HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-05-09 0�1TH TA'O ,p, e V s ewe r • 1950•V" t $ % C e� te UTILITY DDS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Richard Solbrig, General Manager Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager Mary Lou Mosbacher, President BOARD MEMBERS Dale Rise, Vice President James R. Jones, Director Eric W. Schafer, Director Ernie Claudio, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 5, 2009 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, November 5, 2009, 2:00 P.M., District Office, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ROLL CALL President Mosbacher, Directors Rise, Claudio, Jones, Schafer STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, Sciuto, Hughes, Hoggatt, Carrion, Boyson, Thiel, Bergsohn, W. Stanley, Bird, Ryan, Curtis, Noble, Attorney Kvistad GUESTS: John Adamski, Peggy Cocores No Bergsohn led the pledge to the flag. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE John Adamski relayed his appreciation for the COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE opportunity to run for a seat on the Board. Consent Items e. (Luther Pass Pump Station Standby CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Power Generation Facility), i. and j. (2008 Al Tahoe OR CONSENT CALENDAR Waterline Replacement) and k. (2008 Tata Lane / Granite Mountain Waterline) were brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. Additional agenda items were received subsequent to the regular Board meeting agenda being posted. Due to the need for immediate action, the following items were added to the agenda for consideration: REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES — NOVEMBER 5, 2009 PAGE - 2 Moved Schafer / Second Jones / Passed Unanimously CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA to add Snowshoe Thompson Ditch No. 1 / Millich OR CONSENT CALENDAR Ditch Washout Emergency Resolution No. 2876 -09 to (continued) the agenda in order to facilitate repairs prior to weather changing and to avoid more damage from occurring. Moved Jones / Second Rise / Passed Unanimously to add 2010 Water Meter Installation Project - Phase 2 to the agenda due to grant requirements that the bid be awarded no later than December 22, 2009. Moved Schafer/ Second Rise / Passed Unanimously CONSENT CALENDAR to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: a. Cul De Sac Holdings, LLC, Water Main Extension - Adopted corrected Resolution No. 2873 -09 accepting the Cul De Sac Holdings water main extension; b. SCADA Upgrade Field Interface Units - (1) Waived bidding procedures as outlined in the Purchasing Policy for standardized equipment requiring compatibility with existing equipment and to be purchased from the existing supplier; and (2) Authorized purchasing of units from Global Data Specialists, Inc., in the amount of $34,691.25, plus shipping; c. Cattle Grazing Permit 2010: Diamond Valley - Awarded contract to the highest responsive, responsible bidder, Urrutia Ranch, in the monthly amount of $13,280; d. Nutrient Management Plan: Alpine County - Approved addendum to existing Task Order No. 1 to Wood Rogers, Inc., for additional consulting services, in the amount of $3,685.20; e. See Consent Items Brought Forward; f. Final and Secondary Effluent Pump Station - Approved Change Order No. 9 to Pacific Mechanical Corporation, in the amount of $96,171.37; g. Twin Peaks Booster Station and Waterline - Approved Change Order No. 1 to Resource Development Company, Inc., in the amount of $57,187.51; t s , h. 2009 Sonora Waterline Replacement - Approved Change Order No. 3 for Campbell Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $87,760.99; REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 5, 2009 PAGE - 3 i. See Consent Items Brought Forward; CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) j. See Consent Items Brought Forward; k. See Consent Items Brought Forward; I. Twin Peaks Booster Station - Increased Task Order for Carollo Engineer's to provide construction services, in the amount of $59,435; m. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: October 15, 2009; n. Approved Special Board Meeting Minutes: October 29, 2009. CONSENT ITEM BROUGHT FORWARD Director Claudio received clarification regarding the LPPS (LUTHER PASS PUMP Change Order process. STATION) STANDBY POWER GENERATION FACILITY Moved Jones / Second Claudio / Passed Unanimously (Consent Item e.) to authorize an increase to Purchase Order P21709 to AECOM for additional engineering services for design of a fire suppression system, in the amount of $50,000. Attorney Kvistad explained the Change Order should be 2008 AL TAHOE WATERLINE corrected to reflect no change in the contract amount REPLACEMENT and list G. B. Construction to be paid the cost of the (Consent Item i.) remaining paving work ($22,822.12), rather than Cruz Excavating, since Cruz Excavating failed to complete that portion of the project. Moved Jones / Second