HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976 01/08 - 1976 12/16'�'��� 122gular 1VI�2tingc --2- ]'�nuary 8, 1976 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by A. L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts Contractors Percentages Completed Johnson Blvd. Pump Station Teichert Cons. Co. ($193 ,000) Johnson Pump Sta. Schedule 1 99% ($209,668.40) ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. Schedule 2 100% ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. Schedule 3 100% ($ 91 ,940) Treehaven Tr. Schedule 4 100% Martin Avenue Well So. Tahoe Cons. Co. 98% ($ 69,000) ' ATTORNEY'S REPORT: J.C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that he filed the pre-trial statement today re the Johnson Pump Station. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Energy Conservation: None. (2) Water Utility: Director Cocking stated they toured the area of Martin Avenue Well and the Tahoe Keys Well Nos. 1 and 2. (3) Plant Operations . None. (4) Finance - Insurance. None (5) Community Relations: The committee did not meet, however, Director Kashuba stated a press release was prepared regarding "{iorizons on Display" and members of Congress will publicly welcome the 200 representatives of those designated projects in Washington, D.C. , on January 28th and January 29th, and District Manager Callahan will represent this District, and the Community, at this conference as a guest of the Bicentennial "Horizons on Display" . . . Also, Manager Callahan stated that the article on the Editorial of the Tahoe Daily Tribune re the Swimming Pool was in Wednesday evening paper. WATER SYSTEM. . . . .WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: As presented by W. Dunckhorst;I "On Wednesday of this week the last of the five fire hydrants on Martin Avenue was completed. I have been keeping the City Fire Chief informed of our progress on these installations and he now knows that all hydrants are in and ready for instant use. Cost of the hydrant installation is approximately $1 ,000 per hydrant. On Tuesday I informed Mr. Callahan that the A1 Tahoe well has become inoperable. We will not know how much ��.as to be done until it is pulled apart and completely checked out. I know a bearing has gone, and that the right angle gears are badly worn. I also feel that the spacers down on the shaft and the bowl could possibly be ready for complete servicing. I highly recommend having well experts come in and pull the complete well and put it back in top shape. Mr. Gonzales is helping me a great deal on this as he is making arrangements with various well experts to come in and tell us what should be done. We are expediting this as fast as we can, as I feel this well is the most important source of water supply in the entire system. (2) MARTIN AVENUE WELL: J. Jensen, District Engineer, stated that a small chlorine storage will be installed at Martin Avenue Well to move the chemicals through the system, and felt the District forces can do this work; the schematic plans should be ready next week showing where the chemicals can be and will be introduced. (3) ACQUISITION OF WATER SYSTEMS: Meeting with Dillingham, 3 pm, 1/12/76, here ; at the District office. xegular Me2ting -3- 1/8/76 ��� � %� t WASTEWATER SYSTEM. . . . ( 1) Plant Automation: Consider Authorizing installation of Automatic Chlorine Control. General Manager Callahan recommended that the District forces proceed with the Automatic Chlorine Control Installation - Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, . unanimously carried. John G.M.Gonzales, Systems Engineer, recommended that any action re the pH Control project be postponed. Manager Callahan will bring this up for consideration at the next - regular meeting of the Bogrd. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) Letter of California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region, dated 12/22/75. Same answered. (2) Letter of California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region, dated 12/23/75 . (3) Memorandum of T R P A dated 12/17/75, and Notice of ineeting of Advisory Planning Commission of 1/14/76 at 10:00 A.M. The Board agreed that we should have representation at this meeting regarding energy and resource conservation strategies. The Attorney expressed his concern regarding the items mentioned in the memorandum (a) the possibility of recycling of sewage effluent to reduce the electrical consumption for export, and to reduce net water loss of the watershed, (b) require transition to low volume toilet systems to reduce water consumption and treatment demands on new and existing residential units (retrofitting); (c) require water metering to reduce consumption. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, the claims as recommended by Manager Callahan in the amount of $177, 146 .05 be approved for payment. . ADJOURNMENT: 10:45 P.M. � � 2 Edward E. Hegarty, Presid� t South Tahoe Public Uti�y istric ATTEST: �, ��l t-c �Gcr ) >.C�t�-f"�t,",-� David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Off. Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District *��******* Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District January 15, 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 1/15/76, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. - ROLL CALL: Present were President E.E.Hegarty, Directors F.J.Cocking, L,L.Kashuba, R.A.Fieldcamp, Attorney J.C .Weidman, Clerk of Board & General Manager David W. Callahan,Systems Engineer J.GM.Gonzales,District EngineerJo jensen, EngineerA.L. Shoupe,Water Supervisor W.Dunckhorst,Dave Huber, Shop Steward's M. Kobernus and H- Hanson. ABSENT: Direc tor R.W. Fesler. MINUTES of 1/8/76 - Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, minutes be approved as presented. ll�X;' 1�2g�t1��' 1VIe2ting -2- 1/Y5/76 MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by David W. Callahan: ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1975 - (Permits) Active permits on 1/1/75 104 New permits issued l , 120 Active permits on 12/31/75 248 Total inspections made 1 ,320 Total permits finaled 976 Total mileage 9 ,425 During 1975, a grL�ase trap inspection program had been set up and inspections made. The infiltration study was incorporated into the inspection department consisting of four (4) temporary and one (1) full time employees. Leaking manholes have been repaired and main lines monitored for infiltration or exfiltration. The inspection department was also involved with locating laterals, manholes, performing dye tests (to determine if dwelling on collection system) , and unit counts (uup dating for correct service charges) . The value of building permits issued for 1975 are as follows: City $27, 956,659 County 14,823,331 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42, 779,990 �� Manager Callahan also stated that he attended the TRPA meeting Wednesday at 10 a.m. regarding the session on the proposed energy and conservation program; they will hold a workshop sometime in Febrkary. Also, Wednesday afternoon Mr. Callahan and John Gonzales attended the personnel seminar held by the City of South Lake Tahoe, and he felt same was quite educational. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, the Manager's Report be approved as presented. SYSTEM ENGINEER'S REPORT: None ' DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. jensen presented the documents re the magnaese control of the Martin Avenue Well, cost approximately - including District labor - is $2 ,200.00; annual operational costs is $8,900.00 . i Also, Mr. jensen stated re the export failures and breaks, Mr. Geor�e Silkworth, � /�David W. Callahan, John G.M. Gonzale s, and C.I . Ros s, J. Jensen, took Mr. Silkworth l/ around the area where the breakes were and took a 20 ft section of pipe out where the large break was. Dents in pipes approximately 1,4" deep that was done during the construction. Mr. Silkworth will give a report on his findings, and when same is prepared, Mr. Jensen will request a study session. Also, Mr. Jensen had a call from a Mr. C. Schultz, who is working with Mr. Fred Gerard re our water rights ---- report to be forthcoming. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by A.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts Contractors Percentages completed johnson Blvd. Pump Station Teichert Cons. Co. (193,000) Johnson Pump Station Schedule 1 - 99% (209,668.40) , � � ( 10,000) Bijou Modification Schedule 2 100% i ( 44,250) Fairway Tr. Schedule 3 100% ( 91 ,940) Treehaven Tr. Schedule 4 100% Martin Avenue Well So. Tahoe Cons. Co. 98% ($69,000) ���� ( Regular Meeting -3- 1/15/76 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, spoke with Mr. K. Lounsberry regarding the swimming pool situation, and will have answers to his questions of Mr. Lounsberry in a week or so. The Springmeyer pre-trial held; also spoke with Mr. Noble Murray regarding the re- appraisal of property for trial on 2/17 and 18/76. Also, Mr. Weidman recommended he be authorized to offer a total of $7,800 .00 for the pump station and easement. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Energy and Conservation Research: No report. (2) Water Utility. Director Cocking and the Board met to tour the water systems, wells, etc. Director Fieldcamp gave a report as to the work that should be done at each pump station. He also suggested that the Board take a tour of all the sanitation sewer pump stations. (3) Plant Operations: No report. (4) Finance: No report. (5) Community Relations: Director Kashuba stated that the Tribune carried the article re our plant being chosen for the Bi-Centennial in Wa shington, D.C . , and Manager Ca1laYian's visit for this Bi-Centennial to Washington, D.C. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Harry Hanson stated that classes will be given to those interested for the plant and maintenance certifications. WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: Mr. W. Dunckhorst stated the leak was fixed at the Tata Lane Well that Director Fieldcamp noticed. No further services will be installed, unless of great emergency and ordered by Manager Callahan,until spring. Lampson's Market is closing and as of this date the water has not been turned off, and they are quite delinquent in their payments . AL TAHOE WELL: Manager Callahan recommended that the bearings, etc. , at Al Tahoe Well be replaced. Directors agreed same to start immediately. However, prior to obtaining outside services, Mr. J. Gonzales, Systems Engineer, will contact any local firms that might be able to accomplish this work - there are two firms in Carson City that have given costs for this type of work. 3 . ACQUISITION OF WATER SYSTEMS: Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, the counsel be authorized to prepare agreement for the acquisition of Tahoe Keys Water Company. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: VEHICLES: Following bids received: 1 . Shehadi Motors $5, 686 . 90 1976 Chev. Blazer 2 . Ken Collins Motors $6, 330 .01 1976 Jeep Cherokee 3 . Shelby Ford, Inc $6, 172 . 14 1976 Ford Bronco Wagon Manager Callahan Recommended the bid from Shehadi Motors be considered. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION N O. 2002, A Resolution Authorizing Purchase of One 4-wheel drive Vehicle, as per bid from Shehadi Motors , Inc. , in the amount of $5, 686.90 be approved and accepted. '�v�.3 Regul�r Meetirig -4- 1/15/76 4 . TAHOE RESOURCES CONSERVATION DISTRICT: Authorize Committee to prepare Agreement w�_th Tahoe Resources Conservation Distroint d Dl e�crtoreKash�uba o.work Call�han, General Manager. President Hegarty app with the Manager regarding same. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) Notice of Meeting to revii��h��s'o�i30ePo�miD stract C nference Roomarch Ass o c i a t e s o n t h e C T R P A, / � (2) Notice of Special District's Board Members Institute on 2/27-28/76. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, the claims in the amount of $146, 549. 88, as recommended by Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:50 P.M. / r ���. EDWARD E. HEGARTY, Pr, siden South Tahoe Public Utility Di5 rict ATTEST: -� , � �� �; ��.��� ._��.�- David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ****** REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 5, 1976 ' The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 2/5/76, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Edward E. Hegarty, Directors F.j. Cocking, L.L. Kashuba, R.A. Fieldcamp, General Managere SenerAoLBShoupeaVSystems Callahan, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Engineers J. T Shop Stewards H. Engineer J.G.M.Gonzales, Water Supervisor W. Dunckhorst, Hanson and M. Kobernus, Employee Dave Huber. ABSENT: Director R.W. Fesler. MINUTES: Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, minutes of 1/18/76 be approved as submitted. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Hegarty welcomed all to the meeting. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer J. Jensen stated that he spoke with Mr. � G. Silkworth, who contacted a firm in Tulsa re investigation of the pipeline breaks and a report will be forthcoming. Also, CH2M Hill Hydro-Geologist - Mr. Dave Lawrence - will be contacting Mr. B . Frizzee to discuss the well, chlorinator, etc. , at the Keys . CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As prese�nc ORS A'L. ShouPERCENTAGES COMPLETE'I�I CONTRACTS & AMOUNTS CONT Johnson Blvd. Pump Station Teichert Cons. Co. ($193 ,000) Johnson Pump Station Schedule 1 99% (209, 668.40) Schedule 2 100% ($10 ,000) Bijou Mod. Schedule 3 100% ($44, 250) Fairway Tr Schedule 4 100% ($91 , 940) i.reehaven Tr. 99% Martin Avenue Well So Tahoe Cons. Co. ($69 ,000) xeguiar M2�ting �2� 2/5/76 j6�'�f MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager David W. Callahan: " The Directors and I attended the California Association of Sanitation Agencies Conference on January 22nd through the 24th. Study Sessions were held on February 2 , 3 , and 4th with the Board of Directors. I attended the California Water Pollution Control Association Planning Committee Meeting on January 16th in Oakland. The annual conference will be held at Tahoe on April 14, 15 and 16th. I attended the National Announcement of the "Horizons on Display" program in Washington, D.C, at the request of the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration. They invited the project managers of the 200 selected projects to Washington to acquaint them with the national program. F��l.ouvi.rig is the plant operation report for the month of January 1976: 1975 1976 1975 _ December januarv Tanuarv Total Plant Flow - MG 101 .0 95. 5 95 .6 Daily Average Flow - MG 3. 3 3 . 1 3. 1 Maximum Daily Flow - MG 5 .0(12/26) 4.4(1/1) 4.0 Chlorine Used - lbs 65. 2 66. 8 12 . 6 Natural Gas Used.Thousand Cu Ft 7, 337 7,472 6, 941 Electr�city Used-KWH 852, 000 729,000 829, 200 Lime Used: Ton-Makeup 147. 6 132 .2 gg,g Recalcined 82 . 1 90. 7 gg,2 �� Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as submitted. SYSTEM ENGINEER'S REPORT: None . ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that he contacted a representative of the Lakeside Water Company, Mr. L, King, who told him his partner would contact him regarding a meeting. FALLEN LEAF LAKE LITIGATION: Jerry Lynch, Attorney, made a motion to have this come up on 2/13/76 to formally f il.e the record, Mr. Weidman stated. Mr. jim Norton, representative for Fallen Leaf Lake called Mr. Weidman stating that the Fallen Leaf residents had contacted LRWCB and that Lahontan might consider a variance for getting rid of their wastes . (This variance would be under the Arnet Bill) . Re: - PUMP STATTON/EMINENT DOMAIN. . . .Mr. Weidman stated that Mr. Noble Murray has reappraised the area for $8, 750 for pump station, $250. for easement, $1 , 500 for interest Also that he would like to have authorization from the board to offer in the area of $10, 500 to settle; this offer would be equal to TRPA rules and higher than CTRPA rules. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Researc!-� and Energy Conservation. None. (2) Water Utility. None (3) Plant Operations . None. (4) Finance/Insurance: Director Cocking stated a meeting was held to discuss the finances for future operations of the District. (5) Community Relations: Director Kashu�a stated that News Releases prepared on the Utility District being named as one of the 200 sites for "Horizons on Display" as part of the National Bicentennial program, and an arti cle on the employment of our chemist - Chester Auckly - were prepared and printed. Director Kashuba attended the regular meeting of the TRPA on 1/28/76 and 1/29/76, and the meeting of the Citizen's Committee on 2/2/76. Director Kashuba prepared a draft Memorandum of Understanding with the Tahoe Resources t�onservation ��is�rict with Manager Callahan's concurrence. The TRPA has scheduled a workshop on Energy and Conservation for Thursday, 3/4/76, at 10:00 A.M. The morning session will deal with electricity and natural gas and the afternoon session with water and sewage. It is Director Kashuba's hope that several Board Members and Staff will attend and provide some input. 1�fIS Regu1�� Me2ting -3� 2/5/76 SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Mr. Harry Hanson invited the members of the Board to attend the reviews on 2/7/76 here in the Conference Room to learn what the requirements are for the employees to receive their certifications. , Mr. Hanson also mentioned that the Blood Bank will be here near the end of the month, and stated that our supply is getting low and would appreciate donations. WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: None. FINANCIAL REPORT: (a) Status Report: - Manager Callahan presented the Board with copies of a quarterly report for the Water Operation ending 12/31/75, and stated that it appears the Water Department financial condition is in fine shape. 3 . ACQUISITION OF TAHOE KEYS WATER SYSTEM: Attorney Robert J. Hill is working on the agreement regarding the Tahoe Keys Water Company Acqui:�ition and requested a Study Session on 2/18/76, and another Study Session with Mr. B. Frizzee on 2/19/76. SCHEDULED STUDY SESSIONS: 2/10/76 Table of Organization 2/17/76 Finances 2/18/76 Keys Water Company with Attorney R.J. Hill 2/19/76 Keys Water Company with Mr. B. Frizzee EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY: Letter of 1/16/76 requesting submission of name for appointment to Negotiating Committee. Postponed. WASTEWATERSYSTEM. . . . . . . . . s . . . • • • • • • • • • • ✓' (1) EXPORT PIPELINE: Reported by District Engineer. (2) TAHOE RESOURCES CONSERVATION DISTRICT: RESOLUTION NO. 2003, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Memorandum of Understanding with Tahoe Resources Conservation District. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. (a) Notice of Meeting: - Monday, 2/9/76, 10:00 A.M. (2) RESOLUTION NO. 2004: Authorizing Acivertisement for Sealed Bids re Plant Auto- mation (this equipment will be approximately $10,000) . Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. BID OPENING DATE is 3/4/76. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) NOTICE of Lake Tahoe Research Seminar VII on Friday, 2/20/76, 9:00 A.M. , Sands Vagabond Convention Center. (2) NOTICE of TRPA 208 Areawide Planning Advisory Committee Discussion of Draft Initial Plan, Wednesday , 2/11/76, 11:00 A.M. seconded by Director Cocking, PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved. roved for payment. unanimously carried, claims of $117,650. 86 be app ADJOURNMENT: 10:15 P.M. .� EDWARD E. HEGAR ,; resi ent . South Tahoe Public Utility istrict ATTEST: ,-- � , � .. ��1�. [�'L � i , DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-Off. Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District ****�*****� Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors :;f the /� ��' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 19, 19 76 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 2/19/76, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were `President E.E.Hegarty, Directors F.j.Cocking L.L.Kashuba, R. A. Fieldcamp, General Manager & Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineers J.G.M.Gonzales, J, jensen, A.L. Shoupe, Water Supervisor W. Dunckhorst and Mrs . Dunckhorst, Shop Steward H. Hanson and M. Kobernus, Employees D. Huber, E. Schmidt and Mrs. E. Schmidt. ABSENT: Director R.W. Fesler and Attorney J.C .Weidman. MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, minutes of 2/5/76 be approved as submitted. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Hegarty welcomed all to the meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by D.W. Callahan, General Manager; "The holiday weekend flows increased 30 to 50% over the mid- week flows . The 24-hour flow for Sunday the 15th was 4.6 million gallons. The operators were unable to keep good quality at the various stages of plant treatment and therefore terminated export on Saturday morning. Approxi-mately 18 million gallons was pumped to the holding pond. On February 9th, the Board of Directors and I attended the Tahoe Resources Conservation District meeting. The Conservation District approved the Memorandum of Understanding that our District approved at their last meeting. The Board of Direct�rs met on Tuesday the lOth to disc�ass the District's Table of Organization. There was also a meeting on the 17th regarding District finances . On the 18th and 19th, the Board of Directors met regarding acquisition of the Tahoe Keys Water System. On the 18th they met with Mr. Robert Hill and discussed a preliminary draft of the proposed agreement, and on the 19th with representatives of the Dillingham Development Company regarding price and revenues of the Water System. " Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as submitted. SYSTEM ENGINEER'S REPORT: J.G.M.Gonzales stated that a new report form involving more detailed information from the lab is now required by NPDES and passed copies of this form to the Board. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: J. Jensen, District Engineer, stated that he brought a copy of the new Operations Manual being prepared by CH2M Hill and 20 more copies will be on the way. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported by A.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts Contractors Percentage completed johnson Blvd. Pump Sta. Teichert Cons. Co. ($193,000) johnson Blvd. P/�ta Schedule 1 100% ($209, 668.40) ($10,000) Bijou Modification Schedule 2 100% ($44,250) Fairway Tr. Schedule 3 100% ($91, 940) Treehaven Tr. Schedule 4 100% Martin Avenue Well So Tahoe Consr. Co ($69,000) 100% � �g� Regular Meeting -2- 2/19/76 COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Energy Conservation: Director Hegarty stated that Yie, Director Cocking, Director Kashuba and General Manager Callahan met to discuss the items that are before the District, and will bring a full report to the Board within the next two meetings. No further committee reports. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: H. Hanson stated that the class was held for Maintenance G��1:ification on 2/7/76 at the District, and Directars Fieldcamp and Kashuba also attended this one-day seminar. Another one-day seminar will be held this coming week for Wastewater Treatment Operators. � Mr. H. Hanson stated that they are also looking into Safety Program seminars. Director Fieldcamp stated that he felt it is a worthwhile program and the group showed great interest in same. Director Kashuba stated that the employees should be congratulated for their initiative. WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: As presented by W. Dunckhorst: "After 16 days of shut-down on the Al Tahoe well in january it was put back into complete operation on 1/30/76. The work of disassembling and re-assembling was done by members of our heavy maintenance and electrical staff and Water Department staff. The cost of labor and parts to overhaul the right angle gear drive was $1 ,340.07, and to repair the 50 hp motor was $265.72, making a total cost of $1 ,605.79 . It is now operating very smoothly. Two weeks ago the Water Department staff completed the installation of the chemical feeding system for the Martin Avenue Well for the injection of sodium hypochlorite and polyphosphate into the system to counteract the manganese problem. When testing this new system, we encountered a wiring problem which burned out a small transformer. This transformer is on order and when received the District electrical department will install it, and we can th�n ' operate the well and continue making tests to see if it will handle the manganese problem. Mr. Gonzale s or I will keep you inf�rmed on its progres s . S ince the 9th of this month, we have had seventeen calls on fr:�zen water lines, three of these were our lines frozen, which we thawed out, and the balance were the problems of the property owners, who would then call a plumber. Over this past long holiday weekend, we experienced some probleZ'izs, which we fortunately caught in time to have saved us from very serious troubles. The first problem was found on Saturday morning by Dave Huber and that was the Harrah's Reservoir was almost empty. This was caused overnight by the failure of our signal for the pumps at the filtration plant. This was corrected by putting both pumps on hand-operated. We did not fill the reservoir until Monday morning because of the heavy draw of water. The second problem developed Saturday evening when I was called out because of low pressure in the Montgomery Estates #1 area. We found the big tank on the hill empty. This was also caused by the failure of our signal system. We corrected this by manually controlling, and watching morning and night until corrected by the Telephone Company. Tanks, Boosters and Diesels (formerly Tahoe Sierra Water Company) as follows: TANKS Spring Line 10 ,000 gal ' Heavenly Valley 210,000 gal Heavenly Valley 126,000 gal Rancho Bijou #3 84,000 gal Rancho Bij ou #3 420,000 gal W D Bartoiz #2 420,000 gal BOOSTERS Glen Road & Rocky Pt. Rd 10 hp Keller Road 50 hp Rancho Bijou #3 Ralph Dr. 10 hp Tata lane Barton #2 10 hp /�fS Regular Meeting -3- 2/19/76 WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT (Continued) DIESELS Tahoe Sierra #2 SO KW Tahoe Sierra #3 30 KW Barton #2 150 KW Rancho Bijou #2 75 KW Rancho Bijou #3 Buta Diesel 100 KV1T Lakeside Wells - 1-2 '75 KW HIGHWAY "89" FIRE LINE: Manager Callahan stated this has been placed on the agenda at the request of the Research and Energy Conservation Committee to be made aware of what is happening regarding this subject. Manager Callahan stated that we have no way of financing this line - therefore, nothing has been done, and nothing is to be done in the near future. President Hegarty stated that we arz certainly in sympathy with the need for this line and until someone can come up with some means of financing we cannot go any further. ACQUISITION OF TAHOE KEYS WATER SYSTEM: The following Resolutions were presented for consideration: RESOLUTION NO. 2005, A Resolution Determining that the Public Interest and Necessity of the District Demand the Acquisition of Certain Public Utility Works - Tahoe Keys Water Company Project. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2007: A Resolution Authorizing the General Manager to Undertake Certain Activities Including the Preparation of an Initial Environmental Study and the Submission of an Acquisition Report to the Planning Commission of the City of South Lake Tahoe - Tahoe Keys Water Company Project. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded By Director Cocking, unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2006: A Resolution Directing Preparation of Plans and Estimates - Tahoe Keys Water Company Project. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried. 4. EL DORADO WATER AGENCY: Letter of 2/11/76 requesting submission of name for appointment to Negotiating Committee. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that Director Hegarty be submitted for appointment. 5 . COLD CREEK PROPERTY: Consider setting committee meeting to determine a recommenda- tion for a response to theDavid D. Bohannon Organization request ---same will be scheduled after 3/15/76, and Manager Callahan to send letter to Mr. Vogel stating same. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) BULK CHLORINE FACILITIES: Manager Callahan stated that we have not obtained copies of contracts needed for this project, and stated that perhaps at some later date we can then consider bulk chlorine facilities . EASEMENTS: Consider request to quitclaim public utility easement to property owner. Manager Callahan stated that a request was received from a property owner of Lot 275, Montgomery Estates No. 5, who wants to build within the area of this easement. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, we grant the quitclaim deed providing the other utilities will do the same, and this is as was recommended by Manager Callahan. ���� Regular Meeting -4- 2/19/76 LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION: RESO��;LfTION NO. 2008, A Resolution Approving Specifications and Calling for Advertisement for Bids for Parts for a BYRON_ jA�;,KSON PUMP. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried. Manager Callahan stated that this amount ($15,000) will have to be budgeted in the next year, same would be a delivery date of 12 months. Bid opening will be 3/18/76 at the District Office. SERVICE Charges: Manager Callahan stated that due to the increase over the past years of other utilities to the District, he recommends the Board consider a 50% increase in service charges as of this July. We have not had an increase in service charges since 1970 . Manager Callahan recommended a public hearing be set for 3/25/75 at 8:00 P.M. , regarding this. Manager Callahan also stated that the service charges represent only 25% revenues to the District budget. Manager Callahan mentioned that the City Manager is going to recommend to the City Council that the Fire Department turn over 5 fire hydrants to the Utility District and sell same for $1 .00 . PAYMEI�IT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, sec�nded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, claims as recommended by Manager Callahan in the amount of $151 , 162 . 15 be approved for payment. Adjournment: 10:20 P.M. �. � �-�,�.� �' .�� _��� Edward E. Hegarty,; P esi ` t South Tahoe Public ��Jtility'� istrict ATTE ST: ���, �z �z� �u ��� `l ��.z . . David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary to the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District ***** Regular Meet'�r �rC�t�e ��,��rd of Directors The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on 3/4/76, 8:00 P.M. , District Ccnference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Fieldcamp and Cocking, General Manager David W. Callahan and Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Systems Engineer John G.M.Gonzales, District Engineer j. Jensen, Resident Engineer A.L.�houpe, Water Supervisor W. Dunckhorst, employees M. Kobernus, D. Huber, Mr. and Mrs. E. Schmidt and Mrs. J. Gonzale s. ABSENT: President Edward E. Hegarty and Director L.L.Kashuba. MINUTES OF 2/19/76: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimousl� carried, minutes be approved as submitted. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Chairman Fesler welcomed all to the meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by D.W.Callahan, General Manager: "I have spent a great deal of time in the past two weeks preparing a preliminary budget for the Fiscal Year 1976-77 . I anticipate completing the preliminary budget, and having it available for the Directors the later part of next vv4ek. Attached is a draft of the news release regarding increasing the sewer service . charge fees . Directors Kashuba, Cocking and Fieldcamp attended the CSDA Seminar (for new Directors) in Palm Springs on 2/27,28,29/76. The Directors met in Study Session on 3/1/76, and received a report on the export pipeline break of 2/26/76. On 3/2/76 the Board met regarding insurance coverage and procedure to handle claims occuring from �he District's water operation. They also met on 3/3/76 to review current projects and operation of the District. R�gul�r Meeting -2- 3/4/76 /�p 9U Following is the Operation Report for the month of February. In �ddition to reporting total usage of utilities and supplies for the month, I have included the usage per million gallons of plant flow. FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1976: 1876 1976 1976 February January February Total Plant Flow - MG 97 .9 95. 5 94.9 Daily Average Flow - MG 3 .4 3 . 1 3 .4 Maximum Daily Flow - MG 4.6 4.4 4.6 (2/15) (1/1) Chlorine Used - Tons 55.8 66.8 15. 7 LBS/MG 1,119 1, 399 331 Natural Gas Used Thousand Cu Ft 6, 584 7,472 7,037 Cu Ft/MG 67, 252 78, 241 74, 152 Electricity Used KWH 771 , 600 729,000 588,000 KWH/MG 7 , 882 7 , 634 6, 196 Lime Used = Ton Makeup 64. 1 132 .2 70 .8 Recalcined 101 .4 90 . 7 Not Recorded Total Lime Used . . m a . o . . . 165 . 5 222 . 9 -------- LBS,rMG 3, 381 4,668 -------- Alum - LBS 3 , 335 3 ,695 3 ,815 LBS/MG 34. 1 38 . 7 40 Polymer-Percol LBS 416.5 433 259 LBS/MG 4.3 4. 5 2 . 7" NE W S RELEASE: " A public hearing on increase in sewer charges for users in the South Tahoe Public Utility District was set by the Board of Directors at the regular Board Meeting of 2/19/76. The hearing will be held on 3/25/76 at the District Offices at 8:00 P.M. Citizens are urged to attend and discuss with Directors the need for additional charges announced by Board President Edward Hegarty. Anyone wishing information should contact District Manager David Callahan. Sewer service charges have not been increased since 1970 . The current annual rate is $30 .60 per single family dwelling unit and consideration is being given to increasing the annual rate to $49.32 . The increase is necessary due to the increased cost of supplies, utilities and other operating expenses for the collection, treatment, and disposal of sewage. . . . . . . Manager Callahan also mentioned that three operato rs - G. Trauner, R. Rau and M.Heyer - have received operators certificates for successful completion of the operations course. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, the Manager's Report be approved as submitt2d. SYSTEM'S ENGINEER'S REPORT: John G.M. Gonzales stated that he had 2 letters written t� Roy Hampson of LRWQCB and another of 3/4/76 re the force rra in break of 2/26/76; this was for information for the Board that Lahontan had been notified of the breaks. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: jack jensen stated that CH2M Hill has prepared material for the acquisition of Tahoe Keys Water System. Last Thursday Mr. George Silkworth, CH2M Hill's Corrosion Engineer, and a Mr. Scott Jorday, from the TDW Pipeline Company of Tulsa, Oklahoma, toured the pipeline; ✓` however, the one area they did not tour was where the break occured on 2/26/76. Mr. jensen presented a brochure to the Board regarding a pipe that TDW firm has available to insert into the export pipeline which would show any difficulties, however, Mr. Jensen wants more study on this . " - ' Regular Meeting _3_ 3/4/76 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by A.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts Contractors Percentage Completed Johnson Blvd. Pump Station Teichert Cons. Co. ($193,000) Johnson Pump Sta . Schedule 1 ($209, 668 .40) 100% ($10,000) Bijou Mod. Schedule 2 100% ($44,250) Fairway Tr. Schedule 3 100% ($91 ,940) Treehaven Tr. Schedule 4 Martin A�enue Well 100% ($69,000) " So Tahoe Cons . Co 100% � ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman gave a status report on Fallen Leaf Lake and stated that a letter has been received by him from Mr. j. Norman, Attorney for the Fallen Leaf Lake residents, and requested a study session be held to discuss and review same. Same will be discussed at the study session scheduled for 3/17/76, 3:00 P.M. Attorney Weidman stated that he also settled with Mr. W, johnson, K. K. Johnson and Dayton Carr (Pump Station) but regarding M. Springmeyer - decision is pending. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None WATER SYSTEM: As presented by Water Supervisor - W. Dunckhorst: 3/4/76 The past two weeks the Water Department operation has been near normal, with no major problems developing. We had 2 breaks in the 10" main on Martin Avenue last week. The one on Martin and William was somewhat of a problem as we had the main shut down for 24 hours trying to drain it, so that it could be welded. We were unable to drain it in this length of time, so we cut out a section and fabricated a new section in. The other break was at Pinter and Martin Avenues which was repaired under pressure with no shutdown. The Martin Avenue well is now operational and can be used when the need arises . The stand-by engine is also ready to use when needed. There is one �roblem on the stand-by engine which I would like to see corrected before our engineers accept it, and that is a safety switch on the hand clutch that doesn't stay in place as it should do. Mr. Shoupe is aware of this, and I believe it will be corrected. We are still repairing fire hydrants when we are able, and have repaired two today, one on Glenwood and Allen Rae and another in Highland Woods. The foil�wing summary may be of interest to you to show the increase in water flow from the past few years to date. 1972 1973 1974 January 35, 188,000 39,476, 1975 000 45,437,000 50,818,000 February 32, 617,000 37,305,000 40,363,000 March 33 ,209,000 40,943,000 41,895,000 48' 898�000 April 31 ,837,000 39,820,000 44,012,000 46,988,000 May 46,019,000 53, 178,000 58,470,000 57,485,000 June 49,582,000 70,448,000 78,325,000 83,027,000 July 75,894,000 83,359,000 86, 202,000 102, 768, 000 August 80, 768, 000 81 ,431,000 94,073,000 96, 137,000 September 46 , 159,000 69,456,000 74, 186,000 73, 509,000 October 35,478,000 48, 530,000 62,306,000 November 32 , 750,000 39,309,000 48, 119,000 67'247,000 December 40,597,000 42, 755,000 48, 253,000 6p;040,000 Total 540 , 188,000 646,010,000 721 , 591,000 793' �03,000 096,000 Regular Meeting -4- 3/4/76 ��O 9�' WATER SYSTEM (Continued) : 2 . TAHOE KEYS WATER SYSTEM ACQUISITION: (a) Letter received from the City stating there is no conflict with the District re the acquisition of this Company. (b) R.J. Hill, Attorney, is working on the papers re acquisition of same. Manager Callahan will discuss purchase possibilities of c:�shing out with the Company in 6 months with Mr. Hill. Attorney Weidman is pursuing the matter w.ith the E1 Dorado County Water Agency (Loan) . He will attend the meeting with this agency the second Wednesday in April and will discuss the funds at that time. 3 . MARTIN AVENUE WELL (a) Communication E1 Dorado Planning Commission regarding landscaping of the Martin Avenue Well; the District has complied with their request of the landscaping, Manager Callahan stated. WASTEWATER SYSTEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) PLANT AUTOMATION: (a) Report of Bid Opening, as follows: 1 . Gamble Instrument Sales $6 ,350 (Does not meet specifications) Danville, California 2 . Orion Reserach Inc. $8,262 Cambridge, Ma 02139 3 . Delta Scientific Corp $9,480 Lindenhurst, N.Y. 11757 (b) Consider RESOLUTION NO. 2009, A Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Equipment for a continuous On-Line Ammonia Nitrogen Analyzer (low bid of Orion Research, Inc. in the amount of $8,262 . approximately 60-90 days delivery) . Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2009 be approved. 2 . EASEMENT (a) CONSIDER RESOLUTION NO. 2010: A Resolut ion Authorizing the President of the Board to Execute a Quitclatm Deed for a Public Utility Easement. (Montgomery EStates No. 5 �-- other entities have granted same for this property) . Director Fieldcamp movetl , seconded by Director Cocking, carried. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) Letter from City of SLT of 3/2/76 re the Economic Research Associates Report; another public hearing on same scheduled for 4/8/76, 7:30 P.M. , District Conference Room. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $50, 994. 28, as so recommended by Manager D.W. Callahan, be approved for payment. ADjOURNMENT: 10:10 P.M. Y---- �--(�a-`'""'� Robert W. Fesler, Chairman Pro Tem South Tahoe Publ ic Utility District ATTEST: f , 1 / �'C"�..-` c1� �r�'�l `�-- ,�r�✓, David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ***** /6�3 REGULAR MEETING OF THE B0�1RD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DrSTRICT March 18, 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 3/18/76 at 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E.E.Hegarty, Directors R.W.Fesler, F.j. Cocking, L.L.Kashuba and R.A.Fieldcamp, Attorney J.C .Weidman, Clerk of Board and General Manager D.W.Callahan, Engineers j.jensen and A.L. Shoupe, Water Supervisor W. Dunckhorst and Mrs. Dunckhorst, Shop Steward's M. Kobernus and H. Hanson, employees D.Huber, B.Miller, jr. , visitors V. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. J.G.Gonzales . � MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, minutes of 3/4/76 be approved as submitted. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: None from the audience had comments. President Hegarty welcomed all to the meeting. �I�1GER'S REPORT: As presented by D.W. Callahan, General Manager: "On Wednesday March lOth at 3:00 P.M, a break in the export line was reported. The break was a few inches from a break that occurred 8/15/75 . B . Miller estimated the flow to be 10 gallons per minutes for an unknown time. The repair was completed today. A 5 foot section of the pipe was removed and a new section connected with dressler couplings. The Board of Directors met on March 11 and 15 regarding effects of the termination of John G. M. Gonzales and to consider the Table of Organization. They met on the 16th and 18th regarding finances and the need to increase sewer service charges. Also, they met on the 17th to discuss the request of the Fallen Leaf Home Owners. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the Board issue a letter of commendation for John G.M.Gonzales for all the fine work he did for this District the past few years. Director Fesler stated that he wished Mr. Gonzales well and it is indeed fitting for a letter of commendation to go to him. Engineer Jack Jensen and Attorney john C . Weidman were also in full agreement with the Board, and they also would like to be included in the letter of commendation to Mr. Gonzales. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, the Manager's Report be approved as presented. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: J. Jensen stated that he has given Manager Callahan some data regarding Tahoe Keys Water Company acquisition. Also, Martin Avenue Well is complete, johnson Blvd. Pump Station complete but he will be meeting with the contractor for this project to negotiate some changes and a further report will be presented to the Board at a later date. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman stated that the case of Johnson Blvd. Pump Station has been settled, easements are settled, etc. Mr. W. Johnson, K.johnson and Dayton Carr and Marjories Springmeyer have now settled. Also, Mr. Weidman stated that he received a letter from Mr, j. Norman, Attorney representing the Fallen Leaf Lake Home Owners Association , and requested authorization from the Board of Directors to reply to his letter without objection from the Board, in answer to two variances they requested, one to answer to the Board of Supervisors or the other was a local service area, which would be the District, and Attorney Weidman does not feel this can be legally accepted. Board approved. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. Community Relations will have a study session at 3:00 P.M. 3/19/76 at the District. Also, report presented as follows: "On February 24, I met with Manager Callahan to discuss the Horizons on Display Program and methods by which we might be most effective in bringing the information to the community concerning the Award given to the South Tahoe Public Utility District for the Indian Creek Project. The National Association will print a brochure for us. We must provide the copy on a standard "shell" . I have prepared a draft for this and Manager Callahan is reviewing it. /� q S� F2egular Meeting -2- 3/18/76 COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT (Continued) The Committee will meet next week to review the plans for our participation in the Bicentennial Programs as well as discuss other related matters. Directors Kashuba, Cocking and Fieldcamp attended the Institute for Special Districts at Santa Barbara, and their report as follows: '�he three new Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District - Directors Kashuba, Cocking and Fieldcamp, attended the Institute for Special Districts which was put on b y t he University of California at Santa Barbara Extension, and Sponsored by the CSDA. There were about 135 who took the course Thursday through Sunday. The areas of the seminars covered: l . Special District Government in the California System 2 . Law and the Director 3 . Board Level Management 4. The Board of Directors and Rffirmative Action Liability 5 . The Board of Directors and Effective Community Relations . The courses all went into very specific detail, and we t;��.nk presented a very well-rounded program of guidance forDirectors, their responsibilities to the citizens, in observance of the laws, to the management and employees, and the performance of their duties to properly establish policy for the specific function of the District. The courses were so concentrated and the instructors so full of information, that there did not seem to be enough time to delve as deeply as we would have liked into some of the subjects. Special Districts included in the registration covered sanitation, water, fire, general improvement, recreation, library, cemetery, and others. We were happy to have the opportunity to attend and learn and hopefully carry out the responsibilities of our position more effectively and efficiently. At a time convenient to the other Directors, we would like to review the materials with them and bring them up to date on new laws, procedural changes, etc. s/ F. Cocking, R. Fieldcamp, L. Kashuba" SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: As presented by W. Dunckhorst: Our Fire Hydrant repair program has progressed to the point where we have only one hydrant left forrepair and presently are awaiting ordered parts to repair this hydrant which is on Rancho Circle in the Rancho Bijou area. Applications have been submitted to the City for_pe�1Y�i�s to install 3 new hydrants at Ski Run and Spruce, Willow at Pioneer, and Sonora. The Public Works Department is pushing this through for me so that I can get it completed as soon as possible . We are now waiting on the CTRPA for approval. Yesterday we completed installation of a by-pass at the Filtration Plant that car� now allow us to shut down the plant at any time, and use Martin Avenue Well Water or A1 Tahoe Well water for the Montgomery Estates area. This was done primarily so that we could shut down the plant and check the filter media in the tanks, and not inconvenience our water users in any way. We anticipate this can be very helpful in other situations also. The Water Department is now starting installations of new services, so that we can stay ahead of the anticipated rush of new construction in this coming season. I am planning a metering program on all of the Tahoe Sierra wells �:: �that we can get a better idea of what we arepumping and to show where our deficiencies may be, and where to correct if we have to. The need so far as I can determine is that I will require (10) 6" meters, two 4" meters, and one 3" meter to fully meter and record flow of the Tahoe Sierra Systems. I do want to study this further and at such time will go over it with Mr. Callahan for recommendations. " i� �� xeguiar Meeting -3- 3/I8/76 2 . TAHOE KEYS WATER SYSTEM ACQUISITION: Manager Callahan to prepare a letter to Dillingham Corporation asking them to continue to review the acquisition of the Tahoe Keys Water Company , and respond as soon as possible. (b) Authorize Manager to request El Dorado County Water Agency Committee for their recommendation for an Interest Free Loan from E1 Dorado County Wager Agency for the purpose of acquiring Tahoe Keys Water System. Moved by Director Cocking, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried. 3 . CLAIM OF R.B. LUIPPOLD, Owner of Town & Country Laundromat. Much discussion took place re this subject, and it was moved by Director Fesler, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, same be turned over to Jim Lear of L & L Adjustment Service for his decision and recommendation. 4. Notice of California-Nevada Section American Water Works Association Spring � Conference April 22-23, to be held in Newport Beach. Manager Callahan stated that he would like authorization to have W. Dunckhorst, Water Supervisor, to attend this convention. The Board agreed, and President Hegarty stated that any Board members that are interested in attending to contact Manager Callahan to have the arrangements made. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: RESOLUTION NO. 2011 , A Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Parts for a Byron Jackson Pump. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2011 be approved. CONSIDER REQUEST OF PASSARANT CORPORATION: This Company requested permission to set up a deNatering System Device for the CWPCA convention to he held here and they wanted to put a display at the plant for the visitors attending this convention to view their product. A lengthy discussion was held and Director Fesler moved that we pa s s thi s over. Manager Callahan stated that he will deny this request, unless the Board directs him otherwise. Board agreed request to be denied. CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA WATER POLLUTION CON�ROL ASSOCIATION'S AT'�?:f•��:UAL CONFERENCE APRIL 14-16, at SAHARA TAHOE HOTEI, SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNLA. . . . Manager Callahan stated that some of our employees will be in attendance; he is also the �:�h%�irman for Local Arrangements Committee, and Mrs. june H�garty will arr«ng2 all events for the ladies. 4. Manager Callahan presented copies of the Preliminary Budget for the FY 1976-77 to the Board for their review. Agreement for participation in the Sierra Economic Development Excess Property Program. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that we execute this agreement, as recommended by Manager D.W.Callahan. 2 . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF REVISED TABLE OF ORGANIZATION: Manager Callahan stated that the last time this table was reviewed by the Board was in September 1973, and several changes have taken place since that time. Manager Callahan stated that this table has been discussed with Mr. B. Miller, W. Dunckhorst, and the Shop Steward's, and recommends same for approval. Dave Huber stated that he did not feel the table of organization for the Water Department is correct. The Shop Steward's (Kobernus and Hanson) requested that a "Meet and Confer" session take place with the Manager before any action is taken on this Table of Organization. They are in agreement with the first level of the Table only. Same will be taken up at the next regular meeting of this Board; the Shop Steward's and Manager Callahan will "Meet and Confer" re this Table of Organization. Manager Callahan presented a report from the Tahoe Resource Conservation District and a letter of 3/12/76 to the Board for their information and review. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved , second by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, c�aims in the amount of $186,144.36 be approved. �tegular Meeting -4- 3/18/76 ��° 9c ADjOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M, to 3/25/76, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room re Hearing on Sewer Service Charge Increases. �, �' .�_�._-- Edward E. Hegarty, pres' nt South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: / + i7���7�-L_ ��C.�.�ft,-G l�L. David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex� Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District � �************** AD j0 URNED Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District March 25, 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular session on 3/25/76 at 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors R. W. Fesler, F. J. Cocking, L. L. Kashuba and R. A. Fieldcamp; also present were General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney john C. Weidman, Engineer j. Jensen. Employees H. Hanson, M. Kobernus; D. Huber, G. James, C.I.Ross, B. Miller, E. Schmidt, A. Kruse. Visitors June Hegarty, S. Schmidt, V. Thompson, N. Sinclair, R. Andersen, A. Warren. H. Holmlund, j. Upton and Lisa Fesler. President E. Hegarty Called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. , welcomed all those present to this hearing, and introduced all members of the Board and staff to the visitors. OPEN HEARING: President Hegarty opened the hearing on the proposed increase in service fees at 8:10 P.M. Hefurther stated that the Manager will give the reasons for the increase and he mentioned the articles in the newspaper carrying information regard- ing the increase that is proposed. Present service fees for a single family dwelling (no more than 2 baths and one kitchen) is $30.60 per year, and the proposed increase will be a total of $49.32, an increase of $1 . 56 per month. Manager Callahan presented information to further explain the needed increase in service fees, presented charts showing electrical power use, natural gas use, lime use and chlorine use and stated in a 3 year period, ending 6/30/77, will increase $617,000. Manager Callahan also presented a chart showing the annual charges for Tahoe City PUD, Incline Village GID, Tahoe Douglas District, Kingsbury District and the present rate for South PUD and the proposed rate for South Tahoe PUD. Engineer jensen stated that the effluent is exported by the discharge requirements set by Lahontan, and are very strict requirements, also requirements of the Alpine County Water Agency. One of the most strict is on nitrogen removal. We have gone to breakpoint chlorination, using chlorine in the effluent, and another alternative is spraying, which is also expensive because of the power used in the pumping. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FROM THE FLOOR: Mr. Ralph Andersen, Andersen Realty, stated that this increase is 12% in 5 years; the cost of living has never been that much in any particular year, and each time an increase is voted in, it goes way above the cost of living; inflation ishere, Mr. Andersen stated, and it is hitting all of us. He mentioned that on the charts, the expenses were shown and not the income and he felt the income should also be shown, it would also be interesting to know, Mr. Andersen stated, what the wages were in 1970 and what they are now. He also wanted to know the volume�of the District - how much has picked up in the last 3 years, how many new employees, etc. , so he can have abetter prospective on this. He did not feel the comparison charge chart of what the other District's charge for service fees is a fair comparison because of the volume we have in this area, and did not feel the volume in the other areas compare to South Tahoe - this District. He felt that all rates �� y 7 �ldjourned �tegular Meeting -2- 3/25/76 in our area should remain 20 to 25% lower than any other area, because we have tcome lume. He also stated that he would like to have this analyzed a little more thoroughly, out with wages and fringe benefits; he stated the City has 82% of their budget in wages and benefits. He is pr hesmen�tioned abovee Alsosshefwoubdelike t hear be had on all of the other factors what solid program the District has in the making for cutting costs. Manager Callahan stated that the percentage increase is 6 years at 10% and not 5 years at 12%. Also, that in relation to cutting costs - 4 temporary men were terminated; one supervisory position terminated; and recently he terminated the Engineer position - - six e ub° d zed funds to f 1lntheste�vacancieseriManager months. We have Federal s Callahan stated. Manager Callahan mentioned t�he totalrf owthas ncrea ed greate o han the ser�vice m o r e s o t h a n e v e r i n t h e p a s t, charge increase. Mr. John Upton property owner asked what the increase would bring in dollars. Manager Callahan answ�� $360,000 . Thirty-five percent of the total budg� is for wages and benefits for employees. Mr. Nat Sinclair stated that he does not come here to criticise, because he felt the Board has done a good job. He stated that he did write a letter to the P U C protesting the charges of utilities - gas and power - approximately a 300% increase; he further mentioned we have to register all complaints to the P U C, with this Board's assistance, and to the legislatures and suppliers as well. Mr. Sinclair stated that the PUC felt it mandatory for gas and power utilities increases to give them an incentive to produce more gas and power. He stated most Qeople in our country have just had it with taxes, and felt there is a revolution going on in this country, as far as taxes are concerned. He stated the District o afeel this District houldsexpa d la y further�,aand S how to help the District. He did n the only way that we can live with the economy is to register complaints with the legislatures and get somei:hing done. Mr. Hugo Holmlund stated that he noticed on Manager Callahan's presentation all the costs were noted, but he did not show a budget deficit. Also, Mr. Holmlund stated, that he is in agreement with Mr. Andersen's remarks, otherwise the Board is doing a good job. Manager Callahan stated there could 000 mo4eOthanOourf revenues77we have approxim)ately we are spending approximately $200 , $200 ,000 to $250 ,000 on hand in the reserve fund in 1976. Mr. A1 Warren, resident since 1953 , stated that at 6:00 A.M. This morning he thought of the attendance that show od this hear ngoneM� a�arren refer�r d oetherarti le n the in attendance this evening f 3/9/76 issue of the Tribun 40e000 homeseinOthis areas apd pf the Distrect increases He stated there are many $ , this charge for service , there will be well over $1 ,000,000 .00 income. Manager Callahan stated that E R oD hednew con�t ct ona ssoffse�t bylthiso and same Tahoe Area, and if it is reduced is budgeted in the preliminary budget. Mr. John Upton,property own�anakeaCallahan t t d t�hattthe incrz selwbl be eqgal. the different type of users. g Mr. Upt�n asked what percentage of this usage of materials goes on constantly . Mr. Jack Jensen, Engineer,stated that electricity, chlorine, lime and gas are directly proportional, and chemicals too. The payments on bonds, etc. , are all fixed costs . Mr. Upton asked what other ways can revenues be raised; he stated he does own a couple of speculative lots, and could these be charged as well as those that are already connected and using the systems �lllas thosenownersOofp imilarlbus esses,setc. going to be quite an increase for him, a Adjourned Regular Meeting _3_ /`,: .;;�, 3/25/76 . Manager Callahan stated that 40% of the total operating budget is limited to the utilities and supplies. The increased cost is from operations and the user should be paying for this increase cost. The assessed valuation has increased over the years, and we are getting increased revenues from that. Mr. Andersen asked if the District is using the monies from the sewer operation to purchase the Water Companies. Manager Callahan stated that no sewer revenues are used for acquisition of the Water Companies; we cannot, legally, take sewer revenues to use for any purpose except sewer. HARRY HANSON, employee of the District, elected Shop Steward for Stationary Engir� ers, Local 39, stated that the employees have stayed within the cost of living within the last five years, and this Board has a right to adjust our salaries regarding the cost of living. These employees of this District, he stated, are certified and highly trained personnel to work here. He stated we do run in the lower bracket; we are public employees; we are paid lower wages. We will not know what the increase will be from taxes, and we have to set these rates in April so we can bill the property owners the first of July, Manager Callahan stated. We need approximately $360,000 more in service charges, and the final revenues will be determined by this Board in August. The total income was $2 .4 million for this fiscal year, he stated. President Hegarty thanked everyone for attending this hearing, stated this subject will again be discussed at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors on 4,(1/76 at 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. President Hegarty closed the hearing at 9:15 P.M, and Adjourned the Hearing. . . - , ; / __._ Edward E. Hegarty, Pr �dent South Tahoe Public Uti ity District ATTEST: /��, � � � l� ���r-�--� �� -i��'� . .. z--,.— David W. Callahan,Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District *�**** / b�� ` Regular Meeting of the Board of D.irectors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District April 1 , 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 4/1/76, 8:00 P. M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors R. W. Fesler, L.L. Kashuba, F.J. Cocking, R.A. Fieldcamp, General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, B. Miller - Sanitation Supt. , A.L. Shoupe - Resident Engineer, W. Dunckhorst - Water Supervisor, Mr. and Mrs. E. Schmidt, D. Huber, J. Gonzale s. ABSENT: jack Jensen, District Engineer. MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, the minutes of 3/18/76 be approved as corrected, and the minutes of 3/25/76 be approved as submitted. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by David W. Callahan, General Manager: "Friday, March 19, 1976 June Hegarty and I attended a planning session for the C.W.P.C.A. Conference to be held April 14-17. I have authorized ten employees to attend the Operator's and Maintenance School on Wednesday the 14th. The District has registered the Directors, Bernie Miller and myself for the Conference. The American Water Works Association's spring meeting will be held in Newport Beach, April 21-23. I have authorized Bill Dunckhorst to attend and also have registered President Hegarty and Directors Fesler, Fieldcamp, and Cocking. March 22nd, Monday, I attended a meeting in Placerville regarding our request for an interest free loan from E1 Dorado County Water Agency. The Board of Directors met in Study Session on March 24th regarding finances for the sewer operation. They met on the 29th of March regarding finances of the water department. Tuesday, March 30th, President Hegarty, Director Cocking, Engineer Jack Jensen, Attorney John C. Weidman and I, met with Bernie Frizzee and Richard Heiberger of Dillingham Development Company regarding acquisition of the Tahoe Keys Water System. I have requested Stationary Engineers Union Local #39 to meet and confer regarding employee benefits for the ensuing year during the last week of April. I plan to take a week vacation from April 19th-23rd. Manager Callahan also presented slides taken December 1975 of the Indian Creek Reservoir and the line break near the Lake Tahoe County Club Golf Course. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that ' the Manager's Report be approved as presented. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: None. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: A. L. Shoupe stated that Notice of Completion will be presented at the next regular meeting for Johnson Avenue Pump Station. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: john C. Weidman, Attorney, requested a Committee Meeting or a Study Session with full board to discuss a claim of C. Vogel of Bohannon Organization and at the same time to discuss the water rights that Mr. Fred Girard prepared a report on. Study Session scheduled for April 7, 1976, 3:00 P.M. , District Office. Regular Meeting _2_ �7�G �pril 1, 1976 COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Energy Conservation. None (2) Water Utility: Director Cocking stated that they met on 3/29/76. Director Fieldcamp stated this Committee was to discuss billing procedures for the Water Department and service hook-up fees. Report to be presented at a later date. (3) Plant Operations. None. (4) Finance: Director Fesler stated there was no meeting, but the Committee did refer a matter to the Manager for his study and follow-up regarding two Directors that were denied the same amount of life insurance the others under the Group Policy have. (5) . Community Relations: Director Kashuba stated that this Committee met and discussed the ways to distribute information on the "Horizons on Display" , , , , SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: As presented by W. Dunckhorst: "Yesterday I submitted to the City an application with a drawing for a permit to install 333 ' of six inch pipe to interconnect our system to that of the newly acquired system of Tahoe Sierra. This interconnection will be in the area of Connestoga and Silver pollar Avenue. In making the connection in this area I feel that it w.ill help a very large area, which in past summer months of heavy demand, has experienced low pressure and has been dependent upon two small wells, Chris Avenue and Helen Avenue Wells. The areas that will benefit most from this are Highland Woods, Lower portion of Tahoe Sierra Tract and the �rton Hospital. The permits I filed 3 weeks ago to install three hydrants in the Ski Run area have not yet been approved by the CTRPA. As soori' 3s approval is given the Water Department will commence installation immediately. Director Kashuba stated that since the permits are issued from the administrative office, is it possible that we could go to the Board of CTRPA and ask for their assistance in speeding up the issuance of our permit requests . To be discussed. 2 . TAHOE KEYS WATER SYSTEM A�;QLT.[SITION: Weidman �a) Met with Mr. B, Frizzee, j,C, , J. Jensen and Manager Callahan, and made progress towards an agreement; things are moving towards acquisition of the Tahoe Keys System with a possible transfer date in September. (b) Status Report of E1 Dorado County Water Agency Interest Free Loan Request. This will be taken up at the Water Agency meeting on 4/14/76, their regular meeting, President Hegarty stated that Supervisor's johnson and Stewart, and Attorney Weidman are to be commended for their assistance on this matter. 3 . WATER CONSERVATION: Letter from E1 Dorado County dated 3/29/76. North Tahoe Public Utility District and Tahoe City Public Utility District has requested Placer County to adopt an ORDINANCE for water conservation. Manager Callahan stated that our Engineer should review this and report back to the Board. The Directors asked Manager Callahan to contact Ms . Virginia Thompson of the Health Department to appear before the Board to show the water conservation de�-ices . The Board also agreed to refer this matter to our District Engineer for his review and to report to the Board. /�v� _3_ April 1 , 1976 Regular Meeting WASTEWATER SYSTEM. . . . . (1) Sanitation Superintendent's Report, as presented by B. A. Miller, Jr. : "Secondary clarifier #2 was emptied and inspected. Chemical Clarifier #2 , which has modifications to allow it to operate as either a chemical or secondary clarifier, was operated and worked well, with minor exceptions (ring seal, water supply) . The Division has a Safety Committee in the formative stages, consisting of an elected representative from each section. We hope to compile and institute safety procedures and to educate personnel. Eight operations personnel have qualified for the State certification examinations, which are to be held April 13th. The District has filled the vacant Electroni li an�t selected cSHis temployment Technician position. Mr. Lylle Thoma was the app ' will begin Ma y 3rd. �2) FALLEN LEAF LAKE: (a) Letter of C.S.O. International, Inc. dated 3/24/76. (b) Authorize District Eng t�ee to the Engineer for his �rev ewoand r�eport to the B a d ager Callahan forwarded this le (3) SEWER SERVICE CHARGES: Manager Callahan stated that the increase will be $1 .37 per unit per month, $4 o�3motels,eetc or He recommend d that he Boa dladopt and the corresponding rates ORDINANCE NO. 258, An Ordinance Providing for Sewer Service Charges. This will increase the revenues $360 ,000 .00, Manager Callahan stated, for the coming year. President Hegarty stated that the members of the Board, and those that were present last 3/25/76 for the heari We ide°ice alwe do need ddit onal revenuesar and th s increase in our fees for se amount will not work a great hardship on any individual. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, Ord. No. 258 be approved. President Hegarty asked for comment from the audience. J. Gonzales stated that he felt a more fair way to charge is for the standby charges . No other comments from the floor. President Hegarty stated it was mentioned at the 3/25/76 meeting, this was being b k theirbeuestions B etc�. agf theylso desired.and all were invited to make comments , as q Director Kashuba asked if 1 ahanls ated that�Attorn y Weidman spoke wg h MrgWarrenCome that we have; Manager Ca after the 3/25/76 meeting and explained to him what he wanted to know. Director Fesler stated that our Manager did an outstanding job on 3/25/76; he answered all the questions under considerable pressure and handled all very well. Fieldcamp agreed. Note taken on Ordinance No. 258 - unanimously carried - AYES. President Hegarty mentioned nd en�couraged all Di ectorg to attend eif poss blehoe on April 14 through April 17, a PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $50 ,004.46, as recommended by Manager Callahan, be approved for pay�n���,• ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. � �v-r Regular Meeting -.2- 4/15/76 COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Energy Conservation: None (2) Water Utility: Met with Mr. Dunckhorst on 4/2/76 re problems at Martin Ave. Well - same to be discussed in Mr. Dunckhorst's report. (3) Plant Operations: Bernard Miller, R.A. Fieldcamp, E.E. Hegarty and D.W. Callahan met and checked the by=pass line at Luther Pass and noted it was a very well installed line and the Heavy Maintenance Crew (Mr. C. Ross's Crew) did a beata.tiful job of installation. (4) Finance/Insurance: Met on 4/6/76 with the Manager and went over the Preliminary Budget. Director Fesler stated that in spite of the increase in service charges for 1976-77 the budget still shows a deficit; the Finance Committee is opposed to a deficity budget; we want to be in a position where the expenditures meet the revenues. (5) Community Relations: Director Kashuba complimented David W. Callahan on the excellent job he is doing at the conference - all is running smooth'.y, she stated. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Merle Kobernus stated that on 4/3/76 some of our operators (8) went to Sacramento for their certification tests, and results of same will be received within 30 days. On 4/13/76 a Maintenance test was given here at the District; 11 men from our District and 5 men from North Tahoe attended. Again, results to be received in 30 days . Merle Kobernus also mentioned about the blood bank - stating all is now in order; Mrs. Fagot required a type rare blook, which we did get; Mrs. Trujillo also used blooci from the blood bank. The position offered to Mr. Thoma v�as refused by him and another applicant was contacted to fill the vacancy. Safety Committee has been meeting; all going well in this field; all employees are safety minded, which we hope to keep this way. WATER SYSTEM: Report by W. Dunckhorst: "At the request of Mr. Fieldcamp, I have pursued the feasibility of having the existing 125 HP motor at Martin Avenue Well rewound to cut down on the rj�m. General Electric Motors in Sacramento told me that the closest dropping point of rpm they could get would be from the present 17%0 rpm to 1100 rpm which would drop the hp from 125 to 90. This would cost approximately $1 ,000, and i feel �c:��zld not be practical. I have checked with Nevada Pump Company who installed the pump, and they suggested the possibility of taking off one or two of the bowls from the pump which will cut down on the flow of some pump designs. Not having the pump model he could not say for sure. I called the Johnston Pump Company and found the model number of this pump whi�h he told me could not be corrected by eliminating any of the bowls. His suggestion was to go down to smaller bowls to put out the gpm desired. If we were to do this, Nevada Pump would charge $4.00 a foot to pull and install new bowls, the total cost would be approximately $600, plus the cost of new bowls. We are presently back on the manganese problem; tests are again showing a positive of .05 Micro Grams per Liter, and the State Department of Health maximum allowable is .05 . District Engineer jensen stated that he is continuing the investigation on the Martin Avenue Well re the amounts of gallonage same is pumping. �•7dSR�gular M�eting -3� 4/15/"/6 TAHOE KEYS WATER SYSTEM ACQUISITION; (a) Status Report of Negotiation with Dillingham Development Company. Manager Callahan stated that we have received a copy of a draft of the agreement with Dillingham. The contract has also been sent to Dillingham for their review. (b) S�atus Report of E1 Dorado County Water Agency Free Loan Request. This is on agenda Water Agency for the second Wednesday in May. (3) WATER CONSERVATION: Letter of E1 Dorado County dated 3/29/76 received by the District, and same turned over to our District Engineer for his study and review, and recommendation. One study session was held by the Board regarding water devices, and we asked Virginia Thompson of the Health Department to appear before the Board to demonstrate and/or explain these devices. CLAIM OF SHERMAN BLISS: When we acquired Tahoe Sierra Water Company it also included pay-back debts or agreements in a formal written contract. There was an amount due of $10,000 to Mr. Sherman Bliss, and there is not contract written on this . Manager Callahan requested Attorney Weidman to review this, study sam�, report to the Board with information. (Study Session Scheduled 5/18/76 at 3:00 P.M. , At the District Office) . COMMUNICATIONS: Letter of City Manager of 4/8/76: Manager Callahan presented the reply to Manager Milbrodt's letter of 4/8/76 for the Board's review; Directors agreed same was in order for mailing to the City Manager. Manager Callahan also preser�ted copies of a letter received from Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer and her requests will be answered; also, Attorney Weidman will rcply to her requests regarding the percentage he received re assessment districts. SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: As presented by B. Miller: "Installation of a by-pass drain line at the Luther Pass Pump Station was completed and tested the week of April 5th. This will allow depressurization of the export line above Luther Pass wi.thout operation of the surge relief valves. t;arbon furnace top hearth refractory brirk failed during regeneration because of the frequency of regenerations and recurring failures, plant maintenance personnel are replacing the top metal plating and recasting the top refractory. Line maintenance crews reported one stoppage, 931 Macki.naw, which was a problem in the residents lateral. Crews exposing the manholes to check our mail line were cited for disturbing the peace (names taken) another resident called local police (10:00 P.M.) . Crews were in this area later to expose and flush residents clean-outs. Mr. Lylle Thoma who was selected to fill the vacant technician position as reported last week has declined the job offer. We are currently in contact with the #2 candidate, discussing his availability and salary requirements. (2) FALLEN LEAF LAKE: (a) Letter of CSO International, Inc. of 3/24/76: District Engineer Jensen was asked by the Board to refer to the report presented from CSO International and to make his recommendation to this Board. District Engineer jensen stated that he did read the report, study the alternates mentioned in the report. Following lengthy discussion with the Board, Mr. Jensen stated that he does not feel this is a type of system the District wants to operate. The feasibility has not been established based upon the information received, arrl the District would not want to operate this type of a system. Director Fieldcamp stated this should be turned over to the Lahontan Board; Director Cocking stated that we have given them a fool-proof system - our system; and until something better can be shown to us, this is the way we should continue to proceed. Director Kashuba stated that she agrees with Director Cocking, and feels the burden of proof lies with Fallen Leaf Lake Association, and they must prove to Lahontan this will work. The Directors agreed with the engineer that a letter is to be prepared by the Manager for dvscussion at a Study Session at 3:00 P.M. , 4/29/76, stating and refering to the Porter-Cologne Act; our Engineer does not agree with the alternate; we are not to maintain this type of system. �70Z Regular Meeting -4- April 1, 1976 , � � .� i .-r-� � Edward E. Hegarty, Pre dent South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST; ,;r`��--_�-�f=-' ��.� `7�---� David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board and ex-officio Secretary of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ****** SPECIAL MEETING, April 7, 1976 Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special meeting on 4/7/76, 3:00 P.M. , District Office,called by President E.E. Hegarty. ROLL CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors L. L. Kashuba, F. J. Cocking, R. W. Fesler, R. A. Fieldcamp, Clerk of Board David�W. Callahan, Engineer J. Jensen and Attorney J.C. Weidman. (1) MARTIN �VENUE WELL: Engineer Jensen recommended contract Change Order for time extension and $150.00 increase due to delay in equipment delivery. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba. AYES: Directors Hegarty, Cocking, Fieldcamp, Kashuba NOES: None ABSTAINED: Director Fesler. Carried. (2) NOTICE OF COMPLETION: Engineer J. jensen requested acceptance of the project and recommended the filing of the Notice of Completion. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, that RESOLUTION NO. 2012, A Resolution Accepting Completion of the Project and Directing the Filing of Notice of Completion (MARTIN AVENUE WELL) . (contractor has made satisfactory progress) . AYES: Directors Hegarty, Cocking, Fieldcamp, Kashuba. NOES: None ABSTAINED; Director Fesler Carried. (3) Attorney John C. Weidman recommended payment of total amounts due, less 5% of total contract amount, which reduces the retention funds from 10% to 5%. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba. AYES: Directors Hegarty, Cocking, Fieldcamp, Kashuba. NOES: None ABSTAINED: Director Fesler. ADJOURNMENT: 4:00 P.M. j ��� ' .-�'/i',.'� Edward E. Hegarty, Pr.e ide South Tahoe Public Utility Ijistrict ATTEST: ��=�.� ��:.�� e.�;� ��n� _ David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board and ex-officio Secretary of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ********** /7�-' 1Zeg�tlar Meeting of the �oard of Directars of the South Tahoe Public Utility District April 15, 1976 The Board of Directors met in a regular session 4/15/76, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors R. W. Fesler, F.J. Cocking, L.L. Kashuba, R.A. Fieldcamp, General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineer j. Jensen, Sanitation Superintendent Bernard A. Miller, Jr. , Water Superintendent William Dunckhorst, Shop Steward's Merle A. K�bernus and Harry Hanson, Dave Huber, Virginia Thompson, Martin Griffit� -Tribune. MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 4/1/76 be approved as submitted, and that the Special Meeting minutes of 4/7/76 be approved as corrected. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President E. E. Hegarty welcomed those present to this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: None. Plant Operations Report presented as follows: PLANT OPERATION FOR March, 1976 1976 1976 1975 February March. . March Total Plant Flow - MG 97. 9 112 .7 108.0 Daily Average Flow - MG 3.4 3.6 3. 5 Maximum Daily Flow - Mg 4. 6 4.0 5. 1 (2�15) (3/20) �5�1) Chlorine Used, Tons 55•8 73 '4 47'� Lbs/MG _1 , 119 1 ,303 883 .2 Natural Gas Used:Thousand Cu Ft 6 , 584 7 ,991 6 ,721 Cu/Ft -MG 67,252 70 ,905 62, 231 Electricity Used - KWH 771, 600 817,200 769,000 KWH/MG 7,882 7 ,251 7, 120 Lime Used - Tons: Makeup 64. 1 79. 1 77 .0 Recalcined 101 .4 160. 1 35. 1 Total Lime Used: 165.5 222 .9 112 . 1 Lbs/MG 3 , 381 4,245 2 ,076 Alum - LBS 3, 335 3 , 910 Lbs/MG 34. 1 34.7 Polymer-Percol - LBS 416. 5 558 .5 Lbs/MG 4.3 5.0" Manager Callahan stated that the CWPCA Conference is now in session at the Sahara- Tahoe Hotel and 1 ,000 approximately have registered. Manager Callahan is Local Arrangements Chairman, and Mrs. June Hegarty is in charge of all activities for the ladies, and is doing an excellent job. Director Kashuba stated that Manager Callahan is to be commended for his work on this conference; he is doing an excellent job, and there is much work involved in this . DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: None. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS RE PiJRT: All projects 100% completed, Engineer Jensen stated. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that re Fallen Leaf Lake - record is now filed with the Court. Also, Mr. Weidman stated that he wrote to Bohannon Organization, stating we did discuss the cla.ini re Tahoe Southside Water Company, and that we would be discussing same again sometime in late May. Regular Meeting -4- 4/15/76 �'�6 EXPORT LINE: Continuing with the investigation of export pipeline breaks, etc. Director Fesler asked if the Shop Steward's would give a report on the Medical Insurance our employees have, if the employees are satisfied , etc. Mr. H. Hanson stated he would prefer to go into an Executive Session or a Meet and Confer discussion. Manager Callahan stated that the Board was given the Table of Organization for Study and Review, and requested a Study Session to discuss same on 4/27/76 at 3:00 P.M. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $191,781 .39, as recommended by Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 11:00 P.M. � -� ._.._ Edward E. Hegar , P� side . South Tahoe Public ility District ATTEST: /�� � ��; � � ; ��� �; David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District ******�**** Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District May 6, 1976 The Board of Direct�rs of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 5/6/76 at 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors R. W. Fesler, F. Cocking, L. Kashuba, R. Fieldcamp, Clerk of Board and General Manager D. W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineer J. Jensen, Water Superintendent W. Dunckhorst, Sanitation Superintendent Bernard A. Miller, Jr. , Harry Hanson, Dave Huber, J. G.M.Gonzales, V. Thompson, L. Bracel from CSO International, Inc. , W. Craven, Mike McNamara - Tribune, R. Bosch-Fallen Leaf Lake - Stanford Camp, and Mr, j. Thibeault,Lahontan. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously, minutes of 4/15/76 be approved as submitted. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by David W. Callahan, General Manager: "Three of our plant operators,this past week, received operators certificates from the California State Water Resources Control Board - Michael Heyer,Grade II, James Capitani- Grade II, and Ragnond Rau - Grade I. Recently Charlotte Corday was selected Secretary of the Year by the National Secretaries Association, Lake of the Sky Chapter. Mary Ambrose, District Secretary, has completed 15 years of faithful and dedicated service. I am very pleased with the quality of the District's employees. The Directors met on April 27th regarding the Table of Organization, and on April 29th to discuss the report of CSO International, Inc. , regarding Fallen Leaf Lake and to discuss the staff's procedure to deal with the export p�peline breaks. On May 3, 1976, the Board met to discuss the Tahoe Keys Water System acquisition, and on May 4th they made a tour of some of the Water Department facilities . The Board of Directors met on May 5th, in Study Session, to discuss questions raised by the newspaper articles concerning the District's operation. Attached is the plant operation report for the month of April 1976. �7��Regular Meeting -2- 5/6/76 PLANT OPERATIONS FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1976 1976 1976 1976 April March April Total Plant Flow- Mg 97.2 112 .7 107. 1 Daily Average Flow-MG 3.2 3.2 3.6 Maximum Daily Flow - MG 3 .8 4.0 4.2 (4-3) (3-20) (4-22) Chlorine Used - Tons 63. 3 73.3 43.8 Lbs/MG 1 , 302 1 ,303 819 Natural Gas Used-Thousand Cu Ft 8 , 195 7 ,991 6,588 Cu Ft/MG 84,310 70 , 905 61 , 513 Electricity Used - KWH 802 ,800 I 817,200 745,200 :zV1TH/MG 8,259 7 ,251 6 ,958 Lime Used, Tons: Makeup 72.6 79 . 1 92. 9 Recalcined 18��,3 160 0 1 54.5 Total Lime Used 252 . 9 222.9 147.4 LBS/MG 5,204 4,245 2, 752 Alum - LBS 4, 130 3 ,910 4,875 LBS/MG 42.5 34.7 45.5 Polymer-Percol-LBS 446 558.5 227. 5 LBS/MG 4.6 5.0 2 . 1" DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: All items on agenda. Mr. jensen also congratulated Charlotte Corday as being selected as Secretary of the Year, and Mary Ambrose upon completion of 15 years with the District. Mr. Jensen also stated that he met with Mr. A. Stevens of Teichert Construction Company regarding claims; will report to the Board at a later date. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: All items on agenda. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Energy Conservation: President Hegarty stated this Committee met with the Gener�al Manager - report forthcoming. (2) Water Utility: Director Cocking stated that a meeting was held on 5/4/76 - the Board toured the existing pump stations from Keller Pump Station to Harrah's and the filtration plant. (3) Plant Operation: No report. (4) Finance/Insurance: No meeting. Director Fesler requested a Study Session to review and discuss the Budget - Same scheduled for 5/12/76. (5) Community Relations: Director Kashuba stated that a letter has been written to be sent to the various newspaper� as the out-of-town newspapers have picked up information and misused it; this letter should clarify what hashappened in our area. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, the letter be approved for mailing to the editors. Director Kashuba also mentioned another letter which the District received from President Ford congratulating the District for their participation in the "Horizons on Display" ai�d same was published in the Tribune. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. Mr. Hanson requested time on the agenda when the Table of Organization is presented for consideration. r � v v 12egular Meeting -3- May 6, 1976 WATER SYSTEM: Water Superintendent's Report, as presented by W. Dunckhorst: "On April 21 through 23, I attended the Spring meeting of the California- Nevada Section of the American Water Works Association. I particularly was very interested in the first day meeting which covered Safety and its various phases pertaining to our employees . On April 13 we had to replace 112' of 4" pipe on Bruce Avenue because of a series of breaks we were experiencing in an area of two driveways that were deteriorating because of our repair work. We have received 80 applications for installations for new water services, since the first of the year. Of this amount, 16 �vere carry-overs from last season which we were unable to install because of the weather. We have installed 44 of these services, and are now receiving an average of about three new services a day. I would like at this time to commend the Water Department crew for the way they are diligently working on these services and other situations as they arise. Also, as they put forth effort during the few days I was away at the AWWA meeting. (2) TAHOE KEYS WATER SYSTEM ACQUISITIONS: Manager Callahan stated that the major items have been reached in the agreement with Dillingham; draft of the contract is in the hands of the Attorney's for their review. Tahoe Keys Home �a��ner's Association has the right to purchase this Company as we have and they have 30 days in which to do so; if they do not wish to take this Company over, then in 30 days the District will have it. (b) Consider Approval of Negative Declaration: Manager Callahan stated that he had forwarded to the California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, copies of the Negative Declaration dated March 31, 1976, regarding the Tahoe Keys Water System acquisition with a copy of the initial environmental study as prepared by John A. Jensen. The District has received a response from the California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency be letter dated April 8, 1976, in which the California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency's Executive Officer stated "The CTRPA concurs with the finding that the project will not have a significant effect upon the environment" --- the District did not receive any reply from the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. Di� ector Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that the Negative D eclaration be approved. OTHER ITEMS: (1) Table of Organization: Manager Callahan stated that he met with the Shop Steward's, discussed and reviewed the various classifications related to the water system, and recommended same be considered for approval, as now presented. Harry Hanson, Shop Steward, stated that a Meet and Confer was held with the Manager, however, there is one item they are not satisfied with and requested the Board to hold off on the adoption of this Table of Organization. They would like to meet with the Manager along with Mr. Ron Wood of Stationary Engineers, Local 39, to conclude this Table. Manager Callahan stated that they have met and conferred severa ofl his�was�ent�to Ron t feel further meetings will change the Table as it now is . A copy Wood by the Manager, approximately six weeks ago, and no word has been received from Mr. Wood as of this date. President Hegarty and the Board agreed that same will be postponed until the next regular meeting of the Board, and action will then be taken. l ��� Regular Meeting -4- May 6, 1976 WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: As pre sented by B.A.Miller,Jr: 1 . The spare 250 hp final effluent pump motor was installed in the #3 position to allow removal and repair of the original #3 motor. Performance has been good to date. 2 . On April 19th, Lahontan Staff reported a sewage overflow in the area of Regina and June Way. Subject stoppage was caused by a dislodged lateral plug. The stoppage was removed and the area sanitized. 3 . The warmer weather we have been experiencing has helped extend the interval between the spray pond cleaning cycles. This extension will save an estimated $11 .00 per day in manpower costs. 4. Caltrans is planning to do some drainage work on Highway "50" from the "Y" to Stateline, consisting of repaving and culvert installation. District staff potholed to locate the 12" Bijou force main, as it was unknown whether this main was deep enough to avoid a culvert which is to be constructed. Subject line is far enough below grade to allow construction and should not have to be replaced. Estimated cost of moving this main was $5,000.00. 5 . Operations personnel are receiving results of their certification examinations . To date 3 people have passed their examinations: Grade I Ray Rau Grade II Jim Capitani and Mike Heyer" Mr. B. Mill��r also mentioned that interviews with five applicar��.will be held on 5/7/76 to replace the position vacated by Keith Bunting. President Hegarty stated that those that have recently received their certificates are to be commended; also, the water department employees for their efforts and time on all new connections . (2) FALLEN LEAF LAKE: Letter of CSO, IN'�ERNATIONAL, INC . , dated 4/29/76, and reply to same. Jack jensen, District Engineer, stated that Manager Callahan sent a report to him prepared by CSO International, Inc. , and asked him to review same. He did review the report as requested, and did not feel the low pressure system is satisfactory. Mr. Lloyd Bracel from CSO International, Inc. , stated that the low pressure line is not what they would ultimately propose, but it appeared this v�n uld be an alternative to meet the requirements . Leach field disposal and e�aporation systems have also been proposed. Engineer Jensen stated that he does not feel enough information has been submitted to allow him to give an intelligent report at this time. Attorney Weidman stated that he felt Lahontan has to decide whether or not this engineering scheme is sufficient. Mr. G.j. Thibeault, Lahontan, stated that Lahontan's comments will be forthcoming. (3) EXPORT LINE: Engineer Jensen stated that there have been 14 breaks in the export line since 1968; pipelines physically damaged from the outside; pinholes � in the pipe. The T D W Pipe?.i ne Company of Tulsa, Oklahoma is a company that �/ looks for dents and other obstructions in the lines; they would do this type of work for the District - check the lines, what is causing the breaks, etc. , and their fee would be $10,500 . Engineer Jensen recommended that this firm be hired to survey our pipeline, giving us an answer as to why these breaks have occured. Manager Callahan agreed to hire this firm. Regul�r Meeting -5- Ivi�y 6, 1976 � � "' Director Kashuba moved that we authorize procedure on the survey by TDW Pipeline �,ompany. Seconded by Director Fieldcamp. VOTES: AYES: Directors Hegarty, Cocking, Fieldcamp and Kashuba NOES: Director Fesler ABSTAINED: None Carried. . . . . . . Director Cocking stated that he voted Aye very reluctantly, yet he realized some- thing had to be done; he stated that we do not know what we will find, but an effort must be made. (4) CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD, LAHONTAN REGION: Notice of Public Hearing set for Thursday, May 27, 1976, 9:30 A.M. Manager and Directors will be in attendance. (5) CLAIM OF ED PHELPS: An invoice was received in the amount of $43.25 from Mr. Ed Phelps for work done by a local plumber to clear his property of a stoppage which was in the shower stall, and in our portion of the sewer lateral. Same was turned over to L & L Adjustment Service for their decision and review, which was to deny the claim of Mr. E. Phelps. Director Fesler moved that we pay �ne-half of this invoice, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $125,069.32 be approved for payment, as so recommended by General Manager Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. Edward E. Hegarty,;�� esid t South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: ,��' �- ` -c�--� � � ���-�--- David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Off.Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District ***** � ��� Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District May 20, 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session May 20 , 1976 , 8:00 p.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Hegarty, Directors Fesler, Cocking, Kashuba, Fieldcamp, Clerk of Board and General Manager David W. Callahan, Engineer j. Jensen, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Bernard Miller - San. Supt. , W. Dunckhorst - Water Supt. , H. Hanson, J. Maxhimer and j. Gonzales . MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, minutes of 5/6/76 be approved as amended. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by General Manager David W. Callahan: "On May llth, Jack Jensen, Bernie Miller, and I met with staff inembers Messrs . Hampson, DuBois, Antonucci and james, of the Regional Water Quality Control Board , at their request. They expressed doubts as to the reliability of the information to be obtained from the proposed plan of investigation of the export pipeline. The proposed plan was to have TDW Pipeline Surveys make the investigation using a kaliper pig to record on a chart the variations of the interior diameter of the pipeline. The Lahontan staff recommended that the investigation be made by use of a three dimensional camera. Therefore, at the request of the Lahontan staff, I have not authorized TDW Pipeline Surveys to make the investiga- tion. On May 27th, 1976, the Regional Water Quality Control Boan� is holding a public hearing to consider the multiple ruptures of the District's reclaimed waste- water export line and possible violations of the California Water Code. The Board of Directors met on May lOth, and reviewed the financial report of the Water Department for the 9 month period ending March 31, 1976. They also met on May 18th, with Attorney John C. Weidman to review the Advances for Construction Account. On May 12th, the Board met with the Manager to receive and review the written requests of the employees (Stationary Engineers Local 39 Union) for changes in the employee wages, benefits, and working conditions for the next fiscal year. " Manager Callahan also presented copies of the report from the Lahontan Staff to the Board members. Jack Jensen, Engineer for the District, stated that these past breaks in the pipeline have violated the discharge requirements. However, he stated that there are inaccuracies in this report and same should be responded to. He requested authorization by the Board to analyze the report, point out the items that are incorrect; disagreeing also that these breaks have been the actual cause of environmental damage in �this area. Study Session requested 5/26/76 to discuss all, at 3:00 P.M. , District Office. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: All items are on agenda. A'�TORNEY'S REPORT: All items on agenda. Also, Attorney Weidman has taken some preliminary steps to get some available law regarding the contractor that installed the pipeline. Director Fesler stated that this District has been grievously damaged, we purchased - a pipeline and felt it would serveus a long time, and the damage to this area could be incr.�lcuable, and Director Fesler stated that he would want to proceed against the Contractor that put in the line, and asked Mr. Weidman to pursue this, and proceed. Attorney Weidman stated he has been obtaining information regarding this, and following investigation of the pipeline, will let the Engineer and Attorney know where to start. Dire�tor Fesler stated that if we are to receive a Building Moratorium it would and could cause a great monetary loss to this area. We paid million of dollars for that export line and by paying that sum, we were guaranteed 40 years of service. Now we have to pay money to have an investigation made; we paid our money in good faith, and we should have had a competent j ob, and Director Fesler stated we should sue the contractor that installed this line. Attorney Weidman will make reports to the Board in Private Executive Sessions. Regular Meeting _Z_ 5/20/76 �7�� COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. WATER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: As presented by '✓1T Dun�khorst: (1) The painting and cleaning of the pump station at the Filtration Plant has been completed and it looks real nice. The past week or so we have fallen �uite behind on my schedule of new installations. We have been plagued by a series of broken water lines, and calls by our consumers to perform various duties such as turn ons, turn offs, locate valves, etc. This part is normal for this time of the year as people are now arriving and opening their homes for the summer season. Monday morning of this week we experienced a power failure at 7:30 A.M. in our Fountain Avenue Well. This was caused by a Ref use Truck driving down Fountain Avenue, raising the bucket while moving, and hit and broke power lines going into the pump house. A few people experienced water outage for a short time until we got the stand-by generator going. Power was restored about 8:30 A.M. by Sierra Pacific Power Company. (2) El Dorado Water Agency: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 2013, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Contract for an Interest Free Loan in the Amount of $80 ,000 .00 . Attorney Weidman stated that he attended the Water Agency Meeting on 5/12/76, and Supervisor Johnson did all of the work in the interest of the District regarding this loan. Should the Board consider to execute this contract, it would become effective upon P.U.C. approval. He recommended kesolution NO. 2013 be approved. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2013 be approved. SANITATIC�T SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: As reported by B. A. Mill�r: 1 . Revegetation of plant areas . Contacted Tahoe Resource Conservation District for their recommendation on native plant material (Ground cover) for the area adjacent to the Maintenance Building. 2 . Will send 3 water samples for chloroform analyses as CH2M Hill and Calgon personnel hypothesize that the formation of this short-chain chlorinated hydrocarbon during breakpoint chlorination may be the causitive agent involved with our reduced carbon column removal efficiencies. 3 . Engineers from Envirotech, EIMCO,BSP, conducted experi�ents with the lime rec�'�lcining furnace to determine the maximum loading and to operate the calcination process at different temperatures with the object of reducing gas consumption. A copy of their final report, with recommenda- tions will be sent to us. � 4. The vacant Operator I position was filled by Mr. David Kerlin. Mr. Kerlin was formerly with the Rodeo Sanitary District, Rodeo, California, as an Operator and with Brown and Caldwell, Consulting Engineers, as a technical writer. �� Mr. john Gonzales stated that regarding Item 2 and 3 of the above report, he wanted to remind the Board that the Sierra Environmental Monitoring Laboratory is available and they perfarm the tests mentioned above; this is a fully equipped laboratory, located on Highway 50 and Tahoe Keys Blvd. (2) EXPORT PIPELINE: Consider rescinding authorization for investigation by TDW �,. Pipeline Surveys and authorize Pacific Norwest Pipeline to make a limited investigation. Director Fesler requested the above be set into two separate motions; rescind authorization for investigation by TDW Pipeline Survey; to be one motion; sec��nd motion that we authorize Pacific Norwest Pipeline to make a limited investigation. No second. Motion died for lack of a second. ���`� 12egular Meeting -3- May 20 , 1976 Engineer Jensen stated that there are 3 ways we can go: (1) The Kaliper Pig - TDW Pipeline Survey; (2) T.V. Camera; (3) 3-D Camera. He then explained these 3 alternates to the Board, and how these would each work. He also mentioned to have Pacific Norwest make the investigation, the cost would be $980 .00 for � their 2 days here, and for each additional day would be another $515.00. However, District personnel would also be working on this project with Pacific Norwest. This is Lahontan's recommendation. Director Fesler stated that Lahontan has suggested 4 methods for us to do. Manager Callahan stated Lahontan did recommend that we have a man wlk the 27 mile pipeline looking for possible leakage; and that we also have a leak detector along. President Hegarty stated that in saiew of the Manager's report and the Engineer's reports and remarks, we should go along with Lahontan's recommendation. Director Fieldcamp moved that we rescind the action taken at the last regular meeting for the investigation to be made by TDW pipeline, and authorize Pacific Norwest to make their investigation with the 3D Camera, and in addition have our Manager have a man walk the 27-mile pipeline with the leak detector prior to 5/26/76. No second. Manager Callahan requested the Board to reconsider what they are now considering and to take action to rescind the prior action taken on authorization of TDW Pipeline making their investigation. Director Kashuba moved that due to the additional information received from the Lahontan staff, we rescind our previous motion and approve the recommendation of Pacific Norwe st Pipeline with T.D. Camera - Director Fieldcamp seconded. Director Fesler amended the motion to have someone cover the entire 27 mile area of pipeline, whether by walking or motor convenience, so we can report to Lahontan at their hearing on the 27th of May. Dir-ector Cocking seconded. ON THE AMENDMENT: Unanimously carried. ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION: Unanimously carried. (3) GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S ASSOCIATION: Consider request to waive fees for permits to construct house for General Contractor's Association Use . Manager Callahan stated that this letter was received from the General Contractor's Association, requesting all fees required by this District waived; they want to build a house, which labor and materials will be donated, then sell the house and use the funds to fight against regional government, specifically the CTRPA. Manager Callahan recommended that we should charge the fee, then make a contribution in the amount of the fee s. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that our Manager's recommendation be approved as he so stated above. COMMUNICATIONS: Received from AWWA regarding Safe Drinking Laws. Attorney Weidman stated this will provide another source of grants and loan money for water systems. President Hegarty requested Director Kashuba to make an attempt to get information re this law in the paper, stating we are in total agreement with same, and urge our taxpayer's to get behind it whole-heartedly. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved�, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, claims in the amonnt of $160, 528,05, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. �,�� � � ;' �%'l� �� EDWARD E. HE ART , Pr dent South Tahoe Public ' tility District ATTEST: / /� �j �� IL�=.zt �_ (�� ��.d:[����-G=v-�- David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ******� �71� Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District june 3, 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on 6/7/76, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors R.W. Fesler, F.J. Cocking, L.L. Kashuba and R.A. Fieldcamp; Clerk of Board and General Manager David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, District Engineer Jack Jensen, Bernie Miller - Sanitation Superintendent, Shop Stewart - Merle A. Kobernus, Tribune Reporter - Mike -i`✓icNamara. MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, minutes of 5/20/76 be approved as submitted. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by David W. Callahan, General Manager: "On May 21st, the Board of Directors, john C. Weidman, and I, traveled to Redding for the purpose of visiting the District's Engineers Office and facilities. The Board of Directors met in study session on 5/25/76 to discuss the export pipeline problems and proposed Cease and Desist Order of the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. On Thursday, May 27th, John C. Weidman, John A. Jensen and I, appeared at the Hearing of the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board; as you all know, the Lahontan Board adopted the proposed Order as presented by its staff. The Board met in study session on June lst and 2nd regarding the Cease and Desist Order and employee items, respectively. The first negotiating session for employee benefits was held on June 2nd. In attendance was Ron Wood, and the shop stewards, r��presenting the employees, and Lee Schuering, Bernie Miller and I, on behalf of the District. Sewage flows for the months of May and April were 88% and 91% of a year ago, respectively. The last time flows were less than the previous year for two or more conseaative months was in April, May and June of 1972 , when they averaged 95% of 1971 . I would like to conclude that the work on stopping infiltration was the reason for decreased flow, but I believe that the main reason is due to a lower water table. Attached is the monthly report for May 1976. PLANT OPERATION REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1976: 1976 1976 1975 April Mav Mav Total Plant Flow MG 97.2 98.0 111 .8 Daily Average Flow MG 3.2 3.2 3 .6 Maximum Daily Flow MG 3.8 4.3 4.8 (4.3) (5.30) (5.2) Chlorine Used - Tons Lbs/ 63.3 54.6 42 .4 lbs/MG l,302 1 , 114 758.2 Natural Gas Used Thousand Cu Ft 8, 195 7,626 5,814 Cu Ft / MG 84,310 77,816 52,003 Electricity Used KWH 802,800 853, 200 888,000 KV1TH/MG 8,259 8, 706 6,958 Lime Used - Ton: Makeup 72 .6 50.9 72 .6 Recalcined: 180.3 167.9 90.7 Total Lime Used: 252.9 218.8 163.3 Lbs/MG 5,204 4,567 �2,921 ALUM lbs 4, 130 4, 567 4,270 lbs/MG 42.5 3��.7 '38.2 Polymer Percol Lbs 446 491 .3 266 lbs/MG 4. 6 5.0 2 .4" Director Fesler stated that it should be known and brought to the attention of all that we are running under 50% of the designed capacity of the plant , and this is in direct contrast to the letter received from LRWQCB. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as submitted. / %/.) Regul�r 1Vleeting --2- rune 3, 1976 DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. J. Jensen asked if the insurance rates have in any way been reduced because of the fire hydrants that were recently installed. Director Fesler stated that there are provisions where Insurance Agents can get lower rates if hydrants are in the area they are insuring. Mr. Fesler also stated that every installation of hydrant's are announced at the monthly insurance agent's meetings . Manager Callahan stated that in addition to the 6 hydrants installed on Martin Avenue, another has been installed behind the Vagabond Motel, and another on Kyburz Avenue, where there are some duplexes and single family dwellings. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated there has been an inquiry of Conflict of Interest Codes, and he does have the proposals from Placer County and CASA, yet to receive the one from E1 Dorado County, then we can take action. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Plant Operation: Director Fieldcamp stated that he and Director Cocking went through the plant and they were very pleased with the operation of same. Mr. Bernie Miller and Jerry Wilson of CH2M are working very closely together on the operation of the facility and therefore it does not seem jerry Wilson will be here for any length of time as he has been in the past. Mr. Wilson has from time to time made suggestions via communications to Mr. Miller and same carried out. Cbr�..rn�nity Relations: Director Kashuba stated that Horizons are going "Full Steam Ahead" ur�d we should be proud to be a part of that program; we are waiting for the brochure advertising Indian Creek Reservoir. Also, Director Kashuba gave some information to Mike McNamara of the Tribune for publication. No other Committee reports. . SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Merle Kobernus reported on the Blood Bank and stated that the accounts for Vern Trujillo's Mother-in-Law and Mel Fagot's Mother have been now settled. Gregory James wife had a baby Boy. Also, in reply to Director Fesler's question, Mr. Kobernus stated that all meetings held with management have been fruitful, and have gone smoothly regarding employees and negotiations. WATER SYSTEM. . . . . . WATER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Mr. W. Dunckhorst absent - No report. WATER/KEYS ACQUISITION: (Status Report) - Attorney Weidman stated that the contract we had, and submitted through Bob Hill, went to the Attorney for Dillingham Corporation in Los Angeles, and he sent his draft of the proposed revisions to Mr. Hill, with a copy sent to David W. Callahan. Manager Callahan has not received his copy yet. Bob Hill of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, and Mr. Manny of the Dillingham Corporation, are to meet 6/17/76, at Noon, to go over this matter of the draft with Mr. B. Frizzee. Mr. Weidman stated he will be there, and felt Mr. Callahan should also be present, and any Directors that can attend. Director Fesler asked if there would be any benefit to have the Dillingham Corporation Homeowner's Association and this Board meet to discuss the acquisition of this Tahoe Keys Water Company. Atfiorney Weidman stated perhaps this can be done following the june 17th meeting in San Mateo. OTHER ITEMS: PENSION PLAN; REQUEST IN ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS. Manager Callahan recommended this item be removed from the Agenda. STATIONARY ENGINEERS UNION LOCAL 39 vs SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Board to meet with Mr. L. Schuering next Thursday, June lOth, Sacramento, 3:00 P.M. , in an Executive Session. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: R2gu1�r �Vleeting -�- 6/�/75 /!/� SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: As presented by B. A. Miller: (1) On May 26th, District facilities wereinspected by Mr. David Henderson, Facilities and Discharge Permit Compliance Inspector for the Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX. Same inspected lift stations (two) , and the treatment plant, Luther Pass Pump Station and the Discrict Lab. Minor discrepancies in sampling procedures were noted which have been co:�rected. A report of inspection will be forthcoming, however, same stated that the District inspection compliance was excellent. (2) As a result of conversations with a Mr. D.S.Dunphy, Wallace and Tiernan representative, a significant savings in make-up lime usage was achieved. Basically, slaking water volumes were reduced, the net effect being more efficient lime utilizat�on. (3) With the advent of warmer weather and water temperatures, the removal efficiency of the spray ponds has increased two-fold, resulting in lower chlorine costs for ammonia removal in BP chlorination. Also, maintenance frequency has been reduced, effecting another savings. (4) Envirotech, BSP, is requesting to experiment with our carbon furnace. Considering our previous furnace problems, advise that the request be denied as regeneration procedures directly affect water quality. (2) ALAMEDA AVENUE EXTENSION: (a) Consider RESOLUTION NO. 2014, A Resolution Calling for Advertisement for Bids for Sealed Proposals for Alameda Avenue Sewer Extension. This will consist of 375 feet extension, 6 inch pipe, 5-7 deep, and 16 laterals. Bid opening to be on 7/1/76, 3:00 P.M. , District Office. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2014 be approved, as presented. (3) EXPORT PIPELINE: (a) Cease and Desist Order of Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. Manager Callahan stated that we have not received the �� Cease and Desist Order as yet. The camera crew will be here Monday to start the investigation, complete all by Tuesday, and a week following we should receive the investigation report. Attorney Weidman stated that Lahontan has adopted the order that we are to start the investigation on 6/14/76, and complete it by 7/30/76, and this includes the Alpine portion of the pipeline. In order to do this in the recommended method of Lahontan, sections of the pipe have to be taken every 1300 feet, by District labor, put in the camera - which has to be done approximately 100 times at the taxpayer's moneyel�Jr. �?ampson stated he would be reasonable about enforcing this portion of the order. Attorney Weidman stated this Board will be using up to $100,000 of the taxpayer's money, if you decide to take the order of Lahontan, and another would be to consider taking action legislatively to attack that portion of the order. Another unreasonable order by Lahontan is that this investigation will be completed on 7/30/76 --- then another 50 sections of the line has to be taken up in the E1 Dorado County force main, put the camera in 50 more times, and another $100,000 of taxpayer's money would be spent. Attorney Weidman stated that he would be remiss in his capacity if he did not point out these things to the Board, if they were going to let an order, which he feels is totally unsupported, and a time schedule the same, stand. He felt these involve matters of litigation, and that he did not have any recommendations to make to the Board at this time. Perhaps, he stated, higher authority should be contacted regarding this . There are other actions that can be taken with the Legislators. Attorney Weidman stated that is totally improper action taken by Lahontan. Director Fesler stated that he does not disagree with the Attorney, but we have not received the Order as of this date. Attorney Weidman stated we can meet in an Executive Session to discuss this matter. Also, Pr��sident Hegarty requested Manager Callahan to contact Mr. Garamendi, Chappie and Barryhill, to set up an appointment for this Board to visit and discuss this matter with them. Study Session scheduled for 6/8/76, 3:00 P.M. , District Office. j. Jensen, District Engineer, stated that he felt the cost of the investigation quoted by Attorney Weidman is probably on the low side; the time schedule cannot be met in any way, which was set by Lahontan. �7�� Regular Meeting -4- 6/3/76 Director Kashuba stated that we should keep in mind that we took action long before Lahontan took action on this matter. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $91 ,441 .81, as recommended by Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADjOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. � '-�� C7� ,1.��, � % � - � :�.�__. - Edward E. Hegarty y` re si nt South Tahoe Public Utility Dis�rict ATTEST: �X-k- f �� �c;�_ ����, L ec._f"(i.C�-:�__. R David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District *************** Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors , South Tahoe Public Utility District • June 17, 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 6/17/76, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room, 8:00 P.M. � ROLL CALL: President Pro Tem R.W. Fesler, Directors F.J. Cocking, L.L.Kashuba, R.A. Fieldcamp, Clerk of Board and General Manager D.W. Callahan, Attorney j.C. Weidman, District Engineer J. Jensen, Water Supt. W. Dunckhorst, San. Supt. B.A. Miller, Shop Stewards M.A.Kobernus and H. Hanson, John G.M.Gonzales, C.I. Ros s. , D. Antonucci - Lahontan, Mike McNamara - Tribune. ABSENT: President Edward E. Hegarty. MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, the minute s of 6/3/76 be approved a s submitted. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by David W. Callahan, General Manager: "A leak in the export pipeline was discovered on Tuesday, June 15th. The location was approximately 2, 500 feet above the section of pipe surveyed approximately 10 days ago. Repair of the pipeline is scheduled to be completed by tomorrow and placed back into operation. Today we had Pacific Pipeline begin a 3D photographic survey of two 1300 foot sections of the pipe. One section is from the point of the leak towards the previous survey. The second section is located by Grass Lake Road approximately 5 ,000 feet from the Luther Pass Pump Station. The section of the pipe surveyed approximately 10 days ago required almost all of the District's maintenance personnel for a 3-day period, and included 24 hour traffic control. There were 284 "regular" hours, plus 101 "overtime" hours speni�on the project. The Directors, and the community they serve, should be appreciative of the effort put forth by the District employees. On Thursday, 6/10/76, all the District Directors, Attorney J.C .Weidman, Engineer J. Jensen and I met in Sacramento in three separate meetings . First - with Lee Schuering to discuss the suit against the District by the Stationary Engineers, Local No. 39; secondly - with Assemblyman Gene Chappie and Senator Clair Berryhill; thirdly - with Assemblyman John Garamendi who had also invited Larry Walker from the State Water Resources Control Board. The two meetings with the legislators were in regard to our export pipeline difficulties. The Board of Directors met on june 14th to review the photographic survey of a portion of the export pipeline.`' Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as submitted. Regular Meeting _�_ jurie 17, 1976 /)/� DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: All items on agenda. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that the Judge has been working on the case Fallen Leaf Lake Assessment District. All other iter�ns are listed on agenda for discussion. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Community Relations: Director Kashuba stated that they traveled to Sacramento doing what they could to help solve our problems here; she also attended the TRPA Committee meeting on 6/7/76, This Committee is made up of citizens from South Lake Tahoe, Meyers Area, Kingsbury Area, etc. , and they review and comment individually as an independent citizens committee, and not by any governing agency. No other Committee Reports. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. WATER SUPT. REPORT: As presented by W. Dunckhorst: � � "On Monday of this week we activated the Martin Avenue well and started the injection of the Polymer and the Sodium Hypoch��rite. We are injecting the Polymer at the rate of 3 .S ppm which is about 24 gallons per day and the Sodium Hypochlorite at 2 .6 gallons per day. Every Monday morning I am having the 6" meter that inter-connects to the Lakeside Park Association read so that I can better determine when they are using our water. , I feel that in the past, when we are in our heavy demand, they are also, at times drawing from our system. This in the past, has created a serious low level problem in the Harrah's reservoir. This situation I feel should be brought to the attention of the District, in case at such time this summer we are forced to conserve on water usage. Cold Creek at this time is much lower than it has been in previous years. To date, we have received 154 applications for new water service connections, � and of this amount we have installed 114. This includes, in the past few weeks, 5 private small wells that have failed. " (2) TAHOE KEYS WATER SYSTEM ACQUISITION: (a) Status Report - Manager Callahan stated that the letter received (copy o� from Dillingham Development Company, Mr. jerry Hay, written to Board of Directors or �Yte Tahoe Keys Propery Owners Association was in reply to the Association letter to them of 5/2/76, and in which the Association had included a check for $10,000.00, intent of their purchase of the Water Company at the Keys. Manager Callahan spoke with Mr. Paul Salfen, General Manager of the Tahoe Keys Association, who informed him that their financing has been arranged and they have verbal comment from all agencies concerned, and it now appears the Home- owner's Association will purchase the Keys Water Company. Manager Callahan recommended that the Board of Directors of this District suspend any further negotiations with Tahoe Keys until Dillingham and Tahoe Keys Association have been clarified. Attorney Weidman stated that this is a policy matter for the Board, however, he does agree with Manager Callahan's recommendation. He also stated we should honor Dillingham's commitment when the Homeowners of the Keys have shown an interest in purchasing the Water Company. Director Fesler stated that he feels the Board is in agreement with this situation; if the Homeowner's want to purchase this Water Company, the District should in no way interfere, as long as the Keys Homeowner's Association is negotiating, we will step out of the picture, however, if this should fall through with the Association, the District is still a willing buyer for the Company, but not in competition. Manager Callahan will send a letter explaining the Board's comments. � ��� Regular Meeting -3- 6/17/76 3 . LAKESIDE MUTUAL WATER COMPANY: (a) Consider rate increase for water service. Manager Callahan explained the present charges to Lakeside Mutual Water Company by our District, and felt that these charges should now be changed. He recommended that for the Lakeside Mutual Water Company, we increase to $6.67 per 1,000 usage each month. District ��gineer j. Jensen agreed with the Manager on this charge. Manager Callahan also stated that we should in the very near future, consider the meter and flat rate charge by the Water Departmenis . Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the increase be made to Lakeside Water Company as recommended by Manager Callahan, $6.67 per 1 ,000 usage each month. Director Kashuba stated that we shoulc! encourage water conservation measures, especially in the Motel areas. Manager Callahan will also check into any possible contracts with the Lakeside Mutual Water Company. , SANITATION DIVISION REPORT: As reported by B. A. Miller. 1 . The District has complied with the appropriate items in our Cease and Desist order; #2 Inspection of pressure sections (visual) . #3 Repair (future) ruptures in a manner to prevent other ruptures in close proximity. #4 Submitted per time schedule. #5 Investigation commenced june 8th. #7 Submitted per time schedule. 2 . Excavation, camera work and pipe replacement for the initial lining integrity survey by District personnel involved long hours and some difficult operating conditions. The Board should extend its appreciation to personnel in Heavy Maintenance and Line Maintenance for their efforts . 3 . Met with Mr. Earl Cooper, Sierra Pacific Power Company and District Manager - re installation by the District of electrical equipment which would reduce our monthly power bill (rectifiers) currently await�ing their Engineer's figures to present to our District Engineers . Also, Sierra Pacific Power is requesting �o install, at their expense, electrical equipment at the Luther Pass Station which would minimize voltage losses in their system from pump starting. Director Fieldcamp stated that we owe the personnel in Heavy and Light Maintenance a great deal of thanks for the excellent job they have done, and are doing, for the pipeline rupture. (2) JOHNSON BO�.TLEVARD PUMP STATION. District Engineer Jensen gave a report on the Bijou Pump Station - built in 1956, explained the modifications that have taken place since; stated that plans and specs were designed for the Johnson Blvd. Pump Station - contract let September of 1973, for completion February 1976, total = $339, 190,000. Contractor has since submitted claims for additional costs, etc. He stated that he did invite the contractor to attend this meeting tonight, however, something must have come up that kept him from being here. Mr. jensen presented the claims to the Board, requested a Study Session to review same. SCHEDULED FOR 6/23/76, 3:00 P.M. District Office. RESOLUTION NO. 2015, A Resolution Accepting Completion and Directing the Filing of NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF jOHNSON BLVD. PUMP STATION and INTERCEPTOR SEWERS. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2015 be approved as submitted. Regular Meeting -4- j'une 17, 1976 /��?U 3 . EXPORT PIPELINE: (a) Cease and Desist Order of Lahontan Regional Water � Quality Control Board. Manager Callahan stated there is a public hearing scheduled 6/24/76, 9:30 A.M. , Bishop, California, regarding modification of the Cease and Desist Order, the modification of the Cease and Desist Order will change from the "entire line" to pressure section; and will also change the date for completion of same. Mr. D. Antonucci was present and was asked for his comments. He stated that he was not in a position at this time to comment. Director Kashuba and Attorney Weidman stated they appreciated the modifications made by the Lahontan Staff. � Status of Investigation: Manager Callahan stated that 1300 ft section of pipe has been completed, and the film now in the hands of our eingineers; 1300 ft section completed again today, and hopefully another 1300 ft Friday; it will take a week or more before we receive the film back, Manager Callahan stated. Manager Callahan also stated that he would like to continue the investigation of 3 or 4 more sections, v��hich would amount to approximately $8,000 or $1,000 per section, - and in order to continue this investigation, it will require many supplies. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the Manager be authorized to have our staff continue the investigation (in addition to the Pipeline Survey Company) as requested above. 4. VEHICLES: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 2016, A Resolution Approving Specifications for One 4-wheel Drive Vehicle. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2016, be approved. � PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $143, 204. 11 , as recommended by Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. Robe t W. Fesler , Chairman Pro Tem South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: �/� � �/ / ' /� ',, �'�'��f�-.�-c C.� "--(� �l. C� /�Ci�1--1 David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board and Ex- officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District ******** i j�c� REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TA�`O� 1'UB�rC UTrLITY DISTRICT July 1, 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 7/1/76, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL; Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors R. W. Fesler, F.j. - Cocking, L.L. Kashuba and R.A. Fieldcamp, Attorney j.C.Weidman, Engineer J. jensen, San. Supt. B. Miller, Water Supt. W. Dunckhorst, Shop Steward M.A.Kobernus, Mrs. W. Dunckhorst, A. Kruse, J.G.M.Gonzales, Mr. and Mrs . Etcheverry, C. Cook, R. Bosch, Mike James - Lahontan. ABSENT: General Manager David W. Callahan. MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 6/17/76 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: None. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: All items on agenda. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: john C. Weidman stated that he spoke with Joe Flynn (E1 Dorado County Water Agency) regarding the Water Agency �udget and requested they keep the $80,000 .00 loan in the budget, and they stated they would do this. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance: No committee report, however, the Board met in Study Session to study the financial situation re water rates and water connections. Community Relations: Director Kashuba requested a Study Session 7/7/76, at 3:00 P.M. , District Office, regarding public information program. No other committee reports. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Merle Kobernus reported that the Blood Bank is in good shape again. Also, Harry Hanson is in Barton Memorial Hospital. The Board requested flowers and a card be sent on behalf of the District, Directors, Staff and Employees. WATER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: July 1, 1976 --- As presented by ��`T. Dunckl��orst: "Our :cbuntain Avenue well recently showed signs of drawing air. On Tuesday, the week before last, we pulled the motor and e�etended the bowls 20' lower, now having the column and bowls down 130' . Since lowering the bowls, the output on this well has increased approximately 30,000 gallons per day. We also have one of the wells on Glenwood showing the same signs, and this well is scheduled to be lowered next week. The low level probe on the Martin Avenue well has been lowered about 2 weeks ago to 96' . This well has been functioning good until this morning when it has continuously shut down on low flow level and I could not keep it running. A new 5 h p centrifugal pump has been installed at the Cold Creek station up in the Montgomery Estates #1 area and is waiting for the electrical hook-up. This should stop the problem of low water pressure and outages we have had in the past. I would like to ask the Board to consider my recommendation that the Water Department have a water installation charge on all new water service installations. REQUEST OF CALIFORNIA PACIFIC UTILITIES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, this request be tabled. x�gula� M�eting -2 ruly� 1, .1976 /J2L WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS: Study Session scheduled for 7/8/76, 2:00 P.M, to determine service connection charge. SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: As presented by Bernie Miller: 1 . During the pipeline camera inspection of June 18 in the Grass Lake Road area, Maintnenace Crews found the line to be significantly out-of-round. Required power jacks to push pipe back into shape so dresser couplings could be added. 2 . Since june 17th, the Water Master for Indian Creek Reservoir has with- drawn seven (7) feet of water for grazing land irrigation. Minimum pool is 41 feet. 49 feet remain in the reservoir. This dramatic reduction in elevation is caused partially by the volume of water diverted and stored in the District's holding pond. 3 . On June 14 and 15 the Department of Fish and Game (California) conducted analyses on Indian Creek Water. Their results corresponded very closely with ours. Ammonia levels in the Reservoir were + 2.0 mg/1. pH levels were elevated enough to cause signs of distress in fish. Our latest analyses indicate pH is 8.0 and ammonia nitrogen 0 .0 mg/1. jOHNSON BLVD. PUMP STATION: (a) Consider Contract Change Order: Engineer Jensen gave a report on this project, and stated that several meetings took place with the contractor regarding the additional charges they requested. The total amount of their additional charges amounted to $22 ,000 .00, however, Engineer jensen offered Teichert Construction $9,096.73 to settle all claims. Time extensions were granted due to the delay in obtaining the materials and equipment needed for this project. District Engineer jensen recommended that the Change Order be approved, granting the Contractor $9,096. 73 for extra work, and extension of time of completion to June 17, 1976, and the Board authorize the Manager to sign such a contract change order. Director Fesler stated that this,.contract is 653 days late in completion; inquired if we could assess liquidated dar:z�ges; he felt there were other suppliers that could have furnished the equipment and materials needed to complete this project on time. Director Fesler stated he did not feel it was right to absolve the contractor from any job. Attorney Weidman stated that the contractor has given detailed reports on the extras, and that he and Mr. Jensen have gone over all the extra work, claims, etc. , submitted by the contractor, the cause of the delay, etc. , and he stated also that if this went to court, they would favor the contractor. Director Cocking stated that he has to believe the contractor had excusable delays. Vote on the change order as recommended by District Engineer jensen: Roll call vote, as follows: AYES: Directors Hegarty, Jashuba, Cocking, Fieldcamp NOES: Director Fesler. CARRIED. . . . EXPORT PIPELINE: (a) Cease and Desist Order: Of Lahontan Regional Water Quality `�� Control Board. There was a public hearing at Bishop on June 24th. Engineer jensen, Directors and Manager attended and amendments to the original cease and c3esist order were granted. (Report to be in 2 weeks following final investigation of the pipeline, and lines in Alpine County deleted) . Mr. B. Miller stated that john Gonzales appeared at a Study Session and sr��wed a video of the pipeline. Mike James stated that he and Dave Antonucci from Lahontan also reviewed this video, and they personally felt this would do the job, and would recommend same to Mr. Hampson, it would be much more reasonable as far as the District is concerned. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1971-1 (FALLEN LEAF LAKE) - Attorney Weidman stated that the Court has rendered a very favorable Memorandum of Opinion to the District. Discussion took place regarding the letter from Lahontan of June 22 , 1976 to Mr. Everett Lundy, Vice President of Fallen Leaf Lake Protection Association; and Attorney Weidman stated that if Lahontan wants to accept the CSO International Report, that the District can abandon the Project. Also, as of now, the District has no position for the hearing scheduled on 7/22/76 on the mat�er of sewering of Fallen Leaf Lake area. Mr. Etchverry stated that Fallen Leaf Counsel has prepared a letter which the District and their Attorne� should be receiving. /60�-� .�yu�u �� ����.�y �,3 7/1/76 ALAMEDA EXTENSION: (Bid Opening) as follows: ---held on 7/1/76, District Conference Room. . Present for the bid opening were Chester A. Horning, Bernie Miller, Joe Cassle and representatives from Action Construction Company, and Ray Fieldcamp, Director. Bids received as follows: l . Larry Moore $4,750 .00 PO Box 9914 South Lake Tahoe, Ca. 95731 2 . Action Construction $5,950.00 Box 4585 Stateline, Nevada 89449 3 . Charles E. Spiva $7,350.00 So. Lake Tahoe, Ca. 95731 4 Maurice Langis $8,500.00 South Lake Tahoe, Ca. 95702 5 . joe Cassle $10,800.00 PO Box 7915 So Lake Tahoe, Ca. 95731 CONSIDER RESOLUTION NO. 2017: A Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Purchase Order of Alameda Avenue Extension. Following a lengthy discussion regarding performance bond, Director Kashuba moved that this matter be tabled. No second. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, that Resolution No. 2017 be approved, and that we request the contractor will provide us with a performance bond for the job, and the District will pay for same. Director Cocking stated that we should approve and accept his bid without asking for the bond. VOTES: AYES: Directors Hegarty, Fesler, Kashuba, Fieldcamp. Noes; I�rector Cocking. CARRIED. . . . . . PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: As so recommended, Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $50,808.33, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. f r �-�' t�` � Edward E. He ar �, Pr' side � South Tahoe Public Utility istrict AT TE ST: , �� � �>L��,-� �'��. ���J�' �����.�.L - David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board and Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District. *****� Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of /��� South Tahoe Public Utility District july 15, 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 7/15/76, 8;00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors R. W. Fesler, F,j. Cocking, R. A. Fieldcamp, L.L. Kashuba, J.C. Weidman, Attorney,David W. Callahan -Clerk o� Board and ex-Officio Secretary - General Mana er District Engineer, Water Superintendent W. Dunckhorst, Sanitation Superintendent Bernard Miller, Shop Steward's Merle A. Kobernus and Harry Hanson, D. Antonucci and R. Hampson of Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, Ken and Lois Swift of Dillingham Corporation, Mr. W. Craven L. Bracel of CSO, other representatives from Fallen•Leaf Lake and Stan�fordHCamp,th, john G.M. Gonzales of William Pillsbury Office. �.-�t��:OGNITION OF VISITORS: " President Hegarty welcomed all to the meeting; none present had any business to bring before the Board. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Callahan stated that he did not have a written report, however, the Plant Operations Report for june is typed below. A meeting is scheduled for negotiations with the �c,,tionary Engineers, Local 39, Monday 7/19/76, 10:30 A.M. and he requested a meeting with the Board prior to the negotiating meeting with Local 39. Same is scheduled for 7/16/76 at 3:00 P.M. , District Office. PLANT OPERATION FOR THE MONTH OF jUNE 1976: 1976 1976 1975 June May june Total Plant Flow - MG 104. 1 gg,p Daily Average Flow - MG 108.8 3. 5 3.2 3. 6 Maximum Daily Flow - MG 4.8 4.3 4. 1 (6-9 (5-30 (6-22) Chlorine Used - Tons 49.9 54. 6 Lb s/MG 50. 7 Natural Gas Used, Thousand Cu Ft 959 1,114 g32 6, 548 7, 626 5, 073 Cu Ft/ MG 62, 901 77,816 46, 627 Electricity Used, KWH 858,400 853, 200 717, 600 KWH/MG 8, 246 8, 706 6,596 Lime Used ---Ton Makeup: 68.4 50.9 55. 5 Recalcined 159. 3 167.9 gg,p Total Lime Used. . . . . 227. 7 218.8 153.5 Lbs/MG 4,375 4, 567 2, 821 Alum Lbs. 3,210 4, 567 2, 890 Lbs/MG 30.4 34. 7 26.6 Polymer, Percol - Lbs 534 491 .3 277 LB S/MG 5.1 5.0 2.6" DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: All items for j, jensen, District Engineer, on agenda. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney j.C.Weidman stated that no action needs to be taken this month re the Conflict of Interest. Also he stated that he will be in attendance at the CASA Conference (San Diego) on Thursday evening and Friday of scheduled dates. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance: Director Fesler stated that this Committee met on 7/6/76 to discuss and consider increasing revenues for water operation, however, no unanimously agreement was reached, and no recommendation at this time. Community Relations: Director Kashuba presented a written report regarding this committee meeting's of 7/7/76 and 7/13/76 to discuss the most expedient and effective methods of getting important information to the residents and business people on the critical water situation. Also, the Committee recommended: 1 . That the District cooperate with the AWWA and observe "Water Appreciation Week" , August 8-15. 2 . That the District hold an Open House on Sunday Afternoon 8/8/76 from 2:00 to 5:00 P.M, with displays and demonstrations on methods and devices for conserving water, 3 . Make available for public information through the news media, press coverage and radio and TV spot announcements hints on how to conserve and protect the water supply. ��°�`S I2egular Meeting -2- J°uly 15 , 1976 4. Invite the City Council, County Board of Supervisors, TRPA and CTRPA to adopt a Resolution declaring August 8-15 Water Appreciation Week, and solicity their cooperation. 5 . Invite the organizations such as Chamber of Commerce, Motel Association, Board of Realtors, Insurance Agents Association, Service Clubs, to participate in the Water Appreciation and Conservation effort. 6 . Conduct tours of the water filtration plant, wells. Show f.ilms from AWWA at the Open House and also to organizations. The committee recommends that the Dis�trict work closely with the E1 Dorado County Department of Environmental Health, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, Tahoe Resource o:;onservation District, private water enter�prises, fire departments, U.S.Forest Service to get the most accura�e and valuable information disseminated to the general public as is possible. Director Fesler stated that the above Committee Report was unan= mous. Attorney Weidman stated that additional information was requested from Mr. Fred Girard re our Water Rights and Wells, report will be presented to the Board soon. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: As presented by Harry Hanson regardingHealth and Safety and Rights and Responsibilities of Employees under CAL/O.S.H.A, held 6/24/ and 6/25/76, Stationary Engineers, Local No. 39, San Francisco. Mr. H. Hanson requested the Board and Management jointly, with Local #39, request a N.I.O.S.H. Safety and Health Evaluation. Director Fesler stated that for the past number of years, the District has been receiving under Workmen Compensation commendations from the State Fund; we have received safety awards and having one of the lowest accident rates and has been a very healthy place to work. Manager Callahan mentioned to the Board that this will be the last meeting Merle A. Kobernus will attend as an employee; he has been a very dedicated employee. The Board wished Mr. Kobernus success in whatever he plans doing following his termination with the District. WATER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: As presented by William Dunckhorst: "On Sunday and Monday july 4th and 5th, the Water Department experienced a very critical situation in the Bart on Tract and the area of Tahoe Island. The 420 , 000 gallon tank on Tata Lane that serves these areas went dry in the evening of the 3rd and 4th. This situation was not caused by mechanical failure, but by the inadequacy of the two wells to keep up with the demand of the water users in these areas. On Sunday evening 2 crew members cruised around the Tahoe Island area and asked the people to please turn off their sprinklers . Because of this emergency, I would like to recommend to the Board that we drill a new well as soon as possible for the replacement of the lost capacity of the Tata Lane Area. Attached to this report is a Summary of the Water Usage during the Summer Months of 1974 and 1975, and 1976. "(Attachment typed on page 3.) �7d� Regular Meeting -3- J'uly 15, 1976 WATER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT (Continued) SUMMARY OF WATER USAGE 1974 1975 1976 May 58,470,000 57,485,000 75,460 ,000 June 78, 325,000 83 ,027,000 92, 993,000 July 86, 202 ,000 102 , 768, 000 August 94,073,000 96, 137,000 September 74, 186,000 73, 509, 000 July 1974 1975 1976 1 2, 797,000 2 ,851 ,000 2, 892,000 2 3,049,000 3 ,426,000 3, 309,000 3 3,007,000 3, 101 ,000 3, 556, 000 4 3,212 ,000 3,089,000 3, 600,000 5 3, 005,000 3, 662, 000 3, 679,000" Regarding the recommendation of Mr. W. Dunckhorst of drilling a new well, District Eng .neer j. jensen stated that he would like to have one of CH2M Hill's men take a look at this situation before this recommendation is approved, or before he could make a recommendation to `this Board. Manager Callahan agreed with Jensen. WATER CONSERVATION: (a) Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the South Tahoe Public Utility District Declare August 8-14 as "Water Appreciation Week" . . . . . . . (b) Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that we have an Open House on 8/8/76, 2-5 P.M. , send letters regarding Water Conservation. Study Session scheduled for 7/27/76, 3:00 P. M. , District Office, to discuss Open House scheduled for 8/8/76. Attorney Weidman suggested that the Board of Supervisors be extended an invitation to meet with this Board prior to the Open House. The Board requested 8/6/76 . Manager Callahan will contact the Board of Supervisors and notify the Board Members of arrangements. LETTER OF MAURY KOLOS dated 6/29/76, regarding water service at 2039 High Meadows Trail. Mr. Dunckhorst stated that a blow-out valve has been put at the end of the system, it is working, but this is not the answer. The only answer to solving this prablem, is to have a tank in that area, Mr. Dunckhorst stated. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) Sanitation Superintendent's Report. As presented by B. Miller; 1 . The District has again been approached by Sierra Pacific Power Company in reference to installing equipment, at District expense, at Luther Pass Pump Station which would result in savings on monthly service charges. They have transmitted their data which will be forwarded to the District Engineers for their comments . ' 2 . The District holding pond is emptying rapidly and we should be in a position to expose and remove sections of the export line for investigation the week of july 19th. 3 . The television camera inspection method has been given approval by Regional Water Quality Control Board Staff and the District has receiveda proposal from William Pillsbury, Inc. , for engineering services in this regard. 