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January 4, 1979
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a
regular session on 1/4/79, District Conference Rocm, g:00 P.M,
�OLL CALL: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors W.N Olson, F.J.
Cocking, R.A. Fieldcamp and J.R. Jones.
Also present were General Manager J.R. Cofer. Assistant P�lanager D.W. Callahan �
Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C.Weichnan, The Honorable Jud e '
P. Roberson, W. Dunckhorst, G. 1 � G. F2asmussen, D.Ambrose,
Genzeli, M. McNamara. EAP er, J. Bonnet, C,I. Ross, B. Ettlich, J.
CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA� - P9ana.ger Cofer requested additions to the
agenda, as follaws: Award of Construction Contract (Fallen Leaf Lake) ;
Proposed Letter to State Water Resources Control Board; and Hubbell Issue;
In-lieu Taxes, El Dorado Water Agency (Erni.nent Dcrna.in Hearin
Capacity Ccxmnitments. . . Agenda Approved as Requestcd by Manager �ae��ections-
1"IINUI�S: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried,
minutes of 12/8/7g be approved as sul�n.itted,
�aORKSHOP SESSIONS: Manager Cofer stated tYr�t -the following workshop sessions were
held: 12/27/7g Spec.ial Board Meeting to take Action on Request for SEwer Permits;
1/2/79 Workshop Agenda Items; 1/4/79 Workshop, Sewer Transfers and County Water
Agency Matters. .
MANAGER'S R�ORT: As presented by Nianager J.R. Cofer:
"On January 4, 1978 I reported to the Board of Directors on seven
project goals for the year 1978. This is a report on oar r
acccgnplishment of t,hose goals and the goals and expectatioris�forsthe�yeard 1979.
1978 Goals �ccanplishments
l. Canpletion of Interim Plant Modifica-
tions, record of o eratin M�ifications ccgnpleted
P g perfornlance Record of Performance Established.
and ranoval of Cease and Desist Order.
Cease and Desist Order not Ranoved.
T�nporary relief frccn the COD-
Water Quality Standard was obtained.
2. Canpletion of Facilities Planning Reports carnpleted.
and EIR'Reports - Decision on �ajor EPA has not made decision on major
modifications. modifications.
3. Ccxnpletion of Johnson Blvd Sewer Project campleted,
Extension, R�noval of Threatened
Overflaws. . .
4. Ccxnpletion of First Phase of Constructionrso�started in 1978.
Fallen �,eaf Lake Sewer Project Work to start in 1979; assessments
- yalidated and bonds sold to finance
. project. .
5. Canpletion of First Phase of Executed contract with State for
Water Systen Improvanents financin of
g .improv�nents; improve-
ments in fina.l design phase. Phases
I and II of Airport Well project
6. Completion of Groundwater Study and Groundwater Study ccxnpleted. Master
the develo�xnent of a water syst�n master Plan to be ccmpleted in January 1979.
7. Canpletion of Draft Sewer Revenue Draft Sewer �:evenue Plan Ccflnpleted-
Plan and Development of Revenue Plan for taater Revenue Plan to be developed
Water Syst�n, upan ccmpletion of Ma.ster Plan.
Regular Meeting -2- 1/4/79
In addition to the accanplisYIInents listed above, the Utility District obtained
modification of the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act to allow for the
development of a pilot in-ba.sin reuse project to demonstrate the feasibility
of wastewater reclamation within the Tahoe Basin.
The year 1973 was a very difficult period for the Utility District, hawever, the
District made substantial progress toward accam}�lisYmlent of its goals and �,�e can
be proud of the District's record.
1979 GOALS AND EXPECTATIONS: The year 1979 will be just as difficult as was the
year 1978. 'I'here will be no shortage of problens. As was the case in January
1978, we continue to have great e�ectations for this new year. 'I'he follawing
goals are identified:
(1) Sewer Systan
a. Completion by EPA of Draft EIS and Selection of Reccx�ur,ended Alternative
Wastewater Trea�nent and Disposal Syst�n.
b. Canpletion of Head-Start Facilities Plan Report and EIR.
c. Ccanpletion of Design of Head-Start Plant Improv�nents and Obtain
State Approval to Construct Facilities.
d. Continued Record of Canpliance With Water C)uality Standards.
e. Obtain New Discharge Permit with ?2elief in Water �uality Standards.
f.. Initiate Constxuction of F�ort Pipelines �ifications at Luther
Pass and Ccgnplete Nlodifications of the Surge Valves at the Luther
Pass Ptunp Station.
g. Construct First Phase of the Fallen Leaf Lake Sevaer Project.
h. Obtain State Approval of Revenue Program.
i. Develop Manag�nent PrograQn for Indian Creek Re�ervoir.
(2) Water Systeqn
a. Canplete Master Plan Report and EIR.
b. Construct Pipeline Replacanent and Fire Hydrant Improvanents.
c. Cexnplete Construction of Airport Well Project.
d. Construct Standby' Chlorinators 'at Piunp Stations.
e. Niodify Cold Creek Filter Plant with Altnn Storage Facilities.
f. Develop Cooperative Managanent Plan with Other South Shore Purveyors.
g. Develop Financial Plan.
A special WELL DONE to the District's staff for their hard work and dedication.
We could not have acccgnplished any of the programs without the cooperation and
support by the staff. I would like to also express to the Board my appreciation
for the support and direction of the Board during 1978. Your efforts were most
important in the District maintaining a steady and strong program of impravements.
President Kashuba stated that P�anager Cofer is to be c�ttnended for the accanplish-
ments of the first 7 goals in 1978, and equally proud of the District staff.
A'ITORNEY'S RE�'ORI': Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he would like to make a
cc�nunent for the records re ownership and plwnbing fixture connections in a building
he owns (partnership) in 5outh Lake Tahoe and within the District. He stated that
the question was raised as to whether or not he falls into the John Hubb�ll situa-
tion - - Mr. Weichnan and Mrs. Weic�ian own 1/2 interest and J.J. Thanas and Mrs.
J.J.Thcgnas cx�m 1/2 interest in a building located at 2092 Lake Tahoe Blvd; the
building is currently leased to McDaniel Real Esta.te, State General Services for
Lahontan, State General Services for Rehabilitation, Dr. Lindburg, Atwell and
Henderson. Pernzit was issuecl for this building in 1972, and provided for 9
pl�nbing fixtures. P�'ir. Weidman stated his partner is the contractor and does
all the building, and he takes care of the legal work; there are 8 pliunbing
fixtures connected at this time, and there is one additional fixture, which will
be connected (part of an on-going project, and not subject to the Cease and
Desist Order. Mr. Weidman stated that �he wants this to appear in these r,�inutes,
and that he is not subject to any criticism that might be described as recent
John Hubbell issues. Mr. Weic�nan stated he also wanted the Board to know that he
is a partner i.n a lot ownership in Tahoe Paradise, which was obtained by a fore-
closure, and he does intend, with his co-awners to sul�nit an application for a
building permit, and he does intend to build and not sell the permit.
RE: the Workshop Session today (1/4/79) we ha� cxuite an extensive session with
Sut�ervisors W. Johnson and T.Stewart and others, concerning the Water Agenc_y
contracts we have and the position of the future of those contracts (this is
also an addition for discussion on the agenda tonight) ,
Also, the John Hubbell matter has perhaps raised the question, and as a result
with our study session with the city, as to sane changes in our pezmit ordinance,
regarding connections and uses and enforc�nent of it. ('I'hi.s is another it�n added
to this agenda this evening and will be discussed later on the agenda) .
" Regular Meeting -3- 1/4/79
(1) Manager of Wastewater Operations - John Bonnet stated that the plan.t was shut-
down for 6 hours last Wednesday for the electrical departrnent to work at Luther
Pass; also Friday, Decant�r 29th we received a load of reactivated carbon, and we
shut down a few hours that day. He stated that because of these two shut-downs
it was also a contribution to the plant's problans on Saturday, and we were not
able to lower the ponds to prepare for the weekend flaws. Another load of carbon
received today fram Calgon, and e�pecting another Nbnday; both loads will go into
coltunn ntmmber 7.
Mr. Bonnet stated we had two violations for the month of Dec�nber (1) BOD, and
(2) suspended solids should be .4 and we had .6, and on the BOD's, a 30-day
average requir�nent is .3 and we had a .4, m�imLun 7-day requir�nent for BOD is
5 and we had 7, and the maximtun we could have would be 10 and we had 12; we were
alright on the COD. Indian Creek Reservoir - the ammonia has ccme up and we are
in ccanpliance.
Maximum flow of influent for December of 1978 was 5.9 as cc�ared to last year of
6.1; and maximLun effluent for the month of Decanber was 5.6, as canpared to last
year of 5.2.
(2) r7anager of r7aintenance Departrnent - Gene Eppler stated that there were no
stoppages within the �lant over the holidays. The force main will be shut-down
around r9arch lst, 1979 for the tie-in of our surge discharge valve line; the
piping for this project has been installed and testing will take place next
^�onday. Mr. Eppler sta.ted that he and r�1r. D. Bates of �7 will meet with the
representatives fr�n Caltrans to discuss alignment of approximately 5,000 feet
of new line to be installed. The surge protection line will be located within
the U.S.Forest Service RARE II Boundary, and they indicated they will have that
study campleted by the middle of this month. When the report is received, the
final EIR should be completed and in February all other necessary pernlit
applications will be processed.
There will be a delay on the carbon furnace scrubber project as the I.D, fan
unit �aill not be received until towards the end of this month.
The S02 systean is progressing and if the material continues to arrive on time,
we will campleted this project as scheduled.
(3) P�Iaanager of Water Systemso - W. Dunckhorst stated•
"P�7.onday, 4:00 A.P�2. of this week, we experienced a failure at the Keller
Booster Station. I personally went out on this call, and i found water was
squirting in all directions, but no damage was done to the electrical urLits.
The Heavenly Valley tanks were critically low, and snaw making at Heavenly
Valley was in full swing. I shut dawn the snow making until further notice.
We are presently operating with faulty control valves, until new control valves
arrive by air freight fran the East. This will be corrected .inmledi:ately when
they arrive, and in the meant�sne, Heavenly Valley is not to make snaw.
The cold weather has continued as a problen for the Water Department. Hcxnes are
still freezing and flooding, and naa we are experiencing a few calls on frozen
service lines in the streets, �ahich is our responsibility to thaw out."
Assistant Manager Callahan gave a report on Sewer Units and Flows (quarterly report) .
(1) Letter frcgn Ross E. de Lipkau, Special District Attorney, anplayed by Carson
City, Nevada requesting the possibility of entering into a Contract with Carson
City, whereby Carson City would purchase or lease effluent.
'I'he Board agreed that the Manager should look into this, and directed him to discuss
same with the Attorney frcgn Carson City and report back to the Board, Director
Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried.
(2) Letter fran K.C.SYnith, M.D. for Soil Conservation re planting of new trees.
T'Ianager Cofer stated that we do not have a place we would recanxnend to plant new
President Kashuba requested one of our staff attend their meeting on 1/16/79
at 1:00 P.P�I. to find out what the program is and report back to the Board.
Regular P�eeting -rf _ 1/4/79 ,
(3) Water Supply Division (a) Standby Chlorinators - Approve Plans and Specifica-
tions and Authorize Advertis�nent for Bids.
Plans were prepared by Culp/Wesner/Culp, and this project is part of the State
Loan Water System Improvements.
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that
the rec�zdation of the Manager be approved as stated above.
(4) Headstart Plant Improvements (a) Report on Final Headstart Facility Plan
Report by Bill Ettlich of Ctiilp/Wesner/Culp. - Included in these improv�nents
are the grit chamber improv�nents, carbon scrubbing system, new screening
equipment, digester modifications and installation of n�,v digesters, holding
tanks, chlorination syst�n modifications, and many other projects he mentioned.
Follawing discussion, costs, etc. , Director Olson maved, seconded by Director
Jones, unanimousl.y carried, that this report fran C�ilp/Wesner/Culp be su}�iitted
to the State as the Final Facilities Head-Start Report, as recozr�nended by Manager
(b) Requested Culp/Wesner/Culp to sukmit a proposal to us for the design of the
Head-Start Facilities so we could su}�n.it to the State for their approval. Ctiilp/
t�lesnex/Culp did submit this proposal ($292,562.00 proj ect cost) . r�lanager Cofer
stated that he did add to this proposal the engineering costs for this proposal,
and that Culp/Wesner/Culp su�nit a letter to us sta.ting that Mr. Williaan Ettlich
or Mr. Azssell L. Ctiilp will be the program manager, and the res�ne of all the
engineers that will be working on the project, and Manager Cofer reco mrnended
approval of this contract and su�it to the State for their approval.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, the
r�7anager's Recc�unendation, as stated above (b) be approved.
The local share in this project would b� :in the amount of 12-1/2o.
(5) Increase Sewer Service Charges. . .Set Time and Place for Hearing on Increased
Sewer Service Charges for 1978-79 Fiscal Year. . Manager Cofer reccxrnnended the Board
set 2/1/79, 9:00 P.M. , for hearing on the increase of sewer service charges, at
the Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Roan. (The increase the staff would
reccnunend would be between $25.00 and $30.00) . Director Olson maved, seconded
by Di:rector Jones, unani.mously carried, hearing on increase of sewer service
charges be held on 2/1/79 at 9:00 P.M.
Mr. Paul Roberson asked when was the last time the plant had an evaluation and
Manager Cofer stated we just had an Engineering Consulting Panel review the plant
and its processes, hawever, there has not been a managanent consultant ccxne through
the plant.
?�Ir. Roberson stated he would like to suggest that he would be �ailling to pay an
extra service charge to have an outside P�lanag�nent Consultant came in to re-
evaluate the managanent of the plant. He gave a few e�a�nples of why he felt that
the taxpayer's are not getting their full benefits.
President Lorrene Kashuba stated to Mr. Roberson that we do have certain review
processes and one is through our audit systan, and the operations wa� reviewed
thoroughly be our consulting panel, however, she stated that if there are areas
where the public is concerned, we cextainly do want to knc�w about than.
(6) Request for Letter Approving Conversion of Sewer Units - Tahoe Riviera
Trailer Park �- and request for authorization approving conversian of sewer units.
They intend to r�nove the trailer park project and build motel units, which will
require less units. Mr. Callahan stated that staff would reccarnnend the Board
approve this request, the property owner be infonned, and they shall not exceed
the existing rnunber of sewer units they naw have - and renaining units will be
returned to this District. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones,
unanimously carried.
Regular Meeting -5 - 1/4/79
(7) Fallen Leaf Lake Areas Assessment Parcel No. 204. - Consideration of adoption
of P.esolution No. 2141, Authorizing Attorneys to Cc�unence a Superior Court Action
to Foreclose the Loan of Assessment No. 1204.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unan�mously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 2141, as reca�unended by Assistant P�anager Callahan, be approved.
(8) Carbon Supply During Carbon Furnace Shutdown - Declare a Great Emergency.
P�Zanager Cofer reccarnnended consideration of an energency declaration and authorization
of carbon purchase ($39,600.00) . Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones,
unanimously carried, Manager Cofer's recommendation be approved.
(9) Replac�nent of Vibra Screw - Malteup Lime Storage. P�Zanager Cofer recarunended
consideration of this purchase as a Great Ilnergency, Emergency Declaration and
authorize Purchase. . .aanounting to approximately $5,800.00 and delivery in 10
Director Jones moved. seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried
the replacanent of the Vibra Screw be approved.
(10) Rental with Purchase Option for Used Forklift Truck. PZanager Cofer
asked that this i:tan be deleted as this equipment is not acceptable for District
use. Deleted.
RECESS AT 9:30 P.Tfi. and D4eeting Reconvened at 9:30 P.M.
(11) Award of Construction Contract, Fallen Leaf Lake, ORDINANCE NO. 287,
Awarding Contract ($1,887,345.00 (H.M. Byars Construction Campany - Contractor) .
Attorney Wei�an stated that he has not received the description for the pLanps
stations, and there are perhaps one or two easanents still outstanding. The
notice must be mailed out 1/9/79 for the hearing on filing of eminent danain.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that
Ordinance No. 287 be approved as rec�nended by P�anager Cofer.
(12) Appeal - John Hubbell and Gail Sanders - They are asking the State Board
to review the Lahontan Order regarding perniits (sewer) , and it was reco�mended
the District respond to the State Board as to why we denied Mr. Hubbel and Ms.
Sanders their request for a sewer permit.
President Kashuba stated that prior to any action taken by this Board she did
ranind the Board r�enbers at the time that we are acting on the basis of our
own ordinance and our own policy.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Olson, unarLimously carried, that a
letter be sent to the State Board, with a copy to Attorney �'. Bunnell II, as
was rec�nnended above.
(13) Hubbell Issue: - r�anager Cofer stated that a workshop session was held
this afternoon. The s�aff and City were working tavards transfer of sewer units.
Assistant P'lanager Callahan stated that J. Hubbell's peYmit was issued in 1973,
when the City then was issuing the sewer permits, and our District never re-
viewed any plans for this development, and they were issued 8 sewer units. In
1978 a count was taken and we found this development to ha�e 22 sewer units,
an increase of 14 sewer units.
Mr. Weichnan stated that after a perniit was issued, and the property develop-
ment constructed, we then charged than for haw many units they would have.
If this District wants to investigate, all facts would have to be obtained,
especially as to what happened at the city since we never did see the plans,
or if the plans were modified and haw.
Director Olson requested that we ask the city to investigate whether or not -
that was in violation of the permit when those additional units were put in,
and Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, that the District Staff
and Counsel investigate fully this case, and that any other ccxzmercial building
since April of 1977 be investigated.
P�ir. D. Ambrose asked what a sewer unit was and what a fixture unit is, and
Assistant Manager Callahan explained this to him, and hav we defined sewer unit
and the charge for s�ne.
Regular ASeeting -6 - 1/4/79 �
r�4.r. P. Roberson asked why Mr. Hubbell was not charged the $1,500.00 connection
�harge and he wa.s told that the new rate does not go into effect until ne�t
r2onday morning.
Manager Cofer stated that the excess does hurt the District as it hampers the
capacity we might have.
Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that when we have all the facts in, then we will see
what our action is.
(14) In Lieu Taxes - El Dorado Water Agency, --- Attorney Weichnan suggested that
we apt�ear at the El Dorado Water Agency meeting on 1/8/79, and ask the Agency to
follaw the principles previously established, and we should aQnend our contract
now rather than on a year to year basis.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that
J.R. Cofer, R.A. Fieldcamp, and any others that the P�lanager feels should be
in attendance, appear at the El Dorado County �aater Agency r4eeting scheduled
for 1/8/79, as recarnnended and requested by Attorney J.C.Weichnan.
P�IISCELLAIVEOUS: President Kashuba rec�uested Manager Cofer to mail a copy of the
SB 47 to Supervisor Bill Johnson.
(15) Connections - Capacity Carmtitrnents: --Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that
we should take a look into the procedures, especially c�ranercial, and ccane
up with suggestions and reccxTmendation changes that would restrict the sewer
units to the use for which a permit was issued, and recca�unended that Staff
take a look at this.
Manager Cofer stated that this is going to require many changes in our Ordinances
and this District has been created to provide a service, and we are now placed in
a position to where we must deny service.
Director Jones stated we would not have to do this if people were not taking
advantage of us.
WORKSHOP SESSION FOR It�n #15 schedules for January 23, 1979 at 3:00 P.P�. ,District
PAYMF�]'I' OF CL�liMS- Director Olson moved, seconded b_y Director �'ones, unanimously
carried, cla.ims in the amount of $216,611.88, as reco�anended by Assistant Manager
Callahan, be approved for payment.
ADJOUR[��`I': 10:45 P.M. - to January 25, 1979 at 8:00 P.M. , District Conference
Roan. (Emi.nent Danain Hearing re Fallen Leaf Lake, also scheduled for 8:00 P.M.
January 25, 1979) .
rrene L. Kashuba, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
� �
j ����� 1 ,� � %'
n � . Pmb� e,� Clerk of Board -
South Taho� lic Utility District
. ' �, 31
January 25, 1979
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District me't in a regular
adjourned session on 1/25/79 at the District Offices, 8:00 P,P�,
RpLL C.�1LL: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors R A. Fieldc�np, J.R Jones,
F.J. Cocking, and W.N.Olson.
Also present were General Manager/District Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager-
Finance Of f icer D.W. C'.al lahan, Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C Weic�hnan, Manager of
Maintenance G. Eppler, P�anager of Operations J. Bonnet. Process Evaluation Engineer
R. Baer, Assistant Manager of Maintenance C.I.Ross, and Electrician �2.Christensen,
Reporters: Tribune - M. McNamara, J. Genzeli, and many interested visitors.
CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested one it�n be added to „r
the agenda. (Declare a great �nergency - digester cover) . Agenda accepted as
MINUI`ES OF 1/4/79 - Board agreed to �ostpone to the next regular meeting of the Board.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that the
minutes of 12/27/78 be approved as sukmitted.
COrg�4ITI'EE REPORTS: None. (Public Infonnation Ccxrun.ittee did meet, however, will
report at the next regular meeting of the Boar_d) .
WORKSHOP SESSIONS: Manager Cofer stated that the follawing workshop sessions were held:
1/8/79 El Dorado County Water Agency
1/11/79 Review Master Plan Study
1/12/79 Pre-Coristruction Meeting - Fallen Leaf Lake Project
and 1/20/79 California Association of Sanitation Agencies
1/24/79 Workshop Agenda Items and Review of Ca�unercial
Sewer Service
1/22%/9 El Dorado County Water Agency Cc�ittee.
Director Fieldcamp stated that he attended the E1 Dorado County �Jater Agency Meeting
and they approved our request for grant money for the Airport �,�ell. They will send
this request to the Board of Supervisors and hopefully we will receive the $164,000.00
for our Airport Well.
P�1r. Fieldca�tp also requested a letter be sukmitted to the �aater Cc�un.ittee regarding
an appointrnent of a m�n.ber of this Board as a representative for the Water Agency,
Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Jones: u��uzir�.ously carried, that the
Manager be directed to send a letter appointing Director R. A. Fieldcamp as our
representative for the El Dorado County ��7ater Agency.
MANAGER'S REPORT: All it�ns are on agenda. Manager Cofer had no written report to
present this ev._ning.
ATI�ORNEY'S REPORT: Attorr�ey J.C. Weich�ian stated that he has been contacted by
Bohannon Organization and the Dillingham Organization, who mentioned to him that
they are not preparing any form of action against the District at this t�me,
however, they are investigating other points of action.
Also, the group representing the Council for Logic has had their attorne_y rontact
him concerrLing a potential class action and request inforniation, and there may be
a forthcc�ning action there, he stated.
COl`�`�NTS FROf�i AUDIENCE� President Kashuba asked those present if they wish to speak
to a certain iten on the agenda, they should naw be recognized. Gail Sanders stated
she would like to have a statc�nent made to the Board at the proper time, and requested
No others requested recognition on the agenda this evening.
� � :��
(1) Manager of Operations, John Bonnet-
'°We received two loads of reactivated carbon, one on the 17th and
one today. Both loads went into Colimmn #8. Another load is scheduled for the
30th ar.d will be spread between the colLunns having the highest COD effluent.
This should be the last load needed until t�ie carbon furnace is back in operation.
These three loads were not on the contract but were needed and was appraved at
the last board meeting.
We p�nped down primary #2 last Monday. A 5 ft section of spray
pipe had broken off and fell to the bottcin. The clarifier was back in senrice
Tuesday af ternoon.
The rest of the plant looks good, The COD's have been running
in the lav 20's (22-26 mg/1) for the final effluent. The separation bed
effluent has been about 30-33 mg/1 COD. The ammonia at Indian Creek is 4 mg/1
with a pH of 7,4. We still have about 25 mg left in the emergency holding pond.
[ae are only bringing back about 1/2 mg/day until the car3�on furnace is back
in sexvice."
(2) TZanager of Nlaintenance Report - Gene Eppler:
"On the 12th and 22nd of this month, pre-construction conferences
for the Fallen Lea� Lake project were held; work on this project v�ill cammence
5/1/79. The contractor indicated he will have several cretivs working on this
project, and hopes to canplete same this year.
Construction on the main road will car�nence on r�ay lst through
June 24th and again after Labor Day, if necessary. No work will be permitted
on weekends or holidays while working on t,he main road. The hours of work
agreed on were 6:00 A.M, to 3:00 P.M. daily, Monday through Friday. 'I'.he
working of these hours will require a change order for Board approval at a
later date.
The carbon furnace, scn�bber work, and the SO� systgn, here at
the plant, are expected to be ccgnpleted and in service within the next two
weeks, if the remaining material is delivered on time."
(3) Manager of Water Supply Syste�n - [�7. Dunckhorst:
"Fountain Well #2 is shc�wing signs of failure. We are presently
pLunping considerable amounts of sand and have vibration in the shaft of the
pLunp. This well as hbeen shutdown and we are operating on the #1 well at the
present time.
The gravel packing in the #2 well seens to be packed to the point
that it cannot settle and I believe this is why it is sanding up.
Inasmuch as this is an important well in the system for the Sierra
Tract, I have called the Well Development Corporation (Woodland, California)
to see if anything can be done with it.
I was told that at times they have had success with this type of
problem and in all respects may be able to save this well frcin abandornnent.
The estimated cost for this work would be less than $2,000.00 and I plan to
proceed with the work.
If they are successful with this well, I may have the same work
done on the Blackrock #2 well, which has the same probl�n with sand. This well
has been shutdown since last fall.
Other than the above the water departrnent has been functioning
Dec�nbPx (MG) 1977 1978 o Change
Well Production 38.0 57.5 +51.3
Cold C�eek Diversion 48.7 42.5 -12.7
Totals 86.7 100.0 +15.3
CAL�E'NDAR YF�R TO DATE: 1977 1978 o Change
Well Production 764.1 874.0 +14.4
Cold Creek Diversion 465.9 496.4 + G,5
Totals 1,230.0 1,370.4 +11.4"
Regular Adjourned Meetin � L Z 3�
g -3- January 2�, 1979
FINANCE OFFICER'S F.EPORT: D.W. Callal�an stated he did not have a written report,
however, he would like to report to the Board that effective December l, 1978, the
Sierra Pacific Power �om�ny started to charge electrical consumption on a time
day use and for the month of December the average unit cost increased approximately
100, and on an annual �sis this wi11 amount to approximately $80,000.00 iricrease.
Mr. Callahan stated that R. Baer is working with the staff to see if there are any
ways we can cut down on these costs.
r�'. Cofer reported that T1r. Ingalls did submit his report re power, and the staff
has not had the chance to review this completely, however, they are working on the
(1) Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project: (a) Filing of Eminent Dom�.in. Recorrunended
this item be deferred to 2/1/79 - Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Olson,
unanimously carried, this item be deferred to 2/1/79.
(2) Wastewater 'IY�ea�trnent Division: (a) Staff Report on Commer�ial Sewer Units. . .
Assistant Manager D.W. Callahan stated as the Boarrl requested, a survey was made
by staff re the commercial sewer units from April 22, 1977 to present. The
summary report is as follows:
Net increase of 48 sewer units which is 3/10 of lo
of the total number of corrvnercial units.
Manager Cofer stated the staff inet with the City of South Lake Tahoe to see what
means we have of controlling this type of an increase. The city has instituted
a change in their proceedings, and they now send to the staff of the Utility
District all applications for business licenses, and all applications for
building permits. The District's staff will then review those applications to
see if an inerease in sewer units is required, and would then notify the City
with�n 30 days of that notice if additional sewer units would be required.
Manager Cofer stated that it is his understanding that if the District determines
that an additiona.l increase in sewer units is required by the applicant, and the
applicant is unable to obtain the additional sewer units from the allocation
progr'am, he would then be denied either the building permit and/or the business
license, until such time he can satisfy the sewer ur�its through the allocation
program. Manager Cofer stated this would take care of about 950 of what we have
found to be the increases, however, it would not take care of a position where
one is ex�ndir� a use that did not requ�re a building permit, or a change in
the business license, such as a laundromat that would add more machines to their
laundromat if sp.�ce is available, and we do not presently have any type of ineans
of monitoring this type of an increase. This would, however, take a change in
our ordinance, and P'k3nager Cofer recommended:
RECOMM. # (1) Establish a policy for the Utility District Staff
that in all cases - revie�aing business licenses or
building permits, that require additional sewer units,
that the staff be directed to notify the city promptly
that the proposed use would require additional sewer
units, request the City deny the pel�nit unless thcse
sewer units are approved in the City and/or County
Allocatiori Program,
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, Manager Cofer's Recorrmlendation
#1 be approved.
In reply to Attorney Gdeidman's questions, P�anager Cofer clarified that his
recommendation is not }�ased on Lahontan's action, but on this Boar� action
regax-ding limitation of sewer units to be given out in any given year, This
District took action to limit the amount of flow to the plant, and if we are
going to limit the amount of flow to this plant, we must control these types
of increases, and the recommendation Manager Cofer made is an attempt to do
GAIL SANDERS asked how does the District plan to look �t the decreases in the
sewer units, and how will the District find out. She felt there are many
questions regarding this subject.
Manager Cofer stated we do plan to take credit for any decreases, unfortunately,
he stated, what we fourid iri our survey was that the pattern has shown more in-
creases tl�an decreases, and we will perhaps continue to lose capacity in the
L� ,, �
Regular Adjourned Pieeting -4- January 25, 1979
plant because of commercial use. Another evaluation will be made in 1`dovember
of 1979 and if we find then tl�at there is an overall decrease in commercial
sewer units, we would certainly then consider that in setting units for the
year of 1980.
Gail Sanders stated she was turned down for opening of her restaurant because
of the units, and she is now requesting these units be given to her.
JII�1 BUNNELL, resident of South Lake Tahoe, stated that if a business were to
change hands to another type business, how would this affect the unit count
for sewer, and it was explained to him the permit was originally issued for
a certain number of units for sewer connection, and if it exceeds that number
it would then have to go 1�ck to the City for the allocation program.
In reply to John Hubbells comments, Manager Cofer stated that we are required
to have a revenue program - approved by the State of California and the Environ-
mentai rr�-�ect�ori P.����ncy. Gv'e h.ave suY�nittad ��u:�� ��
eve:,ue prcgr�.,m to tr:e S-�ate
for app��oval ;�.nc; we did get a tentative approval from the State. Manager Cofer
stated he is not reccmunending any change in our assi�runent of sewer units, and
since we have only so much capacity in our plant, we must hav� contr�o�s tl�t we
did not have before.
President Kashuba stated to Mr. Hubbell and those present that the District speaks
only to sewer units, and not whether those units are new or old; we have only so
many sewer units we can allocate.
Attorney Weidman stated that we are going to review our present ordinance.
Unanimously carried by a roll call vote of tlie Mernbers of the Boarrl.
(b) Manager Cofer recommended the Staff and Attornev be directed to review
the Ordinance and come lx�ck to the Boar�l with a proposed Orr�ir�arice.
Director Jones stated th�t we have to do this to find out where we stand, and
we would not have had to do this if people had not taken advantage of the
Director Fieldcamp moved and seconded by Di.rector Olson, urianimously carried,
the recommendation from Manager Cofer that Staff and Attorney review the
present or�inance and report back to the Loarrl with a proposed ordinance
be approved. (Urianimously carried by roll call vote) .
Director Cocking made the statement that the City should look at the existing
business enterprise and sbmehow give that preference.
Norrr�an Woods stated that thus far, all l.uzits for corrvnercial establisl�ments
have already been given out for this allocation year,
ROY I�f�MPSON, EXECUTIVE OFFTCER �F TI-� LAH�N'I'AN BOARD, stated tl�at he would:�
request that when P�r. J.R. Cofer and J.C. Weidman redraft the Ordinance, that
perhaps some of the ideas from Lahontan might be beneficial.
Hopefully, Mr. Weidman stated a report on the draft of the Or�inance wi.11 be
available For the I3oarcl prior to the second meeting in February 1979.
(c) NPDES PERMIT: Request extension of time to respond to proposed standarcls,
Manager Cofer stated we really need more time to evaluate the Tentative Discharge
Standards we have received from Lahontan, and requested the Board to direct the
staff to write Lahontan requesting an additional 60 davs for the District to
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that
the Staff be directed to write a letter to Lahontan requesting another 60
days to review the proposed tentative discharge standar�s and reply.
Attorney Weidman also had sent a letter to our Manager expr.essing 3 concerns
he had regarding these Tentative Di�cl�arge Standar�ls and read a draft letter
he had mailed to P'1r. Cofer explaining his concerns.
Roy Hampson stated that Manager Cofer requested 60 days to reply, and T'Ir.
Hampson stated he grants this District the 60 days extension.
Regular Adjourned Meetin _5_ �-2�S
� January 2 5, 19 7 9
Nor7nari Woods stated that he has a client that has pur�hased a piece of property
and he doubts this is connected to the sewer system, and if it is not connected
to the sewer system and with modification can be lived in, must the client go
�nto the allocation system or is he exempt from the Cease and Desist Order.
rlanager Cofer stated we have had similar cases come before us, and the District
will investigate this request and report back to the Boar�.
Roy Hampson stated the person on the septic tank is required to connect to the
sewer system, and as far as Lahontan is concerned, septic tanks are eliminated
and this District is to make the final decision.
(d) Surplus "Orion Monitor" -- P'lanager Cofer recorrnnended that this be declared
' surplus �nd authorize advertisement for sale. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded
by Director Olson, unanimously carried.
