HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979 08/02 - 1979 12/20Joint Meeting With the City of South Lake Tahoe and the South Tahoe
Public Utility District, 8/2/79, 7:00 P.M., Lake Tahoe
Unified School District Board Rocm ...........
City Council Members except T. Trupp and J. Cefalu were present. South Tahoe
Public Utility District Board Members, except President Kashuba, were present.
Also present were Manager J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, and speaker Mr. D.
Jones from EPA.
Manager Cofer stated that the District has been underway on the Facility Planning
for almost two years seeking grants to expand the wastewater treatment plant. EPA
feels they have to do an EIS (Environmental /~r~act Statement) before they can
kconsider awarding our grant request of twenty-five million dollars (combined
Federal and State Grants). EPA has been working on our request for over a year,
and they are about ready to present a draft report.
MR. DAVID JONES, E P A: Mr. D. Jones stated that they are faced with two laws
concerning the South Tahoe plant: (1) Federal Water Pollution Control Act, which
provides grants for treatment plants across the nation (of which 87-1/2% will be qranted
frc~ Federal and State governments). (2) National Environmental Policy Act, whic~
states if there is a significant expenditure of federal funds, in a manner which
would also have a significant public interest, that an EIS must be prepared. Both
of these laws do apply to South Lake Tahoe.
Approximately two years ago, EPA sent out letters to several agencies in
this area asking what they felt were the major environmental issues; i~nediately
replies were received that we should not treat Douglas County separately, and based
on that, EPA decided to do an EIS, which incorporated both Districts.
Also, based on coranents frem CTRPA, TRPA, etc., it was felt that there were
many high erosion areas, traffic, air pollution and water supply, and based on
conments received, EPA issued approvals for the consultant to start preparing the EIS.
Areas must be identified where there could be severe adverse impacts on
the environment, and once these areas are identified, mitigation measures should be
developed to lessen those impacts.
If the draft EIS can be given by September, we will go a month for internal
review, perhaps then in January 1980 a hearing can be held on the EIS.
Manager Cofer stated that the District recc~nended a 9 mgd plant be
considered; our Facilities Planning Program recommended a 10 mgd plant. EPA and the
State would allow the District to go ahead with non-capacity i~provements, and one
of those in~provements was the surge protection at the plant. There is no way to
evaluate the surge protection without also looking at the capacity of the pipeline.
Manager Cofer stated it must be taken into consideration the rate of growth for the
· size of plant required, and for this reason he stated he does support a controlled
rate of growth; the growth rate is the issue.
Manager Cofer also stated that we are not in agreement with EPA as to the
definition of what a 10 mgd can do. He further mentioned that EPA feels that all that
10 mgd capacity is for connections; the District is saying that a 10 mgd plant is 1/2
or 1 mgd reserved for retreating water to the emergency pond (depending on how many
gallons per connections assumed); District definition of 10 mgd plant is not a build-
out of 11,000 plus lots, it is probably closer to 4,000, or 400 connections per
year, and 9 mgd is approximately 350 connections per year.
Mr. D. Jones stated that this project is going to require that all agencies
involved come together; that EPA is very concerned with the environmental secondary
im ct.
Chairman Olson thanked Mr. D. Jones for appearing this eveing. Mr. Olson
also stated that the District is in hopes they can be prepared to give the City the
number of connections in November of this year.
Mrs. Springmeyer suggested that perhaps it can be considered by the District
to allow those that have paid longest on their assessment, and also those that have
paid their assessments in full. Chairman Olson stated that it becomes the duty of
the City and the County to give the permits.
This joint meeting closed ~.
Ma~y D.-DiSPose, Clerk of Board
August 2, 1 9 7 9
8:00 P.M.
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session on 8/2/79 at 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors W.N. Olson, F.J. Cocking,
R.A. Fieldcamp and J.R. Jones.
ALSO PRESENT were General Manager/District Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C. Weidman,
Clerk of Board, B. Fischer, G. Eppler, C. Horning, R. Vonderscher, R. Baer, J. Mounier,
D. Bates, V. Bell and J. Fredricksen.
CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: One addition of a workshop session which was
held on 7/27/79 (listed below re. Workshop Sessions and Meetings)...
(1) Claim Against R & D Watson for Damage to Export Pipeline. Refer to Counsel.
(2) Repair of pump #2,~ Luther Pass Pump Station, $15,682.00. Authorize Byron-
Jackson Pump Company to repair pump.
(3) Sewer Uhit Increases and deletion of Fire Houses. Approve increased sewer
units and deletion of two Fire Houses.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the
Consent Calendar, as recommended by Manager J.R. Cofer be approved.
MINUTES: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried,
that the minutes of June 20, 1979 and the minutes of July 19, 1979 as submitted,
be approved. ' '
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Plant Oper~a_t_i~o~n~s__.- Director Fieldcamp stated that he, Director
Jones, Director Olson met with the. staff regarding plant maintenance; discussed
pond problems and the storage holding tank; inspected the pipe being delivered for
Luther Pass and Water Project.
President Kashuba stated that the Public Information Committee will call a meeting
for next week. No definite date. set.
Director Jones stated that there is no report from the Board Administration Committee,
however, he does have a calendar ready to give to the Board Members tonight.
WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND MEETINGS: Manager Cofer stated that the following workshop
sessions and/or meetings were held:
1. 7/26/79
2. 7/26/79
3. 7/27/79
4. 7/30/79
5. 8/2/79
Meeting with Alpine County Ranchers
Meeting with Mr. Dunham, SWRCB, re Federal EIS
Meeting with Culp/Wesner/Culp, Consultants
re Nevada Alternatives
Workshop agenda items and Nevada Alternatives.
Douglas County Commissioners Meeting
(Nevada Alternatives).
Regarding the meeting with Douglas County Commissioners, Manager Cofer stated that
he felt the commissioners were very receptive to this Nevada disposal. He also
mentioned ghat the commissioners did adopt a Resolution No. 79-44 regarding their
rules re disposal, and Manager Cofer read same to the Board Members for their
MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated he has been asked to appear before the City
Council on August 7, 1979. He did send a letter to the City Council today to outline
some of the important happenings re the. Facilities Planning Program, and requested
the Board to please read the copy of the letter and he welcomes their suggestions.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. Weidman stated that it appears the Fallen Leaf Lake Lodge
easement will be settled; he also mentioned that he will perhaps request authorization
from this Board to pay for a flagman, commencing the 13th of August.
Also, the Board will consider a change order of the H.M. Byars contract in the amount
of $2,700 for sheeting around the main pump station so that construction can proceed
Regular Meeting -2- August 2, 1979
with a minimum of interference to the lodge operation. This would allow the
contractor to attempt to complete the work this year.
Also, Attorney Weidman stated that he would like to adjourn this regular
meeting to an Executive Session for litigation information from Attorney
John Mounier.
July (MG)
Well Production
Cold Creek Diversion
Water Supply System, Bill Dunckhorst:
"Paving at the fountain shop has been completed; the job was watched
closely and everything was done as specified. It does make our shop
area much heater in appearance.
Tom Haen has been informed to proceed with the Alum Storage Project
at the Filter Plant. The alum tanks have been ordered with construction
scheduled to start next week.
Durinq the hot weather of a week ago, the water system averaged about
6.6 mgd, which is almost capacity, until the Airport Well is on line.
When the rain came on Friday and Saturday of last week, I noticed a drop
in demand to 3.9 mgd, which proves the heavy flow of water seems to be
mostly going to the watering of lawns and landscaping. Since the rains,
the flows are again increasing."
1978 1979 % Change
~10~- ~3~ 6 19.6 +
55.7 51.1 8.3 -
166.6 183.7 10.3 +
Calendar Year to Date
Well Production
Cold Creek Diversion
1978 1979 % Change
473.4 613.6 29.6 +
296.1 283.1 4.4 -
~9~, ~ 896. 7 16.5 +
Manager of Operations, John Bonnet:
"On 7/21/79 a broken rabble arm on the lime furnace forced a shut-down
of the lim~ system. Until this happened, we were meeting our requirements.
We now have a violation of suspended solids.
The rabble arm was repaired July 24, 1979 and the lime system went back
into service. After flushing Pond %1, for just over 24 hours, the turbidity
came back down to about 0.5 NTU. The plant is back to normal and performing
Manaqer of Maintenance, Gene Eppler:
"Approximately 85-90% of the pipe has now been installed at Fallen Leaf
Lake; most of the cement vaults for ES and VVS have also been set.
The construction work on Luther Pass Pipeline and Surge Protection Project
has started; the first shut-down for the pipeline replacement is scheduled
for next Monday, 8/6/79. This week will be devoted to pipeline replacement
only and they plan to work 20 hours a day.
A few major items were encountered at the Plant within the past few weeks.
One, the lime furnace (where a rabble arm broke off) required the shut-
down of the'furnace to make repairs; another problem was encountered -
while trying to pump the digesters, very heavy material was found and
another pond must be constructed in which to place this material.
We installed a transfer switch gear and wiring on the secondary effluent
pumps. Either number 2 or number 3 pumps can now be used from the emergency
stand-by generator."
Regular Meeting -3- August 2, 1979 2'5to
Mr. Bell stated that the construction on the Airport Well is approximately
15% behind schedule. Also, 80'% of the underground piping is in place.
Water System: Construction got under way last Monday.
~S FROM AUDIENCE: Mr. John Hubbell stated that a formal rec!u~ est
was made to this Board for him to be heard this evening, and he is not
on the agenda. Also he stated that he believes the Board is in violation
of the Brown Act because more than 3 members are present when the workshop
sessions are held. It was mentioned to Mr. Hubbell that the workshop and
study sessions are a no action meeting.
President Kashuba stated the reason Mr. Hubbell was not on the agenda this
evening is because the District/Board has not received the State Order
he refers to in his request to be heard this evening.
Mr. J. Hubbell also requested that he be notified at least 24 hours in
advance of any meetings, workshop sessions, etc. President Kashuba stated
we will notify him of any workshop sessions, meetings, study sessions, etc.,
24 hours in advance or prior, and notices will also be posted on the door of
the Utility District offices.
(1) Consolidation and Modification of District's Ordinances related to
Public Utility District Street Lighting Service Ordinance.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that
ORDINANCE NO. 300 and ORDINANCE NO. 301 be approved as reconm~nded by Manager
Cofer, with changes and modifications as reco~nended by Manager Corer.
A visitor from Fresno, California appeared before the Board to inquire of
the legality re connections to the sewer system for those people who have
lots, have been paying their assessment over the past years, and are now
ready to build and cannot. Also, why cannot this plant be expanded to the
ultimate capacity and allow these people to build.
Manager Cofer explained that would the agencies issue this District permits
to build the large plant, and the answer is NO they weuld not.
Manager Cofer also stated that the Utility District is proposing that we build
a 9 or 10 mgd plant, which will allow three or four thousand mor~ connections
over the next 10 years, and we are in hopes in this time period, we can solve
all the problems with the sewer service system, air quality, environmental
and transportation problems that exist now; we cannot and will not tax our
service area for a plant we cannot use; we must build a good size plant to
allow 300 or 400 connections per year.
President Lorrene Kashuba thanked our visitor for appearing before the Board
and discussing his concerns with us.
requested this item be deferred as other agencies needed more time to sukmit
their conm~nts regarding same.
Authorizing and Renewing Contract.
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried,
that RESOLUTION NO. 2153 be approved, as reco~nended by Manager J.R.Cofer.
5. SPECIFICATIONS FOR FORKLIFT- Authorize Advertisement for Bids. Manager
of Maintnenace, Gene Eppler, explained the specifications, ~c., to the Board
of Directors, and recc~mended consideration of their approval to advertise for
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcan~o, unanimously carried,
approval to advertise for bids for forklift be given.
-4- August 2, 1979
Regular Meeting
OOFER RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF SA~flE He requested Mr. Denton Bates,
Engineer for REM to explain the contents of their proposal, and
presented same to the board for their consideration, in the amount of
their cost $49,900.00.
Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried,
proposal from Rt~4be approved as recon~nended by Manager J.R. Cofer,
in the amount of $49,999.00, as explained by Denton Bates from REM.
stated that he has drafted a letter to R. Milbrodt, City Manager,
with copies to the council members of the City of South Lake Tahoe,
regarding construction of home with excessive sewer units, and each
Director was given a copy of this letter re parcel number 22 431 080,
and Manager Cofer requested consideration and/or approval from the
Board to mail this letter. Director Fieldcampmoved, seconded by
Director Cocking, unanimously carried, the letter drafted by Manager
Cofer be sent to the City Manager with copies to the council members.
COUNTER OFFER. Manager Cofer stated that he presented the District's offer
for 9% across the Board offer and the Union held an election, which
failed by one vote. He met with the Union on 7/26/79 and they are ask-
ing for everything in the District's offer plus 13 additional items and
9 of the items the District never did discuss or look at before. Manager
Cofer reccmn~nded that the Board reject the Union Counter Offer, and
requested authorization to retain Lee Schuering (labor attorney) to assist
us and continue to meet and confer with the union.
Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried,
that Manager Cofer's recc~m~ndations be approved.
Manager Cofer stated he and Attorney Weidmanwill meet with Mr. Schuering
tomorrow at 1:30 P.M.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones,
unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $511,829.67 be approved
for payment.
President L. Kashuba advised that Bob Baer will be in Alpine County meet-
ing with the Alpine County Board of Supervisors, and any Directors that
would like to attend are welcome. Also, Manager Cofer stated there will
be a workshop session on 8/13/79, 4:00 P.M., District Office to discuss
items for the agenda for the 8/16/79 meeting and to review the 50% design
head-start project.
President Kashuba adjourned this regular meeting of the Board of Directors
at 10:15 P.M. and requested Manager Cofer and Attorney Weidman and Attorney
J. Mounier and Directors to remain for the executive session following.
Lorrene L. Kashuba, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
/~a, ry D/ /~mbros~,- ..... Cle~ of Board
South/Tahoe Pubtlc Utlllty Dzstrzct
AUGUST 16, 1979
8:00 P.M.
The Board of Directors of the South TahoePublic Utility Districtmet in regular
session 8/16/79 at 8:00 P.M., Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Rock.
ROLL CALL: Present were Directors W. Olson, R. Fieldcamp, j. Jones F. Cocking;
ABSENT: President L. Kashuba. '
Also present were General Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Clerk of Board, Attorney
J.C.Weidman, R. Baer - Process Engineer, and many visitors.
MINUTES: Postponed.
CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested additions to the
consemt calendar, as follows:
5 Water Request Will Serve Letters.
And for Board Consideration - Items 9 through 14, of which 3 are to do with the
Union Contract, vote, etc., and two Ordinances regarding taxes and san~ to be
sent to the County, and an item of a great emergency.
Change in agenda approved.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried,
items listed, on the consent calendar be approved, as follows:
that the
Requ. est Great Western to initiate monthly retirement payments to Mr.
Al Kruse, starting 3/1/80.
Fallen Leaf Lake Forest Service Permittees Assessment District
No. 1979-1: (Following Resolutions ~aere Adopted):--
Resolution No. 2154, A Resolution Appointing Attorneys
Fallen Leaf Lake Forest Service Permittees Assessment
District No. 1979-1.
Resolution No. 2155: A Resolution DetermJ. ning to Undertake
Procedures Pursuant to Special~kssessment and Assessment
Bond Acts for the making of acquisitions and improvements
without further proceedings under Division 4 of the Streets
and Highways Cede.
Resolution No. 2156: A Resolution of Intention to make
acquistions and in~provements, Fallen Imaf I~ke Forest
Service Permittees-~=sessment District No. 1979-1.
A Resolution Approving and Authorizing execution of
amendment to agreement respecting Forest Service Use
Permits. ResolutlonNo..2157~.
Resolution No. 215B: A Resolution Rec~aesting consolidation of
South Tahoe Public Utility Distm~ict Election with the Statewide
SPecial Election to be held on November 6~ 1979.
Final Acceptance of Al Tahoe Well Improver~mnts.
Advance Payment for Fallen Leaf Lodge in the ~mount of $4,6~7.~ --~
FallenLeafL~e Sewer System.
Regular Meeting -2- August 16, 1979
(Consent Calendar Approvals) continued~
6. Water Will Serve Letters:
a. On Fremont and Sandy Way - office area to be added on where existing
restaurant is now located, presently served by a meter, no new service required.
b. New realty office to be located at Ski Run and Pioneer Trail, service
can be given off Ski Run Blvd. and a 1" meter service will be recon~nended.
c. New Contractor's Warehouse to be located at 924 Third Street and
Ruth. Service will be from a 6" main in front and because of landscaping
a 1" meter will be required.
d. Arcade to be located at 4046 Lake Tahoe Blvd., and is presently
served with a 2" meter, no new service required.
e. Helicopter pad and building to be constructed in the back portion of
Barton Hospital. Water will be served from existing hospital service and
no new service will be required.
REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Jones stated that on the 7th of August, he
met with Norman Waters to discuss the possibility of a life line rate for the
senior citizens (he also met with the senior citizens at the ~ he met with
N. Waters). Director Jones stated that Attorney Weidman is preparing draft
of wording that we can take to the Assemblyman soon regarding this life line
Director Fieldcamp stated on Tuesday, 8/7/79, he and Bob Baer met with the
Alpine County Board of Supervisors. He stated the Supervisors had 3 categories
of interest: money, the possibility of secondary into Alpine County and the
third was that they would accept the secondary if the District would build a
plant over in Alpine County.
Manager Cofer mentioned that Monday, 8/20/79, Alpine County will be holding
a workshop on our discharge standards.
Con~ittee Reports: NONE.
Workshop Sessions and Meetings: Manager Cofer reported that the following
workshop sessions were held:
8/7/79 Assemblyman Norman Waters and~ Senior citizens
8/7/79 City Council Meeting.
8/13/79 Workshop Session to Review Headstart Plant Improvements
and Agenda Items (Bill Ettlick from CWC was present for
review of the Headstart Plant Improvements Workshop).
STAFF REPORTS: None - SPECIAL REPORTS: One, presented by R. Baer, as follows:
"At midnight, Monday, August 6th, flow was diverted to the 60 million gallon
emergency holding pond in pre, ration for replacement of 4,700 feet of export
pipeli~ne. At 2:00 A.M. the Luther Pass Pump Station was shut-down and District
crews began draiDing the high lift section of the export pipeline and the one-
mill{on gallon surge tank at Luther Pass Pump Station.
The pipeline contractor, H.M.Byars, began replacing the pipeline at 9:30
A.M. on August 6th. The pipeline contractor was working two eleven-hour shifts
per day until noon, Monday, August 13th. A total of 4,450 feet of pipe was re-
District crews removed two three-foot sections of pipe on the gravity
section of the pipeline for 3D photographs. Pacific Northwest Pipelines
photographed approximately 2,000 feet of the gravity section.
Tom Haen cleaned 65 cubic yards of carbon fines from the one-million
gallon surge tank at Luther Pass Pump Station.
Number 3 pump at Luther Pass Pump Station was opened for inspection.
It was found that the rotating element was badly corroded. The spare
rotating element was installed and was ready for service by Friday, August
10th. The rotating element removed was the original and is beyond repair.
The staff will request later tonight that a spare rotating element be
placed on order.
The Electrical Department performed insulation resistance tests on the
large motors at Luther Pass Pump Station. All motors are in good condition.
At the treatment plant Chemical Clarifier No. 1 was dewatered and the
lime sludge drawoff line was cleaned by Roto-Rooter.
Heavy Maintenance installed two (2) three-way valves on Carbon Column
No. ~ and effluent piping tees were replaced on Carbon Columns Nos. 1 and 2A
Regular Meeting -3- 8/16/79
(Special Report by R. Baer, continued)
The Electrical/Instrument Department installed a new flow tube on Carbon
Coiunm Nun~er 7 and rebuilt the Sparling flow meter that nmasures the return
flow from the 60 million gallon holding pond.
33.8 million gallons were diverted to the 60 million gallon holding pond."
1. Request by Attorney Jan~s Bunnell for Reinstatement of Sewer Permit #15978 to
~r. Kevin Bruce:--Ma~.ger Cofer stated that on 8/7/79 Attorney J. B~nell petitioned
the District for a detern~ination of the status of sewer permit #1597~. ~. Bunnell
specifically asked if the permit was reinstated would it come from the plant
1978 capacity.
The investigation by the District Staff identified tJ~e foliowing~
(i) Sewer permit #i5978 was issued to Nidia Huggins on 3/17/78, fees
paid = $314.32.
(2) City of South Lake Tahoe cancelled building pe~nit on 11/8/78.
(3) Utility District received notice from City of cancellation of building
permit on 2/5/79.
(4) Utility District notified Nidia Huggins by certJ_fied mail on 2/5/79
of cancellation of sewer permit and refund due fees.
(5) District has not received request for refund of fees; no refund has
been made.
(6) Determination of r~T~ining plant capacity was made by the Board of
Directors on 10/19/78. Subject permit %~s include~ as Dart of the 1978 a!loca-
tion reserves. - ~
District Staff Recommendation:
(1) Determine t~at subject permit is part of 1978 permit allocation reserves.