4 . Treatment plant influent flow for july has averaged in excess of 4 . 1 million gallons per day, comparable to last years flow. / 7d 7 R�gul�r Me2�ing -4- �'uly 15, 1976 2 . ALAMEDA AVENUE EXTENSION: Consider request of Larry Moore dated 7/12/76. Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that Mr. Moore called him and stated that he misinterpreted the bid for the Alameda Avenue Extension and Attorney Weidman advised him to get an Attorney, which he did. Letter was received requesting he be relieved of the award on the grounds of mistaking interpretation of the specs. Attorney Weidm�n stated that this Board could proceed to court regarding the Alameda Avenue Extension bid of Larry Moore; or could grant the award to the next lower bidder and give them a modified specification of the City standards , and they be given an opportunity to accept the j ob on the bid. Second low bidder was Action Construction, reduced to $5, 625.00. l�i�rector Fesler stated we should proceed with the bid on Alameda and the first bidder does not want the job and rather than fight him in court, moved to rescind the award to Larry Moore, pursuant to his request and on the grounds stated by his Attorney; we then award to the second bidder at the amount he bid subject to modification of $5, 625.00 with the City compaction standards that would be applicable to this job. Director Fieldcamp seconded, carried unanimously. Attorney Weidman also requested a letter from Larry Moore stating he would make no demands on this District if we award the bid to the next low bidder, and this letter has been received. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1971 - (Fallen Leaf Lake): - (a) Letter of james Norman to john C. Weidman, dated 7/2/76. Attorney Weidman stated that this letter was not .in his possession at the last regular meeting of this Board. Mr. Norman requests a meeting be set up with the District Engineers and the Fallen Leaf Engineers. Attorney Weidman requested our Engineer to comment as to whether it would be fruitful for a meeting of our Engineer's and Fallen Leaf Lake Engineers. District Engineer jensen stated a meeting is essential. Mr. J. Norman stated that Roy Hampson and his Staff of Lahontan RWQCB have made all very clear; concern of a public entity taking over the situation at Fallen Leaf Lake. Mr. Norman stated that they are here this evening to make arrangements to talk with South Tahoe PUD Engineers. Distri.cit ��ngineer Jensen stated that he felt this is more policy decision rather than Engineering; also requested C S O to explain what they are intending to do at Fallen Leaf Lake. Mr. L. Bracel, Engineer with C S O explained what was in the report presented to this District, and what avenues they plan to follow. They do want to meet with the District Engineers. Mr. Roy Hampson of LRWQCB stated that So Tahoe PUD would have to be satisfied with the p}.an Fallen Leaf Lake residents wish to take. Director Resler inquired as to who would be the responsible party for maintaining and operating the system; who would be responsible to Lahontan for any failures, etc. It was stated by C S O representat'_ve that the District would be responsible for all to Lahontan. Attorney Weidman stated that he, District Engineer jensen, and Manager Callahan will meet to discuss this report, not binding the Board or District in any way. District Engineer Jensen answered Mr. Bracel that he saw no poin�t in meeting until after Lahontan has their hearing, which is scheduled for 7/22/76, at 10:30 A. M. , Tahoe City. ���,� �tegular Meeting -5- july 15, 1976' Jim Norman stated that perhaps one of Lahontan Staff should be in attendance at the meeting of Weidman and Norman. Attorney Weidman stated that this Board is elected, and we should give them legal issue; he does not feel Lahontan should be present at the meeting; he would not meet under those circumstances. Director Kashuba stated that Fallen Leaf Lake Association has done a great deal of work on this process, and it is worthy of consideration, and we should put our efforts towards considering some type system that could work, if we are given the authority; however, they have done a good job, but she does not see there is enough scientific proof that this will work. Re the Lahontan Hearing on 7/22/76, 10:30 A.M. , T �hoe City, Manager Callahan will be in a�ttendance, and perhaps Director Kashuba. EXPORT PIPELINE: (a) Status of Investigation: District Engineer jensen stated that Mr. George Silkworth, and Mr. Wayne Cardwell - representative of AMARON `�� Corporation (Pipe) were here this afternoon checking and looking at pipe and photographs of the pipeline breaks. Mr. Cardwell recommended that instead of camera uses in the pipe, it would perhaps be beneficial to send a men or men to work on the pipe; he will prepare a proposal and when same is recei ved, will be presented to the board. Mr. Roy C. Hampson stated that he has not talked with the Engineers, however, his staff has, and the major concern is to comply with OSHA; in this day and age, he stated,the safety requirements are harder than they have been in the past. PROPOSAL OF WILLIAM F. PILLSBURY, INC. , CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS: Manager Callahan stated that we received a proposal from W.F.Pillsbury to use a T V Throughout the length of the pipe; however, in the light of the conversation this evening, he requested that no action be taken on this proposal, and same be held until we know how we are going to proceed. VEHICLES: Bids as follows: Vic Bates, South Lake Tahoe - 1976 jeep Wagoner, $7, 794. 55. Second bid received from Ken Collins of Placerville, California in the amount of $7, 200 . 95. Manager Callahan stated that it is mandatory, according to our specs, etc. , that the vehicle is to be maintained, parts, etc. , within ten miles of the District facilities, and since Ken Collins is not in the area, but located at Placerville, he cannot qualify for the bid, though his bid price is low. Manager Callahan recommended Vic Bates bid be accepted in the amount of $7, 794. 55, and RESOLUTION N0.2016, A Resolution Authorizing Purchase of one 4-wheel Drive Vehicle, be considered for approval. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, carried unanimously. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, claims in the amount�of $223 , 055 . 62, as recommended by Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADjOURNMENT: 11:00 P. M. .�' _... Edward E. Hegarty, Presi' ent South Tahoe Public Util ty Di ict ATTEST: ' _-'-' ,�, � �% j...�Cl�v David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility D.istrict ********* /�7 02� Regular Meeting di th� Board af birector� South Tahoe Public Utility District August 5 , 1976 The Board of Directors met in regular session on 8/5/76 , 8:00 P.M. , South Tahoe Public Utility Distr.ict Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Edward E. Hegarty, Directors Robert W. Fesler, F. J. Cocking, R. A. Fieldcamp, L.L. Kashuba, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary - General Manager David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineer J. Jensen, Water Supervisor W. Dunckhorst, Sanitation Superintendent Bernard A. Miller, jr. , Mrs . W. Dunckhorst, Dave Huber, Al Kruse, Ron Kruse, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bosch of Fallen Leaf. MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, the minutes of 7/15/76 be approved as submitted. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by David W. Callahan, General Manager: "During the past three weeks the Board of Directors met in Study Sessions as follows: July 16th and 19th, regarding negotiations for employee benefits; July 21st and 27th on plans for Water Appreciation Week; July 30th with the County Board of Supervisors; August 3rd regarding sewer service to Fallen Leaf Lake; and August 4th, on employee negotiations, and needed water and sewer improvements . Also, I attended the hearing by Lahontan Water Quality Control Board with President Hegarty and Director Kashuba on July 22nd regarding sewer service to Fallen Leaf Lake. On July 29th, Wayne Allen and I attended a Seminar in Sacramento on Special District Reporting Requirements. Arrangements have been made for the Board of Directors, John C. Weidman, and I to attend the Annual Conference of California Association of Sanitation Agencies in San Diego on August 18-21 . During the week of July 26th, six pipe "t's" were placed in the export pipeline to allow easy access for inspection and/or repair. One set of "T's" 2 ,000 feet apart, were installed at the top of Luther Pass, the second set �iv�.s placed near the airport with the third set behind the Outdoorsman. Following is the July Plant Report,for JULY 1976: 1976 1976 1975 june uT 1y Lul� Total Plant Flow - MG 104. 1 137. 9 123 . 1 Daily Average Flow-MG (out) 3. 5 4.45 4.0 Maximum Daily Flow - MG (in) 4.8 4.7 4.9 (6-9) (7-15) (7. 5) Chlorine Used - Tons 49. 9 60. 1 93 g5g 872 1 , 511 Natural Gas Used-Thousand Cu Ft 6, 548 7 ,853 6, 100 Cu Ft/MG 62, 901 56, 947 49 ,553 Electricity Used-KWH 858,400 1 ,074,000 826, 800 KWH/MG 8, 246 7 , 788 6, 716 Lime Used - Ton: Makeup 68.4 118 84.5 Recalcined 159. 3 121 100 .4 Total Lime Used 227 .7 239 184. 9 Lbs/MG 4, 375 3 ,478 3 ,004 Alum -Lbs 3 , 210 4,470 6, 215 Lbs/MG 30 .4 32 .4 50 . 5 Polymer-Percol-Lbs 534 443 407 Lb s/MG 5. 1 3 .2 3.3" Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. 1:�::�O Regular Meeting -2- 8/5/76 DISTRICT ENGINEER`S REPORT: All items for discussion are on the agenda . ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman reported on Fallen Leaf Litigation and he also reported briefly on the Grants that would be come available to Public Utilities and amounts of Grants that could go for certain projects . COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Finance/Insurance: Director Fesler stated that they did not have a meeting, however, the Committee did not recommend the item that is on the agenda this evening under Water System (2) Service Charges and Connection Fee. He stated there should be a recommendation from the Finance Committee on this, as well as a Public Hearing scheduled. (2) Community Relations: As reported by Director L. Kashuba: "WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM South Tahoe Public Utility District August 4, 1976 The Public Information Program on Conservation of Water has been done in the following manner: 1 . STPUD Directors voted to observe Water Appreciat.ion Week in coordination with the National Water Works Association,August 8-15, concentrating on water conservation measures - July 15, 1976. 2 . The District sent out letters to all the water customers informing them of the necessity of using methods to save water and inviting them to the Open House on August 8. 6, 500 letters were sent. 3 . The District and the Public Information Committee prepared and sent letters to the City, County, TRPA, CTRPA asking their cooperation in the public information program by declaring a Water Appreciation Week, August 8-15, and inviting them to participate in the Open House on August 8th. 4 . Letters were sent to officials of City of South Lake Tahoe, County of E1 Dorado, South Tahoe Fire Department, Lake Valley Fire Protection District, TRPA, CTRPA, Department of Environmental Health, U.S.Forest Service, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, Tahoe Resource Conservation District asking them to participate in public service announcements on water conservation, and through the courtesy of Radio KTHO and Radio KOWL this was accomplished. Also, Bill Dunckhorst, Water Superintendent, taped the Let's Talk Show on KOWL. 5 . A joint meeting was held with the E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors to discuss the water situation at Lake Tahoe. 6 . Letters were sent to service clubs, Chamber of Commerce, Motel Association, Insurance Association, Board of Realtors, Con�.ractor's Association, other water companies, etc. , inviting them to attend the Open House and observe simple water saving measures. 7 . Announcements were prepared for the Cable TV Scanner and news media. Arrangements were made for advance article and coverage at the Open House. 8. Through the cooperation of Virginia Thompson, Department of Environmental Health, Fred McLaren of Gilber & Associates, and the District Management, and Water Company personnel, displays were prepared for the Open House. 9 . Films were ordered to be shown at the Open House and have been scheduled to show at the Kiwanias and Soroptimist Clubs. � 10. Plastic bottles to be used to displace water in the toilet tanks were ordered to be given away at the Open House. Displays will include shower inserts, toilet dams, other devices. Tours of filtration plant and Martin Avenue Well will be a part of the program. 11 . Directors, Management, and wives and water company p�rsonnel will help at the Open House. � A great deal of appreciation is expressed to the District staff and management, Directors, and their wives, for the in-house cooperation. The above named agencies and officials, the news media, and the radio stations - KOWL and KTHO- for responding to the call for cooperation, is very rewarding. Arrangements have been made to show the conservation films at the two elementary schools that are in session. Also, spot announcements on KTHO and KOWL were made by Virginia Thompson, D. Nichol, M. Smiley, U.S.F.S. Representatives , Mayor Capri, City Manager, Supervisor William johnson, �,;�nn Smith, L. Kashuba, and many more. No further committee reports . � �`��� Regular Meeting -3- $/5/76 SHUP STEWARD'S REPORT: None present. WATER SYSTEM: As reported by Water Superintendent, W. Dunckhorst: " Tuesday of last week the bowls of the well on Tata Lane were lowered 30' , also 2 yards of rock for gravel packing was inserted. This has now eliminated the cavitating of the well which we had previously. After dropping the well, it was flushed and estimated that it was pumping about 500 GPM. The past couple of weeks there seems to be no problem in keeping the tank full; i contribute this mostly to the recent weather conditions, and the cooperation of our consumers on water conservation. The signal system from Harrah's reservoir is nearly completed, A1 Tahoe well is now automated on the signal, and we are awaiting the telephone company � to complete the tie-in on the pole at Martin Avenue, and the Filtration Plant is about completed. This signal when completed will put area #1 on a fully automatic system. Last weekend we experienced several power failures, one of which blew out the transformer at the Martin Avenue well. The only water outage we had was a few homes up on Cold Creek Trail in Montgomery Estates, they were out for about 3 hours, until Sierra Pacific Power Company could locate the problem. " (2) SERVICE CHARGES AND CONNECTTON FEE (a) Consider request of General Manager to equalize water service charges to customers and to consider adopting a connection charge. The Board agreed to a Study Session, Thursday, 8/12/76, 3:00 P.M. , District Office to d.iscuss this subject. (3) WATER SUPPLY: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 2017, A Resolution Declaring an Emergency and Authorizing the Drilling of a Well for Replacement Water. The proposal from Robertson Engineering and Drilling was discussed and the Board agreed that items one and two of the proposal: Mobilization to and from site, clear- ing, pits and clean-up provided by customer =$500.00; and Test Hole, Electric Log, Collection of samples design of gravel pack, and casing 350'@$6 .00/ft -$2100.00, should be started, proceed with these two items, and at the same time call for bids on this and conditioned upon favorable results from the test. Director Fesler stated that according to the Water Superintendent Report, this is not considered a great emergency, and he does not understand what the Board is doing if they approve this request. Director Hegarty stated that the weather conditons have changed; people have not had to water their lawns , because of the recent rain we have had. Director Kashuba stated that the snow pack this year was 20% of normal; she does not feel the water is there. Bill Dunckhorst stated we are definitely in an emergency situation. ROLL CALL VOTES, AS FOLLOWS: AYES; Directors Hegarty, Cocking Kashuba and Fieldcamp NOES: Director Fesler Carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2017 be approved. (b) Consider author.izing investigation for additional well locations. Manager Callahan was asked to proceed and authorizing investigation as requested. 4 . NOTICES: Notice of LAFCO meeting on 8/18/76, re annexations to Water Districts in E1 Dorado County. Attorney Weidman will attend. 5 . OFFICE SPACE: Consider authorizing design of additional office facil.ities . Manager Callahan stated the lease on the Water Department Offices will expire in March of 1977 , and that he felt the District would have a better and smoother operation if all offices were in one location. He requested a design of additional office space attached to this build ing. Hopefully, we could obtain grants for this added office space. Manager Callahan will contact Mr. Bob Mason regarding same and Study Session will be scheduled for 8/13/76, 3:00 P.M. , District Office. Regular M2eting ..q_ g�5�76 � ,��� ,; .• SANITATION DIVISION, August 5, 1976, As reported by B. Miller: 1 . On July 28-August l , District personnel installed six inspection T's on the export force main to allow easy access for re-entry, August lOth, for a visual lining inspection by representatives of Ameron Company. Their inspection log sheets will serve the identical purpose as a camera inspection at a considerably reduced price. 2 . The response to our advert.isement for an Electrician has been excellent. Fourteen candidates were chosen out of 50 applicants for interaiews to be held on August 20th. 3 . District Staff contacted the State Health Department Radiation and Sanitation Laboratory in reference to our laboratory certification. It appears that our current certification for partial chemical analyses, issued in 1961, is good for only a small number of the tests we have been performing. The appropriate State forms have been transmitted to the State to recertify. 4 . On Sunday, power surges caused by lightning caused transformer failure and subsequent burning of a motor starter panel for the Secondary Clarifier Sweep Arm. This caused several operating problems and resulted in a delay in resuming export as the water was of poor quality. 5. A Mr. David Hofteig has been selected to fill the current Mechanic I vacancy, He will begin employment on August 23rd. " Interv.ewing Board for the Electrician will be B.A. Miller, Dave Barnes of CHZM Hill and one other person will be contacted from this area to assist in interviewing. (2) SKI RUN SEWER: Letter of California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Lahontan Region dated 7/29/76. Per Mr. R. Hampson's letter he stated that it is apparent that during periods of heavy flow, certa�n sections of Ski Run and Highway 50 collectors are flowing at full hydraulic capacity. The sections he referred to are Ski Run between Paradise and Osgood, Ski Run between Osgood and Highway 50, Highway 50 between Ski Run and Sonora. He also listed the following 3 alternatives: (1) The first alternative is a connection ban on any lines which would feed into the Ski Run collector. This would probably result in significant public pressure on South Tahoe P.U.D, to put one of the following two alternatives into effect. (2) The ten inch diameter Osgood line could be re-routed to the Johnson Boulevard Pump Station. This alternative would help relieve the hydraulic loads in the critical sections of pipe . Although the Paradise-Osgood section of Ski Run also appeared full during these inspections, this situation may be the result of backwater interference from the Osgood intersection. Re-routing the Osgood line would s ignifican tly reduce flows from Osgood to Highway 50 and from Highway 50 � to Sonora, (3) Another alternative which should be considered is the replacement of sections of pipe found to be flowing full. This would entail replacing Ski Run from Osgood to Highway 50 and Highway 50 from Ski Run to Sonora. Larger diameter pipelines in these sections would most likely reduce the possibility of spills due to sewage backing-up in manholes where collector capacity has been exceeded. Replacement of these two sections may relieve the capacity problems between Osgood and Paradise. If subsequent inspections reveal that capacity problems continue to plague this section of the Ski Run collector, it could be replaced at a later date. Director Fesler stated that in a few years the District is not going to be able to respond to the demand made upon us regarding the capacity. The number of vacant lots at Lake Tahoe now will not be able to build on eventually. President Hegarty agreed, and felt we should take care of the problems as they come up. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, we authorize District Engineer to design johnson Boulevard Sewer Extensions. ,' /._%�� Regul�r Meetin� _5_ $/5/76 3 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1971-1 (Fallen Leaf Lake) - Attorney Weidman stated that he and Manager Callahan, Engineer jensen, will meet with Mr. J. N,orman, Engineer from CSO, and perhaps representative of the U.S.F.S, on 8/11/76, 1:30 P.M. Attorney Weidman stated that we responded to a meeting date the same day it was requested by Fallen Leaf Lake representatnves. 4. EXPORT PIPELINE: Manager D.W. Callahan stated that next week representatives from AMARON will be here to do an investigation of the pipe, methods and costs, etc. 5 . COMMUNICATIONS: (a) Letter of California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region, dated 8/3/76; this letter is in regards to the Johnson Right-of-Way. Manager Callahan stated that he did reply to CRWQCA, and same was agreed by the Board to send the reply as written by the Manager, with copies to Bill johnson and the City of South Lake Tahoe. 6 . LINEN SERVICE: (a) Report of Bid Opening: Manager Callahan stated that 3 bi�s were received: Mission Linen, Tahoe Linen and Jars Linen, Inc. Manager Callahan recommended the bid be awarded and accepted from Tahoe Linen. Director Fesler stated that in no way are we going to give our business to a Nevada Supplier who does not have to pay our rate levels for their service and taxes. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the bid be accepted from Tahoe Linen. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carri::ed, claims in the amount of $238, 546.43 be approved as recommended by Manager Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 11:30 P.M. � � , i��Q� , ..�—. Edward E. Hega"rty, esi t South Tahoe Public Utility`District ATTEST: � � �� , ' ' � � ��'2�'__0�--t--�� -c� � � 1.�� David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ****** Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District August 26, 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 8/26/76, &:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Edward E. Hegarty, Directors Robert W. Fesler, F, j. Cocking, L. L. Kashuba, R. A. Fieldcamp, Clerk of Board and General Manager David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineer J.jensen, Water Superintendent W. Dunckhorst, Mr. and Mrs. John G.M.Gonzales, Mr. and Mrs. E. Schmidt, Virginia Thompson - E1 Dorado County Health Department, Mike McNamara - Tahoe Tribune, C . Auckly, Mike Williams, Greg James, H. Hanson, A. Kruse, R. Kruse, D. Huber, J. Theibault, D. Antonnucci - LRWQCB. ABSENT: Wastewater Department - Sanitation Superintendent, Bernard A. Miller, jr. MINUTES of 8/5/76: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, minutes be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Hegarty welcomed all to the meeting; none present had any discussion with the Board. � � 12egular Meeting / `' � -2- 8/26/76 �`� � MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by D. W. Callahan, General Manager: "John Ehlman and George Calvert, CPA's , are in the process of auditing financial records for the fiscal year ending june 30, 1976. They should complete the audit report before the end of October. The employee negotiations have resulted in an agreement as to the salaries for the next three years . However, the District's Legal counsel advises that the existing terms of Union security are illegal. Lee Schuering will pursue the question of union security with Ron Wood. The Board of Directors met on August 12th, to review the Manager's request for a standard rates schedule for water service to its customers. The Directors also met on August 23rd and 25th, to review the plant operation and related items. The Board of Directors, john Weidman, and I, attended the Cali�:,rnia Association of Sanitary Agencies Annual Conference held August 18th, through August 21st, in San Diego. Manager Callahan also requested signature on the State Grants Revision form for reimburse- ment of funds to the District; however, reimbursement will be in approximately 3 to 6 months, following their financial audit. Director Kashuba stated that the CASA meeting attended by Directo;-; and Management proved to be one of the most valuable conferences she has attended. Director Hegarty stated that this past conference was the largest ever in attendance. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: District Engineer Jensen stated that recently enacted was the Public Employment Act of 1976 and it does hold some promises for the District re obtaining some Federal Funds. He presented copies to Manager Callahan. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: All items are on agenda. COMMITTEE REPORTS: _Plant Operations• Director Fieldcamp stated they met on 8/24/76 with Manager Callahan and Sanitation Superintendent B. Miller, regarding Luther Pass Pump Station and the problems they are having there. Finance/Insurance: Director Fesler stated that our Insurance Carrier wishes to meet with this Committee next week. Communitv Relations• Director Kashuba thanked all those that assisted with the Open House during Water Appreciation Week, She stated that we cannot do anything ourselves; we must have help from the community to be successful. President Hegarty stated to Director Kashuba that the letter to the Editor was well written and quite informative and complimented her on same. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. WATER SYSTEM: Water Superintendent's Report as presented by W. Dunckhorst; "Since spring of this year, we have had 279 applications�for new water services, of this amount we have installed 226, also of the 279 applications, 20 have been private wells which have failed. The District's Instrument Technician, Mike Williams, has done a good job on our signal system ;, this system is already proving its worth, as now the A1 Tahoe Well and the Martin Avenue Well are only operating as the demand for water is needed. For example, since the storm of last weekend the demand has been down and the Martin Avenue Well did not operate at all on Monday, it called for water on Tuesday for only 2 hours and Wednesday about 3 hours. I talked with Mr. Robertson on Monday of tnis week to see when he is scheduled to start on the Tata Lane Well, and he informed me he could not start until the 7th of September. SERVICE CHARGES: Manager Callahan presented a table showing water service rate comparison of area water rates and requested the Board to consider adoption of same at the next regular meeting of the Board. OTHER ITEMS /��3,�" R�gular IvI���ing -3- 8/2 6/76 (1) Employee Benefits. (a) Consider proposal to change Memorandum of Understanding - Manager Callahan requested consideration of the proposal to change the Memorandum of Understanding and recommended adoption of same, with the exception of that mentioned in the Manager's Re �rt regarding Union Security - - in addition, to the 5.5% increase to all classifications - a5%to Electrician/Technician, and 3 .9% Underground #11 , and Water Serviceman #2 - this in addition to the 5.5%. Manager Callahan stated that Ron Wood of Stationary Engineers Local #39, and Lee Schuering, Attorney, will discuss the Union Security section of the Memorandum of Understanding and report to the Board at a later date will be made. Attorney Weidman stated that when this Memorandum of Understanding is signed, it then becomes binding for 3 years. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Directc�r Cocking, unanimously carried, that the Memorandum of Understanding be approved, as recommended by Manager Callahan. (b) Consider setting Study Session for discussion of Management Positions and Salaries - same scheduled for 8/31/76, 3:00 P,M. , District Office. WASTEWATER SYSTEM Sanitation Superintendent's Report: As presented for B. Miller by Manager Callahan: 1 . On Thursday, August 26th, representatives of CH2M/Hill and General Electric will perform a series of tests on the 1000 HP motor at Luther Pass to determine the necessity and a method of repair. 2 . Also on Thursday, August 26th, members of the State Water Resources Control Board conducted an Operations and Maintenance Inspection, focused on in plant process monitoring, maintenance procedures, logs and manuals. These are periodic inspections conducted on facilities which have been funded by State and Federal Grants. 3 . The District's new Electrician accepted the position on August 25th. He is a Mr.Richard Christianson who is currently working as a Mainten ance Electrician for Bostich, Inc. , in Visalia, California. His employment will begin September 13th. 4. Two other employee vacancies have been filled as followes: Mr. Stephen Clark, Utilityman Mr. Neal Trebotich, Mechanic 5. Mr. Claude Gunsch has been promoted from Utilityman to Mechanic. 6 . Interviews were held on August 24th, to fill an Operator-in-Training position; also, candidates are being selected for another Operator vacancy interview to be held in early September. 7 . District plant water system disinfection was completed on 8/25 - and bacteriological samples are being analyzed. 8 . On August 19, 1976, Mr. John Baker of the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board was given a facilities inspection tour. WATER SUPPLY: (a) Manager Callahan stated that on 7/23/76 our water supply well pump and motor quit working and operating and we have used plant effluent to continue operations . The equipment is still being repaired and will not be returned for several weeks. We have now switched to our Water Department water. Manager Callahan requested approval of the Boar� to have a water department crew install a 6" main to the plant; the value of this would be $13, 200 and the water department crew will install; we would also install 3 fire hydrants at t:ze same time on this 6" main. This will be installed for the District's operations and benefit. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, tkr� t the 1100 feet of 6" main be installed as so recommended by Manager David W.Callahan. rcegular Meeting _�_ �/26j�s ���� SKI RUN SEWER: Re Trunk Sewer Extension: - Engineer j, jensen stated that the Ski Run Area was installed in 1960 under an assessment district, and there was no money to do any differently. As a result of sewage flows increasing, these lines are now overloaded and now is the time to schedule some program. The designed system would go from Glenwood and Fairway, an 18" sewer main, to Iam Road and two easements, which the District has obtained., Herbet to Shirley, Bowers, Alder to Ski Run, for an estimated cost of $263 ,000.00. Manager Callahan stated that perhaps we could obtain the funds that Jack jensen mentioned in his report under the Public Works Act; we also spoke with Lahontan regarding grant funds and are waiting for furth�r word from them; or we could borrow from revenue bonds, levy a standby charge, or increase connection char:�es, or service charges. Engineer jensen stated the schedule for this should be planned as follows: advertise for bids on 3/1/77; award contract on 4/15/77; start the project on 5/1/77, and completion date of 8/1/77. President Hegarty requested Manager Callahan to pursue this matter for methods or means of financing same, and granted the Manager permission to proceed as time table ��utlined. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1971-1 (Fallen Leaf Lake) Engineer Jensen stated that he and Manager, Callahan, j.C.Weidman, met with Fallen Leaf Lake Representatives and U.S. Forest Service Representatives regarding the Fallen Leaf Lake Report for sewering their area. Engineer Jensen stated that they were to send a plan for this sewering of their area, and to date nothing has been received. Attorney Weidman stated that he feels every governmental agency is responsible for Fallen Leaf Lake not being sewered, and they have not come up with anything yet. That area is a second home area, and he fees that grant funds will go to middle resident areas rather than second home areas. Atfiorney Weidman also mentioned that the President of the Fallen Leaf Lake Association called him, and he stated that he then called Mr. Norman and left a message with Mr. Norman's Secretary - that he did not feel it was right for him to talk with the President of the Association without the presence of their Attorney. EXPORT PIPELINE: Manager Callahan stated that District crews installed 6 Tee's on 8/1/76; on 8/10 and 8/11/76 AMARON inspected 2,000 feet of the pipeline; they will have a report to�-� us on the investigation and the financing and the repairs to be made to the pipeline; report has not as yet been received. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION: Manager Callahan gave a report on the condition of the pumps, motors, and surge relief valves and the advantage of installing capacitors at the Pump Station. Manager Callahan requested authorization to acquire a spare motor and to have the District Engineer design modifications as to surge relief valves and to prepare specifications for installing capacitors. We have not received the report on the investigation on the pump and motor from General Electric as yet, Manager Callahan stated. We need additional standby equipment at the Pump Station also. District Engineer Jensen stated that there was a fourth pump and motor included in the 1973 Improvements, however, the State rejected it. District Engineer Jensen stated that one of CH2M Hill's Electrical Engineer's is here today to meet with the people from General Electric, and G.E. testing equipment is faulty and did not work; they are making the additional check of the motor this evening. District Engineer Jensen stated that until he hears further regarding the tests made this evening by General Electric and the Engineer from CH2M Hill, he cannot make a recommenda- tion at this time. Direc tor Kashuba stated that she would like to have a report in detail showing the entire project totally in funds, including the Ski Run Project, the priority schedule and all amounts, and where we are going to obtain funds for same. The Board agreed with Director Kashuba. Manager Callahan was asked to have a detailed analysis ready for the Board at the next regular meeting; and was given authorization (with any needed pump repairs) to proceed with any needed repairs to the pump and motor as needed. ��j'?ty�guiar 1vleeting --5-- 8/26/76 MISCELLANEOUS: Virginia Thompson of the County Health Department stated that she understood we were going to discuss the problems with the Water Supply at the Treatment Plant. She stated that their department was very concerned that they were not notified at the time the problem existed and started. There was a hazard involved for the employees of the District, she stated, and the City, and she wanted to make certain this does not happen again. Chester Auckly, Chemist for the District, stated that he conferred with experts in the field before he made his report to the State Department of Health. He stated he is concerned basically that this was secondary effluent sewage that involved the health and safety of every employee of this plant. He does not understand why anyone would even remotely consider putting secondary effluent in the potable water system. He stated, also, he would like to know what is c�oing to happen. Harry Hanson stated that a couple of weeks ago he mentioned to the Board that he was going to request a safety inspection on this District because he felt the health and safety of the employees has become secondary. He stated that he:is going to call for an inspection of the facilities and felt our concern should be protection of the employees for their health and safety. Dave Huber, employee of the District's water department, stated that there has been no notice on the bulletin board at the water department regarding the use of, or not the use of, the water; he felt a better communication should exist between the sewer department and the water department. President Hegarty stated the newspaper stated the case quite correctly and we are still working hard on this, and he does not feel this problem w.ill happen again; we are still investigating, and have not given up on this. Virginia Thompson stated that on 3/2/76 there was a previous well failure of 8 days, and their department was not notified. A1 Kruse, Tour Director for the District, stated that regarding the air-pak cylinders, there is always a spare cylinder next to the air pack's at all times . Manager Callahan stated that a letter was received from Virginia Thompson dated 8/17/76 pointing out our violations. Another letter received from Lahontan this evening re illegal cross-connection of treatment plant effluent with domestic water supply system. Attorney Weidman stated that he will report to the Board in an executive session. President Hegarty stated th��t we are doing all we can as quickly as we can. Dire�.tor Kashuba stated that we cannot drop this health and safety and we should consider scheduling a Study Session to investigate and study this and the other type problems that do exist. Potable water was connected to the plant last Friday, and we are in the process of testing the water supply now. ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1976-77: ORDINANCE NO. 259, An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District stating the Purpose for which Taxes are Necessary, Fixing the Amount of Money Necessary to be Raised by Taxation, Fixing of Rate of Taxes, 1976-77 Fiscal Year. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, ORDINANCE NO. 259 be approved. (Increase of .03� per $100 assessed valuation) . RESOLUTION NO. 2018: A Resolution Adding to and Making a Part of the Annual Assess- ment Levied Upon the Land Upon Which Sewer Service and/or Street Lighting was Used and Charges Therefore Unpaid at the Time of Fixing the Rate of Taxes 1976-77 Fiscal Year. (Approximately $300 ,000 .00 unpaid) . Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2018 be approved as presented. %%_� Regular Meeting -6- 8/26/76 RESOLUTION NO. 2019, A Resolution Ordering Transfer from U-1 Connection Charge Fund to U-1 Bond Interest and Rec3emption Fund. Director Cocking moved, Seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, Resolution No. 2019 be approved. ORDINANCE NO. 260, An Ordinance for Improvement District No. U-1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Estimating the Minimum Amount of Money to be Raised by Taxation for said District and Fixing of Rate of Taxes. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, Ordinance No. 260 be approved as presented. (Now . 55� per $100 .00 assessed valuation; last year was $0.60� per $100.00 assessed valuation) . RESOLUTION NO. 2020, A Resolution Approving Specifications for Hydrorodder and Authorize Advertisement for Proposal (approximately $30,000-$40,000) . Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2020 be approved. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, claims as recommended by Manager Callahan, in the amount of $180 , 947. 92, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 11:10 P.M. .> �,, ,5' �-- Edward E. Hegarty, Pres' nt South Tahoe Public Utili y District ATTEST: ;��.:�L��___ c/y.,, L 4t%����!-.�Ey David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ******* Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District September 2, 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 9/2/76, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Edward E. Hegarty, Directors Robert W. Fesler, F. J. Cocking, L.L. Kashuba, R. A. Fieldcamp, Clerk of Board and General Manager David W. Callahan, B. Miller, W. Dunckhorst, j.C. Weidman, Engineer J. Jensen and employees Mike Williams, C. Auckly, H. Hanson, A1 Kruse, Visitors B. Gonzales, M. Aranoff-Tribune, Dave Huber, V. Thompson -Health Departmm t and R. Kruse. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded b;y Director Cocking, unanimously carried, minutes of 8/26/76 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Hegarty welcomed all present to the meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager David W. Callahan: On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, Mr. George Silkworth of CH2M Hill made an investigation of the probability of external corrosion to export � pipeline and what effect, if any, California Pacific Utilities gas pipelines have on our pipeline s. The Board of Directors met on 8/31/76 and 9/1/76 regarding the plant water supply problems and personnel needs. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Jensen stated all items are on agenda. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated the matter of Fallen Leaf Lake Hearing is set for 9/13/76. r i.�� Regular Meeting -2- 9/2/76 Attorney Weidman also requested that when Engineer Jensen d�es received the status report from Fallen Leaf Lake Association to present him with a copy of same. This report has not as yet been received. Also, for information, Attorney Weidman me#�tioned that all members of the Sierra Planning Organization and S.E .D.D, have resigned their positions, and there will no longer be any technical assistance as these organizations have given in the past regarding grants, and he recommended that the Board authorize the Manager, Attorney, and a Director to a Committee to seek sources of some technical assistance in the grant processes. Also to establish project priorities. Engineer jensen has prepared a list of same, and also this priority matter is listed on the agenda. STIJDY SESSION SCHEDULED FOR 9/8/76, 3:00 P.M. ,District Office. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Energy Conservation: Director Kashuba and President Hegarty did meet, and a report will be given at a later date. No other committee reports. Finance Committee will schedule their meeting next week. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: H. Hanson stated a course will be given at the District on 9/18/76 for Operator's and anyone else that is interested. Also that C. Auckly is preparing a lab course to be given to those interested. Regarding employees that have seen the Dr. because of possible contamination of the water at the plant facilities, Mr. Hanson stated that all of the alleged/ill or injured employees have shown negative blood tests and all are fine. Regarding the OSHA inspection, he stated that he has not prepared a written request for this inspection, though he has been setting times, etc. , via telephone. In reply to Attorney Weidman's question - Mr. Hanson answered that he is a Safety Committee member, as are the supervisors. WATER SYSTEM: Report by W. Dunckhorst, water superintendent: I have ordered and received yesterday all of the valves and fittings needed for the installation of the 6" water line to the Reclamation Plant; the 10" x 6" tee for the t.ie-in to the 10" main has been made up today and I plan to make this tie-in the first thing tomorrow. Next week - since we have but 3 working days, I do not know if I can start the digging and laying of pipe. The water supply looks good for the big weekend coming up. Mr. Dunckhorst also stated that since his report was �repared, a truck ran into and broke the fire hydrant valve. This has now been taken care of and an invoice is be.ing prepared and mailed to the Tahoe Cement Company for damages. SERVICE CHARGES: Consider ORDINANCE NO. 261 , An Ordinance Establishing Water Rates. Following lengthy discussion, Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, ORDINANCE NO. 261 be approved as presented. VEHICLES: Postponed to next regular meeting. OTHER ITEMS: (1) Letter of Traveler's Insurance Company regarding rates for medical coverage of management and confidential employees. For Board's informa�_ion. (2) Notice of CSDA Annual Meeting on 9/29 and 10/1/76, at North Lake Tahoe . (3) Notice of Seminar on Criminal Liability under CAL/OSHA September 29th or November lOth at Sacramento. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: Reported by Bernard Miller: l . Upon recommendation of G.E. Representatives and CH2M Hill Elect�ical Engineers, the 1000 hp motor at Luther pass was removed, cleaned, reinsulated and reinstalled - subject motor was out of service for only 5 days . 2 . We are having a difficult time finding a well driller that will clean and sand pump our potable well. We have contacted five individuals to date and with no luck. 3 . A Mr. james Cartmill has been selected to fill an Operator-in-Training position. Mr. Cartmill is employed with E1 Dorado County, and has had previous experience with related equipment in water purification with the US Army. His employment will begin /7�� Regu�ar Meeting -3- 9/2/76 Sanitation Supt. Report (Continued) on September 1S, 1976. 4. Interviews will be held September lOth to fill an Operator I/Operator II vacancy. 5 . The past 3 weeks, plant operations staff has been severly depleted. The remaining staff has responded well, with a minimum of complaint. All operators have been working hard, kept sick leave at a minimum, foregone scheduled holidays, and volunteered for extra duty as needed. 6 . District staff has completed its scheduled exterior inspection of the export force main as required in Cease and Desist Order No. 6-76-58. No evidence of possible force main leakage was found. Director Fesler stated that we have lost some of our valuable employees over a short period of time, and it might be wise if the Board checked into the salaries, fringe benefits, etc. WATER SUPPLY: (a) Response to CRWQCB-Lahontan Region. Letter was read to the Board, and following discussion of dates, etc. , with the Board and employees present, it was decided by the Board, that the letter be reu�ritten, and Attorney Weidman also recommended to include that "some employees alleged they became sick from drinking the water, that they were not notified until 8/11/76, and that blood tests taken are negative"--- Also, a letter to B. T. Karoly, Senior Sanitary Engineer, Department of Health, Sacramento, was approved, with the changes mentioned above. Copy of the letter to LRWQCB will be included in the letter to Mr. B. T. Karoly. IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: Study session is scheduled 9/8/76 to discuss the list of priorities presented by District Engineer Jensen, as follows: PROJECT Approximate Costs Ski Run Sewer , Johnson Blvd. Sewer Extension $ 263,000 Luther Pass Pump and Motor 100,000 Luther Pass Surge Relief Valves 100,000 Tahoe Keys Pump Station, 2 pumps and motors 50.000 Tahoe Keys Force Main Extension, 5,200' - 18" pipe 125,000 A1 Tahoe Pump Station, 2 pumps and motors 50,000 Keller Road Sewer - 2,800' - 10" pipe 40,000 Office space and parking area 60,000 Export Pipeline: (a) repair existing 500 ,000 (b) New pipeline 5,000 ,000 Plant Improvements: Warehouse expansion 100,000 T.V, equipment for sewer lines 30,000 Attorney Weidman stated that this plant was designed and built prior to the requirement standards that were set, and he stated that if any other changes are made by the governing agencies, it should be a policy that we will fight any changes in standards right down the line from here on out. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $76,047. 68 be approved as presented. ADJOURNMENT: 11:00 P.M. � � Edward E. Hegarty, � esid t South Tahoe Public `�Ttility District ATTEST: � � \� �,-/�, � ,���E:��C��.t���c�G'tiL�=t. �-____._ David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District ****** i � � . Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District September 16, 1976 The Board of Directors met in a regular session 9/16/76, 8:00 P.M, District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors R. W. Fesler, F.j. Cocking, L.L. Kashuba, R.A. Fieldcamp, Clerk of Board & General Manager D.W. Callahan, Attorney J.C.Weidman, J. jensen, B. A. Miller, Jr. W.Dunckhorst, A. Kruse, D. Huber, H. Hanson, Visitors from Fallen Leaf Lake were also present - Bill Callen, Mr, and Mrs . G. Reimie, V. Chandler, Ray Bosch and H. Start; others present were V. Thompson of the Health Department, Mike McNamara-Tribune, Bob Chapman of CH2M Hill, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gonzales, from W.F. Pillsbury Inc. , and John Kemp - resident and Coors Distributor. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by D. W. Callahan, General Manager: "This past week I requested and obtained the Encroachment Permit from �� the City of South Lake Tahoe for the johnson Blvd. Interceptor Sewer Extension. I talked with Andy Hauge of California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency regarding the project and obtained from them an application content requirement. Mr. Hauge indicated that the project must be reviewed by the Agency's Board in addition to the staff. If all requested documents are filed by October lst, the staff then would place it on the Board' s agenda for the month of November. On September 15th, I met with the Plant Operations Committee and the Board of Directora ;egarding manpower requirements for plant operation. I request approval from the Board for the hiring of an Operator-in-Training and a Laboratory Technician. The Board met on 9/8/76, to review needed improvement projects and they met on 9/13/76 regarding salaries of management and confidential personnel. This afternoon I met with Jack Jensen and Mr. Allasia, of the E1 Dorado County Airport regarding a possible water well site. Attached to your agenda is a letter from E1 Dorado County Environmental Health Department granting approval for the plant potable water supply. Also attached is a letter from Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding the Ski Run sewer collection line. Attached is the Plant Operation Report for the month of August 1976. " PLANT OPERATION REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1976: 1976 1976 1975 _ Auaust Tuly Au ust Total Plant Flow MG 131 . 1 137. 9 140.2 Daily Average Flow MG 4.2 4.45 4. 5 Maximum Daily Flow MG 4.8 4. 7 4. 8 �8/15) (7/15) Chlorine Used Tons 54. S 60. 1 77,g Lbs/MG 831 872 1 , 110 Natural Gas Used Cu Ft MG 61 , 838 56, 947 37,375 Thousand Cu Ft 8, 107 7, 853 5, 240 Electricity Used KWH 1 ,014,200 1 ,074,000 978,000 KWH/�MG 7, 736 7, 788 6, 976 Lime Used - Ton Makeup: 83.2 118 74. 5 Recalcined: 84.9 121 101. 6 Total Lime Used 168. 1 239 176. 1 Lbs/Mg 2, 564 3,478 2, 834 Alum - Lbs 4, 750 4,470 5,295 Lb s/Mg 3 6. 2 3 2.4 3 7. 8 Polymer - Percol - Lbs 798 443 360 ' Lb s/MG 6. 1 3.2 2 .6 " Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved with the exception that the request for additional personnel will be discussed at a Study Session on Monday, 9/20/76, 3:00 P.M. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: J. Jensen, Engineer, stated that he met with the Manager and they then met with the Manager of the Airport to discuss new well sites; he stated that we should locate a definite site for the new well, enter into an agreewment with the Board of Supervisors, and prepare preliminary plans for same. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: All items are on agenda, Attorney Weidman stated. 12egular Meeting _2_ 9�16��6 ���" COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Plant Operations: Met on 9/15/76 regarding additional personnel for plant operations; study session scheduled for 9/20/76 to discuss same. (2) Finance Committee/Insurance Committee: This committee met on the District's Insurance Policy and so recommends that the property damage coverage deductible be increased to $25,000 from $10,000; the property liability coverage deductible be increased to $2, 500 from $500 . (3) Community Relations; Director Kashuba stated that she and President Hegarty met with Mike McNamara of the Tribune, clarified all lines of publicity; she stated that the meeting was arranted by Mr. McNamara and they were happy to have the opportunity to meet with him. Shop Steward's Report: OSHA has been making their safety inspection. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: As presented by B, Miller, jr. , Sanitation Superintendent: 1 . On Wednesday, September 15th, the Districts #2 potable well was sand pumped and flushed. This resulted in raising the well water level from 90 feet to 30 feet below the ground level. 2 . On September 10, 16 and 17th, representatives of the State Division of Industrial Safety (CAL/OSHA) visited and inspected the treatment facility, lift stations and water department. Additionally, an Engineer from Environmental Health Section took particulate and noise level readings at vari��us locations in the plant. The majority of items which were noted for resolution, and which will be formally presented with time deadlines are being worked on, now. 3 . On September 13th, the E1 Dorado County Environmen�al Health Department gave permission to use the District water system as a potable source. Additionally, we received the stand-by pump/motor combination for the air gap tank arrangement which is supplying plant water. 4. We have noted an average daily flow decrease of approximately 700,000 gals/day since the Labor Day/Admissions Day holiday period. 5. The Department of Fish and Game (California) is conducting a monthly monitoring program at Indian Creek Reservoir for the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Their tests include 24 hour analyses for dissolved oxygen, pH, chlorophyll "A" (Algae) and others at three different depths. They also are conducting gill nettings to establish fish population at different time of the year. This is being done, I am told, to establish relationships of different test concentrations to determine the cause and method of control of fish mortaiity at the Reservoir. " ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1971-1: (Fallen Leaf Lake) - Attorney Weidman stated that there were three judges that made decisions. Attorney Weidman stated that the decision is that the property owners will not be able to occupy their properties unless they have a sewer system, or holding tanks, and that lie� with Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. Attorney Weidman stated that the enforcing agency now is Lahontan. EXPORT PIPELINE: No change from the last regular meeting. /'7�f 3 Regular Meeting -3- 9/16/76 SEWER MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT: Bid opening was held at 4:00 P.M, today and two bids were received: (1) Falkenburg, Inc. of Portland, Oregon - bid $29, 975. 57; and (2) Southwest Flexible Company bid $28, 606.22 (Ford) . Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2021 , A Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Hydrorodder from Southwest Flexible Company in the amount of $28, 606.22, and as so recommended by Manager Callahan, be approved. JOHNSON BLVD. INTERCEPTOR SEWER EXTENSION: Consider setting a Public Hearing date on the environmental effects of the project; the Directors duscussed this subject in great length, and it was agreed by the Board Members, that an adjourned meeting be held on Tuesday, 9/21/76, at 1:00 P.M. , for any action required on this matter. They felt they should contact Ms . Sharon White of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch to obtain more information. Director Fesler stated we should proceed; the other members agreed to having a Study Session: Vote as follows: AYES: Directors Hegarty, K_ashuba, Fieldcamp and Cocking. - NOES: Director Fesler. Carried. IMPROVEMENT PROjECTS: (a) Approve priorities and (b) authorize District Engineer to proceed with design of Projects. Study Session for 9/20/76, 3:00 P.M. , District Office. AMENDED ASSESSMENTS: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 2022, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments, 1964-1 . A. D. 1966-1 , Resolution No. 2023, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment. A. D. 1967-2 - Resolution No. 2024, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment. A. D. 1967-3A - A Resolution NO. 2025, Resolution Directing making of Amended Assessment. A. D. 1968-3F. Resolution No. 2026, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment. A. D. 1970-1, Resolution No. 2027, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that Resolution Nos. 2023 through 2027 be approved as so recommended by Manager Callahan. WATER SUPERINl'ENDENT'S REPOI�T: Report of W. Dunckhorst, as follows: " A week ago last Wednesday, the tie-in at Martin Avenue well and Barbara Avenue was completed; to the extent that Area No. 1 can now help Area #2 by just opening a valve. There is still a little more work to do, such as installing the meter, and adjusting the two systems as to the pressure variations, building a box around the pit for accessibility. I feel I should at this time stress to the members of the Board how very important it would be to the Water Department if they would consider my recommendation that we purchase a backhoe. I am presently renting a backhoe at $80 .00/day, and if we are to continue trying to do the proper jab of serving the public, I must have the proper equipment to do so. With the workload that is falling on the Water Department in the way of new services, repairs, water mains, meter repairs, it cannot be done under the present conditions. Eighty percent of our work requires a backhoe, and I do not feel that more help or manpower would help my problem, unless I have the equipment tYiat they can work with. ��y� Regular Meeting -4- 9/16/76 Work on the 6" water main for the District has progressed to the point where I feel it should be completed and tied in by tomorrow, flushed� and cleaned out by the first of next week and ready for usage." Director Cocking commended Mr. Dunckhorst and his crew for getting the 6" water line installed to the plant. WATER SUPPLY (Status of Tata Avenue Well) - M� Dunckhorst stated that work has not started on this project as of this date. Regarding the backhoe requested by the Water Superintendent, Manager Callahan will prepare specifications for the backhoe and present to che Board at their next regular meeting for their consideration of purchase. VEHICLES: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 2028, A Resolution Approving Specifications and Authorizing Advertisement for Proposal for Two (2)One-Ton Vehicles . Bid opening to be 10/21/76 at 4:00 P. M. , District Office. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. SALARIES :O�' MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIAL PERSONNEL: Consider Resolution No. 2029, A Resolution Providing for Salaries of Confidential and Management Personnel. Manager Callahan recommended �he following salary increases: Water Superintendent = 10%; Accountant = 10%; Sanitation Superintendent = 10%; Tour Director 10%; Secretary = 5. 5%. Director Fesler moved that Resolution No. 2029 be approved, as follows: Sanitation Superintendent 5.5% - Secretary 5 .5% Water Superintendent - 10% - Purchasing Agent/Tour C�ide -9% Accountant - 10% Director Fieldcamp seconded, unanimously carried, Resolution No. 2029 be approved. Mr. John Kemp, visitor and property owner, statedtYat he received a 60% increase in service fees this year, and he felt that the service increases should not have been more than thes alary increases the employees have received this evening. Manager Callahan explained to him that this is the first increase in service fees in 6 years. Harry Hanson, Shop Steward, stated that an amendment should be sent to Local Engineers No. 39 regarding the increase for the Purchasing Agent/Tour Guide. ORDINANCE NO. 262 , An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Nos. 250 and 255 , and Providing for Compensation of the General Manager (10%� increase;)Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, the claims in the amount of $156, 386. 89, as so recommended by Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 11:15 P.M, to Tuesday, September 21, 1976, at 1:00 P.M. District Conference Room. ;, � � �,_ . Edward E. Hegarty�, Pr den� South Tahoe Public Uti ity D trict ATTEST: ,' � -, - _ � ; � � / � �� . �.. , � ���'��__2 a David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ***** ADj O URN�D 12EG U7�11� M��TYNG OF TH� B OARD SOUTH TAHOE P UBLIC UTILTTY DISTRTCT September 21 , 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular session on 9/21/76 at 1:00 P.M. District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors R. W. Fesler, F• J. Cocking, L.L. Kashuba, R. A. Fieldcam of� Board David W. P, General Manager and Clerk Callahan, Attorney j, C, Weidman, Engineer and Mr. John Vostrez - CTRPA Representative T• Tensen, , Mike McNamara - Tribune. Attorney Weidman stated we are holding this Adjourned Regular Meeting to discuss the environmental aspects for the Johnson Blvd. Extension Sewer System; he stated that we do intend to apply for a Grant, but the one thing that could hold us up would be the failure to file an environmental impact report; the need for this report has been indicated by CTRPA. The Manager had contacted CTRPA regarding the necessary documents and they informed him we would have to have an �nvironmental impact report to them. Attorney Weidman felt this is an unreasonable request; and could jeopardize our obtaining a Grant, because of the time involved approaching different agencies with different reports, or with the environmental impact report. Attorney Weidman stated also that he felt a negative declaration is sufficient. He also mentioned that Ms . Sharon White of Wilson, jones, Morton and Lynch, is an expert in this field of environment�l impact reports, and negative declarations, and she stated that she would be available for a conference call today if the Board desires this . If the District should go via a negative declaration, we will have to consider what are our guidelines, and these will have to be in the draft for the application for grant, and that there will be no conflict, no negative esthetic effect, no effects on plants, wild life, fish, State or Local Agencies, no detrimental effects on air, water; no flooding, erosion or siltation or geological hazards . Mr. Weidman further stated that the effects re air, water qu�lity and generation of growth is the key as to whether we need an environmental impact report or whether we should go negative derlaration; if the Board decides to go negative declaration, we should have a hearing and circulate for comments, because the District would be liable for a law suit if a hearing is not held and same not circulated for comments for two weeks. Mr, john Vostrez, Executive Officer of the C TrR P A,d saheresthisaeveningtand we would appreciate any comments he might have. Director Fesler stated that he does not have the feeling that enough attention had been paid to the projects we are talking about and requested Engineer Jensen to give an explanation as to why we need these additional lines. Engineer jensen stated that sewers in the area were built under Assessment District proceedings and the Bijou Pump Station was the main pump station in the District at the time and in 1970 the sewers became overloaded; Bijou Pump Station was modified many times; we did start out with the johnson Blvd. Pump Station, and were also going to enlarge for the Ski Run area, however, the District had only enough money to construct the johnson Blvd. Pump Station. If we do not do something soon, Mr. Jensen stated, the Ski Run area will start to overflow. Manager Callahan stated that this phase is only a portion of the original plan of p�ase II. Regul�r` M�eting ��- g�21��� /7',ylE Mr. john Vostrez stated that the C T R P A is not in disagreement with a project such as this that the District is planning, it is a needed project, and he stated they do not use government services for restricting growth. He stated what he felt is needed here is to find the easiest way to get through all the regulations covered by law. He stated that after reading over the EDA Guidelines, they are interested in the environmental aspect, and the employment benefits that might occur. This project seems to fall under one which EDA is looking for, and again stated CTRPA does not argue with this project. Regarding the documents that are required, the City would be the lead agency involved in the environ- mental documents, if they felt same were inadequate and would to require additional documents. A negative declaration is simply a letter stating there is not environmental problem or problems. Mr. Vostrez stated that ttie right decision would be to prepare an Environmental Statement- the original plan for this project was designed in 1972 , and, of course, things have changed since the adoption of CTRPA Ordinance in 1975. The District already has an EID on your original statement and this can be expanded. Regarding delays, Mr. Vostrez stated that he did not think it was serious; we would be talking about the applications that go to EDA to have 60 days to look at this application. Attorney Weidman asked if the District could process this project approval through CTRPA and TRPA on a rapid basis. Mr. Weidman stated that EDA is going to take applications on an individual basis and they are going to want to check this against other documents they now have. Mr. Vostrez suggested a Notice of Intent be sent to EDA, «�nd all approvals needed get from the agencies involved. Mr. Vostrez stated that CTRPA would have the approval for this project by December 15th or late November 1976. Mr. Vostrez stated that CTRPA would work with the District to develop this project, and will work with the staff, etc. , so there will not be any problems; he stated they would like to see a project like this move ahead; they would be happy to help the District prepare a good application; the City would also develop your documents since they are the Lead Agency. Attorney Weidman stated that we should call Ms. Sharon White of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, regarding the "Lead Agency" and whether we shou�d proceed with a Negative Declaration or E.I .R. Director Fesler stated that he felt Mr. Vostrez' approach was in a very constructive manner, and he appreciated Mr. Vostrez taking time to attend this meeting today. Attorney Weidman stated that if we are carrying out the project, we are the lead agency; prepare an EIR and 31 days after circulation hold the hearing; any written comments you receive you can prepare replies to in advance; any oral comments - reply to at the hearing. All comments and responses will be in the minutes . Attorney Weidman stated we shouid prepare an EIR, applications for grant, cle�r with the State Clearing House, set the h�aring for 10/29/76, request to get on CTRPA agenda for their meeting on 11/5/76 . President Hegarty adjourned the meeting at 2:35 P.M, to September 28, 1976 at 1:00 P.M . , District Conference Room. � Edward E. Hegarty, ' sid South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: , - - �,,��_��.�,, �� „ -C'���' 2��-�-----_ David W. Callahan,Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ********* • • i / ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 9/28/76 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular session 9/28/76, 1:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors R. W. Fesler, F, j, Cocking, R. A. Fieldcamp, Attorney J.C . Weidman, Engineer J, JENSEN, Clerk of Board and Gene��l Manager David W. Callahan. ABSENT: Director L. L. Kashuba. The first item of business - jOHNSON BLVD. INTERCEPTOR SEWER EXTENSION, regarding draft environmental impact report. J. Jensen, Engineer, and the Board of Directors siudied this report in full. This report covers the project and the area description,�opulation growth, energy usage, environmental setting, beneficial impacts on water quality, adverse environmental impacts, siltation, tree damage, etc. Also, it was recommended that a copy of this report be sent to Sharon White,Wilson- Jones-Morton and Lynch. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2030, A Resolution Approving Draft Environmental Impact Report, Directing Filing of a Notice of Completion thereof, and circulation of Report for Comment thereon, and Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Thereon. (Hearing date is set for 10/29/76, 1;00 P.M. , District Conference Room) . GRANT APPLICATION: Manager Callahan recommended �;onsideration of RESOLUTION NO. 2031, A Resolution Forwarding Application to State Clearing House, S�ate of California- Award Application No. CA 189. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2031 be approved. FALLEN LEAF LAKE: Attorney Weidman stated that the litigation case has been entered and they have 30-60 days to file for Notice of Appeal in this matter. j. Jensen, Engineer, stated that the report from CSO was received by him on 9/21/76, and has not had time to review same since the documents were received late from CSO. We cannot meet the 9/30/76 deadline as they requested. Attorney Weidman did state, however, that we should let Fallen Leaf Lake Association or their engineers - CSO, know that we do not want to desi,g::� the system, construct the system, or maintain the system. Attorney Weidman stated that there was a Water Committee meeting last night and there have been changes made in this Agency. The County has been the lead agency for the South Fork Project; the way this Agency is set up, there is no way E.I .D, can enter into a contract with them that would satisfy E.I,D„ and the way the concept has been going, it is going to end up in continued controversy. There has been 0. 10� on $100 assessed valuation, and these areas from which these taxes are generated will receive these taxes; our District would receive approximately $130,000 .00 to $150,000 .00 per year, starting next year, to be used for water supply purposes. He stated we have two loans and he would propase these be turned into grants. Attorney Weidman stated that there is a meeting coming up on 10/18-21/76, and also suggested a meeting be held with this District, EID Manager and Georgetown Divide; Attorney Weidman and Director Fieldcamp will attend both meetings mentioned above. Director Fieldcamp stated that the test hole was dug at Ta�a Lane, he stated also that a submersible pump could be installed and the outlet would be 4' undergr�und, no well house would be needed, and would cost approximately $15,000 .00 and pump 400 gpm of water. Director Fesler stated that there should be a scheduled meeting set for this Board to discuss the interview procedure to take place Thursday and Friday for the hiring of the General Manager. Engineer Jensen requested a f.oli�w-up on well site near airport and Manager Callahan stated that we should obtain a map/location and present to Board of Su�ervisors to point out the area for the well site we would like to have. �,c:journed 12egular Meeting -2- 9/2$/76 //f,� ADjOURNMENT: 2:30 P.M. � � - ���� Edward E. Hegarty, �$� sid nt South Tahoe Public �7`tility District ATTEST: �'����,F 2C y. �L� � David W.Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District **** Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District October 7,1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 10/7/76, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Edward E. Hegarty, Directors Robert W. Fesler, F. J. Cocking, L.L. Kashuba and R.A. Fieldcamp, General Manac�er and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineers Jack Jensen and H.E. Moyer, Mr. j. Norman, Attorney for Fallen Leaf Lake Association, and visitors from Fallen Leaf Lake Area, Merle Kobernus, D. DuBois, H. Hanson, V. Thompson and D. Huber. ABSENT: Bernard Miller, Jr. - Sanitation Superintendent and W. Dunckhorst - Water Superintendent. MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 9/2/76, 9/16/76, 9/21/76 and 9/28/76 be approved as submitted. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by David W. Callahan, General Manager: "The American Water Works Association will be holding its Fall Conference November 2nd, 3rd and 4th, at Sahara Tahoe. Mr. William Pillsbury is the Local Arrangements Chairman for the Conference, I offered to give him support in making arrangements and in required manpower to carry out his responsibilities . Last Week the District office staff helped with the mailing of 3300 pre-registration material. Doris Callahan has volunteered to help with the Ladies Activities. I have previously submitted to the Board of Directors information regarding additional improvements needed to complete the new water supply to the plant. Unless the Board of Directors desire further discussion of the Project, I will request District personnel to pro�eed with the improvement. Following preparation of the agenda, I received communication from the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency that the request for the Johnson Blvd. Interceptor Sewer Extension Grant Application will be on the agenda of the Advisory Planning Commission of the TRPA on 10/13/76. Attached to the Manager's Report is the Staff Summary and Recommendation. The Staff recommends that no objection be transmitted regarding the proposed project. The Draft Environmental Impact Report of the Johnson Boulevard Interceptor Sewer Extension was mailed on 9/22/76, to the following: State of California Clearinghouse (20 copies) , TRPA, CTRPA, City of South Lake Tahoe, CRWQCB- Lahontan Region, Tahoe Resource Conservat��n District, E1 Dorado County Department of Environmental Health, E1 Dorado County Library, South Lake Tahoe Branch, and Heavenly Valley. A Notice of Completion of the Draft Environmental Impact Report was mailed to the Secretary of the Resources Agency on September 22nd. Regular Meeting -2- October 7, 1976 During the months of July, August, and September 1976, the District issued 577 sewer permits, compared to 525 for same time period in 1975. At this time we do not have a detail by type of improvement to be connected to the sewer system, but I do know that the majority of those in 1976 were for single family swelling units, while in 1975 the majority was for duplex or multiple dwelling units . Attached is the Plant Operations Report for the month of September 1976: 1976 1976 1975 August September September Total Plant Flow - 1VIG 131 . l 114.0 Daily Average Flow - MG 106.4 Maximum Daily Flow - MG 4�2 3 •8 3. 6 , ��tilorine Used-Tons � � ' -� 4�8 4'6 4•2 Lbs/MG 54.5 64.3 58.4 Natural Gas Used-cu ft /MG 831 1 ' 128 1 ,098 61, 838 64, 239 58, 788 Thousand Cu Ft 8, 107 7,323 6,255 Electricity Used- KWH 1 ,014,200 867, 600 964,400 KWH/MG 7, 736 7, 611 9,064 Lime Used - Ton : Makeup: 83.2 64. 5 71 .3 Recalcined: 84.9 144.0 135. 9 Total Lime Used: 168. 1 208.5 Lb s/MG 2 0 7.2 2, 564 3, 657 3,896 Alum - Lbs 4, 750 4,400 Lbs/MG 3, 840 36 .2 38. 6 36. 1 Polymer-Percol - Lbs 798 571 Lbs/MG 349 6. 1 5.0 3.0 TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY STAFF S UMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: "Clearinghouse Review South Tahoe Public Utility District Johnson Boulevard Interceptor Sewer Extension Summa� � The South Tahoe Public Utility District is applying for approximately $280,000 in Federal funds from the Public Works Employment Act of 1976 to be used in the extension of an interceptor sewer line to connect the northern portions of Ski Run with the johnson Boulevard sewer pump station. The Bijou�Stateline service area has been serviced by the Bijou pumping station since 1958. At the time of its construction, the facility was undersized due to financial constraints, and in 1972, the Bijou station and certain of the trunk lines feeding the station exceeded capacity. To correct the problem, the District authorized a two- phase project to increase the capacity of the facility. The first phase was the construction of interceptor sewer lines in the northern Glenwood Way and Fremont Avenue areas, to connect with a new pump station at Johnson Boulevard. This phase was completed in 1974 and is operational. The project for which funding is being sought is the second phase of the project which would install an interceptor line along a portion of Ski Run Boulevard and connect it to the Glenwood interceptor. Recommendation Staff recommends that no objection be transmitted regarding the proposed project. " Director Fesler stated that he has been asked how many single family dwellings were constructed and connected during the summer months; Manager Callahan will have this report for him in 2 weeks . Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as submitted. Attorney Weidman req�ested the Board to consider moving the item under Wastewater System, Assessment District 1971-1 to this point of the Agenda for the Fallen Leaf Lake Residents that are present this evening. No objections from the Board and President Hegarty stated (2) Assessment District No. 1971-1 (Fallen Leaf Lake) will now be d.iscussed. 12egular Meeting -3- 10/7/76 ��s'o President Hegarty requested J. Jensen give his report, as follows: "CSO, Engineers for Fallen Leaf, has sent us the material that I requested at the 11 August meeting of representatives of them, the District, and the Forest Service. It consists of: 1 . A report containing a description of the system and calculations of flow. 2 . Preliminary plans (Based on topographic maps furnished by us) of the basic layout of the system. A brief description of the plan is as follows: l . Bifurcation (separation) of wastes is not proposed. All wastes will be delivered to several subcentral systems which will transport the wastes to central systems and finally to the existing District system near the north end of Fallen Leaf Lake. 2 . Water conservat.ion methods will be undertaken -- low-volume toilets (1 quart per flush) , low-flow shower heads, and flow-restricted faucets. Garbage grinders will not be permitted. 3 . Average design flows range from 14 gallons per capita day at Stanford Camp to 24 gallons per capita day at the summer homes . Peak flow rate is approximately seven times average flow. 4. Wastes will be delivered by gravity or pumping to a subcentral pumpin site. Here they will enter a septic tank for settling of solids and flotation of grease. An overflow emergency storage compartment will be provided. Effluent from the septic tank will be pumped to a central pumping station. 5. Central pumping stations will receive the above described wastes, plus some local wastes, and will then transport these to the final export station which will pump to the existing system. 6 . A total of 14 pumping stations will be provided. Aeration, for hydrogen sulfide control, will be provided at some of the stations . Permanent emergency power generation will be provided at the final export station. The other stations will need portable generators in the event of poweroutage. Pump motor size will vary from 1/4 to 5 hp. Pump capacities will generally be larger than that indicated by design flows so as to maintain pipe flow velocities of not less than 2 feet per second. 7 . Piping will be 2-4 inches in size. Some flow will be by gravity, but most will be by pressure. Most pipes will be laid underground with 2 feet of cover, but some will be above ground. The above-ground pipes will be insulated and encased. 8. During the winter season the system will be deactivated and will be drained. If the District intends to construct, operate, and maintain the proposed system, at least the following points should be considered: 1 . Normal design flow rate for a system such as this at South Tahoe is 90 gallons per capita day with a peaking factor of 4 . Are the design flow rates (14-24 gallons per capita day with a peaking factor of 7) adequate? With water conservation devices, as proposed, properly installed and maintained, the flow rates may well be sufficient. However, the District has no control over such devices on private property. 2 . It is reported that a few people live at Fallen Leaf year-round now. With the current yen for winter sports, more people may visit there in future winters . With the system shut down in winter, as proposed, how will the wastes from these people be handled? Neither 2 feet of cover nor insulation will protect the pipes from freezing if there is liquid in them but no flow. How can these lines be totally drained, and what prevents some person from causing a discharge and recharging portions of the lines ? Also, how will the decision for dates of fall shutdown and summer startup be made? 3 . Some of the pipe will be laid above ground. Will there be adequate protection from malicious or accidental damage? 4 . Normal septic tank effluent is relatively free of grease and solids and can be handled by the same sort of pumps and pipelines as those used in water system. s How- ever, grease and solids carryovers can occur which may block a small diameter pipe- line . 5 . A decision will have to be made as to what points in the system the local property owners' responsibility for operation and maintenance will end and District responsibility will begin. For example, one pumping station will serve only three cabins and another will serve only five. Will these small installat�ons be a District responsibility? 6 . Because of the large number of pumping stations (even though small in size) compared to the population of the area, and the need for periodic pumping out of the pumpint station septic tanks, maintenance costs may be higher than in other areas of the District. How will these costs be handled? �� , l.cyU�a� ivieeting -4� l��/7 �76 7. It appears that some of the pipelines will be laid in locations that are not now accessible to vehicles . If maintenance in these areas is required, how will access be obtained? What sort of easements will be granted? If the people of Fallen Leaf wish to accept the restriction of summer use only, the proposed system appears to be a reasonable approach. Although several technical questions have been raised, we believe satisfactory solutions can be developed. I am sure that the Board of Directors and your Attorney will have questions in addition to those that I have posed above. I suggest that we meet to discuss these and then offer to meet with the Fallen Leaf people to discuss the total project as currently proposed . " Attorney J. Norman stated that he had no comments to make at this time. Also, in reply to questions asked by the Directors, those present seemed to feel that the area would prefer to maintain, operate and construct their own system. Jack jensen stated that his report was given, and presented, to the Board this evening with the thought if South Tahoe Public Utility District did maintain the system. Dave Du Bois of Lahontan stated that their staff is quite concerned with the timing on this project; to have the residents construct this program would take considerable longer than if South Tahoe Public Utility District did; and that Lahontan would like to see definite progress on this project. There will be an item on their (Lahontan) agenda for the meeting of 10/28/76 regarding Fallen Leaf Lake Program. STUDY SESSION is scheduled for 10/13/76, 3:00 P.M. , District Office, to study this report from Engineer Jensen, and folowing the Study Session, Fallen Leaf Association will be contacted to have a joint meeting with this Board. Attorney's Report: Attorney Weidman stated that all monies have been mailed for Johnson Blvd Pump Station Eminent Domain; received funds of $3,491 and $423;-- and the EDA funds of $3,300 is pending. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance: Director Fesler stated that the Finance Committee did meet on 9/27/76 to discuss project priorities fundings; he stated that the expansions desired this year will amount to well over $700,000 and the budget does not cover these expenditures . SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. Mr. H. Hanson did mention that the Operator's School was held here on 9/19/76, and 15 operators were in attendance from South Shore and North Shore. WATER SYSTEM: Report ��repared by W. Dunckhorst, and presented by D. W. Callahan in Mr. Dunckhorst's absence: "On Tuesday afternoon September 28th, I met with 5 members of the 20-20 Citizens Committee. This is a group appointed by the Mayor to investigate the environment, water, water conservation, water usage, and long range up-dating of what the District plans may be. I felt this was a very informative meeting. On Wednesday afternoon, 9/29/76, I met with Mr. Archie Chesler of the State Department of Water Resources. He visited our Filtration Plant and Reservoir, and I went over the amounts of water we are presently pumping into the system fnr his information. He informed me that everything look good, and said he could see no problem why our certificate should not be renewed for water rights from Cold Creek. This review should be sometime near the first of the year. I feel if I can continue my present schedule of water installations, we can catch up and have them all in by the end of this month. To date Area #1 has received 202 new applications, and Area #2 has received 179 new applications, a total of 381 applications, and of this amount 284 have been installed. The first of this week a water sample was taken in the Heavenly Valley Area. The results of this sample was positive; a second sample was taken immediately when notified of the first positive sample; and the second sample also showed a positive Coliform count. �tegular Meeting -5- 10/7/76 'j��� Immediately, with the help and cooperation of Mr. Ben Karoly, of the State Health Department of Health, the four large storage tanks were chlorinated, and the four wells that serve this area were also chlorinated. This was done at Mr. Karoly's request as a precautionary measure." Copies of water usage for July, August and September were given to the Board Members. Regarding the meeting of the 20-20 Citizens Committee, the Board stated that they wanted a member of the board in attendance at any of the future meetings, and felt that they should have been notified of same and had a Board member present at the past meeting of this Committee. Manager Callahan was instructed to relay messages to the Water Superintendent and the Wastewater Superintendent, that they do not meet with any public . groups without the knowledge of the Board and the Manager. (2) STATUS REPORT ON NEW TATA AVENUE WELL: J. jensen stated that the total construction cost for this well would be approximately $17,000, which includes the pump, motor and electric panel. It was the agreement of the Board that this project be continued for Tata Avenue Well. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the construction of the Tata Avenue Well be continued. AIRPORT WELL: j. jensen, Engineer, presented a map pointing out the well site at the airport. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the contractor now working at the Tata Avenue Well site be contacted to proceed with test holes for the airport well. Attorney Weidman stated that the water agency will meet on 10/18/76 and 10/21/76 and re- quested authority from this Board for the existing funds now in loans for this District, and Georgetown, be converted to grants; the $80,000 made available and the $115,000 to Georgetown and this District be converted to grants; that the two Districts be able to designate to the agency changes in the previous budget used for the money; EDA take over as a grant the unexpended $150,000. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that authorization be given to our Attorney and Board Members that will attend the meetings on the dates specified to approve the plan as so stated by Attorney J.C. Weidman. VEHICLES: RESOLUTION NO. 2032 , A Resolution Approving Specifications and Authorizing Advertisement for Proposal for One Back-hoe; and RESOLUTION NO. 2033, A Resolution Approving Specifications and Authorizing Advertisement for Proposal for Equipment Trailer. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 2032 and 2033 be approved as recommended and presented by Manager Callahan. PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS: Manager Callahan requested consideration of a RESOLUTION AMENDING ANNUAL SALARY RESOLUTION NO. 2029, and Providing for Two Additional Classifications. Electrician in the salary range of $1101-$1550; Lab Technician in the salary range of $915-$1287. Following lengthy discussion, Director Kashuba moved that authorization be given to hire temporary employees for the electrician and lab technician and not to exceed 6 months employment, and following the 6 month time, the Board would review both positions. She did not feel that we should at this time hire with the feeling they will be permanent employees H. Hanson, Shop Steward, stated that if we worked 24 hours a day, we could not accomplish the work that must now be done. Director Kashuba stated that she does realize this, and in 6 months, the Board can review these two positions again. Manager Callahan stated it is possible to reduce the number of positions without Board approval and in August of 1975 we did eliminate one or more ;ositions. Director Fieldcamp seconded - roiJ. call vote as follows: AYES:Directors Fesler, Kashuba and Hegarty. NOES: Director Cocking and Fieldcamp. Carried. A W W A FALL CONFERENCE-Sahara/Tahoe: November 2 , 3 , 4th, 1976. Dedication Ceremonies on 10/16/76 at 1:00 P.M. , Georgetown, and Congressman J. McFall will also be in attendance. f l'� 3 �tegular Meeting -6- 10/7/76 Wastewater System: Sanitation Supt. Report as read by Manager Callahan: " 1 . Mr. Stephen Tyler began work in operations as an Operator I on Monday, October 4. Mr. Tyler is from the Salinas Treatment Plant. 2 . Mr. Howard Williams has been hired as a Maintenance Electrician. His work report date is October 25th. 3 . The District has received the citation list from the September 10, 14, 15th, Cal/OSHA inspection. Work is progressing at resolving problem areas . Approximately one-half of the items in sanitation have been corrected. 4. Mr. Bonnet (John) was the successful candidate for promotion to the vacant Senior Operator Position. 5 . Personnel interviews will be held on 10/6/76 for a temporary CETA Utility Man Hire. On 10/8/76 for a Lab Technician, and 10/12/76 for a permanent Utility Man position. " EXPORT PIPELINE: No change from the last report at the last regular meeting of the Board; however, Manager Callahan stated that a Mr. Frank Dewey, of Pipeline Rehabilitation Company of Morris Town, New Jersey, came to take a lc�ok at our problem with the pipe- line. We showed him the film and the slides, as well as the report from Ameron, and he will send his comments for possible repair of same by his Company. Manager Callahan also mentioned that Mr. G. Silkworth of CH2M Hill made an inspection on the external corrosion of the pipeline and to date we have not received the report. VEHICLES: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 2034, A Resolution Approving Specifications and Authorizing Advertisement for Proposal for One each One-Ton Vehicle. Consider RESOLUTION NO. 2035, A Resolution Approving Specifications and Authorizing Advertisement for Proposal for One each One-Half Ton Vehicle. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, Resolution Nos. 2034 and 2035 be approved- unanimously carried. 5 . JOHNSON BLVD. INTERCEPTOR SEWER EXTENSION: Engineer J. Jensen presented the preliminary plan/profile sheets to members of the Board. Attorney Weidman mentioned S B 3201 re E D A Funds - Attorney Weidman suggested the Board authorize hiring of or out of Frank Dunsmiers office to expedite the obtaining of funds from EDA. Lengthy discussions were held with the Board and it was suggested by the Manager that our Consulting Engineers have applied for grants in the past, obtained same, and he felt that this should be directed to our Engineers to work on and hopefully obtain the grants we need for this District. Board agreed and same turned over to our Engineers . OFFICE EXPANSION: Consider authorizing Robert Mason, Architect, to proceed with design of office expansion - this cost to be approximately total of $6,000 to design facilities . Director Kashuba moved,that this be tabled until a future date, seconded by Director Fieldcamp. AYES: Directors Kashuba and Hegarty. NOES: Directors Fieldcamp and Cocking. - ABSTAINED: Director Fesler. Director Cocking stated he is in favor of the expansion, but would like to know first where the money is coming from. Director Fesler stated that he does business with Mr. R. Mason and did not vote, and abstained from voting for that reason, however, he stated he believes additional office space is needed, and as far as the conference room goes, he felt it serves a good need for the community. President Hegarty stated we need expansion and same will be tabled until we can come up with the financing for same. 12egula� Ivieeting �7'- 10/7/76 '""`� Safety Inspection: Division of Industrial Safety Inspection Report ---- Manager Callahan stated we are moving to solve the citations, and many have been taken care of. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $163,838. 17, as recommended by Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADjOURNMENT: 11:30 P.M. , ; Edward E. Hegarty, ; esid t L South Tahoe Public Utilit istrict ATTEST: � � �ti._�=�-� �-r'c�= l�� David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District ******** SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 13, 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special Session on 10/13/76, 3:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Edward E. Hegarty, Directors Robert W. Fesler, L. L. Kashuba, F.J. Cocking, R.A. Fieldcamp, Attorney j.C . Weidman, General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer J. Jensen and visitors J. Norman, Mr. Etcheverry, and other visitors from the Fallen Leaf Lake Area, and �,�-_��r�_ Smith, D. Antonnucci of Lahontan Region Water Quality Control Board, Mike McNamara - Tribune, John Schilling - U.S.Fore st S�rvice. President Hegarty stated that we would at this time take Item #3 on the Agenda, as those present are visitors from the Fallen Leaf Lake Area, and same are interested in discussion and/or action regarding the sewer system proposals in that area. DISCUSS FALLEN LEAF LAKE PROPERTY OWNER'S REQUEST FOR AN ALTERNATE SEWER SYSTEM: Engineer jensen stated that he read his report at the last regular meeting of the Board of Directors, with a copy to j. Norman, Attorney for Fallen Leaf Lake Association, who responded to Mr. J. jensen's letter, which is dated 10/11/76. Engineer Jensen stated that he has not changed from his report presented to the Board at the last regular meeting, and stated it is now up to the members of this Board to make their decision. In reviewing Mr. Norman's letter, which is as follows: RE: Letter Report of CH2M dated 6 Oct�ber 1976 "Gentlemen: I have consulted with CSO with respect to the questions posed in the letter report of CH2M of October 6, 1976 and enclose our comments. References are to the enumerated items found on pages 2, 3, and 4 of this letter. 1 . It is first pointed out that the limiting factor will not be the size of pipe but the capacity of the pumps. Therefore, in the event additional capacity is needed, a larger pump will be the answer, not the replacing of buried line. Secondly, the system is self limiting. If persons remove their water reducing fixtures and they exceed the system's capacity, the excessive volume will be their problem at their residence. This in itself is a strong control over the unlikely event �of home owners deliberately attempting to defeat the system. They will have no other reco:urse than to put the devices back in. "''.�.� SpeCi�l M�2ting -Z� 10/13/75 Mr. J. Norman's Letter (Continued); 2 . The system is a summer system. It will be shut down in the winter because it cannot be expected to function in the winter. It will be shut down when the water system is shut down. There will be no water to operate the system or improperly charge the system assuming electricity were available at the pumping stations to deliver the waste to the collector lines. Those who would attempt to use their cabins will have to use holding tanks. Because of the inaccessability it is not likely that any extensive increase in winter use can be anticipated. We differ with Mr. Jensen's conclusion that these insulated pipes under two feet of cover will be protected from freeir�, however, the issue is moot. The lines will be engineered in such a manner as will permit them to be drained, and they will not be used during the cold periods of the winter. 3 . There is no guarantee that someone with intent to destroy will not attack the transmission line. However, in the Fallen Leaf area this has not been a problem in the past. Having in mind the incentive of the people to see they system function without mishap it is highly unlikely malicious damage will be a problem in the future. Finally, if damage to the line occurs the problem is quickly ascertainable and the pipeline lends itself to quick repair. This cannot be said of the conventional systems where the insidious leaks and see�ages occur without anyones knowledge. 4. The system calls for sewage type pumps . The system anticipates the use of aeration which will disburse solids and grease particles. Finally, the septic tanks will have grease traps. 5 . The maintenance costs of the system will be borne by those who directly or indirectly benefit from the system/ 6. We would anticipate the district's responsibility will commence with the first pump adjacent to the home and extend to the manhole in the Forest Service Campground. The sma�ll installations will be a district responsibility. 7 . Maintenance of the pipelines is required, it will be performed in the same manner and access to the areas will be acquired in the same manner as when the line was initially installed. The easements which will be acquired will be of the same nature as would have been required had the Clair Hill line been put in. I hope the preceding proves helpful in your evaluation. Very truly yours, s/James K. Norman cc: Lloyd Bracewell, CSO International Inc. CH2M Hill Engineers" Director Fesler stated that some of the comments in Mr. Norman's letter seem to touch on Engineering, and he is an Attorney, and not an Engineer. He further stated that re- ferring to paragraph number 4, even with aeration, there will still be problems of septic sewage in the Distr.ict lines. Director Fesler stated he does not feel reassured. Director Kashuba asked for a clarification of "District" in paragraph six. Mr. J. Norman stated he left the name of the District out because they did not know which direction they would be going; Lahontan would like to see the South Tahoe Public Utility District take this over. Mr. L. Bracewell, Engineer from CSO, stated that the system is set up such that the pipelines are not a limiting factor, and he sees no possible problem because the system designed would be self-limiting, and the pumps that are now designed will only be pumping for three or four days at a time. Mr. Etchverry stated that during the winters he cannot recall the power being off for any more than 12 hours; also, the minute the power goes off, the water pumps go off. Director Fesler stated that we have enough trouble meeting the requirements of the Regulatory Agencies and asked if it was really the feeling of this Board that we should get involved with, as he referred to - admittedly experimental system. He stated that he would not like to assume the responsibility on the part of this District. Director Kashuba asked what amount of time would Fallen Leaf Lake be looking at if they went ahead with an Improvement District of their own. Mr. Etcheverry stated that if they can obtain all approvals needed they would hope construction could start next year. Special Meeting -3- 10/13/76 /'�`r� President Hegarty stated that comments made by visitors from Fallen Leaf Lake and Stanford Camp areas that were present at the last regular meeting of this Board seemed to favor construction of the system on their own. Mr. Etchverry stated that during the 3 years discussion on this matter! emotions have run rather high. The people at Fallen Leaf have basically mixed emotions . Director Fesler asked if the system did not work and there were some failures, and repeated failures, and Lahontan put fines against the District, would this be charged against the General Fund of this District, or would it be for. this particular area. Attorney Weidman answered that these would be different charges, because this is to be a different system; they would have to pay for that through their charges; we would be liable for this unless something was set up to cover this . Director Fesler stated that he wanted to know how we can protect our taxpayer's that make up this District for a system proposed at Fallen Leaf Lake. Attorney Weidman stated this District could (1) do all design, construction, maintenance, and operations; (2) do nothing at all; (3) not proceed with the rights under the judgement, and Fallen Leaf can proceed to form a resort District. If Fallen Leaf forms their own District, we would want to have them go along with our present Ordinances as to what can be dumped, and our only responsibility would be at the receiving station. Mr. Etchverry stated that the decision is whether the South Tahoe Public Utility District wants to assume responsibility for the system, and if they do - to go with their blessings. Mr. John Schilling of the U.S.Forest Service stated that his Department is happy to see some progress being made on this program; they have reviewed the plans from CSO and find also that same is acceptable to them. Dave Antonnucci stated the staff of Lahontan has reviewed CSO report and have given their approval to that type of unconventional sewering and same will be presented to the Regional Board; he further stated that they are anxious to see progress being made, and would like to see a decision as soon as possible. Director Fesler stated that it all boils down to an engineering consideration. They are talking about an unconventional sewering system;� we employ a consulting engineer, and he should recommend that we accept this or go against it; Mr. Jensen is our Engineer, and has the expertise we do not have. Engineer Jensen stated that he would not design a system this way, and he does not know if this system would or would not work . Attorney Weidman stated that he has been involved with this project since 1968, and recommended the Board not proceed with rights under judge��lent and that Fallen Leaf Lake Association, be tiven an opportunity to design, construct, maintain and operate their own system. For eight years, we have had disagreements with Fallen Leaf Lake Association, and these get expensive in la��ayer's fees, engineer's fees, and Board Members fees; he stated that he can see all sorts of future areas of disagreement with Fallen Leaf people, and these would be easier to come by because of the past disagreements on both sides . They might not agree with the design, maintenance charges , disagreements about the quality of construction, taking risks on water conservation measures; we have some liability as the operator and the discharger. Mr. Weidman stated that there is still a difference between Fallen Leaf and this District to construct and/or maintain this type of system; he felt the District has enough problems right now that we need positive effort and add no more that would have a lot of potential conflict; after 8 years, it would be hard to set the conflict aside. Attorney Weidman stated that he felt Fallen Leaf should go it alone; he does not know if that would be successful; therefore, he stated that if the Board does elect the alternative that they should first talk with their Bond Counsel regarding the rights under the Assessment Proceedings, and judgement. Attorney Weidman recommended that Fallen Leaf Lake be permitted, or proceed, with their own Resort Improvement District, and we contact our Bond and Litigation Counsel as to how to protect our rights . He stated he does not want to see this Board with the emotional conflicts that might come up by our meaningful citizens on both sides. � nCyular ivieeting -�� octaber 13, 197� Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, that we not proceed at this time with Assessment Proceedings, and our rights under litigation, and we contact the Bond Counsel and the Litigation Counsel as to how to formalize that, and in the interim, the Fallen Leaf people form their own District and negotiate with us on charges for delivering sewage at a point in our system. ROLL CALL VOTES AS FOLLOWS: AYES: Directors Fesler, Cocking, Kashuba, Fieldcamp and Hegarty. . . Unanimously carried. Attorney Weidman will contact the Bond Cunsel Mr. R. Hill and Mr. J. Lynch of Wilson, jones, Morton and Lynch. Mr. Etcheverry stated that after all the anxiety, he was happy this decision was reached in an amicable and understanding manner. 2 . CONSIDER EMPLOYMENT OF jAMES R. COFER AS GENERAL MANAGER: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that Mr. james Cofer be employed as General Manager of this District. Director Fesler stated that our professional panel did a marvelous job and they re- viewed the resumes and applicati�ns received, and came up with a number of people for this Board to consider, they helped us in the interview, and it was through their experience and expertise that we agreed james R. Cofer was the gentleman for this position, and it was a unanimous decision from the Board of Directors and the interview- ing panel. RE: ORDINANCE NO. 263, An Ordinance Amending Ordinances 250 and 262, and Provid- ing for Compensation of Officers of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, - A discussion was held regarding David W. - - well as Asst, Manager, he would also be FCnance D rect r/Off cer.s Direc�torhCockin moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 263 be approved. ADJOURNMENT: 4:30 P.M. � ,� ; _ -��,�_ , .; _ ,C�..-�. " -� Edward E. Hegarty, - ,- President of r_he Board�of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: ��� �� ����� ���v � David W.Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ******* ,� REG�ULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF' DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT October 21 , 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on October 21, 1976, 8:00 P.M. Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Chairman Pro Tem R. W.Fesler, Directors F.J.Cocking, L.L. Kashuba, R.A. Fieldcamp, Attorney J.C.Weidman, General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer J. Jensen, Water Supt. W. Dunckhorst, Sanitation Supt. B. Miller, Mike McNamara - Tahoe Tribune. ABSENT: President E. E. Hegarty. MINUTES: Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 10/13/76 be approved as submitted, and the minutes of 10/7/76 be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by General Manager D. W. Callahan: The Board of Directors on 10/7/76 requested a report on the number of connections to the sewer system this construction season. The information re�;uested is as follows: Sewer Connections 5/1/76 - 1 J;15/76 1975 1976 Houses 503 835 Duplexes and larger 59 26 Other Improve- ments 10 g Total. . 572 869 Yesterday, October 20th, Director R. Fieldcamp and I met with a committee of the 20-20 Citizens Group. The discussion was related to capacity of sewer facilities and needed improvements . Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: jack Jensen stated that the E D A Grant Application is approximately 90% completed and will be presented at the next regular meeting of this Board. Also, Mr. jensen called Mr. Frank Dewey regarding his request for investigation of the pipeline corrosion and stated that Mr. Dewey would like to have their engineers come to this area, make an investigation, and prepare a proposal for repairs of same; which would be in the cost range of approxirrately $2,000 .00 . Engineer Jensen recommended that the Board consider this expenditure. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that Mr. Frank Dewey be contacted by the Manager to proceed with his investigation. Mr. Dewey is with Pipeline Rehabilitation Company of Morris Tow�, New Jersey. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he will be on vacation through 11/8/76 and will not be in attendance at the next regular Board Meeting. Also, Mr. Weidman stated that he will respond to a letter he received from Mr. J. Norman (Fallen Leaf Lake) following his vacation. Directors Fieldcamp and Kashuba attended the Georgetown dedication along with Attorney Weidman and met and spoke with Congressman McFall. E1 Dorado County Water Agency adopted the E.I.D,to become the lead agency, and Mr. Weidman stated he spoke for this District, and for Georgetown Divide District, and that we would accept this; we did not want to give any final approvals until there are contractual agreements and/or arrangements made. Supervisor's Walker and Johnson will draft contracts to be presented at the agency's next meeting. Director Kashuba and Director Fieldcamp were pleased with the attitude of those that were in attendance at the dedication, and stated further they had the opportunity to speak with Congressman McFall regarding our own District. In reply to Director Fesler's question, Mr. Cofer will be arriving early November in this area, and on the job. 1i�� � 12egular Meeting -2- October 21 , 1976 COMMITTEE REPORTS: WATER UTILITY: - Director Cocking stated that he and W. Dunckhorst had a telephone conversation regarding complaints that Director Cocking had received from contractors . Following the telephor�e conversation, Director Cocking explained to the contractors the reasons for the delay in connecting their water installation, and they were satisfied with the explanation. FINANCE/INSURANCE: Director Fesler stated we received a letter from the District's Insurance Carrier stating they would place the insurance on the premium levels as the Board and committee discussed. COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Director Kashuba stated she and Director Fieldcamp attended the dedication at Georgetown; met and spoke with Congressman McFall and his aid - Mr. Murphy. Congressman McFall will be at this District Office on 10/29/76 approximately 3:30 P.M. WATERAGENDA, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , WATER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: As presented by W. Dunckhorst: "On Monday of this week I spent the entire day with two State Health Officers,- Virginia Thompson of the County Health Office , my foreman-Jim Clark, and Plant Operator - Tom Rouch. We toured the entire Area #2 water system, sampling wells, taking residual tests and making notes of what should be done to bring this area into an acceptable Water Distribution Area. Present tests made have shown all wells negative Coliform and safe for drinking. We are presently continuing to chlorinate this sytem as safety precautions. The State Health Department is presently preparing a list of recommendations that they feel we should do. As soon as I receive these recommendations, I will see that this Board and our Engineer receive a copy for evaluation. Yesterday I authorized Acme-Collins to go ahead with the electrical work of bringing the Water Department Stations up to code as requested by OSHA. The CTRPA has informed that I can now only install new water services to those that are classified in zones 5, 6, and 7, ; this will create a hardship on a large amount of people who are in the 1 , 2, 3, and 4 areas and have had applications in for service for a long time and we have not been able to get to them. The Water Department would like to continue installations of all the services as fast as we can, and i feel that this Department will be the one that will be criticized for not getting these services completed; the criticism and responsibility of this decision should rest with the CTRPA. Letter from State Department of Health dated 10/15/76 was discussed and the Directors were given a copy of same regarding bacteriological samples containing coliform bacteria from the former Tahoe Sierra Water System, and the letter gave the corrective measures that are to be taken. BID OPENING: From Shehadi Motors - the only bid received, in the amount of $13, 594. 54 for two each one-ton vehicles . Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2036, A Resolution Authorizing Purchase of Two Each One-Ton Vehicles be awarded to Shehadi Motors, with delivery between 45-60 days . 4. STATE LOAN: A lengthy discussion was held by the members of the Board, Assistant Manager, Attorney and Engineer regarding a State Loan under the California State Safe Drinking Water Bond Law. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, that RESOLUTION NO. 2037, A Resolution Authorizing the President to Sign Application for Loan Under the California Safe Drinking Water Bond Law ($800,000 .00) Vote as follows: AYES: Directors Cocking, Fieldcamp, Kashuba. NOES: Director Fesler ABSENT: Director Hegarty. Carried. f�:,�. Regular Meeting -3- October 21 , 1976 WASTEWATER SYSTEM SANITATION SUPT. REPORT: As presented by Bernard Miller: 1 , Ms , Phyllis Kunibe borato al Technician.aSHer first dayeof worklwas newly created position of La Y Wednesday, October 20 . 2 , Mr. Kenneth Pepper has been selected as a temporary Utilityman under the CETA program. His employment began October 13 . 3 , Cal/OSHA Citation Abatement: All items with abatement dates up to October 14, 1976, have been rectified. We have requested one item (Guard Rails around clarifiers and walkways) be extedd to be abat blekwibh n the of material delivery dates. All other items app s chedule . 4, Four operators took certification examinations on October 4. No results are available to date. Mr. Miller also stated that since his report was prepared, regarding item 2 , Mr. K. Pepper is no longer employed by the District, as his quaiifications did not meet CETA'S requirements . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1971-1: (Fallen Leaf Lake) - Notice of California Regional Water Quality Contro 951 of the CaliforntaeWater C deance of Fallen Lea f L a k e A r e a w i t h S e c t i o n 1 3 EXPORT PIPELINE: J ack Jensen, Engineer, stated he received preliminary report j'� from Mr. George Silkworth. Recommendations will be made at next regular Board meeting. CONFERENCE: Notice of Californ�h at Carmel Valleyanitation Agencies Fall Conference November 12th and 13 jOHNSON BLVD. INTERCEPTOR SEWER EXTENSION: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 2038, A Resolution Amending Resoluti ohnson2Blvd. In�teEceptor Sewer Extens�onment on Draft Environmental Impact Report j Director Cocking moved, secondedrov dlas recommend d by Manager Callahan�. that RESOLUTION NO. 2038 be app AMENDED ASSESSMENTS: Chairman Fesler opened the hearing on amended assess- ments for Projects 1964-1 , 1966-1 , 1967-lndlno wrtten96omments he �Closed the 9:40 P.M. There being no oral comments a hearing at 9:48 P.M. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS WERE PRESENTED FOR CONSIDERATION: RESOLUTION NO. 2039, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment 1964-1 . RESOLUTION NO. 2040, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment 1966-1 . RESOLUTION NO. 2041 , A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment 1967-1 . RESOLUTION NO. 2042 , A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment 1967-3A. RESOLUTION NO. 2043, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessment 1970-1F• RESOLUTION NO. 2044, A Resolut Director Cocking moved, seconded byb iraectoo ealdcamp, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NOS. 2039 through 2044 PP PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by oved for payment, unanimously carried, claims amounting to $151 ,001 .90 , be app as recommended by Manager Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 10:20 P.M. to 10/29/76, 1:00 P.M. , District Office. ( f(C / Regular Meeting -4- October 21, 1976 -'n �,� �/���/'-'�-- Robert W. Fesler, President Pro Tem South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: � � �` . ., ��_C-f�L t ���,� .��z.. �. �-'1-L- David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Off. Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District *** Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District Oc:ober 29, 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session for the Hearing on JOHNSON BLVD. INTERCEPTOR SEWER SYSTEM, October 29, 1976, 1:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E.E. Hegarty, Directors R. W. Fesler, F. J. Cocking, L.L. Kashuba, R. A. Fieldcamp, General Manager and Clerk of� Board D. W. Callahan, Engineer jensen, and Sharon White from Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch. JOHi"�ISON BLVD. INTERCEPTOR SEWER EXTENSION: President Hegarty opened the Hearing at 1:00 P.M. , regarding the Environmental Impact Report. Engineer Jensen stated that all agencies that were required to receive their copies of this report have received their copies; he also stated there were no written responses to this repo�t. Also he stated that he has received questions from Sharon White for which he will prepare answers and same to be presented at this Board's next regular meeting on November 4, 1976. Mention was made that Congressman McFall and his aid-Mr. Murphy, will be here today at 3:30 P.M, to meet with the Board and to discuss this project. Mr. McFall is very interested in this project, and it was stated that this Board should emphasize the fact that this is a needed project and why - the line is overloaded and we could have problems during peak seasons, holiday's, e tc. Manager Callahan stated that C T R P A does have our application on their agenda for November 5, 1976 and the final E I R will be approved on November 4, 1976 to submit to C T R P A on the morning of November 5th. President Hegarty stated that there were no persons present for this Hearing that had any comments; no written comments have been received either, and since none--- he closed the Hearing at 1:30 P.M. OTHER ITEMS: Manager Callahan stated that Mike Williams - Electronics and Pneumatic Technician has given his resignation. Manager Callahan will proceed with advertising and interviewing for fulfilling this position. President Hegarty stated that he has received excellent reports on the fishing at I�ndian Creek Reservoir, and that those have been able to catch their limit; there are also many many visitors constantly at the Reservoir. ADJOURNMENT: 2:00 P.M, '' / �+ f� ;��;G�L.•ti2�_� / �,'���' r—'� Edward E. Hegarty, �f�side t South Tahoe Public IJtility istrict ATTE T: � � '�-- �---. -�� b_`�.�z-, David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board of the South Tahoe Public Utility District ,'�; L REGUTAR ME�TING O�' THE BOARD OF DTRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 4, 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 11/4/76, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E. E.Hegarty, Directors R.W. Fesler, F.J. Cocking, L.L. Kashuba, R.A. Fieldcamp, General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer J, jensen, Sharon White of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, W. Dunckhorst and Mrs. Dunckhorst, B. Miller, D. Huber, P. Kunibe, C. Auckly, Mr. Thompson of j. Neddenreip Equip- ment Company of Minden, Nevada. ABSENT: Attorney j.C. Weidman. MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 10/21/76 and 10/29/76 be approved as submitted. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by D. W. Callahan, General Manager: "We have received a report from Bureau of Land Management of visitors use at the Indian Creek Recreation Site. During the six month season they estimated almost 75,000 visitor days in 1976, compared to 65, 000 last year. Camp site use in 1976 was 3,232 site days; 1975 was 2 , 816. We have received permission from E1 Dorado County Board of Supervisors to drill a test well on Airport property, I have authorized Robertson Engineer- ing to do the work. Stanley Martin has requested to review the proposed project. We plan to meet tomorrow. The Airport property is within the Angora Water Ser vice area. I attended the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Public Hearing on 10/28/76 with the members of the Board, re Fallen Leaf Lake proposed sewer project. The Lahontan Regional Board approved a two-year plan, which includes formation of a new governmental agency. I have received a copy of CTRPA Staff's recommendation on the johnson Blvd. Interceptor Sewer Extension project. They recommend approval with- out any changes or modificat.ions . The project is scheduled for review on November lOth with the Agency Planning Committee of the TRPA, and on November 17th for the governing board of TRPA. Greg Hanson informs that they are recommending approval. Attached is the plant operation report for the month of October. 1976 1976 1975 Total Plant Flow - M G 100.8 114.0 93. 5 Daily Average Flow M G 3. 3 3.8 3 .0 Maximum Daily Flow -MG (10/4) 3. 7 (9/5) 4.6 (10/25) 4. 1 Chlorine Used - Tons 59. 7 64.3 52,2 " Lbs/MG 1 , 185 1 , 128 1 , 117 Natural Gas Used-Cu Ft MG 76,042 64, 239 68, 898 Thousand Cu Ft 7, 665 7,323 6,442 Electricity Used - KWH 821 ,400 867, 600 861 , 600 KWH/MG 8, 149 7,611 9,215 Lime Used - Ton= Makeup; 61 . 9 64. 5 83. 6 Recdlcined 124.3 144.0 165.3 Total Lime Used: 186.2 208. 5 165. 3 Lbs/MG 3, 694 3, 657 3, 535 Alum - Lbs 3,950 4,400 2 , 530 Lbs/MG 39.2 38.6 27. 1 Polymer -Percol - Lbs 655 571 328 Lb s/MG 6 .5 5.0 3 . 5 Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer stated he received the report from Mr. t--' G. Silkworth re the export pipeline and he presented copies to Members of the Board for their review. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: J.C.Weidman - no report and Sharon White had no report. f/ (�r Ci ~L/ Regular Meeting -2- November 4, 1976 COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: Director L. Kashuba stated that Congressman McFall did visit us on 10/29/76 and we discussed the Ski Run Sewer System; he was very interested in the District facilities and their projects , and he stated that he will help in every way he can, as far as the Grant Application is concerned. Manager Callahan mentioned that the P U C has ordered the power companies to put meters on large users of power and that during the A W W A conference it was noted that Committees would be formed to fight this type of an order. (2) FINANCE COMMITTEE: Director Fesler stated that our power costs are � running over one-half million dollars a year, and he stated that he does realize our only salvation is in-basin reuse; we did discuss this with Congressman McFall, and he indicated he would work with us on a Federal level, and stated we should work closely with McFall until we achieve the in-basin disposal and stop the export. SHOP STEWAR REPORT: None present. It was mentioned that H. Hanson has been re-elected for the Shop Steward and also james Gorbet. WATER SYSTEM. . . . . .Water Superintendent's Report as presented by W. Dunckhorst: Tuesday, Wednesday of this week the Water Department employees have taken turns attending portions of the AWWA Conference Ueing held at Sahara-Tahoe Hotel. I broke this down into two days so they could all attend, and we could continue to have a crew on the routine maintenance work. I personally felt this conference was very information and we all benefited from attending. To date I have been unable to get a firm answer from Mr. Robertson as to when he will be starting on the Tata Avenue well. He did leave a message for me saying he will be up shortly to spend a few weeks on the Tata Well and the Test Well at the Airport. Acme-Collins has completed the wiring at the Fountain Well and are waiting only on the light fixtures and it will be completed; they are now working on the four wells on Glenwood Way. Water Service installations have slowed down this past week because of the time element of reading meters, and other maintenance work that must be done. Hopefully we can get back into full operation on installations in � the next few days. 3 . EQUIPMENT. . .BID OPENING. One bid was received from j. Neddenreip Equipment Company, Minden, Nevada, for the Backhoe and Trailer: Bid was $16, 770 plus tax, and an alternate bid received from Neddenreip for $19,250, which is a newer mode. Manager Callahan recommended the bid of $16, 770 plus tax be accepted, as this does meet our specifications. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2045, A Resolution Authorizing Purchase of ONE Back- Hoe, be a pproved. Bid for trailer was in the amount of $2 ,885 and $2,889 from J.Neddenreip Quipment company and do meet our specifications. The difference in the prive o� $4.00 is that the bid of $2,889 has a longer length of the trailer and the Board members agreed the longer length would be more suitable for the District purposes. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2046 be approved, Authorizing Purchase of Equipment Trailer. l�e ular Meetin `�����4 9 g -3- N'ovember 4, 1976 WASTEWATER SYSTEM: Sanitation Superintendent's Report - As presented by B. A. Miller: "Last week - Wednesday and Thursday - I attended the Reuse Seminar Program by Culp, Wesner and Culp, at Sahara-Tahoe. The sessions on land application of treated wastewater were of particular interest. One such three (3) year program results indicated that by proper selection of area and crop (corn, grasses,etc.) and controlled application rate of wastewater, the nutrients phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen could be reduced to extremely low levels by the crop nutrient uptake systems . I believe that it is .important to pursue this concept and perform some minor initial experiments in this area. The District Laboratory has completed the reference sample phase of its certification program. We have verbal affirmation that all samples were very close to expected or theoretical values. Our next step is an on-site inspection of our lab facilities by the State Health Department. Mr. Steven Tyler received a passing rade on this Grade II Operators examination and Mr. David Kerlin passed his Grade III examination. JOHNSON BLVD. INTERCEPTOR SEWER EXTENSION: Sharon White stated that the District has responded to any comments that were received, and have satisfied the legal requirements . The E I R has been submitted to CTRPA, and will be on their agenda 11/5/76 . The following Resolutions were submitted for cons.ideration: RESOLUTION NO. 2047, A Resolution Certifying Final Environmental Impact Report and Directing, Upon Project Approval, the Filing of a Notice of Determination. RESOLUTION NO. 2048: A Resolution Authorizing Filing of Application for Public Works Grant for Johnson Blvd. Interceptor Sewer Extension Project. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION.' NO. 2047 be approved. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2048 be approved. ��HICLES: - Bid Opening: One bid received=Shehadi Motors =$8,486.00 Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2049, A Resolution Authorizing Purchase of one each 1-ton vehicle. One-half ton vehicle: Two bids received; Shehadi Motors $5, 398.20 and from Vic Bates Motors -$5, 367.49 (GMC) . Manager Callahan recommended that the bid from Vic Bates Motors be approved. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director" Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2050, Authorizing Purchase of One Each one-half ton vehicle from Vic Bates be approved at his bid price of $5,367.49. 4 . AUDIT REPORT: Manager Callahan presented copies of the Audit Report to the Board Members and the Board requested a Study Session on 11/17/76, 3:00 P.M. , District Office, and the Auditors - john Ehlman and George Calvert - will be requested to be present. � President Hegarty also stated that there will be a meeting with Mr, james Cofer on November lOth at 3:00 P.M. , District Office. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, claims as recommended by Manager Callahan in the amount of $140,030. 66 be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:10 P.M. :� �- � I2egular Meeting -4- November 4, 1976 ,;, , ,��y��.� �����~ � �` _�z � Edward E. Hegarty, � sid South Tahoe Public Utility istrict ATTEST: r� ., � � `�'c.c � �^�:,.�.�' � `���_L. David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ************ Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District November 18, 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 11/18/76, 8:00 P. M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors R. W. Fesler, F.J. Cocking, L.L. Kashuba, R. A. Fieldcamp, General Manager j,R. Cofer, Assistant Manager and Clerk of Board D. W. Callahan, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Engineer j, jensen, Water Superintendent - W. Dunckhorst, Sanitation Superintendent - B. Miller, Jr. , Dave Huber, Virginia Thompson, Marilyn Dunckhorst, Jim Roberts, A1 Kruse and H. Hanson. MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 11/4/76 be approved as submitted. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Hegarty welcomed all to the meeting this evening, and none had any comments, except for items on agenda. MANAGER'S REPORT: As reported by General Manager James R. Cofer: "It is with rrfuch pride and great anticipation that I reported on Monday November 15, 1Q76, to undertake the duties of General Manager of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. I have long had a great appreciation for the treatment plant and water management programs of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. During the 1972-74 period, when we were formulating and implementating the Orange County Water District's Water Factory 21 , I had the occasion to visit the South Tahoe Public Utility District and to evaluate the water reclama- tion program. We in Orange County were sufficiently impressed with this District's program to undertake a $22 million project based upon the Waste- water Treatment concept developed at this District. I sincerely hope that as your new Manager I will be able to contribute to the continuation of the outstanding water management programs. s/ jim Cofer" Meetinq of Watercare - On November 12, 1976, the Board of Directors and members of Watercare met at the South Tahoe Public Utility District offices and toured the treatment facilities. The Watercare is a statewide organization with the purposes of promoting the development of wastewater reclamation programs. I think the objectives of Watercare are very compatible with the goals and objectives of South Tahoe Public Utility District and recommend that this District continue its participation in the Watercare. Manaaer's Activities - During the first few days on the job, the new Manager has inspected the District facilities, and met with most of the District employees. Meetings were also held with the following people: Mr. Roy Hampson, Executive Officer of Reg. Water Quality Control Board. Mr. R. Milbrodt - City Manager of City of South Lake Tahoe. 1766 Regular Meeting -2- November 18, 1976 Requlatory Aaencies Status Report - Presented in the following tabulations is the status of correspondence and actions by regulatory agencies: Agency Subject Date of Date to LRWQCB Notification res ond Status (1) Compliance with Cease and Desist Order, Export Pipeline. Submit Compliance Program. 11/2/76 12/1/76 Response in progress. (2) Tahoe Sierra Water Co. Access Road Erosion 11/4/76 12/1/76 Corrective action in progre s s. (3) System Capacity Information � � 11 10 76 1/3/77 Response in progress. STATE HEALTH: (1) Tahoe Sierra System. Corrective action needed. 10/15/76 -- Corrective action taken. (2) Tahoe Sierra System. Corrective action needed. Compliance Programs 11/1/76 1/1/77 Response in progress. DEPT OF WATER RESOURCES: SAFETY OF DAM (1) Chapter 10 Applications 11/10/76 -- Response in progress President Hegarty officially welcomed james R. Cofer to the District and stated that on behalf of this Board he was very pleased to have Mr. Cofer with us and hopes he will have long worthwhile and cooperative sessions over many years to come. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer j, jensen stated that during the last two weeks they have completed the material for the State Loan for Water Improvements and for the johnson Boulevard �ewer System. He further mentioned that this afternoon he met james Cofer, General Manager, for the first time, and discussed some of the future plans/projects for the District. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weidman stated that the District is required to file a "Conflict of Interest Code"with the County; however, the documents have not been completed by the County as yet, and Mr. Weidman is in touch with the County and will so notify the Board when anything develops. Mr. Weidman requested a Study Session with the Board to discuss the procedure for Study Sessions , Posting Notices, etc. , since all Study Sessions are alsoopen to the public. Board agreed to have Study Session 11/29/76, 3:00 P.M. , District Office. � COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Energy Conservation. No report. (2) Water Utility: Director Cocking stated that this committee has had several information meetings, and same are covered in the Water Superintendent's report this evening. (3) Plant Operation. No report. Director Fieldcamp stated that there is going to be a meeting with Manager Cofer, Mr. B. Miller on Friday and he requested President Hegarty to also attend. He will be touring the facilities and will meet at Cocking's Restaurant at noon - (tour will follow lunch) . (4) Finance/Insurance: Director Fesler stated that the Parliamentary Guide Attached to the Board members agenda has been prepared by this Committee. Board Members and Director Fesler discussed this procedure and it was moved by Director Fesler, � 1��� Regular Meeting _3_ November 18, 1976 seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that this procedure be adopted for use by this Board. (5) Community Relations: Director Kashuba stated that she attended the T R P A, County and A P C meetings . Necessary approvals have been submitted for E D A applications. Also, she and other members of this Board attended the meeting of C A S A and stated this was an excellent meeting and some of the subjects covered were air and water quality programs, conflict of interest, labor and fringe benefits, special district, etc. There will be a workshop on 1/20/77 at Indian Wells, Ca. Attorney Weidman stated the Attorney's Committee was mainly concerned with the authority taken by regional governments and the authorities extended to them. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. WATER SYSTEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WATER SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: As presented by W. Dunckhorst: RE: The State Department of Health directive of 11/1/76 on the Tahoe Sierra System. - the following is a report of what is being done and a time schedule when all hazardous conditions as stated by the Health Department will be completed. The Water Department is presently continuing to add liquid chlorine to the storage tanks as requested and all sampling is presently showing negative. (1) The access cover on one of the Heavenly Valley tanks has been straightened so that it is now laying flush so that there is no possibility of foreign material entering the tank. (2) Pump House #11 (David Lane) has been discontinued from pumping into the system. We will disconnect all piping to the existing system within the next week or two to meet Health Requirements. Pulling the pump and grouting will be done next spring. (3) The air compressors which pressurize the tanks, and are now on the floors of the pump stations, are being raised above the floors of the pump stations as we correct each one. I have stopped one crew for water installations, and they are now to devote their time, working on these well sites until all defects are corrected; this can be done by December 1 , 1976. (4) The status of pump house #10 is questionable as it is now on private property, but the danger of this pit and liability could rest on the District so it will be filled in the next day or two. (5) Our new Electrician has been instructed to complete the electrical wiring on the Keller Pump Station, as soon as he completes the wiring on the various pump stations I have assigned him to complete. When the wiring is completed, we can then, weather permitting, complete the change-over from the pit into the new building on Keller. This should be completed before the first of the year. We may have to hold off on this until spring, (6) Well #12 on Regina -Road has been abandoned for approximately 5 years, and has not been used and cannot be used. We have been requested to remove this building, piping will be removed to meet health standards. I suggest we hold off removing the building until spring, and evaluate if this well can be rehabilitated into a useful well in the future. If not, it will be grouted shut. (7) The leaking packing gland on the Glen Road Booster will be corrected within the week. (8) The air-relief valves will be screened within the week. (9) Last week, 11/11/76, a double check valve was installed on the domestic service supply to the Christiania lnn. (10) I talked with Mr. Massey who installed the sprinkler system in the Christiania lnn and he informed me that a backflow device is installed in the fire sprinkler system, and meets all healt standards that are required. 17�� Regular"Meeting -4- November 18, 1976' Mr. Karoly of the State Health Department has asked if we can complete these requirements by the lst of January, and i feel they will be completed before that date. RE: EROSION PROBLEM ON ACCESS ROAD TO THE TANKS ON SHERMAN WAY. . . . . The Lahontan Regional Board in a letter dated 11/4/76 stated that corrective measures taken on 10/24/74 by the then Tahoe Sierra Water Company have failed. On Friday, 11/12/76, I met at the above stated site in question with Mr. Nickle, Conservationist, Mr. James of Lahontan, and Mr. Cocking and Mr. Fieldcamp. At this time I pointed out that the erosion in question was not caused by any failure on the part of the District Water Department, but due to the heavy rainfall we had in August of this year. I also feel that in as much as we do use this road to the tanks , it could be cause for some of the erosion. We agreed that we should do something to help any further erosion that might be caused during the balance of the coming winter months , and have shown what we should do. It was further agreed we should ask Mr. Jensen and Mr. Nickle to get together and formulate a plan that could be acceptable to all parties, and initiate sometime this coming spring. On Monday of this week Mr. Cofer and Mr. Callahan and myself toured this this site, and I informed them of requests made of the District;there were questions raised on some of the requests that were made, and because of these questions, I am trying to arrange a meeting with the Manager, Mr. James, Mr. Nickle and myself on Friday this week. On Tuesday morning I had three employees go to the site and install berms as requested, to control run-off that may occur this winter; Mr. james visited the site while this was being done, and i feel it has met with his approval. ' Other requests that were made were not completed as they are questionable to Mr. Cofer, and should be worked out at our meeting Friday. On Saturday of this week, Mr. Keith Robertson started on the test hole at the Airport. On Monday morning he was at 175' and Tuesday morning he was at 325'; all soil samples taken are showing very encouraging signs that this could be a very good producing well. Manager Cofer and myself visited the site on Tuesday morning and agreed that this test hole should be drilled to about 600 ' to give our Engineers a complete analysis of the producing capabilities of this potential well. Mr. Jim Roberts, visitor and resident, asked the Board when the chlirination would be stopped. It was mentioned to him that this is the decision of the Health Dept. , and as quickly as we are given the notice we can stop chlorinating, we will notify him by letter; hopefully this can be accomplished by 1/1/77. SURPLUS EQUIPMENT, CONSIDER RESOLUTION NO. 2051 , A RESOLUTION DECLARING SURPLUS EQUIPMENT AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSAL. Assistant Manager Callahan stated that the surplus equipment is an old well drilling rig with bits and parts. He also mentioned that an offer has already been made of $1 ,000 for same. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, that RESOLUTION NO. 2051 "A Resolution Declaring Surplus Equipment and Authorizing Advertisement for Proposal, with a minimu m bid of $l,000 . Director Fesler stated that for equipment such as this, could bring a liable suit against this District. In the event there was an accident of one while working with it, or a malfunction, etc. , and he stated he is definitely against putting this out for bid for that reason. Director Fesler stated we should junk this equipment. Director Fieldcamp stated he would withdraw his motion; Director Kashuba withdrew her second. R�gul�r` Me2tir�g --5-- 11/1$/76 Y769 Director F_ieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, that RESOLUTION NO. 2051 , A Resolution Declaring Surplus Equipment and Authorizing Advercis- ing for Proposals , be approved. ROLL CALL VOTES: AYES: Directors Cocking, Kashuba, Fieldcamp, Hegarty. NOES: Director Fesler. Carried. WATER AGENGY LOANS: Attorney Weidman stated that it is the intent of the Water Agency that the present loans be forgiven and they be converted to grants; ad valorum taxes would be levied by Georgetown, South Tahoe Public Utility District and E I D D; the $80 , 000 budgeted in the last fiscal year for Tahoe Keys can be used for a legitimate water supply purpose. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: As presented by Bernard Miller, Sanitation Superintendent: " SANITATION DIVISION (BERNIE MILLER) - On November 12, a main line stoppage was experienced on Glenwood Way. This stoppage caused serious flooding to residences on Bruce Street and Glenwood Way. Two parties were forced to spend the night elsewhere until the Dis trict Adjustor could be contacted and repair work started at these locations. A major furnace repair is nearing completion. District maintenance personnel were required to unbolt the shaft from the sludge furnace and raise it approximately four inches to replace an interior baffle. The District has had two births to wives of District employees - Dave Kerlin - 7 lb 5 oz boy; Chester W. Auckly - 7 lb 5 oz girl. President Hegarty mentioned to Mr. B. Mill�r to please express their apprecia- tion to Mr. C.I.Ross and his crew for a job well done on major furnace repair. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1971-1: (Fallen Leaf Lake) - Attorney Weidman stated that he drafted a letter regarding Mr. Etchveryy's request for information to be sent to the County Council on the background of Fallen Leaf Lake and with the Board's approval he will send same. Engineer Jensen stated that he felt a study session should be set to discuss this request prior to any letter or information being sent or given to the County Council. Board members agreed to meet w.ith Wilson, jones, Morton and Lynch first, and following set up a meeting with the County Supervisors - preferably on 12/9/76 at noon, or sooner, whenever convenient with the Supervisors. Mr. Weidman will make arrangements for meeting with the County Supervisors. CONSIDER REFUND OF PAYMENTS RECEIVED (Fallen Leaf Lake Assessments): Assistant Manager Callahan stated that the Board has indicated that they do not wish to proceed with assessment of Fallen Leaf Lake and requested consideration for refunding monies received - (approximately $80, 000) . The Board agreed to meet with their financial advisor, and tabled this item. C�OMMUNICATIONS: Letter of City of South Lake Tahoe dated 11/10/76 concerning erosion-storm water management, Manager Cofer recommended that our staff participate in the planning to see if there are any benefits, and report back to the Board. Letter of Robert A. Johnson, requesting contract for sewerage disposal from cabin on Glen Alpine Road. The Board agreed this be approved at our fee of $10 .00 for 1 ,000 gallons . Assistant Manager Callahan will handle same and reply to Mr. johnson. Letter from California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Lahontan Region, dated 11/10/76. Manager Cofer stated a reply is being prepared. 5 . AUDIT REPORT: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, Audit Report be approved. 1776 Regular Meeting -6- November 18, 1976 Director Fesler moved that we thank David W. Callahan for his efforts on behalf of this District; he is a valuable member of our staff, and we commend him for a job he has done. Director Hegarty passed the gavel to second the motion. Director Fieldcamp also commended Mr. Callahan for the fine job done, as did Directors Cocking and Kashuba. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $175, 676.43 , as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. DISTRICT FINANCIAL PROGRAMS (Dave Callahan) The application for loan from the Safe Drinking Water Bond Law of 1976 was mailed on November 11 , 1976. The application for Public Works Grant will be completed upon receipt of project approval from T R P A. C T R P A governing Board approved project on November 12, 1976. The financial statement for the Water Enterprise Fund as of September 30 , 1976 is attached. Mr. Callahan stated that Wayne Allen of the Water Department prepared the financial statement, and should be commended for a fine job. ADjOURNMENT: 10:45 P.M. / ' , ��. i" Edward E. Hegarty, Pr�' dent South Tahoe Public U ity District ATTEST: `�. �t��'--i L {,�l�� s! ���..