(3) Water Supply Division:
(a) Computer Services, Water Billing. Assistant Manager Callahan stated that
we have received a. quote from Charles Tate, Mt. Rose Computer Service, for pro-
gramming the billing of water charges in the amount of $4,000.00. This was a
recommendation from our Auditor that the water invoicing also be on the computer,
and rir, Callahan so reconunended approval.
Director Olsori moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, the
recommendation from Assistant Mariager Callahan be approved.
�b) Letter to El Dorado County Water Agency re Transfer of Funds - and ratify
action taken by staff. P'ir. Callahan sent a letter dated 1/10/79 to the Water
Agency requesting transfer of the funds, in the amount of $164,557.00 for
completion of the Airport Well of the Master Plan.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that
the action taken by staff, as stated by Manager Cofer, be approved.
RECESS AT 9:30 P.P'f. -- ileeting reconvened at 9:40 P.M,
:1AS'I`ER PLAN: Authorize Request for Proposal to Prepare E I R (Jones and
Stokes). Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried.
Design of Water Line Improve.ments, and Authorize Increase in Scope of Work -
Critical Pipeline Improvements - from Culp/Wesner/Culp in the amount of $7,000.
Manager Cofer recommended approval of increase in scope of work (EIR and the
critical pipelirie improvements) . Director Olson moved, seconded by Director
Jones, and unanimously carried.
(4) DUES - California Speci�l District Association. This item was taken to
the Fir�ance Comtnittee for review and it is recommended by the Finance Committee
that this Association Nembership be dropped. Director Olson moved, seconded by
Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, dues for CSDA be dropped. (Manager
Cofer concurred with the Finance Committee, and stated that dues wi11 continue
to be p�id for the CASA, f�WWA, ACWA and WPCF) .
(5) Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 letter received thanking
the District, Gene Eppler and his staff for their assistance recently in their
flooding proble.m on Tlovember 22, 1978.
(6) Pur�hase of Crane: Requested authorization to purcl�ase for a total amount
of $17,310,00. Gene Eppler, P�lanager of Plaintenance, gave a detailed description
of this equipment and compared this used piece of equipment to one costing
$125,000 to $145,000 new, This equipment will be used by both the water and
sewer de�r trnents, Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously
carried, the crane be purchased.
(7) Declare of a Great Emergency, Digester Cover. Manager Cofer explained the
problem with the digester cover falling into the digester, and requested the '
Board declare this of a great emergericy pur�hase. We have contacted Tom Haen
Contractor for a quote of $15,800 for removal of this cover�, and an additional
$3,200 to remove both covers from the digesters. Manager Cofer recommended
approval of the purchase, declare this of a great emergency, and that the bid
from Tom Haen - total $19,000 be approved. Director Olson moved and seconded
by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried.
�L�"� Regular Adjourned Meetin_ -6-
� January 25, 1979
AGENDA MEETING: Monday, January 29, 1979, 5:00 P.M. , District Offices.
Manager Cofer also mentioned that Ron Wood, Business Representative of Lpcal 39,
will be here at the District on 2/5/79 at 4: 00 P.M, regarding options re
grievances, and suggested that the Board attend that meeting, either as an
Adjourned Meeting or iriterested parties, to hear the problems, and he spoke
with Mr. Wood stating we would like to make a presentation, and to have John
Weidman also make a presentation, and Mr. Wood stated he �uld be l�appy to
have us do tl�at.
PAY1��1T OF CLAIMS: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp,
unanimously carried, claims i.n the amount of $252,750.15, as recommended by
Assistant Manager D.W. Call.ahan, be approved for pavrnent.
d/iti/yt,L �� �i�
rrene L. ashu�a�, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
A`l'I'E ST:
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Ma y �, rose, Cl rk of Boar�
Soutti ` oe Public Utility District
Regular r4eeting of the Board of Di:rectors of
FEBRUARY l , 1979
The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in
a regular session on 2/1/79 at 8 : 00 P .r'I, , Lake Tahoe Unified School
District Board Room, Highway 50 and Al Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake
Tahoe, California.
ROLL CALL: Present were Presid.ent L.L. Kashuba, I'iirectors L�T.N. Olson
(1' F,J. Cocking, R.A. Fieldcamp and J.R. Jones.
Also present were P�anager/District Engineer J.R. Cofer .., Assistant
T4anager D.W. Cal lahan, Cler.k of Boa_r;? , F Li_orney J.C.Weidman, and
many interested visitors.
COR�2ECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer. requested an
addition to the agenda : "Pre-Design Authorization for "Head-Start"
President L. Kashuba statecz that the agenda will b� approved as
N3+iNUTES : Minutes of 1/4/79 - Director Olson moved seconded by
Director Jones , unanimously carried that the minutes of 1/4/79 ,as
submitted, be approved.
(1) Public Information: - This committee met last Friday and
formulated a public information program that will precede the
public hearing bV Lahontan on the NPDES Permit.
Workshop Agenda Items P�eeting was held on 1/29/79 .
(a) Filing of Eminent Domain - - Attorney Weidman
recommended that the Board set a he�_rii.g date for the intent to
file eminent domain procee�ings for easements in this area.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried,
that MARCH lst, 1978 , 8 : 0� P .M. be set for the He�ring for Eminent
Domaa.n Proceedings for Fall�n Leaf Lake Sewer Pr�ject Easements.
NOTE: None present from F�llen Leaf Lake this evening�
(2) Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project :
(a) Approve Grant Amendment - Increasing Grant From
$556 , 500 to $684 , 750, as approved by EPA, and Manager Cofer recommended
that the Board consider approving the amended grant offer.
Direc-;:or Olson �oved, seconded by Director Jones , unanimously carried.
(a) Estimated Cost - review cost estimate.
Manager Cofer stated that the staff has been working with the State for
sometir�ie now to get the em�rgency pond pump station included as a
part ot the "Head-Start" Frogram. The State does have 2 concerns :
(.l) Cost Estimate and (2) Will this �r..crease
the capacity of the plant. .or expand our
The cost estimate has been revised by staff and the estimated cost
of tl�e project is $160 , 000 . 00, and if approved, this would be 87-1/20
grant funded. Mr. Cofer �tated he also drafted a letter to Mr . Roy
Hanapson of Lahontan regarc3ing this emergency pumn station, hoping this
can be added to the Head-Start program, and asking for their approval .
Manager Cofer requested apprpval to send the l.etter to �ahqntan.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones , unanimously carried
that the letter be approved to be mailed to R. Hampson of Lahontan.
Also, that RESOLUTION N0. 2142 , A Resolution Declaring that
Facility would not be utilized in the establishment of plant capacity
or sewer commitments .
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director , Jones , unanimously
(3) AIRPORT WELL, PHASE III : - Pdanager Cofer stated that
there were four bids received, as well as the engineer ' s
estimate; the engineer ' s estimate was $186 , 688 . 00 .
The bids have been reviewed, found to be in order, and
Manager Cofer recommended the bid be awarded to the
American Contracting Engineers for their bid price of
$147 , 368 . 00 and Ordinance No. 288 , be adopted to Award
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones , unanimously
carried, that Ordinance No. 288 be approved, awarding contract
for Airport Well , Phase III to American Contracting Engineer:s ,
as recommended by Manager Cofer .
(4) STANDBY CHLORINATORS : P�Ianager Cofer stated we did receive a
bid on this item, however, it was approximately $17 , 000 . 00 above
the engineer' s estimate , and recommended no action be taken tonight
until the bid has been reviewed and we can find out why the bid was
so high.
is in regards to the District' s NPDES NO. CA 0102709 application
and permit for Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharge to
State Water by the District, and what consequences and/or
changes it would have as far as Alpine County is concerned.
Another letter from Mr. J. Smith to Mr. Hampson of Lahontan, dated
1/19/78 , states that he was directed by the Board of Supervisors
from Alpine County expressing concern regarding the District' s
application for the NPDES Permit, and requested of Lahontan that
the County of Alpine be given another 30-day extens.ion to comment
regarding the application by this District.
Manager Cofer stated that Alpine County wanted to hire their own
engineer to look at this project, and he told them that this
District would look favorably on that if they desire to do so.
Alpine County did decide not to hire another outside engineer for
this project,
Alpine County did express an interest to meet with a committee from
this Board to try to resolve our mutual interest, and Manager Cofer
recommended that a committee be appointed for this matter .
President Kashuba appointed Director Olson, Director Jones to the
Committee, and stated she will also sit in on the meetings of this
cc�mmittee. Manager Cofer will contact Alpine County representatives
and will firm the date for this committee to meet with them.
Cofer stated that the Board did approve a contract with Culp/
Wesner/Culp to approve the design of the approved Head-Start
Program; the State would approve this pre-design contract ,
which could not exceed 30% of the total design, or not to exceed
the price of $82 , 432 . 00 ; and the State has approved this pre-
design contract. Manager Cofer stated that he has written a
letter to Larry Jellison re Head Start Program; Pre-Design
Engineering , stating we reviewed the letter from CWC, and
approved of the break out of the pre design services re the
Head-Start Program. Also, a copy of the consultants letter and
Form 5700 was included with this letter , and Manager Cofer asked
for authorization and approval of this letter, and same be sent
to Larry Jellison. '
Dire�tor Olson moved, seconded by nirPctor Jonesr unanimousl_y carried.
2 z�`1
Regular P,�eeting -3- 2/1/79
8 :30 P .M. ---- President Kashuba stated that this is the time
for the public hearing on the Conflict of Interest for the
Manager Cofer explained, in detail , just what the conflict of
interest code consisted of , and also stated that our bond
counsel did advise this Board to adopt same.
Attorney J.C.Weidman also recommended that t11is Board adopt
this Conflict of Interest Code and send same to the E1 Dorado
County Board of Supervisors .
Following discussion, it was moved by Director Olson, seconded
by Director Cocking , unanimously carried, that this item be
deferred until the next regular meeting of this Board (2 weeks) .
xECEss : 8 :55 P .r��.
H�ARING, INCREASE IN SERVICE CHARGES . . . . . President Kashuba
opened the hearing at 9 :05 P .M. on the proposal to increase sewer
service rates . President Kashuba requested Manager Cofer to give
the staff report.
Manager Cofer explained why the increase is needed :
l. Loss of funds due to Proposition 13 .
2 . District is not able to reduce costs
to offset the Proposition 13 impact.
3 . District must continue to meet
Lahontan Water_ Quality Standards .
Manager Cofer stated that the actions taken to offset Proposition
13 Impact are as follows :
l. Accepted State "Bail Out" funds $38 ,000
2. Deferred purchase of equipment 165 , 000
3 . D'toved customer service office 10 ,000
4 . Requested first payment-
Export Pipeline Loan 160 , 000
5 . Obtained from Lahontan-
Relaxation of COD Standards 100 ,000
$473 ,000
Staff recommended that the Board of Directors increase the 1978-79
Sewer Service Charges by $8 . 40 per sewer unit ($25 . 20 Single
Family Dwelling Unit) . The increased charges are needed in order
to meet operating costs through June 30 , 1979 .
President Kashuba asked for comments from the audience and the
following spoke in opposition to the increase : Chris Kuhel , Ralph
W. Andersen, P�iaxwell Knepper, Robert Cook, Bruce Grego, J. Hubbell ,
Keith Klein, Larry Tribe, John Gerrard , Bob Pershing, Paul DeLeon ,
K. Hamilton, E. McCarthey, Frank Benevito, J. Bunnell , and one
, spoke in favor of was D.L.Ambrose.
Being no further c�mmen-ts from the audience, President Kashuba
closed the hearing at 11 :10 P.M. , commended ev¢ryone that spoke ,
and stated to those present that this Board does understand their
problems as well•
Director Olson moved that this increase be made, but that it shall
not be increased, if he has any control over it, for the year
commencing July l , 1979 ; the Staff has been directed to look very
closely at the Lahontan standards , and continue to press for more
reasonable standards. Director Jones seconded the motion.
Director Jones stated that he was pleased to see so many in attendance
this evening . We do have to go ahead and raise the fees ; we lost over
one-million dollars and we are asking the taxpayers to pick up one-
half the increase.
� Director Cocking stated that he told this Board that he will not
vote any more for increased standards , as our standards are tough
enough, but we have to get through the rest of this fiscal year,
Regular Meeting -4- 2/1/79
Director Fieldcamp stated he does agree with the Senior Citizens
this evening; he is a Senior Citizen - he has no job, and he must
support this Board to vote for the increase in sewer service fees .
He stated also this is the last �ye vote from him - he will not vote
for increases anymore.
President Kashuba stated that very few people here this evening are
aware of what this Board and Staff have done to try to reduce the
standards; the Board has gone many places , and she does agree that
it is time tcstart trying to get standards reduced, and perhaps
we should start fighting. We have a plant that wec�znnot close
tomorrow; we cannot tell you that you must leave your home
tomorrow. President Kashuba stated she cannot see sending our
plant right down the tube, and that she must vote for the motion
to carry us through, and she also asked our legal counsel to
take consideration of the law suits immediately, and any and all
,� considerations brought before the directors .
Director Olson amended his motion, seconded by Director Jones , that
effective July l , 1979 , Article III , Section 301 is amended as
follows : that this action from this Board for this increase
is June 30 , 1979 and there is no carry-over for the next budget
year automatically, therefore, when the budget is considered , then
we will effect something for the year starting July l, 1979 through
June 30 , 1980 , and Ordinance No. 289 be changed accordingly.
Vote on the Amendment: Roll Call Vote : - AYES : Director Olson,
Jones , Cocking, Fieldcamp and Kashuba. NOES - None. ABSENT: None.
Carried Unanimously.
VOTE ON ORIGINAL r40TION : Roll Call Vote , AYES : - Director Cocking ,
Jones , Fieldcamp, Olson and Kashuba . Noes : None. Absent: None.
Carried unanimously.
Attorney Weidman stated that the Board has already instructed him
to do preliminary work on the 86 standards that Lahontan has
proposed, and he has started this project. He wanted those in
the audience to be aware of the fact that the Board is concerned
and has directed him to do this survey.
PAYP�IENT OF CLAIr7S : Director Olson moved, seconded by Director
Jones , unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $147 , 946 . 47 ,
as recommended by Assistant T4anager D.W. Callahan, be approved
and paid.
ADJOURNP�IENT : 12 : 00 midnite.
orrene L. Kashuba, Presid�nt
Board of Directors
� � ��' %
� /` : / r� �2i�, �...�--�-�
Pary D Ambrose, Clerk of Board -
South � ahoe Public Utility District �
Z2� 1
Regular Meetir� of the Board of Direc-tors
South Tahoe Public Utility District
February 15, 1979
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in
a regular session on 2/15/79 at 8 :00 P.M.
ROLL CALL: F'resent were F'resident L. L. Kashula�, Directors W. N. Olson,
F. J. Cocking, R. A. Fieldcamp and J. R. Jones.
Also present were Planager/District Engineer J. R. Cofer, Clerk of Board,
Attorney J, C. Weidman, G. Eppler, J. Bonnet, B, Baer and rr�ny interested
CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGII�dDA: None. Stands as submitted,
MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
carried, minutes of 1/25/79 and 2/1/79 be approved, as submitted.
(1) Research, Conservation and Training, Director Jones statecl this
committee rnet Friday 2/2/79, and we developed a questionnaire that will
be sent to other sanitation districts to obtain information regarcling
their costs levied in their districts. President Kashu]� will take
this with her to CASA, who will distribute same to the various Districts
within the State of Caiifornia,
(2) Water Utility. No report.
(3) Plant Operations: Director Fieldcamp stated that he was at the
plant on 2/6/79, 'I�esday, with the p�nel that is making their study
of Water Quality P.equirements proposed by the Lahontan Staff; he also
checke3 on the pri.rnary clarifier, and met with a representative from
Dorr-Oliver, Bob Baer, Connie Ross also.
(4) F�nance/Insurance: Director Olson stated he attended the seminar
at San Diego, University of California at Santa Barbara. He stated
that the Conflict of Interest Code was discussed at the seminar, and
it appears that several counties within the State of California have
not �ssed the Conflict of Interest Code because those counties had not
set dates. He stated that he is going to recommend to this Board of
Directors tonight that we set the Conflict of Interest aside until the
county sets a date,
Other topics discussecl were the Boarcl Pleetings and the length of same.
Also, reports by Program 1`lanagers - these need not be written reports
and they also show at the meetirig, If there is something of an urgent
nature, then a written report can be done, and appearance at the Board
meeting, or no written report and their appearance at the meeting.
(5) Public Information. No report.
WORKSHOP SESSIONS: P'lanager Cofer stated the following workshop sessions
were held:
2/5/79 Sewer Cost Survey and Employee Meeting
2/12/79 Agenda Items
2/15/79 Sewer Or�linances
MAI`1AGER'S REPORT: Tdo written report by P�lanager Cofer. However, Manager
Cofer gave copies of the Final P;aster Plan for the Water System, prepared
by Culp/Wesner/Culp.
(a) Draft, Sewer Orclinance,
Attorney Weidman stated that he has furnished to the ��lanager some thoughts
he had about enforcement procedures, plumbing fixtures and sewer units,
He stated this is not in form to bring before the Boarcl tonight.
Manager Cofer stated that he is in agreement with Attorney Weidman and
requested more time for review, and will come back to the Board 3/15/79.
22`� � REGUL�AR r1EETING _2_
(1) �lanager/Wastewater Operations
Mr. John Bonnet.
"The Sulfur Dioxide System is alniost ready for start-up. W� are waiting
for a filter cap which should be installed by Wednesday, February 21,
1979, l�fter an initial start-up, to check out the system, there were
a few leaks detected, one of which was the filter cap. Thi� cap had a
small crack in the casting. The other leaks are being repaired at this
time and should be completed by the time we receive the new filter cap.
Unless more problems are encountered, I feel that this system will be
operating continuously by Friday, February 23, 1979. The system wi11
operate automatically through a controlling signal from the total
chlorine residual analysis.
The carbon regeneration furnace is almost ready for service
also. It was fired on Friday, February 9, 1979, and was operated for
about two days. F'roblems were encountered with the draft fan and it
was shut down again. The problem was traced back to the scrubber, [,�1e
have to have a pressure drop across the scrubber of 10 inches and �ae
were only getting about 6 inches. To correct this problem another
valve is to be i.ristalled in the scrubber. Estimated start-up will be
Friday, February 23, 1979.
Primary Clarifier #2 was by�ssed on Thursday, January 25,
1979. A water valve had frozen and broke which allowed water to be
sprayed directly on the rake arm drive unit, Water went into the
bearing housing and froze, The bearings were lost, along with the
pinion gear. The housing was also cracked but can be repaired by the
P'Iaintenance Department. The bearing and pinion gear had to be orrlered.
If the parts arrive by Friday, February 16, 1979, and we can get a
representative from Dorr-Oliver to help with the repair, the clarifier
should be back in service by Tesday, February 20, 1979.
We had two violations last month. One was for the one day
maximum for suspended solids. The requirement is a maximum of 4.0 mg/1
and we had a 7,0 rr�/1 on January 3rd. This is not uncommon when we are
transferring carbon, Ycu create a lot of carbon fines, some of which
are reported in the suspended solids test. The other violation was at
Indi.an Creek for arrunonia. The requirement is an average of 4.0 mg/1
and we had an average of 4.1 mg/1. Breakpoir.t operations for amnlonia
removal have been increased and the last amrnonia from Indian Creek was
down to 3.8 mg/1,��
�2) Manager/Water Supply System
W. H. Dunckhorst.
�presented by M�u-iager J.R. Cofer)
"Water service calls due to freezing and flooding houses have been more
numerous the past few weeks than at anytime I can remember in the 20
years I have been affiliated in the water business.
The calls are coming in at a rate where the water de�rtment crews are
�pending their entire time trying to get ahead. We now have the problem
where the freezing is going down and get-ting some of our service lines.
If this warm weather continues, in all likelihood, the frost line should
start coming ba.ck up and elim�te the lines from freezing.
The water department wi11 be short two men as of the lst of Tlarch. P-1r,
D. Huber left about two weeks ago to go into the plwnbing business and
Mr�. T. Rouch will be leaving the end ot this month to go with another
water com�ny.
T`his will leave the water de�r-trnent with five (5) men, including the
foreman. I have sent advertisements out to some of the major news-
�pers in California for two certified replacements for these two men,"
Director Fieldcamp stated that Tuesday he attended the meeting of the
El Dorado Water Agency at Placerville and they accepted our request
for the remaining $164,547.00, with the condition the money not be
taken out or put into our account, but to be given as we submit an
Regular Meeting -3- February 15 , 1979
(3) Manager/Maintenance Department. No report.
(4) Finance Officer ' s Report . No report.
(1) Mr. Jerry Goodman, 1352 Wildwood, South Lake Tahoe ,
California. He stated that he owns 4-1/2 acres on Ski Run Blvd.
which has a cabin and a foundation from a snack bar . The bar
was torn down about 9 years ago and he has continued to pay for
8 sewer units : house = 3 sewer units , and the foundation slab -
5 sewer units. He does not want these units taken away from him,
even though he is not now using the units . He hopes to have a
small stand-up snack bar , ,which will utilize the 5 units he
now is not using, as soon ,as the necessary approvals are received .
This was discussed in detail and it was the opinion of the Board,
that Mr. Goodman has 30-days to produce the approvals for his
ski �hop and snack bar.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones , unanimously
carried, that Mr. Goodman be given an extension of 30 days from
tonight, and it will be reconsidered by this Board at that time .
Gail Sanders stated that she feels the District should take another
look at their Ordinance. Manager Cofer stated to her that we do
not have an Ordinance that allows us to transfer sewer units. She
felt the holding of sewer units is unfair . She also stated that
she has been reviewing the Lahontan Orders , and it appears to her
that the shopping center is exempt from the Lahontan Order.
Manager Cofer stated that Gail should submit this in writing , and
also document when approvals were made, so that Mr . Weidman can
review this . It is Ms . Sanders responsibility to process this
and bring it before us to bring to this Board with a recommendation
and or a consideration.
Mr. Hubbell stated that the original permits were issued in
1973 , it has been under construction since 1973 , and exempt from
the u��`�or,tan O�;�er.
Manager Cofer again stated that he wants their request in writing
as to why they are exempt. This will be on the agenda for the
March 15th meeting , should the Tahoe Keys Shopping Center
owners wish to bring their argument before this Board.
(1) Request to change use of sewer permit - Snow Goose Restaurant
to a sinqle family dc�elling, or 2 single family dwelling units . The
restaurant has not been used for over a year . He stated (Mr . Schaefer)
that a proposal was made to the city to build a 4 bedroom, 3-bath
house, and use the remaining units for a guest house , which would
be another 4 units , and would turn over any remaining units to the
Manager Cofer stated the original sewer permit was for the entire
parcel, and asked if the segregation was done after or before the
permit was obtained. . .and Mr. Schaefer stated it has not been done
J.C.Weidman, Attorney, stated that our Ordinance requires separate
connections and that will have to have a separate connection for
a new structure and that would come under the City Allocation
?i� Regular Meeting -4- February 15 , 1979
Manager Cofer stated that at the time the assessment district
was formed, the owner had a choice of one or two laterals , and
it appears the owner choose one lateral . To put another house
on that parcel will require another lateral , which is another
connection, and it should go through the City Allocation Program.
Manager Cofer recommended that no action be taken on this request
and we will not allow another connection. If the structure is
turned into a single family dwelling , we will adjust it to what
that use is . Director Olson moved . seconded by Director Jones ,
unanimously carried, tha-c 1`Tanager Cofer's recoTrunendati_on be ap�roved.
STANDBY CHLORINATORS : Deleted from agenda.
Manager Cofer stated because of SB 154 we could not
grant the cost of living increase . The Supreme Court mightr��. have made
the decision to honor the Memorandum of Understanding Contract,
and Manager Cofer recommended the Board approve the benefit
payment until the Cost of Living is approved as described to
the employees at the recent meeting held with the Board and Staff .
Therefore, when we learn that the Supreme Court has definitely
made the decision, the decision will supersede that of reimburse-
ment of FICA and SDA Taxes up to 6 . 5o earings . Either one -
Supreme Court Decision or FICA and SDI Taxes Reimbursements---
Manager Cofer recommended approval of same.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously
Director Olson stated he would recommend that the
Conflict of Interest Code be shelved until the County sets a
date . Director Olson moved, and Director Jones seconded.
Director Fieldcamp stated that there are some
advantages to accepting this Conflict of Interest Code , and
mainly re litigations - - it would protect us in that field .
President Kashuba stated she has been concerned for
sometime that we should have a Conflict of Interest Code - it
might prevent someone from trying to use the District to
benefit themselves as far as sewer units are concerned, and
she stated that she would be in favor of accepting the Code
and notify the County we have a code. .
Director Jones stated that we should notify the
County that we have prepared a draft Conflict of Interest Code;
We will submit as a final once County establishes guidelines .
VOTES : AYES : Directors Olson, Cocking, Fieldcamp, Jones .
NOES : President Kashuba
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS : Director Olson moved, seconded by Director
Jones , unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $298 ,371 .80
be approved for payment.
orrene L. Ka huba, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
� �
/I 1 ( �/ / �^ A�\.�•
ar D, mb ose, C erk of Board
South T; hoe Public Utility District
MARCH l, 1979
The Board of Directors met in a regular session on 3/1/79
at 8 : 00 P.M. , District Offices .
ROLL CALL: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, W.N.Olson,
F.J. Cocking, R.A. Fieldcamp and J.R. Jones .
Also present were General Manager/District Engineer J.R.Cofer,
Assistant Manager D.W. Callahan, Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C.
Weidman, B. Baer, G. Eppler, B. Dunckhorst, C. Dillon, C.Ross .
the following be added to the agenda:
XIV (6) Final EPA Report (Repair of Export Pipeline) .
(7) Notice of Hearing (Sewer Service Charges for 1979-80)
The agenda was approved as changed.
MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2/15/79 : Director Jones stated that he
would want an addition to these minutes as he had stated at
the meeting of 2/15/79 , which is : "we should notify the County
that we have a draft of the 'Conflict of Interest Code ' and we
would submit that as a final once the County has established
guidelines . " -
Manager Cofer stated we will correct the minutes as requested by
Director Jones and will come before the Board at the next r���a�,�,�r
meeting for consideration and/or approval of 2/15/79 minutes .
President L. Kashuba gave the following report :
Executive Committee:
l. Payment of Expenses - Speakers . This was the question
I had asked so that I understood the policy of the Association
in asking people to speak before the Directors Committee.
Policy has been to pick up the cost of lodging for one
night and meals, if those expenses appear to be in order. It is
not usually customary to pay for air fare. (Or perhaps not k�oth
air fare and lodging) . This is a judgmental decision. An
honorarium is not paid without the authorization of the Executive
Commi ttee.
2 . Dues - Irvine Ranch Water District : Irvine Ranch asked
to take the option of multi-service agencies to use a proportional
assessed valuation formula on a basis of annual gross revenues of
sanitation to other services , subject to the approval of Executive
The Board approved the request.
3 . Proposed Survey - Directors Committee. The Board reviewed
the draft of the survey which I riad submitted to trem for approval.
They had no objection to sending the survey to all the member
' associations . I will prepare the cover letter and survey form
and the Secretary, Gail Stanton will mail it out. The replies
will come directly to me for tabulation.
4 . Discussion lnsurance Study: - President Harnett reported
on the meeting with the ACWA group (as per the letter) . At this
time the general insurance that would be provided covers only
general liability for the participating agencies . To be able to
assure that the program is properly funded it is estimated that an
initial premium payment of approxima.tell $2 million is necessary.
It would be very difficult for CASA to genera.te that kind of fund-
ing . L.A. County Sanitation District, Orange County SD and East
Bay Water are now self-insured.
It was the feeling of the Executive Board of CASA that the
Regular Meeting -2- 3/1/79
presentation made at the last meeting by NTarsh-McLennan was not
good. The matter will probably be brought up again before the
Managers Committee in May, and before the general membership in
August if it appears feasible.
Legislative Committee : The Legislative Committee reviewed 36
pieces of legislation that in some way affects sanitation agencies.
The procedure is to:
Approve - usually has a yearly letter on file of approval
of concept.
Support - Mike works with the authors of the bill and the
advocates , and sends official letter urging
support, usually appears before the Committee
hearings .
Watch - Mike follows the bill closely to be aware of
any amendments that might affect CASA. Keeps
aware of progress .
Disapprove - Either takes no action or files letter of dis-
approval of concept.
Oppose - P�ike works with the legislators administrative
aids to provide input as to why this is a bad
piece of legislation. Usually appears before
Committee Hearings .
Even though AB 505 , Legislation to change procedures of the
Regional and State Boards (Water Quality) , was last on the agenda,
I will report it first as most important to us .
This bill is authored by Assemblymen Chappie and Waters .
N1ike reviewed the meeting of TRI-Tac when this was discussed
after the CASA meeting. Larry Walker was there. Larry had
stated that many times the State Board is not cognizant of
what happens at the regional board level. He agreed to go back
and formalize in writing a policy which would help in the
appeal process and other items included in the legislation with-
out a change in the law.
Larry also suggested that it might be a good idea to have
a member of the State Board sit in on regional meetings .
Of course, there was much discussion, because this does not
affect others in the State.
I assured them that this is a law that applies to each
District in the State and it could at some time be important to
Another bill, introduced by Senator Johnson which speaks to
substantive changes - SB 385 . They seemed to want to talk about
both of the bills together. I requested that they speak to AB
505 apart, and so they agreed.
The main objection they have to AB 505 is the hearing
officer. ihere were suggestions that CASA should �uggest amend-
ments which would be acceptable to CASA. Mike will advise
Peggy of this .
Action taken by the Board, upon my suggestion and concurrence
by Elbert Trantow of Goleta, that the bill be watched with
reports made by N1ike as to the progress , and that tne Board
wait until P�ay to see if Larry Walker does take some action
towards a reasonable policy for the State Board. This will be
reconsidered in May.
BILLS SUPPORTED: AB 301- Urgency 1 year bill which specifies
that unspecified percentages of revenues generated from lo rate
of sales and use tax be distributed to cities , counties and
special districts .
AB 364 -Urgency Statute - would support if year
78-79 were eliminated. Provides for LAFCO to provide for
transfer of funds between local agencies when 1 local agency
assumes from another the responsibility of providing the service.
AB 170-Special Districts representation on
LAFCO. Would require the commission to approve special district
representation on the commission when receiving a resolution from
a majority of special districts within the county .
Z 2�� �
Regular R2eeting -3- 3/1/79
BILLS OPPOSED: SB 312 - would require State Controller to
adopt regulations p-rescribing financial reporting requirements
to the State and accounting procedures for all local agencies .
SB 302 - Consolidation of Districts - would
authorize merger upon resolution by County Board of Supervisors .
The bill would exempt merger from LAFCO provisions.
This would set a precedent. There are
other ways of doing this , left to local government.
BILLS APPROVED: SB 110 , SB 131, SB 254 , AB 417 , AB 449 . . . .
Approved with Amendments : SB 246 and AB 346 .
BILLS TO BE WATCHED: AB 307 , SB 189 , SB 186 , AB 376 , AB 287 ,
AB 92 , AB 232 , SB 228 , SB 107 and AB 505 .
Lorrene L. Kashuba°'
Director Jones requested some committee be appointed as to how
we can change our meetings in operations of the Board, and
perhaps we can have a committee that would oversee the operations
of the ,board, or a rules committee, that could look at our
proceedings at Board Meetings, or perhaps look at the Agenda,
etc. , and he stated he would be willing to be on that committee.
(Director Olson and Director Jones will be on this Committee) .
President Kashuba also brought up the suggestion of changing our
meetings from evening to day-time meetings . Director Fieldcamp
stated this would become a problem with businessmen, as they
cannot attend day time meetings .
Manager Cofer stated he would be in favor of afternoon meetings,
however, we are handicapped at the present t�.me because of our
lack of facilities .
WORKSHOP SESSIONS : Manager Cofer stated the following workshop
sessions were held by the Board :
2/16/79 Tour of Facilities by Board of Realtors .
2/27/79 Workshop �Agenda items .
Director Olson stated that the meeting/tour with the Board of �altors on
2/16/79 was probably the best Public Relations this Board has ever had. There
were approximately 9 Realtors - Political Action Carunittee - and every question
that was brought up in the public hearing held was aired and brought around and
answered to the satisfaction of all those people that were present at the
hearing and most especially with the Board of Realtors. Director Olson
suggested that when the Manager sets a date and time for the budget hearing
tilat we make it a point to personally invite those people that had a voice
in the past public hearings to attend the budget hearing, and to especially
invite those that do appear at public hearings, but never appear at a regular
meeting. Mr. Olson felt that the tour and meeting with the Board of
Realtors was an excellent one.
Manager Cofer stated that Director R. Fieldc�np also participated and gave a
tour to the visitors, and also toured the primary while under repair.
President Kashuba stated that this was a very beneficial tour.
MAi.'VAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated all it�ns are on agenda.
A'I'I'OR.'vEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weic�nan stated when we took over the Tahoe
Sierra Water Canpany, we agreed to assLune their obligations, and they now
state we aae (Audit) Heavenly Valley) $10,000 which arose out of the old
Pinewood Water Ccgnpany, which Tahoe Sierra bought. Mr. Weic�nan stated he
answered the canplaint denying we owed anything; haaever, he infonned the
Board that there will be a law suit forthccrning.
2�� Regular Meeting -4- 3/1/79
Program Managers Reports :
�a. Dunckhorst, P�Ianager/Water System Supply stated that the crew was
thawing frozen pipes yesterday on Alder Street, and due to poor ground
on a house (not the house where the frozen pipes were - but either next
door, or over from the house with the frozen pipes) we burned some
wires out in the house with the frozen pipes . Mr. Dunckhorst imr.tediately
contacted Fisher Electric and L & L Adjusters and met with both at
the house where the problem was . Fisher Electric made tests after
cutting away the burnt wires to be certain there were no short
circuits in the house; checked that no damage was done to the water
heater, and to Mr. Dunckhorst ' s knowledge there was none.
