HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 01/03 - 1974 12/19'/~"~) ~ REGULAR MEETING -4- December g0, 1973 COMMUNICATIONS: Manager Gulp stated that at the last meeting a letter was discussed that was received from Gary Chase, City Manager, regarding acquiring the Water Companies. Manager Gulp stated that we should reply to this letter. Director Kortes stated that we have done much research and much work on this matter to resolve this service to the community and we should instruct the Manager to contact the City Manager and convey this to him arid that we are interested taking over the water companies. We intend to proceed with this type of utility service if the community seems to warrant that kind of service. Director Hegarty stated that he agreed with Director Kortes and that he would like to have our General Manager contact the City Manager and convey this to him; also, Mr. Hegarty stated, the newspaper article did not reflect the opinion of the members of this Board - that was one members opinion only. Director Ream also stated that the statement made in the paper was a statement of one Director only. Manager Culp will contact City Manager Chase. President Wakeman read a letter from William Bussboom regarding the District Review (news bulletin), requesting any information the Directors might have to include in this review be turned in by the 10th of each month for publication on the 15th. President Wakeman will handle this. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $110,198.46, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:15 P.M. RobERT WAKEMAN, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IANUARY 3, 1974 The Board of Directorsof the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 1/3/74, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty, and Gerald G. Ream; General Manager ~..~_ ~o~o+=,~ ~nar~r and Clerk of Board David W. Oallahan, and REGULAR MEETING January 3 1974 MANAGER'S REPORT: (Continued) As requested by the Board, the Emergency Storage Pond Use Permit from E1 Dorado County was checked as to expiration date. The present permit is valid until such time as there is no further need for the pond, it has no expiration date. The District received complaints about two chemical toilets and trash containers which were placed at Black Bart Avenue and Pioneer Trail for the convenience of people using the snow plan area east of Pioneer Trail. Upon being advised of the complaints of adjoining property owners as to the unsightliness, the City cooperated in having these removed. The most noteworthy event of the past two weeks resulted from the tremendous runoff during the thaw and rainfall of December 30 and 31. Storm water entering the District sewer system produced record flows. Peak flows exceeded the capacity of the raw water flow meters to measure them. The maximum peak rate was greater than 15 million gallons per day. Total flow for the day of December 30 was 11.5 million gallons. The previous record for a single day was 4.3 mc. The water was heavy with silt, sand, and gravel. The capacity of the plant was greatly exceeded in every respect except that of pumping capacity, and necessitated the first major use of the emergency holding pond. Wastewater was pumped directly to storage from Saturday afternoon until Wednesday afternoon, a total of more than 24 million gallons. Heavy deposits of grit in the secondary and chemical clarifiers required that they be pumped out and cleaned. This was done on Sunday and Monday. The plant was restored to full operation on Wednesday afternoon, and export was resumed. Today, water stored in the emergency pond is being returned to the treatment plant and reprocessed at the rate of 1.3 mgd. About 20 days will be required to empty the pond. During this emergency there were no overflows of sewage to the surface waters of the basin and there were no backups into homes. Again, as during the recent power outage, District employees worked effectively over long hours under nasty weather conditions to avert any unfortunate incidents and to maintain uninterrupted service during the holiday period. Again they are to be commended for their successful efforts. The extremely high flow rates indicate the probability of one or more major pipeline or manhole breaks in the system. We have, of course, initiated an intensive search to locate such breaks.' The major stream valleys have already been checked without finding the root of the problem. I have some recommendations in this regard which I would like to make under the Agenda item on this subject. PLANT OPERATION FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1973: Total Plant Flow 88.3 MG (Last Month 79.4 MC) (Last Year 91.6 MC) Daily Average Flow 2.9 MG (Last Mongh 2.6 MGD) (Last