Rise / Passed Unanimously to approve a Change Order to pay G. B. construction $22,822.12 from funds that were to be paid to, but were not earned by, Cruz Excavating for paving work. Attorney Kvistad explained that because Cruz 2008 AL TAHOE WATERLINE Excavating did not complete the entire project, REPLACEMENT changes need to be made to the Project Closeout (Consent Item j.) Agreement and Release of Claims. In the event that Cruz Excavating does not sign the Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims and return it within five days, staff should be authorized to sign and file the Notice of Completion. Moved Rise / Second Schafer / Passed Unanimously to: (1) Allow staff to provide modifications to the Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims; and (2) In the event that Cruz Excavating does not sign the Notice of Completion within five days, that staff is authorized to sign and file the notice. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 5, 2009 PAGE - 4 Attorney Kvistad explained that because Cruz 2008 TATA LANE /GRANITE Excavating did not complete the entire project, MOUNTAIN WATERLINE changes need to be made to the Project Closeout REPLACEMENT Agreement and Release of Claims. In the event that (Consent Item k.) Cruz Excavating does not sign the Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims and return it within five days, staff should be authorized to sign and file the Notice of Completion. Moved Rise / Second Schafer / Passed Unanimously to: (1) Allow staff to provide modifications to the Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims; and (2) In the event that Cruz Excavating does not sign the Notice of Completion within five days, that staff is authorized to sign and file the notice. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION The California Department of Health Services awarded ADDENDUM TO THE AGENDA: the District a $4,387,500 grant for the installation of 2010 WATER METER water meters. The grant is already being used for the INSTALLATION PROJECT -PHASE 2 2009 Meter Project which is nearly complete with 163 meters in place, and the 2010 (Phase 1) Meter tie Project that was awarded to Teichert and will have 1,525 meter installations in place in 2010. There is approximately $2M left in the grant which is available for approximately 1,300 additional meter installations. The state requires that a contractor be in place with a signed contract no later than December 24, 2009. Construction will begin May 2010. Moved Jones / Second Rise / Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to advertise for construction bids. On November 4, 2009, some erosion damage was ADDENDUM TO THE AGENDA: discovered at Millich Ditch and Snowshoe Thompson SNOWSHOE THOMPSON DITCH Ditch No. 1. The damage was at the site of the repairs NO. 1 / MILLICH DITCH WASHOUT that were completed in June of 2009. There is evidence EMERGENCY RESOLUTION of sliding and accumulation of material under the NO. 2876 -09 erosion control blankets on the slope between the ditches. In addition, there are approximately six areas where the erosion control blankets separated and allowed the deposition of material down the slope and towards adjacent properties. There is also minor cutting of the slope by surface water. Necessary repairs will include but are not limited to installation of fiber rolls, perforated pipes, and drain rock to divert surface water away from affected areas, and application of mulch and hydro -seed to stabilize the site. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 5, 2009 PAGE - 5 kw Immediate action is necessary to mitigate the damage ADDENDUM TO THE AGENDA: and proceed with repairs prior to winter weather while SNOWSHOE THOMPSON DITCH the hillside is still accessible, and to avoid spring melt- NO. 1 / MILLICH DITCH WASHOUT off on the upper side of Snowshoe Thompson Ditch EMERGENCY RESOLUTION No. 1. NO. 2876 -09 (continued) Moved Schafer / Second Jones / Passed Unanimously to: (1) Determine an emergency exists pursuant to Section 1 102 of the Public Contract Code; (2) Determine substantial evidence has been presented to authorize an exception be made to Section 22050 of the Public Contract Code that this emergency will not permit a delay resulting from a competitive solicitation for bids and that this action is necessary to respond to the emergency; (3) Adopt Resolution No. 2876 -09 delegating authority to the General Manager and Assistant General Manager /Engineer to order any action necessary to respond to this emergency and determine this project is exempt from CEQA; and (4) Approve expenditures necessary to start emer- gency repairs, in the estimated amount of $50,000. Staff developed a recommendation to amend the TIME LMITS ON SEWER PERMITS Administrative Code placing time limits on sewer C r permits to include on the agenda for the October 15 Board meeting. Subsequent to the agenda being posted, after additional discussions, staff presented a revised