Technically, I�Tr. Dunckhorst stated, the District is at fault , because
this would not have happened if the Water Department Crews were not
thawing a pipe. Mr. Dunckhorst stated our obligation, if pipes are
frozen, is to thaw the pipes , to get the customers water; if the line
is frozen from the valve to the house - that is the problem of the
Mr. Dunckhorst also mentioned that he and Bob Baer went to C W C
office today for a precci.nstruction conference with American Engineering
Company regarding Airport Well, and spent 3 hours on all details of same.
Mr. Baer and Mr. Dunckhorst also met with B. Karoly at the State Health
Department and brought him up to date on the $400 ,000 grant that we hope
to get. Manager Cofer stated that we did get an $800, 000 loan from the
State and at the time the State did not process grant applications , but are
doing so now, and they see no way this can be converted into a grant.
Director Fieldcamp stated that the El Dorado Water Agency were very
interested in the letter regarding the Airport Well, and they are also
very concerned over the problems we are having with the Regional
Agencies . The Board of Supervisors will write a letter to the State Water
Resources Control Board on our behalf, and perhaps we should ask the
City to write a letter as well . . .
P�Ianager of Nlaintenance : - Gene Eppler stated he has no written report
to present this evening, but did want to mention that he met with
Mr. Albredth yesterday (USFS) , and the inspection was made for sewer
facilities to go up the side of Luther Pass and he stated these
facilities were outside of the RARE II , and r�r. Morgan agrees , Permits
will be processed immediately.
Mr. Eppler also mentioned that our equipment - crane - arrived today.
8 : 30 P .M. -Hearing on Resolution and Filing of Eminent Domain Proceed-
ings . President Kashuba opened the hearing at 8 :30 P .M. She asked that
Attorney Weidman to establish the procedure for this hearing .
Attorney Weidman stated this is pursuant to the Notice of Hearing that
he mailed out to property owners who have not returned pump station
easements or a line easement in satisfactory form. There are two (2)
pump station easements and the Craven Fallen Leaf Lodge Easement (ES-4
and VS-5) . Mr. Weidman stated that Mr. Craven will suffer some damages ,
and we will negotiate with him, however, we must proceed to obtain some
rights-of-entry at this time. Also, Norman Miller has an easement ES-8
and a 198 easement line, however, he returned two easement and attached
conditions to same, which r4r. Weidman does not believe are proper,
and he was sent notice as well , and we must obtain an ord�r of entry.
Manager Cofer stated that the reason the sewers are required in the Fallen Leaf i
Lake Area is that the Porter-Cologne Act, State Law, requires sewering all waste-
waters in the Tahoe Ba.sin, and the Cease and Desist Order fram Lahontan, mandating
this area connect to a sewer syst�n and export their wastewater to this District
DZr. Cecil Dillon of W. F. Pillsbury, Inc. , stated that he and the Engineers trcgn
CSO International have met with the property cz�mers n1.Anerous times out in the field
trying to appease everyone as best as they could in locating the sewers and all the
ptunp stations, and in so doing properties had to be crossed, and in so doing, we
tried to do that in meeting everyone's needs to their satisfaction, and the pipe
has to go from one end of the lake to the other, and we have tried to locate the
pipe in tlze most reasonable place, with the least aQnount of damages. Al�o, Mr.
Dillon stated that all work done will be restored to its original condition, as
near as can be. The original aligrunent has been readjusted many times to suit the
original awners. l��r. L. Swanson of CSO International has met rnunerous times with
Mr. Miller re p�unp stations sites and/or eas�nents, anc� has met hi_m in the fie�:c7
as well, on his property, described exactly where the line woulc� go and p�np station.
Regular Meeting -5- 3/1/79 Z� 2����
Mr. Swanson also mentioned to P�Zr. N. Miller that nothing would be
visible once construction was completed, and Mr. Dillon stated that
this supposedly had satisfied Mr. Miller.
Mr. Dillon stated that we need an ejector station/pump in that
location as it is the most cost-effective and engineering wise - the
most logical site. (On Mr. N. Miller ' s parcel) .
Mr. Dillon stated that regarding the pump station located on the
Craven' s property - there was no other site this pump station could
be put; the area at Fallen Leaf is very confined. There will be
two flows coming into that station - from Stanford Camp and another
section of the lake that flows gravity into this flow pocket - that
parcel has the room for the station and geographically there was
not another location in that area for this station. This would
be the central station containing all major equipment to make the
system operate and this will be the only station above ground.
This must be above ground, and if same were to be located underground,
it would take considerable space and would have to go �uite deep, and
there is the possibility of the ground water -- the structure will be
uniform with surrounding buildings in that area.
Manager Cofer stated the original plan was to have this central
station underground, however, the addition of the standby power
required this be above ground, and CTRPA approved an above ground
building of this size.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
carried, that:
RESOLUTION N0. 2143, A Resolution Determining that the public interest
and necessity require the acquisition of certain lands and rights of
entry thereon and directing the filing of eminent domain proceedings .
Assessment District PJo. 1971-1
Fallen Leaf Lake
FIIJANCE OFFICER: Mr. D. LV. Callahan stated the following:
Flow @ 90
Sewer Units Per Sewer Unit
Connected as of 2/23/79 67 ,115 6 ,040 ,350
Permits issu�� to connect 628 56, 520
Reserves :
1978 Allocation 38 3 ,420
1979 Allocation 861 77 ,490
USFS , State and Fallen Leaf 4 ,000 360 ,000
Total Sewer Units Committed & Held in 72 ,642 6, 537 ,780
FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWER PROJECT (A) Amendment to State Grant Contract
Increasing Grant from $92 ,750 to $114 ,125 and Manager Cofer recom-
mended same be authorized.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimous�y
SEWER PERMIT SYSTEM: (a) Amendments to permit Application and Permit
Manager Cofer recommended more time be given to this draft, and staff
will review, study and redraft and report back to the Board with final
form at the next regular meeting of the Board. Director Olson moved,
seconded by Director Jones , unanimously carried.
SEWER DEPARTMEPJT: (A) Dama�e Claim - Ernest E . Blackburn. T�Ianager
Cofer recommended denial of the claim. Director Fieldcamp moved,
seconded by Director Jones , unanimously carried.
� Regular Meeting
-6- 3/1/79
WATER DEPARTMENT: (a) Standby Chlorinators . . .Award Contract -
Nevada Western Concrete.
Mr. R. Baer stated that he did review the original bid of $76 ,015
received from Nevada Western Concrete, and felt it was too high.
He met with that company and after some deletions and revisions in
the contract, the contractor agreed to the price for this project
to be $58 , 508 - total contract bid. P�Ir. Baer stated that he would
recommend approval of the contract, DZanager Cofer concurred, and
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones , unanimously
carried, the contract for standby chlorinators be awarded to Nevada
Western Concrete for their revised bid of $58 ,508, as approved by
P•7anager Cofer and R. Baer.
Cofer stated we are required by CTRPA to conduct an environmental
report on the Master Plan for Water Improvements , and we also feel
the EIR will be very beneficial to us in our application for a
grant, and we have received a proposal from Jones and Stokes dated
2/26/79, in which they will have a preliminary draft on 3/23/79,
full draft for the public on 4/4/79; public hearing on 4/23/79 ,
and a final report on 5/18/79, and not to exceed a cost of $17 ,400 .
Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously
(c) Pipeline Inter-Ties Not Under State Loan Program - Declaration
of Categorical Exemption. Manager Cofer recommended approval of
Declaration of Categorical Exemption for Pipeline Inter-Ties .
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones , unanimously
(d) ACQUISITION OF PIPELINE EASEMENTS : Authorize acquisitions .
(rZontgomery Estates Area) . Director Olson moved, seconded by
Director Jones, unanimously carried.
Manager Cofer recommended approval of ORDINANCE NO. 290 , an
Ordinance of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public
Utility District Providing for Salary Adjustments for Officers
of the District. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director
Jones, unanimously carried.
alternatives: construct separate parallel trench, and the other
to construct in the same trench - 7 day, 24 hour per day work,
close while water drained back to emergency pond) . Director
Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones , and unanimously carried,
the Final EIR be approved, as recommended by Mana�er Cofer.
of Directors agreed that this Hearing date be set for APRIL 12 ,
1979 , 8 : 00 P.P1. , Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Room.
It was also agreed that a notice be sent with the invoices that
are to be mailed out now for the additional charge of $25. 00 .
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones that a notice
of h�aring be mailed with the bills, and that the Board hold the
Hearing on April 12 , 1979 at 8v00 P.M. in the conference room
WILL SERVE LETTERS : Warehouse on Ruth Avenue and an Office on
Barton Avenue. - water lines . Director I'ieldcamp moved,
seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, will serve
letters to be approved as so recommended by D. W. Callahan,
Assistant Manager.
Regular Meeting -7- 3/lj'7a Z-ZS�
PAYMENT OF CLAII�IS : Director Olson moved, seconded by �irecLor
Cockinc;, unanimously carri.ed, claims in the amount of $2'iv ,�6a . 27 ,
as recommended by Assistant Nianager �. W. Callanan, be a�proved
for payment.
AD�70URNMENT: 10 : 15 P.M.
rrene L. n���Presiderit �af Board
South Tahoe Public litility ,:�istrict
J� � ��'C. ' i i''
Cle k Board '
South a oe Public Utility District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of
South Tahoe Public Utility District. . .
March 15, 1979
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session on 3/15/79 at 8:00 P.M. , District Offices.
ROLL C:ALL: Present were Directors W.N. Olson, F.J. Cocking, R.A. Fieldcamp and
J.R. Jones. President Lorrene Kashuba absent.
Al�o present were Manager/District Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager D.tia.
Callahan, Attorney J.C. Weichnan, Clerk of Board, G. Eppler - Manager of !�Iainten-
ance - STPUD; John Bonnet, Manager of Operations, W. Dunckhorst - Manager of
Water Syst�n Supply and C.I. Ross - Assistant Manager of Maintenance, K. Schroeder
Supervisor of Heavy Maintenance and Process Engineer R. Baer,
MIIVIJTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
carried, minutes of February 15 and March l, 1979, be approved as sul�nitted.
�'`�'-'`I' E`-� �A�4D M[Q''IBERS: Director Jones sta.te�i that the Ad Hoc Corrnni.ttee on
P;oar;, z;,�iinistration met today, and reca�unended this Conimittee be made pErmanent,
or at least on a trial }-aa�is for 6 to 8 months. The objectives would be to better
u�e the Board i���bers time, such as making rec���unendations to streamlining and
maiing zne�-�ings rnore ef?-icient, rec�end Board T���ers a�tendance at other
meetings and other agency functions.
CY1d1YIn.ari �lson stated that President Lorrene iCashuba did a�apoint Director Jones
and Director Olson to be on that C�unittee, �.nc� it is an active Committee.
CO"�";I'IZ'.L'E ��,�RTS: '
(1) F-l�Zt Operations: - Director Fieldcarn.� stated he met with all Supervisors
in t;h.e Fiant on 3/8/79 in which the Agenda of the meetings were discussed, and
reports m�de to the Board by Supervisors, wastewater and maintenance operations
and water supply. Director Fieldcamp stated that he suggested there shoul� be
one person designated to make a full re�ort for all departments, and to designate
one persor.. from each department to get a full report, as well as a laboratory
re�rPSPntative report. He stated it would make for good public relations if we
had one person fram each department give a re�ort, if only once a month.
No other co�nittee reports given.
WORKSHOP SESSIONS: Manager Cofer stated the following were held:
3/2/79 Technical Ac�visory Committee, EPA
Environmental Impact Stat�nent, and
3/12/79 Workshop Agenda It�ns.
2,��,� Regular Meeting -2- 3/15/79
MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated he has no written report, however,
he mentioned the progress report on Jerry Goodman, of which the Board gave
him 30 days to obtain the necessary pezmits to continue the use of his present
sewer units, and he has supplied the conditional use pezmit for the Ski Run
Shop/Stand-Up Snack Shop, allowing him to continue the use of the sewer units.
(2) Manager Cofer stated correspondence has been received from the Division
of Water Quality, State Water Resources Control Board, approving acquisition
of the Digester Covers, and est�mated cost of the work program is $142,000,
and will be approved as part of the "Head-Start" program. Manager Cofer
requested a workshop session to review same. MARCH 23, 1979, 5:00 P.P�.
Another Workshop Session scheduled for 4/2/79, along with the Agenda Items,
for the Board to review written ccx�anents on our NPDES Permit was also
scheduled at 5:00 P.M. Also, Manager Cofer will set up meeting with Alpine Co.
ATI'ORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C. Weic�hnan stated that he would like to send
NIr. SYnith of Alpine County a letter sta.ting there will be sane charges on be-
half of Alpine County and the dischargers, with regard to the proposed
Federal Permit Standards out of the reservoir. Manager Cofer and Board
approved this request.
The E1 Dorado Superior Court granted the request to CH2M Hill that this District
disclose the names, addresses of our consultants, their identities and back-
grounds, regarding the pipeline litigation matter.
RE EASENIENTS: Court has signed the order to get out the first $7,000.00 and
D.W.Callahan will receive this next week.
RE NEW PERMIT FORM: Attorney Weic�nan stated he did review this, made a few
changes, and felt this form is acceptable
� 'I��E �RDINANCE ON FIXTCTRES, ETC, , Attorney Weic�hnan sta.ted this will be
reviewed and ready for Board consideration at the next regular meeting.
Attorney Weichnan also requested an executive session regarding litigation on
the export pipeline following the it�n of payment of claims this evening.
Directors made further suggestions regarding the Ordinance and same will be
taken into consideration when reviewed and again presented to the Board for
their consideration.
SHOP STEWARDS REPORT: None present. Chairman Olson stated he would like to
have a shop steward present at our regular board meetings to bring some of
the thoughts fran the �nployees to us. It was mentioned that this was brought
before the stewards, and it se�ned to no avail.
�l) - MANAGER OF OPERATIONS: - John Bonnet.
'°The secondary system continues to improve; we have been
able to waste moste of the raw sludge out of the system that had
built up while Primary #2 was out of service.
The spray pond was put into service Monday, March 5. With the
warm weather we should get some anunonia removed prior to breakpointing for
ananonia r�noval. This will cut down on the chlorine used.
The carbon furnace also continues to perform very well. The
iodine rnur�rs and apparent densities reflect a much improved operation.
Plant Effluent Requir�nents Results
Monthly Avg. Monthly Avg.
�D 30.0 mg/1 23.0 mg/1
Suspended Solids 1.0 mg/1 0.9 mg/1
pH 7.0-7.5 7.2 �
Indian Creek -
pH Less than 8.4 �,�
Z�nanonia 4.0 mg/1 3.7
One violation as follows: Requir�nent: 4.0 mg/1 Result: 5.0 mg/1
(One day maximtun suspended solids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .��
Regular Meeti:Yg -3- March 15, �?7Q "2_-253
�;�, 4,:��u=:lUl.r? '-� ;� ,_ � _ - .
.. r,:_ I".i��J :c:_1i �;.'_:i�3.T1C�.-,_ai f�:..L �;',^_a'Q�l,•,!'=C!fl r_� uti'.�_ r.�. 1d17C�.�
well project. . . .The electrical work is to be started on Monday, March 12.
'��,.. :2,���: -aill �3kt: _,��r_�:iur�-��,;�1. , - ,_ .�,.
�y �� � __ �.�< <�,, �_,_ c:cxr�:t�ste.,
1.. .. .i.ij.LLi� '. rt 1�.ALLiKi.IZY . � C � � -C '�� _
� r�ct:,_�:� Lc�� �.��. ���e;r ��f '�[�rch 26th.
'�"1.A._ :i1Gl.iiCi � � i f_i i..t� a i`_a �.='_ C�.Fitr: c
- G.� �,��:�i71^i.1C1: ^ii c�.���i.i} t.iE' l,�L. Ci.i' ./:.1G�.
i���eic r:_`_ F.;:,�_�..1. --�-�--
.j"i:sti:: tG':iYl�sxiii %�P�.1 t))=C]E'y;�. i12.S i�£:f:il �:c=:i!�i L:� ]:i�T vi''ZI '�'evelopment
�'A:C"i�Gy'�3i:_Orx i�.i:- ��.0 '.Tl]L;iL-;� L�;_ i�0 r -`: • ,• :- -
i - G- i-.'1�:1.7= t..E'17 Ff"i':�IG�%F::c�:i. 'lii?S �r'C �
l E'C�_
710W SC�'1�_:c�ii.i�z� T't;i7' t.,�7t� �:?E„'�. r�f i Z�'��A. �_2'=..,.,� ---�
INSTALLATION of a new pLunp at the filter plant will be held up
fOY' t� more weeks r'.i:it=: "ia� : ';i7a1^:ty� �_rr C;f_=11Vc::1_�� ,l:il12�L1�� �"._�„ r'��::'� 'v`.'_'..i.�_
be a 10 HP ptunp replacing the 5 HP pLunp whichLLwe call #3 at the filter
pl�.,Z c.
�lE'_ Y'eat�':�i:'�, �G= ILi^,c^_. C�"i_�i1G'F :iii i� rOY' i=i7.i;� aj� t,i.n:�;i 1S uT'c''_ C'..i.�:-;?Y'E':Ti�la.l
of 70 gpm to 120 g�an up into Montg�nery Estates area, should take sane of
t'�:_ J_�:.:ci of r �-,.._ • , ,
�- u.�r, Stc�'7a�"'r�7 :'17C�.-i:7� ,�i,:"_lri�� �-'...�. �
ii,�r...'C% C�"c�iN �;-c:��1C�,1:�.
, lE _
_i ila�t: rF�.c::.�7�a �i_J�;�..:�C:=Li�..GiiS FY�C:�� Ci�i'=:l.wl�a.''i jh�3ic.:� �=�"�3.�G:�3 �(�Y'
�pl��llne�-� =in �.��: ��,«i=er i�c:;.:�ii�T:=3.1'i a� F.LI.Z �'lt? ��:E?5�:;�� �:?', Oj�21 �OS1tlOI1S.
Arra�:c e=_��ents w.i,l - , t �_ • -,. , „�, �.
� �� :Ykic.e _.�:r _�r._�L:,;,..ec:-:� afte� t1:�E_ 2„�._i� c__ ;his .�nth.
��%�'_.1 F, ���=�ii�mri111 r'.-''- T`�� �n�7n
._�.�. F�1ZU��'.-- -1�-- -
Feb (MG) -V---`- 1978 1979
in1e11 i�rociuc tion ------------ ------_---__ � ----------- o _Change
s4.� �65.is + 1ois.6
Cola �reek i�ivers�on :�y,� �•7.5
Totals - - ---�- _. - G4.5
�84.1" 1u3.3 -F 2�.
i:a1 endar �ear to i�a.te - a,�� �
�cLion (I TG} �y'�� _' _C'r�anc�e
w e l i rr��� � � 7�.b -�---- l:sb.n ------ �+ __,
Cold Lreeic Liversion ��'�
1�2.6 77.ts - 24.2
Totals 175.2 Zl�.� _. + �2.4 "
RE�C)KT•, i�i�1�;Gr�i2 ur I�iH�NI"r�vyi�ICR: i�. rppler
A:Li applicabie permit apniications nave k�een f.iied wit;� ��l•ii�A,
USFS, and Caltrans for �ze Lutner rass pipeline repiac�nent anci surge
protection facil�_ties. The TRPA �rmit application is now beinq prepared
and w.i_.i.l_ i:�e sukxnitr_ec� in the nea.r =u.ture.
�i�ne sucge discharge racilities at the Luf=.her Fass rLun� S-�aLion
are also progressing. The building is up, the pipe has been layed and
pressure test completed; the tie-in will takP place c�urinq a plant or forcP
IT111T: St:',,1+,..^1.�,:•T.•:.
In acldi;�on to the above projects a qreat deai of r1�� ��.r,� ha�
i�een devoted to uie r'aiien �.ear �.,ake Frajec:t on s�al�nittal .�hnp dra�a�ng
and time with the �ngineeis and i:ontractor. °Irnis prajec-` appears to be
progressinq c�uite wPll and construction shouJ_d. ca�nnence on May lst as
F�_iVHi�1r�; O"r r'Ii..�i2�S t��pr;�r ���, ,�; ;��;
__-------- --� . . _._,�anan
"�l�ne additinnai sewer service charqe biliin_q :nas k�een
completed and the invoices wili be in uze rnail na iater f�i-ian Monday.
� weeks ago we placed �ne of the office �nployees an
WC,-'P..jCPxl(� C�.Uty LU assist �r�e n.'L-?nt p�'2�'w�pY'S �^?'!i-�? anc;.?nT'1I1� t..�'?e tele�ncne.
We �aill rotaLe t.ize weekend cl.ui.y i�etween uzose �npioyess L'nat have
(i) i:�I�~. �o'rin 'riizbi�eil nas rec�uestcd -ri7e ix�ard znake a aetennination thaT project
lc�ca`� a� 7_264 �;ake �l'ahoe �3�vc�. is ex�,:tF,t :,_ran I,�.'riontan �ease and 'uesis� Order.
M�u��L:��� �o{e_ stL.�e�'. t�'���y ��sLIu'�h�l�_ ;,^.s ' �-, {_ -,
�11: Yc^�1L1ES L. rJ`i`1P_ i c. �?ES� W�.L1 iJ� �,� i a �.�. `��-_.li.c. tC'Clu j' ,�.il� t.17E?�� C�--��CU�S�
''q" � --ey`.r_�c�,..,_ -co s��oni:a�� l.o� �.Et�..Y,,_..;
T�'. Tau�iil2j_I '�.ct;� scY�.:LSi i;�i H'i i i a_ , _i,. .
�.1.......��.ti.on, Gnd
�he �_Ci_�.vr tirritter� to s�l_ �`t�1-n�y ;Q:-;�es
� i�. i,i.��'u"'ci�. Ti_L i"���i:�C�li1C.i �i..�� ��"illeu: i i 4�i?.l�.i. 1.�L`er S ls.s,E1.',.. WC: 'ni_-_11. 1„�t
attf�r>t to p���;�;�1: th� L��'�on;l�.ri d?ci.:�?an. �. �.�,-,y �-` �h_L� 1.�tter f�-�,.:,� t�;e
District (dated 3/15/79) was also given �� I��. I3u'.,;�e=�..
'�.7_�:'.0�OI' u�li ic:� ITl�':c;1� Sc Cvi7C'�2v '��% �7.�'2Y i:li '•-''`� ^" '
---�.l_�..a-:1ti,, ii.ii?.il�m.����,�.y� ca_r_�-Te,'� �i:hat
the draft letter prepar�r� a�y .".•^ar.�.c-r« C�fe� be «n�ro���,� -=c�-- ;:�,a..tl�.r�,•, ic��aiai.iZg
the location 2264 L�alce Tahoe Blvd. , previously the LVine Shop - now closed, and
Lidl� t�'1P_ :ie'.;-c_:C Ui..__t� '-..�le.I"E� N:7.1�. ]�' a_ �u �.`" ' � !'- '-�•
c_ Ll�_lI.I.:.. y R�72 ��Li,E?a� FZE::,i._.�ltd.rii�� ��'�c"��
��i'.()il��'.il n'il.L 'i?c-`,�ic' t�`"� "��••i.:ilC):'1.� d�..i `v7� ���_�t:1=i.C:�� �Vl.li. iti)t T�Yr.•Mri�JL t'itE' i�aili)I7�T7
•�E?,�i.Si`'i"1,� u"1�?. ---- r.'T_^. H,]��'.^l� �' �Y'�i i:ui011�,�_7?.'a C2,-'.x�,� c.i1C1 i7'���3.:st QY'C�t=:Y'�
y7, �.�_l. J_:� �:-r.'.�'1,��_
t.�.:.� L11�: ril_.-^.iS_C:t �"1._i�' �"`i�'.Cc u ..� � � y" '^ ,.,�. n"�' ]-)�'�' �i-
� .•. ^. 1...m1 �l.1�1.. .l7 �7�.V���.L �.1�L_l.s o
��,�� Regular Meeting -4- 3/15/79
(2) Issuance of Sewer Permits for Structures on Septic Tanks or that Burned:
Manager Cofer reco�nended the Board consider the following staff rec�rtnendations:
(1) The dwelling is and has been continuously habitable for four (4)
years from date of application for permit to connect or reconnect to sewer.
(2) Proof of occupany, i.e. , electric, water or garbage receipts.
(3) Property owner must obtain a Certificate of Canpliance to
present day p1Lm�bing code from the Building and Safety Departrnent, City of
South Lake Tahoe, to be presented when applying for sewer application.
Abandoned structures will not qualify for any ex�nptions.
Director Fieldcamp mpved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried,
the above staff recammendation, as stated by Manager Cofer, be approved.
(3) Amendments to Engineering Contract Facility Planning Program: Manager
Cofer stated that the staff would recommend the following for consideration:
(1) Amenchnent No. 4 - Alternative Disposal Concept ($15,000)
(2) Amendment No. 5 - Pre-Design Primary Clarifier ($15,000)
(3) Amenchnent No. 6 - Odor Control ($5,864.00)
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that
Amendment Nos. 4, 5, 6, as mentioned by Manager Cofer be approved and the
authorization to sukxnit to State for approval of grant funding.
(4) PURCHASE of Used Vertical Milling Machine: Ken Schroeder, Supervisor of
Heavy Maintenance, gave a report to the Board on the Canpanies he visited re
purchase of a milling machine, and rec�rnnended the purchase of a Milling
Machine in the amount of $3,200.00.
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried,
the Mi.11ing Machine be approved for purchase for $3,200 and that the
present Milling Machine be declared surplus property.
Director Jones stated this would be a well-worth while purchase; we do have
sorne very qualified men �rking here and this is definitely a �rthwhile
(5) Notice of Final Determination and Approval of Project - Repair of
�port Pipeline, Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 2144, Approving Projects
High Lift Discharge Replac�nent Pipeline and Surge Protection Pipeline, South
Tahoe Public Utility District. . . . .As recommended by Staff.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Cocking, Lulanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION N0. 2144 be approved.
(6) �tension of Time for the Al Tahoe Well Contract: Director Jones moved,
seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, an ex�ension of time be
granted to May l, 1979, as reconanended by Manager Cofer.
(7) Cross Check of Water and Sewer Billing Accounts: Authorize adjustment in
sewer service and connection charges and notify City of findings.
Assistant Manager Callahan stated that our survey on sewer units have
shown an additional 141 units; water services have not yet been tabulated.
Manager Cofer rec�unended that the Board approve adjustment on billings for these
additional sewer units located during our survey, and to notify the city of our
findings, and if some are illegal connections we hope the City will do s�nething
about it. Manager Cofer stated the sewer district should not be the agency to
decide whether a connection is legal or illegal; if we notify the City and they
find there is an illegal duplex or whatever type connection, then they should
take sane type action. Director Jones is in agreement with this, however, he '
would want to know if there are other steps that can be taken so that this
type of action would not be legalized.
Attorney Weich�ian stated he understands the majority of these properties have
been connected(additional units) for a period of time.
Assistant Manager Callahan also stated that he would like to have this of record -
that in no way is this District indicating that these additional connections/units
might relate to any illegality; we think every one is a legitimate and existing
unit - we are just bringing our records up to date and what is now existing.
Attorney Weic�hnan stated if the Board desires to charge for the existing additional
units, he does not feel more than a 2-year back charge should be made - they have
received service, and we do ha.ve the proof service has been received the past 2 years.
Regular Meeting -5- 3/15/79 Z55
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that the
Manager's recarnnendation for adjustment of billings be approved, and that the Staff
be directed to notify the City of the survey finding and request a Joint Meeting
between the City Council and the Utility District Board of Directors to discuss this
subject and other matters of mutual interest.
(8) F]nployment of Special Counsel re Water Rights West Fork Carson River for
Indian Creek Reservoir.
Manager Cofer requested Attorney J.C. Weidman to make this report. Attorney Weidman
stated. if there is any viable alternative for secondary treatrnent in Alpine County,
we need to know some legal answers on water rights, matters involving exchange of
water rights for Indian Creek Reservoir. Attorney Weic� stated there is a
qentleman named E.J. Skein of Salt Lake City, Utah, who has a considerable practice
in water rights, and apparently represents a n�unber of land owners on the West
Fork of the Carson River, and Mr. Weic-hnan has also worked with him on a substantial
project approximately 5 years. He is available to give us a hand in this matter,
and can produce fairly rapidly so we can get legal answers to know if we do have a
• viable alternative. The fee would be approximately $2,000.00 and Attorney Weic-hnan re-
c�nnended that we do consider the hiring of Mr. Skein to get the answers that we need
in the event we do have a viable alternative. Manager Cofer endorsed Attorney
Weic�nan's reco�nnendation.
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that r�Ir.
E. .T. Skein be hired, as so explained by Attorney Weichnan.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously
carried, claims in the amount of $328,156.93, as reconunended by Assistant Manager D.W.
Callahan, be approved for payment.
Regular meeting of the Board convened at 9:25 P.M. , and being no further business,
the meeting of the Board of Directors adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
5 , � �7 w
�/�/ L�%C ��y, �—''
A.PRIL 5, 1 9 7 9
The Fna�c? of Directcrs of �'�� ��L�c'� mah�r Fu�lic Util.it_� nistri_t �net
in a �egular s�ssi��r. on 4/5/79 at ? : CQ peM.. , Distri.ct Offic�s.
ROLL CA.T,L: Fr_e;�er..� ���ere Prn�i�.Pnt T_:�L. K�.sl�„h�, �;recto_cs [��.N.Olson,
F.J. ��ckir_:Y, R..A . F:i�l;�ca:rp a.n.�? J. R, ��nes .
AZSO �r+��er.t �at��': Cc^:'?.2Y'?.l Ma.Tlc`i�"r/r�.lSt11•y� �rgineer ?, T_?, r'Of�r� A,SS1Sta11t
P�anager D.W. Callahn, Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C. Weidman, �. Fx,�ler,
R. �.a�r, �?. Bennet, T�?. Dunckhorst, T. �ov,�er_s, a.n�l. manv interested visitors.
CORF.�CTIO'�TS CR .'��nITIOi�?S TO FGE?�??�?�: Mana.ner C�fer re�;v.este� an. a�?dition
tc th` ��erc:�, �.� foll.ows:
XV: �5) P�I1C�j' r� Sewer T�nit Assi�n�ner.t,
anc?. ii�ector Jon�� re�t�Pst�d �r.other ad�i.tio:�, a_� foll��r�s :
XV: (6) Response to City re Garbage Disposal
Fro�le-n� - I�on�- Te.r�r Cc�.11ecti�-?, etc.
Acr�n�.,� `.;�Fro�r�� a.� c:-�a.nced..
MINUTFS ; nir�ct�:� Olsor. meve3, Ge�ord�d J�y Dir�ct�r Jone^, ard
unanimo>>.sly r.a.r_rie�, chat the Tni�zat�s �f 3%15/79 re an�r�ve� as
REPORT i3Y RO�RD �!?T;N[;u,�;nc . ?�Tc�:1E.
FINANCE CC�'�IN'.TTTE�': Direct�r Olson ,�tated. �ha.� th� Finan�e �o�nmittee
met or. 3/19/79 wnu th� re��rt �ai11 ?�e c�i.v��n by �r� M��na�Ar.
Mar..a.��.r ^ofer �ta.t2c�. �hat tr.e �taff -ne� r�ith tne Finance �omm.it.t�� to go
over s��re c� tr.e �roj�ctions cf. tre fin.ar.ci.ng �� the "NPa.�-St?.Y't"
Program, as well as the sewer service charges. A 3-year proje�ti.on
v��.�s d^ne, s�o��inq h��a t�-!e vPYVl.r'P �r�rcPs ����ul.c� h�.ve to be increased,
hc�ti t�:c "Hea.d-Start" �roc�r�-r. �R�ol�l�. �e fir�r.ce�, �tn. Inana.ner Crifer
stated a inor� ;�etaile�? .re�ar_t �,�i7.1 b� �resente� a� th.e nPxt re�s».l.ar
B02Y'i� IRr_'2t1:"!.�.
BOARD ,�n.MINIc^'RTTI�?�T C7NT.MITTFF: �irect�r e7ones st:�ted t:�e_re wa.s n.o
meetin, sinr_e t�.�� last :rea�:lar meetinq oL the L�o�.r�, an�? state� that
if any �f the 8�ard mem�e_rs ha� a.ny s�aq�Qst.ions f.�r th.is C�-nmi.ttee to
discuss he asked that they please let the C^m*r.ittee knot��.
Presiaent �as��u;�a We1�,0IilEC� l�ii. and iiY'S. Niey2r, Gdll Sanaers� '�'. �E�..l�
�Te Nubhel_1 �nc7 Mr, R, Ra.ker t� the m.eeting this eveninc�, anc:: Tiik�
McNamara - Tri�une reporter.
REPORT GiV 'v�'�RKSH�r S�,SSI�Iv� : �;anager C�f�r rE�.�r-ced -che followir�q:
(1) 3/�l/7y ;net wirh -che Bv�rd o� REaltcrs.
�2� 3/23/79 - G�orks��op SeS51011 re ��ii�dlZ-�tc1Ti= � F1Zvv�Ni 'r'luilt
Improve;r�e�i cs.
(3) �/2/�9 - tivorksFzor far A�er�da Ite�T«.