(2) Authorize staff te notify City that if the building permit is reinstated
that the sewer permit would be reinstated from the 1978 allocation reserves.
(3) Establish condition for reinstatement of sewer permit be executed and
fees computed upon present fee schedules as follows:
1979-1980 Service Charges
Permit Fee
Connection. Fee
Credit from Pez~lit #15978
*Less $10.00 administrative fee"
$1,92~. ]_2
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that
the reconmendation of District Staff as stated in 1, 2, 3 above, be approved.
(2) Request by E1 Dorado Savings and Loan Association for E!iminatJ_on of Billing
for Water at 2014-B Highway 50, Lampson Plaza. -Manager Cofer stinted tha% a letter
was sent to E1 Dorado Savings and Loan Association stating this matter would be on
the agenda tonight. No representative was present. Manager Cofer recon~mended
denial of this request.
Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried that the
request be denied as recon~ended by Manager Cofer.
(3) Water Charges, Harrah's. M~nager Cofer stated he would recon~.=~ad this item be
(4) Receipt of bids on 4-wheel drive, 3/4 ton truck; water department. Water
Supply System Manager ~¢. Dunckhorst stated that one bid was received from Shehadi
~;otors in the amount of $7,090.00 -. ($9,010.00 less 2,010.00 for turn in).
Mr. Dunckhorst stated the bid was in order, and according to the specifications,
and requested c~onsi~e_r~ti.on of purchase. ~nager Cofer reco~.~nended approval of
this purchase zrom She~oadm ~btors for their bid price of $7,000.00. Director
Fieldcamp moved, seconded b~v Director Cocking, unan~rously carried.
Regular Meeting
-4- 8/16/79
5. Purchase of #3 Pump Rotating Assembly with Stainless Steel Shaft for Luther
Pass Pumto - Manager Cofer reco~nended purchase order to Byron Jackson Pump
for $19,687.00, plus tax. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Cocking,
unanimously carried, that the pump be purchased as reconm~nded by Manager Cofer.
6. Proposed Letter to Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board re request
by Rural California Housing Corporation Request for Exent0tion from Cease and
Desist Order No. 6-77-51. Manager Cofer recommended consideration of approval
of this letter. (This letter is requesting Lahontan Board to deny the California
State Department of Housing and Conm~mnityDevelopmentand the Rural California
Housing Corporation petition). Director Jones moved, seconded by Director
Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, tb~t the letter be sent to Lahontan requesting
denial of sewer permits.
Manager Cofer stated that Attorney J. Bunnell has requested an executive
session of the Utility District Board before his requests for sewer permits and
for assistance in court actions are discussed.
The Board went into an executive session and discussed litigation regarding
request by Attorney James Bunnell for Sewer Permits for Zuhair Hirmes, John
Hubbell and Gail Sanders, and Request by Attorney James Bunnell for District
to Assist in Court Action to Remove Cease and Desist Order.
Mr. Karl Magidson. Mr. Maqidson stated that he has attended every meeting
that had to do with building allocations and permits, and he asked why the
agenda this evening was not followed. Manager Cofer stated that this was
an error on the staff part between the City and the District; we did not
moan that allocation would be discussed this evening; the City had stated to
Mr. Cofer they would like to have someone present from the EPA to talk about
the Environmental Impact Stat~n~_nt, and that is whatwas discussed.
In reply to Mr. J. Hubbell's question, Chairman Olson stated it would be most
appropriate that prior to November - another joint meeting with the City would
be beneficial, when all figures, etc., are in to enable both the City and the
District to discuss allocations, etc.
Also, Chairman Olson recognized Mr. John Hubbell following executive
session, and Mr. Hubbell again requested his sewer permit ( Zuhair Hirmes,
John Hubbell, Gail Sanders). Director Jones moved, seconded by Director
Fieldcanl0, unanimously carried, that the request be denied. Director Jones
also conmented that he cannot see how three individuals can put themselves
in front of all the other people in the connmmity that have tried and wanted
sewer permits and building permits.
Manager Cofer montioned to the Board that prior to Mr. j. Hubbell requestin~
a sewer permit, there were several other requesting before he had. ~
Gail Sanders was also recognized by the chair, and she stated that at the time
the District had the capacity, those 11,000 people did not show to request the
sewer permit, and she felt that this is now a legal point - they approached the
District when capacity was available; she did not feel this can legally be turned
Director Cocking stated that legal opinions have beenmentioned by Ms. Gail Sanders,
and he stated that he would like to see this go before the courts and we get a
legal opinion.
Manager Cofer stated that in regards to the request to assist in court action
to remove the Cease andDesist Order (Lahontan) he reminded the Board that there
would be somo consequences. Contrary to the letters to the editor that we are
comfortable with the cease and desist order - ~nager Cofer stated thatwe are
not; it is a question of whether or not we can get this removed legally - and
this would obviously require expenses for attorney, engineering experts and
staff time to argue thatpoint; if this could be removed - not one new sewer
permitwould be allowed since this district has limited the connections we
would allow - not whether Lahontan would allow it .... Manager Cofer also stated
that the staff believes to assist in this, as requested, would be a misuse of
public funds. Manager Cofer recommended no action be taken and request be
Director Cockingmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that
the request from Attorney James Bunnell for District to Assist in Court Action
to Remove Cease and Desist Order be denied.
Regular Meeting
-5- August 16, 1979
9. Union Contract: Manager Cofer requested tentative agreement reached with
State Mediator be approved and authorize execution of Amendments to Memorandum
of Understanding with Stationary Engineers, Local 39. Director Fieldcamp
moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, Manager Cofer's
recommendation be approved.
10. Cost of Living Salary Adjustment, Confidential Employees: Manager Cofer
reconmended cost of living salary adjustment of 9%. Director Fieldcamp moved,
seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, Manager Cofer's reconmendation
be approved.
11. ORDINANCE NO. 302: An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District
Amending Ordinance Nos. 263, 273, 274 and 290 and Providing for the Compensation
of Officers of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Manager Cofer reconmended
approval. Director Fieldcampmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried,
that ORDINANCE NO. 302.
12. Declaration of Great Emergency and Authorization of $25,000 Budget for
Construction of Teaporary Sludge Drying Bed. Manager Cofer recommended approval
and to declare this of great emergency. Director Fieldcampmoved, seconded by
Director Cocking, unanimously carried.
13. ORDINANCE NO. 303: - An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District
for Improvement District No. U-1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District
Estimating the Minimum Amount of Money to be Raised by Taxation for Said
District and Fixing of Rates of Taxes 1979-1980 Fiscal Year.
Director Fieldcampmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that
ORDINANCE NO. 303, as reconmended by Manager Cofer, be approved.
14. ORDINANCE NO. 304: An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District
Stating the Purpose for which Taxes are Necessary, Fixing the Amount of Money
Necessary to be Raised by Taxation, Fixing of Rates of Taxes 1979-1980 Fiscal
Director Fieldcar~ moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried,
that ORDINANCE NO. 304 be approved as reconmended by Manager J.R. Cofer.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $423,779.62, as reconmended,
be approved for payment.
ADJOURNMENT: 10:20 P.M. .~'*'~- '"' ,-*7'x ~,.
Scheduled Meetings: 8/20/79,~ine Co~ty~8 ~.~/29~7~ne County, 7 p.m.
( ~D~mrner Ne~ Olso~e President
~.~ _~ South Tahoe Public Utility District
~ry D. _,~m~ lose, Clerk o~ Board
South T~o~ Public Utility District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
South Tahoe Public Utility District
September 6, 1979
8:00 P.M.
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District
met in a regular session in the District Board Room on 9/6/79 at
8:00 P.M.
ROLL CALL: Present were President L. Kashuba, Directors W.N. Olson,
F-J-Cocking, R.A. Fieldcamp and J.R. Jones.
Also present were Manager J.R.Cofer, Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C.
Weidman, W.F. Pillsbury, C. Wamstadt, M. Madden, Tribune Reporter,
C.I. Ross, R. Baer, W. Dunckhorst, M. Fagot, D. Spriggs.
Corrections or Additions to AGenda: Manager Cofer requested two
items be added:
1. Under the Report by Program Managers: W. F. Pillsbury and
Inspector C. Wamstadt re report on Progress at Fallen Leaf Lake.
2. Items for Board Action: Add a Resolution authorizing
signatures on partial payment estimates; Cal~Drnia Department of
Water Resources, State Loan Contract.
Agenda approved as changed.
CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones,
unanimously carried, consent calendar be approved, as follows:
(1) Adjustments in sewer billings per permit supervisor's memo of
9/6/79 - approved.
(2) Alpine County Poll re Quality of wastewater stored in reservoirs
in the County (received and filed).
Adjustments in water charges. Harrah's (Approved).
Will serve letters (water): -
a. Proposed Wendy's Drive In Restaurant to be
located 2060 Lake Tahoe Blvd. A new 2"
metered service will be required for service.
( App roved )
Proposed Tahoe Truss ManufacturinG Plant to
be located on Eloise Avenue. Service presently
on exisiting property. A 1" meter will be re-
quiredkon existing service line.
(5) Negative Declaration for SewerinG of Recreational Residences
at Fallen Leaf Lake on National Forest Lands. (Authorize filing of
notice of determination).
(6) A Resolution, No. 2159, Approving Indemnity Bond and
Directing Issuance of Duplicate Security (Bonds of South Tahoe
Public Utility District No. U-l, Series A). Approved.
MINUTES OF 8/2/79 - Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director
Olson, unanimously carried, minutes be approved as submitted.
REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: President Kashuba presented the following
"SUBJECT: A look at some areas in Denver, Colorado
how they are coping with growth and
providing services for the needs of
their communities
While on a recentltrip to Colorado, I took the opportunity to
visit the Westminster City Hall and Water District. We can always
learn from experiences of others. The problem at Westminster is not
unlike what is of South Lake Tahoe. Growth was the main problem with
water availability, a related issue.
Basically what they have done is to develop a water reuse
program, a cooperative effort between rural and urban interests, by
getting every beneficial use out of the water. ~
ReGular Meeting -2- 9/6/79
They borrow water from the farmers (from a Hi-line
canal) treat it at a water treatment plant and deliver it to
utility customers. Then another plant treats city sewage to a
level designed to benefit agriculture and returns the effluent
back to the high line canal for the farmers. The sludge is put
directly onto certain farm lands.
Three of the methods they have used to provide a
balance of Growth are: (1) The water re-use system as outlined,
(2) A water tap quota - limitinG the number of water connections,
(3) Allocation of the number of buildinG permits to contractors.
Incidentally, CWC have completed exhaustive studies on
Westminsters' wastewater, and can be used successfully in this
Denver Water Department also recognizes the importance
of water and its re-use. They are in the design stage (and
have had a public information program on) of a one-million Gallon
per day reuse demonstrationpplant. The facility will treat
unchlorinated secondary effluent from the Metro Denver SewaGe
Disposal District Plan and subject it to a high lime precipitation
followed by single stage recarbonation filtration, selective ion
exchange usinG clinoptilolite for ammonia removal, and carbon
absorption. The 1MGD flow will receive reverse osmosis treatment
followed by chlorine dioxide disinfection. This will then flow to
an on site recreational lake.
After construction is completed, there will be a six
months shake down period and~ 1/2 years of normal operation.
DurinG this time an extensive analytical testinG program and health
effects research program will occur. If the program is successful,
Denver will be implementing a full scale 100 MGD reuse program.
I have the plans of both Westminster, ordinances, and
waste discharge requirements, and public information documents
which I would like all of the Directors, ManaGer corer and EnGineer
Baer to review.
The insight I received during the visits with Cheryl
SiGns of Westminster, and Steve Work of Denver, were that
Colorado recognizes the value of water in all of its forms,
and that the best use is to use the water at every stage for
the most beneficial purposes. As you may or may not know,
Denver and the surroundinG area has some of the best agricultural,
irrigated farminG lands in the world as well as the largest cattle
feed lots - Monfort, etc. It would be well for us to learn what
we can from their work."
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Plant Operations: Director Fieldcamp and
Director Jones met last Tuesday with ManaGer corer to discuss
Pliant Operations, and a tentative date for another meeting is
scheduled for 9/12/79 to also meet re Heavy Maintenances
No other committee reports Given.
/2o/79 -
As reported by ManaGer corer:
Workshop Alpine County Board
of Supervisors re Waste Dis-
Lahontan RWQCB
Workshop for AGenda Items
Nevada Water Pollution Control Assoc.
Meeting with State Assemblyman Waters
re Lifeline Sewer Rates.
Director Jones stated that he and Attorney Weidman met with
Assemblyman Waters and his Assistant'ireGardinG the lifeline sewer
rates and they took them to talk with the legislative analyst to
help prepare some wordinG for the lifeline rates, and there is
nothing in the state codes now that allow this. Director Jones
stated they are looking at right now to include the entire Lake
Tahoe area-. Since we have so manymmandates to meet, our sewer
service charges are much higher than other areas, and we should
have some one to Give the retired persons on a fixed income a
break in some way of these high rates. He also mentioned they
spoke briefly with CASA, who stated they would support us. The
Assemblyman does want to have a public hearing at Lake Tahoe
reGardinG the lifeline rates, and following this, perhaps we
should notify the North Shore as well.
Regular Meeting -3- 9/6/79
MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that the sewer and street lighting ordinances
have been received from the printer and gave each Director a copy of same.
CASA has appointed a committee to come to Lake Tahoe (Roger Dolan of Contra-Costa
Sanitation District, a representative frc~ Carriola Engineers, and another
representative from Orange County Sanitation District) - They will be meeting with
Tahoe-Truckee Sanitation District tcmorrow, and Manager Cofer stated he will also
be there to present our problems with waste HdiSc.h ·
arge_ requlreme.nts. The c~L,~,~ttee
will also have someone monitor the Lahontan earing ~or the Basin Plan on the
North Shore.
A%~fORNEY'S REPORT: - J.C.Weidman, Attorney, stated that a letter of opinion (from
the County Counsel) was sent to the County Auditor stating that U-1 was outside
of the Jarvis-Gann, and that the County Auditor should levy our taxes, pursuant
to the Ordinance, for $240,000, and as of today the letter has not arrived at the
County Auditor's office; under the apportionment of SB 154 and AB 8, we ~ould get
about $125,000.
Mr. Weidman stated that he attended the meeting of the E1 Dorado
County Water Agency, and they adopted a budget for the fiscal year, and their so-
called transfer funds total $200,000. There was a balance transfer in the account
of the Utility District = $164,557.00.
Director Fieldcamp stated that we have not spent the amount the Water Agency shows
because we cannot accept the money until we send vouchers in on the Airport Well.
Attorney Weidman stated that the Water Agency also authorized to signing in the
long term EID Contract, which made the Water Agency and EID jointly on the power
license and the water rights, and the Agency approved the power purchase contract.
He stated he was not in agreement with a couple of items in the contract. We now
have annual contracts. Mr. Weidman stated he does want to approach Supervisor
Johnson as to whether or not we should go for a long term contract, so we can
continue to get transfer funds and a share for benefits that come from this project.
(1) Report by District Safety Officer. Manager Cofer stated that this is a spin-
off frown the CASA meeting;at the Manager's Committee meeting it was brought out that
some of the agencies had terrible experiences in injuries, and when the man was taken
to the hospital, no one was trained as to how to treat for that particular injury
that came from the sewer plant, so this was brought to the attention of our Safety
Officer and he will report on this.
C.I. ROSS, SAFE~Y OFFICER, stated that he and R. Baer met with Ron Newton - Barton
M~morial Hospital Administrator, and explained the problems and possible future
problems to him as to our personnel that might come in contact with chlorine gas,
hydrogen sulfide, and Mr. Newton will go over this with his staff and get informa-
tion back to us as to how they will assist us in these ~nergencies.
There were also two safety meetings held with John Gould of State Cc~pensation Insurance
Fund, approximately 8 hour meetings each, and approximately 19 people have been trained
in first aid; also, safety meetings are heold once a month. We have a training course
scheduled with Caltrans on 9/17-18/79 for flagmen safety.
The Board of Directors con~uended Mr. Ross for a job well done.
(2) PROGRESS REPORT ON FALTRN LEAF LAKE: Mr. W. Pillsbury ccnmended Manager Cofer on
his presentation before the Nevada Water Pollution Control Conference given yesterday.
Mr. Pillsbury stated he is very pleased with the procuress at Fallen Leaf Lake; there
is a good contractor on the job, great cooperation has been received frcxn the
residents of the areas as well. Mr. Pillsbury asked Mr. Wamstad to give a report
on the project. (Mr. Wamstad is the Inspector on the project).
Mr. Wamstad presented a map of the Fallen Leaf Lake Project and stated that %~rk was
started on May 1st and approximately 98-99 % of the pipe work is done, the
appurtenances to that system have not been completed. Sc~e manholes are finished,
stub-outs are put in and marked. Valves, blow-outs, clean-outs not cc~pleted. The
contractor is planning to do the paving (asphalt) on the road about 9/24/79; nine (9)
ejector stations are eight (8) vacuum valves finished.
Total contract cost is $1,887,000 and work cempleted as of August 25th was $1,072,000,
or 5% of the now evaluated contract.
Regular Meeting
-4- 9/6/79
Manager Cofer conmended Mr. C. Wamstad on the excellent and outstanding job he
is doing.
Manager Cofer also mentioned to the Board that we must have a revenue program for
Fallen Leaf Lake prior to the State paying the 80% share of funds for this project.
The draft of the revenue plan is being worked on.
Attorney Weidman asked the engineers when will the pump station, that is, the
ejector and vacuum valve,and the tank be cc~npleted at Craven's. Mr. Wamstad
stated the deep vault was set this week, will do the second tank next week, then
the holding tank. Monday, the connection line, i.e., from the ejector station to
line "A" will be started.
Manager Cofer stated there will be no extra charges from Craven for the expected
charges of move onandmeve off of equipment and the vault was not in before
Labor Day.
Mr. Wamstad replied to Attorney Weidman that the access to the Craven Place was
not impaired the two weeks before Labor Day.
Manager Cofer stated the site of the pump station was moved around several times
in the field, and quite an embankment had to be taken down; we will now have to
build a retaining wall.
Mr. W. Pillsbury stated that there were a number of things encountered in the field
that were not anticipated, specifically, the profiles that were generated from the
aerial photography that they used for the project came from the original
assessment district proceedings and the accuracy of those were not as accurate
as they had hoped would be; therefore, a number of field adjustments were made.
W.F.Pillsbury had to return and redescribe easement locations for each ejector
station, reprofile some of the specific alignment areas; also in Line "A" there
was an error for depth of approximately 4 feet and he had to almost re-engineer
the profile on site.
MANAGER OF OPERATIONS REPORT (John Bonnet): - "On Thursday, 8/2/79, Vern Trujillo,
Bob Mil~er and myself attended the Team Management Seminar put on by the City.
The Semmnar lasted well over twelve hours, but was the best I have ever attended.
For exercises the instructor would divide the class into teams and give each
team a problem to solve; first, the problem would be solved as individuals, then
as a team representing team management. In all cases the correct decisions would
be doubled when solved as a team. Proving, of course, tw~ heads are better than one.
On Sunday, 8/5/79, just before midnight, we diverted plant effluent to the
emergency holding pond while the work on Luther Pass Pipeline was being done.
Again we took advantage of the shutdown to get some work done within the plant.
Much of the work was done in the tertiary and the chemical clarifiers. We
resumed export on Monday, 8/13/79, 9:00 A.M. About 36.0mgwas diverted to the
holding pond during shutdown. Providing we do not run into any problems, we
should have the pond ready to empty, or near empty, by the first of October.
We had two violations for July 1979 - the pH at Indian Creek and the
suspended solids. The pH we cannot control; the suspended solids violation was
a driect result from the broken rabble arm on the lime furnace which forced us
to shut down the lime system for a week; limewas fed into the system as soon as
we could, however, it still took a few days to flush the ponds" ---
WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM,(W. DUNCKHORST):- "The past week the Water Depazhn-enthas
accomplished nothing but the constant repair of main line breaks. The crew has
averaged about 3 to 4 leaks perday, which includes digging, repair, cc~paction,
and street patching per leak. Why we should b~ve such a large amount of leaks at
this time I cannot answer, as pressures are the sam~ as always and there has been
no pressure fluctuations. This is a concern of mine as we have many other things
I would like to see done while we still have good weather.
The pipeline project is moving along fairly well. The portion of new lines
and interconnections are now completed in the hospital area. The lines have been
sanitized and flushed and will be put on line as soon as coliform tests are
On Monday,8/27/79, construction of this project meved into the A1
At this time, 8" pipe is in the ground from Berkley Avenue up Lakeview
Avenues. At the present rate of progress, I amquite sure the project
completed until next spring.
A notice was filed in the local newspaper recently that the Water Deparh~ent
failed to meet bacteriological standards set forth by the California Health and
Safety Code, Section 4027.
This violation was caused because of missing a week of sampling in the month
of July. There was no danger to the water supply, by the law did require that
we run this notice in the local paper for 3 days.
The alum storage project at the filter plant by Tom Haen is almost cu~lete.
