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1980 01/03 - 1980 12/18
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District January 3, 1980 8:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District mot in a regular session on 1/3/80~ 8:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors W.N.Olson, J.Wyrm, M. Madden and J.R. Jones. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R.Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Clerk of Board, R. Baer, W. D~mckhorst, G. Plasterer, B. Fischer, R.I.. Cu]p~ Dm Heinricks. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITION TO AGENDA: Manager corer recommended that ite~ns on the consent calendar fer ~sponse to letter received from Mr. Ks~tz be deferred ~mtil our attorney has the opportunity to confer with the County Attorney. President Kashuba requested that the Board Organizational Chart be added to items for Board Action. Also, that authorization for advertising for bids on a 3/4 ton 4-wheel drive V-8 be added to itenu~ for Board Action~ Director Olsonmoved, secondedbyDirectorWynn, unsnimously carried, Consent Calendar be approved as above, and items added to "ITFi~S FOR BOARDACTION" be approved. MINUTES: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director [^~_a~n, that 12/4/79 minutes be approved as corrected, and that 12/5/79, 12/6,/79 min~es be approved as submitted. AYES: Directors Olson, Wynn, Madden Kashuba. NOF~: None. ABSTAINED: Director Jones. EI.FCTION OF OFFICEPS, SOUTH TAHOE PI~LIC L~ILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wy Dm, unanimously carried, that Walter Neal Olson be nominated as President; Board elected same unanimously. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that James R. Jones be nominated as Vice President; Board elected same unanimously. The above were the only two nominations. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director ~ nn, that nominations be closed and President and Vice President eiect~ by acclamation, carried unanimously. REPO~ BY BOAPDMEM~ERS: Director Jones stated that a nmeting was held at TRPA that was a press conference for the envirorm~ntal assessmont prepared by' the Federal Agency Task Force, which he attended. He gave Board Members a copy of that sun~aary. SHOP STLSq~PD'S REPORT: None Present CY)MMIY'I~DE REPORTS: None. President L. Kashuba stated that the Board recomnendations were read, and same on the agenda for consideration. REPORT ONWORKSHOP SESSIONS AND MEETIN~S: (1) 12/21/79 Mitigation Measures Task Force Meeting (2) 12/27/79 Meetin~with E1 Dorado County Supe. rvisors re Mitigstion Measures (3) 1/2/80 Workshop Agenda Items/Board Reorganization MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer had no report, however, he emd W. Dunckhorst prepared a chart showing a comparison between the water system flows ~_nd inflows to the waste- water treatment plant. The water system flows increased from 1.5 mgd to about 2.5 mgd on December 24th. The wastewater flows increased at the same time to over 5 mgd with the peak day on Dec~_mber 31, 1979 of 5.8 mgd. A~TORNE%'S REPORT: Participated with R. CA~lp, D. Heinrickso J.R. Cofer in the problem of the contract with Alpine County, and a moeting with the ~upervisors. Attorney Weidman stated all other items are on the agenda. Regular Meeting -2- 1/3/80 P~PORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: (1) Manaqer of Maintenance Report, Gene Eppler: "To date some 87,480 lbs of scrap iron has been removed from the plant and sold to Shane's Salvage Company in Reno for a total of $2,328.98. This money has already been deposited in the District's account. There is still a lot more to be hauled. Another accident has been encountered here at the plant with heavy damage to Truck No. 15. A report and damage list is enclosed in your agenda packet. The heavy snow has been keeping maintenance crews busy. With the plant and twenty pump stations to be plowed, son~ overtime has been required. There has been no major breakdowns within the plant in the last couple of weeks and maintenance crews are continuing their scheduled maintenance programs. I have started collecting water well samples from the Springmeyer Ranch in Nevada, and will soon start collecting the same in Alpine County. I will continue working with CWC, the water users and ranchers of Alpine County and Nevada as needed for our future waste discharge alternative." "DRIVE LINE DAMAGE, BODY DAMAGE & LABOR FOR TRUCK NO. 15, 1973 Ford 4 x 4: Body damage, estimated $ 250.00 Transfer case 700.00 Cross member 45.00 Steering box 220.00 Steering nuckle 195.00 Two shocks 45.00 Spindle 83.40 Front drive shaft 150.85 Seal kit and bearings 65.00 Drag link 64.00 One wheel 35.90 Brake line 4.50 Centering pins 7.00 "U" Bolts 46.00 Transfer case shift rod 32.50 One tire 45.00 Front end alignment 35.00 Labor (3 days) 250.00 Estimated Total $2,274.15 Mr. Gene Eppter recon~ended the vehicle be declared surplus, due to mileage and damage. (2) Manager of Water Supply Systems: Water Production for December 1979: DECEMBER (MG) 1978 1979 % Change Well Production 57.5 67.3 + 17.0 Cold Creek Diversion 42.5 36.5 - 14.1 Totals 100.0 103.8 + 3.8 Calendar Year to Date 1978 1979 % Change Well Production 867.6 1,047.0 + 20.7 Cold Creek Diversion 496.2 472.0 - 4.9 Totals 1,363.8 1,519.0 + 11.4" ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION: (1) SET.F~TINGAND IMPLEMENTING A NASTEWATER SYSTEM ALTERNATIVE: (a)! Report was given by Russell L. Culp on evaluation of alternative systems. (b) Authorization of Impl~nentation Activities: (1) Engineering (2) Legal Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, the engineering and legal activities be authorized as reconm~nded by Manager Cofer. Director Jones requested staff prepare for the next Board meeting an alternate implementation schedule with an earlier date for requesting approvals from Alpine County. (2) Resolution re TRANSFER OF SEWER UNITS. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, this itembe deferred to March of 1980, as reconm~_ndedbyManager J.R. Cofer. Regular Meeting -3- ~ ~ 7-i 1/3/80 (3) Petition for review by State Board of portions of California Regional Water QUality Control Board, Lahontan Region, Order No. 6-97-43, NPDES Permit ~ CA 0102709. (a) Authorize submission of petition for review. (b) Authorize John C. Weidman's signature on same. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (4) Appointment of Representative to E1 Dorado Water Committee: Director Olson ved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried~hat Director J.R. Jones appointed as representative to E1 Dorado Water Cor~ittee. (Manager Cofer will send a letter to the Corm~ittee stating the action taken this evening) ..... RECESS~ 9:30 P.M. - MeetJDg reco~vened at 9:40 P.M. (5) 3/4 - 4-wheel drive: Deferred to next regular Board meeting. (6) RECOMMENDATIONS/BOARD PEORGANiZATION: Co~nitteeAssi~ts: Public Information Water Committee Finance & Insurance Plant Operations Board Administration, Conservation & Training Kashuba/Madden Jones/Wynn Olson/Wynn Jones/Olson Kashuba/Madden. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Con~nittee assignments be approved as recon~ended. Liaison to Other Entities: City of South Lake Tsboe County of E1 Dorado Lahontan RWQCB TRPA CTRPA Alpine & Douglas County Senior Citizens CASA ACWA Federal Agencies John Wynn Jim Jones Neal Olson Lorrene Kashuba MickeyMadden Neal Olson Jim Jones Lorrene Kashuba Jim Jones John Wynn Director Olsonmov~d, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Liaison to Other Entities be approved as reconmended above. BOARD~.KTINGS/TIME: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by DirectorMadden, unanin~Dusly carried, that the regular meetings of the Board of Directors held on the first and third Thursday of each month be changed to 4:00 P.M. instead of the now 8:00 P.M. Director Jones stated that he does not really go for this change in time, however, he will go along with this action to see how this works out. He prefers the 8 pm meetings. DIRECTORS FEES: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that the Directors be paid $300.00 per month, rather than $25.00 per meeting. (Manager Cofer stated that an ordinance will be prepared for Board consideration for the next regularmeeting regarding this subject) .... Regular Meeting -4- 1/3/80 Authorize development of a weekly article in the Tahoe Daily Tribune on District activities. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones~ unanimously carried. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $126,901.78 be approved. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 1. 1/4/80 2. 1/4/80 3. 1/8/80 4. 1/10/80. Mitigation Measures Task Force CTRPA Citizens Advisory Meeting & Kiwanis Club Alpine/Douglas County Conservation Districts. Director Olson stated that he would like to con~nend Lorrene L. Kashuba for the excellent job she has done as President of the Utility District Board for the past two years; she has brought some creditability to this Board. Ms. Kashuba stated that she has served with pride on this Board of Directors,. and it has been one of the most interesting experiences of her life. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. - All regular meetings of the Board of Directors will now be held at 4:00 P.M. the first and third Thursday of each month. AT~EST: Lorrene L. Kashuba, President South Tahoe Public Utility District Mary D. Ambrose, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District January 17,1980 4:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 1/17/80 at 4:00 P.M., ~strict Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.Neal Olson, Directors L.L. Kashuba, J. Wynn, M. Madden and J. Jones. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Corer, Engineer R. Baer, G. Plasterer, W. Dunckhorst, Clerk of Board, J.C.Weidman-Attorney, J. Maxhimer, M. Adams, B. Fischer, G. Eppler, M. Heller - Lake Tahoe News, D. Antonucci - Lahontan. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested an addition to the items for board action (XIV-8) Purchase of Chlorine Evaporator. Approved agenda as changed. CONSENT CALENDAR: (1) NOTICE OF DETERMINATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN. Approved and authorized filing of notice. (2) Purchase of Johnson Screens Carbon System (Budgeted Item 16 Screens of $852.00 each. ' Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Consent Calendar be approved. MINUTES: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried that the minutes of 12/7/79 be approved as submitted, and the minutes of 12/20/79 and 1/3/80 be approved as corrected. (Please note - Director Jones did abstain from voting on 12/7/79 minutes). REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS:None COMMITTEE REPORTS: Director Kashuba stated that Board Administration is now included in the Research, Conservation and Training Committee. 1. Research,Conservation and Training and Board Administration. No meeting. 2. Water Utility: No meeting. 3. Plant Operations: Met Monday afternoon (1/14/80) and discussed several pieces of equipment; one item will be on the action section this evening, Director Jones stated. Public Information: Several meetings were held, Director Kashuba stated, and she also presented copies of the column that was in the Tahoe Tribune last Friday. (A column will be in the paper each week to inform the public as to what we are doing here at the District).. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS & MEETINGS: 1. 1/4/80 Mitigation Measures Task Force. 2. 1/10/80 Douglas County Board of Commissioners re Selection of Reclamation Alternative and EPA/DEIS 3. 1/10/80 Conservation District's Meeting at Genoa 4. 1/14/80 Workshop - Agenda ITEMS/CTRPA Emergency Ordinance/Headstart Program 5. 1/15/80 Alpine County Board of Supervisors Meeting re Selection of Reclamation Alternative 6. 1/16/80 TRPA Advisory Board re EPA/DEIS 7. 1/16/80 Board of Realtors Meeting Regular Meeting -2- 1/17/80 Manager Cofer stated that he and Director Kashuba appeared before the Board of Commissioners, Douglas County, and as the decision of this Board was the selection of the Alpine County Alternative, Mr. D. Springmeyer, who would have received the water for the Nevada alternative, was very disappointed. Mr. Springmeyer stated that if this Board does change that alternative, he would like to meet with the Board again. Manager Cofer also stated that some of the Douglas County Commissioners were disappointed in our decision. At this same meeting (1/10/80) there were people from Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, and EPA, talking about their response to the EIS. It appeared that Douglas County had some great concerns regarding the mitigation measures outlined in the program, and they went so far as to tell the Sewer District not to come to Douglas County if they are requesting twenty-million dollars in grants, because it will cost the county forty-million dollars in mitigation measures. Manager Cofer stated we are very uncertain as to what Douglas County will respond on the EIS. At the Conservation District's meeting in Genoa, The Districts Report was well received and thosepresentexpressed approval in the filtered secondary effluent. However, they did question the use of Indian Creek Reservoir for recreation. (This was the conservation meeting). Manager Cofer stated that the EPA slides received were shown at this meeting also. They did indicate that they would help us, in fact, might be a lead- agency in some of the workshops in Alpine County in implementing the plan. Director Kashuba stated that the TRPA Advisory Board (Meeting of 1/16/80) Mr. Neal Walton - Chairman, has been working with the City, County and District on the Mitigation Task Force. Last week, Director Kashuba stated, we presented the EPA DEIS and the fact that we needed commitments from the various agencies. The Advisory Planning Commission is the Tech. arm of the TRPA, and should recommend to the TRPA governing board. Another meeting was called yesterday. They went through much material preparing to present a statement to the Advisory Planning Commission and the board. A week extension has been requested ~Q TRPA to get their statement in for their next regular meeting the end of this month. Director. Kashuba also stated that we should schedule meetings with the USFS, CTRPA, Fish and Game, Lahontan, BLM, etc., to get their direct input. Manager Cofer stated that next week EPA will be holding the hearings on the EIS, and Mr. Cofer asked Dave Jones and Janet Rosetti to please come to the District on the 24th of January to meet in a workshop session with this Board. They have agreed to be here and will meet at 2:00 P.M. Regarding the Realtors meeting, Manager Cofer stated we presented the problems of the floods, our headstart program, the Federal EIS. They took action of appointing Frank Souza to make a statement at the hearing on behalf of the Board of Realtors in support of the District's position. M~nnager Cofer stated that we are giving Mr. Souza a sun~ary of some of the major impacts of the EIS so a statement can be prepared by him and the Board of Realtors. On 1/16/80 a meeting was held with the District Staff to discuss some of their concerns about activities within the District, Manager Cofer stated. It was a livelymeeting, he stated. ~A~AGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that he did revise the in~plementation schedule as the Board so directed at their last meeting. For the Alpine County schedule the Board requested revision of this schedule so we could go there at an earlier date - and he stated that he is still~ trying to get the Heise Land and Livestock agreements in February; the reservoir right-of-way agreement in February 1980; workshop is proposed for March with an irrigation plan and have the preliminary agreements with the ranchers in May of this year. Prior to undertaking the EIS/EIR or the waste discharge requirements, and June 1st, 1980 ask Alpine County, based on the cc~nents by the ranchers that they are willing to take the water,if Alpine County is interested in us pursuing that alternative. Director Kashuba stated if t/his schedule is approved we should send same to Alpine County so they will understand the schedule. The Board concurred with this schedule and directed M~nager Cofer to send same to Alpine County. Regular Meeting -3- 1/17/80 ASTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that the Petition for Review was filed Monday, 1/8/80, together with the points and authorities, and the District has an additional 20 days if we wish to supplement our petition. Attorney Weidman asked if he could go to Lahontan Office to review some correspondence, etc., on a Sat%~day. ~.~. D. Antonucci stated that their office is not opened on Saturday, and prefer that he show on a weekday. Director Kashuba asked if anything further has been done regarding the Boy Scout appraisal. Manager Cofer stated we are trying to get with the County to see if they will make an appraisal, at no cost to the District, and he will report to the Board at a later date. REPOR~ BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: - (1) Gary Plasterer - Manager of Wastewater Operations: 1/17/80 "The Wastewater Treatment Plant experienced high flows over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. We were in violation for the month of December of suspended solids on three different days. Our maximum allowable is 4 mg/1 and we reported 5 mg/1. Indian Creek Reservoir continues to have a high pH value which is a violation of our discharge permit. On January 11 and 12 the treatn~nt plant had flows in excess of 10 mgd. It was necessary to stop exporting and pump to our 60 mg en~rgency pond. The flow was so great and without electric power the one secondary pump could not keep up. Approx~ately 500,000 gallons had to be pumped out of our stabilization pond into Heavenly Valley Creek which eventually goes to Lake Tahoe. Terry Powers, District Chemist, sampled the creek in all directions and the results indicated that pollution was minimal. At the present time, there is approximately 26 mg in our 60 mg emergency pond. We feel confident that the plant will be back to normal operation within a few days." (2) W. Dunckhorst, Manager - Water Supply Systems: 1/17/80 "This winter has certainly been a change from what the water department experienced last year. Last winter was one of the worst we have experienced as far as calls were concerned on frozen services and houses flood- ing. This winter there have been no calls, to date, of services freezing and very few calls of houses flooding. As a comparison, this time last winter the calls were so numerous on weekends, and after hours, that we had some of the girls come in on the weekends to cover the phone calls, as it was getting too much for the operators to handle and still try to get their work done. The work being accc~plished now is mostly snow remova and cleanup of the various station sites, such as painting and whatever has to be done to keep things looking good. Fire hydrants in various areas are now being flushed and meters are being repaired and tested in the Fountain Shop, so that we will be ready early this spring to again pull and replace any meter in the system that may need repair or testing." Gary Plasterer stated that we have an estimated flow for January 12 and 13 of 7.9 mgd; 5.3 for Friday and 5.0 for Monday. Manager Cofer stated that the staff is preparing a report to Lahontan on the discharge to Heavenly Valley Creek. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: Dave Antonucci stated that he brought with him one copy of the 208 Plan and Water Rights Report and the District will be receiving additional copies frem the State Board soon. Manager Cofer was requested to obtain copies of the 208 Plan and the Water Rights Report. -4- 1/17/80 Regular Meeting ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION: (1) ORDINANCE NO. #307 - An ORDINANCE RE DIRECIORS PAY AND EXPENSES... (Directors to be paid $300/month up to a maximum of $3,600/year; and mileage to be .25¢ per mile up to 1500 miles). Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, ORDINANCE NO. 307 be adopted. (2) ADVERTISE FOR BID ON 3/4 TON, 4-WH~.T. DRIVE. Gene Eppler explained to the Board why the smaller type van/truckwould notbe suitable for the jobs to be done for the District. Trucks are used for heavy duty jobs. Director Jones stated that if this be the case, all for heavy jobs by the District, he would agree a mini would notbe the truck to purchase. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that we advertise for bids on a 3/4/ Ton, 4-Wheel Drive, and add that same can be a 1979 or 1980 model. (3) CLEANING OF LINES TO CHEMICAL CLARIFIERS. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE ORDER TO ABC OF SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. R. Baer stated that it appears there is a hydraulic constriction between the rapid mix and the chemical clarifiers. During the high flow period on New Year's Eve, water was overflowing the chemical clarifier division box. This overflow required the tertiary part of the plant robe bypassed to the emergency holding pond. The staff has reviewed the problem with CWC and we believe the problem to be an accumulation of grit in the inlet lines to the clarifiers. Grit is entering the system from the makeup line and is settling out in the lowest portion of the inlet lines. To remove the grit, it will require a 5- 7 day shutdown of the tertiaryportion of the plant. Cleaning of the large 36 inch diameter pipelines is beyond the capability of the District forces. We have reviewed the cleaning of the lines with ABC Service of Sacramento and we feel they are capable of doing the job in 4 days. We estimate the cost for their portion of the work, including equipment, to be $1000/day. We ask that a purchase order for $4,000 be placed withABC Services for clean- ing the chemical clarifier inlet piping. Attached is a schedule for the plant shutdown. Please note Item 9 is the install- ation of a grit trap in the rapidmix basin to alleviate future problems. (Schedule gmven to the Board Members). Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, the purchase order be authorized, as explained by R. Baer. (4) PURCHASE OF THERM-L-VEYOR FOR LIME COOLER ASSEMBLY. Gary Plasterer requested authorization to purchase the Therm-L-Veyor for the Lime Cooler Assembly. The one we presently have has been in operation for approximately 13 years and Maintenance has tried to repair this, however, still leaking. We have received 3 bids - the original equipment to replace this would run $41,600, and just for the discs would run us $36,000. Christian Engineering came across with a firm price of $24,550 with tax free. Mr. Plasterer recorm~_nded approval for purchase. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the Therm-L-Veyor be approved for purchase from Christian Engineering, as reconmendedbyG. Plasterer. (5) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEC~ION AGENCY HEARINGS RE DRAFT E I S: Manager Cofer stated this item is related to the EPA Hearings and Draft Environmental Impact Statement whichwill start Monday in Sacramento, Tuesday in Douglas County, Wednesday at Turtle Rock Park - Alpine County and Thursday at South Lake Tahoe. Staff plans to attend all hearings. Manager Cofer stated that we are not going to be prepared by the 24th of January to make a presentation on the status of us putting together a response on the mitigation measures. He also stated it might be useful if we could submit some testimony on some of the technical issues that we have identified in our review of the EIS. Manager Cofer drafted a suggested letter which deals with the technical issues that the SewerDistrict identifies. Manager Cofer stated he did not attempt to con~nent on transportation, air quality, or those areas where we do not have expertise to corm~nt. A state- ment can also be made that the Headstart Program will allow us to handle flows. This statement will be presented at all hearings scheduled. Regular Meeting -5- 1/17/80 Manager Cofer stated the thrust of our statement is that they did not (EPA) evaluate what would happen if we did not expand the sewer plant and we think that the anticipated growth under all the scenarios would require more sewer capacity than what EPA has ~dentified. Jerry Williams of Creegan and D'Angelo, Engineers for Douglas County Sewer Improvement District #1, stated that their District finds themselves in about the same situations as this District. He stated that he spend the better part of last week attending meetings with Director Kashuba. Douglas County does intend to be present at the Public Hearings and they will also be submitting written conments by 2/22/80, and these will strictly be staments on the treatment plant and nothing to do with mitigation measures. (6) CTRPA URGENCY ORDINANCE RESTRICT/NG DEVELOPMENT IN FRAGILE LANDS: Mr. Dubink, CTRPA, brought a copy of the Urgency Ordinance Restrict- ing Development in Fragile Lands. He indicated this would be a four-month Ordinance, however, it could become amore permanent Ordinance after that time. Our obvious concern is that under ~he random selection procedures 40 or 60% of the applicants drawn find ~emselves under this development restriction ~ whether or not they would pay the sewer connection deposit, and if they do not pay that whatwould happen to the financing of the headstart program. We are absolutely dependent upon receiving connection charges for all the sewer units made available to the City. We spoke with M~. Dubink of some possible solutions; we have discussed this with the City Staff, and also their Ordinance No. 520 would all~ for transfer of units, but does not provide for a permit from a vacant lot to another vacant lot - it does provide for tearing downan existing structure and transfer to a vacant lot... We would have to have some mechanism for allowing transfer of sewer units. Chet Homing, in working with the City Staff, has come back with an alternative which may help: - Amend our Ordinance No. 306, which was the rules related to the deposit of $~0 per sewer unit. We are not asking for action this evening, but we do need some direction as to whe~er or not we should p~rsue this or not. Manager Cofer stated that we are proposing two options available to those owners where their property is located within C~fRPA land capability zones 1 , 2,3: (1) If the owner owns more than one parcel, he may transfer the right to connect to the higher capability or he may purchase a parcel of higher capability and then transfer the right to connect; in either case, the owner would give up the right to enter the first parcel in future allocations...(2) the owner has the right to sell the property but then the parcel selected becomes the city or county property. Director Madden stated that our Ordinances do not show where we can sell the permit and then give up the parcel; we are not in that business and she stated that she does not feel our Ordinance should show that at all. She stated if the City and County want to do it that is fine, but we should not. Manager Cofer stated that the County/City cannot do this unless this District agrees to transfer the sewer units. Attorney Weidman clarified this statement: they will give up the right to a sewer connection on that particular piece of property in the sensative zone - not that they give ~he property to the City or County, if they transfer that right. Director Kashuba stated that she has said before and is again saying that this is premature because we are working on mitigation measures in the cc~mittee. Following discussion on this subject, it was suggested that a workshop session be s~heduled to discuss this ~tter. Manager Cofer will also invite other agencies that will have an interest in this subject to the workshop. (CITY, COUNTY, CTRPA, ETC.) (7) COPY MACHINE SYSTEMS: Manager Cofer requested authorization to request proposals for copy machines; the present one cannot do the job for us. The Board agreed that staff should proceed, obtain proposals, and return to the Board for consideration when proposals are received. (8) CHLORINE EVAPORATOR. - Gary Plasterer stated there was a chlorine leak last Friday, and they are not certain of the cause of that; he requested the authorization to purchase a new one, an 8000 lb one, using the controls from the one that is not now working. Cost is $6,634.00 plus $440 freight and a six=week delivery. (Supplier - Wallace and Tiernan) .... Director Jones is concerned that how long are we going to continue to spend 23' ~: Regular Meeting -6- 1/17/80 mnies like this; we have standards we have to meet. Director Madden asked if this purchase would help prevent what happened Friday. Mr. Plasterer stated if we purchase this new one it will be warranted and guaranteed/and this would solve that problem. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried authorization be given to purchase a chlorine evaporator. Director Madden asked for a report from Manager Cofer as to what actually happened to cause that chlorine leak. President Olson stated that he would like to bring up the subject that was on the agenda for the County Board of Supervisors and we discussed it as to disasters and funds available for unforeseen damage. J.R. Cofer stated B. Baer has been in contact with the County and he is working on this matter. Mr. R. Baer stated that a letter was sent to VernPeterson, Deputy Director, OES, as follows: "On Saturday morning, January 12th, flowentering the South Tahoe Wastewater treatment plant was in excess of 10 million gallons per day (MGD). Flow was being pumped frc~Pond No. 1 located at the treatment plant site to the emergency holding pond located near Pioneer Trail and Black Bart Avenue. At 0600 hours a basin wide power failure took place. The District's emergency pumping equipment during power failure can only punt0 7 mgd to the en~ergency holding pond. With the influent flow greater than the pumping capacity, the level in Pond No. 1 began to rise. When the water level got to within a foot of the top of the berm, the pond began leaking frem rodent holes in the face of the berm. District forces set up sandbags to prevent the failure of the berm. Also temporary pumping facilities were set up and water was discharged to a nearby creek to prevent water overflowing the berm. To repair the damage to the pond No. 1 berm, the top 4 feet of the berm will have to be removed.and replaced. The pond is clay lined and the clay liner must also be replaced. We estimte the cost of the repair to Pond #1 $25,000. The District requests that the Board of Supervisors authorize emergency relief funds for the repair of Pond #1." The Board requested a supplement to the letter be sent, which reads as follows: "Theremaybe additional damage that cannot be identified due to snow on the ground." PAYMENT OF CLA/_MS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $474,844.55 be approved. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 1/18/80, Mitigation Task Force 1/21/80 DEIS Hearing, Sacramento 1/22/80 DEIS Hearing, Douglas Co. 1/23/80 DEIS Hearing, South Lake Tahoe 2 4/80 Workshop Agenda Items 1/23-27 CASA Conference 1/26/80 E1 Dorado County Water Conmlittee/Placerville 1/23/80 TRPA Governing Board Meeting Mr. Ross stated 8 maintenance me~ake exams for certifications Saturday. AEgO~: 6:00 P.M. // /~ X ~ [ ~fa~ie~ "peal'' Olson~7~Pr~e:sident ~ ..... South Tahoe Public Utility District AYT~ST: ~a~Y~.~ .~br6s~, Clerk ~f~oard South T~oe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District .... 2/7/80 ..... 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 2/7/80, 4:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President W. N. Olson, Directors L.L. Kashuba, J. Wynn, M. Madden and J.Jones. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. Baer, G. Plasterer, W. Dunckhorst, M. Fagot. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested three action items be added to the agenda: XIV: (8) Public Information Program - Alpine County (9) Monitoring and Reporting Program - NPDES Permit (10) Engineering Proposal - Emergency Storage Manager Cofer also requested an Executive Session following this regular meeting. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Agenda be approved as changed. CONSENT CALENDAR: As follows: (1) Increase Commercial Sewer Units (+ 2 Sewer Units) (Tamarack Inn Motel) (2) Increase Sewer Units (+4): Plus one for 25 261 06 Plus three - for 30 352 070. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Consent Calendar and recommendations be approved. MINUTES: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, minutes be approved as corrected. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: (Director Kashuba).. Wayne Brown, East Bay Dischargers, spoke to the Directors and Managers on the Grant Construction Program, the administration of which was changed. The State relinquished the responsibility of the EPA and the EPA gave it to the Corps of Engineers. The Corps of Engineers is not committed to ~e Clean Water Grants Program, and they have been prempting local engineers, inspectors. This is typing up grant funds reimbursement. Change Orders is one of the main areas of concern. The percentage of ineligibility for funding of change orders is escalating. The State Board is critically reviewing change orders and declaring them ineligible. There is a catch "22" situation. Contractors will not commit until they know the procedures. State Board will not approve funds until all documents have been ~igne4. Contractors will not sign without an extension time. The State Board will not approve an extension time clause. This ties up grant funds and the local agency could wind up paying the full cost. Local agencies are reluctant to put name on the line until they know the agencies that are behind them for funding. He urged strongly that Districts establish a procedure, even though you don't have a final cost, and not be caught in the middle, having to pay escalated costs of construction. The East Bay Dischargers have been caught in this situation and it is costing them so much, they can- not complete their contract. Cleveland-Wright Bill in Congress sets up a two tier funding system of appropriations that would give more flexibility time. As it stands Regular Meeting February 7,1980 now, 99% of the annual appropriation is committed by March 31, and the States can get additional funding in proportion to the maximum authorized by Congress for that year. It would amount to a 30% increase in the construction program this year. The other aspect is to stabilize the 2% management assistance and tie it to the authorization and not the appropriation. Because the management costs are now tied to the appropriation, there is an escalation of 1-3% and doubling. Director Kashuba stated that there was also an interesting meeting with Carla Bard, State Board Chairman. SHOP STEWARD REPORT: None present. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Director Kashuba stated that each Director has been given a copy of the article to go into the paper (Public Information). She welcomed any suggestions. (2) Water: Director Jones stated that a meeting was held yesterday with the other water companies: Angora, Tahoe Paradise Water & Gas; Tahoe Keys, Lukins Brothers Water Company, and Lakeside Park Associa- tion. This was to discuss the common problems now and those we will face in the future, regarding the conditions placed upon us by the State. We felt a group of Water Companies in the basin should meet. A draft MOU has been prepared and another meeting to discuss this will be held on 2/29/80 at 10:00 A.M. at the District Office. The Water Companies did express their interest in group meetings. This came about because of the Water Rights Report recently issued, and there are some comments in that we do not agree with. Director Jones stated that if we could put together a Joint Powers Organization perhaps some of these private water companies could then become eligible for some public funds. Director Kashuba suggested that following that next meeting, perhaps we can start a series in the newspaper on the water matters. (3) Plant Operations: - Director Jones stated there was no meeting, however, there was a workshop last week with the Board to discuss some operations. No further committee reports. Manager Cofer requested a workshop session to discuss the organizational chart and job classifications, which the Union has approved. Same scheduled for February 14, 1980, 3:00 P.M., District Offices. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS & MEETINGS: Manager Cofer reported the following held: 1/18/80 Mitigation Task Force 1/21-24/80 EPA Hearings on Draft EIS 1/23/80 1/24/80 1/24/80 1/28/80 1/31/80 2 1/80 2/4/80 -TRPA- re Draft EIS Mitigation Task Force Staff EPA re DEIS E1 Dorado County Water Committee Lime Clarification Workshop CTRPA Presentation on 208 Plan Workshop for Agenda Items for this meeting. Director Jones stated he did attend the 1/28/80 meeting. The main item is that in the EID District (Shingle Springs, etc) they have established a moratorium on any new connections or buildings, because they have run out of water in some of those areas. Director Wynn stated he attended the CTRPA meeting. He stated it was a very brief presentation, and more of a request to enact their Ordinance to compliment their plan. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: NONE. Regular Meeting -3- February 7, 1980 MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that all items are on agenda. He did make a comment re Bob Wakeman who passed away Friday. Mr. Wakeman was a member of the Board of Directors for many years. He had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Wakeman only a couple of times, and recognized that he was an outstanding man; we are sending flowers and sympathy from the District. He was with the Utility District Board of Directors for 16 and one-half years, 1959-75. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: J.C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that one major item involving the Alpine Contract with Heise - he sent out a very detailed outline containing 45 points that might be the basis for an agreement. Dan Henricks of CWC discussed that with Clarence Burr, and we have ~ranged to meet 2/20/80 with Mr. Skeen, our water lawyer in this matter, at Carson City with Mr. Heise's lawyer also. SUPPLEMENTAL POINTS AND AUTHORITIES - Petition to State Board: Mr. Weidman stated that he did not feel there was any need to submit supplemental points and authorities or petition to the State Board for review on tke ~Ii at Indian Creek Reservoir - but he did go to the State and get the procedures straightened and some idea of the time schedule. Fifty-three people will be served with our petition tomorrow... The earliest we can have a workshop scheduled with the State Board would be in May 1980, according to their present schedule and their rules. CASA ATTORNEY COMMITTEE: Mr. Weidman stated that in 1978 we introduced legislation to have the State Board to handle these petitions for review in 60 days - then Assemblyman Guaco and his committee made it nine months and we felt we should drop the Bill~ then some procedures were proposed last January in Indian Wells, Ca. and there was interest shown in these procedures of the State Board of handling petitions for review. Attorney Con~ittee has been successful in getting out some rules of practice to Mr. Atwater and proposed to go into the State Administrative Code. There will be progress made, Mr. Weidman stated. Procedures have been improved, he stated. LIFELINE: There will be a hearing on 3/19/80 in the Assembly Finance/ Insurance Committee Room at 9:00 A.M.. Director Jones will also discuss this with the Association of Retired Persons. AIRPORT WELL: Met with George Wardell and Supervisor W.Johnson and J.R. Cofer met with T.~L. Stewart - and Mr. Weidman stated we have received permission from the Assessor to have G. Wardell do the appraisal. TRANSFER ORDINANCE FROM MONTEREY: Not arrived as yet Mr. Weidman stated. POLANSKY CASE: Mr. Weidman stated that Polansky was denied his permit by the local court here; he has appealed to the Third District Court of Appeals Mr. Weidman stated that in talking this over with Mr. K. Rollston, City Attorney, that we should not ask for a settlement conference however, Mr. Polansky did ask for this. He will report further on this at a later date. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: (1) Wastewater Operation Manager's Report - Gary Plasterer: "From January 30th to February 5th exported in ICR (about 35 mgd) February 5th to 12:00 noon pumped to 60 mg pond. Most violations can be averaged out for a month. We had higher than normal suspended solids, which is a daily violation. January 30th - took floc and chemical clarifier out of service. February 8th - put floc and #1 chemical clarifier back in service. Approximately 8 days time system out of service. Took 2-1/2 days of preparation work for contractor pumping floc basin. Pumping #1 chemical clarifier. REMOVING SAND AND LIME SLUDGE WHERE POSSIBLE. Took 2 days of cleanup and mechanical repair to clarifier to put back in service. ABC from Sacramento worked in plant for 3-1/2 days for an approximate total of 42-1/2 hours., which averaged out to a 12 hour work day. Joint effort of contractor, maintenance and operation personnel. With joint effort, I feel the time needed was 1/2. Regular Meeting -4- February 7, 1980 At present, we have floc and one chemical clarifier in service, which has the capacity to handle our flow. If cleaning continues on schedule, #2 chemical clarifier should be in service in about 3 days. LMT completely cleaned. All lime lines in plant cleaned. After floc basin and both chemical clarifiers were dewatered, we found: 36" pipe had 5" lime built up on side; capacity reducted 48%; Layer of sand throughout system. 