(4) 4/5/79 - Met with Ed Wells of Bartle Wells in the ntorr�ir�g ar�d
aqain in the afternoon.
-�' Regular Meeting _2_
"On March 27, 1979 I appeared before the Alpine County
laater Agency to discuss several matters related to our relation-
ship with the Alpine County Agency. The first matter discussed
was the request by ACWA fir relocation of the Parshall Flume at
Indian Creek Reservoir (ICR) so that more accurate flow measure-
ments might be made. I argued that the Utility District did not
want to expend funds on the relocation until a final decision was
made on the future method of wastewater treatment and disposal.
I also argued that at the present rate at which ACWA sells water
to the Diamond Ditch users ($1. 0/AF) , flow measurement accuracy
was not critical. The ACWA Directors agreed and withdrew the
The second item discussed was a proposal to drain the
Reservoir for cleaning and rough fish removal. The Bureau of Land
Management attended the meeting, and were in agreement with the
proposal outlined by the Utility District. Diamond Ditch irrigators
did not agree, since they had no use for discharge from ICR after
Labor Day. The District agreed to arrange another meeting between
the interested parties on April 17th to present a revised alterna-
tive. We will appear before the Alpine County Board of Supervisors
on the afternoon of April 17th to report on the progress being
The third item discussed was the proposed NPDES permit
requirements. The ACWA directed its attorney - Mr. Christopher
Smith - to review the proposed COD standard and render an opinion
as to whether or not the standard would be in conflict with the
ACWA/STPUD agreement. I stated that the Utility District had
been operating under discharge requirements that allowed the
30 mg/1 requirement to be exceeded as long as the average level
did not exceed 30 mg/1. This has been the practice for many years
and was an accepted interpretation of the agreement. The ACWA
discussed a letter by the District' s counsel, r�r. Weidman, re in-
terpretations of the contract. I reported that the Utility
District ' s Board had directed me to request a meeting between a
committee of the Alpine County Board of Supervisors and a
committee of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board to
discuss the contract and other matters of mutual interest. The
ACWA Board was in agreement with the suggestion and will respond
to our request at the next Alpine County Board of Supervisors
The fourth item discussed was the letter of February 28,
1979 , from the Utility District, requesting the ACWA make arrange-
ments to release water from ICR to avoid uncontrolled spills.
The ACWA agreed to accept the releases, however, they are in the
process of advertisement for employment of a water master. I
agreed to have Mr. G. Eppler of the Utility District make re-
leases at the request of the Agency. The ACWA authorized Mr. G.
Eppler to make the necessary releases after coordination with the
Diamond Ditch irrigators .
On March 28, 19�9 I attended the Assembly Committee
on Water, Parks, and Wilcilife hearing on the subject matter.
The Director of Water Resources - Mr. Ronald Robia, testified
that the State will expect water purveyors to accomplish through
conservation a 15o reduction in water usage during normal years
and a 30o reduction during critical dry years. It does appear that
the Legislature is moving toward mandatory water conservation
By letter dated 3/26/79 the State has informed the
District of the approval of the emergency holding pond pump
station as part of the "Head-Start" program. The construction
grant will be approved on the condition that the pump station
will not be used except for emergency purposes. As emergency
is defined by the State as the need to use the emergency pond to
(1) Treatment plant mechanical malfunction
(2) Treatmet plant upsets
(3) Treatment plant and export line maintenance
and repair,
these are the only conditions for which the Utility District has
used the pond, and staff has no problem with the proposed conditions.
Regular Meeting -3- 4/5/79 Z 25 �
Man..ac�er' s Rep�rt (Con.tin.L2ed.) :
For the Board' s information, attached to your packets is
a letter from the City Manager to the South Lake Tahoe City
Council Members in which Mr. Milbrodt outlined some of our
discussions a.nd our request for a joint meeting. "
Manager Cofer stated communications have been received from the
State approving the Nevada Disposal Alternatives, and directed
our Consultants to proceed with that. The State is asking for
a report on this subject by June lst. There will be a meeting
in Douglas County next week, which members of this District, and
the Staff and Consultants, have been invited to attend. We will
have the opportunity to explain to the different agencies why we
are looking at this alternative.
Also, the State has denied our request that the Primary Clarifier
be added to the "Head-Start" Program. This is the third denial
we received regarding this project, however, we have submitted
another request and argument why we feel this should be included
in the "Head-�tart" Program.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman reported that regarding
the easements - checks in the amount of $3, 380 and $3, 685 were
received by the District, and by the end of next month there will
be more easements settled.
(2) Sewer Qrdinance - M_r. Taeidman stated that the Ordinance is
not ready, however, the permit is ready and listed on the agenda
for consideration.
(3) Pov��der Horn Project: - People by the name of Joyce h?ve sued
the District and the City �y Tn7rit-of-Mandate, action filed after
3/15/79 , sche�.ulea _for � hearina anr� return Monday, and same
has been continued until this coming Monday. Mr. Weidman stated
the District stands behind the City in this matter, and if the City
isiri�orrect in denying the permit, then the District would have to
do somethinc�. Ken Rollston is defending for the City, an� Mr.
[��eidman has taken his points and authority and incorporated with
ours, as far as the Writ-of-Mandate is concerned. Mr. Weidman
stated he also prepared an answer to the Writ-of-Mandate.
The District did pay back the monies for the Powder Horn Project,
�ut same was not accepted, check was not cashed.
COr�MENTS FROD� THE AUL�IENCE: PZr. Meyer, 10 8 3 Aspenwald Road,
South Lake Tahoe, California, stated he would like to a�dress the
Boarc� reerard.ing the additional charges for his pr�perty. He stated
that he contacted the origina_1 o�aner regarding this property� and
was advised. that when the p?ace was built, the sewer district was
contacted and a re�resentative fr_om the utility district c�me to
tl�e �roperty to see if an additional connection to this property
was necessary, and the owner then was advised by the sewer
representative that one connection was sufficient, however, the
Tahoe Sierra Water CQmg�ny did advise her that she would have to
pay for 2 connections . Mr_ . Meyer �tated he has owned the pro�aerty
since 1971, and he feels that the additional connection seems to
be unjust to him. . .he has a small guest house in the bacic of the
property and a 2-bedroor�. home in fr_ont, The guest house a.t one
time was simply a wash-house, and a trailer in the front. The
wash-house had a toilet, shower and washer and dryer in it, and
has since been convertec� to a guest house; the 2-bed�oom house
was built in 1961 or 1962 .
D'Ianager Cofer stated this is similar to an item we have or. the
agenda for action this evening, ar.d requested the Board consider
Mr. Meyer ' s and Mr.L.H. T�leibel ' s rec�uest for review of the connec-
tion charge to him.
Mr. Meyer_ stated he has no objection to Faying the ac�.ditional
service charge for the guest house, but he feels the connection
charge billed him is unjust. The letter from Mr. Weibel is
identical to the problem Mr. Meyer has - City Inspector inspected
the dwelling, and Mr. Weibel told only one connection needed.
� Regular Meeting -4- 4/5/79
Manager Cofer stated that these properties are two discharges
to our facility - even though it is only one connection.
Attorney Weidman did advise at our last meeting, the District
could go back and bill for 2 years in lieu of connection
charges. This evening, following lengthy discussion as to how
the District would back-charge the properties that have been
connected and not charged in the past - Attorney Weidman again
recommended that the Board back-charge 2 years from December
l, 1978. Manager Cofer stated he would suggest that we back-
charge prior to the time that we discover the error in the
billing and go back 2 years from that time. Director Jones
stated that perhaps we should now give people a grace period,
and if they can show now that they have more than one hook-up
and not billed for same, and we will then charge them for two
years back charges, however, after that grace period, then we
will start charging for connection fees, back sewer service
charges too. He felt we should set some policy in regards to
that, and let those come in now, show us where they have more
than one connection, and following this - then all charges will
Attorney Weidman recommended to the Board to give Mr. Meyer relief
tonight, and let Staff come up with a Policy at the next regular
Manager Cofer stated that he would recommend to the Board that
tonight we be given the policy direction for Mr. Meyer, and that
upon discovery we will go back 2 years , charge the service charges,
and if at any time in the future, we would like to consider some
new grace period - that is fine, but let' s settle this now, so we
know where we are going. Manager Cofer again recommended that we
charge back 2 years (billing years) from time of discovery.
Director Olson stated that he would like this matter to be turned
over to staff for recommendation to the Board, and staff will
notify the parties concerned as to the relief that will be
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, . . . . . .
• • • • • • • • • - • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . that we �orget aboug the connection
charge, and go back two calendar ears char e them for service
charges to date.
Director Olson stated he is not content with the motion, as he
would like this to go back to staff to come up with a recommenda-
tion, after they have studied and reviewed this with the Attorney,
and would like to have the motion tabled, and moved same, seconded
by Director Jones, and President Kashuba stated that this subject
is tabled. (RZr. Weibel and Mr. Meyer will be notified by staff
regarding their requests) . (Recommendations will be brought before
the Board at their next regular meeting, which is 4/19/79 , 8 PM) .
Director Jones also asked if staff would consider the matter of
a grace period in their recommendation, and after which time we
would start charging all fees - connection fees and service charges) .
John Hubbell requested to be heard also - and Manager Cofer stated
that if Mr. Hubbell has some legal questions to be asked, that
he please submit same in writing so we do not give off the top of
the head answers, etc. , because we cannot respond accurately
without any prior knowledge of the question. Manager Cofer
requested the Board to go along that same policy that was
adopted in the past.
Mr. J. Hubbell stated that (Lot 8, Sierra Meadows #2) this
gentlemen had a house that burned in April of 1976 , prior to
the Cease and Desist Order, and wanted to know what the require-
ments would be to rebuild. Again, P�Ianager Cofer stated that
until our staff has the opportunity to investigate the facts,
we cannot accurately answer these questions of Mr. Hubbell.
Mr. Hubbell requested that his client be added to the agenda of
the next regular Board meeting, and Manager Cofer stated if he
would send us a letter, he would be happy to put him on the 4/19
agenda of this Board.
Regular Meeting -5- 4j�/79 22-��
SHOP STEWARDS REPOR`I: ivone presenc,
(1) - John Bonnet, IKanager or Operations:
"SincP the last board meeting, we have experienced
ri�..nY• �if�icu�ti�� in p?�r.t epera cions �
We have increased the sludge pumpiizg an Friinar:� #2
in a.n effort to �:eep the torc;ue down, to ke�N it iiz operaci�r�.
This seems to be woricing well, but does increase the a�r�ount of
wate.r. being pumpe� to the digesters, which takes up valuable
s�ac� necded �or �'udge s+�r�c;e. rae ha�.=e ��so �nc�e�se��. �c;��
wa.stP rate on the spent lime. �I'nis also takes u� �ait�e uf t�e
sludge storage ca�a.city because �t has to be pui�Yped tu �the
digesters as well. It appears tnat we are very rapi�ly reaching
the capacity of the incineration system.
The sludge furnace had to be shut down for two days
due to proble^;� :•�ith the rabble �u�"mg ; ,-, HPar�h #� . The enczs had
come off exposing the coolirig tube. This resulted in havinr� to
put some digester sludge in Aeratior� Basins #1 anci #2. The
digesters were full at the time. We are aerating this sludge to
reduce the organics and wi11 pump the remainder �acic to the
digesters as we gain room. By wasting more of the s�ent lime, we
have been able to raise the COD content in the recal lime.
This has improved the phosphorous removal carisiderably.
Tne secondary system was coin�letely wiped out last
week. Th.is wa.s caused by a sodium hvdroxide leak into one of
the sumps used to flush lime from the tower sump. This has been
repaired but it will take some time - approximately 4 week�, for
the secondary system to recover.
In the meantime, we will be hard-pressect to r�leet
requirements . Some requirements have already been violated, such
as COD, Turbidity, and pH.
I do not have all of the monthly data yet to be able
to report on the effluent quality for the month. Secondary #1
had to be dewatered because it was snearing pins. We found a
3" pipe cap in the bottom. This ca� must r�ave fallen from the
catwalk into the clarifier. It is now in service. °'
�2) �- Gene �. r��ler, D7.anager cf Maintenance: "Tne rlant :�hut-
c�own from .s/lg/79 to 3j�•-^_./I9 did n�t c�o as well as r,el had
anticipated. ,�11 t'�e welds on t:� pipc- ael' ivered for t�e sur�e
discharge facilities faileu the X-F.�y t�st; thu�o a11 we could
do eaas bl�nk fla�age the s,�ldle thut n1r. Hane wel�ecl to the for_ce
main an� re�cressurize tize line. T�at �lightr t'�e fcr_ce mzin
ruptureu at 5tate .�Iar.ker 7�J+00 in the 200 class pi�.e or. Liztr�r
Pa:s. This i:� tne first Z�a}: QutsiG� thz class 150 �iFe. The
leak was a hole top center of pipe at a bell anc� srigot, aFpr�ximate-
ly 5/8" diamet�r. The grout ;���s missing in this joint. We
managed to replace the 3-�way valves in the tertiary on the bottom
of the carbon columns and some miscellaneous piping that re-
quires a plant shut-down, so all was not lost.
I start�e� releasin� water frcr„ Indian Crc�k
Re��r�Toir_ an �i�,nd�y, 4/2/';9, at � r,�te r�f 9 . 2� CFS or 6 *r.gd. The
lake lev�l �_s �5 ' 6" �nd will overfl��r into th� s�.a_�1����ay at 5F � ,
I am goincT to ]L�v��r the lake to 55 ' and Tnaint�in thut le��Z .
This v�ill leave �uff_icicnt water fo.r_ aer,at�_on ir. Alpine �'ounty
thi_s �ur�.mer. "
(3) - F�7, '�unckhor.st -- Manager �f G?ater Supply ^yster:: "On 3/20/79
and 3/21/79 the A1 ^'ahoe x.�e1Z was �ulled. A TV camera was �ut
oo�an the wei.I ar�cz showed t'�at the ��eiJ_ w�s still in pretty good
�^c�nditi.on, after 1_� year_s af oper-ation. It di� show on� r,�inor
hole in the casing, but we feel it will not bother t'r�e e�fic;�ncy
oi the �ell for so-.��e t�rae, The �cw�il of this �v�ll were 120 '
and will be lowered to 170 ' when completed.
F�ai F,ngJ_i�h (�mployee) has completed, and passed,
a wee'� cf schooline� �_n Oar�n�I or� cro�s-cannect�_or�s. Thi� is a
ver_y imp��rtant �r�ara�r. on thr �;hy,;_ca� and n�echur�i_ca1 *;��:thc�s
�f k�ackflow �reventian �nc: the testing of �ackflow czevices o
T1-iur_sday ��nd �ridav nir. �aer �nd �yself interviewed
candidates for employment in the1Water Department. It was a very
difficult selection, as we had many very well qualified,certified
applicants to choose from.
Our number one choice was an applicant from Minnesota
who is presently a Utility Foreman and wishes to relocate in
Northern California with his family. Two other selectees were
,��� Regular Meeting -6- 4/5/79
from water companies in Southern California. "
March (MG) 1978 1979 % Change
Well Production 39 . 3 F7. 7 + 72. 3
Cold Creek Diversion 52 . 7 44 . 5 - 15 . 6
Totals 92 . 0 112 . 2 + 22 . 0
Calendar Year to Date 1978 1979 o CYiange
Well Production 111. 9 204 . 3 + 82 . b
Cold Creek Diversion 155. 3 122. 3 - 21. 2
Totals 267 . 2 326 . 6 + 22. 2"
Financial Officer' s Report - D. W. Callahan, 4/5/79 : "As of
Friday, 3/30/79 , we have received approximately 150 of the
additional sewer billings ($25. 00 per dwelling unit) .
The additional dwelling units we have recently invoiced
_for sewer service included a connection charge of $240 . 00 . Al-
most everyone invoiced has requested that the connection fee be
eliminated, as they claim there has not been any recent change in
the number of units served by the District.
Also - the District has invoiced some customers an addition-
al fee for water service, due to learning of more dwelling units
than previously charged. We have invoiced them for three years
prior service when ownership has not changed. Some of these
customers have requested that the charge for prior service be
The program to invoice the water fees on the computer is
proceeding on schedule with the first invoices to be mailed
about May lst. "
Manager Cofer read the following letter from D. W. Callahan:
"To: James R. Cofer, Manager
From:D.W. Callahan, Assistant Manager
I have decided to terminate my employment with the
South Tahoe Public Utility District. My last day on the job
will be June 13, 1979 , however, I request my employment status
continue until my accrued vacation time is completed.
I express my appreciation to the District staff, Board
of Directors and the Community for the privilege to have worked
with and for them over the years. The past 15 years have been
the best years of my life for many reasons, not the least of
which is the great pleasure I have received through the employ-
r.ient with the District.
s/David W. Callahan
Assistant Manager"
Laboratory Director' s Report - by T. Powers, 4/5/79 : '°The labora-
tory is currently in the process of settinq up facilities for
performing coliform analysis. We are doing this for several
reasons - the major one being a cost savings over having this
test done by an outside laboratory. The current price for us to
have this done by Tahoe Chemical is $6 . 00 per sample, when total
coliforms are analyzed,and $10 . 00 per sample for fecal coliform.
We estimate our total cost for both total and fecal
coliform analysis to be $2 to $3 per sample.
Other reasons for performing this test ourselves are:
reducing time in obtaining results, better quality control, and
more reliable results.
We intend to do coliform analysis for both the sewer
and water departments.
At present we have purchased, at a great discount, most
of the major equipment from the former Tahoe City PUD Laboratory.
These items are: (1) One incubator at $160 . 10 ; (2) One water
bath at $53 . 25 and ( 3) One Autoclave at $195. 00 for a total of
$408 . 35f if purchased new these items would total $1, 227. 50 .
Regular Meeting
-� 4/5/79
Z�- � Z
The only other major �urchase is a lab bench.
unit F�e bought from Fisher Scientific Su lies for $480. 25e base
are now waiting for deliver pp We
would cost about $120 . 00, y of a stainless steel bench top, which
All remaining purchases are lab supplies
glassware, thermometers, racks and innoculating equipments media,
We want to begin testing as soon as the facilities are
completed. To this end, Phyllis Kunibe and myself attended a two
day training session at the California State Health Sanitation
and Radiation Laboratory in Berkele
that will certif Y• This is the same agency
analyses in bothydrinking�and�wastewap2rsorming coliform
From this session, we learned the current testing
procedure, as well as the State and Federal requirements and
regulations. The State lab offered their help should we ever
need it.
If everythinq qoes according to schedule
be able to begin testing within three months, �� ' �'`'e should
This was the 'rirst lab report, and Director Fieldcar,lp stated he
personally thanks rAr. T. Powers for this report.
(a) Contract for Soils Investigation per Design, Head
Start Program - Request for authorization of work.
I�ir• R• �aer, Pracess Engineer, sta-�ed tha
from J.Fi. Kleinrelder and Associates of REr�oe 1�vadaceived � proposal
Soils Investigation, Additions to Plant, and,�hi� ��oryL��u��erlot
exceed Y5, OG0 . 00 . r7r. Baer explained in detail the work that :•�ould
be involved. Following a lengthy discussion, Director Clson r,�oved
seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, the proposal from
J•F�. Kleinfelder an� A��ociates, not tc exceed ,
accented. $S, OOU . OG, be
(�i �:Nlic:at.�.o�z r�;�in for �E�A��r� F'�-�ti-`s.
sec:onded by Lir�;��r Lirectc,-r �ls�n mcv�
l,_ „ C�.king, una�Z:imously c�riea, y�hat ti�e �orrn rEs� •
u�e ,�oard, anc� ;al�ieh I�as I�e�� studiec� anc� rev�E�;�cl r�n - �-� �' znLed to
recor�neazc�ed k�y i�7anag�-r J.R. Cofer. Y ames, k7e ap�rcvecd, as
(c) Complaint by David D. Bohannon Cor�oration.
action aqaii,st tlie ;.�istrict �or T•i�uow � BOh�on did file an
and tY�e Gistric-c aid delzy -ti�e clai�-n, ard wi-ct�irdthe �r�1z`�r�e;r -
g y Esta-ccs last May
ac-cicn in San I�,a�ec Col;;n-�y for seve-ral , �, � _ ,. P�'iax tY�,ey i:iled
I11111C�17 QUIZaiS; �:� �ilS'�i=.lt,{: ilaS �p�
served, Boha.nnon has of�er� tc� �r7-cer ir.�o a sti�;�ula-�on that -uzis Dis-�rrict
be given ari extended time to answer for a period of 30 days fr�n written demand
u�v11 the A�i:arney c� i�2i.GiC�� aT1Q �t�i7171c� vv'�iC.7�'.uaTl 1"-�_
�to ex�cend i:ize 'a�n� f�l �st�onve to 3� days, as .ner�ti��sted aci:ic;n �rom th�: Board
Directc�r �lscl� �n�ved, seccndec� by �irect�r „oi�es.
Manager Corer sta.t� t1�a-� 3J �ys is n�t �veYy ���ucn ��;r�le � res�nd as ize ielt
�c'` II1ll�t C�IiS1CieY' U�"J'CraIY111iC�' d aN2C3.di �OUI1S�1 ASS3S-�il10E lr'i �115 rr�atter i:f
Bohannon starts to pursue this complaint, and reauested the Board give Staff
SC7'iTIE Ci3icC:�i011 ulclt C3i1C� 4�e dY'E SE.'iVc''d 'vv"ll.Ci �ii2 .:iJ iid� IiO�10E� 'VJ� CcxYl S�.Y't
I.�::,;cing ��-r a �pecial Coui�sel l;,�sistar�ce.
At'�rney '��2i 1a17 Si�L-�''� u � Ul]r i3011C.i�iCj t�LtGYil��' 1 iYTii u0I1CS H311.� Fiiil aT1C�
^��-` 'Z� �•_ T T
Whit� 1�;;,a hGv2 a �1Tt2-��iricz-ri - ' '
� rob Aak�r�y -- wuu��u � u s�cia� co•anse� fc�r
Ii.rr��� ���ses in i:nis rra-��er, and b�. Au�r� i5 ar:
ty� o� li';s�ation. y ��elient coL:r�sel iii this
Manac��r Co�er s�t� u1a� r�� U�es 'r:ave some rese�va�orls o� eur i3ond C�u��s�l
defeildln� us in -�hi.s r�latter ar�cl that ihe r3ua�� rLLc�ht want -to cons:icier aurside
c�anae� sc� t:�zere is n� pcss:'�1P chance c� c�r�iiict.
Dir�.t�,r Ulson ar��i�iz�?� t�Y;e r��ution to ii�clu,;�e t1��� t;ctorney 6��eidmari r�et witi� our
Manager to consider Special Counsel Assistance �r� this mat�er, anU report iaack
to the Board with their findings and rec�nnendations, Director Jones seconded.
����1t�1�1' 1�11.�����i, T�ndS�T�ciasl� carrieQ.
� �ZO��. ��d�1�`�U��y: ca��:ie�..
�, ���,Z�,�`�i
, O�
Regular Meeting -8- 4/5/79
(d) Notice Hearing on 1979-80 Sewer Budgetand Charges - - and Authorize
Manager Cofer requested authorization f_or sta.ff to advertise the notice
of hearing on the 1979-80 Sewer Budget and Charges for April 12, 1979 at
8:00 P.M. , Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Room.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, the notice
of hearing be authorized for April 12, 1979, 8:00 P.M. , Lake Tahoe Unified
School District Conference Roam, as rec�unended by Manager Cofer.
(2) Water Supply System: (a) Disconnection and/or Reconnection for a Water
Service. Tabled to the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
(b) Preliminary Environmental Assessment Notice of Exemption - Installation
of Approximately 400 feet of 10 inch Diameter Water Pipeline to Achieve
Greater System Reliability. .Approve Sta.ff Determination and Authorize Notice
of Exemption. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
carried, that Manager Cofer's recc�anendation be approved.
(c) F�iployment of Inspector - Water System Improv�nents, Construction
Contract, and Authorize Fhiployment of Mr. Vernon Bell.
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, that
Mr. Vernon Bell be hired as an independent contractor, and added as an added
insured under our insurance policy, at the rate of $11.00 per hour, and he will
furnish and maintain his own vehicle as required.
Wastewater System: (f) Specifications for Purchase of Silver Sulfate. . . .
Specifications were prepared by the Laboratory Chemist for purchase of silver
sulfate, and requested authorization from the Board to request bids for same,
per specifications, which is the silver sulfate must be American Chemi.cal
Society (ACS) grade) . Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, and
unanimously carried.
Water Supply Syst�n: (d) Filling of Position for Water Service, and Authorize
Same. Manager Cofer stated that the District has just completed a very
extensive recruiting program for filling the two vacant water service
positions, and we are also now requesting another position be added. , and
we would like to offer that position to one of the candidates we have just
interviewed, and same is included in the budget for next year, and requested
authorization to fill this 3rd position. Director Olson moved, seconded by
Director Jones, unan�mously carried.
(e) Change Order No. 1, Al Tahoe Well Contract: - For an additional 30'
coltunn, for an increase of $2,929.36, as recommended by Manager Cofer.
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried,
Change Order No. l, increase of $2,929.36, be approved.
(3) Response to Lahontan Proposed NPDES Permit Conditions. Manager Cofer
requested approval of the response to Lahontan, and Mr. R. Hampson was present
for the meeting this evening, and also requested the approval of a hand-
delivered copy of the response to Mr. Hampson. Director Olson moved,
seconded by Director Jones, unan.imously carried, that the response prepared,
as recommended by Manager Cofer, be approved, and the hand-delivered copy
be approved to Mr. R. Hampson this evening, who was present for this meeting.
(4) Response to CTRPA Draft Regional Plan GroG�th, Management Ordinance, and
E I R - Manager Cofer met with the CTRPA staff regarding these drafts, and
he mentioned to the Board of Directors at this meeting, that throughout the
report it appears that they are stating they want no more growth than what
the sewage treatrnent plant can hold, and Manager Cofer stated if this is
what they really meant, anc1 CTRPA staff told him no, however, Manager Cofer
states it appears to him that the entire report (draft report) carries this
meaning to him. Manager Cofer is not in agreement with their cost figures
either - they pointed out it would cost $44 million dollars to expand and
rebuilt the sewer plant, and Mana.ger Cofer pointecl out to them it was more
in the range of $22 million dollars. Manager Cofer mentioned many items in
their c�-aft reports that he is not in agre�nent with, and requested authorization
to respon to these reports. . .Director Olson moved, seconded by Director
Cocking, unanimously carried.
(5) Policy re Sewer Unit Assignment. Manager Cofer stated we do appear to
have a lack of a clear cut policy to establish sewer un�_ts for restaurants -
we have considered a restaurant where food is prepared and served, and if
either of those descriptions are not present, then it is not called a
restaurant. We feel that a table count is a good indication of voltune that
the restaurant business is.
Regular Meeting -9- 4/5/79
If there are no tables, and no service on the ��remises, and if it is taYe-out,
then the question is - wzll they equally contribute to the sewers; if they do
prepare food in the establishment for take-outo then we feel we get much
discharge to the plant, and if the food is not cooked -- then we do not feel
���e will 'r�e c�etting an abnormal amount of sewac�e to �he p�ant, ancl we are
proposing that:
"A restaurant is � retain business, containing a kitchen (a ro�n with
cooYing {acilities) , and or seating for �he pur'�ose of const�ning food on or
abou� the �aremises" - Manager Cofei statecl as long as the�e is seatinc� on
the pr��ises, it vaill be defined as a restaurant.
Gail Sanders stated she would like to talk about equal treatrnent from the
sewer district, and also courteous service from �npJ_c�yees. �he felt tha-t
she is not being treated equally as far as her restaurant is concerned -
"The Gazabo" - and she also �eels tha� others that conduct the same ty��e
of business are beinc� treated di�ferently than she is as �at as the unit
count, etc. , is concezrn�. She also mentioned that Rojo's, another
establisl�¢nent, is not in ccxnplaince with the Utility District Ordinance -
also, P2r. Baker - (Enchanted Cottage) - is not zn ccgnpliance� and she �elt
that she is beinc� treated un�airly as far as the unit count, and what she
can do with her business establisYunent. She also mentioned that sh� felt
scxne action should be taken regarding the discourteous treatment she received
fr�n an employee when asked about receiving a copy of a letter sent to Mr.
B. Baker, who has the business across fr�n her proposed resta.urant.
Manager Cofer stated uzat ne would li3�e to apologize to Ms. Sanders if she
received discourteous treatment fran an �nployee. He also stated that he
believes the District has done a good job in trying to treat everyone the
same and in txying to get everyone to pay wha.t they owe the Utility District.
He further stated that if Gail Sanders has a ccanplaint she should put same in
writing and sukxnit to the District, the Manager will take it to the Board for
action, as all other matters are handled, and we will respond on the record
of cc�plaint that we receive.
President Kashuba stated that we are still w�-_king �,ri an Orainanc� t,�a} �vill
resolve much of the camplaints we receive. She asked Gail Sanders to please
sL�n.it her request in writing and we will resolve it.
Mr. B. Baker was present this evening and asked for a few minutes to speak
before the Board regarding his establishment, which Ms. Sanders spoke of.
He stated that prior to the t�me he applied for a building permit, he was
serving sandwiches, coffee, shakes, etc. , on the premises, and there were
several tables and chairs on the pr�nises. They then decided to keep this,
in addition to a Mini-Market, and the building department asked him to go
first to the Utility District to discuss their plans with the Sewer District,
who told him an inspection would have to be made, and it was, and he was told
he did not have the sufficient n�nber of sewer units to serve food on the
pr�nises. Mr. Baker stated that following the pleasant discussions with the
people of the Utility District, the tables and chairs were eliminated, and
allowing no food or beverage to be cons�ned on the premises, as an acceptable
alternative to going into business, thus, his business is now open as a Mini-
Market and Take-Out Sandwiches.
John Hubbell stated that the Utility District Board is discriminate against him,
his tenant, and has caused him darnage in the way of rent, etc.
Manager Cofer stated that for the record he w�uld like to have it shown that r7r.
Hubbell went from 6 sewer units to 22 sewer units, by action of this Board.
� Mr. B. Baker also wanted the Board to know that in the manner he wanted to
originally operate his business, he was told it v,rould take 6 sewer units, but
there were no sewer units available, even if he wanted to pay for th�n.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the
policy regarding restaurants, as recon�anended by Manager Cofer, be accepted.
Director Jones stated that there is also a necessity that we should further
define some of these establishments that serve food of one type or another -
whether it is a restaurant, delicatessen, etc. , and come up with a couple
of other definitions by staff, however, he does agree with the definition of
the restaurant as was recommended by our Manager.
Assistant Manager Callahan stated that there is no way to really take care of
this probl�n without metering the strength of the sewer flow. The probl�n will
Regular Meeting -10- 4/5/79
(6) Response to City re Garbage Disposal Probl�ns - Long Term Collection. . . .
Director Jones stated that the city is cont�nplating a 25-year contract with
Tahoe Refuse Company, and he has been thinking when we go back to secondary
treatment, we might go into samething such as methene digestion, and burning
of our sludge, and suggested that we ask the city if the Utility District can
also be involved in their program, as there would be some advantages for us.
Manager Cofer spoke with City Manager D. Milbrodt about this, and Mr. Milbrodt
stated there is a Waste Disposal D'Ieeting scheduled, however, they are not
looking at the Tahoe Basin, as they cannot meet the air quality requir�nents.
Manager Cofer concurs with Director Jones, and we should send the city a letter
and tell them what we have in mind.
PAYMENT OF CLAINIB; Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp,
unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $292,378.74, as recommended
by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment,
ADJDURI�NT: 10:35 P. M, to April lOth, 1979, Arts Building, 9:30 A.M. ,
Joint Meeting - City of South Lake Tahoe and South Tahoe Public Utility
rrene L. Kashuba, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
%�� � ��' � ��
ry D rose, lerk o Board
South oe Public Utility District
L Z e a
r1��T�LTRI`?E?� r.�EmTrTr r�n � Rf�l�� OF' �TREC_"i'C1Fc
OF 'I'f�'
enr,m�: mz�i?pF P�I.._T._� U"�LI'P�' DTSTRJCT
r',Im�' nF' ��U'I'F3 T��,I�' TP_uCE
z�ryi tn� la�a-a.^p A�M.
Pr.fis Fi�il�?;nc�
'I'r�_' F�C�cxi� Uf T:�Y'E'_^tCY'S "]nt i;: 3T7 ?Ca�Ot.lV'C�E� SF'S�1^T? 01'? ���C�79,, i�'�I) A.N�. � ATtS
Bui�3iriq, 5��.�t�:. L�]c.� T:�r^�, ��t���r.r.;_a5 in j��_nt re�ect.incr ���i.�h t.hP C;_t�� of South
Lake Tahoe.
t''_'c�S1.(:r1'it �?.^rtlk%;: Ca.l l n�',. �:A 3C��OL:.�"T:Ar7 i.Tt;_1 i t�� n;str_ict mAP_t1.riC�'t �.O O)"!aPl:' a+-
9:�0 r�,r�.., , �nd ^![,�5c,r Na T�?M�� c::x112d th� CitY C^unci_J_ mAet.�_r_c tr, Qr�er at 9:30
RpLL CAI,L: Present i�ere P�es�d�..r.t .T._�T. .Y.a�h��.�,a; Da_.r_ector.� [�:.r�.t�1_scr_, F.�J.�xking,
R.A. Fieldcamp and J.R. Jones.
llsc - P-I��v�:r Wc�cd�; :�ctE�? a�]. c:c;,,nr�� members �aere �r��Er:t,
T>ZSC� present �•JerF_' g+,�cf :TlE'_T?i1':2�5 LT'G+P.1. �1P_ T.Tt�ll��' ni_ctY'iCt: - M�Yk��Fl" .T,F.C�f.er,
Ass�sta.r:t r;�r.a��r D.r�,, �a>>ahGr.., F.tt���ne1- ��.�>We�dman �nc� Tnsl�'c�or C.P:No�-ning.