There are only a fewminor things, such as installation of propane tank,etc., and
then the project is completed~
Tahoe area.
to Sacramento
will not be
Regular Meeting -5- 9/6/79
August (MG)
1978 1979 % change
Well Production 127.1 119.4 - 6.0
Cold Creek Diversion 44.3 54.4 22.8
Totals 171.4 173.8 1.4
Calendar Year to Date
Well Production 594.5 733.0 23.3
Cold Creek Diversion 340.4 337.5 0.8
Totals 934.9 1,070.5 14.5"
FINANCE OFFICER'S REPORT: (Barrie Fischer): "Currently the auditors (Ehlman and
Calvert) are here doing the audit of the Water Department. They should begin the
sewer department in approximately a week.
We are working up requests for reimbursement on the following grants and
state loans.
Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Grant $417,166
Luther Pass Pipeline Repair loan 516,959
Water Dist. System Improvmts. Loan 175,876
Total .... $1,110,001.
I am hoping to have the final figures for the 1978-79 budget and beginning
figures for the 1979-80 budget for the Board meeting of 9/20/79.
We have transferred sewer and water charges in the amount of $1,840,602 to
the county tax rolls for collection. This represents approximately 50% of our
total billing for sewer charges.
Randy Rattaro, the Purchasing Agent, who is replacing A1 Kruse, started work
today. He has 3-1/2 years experience as a purchasing agent and comes highly
recu~nended by his previous employer. I feel he will definitely be an asset to
the District" ----
MR. DON SPRIGGS , ex-employee of the South Tahoe Public Utility District
(terminated employment 2-1/2 weeks ago), stated that he has appeared before the
Board this evening requesting that the Directors please discuss the working
conditions, personnel, etc., within the District. He stated there are many
internal problems that should be corrected.
President Kashuba stated thatwe do appreciate his opinions on the internal
problems, and she assured him it has given the Board something to think about;
she also stated that she was not aware of a whispering campaign, as the Board
has taken no action regarding an employee that Mr. Spriggs had discussed. The
Board does hire manag~nent to perform management duties, and that is their
responsibility, and this does appear to be an internal problem, and will be
taken up in an Executive Session where all personnel matters are handled;
she thanked Mr. Spriggs again for bringing this to the attention of the Board.
President Kashuba stated that she will call an Executive Session following this
regular meeting.
RECESS: 9:15 P.M. - Meeting reconvened at 9:30 PM..
(1) Request by SKY MEADOWS for issuance of a sewer permit. Staff recc~mended that the
request be denied. This should come from the allocation program. Director Olson
moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, request be denied.
(2) Request by RAINBOW TRACT ASSOCIATION for review of sewer service charges. Manager
Cofer recc~nended that a Board Con~nittee be appointed to review. President Kashuba
and Director Jones will serve on this committee.
(3) Progress Payment, H.M. Byars, Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project. - Manager Cofer
stated that we have discovered an inconsistency in the specifications; the agreement
that the contractor signed with the District provided for withholding 10% of the work
satisfactory completed, until 50% of the job was completed, and upon making a finding
that satisfactory progress had been made, we could then reduce that to withholding
only 5% for the additional work that was being completed. There is a section of EPA
regulations that were required to be included, which states we will hold 10% for the
first half of the project and after that if satisfactory progress ismade, only 5%
will be withheld. The concept is, MaD~ger Cofer stated, that enough funds are being
withheld to insure that if the contractorwere to walk away from the project, the
projectwould still be cc~pletedwith the funds being withheld.
Regular Meeting -6- 9/6/79
Manager Cofer recon~ended that the Board make a finding of satisfactory progress
and authorize progress payment in the amount of 95% of work completed since last
payment. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously~arried,
that the Manager's recon~nendation be approved.
(4) Letter to EPA regarding Facility Planning. President Kashuba drafted a letter
to EPA regarding our facilities planning program and requested approval frc~ the
Board to have saree mailed. Director Fieldcampmoved, seconded by Director Olson,
unanimously carried. (This is requesting consideration of a 10 mgd plant).
(5) ~nergency Repair Export Pipeline - Declaration of great ~mergency and authorize
repair. Manager Cofer stated we have discovered an apparent leak just upstream
from where the contractor finished installing new pipe; also, inside of a thrust
block, where the pipe makes an approximate 90 degree bend and goes under the
Highway (89); if the thrust block has to be replaced, it will take several days
to cure the concrete and we would estimate a 7-day shutdown, and we should also
go across the highway while making this repair. When we crawled in the pipe, there
was no mortar on the special bends at all. We notified Lahontan. We have talked
to the contractor and we would propose to do this under Force Account wherein
we will pay the contractor time and material, and he is allowed to mark up 15%
for profit; he must sukmit us the invoices, and the District will monitor the
people on the job. One complication is that Caltrans requires that we jack under
the highway, and we think this is physically impossible. It appears that we will
have to jack under the highway, and Caltrans will then make a decision as to
whether or not we can open cut across the highway or not. R E M hasmade an
estimate of $45,000.
Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that we
declare this to be of a great emergency and authorize the repair, as recu~-~nded
by Manager Cofer.
(6) Receive bids for fork lift: Mel Fagot reported on the bids received today:
Cashman, Sparks Nevada $26,949.44
Neddenriep, Minden, Nevada
Lift Trucks, Sparks, Nevada
Clarklift West, Sparks, Nevada
BOS Material Handling, Sacramento
Tenco, Sacramento
Director Fieldcampmoved, seconded by Director Jones, that the bid frem
Neddenriep, Minden, Nevada, $18,764.00 be approved. Barrie Fischer stated there
is but $90,000 for this year allocated for equipment, and this particular piece of
equipment was not included in that $90,000. Director Fieldcampwithdrewhis
motion, Director Jones withdrew his second, and this item deferred until the
next r~egularmeeting.
(7) RESOLUTION NO. 2160: A Resolution of the South Tahoe Public Utility District
Authorizing Signatures on Partial Payment Estimates to the California Department
of Water Resources (State Loan Contract) -
Director Fieldcampmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 2160 be approved.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
carried, claims in the amount of $1,108,087.76 be approved for payment.
9/17/79, 5:00 P.M. Workshop Agenda Items for 9/20/79 regularmeeting.
Board adjourned at 10:30 P.M. into an Executive Session.
~ I~rrene 'L.
South Tahoe Public Utility District
/ M~r-b /A~brose, ~lerk of Bo~
S6uryth ~oe ~lic Utility District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Septe~ber2Q 1 9 7 9
8:00 P M
The Board of Directors of the Sout]~ Tahoe Public Utility District met in a
reticular session 9/20/79 at 8:00 P.M., District Office.
ROLL CALL: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors W.N. Olson, F.J.
Cocking, R.A. Fieldcamp and J.R. Jones.
Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Clerk of
Boa.rd, Process Engineer - R. Baer, G. Eppler, M. Fagot, Terry Powers, and
other interested visitors. ~. Vern Bell also present and to give a report.
MINUTFS: Director Fieldcampmoved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously
carried ~%at the minutes of 8/2-16/and 9/6/79 be approved as submitted.
REPORT BY BOARD M~BERS: Director J.R. Jones stated last week he, Barrie
Fischer, and JohnWeidmanmet wi~u the E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors
regarding allocation of bail out funds allotment fr~n the State. They did
anticipate asking the County Supervisors for additional monies, but it was
to.parent there wes no chance of getting it because approximately 98% of that
money was allocated to fire districts and ambulance ser¢ice; however, Ma.
Jones stated that this District received $38,000, which is more than expected.
C@9~TI~E REPORTS: P!ant~ations: - Director Fieldc~np stated that he and
Director Jones met and also on 9/12/79 met~rith Director Cocking and the
maintenance crew and plant operations crew regarding the change in work
schedule; maintenance crew requests to work 4 days a week, 10 hours per day;
operations requests 12 hour shifts - 2 shifts only, rotating schedule with
a change every 3 months. Director Fieldc~np stated that he would reco~nend
this be approved on a temporary basis, not a permanent basis at this time.
Attorney Weidman is working on this recommendation and will report his findings
at a later date to this board.
Another meeting was held biz Director Fieldcamp and Director Jones with R.L.
Culp, B. Ettlich, J.R. Cofer. and R. Baer regarding plans on the "Head-Start"
program and the inspections.
No other committee reports given.
(1) 9/7/79
(2) 9/12/79
(3) 9/17/79
(4) 9/17/79
(5) 9/19/20/79
(6) 9/20/79
California Association of Sanitation Agencies Committee.
Building Permit Allocation System Co~nittee
Committee to Review Rainbow Tract Association Request
re Review of Sewer Assignments
Workshop Agenda Items
LahontanNorth Shore Basin Plan was cancelled.
Meetingwith~. Coddington EPA at Lab.ontan re EIS
~NAGERS REPORT: All items on agenda.
AT~OP~SEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated he has been working on site opinions -
--- for the Head-Start Program; and also has been working on the Fallen Leaf Lake
Easements and same are ready to be recorded except for six outstanding.
SHOP ST~RD'S REPORT: None present.
PROGRAM_~ANAG~R'S REPORT: Operations Report by Manager of Operations, J. Bonnet:
"This month looks good for plant performance; we have no violations
of our discharge, however, with the low water level at Indian Creek, the receiving
water is in violation. A~ain, as you are aware, we cannot control the water after
it leaves the treatment plant.
The month of Augustwas also good. We had a one-day violation for
pH that occurred on the last day of the month. All other discharge requirements
were met.
The Emergency Holding Pond is almost empty and should Dose no
problems for the upcoming plant shutdown for the Luther Pass Surge Pro~ction work.
I have shut down the spray pond pumps and four carbon columns as
they are notneeded because the plant is-continuing to perform well.
We are continuing to regenerate carbon on all columns until I
feel we have caught up."
Z~7_~ Regular Meeting -2- 9/20/79
(2) Report - Manager of Maintenance: Gene Eppler
"The Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project is now encountering
problems such as air lines. Approximately 4,000 feet needs to be replaced.
The necessary changes are being made although I do not believe the project
can be completed by ~.~y of 1980.
On Luther Pass, the work has started on the surge protection
pipeline and the additional pipe needed for the force main repair is enroute.
October 1st is still the schedule for replacement and installation of these
At the plant, the #1 digester cleaning has been completed. Once
again I have started to obtain permits from CTRPA, TRPA, LAHONTAN, etc., for
the U.S.F.S. permittees at Fallen Leaf Lake. On or about October 15, I will
start working with Alpine County ranchers on water rights and use of secondary
effluent. A great deal of t/me will be required for this project"- .....
(3) Report: Manager of Water Supply System, W. Dunckhorst
"I am very pleased with the progress of the pipeline project.
As of this date, 10,000 feet of pipe has been buried and 4,200 feet is in service.
The hospital area is the area now in service on the new line
and the results are very good. The hospital, in the past, operated with
fluctuating pressures of 20-45 lbs. We now have a steady pressure at the
hospital of 75 lbs.
I met with the City Planning Administrator on September 13th
regarding securing a use permit for storage and equipment for the pipeline
project. The permit was granted with the condition that the fence and all
equipment would be removed after the 15th of October. Also, a condition
of the permit was that the District would remove the old building next to
the Al Tahoe well. I agreed that this would be taken care of before the
15th of October.
There has been no progress at the Airport Well for
approximately 3 Weeks. I have been assured they will be here this week
to again get things n~ving on this project"----
(4) Memo from Barrie Fischer regarding the 1979-80 Sewer Budget for
Capital Equipment and proposed budget for revenue and expenditures for
fiscal year 1979-80.
MR. AL KRUSE, PURCHASING AGENT, to retire October 10, 1979, introduced
Randy Rattaro, who will be the new purchasing agent for the District.
Board and Staff welcomed Randy and wished Mr. Kruse well.
(5) Terry Powers - Chemist: '(1) The lab has found a way of recovering, some of
the silver used in the COD test. Previously the silver was discharged as
part of an acid waste generated by the test. This silver, however, can
be saved by the addition of store-bought rock salt which will precipitate
the silver from the acid solution. I have been able to locate a firm in
San Francisco (Wildberg Bros. ) who will purify the silver. This they will
do for a set fee and either return us the pure silver or a check for its
current value.
I anticipate we can recover $600-$1,000 per year; since
this money was indirectly allocated to the laboratory to begin with, I
would like to see the mney used to purchase lab supplies and equipment.
I would like permission from the board to make arrangements with Wildberg
Bros. to recover our silver.
(2) The other topic concerns making arrangements with
Lake Tahoe Conmmnity College to use one of their laboratory instruments.
Lahontan's proposed monitoring program specifies analyz-
ing for several new elements. These analyses are best done using an atomic
absorbtion spectrphotometer (A.A.). This instrument can cost anywhere
between $7,000 and $17,000 for the base unit alone, and depending on wh~t
is to be analyzed and how accurate the measurement need to be, the cost
goes up.
The benefits of this instrument are the elimination of
many interferences, rapid analysis tirade and increased accuracy and
sensitivity (PPB).
The college purchased an A.A. last year and Phyllis
Kunibe and I took a class familiarizing ourselves with the instrument.
I have approached the chemistry teacher and the college Dean about
creatin9 an agreement by which we could use their instrument for our
analyses. In return, we supply the college with expendables such as
lamps and gas for the A.A., which would be used for instructional purposes
as well.
I would like permission from the Board to allow me to make
such an arrangement. Lamps: $130/Ca;$125/M~;$175/Na=$430/3"---
The Board re~u~ ested that Mr. Powers put together the two (2) proposals and
return to the Board for consideration.
Regular Meeting
-3- 9/20/79
MR. VERNON BELL - Report on two (2) Water Department Contracts:
(1) The Airport Well - Contractor has not been doing as
fast a job; Mr. D%nackhorst and. Mr. Bell met with the Contractor and he has
been working steadily since our meeting, and assured us he will work
constantly until October 15th.
(2) Barton Areas - tested and most all completed except
45 lineal feet to be paved and now in operation.
(3) A1 Tahoe. Area, Lakeview and HarrisoD has been tested
and sanitized, and services are now being transferred to this line; from
Sonoma and E1 Dorado Sts. all p~pe in place, remains to be compacted and
Attorney Weidman asked Mr. Vern Bell if there is any chance of a claim from
the contractor for extras to meet city requ. irements; Manager Cofer stated
the contract was required (in the specifications) to meet the compaction.
~lmnager Cofer stated that in answer to Attorney Weidman's question as to
what good will the Airport Well do us if no contractor bids is that without
relocating the line, we cannot use the Airport Well.
1. Declaration of Surplus Properties, Cabin Structure, Adjacent to A1 Tahoe
Well. Manager Cofer recommended this be declared surplus and authorize
s~ff to remove structure, which will cost approximately $1100 to remove.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried.
2. Purchase of Fork Lift. Mel Fagot rec~uended consideration also of a cab
to be purchased for the forklift, and the cost, including freight, will be
$1,595.00. Manager Cofer reconmended purchase of the fork lift from Neddenriep
Equipment Company, and their bid in the amount of $18,764.00 for the fork lift
be accepted, including to this amount $1,595 for the cab also. Director
Jones moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, with Director
Olson abstaining.
3. Construction Grant Application, Head Start Plant Improvements: Manager
Cofer recc~nended this be deferred. The Board Members agreed to have an
adjourned meeting on Thursday, 9/27/79, 2:00 P.M., to discuss this Grant
MISCEllANEOUS: Director Cocking requested consideration by the Board Members
of this District requesting a portion of the sales tax to help defray costs
that would benefit our taxpayers. Attorney Weidman and B. Fischer will work
on this request and report their findings to the Beard.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
carried, claims in the amount of $306,688.31.
1. 10/1/79
2. 10/1/79
3. 10/4/79
3:00 P.M. Facilities Planning
5:00 P.M. Workshop Agenda Items
8:00 P.M. Regular Board Meeting.
10:00 P.M.
to 9/27/79 at 2:00 P.M. to discuss Head Start Grant
.. '~ . ':: "'2 -'
qS~r~he L. ~~,- P~sid&nt
Sou~ T~ ~lic Utility Dis~ict
Mary D..~rose, Clerk of ~ard '-'
Sou~ ~ ~lic Utility Dis~ict
SEPTEMBER 26, 1979
10:00 AM
The Board of Directors of the South,,Tahoe Public Utility
District met in a Special Meeting 9/26/79 at 10:00 A.M.
ROLL CALL: President Kashuba, Directors Olson, Fieldcamp,
Jones were present, and Director Cocking signed a waiver
of written notice of meeting.
Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney
J.C.Weidman, Clerk of Board and interested visitors.
Manager Cofer stated we requested the Board meet in a Special
Session today as the Federal Fiscal Year ends the end of this
month and the State has urged us to get our application in this
month as there are some uncertainties about the funding for the
next fiscal year; San Francisco is coming out with a multi-
million dollar project, which will have the high priority and
we were unable to act on this application at the regular meeting
of this board last Thursday because of the uncertainties in
the District's ability to meet the local financing costs.
The staff has prepared a cash flow report and we now have one-
half million dollars in funds that can be used for the District
through connection charges (this year and the next two year) and
same paid to the District by July 1st of each year, we would then
be able to meet the cash flow to meet the adequate requirement of
the grant program.
The State has asked that this application get to them today, and
we will then be on the list for funding. Manager Cofer recommended
that the Board proceed with the Application.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
carried, the grant application be approved, and we proceed
with same immediately, and that RESOLUTION NO. 2161, a Resolution
Authorizing Filing Application for Federal and State Grants for
Publicly owned Wastewater Treatment Works and Providing Certain
Attorney Weidman stated that perhaps an executive session (personnel)
will not have to be called tomorrow; the ~atter has been resolved,
however, we might need an executive session to discuss the language
in the Resolution. Also to discuss the 12-hour request work day
for operations department; connection charges and perhaps amend
the present Ordinance and to report on litigation regarding the
Cease and Desist Order that J. Hubbell brought to the Board's
MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10:45 A.M. to 9/27/79, District Offices, 2:00 P.M.
~'~/~'/~'/~$~ ires ident
Lorrene . ,
South Tahoe Public Utility
~M~y~'D./ Rmbros~, ~lerk of Boara
South ~ahoe Public Utility District
President L. Kashuba called the adjourned ~eeting to order at 2:00 P.M.
ROLL CALL: Present were President L. Kashuba, Directors W.N. Olson, F.J.
Cocking, R.A. Fieldcamp, J.R. Jones.
Also present wore Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Clerk
of Board, R. Baer, W. Dunckhorst.
Manager Cofer requested addition of the following items to the agenda: (4) Sewor Relocation, Airport Well.
(5) Grant Application, Head-Start Program.
Board approved addition of the above items.
(1) RESOLUTION NO. 2162, A Resolution of the South Tahoe Public Utility
District Authorizing Signatures on Payment Requests to the California State
Water Resources Control Board. (State loan Contract, Repair of Export Pipe-
line). Director Fieldcamp moved, second~t by Director Jones, unanimously
(2) RESOLUTION NO. 2163, A Resolution of the South Tahoe Public Utility
District Authorizing Signatures on Partial Payment Estimates to the California
Department of Water Resources. (State Loan - Water System Improvements).
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried.
(3) Proposal for Soils Investigation for Water Storage Tanks, J.H. Kleinfeldel
and Associates: Robert Baer explained to the Board what the contract covers
and that it would cost between $3,700-$4,200; he stated this firm has done much
work for the District and recon~nended, and M~nager Cofer concurred, this proposal
be accepted - Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
(4) Sewer Location - Airport Well: William Dunckhorst stated that about a
week ago wo requested bids for the project and received none. Since the bid
opening, we have received one quote frem Mr. T. Haen in the amount of $12,450.
Mr. Duckhorst felt this was rather high, however, the sewer line must be re-
located and he would like to have this done this year. Mr. Dunckhorst reconmended
and ~nnager Cofer concurred, that the bid received from T. Haen in the amount of
$12,450 be approved. The funds for this project will come from the Airport
Well Allocation - Water Department Budget. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded
by Director Olson, unanimously carried.
(5) Grant Application - Head Start Progrsm: ~imnager Cofer stated that he just
received a call frown the State and their staff denied our application because wo
failed to show we have sufficient funds to meet the local share and cash flow
requirements.. Manager Cofer stated that wo will talk with the Bank of America
regarding a letter of credit and requested a cc~ttee to meet with the Bank
to obtain and discuss a letter of credit. President Lorrene appointed Manager
Cofer, Finance Officer Barrie Fischer, Directors Olson and Cocking.
Being no further business to come before this Board, President Kashuba adjourned
the adjourned meeting at 2:35 PM to an Executive Session, and also stated-that
this meeting is adjourned to 9/28/79, 5:00 P.M., District Office.
%orrene L. Kashuba, President
Ma~ D./~b~ose, Clerk o~' Bo~d
South R~ah6e Public Utility District
9/28/79 - - 5:00 P. M.
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an
adjourned session at 5:00 P.M. 9/28/79, District Office.
ROLL CAI,I,: Present were President L. Kashuba, Directors W.N. Olson, F.J.
Cocking, R.A. Fieldcamp and J.R. Jones.
Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, B. Fischer and Attorney J.C.
Weidman and Clerk of Board.