-� David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio SEcretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ****** F2egular Meeting of the Board of birectors of ���� South Tahoe Public Utility District December 2 , 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session 12/2/76 at 8:00 P.M. D istrict Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors R. A. Fieldcamp, F.J. Cocking, and L. L. Kashuba; General Manager J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager and Clerk of Board D.W. Callahan, Attorney j.C. Weidman, Engineer J. jensen, Water Superintendent W. Dunckhorst, Sanitation Superintendent B. Miller, Dave Huber, V. Thompson, H. Hanson, M. Kobernus, A. Kruse, Mike McNamara. ABSEIVT: Director R. W.Fesler. ANNUAL BOARD REORGANIZATIO N: President E. E. Hegarty submitted his resignation for this year as President of the Board and opened the meeting to nominations for President of the Board for 1977. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried (by roll call vote) that E. E. Hegarty be again nominated as President of the Board for 1977. No other nominations, vote as follows: AYES: DIRECTORS COCKING, FIELDCAMP AND KASHUBA, NOES: NONE A�?SENT: DIRECTOR FESLER. NOMINATIONS FOR VICE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that L. L. Kashuba be nominated as Vice President of the Board of Directors for the year 1977. President Hegarty extended his appreciation to the Board Members for their vote of confidence . MINUTES: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the minutes of November 18, 1976, as corrected by Director L.L. Kashuba be approved. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Cofer: "Proposed Procedures - Noticina of Board Meeting Agenda and Distribution of Minutes: We have experienced some difficulties in achieving notification of interested parties of the Agenda for the Board of Directors Meetings and in the sending out of unapproved Minutes of the Board Meetings. The following procedures are proposed to improve our handling of these matters: �1) Mailina list - Agenda: A comprehensive mailing iist will be developed to assure that all interested parties are notified of Agenda items . Attached is a base listing of those noticed of Board Meeting Agendas. We request that Board Members notify staff of additions to list. (2) Mailing of Board Meeting Minutes: Minutes of Board Meetings will not be mailed out until after approval by the Board of Directors . This will assure that the staff has accurately documented the Board actions. This means that the approved Board Minutes will be mailed approximately two weeks after �r�e Board Meeting. This does not appear to be an unreasonable time period for distributing approved Minutes. (3) Postina of Board Meetinas and Studv Sessions: The staff will post on the front door of the District office a notice of all Board Meetin���s and Study Sessions. The posting will be done at least two days prior to the Board Meetings. The posted notice of Board Study Sessions will list the items to be considered at the Study Session. The Board will take no actions at the Study Sessions, and the Board will report at the next regular or adjourned Board Meeting on the matters discussed at the Study Sessaons. Manaaer's Activities: During the past two weeks the Manager has continued to meet representatives of the various agencies; some of the contacts were: TRPA - Mr. Richard Heikka; Executive Officer and Mr. jim Jorden CTRPA - Ms. Sari Sommarstrom Tahoe Airport - Mr. Peter Boyes, Director Sierra Pacific Power Co. - Mr. Earl Cooper California Pacific Utilities Co. - Mr. john johnson Pacific Telephone - Mr. Denny Rickards. / � , �.7%2 Regular Meeting -2- 12/2/76 Manager's Report (Continued) Subcommittee of Citizens Group re Availabilitv of Utility Service: On November 24th the Manager met with representatives from the Gas, Power, and Telephone Utilities to discuss participation in a seminar to be conducted in January, by the City of South Lake Tahoe. The subcommittee will have further meetings to formulate a presentation. Christmas Party: The District is proposing to hold its annual Christmas gathering, for employees, at noon on Friday - December 17th, District Office. The Directors and their spouses are invited to attend. Review of Wastewater Treatment Plant Capability: On November 30th the District staff inet with representatives of CH2M Hill, to review the wastewater treatment plant capability. Each treatment process was reviewed. Since the completion of construction of the treatment facility there have been a number of changes in discharge requirements, plant operating procedures, and in the criteria for design of treatment works . A thorough evaluation of the treatment works is warranted and the Manager will report to the Board of Directors on a specific review program in January. Also attached to the agenda is a list of educational and foreign visitors that have been to the plant during the last none months. Gross total was 1 ,325. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved, as presented. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Jensen stated that regarding the last paragraph of the Manager's Report = those in attendance from CH2M Hill were also Bob Chapman and Jerry Wilson, both in the past have been with the Utility District as consultants with CH2M Hill. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: The EDA Grant Application closing date is 12/3/76; our application received by EDA in Seattle on 11/22/76; Mr. Weidman stated that Seattle has the largest number of applications in the country and the first award date will be made around the 16th of December or shortly thereafter. In the four counties of the Sierra Economic Development District (E1 Dorado, Placer, Nevada, and Sierra) , $35 million worth of applications have been presented. In Congressman McFall's District, approximately $5.6 million, or about 9% of the dollar applications will be funded if funds alloted for California are apportioned equally to Congressional Districts. Attorney Weidman suggested that this District file with the County Overall Economic Development Committee (EODP) and the Sierra Economic Development District (SEDD) and the Sierra Planning Organization (SPO) project information checklists so that all projects contemplated will be on an approved project list in the event the Utility District decides to apply for a Federal grant. COMMITTEE REPORTS: President E. Hegarty stated that under the new Board Organiza- tion the Board give some thought as we go through the titled committees if they wish to continue with that title, or in any way change same. (1) Research and Enerav Conservation: No report. Manager Cofer suggested that the word "ENERGY" be eliminated from the title. The title to be "Research and Conserva- tion. CHAIRMAN: President E.E.Hegarty; MEMBER: Director L.L. Kashuba. (2) Water Utility: No report. CHAIRMAN: Director Cocking; MEMBER: Director Fieldcamp. (3) Plant Operations: Director Fieldcamp stated that this Committee met with Manager Cofer and B. Miller, discussed office expansions, etc. , and a report will be forthcoming. CHAIRMAN: DIRECTOR R.A.FIELDCAMP, MEMBER: DIRECTOR F.J. COCKING. (4) Finance/Insurance: No report. A meeting is scheduled, however, with Mr. R. Petragallo of Tahoe Savings and Loan soon. CHAIRMAN: R.A.FESLER: MEMBER F.I. COCKING. (5) Communitv Relations: Director Kashuba stated she would prefer to have this title changed to Public Information. CHAIRMAN: Director L.L.Kashuba; MEMBER:Director R.W. Fesler. Regular Meeting -3- 12/2/76 Public Information: Director Kashuba attended the Citizen's Committee Meeting and stated that this Committee was formed under TRPA as a requirement of the Bi-State Compact for citizen input to the planning. It has been operating that way for several years and has provided a great deal of input into the regional planning process . There is now discussion among the i�embers about whether the citizen committee should continue to work under TRPA sponsorship, break away as an independent citizen's committee and cover a broader base, or dissolve the committee; Interest is being shown by property and Homeowners' Associations who would be affected by the N.R.A, plan. Director Kashuba said the committee will meet again in January. She will report to the Board on any action this committee does take. �.HOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. �/1Tater Superintendent's Report: As presented by W. Dunckhorst: As requested by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, concerning the erosion problem on the access road to the tanks above Sherman Way, this has been completed to the satisfaction of Lahontan and it is understood by all concerned that what we have done is to be only a temporary solution until next spring when it will be completed on a permanent basis . All of the Violations that were cited against the Water Department by the Division of Industrial Safety have been completed, except for two. The two not completed are the railings on the walkway at Harrah's reservoir, and the covers over the small air compressor on our water pressure tanks. Arrangements have been made to complete these two items within a week. As most of our Violations have been electrical, all of our stations have been completed and are to Electrical Code. On Wednesday of thi� week I had an appointment with Mr. Bill Fissell of the State Health Department to look over the Airport well site, and go over the well facilities to see what has been done. Mr. Fissell called and cancelled the appoint- ment due to car trouble. He is to meet with me Thursday morning of this week. Since the first of this year, and to this date, the Water Department has received 437 applications for installation of new water services . Of this amount we have installed 405 and have 17 more that we can install within the CTRPA regulations. The other 15 applications received after the October 15th deadline are scheduled for installa- tion next spring. In checking our Job Reports, I have noted that we have had, and repaired, approximately 48 water leaks since the first of this year. The large majoring being in Area 2 System. I have ordered meters, which are to be installed on all of the wells in the Area 2 system. These meters are a budgeted item and will be installed as soon as we can. Attached is a Summary of Water Usage from 1974 through November 1976. jan 1974-Nov.1976 TAHOE SOUTHSIDE SYSTEM Month 1974 1975 1976 january 45, 437,000 50, 818,000 53 ,039,000 February 40, 363,000 48, 898,000 50 , 115, 000 March 41 , 895,000 51 ,486,000 60, 105,000 April 44,012 ,000 46, 978,000 71 ,081,000 May 58,470 ,000 57, 485,000 75,460,000 June 78, 325,000 83,027,000 92 , 993,000 july 86, 202,000 102, 768,000 104,224,000 August 94,073 ,000 96, 137,000 80,478,000 September 74, 186,000 73, 509 ,000 71 , 111 ,000 October 62, 306,000 67, 247,000 55, 889,000 November 48, 119,000 54,040 ,000 55 , 701 ,000 December 48, 253 ,000 60, 703 ,000 Engineer jensen suggested that it would be better to refer to the areas of the two different water companies as GLOBIN SYSTEM, AND HOFMAN SYSTEM - Board agreed. (b) WATER CONSERVATION POLICY: Manager Cofer recommended the Board adopt a Water Conservation Policy; same turned over to Research and Conservation Committee for review/study after the first of the year. Regular M��ti�g �4� b�cemb�r 2 , 1976 ��74 WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM. . . . . (1) Superintendent's Report: As presented by B. Miller; (1) The Division is purchasing make-up carbon to replace that which is routinely lost through abrasion and the regeneration process. Cost of the carbon was $0.45/lb last year; this year cost of purchase would be $0 . 50/lb plus tax, or $0. 53/lb. Request purchase authorization for 32,000 lbs . (2) Pursuant to our Cease and Desist Order, an exterior visual inspection of the force main was made to locate and test areas of standing and rising ground water as potential effluent sources . No areas were found. (3) The County Environmental Health Department has been contacted in reference to recommendations for an employee health program, including a preventative shot and general health section. (4) Ed Metheny has returned to work with the Dr, release; the type of hepatitus or the source of the disease are still unknown. RESOLUTION NO. 2052: A Resolution Advertising for Bids for 32,000 lbs. of Carbon. Bids to be opened 1/6/77 at 4;00 P.M. , Thursday, at District Office. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2052 be approved as so recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan. REPORT TO LAHONTAN REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD REGARDING EXPORT PIPELINE: Manager Cofer presented the Board with copies of this report, and so stated no action was needed at this time. Engineer Jensen requested the Manager to inquire and obtain a clarification of what Lahontan means when they refer to "Structural Integrity of the Pipeline" E.I.R. HEARING, FALLEN LEAF, 1/3/77: - at Placerville, E1 Dorado County Planning Department. JOINT MEETING WITH THE TWO LAKE TAHOE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS on December 9, 1976, and the COUNTY COUNSEL re FALLEN LEAF LAKE. Following lunch, this will be adjourned to a Study Session at the Utility District. EXPANSION OF DISTRICT FACILITIES: Manager Cofer prepared a report and presen�ed a diagram of the existing office facilities and the proposed facilities and requested the Plant Operations Committee work with staff to bring a recommendation to the Board. It was requested of the Manager, since he did recommend to lea�e the Water Department facilities for another year, that he inquire as to whether or not the space at the Water Department for the Warehouse could be removed from the lease and perhaps costs would be less on the rental of same. CONSIDER RESOLUTION NO. 2053: A Resolution Approving Sale of Surplus Property. The following bids were received this date: Donald Harris, South Lake Tahoe, Ca. $ 100.00 MacSween Const. So. Lake Tahoe 535.00 Lukins & Sons, So Lake Tahoe 1 ,002 .00 A J M Enterprises, Cedarville, Ca. 1 ,075.00 A. Orsolini, Santa Rosa, Ca. 1 , 500 .00 Assistant Manager Callahan recommended that the beid be accepted from Mr. August Orsolini, of Santa Rosa, California, in the amount of $1 , 500 and RESOLUTION NO. 2053 be approved. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2053 be approved. tri .� Regular Meeting -5- December 2, 1976 ADDITIONAL SURPLUS PROPERTY: Assistant Manager Callahan recommended the Board to consider additional sale of surplus property, Culverts, - the Board agreed to have the Assistant Manager to prepare documents for bids on same. INACTIVE FUNDS: Consider deposit of inactive funds into Savings and Loan Associations. Director Cocking, Finance Committee, recommended that this matter be brought up at a later date as the Finance Committee is to schedule a meeting with Mr. R. Petragallo of the Tahoe Savings and Loan Association. Mr. Weidman was directed to contact E1 Dorado Savings and Loan Association. STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE FIRST FOUR MONTHS OF THIS FISCAL YEAR. Same presented to the Board Members for their information and review. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the claims, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan, in the amount of $105, 800. 93, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. �' � , .-s Edward E. Hegarty, � side t South Tahoe Public tility District ATTEST: ��� �'t l 9� �/7! .�� �j�Z David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Util ity District � �r**** 17�� Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District December 16 , 1976 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 12/16/76 at 8:00 P. M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Edward E. Hegarty, Directors Robert W. Fesler, F. J. Cocking, L.L. Kashuba and R.A. Fieldcamp, General Manager James R. Cofer, Assistant Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney R.J. Hill, Engineer J. J. Jensen, Water Superintendent - W. Dunckhorst, Sanitation Superintendent - B. Miller, Jr. , Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Eppler, V. Thompson - E1 Dorado County Health Department, Mr. and Mrs. W. Craven - Jim Norman, Keith Robertson of Robertson Engineering, H. Hanson, Dave Huber, Ches��er W. Auckly, Mike McNamara = Tahoe Tribune, A1 Kruse, M.A.Kobernus. ABSENT: ATTORNEY jOHN C, WEIDMAN. MINUTES OF DECEMBER 2 , 1976: - Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, the minutes of 12/2/76 be approved as corrected. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Hegarty welcomed all in attendance to this meeting; none had items to discuss other than those listed on agenda. Manager Cofer requested the Board to consider moving from regular agenda items at this point and to take up the items under Wastewater System #8 regarding two employees - Gene Eppler and Claude Gunsch. Board agreed to consider these two items at this point of the agenda. (1) Gene Eppler: - Manager Cofer read a letter of commendation from E1 Dorado County Road Department as follows: "STPUD, Chairman of the Board From: Paul Baer, Highway Superintendent, and Gene LeSage, Inspector, dated 12/3/76 Subject: Letter of Commendation In behalf of the E1 Dorado County Road Department, South Lake Tahoe, we would like to commend your selection of Gene Eppler for Superintendent of Maintenance. - The cooperation we have received throughout the year from this man and your entire organization has been outstanding. Through the meetings of the Coordinating Utility Council, we have tried to work together on such things ashigh man holes that would be injurious to our men and equipment. Mr. G. Eppler has always been conscious of this and quick to take action. I hope that you will continue to hire men of this caliber. Sincerely, s/ Paul A. Baer, Highway Superintendent s/ Gene LeSage, Inspector" Also (2) Claude Gunsch: - Mr. Gunsch has completed a 10 week course of welding and received a Grade "A" for this course. Manager Cofer stated he felt we should certainly reimburse Mr.Gunsch the $15.00 involved for this course, and that Mr. Gunsch should be commended for his int erest and taking this course in welding. The Board of Directors commended Mr. Eppler and agreed a letter of commendation to be mailed to Mr. G. Eppler and Mr. C. Gunsch. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, commendation letters to go to Mr. Gene Eppler and Mr. Claude Gunsch. President Hegarty requested the Manager to have a photographer in the future present for such asthese two recoonitions. 1777 Regular Meeting -2- December 16, 1976 MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager J,R. Cofer: "The December 16th Board of Directors Meeting will be the last meeting of the 1976 calendar year. The number of items on the Agenda indicates that the South Tahoe Public Utility District is closing out 1976 under a full head of steam. Looking forward to 1977, we can see that the Board will be faced with many tough decisions. During 1977, we hope to undertake: Repairs to the export pipeline; Identification of the necessary modifications to the wastewater treatment system to return the system to the capacity available prior to the change in discharge requirements; Improvements in the wastewater collection system; Improvements in the water supply system to provide a better level of service; Consolidation of the District's water system and wastewater system operations and facilities, and development of a comprehensive water supply and wastewater disposal program which will include consideration of conservation of water supplies as well as reuse of reclaimed wastewater. WASTEWATER TREATMENT Presented in the following tabulation is a comparison of the wastewater treatment during 1975 and 1976. WASTEWATER TREATMENT 1975 1976 %Chanqe A. Wastewater Treatment November (MG) Total flow 96. 30 92 .23 -4.2 Maximum 24 hour flow 4. 14 3. 95 -4.4 Average Daily Flow 3. 21 3 .07 B. Wastewater Treatment Calendar Year (MG)* Total Flow 1224. 95 1182 . 51 -3 . 5% Maximum 24 hr, flow 5. 07 4 , 84 -4 . 5 Average Daily Flow 3 . 67 3 . 54 -3 . 5 *January through November. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM There are no water meters on the Hofman water production wells and we are unable to report at this time on the water production in the Hofman system. Water Superintendent - W. Dunckhorst - is undertaking the installation of water meters in the Hofman system so that in the future we will be able to report on water production. Water production in the Globin system is reported as follows: WATER PRODUCTION GLOBIN SYSTEM: 1975 1976 % Chanqe A. Water Production November (MG)Martin- 12 . 323 5 . 763 -53 . 2 A1 Tahoe Well 6. 934 7. 364 + 6 .2 Cold Creek Diversions 34. 783 42 . 574 +22 .4 Totals 54.040 55 . 701 + 3 . 1 B. Water Production Calendar Year (AF)* Martin Avenue Well 665. 9 512. 1 -32 . 1 A1 Tahoe Well 173 . 8 439 . 6 +152. 9 Cold Creek Diversions 1 ,408. 8 1 , 420 3 + 0 8 Totals 2 ,248. 5 2 ,370.0 + 5.5 *January Through November The year 1977 will be an important period for the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and we look forward to the challenges with great anticipation. Merry Christmas and a successful New Year. s/James R. Cofer" �77$ Regular Meeting -3- December 16 , 1976 Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: District Engineer Jensen stated that we did apply for E D A Funds, and we have only a letter stating the application has been received by E D A. Also, the capacitators on the motors at Luther Pass Pump Station will be reported on at the next regular meeting of this Board. COMMITTEE REPORTS: , ' (1) Research and Conservation. None. (2) Water Utility. None. ;'3) (3) Plant Operations. None. (4) Finance/Insurance: Director Fesler stated that this committee met on 12/8/76 in connection with the letter from our Attorney regarding funds being invested at the highest rate of interest, and Mr. D. W. Callahan and Director R. W. Fesler met with Tahoe Savings and Loan Association and E1 Dorado Savings and Loan and deposited $100 ,000 . 00 in each bank. (5) Public Information. None. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: H. Hanson, Shop Steward, stated that on 12/3/76 he attended the California State Water Resources Advisory Board meeting at St. Marcus, Ca . , regarding Hygienic and Health Programs and Mr. Art Viat, Business Manager of Local 39, was also in attendance. He also stated that regarding shop programs - some companies feel it is necessary ara and others do not feel it is necessary. On 12/7/76 H. Hanson was at a conference at San Francisco and he mentioned that there are several type films for training programs, etc:�, that are also available to this Distr.ict, at no charge, under the Federal Apprentice Program. Also, Mr. Hanson stated he rece.ived a letter on 12/8/76 from the Department of Industrial Health regarding the environmental health investigation on chlorine, high noises, etr.. , and the District does not have any violations on t���s. A. FALLEN LEAF LAKE: RESOLUTION NO. 2054, A Resolution Determining to Hold in Abeyance Further Proceedings Under Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts for Acquisitions and Improvements Heretofore Ordered to be Made to Provide Sanitary Sewer Service to the Fallen Leaf Lake Area, Determining to Refund to Property Owners Amounts Heretofore Paid by Them Upon Assessments Levied in said Proceedings (Without Prejudice and Subject to Payment Thereof in the Event said Proceedings are not Abandoned) , and Determining the Basis Upon Which Said Proceedings will ��e Either Abandoned or said Abeyance Thereof Discontinued (with Further Proceedings Being Taken to Implement Completion of said Acquisitions and Improvements Heretofore Ordered) . (2) Request for Refund of Fallen Leaf Lake Assessments - Howard W. Campen. Attorney R.J. Hill gave a summary of the background of Fallen Leaf Lake and what has taken place since 1968 to present, and he also explained RESOLUTION NO. 2054, as follows: 1779 Regular Meeting -4- December 16, 1976 SUMMARY OF RESOLUTION DETERMINING TO HOLD IN ABEYANCE - Assessment District 1971-1 (Fallen Leaf Lake Area) ----- Whereas clauses: (1) Proceedings taken under Resolution of Intention No. 1672 . (2) Payments made on assessments; interest earned thereon. (3) Reason for conducting proceedings, -actions indicating to Board that mandates of Regional Water Quality Board necessitated such proceedings. (4) Efforts of Board to consider property owners' desires and concerns. (5) Action filed in Superior Court by Fallen Leaf Lake Protection Association, et al. (6) Action challenged assessment and environmental proceedings. (7) Loss of favorable construction bid. (8) judgment in said action in favor of District 9/23/76. (9) Injunction to prohibit occupancy of buildings at Fallen Leaf Lake 9/1/76. (10) CSO March 1976 - report, alternatives unsatisfactory to District. (11)CSO july 1976 report - notice of Regional Board hearing thereon, delay of consideration thereof by Board, and advice of Executive Officer of Regional Board that District would have to be satisfied therewith. (12)July 22 Regional Board hearing - bifurcated system approved in concept - August 11 meeting of CSO and District engineers - District Engineer reported on most recent CSO plan (bifurcated abandoned) . (13)Consideration of CSO plan by Board. (14)October 28 Regional Board hearing, Resolution No. 76-14 adopted. (15)Legislation permitting formation of Resort Improvement District. (16)Original reasons for District sewering Fallen Leaf Lake area not necessarily applicable at this time. (17)Reference to records of District, Superior and Appellate Courts, and Regional Board. (18)"Patience of job" . . .Wonderland. . .no abandonment. (19)Cost factors . Determinations and Orders: (1) Reasons for District not operating or maintaining CSO system. (2) District will not take responsibility of maintenance or operation of said system. (3) District willing to accept into its existing system effluent from a Fallen Leaf Lake public entity, subject to satisfactory agreement therefor. . (4) Board will hold in abeyance any further proceedings under Resolution of Intention No. 1676 until. . . . (5) Board will abandon said proceeding when. . . (6) Refund of payments made on assessments. (7) Copies of Resolution to various parties , and recorded. 1780 Regular Meeting -5- December 16, 1976 Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2054 be approved as presented and explained in detail by Attorney Hill. This Resolution also covered refunds to those that had paid their Assessments in the Fallen Leaf Lake Area, plus interest. � B. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SURPLUS FUNDS: Assistant Manager Callahan stated that there are a total of $80,000 inAssessment District funds, and recommended that same be transferred from Assessment District funds to the General funds, and recommended consideration of the following Resolutions to cover same: RESOLUTION NO. 2055, A Resolution Determining Surplus and Ordering Transfer Sanitary Sewage Project 1960-1 ($16, 000) . RESOLUTION NO. 2056, A Resolution Determining Surplus and Ordering Transf�r Sanitary Sewage Project 1960-2 ($15,000) RESOLUTION NO. 2057, A Resolution Determining Surplus and Ordering Transfer Sanitary Sewerage Project 1960-3 ($5,000) . RESOLUTION NO. 2058, A Resolution Determining Surplus and Ordering Transfer Sanitary Sewage Project 1960-4 ($44,000) . Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that Resolutions Nos. 2055 through 2058 be approved as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan. WATER S UPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: December 16, 19 76 ---- "Progress on the Health Department request to correct the defects on the wells of the Hofman System was stopped for a week or so, and work again has been started this week. The reason work was stopped was because of the work load of water leaks and other matters that had to have attention. I still feel this work will be completed by the first of the year which the Health Depart- ment has asked us to do. The railings on the walkway inside the Harrah's Reservoir have been completed as required by the State Division of Industrial Safety and the covers for the compressors are beinq made now. We are continuing to put Sodium Hypochlorite in the storage tanks of the Hofman System. We take residual tests on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays and if the tests show less than . 1 PPM, more Sodium Hypochlorite is added. This will be continued until we are told otherwise from the State Health Dept. We have used 52 gallons of Sodium Hypochlorite, at a cost of $1 .00/gallon. Time was taken last week to clean and straighten up the shop and warehouse on Fountain Avenue; the yard is yet to be worked on. On Monday of this week a fire hydrant on Capistrano and Sacramento Avenue which wad damaged has been replaced with a new hydrant. This is the same hydrant that was damaged a few months back. We have installed bumper posts around the hydrant to hopefully protect it from being hit again. I do have the name of the party that hit they hydrant, and a bill will be sent to him. We have now completed 425 new water installations and have about 4 more to try to get in. ---------- i MR. KEITH ROB ERTSON - Robertson Engineering stated that the Tata Avenue Well was cased today; there will be a submersible pump at the Tata Avenue Well, there- fore, no well house will be needed in that area. REPORT ON AIRPORT TEST WELL; Mr. Robertson stated that he did make the tests on the well at the Airport; Jack Jensen requested Mr. Robertson to send him the information at CH2M Hill Office, and they will have their hydro-geologist -Mr. Dave Lawrence - study same. Manager Cofer stated that we will need a permit for the 16" casing that Mr. Robertson suggests for this well, plus this project will be a sizeable sum, and we will have to go to bid on same. Manager Cofer requested the Engineer be authorized 17�1 Regular Meeting -6- December 16 , 1976 to prepare plans and specifications for this Airport Well. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that CH2M Hill prepare the ��cuments, plans and specifications for bid on the Airport Well. PURCHASE OF EQLTIPMENT: Manager Cofer stated that there are several items that are needed for the Water Department and requested approval of transfer of funds now set up for this Department. Monies would be transferred from one item in the budget to other needed items, as follows: Water Enterprise Fund Summary of Capital Expenditures Five Months Ending November 30, 1976 Budget Expenditure s Proposed F.Y. 76- 77 7-1-76 11-3C-76 Revised Budget New services installed $ 44,000 $ 19,873 $ 30,000 Metering of Wells 10,000 2 , 214 10,000 Service trucks 7,000 13 ,595 14,000 Fire Hydrants 10, 000 140 5,000 General Improvements 20, 000 Mainline Meters $ 5, 920 Miscellane�us Improvements 1 , 756 Backhoe 2/3 11 , 180 18, 856 2, 500 (1/3 charged to Sewer Dept.) Equipment 5 ,000 Wacker 1 , 650 Mailing machine-Note -1 1, 342 Barricades and flashers 785 Miscellaneous 139 3 , 916 10,000 Total, Budget Items -Note 2 $ 94,000 $ 58, 594 $ 94,000 New Wells - Note 3 2 , 956 Mainline extensions-Note 4 17, 474 TOTAL $ 79 ,024 Director Fesler stated that he did not feel there should be a reduction in any amount in the fire hydrant line. Assistant Manager Callahan stated that Director Fesler is not obj ecting to the dollar figure in the fire hydrant line, but rather felt he was objecting to deletions, if any, of the hydrant's , and suggested perhaps Mr. Fesler would like to set some other priority. W. Dunckhorst stated that he spoke with Fire Chief Smiley, who 1t�ld him that only 2 (instead of 3) fire hydrants were needed in the Ski Run Area. Director Kashuba moved, seconded byDirector Cocking, that the Manager's recommen- dation be approved, and authorize the budget transfer. Manager Cofer stated that all fire hydrants would have been installed prior to this time if we did not have to use all of the time doing as the Health Department requested of us. Mr. W. Dunckhorst stated that there are now fire hydrants at Kyburz Street and on jean Avenue and another at the end of the road leading to this plant. It was requested notification of this be sent via letter to Fire Chief Smiley. 1782 Regular Meeting -7- December 16, 1976 Director Fieldcamp stated that he would like the minutes to show that in the spring of this year he brought up charging for water installations , and if this had been done, we would have money to take care of purchasing equipment needed, etc. , and not have to transfer funds around in the Water Department budget. Manager Cofer stated that the staff has been ins�ructed to prepare the preliminary budget in February, consider charging for water installations , etc. , and requested this be deferred until that time. The Finance Committee and Water Committee should meet to study this . Director Fesler stated that this should be a study of the entire Board Members . . WASTEWATER REPORT BY BERNARD F MILLER, -SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT: CARBON REGENERATION FURNACE: The District's carbon regeneration furnace is approximately twelve years old. Since its installation, the use has increased proportional to increases in sewage flow. This increased operating ti me plus normal heating and colling of the furnace has deteriorated the fire- brick and other furnace components. Carbon regeneration has become progressively less reliable. Since june of 1976, when continuous regeneration became necessary because of returning water from our holding pond (export force main repair storage) , regeneration cycles have been continuously interrupted for furnace repair. In April 1976, District Maintenance Crews replaced the entire top hearth refractory brick and supporting metal and made minor refractory repairs on other hearths . Other problem areas noted at that time were shaft castolite, refractory on hearths #2 , and #6, and a badly warped furnace bottom plate. On December 8, 1976, regeneration was interrupted because of slag accumulation in the carbon quench tank and damage to slurry pump diaphragms, balls and ball seats. The furnace was cooled and opened for inspection. A representative from A.P. Green, a refractory manufacturer and furnace repair contractor was called to inspect the furnace hearths, note problems and recommend repair/replacement alternates . His recommendations were to temporarily repair the furnace, as listed, and to replace the entire firebrick and hearth tile refractory inventory in the furnace. The repairs made and deficiencies noted are as follows: Hearth #1: Hearth tile refractory cracked from wall to center. Temporary repair with liquid castolite. Hearth #2: Hearth tile cracked from wall to center. Repaired as above. Hearth was dropped approximately 1" . Shaft crack welded. Hearth #3: One eighth of Hearth tile fell to Hearth #4. Repaired temporarily with castolite. Hearth #4: Shaft lute cap badly warped. Replaced shaft refractory in kind. Burner deflector brick broken. Hearth #5: Hearth tile dropped approximately 1"; shaft refractory replaced. Hear th 6: Burner refractory needs replacement. Side brick cracked and bad areas patched. Portions of the outer steel shell need to be repaired and the bottom hearth plate replaced. Again, the repairs made were and are temporary. The Manufacturers Representative is certain that any prolonged operation will result in complete loss of Hearths Nos. l, 2 , 3 , 5. The repairs should last until early March of 1977 , when the major furnace repairs can be made. Cost estimates range from $17- 20,000 for brick and contract labor. All steel shell work will be done by District crews . The repair is estimated to take approximately 7 weeks . Y7$3 Regular Meeting -8- December 16, 1976 CARBON FURNACE REPAIR: A. 7 weeks - 49 days . B. 9 days storage (30 MG) in Holding Pond at 3 .2MGD C. Estimate 7 days lag time before COD's reach 40-45% removal if regeneration scheduled to end immediately before furnace repair begins. D. Estimated flow through tertiary for 33 day period: March 8-31 134.4 MG April 1-10 35.4 MG�Historical average of flows ) 1975 , 1976 Estimate 171 MG for the period. E. Loading: 300 lbs reg. carbon/million gallons . F. Estimate regeneration requirements: 51 , 300 lbs. 51 , 300 lbs/5800 lbs/column = 9 columns. G. COD applied to columns - average - 30 mg/1 Removal efficiency: Initial: first 10 days 40-45% 2nd 10 days 32-40% 3rd 10 days 24-32% H. Estimated residual COD first 10 days 16. 5 - 18.0 mg/1 2nd 10 days 18.0 - 20.4 mg/1 3rdlOdays 20 .4 - 22 . 8mg/1 I. With tin ely regeneration and j;u�icial use of storage pond capacity, it appears that, barring plant problems, we may be capable of a seven week shut down. Manager Cofer stated recommendations/suggestions will be presented to the Board at a later date re carbon furnace repairs, etc. On 12/22/76 interviews will be held for Electrician/Pneumatic Technician. (1) Proposal from Spiniello Construction Company repairs to damaged cement mortar lining export pipeline. This will be followed with Lahontan and Manager Cofer will report to the Board at a later time. (2) Response letter to Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding capacity remaining for additional sewage flows at STPUD facilities. This letter prepared to Lahontan by Manager Cofer was discussed in great length; Mr. Jensen stated that Lahontan did ask some very difficult questions, and Mr. Cofer did an excellent job in responding to same. Director Fesler stated that he did not feel this reply requires policy approval, it should be strictly staff response. Director Cocking stated that he does support this letter to Lahontan in concept. Director Fesler stated that for the past 7 years our Engineers have told us we have a 7-1/2 mgd plant and we should not believe we have less than that, and as a staff report to Lahontan, Director Fesler felt it was a fine response. Manager Cofer recommended approval from the Board to state that they do approve of this letter, which includes the concept that the Board is interested in obtaining grants for rehabilitation of this plant. Moved by Director Kashuba, seconded by Director Cocking, that we authorize the Manager to send the letter to Lahontan under the Manager's signature. VOTES AS FOLLOWS: AYES: Directors Hegarty, Cocking, Kashuba, Fieldcamp. NOES: Director Fesler. Carried. . . . . . (4) State Water Resources Control Board "Project List" - Manager Cofer reported to the Board that the Lahontan State Water Quality Control Board has recommended to the State Water Resources +�,ontrol Board that a $2 .0 million item for rehabilitation of the STPUD export pipeline and an $8.0 million item for modification �a the STPUD treatment system be added to the 1977-1978 project list. (5) Application State Department of Water Resources: Safety of Dams; STPUD 60 MG 17$4 REGULAR MEETING -9- December 16, 1976 Emergency Reservoir. Instructed by President Hegarty that the application be submitted, as requested by Manager Cofer. V (6) Repairs to Carbon Furnace. Discussed earlier in the agenda. (7) STPUD LABORATORY: (State Certification) - Manager Cofer stated that we now have a man working in our Lab that took the time and the effort to have our Lab certified, and felt that Mr. Chester W. Auckly, District Chemist, should be commended for his efforts and his time. Director Kashuba commented that there are not too many State Certified water laboratories that are non-commercial, and this certification should save some money now being spent having work done commercially. Director Kashuba ' moved, seconded by Director Cocking, that District Management and Laboratory Staff, and Mr. Chester W. Auckly, be commended for pursuing State Certifica- tion of the STPUD Laboratory. VOTES AS FOLLOWS:AYES: Directors Hegarty, Cocking, Kashuba NOES: Director Fieldcamp ABSTAINED: Director Fesler carried. . . . . . . . . (b) Purchase of analytical balance and balance tables. Manager Cofer recommended a purchase of an analytical balance and two balance tables; one for operations and one for the lab. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, that this purchase be made, as so recommended by Manager Cofer. Manager Cofer stated we should be doing all of our own tests; having a first- class lab is the best investment we can make. Director Fesler stated that he knows our Manager feels very strongly about the lab, and we should support him in this endeavor. Director Fieldcamp stated that he always felt the plant came first and lab second. VOTES AS FOLLOWS: AYES: Directors Hegarty, Fesler, Kashuba,Cocking. NOES: Director Fieldcamp. Carried. . . . . . . . . . For information purposes, the following information was prepared by Assistant Manager Callahan: WHAT'S THE COST? - The District's tax rate fiscal year 1975-1976 was $1 . 11 per hundred assessed value (25% of full value) . The annual service charge was $30 .60 per home. Therefore, an average home ($40,000) would pay about $142 .00 per year. The cost does not include capital cost of local sewers. Said capital costs are assessed directly against the property owner by various methods. Since 1960 the costs have varied from $400 to $4,000 depending on year built, location, size of lot, etc. Approximately one-third of the District's area of 25,000 acres has an additional cost for major trunk sewers and pumping stations which serve the area. The tax rate was 55 cents per hundred of assessed value and adds about $55 per home, per year, to the above cost. The District has approximately 12, 000 connections of which 10, 300 are single family residences (including individually owned condominiums) . The average flow for the year 1976 was 3 . 5 million gallons/day. This is equal to 47,000 persons at the rate of 75 gallons per day per person. The population varies from 25,000 to 65,000 . The cost of operation and maintenance of treatment and disposal was $1 , 267 per million gallons (MG) . The cost of collection, general and administra- tive expense was $465/mg. The total cost was $1 , 732/mg. The cost per day for fiscal year 1975-76 was 10 cents per person. The cost figures do not include depreciation and/or interest expenses on long term debt. 1785 Regular Meeting -10- December 16, 1976 WATERCARE: Pledge of Financial Assistance for "Organic Identification and Virus Monitoring" - Manager Cofer recommended consideration from the Board for assistance of $500 from this District to assist in the studies of Watercare. . .after the first year, we can again decide whether we should continue to contribute or not. - Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that Manager notify WATERCARE of our desire to con�ribute $500 to their studies. WiLL SERVE LETTERS: Manager Cofer stated that many have visited our offices regarding letter requests for capacity to service their buildings (usually multiple) to be presented to TRPA and CTRPA stating we do have the capacity to serve same. He stated we have no termination date on these letters, and if the people do not build immediately, this could pose problems for us; he :�ecommended that this be studied after the first of the year by this Board. All letter's will be held until after the study on this subject. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $368, 317. 67, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADjOURNMENT: 11:30 P.M. �' � s - Edward E. Hegasty, side SOUTH TAHOE PUB UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: ' /� -e=t <� C .�I .��� %L t^-���- �.__ David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ******************* REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT jANUARY 6, 1977 ********* The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 1/6/77, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors R. W. Fesler, F. J. Cocking, L. L. Kashuba and R. A. Fieldcamp. General Manager J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney J. C. Weidman, Engineer R. Chapman, Water Superintendent W. Dunckhorst, Mike McNamara - Tribune, D. Antonnucci and Jerry Theibault - LRWQCB, Employees B. Montbriand, D. Huber, A. Kruse, H. Hanson, C. Auckly. Also present were V. Thompson - E1 Dorado County Health Department, Mrs. H. Hanson, jim Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. E. Schmidt. ABSENT: Engineer J. Jensen, B. Miller, Jr. - Sanitation Superintendent. i�i'yc, Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- 8/25/77 Report on Workshop Sessions: (1) August 9, 1977 Meeting with Forest Service re Placement of the Water Tank on High Meadows Trail (2) August 12, 1977 Sewer Bills - Payments (3) August 17/20,1977 CASA - P�onterey (q) August 22, 1977 Water Study by University of California at Davis (5) August 25, 1977 Alpine County Supervisors (6) August 25, 1977 Adjourned R�gular Meeting (8 pm) P�an.ager Cofer stated that regarding the CASA meeting - Ray Walsh, who is one of the Key People at the State Water Resources Control Board, reported that the Federal Construction Funds are about to expire; they are anticipating that the Fed.eral program will carry on but there ma.y be a period where there will be nc construction funds available, and to keep the planning program going, it will be the State policy to continue to fund the plarining progra�ns and the design programs and not to fand any construction p_rograms after the final approval of the projects t.hat are ready to start construction by Septen►ber ; so probak;iy for the next year, there may not be any construction funds approved by the State. We are caught right on the edge of that. He also discussed presen-tly the ��wo ways they are handling air-quality areas and we will probably come under one af these ; this means under the Attorney General's position - they either r�uire that one supports an air maintenance program and you agree to limit your flaws for 10 years to not exceed. the E-Zero projected population flaw; the other way is to allow one to go into the design, and EPA agrees to this method. During the design period you have to identify mitigation methods or measures acceptable to EPA , and if they approve, you will be allowed to proceed wi�h cons�ruction an� both of those alternatives do not sounc� favorable, P�7anager Cofer stated. Apparently the Attorney General is concurring those are restrictions they can place an ;zs. There is still a lot of change in the policy, and P�ir. WalsYz stated he did ��ot ;cnaa how long this polic�° would remain, it will probably be ma�.ified in the near �uture, but this is what they are requiring the agencies to do now. Nian.ager Cofer stated it was a very ?�.a�.eficial meeting. Conunittee Reports: (1) R�search and Conservation. No report. (2) Water Utility. No report. (3) Plant Qperati:ons, No repo�t. (4) Fin�nce/3ns,u��nce: Dix�ector Fesler is i�n the hospit�l recovering form. dental surgery. Director Cocking, Conm�ittee Member, stated �hat they did have a meeting to review the District's Insurance Program, and the basic thing that is that this District has a very good insurance record, and the carrier is very satisfied with this District, and if this had not been the case �ae would probably be seeking sane insurance at an extremely hight cost to the District; the District has done very w�ll in their safety programs. (5) Public Information: CASA ANN[JAL WORK CONFERENCE: As reported by Director Kashuba: "Directors Workshop included a session on "The Basics of Wastewater Treatrnent" Water Conservation, Methods and Effects and Joint Pawers I�greeznents. General Session included E�ployee Relations, Waste Disposal Systeris, Public Relations, Local Agency Investrnents, and a great deal of discussion on the Clean Water Grant Program and Federal Legislation. The Association supported the Clean Water Bond Issue and will reconsider a+ the November meeting to deternline whether organization support will be c�iven ir� January when the final language of the bill is determined. 'I'his resulted from a lot of questions and concerns about the conditions required as a part of acceptinr� S-�ate F�inds. 'I'he Association adopted a Resolution that the Board of Directors of CASF� requests the various Regional Water Quality Control Board and 'the Water Resaurces Coni:rol Board of the State of California not to include in any Waste Discharge require- ment or in any grant under the Clean Water Grant Act of 1974 any provision, the effect of which would be to regulate land use within the jurisdiction of the affected local agency. Ed Hegarty was elected to the Board of Directors of CASA, which is an honor for Ed and the STPUD, to have this northern state representation. The Spring �ecutive P-7eeting will be held at Sauth Lalce Tahoe an 5/13/14/77." �9�/ 7 Ptljourned P�eeting -4- August 25, 1977 Also, Director Kashuba stated that the Naninating Ca�nittee of CASA met on 8/17/77 and made the following report for new officers: President: Ralph Bolin, Napa Sanitation District. Vice President: - John Harnett, East Bay Municipal Utility District. Second Vice President: Laython N. Landis, Oro Lama Sanitary District. Director: Ed Hegarty, South Tahoe Public Utility District. Director Kashuba stated we are fortunate in having one fran the Northern part of the State represent us and give us a li�tle more of an input into the association. Director Cocking stated that we are not alone, everyone, every District does ' have their problems. Shop Steward's Report: None. Report by Program Managers: (1) Water Supply - As presented by W. Dunckh.orst, Water System Manager: "Monday, 8/15/77, I was called to observe a very alarmi.ng situation at our upper reservoir, the water level in Cold Creeli had dropped considerably resulting in the drop of the level of the creek. The reservoir dropped to a point where it was a stream only through the reservoir. We danurted up what little water we were losing above the reservoir and are naw using almost the entire stream. The reservoir is now holding at a safe level and I feel we may have sufficient water supply to get by the big 3 day �;�?k end ahead. The new Tata Lane Well was put on the line Tuesday, 8/23/77, it is pLunping an average of 130-150 gpm. I checked this well in a 24-hour period and the meter shawed it p�nped 122,700 gallons. Tuesday morning, 8/16/77, we e�erienced a failure on the standby engine at the filtration plant. Due to this failure people in the upper portion of P�ontgomery Estates e�xperienced water outage and l�a pressure for short periods. The engine was com�letely overhauled in 1-1/2 days by experienced people from Reno. 'The engine repair was ccgnpleted and the engine is now in good working condition. This engine runs an average of 9-13 hours a day, due to the cost of propane fuel it is quite e�ensive to operate. I have talked to the people in the upper portion of Montg�ry Estates regarding a storage tank location, and the verbal response appears to be positive, hawever, I asked these people to write to the District stating their view and to date have not received any responses." ��later Utility Ca�nittee Report, 8/25/77: As follows: Water Production Globin System, M G July 1977 1976 1977 o Change Well production 58.6 40.8 -30.3 Cold Creek Diversion 45.5 56.1 +23.2 Totals 104.1 96.9 - 6.9 Calendar Year to Date: Well Production 223.9 144.5 -35.4 Cold Creek Diversion 282.3 264.9 - 6.1 506.2 409.4 -19.1 Water Production: Hoffman System, M.G. 1977 Feb. 7•2 March 17.1 ' April 34.6 May 37.0 June 52.1 July 58.8" Mr. Dunckhorst stated just prior to this meeting he did receive tvao responses - one fram Mr. and Mrs. Maury Kolos, and letter reads as follows: /j,�,X Adjourned _5_ August 25, 1977 Regular r�eeting �ear p2r. Dunckhorst: '°This letter is in regard to placing a water tank at the top of High P�Ieada�as Tr. We are in favor of this project 100%. You have our approval as well as the people next door and directly across the street frcen us, whose home will be right next door to the proposed sight. I have talked to both families, and they agree that this is a much needed necessity." s/Maury Kolos and Shiela Kolos 2039 Highmeadows Tr. Nlontgomery Estates South Lake Tahoe, California 95705" 'I'he other letter as follc�as: ��r n2r. Dunckrorsto ��I am writing to you on behalf of my parents, Mr. and Mr's• Peter G. Kitagawa. They are the owners of a house located on Lot 49 in l��ntgomery Estates. Z'hey asked that I respond to a letter dated August 11, 1977, which was addressed to P•Zr. Robert Heer, the owner of a house located on Lot�s�s�a �e Heersr Was received in an envelope addressed to my parents► theY received your letter to my parents. Regarding the contents of the letter, we again assume that you are interested in my parents thoughts on the construction of a water storage tank on Lot 50. As you maY ]��► �t 50 is directly across the street frcgn my parents house and any construction on the lot would have an impact, financially and aesthetically, on my parents house. [ryhile they recognize the need to improve the water pressure in the area, they are concerned that a water tan]{ would adversely affect the value of their property. 'I'herefore, before any decision can be made on the water tank by my parents, they would like to know what alternatives there are to construction of a water tank. In the evez�t that a water tanl{ is the only alternative, are there other sites available? If Lot 50 is the only site, what u�ould the site look like with the storage tank? (Site plans, artist conception) . Finally, would the South Tahoe P.U.D. be willing to make any guarantees against a loss in value should a storage tank be constructed on Lot 50? � reciate arents concern in this matter. I m sure that you can app mY P I look fozward to hearing from you and thank you for your attention. s/Gary Kitagawa" p�1r. Dunckhorst stated that he also has a 10:30 A.M. meeting in the morning with Mr. Heer. Mr, Dunckhorst also stated that he attended the meeting at Tahoe City on permits - State Water Resources Control Board - on the North Tah o�1fY��etPiD��n�ans it looked as though most of the contestants were going o le, Tribe and it did not appear to be too �ch of a protest frcan the Indian pe p and most of the protest came fran the League to Save Lake Tahoe and CTRPA. The hearing is to be kept open for 30 days pending answers to some questions - one of the questions is how many existing buildings and vacant lots in the existidata District; another - how mucn e�ort is being taken out of the basin and why, is being looked into by the Departn�nt of Water Resources regarding exl�orting out of the basin, because they feel the water being exported is being taken away frcgn Pyramid Lake. Another qu estion that kept coming up at the hearing was about a ground water study and P�ir. Dunckhorst stated to them thatln lW �r from the undertaken this study. 'I'hey were mainly talking about PumP g tributaries and Lake. P�Ir. Weichnan asked "was there any discussion regarding permits and haU� to handle same, or exercise their power to revoke them as far as future use." p4r, llunckhorst stated there was no discussion regarding �-S�t ons,nextensidon of asked if there was any discussion about the policy of how pe time, to either develop an extended service area, like we have in the Globin or to develop the full use of the pernv-t issued from the Lake or from the tributaries. P�Zr. i)unckhorst stated he does not recall that subject coming up• /�� �� August 25, 1977 l � � � Adjourned Regular Pdeeting '6- Operations P�anager - Report as Presented by John Bonnet: "At the present time the plant is in pretty good shape. ��7e have very little filimentous organisms. The sludge voltune index is down to 100, this is normal operation. Also this is the first time we have been able to get it belaw 200 for a]snost two months. The final effluent COD has come down below 19.0, although it did go up on Tuesday because we had a carbon transfer. The COD will probably stay high until the carbon fines are flushed out of the system. This will take about three days and tYien they will ccxne back down. Plant COD removal is about 93.10. On Tuesday of last week we w�re able to put the ;�2 tower pump in service after replacing one of the bearings. Also the #2 spray pump was back in service with a new impeller. With these two ptunps back on the line the airnnonia concentration should come down a little more. We have been testing various polymers in the plant. The one from Allied Colloid seems to be working v,�ll in the flotation thickener at this time. We will continue to investigate further. Following is the ccgnparison of Indian Creek Reservoir and Stevens Lake- 'I'hese are ballpark numbers because we do not have enough data at this time. ICR Average Stevens Lake Average An�unonia 1.3 0.1 8.2 9.6 pH 19.7 COD 20.4 m 6.6 8•8 These are averages fran July l, 1977. Th.e emergency holding pond is empty." Manager - r�Iaintenance Division, as reported by Gene Eppler: "2'he District has started cleaning out the weeds at Indian Creek Reservoir. We are in hopes of canpleting this project in about 4-6 weeks- We have also canpleted fencingtanatahas beentremo ed and deocumented. maintenance building for the force main pipe for evidence. This area will be locked at all t�mes•ressin ve well. I will 'I'he plant modifications have been prog g rY g.,, give the percentage increases and items completed at the next board meetin Finance Officer's Report, as reported by D.W. Callahan: "Earl Oto, Internal Revenue Agent, is making an audit on the Tahoe Sierra Water Canpany's final year of operation and liquidation. I have made available to him the General Ledger and the Doc�urents in connection with our acquisition and liquidation of the Water Canpany. In the event additional information is needed, he will be referred to the District Auditors - Ehlman and Calvert and Alexander Grant. I request a Finance Con�nittee meeting to discuss invesisctents of idle funds. Recently the State authorized a I.pcal Agency Investment F'und. I believe it would be to the District's advantage to participate in the Fund. August 17, 1977, I traveled with John Weidman to Seattle to meet with EDA officials. Ross Manley, Head of EDA Regional Office, Public Works, stated we should receive the Grant offer for Johnson Blvd Interceptor Sewer F�tension project on or before Septe.mber 12, 1977. pn August 30, 1976, all required doc.-uments were sent to the State for Grant C-06-681 and I requested final payment. A field audit of the financial records was completed about six months later. To date we have not received a copy of the audit or any other camnunication. 'The District is to receive a final payn�xlt of $53,000 +." Attorney Weidm�-tn stated that it appe ared obvious that the EDA application was not going to move very fast until a call was made by Congressman r�cFall fram Washington, D.C. , and until he and Mr. Callahan were e�ected in Seattle pursuant to arrange- ment by the Congressman's office. This moved the application. We have to have ac�dend�n bid specifications and the addendtun involve the minority business require- ments and engineering matters. When he and P�ir. Callahan were in Seaideli.nes had only one copy of the minority business guidelines and engineering�gu and they ordered the reproduction of these dociunents, but for EDA S internal distribution only. When Mr• Callahan and Mr. Weidman returned from Seattle they called the Congressman's office and Piir. Weidman received two copies of these guidelines yesterday, and sent one to Jack Jensen, and P�ir. Jensen is going to put the required minority business and engineering specifications as an addendum to our bid which is called for next Thursday. Mr. Weidman stated it won'Y �A Y g�ca° open the bid n�t 'I`hursday if there is no lead t�m! with the prope I� tions included in the bid document, so we should �onsider extending opening that bid under Item #6 of the agenda to Septea�ber 12, 1977. Also we will not be receiving the grant offer until that t�me, therefore, no bid could be aWa�'Wo 't until we ha�e a grant offer - money in hand, and the delay in bid opening delay the project. ij'�v Prljourned Regular Meeting -7- 8/25/77 Mr. Weidman stated we had five conditions that came down from EDA envizonmentalists to the Johnson Blvd Sewer Interceptor project, and Congressman McFa11.'s Office got those conditions removed with the exception of condition one, and a modifica- tion of condition four, both of which the District could live with. Arranged for a meeting with the Regional Counsel and the Regional Environmentalist in Seattle and presented to them the ordinances of the City, the County, and the District with regard to condition one on a water conservation program and these see�d to satisfy the Regional Counsel and the Regional Environmenta.list as to the District compliance with condition one. The grant application i.s naw being processed through what EDA calls their Public Works, evnironmental and engineering sections. The Public 4�dorks Section has the final approval and then sends the application to Washington, and it is usually a formality to get the grant offer ccgning out of EDA, Washington. The Public Works Section found nothing wrong with our application. We talked with the Engineering Section, explained our problems, and �aent over the specifications and they are now aware of the project and we expect no problem in their review. We also talked with the Regional Counsel and the Environmentalist about the modi.fied Condition Four and presented the Board Resolution which provided we would honor our contractual cca�unit�nents to the State Beaches and Parks, Forest Service in the Camp Richardson and Fallen Ieaf Area, under the Fallen Leaf Memorandum of Understanding. This Resolution satisfied the Regional Counsel and Environmentalist. 'There has to be scgne substantial work on the project within 90 days after the grant offer. Our 90 days would be 33 days because of the Regional Agencies regulations about no excavating after October 15th. There was no discussion fran anybod.y in Seattle about a waiver of the 90 days requirement - the Local Public Works program is based on putting people izmlediately to work and EDA wants scgne substantial work done within 90 days of the Grant Offer, not just �lagging the project by a few surveyors or engineers as to where the lines are going to go. EDA wants sc� pipe in the ground within 90 days. 'I'he District should fixy to get the pipe in the ground before October 15th and not ask for a waiver. We have an the agenda the purchase of 300 feet of 18" pipe in Item No. 6, which ��e are going �o have to purchase two and one-half weeks ahead of the bid award, and �e11 to the cc�ntractor at cost, s� r�e will not have to wait on the pipe. We are dea]-ing with EDA regulations, and $310,000 of grant money. �ae should put pir�e in the ground by Gctober 15th to avoid further objections. President Hegarty thanked Mr. D.W.Callahan and Attorney J.C.Weidman for going to Seattle to meet with EDA, and having the project going. President Hegarty stated since we have parties interested in the Deferred Canpensa- tion Plan in the audience this evening, he �aauld take that item as Number 1 c�n agenda. (1) DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN: - (a) Approve Plan and Approve RESOLUTION NO. 2083, A Resolution Establishing a Deferred Ccflnpensation Plan and Authorizing Sulamitta]_ to Internal Revenue Service. Assistant Manager Callahan stated that copies of the plan are attached to 'che Directors packet this evening, and he went through the contract/agreement for the Board information; Assistant P�lanager Callahan reccaYunended adoption of RESGLUTION NO. 2083, Approving the Deferred Cc�npensation Pl.an. 'This Plan provides for any employee of the District that wishes to defer any portion � and/or amount of their wages can do so until they ternlinate and/or retire, and will escape federal and state inccgne taxes. Psianager Cofer stated there are two basic different plans v,� can offer the employees Savings and Loan whic,h is a guaranteed interest return and no service charges or fees, and Hartford Insurance apparently also has a plan where the empl.oyee would have the option of selecting what percent of his money was invested in stocks, and other type of investrnents; they have a service charge of seven and one-half percent right off the top of all money that goes in, but they will also provide some services for that fee. We have not had a formal discussion with all employees, Manager Cofer stated, as to the two types of plans; we have discussed this with a number of individuals and the Shop Steward, and those that we have discussed the plans with have indicated they favor Great Western Savings and Loan Association. We have two employees here this evening that are interested in the plans, and asked if the employees had co�mlents to make. Mr. H. Willi�ns, Electrician for this District, stated he felt the Savings & Loan is the best plan, no fee, and he mentioned it would be good to try to convince our young employees to get into this plan; he felt our Social Security Plan is a bit shaky. A1 Kruse, Tour Director/Purchasing Agent for this District agreed with Mr. Williams. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, RFSOLUTION NO. 2083, Establishing a Deferred Ccx�pensation Plan, and Authorizing Suk�n.ittal. to Internal Revenue Service, as explained by Mr. Callahan, be approved. / ���/ Adjourned Regular Meeting -8- 8/25/77 Assistant P�lanager Callahan rec�nnended that the Custodial Agreement with Great Western Savings and Loan Association be deferred to the next regular meeting. Agreed. (2) Purchase of Sewer Inspection and Sealing Equipmsnt. Approve Purchase of Ctiies Unit. RESOLL]'I'ION NO. 2084, Approving Purchase of Sewer Inspection and Sealing Equipment• G. Eppler stated that following negotiations with C�es, Inc. , Mr. G. White and with our Consultant Resources Engineering Management, C�ies has come up with a new figure for the purchase price of eqt.ti�nt. They reduced the bid price by $4,240. Cost naw to the District is $50,858, plus $3,051.48 tax vs original figure of $58,149.48, with delivery in 30 days, and in the event delivery is not made within 30 days, Cues will furnish equipment until oursarrive, no charge, and will provide training needed to operate the equipment. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2084 be approved. (3) VEHICLES: One with 4-wheel drive and trade in for each. Director Cocking moved, seconded by �irector Kashuba, unanimously carried, specifications be approved and authorize for proposals for One Truck - Utility Body; 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck and 3/4 Ton Van Truck. (Bid Opening 9/15/77) Vehicles ordered will be 1978 models. WORKSHOP SESSIONS: FACILITIES PL�NNING PROGRAM. Set date for first workshop on Thursday 9/22/77. Manager Cofer stated that art of our Facilities Planning Program is a public involvement into the planning processes; we propose two public workshop sessions and one hearing on the draft reports. We would have Bob Jones, the Environmental Consultant, Russell L. Culp - �gineering Consultant, who would report on three items : (1) Planning objectives of which they are operating under, and we would like to get public c�nt to see if the public agrees with our objectives, or if they are not extensive enough; and (2) they would like to make a presentation on the population projections they are using in the planning and we would like to receive public co�nt on this; and (3) Russell L. Culp would like to show alternatives that he is considering in the engineering evaluation and Manager Cofer stated he was certain there wr�uld be other concepts suggested by the public. This is a very �mportant �rkshop session, and it is early in the planning program. Manager Cofer also stated in order to get the type of public participation that we really need, � need assistance of an expert that has put together workshops to get notices out, and knows haw to contact the people to have them present for the workshops, and he proposed Larry B�tan of Don Owen & Associates be considered. Larry Buxton has submitted a proposal to us. Manager Cofer also stated to get over a conflict of interest, he used to work for pon Owwen Associates, and the District has had no work done by this Firm in the ten months he has been Manager for the District, and he has no interest in that firm or the contract. Larry Buxton is a very qualified person and he has worked with Bob Jones, and Mr. Jones had recorru�nded that someone like Larry Buxton be hired to do this work. Mr. Buxton's proposal to conduct the two public �rkshops will be a cost of not to exceed $1,540, and he would also do all the leg work and set up for the public hearings at a cost not to exceed $770. Both of these items would include Mr. Buxton putting a report together of the workshop and hearings as to the cca�n�ents received and discussions held; he would also prepare newsletters that would be a stm�unary of the workshop and hearing, and included in that D'�anager Cofer asked Mr. Buxton to include $2,000 for consultation by Don Owen, this w�uld be consultation at the request of the Board on strategy - Don Ow�n is a registered lobbyist in the State of California and has extensive e�erience in Sacramento. 'I'he total proposal would not exceed $4,460 and P�Ianager Cofer rec�nded this. In reply to Director Kashuba's question, Manager Cofer stated that EPA has almost made it mandatory that we involve the public in our planning efforts and if you do not conduct a public hearing, and have a reasonable turnout, and shaw that there was dialogue in themeeting, that will influence F�A, and any decision they make on approving the project. He also stated this could perhaps be a grant -project, but is not recommending we do this. /i>>z- Adjourned R��g�ular T�leeting -9- 8/25/77 Director Kashuba moved that � auth�rize the Workshop Proc�ram and accept the proposal from Don Owen Associates to conduct the workshops and hearinc� on the Facilities Planning Program� seconded by Directox Cockinga and set same for September 22nd, 1977, 7:30 P.r4. Unanimously carried. Set Tax Rate 1977-78 Fiscal Year - (a) District wide rate: Approve ORDINANCE NO. 270, An Ordinance of the STPUD, Stating the Pux�ase for Wh�ch. Taxes are Necessary, Fixing the Amount of P��oney Necessary to be Rai.sed by Tax�tion, Fixing the Rate of Taxes, 1977-7$ Fiscal year.. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unaninlously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 270 be approved. Manager Cofer stated we cannot increase the tax rate and this is what has caused all of our increased operating costs to go on sewer ser�rice charges and that is why we have the alleged 6Oo increase in sewer service charges, not a 60o increase in budget. We have an 180 overall increase this year, which is high, because we are frozen at the $1.14/$1QO.Q0. xate. (b) Unpaid Service Charges. Approve RESOLUTION NO. 2085, A Resolution Ad.ding to and Making a Part of the Annual Assessment Isv�ed Upon the Land Whi.ch Sewer Service and/or Street Lighting Was Used and Charges Therefore Unpaid at the Tim� of Fixing the Rate of Taxes 1977-78 Fiscal Year. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2085 be adopted. (c) �.�nd Transfer - Approve RE50LUTION NO. 2086, A Resolution Ordering Transfer fr�n U-1 Connection and Charge Ftiind to U-1 Bond Interest and Reclemption Fund, and (d) U-1 T� Rate - Approve ORDINANCE NO. 271, An Ordinance for Improvement District No U-1 of the STPUD Estimating the Miniirnam Amount of Money to be Raised by T�ation for said District and Fixing the Rate of Taxes, 1977-78 Fiscal Year. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unan.iznously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2086 be approved. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, ORDINANCE NO. 271 be approved. Johnson Blvd. Interceptor Sewer �tension - Ra.t�fy Addendtnn (a) Extend tarie for receipt of Proposal to 9/12/77 and Assistant P�4anager Callahan stated regarding (b) Purchase of 30Q feet of 18 inch pipe - we ordered 481 feet of 18 inch pipe because the price is substantially reduced by ordering this amount, for a total of $3,122.OQ ($6.49/ft and if we ordered 300 feet it would be $8.22/ft.) therefore, v,� axe asking for approval of 481 feet of 18 inch pipe be purchased- Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director CoCking that w�e extend the time for receipt of Proposals re Johnson Blvd. Interceptor Sewer �tension 'co Septemi�er 12, 1977, and that c� purchase 481 feet of 18 inch pipe as explained by Assistant Manager Callahan. Unanimously carried. "WILL SERVE" Request - Recfizest of Grand Auto Retail Store for water meter - 2" meter. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Cocking, this Will Serve request for a 2" water meter, as rec�nded by Manager Cofer be approved. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $209,422.64 be approved for payment, as rec�nded by Assistant Manager Callahan. ADJOUF�'NT: 10:40 P.M. - Next Regular P�eeting�f the Board 9/1/77 at 8:00 P.t-7. � > � �,� . � l � r� ��- _ Edward E. Hegarty, esid ✓ t South Tahoe Public`Util`, y District A'1'I`EST: ) L j /� // C er of Board & Ex-O ficio Secret South Tahoe Public Utility District **** / %: .5 RE(�7'LAR NIEETING OF 'I'f-� EOARD OF DIREC�I'ORS OF THE SOU'1�I TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICI' September l, 1977 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 9/1/77, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Ro�n. RpI,Z, CALL: Present were E. E. Hegarty, Presi.dent, L.L. Kashuba, F.J. Cocking, R.W. Fesler - Directors, Attorney J.C.Weic�nan, P•7anager J.R.Cofer, Assistant Manager D.W. Callahan, Clerk of Board, G. Eppler, J.Bonnet, W. Dunckhorst, V. Thompson, D.Huber, L.SYnith, J.rady, M. Kobernus. ABSENT: Director R. A. Fieldcamp. MINUI`ES: Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, minutes of the Adjourned Meeting of 8/25/77 be deferred to the next regular meeting of the Board since the Directors have not had the opportunity to read same. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by 1�7anager J.R. Cofer: ���RT�d PLANr.P r�IODIFICATIONS: - The Consultant Review Panel will be at Tahoe on the 12th and 13th of this month to review and inspect the progress on implementation of the interim plant �ifiCations. Consultant R.L.C�lp will participate in the Panel's Review. We hope to be ad�ised by the Panel of its assessment of our progress and suggestions for the ccgnpletion of the interim works to improve the plant perfonnance so the District will be in compliance with discharge standards. FACILITIES PLA�.'�7NING PROGRAM: -'I'he District's Consultants are proceeding With the engineering and en�iroru�ntal assessment of modifications and/or expansion of the Treatment Facilities. A workshop is scheduled. on 9/22/77 to receive public c�unent on the Planni.ng Objectives, Population Projections to be utilized in the studies, and alternative concepts to be considered. (7:30 PM-) . The District has received proposals for assistance �n the development of a Revenu� Program fran the follaaing Consultants: l. Bartle Wells, Associates of San Francisco, California. 2. Lee Engineer�ng Corporation, Sunnyvale, California. 3. Brawn and Caldwell/Dodson and Young, Walnut Creek, California. 4. Harrison, Lee and Kong, Inc. , San Jose, California The staff requests that the Board set a time of interview of the Financial Consultants. (Same scheduled for 9/14/77, 3:00 P.M.) JOHI�TSON BLUD. SEWER EXTENSION: - Bids will be opened on 9/12/77 for the construction of the Johnson Blvd Sewer Extension Project. The District has requested and received proposals for construction inspection and contract supervision fran: l. William F. Pillsbury, Inc. S�uth Lake Tahoe, California 2. Creegan and D'Angelo Zephyr Cove, Nevada We have tentatively sch�duled interviews for Friday, September 9, 1977 - Pillsbury at 3:00 P.M. , and Creegan & D'Angelo at 3:30 P.M. 'I'he staff requests that the Board confirm interview schedule." P,lanager Cofer also stated that CarbarundLun plans to have a Board Tour of facilities on Friday, September 9, 1977 at 4:00 P.M. Discussion was held regarding the dates for interviews for the Revenue Program, and it was agreed by the Board that same would be held on 9/14/77, 3:00 P.M. In answer to Director Kashuba's question, N7anager Cofer stated he will talk with the gentl�nen regarding the Facilities Planning Program to set up a date to meet with the Public Information Ccxrm�ittee and/or Board to give a report on same. (Tentatively set for 9/21/77) . Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, tJ'ie rZanager's Report be accepted as presented. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C.Weic�ian stated that the EDA Grant review has been done in Seattle and we have a rec�unendation for a grant award - the grant is to be transmi-tted to Washington, D.C. t��'�'^' and letsa�ran laward possible we can meet our time schedule of 9/12/77, that is, g g at least leaving Washington, D.C. by the 12th of Septerr�ber; that is the report he received from Seattle, Washington. �GI�`' `f -2- 9/1/77 Regular Meeting Attorney Weic�nan also mentioned that this morning Jack Jensen's Office in Redding received the final information which they needed to canplete the bid addendums so the Bidders will knc�w the Special Conditions which they have to meet; the last thing they needed was the Davis/Bacon Federal Wage Scale, which he felt was the sanle as the California Prevailing Wage Scale, but we have to be sure we meet the Federal R�uirements. The addendum officially went out today for Septen�r 12th. ('I'he Grant is in the amount of $310,000) . Today, Nir. Weidman received a call frcgn the City Attorney, as did Manager Cofer, and he asked P�Ir. Weidman if he had any objection, or if he felt the Board has any objection, to the City filing an appeal to the Lahontan ruling of August llth, which denies the City credit for sewer units where there were destructions of existing buildings that had more sewer units then the new buildings that were going to be constructed. Mr'. Weichnan told the City Attorney he did not have any objection to that, and he would mention this to the Board. If this Board cli-d not voice an objection, he would so advise the City Attorney. 'I'he Board members stated they had no objections. Mr. Weidma.n also stated that prior to the meeting with A7-Pine County Board of Supervisors he is going to go over to meet with their District Attorney to review all contractual documeizts, and expla�n his interpretation of the documents, since he drafted all except the Davis-Grunsky contract, so their legal counsel and he will be in agreement of what these contracts mean. p�ir, Weidman, mentioned that he attended a meet�ng of Lawyer`s in Oakland yesterday. 'I'hese are lawyers that are primarilly interested �n securing sewer service and right to build for over 10,000 single family lots, and he had the opportunity to e�plain to them the District's position that we have regarding Lahontan, CZ'RPA, and regarding the philosophy that we intend to serve all the lots, and we intend to get into Compli:ance and remove a11 of the Lahontan restriction, and if there is any arbitrariness in the matter of Lahontan's determination of that should we be in compliance, that we intend to purse the matter on appeal to the court. He stated he believes that he conveyed to the lawyers present the situation is temporarY as far as this District is concerned and the lawyers will be watching to see what develops here with Lahontan and our facilities planning, and their real target may be a Regional Utility, not the District. They are attempting to get the lot owners organized to represent the property rights on the Basin. Also, Mr. Weic�hnan stated that our Special Counsel on the Export Pipeline desires to meet with Mr• [nleidman, Manager Cofer, and as many members of the Board as possible tcxnorraw afternoon to review the progress in the preparation of filing the action against those persons responsible for our export pipeline problems, t�n1e schedules, costs, etc. Will meet at Mr. l�..ist's office at Sacr�nento tamorraw at 3:00 P.M. WORKSHOP SESSIONS: 'Itao workshops were held on August 29, 1977 to set Agenda Items for this meeting; and this afternoon (9/1/77) to discuss District Programs and to meet with the Custaner Service and Inspection E�nployees to discuss their programs, and also discussed the Waste Discharge Standards, which is listed on tonight's agenda, Item #3. COP�'IN�27.'EE RF�ORTS: (1) Research and Conservation: Met Tuesday 8/31/77-discussed Wastewater Discharge Requirements. (2) Water Utility . No report. (3) Plant Operations. Director Fieldcamp abset; no meeting/no report. (4) Finance and Insurance: Director Fesler stated this Ccx�unittee did meet to discuss deferred canpensation, which is an the agenda this evening. (,) Public Information: No meeting/no report. SHOP STEWAFtD'S REPORT: None present. j��S� Regular Meeting -3- 9/1/77 Report by Program P9anagers: (1) V��R SUPPLY, as presented by W. Dunckhorst: "Arrangements are naw under way to clean out the sludge that has accLunulated over the years in the upper reservoir. This work is being planned for early fall. At my request, the US Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, has sent me a written program of how to plan revegetation of the large erosion area on the side of the upper reservoir. The Water Department is undertaking a program of clean-up, insulating, painting, etc. both inside and out of all the water p�p stations. TYLis work is be3.ng done by CETA employees and scheduled for corlpletion in early winter. All water supply stations are in good working operation and ready for the anticipated big weekend. An ample supply of water is still flowing in Cold Creek, all wells are functioning satisfactorily. The only problem that might arise is the demand for water in the Globin system, which could lo�r Harrah's reservoir faster than it could be replenished. If this should happen, the orders are to shut down the standby engine whereby l�o�th pturtps at the filtration plant can be utilized. This must be done to try to have sufficient water in the reservoir in case of fire or other emergency." Mr. Dunckhorst also presented the following Water Production report for August; Water Production - Globin System MG - August 1977 1976 1977 o Change Well Production 32.8 51.8 +57.9 Cold Creek Diversion 47.6 54.1 +31.7 Totals 80.4 105.9 +31.7 Calendar Year to Date: Well Production 256.7 196.3 -23.5 Cold Creek Diversion 329.9 319.0 - 3.3 Totals 586.6 515.3 -12.2 Water Production - Hoffrnan System, 1977: February 7.2 r�arch 17.1 April 34.6 May 37.0 June 52.1 July 58.8 August 65.6" Operations Manager: As presented by J. Bonnet: "A� this time I dan't have much to report. The plant is still in pretty goocl shape, although on P•Zonday of this week I found sonle filimentous organisms under the microscope. I ir�iediately increased the chlorine dose to 10 PPM, we had been using 6 PPP�I. On P7ednesday, I increased the dose to 14 PPP� to the plant influent. We are making every effort to control this growth with the use of chlorine, but if there are no signs of ir�rovement by Friday, we will have to use the peroxide. If we use too much chlorine we will kill the organisms that are beneficial to us. Our COD concentration has been down and we don't want to lose it. Our average COD for the last ten days is 16.6 mg/l, the average COD for August is about 24 mg/l, average pH is 7.1 and Indian Creek Anmtonia is still belaw 2.0." Manager of Maintenance Division Report: As presented by G. Eppler: "The following percentages have increased in the plant modifications: The separation of waste activated sludge aizd lime sludge has been completed. The mixed liquor D.O. system is now canplete. The floating aerator for #�2 pond is naw 85o ccxnplete. 'I'he #3 water modifications have increased 750 on maintenance and 40% on electrical. The flaw equalization system is now 95% ccunplete on maintenance and 600 on electrical. The installation of the chlorine evaporator is naa 75% complete, and the soditun hydroxide system is 15% under way. 'I'he RAS #1 and �2 metering syste.zn.s are scheduled for installation the week of Se�tember 12th due to the cami.ng Holidays. These two systems will require the shutdown of the secondary clarifiers and the installation will be done on graveyard shift due to the lower fla�s on that shift." Mr. G. Eppler stated that he would also like approval for the purchase of one piece of equipment - Diagnostic Engine Performance Tester for $3,824.00 for electronic tuning of vellicles. Manager Cofer stated he would reconunended this purchase. President Hegarty moved this to Item #4 for Board Action. ���;� Regular Meeting -4- September l, 1977 Finance Officer's Report: As presented by D.W. Callahan: "Attached is Financial Report of the Water Depart�ient for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1977. The report has been prepared by Ann Long." Mr. Callahan and the Board discussed this report in detail. (1) Deferred Co�nsation: - Approve RESOLUTION NO. 2087, A Resolution Authorizing F�ecution of Custodial Agreement with Great Western Savings and Loan Association. Follawing discussion and explanation of the Deferred Compensation Plan, Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2087 be approved as recomnended by Assistant P�lanager Callahan. On September 13th the representatives will be here to explain the plan to all interested employees. (4:00 P.P�. , District Conference Room) • (2) Fallen Leaf Lake- Assessment District No. 1971-1 (a) Sale of Bonds. Approve RESOLUTION NO. 2088, A Resolution Providing for Issuance of Bonds - First Sale $150,000.00. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 2088 be approved. (Roll Call Votes - Unanimous) . (b) Pa�nnent of Assessment• Approve Procedure for Payment of Assessment until P�larch l, 1978 (This provides that for those property ov�mers who pay at least l�o of their assessment, prior to 10/7/77, which is the final payment date, they shall have the right to pay any portion of the remainder of their assessment prior to March l, 1978. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried. (3) P�aintenance Projects - Waste Discharge Requirements. Advise Staff on District Position. P�lanager Cofer stated that we received a copy of the Waste Discharge Requirements and requested Lahontan to remove this item from the agenda at their last meet�-ng, which they did, and it has now been rescheduled for the meeting at Bishop on SeptP.mber 8th, and it is not shown as a consent item, and we have been attempting to prepare a reply; the Board has discussed this in a Workshop Session. P�nager Cofer did prepare a draft and read same to the Board of Directors in which he has requested Lahontan take no action on these requirements at this time and gave reasons for the request. President Hegarty directed r9anager Cofer to make that presentation at the Lahontan P�leeting on September 8th, 1977 at Bishop, California. (4) Purchase of Diagnostic Engine Performance Tester at the price of $3,824.00 as recomnended by P�anager Cofer, which is a budgeted item. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. Manager Cofer also mentioned that P�1r. Rust, Pipeline E�ert, who is doing a job for the District would like to have us meet with him tomorrow at 3:00 P.M. at his office in Sacran�ento. WILL SERVE REQUEST: Dr. FrY and Dr. Watson Office Building on second street (23 393 03) for water service - 1" nleter. Manager Cofer and Assistant Manager Callahan recoirunended this letter be issued. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried. PAYI��]`I' OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, cla�ms as recon�mzended by D.W. Callahan be approved. for payment in the amount of $101,421.70. AATOURL�TTNIQ�7rI': 10:10 P.M. � � � __ R �/ '`, � Edward E. egart , P�esi nt South Tahoe Public�'Util'ty District A'ITEST: � �/� � � 1C�f� �,v_���' �L�-'1�/ Clerk of Board - South Tahoe Public Utility District ***** gegular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District September 15, 1977 The Board of Directors of the South Tah�n����ty District met in a regular session 9/15/77 at 8:00 P.M. , District F.J. Cocking RpI,I, (�ATT; Present were President E.E. Hegart��Yr�R rC fe , Assistant Manager. and L.L. Kashuba; General P�Ianager/District E�g ler, W. Dunckhorst, J. D.W. Callahan, Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C.Weidman, G. EpP orter, J. Grady, L. 5mith, B. Nishisaki-Tribune Rep Bonnet, Paul De�on� and M�rsrnFlYnn. G. Elmore, H. Duarte p,gg�: Director R. Fieldcamp. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, �LINUTES. roved as su}�n-itted. Director Fesler moved, seconded by minutes of 8/25/77 be aPP roved as submitted. Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, mi.nutes of 9/1/77 be aPP RECOGNITION OF' VISITORS: President Hegarty welc�d all to the meet�-ng tha-S evening and T�Irs. Flynn stated she did wish to make a c�nt to the Board, but requeste to be heard later in the Agenda. p earing is being held on the President Hegarty also mentioned that a Public Worksho /H re ardin.g alternatives 22nd of September at 7:30 P.M. , District Conference Roam� g for �mprovenlent of wastewater treatment system, and extended an invitation to all present to attend- MANAGER'S �RFF�ORT• As presented by Manager J.R. Cofer: R - CONSULTANT PANEL: - 'I�e �°nsultant Panel on the Wastewater Re�lamat�-on tember 12th and 13th to review the progress being made Plant In�roVe�nents met on Sep ct a report from �e panel next on implementing inter�m Plant n�oclifications. We e�e week. 'The Panel stated that after ccgnpletion of the modifications an effeCtive capacity of the plant could be detern�ined. The Panel identified�aldd Pan lawillfineet tion needed to assist the Panel in determining plant capacity. again on November 14th to 16th to make its assessment of the plant capacity. _ pn �pte�r 14th, our Chief Chemist Chester Auckly DISTRICI' LABORA`I'O�= raduate studies and his f inal su}a�nitted his resignation. He plans to continue his g working date will be September 28� 19��• We `"nsh r'ir. Auckly much success in his studies. and�g requirements to perform special testing With the continued and exp lant capacity and evaluate alternative and water quality analysis to determine the p treatment concepts we are finding the need for additional help in the District's 1�bOratoY.y, We are soliciting applicants for the District's Chief Chemist position and will attempt to fill the L� sition as soon as possible. It is my opinion that we wi-ll-alI r�eSan�a l�e ��,d1oftD ect�orsaadd technician to meet the District's needs 10 nt of one additional full time to the agenda items for consideration the emP Y� laboratory technician. ublic workshop at 7:30 P.M• pUBLIC WORKSH�P: - '1'he DistriCu Selof°theaw rkshop is to discuss the on 'I'hursday, SepteaYiber 22, 1977. 'The p � rfonn�nce on both the interim District's programs to improve the plant treatrnent L�e lic ran e basis. Vv'e will review the interim plant modi-fications and ask for pub and long g ob'ectives, alternative treatment and disposal concepts; c�ients on the: planning J ram. ��le and population projections to be considered in the Facilities Pl�ing Pa°gisions on urge interested citizens to at�deW��i1OT ea°tr�anaandsDisposallin�thegSouth Tahoe h� best to solve problems of Area." Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unan�mously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS: 9����� District Programs on T�1ai.ntenance Projects 1' Waste Discharge Standards. 2. 9�9��� Intervi.ew Consultants for Construction Inspection. 3. 9/12/77 Bid Opening Johnson Blvd. Sewer Project. 4. 9/13/77 Agenda Items/Panel of Consultants Review 5, 9/14/77 Tnterview Financial Consultants 6, 9/15/77 Executive Session Litigation and also met with p,lpine County Board of Supervisors. /j;5 �' Regular Meeting -2- 9/15/77 COPM�TTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Conservation: President Hegarty stated that he and Director Kashuba met on 9/8/77 to discuss allocation system, and soir� of the problems that have cane up during the last 3-4 months. He requested a meeting with D. W. Callahan and J. R. Cofer to go over what the District has done, and to also meet with the Comnittee of the Gity to coordinate where we are with the allocation program. (Scheduled for 9/19/77, Noon, District Office) . This C�unittee will meet with the Co�nittee of the City at a later date. (2) Water Utility. No report. (3) Plant Operations. No Report - Director Fieldcamp absent. (4) Finance/Insurance - Director Fesler stated that D.W. Callahan suggested w� get together to have a meeting regarding investment of District Ftiuzds. (5) Public Information: - Director Kashuba stated there was no Conanittee meeting but she did attend the City Council Meeting along with Mr. Callahan and Mr. Cofer and there was a great deal of discussian on the allocation of the se�r system; she stated she did speak with the Council and sta.ted that she felt it was a good idea to have a Joint Meeting with the City so some of our problems can be ironed out together, and they agreed to this and set a meeting for the 3rd of October, P�Ionday evening at 7:30 P.M. , District Conference RocAn. Shop Steward's Report: None present. REPORTS BY PROGRAM P�IANAGERS AS FOLTAWS: (Report fran Manager of Water Suppl.y System - W. Dunckhorst) : "Z'he two recent ��-day holidays were ccanpleted with no major problems. All ptunp stations functioned realy well, all storage facilities remained at good capacity and records show that we pLunped close to 1 mg more on this 3-day I�abor Day holiday than over last year 3-day holiday. We had a broken mai.n on the high pressure 8y' line in Montgcgriery Estates #7, on Sunday September 4th. The break was secured in about 3 hours frcfln the tim� we were notified. Montg�ry #7 water was shut down for about half of an hour to enable us to put on a clamp." (Report from Manager of Operations - J. Bonnet) : " Since the last meeting we have had two 3-day weekends. I am very happy to report that we came through both weekends very well. For the Z�bor Day weekend our flows a�eraged 4.1 mgd and our COD average was 13.7 mg/l. The peak flow was 7.2 mg, which was continuous for 5 or 6 hours. The Secondary System shawed no signs of bulking. For the �Lission Day weekend, the average flaw was 3.5 mgd, considerably less than T expected. The average COD was 11.5 and the peak flaw was 6.0 mg/ We hav�e been successful in controlli.ng the filimentous with chlorine and I aQn confident that we can continue to do so. I have cancelled about 16 dnu�is of peroxide, but I will keep same on h.and just in case w� get into trouble when we make the connections for the magnetic flaw meters and the flow equalization. These connections will require eithex c�nplete shut- daNm or partial shut-down of scane equipment. Our average COD for this month is 13,0 mg/l; average pH is 7.4; ammonia at Indian Creek is still about 2.Q." Manager - Maintenance Division by Gene Eppler: "The cleaning of Indian Creek Reservoir is naw approximately 85o complete. On the plant modifications, the follawing items have once again increased in percentage tawards ccanpletion. 'I'he chlorine evaporator is naw 80% ccanplete; the V800 Q,2 Chlorinator is 80o canplete; the flaw equalization system remains 900 on maintenance, and increased to 700 on electrical. The #3 water syst�n remains 75o ma.intenance, and increased 50o for electrical. The soditun hydroxide system 25% complete. i In addition to the plant modification we had two emergency situations in the tertiary building this week. First was an electrical fire on NZonday morning with no serious damage, although the Fire Departrnent and our crews continued looking for possible hot spots for approximately 4 hours. None found. The second problem was a 10" tee on the filter bed effluent line broke in the basement of Tertiary. This required shut-down of Tertiary for our maintenance cr�vs to make necessary repairs. 'I'hese repairs were canpleted in four hours." Regular b7eeting -3- �;isj�� '�� ' Finance Officer's Report (9/15/77 - As presented by Assistant Manager D.W. Callahan) : Meters - Water Departsnent - Single F�ni.ly Dwelling Units: I�mainder Size Rate Number No Excess Use Average �Je 5/8 $ 72.00 14 3 $ 88.00 $ 73.24 - 109.72 3/4 95.00 15 1 128.38 96.83 - 291.89 1 130.00 6 2 205.12 139.05 - 286.22 Also, 24 broken meters and 4 already changed to flat rate. The charge for 35 meters was $ 4,158.84 If charged flat rate of $78.00 then 2,730.00 Difference $1,428.84 If the 24 broken meter accounts are changed to flat rate then revenues would increase as follaws: 22 change fr�n $72.00 to $78.00 6 x 22 = $132.00 2 change fr�n $95.00 to $78.00 2 X l� - 34.00 Increase = $ 98.00 Mrs. Flynn, visitor, stated she would like to address the Board regarding water metering. She stated she feels water metering is a valid way to assess the sewer charge. (She resides in Al Tahoe part of the t�me, and in San Francisco the other part of the time) . She stated she would prefer to be on a meter as she uses her hame here about 3 months or 4 months at the most during the year, and she should pay her seeaer charge for when she uses the water. She stated she is not here only speaking for herself but for her neighbor, who has a one-bedrocxn cabin, kitchen, toilet and shawer, and they use their hane here June, July, August and part of September, but he, too, is assessed the same amount as those that live here the year around. She stated she felt some consideration should be given to part time residents, as they do pay full taxes just as anyone else does; they dan't use the schools, or the buses, etc. , and she felt that the part time residents feel the District is being discriminatory against them, for using a facility three months and paying for 3 months. r�rs. Flynn stated she loves Lake Tahoe; she intends to live here the 12 months of the year, and intends to become a voter here, and when she does she will still feel that someone that lives here only 3/4 months of the year should be given some consideration on their water/sewer charges and a reduction given. She further stated that she has had an increase of 267o in 2 years and this is quite a lot for an increase in charges . Mrs. Flynn further stated she called this District to inquire of costs for a motel for one kitcher� and sleeping room and one bathroom, and she was told the charge was $24 . 60 , and she bought a piece of property last year that has one bathroom and one kitchen and 2 bedrooms , and she pays $79 . 80 . Mr. D.W. Callahan stated a motel with a kitchen unit pays $48 . 80 and he was sorry that someone gave her the wrong information; D2r. Callahan also stated the criteria for this charge is whether it is considered a duplex, or a motel unit, and if it is classified as a duplex then the charge would be $79 . 80 . Manager Cofer stated that on our agenda this evenirig is consideration to hire a financial consultant, as part of our facilities planningewer program. It will be a requirement of that study to come up with ^ service charges based on amount of use and this is being required anywhere where one gets grant funds to expand the treatment facilities. However, a very common practice is to have a right-of- service charge; we have to maintain the same number of operators at the plant whether or not the part time residents are here using their facilities or not; we have to expand the plant because we are reserv- ing capacity for homes at any time of the day , any day of the year, and even the rate structures that they might develop as part of the revenue program, they probably will come up with a minimum right-of-service charge, and if the part time residents do not use their facility at all, they will still have to pay the minimum. We have to maintain fixed costs on the water, which are quite high. We will have some type af a new financing program sometime in January. It would cost /%�c� Regular Meeting -4- 9/15/77 approximately three million dollars to install water meters and We do not have the money, Manager Cofer stated. President Hegarty asked P�Irs. Flynn if they reduce her water bill in San Francisco when she is gone; she stated when they are not there, the charge is not as high since no one uses the facilities. President Hegarty asked if there was a minimum charge whether she was there or not and she stated that her bill (water and sewer canbined) is $10.00 for 2 months use. P�anager Cofer stated also that we should remember San Francisco has pr��asy treatinent that d�unps into the bay, and we have tertiary treatrnent that pLunps over a mountain to a recreation reservoir, and our costs are much higher. President Hegarty stated, too, that the property she has here would not be worth much if we did not have this expensive sewer syst�n, because no one would be allawed to cane here. Mrs. Flynn stated her reason for appearing this evening was to let the Board know she does believe in water meters, and people would be more cautious of using the facilites(water) ; she thanked the Board for their time and Manager Cofer thanked Mrs. Flynn for appear- ing and expressing her point of view. CORRESPOI�TDII�CE: (1) Leag.ze to Save Lake Tahoe - Pti.nutes of Adjourned Meeting of 8/15/77. (2) Letter from D9s. Sari Sca�unerstrcgn - Minutes of 8/15/77. (3) South Lal�e Tahoe Visitors Bureau (4) Mr. James M. Grady - Sewer capacity and regulated grawth policy. President Hegarty stated that due to the fact those that wrote the letters are not here this evening, he would prefer to table same until they are present at one of our meetings. Director Kashuba asked if we invited those that wrote the letters to come to our meeting to express themselves. Manager Cofer stated he is not certain if Mr. Bruener of the Leagae to Sa�e Lake Tahoe was, though he is aware it would be on the agenda, and r�s. S�nnerstrcan indicated she would be out of tawn, and could not attend, but she did ask to be placed on the agenda, and South Lake Tahoe Visitors Bureau was not asked to appear as he felt the Board could take action on that letter without a representative here. Director Kashuba stated that the letter fr�n the League to Save Lake Tahoe, and the letter frcxn Ms. S�unerstrcgn concerns the minutes of an adjourned meeting and asked that the minutes contain the letters in full for this meeting, with a note to those people who wrote the letters asking if they would like to c�ne to speak to us, and we would be glad to hear their car�anents and she does not feel any action is necessary. (Letters are as follows:)-- "September 6, 1977 Fran League to Save Lake Tahoe "Mr. Ed Hegarty, President, From: James W. Bruner, Jr. Board of Directors Executive Director South Tahoe Public Utility District, P.O. Box AU, With Copies to: John Weidman, Mark Davis South Lake Tahoe, Ca 95705 and John Bryson. . . . RE: Minutes of the Adjourned Nleeting August 15, 1977 Dear Ed: The Lea��;�takes great exception to misstatesnents of fact, hearsay AND Attorney Weic�man's conclusions based upon the same represented to the South Tahoe Public Utility District at the August 15th meeting concerning a Tahoe City Public Utility District matter related to drought relief and the League's involvement therein. The enclosed correspondence between the League, the Economic Development Administration, and the Tahoe City PUD should set the record straight regarding any League involvement in such applications. With respect to Attorney Weidm�z's theories concerning persons sensitive to environmental matters while working for federal governmental agencies, we would consider such theories and conclusions not only lacking in fact but inappropriate for inclusion in your minutes. To lead people to believe that such federally employed persons possess a conflict of interest is simply an aberration. With regard to the requir�nents of Federal law, more sx�ecifically the National Environmental Policy Act, and those guidelines impletnenting the Act, the League will continue to seek ccgnpliance and a free flaw oi: in�orma.tion concerning applications for federal assistance in the Tahoe Basin. With respect to full disclosure of the anticipated impacts of proposed projects, the League believes that all the public's business should be conducted publicly. We trust you would agree. We hereby request that all carunents by Attorney Weidman concerning the League's �nvolvement, or my involvement on behalf of the League, in the Tahoe City PUD drought relief matter be stricken frcan the minutes of the August 15th meeting. Please notify the League of corrections made to the above referenced minutes." Regular Meeting -5- 9/l�/ � i � � LL , Letter from Sari Sommarstrom: Dated 9/9/77 to P�Ir. J.C.Weidman, as follows: ���ear Mr. Weic�nan: st 15 STPUD boarcl meeting, I was While reviewing the minu�es of the Au e of tryi-�g to kill the '1'Q.'UD very distrubed to see your rer��rks accusing application to IDA for financial assistance. �Suchalublicsaccusatio Board, you should first check your facts before making P The facts are as follc7ws: ional Environ- (1) I did not call EDA's Office in Oakland. Their "Reg mentalist" (this is the person's job title, not his philosophical ben�s onithe the CI'RPA office in inquire about Agency approvals of the four Pr�J 1 stud application. His call was referred to me, as I am doing a waterovalpof the y for CTRPA. I only told him which projects had received the app Governing Board: WAD #7- Lake Intake and the Rubicon Intertie. The other two projects, the Dollar Point-Tahoe City cross-connect, and the Rubicon System Impravements had not yet beexil�efore the Board•ou can see, no recommendations were (2) My letter to IDA is enclosed. As Y made regarding any of the projects. It was merely a cover leeS�for forwarding the CTRPA ccxrunents on the Draft EIR which the EDA office requ I resent your unfounded accusation and demand that you retract your state�nent publicly before the STPUD Board. Sincerely yours, s/Sari Scximzaz'str'�n cc: Board of Directors - STPUD Manager Cofer" From Sari Scarunaz'stran to N�'k D�vis of Econanic Development Ac�n• 1515 Clay St. , Suite 600, Oakland, Ca. 94612, as follows: ���ear Mr. Davis: ou a copy of the As per your request of August 4th, we are fozwarding y Agency's recent conments on the Draft EIR - �ase�el freetto call� �provements. If you need any further inforn�t�on, p 5incerely, s/Sari S�rs�'�• PhD. Consultant" Attorney �Veiclman stated he would li�.ts�S�r��� r lat�ed�. oestat�nentSf �e League to Save Lake Tahoe and frcanst 15, 1977 meeting• P'1r• Wei�an read into the that he allegedly made at the Augu record his following cca�unents: was based upon ��My infornlation in the report at the August 15, 1977 meeting information furnished to me by 977Br�r'B�eg advisedeme�that as ofJuly 2g�lity District (TCPUD) on Au9ust 11, favorabl. received 1977, the TCPUD Drought Grant - loan applications were being Y by EDA. P�Ir• Briner advised me that he called the �A �i cat11 onsllr�'• Br erand on August 10, 1977 regarding the status of the 'I'CPU� aPP advised me that the EDA environmexltalist told him as a result o�ere were con�flicts CTRPA and conversations with Dr. Sc��'st�'c� and James B��� lications under raised which EDA could��notBYenerVadvised metfurther that�the EDA environmexitalist IDA Drought funding. told him as a result of these conversations with Dr. S�marstrom and James Bruner, the conflicts which were raised and couldn't be resolved involved secondary impact of grawth and water rights. My recollection further is that Mr• Briner told me thec DAoenvat�e talist �n Oakland advised Mr• Briner that he would block TCPUD aPP Seattle Regional Office level of �is�isdnotheasubsptance of whatethe minutes Office EDA position overruled. of August 15, 1977 shav about the internal EDA action, it is the substance of what I thought I said and intended to say. Th.e minutes of August 15th reflect that James Bruner and Sari Sommarstz'om called the EDA environmentaaiand inten.ded to ay wasStherelwere conversataons say that. What I thought I sai ��e� the gDA environmentalist and Dr. Sca�unarstrom and P�Ir. Bruner without stat�ng which party instituted the conversations. I�Zy report was based on Mr. Briner's information given to me. I was reporting this inforn�ata-on to the Board. If this information was incorrect to that extent my report to the Board on August 15, 1977 was incorrect. For the record, I am the attorney for Tahoe-Truckee San�eta�� rneysyand (TTSA) and one of the five m�nber entities of `ITSe,ian��t is why I was asked managers of 'ITSA and the member entities coope ional by Mr, Briner to give TCPUD a hand when I was in Seattle at the EDA 12eg Office for this District on August 17, 1977." / �J�- ,�� R�cJular Meeting -6- 9/15/77 I�2r. Weidman stated that he thinks the Sierra Club and the �.vironmentally Sensitive Groups, have bound together to try to get their people in the environmental sections of the Federal Government agencies that approve grants and loans, and then through the method of operation as was previously outlined to himself and Manager Cofer these government environmentalists call the appropriate person in the Sierra Club, or within an environmental group, and that person calls or protests a grant of the public entity, such as we have seen happen here in the Ski Run Blvd. Project, and naw are seeing this happening at Tahoe City. Mr. Weidman believes this is a conflict of interest by the Federally employed environmentalists, and scaneone should be proposing a conflict of interest law that covers this situation because scgne of the Federal environmenta.lists cannot judge a project in a fair and unbiased manner, and have a philosophical conflict of interest. It should be the same thing as a financial conflict. Director Kashuba stated Douglas County had exactly the same thing happen to them, their project was approved, they were waiting for a check, and they received a letter back stating they would have to have an EIR, after approvals fran TRPA, and the EYivironmental Protection Services in Nevada, and the League to Save Iake Tahoe and the Sierra Club. Director Kashuba stated that this seems illegal to her." In connection with this statement,"I wish to make the follawing catmlent,"stated Mr. Weidman: "The basis of that statement was the statements made to Mr. Cofer and myself in January this year by Wilber Twining, Cc-Chairn�an of the Sierra Club Lake Tahoe Task Force. Mr. 'I�rining told us that the Sierra Club often gets infoYmation frcgn their contacts within Federal Governmental Agencies, and attempts to stop Federally funded projects in Lake Tahoe until there is a Federal Growth Policy for Lake Tahoe. Specifically, Mr. 'ltaining told us that the FnA environmentalist in Seattle contacted him on the STPUD Johnson Blvd. sewer EDA application and that P�ir. 'It,vining thereafter contacted D2r. Bruner of the League to Save Lake Tahoe and Mr. Lloyd Krause, Lake Tahoe Sierra Club task force co- chainnan, so that opposition cauld be fornialized to the STPUD EDA grant application. Mr. 'Itaining told us that the Sierra Club has a c�Zication network within Federal agencies to get notification of proposed Federally funded Lake Tahoe Projects for Sierra Club opposition pruposes. I feel this Board is interested, and it has been the policy of this Board in getting Federal aid for its worthy projects such as the Johnson Blvd. s�aer extension, and that it is fair co�nent by me as one of your consultants to bring to your attention what I think are problems in getting Federal aid in the Lake Tahoe area." Manager Cofer stated: "From the viewpoint of a Manager who has been affected by sane of the actions indicated in these letters, I think the problem is, we can argue over what was said, and whether or not it was right, or correctly reported, but the fact is sane of the people are conenunicating with Federal agencies regard- ing aur Grant Applications, they have not shcNm the professional courtesy to notify your Manager that they are contacting the Grant Agency and discussing your application. I thi.nk had they done that simple task of notifying us, telling us they were contacting them, telling us what they were saying in their contact, this whole matter would not have been a problem. It doesn't seem too much for us to ask, that if they were going to contact any agency regarding our pending applica- tion that they should shaw the courtesy of notifying your P9anager that at least they are doing that so we might be aware of what's happening on our application, and hopefully these two people will shaw up at one of your follawing meetings and discuss that with you." Director Cocking asked Manager Cofer what ever happened to the Clearing House. �- Manager Cofer stated that on our project that was a very sore point with us, they did not appear at the Clearing House, they made no protest at the State designated Clearinghouses; they chose to go behind our backs in an attempt to shut the project off in the Federal agency; we did not receive copies of their correspondence to their Federal agencies for months, and we were not even aware they had done that until we found our application was stopped; it sec�ns if there is to be a State Clearinghouse - that is its purpose - is to bring everything to one Clearinghouse in an open public forum so you can discuss the issues and make decisions. r /��� Regular Meeting -7- 9/15/77 (3) South La]{e Tahoe Visitors Bureau - Director Fesler stated that he thinks the visitors bureau performs a needed service here, and they are an outstanding organization, but he does not regard the funding frcan a t�-supported entity such as we are wauld be appropriate. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that we send a letter to this Organization, thanking them for their interest, but at this time we decline to participate. (4) J. Grady - His presenta.tion to the Board i.s as follaws, and he did state, haaever, this report was presented to the City Council. and to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors, as well as to this District tonight: Fran James M. Grady PO Box 11375 Tahoe Paradise, Ca. 95705 916 541 7370 "Dear Responsible Citizens and Representatives, I am very concerned that the current situation here at Sauth Lake Tahoe is continuing to deteriorate and remain unsolved in regards �o the ma.tter of sewer capacity and the related suggestion of a regulated grawth policy for this South Lake Tahoe area. It seems that no one agency or board is willing to take the bull by the horns and put forth a reasonable solution. For this reason I am making this proposal to you in the hope that you will recognize the seriousnous of the problem, and tal:e i�diate action to prevent loss of yet another building season and the econanic loss to the large n�iber of individual property owners as well as the corm�ntnity itself. I am not a professional planner, as some of you seem to be waiting to have step fon,vard to give the magic answer to the problem. I have taken the time and effort on my own to research the sewer plant, the building departrnent for past record of buildings built, and the general infozmation available on the facilities necessary to handle additional growth, (such as water, fire, and other related services needed by growth) . I also ha�e a calculator that can handle simple math, and the conclusions I have obta.ined are very easily substantiated. I submit this proposal frcgn a cc�unon sense viewpoint, not as an expert, but I sincerely hope that you will give seric�us consideration to this suggested solution as an immediate short rante ans�r that can be modified, if necessary, as time and experience dictate. To continue to do nothing except argue about who is to blame is not responsible and plays right into the hands of those who wish this area destroyed econcxnically and removed fr�n the hands of locals who are accused of raping the beauty of Lake Tahoe. The question of a regulated grawth policy is I believe a valid objective in light of the situation here at the La]ce. I am a long time resident of this area and would hate to see another metropolis take over the area. With the relatively small number of remaining sub-divided lots, approx. 12,500, it is ridicu- lous to assume that building residences on those lots will produce a 200,000 population as has been stated by radical environmentalists for some t�me naw. The fact is that a large percentage of those lots would have vacation hanes which are not used anywhere near 1000 of the time, and therefore do not have a maximLun impact on services as the Appointed Regional Agencies seem to require the utility district to plan for. In any event, this proposal is based entirely on the figures presented and would be accurate even if every toilet in the basin were flushed at exactly the right mcanent to arrive at the sewer plant at exactly the same time. I would propose that the county and city enact a regulated grawth rate of 800 single family residences per year, with cammercial on a case by case basis as needed by the comrnznity. 800 SFR per year would be the maximcAn number of applications issued permits and should be on a first come, first serve basis. This plan would apply only to those sub-divided lots within the South Tahoe Public Utility District boundry lines. The basis for the 800 nLunber is the actual remain- ing capacity of the sewer district at this t�me, the history of the past five years showing that 800 is a number less than the maximLun of 1290 permits issued in 1976, and closer to the normal demand for perniits prior to the panic building of 1975 and 1976, as well as the need for time to increase all other services besides sewer capacity. The follawing figures are compiled to dearionstrate haw the 800 per year would allc�a near normal supply for existing demand, eliminate the panic building situation, and allaw at least SEVEN YF�ARS to plan and construct the needed e�ansion of sec�r capacity. � f � Regular Meeting -8- Septetnber 15, 1977 800 Single Family Residences per year x3 Sewer Units per residence 2,400 Sewer units per day added to existing flaw x90 Gallons per sewer unit 216,000 Gallons per day additional flow if used to max�mum! 'I'he average flaw per day in 1977 is nuzning approximately 4,400,000 gallons, per Jim Cofer at STPUD. At the Lahonton Water Quality Control Hearing this Spring, the capacity of the sewer plant was stated to be 6,333,000 gallons per day by Lahonton. STPUD says that with interim improvements that will be cc�npleted by this fall that the capacity will be 7,500,000 gallons per day. There is a Forest Service and Parks reserve of 3,000 sewer units for as yet �Pl�� expansion which is 270,000 gallons per day that cannot be encroached upon, but does serve as a safety buffer since there are no present plans for it to be used. Therefore, using the figures from Lahor�-ton the breakdawn is: Lahontan estimate of rem,ai.ninq capacity 6,333,000 gpd 1977 average actual flaw 4,400,000 " Reserve of Forest Service and Parks 270,000 " Actual Remai_ning Capacity.. . . . 1,663,000 gal. per day 1,663,000 divided by 216,000 gal. per day for 800 houses per year equals SEVEN YEA�ZS SEVEN MONTHS before reaching maximum capacity. Certainly enough time to plan and construct capacity for the remainder of sub-divided lots, (7 years 7 months x 800 houses per year = 6,100 homes) , total remaining lots at this time approximately 12,500 minus 6,100 = 6,400 lots to plan capacity for: or, using the figures frcgn STPUD: STPUD est�mate of capacity 7,500,000 gal. per day 1977 average actual flaw 4,400,000 gal. per day Reserve of Forest Service and Parks 270,000 gal. per day Actual reanaining capacity 2,830,000 ga1. per day �a�, 2,830,000 gal. per day divided by 216,000 per day for 800 houses per year equals 'I'HIRTEF�I YEARS. 13 years x 800 hauses per year = 10,400 hanes. 12,500 existing lots minus 10,400 = 2,100 lots to plan capacity for. Either set of figures you want to use indicates that this proposal would allaw a grcxath rate that would serve the needs of the individual and the cca�mznity, protect the environment of the area, and allow the utility district to plan and construct enough capacity to serve the remaining lots in the district, on a timely basis. I would appreciate hearing from you on this proposal as soon as practible. There has been enough time wasted and the answer is not as complicated as everyone seems to believe. Action can be taken immediately and the people deserve to be served. Sincerely, s/James M. Grady" President Hegarty thanked Mr. Grady for his presentation. Director Fesler stated he would like to c�nend Mr. J. Grady for the time and effort he put into this presentation; it reflects a great deal of thought on the problems the District faces, and he put the blame exactly where it beongs - the regulatory agencies - the Lahontan Board. Mr. Fesler stated that Lahontan reflects the wishes of the political board - higher up, politically. Attorney Weidman stated we are not a grawth controlled, empc�wered entity, and the District, regardless of who sits at this table, wants to provide sewer service to everyone when they need it, and we don't want to be the problem; we want to eliminate that frc�n our operation, D�r. Weidmaxl stated. "We hope, anyhow, that we are shawn to have scgne capacity by aur panel of experts in Nove.mber, and in the event we don't, we will still feel we will have enough capacity for our imnediate needs. Mr. Weidman stated that our problem is supposedly operational, hawever, as John Bonnet reported this evening that all is going well, and if we continue this route, then Lahontan will have no authority whatsoever for a connection ban, and th.e growth controlled planning will be where it belongs - with TRPA, with the City and with the County, and in my judgement, the TRPA planning function pre-empts CTRPA, so their planning function should be of no force and effect. " D2r. Weidman stated that he just hopes we can operate correctly, and c�nnents such �.s were made by Mr. Grady in his presentation, and those that others have made will relnove the capacity issue - it is the operational issue that gives rise to the connection ban, and if we remove that, then Lahontan has no authority, and they sure are not any growth control entity. In that respect, they should be in the same position we are legally, Mr. Weidman stated. Mr. G. Elmore, visitor, arrived late and was asked if he wanted to address the Board - he stated no he was �n obsexvez only, and h�s w�tched this Boa�'d in i y���' Regular D'leeting -9- 9/15/77 action before, and ac�hrtires them very much. ITEI++'IS FOR BOARD ACTION: (1) Contract Amenclmeazts Facilities Planning: (a) State Water Resources Control Board. Authorize execution of An�n.dment Increasing Grant From $29,437 to $30,687. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, this be approved, as recommended by Manager Cofer. (b) Environmental Protection Agency - Authorize execution of Amendment Increasing Grant Frcan $176,625 to $184,125. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, as so recommended by P�Ianager Cofer. (2) Facilities Planning. Revenue Program. Selectian of Financial Consultant- Authorize Execution of Contract. Manager Cofer stated the Board participated in interviewing four financial consultants to prepare a revenue program as re- quired by the State and Federal G�.iidelines in the planning program, as follows: (a) Harrison, Iee and Kong, Inc. (b) Brown and Caldwell/Dodson and Young (c) Lee Engineering Corporation (d) Bartle/tnlells Associates. Bartle Wells did appear to be low bidder, however, they did not prepare their estimate directly with the others, and Manager Cofer did call them after the Board met because the Board raised the question of the overhead factor shcx�m in their proposal, which was much higher than those of the other consultants, and they explained the reason their overhead is higher is that they do not include the secretarial help in direct labor - this all canes out of their overhead and the other consultants includes secretarial help as a direct labor cost, therefore, they shaaed more hours and a lower overhead; should the Board choose this firm, we should sit down and have a more detailed explanation of this overhead charge they have. They have not been audited by EPA or the State and therefore they have not had a challenge of their overhead. r7anager Cofer was asked if he had a preference of the firms. He stated that he was quite impressed with Bartle Wells and equally so with Brown & Caldwell/ Dodson and Young. Attorney Weidman stated that he worked with Bartle Wells, at Tahoe Truckee Sanitation Agency for 5 years, and also he does not knaa who the rest of the applicants are, but Bartle Wells did do the job at Tahoe Truckee on a thirty- six million dollar project, and they did recognize the probl�ms of Tahoe and not only the financial point, but also the operational point, and they did an outstanding job afteYwards with regards to the Desist and Refrain Order that the Departinent of Real Estate attempted to �mpose on the subdivisions there, and they are aware of the interim financial problems the District might have that c�ould have a bearing on getting out of sane of our temporary legal prob- l�ns. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, that we select Bartle Wells Associates. On the question, Director Fesler asked what Attorney Weidman's views were as to the bonding attorney's the District has used for so many years - Wilson, Jones, Plorton and Lynch - is it true that this Revenue Program is out of their expertise. Attorney Weidman stated that he does not knaa if they would be interested in doing this project or not, but he stated that he does know that the�� do work with Bartle We11s Associates, and this District does need a bond counsel. Director Fesler stated that our relations have been excellent with Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, and they have always done an excellent job for this District, and he did not want to have them feel they have becn cut out or not considered. Mr. Weidman stated they do overall financial consulting. Manager Cofer stated that this was probably his oversight as he did not even think of putting Wilson, Jones, T�Iorton and Lynch on the list to request proposals from, since he was not aware that they did a Revenue Program as part of the State and Federal guidelines. Manager Cofer stated that he certa.inly is apologizing if he has overlooked this firm that ma.y have the capabilities in this field, and will be certain this does not happen again. i ��� Regular Meeting -10- 9/15/77 Director Fesler stated that in voting for Bartle Wells, he would certainly like scgneone to pass on to Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch that it is not a vote against them, or any evidence of dissatisfaction on service they rendered the District. They have always been top-notch, and asked if sane type of a follaa- up be made with Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch so there is not any hard feelings. Manager Cofer will take care of this matter. Unanimously carried - firm of Bartle Wells Associates be selected. (3) Johnson Blvd. Interceptor Sewer Extension: (a) Grant Contract EDA, Authorize �ecution of Agreement. Attorney Weidman stated that the grant offer is not in hand and he told the Board two weeks ago when he talked to EDA in Seattle that they were moving the application out the following date 9/2/77, and they told him that they do not frequently get logged in at Washington, D.C. , and that is exactly what happened, since as of yesterday, they had not logged in our application, but today they found it and logged it in, according to Congressman McFall's office, who advised me it would take two weeks to get us a grant offer and P�ir. �aeic�i told them that would be unsatisfactory. When we got word it had been logged in, P-Zr. Weidmaxi discussed with the Congressman's office what it might take to pry this application out in a hurry because we have need for haste to get started and get scxnepipe in the ground by October 15th. Mr. Weic�n requested authoriza- tion frcan the Board to contact Washington, D.C. and say that a representative is planning a trip there about mid next week. The second suggestion would be to determine who is the lawest responsive-responsible bidder under the law, and that we not award a contract, because we cannot award a contract until we have the grant offer in hand. Since there is need for haste„ and not to lose the grant award, after the Board deternunes the lawest responsive responsible bidder, without awarding the contract, you want to negotiate inur�ediately with him to see if he will order his contractor's bonds; to see if he will get geared up for work, c�zcing no later than 2 v�eks fran now so we can get the pipe in the ground by October 15th before � would be shut--off by CTRPA, and so we can get by with the grant condit�ns of doing substantial work in 90 days, and not lose the grant, and then we could come back after those negotiations to the Board in the next week sanetime, and scxneone report on the result of the negotiations. Should scanething go wrong with the grant, then we should be prepared to reimburse the contractor for his start-up time, bonds, etc. Again, Attorney Weidman suggested that: (1) Tell them saneone is caning back to Washingtan, D.C. mid�ek or taaards the end of the week. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unan�mously carried, that the office in Washington, D.C. be called tanorraa advising them a representative will be going there to expedite the application. (Also included in this motion and upon the rec�ndation of Manager Cofer is that John C. Weic�hnan will be the representative to travel to Washington, D.C.) . (2) Construction Contract: Attorney Weic3�rian stated that the Board should naw go over the matter as to who is the lowest responsive responsible bidder. Attorney Weic�nan stated that the lawest bidder was not responsive. David W. Callahan stated we have received a letter frcin John A. Jensen, CE32M Hill, in which he states that H. M. Byars was the apparent low bidder, hawever, they did not complete the form requested by EDA re "Equal Opportunity" and he did not list the use and portions of the work. Also, C�12D2 Hill called H.M. Byars Cons. Co. who stated they did receive the addendum, and forgot to include it in their bid, and Mr. Jensen rec�nded that the contract be awarded to Gerhardt and Berry fran Reno, Nevada, if John C. Weichnan is in agreement. Mr. Callahan stated H. M. Byars Construction bid was $158,054.90; Gerhardt & Berry bid was $176,543.00, and other bids were $216,994; $234,038, $239,984 and $288,031. Attorney Weidman recorrmended the Board determine Gerhardt and Berry Cons. Inc as the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, and further find that H.D2. Byars Cons. Co. did not submit a responsive bid. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried. Regular I�leeting -11- �%C� 9/15/77 Attorney Weidman recc�nended that the Board authorize their Manager to inmtediately negotiate with Gerhardt and Berry, and advise them that we expect to receive a grant offer within 2 weeks, hopefully sooner, and we cannot award the contract until we receive the grant offer, that we want to get construction started pursuant to the schedule in the Addendtan #l, which is=the contractor signs the contract on the 23rd of Septem�er and the District signs on the 26th of September 1977, and he begins work on October l, 1977; that the District wants to knaw what his bonding costs would be and what his preparatory costs wr�uld be at this time to cc�mence `,aork October lst, in the event that we, for scgne reason, could not award the contract; also see if we can negotiate an agreemeazt that he wc�uld buy bonds, and would get his equipment ready for October lst work. President Hegarty directed the Manager to take care of the matter as so was reca�zded by Attorney John C. Weichnan, and report back to this Board. (c) Constructian Inspection/Supervision - Manager Cofer sta.ted that the Board intervie�d two cansultants that sukanitted proposals and the man they had proposed to do the work - one decided not to carie to California and wanted to stay in Virginia, so tYiat is out. The staff has reviewed the references on both construction men and gave the Board a briefing on those that the staff revie�d and recca�uroended by Phanager Cofer that the Board not accept either of the proposals. Manager Cofer contacted two other firms -one was Clean Water Consultants, who had a gentleman available with excellent references, but the cost would be $30.00/hour, plus living expenses, plus a car. Manager Cofer also contacted R E M, the Consultants on the repair of the export pipeline and they will have a const.ruction man on the job during the repair and they said they could make that man available on the Johnsan B1vd Project - P�Ir. D. Bates, who does have a good background of both sanitary engineering and construction supervision and manag�nent. R E M sta.ted they would make him available under the present agreement we have with them, the rate would be $11-$15/hour and add to that an overhead factor of 1.5, so we would be talking about $16-$20/hour. Mr. Bates is presently staying in the Tahoe area so his living expenses would be shared between the District's two projects. Manager Cofer rec�nded that w� be authorized to execute a contract with �q and retain Mr, D. Bates and the Construction Inspection/Supervisor. Director Fesler moved that we accept the firm of William F. Pillsbury Company - they are a local engineering finn that we are using presently on another project and he would like to see this kept local. No second. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that the firm of REM be given this Construction/Inspection/Supervision as so rec�nded by Manager J.R. Cofer. 4- Repair Export Pipeline: Manager Cofer stated that REM is conducting their investigation and plan to have a report to this Board on Noven�r 30th. Attorney J.C.Weichnan stated that Rust and Armenis are getting close to filing an action against those people/firms -khat are responsible for deficiencies in the export pipeline. 'I'hey have one need, havever, before they file the action, and that is for an expert for consultation to be sure that their l.egal t,heories have support. Mr. Weidman stated that it is his feeling that regards to the pipe- line itself, regard to construction, regard to the pmp station, regard to soils in many areas, and it may involve one or more experts. Rust and Arnienis met with the District in a litigation executive session this afternoon and they would like authorization for up to $10,000 for expert or e��erts for consulting puYposes. Mr. wei�n stated that he felt this is a reasonable request. Mr. Rust, who is a graduate engineer frcan Stanford, as we1.l as a lawyer, who did indicate when we first met with him that he might have to request this type of help and might have to cane back to this Board for this authorization and advice and naw the firm needs this help and advice; this could be a fairly camplicated ma.tt�r and he felt this should be authorized to employ sc�neone to accanpany them in their proceedings on the e�ort pipeline, and by so doing, it wi1.l also protect the confidentiality; although, there will be sane duplication by REM, at least there will be s�ne confidentiality to our consulting support for our attorney. Mr. Weichlian stated we are talking about many dollars and this magnitude requires that no stone be left unturned. /`%�-d" Regular D'ieeting -12- 9/15/77 Director Fesler asked Mr. Weidman would not REM who is handling the repair of the export pipeline, be spending many more hours in the investigation as to haa to go about it, the best mar�ner in which to proceed, the reasc�ns the problems occurred in the first place. It seemed to him we were spending so much money with REM and they are going to have to delve into the problems so thoroughly and completely, and for us to spend another $10,000 to another firm for them to make an investigation for what they think the reasons for the 1.itigation might be for the original failures it would seem this is too muc:h of a duplication. Attorney Weidman stated if you want to turn over day by day and meeting by meeting every theory and engineer�ng data you have in support of your law suit to whoever the defendants are, or representa.tives, then take that path, but if you want to protect your theories and gain advantages, Mr. Weic�hnan felt t,he Board should hire an expert. Director Fesler stated with two experts working on the saane problem, it is not unlikely they could ccane up with two entirely conflicting theories. Mr. Weichnan stated that our task order to REM is to c�ne up with the solution to repair and solv�e the problem. The ta.sk order our Special Counsel would give to an engineering consultant is to analyze fran a legal and factual point of view evidence and give opinions in a legal actian and it is somewhat different task order, and Attorney Weidm�-u� stated the lawyers should have an expert right there whose work product is protected until such time as they are declared to be witnesses so we can protect and keep confidential the theories of our legal action and place this District in the best possible position at every stage of the litigation. We have a 1oan for $1,700,000 and Mr. Weidman stated he was certain the camplaint would be at least for that amount. 'Ihe District does not have to disclose what their experts advise them until such time as the District takes a position that you will use them as expert witnesses. Manager Cofer concurred with Attorney Weidman and stated that REM is well- qualified to do the work w� have assigned to them to investigate the repair of the pipeline, but they may not have the renawned ex�ertise you would want involved in a law suit; their objectives are different and should be done as a separate work product. This expert would be hired by Mr. Rust's firm, the bills would go to D'1r. Ibist's office, and we would pay them after an e,xamination of the charges. Director Kashuba stated anything that REM works on, their findings, etc. , is public information, and anything involving litigation is not pub-lic informa- tion. Director Kashuba moved that we authorize up to $10,000 for Itust & Armenis to eirYploy an expert to assist them as rec�unended by Attorney Weichnan and Manager Cofer, seconded by Director Cocking and roll call votes were as follows: AYES: Directors Cocking, Kashuba, Hegarty. NOES: Director Fesler ABSII�T: Director FieldcaTr�p Carried. . . . . 5. Position Reclassification: Authorize reclassification of Lineman to Inspector Postion and Notification of Union of Proposed Reclassification. Manager Cofer stated that this subject has been discussed at the Workshop Sessions of the Board, and the change of the duties and responsibilities of the Inspector Position of the staff, which is presently called a Lineman, and those duties have been expanded and will include inspection and will also be involved in the T.V. Inspection and repair and this Inspector will also be used for the Johnson Blvd. Project on behalf of the staff and since we have asked this employee to perform additional duties, that the position be re- calssified with sane adjustrnent in salary range. The Lineman position naa runs frcrn Step "A" of $977 to Step "G" of $1,309, and we propose the position be reclassified to that of Inspector with a salary range of frcan Step "A" $1,088 to Step "G" $1,458. Manager Cofer stated he has discussed this with the Union and they would like to Meet and Confer on this before the Board takes any affirmative action; they do see sane problems, particularly of advertising the new position to see if anyone else felt they w�ere qualified. Manager Cofer asked the Board to give the staff som� indication of their interest in this reclassification, and adjusting salary range, and direct the staff to N1eet and Confer with the Union, and he will return to the Board with a firm reca�r�ndation. Director Fesler stated that he is quite disappointed with the frequency th�t the Shop Steward's have had in showing up at our meetings and he felt there is a loss of c��ication because they do not show, and he is sorry they do not attend anymore. Manager Cofer stated that co�nunications ha,ve been established with the staff Regular Nleeting -13- 9/15/77 � �I�'� of the District and Shop Stewards. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unarLimously carried, that the Manager be authorized to negotiate with the Union, stating at the tiune this Board does want this, and report back to this Board. COMMUNICATION FROP�IV�TERCARE requesting R�presentative and alternate fran this District. The Board agreed Mr. J.R. Cofer would be the District's representative and Director Raymond A. Fieldcamp the Alternate. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimr�usly carried, that J.R. Cofer be District Representative for WATERCARE and Director Raymond A. Fieldcamp the Alternate. T�A,NONTAN CEA.SE AND DESIST ORDER SEWER CONNECTION LIMITATION: P�Ianager Cofer stated that he, Director Cocking and Attorney Weichnan attended the hearing of I,ahontan at Bishop on 9/8/77, in which the Lahontan Board adopted a set of dis- charge requirenients of routine maintenance projects and they included in that adoption some modification to the language as suggested and recca�iended by our Attorney. In talking with the Lahontan staff, Manager Cofer was informed that in the review of the modifications the Lahontan Board adopted, the executive officer feels he cannot accept it, and he plans to take it back to his board in October and when Manager Cofer asked him what language he proposed to include in that, he said the original draft. Attorney Weidman stated that the Board adopted a Resolution and ordered ma:intenance waste discharge requirements. 'l�ey did it in an official action and they directed their acting executive officer to send us the order and that order had all of Mr. Weidmans changes of Attachment "B" and they substituted the word "specifications" for "orders", which was fine with Mr. Weich�ian, and he agreed to it. It had attachment "C" in a different foxm, as worded by their awn Attorney. That is the official action of Iahontan, and Mr. Weichnan stated he thinks it is canpletely arbritary for any staff officer of Lahontan to say they are not going to draft a Resolution and Order that the Board has adopted in an official meeting, and he felt this Board should direct the Manager to write Lahontan and demand that the Order be prepared, signed and served on us. Director Coracing moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, carried. unanimously. WASTE DIS�CE REQUIRII"I�V'I' MAINTINANCE PROJECTS: Review final require- ments adopted by Lahontan R�gional Water Quality Control Board. Attorney Weidman stated that regarding Waste Discharge R�quirem�zts, bcause TRPA was in the silta- tion business 208 - that this District did not want to get caught between two entities imposing regulations on the same subject, which he felt was a logical position to take, but it was disregarded. In the alternate, we said if they were going to go ahead and adopt Waste Discharge Requirements, we wanted the anes in Attachment "B", which Attorney Weidman prepared after discussing the matter with this Board and the Manager. Attachmsnt "B" simply says that we are not in any violation of waste discharge requirements until such time we are notified of a repair situation, and we have had an opportunity to get Gene Eppler out and contain it in accordance with the maintenance waste discharge requirements. Mr. DuBois indicated that was a reasonable request and that was the proper language that he had reviewed. That is what is adopted.. Lahontan can change that at any time they want to change it and they can properly bring the matter up in a noticed hearing to change the requirements at their October meeting, and we should be prepared to go to their October meeting. Mr. Caldc�ll and Mr. Hampson were not present at the meeting at Bishop. We should try to maintain the order adopted at the Bishop hearing. Mr. Weidman stated they have to send us the order which was adopted; they can change it next month, but they must send us the order that was approved at Bishop. Manager Cofer will correspond with Lahontan regarding this Order and request same that was approved. by the Board at Bishop unanimously. Manager Cofer stated he discussed with the L�ahontan staff that we would like to c� before their Board in December to seek relief fran the Cease and Desist Order, and at that time we would have campleted the interim plant modifications, and we would then be prepared to argue that we should no longer be under the Cease and Desist Order. They indicated to Manager Cofer they should not entertain any hearing on the Cease and Desist until April or P7ay of next year, as they would like to see a track record of performance through the winter months, which has historically been our problem area. Manager Cofer indicated to them the concerns of the City of South Lake Tahoe in issuing pernu.ts, the lead time they need to be prepared for that, and still the Staff said it would be t.heir position to reccxt�artend that they not consider the Cease and Desist until April or May, and Manger Cofer asked for sane direction fran the Board on this matter. � � �� Regular Meeting -14- 9/15/77 Attorney Weidman stated he was asked by the editor of the Lalce Tahoe News to call him concerning the meeting in Oakland of the Attorney's, and he did call him after he v�nt to press. The editor had on his mind this hearing, and reported to r�1r. Weidman that he had conversation with Roy Hampson concerning this hearing, in November as mentio ned by their Board at their Apri1 heaxing at South Tahoe and he would be receptive for a request for a continuance in February. The November hearing would have been held at South Tahoe, but will now be in December for South Tahoe. Attorney Weidman rec�nded that this District request time on Lahontan's December agenda at South Lake Tahoe, and if they are not going to have a December meeting, then the January meeting at South Lake Tahoe; noticed request that the STPUD for rescision of the Cease and Desist Order of April 27th and the elimination of the connection ban, or in the al.ternate - the removal of the connection ban. Manager Cofer concurs with the reco�nendation of Attorney Weidman. Again, Attorney Weidman stated, that the purpose of the reciuest is a noticed hearing at South Tahoe to rescind the Cease and Desist, and/or in the alternate to remove the connection ban. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. VEHICLES: Authorize purchase of vehicles. - Bids were received to day for 3 vehicles, from Shehadi P�otors (a) Vehicle "A" for $8,922.00; (b) Vehicle "B" for $6,264, and (c) Vehicle "C" for $4,800. Tahoe Ford, as follows: Vehicle "B" $6,871.59 Vehicle "C" $5,235.99 Vic Bates Motors: Vehicle "A" $9,750.00 Vehicle "B" $7,000.00 Vehicle "C" $5,700.00. Mr. Callahan stated Shehadi Motors was law bidder on all three requested vehicles, and meet the specifications of this District. (Vehicles ordered were One 1-ton rear dual 4�aheel drive vel�i.cle; one 3/4 ton 4 wheel drive and one 3/4 ton two-�aheel Van. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, we award the bid to Shehadi Motors for all vehicles. RESERVOIR-COLD CREEK: Approve Specifications and Authorize Advertisement for Proposals. W. Dunckhorst, N1,anager of Water Systems, stated he would like approval for advertisement forproposals for Upper Truckee Reservoir for bid opening on 10/6/77 at 3:00 P.M. District Office. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, proposals be requested for Upper Truckee Reservoir with bid opening scheduled 10/6/77 at 3:00 P.D'I. , District Office. TEQ-�1ICIAN/LAB: - Manager Cofer stated we have come to the point where we have to make a decision on the lab; we cannot hold off any longer, our chief chemist is resigning, we will have to replace him. Presently, our full-time technician is on a one-month leave of absence, and with the Chief Chemist leaving we are da�m to our part-time assistant, who holds a part time position with the school district and is about to accept a full-time position with the School. Manager Cofer stated this position has not been budgeted; we would like to defer action but feels we cannot do so and pleaded with the Board for their consideration of another lab technician permanent position. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried. Disposition of Water Meters for Single Family Dwellings: D�anager Cofer stated he would be happy to make the reca�unendation we not read meters on single family dwellings, unless we are prepared to meter all single family dwelling units, and charge all on a flat rate of $78.00 per year. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried. WILL SERVE LE'ITERS: None requested. WORKSHOP: Facilities Plann�ng Program, 9/22/77: P�anager Cofer stated we are sending noutices for this and will have an advertisement in the Tribune and we will work with Alpine Supervisors to ask them to notify people; the meeting is scheduled for 7:30 P.M. on 9/22/77, District Conference Roam. �o: �r��,,. /9�/ F�gular Meeting -15- 9/15/77 PAYMENT OF CLAIM.S: Director Cocking moVed, seconded by Dizector Fesler, unanimausly carried, claims for $266a622.99 be approtred for payment, as was recca�anended by Assistant Manager Callahan. _ AA70U�': President Hegarty adjourned this meeting at 11:35 PM to Wednesday, 9/21/77, 3:00 P.N1. , District Con�erence l�oc�n. i' /� c�� �'. � � -- a,rd E. Heg ty, Pres� ent / South Tahoe Public Uti ity District ATTEST: ���� P� --\ �J����i� �- ' Da.Vid W. Cal�ahan, Clerk of Bo�r �Officio Secretaxy South Tahoe Public Utility District **** AA70URNED REGULAR P•�ETING OF THE BOARD OF DIREC'I'ORS SOUTfi TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICI' SEPTEMBER 21, 1977 The Board of Directors of the S'IPUD met in an adjourned regular session on 9/21/77, 3:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors E. Hegarty, L, Kashuba, R. Fesler, F.J. Cocking, General Manager J.R. Cofer, Assistant D7anager D.W.Callahan, Clerk ob Board, Attorney J.C.Weidman. ABSE�VT: Director R. Fieldcamp. Manager Cofer stated we have but one item to discuss, which is the JOHNSON BLUD. IN'I'ERCEPTOR SEWER PFtOJECT, and was directed by the Board to meet with the Contractor to get sc�ne sort of c�n.itmPazt frcen the Contractor to go ahead on the project pending notification of our grant award. Manager Cofer stated he met with Gerhardt & Berry from Reno, Nevada, and has been on the phone with them many times today. It has been their position they would like some arrang�nent with the District, but they are not in the bonding business, so they would like the District to give them a guarantee we would pay them for the initial reach they do this year; they have agreecl there will be no increase in cost of the contract, assiuning the grant were to proceed; they would li.ke to negotiate an understanding of what progress payment we would pay them for that work, and we would just credit payment to future work they do, so the contract cost will stay the same. They have come up with an asking price of $17,273.10 approximately, less pipe that we made available to them. Hawever, they received a quote from Johns-P�lansfield of $5.95 per foot and the District paid $6.00 plus per foot, and they are on a larger order, the reason for they receiving a better price for pipe. 'I'hey would prefer to buy frcgn Johns- Mansfield rather than fran us at our price paid, but r'Ian.ager Cofer stated he _ would agree to sell our pipe to them for the quoted price they received from their sLpplier. NIanager Cofer prepared a schedule re cost of work, and discussed same with the Board. He mentioned that the City would like for us to limit the work on this project in especially the easement portions so we are not out cutting up streets, etc. , and having overlay problems in cold weather. Attorn.ey Weic�hnan stated we have a change condition since Manager Cofer negotiated with Gerhardt & Berry, which is that the Assistant Secretary of Commerce signed the grant offer yesterday afternoon, and we were to get a call to confinn a public release on this grant, but no one called our offices at the District. Mr. Weich�ian stated that it could well be we would have this grant in hand by Friday afternoon, and we can then take a look at the conditions, we would then be in a position to give a notice of award of contract to the Contractor, get him to sign, and we would sign; we could hand-carry that contract around to get the necessa.ry signatures. /�I 7� Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- 9/21/77 Manager Cofer reca�nnended that we authorize the President to execute the grant contract, and the contract with Gerhardt & Berry, conditional upon the review of the Manager and the Attorney. There will be a Resolution Authorizing the Execution of the Grant; then there will be an Ordinance Awarding the Cantract, which will be subject to the approval of the Manager and the Attorney. Attorney Weidman reccxrunended that the follawing action be taken: RESOL�TION NO. 2089 - ACC,EPTING THE GRAN'i' OFFER AND AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD TO EXECUI`E SAME, SUBJECT TO THE MANAGER AND A'Irl'OFINEY'S APPROVAL. ORDINANC� NO. 272, AN ORDINANCE AWARDING CONTRACI'► SLTBJECT TO THE P�NAGER AND ATTORNEY'S APPRIJVAL. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 2089 be approved. Attorney Weidman stated that the low bidder was H. M. Byars, Inc. , however, their bid was non-responsive, and the follaaing motion was made: Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that ORDINANC� NO. 272 be approved, subject to the Manager and Attorney's review and approval, and with the specific findings that the lawest bidder submitted a non-responsive bid and that the laaest responsive responsi.ble bidder is Gerhardt and Berry frc�n Reno, Nevada. WASTE DISCHARGE RE4UIRII�ITS: Manager Cofer stated that John Weidman, Dick Milbrodt and himself inet with Roy Hampson, David DuBois and David Antonnucci this morning, who �ndicated they would place on the tentative October agenda the reconsideration of our Waste Discharge Standards, haaever, P�Ir. Hampson did state that he had not made the decision whether or not to go back to his Board, and if so, whether or not to go back in October. Mr. Roy HamPson did sign an order, of which the District has a copy, and Attorney Weidman found this order to be in error. Mr. Weic�nan went to Lahontan's office this morning to discuss these errors and same order is being redrafted and Mr. Roy Hampson stated he will sign the redrafted order, as was so discussed and approved at their meeting in Bishop. Manager Cofer stated. they also discussed the Cease and Desist Hearing date, and Mr. Roy Hampson stated that he did concur - the meeting will ha�e to be in South Lake Tahoe, and he has no problem with the December or January meeting. President Hegarty adjoured this meeting to October 3, 1977, 7:30 P.NZ. , District Offices for a Joint Meeting with the City of South Lake Tahoe and the South Tahoe Public Utility District. P�eting was adjaurned today at 4:15 P.M. /�� �G.._�r` �1r''1 /' f = ;- � � � Edward E. Hegarty. es'L ent South Tahoe Public" Utility District A`1'I'EST: �'� - ����� �������� � 4David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District �***:r* �� ::�4 ��'i� Adjaurned Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South ✓ Tahoe Public Utility District and the Joint Nleeting of the City of South Lake Tahoe -- Octok�er 3, 1977 --- The Joint Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and the Councilmen of the City of South Lake Tahoe was called to order at 7:30 P.M, in the Conference Rc�n of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. ROLL CAT�: Present were Councilmen Norman Woods, Roger Capri, Pat Iawe, John 41ynn and Mayor Del Laine, Attorney R. Abrams - City, City 1�lanager R. P�7ilbrodt, Neal Walton, E. Roberson - City of South Lake Tahoe. Directors E. Hegarty, L. Kashuba, F. Cocking, R. Fieldcamp of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, Manager J.R. Cofer, Assistant P�Ianager D.W. Callahan, J.C. Weidman, Attorney for the 5outh Tahoe Public Utility District, B. Nishisaki - Tribune, Larry Smith, Neal Olson, and a representative from Lahontan, and other interested visitors. ABSE��'I': Director Robert W. Fesler, South Tahoe Public Utility District. Neal Walton was aked to give his report on Status of Building Permit A.11ocations, and there was also sane discussion on the South Tahoe Public Utility District Ability to Accept Additional Sewer Connections. Manager Cofer stated that on our ability to accept additional sewer connections, he wanted to bring the City Council up to date. Z'he District is ccgnpleting the Interim P1ant P�Iodifications, most equipment will be delivered in a tiYr�ely maruler; we have not received all of the equipment, haaever, most of the vital equipment has been received, and it appears this project should be ccxnpleted next month. We have asked Lahontan to let us appear before them at their December meeting here at Lake Tahoe and seek relief fran the Cease and Desist Order, and if not - then in Januasy, at South Lake Tahoe. During the end of November, P9anager Cofer stated our Consultants will spend 3 days here making an assessment of the plant and letting us }maw what our capability is. Manager Cofer stated we are hopeful they will confinn we have 7.5 mgd capacity, and this would a11aa appr�imately scxne 3,800 more connections. Attorney Weicfiuin stated that the basis, and the only basis, that Lahontan had for imposing the connection ban was the fact that we either violated Waste Discharge Requirements, or we threatened to violate waste discharge requir�nents, and there is a provision under the law that under either of those two circtiunstances, you can have imposed a lunitation of voltune and type that comes into the syst�n, which they have transmitted into a connection limitation that was not previously put into your systP�n, and this is what Lahontan did; we wer violating four standards 0 the COD standard here at the plant, the pH standards here at the plant, and the pH standards at Indian Creek Reservoir in the receiving waters, and the ananonia nitrogen standards in the receivinq waters. Attorney [��eidman further stated that despite the fact that we have not campleted the interim plant modifications, and despite the fact that we have interrupted on n�nerous occasions the orderly treatrnent process to meet these standards, we have, as of last month, c�nplied with the COD standards at the plant, we have canplied with the pH standards at the plant, we have canplied with the ammonia nitrogen standards at the receiving waters at Indian Creek, and were a bit out of compliance on the pH standard at the receiving waters at Indian Creek. The Nlanager and Consultants are working on the matter of the pH standards at Tndian Creek; we can cure that standard and we can meet that canpliance within the next month, Attorney Weidman stated. With regard to the capacity, Mr. Weic�rian stated that legally he does not think it has any bearing at all as to whether we have a plant that is designed to treat 7.5 mgd according to 1977 techniques, or whether it was designed to treat 7.5 mgd in accordance with 1966 design techniques. The point is can we treat it and meet the Waste Discharge Requirements at a capacity of 7.5 mgd, and we anticipate that is what our Panel of experts will conclude. r�Ir. Weidman. stated that he believes the District is basing its position on the fact th.at we will have 7.5 mgd capacity by the end of this year, deterrruned by a Panel of experts, and that we will be m�eting the Waste Discharge RequirP�nents. It leaves us in a position, legally, to ask Lahontan to remove the Cease and Desist Order and to rempve the connection ban. l��� Joint Meeting/City an.d STPUD -2- 10/3/77 Mr. Neal Walton introduced Mike Harper, Ma.ster, Public �hninistration, graduate fr�n the University of Nevada, who prepared the Graath Management Plan for the City. Mr. Harper stated that this plan covers: 1. Sun�unary (a) Techniques, and (b) Suggestions. 2. Preface Historical Grawth Patters (a) Growth and History of South Lake Tahoe, and (b) Agencies involved. 3. Grawth Manag�nent - 2. (a) Techniques Used (1) Regulatory and Planning Agencies. 4. Also covers Techniques in taxation and expPazditures. 5. Building Pernlit Allocation Systems. 'I'his will be considered at the City Council Nleeting tomorraw evening. Director Kashuba stated that she is pleased to see the interpretation of Growth Management is not control necessarily but reasoning with the econanics of what the Basin or Area will hold and what other land capabilities are that surround this; she is very pleased it has taken this aspect. RECESS: 9:00 P.M. RECON�7F�]ED: 9:15 P.M. City Council m�ibers considered the adoption of the following Resolution: Joint Resolution of the City of South Lake Tahoe and the South Tahoe Public Utility District Requesting the California b��ater Quality Control Board, Lahantan Region, to Hold its Public Hearing Concerning the Removal of the Existing Cease and Desist Order in South Lake Tahoe During the l�nth of December 1977 but not Later Than January 1978. Councilman Woods moved, seconded by Mrs. P. Iawe, and unan�mously carried, that the above Resolution be approved. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, that the District support and adopt the Joint Resolution of the City of South Lake Tahoe and the South Tahoe Public Utility District, as me�ntioned above. Roll Call Votes as follows: AYES: - President Hegarty, Directors Fiel.dcamp, Kashuba and Cocking. ABSENT: Director Fesler. NOES: None. Carried. . . . Pat Lawe asked the Board of the Dis-trict if any further work has been done regarding the street lighting alang Highway 50. President Hegarty sta.ted No, but perhaps after the first of the year this will be looked into. Pat L� also asked about fire hydrants along Highway 89. President Hegarty stated that this project became too costly for the District. Fireman Smi.ley was to take petitions to aaners to see if th-y would be willing to have this project accomplished through as assessment district; no further word was received. Attorney Weichnan stated that perhaps additional grants may came along and if so it might be the District and City could look jointly at this project. Being no further business meeting was ADJC�D at 9:30 P.M. , � � �.. � �'��L�f�c�/%!��.�r�:. E. �Edward E. I�ga�'t , ,�, es' ent � South Tahoe Public'Utility District A'PI'EST: . ,� �UX c�!.�c �f.�-�-�— � avid W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ****** ���> 7� Regular D4eeting of the Bck�;rd of Dixe�tors of South Tahoe Publi:c Utility Dist�ict October 6, 1977 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met 10/6/77, 8:00 P.N1. , District Conference Roan in regular session. 1�C3LL CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors L. L. Kashuba, R. W. Fesler, F. J. Cocking and R. A. Fieldcamp; General P�anager/District �gineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager D.w. Callahan, Clerk of Board, Attorney John C. Weidman, G. Eppler, W. Dunckhorst, B. Nishisaki-Tribune, John Genzeli-Lake Tahoe News, M. Kobernus, L. Smith, N. Olson, A. Kruse, D. Antonnucci and Mr. Kykendall fran Lahontan, J. Grady. MCNL]TES: Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 9/15/77 be deferred to the next regular meeting for action, and the minutes of 9/1/77 be approved as sukxnitted, and the minutes of 9/21/77 be approved as submitted. RECOC�IITION OF VISITORS: President Hegarty welcamed all to the meetin� and none present had any business to bring before the Board. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by J.R. Cofer, Manager: "JOHNSON BLUD IN'I�RCEPTOR SEWER: The District's contractor Gerhardt & Berry Construction, Inc. , started work on the interceptor Wednesday, 10/5/77. '1"he contractor plans to co�lete construction of approximately 300 feet of the interceptor through an easement area between Glenwood and Herbert before 10/15/77. STATE LOAN-REPAIR EXPORT PIPELINE: On 10/5/77 a meeting was held in Sacramento with the State Board to discuss contract provisions for the State loan for repair of the export pipeline. Attorney Weidman and Dave Antonnucci of Lahontan participated with the P�lanager in the meeting; the contract document should be ready for Approval by the Board in abc�ut 2-3 weeks. GRANT FOR FALLE�T LF�F L�1KE SEWER PI�TECT: - Representatives fran the Fallen Leaf Lake H�aaner's Association appeared before the State Water Resources Control Board �n October 5th to request that the Sta.te Board consider the waiving of State regulations related to at least thirty percent pezmarlent population to be eligible for grants. The State Board will place on its November agenda considera- tion of the Grant Condition Waivers." P�lanager Cofer stated that Resources �gineering Management will have a report on the Export Pipeline repair by 11/30/77. He also mentioned that the design criteria report on Fallen Leaf Lake will be ready on 11/7/77. Director Fesler moved, seconded }�y Director Cocking, unanimously carried, the Manager's Report be approved as sul�nitted. A'I'I'ORi�Y'S REPORT: -Attorney Weichnan stat�d he attended many meetings of the Board during the last two weeks, and he attended v�ith Director Fieldcamp the El Dorado I.rrigation District meeting on Tuesday. The purpose of that meeting was advancerr�ent of funds to El Dorado Irrigation District for the Sauth Fork of the American River Project, and the prupose of his attendance and that of Director Fieldcamp was to protect the tax transfer fund fran the Water Agency in the amount of about $180,000 a year; its grants to the District. The Water Agency members publicly, about 3 members of the Agency, and possibly a fourth, decided they would use anti-recessionary funds for this purpose, and that seems to mean their present intent is to continue the contractual arrange- ments with the 3 Districts, which we will receive grant f•ands, or tax transfer funds, frcgn the Water Agency fox water �upply pur,poses, est�snated about $18Q,QOQ. Director Fesler asked Attarney Weic�nan if any mention was made at the State Water Resources Control Board meeting he attended on 10/5/77� of the pending litigation between the District, the fonner r�k-�nager, and the Consulting Engi.neers CH2M Hill. Attorney Wei�asi stated there was no discussion regarding this matter at the 10/5/77 meeting, there were three meetings held that day - one was at the Water Resources Building on "T" Street regarding export pipeline contract with an Attorney and a gentl�man in charge o� administering the contract or preparation of the eontract only as to the litigation co�ts for loan funds. The State will give credit for any money recovered - and those litigation costs can be subtracted frcnn any recovezy before the recovery goes into a separate account for loan repayr�ent. Loan funds cannot be directly used for litigation. Attorney Weichnan statea there weze 3 or 4 technical changes in the contract, as follaws: � '�� � `` Regular Meeting 2 10/6/77 OBLIGATION TO RECOVER: The Agency (STPUD District) agrees to make every good faith effort to recover frcan design engineers, contractors, or any other parties responsible for the failures or the failure of the original Luther Pass Pipe- line Pumping Stations and appurtenances. 'The cost of design and construction of that pipeline, p�nnping stations and appurtenances, and any other damages legally obtainable. Any funds recovered, less litigation costs or fees incurred by the Agency in pursuant of such recover, pursuant to this provision, shall be deposited in a special account required by Paragraph 6. Attorney Weidman stated that it does say that we will make a good faith effort to recover frcan the design engineers. He further stated that if our Special Counsel came before this Board 2, 4 or 6 weeks frcgn tonight and said they have gone into this matter as far as they can go into it, and felt this Board should not file legal action, then this Board would have made a good faith effort. Director Fesler asked what progress is Rust and his zirm making; have they retained their engineering specialist for his views and tii�: reasons for the troubles of the export pipeline. Manager Cofer stated they are working actively on the preparation of the complaint. Lahontan has asked Mr. Cofer to report at their 10/13/77 meeting on the status of the repair of the pipeline and he asked Mr. l�ust for a statement he can read as to where he stands on it and Manager Cofer has not as yet received the statement. Attorney J.C.Weic�na.n stated that at the end of August he and Manager Cofer and Director Kashuba met with Mr. l�ust on this matter and felt the remaining Board m�nbers that did not attend this meeting should make an attempt to meet with Mr. Rust, and Mr. Weidman asked Director Cocking how he felt about the meeting. Director Cocking stated that he felt it was worth the trip and beneficial to the Directors to go to N7r. Rust's office to be briefed on the status of litiga- tion. He came away with a real good feeling that the Attorney is going to recover all he can for us. Director Kashuba agreed. Attorney Weichnan stated we should contact Mr. Rust and set up an appointment for the other Board me��bers to meet with him to bring them up to date an the status of the litigation. Director Fesler stated we authorized. up to $100,000 for this litigation effort, and asked if the entire amount would be gone before we get a meeting with the Attorney and whether or not he feels if there is a cause of action worthy to proceed or not. Attorney Weidman stated we initially felt this lawsuit would cost a minim�zm of $50,000 and up to $100,000, and we now believe this law suit will cost a minimiun of $100,000. We ha�e paid $17,000 on the first billing and Mr. Weidman did review the bill and Mr. Rust's firm did spend $17,000 of time - they placed one graduate engineer doing much of the research, rather than an Attorney do it, and his t�me was billed at a lesser hourly rate than an attorney. In that regard, there was a saving of money. The time of the lawyers John Mounier and Dave la.ist, was not even 1/3rd of the bill.b7r. F�.ist's firm is getting all the inforn�ation before they file the lawsuit, and probably won't be spending $50,000 before this lawsuit is filed. Director Kashuba stated she felt very very canfortable at the meeting with D7r. Rust and they had obtained much information on our plant and operation, and on the entire program. Manager Cofer stated we have a tentative CWC meeting on 10/14/77, haaever, they would like to change that meeting to 10/28/77 to CWC office at 10:00 A.M. ; the Board agreed. WORKSHOP SFSSIONS: (1) 9/20/77 Meeting with Alpine County Board of Supervisors. (2) 9/21/77 Agenda Items (3) 9/22/77 Public Workshop Facilities Planning (4) g/2g/77 City of South Lake Tahoe (5) 9/30/77 Inspection Indian Creek Reservoir (6) 10/3/77 Joint P�eeting with City of South Lake Tahoe (7) 10/6/77 District Programs; one litigation matter. /j�'� Regular Meeting -3- 10/6/77 COMMI'ITEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Conservation: D�et 9/9/77 re Indian Creek Reservoir; met with Dr. Goldrrti-3n and discussed monitoring Indian Creek F�servoir and he has sent us a proposal, which is on the agenda this evening for consideration. We also had a short discussion with Norm Waters, who represents this area. (2) Water Utility. No report. (3) Plant Operations. Director Fieldcamp stated he met with C. Ross of the Ma.intenance Departrnent today for 2 hours and requested a meeting with President Hegarty, Connie Ross and Manager Cofer. Also, regarding WATERCARE re California's Proposal to Amend California �Linistrative Code, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 4, Reclamation Criteria- Ernergency Declaration - WATERCARE requests that there be no emergency declaration of reclamation criteria, and requested public hearings be held before any action is taken on such amenchnent. Manager Cofer stated they are recommending that if we agree with them, we should send c�unents to the Director of the Depart�nent of Health and State Water Resources Control Board - Mr. Brison, and to the Governor and to Ron Robie, and Manager Cofer stated he certainly does support that concept that these agencies should not be changing the ground rules without even holding a public heari.�ng, and felt this District should support WATERCI�RE i.n that extent. Manager Cofer recomnended we be authorized to send a letter supporting WATERCI�RE to those mentioned above. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimausly carried, r�anager's reccgrgnendation be approved. (4) Finance/Insurance: - Director Fesler stated he met with Director Cocking and Assistant Manager Callahan on the matter of invest�ng District monies in the State of California, Local Agency Investrnent Ftiinds, and that is on the agenda for consideration this evening. (5) Public Information: - Director Kashuba stated she attended the Publicity Seminar at the Tahoe Tribune, which was well attended and helpful as Lar as Yiaw we should get better coverage, and haw we can pursue this; she stated, hawever, that we have had excellent coverage frcgn Bob Nishisake, Tribune Reporter, and the District has appreciated the work Bob has put in for our coverage. Director Kashuba also stated she did receive a call fran Mike Dillon of CASA and he said he was committing the conference to South Lake Tahoe for the CASA Organization ConVention this next spring. SHOP S'I'EWARD'S REPORT: None present. Mr. Dunckhorst stated that all of the (�'I'A employees are painting the wells outside and when the weather gets colder, and perhaps snaw, we hop� to get the inside painted. Mr. Dunckhorst, Manager of Water Systems, reports the follawing: "Preparations are naw being made to make an 8" interconnection from the 19" main across Pioneer Trail to the 6" main on Keller Road. If planning goes the way it looks now, we will be starting on this project the first of next week, and should be canpleted in 2-3 days. This project is to give the Heavenly Valley area surplus surface water during the winter months for the purpose of snaw making. 'I'his will also give the two systems a backup supply, should we have failures at any time. 'I'he lower reservoir has na�� been filled; I intend to use this reservoir as a backup supply, if needed, while the upper reservoir is empty and being cleaned; I am an-�icipating on having the upper reservoir empty approximately for 3 weeks. Hopefully, it will not be empty that long. The groundwater study by U.C.Davis is progressing. Starting Thursday afternoon of this week, I am to meet with Mr. Joe Sca7manini and we intend to start making groundwater tests on about 4 of our well sites; these tests will take about 3-4 days. 'The Water Department is still having problems with two of its wells on Glenwood. In the past we have spent money on old ptunps trying to keep them in operation. Pumps Nos 1 and 4 are vibrating badly when in operation. We presently are keeping #1 turned off and use anlv when necessary. I am looking into what the cost of replacing these two pumps with sL�ersibles would be, and at a later date the staff will present it to the Board for further discussion." I� I� Regular Meeting -4- 10/6/77 Water Utility C�unittee Report (10/6/77) Water Production - Globin System MG - September 1977: 1976 1977 oChange Well Production 19.6 33.9 +42.1 Cold Creek Diversion 51.4 43.0 -16.3 Total 71.0 76.9 + 8.3 Calendar Year to date: Well Production 276.3 230.2 -20.2 Cold Creek Diversion 381.4 362.0 - 5.3 Total 657.7 592.2 -11.0 Water Production - Hoffman System 1977 February 7•2 March 17.1 April 34.6 �y 37.0 June 52.1 July 58•8 August 65.6 September 52.2 " Manager of Operations: As presented by John Bonnet: "During the last three weeks we have had to by- pass scgne of our processes to allaw maintenance to install various equip- ment required in the Plant Mpdification. 'I'he first was the installation of #2 magnetic flaw meter for the return sludge fran Secondary #2.'This was acccanplished by utilizing two large Barns ptunps to return sludge to the head of the aeration basins. This did not require a shut-down of the Secondary, but we were unable to waste any sludge for approximately six hours. The second installation required us to by-pass Primary #2 and dewater aeration basins #4 and #5. When this was done, all flow had to be diverted to Prim�-jry #1- which could in no way handle the flc7w. By taking aeration basins #4 and #5 out of service, it would shock the Secondary System, which takes time to restablize; this had to be done to allaw maintenance to install the flc7w equalization weir gates at the head of basins #4 and #5 and also cut into the 30" line at that point. Thethird shut-dawn was the chlorine system; this required the fhlorine be off all day to install the new chlorine evaporator and chlorinator. The fourth shut-down was to install the magnetic flaw meter #l. This required shutting down Secondary return sludge from Secondary #2, because there was no valve installed to keep this sludge out of the line being worked on to install the meter. The fifth shut-down was to repair and inspect the carbon columns. This required by-passing the columns and ptunping to the emergencY hold�ng pond. We had to go to the pond, because we, in no way, could have met our discharge requir�nents with just separation bed effluent. I notified Lahontan that we were going to the pond and why. When the #3 carbon column was inspected, we found two damaged screens had to be replaced and a three�aay valve had to be removed, worked on and reinstalled. Because we ha�e put 18.5 mg into the holding pond, we have resumed exporting. This was done to maintain a safe capacity in the pond in case of a break in the Luther Pass Export Line. We will continue to work on the coltunns when we can. Water from the pond is being with- drawn back to the plant at this time at the rate of approx�mately .5 mgd. The average COD for September was 15.4 mg/1 - well within our requirement. The pH average was 7.2, havever, vae violated the pH requirement with one reading below and four readings above the requir�nent. Also, the pH at Indian Creek Reservoir is above the requirement with an average of 9.3 and a max�mtun of 9.4. The requiresnents are an average of 8.4 and a maxim�un of 8.6. I feel the team work and effort of both operations and maintenance during this period has been outstanding and c�unendable." Manager of Maintenance Division - As presented by Gene Eppler: "During the last few weeks numerous areas in the plant modifications have been canpleted. 'The RAS#1 and #2 systems are naw ccxnplete. 'I'he Chlorine Evaporator and the CL2 Chlorinator is naw ccgnplete. The installation of a new Vibra Screw for pH control is c�nplete. 'I'he flow equalization system on the aeration basins has been campleted. 'I'he modifica- tion on the #3 water system ha.s naw increased to 800 on mai.ntenance and the Sodium Hydroxide system is 40o ccxriplete. In addition to the plant modifications, the cleaning of Indian Creek Reservoir has been ccanpleted, and the necessary corrections on our air lines is naw being done." Regular Meeting -5- 10/6/77 ��I�`� Finance Officer's Report: As presented by Assistant Manager Callahan: "Effective October lst the Health and Welfare premium of the Stationazy Engineers Local No. 39 were increased fram $111.92 per month to $138.18 - a 24o increase. In March of 1977, the staff prepa.�ed a proposed budget for the taater and Wastewater Operations, however, the Board of Directors only reviewed the Wastewater budget. Attached is a proposed budget for the Water operation. The staff would be pleased to meet with the Board in a Workshop Session to review the budget." Mr. Callahan stated that he received notice today fr�n Travelers' Insurance that the pre�nitun.s will increase 10 o for Health and Accident Insurance. President Hegarty stated we have always had about a l0o increase in insurance for the Administrative Staff; the Union increased 33% last year, and now 24o this year. Director Fesler stated that in the old days, when the Board shopped around for Insurance Policies for our c�nployees and staff, and the Board Members, and we had occasion to change naa and then, either on benefit level or to improve the price, and then we negotiated with the Union that supposedly had this terrific plan that cavered eveiything in the world and was ccflnpetitive, so we went ahead, and naw we are locked in this Union plan; they could increase this premiLun 33o or 24� each year, every year, and as employer - we just have to keep paying the pr�ni.um, whereas, under the old way when we could shop around for the best buy, we could change frcgn carrier to carrier; this is a Union situation, we don't have access to the figures, we have no knavledge or way of knawing what is built in their premium Ievels - Director Fesler stated it is kind of a one-way street. President Hegarty stated the Union Policy has gone up 57o in 2 years and the other i.n:surance for Ac�ninistrative Staff and Board Members has gone up 20%� In answer to Attorney Weichnan's questions, Assistant Manager Callahan stated our contract with the Union expires June of 1979. Director Fesler stated he is unhappy also with the premium charge of the Union since they pay $138.18 for an employee with no dependents, or one dependent, or several dependents --- the charge is the same whether there are or are not dependents cavered. Attorney Weichnan stated the Board did agree to the insurance for the Union, and the time to bring this up for further negotiations is in June of .1979. Study Session scheduled 10/17/77 at 3:00 P.r�. , District Conference Roam, to review the budget presented by Assistant Manager Callahan. President Hegarty stated we are fortunate to have a special occasion at this ti.me and called a 5 minute recess at 9:00 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 9:05 PM.. . . . Following recess, PresidP.nt Hegarty called Bob Nishisaki to the f_ront of the rocsn and stated to him that he is to be canplim�azted for one of the most outstanding jobs he has done since he ha� been with the Tahoe Tribune and the excellent coverage and interest he has shc�m this District. 'The Board and Manager Co_fer and Staff presented Mr. Nishisaki with a bottle of final effluent fran the plant and everyone expressed their appreciation for his cooperation as a Reporter throughout the year, and also expressed their regrets that he would be leaving this area to go to Merced and wished him well. The Board also presented Mr. Nishisaki with two 5 x 7 pictures of him that was taken at the Indian Creek Reservoir inspection trip, and a pen and pencil set. Larry Smith stated that those other people and residents, who are not me.mbers of this Board, but who have been reading Bob's works in the Tribune, presented him with a shirt - STPUD embroidered across the pocket. Mr. Smi.th told Mr. Nishisaki this gift is for their great appreciation of his articles in the Tribune and for keeping the ccgrnnunity posted on what is happening in our area. /�,��: Regular Meeting -6- 10/6/77 I'I�`�1S FOR BOARD ACTION: (1) Water System: (a) State Loan for I�rovements; (1) Water Storage Tank Site. Manager Cofer stated in our environmental impact assessment on the water improvements, we ran into some difficulty for the location of a water storage tank up in the High D7eadaws Trail area to provide both adequate water pressure and fire protection to that area. The staff has investigated the alternative of a private parcel of land for this site, since it did not seem reasonable USFS property could be obtained, and Manager Cofer requested authorization to obtain appraisal of this private land for purchase. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, authorization be granted for this appraisal. (a) 2. Final E.I.R. Authorize Notification of E.I.R. Consultant of Districts intent to construct Storage Tank on private land. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried. (b) Modifications to Filtration Plant Control System: Authorize Modifications. Russell L. Culp has recc�unended that this system be modified to a much simpler system than we have right naw. It is quite a canplicated system now, and not many are knawledgeable as to the works of it, and recommended this be approved, not to exceed $6,000.00. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried. (c) Claim for Damages: - Interruption of Water Service. Manager Cofer stated that a ccgnplaint was received from Marilyn and Ilni.ly Keller requesting a sum of $98.00 which their insurance did not cover and seeking payment fran the District for same - which is for $50.00 deductible and $48.00 plun�r charge) . Much discussion was held regarding the payment of this claim and P�lanager Cofer reccxrunended denial of same. Director Fesler stated that this break in the pipe located in the wall of the hane of Mrs. Keller, follawed after a turn-off of water by our District, and the Insurance Policy she has covers the actual damage done to the home but the insurance ccanpany will not pay the plun�r's charge or the $50.00 deductible. Director Fesler stated he felt we have a responsibility to this lady and we should �ay the charge of $98.00 and so moved, seconded by Director Cocking - and votes as follows: AYES: Directors Fesler, Cocking, Kashuba, Hegarty NOES: Director Fieldcamp ABSENT: None. Carried. . . (d) Contract for Cleaning of Upper Reservoir: - Proposals were received fran the following: D. Garcia $C 887 T. Haen $8,783 B. Young $8,950. Manager Cofer reccgrmlended award to the laa bidder D. Garcia for his bid price of $6,887.00. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried. 2. INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: (a) Lunnological Studies. Direct Staff on continuation of studies. Manager Cofer stated he has a proposal from Dr. Goldman for this continuation of study, and since our workshop when this was discussed., we discovered that the Departrnent of Fish and Game is continuing with their study of the reservois. A Dr. Middlebrook frcgn Utah State is also a highly qualified consultant for this project and he was contacted for a proposal, and Manager Cofer requested that any action be deferred until we receive the proposal from Dr. Middlebrook. Manager Cofer also requested that a Dr. Hazel be authorized to review the Fish and Game Study (of Jones and Stokes) , and have h�m ccene back to the Board with his report regarding that study and the cost not to exceed $3,600.00. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, that Dr. Hazel be requested to study the report from Fish and Game, and same not to exceed a cost of $3,600. VOTES: AYES: Directors Fesler, Cocking, Kashuba and Hegarty NOES: Director Fieldcamp ABSENT: None. Carried. Director Cocking moved, seconded by I�irector Kashuba, unanimously carried, that we request a proposal fran Dr. Middlebrook, and that Dr. Golclman's report be deferred at this time. (b) Irrigation Diversions: Direct Attorney J.C.Weidman to meet with Alpine County District Attorney to reView contracts for water diversions. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Directpz Cocking, unanimously carrj.ed. Regular Nleeting -7- 10/6/77 �`%�� 3, FINAL DRAFrI' 208 WATER QUALITY P'1ANAC�'�NT PL,�.�T: Authorize Re�ponse to TRPA. Director Fesler rnoved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unariiznously carxied, the response to TRP�, as follaws, be approved and �iled: TRPA PO Box 8896 South Lak.e Tahoe, Ca. 95731 Attention: Mz'. Jim Jordon, Executive Officer RE: Final Draft, 208 Water Quality Management Plan for the Lake Tahoe Basin Gentlemen: "The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District appreciates the opportunity to review the Final Draf� on the 208 Water Quality Management Plan and sul�it the follaeing comnents: Concept - 'I'he South Tahoe Public Utility District concurs with the concept of implementing erosion control facilities to eliminate water pollution in the Basin. We find the cost effective analysis in the report weak and wonder is the expPnditure of 460 of the cost to achieve the last 30% of the erosic�n control is justified. We believe that a phased devela�nt p1an should be developed so that costs and benefits might be better identified prior to c�it- ment of such massive funding. The impl�nentation schedule presented in the Financial Program wou�d place severe financial burden on local residents. The Financing Plan should recognize other plans such as transportation, water supply, and wastewater which will impose financing requirer.ients on tne local co�nunity. Cost of Plan Implementation: We believe that the cost of unpl�nenting the erosion control plan has been understated. 17�e costs are in 1976 dollars and do not include cost of fir�ancing nor an adequate contingency allawance. The total cost of the plan as we interpret the Report is as follows: I�,q Millions of Dollars Erosion Control Facilities $ 77•91 Land Purchases (SEZ) (110U AC) 55.00 On Site Run-Off Management 8•2� On Site �un-off high control Priority Areas 1.40 Rezoning Urban to General Forest (2000 AC) 100.00 * Total Cost (1976 Dollars) . . . $242.51 *Estimated as 2000 acres @ $50,000 per acre. Wastewater NlanagP�nent: - 'The projected wastewater flc�ws for the South Tahoe Public Utility District service area was prepared without direct input f_ran the District. Although we do not take great exception to the 93 gallons per capita per day criteria used in protecting peak day flaw, we do question the assLunption that water conservation programs will reduce waste loadings on the treatment system. Reduction of liquid flaas by water conservation programs will increase pollutant concentrations and make water treatment more difficult. We request that Figure IV-3 of the report be revised with the flaw reductions due to �aater conservation being removed. Also, capacity preservations for public lands should be shown on Figure N-3. A suggested revision to Figure N-3 is attached. D9anagement of Stream Environme.nt Zones - 'I'he collection of wastewaters is dependent upon gravity systems and therefore almost all of the District's facilities are located within the proposed stream environment zones. If �.dopted, the plan would prohibit treaisnent plants and water storage tanks within the stream environment zones and therefore would impose severe restrictions on this District's ab�lity to provide water and sewer services. The 208 Plan must recognize physical limitations to the development of wastewater treatrnent and water supply systems and modify the SEZ restrictions to allaw for the development of needed service facilities. We find the statement on page VIII-37 that "Reservoirs shall be pennitted only for the purpose of providing sec�iment retention and flood control" as both short sighted and not in the best interest of the public. Consideration of iro�lti-purpose utilization of facilities should be a requiremexit. Water supply should be a project pur�ose of any reservoir and conjunctive management of surface and groundwater systems should be developed. ���., -8- 10/6/77 � Regular Meeting ram: - We are concerned about the proposed Institutional and Regulatory Prog l��g expansion of TRPA'S role in the review and approval of sewage facilities p since this function has been performed by the Regional Water Quality Control � B�d. We anticipate delays in implementation and increased costs due to e further canplexity of agencies review and approval. Financial Prog r�; _ �„1e �e concerned as to the competition for funding of �e 208 program and the fund�ng needs to solve wastewater treatrnent and di�po�a�• problems. We quest�°n the accuracy of the estimated cost of the 208 p � ement Ordinance• - 'I'he proposed ordinance identif ies Proposed Water Quality Manag ts. � �,�7e have had for review only Vol�ne the plan as consistent with four documen „ _ We also need to review I "Water Quality Problems and P�lanagemen� pY°g��eS„ _ Voltune III -"Assessmerit of Volume II - "Handbook of Best Managaemen��' and Volume IV - "Plan Development." Water Quality and �vironmental Imp ro sed ordinance would prohibit construction of single family h�nes within `�e p p° � leted as required by the Ordinance on the any watershed until work is being � t S stems" , and "Planning "Waste Management", "Erosion and Drainage Managemen Y for Critical �vironmental Areas" --- Since this work cannot be accanplished until an acceptable financing p lan is adopted it would appear' that all construc- tion would be halted if the ordinance was adopted. We do not find this a very satisfactory approach. We concur with the suggestion in the 208 Plan report that there is a need to evaluate the reuse of the highly �as��tfof the SZ`PUD�'S Faci�liti s����g 1 In-Basin reuse is being considered p program for Niodification and/or Expansion of the Wastewater Treatment and Disposa System. We disagree with the ordinance requireme.nt to have such sewerage manageme�tro s� file with all land use agencies an annual report on facilities, needs and p I� programs. Such information is needed bY the land use agencies, however, the detennination of future needs and capacity demands cannot be made by the waste- water agencies until the land use agencies identify the anticipated population for n receipt of the population projections frcgn the land use the service areas. UI� �nent agencies could respond on anticipated agencies �� �e Wsalecatacity needs and identify programs for facilities expansion. treatment and dispo P ro sed ordinance are water quality requirements for ality Under Section 300 of the p Po thereto. Z'he proposed qu surface runoff which enters Lake Tahoe °ireme t�.su�S� �n our ma.intenance programs , r�ir�nents are different than the requ b the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Coa�°or��on �ee�forcetnentf of water�na y �,n wi11 have the f�nal tY tion of which ag �y quality requireYnPazts for surface runoff. g�commendation'_ - ' �e $O�'d of Direct�ors of the South Taho a��1�ing1A en�Y � • of the Tahoe Reg District recon�unend that the govern� plan and ordinance. �ae concur in �e �s�,icts, not adopt, at this t�me, the propo suggestion by the City of Southo ed �an oa���ited to assiste.inithe final and counties impacted by the pr l�O p plan preparation. ReSpeCtively submitted s/ Edward E. Hegarty, President Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District cc: P•7anager Tahoe Special Districts �� ors - South Shore" Man.agers of Water Purvey . Luther Pass Surge System: Authorize Consultant Assistance in Detern�.nation of 4 er Cofer requested authorization to retain Resources Modifications. �ag for this project and not to exceed $3,000.00. Engineering r�ag��t ���� unanimously carried. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fesler, 5, Addendum Calgon Contract - Reactivaeed�c Ka°huba m�V�..e onded by�Director Spelling out Sales Tax Provisions. D1 C�}�ng and roll call votes, as follows:FIELDC�'�� HEGARTY AYES: DIRECTORS COCKING, KASfNBA► NOES: DIRECTOR FESLER ABSEDIT: NONE. Carried. . . . Regular Nleeting -9- 10/6/77 1 i�'_7 6. Waste Discharge R�quirements: - Maintenance Projects: - Revieww Revisions Proposed by L,ahontan Staff. Manager Cofer stated that he talked with Mr. R. Har.lpson of Lahontan, who stated that he felt this must be taken back to his Board for modification. It has been put on the agenda for Lahontan for 10/13/77. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carrieci, that we request this action be deferred by Lahontar. until after the Cease and Desist Hearing in December or January. Director Kashuba stated she wauld not be in favor of accepting the discharge requirements other than what we have up to naa accepted. She also moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that the Attorney and the Manager be instructed to discuss the concerns with L�ahontan at the 10/13/77 meeting, if this appears to be necessary, but they not ca�nit the Board to the adoption of the Waste Discharge Requirements ncxa proposed. Mr. Kykendall of Lahontan stated that when changes are being made at a meeting, errors can be made; he stated that he did not feel the intent of STPUD Board and Lahontan are that far off; they are trying to get the wording correct for both agencies. Attorney Weidm�n stated that the proposals were written, not verbal, and these written proposals were approved. Lahontan wrote up an entirely different order than was passed, and it was served on this District as an order of their Board, and Attorney Weichnan stated he does not feel that any staff has the right to draft a Resolution and an order different than that Board adopted at a public meetu-ig. Mr. Weidman stated that this is where Lahontan staff is subject to extreme criticism and litigamently so, and he did not feel this should have ever occured, and the staff should not have done it, and the record is clear Lahontan did this. Maybe there is sane change in the wording that this District and Lahontan can agree on, but this other situation should never have happened, and every time it does happen, Mr. Weic�nan stated that he felt it should be pointed out publicly, because no public board should have its duly noticed order changed and served by the staff. 7. Amended Assessments: - Approve Resolutions Directing P�aking of Amended Assess- ments for Projects: Resolution No. 2089 1964-1 Resolution No. 2090 1967-1 Resolutian No. 2091 1967-3B Resolution No. 2092 1970-1 Resoluti.on No. 2093 1970-2 Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, the RESOL�TTION NOS. 2089 through 2093 be approved, and hearing date is set for November 3, 1977, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Roan. 8. Investrnent of Funds: - Approve RESOLUTION NO. 2094, Authorizing Investment of District r•Zonies in Local Agency Investment Fund - Moved by Director Fesler, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried. ti'1ILL SEP,VE R.E�UESTS: - (a) Request for 1029 Takela Avenue - Water. (b) Security National Bank in Al Tahoe Shopping Center has reached the six months expiration date and they requested another letter be written extending this for another_ six months for CTRPA file. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, the above two requests be approved and letters be written. PAYi�TT OF CLAII��1S: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $326,930.21, as recommended by Assistant n4anager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOU�IT: 11:30 P.M. !'�� , �� � ,�C'� -_. Edward E. Hegarty, Presi ent /� South Tahoe Public Uti: ty District ATI'EST: , � ��'' ����--�L��-t David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & -fficio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ********* Regular 1`�eeting of the Board of Directors of the /J�� Sauth Tahoe Public Utility District October 20, 1977 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regula-r session on 10/20/77, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL C.1-�I�L: Present were President E.E.Hegarty, Directors R. W. Fesler, F.J. Cocking, L.L. ICashuba and R.A. Fieldcamp, General Manager/District Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager D.W. Callahan, A'ctorney John C. Weidman, G. Eppler, W. Dunckhorst, Clerk of Board, N. Olson, J. Genzeli - Lake Tahoe News, Representative fram KTHO, P�Ir. and Mrs. D. Huber, M. Kobernus, L. Shi.ith, P4rs. Peggy Cocking, B. Bird, J. Grad�. ABSENT: John Bonnet - Manager of Operations. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldc�np, unanimously carried, minutes of 9/15/77 be approved as submittecl and Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, minutes of 10/6/77 be approved as submitted. P�COGNITION OF VISI'I`ORS: President Hegarty welcomed all visitors to this meeting and asked if anyone had anything to present to the Board that is not on the agenda. None had any business to bring before the Directors. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager James R. Cofer: "FACILITIES PLI�NNING STUDIES: The Technical Steering C�runittee, consisting of representatives fran EPA, State Water Resources Control Board, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, STPUD and STPUD'S Consultants, met on 10/14/77 to review the status of the Consultant's work. F�.issell C�.ilp and his Associates outlined the alternative concepts being evaluated and preliminary estimates of costs. PZr. Bob Jones discussed the population studies and environmental back- ground information developed to date. A tentative date of Thursday, December 15, 1977, was set for the next public workshop. At the Deceir�ber workshop the evaluation of the alternative treatment and disposal concepts will be discussed. FALLIIv LF�F LAI� PROJECT: - �I}�e District has received a review copy of the Fallen Leaf Lake Design Criteria Report prepared by CSO International, Inc. , and Wil]_iaQn Pillsbury, Inc. The draft report is being reviewed by staff and Lahontan Fd�, CTRPA, TRPA, USFS, and the Fallen Leaf Lake Haneawner's Association. 'I'he Final Report is scheduled for ccgnpletion by November 7, 1977." Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ATI'ORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated we have had a report by our Special Counsel on the pipeline litigation, N7r. David I3ist, in an executive session this afternoon for a}�at two and one-half hours, with four members of the Board, and Mr. Cofer, Mr. Callahan and N1r. Weidman in attendance. Director Fesler was unable to be there. They met with Dave I�.ist of Rust & ArmPazis and John P�Iounier. The conclusion of that meeting is that the Special Counsel is recotrunending that the Board authorize the filing of complaint for breach of contract and negligence against the engineers- C�32r7 Hill, and the contractor Ernest E. Pestana for approximately three million dollars for daQnages and that the Special Caunsel continue with the investigation as to the liability of the pipeline manufacturer. 'I'he special counsel advised the Board this afternoon that the engineer and contractor were liable to the District regard- ing the export pipeline and that the action should be filed, in behalf of the District, before the end of next week. Attorney Weidman stated that he does concur in the reccxr�nendation of the Special Counsel and brings Mr. Rust's reccmunendation to this Board, and requested at this time, the Board authorize the filing of canplaint against the �gineer and Cantractor, and specifically authorize the continuation of the investigation as to the liability of the pipeline manufacturer. Manager Cofer concurred in the recca�nnendation of the Attorney. Director Fesler asked who the DOES are - would that include individuals, such as Harlan E. Moyer, who was A�ting Manager of the District at that time. Attorney Weic�nan stated as far as he knows, the DOES do not include individuals, they include the corporate organization, they could include the individuals, if our Special Counsel detsrnlines that they should be named and were liable. The authorization to file would include only the �gineer and the Contractor at this time, Attorney Weidman stated, meaning the Corporate Organization. Manager Cofer stated that they would file with the 50 DOES that are listed. Attorney Weic�hnan stated that one of the 50 DOES could be the pipeline manufacturer, providing after further inVestigation, the Special Counsel concluded that there were reasonable grounds to file against the pipeline manufacturer, and would serve him as one of the DOES. `rX�' -a- io/zo/�� Regular Meeting Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, and unanimous roll call vote, that the Special Ccunsel be authorized to file suit against the engineer and the contractor, and continue the investigation of the manufacturer of the pipe. Attorney Weidman also stated he did attend a workshop with the District �vironmentalists, our Bond Counsel and Nlanager Cofer yesterday. He stated it was his feeling that in E.I.R. , under the California law, certain issues should be considered and discussed, and as a result of the conference yesterday, and not necessarily his ideas, that the environmentalists are going to consider what would be our c�miitted service population, meaning what would be the population we could expect in serving the c�itrnents we have made, specifically the lands v� have assessed. That population alternate was not heretofor being considered; previously the environmentalists have only considered figures fran TRPA, CTRPA and sane ; analysis by the environir�entalists, and the Depar-t�nt of Finance figures with an arbitrary grawth curve through 1991. The District conmiitm�nts, and, when they will be built, the estimate by the environmentalists, may or may not present a different population estimate; the law, in the California Water Quality Act, requires discussion and independent judgement by the Board has to be exercised, and this judgement does not mean take sarneone else's figures without Special Counsel analysis, and he advised the Board they should look into any other reasonable alternatives and discuss them. Sharon White, Environmental Lawyer for Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, attended that meeting, and she feels that the EIR should discuss certain legal obligations of the District, and what will be the obligations if the District does not meet cca�unitme.nts, what are the obligations that the District serve lots; she is going to frame issues in connection with Ken Jones, who is the senior partner of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, and they will provide opinions on these legal issues, and the environmentalists will then discuss what will be the ramifications of their legal opinions, which should also be discussed in an E.I.R. under the California law. WORKSHOP SE5SIONS HELD: 10/7/77 Inspection Santa Clara County Water District Pilot Plant; 10/17/77 Agenda Items/Water System Budget; 10/20/77 Executive Session Litigation - E�port Pipeline. The Santa Clara County Water District Pilot Plant also includes a one mg ozone treatinent process, which is being considered by our consultants as an addition to the treatn�ent process here to improve our ability to meet the COD requireme.nts. John Bonnet and Bill Dunckhorst also attended this inspection trip. President Hegarty stated that one of our candidate's at nearly every candidate gathering has indicated that our COD requirement here is the same that it is all over the State, the same in Palo Alto, where the inspection tour took place, and the same all over the state, and asked Manager Cofer if this is true. r9anager Cofer sta.ted this is not so to his knowledge; Orange County, which Mr• Cofer does knaw about does not haVe the same standards we have, and not measured the same as we do, and do not measure carbon fines in COD; their Regional Quality Control Board does not consider those problems so they are not required to be measured, but v� are required to be measured. Nlanager Cofer stated he knaws of no plant that has the same standards we ha�e, our standards are unique, and are being forced differently than other places. Manager Cofer also stated he would certainly be interested in any other plant that has the saane standards we have here. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Conservation. No report. (2) Water Utility. No report. (3) Plant Operations: - Director Fieldca�, President Hegarty, Manager Cofer and Gene Eppler met, and another meeting was scheduled for today, which was cancelled due to the executive session re the pipeline litigation. (4) Finance/Insurance. No report. (5) Public Information. No report. (6) Regulatory Agencies: Manager Cofer stated he attended the Lahontan Meeting last 2'hursday and took the Waste Discharge Requirements for Maintenance Projects off the agenda and will be rescheduled; we did ask they hold a hearing/meeting in Dece.mber or January at South Lake Tahoe for consideration of removing the Cease and Desist Order and Lahontan indicated they would do this, but still uncertain whether it will be in December or January. Shop Steward's Report: None present. Regular Meeting -3- October 20, 1977 /�`�� REPOR`I'S BY P1�GRAM MANAGERS: (1) Manager of Water Supply System: - "The project on Pioneer Trail and Keller Road has been completed. 'I'his project has taken us 4 da.ys to canplete instead of the 2 days we had anticipated. 'I'he reason this project took longer than anticipated was because the welding work on prefabricating was held up, so we had to cancel tapping of the 19" main for a day, also, we ran against a barrier of underground telephone and electrical conduits that required us to prefabricate a section to go over this section of conduits. On Tuesday of this week we experienced another leak. at the intersection of Highway 50 and Park Avenue; this is the third leak we have had within a years time at this location. The preliminary test by the U.C. Davis Ground Water Study has shc�m that there is a fairly good. supply of underground water. These tests were made at the Glenwood Wells, Al Tahoe Well, Slackrock Wells, and Tata Lane Wells." s/ W. Dunckhorst" (2) Manager of Operations: - "The flcxa equalization was put into service 1`ast Thursday, October 13, 1977. Hydraulically it seems to be working well, but when the system was put into service we lost too many solids. This encouraged a filimentous grawth. We still have to make some adjustments to control the dissolved oxygen and the solids in the aeration basins. V�klen this is done the system should work well and will allow us to control the F/M and sludge age much closer. We are continuing to work on the carbon coltmins when we can. So far we have repaired four colLunris, although we were unable to replace s�ne of the screens in columns number four and six. At this time we still have four columns to do and probably will find more screens �vil1 have to be replaced. We are still returning water fran the emergency holding pond and at this t�sne there is about ten million gallons remaining. Our COD average for this month is 24.7 mg/l. The reason for this high COD is work that had to be done on the carbon colLunns, which left us with only seven colLunns operat�ng. Also, the loss of solids when the flaa equalization was put into service. We are continuing to test different polymers in an effort to get better effluent fran the chemical clarifiers. We have found a polymer that works very well in the flotation thickener and, at times, the sludge is so thick we have had some problems pumping it to the digester. There have been no problems pumping it to the centrifuge or burning it. Sane of the operators and myself will be attending training classes every 'I'hursday in Sacr�nento. 'I'he classes are expected to last until sane time in January. s/ John Bonnet". . . .. . (3) Manager of P•4aintenance Division: - "�ly three areas in the plant modifications have been worked on in the last two weeks. On the #3 Water System, the maintenance portion is ccanplete, and the electrical is naw 70 o complete. 'I'he installation of the floating aerator in #2 pond is complete and the Sodiiun Hydroxide System is now 50% ccgnplete. In addition to plant modifications numerous maintenance items weJre ccgnpleted. In the furnace building, the Screw Conveying System on the sludge furnace was c�npletely rebuilt. A large amount of work has been done in the Tertiary Building, repairing the bottcgn of #2, 3, 4 and 6 C.C. as we11 as replacing same of the screens in these colLunns. The screens ordered to replace the collapsed screens are 100 PSI rated, the existing are 40 PSI rated. When these screens arrive it will require the shutdown of the col�s to make the necessary replacements. Outside the plant it was a rush to install laterals prior to the October 15 shutdown on excavation. One stoppage resulting in a sewerage spill in the Spring Creek Tract was encountered. While making a follow-up investigation the next day we found a private contractor cut our main while excavat�ng. 'Itao days were required to make the necessary repairs. s/Gene Eppler". . . . . . Finance Officers Report: None. � i y,��� Regular Meeting -4- 10/20/77 Mr. Bob Bird stated he is the President of the Co�nittee to Restore the Constitution, and he placed bookets at the head table for the Board members entitled "Beware Metro and Regional Government" written by Phoebe Courtney, which covers an expose of the plans of those who seek to destroy local, self- government in the U.S. and substitute rule by federal Metrocrats, and asked the Board to please take the t�me to read this booklet. Mr. Bird also extended an invitation to the Board P�embers to join this Ccxrun_ittee. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACI'ION: � (1) Water System: (a) Grade 4 Water Treatrnent Facility Operator. Recognition of acccxnplishment by Mr. Thcgnas C. Rouch, and (b) Grade 2 - Water Treatment Facility Operator: Recognition of Mr. Paul - English. The Board ccxnplimented both mentioned employees for their achievements and a letter to each has been signed by all mernbers of the Board and same to be placed in their personnel file. (2) �aluation of Effects of Effluent Quality Changes on the Water Quality of Indian Creek Reservoir. Proposal by Middlebrooks and Associates, Inc. Manager Cofer stated we had requested and received a proposal fr�n Dr. Golchnan to specifically look at the COD requirements, and additional studies at the Lake. Suggestions were made by a ntnnber of people , including the state, that we should also consider Middlebrooks and Associates, Inc. fran Utah State, who have done some work at Indian Creek Reservoir. Manager Cofer stated he has asked Dr. Middlebrook for a proposal, and it wauld be broken into two phases: (1) for him to cane out and spend 2 days at the District reviewing the Fish and Game Study, and then to submit a detailed proposal. 'The State has indicated that if we are interested this study be included under our Grant Program, it would probably be favorably put on that, and in the interest of time, haaever, Manager Cofer recomnended that we ask Dr. Middlebrooks and his associate Mr. Purcella, to spend two days with us to develop a detailed proposal, and not to exceed $2,500.00, and he would be here next Monday and Tuesday. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unan�mously carried, that Manager Cofer's reca�unendation be approved, as so stated above. (3) 1973 WATER RECI,AMATION IMPROVII`�ITS - Final Audit Report of Project Costs. (a) Approve response to State, as recanunended by Assistant Manager Callahan - - Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fieldc�np, unanimously carried. (4) WATER DEPARTMENT BUDGET - Approve Budget - $1,200,000.00. - - This was discussed in Study Session and studied by the Board at the Workshop on October 17, 1977. Assistant P�Ianager Callahan recommended approval of this budget. Rc�ll call vote as follavs: AYES: Directors Cocking, Fieldcamp, Kashuba, and Hegarty. NOE: Director Fesler. . . . . . . . . . .Carried. (5) Carbon Screens Replacement: Declaration of �treme E�rgency - Authorize Purchase of Five Carbon Screens @ $787 each without going to bid; finding this of great emergency purchase. . .. . . . . .. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried. WILL SERVE REQUESTS: None. PAYMF.�.�]T OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, cla.ims in the amount of $268,667.63 be approved for payment, as recc�unended by Assistant Tti�anager Callahan. ADJOURNNIQ�IT: 9:45 P.M. , , �.,� � % .�- �_. Edward E. egarty, �'esid t South Tahoe Public Utili y District ATI'EST: 1 , � � � I-2. � L/' David W. Callahan, Clerk of B Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ****** �a�� Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District NovF_mber 3, 1977 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 11/3/77 at 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Rocgn. RpLZ, CALL: Present were President E. E. Hegarty, Directors R. W. Fesler, F.J. Cocking, L.L. Kashuba and R.A. Fieldcamp; Manager/District Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager D.W. Callahan, Clerk of Board, Gene Eppler, John Bonnet, W. Dunckhorst, and Mrs. M. Dunckhorst, Mrs. J. Bonnet and Daughter, L. Smith, J. Genzeli - Lake Tahoe News, A.Kruse, M. Kobernus, D. Bates and another representative from R E M, Neal Olson, June Hegarty, Mr. Klykenda ll - LRW2CB• ABSENT: Attorney J.C. Weic�trnan. MCNUTES OF 10/20/77: Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, minutes of 10/20/77 be approved as changed. MANAGER'S REPORT: As reported by J.R. Cofer, Manager: - ��FATT,F'� LEAF LAKE PROJECT: 'I'he staff has reviewed an advanced draft of the "Interim Design Criteria SLmunary E�port for Sewering of Fallen Leaf Lake" prepared by CSO International and Willia[n F. Pillsbury, Inc. 'The final report will be submitted to the District on November lOth. If the final report is approved by the Utility District and the Fallen Ieaf Lake Improven�ent Association, Inc. , the District will proceed with final design of the sewer system. On November 2, 1977 the District and representatives of the Fallen I�af Lake Hanecywner's appeared at a State Water Resources Control Board Workshop to request that the Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer System be placed on the 1977-78 priority list for Federal and State Grant assistance. The State Board will consider at their Noveml�er 17th Board r�ieeting whether or not to place the project on the priority list. STATE LOAN-REPAIR OF EXPORT PIPELINE - We have received a proposed contract between STPUD and the State of California for a loan of up to $1.7 million for repairs to the export pipeline. The contract has been reviewed by Attorney Weidn�an and we ask that the item be placed on the Board's agenda for authorization to exec�ute the contract. 'The acceptance of a State Loan for repair of the export pipeline was approved by the voters on May 31st of this year. (Referred to Item #5 - Board Action) . Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. A�RNEY'S REl'ORT: Nlanager Cofer stated that Mr. Weidman has completed his review of the draft of the contract for the Revenue Program with Bartle Wells and hopefully on the 17th of November we will ha�e the contract for consideration and/or action by this Board. Attorney Weidm�n is absent this evening. WORKSHOP SESSIONS: 10/28/77 - Reviewed Status Facilities Planning Program on this date at the office of Clean Water Consultants regarding the status of this program and all alternatives; hopefully, all will be in order to present to the public for the December 15, 1977 workshop session. CpNI�'Ir1�E RF�ORTS: (1) Finance/Insurance: Director Fesler stated that there was not a co�nittee meeting, however, he did comeon his awn to the District to review the Insurance Policy for the District and found this to be in good order. No other Cananittee Reports- SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None Present. CONIl�IENTS FROM AUDIENCE: None. P�7ANAGER OF WATER SYSTEMS RF�ORT: As presented by W. Dunckhorst: ,y�y -2 1�,3��� Regular Meeting "The cleaning of the Upper Reservoir was completed on Monday of this week. Water was tuzned into the reservoir Tuesday morning of this week, and filled by Wednesday A.M. Calgon Cat-Floc was added to the reservoir to help in floculation, and settling of the reservoir. If all goes according to plan, I feel the reservoir can be put back on line by this weekend. Now that the Keller and Pioneer tie-in project is canpleted, work is being done at the ski lift fHeavenl Valley lshou�ld beareadycforsnaaeVmaking.W th�urPlusPhase is con�leted, Y reservoir water. Heavenly Valley is plaruzing to start making snaa by the 15th eles�untiZ November only big problem is that the meter will not arrive in Los Ang 8th, and then possibly a week more in shipping to us. To alleviate this problem, arrangements have been made y at asysoon ay the �e�o arrives in Los Angeles, I will be notified., and Heavenl Val1e is fl ing pick it up." � Change WATER UTILITY COMM:LTTEE REP�PT: November 3, 1977: 1976 1977 �+52.8 Well Production 20.0 42.4 Cold Creek Diversion 38.3 15.9 _58_4 Total 58.3 58.3 Calendar Year to Date 296.3 272•6 - 7•9 Well Production Cold Creek Diversion 419.6 377•9 - 9•9 ,I,o�l 715.9 650.5 - 9.1 Water Production - Hoffman System - 1977 February �•2 March 17.1 April 34.6 �y 37.0 June 52.1 July 58'8 August 65.6 September 52.2 October 41.7" 1g77, as reported by Gene Eppler: MANAGER OF MAINI'ENANC.� DIVISION: NOVEMBER 3, ress and the unit should ��The training on our new TV and Sealing Unit is naa in prog be in service within the ne�t two weeks• `1'he unit has been placed under our inspec- tion depari�nt, and will be operated and maintained by them on1Y• I feel this will increase the efficiency of the unit, as well as reduce maintenance. I would like to thank the Tribune for the publicity, and we are planning to in�ite the public this spring to inspec� the TV Unit while it is in use. This will give them scgne idea of what their dollars are being used for. Las t week John Bonnet, Vern Trujillo, Mel Fagot and myself attended the CTr�PCA Conference in San Jose, California for two days. 'The meeting was very informative and helpful for further planning here at our District. F2egarding Plant 1vlodifications - the #3 wa Hrc n� on our flash mixebasinehasalsog aerator is complete and in service. 