S��.ff ^:ei^rerc fr_om. th� Citl� �lsc rr_e�ent �•:er_c: C;t�� Man=c�er R, M�.].hr_�t, �T.
Fr�ric��;t�n, .��.n�strativP_ p1C�e, c?T`.� �tt.0Y7?P_1� K.> Ro1_1st�n..
'The �n�:�:?a was Fr_�����r;�,-i k;�- the C'i��� of S�t�tY�. T�ke m�hc�e; �n� same aP�r_���_xl.
Preside..^t Kasr�uba stater? ';�:a� thA SQ11±I1 '_T'c1"lOP_ ptJ���� Uts.l;t�� Distr_irt �aas ?ssued
NPDES reqttizx�E�:en�s; �-.hich �-he Dist��iet has c��esec�; and t�,cia�.� - reac'y f.c�r_
distribution is the District answer to Lahontan. President Kashuba requested
P�anac�x .. .R.C�f_e.r tc: �.m�:ariz� �.r.� rer_�.r_t f�;_ th��e �resente
N�r..a_�nr_ Co�`r_ �+�tec� trat the L��stri;.t cloec �rpcse t'�e �t�r_da.rc�s �r�pos� k�y the
T�har.t=.n st�ff. He statec? that t�-:e st�r.c?�.rc?s ��-er_e �c�e�_li.st�c ar_d wr_i��:� }�
�;e.'"�.' CO�;t1�7 f'.fl C(:?R�;`�1' ��].i.�'1. �T: �1tP_J"7'3tQ �2y ^f .'_I1tP_}"1m 'vVc�tar CrLlc"1].j_t�� r_�n�.ire-
ments is proposed by the Utility District that would protect tY�.e l�._r?efi.cial
uses and at the same time reduce the use of chlorine which is so harmful to
;-�"'•f' j��.�I"'t �I''.C�L II:L�'.�Tl C'YP_P_}: FccPY'G�O].?". '.l'}1?_ �Tti l.i�y P_���=.1C+: C�OPS P?Ct EP_P t��
need for 127 requirements during tY:A inter�m. �r�o�. �aher_ the D�sts_�ct �s �:'�.tempt-
ing to change the method of treatment and disposal.
Artctl.ctC�P_?�' CGI:E'.Y' St'.�?}eC. ::Q �'J�P_ L�+��� r��Ci.� MP_m�Y'S t..r'b3+ tr1E D�;:t'ri`:t 4�1�1_(� �lke
tc, r���.�� the�r_ suri�Yt �•�hen I�h^ntan sche��i e� the hearir.c� on the^.e rec�u�_r_Pments.
Mayo� t,,�� a�kE.d n�ar.ager CofPr ;f ±hese r�;u�.re?�e:r_ts impoG� r,l� T�a-hnnta.n had
or 1-��.; anvth.:.ng �o do �,,ith the "Hea�?-��rt�� �rcx;r_am, Mar.ac-�er C�f.er st�t.�? no,
and the requirements they propose would ��e thF c.or�t:ir.»,.r.ce af a�.vance� Vic�StP—
water treatrnent to Indian Creek Reservoir.
c'o,�ncs.? M�'rer T?e1. T_:aine a�kec'. Mar_aner Cofer to cc�mmen�. on tre �.:!tArnatives for
Indian Creek Reservoir. Manager Cofer stated that Lahontan, we be.l.�evej
relied heavily on Dr.J.Middlebrooks report that was done for the District,
a� r_art of �h� fac:�lities �larninc� stu�ies_ Pr. M�_c'.c?lehY�kG �aa.s aske3 t�
�OT14'.?P_2"?t ^l7 +�12 11�e Qf t..�"'.�'Bc: gi-�T1C�.3r�c C�1�ri nCr tY1P 1.11tP_?:']I?i, �JPY'1� 4��}��..n. '.�"?P_.
Fa.c.i.li��es Pl.�n `•r.s he�r.c, i-�p��nnert�s He st�.t�. t-hat re ne�rer �ntendec� th.ose
gi'.ai1C?3y'C?c �O �2 O11 �I1 1.1:te)"im ]�agl�� �r!C� i�Y?a�. 11�5 G?O-}t G,i�c fnr F� 10Y2r•'-'_"�.?C7�
planning st.udy and he: w.o�uld r.,�t re�^�!er_d. the�e k�-e ;m�s�J �`or st:.:r_d�r_�s.
M?t:a�er �ofer di.�cu�s�. t]�:e st?r:c'.arcas th�t T_��h�r_t.�r ;_s ;sni�os?_n� �zx�r. tr.Q
Lli c+rZf.:1_� COSt:S �•.ArG C�'_�;C�,1�SL.� a�so, �n�. hcv� .�ar_Y ef tr?P_ St.�T?C�aYr�c `„ii 1.1
ir.c.r�Ce the cost� tc� tk!�' TTti_li tl7 Di.s�ri!�t.
The City Council me�nbers have not had the opportunity to review the report
r��parec? hy the L?z�ti'��t to I�hont�n r��rcin� t1-,e ��,�.ste a.1SCr??T'�P �"P_CTLllY'P_-'
r�en�s rr?PPES Pe�_-m;_t� , a�:�? Ma�,o,- rnk�ca3s st�t�? t�?t: ,�r the �l�t"f3CP_ Y?e c�iz].�
��Y��-..:a�.r.ly ��aPL�c,r� tne D�..�.fir?ct, h��,•:E���e3-., he v.�culd u�cico-�e trQ �prcrtian�t��
to r_e.�d �..x:e rer_,�rt, ar.�: h��:�1�11.�- br_ir_n }�efore �he Co��r_c;l f�r s�mC }�.�2 of
action at the next meeting of the City Council members.
„L-L�� Adjourned Meeting of the
So. Tahoe P.U.D. and the
City of South Lake Tahoe -2- 4/10/79
(b) Increasing Flows to Sewer Plant: - Manager Cofer stated that during the
first three months of 1979 the inflow to the sewer plant was 32o greater than
flows during the same period in 1978. Park of the increased flows could be
contributed to inflow and infiltration, however, water service production
during the same period was also up about 220 over last year production, which
indicates a major portion of the increased sewer flows is from increased rnm�bers
of people at the Lalce. Mr. Cofer stated that the Utility District is presently
using a value of 90 gallons fia,ure per sewer unit in estimating available
sewer capacity. If the increased flow rates continue, then the 90 gallons
per sewer unit figure will have to be adjusted upwards with the result of
reducing the sewer capacity available for new connections.
P�anager Cofer reported on proposed changes to the District's sewer ordinances
and sewer application and permit forms. A discussion followed related to
coordination of building inspections by the City and the Utility District.
RECESS at 8:50 A.M. ----- Meeting Reconvened at 9:00 A.M.
Residential Use - Conversions of Single Family to Multi-Family Use - Staff
Co�nent from the Utility District: - "The billing statements should not be
arbitrarily changed to reflect additional service charges and connection fees,
nor the structure 'red-tagged' by the Building and Safety Department, without
first notifying the owner by certified mail of the suspected violation.”
City Councilman Cefalu stated that whether a single family home has one or
four bathrooms does not mean that they really generate that much flaw to the
secaer plant; he felt that he could not go along with this statement, however,
he would not argue the fact that if a single family dwelling is converted
into a duplex, then it is acco�ating 2 families, and he objects to the fact
that we would concern ourselves with the ntmiber of bathrooms in a home, as a
single family dwelling can still acco�nodate l, 2 or more families.
Director Jones stated that he does agree with Counci]man Cefalu - it is not the
function of haa many ba.throoms in the house, but a function of how many beds,
and he stated that is what the Utility District is mainly concerned about -
and what has been in the past called wet bars, and assorted other things, have
eventually becane kitchens, and then the house is divided off and becomes a
multiple unit.
Manager Cofer agreed that this problem will continue to exist, and same has been
discussed many times by the Board Members.
Enforcement procedure reconnnended for Residential Sewer Unit Allocation: City
Manager Milbrodt stated they have three avenues of enforcement (1) building
code itself, and whether or not a building permit was issued, and if not -
then that is for immediate enforcement; (2) through the zoning, and (3)
improper occupancy. He also mentioned that the City is no longer under
contract with the County, and any enforcement (Commercial or Residential)
would be within the City limits only.
Several suggestions were made as to assessing single family dwellings - charge
of 3.2 sewer units,-regardless,or the square footage, or the n�iber of bed--
rooms, etc.
City Manager Milbrodt stated that the City does have an Ordinance that permits
transfer of sewer units from one property to another, and this Ordinance was
designed for property owners that wanted to rehabilitate the property, within
the City, by removal of a sewer connection on one lot (or destruction of a
present single family home) , and transferring the available sewer
connection to another lot. Since the adoption of that ordinance, the City
and District have had a ntunber of conversations to try to improve or perfect
upon the language that is in that ordinance. The City Council has directed
that their ordinance be amended, however, the amendment has not as yet been
prepared for Council consideration at this time.
The last meeting the City and Utility District had, and this ordinance discussed ,
it was agreed that no application would be processed, regarding transfer of
sewer units, until the City staff and District staff have met, and the District
has had the opportunity to review that application with the District Board.
Manager Cofer stated the District does not feel the sewer units is what should
be transferred, and the L�ahontan Cease and Desist Order �uld not allow us to
transfer to a land that does not discharge to the District.
Dave Antonnucci, Lahontan, stated that the Executive Officer has stated to the
Z Z�,-,�
Adjourned Meeting of the
South Tahoe P.U.D. and _3_ 4/10/79
the City of South Lake Tahoe
City that Lahontan does not object to the ordinance of the sewer transfer;and
the ccxrunent that Lahontan objects -- is the interpretation of the District,
and not Iahontan. He further stated that any sewer transfer should be handled
between the City and the Utility District, and that I�ahontaa does not want to
I�ecome involved, except that the Ordinance was and/is adequ
p�anager Cofer stated that we would have to take this matter to the Lahontan
Board for clarification to be certain that the District would not be charged
with a violation of the connection limitation.
Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the District has assessed the lot, by
which (if) the sewer service would be removed and transferred. He would require
that the owner of that lot, contract of sale owner, deed of trust holder, or
anyone that would have a lien on the lot, as of the date of transfer, r�nove
all of their claims to that lot and sewer service, and remove all of their
right to allocation, as we would not want any type of a claim from anyone
stating they lost their sewer rights. Also regarding Lahontan's interpreta-
tion, and/or the District interpretation regarding sewer transfers, we would
have to have some action by Lahontan Board on the clarification.
Attorney Weic�hnan also stated he would look at the bond counsel, and the assess-
ments on the lots, and will report back to the Manager of the Utility District.
Regarding the enforcement of commercial sewer units, present and applied for,
r�ayor woods stated that we are going to have to come up with a reasonable time
lunit fran the time the permit is obtained, and/or alloted, to the time the
builder/owners should start their construction and complete building.
D�anager Cofer stated o�entsDland1they heavyldelays anbe difficult forethes
to make the plant imp �
Utility District.
Counci]man TrupP stated we cannot reserve capacity, and if the capacity is used
prior to the time the person that has obtained their permi.t, and they have not
built, their permit is then void - as the plant had reached capacity.
Following this discussion, the City will study this request for a reasonable
time limit on those that have been issued pernv-ts to start their construction.
Envirorunental Impa
ct Statement Regarding Facility Expansion (TREES) : Man�ger
Cofer stated this is moving right along on the Federal EIS, and that the early
draft had many argtunents why not to expand the treatment plant, and very few
argwments for expanding• 'The Workshop is to be hold on 4/19/79 and he re-
quested the City to be in attendance, if at all possible.
Carl Magidson asked President Kashuba if the District is bankrupt and she stated
the District is not bankrupt.
Nir. Magidson suggested that the community bec�ne involved in assisting the District,
such as requesting they not use their garbage disposals for one week, and see
what happens during that week regarding the flows to the plant; he stated we
pay for the garbage pickup, and we should considerick u gtheisarba estion a
trial run for one week - let the garbage company p P g g
President Kashuba stated we are trying several methods. We want to go to
secondary treatment, eliminate the high degree of treated water we now must
have; she stated we need everyone's input re the Public Facilities Plan (EIS) .
Councilmember D. Laine expressed appreciation for this joint meeting held today,
and stated it would help to have more of these regularly.
Counci]man Cefalu adjourned the City Council meeting at 11:50 A.M.
President Kashuba adjourned the Board Meeting at NOON to 4/12/79, 8:00 PM.
to the South Lake Tahoe Unified School District Board Room.
Lorrene L. Kas uba, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
A ST: , � ��
� , /'/1
p� rose, Cler of ar
South ahoe Public Utility District. . . . .
AFRIL 12 , 1 9 7 �
8 : 00 FI�I
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe P�z.blic Utility District
met in a regular session (adjourned from 4/10/79) at 8 : 00 P.M. ,
Lake Tahoe Unifi.ed School District Board Room.
ROLL CALL: President L. Kashuba, Directors W. N. Olson, F.J.
Cocking, R.A. Fiel�camp and ,7. R. Jones were present.
Also �resent were Manager J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manaaer D.W. Callahan,
Cl.erk of Board, Att�rney J.C.Weic�n.
President L. L. Kashuba opened the hearing for consideration of the increase
in sewer service fees at 8:02 P.M. for the year 19?9-1.Q80, �nd to set the
fee for sewer service char_gEs.
President Kashuba requested Manager J.R. Cofer to give the staff report.
Mr. Cofer gave the recomnendation. tY:at the charges for �979-80 fiscal year
be established at $53.04 per sewer unit ($159.12 single family dwelling
unit) , which represents a 6.4% increase from the existinc; ch�rge of $49.80
per sewer unit.
Mr. Cofer also explained the need for increased charges, and gave a
comparison of 1979 and 1980 operating costs, as well as an analysis of
the c�sts and revenues required durina the ne�t three vear per_i_od c�urincx
tlze implementati.on of the non-capacity plant improvements.
Presiden.t L. Kashuba opened the floor f.or comments fr�m the audience and
those protesting t1�e sewer service increas� were R. Cc�k, [��. B.ryant, F.
Krozak, E. Thanpson, N. Pr_ent�_ss, HD Var: Kirk, K. Frank. M. Fl��r.n.,
R. Daize, M. Skaggs, W. Glitch and Mr. Musso. They also voiced their
opinior. that they prefer to h�.ve an annual billina anr� nc�t a qua.rterly
Manager Cofer stated that he did receive two letters - one from San Rafael,
Calif�rn�.a; �n whir_h it is :�t�.ted that h� �bje�ts t� the incre�se of f_eEs.
Another objectior_ wa� �.J_�o r..ec�ived r�ar_ding trP r�te �n�.rease. Theref.oLe,
there were only 2 written objections received regarding the consideration for
a rate increase.
President Kashuba closed the hearing at 9:50 P.M. , and called a 10 minutes
The meeting reconvened at 10:00 P.P�.
Director Olson stated that we are in hopes of achieving secondary treatrnent,
which should cut the operation of our plant in half. He further stat� ��..t
he feels this Board has tried to look ahead, as their duty, and what we are
forced to do at the present to acheive the in-run, seems to be worth the
effort that we are going through; and as a Board - we are trying to do the job.
Director Jones stated that he appreciated those that have come to the hear_ing
this evening, and he stated that there arc rn�a.r.��� �;G,�:�:;.?.;_'•-.:�Es `�Y us t� �-��.nk
about - such as trying to obtain s�ne of t_l,P f„n�� �.r_�n t1�P �,z.t�� that the
obtain fr�n the tourist tax, or the occupancy tee, etc. The last time we had
a good attendance at one of our meetings was February lst, but there are many
meetings we have that no one attends, and if the public would attend our
nneetings reerularly (lst and 3rd Thursday evening at 8:00 P.M. , District Offices)
they ca�uld be aware of why we must consider an increase, and of the rigid
standards imposed by Lahontan, etc. Dir�ctor Jones stated he feels he must
support this increase proposed this evening.
Director Fieldcamp stated that he cannot support the increase as it stands
now; he feels that we must go to some other source to obtain assistance.
Director Cocking stated that he has in the past made the statement he would
not vote for any more increases due to Lahontan standards imposed upon us.
'This increase is to operate the plant; and he would like to also see the
discount removed. He stated he will support the increase in sewer charges.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- 4/12/79
President Kashuba stated that the conanent was made that we of South Lake
Tahoe cannot afford to pay for this plant operation, and another comment
was made to let the government pay for it. President Kashuba stated that
this does concern her a great deal as she has seen regionalism get quite
a strong hold in this co�nnunity, and she cannot go along with turning
the sewer plant over to the Federal or State Governments for operation.
People of this co�nunity must hold on to the right of their properties,
and part of the right of their property is the costs of operating same.
She stated that we would have to go along with us so we can get the
plant down to reasonable treatrnent, and reasonable costs, and we are
working to bring this to a reasonable cost for everyone that lives here.
She will support the motion, which is as follows:
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, that ORDINANCE NO. 291,
An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Amending Ordinance
No. 114 and Providing for Sewer Service and Street Lighting Service Charges,
be approved. ($159.12 for a single family dwelling ($53.04 per sewer Unit)
billed annually) .
AYES: Directors Olson, Cocking, Jones
and Kashuba
NOES: Director Fieldcamp
Motion carried.
President Kashuba thanked everyone for their patience and their understanding,
and asked that they accept the invitation to attend our meetings, which
are held the first and third Thursday of each month, 8:00 P.M. , at the
District Offices." We have several staff people here tonight, and they
will be pleased to take any one through the plant, show the operation
of the facilities to you �� President Kashuba stated.
Manager Cofer stated for any that are interested in touring our facilities,
if they would please call ahead of time, we will be certain to have sane-
one available to show them the facilities.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. to April 26, 1979, 8:00 P.M. , District
Office, 1275 Meadowcrest Drive, South L�ake Tahoe, California.
� �
�Er�.-ular �dj�arri�u 1�ce�ir�g o� ti�le
Bcard cf ;�ircctors
South Tahoe Public Ut�litv District
April 26, i.";: �
8:00 F'.i�I.
The Board of Directcrs of -t�'�e South Tahce Public Jtility District met in an
adjourned session 4/26/79, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were Director W.N. Olson, F.J. Cocking, J.R.Jones and
President L.L. Kashl;�:a.
ABSENT: Director R.A.Fieldcamp.
Also present were Manager J.R.Cofer, Assistant Manager D.W. Callahan, Clerk of
Board, Attorney J.C.Weidman, L.S�nith, M.McNamara, J. Bonnet, [�'.Junckhorst, �.
Sanders, �. Iiubbell, n. Baer, C.I.Ross.
CORRE,Cri'IONS U'tZ ADliI�IONS TO AGENDA: Manage� Cofzr requested addition of 2 it�ns
for Bcar� Cansideration:
(1) (17) Schedule of Hearing, Draft EIR re Water System
Master Plan.
t�; (18) ��urchase of Sludge Furnace Replac�7�er�t Parts.
Agenda was approved as changed.
�'LC�r�.��,.ri: -- J:ii�Ct.02 �v:iC'_� :r�C'i`J�� secor�ucc� �1� �lYE.Ctt�r' OZSOTi� ur�anirr�usl� carrie�i,
I�i.l.ri'�'ii;�S vi 4�Jj i J uTiC� ��i�/�7'> bG uti�Y"v"v'�i aS S"ili.lt'L�l.�i.:.��..21"X.
REF'v'�=:-� Q'Y I301��L �,•�'�ER^: Pres7 dEa��t 1tu�hw:�. atterid� a�ze �',.a��2 6�atEr Resoarces
�.'OI7�Y'O.� �'.OcZIC:. Ifi�E.'t.1T3C� Cill ���.� i�:iC:� ��G��i�i� :�c1C���,:nerr;�Ci� i�j'uY'(iiliCJ si:�i� '��r..�iOVcii
in Con�:���t o� p�oc��uura.L cl-iangcs in F�:�r`�r Cc;:Lc�gnc Ac�t, ir�clu:.�i.Zg prci:osai
for St�'�c F3card ta ����ar,e j�:r�isi�icti�n ov�� �teg�ona� :��Y�d I�ear�r�gs u�ci� -rc.�uest
of Rer,i�r�a�� �.�arc�.
:i.i`� t3�SC.` Cj'<.'�TJE.` :z 2E'(%�� C3� uiC_�. :ic^,�'1c3�G' ui1Ct �S2Ti'i;Jl�' iJi'ZZS t..�idt. c:iif'-c_'C'.t
sanitati�i: :ge;zcie�.;, w{iiiciz �ve:.re censid��r�;? at t��:e A�:ril '._'�;.�z :neetir.g of the C:.�A
Legislative and F�ecutive meeting in Sacramento.
::�SA sur��ted �,'3 'i£;3, ChaNNie, Fargiveness c� �ta�:e :;.�:,ans. CF,SA will
again eonsider AB 505, �Y.ap�.ie, An��n�r��nt� tc ��orter Co�cz:�ne �,et, a� tYie iilay 4'c.t��
meet�ng. Sh. _,t�teu t�:e Ganr� �r�i-ciat�ve �s ;�i con��er:� to C,'�:;� becau�e it
est�.blishes t::� 1978-i° r���nue as t.z` ba�is for alloeuticn �f �urtr-ier �uric�ir�c�.
Director Jones stated that the Board Ac�trninistxation C�ur�ittee wants to put
tcxjei.Yier a calenda�� or everits co,ning ur, and wriich Direct�r will attend what
and wY7ere anu when, e-'tc. kepo�'cs k�y this Conunittee wili be g�.ven the fi.rst
meeting of every month.
R�Ok`"i� Oiv WURKSHGP S�JJIGI�IS: i�ianager Cofer ret?orted the roliowing:
(1) 4/18/79 Alpine C�unty Water [�genc:y
re Cleaning of Indian Cr.eek Reservoir
(2) 4/19i7� �l'2CYll71Ca'1 HC�VISCUY"�7 C.U1T1ll11Lt22 — —
F�ecieral E I S
(3) 4/23/79 Worksho� re �igerida T-cems.
Manager Cofer stated he received correspon�ence from the Board o� Super�Tisors of
Ai�irie �:ouncy (ifii.`�i�iornbera) , �t�ting tha� Frank Gerald �who has k�P.xi appointec�
St�ervis�r) atia i�i�r�. Chain wiii �epresent �pine COunty in the Comnittee disciLssi_�ns
with the South Tahoe Public Utility District arld L�hontan xegional_ waLer� �uality
Controi I3�r�i. w�uiager C�ier Called i�ir. i�rald and h� suggested that. N�ionday, 3 pm
in Al�itie �ounty ior t'riis ii�eei.in�. i�lanac�er C�fer, DirecLors Olson anc. Jones,
Attorney Weidman, and perhaps R.L. Culp, will mPet wirh the Alpine Fsoar.�i of
Also, there will be a 4-month delay on completion of the `iti�. F`ederai EIS Repor�.
Manager C�fer alsU staiced 'r�ie HE i�33, r`orgiveness o% Sf�te �:.�oans, (tnis r�istrict
does l�ave orze s-�i�e loar7) is ;.:�e�ng ���sed by -�Yre S-cate waier kesc�urce5 Contr�l Fsoard.
Mr. Coicr aiso m�nf-iotied �hac �i=tie uLilitv Uists�ct anu S-ca-tionary �ginePrs,Locra=� 39,
have started neg�t�a�ions fo-r ��e�iewai �f i�i�Y�r�idLun oi Onderstanding.
AZTORNEY'S REPORT: Al1 items are on agenda.
��1� AI)�70URNED REGULAR MEETING -2- 4/26/79
Program Managers Reports:
(1) Wastewater Operations Report. P�anager of Operations, John Bonnet - reported:
"As reported at the last Board meeting, we have had some violations durinq
the month of March; these violations are listed below:
Final Effluent 30-Day Max.- . Cons. 30 Day Max. Cons.
Avg. 7- Day Avg. Max. Avg 7-Day Avg. Max.
BOD mg/1 3 5 10 4 7 15
Less Than
COD mg/1
Less Than 30 35 50 25 33 58
Sus.Solids mg/1
Less Than 1 2 4 4 6 18
Sus. Solids lbs/day
Less Than 62 125 250 132 209 646
PH 7.0 to 7.5 Avg. Low High
7.1 6.3 7.4
Indian Creek Res.
pH Avg: 8.4, Max: 8.6 - Avg: 8.2 and Max: 8.9
With the exception of two pH violations, all other violations were a
result of the caustic leak that was reported at the last Board meeting; as a result
of that leak, we also have violations for the month of April which are BOD, suspended
solids and pH. The plant could not recover fast enough to avoid these violations.
The sludge furnace had to be shut down on April 12. There were flames
coming out of the furnace around the burner of Hearth #3; we were aware that
the burner was in trouble, but we were trying to burn enough sludge to allow
time enough to make the repairs, however, this just didn't happen. To gain
enough time to make repairs, the digesters were ptnnped to aeration basins #1
and #2; the sludge is being aerated to reduce odors and possible to reduce
solids. It will be returned to the digesters at a slow rate after repairs
are made.
The lime furnace was shut down on April 13, due to an airlock failure.
Repairs were made and furnace was back in service April 16th.
Primary #2 had to be by-pa.ssed April 14th due to high torque. It was
pLunped down, cleaned out, and returned to service April 19th. The lime from the
sludge hopper of the pri.mary was plugged.
We will receive a load of reactivated carbon April 26th. The draft fan
on the carbon furnace failed. Maintenance is txying to locate another fan to
get this furnace back into service."
(2) Manager of Maintenance - Gene Eppler: - No report and out of the area for
this regular meeting of the Board. (Attending Seminar) .
(3) Water Supply System, W. Dunckhorst - Manager: -----
"Plans that were made two months ago with the Water Develo�xnent Corporation
of Woodland to work on the Fountain Well have been abandoned. I feel the Water
Departrnent should not wait any longer to have this work done as we should try to
have this well back in operation as soon as we can.
I have asked the Luhdorff Co. to look at this well while they are here
on the Al Tahoe Well.
What they have proposed to do is pull the p�np and look at the well with
a TV camera; with this procedure, we will know what work has to be done and a cost
will be submitted for Board approval.
New employee - LeRoy Liput, reported to work for the Water Departrnent
on Monday, 4/23/79. The other two employees selected are scheduled to report
for work next Nlonday 4/30/79.
All needed parts have arrived for the Al Tahoe Well and weather
pezmitting, they will be here this week to install and hopefully we can be on
line this caning weekend.
Ludorff came in Tuesday and proceeded to put all new equigxnent into
the Al Tahoe Well; everything is in, all hooked-up, flushed the well with the
standby engine; we do not have the new electric motor installed, as we are wait-
ing for the arrival of the ratchet, which did arrive today at 4:30 P.M. ; the
wiring will be put in r�onday, and the Well then will be completed.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- 4/26-79 Z Z� �
The Fount�in Well was also checked, and we found that the
pump is completely gone, however, we have to wait to get a final d.e-
cision as to the problems when we put the camera into the well. This
will probably be done Tuesday. However, there is a new pump at this
station, that has been there since the water system was purchased, and
we are going to check into seeing if this pump can be modified and used
at the Fountain Well.
Also, approximately 2 weeks ago, a complaint was received (in
the area of Winnemucca) , that the water had sediment in it, which was
caused because we have been operating on Well No. 2 and closed Well No. 1
down, to save on electricity - since we have reactivated No. 1 well,
and the well was flushed before putting on the line , and when they did
put the well back on the line, the pressure tank did have sediment in it,
which caused the discoloration to the water. The well was again shut
do�an - turned off the tanks , and the crew cleaned the inside of the
pressure tank, flushed it, sterilized it, and put it back on the line
today, and Mr. Barkley said the water is very clear. "
FINANCE OFFICERS REPORT: Mr. W.D. Callahan stated we are in the black. . .
and not in the red.
(1) Correspondence from Gail Sanders , dated 4/6/79 in which she stated
she believes the District has not treated her fairly , as others were
treated. r•Zanager Cofer stated that he feels we have treated Ms . Sanders
the same as other customers .
The other items mentioned in her letter was the number of sewer units in
Rojo' s , and according to Ms . Sanders interpretation of the Ordinance,
there should have been 10 sewer units assigned Rojo' s , however, whether
it was through miscommunications or an error on our staff' s part, Mr.
Horning, Inspector , stated they are charged for 10 sewer units , and a
unit count was taken on 8/28/78 as requested by owner Mr . Davin, and
when Ms . Sanders called the office, she was told there were 8 sewer
units . Rojo' s are being charged for 10 sewer units .
Manager Cofer stated if at any time one has a disagreement with the
judgment of the staff , they should bring it before the Board, and let
the Board make the final decision - he stated he still feels this is
the best route for us to take. Manager Cofer does not suggest any
changes be considered tonight.
Ms . Sanders stated that she would like some clarification as to how it
went from 8 sewer units , as told to her when she called the Utility
District office, to a count of 10 sewer units , and asked the Board
members to comment.
Director Olson stated that the manager' s explanation is sufficient,
and that we did make an error on the unit count. Manager Cofer also
stated that PZr. Horning does not mention in his memo if the billing
record was incorrect or not, however, we have had many billing records
incorrect. Director Olson stated that on behalf of himself , he will
make an apology to Ms . Sanders , and also thanked Ms . Sanders for
bringing these matters to our attention. Also, Director Olson stated
as an individual, and on behalf of our staff for an error, he asked
Ms . Sanders to please accept his apology .
President Kashuba also mentioned to Ms . Sanders that we are all sorry
that this had to come to this point, but many times bringing these
matters out in correspondence does help, and brings to our attention
some of the problems as are seen by outsiders , and we are still working
on the uSalexactlytwhatlissrequireda WPresidenttKashubaralsonstatedn
state �
if we are in error, we are sorry.
Director Jones stated that many of the problems that have been brought
around happened during the time the City and the District were trying
to work out a plan for the changes of businesses where we would evaluate
the requirements for the new businesses , and we have been receiving
the notifications of the new businesses as they change from the City.
However, in the event a business changes from the original type of
business to another, and the City has not notified the District, we
would have no way of knowing of this change, etc.
„ Z�� Adjourned Regular rieeting -4- 4/26/79
Manager Cofer stated we do have many problems on checking of sewer units in s�xr�e
establishments; the plant is rapidly running out of capacity, and when the capacity
is gone - it is gone.
Mr. John Hubbell stated that there is a report on file at the City on an establish-
ment prepared by Jack Frederickson, that P�anager Cofer should pick up, as Mr.
Hubbell stated there is a large gap between the City and their policies, and
the Utility District and their policies. He also suggested when the District
does redo their Ordinance, they should consider sane policies, lay daan sane
rules, etc.
Mr. Hubbell stated he would obtain a copy of the letter (report) from Mr. Frederickson
for the Utility District.
(2) Proposed Policy on Water and Sewer Charges on Dwelling Units and/or Sewer
Units not Previously Charged.
This was discussed in great length. Director Jones stated that we should consider
a time limit for a grace period - such as notify the party of the discovery and
give them a certain amount of time to clear this for us, and follawing that t.ime,
if the party still has not done so, then we should charge according to our policy,
as follaws:
Retroactive service fees sha.11 be charged on the units for a period
of two years (24 months) from date of discovery of the additional units, or
to date current a�mer aoquired the property, or to date units were first
added to the property, whichever is most recent.
Connection fees shall be charged for the additional units if the
awnership of the property has not changed since the units were first added to
the property based upon the follawing schedule:
A. Sewer Connection Fees:
Units existing on or before July 6, 1973 - no charge.
Units added after July 6, 1973 but before January 7,
1979 - $80.00 per sewer unit.
Units added after January 7, 1979 - $580.00 per sewer
B. Water Connection Fees:
Units existing on or before May l, 1978 - no charge.
Units added after May l, 1978 where water service
was installed by subdivider - $200.00.
All other connections - $400.00.
Follaaing this discussion, Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, that
the policy as proposed by N3anager Cofer be approved.
Rc�ll call votes as follows:
AVF�: Directors Olson and Jones
NOES: Directors Cocking and Kashuba
l�tion not carried.
It was suggested that a Connnittee be appointed to work on this po].icy - President
Kashuba appointed Director Jones and Director Cocking to review this policy,
and bring a reco�ndation back to the Board. The Committee will meet Tuesday
morning at 8:30 A.M.
(3) Proposed Revisions to Sewer Ordinances: Not ready for consideration this
meeting - Workshop will be set up for 5/14/79 to review sams (4:00 P.M.) .
(4) Plans and Specifications for Digester Covers. Manager Cofer reconanended
approval and authorize advertis�nent for bids. Director Olson moved, seconded
by Director Jones, unanimously carried.
(5) "Head-Start” Program, Phase II - Engineering Design:
(a) Grant Application: ($301,000) - Manager Cofer reccgrn�nded approval
and authorization for the Manager and/or Finance Officer to submit to state.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried.
PLljourned Regular P�ieeting -5- 4/26/79 L2'�5
(b) Certification Letter re Sewer Ordinance: Authorize Manager
to submit to State.
Director Olson moved, secondeu by Director Cocking, unanXmously carried.
(�) Distri,c� Representative for Step 2, Grant Administration. . .
Manager J. Cofer reconmlended that the Manager and/or Finance Office be
authorized to act as Representative.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried.