Manager Cofer stated that the co~nittee met with the Bank of American regard-
ing the letter of credit, which the State said they would accept. The Bank
needs to see our financial statement. Berrie Fischer will have this statement
to them the first of next week.
Also, the Board discussed a possible amendment to the SEWER ORDINANCE regard-
ing connection charge monies; plus the possible limitation on bathroc~$ per
dwelling. Also to be discussed Monday will be the Facilities Plan Program.
This workshop will be held at 3:00 P.M. On October 15th Manager Cofer requests
a workshop to review and discuss the Revenue Program for Fallen Leaf Lake -
3:00 P.M.
Attorney Weidman stated that he met with Mr. Frank Hildreth of Stanford Sierra
Camp, who introduced him to the gentleman that will be taking Mr. Hildreth's
job. They discussed the project, the problems and coD_nection charges for that
Manager Cofer stated that Lahontan asked us to inspect the Luther Pass Pipe-
line, as they are quite concerned with the erosion control on the project;
Lahontan wants us to build a dyke or a retaining wall ( about 1/2 mile long).
Manager Cofer stated that we do not believe this is our problem, the bank
was there before construction started; Caltrans and the USFS were also
present and they believe as we do - the bank was there before we got there.
This will be discussed further this next Monday. There will be some work we
will be obligated to do, however, we are not liable for any existing
conditons. We do have photographs of the areas before work started.
President Kashuba adjourned this meeting at 5:35 P.M. and the Board and
Staff met in an Executive Session.
Lb~rene L. Ka-shuba, Presmdent
South Tahoe Public Utility District
So th ~hoe Public Utility District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
South Tahoe Public Utility District
October 4, 1979
8:00 P. M.
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session on 10/4/79, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors W.N. Olson, F.J. Cocking,
R.A. Fieldcamp and J.R. Jones.
Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman,
R. Baer, W. Dunckhorst, J.Fredricksen, M. Adams, M. Madden.
Clerk of Board,
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
the consent calendar be approved as follows:
Correction of billing records be approved, as follows:
(a) Guiseppi's and Ice Pick
(Plus 11 sewer units = $1,131.24)
(b) Parcel #27 221 32:
(Plus 3 sewer units = $
(c) Parcel #36 401 020:
(Plus 3 sewer units = $ 368.52).
(2) Will Serve Letter:
Lot 35, Trout Creek Tract, Water Service, Office Building.
~NUTES: Deferred to 10/18/79meeting.
REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: President Kashuba stated that she went to Sacramento today
for a meeting with the State Board/Lahontan. She stated that she was quite impressed
by a cor~ent made frc~ Mr. F. Wilson, Supervising Attorney for the State Board, in
which he stated that the limitation of size for Tahoe Truckee Sanitation Agency (~SA)
was based on the amount of _crrant funds available through the State Board, and EPA, and
the funds available from the local agency.
Attorney Weidman stated that he did make that statement - that the capacity was based
on the funding, not the environmental constraints. The capacity was based upon the
grant eligible funding, and that the grant eligible funding was based upon certain
arbitrary population levels and projections of those population levels. The State
admitted that these population levels for the purposes of grant funding mayhave been
lower than the actual case, but they had to spread the available funds in that manner
and use those projections.
Attorney Weidman also stated that the State Board (3 Members) unanimously adopted the
Water Resources Board staff report and recc~nendations as the findings of the State
Board to be reported per court order. Theymade a specific finding that the plant
(ITSA) could treat in excess of 4.8 mgd, combined sewage and infiltration; Lahontan
had asked the State Board to strict that finding to 5.64 mgd combined, of which
3.71was sewage, with a BOD loading of 1.30mg/1; that would have been a substantial
restriction on winter capacity to handle inflow and infiltration. The State Board
rejected Lahontan's request.
Mr. Weidman mentioned that he felt the State Board Members were very fair; it was
very much appreciated that our President of the Board, Lorrene L. Kashuba, was
present, as well as Mike Dillon,a representative from CASA - ~. Weidman stated
that we should continue to support CASA.
W~TERAGFI~CY MRRTING: Director R. A. Fieldcamp attended the E1 Dorado Water Agency
meeting on 9/24/79 and Georgetown requested approval of $30,000 for them, same approved.
Also, he stated that there is a scheduled tour for 10/22/79 of the EID lower project.
Mr. Fieldcamp also attended the Supervisors meeting at Placerville on 9/25/79.
PUBLIC INFORMATION COuivLIITEE: President Kashuba stated this cc~nittee did meet and
discussed the long term direction of the Facilities Plan, and will prepare a public
information program that will help people to understand where we are going and why;
we want to have the people understand the costs of the local share of the projects.
No other committee reports were given.
-2- October 4, 1979
Regular Meeting
Manager Cofer stated the following ~orkshops were held:
(1) 9/28/79 Bank of America re Headstart Financing.
(2) 10/1/79 Workshop re Facility Planning and Agenda Items.
(3) 10/2/79 State Board Hearing re q~fSA Treatment Capacity.
Also, Bob Baer reported that he attended a meeting in Carson City. EPA showed slides
re Wastewater Projects.
Manager Coferm~ntioned that a Mr. Komatsu, Architect, met with him, R.L. Culp and
Director Jones and toured the plant. Mr. Komatsu is preparing a proposal to
present to assist the District in the Headstart program and also to assist in the
Water Department improvements.
ATI~)RNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman stated we b~ve one easement yet to have
notarized frc~Fallen Leaf Lake.
Also that he met with theDeputy Attorney General today, who is handling the law-
suite for Hubbell, Sanders, etc., vs the State water Resources Control Board, and
a meeting will be held on 10/5/79, Placerville, regarding this law suit with
Mr. Weidman, Deputy Attorney General and Attorney J. Bunnell.
MISCEllANEOUS: Manager Cofer stated that notification has been received from the
Union that new shop stewards were named: Paul English and Mike Adams.
SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Mike Bjams was present for this meeting, stating that a
shop steward will be present once a month, hopefully; also mentioned that the
employees are very happy with the recently negotiated Memorandumof Understanding.
President Kashuba thanked Mr. Adams for being present this evening.
(1) Water Supply System, W. Dunckhorst, Manager of Water Systems: "Arrangements have
been made to have the cabin on Tallac and Sacramento removed after October 15th.
The low bidder on this project was Joe Cassle with a bid of $1,100.
CWC reconxnended that the ceiling area of the filter plant should be insulated
as we are losinq inside heat in the wintermonths; I have secured two bids for
this work and h~ve awarded the work to West Coast Insulation for the s~nof
I would like to thank the Board of Directors for their cooperation on awarding
the bid for the relocation of the sewer line at the Airport Well; I was very
concerned in not being able to use this well until next year; Mr. T. Haen started
work on this project the following day after he was notified of the award, and has
worked on Saturday and Sunday to get this completed for us. progress is going
very well and should be completed before the October 15th deadline"
September (MG) 1978 1979
Well Production 76.4 87.6
Cold Creek Diversion 40.0 50.0
Totals 116.4 137.6
% Change
Well Production 670.9 820.6 22.3
Cold Creek Diversion 380.4 387.5 1.9
Totals 1,051.3 1,208.1 14.9"
Indian Creek Reservoir, we havemet all
Following are scme of the data for the
discharge requirements for September 1979.
COD mg/1 14.0
NH3 rog/1 1.8
PO4 mg/1 0.7
Sus. Solids, mg/1 0
pH 7.2
MBAS mg/1 0.05
Turbidity JTU 0.3
On Friday, 9/28/79, the carbon furnace was shutdown so heavy mainteo~nce
could determine the reason for losing the top sand seal; the sand was going into
the furnace at an increasing rate; regeneration will resume when the problem is
The plant shutdown on Sunday, 9/30/79, formore Luther Pass work"
Regular Meeting -3- October 4, 1979
"The operations department did an excellent job in emptying the emergency
holding pond that was filled during the last plant shutdown. Thirty-six million
gallons were returned to the plant in 30 days" ....
fixed covers for the basins were installed on 9/29/79. There is an additional
layer of concrete material that will conver this preformed top and will average
about 3" in thickness.
The general Contractor informed me that he expects to have this part of the
job completed by 10/15/79" ....
Manager Cofer mentioned to the Board of Directors that the maintenance crews have
been extremely busy getting ready to replace the pipeline. Also that Bureau of Land
Management/Fish and Game have been working to kill the fish at Indian Creek Reservoir.
(1) Manager Cofer reccr~nended that the Board consider the following policy for
"The South Tahoe Public Utility Districthasmade available to the City of
South Lake Tahoe and the County of E1 Dorado 861 sewer units for calendar year
1979; in accordance with the City and County Ordinances, those persons who were
drawn in the random selection process have until October 15, 1979 in which to
pick up their building permit.
The Board of Directors hereby establish the following policy re issuance of
sewer permits from the 1979 allowable connections:
(1) The Utility Districtwill issue a sewer permit to qualified
applicants until 5:00 P.M. (PDT), Monday, 10/15/79" ---
Director Olsonmeved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the
above policy, as reconmended by Manager J.R. Cofer, be approved.
(2) Proposed Changes in Sewer Ordinance: Set Date for Hearing ...... Manager Cofer
stated that we should set date for a hearing on amendments to this ordinance for
October 18, 1979, 8:30 P.M., District Offices. It was suggested that a workshop
be held before that date to discuss same. Workshop session will be held on the
9th of October at 4:00 P.M., District offices,to discuss:
(a) Deposit of connection charges, and
(b) Limitation of Sewer Units for Single Family Residence.
MISCEI/ANEOUS: There is a joint City and County meeting scheduled for October 10, 1979
at 7:30 P.M. and Director Olson will attend and perhaps Mr. Cocking will attend.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
carried, that the claims in the amount of $461,330.38 be approved for payment.
(1) 10/5/79 Alpine County Board of Supervisors
re STPUDWater Quality Requirements.
(2) 10/10/79
(3) 10/15/79
(4) 10/18/79
Joint Meeting = City and County of
E1 Dorado , 3:00 P.M.
Workshop, Revenue Program, Fallen I~af
Lake Sewer ProjectandAgenda Items.
Regular Meeting 8: 00 P.M. and
Hearing on Amendments to Sewer Ordinance
at 8:30 P.M., District Offices.
(5) 10/23/79 Mitigation Measures, City of South Lake Tahoe.
Attorney Weidman requested a group executive session at 9:40 P.M. Adjourned to same.
President Kashuba called the regular meeting back to order at 9:45 P.M.
Being no further business to come before the Board, President Kashuba adjourned the
meeting at 10:00 P.M.·
T~rrene L. Kashuba,~eJiden~ -
South Tahoe Public Utility District
ASTEST:. ./ / i ?
M~ iD. '~o%~, Clerk- of Board - v**~*******
October 18, 1979
8:00 P.M.
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met
in a regular session on 10/18/79, and also for a Hearing on the
proposed Sewer Ordinance re Rules and Requ!ations Pertaining to
Accepting a Right to Connect Deposit for-Sewer Connection Fees
1980 -
ROLL CALL: Present were President L. Kashuba, Directors R. A. Fieldcamp,
F.J. Cocking, J.R. Jones. ABSENT: Director W.N. Olson.
Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman,
Clerk of Board, B. Fischer, R. Baer, W. Dunckhorst, B. Lindsay M.
Adams, R. Hampson, B. Brown. ,
CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested deletion
of XV (3) from the agenda - matter taken care of. Also requested an
addition XV (7) re Joint Meeting wit~ City, South Tahoe P.U.D and E1
Dorado County regarding 1980 connections, etc.
Agenda approved as changed.
CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp,
unanimously carried the consent calendar, as follows, be approved:
(1) Authorize Purchasing Agent, Randall L. Rattaro, as District's
Representative to Acquire Federal Surplus Property from the California
State Agency for Surplus Property - RESOLUTION NO. 2164...
(2) Authorize Extension to September 30, 1980 of Agreement with SOIL
(3) Authorize extension to December 31, 1979 of CONTRACT WITH CULP/
(4) Change Order for Airport Well Extension of Drainage Facilitie~ -
CONTRACT COST INCREASE OF $3,653 - approved.
(5) "Y" Rate Salary Classifications - CHIEF OPERATOR ELECTRICIAN.
Approved. ,
MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones,
unanimously carried, that the minutes of September 20, 26 27 28 and
October 4, 1979 be approved as submitted. ' '
REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: President Kashuba stated that she did receive
a letter from Congressman Shumway concerning the EIS from EPA (she
explained to those present that we have been working with Congressman
Shumway to get the final release of the EIS, and he has been working with
Mr. DeFalco to speed the process). The letter Congressman Shumway
wrote to Mr. DeFalco was to remind him of the promises he made regarding
the pending Environmental expansion and to expidite same because of the
critical situation of South Lake Tahoe (Revised EIS Schedule for
South Tahoe Public Utility District and Douglas County Sewer Improve-
ment District No. 1 Project)...
(1) 10/5/79
(2) 10/9/79
(3) 10/10/79
(4) 10/15/79
(5) 10/16/79
Board of Supervisors of Alpine County met re STPUD
Waste Discharge Requirements.
Workshop re Proposed Amendments to Sewer Ordinance.
Joint Meeting City of South Lake Tahoe Council and
E1 Dorado Board of Supervisors.
Workshop Revenue Program Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer
Project and Agenda Items.
California Conference of Directors of Environmental
Health - Stanford Sierra Lodge...
Manager Cofer stated that Lahontan will have a hearing to receive comments
on the proposed waste discharge requirements on 11/19/79, Alpine County,
Turtle Rock Park Community Building at 7:00 P.M.
-2- 10/18/79
Regular Meeting
Lahontan will consider adoption of the Waste Discharge Requirements at their
meeting scheduled for December 5th. He also mentioned that Lahontan will
consider the Cease and Desist Order at the 11/19/79 Hearing/Meeting. The
meeting will be during the day on 11/19/79 and the ~Drkshop in the evening at
Alpine County on 11/19/79.
In reply to Attorney Weidman's question, Manager Cofer stated we are still object-
ing to the seasonal time limits at Indian Creek Reservoir.
Manaqer Cofer did con~nent that the meeting held at Alpine County was certainly
one 6f the most constructive, and Alpine County did make attempts to assist
this District to move ahead on our programs.
MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated that there were 7 permits not picked
up on the Allocation System as of 5:00 P.M. 10/15/79 - 5 within the City
and 2 in the County. He stated in preparing the staff report on allowable
connections for 1980, he is proposing that these would be added to the 1980
allocation, however, there is one in the Fallen Leaf Lake Area (out of the
total 7 not picked up) that is a special case - they do have a building permit,
and Manager Cofer will bring this up at the next regular board meeting, as the
party does have a variance given for holding tank until sewer project is
completed and they have not picked up their sewer permit because the project is
not completed.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney j.C.Weidman stated we have all of the easements
for Fallen Leaf Lake, same to be recorded next week; he also made a Site Report
Opinion that will be sent with the Grant Request. Attorney Weidman did state
that those he had spoken with are very pleased with the construction and the
project at Fallen Leaf Lake. Manager Cofer stated that they met Mr. Taggert
at Fallen Leaf Lake today and he is also very pleased with t~e project.
Attorney Weidman also stated that the District and the City have won the Polansky
litigation (random selection was not a lottery). No response on the Joyce-
Powderhorn matter. Dixon case - Mr. Dixon has filed a second amended complaint
to obtain his permit, and he claims he was not notified. Hubbell case - Attorney
Weidman stated that he is not content with the report from the State and Lahontan,
and he is going to prepare an answer to this litigation.
8:30 P.M. - President Kashuba opened the Hearing on the Sewer Ordinance: Manager
Cofer was asked to give the Staff Report.
Manager Cofer stated that the original concept was that we would amend Ordinance
No. 300, which is the standard Sewer Service Ordinar~e, to provide for some means
of collecting non-refundable deposits for sewer permits. What created this
problem is that the permits that were give out in the 1979 allocation program
we have collected close to one-half million dollars, however, those actually
connected to the system only amounts to approximately $165,000.00. It has been
our practice not to use those funds until the owner is connected to the system.
We are having a cash flow problem for trying to finance the plant improvements
because some of those people have not connected, and should they not connect up
under the present ordinance, there may be a question as to whether or not the
charges must be refunded. We are anticipating awarding a contract early next
year for five-million dollars in plant improvements, and over one-million
dollars is needed to meet the local share of that, and we feel we must find a
way to make those connection charges paY, in a timely fashion, and a means by
which we can use the money and con,nit it to a construction contract. In review-
ing Ordinance 300, however, staff believes we should not amend ordinance No. 300,
since we are hoping to do this for the 1980 sewer pemmit allocation program, and
we do not know at this time what that number will be. Manager Cofer stated that
staff is recon~nending a new Ordinance be considered, which would be limited to
the 1980 allocation program. Manager Cofer stated that staff is proposing 4
items to be included in the new ordinance.
Regular Meeting
October 18, 1979
(1) All property owners selected in the 1980 randc~ selection program will have
thirty (30) days frc~n notification by the City of South Lake Tahoe to make a
minimum deposit of one-thousand seven-hundred forty and no/100 ($1,740.00) dollars
less credit for U-1 District at the South Tahoe Public Utility District office.
(2) Those failing to make the minimum deposit within the given time will lose the
right to a sewer permit.
(3) All con~nercial owners or governmental agencies assigned sewer units for a
given project must deposit connection fees within thirty (30) days from day of
assignment by City and/or County. If a sewer permit allocation has been assigned
from the 1979 allocation, the owner will have thirty (30) days after the effective
date of this Ordinance to make the minimumdeposit.
(4) In the event a sewer/building permit is not issued or cancelled, no refund
will be made until all property owners selected have made their deposits, and
sewer units frc~ cancelled permit have been reassigned to another property, and
that owner has made a connection fee deposit.
Manager Cofer stated he did discuss this proposed Ordinance with the City Manager
and he asked that no action be taken by this Board at this time, because there will
be another committee meeting between the City, County and other agencies Friday
to go over the 1980 allocation program, and City Manager v~uld like for those to
have the opportunity to discuss the proposed ordinance; Manager Cofer reconraended
tb~t no action be taken this evening - leave the hearing remain and receive
conraents up to the next regular meeting of this Board -November 1, 1979 at 8:00 PM .
President Kashuba invited those in attendance to make their cc~nents at this time.
No coranents were made. President Kashuba closed the public hearing at 8:50 P.M.
Director Jones asked if we are planning to tie ourselves to the $1,740.00 figure;
Manager Cofer stated that it is a function on the number of permits that will be
allowed, and if under 250 permits allowed, the connection charge ~Duld have to be
Attorney Weidman replied to Director Fieldcamp's question that Tahoe-Truckee
Sanitation District connection charge is approximately $2,500.00.
Manager Cofer stated that some of the cor~nercial's were contacted regarding this
deposit and we did not receive much in the way of con~ents; however, one concern
is the public facilities, and if there will be a reserve for same, as they ~Duld
have difficulties meeting the deposits required.
It was suggested that a draft of the ordinance being proposed be mailed to all
the applicants requesting their cca~nents for our November 1st meeting. This will
be mailed.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that action
be deferred on the proposed ordinance and the hearing remain open to receive mere
public cc~nent, until November 1st, 1979, regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
SHOP STEWARD REPORT: Mike A~ams stated he has no report. He is here to see what
action will be taken regarding the work schedule changes.
COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE: (Non-Agenda It~ns). None.
(1) Headstart Plant Improvements (a) Agreement Hardison and Komatsu Architectural
Services. Approve agreement.
Manager Cofer stated we have received a proposal for the design consultation to the
District on the plant layout and site improvements, on the architecture of new
process elements, and on improv~nents to the exterior architectural elevations
of existing structure. Manager Cofer requested the firm to break the one proposal
into tw~: one for the water department and the other for the sewer department. The
proposal for the sewer department would be sut~aitted to Sacran~nto for grant approval.
We do not need prior approval from the state if the contract is less than $25,000.
Manager Cofer recca~ended that $10,000 of the work be allocated for the water depart-
ment and $23,500.00 for the sewer department; Mr. Komatsu is in agre~nentwith this
and will submit two separate proposals as mentioned above. Manager Cofer recon~nended
authorization to execute both agreements. Director Jones moved, seconded by
Director Fieldcamp~ unanimously carried.
Mr. Kcmatsu was requested to suhnit a proposal also to assist us in review of the
water tanks and water SYSt~ not to exceed $7~000~00 and recc~auended approval.
Regular Meeting
Director Jones moved,
proposal from Komatsu, not to exceed $7,000,
-4- 10/18/79
seconded byDirector Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, the
be approved as recc~aended by Mr. Cofer.
(a) Plant Operations Section
(b) Heavy Maintenance Section
(c) Underground Repair Section
(d) Pump StationMaintenance Section.
Manager Cofer stated that the District is responding to a request by the employees
to implement trial alternative work schedules. The employees have developed
the proposed schedules and demonstrated to management that the District costs
woould not be increased. The efficiency of the employee work can be evaluated
only after initiation of the trial work schedule. The District will request
termination of the trial if efficiency levels drop, due towork schedule.
Both Union and District agree that either side may terminate the work schedule
upon subnittal of a written 30-day termination notice.