Year 3.0 MGD) Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Rate Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used Alum Used 11.5 MG (Dec. 30) new high previous max --4.3 MG More than 15 mgd (above range of meters) Dec. 30 9,945 lbs None 6.2 million Gu. Ft. 612,000 K W Iff 605 lbs. 24 MG in storage (now being reprocessed 1.3 mgd rate) Makeup: 56 tons and Recalcined: 64 tons 2,862 gallons /'~// REGULAR MEETING -3- January 3, 1974 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Contracts and Amounts W R P Improvements ($1,o8 ,ooo.oo) Contra ct or s Ziebarth & Alper Amount % Completed 73% Johnson Blvd. Pump Station Teichert Cons. Go. (193,000) Schedule 1 22% $ 10,100) Schedule 2 10% ($ 44,250) Schedule 3 42% ($ 91,940) Schedule 4 21% Pope Beach Sewer System So. Tahoe Cons. 35% Director Ream stated that he was on the jobsite at Pope Beach and spoke with the Contractor...seems the only thing holding the contractor up is the cold weather. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John G. Weidman reported that the E1 Dorado County Superior Court Judge had ruled on the Fallen Leaf Lake Protection Association on the petition of owners to intervene in the law suit brought by Fallen Leaf Lake Protective Association, Stanford Camp, and Craven, against the District to enjoin the assessments at Fallen Leaf Lake. Also, the Judge had granted the petition of over 100 owners to intervene in the law suit subject to two conditions: (1) That each owner filed written protest; (2) That each owner belong to the Fallen Leaf Lake Protection A ssociation, and each owner petition to intervene. Mr. Weidman reported he had asked the Assistant Manager to help identify who the owners were and members of the Association and file written protests so that they could be identified as parties and thereafter the District would be in a position to write its brief in argument against all the persons in the action. A1 so, that the Superior Court Judge had granted Fallen Leaf Lake Protection Association and Stanford Camp and the Fallen Leaf Lake Lodge interest the right to examine certain of the District records. Also, the Judge ruled the allegations against the County of E1 Dorado did not constitute a legal cause of action and Mr. Norman's group will have to amend their pleading against the County of E1 Dorado. Mr. Weidman further discussed the above aspects of the legal action. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) - In-Basin Water Reuse (Hegarty) - Directors Ream and Hegarty met last Monday to discuss the committee function and set up some guidelines to follow; they also want to meet with Manager Culp to set up and get an outline by the next regular meeting as to what the goals and procedures are going to be for the next year. 2. Energy Conservation: (Ream) - Director Ream and Director Hegarty met and one of the subjects discussed was the past history of the District, and also the infiltration problem; also to discuss infiltration with Manager Gulp and John Gonzales within the next few weeks. Director Fesler stated that the matter of finding the source of infiltration is a staff matter, but as Policy Makers, we should let all know we are very concerned over this and hope that this problem can be solved. President Wakeman mentioned that when he was here the first year there was such a heavy rain in this area that all the snow was washed from the mountains - highway 50 was closed for $ weeks. 3. Utility Services: (Kortes) Met on the 21st of December with other members of the Board and started some negotiations regarding the acquisition of the water companies. 4. Finance : (Fesler) Director Fesler stated that Manager Gulp, Director Kortes should get together to discuss the $3. million insurance policy; also, anothermeeting should be scheduled to meet with Mrs. F. Maas, as she requested, regarding the Health and Accident Insurance for the employees of the District. REGULAR MEETING -4- January 3, 1974 5. Public Information: President Wakeman stated that he has been getting some pictures for the National Lime Association per their request. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. WATER COMPANY AGQUISITIONS: (a) Status report, and (b) Discussion: Manager Gulp stated that he and Assistant Manager Gallahan met with Mr. Mac Steil of the Tahoe Southside Water Company and they indicated that they were receptive to a lower price for the purchase of the company. Met with consultants on 1/2/74 and it appeared that they were in agreement with the cost and the price, etc. Mentioned to Mr. Steil that we possible will take action on this next Tuesday. Director Fesler stated that he felt there was a great lack of public interest in this water program and asked the Board if any had heard it would be a good idea for the District to get into the water business. Mr. Wakeman stated that he has heard some comment as to.wanting the District to take over the water business; William Johnson was one that felt the District should take over the water company. Director Fesler stated that this plant we have built here is the finest and most advanced, under good management, and a good investment, and we now know the water companies are not in the same catagory, and if we are going to buy these companies, where are we going to get the money to make the needed repairs and/or improvements? Manager Gulp stated that he asked Mr. Steil if he would object to Mr. Dunckhorst touring the facility and answering questions, etc., regarding the system for us, and Mr. Steil stated he had no objection to this. Manager Gulp will schedule a meeting with Mr. Dunckhorst and notify the Board of date and time. Director Fesler stated that his objections have been the total absence of the public vote and election; immediate need for capital investment and where will the money come from. In answer to Director Fesler's question, Mr. Weidman stated he has never condemed a water system. Director Pesler stated that he could not think of one good reason why the District would be in a better position to handle the water situation than the City; in the early days, Mr. Fesler stated, we were in a better position to take it over and he now feels the City is more capable of doing this. Director Ream stated that he has not talked to the councilmen in the last 30 days, but prior to that time he was needled by them as to when was the District going to take over the water companies. President Wakeman asked the Board members if they would be willing to go for the purchase price offered Tahoe Southside Water Utility. All Directors said that they would. Director Fesler stated that he would go for the purchase price, but that he would vote against the measure on other criteria. 2. Director Kortes suggested that a Committee be appointed to assist the Manager to pursue plant site expansion. Utility Services Committee will assist. NEW BUSINESS: REGULAR MEETING January 3, 1974 COMMUNICATIONS: Director Fesler stated that the letter received from "Bizz" Johnson is as masterful of expression as the quality of work he has done for us in the past years. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $68,897.81, as recommended by Assistant Manager Gallahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:55 P.M. to Noon 1/4/74, Waystation. ROBERT WAKEMAN, PRESIDENT South Tahoe Public Utility District DAVID W. GALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-' Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 4, 1974 The Board of Directors held an adjourned regular meeting 1/4/74 at 12:10 Noon, at the Waystation. President Wakeman called the meeting to order at 12:00 P.M. ROLL GALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream; Manager Russell L. Gulp, Clerk of Board David W. Gallahan. Also present were City Councilmen, in joint meeting, City Staff and others. ABSENT: Director Robert W. Fesler. General Manager Russell L. Gulp discussed the District's present status on acquisition of the Water Companies and handed out the following 7 point progra~m of the District: 1. Continue negotiations to purchase Tahoe Southside Water Utility and thereafter Tahoe Sierra Water Company who indicate they will accept lower price offer. 2. Acquire two water systems now from those who now want to see (Tahoe Southside Water Utility and Tahoe Sierra Water Company). 3. Revenues from each water system will pay for acquisition, operation, and normal system extensions. 4. The water program will be carried out in two stages (a) acquisitions now, and (b) improvements when financing can be provided. 5. Acquisition of each system will be by Ordinance subject to District wide referendum. 6. The Highway 89 fire protection line will be undertaken. 7. The District staff and consultants have been authorized to proceed with the above policy. Mayor Ken Smith stated the City would like the District to proceed with acquisition of the water companies and supply of water for fire protection. ADJOURNMENT AT 1:30 P.M. to January 8, 1974, 3:00 P.M., District Office. DAVID W. GALLAHAN, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ROBERT WAKEMAN, President' South Tahoe Public Utility District AlP JO UbINEI) REGULAR MEETING ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 8, 1974 3:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in adjourned regular meeting 1/8/74, 3:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL GALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Gulp, and Acting Clerk. ABSENT: Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney J.G. Weidman, Engineer J.Jensen. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) WATER SYSTEM ACQUISITIONS: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1872, A Resolution Determining that the Public Interest and Necessity of the District Demand the Acquisition of Certain Public Utility Works. Director Robert W. Fesler was not present at the last adjourned regular meeting held at the Waystation with the City Councilmen to discuss the acquisition of the water companies by the South Tahoe Public Utility District, January 4th at 12 Noon. The Board brought Mr. Fesler up to date as to what was discussed, what the opinion of the City Board members were, etc. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, that RESOLUTION NO. 1872, be approved: VOTES: AYES: NOES: ABSTAINED: Directors Kortes, Hegarty, Ream, Wakeman None Director FeEler Carried. Director Fesler stated that the Finance Committee (Director Fesler and Director Kortes) and Mr. David Gallahan will meet with Mr. Howard Ingwerson to discuss the Health and Accident Insurance Policy for the District on 1/19/74, 12:00 Noon. Director Ream, Director Hegarty and Manager Culp will met on 1/9/74, Noon, (Energy Conservation Committee) to discuss infiltration. The Finance Committee will also meet with Mrs. Frances Maas to discuss the Health and Accident Insurance Policy of the District on Thursday, 1/10/74, 3:00 P.M., at the District Office. ADJOURNMENT: 4:30 P.M. RO BERT WAKEMAN, PRESIDENT ' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT lb lb REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 17, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 1/17/74; President '%rakeman called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert ~rakeman, Directors Robert Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream, Manager Russell L. Culp, Assistant Manager David W. Callahan and Clerk of Board, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineers Jack Jensen and A. L. Shoupe and Jeff Cohen - Tribune reporter. ABSENT: Director Edward E. Hegarty. President Wakeman adjourned the meeting at 8:05 P.M., and the Board met in Study Session with the Board of Supervisors sitting as the E1 Dorado Water County Agency, to discuss the acquisition of the water companies, costs, loans, etc. The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called back to order at 9:20 PM. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 1/3, 4, and 8 be approved as corrected. Stan Martin appeared before the Board regarding the applications for water rights and stated that their application has been in for quite sometime and nothing has been done about it to this date - it has been almost 4 years. The Board stated to Mr. Martin that they will have something to go on after the meeting of the Board of Directors Water Company meets to find out a definite conclusion as to the District acquiring the Water Company. They will notify Mr. Martin following this. The District application is in also requesting 19,000 acre feet - Martin's application requested approximately 5,500 acre feet. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Russell L. Gulp, General Manager: About half the water stored in the emergency holding reservoir has been returned to the plant, reprocessed, and exported. The reservoir should be empty in another 2 weeks. Mr. Gallahan had a telephone call from Mr. Bonderson regarding the State loan audit. It appears that the State is going to accept the District's latest recommenda- tion and amendment to the Contract. I believe that John Weidman will have a report on the Harootunian settlement. The Board will be pleased to know that overtime hours worked by District employees were reduced by 890 hours in 1973 from the total worked in 1972. This represents a saving of about $8,000, and was accomplished at the urging of the Board by the efforts of David Gallahan, John Gonzales, Les Baker, and other supervisors and employees. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen stated that he met with Manager Gulp to discuss export pumping systems here at the plant. He stated that there is excess generator power available and we could make the generator available to another large pump, which will pump the effluent from the plant to the holding pond. Manager Gulp recommended that the Engineers, GH2M Hill, be authorized to make the study of connecting another pump to the standby generator ($750-$1,000). Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's recommendation be approved. Mr. Jensen also suggested that CH2M Hill be authorized to take an aerial photo of the plant and the base utilities map prepared; Manager Gulp recommended that the Engineers be authorized to take the first step at a cost of approximately $2,000 and prepare the maps. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's recommendation be approved. REGULAR MEETING -2- January 17, 1974 /~--/~ CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT:, As Reported byA. L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts Contractor Amount Percentage Completed W R P Impvmts Ziebarth and Alper Cont. ($1,082,000.00) IohnsonBVld Pump Sta Teichert Cons. Co. (193,000) Johnson Pump Sta Schedule 1 (10,000) Bijou Mod. Schedule 2 (44,250) Fairway Tr. Sch:edule 3 (91,940) Treehaven Tr. Schedule 4 74% 22% 10% 42% 21% Pope Beach Sewer System South Tahoe Cons. Go. 52% ($104,158.05) ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Iohn C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that at the CASA Seminar to be held on 1/25/74 the subject of the conflict of interests will be discussed and suggested to the Board that those that will be in attendance should make it a point to attend that discussion. Harootunian release to all claims will be filed this week and litigation will be over. Director Fesler stated that he and Manager Gulp met with Attorney Robert Hill today at San Mateo and discussed the Fallen Leaf Lake situation and that Attorney Hill stated he would pursue same. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. In Basin Water Reuse. No report. 2. Utility Services. No report. 3. Energy Conservation: Director Ream stated that this committee met on 1/9/74 with Directors Hegarty and Ream, Manager Gulp and Engineers Jensen and Moyer, and under Old Business of this Agenda is a Collection System Infiltration Report for consideration. 4. Finance: Met on 1/9 and 1/10/74. Consideration for Hospitalization Insurance listed under Old Busines~ Item 3. 5. Public Relations: President Wakeman stated that pictures are still being taken of the plant facilities. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Water Company Acquisitions: Manager Gulp stated that Attorney Jones finished the contract agreement and he and Director Fesler hand-carried this to Mac Steil in Sacramento. 2. Collection System Infiltration: Director Ream stated that Mr. Jensen was asked to come up with a report to correct the problem of infiltration. A copy of same was distributed to the Board members. Director Fesler stated that much thought and much work has gone into this, and suggested that this report be studied and brought back after same reviewed by the Board members. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Robert Fesler, unanimously carried, that the report be approved in principle and a Board study session be set to review the report. 3. HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE: Consider letter request from Frances H. Maas. When Denny Maas died the District appointed Howard Ingwersen as the servicing agent for the District. Mrs. Maas now has requested that she service the account - she receives the commissions and feels she would like to work for what she is receiving. Mr. Fesler stated that all 5 members of this Board should be present when a decision is made, and the Committee is not ready at this time to make a recommendation. Requested this be tabled. Same will be presented at the next regular meeting of the Board. , ...... ~ ~_ ~_~'~;~]~ ~,~. _ A/[~- l/~^z LTqtnt~.q- Y,~.tter was received from Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1873 be approved. NEW BUSINESS: Manager Culp stated that he will be attending the Watercare Agency Meeting in Santa Ana tomorrow and then on Saturday will at:tend the GWPGA meeting at Sacramento, and return to Tahoe on Sunday morning. C OMMUNIGATIONS: None. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $74,207.23, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 11:15 P.M. to 3:00 P.M., Thursday, 1/31/74, District Board Room. R BE WAKEMAN, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: DAVID W. GALLAHAN, Clerk of Board a~d Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 31, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular session January 31, 1974, 3ff30 P.M. District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty and Gerald G. Ream. Also present were General Manager Russell L. Gulp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, and Engineer Jack Jensen. Manager Gulp stated that there have been several meetings regarding the acquisition of the Tahoe Southside Water Utility. He also met with Mac Steil today to discuss this matter. The water company is interested in having us buy the stock. Attorney Weidman stated that he discussed the purchase of the water company with Mr. Sherman Wilke's partner, Dick Hollfield. He told Mr. Hollfield that he did not feel the Directors would stand for any more money than what they offered, but that the Directors would be willing to take