(d) Engineering Agreement, Step II Design. Manager Cofer reccgrunended
that Culp/Wesner/Culp's Agreeanent be approved and same be submitted to State
for approval. ($296,056.00) .
Director Jones moved, seconded by Birector Cocking, unanimously carried.
pROGRAt�I) . . .Est�mated Cost is $621,000 (includes the work coveredo adefr�e�I�RA
and the cross-ties) . Mr. R. Baer stated we do not have the app
as yet. Mr. Baer did reconunend the approval to advertise for bids.
Nlanager Cofer stated we could run into some difficulties with CTRPA, haw�ver,
we do have the right to reject any and all bids. If we were to wait to go to
bid, we would be losing quite a bit of t�me. (C�7C Plans and Specifications) .
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimouslY car.'ried.
(7) Disconnection and/or Reconnection for a Water Service. Manaqer Cofer
recanmiended consideration of ORDINANCE NO. 292, an Ordinance amending
prdinance No. 250 establishing rules for water service, water rates, operation,
methods for enforc�nent.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that
ORDINANCE NO. 292 be approved as recommended by Manager Cofer.
RECESS AT 9:45 P.P�I. -- Meeti-ng reconvened at 9:50 P.M.
(g) pgppp6Al,, FINANCIAL CONSULTA'NT: BAR�'LE WE�• �ag� Cofer rec��nded
execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with Bartle Wells, which will include:
1. Scope: Municipal financing consulting services including con-
ferences with client's governing board, staff, legal counsel, and other con-
sultants; special research and reports; and assistance in the design and
marketing of securities.
2. Term: This memorandtun of understanding will remmain effectiv�e for
three years from the date of acceptance by the client.
Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried.
(g) CpNFLICT OF INTEREST CODE. Much discussion took place regarding the
Conflict of Interest Code, and Disector Olson moved, seconded by Director
Cocking, and roll call vote as follaws - that we leave our Conflict of
Interest Code in process, and notify the State we do have one in process.
p,y�,; Directors Olson, Cocking and Jones
r10ES: President Kashuba.
p,gSENT; Director Fieldcan�.
Motion Carried. . ..
Director Olson stated for the informa.tion of those present,
that until the
County te11s us there is a need for a Conflict of Interest Code, we wi11 not
enact one, and therefore the Boa.rd tonight voted 3 to l, with President
Kashuba voting Noe, as she is for the Conflict of Interest Code.
'I'HAT 30% �F
Manager Cofer stated that the Acting Executive Officer of the o�lo���Oe_
Regional Plann.ing Agency has sent a letter to Mr. De�'alco, Reg
tion of the Env'ironmental Protection Agency, requesting that a conditi-on of
construction Grant Funding to the South Tahoe Public Utility District be a
requirenent that 300 of the plant capacity be reserved for public uses.
Manager Cofer presented a draft letter to I��r, DeFalco protesting the proposed
grant condition because th��se erv�°rs °��ca� �elDistrictanthrough Contract,
cost burden on the Distr
�'� Adjourned Regular Meeting -6- 4/26/79
� `,
is reserving adequate capacity for the U.S. Forest Service and the State Parks
Department. Mr. Cofer asked the Board of Directors to approve the letter to
Mr. DeFalco.
Director Jones stated that he spoke with one of the staff inembers of CTRPA
regarding the 30o reserve, ancl he did not get a good answer or definition,
and suggested that this Board hold off regarding any action on the response
until he can talk with CTRPA, along with our Manager, to get a definition
of their request, and we should try to work this out rather than draw EPA
into it.
Manager Cofer stated he would like perniission to mail the response as he has
discussed this reply with �I'RPA.
Follaaing a general discussion, Director Olson moved, seconded by Director
Cocking, that the response be sent to Mr. De Falco, and that a Ca�nittee be
appointed to discuss this letter with CI'RPA, and our Manager, to try to solve
the differences, the capacity requested, etc.
Director Jones stated that he would like to suggest that we add to the letter
that we are going to discuss with CTRPA to try to c�ne to some agre�nent
regarding the 30o and haa they are going to allocate that.
Manager Cofer stated he does not believe that CI'RPA has the right to give any
capacity away, and he would suggest to this Board that they not even hint as
to giving capacity away.
Director Olson stated he would amend his motion to include the two suggestions:
(1) We will discuss with CTRPA to try to come to some agreement regarding the
30o capacity for public use; (2) state we have tried to work with CTRPA.
Director Jones also stated that this statanent made by CTRPA is a part of the
revised general plan that has not been approved by the CI'RPA Board.
Director Olson stated he would amend his motion to include the two suggestions,
and Director Cocking stated he would not let his second stand for the amendment.
Director Olson amended the motion to include the two suggestions mentioned above,
Director Jones seconded, and. the roll call votes as follaas:
AYES: Directors Olson, Jones and Kashuba
NOES: Director Cocking
ABSENT: Director Fieldcamp.
Amendment carried.
Original D�tion - unani�r�usly carried.
authorization for payment of same in the amount of $4,440.00, lav bid received
out of four.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried.
(12) Polonsky vs. City of South Lake Tahoe and South Tahoe Public Utility District.
Mr, Polonsky has sued us and the City, wants to have the City Lottery
declared illegal. He also stated that he was on the perniit list for the City
and the District, which he believed was on a "first come - first sexved" basis.
The hearing date is 5/25/79 at Placerville, and Attorney Weidman stated that he
is naa preparing an answer to this.
(13) Joyce vs. City of South Lake mahoe and South Tahoe Public Utility District.
Attorney Weidman stated as of Wednesday there was no decision.
(14) Robert E. Dixon vs. City of South Lake Tahoe and South Tahoe Public Utility
Attorney Weidman stated a simple an.swer will be prepared for this case.
(15) Determination of Sewer Units - Angel.a T. �nnburst. Manager Cofer stated
we have a condition whereby four structures are straddling two boundary lines, and
we need to determine the number of sewer units per parcel. The staff and Mr.
Weidman reviewed this situation. There are 3 parcels involved, Nos. 12, 13 and 14.
Staff has determined that 4 units should be assigned to #12, 3 sewer units to #13
and 3 sewer units for #14. �'he property awners are wanting to relocate sane o f
these structures, total into a single structure.
Attorney Weidman stated that in his judgment it does not involve transfers.
p,cljourned Regular Meeting -7-
4/26/79 Z� � �
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director JoeS�,�ti�theteventethee tear�down
be approved, and that Attorney Weidman's requ
what is nr�w existing, and rebuild, that a new permit stating exactly what will be
rebuilt be in our files.
AYES: Director Olson, President Kashuba.
NpES: Director Cocking, Director Jones.
ABSENT: Director Fieldcamp.
Motion not carried.
Manager Cofer suggested that the Board appoint a co�n.ittee to investigate on the
site, and President Kashuba appointed Director Cocking and Director Jones to
investigate the site with the Manager and our Attorney and bring a rec�ndation
to this Board.
(16) Request by City of South Lake Tahoe for Issuance of a Sewer Permit to Mr.
Manager Ccfer stated we have received correspondence fran the City of
South Lake Tahoe regarding the history of Mr. Siegmund's permit, and we also
have a sewer permit issued by us in Decc�nber (10) , 1971, which was cancelled
10/4/73. Manager Cofer stated he did speak with P�ir• D• Mi-7brodt and Mr. Siegmlznd
and apparently there has been an administrative error by the City; hcxaever► a .
registered letter was sent to Mr. Siegmund stating that he had not perfonned
on his permit, and the permit would be cancelled, and Mr. Siegmund did not
receive that letter, and the letter was returned to the City unopened. Mr-
Siegmund did have serious health problems frcgn 1971 to 1973, and Manager Cofer
stated we are not the lead agency in this situation; we feel the City has the
problem, with the cancellation of the building permit• 'I'here are two peYmits
that ha.ve been cancelled in the 1978 allocation, and staff concurs in that.
Manager Cofer stated that our staff would recomnend that upon receipt from the
Ci.ty that they intend to issue him one of those two cancelled permits, and tell
us which one, we would then back that up with a sewer pernnit. Director Olson
moved, seconded by Director Cocking, the reconm�endation of staff be approved.
Attorney Weidman stated that until clarification is received. as to when Mr.
Siegmund had his coronazy attack, we should just sit on this.
Director Olson r�noved his motion, and Director Cocking withdrew his second.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimouslY carrled� that
this ma.tter be tabled.
(17) Schedule of Hearing on Draft E I R - Water System Master Plan.
Manager Cofer recommPazded the hearing date for above be set for May 24, 1979
at 8:00 P.NI. Board approved date and time - meeting at District Offices.
(lg) P,pprove Purchase of Sludge Furnace Replac�nent Parts - Declared a Great
IInergency, in the amount of $9,000.00.
Manager Cofer stated the furnace (sludge) has been daan and needs immediate
parts replacanents and recon�ended this be declared of a Great E�nergency
and the purchase ($9,000.00) be approved.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unan�mously carried.
WILL SERVE LETTER.: Proposed Barton Professional Building, 2244 Barton A�enue.
(Water supply is adequate and available to serve this facility) .
pAYMEN'i OF CLAIMS: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unan�mously
carried, claims in the amount of $304,691.45, as reco�unended by Assistant Manager
D.W. Callahan, be approved for payment.
AD�TpUP�i ': 11:30 P.Ni. to Nfay 17, 197�, 8:00 P�M„ District O�fice�.
�'�1�--!�-- -
rrene L. Kashuba, Preszdent
South Tahoe Public Utility District
/ 1
Ambrose, Cler of Board
SOuth ahoe Public Utility District
I•.'I�Y 17, 19 7 9
The Board of L'iYectors of the Scuth Tahoe Yublic litility District met
in regular session 45/17/79, 8 : 00 P.M. , District Offices.
ROLL CALL: Present were President L. L. Kashuba, Directors W.N.Olson,
F.J. Cocking, R.A. Fieldcamp and J.R. Jones.
Also present were General Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant
MG:r_acjer L�.J�. Cailal�an, Clerk of Board, Attarney J.C.Weidman, �.
Baer - �roce�s�s Ev�luaticn E;nC ineer, Gene E�p1er -P�[a.na_ger of Mainten-
ance, C.A.F-�ornina - Tns��ector, B. Fischer - Accountant, 47. Dunckhorst-
Water �ur�ply Manager, Terry Powers - Chemist.
Also many visitors were present: Attorney M. Beverly, Mr. Siegmund.
Mr. J.Frederickson - City of �cu�h Lake Tahoe.
CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Manager Cofer requested three items
be added to the "Items for Board Action`� -
XZII - #18 - Wastewater P�anning:
Notzce of Determination-Final Environmental
Report - Facilities Planning Program -
File Notice with State of California,
County of Alpine and County of E1 Dorado.
#19 - Pur_chase of Sludge and Lime Furnace Replace-
ment Parts (Rabble Teeth)
#20 - Letter to Chairman of House Com.mittee on
Appr.opriations re EPA and Construction
Grant Frogram.
The agenda was approved with the additions as re�uested by Manager Cofer.
MINUTES: Director F�_el_dcam� mo�red, seconc�ed by I)�rector. Olson,
unanimousl_y carri.ed, the minutes of 4/12/79 an.d �/26j79 �e appr.oved
as submitted.
REPORT BY i�0[�tZD 1�iEMBEKS : llirector �ones st�ted that regarding the
letter CTRPA had sent to many people regard�ng tne r.eservati_on of
30% capacity at our plant, he and Manager C`ofer met with the Fxecutive
Officer, and 2 staff inerl�iers o� C`I'RPA, a.nd C'.�'R�A have aJ_rea�y started
to redeiine some or tneir terms, and tney wer_e considerine� �ublic use
as puk�lic la.nds as �.aell a.s private lands (r.estaurants, mote]_s, etc. ,
they were consider.ing in that 30%) so there w�s a misunderstandi_ng
Mr. Jones stated we felt it was ust on ;_ i . as
� publ_ c ands, so CTRPA will
recleri.ne this, and in the future they (CTRPA) will commun�cate �,vith
this liistrict before letters are sent� �aner_e we are concerned.
Director Jones also stated that he met with the Associati_on of
Retired P�sons and they are interested in putting together some
type of a li.fe-line �rogram, a.nd they have selected a Committee
of 6 people, and they wili set tz� � meeting w�_th thP Util�tv Board
soon with a proposal to ciiscuss water anci sewer service charges.
Director Fielcicamp stated that he, President Kashuba and Director
O��cn attenue� the CAS�, meeting, an� they aNNoin�eu a teci7n�ca?
comm�_ttee to reviec�� the Wastewater Discharge Requi.�:ements �nd
costs f_or the Tahoe Basin; he commended Lorrene KashL,.ba cr.. the
go�d meeting she chaired.
Director Fieldcamp stated he also attended the pCWA meeting hel�
at Sacramento on 5/9-11/"79 . Director Jones stated that much of
the concern discussed at that meeting was on energy, ways to obtain
energy through some small hydro-electric power systems, etc. He
also stated that Mr. Gann was to be the speaker re the spirit of
Proposition 13, however, he could not make the meeting, so there
was another speaker in his place.
2��� Regular Meeting -2- 5/17/79
4/30/79 Meeting with Alpine County Representatives
re So. Tahoe P.U.D. Facilities Planning
5/3/79 California Association of Sanitation Agencies
5�g/�g CTRPA Staff re Reservation of Sewer Capacity.
5/9-12/79 Association of California Water Agencies.
5/17/79 Workshop Review of EIS Study - 4 p.m.
MANAGER' S REPORT: Al1 items on agenda.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that the action
for Mr. Polansky for a permit out in Tahoe Keys, has been
transferred from Placerville to South Tahoe, and is scheduled
for the first hearing on June 11, 1979 . All other items for
discussion are on the agenda.
(1) Wastewater Operations Division, prepared by John Bonnet. (Mr.
Bonnet was absent for this meeting; his report is as follows) --
"Since the sludge furnace was put back into service, we have had
no problems with it and have had it fully loaded. As long as we
are able to do this, we should be able to draw the digesters down
slowly and as the secondary system stabilizes, and less waste
sludge is necessary, we will be able to draw them down a little
faster, providing we do not have problems with the centrifuges.
The sludge that was put into the two aeration basins has been
pumped out. Some of this sludge got into the secondary system through
Primary #1 and,as a result, the waste rate has had to be in-
The carbon furnace was put into service May 9th and appears
to be working well.
The turbidity on the separation bed effluent has not been
stable for about three weeks. Adjustments are being made to try
to control it, however, these adjustments are required about
three times each week, which is not normal. This could be a
result of the unstabilized secondary system.
We are still having problems with the suspended solids
and BOD, as well as the turbidity. Testing is being done in
an effort to determine the cause. Sampling points and procedures
are being changed also.
The plant was shut down on Monday, P�Tay 14 , for the Luther
Pass work. We will take advantage of this shut down to get
some work done within the plant. Work to be done includes the
following: clean or replace the CO2 header at the tower; clean
the floc basin, install filter media, replace some three-way
valves on carbon columns, install new three-inch lime feeder
and replace some of the carbon screens inside the carbon
The month of April was not much better than March for
violations; following are violations for April:
Description 30day Avg. Max. Cons. Max.
7-day Avg.
BOD mg/1 4 6 15
� 15 33
Sus. Solids mg/1 502 991
Sus.Solids lbs/day 229
Turbidity, JU
-- 5. 7 20 . 5
pg Avg: 7 . 1 Low: 6 . 5 High: 7 . 4
ICR pH Avg: 8 . 8 Maximum 9 . 0
Regular Meeting -3- 5/17/79 Z Z��%
The causes for the above violations, I feel, are due to the unstable
condition of the secondary syst�n. This condition is a direct result of
�"lE Gc�U:�l=1C: IP_c';�� `:a11]_C'tl UCC:'UY'�t�C'1 tiF? !uLL�?Y' �:%.37�1= Oi iJ-f�y-C�"le i�lt=' '�P_C;('11':Clu�"�'
system ;��;�r1 si�,_r��' -ic? st�x�ii;_�,.F_� Wli£.=�_ t.[iE� s.i_t�c3�;e �uri�.=.ce ha�l t�� '-� sr_t�t•-
down, �;%r,;�r�� ,-�u;rea h�Ic�.i�; sc��c ���izc'c�� i;� thA ile:eoncA��zy ,1;t;i�n, a� �,-F,�_�
as putt�r�g slu<���e ��_riLo -�s.�� aer�ztior. i�a��-.�ns. [�ixlen ttic: �iudge `L��rriaC;E
was pL:i rx,.cic �n ile��iee, t1-��, s�udge �aas ��Lur�pecl to Fr�iir.�,iy #� a1,�3,Gs a
result, p�rt a i i;� went back -�o t�Ye sr�condarl� sys.i��n, ,�i.1ic': a��.ded t� tl���
solids prohi��r�. u?ztil �ae g�t rr�ck Tc a noz�r_�;? ;�ol?ds 'r�alanc.e a�:d tre-
secondary syst� ,t;����i�e�, �>i,;c:}: ���ill be �ane i.isr.e �ei., '" {eel Fae c:an
expect a few more violations."
(2) Maintenance Division - Mr. Gene _�-gler-
"TI_�e ��l�.t ��;_il '�e s�?ut--r'zc�vr� r-;�?ni 4/14-2�/79 Eor t+�,= ;_nst��.i.lat.sor� oi
the surge ��scr,�rre ��a��;_'�it�es at Lutner Fass P,_nnp �.�.i.ion. r�7e �ai�l use
this time to perform many maintenance tasks within the plant, as out.li_�F�,c'
in D9r. Ponnet's re��art.
'n�� C'PF:��A FF�r:�t 1_:as :�e�n a������c��,�.�rl �or� the Lut;reY_ ��ss�; F�ine i.a.ne
Replacement and Surge Protection Pi�l�nP, b�1e ar_e ir� :klope� �i'1 rEc;Fivin;
fir_:�? aL.;��rova.l f:ror! 'T��a, c,aZtra.zs, an�.� LSl S.
'v�e ar�� nl�i�.lii�q c��-�- f.ir_st �°�,.�,� cov:;�i :�'=or i..Yie �,,i.�?�-�=iri� z�eil�il�i:�it_��,zr
on 8/6/79.
AS �70U kl'1�iG�:'� �72 C1aVE' S�.Y'�C-�. t'r1E �a�sta.�_1 atior? C�r t�'1;� �:iE:WF'r :'a.T:C� r�l�.i=E�_i
faci=�+:iet at ,i s�i�e�.� :�ea� r�k�� `�ucY� time �s �e;rg ��er c u�it::ri e_�_�;ir�eer�,
inspeetoY;�, cn�-.t��,ac:Lc�rs ��-�d r���:���er.i� of tY�j� area. `�:r��F� ��nc��,%fa.I1 �to����ed
the pro�E���t, �1 i�"ic',l�c�r. 1.t. 1:� T?.C�W `iir1C1E��."T.Nc�.�% c�'.C{c"3]_r. � ��J11_L }ce�?� t,�E Ed_r"�YC�
posted as to the progress of the project, and the Luther F��� }=rc����ct��.
I am prec�nt�l� _r��itinc ,�r, Tr:���EnlF�tl�,�tian Sch���u�e f_��r ��:azrj_ei�a.nce
Programs 1=.G �+t.� l:L'1C'.2Y'{:.'r_'L�iE'7"1 �''�"�-t.:i F��:1�� cT1C� 7 r��i.i.i_ �.;i�pp.l�� j�' �i
� Y . 1 � r.;c�� i..o vu �ro_r_
your review."
(3) Wa.-i.F�:r. =,�z�,�,� �'�-:_.';�er., P!`_r_a 'v�� Dt;ct_c•i��i<'_�rst:
.,,,.,r1E' �i_ `L''�ru�E' �i��1. i�r^c'{� �". c citi.l�_>ri V•TOY'1� rla.�, 'I�2�':C? CCI:l�_!E'L�'4a; ' �-aT[� �'EY1�
j�1P�.SEC? ��, , ::11 t'F�Si�,__i c �.,?2 cl_2 }_v\��_T?��, r,.1i� �.�:C1E CyC'+. ��� rl�� Tt1GLC1; 1� 4;'�S
putting out 40 gpm, wn_icr_ �s ��13,000 ��.r�; witY? tt�.e r_ew ins�-1�.�1a.i.iori, it
is averaging 1,400 gpm, which is 2,016,000 gpd..
�a�_.t�i tiie i:ew t��_���e flov? rn-_t c� r,_i� R�. �ahoe Lvell; ar.ct ��it1Z -t.�ie r•ep1�ce-•
ITu�'i)'C O��' �:17e OZC� illlES �T? ��1�' E+i `r�?ilv� are�., t.1'lE? Ul,�'.��r1C:i_ Ci�i1 Yl0lV ��'tt:'r'
servt� ti�e ��L��1LLi_c wi�ch ac�e��u=�.te :���x-e ,_lo��s,
:it shoLild. :k� noter� th�.t t'�F- �il �'��cioe i�7e�1 tvi_11 r,� ;.,,i ar� autor�.�ic
posit�..ur_, ;�nc�. sriil .r�,:it r�e ������i�.:�, cr. a 24-rlour r�.�7�. �t �.a�I� x� I�,,���:�_
11:)(� C.iTI�_Y ���'1�-'Il 1.,I1P r?�T_;'�F:I?l YC��1,7:.1_�'E�•S.
�dF� 'r,a,;�e ��.dzrEr-t.i_se�1 �or bi�).� �n the nez,; �:igelir_f �,�roj�ct for a_ ��e��c
and lza��e 'ru�d �.2. Y�.��,�s`c :�-rcri Ccn'�r;3ctors -�or the �:'an: and s�ecific;.fi�icr��.
'�1��F� Ch�c�riaz�-�t.i.cn ar_c� (ArZUS1G+r �_r�,:itrc�l F��jec�c i�; nc�-r und�• wa1T, ��?1c�
I estin���-L-e �his �vc�rk w_��� be c�rnal�f::ed i_n a�;��r�rc�xzn,�t�`y � C�/F�e];s,
The r:eur F,ir�:c.,rt ;•7el' ic C�;�i<=�LisF�d �tc �t�rt the Tve:ek of the 3�tr� of
this r,-.r,nt�h. C_i�y ��ex-�tit�; ��ii� r�e -i:�k:�rz r�ut. at rhi�, ttW�,.e, _ar,c� eq,�.��xr�ent
will be k��rpuc,xrlt ir� fo�_• -�.he st�i�c o� the u�ork."
Mr. Dunci�����r_:;t i��c�:ite�3. �Zny rie.�,}�r3 af fhe Ea�rd t?at c�u��d atter�� tam�_�rou:�
morning, l��t��e�i-1 � ��,iz�?. _a�30 f�.nT. � +r� �rie�a the `�'�V. �c��„ o'� �he ?�r�rt taell.
(4) Fin�ince i.�:=,_�c�Er`s Rel.�orL� �9r. D�v.=ra W. Ca.?Iaha_n_o
��It nas u hF;ri lo�zc;er t=o �3e�eioi..� tiz� w-�:��er, k�iili�z� 1�r�Jr:�r #han �:ntici��at--
ed. H<x.ae`r���, ;,�� pla�1 ��.�.c� �Laa�-�. �re�:�,Y_�r�g ;�:riE i_nvrr_;_ces ri�xt �����k �ticl s�iotalrl
hav� '-:r1�t� „�.i.Icd }�ei=ore tx;t= F.r�d r�:F �P rr�,,rrzt:n. iJGe ��,: �w�ie ��act,ir� wiil
reduce ��rt(? tJ1i�E i,() �;7'E?�Ja.=t.'t� t'r'1.E��1'. aTit� ;i�1011i.C3. YP_r�.L'LC:E'. i,�'r�P_ Vx;,T__i; ic,c!.C� Uf LULLI�:E_`
and La�Ic�t-r..�E cc�:+�:<s s.ue:��:c�ly �.'�t;er.. ��11 �.�,,�,r:1ve� bec�ome F}ffi r;e-it in i:ne T1E;G;
�ize. ;o ���.dinc� c.hr� w�i-:-�r ���_��1_;n; and receiL�t:s to i.re ,ise cT- the
equi�neiiC:, anc. =::rie I.�a-�.c, �:tar,� th�_� 1�E=,�:x�; i._t 4vi1?_ cie.lr�� tYre in�;oi_��ir��� �_�
�12 sewer ��7..!�..�i %-1. C'OU�:)IE' Ot' �n;E"�.>> i70��1E?VE?=."� t[1P_ ����'7_ £iripLl�::�. 11c?tti� t.l:�:ll
in the mai� :��e�_c:�re 1.:'ra.e E3rt�� o` J»7��s"
22� Regular Meeting -4- 5/17/79
(5) Lab Director - Mr. Terry Powers reported that he has 3 items to bring
before the Board: (1) �nployee Cathy Schuster resigned, interviews were
held and a replacement selected. (2) The Bac-T testing preparations is
coming along nicely; maintenance has helped by expanding lab electrical
capacity and installing the lab bench; (3) The lab was contacted regard-
ing the use of liquid lime and will be offered at $40.00 a dry ton by
Gi]more and Company. We are presently paying $78.00 from Flintkote.
This liquid lime was tested and the lab found it to be comparable to
(6) Inspection Supervisor - C.A.Horning:
"On Tuesday, 5/8/79, 2:30 P.M. , a meeting was held in the District's
Board room pertaining to the additional inspections that the District
is requiring.
Those in attendance were City of South Lake Tahoe: Bill Niles, Ed
Walsh and Jack Fredericksen; El Dorado County: Bill D'Iorecraft; and from
the So. Tahoe P.U.D. : Bob Eppler and myself.
It was by mutual agre�nent of the three (3) entities that the District
Inspector would leave a signed acceptance notice and initial the building
permit card, if the inspection called for was accepted. Otherewise, a
correction notice wauld be left, in which case the City or County
Inspector would not sign-off for their inspection until the correction was
made. The City and County offices will also remind the contractor or
owner when he calls in for a rough pltunbing or final that the District
must also be notified.
Those in attendance all agreed that there would be no additional
hardships on the agencies, contractors or homeowners through this new
IZ�N1S FOR BOARD ACTION: President Lorrene Kashuba requested the item
for board action regarding Mr. and Mrs. H. Siegmund be moved to this point
on the agenda, since P�1r. Siegmund and his Attorney are present for this
item. Board members agreed to this change in the agenda.
REQUFST FOR REINSTA'I�IT OF SEWER PERMIT: - Mr. H. Siegmund stated that he
was always of the impression that the Utility District was a part of the City
and when a building permit was obtained, an autanatic permit for the sewer
was also given. He stated that he and his family came to the United States
from Austria in 1951, and worked hard to be able to purchase their lot in
Tahoe Keys in 1969. In 1971 he obtained his building permit and sewer permit,
paid for both, and during the s�nner of 1972, he did not have the finances
to proceed with the building, kept the building permit active, and in 1973
he still did not have the finances to proceed, and let the building permi.t
time lapse. He further stated there was never any statement that he had
a heart condition - he never had a heart condition, and stated he would
rather have his honor than to have a stat�nent made such as that; he does
not know h�a that statement was started; his wife did have an operation,
and he, too, had an operation, and not by way of explaining that he could
not build because of the operations - he just did not have the finances.
In 1977 he looked foYward to his retirement, had the finances to build,
and found out sewer permits could not obtained. He stated that he did
landscape his lot, put water in and put a boat dock in. He stated that
he came to Tahoe last year to try to reinstate his building permit, he
spoke with Mr. Niles, who told him to pay one-half again the fee, and if
he were to get his sewer permit, that Mr. Niles would be happy to give him
his building permit reinstat�nent. Mr. Niles sent him then to the sewer
department, and he spoke with Mr. C. Horning, and asked him what he must
do to reinstate his sewer permit, and he was told by Mr. Horning it �uld
have to be approved by Mr. R. Hampson of Lahontan, and he told Mr. Hampson
the story he is giving the Board this evening. Mr. Siegmund also stated
that he did show the letter written in 1973 by the City in which they
notified him his pern�it was cancelled, however, Mr. Siegmund did not
receive that letter and same was returned, unopened, to the City of South
Lake Tahoe. Today, he stated, he is at the point where Mr. Hampson is
trying to assist in getting his pern�it back, the City has taken a coopera-
tive attitude and in March he received a call from Mr. Fredrickson at the
City stating the permit will be reinstated, if he can obtain a permit from
the Utility District, followed by a letter fr�n the City, requesting he
obtain the permit prior to 5/1/79. Mr. Siegmund stated he is appearing
before the Board this evening, requesting assistance to be reinstated with
his sewer permit to allow him to build his home in Tahoe Keys, and he
also mentioned that everyone that he has spoken to, Mr. Hampson, etc. ,
do agree he has a good cause, if not a good case. Mr. Siegmund also stated
that he brought legal counsel with him because in his company when they have
a meeting and a party brings legal counsel, then they must have legal counsel,
and he is not trying to offend anyone, but that is the reason his Attorney is
here also.
Regular Meeting -5- N1ay I7 , 1979 �'2�'�
Attorney Weidman stated that he spoke with Mr. Siegmund over the
conference phone when he was talking with Mr. Cofer, and he stated
he accepted everything P4r. Siegmund said then, and now, as true,
and the letter which he wrote was following his (Mr . Weidman' s)
conversation with Mr. Crabb and Mr. Cofer, and I�1r. �aeidman stated
there was no legal reason for this District to validate the permit,
and no legal reason for the City to validate the permit.
Manager Cofer stated that he would apologize for not sending a copy
of Mr. Weidman' s letter to T�r. Siegmund, however, Manager Cofer
stated that staff had called P�Ir. Siegmund and stated to him that
Attorney Weidman would advise the Board that there was no legal
basis for a permit. Manager Cofer stated at the last regular board
meeting, he did recommend Mr. Siegmund be issued a permit, on the
premise that our concept with the City - the City would decide who
gets the building permit, and we would issue a sewer permit, if
available. This is a unique case , and not coming through the
normal allocation system with the City, in fact it is suggested
that they use an unused permit from a previous allocation, there-
fore, I�Zanager Cofer stated that he would not feel the Board would
be setting any precedent by reviewing the case.
Attorney Beverly stated the City has stated they wi11 issue a permit
if the Utility District issues a permit.
Attorney Weidman stated to Mr. Beverly that at the last meeting we
thought this was a coronary case, and we were under the mistaken
impression at that time that it was , and he told the Board if T�Ir.
Siegmund was out of commission for 6 years and coul.d not proceed
with his permit, then he had a valid reason, and that we should
find out about that matter first, and since this time, it has
taken a completely different turn, since we were misinformed
Mr . Siegmund stated he does not know where this information came
from, he would like to know, as it puts a cloud over his integrity
and he would rather have no permit than to have his integrity lost,
and Attorney Weidman stated it will not put a cloud over his in-
Attorney Beverly stated that P�r. Siegmund has gone to every agency
he was told to go see to start the paper work to obtain his permit ,
and he must always return back to the Utility District; he stated
that the Utility District is the agency making the determination
as to who is going to obtain a permit - everyone else has approved.
Attorney Weidman stated tt�.at in his letter to Manager Cofer he stated
there is no legal reason for the City or District to validate the
permit - and he stands by his letter;, that does not preclude , in
any way, for this Board to make a decision to give P�ir. Siegmund a
Mr. Jack Fredricksen, City of South Lake Tahoe, stated to the
District, if they will issue the sewer permit, the city will issue
a building permit. In repl� to President Lorrene Kashuba' s ques-
tion, if the permit is granted it would be under last year' s
allocation of whici� there are two, and have not been issued.
Assistant Manager Callahan stated those unused permits were can-
celled; and it does not mean those units are available.
Director Fieldc�,mp stated that this man has tried since 1973 to
build; and as:ked P�lr. Siegmund if he were to be given a permit,
would he be willing to pay the fees , and abide by all require-
ments as of today, and not as those were in 1973 , and Mr. Siegmund
replied "certainly"---
P�Ianager Cofer replied to Director Olson' s questions , - the Board
can give a permit out if they so desire; he feels it is a unique,
special case, it is not setting a precedent, however, he believes
we could hear many similar cases in arguing for those 2 permits
from last year` s allocation, and the only difference is that at
one time Mr. Siegmund did have a permit, and failed to pursue it,
and has received his share of the run-around.
2�`�� Regular I��eeting -6- May 17 , 1979
Director Olson stated that the recap of decreases and/or increases
in sewer units , which came about through a reinspection because of
the change in rules of the District, shows an increase of discharging
from commercial business of 29 sewer units , which have been dis-
charging since 1962 , and when units are changed that have been in
existence since 1962 through 1979 , then they are referred to as in-
creased units - he does not go along with that report.
Director Olson also stated that he is wondering now how many cases
such as Mr. Siegmund' s will come before us ; how many people have been
given the same path to follova - from one entity to another - one
agency to another, and he stated he does have a great compassion
for Mr. Siegmund, however, he would like to be reassured that if
we were to give him a permit, he does not want this to be considered
setting a precedent; if we are setting a precedent, then he would
vote definitely no, and if we are not setting a precedent then he
would be inclined to vote in favor of reinstatement of Mr. Siegmund' s
sewer permit.
Attorney Weidman stated that he would view the issuance of a permit
to Mr. Siegmund, without action by the City Council, as setting a
precedent. There are two permits available from the 1978 allocation
system. D�r. Siegmund did not qualify under any of the past three
year allocation systems . If the Utility District issued one of
the available permits without action by the City, the District
woulcl be setting a precedent.