The operations department has proposed an alternative work schedule of 12-hour
shifts; with this schedule, an individual employee would normally work 3-days
per week with 4 days off. In order to achieve a 40-hour week, every third
week the employee will work 4 days with 3 days off; working the fourth day
is regarded as part of the normal working shift and no overtime pay will be
paid for this day.
plant maintenance (HeavyMaintenance), underground repair and pump station
maintenance propose to work 40-hour weeks consisting of four ten hour work days.
If approved by the Board, the trial work assignments shall cc~mence on 10/25/79;
and MaD~gen~nt and Union employees shall establish review committees to evaluate
the effectiveness of the trial alternative work schedules.
Manager Cofer reconmended approval of this proposal.
Director Fieldcampmoved, seconded by Director Jones that the work schedule as
presented by Manager Cofer be approved. Director Fieldcamp stated that by this
proposed work schedule the District will gain, and secondly it was subnitted and
planned by the employees, they want it and he feltwe should workwith them in
their request.
There will be a meeting on the trial work schedule within two weeks, Manager Cofer
stated; and a report will bemade periodically to the Board of Directors.
Attorney Weidman stated that under the legislative counsel's opinion that this
over 8 hours is not required, and that it is strictly voluntary on the part
of each employee to work over 8 hours, otherwise, it is not legal, and if we
get to talking about we want to eventually impose this trial schedule to become
a permanent one, then we best try to get some legislative change next year, so
we can institute this, but right now this must be included in the motion that it
is not a requirergent, and it is on a voluntary basis on each part of the employee.
Manager Cofer stated that any employee that does not wish to participate in this
trial work schedule will be put on a regular 8-hour 5-day schedule ....
Director Fieldcamp included in his motion, with the consent of Director Jones, who
seconded, that this is on a voluntary basis of each employee, that to work over
an 8 hour day is not a requirement of the District.
Unanimously carried ....
have received a copy of an Internal Memo to Mr. Neil Dunham, SWRCB, sent to him
by R. Hampson regarding a condition of Step III construction grants to the
STPUD be a requirement to provide sewer service for the Heavenly Valley Area
Top of the Tram Restaurant, which is located outside the Utility District
boundaries. Manager Cofer stated that the Utility District objects to this
condition since the Step III Headstart program does not expand the plant
treatment capacity and the District in unable to serve lands within its service
area. These cc~anents will be incorporated in the letter that Manager Cofer has
written to Mr. Neil Dunham, Division Chief, State Water Resources Control Board,
in response to the memo that Mr. R. Hampson had written requesting a condition
be applied to include the area outside of the district boundaries.
Manager Cofer stated that since he drafted the reply he did meet with Mr. R.Hampson
and asked why the District was not made aware of this and brought into the discussion
before he wrote a letter requesting a grant condition, and he stated to Mr. Hampson
that the District had pointed out that we are reserving 240,000 gallons for the
USFS; that this facility is on USFS land~ and by amendment of the contract~ we
Regular Meeting
-5- 10/18/79
could provide service under that contract. Mr. Hampson stated to Manager Cofer
that would be an acceptable solution.
Manager Cofer stated thatMr. R. Hampson did send the letter requesting a grant
condition to Mr. Neil Dunham, and Manager Cofer stated that we should also reply
to that., and requested that approval be given to sent the letter prepared by
Manager Cofer in response to the M~_mo sent by R. Hampson, stating that we feel
it is inconsistent with our EIR to extend the service area, which does not give
us any capacity. Manager Cofer stated that yes we did at one time service the
casino, however that was at a time that we were not denying service to those
within our District. We do have the USFS contracts, and if the State does have
a problem, then they should suggest amendments of the contract to include this
It was mentioned that Heavenly Valley chose not to become a part of the District
in the 1958 or 1959 years.
~. R. Hampson stated that he certainly does feel the solution of this would be that
the capacity for Heavenly Valley should come out of that reserved for the USFS.
Mr. Hampson also stated that he should defiri~ely discussed this matter with the
Utility District prior to sending the letter.
Manager Cofer stated that he would add another paragraph to the letter to Mr.
Neil Dunham stating that the Utility District would like to meet with the
Lahontan Staff, USFS and Heavenly Valley and follow that meeting upwith a report
The Board of Directors approved the letter, with the above additions as mentioned
by Manager Coferbe included, and mail toMr. Neil Dunham.
(6) Request by Director Cocking to Investigate Feasibility of Sales Tax for Funding
Support of Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Programs.
Manager Cofer stated that a report prepared by Barrie Fischer, Finance Officer,
shows that 1/2 cent sales tax in our area would raise approximately one-million
dollars. The Board discussed this subject in great length, and it was suggested
that the Board appoint a committee to discuss this with Congressman N. Waters,
as well as some of our other agencies, and the City, County, North Shore, etc.
and Director Cocking meved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, that the staff proceed
as mentioned above. Unanimously carried.
(7) Joint MeetingwithCity and County: (Re Number of Permits to be Allocated).
The Board suggested 10/31/79 at 3:00 P.M. Manager Cofer will confirm and notify
the Board of Directors. Also, in the event that 10/31/79 is not satisfactory, then
the Presidentwill attempt to firm another date for this joint meeting.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcampmeved, seconded by Director Cocking,
unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $596,634.74 be approved for payment.
(1) 10/29-30/79 Consultant Panel Review of Treatment Plant.
(2) 10/30/79 Workshop with Consultant Panel (3:00 P.M.)
L6rrene L. Kashuba, 'President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
:ose, Clerk of ' ard
South Tahoe Public Utility District
8:00 PM
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session on 11/1/79, 8:00 P.M., District Offices.
ROLL CAI~.: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors W.N.Olson, F.J. Cocking,
R.A. Fieldcamp and J.R. Jones.
Also present were Manager/District Engineer J.R. Cofer, Clerk of Board, Attorney
J.C.Weidman, R. Baer - Process Evaluation Engineer, C.I. Ross, J. Cefalu, W.
Dunckhorst, J. Hubbell, G. Sanders, J. Bunnell--Attorney, J. Fredricksen- City
of South Lake Tahoe, Barrie Fischer - So. Tahoe P.U.D.
CORRECPIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested the following be added
to action items on the agenda, as follows:
XIV: (4) (c) Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project: CTRPA PERMIT
XIV: (9) Authorization to Purchase Pabble Arms/Sludge Furnace.
XIV: (10) Chamber of Con~rce, Water Task Force.
Agenda approved as amended, and Attorney Weidman requested executive session.
MINUTES: Defer to next regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
CONSENT CALENDAR: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously
carried the calendar as presented be approved:
(1) Final Acceptance of Contract, Alum Storage Project, Water Supply Division.
Approved final acceptance of contract.
(2) Amendment to Change Order Airport Well Project, 15 Day Extension of Contract
Time ---Approved change order amendment.
(3) Report on Final Cost Accounting Activities Related to AB 783 2-year Moratorium
on Repayment of State Loans - Received and filed.
REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: (1) Director Jones stated that he and Director Fieldcamp
joined others at Placerville to tour the Sofar Project.
(2) President Kashuba stated that she attended the City Council Meeting last week
for the agenda item of mitigation measures. They agreed to appoint a corgnittee to
~rk out some details t_hat can be presented; they also brought up the Sigmund case
and it appeared there was some misunderstanding our confusion regarding this case
and President Kashuba suggested a joint City and District r~eeting on 12/7/79.
(3) Finance and Insurance: Director Olson stated that this conmittee did meet and
there is a request for action on the agenda this evening (#5 under Items for Board
WORKSHOP SESSIONS: Manager Cofer stated that the following ~orkshop sessions and/or
meetings were held:
(1) 10/23/79 City Council Meeting - Establishment of Committee re
Planning Future Allocation Programs.
(2) 10/26/79 Ad Hoc Con~nittee re 1980 Allocation Program.
(3) 10/29-
Special Consulting Panel Wastewater Treatment Plant.
(4) 10/30/79 Workshop Consulting Panel/Agenda Items.
(5) 11/1/79 Contractors-Fallen Leaf Lake and CTRPA re Permit.
MANAGER'S RF~ORT: Manager Cofer stated all items are on the agenda.
ATI~RNEY'S RF~ORT: Attorney Weidman stated that he has requested an Executive
Session following this meeting to discuss the District's response in the 11/16/79
date set for hearing on the matter in which J. Hubbell and G. Sanders are involved-
the Cease and Desist Order - and also to have the Executive Session to discuss the
potential litigation regarding the Cease and Desist Hearing matters (Attorney
Weidman briefly discussed this subject with~. J. Bunnell, Attorney for J. Hubbell
and G. Sanders).
The Board instructed Attorney Weidman and Director Jones to contact the legislative
counsel and AssemblymanWaters to see what could be done in drafting a life-line bill
~ ~ ) ~ ~juz~.~- ~eer_2_ng -2- November 1, 1979
that would provide, subject to election, lower rates for senior citizens. Mr.
Weidman has been advised by N. Waters office that the legislative counsel has
drafted a bill and Mr. Weidman should have this Bill in his hands this next
Also, the Board requested that he do some investigating regarding a possible
proposal of sales tax, and he asked Mr. N. Waters to check into what the legislative
counsel would request as to procedures if this proposal looks favorable.
Attorney Weidman also stated that he did have a very disturbing call from the County
Auditor and her assistant. Approximately two years ago, our Bonding Counsel firm
split - and Jones, Hall, Hill and White went to San Francisco and we continued to
use them as our bonding attorney, since they did most of the work over the past
years, whereas the other partners of the firm had not done the work for the District
so it was logical that the District remain with Jones, Hall, Hill and White firm.
Unfortunately in the split, and in order to avoid litiqation between partners,
the old firm retaining the name of Wilson, Morton, LynCh, etc., retained the files
of all of OweUr__v_~a~lo~u.s a~ssessment .district splits, and involving bond calls, and
last year ~ ~gree~/ ~o nave the firm of Wilson, Morton, Lynch, etc., work on the
assessment splits, etc., and the auditor states that when they were contacted, they
stated to her that they have lost some of the files, cannot find other files, and
they cannot perform in a timely manner, and have caused a great deal of inconvenience
to the county auditor and her assistant, and they have requested that the auditor
and her assistant provide them with all the records, information, etc., which causes
double duty to her and her assistant. Attorney Weidman stated to the auditor that
he would request of the Board to have Jones, Hall, Hill and White to do this work,
and even if it does cost the District a little more money to construct new files,
we should get the work done timely on assess~mnt splits, bonds, etc, and maintain
the cooperation we have had in the past with the County Auditors Office and Staff.
Manager Cofer stated he would support the reco~nendation from Attorney Weidman and
the Board agreed that approval be given to Attorney Weidman to proceed as he mentioned
(1) Operations Report (11/1/79 by R. Baer) - The wastewater treatment plant was
shut down at 1200 hours on 9/30/79 for repair to the expo~rt system. The plant
started exporting at 1100 hours on 10/11/79, and a total of 37.3 million gallons
was diverted to the emergency holding pond.
As of 10/24/79, there have been no violations of the waste discharge
standards for the final effluent for Indian Creek Reservoir. There are 22
million gallons remaining in the emergency holding pond.
The sludge incineration system will be shut down on 10/28/79 to replace
the exhaust duct work on the furnace and to install the "~UFFINMONSTER" in
the centrifuge feed piping. The furnace should be in operation on 11/2/79.
The operation division began the trial 12-hour shift on October 25th.
(2) Maintenance Manager's Report (11/1/79 by G. Eppler) - The reseeding, etc.,
is now taking place at Fallen Leaf Lake and Luther Pass. The work could not be
done last week due to the rain and snow. Next spring, the surge protection
pipeline will be connected to the export pipeline and the Fallen Leaf Lake Project
will be completed.
The new section of export pipeline replaced is working very well with no
Some problems have been encountered with the new surge valves at the Luthur
Pass Pump Station, although, Mr. Baer and the engineers are working to
resolve these problems.
A major spill was encounteredbehind carr°W,s Restaurant last week and
sewerage did enter the upper Truckee River. An unknown amount of sewerage
was spilled.
Here at the plant - the sludge furnace is down for major I.D. fan duct
work repair; this should be completed this week. We are now installing the
~3FFINMONSTER in the sludge handling system. This will require approximately
5 days. The concrete work on the sludge holding tanks should also be completed
this week.
I will start my work in Alpine County next week; this will consist of
monitoring wells, drafting maps of fence lines, water rights, and general P.R.
work with the residents of Alpine County, etc.
Regular Meeting November 1, 1979
(3) Manager of Water Supply System (11/1/79 by W. Dunckhorst): - We have a
problem with the A1 Tahoe Well .... It seems as though the clutch on the electric
motor has worked loose and may have damaged other working phases of the well.
At this time,we cannot evaluate the extent of the damage. E. E. Ludorff, from
Woodland, is scheduled to be here the first of the week to check this out, as
it is still under warranty. We will report as soon as we hear what must be
The pipeline project has been stopped as of 10/15/79 from installing any more
underground water mains. The present work is cleaning up for winter and street
repair work; approximately 70% of this project has been completed, and work
is to resume on 5/1/80.
The building next to the Al Tahoe Well has been den~lished and the area cleaned,
as requested by the City Planning C~ssion.
The Alum Storage Project at the filter plant has been completed to the plans and
specifications by Tom Haen Construction; Alum has been ordered and all is ready
for use.
The Corrosion Control and Chlorination Project has also been completed with the
exception of minor faulty parts on the BIF Injector Pumps, which are on order
and should arrive any time.
Mr. Dunckhorst added to his report, as follows: The Al Tahoe Well was shut down
last week - there was a tremendous vibration; E.E. Ludorff was contacted and they
evaluated what the problem was. They arrived Monday morning. It seems that
a screw worked loose on the clutch (upper shaft) , wore threads out and this
caused the tremendous vibration. Ludorff pulled this Tuesday morning and this
morning (Thursday) the well is in operation.
Mr. W. Dunckhorst also stated that Tom Haen Construction Company is working on
the Stateline Reservoir repair. The first of next week the reservoir will be
brought up to normal standards.
(1) Proposed Sewer Ordinace: An Ordinance re Rules and Regulations Pertaining
to Accepting a Right to Connect Deposit for Sewer Connection Fees 1980 Alloca-
t/on Program.
Manager Cofer stated we kept the public hearing open from the last regular meeting
for any further con~nts. Manager Cofer stated that no written cc~nents have been
received. At the special cc~ttee n~eting for the 1980 allocation program,
Supervisor Stewart and Supervisor Johnson stated that they support the proposed
President Kashuba asked if any one had any con~nents regarding the proposed sewer
JOHN CEFALU stated that he objects to paragraph 3 of the proposed ordinance which
states "if a sewer permit allocation has been assigned from the 1979 allocation
the owner will have thirty (30) days after the effective date of this Ordinance
to make the minimum deposit. Suggested wording for this objection could be:-
"all existing permits will have until to deposit connection fees"
Mr. Cefalu stated that the required number of units he needed was not qiven to
him in the 1979 allocation program, and he had to wait until this 1980~allecation
program to receive the balance so he can proceed with his construction.
Manager Cofer m~ntioned that 50,000 sewer units will be residential and the balance
of 67,000 will be multiple and co~nercial.
Mr. Cefalu stated that for his particular project it would be a heavy deposit for
him to have to put in front, and he objects to the deposit being non-refundable.
Director Olson mentioned that if we can get to where we go to Secondary Treatment
and eliminate the high degree of treatment required of us at this time, we will
cut our operating and maintenance costs in half, and then we can reduce the
charges to the people.
Mr. Cefalu stated he would agree to delaying the consideration of this ordinance
until the sewer units become a reality-
C~AIL SANDERS stated she is in aqreement with John Cefalu and hoped the Board would
hold off any action on the prop6sed ordinance.
,~?,~ Regular Meetinq -4- 11/1/79
President Kashuba stated that it is the intent of this Board to notify all
persons involved for the 1980 allocation system as to what they will have
to plan for to obtain their permit frc~ the 1980 allocation system. If the
people are aware of what they will have to do and what they will be faced with
when they apply for their permit, they will either be able to obtain that permit
or they w~n't.
JOHN HUBBELL stated that it seemed to him that the Sewer District is setting the
ground rules - he also stated that this is called a deposit - and_ it should
be referred to as the entire fee. ManaGer Cofer clarified that this is only
the deposit for connection charges and not the entire fees that will be involved.
Mr. Hubbell also r~ested that any action be postponed on this proposed ordinance.
Manager Cofer stated that we have applied for four-million dollars in qrants;
the application has not been approved because we cannot demonstrate th~
ability to meet the local shares; our application is being held in a special
category for tw~ months to firm up our finances, and if we cannot do that, we
will lose the four million dollar grant and there will be no head-start
program and there will be no connections. We must solve this financial
problem now, Manager Cofer stated, and we cannot wait until December. This was
discussed with the Ad Hoc Committee also, Manager Cofer stated, and he had the
impression, as did Director Jones, that the Ad Hoc Committee is in agreement
with this and they also recognize this to be the Sewer District problem.
This proposed ordinance will be published in the newspaper and those that
are in the allocation program will be notified. The Utility DistrictBoard
will n~et on 11/5/79 in a ~rkshop to discuss this proposed ordinance and on
12/7/79 at 9:30 A.M. in a joint meeting with the City. (The Board will again redraft/
review the proposed ordinance, add a hardship clause, and r~et 11/5/79 at 4:00 PM)
Manager Cofer requested approval from the board to submit a letter to Lahontan
regarding the Proposed Revised NPDES Permit for South Tahoe Public Utility District.
There have been manymeetings with Lahontan and Alpine County regarding the new
discharge requirements; many of the requirements suggested by Lahontan have co~t
the District great amounts of money, and have been removed from the revised
permit. We have responded two times to Lahontan -April 3, 1979 in regards
to the 129 conditions and on July 2, 1979 in regards to the 119 conditions.
There is a hearing scheduled on November 19, 1979 in Alpine County in which
they propose to adopt the proposed NPDES Permit conditions and will adopt on
December 5, 1979. The draft letter prepared was reviewed by the Board of
Directors, and Manager Coferwill also send a copy of same to Alpine County
Board of Supervisors for their review prior to the hearing on 11/19/79. Manager
Cofer recor~ended approval of this letter and authorize same be sent to the
Lahontan Staff.
Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Cocking, ............. ~ ..... ~.1 .........
the letter be send to Lahontan as requested by Manager Cofer.
Attorney Weidman suggested that one sentence be added to the letter to Lahontan,
as follows: We do object to Lahontan not following legal procedures of the
Porter-Cologne Act of having in their amended basin plan the items in standards
which they seek to impose in a permit. Manager Cofer requested that Mr. Weidman's
suggestion not be included in the letter at this time since there are many
proposals in the permit that are not part of a Basin Plan.
Director Fieldcamp stated he is very much opposed to conceeding to any further
restrictions from Lahontan, we must put a stop to this, Director Fieldcamp
Roll call vote on letter to be submitted to Lahontan, as follows:
AYES: Directors Olson, Cocking, Jones and Kashuba
NOES: Director Fieldcamp
carried ......
(3) ~LE PLANT CONNECTIONS 1980 (a) Consulting Panel Report - Receive
and File. All rm~mbers of the Board have received the report from the Panel,
and also met with the Panel this past Tuesday. The Panel has reconmended
additional sewer units connections sufficient to provide needed funds for the
head start program, and should be allowed iamediately plus the 1977 and 1978
permits which were cancelled.
Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones that the consulting panel's
report be accepted and staff mail to the agencies.
Regular Meeting
5 November 1, 1979
Director Fieldcamp stated that he w~uld also like to have a copy of the Report
sent to Bill Dendy.
Manager Cofer stated that based on the Dendy Report, Alpine County agreed to the
relaxed water quality standards.
Mot/on carried.
(b) Manager/Engineer's Report and consider adoption of RESOLUTION NO. 2164,
of Findings and Proposed Action, and Authorize Transmittal to City and County.
Manager Cofer recon~nended that we request Lahontan Regional Water Quality
Control Board to remDve the connect/on limitation; that we notify the City
and County that subject to approval of the LahontanBoard the following
sewer connections be permitted:
(a) 86 sewer units for con~nercial projects during calendar
year 1980 (10% of available units as requested by City and
(b) 250 single family unit connections during calendar year 1980;
(c) Cancelled permits from 1978 and 1979 allocation will be added
to the 1980 allocations
Director Olsonn~ved that we establish 862 sewer units;and that also
we notify the City and County of this number. Director Cocking seconded.
Also that we request Lahontan to remove the connection ban.
Director Jones stated that he cannot agree with the number of 862 sewer units;
as he believes that what we had figured at 90 gallons per sewer unit is no longer
the case, and he feels we have increased in flow over that number. Mr. Jones
stated thatperhaps if we reduce the number of 862 and increase the connection
fee, this w~uld be a cautious approach.
Manager Cofer stated that Director Jones does have valid points; and he has had
difficulty with the 90 gallons per sewer unit, as there have been times that
has exceeded.
Director Olson stated that we have told the City and the County that the number
of sewer units to be given out will be considered on an annual basis (Nov.lst)
Manager Cofer stated that his reconm~ndationwas that we request Lahontan to
r~nove the connection ban and not that they accept the 862 sewer units, and that
the District set the limit of 862 sewer units.