recommendation and requested the Board not take action at that meeting, but instead to discuss and direct staff. After discussing the specifics of the length of time, extensions, and applicable fees, staff was under the impression the Board concurred with the recommendation and was intending to bring the revised code amendment to this November 5 Board meeting for action. Since that time, District staff has received several calls from Board members and citizens disagreeing with the proposed amendment. It appeared there was some misunderstanding of the staff recommendation. This was included on the November 5 agenda to seek direction from the Board to determine if the draft code amendment should be approved as is, revised, or not be considered for action at all. Diane Noble presented comparative data re: what other local agencies do, and recommended aligning the require- ments to be consistent their practices. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 5, 2009 PAGE - 6 John Adamski questioned the need to proceed at this TIME LMITS ON SEWER PERMITS time. He agreed the permits should be brought up to (continued) code after expiration, but disagreed with the time restraints and associated fees. He urged the Board to solicit additional public input and take some time before reaching a decision. It was the consensus of the Board to table this item until a public meeting can be held to gather input from a cross section of concerned citizens before developing a final recommendation. No Board action. Moved Schafer / Second Jones / Passed Unanimously PAYMENT OF CLAIMS to approve payment in the amount of $2,193,085.35. 3:50 - 4:00 P.M. MEETING BREAK Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The BOARD MEMBER STANDING committee met November 2. Minutes of the meeting COMMITTEE REPORTS are available upon request. Several site tours were included as part of the meeting. Management and Union MOU Ad Hoc Committee: BOARD MEMBER AD HOC The committee met with staff and the District's COMMITTEE REPORT benefits design consultants, BB &H, to review ideas to streamline the medical policy. An additional meeting will be held on November 24 with union managers, management representatives, and the Board's ad hoc committee to explore the ideas further. Director Jones attended the agency's meeting on EL DORADO COUNTY WATER November 4 and reported most of the meeting was AGENCY PURVEYOR spent on personnel issues. Some of the water pur- REPRESENTATIVE REPORT veyors will be making a push to review the size and expense of the agency, and try to ensure the majority of money taken from the purveyors is returned to them. Directors Schafer and Jones relayed their appreciation BOARD MEMBER REPORTS for the opportunity to serve on the Board for four more years. Director Claudio distributed a handout detailing an odor complaint received from the Blue Angel Cafe. Staff will investigate the problem and conduct a smoke test to determine the source. Assistant General Manager /Engineer: Paul Sciuto kie gave an update on the Alpine County monitoring plan. Lahontan will meet with staff to discuss groundwater monitoring issues. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 5, 2009 PAGE - 7 General Manager: Richard Solbrig reported on two GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS items: 1) City Water MOU - Staff gave a presentation to the city council and there seemed to be general consensus that a MOU might not be necessary. The City Council and staff will continue to evaluate the need. In the meantime, quarterly bills have been mailed out. 2) The President signed the water bill that included the earmark for the local water coalition's funding request for 2010 -201 1 fiscal year. Some of the money approved is for District water system improvements for fire fighting. The bill and bond proposal is expected to be signed by the Governor soon. Clerk of the Board: Kathy Sharp gave an update STAFF REPORT on the November 3 election results: Seat 1 - Chris Cefalu Seat 2 - Jim Jones Seat 5 - Eric Schafer The newly elected Board member and re- elected incumbents will assume office on Friday, December 4, and take their seats at the December 17 Board meeting. A ceremonial oath of office will be conducted at that time. 4:35 P.M. ADJOUNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) /Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S -01 -1520 LKK GGH, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) /Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Tahoe Asphalt, Inc., and Tahoe Asphalt Materials Company, LLC, vs. STPUD, Case No. SC20090104, El Dorado Superior Court 4:45 P.M. ADJOURNMENT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES — NOVEMBER 5, 2009 PAGE - 8 C 41-1 Mary Lou Mosbacher, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: �� Kathy Sharr , Ier of theyBoard South Taho ublic Utilit y District 4161V 0 ■ Ce di D 0 0 e cn LLi / n z Z v QZ 1A `. 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