P�anager Cofer recommended th.at if the Board is to vote favorably
for this permit, that the vote be conditioned upon the C;ity noti-
fying the Utility District which of those two permits they would
assign to Mr. Siegmund, and that the City take formal action, not
by their staff, by the City Council, so we knou� that we have some-
thing on record, that the City assigned one of those two units to
Mr. Siegmund. We feel uncomfortable that this has been left at
staff level, and this is the reason this is before this Board this
evening , and we feel that the City Council should also act on this
Director Jones stated that he feels the same as Director Olson, and
would not want to set a precedent, and he too wondered how many more
situations exist such as r4r. Siegmund' s . P�Ianager Cofer stated that
we have one more on the agenda this evening where a permit was ob-
tained ancl expired.
Director Fieldcamp stated a Ietter was sent to t�ir. Siegmund that there
are two permits unused from last year' s allocation, and permit would
be issued if a sewer permit was issued. Director Fieldcamp stated
he feels we are obligated to give a sewer permit.
P��anager Cofer recommended if affirmative action is taken, the
conditions as mentionecl above be included.
. Director Olson stated he would like to move that a permit be given
to Mr . Siegmund, under the recommendations mentioned above by
P�'ianager Cofer:
l. That the City Council take formal action, assigning to Mr.
Siegmund one of the two 1978 permits and that the District
be notified of the Council' s action.
2 . That P�Ir . Siegmund pay the existing connection and service
charges .
3 . That P�2r. Siegraund revise his building plans to conform to
the 3 sewer unit limit of the available sewer permit.
Director Fieldcamp seconded. By a roll call vote - carried un-
animously and all Board members were present.
P�Ianager Cofer will send a letter explaining the above action to the
Regular P�eeting -7- May 17, 1979 �2��
(1) Grant Increase Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project from $684,750 to $776,050,
and 1�lanager Cofer reconunenczed approval of Grant �ontract Amendment.
Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried.
Head Start Plant Improvements. Also received from the EPA the vrant t�ffer
_ for Step II Design of the Head Start Program. Manager Cofer stated there
is one concern rec.�arding a conc�ztion in the Concept Approval Letter and also
under the Grant Conditi�ns that we make a corrunitznent that the Head Start
Project notk� used in evaluation of the availa.ble capacity in the issuance
of x,ernlits, Manager Cofer read the condition, wnich is as follows;
A Resolution fr�n the South Tahoe Public Utility Dis-trict
Board of Directors stating that none of the Head-Start
Facility will be used in the evaluation �f t:ne efrective plant
eapacity for determining allowable sewer connections unless
such an increase in capacity is in accordance with the final
EIS at the time of its issuance, and unless such an increase
in capacity is approved by the California Regional Water
Quality Control Board. The Resolution shall state the plant
capacity evaluation, the capacity of the engine-dri_ven ptunps
shall be assLuned to not exceed 7.G ntillion gallons during the
interi,� period."
Manager Cofer stated that we are not certain the EIS will be final;
and also we are reading this to say, even if the EIS is finalized
that Lahontan would have the authority to second-guess it, as to
whether or not these could be used for the capacity.
Manager Cofer stated that he and i'1r. Weidcnan reviewed the wording, spoke with
Mr. R. Hampson of Lahontan for the rewording, and Mr. Hampson agreed to same,
but apparently his sta.ff had further conunents. We spoke with t;�e State re
same, and today the State called and gave a suggested alternati_ve that they
car�uld find acceptable, as follows:
"the grantee shall not include any Head-Start Yrogram Facilities
in the evaluation of the effective plant capacity in determining
the allowable sewer connections unless such a capacity increase
is in accordance with tie final EIS at the time of its issuance
or unless such an increase in capacity is approvea by the
California Regional Water nuality Control Board and is in
accordance wirh the EIS work product aiter ,7uly l, 1�80."
r4anager Cafer stated t,hat he would re�corr�end the �3oar�. find this wording
acc�1�t�le, and requested approval for execution of the grant ac�re�ent
and to prePare a �eso�ution with that stat�nent in it.
Attori�ey G7eic�an statecZ he does not 1 ike to have Lai�ontan be i=he determining
facto.r as to what the plant capacity is, as we do have a ais�ut� with tize:�
as to �.vhat our capacity is - and we k�ase our capacity �r� a panel of exp�=rts
of whan are very creditable and very experienced, and _n tlze Resolution he
would like to have included:
"Z"nat the Board of Directo�-�s has heretofore dete.rm:i.ned, based upon a
technical report of a panel of e��rts, -knat the ef�ective capacity of the
Bistrict l�7astewater P,eclamation nlant. is now 7.J million gallons per day."
Plus:- "None of the Head-Si:art Facilities will be included in the
Dis-trict's evaluation of the effective plant capacity for determining
- allow�ble sewer connections, unless such a capacity inc�ease �s in
accordance witn the final EI� at the time of its �ssuance, and/c,r �uch
an increase is approved by the California Re�ional V�ater Quaii-�y Con-trol
Board, Lahontan Region, and is in accordance w�tYi t�1e r�S �sork prodLzct
after July l, 1980."
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTIOPd NO. 2146, as worded above by Manager Cofer and Attorney Weidman,
be approved.
CORRES?'�NDEI�TCE: Nlanager Cofer read a letter received from Congressman Norman
Shtmlway cc�nnending the Utility District and r�anager for success in obtaining
the grant for the Design of the Head-Sta.rt Program for Wastewater Reclamation.
Cofer requested no action this evening; but the Board will have a workshop
session on 6/7/79 at 4:00 P.M. , District Office, and Hearing 6/21/79 at
8:00 P.M. , District Office.
2 2�r�
Regular Meeting -8- May 17, 1979
Grants, Tahoe Utility Districts. Authorize Financial Assistance to Tahoe
City PUD for I�egislative Advocate. Manager Cofer reco�nded consideration
of this assistance, not to exceed $1,000.00. ( The California lnstitute,
Mr. Ford B. Ford) . Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Cocking,
unanimously carried.
Cofer stated that the Board Conanittee, and staff concurs, recammends the
l. Structures on lots 12,13,14 have been discharging to the sewer
system prior to the Lahontan Cease and Desist Order.
2. There are ten sewer units of use.
3. Sewer billing should indicate the following:
Lot 12 = 4 sewer units
Lot 13 - 3 sewer units
Lot 14 3 sewer units
4. Owner should be back-charged for 2 years for the amount of
$304.00 for (4) additional sewer units.
5. If structures are relocated or repositioned, the total sewer
units allowed is as shown in recommendation 3; a new sewer permit will be
necessary for the relocation.
No further action by District is required, until request for amended
sewer permits is requested.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, the
above cor�nittee and staff rec�nnendation be approved.
recommended a letter be sent stating they contact the city, as this should be
in the allocation program. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Field-
camp, unanimously carried.
THE FOREST INN:- RFQUEST FOR PERMITS: Manager Cofer also recommended a letter
k�e sent to FOREST INN[�II stating they contactthe City, as this should go through
the allocation program. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones,
unanimously carried.
Mr. Niles from the City sent a letter sta.ting that the building permit which
they cancelled on 11/8/78 cannot be reinstated, and requested the District to
cancel the sewer permit. Manager Cofer recomnended denial of reinstatement.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unan�mously carried.
PURCHASE OF PARTS FOR REPAIR OF BARMII�IIJ'I+OR: Manager Cofer sta.ted that the cost
to purchase parts for this repair is in the amount of $5,302.34, and requested
approval of e�en�liture and purchase. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by
Director Olson, unanimously carried.
TRANSPORT SYSTEM: Approve plans and specifications, and authorize advertisement
for bids. Gene Eppler, Manager of Maintenance, submitted the plans, locations,
for replacement, and explained route to the Board members.
Manager Cofer stated that he did want to make the board members aware of the fact
that the trees that must be destroyed will be purchased by the Utility District,
and the Contractor responsible for removal of the trees. Also the pipeline '
replacement is approximately $8.00,000.00; the surge line is approximately �
$450,000.00. Manager Cofer recommended consideration of approval as mentioned
above. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried.
Z � y3
Regular 1`Zeeting 3 6/7/79
La.st week cnP of th� nPv� 50 h� electric motors at fhe �Qii�r Pt�
Statio,•.� eaucrht fire a,nd ,��d majo�� c����ge (�G::c: to it. 'I'��s *:lo�or a�
presently being repairecl and will be back on line this week. The
cause of damage is still under investigation; we cannot determine what
PS;�CtI y ra i7�� tr]1S LG h�_�pE'1�.,
�'ha;;e III constxt�ct�_on on thA airpor� wel.l l�..as nc�•� star�_�.. [�7ork_ ��_nn
done is the preparat'_on for t].�e fe�zr�dati.on u�rk, e�c., , �o:c t��e b�a�ldinn.
Laa1er pYOdLtc-.ti o?Z fC??" I��y 1979
MaY (r'�,) 1978 I979 oChange
Well Productior� yg,6 1p2,� -�.. 2.4
�:old :.Y•eek 17iversion i�.6 19.� �- 41.9
Totals 113.2 121.3 + 7.2
C:aleri�ar Year to Date 1978 1�79 o Change
��1ell Production 259.� ?65.5 + �l.l
Cold Creek Diversion 203.2 184.5 - 9.2
T�talJ ',�G.3 �50.1. + �9.0"
(4) Finance Officer's Report: As reported by David W. Callahan•
"l�s this wil.l be t-he last '3oard ,of Directors m.eet�nc� I �,��Z]_ =tter:d after
1.5 years of. sPmi-r�nthl�� a.t�Pndna.ce, T_ �.m takir_g thi� oppc�rtt�nity to
bri.e�l.y st;�te G�ne of the cha.nreG that h��ve take�z x�l�ce i.r.. the Dis�xict
sinr_.e my e�1�lnnent �n.d e.xpres�� my annreciat_en fc�r �re pri�Til�-e t� ha��e
SP.Y-�r2C�. t.,�-�P Di.ctri�`, J
During theyears I have served as Clerk of the Board, Office Manager,
Ar.,count�nt, AGcistan.t TreaG�?re.ry .Assist��nt Ma��age�- , c',e�era.l r�a.r.anAr
ane� �'ins�nci.�.l nff�.c?r, rnmile �n �rfcrmance o� t�ese duties and
res�o..n.sibil.i.ties� � ra�re sPr�red U,T?C��'Y' 14 D.irectorS �a.x±.C� i D13i_]"1Ci. NI,?�;aCJ��S.
In 1964 the D�stra_ct act�_vi t� c�nsi�tAc? of � wa��ewatAr r�la;-�t �vitr 2 r.-,��].ion
gal_l�ns per_ �ay f�n`���. o;,erated hy 17 personne�; ar•_d a. b���?ge+ of les� th_=r, one-
mi1.l�_On c�.0�tarG.
Since then the District ha� c��eted sa*ne �2�,000,000 ^f co.r.�ti-uct;_en c��
sewage collection., treatment aric� �?isnesal �acilities, ��_u� ac�isi-c�c�r.
of two private water companies of approx�mately one million dollars each.
The Di�tr;�} Gtaff has �_nc.rcaced to ?2 full �.�.r.�.e er;plo;��es, ye±� ±hrouc,i�--
out the rapid qrowth of the District, the �f_fice �t�.ff r�nained at the
same ntunl�er of employees until 1976, except for 3 acquired with acquisi-
tion of_ thP w_�t.e.r_ G��steTn, an�t YP;n,�i ra�l fOr' -t}�t r:el^: acti�=ity.
I trust I have been of service and a benefit to the District as much as
I have r_Pcei��ed. D�y each anci 2�,e..ry �lol�ee have a �aQry chal_len,ir�g
an..� rev,�ar�J�_n� �lo�.nent u�it� the P_istr;ct. It h.�s beer� a. �reat nlea��.�r�
to have worked urit^h so many �e��cated and frier:dl�� peop�E..
T wi�� te c,�reUsly thank M�xy Amhrose, who hzs a]�.aa1�� l�een. �ait�-�fu� anc�
�.c�ic��ted ta the Di_�trict, �or h�r chFer�ul an�? wil�_�r.g sPr,;ice thruugr-
out my 15 years of employment.
In addition to Mary, my appreciation to John C. G�ei�nan - I greatly
appreciate his help �tended to me, and I wish Barrie Fischer the best
of luck.°'
Presi.dent Kashuk�a sta.tec� that "On behaZf of this Board of Direc Lors a.�d forr.ler
mem�,ers of the South Tahoe Public Utility District F3oard, ? e��press to you
our thanks for your cre�ital�le performance o� duties and se�vices to th�s
The financial records �ve always been above reproach. Your :nost
efficient attention to details and the best int.erests of the utility
distr�_ct an� th� community it serves have been appreciatecl by all of us.
Over the pa.st fifteen years you have accepted additional
responsibilitie� (and I might add, headaches) , but with ne��er a can�laint.
Ycu have always giv�n the District your very best ef�ort. You've seen
the District grow, overcome immense obstacles and never once has your
loyalty to the District s-werved.
Dave, vae than.v you from tY��e bottom oi our h�rts. Ti�`e v�ill miss you,
but we wish you and Doris and the Children every happ;ness in your ne�a
hame in Idaho. May new opportunities and a happy life await you.
s/Lorrene'°. . . . . . . .
�2 ��
Adjourned Regular Meeting -9- 5/17/79
PREVIOUSLY CHARGID: Manaaer Cofer recommended. the 3oarci consider approval of
the f.ollowing policy:
" Retroa.ctive service fees sbal.l be charged on tr.e ur.its for a period of
two years (24 months) f.rom date of discovery of the ac?ditiona� units� or_ to
date current owner acquired the property, or to date units were f.irst
added to the property, whichever is most recent.
�:�r�r��.tion rL��� si�al� � cr�a_Y•g�:�i �or th�� azc�;.tion��.;. ani'��� if t�he
owneti:.,��i�: o�� t�,e pr�per�:.y ba.�ec'_ uL.K,�i th� �-oilow.i.nc, sc�iF�_ule:
A. Sewer Connection Fe�s:
Units existing on or before 7/6/73
I�o Ch�.ircje.
Ur..�_t,s� :.�d.de,; �fte�- 7j 6/i 3 but 1?��or��
Janu�_�y 7, 19%9, $80.0� per- �e��c�r :k�..,'.'�..
Jn�_r:, ��d���cr a��er 7j'I/79 -;�;30.t;Q
pE'?" SF'WE�: L�l>i t.
B. [�,�.rer Conncct�.�}ii:s T'�es:
Un�Ls �:�st_rio on or �rore :��ay l,
1�'18 - b;�� :::I�?�I2GE.
Uriits ac�ded atLer 5/1/78 where ��aatez
s�r;��ce was iY�s+,al�cd �� s�ubc�-vi���r �-
1�1_.� c�ther CGTLl`1P_Ct�uTSS — r�}GO.O����
Director Fiel.dea�ii) iTIC)ziF?i3� S�COT].C�_�Cx ��% :�11�CtOY' �U�.:�:L11��o L1i1:3T?l:i1C3'1��Zy i.�clr'Y'1E".X'i`
the above recomnendation by Manager Cofer be approved, and also the above
poli c:l� l:e given t:.� i�rie newsi���r ior ��u�.�1 i�:af:i�n.
ADJUS��"�'��'�� IPJ `;�'G7�;=: i��.�T:�;G� �`�1�nna��,,:r Cofe_� r�c�x;un�nrie��i ap�orc�val �t ar_:ju:��--
IT�2Ilt�� _l_Il �"Jlls_l1�CJ� r01' �.}i.E� _lCC:�:��,F�S'l=.�C�C�i.;Y'E-�;32� 1.C1.H 1C:CP_.:1;1 +:i;��k-'CL:1C'+tl 1��V-E.,'=�.IC-'C�,
Director COC;��=i_I i�j ir+(��V�� SF;C�,'Or]�P_C�, b1� �+:i�'E'.�.fJ=)Y' �T�1rIE'.� 3CJ.�i 11�;P1��entS lIl SEY��P_Y'
billings �� a.p�;rc,vec;., a�; 1:�-r_:cr,�a��E�nc?.� }.�-s� r�a_nac;e�- rc;f�.r, �ri�;. v>>i-.��a �7-e �jti,
AYES: - Directors Cocking, Fieldcamp, Jones and Kashuba.
"1:�ES: - P�nnF�
ABSTA�":r",:- �7:_r_:�ctor ���,c��.
Carr:;��k::. . , .
Ae �'alley. l,�.yf I�a]<e. �i:��.;ia:�t Fi�ldca�7r�� r.x�ved, se���n�ec.� �y L��r`ct�r
Coek�_r���� uriariiir�ou:;:�y� ca.r���i.c�c3, rcd��:_t_:i_nnai �;.�i�:.<�inq �.Grnu�7.t fU� F'�llen I,ear
LakF: nr��jE�:�t: r�e a.1����=cvc:�a i�; t'�= �i� af_ :�r�le�ica.
B. Plant Improvements: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director
Cock_�rr�, t�.na��ir�cu�ly car:�,i_e�, add.,'_t_i_�na:1 ca�eckinc� acc�ar.t fo�- +.he ��ar�-c
Im�;ruvrJnF�r�:L-�, �r��,i�cc bt ,�1�resvc�d ���it�'r� t'rie ��i�k ��� Am.eriea�z.
A[JI)�?' i`T'=�1.�P F'CiFc '�"�71i �Jt7I7T:,:,CiN i3� ;r'V���,r �_. � �'• i 7a r f�r� � r� �� i �,-�
V17. �r�•1. '��r���--r ::� � r�.c��.�!t���c_c..w
this at-,ui.�: :r_epor.+ i�x-t-�.�7 Ei-_����,:�.:��.; i���'_ver•�. a�tic� r�_�r�sl Y�a_ r��ceiv�_�:+ ���n� �i�ed.
Director Jones 3�K:';7�\�i SC-'i�Jr]C7E'.Ci k�y 7r�"eC';�"JT' ��..SC�rI� Ll:1c�:71�TTlC�L1S�1� CaY'1'12C1, '�'1:
audit report be approved - received and filed.
PF2F ;���?=T�T_C'AT�0�1 ,"0� �R%�ti'"_' r'll���,,�Ti��i���I' ��_=;JEI,i7%T�'h:��'I' 7i �PTi'�US..�2;�. P�-�-��'t�'-�Tr,�V"'
PRC�:��J�S: -- Auti��r:�.?e ��.�_�_ner .c�f. P���,i::.e�tic�n, a:; r_��c�����c�nr.�r� k,y ���;.n��ser Ccfer.
R. B��F�:r stal.�c'� �hat t���� �� rE�1�aZ.r_r�s t�ze �.re--tr:���riFnt vf :i�rir'�.us�t i�+.� �,,ras�f_��
fran a g�ai�lic� e�Zt..i_cy f c��e �-�av� f���,r�� ;=;,:'�a5 wh.e.r_e e✓�� ti�u.�r? h,:�ve L.o ��re-t;�eat`
according to EPA list of requirements. mh:�s ��✓o9�i�� xx� �r� �����w�o:�ir��te vcst
of $10,000 for a private investigation, and Mr. Baer stated that we are
askiri:�r roi ar� ��?iendriei�t tx; -�Y��=_ .c',r_ant :�:o_r -�.�� adc�i_tiona]_ $10,��tl�_l ior t'riis
study. ;�3_3"Pc:u�.-�" F12 i�1C;:�I(t�) ITlp�7F'Ci, �;?CCaT1.C�P_G. �"'�y i�7.:r_t?Ct:UY' Gl_�c3_rl� i�3'lc"3T1_i1TiC�l1S��
carri��?., -;r�� f_?_i7_i7G t�f 1::"�P_ i��0i�i:iL:.`:�.`�1G77. )=f)"L" cl r�I-�rl'f:. c)]"�?nCt�`1£'I14 kx� �.�)'�,rU�JELto
CfiANC;I� C.Ri�i��2 NO, �? �'i-LT:�.�Pd I s,i-il� T AKE 1,�'dL,r�'. :��RG7F:C7_'� �+c;`.ior� r?��'`�F,r_Y'���.
,�2�'� Regular Meeting -10- May 17, 1979
(a) Spring Creek Tract Association, Inc. - Cabins being used for only
a short time throughout the year and requested consideration in reduction
of sewer service charges. Director Jones stated we had discussed this in
the past and it was stated that if the USFS did state the properties could
only be used for a limited tir.te throughout the year, then it could be
considered, however, this is not the case, and we should respond with a
negative reply.
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried,
that we respond to Spring Creek Tract Association, Inc. , that this is not
our policy, and we must deny that request.
(b) From Gail Sanders: Ms. Sanders is not present this evening,
and Manager Cofer stated we have responded to her letter, and recomnended
that since Ms. Sanders is not present this evening, we go to the next item.
No action required on this letter at this time.
(c) Mr. John Hubbell: - Mr. Hubbell appeared at the Office today and
requested that we defer action on his letter until the regular meeting in
* (e) Mr. Greg Schrempp, Underground Repair II; (f) Rob Deyerberg -
Operator II and (g) Rick Meyers, Operator-in-Training. Thank you letters
for allowing these 3 men to attend a Seminar in Southern California.
PROGRAM. Manager Cofer stated the Board approved a design program for the
head start program with CWC, and we included in that agre�nent the pre-
design and the final design, and the State has asked that we split out of
that contract just the final desicrn part, and approve the pre-design under
a step 1 grant as the State approved, and not approved under the step 2
grant, and Nlanager Cofer requested authorization for this change.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried.
Manager Cofer recommended approval for the rehabilitation of this Fountain
Avenue Well. (Company to rehabilitate will be Ludorff) . Director
Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, the
Fountain Avenue Well be rehabilitated by Ludorff, not to exceed $10,000.
WASTEWATER PLANNING: - Manager Cofer requested authorization to file the
Notice of Determination with Alpine and El Dorado County Clerks Offices.
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried.
(Facilities Planning) .
19. REPLACEI��NT PARTS (RABBLE 'I�ETH) - Manager Cofer stated we have a
quote of $6,462.00 for the replacement parts, and recomnended approval of
purchase. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously
carried, replacement parts be purchased in the amount of $6,462.00. . . . .
along the west side of Mr. Kuns lot and it is not needed by the South Tahoe
P.U.D. and Manager Cofer requested approval for a letter to be sent to Mr.
Kuns stating the Utility District has no need for this easement. Director
Cocking moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried, Manager
Cofer send Mr. Kuns a letter stating we do not need the easement.
HOUSE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS: Letter prepared by President Kashuba to
the House Conmiittee on Appropriations, and Manager Cofer requested approval
to mail the letter - Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking
and unanimously carried, letter(re EPA's Construction Grants program and
their staff report on same, and this letter covers exceptions taken by
this District regarding their c�nents) .
stated we are preparing to build the line that would provide service and
request a letter be mailed that we cannot serve him at this time, however,
when the line is completed, if and when, then we could serve the property.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried.
Another request: CALISHUN, APN 27 170 02, Inn by the Lake, for water service.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried,
that this will serve letter, for water, be approved.
PAYMENT OF CI�.IMS: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp,
unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $300,136.68, be approved for
payment, as rec�renended by Assistant Manager David W. Callahan.
2 Z ��'
� Regular I�Zeeting -11- May 17, 1979
Adj�urnments 11:QO F.Nt.. to n�Y 24:, 19�9, 8:00 P.r�, , nistrict Offic�, for
Lorrene L. Kashuba, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
, ,j , �;
• : 1 ,�
��� `� �i . / �%/.
z`y D. o , Clerk of Boa
Soutfi Tah Public Utility District
MAY 24, 1979
8:00 P.M.
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an
adjourned regular session 5/24/79, 8:00 P.M. District Conference Room.
ROLL CAI,L: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors W.N. Olson,
F.�7 a Cocic i n�,, �'..F. F'%Elc'_�amp, J.R. Jones.
Also present were Mana�er J.R. �ofer; �ssistant r7ariager D.4�7. Callahan,
Attorney J.C.Weidman, Clerk of Board, Mike Rushton and J. Sevian from
Jones and Stokes, Inc. , Mike I�7cNamara, J. Fredricks�n, R. Baer, R.
Vonderscher, B. Fischer. ABSII�IT: Assistant r�anager David W. Callahan.
President Kashuba opened the meeting at 8:00 P.T�.
items be added:
(1)Declaration of Catagorical Exemption (Altun Storage)
(2) Plans and Specifications Approval for A1Lun Storage.
No further corrections and/or additions - agenda was approved as corrected.
President Kashuba opened the hearing at 8:05 P.M. and request the report
f_ran the Consultant, Mr. M. Rushton, of Jones and Stokes Association, Inc.
Mr. Rushton explained in detail what this plan involved, locations, which
involved existing system, proposed facilities, project alternatives through
the year 2000.
Manager Cofer stated a letter has been received from CTRPA in which they
stated they did not receive the report for co�nnents until 5/18/79 and had
not received a notice of preparation or been consulted in the preparation
of the doctunent. Attached to their letter was a copy of a letter from
Carl r. Grove, Environmental Planning Consultant for CTRPA, with many
c�unents regarding this report and also a request that there be a time
extension granted from the Utility District in order to prepare further
conmients on this report.
Manager Cofer stated that the reports were sent to various agencies request-
ing co�nents for this hearing, via certified mail, and CTRPA was included
in that list. The letter was mailed 3/7/79. On April 30, 1979, Manager
Cofer stated we filed a notice of intent with the State Clearinghouse, and
also sent copies to the various local agencies, including CTRPA, and in'
our letter of 4/30/79 to CTRPA we pointed out that aur Hearing would be
held tonight at �:00 P.M. and that we would appreciate receiving their corcunents,
through 5/24/79. Manager Cofer stated he spoke with CTRPA today, and
evidently this report was misplaced in their office. It seems that the
State Clearinghouse does not send reports as these to CTRPA.
� Adjourned
��,� '� Regular Meetinq -2- May 24, 1979
Attorney J.C.Weidman agreed with the staff the time should be extended for
comments. D9r. Weidrnan also stated that the law requires us, if CTRPA is
to approve any project, to consult with them in preparation of this doc�nent.
In reply to Director Olson's question, Attorney Weidman stated that C'I'RPA
has not had ample time for comnents.
Director Jones stated if this would upset our time schedule then we should
perhaps not give a complete month, and Manager Cofer stated to June 18th
will not bother our schedule for granting an extension of time to CTRPA.
No other correspondence has been received.
Mr. Fredricksen (City of South Lake Tahoe) mentioned there are many changes
that have taken place, one is the mailing via certified mail, and also they
are to respond with whatever they feel should be included in the EIR - or
whatever information they like to have, they should state just what they are
looking for in an EIR, in their (agencies) response to the E I R.
Mr. Friedricksen also answered President Kashuba's question re the
ZRPA 208 - - - they have talked with Chuck White and Dave Antonnucci regarding
erosion control, etc. , and he does not expect any probl�ms regarding c�unents
on the EIR.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Direc:t�r Jones, that the Utility District
grant a time extension for receiving co�nents on the EIR to June 18, 1979, as
recomnended by Manager J.R. Cofer and Attorney J.C.Weidman.
(1) Purchase of 4-wheel drive, 3/4 ton pickup, for Water Departrnent. Request
authorization for purchase of same. This has been budgeted for 1979-80. The
Board reguested one change in the specifications - that we advertise for a 1979
or 1980 (Hawaiian Blue or camparable blue color) . Director Olson moved,
seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried.
(2) Plans and Specifications, AlLun Storage, Cold Creek Filter Plant: Authorize
Advertising for Bids. (Approximate cost of project = $10,000.00) .
(a) Declaration of Categorical Exemption. Manager Cofer recommended
consideration of declaration of categorical exemption be approved, and
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried.
(b) Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
carried that the Plans and Specifications for A1Lun Storage at Cold Creek
Filter Plant be approved, and authorization for advertising for bids be
(3) Repair Standby Ptunp Element , Luther Pass Pt�np Sta.tion: Richard
Vonderscher, Ptunp Station Supervisor explained the difficulties we have
had since 1973 re the standby ptunp element, at Luther Pass P�np Station,
and also mentioned that the approximate costs will bE $11,219.00 to have
this repa.ired.
Nlanager Cofer stated that Byron-Jackson Company is the only one that can now
repair this p�ttnp element.
R. Baer stated that Gene Eppler and R. Vonderscher met with a representative
from Byron-Jackson, and Byron Jackson representative stated that the failure
was due to the chlorine - but that is not so;Byron ,Tackson has not offered to
make any adjustment on the p�unp for the failures, and legal action may have to
be taken; Manager Cofer reco�nended authorization for Byron Jackson to repair
the rotating element in the amount of their quote for $11,219.00, and reserve
zz �v
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- May 24, 1979
the right to seek recovery of some of the costs.
Attorney Weidman stated that what the Board wants to do is to reserve our
warranty rights, and that we seek financial recovery.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried,
that we make the necessary repairs by reserving the District's warranty rights,
and that we seek financial recovery.
ADJOURIVNIENT: 9:00 P.M. - Next regular meeting of the Board of Directors
is scheduled for June 7, 1979, 8:00 P.M. at the District Office.
rrene L. ashuba, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Mary , ose, lerk of Board
South T oe Public Utility District
�z_z`� 1
�,T'���a�^ ���'1IV.' QF'' �-�' i.r1� l��F DI_<EC'�'�t«
�GU`I�T ���GE aL�EL�C TiTI'1T I`I'�.' L1T`^�o�r. . . .
�TL 'l, �979
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Uti�ity r�i��Txict :r.�t i_n a
regular session on June 7, 1979, 8:00 P.M. , District Offices.
ROLL CALL: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors �,�.N. Olson, F.J.
Cocl_ing, R.�-;. rieldca.mg and :i.�. Jones.
Oth2rti present �aere c=,eneral ��ian�ge�/Engineer J.R. Co_cer` Assistaii-t N:�n.�,�er
D.i^?. Calla:�.zn, �ttorney J.C.`r?eiclnu�z, Process �nc,izlAer R. Baer, ,7. F�niie'�;
U�. L'tuZckhors-�, .,.T_.�?OSS� �Y���� �ischer. 'J1S1tOTS ��c"i."i� �r�.�i1 OL Wi_1T1SC�:f:J_
and `.�ma ll anc. J. Fr�csick�en - Cit1� �f So�.zi_h La]=e T-�'.z�; i�L�_ke "�Ic�Tarnara-����ibune.
C�Ru.���'ION� OR P;D�ITzON� 10 �s: PGEI�A: "y�zna���r Cofer rc�corrnn�:ndec� or.:e
additian to Iterns �or 3e�ar1 hczi�n, as foilows:
XIV. (7) Contract - G�?ater Distribution System 7mprovements,
Consideration of Crdir_�nce No. 294.
No further corrections or additions; agenda ap�rave�.
COn�S�J' CAI���?L�AR:
(1} �-ro��osed �eorgaz�?izati�n �- Auth��iz� tran_�nitt,al
to iJnion :Eor I���e� anr� Conier, ar�d
(�) Cerres�onden�e from Mr. John I�ubl���l, - receive
and file.
Direc�tor Jones mo�;�ed, seconde�7 b1� �irector �l��n, �_nf��1i1�Ka-asly carried, the
reco?rnYi�nda��cns a'��oae fron: the C,en�ral T��na.ge� 'ae alsi�r_�ov��'�.
MINU'I'E5: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
curri�d that the r,iinutes of 5/17/79 and �j24/7'� be �p�roved as su'�,rzittE�e
i��:•�l�' BY �'!F� ^Tt��BF�.�: Direcror Jones stated t�_�.t i�.e Ti�sociatior� oi
K�ti�cd Person� m�t an�.� �Yiey are in-'�ereste�. in the "Life�-L�_ne'", and ��>ti».11�
like to set u� a meetzn� with tz� ��ti�ity District Bc�ard an�� the1� ���re
t�:i!tini7 abouc �erhaps [�1�ne:�ay, 10:�?� A.1s, at ��e D�s��_ct Offices. Mr.
��ones v�ill inforn '`.hz �r�-� wr�er? day a:nd t7me �� �eia_nite.
C'���✓!il� R.F�O�T�: i�fcne. Di�ect��r Janes state� ��ac ne did give copies
of a calend�r ror evencs to eac�z dir�ctor f�r �t�tu:e�e mF�e�_i71t�s and �c:�ti�i.cies
=T�PO��' ON tvGRk�hC�P SES�IONS ��I'�:f I��'I'zP��S: N�nager G__�F�r stated that the follow-
ing meetings were held:
5/?.1/79 Met with Tir: Cannon, Congressma.n Sh�nwa_y`s Pide and he will
arrange a meeting with DeFalco in Washington, D.C. for the 1�nager ar_d a couple
of F3oard Members to discuss the completion of the EIS, their recommendations, etc.
5j 2.1j?9 Hea.rina on ETR Water System.
6�g/�i9 S�t acren�aa i_-cem�.
6/5/79 Manaaement and som.e of the Board Members met with the CA5A President.
r/r;/�y Met t.o ��isctiss �.nnLra�t r� �t�t�onar�;- ^ng�i__�c:.r���s, La;�,1 3y�
6/%/79 Met to review sewer ordinance.
M�INAGFR'S REPORT: Manaaer Coter stated al.l items are on aaenda.
'�"Z��.2 Regular Meeting -2- June 7, 1979
A'PI'ORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weic�nan stated that regarding the litigation
on the Polansky case - Jude Cook was disqualified and because of that,
Judge Burn from Placerville ordered this matter continued to be held here
at South Lake Tahoe on June 25th at 10:00 A.M. Mr. Weidman stated that he
has also asked Mr. Aubrey of Jones, Hall, Hill and White to look over the
pleading in this case.
Also, he stated that the amended complaint received in the Dixon litigation.
