SEWER PERMITS BE ISSUED PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded byDirector 5~dden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $321,023.40 be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 4:40 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. this date, Lake Tahoe Unified School District ADJOURN TO 7:30 P.M. this date. Board Room. Joint Meeting with the City of South Lake Tahoe Coun~rs r~ Mitigation Programs. / /k ~ ' ~ ~~O~E p~LL~TY~D~sTRIcT ASTEST: ~).~- gE, CLERK OF BOARDRi ~ SOUTH T~UBLIC UTILITY DIST C ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING AND JOINT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH I~/<E TAHOE AND SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1/8/81, 7:30 P. M. --- President Walter "Neal" Olson called the adjourned meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. and Mayor J. Cefalu called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. for the City of South Lake Tahoe. ROLL CALL: Present were President W. N. Olson, Directors L.L. KashuLa, M. Madden, and John Wynn. ABSENT: Director J. R. Jones. City Council Present: J. Cefalu, F. Benevento, J. Hubbell, T. Trupp and N. Woods. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, D. Crabb, R. Milbrodt, P. Lowe, T.L. Stewart, A. Hauge, Tribune Reporter, E. Roberson and M. Ambrose. AGENDA: T. Truppmoved, seconded by Frank Benevento that the AGENDA be amended to eliminate all items but the Mitigation Program, unanimously carried. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED Manager J. R. Cofer explained the Mitigation Program underway and the involvement of the many agencies to modify the sewer treatment plant to 7.5mgd. Andy Hauge, QUAD CONSULTANTS, stated that we have obtained a number of commitments required byEPAand the State under the Mitigation Program; no expansion is to be recon~nended, but to modify the plant for the 7.5mgd capacity. Mr. Hal Avakian also discussedthe possibility of an Assessnent District for private money if funds cannot be obtained from EPA and State Grants. MITIGATION DISCUSSED. It was the agreement of all City Council Members that we must save the Lake and that we must work cooperatively with the South Tahoe Public Utility District to obtain these funds to proceed with the 7.5 mgd capacity. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M ADJOURNMENT. ~OLsON, P~S I~~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: ' ~oMoA~uTYHD 'T~oE~OpS~ i~LE~LOiFTy~ i STRICT Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District January 15, 1 9 8 1 5:00 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on 1/15/81, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ~OLL CALL: Present were President W.N. Olson, Directors J. R. Jones, J. Wynn, L. Kashuba, M. Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R. G. Baer, Clerk of Board, R. Heng, G. Plasterer, C. Ross. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED. Manager Cofer requested two additional ite~ns to the Agenda, Board Action, as follows: (#7) Declare Great Emergency, Export Pipeline. (#8) Reappointment of representa- tive for E1 Dorado County Water Committee. CONSENT CAI.~NDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that the consent calendar, as follows, be approved. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED. APPROVED Change Order No. 3, Waste- water Reclamation Plant, Headstart Program, Phase I (Increase contract Price $3,776.29 - no change in contract time). APPROVFD Change Order No. 1, Fallen Leaf Lake Permittees Balancing Change Order Unit Price Itesms (Increase contract amount by $21,320). APPROVED Change Order C-15A, Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project, (Increase Contract Price $2,723.63 and Contract Completion Days by 4). MINUTES: 1/8/81 regular meeting and joint meeting with the City. Director Madden requested these be deferred. President Olson deferred approval of minutes. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None. REPORT FROM COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: None. MANAGER'S REPORT: None. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT. None. No Board Member Reports. No Committee Reports. Manager's Report. None. Shop Steward's Report. None. REGULAR MEETING -2- 1/15/81 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he attended the meeting of the attorneys on 1/9/81 and Attorney Dennis Crabb is circulat- ing the sunm~3ry of that meeting re time sharing; the matter of low- income housing was not covered in that report. The Water Agency metMonday a.m. and decided to drop the lower project, and referred same to ATTORNEY'S REPORT. the water committee. PROGRAM MANAGER'S REPORTS. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION No Program Managers Reports. No Con~nents from Audience. RECO~DATIONS/A~IONS (1) Letter from Mr. Hal Avakian Requesting Feasibility Study Sewer Plant Expansion Without Grants. Mr. J.R. Cofer did respond to Mr. Avakian's letter and the Board approved same to be mailed and that no action will be taken on Mr. Avakian's suggestion until after response is received by us from EPA on grant application. (2) Request from Mr. Tom Fields for Sewer Transfer Unimproved Lot to Improved Lot. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that the sewer transfer be approved, and that it bemade clear toMr. T. Fields that this is a one time only approval - - that this is not setting a precedence. Director Madden also stated that this request is not under our Ordin&nce - it is a special case. (3) RESOLUTION NO. 2205 : A Resolution of the South Tahoe Public Utility District re Cor~nitment for Mitigation Measures. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2205 be approved. (4) 1981 Sewer Permit Connection Charges...Set Hearing DATE for FEBRUARY 19, 1981, 7:30 P.M., Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Room. (5) Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project, H.M. Byars Construction Company, Inc ..... (a) Determination of Substantially Completed Construction. (b) Authorization of Reduction in Retention to $5,000.00, and CSO Engineers have agreed to this reduction. Deferred Actionuntil after response from EPA on Grant Application. Approved Sewer Transfer. APPROVE RESOLUTION 2205 HEARING DATE SET-2/19/81 7:30 P.M. Determination byBoard that Fallen Leaf Lake Project Substantially Completed. January 15, 1981 Regular Meeting -3- Manager Cofer stated that H.M.Bvars have achiered~subs~antia!' com..~letion of ~onstrGction of project; desi~cn and or.her corrective problems are not that of the contractor. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the Fallen Leaf Lake Project is substantially completed, and that the retention be reduced ($5000) for H.M. Byars Construction /nc. (6) AIRPORT WELL: (a) Accept Project (b) File Notice of Completion (c) Letter of Con~nendation to Vern Bell Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that the AirportWell Project be approved; Notice of Completion filed, (RES.NO. 2206) and that the letter of con~endationbe sent to VernBell. (7) Export Pipeline Correction... Declare Great Emergency: R. Baer reported Break No. 37 this morning - on access road to Upper Truckee Pump Station. Equi~nent is to be rented to work on the line. Requested equipment (backhoe and special shoring)fromByars Cons. and Crane and Generator from Lukins. The cost is not known at this time and request made to declare this a great emergency for pipeline correction. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, pipeline correction be approved and considered a great emergency. (8) Reappointment of Representa- tive to E1 Dorado Water Committee. President Olson appointed Director Jim Jones as representative - E1 Dorado Water Conntittee. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 1/20/81 E1 Dorado Board of Supervisors re ~iitigation Program City of South Lake Tahoe re Mitigation Program 1/22-24/81 CASA 2/2/81 2/5/81 Workshop/Agenda Items Regular Board Meeting 5 pm Also, Dan Henricks will be here on 1/27/81 to take the Board and Staff on a field tour of Alpine County, 9:00 am. Retention reduced to $5000. Resolution No. 2206 Approved. Approve filing of Notice of Completion Letter of Cor~nendationbe sent to VernBell. DECLARED GREAT EMERGENCY FOR REPAIR OF PIPELINE APPROVED. Director Jones appointed, to E1 Dorado Water Co~nittee. Regular Meeting -4- 1/15/81 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $534,631,38 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED. ADJOURNMENT: 5:55 P.M. ~r~l" Ol~on, P~esident k~ / South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: /~ ~ ~4 M~y D. ~%~rose, c~erk of Bo~d ~ South T~hoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 5, 1981 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 2/5/81, 5:00 P.M., District offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N. Olson, Directors L. Kashuba, J.R. Jones, J. ~fnn and M. Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R.G. Baer, G. Plasterer, W. Dunckhorst, J.C.Weidman-Attorney, C. Ross, R. Heng, G. Eppler, B.Fischer and R. Rattaro, Clerk of Board. AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested an Executive Session following this regular meeting. Approved. CONSENT CAT..VAJDAR... NONE. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED. NO CONSENT CAT,I~N-DAR. MINUTES: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 1/8 and 1/15/81 be approved as submitted. REPORT BYBOARDMEMBERS: J.R. Jones, Director, stated he did attend two weeks ago the E1 Dorado County Water Cc~ttee~ting and the main action at that meeting was that the E1 Dorado Irrigation Dist. divided the Sofar Project into 2 projects - (Upper and Lower Mountain Projects) and they have dropped the lower mountain project and want to concentrate on the upper mountain project now. The E1 Dorado County Water Agency requested the Committee to make a re~dation as to what should be done with the lower mountain project; the lower project does have an application to proceed for the power generation which expires nextmonth; the co~nittee re- conm~_nded that the County Agency proceed with the refiling and action will be taken at the next meeting. MINI/I~S of 1/8/81 and 1/15/81 APPROVED. BOARD MEMBER REPORT (J.R.JONES) Mr. Jones stated that he also had an opportunity to talk withMr. T. Stewart re appointee to the Water Cc~ttee and Stan Martin's name was presented for same. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Mike Adams stated that proposals are being put together for the negotiations. CO~VlI1~fEE REPORTS: Director L. Kashuba stated that regarding the legislation introduced by Waters that would increase the bonding interest rates from 10 to 12%, and the CASA Executive Committee opposed this on the basis that they would have favored it if would not relieve Special Districts of their tax exempt status; and SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT LEGISLAT~V-E COMMITI~-~E REPORT. Manager Cofer was asked to send a letter to AssemblymanWaters on this Districts support. Finance Cc~nittee: Director Wyrm stated that the Finance Con~nittee met with Barrie Fischer and representatives of INFOCOMP and it appeared to have all the features that we need here at the District computer wise. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that the final mitigation package will be presented to the Board at the next regular meeting as well as the Supplemental Facility Plan. Manager Cofer stated that he spoke with Mr. R. Hampson, Lahontan, today and the SWRCB meeting held at Sacramento brought about reducing the grant funds~yone hundred- million dollars, ~ ~ annual program is about three and one- half billion dollars; there will be minimal cuts in the grant program for 1981-82, however, Mr. Hampson felt there was an excellent chance we will get the design grant. Mr. Hampsonwill be attending our next regular meeting, Manager Cofer stated. ATIORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that since our last regular meeting he has met with Manager Cofer and Dan Patterson re pipeline litigation; also met with the labor and water purveyors attorney; and that he and C. Homing and Manager Cofer are studying the CASA Deferred Compensation Plan; Polansky case is set for 2/17/81; he attended the Hubbell litigation matter; visited the Harvey Place Site; been reviewing the TRPA Clean Up Legislation. PROGRAM MANAGER'S REPORT: (Plasterer) Gary Plasterer stated they are now nitrifying secondary system which is breaking down an~Dnia by biological action into nitrates; chemical usages are now reduces; new maintenance system is in operationwithdouble check system. He also stated there has Deen an out- standing cooperation between the maintenance and operations department. On January 14, 1981, the Sacramento Section of CWPCA awarded this District the plant of the year award, and presented same to the Board of Directors. President Olson stated that this award duly belongs with the employees for a splendid job done, and we are deeply grateful as aBoard to be the recipient of the award on behalf of all of the employees and we are very pleased. LEYTERTOASSEMBLYMANWATERS. Finance Co~nittee Report. MANAGER'S REPORT. ATTORNEY' S REPORT. GARY PLASTERER/Manager of Wastewater Operations Report. 2/5/81 Regular Meeting -3- ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION: (1) Purchase of Telemetering Equipment "H" Street Reservoir and Cold Creek Reservoir ($40,682- budget item, Water Company Dept) Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, equi~aent purchase be approved. (2) Agreement Between South Tahoe Public Utility District and the city of South Lake Tahoe, Data Processing Services .... and APPROVED PURCHASE OF TEI,F~ETERING EQUIPMENT (3) Data Processing Support Agreement INFOCOMP. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the agreement with the city of South Lake Tahoe be approved re data processing,and support agreement with IL%~DCOMP be approved, as was explained by Barrie Fischer at the Workshop Session and this meeting today. DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM APPROVED. (4) Appraisal of Harvey's Place Property: Manager Cofer reconm~dedthat the Board approve and direct our Attorney to start negotiations for the Harvey Place property purchase. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (5) Change Order No. 4, Headstart W.R. Tbomason, Phase I Modifications to hot and cold potable water system in maintenance building, change order number 4 (Inc.$9810.24). Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. Negotiations for Harvey Place approved. Change Order Approved for Headstart. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: Hearing on increase of sewer connection fees scheduled 2/19/81, 7:30 P.M., Lake Tahoe unified School District Board HEARING 2/19/81. Room. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $540,420.93 be approved for CLAIMS APPROVED. payment. session at 5:58 P.M. ~ii~~ ~!~ ~~ ~' WAL-TRR "h~n"o~, ~SIDENT ~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: b~f~MB~SE,' CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH ~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 19, 1981- 5 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 2/19/81, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: President Neal Olson called the meeting to order at 5 pm and those present were: President W.N. Olson, Directors J.R. Jones,and M. M. Madden, J. Wynn and ABSFAIf: Director Kashuba. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R.G.Baer, Barrie Fischer, Clerk of Board M.D.Ambrose, Attorney J.C.Weidman, R. Heng, R. Hampson. MINUTES OF 2/5/81: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, minutes of 2/5/81 be approved as amended. ROLL CALL MINUTES 2/5/81APPROVEDASAMENDED REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager J.R. Cofer stated that Chester A. Homing will be leaving the employ of the District, and interim adjustments will be made to cover his position. His last day here will be 17th of March 1981, and will remain on the District pay- roll until his vacation is used (6/3/81). MANAGER'S REPORT Manager Cofer stated that he received a call from Mr. B. Briner, Manager of Tahoe City PUD, expressing his concern over the Ordinance of the City/Allocation because it did not accommodate any permits from his service area. Mr. Briner did state that they would consider taking some action to hold up the allocation program until he has some resolution. Manager Cofer stated that he spoke with D. Milbrodt, City Manager, and T L Stewart - County Supervisor about this, and he was advised there is an allocation conmittee meeting and Mr. Briner has been invited to attend, hoping there will be some resolution at that time. Mr. Roy Hampson, Lahontan Region of California Quality Control Board, reported that the work this District has done, and the requests from EPA and the State that were required and done, would be giving the go ahead for the grants to the ST PUD. To receive the grants, he stated, depends greatly on the availability of grant monies. Regular The Board thanked Roy Hampson for appearing before the Board today to give an up to date report on grants and funds. AYTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C. Weidman stated that he did argue the Polansky case Tuesday; went to Salt Lake City to meet with Attorney Skeen re Alpine County - preliminaries are being drafter re Heise land. ITF~IS FOR BOARD ACTION -2- 2/19/81 ATI~DRNEY' S REPORT BOARD ACTION (1) ST PUD Water and Sewer Annual Report. (2) Proposal from Mary Murphy and Kienlen for Assistance in Review- ing Water Rights Files. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried that we authorize $1600 budget for work in reviewing Water Rights Files. (3) Updated Facility Plan, Mitigation Program. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried that: Facility plan update be received and filed; submit to SWRCB for Certification and authorize request to EPA to finalize EIS. (4) QUAD Consultants Contract... Coordination of Mitigation Task Force Program, Phase "C". Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the Contract with Quad Consultants be authorized, and not to exceed $9100. Manager Cofer stated that Mr. Andres Hauge has done an excellent Job for us in the past and has kept theMitigation Program going smoothly andworking constantly with all agencies. (5) Con~nunity College Well, Draft Environmental Impact Report .... and Public Hearing Set for 3/19/81. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, Draft Environmental Impact Report be received and filed, and hearing on same set for 3/19/81, 5:00 P.M. at the District Offices. (6) Sewer Units...Assignment of sewer units, E1 Dorado County. Directors requested that this matter be postponed at this time and same to be discussed at their 3/16/81 workshop session. NOTICE OF MEF~INGS: (1) 3/2/81 Workshop/Agenda items. (2) 3/5/81 Regular Meeting 4:00 P.M 3/5/81 Hearing, 7:30 PM Sch. Room. Report for Water and Sewer Received and Filed (Annual Report) Authorize $~00 for work on water rights files. FaciIity Plan Update Received and Filed; Sukmit to State; Authorized Request to EPA to Finalize E I S. Authorize contract with QUAD Consultants Received and Filed DEIR/Con~aunityWell. Set Public Hearing for 3/19/81, 5 P.M. ASSIGNMENT OF SEWER UNITS/COUNTY OF EL DORADO/ CONTINUED TO 3/19/81 MEETINGS SCHEDULED Regular Meeting -3- 2/19/81 Notice of Meetings (Continued) 3/16/81 Workshop Session/Agenda Items 3/23/81 E1 Dorado County Water Cc~mittee Director Madden thanked all Program Managers for their monthly reports, stating they are very informative and much appreciated. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $405,667.65 be approved for pay~ento CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT 6:05 P.M. w~<~_e~ "Ne_DI" O'1-~°n, ~si~-~t South Tahoe Public Utility District A~TEST: Ma~y ~. ~6se, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 5, 1981 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 3/5/81, 4:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N. Olson, Directors John Wynn, Lorrene L. Kashuba, J. R. Jones and M. Madden. ROLL CALL Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant District Engineer, R.G. Baer, C. I. Boss, G. Plasterer, W. Dunckhorst, R. Heng, M. Ambrose - Clerk of Board, C.A. Homing, M. Parsons, Tribune Representative and Attorney J.C. Weidman, G. Eppler and Dave Clark of EPA. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None. AGENDA APPROVED. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden and unanimously carried, the Consent Calendar be approved as follows: CONSENT CAT,'ff~'DAR APPROVED. (1) Change Order - Sodium Hydroxide Building Modifications. (2) Change Order 5: Headstart Program Phase I, Increase Contract Price $659.93. No change in contract schedule. (3) Change Order C 16: Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project, Increase contract price $8,680.93; no change in contract schedule. (4) Change Order C 17, Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project; Increase Contract Price $5,156.53; no change in contract schedule. (5) Correct Billing; increase sewer units; BMH Medical Building, Inc. by 17 s/u. (6) Correct Billing; increase sewer units, residential structure, 889 Rainbow Ave.; change frc~ 3 to 6 sewer units. (7) Correct Billing; increase 1 sewer unit for LuckySeven Cabins ( 29 041 090 ). P~PCR~T BY BOARD MEMBERS: President Neal Olson stated that he and John Wynn went to Sacramento to meet with State Senator Garamendi and later with State Assemblyman N. Waters to request a change in the Bi State Compact to the effect that the St. PUD would not be penalized. President Olson reported that they discussed with the legislators alternative compact modifications. Onw modification would be to change the numbers to reflect the actual number of building permits issued in 1978; the second alternate was to change the compact language so that one year allocations would not impact on another year allocations. Director Olson stated that he and Director Wynn indicated that the proposed change in the compact language would be satisfactory to the Utility District. President Neal Olson also stated that it was pointed out to the Senator that this Board, in 1978, created a formula of where 861 units would be given a year, no more, maybe less, by a review annually in November. BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS > ~ REGULAR MEETING -2- 3/5/81 SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: Director Kashuba gave a CASA Legislative Report and stated that 28 bills were reviewed by the Conmittee that had some effect on sanitary districts, agencies and public utilities. The committee supported SB 33-Presley; SB 55-Johnson; SB 103-Alquist; AB 70-Young; AB 71-Young; AB 12 - Ryan; AB 193 - Ryan; AB 197- Waters; AB 388-Ivers; AB 311 -McAllister; AB 411-Holan, ACA 19-McCarthy and Pre- print SB 2 - Carpenter. Opposed were SB 15-Speraw; AB 151-Deddeh and AB 212- MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager J. R. Cofer stated that the Allocation Committee met this a.m. and he and Director Wynn did attend; they are attempting to adopt an allocation ordinance, and we will receive a draft of that ordinance soon. Also, Dave Clark from EPA has been in the area several days and EPA has reviewed the Mitigation Program and are asking for further clarification from the various agencies and we must have a report together and final by 4/12/81 if we are to get a Step 2 Grant (if funds are available). ATI~RNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he and Gene Eppler met with the Attorney for Heise Land & Livestock (Carson City) to discuss Harvey's Place Site; still ~Drking on the Alpine County contract; pleadings for the Joyce Case will be in shortly; did respond to the Attorney General's letter regarding the CTRPA Dillingham's Project, and did state in the letter that any sewer units for this Project will have to come out of the moratorium allocation numbers. COMMII~fEE REPORTS (Legislative Report) MANAGER'S REPORT ATTORNEY' S REPORT -3- March 5, 1981 REGULAR MEETING ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION (1) TERMINATION, CHESTER A. HORNING. Manager J.R. Cofer stated that with regret we have been notified that Chet Homing is going to leave the employ of the District. Chetwas recognized for his 16 years of dedicated service to the District, and Manager Cofer stated that we are going to have difficulty replacing him and his expertise; Board Members and Staff wished Chet well and much success. Manager Cofer recc~raended Res. No. 2207 co~nending Mr. Homing be considered for adoption. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (2) RESOLUTION NO. 2208 COMMENI}- INGMR. MARK PARSONS- U.S. Soil Conservation Service, commending Mr. Parsons for his assistance on soil conservation planning services. Director ~ddenmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. MR. DAVE CLARK, EPA, stated that the District has come a long ways re the Mitigation Measures and thatMr. Cofer should be cc~nended for his efforts and~0rk on this project. Mr. Clark stated EPA is requesting clarifications from the various agencies as to their commitments-- what are they going to do, when will same be done, how will it be handled. The Scenario 3 is being reconmend- ed, which includes the 8.7 mgd plant for us, Manager Cofer stated. Mr. Clark was thanked for his time and explanations of what EPA is wanting. (3) Preventive Maintenance Program for Luther Pass Export Pumps - (Budgeted Item). Director Jones moved, seconded by Director ?~fnn, unanimously carried, expenditure of $5640 be approved for Pump Renovation/Luther Pass. (Van Alstyne Elec.-Low Bidder). (4) HEARING RE SE~fINGAPP~OPRIA- TIONS Limit for Fiscal Year 1978- 1979 Base Year, Proposition 4. President Neal Olson directed preparations be taken care of for Hearing. (5) Refund of Conmercial Sewer Deposit for Norm Findley. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. BOARD ACTION RESOLUTION NO. 2207 APPROVED. (Chester A. Homing) RESOLUTION NO. 2208 APPROVED. (Mark Parsons) EPA/DAVE CLARK/VISITOR. AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE $5,640 PUMP RENOVATION WORK. SET HEARING FOR 4/2/81, 5:30 PM APPROVED AUTHORIZED REFUND OF $2320 to Norman Findley plus interest. Regular Meeting -4- March 5, 1981 (6) Grant Project No. C061414, Step 2, Grant Application Package Conversion to Secondary Treatment and Wastewater Land Application System, RESOLUTION NO. 2209. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba,unanimously carried. APPROVED S[~M~TTALOFAPPLICATION TO STATE AND APPROVE RES.NO. 2209 NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 3/5/81 7:30 PM Hearing re 1981 Sewer Connection Charges, Lake Tahoe Unified School District SCHEDULED MEETINGS 3/6/81 Mitigation Task Force 1:30 PM District 3/13/81 South "Y" Fire Protection 3/16/81 Workshop/Agenda Items 3/19/81 5:00 PM Regular BoardMeeting PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: CLAIMS APPROVED Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $341,612.23 be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 5:55 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. LAKE TAHOE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD ROOM FOR A HF2tRING ON 1981 SEWER CONNECT I ON .. CHARC~--~T~NIGHT, ST: '~r~ ~J./~se, Cie~k~o~B~rd SOb~H qt~qOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 3/5/81, - 7:30 P.M. School District Board Room The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular session on 3/5/81 at 7:30 P.M. to consider the sewer service connection fees for 1981. ROLL CALL: Present were President Neal Olson, Directors L. Kashuba, J.R.Jones, J.Wynn and M. Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. ROLL CALL Cofer, R. Baer, W. Dunckhorst, J.C. Weidman, Clerk of Board, K. Hoffman, N. Woods, B. Fischer, G. Yubarren-Tribune, R. Plimpton, M. Plimpton, V. Plimpton, A. Loukenbeau, A. Loukenbeau, G. Plaster- er, J. Fredricksen, M. Sholtz, K. Frank, A. Hauge and R. Thomas., and Nat Sinclair. Adjourned Meeting/Hearing --2-- 3/5/81 President Neal Olson explained to all present that the Utility District has come a long way in the last few years; we received an award for being the most efficient operating plant in the Northern California area - however, it still does not solve the dilemna the dis+_rict faces as long as we have to operate and advanced wastewater treatment plant. He further stated, that the district wants to go into secondary treatment, and this would not be near as expensive as what we are spending to keep the plant operating under tertiary; and our in~nediate goal now is to raise one-million plus for the operation of the District for 1981 of which a portion of that will be put into reserve, The last 4 years, President Neal stated, we have expended not quite one-million dollars bringing the plant back to order. There are 3 alternatives that the Board will consider at this meet- ing tonight: (1) Maintain $1740 connection charge; (2) Increase to $3990 per connection charge; (3) An intermendiate level of increase. and the revenues are to be used for: (1) Meeting increased cost of operating advanced wastewater treatment plant; (2) Fixed asset replacement fund for replacement of treatment plant equipment; (3) Local share of design, of plant and Alpine County land application system modifications. President Neal Olson requested Manager Cofer to explain the costs to the plant over the past few years, showing where the expenses are, why the money is need- ed and why we are striving for secondary treatment and wanting to eliminate the advanced treatment at our present plant. Following Manager Cofer's presentation, President Olson opened the floor to those interested in speaking. The following did make con~nents: Ken Hoffman, N. Woods, K. Frank, Nat Sinclair, V. Plimpton and R. Plaimton and A. Loukenbeau. All those that spoke requested that consideration be given that the costs be distributed to the entire conmmnity instead of the builder/contractor only. President Olson thanked everyone for their interest and their attendance this evening and mentioned that no decision will be made by the Board tonight, however, this hearing is being adjourned to 3/9/81, 5:00 P.M. for further discussion by the board and perhaps then a decision will be made. The meeting/hearing.wa~"'~djourn.~ at .... ~'-\ ~ 8:30 P.M. · ~,, A~q~FEST; ~ ~~ ..... Walter "Neal" Olson, President South Tahoe Public Utility District M~r~ D. ~lb~o~e, ClerK~ of Board ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MARCH 9, 1981, - - 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular adjourned session 3/9/81, 5:00 P.M. District Offices. ROLL CALL: President Neal Olson, Directors Kashuba, Jones, Madden and Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R.Cofer, R. Baer, T. Powers, B. Dunckhorst, Tribune Representative, B. Fischer, J.C.Weidman, Clerk of Board and J. Fredricksen. President Neal Olson stated that this adjourned meeting has been called to consider making a decision on connection fees and/ or service charges, or both. Manager Cofer presented an ORDINANCE (NO. 322) and asked the Board to consider same. Director Wynn stated that we now require 3 sewer units on single family dwellings. On all commercial, he stated that he felt is is more appropriate to charge what actual units are required - this will then reflect the actual connections used. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that Ordinance No. 322 be approved, setting connection fees at $1330 per sewer unit = 3 sewer units per single family dwelling, and the cc~utercial is charged for each sewer unit required. ORDINANCE NO. 322 BY ROLLCA/LVOTE APPROVED Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO.323 be approved, and that we withhold issuing sewer permits, other than residential, for the next 30 days, until the Ordinance is in effect. ORDINANCE NO. 323 APPROVED BY ROLL CALL VOTE MOTOR REPAIR FINAL EFFLUEk~ PUMP NO. 3. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that the purchase order in the amount of $10,287 be approved for repair of final effluent pump motor #3. ADJOURNMENT: 5:25 P.M. ATTEST: PURCHASE ORDER APPROVED FOR REPAIR OF FINAL EFFLUENT PU~m MOTOR #3. Ma~ D~. ~~e, Clerk o~f ~B~slrd - South T~hoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 19, 1981 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 3/19/81, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CAT.I.: Present were President W.N.Olson, Directors L.L. Kash.uba, J.R. Jones, M. Madden and Jo Wynno Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R.Cofer and Assistant District Engineer R. G. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Fischer, Clerk of Board, W. Dunckhorst, W. Ettlich- CWC, Dr. Duke - Lake Tahoe C~t,,t,~nity College, R. Mason, M. Adams, Dan Cook, Kirk Avery, C. White of Lahontan. ROLL CALL CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA. Manager Cofer requested t~o additions to agenda (Items 4 and 6 under Board Action Items) and one deletion (No. 5). Agenda approved as amended. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED. CONSENT CAT.~NDAR: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, the Consent Calendar, as follows, be approved: CONSENT C~T,~I)i~R APPROVED. (1) Correction of Billing, 1970 Tucker, Warehouse, increase two (2) sewer units. MINUTES: DirectorMaddenmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, minutes of 3/5/81 regular, 3/5/81 adjourned and 3/9/81 adjourned, be approw~d (minutes of 3/5/81 regular meeting corrected). MINUTES OF 3/5/81 regular Minutes of 3/5/81 adjourned Minutes of 3/9/81 adjourned APPROVED. COMMIR~i~E REPORTS: President Olson stated that the Finance Conmmittee met with R. Baer and B. Fischer and. J.R.Cofer; a reconmendation will be given under Board Action Items. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that A. Hauge has been working with the various agencies to get all clarifica- tion letters requested by EPA, and he added that all have been very cooperative. He stated that the final report will be ready for EPA byApril 10, 1981. Director Jones will be picking up the EPA Report (DEIS) from EPA, and we will receive one in the mail, so the report will be available for the 5 day review; the State will sut~nit their certification letter by 30th of March. Mr. Cofer stated that we have also initiated neg~otiations with ~ to come up with a contract for design of the proposed plant improvements and Alpine County Land Appl. System. The_proposed contract must be submitted to State for approval prior to award;Board ~em~__rs and Managerwill request a m~etingwithCarl~ Bard-since the State will consider new priority lists ~hat _could bring us consequences, Manager Corer stated.. NO COMMIYTEE REPORTS MANAGER'S REPORT Regular Meeting -2- March 19, 1981 BOARD ACTION ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION ACTIONS TAKEN (1) <2) (3) (4) (5) Purchase of Small Wooden Shed Adjacent to Cold Creek; caused many problems for water depart- ment due to vandalism. She , (Mrs. Del Vecchio),the owner, requested that we purchase the shed. Request is made that the shed be purchased for $200 and destroyed. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. TAX TRANSFER FUNDS STPUD/EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, letter be sent requesting $120,276.04 from E1 Dorado County Water Agency. CORROSION PBOTECTION SYSTEM FOR WASTEWATERPLANT FILTERS: (a) Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Madden unanimously carried, the report fromM et Chembe received and filed. (b) Authorize Engineering Design. Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. ($4500). 1979 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS, CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 ($200,342) WUNSC~ELAND SMALL W. Ettlich, CWC, explained the reasons for this Change Order to the Board. The Finance Committee met to discuss this Change Order and recommended that same be approved. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Change Order No 1 be approved as reccrauendedbY the Finance Cc~mittee. DECLARATION OF GREAT EMERGENCY PRIMARY CLARIFIER NO. 2 REPAIR Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that $20,000 be approved to repair primary clarifier No. 2, and declare this to be a great emergency. PURCHASE OF SHEW ADJACENT TO COLD CREEK APPROVED FOR PURCHASE PRICE OF $200. APPROVE LETI~R TO REQUEST 5~)NIES ($120,276.04) RECEIVED AND FILED MET CHEM REPORT. AUTHORIZED ENGINEERING DESIGN. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 ($200,342) Wunschel & Sma11(1979 Water System Impvmts. Approved) AUTHORIZED $20,000 TO REPAIR PRIMARY CLARIFIER #2, AND DECLARED A GREAT EMERGENCY. Regular Meeting -3- MEETINGS: ~vkinager Cofer stated that on: 3/27/81 Water Purveyors will n~et. 3/30/81 Board/Management to meet with L. Schuering re Contract Negotiations 3/23/81 E1 Dorado County Water Con~aittee meeting. 