Gail Sanders stated that this Board, several years ago, issued will serve letters
to property owners, and she felt the District does have an obligation to give as
many sewer units as possible up to an absolute limit. Secondly, Ms. Sanders
asked John C. Weidman if this Board can ask Lahontan for 800 plus sewer units,
as she understood it should be in gallons. Attorney Weidman stated that Manager
Cofer revised his approach in the letter being considered to Lahontan, in which
he said we are going to ask Lahontan to remove the connection ban. The District
does not deal in the volur~a Lahontan deals in; we deal in what we feel we can
take per year.
Manager Cofer stated that what he is recor~nding to the Board is that they request
of Lahontan to r~move the connection limitations, and if that is not removed
then he will make a recommendation on gallonage; and ~nager Cofer is also
recommending that the Board will allow 862 sewer units, and ask Lahontan to r~Dve
the whole thing.
Roll call votes as follows:
AYES: Directors Olson, Cocking and Kashuba
NOES: Directors Jones and Fieldcamp
Director Jones and Director Fieldcamp stated that they are not against the motion
to remove the connect/on ban; but are against the number of sewer units established.
(4) FAT,TA-INT~ ~ SEWER PROJECt: (a) Revenue Program. Manager Cofer
recommended adoption and authorization to sukmit this revenue program to the
State. (The Board has had workshops and study sessions on this subject).
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried.
Re~ Meeting - 6 -
November 1, 1979
(b) Final Determination-Negative Declaration-Sewering of Recreational
Residences at Fallen Leaf Lake on National Forest Lands. Manager Cofer
recon~nended adoption of final determination and authorize staffto file with
County Clerk. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp,
unanimously carried.
(c) CTRPA PERMIT: Manager Cofer stated that we have applied for a permit
from CTRPA for the Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Facilities for the Permittees, and
CTRPA has sent us the proposed 81 conditions, of which three of those
conditions have given some concern to the District, two related to a
security deposit of $10,000 and $2,000; in addition to the security deposits
they have proposed a condition 80, which statesa project inspector will be
selected by CTRPAand paid for by the applicant.
Manager Cofer mentioned that a meetingwas held this afternoon with the
Executive Officer cf CTRPA, to discuss this #80 condition. The following
language is requested by Manager Cofer to include in the CTRPA Permit:
"Prior to conmenc~t of w~rk, the District shall sut~it to the CTRPA
Executive Officer for approval a detailed pregram for the administration
of the construction contract to enforce the CTRPApermit conditions. The
program will provide for on site inspections and the maintenance of a
written and photographic record of the work progress and a procedure for
issuance of an Agency Stop Work on the project in case of violations of
CTRPA permit conditions or inclement weather. An Environmental Control
Inspector shall be slected by the applicant and approved by the Executive
Officer of the CTRPA and, if payment is necessary, be paid for by the
applicant. Contingency plans for restorative measures will be identified
in the program" --
Director Jones mved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried,
the reconmendation of Manager Cofer re Condition No. 80, as stated above,be
(5) UMBRET~A LIABILITY COVERAGE: The Finance Committee met with the
Insurance Agent, Jambes B. Norton, and they have been able to reduce our
$5 million umbrella liability policy from $18,000 to $12,000, and have also
been able to negotiate an additional $5 million layer for $5,725.00. The
Finance Committee agrees we should approve this.
Director Fieldcampmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that
we approve the umbrella liability policy for $17,600.00 for coverage of $10
million dollars.
(6) Audit Report, 1978-79 Fiscal Year. Mam~ger Cofer recc~mended the Board
receive and file the audit report and set date for meeting with the auditors.
The Board agreed to meet on 12/3/79 at 3:00 P.M.
(7) Purchase New No. 3 Water Pumps.- Bob Baer, Process Engineer, reported that
in the original design of the treatment plant, No. 3 water was supplied by the
final effluent pumps. No. 3 water system uses reclaimed wastewater throughout
the plant to run chlorinators, scrubbers, water sprays, etc.
During the interim plant modifications, two 50 hp vertical turbine pumps
were installed in the tertiary building, which use separation bed effluent as
a source of water. Using separation bed effluent as a source has two
(1) reduces the loading on the activated carbon system, and (2) allows
for greater pumping capacity in the export system.
The vertical turbine pumps have not been satisfactory in this service and
after the SO2 systemwas oeprational, the pump failures continued.
Culp/Wesner/Culp recon~nended the type of pump be changed and Pacific Pump
has two pumps in stock. The cost of each pump is $2,400. The electrical
service must be changed because of the larger motors and also minor piping
costs involved. Total Estimated Cost of Project is $6,800 and Mr. Baer
recorm~_nded we proceed with the replacement of the No. 3 Water Pumps.
Director Olsonmved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried.
(8) Reservoir Repair/Stateline: - - Manager Cofer recommended that we declare
this of great emergency and authorize repair work, approximately $10,000.00,
and ratify Manager's action. Director Fieldcampmoved, seconded by Director
Olson, unanimously carried.
Regular Meeting
-7- November 1, 1979
(9) Replace Rabble Arms/Sludge Furnace: Manager Cofer recon~nended the purchase
of 2 rabble arms to maintain our replac~nent parts inventory. Approximate
cost of the arms is $4,000. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Olson,
unanimously carried.
(10) Water Task Force/Chamber of Cor~nerce: They are asking two things (1)
have your organization becc~ne a member of the Chamber of Coranerce, and (2)
direct management of organization to work with them towards the goal to be
water sufficient California.
President Kashuba stated that John Hay, Executive Officer of the State Chamber,
will be the speaker at ACWA on this subject, and we will have an idea at that
time as to whether or not it would be worth our ~ to participate.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Cocking,
unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $621,141.00 be approved for
SCHEDUI.RDMEETINGS: November 8, 9, 10 CASA Conference (Monterey) and
11/12/79 Agenda Items.
ADJOURNMENT: Attorney Weidman suggested that the executive session not be held
this evening and instead adjourn the meeting to 11/5/79 at 4:00 P.M., and
an executive session will be held at that time. President Kashuba adjourned
the meeting at 11:40 P.M. to 11/5/79 at 4:00 P.M.
V~rene L. Kashuba, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Mary D%.~ose, C%erl of BOar
South T~h~e Public Utility District
Adjourned ~etinq BOard of Directors
South Tahoe Public Utility District .....
November 5, 1979 --- 4:00 P.M.
The BOard of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an
adjourned session on 11/5/79 at 4:00 P.M. to discuss the proposed Ordinance
re connection charges.
~OLLCALL: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors W.N. Olson, F.J.
Cocking, R.A.Fieldcamp and J.R. Jones.
Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C.
The draft of the Ordinance in final form is as follows:
"Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Accepting a Right to Connect Deposit for
Sewer Connection Fees 1980 City/CountyAllocation Program.
BE IT ENACTED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public
Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, as follows:
(1) All residential owners selected in the 1980 City/County Allocation
Program will have thirty (30) days from notification by the City of South Lake
Tahoe to make a minimumdeposit in the amount equal to the established minimum
sewer connection charges.
(2) All conmercial owners or governmental agencies assigned sewer units
for a given project from the 1980 City/County Allocation Program must deposit
connection fees within thirty (30) days from day of assignment by City and/or
County. All existing conmercial applicants with assigned sewer units shall have
until May 1, 1980 to deposit the sewer connection fees,
ADJOURNED ~ETING -2- November 5, 1979
(3) Those applicants failing to make the minimum deposit within the given
time will lose the right to the issuance of a sewer permit.
(4) In the event a building permit is not issued, or is cancelled by the
City or County, no refund will be made by the Utility District except as other-
wise provided in Paragraph 5 of this Ordinance.
(5) When any person, by reason of special circumstances, is of the
opinion that any provision of this Ordinance is unjust or inequitable as applied
to his premises, he may make written application to the Board, stating the
special circumstances, citing the provision cc~plained of, and requesting
suspension or modification of that provision as applied to his premises.
If such application ~e approved, the Board may, by resolution,
suspend or modify the provision complained of, as applied to such premises,
to be effective as of the date of the application and continuinq during the
period of the special ' ,, - -
circumstances .....
The Board agreed to have letter and the proposed ordinance sent to the City,
County, agencies and mention to th~n that action will be taken on the Ordinance
at the December 6th meeting of the Board of Directors; this Ordinance will also
be published in the paper as a notice.
The Board adjourned at 4:45 P.M. into an executive session.
Following the executive session, the Board requested an adjourned meetinq at
5:00 P.M. Monday, November 12, 1979. ~
~Lorrene L. Kashuba, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
~ VD-[ ~0~roSe,Vd~rk c~f-Boa~d
SOuth ~hoe Public Utility District
NOVEMBER 12, 1 9 7 9, 6:00 PM
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utiliq¥ District met in an
adjourned session at 6:00 P.M., 11/12/79.
ROLL CALL: Present were Directors W. N. Olson, F.J. Cocking, R.A. Fieldcamp
and J.R. Jones. President L. L. Kashuba was absent.
Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C.
Weidman, Engineer R. Baer, M. Madden and J. Wynn, J. Fredricksen.
Manager Cofer stated this meeting was adjourned from November 5, 1979, for the
purpose of any action the Board wishes to take regarding the Cease and Desist
Hearing on 11/19/79 by Lahontan.
Attorney Weidman stated that his letter to J.R. Cofer regarding the duration
of National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit, NPDES, is included
in the Directors packet.
Same was discussed in length by the Board, Attorney and Staff.
Attorney Weidman also mentioned to the Board that Mr. J. Hubbell, Hermez
and Sanders filed a petition for review of the Lahontan Board Order last December,
which failed to lift the Cease and Desist Order and failed to lift the connection
ban based upon the grounds that the District had substantially complied with
the waste discharge requirements and ,therefore, under the law and regulations
District was entitled to be relieved of the Cease and Desist Order and the
connection ban is part of said order. The District did request removal of the
Cease and Desist Order and the Connection Ban, and we told Lahontan we weuld
give 862 sewer units. The District chose not to petition for review, we felt
we weuld not accemplish that much, weuld cost a lot of money, and at the same
time we had pending before the State Board (and still do) our Head-Start
application. The State Board, approximately in July, upheld the Lahontan Board
on the Hubbell, Hermez, Sanders petition for review, and they filed a petition
for writ-of-mandate in superior court to set aside the Cease and Desist
Order and the Connection Ban. That hearing is set for November 16th. As a
part of that action, they named the District as the real party in issue interest
and Attorney Weidman stated he would like authorization to prepare a response
to this issue and get it filed. Mr. Weidman stated also that as of 1/1/79 the
NPDES Permit is not valid and the Cease and Desist Order is no longer in force
legally, and the connection ban, which is apart of the Cease andDesist
Order, is no longer valid.
The Board agreed that on 11/15/79 there should be a Resolution adopted indicat-
ing the number of sewer units for the allowable connections for 1979-80 calendar
year. Same to be considered on 11/15/79, regular Board meeting.
A~torney Weidman stated he wants to answer Hubbell's allegations:-- that we have
substantially complied and we are entitled to get out of the Cease and Desist
Order and lift the connection ban. Mr. Weidman stated this is true and wanted
permission from theBoard to state this.
Director Fieldcampmoved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that
the Attorney be instructed to raise the defense in the Hermez legal action
of the invalidity of the federal permit, the Cease and Desist Order, and
connection ban limitation, and instruct the Manager to send supplemental
cor~nents to the Regional Board, advising the Board of the District position
that the permit has expired and that therefore the Cease and Desist Order
and connection ban limitation should be removed by the Board.
Director Jones stated we should get out frcm under the Cease and Desist Order
not because of technicalities but we do have a valid justification; also, Mr
Jones stated that we deserve an answer as to why we were allowed to go with-
out a valid permit.
No further business discussed-and--Vice ~sident Olson adjourned the meeting
at 6:50 P.M. ' ~
k~ ~lter "Neal" Olson,'~c~ ~resioenr
South Tahoe Public Utility District
.I,', t ...... /-,
t ~ : D.: ' rose .Clerk o ~ .
November 15, 1979
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District
met in a regular session 11/15/79 at 8:00 P.M.
ROLL CALL: President L.L. Kashuba, Directors W.N. Olson, F.J. Codling, R.A.
Fieldcamp, J.R. Jones.
Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weid~n~b Process
Engineer R. Baer, Clerk of Board, John Mounier-Rust and Armenis Associates,
R.L. Culp and W. Ettlich of C~C, ~. ~ynn and M. [~dde~'~, C. Foss, G. Eppler,
R. Vonderscher and D. Peterson - Tribune.
ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS I¥3 AGENDA: ~mnager Cofer requested two items L~
added to "Items for Board Action'~ as follows:
#6 - RESOLL~fION Settinq Compensation for 5~nager
of Wastewater Operations,
~7 - Final Acceptance of Water Chlorination Project Syste~n.
#4 - Delete from egenda (Jerry Martin).
Agenda approved as changed.
CONSENT CALRNDAR: Director Otson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
carried that the consent calendar, as follows, be approved:
C~RPA Permit, Fallen Leaf Lake Permittee's
Sewer Collection System. Authorize Acceptance
of Permit Conditions.
Notice to Bidders - 4/wheel Drive Vehicle
with One Trade-In (Budgeted Item). Aut]-~,orized
advertisement for bids.
(3) Refund of $11,624.91, Group Worker's Compensation
Insurance. Acknowledge same.
(4) Existing Snow Blower - Operation Department -
Declared Surplus.
(5) Increase of Sewer Units for Billing Purposes.
(6) R.D. Watson, Release of all cia~ns; approved.
MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried,
that the minutes of 10/18/79, 11/1/79, 11/5/79, 1i/12/79 be approved as submitted.
REPOR~ BY BOARD MEMBERS: President Kashuba reported that:"The main item of
business on the Saturda_v (11/10/79) session was to receive reports from the
committees which had been appointed at ~he d~ection of the n~bership, by the
President, to gather all the pertinent data on t~he issue of wastewater require-
ments in the Lake Tahoe Basin, and the procedural practices of -~he State and
Regional Water Quality Boards.
The Technical Comnittee, composed of engineers and water quality
experts, and practicing operations personnel, was chaired by Roger Dolan. His
report was as follows:
1. Establishment of objectives and reconm~ndations:
(a) Determine if the effluent limits of agencies
were appropriate or causing impact of discharges on
receiving waters. The limits would deal with water
quality. Protection of water quality in Indian Creek
Reservoir. Regulatory persons appeared to have pre-
judged the requirements.
(b) Standards were influenced by factors other than
waste water quality. The South Tahoe P.U.D. inflow
limitation is an apparent growth control measure.
Regular Meeting
-2- 11/15/79
The conmittees did not recon~nend any support of the pending legislation. After
meetings with the State Board by the con~nittees and CASA Board Members,
reconxnended modifications in the procedures have been adopted by the State Board
and their regulations amended. Close scrutiny will be given to the procedures
and a follow up report will be given in January at CASA to be sure those
adopted regulations have been adhered to.
RECO~X~DATION TO THE BOARD: That CASA take a position
that allocation of non-water quality factors should not
be used in establishment of water quality regulations.
This recon~nendation was to go to the Regional and State
CASA unanimously adopted the position as stated.
IT SHOULD be noted that the same type of issues are being
experienced throughout the State. It is of great credit to CASA that they
are equally as concerned with small districts as with large ones.
The attorneys' con~nittee was chaired by Tom Woodruff to review
the procedural due process and adoption of procedural rules for regional boards.
They investigated the following: 1. Due process
2. Notice of intended action to interested and involved
3. Discharger provided the opportunity for continuance.
4. Hearing orders. Con~nittee would work on draft for
revision. These are now out for distribution to the
Executive Officers of the Regional Boards.
Will be reported on at January meeting.
IT WAS determined by the con~mittee that there was not fair and
open due process given the agencies at Tahoe."
President Kashuba stated that CASA has worked very hard for us and she entertain-
ed a motion to consider a RESOLUTION of Appreciation for CASA. Director
Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that a
Resolution be adopted for the District's Appreciation to CASA. - RESOLUTION
NO. 2167.
~DRKSHOP SESSIONS: Manager Cofer stated the following workshop sessions and
meetings were held:
(1) 11/5/79 Adjourned Board Meeting re Sewer Ordinance
and Executive Session re Litigation
11/12/79 Adjourned Board Meeting/Workshop - Lahontan
Cease and Desist and Agenda Items
(3) 11/8-10/79 California Association of Sanitation Agencies
MANAGER'S REPORT: (11/15/79) Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer:
"Operating Costs Wastewater Service: We have received the
1978-79 Audit Report prepared by Mr. John W. Ehlman. Based upon the annual
audit reports, the operating cost of wastewater collection, treatment, disposal,
and administration are computed as follows:
Regular Meeting
-3- 11/15/79
Fiscal Year
74- 75 75-6 76- 77 77-78 78 79
Flow (MG) 1230.9 1278.6 1251.1 1334.0 1593.8
Operating Costs ($000,000)
Operating Costs ($/MG) 2.295 2.630 3.165 4.105 4.579
Collection 359 370 416 413 369
Treatment 973 1115 1473 1902 1714
Disposal 285 355 323 352 438
Admin. & General 248 217 318 410 353
Total 1865 2057 2530 3077 2874
% of Operating Cost
Collection 19 18 16 13 13
Treatment 53 54 58 62 60
Disposal 15 17 13 12 15
Adm. & Gen. 13 11 13 13 12
Total 100 100 100 100 100
Sewer Service to Heavenly ValleY Top of Tram SkiArea: A meeting was held at
the Lahontan Office on 11/9/79 to discuss sewer service to the Heavenly Valley
Top of the Tram Restaurant. The Lahontan Staff stated that the State is determin-
ed to have the Top of the Tram sewered and they believe the South Tahoe Public
Utility District has a responsibility to provide service. The U.S.Forest
Service stated that sewering of the Top of the Tram is consistent with what
is being done on Federal land within the Tahoe Basin. The Utility District
position was stated as a willingness to provide service to the Top of the
Tram, however, the treatment plant capacity would have to come from either a
reduction in the U.S.Forest Service reserved capacity or frc~ expansion of the
existing treatment facilities and that Heavenly Valley would be requ. ired to pay
a reasonable cost for facilities and operating expenses of collection, treat-
ment, and disposal.
Heavenly Valley is completing a master plan whichwill identify their sewer-
ing requirements and which will evaluate alternative disposal concepts. The
U.S.Forest Service/South Tahoe Public Utility District contract might be
modified. The Utility District will identify preliminary terms and conditions
of a contract between the District and Heavenly Valley."
ATI~'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated~that the Polansky Case was lost and
the court decided totally in favor of the City of South Lake Tahoe and the Utility
District; Mr. Polansky gives a Notice of Taking a Deposition of the Clerk of Board,
who is the custodian of records on all records regarding Will Serve--, and he
also did this on the City; Mr. Weidman stated that we have a motion up now to
quash the supoena .
Regarding the Hubbell Case - Manager Cofer requested this be referred to the
action item on the agenda.
SHOP S~REPORT: None present.
(1) From W. Dunckhorst, Manager of Water Supply System (11/15/79): - "On Tues-
day morning, 10/30/79, the District received a call that water was running
down the hill from the Stateline Reservoir. Investigation showed water coming
out from under the southwesterly corner of the reservoir foundation. All pump-
ing to the reservoir was stopped and we proceeded to drain the reservoir. The
flow of water from the reservoir stopped approximately one hour after our first
On lowering the reservoir, a large crack about one inch in size was noticed,
and due to this crack, when the water reached its high level, a cavalry was
washed out from under the reservoir foundation causing the spillage of approximately
one million gallons.
The public was notified to go on emergency water conservation. The system
was balanced by leaving a small amount of water in the reservoir and one pump
on, which kept the system pressurized, therefore, no people were out of water
at any time during the ~mergency.
The next morning, 10/31/79, Tom Haen Construction Co~tk~ny proceeded with the
repair of the reservoir and had the repair work completed that afternoon.
The following day, 11/1/79, we proceeded to slowly fill the reservoir to
about half capacity and this capacity was maintained until 11/5/79 to cure the
concrete grouting in the cavity. On 11/6/79 normal pumping was started so that
the reservoir could be filled back to normal capacity. On 11/6/79 the press and
radio stations were notified to inform the public the emergency ended.
Regular Meeting
-4- 11/15/79
The morning of 11/7/79 showed the reservoir filled back to normal capacity
and no visual problems.
It is my observation that when this reservoir was near empty during the
repair work that there were numerous hairline cracks which shows this reservoir
should be completely reinforced in the near future.
The cost for repairing the reservoir was $3,921.00.
October (M.G.) 1978 1979
Well Production 82.5 68.6
Cold Creek Diversion 36.5 34.7
Totals 119.0 103.3
% Change
Calendar Year to Date
Well Production
Cold Creek Diversion
1978 1979 % Change
753.4 889.2 +18.0
416.9 422.7 - 1.4
1170.3 1311.9 +12.1"
(1) Appreciation for Service to District by Directors Fran Cocking and Raymond
RESOLUTION NO. 2165 Cc~mending Raymond F. Fieldcamp.
RESOLUTION NO. 2166 Commending Francis J. Cocking.
Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that both
RESOLUTIONS NOS. 2165 and 2166 be approved.
Manager Cofer also presented Director Fieldcamp and Director Cocking with
a beautifully decorated bottle containing tertiary treated water from the plant.
President Kashuba also presented a plaque to each outgoing Director. Director
Fieldcamp thanked ~mployees and staff and the Board members. A plaque was also
presented to outgoing Director F.J. Cocking. Director Cocking stated that he has
certainly enjoyed the past four years as a Director on the Board and without that
he stated that there would have been a great void in his life, and without the
four years he would not have had all the experience he has gained - he stated he
owes his appreciation to the staff, supervisors, and he is sorry to be leaving
however he will be routing for us on the sidelines. Director Fieldcamp and Director
Cocking welcomed Mickey Madden and John Wynn and wished them much success.
garage that has no sewer units, and which is under this new sewer permit system,
and he has filed a set of plans with us; Mr. Hubbell is now in litigation with the
City as to whether or not he will be allowed to build the garage, and Manager
Cofer recon~nended extension. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones,
that >~o extension be granted. Mr. Hubbell signed that there wouldbe no units
added for this garage. President Kashuba stated that a letter be sent to ~.
Hubbell stating that a sewer permit is not necessary where there are no sewer units
count involved.
Roll call vote on motion: All Directors denied the request for sewer permit exten-
sion forMr. J. Hubbell.
Manager Cofer requested extension of the sewer permit for Mr. Bruce Eldridge,
Fallen Leaf Lake, Parcel 21 201 04, until the sewer project is cempleted and
accepted by the Utility District. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director
Jones, unanimously carried.
Regular Meeting -5- 11/15/79
regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
(a) Staff Report on Plant Operation and Lahontan Staff Report: To be giv~ at
11/19/79 hearing of Lahontan.
(b) Presentation by District at Lahontan Hearing, to be presented at 11/19/79
Hearing of Lahontan.
(c) Allowable Connections 1980 Calendar Year,RESOLUTION NO. 2168, A Resolution
of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Establishing the Allowable Se~er Unit
Connections [~dring Calendar Year 1980.
Mr. R. Baer reported on plant operation stating that plant performance and
operation have been good since Septeniyer 1978.
Bill Ettlich of CWC gave a report of recent process improvements and a surm%ary
of the headstart program.
Manager Cofer stated that we have done a good job here at the plant, and that he
is looking forward to going before L&hontan. We have been under a Cease and
Desist Order almost 1,000 days; we met requirements, and we have been in
compliance. He also stated that on the District merit we deserve to have the
Cease and Desist Order removed. We should ask for this removal. There is
another side, he stated, which was raised by the Consulting Panel as to whether
or not we even have a permit, and how- can we have a Cease and Desist Order with-
out a ~rmit.
Attorney Weidman stated that based upon the plant performance there are no
violations. The threat is not there as to water quality performance.
Manager Cofer stated that the staff would request the Board to concur in making
a presentation which would be short and consist of presenting the consulting
panel report, our records stating we are in compliance, and have been in
substantial con~pliance, there is no threated violation, and to present the legal
question regarding the permit to Lahontan and request clarification. He stated
that if we do not have a permit we cannot be in violation.
Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the
Staff Report on Plant Operation and Lahontan Staff Report for corar~nts by the staff
be approved and the presentation be given at the hearing on 11/19/79, and that
RESOLUTION NO. 2168 be approved.
Director Fieldcampmoved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that
authorization be given to staff to continue to raise the objection on the NPDES
Permit conditions, and ask Lahontan not take any action on 11/19/79, but allow
us to respond in writing for the 5th of Dece~er meeting.
Director Olsonmeved, seconded by Director Jones, and a unanimous roll call vote
of AYE that the Manager's reconm~_ndation be approved to request the Board to concur
with staff in making the presentation to Lahontan, present the Consulting Panel
report, our records stating we are in compliance and have been in substantial
compliance, no threatened violations, and to present the legal question regarding
the permit to Lahontan and request clarification.
(6)Mr. R. Baer, Assistant Engineer, stated that interviews wezeheld and a decision
made to employ Mr. Gary Plasterer, to begin work on 12/3/79, at $2,485/menth
and RESOLUTION NO. 2169, Compensation for M~anager of Wastewater Operations, be
Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that Mr.
Gary Plasterer be hired as recon~ended, and that RESOLUTION NO. 2169 setting his
compensation be approved.
Regular Meeting
-6- 11/15/79
Contractor): - W. Dunckhorst, Manager of Water Supply, and R. Baer, Assistant
Engineer, have inspected the project and same in oompliance with the plans and
specifications. Manager Cofer recon~nended the project be accepted. Director
Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp,
unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $366,871.17 be approved.
President Kashuba stated that there is going to be a hearing scheduled for
increase in power, and she stated we should go on record as protesting the
NOTICE OF MEETINGS: Lahontan Cease and Desist Hearing - 1:30 P.M. -11/19/79.
LahontanMeeting Workshop on 11/19/79 at 7:00 P.M. re Waste Discharge Require-
ments to be held in Alpine County; November 28th through the 30th - California
Association of Water Agencies; workshop on 12/3/79 to meet with the Auditors
regarding the Audit Report and to set the agenda items for the 12/6/79 meeting
of the Board; workshop on 12/4/79 at 7:00 P.M. to meet with the two new
Directors to discuss the activities of the Board and the responsibilities.
December 9, 1979 at 9:30 A.M., Arts Building, will be the joint City/County
and STPUDmeeting.
President Kashuba adjourned the regular meeting at 10:00 P.M. to an Executive
Session to discuss litigation. Present for the executive session: J. Mounier
of Rust and Arm~nis and D. Bates of Resources Engineering Management.
~orrene L. Kashuba, Fres£dent
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Clerk~f Board & Ex-Officio Secretary
DECEMBER 4, 1 9 7 9
The Board of Directors of the South ?ahoe Public Utility District
met in a Special Meeting to discuss the response to the Waste
Discharge Requirements and the NPDES Permit at 4:00 P.M. 12/4/79.
ROLL CALL: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors W.N. Olson,
J. Wynn and M. Madden. ABSENT: Director Jones.
Also present were Manager/District Engineer J.R. Cofer, B. Fischer,
J.C.Weidman - Attorney, J. Fredrickson - City, T. Powers, R. Baer and
G. Plasterer - South Tahoe P.U.D. Employees, R. Hampson and D.
Antonnucci - Lahontan RWQCB. ~
Manager Cofer stated that following the 11/19/79 meeting with Alpine
County, he and the District Staff along with the Lahontan Staff and
Mr. Bill Dendy met to discuss the proposed waste discharge require-
ments and the NPDES Permit.
Manager Cofer presented a rough draft of a response to these Waste
Discharge Requirements/tentative NPDES Permit.
The Board of Directors discussed the proposed statement for the Lahontan
hearing 12/5/79 regarding the standards.
Manager Cofer stated that he is prepared to recommend to the Board to accept
f~e standards as he has present~, re~.~gnizing that, perhaps, we c~nnot meet
all t~he standards I~hontan will impose upon us.
l~ne Boerd discussed objectives versus standards - Mr. Ha~pson stated that Lahontan
is guided by State and Federal rules ~nd must refer to ~lese as standards ~nd not
objectives; he did state, however, in ~he event the Utility District believed a
st£mdard could not t~ met, th~m asked them to come up wit2~ an alternative for
review and discussion.
Manager Cofer stated that this now is at the level of Board Policy; Lahontan staff
and District staff have gone as fsm~ as they can go, and it is now up to the Board
to make the con~nitment for funds that we may or may not have.
Director Wynn stated that he is now in the position of wanting to know if these
standards are absolutely necessary.
Director Madden stated that if there is any question at all in Mr. Cofer's mind as
to meeting the standards, then she would seriously consider not accepting the
standa~[s now presented, as to ~he expe~mes involved, and the absolute necessity
behind it.
President Kash~ba stated, that she feels we cannot accept anything that we question
regarding the standards or committing ourselves to any funds.
Attorney Weidman stated t~hat if the District feels they ~ ~
~m_ ~ meet the standards,
%~hey should say so.
Mr. R. Hampson stated also that if the District finds difficulty in accepting
the standards, they should submit an alternative.
The Boerd agre~ to review the proposc~ conments by M~mager Cofer and adjourn this
meeting to December 5, 1979 at 4:00 P.M. to consider action on same. (adjotu:~ed 5:30 PM)
~ iorrene L. Kashuba, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Mai~).- ~roSe,~C~e~ ~ B~ard
So. TahOe Public Utility District
December 5, 1979
President Kashuba called the adjourned meeting of the Board of Directors to order
at 4:00 P.M. 12/5/79, Board Conference Room.
BOLL CALL: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors W.N. Olson, J. Wynn and
M. Madden. ABSENT: Director J. R. Jones.
Also present were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, J.C.Weidman - Attorney, Clerk of Board,
G. Plasterer, T. Powers, R. Baer, B. Fischer and J. Fredrickson.
President Kashuba stated that this adjourned meeting was called to discuss and
review the presentation regarding the Waste Discharge Permit Standards that will
be before Lahontan December 6, 1979.
Manager Cofer stated that Bill Dendy will appear on behalf of the Alpine County and
he plans to make but one statement that he does endorse the draft from Lahontan.
Manager Cofer stated that the statement to be presented to Lahontan on 12/6/79
is as follows:
"La (l-d)
Effluent Limitation - Total Phosphorus
Proposed: 30 Day Average 0.8 mg/1, 44.7 #/day,
Maximum 1.0 mg/1, 62.6 #/day,
20.3 kg/day
28.4 kg/day
30-Day Average 1.0 mg/1, 55.9 #/day, 25.1 kg/day
Maximum- No Standard
Discussion: It is beyond the capability of the existing treatment facilities to meet
the proposed standard. The District is increasing its efforts to operate the plant to
produce as low concentrations of phosphorus as possible, however, to accept the 0.8
mg/1 30 day average and 1.0 mg/1 maximum standards would require extensive and expensive
modification of the treatment facility in order to assure that the standards would be
met. Although in the past the 30 day average phosphorus levels have exceeded 1.0 mg/1,
the District is prepared to accept this standard. We also ask that the standard for a
maximum concentration be deleted. There is no health risk of the higher phosphorus
levels and the effluent is being discharged into a billion gallon storage reservoir.
Fluctuations in the effluent phosphorus levels is of no importance. The average
pounds of phosphorus discharged to the reservoir is the important factor.
lA (2-d)
Effluent Limitation after October 31, 1982 - Total Phosphorus
Proposed: 30-DayAverage 0.2 mg/1, 11.2 #/day, 5.1 kg/day
Maximin 0.5 mg/1, 31.5 #/day, 14.2 kg/day
30-Day Average 1.0 mg/1, 55.9 #/day, 25.1 kg/day
Maximum- No Standard
Discussion: The proposed standard will require over $300,000 in capital improve-
ments to the treatment plant. The District's present long range planning is for some
form of advanced secondary treatment with no use of Indian Creek Reservoir for dis-
charge of effluent. The District's present long range time schedule to accomplish
a change to advanced secondary treatment and change of water supply at Indian Creek
Reservoir is December 1984 or earlier if possible. The capital expenditure to meet
the proposed interim and 1982 water quality limitations will not be necessary for
advanced secondary treatment. We understand that the State and Federal EPA will not
finance by grants a treatment level higher than secondary and would not give grants
to finance capital expenditures for these proposed interim improvements.
The District is attempting to proceed with construction of about $6 million in plant
reliability improvements under a State/Federal Grant Program. The local cash flow
requirement to implement these improvements is about $1.6 million (Attachment 1).
Additional cost burden on top of this local cash obligation could jeopardize the
funding of the Headstart plant improvements.
Adjourned Regular Meeting
1 A (2-g) Effluent Limitation after October 31,
Proposed: More than 200 r~3/1
December 5, 1979
1982 - Alkalinity
Request: No standard
Discussion: 1982 limitations on discharge alkalinity at 200 mg/1 minimum will re-
quire approximately $200,000 in capital improvements to the treatment facilities
and will increase the cost of wastewater treatment by over $100 per million gallon
treated. The alkalinity standard is not in the Basin Plan. There will be no short
term detriment to water quality if this alkalinity standard is not included in the
discharge limitations.
The minimum levels of effluent alkalinity is proposed to stabilize the fluctuations
of pH. levels at ICR. Toxic conditions to trout occur when there is a condition
of high pH, high anm~nia, and high temperature levels in the reservoir causing
a high level of free anmonia. The District is accepting amax i mum limitation on
the free ammonia (unionized ammonia) level at ICR and, therefore, there is no
need to restirct pH or temperature levels.
1 B (l-b) Receiving Water Limitation - pH
Proposed Average 8.3
Maximum 8.6
... Request No standard
Discussion: The District cannot control the pH at ICR. As long as the free anmonia
levels are controlled, there is no damage to the beneficial uses due to fluctuations
in pH. The District is accepting a limitation on free anmonia levels.
1 B (2-b) Receiving Water l,imitation after October 31, 1982 - ~! Proposed Minimum 6.5
Maximum 8.5
Discussion: Same as con]~ent on I B
I D (1) General Requirements
"The total flow to the treatment facility
during any 24-hour period sha~l not exceed~
7.0 million gallons (26,5-0 m )"
Request: No r~.irement.
Discussion: The District contends Prohibition D 1. restricting total flow to the
treatment facility is not authorized by Federal or State law. The flow to the
plant is not a discharge to a navigable river and thus not subject to an NPDES permit.
The flowto the plant is a discharge into a conmunity sewer system and therefore not
subject to State waste discharge requirements.
I D (7) General Requirments
Proposed: "The discharge of reclaimed wastewater to Diamond
Ditch between October 15 and April 1 of each year
is prohibited except as permitted in II.C.8."
Request: All waters released or withdrawn from the Indian
Creek Reservoir or from the export pipeline for
irrigation shall be retained on land to be irrigated
and not returned to a tributary of the Carson River
as surface water flow.
Discussion: The District contends that Prohibition D 7. prohibiting discharge of
reclaimed wastewater to Diamond Ditch between October 15 and April 1 of each year
is also not authorized by Federal or State law. Diamond Ditch is not a navigable
river and thus a discharge to this ditch is not the subject of an NPDES permit.
Furthermore, State law only permits prohibition in certain areas and under c~rtain
conditions. No such conditions are specified in this prohibition such as when the
land where effluent is reused or disposed of is not in a suitable condition to receive
the effluent.
The proposed prohibition between October 15 and April 1 is not included in the Basin
Plan. There is no evidence that the beneficial use of any water from Diamond Ditch,
if any, adversely affects water quality.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- December 5, 1979
II B (1) Provisions Monitoring and Reporting
The Utility District understands that the Lahontan Staff will work with the
District Staff in resolving the areas of our concern related to monitoring and
reporting requirements as outlined in the District's November 1,1979 letter.
II D Time Schedules
The imposition of time schedules on the compliance by October 31, 1982 willbe
difficult for the District to n~et and finance in view of the constraints
imposed by Proposition 13 and PROPOSITION 4.
The Utility District will make its best effort to reach an early decision on the
long range treatment and disposal plan. The Lahontan Board should note that the
Federal EIS process is not complete and has taken over one and one-half years just
to prepare a draft report document. This decision on the long range treatment and
disposal must be made during calendar year 1980 to avoid the necessity of under-
taking the implementation of costly treatment facilities in order to meet the
October 31, 1982 effluent and receiving water limitations included in the NPDES
permit. Some of the actions necessary to reach this decision may be beyond the
control of the Utility District. We trust that the Lahontan Board recognizes
these constraints and will not delay your required long range planning actions
and decisions.
Record - NPDES Hearinq
The District wishes to make a part of the record all of the reports and cor~nents
submitted to Lahontan in connection with this NPDES permit process, as well as the
copies of its grant applications, facilities planning and environmental reports
in the possession of the State.
The District submits copies of its audits for the last three years and the budget for
the current year together with a copy of its sewer service charge ordinance. The
District asks your Board to take administrative notice of Proposition 13, Proposi-
tion 4 and the legislative implementation of Proposition 13"
Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that the
state/~ent above be approved for presentation at the Lahontan Hearing by Manager
President Kashubamentioned the Joint City/County/Utility District meeting to be
held on 12/7/79 at 9:30 A.M.,Arts Building, to discuss the 1980 Allocation Program.
No further business to come before the Board, President L.L. Kashuba adjourned the
meeting at 5:50 P.M.
L. L. Kashuba, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
,' Amb~, Clerk of Board
Sout~ Tahoe Public Utility District
DECF~MBF~, 6, I 9 7 9
8:00 PM
The Board. of Directors of tJ~e South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session on 12/6/79 at 8:00 P.M., District Office.
ROLL CALL: Present were President L. Kashuba, Directors W. N. Olson, J. Wynn,
M. Madden. ABSENT: Director J.R. Jones.
Also present were Manager/F~gineer J.R. Cofer, J.C.Weidhman-Attorney, Clerk of Board,
R. Baer - Assistant District Engineer, G. Plasterer, Mike Adams, C~ene Eppler, Mel
Fagot, and Jack Fredrickson, Dick Py]e of Soil Conservation Service, and Raymond A.
Fieldcamp. · -
Item XIV- 2 a
ADD:Item XIV - 7 =
8 =
9 =
Manager Cofer requested that:
(C~rald ~.~rtin) be deferred.
Contract with ° ' =
.~ollo C~%servation Service.
Reimbursement for use of Private Vehicles
Resolution for Wells Fargo Bank (#2170)
Resolution to CASA (~2171)
Director Wynn moved, seconded by Dirctor Madden,
agenda be approved as amended.
unanimously carried, that the
CONSENT CJtLENDAR: Director O]son moved, seconded by Director P~/rm, u~anin~usly
carried, the consent ca!endar~ as foll~s,be appreved.
(1) Sludge Holding Basin Improvemen+=' Change Order No. 1 - ~g~n~e in impeller
Shaft Size from 6" ach. 80 to 8" Sch. 80 - No change in contract price.
(2) Increase in Sewer Units -- APPROVED.
Also: Shop Steward Report following Reports by Board Members.
MINUTES: Director Olson moved~ seconded, by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried,
that the minutes of 11/15/79 be approved as submitted.
REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Olson stated that he v,ould like to especially
note one ~dation fcr the report .that is included in the minutes by the Safety
Director - it was an excellent report, and the Safety Conm~ittee is doing ~n excel~ent
job. President Kashuba agreed with this statement. Manager Cofer stated that he
will notify th.e Safety Con~nitt~ of the conn~nts made this evening.
SHOP STEWARD REPORT: Along wif~h f~his report, it was requested that kssistant
Engineer R. Baer also give his report..Mr. Baer stated that the new M~morand~n
of l~derstanding regarding ~he work schedules allows that the ~mDloyess
implement the alternate work schedules, and there were two ground rules could
set: (1)
that there would be no loss of efficiency, and (2) no increased costs to the
District. Mr. Baer stated that he has wored closely with operations, end that
there is no doubt there is a great improvement in the housekeeping of the plant,
also a great improve_me_mt in the keeping of the maintenance cards. Durinc the 6
weeks this alternate work schedule has ,been Jan effect - ~e overtime has-been about
the same, the double time the same as last year, and there has been an increase in
premium pay (25%); sick leave has gone down 40%.~ there has been an overall savings
for 6 weeks to the District of $3,300.00. ~
Mike Adams, Shop Steward, stated at this time last year there was no mechanic
on call each weeR~nd: we have a mechanic on call now eachweekemd; the ~oral
of the employess up 100%~ he stated~
Manager Cofer stated ~hat the real nroof that this schedule is working, alz~ost all
other departmemts, except the office, have requested to go on the alternate work
President Kashuba stated that she is delighted that the work schedule is working and
that the moral has greatly improved.
CO,MI%TEE REPORTS: (1) Finance: Item on agenda for consideration. (2) INSILP~/qCE:
Premium for the insurance for theDisf~ict v~ll be a savings in cost of $5,000; also,
he reviewed the report from the Auditor also with Barrie Fischer, and Mr. Fischer
made his reconmmndations to the Board.
(3) Public Information: President L. Kashuba statedthat she and Director Olson
attended the California Water Districts Association in San Diego, November 28,29,30;
there were 1200 delegates present and the most predominant issues were the Peripheral
Canal and the M~no Lake situation and the Mol°nes Dam.
Regular Meeting
-2- 12/6/79
The emphasis was placed on ~e importance of Statewide planning for additional
water supplies. Mr. Bill Ginallie (State Water Resources Control Board) stated
that his concern was that the State Water Board and the State Water Quality Control
Board have neglected to support water projects from either the standpoint of
growth inducing or environmental damage to wild and scenic rivers, or the
power source being used. As a result of this meeting, President Kashubamade the
following reconm~ndations:
(1)We have been invited to join the California State Chamber
of Cor~nerce, at a minimum cost of $100.00 per year, and
participate in the water task force. President Kashuba stated
that she spoke with John Hay, Executive Vice President of the
Chamber, and Larry Kin~nel - Secretary, and two of the large
Districts - Jack Harnett of East Bay MUD, and Alex Adams of
San Diego, and they encouraged our participating.