Regarding the Water Agency - Mr. �nleic�nan stated there are many changes being
discussed regarding this contract, and suggested that the Board give some
direction to Director Fieldcamp when he attends their next meeting regarding
those changes. It was agreed by the Board MPmbers that Director Fieldcamp
state to the Water Agency Members that we are not in agreement with the
changes made in the contract, and we do not approve the contract as it is
now written; we need more time to review this. It was also stated we should
invite our two Supervisors Johnson and Stewart to meet with this Board to
discuss this contract, as well as the Association of Retired Persons and
also Mr. Frank Filyers.
(1) Manager of Operations - John Bonnet: °Other than a couple of shut-
downs for Luther Pass, the plant is performing very well. Both the carbon
and sludge furnaces have been operating without failures. We have been able
to gain some roont in the digesters and the secondary syste�n in stabilizing
pretty well.
During the Luther Plass shut down, we were able to clean the
CO2 Headers in the tower and install the filter media. The turbidity has
come way down to an average of about 0.3 ,7T[7. The floc basin was also cleaned.
Our high flow for the Memorial Day weekend was 5.4 mgd of which
0.8 mg was return from the emergency holding pond. We now have about 15.7
mg at the pond and returning an average of 0.8 mgd."
(2) Manager of Maintenance - Gene Eppler: - "On May 19, 1979, the export
pipeline ruptured once again at station marker 87+50. This was the third
time the line had ruptured at this location. The two prior ruptures were
welded. This time we replaced a seven foot section of pipe. This section
of pipe is within the 4,700' of pipe replaced on Luther Pass.
As you know, a subcontractor for Caltran broke our export
pipeline on 5/23/79 in Woodsford. They will be backcharged for all costs
encountered for the repair of the same (approximately $4,000.00) .
As for the export pipeline replacement and surge protection
projects, we have advertised for bids. We have received the necessary
permits from CTRPA, TRPA, USFS AND LAHONTAN. Only the Caltrans permit is
now needed and we shot�ld receive that shortly.
Fallen Leaf L�ake Sewer Project is progressing very well and
with only a few minor problems.
The surge discharge facilities at the Luther pass pt�np are
very close to being complete. If all goes well, this job will be ccxnpleted
by the end of June.°'
(3) Manager of Water Supply System: W. Dunckhorst - °'Saturday, 6/2/79, I
went to El Dorado Hills, met with Mr. Bud Meyers and toured the facilities
of EID. The main purpose of this trip was to look at their new 100,000
gallon redwood storage tank recently erected.
Mr. Meyers was not certain of the cost of the tank, but said
he thought it was about thirty-five cents a gallon to install. After the
pad was installed, the installation of the tank took only three days to
completely erect.
I was very impressed with this type of storage tank; in the
future, when we install our next tank, I would rec�unend we give a hard
look at this type of installation.
Regular Meeting -S- 6/7/79
Beinq no further business to come before the Board of Directors, President
Kashuba adjourned the meeting at 9:30 P.M. to June 20, 1979, 8:00 P.M. for
the scheduled HEARING ON 'I'HE SEWER ORDINANCE, to be held at the District
����� ��.���
Lorrene L. Kashuba, President
Mary D. se, Clerk of Board
South Tahoe Public Utility District
� z `� �
JLTNE 20, 1979
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an
adjourned regular session 6/20/79 at 8:00 P.M. , District Of_f_ices.
1�OLL �.ALL: PRESENT were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors F.J. Cocking,
R.A. Fieldcamp and J.R.Jones. ABSENT; Director T�7.N.Olson.
ALSO PRESENT were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Clerk of Board, Jack
Fredricksen, Barrie Fischer, John Bonnet, Gene Eppler, W. Dunckhorst,
Mike McNamara - Tribune, and other interested visitors.
CONSIIVT CAI�NDAR; The following were reco�nended by the Nfanager for
consideration and/or adoption:
ORDINANCE NO. 295: An Ordinance Appointing Barrie Fischer to the Position
of District Finance Officer, and
�RDINANCE NO. 296: An Ordinance Appointing Robert Baer to the Position of
Assistant District Engineer/Process Evaluation Engineer.
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried,
that ORDINANCE NO. 295 and ORDIN�NCE NO. 296 be approved as recommended by
Manager J.R. Cafer.
HF,ARTNG ON PROPOSED SEWER ORDINANCE: Manqer Cofer stated that we have been
over this many times and will discuss this evening, however, he will recorrnnend
no action be taken at this meeting.
President Kashuba opened the hearing on the proposed sewer ordinance at 8:05 PM.
President Kashuba asked Manager J.R. Cofer to give the Staff Report.
Manager Cofer stated this proposed ordinance consolidates 15 of our existing
ordinances; contains special provisions for the Fallen Leaf Lake Area because
of the unique sewer syst�n installed in that area; contains our new permit
application form, which requires that the legal owners sign the application, and
it does provide for the Power of Attorney to apply for a permit; provides for
voiding a permit if application is not accepted by the City; spells out re
retroactive and connection charges; enforcement provisions. Manager Cofer
again stated that the staff is not recc�nnending action on this Ordinance
tonight but to receive c�nts.
PUBLIC COPM'1II�]TS: FR1�NK KRpZAK stated that he believes there is an added cost
because of overlapping inspections - The District inspects, the City inspects.
Mr. Krozak asked the Board why do not they let the City do all inspections.
Manager Cofer stated that our questions should be limitecl to identifying the
sewer use to enable us to determine the charges and/or requirements; many of
connections that the District has no record of, e,�as because the City did at
one t�sne handle the inspections, and there was no direct interest in the sewer
district, and somehow they forgot to inferm this District of additional sewer
connections. Manager Cofer stated he �uld not reco�runend the inspections for
the sewer connections, etc. , be turned over to the City. Manager Cofer did
state the District �uld check into the overlap of inspections.
Jack Fredricksen, City of South La.lce Tahoe, stated that the City has reviewed the
Ordinance and there is but one section they are concerned with and that was re-
garding disconnection service, and according to the Building Cade with the City -
when the sewer is disconnected - this creates a sub-standard building.
r9anager Cofer statecl this section will be reviewed with our Attorney.
Other comments made fran a representative of the Association of Retired Persons
and requested consideration be given to work on a "Life-Line Rate" for these
retired persons. (Members of our Board have met and discussed this suggestion
with the AARP) .
Another visitor (D.Kirkoff) stated he does not see where the credit or discount
should be given, and this �uld be a help to this District financially.
��r2' Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- 6/20/79
Being no further comments, President Kashuba closed the hearing at 8:45 PM.
(Ordinance will be brought before the Board again 2nd meeting in July) .
MINUI'ES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
carried, minutes of 6/7/79 be approved as sul�nitted.
REPORT BY BOARD r�ERS: - Director Jones stated that he and Director Field-
camp and Barrie Fischer met last 4�7ednesday and discussed the possibility of
Life Line Rates with the and for the AARP.
COTM'II'ITEE REPORTS: (1) Plant Operations: (None) . However, Director Field-
camp stated that he attended the V�7ater Agency meeting at Placerville re
the EID Contract; he also attended a Special Meeting of the Board of
Supervisors at Placerville, and the contract is still being discussed -
hopefully to our benefit. Director Fieldcamp stated he will be attending
anotheg Water Conunittee meeting this Monday evening at Placerville.
(1) Meeting with Lahontan RW(�CB in Alpine County re Proposed NPDES PeYmit.
(6/14/7 9)
(2) Meeting with State Board Members re Regional Water Quality Control
Board (6/14/79)
(3) [��orkshop Agenda Items (6/18/79)
MANAGER'S REPORT: No written report fran Manager Cofer, however, he stated that
today a release was received re the Stop Work Order on Fallen Leaf Lake by
Also, Mr. Briner of TCPUD sent a note telling us that AB 783 (2-year moratoriLun
on repayment of state loans) , passed the assembly with an 80 to 0 vote, and is
scheduled for the Senate and Agricultural Water Resources C�ittee on7/3/79.
ATI'ORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weichnan absent.
(1) Operations, John Bonnet stated that he had no written report for the
Board this evening - all is going well at the Plant - (COD is averaging
19.6; Suspended solids improving -.7 mpl; pH - 7.2; turbidity -.3) .
(2) Maintenance Division - Gene Eppler stated that he had no written report
to present this evening. He stated that Thomas Haen Company has canpleted
their portion of the workload re the surge discharge facilities, and again
have done an excellent job.
Bids were received for Sludge Holding Basin and Contract No. 2 Replac�nent
and Surge Pipeline and same on agenda for action and/or consideration.
Mr. Eppler stated all regulatory agencies have been satisfied regarding the
Stop Work Order on Fallen Leaf Lake, and work has now continued; he stated that
H.M.Byars Cons. Co. is doing an excellent job at Fallen L�eaf Lake.
Water Supply System - P�r. W. Dunckhorst stated he does not have a written
report to present this eveing, but reported that at the Fountain Well the crew
put the camera down the well, found an excessive amount of small sand; put
8 feet of concrete down the well, and a new ptunp was installed, and he stated
they are now pleased with the results at Fountain Avenue Well.
Finance Officer's Report: B. Fischer stated that both sewer and water billings
have been c�npleted
RECESS: 9:15 P.M. ----- P�eeting RECONVENED at 9:25 P.M.
�70�� Regular Meeting -3- June 20, 1979 2 2 `1 �
(1) Bid Opening for Sludge Holding Basin.
Mr. G. Eppler sta.ted that the b�_ds were opened at 3 pm 6/19 and five (5)
bids were received, as follows:
(1) C.W. Roen Cons. Co. $274,500
PO Box 4
Danville, Ca. 94526
(2) R.P7.Johnston & Son $304,326
801 - 53rd Ave
Oakland, Ca. 94601
(3) Thanas Haen $222,120
PO Box 11609
Tahoe Paradise, Ca. 95708
�4) F & M Engr. Contractors $295,000
140 Ingalls St.
Santa Cruz, Ca. 95060
(5) Albay Cons. Co- $262,621
865 HowP Rd,
Martinez, Ca.
r'I�'. Eppler stated that the above bids were reviewed by the Engineers and
all in order; recommended the Bid from Th�nas Ha�n Co. be accepted and
Award of Contract be Made to him in the amount of $222,120.00.
(Manager Cofer stated that this contract will be repaid in the amount of
87-1/2o by grants) .
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that
ORDINANCE NO. 297 , an Ordinance of the South Tahoe public Utility District
_ Awarding Contract for Sludge Holding Basin Improvements, be awarded to low
bidder Thamas Haen Canpany ($222,120.00) .
(2) State Grant for Design af head--St�Y�t F��nt Tm�ravements $37,750. . . .
This is the 12-1/2% or the Frogram that the District must pay. �lanacJer C�fer
rec�nended execution of grant agreen-�ent. D3_rector Cocking move��, secc:�r.ded
by Director Jones, unanimously carriecl.
(3) Awarc of Contract, Construction Contract iVo. 2 P.epZacement an� Surc��
Pipeline. .ORDINANCE NO. 298, An Ordinance of the South 'I'ahce Publ�c Utility
District Awarding Contract, Constructzon Contract No. 2, F.Fplacement ar�d
Surge Pipeline. . .
Eight bids were received today �or the L"UTHER �ASS �r�FI,UE�� ���PO� �y��7,
H.M.Byars Construction Co. $33�,>69
2255 Byars Road; Reno, Nv.
and Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried,
that ORD. NO. 298 be approved, and contract awarded to low bidder H.M.BYARS
CONSTRUC'�'ION COP�PANY, wit.h ihe twa conditions:
(a) Waiving the informality of the difference
in n�nbers and �rds, and
(b) Upon approval of nlans an� s��ecif_ications
by the State.
For informational purposes, the following bids received were as follows:
(1) H.A'l.Byars Cons. Co. $ 889,369
2255 Byars Rd; Reno, Nv.
(2) McGuire & Hester 990,000
796 66th Ave
Oakland, Ca. 94621
(3) Contri Cons. Co. 1,022,000
PO Box 12100
Reno, Nv. 89510
(4) Syblon-Reid 1,728,035
PO Box 488
Folson, Ca 95630
(5) J.C.Pl�nbing, Inc. 1,144,000
11836 W. Pico Blvd.
L.A. , Ca. 90064
(6) T & S Const. Inc. 1,381,000
6031 Ramport Dr.
Carmichael, Ca.95608
(7) Wunschel & S�nall 1,285,000
PO Box 1030
No. Highlands, Ca.95660
(8) C�'B Cons. l,670,821
2820 Auburn Blvd;
Suit� 1B
Sacramento, Ca. 95821
Engineers Est = $1,400,000.00"
(4) Contract - Tahoe Soils Conservation Service for ASSISTANCE IN
EROSION CONTROL PROGRAMS" - Manager Cofer recommended approval of this
contract ( we w�uld pay 100% of the salary cost, including fringe benefits,
and wage increases, if any, for service personnel, while assisting in this
program, and 100% of travel expenses, for Distr�ct travel pur�oses) . Manager
Cofer stated that there will definitely be 3 projects we will utilize this
Soils Conservationist for: (1) Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer Project; (2) Water
System Improvements; (3) Export Pipeline Improvement.
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, the contract with the
Tahoe Soils Conservation �����;c�- be approved. . .Votes are as follows:
AYES: Directors Cocking, Fieldcamp and Jones
ABSTAINID: President Kashuba
ABSENT : Director Olson.
Carried. . . . . .
(5) Information: - Manager Cofer stated that we are having conversations
with W. Craven of Fallen Leaf Lake Lodge, and he claims that the contractor
is affecting his business; there will undoubtedly be damages we will pay before
the job is done, Manager Cofer stated.
WILL SERVE LEITER: One letter was requested from the U.S.Post Office, Al
Tahoe, for water service. There is a 12" main located in front of the Post
Office, and there will be no problem serving this building water. Director
Cocking moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, that the
Will Serve Letter be G.pproved.
PAYMEI�]T OF CLASMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones,
unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $562,057.51 be approved.
ADJOURI��NT: 10:0 0 P.M.
/ -�-.v/d
ry . rose, Clerk of Board
22�� Regular Meeting -4- 6/7/79
ITEM.S FOR BOARD ACTION: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Jones,
unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2147, A Resolution of the Board
of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District Co�nnending David W.
Cal lahan.
Attorney J.C.j�7eichnan stated that just before Dave Callahan arrived at the
Utility District there were some serious problems, and when he took over,
everything was going smoothly - we were fortunate to have had him with the
South Tahoe Public Utility District, Mr. Weidman stated.
(2) Change Order No. l, Airport Well Contract - Approve change order in
the amount of (increase) $150,241.00, for Airport Well, as rec�unended by
R. Baer, Process Engineer, and concurred by Manager J.R. Cofer.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried.
(3) Removal of Aimnonia Stripping Tower. Declare Surplus and Authorize
Removal of same. Manager Cofer stated he would reco�nend to the Board to
declare the Tower Surplus and Staff to dispose of same. Director Fieldcamp
moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried.
(4) Safety Program. Adoption of Ordinance No. 293, an Ordinance o_f the
Board of Directors of the STPUD to adopt a safety policy.
Manager Cofer stated last year we entered a safety cantest and placed 21st
out of 24, which is not a good record, and since that time we have appoint-
ed Connie I. Ross our Safety Officer, who has been doing an outstanding
job, and has the first organized program the District has ever had, and
requested that Mr. Ross show an example of one safety feature and he also
has an Ordinance he would like considered for adoption.
Mr. Ross presented a pair of safety glasses for the Board to review - he
stated that one of our Maintenance Mechanics were wearing those glasses
on n9ay 30, 1979, 11:00 a.m. , while welding on our new S02 hoist when a
rock was thrown fran a passing vehicle, and hit the �nployee in the eye;
Mr. Ross stated as the Board can see, these safety glasses saved a very
serious eye injury. The glasses were cracked, but no injury to the eye.
Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously
carried, that Ordinance No. 293 be approved as rec�unended.
(5) Hearing on Sewer Ordinance - Reschedule Hearing date to June 20,
1979, 8:00 P.M. , District Offices.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried,
that the hearing be rescheduled for 6/20/79 at 8:00 P.M. , District Office.
(6) Special Use Permit, Repair of Ex�ort Pipeline. Ratify Manager's
Execution of Permit. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp,
unanimously carried, that the Manager's actions be approved.
(7) Contract - Water Distribution System Improvements: ORDINANCE NO. 294
Awarding the Contract(to low bidder) . - Mr. R. Baer stated that bids were
received for this project:
(1) Wunschel and Sr.�all $685,000
(2) Hood Corporation $716,000
Mr. Baer stated that the bids are in order; have contacted CTRPA and P�Ir.
Baidin stated the staff will reconmiend approval of this project. Mr. Baer
reco�nended that in order to complete the project by October 15th, we wvuld
like the Board to consider the District award the contract to Wunschel and
SYnall in order to obtain their long delivery materials such as pipe,
valves and fire hydrants, sul�n..it shop drawings for approval and hold pre-
construction conferences, etc. The contractor is to do no actual construc-
tion work until CTRPA permit approval, however. In the event CTRPA does
not approve the permit, then the District would renegotiate with Wunschel
and S7nall in settlement of the contract. Therefore, Mr. Baer recor.mlended
apnroval by the Board to award this contract to Wunschel and Shtiall for the
amount of $685,000 for the project and that no construction w�ork take place
until CTRPA permit appro��l is received. Director Olson moved, seconded
by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 294 be
approved, awarding contract for Water Districbution System Improvements,
be awarded to Wunschel and Shiall.
PAYMaVT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking,
unani.mously carried, claims in the amount of $249,791.20 be approved.
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Z 3 c�v
JULY5, 1979
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District rr�t in a
regular session on 7/5/79 at 8:00 P.M.
ROLL CALL: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors F.J. Cocking, R.A.
Fieldcamp, J.R. Jones. ABSENT: Director W.N. Olson.
ALSO PRESE�]T were Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Process Engineer R. Baer, Attorney
J.C.Weichna.n, R. Baer, J. Bonnet, Mr. and Mrs. Lv'. Dunckhorst, B. Fischer, Clerk of
CONSEI�TI' CALENDAR: Manager Cofer recommended the following be approved:
l. Change Order No. l, Water Supply Chlorination System; F�tend
Carnpletion Time by 60 Days due to Late Frn�ipment Delivery.
2. Timber Sale Contract - U.S.Forest Service; Payment of $3,546.90 for
Trees Removed for Construction of Surge Pipeline.
3. Will Serve Letter for Tahoe Carriage Building for pomestic Water Service.
4. Will Serve Letter for Tahoe Therapy Center on 2nd Street.
Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Jones, unan�mously carried, reco�nenda-
tion of M�nager Cofer that the above be approved.
P�NUTES OF 6/20/79 - defer action - to be presented at the next regular Board l��eeting.
CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGE[�IDA: Manaqer Cof_er requested an F�ecutive Session
following this regular m�eting to discuss Union negotiations.
RF.POF,T BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Fieldcamp stated he anet with LV. Dunckhorst,
J.R.Cofer, R. Baer and R. Christi.ansen and 1�^.r. Salmon regarding Solar Povaer;
he stated it was a very interesting meeting and there are projects in this area
that are under solar power and we ��ill be observing the operation of. these.
COMMITI'.[� REPORTS: PLANT OPEP,ATIONS: Director Fieldcam� stated he me� with C.I.
Ross and K. Schroeder and went to the Luther Pass P�np S�tation to loolr over the
problems they have with the ;i2 p�; he �lso met the repres�nta.t�ve i.r�n Los
Angeles and Mr. R. ��onderscher and discussed the p� in detail - r7r. F�eld--
camp stated the p�np shows signs of. wear anc� hope to� get by �aith tr,� p� for
awhile yet.
No other co�ittee reports given.
4�t�?tY.SHOP S��SIONS:-• Manager Cofer statec� the following workshop se�sions were held:
(1) 6/22/79 - P!leetinq �vith Congres.�na.n Nornan Sl�Lnnv;ay and E2�A P.egional
Achninistrator Paul DeFalco.
(2) Workshop Agenda Itezns. (7/2/79)
(3) 7/3/79 State Sen,ate Co�unittee on Agriculture and [�7ater, AB 7�3.
President Kashuba stated that they also spoke with Congressrnan Bizz Johnson
and Congressman Santini (Nevada) , and Congressman John McFall (former Congress-
man for our Area) . President Kashuba stated that the trip was worth the effort
to get Mr. DeFalco's attention that the Congressmen are watching for the progress
on our EIS.
Director Jones also stated that he does feel we got the attention of EPA and how
critical it is that we push ahead and not delay anymore.
RE AB 783, R. Baer stated that he attended the 5enate AgricultLu�e and Water
Coi�xnittee hearing on 7/3/79 - Mr. Briener of Tahoe City PUD and Mr. Ford - the
lobbyist, were also in attendance; the c�ittee passed the bila_ with one amend-
ment: that the interest during the two year moratori.�n will continue to accnie.
The bill will next be heard by the Senate Finance C�ittee.
Also, there is no action scheduled for SB 385 and Bob Beckus has asked
Senator Johnson to hold up on the bill. . . .
MANAGER'S REPORT: - Manager Cofer sta.ted he had no written report but did read a
letter received from a Don Maughn, Chairman of State Board, in which he stated
that he was sorry to have not been able to attend the meeting with Mr. Cofer,
Mr. Butterfield and John Arnett re discussions of Lahontan and Tahoe problems;
he will be on the panel at the GASA Meeting in August.
2�C Regular Meeting -2- July 5, 1979
A'PI'ORDT�.'Y'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that the Joyce/Powderhorn case
will be heard tanorrow for recon�ideration of this suit. DIXON has filed an
amended complaint and an answer will be ready tamorrow.
The Water Agency has come up with another amended agreement dated 6/27/79 for
EID; meeting will be held Monday at 9:00 A.M. on this amendment.
(1) Assistant District Engineer(Bob Baer) : ---
"Headstart Program: Bill Ettlich of Culp/Wesner/Culp was here June
25th and June 26th reviewing the design work in progress. Mr. Cofer, J. Bonnet,
C. Ross and myself reviewed the work with Bill Ettlich. The design �rk is
progressing well, but the CWC schedule is very tight to sukxnit the design
to thA State by SeptPsnber lst.
There is now enough �rk done that I can start working with the
regulatory agencies to get construction permits.
A pre-construction conference on the installation of digester covers
will be held this week. Mr. Claude Gunsch, maintenance mechanic has been
assigned to act as the District's inspector for the construction work. CWC
will provide engineering review of shop drawings and on-site inspection of
critical construction details.
CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS: - Reports on the progress of the District's .
construction projects are contained in the attached program managers reports."
(2) Operation Manager's Report: - John Bonnet.
"The #2 primary clarifier was bypassed for several days due to high
torque problems, It was pLunped down on P�tonday, 7/2/79. If all goes well,
it should be back in service by Wednesday, 7/4/79.
The Luther Pass force main leak required the ptunping of 1.8 mg to the
E'1Tl2rgency holding pond.
The data for the month of June is not all in yet; there are no violations
so far. Even with Primary #2 down, the rest of the system is performing well."
(3) Maintenance Report - Gene Eppler: "The Luther Pass P�unp Station Surge
Discharge Facilities have been ccxnpleted although we will not discharge
th�ough the new valve until the one-million gallon tank has been cleaned
(excess carbon deposits) .
All pernzits have been completed for the Luther Pass Pipeline Replacement
and Surge Protection Pipeline. T�7e should be receiving the final approval from
the State very shortly and all schedules to qo.
The Fallen Leaf Lake Project is progressing very well, although one
problem remains with Mr. W. Craven at the site of the central ptunping
facilities; Mr. Weic�nan is handling this problem. All other probl�n.s have
been handled by staff.
I started releasing water from ICR on 6/25/79 at a rate of 11.6 CFS or
23 Ac/FT Day; the maintenance program for cleaning and repairs to the valves,
air line, etc. is still scheduled for September and October this year.
As you know, the force main ruptured again on Luther Pass last Friday,
6/29/79, at Station Location 99+75; there was a hole in the side of the pipe
and this is evidence of either rock or equipment damage when installed; the
rupture is within the 4700" of pipe scheduled to be replaced.
We lost the #2 p�np at Luther Pass PLunp Station. This unit has
approximately 11,000 hours on it; we are now investigating and inspecting
the impeller unit for the extent of damage. Our standby unit is now in service.
We lost the #3 secondary effluent p�unp arid motor here at the plant and
the standby units were installed; repairs are now being made on these units.
The S02 system has been completed; the new lime storage facilities ne�t
to our trailer is now in service.
As for the carbon col�nn screen, all 32 screens have been installed
and appears we will need about 35 more screens.
Many other maintenance tasks have been encountered in and out of the
plant. Needless to say, the maintenance division has been very busy."
2 3���
Regular Meeting -3-- 7/5/79
Water Supply Systems: (W. Dunckhorst) : - "Progress on the Airport Well is now
going forward at a much faster pace; the foundation forms have been poured
and the next step will l�e pouring the concrete floor area. Once this floor
portion is in, I feel progress will proceed smootl�ly until completion.
The installation of the colLmins and pLunp are scheduled for Friday this week.
The w�rk being done by Thomas Haen on the chlorination and corrosion
control at all the well sites is now a]most completed. He is presently
being held up on completion because of delivery from Sparling on meter
On 6/27/79 Mr. Baer and myself attended -the regular meeting of the
TRPA Board at which time approval for a permit was given on the pipeline
Nionday, Mr. Baer, Mr. Bell and myself inet with Mr. Antonnucci, Mr.
SYnith of CTRPA, and Mr. Ryan to evaluate any problems on soil conservation
that may arise on the new pipeline project.
Friday, this week, 7/6/79, Mr. Baer and myself wi.11 attend the
CT.RPA meeting in Tahoe City at which time CTRPA approval will be on their
Comments from Audience: NONE
(1) Request from Fallen Leaf Lodge, Advance on Acquisition Payment. Manager
Cofer reccx�nended approval of this payment in the amount of $8,735.70, with
the condition that approval of payment of $8,735.70 on account of compensa-
tion for easements and damages without ac�nitting that the losses claimed are
in fact the actual losses. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Cocking,
unani�usly carried.
(2) Contract for AlLun Storage Facilities - Cold Creek Filtration Plant. Manager
' Cofer/Engineer Baer reconmlended this be deferred until 7/19/79 meeting.
(3) Request for Authorization to Purchase 7-Tooth "MU��'IN MONSTOR" for Sludge
Transfer Syst�n. John Bonnet, operations manager, explained the purpose of the
Muffin Monstor, and the cost for same is $6,820.00, and highly reco�nended this
Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried, the
"MUFFIN MONSTOR" be approved for purchase in the amount of $6,820.00.
(4) Paving Fountain Shop Area, Water Departrnent; Award Contrac for Paving.
Mr. Dunckhorst stated that 5 bids were received today and the low bidder was
James J. Fite for $5,750.00. Mr. Dunckhorst stated that he and Engineer Baer
had checked into s�ne of the w�rk that Mr. Fite has done for the City and others
and it appears he does excellent work; recoirnnended the bid be awarded to Mr. Fite
for his bid price. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously
(5) Proposal for Construction Inspection Services for Sludge Holding Basin
Improvements. Award Contract to Culp/Wesner/Culp for STEP III ENGINEERING
SERVICES, SLUDGE HOLDING BASINS in the amount of $5,782.00, as rec�nended
by Engineer Baer and Manager Cofer. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director
Fieldcamp, unanimously carried.
(6) Request by Mr. Briole for Reduction of his April Water Bill� Finance
Officer Barrie Fischer did discuss this charge with P�Ir. Briole; Mr. Briole was
also present for this meeting, and Mr. Fischer explained to the Board that he
requested the Water Foreman to take another reading of the meter for the property,
and could not come up with any malfunctions re the meters, the �ter reading was
the same as originally taken, and D�r. Fischer reconanended that there should not
be a reduction and requested denial of this claim.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that at
this time for Mr. Briole, staff take the average readings from December lst through
April 30th and charge him for that amount on an average - it will be some reduction
for him.
(7) Cleaning of Luther Pass PLunp Station Storage Tank. Thoma.s Ha.en Company
sul�iitted a proposal in the amount of $8,832.00 to clean this storage tank, and
Director ,7ones moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that
the contract be awarded to Thomas Haen Ccx�any in the amount of $8,832.00.
(8) �Jo� to an Executive Session to discuss Union Negotiations as requested
by Ma.nager J.R. Cofer, following adjournment of this regular meeting.
�,�� Regular Nleeting -4- 7/5/79
PAYMEN'I' OF CLAIMS: Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp,
unanimously carried, claims in the ampunt of $224,549.51 be approved for
ADJOURI�7T: 9:35 P.M. to an Executive Session. (Regular Meeting adjourned
by President Kashuba) .
rrene L. Kashuba, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
. ,�
Ma D. r se, Secretary/Clerk of Board
Sou T Public Utility District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the
South Tahoe Public Utility District
July 19, 1979
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session 7/19/79 at 8:00 P.M. , District Office.
ROLL CAI.L: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors F.J. Cocking, R.A.
Fieldcamp and J.R.Jones.
ABSENT: Director W.N. Olson.
Also present were General Manager/Engineer J.R. Cofer, Attorney J.C.Weidman,
Process Engineer R. Baer, B. Fischer, Gene Eppler, Bill Dunckhorst, Attorney
� Sharon White, B. Etcheverry, and other interested visitors from the Fallen
Leaf Lake Area,Clerk of Board.
CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO AGII�IDA: Manager Cofer requested deletion of:
(1) Consent Calendar:
2-b -- Notice of Determination, Final Environmental
Impact Report; Water System Master Plan.
(2) Items for Board Action:
4-a -- Sewer Ordinance (Regulating the Use Of Public and
Private Sewers, charges, etc.) .
(3) Addition of two workshop sessions held.
Agenda was approved as amended. (Delete 2 items and add 2 workshop sessions held) .
Agenda approved as amended.
MINUTES: Director Jones znoved, seconded by Director Cocking,
unanimou.sly carried, minutes of 7/5/79 be approved as submitted.
REPORT BY BOARD MEMBERS: Director Jones stated that he and Director
Fieldcamp went on a tour of the SOFAR project. Mr. Jones stated it
was a very interesting tour.
WORKSHOP SESSIONS AND MEETINGS : D�anager Cofer stated the following
workshop sessions and meetings were held:
(1) 7/7/79 Meeting with Fallen Leaf Lake USFS Permittees
and Fallen Leaf Lake Improvement Association
(2) 7/10/79 Inspection of alternative Nevada land Treat-
ment disposal sites
(3) 7/16/79 Inspection of SOFAR Project
(4) 7/16/79 Senate Finance Committee - AB 783
(5) 7/17/79 Workshop Agenda Items, Insurance Programs
(5) 7/19/79 Senate Finance Committee, Sacramento
(7) 7/19/79 State Water Resources Control Board
' Meeting - Sacrainento (Appeal by Hubbell, etc.
re Cease and Desist of 12/7 where additonal
gallons were allowed-77, 500 gallons of flow)
r2ANAGER' S REPORT: Al1 items on agenda.
ATTORNEY' S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman reported that the Joyce
Suit (Powderhorn) asked for a reconsideration of the court ruling
on demurrer and the court sustained the demurrer without leave to
Also, the Dixon case will be hearing tomorrow (7/20/79) attacking the
Regarding the State Order - Mr. Weidman tried to get Mr. Atwater to
explain this order, and asked if we could get the 287 permits, , would
2_3 c} �7
Regular Meeting -3- 7/19/79
� (a) Agreement between the U.S.Forest Service and South
Tahoe P.U.D. respecting Forest Service Use Permits. Approve agree-
ment and adopt Resolution, as recommended by Attorney S. White.
Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously
carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2150, A Resolution Approving and
Authorizing Execution of Agreement Respecting Forest Service Use
Permits, Fallen Leaf Lake Forest Service Permittees, Assessment
District 1979-1.
(b) Request Consent of El Dorado County to Under-
taking Assessment Proceedings, RESOLUTION NO. 2151, as recommended
by Attorney S. White. Director Jones moved, seconded by Director
Cocking, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2151 be approved.
(c) Time Schedule - Assessment Proceedings, as presented
by Attorney Sharon White for the Board' s information.
(a) Proposal for Design of Water System Storage Tank
and Pipelines - Proposal from CWC in the amount of $38 , 000, a
maximum fee and not to exceed this amount.
Director Jones moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously
carried, that the Proposal from C W C be accepted.
(b) Claim of Damages - Tahoe Music Center. Manager of
Water System Supply stated that he has reviewed this claim thoroughly
and he recommends same be denied. Director Cocking moved, seconded
by Director Jones, unanimously carried, claim from Tahoe Music
Center be denied as recommended by W. Dunckhorst, Manager of Water
System Supply.
(c) Contract Renewal - El Dorado County [�7ater Agency:
It was by agreement of the �ard of Directors this item be postponed
until the next regular meeting of this Board of Directors (8/2/79) .
(d) Contract for Alum Storage Facilities, Cold Creek
Filter Plant. B. Dunckhorst stated we did receive a bid from Thomas
Haen re this project in the amount of $13, 767 . 00, and same was
reviewed by C W C and approved by them. He recommended approval
of authorizing contract to Thomas Haen. Director Jones moved,
seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried.
5. FACILITIES PLANNING: (a) Contracts for Consulting Services
Related to Alpine County Participation in Step I Studies. Maximum
Authorization = $13, 640 ($11, 935 Grants and $1, 175 Local) .
Manager Cofer recommended to authorize the contract, contingent
upon approval of grant funding, to Bill Dendy and Associates, a
Corporation, in the amount of $13, 640. 00 . Director Cocking
moved, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director
Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $569, 867 . 75
be approved for payment.
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