3/30/81 Agenda/~orkshop Session 4 4/2/81 RegularBoardMeeting 5 pm PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmeved, seconded byDirectorMadden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $450,976.87 be approved for payment. HEARING ON DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STAT~-lX]T, COTI~G~TF~, (1) President Neal Olson opened the hearing on the DEIS, College Well, 5:30 P.M., and he stated that all Board Members did read the report on the College Well. Manager Cofer stated that a representa- tive frem Jones and Stokes could not appear today, however, they will have a representative here for the final report on the College Well. The District plans to develop a new well on the southeast portion of the Lake Tahoe ConzmznityCollege property near the wastewater reclama- tion plant. The intended site is adjacent to future freeway right-of- way owned byCal Trans, and is convenient to an existing sewer force main right of way. It is planned to construct new watermains to connect the new well to existing major water lines on both A1 Tahoe Blvd. and Black Bart Avenue. These major water lines both connect to the 19- inch trunk along Pioneer Trail; this was explained by W. Ettlich of Culp Wesner Culp. President Olson then asked for any cum,ents fremthe audience. Mr. Chuck White, Lahontan RWQCB, did make conm~J~ts regarding the college well and he stated that the EIR will have to bemade compatible with the EIS provisions of the revised Tahoe RPA Compact and, perhaps, a stronger mitigation package may be necessary tomeetthe requirements of the Compact. He also mentioned that water conservation program is essential. He also mentioned that the District should make a cc~nit- ment that individual lot owners not be allowed to drill private wells within the service area boundaries of the existing water company or Utility District. This was discussed bymembers of our Board and they felt this should not be a oceanitment from the Utility District. March 19, 1981 MEETINGS SCHEDULED PAYMENT OF CLAIMS APPROVED HEARING, COT3~GE ~,TI, Mr. Chuck White, Lahontan RWQCB~ ~ Regular Meeting -4- 3/19/81 Mr. White also mentioned that Lahontan is very concerned about the ability of the proposed holding pond to retain a water supply for 3 days, as well as the water quality impacts of additional traffic on the unpaved portions of Johnson Blvd. between the treatment plant and the access road to the well. There were no further conments. President Olson closed the hearing and stated that the public comment period will remain open until April 8, 1981. He thanked everyone for attending the meeting and hearing: and ADJOURNED at 6: 05 P.M. to anEXECUTiVE SESSION.,~. ~~ ~~,~  ......... Walter "N~al" O~n, Pres~ ....... SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ASTEST: r~/A~b~ose, Clerk of Board Sout~ahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 2, 1981 5:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 4/2/81, 5:00 P.M., District Office, and also for the hearing on the College Well. ROLL C..AT,T,: Present were President W. N. Olson, Directors L. L. Kashuba, John %,~nn, J.R. Jones. ABSENT: Director M. Madden. ALSO PRESENT were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R.G. Baer, G.Plasterer, W. Dunckhorst, R. Heng, D. Pyle, Tribune Representative, C. Ross, M. Adams, Attorney J. C. Weidman, B. Fischer and the Clerk of Board. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested one addition Renewal of Contract re So. Tahoe PUD/ E1 Dorado County Water Agency be added to agenda. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED. CONSENT CAT ,~.A.R: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the Consent Calendar as follows be approved: (1) Change in billing Parcel No. 29 141 270 (increase by one sewer unit existing use). MINUTES OF MARCH 19, 1981 Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, minutes of 3/19/81 be approved as amended. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: PRESENTATION BY TAHOE RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT "COOPERATOR OF THE YEAR A~D~RD" by Walter Bailey. Mr. Bailey stated that TRCD has been watching with great interest on the work the District has been doing in preservation of our natural resources. Each year the California Conservation Districts selects a Cooperator of the Year and this is given by the local Districtr ~ ¼~ sent to the National Association ,for competition. This is the second award in the history of TRC District this award has been given locally. The award was presented to President Neal Olson by Walter Bailey. CONSENT ~AR APPROVED MINUTES OF 3/19/81 APPROVED COMMITUEE REPORTS PRESENTATION TO DISTRICT COOPERATOR OF THEYEAR AWARD President Olson thanked Mr. Bailey for the award on behalf of the employees and staff of the District and stated that we are very appreciative of this award. REGULAR MEETING 2 April 2,1981 Manager Cofer stated that Tahoe Res. Cons.. District has always been a service agency and always helped us in everything we did, and it is easy to be a Cooperator when we deal with an agency like that. FINANCE/INSURANCE COMMITTEE: President Olson, Directors Jones, Wynn, and Manager Cofer, and Barrie Fischer met to discuss the budget; a workshop is scheduled for 4/7/81, 4:00 P.M. to review the budget with the Board and Staff. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: Director Kashuba stated that the CASA Legislative Committee met last Monday and the bills that will be considered were discussed. Copies of the bills were given to Attorney J.C.Weidman and Manager Cofer and Director Kashuba asked for their comments on same. WORKSHOP SESSIONS/MEETINGS HELD: 3/27/81 3/30/81 3/31/81 Workshop Session EPA Draft EIS Lee Schuering, Labor Attorney SWRCB, Carla Bard, Sacramento, Ca. MANAGER'S REPORT: Items on Agenda. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that he attended the Water Committee (El Dorado County) with Director Jones. Assisted Counsel in Sacramento re Pipeline Litigation. Requested an Executive Session following this meeting. EROSION CONTROL WORKSHOP: Director Kashuba stated that she would like to commend R. Heng on the set up of the erosion control workshop - everyone was very impressed with what she did. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) Extension of Public Comment on Draft EIR for the Community College Well, South Tahoe PUD, EXTEND COMMENT PERIOD FROM 4/3/81 to 4/20/81 Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. FINANCE/INSURANCE LEGISLATIVE COmmITTEE WORKSHOP/MEETINGS HELD ATTORNEY'S REPORT EROSION WORKSHOP/ COMMENDED R. HENG ACTION COMMENT PERIOD EXTENDED FROM 4/3/81 TO 4/20/81 APPROVED REGULAR MEETING -3- (2) REPAIR LUTHER PASS PUMP NO. 1 ($30,000) Rotating Element. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, this be declared great emergency and authorize purchase. DECLARED GREAT EMERGENCY AND AUTHORIZED BUDGET OF $30,000 FOR REPAIR OF PUMP NO 1.LUTHER PASS. (3) SEWAGE PUMP STATION ENGINE CONTROLS. Authorize Purchase Order in the amount of $4,072.00 to Murphy Switch Control Company. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, purchase order in the amount of $4072 be approved. PURCHASE ORDER TO MURPHY SWITCH CONTROL CO. APPROVED FOR $4072. (4) 1980 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. R. G. Baer, Assistant District Engineer, stated that Vernon Bell has been an inspector for the District in the past and did an excellent job. Mr. Baer recommended that authorization be given by the Board to have Vernon Bell act as District Inspector, for 1981. AUTHORIZED VERNON BELL TO ACT AS DISTRICT'S INSPECTOR Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Jones and unanimously carried that Vernon Bell act as District's Inspector for 1980 Water Distribution System Improve- ments for the year 1981. (5) (a) (b) PURCHASE OF VEHICLES. Fuel Efficient Pickups 3/4, 4 x 4 Van Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, following approval by the Finance Committee (final specifications). APPROVE FOLLOWING FINAL SPECS APPROVED BY FINANCE COmmITTEE. (6) RENEWAL OF CONTRACT WITH SO TAHOE PUD AND EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY. (a) RESOLUTION NO. 2210 Director Jones moved,seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. APPROVE CONTRACT WITH EDCWA AND SO TAHOE PUD AND RESOLUTION NO. 2210. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $398,202.88 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) 4/13/81 Workshop/Agenda Items Review Proposed Sewer Budget Report on Cons. Headstart, Phase/~r-~~ ~x MEETINGS/WORKSHOPS (2) 4/16/81 Board Me~ng 4PM .~ ~ / ADJOURNED 6:10 PM to~an mxmc. sms~~~~__ South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: South,/Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR N~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF T~E SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 16, 1981, 5:00 P.M. AND THE HEARING ON THE SEWER DEPT. BUDGET April 16, 1981, 5:30 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session at 5:00 P.M. and also to hold a hearing on the Sewer Department Budget at 5:30 P.M. ROLL CAI.I.: Present were President W.N.Olson AND Directors L.L. Kashuba, M.M.Madden, J.R. Jones and J.Wynn. Also present were Manager J.R. Cofer, Assistant Engineer R.G.Baer, R. Heng, B. Fischer, J.C. Weidman - Attorney, Tribune Representative, W. Dunckhorst, M. Ambrose- Clerk of Board, G. Plasterer. ROLL CALL CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA : None. AGENDA APPROVED CONSENT CALENDAR: None NO CONSENT CAI.ENDAR MINUTES: 4/2/81 - Minutes approved as amended. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried (Director Madden abstained). M/NUTES 4/2/81APPROVED REPORT BY BOARD MEMEBERS: None NO BOARD MEMBER REPORTS SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None NO SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT COP~.~%TTEE REPORTS: Director Kashuba stated that she did attend a Casa I~gislative Meeting in Sacramento and will have a written report at the next meeting; CASA supported everthing we support~ Director Kashuba stated. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager J.R. stated that he met yesterday w State Grants Team and EPA and were working on the concept ap letter, and are still trying t on a schedule of the Step II a of July 5, 1981. They hope tc the Federal EIS issued 5/28/81 They still do not have the gra conditions available for us, a they cannot tell Manager Cofez when they will, however, they indicate they were waiting fo~ input frc~ the State Air Board Manager Cofer stated Lahontan was supportive of all our req% the only question was the Rese atAlpine County, which would used for ultimate use and no~ 7.5 mgd plant. It was decid~ however, that we must also ns go through a Pre-Treatment P~ and no one at the State could explain what this wouldentai[ This appears to have to be sic off by Lahontan, and Manager is working with Mr. Klykendal determine just what must be ~ Mr. Tony Resnick (EPA) has be, the office these past 2 days, and he is preparing his repot the condition of the treatmen and it does appear he will be supportive re our position to corrective work on the plant. Cofer [th the they ~roval ~ stay ~ard have nt nd did ests; ~rvoir gram, ned Of er to ~ne. m in on plant, very make COMMITTEE REPORTS Manager's Report Regular Meeting/Sewer Budget Hearing -2- AYTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that the Polansky Case in the court of decision was favorable to the City and the District; the random selection was not a lottery and that administrative fees could be charged, the court also upheld that the complaint could not be amended against the District or the City on grounds of mis- representation or fraud and that the District is imnune from any further damage. Mr. Weidman stated that he also attended the E1 Dorado County Water Agency/Conmittee meet- ing Monday and the contract was approved - money shouldbe arriving at the District soon. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE. None PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: Staff Reports. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION: (1) Amendment to Contract QUAD Consultants, Coordination of Mitigation Planning Program (INCREASE CONTRACT BY AMOUNT OF $3,590.00) .... Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, Quad Consultants Contract be amended as reconmended by Manager J.R.Cofer. (2) 1980 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS. Authorization and approval of STEP III engineering services recon~nended. (CWC) Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (3) METER WATER DIVERSIONS TO NEVADA: Authorization of $7000 to design facilities (CWC) Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimouslycarried. (4) WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVE- MENTS HIGHWAY 50: Authorization of Preliminary Design Report was reconmended by R.G.Baer. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, Authorization for Preliminary Design be Approved. (5) COT 3 ~GE WELL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT: R. G. Baer requested that con~nents be ~ sent to various agencies re response to State Clearinghouse conments. RESOLUTION NO. 2212: Accepting the Proposed Utility District Mitigation Program, COI~GEWEI.I. PRfXTECT. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2212 be approved. (6) APPOINTMENT OF BROKER-OF-RECORD, JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT: Mr. Duane H. Masbruch. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, Mr. Duane H. Masbruch be appointed as Broker of Record, Joint Powers Agreement. April 16, 1981 ATIORNEY' S REPORT NO COF~f~TS FRC~_ AUDIENCE STAFF REPORTS/PROGRAM MANAGERS A~NDMENT/QUAD/CONTRACT APPROVED AND MANAGER'S DIRECTION TO QUAD TO PROCEED, EFFECTIVE MARCH 9, 1981. ENGINEERING SERVICES STEP III APPROVED (CWC) DESIGN OF FACILITIES (METER WATER DIVERSIONS TONE%r ADA) APPROVED APPROVED PRELIMINARY DESIGN AUTHORIZED COMMENTS BE S~ TO STATE ~INGHOUSE, DEPT. OF WATER RES., LAHONTA, CALTRANS AND TRPA. RESOLUTION NO. 2212 -- APPROVED APPOINTMENT OF BROKER OF RECORD, JOINT POWERS AGREF~ENT APPROVED. REGULAR MEETING/HEARING (SEWER) -3- April 16, 1981 (7) WATER DEPARTMENT BUDGET President Walter Neal Olson stated that the hearing date for the Water Department Budget will be 5/4/81 at 4:00 P.M., District Office. HEARING DATE SET FOR 5/4/81 4:00 P.M., District Office NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 4/24/81 Mitigation Task Force 1:30 P.M. Timbercove Lodge SCHEDULED MEETINGS 4/29/81 Water Purveyors Meeting 5/4/81 Hearing, Water Dept. Budget PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Director Wynnm~ved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $367,633.57 be approved for payment. HEARING, SEWER DEPARTMENT BUDGET 5: 30 P.M. HEARING/BUDGET/OPENED 5:30 PM President Olson opened the hearing on the sewer budget at 5:30 P.M. President Olson stated that the Public Utility District has chosen to not in- crease sewer service charges, because we hope to be able to collect the monies from connection charges, and if this can be done - there would be no reason this year in increasing sewer service charges. We are looking towards secondary treatment now and this will operate at a considerably less cost to the District. President Olson co~mended the Staff and especially the Finance Officer for preparing such a fine budget. PUBLIC CO~/~fS: None Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, and by roll call vote, unanimously carried that the Public Hearing Be Closed (5:45 PM) and the Board adjourn to an Executive Session. The proposed budget will be considered and/or adopted on the 7th of May 1981, Regular Board Meeting. ADJOURNMENT: 5:45 P.M. ~~~.,,Q ~_ South Tahoe Public Utility District ASTEST: ~ D[~mbrose, Clef South ~hoe Public Utility District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 20, 1981 4:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District waived notice for a Special Meeting to discuss the College Well TRPA Application, 4:00 P.M. District Office. Also to be discussed: Heavenly Valley Village Water Enterprise. ROLL CAI.L: Present were President W.N.Olson, Directors L.L. Kashuba, M.M.Madden, J.R.Jones and J.Wynn. Also present were Manager J.R. Cofer, Assistant Engineer R. G. Baer; Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Fischer, W. Dunckhorst, Clerk of Board M. Ambrose. COT3gGE W~,T~, - R. G. Baer, Assistant District Engineer stated that two sewer units are required for the chemical drain; TRPA is preparing confirming letter to send and we will distribute our EIR as a TRPA EIS; we will be able to circulate the EIS this week and we will be on the TRPA agenda for their June meeting and they will be in a position at that time to approve our application for the well. Mr. Baer stated that the District has received excellent cooperation from TRPA in this EIS. HEAVENLY VATI.EY HOMES: (Sherman Bliss). Attorney John C. Weidman gave a background on this subject, stating that Heavenly Valley Homes did advance $10,000 to Tahoe Sierra Water Company and in 1961 worked with the water company to provide some easements for that Assessment District. This was not Lnwritten form but Attorney Weidman stated that this was a liability the water company did have at the time the District purchased the company, and he recon~r~nded that the Board consider an amount of $6,750 be paid to Heavenly Valley Village Inc. and Robinson and Robinson, to clear this debt. PAYMENT OF $6750 to HEAVENLY ~T,T,I~Tf VIT,IAGE, INC. AND ROBINSON & ROBINSON APPROVED. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. SPECiAL~VTiNGADJOURNED AT 4:40 P.M. ADJOURNMENT AT 4: 40 P.M. ~1' O1son, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AT~EST: ~ ~D~rose, Clerk Of ~°--~-~Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~&AY 7, 1981, 5:00 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 5/7/81, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. ~OLLGAT~.: Present were President W.Neal Olson, Directors L. L. Kashuba, J.R. Jones, M. Madden and J. Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. G. Baer, G. Plasterer, M. Ambrose, R. Heng, B. Fischer, John C. Weidman - Attorney, Gene Eppler, Connie I. Ross, W. Dunckhorst. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer stated that the wo~duled for 5/8/81 to be at 10 a.m. instead of 5:00 P.M. ~S OF 4/16/81 and 4/20/81: Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, minutes be approved as submitted. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None CONSENT CALLENDAR: Consent Calendar as follows WAS APPROVED: (1) Water Will Serve Letters to Tahoe Truss and Main Post office (2) Refund/Sewer Connection Deposits, plus interest for: (a) Thomas A. Barrett = $1,915.91 (b) Douglas Nibour = $1,914.19 (c) Ralph Jacini = $1,910.47 (3) Correct Sewer Billing to Show: (a) 32 192 010 27 SU (b) 31 195 150 4 SU (c) 29 415 100 6 SU Director Maddenmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, the consent calendar as above be approved. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: NONE REPORT ONWD~SHOP SESSIONS: reported the following: 5/4/81 4/24/81 4/29/81 Manager Cofer Workshop/Agenda Items and Hearing (Water Dept. Budget and Street Lighting Charges) Mitigation Task Force Water PurVeyors Meeting MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer reported that he has drafted a letter to Dr. Duke of ~e cor~nunity college regarding the compensa- tion of the well property and the agreement and asked Board members to review and contact him for further con~nents and/or suggestions. AGENDA APPRO%~D AS CHANGED MINUTES OF 4/16-20/81 APPROVED NO BOARD MEMBER REPORTS CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED NO SHOP STEWARD REPORT NO CON~tITTEE REPORTS WORKSHOP SESSIONS BT~.D MANAGER'S REPORT REGULAR MEETING -2- 5/7/81 AY~fORNEY ' S REPORT: Working on Resolutions ATIORNEY'S REPORT for the College Well. Manager Cofer stated that he did attend the E1 Dorado County Supervisors n~eting and they did have an Agenda Item regarding the people in Tahoe City Service Area that were drawn in the 1981 Drawing Allocation and one point they did want clarified was that whether or not those on low capability land could transfer to our service area; Mr. Cofer stated that he did report to the County Board there was adequate service capacity assigned if all 188 had beendrawn in our service area, and should be allowed to transfer without any problem. Those on high capability land are not allowed to transfer and no action was taken on changing the ordinance to allow them to do this. President Olson requested that Attorney weidman have a legal opinion prepared for the night of June 14th regarding the above. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: Gary Plasterer, Manager of Wastewater Operations stated that there was a violation of phosphorus for April; the requirment is 1.0 and we had a 3.0 daily average; the chemical system was also taken out of service for a routine maintenance and we ~ere pumping to the 60 mg holding pond for approximately 5 days. ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION (1) 1981 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: (a) W. Dunckhorst gave a project report and requested authorization to proceed with the project. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director ~dden, unanimously carried. (b) CEQA REQUIREMENTS - R. HENGRE- QUESTED APPROVALOF THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION ANDCATEGORICALEXEMPTION (Class 2 of Local Guidelines) Director Jones moved,.secondedby Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. (2) HEADSTART PROJECT, W.R. THOMASON CHANGE ORDERS: (a) Electrical modifications for Change Order 6 ($2,614.39 - Vehicle Storage Building) Director Maddenmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. Manager of Operations MANAGER S RECOMMENDATIONS PROCEED WITH 1981WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS NEGATIVE DFL73LRATION AND CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION (CEQA REQUIREMENTS) APPROVED APPROVED CHANGE ORDER 6 REGULAR MEETING -3- 5/7/81 (3) COT;~GEWETI,: The Board reviewed the following Resolutions regarding the College Well: (a) Resolution No. 2113 - Certification of Final EIR (b) Resolution No. 2114 - Approve changes in Project (c) Resolution No. 2115 - Findings (d) Resolution No. 2116 - Approval of Project (e) Resolution No. 2117 - File Notice of Determination RESOLUTIONS 2113-2117 COLT,~GEWELLAPPROVED Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimosuly carried. (4) PRETREATMENT STUDY Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, contract (CWC) for pretreatment study be approved = $11,914.00 PRETREATMENT STUDY CONTRACT APPROVED (CWC) Director Kashuba Koved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (5) WATER DEPARTMENT BUDGET AND STREET LIGHTING CHARGES (a) Ordinance No. 324, Water Rates (b) Ordinance No. 325, Street Lighting Charges Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden,unanimously carried. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $445,063.54 be approved for payment. WATER RATES AND STREET LIGHTING CHARGES APPROVED CI2LIMS APPROVED NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 5/8/81 10:00 A.M. Workshop/Alpine County contracts MEETINGS SCHEDULED 5/12-15/81 ACS~A 5/16-16/81 CASA 5/18/81 Workshop/Agenda Items 4:00 P.M. NO FUR%I-IER BUSINESS WAS SCHEDULED. _Z---WT~L~i'E~ "NEA%" OLS0~,P~SIDENT ATI~EST: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~r~ D. ~o~e, clerk of~'~Ojrh- SOUTH ~OE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 21, 1981, 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 5/21/81, 5:00 P.M., District Offices. PRESENT WERE: President W. Neal Olson, Directors ROLL CALl. L. Kashuba, M. Madden, J. R. Jones, J. Wypn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. Baer, G. Plasterer, M. Ambrose, C. Ross, G. Eppler, Bill Dunckhorst, R. Heng, D. Argo, Representative from James Montgomery Engineers, Dennis Crabb - City of South Lake Tahoe, B. Fischer and Attorney J.C. Weidman. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager AGENDA APPROVED Cofer requested that Mr. Dave Argo be first AS CHANGED on the Agenda as he must catch a plane. Also, Dennis Crabb, City Attorney, will be here at 5:30 P.M. and requested that item be taken up when Mr. Crabb arrives. Dave Argo introduced Mr. Bill West, filling in for Murli Tolaney of James M. Montgon~ry Engineers for the Headstart Program Improve- ment, Phase I, Inspection. Mr. Dave Argo gave a detailed report re the inspection tour this date and the written report is on file at the District Office. INSPECTION REPORT HEADSTART PROGRAM IMPROVEMEhr£, PHASE I MINUTES OF 5/7/81 deferred to June 4, 1981 meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, Consent Calendar as follows be approved: CONSENT CAI.E~IDARAPPROVED (1) Water Will Serve Letter Approved for Office Building at 1133 Ski Run Blvd. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: L. L. Kashuba gave a report on the recent CASA Meeting at San Diego in May 1981. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS J.R. Jones gave a report on the recent ACWA Conference held May 11-15/81 at Anaheim. Attorney Weidman stated that the portion of the agenda that Dennis Crabb, City Attorney, w~uld speak on should be handled in an Executive Session following this regular meeting. REPORT ON WORKSHOPS ANDMEETINGS HELD: Manager Cofer stated that the following meetings and/or w~rkshops were held: 5/8/81 Alpine County Contracts 5/11- 15/81 ACWA 5/16- and 15/81 CASA WORKSHOP/MEFL~_ INGS HELD Regular Meeting --2-- 5/21/81 MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated he attended the Managers Meeting at CASA and they had a very good presenta- tion put on by the Associates re Prop. 4 and Prop 13. Mr. Dave Clark of EPA told Mr. Cofer that he is leaving EPA employ and is taking a 2-year assignment with the State Health Department. Mr. Clark did state that we would be receiving the draft grant conditions next week, and Mr. Clark was very confident that we would reach agreement and proceed; the Regional Administrator has signed off on the final EIS. ATTO~'S REPORT: To Executive Session. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None. REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: None ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) Engineering Assistance, Repair of MANAGER'S REPORT MANAGER'S RECO~U~DATIONS Export Pipeline; J.M. Montgc~ery Engineers to Prepare Preliminary Report, $4,500, Step I. Director ~rnnmoved,seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (2) 1981 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS, STEP II ENGINEERING SERVICE, ~qC PROPOSAL. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (3) ORDINANCE NO. 325, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 300, ARTICLE IX, SECTION 9.1. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (4) JONES AND STOKES, COTI.~GE ~T~., INCREASE CONTRACT $5000. irector Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (5) REQUEST FOR PART TIME EMPLOYEES FOR S~©KE TESTING AND COI.T~CTION SYSTEM. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (6) REQUEST BY CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE FOR EXTENSION OF TIME IN ADJUSTING SEWER BILLINGS. (7) RESOLUTION NO. 2218 - AUTHORIZING JEFF JOSLYN (ACCOUNTANT) TO CONDUCT FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. APPROVED PRELIMINARY REPORT $4500 (Engineering) APPROVED CWC PROPOSAL $14,500 DESIGN WORK APPROVED ORDINANCE 325 COLT.~GE WEI.L, JONES & STOKES CONTRACT INCREASED BY $5000 APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 2218 APPROVED MOVED TO EXECUTIVE SESSION APPROVED EMPLOYMENT OF THREE PART TIME EMPLOYEES Regular Meeting -3- 5/21/81 (8) PURCHASE OF VEHICLES: Trucks: Following bids received: 4-W-Drive Shehadi Motors Stancils Toyota Hallman Chevrolet Modern Classic Mtrs. Tahoe Carriage Turner Datsun $8,453.50 Toyota $8,578.88 " $8,086.70 Chevrolet $8,541.48 Datsun $8,109.00 Datsun $8,106.00" AWARD TO L(~,~ BIDDER APPROVED ShehadiMotors Hallman Chevrolet $12,985.00 Chevrolet $13,410.07 Chevrolet Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, we award to low bidders. (9) SOUTH SHORE WATER PURVEYORS AGREEMENT: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that the South Shore Water Purveyors Agreement be approved, as presented and reconmended by Manager Cofer. SOUTH SHORE [~t~TER PURVEYOPS AGREEN~WT APPROVED. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $319,785.89 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT NOTICE OF MEETINGS 5/29/81 Mitigation Task Force 8:30 A.M. MEETINGS SCHEDULED 6/1/81 Workshop/Agenda Items 4:00 P.M. 6/4/81 Board Meeting 5:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: Board adjourned to an Executive Session at 5:49 P.M. ADJOURNED TO AN NEATL) EXECUTIVE SESSION. "~OLSOL,~I2~-- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: SO~ T~OE P~LIC ~ILI~ DIST~CT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT.. JUNE 4, 1981, 5:00 P. M. ~e Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 6/4/81, 5:00 P.M., District Office. BOLL CALL: Present were Vice President J.R.Jones and Directors L. Kashuba, M. Madden, J. ~.~/nn. ABSL~T: President W. N. Olson. ROLL CALL Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, G. Plasterer, Clerk of Board Ambrose, R. Heng, B. Fischer, W. Dunckhorst, Mr. and ~s. D. ~rsh. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: (1) Add to action items: Annual Audit Report AGENDA APPROVEDAS AMENDED (2) Item under Consent Calendar roved to Items for Board Action for discussion. CONSEI~T CALENDAR: None MINUTES: (5/7/ and 5/21/81) Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, minutes as mentioned above be approved. MINUTES of 5/7 and 21/81 APPROVED REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director ~dden requested that Mary Ambrose contact P. Seastrom of the Departnmnt of Water Resources re information on their educational water conservation program and also obtain all costs involved. DIRECTOR ~,~ADDEN REPORTED ON EDUCATIONAL WATER CONS. PROGRAm{ AND APPROVAL GIVEN TO CARRY THROUGH ON PROGRAM SHOP ST~^~ARD'S REPORT: None CO~4ITTEE REPORTS: None REPORT ON WORKSHOP MEETINGS HEI.D (1) 5/29/8i Mitigation Task Force (2) 6/3/81 Workshop/Agenda Items WORKSHOP & MEETINGS HELD MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that the revised Special Grant Conditions have been transmitted to the State and EPA and going through their legal depart- ment for review. No word has been received as of this date, Manager Cofer stated. Also, Board ~_mbers have received a copy of the letter Manager Cofer sent to EPA regarding Appendix "B", Mitiga- tion Program, in which one consultant claimed principal authorship, and Manager Cofer did talk with that consultant, who stated he will send out an errata sheet stating the report was prepared under the direction of the Mitigation Task Force, showing Quad Consultants as the principal author, and that Sedway-Cook developed the initial mitigation measures. Manager Cofer requested approval of letters of appreciation to Mark guckerman and Dave Clark- (Board Approved Transmittal of same) ~TIC~ATION PROGRA~4 CONSI~TANT REPORT CORRECTION OF AUTHOR LEI~ERS OF APPREC/ATIONTO MARK ZUCKERMANAND DAVE CLARK June 4, 1981 -2- AYTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that he has assisted J.R. Cofer in Special Grant Conditions for the Mitigation Task Force; w~rking on the college well agreements and Alpine County Contracts .... COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Non Agenda Items) None. REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: None ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION: (1) Items transferred from Consent Calendar - Correct Billing for Parcel No. 23 634 140 from 2 SU to 3 Sewer Units. Mr. B. Fischer stated that we made the mistake initially of billing for 6 sewer units instead of 3 sewer units, and have been charging this parcel for 6 sewer units. There are only 3 sewer units on the property, per our Inspector R. Eppler. Following discussion it was approved that the billing for 6 sewer units instead of 3 se~er units, be refunded to Marsh for our error - for 2 years. This is the same policy for additional billings - residents are charged back 2 years for additional sewer units the District did not originally charge them for. (2) LETTER IN SUPPORT OF SB 868 EXEMPTION OF PEAK HOUR ELECTRICAL RATES. Letter from Director J.R. Jones to Honorable Gordon W. Duffy, Chairman of Assembly Utilities and Energey Co~nittee in Support of SB 868 Electrical Rates: Peak Hour approved. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, letter be sent. (3) DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVE AND ALTERNATE, SOUTH SHORE WATER PURVEYORS. Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Madden, that Director Jones be Representative for the South Shore Water Purveyors, and W. Dunckhorst the alternate representative. ( 4 ) COT.T,P, GE WET,T. LICENSE AGREEMENT. Manager Cofer stated that Dr. Duke has suggested that some payment be included until such time as the water is needed - a minimum charge for a 4" meter, as established by this Board; all other sections of agreement the College agrees with. Regular Meeting ATTORNEY' S REPORT RECOD~MENDATIONS/ACTIONS APPROVE REFUND OF 2 .YEAR C~LARGES FOR EXTRA SE~R UNITS FOR PARCEL 23 634 140 LETTER APPROVED IN SUPPORT OF SB 868 (P.T,P.C.RATES) SOUTH SHORE WATERPURVEYORS REPRESENTATIVE: JIM_ JONES ALTERNATE: W. DUNCKHORST. COTI~GE TABleT,T, AGREEMENT June 4, 1981 Regular Meeting Director ~.~dden moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the College Well License Agreement be approved and execution be authorized subject to legal review and any technical changes. (5) AUDIT REPORT (ANNUAL) Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that John Ehlman be authorized to do the annual audit report in the amount of approximately $10,000.00. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $274,850.19 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF MEETINGS/~qORKSHOPS 6~4/81 6~i5/81 6/18/81 ADJOURNMENT: District Baseball Game toniqht. Tour of Headstart Facilitie~ 3:00 P.M. Agenda/Workshop 4:00 P.M. Board Meeting - 5:00 P.M. 5:40 P.M. COI.LF. GE WELL LICENSE AGREF2~WF APPROVED SUBJECT TO LEC~kL REVIEW AND ANY TECHNICAL CHANGES AUDIT REPORT ANNUAL APPROVED CLAIMS APPROVED MEETINGS & WORKSHOPS SCHEDULED ADJOURNMENT SOU~ TAHOE PUBLIC ~ILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: SOUTH TAHOE ~UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 18, 1981 ........... 5:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session June 18, 1981, 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President W. N. Olson, Directors J.R. Jones, L.K. Kashuba, M.M. Madden and J.Wynn. Also present were Manager J.R. Cofer, R.G. Baer, G. Plasterer, W. Dunckhorst, J.C. Weidman - Attorney, R. Heng, M. Ambrose, G. Eppler, C. I. Ross, B. Fischer. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Jones mved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, consent calendar, as follows, be approved: (i) Purchase of Lab Equipment (Budgeted Item=S7800) (2) Authorize Phase II Design College Well (Budgeted Item) (3) Authorize Application to State for Drilling College Well. (Application to be taken out after Final Action by TRPA ON EIS) BOARD MEMBERS REPORES: None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None COMM2YTEE REPORTS: None WORKSHOP/MEETINGS HEI.D: 6/15/81 Agenda Items Inspection tour of Headstart Facilities. MANAGER'S REPORT: None - Items on Agenda A%~fO~NEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that he is w~rk~g on the Alpine County Contracts. He also requested a meetingwith the Board before July 3rd re the JOYCE LITIGATION. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Non-Agenda Items): None AGENDA APPROVED CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED WORKSHOP/MEETINGS Regular Meeting REPOR~ BY PROGRAM MANAGERS Gary Plasterer, ~nnager of Waste- water Operations reported that at 4: 00 P.M. today that Luther Pass ~ ~.1 was shut down due to excessive noise. ~,~. F-last~rer reported that the pump was recently reconditioned, and is ~[!er warranty; plant shut down and went to 60 mgd holding pond; the motor was taken back to Sacramento today and we should have it back and in operation by next week, Mr. Plasterer stated. Robert G. Baer stated that there is an addition to the family - Baby Girl Kathryn. ITEM~ FOR BOARDACTION -2- J,mne 18, 1981 Manager of Wastewater Operations Report RECOMMENDATIONS & ACTIONS (1) Request for Proposals/Sewer Rate Study. Manager Cofer requested that authorization for request for proposals be considered. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. iPresident Olson directed that the .fall Board willmeet as a committee to receive consultants proposals. 2) Industrial Discharge Ord. Ord. No. 327 - Director Jones moved, seconded bY Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Ordinance No. 327 be adopted. AUTHORIZED REQUEST FOR pPOPOSALS, SEWER RATE STUDY ORDINANCE NO. 327, Industrial Discharge Ordinance Approved (3) Design Contract (Step III) Plant Modifications and Alpine County Land Application System (Hardison, Komatsu, Ivelich and Tucker ) (Design). Manager Cofer requested authorization for amendment of Step II Grant Application to include proposal from CWC and $25,000 filing fees for safety of dams. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (4) HEADSTART PROJECT (THO~.gkSON): (a) (b) Increase of $1335.96, Change Order No. (c) Increase of $4380.67, Change Order No. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (5) REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATION OF SEegER CONNECTION DEPOSIT, REFUND POLICY Increase of $1513.28, Change Order No. 7 8 9 Lakeview Development Corporation, Heavenly Valley Townhouses, has requested an extension of time for payment of sewer deposits. Manager Cofer recor~nended that this request be denied. Director John Wynn stated that he would like a letter of explanation sent as to what our policy is regarding sewer connection deposits. What the District does for one must be done for another depositor, and this cannot be done. Authorize submittal to State for Approval as Part of Step III Grant Contract. Change Orders 7,8,9 - Approved Regular Meeting -3- June 18, 1981 Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, request for extension of payment of sewer connection deposit, be denied. LAKEVIEW DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO PAY SEWER CONNECTION DEPOSIT DENIED. (6) REVISION TO QUAD CONSULTANTS CONTRACT, COORDINATION MITIGATION TASK FORCE: Manager Cofer requested consideration of the revision to _Quad Consultants Contract. Manager Cofer also stated that should TRPA assume the responsibility, then we will no longer honor the contract with Quad Consultants, and no payments from the District to Quad Consultants. APPROVED REVISION TO QUAD CONSULTANTS COntRACT Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wyrkn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $686,854.49 be approved for payment. CLAIm,S APPROVED NOTICE OF MEETINGS: ~/h9/81 Workshop/Agenda Items 4 pm MEETINGS Director Kashuba co~mended the Program Managers on the Staff Report, and the Staff; also, she stated that the District has a good baseball team - 6/24/81 Water Purveyors, 2 pm 7/2/81 Board Meeting 5 pm, Exec. Session follows to discuss Litigation/Personnel. ~--~_~W~ "~/' ~'LS0~--~IDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATI~ST: ,'7'~ I ' ~ /~ ~ D. AmbroSe, Clerk of B~ard SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC ~ILI~ DIST~