20" pipe had 6" lime built up on side; capacity reduced 75%. Lime mixing chamber had approximately 3 feet hard lime that had to be removed, using jackhammer. Floc basin had approximately 6' lime and sand that was~removed. Launder rings had approximately 6' sludge that was cleaned. 2" air header pipes in floc basin coated with lime or were buried in sand not working. Valves not operating, due to lime buildup and sand. No. 1 chemical clarifier scraper arm rubbing bottom of clarifier. (Pictures were also shown by Mr. Plasterer on this report). Plan to prevent an occurrence is: while floc basin was empty, a 3 ft. baffle was installed to act as a sand trap. We will dewater and inspect floc basin in 30 days. This will enable us to instigate a preventive maintenance program to prevent a future occurrence. We have set up lab monitoring program of all grit in lime used in plant. Put one-half inch pipe in risers of chemical clarifier and one-half inch pipe in floculator to observe buildup of lime. Outstanding cooperation between maintenance and operations enabled us to complete a difficult task in a short span of time. MANAGER OF MAINTENANCE: Gene Eppler On 1/10/80 the for~e main ruptured at station location 433+58 A-line in Meyers. The rupture occurred within 18" of a 1974 rupture where rock damage was sustained at the time of the pipe installation. The rupture was a split, approximately 4" long. A temporary patch was welded to the pipe and a 10 to 20 foot section of new pipe will be installed this coming spring. Another I & I problem related to the heavy inflows during January 12 and 13 is that flooding has been found. A manhole barrel behind Motel 6 had approximately 4" of the top of the barrel broken off allowing excessive runoff water to enter our system. It is unknown if the flood waters or vandalism was the cause of the damage to this manhole. Bids on small Wards snow blower (surplus item): six bids received. The high bidder was a District employee, Randy Curtis, $117.00. The bids ranged from $15.00 to $117.00. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM: W. DUNCKHORST Water production for January 1980: January (mg) 1979 Well Production 70.8 Cold Creek Diversion 40.3 Totals 111.1 1980 % change 82.0 15.8 21.8 -45.9 103.8 - 6.6 Calendar Year to Date 1979 Well Production Cold Creek Diversion Total --- 1980 % Change Regular Meeting ~E~S FOR BOARD ACTION -5- February 7, 1980 (1) Request for Annexation for Mr. B.K. Herndon. Manager Cofer asked Mr. Herndon to explain his request to the Board Members. Mr. Herndon asked each member to read his letter of 1/22/80, which they have a copy of. Mr. Herndon stated that CTRPA classifies all of his land as non-buildable. However, he is requesting this Board to please give favorable consideration for annexation of his property, because as far as he can determine now, unless he can be annexed, he cannot build, and the property perhaps would go to government acquisition. He has 40 acres, surrounded by U.S. Forest Service land. There is an access road that has been there for 80 years. Following more discussion on this subject, Manager Cofer recommended that the Board deny the request from Mr. Herndon for annexation without prejudice. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, Manager's recommendation be accepted. (2) RESOLUTION NO. 2174, a Resolution Authorizing Certain Persons to Acquire Federal Surplus Property. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2174 be approved. (3) CHANGE ORDER C-1 FAI.LEN LEAF LAKE SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM. This change order is for a change in pipe materials, and Mr. Pillsbury has put this together to show a total of Decrease $18,179.00, and an increase figure of $14,751.93, showing a decrease total of $3,427.07. However, this is not the way the State would like this shown - the $18,179.00 decrease is already taken care of in the specifications, and the state would prefer we write this as a $14,751.93 increase in contract price, and Manager Cofer recommended approval of this modification. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that the Manager's recommendation be approved. (4) GRANT OFFER FROM EPA $3,537,000 Headstart Program: (a) Authorize Acceptance of Grant Offer (b) Authorize request of waiver of schedule to award contract. Manager Cofer stated that the $3,537,000 is higher than he estimated in the grant application, because not all of the facilities are 100% eligible. It appears EPA made an error in their grant offer, and rather than take the time to withdraw their offer, and Mr. Cofer received a call from them stating that when they audit, the mistake will be corrected. It will not be three and one-half million. This does have some special conditions: One is re flood insurance:-- our parking lot of the new administration building will be within the required 100' flood plain, so we feel we are exempt from that requirement. Also another condition states:"this grant may be terminated if any portion of the schedule for the project indicated below is not met, unless prior written waiver of the schedule has been obtained from the Division of Water Quality of the State Water Resources Control Board. This schedule in no way relieves the Grantee of the obligation to comply with the requirements of its waste discharge permit or NPDES Permit" .... Manager Cofer stated we cannot comply with this, and he did attach a letter requesting a waiver to our grant application. He stated it is his understanding this waiver will be granted. Also, Manager Cofer called the attention to No. 9 condition in which it states "grantee shall not include any Headstart Project facilities in the evaluation of effective plant capacity for determining allowable sewer connections unless the capacity increase is in accordance with the Final EIS at the time of its issuance, and unless such an increase in capacity is approved by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. Manager Cofer recommended authorization to accept the Grant Offer, and also authorize the letter requesting the waiver(Condition No. 7). Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried the Grant Offer be accepted and the letter requesting the waiver (Condition No. 7) be approved. (5) Proposed Letter to LAKE TAHOE COMMUNITY COLLEGE re PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER WELL SITE: Manager Cofer requested approval to transmit letter requesting Right of Entry in the drilling of a test hole fnr .... ~ Regular Meeting in the area of A1 Tahoe Blvd.. -6- 2/7/80 Dfrector Madden moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, the letter be submitted to Lake Tahoe Community C611ege as requested by Manger Cofer. ~ (6) ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES COMMITTEES: Consider participation in Committee Activities. It was agreed that Director Olson would serve on the Wastewater and Director Jones on the Water Rights committee. Manager Cofer will notify the agency. (7) ALPINE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM: Authorize Compensation to Alpine County for Consultant Services, Mr. Bill Dendy, 2/19/80 through 6/30/80, minimum budget $7,200.00. Manager Cofer stated that President Olson, Gary Plasterer and himself appeared before Alpine County, explained the problems we are having at the plant. They were very understanding, and they requested a report comparing the phosphorus levels this year vs last year, and we did agree to that. Mr. Dendy was also present - he presented a proposal to Alpine County to assist them in consulting services in the amount of $18,000, and Alpine County had difficulty in taking on this $18,000 obligation. Alpine asked if there was something this District could do to assist them in this financial decision between now and June 30, 1980. We have contracted with the Soils Conservation Service, however, they will be most effective with the irrigators and the ranchers, and Manager Cofer stated he believed the Board of Supervisors need someone they can look to independent of us. They asked that they hire and fire Mr. Dendy and we pay for his services. If that is the way it is to be, Manager Cofer would want to be sure that Mr. Dendy would be the only one they hire and fire and not get anyone else, and he recommended the Board compensate Alpine County for Mr. Dendy's services for 3 days a month,through 6/30/80, estimated at $7,200.00. Director Kashuba stated this is premature and overlapping because this is a duplicatiOn of what SCS is doing for us or similar to. She stated she would like to see action on this postponed to the next meeting and compare the 2 programs. She believes assistance would be in the legal water rights subject, rather than a duplication of contracts. She would prefer more research done on this request. President Olson stated that these five men in Alpine County have turned from a negative to a positive attitude because of this Board keeping them informed, even to the minus quantities, such as the breakdown of the plant. He further stated that it does appear to him if we are going to maintain the security we have formed with the Alpine Board, we should look very closely in assisting them in whatever means to a reasonable extent before we back off with a negative attitude, and he feels the expenditure is very small to keep a cooperative attitude in Alpine County. The Board members agreed to review the contract for 30 days. Director Jones stated and moved that we extend the contract with Alpine County that they can continue their contract with Dendy for another month, or until March 20th, at which time we will reconsider this. Director Wynn seconded, unanimously carried. Director Kashuba also requested that we get a report from staff as to what Mr. Dendy would be providing Regular Meeting -7- February 7, 1980 MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM NO. 79-43. Manager Cofer stated our staff and the Lahontan staff work well on this program; however, there are some items we still are not in agreement with: Minimum dissolved oxygen shall be determined by collection of a discrete sample prior to 7:00 am during the months of March-September. For the remainder of the year, the minimum dissolved oxygen sample may be collected at the same time as other constituents. Manager Cofer stated we object to being out prior to 7:00 am; the roads, when wet and cold, are very dangerous; plus there will be much overtime, and this can be costly to the District. The other objection: The parameters pH and temperature shall be sampled between 3 and 4 pm on the day of the sampling during the months of March-September. Otherwise, temperature and pH may be sampled concurrently with other parameters. Manager Cofer stated that Terry Powers, District Chemist, stated that analysis on samples should be run the same day collected, or that he likes to do it this way; if the sample is picked up at 3:30 pm, back to the plant by 4:30 pm, then the sample is not run until the next day, and if it were to be done the same day - again an overtime cost applies. Manager Cofer stated that these are excessive requirements, and would like to appeal these, and that he has spoken with D. Antonucci, who suggested we request agenda time at their March 13th 1980 meeting Bishop. , - Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried that the appeal be authorized and appearance at the Lahontan Meeting on 3/13/80 at Bishop, California. EMERGENCY STORAGE: Manager Cofer stated that after our storm during January we realized we do not have adequate storage and he requested authorization to request the State for Amendment of Step I Grant for Investigation. At one time, Manager Cofer stated, the State would not approve this type of a project because they felt it would give to increased capacity of the plant, but they are not of those thoughts now. We can either expand our emergency storage or construct an over- flow spillway into Heavenly Creek to protect the plant. He stated he would doubt the state would look favorably on construction of a spillway if there is an alternative. This would be independent of the capacity of the Plant. Director Jones moved that we go ahead with the study on the emergency storage, and ask for State funding, Director Kashuba seconded unanimous- ly carried. , PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: ~ Director Wy~D moved, seconded bv Director Madden unanmmous±y carrlea, claims in ~ne amount of $423,7~5.82 be approved' for payment. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 2/8/80 2/19/80 2/21/80 2/14/80 Mitigation Task Force Workshop Agenda Items Board Meeting Organizational & Classification Workshop meeting, 3 pm ADJOURNMENT: To an exec ssio : .M.. k ~. ~lte~'~eal Ofson[ ~Presi-d~nt ATTEST: ~ South Tahoe Public Utility District Mary D. A~ose, -Cle~' of Board --k~ South T~oe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 2/21/80 - 4 pm The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session February 21, 1980, 4:00 P.M., District Offices. BOLL CALL: President W.N.Olson, Directors L.Kashuba, J. Wynn, M. Madden and J.R. Jones Also present were Manager J.R. Cofer, R. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Clerk of Board, B. Fischer, G. Plasterer, W. Dunckhorst and reporter from Tribune. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None. CONSENT CAI.E~DAR: M~nager Cofer reconmended approval of the following: (1) District Organization and Job Descriptions - Approve and Authorize Publication of Personnel Manual. (2) Letter to CTRPA Supporting Sierra Pacific Power Co. Tahoe Basin Electrical Master Plan. - Approve and Authorize Transmittal of Letter... Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the Consent Calendar be approved as recon~nended by Manager Cofer. MINIYi~S: Deferred to the next regular meeting of the Board. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None. SHOP STEWARDS REPORT: None. CO~MIYTEE REPORTS: None. WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND/ORMEETINGS: (1) 2/8/80 (2) 2/13/80 (3) 2/13/80 (4) 2/14/80 (5) 2/19/80 (6) 2/19/80 (7) 2/19/80 (8) 2/20/80 J.R. Cofer, Manager: Mitigation Task Force Meeting TRPA Advisory Planning Co~nission Meeting at City Office with State Representatives re 208 Plan Workshop District Organization and Job Descriptions Alpine County Board of Supervisors City Council re MOUMitigation Plan Workshop Agenda Items Meeting with Heise Land and Livestock re Water Rights Exchange. Director Kashuba stated she did meet with the County Supervisors. There was a problem there as there was a page missing from the ~U and they did not want to sign without that page. They did ask their Attorney to draft a statement as to the financial responsibilities and they stated they would do what is within their financial capabilities. They will act on this (YOU) at their meeting next Tuesday. CC~4MENTS FROM AUDIENCE (SHORT NON-AGENDA ITE~IS): - None. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that he spoke with Jack Fredrickson of the City regarding applications. There are approximately 1600 applicants. Mr. Fredrickson will be at our next Board meeting to give amore detailed report on the City programs. (2) Tentative Date Set for EPA, Wednesday, March 5, 1980. They will plan on having our representatives meet with~. Covington and Mr. Coddington. ~nnager Cofer stated he is preparing a letter outlining some of the questions (policy) we would like answered. He has also contacted Tim Cannon of Norm Shun~ay's office and that date is open for him to attend the meeting; however, he will check with the Congressman first, and he is hopeful he can attend. ~tr. ~.~lbrodt was also invited, Manager Cofer stated, and hopes to invite one from the County to also go with us. President Olson stated that as many Board Members as possible should plan to attend this important meeting. This will be held in San Francisco EPA Office. at 10:00 A.M. 3/5/80. Regular Meeting -2- February 21, 1980 PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: (1) Barrie Fischer: RE PROPOSITION FOUR. "Proposition Four is basically designed to put a lid on government spending of monies derived from taxes. User fees or service charges are not affected unless they are higher than the cost of providing the services. This does not mean we can only c~llect enough in service charges to operate the District's water and sewer facilities each year. We can collect enough to meet our operating expenses and capital outlay costs, plus an amount to be set aside for replacement of Fixed Assets in the future. As long as the latter amount is reasonable, I doubt very much if we could be successfuly challenged as to the amount we charge for service fees. I feel strongly that we should begin accumulating funds for the future replacement of Plant and Equipment. I firmly believe this practice will prevent a situation from arising whereby we have to drastically in- crease service charges to cover large expenditures for plant replacement in any one year. I will incorporate this into the budget for fiscal year 1980-81 for your study and approval." BUDGET CAT ,I~XTD~ ITEM DATE Distribute budget forms at budget meeting for Program Managers and Supervisors 2/25/80 Submit budget packages to Finance Department 3/19/80 Budget meetings between General Manager and Department Heads 3/27 and 28/80 Workshop for Review (Board) Between 4/11 and 4/17/80 Present General Manager Recoumendations to Department Heads 4/11/80 Delivery Proposed Budget to Board of Directors and set Hearing Dates 4/17/80 Board of Directors holds Public Budget Hearings 4/24 and 25/80 Final Budget Approved by Board of Directors 5/1/80---" MANAGER OF WASEWATER OPERATIONS: GARY PLASTERER: 2/21/80: "Lime chemical treatment is now in service. By observation and laboratory tests the District should have minimal problems meeting our phosphorus requirements. The treatment plant experienced suspended solid violations for the month of January and first part of February. I feel they are related to our lime system which has been corrected. The District was also in violation for having a 7.9 mgd influent on 1/11 and 1/12/80. At the end of February, treatment plant operators will change shifts. Swing shift will change to days and day to swing. By all indications, the operators prefer changing shifts and continuing the 12-hour work schedule" ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION (1) Memorandum of Understanding for Mitigation Measures. Manager Cofer recomnended approval and authorization of the execution of the MOU, and authorize transmittal of fully executed MOU to Environmental Protection Agency. Manager Cofer brought to the attention of the Board that he would like to include in the MOU-: "The Utility District will, after completion of plant expansion, control the number of new sewer connections permitted each year to assure that the new treatment facilities will not be overloaded during the ten year life of the project. The District will reserve treatment and disposal capacity for the sole purpose of retreatment of wastewater diverted to the emergency holding pond. The District will continue to monitor and report on flows and quality of treated wastewater and, that we will work with the City and County to identify possible programs for compensation or retirement of those Utility Bonds outstanding on lands that cannot be developed" Manager Cofer stated that staff is attempting to obtain an estimate on the outstanding bonds on the 10,0~plus lots to get some idea of what the annual payments would be towards the retire- ment of thosebonds. Approximately 2/3 of the bonds are held by the District, and 1/3 by the City and County. Regular Meeting -3- February 21, 1980 (6) Manager Cofer stated that in talking with EPA, their main concern is that they do not see any specific dates for implantation of Ordinances or programs, and this will be a very important part of our discussions with EPA on the 4th of b~mrch. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, the Manager's Recon~nendation be approved, and the b~gU be submitted as part of our statement to EPA. (2) ASSESS[~NT DTSTRICT 1979-1, Fallen Leaf Lake Forest Service Permittees: RESOLUTION NO. 2175 - A Resolution Amending Resolutions of Intention to Make Acquisitions and Improvements. Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2176 - A Resolution Approving Preliminary Engineer's Report, ~t~g Time and Place of Hearing Protests and Directing Notice Thereof, and Describing PropoSed Boundaries of Assessment District and Directing Filing of Boundary Map. (DATE: April 17, 1980, Thursday, 4:30 P.M.) Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2175 and RESOLUTION NO. 2176 be approved. (3) BIDS RECEIVED, 4-WHE~.L DRIVE TRUCK: Manager Cofer stated that we received 5 bids and the specifications for stepside requirement put into the specifications did not allow some companies to submit a bid as they do not manufacture that in their trucks. Manager Corer requested the Board to approve sending back the two bids unopened, as well as the other bids received, notifying those and the other bidders we mailed specs too originally, that we will be modifying the specifications to enable them to bid. Director Wynnmeved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (4) CHANGE ORDERS 2 and 3, LUTHER PASS EFFLUENT TRANSPORT SYSTEM...Manager Cofer requested approval of the change orders in the amount of $43,242.00, and the Engineer's Estimate was $45,000, and this is within the amount this Board authorized. Change Order No. 2 = $4619.66; Change Order No. 3= $20,261.85. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Change Orders 2 and 3, in the amount mentioned by Manager Cofer be approved . (5) Letter to William v. D.Johnson, E1 Dorado County Water Agency, Placerville: - Manager Cofer reqested this letterbemailed in which we are requesting the Water Agency to authorize the following projects as fundable under ~_he agreement for this year and the future years: Cold Creek Storage Reservoir (500,000 gallons) $ 297,300 Tata Lane Storage Reservoir (100,000 gallons) 151,700 Pipelines New A1 Tahoe Well 675,000 295,000 Total $~,4~-~,000 Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that the letter be approved for ma/ling, as recommended by Manager Cofer. PURCHASE OF COPY MACHINES: Manager Cofer reconxnended purchase of 3 Xerox Copy Machines - total maximum cost at end of lease (a 3 year lease) would be a total of $28,952.52. We would put a down payment of $2,580.00 and monthly payments of $737.57; at the end of the 3 year period, a $1.00 buy out will give the District full ownership. (The Directors studied these machines and proposals received from several companies). The present machines cannot hold the volume and also if we can find a good service man to maintain the Savins presently, we might keep sa~e, and put one in the warehouse shop and the other in the Program Manager's Trailer; the other alternative is to sell the machines. Presider~Olson stated that the request is to purchase 3 new Xeroxmachines, and to reserve the right with the Finance Officer to renegotiate the same should the two Savin Copy Machines be kept by the District. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the copy machines be purchased as so stated by President Olson. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $158,949.07 be paid. NOTICE OFMEETINGS: (1) 2/22/80 (2) 2/26/80 Task Force Mitigation ~'~asures Program Managers Meeting re 208 Plan Staff Regular Meeting -4- 2/21/80 Notice of Meetings (continued) 2/29/80 3/3/80 3/6/80 South Shore Water Purveyors Workshop Agenda Items, 4 pm Board of Directors Meeting 3/3/80 Meeting with Carla Bard, Sacramento, 10 a.m. 3/5/80 EPA, San Francisco Office 2/25/80 E1 Dorado County Water Conmittee, Placerville 3/8/80 Hearing on 208 Plan... Manager Cofer stated that the meeting re the 208 Plan has been scheduled for 2:30 P.M., District Offices on 2/26/80. Was originally scheduled 2/23/80. 3/13/80 on the agenda at the Lahontan Hearing in Bishop. Attorney's Report: Attorney Weidman arrived late for the meeting, and gave his report at this point of the agenda. He stated that ~he time limits are coming along correctly in ~e State Board petition for review. We have received the Lahontan conments; there are 8 days left now for any of the 53 people we notified 13 days ago to file their con~ents, and we will then start processing the matter, hopefully, this should be up by the end of May for review. Regarding Alpine County and Heise people - Attorney Weidman stated he met with beth yesterday and Mr. Ed Skeen, Water Lawyer - Salt Lake City - the result of the meeting was that a letter was received (4 pages long) and there were many problems in that letter that were discussed; we are going to preserve our right for the effluent water and contract for the use of it rather than exchange our right to it, and Heise will do the same with his. It will be another month before we have another meeting, Mr. Weidman stated. Dan Heinricks will be doing much mere engineering work andMr. Skeen has all the water rights in Alpine County, Diamond Ditch, etc., in his files, and he will get those all assembled and schedule anothermeeting with Heise. Mr. Weidman stated the meeting was very very fruitful. Manager Cofer also stated that Mr. Skeen pointed out that the District was very fortunate as we have been operating the last 12 years under the benefit of a contract, and he does have another client that has been discharging without any contracts, and now has a very serious legal problem in chang- ing their use. Fortunately, we do have a contract with Alpine County and we have operated under the terms of that contract, which gives us the right to change in any way we feel would be beneficial. Also, Mr. Skeen proposes not to exchange water rights or trade, he proposes by contract for us to be allowed to use his Carson River Water,by Contract for them to be allowed to use our wastewater.When the wastewater leaves the Heise property, it will be the property of this District and (1) we will be responsible for the downstream water quality problems, and we will control the water - Heise cannot sell the water to anyone else. (2) Had we given the water to Heise, will there be any grant eligibility for the tail water system- and that would be Heise's problem and not ours. Mr. Skeen recomnended very strongly that we not give up our right to the water, and that Heise not give up their right to the Carson water. Attorney Weidman stated we want all the ranchers satisfied and unified. LIFELINE: Attorney Weidman stated he wanted to be sure we would have a position on this matter and that we have reviewed everything before we goes to an Assembly Hearing. (This is scheduled for 3/19/80). Director Kashuba stated that there are oppositions from large groups, and she suggested we meet with the Senior Citizens and Director Jones stated he will call Bob Cook and mention this to him. He stated that he has explained there were positive and negative comments regarding this, and that his group is also going to have to give some support to this. Director Jones stated that out of all of E1 Dorado County, only 25 people would qualify for this tax assistance under the State Qualifications. How- ever, there may be more that are qualified, but only 25 people applied. Further reports and discussion will be taken up at the next regular meeting of this Board on 3/6/80, President Olson stated. Director Wynn stated that the City granted a Mr. Woods a transfer of development and the City staff is not certain as to what that does to their Ordinance. Manager Cofer stated that Mr. Woods brought in the proposed amendment to Ordinance 520 (City Ordinance) which would cover his situation. Director Wynn stated this was considered a special case by the City. Manager Cofer stated he will appear at our meeting on 3/6/80. Regular Meeting -5- 2/21/80 2 ~ ~ < No further business to come before the Board, President Olson adjourned the meeting at 6:05 P.M. outh Tahoe Public Utility District A%q~ST: Mary D. ~b~os~, ~e~ of~ ~-- South ~ah6e Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District March 6, 1 9 8 0 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on 3/6/80 at 4:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N. Olson, Directors L.L. Kashuba, J. Wynn, M. Madden and J. Jones. Also present were Manager J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Clerk of Board, B. Fischer, R. Baer, W. Dunckhorst, G. Plasterer, G. Eppler, K. Wood, M. Adams, M.Heller, M. Adams. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Director Kashuba requested the CASA Legislative Report be added to the agenda. Agenda approved as changed. CONSENT CALENDAR: (1) Lease PURCHASE OF COPY MACHINE: Confirm action taken at the 2/21/80 Board meeting, with the addition of service charge costs per month of $259.24. (2) Purchase of Lot for Construction of Water Storage Tank. Authorization given. (3) RESOLUTION NO. 2177 - A Resolution of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Authorizing Signatures on Payment Requests to the California State Water Resources Control Board. Consent calendar approved (3 items)- Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. MINUTES: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, minutes be approved as changed for 2/7/80. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Kashuba reported that regarding the CASA Legislative Committee Meeting (copies given to Board Members) which covered several bills of legislation that were considered by CASA; there were also approximately 7 bills regarding toxic waste- standards, which are part of the Governor's toxic waste bill program. The CASA committee met last Friday in Sacramento to review the pieces of legis!atJ~on; prior to that meeting, Director Kashuba met with J.C.Weidman in Placerville to review the bills to be certain there was someth.~ng not missed and that she should have been aware of. Suggestions regarding the different bills were mentioned, and the action CASA took were also mentioned in this report by Director Kashuba. Director Kashuba stated she does have copies of the various bills if anyone is interested in reviewing same. Director Kashuba explained that this committee has their own Legislative Advocate, Mike Dillon. When they consider a bill, they have a position of support, approve, disapprove and a watch position. If a bill is support - the Legislative Advocate will write letters to the Committee and talk with the committee, and is very active with the aides of the Committee. Director Kashuba thanked Mr. Weidman for his time and mentioned that most of his recommendations were acted on by CASA. Director Kashuba requested that a Legislative Co~nittee be established from this Board. Regular Meeting -2- 3/6/80 E1 Dorado County Water Committe Meeting: Director Jones attended this meeting last Monday, and John C. Weidman was also with him. We sent a letter that this Board approved at our last regular meeting to the Water Agency, and this will be referred to the Water Committee next month for action regarding the tax transfer fund that are being held for us now, and that we would use for the water tanks. President Olson added the Legislative Committee to the Public Information Committee and Directors Kashuba and Madden will serve on that Committee. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Mike Adams stated that in negotations with management on the alternate work schedules, we have changed the shifts over now - the day shift to nights and the night shift to days, and everything is running smoothly. Shifts will be switched every 16 weeks. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND MEETINGS: J.R. Cofer. 2/22/80 2/26/80 2/26/80 2/27/80 2/29/80 3/3/80 3/3/80 3/4/80 3/5/80 Mitigation Task Force Meeting Meeting with State Representative re Draft 208 Plan (Met with Staff) E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors re M O U Mitigation Plan (Approved) TRPA re Response to Draft EIS (Approved) South Shore Water Purveyors (Supported MOU) Workshop Agenda Items/District Programs State Water Resources Control Board re Draft 208 Plan(Representatives from North Tahoe and Tahoe City PUD's were also present) Planning Session re Douglas County Reclama- tion Programs. Environmental Protection Agency re Grant Application. Manager. Cofer stated that (Meeting of 3/8/80 with State Water Resources Control Board - Carla Bard) we expressed our concerns regarding the financial implications of the 208 Plan, and also our concerns on the fate of those people being drawn in this year allocation program. Carla Bard, Chairperson of the State Board, expressed her concerns of finding a financing plan, and said that they may make a statement at the hearing as to what their intentions are regarding those people drawn in the alloca- tion program, but no promise of any action to be taken at that time. Manager Cofer also stated that (re Douglas County Reclamation Programs) this meeting was called at the request of Incline Village, There were representatives from all the agencies that had expressed some interest in discharging wastewater to Douglas County. The Douglas County Commissioners were not there, but the staff was present, and they relayed to us that the position of Douglas County is that they will not issue a Special Use Permit for disposal of wastewater by an outside agency,until that agency has demonstrated there is no adverse impact on the County, and by that they mean accumutive impacts on top of all the other dischargers, and also demonstrate a benefit to Douglas County. Manager Cofer stated that we explained the study being conducted by Soils Conservation Service for Alpine County, and Douglas County staff responded very favorably. It was concluded by the group that everyone try to speculate on what their maximum discharge would be in Douglas County, which would be similar to our scenario evaluation by EIS, which would be so far from reality no one would be able to make a concrete judgement. There were also people from Carson City, making the statement that maybe 20 years from now they might want to discharge to Douglas County. It was the concensus of the group that a study should be made, as a base condition, all the Douglas County dischargers, up to their maximum discharge, would be the base condition they would evaluate, and then the next discharger interested in discharging there would superimpose their discharge on top of that, and evaluate the accumutive effect. Since Incline Village is the next one proposing to discharge there, it was agreed that they should be the lead agency and undertake that study. The concept would be if we came in a year or year and a half from now, then we would have to take the Incline Village study and superimpose our flows on top of it and demonstrate no adverse ~ffect. Regular Meeting -3- 3/6/80 Incline Village will accept the responsibility to do the study, and we will not have to share in any of the costs, Manager Cofer stated. Regarding the EPA meeting at San Francisco - Manager Cofer and 3 of the Directors attended this meeting, Mayor of South Lake Tahoe, Dick Milbrodt - City Manager, Supervisor T.L. Stewart. From the EPA Staff were Dave Jones and Janet Rosati, Mr. Covington of the Water Division, It was explained at that meeting that it did not really matter what we said and that the decision on the capacity was not going to be up to EPA, but up to the State Board - Water Quality Control Board. After they had l~.stened to us about our program, what we have done, and what we have accomplished, Director Kashuba stated, and that the fact that the "no-project" had not been included in the EIS, Mr. Covington was inclined to make some commitments. Director Kashuba stated she was upset over the change in plan, as they originally told us EPA would make a decision on the capacity dependent on the mitiga- tion measures that we can provide to prevent any environmental impact. He now tells us that the 208 Plan must be a part of that decision and that has to come from the State Board. Mr. Covington stated that he would try to get a clarification from the State Board about the size of the project that they would certify; he then said we would then know how to proceed with the final ElS at the earliest date possible. They will also have to determine as to what is satisfactory as far as mitigation is concerned, and will have to take some tangible steps; they will look ~to the dollars to see if assistance can be made available to fund another staff person that would work with the Mitigation Task Force to pull the program we put together through the Memorandum of Understanding, so active projects could be started. They would look into the NPDES permit status; Director Kashuba stated that Mr. Snow of the State Board Staff was at that meeting and he was somewhat concerned that the responsibilities have been shifted back to the State. Director Jones stated that he felt we did get some items across to Mr. F. Covington that he was not aware of, and he wJ_ll be checkin~ into a few of those matters. 'J Manager Cofer stated that Mr. Covington stated they will do not further work on the report until the State clarifies what capacity they will certify. In talking with Jim Snow of the State Staff, Manager Cofer stated that he said they wound try to find a way they can give some tentative certification of capacity. Mr. F. Covington was not aware that the State, through our discharge permit, had put higher standards on us, Manager Cofer stated. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None. Jack Fredrickson appeared this evening to give a status report on the allocation program. He stated that they have received approximately 4,000 applications~ next Tuesday is the cut-off date for accepting applications. Commercial will start on 3/20/80, when the City Ordinance become effective, the drawing will be 3/25/80 on residential. Reverend Sanders will do the drawing. Director Madden stated there was a question she had regarding commericial allocation, - it is first-come, first served~ but architectural review or use permit, whichever comes first. There is a great discrepancy intime between the two procedures, so architectural review can be done in a week~ and it will take ~ month, and she finds this highly unfair. Manager Cofer stated that the City is going to open up a period for the people to apply for commercial listing and this will allow those people in the planned unit developments and other projects that already have approvals to come in and apply, but they want to have a cut-off date, and if they don't apply by the cut-off date, they want us to agree they will no~lcnger have an opportunity to that sewer permit at the head of the list. The City will spell this out in more detail and Manager Cofer will return to the board with the information. The Board thanked Mr. Fredrickson for appearing this evening. -4- 3/6/80 Regular Meeting REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: (1. Water Supply System, W. Dunckhorst): "The Water Department continues to have a problem of coliform in our service area of Tata Lane. We have determined that this coliform must be coming from the area of the storage tank which has oil floating on the too. The oil that is in the tank is caused from the oil lubricated well shafts and has been building up over the years. This tank has never been drained and cleaned. I had been hoping to hold off cleaning this tank until the new Tata storage tank is completed so as to have a backup supply, but I now feel I cannot wait any longer to clean the tank. Plans are presently being made to start emptying the tank this coming Monday, March 3rd. We will have no backup supply in case of fire other than a constant pressure supply direct from the wells. We have two very important wells that serve this area that are oil lubricated and I would recommend these pumps be rehabilitated to water lubricated as soon as possible before the summer months. WATER PRODUCTION FOR FEBRUARY 1980: February MG Well Production Cold Creek Diversion Totals 1979 1980 % Change 65.8 64.9 (1.37) 37.5 34.0 (9.33) 103.3 98.9 (4.26) Calendar Year to Date Well Production Cold Creek Diversion Totals 1979 1980 % Change 136.6 146.9 7.5 77.8 55.8 (28.3) 214.4 202.7 ( 5.5)" W. Dunckhorst stated that last Monday morning the tank at Tata Lane had to be drained and was cleaned as of Wednesday afternoon, and started filling the tank late yesterday afternoon, and is also being sanitized. By 4 pm today the tank was filled. There was much float- ing oil in this tank, he stated, much sand, fine silt too. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION: (1) Request for Transfer of Sewer Units. Manager Cofer stated the Board requested this Proposed Ordinance be brought back at this time for further consideration and/or study. (a) Also Mr. Kenneth Wood is present this evening and request- ing the board to transfer sewer units for him. He has succeeded in obtaining from the City clarification on his particular application and they have approved his transfer under their Ordinance No. 520. Manager Cofer stated he is bringing this before the Board for direction. Director Jones stated he does not believe anything has really changed as far as the Ordinance itself; however, in this case, he felt we should take Mr. Wood as an individual case. Manager Cofer stated the reason the Board took no action on the Ordinance Proposed for Transfer of Sewer Units, was because of pending hearings, and to his knowledge there was no resolution from the hearings, and nothing has changed. Mr. Wood is requesting transfer of his sewer units from lot 7, block 8, Tahoe Sierra, as this lot is impractical for reasonable single family residential development, and requests same be transferred to the Keys. Mr. K. Wood stated the does request this transfer to the Keys, however, presently there is a ban on the Keys, but he believes it is going to be lifted. He does not at this time own the lot at the Keys, but he is negotiating for this, and the lady is willing to sell this lot after the drawing. Director Jones asked Mr. Wood, other than the approval from this District, does he have all of the approvals needed. He stated yes. President Olson stated that it would apoear to him that it would be difficult for this Board to act on this request until the owner- ship of that second lot were a reality, and our Ordinance states it is to be the owner of the lot. Manager Cofer cautioned Mr. Wood not to purchase the lot on the assump- tion he would be granted a transfer of units. Regular Meeting -5- 3/6/80 Director Jones stated that he would like to move that the issuance of the permit is contingent on showing proof of ownership by Mr. K. Wood, and he is to pay the fees in effect at that time, and that the lot he presently owns is removed from any allocations, and gives up ail rights and use of the sewerage facilities. Director Madden seconded, unanimously carried. Director Madden stated that she has heard there is some negotiations between Lahontan and Tahoe Keys Water Company as to the building in the area. One of Lahontan's objections to building is stream run- off and storm run-off into the lagoons of the Keys, and the water company has demonstrated that their recycling process does not allow any of their storm runoff into the Lake, and they are only in the stages of talking to add another system in the Tahoe Valley area as their storm runoff is cycled through the Keys plant, which would give the opportunity to build in the Keys. Regarding the Ordinance for Sewer Transfer of Units, it was agreed to wait until after the drawing by the City. 2. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING, SOUTH SHORE WATER PURVEYORS: - Manager Cofer recommended approval of this MOU. He stated that we have met with representatives of each of the Water Companies and they have each expressed interest in our joining together to better coordinate our water supply to possibly undertake a joint water conservation program and to undertake analysis of the water rights report issued by the State Water Resources Control Board. Manager Cofer presented each Board member with a copy of the MOU. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, the Memorandum of Understanding-=South Shore Purveyors be approved. 3. Lifeline Legisiation, Senior Citizens: - Director Jones stated we have received some negative responses regarding the Lifeline Legislation. There seems to be a real lack of information/data that we can use. The Senior Citizens felt that we might be better off backing' off for a period of time until more information can be obtained and they will approach us again when they feel they would like to proceed with this matter. Director Jones stated we did contact Assen~lyman Waters Office and they are withdrawing the legislature. The Board agreed that a letter be sent to Assemblyman Waters stating that we are withdrawing the Lifeline Legislation - Senior Citizens. 4. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF DOMESTIC WATER WELLS: Authorize expenditure of up to $12,000 for Work Performed by E.E.Luhdorff Company for Conversion of Two Wells from Oil to Water Lubrication Systems. Mr. W. Dunckhorst stated we have had at the Tata Lane Well, as we did at the Ralph Well, floating oil in the tanks. We are recommend- ing to pull one well first, Tata Well, and have that changed over to water lubricated, and following completion of that, the Helen Well would have to be pulled, and we believe this will eliminate the float- ing oil in the tanks. Mr. Dunckhorst also mentioned that some States, not California yet, do outlaw oil lubricated tanks in domestic water. Presently we have 8 oil lubricated 'wells, that eventually will have to be changed over. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, authorization for expenditure be approved. ($12,047.84). 5. PURCHASE OF NEW ROTATING SCROLLS FOR CENTRIFUGES: Authorize Work, Budget Limitation of $40,000. (Ken Schroeder, Maintenance Supervisor, explained to the Board, in a workshop, the problems we are having with the present rotating scrolls). Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, purchase be approved. 6. PROPOSED LETTER RE DRAFT 208 WATER QUALITY PLAN - Approve and Authorize Submittal to State This letter is being sent to Carla Bard, Chairperson of State Water Resources Control Board, and Manager Cofer welcomed any suggestions to be included in that letter. Manager Cofer stated that the important thing is to get before the State Board some discussion regarding capacity, and he felt it is important that we give our explanation to the State regarding capacity. Manager Corer stated that we are requesting 9mgd. Regular Meeting -6- 3/6/80 We will have zero capacity left with a 7 mgd plant; we are not at present reserving 1/2 mg for retreatment, because we don't have it, Manager Cofer stated. He also mentioned that he does not feel this letter has to be sent officially to the State, and that this can be information for the Board members only. Director Jones stated he felt it would be advantageons for us to wait until after the hearings. President Olson stated that as long as we are not under a Cease and Desist Order, or a connection ban, the allocation of sewer units ~ by this Board is from this Board and nobody else, regardless of what is in our report for a future plant capacity and/or need. Attorney Weidman stated that is correct, however, we are.under a Cease and a Desist, and we do have that Petition for Review, and hopefully we will get out of the requirement at Indian Creek Reservoir, and then be out of the Cease and Desist. President Olson stated that regardless of the Cease and Desist, we do have the power to issue - and the answer was yes from Attorney J.C.WEIDMAN. Manager Cofer also mentioned to the Board that under the NPDES Permit, we are required to issue quarterly reports to Lahontan on the commitments/connections to the plant, and flows. We will be sending our first report out this month, and he is using the figure of 90 gallons per sewer unit. Director Kashuba stated that she questions whether this should be the report we give on the Water Quality Plan at this time. She does not feel that Board is as aware as the Regional Board of the complications and it may confuse the issue. The Board decided to take any action needed at the next regular meeting. 7. Grant Offer...At a previous Board Meeting the Board authorized acceptance of a Federal Grant, Headstart Program. Now we have the offer from the State, and the combined grants is estimated at about $4.7 million dollars, which will depend upon final auditing. We feel the local share is going to be approximately $700,000 cash flow requirement of around $1.2 million dollars. There are no peculiar conditions in this grant offer and Manager Cofer recommend- ed approve and authorize execution of the grant offer. Director Maddem~m~ed ,seconded by Director Kashuba umnimously carried. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $253,144.38 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 1. 3/7/80 2. 3/8/80 3. 3/11/80 4. 3/12/80 5. 3/13/80 6. 3/18/80 ADJOURNMENT: 5:45 P.M. 208 Hearing, North Tahoe High School 208 Hearing, South Tahoe High School Polansky Settlement Conference (Sacramento) 208 Hearing, Los Angeles Lahontan Board Meeting, Request Modification of Monitoring Conditions (President Olson, John Weidman, Director Kashuba, and Manager Cofer, will attend). Alpine County Supervisors - District's Programs (President Olson and Manager Cofer will attend) ~~,~er ,,N~-~'i,, OI~n, pres~ident South Tahoe Public Utility District /MAW D~~ Kmbros%',' ~l~r~V6f B~ard South~ahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District March 20, 1 9 8 O 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Olson at 4 pm in the District Board Room, 1275 Meadowcrest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. CALI. TO ORDER. DIRECTORS PRESENT: Olson, Kashuba, Wynn, Jones and Madden ROLL CALL OTHERS PRESENT: Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R. Baer, Manager of Operations, G. Plaster- er, Manager of Water Supply Systems B. Dunckhorst, D. Antonucci-LRWQCB, M. Heller-Tahoe Tribune, K. Schroeder, Terry Powers, Employees of the District; Attorney J.C.Weidman, G Eppler Manager of Maintenance Department. President Olson asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Agenda. Manager Cofer requested the following be added to items for Board Action: (9) Proposal for Consulting Services - Alpine County Reclamation Project. (10) Consider Purchase of 3/4 Ton, 4- wheel drive vehicle. AGENDA APPROVED. President Olson asked if there were any dele- tions or additions to Consent Calendar, other than as listed: (1) RESOLUTION NO. 2178: A Resolu- tion determining that the Issuance of District Bonds is Subject to Prior Investigation, Report and Approval by the Office of the State Treasur- er, District Securities Division, and Making Application for Such Investigations, Report and Approval. South Tahoe Public Utility District, FOREST SERVICE PERMITTEES, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1979--1. CONSENT Calendar APPROVED (2) Certification of Acceptance, Real Property, Montgomery Estates Water Tank Site (3) Allocation of 7 sewer units of sewer capacity for "Headstart" Plant Improve- ments. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Consent Calendar be approved for item No. 1, RESOLUTION NO. 2178. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba and unanimously carried, Items 2 and 3 on the Consent Calendar be approved. President Olson asked for corrections or additions to the minutes of 3/6/80. Following discussion Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, minutes be approved as corrected. MINUTES of 3/6/80 APPROVED. President Olson called for reports by Board Members. REPORT FROM SHOP STEWARD. NONE NONE. Reports f~om Committee Chairmen. NONE Regular Meeting -2- President Olson called for a report from the Manager on Workshop and/or Meeting and Sessions: 3/20/80 Manager J.R. Cofer reported the following: 1. 3/7-8/80 2. 3/7-9/80 3. 3/11/80 4. 3/13/80 5. 3/17/80 6. 3/18/80 208 Water Quality Plan Hearings Special Districts Presidents and Board Members Institute Settlement Conference, Polansky (Report to be given by Attorney Weidman). Regional Water Quality Control Board Workshop Agenda Items & 208 Plan Alpine County Board of Supervisors President Olson asked for comments from the audience on short non-agenda items. DENIED APPEAL ON MONITORING. Agenda #9 NONE President Olson requested the Manager's Report be given. Manager Cofer mentioned to the Board at their Workshop on 3/17/80 that Attorney Stark would be hre on March 31 for the Water Purveyors Meeting scheduled with the water company respresentatives in this area. MANAGER'S REPORT At this point, Attorney Weidman suggested that an adjourned meeting be consered, or a Study Session to hear the proposal sub- mitted by Attorney Stark. President Olson stated we will adjourn this meeting to 3/31/80 at 3:00 P.M. ADJOURN TO 3/31/80, 3 pm Manager Cofer stated that he received a call from J. Klykendall, Lahontan,late today and that Mr. Klykendall relayed the message he received from R. Hampson, who was in Sacramento. He stated that it appeared that a policy is coming down from EPA that the projects with priorities below "B" will not be funded(as part of the President's program to cut-back expendi- tures for the next fiscal years). Our project is a category "C"and does not pose a problem with Phase 1 of the Headstart Program, because the grant offer has already been accepted on this Phase, however, it could pose problems for Phase II, which included the expansion, and remodling. Lahontan has asked Manager Cofer to be at their office at 8 am tomorrow to work with them to see if we can justify a higher priority to get back up into a funding classifica- tion. Attorney Weidman stated that this would concern a matter of litigation, especially with the State Board, and requested that this matter be put over to an executive session. Manager Cofer also stated that he received a call from John Mounier, who is ill, and will be unable to make this meeting today. President Olson called for the Attorney's Report and Mr. Weidman stated that the Attorney for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Christine Sprawl, has changed her place of employ- ment and will be going to the Air Resources Board. ATTORNEY'S REPORT. Regular Meeting -3- March 20, 1980 Attorney Weidman also stated that he did attend all of the 208 Sessions at the North Shore and the South Shore. Regarding the matter of the Polansky Lawsuit- Mr. Weidman stated that we have agreed with the Appelate Judge handling the settlement, this matter will be continued until A~ril 10th or llth, to see if Mr. Polansk¥ draws a permit, and if he does draw a permit~ we will continue the matter until June !lth to see if he can get his rights vested, and should these two things happen the matter will be settled~ should he not draw a permit, we will proceed with the litigation. Mr. Weidman stated that he did ask Manager Cofer to sit in on the case, and the Judge had no objections. Manager Cofer stated it was very educational for him and that he was anxious to see what the Judge thought we had to settle. Also, Mr. Weidman stated he met with g. Cofer and Mr. Stark; also did attend the hearing in Bishop with Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. President Olson commended Gene Eppler on his work on the Contingency Plan. Director Jones stated that he would also like to have other people listed that have special training, chlorine, etc. C. Ross stated he did contact Mr. R. Newton from Barton Memorial Hospital, and since that time, Mr. Baer has been working on an approach to meet with their emergency staff. Director Madden commended Gene Eppler and stated the report was very well done, that she does not understand all of it, however, she sees the time and effort put forth. She also stated that any staff members /employees involved in this report should be co~ended. President Olson called for the Program Manager's Reports: (1) Manager of Wastewater Operations: Gary Plasterer. On March 12th the flocculator was dewatered to determine lime and sand accumulation since ABC of Sacramento cleaned our lime chemical lines 30 days ago. We found approximately 18 inches of sand and lime mud on floor of flocculator. Maintenance and Operations will dewater the flocculator next week and attempt to back flush all lines and modify baffle to capture more sand in first section of flocculator. Maintenance and Operations has instituted a preventive maintenance program that we feel should enhance equipment reliability. POLANSKY LITIGATION. ~ON~NGENCY PLAN. PROGRAM MANAGER'S REPORTS .... Regular Meeting -4- March 20, 1980 (2) Manager of Maintenance Report: Gene Eppler. On 2/29/80 the export pipeline ruptured in front of the Tahoe County Club Golf Course. The pipe split approximately 2" long and 3/8" wide. We were unable to determine the reason for this rupture. With help from all departments of the District, I have completed the drafting of a Master Contingency Plan. This was required by the CRWQCB (Lahontan) as part of the new NPDES Permit requirements. Although Lahontan required it, we drafted this contingency plan on accidental spills and emergency situations mainly to assist the employees of STPUD (copy given to each Board Member). I am in hopes of completing and submitting the Maintenance Division Budget to the Finance Officer sometime this week, after our review staff reviews it before sub- mitting to the Board for consideration. I am in hopes of continuing my work in Alpine County with the ranchers, SCS, and the general public after completing the budget program. I will start with water well analysis of all wells within the secondary alternative area this spring. I will keep you posted on the many other areas of study and analysis to be perform- ed in Alpine County prior to or as they are being performed. Mr. Hendricks of CWC, Mr. Burr and Mr Smith of Heise Land and Livestock Company, and myself are going to Lubbock, Texas on 3/24-26/80 to check secondary treatment land use areas such as we are recommending for the Heise Land and Livestock Company in Alpine County." In reply to Director Kashuba's question, Terry Powers, District Chemist, stated that Monday about 5:30 A.M. they left the plant for Indian Creek Reservoir to get the samples; there was not much of a variation between the a.m. samples and the afternoon samples for dissolved oxygen. Mr. Powers stated that it will not involve too much overtime for the lab employees, however, it does take much of his time. Attorney Weidman asked if there was any difference between mid-depth and surface. Mr. Powers stated we do our own profile here a year ago, and we did surface, mid- depth and bottom and we did not find that much of a difference. This was done on two different occasions, a month apart. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION: 1. Reduction of Sewer Units, Parcel No. 28 100 49. MANAGER of MAINTENANCE REPORT. DISTRICT CHEMIST. REDUCTION OF SEWER UNITS. Mr. Tout/ Requested this be deferred. 2. Renewal of Contract with Mr. Vernon Bell for Inspection Services, Water System Improvements. W. Dunckhorst, Manager of Water Supply Systems, stated that Mr. Bell did a good job for us in the past and recommended a flat rate of $12,50 per hour. Regular Meeting -5- Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried Mr. Venon Bell's contract for Inspection Services be approved at the rate of $12.50/hour. 3. Rotating Scrolls for Centri- fuges, Proposal by Staff for Fabrication by District. Mr. Schroeder stated that the District not purchase the 2 Scrolls approved at the last Board meeting, and allow the District personnel to build the 5 scrolls, for the cost of 2 scrolls if purchase from the Bird Machine Company. Total expenditure for equip~nent, labor and materials would be $48,758 or a cost of $9,752 per scroll and resulting in a savings of $76,242. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Mr. Schroeder's re- quest be approved. 4. Request by Lab Director for Automatic Sampling Equip- ment. Lab Director, Terry Powers recommended purchase of same. (2 each). Transfer funds from supplies to equipment. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Automatic Sampling Equipment be approved for purchase, and the funds be transferred from supplies to equipment. 5. Denial by Lahontan Board of District's Appeal in the Matter of Monitoring and Reporting Program 79-43. Arguments ~re presented to the Lahontan Board, Manager Cofer stated, at the Hearing at Bishop, and it was a 5 to 3 vote, one abstaining, and the Lahontan staff had agreed that we had not shown the need to not measure, at two different times at Indian Creek Reservoir. Lahontan had received a letter today from Fish and Game with their comments, and they pointed out that Manager Cofer had used the mid depth measurements in show- ing the difference between parameters at times of day, and our permit requires that we sample at the surface. Fish and Game question our analysis. Manager Cofer still believes that it is not cost-effective or warranted to make 2 trips daily to Indian Creek Reservoir for the purposes of protect- ing the beneficial uses. This comes to approximately 9800.00 in overtime annually. Manager Cofer stated he would recommend we appeal to the State Board because again he does not believe what Lahontan requests, 2 trips daily to Indian Creek for samples and testing is not cost effective or' warranted. Director Kashuba moved that we appeal to the State Board, seconded by Director Jones. 3/20/80 APPROVE V. BELL'S INSPECTION CONTRACT APPROVE DISTRICT PERSONNEL TO BUILD SCROLLS. APPROVE, TOTAL AMOUNT $6,466. AUTOMATIC SAMPL- ING EQUIPMENT. Laboratory Regular ~eeting -6- 3/20/80 Attorney Weidman stated that he felt the District should appeal to the State Board and that he and Manager Cofer should go see how our petition for review shapes up before this Board's next regular meeting. Manager Cofer recommended that the Manager and Attorney prepare the Appeal and bring it to the Board at the next regular meeting for consideration and/ or action. Director Kashuba amended her motion to authorize staff to prepare the Appeal for action at the next regular meeting of this Board. Director Jones seconded, unanimously carried. STAFF TO PREPARE APPEAL TO STATE BOARD FOR ACTION AT OUR NEXT BOARD MEETING. Mr. D. Antonucci outlined the Lahontan's reasons for opposing District's request. 6. Proposed Letter re Draft 208 Water Quality Plan. Changes requested were noted and letter will be sent under the President's signature to Carla Bard. 7. Investigation to Update Facility Plan with Respect to Emergency Flow Capabilities. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. 8. Conflict of Interest Code of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Wynn~ unanimously carried, CQnflict of Interest Code be approved. Forward to County of E1 Dorado. Attorney Weidman stated this Board complied with the requirement of the Hearing 9. Proposal for Consulting Services Alpine County Reclamation Project. Manager Cofer stated a meeting was held with Mr. Bill Dendy regarding his proposal and whether or not it would be a duplication of what the Soil Conservation Service is doing for us, as well as our other consultants. Mr. Pyle was also present at that meeting. Mr. Pyle stated some of the activities that were proposed by Mr. Dendy would compliment the SCS study; Mr. Dendy is proposing to try to improve communications with various groups in Alpine COunty, such az: Friends of Alpine, The Ranchers, The Board of Supervisors as the Water Agency, The Resources Conservation District. MANAGER COFER recommended that the Board consider a $10,000 budget. President Olson stated we could post an amount for the number of meetings, and he felt $10,000 would be a high amount to post, and requested that we post 6 month meeting the first month in a trust fund and then as necessary for Board meetings from that point on. Come back to the Board each month for additional amounts. APPROVED LETTER FOR SUBMITTAL TO STATE 208 PLAN AUTHORIZE AMEND- MENT TO CWC CONTRACT FOR WORK. APPROVED. Regular Meeting -7- 3/20/80 President Olson recommended that we post $3,000 for the first month's work, and an amount as deemed necessary month by month from that point on. President Olson stated that he feels we have the concensusof that Board working with us to the ultimate goal that we are trying to achieve of Secondary Disposal to the Reservoir. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. 10. PURCHASE of 3/4 TON, w-wheel Drive Vehicle. G. Eppler, Manager of Maintenance, requested approval to purchase a 1980 Chevrolet, 4-wheel drive, 3/4 ton truck from COD of Minden, Nevada in the amount of $7,830.00 This firm was the low bidder by $14.00, Mr. Eppler stated. (9 bids received) Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. The Board Members also discussed changing the colors of the District vehicles. Further study is needed and same to be brought up at a later meeting. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones,unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $301,246.32 be approved. APPROVED TRUST A/C FOR B.DENDY & REVIEW MONTHLY. APPROVED PURCHASE. 3/4 TON, E- Wheel Drive Vehicle. APPROVED CLAIMS. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 1. 3/21/80, 10 a.m., District Office, MITIGATION TASK FORCE 2. 3/31/80, WORKSHOP, AGENDA ITEMS. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Attorney Weidman earlier in the meeting requested an executive session following this regular meeting, however, he now stated this is not needed. ADJOURNMENT: 5:45 P.M. to 3/31/80 ADJOURNMENT. 3:00 P.M., District Offices ~~A~"~oL~~, ~ ~ldent South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: ~~. ! Ambrose; 'Cl~erk of~q~oard South/ Tahoe Public Utility District Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District April 3, 1980 1:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by President Olson at 1:30 p.m. in the District Board Room, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. DIRECTORS PRESENT: Olson, Kashuba, Wynn, Jones and Madden OTHERS PRESENT: Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R. Baer, Manager of Opera- tions G. Plasterer, Manager of Water Supply Systems B. Dunckhorst, Finance Officer Barrie Fischer, Assistant Manager of Main- tenance Connie Ross, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Roy Hampson LRWQCB, Chuck White State Water Resources Control Board, Attorney Don Stark, Attorney Tout, Water Purveyors. President Olson asked if there were any corrections or additions to the Agenda. Manager Cofer explained there was a supplemental agenda. Mr. Tout has re- quested to discuss with the Board his interest in sewer transfers so we would ask that you add that to the Agenda. Also Mr. Stark is here along with representatives from various water purveyors and Chuck White so if we could possibly take that up next and go through that part of the Agenda so they can leave and we could go to the rest of the Agenda items. Manager Cofer introduced Attorney Don Stark who then gave his background and his approach on how he might help the District. ITEM XIV 1. Director Wynn moved to retain Mr. Stark to do the research work necessary to evaluate the water rights issue - 2 months - $5,000 - Director Jones seconded. Unanimously carried. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA - Mr. Tout presented his request for transfer of sewer units to the Board. The Board told him to return to the City and make his negotiations and then return to the Board. President Olson asked for corrections or additions to the minutes of March 20, 1980. Following discussion Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, minutes be approved. Four sets of minutes (reduced) are to be in binders at all times. President Olson asked for Reports by Board. Director Jones said he attended a water committee meeting and acted on a request by the District to recommend to the water agency that they transfer $52,555 to the District tax transfer fund. They will meet on April 14 to act on that. Presumably they will grant that request. John Weidman will attend that meeting. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL AGENDA APPROVED APPROVE TO RETAIN ATTORNEY STARK MR. TOUT TRANSFER OF SEWER UNITS NO ACTION MINUTES OF MARCH 20, 1980 APPROVED E.I.D. WATER COmmITTEE TRANSFER FUNDS TO DISTRICT REPORT FROM SHOP STEWARD NONE Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- 4/3/80 President Olson announced that it should be noted that the Board concurred on the color of white for equipment owned by the District. President Olson called for a report from the Manager on Workshop and/or Meetings and Sessions: Manager Cofer reported the following: 1. March 21 - Mitigation Task Force Meeting 2. March 31 - Agenda Items 3. April 3 - Adjourned Board Meeting President Olson asked for comments from the audience on short non-agenda items. President Olson requested the Manager's Report be given. Manager Cofer said he had three items to report on: I am receiving a lot of mail from EPA - one letter dated April Fool's Day in- forming us that they appreciate the efforts we are making on the mitigation task force and they are seeking ways to amend our facilities planning grant to assist the local agencies in pursuing a mitigation program. We will have to submit to them a request for an amendment to our facilities planning. I am working with the City on that. Indian Creek Reservoir water level was measured on April 1, 1980 at 54 feet (2 feet below spill- way elevation),. We have notified the Alpine County Water Agency to prepare to take delivery of about 200 acre feet per month during April through June to avoid reservoir spill. Manager of Water Supply, Mr. Bill Dunckhorst, has received a patent on his water saving shower head. We congratulate Mr. Dunckhorst on his development of the water conservation and energy saving device and wish him success in marketing the shower head. President Olson requested the Attorney's Report be given. Attorney Weidman informed the Board that Christine Sproul, Attorney for Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board has transferred to the Air Resources Control Board. Attorney Weidman also reported that he attended a settlement conference in the District Court of Appeals with the Manager on the Polansky action with the settlement conference being continued until after the random selection. Mr. Weidman also reported he attended the Lahontan meeting at Bishop on the District's monitoring requirements appeal and monitored the 208 Hearings at North Tahoe and South Tahoe. VEHICLES APPROVED COLOR-WHITE NONE ~iANAGE R ' S REPORT ATTORNEY ' S REPORT Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- 4/3/8o XIV 2. Director Lorrene Kashuba moved that we appeal to the State Board for Review in the matter of Monitoring and Reporting Program 79-43. Unanimously carried. XIV 3. Director Madden moved that we advertise for bids on Phase I of the Headstart Program. Director Jones seconded. Unanimously carried. XIV 4. Director Jones moved to approve Mr. Komatsu's Amendment of Agreement for the Headstart Program. Director Kashuba seconded. Unanimously carried. XIV 5. Director Wynn moved that the proposed statement to LRWQCB regarding emergency operating conditions in the storm of January 1980 be approved. Director Jones seconded. Unanimously carried. XV. Director Wynn moved that payment of claims in the amount of $224,274.47 be approved. Director Madden seconded. Unanimously carried. MEETING ADJOURNED - 3:30 P.M. APPROVE REVIEW APPROVE ADV. FOR BIDS HEADSTART PHASE I APPROVE ~ENDMENT OF AGREEMENT - HEADSTART APPROVE STATE- MENT TO LRWQCB EMERGENCY OPER- ATING CONDITIONS APPROVE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS ADJOURNMENT South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: ,." ~ ~e ~f~ Bo~-~d ' jn-d ' Ex-O f f ic io ~ecrenary Sou~ 'Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District April 17, 1980 4:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 4/17/80, 4:00 P.M., and also this was the Hearing Date of Fallen Leaf Lake Permittees Assessment District 1979-1 at 4:40 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N.Olson, Directors L.L. Kashuba, M.Madden and J.R. Jones, Director Wynn absent. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman,Clerk of Board, R. Baer, Attorney R.J. Hill, ROLL CALL CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA:- Manager Cofer stated no additions; item number one deleted. (2) PURCHASE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR SLUDGE AND LIME FURNACE: This is a replacement of rabble arms and teeth for stock because of the long delivery time when ordering. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, consent calendar be approved. MINUTES: 4/3/80 The Board commented on the new form for minutes, and the reducing of same. They are in favor of this format and the reduc- ing of the minutes. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Jones stated he did not attend the meeting of the E1 Dorado County Water Agency last week, however, Attorney J.C. Weidman was present and he told him that our re- quest for $52,000 was approved for tax transfer funds to go to our Water Department. SHOP STEWARD REPORT: MIKE AD~[S stated that the only report he has from Local 39 was the cost of living for the end of February 1980 is 14.1% COMMITTEE REPORTS: Director Kashuba gave a CASA Legislative Committee Report regarding action taken on pending legislation for Assembly Bills and Senate Bills. AGENDA ITEMS APPROVE PURCHASE PARTS FOR LIME & SLUDGE FURNACE. $10,265. Defer Minutes. APPROVED BY EDWA $52,000 TAX TSF. FUNDS TO WATER DEPT. SHOP STEWARD REPORT. COMMITTEE REPORTS. LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE. No further Committee Reports. WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND/OR MEETINGS: MANAGER Cofer stated on 4/10/80 he, President Olson and Attorney Weidman attended the Lahontan meeting, Susanville, and the District was on the agenda in two places - one - they upgraded our priority from a "C" to a "B" in hopes to keep us in a funding position for grants. They justified this on the pollution problems at Indian Creek Reservoir. Secondly, they invited all the dischargers (Markleeville and Tahoe Dischargers) to explain the problems they had during the storms in January. No action recommended by the Lahontan Board though EPA may decide to MEETINGS/ WORKSHOPS. have some enformcement action taken. Manager Cofer stated that our problems seem no different than those around the Lake. Second Meeting- Workshop/Agenda Items and Water and Sewer Budgets. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: (Non Agenda Items) None. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer reported that we just had pipeline break number 31 on the export pipeline. Also, John Mounier, Attorney - (Pipeline) will be here by 5 pm to discuss, in an executive session, the pipeline litigation. Also, Fallen Leaf Lake subject for Exec. Session. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Petition for review of monitoring has been filed; the E1 Dorado Water Agency approved the tax transfer funds for our Water Dept.; Judge issued decision on Hermanez and Hubbell and requested this be discussed in an execu- tive session; also, to discuss in the execu- tive session is the Joyce-Powderhorn Case. REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGER'S: W. Dunckhorst stated that he has received a recommendation from Ludhorff Pump Company that we install a 20 HP Gould Commercial Pump in the amount of $6,070.08. Also, the TV Scan showed that we have quite a bit of deposit in the well, and approximately only 90% of the water is coming through the casing, and this would involve $1600.00 to have the casing swabbed. (TATA AVENUE WELL). PUBLIC HEARING: FALLEN LEAF LAKE FOREST SERVICE PERMITTEES President Olson opened the hearing at 4:30 P.M. LAHONTAN MEETING. Workshop agenda. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE. EXPORT LINE RUPTURE NO. 31. EXECUTIVE SESSION. ATTORNEY'S REPORT. WATER MANAGER'S REPORT. DISCUSS PURCHASE OF PUMP $6,070 + & $1600 CLEANING of CASING. A.D.1979-1 HEARING F.L.L. PERMITTEES Manager Cofer presented the plans for this proposed project, which consists of 4" diameter plastic pipeline, gravity sewers, serving the Stanford Hill permittees, and will connect to the Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Trunk Line now under construction, and one cabin will have to pump up into the line - all others gravity sewer. He also stated the Engineer's Report is included in the Board's packets. Estimated cost of project $400,000.00. Ken Green, U.S.F.S.Permittees Assoc. President was present for this hearing. Attorney Hill explained the possible rates for bond sales; and explained briefly the following resolutions for consideration by this Board today. STAFF REPORT. BOND COUNSEL REPORT Regular Meeting/Hearing -3- 4/17/80 RESOLUTION NO. 2179, Overruling Protests. RESOLUTION NO. 2180, Adopting Engineer's Report Confirming the Assessment and Filing of Assessment, Assessment Diagrams and Notice of Assessment, Appointing Collection Officer, and Providing for Notice to pay Assessments. RESOLUTION NO. 2181, Authorizing IN REM Validating Proceedings. WRITTEN PROTESTS/COMMENTS: None ORAL PROTESTS/COMMENTS: None President Olson closed the hearing at 5:05 P.M. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried~ that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 2179, 2180 and 2181 be approved. ORDINANCE NO. 308, Amending Ordinance No. 268, An Ordinance Establishing and Fixing Special Connection Charges for Connections to the Fallen Leaf Lake Trunk Sewer Mains, of the ST PUD, by .Amending Sections 4, 5, et. Director Jones, moved, seconded by Director Kahsuba, unanimosuly carried that ORDINANCE NO. 308 be approved. Another Resolution that no action was taken on (Calling for Sealed Proposals, was deferred to the next regular meeting of this Board due to request for clarification from CTRPA Permit. APPROVE RESOLU- TIONS. COMMENTS: None. RESOLU- TIONS Approved. APPROVE ORDINANCE. SET TIME AND PLACE FOR BUDGET HEARINGS: APRIL 24, 1980, 7:30 P.M., Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Room, A1 Tahoe Blvd. CHANGE ORDERS (FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWER SYSTEM). (1) Change Order No. 2 Central Station Modifications ($10,413) (2) Change Order No. 3 - Ejector Stations, Vac Stations ($8,200) (3) Change Order No. 4 - Ejector Stations, Valve Vacuum Excavations & Backfill. ($8,147.) Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, Change Orders 2, 3, 4, as recommend- ed by Manager Cofer be approved. BUDGET HEARINGS, WATER & SEWER. AP P ROVE CHANGE ORDERS F.L.L. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Moved, seconded and carried, that the claims in the amount of $380,450.80 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 4/28/80 Workshop (Agenda Items) 4/25/80 Mitigation Task Force, 10 a.m. APPROVE CLAIMS. MEETINGS Regular Meeting & Hearing -4- 4/17/80 No further business to come before the Board, President Olson adjourned the meeting at 5:45 P.M. to an Executive Session on litigation matters. ADJOURNMENT ~~l~r ~1" Olson, President ~~'South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Mary D. Ambrose, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District BUDGET HEARINGS- SEWER & WATER APRIL 24, 1 9 8 0 7:30 P.M. The Board of Directors met on 4/24/80, 7:30 P.M., Lake Tahoe Unified School District, on the budget for the Sewer and Water Departments. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N. Olson, Directors L.Kashuba, J. Wynn, M. Madden and J.R. Jones. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, B. Fischer, R. Baer, J. Weidman~ Clerk of Board, and several interested visitors~senior citizens. Manager Cofer gave a report, and explained the reasons for the needed increase in sewer service fees. Finance Officer B. Fischer also gave a re~ort, copies of the report given to those present, as well as a comparison of charges in the Tahoe Basin. The sewer service fees will be increased (single family dwelling - 3 sewer units minimum charge) from $159.12 to $189.06. The water rates will also be increased; Manager Cofer gave a report on this subject and the reasons for same. Finance Officer also explained the necessity of the increases to those present. The majority of the visitors present had stated their desire to have water meters installed. They felt this would be a fair way to charge for the water customers. Much discussion took place regarding the installation of water meters, cost to the District, personnel, etc., and it was requested that the District Staff look into this and make a report of their findings to install the meters. No further business to come before the Board, and no action to be taken, Pr~so~djourned the hear- ing at 9:30 P.M. x~.