HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975 01/02 - 1975 12/18Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District January 2, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 1/2/75, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL GALL: Present were President Donald H. Kortes, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, Robert Wakeman, General Manager David W. Callahan, Engineers J.G.M.Gonzales, Jack Jensen, Loring Hansen, Attorney J.G. Weidman. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 12/19/74 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Peg Kortes and Roger Kortes. MANAGER'S REPORT: Plant flow for the year 1974 was 1.220.7 million gallons, and increase of 8.74Yo over 1973. Daily average flow was 3.3 million gallons; the peak daily flow was 4.9 million gallons July 6th, except for January when large amounts of infiltration occurred. PLANT OPERATION FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1974 Total Plant Flow - M.G. 85.2 1973 82.0 Daily Average Flow - M.G. 2.8 1973 2,7 Maximum Daily Flow M.G. 4.4 NOVEMBER DECEMBER 92.6 88.3 3.0 2.9 4.6 Chlorine used - lbs. Natural Gas Used - Cu. Ft. Electricity Used, KWH Lime Used: Lbs - - Makeup: Recalcined: 5,520 11,950 7,196,000 6,953,000 663,600 696,000 151,667 167,827 211,591 189,101 Donald Kortes, Jerry Ream, John Weidman, Jack Jensen and I met with Melvin Linn on December 23rd and discussed acquisition of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company. Study sessions are set for the 6th to discuss operating cost, the 7th to discuss Davis- Grunsky Grant, and the 9th to discuss water reclamation plant improvement engineering fees. Dates for the above study sessions were confirmed as requested by Director Fesler. SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: The last snow storm brought with it plant flows that were 1-1/3 times the flows recorded in prior weeks. This increase is not due to the snow directly, but because of the increased tourist population in the South Tahoe area. There have been no problems incurred because of the higher flows, the plant is running normally. We have had no major emergencies at the plant or in the collection system during the last few weeks. Everything has been very peaceful for the holiday season. One year ago at this time we were still using our emergency holding pond for storing extremely high flows entering the plant because of infiltration caused by warm rains. Mr. J. Gonzales reported that he gave a talk on Tahoeology at the High School with 11 teachers present. This was a College Credit Course and was sponsored by the Lake Tahoe Unified School District. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen said that a report on the Martin Avenue Well will be given in the Water Systems report under Item 4-B. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Jack Jensen stated that the new motors in the Stripping Tower and Pond are ready to be inspected; a time extension was granted on this installation; Johnson Blvd. Pump Station had no progress report. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John G. Weidman stated that the District has been served a a subpoena to meet frith Heavenly Valley on 1/20/75. No notice has been served in regard to the Employee's la{v suit which will be held in late January. Marjorie Springmeyer and Knox Johnson filed an answer to the eminent domain action on subject Johnson Blvd. Pump Station trunk sewer lateral. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. ~ ~j~. Re~tllar M~etin~ -2- 1/2/75 WATER SYSTEM: (1) DISSOLUTION OF TAHOE SOUTHSIDE WATER UTILITY CORPORATION: (a) Forms have been received and must be filed by January 15 to receive tax refunds due the Water Utility. 2. ACQUISITION OF OTHER COMPANIES: (a) Tahoe Sierra Water Company: Carl Hofman talked with Melvin Linn and requested a letter from him explaining in detail terms of the transaction. Mr. Hofman does not fully understand the transaction. To date no letter has been received from Mr. Linn but as soon as he receives it, Mr. Hofman will study it and make a decision. (b) Tahoe Keys Water Company: No action has been taken. Manager Gallahan will set up a meeting with them the 2nd week of January. (c) Lakeside Mutual Water Company - No action. John Weidman, Attorney, will contact Lakeside Secretary. 3. FIRE PROTECTION WATER LINE: A study session is set for January 8 on Fire Line Protection - Highway 89 fire line to discuss boundary map. 4. CONTRACT WITH ROY RAMSEIER: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Board of Directors accept the recommendation of Engineer Jack Jensen to: (1) send a letter to Mr. Roy Ramseier stating that the District will not be using his designs for the Martin Avenue Well Pump Installation, and (2) Director Hegarty moved , seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Mr. Ramseier be informed that he is to discontinue all work for the District. 5. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY: There will be a meeting on 1/14/75 at 6:30 PM and this is a icing dinner meeting with E.E.D., G.D.P.U.D. and S.T.PUD Directors and the place yet to be determined. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) SERVICE CHARGES (CAMPGROUNDS): Study session has been set for Friday, 1/10/75, 3:00 P.M. for the Board, and a meeting with Jerry Martin at 4 pm to discuss campground service charges. 2. JO HNSON BLVD. PUMP STATION TRUNK SEWER EXTENSION: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, to authorize General Manager David W. Gallahan to acquire easements. 3. C.A.S.A. MID-YEAR SESSION: Annual Work Conference, to be held on January 23- 25th at Indian Wells. Reservations will be made by General Manager Gallahan for the Board of Directors and John Weidman. 4. LAKE TAHOE RESEARCH SEMINAR III: To be held on 1/17/75, 8:30 A.M. - 4:45 PM at the Sands Vagabond Convention Center. 5. HEAVENLYVALLEYvs SWRCB: Subpoena for depositions on 1/20/75 at 1:30 P.M. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $176,345.73 be approved for payment, as recommended by David W. Gallahan, General Manager. ADJOURN MENT: 9:15 P.M. DONALD H. KORTES, PRESIDENT South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. GALLAHAN, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District January 16, 1975 / 77 The Board of Directors met in a regular session at 8:00 P.M. 1/16/75, District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Donald H. Kortes, Directors Robert Wakeman, Gerald G. Ream, Robert W. Fesler, Attorney J.G. Weidman, Clerk of Board and General Manager David W. Callahan, Engineers J.G.M. Gonzales, Jack Jensen, A.L. Shoupe and Employe~es M. Kobernus and H. Hanson and visitor J. Martin. ABSENT: Director Edward E. Hegarty. MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 1/2/75 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Kortes welcomed Jerry Martin, Merle Kobernus and Harry Hanson to the meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager David W. Callahan: "I have requested that the District be allowed to hire four temporary employees under the recent Public Employees Program. The District will be reimbursed for salary cost of $3.50 per hour, FICA _taxes, and Workmen's Compensation Insurance premiums. They will be assigned to maintenance of the sewage facilities and will be a boost to the District program of infiltration prevention. On Monday the 20th, I plan to assign Bob Eppler, Infiltration Inspector, to work with Chester A. Homing, District Inspector, instead of being under the direct supervision of John Gonzales. The Utility Foreman will continue to be responsible for the repairs found n~cessary by the inspectors. The Board of Directors met in Study Session on the 6th and reviewed operating expense; the 7th regarding our Davis-Grunsky Grant application; the 8the concerning progress of water system acquisition; 2he 9th fire protection water line assessment district; the 10th sewer service charge for campgrounds; and the 15th regarding engineering fees. Donald Kortes, Jerry Ream, John Weidman and I attended the joint meeting of E1 Dorado County Water Agency, E.I.D., G.P.U.D. and S.T.PUD on the 14th. All the Directors, John Weidman and I plan to attend the California Association of Sanitation Agencies work conference, January 23, 24, 25. Attached is a statistical report prepared by Wayne Allen on the District's Water Enterprise. On December 31st there were 2,408 service connections." Study session set for 2/4/75 at 3:00 P.M., District Office to review and discuss the Water Systems report presented and prepared by Wayne Allen. Director Ream requested that the costs also be worked out for the meeting of 2/4/75. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: As presented by John G.M. Gonzales, Engineer: "The last power blackout left the District without power for 5 hours, however, the plant's treatment process was not disrupted and we did not have to use the emergency holding pond. Plant maintenance is going to begin installation this Monday of the lime feeding vibrating bin bottom from Vibra Screw Corporation. The installation will take about 3 days to complete; h~ndling problems will be simplified and the noise level lowered in the furnace building. We will be ordering lime from a different lime company at a savings of $6.00 to $8.00 per ton of lime. We have tested the new lime and found it to meet our require- ments and specifications. We are planning to install a new and more reliable aeration system at Indian Greek Reservoir. We have a spare air compressor at the District that we can use to replace 10 of the existing small compressors. These small compressors have been very troublesome and have required a great deal of maintenance. The new air compressor will not be an additional expense because we have it on hand and ready to go." DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Jack Jensen stated that most of the items for discussion and/or action are on the agenda. However, he requested to discuss the Martin Avenue Well at this time; originally the cost for this well was at $195,000 and now will be appr6ximately $95,000 and requested consideration of cancelling the Regular Meeting 1/16/7s first order and reordering. He suggested a change order be considered reducing the amount by approximately $30,000 and reordering. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, the original contract be cancelled, and change order be approved as suggested and recommended by Engineer Jack Jensen. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT AS presented byA.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts Contractors Percentage Completed WRP Improvements ($1,082,000 - orig. bid) ($1,143,376.08) Ziebarth and Alper 99% Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson Pump Sta. ($ 10,100) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 70% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100% Schedule 4 100% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: J.G. Weidman, Attorney, stated that no decision has been received re Fallen Leaf Lake. The negative declaration has been received from the Environmental Committee on the Martin Avenue well and will go to the Planning Commission for a Special Use Permit. Attorney Weidman requested a study session to discuss the development of water projects in the entire county or for the benefit of one area only. To be discussed at the 2/5/75 study session. Also, 8.12.5 of the Civil Code involves abandonment of easements and Attorney Weidman suggested that we should request of the City and the County written notice of any proposed properties streets or highways they abandon within their jurisdiction, so we can notify the County that we might have some easements in that particular area and we can record within 30 days of abandonment. Manager Oallahan will notify the city of this. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Manager Gallahan contact the City and County and request notification of any abandonments or resolutions or ordinances regarding same. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None except from the Finance Committee - reporting that the Board met in full study session on 1/6/75 to review Mr. Callahan's financial report. Director Fesler stated that our expenses for payroll and supplies are up this year and our balance has diminished to an alarming point. Further consideration to be given to standby charges listed on the agenda for this evening. WATER SYSTEM: (1) ACQUISITION OF OTHER COMPANY OR COMPANIES: (1) Tahoe Sierra Water Company. Carl Hofman was waiting for a report from his GPA. Due to a personal tragedy of his GPA he has not received the report, but hopes to receive it next week. (2) Tahoe Keys. No contact. (3) Lakeside Mutual: No contact. 2. FIRE PROTECTION WATER LINE: Jack Jensen, Engineer, presented maps and boundaries of the proposed assessment district for the fire line on Highway 89, cost to be approximately $260,000 to benefit 50 acres - proposed assessments will be $5,000 per acre. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the maps and boundaries presented by engineers be accepted and that the Fire Chief be contacted to circulate petition to obtain 60To of signatures from the owners. District Engineer Jensen suggested that Manager Gallahan arrange a meeting with the Fire Chief and he will also attend with Mr. Callahan. Regular Meeting -3- i/16/75 /~ (3) LAKE VALLEY FIRE Di~STRIGT: Manager Callahan stated a letter has been received from the Lake Valley Fire District requesting 4" outlets instead of the 4-1/2" outlets be supplied for their fire engines. Following a lengthy discussion it was agreed that Manager Gallahan will pursue this further and report to the Board. STANDBY SEWER %A~ASTEYVATER SYSTEM: (1) SERVICE CI-IARGES: Director YVakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that our Attorney request Legislation to Change Section 16477 of the P..U.D. to include S.T.P.U.D. (2) SERVICE CHARGES (CAMPGROUNDS): Directors have had many study sessions to review service charges relating to campgrounds. Manager Callahan recommended that ORDINANCE NO. 252, an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 114, Providing for Sewage Service Charges, be considered. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 252 be approved as presented and as recommended by our Manager. (3) HEAVENLY VALLEY vs SWRGB: Manager Gallahan has been subpoened to give testimony and produce records on January 20th, Monday afternoon. (4) SUPPLIES: (a) Bids for granular activated carbon. Received bid from Calgon Corp. for 13,500 lbs of carbon at $8,040.60 and Manager Callahan recommended consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1948 accepting and awarding bid. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 1948 be approved. (5) CHANGE ORDERS. NO. 6 - ZEIBARTH AND ALPER: Engineer J. Jensen stated that there would be no change in contract price, but there would be an extension of 90 days requested. J. Jensen recommended that Change Order No. 6 be executed by the Manager. AYES: Directors Kortes Ream, Wakeman NOES: Director Fesler AB STAINED None Carried ..... Director Fesler stat'ed that we are in the contract by 12-1/2% and the Government has the 87-1/2To and if we grant this change order, we could be penalized. Engineer Jensen stated that the motion should carry the inclusion of "subject to approval of the governmental agencies." Director Fesler amended the motion to include "Subject to the approval of the agencies involved." AYES: Directors Kortes, Ream, Wakeman. NOES: Director Fesler ABSTAINED: None Carried ....... (6) CHANGE ORDER POND ~3: Erosion has taken place at this pond, which was at one time the spray area. It was recommended that Change Order No. 7 be considered which would be to line the banks with stone in the amount of $21,000 of which the District share would be $2,600. Mr. Jensen stated that the state has given their verbal approval but we are waiting for the written approval. Engineer Jensen recommended that the Manager execute Change Order No. 7 and this would be subject to the approval of the governmental agency. Director Fesler moved,, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 7 be approved as presented by Engineer J. Jensen. MISCELLANEOUS: Engineer Jensen read portions of a legal notice from our local paper of 1/14/75 regarding export and/or discharge from Incline Village in which EPA has given directions when discharges can and cannot take place; this applies also to Round Hill, Douglas County, Tahoe Douglas and Kingsbury Districts. COMMUNICATIONS: General Manager Callahan read in full the Resolution of Appreciation of the City Council of the City of South Lake Tahoe to the South Tahoe Public Utility District for its public service in opening its meeting rooms for public use. Meeting -4- i/16/?$ PAYMt:NT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $129,706.14, as recommended by General Manager Callahan be approved for payrre nt. ADJOURNMENT: 10:15 P.M. ATTEST: ~ DAVID W. CALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD & EX I~ONALD H. KORTES, PRESIDENT South Tahoe Public Utility District OFFICIO SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District February 6, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular ~session on 2/6/75, District Conference Room, 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Donald H. Kortes, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager David W. Callahan, Engineers J. Jensen, A.L. Shoupe and Water and Wastewater Systems Engineer l.G.M.Gonzales, Attorney lohn C. Weidman, Employees H. Hanson and M. Kobernus. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 1/16/75 be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by D.W. Callahan: "All the Directors, lohn Weidman and I attended the California Association of Sanitary Agencies., January 23rd through 25th. Jack Jensen, Donald H. Kortes and I met with Fire Chief Smiley on January 21 and gave him the form of the petition for the Fire Line Assessment District. On Monday, lanuary 27th, Director Kortes, lohn Weidman, lack Jensen and I met with Carl Hofman regarding acquisition of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company. A Study Session was held on February 4th on the water operation and on the 5th regarding E1 Dorado Water Committee activities. Tuesday, the 4th, all the sewer department vehicles with snow removal equipment broke down; an all out effort by our employees, and rental of one piece of equipment on Wednesday has allowed the District's operation to continue without any problems. Attached to your agenda is the plant operations report for the month of January." PLANT OPERATION FOR THE MONTH OFJANUARY 19Y5: Total Plant Flow MG Daily Average Flow MG Maximum Daily Flow ] MG Chlorine Used Natural Gas Used Thousand Gu Ft Electricity Used Lime Used Lbs KAVH Tons Recalcined: Makeup (1) JANUARY DECEMBER JANUARY (1) 1975 1974 1974 95.6 92.6 124.3 3.1 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.6 25,190 11,950 19,000 6,941 6,953 7,600 829,200 696,000 712,800 98.2 94.6 66. 98.9 83.9 79. 23 MG stored in pond was reprocessed through the plant at the rate of 1.3 MGD in January of 1974." Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. Regular Meeting DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: J. Jensen, District Engineer, stated that he would like to schedule a study session ~o discuss Harrah's share of the cost of the improvements to the water system. Same scheduled for 2/14/75, 3:00 P.M., District Office. Mr. Jensen also stated, that he does have the plans this evening to turn over to the Manager on the Martin Avenue wel'l, and requested a study session to discuss same. Scheduled for 2/25/75, 3:00 P.M., District Office. Approximately 2 weeks ago Mr. Jensen delivered area maps to Mr. Gallahan for distribution to other public entities. Mr. Gallahan stated that he has given copies to the Lake Valley Fire Dept., Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board to Mr. Dave DuBois, School District, and one in the Manager's Office and Lobby of the South Tahoe P.U.D. He also mentioned he has 3 more prints that can be given out and he will contact the City to see if they would like to have one. Director Fesler suggested the Directors tour the Martin Avenue Well site and have an explanation of what this well can do. J. Jensen also suggested a tour of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company lines. Director Wakeman asked if the septic tank pumpers are dumping at the plant and Mr. Jensen stated that they should be required to dump in the facility the District has provided for. Director Ream stated that Engineer Gonzales was going to inform them of this. Director Fesler suggested a study session to discuss this matter and same is scheduled for 2/11/75 at 3:00 P.M., District Office. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported byA.L. Shoupe, Resident Engineer: Contract and Amounts Contractors Percentage completed WRP Improvements Ziebarth & Alper 99% ($1,082,000.00 orig bid) ($1,164,376.08) Johnson Blvd. Pump Station Teichert Cons. Co. ($193,000) Johnson P.S. Schedule 1 70% ($ 10,100) Bijou Mod. Schedule 2 100% ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. Schedule 3 100% ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Schedule 4 100% COMMITTEE REPORTS: None WATER SYSTEM: (1) ACQUISITION OF OTHER COMPANIES (Status Reports): The meeting held with Mr. C. Hofman of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company proved to be successful and Attorney Weidman suggested the Board and Manager proceed to Newport Beach to meet with the Insurance Company for this Water Company - Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. TAHOE KEYS WATER COMPANY: Mr. B. Frizzee will be meeting with others and the Directors of the Water Gompahy, and will set a meeting at a later date with this Board. EL DORADO COUNTY TAXES: Request to cancel taxes on the properties of Tahoe Southside Water Utility, approximately $10,605. Attorney Weidman will take care of this and report to the Board. WASTEWATER SYSTEM ..... (1) ENGINEER'S FEES: (a) Consider charging for extra cost to treat and dispose of fuel oil dumped into our system. On 1/21/75 a local station attendant dumped fuel oil down the STPUD sewer system and caused a great problem and approximately $1,000 was spent by the District to treat this. Thid did not include manhours. Mr. Fesler stated that we are interested in compliance of our Ordinance and that this not happen again. After much discussion it was suggested that the inspector keep a log book of all that he has spoken to regarding an incident such as this and record same in book; also, that a letter should be written to the violater (who will meet with Mr. Gallahan regarding this past incident), and any and all violaters in the future. This could cause a very dangerous situation for our employee, and employees. Regular Meeting -3- 2/6./75 CRWQCB IAHONTAN REGION: Letter of Roy C. Hampson, Executive Officer. The Board reviewed the letter received from Mr. Hampson, and President Kortes requested Manager Callahan to contact Mr. Hampson asking him exactly what he wishes in the way of a report and we will reply to same. JOHNSON BLVD. PUMP STATION: Letter from Marjorie J. Springmeyer. Attorney Weidman stated that Max Hoseit is representing Bill Johnson. Silverado Title Company and Dayton Cart will be served tomorrow. When all are filed, Mrs. Springmeyer will receive a copy of same. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried that the claims in the amount of $136,238.46 be approved as recommended by Manager David W. Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 10:15 P.M. DONALD H. KORTES, PRESIDENT South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARdEr SouthTahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District February 20, 1975 The Board of Directors met in a regular session on 2/20/75, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Donald H. Kortes, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, Robert Wakeman, Clerk of Board and General Manager David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineers J. Jensen, A.L. Shoupe, John G.M.Gonzales, Mr. P. Greuner and Harry Hanson. MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 2/6/75 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Phil Greuner and Harry Hanson. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by General Manager Gallahan: "A study session was held on February 11 regarding dumping wastes by trucks. Attached is a copy of letter sent to companies authorized to dump at the treatment plant. On Friday, February 14, a study session was held to discuss contract for water service with Harrah' s. President Kortes, Directors Fesler, Hegarty and Ream, John Weidman, K. Jones and I travelled to Newport Beach on 2/17/74 to meet with Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company on the 18th regarding acquisition of Tahoe Sierra Water Company and the loan of the Water Company. President Kortes and I met with Roy Hampson, Executive Officer, and Dave DuBois - Engineer for Lahontan Regional Quality Control Board on 2/19/74. On the same date the Directors met to discuss Mr. Hampson's request for a written report. Washington's Birthday weekend always increases plant flow above the average. Last weekend was no exception. Sunday, 2/16/7~, the flow was 4.6 million gallons, an increase 10% above a year ago; 2/9/75 the flow was 3.9." February 20, 1975 -2- Regular Meeting SYSTEMS ENGINEER REPORT: As reported by John G.M. Gonzales: "The first week in February, I attended a Chlorine Workshop Conference in San Diego. The work shop was one of the best I have attended. The topics of chlorination and breakpoint chlorination were very well presented by experts from the chlorine industry. Many new methods of handling chlorine and using it advantageously were presented. The Workshop was sponsored by American Water Works Association. Everything discussed at the conference from safety to chlorine application and monitoring can be put to good use at this plant. ENGINEER'S REPORT: J. Jensen, District Engineer, reported that he would like to request this meeting be adjourned to next Tuesday to prepare the paper work for the Martin Well to go to bid. This special meeting would be held at 3:00 P.M., 2/25/75. Mr. Jensen also mentioned that we have to reply to the protest from the Piute Indians by 3/12/75. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS Contracts and Amounts WRP Improvements ($1,082,000.00 - or~'g bid) ($1,164,376.08) REPORT: As presented byA.L. Shoupe: Contractors Percentage completed Ziebarth and Alper 99Yo Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson Blvd. PS ($ 10. 100) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 70To Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100To Schedule 4 100To ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, reported that regarding the tax cancellation, it has been confirmed that the District will pay approximately $3,000 instead of the $10,000 in taxes. The standby chargesand bill for same will be introduced within the week. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None except FINANCE COMMITTEE met on 2/13/75 to discuss the subject of standby charges and the District's need for additional revenue. There were three alternatives: decrease the expenditures, deficit financing or increase revenues to obtain the additional funds needed. The finance committee recommended that a $20.00 standby charge be set on the vacant lots and this would solve our pressing financial needs for the next 3 fiscal years. Phil Greuner also agreed that this should be done and the charges should be spread to everyone and not just those that are now paying for the services. Director Ream stated that we are holding our own in fine shape except aa the utilities and the labor. WATER SYSTEM: (1) ACQUISITION OF OTHER COMPANIES: (a) Tahoe Sierra Water Company - a tentative agreement with Carl Hofman has been reached and comparable to the one reached with Tahoe Southside Water Utility. Members of the Board, Attorney Weidman, Ken Jones, and the Manager visited Newport Beach, California to discuss the insurance regarding Tahoe Sierra Water Company with Pacific Mutual Life Insurance and the Company did agree to let the District assume the loan Mr. Hofman has. Director Fesler stated that he would fee better if we could obtain a letter of intent from Mr. Hofman and that he would agree to sell the Company to the District. Director Ream will obtain this letter from Mr. Hofman. (b) Tahoe Keys Water Company: since the last meeting Mr. Gallahan has spoken with Mr. Frizzle who stated that they were close to an agreement with us and they will hold a meeting on' 2/20/75 with their board and the District will be receiving their letter soon. Jack Jensen also mentioned to the Board that the agreement should contain a clause about guaranteeing he wells. (2) MARTIN AVENUE WELL: (a) Consider making a request from E1 Dorado County Water Agency for additional funds. J.G. Weidman, Attorney, spoke~._with Supervisors Johnson and Stewart and Mr. J. Flynn regarding additional funds amounting to approximately /6CZ/ Regular Me~ing -3- 2/20/75 $85,000. Their regular monthly meeting (El Dorado ~Vater Agency) will hold their monthly meeting Monday evening and this will be on the agenda. Mr. Hegarty, lack [ensen, D. Callahan, [.C. ~veidman ~vill attend this meeting. Director Fesler %vas quite concerned over the amount of loans the District has and especially with the increasing costs of materials, labor, payroll, etc., and mentioned that he ~vould not like to see us on some shaky rocky rolls. Manager Callahan stated that the ~vorkload of the Finance Committee has doubled since we now have the water company and that cash flo~v is extremely tight and fe~v dollars are available for capital improvements. (b) Notice of Public Hearing on Al~plication for Special Use Permit, 2/27/75, 2:15 P.M. Planning Commission Meeting Room, Placerville. Attorney ~vVeidman will attend. ~VASTE~VATER SYSTEM: ........ (1) 'vVATERCARE: (a) Letter received from 'vVatercare requesting a representative from the District for this organization. (b) General Manager Callahan recommended that John G.M. Gonzales be appointed as the District Representative. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director ~vVakeman, unanimously carried, that John G.M. Gonzales be appointed as the District representative to ~vVATERCARE, as so recommended by Manager David ~V. Callahan. 2. SEMINAR... 1975: --- For information purposes, Manager Callahan stated that the State V~ater Resources Control Board Seminar ~vill be scheduled for April 9 and 10, 1975, at Devis, California. 3. ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES: (a) Consider Study Session to Review Proposed Changes. Scheduled for 2/26/75 at 3:00 P.M., District Office. 4. OPERATING ENGINEERS vs STPUD: - Order to appear before E1 Dorado Court on 3/7/75, 10:00 A.M. - this has been changed to 3/14/75. 5. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: Manager Callahan stated that a letter was received from Lake Tahoe School District, and he read same, thanking the District for the aerial photograph sent. 6. INFILTRATION: Less than 8% infiltration of the flow due to the thaw has been coming into the plant. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $139,815.44 be approved as so recommended by Manager David ~V. Callahan. ADIOURNMENT: 10:15 P.M. to 2/25/75 at 3:00 P.M., District O~fice. DO~LD H. KORTES,~PR~,SIDENT South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID ~V. CALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY OF THE BOARD South Tahoe Public Utility District Adjourned Special Meeting of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District February 25, 1975 The Board of Directors met in an adjourned special meeting on 2/25/75 at 3:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Donald H. Kortes, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream and Robert Wakeman, General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney Iohn C. Weidman, Engineer J. Jensen and Water Systems Superintendent W. Dunckhorst. ~ack ~ensen, Engineer; gave a brief report on the meeting held with the E1 Dorado Water Agency at Placerville Monday evening regarding the request for another loan of $85,000.00. The Board agreed that the meeting was certainly worthwhile and the possibility of obtaining this loan is good. WATER SYSTEM: (1) MARTIN AVENUE WELL: (a) Report by Engineer Jack Jensen who presented plans for the Martin Avenue Well, and specifications for same, approximate cost to be $243,000. (b) Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1949, A Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications for Martin Avenue; (c) Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1950, A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe PUD Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale for Water Project Martin Avenue Well. (d) RESOLUTION NO. 1951, A Resolution Authorizing Advertisement of/for bids. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1949, 1950 and 1951 be approved as presented. Bid Opening will be held at 2:00 P.M., March 20, 1975, at the District Office. A lengthy discussion was held regarding the acquisition of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company. Also - the Board discussed Fallen Leaf Lake. ADIOURNMENT: 4:00 P.M. South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY OF THE BOARD South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District March 6, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 3/6/75 at 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Donald H. Kortes, Directors Robert Wakeman, Edward E. Hegarty, Robert W. F,~sler, Attorney John G. Weidman, General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Gallahan, Engineers Jack Jensen, A.L. Shoupe, J.G.M. Gonzales, and employee Merle Kobernus. ABSENT: Director Gerald G. Ream. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Merle Kobernus. Regular Meeting -2- 3/6/7s MANAGER'S REPORT: As reported by David W. Gallahan, General Manager: "Study sessions were held on (1) February 24 regarding certification requirements for plant operators; (2) February 25 on Martin Avenue Well/ (3) February 26 re Environmental Guidelines; (4) February 28 on Tahoe Keys Water System acquisition; and (5) March 5 to review items on today's agenda. Monday, 2/24/75, John Weidman, Jack Jensen and I met with E1 Dorado County Water Agency Committee. We requested and obtained their recommenda- tions for an additional loan from the Water Agency. The Plant Operation Report for month of Febr.uary, as follows: PLANT OPERATIONS REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1 9 7 5: Total Plant Flow MG Feb. 1975 Jan. 75 Feb. 1974 Total Plant Flow MG 94.9 Daily Av. Flow MG 3.4 Max. Daily Flow MG 4.6 Chlorine Used. Lbs. 31,466 Nat. Gas. Used Gu Ft 7,037 Elec. Used. KWH (1) 708,600 Lime Used. - Tons: Makeup 70.8 Recalcined (2) 95.7 86.9 3.1 3.1 4.0 4.2 25,190 13,545 6,941 7,200 708,600 582,000 98.9 34. 98.2 83. (1) A mistake was made in report of January. The amount reported for 1975 is two month average. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 2/20/75 and 2/25/75 be approved as presented. WATER SYSTEMS REPORT: As presented by John G.M. Gonzales: "Our breakpoint chlorination system used for ammonia nitrogen removal is working well. Nitrogen removal is ranging between 50% and 60%. Concentrations of ammonia nitrogen gas are reduced from 20-25 mc/1 to 8-14 mc/liter. When the ammonia stripping pond and tower are operational, we will be able to effectively and economically remove nitrogen to any desired concentrations. The granular activated carbon which was needed to replenish the supply in our activated carbon columns has arrived and is already being used in the adsorptive process. The vibra screw feeder which is attached to the vibrating bin botto,mis not working properly; however, Vibra Screw Corporation has determined that the feeder currently installed is not properly designed and they are sending us a new feeder with a new design at no additional charge to the district. The four people hired on the government sponsored employment act have started to work today. Initially they will be working on utility maintenance and infiltration repair." DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen presented the plans for the Martin Avenue Well landscaping project which the Planning Commission has required to Obtain the permit needed for same. All other items for Mr. Jensen listed on agenda. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented byA.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts Contractor Percentage completed. WRP Improvements Ziebarth & Alper 98% ($1,082,000.00) orig. bid. ($1,164,376.08) Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson Blvd. P.S. ($ 10,100) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Teichert Cons. Go. Schedule 1 75% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100% Schedule 4 100% ATTORNEY's REPORT: John G. Weidman, Attorney, reported that the hearing for the three employees has been changed from March 14th to March 28th (Gunderson, Guild and Fox). Fallen Leaf Lake: No decisions as of this date. EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OOMMITTEE: Submit a list of projects, which Mr. Weidman did for Luther Pass, A1 Tahoe and TahoeKeys Pump Stations, Tahoe Keys Force Main, Highway 89 Fire Line, Iohnson Blvd. and Keller Road Sewer. Standby Sewer Bill not introduced as of this date. Re Standby Water Charges for M & O and Acquisition: Bill is through the Assembly and in the Senate, but has not been assigned to a committee as of this date. I~. Weidman asked the Board members to reserve April 19th for a get together re legislative processes. The letter was sent off to the tax assessor for cancellation of our taxes (Water Co.). r~]OMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development. Director Hegarty presented a report to the members of the Board requesting a study session on same. Same scheduled for 3/10/75 at 3:00 P.M., District Office. No other committee reports given. WATER SYSTEM: (1) Tahoe Sierra Water Company - (a) Status of Assumption of Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Loan. Attorney Ken Iones has written a letter regarding same, and Mr. Callahan has sent information requested by the Insurance Company. (2) TahoeKeys Water Company: (a) Consider Response to Dllhngha s letter of 2/27/75; Board Members, Attorney, Engineers agreed the letter written by General Manager Callahan is in order, and requested same be mailed. (3) MARTIN AVENUE WELL: (a) Request for Additional Funds from E1 Dorado County Water Agency. The Agency will hold their meeting on 3/12/75, 10:00 A.M., and I.C. Weidman, I. Iensen, D.W. Callahan, E.E. Hegarty, R. Wakemanwill be in attendance. (4) HARRAH'S CONTRACT: (a) Meeting with Harrah's Representative on 3/13/75, 2:30 P.M., District Office. (5) AMERICAN WATERWORKS ASSOCIATION: Information only-- Spring meeting scheduled for April 10 and 11 at Monterey, California. (6) WATER RIGHTS APPLICATION: (a) Status of answer due 3/12/75. Attorney Weidman has drafted reply and same accepted by members of the Board with a minimum of changes. (7) HIGHWAY 89 FIRE LINE: Study Session scheduled 3/11/75, 2:30 P.M., District Office, with S. Martin, A. Hendrickson, ~. Iensen, D. Callahan, at least two Directors and Chief Smiley. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) LAHONTAN REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD. Response to letter of 1/31/75; study session scheduled 3/11/75, 10:30 AM, District Office with Mr. Hampson, Engineer Iensen and Manager Callahan. (2) ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1952, A Resolution Adopting Local Environmental Guidelines Implementing theCalifornia Environmental Quality Act and Repealing Environmental Guidelines heretofore Adopted. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 1952 be approved. pA~%/IENT OF CLAIMS: Director Feslermoved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $64,125.78, be approved as recommended by Manager Callahan. ADIOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. ATTEST: DONALD H. KORTES, President South Tahoe Public Utility District DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District March 20, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular meeting 3/20/75, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Donald H. Kortes, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, Robert Wakeman, General Manager Callahan, Attorney J.C. ~£eidman, Engineers J.G.M. Gonzales, Jack Jensen, A.L. Shoupe, L. Hanson, employee representatives M. Kobernus and H. I-Ianson, Bill Dunckhorst- Water Superintendent. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 3/6/75 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Kortes welcomed all to the meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by David W. Callahan: "Study sessions were held on (1) March 10 to review the Research & Development Committee's report; (2) March llth to discuss propcs ed Highway 89 Fireline with Fire Chief Smiley; (3) March 13th the Committee of the Board met with representatives of Harrah's to discuss their participation of cost in present water system improvements; (4) the 18th with representatives of Dillingham Corporation to discuss Tahoe Keys Water Company acquisition; (5) the 19th to hear the request of Tahoe-Douglas Sewer District, regarding maintenance and operation of their collection system. Jack Jensen and I met with Lynn Smith and Roy Hampson of Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board on 3/11/75. We discussed the District's standards of sewer installation and connections. The building permit was issued this week for the Martin Avenue Well. I will be on vacation 3/21/75 through 4/4/75. At this time I request that Chet Homing give a report on connections and inspections." INSPECTION DEPARTMENT PROGRESS REPORT: as presented by Chester A. Homing, Inspector: "Between the 1st of October 1974 and the 15th of March 1975, the Utility District issued 199 sewer permits, finaled 432 permits, and has 146 active permits on file. To date the Inspection Department has had a very good working relationship with contractors and property owners and sees no problems in the future. A grease trap inspection program has been started and approximately 50% have been inspected. The condition of some indicate this program should have been started seven years ago. On the 20th of January 1975, the infiltration inspection and Bob Eppler was incorporated into this department. All repair work was being done by light maintenance up to the 6th of March 1975, at which time four temporary men were hired under the Public Employees Program, who are now involved in the inspection and repair of the collection system. By the end of summer we should be able to go through the complete collection system once." Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. SYSTEMS ENGINEER REPORT: As presented by John G.M. Gonzales, Systems Engineer: "Due to the use of our breakpoint chlorination system, ammonia concentrations in Indian Greek Reservoir have been reduced by 25% and are continuing to decrease. We are within 3 rog/1 of Lahontan Board requirements. Attached to your agenda is a letter to the Lahontan Board slarifying mis- understand~n~-s which were apparent in the Lahontan Board letter of 3/6/75. The letter of 3/14/75 also informed Lahontan of testing our breakpoint chlorination process. The plant continues to operate very well, however, we are operating only one chemical clarifier because of pump problems with the new clarifier. Pacific Pump Company has determined that there is a defect in the present pump and are assuming the responsibility to make necessary modifications. Director Fesler stated that he would like to call to the attention of John Gonzales that he is responsible to operate the plant in a manner that will be approved by our regulatory agencies. R~galat Meefing _~_ .LV3.~r~L.~ ~,~' ~ DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: ~ack ~ensen stated that the City Engineer and his Assistant met with us and Chief Smiley and at the time it was mentioned that the fir,line would be too expensive for that area to build and other methods and alternatives were discussed, compaction standards and the possibility of reducing the requirements on the standards; we will wait until we hear from Ghief Smiley before anything else is done on the Fireline on Highway 89. Mr. Jensen stated that he and Loring Hanson met with Bill Dunckhorst this afternoon to discuss the area of Montgomery Estates 4, 5 and 7 and the only answer to that area is for water storage only; this would be approximately between $40,000 and $70,000 and a more detailed report and written report will be presented to the Board at a later date. WATER SYSTEM: Manager Gallahan mentioned the letter from Pacific Mutual Insurance Company re Tahoe Sierra Water Company. Attorney Weidman stated that he stopped at Sherman Wilke's office today to discuss the amendments he had with him. Also requested authorization to prepare the agreement/contract for the acquisition of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company and get this paper work started and hopefully for some action to be taken at the adjourned regular meeting on 3/28/75, 3:00 P~M. TAHOE KEYS WATER GO. The conclusion of the meeting we last had with Tahoe Keys was that their Attorney would reply with some written documents they would like to have included in the agreement and we should consider these in the contract also. 3. ikARTIN AVENUE WELL: (a) Letter from E1 Dorado County Water Agency stating our request for an additional loan was not discussed at their last meeting and will be considered by them at their preliminary budget meeting which is around 4/9/75. The following bids received and opened today at 2:00 P.M., 3/20/75: Name and Addresses 1. Teichert Cons. Box 447 Truckee, California 95734 Bid Amounts $87,500.00 Wunschel & Small, Inc Box 8076 So. Lake Tahoe, California 95731 $72,000.00 Dante Eng. and Cont. Box 1095 Fort Jones, Ca. 96032 $84,000.00 W. R. Buchanan Box 15202 Sacramento, Ca. 95813 $115,000.00 South Tahoe Construction Box 3645 Stateline, Nevada $69,000.00 J. S. Parker and Sons Underground Pipelines Box 3944 Incline Village, Nevada 89450 $98,900.00 K. G. Walters Cons. PO Box 23700 San Jose, Ca. 95153 $78,780.00 R H C Construction Go. Box 2416 Redding, California $98,000.00 Engineer's Estimate: ---$120,000.00 Present for the bid opening were General Manager Callahan, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Engineers John Jensen and Loring Hanson. Regular Meeting -3- 3/20/75 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented byA.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts WRP Improvements ($1,082,000) orig. bid. ($1,164,376.08) Contractors Ziebarth a~.d Alper Percentage Completed 98% Johnson Blvd. Pump Station Teichert Cons. Co. ($193,000) Johnson P.S. Schedule 1 80% ($ 10,100) Bijou Mod. Schedule 2 100To ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. Schedule 3 100To ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Schedule 4 100To ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that he went to Sacramento to check on the Standby Sewer Bill and this will be introduced promptly; the Standby Water Charges re M & O is through the Assembly and on its way to the Senate. Also, a letter was sent to E D A on 3/6/75 and he included the six projects of the District for grants, and Luther Pass Pump Station as ~1, the E D A found only one grant job in the entire county and that was the parking lot at Placerville County Parking Area; our Luther Pass Pump Station project would be priority ~3. Director Fesler stated that it seemed to him that the success of this Dis2rict is because of the Board Members, Administration, Consultants and our employees; and looking over the agenda he noted that time is given to the Manager, Systems Engineer, Consultants, but there is no time alloted for the employees if they wish to make remarks to the Board or comments, or whatever, Marager Callahan stated that he assumed that the Board would, from time to time, hear from anyone in attendance at our meetings, however, he stated that he is the one the Board designated as the representative to negotiate with the employees and control the operation of the District. Attorney Weidman stated that he did agree with Manager Gallahan and that there should be a Meet and Confer Session first. Director Wakeman stated that these are open meetings and if the employees wish to discuss something we should hear them. Merle Kobernus stated that he would go for time on the agenda for employees or their representatives. Director Kortes stated that in view of the fact that this was brought before the Board, the Board will review this and same to be reflected one way or another. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. MARTIN AVENUE WELL: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1953, Award of Contract to South Tahoe Construction Company, South Lake Tahoe, in the amount of $69,000.00. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1953 be approved, as recommended by Engineer J. Jen sen. (4) HARRAH'S CONTRACT: Study Session 3/25/75 at 3:00 P.M., District Office. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) JOHNSON BLVD. PUMP STATION SITE ACQUISITION: (2) Status Report ..... John G. Weidman, Attorney, stated that he did go over all of his files regarding this matter and that he served Mr. Dayton Garr on 5/29/74, and that was done here and we were about ready to discuss settlement of the matter, and Mr. Carr wanted to see the station operate for a noise factor, etc., and Mr. Cart, Jack Jensen,and I, or Les Shoupe, felt it would not be as long as it has been to complete the pump station, and'~ asked that Mr._tCarr get an answer in and he said that he would; Silverado Title Go. said they will appear this week, the copies of my letters were sent to Bill Johnson, Knox Johnson and Mrs:. Springmeyer letters and sent to each other:' Mr. Weidman further stated this project went to bid in September of 1973; we considered with the location of the line and what type of a severance damage we would have if we located it in 2 or 3 locations and thought a man named Preston Hale would be good to tell us what we would have to pay, and locate the line portion of it, as a result of the efforts of our Engineers, Mr. R. Gulp, Regular Meeting -4- 3/20/75 ~'~ Dave Callahan, the site was agreed for the line and this avoided an eminent domain proceedings on the line. Mr. Hale and our Engineer located at first the pump station at another location and Mrs. Springmeyer had the pump station site changed to where it is now. The pump station site is owned by Dayton Cart, and the money for that will go 1/3 to M. Springmeyer, 1/3 to Bill Johnson and 1/3 to Knox.. Johnson. Director Fesler requested a study session to find out how much the District has put up for site acquisitions, court costs, attorney fees, engineering fees, etc., and perhaps same can be discussed at the study session scheduled for 3/25/75. 2. BULK CHLORINE: (a) Consider installation of tank to reduce operational cost. Mr. John Gonzales, Systems Engineer, stated that he has written to the Chlorine Institute and Chlorine Manufacturers for information as to chlorine handling, dangers Iof same, etc. This is for informational purposes only, action possibly to be taken at a later time. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) STREET LIGHTING: (a) Letter from City of South Lake Tahoe. A letter was written to the City sometime ago and Mr. Gallahan will follow up to clarify points of alternatives mentioned in that letter to the City. Study Session set for 3/26/75 at 3:00 P.M. to discuss street lighting. (2) PIONEER TRAIL SNOW PLAY AREA: (a) Letter from City of South Lake Tahoe - this to be discussed at study session on 3/26/75. Director Wakeman stated that our contract with the owners in the area of Pioneer Trail Snow Play Area definitely states we are not developing that area for recreation. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, the claims in the amount of $106,871.48 be approved as recommended by Manager David W. Gallahan. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. .t~$/..28/75~ at 3:00 P.M. DOI~LD H. KORTES, P~ESIDENT South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ..... SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 28, 1975 The Board of Directors met in an adjourned regular session 3/28/75 at 3:00 P.M. ROLL GALL: Present were President Donald H. Kortes, Robert W. Fesler, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream and Robert Wakeman, General Manager David W. Gallahan, Attorney John G. Weidman, Les Berkson and Joe Ciatto, and J.Gonzales. Mr. Berkson and the representative from Tahoe Douglas District No. 1 appeared before the Board to discuss the maintenance and operation of their pump stations in Nevada, and requesting that this District service same. They proposed they would share in the administrative costs, storage costs, expenses for extra personnel, use of equipment, etc. Director Wakeman stated that the hydro-cleaner is in use all of the time by this District. Mr. Berkson stated that their problem is not the line, but the pump stations; he also mentioned that it would be to the benefit of Tahoe Douglas to turn the inspection of all connections over to this District. -2- /2s/?s Director Fesler stated that we have to consider whether we want to provide this service or not. If we are interested, we can authorize our people to work on the costs, and our Attorney to prepare a legal document between the two District's. Attorney Berkson requested some decision from the Board as early as possible to present to the Board Members of Douglas County No. 1. Director Hegarty stated that it would have been less expensive to all concerned had we been one community and that he did not feel it would be any expense additionally to assist Tahoe Douglas No. 1. Director Fesler stated that it would appear to him the money is the least important factor, but that the lease document would be the most difficult to work out. Director Ream stated that he felt the cost factor is as important as the contract; we want to make something for our taxpayer's and do not want to lose anything. Director Wakeman stated that he agreed with Director Fesler, but the item he is really concerned with is the hydro-cleaner. Manager Callahan stated that our hydro-cleaner is in ~3reat demand, and if this District does assist Tahoe Douglas, something else is going to have to be done regarding a hydro-cleaner. Engineer Gonzales stated that there are more problems in a new system than an old system. Director Hegarty moved, that we enter into a contract with Tahoe Douglas District for M L O of their lines, provided the staff's financial arrangements, and legal documents are satisfactory. Director Ream seconded. Manager Gallahan stated that we can provide the service if the Board wants to do so as this is a policy matter. Director Fesler stated that he did not feel we should act on this motion without our engineer J. Jensen present. Director Fesler asked Manager Callahan his opinion of this and if he recommends this adoption or not. Manager Callahan stated that it would not be beneficial to the District, and that this District has the same number of pump stations, and it takes 4 of our men to man these stations; also, Tahoe Douglas is figuring on only 1/2 the cost it will actually cost to maintain their system as they requested, and one or 1-1/4 men will not be enough to take care of that. Director Fesler stated that perhaps we should consider whether we should or should not take over Nevada's M & O for Tahoe Douglas No. 1. John Gonzales, Systems Engineer, stated that one and one-fourth men are not accurate to operate the stations, the' hydro cleaner would be in full time use and for the first year we would be spending much time in that area. VOTES: AYES: Director Hegarty and Ream. NOES: Director Fesler, Wakeman and Kortes. Motion lost. President Kortes stated that we have discussed this and the motion and action is that we do not handle the M & O for Tahoe Douglas No. 1 and requested Manager Callahan to write a letter so advising them of the Board's decision. W~TER SYSTEMS: (1) TAHOE SIERRA WATER COMPANY: Attorney Weidman stated that the contract is being worked on regarding the water companies for Pacific Mutual Insurance Company. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) EMERGENCY HOLDING POND AREA: Manager Gallahan and Director Hegarty met with the representatives of the USFS - Mr. Goggin and Mr. Hunsiker, 3:00 P.M. yesterday, and discussed their position and status of the land exchange , they stated they would look into the possibility of trading the 120 acres of land and not only the 40 acres; they feel they could have a land exchange possibility in Nevada. Attorney Weidman will check on the legality of property ownership by this District in Nevada. The USFS will contact the District following 4/7/75. Regular Meeting (Adjourned) -3- 3/28/75 COMMUNICATIONS: (a) Letter of 3/26/75 from the Stationary Engineers, Local No. 39. Attorney Weidman stated that there should be a Meet and Confer Session withthe representatives of Local No. 39, and General Manager Gallahan, and that Manager Gallahan write stating that he is the Board representative, and will Meet and Confer with their representatives. Or that the Manager contact Mr. Ron Wood and state that he will meet with him, ask who he will have in attedance for the Meet and Confer session also. Letter from Lake Tahoe Area Council stating there will be a meeting on 4/9/75 at noon -San Francisco. Information only. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried,that the claims in the amount of $25,968.15, as recommended by Manager Gallahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 5:00 P.M. South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. GALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District NOTE: REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1975 adjourned for lack of quorum. Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District April 17, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 4/17/75, 8:00 P.M. ,District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Donald H. Kortes, Directors R. Fesler, G. Ream, R. Wakeman, General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Gallahan, Attorney John G. Weidman, Engineers J. Jensen, A.L. Shoupe, System Engineer I.G.M.Gonzales, Water Supervisor W.Dunckhorst, Shop Steward's M.Kobernus and H. Hanson. ABSENT: Director Edward E. Hegarty. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 3/20 and 3/28/75 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by D.W. Callahan: "April 17, 1975 - On 4/15/75, we received $62,000 from EPA as a reimbursement grant for the Indian Creek Pipeline and Reservoir Project. The funds will be used to reduce the State of California loan that was obtained to finance the project. This will reduce the principal amount of the loan to $473,848. A1 Hendrickson and Ed Brauner of the City Public Works Department, met with John Gonzales, Lee Chada, and I on 4/10/75. We discussed the need to lower the top of many manholes within City streets. Lee and his crew began the job this week within the Tahoe Keys area. Manager's Report (Continued) -2- 4/17/75 The Board of Directors met in Study Session 4/15/75 to review the new film concerning the District's Advance Wastewater Treatment Plant; also they met on the 16th to discuss E1 Dorado County Water Agency projects. On 4/8/75 John Gonzales and I met with Ron Wood, Business Agent for the Union, and Harry Hanson - Shop Steward, concerning employment practices. I agreed include in any review panel, persons from other agencies in similar positions, to Tomorrow we will have intereviews for the Chief Operator's position. I have placed before you a financial report of the sewer department operation for the first eight months of the fiscal year compared to the same time period last year. The report also c o::.~pares this year's budget with estimated revenues and expense for the full year. I request that the Board of Directors consider raising the rate of sewer service charge. The only increase in the rate of char e w ' operation has risen substantiall . . g . as five years ago. Our cost o standby charaa~ -~ . _Y dunng th~s period os time. Ot~ ....... ,f ,. ~v_, u, revenue to tund the higher cost of .......... .*~* ~uurces, ~nczuazng ~=*=~loa goes not now exist. Attached is the plant operation report for month of March. PLANT OPERATION FOR THE MONTH OF March 1975 Total Plant Flow - MG March February March ,, 1975 1975 1974 108.0 94 .9 Daily Average Flow - MG 104.0 Maximum Daily Flow - MG Chlorine Used, Lbs. Natural Gas Used, Thousand Gu Pt Electricity Used, KWH Lime Used, Tons: Makeup: 3.5 3.4 3.4 5.1 4.6 4.7 95,381 31,466 10,220 6,721 7,037 7,300 769,000 708,000 650,000 77.0 70.8 54.0 Recalcined 35.1 90.0" Regarding Mr. Gallahan's report on the lowering of manholes, Director Ream stated that he did not feel we should take the responsibility for the lowering of these manholes since the City took the responsibility of installing same. ' Bill Dunckhorst stated that at the time the manholes were inspected at Tahoe Keys, he was working for the City and was the inspector at that time; he further stated the problem now is that ice is causing these manholes to rise. President Kortes stated that we are concerned with the responsibility of these manholes - is the responsibility of the District or the City. Mr. Dunckhorst stated that at the time the manholes were installed they were installed 1/4" below the pavement. Jack Jensen, Engineer, stated that we cannot fault the inspection, but the 1/4" to 1/2" was not low enough. Director Ream stated that he cannot see why we are to pay $10,000 or $i5,000 or more to do this job; we had nothing to do with the installation or the inspection of the manholes that were installed at the Keys; that was the City had our engineers on the job, and our inspectors, project at the time. If we did the work, of the problem, then he stated we should take care Director Fesler stated that we have always had a harmonious relationship with the City, and we like to have this continue. Director Ream stated that he did agree with this however, this should be a two-way street. - , Director Kortes stated this is now a hazard to the snow plows and leaves us a responsibility; perhaps we should have a cooperative agreement and share jointly in the costs. Engineer Gonzales stated that the impression he got from the meeting was that we were responsible, and President Kortes stated that we are responsible for the areas that we did the work on, but the area the City worked on they should share the burden of fixing these manholes and there should be some type of communication brought to the City to inform them that. Director Fesler requested a study session where all board members are present. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wake man, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. Regular Meeting -3- 4/17/75 Director Fesler requested a Study Session for the Financial Report presented by the Manager, and the Increase of Service Fees also - same scheduled for 4/18/75 at 3:00 P.M. District Office. SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: As presented by John G. M. Gonzales: - "I am reviewing the second draft of the new Operations and Maintenance Manual for the treatment plant. The manual should be ready for final print in the very near future. The plant is running well. Indian Greek Reservoir looks very good and is sixteen inches from being full. We will have a full reservoir for the opening of the campgrounds. The trout in the reservoir are very health (fishing is good) and the clarity of the water is excellent (25 foot secci disc readings). Ammonia nitrogen concentrations are continuing to decrease. Two weeks ago, I attended a Lake Tahoe Research Seminar. Parts of the discussions were on beneficial reuse of reclaimed wastewater. Many of the people attending the meeting were very much in favor of testing the effects of reusing reclaimed water within the Tahoe Basin. I did not institute nor participate in the reuse discussions, I merely listened. It was interesting to note that many members of the Lake Tahoe Community want to try wastewater reuse in the Basin." DISTRICT'S ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen stated that he andA.L. Shoupe met with the Teichert Representative today and discussed the progress on the Johnson Blvd. Pump Station - - same should be in full operation 5/15/75. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented byA.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts WRP Improvements ($1,082,000.00) Orig. Bid ($1,164,376.08) Contractors Ziebarth and Alper Percentage Completed 98% Johnson Blvd. Pump Stat[on ($193,000) Johnson P.S. ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Teichert Cons. Go. Schedule 1 80% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100% Schedule 4 100% Martin Avenue Well South Tahoe Cons. Go. 0% ($ 69,000) ATTORNEY'S REPORT: As stated by J.G.Weidman, Attorney, the law suit by the Local 39 Stationary Engineers Union will be presented 4/18/75 in court; no need for anyone to be present. Attorney Weidman suggested the Board consider designing some project to have ready on the shelf for construction with or either by bid or force account as additional Federal program funds become available. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development: None. (2) Utility Services: None. (3) Energy Conservation: None. (4) Finance: Met and Attorney Weidman prepared a three-page report on the Finance Committee Meeting and copies were sent to all Directors. (5) Public Information: President Kortes stated that the new film re Wastewater Treatment Plant was received by the District. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Harry Hanson stated that we do have a blood bank that is available to one in need and invited all to participate in donating blood; also, the Union and others are involving themselves with Operator's Training Program and Operators Gert- ification for Plant Operators for Water Treatment Plant. Merle Kobernus stated that they have received many letters re the blood bank and President Kortes asked him to bring same to the next meeting to read for the Board' information. /~/e~ Regular Meeting -4- 4/17/75 WATER SYSTEM (1) Tahoe Sierra Water Company - No further progress to date. (2) Tahoe South- side Water Utility - Title received. (3) Tahoe Keys: Revised contract proposal received. Director Fesler suggested that the contract from Tahoe Keys be turned over to our Attorney for study and review. 2. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY: Study session 4/30/75 re additional funds and South Fork American River Project. 3. HARRAH'S CONTRACT: Consider approval and authorizing revised letter. Approved. 4. COMPRESSOR , AIR - Consider purchase of air compressor. Bill Dunckhorst, Water Supervisor, made a presentation of two firms that carry air compressors, and it was the decision of the Board members to authorize the Manager to call on same per specifications requested by us. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director R. Fesler, unanimously carried, bids for Air Compressor be called for. APPOINTMENT OF GENERAL MANAGER CALLAHAN: Director Fesler s rated that we moved David W. Gallahan into the position of Manager of the District for 6 months and at that time we agreed to take further action on this appointment after the 6 month period. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that David W. Gallahan be formally confirmed as General Manager. Merle Kobernus stated that this action should be published in the newspaper and Prewident Kortes stated that he will see same is taken care of. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) Davis-Grunsky Grant. (a) Consider Authorizing Application for Funds. Manager Gallahan stated that we have received information directly that the project for Indian Greek Campground is completed and we should make application for reimbursement or withdrawal of funds. President Kortes stated that the campground will officially be opened 5/26/75, and at our next regular meeting we should be in a position to take some action on this. INDIAN GREEK RESERVOIR AND CAMPGROUND DEDICATION: Manager Callahan stated that he and President K~rtes met with Alpine County Supervisors and promised our participation in the dedication. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) City of South Lake Tahoe Sedimentation Control Project: - (a) Planning Commission Hearing Wednesday 4/23/75, 8:00 P.M.; John Gonzales will attend. (b) City Council Hearing, Tuesday 5/6/75, 7:30 P.M. re same. 2. GAMFORNIA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ASSOCIATION: Annual Conference 4/23-25/75 at Los Angeles. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, claims for $245,158.92 be approved for payment. ADJO URN ME NT: ATTEST: 10:15 P.M. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT David W. Gallahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT - May 1, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 5/1/75 at 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Donald H. Kortes, Directors RobertW. Fester, Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Systems Engineer J.G.M. Gonzales, District Engineer J. Jensen and Resident EngineerA.L. Shoupe, Shop Steward's H. Hanson and Merle Kobernus and visitor Sam Borges. ABSENT: Director Gerald G. Ream. MINUTES OF April 17,1975: - Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of ~/17/75 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Harry Hanson, Merle Kobernus and Sam Borges. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by David W. Callahan, Manager: "On April 24 I met with representatives of the State of California, Department of Water Resources, to obtain and discuss the application of the Davis-Grunsky Grant. The District should receive the $181,000 shortly after filing the request. Our new Chief Operator, Bernard Miller, will report for duty on May 19th. He has a Grade V. Operator's Certificate and is from Ventura. The Board of Directors met in study session April 18 to discuss the current year's operating cost, and on the 24th to discuss next year's budget. Also, they met on the 30th to discuss E1 Dorado County Water Agency projects. I have received the Union's request for employee benefits for next fiscal year, and will be meeting with their representative on May 5th. Attached is a copy of the monthly report of the Plant Operation. "Plant Operation for the month of April 1975: - - 1975- April Total Plant Flow - MG 107.1 Daily Average Flow - MG 3.5 Maximum Daily Flow - I~G 4.2 Chlorine Used - lbs. 87,795 Natural Gas Used, Thousand Gu Ft 6,588 Electricity Used, -KWH 745,200 Lime Used- Ton: Makeup: 92.9 Recalcined 54.5 1975 1974 March April 108.1 106.1 3.5 3.5 5.1 5.1 95,381 16,000 6,721 7,300 769,200 679,200 77.0 81.0 35.1 93.0 Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: (J.G.M. Gonzales) 5/1/75 .... Two operators attended the California Water Pollution Control Association Conference short school last week in Los Angeles. The short school was conducted as part of a training school for operators and is credited with one education point. Education points are valuable for operator certification. Attached is a memo from Ray Fieldcamp and Bob Miller concerning what they learned during this short school. Saturday evening (4/26/75) I was called to the plant because of a potentially serious chlorine gas leak. Fortunately the leak was not serious, and the problem was corrected within a matter of minutes. The cause of the leak was a faulty connection between a one-ton chlorine cylinder and the chlorine feed line. The chlorine leak is an example of what can happen because of frequent connections and disconnections of one-ton cylinders to a chlorine line. This type of accident is 27 times more likely to occur with the present system of chlorine storage we now have, as compared with a bulk storage system. Our employees are subjected to a dangerous and possibly fatal chlorine gas accident everytime a one-ton cylinder is handled. At the present time each cylinder is handled 3 times by our operators (once when the full chlorine tanks are delivered, once when the full tanks are connected to the chlorine line, and once when the empty tanks are disconnected). We use one to two tons.' of chlorine per day for plant operation. If two one-ton cylinders are used, that means six times each day there is a chance for a dangerous chlorine leak to occur. I recommend that the Board seriously consider changing our present chlorine storage system from the dangerous and more costly Regular Meeting -2- May 1, 1975 one-ton container storage to bulk chlorine storage. Indian Creek reservoir is full now and overflowing the spillway. Fishing is not as good as it has been because the fishes thoughts are changing from food to love. It is spring and the fish are attempting to spawn. Unfortunately for the fish there are no streams to swim up to lay eggs. As soon as the depth of flow going over the spillway increases, we will replace the fish screens that prevent the fish from jumping the dam as they attempt to do this time of the year. The water weeds are just starting to grow. This year I am working with Fish and Game to find an adequate chemical to add to the water to retard the weed growth. We also have our weed cutter ready in case weed control by chemicals is not feasible. Our plant maintenance crew deserves a special word of thanks for their efforts to save the District money by manufacturing furnace feed parts at less than 1/6 of their market price. Total District cost to manufacture the furnace feed belt[rough idlers including labor is less than $20. each. This can be compared with the manufacturer's price of $120 to $200 each. Normally four of these are replaced yearly. Also because of the talents of the maintenance me chanics we have been able to remanufacture a stainless steel shaft for $$ in materials compared with $250 for the same shaft purchased new. I have discovered a way to clean the ammonia stripping tower pumps of lime scale in one hour without having to pull the pumps. At a cost of about $100, this method will save the labor and equipment cost of approximately $400, and the added chlorine cost of $150, during the 3-day time the tower formerly was shut down for repairs and breakpoint chlorination used. The tower pumps must be cleaned normally every 2-6 weeks. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: None. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Gontracts and Amounts As presented by A.L. Shoupe: Contractors Percentages Completed .... WRP Improvements ($1,082,000.00) Orig. Bid. ($1,164,376.08) Johnson Blvd Pump Station ($193,000) Iohnson P.S. ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($1 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Martin Avenue Well ATTORNEY'S REPORT: None. Ziebarth and Alper 98% Teichert Cons. Go. Schedule 1 85% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100% Schedule 4 100% So. Tahoe Cons. Co 5% RE: LETTER OF SAM BORGES REQUESTING EASEMENT ACROSS PLANT PROPERTY: To be used for hay-rides. A lengthy discussion was held regarding this request of Mr. Borges, and the Board requested that he approach them again after he has obtained other information from the other agencies, approvals, routes, etc. Our Board is very concerned with insurance for this recreation, and same will be quite costly and this was also mentioned to Mr. Borges. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development. None. (2) Utility Services. None. (3) Energy Conservation. None. (4) Finance: Director Fesler stated that he is interested in when we are going to set the service charge level. It was stated by the 1Sth of May we should have this information available. Director Fesler stated that the Finance Committee feels that the showing of the projected surplus of $92,000 is quite alarming. (S) Public Information: Met last Monday re dedication of the campground and Indian Creek Reservoir and the District's participation in same. The Alpine County members will be meeting on $/5/?S and Manager Callahan stated that someone from our District should be in attendance. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. Regular Meeting -3- 5/1/75 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Manager Callahan recommended payment of claims in the amount of $119,893.67. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, that the claims in the amount of $83,717.67 be paid, deleting the warrant in the amount of $36,176.00 to the Bureal of Land Management, check number 14974. Attorney Weidman stated that if the warrant for $36,176.00 , check number 14974, is not paid to the State now, the grant can be delayed; the State would like to wind up the contract this fiscal year and Manager Callahan and Attorney Weidman will spend some time negotiating with the State on this, and furtber stated he felt the State will pay the total amount of both grants promptly if we adhere to their requests and also stated that payment of the $36,176.00 will expedite receiving the grants. Director Fester stated that he did not see where fourteen days is going to upset the cash flow, etc., and that he still does not wish to have this amount paid to the State. MOTION WAS TO DELETE THE GHEGK NO. 14974 in the amount of $36,176. AYES: Director Fesler NOES: Directors Kortes and Hegarty and Wakeman. Director Hegarty moved to pay the claims as recommended by the Manager: AYES: Directors Hegarty and Kortes. NOES: Directors Fesler and Wakeman. Motion lost - tied vote (all above were roll call votes). Manager David W. Callahan recommended payment of claims in the amount of $83,717.67, which is the amount after deletion of check ~14974 in the amount of $36,176.00. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman. Attorney Weidman stated that perhaps this matter could be resolved by a phone call or two to the State; if their position is still firm, Attorney Weidman stated that he would like to have the warrant authorized at this time and hold the application for a few days until some clarification is received and then pay the $36,176.00 along with the application. Director Fesler stated he did not think it is unreasonable to ask us to give up 1/3 of our money which is questionable money. Vote on the claims being reduced to $83,717.67 was a unanimous no. Approve claims in the amount of $119,893.67, and it was recommended by our Attorney that the check to BLM in the amount of $36,176.00 be retained by the Manager until such time that it has been determined that it is imperative to pay; also hold the grant application until this determination is made by contact with the Water Department of the Water Resources. DIRECTOR WAKEMAN MOVED, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR FESLER, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. AdJournment: 10:20 P.M. Donald H. Kortes, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: David W. Gallahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District May 15, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 5/15/75, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman and Gerald G. Ream, Clerk of Board and General Manager Gallahan, Attorney J.G. Weidman, Engineers J. Jensen, A.L. Shoupe and Systems Engineer John G.M. Gonzales, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunckhorst, Harry Hanson and Merle Kobernus. ABSENT: Robert W. Fesler, Director. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutesof 5/1,11/75 be approved as presented and corrected. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: William and Mrs. Dunckhorst Harry Hanson and Merle Kobernu s. ' MANAGER'S REPORT: As reported by General Manager David W. Gallahan: Two of our operators - John Bonnet and Ed Schmidt - completed requirements and received their Grade III Operator's Certificate from the State Water Resources Control Board. The Board of Directors met on May 2nd and May 6th regarding the Union's request for employee benefits. John Gonzales and I met on the 5th of May with Ron Wood, Harry Hanson and Merle Kobernus, to review the Union's request. I have requested Lee Schuering, Attorney, to represent the District in the negotiation with the Union. President Kortes, Director Hegarty, and I met with the Board of Supervisors, Alpine County, on the 5th to review the Indian Creek Campground dedication set for May 24th. The Board of Directors met in study session on the 12th to review the Social Security coverage of the employees and on the 14th to review the plant operation. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented by Manager David W. Callahan. SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: 5/15/75 - as presented by John G.M. Gonzales: "The crew working on infiltration have completed repairs on 53 manholes throughout the system in the last two weeks. They have also begund the study of infiltration in sewer lines that cross meadows. The study will take several months to complete. The utility repair crew have lowered all of the manholes that were dangerous in the Keys areas. They have also lowered or repaired,several other manholes in the County, and have used the hydro-cleaner on several sections of sewer lines to prepare for the coming tourist season. Total manholes repaired in the last month include: 56 in the Keys area, 18 in the Gardner Mountain area, and 4 in the Tahoe Paradise. area; 13 miles of sewer lines have been hydro-cleaned in various areas of the District. Although our treatment plant is very famous because of its unique processes employing advanced waste treatment, we also operate a primary and secondary treatment system. The operation of a good primary and secondary system enhances the effectiveness of the advanced treatment portion of the plant. The costs of advanced waste treatment decrease as a quality of secondary effluent increases. A good quality secondary effluent not only affects treatment costs, but allows smoother plant operation and control. Since the end of 1974, we have been using a new method of control to improve the overall quality and reliability of the secondary system. We are not claiming that the secondary effluent is better than has ever been recorded. Prior records indicate that on occasion the plant produced a good quality secondary effluent for a few days, but then experienced secondary upset. In the past, no one knew exactly what was happening in the secondary process, because there was no method employed to determine what was right or wrong in controlling the system. we have a highly reliable method of control; already we can boast of an eight month period with no secondary bulking problems. Bulking occurred frequently in the past; Fortunately, advanced waste treatment follows secondary and ensures that upsets do not cause degredation of final effluent quality, l",ecause of the recent consistent water quality in our secondary effluent, plant operation has been smoother and the average use of chemicals per gallon of treated wastewater flowing through the filtration process has substantially decreased. Regular Meet£ng -2- 5/15/75 /~ ~ / Control of an activated sludge secondary system is not easy. Its operation can be compared with fine tuning a V-12 Ferrari. A great deal of time and attention must be given to both, and perfect operation depends on how well the operator or mechanic understands how each portion of the system reacts with the whole. As fast as the field of wastewater treatment is advancing, there will undoubtedly be other new techniques and processes discovered that will improve secondary treatment and control. We will make a point to stay on top of all new developments in the field. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Systems Engineer's Report be approved as presented. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Iack Jensen stated that he met with Manager Callahan today and discussed plant irrigation system to the water system. Also, that he and H.E. Moyer will atted the Indian Creek dedication. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported byA.L. Shoupe, Resident Engineer: Contract and Amount WRP IMPROVEMENTS ($1,082,000.00) orig. bid. ($1,164,376.08) Contractors Ziebarth & Alper Percentages Completed 98% Johnson Blvd. Pump Station Teichert Cons. Co. ($193,000) Johnson P.S. Schedule 1 ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. Schedule 2 ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. Schedule 3 ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Schedule 4 90% 100% 100% 100% Martin Avenue Well So. Tahoe Cons. Go. 15% ($ 69,000) ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the standby sewer bill will be in the Assembly on 5/27/75. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Research and Development: Director Hegarty requested some direction as to what this committee should ptr sue, and he also mentioned the concern of the committee and certainly the Board Members about the security, liabilities, etc., should the hay-rides be approved o'a District property. Also Manager Gallahan stated that the staff will provide a sketch showing the area which the hay-rides will cover. No other committee reports. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Harry Hanson stated that there will be a school here at the District and that North Tahoe and Tahoe City Public Utility District's have been invited and these courses will assist employees with the certification tests and examinations. WATER SYSTEMS: Attorney Weidman recommended that ORDINANCE NO. 253, an Ordinance authorizing amendment of the Tahoe Southside Water Contract, Section 6. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 253, as recommended by Attorney J.G. Weidman, be approved. WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: Mr. W. Dunckhorst stated that during the middle of April Merle Kobernus and Ernie Firestone completely revamped the standby engine at the infiltration plant and on 5/8/75 the Water Department crew installed a tie-in to the Martin Avenue Well. The water was turned off for 3-1/2 hours instead of the 5 hours which he had expected. Also, 5/13/75 GH2M Hill requested Harrah's reservoir be closed to pull a 14" valve. All is going fine. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) Lakeview Avenue Relocation: Letter from City of South Lake Tahoe. Location of Sewer Main, E1 Dorado Boat Ramp and Recreation Area - same was turned over to the Attorney for review and a report to the Board. 2. SOCIAL SECURITY COVERAGE: (a) Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1955, A Regular Me e ting - 3 - 5/15/75 RESOLUTION Authorizing a Referendum of Employees as to Coverage Under the Social Security Act. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1955 be approved as recommended by Manager Callahan. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman and unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $136,476.46 be approved as recommended by General Manager Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. Donald H. Kortes, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District June 5, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 6/5/75, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President D. H. Kortes, Directors R. Fesler, E. Hegarty, G. Ream, R. Wakeman, General Manager & Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Engine ers J. Jensen, A.L. Shoupe, D. Showalter, J.G.M. Gonzales. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 5/15/75 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by General Manager David W. Gallahan: "I have requested John Ehlman, District's Auditor, to do the Audit for fiscal year 1974/75. The District has received the Davis-Grunsky Dam and Reservoir Grant of $144,705. The payment of claims includes an amount of $36,176 to BLM, pursuant to our contract. .The request for the Water & Sanitary Grant of $36,176 will be forwarded to State Water Resources tomorrow. All of the Board of Directors and several employees attended the dedication ceremonies of Indian Greek Reservoir Recreation Facilities, and the Alpine County Turtle Rock Park Facilities on May 24, 1975. The Board of Directors met in study session on 5/28/75 concerning employee benefits and to review the new film of the District. They also met on June 4th to study today's agenda items. The Board of Directors and I traveled to Redding May 30th to meet with the District's consulting engineers. Several items of operation, projects, and future plans were discussed. Topics discussed were k'Vater Supply to Montgomery Estates, sewer service for Fallen Leaf Lake, Johnson Blvd. Trunk Sewer Extension, bulk chlorine storage, Martin Avenue well and Highway 89 Fire Line. I have requested John Gonzales to proceed with a test of a herbicide at Indian Greek Reservoir to control weed growth. The test will be to a limited area to ascertain to the. effect on the weed growth and water quality. Lee Schuering and I will meet with the employee's representatives 6/13/75 to negotiate employee benefit changes. Regular Meeting -2- June 5, 1975 Manager's Report (Continued) I have received approval from the Public Employee's Retirement System for Social Security Referendum. The notice will be sent to each employee on June 10th and the referendum will be held September 10, 1975. PLANT OPERATIONS REPORT FOR MAY 1975: Total Plant Flow-MG Daily Average Flow-MC Maximum Daily Flow-MG Chlorine Used - Lbs Natural Gas Used Thousand Gu Ft Electricity Used-KWH Lime Used, Ton: Makeup: Recalcined: 1975 1975 1974 April May May 107.1 111.8 93.2 3.6 3.6 3.0 4.2 4.8 4.3 87,795 84,765 11,730 6,588 5,814 7,800 745,200 888,000 684,000 92.9 72.6 67.0 54.5 90.7 131.O " Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: As presented by John G. M. Gonzales: - "Our plant maintenance crew pumped several tons of grit out of our digestors giving the digestors additional room for sludge storage. Several thousand dollars were saved by removing the grit ourselves, instead of hiring professional digestor cleaners. By next week, pipeline installation will be complete, and we will be using plant well water to irrigate the landscaping. This is to comply with a Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board request, that our landscaping not be irrigated with reclaimed water. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Systems Engineer's Report be approved as presented by J.G.M. Gonzales. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen, District Engineer, stated that regarding the cost of changing over to bulk chlorine storage from the system the District has now would be approximately $12,000. Also, operations manual drafts have been turned over to John Gonzales for review. Mr. Jensen suggested that a Water Rights Attorney be obtained to look into our water rights; the Board discussed same and Attorney Weidman was asked to contact Mr. Fred Gerard. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented byA.L. Shoupe: Contract & Amounts Contractors Percentage Complete WRP Improvements ($1,082,000) orig. Bid ($1,164,376.08) Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson Pump Station ($209,668.40) ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Martin Avenue Well ($ 69,000). Ziebarth & Alper Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 So. Tahoe Cons. Go. 99% 90% 100% 100% 100% 50% Regular Meeting -3- June 5, 1975 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: J.G. Weidman, Attorney, stated that the Standby Bill passed the Assembly and will be up for hearing on 6/7/75; Geramendi made an excellent presentation on 5/22/75 on the District's behalf to the Assembly Local Government Committee. Fallen Leaf Lake - Will try to obtain some information regarding same and report back to the Board. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development: Director Hegarty stated that he and Director Fesler met to discuss several items to atta ch to the list the Committee submitted to the Manager sometime back. (2) Utility Services: Director Wakeman stated a meeting was held to discuss what this Committee should do, and requested some direction from the Board. (3) Energy Conservation: Director Ream stated no meeting was held and no report. (4) Finance: Director R. Fesler stated this Committee is concerned with the progress regarding the Standby Sewer Bill and extremely gratified to see the check has been received by the District for Davis-Grunsky. ,No meeting and no report. (5) Public Information: Met on 5/27 and 6/2/75 to discuss the type of information that should be prepared and included with the annual sewer service bill, same reviewed by the Board. There will be no increase in service charges for 1975/76 in spite of the fact that there have been some increases for the District. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Non present. WASTEWATER SYSTE M: (1) Lakeview Avenue Relocation: Consider Request of City of South Lake Tahoe for Payment of Sewer Relocation in the amount of $11,190). Attorney Weidman stated that we are responsible to relocate our pipes/lines construction. 2. PIONEER TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS: (a) Letter of City of South Lake Tahoe, RE: Adjust sewer laterals, street improvements for Pioneer Trail near Blackwood Road. John Gonzales will review this with the City in hope our staff can do this work. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Council for Logic, Inc., by Ed McCarthy, Chairman, RE GTRPA Meeting and their introduction of a more stringent regional plan. 2. CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE PROM EVELYN L. ROBERSON, CITY CLERK, RE a Joint Meeting with City Council to discuss drinking water quality reports, street lighting program and mainline water extension on Highway 89 North. Study Session scheduled for Tuesday, 6/10/75, 3:00 P.M., to discuss same. WATER SYSTEM (1) Tahoe Sierra Water Company Acquisition: Attorney Weidman received a letter from Mr. S. Wilke and also met with him last Tuesday afternoon to discuss the amendment request by Mr. Wilke. Mr. Weidman will contact Attorney K. Jnoes to rewrite the Section amendment requested by Mr. Wilke. Manager Gallahan stated that the Code states we can levy Standby Charge of $10.00 a lit, but in the Tahoe Basin we can levy $20.00 per lot, but one-half of that must go towards the purchase of the Water Company. Director Fesler moved that we execute a contract with Tahoe Sierra Water Company on the terms of existing letter of attempt from Carl Hofman, subject to approval of Pacific Mutual and the P.U.C. seconded by Director Hegarty, and to give our Attorney authorization to come up with his differences with Mr. S. Wilke. ROLL CALL VOTES: AYES: Directors Fesler, Hegarty and Ream. ABSTAINED: Director Wakeman. NOES: President Kortes ...... CARRIED. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $198,181.88, be approved as recommended by Manager Callahan. Regular Meeting -4- 6/5/75 AD[OURNMENT: 10:10 P.M. ATTEST: David W. Callahan,Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Donald H. Kortes, President South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District June 19, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 6/19/75, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Vice President E.E.Hegarty, Directors R.W. Fesler, C.G. Ream, R. Wakeman, General Manager & Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney [.C. Weidman, Attorney K.I. jones, Engineers [. [ensen, A.L. Shoupe, Systems Engineer [.G.M. Gonzales, Water Supt. W. Dunckhorst, Employees C. Homing, M. Kobernus and II. IIanson ABSENT: President Donald H. Kortes. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 6/5/75 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Chairman Hegarty recognized those employees mentioned and welcomed all to the meeting. He also welcomed Attorney Ken [ones to this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager David W. Callahan: -"The picture and related article in the Tahoe Tribune on the 18th of ~une implied the debris and scum was caused by the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The overflow did not cause nor was it related in any way to the nuisance pictured in the paper. There was not any environmental damage or polMtion of Lake Tahoe or the Tahoe Basin by the District. The overflow occurred due to a sewer pipe becoming plugged by grease, paper or other material flushed into the pipe line. The Utility District personnel first became aware of this problem Friday night. The employees responsible for maintenance of the sewercollection system provided corrective action to clear the pipe line. The location was checked on Saturday by District personnel and no problem or overflow was apparent. Monday the location was rechecked and upon seeing the overflow, the line was cleaned. No further overflows have occurred and surveillance is continuing to insure the problem will not occur again. ~une 13th Lee Schuering and I met with Ron Wood and the Shop Steward's and discussed the employees request for an increase in wages and benefits. A District proposal will be submitted to them next week for their review and acceptance. The annual sewer service charge was placed in the mail on ~une 12th and 13th. The total charge was $573,790.00, and an average of $53.00 for the 10,797 accounts. A year ago the charge was $537,019 for 9,931 accounts, an average of $54.00. The number of accounts increased 866 or 8.7%; the charges increased $36,771.00 or 6.9%." Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. Regular Adjourned Meeting -3- 8/28/75 CONTRIBUTION TO CITY FOR GTRPA STUDY OF $10,000 --- It was agreed by the Board that the Manager contact the City stating that our position is firm and we are contributing the $10,000 to help finance the study. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. - President Kortes stated that the Tribune was interested in obtaining a story regarding the District and their employee's negotis, tions - and between interviews a story was printed on the 20th of August. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Mr. H. Hanson stated that the employees are pleased with the agreement on salaries, etc. OLD BUSINESS: (1) Employee Benefits and Working Conditions: (a) Consider Acceptance of Agreement of Management and Employees: - Director Ream stated that he is not in agreement with Paragraph 3, Item 3 of 8/4/75 letter to Ron Wood from Mr. L. Schuering, and stated that he is against the entire proposal unless an exception is made for this item. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, that Item 3 be approved - President Kortes stated that we have instructed management the intent to accept the particular conditions of the agreement as outlined and our position is to accept or reject. Attorney Weidman stated that Director Ream did duscuss this matter with him, and that Director Ream objects to the red-lining of the Inspector's salary, and that the proposal is satisfactory with that exception. Attorney Weidman stated that Director Ream should amend the motion to accept the proposal with the exception of Paragraph 3, Item 3 re the inspector's salary. Manager Gallahan stated that Director Ream is not asking or referring to the red-lining but he stated that Director Ream does not agree with Appendix "A", and he believes that the Inspector's salary should not be $1,251. but should be $1,382. Director Ream stated that the Inspector had to pass certain examinations, tests, etc., to be qualified for this position, and nothing was ever said about the salary status or reducing same or red-lining this position - we are now confronted with the salary for the inspector's position. Director Ream amended the motion to change the status in the agreement on Item 3 of paragraph 3 of the letter of 8/7/75 from L. Schuering to Ron Wood to where the inspector will receive the same benefits as any other employee does or will in this agreement - Director Fesler seconded. Director Ream amended the amendment to further state that this applies only to the existing inspector position and not to anyone else that is hired to take over that position in the future should this present position become vacated. The new inspector would start at the normal authorized rate in Exhibit "A". A second was not given to the amended amendment and same died for a lack of a second. Attorney Weidman answered, in reply to Director Hegarty's question, on this agreement, and if this Board does not accept this agreement, for further negotiations. the Union voted same goes back ROLL GALL VOTE ON THE AMENDMENT: :NOES:: Directors Fesler and Ream. AYES:; Directors Hegarty, Wakeman and Kortes.---Amendment not carried. RESOLUTION NO. 1957 -Providing for Annual Salary Resolution - as presented. call votes, as follows: AYES: Directors Hegarty, Wakeman, Kortes. NOES: Directors Fesler and Ream. Carried. Roll RECESS: 8:40 P.M. Reconvened - 9:00 P.M. Regular Meeting -3- 6/19/75 johnson Blvd. Pump Station (193,000) Johnson Pump Sra. (209,668.40) (10,000) Bijou Mod. (44,250) Fairway Tr. (91,940) Treehaven Tr. Martin Avenue Well (69,000) Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 91% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100% Schedule 4 100% So. Tahoe Cons. Co. 59% DISTRICT Engineer's Report: Jack Jensen, District Engineer, stated that he met with Manager Callahan, Systems Engineer J.G.M. Gonzales, and Water Supervisor W. Dunckhorst regarding the water supply system, improvements to the treatment plant water supply, discussed the possibility of water supply improvements to Montgomery Estates. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: [.C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that he was at Geramendies office last Tuesday to discuss the urgency clause on the Standby Charge Bill. Other items are on the agenda this evening. Attorney Ken I [ones had no comments at this time - items are on agenda for discussion. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Research and Development. No report. (2) Utility Services. No report. (3) Energy Conservation. No report. (4) Finance: Director Fesler stated that he was glancing over the minutes received from CASA regarding their meeting held on 5/25/7 at the Newporter Inn and stated that it was regrettable none from our Board was in attendance; many items at this could have been of great value to this Board. (5) Public Information. No report. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Harry Hanson thanked the Board for allowing the employees to utilize the Board Room for class re Operation Certifications held last weekend. WATER SYSTEM AGENDA ................ (1) TAHOE SIERRA WATER COMPANY ACQUISITION: (a) Status Report - Attorney Ken Jones and Attorney ~.C. Weidman discussed the amendment to the agreement for Tahoe Southside Water Utility, and the status of Tahoe Sierra Water Company with the Board; Attorney [ones stated that the agreement the District has with Tahoe Southside Company will establish a long term pattern for the District in acquiring other water companies. The amendment to the Agreement was discussed and agreed to by Mr. S. Wilke for the Tahoe Southside Water Utility, and Attorney K.I. ~ones and Attorney J. C. Weidman recommended that RESOLUTION NO. 1956, Res olutionAuthorizing Execution of Amendment to Agreement, Tahoe Southside Water Utility, be approved for adoption. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1956 be approved as recommended by both Attorney's. WASTEWATER SYSTEM AGENDA ................................................. (1) REQUEST OF FRANK WHITTINGTON REGARDING CLEANOUT IN DRIVEWAY. Mr. Whittington was not present for the meeting and Manager Callahan stated that this request be deleted from the agenda and our Ordinance remains as is. (2). LAKEVIEW AVENUE RELOCATI'O>~J: (a) Consider request of City of South Lake Tahoe for payment of sewer relocation -($11,190.). Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman that we make the payment of sewer relocation as is requested by the existing law. AYES: Director s FESLER, WAKEMAN, HEGARTY, NOES: Director RE]~kq/i Carried. (3) ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1971-1 - Fallen Leaf Lake) -- Attorney John C. Weidman stated that there is a Bill - AB 22 written by Mr. Arnet regarding Fallen Leaf Lake exporting wastes from the area, and same does not affect the water of Lake Tahoe, etc. Then they would not have to sewer the area, however, LRQCB must make that determination. Further information to be reported at a later date. Regular Meeting -3- 8/7/75 COMMUNICATIONS (1) Letter of 7/17/75 from City of SLT aequesting joint meeting. Director Fesler stated that this is a very serious matter and felt we would be out of line to take any action since our Chairman of the Board is not present this evening. The Manager to contact the City, then tell them our Chairman is out of the area, and at our next regular meeting, which will be the 28th of August instead of the 21st of August, same will be reviewed and discussed. Same will probably be reviewed during the early part of September. Study Session scheduled for 8/14/75 at 3:00 P.M. District office. (2) Letter from Mrs. M. Springmeyer of 8/1/75. Attorney ~feidman stated he will send a letter to Mr. Gallahan to forward to Mrs. Springmeyero PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims as recommended by the Systems Eagiheer for Manager Callahan, be approved in the amount of $151,829.75. ADJOURNMENT: 10:20 P.M. ATTEST: ,,.,,'/' / Gerald G. Ream, Acting President South Tahoe Public Utility District David W. Oallahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 28, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular adjourned session on 8/28/75 at 8:00 P.M. at the District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Hegarty, Ream, Fesler,W akeman, President D.H. Kortes, General Manager D.W. Callahan, Engineers J. Jensen and Les Shoupe; Systems Engineer J.G.M. Gonzales, W. Dunckhorst - Water Supervisor, Attorney J.G. Weidman, Harry Hanson - Shop Steward. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 8/7/75 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as follows: "On 8/11/75 John Weidman, J. Jensen, President Kortes and I met with ilubert Bruns at Indian Greek Reservoir. A discussion was held on the water quality of Indian Creek Reservoir. The District began operation of the weed-cutter at Indian Creek Reservoir on Wednesday the 20th. President Kortes, Director Hegarty, John Weidrnan, and I travelled to Alpine County on August 13th and met with Congressman McFall, and officials of Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, Bureau of Land Management and Alpine County. Congressman McFall was informed of the purpose and beneficial uses of Indian Greek Reservoir. On 8/18/75 John Ehlman and I met with James Norton, District Insurance Agent, reviewing present coverage; I requested a report be prepared as to need and cost of a Boiler and Machinery Policy. The Board of Directors, John Weidman and I attended the CASA conference held at Monterey on August 20 and through the 23rd. Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District Iune 26, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special Meeting on 6/26/75, 7:30 P.M. District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Hegarty, Ream, Fesler, -Wakeman, Manager Callahan, Attorney l~reidman and Attorney K. Lounsberry-City. ABSENT: President Kortes and Engineer J. Jensen. Special Meeting was called for the purpose of considering and reviewing request from City of South Lake Tahoe to Support Their Intended Action Regarding the CTRPA Proposed Regional Plan. The letter received from City Attorney K. Lounsbery was recognized by the Board. Attorney V~reidman referred to CTRPA laws and acts re Sections 6071 and 6070 and the CTRPA Proposed Regional Plan discussed in length by the Board of Directors. Attorney Weidman suggested and the Board agreed that we should authorize a position to be set forth that we would support the City's request by a written statement to CTRPA for social and economic study for the proposed regional plan; delay adoption of the regional plan for 90 days pending this study; the consultants be cooperatively chosen from the County, City of SouthLake Tahoe, and this District, and such other agencies that contribute financially to the study; also, call the attention to the agency they have not sought our cooperation or recommendations in the formulating of the regional plan with regard to sewage disposal'; that the public services plan for sewage disposal at South Tahoe does not address itself to the function and extent that should be included in the general plan; they have not sought our cooperation or recommenda- tions in implementing any proposed regional plan through land use ordinances regulations regarding sewage disposal. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the District support the letter from the City re the CTRPA Proposed Regional Plan and all suggestions and recommendations made by the Attorney. Director Fesler stated that we have a great deal at stake in this area, and recommended that the District contribute $10,000 to the study. So moved by Fesler, seconded by Director -Wakeman, unanimously carried. The Board of Directors, Manager, Attorney prepared the written statement for CTRPA and same to be presented on behalf of this District by City Attorney K. Lounsbery, at the CTRPAmeeting on 6/2 7/75, 10:00 A.M. AD]'OURNMENT: 10:55 P.M. EDWARD E. HEGARTY, .?/nairm_~ Pro Tern South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, C~eYk~of Bo~-rd-'-'''~ South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeking -4- //4~i~ 'Z 7/17/75 D c~a ld'"H, rorte s, -Pr~ sid e nt Sou~h Tahoe Public UtilJ. ty District ATTEST: David W. Gallahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District August 7, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 8/7/75, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Hegarty, Fesler, Ream, Wakeman, District Engineer Jack Jensen, Engineer A.L. Shoupe, Systems Engineer J.G.M. Gonzales, Water Supervisor W. Dunckhorst and Mrs. W. Dunckhorst, Shop Steward's M. Kobernus and H. Hanson, Attorney J.C. Weidman, and Acting Clerk. ABSENT: President D.H. Kortes and Manager D.W. Gallahan. Director Hegarty appointed and moved that Director Ream be nominated Chairman for this meeting, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried. MINUTES OF 7/17/75: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 7/17/75 be approved as submitted. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Chairman Ream welcomed M. Kobernus, H. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunckhorst to this meeting. SYSTEM'S ENGINEER'S REPORT: As submitted by J.G.M.Gonzales: "On Wednesday, Ray Prettyman from GH2M Hill and I travelled to the Reno/Sparks sewage treatment plant to learn more of the details involved with their automatically controlled activated sludge system. We plan to have a feasibility study and cost breakdown in the near future. There are nine areas of treatment at the plant that would benefit from automatic process monitoring and control. Last week nozzle installation was completed on the sprays in the ammonia stripping pond. The nozzles accomplish two things: (1) they provide a method to break up the water droplets into fine spray for better ammonia gas dissipation. (2) the sprays do not form wave action that caused problems in the past. On Tuesday two water leaks in our final effluent force main were discovered. / The first leak occurred above five miles from the base of Luther Pass near the summit, v/ The second occurred between the plant and the Luther Pass Pump station in the Upper Truckee meadow behind the Outdoorsman. Both were repaired by yesterday. Our crews worked from sun up to sun down to repair the line and allow us to go back to normal operation as rapidly as possible. On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Claire Diedrick (Chief of the California Resources Agency) came to the plant for a tour. Because of time limitations, Mrs. Diedrick could only view the film on plant and could not see the facilities. FOLLOWING IS REPORT FOR PLANT OPERATION SUMMARY FOR JULY: Total Plant Flow - M G Daily Average Flow - M G D Maximum Daily Flow - M G D July June July 1975 1975 1974 123.1 3.97 4.93 (5) 108.8 115.5 3.63 3.72 4.12 (22) 4.86 (6) 51 15.5 5.07 7.9 717,600 854,40C 143,020 233,07( Chlorine Used Tons Natural Gas Used Thousand Gu Ft Electricity Used K W H Lime Used: 93 6.1 826,800 220,460 lbs Regular Meeting -2- 7/3/75 '~ ~ [ WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: As presented by W. Dunckhorst, Water Supervisor: "On 6/30/75 Ernie Firestone of the Electrical Department, completed installation of two micro pressure switches that will now control autimatically, the pressures in the troublesome Montgomery Estates area. When the pressure drops to 120 lbs. due to heavy usage, the gas engine will go on and build the pressure back up to 150 lbs. then shut off. If this continues to work as it seems to be doing now, this could eleviate the need for a storage tank until possibly 1976 or until growth so demands. On 7/1/75 we tapped a 2" blowoff on the main on Kokanee Trail in Montgomery Estates ~9 to eliminate the problem we have had in the past of stagnant water in the mains at Meadow Lakes Subdivision and Montgomery Estates ~9. I have had only two days since this has been done to check on the results. Today I checked with a few of the residents in those areas who have complained the most, and to use their words, so far the results are fantastic. They now have fresh circulating water in their areas. t will keep a close watch on these areas to make sure that this is the answer to the problem. The water crew is presently averaging about 8 new service installations a week. This is besides all other work that has to be done such as water breaks, of which we have had 5 this past week, one of which was on Highway 50 and Ski Run Blvd. This one break on Highway 50 we started at 7:00 AM and completed at 4:00 PM and did not take time out for lunch or breaks until the job was completed. I have a total of 31 new services now pending, of this total 16 have to be installed and the others are already installed in the newer subdivisions. Director Hegarty commended the employees of the Water Department for working as they did to correct all water breaks in the line. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen, District Engineer, stated that he met with Les Shoupe and then with Mr. Gallahan and John Gonzales regarding some future projects. He also would like to meet with W. Dunckhorst, Water Supervisor, the next time he is here to dLscuss the breaks in the lines. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported by Engineer Jack Jensen: Contracts and Amounts Contractors Percentage Completed WRPI ($1,082,000) orig. Bid. ($1,164,376.08) Ziebarth and Alper 99% Johnson Blvd. Pump Station $193,000 Johnson Pump Station $209,668.40 Teichert Cons. Go.: Schedule 1 91% $10,000 Bijou Modification Schedule 2 100% $44,250 Fairway Tr Schedule 3 100To $91,940 Treehaven Tr. Schedule 4 100To Martin Avenue Well ($69,000) So. Tahoe Cons. Co. 70% Director Fesler stated that he would like to know why we do not go ahead with liquidated damages against Teichert Construction Company. Attorney Weidman stated thai this is not favorable as Teichert has had problems obtaining supplies. Engineer J. Jensen stated that a Study Session should be scheduled to discuss claims against Teichert Construction Company and claims Teichert made against the District. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated thaL Senate AB 1365 is on the Governor's desk and then when signed requested a study session with the board be held to discuss same. GTRPA will be meeting this Thursday and Mr. We[dman suggested that as many Directors and the Manager should try to be present for this meeting at 10:00 AM, Placerville. Mr. WeLdman spoke with Supervisor Johnson regarding the Water Agency matter and nothing can be done until the County approved the budet; however, Mr. Johnson suggested that Mr. WeLdman get with the County Gontrollerregarding this loan matter. Regular Meeting -3- ][till/3, 1975 COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development. No report. (2) Utility Services. No report. (3) Energy Conservation. No report (4) Finance Committee. Met with K. ~ones and discussed District revenues, taxes, standby charges, etc. on 6/20/75. (5) Public Information. No report. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None present. Chairman Hegarty recognized Dave Antinucci from the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board and Mr. D. Antinucci stated that he was present this evening as an interested citizen and not on behalf of the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. Director Fesler stated that he felt perhaps Mr. Antinucci could clear up the adverse publicity the District recently received in the local newspaper and the picture shown in the paper had nothing to do with our District. Mr. Antinucci stated that he would be inclir, ed to agree that the sticks shown in the picture, etc., had nothing to do with the overflow that seeped into the lake; and tha the picture was not showing sewage. Also, he stated that the Porter-Cologne Act definitely states that the wastes into Lake Tahoe is prohibited. He stated that sewage did enter the Lake, approximately 300 gallons. Director Ream stated that over the years we have had an excellent relationship with LRWQGB and we have seen their engineers come and go - dozes of them; that we are building our projects to protect Lake Tahoe waters; anytime there is a mechanical syste - there are malfunctions. Mr. Antinucci stated that the staff of LRQGB is prepared to take any action necessary and/or appropriate; they work very closely with the news media and are making available their public records to the media. General Manager Callahan asked Mr. Antinucci when he does call the paper regarding the District if he would also call him first. Mr. Antinucci stated he would con[act the Manager when he calls the press regarding the District. Attorney Weidman stated that the District feels over the years they have done an excellent job here, and for something minor - comparing to North Tahoe - the publicity was not in the proper prospective. Director Fesler thanked Mr. Antinucci for his presentation here this evening and stated that the Board did learn something from his presentation and at the same time hoped Mr. Antinucci has gathered the Board's concern with the way the press handles publicity. Mr. Antinucci stated that the Lahontan Board does value the cooperation received from this District in the past. Mr. J. Gonzales stated that he sent a letter to Lahontan listing names of individual's that can be contacted at any time and their telephone numbers, and mentioned to Mr. Antinucci that if something comes up in the future to please call him, and not one that is not on that list. WATER SYSTEM: (1) Tahoe Sierra Water Company Acquisition: Attorney Weidman stated that Ken ~ones and he met with Mr. S. Wilke regarding the amendment to the agreement, which was agreeable to Mr. Wilke, and all involved will be requested to sign. Follow- ing this, a tentative date for 7/14 and 15/75 with Pacific Mutual Insurance Company will be scheduled. 2. MAINLINE EXTENSIONS: (a) Reques[ of Norman Woods. Mr. Callahan and Mr. Woods discussed this matter earlier today and requested same be deleted from this agenda. Same deleted. 3. AWWA, EPA (a) One day conference on new Federal Water Quality Regulations. Presented by Manager Callahan for the Board's informa[ion. Regular Meeting -4- July 3, 1975 / '~ '~ .'5' WASTEWATER SYSTEM (1) BULK CHLORINE STORAGE: (a) Consider field trip to Carson or Reno/Sparks to view their bulk Chlorine Storage Facilities. (Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. 7/9/75 or July 14, 15, 16, 1975. Manager Will Confirm. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter of Marjorie J. Springmeyer, dated 6/26/75 ---Attorney Weidman will prepare and furnish the copy of service and will recontact the Attorney to expedite his answer. Mr. Weidman also stated that Mr. Lobuogh stated he was not going to answer the summons and Mr. Weidman also stated that he told them he would suggest how to answer the summons seeing the beneficiaries under the deed of trust answered - namely, Bill Johnson, Marjorie Springmeyer and Knox Johnson. Mr. We[dman will recontact Mr. Garr to see if he can get an answer and will prepare and furnish Marjorie Springmeyer with a copy of the services which will show was made several months previous from this date. Garr wanted the pump station operating before settling. Mr. Weidman did not tell Mr. Lobough of the Silverado Title Company that he would answer the ir summons. Mrs. Springmeyer's Letter Reads as follows: "6/26/75: - Mr. Robert Fesler, South Tahoe Public Utility District P. O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, CalifDrnia 95705 Dear Mr. Fesler: RE: JOHNSON BLVD. PUMP STATION ACQUISITION: Thank you, Mr. Fesler, for having the minutes of the June 19, 1975 meeting sent me. Would you ask Mr. Weidman if he told Mr. Robert Lobough of the Silverado Title Company that he, Mr. Weidman, would answer their summons? Mr. Lobough told me this morning they had no intention of answering, and Mr. Weidman told him "He would fix something up for them" Please have Mr. Weidman furnish me with the copy of service of summons on Dayton Garr. He, supposedly, is the legal owner and I am anxiously awaiting his answer so that my attorney and I can review it. Would appreciate it if you would make this letter a part of the next meeting's minutes. Thanks, s/Marj orie J. Springmeyer" PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $83,376.60 as recommended by Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURN MENT: 10:15 P.M. Edward E. Hegarty, Vic.e~resi~nt South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: David W. Gallahan, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District July 17, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session July 17, 1975, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President D.H. Kortes, Directors R.W. Fesler, E.E. Hegarty, C.G. Ream , General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney ~.C. Weidman, Engineers J. Jensen, A.L. Shoupe, Systems Engineer J.G.M. Gonzales, Water Supt. Bill Dunckhorst, Shop steward H. Hanson. ABSENT: Director RobertWakeman. MINUTES: 7/3/75 - Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, the minutes of 7/3/75 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Hanson and Dunckhorst. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by General Manager David W. Gallahan: "The District received payment from Harrah's in the amount of $52,000 for their share of the cost of the pipeline installed last year and the new Martin Avenue Well. I received word this week that the GWPGA will hold their 1976 Annual Conference at the Sahara Tahoe 4/15 and 4/16/75~ I offered to help with the preparations of the conference. The Board of Directors met in study session on 7/8/75, on plant operation and on the 16th re Sewer Standby Charges. On 7/10/75 President Kortes, Directors Fesler, Hegarty, and Ream, Jack Jensen-Engineer, Systems Engineer John G.M. Gonzales and I traveled to Reno-Sparks Joint Reclamation Plant to view their operation and specifically the bulk chlorine facilities. I believe the field trip was very educational to all. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: As presented by John G.M. Gonzales, SYstems, Engineer: 7/17/75: - "On Tuesday of this week, Tribune Reporter Mike McNamara joined me for a tour of Luther Pass Pumping Station and the Water Reclamation Plant. Mike is the staff reporter on the Tribune who reports all environmen[al aspects and land use planning in the Tahoe Basin. Because South Tahoe PUD plays a very important part in preserving the delicate ecological balance of Lake Tahoe, Mike is interested in the District and he is our contact with the Tribune. Attached to the agenda is a copy of the letter sent to Roy Hampson of the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, explaining how our plant's final effluent was not responsible for the high pH conditions that occurred at Indian Creek Reservoir last month, pH levels have dropped s~gnificantly in the last month and there is presently no danger to fish life': Mr. J.G.M. Gonzales stated that Mr. McNamara of the Tribune was very impressed with the plant facilities and Luther Pass Pumping Station facilities. WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: "7/17/75 - On Monday of last week, 7/7/75, we experienced a stoppage in the large sludge tank at the filtration plant. Because of this stoppage we were unable to pump out the sludge to the holding pond above the plant. We got on this immediately, and by undoing some lines, we shot air into it with the air compressor which did unplug it. The next morning on my routing check of the plant, I found the same thing had happened again, only to find the sludge pump was burned out because of lack of water. We repaired the pump, and this time we pumped the tank dry with a portable pump, and one of the men, Dave Huber, went down ins[de on a rope ladder and cleaned it out. We found rocks down there, and the culprit that was causing our trouble was a kids tee shirt that had been thrown into the tank by juveniles. This has now been corrected from happening again by.r,:¢ailing down the hatch. Late Friday afternoon, 7/11/75, I found Pump ~3, the small high pressure pump for Montgomery Estates area had burned out due to a short in the wiring. A new motor was ordered, and installed by our Electrical Department on Wednesday of this week, and is now back in full operation. Regular Meeting 7/17/75 /~' ~'~-- Water Supervisor's Report (Continued) Monday of this week, one of the pump motors up in the pump station in Montgomery Estates ~1 burned out, Mr. Kobernus of the Electrical Department and myself repaired this motor, and overhauled the other. Aside from these minor problems, everything else in the Water Department seems to be going well. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. Jack Jensen reported that he visited Sparks- Reno with the Board last week; was here yesterday for a Study Session; looked at manholes near Lake Christopher, met with the U.S.F.S. and Mr. Gallahan today regarding property to locate a reservoir for Montgomery Estates. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented byA.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts Contractors Percentage Completed WRP Improvements ($1,082,000)orig. bid ($1,164,376.08) Ziebarth & Alper 99% Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson Pump Station ($209,668.40) (10,000) ?Bijou Modifications (44,250) Fairway Tr. (91,940) Treehaven Tr. Teichert Cons. Go. Schedule 1 91% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100% Schedule 4 100% Martin Avenue Well So. Tahoe Cons. Go. 70To (69,000) ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John G. Weidman stated that he did reach Mr. Fred Gerard who stated that he would be pleased to work for the District re the problem of the Piute Indians and the water information. Mr. Weidman stated that he also received a call from Roy Hampson of LRWQGB regarding a meeting Mr. Hampson requested with the Board of Directors. After much discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Gallahan, Manager, would contact Mr. Hampson regarding the meeting, what is to be discussed, date, etc., and Mr. Gallahan will report to the Board. Directo. r Fesler stated that he received a call this evening from Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer and she stated that she has not received copies of the service and summons (re Johnson Pump Station Site) and Attorney Weidman stated that these will be mailed this coming Tuesday. (Send copies of all minutes to Mrs. Springmeyer). COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development. None . (2) Utility Services. None. (3) Energy Conservation. None. (4) Finance: Director Fesler stated this Committee met to discuss the standby sewer charges and AB 1365 which was signed by the Governor. (They met on 7/14/75). (5) Public Information: Manager Gallahan stated that the Tribune carried an article re the standby sewer charges, Reader's Digest also had an article in the July issue re Michigan Treatmen Plant and our District was mentioned in this article. President Kortes stated that the Sunset Magazine also carried an article re Wa[er Reclamation and this District was mentioned in that article. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. Regular Meeting July 17, 1975 WATER SYSTEM ..... (1) TAHOE SIERRA WATER COMPANY ACQUISITION: Attorney Weidman stated that all parties except Mr. M. Steil have signed the amendment and this will be completed when he returns from his vacation. Also, the Board agreed thata visit should be scheduled with Pacific Mutual and Attorney Wetdman will contact Mr. K. Iones stating this desire and get a time that same can be done. 2. RESERVOIR TANK SITE: Iack Iensen stated that Mr. I.Schilling of the U.S.F.S. was here today to meet with Mr. Callahan and himself re property for the location of a reservoir. Mr. Schilling stated that the USFS would not be agreeable to property for same unless there is absolutely no other alternative. Mr. lensen stated they have a location that would be ideal for same and will have to contact a Mr. A.Trimmer, who is the owner of the property to discuss this. The Chairman authorized Manager Callahan to contact Mr. A. Trimmer. Director Fesler suggested a study session to review the water department revenues, costs, etc., and same scheduled for 7/21/75 at 3:00 P.M. WASTEWATER SYSTEM ..... (1) BULK CHLORINE STORAGE: (a) Consider Authorizing District Engineer to Prepare Specifications and Plans for same. Director Fesler stated that he would first like to find out if there is any regulatory agency that we must approach before we approve authorization. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Engineer be Authorized to Prepare Specifications and Plans after checking that we do not have to get regulatory agencies approval. 2. STANDBY SEWER CHARGE: Attorney [.C. Weidman stated that the Governor signed the AB 1365 last 7/11/75. He also suggested that the Board send a letter of appreciation to Geramendi, Senator Barryhill and Ann Prosser for their work and time spent on AB 1365. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that letters be sent as Attorney We~dman recommended. Attorney Weidman stated that before anything further is considered, the lots to be charged standby charges should be checked out and identified. Manager will handle. 3. AUTOMATION OF WATER RECLAMATION PLANT. Consider Authorizing DLstrict Engineer to investigate benefit and cost of automatic equipment for plant operation. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Engineer be authorized to investigate benefit and cost of automatic equipment for plant opera ~ion. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) Notice of the Advanced Studies Program in Special District Management on 8/3/75, and Manager will attend. (2) Notice of CASA Conference 8/20-23/75 - Directors, Manager and Attorney to attend. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, the claims in the amount of $144,367.46, as recommended by Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. AD]'OURNMENT: 10:15 P.M. Regular Mee[ing -4- /~i~ '7 7/17/75 Do~ald-"H. Kortes, President Sou~h Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: David W. Callahan,Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District August ?, 19?5 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 8/7/?5, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Hegarty, Fesler, Ream, Wakeman, District Engineer Jack Jensen, EngineerA.L. Shoupe, Systems Engineer J.G.M. Gonzales, Water Supervisor W. Dunckhorst and Mrs. W. Dunckhorst, Shop Steward's M. Kobernus and H. Hanson, Attorney J.C. Weidman, and Acting Clerk. ABSENT: President D.H. Kortes and Manager D.W. Callahan. Director Hegarty appointed and moved that Director Ream be nominated Chairman for this meeting, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried. MINUTES OF 7/17/75: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 7/17/75 be approved as submitted. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Chairman Ream welcomed M. Kobernus, H. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunckhorst to this meeting. SYSTEM'S ENGINEER'S REPORT: As submitted by J.G.M.Gonzales: "On Wednesday, Ray Prettyman from GH2M Hill and I travelled to the Reno/Sparks sewage treatment plant to learn more of the details involved with their automatically controlled activated sludge system. We plan to have a feasibility study and cost breakdown in the near future. There are nine areas of treatment at the plant that would benefit from automatic process monitoring and control. Last week nozzle installation was completed on the sprays in the ammonia stripping pond. The nozzles accomplish two things: (1) they provide a method to break up the water droplets into fine spray for better ammonia gas dissipation. (2) the sprays do not form wave action that caused problems in the past. On Tuesday two water leaks in our final effluent force main were discovered. The first leak occurred above five miles from the base of Luther Pass near the summit./v The second occurred between the plant and the Luther Pass Pump station in the Upper Truckee meadow behind the Outdoorsman. Both were repaired by yesterday. Our crews worked from sun up to sun down to repair the line and allow us to go back to normal operation as rapidly as possible. On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Claire Diedrick (Chief of the California Resources Agency) came to the plant for a tour. Because of time limitations, Mrs. Diedrick could only view the film on plant and could not see the facilities. FOLLOWING IS REPORT FOR PLANT OPERATION SUMMARY FOR JULY: Total Plant Flow - M G Daily Average Flow - M G D Maximum Daily Flow - M G D July June July 1975 1975 1974 123.1 3.97 4.93 (5) 108.8 115.5 3.63 3.72 4.12 (22) 4.86 (6) 51 15.5 5.07 7.9 717,600 854,400 143,020 233,070 Chlorine Used Tons Natural Gas Used Thousand Gu Ft Electricity Used K W H Lime Used: 93 6.1 826,800 220,460 lbs Regular Meeting -2- August 7, 1975 W. Dunckhorst: WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT -"On the 25th'of July, I went from a partial 19 hour operation at the Martin Avenue well to a full 24 hour operation. Nineteen hours operation was averaging about 1.1 MG; 24 hours operation is averaging about 1.4 MC. I am presently using the A1 Tahoe well only on the weekends, as I have found the 50 hp motor is working very hard against the pressures of the new well and the filtration plant. The output capabilities of A1 Tahoe just cannot do it with only a 50hp motor. We in the Water Department take 16 water samples a month. As near as I can rec,:.~11ect, I have not had but one bad sample in the past year. No bad samples have been recorded since the District has taken over the operation of this Water Utility. Operation of the Water Department problems, and these have all been worked is going smoothly, with only the minor out with no serious effects. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT:Jack Jensen stated that he gave the drawings re bulk chlorine storage to JohnG.M.Gonzales for review. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As follows: CONTRACT & AMOUNTS CONTRACTORS WRP Improvements Ziebarth and Alper PERCENTAGE COMPLETED 99% ($1,082,000.00) orig. bid. ($1,164,376.08) Johns ($193 ($209 on Blvd. Pump Station Teichert Cons. Co. ,000) Johnson Pump Station Schedule 1 ,668.40) 91% ($ 10,000.00) Bijou Mod. Schedule 2 100% ($ 44,250) }'airway Tr. Schedule 3 100% ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Schedule 4 100% Martin Avenue Well ($ 69,000)" So. Tahoe Cons. Co. 80% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Amendment to the Water Agreement will be put into form Monday afternoon. Tentative date for Fallen Leaf Lake Hearing = 8/15/75. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None except Finance: Director Fesler stated that the Finance Committee did meet to discuss the Water Department Finances. The Water Dept. shows approximately $423,000 for the budget and all revenues total $380,000, which is much short of what we are spending. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None WATER SYSTEM: (1) Tahoe Sierra Water Company Acquisition: Attorney Weidman stated Section 6 amendment has been signed by Mr. M. Steil; Ken Jones advised Pacific Mutual of this and today transmitted rough-draft of contract; Mr. Weidman stated that he and Manager Callahan will review the draft and the Board also and any other modifications we shou]d want in the contract. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter of 7/30/75 from Mrs. Frank Clay - same turned over to the Utility Services Committee for study and review. (2) Letter from Tahoe Sierra Water Company re water rates, dated 7/29/75. (3) Letter of 7/30/75 from E1 Dorado County re water service outside the District boundaries; Attorney Weidman stated that we should reply to the letter stating we are servicing Harrah's Club and the Club is paying their share for this water. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) Consider authorizing City of SLT to overlay streets excavated for Johnson Blvd. Pump Station; Attorney Weidman suggested that Jack Jensen negotiate with the City regarding this matter. Regular Meeting -3- 8/7/75 COMMUNICATIONS (1) Letter of 7/17/75 from City of SLT aequesting joint meeting. Director Fesler stated that this is a very serious matter and felt we would be out of line to take any action since our Chairman of the Board is not present this evening. The Manager to contact the City, then tell them our Chairman is out of the area, and at our next regular meeting, wl~ich will be the 28th of August instead of the 21st of August, same will be reviewed and discussed. Same will probably be reviewed during the early part of September. Study Session scheduled for 8/14/75 at 3:00 P.M. District office. (2) Letter from Mrs. M. Springmeyer of 8/1/75. Attorney Weidman stated he will send a letter to Mr. Callahan to forward to Mrs. Springmeyer. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims as recommended by the ~ystems Eagineer for Manager Callahan, be approved in the amount of $151,829.75. ADIOURNMENT: 10:20 P.M. Gerald G. Ream, Acting President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: . David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District AD]'OURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 28, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular adjourned session on 8/28/75 at 8:00 P.M. at the District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Hegarty, Ream, Fesler,W akeman, President D.H. Kortes, General Manager D.W. Callahan, Engineers I. ~ensen and Les Shoupe; Systems Engineer ~.G.M. Gonzales, W. Dunckhorst- Water Supervisor, Attorney ~.C. Weidman, Harry Hanson - Shop Steward. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 8/7/75 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as follows: "On 8/11/75 [ohn Weidman, [. [ensen, President Kortes and I met with .~iubert Bruns at Indian Creek Reservoir. A discussion was held on the water quality of Indian Creek Reservoir. The District began operation of the weed-cutter at Indian Creek Reservoir on Wednesday the 20th. President Kortes, Director Hegarty, ~ohn Weidman, and I travelled to Alpine County on August 13th and met with Congressman McFall, and officials of Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, Bureau of Land Management and Alpine County. Congressman McFall was informed of the purpose and beneficial uses of Indian Creek Reservoir. On 8/18/75 John Ehlman and I met with lames Norton, District Insurance Agent, reviewing present coverage; I requested a report be prepared as to need and cost of a Boiler and Machinery Policy. The Board of Directors, ~ohn Weidman and I attended the CASA conference held at Monterey on August 20 and through the 23rd. Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- 8/28/75 Manager's Report (Continued): Lee Schuering, John Gonzales and I met with Ron Wood, Merle Kobernus and Harry Hanson yesterday regarding employees wages and benefits. An agreement was reached and accepted by the employees. The agreement includes a 6-1/2% increase in wages; a change of medical insurance carrier, adding Vision and Dental Gate at a cost of approximately 1-1/2% of current wages; a Grievance and Arbitration Procedure, and other minor changes to the Personnel Ordinance." In reply to Director Fesler's question - why was not the Finance Committee present for the insurance meeting with Mr. J. Norton - Manager Gallahan stated that Mr. Norton requested the meeting to discuss the second anniversary policy that is coming due in October, and re the Boiler and Machinery Policy. Manager Gallahan stated that after the report is prepared same will go to the Finance Committee for study and review. SYSTEMS ENGINEER REPORT: As presented by J.G.M. Gonza. les: "On Monday a Virotrol odor eliminator was operational in our Grit Removal building. The unit is a demonstrator furnished free by Virotrol Corporation. The principal of the system is to pull fresh air into the grit building and force the odorous gasses into a scrubbing unit. We are presently working out the proper air and chemical ratios for optimum performance, but the virotrol unit promises to do a very good job in eliminating odors. We have some test results of the ammonia nitrogen removal through the sprays in the spray pond and tower. Our latest laboratory test results indicate a 43.75% to 65% ammonia nitrogen reduction through the sprays, chlorine consumption for breakpoint chlorination has already decreased by 26% with an estimated savings of $160.00 per day. I plan to do more research on the spray operation, and I am hoping to increase the nitrogen removal by at least an additional 30%." Mr. Gonzales also gave a report of plant and water Company laboratory tes ting. WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: As presented by W. Dunckhorst: During the past few weeks all operations in the Water Department have been functioning normally and we have not experienced any problems whatsoever. Following is a summary of the Water operation for the month of July. Total Recorded Water Flow - M G Daily Average Flow MGD Maximum Daily Flow MGD Chlorine Used (po. rods) T.G. 10 (Calgon) (est. pds) JULY JUNE JULY JUNE 1975 1975 1974 1974 102.7 83.0 86.2 78.3 3.4 2.8 2.9 2.6 3.6(4) 3.29(293.~ 2.9 (28) 225 329 446 434 100 100 100 100 DISTRICT ENGINEERS REPORT: Engineer Jensen stated that he met with Chief Smiley last Thursday to discuss Highway 89 Fire line and Gregg Hanson wrote a letter to Chief Smiley asking if we could reduce the size of pipe. Mr. Jensen prepared another estimate based on using 8'/line, and the total cost approximately to be $175,000 instead of $250,000. Chief Smiley thinks this is too much. Mr. Jensen stated that he discussed other matters with Chief Smiley re pipeline breaks, causes for same, pipes, etc. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by A. L . Shoupe: CONTRACTS & AMOUNTS GONTRAGTORS PERCENTAGE COMPLETED WRP Improvements ($1,082,000) orig. Bid. ($1,164,376.08) Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson P/S ($209,668.40) ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr Martin Avenue Well ($ 69,000) Ziebarth & AlDer Teichert Cons. Go. Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 So. Tahoe Cons. Co. 99% 91% 100% 100% 100% 82% Regular Adjourned Meeting -3- 8/28/75 CONTRIBUTION TO CITY FOR CTRPA STUDY OF $10,000 --- It was agreed by the Board that the Manager contact the City stating that our position is firm and we are contributing the $10,000 to help finance the study. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. - President Kortes stated that the Tribune was interested in obtaining a story regarding the District and their employee's negotiations - and between interviews a story was printed on the 20th of August. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: Mr. H. Hanson stated that the employees are pleased with the agreement on salaries, etc. OLD BUSINESS: (1) Employee Benefits and Working Conditions: (a) Consider Acceptance of Agreement of Management and Employees: - Director Ream stated that he is not in agreement with Paragraph 3, Item 3 of 8/4/75 letter to Ron Wood from Mr. L. Schuering, and stated that he is against the entire proposal unless an exception is made for this item. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, that Item 3 be approved - President Kortes stated that we have instructed management the intent to accept the particular conditions of the agreement as outlined and our position is to accept or reject. Attorney Weidman stated that Director Ream did duscuss this matter with him, and that Director Ream objects to the red-lining of the Inspector's salary, and that the proposal is satisfactory with that exception. Attorney Weidman stated that Director Ream should amend the motion to accept the proposal with the exception of Paragraph 3, Item 3 re the inspector's salary. Manager Gallahan stated that Director Ream is not asking or referring to the red-lining but he stated that Director Ream does not agree with Appendix "A", and he believes. that the Inspector's salary should not be $1,251. but should be $1,382. Director Ream stated that the Inspector had to pass certain examinations, tests, etc., to be qualified for this position, and nothing was ever said about the salary status or reducing same or red-lining this position - we are now confronted with the salary for the inspector's position. Director Ream amended the motion to change the status in the agreement on Item 3 of paragraph 3 of the letter of 8/7/75 from L. Schuering to Ron Wood to where the inspector will receive the same benefits as any other employee does or will in this agreement - Director Fesler seconded. Director Ream amended the amendment to further state that this applies only to the existing inspector position and not to anyone else that is hired to take over that position in the future should this present position become vacated. The new inspector would start at the normal authorized rate in Exhibit "A". A second was not given to the amended amendment and same died for a lack of a second. Attorney Weidman answered, in reply to Director Hegarty's question, the Union voted on this agreement, and if this Board does not accept this agreement, same goes back for further negotiations. ROLL CALL VOTE ON THE AMENDMENT: :NOES:: Directors Fesler and Ream. AYES:; Directors Hegarty, Wakeman and Kortes.---Amendment not carried. RESOLUTION NO. 1957 -Providing for Annual Salary Resolution - as presented. call votes, as follows: AYES: Directors Hegarty, Wakeman, Kortes. NOES: Directors Fesler and Ream. Carried. Roll RECESS: 8:40 P.M. Reconvened - 9:00 P.M. Adjourned Regular Meeting -4- 8/28/75 2. ANNUAL BUDGET AND TAX RATE: (a) Consider Budget for Fiscal Year 1975-76: Director Fesler stated that over 26 years the Manager's were able to have surplus monies and the only other way to balance the budget is to cut down on expenditures. He further stated that he is very unhappy with the figures in this budget. Manager Callahan stated that he has successfully reduced expenditures in not filling the vacancy of Office Manager's Position, Supervisor's position has been eliminated; also has obtained federal funds for the employees (4) that are now working for the District on infiltration and paid for through federal funds, which no other Manager's took advantage of; have negotiated salaries from 13% from the last year to 6-1/2% for this year; supplies and utilities have been increasing rapidly over the years; the Directors authorized building of additional facilities, have also authorized the building of an ammonia stripping tower and chlorine storage facilities in the amount of $150,000.00. Director Fesler stated that he has and does appreciate what the Manager has stated, and felt that the Manager has done well on cutting of the expenditures, however, where it is getting (Sut of line is in the operating costs and supplies. He wondered and asked if there is any good to continue the treatment of the effluent to the degree we use in comparison with other District's or entities around the Lake. Manager Callahan stated we have some long term commitments we have to fulfill and must continue with this high degree of treatment. John Gonzales stated that there are no areas costs can be cut unless requirements can be changed. [ack [ensen, Engineer, stated this is a policy matter, and not an administrative as to cutting treatment degree down. ORDINANCE NO. 253: - An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Stating the Prupose for %Afhich Taxes are Necessary, Fixing the Amount of Money Necessary to be Raised by Taxation, Fixing of Rate of Taxes, 1975-76 Fiscal Year. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 253 be approved, as presented. RESOLUTION NO. 1958: A Resolution Adding to and Making a Part of the Annual Assessment Levied Upon the Land lAfhich Sewer Service and/or Street Lighting was Used and Charges Therefore Unpaid at the Time of Fixing the Rates of Taxes 1975/76 Fiscal Year. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 1958 be approved, as presented. RESOLUTION NO. 1959: - A Resolution Ordering Transfer from U-1 Connection Charges Fund to U-1 Bond Interest and Redemption Fund. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 1959 be approved. ORDINANCE NO. 254: - An Ordinance for Improvement District No. U-1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Estimating the Minimum Amount of Money to be Raised by Taxation for Said District and Fixing of Rate of Taxes. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 254 be approved. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY LOAN: RESOLUTION NO. 1960: - A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Amendment to Contract Between E1 Dorado County Water Agency and South Tahoe Public Utility District. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 1960 be approved. TAHOE SIERRA WATER COMPANY ACQUISITION: Postponed. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1971-1 - Postponed. REQUEST OF RUDY GERSICK FOR PAYMENT OF $37.50 for extra bookkeeping expense due to misunderstanding of sewer charge. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, request be denied. Adjourned Regular'Meeting -5- 8/28/75 CHRISTMAS VALLEY ACRES CONDOMINIUMS: Request of the Developer - Mr. Frank Willis, for reimbursement of an amount not to exceed 25% of cost of installation of sewer extension when connection is made by other properties benefited by the extension. Manager Gallahan recommended same with a 5 year limit. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried. COMMUNICATIONS READ: (1) Letter from LRWQGB of 8/12/75. (2) Letter from City of SLT of 8/2/75. (3) Letter from Lake Tahoe Area Council of 8/1/75. (4) Report of examination - Davis Grunsky of 8/1/75. (5) Letter from Barbara Harootunian of 8/25/75. (6) Letter from Marjorie Springmeyer of 8/27/75.----, Attorney Weidman stated we will have Silverado defaulted and a memo issued filed. In all probability this matter will be filed one week from Friday, but will leave it in its order of priority of things he has to have done at his office. Mr. Weidman also stated that we did not enter a default because he waited for an answer to come in and then was going to file a default against Silverado Title Company. Mr. Hosiet did not know that Silverado had not been served. Any party to a law suit can file an ad issue memo. Silverado will be defaulted, and the District will file an ad-issue memo a week from Friday. Then, regarding the last paragraph of Mrs. Springmeyer's letter regarding Preston Hale, Mr. Weidman stated he has responded to that question more than once and it would be repetitious to respond further. President Fesler asked if we were going to have to make financial disclosures in the future. Attorney Weidman stated he could not respond to that at this time. (7) Notice of CSDA 7th Annual Conference 9/24 through 9/26/75. District Engineer Jensen presented copies of the Preliminary Plans of acquisition of the water improvemer~ . Manager Gallahan requested study session for (1) Medical Insurance for those who may not participate in the package offer by the Union; (2) Wates and benefits for the Manager and Engineer; Study session scheduled for Tuesday at 3:00 P.M., and also to meet with Howard Ingwerson on Wednesday at 3:00 P.M., District Office. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, the claims in the amount of $115,977.76, as recommended by Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 11:45 P.M. Donal~ sident South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTESTL David W. Gallahan, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District September 4, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 9/4/75, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL GALL: Present were President D. H. Kortes, Directors R. Fesler, E. Hegarty, G. Ream, R. Wakeman, General Manager D.W. Callahan, Attorney J.G. Weidman, Systems Engineer J.G.M. Gonzales, District Engineer J. Jensen, A. L. Shoupe, and Water Supervisor W. Dunckhorst. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 8/28/75 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by D.¥V. Callahan: During the past week, the Board of Directors met on 9/2/75 regarding compensation for management and confidential personnel, and on the 3rd regarding insurance and water system improvements. The County Clerk's office informs that nomination petitions were filed as follows: For Director at Large No. 3 - Donald H. Kortes, Raymond F. Fieldcamp, and James Copeland. For Director at Large No. 4 - Robert Wakeman, Francis J. Cocking, Victor H. Richit and G.F. "Flip" Brandi. PLANT OPERATION FOR AUGUST, 1975 August July 1975 1975 Total Plant Flow - M G 140.2 123.1 Daily Average Flow - M G 4.5 3.97 Maximum Daily Flow - M G 4.8 (9th) 4.9 (5th) Ghlorine Used - Tons 77.8 93. i Natural Gas Used: Thousand Gu Ft 5,240 6,133 7,543 Electricity Used - KWH 978,000 826,800 878,400 Lime Used - Ton Makeup: 97.0 84.5 Recalcined: 101,6 100.4 August 1974 122.7 3.96 4.7 (3rd) 15.8 147.2 168.7 Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: As presented by John G.M. Gonzales, Systems Engineer: Since the Labor Day weekend, plant flows have dropped by about 20%, or about 1 million gallons per day. Labor Day flows averaged 4.7 million gallons for a 24 hour period. Since the middle of August, ammonia ni[rogen concentrations at Indian Greek Reservoir have decreased by 81%. The reservoir is now maintaining an ammonia concen:ration that is 75% below maximum concentra[ions allowed by Lahontan Water Quality Control Board, and 63% below average required concentrations. The exact reason for the sudden decrease in ammonia concentration in the reservoir is not known at this time, but I plan to do more research into the situation. Attorney Weidman suggested that the Plant Operations report for the month of August be sent to the Chairman of Alpine County Board of Supervisors stating and mentioning the higher flows, less chlorine and concentration below LRQCB standards. Jack Jensen stated thai he would like to see this matter deferred for discussion for Item No. 5 of the Water/Wastewater Agenda. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: J. Jensen stated that regarding water system improvements, we can add fire hydrants to our mains that are in the Hofman system; these would improve fire fighting and reduce fire rates. We have mains in our system to go through our system. Today Mr. Jensen made an appointment to meet with Fire Chief Smiley next Wednesday and asked Mr. W. Dunckhorst to also be in attendance. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: A. L. Shoupe stated tha~the standby equipment for Martin Avenue and Johnson Blvd. projects are due to arrive this month. Regular Meeting -2- 9/4/75 Mr. Jensen contacted Carol Draubaugh regarding the overlay on Glenwood and Fairway Streets - - we are responsible for that but any chuck-holes will be the responsibility of the contractor. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: J.G. Weidman staled that Mr. K. Jones and Mr. J. J. Lynch from Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch will be present at the next regular meeting of this Board to discuss Fallen Leaf Lake Project. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development: None - (2) Utility Services: Director Wakeman stated Mr,.. Dunckhorst brought to his attention the number of areas that are not served and not in fire zones, such as the area above Pioneer Trail is not in a fire zone; Tahoe Meadows - small sections of Park Avenue, one-half of Tahoe Sierra and Gardner Mountain and the other side of Highway 89, Armstrong racts, etc. Director Wakeman suggested a committee be set up to check this because the people that are in these unprotected areas should be made aware of this. Jack Jensen stated we could see that hydrants are put in areas we own; work with Angora and Gardner Mountain Water Companies, but we cannot do anything about the areas we have not con ~rol over. Director Fesler stated that this is something he has been involved with for 17 years and felt that our District should move ahead in a very aggressive manner and solve these problems where we are in the water business and the areas we conver; we need to sit down and look at maps and study the areas, and suggested a Study Session be scheduled for this subject Wednesday at 3:00 P.M. District Office. William Dunckhorst s~a'ted that he spoke with a resident in the area of Spruce Avenue regarding waterline extension, which would be approximately $3,000 to the resident and she decided it was much more reasonable to have her well fixed. Director Ream stated that in all areas he has ever dealt with, any main line extensions have been at the expense of the property owner. Also, he stated that Angora and Gardner Mountain have fire hydrants throught their area, but the lines are 2" and 4" main lines. (3) Energy Conservation: No report. (4) Finance: No meeting, however, Director Fesler asked if any further informacion has been received re Boiler and Machinery Insurance. None to date. (5) Public Information: Director Kortes stated that he received a call from a D. Williams from Washington, D.C., and he requested she talk with Mr. Gallahan regarding the Bi-Centennial Celebration News and the article thaL Mr. Gulp had sent at one time was slightly revised and Mr. Gallahan approved same for publication regarding water reclamation and the Indian Greek Reservoir. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None present. WATER SYSTEM: (1) Tahoe Sierra Water Company. Attorney K. Jones is reworking proposed contract and same should be delivered to J.G.Weidman and same should be ready in two weeks for reView. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) Compensation of Management...RESOLUTION NO. 1961, A Resolution Providing for Salary of Systems Engineer (11-1/2%). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. 255: -An Ordinance Providing for Compensation of the General Manager (15%) o Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 1962: Resolution Amending Resolution No. 1957, Providing for Annual Salary Resolution (10%). Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried. EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PLAN: Consider Amendment No. 5 to Group Policy No. 7596, as recommended by General Manager Gallahan. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried. 3. CARBON SUPPMES, RESOLUTION NO. 1963,Calling for Bids for Granular Activated Carbon. Regular Meeting -3- 9/5/?5 In reply to Director Fesler's question, Manager Gallahan stated that the bids we receive are those that can meet our specifications. Only one supplier produces this required carbon we use. Director Fesler stated that we should make it a point to always contact anyone that is in the carbon business. MISCELLANEOUS: Director Wakeman requested the regular meetings begin at 8:15 P.M. rather than 8:00 P.M. Following discussion, the Board Members agreed to continue starting the meetings at 8:00 P.M. District Engineer Jensen stated tha z he would like to have authorization froml. the Board for preparing a report: "Plant Performance on Indian Greek Reservoir" which would take approximately 2 months to complete. Directar'Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, authorization be granted. Manager Gallahan is in full agreement. HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE: Manager Gallahan stated that the decision regarding this can be made on 9/18/75. Manager Callahan stated that the employees are going to take the Union insurance offered to them, and there will be 10 employees/management that a decision has to be made on. Mr. Schuering stated that he saw nothing wrong with the remaining 10 employees going with Union Insura,nce. Insurance was discussed in length and Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that we adopt Traveler's Plan No. 2 as presented to the Board and Manager .... RECESS 10:10 P.M. RECONVENED: 10:22 P.M. Further discussion was held on the pro and con of the Union Insura~ce. Manager Gallahan suggested that a decision not be made this evening, but that a Study Session be called to discuss this insurance before any action is taken .... NEW BUSINESS: Communications: Letter From Gerald G. Ream, As Follows: "Board of Directors Sou~h Tahoe Public Utility District P.O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Mr. Donald H. Kortes, President Dear Mr. Kortes: I hereby submit my resignation as director at large, seat number five, of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, effective September 5,1975. It has been a pleasure for me to serve the community in this capacity for the past eight years. It has also been extremely gratifying to have been associated with a board of directors, staff, engineers, attorneys and employees who have made this water reclamation project and district functional, and at the same time have endeavored to respect the public economy and environmental qualities. My physician has recommended I move to a lower altitude. Sincerely, s/Gerald G. Ream" President Kortes stated that it is with extreme regret we accept Mr. Ream's resignation, and it has been pleasant working with him these past 8 years as a member of this Board. It is §oing to be very difficult to replace Mr. Ream. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Mr. Ream's resignation be accepted. Direc'tor.Fesler also stated that Mr. Ream's resignation is accepted for reasons of health, and same should be sent to the press for publication, and typed in full in the minutes as well. Attorney Weidman sta ed his thoughts are the same as expressed by President Kortes. Mr. Jensen stated it was a well written letter of resignation. ~y a,dr ,v, ee~:~ng -4- 9/4/75 Notice of meeting schedule on impact study of CTRPA General Plan at noon on 9/12/75; October 24, 1975, noon, and November 14, 1975 at 9:00 A.M., City IIall. Director Fesler staled thai he is very concerned about the District's participation re CTRPA. The $10,000 we wish to contribute is for study only, and in no way, and has never been our intent, to participate in any type of litigation against CTRPA. Our involvement is for the ,conomlc Study only and no involvement in litigation The E ' Board Members agreed. ' PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $83,325.73, as recommended by D.W. Callahan, General Manager, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 11:20 P M. ATTEST: Donald II. Kortes, President South Tahoe Public Utility District David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District September 18, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 9/18/75, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President D.H. Kortes, Directors R.W. Fesler, E.E. Hegarty, R. Wakeman, District Engineer J. Jensen, A.L. Shoupe- Resident Engineer, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Attorney J. Lynch and Bob IIill and K. Jones from Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch Firm, Mrs. Lynn Smith, Connie Smith, Carl IIofman, Ralph Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunckhorst, D.W. Callahan - Clerk of Board and General Manager. Also, many students from South Tahoe High School attended this meeting for points/ credits forDr. Cluff's class - Connie Smith, Tom Riebe, Julie Dillard, Ken Forgeon, John Peck, Kevin Maas, Paul Arness. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried that the minutes of 9/4/75 be approved as presented. ' MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Gallahan: "We received from the E1 Dorado County Water Agency, the additional loan in the amount of $85,000. The funds are being used to finance construction of the Martin Avenue Well which has been in operation since June. The total amount of the loan is $180,000. The Board of Directors met in study session on September 10 to review water system improvement program. They also met on September 17 to review proposals for medical insurance for the management and staff. On September 12, Directors Hegarty and Wakeman, Attorney John Weidman and I attended the meeting regarding the impact study of CTRPA - Source and procedure to obtain the information to complete the study was the main area of the discussion. Directors Fesler, Hegarty, Presiden~ Kortes, District Engineer Jensen, Attorney Weidman, John Gonzales and I met with Dave DuBois of the LRQCB on September 16th at the request of Roy Hampson. The discussion was regarding relationship of the Water Quality Control Board and the District. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: As presented by W. Dunckhorst, Water Supervisor: On Tuesday morning, September 16, I made arrangements for the Water Department crew and myself to meet at the filtration plant with Assistant Fire Chief G. Smiley Regular Meeting 9/18/75 Water Supervisor's Report (Continued): OF THE CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT for instructions on the operation and use of the new gas mask when working around and repairing chlorine gas lines. We also went through simulated emergencies. Mr. Smiley recommended we should have two kits instead of the one, so that there are always two men working to help each other. On the afternoon of September 16, I met at the filtration plant with Chief Hugh Thomas and Engineer Don Norby of the Lake Valley Fire Dept. This meeting was at the request of Chief Thomas to show them the plant operation and mainly the operation of the stand-by engine that serves the Montgomery Estates area. I simulated a situation of a heavy water flow to show them how the stand-by engine functions when such a situation occurs. Chief Thomas asked me about the possibility of a storage tank in the area and I explained to him our situation, and our willingness to cooperate as much as we can. He seems to feel he can help us as far as ~he Forest Service is concerned, and has offered this help if needed. Following is a summary of new services installed September 1, 1974 through August 31, 1975: Single 115 ( + 1 illegal) Duplex 16 Triplex 2 3" Meter "2 4" Meter 1 1" Meter 1 2" Meter 1 6" Fire Line 4 Hydrants Multiple 11 units Total 153 As of this date, I still have a total of 27 new services to complete. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: None. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Contracts and Amounts WRP Improvements ($1,082,000.00) orig bid ($1,164,376.08) ~ohnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) ~ohnson Pump Sra. ($209,668.40) ($ 10,000) Bijou Modification ($ 44,250) Fairway Tract ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Martin Avenue Well ($ 69,000) As presented by A. L. Shoupe: Contractors Percentage completed. Ziebarth and Alper Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 99% 91% Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 100% 100% 100% So. Tahoe Cons. Co. 82% Study session scheduled for 9/30/75 re water storage area. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Items on agenda. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance Committee stated a meeting was held on 9/11/75 to discuss the Group and Accident Insurance. Same on agenda for consideration. No other Committee reports. SHOP STEWARP'S REPORT: None present. WATER SYSTEM: Attorney Ken Iones of Wilson, [ones, Morton and Lynch gave a brief report that led to the acquisition o.f'the'~ahoe Sierra Water Company and stated also that the following RESOLUTIONS are r~ady for consideration this evening. Regular Meeting /~ ~ -3- 9/18/75 RESOLUTION NO. 1963:A Resolution Directing Preparation of Plans and Estimates. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director FIegarty, unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 1964: A ResolutionAlproving Engineer's Plans and Estimates and Determining Sufficiency of Revenues. Director R. Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 1965: A Resolution Determining Existing Water Utility Can be Obtained at a Lower Cost than Similar Works can be Originally Acquired, Constructed and Completed. Director YVakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. 256: An Ordinance Determining to Acquire Public %Arorks of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company, Inc. and Authorizing the Execution of Agreements therefor. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director l-Iegarty, unanimously carried. Director Fesler explained to the students in attendance the difference between Resolutions and Ordinances; also that an Ordinance does not go into effect until 30 days following its adoption and the citizens of the community may take act[on against the Ordinance if they so desire within the time from adoption to the 30 day period. RESOLUTION NO. 1966: Authorizing Execution of Escrow Agreement to Facilitate transfer of stock, together with copies of said escrow agreement. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 1967: A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Application to the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, together with copies of a proposed application. Director %Arakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried. WATER SYSTEM: (2) WATER DEPARTMENT, IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: Report of Improvements Gompleted and Planned Improvements in the Near Future. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the report received from Engineer J. Jensen be approved as he so presented. It was stated by Director ~rakeman for the benefit of the students, that this District has considered purchasing all private water companies since 1961. Director Fesler stated that the fire protect[on in many areas have been very bad; we are pursuing all the water companies but only those companies that are willing to sell. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) A.D. 1971-1 Fallen Leaf Lake. - - Jerry Lynch, Attorney, recommended consideration of adoption for RESOLUTION NO. 1968, which would allow cross-examination of Noble Murray and Mr. J. Brett - A Resolu[ion Determining that Protest Hearing be reopened in Gomplfance with Memorandum Decision of Superior Gourt for Limited Purpose Specified in Said Decision, Setting Time and Place of Said Hearing, Directing Manner of Giving Notice of Said Hearing, Determining Intention to take Such Action After Said Reopened Hearing as Required by Public Interst, Gonvenience and Necessity. Hearing Date set for 11/13/75, 7:00 P.M. Director ~rakeman stated that we started these proceedings for Fallen Leaf Lake in 1968 and went back into this in 1971 and the Fallen Leaf Residents still do not want sewers; no one on this Board has ever tried to force a sewer system in any area; we are interested in keeping Tahoe Blue, but Director %Arakeman stated he has noticed that there is much algea in that area; we are not forcing these people to have a sewer system. President Kortes stated that we want to complete the hearing on 1971-1 and we are going to grant that portion of the rehearing to continue. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1968 be approved and the Hearing Date set for 11/13/75 at 7:00 P.M. , District Conference Room. (2) AMENDED ASSESSMENTS: RESOLUTION NO. 1969, through RESOLUTION NO. 1978 -- Consider making of amended assessments. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director %Arakeman, unanimously carried, RESOLUTIONS 1969 through 1978 be approved. Hearing scheduled for 10/16/75 at 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. Attorney Hill also explained to the students the reasons for amended assessments. 3. OLD AGE SURVIVORS, DISABILITY AND HEALTH INSURANCE (Social Security Act): Gonsider RESOLUTION NO. 1979, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Application and Agreement, to Provide Goverage Under the Galifornia State Social Security Act. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1979 be approved. 4. OFFIGE OF DIREGTOR AT LARGE NO. 5: Approve form of Notice of Vacancy. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, the following Notice of Vacancy be approved: "NOTIGE OF VAGANGY A vacancy now exists in the office of Director-At-Large No. 5, South Tahoe Public Utility District, due to the resignation of a Director, effective September 5, 1975. The Government Gode, Section 1780, provides that a vacancy shall be filled by the remaining district board members by appointment within the period of 90 days immediately subsequent to the creation of such vacancy. Any person who desires to be considered for appointment to the office of Director at Large No. 5, should submit application to the President of the Board of Directors, South Tahoe Public Utility District, P.O. Box A U, (1275 Meadowcrest Drive), South Lake Tahoe, Galifornia 95705, on or before October 6, 1975. The applicant should include reasons why he or she is qualified to fill the vacancy. The person applying must be a registered voter residing within the boundaries of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Board of Directors: President Donald H. Kortes Robert Fesler Edward Hegarty Robert Wakeman" Attorney Weidman also stated that the reason for accepting this notice of vacancy is for the purpose of this Board appointing one to fill thevacancy, otherwise the Gounty of E1 Dorado will appoint another member to the Board. (This was explained for the student's benefit) · 5. MEDIGAL INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR STAFF AND MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL: A motion was made at the last regular meeting of the Board to table this motion. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the previous motion: - "That we adopt Traveler's Plan No. 2" be removed from the table and brought up for discussion. Following discussion Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanim that Traveler's Plan No. 2 be approved. Roll Gall Vote as Follows: AYES: Directors Wakeman, Hegarty and Kortes Noes: None ABSTAINED; Director Fesler carried ....... Jack Jensen, District Engineer, stated that regarding the pipeline breaks, same are being checked and requested a meeting for Tuesday 9/25/75 , 3:00 P.M., to review the reports. GHANGE ORDER NO. 8: Increase of approximately $9,200.00 for Water Reclamation Plant Improvements and Time Extension to 9/18/75. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, GHANGE ORDER NO. 8 for Ziebarth &Alper be approved. ROLL GALL VOTES AS FOLLOWS: AYES: NOES: Garried ............... GOMMUNIGATIONS: (1) Letter from Marjorie Springmeyer: "Mr. Robert Fesler, Director South Tahoe Public Utility Dist. P.O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, Galif. Dear Mr. Fesler: Directors Wakeman, Hegarty, Kortes Director Fesler. As read by Director Fesler Mary Parsley has sent me the minutes of your meeting of 8/28/75. Regular Meeting -$- 9/18/75 (Letter from Mrs. Springmeyer continued): - On Page 6 of the minutes on item 6 is an explanation re Presten Hale et. The bottom paragraph is quoted "Pres. Fesler asked if we were going to have to make financial disclosures in the future. Mr. Weidman stated he could not respond at this time. Mr. Fesler, would you ask Mr. Weidman at the next meeting (and have it put on the minutes) IF, Mr. Weidman's personal client Preston Hale and whom he had the District pay $500.00 in the Johnson Pumping Station matter, will benefit or have any monetary consideration in The award given to Dayton Garrby the STPUD under this eminent domain action? This is very important issue and I would like to have the answer on the Thanks for your continued courtesy, Bob. s/ Marjorie Springmeyer" STPUD minutes. Regarding Paragraph f:3 of Mrs. Springmeyer's Letter, Attorney Weidman stated that he cannot recall whether the order of court was with regard to the compensation of Mt. Cart for acting as a court appointed referree in lfle estate of Stella Van Dyke Johnson; he cannot recall whether security he had for compensation; he seems to recall there was an agreement negotiated or he heard there was an agreement negotiation from someone other than Mr. Hale about how Mr. Hale would be compensated - deed of trust or eminent domain - he believes this came from Mr. Hoseit, though he is not certain. Also, Attorney Weidman has caused default of Silverado to be entered in this action and ad-issue memo that the case be set for trial 2 days, non-jury; he does not have all the informa[ion, and all was not under his control. Director Fesler asked if there was any other way to obtain the information. Attorney Weidman replied that Mr. Hoseit or Mr. Berkson could be contacted as they represented the other two Johnson heirs...whet her agreements were made with Mr. Hale or not, Mr. Weidman did not participate. Mr. Weidman's employment ended with distribution. He also stated that if this action proceeds we are going to discover whether Mr. Hale entered into this award by the documents that are coming forth. (2) Notice of Joint Meeting of the City Council and Board Tuesday 9/23/75, 3:30 P.M., District Office. PAYMENTS OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $217,503.12 be approved as recommended by Manager Callahan. Adjournment: 10:45 P.M. to 9/23/75, 3:30 P.M. Dona-i-d H. Kortesj P'~effident South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN,Gler~: ot soara ~ Ex off Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and City Council or South Lake Tahoe - - City September 23, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and the City Council of the City of South Lake Tahoe met in a joint session 9/23/75, 3:30 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL GALL: All City Council Members were present, and Directors Wakeman and Hegarty, President Kortes, General Manager Gallahan, Attorney J.G.Weidman and Engineer Jensen present for the Utility District. The following discussed: (2) Agreement for Acquisition of Water Companies by the Utility District: General Manager D.W. Gallahan stated that pursuant to the agreement or amendment the STPUD did acquire the Tahoe Southside Water Utility on 9/1/74; documents have been signed by the Tahoe Sierra Water Company and acquisition of same to be 11/1/75. ENGINEER JACK JENSEN presented a map to those present outlining the areas the different water companies service. He mentioned that with regards to improvements, the District has completed a 14" fire line; completed the Martin Avenue Well which produces one and one-half million gallons of water a day. To improve in the future or construct will be fire improvements along Martin Avenue and Ski Run Blvd, the lines in the Ski Run Area are too small now; hydrants should be put in where they will do some immediate good. Costs were discussed for improvements; installation of water meters and Mr. Jensen replied that it is not wise to install meters in this area, the commercial installations are generally metered, however, it is more economical to run the system as it now is. Councilman Wynn asked if the Water Companies have sufficient water rights to take care of the future growth in the City, and Mr. Jensen stated yes. RE: TAHOE KEYS WATER SYSTEM: - The District and the Tahoe Keys Organization have not reached an agreement, however, Tahoe Keys. are still willing to sell; following acquisition of Tahoe Sierra, Tahoe Keys negotiations will be reopened. LUKINS WATER COMPANY. Complaints have been made regarding this water system, and it was asked if there was a way to get the P U G to force this company to upgrade their system. Mr. J. Jensen stated that all revenues come from domestic service, they get no revenue from larger lines. The mains are too small in size. LAKESIDE PARK WATER COMPANY - Manager Gallahan stated that we have called and written this company but have received no reply. We were promised information would be received, but to date we have not received any. MAINLINE WATER EXTENSION, HIGHWAY 89 NORTH: Engineer J. Jensen stated that sometime ago the District Board directed GH2M Hill to see how we could improve fire protection along Highway 89. Plans were prepared and the cost would have been approximately $250,000.00 to protect 50 acres at $5,000 per acre, and the only way to finance this was through formation of a local assessment district through a petition of the property owners. Sometime ago the Martin's Water Company had planned to install an 8" line for $14,000 only to 10th Street, but that never went through. The Utility District cannot force the owners to form an annexation fire protection District. Mr. Holmlund suggested, perhaps the owners would go for a bond schedule, such as we have had for the sewer assessments. Mr. Jim Norton, Insurance Agent, stated that there would be approximately a 39% saving in insurance rates if there were fire protection in the Gardner Mountain Area. Mrs Lowe suggested that a hearing be held for the property owners along Highway 89 and Gardner Mountain to find out what they want and how their feelings are re- garding this fire protection. President Kortes stated that we could extend an invitation to these people to see what their interest is, and will invite the City members also. Adjourned Regular Meeting STPUD and City Council -2- 9/23/75 (c) Mr. R. Capri stated that the State of California does require monthly reports from Water Companies of certain tests, and asked if the companies were meeting these requirements. General Manager Callahan stated we do and he can only speak for o~ water company. Mrs. E. Testa stated that she has been working on the environmental protection for sometime - she recently read an article entitled "How Sale is Your Drinking Water" and her research found that the people have to know rmmre about shortage of water, etc. She asked if there would be a way for the layman to learn about how free the waters are of bacteria, softness of water, types of detergents to use and why, etc. What is our area doing regarding the checking for bacteria and chemicals of the cleanliness of the water; also, what about the metals in the pipes, etc. VIRGINIA THOMPSON, EL DORADO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, stated that we are responsible for connections of less than 200 and our files have reports regarding types of pipe, etc., and are available for anyone that is interested. All the water companies here meet the standards and also have had no problems with them. They are required to have tests taken and sent to ~he State Health Department twice a month, both bacteria and chemical tests. It was mentioned that discussions were held regarding labs in this area to do our own testing. The District does have a lab but no certification of the lab to make all tests. Manager Callahan was asked how STPUD felt about expanding the lab at these facilities. He stated he would have to do some checking, but believed it would be possible. W.DUNCKHORST, Water Supervisor for STPUD, stated that our samples are sent to Barton Lab. for testing; Start Martin of Gardner Mountain and Angora Water Company stated their samples are locally tested. (d) STREET LIGHTING: Manager Gallahan stated that the property owners in Bijou petitioned us to take over the street lighting, which we did in 1955; there is also street lighting in areas of Rancho Bijou, Ski Run Blvd, Highway 50, Tahoe Blvd to D Street and along D Street; there have been discussions between the City and District, and the District would like to turn the street lighting over to the City, Mr. Gallahan stated. Mr. Earl Cooper of Sierra Pacific Power Cbmpany stated that the Power Company has undertaken street lighting projects particularly for Highway 50 and presented same to the council in the past; it is an expensive project, particularly with the requirement of the circuits being underground. Mr. Cooper stated we could get together with City or whoever to revise these costs. (e) CONTACT WITH ECONOMIC RESEA SH ASSOCIATES REGARDING SOCIO-ECONOMIG STUDY. City Manager stated that the council authorized a contract with E R A to conduct a study re CTRPA and TRPA plans. This study will take approximately 90 days and to be concluded around 12/1/75; participation from the Utility District, E1 Dorado County was accepted, the present study does not include Placer County. Before this meeting, he called the officials of E R A, who are conducting the study, and it seems the inclusion of Placer County will help financially. The contract calls for a monitoring committee- and the members are Dave Gallahan, City Manager, Mr. Walton,Mr. Fitzpatrick, and does not have nor know the member from Placer County as yet. It was agreed that a study session of the City and the Utility District Members be held on 11/19/75, with Placer County and E1 Dorado County. John Speck, student of Dr. Cluff's class requested information as to the contributions made by the agencies for their participation in the ERA Study. Same explained as follows: City = 10,000; PUD= 10,000; Placer = 90 000 and balance by the City which will bring the total to $50,000. ' Jack Carter of the Lake Tahoe News introduced himself to the members of the Board and stated that they are very much interested in publicity for the community more so than news of other areas. ADJOURNMENT: 5:20 P.M. loin{ Me~tino ~dj0utn~d R~0uiar) -3- ~/za//o t ,/.~2./, D~/nal~IH. KortSS~,f ~r~s/~dent South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: " k ' ~a David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-O~'f~io Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District October 2, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 10/2/75, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL GALL: Present were President D.H. Kortes, Directors R.W. Fesler, E.E. Hegarty, R. Wakeman, General Manager D.W. Callahan, Attorney J.G.Weidman, Engineers J. Jensen, A.L. Shoupe, Systems Engineer J.G.M.Gonzales, Water Supervisor W. Dunckhorst and Mrs. W. Dunckhorst, Jim Lang, Don Showalter, Dave Huber. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, minutes of 9/18/75 be approved as presented, and minutes of 9/23/75 be approved as corrected. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Kortes welcomed Jim Lang, Mrs. W. Dunckhorst and Dave Huber. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by D.W. Callahan, General Manager: The District has received five applications for the position of Director. On October 1, 1975 the District completed a year of inspection of the sewer connections. Chet Homing has done an outstanding job as District Inspector. During theyear, 1074 permits were issued. The number of permits issued in the past two months is twice the number of a year ago. The permit fees of $10 for a single family dwelling unit and $15 for all others was set in the early 1960's. I request that the Board of Directors consider setting a study session to review the fee schedule. Attached is the Inspector's Report for the month of September, as follows: PLANT OPERATION REPORT FOR THE MONTH ~7~..EPTEMBER 1975~975 Total Plant Flow M G Aug. Sept. ...... 140.2 106.4 Daily Average Flow- M G 4.5 Maximum Daily Flow - M G 4.8 (gth) Chlorine Used - Tons 77.8 Natural Gas Used. Thou. Gu Ft 5,240 Electricity Used KWH 978,000 Lime Used ton: Makeup 97.0 Recalcined Lime - Ton 101.6 3.5 4.2 (lst) 60.4 6,232 962,400 71.3 135.9 1974 Sept. 99.0 3.3 4.2 (lst) 10.6 7,479 794,400 127.7 170.3" Study session regarding fee schedule will be held at 3 pm on 10/6/75, District Office. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. Regular Meeting .2- 10/2/75 INSPECTION DEPARTMENT REPORT, OCTOBER 2, 1975: MONTH OF SEPTEMBER: New permits issued 192 Total inspections made 176 Permits finaled 147 44 requests by "DIGS" for lateral locations, which consists of numerous locations for new poles by Power Company and entire blocks of lateral locations for Gas Company. Have one crew at Indian Greek Reservoir cutting grass· (No manholes repaired this month)· Monitoring of sewer lines in meadows for infiltration and exfiltration is still in progress. s/ G. A. Homing, Inspector" SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: As presented by J.G.M. Gonzales: "We are prepared to install a 20 foot section of force main in the same area that ruptured in August. The plan is to cut out a piece of the old pipe, look into the ends in the ground to determine the condition of the remaining pipe. The removed pipe section will be sent for a detailed inspection to determine the integrity of the force main. Another project is now under way at Indian Greek Reservoir. We are installing a new aeration system in the reservoir to provide oxygen and circulation. The old system was adequate for supplying oxygen to the water, but the area supplied was about 15% of the total surface area of the lake. Last Year ice covered 85% of the lake during the coldest winter months. The new aeration system will supply air to 80% of the lake. In response to inquiries concerning the quality of the drinking water supply, attached to this report is a copy of a recent water quality analysis for South Tahoe Public Utility District Water Department. The data represents the following conditions: 1. A very soft water; (2) Low in dissolved solids or minerals; (3) No obnoxious color or taste; (4) No presence of hydrogen sulfide; (5) No odor causing bacteria; (6) Not enough flouride to cause health problems; (7) A low mineral concentration of dissolved salts; (8) Immeasurably small amounts of the following: Arsenic, boron, copper, lead selemium, zinc. The above elements can post health problems when in large concentrations. These water samples indicated such small amounts that the chemical analysis used could not determine concentrations. (9) A bacteriologically safe water" ATTACI-~]MENT - Water Specimens for Iune 25, 1975: as follows: Martin Ave. A1 Tahoe Filtration Well Well Pla nt Total solids 63 Calcium 8.8 Magnesium 1.2 Chlorides 2.5 Sulfates less than 1 Fluorides .35 Specific Conductance 71 TRACE ELEMENTS Arsenic less than Boron Copper " Lead " Selenium " Zinc " Coliform " 59 26 mg/1 12.0 9.6 mg/1 · 9 2.5 mg/l 1.5 2.5 mg/1 less than 1 Less than 1 mg/1 · 21 .05 mg/1 100 72 micromhos/cm .002 less than .002 less than .002 mg/1 .005 t, .005 " .005 mg/1 .01 " .01 " .01 mg/1 .005 " .005 " .005 mg/1 .005 " .005 " .005 mg/1 .005 " .005 " .005 rog/1 2.2 " 2.2 " 2.2 NPN/100" John Gonzales, water systems engineer, presented brochures on water-saving devices, and explained how the plastic bottles and water saving shower heads and other devices could be used· Presfdent Kortes stated that Mrs. E. Testa had appeared at the joint meeting held 9/23/75 re water, the safety of, etc., and asked Mr. Gonzales to contact her to compare their informations. /(~ 3-q Regular Maatlng -3- ,u/~/, ~ WATER SUPERVISORS REPORT: As presented by W. Dunckhorst: Regarding the City Recreation Swimming Pool, I have been in touch with Mr. K. Gottschalk of the City Recreation Department. He seems to feel that the problem is definitely within the swimming pool area; they have hired an engineering firm out of Sacramento to see if they can trace the problem. I have taken samples from our System surrounding the pool area to see if the problem could be ours. Results of which a copy is attached to this report, which show a very minimal amount of iron in the water. On the weekend of the 21st of last month, we experienced a pump failure on ~3 pump which serves Montgomery Estates Area. Monday this was replaced with a new pump; the old pump which gave out was approximately 8 years old. Harrah's club called Tuesday morning 9/23/?5 and informed me that at 2:30 AM that morning they had surging in the pipes, that rumbled throughout the entire building. We checked the plant, and found that what caused this was the stand-by engine had come on, and due to a contact which was sticking on the timer,was causing the engine to suege, which in turn, was popping one of the main pumps off and on because of the low water pressure surge" The following are the results of the water specimens submitted September 30, 1975 for total iron content: TOTAL IRON CONTENT Sample ~1 A1 Tahoe Office .010 mg/1 Sample ~ 2 Swimming Pool .041 mg/1 Sample ~ 3 Craig Ave; Bijou Pines Subdiv. .026 mg/1 Sample ~%4 Martin Ave. Well .092 mg/l" DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: I. Iensen stated all items are on agenda. CONSTRUCTION PROGI~ SS REPORT: As presented by A.L. Shoupe Contracts & Amounts Contractors WRP Improvements ($1,082,000) orig. bid ($1,171,956.77) final Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson Pump St. ($209,668.40 ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,2'50) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Martin Avenue Well ($ 69,000) Ziebarth & Alper Percentages Completed 100% Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 91% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100% Schedule 4 100% So. Tahoe Cons. Co. 88% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: ~.C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that [udge Fogerty signed an injunction stating that the residents of Fallen Leaf Lake would vacate their premises, or have a holding tank, or connect to the sewer facilities - this was signed last Friday. A B 2084 became law without the Governor's signature. At one time when a vacancy was on the Board one would be appointed to fill the vacancy until the next election; however, this BILL 2084 states the appointed person will fillin the length of time or term of the vacancy, and in the case of the vacancy for Director at Large No. 5, the one appointed will serve until the last Friday of November 1977. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. Director Fesler asked Manager Callahan to bring us up to date on the benefits of the insurance for health and accident with Traveler's Insurance. Manager Callahan stated that as of 12:01 AM on 9/26/75 the insurance became effective. The deductible has and will be carried over to the new policy; any coverage under the old policy will be honored by this new policy. WATER SYSTEM: (1) ACQUISITION OF TAHCE SIERRA WATER COMPANY. Manager Callahan stated that all documents for the Tahoe Sierra Water Company have been signed and we should have the transfer completed ll/1/7S. Regular Meeting -4- 10/2/75 Director Fesler stated that he has received a call from Mr. B.Frizzee regarding the Tahoe Keys Water Company and requested permission for he and Director Hegarty to meet with Mr. Fr[zzee to discuss the possibility of securing the Tahoe Keys Water Company. It was agreed that Directors Fesler and Hegarty and General Manager Callahan meet with Mr. Frizzee. President Kortes requested Attorney Weidman to contact Lakeside Mutual Water Company to meet with the Directors sometime in November. (2) FIRE PROTECTION ON HIGHWAY "89": - Manager Gallahan stated that some preliminary plans were made of the fire protection down Highway "89". Consideration was given to having an informal hearing with the property owners along Highway "89" regarding the financing of same through an assessment district; perhaps some federal aid or a study of same should be considered by this District. Director Fesler stated the Board wants to get together with J. Jensen, Engineer, and get into the concept of fire protection system that might be developed to protect Highway "89" area. Perhaps, Mr. Fesler stated, we can approach I-Itghway 89 through Tahoe Sierra Water Line. Of all the water area, Mr. Fesler stated that he believed Lukins Water Company needs the attention, the entire area needs to be integrated and with a better source of supply, even it it means or involves condeming a water company, he felt we should proceed. (b) MONTGOMERY ESTATES: The need for a reservoir - this should be discussed with our engineers regarding costs and design and have all ready wen funds become available. Attorney Weidman suggested that all information, plans, costs, etc., be available for Montgomery Estates and Highway "89" Fire Protection, and if any Grant monies do become available all documents would be ready to present for requesting these monies. Also, a meeting should be held to discuss the resvoir site. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1): BULK CHLORINE FACILITIES AND APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND GALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS. Postponed to 12/4/75. (2) ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1971-1: (Fallen Leaf Lake) - Directors read the letter received from N. Miller regarding a refund of Assessment paid. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, request for refund be denied. 3. REGULATIONS GOVERNING RELOCATION ASSISTANCE AND REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1980, A Resolution Amending Regulations Governing Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 1980 be approved. (4) ACTIVATED CARBON: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, and by a unanimous roll call vote approved RESOLUTION NO. 1981, Awarding Contract for Activated Carbon (Calgon Corporation, $15,480 for 36,000 lbs) ..... (5) WATER RECLAMATION PLANT IMPROVEMENTS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 1982, A Resolution Accepting Completion of Water Reclamation Plant Improvements, be approved. (6) EXPORT PIPELINE: ~. Jensen gave a report on the pipe that was removed and sent to the lab for checking, causes of the breaks, etc., mechanical abrasions, pipe appeared to be cracked before same was buried, did not meet the specifications (grade of pipe used. Director Fesler stated that the board members should tour the area where the major pipeline break was. Director Fesler also requested of the Manager to have the Export Pipeline Subject on each Agenda for each regular meeting of this Board. COMMUNICATIONS: From Lynne Smith, as follows: "Board of Directors - Gentlemen: I am happy that I accompanied my daughter to your meeting Thursday night since it gave me the opportunity to observe the courtesy shown the visiting students by each of you, your staff and consultants. Certainly you turned what could have been a confusing evening into a pleasant and informative lesson in "Civics" for those from Dr. Cluff's class. Each of you showed consideration and understanding in seeing that your procedures were carefully explained and contributed to a valuable and rewarding experience for the students. As a res[dent of the District and mother of a student, I appreciate this very much and take this opportunity to thank you. Sincerely, s/Lynn Smith" /~-~ Regular Meeting -5- October 2, 1975 Copy of above letter sent to the Editor of the Tribune requesting publication. (2) NOTICE OFAIA/IArA FALL CONFERENCE OCTOBER 28031, 1975, San Diego. PAYMENT OF GLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, claims of $336,405.91, as recommended by Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADIOURNMENT: 11:00 P.M Donald H. Korte~, P'~es[dent South Tahoe Public Utility District David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board &-Ex-Off. Sec South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District ..... October 16, 1975 The Board of Directors met in regular session 10/16/75, 8:00 PM,District Board Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President D.H. Kortes, Directors R. W. Fesler, E. E. Hegarty, R. Wakeman, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Clerk and General Manager D.W. ~allahan, Engineer J. Jensen, Systems Engineer J.GM.Gonzales, Water Supervisor Mr. %Ar. Dunckhorst. ABSENT: A.L. Shoupe, resident Engineer. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, minutes of 10/2/75 be approved as presented. He also staled that he did not notice the letter we requested be printed in the Tribune received from Mrs. Lynn Smith. Same was not printed because the letter was not addressed to the Tribune from Mrs. Smith, but was addressed to the Board of Directors. President Kortes will purse this. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: None. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by D.W. Gallahan, General Manager: "An accidental drowning took the life of one of our best and experienced employees - Les Baker - September 30th, while on vacation in Oregon. Les had been with the District since 1962. In his 13 years of service for the District, he had advanced to the position of Ghief Operator and had been our chemist since January of 1974. Les Baker's untimely death is a great loss to the District. Effective 9/26/75, Lee Ghada, Underground Repairman Supervisor, resigned. Lee had 12-1/2 years service with the District, advancing from Utilityman to the Supervisor's position. I have appointed Gene Eppler, an employee with 7-1/2 years experience as an Undergrouzl Repairman, to t~ vacant position. Another employee- Klm Balbini - resigned effective 10/14/75. Klm was a Plant Operator Grade II, with six years of service. It gives me pleasure to inform you that two of our Water Dept. employees - Dave Huber and Tom Rouch, received their Water Treatment Plant Operator's Grade II certificates from the State. Virgil Schrauben also has a Grade II certificate, and Bill Dunckhorst holds a grade III certificate. I request that the Board of Directors give consideration to holding a study session regarding salaries, classifications, and related items regarding acquisition of the Tahoe Sierra Water Gompany. The Board met in study session on October 6th regarding permit fees, and on October 7, 13, 14 and 15 ret3arding appointment of Director. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. Study session scheduled 10/22/75 re salaries for employees of Tahoe Sierra Water Co. Notices have been posted re vacancy created by L.H.Baker; if none within the District can fill this position, outside applications will be requested, Manager Callahan stated. Regula~ Me,ting -2- October 16, 1975 z~c7 SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: As presented by lohn G.M. Gonzales: "The installation of the new aeration system at Indian Creek Reservoir is continuing despite the poor weather conditions of last week. This year has been the most successful year in disposing of the water weeds that grow in the reservoir. We were able to harvest thousands of pounds of weeds by cutting with the weed cutter and by raking the dead weeds along the shore line that were exposed when the water surface level dropped. Bacteriological testing in September on the water supply from our water system show a safe water supply. WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: None. Mr. Dunckhorst stated discussion was held regarding the great amount of chorine in the water in Montgomery Estates Area and stated that he has cut down on the chlorine considerably, and there should be no further complaints regarding this. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen stated that he would like to have a Study Session to review the plant operations report study on 10/23/75 or 10/30/75 at 3:00 PM. Manager Callahan will confirm the date. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT, AS reported byA.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts Contractors Percentages Completed Johnson Blvd. Pump Station (193,000) Johnson Pump Station (209,668.40) (10,000) Bijou Modification (44,250) Fairway Tr. (91,940) Treehaven Tr. Martin Ave Well (69,000) Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 91% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100% Schedule 4 100% So Tahoe Cons Co 90% Mr. J. Jensen stated that the emergency generators for Johnson Blvd. Pump Station and the Martin Avenue Well have arrived. Les Shoupe and Dave Barnes from CH2M Hill met with the representative of the Water Resources Board for inspection of the plant facilities and the tour of same. The representative agreed that all was in order. Director Fesler asked about (a) ruptured lines - same on agenda; (b) LIArQCB criticism and this is on the agenda; (c) Highway 89 Fire Line - Study session requested by J. Jensen and same is scheduled for 10/28/75; (d) Tahoe Sierra Water Company, as to who knows what problems this company has. It was suggested that Mr. Dunckhorst and Manager Callahan get together with the employees of that company. Also, Mr. Callahan asked Mr. Jensen to evaluate the structures, etc., of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company for insurance reasons, and same was given to the Manager. Mr. Callahan stated that Loring Hanson would be of assistance to the District by taking this tour of the water facilities. Attorney Weidman stated that he will meet with Mr. Fred Gerard regarding the water rights this next week. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None except Finace. Director Fesler stated that the Board met with representatives of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch on 10/10/75 regarding the contract to purchase the Tahoe Sierra Water Company. This was discussed in length by the Board and Attorney this evening; and Mr. Weidman and Gene Chappie and two commissioners will meet with the P U C this coming Monday. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. Regular Meeting October 16, 1975 APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR TO FILL THE VACANCY ON THE BOARD: DIRECTOR AT LARGE SEAT NO. 5: .... Director Fesler stated that we had very gratifying responses from 11 people who applied for this vacancy. We met with J. Imbach, Mr. W. Cluff was s( scheduled, but unable to appear, E. Murphy, J. Cramer, L. Kashuba, J. lNinkleman, M. Coakley, M. McFarlane, J. Lang, L. Muston and E. Fields. We went over the qualifications of the applicants for this position and their reasons for applying. Director Fesler stated that this Board should agree on the parliamentary procedure to be followed this evening. Usually, an appointment such as this, a nomination need not be seconded, however, Director Fesler and the Board agreed that a motion should be made, a second, and a vote of 3 our of 4 members should carry. Director Fesler moved, that J. Cramer be nominated for appointment. Director Kortes called for the second, twice, being none, motion died for lack of a second. Director Hegarty moved, that ~. Lang be appointed, Director Kortes seconded. Director Wakeman stated the Chairman cannot second without turning over the Chairmanship; Director Fesler challenged this second, Director Kortes ruled Director Fesler out of order. Director Wakeman moved to appeal the decision of the chair; the following members voted: AYES: Directors Fesler, Hegarty and Wakeman. NOES: Director Kortes. The decision of the chairman appealed and it remained that there was a motion and no second. President Kortes called for a second again, none, motion died for lack of a second. Director Wakeman moved that Lorrene Kashuba be nominated to fill the vacancy on the Board, seconded by Director Fesler. Director Fesler stated that Mrs. Kashuba was employed by the Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce, and for four years was executive secretary of the Lake Tahoe Area Council. She worked with Professor McGaughey re water quality at Indian Creek Reservoir; presently owns her own business, and she would have time to attend meetings. For these reasons Director Fesler stated that he felt her to be an excellent choice. Director Wakeman stated that much time and study went into the applications that were received and he felt that Lorrene Kashuba would represent the District and voters, and it will be our first opportunity to have a woman on the Board. Director Hegarty stated that the board weighed all candidates and though he feels the condidate nominated by him originally certainly qualifies, he felt that Mrs. L. Kashuba fulfills the qualifications we set for the appointment: ROLL CALL VOTES: carried ..... ayes: Noes: Directors Fesler, Director Korte s. Hegarty and Wakeman. President Kortes called Mrs. Kashuba to inform her of the decision of the Board. Recess 9:30 P.M. - Reconvened: 9:40 P.M. Study session scheduled 10/20/75 to meet with Mrs. Lorrene Kashuba at 3:00 P.M., District Office, and the newspaper representatives will be invited also. A news release will be preapred for the papers. The Board also agreed to have a letter mailed to those others that applied and took their time and effort to apply for this vacancy. WATER SYSTEM: (1) Acquisition of Tahoe Sierra Water Company. Discussed earlier on the agenda. RESOLUTION NO. 1983, A Resolution rescinds Resolution No. 1967. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, same be adopted. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) Amended Assessments ..... OPENED HEARING AT 9:50 P.M. - No comments made from the audience, no written protests received and Hearing Closed at 9:57 P.M. Regular Meeting -4- October 16, 1975 The following resolutions presented for consideration and/or adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 1 984, Confirming 985, Confirming 986, iEonfirming 987, Confirming 988, Confirming 989, Confirming 990, Confirming 992, Confirming 993, Confirming Amended Assessments, A.D.1960-3. Amended Assessments, A.D. 1960-4. Amended Assessments, A.D. 1962-1. Amended Assessments, A.D. 1964-1. Amended Assessments, 1966-1. Amended Assessments, A.D. 1967-2. Amended Assessments, A.D. 1968-1. Amended Assessments, A.D. 1970-1. Amended Assessments, A.D. 1970-2. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director 16/akeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1984 through 1993, as presented, be approved. (2) EXPORT PIPELINE: (a) Status of Pipeline. The only thing that has taken place in the last two weeks is that we are in the process of removing sections of pipe, Mr. L/ Jensen stated. Installation should take place next week. Manager Gallahan stated that Mr. Knox Johnson was in to visit today regarding the acquisition of Johnson Blvd. Pump Station and Trunk Sewers, Easements, Etc. Mr. Johnson suggested we proceed and get all actions settled in court. Attorney Weidman stated that the document has been filed to get the court date set. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) Letter of CRWQCB, Lahontan Region, dated 10/10/75. (2) NOTICE regarding SOCIO ECONOMIC STUDY. Joint meeting wit~ Placer County and E1 Dorado County, and also with the City of South Lake Tahoe and the District on Monday, 11/17/75, 1:30 P.M. Recreation Center. (3) E1 Dorado County Water Agency's application for preliminary permit for the ~[outh Fork of the American River. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, the claims amounting to $202,861.37 be approved as recommended by Manager Callahan. Director Fesler requested that our Manager notify this Board of the amount of payment received by Mrs. V. Baker for the policies that covered Mr. L.H. Baker with the Union, Manufacturers Life, etc. ADJOURNMENT: 10:45 P.M. ATTEST: -~~-,-n David W. Gallahan, Clerk of Board and'"E-~-;~ Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Do~nald "H. Kortes, Pr~i(~ent South Tahoe Public Utility District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT October 30, 197S, 8:00 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met at a special meeting on 10/30/75, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: President D.H. Kortes, Directors R. W. Fesler, E.E. Hegarty and R. lNakeman. General Manager Callahan, R.[. Hill, Attorney, Nancy Roth for Wilson, /ones, Morton and Lynch, and Lorrene Kashuba, appointee Director. PURPOSE OF THE SPECIAL MEETING was to consider approval of and authorization of execution of Assumption Agreement by the South Tahoe Public Utility District of the indebtedness of Tahoe-Sierra Water Company, a California Corporation, to Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, and to Consider approval of and authorization of any and all other action which may be necessary or desirable to take for the purpose of carrying out and completing the purchase of all the stock of Tahoe-Sierra ~AZater Company, including dissolution of said Water Company, pursuant to and as contemplated by that certain agreement entered into between South Tahoe Public Utility District and the owner's of all of the stock of said Water Company, dated 9/18/75. Robert Hill, Attorney, gave a full report on all of the transactions regarding the acquisition of the Tahoe-Sierra Water Company. RESOLUTION NO. ]994, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Assumption Agreement Pertaining to Indebtedness of Tahoe-Sierra Water Company, a California Corporation, and Authorizing Acceptance of Written Acknowledgement by Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company that Conditions to Effectiveness of Revision Agreement between Tahoe-Sierra Water Company and Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company Have Been Satisfiedl. Director Fesler move'd, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 1995: A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Miscellaneous Documents in Connection with Transfer of Stock of Tahoe-Sierra Water Company, a California Corporation, to South Tahoe Public Utility District. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 1996, A Resolution Ratifying Designation of Persons to be Appointed as Directors of Tahoe-Sierra Water Company, and Authorizing Execution of Documents to Accomplish Dissolution and Winding up of Said Company. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. 257: An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Amending Ordinance No. 250 and Establishing Water Rates. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried. ADJOURNMENT: 9:10 P.M. /k~/~-~ Donald H. Kortes, p~e~sident South Tahoe Public Utility District ATT~EST;.) David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board and Ex-Off. Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District November 6, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 11/6/75, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present wereDirectors E. E. Hegarty, R. W. Fesler, L. Kashuba, R. Wakeman; General Manager Clerk of Board D.W. Callahan, Attorney J.G. Weidman, Engineers ~. Jensen and A.L. Shoupe, Water Supervisor W. Dunckhorst, employees M. Kobernus, H. Hanson, A. Harris. Also prssent wereR. Fieldcamp, F. Cocking, Mr. and Mrs. T.B.Guild, E. E. Fox, D. Huber, H.Hanson, M.Kobernus. ABSENT: President D.H. Kortes, Systems Engineer ~.G.M.Gonzales. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, minutes of 10/16 and 10/30/75 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Chairman Hegarty welcomed incoming Directors Ray Fieldcamp, Francis Cocking, and visitors Mr. & Mrs. T.B. (]iuild, H. Hanson andA. Harris, M. Kobernus, E. Fox, D. Huber. Mr. Hegarty also welcomed Mrs. L. Kashuba to the Board this evening; this was Mrs. Kashuba's first evening on the Board as a Board Member. Mrs. Kashuba stated that it is a great honor for her to be a Member of this Board, and it is something new to have a woman on the Board for the first time, that she will use her best judgement on all decisions to continue progressively as the District has in the past. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented byD.W. Callahan, General Manager: "Acquisition of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company was completed on 11/1/75, The District now services a majority of the City of South Lake Tahoe, plus some areas outside of the City limits. Tuesday, the 4th,a section of the export force main was removed and is now available for inspection. This morning a new leak was found in the export line. Repairs should be completed this evening. We have been pumping to the emergency holding pond since 11/3/75, 9:00 A.M. We plan to begin export again tomorrow morning. The Board of Directors met in study session on 10/20/75 to inform our new Director, Lorrene Kashuba, of the District's present status. On October 22nd the Board met regarding Tahoe Sierra Water Company acquisition. October 23rd, Consulting Engineer lack ~ensen and the Board of Directors met regarding operation of the water reclamation plant. On November 5th, the Directors met regarding the proposed joint powers agreement, E1 Dorado County - E1 Dorado Irrigation District. Followi n g is the plant operation report for the month of October 1975. PLANT OPERATION FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 1975: Total Plant Flow MG Daily Average Flow - MG Maximum Daily Flow - MG Chlorine Used Tons Natural Gas Used:Thousand Cu Ft. Electricity Used: KWH Lime Used: Ton Makeup: Recalcined: 1975 1975 1974 October September October 93.5 106.4 89.5 3.0 3.5 2.9 4.1 (25th) 4.2 (lst) 3.4(14th) 50.1 60..4 4.7 6,442 6,232 7,248 861,600 962,400 715,200 83.6 71.3 91.3 81.6 135.9 102.8" Director Fesler mtn'ed, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, the Manager's Report be approved as presented. -2- November 6, 1975 WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: As presented by W. Dunckhorst: "In the past two weeks we have installed 18 new services, which gives us an average of 2 services per day installed. I presently have 14 new ones on my desk yet to be installed. On Monday morning, October 27, we experienced a pump failure at the filtration plant, the failure was due to a coil on the Clay Valve Regulator burning out. This was corrected on Tuesday morning by the Electrical Department. No harm was done as a result of this failure. On Tuesday, October 28, the City reported that an automobile out of control, broke two fire hydrants in the Stateline area. I have obtained the name of the culprit from the Police Department and will bill him for the damage done. On the same day, Tuesday, we had 3 broken water mains, and repaired same. The acquisition of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company has been made with no problems whatsoever. We moved their office over to ours of Friday after- noon, and on. t,-[onday morning we were working as one water utility. Last week before the move was made I met with Tahoe Sierra Key employees and discussed salaries and my plans of operation. The office operation seems to be going along really well, and I am very pleased with the way all members of the outside maintenance force have gotten together, and are working as a team, so that we can get as many installations in before we have frozen ground to contend with. I again say I am very pleased with the way things are going. Mr. Dunckhorst also mentioned that arrangements have been made for installa- tion of fire hydrants along Martin Avenue, permits have been obtained, and landscaping arrangements have also been made. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Jensen stated that investigation re the pipeline breaks are continuing. Also, he mentioned that Mr. Gallahan and Bill Dunckhorst are to meet with Mr. Henderson tomorrow morning regarding closing the Martin Avenue Well and using A1 Tahoe only to see if this would clear up the water situation at the City swimming pool. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Contracts & Amounts Johnson Blvd. Pump Station (193,000) Johnson Pump Station (209,668,40) (10,000) Bijou Modifications (44,250) Fairway Tr. (91,940) Treehaven Tr. Martin Avenue Well (69,000) As presented by A. L. Contractors Shoupe: - Percentage s Completed Teichert Cons. Go. Schedule 1 98% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100% Schedule 4 100% So Tahoe Cons. Co. 94% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John G. Weidman, Attorney, stated that all easements were settled for 1964-1 and 1972-1 . He is to meet with Mr. F. Gerard Water Rights Attorney, next Tuesday. ' Johnson Pump Station Eminent Domain: There was a request we enter into settle- ment negotiations and we have a preliminary trial date now for 7/13/76. Mr. Weidman stated he talked with D. Garr and N. Murray. Mr. Murray will reappraise the property approximately the first of the month and all parties will have the benefit of our updating appraisal. Director Fesler stated that the Board should review the hearing that is coming up on 11/13/75 at 7:00 P.M. at this Board Room. It was agreed that a study session will be held on 11/12/75, 3:00 P.M. ,District Conference Room, to study the procedure for the hearing and who will chairman same. Manager Callahan will contact Mr. Hill and Mr. Lynch re this study session. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance Committee met with the Insura~ce Carrier re Boiler and Machinery Insurance on 10/28/75 and it was the recommendation of the Finance Committee to not go any further with this type of insurance. No further committee reports. Regular Meeting -3- November 6, 1975 WATER SYSTEM: (1) EMPLOYEES AND SALARIES: RESOLUTION NO. 1997, A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 1957 Providing for the Annual Salary Resolution. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, that Resolution No. 1997 be approved. 2. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY: (a) Secretary, 10/30/75 as follows: Mr. Donald Kortes, President South Tahoe Public Utility District P.O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 Letter of Joseph V. Flynn, Executive "2850 Cold Springs Road Placerville, Ga 95667 October 30, 1975 Dear Mr. Kor[es: The El Dorado County Water Committee resolved at its meeting on October 27 to ask your District to attend the Water Committee meeting on November 24. The meeting is at 8 PM in the County Planning hearing room. The Committee will be discussing a proposed joint powers agreement between the County Water Agency and the E1 Dorado Irrigation District. The agreement has to do with the operation and maintenance of the South Fork of the American River project. A draft of the agreement is enclosed. The discussion and subsequent recommendation of the Committee will certainly bear on the ultimate benefits of the project. In addition, how these benefits are to be shared by other entities could well be proposed. I will attend your November 20 meeting to discuss the South Fork project with you. Sincerely, S/Joseph V. Flynn Executive secretary E1 Dorado County Water Committee" Director Hegarty stated that Bill Johnson, County Supervisor, requested a meeting with he and Attorney Wefdman prior to the 20th of November. 3. HIGHWAY"89" FIRE LINE: Mr. Jensen stated that a study was conducted to install a 12" fire line in the are of Highway 89, which would have cost the property ewners approximately $250,000.00; then the Board asked we take another look at this to see if we could cut costs down. For an 8" line the cost would be approxl-mately $175,000. Director Fesler stated that we should investigate to see if there is any type of a Federal Grant Program for such as this for the protection of Highway 89 businesses. Mr. Fesler also suggested that this matter be carried over for another month and taken up with our new Directors. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: - (1) ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY: Authorizing the President of the Board of Directors to Execute Joint Venture between the City of South Lake Tahoe and South Tahoe Public Utility District. Director Fesler moved seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried. (b) EXTENSION OF TIME 12/2/75 to 12/19/75 - agreed by the Board. Manager Callahan stated that the Committee made a survey of those in the area code of 415 and 80% of those in that area visit Lake Tahoe; the first for their visits is, of course, the clubs, and second is for scenic driving. (2) CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF SANITARYAGENGIES: Notice of quarterly meeting on 11/14-15,75,Carmel Valley. Those to attend are Hegarty,Kashuba,Wakeman. / ~ ~' neguta~ Meeting -4- il/6/~S P~M~T OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $214· 824.84 be approved as presented and as recommended by Manager Callahan. ADIOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. To 11/13/75, 7:00 P.M. District Conference Room EDWARD E. HEGA~R~, VicF_,President Scut h Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN,Clerk of Board & Ex-Off. Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District REOPENED HEARING ON ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1971-1 (Fallen Leaf Lake Are -) November 18, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in session at 7:00 P.M., 11/13/75, District Conference Room for a REOPENED HEARING on Assessment District No. 1971-1· Fallen Leaf Lake. ROLL CALL: R. Wakeman Board David Engineers [. W. Craven, Present were Chairman Robert W. Fesler, Directors E. E. Hegarty, · Pres[den[ D.H. Kortes, L. Kashuba; General Manager and Clerk of W. Callahan, A:torney ~ohn C. Weidman, Robert Hill and Jerry Lynch, Jensen and D. Showalter, R. Fieldcamp, F. Cocking, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hampson and other visitors. Chairman Fesler opened the hearing at 7:00 P.M., and stated that Director Kashuba is not at the conference table, but is in the audience this evening to familiarize herself with this project. She replaces past member Gerald G.Ream. Mr. Norman had not arrived as of 7:00 P.M., and Chairman Fesler called a short recess. Attorney Norman arrived at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Fesler called the Reopening of the Hearing at 7:30 P.M. Attorney J. Norman cross-examined Mr. Noble Murray. Mr. James Brett then gave his rebuttle evidence. Chairman Fesler closed the hearing at 8:55 P.M. and thanked Attorney Norman, Mr. J. Brett, Mr. N. Murray for appearing. He also stated thatthis Board has complied with the ~udge's memo allowing the cross-examination of Mt. Noble Murray and the Rebuttle Evidence from Mr. ~ames Brett. Chairman Fesler also stated that RESOLUTION NO. 1830 should be confirmed, amended and/or rescinded. The decision of the Board was to have this matter considered at the next regular meeting of the Board which is 11/20/75. OTHER ITEMS: None. ADJOURNMENT: 9:00 P.M. ATTEST: David W. Oallahan,Clerk of Board & Ex-Off. South Tahoe Public Utility District Robert W. Fesler, Chairman South Tahoe Public Utili[y District Sec. Regular Meeting of the Baird of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District November 20, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session 11/20/75, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL GALL: Present were President D.H.Kortes, Directors R.W.Fesler, E.E. Hegarty, L.L.Kashuba and R. Wakeman, General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Gallahan, Attorney J.G. Weidman, Attorney R. Hill, Engineers J. Jensen, A.L. Shoupe, Systems Engineer J.G.M.Gonzales, Water Supervisor W. Dunckhorst, Mrs. W. Dunckhorst, Mr. F. Cocking, R. Fieldcamp, J. Lang, J. Flynn, H. Hanson, D. Huber. MINUTES OF 11/6/75 and 11/13/75 - Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, minutes as mentioned be approved as pre sen ted. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Kortes welcomed all to the meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by D.W. Callahan, General Manager: "Directors Wakeman and Kashuba and I attended the November 17th meeting of the City Council and Board of Supervisors of E1 Dorado and Placer Counties. A status report on the Economic Impact Study was presented by Economics Research Associates. The Board of Directors met in study session on Tuesday, the 18th, to view the Audit Report for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1975. The Directors met on November 19th, to review Assessment District No. 1971-1. I requested the District's Auditors and Wayne Allen to prepare a financial report of the Water Department for the four months ending October 31, 1975. The report will provide the financial status after fourteen months of our operation. Also, it will provide for a better understanding of the water department's operation following acquisition of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company." Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. WASTEWATER ---SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: As presented by John Gonzales: "The new aeration system for Indian Greek Reservoir has been operating and is aerating substantially more lake surface area than the original system. Time and materials used were more than originally anticipated, due to several factors including weather. However, the new aeration system should help the ice cover and reservoir circulation. The summary sheets for plant flow and data are attached to this report. As the data indicates, constituents in the plant effluent and the waters of Indian Greek Reservoir meet or exceed Lahontan Water Quality requirements. pH is slightly high at the reservoir and slightly low at the plant." DISTRICT Engineer's Report: J. Jensen stated that they are still studying the wa[er problem re the City Swimming Pool. Also, their study is continuing on the leaks and ruptures of the export line. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by A.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts Johnson Blvd. P/Station ($193,000) Iohnson P/St. ($209,668.40) ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Martin Avenue Well ($ 69,000) Contractors Teichert Cons. Schedule 1 Co. Percentages Completed 98% Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 So. Tahoe Cons. 100% 100% 100% 94% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: ~.C.Weidman, Attorney, stated that he met with Mr. Fred Gerard re our Cold Creek Water Rights; report to be received from Mr. Gerard in [anuary. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Utility Services. Director Hegarty stated he had no report, however, Director Kashuba gave a report on the CASA Conference held November 14th and 15th, which the Board attended. No further committee reports. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORTS: II. IIanson stated that he and M. Kobernus attended a seminar at San Francisco. Also in January a class will be started - Advanced Wastewater Techniques which will bring 8-14 educational units for those who wish to attend. WASTEWATER SYSTEM ....... (1) ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1971-1 - Fallen Leaf Lake: (a) Letter from Mrs. Eleanor Knuth, dated 11/11/75, as follows: "I have received a notice of a meeting of the South Tahoe Public Utility District on November 13, 1975 when the East Side Sewer of Fallen Leaf Lake will again be considered. As a property owner on the East side who will be unable to attend this meeting I want to take this opportunity to ask you to find a way to settle this matter that will not confiscate my property and others holding thru the high cost of a trunk line sewer that will also cause severe environmental damage to the area. I have owned my property since 1942. I am located about 1000 feet from the lake on the upper road. There are newer and less damaging ways of keeping raw sewerage from entering Fallen Leaf Lake so that the trunk line sewer would not be needed. Any one of these alternative ways would allow us to continue enjoying Fallen Leaf Lake Area and not damaging the lake. Sincerely yours, s/Mrs. Eleanor V. Knuth" (b) Consider RESOLUTION DETERMINING, AFTER CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS AND THINGS PRESENTED AT REOPENED PROTEST HEARING, THAT RESOLUTION NO. 1830, adopted on 7/23/73, should not be amended or rescinded and tha~ no changes and modifications should be made at this time in the proceedings under and pursuant to resolution of intention No. 1676 adopted on 4/6/72. Attorney R. Hill stated that it is necessary for this Board to consider only the things heard in the original hearing, and also consider what was heard at the Reopened Hearing on 11/13/75. Based on the entire records, the original and the reopened hearings, consider or reconsider the action this Board took, adopting the engineer's report, confirming the assessments, ordering work and acquisitions, which was covered in Resolution No. 1830. The Board could determine that in some way they would want to amend Resolution no. 1830, or rescind, or make some change in this project; or this Board could simply make no changes and reconfirm the action taken at the original hearing. Pres[dent Kortes asked for comments from the Board. Director Wakeman stated that at the 11/13/75 Reopened Hearing he did not feel there were any presentations that would change his feelings towards action taken at the original hearing and moved that RESOLUTION NO. 1998, A Resolution Determining, after Considera- tion of Matters and Things Presented at Reopened Protest Hearing, that RES. NO. 1830 Adopted on 7/23/73, Should not be Amended or Rescinded and That no Changes and Modifications Should be Made at This Time in the Proceedings Under and Pursuant to Res. of Int. No. 1676, Adopted on 4/6/72, seconded by Director IIegarty. ROLL GALL VOTES: AYES: Directors Fesler, IIegarty, Wakeman and Kortes. Carried ..... Director Kashuba abstained. Regular Meeting -3- 11/20/75 WATER SYSTEM: (1) Water Supervisor's Report, as presented by W.Dunckhorst: "We are presently in the process of installing some of the instrumets at the Filtration Plant, to put this plant on a fully automatic chlorination process. This work is being installed by Ernie Firestone of your District staff and with the help of Tom Rouch of the Water Department staff. I feel with Tom working with Ernie on this installation he should be very familiar with its operation. I plan to have Tom as my future Filtration Plant Operator. All parts and instruments have not arrived as yet, but as they arrive and time permits, they will be installed as fast as possible. I am presently operating the A1 Tahoe well in conjunction with the Filtration Plant. On Monday I started by running the A1 Tahoe well 8 AM to 5 PM and running the Filtration Plant more or less on a stand-by basis with one pump on hand and the other on automatic, this way I can keep the plant active throughout the freezing weather. On Tuesday November 11, I attended an 8 hour First Aid Gourse, sponsored by the Reno First Aid Ghapter. This course was very enlightening and I feel it shoula be a must with our Employees of the District. This could be arranged for sometime this next Spring. On Friday afternoon, November 14, a 25 HP pump burned out at the Helen Avenue well site. It was removed the same day, and on Monday morning it was taken to Sacramento, repaired and returned the same day, and was put back into operation Tuesday morning. The other well handled the situation, but we were prepared with another motor, modified, to be put on if the occasion called for it. We presently have 25 new installations to install, and we are trying to get them in as fast as possible, before the ground freezes to a point where we can no longer install services. About a week ago I instructed our Water Office to accept new installations only with the understanding that they will be installed next Spring." 2. EL DORADO GOUNTY WATER AGENGY: (a) Mr. J.V.Flynn, Executive Director/Secretary of the Agency presented a report of the study made in 1967 re the South Fork of the American River, and the report modified in 1969. Lengthy discussions were held with Mr. J. Flynn, the Board, and our Attorney, regarding this project. The Board agreed that unless there are some definite benefits to this area (South Tahoe), they do not feel they should get into this project of Proposed South Fork American River Hydroelectric and Water Gonservation Project. Attorney Weidman and Director Fesler will attend the Water Agency meeting on 11/24/75 and discuss same and state their feelings regarding this project. 3. HIGHWAY "89" FIRE LINE. Engineer Jensen stated nothing new to report. 4. ACQUISITION OF WATER SYSTEMS: Letter of Thomas E. Flowers dated 11/11/75; deferred. WASTEWATER SYSTE MS: "(1) AUDIT REPORTS: Gonsider Acceptance of Audit Report for Fiscal Year ended 6/30/75. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, audit report be accepted, as recommended by Manager Gallahan. 2. POWER TRANSMISSION LINE: (a) Draft Environmental Statement. Gonsider submitting comments regarding need for power transmission line. Director Kashuba stated that on the basis that the South Tahoe PUD must provide sewer export services to recreational, public, and private lands, as well as the major water supplies, that an interruption of power for any length of ttme would do irreversible harm to the environment and curb or prohibit private and public use of sanitary facilities, that power is necessary for the protection of public health, safety, and fire protection, she moved that the District transmit a letter to the Forest Service, supporting a special use permit to Sierra Pacific Power Company for the line alternative determined (after public comments) to be the least environmentally harmful to water quality by erosion and runoff, and at the same time the most expedient for the provision of power to the South Shore of Lake Tahoe, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried. MISCELLANEOUS: Director Fesler presented a plaque to Director Wakeman for his outstanding leadership and dedication to the District as a Member for the past 17 years. Regular M~ettng -4- 1 i/20/75 Director Hegarty also presented a plaque to President D. Iff. Kortes for his outstanding leadership and devotion of 13 years to the District. President Kortes stated that it has been a long time;when one becomes involved with a public entity of this kind, it becomes a part of you, and he stated that he knows those two men that will be taking over seat 3 and seat 4 will carry on the same roll of leadership. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, the claims in the amount of $247,892.00, as recommended by Manager D.W. Gallahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:40 P.M. Donald H. Kortes,' P~sident South Tahoe Public Utility District Attest: D--~vid-~[ ~-~llahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-~a'~f. South Tahoe Public Utility District Sec. Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District December 4, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 12/4/75, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors R.W.Fesler, F. Cocking, E.E.Hegarty, L. Kashuba and R. Fieldcamp, General Manager and Clerk of Board D.W. Gallahan, Attorney J.G.Weidman, Engineers J.JENSEN, A.L. Shoupe, Systems Engineer John G.M.Ganzales, Water Supervisor W. Dunckhorst, Shop Steward's H. Hanson and M.A.Kobernus, Mike McNamara - Tribune Reporter, Employees G. James and R. Silva and D. Huber. MINUTES: Director Kashuba moved that the minutes of 11/20/75 be approved as presented, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried. SELECTION OF PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, that E.E. Hegarty be nominated for Board President for the next year; he further stated thac Mr. Hegarty has had the experience. Unanimously carried. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director F[eldcamp, unanimously carried, that Robert W. Fesler be nominated Vice Chairman for the next year. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by D.W. Gallahan, General Manager: "The new pla~ t Chemist - Chester W. Auckly, will report for duty December 15th. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology (Environmental Health), and Minor in Chemistry. He is a Registered Sanitarian. His work experience includes employment with Sacramento County and Envirotech Corporation. Plant Operations report for November 1975: November 1975 Total Plant Flow MG 92.9 93.5 Daily Average Flow MG 3.1 3.0 Maximum Daily Flow MG 4.1 (11/29) 4.1 Chlorine Used: Tons 50.6 50.t Natural Gas Used: Thousand Gu Ft 6,369 6,442 Electricity Used KWH 799,200 861,000 Lime Used, Tons: Makeup Recalcined October 1975 November 1974 104.7 83.6 75.6 81.7 85.2 2.8 4.4 (11/21) 2.8 7,196 663,600 75.8 105.8" Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, the Manager's Report be approved as presented by Manager D.W. Callahan. Regular Meeting -2- December 4, 1975 SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: As presented by John G.M. Gonzales: "Installation of a section of pipe to divert backwash water has been completed. The pipe section diverts filter backwash, carbon backwash, and scrubber water to chemical coagulation instead of flowing to the ballast ponds. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen presented the following for the Board's review and requested Study Sessions for same: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTIMTY DISTRICT PROJECTS: SEWER SYSTEM (1) Export Line Breaks Investigation (2) Filtration Plant; Tastes and Odors (3) System Maps (4) System Integration (5) Fire Protection: Highway 89 Fireline; Hydrants (6) ~Vater Rights: Cold Creek (7) Water System Acquisition. Study Session scheduled for 12/16/75, 3:00 P.M., District Office for Water System. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented byA.L.Shoupe, Resident Engineer: ~ntract and Amounts Contractor Percentaqes Completed Johnson Blvd. Pump Sra. ($193,000) Johnson Pump Sta (209,668.40) ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. (91,940) Treehaven Tr. Martin Avenue Well ($ 69,000) Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 98% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100% Schedule 4 100% So Tahoe Cons. Co. 94% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: J.C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that the legal action of the Union for Guild, Fox and Gunderson took place in court on 11/25/75. Same is now being reviewed by the Judge and we are awaiting his independent judgement. Mr. Weidman also gave a report on the meeting with the E1 Dorado County Water Agency; he prepared declarations in the U-1 Assessment District Area; and 1972-1; trial is set for 2/17/75 re the Johnson Blvd. Pump Station; gave a report on EDA grants and stated we should contact our Congressman and Senator for the priorities we wish to have. COMMITTEE REPORTS: President Hegarty and the Board discussed committee titles and the following were agreed: (1) Research and Energy Conservation: Chairman Hegarty, Member Kashuba. (2) Plant Operations: Chairman-Fieldcamp, Member Hegarty. (3) Water Utility: Chairman Cocking, Member Fieldcamp. (4) Finance: Chairman Fesler, Member Cocking. (5) Community Relations: Chairman Kashuba, Member Fesler. SHOP STEWARD'S REPORT: None. WATER SYSTEM: (1) Water Supervisor's Report: As Presented by W. Dunckhorst: Regarding the progress of the Filtration Plant being put on an automatic system, it is now approximately 80% completed, Ernie Firestone and Tom Rouch have been working on this together now for some time and are doing a real fine job of it. This is not a case of just putting in new .eic~uipment, but does entail a lot of modifying of other components so that all wore in conjunction with each other. In the past few weeks, since the cold spell has hit the Tahoe Basin the Water Department has had a rash of service calls regarding flooding homes. This total to date is 26 during working hours. We have had approximately 10 or so after hour calls. Regular Meeting -3- 12/4/75 Water Supervisor's Report (Continued): Aside from this normal amount of service calls on fJ.:.,oding homes we have had 6 water main breaks that have been repaired. One major one which was reported yesterday on Highway 50 and Park Avenue. This one the crew stayed with, not stopping for lunch until it was completed, which was 3:30 P.M. We are still installing new services, and at last count, have about 10 more to yet try and get in before the ground gets too hard to continue further installation. I would like to add, we will be called on throughout the winter months for new installations, and these will be put in if we can, where they are shown to me to be of an emergency matter, such as well failure, and such residence having an occupancy." FINANCIAL REPORT: (Report of four months ending 9/30/75): Study Session Scheduled 12/9/75, 3:00 P.M., District Office. HIGHIArAy 89 Fire Line: Included for Study Session on 12/10/75. ACQUISITION of Water Systems: (Included for study session on 12/10/75). WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) Bulk Chlorine Facilities. Postponed. (2) Assmt. District 1959-1: RESOLUTION NO. 1999, A Resolution Determining Surplus and Ordering Fund Transfer. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried. ANNEXATION FEES: Request of Lake Valley Fire District requesting relief and waiving of fees. Manager Callahan recommended these fees be waived. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried. VEHICLES: Postponed. PLANT AUTOMATION: Study session 12/10/75. Mr. J. Gonzales also requested a Study Session with President Hegarty and Director Fieldcamp after 12/10/75 regarding plant automation. ~£esident Hegarty stated this was the first meeting for the two new board members - Fieldcamp and Cocking, and third for Kashuba. He stated that he feels we will have a fine term together. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, claims as recommended by Manager Callahan, in the amount of $131,583.87 be approved for payment. ADIOURNMENT: 10:10 P.M. Edward E. He~rty.,~PresK~nt ~/__ £/ . South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Callahan,Clerk of Board & Ex-Off. Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 18,19Y5 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session 12/18/75, 8:00 P.M.,District Conference Room. ROLL GAI~L: Present were Vice President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Raymond A. Fieldcamp, Francis J. Cocking, Lorrene Kashuba, General Manager and Clerk of 2oard David W. Gallahan, Attorney John G. Weidman, Engineer J. Jensen, Systems Engineer J.G.M.Gonzales, Engineer A.L. Shoupe, D. Showalter, D.Huber, II. IIanson, M. Kobernus, Mr. and Mrs. B. Frizzee, Stanley Martin, W. Dunckhorst, M. McNamara. ABSENT: President E.E~Hegarty. MINUTES: Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Cocking, unanimously carried, minutes of 12/4/75 be approved as submitted. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Vice President Fesler welcomed all in attendance to this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager David W. Gallahan: "On December 10, 1975, John G. Weidman and I met with Mr. Charles Vogel of David D. Bohannan Organization at his request. He presented us with information and a map indicating that some facilities of our water system at Gold Greek are in areas outside of our bo, mdaries and easement rights. Mr. Vogel requested that the District consider relocation (adjustments) to boundaries, purchase of approximately 41 acres, and their water rights to Gold Greek. We agreed to review his documents and contact him at a later date. Director Hegarty and I ~n~ with Mark Smith of USFS, and Keith Gottschalk, City of South Lake Tahoe, December 16th, at their request. We reviewed the present status of our emergency pond and adjoining snow play area. The Forest Service is to review the City request for a Special Use Permit for the snow play area. The Board met in Study Session on December 9th to review the Water Financial Report; December 10th reviewed the Sewer Collection System Analysis Report in Plant Operation. On Monday the 15th of December, the Directors, John Weidman and I met with Gerald Yoachum, field representative for Senator Allan Cranston. Mr. Yoachum was given a short tour of our facilities and we presented him with information regarding our operation and needed improvements. The Directors met on December 16th regarding the proposed bulk chlorine facilities and needed improvements in the water system. Also met on the 17th and were advised as to the force main break on the previous day. The District will host its employees and Directors for a Christmas lunch on Tuesday, December 23rd. Director Fieldcamp moved, seconded by Director Kashuba, unanimously carried, the Manager's Report be approved as presented. SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: As presented by John G.M.Gonzales: On Wednesday, 12/10/75, I met with Ray Prettyman, Herman Franz, Howard Dodge, and John Finch to discuss the possible use of water additives for plant process control and corrosion inhibition. Metal test coupons have been installed to help determine the eff'ectiveness of the additives. A successful method can now be used to clean lime scale from the pumps and spray nozzles in the ammonia spray pond without physically pulling the pumps out of the pond. Because of water and air temperatures during winter months, lime scaling on the metal pnrtions of pumps and piping cause a decreased pump efficiency. The pumps must be cleaned every two weeks to re-establish spray efficiency. The spray pond has been very successful in stripping nitrogen from the water, thus reducing the chlorine requirements for breakpoint chlorination. There has been some interest recently in the possibility of utilizing sewage methane gas to produce BTU(British Termal Units) for heating or for generating electrical power. I have been asked recently whether our sludge digestors could be used to generate methane gas for beneficial use. One proposal was to use methane gas produced by sewage treatment to generate electrical power for Tahoe Basin needs, or as a power supply for the plant. If we were to change our mode of plant operation to utilize the sludge digestors we could produce methane gas. However, under perfect operating conditions and with maximum solids captures, it may be possible ~egma~ Meeting -2- 12/18/Y$ to generate 35,000 cubic feet of gas per day. The BTU output could be about 23 million per day. 23,000 BTU per day could generate about 100 kilowatts of electrical power. 100 kilowatts of power is not enough power to drive even one of our final effluent pumps, let alone power the rest of the plant. Plant electrical requirements are about 1200 kilowatts or about 12 times what could be generated using our own methane. To operate our lime recalcining furnace requires about 45,000,000 BTU per day, or more than twice the BTU output that could be derived from the Methane. These figures are based on present flow rates and do not take into account the BTU required to heat the digestors enough to produce gas. DISTRICT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. J. Jensen stated all items are on the agenda. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson Pump Sta. ($209,668.40) ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Martin Avenue Well ($ 69,000) As presented byA.L. Shoupe: Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 99% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100% Schechle 4 100% So. Tahoe Cons. Co. 97% ATTORNET'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that on Monday Judge Fogerty announced his decision regarding the 3 employees; there was just cause in each of the mens cases; there will be some procedural steps taken prior to judgement being entered. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Energy Conservation. None (2) Water Utility - No report, Director Cocking suggested the Board tour the water facilities after the first of the year. (3) Plant Operations: None. (4) Finance: Director Fesler stated the committee met to discuss the pension and changes made by the District agent. It was decided not to pursue this. Manager Callahan stated that we did discuss changing the year of eligibility and removing restrictions of age requirements. This committee also discussed the banking of the sewer department and water depart- ment. ($) Community Relatiofls: Director Kashuba stated that some of the Board Members and the Manager met with Senator Cranston's aide and discussed the plant and its operations and the export system; combining one office for sewer department and water department, to avoid duplication of overhead; explore some pilot projects for us for other sources of electrical power, gave Mr. Cranston's aide a tour, and he also viewed our Movie on the plant and it s operations. Director Kashuba stated that the Tahoe Resources Conservation Committee met to make a presentation and Mr. D. Nicole will be present at our next regular meeting of this Board 1/8/76 to discuss this. She attended the meeting of Progress Review Board of the 208 Program for erosion and storm control and felt it is very important that our District be aware of this program and encouraged the Directors, and all others interested, to attend the 2/20/76 meeting at 9:00 A.M. regarding the erosion and control. Director Fesler stated that to treat this drainage with tertiary treatment and export it to Indian Creek would be much to costly and certainly not feasible. Director Kashuba stated that if this is not a feasible program, we should be there so as to advise them of our feelings. John Gonzales stated that he attended a meeting whereby they wanted to put the storm run-offs into the sewer plants and all in attendance, South Tahoe, North Tahoe, Incline, Round Hill, etc., made statements the storm run-offs were not to be put into sewer systems. Regular Meeting -3- 12/m/Ts , {,'Y¢',- SHOP STEWARD REPORT: None. WATER SYSTEM... WATER SUPERVISOR'S REPORT: As presented by W. Dunckhorst. On Friday 12/12/75, the City of South Lake Tahoe issued me a stop order of all further water installations until May 15th of next year. This stop order is being enforced by the City, by the direction of the CTRPA. I pursued this order further on Monday with the City and found this order applies to all construction, with the exception of single family dwellings. As of now, all other water installations require a special permit from all three agencies, CTRPA, TRPA, and LRWQCB, before a water installation can be installed. We have presently iaaa_id for single family dwelling applications for water installed. At Mr. Callahan's request, I have made arrangements to have all the locks at all the water siCes keyed alike. I have been told by Hugo the Locksmith that he could possibly have this ready sometime next week for installation. We have started today on the installation of the fire hydrants on Martin Avenue. This work also is coming under the direction of the previously mentioned three agencies. I am to receive a written permit for what I can and cannot do. The preliminary work we have started to do today is locating our 10" main and the gas main which are located together and measure depths of each so that appropriate tee's can be made for each one. Monday and Tuesday of this week a couple of the men cleaned out the two pressure tanks at the Fountain Avenue Well. I was quite surprised to see the amount of sand in these tanks. I had been informed that this has been done once a year in the past, and it is now going to be done twice a year or maybe more often than this. After seeing this I am going to have all tanks in the system with a crawl-hole cleaned out." 2 . MARTIN AVENUE WELL: Manager Callahan requested a Study Session to review Mr. lensen's report. 3. HIGHWAY "89" FIRE LINE: Director Fesler stated that there is not a chance of the people paying for this line along 89. There are 50 acres that would be benefited and some are quire large parcels and others approximately 1/4 acres. The City has indicated that they would like to have us proceed in this area for fire hydrants, and/or fire lines, and the Insurance Agents have agreed. There are no revenues to finance this construction. He stated we need hydrants along 89 and felt this District should pursue in any manner to get hydrants in the area. Also, he stated that we should borrow the money and arrange to pay back and get the fire hydrants and a 10" line in there. Study session to be scheduled. 4. ACQUISITION OF WATER SYSTEMS: Manager Callahan asked if Mr. Frizzee would state his or Dillingham's position in regards to Mr. T. Flowers. Mr. Frizzee stated that Mr. Flower's office is appea~ing - by where the Tahoe Keys Co would get their money immediately, and not be paid over a period of time. However, Mr. Flower has not been asked by the Tahoe Keys to act on their behalf and the Keys are exploring Mr. Flower further - he did state, however, the Tahoe Keys does want to sell. Mr. Callahan, Manager, suggested that our Engineers meet with Dillingham regarding the well, etc. Mr. Callahan also stated that Mr. Flower indicated the Martin's were willing to seI~. their Water Company. Mr. S. Martin stated this is not so. Regular Meeting WASTEWATER SYSTEM: (1) Consider RESOLUTION NO. 2000 -A Resolution Approving Specifications and Calling for Bids for a Vehicle. Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried. (This vehicle for Inspection Dept.). 2. PLANT AUTOMATION: Study session scheduled 12/23/75 1:00 P.M , District Office. ' · 3. SOCIAL SECURITY. Consider RESOLUTION NO. 2001, Amending Resolution No. 1979 and Providing Coverage Under the Social Security Act. Director Kashuba moved, seconded by Director Fieldcamp, unanimously carried. 4. FINANCIAL REPORT: Four months ending 10/31/75; study session 12/22/75, 3:00 P.M., District Office. COMMUNICATIONS: Notice of CASA Annual Work Conference 1/22-24/76. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Cocking moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $146,002,29, as recommended by Manager Callahan, be approved for payrre nt. ADIOURNMENT: 9:45 P.M. Robert W. Feslmr, Chairman Pro Tem South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Off. Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District