care of a cash flow problem if it was going to be money that they would have to put up for the partners in order to see this company. Manager Culp stated that there is approximately $45,000 needed to pay off debts. Attorney Weidman also mentioned to the Board that ~qlln~mzi~or~ Tnhnqnn ~1 ~,=~ .... + Adiourned Regular Meeting -2- 1/31/74 President Wakeman stated that he also met with Mac Steil and he stated that there were several items that upset Mr. Steil such as why would the District turn this over to the City if the sale did not go through? Mr. Wakeman explained to Mr. Steil that we did have an agreement with the City to do this. Mr. Steil also felt the District was trying to steal the water company. The Directors asked Manager Gulp to call Mr. Steil at this time and invite him to this meeting. The Board discussed future meetings while waiting for Mr. Mac Steil to attend the meeting. 2/5/74 Study Session regarding land acquisition, 3:00 P.M., District Office. 2/6/?4 Placerville, 10:00 A. M., E1 Dorado Water Agency; Manager Gulp, Assistant Manager Gallahan, and Attorney John Weidman will definitely attend this meeting. 2/6/74 - Water Meeting, 3:00 P.M., District Office. 2/12/74 - Water In-Basin Committee to meet in Sacramento at Sacramento Inn. Mac Steil arrived at the meeting at 4:20 P.M. President Wakeman stated to him that the Board was discussing the problems they have trying to purchase the water company and felt the Board believes thee_ are some areas by which they and the water company can come together. Attorney Weidman stated to Mr. Mac Steil that he spoke with Mr. Dick Hollfield, a partner of Sherman Wilke's, regarding the cash deficit the water company has. He also stated that the District would be willing to buy the stock. He also ex- plained the desire of payment the Board wanted to the Water Company. Mr. Weidman also mentioned that the District would want the stockholders to tell us all the debts will be clear on transfer, except the paybacks and main line extensions. Manager Gulp stated that Mr. Steil would be willing to work with the District if the District does take over the company; we would like to have him as a consultant. Manager Gulp presented copy of a letter from Heavenly Valley(requesting service)to all Board Members and asked they study same and a meeting will be scheduled to discuss this. Attorney Weidman stated that he has scheduled a meeting with Dick Hollfield tomorrow. Adjournment: 5:00 P.M. ATTEST: / DASD W. GAL~N, Clerk of Board and Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility Dis~ict ROB E'~T'v~AKE MAN, President South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 7, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session 2/7/74, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream, General Maaager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineers Jack Jensen and A.L. Shoupe, Hubert Bruns, Jack Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunckhorst. ABSENT: Director Edward E. Hegarty. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 1/17 and 1/31/74 be approved as corrected. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Wakeman welcomed all to the meeting and stated that this would be the time to take up anything that was not listed on the agenda in the event someone had business with this Board. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Russell L. Culp, General Manager: On January 18 I attended the organizational meeting of WATERCARE in Santa Ana, and on January 19, attended a meeting of the Sacramento Section, CWPCA in Sacramento. On January 28 I met with Mrs. Lorrene Kushuba regarding our proposed joint research project. On January 23 I met with representatives of the Carborundum Company regarding new equipment for virus concentration from water samples which may be useful in our proposed virus study with Dr. Cooper of the University of California at Berkeley. On February 6 I attended a meeting of the E1 Dorado County Water Agency in Placerville. The Agency unanimously approved a 5 year, interest-free loan of $95,000 to assist our District in acquisition of the Tahoe Southside Water Utility. The loan is contingent on a check of legal aspects by Water Agency Counsel and of arriving at a satisfactory repayment schedule. The Board met in Study Session on January 22 regarding water system acquisition and on February 5th with Mr. Bowen of Shell Oil Company regarding purchase of additional land adjacent to our plant site. Mr. C~llahan has completed his financial report for the first half of this fiscal year and each of you has a copy. You will note on your copy of the monthly report of plant operations that all of the flood water stored in the emergency holding pond was reprocessed and exported as of February 