~.Walt~r "ffeal"~Olson, President South Tahoe Public Utility Dist. ATi..TE S T: MARY DJ. AMBROSE, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MITIGATION MEETING March 21,1980 --10:00 A.M. Those present for the Mitigation Meeting were: Lorrene L. Kashuba, Manager J.R. Cofer, South Tahoe P.U.D., Roy C. Hampson and Charles A. White of Lahontan Region, C~QCB, Thomas L. Stewart, E1 Dorado County Supervisor, Dave Dubbink of CTRPA, N. Walton and D. Milbrodt - City of South Lake Tahoe, Mickey Madden, Director of South Tahoe P.U.D. and Keith Klein - Commission (Planning), and Phi]. Overeynder of TRPA. L. Kashuba stated we would like to try to get some positive action as a result of this meeting. The Local Governments, City and the County, and the District went to the Environmental Protection Agency with Mitigation Program and discussed with Mr. Covington the program that we had outlined , the Memorandum of Understanding had been adopted by the Mitigation Task Force, and we were discouraged because EPA indicated to us that it did not matter what the decision was, what our comments were to them, that the final decision on the plant capacity would be from the State Board contingent upon the water quality measures, but he so indicated that this would not happen until the state had adopted the 208 Plan. The delay of waiting for the adoption of the 208 Plan, Ms~ Kashuba stated, will be a very costly delay for the District and it will impact the area considerably because of the inability to move now into a design process. Mr. Covington did respond to the group after we had explained some of the informationf. A~d he did agree to get a clarification from the State Board as to whether or not the allowable capacity for the plant could be committed prior to the adoption of the 208 Plan, and he also directed the staff of EPA to explore the no-project impact and why it had not been considered. He also agreed that he would work with the State Board to determine if there were a few dollars that could be utilized by the Mitigation Task Force in fusing our MOU Programs together and identifying additional Ordinances that should be developed in order to accomplish it as was discussed at the last meeting. LOCAL GOVERNMENT REPORT AND RESPONSE TO THE 208 PLAN: This plays a very important part in our program. NEAL WALTON: Mr. Walton stated that there is a second plan, and he is not certain at this point which is the true plan. He asked the representative from TRPA to fill this group in on what the Advisory Board did and is doing. Phi!Overeynder of TRPA stated that basically what the Advisory Planning Committee discussed was · the process in preparing the 208 PLAN, and they did not get into what the recommendations were, etc. Also, whether or not the State Board had dealt properly in coming out with a draft plan without sending specific comments back to TRPA, as to which items the TRPA had adopted and accepted and those that were not, and until the State Board comes back with specific elements on what the TRPA had adopted, the APC feels the State Board acted improperly. TRPA being, in the eyes of EPA, still the designated agency, until the issue of which jurisdiction is proper, it is not ready to be discussed as to the elements or the substance and the recommendations (which agency should be the proper agency in preparing the water quality plan). He also stated that the State Board does have several requests to extend the comment period on the 208 PLAN to 90 days. R. MILBRODT, CITY MANAGER: Mr. Milbrodt stated that the City will not take the risk of the extended time, and they will have their comments in on the due date presently scheduled. The City Council(Meeting on 4/1/80 ) will consider the Staff Report on the 208 PLAN, and the City does have many concerns, least of which is the procedures that were followed in developing the 208 PLAN. It was the feeling of the City that there should have been a Technical Advisory Committee that would link together all of the technical staff here in the basin, and also should have had a Citizens Advisory Committee that would allow for some involvement here that are people deeply involved in this area. MITIGATION MEETING -2- 4/21/80 Mr. Milbrodt also stated there is some substantial legal concern with some of the aspects of the report, and very disturbed over the lack of detail furnished in the financial plan. Also, there is a lack of reliance upon the technology to deal with Water Quality Management, and the only solution the 208 PLAN has identified is the future purchase of large blocks of land prior to their being developed. There should be some other alternatives to that. The City has come up with a series of recommendations to the State Board: Final Plan not be adopted for one year so the local people can assemble recommendations back to the State Board. Also, we have identified the efforts of this Mitigation Task Force and stated that the State Board officially recognize this group, and that the Task Force be augmented to reflect participants from the North Shore. Mr. Milbrodt also stated that of all the Mitigation measures that were committed to be undertaken by the Local Government amending the 208 Plan is the number one priority, and we will ask this Committee to support this. Mr. Milbrodt also stated they are asking for TRPA to be brought into the year analysis program through the Local Government representatives that are on the Basin Association of Govern- ments. Mr. Milbrodt also stated they have asked the Mitigation Task Force be asked by the State Board to thoroughly review the land classification system. The City is suggesting that the Mitigation Task Force would tackle the Water Quality Management Plan; time tables also in which certain tasks would be achieved, and that the Water Resources Board by the monitoring agency, and they would look upon the Mitigation Task Force as sort of a watch dog, and have certain times by which we must report back to the State Board as to what progress is being made, etc. Also, City has asked the State Water Resources Board to organize a Legal Advisory Task Force, which would be constituted with a member of the Legal Staff of the SWRCB. Mr. Milbrodt also stated that they have attempted to do some work with the EPA nationally in this region, and have tried to find out what is a 208 PLAN, the standards and specifications that are used by the EPA ~looking at a locally developed plan. Mr. Milbrodt stated he has not been able to collect these items, however, EPA is trying to obtain a copy of a 208 PLAN that has been approved, perhaps from Southern California. County Supervisor, T.L. Stewart, stated that the 208 PLAN does not have all of the answers, and that there was an approach that zeroed in only on their interest, and should cover all areas - what the City needs, County, District, etc. Mitigation Meeting -3- 4/21/80 Neal Walton stated there are really two great concerns (1) the degree of implementation that was going to result from the planning process - (2) great degree of involvement of public participation. Roy Hampson, LRWQCB, stated that there has always been a perpetual study and nothing ever gets done, and he stated that this does not apply to the Mitigation Task Force, as he does believe this Force wants things done. He stated we do not need a 208 PLAN to do what is right. This Task Force was set up by the South Tahoe Public Utility District, in which they have a mission to move fast to obtain Federal and State Grants to construct the necessary facilities. If grants are not obtained in the next one or two years, they will undoubtedly not receive monies. Time is running out. Money is running out - there is not much grant monies made available for the next 5 years, he stated. LRWQCB will support this District for their project because it is a necessity, delays can be very costly to this project. Even at this stage, it is going to be difficult to obtain the 12-1/2% in funds from the local people. Lorrene L. Kashuba ~ked Mr. Hampson that if this Task Force should embark on, as one of its goals, an implementation program for common elements of the 208 PLAN that this could go simultaneously while the other process of approval was continuing. R. Hampson stated he would definitely support that, and that the creditability that the District has with him is very very important - good performance and good examples, good track records, etc. Manager Cofer stated that we had hoped with EPA's Schedule that in June of this year we would start design of the plant. The Same time we would start the Bond Issue Citizens Committee in July of this year; we had planned on a Bond Election April 3, 1981; however, we could probably not sell the bonds, and hopefully interest rates will go down. In 1978 we estimated a 10 mgd plant would be slightly over ten million dollars, and now for 1981 it would be a twenty-million dollar project. A three month delay would be crucial, and if we do not start the process for a bond election in 81, we will not sell bonds in 1981, but in 1982, and that means construction would not start until 1982. The State has indicated that a solution will try to be found re the plant size, and Manager Cofer stated we should move right ahead and we should now get into the mitigation. We should find something that will allow us to proceed in July, we cannot wait until August. Further discussions took place regarding financial revenue program, how many more connections are we to serve,etc. , the priorities by the State Board, and Mr. Hampson stated we would have a high priority becuase we are under such strict require- ments regarding water quality standards. Mr. Overeynder stated we should get together with the State Board and approach them with a proposal to mutually certify the 208 PLAN, which includes some of the erosion control measures discussed, mitigation measures, specific plant size, etc. Mr. Milbrodt stated we could do this by having the number one item Water Quality Management. Mitigation Task Force -4- ~/21/80 Mr. White stated we are going to have to state how many connections there will be, and define what type of connections these will be. Mr. Hampson stated we have a deadline by April 4th to commit ten-million dollars to the Tahoe Basin and the application will be sent in this coming Monday for this amount. Some of these monies will be going to the West Shore North Shore, South Shore, etc. , L. Kashuba asked if the recommendation will be accepted that this Mitigation Task Force go to the State Board with their plan and certify the 208 PLAN with the common elements, also the priority goal for this task force to agree that the implementation of the 208 PLAN and that the erosion control in the South Lake Tahoe Basin would be priority. L. Kashuba stated that the City, County and District have been working very hard to try to develop a program for mitigation the lots other than just buying out. Mr. White stated that he woujld suggest a program that we put together a remedial program and commit ourselves to so many dollars in correcting these existing problems; and then in the preventitive portion of the PLAN specifically state what lots you think would not be connected, and why they should not be developed. The Task Force also agreed that Base Mapping Program should be worked on. SETTING OF TASKS: Progress reports on the following will be brought up at the next meeting of this Task Force: (1) Identification of a plant capacity and inventory of lots, remedial measures, preventive measures, mapping and identification of common areas of 208, and development of the program of implemention of the mitigation program. Dick Milbrodt: & Neal Walton: Inventory of lots and mapping. J. Cofer: Chuck White: P.Overeynder: Identify Plant Capacity Remedial measures Preventive Measures put off at this time.' P.Overeynder Identification of common areas and C.White: of 208. J. Cofer & Develop program of implementation N. Walton: of the mitigation program. Mr. Hampson did mention to the Task Force Members that the Federal Government is using tight monies to slow down inflation, and there are many obstacles put in to delay grants and projects, therefore, it is very very important that the grant requests get in immediately. L. Kashuba requested that the suggested goals, listed below, be studied and all members be ready to report at the next meeting: Develop Implementation Program 208 PLAN; Maintain Financial Solvency of Local Government; Provide Marketability of Low Capability Property; Identification and Establishment of Priorities of Specific Lots Within Low Capability Land Zones; Identification of Ordinance Requirements Needed for Implementation of Plan. Goals are as follows: Protection of Individual Property Owner's Rights; Removal of Liabilities Upon Elimination of Land Use Potential; and Utilization of Free Enterprise System. The next meeting will be held on 4/18/80 at 10:00 A.M., South Tahoe Public Utility District Office. LLK:mda Lorrene L. Kashuba REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 1, 1980 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 5/1/80, 4:00 P~M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N.Olson, Directors Madden, Jones and Wynn. ABSENT: Director L. Kashuba Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, W. Dunckhorst. G. Eppler, M.Heller, B. Ettlich of CWC, representative from Koller Plumbing, Ted Jensen. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer re- commended that additions of the following be added to Items for Board Action: 10. Clarification of Ordinance No. 306 Deposit of Sewer Connection fees. 11. Extension of Time to submit bids for Headstart Construction Project (May 15, 1980 to June 3, 1980). CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, consent calendar, as follows, be approved: 1. Sludge Holding Basin Improvements, Change Order #2, Extend Contract from 3/30/80 to 8/15/80 days· No increase in contract cost. Bill by Outdoorsman for Live Bait Lost. 3. Sewer Unit Increase Declare Surplus Large Safe Acquired from Tahoe Sierra Water Company. Purchase Specifications for Cold Creek Generator. 6. CTRPA Permit, Headstart Project. ROLL CALL AGENDA APPROVED. CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED. H©T.DTN~ RA~IN A~ROVMD. OUTDOORSMAN CLAIM DENIED. INCREASE SEWER UNIT SURPLUS. SAFE. AUTHORIZE FOR BIDS/ GENERATOR COLD CREEK. ACCEPT CTRPA PERMIT, HEAD- START PROJECT MINUTES: Deferred 4/17/80; approve 4/3/80. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. DEFER MINUTES APPROVE 4/3/. BOARD MEMBERS REPORT. SHOP STEWARD REPORT. COMMITTEE REPORTS. Regular Meeting -2- May 1, 1980 REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS & MEETINGS: Manager Cofer reported the following. (1) 4/21/80 Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board RE Sewer Service to Heavenly Vallen, Top of Tram. (Another meeting in approximately 60 days to further discuss this subject). (2) 4/25/80, Mitigation Task Force - Next Meeting 5/16/80, 10:00 A.M. District Offices. (3) 4/28/80 Workshop Agenda Items. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: Agenda Items: None. (Short Non- MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that J. Mounier, Attorney, has been here taking his depositions. No further report. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C. Weidman stated that he has been in contact with the lawyer for the Boy Scouts and would like to discuss this in an Executive Session follow- ing this meeting. JOYCE - POWDERHORN hearing is set for de- murrer on 5/23/80. RE Hubbell case - He, J. Bunnell and Judge Finney will meet to discuss this case. Attorney Weidman was also in Sacramento and met with the Attorney and another State Board member concerning grant priorities. He has also worked on a matter concern- ing Fallen Leaf Lake and our inspection, which may involve litigation. Ail above items will be discussed in the Executive Session following this regular meeting. REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: None within the Plant. (1) Report on Water System Telemetering System by Mr. Bill Ettlich of CWC. Mr. Ettlich gave a report on the final draft of the water system telemetering. This report covered the advantages of the system, characteristics and costs. Manager Cofer requested the Board to consider approval of the report, and staff will return at a later date with the proposal. WORKSHOP SESSIONS & MEETINGS. COMMENTS. MANAGER'S REPORT. ATTORNEY'S REPORT. LITIGATION REPORTS/ TO EXEC.SESSION. WATER SYS. TELEMETER- ING. (Bill Ettlich). Regular Meeting -3- May 1, 1980 Mr. Ettlich also gave an explana- tion as to why he is requesting extension of time for the Bid Opening on the Headstart Project. Mr. Ettlich stated that a pre-bid conference was held on 4/30/80 and one contractor was present; main persons present were the engineers. He stated that there are 6 or 7 projects similar to ours being bid in the Bay Area and many contractors prefer to bid on that. He feels given a little more time, extending to 6/3/80, we will have contractors bidding. Assistant Engineer R. Baer gave a report to the Board of Directors on the accident of 4/28/80 in which an employee had caustic soda sprayed in his face; he also recommended that the system not be used until additional safety systems are added; he stated an air-gap system is recommended, at an estimated cost of $20,000, unbudgeted item. Lahontan has been notified that the caustic system has been discontinued. Manager Cofer stated this is for the Board's information, and he will bring a request back to the Board at a later date. KOLLER PLUMBING: Mr. Koller appeared at the meeting to request a variance re inspection of the sewer line at the Superior Court Building. A pre-bid conference was held prior to the work being done on rerouting of the sewer line. Mr. Koller stated they were told at that time that Mr. Ted Jensen had complete control (he was also present at this meeting). Mr. Koller also stated that they had to beat the 10/15th deadline; the sewer was installed properly, they have pictures of the line - which is 8' feet deep; Mr. Jensen has been an inspector for some 37 years. The earth is very unstable there. Mr. B. Eppler appeared in December or January and asked why he was never called for an inspection and this was the first Mr. Koller knew of a permit not being taken out. Mr. Cofer stated he was not aware that photographs were taken, and those could relieve our concerns. He further stated we have required everyone in the District to have an inspection by the District; if an inspection variance is granted, and then a problem occur, it would seem the District has taken on a liability; however, this is unique, and there was an inspector on behalf of the County Inspection. Mr. Cofer HEADSTART PROJECT. EXTEND BID OPENING DATE to 6/3/80. Approved. CAUSTIC SYSTEM ACCIDENT 4/28/80. INSPECTION RE SUPERIOR COURT BLDG. VARIANCE REQUEST. Mr. J. Koller, PO BOX 9636, SLT. Regular Meeting -4- stated that he has no objection to the variance, however, we should have some indication from the County that should a problem occur, and we should give them a variance, they are not to come back to the District as a liability on what may happen, and hopefully this will be the only time this would occur. Attorney Weidman stated all we would need is a letter from the Board of Supervisors of the County of E1 Dorado, containing those suggestions from Manager Cofer. Attorney Weidman asked Mr. Ted Jensen, inspector for the County job, if he was familiar with this Ordinance the District has; he stated that he was. He was also asked by Mr. Weidman if Mr. Koller did comply with the District Ordinance. Mr. Jensen stated that he did 100 %. May 1, 1980 County to send letter to the District that a qualified inspector was present at all times during the installation of the Sewer Line at the Superior Court Building, and that all rules and regulations of the District Ord. were complied with. Director Madden moved that a variance be granted with the conditions stated above by Manager Cofer and Attorney Weidman to condem if there has been faulty construction. Director Jones seconded, and unanimously carried. (2) REQUEST BY MR. & MRS. BACK for permission to use South Tahoe Public Utility District Access Road. Manager Cofer the District has granted similar right-of-ways in the past. He suggested that this approved for ingress and egress and reserve the right to restrict the use after the fifth year, with one year notification by this District to the current owner; any subsequent owner must obtain their permission for same. There is no way they can cause damage to the District by this request. Manager Cofer stated that he would recommend approval, and that they are at no time to block that right-of-way. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Manager Cofer's recommendation be approved. (3) FALLEN LEAF LAKE PEP~ITTEES: RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS AND FIXING LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR FAILURE TO COMPLETE THE WO~¥ WITHIN TIME. SPECIFIED $1~0.~0 per day; ' Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. The U.S.F.S. will be the Inspector for this Project. VARIANCE (KOLLER) GRANTED, UPON APPROVALS FROM THE COUNTY BEING RECEIVED. APPROVE BACK'S TO USE STPUD ACCESS ROAD. APPROVE RESOLUTION 2182. U.S.F.S. Will be the Inspector for this Project. Regular Meeting -5- May 1, 1980 (4) SEWER AND STREET LIGHTIN BUDGET: (a) Ordinance No. 309: An Ordinance Amending Ord. No. 300 and Providing for Sewer Service Charges. (b) Ordinance No. 310: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 301 and Providing for Street Lighting Charges. Hearing was held on 4/24/80 for both Ordinances above. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, ORDINANCE NOS. 309 and 310 be approved. (5) WATER DIVISION BUDGE~i~ (1980-81) (a) 1980 Budget (b) Ordinance No. 311, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Nos.~0,257260,269, 276, and 292 and Providing for Water Rates. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (6) RECONSIDERATION BY LAHONTAN REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PROJECT PRIORITY... Manager Cofer stated that Mr. Roy Hampson will recommend to the Lahontan Board next Thursday at Victorville that our Priority by changed from a Class "C" to a Class "B" It is also the understanding, Manager Cofer stated, that Class "C" priorities will not receive grant funding because of the EPA actions and as part of our President Carters inflation fighting program. Lahontan has stated that part of their decision was because of the decision made by Judge Finney, and if Judge Finney's decision is final, it would remove the Cease and Desist Order from the District. Manager Cofer explained the Class "A" , Class "B" and Class "C" definitions to the Board. Class "B" deals with water pollution problems, and Manager Cofer stated we should argue that we remain in a Class "B" priority. He requested authorization for he and Attorney Weidman to make a presentation to Lahontan Board at Victorville next Thursday. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. ADOPT 80-81 BUDGET; ADOPT ORD. NO. 309 (Service Charges-Sewer) $182.16-3/SU Adopt ORD. NO. 310 (Street Lighting) BUDGET ADOPTED. ADOPT ORD. NO. 311, (Water Rates) (#131.00 SFD) APPROVE PRESENTATION TO LAHONTAN BY MANAGER COFER AND ATTORNEY WEIDMAN. Regular Meeting -6- FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWER PROJECT (a) Extension of Time to obtain sewer permit for parcel No. 21 301 12. MARINO. Manager Cofer recommended extension of time be granted to the Marino's until the Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project is Completed. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (b) Clarification of Policy re Reserve capacity for Fallen Leaf Lake. Manager Cofer proposed that if an owner of Fallen Leaf Lake wants to connect, they must come through the County Allocation System, and that will keep them equal to the other property owners. If they are selected through the allocation program, then the capacity for that alloca- tion should come from the 60,000 gallons reserved, and the City and County would then have an additional draw, for the capacity we allow for that given year. With this clarification, there will be 2 connections (Marino and Eldridge) which was drawn in the allocation. Also, re the connection charge, Manager Cofer proposed that they pay the connection charge, which existed at the time they obtained their building permit; those coming in now will pay the $1740 rate; (90 days to pay). Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn,unanimously carried, the clarification as mentioned by Manager Cofer be appproved as policy. CLARIFICATION OF POLICY RE 1980 SEWER CAPACITY ALLOCA- TION: Manager Cofer recommended approval of the following: The South Tahoe P.U.D. does not intent to limit the number of baths constructed in single falmily residences. An owner selected in the 1980 Alloca- tion Program may construct more than two baths but must first obtain a sewer permit for the additional baths as per South Tahoe PUD ORD.300. May 1, 1980 EXTENSION OF TIME GRANTED FOR SEWER PERMIT-FALLEN LEAF LAKE PROJECT. APPROVED POLICY FOR RESERVED CAPACITY. APPROVE CLARIFICATION OF POLICY, 1980 ALLOCATION. APPROVED. Regular Meeting -7- May 1, 1980 Modifications and/or remodeling of single family residences will re- quire a change in the sewer permit and payment of appropriate fees. The South Tahoe PUD will review the actual number of sewer units connected during calendar year 1980 and determine if an adjust- ment is needed in the estimate of sewer units per single family residence for the purpose of the 1981 allocations. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that Manager Cofer's recommendation be approved. CLARIFICATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 306, DEPOSIT OF SEWER CONNECTION FEES: This Ordinance requires that all commercial owners and/or governmental agencies assign- ed sewer units for a given project in the 1980 alloca- tion program, must deposit connection fees within 30 days from day of assign- ment by City and/or County and all existing applicant~ (commercial) will have until May 1, 1980, to deposit the connection fees. Inspector Horning now states that all connection fees have been paid with the exception of two projects. The U.S. Postal Service has not paid for their connection fees. Our staff talked with them and requested they make the $1740 deposit. We did receive a letter from them requesting our consideration of holding the availability of a sewer permit open to the Postal Service for the balance of 1980; they do not find it appropriate to pay the deposit fee required. CLARIFICATION RE 1980 SEWER CAPACITY ALLOCATION APPROVED. (Director Jones requested some information be posted explaining this action to people in the area - and Manager Cofer stated that a letter will be prepared for the City and County). ORDINANCE CLARIFICATION RE DEPOSIT FEES. MANAGER Cofer requested rejection of the U.S.Postal Service request, and authorization to notify the City that those fees were not paid and units not picked up. President Olson stated that we should deny their offer, but he would not like to be on record of denying them when they do wish to build that post office their sewer connection, and inquired if this could not be put into a special category when they are ready to build. Manager Cofer stated that reserving capacity for public building was contingent upon the headstart program. Regular Meeting -8- Manager Cofer stated that at this time he would not recommend considering the U.S.Postal Service Request. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, that the request from the U.S.Postal Service be denied, as recommend- ed by Manager Cofer. Manager Cofer stated that should this Post Office request come in at a later time, it would be up to this Board to allow that connection, as long as their is no connection ban. EXTENSION OF TIME HEADSTART PROGRAM TO SUBMIT BIDS FOR THIS PROJECT. Extend from May 15, 1980 to June 3, 1980, 2:00 P.M. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $233,654.93 be approved. May 1, 1980 APPROVED EXTENSION OF TIME FOR BID OPENING, HEADSTART TO JUNE 3, 1980, 2:00 P.M. CLAIMS APPROVED. NOT~CE ~ ~m~GS 5/5/80 5/8/80 5/9-10/80 5/12/80 6/3/80 Alpine County Water Agency Meeting. LRWQCB Victorville, So. Tahoe PUD Project Priority. CASA Workshop - Agenda Items Open Bids HEADSTART PROJECT 2:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: 6:10 P.M. To an Executive Session re Liti~te~ . ~ _~LW~LTER NEAL O~SON, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: . . ~] , v A~RR OF BOARD SOUTH T~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District May 15, 1980 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 5/15/80 at 4:00 P.M. in the Board Room of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N. Olson, Directors L.L. Kashuba, J. Wynn, M. Madden and J.R.Jones. ROLL CALL. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, D. Henricks - CWC, J. Fredrickson- City of South Lake Tahoe, Gary Plasterer, B. Dunckhorst, Gene Eppler, C.I. Ross and Mr. R. Tout. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: the following additions: Manager Cofer requested (9) Fixed Time Certificate CTRPA Permit (10) Open Deposit Account (11) Amendment to RES. 2173 Adding Bank of America to Account AGENDA APPROVED AS CHANGED Agenda Approved. CONSENT CALENDAR: None. MINUTES: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that minutes of 4/17/80 and 5/1/80 be approved. MINUTES APPROVED 4/17/80-5/1/80. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None COMMITTEE REPORTS. WORKSHOP SESSIONS and/or MEETINGS: (1) 5/5/80 Alpine County Water Agency Workshop WORKSHOP SESSIONS &/OR MEETINGS. (2) 5/8/80 California Regional Water Quality Control Board -Lahontan Region, re: GRANT PRIORITY LIST. (Attending were Manager Cofe~, President Olson and Attorney Weidman). (3) 5/9-10/80 CASA (4) 5/12/80 Workshop-Fallen Leaf Lake Project. Agenda Items. CO~ENTS FROM AUDIENCE (Non-Agenda Items) COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE. Regular Meeting -2- May 15, 1980 Mr. R. Tout was present this evening and President Olson moved this action item prior to any further reports. Mr. Tout referred to correspondence received by him from the City and minutes of the City of So. Lk Tahoe, etc. He appeared this evening to request a transfer of five sewer units, which are currently on his existing property, and asked that if this is approved by this Board that the approval contain: that the five units be recognized that are on the existing~operty and that the applicant may use the 5 units either on the existing property or in accordance with the transfer as approved by the City. He stated because of the absence of a 1/3 of a connection, he stated that he was under the impression that he could put 3 units on one lot, build a house, put two on another lot and have a studio, however, the City does not allow a studio on an R-1 lot. Mr. Tout requested this Board to authorize a Resolution to his request above. He also stated that he does under- stand there will be a condition that if the transfer is made, he will not put the property back into the allocation and/or random selection and he certainly does concur with that. Director Jones explained to him that up until recently a new house was limited to 3 sewer units, however, we are now allowing additional bathrooms. Manager Cofer stated that if we go back to the original concept - the Board was approached on whether or not to retain(Mr. Goodman) those 5 units for a snack bar, and the Board allowed him to do that, pending him getting a use permit, which he did,and he did not proceed with the project, and now the parcel has been sold. Manager Cofer stated that he is now concerned that perhaps with approval of this transfer, both lots could be developed. Attorney Weidman stated that the condition Mr. Tout mentioned covers that this would not go into development rights, as far as the sewer permit is concerned. These units would not be put back into random selection, it was only if there was a permit available that was not random selection and we had adequate capacity for every one. ROBERT TOUT TSF OF SEWER UNITS. Regular Meeting -3- May 15, 1980 MR. TOUT (Continued) Mr. Tout stated he is merely asking the the transfer not be forced on him but that he be allowed to make the transfer. Mr. Tout also explained to the Board the reasons that Goodman did not proceed with the permit for the snack bar, which was because of transpor- tation problems the City was having at that time. Director Wynn stated that he feels we are rushing something that the City has not taken final action on, and he feels that it would be appropriate for this Board to consider action following the City action. He also stated that we, as a Board, are going to be compelled to look towards an Ordinance that will help set guidelines for programs to go be. We may have to have a committee and staff study this and come up with a recommendation. Mr. Tout stated that in view of the fact that the City has agreed to transfer the 5 units, can this Board act on the basis that the City will transfer the five units on their Consent Calendar, at their next meeting? Director Wynn stated that he feels we must weigh things on our own as a Board. Mr. Tout asked if this Board could approve his transfer conditioned on the City passing this and approving the transfer? Attorney Weidman explained to Mr. Tout that Director Wynn is saying that this District should have an overall policy established first before we pass on anything in this field. Director Jones stated that this Board has been receptive in the past to Mr. Tout's request, and that it had been discussed it would be easier if we took an individual request one at a time. Regular Meeting -4- May 15, 1980 MR. TOUT (Continued) Director Jones moved that we accept Mr. Tout's proposal to allow the transfer of the 5 sewer units to the other parcel contingent upon the City making their decision as proposed for their Consent Calendar for their next regular meeting, and that these five(transfer)units are not to go back into alloca- tion system. Director Kashuba seconded. All units to be transferred; not partial. VOTES: AYES: President Olson, Directors Kashuba, Madden and Jones. NOES: Director Wynn. Carried. Director Wynn and Director Jones will be .the members for this Committee. MANAGER'S REPORT: None. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: None. PROGRAM MANAGER'S REPORTS: Ail wastewater operators who work for South Tahoe Public Utility District are certified by the State WRCB. We had three operators-in-training, until they received word this past week of passing their state exam. There were twelve men who took certification exams on April 12th and five have received verification that they were successful. The treatment plant had no violations for the month of April; Indian Creek violations were pH and unionized ammonia. On May 1st the work on the TATA #2WELL was completed and the chlorination of that area was stopped. After a few days, water samples were taken and two samples turned up positive so again chlorination was started. Contamination now appears to be somewhere in the system and we are trying to locate this. Construction work on the pipeline project, which was stopped last Oct., is now starting to get underway again and is scheduled for compeltion late June. Water system leaks are again keeping the maintenance crew busy, but we are staying ahead of them. COMMITTEE FOR SEWER ORDINANCE TRANSFER. ~NAGER'S REPORT. ATTORNEY'S REPORT. WASTEWATER OPERATIONS REPORT. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS REPORT. Regular Meeting -5- May 15, 1980 The City Fire Dept. has reported that there are seven fire hydrants in the system that have been damaged through the winter months and would like to have repaired; this is a high priority project and these hydrants will be repaired as quickly as possible. HELEN WELL #2 was pulled last week and will be rehabilitated for water lubrication and resetting next week. WATER PRODUCTION FOR APRIL 1980 April MG 1979 1980 Well Prod. 59.3 Cold Creek Div. 42.9 Totals: 102.2 Cal. Yr. to Date: 71.4 28.7 100.0 % Change 20.4 (33.1) (2.1) 1979 1980 % Change Well Prod. 263.6 282.0 6.9 Cold Crk. Div. 165.2 121.5 (26.5) TOTALS: 428.8 403.5 ( 5.9)" MR. DAN HEINRICHS APPEARED THIS EVENING TO DISCUSS ALTERNATIVES RE ALPINE COUNTY DISPOSAL ALTERNATIVE: Mr. Heinricks stated that CWC has been talking with C. Burr and the Diamond Ditch people as to how the water will be distributed. He pointed out the areas where the lines for distribution will be. He also gave an up-to-date written report on this subject. He stated that next week they will be working out details on proposed contracts. Manager Cofer stated that we are proposing to take 500 acres of HEISE LAND and operate a sprinkler system; we would build and operate this system. Manager Cofer also stated that if Lahontan will not accept the water that goes to Neddenriep and Bruns, and if they say there must be a tail water system, then we cannot do that. We should obtain a decision from Lahontan as to whether or not they will accept this concept. There is more study to do on this, Manager Cofer stated, and we will report back to the board with the contracts, etc. Attorney Weidman stated that he did tell Mr. H. Bruns that we would go to him and his group before we go to the Board of Supervisors. ALPINE COUNTY DISPOSAL ALTERNATIVES. Regular Meeting -6- May 15, 1980 (1) AMENDMENTS TO WATER ORDINANCE NO. 250. Section 3: 3.1; SECTION 8.3; SECTION 10.3 and SECTION 10.4 have been amended. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (2) PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WATER TANKS AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. New tank at Cold Creek for 500,000; pipeline from Tank to our service areas and another 100,000 gallon tank on TATA LANE with a new pipeline, fire hydrants will also be included. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (3)FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWER PROJECT: (a) Amendment to CSO Contract in the amount of $54,876.00 for inspections for 1980. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (b) Amendment to Pillsbury Contract for $48,400.00 which provides for per diem, construction management and inspection costs. Manager Cofer stated that Mr. Pillsbury has been asked to document this request. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, and that there be a better accounting and breakdown of costs. Director Jones stated that definitely we should have a better accounting. -- This is to be monthly. Unanimously carried. (C) AMENDMENT/PILLSBURY CONTRACT, $30,000 (Survey and office engineering has been deleted from this - needs more review, Manager Cofer stated). Comments were made that we should not have to pay for surveyors to come from Reno. Mr. Pillsbury did notify the District in April of an over- run in his contract in the amount of $52,000.00, and Manager Cofer stated that it appears to be appropriate, except for the Inspector Resident Engineer and the Per Diem Cost we are questioning. ORD.NO. 312 AMENDING #250. APPROVED. AUTHORIZE BIDS/WATER TANKS & DIST. SYSTEM. APPROVED. APPROVE CSO AMENDMENT REQUEST. FALLEN LEAF COSTS/PILLSBURY ACCOUNT MONTHLY. Regular Meeting -7- May 15, 1980 Manager Cofer recommended that: The Board authorize $30,000 for overrun, and authorize that a CPA certify that a Resident Inspection and the per diem represented actual amounts, plus the appropriate overhead at his cost. Mr. Pillsbury is agreeable to document those costs in more detail before we take further action. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried the $30,000 be approved for the W.F.Pillsbury Contract and that a letter be sent to Mr. Pillsbury expressing the Board's dissatisfaction with the accounting methods of W. F. Pillsbury for this project. Byars and Pillsbury progress payments to be reviewed thoroughly in the future, by Staff and the Finance Committee. (5) POLICY RE RETURN OF SEWER CONNECTION DEPOSITS: Manager Cofer recommended the following~licy for consideration: When a sewer permit allocation has been cancelled or voluntarily withdrawn, it will be reallocated by the City of South Lake Tahoe or the County of E1 Dorado. After the holder of the new allocation has paid the connection depost, the South Tahoe PUD will refund all connecticn fees paid by the original depositor, plus simple interest at the rate of six percent (6%) for the period we have held the deposit. Manager Cofer recommended approval. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. (6) Authorize Budget to Purchase TROUT, INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR. Tabled. (7) Legal Action to Collect Delinquent Assessment District Charges on Lots Located on Forest Service Property. Manager Cofer recommended that this matter be turned over to Attorney J.C.Weidman. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the Legal Action to Collect Delinquent Assessment be turned over to Attorney Weidman for action. APPROVE $30,000 PILLSBURY CONTRACT. POLICY/SEWER CONNECTION DEPOSITS APPROVED. PURCHASE OF TROUT TABLED. DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS/ U.S.F.S.PROPERTY. Regular Meeting -8- May 15, 1980 (9) RESOLUTION APPROVING PURCHASE OF FIXED TIME CERTIFICATE. Director RESOLUTION Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden. Carried. NO. 2183. (10) RESOLUTION APPROVING THE OPENING OF A DEPOSIT ACCOUNT. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried. (11) RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2173 ADDING BANK OF AMERICA TO THE ACCOUNT. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2184. RESOLUTION NO. 2185. RESOLUTIONS APPROVED... PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones,unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $387,542.24 be approved as recommended. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS APPROVED. NOTICE OF MEETINGS (Manager Cofer) 1. 5/16/80 Mitigation Task Force 1:30 PM. District Offices. NOTICE OF MEETINGS 2. 5/22/80 District Securities Approval Fallen Leaf Lake Permittees Bonds at Los Angeles. (Directors Olson & Jones will attend). 3. 5/21/-23/80 4. 6/2/80 4. 6/5/80 ADJOURNMENT: California Water Agencies Los Angeles. Workshop - Agenda Items 4 pm State Water Resources Control Board Workshop re Grant Priority Problems, Sacramento at 10:00 A.M. Meeting w/Carla Bard to be rescheduled sometime in June. 6:00 P.M. K..~_.~Walter "~eal" Oi~6n, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Mar~f D. '_A~br6Se, ~Ie~ of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District JUNE 5, 1 9 8 0 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 6/5/80, 4:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors W.N. Olson, L.L. Kashuba, J.Wynn, M. Madden and J.R.Jones Also present: Manager/Engineer J.R.Cofer, Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Assistant Engineer R. Baer, W. Dunckhorst and G.Plasterer. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA (1) BID OPENING OF Headstart Program Manager Cofer stated that the bids were opened at 2:00 P.M. and 3 bids were received prior to 2:00 P.M. and a fourth bid after 2:00 P.M., approximately at 2:02 P.M. The fourth bid was not opened and at the bid opening Manager Cofer stated this would be considered today at this regular Board Meeting. Attorney Weidman stated that he has been contacted by three attorneys, and he was also requested to contact W. R. Thomason, Inc. He told them this matter would be before the Board today and that he would recommend no decision. All of the attorneys indicated they would be here, or their representatives. Attorney Weidman asked those present to introduce themselves: Mr. John Lemmon, Attorney for John Otto Inc. Attorney Weidman also stated that Carl Otto did call him concerning this matter. From John F. Otto, Inc. also present: John McCibbin and Dave Weatheroff. From W. R. Thomason Inc. - Present were Bill Thomason, owner; Barnie Gattey, Mr. Sorton Jones - Attorney, and Mr. James E. Gillie. Mr. Thomason stated that the Underground Contractors Association did not send a representative today. Attorney Weidman stated that the Thomason representative, according to the District, arrived two minutes late, and according to the contention of Thomason - the representative was here timely. Attorney Weidman also stated that for the record Bill Ettlich of CWC is here and Bob Baer - Assistant District Engineer are present. ROLL CALL BID OPENING DISCUSSION. REGULAR MEETING -2- 6/5/80 Manager Cofer stated we received the following 3 bids: Pacific Mechanical 888 Castro St. Richmond, CA 94802 ~,420,000 Homer J. Olsen, Inc. 2726 Lynch Way Union City, CA 94587 $5,480,000 John F. Otto, Inc. General Contractor PO BOX 2858 Sacramento, CA 95812 $5,276,000 and a fourth bid which is unopened and placed in the safe. Manager Cofer did tell the fourth bidder that he would receive in the bid and mark the time he thought it arrived, and that he would refer the matter to the Board, keep custody of that bid, and not open it. Attorney Weidman reminded the Board that we do have to have State and EPA approval to award this contract. He recommended that the Board have a full hearing on this matter a week from today. Attorney Weidman asked Mr. Thomason and his Attorney Sorton Jones if they want the Board to open their bid and consider that along with all the other bids. They agreed this is their request. Mr. Otto requests that since he called attention to the fact the bid was late, he requests this Board not to open that bid of Thomason, and that this Board determine that John F. Otto, Inc. is the lowest, responsive responsible bidder, and that the Board indicate its intent to award the contract to John F. Otto, Inc., subject to review and approval by the State and the EPA. Otto's Representative stated.. that is summarizing their position. Again, Attorney Weidman recommended to the Board to schedule a full hear- ing on this matter and then make a decision; each party should su~it in writing to the Board the facts, and what their legal contentions are; findings of fact and conclusions of law should be made promptly by this Board and send to EPA - everything should be considered in this matter. Regular Meeting -3- Attorney Weidman also requested an Executive Session regarding this matter since this does involve a threat of potential litigation. Attorney Weidman stated that Manager Cofer and himself, Mr. Beer and Mr. Ettlich have not discussed the factual aspect of this case with any Board Member. Mr. J. Wynn did come in this morning, Manager Cofer stated, and he is aware of the problems, however, not of the detailed facts. Attorney Weidman also stated that a representative from the Underground Contractors Association stated to him that he believes a hearing is necessary. Mr. Sorton Jones requested access to the other bids and Attorney Weidman stated he would have that. Attorney Weidman also stated that the District will have available all those people that were involved in this matter. ADDITONS TO AGENDA XIV (9) Request of E. Kuraisa (10)Burton Santini Tahoe Bill, 7306 HR DEFER: XIV (6) and (8) to 6/19/80 CONSENT CALENDAR (1) Disposal of Surplus Equipment by Sale or Outright Disposal. (2) Sewer Unit County Increase. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, consent calendar be approved. June 5, 1980 HEARING SCHEDULED FOR 6/12/80 3:45 P.M. (Adj. Meeting) EXT. OF TIME SEWER DEPOSIT CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED. REGULAR ME~TING -4- June 5, 1980 MINUTES: Director Madden moved seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried minutes of 5/15/80 be approved as submitted. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS None. SHOP STEWARDS REPORT None. NON-AGENDA ITEMS G. Tierney, general partner of Sierra Development, Ltd. Athletic Club. He stated that right now they do not have the money to make the deposit for their permit; escrow will close on the 17th of June for their loan, and he has requested 30 days extension for this payment to be made. Manager Cofer stated that this request is similar to the one of Mrs. Kuraisa added to the agenda this evening. Manager Cofer recommended this action and/or discussion be deferred to Item×IV (9) ALONG WITH MRS. KURAISA'S request. Manager Cofer stated that the purpose of the deposits was to finance the Headstart Program; we will be required, before the State authorizes us to award a contract, to demonstrate that we do have the local funds to meet the cash flow; the three bids received are higher than our estimate; we are now in the process of going through a revised cash flow analysis. Manager Cofer recommended that no extensions be approved for deposits, unless we are certain we would have the money in time for the State to make an award of contract (30 days). Mrs. Kuraisa's 30-days have expired. Director Kashuba stated that Mrs. Kuraisa advised her she was working on a low-cost housing project through HUD. If this is the case, she will not be included in Commercial - but a special category, which requires a project - and Manager Cofer stated that no one has taken out permit/application for such as that. Mr. J. Fredricksen stated that Mrs. Kuraisa was assigned commercial units from last year's system (1979) - 17 units. MINUTES APPROVED 5/15/80 BOARD REPORTS NONE. SHOP STEWARD No Report. NON-AGENDA ITEM .... G. Tierney REQUEST FOR TIME EXTENSION ON DEPOSITS FOR SEWER CONNECTIONS. Regular Meeting -5- 6/5/80 Director Madden stated that she would like to have from Mrs. Kuraisa in writing that she is attempting to obtain a loan from the Federal Government. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn that Kuraisa's request be denied. Director Kashuba stated that the District advise Mrs. Kuraisa of this Board's decision and also that it be mentioned there is a category for subsidized housing she can pursue. G. TIERNEY - Manager Cofer recommended that any action on this request be postponed to the 19th of JUNE 1980, 5:00 PM. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. BOARD ACTION ITEM XIV (7) SEWER TRANSFER POLICY (a) Proposed Policy. Manager Cofer stated that the Policy recommendation from the Committee (Jones/Wynn) needs more study and requested meeting to be set up on this. Board will be advised. Director Madden moved, seconded by Jones, Carried. (b) EBRIGHT, HR - Transfer of Sewer Units, parcel number 18 090 46 10. Director Wynn moved that we approve the EBRIGHT request for transfer, seconded by Director Madden that this transfer is a residential to residential, and same unanimously carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND/OR MEETINGS 5/16/80 Mitigation Task Force 5/21/80 Meeting re HR 7306 Burton/Santini Bill 5/22/80 District Securities Meeting re Fallen Leaf Lake Permittees Sewer Project Bonds 5/21-23/80 Association of California Water Agencies 6/2/80 Workshop agenda items. 6/5/80 Workshop - SWRCB re grant Priority Problems. KURAISA REQUEST FOR PAYMENT EXTENSION(PERMIT) DENIED. G. TIERNEY SIERRA DEV.LTD. ATHLETIC CLUB. POSTPONED. SET ANOTHER MEET- ING RE TRANSFER POLICY -(Any requests for transfers now be delayed) EBRIGHT TRANSFER OF SEWER UNITS APPROVED. None for Committee Reports. WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND MEETINGS. Manager Cofer also reported that the Sofar Project, Measure "C", passed comfortably in E1 Dorado County. Prop. #1 did not pass (purchase of lots at Tahoe). Alpine County Supervisors - W. Neddenreip, Bill Freeman were both re elected; S. Merrill (Sheriff) was elected as a new member. District Attorney of Alpine County has resigned. MANAGER'S REPORT Regular Meeting -6- 6/5/80 Manager Cofer and Director Kashuba attended the work- shop where the State Board Considered the Request on Fallen Leaf Lake Permittees for a Grant on their collection system. He stated he felt the State Board is very nega- tive to this request. The State Staff did recommend we reallocate the grant funds so the permittees would have a larger share of the funds; we did point out to them, Manager Cofer stated, that would seriously jeopardize the Assessment District and would require a re-hearing on the assessments. Met with Carla Bard and State Staff on a number of items. Director Kashuba stated that we explained to the State Board what the Mitigation Task Force is doing; level of effort extended. We wanted to find out if we are heading in the right direction to assist us in obtaining the EPA funds - EPA did tell us we should be talking to the State Board. Ail of the agencies in the basin have been participating in the Mitigation Task Force and the sub-committees have been working on such things as the inventory of lots, mapping system, remedial erosion control measures, etc. The State Board seemed pleased with our report, and that this was the first time they had seen this type of combined effort, and it would certainly add to our creditability when funds were available. Manager Cofer stated the Santini Bill was also discussed as was the expansion of the Facilities Planning Program. Manager Cofer stated he also met with the State Staff to find out what the prospects were for increas- ing our grant on the Headstart since the bids came in higher than the grant application indicated. They indicated to him that there is four million dollars set aside for bids that come in higher than the estimates and it is on a first come and first serve basis, so it is important that we get down there with our revised application. Manager Cofer stated he became quite disturbed when the State staff indicated to him that we are well down on the priority list in the "C" category. MANAGER'S REPORT. Regular Meeting -7- Manager Cofer further stated that it is his understanding that at the April 10, 1980 meeting in Susanville - the Lahontan Board took an action to recommend we be elevated to a "B" priority. The State staff said they received no communica- tion from the Lahontan Board on that recommendation. Carla Bard stated they received no communica- tion from Lahontan. President Olson stated that at the 4/10/80 meeting, it was approved that the South Tahoe PUD be elevated to the "B" category. Mr.Hampson stated that the project this District has proposed has at all times been a "C". He further stated that he did put on the agenda for the Susanville meeting, to have this project elevated from a "C" to a "B". Immediately following that public hearing, there came a decision from the courts, which clouded that issue, and the Lahontan Board Members requested a recommendation, and to write up justification for that recommended elevation. The Regional Board discussed this at Vacaville, and it was decided to not taken any action until the final judgement is made. Mr. Hampson stated no additional information has been received from the courts; again, Mr. Hampson stated that at the 5/8/80 Regional Board Session, they decided to take no action until the final decision from the courts is out. The League to Save Lake Tahoe following the 4/10/80 meeting, wrote a letter to the State WRCB not recommending elevation to a "B" priority. 'Mr. Hampson stated there are serious problems here; could result in pollution; he believes we do need the money. However, he has to acknowledge the judgement of the Court and so does the Regional Board. Next Wednesday he will be meeting with the Judge where he will clarify his position. J.C.Weidman stated that Mr. Bunnell on the 15th of May 1980, submitted proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law to the Judge for signature; the Attorney General and Mr. weidman had 15 days to respond. Mr.Weidman submitted objections to Mr. Bunnell's submittals,~ as well as his findings and facts. 6~5/80 PRIORITY RATINGS R. HAMPSON EXPLANATION RE MEETINGS IN SUSANVILLE AND VICTORVILLE. Regular Meeting 8 6~5/8o Director Kashuba stated that the South Tahoe Public Utility District declined to join in the Hubbell suit, as did the City of South Lake Tahoe; we had no intention of asking for the removal of the Cease and Desist, nor did the City suggest that be done either. Director Jones stated that this District felt it was in the best interest of this District, and the City felt it was in the best interest of the community, to not join in that suit. He further stated that he hopes we can work with Lahontan and try to get something done as soon as possible. Attorney weidman asked Mr. Hampson if the Judge on Wednesday does make the decision on what he reported in Victorville, would Mr. Hampson then feel it would be within his authority to immediately write up the justification for the recommended priority from "C" to "B" and get it down to the State so when they are deciding on what the priorities are and what changes they will make, they would have that recommenda- tion from you or Lahontan. Mr. Hampson stated he feels comfortable with that. Lynn Smith, member of the Regional Board,also stated that it depends completely on the decision of the Judge. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. Weidman stated he did attend the Joyce Hearing; matter is under submission. R. BAER: Mr. Baer explained the program for the Water System Improvements; they (R. Baer, W. Dunckhorst and B. Ettlich) have been working to obtain the permits; we have not been on the CTRPA agenda as yet. New date for bid opening is July 9, 1980. B. FISCHER : Mr. Fischer presented copies of the1979-80 sewer and water budget comparisons for the ten months ended April 30, 1980. ATTORNEY'S REPORT PROGRAM MANAGER'S REPORTS. Asst. Engineer Finance Regular Meeting -9- ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION 1. Mr. John S. Popovich. Mr. Weidman, Cofer and Hampson inspected the structure of Mr. Popovich; there was a complete living structure up- stairs that had 2 baths, a kitchen and washing facility. Mr. Popovich stated that was not connected to the sewer - the water was connected from the garage to his house without obtaining a permit. Manager Cofer stated he has no sewer permit and no legal water connection. Mr. Popovich did speak on his behalf. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that Mr. Popovich be directed to disconnect the water, and to file a complaint with the City that what he has built there is not in accordance with the Building Permit, and express- ing our concern on the oversight. (b) CAMELOT INN. No action. (c) OXYGEN SPECIALTY SUPPLY COMPANY WAREHOUSE Manager Cofer stated there is a living unit upstairs in this warehouse and there is no sewer permit for same, and recommended that the Board direct staff to have this disconnected and file a complaint with the City that what was built there was not in accordance with the permit. Mr. Withrow, owner, spoke on his behalf regarding this living quarter upstairs. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that Mr. Withrow dis- connect the excess sewer units, or that within 30 days he can report to us that he is going through the proper procedures to obtain a Special Use Permit from the City. 6/5/80 POPOVICH DIRECTED TO DISCONNECT WATER/SEWER. Follow-Up on complaince. DISCONNECT EXCESS SEWER UNITS, OR OBTAIN SPECIAL USE PERMIT FROM CITY. (Spec. Oxy.) Regular Meeting -10- 6/5/80 HEADSTART PROGRAM: (a) Manager Cofer stated because of the uncertainty on the low bid and how we are going to proceed, he requested we defer action on the contract. (b) Mr. Euing of CWC was introduced to the Board - he spoke of his past experience in the construc- tion inspection field to the Board. (c) Special Advisory Panel (David C. Argo and Murli Tolaney. Manager Cofer recommended this be deferred. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO FACILITY PLANNING PROGRAM: Mitigation Program. Manager Cofer stated that this proposal is coming out of the Mitigation Task Force (MTF) - one of the first things dis- covered in the MTF is that so many agencies are doing activities and many overlapping and we really need to have the MTF proceed as a body to coordinate all of the activities of the different agencies; none of the agencies have that body they can make available - it is a full time job. EPA and the State have indicated that they would look favorably toward a proposed amend- ment to our Facilities Planning Grant for that type of coordina- tion activity. Manager Cofer is proposing a $25,000 program, to be done by consultant, and look to the MTF to help us solicit that consultant. Manager Cofer recommended we submit this to the State for Approval. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. SUMMER HELP PROGRAM: (a) I/I INspection Program, and (b) Wastewater Treatment Plant/Painting Program. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously Carried. FALLEN LEAF LAKE pE~4ITTEES ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1979-1 (1) RESOLUTION NO. 2186 DETERMINING UNPAID ASSESSMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. GRANTS PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR AND ACCOUNTANT: Manager Cofer stated that R. Heng will be appointed as the Grants Manager/Coordinator, and we are advertising for an Accountant. HEADSTART PROGRAM, BID OPENING. DEFER ACTION. AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT TO STATE FOR FUNDING APPROVAL. APPROVED. APPROVED RESOLUTION N0.2186 GRANTS COORDINATOR AND ACCOUNTANT. REGULAR MEETING -11- 6/5/80 MEETING: Director Kashuba, Manager Cofer, City Manager Milbrodt, Councilman N. Woods and discussed the Burton/Santini Bill. Director Kashuba stated that the City is going to make a presentation at the Congressional Hearing on 6/13/80 based on that we need the funding for acquisition of properties. Director Kashuba was asked to also make a presenta- tion at the hearing concerning the efforts of the Mitigation Task Force; they are trying to document four congressmen on what is being done in the basin to offer some input that the ability to handle the acqusition of properties should involve local government. There will be four different units participate in this. BURTON/ SANTINI BILL. Approved Director Kashuba to make Presenta- tion Director Kashuba was authorized to speak and inform them what the activities of the Mitigation Task Force are; and to support the City of South Lake Tahoe in their presentation. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: NOTICE OF MEETINGS. 6/16/80 6/19/80 6/20/80 Workshop Agenda Items State Water Resources Control Board, Adoption of Grant Priority List. Mitigation Task Force PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $350,311.14 be approved. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS APPROVED. ADJOURNMENT: Sessionl also - adjourned to 6/12/80 3:45 P.M. 6:35 P.M. to an Executive ADJOURNED TO AN EXEC. SESSION AT 6:35 P.M. ~r "Heal" Olson, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: M~E D..~Lmbrose, Clerk o~ Boara South T~hoe Public Utility District HEARING & ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 1 2, 1 9 8 0 3:45 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session for a hearing on the bid opening for the Headstart Facilities, and whether or not to open the fourth bid received on this project. ROLL CALL: Present were President W. N. Olson, Directors L.L. Kashuba, J.Wynn, M. Madden, J.R. Jones. Also present were Manager J.R.Cofer, J.C.Weidman, Attorney, Clerk of Board, Assistant Engineer R. Baer, W. Ettlich of CWC. Also present were W. R. Thomason, his Attorney S. Allison, Project Manager for Thomason Inc. B. Gattey, and James E. Gillie nd employee. Also present were Carl Otto, General Manager, Attorney J. Lemmon and J. Lemmon, Jr. and J. McCibbin, Dave Weatheral. Also another visitor was Ralph Coleman who worked for the Otto Company last year and he is an interested party only today; he is also a sub-contractor for the Otto Bid. Attorney weidman stated he did get a tape record- ing of the bid opening and asked if it was at all audible; Mr. Coleman stated he knows what the tape says, and most can understand it. Attorney weidman asked Mary Ambrose, as Clerk of the Board, if she had a bid delivered to her from W. R. Thomason, Inc., right after the bid opening on 6/3/80, and did she put same in the same, under her custody, ever since. She replied yes. A packet has been distributed to all in attendance at this meeting containing excerpts from the minutes, etc., of which are 12 exhibits attached. All originals will be attached to the minutes. Attorney Weidman asked each District Employee if that was their statement given that is included in the packets - they responded it was. ROLL CALL EXCERPTS OF MINUTES OF 6/5/80; STATEMENTS FROM DISTRICT PERSONNEL, ETC. Hearing/Adjourned Meeting -2- Attorney Weidman asked if there were any questions regarding what the District employees or Manager Cofer stated by either W. R. Thomason or Otto. He requested the questions be directed to him or to President Olson. Questions were asked regarding statements of L. Eddy and A. Mondelle as to where these two employees were standing, and what they were doing. Also a question was asked as to how the signal was given re the time, and where the Manager was sitting/standing, etc. Mr. James E. Gillie also told his side of the story as to how he came into the foyer, etc. There was a recess called for 5 minutes to allow the attorney and clients to read the statements given them. Questions were then asked of R. Rattaro, A. Mondelle regard- ing their statements. They did identify Mr. James E. Gillie also. Mr. W. Ettlich was also asked questions as to what happened while he was in the Board Room opening the bids. Mr. Ettlich explained his position to those present. Mr. Gillie stated that he had been here at one time before to deliver a bid for another project this District had out to bid. He has been an employee of the W.R. Thomason company for 4 years and he is 22 years old. No further questions were asked. Attorney Weidman stated that Mr. Coleman had a tape recorded that we had difficulty with. He asked Mr. Coleman if he thought he could under- stand the tape and he replied that he could. Mr. Coleman told what he believed the tape recorder said; he stated that the young man from W.R. Thomason rushed into the room and the tape recorder did pick up his voice, which Mr. Coleman stated was after 2:00 P.M. 6/12/80 Hearing/Adjourned Meeting 3 6/5/80 Attorney J.C.W~idman stated that the initial request is from W.R. Thomason, Inc. for us to open their bid. Mr. Allison stated that his position or that of W.R. Thomason, Inc. is that Mr. J.E.Gillie was here prior to 2:00 P.M. on 6/3/80. Attorney Lemmon stated that Manager Cofer's statement establishes that the bid time was closed at precisely 2:00 P.M. by telephone time and the signal from the employees. Also, that Mr. Rattaro's statement is that it was 2:00 P.M. and following that he walked into the Board Room,seeing no one in the foyer. He stated that exactly at 2:00 P.M. there was no showing that Mr. Gillie was present in the foyer, he was observed being in the foyer was some- time after 2:00 P.M. He strongly feels that the most likely conclusion is that Mr. Gillie was not in the reception area until after 2:00 P.M. He also stated that there is a government code in the State of California which specifically states that late bids may not be considered - Code 54735, which Attorney Weidman read. Attorney Allison stated that Mr. Gillie is not lying; secondly, the government code mentioned does not apply, in his opinion. He stated that the bid should be opened and the contract awarded to W.R. Thomason, Inc. Attorney Weidman requested that his letter of 6/12/80 be read (included in the packet). Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried, that the bid from W. R. Thomason, Inc. be accepted, that it was here prior to 2:00 P.M. on 6/3/80. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Directors Olson, Jones and Kashuba. NOES: Directors Madden, Wynn. The bid price from W. R. Thomason, Inc. was in the amount of $5,035,000, and W. Ettlich stated everything is in order. ADJOURNMENT: This hearing/meeting adjourned to 6/16/80 at 3:45 P.M. J.CWeidman's Letter Accepted. and BID FROM W.R.THOMASON INC., ACCEPTED AND OPENED. ADJOURNMENT. Hearing/Meeting NOTE: ATTEST: -4- 6/12/80 Att a~en~s~ in Headsta~ Facilities Planning ~les,.~X :' k,~ _~ter "N~al" Olson, ~resident South Tahoe Public Utility District ~dd~' b.' >m~-r6se, Clerk o~ ~6~rd South ~h~e Public Utility District ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 16, 1980 3:45 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session on 6/16/80 at 3:45 P.M. in the Board Room. Present were President W.N. Olson, Directors L.L. Kashuba, J. Wynn, M. Madden and J.R. Jones. Also present were Manager J.R. Cofer, R. Baer, Attorney J.C. Weidman, B. Ettlich, Clerk of Board and interested visitors. President Olson stated that the adjourned meeting is held to consider award of contract for the HEADSTART PROGRAM, which will be subject to the approval of the State and E P A. CONSIDER THE AWARD OF CONTRACT/ HEADSTART PROGRAM. W. Ettlich, Engineer for CWC, stated that the bid is in order. Attorney Weidman stated that an award of contract is to be considered by an Ordinance subject to the State Water Resources Control Board and the Environmental Protection Agency. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn: that the bi~ Zor the headstart Program from W. R. Thomason, Inc. be accepted, subject to the approval of SWRCB and EPA. Cash Analysis was also discussed. ADJOURNMENT: 4:00 P.M. Noes: Directors Kashuba and Madden. AYES: Directors Olson, ~,~fnn and Jones CONTRACT AWARD- ED TO W. R. THOMASON, INC. ORD. NO. 313. CARRIED. ~ .......... , C~ _ ADJo~RNM'ENT ' ~ 'W~a..l~.-er- ~Neal"-0-1sOn: ~'resident ~-~____~uth Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: ~4~y D.,.?A~brose: Clerk of Board South ~hoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 19, 1980 4:00 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public UtJ~ty District met in a regular session 6/19/80, 4:00 P.M., Board Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N. Olson, Directors Kashuba, Wynn, Madden and Jones. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C. Weidman, R. Baer, B. Fischer, M. Adams, Pat Lowe, Mike Heller - Tribune. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: XIV (9) Add Kuraisa and Tierney requests for extension for payment. XIV (10) Burton/Santini Bill (7306 HR) CONSENT CALENDAR: President Olson stated that the Salary Adjustment for Confidential Employees will be removed from the consent calendar, and the Board will adjourn to an executive session to discuss same. (1) Salary Adjustment-Union Employees per Section 9 of the Memorandum of Understanding. Approve Resolution No. 2187, for salary adjustment of 14.65% effective 7/3/80. (2) Confidential Employees - Referred to Exec. Session. (3) Salary for Manager/Engineer, Ordinance No. 314, approving salary of $3,959/Month. (4) RESOLUTION NO. 2189, A resolution adding to and making a part of the annual assessment levied upon the land upon which sewer service and/or water service and/ or street lighting was used and charges therefore unpaid at the time of fixing the rate of taxes 1980-81 Fiscal year. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, consent calendar be approved, except for Item #2. MINUTES: Defer. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Kashuba stated that she did make the presentation at the State (MTF) and they commended the presentation as a cooperative panel, and we were asked for additional information from Congressman Clauson as to where we are on the 208 Planning and how far we are on zero discharge. The MTF will be working on this, Director Kashuba stated. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Mike Adams stated no report. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Director Kashuba stated no report; she gave a piece of legislative ROLL CALL CONSENT CALENDAR #1 and # 3 and #4 approved. MINUTES: Defer. Director Kashuba made presentation before the Congressional Sub-Committee on BURI~N/SANTINI Bill. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT. REGULAR MEETING -2- material to John C. Weidman for CASA for his recommenda- tions. President Olson stated that he and Director Wynn have met several times and one personnel session which will go into an executive session following this meeting. SEWER TRANSFER COMMITTEE Director Wynn stated the committee did meet, there were also workshops held, and have prepared a rough draft on this transfer ordinance, which the Directors have in their packets this evening. Manager Cofer stated it would be very helpful to the Staff if we could get a policy on this. He suggested this be deferred. WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND/OR MEETINGS: Manager Cofer reported the following workshop sessions and/or meetings ~0 Met with the City Council 6/11/80 City of South Lake Tahoe Planning Commission re Sewer problems. 6/12/80 ADJOURNED BOARD MEETING. Construction Bids, Head- start Program. 6/13/80 Sub-Committee on National Parks and Insular Affairs Hearing HR 7306 6/16/80 Workshop, Agenda Items and Water Systems. CO~ENTS FROM AUDIENCE: NON AGENDA ITEMS Mrs. Pat Lowe was welcomed to the meeting as our newly elected Supervisor. She appeared this evening to inquire of the charges re street lighting. She stated that there are approximately 10 people that have the benefit of one light in here area, and if each are paying between $39-49.00 for one light, that amounts to over $400.00 for one light. She stated she spoke with the Power Company and the one quote she received was $12.85 per month, and Mr. Cooper told her it was $8.85 for one light. She stated that this is quite high, and she would like to know what is being done with the rest of the money the District is receiving for street lighting. Manager Cofer stated we are now in the process of trying to prepare a response to Mrs. Lowe. We are the 6/19/80 COMMITTEE REPORTS. SEWER TRANSFER ORDINANCE COMMITTE] MEETINGS. PAT LOWE RE STREET LIGHT- ING CHARGES. Regualr Meeting -3- middle man in this matter. There are two problems: the ever escalat- ing cost of power, and the agree- ments that we would charge on a front footage basis rather than per light. He has not dis- covered those agreements as of this time. Manager Cofer stated we are going to need some of Attorney Weidman's time to look into the agreements and report back to the Board at the next regular meeting. Manager Cofer stated we receive complaints continuously on the street lighting charges. MANAGER COFER stated that R. Heng will hand-carry to the State our request for authorization to award the Headstart Contract. Attorney Weidman stated that he has prepared the Ordinance for Award of Contract, and he also has prepared the Findings and Facts of Conclusions, and copies will be sent to EPA and the State , and he asked that a copy also be included in the packet to be hand-carried tomorrow to the State. ATTORNEY WEIDMAN stated that Mr. Cofer saw Ann Schneider, Water Lawyer of Downey, Brand, Seymour Firm, and he has sent all the information to her to do the routine monitoring change in place of diversion with Globin Water System. Manager Cofer stated he has requested a proposal from her for this work. REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGER'S Gary Plasterer: "During recent pipeline work, the treatment plant pumped 35 mg of secondary treated waste to our 60 mg emergency holding pond. At the present time, we are returning approximately 1 mg for treatment and export to Indian Creek Reservoir. Operations and Maintenance de- watered, cleaned, inspected and repaired where necessary our secondary system and all separation beds during the surge line installation. The treatment plant met all Lahontan requirements for the month of May but had violations aG Indian Creek Reservoir. The violations were dissolved oxygen, pH and unionized ammonia." 6/19/80 MANAGER'S REPORT. ATTORNEY'S REPORT. WASTEWATER OPERATIONS REPORT. REGULAR MEETING -4- Bill Ettlich gave a report on the Modification to Sodium Hydroxide System. He stated an 8' x 24' addition is needed. An outside contractor would do the basic structure and then forced account labor to do the electrical and mechanical, etc. The total cost would be slightly less than $30,000.00, including engineering, contractors profit, overhead, etc. Manager Cofer stated that the specifications will be prepared and will get back to the Board for consideration. Director Wynn asked if the employees of the District could do this project during their regular work schedule and Mr. Ettlich stated yes they could. Director Jones also asked Mr. Ettlich if this system could be used if we go into the secondary plant system. Mr. Ettlich stated there is a good chance for that. HEADSTART PLANT IMPROVEMENTS (1) Contract with CWC for Construction Inspection in the amount of $298,617.00. Manager Cofer stated this is eligible for grant funding, and the local share would be approximately $37,000.00. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. (2) SPECIAL ADVISORY PANEL: David C. Argo - $16,820.00 Murli Tolaney - $19,928.00 Manager Cofer stated these are not grant eligible and recommended approval. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. FALLEN LEAF LAKE PERMITTEES SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM. (1) Construction Contract. Manager Cofer stated 4 bids were received: Wunschel & Small Inc Fair Oaks, CA 95628 CFB Cons. 2820 Auburn Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95821 $173,704.00 $192,385.00 H.M. Byars Cons. Co. Box 10047 Reno, NV 89510 $229,377.50 T.W. Cons. Co. PO BOX 6286 Reno, NV 89513 $295,985.30 6/19/80 REPORT ON SODIUM HYDROXIDE SYSTEM. APPROVE CWC CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION CONTRACT. APPROVE CONTRACT WITH ADVISORY PANEL. Regular Meeting -5- 6/19/80 Manager Cofer stated that the low bid is Wunschel & Small, Inc. from Fair Oaks, CA. and re- commended approval for award of Contract by Ordinance. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, contract be awarded to Wunschel and Small, Inc. in the amount of $173,704.00. (2) Inspection; Gretzinger and Weatherby Engineers. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, the inspection contract be awarded to Gretzinger and Weatherby in the amount of $19,167.00, as recommended by Manager Cofer. (3) Sale of Bonds, Stone and Youngberg. Manager Cofer recommended approval of Ordinance No. 316 awarding sale of bonds for Fallen Leaf Lake Permittees Collection System. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. POLICY RE APPROVAL OF INCREASES IN SEWER UNITS Past policy has been that a structure on a septic tank and the dwelling unit being continuously habitable for 4 years from the date of applica- tion for permit to connect to the sewer and we have always required the applicant to have proof by usually showing their past utility invoices. Another type is where upon a routine inspection at the request of the owner and we discover more sewer units than the present permit allowed and yet all investi- gation shows that use has been there for a number of years; Manager Cofer asked the Board for further clarification. President Olson stated when we find an increase of sewer units we should notify the proper agencies. Attorney Weidman stated that before we recognize additional sewer units not approved, we should call this to the attention of the City and County before we put our stamp of approval. Director Jones stated that there is going to be a need for the District to meet with the City and County regarding the Sewer Transfers and this can be brought up as another item. AWARD CONTRACT FALLEN LEAF PERMITTEES. ORD.NO. 315. APPROVE AWARD INSPECTION. Approve ORD. No.316, Sale of Bonds. Regular Meeting -6- Director Madden stated that she does not want to see the District set up as a vehicle to legitimize. Manager Cofer stated that when we do discover these, they are dis- charging to the sewer plant and whether we increase their billing or not, we are still allowing them to discharge to the plant. Manager Cofer stated that what the Board is requesting staff to do then is to receive or see confirmation from the City and / or County that the structure is in compliance with their Ordinances. The Board agreed. (4) REQUEST FOR SEWER TRANSFERS, MR. BARRY PETERS AND MR. CRAIG DAVIS The Committee will meet on this June 27, 1980, 10:00 A.M. and this will be postponed until the Ordinance for Sewer Transfers is approved. (5) AWARD OF CONTRACT TO KING KNIGHT COMPANY FOR COLD CREEK ENERGENCY GENERATOR ($7,598). Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. (6) APPLICATION FOR USE OF CALIFORNIA CONSERVATION CORPS PERSONNEL FOR EROSION CONTROL WORK Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. It was also requested to have Dick Pyle of SCS at our next workshop to discuss this also. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried that the claims in the amount of $289,393.20 be approved for payment. ADJOURNED TO AN EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 5:03 P.M. Reconvened at 5:30 PM ORDINANCE NO. 314, Approving Salary for General Manager/Engineer, of $3959/Month. RESOLUTION NO. 2188: A Resolution for Salary Adjustment for Confidential Employees, as follows: 6/19/80 POLICY RE ADDITIONAL SEWER CONNECTIONS. APPROVED AWARD OF CONTRACT TO KING KNIGHT CO. APPROVE FOR APPLICATION REQUEST. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS. APPROVE ORD.314 Manager/Engineer APPROVE RES.21~'~ Confidential Employees. Regular Meeting -7- June 19, 1980 District Clerk/Secretary Manager of Maintenance Division Assistant Manager of Maintenance Manager of Wastewater Operations Manager of Water Supply System Assistant District Engineer/ Process Engineer Finance Officer Accountant Grants Administrator There will also be a recommendation of the Manager concerning transporta- tion for the Finance Officer. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, the above salaries be approved for Confidential Employees, and that Manager Cofer bring a recommendation before the Board for transportation for the Finance Officer. ADJOURNMENT: 5:35 P.M. $1945/Month (Not in RES.) $2662/Month $2529/Month $2849/Month SALARIES $2662/Month $3262/Month $2616/Month $1500/Month $1500/Month TRANSPORTATION FINANCE OFFICER. ter~es]~%~esldent ~'~ter ' ' So. Tahoe Public Utility District ATT~E ~T SO". Ta~e Public Utility District Regular SOUTH TAHOE Meeting - July 3, 1980 4:00 P.M. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT.. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 7/3/80, 4:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N.Olson AND Directors L.L. Kashuba, J. Wyrm and J.R. Jones. ABSLNT: Director M. Madden. Also present were General ~,~nnager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. Baer - Assistant District Engineer, Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Fischer, C. Homing, R. Heng, B. Peters, M. Heller CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONSTOAGENDA. Manager Cofer requested that Consent Calendar Item #1 and #3 be removed from the Consent Calendar and placed as items Nos. 9 and 10 on Items for Board Action; that this meetJ.ng be adjourned to July 14, 1980 at 4:00 P.M. to discuss the Water System Improvements (bid opening is scheduled for July 9, 1980 at 2:00 PM). AGENDA APPROVED AS CHANGED. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried the consent calendar, as follows, be approved: (2) WATER WILL SERVE LETTER: Cassle Warehouse (Note: 2 sewer units allocated to project from 1980 co~rcial alloca- tion). CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED. (4) AU~fHORIZEVEHICLEALLOWANCE TO DISTRICT FINANCE OFFICER. (5) RESOLUTION NO. 2190, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ~ GUIDELINES IMPI.EMENTING THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT AND RESCINDING GUIDELINES HERETOFORE ADOPTED. Vehicle Allowance for Fin. Officer. RESOLUTION 2190. (CEQA) (6) INCRF~ASE OF SEWER UNITS FOR OXYGEN SUPPLY. Increase Sewer Units. (7) TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE TO HELP PAINT DISTRICT VEHICLES. Employ Temp. Personnel. MINUTES: Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that minutes of 6/5/80 be approved as changed; and minutes of 6/12, 16, and 19/80 be approved as submitted. Minutes Approved. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None. None. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT. None REPORTS: None COM~IqTEE REPORTS. None. Regular Meeting -2- July 3, 1980 REPOR~ ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS/ AND MEETINGS: Manager Cofer 6/20/80 6/25/80 6/25/80 Mitigation Task Force Meeting with Alpine County Ranchers (Afternoon) - Meeting with Attorneys re Joint Agreeamnt with South Shore Water Companies 6/27/80 6/3O/8O Workshop on Sewer Transfer Ordinance Workshop Agenda Items/Reportby SCS on Conservation Plan for Cold Creek A_rea. 7/3/80 CTRPA Meeting re Permit for Water System Improvements. Manager Cofer stated that Mr. R. Hampson had reported to him that the State will approve a grant increase of $690,000 for the Phase I of the Headstart Program; and $200,000 for Special Studies - most of the studies for which the District has already done, and we will be reimbursed through grants; also a $25,000 grant authorization for the Mitigation Task Force Coordinator. Also, Attorney Weidman stated to the Manager- appeal time has elapsed on Bids for Headstart and none have been filed, and it appears that W. R. Thomason, Inc. will be awarded the contract for Headstart Planning Facilities. The tentative priority last has also come out for the State and a hearing will be held on 8/13/80 - the list still shews the plant expansion is a "C" priority. Manager Cofer stated that ~ir. R. Hampson of Lahontan has told him that will he proceed to rec~d elevation to a "B" priority. The Phase II of the Headstart was not included, and ~lr. Hampson did state to Mr. Cofer he would support us and try to get that project on the list at a high enough priority for funding. Manager Cofer also stated that he spoke with Mr. Larry Hoffman re the Federal.. Coordinating Council - this will be an advisory group, will not overrule EPA on a grant funding that EPA has convinced should be funded. Manager Cofer stated we have another brochure that explains the status of the plant as it is today. REPORT BY p~OGRAMMANAGERS: Manager Cofer stated that Mr. Dunckhorst, Water Systems ~mnager, wrote a letter commending Adrienne Mondelle during the recent shut-downs of water in several areas, and the courteous manner in which she handled the many telephone calls. MEETINGS AND WORKSHOP SESSIONS. MANAGER'S REPORT. Water System Manager's Report. Regular Meeting -3- July 3, 1980 "Water Production for June 1980 June MG Well Production Cold Creek Diversion Totals Calendar Year to Date: Well Production Cold Creek Diversion Totals ITEMS FORBOARDACTION 1979 1980 %Change 115.4 124.8 .08 47.5 29.6 (.37) 162.9 154.4 (.05) 481.0 232.0 713.0 500.2 .03 175.3 (.24) 675.5 (.05)" MANAGER'S RECO~NTIATIONS (1) Sewer Transfer Ordinance. (Cora~ittee, City, County to meet on 7/10/80), 10:00 A.M. at City. (2) Report on Street Lighting Charges per request by Mrs. Pat Lowe. Manager Cofer stated that this charge has been investigated, and he does feel that the area of Rancho Bijou is being over- charged. Manager Cofer recon~nended that the refund be for the current year to the Rancho Bijou Area where the residents are over- charged, and that we not go back for prior years. Director Director carried, existing Jones moved, seconded by Kashuba, unanimously that we reimburse the property owner for this year and last year (1979-80 and 1980-81) for any discrepancy in what they have paid in the Rancho Bijou Area. VISITORS: Mr. and Mrs. L. Polanck of Sun City, Arizona - property owners in A1 Tahoe Area. Explanation was given to the visitors as to why we cannot charge on part time basis for part time residents. There is absolutely no way that this District can police the part- time residents and if they have or have not turned off their water, utilities, etc. (Their con~laint is mainly paying for water that they are not there to use ). REPORT ON INVESTIGATION OF S~fER UNIT Rt~UIPd~%rfS FOR TIME SHARING CONDO CONVERSION..BEACHCO~ER INN. ~Ir. C. Homing, Inspector Permit Supervisor, stated that the Beach- comber has a sewer unit count of 51 sewer units, being charged for 49 sewer units, and what they propose to dow ill increase their count to 62 sewer units, that is having apartments rather than a one room studio. This would be an increase of 13 additional sewer units. Defer to Adjourned Meeting Scheduled for 7/14/80, 4 pm Authorize Adjustment of Charges and Refunds for Rancho Bijou Service Area. Reimburse street lighting over- charge in Rancho Bijou Areas for 1979-80 and 1980-81. Approved. Complaint regarding charges for part time residents,-paying for water and not being in the area to use same. Regular Meeting -4- July 3, 1980 Any further sewer units past the 49 they now have will have to como out of the future allocation program. Mr. Jack Murphy of the Beachcomber stated that he did call for the inspector to check this unit count out for him because he was of the understanding when this was purchased by him there were plenty of sewer units; there are bathrooms in somo units that were going to be taken out and kitchens put in; this is not a condo - still a motel. President Olson stated that the Staff will get together and como back to the Board with recormmndations for an action item. INCREASE BUDGET AUTHORIZATION BY $5,000 FOR C W C WORK ON ALPINE COUNTY WATER EXCHANGE PROGRAM. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO ATTEND CALIFORNIA C/qAMBER OF COMMERCE STATEWIDEWATERRESOURCES COMMITI~E MEETING, AUGUST 26, 1980. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS, COORDINATION OF MITIGATION PLANNING PROGRAM, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, and selection be made upon the recon~endation of the Mitigation Task Force. C*fRPA PERMIT. WATER SYST~4 IMPROVE- MENTS. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, permit from CTRPAbe accepted. AWARD CONTRACT FOR PAINTING EXTERIOR OF TERTIARY AND FURNACE BUILDING. Director ~%rnn moved,.seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, Western Mountain Painting be awarded the painting contract for their bid price of $8,384.00. PURCHASE OF REPLACEMENT VALVE FOR EXPORT PIPELINE. Low bidder was Camellia Valley Supply, however, we have now learned it is a class 125, and not a class 250 valve, so we could not accept that. Camellia Valley believes that they can find a class 250 valve, and Manager Cofer recor~ended the staff be authorized to purchase a valve up to $7500 and give some latitude to work with Camellia Valley Supply. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. AUTHORIZATION OF SIGNATURES FOR EL DORADO SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION ACCOUNT. (B. Fischer & R. Heng). Report on Increased sewer units. Beach- comber Motel. BUDGET INCREASE/ALPINE WATER PROJECT APPROVED. CHA~ER OF COMMERCE REPRESENTATIVE - Manager Cofer and Director Jones. AUTHORIZED SOLICITATION FOR PROPOSALS. CTRPA, Water System Improvements, received permit. CONTRACT AWARDED FOR PAINTING OF TERTIARY AND FURNACE BUILDING TO WESTERN MOUNTAIN PAINTING. VALVE FOR EXPORT PIPE- LINE. RES.NO. 2191 approved. RegularMeeting -5- July 3, 1980 Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, RES.NO.2191 be approved. pAY~ENT OF CLAIMS: Director %qrnnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimosuly carried, that the claims in the amount of $162,603.17 be approved. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 7/5/80 Fallen Leaf Lake Hc~eowners Association 7/10/80 Mitigation Task Force Subco~ttee re Lot Identification 7/10/80 Joint City, County, District Meeting. 7/14/80 7/17/80 7/18/80 7/23/80 Workshop Agenda Items Board of Directors Meeting ~tigation Task Force Alpine County Workshop, Progress Report on SCS Studies re Wastewater Disposal Program. PAYMENT OFCLAIMS ~P~D. FUTURE MEETINGS. Mr. R. Ha~pson of Lahontan discussed the property adjacent to the Popovich property (which the Board had discussed at a past meeting), which has become a nuisance. This was to alert the Board that permission may be re- quested to discharge this water from the swimming pool into the sewer system. President Olson stated that the Manager will have the authority to give permission to the Lahontan Regional Board to dispose of that water from the swimming pool into our system. ADJOURNMENT : 5:25 P.M. to 7/14/80, ADJOURNMENT TO 7/14/80 4:00 P.M., to discuss water system 4:00 P.M. in~provements and other ~ _/~.~%e~%,,~ business ./~ Olso-~7-,, ~iden South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: ~?'~ An~r~se, Clerk-of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNED ~.~ING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 14, i 9 8 0 4:00 P.M. An Adjourned Regular Meeting was held on 7/14/80, 4:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CAII.: Present were President W.N Olson, Directors L. Kashuba, J. Jones, M. ~dden and J. Wynn. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Clerk of Board, R. Baer, S. Small of Wunschel and Small, Inc. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA. None. AGENDA APPROVED. SEWER TRANSFERORDINANCE. Manager Cofer stated that no action is requested on this ordinance. There is a joint meeting set up for Thursday July 17, 1980, 9:00 A.M. with the City and County, at the Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Room, to discuss ordinances and Manager Cofer reconmended no action be taken until after this joint meeting, and any action to be taken at the 7/17/80 regular meeting of this Board at 4:00 P.M. SEWER TRANSFER ORDINANCE. J.C.Weidman, Attorney, had prepared a draft of this Sewer Transfer Ordinance. He met this merning with City Attorney D. Crabb and D. Milbrodt, City Manager, and reviewed the special sewer assessments, and other sections of this proposed ordinance. The Board of Directors expressed agreement regarding the proposed ordinance, however, no further action will be taken until after the joint meeting, and sa~ewill be discussed at the regular meeting of 7/17/80. AWARD OF CON~fRACT FOR STEEL STORAGE TANKS, PIPELINES AND OTHER WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS. WATER SYSTEM IMPRO~S. Manager Cofer reconmended that consideration of the Contract Award be deferred until July 17, 1980, the regular meeting of the Board of Directors. R. Baer gave a breakdown of the bids that were received: Low Bidder was Wunschel and Small on Schedule 1 in the amount of $280,000; Schedule 2 - Hood Corporation in the amount of $462,268.00, and a change order being requested in the amount of $21,075 approximately. Attorney Weidman also gave a breakdown of work done for us by the Hood Corporation in the past? Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- July 14, 1980 He explained the law suit involved in which Hood Corporation had claimed an error and requested they not be awarded that bid. Manager Cofer requested an executive session to discuss plant expansion. EXECUTIVE SESSION. ADJOURNMENT: 5:30 P.M. to an executive session.. This meeting was also adjourned to 7/17/80, 9:00 A.M., Lake Tahoe Unified School District, Joint Meeting with the City and E1 Dorado County re Sewer Transfer ~~~,,~,, .~ ~~-~ Ordinance. ~.~~lter "Ne~l" Olson[ President South Tahoe Public Utility District ASTEST: / ~-D.[~°se, ~rk oY~o~d South ~ P~lic Utility District Adjourned Regular Meeting of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, City of South Lake Tahoe and E1 Dorado County July 17, 1980 9:00 A.M. The Meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M., Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Room. Present were President W.N. Olson, Directors J.R. Jones, L.L. Kashuba, M.Madden and absent: J.Wynn, for the South Tahoe PUD. City Members present were: Mayor J. Cefalu, Councilmembers N. Woods, J. Hubbell, F. Benevito. Also present were Supervisors W. Johnson and T.L. Stewart. Attorney J.C.Weidman for the So. Tahoe PUD; Attorney D.Crabb for the City of South Lake Tahoe. Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer for South Tahoe P.U.D., and Dick Milbrodt - City Manager, were also present. Many interested visitors were in attendance. SEWER TRANSFER ORDINANCE. Discussion took place regarding the sewer transfer ordinance. SEWER TRANSFER ORDINANCE. ADJOURNED RFEAULAR MEETING (Joint) SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTZITY DIS ~TR!CT, CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE AND THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO. -2- AGENDA: Additions as follows: Director Jones stated that there are several items that are of mutual interest that he would like to have discusses: Motel Time Sharing Conversions, Sewer Plant Expansion, and the Sewer Transfer Ordinance, which is on the agenda. The City and District and County have discussed the Sewer Transfer Ordinance and asked John C. Weidman to discuss this at this meeting. John C. Weidman stated that he did meet with D. Crabb and D. Milbrodt and discussed the sewer transfer ordinance. The concerns of the City regarding the special assess- ments to be paid prior to the transfer of sewer units. Mr. Weidman stated as of now, there are no special assessments unpaid in the City of South Lake Tahoe. This clause would be eliminated as far as the City is concerned. Also Mr. Weidman stated that the clause in the proposed Ordinance of all sewer charges be paid will be eliminated but he does feel all taxes due the District should be due and payable upon any transfer of sewerunits. Discussion was held regarding transfer of sewer units from one property to another and that if the first parcel could notbe built upon - thatmeans that it could never become a parcel to build on. Mr. Woods felt that this is putting the people in jeopardy and cannot go for this section of this ordinance. Mr. Woods stated that it would be best to go back to the District's regular ordinance and allow no transfers. Mr. Hubbell agreed with this statement. There are unpaid special assessments in the county, including some of our sewer special assessments, Mr. Weidman stated. Approximately five-million dollars plus. This ordinance covers only those problem lots re CTRPA and the 208 Plan. William Johnson, County Supervisor, stated that he would consider this ordinance as condemnation of property that cannot be used and to be compensated. He stated that CTRPA has put us in a b~das far as transfer of rights, and perhaps we should go back to the original position. July 17, 1980 (9 a.m.) AGENDA APPROVED. SEWER TRANSFER ORDINANCE DISCUSSION. Adjourned Joint Meeting -3- It was also suggested that regarding the lienholders of property - they be notified prior to any transfer of rights to give them an opportunity to appearbeforethe right parties. Mr. Crabb stated that frc~nthe City standpoint - they will not condem anything. Director Jones stated that this ordinance will again be discussed at our regular meeting today at 4:30 P.M. - this is in no .way a final ordinance. The City and County Representatives were not in full agreement with the ordinance as presented. MOTEL TIME CONVERSIONS: Director Jones stated that we have become aware that there are applications for conversions, and that the District is concerned as to what those conversions would be. Manager Cofer stated we are having difficulties with the conversions and are not certain whether this is an increase in sewage flow or not; however, wet bars are being put in, and some of those wet bars have eating units, or cooking units, and by the District definition - that constitutes an additional sewer unit. Many of the conversions have already taken place and have increased the number of sewer units without the benefit of an allocation. Manager Cofer stated we have been working with the City Staff and hopefully wewill head off the future conversions, whereby before the people go to the building department, they will have a set of plans showing whatthey intend to do, including the wet bars and kitchens, and those will be signed off by the Utility District as to whether or not they have a sewer permit that will allow that type of a conversion. SEWER PLANT EXPANSION: Manager Cofer stated that the Utili--ty District Board has authorized the work for a five- million dollar contract for construction of Phase I, Headstart, Non-Capacity Plant Reliability Improvements, which will start this year and including next year. Manager Cofer stated we have not heard as to what is happening on the Federal EIS; EPA has told him that they have instructed their contractors to start completing the final report; that they are trying to address the cc~ments they received at the hearings; they addressing the no-project alternative. They have not given Manager Cofer a time schedule as to when this will be completed. July 17, 1980 MOTEL TIME CONVERSIONS SEWER PLANT EXPANSION. Adjourned Joint Meeting -4- July 17, 1980 Manager Cofer stated that there are a number of things concerning us: Grant Funds for Expansion of the Plant. The Presidential Executive Board on Tahoe will establish a Federal Coordinating Council. This will require any project seeking Federal funds that might have an adverse inl0act on water quality, transportation, which could cause us further delays. Manager Cofer stated that the District, 7ounty and City have been working to- gether on what is called the Mitigation Task Force , which is required by EPA, and several agencies are involved in being a part of this Mitigation Task Force. Manager Cofer also mentioned that funds are not available in large sums from the Federal Government, and that San Francisco has a quarter of amillion dollar project, .' and they will take up most of the avail- able grant funds for the State of California. The 19 or 20 million dollars that we are asking for fromthe Federal Governn~nt for expansion of our plant is in great jeopardy at this time. We are listed as a "C" priority and the State now tells us that rare than likely no "C" priority will be grant funded. However, Lahontan did take action by the people to elevate us to a "B" priority, but because of a pending law suit and awaiting the Judge's decision, their reconmendation has not yet been sent to the State. Mr. Hubbell stated it mightbeworth the time and effort to explore other possibilities, such as secondary treatment. Manager Cofer stated that the 20 million dollar grant requested is predicated on going to a secondary plant; we have to continue an advanced plant for well over 30 million dollars. EPA does have a policy about funding advanced treatment plants , and will probably cut same off at 19 million dollars. The funds applied for are strictly to be used for plant expansion. In answer to Mr. N. Woods question, the allocation number for next year will be given in November 1, 1980. A visitor stated that he would like to urge the District, City and County to pass the sewer transfer ordinance for this year and get some of our people working this year. ADJOURNMENT: 10:50 A.M. AmbrOse, Clerk of Board South Tahoe' Public Utility District So~ Tahoe PublZa~Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 17, 1980 4:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District was called to order by President W.N. Olson at 4:00 P.M. on 7/17/80, in the District Conference Room. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N. Olson, Directors L.L. Kashuba, J. Wynn, M. Madden and J.R. Jones. ROLL CALL. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. Baer, Attorney J.C. Weidman, B. Fischer and Clerk of Board, B. Peters, G.Eppler, G. Plasterer, and many interested visitors. CONSENT CALENDAR: Manager Cofer requested the item listed on the Consent Calendar be placed for · "-~s for Board Action No. 10 BF2tCHCOMBER and .... Conversion to Time Sharing). CONSENT CAI.RNDAR. None. Also, #10 (b) A RESOLUTION Authorizing Ik~rchase of Time Certificate (aCtion item). Addition. AGENDA: Approved. [~/%R/I~S: 7/3/80 Approved as Changed. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried, with Director Madden abstaining, that the minutes of 7/3/80 be approved as amended. AGENDA APPROVED. MINUTES APPROVED (7/3/80) COM~RTEE REPORTS - None. REPORT BYBOARDMEMBERS: Director Jones stated that he will be attending the Douglas County Water Conmittee meeting next week. COMMI~ REJPORTS. None. BOARD MEMBERREPORTS. NONE Mr. Jones also mentioned that at the Joint ~eting this morning he did announce the Sewer Transfer Ordinance would be discussed at 4:30 P.M. today. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS/MEETINGS: Manager Cofer stated that the following workshop and/or meetings were held: 7/5/80 Fallen Leaf Lake Homeowners Association 7/10/80 Joint Meeting with City Council and County Board of Supervisors. WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND b~ETINGS HELD. 7/14/80 Adjourned Board Meeting. 7/15/80 This Meeting with Alpine County deferred to 8/5/80. 7/17/80 Adjourned Board Meeting with City/County District Joint Meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: None. Items on Agenda. A%~ORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that judgement may be signed tomorrow on the Hubbell case; Balanski filed his brief and going forward in the appellate court. Lahontandid reconmended a change to priority B for the grant, and all depends on the ~udoement of H1]bb~]~ h~n~ ~ ~%ANAGER'S REPORT. ATIORNEY'S REPORT None Regular Meeting -2- COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: Non agenda items. None. REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: By Gary Plasterer: "Operations and Maintenance has started to reorganize the mechanical equipment cards. We feel after it is completed, definite work areas will be defined and less equipment breakdown due to more reliable and efficient preventive maintenance. The treatment plant met all Lahontan requirements for the month of June, but had violations at Indian Creek Reservoir. The violations were pH and dissolved oxygen. There is now 13 million gallons at the 60 million gallon emergency holding pond. We feel confident that there is now adequate storage for an emergency." Gene Eppler, Manager of Maintenance, will give his report as Item No. XIV. 11. ITEMS FORBOARDAC~ION: (1) Purchase of Radio Telemetering Equipment Stateline Reservoir (Budget Item) Mr. Bill Ettlich did report to the Board at a previous meeting regard- ing this project. Manager Cofer reconnmnded purchase of same in the amount of $36,444.50. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (2) Purchase Specifications for Trailer Mounted Generator Plant. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. (3) Policy re Acceptance of Septic -Holding Tank Dumping. Manager Cofer stated many requests have been received to dump tanks at our plant for outside of District boundaries. M=nnager Cofer reconmended that a policy be adopted to allow dumping of the waste, as follows: $5.00 minimum for first 500 gallons, and $5.00 for each additional 500 gallons or fraction thereof; to be accepted on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday only - NO HOLIDAYS, and pumpings from California only. (These are domestic only). Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. July 17, 1980 CO~S FROM AUDIENCE. None REPORT BY WASTEKrATER MGR. BOAPdD ACTIONS PURCHASE RADIO T]qI.EMETERING EQUIPMENT, STATELINE RESERVOIR, $36,444.50 APPROVED. APPROVE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS (APPROXI~iATELY $35,000.00). POLICY APPROVED RE Septic/Holding Tank Dumpings approved. -3- (4) CHANGE ORDERS NO. 5 in the amount of $3,768.10 and CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 in the amount of $4,014.78. FAT.T.~N LEAF LAKE SEWER PROJECT ~lanager Cofer explained what the Change Orders involved. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, Change Order No. 5 and Change Order No. 7, Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project, be approved, as reconm~nded by Manager Cofer. (5) Acquisition of AirportWell Site Attorney Weidman reconmended approval for payment in the amount of $5250.00 to the Golden Empire Council, Boy Scouts of America, and he will mail payment with the deed to have same signed by their Attorney and their Executive Officer for and they will have the grant deed and resolution ready for us; this will become our property. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, we purchase the property of the Airport Well Site, and make payment in the amount of $5250.00 to the Golden E~pire Council, Boy Scouts of America. (6) Letter to State Board re Grant Priority List. Manager Cofer presented a draft letter to the Board, reconm~nding that same be approved and authoriza- tion be given to submit the letter to the State Board, requesting that Phase II of the Headstart Program and the EIS Approved Plant and Disposal Modifications and Expan- sion be elevated from a "C" Priority to a "B" Priority. Lahontan is preparing a similar request for the Utility District for elevation to a "B" priority. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (7) AWARD OF CONTRACT. Steel Storage Tanks, Pipelines and Other Water Distribution System Improve- ments. ~. Ettlich of CWC stated that all bids received were evaluated and in order and reconmended the Board to consider the following recc~mnendations: July 17, 1980 FAI~,EN I~AF LAKE PROJECT CHANGE ORDERSAPPROVED. APPROVE PAYMENT OF $5250 TO C-OLDEN t~'~PIRE COUNCIL, BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA,- FOR PROPERTY ON THE AIRPORT WELL SITE. SUBMITTAL OF LETTER TO STATE FOR REQUEST OF AN ELEVATION IN PRIORITY FROM "C" TO "B". Approved. AWARD CONTRACT TO WUNSCHEL AND SMALL FOR SECTION 1; D2~D TO HOOD CORPORATION FOR SECTION 2 of Water System Improvement Project. ~-" REC43f_AR MEETING -4- (1) Award Section 1 to Wunschel and Small for $280,000; (2) Award Section 2 to Hood Corporation for a base bid of $424,255.50; (3) Approve the issue of a change order to Hood Corporation in the amount of $21,075 to include the Cold Creek Crossing; (4) Set up a budget of $44,000 for electrical and telemetering work by District forces. CWC will provide the engineering as part of the original design contract for this project. Total budgetfor water system improvements = $886,904.00, and engineer's estimate was $900,000. (Total estimated costsare~... in total figure of $886,904). Manager Cofer stated that staff concurs with the above reconm~nda- tions from Mr. W. Ettlich of CWC. ORDINANCE NO. 317, Award of Contract to Wunschel and Small for $280,000. ORDINANCE NO. 317, Award of Contract to WUNSCHELAND SMALL FOR $280,000~. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO.317 Award of Contract to Wunschell and Small in the amount of $~80~000.00 be approved, as rended by Manager Cofer and William Ettlich. ORDINANCE NO. 318, Award of Contract to HOOD CORPORATION IN THEAMOUNT of $424,255.50 plus $21,075. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, ORDINANCE NO. 318, Award of Contract to HOOD CORPORATION in the amount of their base bid $424,255.50, and for Change Order in the amount of $21,075.00,be approved. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried the budget of $44,000 be set up for electrical and telemetering work by District forces, as recomnended by W. Ettlich of CWC and Manager Cofer. (a) RESOLUTION NO. 2192, Authorizing purchase of Time Certificate in the name of CTRPA in the amount of $10,000.00. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that RESOI/3TION NO. 2192 be approved. 7/17/80 APPROVE AWARDOF CONTRACTS. ORDINANCE NO. 317 for Wunschel & Small, ORDINANCE NO. 319 for Hood Corporation. CONTRACTS APPROVED. ELECTRICAL AND TELEMETERING PROJECT APPROVED. RESOLUTION NO. 2192 Approved for Fixed Time Certificate Purchase. REGULAR MEETING ~ -5- (8) BEACHCOMBER - REPORT - FROM Inspector/Permits Supervisor, C. A. Homing, and Manager Cofer. Mr. Homing has been workingwith Mr. Jack Murphy, representative of the Beachcomber. Mr. Murphy is currently being charged for 49 sewer units,however, an on-site count taken on 6/26/80, indicated a use of 51 sewer units. Plans were submitted byMr. Murphy and it shows that 47 sewer units would be required; this change cannot be explained, as it was probably made several years ago, and they are being charged for 49 sewer units. Mr. Murphy would take out a new sewer permit for 47 sewer units, based on the set of plans that he has submitted, showing the kitchens and baths. Staff reconmends that we approve this revision. There will be some baths removed to bringthe total to the 47 sewer units. Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. Manager Cofer stated that he would like to thank Mr. Jack Murphy for his cooperation. (9) SEWER TRANSFER ORDINANCE Following the joint meeting with the City and the County this morning, Manager Cofer and Attorney Weidman again reviewed this ordinance. (We are discussing at this point, lots in the allocation from one lot to another lot - not the commercial or home to home). The Board and Staff discussed this proposed ordinance, and it was decided that this proposed ordinance * would not be adopted, however the following policywouldbecome effective for the 1980 allocations: "AUTHORIZE STAFF TO SENDALETTER THAT 1980 ALLOCATIONS CAN BE TRANSFERRED WITH NO INCREASE IN THE SEWAGE FLOW IN THE PLANT. Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried., that the policy re 1980 allocations on sewer transfers be approved. The Board discussed the first draft of the Ordinance re Sewer Transfers dated 7/10/80, and Attorney Weidman was instructed to reword the Ordinance as was discussed this date, and return to the Board for consideration.~ The proposed ordinance was retyped and same discarded ; the original first draft will be reworded and returned to the Board.) (a) Mr. Barry Peters, (b) Mr. J. Robbins. This adopted policy for 1980 allocations will also take care of the sewer transfer requests of Mr. Peters and Mr. Robbins. 7/17/80 APPROVED BEACHCOMBER UNIT COUNT. SEWER TRANSFER ORDINANCE. POLICY RE SEWER TRANSFERS FOR 1980ALLOCATIONS. Regular Meeting -6- July 17, 1980 Attorney Weidman stated that we should clarify the matter regarding conversion-- we have 6 motels that are not similar to Mr. Jack Murphy's Beachcomber. There is the possibility that the other motels that Mr. Weidman mentioned will have the wet bars and refrigerator, and at a later time come in with portable ~c~]j~j~s. O~c~. ~ microwaves are installed, it could then become additional sewer units, as it would then become a kitchen. Manager Cofer stated that our ordinance now is 1 sewer unit per bathroom and 1 sewer unit per kitchen and if that is an apartment we charge a minimum of 3 sewer units. Manager Cofer stated that our Inspector Supervisor recor~ne_nded that we could eliminate the minimum 3 sewer unit charge and do all charges on 1 sewer unit per kitchen and 1 sewer unit per bath, and we would undoubtedly have many single family residents come in to eliminate the one sewer unit charge. We could also amend our ordinance to allow us to make an annual inspection on the conm~rcial; as it is new, we cannot inspect unless we are asked to make an inspection. ALPINE COUNTY - Manager of Maintenance, Gene Eppler, reported on the work he has been doing in Alpine County working on the possible secondary alternative of disposal in Alpine County. He stated that they have received 100% response and cooperation from the people in Alpine County. He had contacted BLM and they were very receptive to using the Harvey Ranch as an alternative reservoir. Mr. Eppler also mentioned the possible exchanges that would eventually take place; the proposed sprinkler system that will be built. Mr. Eppler stated approximately 800 acres will be for an irrigating system. He also explained the routes and where the new dam site would be located. Manager Cofer stated that the important concept is in exchange for the Harvey Site, and we are assuming now that Heise Land and Livestock will acquire full title to that - if not, there will have to be some adjustment, and for exchange of the right to use the water - and in exchange for the right to change the irrigation system on the Heise Land and Livestock~irainage canals, and the right to dispose of 4000 acre feet on the land, we are proposing that we would construct, operate and main- tain the sprinkler system. The District will own the sprinkler system; we would prefer to use all the water on the Harvey Site, Manager Cofer stated. MANAGER OF MAINTENANCE REPORT ON ALPINE COUNTY. Regular Meeting -7- 7/17/80 Heise Land and Livestock are now trying to acquire the right to Harvey's Site. Attorney Weidman stated that we should immediately get an appraisal of the Harvey Place. Perhaps we can hire an appraisor to give us a figure or a good value on that property. The Board agreed we should hire an appraisor as recon~nended by Attorney Weidman. Manager Cofer stated that all of the Ranchers in Alpine County have indicated a willingness to work with the District and accept secondary effluent. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $430,886.59 be approved for payment. PAYMENT OF CLAIm,S APPROVED. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: MEETINGS 1. 7/18/80 Mitigation Task Force 2. 7/23/80 ADJOURNMENT: Alpine County Worksho~n~ ~80. 5:45 P.M. x~_~a~ lt.er Nea~l'' Olson,~sid~t South Tahoe Public Utility District AYTEST: ~ D. ~ose,~-dZ'eb~ '0~~'- ' ~u~ T~ P~lic Utility Dis~ict REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 7, 1980 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 8/7/80, 4:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N. Olson, Directors L.L. Kashuba, J.Wynn, M.Madden and J.R.Jones. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R. Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Clerk of Board, C.I. Ross, M. Adams, G. Plasterer, W. Dunckhorst, B. Fischer, j. Joslyn. R. Heng, T. Weatheral - Tribune. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested two additions to the agenda and one addition to the consent calendar. ROLL CALL AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED. CONSENT CALENDAR: Consent Calendar, as amended, as follows: (1) Increase sewer units, Texaco Service Station (+2 SU), correction of billing for existing R V DUMP. (2) Purchase Order in Amount of $7,352 for "MUFFIN MONSTER" - (3) Surplus of 24" diameter pipe sections removed from Luther Pass (Save pipe sections identified by Attorney for Retention). (4) Purchase of MOYNO 1, FOG- S 1 Pump for return activated sludge system. (5) Approval of Sewer Transfer for Mr. Doug Nibouar. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, the Consent Calendar be approved as amended. MINUTES: Director Jones moved,seconded ~Y Director Madden, unanimously carried. Minutes of 7/14/80 be approved. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried that the minutes of 7/17/80 be approved as amended. APPROVED. APPROVED DECLAR~DSURPLUS AND AUTHORIZE PURCHASING AGENT TO DISPOSE OF SURPLUS PIPE SECTIONS. AUTHORIZ~DPURCHASE ORDER IN AMOUNT OF $7,449. APPROVED. MINUTES OF 7/14/80 APPROVED. MINUTES OF 7/17/80 approved as amended. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: - None. Director Jones did state the meeting of the E1 Dorado County Water Agency was cancelled. Board Member Reports. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT. Regular Meeting -2- August 7, 1980 COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Public Information and Legislative Co/~m.~Zt~ (Kashuba/Madden) Director Kashuba stated that she did speak at the and gave the background of The Utility District, its facility plan, mitigation task force and expansion and funding for sewage treatment plant. COMMITTEE REPORTS. No other committee reports given. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS/MEETINGS: Manager Cofer reported the following meetings and/or workshops held: (1) 7/18/80 Mitigation Task Force (2) 8/4/80 Workshop-Agenda Items (3) 8/5/80 Alpine County Board of Supervisors Manager Cofer stated the two items discussed with Alpine County: (a) purchase of fish; (b) Key for the Water Master. Alpine County discussed the purchase of fish with the Utility District and took no action on same. Regarding who controls the valve at Indian Creek Reservoir was discussed with the Alpine County Board of Supervisors. Gene Eppler is the only one making releases from the Reservoir. Manager Cofer has agreed to give the new Water Master a key and he has agreed to make daily records to us so we will know what the releases are - this will be on a trial basis. Manager Cofer also reported on the right of way (Heise Family) for the Harvey Site - also, he stated that because of the right-of-way problems, he reported to Alpine County that we would like to move ahead on the parallel program with amending the contract with Alpine County. Alpine County did not object to this. There will be a workshop at Alpine County on 8/11/80 and the items will be discussed: quality standards for discharge; how the system will be operated; operation (District) of tail- water facilities; we will operate Indian Creek, etc. Attorney Weidman stated that when water quality is being discussed with Alpine County next Monday - the water talked about will be only the West Fork of the Carson River standards. Manager Cofer also stated that the Mitigation Task Force asked that we attempt to evaluate the sewer plant capacity, which would be consistent with the 208 Water Quality Plan. (8.6 mgd plant). Manager Cofer spoke with EPA regarding this report, and they told Mr. Cofer same will be turned over to Montgomery Engineers for c~mment. WORKSHOPS/MEETINGS. MANAGER'S REPORT MEETING WITH ALPINE COUNTY SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, 8/11/80. Regular Meeting -3- Manager Cofer also mentioned that two proposals for the Mitigation Planning Program received and same will be discussed at the Mitigation Task Force Meeting tomorrow (8/8/80 - 10:00 A.M.) for their consideration and/or recommendation to this Board. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that the H-ubbell Case was entered - he has copies of the findings and the judgement and copies of same were given to Mr. Klykendall (Lahontan) and to the Attorney General of SWRCB legal staff and their grants team. Manager Cofer mentioned that Lahontan has sent to the State their recommendation for this District for a "B" priority on funds. Dixon Litigation ready to go to trial. Polansky Litigation - extension of time received to file, and filing will be the end of August. Also, Mr. Weidman stated that he met with Manager Corer, and representative (D.Patterson)of Rust and Armenis, regarding the litigation on the pipeline. There are two petitions for re- view by the State Board, Attorney Weidman stated, on the pH at Indian Creek and the Monitoring at Indian Creek. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE. None PROGRAM MANAGER'S REPORT: (1) Gary Plasterer gave his report to the Board, and same made a part of these minutes. Mr. Plasterer also invited the Board Members to take a tour of the facility on Monday, 8/11/80, 3:00 P.M. (2) Report by Manager of Water Systems also made a part of these minutes.' PERSONNEL...NEW ACCOUNTANT. Mr. Barrie Fischer, Finance Officer, introduced the new accountant - Mr. Jeff Joslyn. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ~ ENFORCEMENT HEARING, SEWER ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS. Mr. Bob Eppler gave a report on Smoke Testing Program, how it works, and mentioned that the public has been very cooperative. 8/7/80 ATTORNEY'S REPORT COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE. None. MANAGER OF WASTEWATER OPERATIONS REPORT. MANAGER OF WATER SYSTEMS REPORT. ACCOUNTANT - ACTION TAKEN SMOKE TESTING PROGRA~. (Detects Violations). Regular Meeting -4- (b) Report on Violations. Mr. Charles D. McDermid: Parking Lot Drain Connected to Sanitary Sewer System. Manager Cofer stated he and B. Baer spoke with McDermid's re the parking lot drain being connected into the manhole. We notified them that it is their responsibility to correct this situation and they stated they would. (2) PROPOSAL FOR ANALYSIS OF WATER SYSTEM: (a) Fire Protection South "Y" Commercial Area. (b) Keller and Glen Road Booster System. (c) Stateline Storage. Budgetamount $6,700.00 Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that the proposal from Culp Wesner Culp in the amount of $6,700 be approved. (3) PROPOSAL FOR TEST WELL PROGRAM, COMMUNITY COLLEGE SITE. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried the two proposals be approved. (4) BIDS REPLACEMENT OF MANHOLE COVERS. Four bids received and low bidder was Galicia in the amount of $11,900.00. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Galicia Construction be awarded the bid for manhoe covers in the amount of $11,900.00. SEWER TRANSFER ORDINANCE Attorney Weidman stated he has been working on this Ordinance and same will be in final form for consideration and review Monday, Aug. 14, 1980. (6) SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLUDGE REMOVAL. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, we authorize advertisement for bids. (7) PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR 1980 ACCESS ROAD PAVING PROJECT (ESTIMATED. AT $70,600) AND SAME IS A BUDGETED ITEM. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, authorization for bids be approved. 8/7/8o Violations. DEFER ACTION TO 8/14/80 at 4:00 P.M., Next Adjourned Meeting of this Board. APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED WORK FOR $6,700. APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED $7,700 from CWC; and APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED $3,500 plus lodging and travel expenses. AWARD CONTRACT TO GALICIA CONSTRUCTION IN AMOUNT OF $11,900. SEWER TRANSFER ORDINANCE DRAFT WILL BE PRESENTED TO BOARD NEXT MONDAY. AUTHORIZE FOR BIDS. AUTHORIZE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Regular Meeting -5- 8/7/80 (8) SEWER UNIT INCREASE PROCEDURE. Manager Cofer stated that where sewer units are greater than what the permit shows in the count, he requested that the Board allow us to change the bill- ing in accordance with the sewer counts, and notify the City and the County of the change, so they are on record of the changes, and requested the approval of the following, based on this recommenda- tion: (a) Mr. Tom Bruce -duplex. Permit reads single family dwelling. (b) Mr. Romeo Mamian- a triplex. Permit reads single family dwelling. It was suggested that the above two changes be approved and that no action be taken on a policy until the next meeting of the Board of Directors, which is 8/14/80 at 4:00 P.M. Director Madden stated that she has inquired as to why the City did not respond to the letters from the Utility District regarding these sewer additions and stating that the structure is not in violation of land use. This will be deferred until the adjourned meeting of 8/14/80. (9) SPECIFICATONS FOR CLOSED CIRCUIT T.V.INSPECTION, CLEANING, TESTING OF PIPELINES AND LEAKS IN SANITARY SEWERS. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried advertisement for bids be authorized. (10) SPECIFICATIONS FOR CAUSTIC BUILDING ADDITIONS, LIME CONVEYING TROUGH, AND MIXED LIQUOR SPLITTER BOX REPAIR. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (11) REPLACEMENT OF WATER PIPE LINES: (a) Catagorical Exemption (b) Specifications. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried the application for the catagorical exemption be filed and defer action on the specifications until the adjourned regular meet- ing on 8/14/80. (12) FALLEN LEAF PE~ITTEES 71-1. (a) Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessmentd under RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO.2156 Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2193 be approved. DEFER to MEETING OF 8/14/80. AUTHORIZED ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. AUTHORIZED ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. APPROVE STAFF REVIEW TO AUTHORIZED FILING OF CATAGORICAL EXEMPTION Defer Action on Specifications until next regular meeting on 8/14/80. APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2193 Regular Meeting -6- (13) DECLARATION OF GREAT EMERGENCY, EXPORT PIPELINE. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried DECLARATION OF GREAT EMERGENCY BE APPROVED. 8/7/80 APPROVED ADOPTION OF DECLARATION OF GREAT EMERGENCY BUDGET AUTHORIZATION $15,000. (14) AMENDMENTS TO EPA GRANT CONTRACTS: (a) Headstart Program Increase Grant From $3,537,000 to $4,144,950. AMENDMENTS APPROVED TO EPA CONTRACTS. (b) Facility Planning, Increase Grant by $125,250 for State Approved Work. R. Heng explained the amendments to the Board and recommended that same be approved for increases to the Headstart Program and the Facility Planning Project. Director Kashuba commended R. Heng on her report and moved that the amendments to the EPA contracts be approved, Director Jones seconded, unanimously carried. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $225,649.59 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) 8/8/80 Mitigation Task Force (2) 8/12/80 Alpine County Water Agency MEETINGS (3) 8/20-24/80 California Associaton of Sanitation Agencies (4) 8/26/80 California Chamber of Commerce, State Water Resources Control Committee. ADJOURNMENT: President Olson adjourned the meeting at 5:24 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. on August 14, 1980, District Board Room. ADJOURN TO 8/14/80 4:00 P.M .......... LTER NEAL OLSON[ PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT A~TTEST: ,~ ~'~, ,, ~b~ D%~iA~nbrose, CliP'df B~rd SOUTH T~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 1 4, 1 9 8 0 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in-an adjourned session on 8/14/80 at 4:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N.Olson, Directors L.L. Kashuba, J. Wynn, J.R.Jones and M.Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Clerk of Board, Assistant Engineer R. Baer, W. Dunckhorst, G. Plasterer, R. Heng and A.Haughe. ROLL CALL CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested two items be added to agenda - number 10 for Board Action and number 11 for Board Action. Delte #8 item. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED. CONSENT CALENDAR. None MINUTES~ Director Madden moved, seconded by Direc%~e Wynn, unanimously carried, minutes of 8/7/80 be approved as submitted. CONSENT CALENDAR. None ~[!NUTES A~PROVED. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None BCARD ~E~P~ER RE~ORT: NONE COMMITTEE REPORTS: NONE. COMMITTEE REPORTS. NONE. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS/ MEETINGS: Manager Cofer reported the following meetings and/or workshop sessions held: (1) 8/8/80 Mitigation Task Force Meeting. (2) Alpine County Water Agency. (3) 8/11/80 Workshop, Inspec- tion of District Facilities/ Agenda Items. WORKSHOP SESSIONS & MEETINGS. Manager Cofer stated that the Mitigation Task Force did make a recommendation, listed on Board Action, Item #2; they also requested agencies be requested to comment on our sewer evaluation for capacity based on the 5900 lots to be developed under the 208 Plan. Adjourned Meeting -2- SHOP STEPTARD'S REPORT: None. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that the SWRCB moved their hearing on Priorities from 8/13/80 to 8/21/80 and he will be in attendance; they still show our project as a "C" priority. The State Board mentioned to Manager Cofer they did not receive Lahontan's letter recommending we be elevated from a "C" to a "B" priority~ and Manager Cofer spoke with D.Antonucci regarding this, who said he will hand-carry a copy of the letter to the State Board should they not locate their copy. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: None. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: W. Dunckhorst read a letter to the Board Members to a Mr. B.T. Collins, Director of California Conservation Corps commending the Corps on the work they did in the erosion control project at Cold Creek, and requested they return this summer. Also, he requested that a resolution be adopted expressing our appreciation for their outstanding work. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that the letter be approved and mailed, and that RESOLUTION IlO. 2194 be adopted. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) ENFORCEMENT HEARING, SEWER ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS. (a) Mr. Charles D. McDermid - Parking Lot Drain Connected to Sanitary Sewer System. Manager Cofer stated he has attempted to contact Mr. McDermid, however, he has been out of town, and Manager Cofer did speak with the Manager of the Flamingo. He indicated to the Manager that he would recommend to this Board that the District correct the work and back-charge the Flamingo for all costs. They indicated to Mr. Cofer they would accept any decision made. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the District correct the violation and back- charge all costs to the Flamingo. (2) PROPOSAL, MITIGATION PLANNING PROGRAM: The proposal received from a · consultant that has since drawn his proposal because of a Conflict of Interest as he is doing work for CTRPA. August 14, 1980 SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT.None MANAGER'S REPORT. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: NONE. WATER SYSTEM MANAGER'S REPORT. (W. Dunckhorst). RESOLUTION NO. 2194 ADOPTED. BOARD ACTION. FLAMINGO: DISTRICT TO CORRECT VIOLATION AND BACKCHARGE FOR ALL COSTS. ADJOURNED MEETING -3- August 14, 1980 We have requested Mr. i~uge to submit a proposal and he will do that and submit same at the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. (3) SEWER TRANSFER ORDINANCE. Directors will review this ordinance and same will be discussed at the 9/4/80 regular Board Meeting. (4) SEWER UNIT INCREASE PROCEDURE. Manager Cofer requested this be deferred until he has the opportunity to discuss same with City Manager R.Milbrodt. Deferred. (5) ADJUSTMENT IN SEWER BILLINGS: (a) Stardust Lodge (+ 7 SU) (b) Stardust Annex (+19 SU) (c) Red Carpet )+ 1 SU) (d) Apartments, 1362 Kyburz (+ 9 SU) Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, sewer billing adjustments be approved, as recommended by Manager JoR. Cofer. (6) INCREASE BUDGET AUTHORIZATION ALPINE COUNTY FACILITY PLANNING. (Increase Budget by $15,000.00). Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the budget for Alpine County Facility Planning be approved. (7) NPDES PERMIT, ENGINEERING ASSISTANCE, AUTHORIZE A BUDGET OF $2,100.00 TO C W C. Director Jones moved~ seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, budget of $2100 be approved for C W C, Engineer- ing Assistance. (8) ENGINEERING ASSISTANCE, WATER DEPARTMENT. DEFER. (9) EXTENSION OF CONTRACT, PLANT BUILDING PAINTING CONTRACT. INCREASE IN BUDGET REQUEST FOR $1,734.00. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (10) EXTENSION OF TIME TO OC[?. 15, 1980, SLUDGE HOLDING TANK MIXERS (delay by Philadelphia Gear Corporation in shipping of the mixers). Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, extension of time be granted to Thomas Haen Company to October 15, 1980. PROPOSAL -Mitigation Planning Program. SEWER TRANSFER ORDINANCE. SEWER UNIT INCREASE PROCEDURE. DEFER. SEWER BILLING ADJUSTMENTS APPROVED. BUDGET INCREASE FOR ALPINE COUNTY FAC. PLANNING APPROVED. BUDGET AUTHORIZATION FOR $2100.00 to C W C. DEFER THIS ITEM. APPROVED. EXTENSION OF TIME GRANTED TO THOMAS HAEN COMPANY. Adjourned Meeting --4-' August 14, 1980 (11) ADDENDUM - PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR 1980 ACCESS ROAD PAVING. Manager Cofer stated that some of the projects will not be completed/started this year and he recommended that all items be deleted with the exception of the AIRPORT WELL, and we will attempt to get some grant monies for for next year. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (12) MODIFICATIONS OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, CAUSTIC BUILDING (ADDENDUM). Manager Cofer recommended that the Lime Trough be deleted, and we continue only with the Caustic Bldg. Expansion and the Splitter Box Improve- ments only. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. ACCESS ROAD PAVING -- APPROVED MODIFICATIONS PLANS AND SPECS. FOR CAUSTIC BUILDING, ETC. MISCELLANEOUS: Director Madden requested that in the future all budget requests etc. be prepared by Mr. Fischer as he did for Alpine County Fac. Planning. BUDGE ~ REPORTS TO BE PREPARED AS WAS DONE FOR ALPINE COUNTY FACILITY PLANNING. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $147,120.98 be approved for payment. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS APPROVED NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) 8/20/24/80 California Association of Sanitation Agencies. (2) 8/26/80 California Chamber of Commerce, State WRCB Committee. (3) 9/2/80 Tuesday, Workshop Agenda Items. MEETINGS SCHEDULED. (4) Next Board Meeting on 9/4/80. ADJOURNMENT: 4:40 P.M. ADJOURNMENT at 4:40 P.M. Wa~t~r~-Neal '~Ul~on, President ~- ---S~outh Tahoe Public Utility District TEST: .~ ~~ M~Py Dy/Ambrose, clerk of Boar~-d~ South ~ahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 9/4/ 80 At 4:00 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 9/4/80, 4:00 P.M., District Board Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Walter "Neal" Olson, Directors Lorrene L. Kashuba, John Wynn, Mickey Madden and James R. Jones. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. Baer, Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C.Weidman, B. Fischer, J. Joslyn, W. Dunckhorst, G. Plasterer, R. Heng. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA. Manager Cofer requested the follow- ing a~enda items be approved, and no changes. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the Consent Calendar as follows be approved: (1)Adjustment in Sewer Bill for Parcel 26 036 05, Sewer Permit Number 8741; (2)ORDINANCE NO. 319, Fixing 1980- 81 Tax Rates for General Obliga- tion ~nds; (3) ORDINANCE NO. 320,Fixing 1980- 81 Tax Rates for U-1 Improvement District. (4) Contract Amendments-State Water Resources Control Board: (a) Facilities Planning Increase State Grant from $30,687 to $51,562. (b) Headstart Phase I Cons. Increase State Grant from $589,500 to $690,825. (5) Adjustment of Rates for Water System Mainline Extensions; (6) Increase in Traverlers Medical Insurance Premiums; (7) Declaration of Categorical Exemption, Class VI, Information Project, College Test Wells; (8) Request for Waiver of Sec. 5.8 Separate Sewers, Lot #43, Ledge Ct. Lakeview Tahoe Sub. #2. MINUTES: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, minutes of 8/14/80 be approved as corrected. ROLL CALL~ AGENDA APPROVED CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED. MINUTES APPROVED. REGULAR MEETING -2- 9/4/80 REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Kashuba reported on the CASA Meeting held at San Diego, California August 19th through 24th, 1980; this was a written report presented to all members of the Board. Director Kashuba stated that she will have another report to present on the Directors Executive Meeting, which covers all of the legislative action that has occurred the last three months that affects sanitation agencies. Director Olson stated that Mr. Paul DeFalco stated at the CASA Meeting that the existing funds have been distributed, and that we do not anticipate any funds in the future of any great amounts from EPA. CASA also took action, prior to the meeting of the State Board in Sacramento, recommending that all of the money that was to go to San Francisco and the large districts be phased so the smaller districts would not be completly cut out, Director Kashuba stated. Director Olson stated that it was an excellent CASA Meeting and mentioned to the Board that Lorrene Kashuba is now the first Vice President of CASA, which is quite an honor, and next year to the office of President. On 8/26/80 Director Jones stated that he attended the California Chamber of Commerce Water Resources Committee meeting, which was very interesting and a very interesting group of people were in attendance, and in attendance were three former directors of the Water Resources Department; several items were discussed - Proposition 8, Bill SB 200, Safe Drinking Water Bond Law- Proposition 9. The County Water Agency Committee was cancelled, Director Jones stated. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT. None CASA MEETING. BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT. None COMMITTEE REPORTS. None. COMMITTEE REPORTS. NONE REGULAR MEETING 3 9/4/80 WORKSHOP SESSIONS/MEETINGS: The following workshop sessions/ meetings held as reported by Manager Cofer: (1) 8/20/24/80 (2) 8/21/80 (3) 8/25/80 (4) 8/26/80 (5) 9/2/80 CASA SWRCB Hearing, Grant Priority List. E1 Dor. County Water Agency (Cancelled) California Chamber of Commerce, State Water Resources Control Committee Workshop/Agenda Items ~NAGER'S REPORT: Staff is preparing an updated implementation schedule, Manager Cofer stated, for the plant expansion. Requested a workshop to go over this report. Monday 9/15/80, at 3:00 P.M. Also, Murli Tolaney and Dave Argo are being asked to make their first inspections of the Headstart construction and Manager Cofer would like to have both of these men sit in on the implementation meeting also.. Also, Manager Cofer stated that some of the testing has started on the Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project. He stated that it would be timely for the Board to make a field trip and inspect the project. Scheduled for 2:00 P.M. 9/18/80). Manager Cofer also mentioned that our staff met with the Lahontan Staff and we are discussing a possible middle- ground on the monitoring requirements at Indian Creek Reservoir, with the understand- ing if we cannot reach agree- ment, we would withdraw our appeal. Manager Cofer stated that he hopes to recommend to the Board at the next meeting an issue that will get us out of that appeal. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that Lahontan furnished us the record for the monitor- ing program by way of tape, and we will have to transcribe the tape. He has also been working on the Joyce litgation and the Polansky appeal. Necessary calls were made concerning the pipeline litigation and requested an WORKSHOP AND MEETINGS. MANAGER'S REPORT. ATTORNEY'S REPORT. REGULAR MEETING -4- executive session follow- ing this meeting today. Mr. Weidman also suggested that on the Workshop Session scheduled for 9/18/80, we should also review the TRPA Compact on our Facilities Plan. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: (Non-Agenda Items) REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: "Water Production for AUGUST 1980: August (MG) 1979 1980 % Change Well Prod. 119.4 130 0 0--~---- Cold Creek ' ' Div. 54.4 57.4 .06 Totals ..... 173.8 187.4 .08 Calendar Year to Date: 1979 1980 % Change Well Prod. 733.0 762 1 04 Cold Creek ' · Div. 337.5 284.1 (.16) Totals ..... 1070.5 1046.2 .02" ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (1) HEARING ON AMENDED ASSESS- MENT, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1971-1, FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWER PROJECT... (A) Report on Assessment Nos. 106 and 110, by Manager Cofer who explained the assessment split to the Board. (B) DIRECTOR OLSON OPENED THE HEARING at 4:32 P.M. There were no objections,nor any written protests. (C) DIRECTOR OLSON CLOSED THE HEARING AT 4:45 P.M. (D) RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE AMENDED ASSESSMENT. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2195 be adopted. (2) SEWER TRANSFER ORDINANCE Manager Cofer stated that only one question has been asked of him regarding this transfer ordinance, which was: whether or not one could transfer residential sewer units from a commercial development to a residential area, and he told them no that would have to be handled as a special case. No other inquires were received and recommended adoption of this ordinance. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried. 9/4/80 COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE. None. PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORT (W.Dunckhorst) ACTION BY BOARD HEARING OPENED 4:32 P.M. RESOLUTION NO. 2195 ADOPTED. ORDINANCE NO. 321 REGULAR MEETING -5- 9/4/80 (3) PROPOSAL, MITIGATION PLANNING PROGRAM. A proposal was received from Andy Hauge in response to our request for proposals. We did have a previous proposal, Manager Cofer stated, however, same was withdrawn because of a possible conflict of interest. Mr. Hauge did, in his proposal, identify the needed assignment requested by the Mitigation Task Force, and did break his proposal into 3 phases, A, B and C. His proposal is for the first 2 phases A and B. Phase "A" = $17,500.00 - Showing what each agency is doing towards mitigation requirements and meeting same and Mr. Hauge will also come up with a recommended program and time schedule and any additional activities that must be done to accommodate the EPA demand on mitigation. Phase "B" - Mr. Hauge would be going around to the various agencies and getting some type of a formal commitment on just the task force, and getting the agencies to proceed with the program. This Phase would be authorized separately. The Mitigation Task Force has not had a chance to discuss this, however, Manager Cofer did send copies of the proposal to all members of the Task Force. So date, Manager Cofer stated, only favorable comments have been received regarding Mr. Hauge's proposal. Manager Cofer recommended that the Board approve this proposal from Mr. Hauge, with the condition that we do not receive any concern from the members of the Task Force. This is authorized for grant eligibility. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that the proposal from Mr. Hauge be accepted, upon the approval from the members of the Mitigation Task Force. PROPOSAL, MITIGATION PLANNING PROGRAM APPROVED. REGULAR MEETING -6- 4. CONTRACT FOR ACCESS PAVING, AIRPORT WELL: Three bids were received as follows: (a) Josh Hickman Paving $13,400 (b) D.Garcia Exc. &Pav. $13,969 (c) Galicia Cons. Co. $11,778. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, contract be awarded to Galicia Construction Company for their bid of $11,778.00. 5. FINAL ACCEPTANCE 1979 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT, WUNSCHEL AND SMALL. Director Madden stated that an allowance should be retained for the seeding work and moved that the contract be accepted, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. 6. PURCHASE OF SAND SEPARATOR FOR AL TAHOE WELL W. Dunckhorst stated that the bid was received from Ludorff Company with delivery 3-4 weeks from request of purchase. The bid is for $8,171.43 and Mr. Dunckhorst requested consideration of approval for this purchase, and Manager Cofer concurred. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. 7. CHANGE ORDER C-8, FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWER PROJECT, COST INCREASE OF $9,650. Change Order No. 8 is for water- proofing Ejector and Central Station Vaults, for a cost increase of $9,650.00. Manager Cofer stated that he would like to have seen a better pre-cast vault installed, however, he did state that this request is very definitely the liability of this District and not the Contractor. Director Jones stated he is not satisfied because he feels that we were purchasing water proof vaults and now we are paying for a weeping problem. We did specify two types of vaults in the specifications, Manager Cofer stated, and one was a fiberglass and had the Contractor provided that we would have no problems, and the other was a pre-cast. The pre-cast vault mentioned had no request for any type of a sealing. Manager Cofer stated had we had better foresight in the specifications, we would have required sealing as part of the pre- cast. The Board of Directors did express their unhappiness with this request for purchase, however, they agreed the purchase is necessary. Moved by Director Wynn, seconded by Director Jones, carried. 9/4/80 AWARD CONTRACT TO GALICIA CONS. CO. ACCEPT CONTRACT FOR WATER SYS. IMPROVEMENTS. WUNSCHEL AND SMALL. PURCHASE SAND SEPARATOR AUTHORIZED. CHANGE ORDER #8 FALLEN LEAF LAKE APPROVED. Regular Meeting -7- 8. SEWER UNIT INCREASE PROCEDURE Manager Cofer stated that he did speak with the City Manager who urges this Board to continue with the policy of contacting the City before sewer billing is adjusted, and he did assure our Manager the City will respond within the 30 day time period. 9. CONTRACT FOR SLUDGE HAULING One bid was received from Thomas Haen Company in the amount of $49,800. Assistant District Engineer R. Baer recommended rejection of the bid and that we investigate other alterna- tives for the disposal of the sludge. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, and carried. 10. CONTRACT FOR TELEVISION INSPECTION, CLEANING AND SEAL- ING OF SEWER LINE. The following bids were received: ABC Services $ 34,484 Pac. NW Pipeline Company $ 35,900 Rodding, Clean- ing Machine Co. $102,000. Mr. Baer, Assistant District Engineer, stated that all bids be rejected and that a purchase order not to exceed $15,000 be placed with ABC SERVICES to provide 15 days of cleaning, T.V. inspection and sealing of the collection system in the Stateline area. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, carried. 11. CONTRACT FOR CAUSTIC BUILDING ADDITION AND REPAIR OF MIXED LIQUOR SPLITTER BOX. One bid was received from THOMAS HAEN CO. Caustic Bldg. $27,847.00 Mixed Liquor $ 4,820.00 These bids are within our Engineer's estimate and Mr. Baer recommended acceptance of same. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Wynn, carried. 12. SPECIFICATIONS FOR PURCHASE OF DISTRICT VEHICLES... (5 trucks) Randy Rattaro, Purchasing Agent, requested authorization to begin with direct communication with all dealers, followed by informal request for proposals; after the period of negotiating, he would like to proceed with a formal bid process (request for bids). 9/4/80 NO ACTION/NO CHANGE. REJECT BID. REJECT BID. PURCHASE ORDER TO ABC SERVICES NOT TO EXCEED $15,000 APPROVED. AWARD CONTRACT TOKEN COMPANY. NEGOTIATING WITH DEALERS APPROVED FOR 5 TRUCKS. Regular Meeting -8- 9/4/80 Director Olson called for roll call vote, as follows: AYES: Directors Jones, Wynn, Madden and Kashuba. NOES: Director W. N. Olson Carried. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, and unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount OF $ be paid. CLAIMS APPROVED NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) 9/15/80 Workshop agenda items at 3:00 P.M. (2) 9/18/80 9/18/80 9/18/80 Field Trip by Board to Fallen Leaf Lake at 2:00 PM Meeting with Tolaney and Argo/Headstart Program Board Meeting-4:00 P.M. (3) 9/19/80 Mitigation Task Force Meeting-10:00 A.M. ADJOURNMENT: 5:15 P.M. to an Executive Session Director Olson asked Manager Cofer to check into the possibility of closing the permit office when our regular Board Meetings are being held. He stated that the interruptions make it very difficult to conduct the meetings. Manager Cofer will make some other arrangements. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTOPS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 18,1980 4:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular sessien on 9/18/80, 4:00 P.M., District Board Room. REGULAR MEETING. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N. Olson, Directors Wynn, Madden and Jones. ROLL CALL... ABSENT: Director L. L. Kashuba. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. Baer, W. Dunckhorst, R. Heng, C.I.Ross, M. Adams, A. Hauge, and representative (Mr. Hoffman) from the Waystation Motel. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested one action item: XIV - 10: Change Order No. 2~ Headstart Program, Phase I. AGENDA APPROVED AS CHANGE[). CONSENT CALENDAR. None. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 4, 1980: CONSENT CALENDAR. NONE. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Minutes of 9/4/80 be approved as submitted. MINUTES OF 9/4/80 APPROVED. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. NO REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT. None. COMMITTEE REPORTS. None. Director Madden requested of Staff to make a report to the Board on the efficiency of the new copy machines~ she states there are many comments against the machines, and the machines are not carrying the capacity of the workload. REQUESTED REPORT ON COPY MACHINE REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS/ MEETINGS: Manager Cofer reported that: (1) 9/5/80 CTRPA Hearing on Up- Date of General Plan. Manager Cofer and Attorney Weidman attend- ed. Manager Cofer stated they did ask for a minor modification,re that capacity be used for public use. Manager Cofer stated that they did point out the problem regarding this reserve of capacity, and without a contract to provide and pay for the maintenance of the capacity; the CTRPA staff did recommend language change to accommodate us; Attorney Weidman did suggest that if no contract was entered into, then we would not reserve the capacity.. We are confident, Manager Cofer stated, that change will be made. WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND MEETINGS HELD. REGULAR MEETING 9/18/80 WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND/OR MEETINGS: (continued): (2) 9/11/80 Lahontan RWQCB Hearing on Erosion Control Project List. Prior to the hearing, Lahontan held a workshop, and had a slide show showing the areas of concern. There were two shown for the utility district, Indian Creek Reservoir and our Emergency Holding Pond: - Their staff pointed out the continuing water quality problems at Indian Creek Reservoir, and re our Emergency Holding Pond, that the pond had water in it because of our problems with the Pipeline. (3) 9/15/80: Workshop on Headstart Phase I construction/Facility Planning and Agenda Items. (4) 9/15/80: Director Jones, and Director Olson and Manager Cofer met with Dave Clark of EPA. Mr. Clark is Janet Rosati's Supervisor and Janet is our Project Coordinator on our Grant Program. We met with him primarily to see how the Federal Coordinating Council would dove-tail with the EPA EIS; Mr. Clark stated he did not see any way the Federal Coordinating Council would expedite any approvals, and if anything they would delay. They will, however, have a 30-day approval program, and if negative comments are received there will probably be no award, however, if no comments are received, they would give approvals. (5) 9/18/80 - Inspection of the Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project by Board Members and the Manager. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that: (1) District Staff collected $120.00 for the Glen Lucky Muscular Dystrophy Program. (2) State Board Hearing on the Priority List: R. Heng attended that meeting and stated that our treatment plant process was elevat- ed from a Class "C" to a Class "B" priority. We will have to find out, Manager Cofer stated, what will be done on Phase II of the Headstart Project. R. Heng stated that the SWRCB will have another meeting to discuss the South Tahoe PUD Project. MANAGER'S REPORT. ATTORNEY'S REPORT. None ATTORNEY'S REPORT. None. REGULAR MEETING -3- 9/18/80 COMMEI~TS FROM AUDIENCE: NONE REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: Gary Plasterer, Manager of Wastewater Operations: "The landscaping and painting project has been completed and we feel the appearance of the treatment plant has been great- ly improved. Summer help program has also been terminated. The treatment plant had five coliform violations for the month of August, but with the method of calculations required of us, we ended up with a total of 14 violations when we add the seven day medium requirement. Our percentage compliance with permit requirements in the plant is 98% and the overall is 97%. The 60 mg emergency holding pond has 5 mg in it at the present time." ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION CO~ENTS FROM AUDIENCE. None PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS. Manager of Wastewater Opera- tions, Gary Plasterer. Water Supply Systems Manager, W. Dunckhorst (Item 2-Board Action). MANAGER ~ RECOMMENDATIONS (1) Conversion of Waystation Motel to Time Sharing. (Mr. Hoffman, representative of the Waystation Motel was present). Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that we continue to count sewer units as we have in the past. (2) BIDS RECEIVED FOR INSTALLING SAND SEPARATOR, AL TAHOE WELL: Two bids were received, as follows: (1) E.E.Luhdorff Company of Wood- land, CA = $7,045. (2) Thomas Haen Co. = $5,200. Manager Cofer stated that Thomas Haen is doing other work for the Utility District. There was a question raised by the union representative as to whether or not Haen pays union wages. We will have to confirm that Mr. Haen is doing that; we do not want any problems that the minimum wages are not being paid. These details have not been requested in the past by the District in non-grant contracts, but will be so stated in all future projects. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, contract be awarded to Thomas Haen Co. in the amount of $5,200.00. Approved Staff method for determining sewer units per Section 9.2, of Ordinance No. 300. AWARD CONTRACT TO THO~S HAEN CO. IN AMOUNT OF $5,200.00. REGULAR MEETING -4- 9/18/80 TRAILER MOUNTED GENERATOR: R. Baer stated that 3 bids were received, as follows: Generator's Unlimited $28,456.76 King Knight Co. $27,475.00 Williams and Lane Inc $29,754.94 R. Baer requested that the bid from King Knight Co. be accepted, and that King Knight had also bid including the federal exise tax, which the District is exempt from, and their bid will be adjusted accordingly. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. AGREEMENT WITH COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOR RIGHT OF ENTRY TO DRILL TWO TEST WELLS. Manager Cofer requested the letter be approved to Dr. Duke requesting an agreement with the Community College to drill two test wells. Attorney Weid- man is working with the Attorney for the College re the agreement. The agreement and letter will be presented to the Board for the Community College at their meeting scheduled for 9/25/80. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. WILL SERVE LETTER FOR 2229 BARTON AVENUE. This is for a water connection - plenty of water is in that area. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. ADVERTISE FOR BIDS, COLLEGE TEST WELLS. R. Baer stated that contract documents have been received from CWC and a list of suggested bidders, and requested authoriza- tion to advertise for bids. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTING SERVICES, HEADSTART PROGRAM, PHASE I, HARDISON, KOMATSU, IVELICH ~ND TUCKER FOR $12,000. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. AWARD CONTRACT TO KING- KNIGHT COMPANY - $27,475. APPROVE LETTER TO DR. DUKE, LAKE TAHOE COMMUNITY COLLEGE. APPROVE WILL SERVE (WATER) LETTER FOR 2229 Barton Ave. APPROVED ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR COLLEGE TEST WELLS. APPROVED FOR CONSULTING SERVICES, PHASE I, IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,000.00. REGULAR MEETING -5- 9/18/80 AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR CONTROL GRANTS: (As follows): (a) Design Airport Well Erosion Control Project (b) Design Upper Truckee Pump Station River Bank Erosion Control Project (will work with CALTRANS). (c) Design Construction of Upper Truckee Pump Station, Access and Erosion Control Project. (d) Design Keller Storage Tanks, Erosion Control Project. (e) Cold Creek Storage Pond, Erosion Control Project. APPROVED AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR CONTROL GRANTS. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY CONTRACT RENEWAL: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2196, E1 Dorado County Water Agency, renewal contract,be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 2196, RENAWAL CONTRACT WITH EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY. 10. CHANGE ORDER NO. 2, for a reduction of $14,475.00, for HEADSTART, PHASE I. (Eliminate the now specified deep footings and slab thickening in the small and large vehicle storage buildings). APPROVED CHANGE ORDER NO. 2. HEADSTART, PHASE I. Director Wynn moved,seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. Mr. A. Hauge was asked if he had any comments to make and he stated not at this time. SCHEDULED MEETINGS: (1) 9/19/80 10:00 A.M. The Mitigation Task Force will meet at the Utility District. SCHEDULED MEETINGS. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $497,820.16 be approved for payment. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS APPROVED ADJOURNMENT: 4:45 P.~/~~ ~ADJOURNMENT AT 4:45 P.M. kx 6/~!ter ~al 0't~,-~resident ~ ~'uth Tahoe Public Utility District ~~rose, Clerk o~ B~rd Sout~Tahoo Public Utility D~s~r~c~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 2,1980 4:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 10/2/80, 4:00 P.M., District Board Room. ROLL C~T~,: Present were President W.N.Olson, Directors L.L. Kashuba, M. Madden, J. Jones. ABSENT: Director J. ~fnn. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AC~NDA. None. AGENDA APPROVED. MINUTES: Director Jones mved, seconded by Director Madden, minutes of 9/18/80 be approved as suk~nitted. Director L.L. Kashuba abstained, all other Board Members voted unanimously to approve minutes. MINUTES APPROVED (9/18/80) REPORT BY BOARDMEMBERS: Director Jones stated he did attend the E1 Dorado County Water Committee meeting a week ago Monday. Our Resolution was discussed (contract with E1 Dorado County Water Agency). The Water Cc~nittee re- cc~nended this be approved and sent on to the Water Agency. SHOP STI~ARD'S REPORT: None Contnittee Reports/Board Reports. (Director Jones). SHOP STt~qARD'S REPORT. None COMMITI~E REPORTS: Director Olson, Chairman of the Finance/Insurance Cc~mittee stated that he and J. ~ynn attended a meeting with Barrie Fischer, R. Rattaro, and 4 autcmobile dealers - Shehadi, Dick Anderson of Tahoe Ford, Datsun and one other dealer. This meet- ing was called to see that the local dealers received the opportunity or preference. Conclusion of the meet- ing: (a) All Specifications point to a GM Car and many of t_he dealers cannot bid. The recommendation from~he dealers: there should be always a pre- spec meeting; take advantage of the knowledge the dealers have to offer - and if they can supply the needs requested. Life expectancy for the district vehicles=15,000 miles/year. This posed manyquestions. CO~..~M_,ITrEE REPORTS. (Finance/Insurance) When foreign model vehicles are ordered, immediately 7 to 19% is tacked onto the price, and one mile difference in EPA ratings with a foreign car vs an American car. We should stand with standard AmericanModels because of parts, etc. The dealers also did reconmend this . Other discussions were held as to how to patronize local dealers, without going to bid, rotate the dealers. Mr. Olson also asked the Attorney what the legal opinion is of discounting local dealers vs out-of-town dealers. Mr. Weidmanwill check into this ~'~ REGULAR MEETING -2- 10/2/80 Director Wynnwas present at the pre-spec meeting, and is not present tonight, did recommend that President Olson recommend to the Board of Directors that we go back to the drawing boards on the automobiles - and stated that the time to buy an automobile is in March, because of the availability, and because of the many reasons the dealers would tell one the reasons why. Specs be written to where all dealers can place bids. Director Olson asked that John C. Weidman look into giving the local dealers a 3% credit for their autcmobiles and their bids. Director Jones stated that he would be in foavor with going ahead and accepting the bids that we have advertised for, and if we cannot accept those bids, we can then reject and go from there; and in the future we go along with the pre-spec meetings. Board Members agreed to go this suggestion made by Director Jones. Director Kashuba stated that she will be giving a statement to CTRPA on the Mitigation Task Force and what their functions are, amid ask CTRPA to work with the Task Force, and not mandate an allocation program, as the Task Force does have a suggested allocation program for 1981. PUBLIC INFOrmATION REPORT. (Director Kashuba) No further con~ttee reports given. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS/M~,ETINGS: Manager Cofer stated the following sessions were held: (1) 9/19/80 Mitigation Task Force (2) 9/22/80 E1 Dor. CountyWater Cc~rnittee (3) 9/25/80 Lake Tahoe C~t~tL~nityCollege Board Meeting (approved right-- of entry to testdrill 2 holes for well). (4) 9/29/80 Status Report from Attorney Dave Rust re Export Pipeline (5) 9/29/80 Workshop/Agenda Items. ~DRKSHOP SESSIONS AND MEETINGS REGULAR MEETING -3- 10/2/80 MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer reported that he met with EPA to ascertain the status of the EIS and to see what could be learned re the non-attainment problem. EPA is very concerned about the non-attainment program. Locally and the State of California are in default of some of the accomplish- ments they are supposed to make, and unlikely to accemplish what is needed by January 10, 1981 to comply with the non-attainment plan. EPA believes that no grants can be made until they are in attainment. They will (EPA) respond as to what type grants they mentioned. Discussed also was the capacity figure of the plant (used 5.8 and now using 7.5). EPA stated that it will be in February before there is an approved 208 Plan (Federal and State). Another meeting will be held in two weeks with Andy Hauge and EPA and hopefully EPA will answer Mr. Hauge' questions re non-attainment plan and the transporta- tion plan, etc. ATIXD~'S REPORT: John C. Weidman stated that he did attend the E1 Dorado County Water Cc~mittee meeting and will be attending the E1 Dorado County Water Agency meeting on tax transfer funds. He is working on the Polansky brief; State appealed Hubbell Case - mainly on the fees; Dixon case is status-quo; Joyce case - CTRPA requested a reconsideration of the courts ruling. PROGRA~4 MANAGERS ' S REPORTS: (1) Barrie Fischer: Report to be presented at the next meeting on the efficiency of copy machines. (2) ?~TERCOMM_ITTEE REPORT Water Production for September 1980: September (MG 1979 1980 % Change ~11 Production 87,6 95.1 8.6 Cold Creek Div. 50.0 43.9 (12.2) Totals 137.6 139.0 1.0 Calendar Yr. to date. Well Production 820.6 857.2 4.5 Cold Creek Div. 387.5 328.0 (15.4) Totals 1208.1 1185.2 1.9" (3) Report on Fzcport System Shutdown: Two sections of the forcemain system were exposed. Plant was shutdown Monday, pipe was replaced Tuesday morning, and force main back on the line Tuesday evening. Two vacuum breakers are also being installed on Santa Fe Street -. this to be completed next week ~mnager's Report: (J.R.COFER) Attorney's Report. PROGRAM MANAGER'S REPORTS. Copy ~chine Report ~TER COMMISTEE (Dunckhorst) Ex.~ort System ShutdowYl Report. Regular Meeting -4- October 2, 19S0 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ACTION (1) Request by American Inns for Waiver of Sewer Unit Assignment for Installation of Small ~-~crowave Ovens. Manager Cofer stated that Mr. E. O'Neil and Mr. MCCarthey are present today to discuss installation of the micro- wave ovens. Manager Cofer stated that they did present to staff this request and he further stated that he does believe this will add flow to the sewer system, because food will be prepared and dishes will be washed. The gentlemen presented their request to the Board of Directors, showed them the microwave oven that would be used, if permitted, and requested consideration that these be approved for installation at their Inns. Manager Cofer stated that staff feels this would considered a kitchen unit; his personal opinion is that there would probably bevery little increase in flow, but there would be some. Director Madden stated that the City Code states once you add a cooking facility to a sink and a refrigerator, you have a kitchen. Director Kashuba requested that we get a clarification from the City on their Ordinance, otherwise, We would be acting in conflict with the City Ordinance. She further stat~ that we are going to have experience with Time-Sharing and what we are to be faced with. President Olson stated that Staff meet with the City and return to the Board with a recon~nendation. (2) Request by Manager of Operations for Approval of Rental Agreement for Storage of Activated Carbon. ($240.00 per month). Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (3) Proposal by Culp/Wesner/Culp for Preparation of Supplemental Facility Plan Report. Director ~dden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. ($14,601.21). (4) CHANGE ORDER NO. C-9, FATI.~.LEAF LAKE S~'~R PROJECT. Increase $15,000. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden,unan~%ously carried, CO # 9 be approved. ~RICAN I~S REQUEST FOR MICRO~VE OVENS INSTAI.I.ED AT INNS . TO BE BROUGHT BEFORE THE BOARD FOLLOWING ~TING WITH THE CITY. Rental Agreem. ent/CARBON. Approved. Change Order ~9 Approved. APPROVED Supplemental Facility Plan Report. REGULAR MEETING -4- October 2, 1980 (5) Award of Contract for College Well Test Drilling. APPROVED AWARD OF CONTRACT. -~0 bids were received: Water Development Corp ($15,050.00) and E.E.Ludhorf Co. ($20,373.00). ~. R. Baer reconmended the contract be awarded to Water Development Corporation for $15,050.00. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $660,829.98 be approved for payr~ent. CIA/MS APPROVED FOR PA~. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) 10/3/80 CTRPA Board Meeting Report on Mitigation Task Force. (2) 10/13/80 Workshop, Alpine County Disposal Alt. Agenda Items. (3) 10/16/80 Board Meeting (4) 10/17/80 Mitigation Task Force (5) 10/20-21/80 Consultant Panel Plant Inspections. ADJObT~T: President Olson adjourned ADJOURNMKNT. the Meeting at 5:55 P.M. OL$O~~-I~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ST: "~y D.~/~R~SE, CL~R~ OF ~OARD- ~--~ SOOTH ~kHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY' DISTRICT Q~fOBER 16; 1980 /~4:00 P. M. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 16, 1980 4:00 P.M. President Neal Olson called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.N. Olson, Directors L.L. Kashuba, J.R.Jones, J. Wynn. ROLL CALL. ABSENT: Director M. Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Engineer R. Baer, G. Plasterer, W. Dunck- horst, C. Ross, R. Heng., Barrie Fischer, Tribune Representative, Mike Adams, T. Powers, R. Vonderscher, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Fire Chief B. Cherry, R. L. Culp, W. Ettlich. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA. R. Baer requested two items from the Consent Calendar be deleted. Also additio~to agenda - Report from CWC on Stateline Reservoir. Discussion of Ordinance re Street Lighting, Sewer and Water, for discussion - revision of Section 9.2. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED. RES.No. 2198, Notice of Ccmpletion. 1980 A~gAi.rportWell RES.NO.2199 - Notice of Completion. ~anholes. Resolutions Approved Paving of Streets - Water Dept. Director Jones moved, seconded by Direcgor Wynn, unanimously carried the agenda be approved as amended. MINUTES: Defer MINUTES DEFERRED. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None NO REPORTS GIVEN. WORKSHOP SESSIONS/MEETINGS. R. Baer stated that our Water Rights Attorney and his wife were killed in an auto accident in Europe. President Olson asked that we remember Mr. and Mrs. Stark and appropriate action be taken by Staff to see that he is remembered by the Board and Staff. Mr. Olson stated this is a great loss to all because of his great ability in the field of water, and it will be difficult to replace a man of his caliber. Meetinqs/Workshop Sessions: (1) 10/3/80 CTRPA Report on Mitigation Task Force (2 10/8/80 Meeting on American Inss re Microwave Ovens (3 10/13/80 Workshop Agenda Items/Progress Report on Alpine County Disposal Alternatives (4 10/16/80 Meeting with EPA re Mitigation Programs. REGULAR MEETING -2- 10/16/80 MANAGER'S REPORT: Ail items on agenda. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman stated that the E1 Dorado County Water Agency approved the contract with the Utility District for another year. He has been to the Legislature Counsel office twice on the TRPA Compact and they mentioned that an oral report will be given to him tomorrow or early next week, and a written report to follow. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None. REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: (1) Efficiency of New Copy Machines. Mr. B. Fischer stated we have made arrangements with Xerox to have their technical service representative here on the machine number 3400. REPORT BY PROGRAM MANAGERS (Continued) Russell L. Culp of CWC gave reports on Keller Road and Glen Road Booster Pump Stations; Fire Protection in the Tahoe Valley "Y" Area and Stateline Reservoir. Mr. B. Cherry, South Lake Tahoe Fire Chief, stated there are some serious deficiencies in our water supply systems and fire protections. He commended Mr. R. L. Culp on his reports to the Board. Of the 3 plans submitted on the fire protection, Mr. Cherry stated the one he would recommend is the Plan "C" at a cost of $510,000.00, realizing the financial burdens this would also cause. EPA MEETING: Director Kashuba stated that the Mitigation Programs will have to be committed by the City, County, Agencies with a specific time schedule by the 1st of January 1981; the 208 plays a very critical role and those commitments will have to be made; the Presidential Order was signed today and we will have to comply with that, which does limit the number of connections that we are looking at the next 5 years. Mr. Cofer stated that the 201 Grants (Design, Planning, Construction) and Phase II of Headstart - none of those grants will be approved unless the non-attainment plan is implement- ed; also, the capacity of the plant was discussed and no decision by EPA as to what this is to be. There will be a Mitigation Meeting tomorrow, 10:00 A.M., Aspen Room Recreation Complex, and this is a very important meeting and asked all that could to please attend this Mitigation Task Force Meeting tomorrow morning. Manager's Report. ATTORNEY ' S REPORT PROGRAM MANAGER REPORTS. REPORTS: BY ENGINEER. EPA MEETING REPORT MITIGATION MEETING REGULAR MEETING -3- 10/16/80 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION ACTION Purchase of Secondary Effluent Sampler...$3,315.00 (LAB) Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. Plans and Specifications for BELLVUE STATION EMERGENCY GENERATOR. Authorize for Bid. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, standby generator purchase be approved. Repair Erosion Damage "A"-Line Luther Pass Pipeline. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that we declare this a great emergency and authorize this work done. Paving City Streets/Cuts, Water Department. W. Dunckhorst requested authorization to obtain bids to expedite this work. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. Once this is done, Fire Chief Cherry requested a meeting to establish some type of a policy re fire hydrants. REVISION OF SECTION 9.2/SEWER ORDINANCE Director Jones stated that we have been looking at conversion of motel units, and we could not come to any decisions. He stated that we shoudl revise that section that talks about the schedule of units and have staff look at this section to see what it would take to revise this section. President Neal Olson instructed staff to look into this section, and bring some thoughts back to this Board. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $709,846.83 be approved for payment. WORKSHOPS/MEETINGS: Board Workshop Session 10/22/80 re Consulting Panel Inspection 3:00 P.M. SWRCB - 10/29/80 - Sacramento to adopt 208 Plan. ADJOURNMENT: 5:55 P.M. ATTEST: Purchase of Sampler Approved for Lab. Authorize Bid for Purchase of Emergency Generator Approved. Declared Great Emergency and Approved Repair to Export Line. AUTHORIZE FOR BIDS FOR PAVING CITY STREETS. Discussion/Sewer Ordinance, Sec.9.2 Claims Paid. Meetings/Workshops. ~ ~-~___~--% ADJOURNMENT... Walter "Neal~ Olso~ president South Tahoe Public Utility District Mary D. Ambrose, Clerk of Board REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 6, 1980 4:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public UtJ.lity Distr-ic'L met in regular session, 11/6/80, 4:00 P.M., District ROLL CAI.I.: Present were President W. Neal Olson. DirectoL'.?. J.r. Jones and J. ¥'~fnn, L. Kashuba and M. ~adden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, R. r-aer, W. Drench'horst, G. Plasterer, R. Heng, Nike Adams - Shop Steward: Barrie Fischer, J. Fredrickson - City of Sou-k2'. Le_kc T~_hoe, ~. _za~e. _1~, and Clerk of Board. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO 'AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested that one it~abe deleted frcm Action Items, and that Lloyd Bracewall from CSO will be here at 5:00 P.M. to report on Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director l'~yTm mOVC~.. seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, consent calendar be approved. (1) Extension of USFS Special Use Permit, Export Pipeline Approved. (2) District Safety Policy Approved (3) (4) Change Order No. 1: Steel Storage Tanks Contract (~nschel and Small = decrease of $1663) Approved Dues for Ca!ifozmia Water/Sewer Districts a[7~roved. Water: $2,308.50 SE~R: $2,308.50 (5) Sewer Connection Fees E1 Doradc Comnty Cultural Educational Ten%er (Library%/ Museum) Approved that sewer connection fees not reqmired, until Phase Two Pem3it. Final Accep-hance-College Test Wells Water Dev. Corp. (RES. NO. 2200) Approved. (7) Fallen Leaf Lake Sevmr Project: Change Orders C-8, C-ii, C-12, C-13 approved. Change Orders C-14 and. C-!5 for Fallen Leaf L~Jze Sewer Project also approved. MINUTES: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, carried, that the minutes of 10/2/~3 be approved as submitted. REPORT BY BOARD ~.~_.tMBE~: SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: ::i~S OF 10/2/00 .APPRO\~D '~' q REPaRTC. None SHOP S~TA_~D'S PZPORT: None. ~ REGULAR~ETING -2- 11/6/80 COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Public Information md Legislative Committee. Director Kashuba stated that she did participate in a forum with Congres~nan Shumway, and John Wynn also in attendance, and presented the status of the Utility District as it is of now. (2) Water: Director Jones stated that there was not a meeting of the E1 Dorado County Water Agency Connnittee - same cancelled until next month. (3) Finance and Insurance: President Olson stated that he and Director Wynnmet with Barrie Fischer, Randy Rattaro regarding the purchasing of automobiles and trucks for the Utility District. The FinancejInsurance Con~mittee does reconmend that all bids received be rejected, that there be a pre-spec meeting with the Dealers so we can find out from them just what they feel is the wisest accessories, etc., for the trucks we want to purchase. Requested this be acted on/items for Board Action, Item 92. It was also the recon~nendation of the Finance/Insurance Conrmittee that the package policy for insurance was studied, and discussed in length, and recon~nendation is that we continue with the same insurance policy as we have had in the past. Director Jones gave eachBoard Member a copy of his report re Maximum and Average Daily, Monthly flow of the plant and re~u~ested this be on the next meeting agenda. REPORT ON VDRKSHOP SESSIONS/MEETINGS: The following were held: (1) 10/17/80 Mitigation Task Force (2) 10/22/80 Workshop Report by Special Consulting Panel (3) 10/28/80 Meeting with SWRCB and Corps of Engineers re Grants Cons. Programs. (4) 10/29/80 SWRCB Adoption of 208 Water Quality Plan (5) 10/31/80 Mitigation Task Force (6) 11/3 /80 Workshop/Agenda Items and Review 1980 Audit Report. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that Andy Hauge is doing an excellent job, working with various agencies, and now has the mitigations down to 91 from 119. ATTOP2~Y'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that he is working on the Polansky Case, requests an executive session to discuss the Joyce Case, Dixon Case and Hubbell Case. PUBLIC INFORMATION REPORT. WATER REPORT GIVEN. FINANCE & INSURANCE GIVEN. SA~ INSURANCE COVERAGE APPROVED. ~'~tTER COY~I~TEE REPORT TO BE DISCUSSED NEXT MEETING. ~DRKSHOP SESSIONS/MEETINGS. MANAGER'S REPORT. A~fORNEY ' S REPORT. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None CO~9~ENTS FROM AUDIENCE. None. REGULAR MEETING -3- PROGRAM MANAGERS REPORTS: R. Heng gave a report on the status of Grants Proqrams. STATUS REPORT ON P~PAIR OF FIRE IA~RANTS: Bill Dunckhorst stated that all lC of the Fire Hydrants have keen repaired and now in operation; cost approximately $4600.00. Letter to the Fire Chief stating the repairs are done and the hydrants in operation. ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION: It was stated that Item one was Allowable Sewer Connections for 1981, and same was deleted until after the CTRPA hearing tomorrow and until after our Manager has had the opportunity to discuss same with the City Manager. (2) BIDS RE PURCHASE OF DISTRICT VEHICLES: D~ector Jon_~.~ moved, seconded bv Director Madd~-~, mna~_Lvously carried, tlnat '~e bids he rejected as rccozm~nded by the Finance/Insurahce Con~ittee. (3) LUTHER PASS EFFLULIJP TPJ~MSPORT SYSTEM REPLACF~.IINT AND SURGE PIPELINE CONTRACT. (a) C.O. No. 4 Increase of $6,096.00 (b) Authorize Final Acceptance (RES. NO. ~2201). Director Madden moved, seconded by Director klrnn, unanimously carried. (4) PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SANITARY SE~R REHABILITATION PROJECT .- Director Madden moved, seconded by Director l<ashuba, unanimously carried, authorization for bids be. approved. (5) Proposal for Analysis of Glenwood Well Cc~nplex. (4 wells evaluation at a cost of $2000). (L~hdorff and Scalmanini). Director (6) Donation to Barton Memorial Hospital for CPR Instructions, of $100.00. DirectorMaddenmoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, carried, with President Neal Olson abstaining, that the Donation be Approved. Nover~er 6, 1980 C~RARTP AD~I!N!STP~.TO~ REPORT. ITE~ FOR BOARD ACTION AND ~' ~!~AG~:? ~ ~C RT'.O2~'i"E~ATIONS. VEHICLE BIDS REJECTED. Approve RES 2201 Authorize for bids. PROPOSAL APPROVED DONATION TO BAllON HOSPITAL FOR CPR ~'ISTRUCTIONS. A-nPROVED. REGULAR MEETING -4- November 6, 1980 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones~ unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $476,298.69 be approved for payment. NOTICE OF ~ETINGS: PAYMENT OF CLAI~ APPRO%~D. MEETINGS SCHEDULED. (1) 11/10/80 Workshop, Agenda Items (2) 11/13/80 WORKSHOP, Report on SCS Alpine Co. Study, 3:00 PM (3) 11/13/80 Board Meeting 4:00 PM (4) 11/14/80 Mitigation Task Force Meeting 11/14/80, 9:00 AM Arts Bldg. (5) 11/20/21/80 CASA (6) 11/25/80 Water Purveyors Meeting 10:00 AM, District Office (7) 12/1/80 Workshop Agenda Items (8) 12/4/80 ADJO~: ATIZST: Board Meeting 4: 00 P.M. ~South Tah~l~n~t~['~d~itstrict l,~ry-D f~n~rose, Clerk o~ Board South ~hoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICt' NOVEMBER 13, 1980 4:00 P. M... The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a ra~..mlar session on 11/13/80, 4:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were President W."Neal" Olson Directors L.L. Kashuba, M. Madden, J.R. Jones and J. Wynn. ~%Y3I,L C_Al,l, Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R.Cofer, Assistant District Engineer R.G.Baer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, D. Antonucci, j. Klykendall, Tribune Reporter, Clerk of Board, J. Fredrickson, N. Woods, A. Bogosh, R. Heng. CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: None. CONSENT CALENDAR: (1) Increase Budget Authorization for Water Studies Culp/Wesner Culp. (2) Water Will Serve Letter for Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Tamarack Subdivision. NO AGES!~A CH. ANG~.S o A_._CENDA APDBO, VE.D CONSENT CJkLENDARAPPROVED. Director ~amnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, Consent Calendar be approved. MINUTES: October 16, 1980 Minutes: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, carried, that minutes be approved as submitted. Director MaddenAbstained. }~I~JTF_.S OF 10/16/90 APPROVED. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None SHOP STE%~'S REPORT: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS: BOARD MElVIBER RE_,PORTS. SNOP STENARD'S REPORT: NONE. CO~I~I~.._F RFPOR~S: NONE.. Manager Cofer reported the following sessions held and attended: (1) CTRPAMeeting on 11/7/80 WORKSHOP SESSIONS & MEEI, iNGS. (2) Workshop/Agenda Items on n/10/s0 (3) Inspection Report given by Consultants on ~/13/80 prior to this Board Meeting, also the report from Soils Conservation Service re Alpine County Disposal Alternative. Manager's Report: Manager Cofer stated that he has been asked to report to the Alpine County Board of Supervisors on 11/18/80 to bring them up to date on the status of our planning and he has a draft letter that will be sent or taken to them; he asked the board members to review same and advise if they have any changes. ~ANAGER' S REPORT. REGULAR MEETING -2- 11/13/80 Manager's Report (COntinued) Manager Cofer also stated that he will also present them with the SCS report. ATIORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that (1) the Airport Well Deed is recorded; (2) ~t with the appraiser, appraising the Harvey Site, and the preliminary figure will be given to us in about 3 weeks or less; (3) Has a request from Joyce to settle the litigation. ITEMS FOR BOARDACTION: (1) 1981 Allocation (Connections). Director Kashuba moved that the Board of Directors of this District advise the City of South Lake Tahoe that we will allow 252 connections for single family dwellings, and the amount allowed for commercial under the Bi-State Compact for 1981 and that this is subject to the plans being consistent with Water Quality Plan (this means the builders plans) and that an erosion plan on their sukmitted documents be included. The details of this to be negotiated with the City of South Lake Tahoe and the County of E1 Dorado, and seconded by Director John Wynn. Director Kashuba explained that her purpose in this motion is (1) the recommendation from our Consulting Panel as we spend a great deal of time of this report, their creditability and their em~ertise of their report; (2) The Bi-State Compact and the CTRPA he3.~e l~th stated they would allow that ~mr3u~t as allowed by the Bi-State Compact of cormections; (3) In addition, we have been working for the past 10 mnths in the Mitigation Task Force to t~f to gain creditability to get some mitigation measures approved on the land so we can justify the expansion of the plant, which we know has to be done, she stated. With this in mind, Director Kashuba stated that we have to see that erosion control measures are impi~nented, whether we do it or the City does it. Director Olson stated that in the TRPA Compact it does state 64,000 square ft. This woujld mean equal to 861 connections, and approximately 80 sewer units for commercial. ATTORNEY ' S REPORT. ACTION TAKEN APPROVED 252 Connections. REGULAR MEETING -3- COMMENTS FROM BOARD MEMBERS: Director Jones stated that he felt it %,ou!d be a mist~ce to continue to allocate permits as we have done in the past several years. We have had sc~e significant increases in flow; our flows are approaching capacity, if not now reaching it, we are goJ_n~ to be way beyond our capacity of t~e plant. ~,~%nager Cofer stated that he and Director %o°nn,_es_have no disagreement that over the ~ nerm we are ~uing ~u have more flow per connection than we now have. Manager Cofer stated his concezn~ is to try to increase the reliability of a 13-year old plant. He further stated that based on the Consultant's Panel Report, we are warranted in allowing a limited number of connections. Director Madden stated that she does agree with Director Jones and that we do have problems with our plant and how can we afford to let people build when we know we have problems with our facilities, she stated. Director Wynn stated that he does accept the Consultant's Panel Report and their recommedation. Director Kashuba stated that she w~uld 1/ke to recomnend to the Board that we inmediately look into a connection charge that would cover ~ot only the connection~ ~.~t a mitigation fee to be .paid ~V the builder to allow us to have a~ erosion control plan. She feels that this is to be a responsibility of ours in the future. President Neal Olson stated that he accepts the motion and the recon~enda- tion of Staff. ROLL CALL VOTES: AYES: Directors Olson, ~nn, Kashuba. NOES: Directors Jones and Madden. NOTE: Lahontan did present a letter to Staff and had no comnents following the above action by the Board of Directors. (2) Assistant District Engineer requested authorization to negotiate with the College re the College Well. Also authorization to approve the proposal for an Environmental Impact Report ($11,295.00); Also to File a Notice of Preparation of anEIR. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. November 13, 1980 APPROVED 861 SEWER UNITS (252 CONNECTiX,iS) ~ PIA~,TS TO p~ CONSESTE~ ~'7%YH¥,~tTERQUALL~fpL~, ~qD ~7AT~ EROSXON PL~ BE P~TH~IR S~~D AUTHORIZED NEGOTIATIONS ~TH COLLEGE 4 APPROVE PROPOSAL FROM JONES & STOKES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT: FILE NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF A N E I R APPROVED. REGULAR ~ETING -4- ii/i3/80 (4) PROPOSED MODIFICATION OF ICR MONITORING PROGRAM AND ~THDRAWAL OF APPEAL TO STATE. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director ~fnn, unanimously carried, recor~nendation of staff be approved. APPROVED ~DIFICATION OF ICR MONITORING PROGRAM AND WITHDRAWAL OF APPEAL TO STATE. (5) APPOIN%~4ENTOF BOARD~.~mMBERTO BUILDING AIJOCATION COMMII~fEE: President "Neal" Olson appointed Director John ~fnn to the Building Allocation Committee. WYNN APPOINTED TO ALLOCATION COMMITTEE. NOTICE OF MEETINGS: (1) SCS Workshop (11/13/80) (2) Mitigation Task Force (11/14/80) (3) Alpine County (11/18/80) (4) CASA (11/20-21/80) (5) Water Purveyors (11/25/80) (6) ACWA (12/4-5/80) (7) Workshop Agenda Items (12/8/80) (8) Lahontan Priority List/ Erosion Control Projects (12/11/80) (9) District Christmas Luncheon, 12/17/80, NOON. American Legion Hall. SCHEDULED MEETINGS. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $684,381.65 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT. ADJOURNMEBIP: ~ ~resident South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Mary D. ~mose, Clerk of Board/Secretary South TahOe Public Utility District REfR~AR ~ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PLqBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DEC[~ER t'!, 1980 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on 12/4/80, 4:00 P.M., District Offices. ROLL C~Z~T,T,: Present were President W.N. Olson, Directors L. Kashuba, J. Jones, J. Wynn and M. Madden. Also present were ~mnager/.Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. Baer, C. Ross, R. Heng, J.C. Weidman, M. A~ams, K. Schroeder, J. Rosati, D. Clark frc~ EPA, R. Rattaro, A. Hauge frc~ QUAD Consultants, Ann Bogash, City of So. Lake Tahoe, and Gary Plasterer. AGENDA. No changes. CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Wynn ~oved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried that the Consent Calendar, as follc~s, be approved: (1) Ratify ~nager's Action Order of Replacement Generator for Baldwin Beach P~mp Station ($5000). (2) Reject Bids and rebid for sewer rehabilitation projects. (3) RESOLUTION NO. 2201 Approved, Transfering $923.77 Frcm A.D.1964 to Sewer Revenue Fund. (4) Approved renewal of Policy for 1981 Calendar Year Allocation Program. No limitation on number of baths. (5) Vision Care Insurance, Contract ~mendment, Increased Fees...Approved. (6) Correction of sewer billings for Parcel No.29 372 020 frcm 3 to 8 sewer units, approved. MINUTES: Director Kashubamoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried, minutes of 11/13/80 be approved. REPORT BY BOARD~F~ERS: Director Jones stated that he, President Olson and Director ~dden attended the ACWA Conference, San Diego, last week. He stated that it was a very interesting meeting a~d m~st especially the session on Public Affairs, Water Rights; President Neal Olson attended the Workshop on Wild and Scenic Rivers; Director Maddendid attend the Public Affairs session. Agenda Approved. Consent Calendar Approved. MINUTES of 11/13/80 Approved. BOARD MFJ4BEPS REPORUS. Regular Meeting --2-- 12/11/80 Director Kashuba askedMr. Weidman to report on the meeting (CASA) of the Attorney's Cc~mittee that did investigate the procedures of the State Board. Mr. Weidman stated that the concern in the past has been in the event there were to be Peti%ions~for Review, and the time lhnits on same. Norm Waters introduced the bill to the Legislature, that would require the State Board to act within 60 days on the Petition for Review. Also discussed: hc~ should the Basin~l~ He~rLngs, Cease ~_nd Desist Rearings be cor~ucted, and Waste Disc?~rge Requir~nent Hearings. CASA did get the attention cf the ST~'~ BO~D AS they really did not have ~y procedures. SHOP STEW~RD'S REPORt: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: None WORKSHOP SESSIONS/MEETINGS: 1. Mitigation Task Force 11/14/80 2. Alpine County Board of Supervisors on 11/18/80 and 12/2/80, and another scheduled for 1/5/81 for the SCS study on Alpine County. 3. CASA 11/21/22/80. 4. SWRCBWorkshop on EIR Water Rights 11/25/80 5. 1981 Building Permit Allocation Cc~mittee on 12/1/80. 6. Alpine Resources Cons. Dist. Workshop on 12/4/80 7. Workshop/Agenda Items 12/8/80 8. Water Purveyors Meeting 12/9/80 9. Lahontan RWQCB -Remedial Erosion and Runoff Control Project Priority List 12/ll/80.(Report given By R. Baer on this meeting). MANAGER'S REPORT: None ATI~'S REPORT: Mr. Weidman, Manager Cofer and Director Jones met with the Counsel for the Export Pipeline on 11/25/80; he attended the State Board Workshop Session re the EIR. Mr. Weidmanhas also been znvolvedwithother Attorneys re the TRPA c~npact and that clarification of same. Mr. Weidman also requested a meeting with the Board and Manager Cofer and Mr. Lee Schuering~ our Labo~ Attorney. Manager Coferwill set the date and not~f~all. COMMENTS FRCM AUDIENCE: None. Director Olson stated that the death of Mr. Rust is certainly a great loss to this District as well as other people he represented. Manager Cofer was asked to send a letter to the family signed by the Board and Mr. Weidman. SHOP STEWARDS REPORT. CC~I TI~E REPORI~. WOP/<SHOP SESSIONS/ MEETINGS Manager's Report. C~$: None. -3- ITEMS FOR BOARD AC~fION MANAGER'S RECO}.~ENDATIONS AND BOARD ACTION (1) Report on Mitigation Program by Mr. Anders Hauge of QUAD Consultants on Phase "B" Program. Director Kashuba, Chairperson of the Mitigation Task Force, introduced ~. Anders Hauge of .Quad Consultants, and ~.~. Janet ~osati frc~ EPA and Dave Clark fr~m EPA. Director Kashuba explained the purpose of the Mitigation Task Force and what is required by EPA for grant of funds for our Facility Planning Program. She stated that Mr. Hauge has done an out- standing job as our Mitigation Task Force Consultant. Mr. Hauge introduced another member of his firm - Mr. Harry Tc~. ~. Hauge briefly went over the program with the Board and what has been accc~plished in these past two months: EPA had 134 mitigation measures to be implemented by approximately 92 agencies., and nc~ have approximately 97 mitigation measures to be implemented by 42 agencies. 52 of the 97 measures have been implemented at one time or another. Douglas County removed themselves frcm this Project; tb~ 1980 notice of proposed rule making was established; the Lake Tahoe Basin Water Quality 208 Plan was adopted; the PRESIDENT signed the Executive Order; TRPA renewed cc~pact was approved; the 1980 Regional Plan was adopted by CTRPA, and the Burton- Santini Bill - all had major impacts on the Mitigation Program. ~r. Hauge stated that we have ccme a long way through the efforts of Director Kashuba, Manager Cofer, Janet Rosati and Dave Clark and all members of the Task Force,as well as the City and many of the agencies that are involved. MR. DAVE CLARK OF EPA stated that in ~he 20 or so years that he has been associated with government he has never really seen an effort like this that is involved with intergovernment coordination and cooperation in the thin~s that he would consider to be almost insurmountable~he further mentioned that t~e City, County, just everyone involved is to be ccmplimented, and stated we are not there yet, but the effort that has been made by everyone is truly cc~nendable ,and it has just been a pleasure to b~ve been associated with this group. Manager Cofer stated that the next phase of this is to get the various agencies to make a c~nitment to continue this program. ~. Cofer presented a letter he has written to ~. Hauge to the Board Members ce~nending ~. Hauge for the work he has done and directing him to proceed with Phase B if the Board so approves. Director Jones mved, seconded by Director Kashuba, carried, Quad Consultants prcceed with Phase B. APPROVED PHASE B OF ~TIGATIQN PROGPJ~. Regular Meeting -4- 12/11/80 (2) Proposed Response to EPA RE "NO PRQ/ECT ALTERNATIVE" Sewer Capacity. The Board Members and Manager Cofer reviewed the Letter addressed to Mr. Dave Clark of EPA. Janet Rosati stated at the recent Mitigation Task Force meeting she stated discussion on what a No Proj.Alterna~ should be, and at that meeting she had suggested that no action be no federal funds and that the proposed contract with Culp Wesner Culp as amends the Facility Plan(Supplemental Plan). Also, Ms. Rosate stated, an official statement will have to be obtained from the SWRCB stating what the proposed project is, and that statement would come out of the Sacramento Office, and EPA would also need the approval from the State. Attorney Weidman asked Mr. D. Clark if the letter prepared by Manager Cofer answers his questions that Mr. Clark asked in his letter? Mr. Clark stated that it does. Mr. Clark also stated that EPA must have a certification from the State certifying this project, what the Facility Plan is - what the Project is. APPROVED LETTER TO EPA IN ANSWER TO D. CLARK'S LETTER FROM EPA. (3) Award Contract for Engineering and Architectural Services, Community College Well. CWC Proposal in the amount of $14,500 for Phase I design work, including surveying. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. (4) Purchase of Lift Truck for Heavy Maintenance Approved. Purchase price of same is $45,000.00, less $12,000.00 for trade in on our now used crane. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (Attorney Weidman stated that we do not have to go to bid on this specialized equipment). Director Kaskuba commended Manager Cofer and the Program Managers for the Staff Reports. AWARD TO CWC $14,500,Phase I. Design Work and Survey Work. STAFF REPORTS. Regular Meeting -4- 12/11/80 (2) Proposed Response to EPA RE "NO PRO3EL~ ALTERNATIVE" Sewer Capacity. The Board Members and Manager Cofer reviewed the letter addressed to Mr. Dave Clark of EPA. Janet Rosati stated that the "No Project Alternative" was defined as no Federal Funds. The project for which the Utility District was requesting funding should be "The Proposed Project". ~. Rosati stated that the California State Water Resources Board would have to certify that the Proposed Project was consis- tent with the 208 Water Quality Plan. Attorney Weidman asked~. D.Clark if ~e letter prepared by Manager Cofer answers his questions that Mr. Clark asked in his letter? Mr. Clark stated that it does. Mr. Clark also stated that EPA must have a certification from the State certifying this project, what the Facility Plan is - what the Project is. (3) Award Contract for Engineering and Architectural Services, Cor~nunity College Well. CWC Proposal in the amount of $14,500 for Phase I design ~ork, including surveying. (4) Purchase of Lift Truck for Heavy Maintenance Approved. Purchase price of same is $45,000.00, less $12,000.00 for trade in on our n~ used crane. Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried. (Attorney Weidman stated that we do not have to go to bid on this specialized equipment). Director Kashuba con~nended Manager Cofer and the Program Managers for the Staff Reports. NOTICE OF ME~TINGS: (1) Mitigation Task Force Review Program, 12/12/80 at the Arts Bldg. 1 pm (2) Workshop Agenda Items 12/15/80 (3) District Christmas Luncheon, 12/17/80, NOON, American Legion Hall. (4) Board Meeting 12/18/80, 4 pm, Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Room. APPROVED LETI~R TO EPA IN ANSWER TO D. CLARK'S LETI~R FROM EPA. AWARD TOCWC $14,500, Phase I DesignWorkand Durvey Work. STAFF REPORTS MEETING -5- 12/11/80 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wynnmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $1,700,748.80 be approved for payment. President Olson stated that any monies or requests in great amounts of monies to be purchased will be brought to the Finance Conmittee on the second meeting of the month before it goes to the Board. CLAIMS APPROVED. ADJOURNMENT: 5:15 P.M. ADJO~ - 5:15 P.M. South Tahoe Public Utility District A%TEST: ' ~ D.//%n~rose, Clerk of Board South R~ahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 18, 1980 4:00 P. M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 12/18/80 at 4:00 P.M., Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President W.Neal Olson, Directors L.L. Kashuba, J.R. Jones, J.Wynn, L. Kashuba, and Mickey Madden. Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, R. Baer, R.Heng, G.Eppler and W.F.Pillsbury and Mr. and Mrs. C. Wamstad, Mrs. W. Pillsbury, Attorney J.C. Weidman. ROLL CALL CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested that NOTICE of COMPLETION for Fallen Leaf Lake be added to the Agenda, and that items 2 and 3 from Consent Calendar be added to the Action Items of the Agenda. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the Agenda be approved as amended. AGENDA APPROVED AS AMENDED. REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: None REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS: 12/12/80 Mitigation Task Force 12/15/80 Workshop/Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project/ Agenda Items 12/17/80 District Christmas Luncheon BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS. None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT. None. (None Present) COMMITTEE REPORTS. None. WORKSHOP SESSIONS/MEETINGS. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer presented copies to the Board of a letter received from the City of South Lake Tahoe regarding the Mitigation Program. The City has asked Manager Cofer to attend a workshop on 1/ 6/81, and they are asking also that the Board hold a joint meeting with them (City Council) on 1/8/81 at 7:30 PM. Manager Cofer recommended that the Board adjourn this meet- ing to a joint meeting with the City Council on 1/8/81 at 7:30 pm. MANAGER'S REPORT. Adjourn 1/8/81 regular meeting to 1/8/81 joint meeting w/City at 7:30 PM. Board will meet at 5pm on the 8th of January 81. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C. Weidman requested a brief executive session following this meeting to discuss the pipe- line litigation. ATTORNEY'S REPORT. Regular Meeting -2- PROGRAM MANAGER' S REPORTS. None COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION 12/18/80 None. PROGRAM MANAGER'S REPORT. None. COMMENTS: None. MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATIONS/ BOARD ACTIONS: (1) Supplemental Facility Plan Report - Authorize Budget Increase of $4,000.00 to CWC Contract. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried. (2) Waste Discharge Permit/ Advanced Secondary Effluent. Authorize CWC to Proceed with Proposed Work Plan - $20,000. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried that proposed work plan by CWC be approved in the amount of $20,000. Manager Cofer stated that he and Gene Eppler have discussed this item with Alpine County, and they are receptive. (3) FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWER PROJECT: (a) Status Report by CSO (b) CSO Construction Manage- ment Contract, Increase the Authorization by $10,000. Manager Cofer stated that the Status Report does poimt out some of the items which must be corrected for the Fallen Leaf Lake Project. Manager Cofer stated that it does now appear that the people cannot connect to the system until sometime next summer, perhaps the end of next July. Manager Cofer also stated that we no longer need two engineer- ing firms, and that we now only need CSO to manage the remainder of the construction contract, and recommended the Board release the firm of W.F. Pillsbury. Manager Cofer recommended that the Board consider increasing the CSO Contract by $10,000.00 for making the needed modifications. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. In reply to Director Kashuba's question, Manager Cofer stated that he does believe there is a chance of receiving grants for this project. Manager Cofer also stated that at all the meetings he attended with the Homeowners - if the project exceeded the initial costs, they would pick up that additional amount - cost over- run charge. (Approximately $75,000). APPROVED SUPPLEMENTAL FACILITY PLAN REPORT. cwc - $4ooo. APPROVED PROPOSED WORK PLAN/ADVANCED SECONDARY EFFLUENT, CWC, $20,000. INCREASE CONTRACT WITH CSO BY $10,000. APPROVED. Regular Meeting -3- December 18, 1980 (c) William F. Pillsbury, Inc. Notice of Completion of Contract, and Letter of Appreciation to Mr. Chuck Wamstad. Manager Cofer stated to the Board and to Mr. W. Pillsbury that the Fallen Leaf Project has been most difficult and he is appreciative of the work done by Pillsbury. Also, Manager Cofer presented a letter, signed by the entire Board Members, to Mr. Chuck Wamstad and his wife, commending him for his hard work as Resident Engineer. (4) Renewal Contract SCS 1981 Fiscal Year: Contract with SCS will cover Headstart, Phase I; Headstart, Phase II; Water Storage Tanks; Erosion Control Grants; Pipeline Replacement; College Well; Conservation Plans(surface runoff control Measures); Conserva- tion Plan (SEZ Work); and General Consultation (includes time for follow-up on Alpine Ccunty Study); and increase in overhead and administrative costs. Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Jones, carried (with Director Kashuba abstaining). (5) Alpine County Monitoring Program: Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, Alpine County Monitoring Program be approved. (6) FALLEN LEAF LAKE PERMITTEES SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM: Director Madden moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, Notice of Completion for Fallen Leaf Lake Permittees Project be filed. Manager Cofer stated that Virgil Anderson of the USFS is very satisfied with the Project. (7) Final Acceptance Contract, Head- start Improvements, Phase I, Section I, Sludge Holding Basin Improvements. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the Notice of Completion be filed, and that $5,000 be retained pending the outcome of the reliability tests on the sonic level indicators when installed and working. (8) FINAL ACCEPTANCE CONTRACT.. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, this contract be accepted for the Sodium Hydroxide Building and Mixed Liquor Box Repair, and retain $300.00 until the painting is completed, which will be done in the spring. COMPLETION WITH PILLSBURY ON FALLEN LEAF PROJECT COMPLETED APPROVED. APPROVED LETTER OF COMMENDATION TO MR. AND MRS. C. WAMSTAD. APPROVE RENEWAL CONTRACT WITH SCS ($30,000) LESS CARRY OVER FROM 1980 OF $7381.00. APPROVED ($5500) ALPINE COUNTY MONITORING PROGRAM APPROVED NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR~LING FALLEN LEAF PERMITTEES. APPROVED SLUDGE HOLDING BASIN IMPROVEMENTS. APPROVE ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT/SODIUM HYDROXIDE BUILDING AND MIXED LIQUOR REPAIR BOX. Regular Meeting -4- December 18, 1980 CONSENT CALENDAR:Note: Items 7 and 8 for Board action removed from the Consent Calendar, and the following item was approved from the Consent Calendar).. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried that the bid received from King Knight Co. for the Generator at the Bellevue Pump Station in the amount of $8,783.16 be accepted. APPROVE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO KING KNIGHT ($8,783.16 NOTICE OF MEETINGS: 12/22/80 1981 Permit Allocation Committee S~HEDULED MEETINGS. 1/5/81 Workshop Agenda Items 1/5/81 1/12/81 Public Hearing, Alpine County SCS Report on Land Application of Domestic Water on,pine Joint Meeting Board Meeting (5 pm) Workshop Agenda Items 1/15/81 Board Meeting 1/22-24/81 California Association of Sanitation Agencies PAYMENT OF CLAIMS. Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $229,147.92 be approved for payment. CLAIMS APPROVED. ADJOURNMENT: Session re Pipeline 5:10 P.M. into an Executive hit~'~. ADJOURNMENT k~~A~TER ~rNEA~-~O~SON , PR~.SIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: ~a~y D.~m~orose, Cler~ of Board South T%hoe Public Utility District