(2) Recommended by President Kashuba consideration of
resolution of intent to pursue an active communication
program to dissimate information regarding local and
statewide water issues and problems
Director Olson mved that recon~nendation one and reu~endation two, as stated
above, be approved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried.
No further con~nitee reports.
1. 11/19/79
2. 11/20/79
3. 11/28-30/79
4. 11/30/79
5. 12/3/79
6. 12/3/79
Manager Cofer reported the following:
Lahonta~R~QCB Hearing, Cease and Desist and NPDES Permit
Meeting with US Soil Conservation re District Programs.
Association of California Water Agencies.
Special Conm~ttee re Mitigation Response to EPA
Workshop, Audit Report and Agenda Items
E1 Dorado Co. Water Agency, Revenue Bonds SOFAR
Mr. B. Dunckhorst attended that meeting. Also, Manager Cofer stated that Ray
Fieldcampwas asked to attend these meetings with Bill, and asked Mr. Fieldcamp
if he had a report to make. Mr. Fieldcamp stated that as far as the electricity
is concerned, EID will not discuss anything but the water. The Water Agency
will have a m~eting at 9:00 AM this next Monday, December 10, 1979, and the
Water Co~nittee will now meet the third Monday at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Fieldcamp
stated that the District should have a representative at both of the scheduled
meetings. Regarding the SOFARproject and the election; all Board Members agreed
-this election shouldbe countywide.
President Kashuba recc~memded that Bill Dunckhorst and Ray Fieldcamp attend
the m~etings until we have our Board Reorganization. The Board Members agreed
with President Kashuba. Mr. Fieldcamp stated he will be happy to do this, however,
he does expect to be compensated for same.
7. 12/4/79
Special Board Meeting, Revised Tentative NPDES Permit.
8. 12/6/79
Lahontan RWQCB Hearing, NPDES Permit and Modification
of Cease and Desist Order. *
9. 12/5/79 Adjourned Meeting 4:00 P.M., Lahontan Response.
(1) Manager of Maintenance Report: (Gene Eppler)- "Cleanup of the entire plant
is now under way. The old sludge drying bed behind the aeration basins is being
filled and all the junk on the hill is being removed. The removal of the old
stripping tower will conmence as soon as we receive beard approval. We are in
the process of drafting a list of surplus items to be sold. This list will be
submitted for board approval around the first of the year.
Other projects being undertakenwithin the plant are: new walls have
been installed in the trailer to provide Bill, Ross and myself with our own
private offices; and rearrangement of the administrative office has been done to
provide room for our new Manager of Operations and hopefully help with
conmunications within our administrative departments.
Outside the plant, the H.M. Byars Company is still working at Fallen
Leaf Lake in hopes of completing this project yet this year. Ail other major
projects have been stopped until the Spring of 1980."
Regular Meeting
-3- December 6, 1979
(2) M~AGER'S P~PORT: Water Supply System: Bill DuncP~orst.
"With the cold weather nc~ approaching,tim Water Department is again,
as they did last year, receiving numerous calls of houses flooding. As yet the
frost line has only penetrated 8 to 12 inches and has not affected any of the
service lines.
During the 4 d~¥ Thanksgiving holidays the on-call duty employee had
80 hours of overtime; this was due to two water leaks, pump runE, h~use flood-
ing because of broken pipes, and numerous other calls we must respond to.
A week ago the Filtration Plant was reactivated on a limited basis
of only one pump in operation. ~e reason for reactivating the Filtration
Plant was so that we could keep a limited amount of chlorine in the system to
maintain proper water quality control.
Four employees in the Water Department have recently gone on the 10
hour %~rk schedule and so far it seems to be working out and the employees
on it seem to like the new schedule.
I would like to extend an invitation to the two new Board Members
and others to tour the Water Department facilities at their convenience."
*Manager Cofer stated that ~m di~ appear before Lahont~n on the NPDES Permit
and the Lahontan Board did recognize the request of this Board that they not
impose a phosphorous standard on us in~aediately, so they did adopt a phosphorous
standard of 1 mgl-30 day average and no maximum standard. We also requested that
they remove the pH, a~d they did not remove that. On the 1982 requirements they
removed the alkalinity, whichwould have cost the District several hundred thousand
dollars to try to comply w~th. They left in two--te3~s of a miligr~ of phosphorus,
which will be required after October 31, 1982. They also left in the pH restrictions
at Indian Creet~ Reservoir after 19~2. .Manager Cofer stated ~e ~{ is insurmontabie
until we solve the phosphorus , and the phosphorous is very expensive to solve.
They also added one more clause: after October 31, 1984 we would have to co~ly
wit]~ ~e standards in the Basin Pi~. Manager Cofer stated ~e next critical
period will be in ].981 if we have not made a decision re Indian Creek Reservoir
we will have to start design for short-term facilities to meet those standards
after 1982, and this is a concern. They did not change the October 15th to April
1st date that we could not discharge into the Disr.~nd Ditch, but they did leave in
the waiver by the Executive Officer.
P~sident Kashuba stated that Alpine Co~,_nty and Bill Dendy, as well as CPm-is ~nith
opposed our presentation, and supported the reconm~endations of Lahontan. Friends
of Alpine Co~mty supported Lahontan, even to the point of requesting tougher standards.
The DistrJ. ct's two supporters were ~1o Celioand ~. Hall, ~o are users of the water.
Questions from Board Members came up as to the contractual agreenmnt with Alpine County
and it was mentioned that this will be discussed in the Executive Session.
Mansger Cofer stated we have n~ ~eceived the EPA EiS Reports and it is calling for
hearings on January 21, 1980, January 22, 23 and 24, 1980.
President Kashuba stated ~at she would like to move the item on the agenda for the
Soils Conservation Service to Item #1 as Mr. D. Pyle is here this evening to discuss
Manager Cofer stated we have had this firm under contract for other projects and they
have an expertise that our staff does not have. We will need their assistance in ~e
head-start program in negotiations with CTRPA and erosion will be one conseration there.
Also, we need their help in the treated wastewater/disposal areas, and they would also
be discussing items with the ranchers, etc; we have under design two water storage
tanks that are on difficult erosior~ areas~ we will be replacingwater lines, and there
is some erosion probl~]~ in this project; the pipeline, other storage areas, etc., and
their assistance will be very beneficial to the Utility District.
Mr. Dick Pyle stated he would like to present a quarterly re~ort of progress rather
than a monthly report, and he also refers to this as a drawing account and not a
contract - they will invoice the District each month.
Manager Cofer stated that both CTRPA and TRPA have recognized this firm for their
expertise. They have a reco~r~nendedbudget of $35,660.00, ~d Manager Co~er concurs
with that figure, and approxin~teiy $12,500 of that would be for activites related
to the Water Company, and the remainder for the sewer district. The funding would
come from those two sources, and recon~nended the Board execute this agreement.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried.
Regular Meeting -4- December 6,1979
(2) (a) Headstart Program Financing: - Consideration of an Ordinance - Rules and
Regulations Pertaining to Accepting a Right to Connect Deposit for Sewer
Connection Fees 1980 City/County Allocation Program.
Regarding the consideration of the Ordinance, the Board Members agreed to hold any
action on san~ until the following m~eting of the Board of Directors. This meeting
will be adjourned to tomorrow morning (Arts Building) where discussion with the
City and County will take place regarding the 1980 Allocation.
(b) Mr. Edward W. Gee, Reinstaten~nt of 2 sewer units: - Manager Cofer recoranended
to the Board thatthis request go through the allocation system. Director Wynn
moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried.
Those 2 sewer units were terminated in 1977 per his request, as we were
billing him 3 sewer units for a sleeping cabin. These 2 sewer units were put back
into our counts, and for this reason he must go back through the allocation system.
(c) Request by J. West re Obtaining Sewer Permits for 1600 R-1 Lots - - -
Manager Cofer stated that we should refer him to the E I S Hearings and deny
without prejudice his request.
Director Wynn moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that the
Manager's reconmendation be approved.
3. Request by Mrs. Julia M. Sloan for Relief from Back-BilledWater Charges:
Manager Cofer recon~nended request be denied. Director Olson moved, seconded by
Director Madden, unanimously carried.
4. Demolition of Anmonia Stripping Tower. Authorize Contractor T. Haen to do the
work in the amount of $13,000.00. Manager Cofer recon~nended approval. Director
Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried.
5. Rental of 38' x 16' Storage Space, Emergency Equipment/Supplies.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Madden, unanimously carried, that
the storage space rental be approved for emergency equipment and supplies[S243.20 mo)
6. Purchase of Sno-Lander. Two bidswere received - one from Sacramento and one
from Canada. Mel Fagot stated the one that would best suit our needs is the Sno-
Lander fremCanada for a purchase price of $3.0,547.00. Director Olson moved,
seconded by Director Wynn, that the Sno-Lander be purchased in the amount of
7. Reimbursement of Private Vehicles. Manager Cofer stated that Director Olson
and Finance Officer B. Fischer discussed the reimbursement to employees that use
their own vehicles on District business, and with the increase in gasoline costs,
it was suggested that .25¢ per mile be paid, up to a maximum of 1,$00 miles only.
Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried.
8. RESOLUTION NO. 2170, Authorizing signatures for Wells Fargo Bank Account.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried.
9. RESOLUTION NO. 2171: Resolution commending CASA, and rescinding Resolution
No. 2167. Director Olsonmoved, seconded by Director Wynn, unanimously carried.
Adjourned meeting of the Board at 9:30 A.M., Arts Building
Water Agency
Hubbell Case, 10:00 A.M., Superior Court
Mitigation Measures, 9:30 A.M., TRPA Conference Room.
Workshop, Agenda Items.
Regular Board Meeting
Christmas Luncheon, Board Room, NOON.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously
carried, claims in the amount of $747,953.84 be approved.
President Kashuba adjourned the meeting at 10:00 P.M. to an Executive Session, and
also adjourned to December 7, 1979, 9:30 A.M., Arts Building.
AI~fEST: ~:
~r~' DB Am~r°se, Cl~k ~ Board
Lorrene L. Kashuba, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
9:30 AM
President Lorrene L. Kash%~a called the adjourned meeting to order
at 9:30 A.M.
ROLL CALL: Present were President L. Kashl~3a, Directors W.N.Olson,
M. Madden and J. Wynn. ABSENT: Director Jones.
The City of South Lake Tahoe Councilmembers; South Tahoe PUD Board
of Directors and E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors discussed
the Permit Allocation System for 1980, and a request from Carl
Sigmund for a sewer permit.
Following the discussions on the above subjects, the meeting
adjourned at noon for lunch and reconvened at 1:30 P.M.
The following action was taken by the Board of Directors of the
South Tahoe Public Utility District:
Moved~ seconded, 1.msnimously csrried, that OPDIbI~;CE NO.
306~ ~m Ordinance for F~.l.es and Reg~lations Pertaining to AcceptJmg
a Right to Connect Deposit for Se~,zer Connection Fees !980 City/
County ~1 location Program.
No further business, the Board adjourned.
Lorrene L. Kash~mba,,, President
South T~hoe ~blic Ut~ ~ itu DistrJ_ct
Ma_fy D. Ambrose, Clerk of Board
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Regular Meeting of ~_e Board of Directors of the
South Tahoe Public Utility District - 8:00 P.M.
De..ce_mber 2D, 1979
The Board of Direx]~.tors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in
n 7
regular session !2/~1/ 9 at 8.'00 P.M., District Office.
ROIL CALL: Present were President Kashuba, Directors W. N. Olson, J. Wynn
and M. Madden and J.R.._Tones.
Also present were Manager/Engineer J. R, Cofer, Attorney ~ ~. o'
_ ~.C.J~_mdman, R. Baer.
_Absent: Clerk of Poard. Present E. Nelson.
Corrections or additions to agemda~ Manager Cofer refp. 3ested one additional
item for the ageD. da:
(1) Change Order No. 1 - Lutlaer Pass S~ge Pipeline.
Agenda approved as c~han~ed~
CONSENT_CmALENI~AR: Moved~. seconded, carried, Consent Calendar ~ approved
as foll~s:
(1) Letter to Manufacturer's Life re Pension Plan, and
Board President authorized to send same.
Letter from Attorney Katz re Possible Litigation -
Attorney John C. Weidman to respond.
Increase of Sewer Units, Old Stage Mobile HOme Park..
Approved increase.
Regular Meeting -2- 12/20/79
MINUTES: Deferred to next regular meeting of the Board.
(1) 12/7/79
Joint Meeting with City of South Lake Tahoe/
County of E1 Dorado/South Tahoe P.U.D.
(2) 12/17/79
Senate Agricultural and Water Conmaittee
(3) 12/17/79 Workshop Agenda Items and Federal E I S.
MANAGER'S REPORT: - All items are on agenda.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: - Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that we have not received
a ruling on the Dixon or the Hubbell case as yet. All other items on agenda.
(1) Manager of Maintenance Report - Gene Eppler: -
"The dismantling of the anmonia stripping tower has been completed.
The only thing remaining is the final cleanup. We have continued to clean
up around the plant. We have moved approximately 300 to 400 tons of
scrap metal and miscellaneous junk and had it hauled to the dump. As of
Friday, 12/14/79, we have hauled 52,840 pounds of scrap iron to Reno and
sold it for a total of $1,454, at approximately $55 per ton, and we are
still hauling.
Last week we had an accident on the forklift. No serious injuries
or equipment damage was sustained. Mr. Ross, District Safety Officer,
is now investigating the accident. Additionally, training will be given
the operators of this equipment.
Calgon representatives will be here the week of the 24th to assist
with the startup of the odor control unit on the sludge holding basins"--
(2) Manager of Water Supply Syste~as: W. H. Dunckhorst -
"For the year 1979 the South Tahoe Public Utility District Water
Department has been involved in many new projects which when completed
will improve the reliability and quality of the domestic water service.
A sunm~nm7 of these projects is as follows:
(1) The pipeline project was started in the spring of this year
by Wunschel and Small, Contractors from Sacramento, California.
Work on this project consists of construction of improvements
to the Water Distribution System including approximately 25,000 feet of
new pipelines, and transfer of existing services to new lines. This
project was stopped on October 15th of this year, because of the
Regulatory Agency ruling of no construction after this date. About
75% of the work was completed, and work will proceed again this coming
spring until completed. This is a $685,000 project.
(2) The AirportWell project is being done in three phases.
The first phase was the drilling of a test hole in the fall of 1976 by
Robertson Engineering and Drilling at a cost of $12,955.
The second phase was work consisting of drilling, casing, gravel
packing, development and testing a 12-inch diameter well. This was
completed in the early spring of 1979 by the Water Development
Corporation of Woodland, California at a cost of $45,849.00.
Phase III of this project is the completion of the project that
includes the pumping facility, site works, pipeline and other work to
provide a completed municipal well water supply ready for use. This
construction work is still under progress by the American Contracting
Engineers of Sacramento, California. Cost of this phase is $147,368.00.
Regular Meeting
December 20, 1979
(3) The A1 Tahoe Well was a well approximately 20 years old
that was pumping about 450 gpm. During the rehabilitation project
the following work was performed: removal of and replacement of the
pumping unit, new pump, new motor and extension of the shaft and
column. This increased the performance of the well from 450 gpm to 1100
gpm. The contractor for this work was E.E.Luhdorff Company of Woodland
California at a cost of $13,731.00. -
(4) The Chlorination and Corrosion Control Project was a project
requested by the California State Department of Health to provide safe
potable water for the public at all times. This work consisted of water
heaters, chemical feed equipment, water piping, electrical work, metering
equipment, and detailed work to provide chemical facilities for our
existing municipal water wells. ~nework on this project was performed
by the Thomas Haen Company of Tahoe Paradise, California, at a cost of
$58,675.00. -
(5) The Alum Storage Project was installed at the existing site
of the Water Filtration Plant located by Cold Creek and Pioneer Trail.
The purpose of this project was to have available at all thnes, a supply
of alum so that at any time when needed, the alum can be used to keep
the water through the plant at a clear and consistent ~ality. The work
on this project was performed by the Thomas Haen Company of Tahoe Paradise,
California, at a cost of $13,767.00.
(6) The Fountain Well #2 Rehabilitation Project was due to
excessive pumping of sand and failure of the pumping bowls. The work
performed was the pulling of the p~mp.s, installing the new pump, television
inspection of the well, scrub casing, pour in grouting and reinstalling
new pump. This work was performed by the E.E.Luhdorff Company of Wood-
land, California, at a cost of $8,981.13.
(7) The Airport Well Se~er Relocation Project was a project
mandated by the California Department of Health. A sewer main was too
close to the new AirportWell'and had to be relocated 50 feet or more away
from the site of the AirportWeil. ~%ework performed was installation
of 400' of new sewer line and two new manholes. The Contractor for this
project was ~e Thomas Haen Company of Tahoe Paradise, California, at a
cost of $12,450.00.
(8) The paving of the Fountain Avenue Shop area was a much needed
project as in the winter months truck and equipment moving in and out made
the area quite messy. ~e paving of this area was completed this past
smm~_r by Jan~s Fite Paving Contractor, South Lake Tahoe, California,
at a cost of $5,750.00.
Ail of the above listed projects for 1979 have been completed
witll the exception of the pipeline and Airport Well projects. These
projects are scheduled for completion in early 1980"
~ATER P~0DUCTIONFOR November 1979:
November (MG) 1978 ~979 % Change
Well Production 56.7 90.5 + 59.6
Cold Creek Diversion 36.8 12.~ - 65.2
Totals 93.5 103.3 + 10.5
Calendar Year to Date:
Well Production
Cold Creek Diversion
1978 1979 % Change
810.1 979.7 + 20.9
453.7 435.5 - 4.0
~.-,26~ 1,415.2 + 12.0"
"South Tahoe Public Utility District continues to operate within
the requirements of our discharge permit.
All personnel exhibit a team effort to continue operating at peak
eTficiency" ....
Regular Meeting -4- December 20, 1979
(4) Vernon Bell gave a progress report on the Airport Well and Water
System Improvements. Contractors ~are doing an excellent job.
(1) Headstart Plant Improvements: (a) Revised Cash Flow Analysis
(b) Amended Grant Application.
Moved, seconded, carried, submittal to State of Amended Grant Applica-
tion be approved. (Re~olution No. 2172A3
(2) Policy for Review of Conmercial and Group Housing, First Come, First
Served, City/County Allocation Program, as follows:
"All applicants for cc~m~rcial and group housing must
have a floor plan indicating proposed use of project.
Based on this information supplied, plan will be
stamped indicating the number of sewer units needed.
The Utility District. will not number or date the
preliminary plans.
When the applicant is assigned Se required sewer
units from the 1980 allocation by the City Building
Department, he will have thirty (30) days from
the date on his building permit application to
deposit the sewer connection fees with the South
Tahoe Public Utility District. Otherwise, the
applicant will lose the right to connect.
Moved, seconded and carried unanimously.
Moved, seconded, carried, that reconn~ndations from the District be for-
wared, to S~ r .Waters to carry the Lifeline Bill forward.
Bids for Purchase of 4-Wheel Drive Vehicle: A bid prop~sal was received
from Swift Dodge, Sacramento, and they did not want the bi~~' Nd this
firm was the low bidder for $7,856.61, less 100.00 if paid within 10
days of receipt of the vehicle, and Gene Eppler, Manager of Maintenace,
recommended this bid be accepted for the bid price of $7856.61-Swift
Dodge, Sacramento, California.
Mr. G. Eppler also reconmended that the 1972 Ford Galaxy be declared
surplus,.and authorize staff to put aminimumprice on this vehicle,
and release it for bid.
Moved, seconded, carried,~that the 4-wheel Drive Vehicle be purchased
from Swift Dodge, as recommended, and that the Ford Galaxy be declared
surplus, staff set aminimumprice for same, and secure bids on same.
Virgin Carbon Supply. Manager Cofer reconn~n~ded authorization of the
amendments and authorize execution of agreement.
Moved, seconded, carried.
con~ended that the budget revision be approved and suject to the approval
by the State. Moved, seconded, carried.
stated revised NPDES Permit was delivered (hand) on 12/11/79, and ~lmnager
Cofer stated he does have one concern regarding the discharge requirement
for pH, which the Lahontan Board overruled. Manager Cofer recon~nended
the Board to authorize staff to draft a petition for appeal to the State
Board on the NPDES permit and same to,be acted on at the 1/3/80 regular
meeting of theBoard.
Moved, seconded and carried.
MENTAL PROTECTION. Manager Cofer reconmended that staff be authorized to
submit an application for waste discharge requirenmnts to the State of
Moved, seconded and carried.
Regular Meeting December 20, 1979
RESOLUTION NO. 2173: A Resolution Authorizing Signing and Endorsing
Checks and Other Instruments. Moved, seconded, carried, resolution
be approved.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Moved, seconded, carried, claims in the amount of
$379,764.40 be approved for payment.
CHANGE ORDER NO. 1, $14,670.58, Luther Pass Surge Pipeline. Moved,
seconded, carried, change order number one be approved.
Lorrene L. Kashuba, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Mary D. Ambrose, Clerk of Board
South Tahoe Public Utility District