'The p �e r�in�g it� in the pH monitor- been completed. We are in hopes of completi.ng ing system within the next two weeks• lete and where we At the ne�t Board Meeting I will list the areas that are not comp stand in those areas." Regular Meeting -3- 11/3/77 � 9 9 U REPORT - MANAGEI� OF OPERATIONS, 11/3/77, as prepared by John Bonnet: "The flav equalization has been in operation since October 12th. We have had no problem with the pumps, but we are very limited with the control of the dissolved oxygen, food to microorganism ratio, and our sludge age. In my last report to the Board, I stated that I felt scane iriodification to this system was necessary. I feel the system would perform much better if the return activated sludge was piped directly to aeration basins #4 and #5, rather than split into all basins. This would allow us closer control and would cut the air demand in basins #l, #2 and #3, since all that these basins would have in them would be primary effluent. However, this system has performed better than I anticipated. The surface aerator was started 10/26/77. I have very little data at this time, but there does seem to be a slight decrease of NH3-N across Pond #2. The #3 water system was also started October 26th and we have decreased the amount of water going through the carbon colunms by one-million gallons perday, or more at times. So far we have had no problems with this system in using this water for our various processes. We now have a problem with our solids in the secondary system. We started losing solids very rapidly the end of last week. This caused our COD to increase. We are now trying to build the solids back up and this will take some time. I haVe talked with Mr. R. Culp about this and he feels that the added chlorine residule fran the new #3 water system, combined with our normal chlorine dosage, was too m�uch and killed most of our bacteria. Our COD average for October was 25.2 mg/l, pH average was 7.2, NH3-N aVerage was 8.6. The NH3-N at Indian Creek was 1.05 mg/l, pH was 8.65. The pH at Stevens Lake was 8.92 and the NH3-N was less than 0.02. We are still returning water from the holding pond and there is about 9 million gallons remaining." FINANCE OFFICER'S R�PORT: Assistant Manager Callahan stated that the Auditors have ccgnpleted the Audit and each Director does have a copy for their study and review. President Hegarty stated we have a very important upcaning election next Tuesday 11/8/77 and there has been a lot of publicity in the paper about it, and we hope all those that are eligible to vote, that are here this evening, will take that opportunity on Tuesday to express their wishes. It is a very important election at this time. President Hegarty stated there are 3 seats available for the election of the Utility District Board; there are 2 inctunbents running, and one did not choose to run, the elder member of the Board (in length of service years) , and we are certainly going to miss Bob Fesler, who has given many fruitful years on this Board. Mrs. Kashuba is running - her opponent is Don Kennedy and has not attended one Board meeting, nor as far as President Hegarty recalls has he ever been at the plant, toured the plant, and Al Kruse, our Taur Director, a�reed to this statement, so Mr. Kennedy is obviously not too interested in serving all the people as he mentions in his ads. Mr. Fesler's seat - No. 2 - has two opponents; one is Mr. Neal Olson, who is present this evening, and has been very interested in attending our Board Meetings these last 2 months, and Mr. J. Grady, who has attended the Board �etings maybe two times in the last two months. Seat No. l, which Mr. Hegarty is inc�ur�nt, has 4 opponents - Mr. Kobernus, who has attended most meetings, if not all, the last two months; Larry Smith, also a candidate, has attended all Board Meetings the last two �nths, and has been ve� interested in past actions of the Utility District, and has kept himself well informed as to the key issues, especially the pipeline; Mr. Paul DeLeon, another candidate, has attended two meetings in the last couple of �nths; Jim Jones, the other opponent, who professes to know all the problems and waysof solving them at the plant, and President Hegarty asked Mr. Kruse, Tour Director, to correct him, but Jim Jones has not been to one Board Meeting, he was at one of our hearings, and he has not visited the plant at all, nor has he contacted anyone on the staff, Tour Director, and Mr. Hegarty stated he would just like to indicate that he things it is very strange that people who profess to be so interested in making the important changes in our plant operations, who have a chance of serving on this Board of Directors for the next four years, have not taken the trouble to at least come out and see what goes on at one of our meetings; they should certainly come out and take a look, try to find out where the plant is anyway. P�ir. Hegarty stated that to the best of his knowledge, that of the Manager's and Tour Directors, two of the candidates has not stepped foot on this plant - on the premises of this plant; and he was pleased there is one member of the press here this evening, and sorry the other press representa.tive could not be here, but these remarks will be out in the minutes if anyones is interested in reading them, and will be given a copy of same. He thanked all in attendance for this time he took to make these above statements. � 9�� Regular Meeting -4- November 3, 1977 I� FOR BOARD ACTION: - (1) Johnson Blvd. Interceptor Sewer: (a) Progress Report: Mr. Denton Bates of R E M gave a status report on this project, showed slides of the start of construction and where they are to date. (b) Progress Payment Request: Manager Cofer recomnendeod the Board approve a progress payment for R E M for $7,745.80. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, progress payment be approved as recca�miended by Manager J.R. Cofer. (2) Audit - Fiscal Year 1976-77: - Mr. D.W. Callahan stated that the Auditors - Ehlman & Calvert would like to meet with the Board to review this Audit. Board agreed to schedule this meeting on 11/15/77, 3:00 P.M. , District Office. (3) High Nleadaas Trail Reservoir Site: Manager Cofer stated that Mr. E. Reamer has appraised land for the District's Reservoir Site in the amount of $9,500.00, plus paym�nt on the Improv�ment Bond in the amount of $825.00 approximately, and recorruriended approval for negotiations by this Board. Director Fesler also stated it should be mentio ned this Board does have the p�aer of F�ninent Domain as well. Director Fieldca� moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, we authorize negotiations for purchase as stated above. (4) Amended Assessments: President Hegarty opened the hearing at 9:05 P.M. for the arrended assessments. Being no protests from those present; no written protests, he closed the hearing at 9:10 P.M. Assistant Manager Callahan reco�nded adoption of the follaaing Resolutions Confirming Amended Assessments: Resolution No. 2095 Project 1964-1 Resolution No. 2096 Project 1967-1 Resolution No. 2097 Project 1967-3B Resolution No. 2098 Project No. 1970-1 Resolution No. 2099 Project 1972-2. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, the Resolutions Nos. 2095 through 2099 be approved as recomnended by Assistant Manager David W. Callahan. (5) $1.7 Million Dollar State Loan frcgn the State of California. Manager Cofer reconurended this item be deferred, as there are sane sections in the Contract that do need clarification. He mentioned some of the sections do need to be discussed and will study same and report to the Board at a later date. WILL SERVE REQUESTS. None. PAYMIIVT OF CLAIMS: Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried claims amounting to $185,684.06, as recor�anended by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. AD�TOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. ,� � '. � � � S- ' '� ,-•-- ��:_-�t`:L�o�.��.�/�, ,�C;�--C_c��i.�-� Edward E. Hegarty, �Pres�en South Tahoe Public Utility �strict ATPEST: ,�� � � � _ l :�,_, / C (." -�' �l,�s'1 `David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board andC- Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ****** ��q� Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District November 17, 1977 The Board of Directors of the STPUD met in a regular session 11/17/7i at 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President E.E.Hegarty, Directors R.W. Fesler, F.J. Cocking, L.L. Kashuba, R.A. Fieldcamp, General Manager/District Engineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager D.W. Callahan, Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C.Weidman, W. Dunckhorst and Mrs. W. Dunckhorst, Mrs. E.E.Hegarty, G. Eppler, A.Kruse, R. Hampson, J. Genzeli, B. Etcheverry, J. NoYman, R.L. Culp, W.F. Pillsbury, L. Bracewell, Neal Olson and J. Jones. ABSENT: J. Bonnet - Manager of Operations, STPUD. MLNUTES: Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, minutes of 11/3/77 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S RII�ORT: As presented by Manager J.R. Cofer. "TRPA 208 PLAN: "We have reviewed the TRPA Staff Reconunendations to the TRPA Board regarding the 208 Plan and note the following: The staff reco�nends that the Stream Environment Zones (SEZ) consisting of lands which have been subdivided and partially developed would not be rezoned. The TRPA Staff also reconmlended that - - "The Plan be revised by providing that existing sewerage and other public facilities in SEZ's will not be affected by re- zoning to an SEZ classification. Plans for expansion of these facilities will be reviewed on an individual basis for canpliance with the section of the Best Management Practices pertaining to construction within SEZ's"----- The TRPA Staff reco�nds that the proposed regulation, which required sewer District's to annually file with TRPA a report on projected needs be modified and that the TRPA Staff be directed to work with the local goverrunents to define specific procedures for coordination of land use planning and pernlit approvals for expansion or upgrading of facilities. The TRPA Staff is requesting the TRPA Board to approve (not adopt) the 2QB Plan and to include in the ordinance the revisions to the Plan resulting fran the public review. The TRPA Staff has done a corrmie.ndable job in considering the District's co�nents and the effort is appreciated. STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD OFFICE OF WATER RECYCLING - Governor Brown has established an Office of Water Recycling to promote water reclama.tion in California to its fullest potential. 'I'he Governor has established a goal of tripling the amount of reclaimed water use by construction of facilities to make available an additional 400,000 acre feet per year (356.5 million gallons per day) of reclaimed water by 1982. The actions by the Governor make it mandatory that STPUD consider reuse of wastewater as part of the Facilities Planning Program. The Governor has appointed an Advisory Conunittee which contains representatives of water purveyors and wastewater management agencies, tec�inical specialists, and other individuals. The conuni_ttee will provide advice to the Office of Water Re- cycling concerning problems and their solutions related to water recl.amation and concerning strategy, work plan develo�xnent, and proposed OWR policies and actions. I �n pleased to report that STPUD's consultant - Mr. Russell L. Culp - has been appointed by the Governor to the Advisory Comnittee, and it is my understanding that Mr. Culp has been selected to serve as the Ccx�uYiittee Chairm�z. Other members of the cc�nnittee are Mr. Walter Garrison, Sanitation District of Los Angeles, Mr. Don Owen - Don Owen and Associates; Mr. Lloyd C. Fowler - Santa Clara Vall.ey Water District and President of WATER�ARE, Mr. Robert Ayers - University of California at Davis - Agricultural Extension Service, Dr. Robert Cooper - University of Cal.ifornia at Berkeley - School of Public Health, Ms. Helen Burke - East Bay Municipal Utility District, Dr. B.J. Miller - Association of Bay Area Governments, Mr. Louis Beck - San Joaquin Valley Interagency Drainage Program, and Mr. Clyde MacDonald- Consultant Assembly Water C�unittee. F�,IN T FAF T�P,KF;: Report on request for grant funding to be prPsented at Board Meeting. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, the Manager's Report be approved as presented. � _ � �� �j3 Regular Meeting -2.- Nove.mber 17, 1977 A'1'I'ORNEY'S REPORT: As presented by Attorney J.C. Weic�nan. Attorney Weidman stated that he has just returned from vacation, but did mention that the Board of Supervisors allocated the anti-recessionary fund to the South Fork of the American River Project, and it appears that our grant funds from the Water Agency will be secure, and not be tapped for those purposes. Also, Mr. Weidman stated we do have a settlement conference in the District Court of Appeals on 12/8/77 at 3:00 P.M. , and requested a Study Session at that ti.me because the rules of court require availability of the lawyer to the client, and if Mr. Weidman can call the Board rrtembers by conference phone in the Manager's office - that will be sufficient. Mr. Weidmari stated he would like the Study Session scheduled for the remaining and new Directors for Thursday 12/8/77 at 3:00 P.M. Board members agreed to this date. Manager Cofer stated the Study Session for the Public Workshop could also be scheduled at the same tin�e. REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS: Manager Cofer stated the following workshop sessions were held: 11/14/77 Agenda Items 11/15/77 Review Audit Report 11/17/77 T V Inspection Program COMMITTEE REPORTS : Finance and Insurance: - Director Fesler stated the Insurance Co mmittee did not meet, but did have hte chance to discuss the District's Insurance Plan with the new Directors during the Audit Meeting on 11/15/77, which was worthwhile. Also, recently received a letter frcm our Insurance Agent regarding the property damage increase limits ($100,000 to $250,000) . President Hegarty commended Bob Fesler on the outstanding job he has done as Finance/Insurance Chairn��u� for this District. No other Committee Reports. SHOP S'I'EWARD'S REPORT: None present. REPORTS FROM PROGRAM P9ANAGERS, AS FOLI�OWS: (�) WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS: As reported by W. Dunckhorst: The filtration plant modification program has progressed to the point where the drawings are naw c�npleted, and the various parts and fittings have been ordered. As soon as these parts arrive, the changes will be made and i feel we should be able to canplete this program some�ime in late Dece.mber. I would like to say that Mr. Ettlich of CWC Consultants is doing an outstanding job on the modifications and it should eliminate the many problems we have had in the past. The problem � ha�e had the past two weeks of co�laints on odor and chlorine taste in the water has naw seemed to disappear. This problem seemed to have been caused by an aver abundance of manganese in the system from the Martin A�enue Well when we had this well and the Al Tahoe well carrying the entire Globin System while the filtration plant was shut down during cleaning of the Upper Reservoir. We did follaa-up on the complaints of odor and taste with may lab tests and at no ti.me did we find anything that would be a health problem. The new Pioneer Trail and Keller Road by=pass was activated Friday of last week, and we are nav ptunping surplus water to Heavenly Va11ey storage tanks in preparation of the snav-making at Heavenly Valley Ski Lift. (2) MANAGER OF OPERATIONS REPORT (As presented by J.R. Cofer for J. Bonnet) : Since the last Board meeting we have made scgne progress in building our sludge concentration up again. At the time of the last meeting our mixed liquor was down to about 600 mg/1 and is now up to 1300 mg/l. We should be running with about 1800-2000 mg/l. We now have a fil�mexltous problem in the Secondary System and have started feeding H2O2 and CL2 to control this. The #3 water system is still perfor.mi.ng with no problems. 'The CL2 res�dual in the #3 water does not seem to be a problem due to the fact that we naa have the filimentous organisms. This would indicate to me that this is not what caused us to lose our solids. I feel that we were burning up more solids in basins #l, #2 and #3 than we are capable of building. By putting the return sludge into #4 and #5 basins only, will el�m.inate this problem and give us the control we need to effectively operate the Secondary 5ystem. Based on the data I have to date, we were getting 10.4o NH23-N rempval across pond #2 before the installation of the surface aerator. After the installa- tion of the surface aerator, the NH2-N removal increased to 11.20. Our COD average for the month is high=32.8 mg/l. I will order carbon when we get the Secondary System stabilized again. The a�erage pH is 7.2 for final effluent; the NH3-N at Indian Creek is 2.05 mg/1 and the pH is 8.4; I have stopped returning water fran the emergency holding pond and there is about 1/3 million gallons remaining." Regular M�eting -3- November 17, 1977 ��� MANAGER OF MAINTENANCE DIVISION REPORT: (As reported by G. Eppler) : "PLANI' NSODIFICATIONS: The first stage recarbonation pH system is com�lete. The Trend Recorder-Totalizer for flaws has been co�leted and the installation of one CO2 ccmpressor is c�nplete. Items in the Plant Modification that are not c�nplete are: (1) One CO2 compressor; we are waiting for arrival of this unit. Installation will only require one and one-half days for the ccgnpletion of this system. (2) Installation of the new filter influent pH equipment. This equipment is here, and installation will require one week. 'I'his item is scheduled for installation next week. (3) The Sodium Hydroxide System is 60o complete and presently being worked on. We are in hopes of completing this system about the first of Dece. (4) Autanatic Transfer Switch Syster�s - Al Tahoe and Keys Pump Stations: - the equipn�exit has arrived and will be installed taward the end of December. Approximately 2-1/2 days will be required on each station. (5) 'I'he surge relief valves have arrived and will be installed at Luther Pass, after receiving R.E.M. 's analysis on where and haa to discharge this system." FINANCE OFFICER'S REPORT: As presented by D.W. Callahan; Attached are the Financial Statements for the Watex Enterprise F�and as of September 30, 1977. Tncluded in the Statement is Comparative Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for three months of 1977 and 1976, The Statement shows operating revenues increased by over $37,000 but that net revenues incxea,sed by only $3,600, due to increased operating e�enses.. Additional detailed information will be given to the District's sta�f for their inforniation and action." The Board will have an Agenda Session WorkshQp on 11/28/77 and at the same time will discuss the Financial Statements for the Water Enterprise Fund at 2rQ0 P M. BOARD ACTION: (1) Fallen Leaf Lalce: (a) Review Design Criteria Report. This report has been received, prepared by W. Pillsbury and CSO International. Mr. W. Pillsbury stated that on 8/12/77 this Board approved this project and in October of 1977 he and Dr. Bracewell took a trip back to Indiana to look at the facilities of Air-Vac, who is the manufacturer of main component of the Vac�unn Sewer System he is proposing. Follo`aing that visit they went to Mathews Court House in Virginia, and had the opportunity to see the system that has been in the ground for several years, talked with the Maintenance Personnel, had a thorough review of the system. Mr. Bracewell had a movie of the project they visited, and presented this to the Board to view, explaining same to the Board during the movie film. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, and by a roll call vote was carried unanimpusly. (b) Joint Proposal for the Preparation of Plans, Specifications, Contract Doc��nts and obtain necessary permi-ts - Authorize Work. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimr�usly carried, that CSO International be authorized to proceed with the design on Phase II not to e�c�ed $84,884.00. W. Pillsbuiy $36,516 and $8,500 for outside soils consultant. Mr. B. Etcheverry stated we are elated over the action of the State Water Resources Control Board action. He stated 400 of the construction cost is scxnething to be elated over. Also, that the Homeowners at Fallen Leaf Lake are veYy much concerned that the total cost of this project stay within the $1,347,000, and the fact that the State of California Taxpayer's are picking up part of the burden does not change their concern - not one bit. Mr. Etcheverry further stated they are aware of the high engineering costs for this unique project; they are aware of the fact they have two engineering firms working on this project, and are aware of the necessity of that. He stated the Homeawners t.l�rough Fallen Leaf Lake Homeaaners Association want to set up an auditing comnittee, jointly with Manager Cofer� to insure that no unnecessary engineer- ing costs are incurred by either firm, and they feel this is in the mutual interest of everyone, and requires no action on the part of this Board - they just feel it is a desireable thing to do. Director Kashuba asked who the grant was for and she was told it wa� to the STPUD for the Fallen Leaf Lake Project, and she was wondering about soire conditions that may be placed upon the grant that are the responsibility of the District. Manager Cofer stated no special conditions were placed on the grant. Director Kashuba stated in the preparation of the specifications an��ntract , she would like /��`� Regular Meeting -4- 11/17/77 to see something about a waiver of responsibility for loss of business to that area, or loss of access. Attorney Weidnu�n stated that he is certain this wi11 be included in the specifications and when he does review these specifications, he will definitely check for this clause. Director Fieldcamp stated that he is still confused - why does the District have to build this pipeline, or this system? Manager Cofer stated that they are in an approved assessment district, they aremembers of this District, and we have an obligation to provide service to them, just as we did for the people in Meyers. Manager Cofer stated he would not want to accept a system that we did not build. Director Fieldcamp stated he does not have confidence in the system. Director Fesler stated that it is his understanding, we hired W.Pillsbury to protect the District's interest, and when Mr. Pillsbury tells us that this system is going to work, and that he puts his professional reputation on the line that it is going to work, then he felt that is all the protection that we need, and that is the way Mr. Fesler looks at this. Mr. Etcheverry stated he nvust leave this meeting as he is now flying back to Berkeley, but he did want to say just one thing - particularly in view of the fact that two Directors are leaving this Board. He stated the last four years has been quite an e�erience for him s�net�mes frustrating, and s�netimes as has been in the last 6 months or so, basically, very happy, but always very exciting and very challenging, and he stated that the two who are leaving, he is going to miss them, and the remaining melnbers he e�ects to see again and again, along with the two new Directors, and he stated this is just a goodhye to Directors Hegarty and Fesler. (2) Operator Training and Grade V Plant Supervision - Culp/Wesner/C�lp - Authorize training and operation supervision. Manager Cofer stated he did ask Mr. R. Culp to submit a proposal to canplete the fiscal year of Grade V Supervision, which is the requirement of the State that we have a Grade V Supervisor to operate the Tertiary Plant, and he also asked Mr. R.Ctiilp to expand that to include Operator Training. Mr. Clilp has submitted a proposal ($18,000) . Manager Cofer recommended approval by the Board. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried. (3) EPA Request for District Participation in an "Episodic E�ent Response Plan" - Manager Cofer stated this group would like to ha�e employees from our District on call so that directly after a stoYm they would be notified to where go to get a sample for their study on water analysis. Manager Cofer stated the staff does not recommend approval of this; we have to keep our employees on call at all times, and we just cannot help in this type of program. Board members agreed we cannot assist this program. Mr. Roy Hampson stated this group is a Research Group and not the EPA that the District and Lahontan deal with. He opposes this group caning into Tahoe and conduct- ing this research. He cannot see the advantage of such a study. (4) District Reorganization: Manager Cofer requested approval of the District Reorganization for the Wastewater Operation Division, and the Maintenance Department Division and rec�nded approval of same. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, the Reorganization, as rec�nded by Manager Cofer, be approved. Manager Cofer stated he has discussed sar� of the changes with the Union Representatives, who seemed more concerned with the personalities than the positions, and he will notify the Union of the Board's decisions and/or actions. All changes within this reor�anization enhances the employees in the District for advance- ment as well. (b) Appointtir�ent of Mary Ambrose to Clerk of the Board - Manager Cofer stated an oversight on our part - we did appoint D'lary Ambrose, Clerk of the Board, soire- time back, however, we failed to do this By Ordinance and recommended that Ordinance No. 273 be approved. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried. (5) Ordinance No. 274 - Cost of Living Salary Adjustment for District Erigineer/ Manager, and Assistant Manager/Finance Officer. Manager Cofer stated that salary adjustments weremade in October of 1976 and requested a salary adjustment of 6.60 - the Union contract called for 6.8% for the employees. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, carri:ed unanimously, QRDINANC� N0. 274 be approVed• Regular Nleeting -5- 11/17/77 jy�� (6) Indian Creek Water Quality Studies. Manager Cofer stated that this has been discussed many times, as well as with Lahontan. The State Board and EPA, and our own Consultants, and it was suggested that Dr. Middlebrooks and his Associates submit a proposal to do this work, and Dr. Middlebrook has done work on the Indian Creek Reservoir in the past, and his proposal is in the amount of $13,267.00, and Manager Cofer recomnended consideration by the Board to accept this proposal. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, Dr.Middlebrooks proposal be approved and accepted and submit a request by this District, if possible, for grant funding for same. Mr. Roy Hampson, Executive Officer, Lahontan RWQCB stated that if this study is going to be the ultimate issue to correct the COD at the reservoir he will support the study, based on the recommendations of Manager Cofer and the Consultant R.Culp. He feels Lahontan should assist in any way possible and he will certainly support this at Sacramento regarding grant monies and the possibility of obtaining monies for this. He further stated when it canes down to the final portion of this study, they may not agree, but now he fully supports the study. He stated he has never had trouble with Mr. Cofer or Mr. Culp, as he has had with many other Engineers, and these two gentlemen do things because they feel very strongly about it, and from that stand- point he wcxzld always give them the benefit of the doubt regarding their studies, investigations, etc. J.R. Cofer and R.L. Culp, he stated, are both ethical and straightlaced people and fran a professional standpoint they have made his job 100% easier. They have very strong professional thoughts on this and they feel it is necessary for the District and again he stated he will support this here and at Sacramento. In reply to Mr. Hampson ' s question regarding the problem at Sacramento, Manager Cofer stated that we have discussed with Dr. Goldma�l a similar type study, and he submitted a proposal, and it appears that we could go out and hire a consultant, under $25, 000, and if the State approves it, then it becanes grant eligi.ble, but if proposals are solicited - then we would have to go through the minority procedures for hiring, which we have not done, and they cannot offer us a grant; first, Manager Cofer stated that he does not want a minority firm doing the study, and second, we may have jeopardized the grant monies by asking Dr. Goldman for a proposal and then asking Dr. Middlebrooks for a proposal. Mr. Hampson stated they will do all they can to help on this project. (7) Claim for Damages - Gwen O. Simpson - Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, claim be denied and referred to our Insurance Carrier. (8) Contract - Revenue Program (Bartle Wells Associates) - Manager Cofer stated the Board has selected Bartle Wells to prepare the Revenue Program, but the contract was not executed, and we now have this contract executed by Bartle Wells iri the amount of $14,240.00, and reconmlended execution of this contract with Bartle Wells. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried. (9) Etn�rgency Declaration Flaw Equalization: $7,300.00. Mr. John Bonnet stated in his report that we were experiencing same problems in the flaw equalization system because we were returning sane sludge to the storage basins, aeration basins l, 2, and 3. Manager Cofer stated that Mr. R. C�lp feels if we give it enough time, we would be able to operate under its present scheme, hawever, if we could modify the piping in the plant to allaw us the option to either returning sludge as we now do to all 5 basins, or returning sludge to aeration basins 4 and 5 and not returning sludge to the equalization basins. Mr. Culp agreed with Manager Cofer's reco�ndation. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that this is of a great emergency to make the repairs and same be approved, as so recoi�unended by Manager Cofer and Mr. R. C�.ilp. (10) Recogniton of �nployee Contribution: - Interim Plant Modifications. Manager Cofer stated we do feel there is a need of recogniton of the employees. Mr. Callahan is preparing an estimate of the level of effort that the employees have been making in the interim plant modifications, approximately $60,000.00, and they are still working and that figure will continue to increase, and this is employee cost, which would represent close to 6,000 hours of manpcxver by our own crews. Had this been done by private contract, we would probably only be half way through then what we are naw and at a cost greatly exceeding this cost; the employees have done everything asked of them, and they have done it well, and Manager Cofer stated he has been extremely pleased with the efforts of the employees, and it has convinced him that this District has the best maintenance crew of any plant in the State of California. The operations crew during all this have worked around many cut-overs, headaches created by it, and they have done an outstanding job, and Manager Cofer stated he would reccxim�nd strongly that the Board consider scane type of recognition for this. It has been suggested that the Board assist the employees for a Chirstmas dinner, which �vould allow us to get together on a very informatl basis, ho head table, just a quiet dinner, which the District would pay the cost of the employee rate, and if the employee wishes to bring their spouse - the employee would pay that portion for the dinner; we have had an employee cc�uttee working and they haVe suggested Dec�nber 16th � �C/� Regular Meeting -7- 11/17/77 would be a good time to have the dinner, between the hours of 7 and 9 pm at the Vagabond Motel for a Prime Rib Dinner for $8.80 per person - including tax and gratuity. District participation would be approximately $730.40, and for those employees that are on swing shift, it has been suggested that food would be brought in to them on that night so they will not feel they are being overlooked. We have always done something for our em�ployees in the past for a Christrnas luncheon, haaever, this would be almpst double for District contribution, but Mr. Cofer stated the employees have never done before what they have done this year. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried, that Manager Cofer's reconartexidation be approved for the Clzristm�as Dinner for the employees. Manager Cofer also invited the two retiring Directors to attend as his guests. (11) Manager Cofer stated we naw come to the�rt of this agenda that none are too ar�ious for, which is recognition of the two Directors, who will be leaving the Board after long service, and turned this over to Director Kashuba. Director Kashuba stated that she would like to have Director Fesler and Director Hegarty to please come before the podium. She stated that Director Fesler - Senior Director frcgn 1962 through 1977, who has attended s� 500 or more Board meetings, and that she speaks forall Board rri�rs and the C�urn.anity as well, that she did not see haa this Ccxr¢rnuzity could ever repay Director Fesler for what he has done for us; the District will now have scxne big shoes to fill, and we thank Mr. Fesler for everything he has done. He was presented with a plaque fran this District and Director Kashuba read what was on the plaque to all present. Director Kashuba stated to Director Hegarty that she could not say n�uch �re than was already said; she has had the pleasure of working with Mr. Hegarty, who is now President of this Board, and stated to him that he has been so helpful, and provided the leadership that is necessary, and presented him with his plaque and read the same to the audience. Director Fesler stated that when he c�ne on the Board in 1962 his daughter, only child, was in first grade, and she naa has graduated from college. He also stated that frcgn his position and that of Director Hegarty's, they can look back with a little perspective, and the voters in the last election saw that the District has had problems, which the District has had, and that he looks back at the years, and years, and years of what he considers a great accomplishn�ent, and he is proud of that, and he is proud to haVe been a part of it. Director Hegarty stated that he would like to concur in Director Fesler's remarks, that he has not been on the Board as long as Mr. Fesler has, but he has been on a long time, it has been very enlightning and a very exciting experience at times, especially in the last couple of years. He stated to Director Fesler that he has learned an in�une-nse amount while Mr. Fesler was Chairman of the Board, and that it was a distinct pleasure to seive under Mr. Fesler when he was our President for eight years. Mr. Hegarty stated he has served under four Managers, 3 of whan are present this evening - Mr. R.L. Culp, D.W. Callahan and J.R. Cofer, and the others were W.F. Priday, and H.E. Moyer. He stated it was indeed a pleasure to serve under all these Managers. He wished the District and the new Directors all of the luck in the world, and hopefully the District will achieve the goals that it has in the past. Attorney Weidman stated that he has served with both Directors Fesler and Hegarty, as legal counsel, throughout their entire time, and he appreciates all of the consideration and confidence they gave him, and he realized what both of these men have done for the c�nity through all of the good and the hard times we have had, and we will always have both. WILL SERV� REQUESTS: None. PAYMENT OF CLAIr'1S: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unan�mously carried, claims in the amount of $322,663.36, as rec�nded by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ALATOURNMEf�T: 11:00 P.M. (Following adjournment, the Board Members asked all to remain and join them in refreshments for Directors Fesler and Hegarty) . ' L� �;G � `ly/`//lr ��,.. Edward E. Hegax'ty P sident South Tahoe Public Utility District AT'I`EST: _ � W Cle k Boa,rd & Ex-Officio Secretary - STPUD ********** iy�� Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District December l , 1977 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met i n a regular session on 12/1/77, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room, ROLL CALL,: Present were Directors L.L. Kashuba, W.N. Olson, F.J. Cocking, R.A. Fieldcamp and J.R. Jones; General Manager/District �gineer J.R. Cofer, Assistant Manager D.W. Callahan, Clerk of Board, Attorney J.C. Weichnan, G.A. Eppler, W. Dunckhorst, J. Bonnet, A. Kruse, R.L. C�lp, L.Smith, M. Dunckhorst, D.Laine, N.Woods, E. Hegarty, R. Fesler, M. McNamara - Tribune, J. Genzeli - Lake Tahoe News, Mr. Klykendall-L1�VQCB, Mr, and 1�1rs. C.I. Ross, L. Buxton. MINUTES: Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, minutes of 11/17/77 be approved as submitted. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Director Kashuba stated she was pleased to see many visitors in attendance this evening, and honored to have the past two Presidents of this Board Mr. E.E.Hegarty and R.W. Fesler present this evening. RF'ORC-,ANIZATION OF BOARD pF DIRECTpRS: (a) Recognition of New Board Merr�bers: Walter Neal Olson and James R. Jones. (b) Election of Chainnan and Vice Chairman: Director Cocking moved, that L.L. Kashuba be nominated as Chairnkan of this Board, Neal Olson moved naninations be closed, seconded by Director Fieldcamp. Vote for Director L.L. Kashuba as President of the Board was unanimously carried. VICE C�3AIRNIAN: Director Fieldcamp moved,that Director F.J. Cocking be nominated as Vice Chairman of this Board. Neal Olson, Director, moved that nominations be closed, seconded by Director Jones, unanimously carried. APPOINI�I' OF COMi�'ITEES: President Kashuba appointed the follawing cammittees: (1) Research and Conservation: James R. Jones, Chairn�l Lorrene L. Kashuba, Member (2) Finance/Insurance: Neal Olson, Chairman F.J. Cocking, Nlember (3) Plant Operations: R. A. Fieldcamp, Chairrnan J.R. Jones, N1emb�r (4) Water Utility: F.J. Cocking, Chairman R.A. Fieldcamp, Member (5) Public Information: Lorrene L. Kashuba, Chairman Neal Olson, N1elnber President Kashuba stated we have received a letter and an invite to participate in the hearing for Senator Calvo and there has been no opportunity to prepare a testimony to this letter, havever, it seems to be the concurrence of those that have read the letter, that we should respond. The purpose of the hearing is to determine if any growth manag�nent problems exist, which cannot be resolved by existing agencies, etc. President Kashuba stated she has sane very strong feelings on this matter, and feels same should be heard in a Public Hearing. She requested the Board Nle.rnbers express their feelings to the Manager so we can prepare a testimony and have a statement fran this Board. She definitely feels that we should express aurselves at the Public Hearing regarding this Grawth Manage.m�nt, the adequacy of the agencies, and if additional legislation is needed. The Board concurred, and Manager Cofer will prepare a statement for this hearing. President Kashuba also reported on the Workshop Session of 11/30/77, which the Manager would report on, hawever, he was not present at that workshop session. She stated that the operational procedures are as follaws: 'I'he Board meets the lst and 3 n3 Thursday at 8:00 P.M, each month, and when necessary they also meet at 4 P.M, those same days to receive any additional information that must be considered that night, and/or any personnel matters, or litigation matters pending, the Board also meets with legal counsel at that time. Monday prior to the Board Meetings is the agenda �rkshop meeting; this is when we receive the material for the agenda and any other items 1��rs might have. This is done to allaw the news media and the public to receive adequate information to receive consideration at the Boa.rd Nleetings. Workshop sessions are for a specific purpose to allow the Directors to have adequate information and time to study what they must make very important decisions on. These meetings are public; posted on the door of the Utility District Building. These workshops are also noticed at the regular Board r.teetings, and reported on the regular meeting following. ���� Regular Meeting -2- 12/1/77 MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Cofer stated he does not have a report for the Board this evening, but requested the Manager's Report time to present the report of the Consultant Panel re Water Reclamation Plant Improv�nents. NO'I`E: 'This report is on file at the District Office for any interested parties. The Board and Manager read this report in full at this meeting. Attorney Weidman stated that the basis of the limita.tion on connections is that if you have existing violations re waste discharge requirenents or threatened violations, Lahontan can place limitations on connections to the systeqn that were not previously connected. In September, or thereabouts, this District met with the City Council, and at that time, our violation was pH in the Indian Creek Reservoir, and we anticipated that would be cured, and has been cured, and we are meeting the requiresrients for Indian Creek today. We did not continue to meet the COD requiresnents, and the answers appear to be in the Consultant Panel's report, because of the continuing interim plant improve- ments. Attorney Weidman stated that he cannot see �ahere we can have a track record of violations ceased and consistent ccanpliance with the requir�aients by January, and he does not see haw the Lahontan Board, under SWQCB regulations, can remove the Cease and Desist Ordex in January, based upon the state of the evidence. Furthermore, there is the proble�n of threatened violations, which can support a connection ban. Attorney Weichnan stated that he feels we should not go to Lahontan to request this removal of the Cease and Desist until the March meeting, and that also the Panel of F�perts should be continued for further evaluation beyond March. Mr. Weidman stated that time to appear before Lahontan is when this Board has the factual case to prevail, and as the District's Attorney, he does not feel the District can prevail in January. Russell L. C�ilp, C W C, stated that his firm is prepar�l to cariy out the recomnendations of the Panel, when approved by the Board, and they will make the necessary adjustments to have a man at the plant, to assist th.e District, if this is the route the Distxict wants to go. Mr. C1ilp also stated that it would be approximately 30 days before we meet the standards as far as the carbon goes; the Panel suggested that the carbon columrns be regenerated or re- placed (the carbon in the columns) and this will require four weeks for delivery and the change. The Board authorized C W C to conduct 23 days of training in the six month period, and to spend 24 days in Operator's Syst�ms, and the reco�nenda.tions of the Panel go quite a bit beyond that, and the monies authorized for p1.ant assistance will be used in the first month. President Kashuba stated there are several recomnendations in the report frcgn the Consultants Panel, and suggested perhaps a study session to revietiv s�ne. Also would require possibly an adjourned meeting prior to the next city meeting to take some action regarding the recommendations. Norman Woocls, City Councilman, stated he is sorely disappointed and was dt�nb- founded this afternoon when he found out the possible delay in going before Lahontan. He stated he is here not as a City Councilman, but as an individual, who has made his living in this Co�nunity for 19 years in building, and his very livelihood is at stake. He stated it was said to this Board and Lahontan in Nov�nber they would have an answer for us, then Decembex, and then JanuaYy, and now March. We could possi.bly be talking about June. He stated we are out of business. He is very upset; the City and District told the building industry we would go before Lahontan Board; we didn't have all the answers, but we thought we would have enough to convince those people what we were doing; we were going to be able to reach a capacity figure. He stated that he felt we should still go before Lahontan. If we reach the point we have no building industry next year, let's call it a spade and make it right now, P�r. Woods stated. People are living frcgn month to month waiting for an answer - they do not lmaa what is going on; he stated he was sorry the Panel of Experts have not come up with the answers, and that John C. weidman, Attorney, sta.ted s�time back he was positive we would have the answers to go before Lahont to where legally we could have the Cease and Desist lifted. John C. Weichnan stated he does not deny he made that statement, but despite all of the good faith efforts made, facts change - especially the COD's, but there has not been a lack of effort or dedication of anyone in the District to try to meet a January deadline, and that applies fran the laaest operator and maintenance man to the r�anager. xegular Meeting -3- 12/1/77 � a�o Mr. Woods stated he is just disappointed. He is not pointing a finger at any- i�ody, he is just trying to say the number one industry we have in this community is going to hurt an awful lot of people; we have to have an answer fairly soon, and this is the time of the year that everyone is program for the next 6 or 8 months . We are shoo ng ig the dark ight nowe 1VI r Woods stated. Neal Olson, Director, stated that certainly you are not recommending that this District go before Lahontan in january, in view of the facts presented by the Panel of experts he stated it would appear to him that would only represent stupidity , on the District's part to let them tell us we have proven nothing - - remain the same. Mr. Woods stated he disagrees with Mr. Olson's statement. He feels the District has done the job, within the capacity of this plant, and is doing everything in good faith. We are not talking about a 12 month building period, and he feels the Dis- trict has to convince Lahontan that the District has shown good faith; but there are problems to be solved , but again Mr. Woods stated he is very disappointed be- cause we said no later than December before Lahontan. President Kashuba thanked Mr. Woods for his comments, and stated that we are all very disappointed in the panel"s report. We are going to have to evaluate every portion of the experts report, and their recommendations, and asked if a Committee of the City would like to meet with a Committee of this Board to review this very carefully, prior to the next Council meetin appear before Lahontan in December with any sort of a equest,ethen we sho�ld advise them in advance. Mayor Laine stated it goes without saying that we have a long-standing history of our willingness to work in Committee with the District for us to face the prob- lems that we must jointly face. The next City meeting is Tuesday evening and then another meeting on 12/20/77 and at the 20th meeting there will not be a full council available, but we can set up to work in Committee if that will be of assis- tance to the District. Mayor Laine stated that they will make certain there will be 2 councilmembers and staff ine mbers available. Manager Cofer will get in touch with City Manager Milbrodt to set time and place. Mr. N. Olson will serve on that Committee and President Kashuba. Manager Cofer stated that there are recommendations that we must move ahead as recommended by the Panel of experts and requested consideration of same at thi s mee ting. Director Olson moved, seconded by Director j. jones , unanimously carried, that: (1) The operational modes and criteria as recommended herein be established by CWC and implemented as soon as possible, but not later than December 8th. (2) A representative from CWC be authorized to spend a minimum of 40 hours per week to evaluate operating data, and to recommend any operational changes needed to improve operation and plant results . (3) That Mr. David Argo from the panel visit the plant once a week starting the week of December 6th until the next I,ahontan Board meeting to review progress , to keep the panel adv�sed, and to advise and assist CWC and District staff as required to improve operation and plant results . (4) IN ADDITION: that an experienced process evaluation engineer be hired as soon as possible and made a part of the District's permanent staff. a oai Regular Meeting _4_ 12/�/77 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. Weidman stated he attended the export litigation meet- ing with the Manager and Engineer on the 21st of November; and on the 23rd of November with Alpine County regarding our disposal; and yesterday with the Panel of Experts and today concerning litigation matters . REPORT ON WORKSHOP SESSIONS HELD: (1) 11/18/77 Inspection of District's Facilities. (2) 11/28/77 Agenda Items/Review Water System Financial Statement. (3) 11/30/77 Personnel Matters/Report by Consultant Panel. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None present REPORTS BY PROGRAM MANAGERS: Water Supply System (W. Dunckhorst) as follows: "All new water services for the year 1977 are in and completed. Last year, 1976, we installed a total of 458 new services . This year we installed a total of 292 , which is 166 new service installations less than last year. "From January, 1977, to date we have repaired a total of 59 main line leaks in the Hoffman System, and have repaired 21 main line leaks in the Globin System. "Now that all of the services are in and completed, the Water Department crews are working on various projects that have been put aside during the Summer months and are doing as much as possible before the ground freezes, which will limit us to emergency work only. "We have again had a high Coliform count on the large storage tank on Ralph Drive . This is a 420, 000 gallon tank. We are experimenting, s tarting Tuesday afternoon of the week, to open the tie-in at Pioneer and Glenwood, and at Pioneer and Keller to see if we can maintain that portion of the Hoffman System for any length of time . If it can be done, and I do think it can, I intend to empty the tank, open it up, and have the men scrub and clean the inside. This should eliminate the contaminate problem once and for all. " Water Production - Globin System MG November 1976 1977 % Change Well Production 13 . 1 13 . 7 +4. 6 Cold Creek Diversion Totals 42 . S 39. 3 -7• 5 55 . 6 53 .0 -4. 7 Calendar Year to Date Well Production 309.4 286. 3 -7. 5 Cold Creek Diversion Totals 462 . 1 417. 2 -9. 7 771 . 5 703 . 5 -8• 8 Water Production - Hoffman System MG, 1977 April 34 . 6 August 65 . 6 May 37.0 September 52 . 2 June 52 . 1 October 41 . 7 July 58 . 8 November 31 . 8 President Kashuba stated the Board did meet with W. Dur�ekhorst and A. Long on the Water Enterprise Fund last week and reviewed the method of reporting on the Water Enterprise, and requested the Manager to direct the staff to prepare monthly this information to the Board, and a quarterly report on a comparative basis to last year. nCyuiai rieez�ng -5- 12/1/77 �oa � MANAGER OF OPERATIONS: As reported by J. Bonnet: "Since the last Board meeting we have cleaned the nozzles in the spray pond. This will have to be done about every two weeks during the winter months . "On the 25th of November, we had to stop exporting due to a break in the force main to Luther Pass . Because of the break we pumped an estimated 4. 5 MG to the emergency holding pond. Repair was made the following day and we again started exporting. "Wednesday, November 30th, we started to clean the floc basin by pumping to the grit building, but unfortunately the grit removal system could not handle the volume. Permission to pump to the old sludge drying bed was obtained from Lahontan. Also, to complete the job it has been necessary to bypass the lower end of the plant and pump secondary effluent to the emergency holding pond. "We still have a filimentous problem in the secondary system. I have ordered peroxide to control this problem but until we can repair the lime furnace, we have to supernate out of the digesters, which is one source of the filimentous organisms . "Our average COD is 31 . 1, pH average is 7. 2 , and the average NH3-N is 9. 5. At Indian Creek the NH3-N is still about 2 .0 mg/1, the last reading was 1 . 21 mg/l. The pH is 8. 1 and the COD is 26 . 9 mg/1. " MANAGER MAINTENANCE DIVISION: "The automatic transfer switch systems at Tahoe Keys and A1 Tahoe Pump Stations were the only two modifications worked on in the last two weeks, and these are now 70% completed. "Mr. Conrad Ross, our former plant maintenance mechanic supervisor, was selected for the new position of Assistant Manager of Maintenance Division. Mr. Ross started in his new position on November 28, 1977, and I know he will do an excell ent job for this District. "Numerous problems were encountered within the last two weeks, first was the lime furnace. Itneeds to be completely rebuilt. Second, at Luther Pass Pump Station the #3 control valve stuck open and we had to replace this valve the evening of 11/23/77. Third was a force main rupture on Santa Fe Street in Myers on 11/25/77 at 1745 hours. Repairs were made on 11/26/77. The pipe was damaged prior to installation, and the section of pipe removed was marked with paint. This may have been a rejected piece of pipe. " FINANCE OFFICER'S REPORT: Mr. D. W. Callahan presented copies of the State- ment of Revenue and Expenditures to the Board members for their review and re- quested a Workshop Session to study and discuss same. (Scheduled for 12/8/77 at 2; 00 p.m.) JIM NORTON, Insurance Agent for the Utility District, appeared before the Board this evening and discussed the District's general insurance coverage and gave the reasons of the premium increase for $10,000 to 27, 000 . ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION: (1) Lime Furnace Repair. (a) Technical assistance in repair of Furnace. Manager Cofer stated we had difficulties in the Furnace Building and immediately cal�.ed out A. P. Green Refractories for assistance, and requested ratification of the Manager's actions . Director Olson moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried. (b) Contract for refractory Brick - Manager Cofer reque sted authorization to go to bid (though only one firm, Envirotech, supplies this) for , and to replace, supply of bricks so we have this on hand for further, if any, emergencies . This would cost approximately $15, 641 .00 . Neal Olson moved, seconded by Ray Fieldcamp. 2�03 Regular Meeting _6_ 12/1/77 It could take as long as 6 months to replace this supply of bricks. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, that he would make an amendment to the m�tion, that we consider this purchase of great emergency and not go to bid. Vote on the original motion - unanimously carried. Vote on the amendment - unanimously carried. WILL SERVE REQUESTS: None. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, the claims in the amount of $126, 639. 77 as recommended by Assistant Manager D. W. Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10: 00 p.m. to December 6, 1977 , 11: 00 a.m. , District Con- ference Room. �-r�h��e � ����� Lorrene L. Kashuba, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Cl rk o Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District *��* ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 6 , 1977 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session at 11:00 A.M. on 12/6/77, District Conference Roan. ROLL CALL: Present were President L.L. Kashuba, Directors R.A.Fieldcamp, F.J. Cocking, N.Olson, J.Jones, P�Ianager J.R. Cofer, Assistant D�anager D.W.Callahan, Clerk of Board and Attorney J.C.Weid��n. I'1�MS FOR BOARD ACTION: (1) CF�SE AND DESIST ORDER: LF3�iQCB: Consideration of District Actions re �iture Hearings on Connection Limitations. . .. . . President Kashuba stated a corrnnittee meeting was held yesterday wit11 the City and exchanged ideas on various alternatives about going before Lahontan and what the end result might be. It was the feeling of the City representatives they would like to meet with the District in full session, together with the El Dorado County Supervisors. . Manager Cofer stated that Councilman J. Wynn stated he could not make any commitrnent for the City and felt this had to be discussed bX the full City Council, and that the County be involved. The City is not planning to take any action until there is a joint meeting. President Kashuba stated that the primary question is that the City is need.ing an answer as to what can they expect, and others in the co�urn.�nity, for this next building season. Attorney Weidman stated that everything is now at zero in January� and we have to wait until March to give them any type of a n�nY�er, and that would be the earliest t�me we can give them any number. Director Olson stated that a supposition had been made and at the time was a logical estimate re capacity; we cannot make an estimate agai.n; the answer presently is zero - the plain truth. Regul�r Me�ting -2- 12/6/77 ��'�� Attorney Weidman stated that due to the records , he does not believe it is wise to app'�oach Lahontan at this time. The Board agreed with this statement. Manager Cofer stated the explanation should be that our Expert Panel has completed the physical report and they felt they could at the time estimate the capacity of the plant, however, they stated they could not assess this since the plant is not performing as it should, due to the modifications- because of the construction modifications , and the carbon needs replacement. Director Fieldcamp stated that the morale of the employees in the plant is very very low because of the Panel's report, and the statement in the report that the problem stems from the operation and maintenance of the plant. Manager Cofer stated the Board and Management must convince the em- ployees that we are not blaming them for the cause of the puoblems in the plant, and if the Panel's report is read carefully, you will note it does not refer to the employees as to being blame for the upsets of the plant performance. The Christmas dinner is one expression of appreciation from the Board to th� employees for an excellent job they have done for this District, and especially regarding the plant modifications . This item has been referred to tomorrow's meeting, which will be an adjourned meeting of khis Board, together with the City of South Lake Tahoe, and County Board of Supervisors . (2) Replacement of Carbon as Board of Consultants Recommended: Authorize purchase of approximately 86 ,000 lbs . of carbon in excess of minimum annual carbon per Calgon Contract @ 0 .396/lb $34,056 . Manager Cofer stated carbon is to be replaced in four of the contactors at 25 tons per contactor, estimated total of carbon replacement is 192 ,000 for the 4 contactors; we are short 86 , 000 lbs of carbon to complete this job, and recommended approval of th�s purchase. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Olson, unanimously carried. (3) Ass�nblyman Chappie Hearings regarding CTRPA 12/9/77 at District Conference Room. Authorize presentation of statement. Also, another hearing with Senator Calvo is scheduled for 12/13/77 and re+:.auests state- ments from this District, not to exceed 10 minutes for each hearing (i.e . 12/9 and 12/13/77) . Manager Cofer stated he felt the presentation should be given at both hearings by the President of the Board, and not the staff. The Board agreed to statements being made at both hearings , and also that same would be presented by President L.L. Kashuba . (4) Other Business - None. (5) ADJOURNMENT: The Board of Directors adjourned at 12:10 P.M. to . December 7 , 1977 at 10:00 A.M . , and following this meeting (12/6/77) met in an executive session. Following executive session, President Kashuba stated that the reorganiza- tional chart was discussed , which was adopted on 11/17/77 , regular meeting of this Board . Director Fieldcamp moved that action regarding the reorganization chart taken on 11/17/77 be rescinded, and that authorization be given to our Manager to confer with the Union and properly notify the Union, and seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried . (reclassified personnel remain in a temporary position until resolution f s the Union grievance) . orrene L. ashuba, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: / C rk oard %x Ex-Officio Secretary South ahoe Public Utility District ***** Page missing from Original Scan. c�v vv Adjourned Meeting -2- 12����� Norman Woods, City Councilman stated that he would like to know how much assurance can the Community have that we are going to meet the requirements of Lahontan in March. Manager Cofer stated he is going to stop predicting; he was 1000 certain in No�vember we had that assurance. Norman Woods stated that is the sad part- Manager Cofer stated we would have some assurance in November, the STPUD' S Attorney also said it, and the community had the impression at that time that our real problem would only be how many we are going to have. Now we are faced with the position that we may not have any. Manager Cofer stated that based on our lack of performance he cannot predict anything right now. Everything humanly possible has been done to get this plant in compliance. The District' s employees have over 5000 hours in overtime - they are doing everything they can do; we have retained Russell Culp on a 40 hour week basis for the next two months for operating correctment; we have done about all of the physical changes we have to do. Mr. Capri stated to Mr. Cofer - if the plant reaches the compli- ance, what will the capacity be. Manager Cofer stated the Panel would make no statement on the capacity of this plant in their report. P2r. Capri asked what the remaining capacity would be available if we aChieve the 6 . 5 mgd. Manager Cofer stated we went before Lahontan in April, he had used 6. 5 mgd, which he felt was a conservative number for the capacity of the plant - which would mean 1,074 single family dwelling connections and we have used approximately 500 of that, and would have approximately 500 remain- ing if we have the 6 . 5 mgd avilable. Manager Cofer stated we are reserving one-half million gallons per day for the Park Service and the USFS , which may never be used. We are required to reserve this, however. Manager Cofer stated he has a problem with spending of hundreds of thousands of dollars to modify this plant for a 2 or 3 year period to get capacity for what we are having to reserve we are being required to reserve this capacity , and there are things we can do to increase the capacity. Mr. Capri stated what he is trying to find out is what they have to do in the way of planning. He asked Manager Cofer - If the District achieves compliance, 6 . 5 mgd, then the District would have 500 permits to issue? Manager Cofer stated that there are modifications that can possibly be done in a year that �aill cost hundreds of thousands of dollars , but they can probably be imple- mented within a one year period; however, we prefer not doing it at this time because of the high cost for an interim period but if we are faced with the need to provide additional service, we would consider making these modzfications . We do not have 7 . 5 mgd, however, with the modifications we might have the 7 . 5 mgd, Manager Cofer stated. Again he stated there are interim facilities we can do at our plant with our own financing to continue to extend the capacity of this plant. It would be very expensive, but it could be done. Question was asked of Manager Cofer - If we reach the point where we have no capacity, yet we have that reserved capacity for the USFS , and we don' t know if they will use it, would Manager Cofer then entertain some legal move to by-pass that requirement that we have to ho1� that reserved capacity, and let the single family the one that has been paying their assessment go. Manager Cofer stated that is one condition that the Johnson Blvd. , Grant-EDA- was granted; however, we could demor.strate that we are moving ahead to expand the plant before they would consider relaxing that requirement, and it is a waste of public funds to reserve that capacity and it not being used. In reply to P.Lowe' s question, Manager Cofer stated all those properties that have permits, and not connected, will definitely increase the load at the plant, but have al1 been taken into consider.ations in al1 the assessements re capacity. Also, Fallen Leaf Lake will not be sewered until 1979 , I`iianager Cofer stated. �nihat faces us today, President Kashuba stated, is what are we going to do about the Public Hearing in January scheduled �aith Lahontan, and the City needs to know, the County needs to know what the decision is going to be, and what they can plan for, and asked Manager Cofer to give the alternatives , however, she asked him Page missing from Original Scan. Adjourned A2eeting -4- 12����� Hydraulic capacity is based on 15 mg going through the headworks at the plant without any problems . T .L. Stewart agreed that this is not the time to go before Lahontan- we have a problem here, have to work it out; we have to be patient about this problem, and get �ehind the South Tahoe PUD; we have been in tight spots before and have always solved them for this community. President Kashuba stated that Manager Cofer has made monthly reports to Lahontan on what the District has done to correct any of the problems we are faced with, and Lahontan has been very appreciative of those reports . There has never been a time that Lahontan was not aware of what was going on here at the District, and Lahontan has responded well to that honestness and openess . President Kashuba stated that there are two other tlnings she would like to mention (1) the Waste Discharge Requirements - we are making efforts to have those changed, and we must also look to the long range �'acilities Planning Program, which offers some interesting alternatives as to how our problenz will be solved, and perhaps some less expensive ways of solving the problems . President Kashuba requested comments from the Utility District Board Members . Director Cocking stat�d that he felt we are locked in and we have no choice but to delay our appearance before Lahontan; Director Olson and Director Jones agreed with this statement, as did Director Fieldcamp and President Kashuba. Presii�ent Kashuba stated this Board is looking for action to authorize our Manager and our Attorney to appear before Lahontan in the usual manner, explaining the modifi�ations that we have made and the sincere efforts that we have expended to meet the standards , and we are not asking for any joint resolution from the City, unless the City feels this should be done. Director Fieldcamp stated we have heard from the County Supervisor and his comments , and the comments from the Meu bC 1 Me bers tility District Board and requeated comments from the City Mayor Del Laine stated that she had the opportunity to hear the presentation of the report the other night and she was neither encouraged by it, but she was certainly impressed by its contents but not in a positive vain and she stated she has been sitting this evening listening carefully to the information offered today, and in all honesty, she stated her problem is understanding the creditability. Councilman Capri agreed with Mayor Laine . Pat Lowe stated that J.R.Cofer has made a good presentation, but does not feel there is anything concrete re facts and f��.gures until there is a track record. She further stated she does not mean to be critical of the Manager of the Plant, nor the present Utility District Board Members , but her feelings are and always have been to former management and former makeup of the District that they would not level with the community at the first indication of trouble , and this goes back as far as at least August of 1975 . She stated the City will always be willing to cooperate in the interest of public health and safety; she opposed before the City participating in any kind of a community appeoach to solve this problem. If it had been out front last January, and not behind closed doors , and the District had leveled with the community at that time to the best of their ability, as far as many of the problems being faced right now, as far as public rela he�Sfe la gs bare the confidence , the problems would not now exist. Also, sewer allocation program right now is suspended . If the D�istiict cannot guarantee that the sewerage coming into the plant cannot be handled in a safe and secure manner, she would hate to think th�t there is even the slightest possibly of overflows this spring and summer. She stated to the Sewer District - it is your proble stat d ushe 1would prefer hat any d eep tion, they most certainly will , but she orders or proposals come from the Sewer District alone - stand on their own two fee� and do what the District feels is best. Mr. j. Wynn stated he has come to realize each sewer permit has a great deal of value; we have to know where we are and where we are going to be so we can plan; we are not in aposition to tell the people anything wxcept as we �now �t; the CCit��� w.ill always support. Norm Woods stated that reluctantly he must agree with every.° thing that was said here this day; he is very disappointed, but we have to believe we have no capacity; we have no building permits to be issued; we have to Page missing from Original Scan. � Regular Meeting -2- 12/15/77 � G J� we have at least 2 months of track record, and Lahontan stated it is not necessary to schedule an agenda meeting in March until we stand ready to have the consideration for removal of the Cease and Desist by Lahontan. DZanager Cofer also stated we are continuing on the Interim Plant Modifications and we have had representatives from CWC on a full time basis here at the plant; the plant is performing quite well; the COD' s have been in compliance for the las'c 3 days Attorney' s Report. None President Kashuba stated that this is the time for the Public Workshop on the Facilities Planning Program, and introduced b7r. Bob Jones of Jones and Stokes Associates , who is the District 's ` Environmental Consultant, and he gave a presentation, along with Mike Rushton from the same firm, on Population Projection Update. (PLEASE NOTE- This report is on file at the District Office for those interested in receiving a copy of same) . FACILITIES PLANNING REPORT - Status Report by Gordon Culp: - (a) Alternatives considered; (b) Alternatives selected for compre- hensive evaluation, and (c) Comparison of alternatives . (Copies of this Report also available at the District Office for those interested) . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, STATUS REPORT BY BOB JONES : - This report is also on file for those interested. Mr. Jones also had slides available re Primary Impacts of viable alternatives; discussed secondary impacts, options for dealing with growth impacts , options for dealing with growth impacts. Comments and questions were requested from the audience. Pr�sident Kashuba stated a letter was received from Stan Hanson of Heavenly Valley in which he stated in the letter that they have had an extensive erosion control plan for years and und:�r direct supervision of the USFS and the TRPA and have been unable to irrigate for lack of ' water; he also mentioned: in the letter that reclaimed water would not _ only benefit snow-making but also irrigation and revegetation for many years to come. Mr Morris asked if the lots that were privately sewered were overlooked Manager Cofer stated those lots (undeveloped) are included in the 11 ,600 figure. In reply to in basin reuse - Manager Cofer stated one of the long term problems we have is the capacity of the export system - he stated he did not know what size plant will be built over the next 10-20 years and to replace the existing pipeline or to build another could be extremely expensive (seven or eight million dollars); if we could knock off the :p�ak flows that come to this plant, and use that water in the basin rather than trying to export it over the hill and we need to demon- strate over these next 10 or 20 years that we can safely do something such as this , and we will have to know when the time comes whether we should spend the millions of dollars on the pipeline; or less money for in-basin reuse - we just don't know the answer at this time. Engineer Consultant R.L.Culp stated we have the technical capability to re-use this watsr in the basin right now, but it is not a matter of public acceptance and therefore not a matter of agency acceptance. Larry Smith-Resident- stated that he would certainly like to state to the panel that the presentations this evening was outstanding; plus he _ stated the alternatives are some of which gives much for: the public to consider and the cost is a very very important fE�ctor, Mr. Smith stated , and hoped the District would give that much consideration. He stated that the alternatives mentioned (sprinkler system and flood system) and asked if the Utility District would be responsible for the sprinkler system. Mr. Gordon Culp stated wastewater from a public agency could be used by privately owned land through facilities purchased with grant money and installed on those private lands and the local share of those costs to be picked up by the owner of the private lands, and the District would have no investment in the sprinkler equipment. Mr. Smith stated he is glad to hear the members of the Utility District will not be responsible for providing sprinkler systems to the private lands. 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