2. PLANF OPERATIONS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 1974: Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Maximum Daily Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used Alum Used 124.3' MG 4.0* MG 5.6* MG (Jan. 19,090 None (Last Month 88.3 MG) (Last Year 95.9 MG) (Last Month 2.9 MGD) (Last Year 3.1 MGD) 18) 7.6 million cu ft 712,800 KANH 551 lbs 1 MG still in storage as of 1/31/74 (Pond empty as of 2/2/74) Makeup: 79 tons Recatcined: 66 tons 3,890 gallons" * 23 MG of excess flow which had been pumped to emergency pond on December 30 and 31, 1973, was reprocessed through the entire treatment plant ara rate of about 1.3 mgd for the month of January. The pond was empty on 2/2/74. The 1.3 mgd flow which was reporcessed was in addition to norman January flows. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. REGULAR MEE TING - 2 - 2/7/7 ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Jack Jensen stated that he would like to request a Study Session to review the Infiltration Report. Same to be scheduled following next regular meeting of this Board. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by Engineer A.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts Contractor Percentaqe completed WRP Improvements Ziebarth and Alper 76Yo ($1,o8 .,ooo.oo) Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson P.S. ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Teichert Cons. Go Schedule 1 22% Schedule 2 10% Schedule 3 42% Schedule 4 21 To Pope Beach Sewer System ($104,158.05) So. Tahoe Cons. Co. 58% Director Fesler presented an article that was from the Los Angeles Times regarding a new 200 mgd tertiary treatment plant. This will serve 600,000 residents and 20 acres will be devoted to the tertiary treatment facilities. Engineer Jensen stated that on Johnson Blvd. he has been notified that the emergency generator for the station will be delivered in October of this year. The contractor date for completion is July 4, 1974. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John G. Weidman stated that Jerry Lynch will be filing the brief this week re Fallen Leaf Lake. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) In Basin: No report. (2) Utility Services: The Board has met in study session many times regarding water company acquisition. Same listed under Unfinished Business for consideration this evening. (3) Energy Conservation: Director Ream stated the Board was concerned about the Infiltration Report, and Manager Culp and Engineer Jensen have been working on that project. (4) Finance: Director Fesler stated that there was not a meeting, but they are studying the letter received from Mrs. Maas regarding Health and Accident Insurance for the employees. Will have a report at a later date. (5) Public Information: No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) Consider Request from Alpine County. Mr. Hubert Bruns stated that Kirkwood Meadows and the people of that area have been developing this ski area for several years, and when they came into the area they realized they would have sewer problems. Soil conditions do not allow them to spray on land. They have been exporting their effluent to E1 Dorado; they have a secondary treatment and they are doing a good job with this secondary treatment. Mr. Bruns stated that he would appreciate the Board listening to the problem Kirkwood Meadows has and Mr. Gary Brown of the \~/ater Irrigation District presented a letter stating their request to the Board. Mr. Gary Brown stated that he would like to request the South Tahoe Public Utility District take their effluent disposal - between 17,000 or 18,000 gpd. He further stated that they are attempting for an Ion Exchange Treatment Plant in the area. At the present time they are sending the effluent to E1 Dorado, which is 80 miles away. Mr. Brown stated that he hoped in 3 years there would be an Ion Exchange disposal in the area and they will not have to need disposal. Many attempts have been made for disposal and the final decision was Ion Exchange for the area. Manager Gulp stated that it would be no problem to the plant facilities to accept this secondary effluent for treatment; the main problem would be political, but certainly not a technical problem. He suggested a cost to Kirkwood Meadows of $3.00 or $5.00 per 1,000 gallons. President Wakeman stated that he felt we should make a public information release regarding this request of Kirkwood Meadows. President Fesler stated that the only thing we have to be extremely careful about is to be certain our local taxpayer's do not carry a tax burden. We are helping out a neighboring County, and we should try to help them. This amount would be in excess of cost to us to handle this amount. Regular Meeting -3- 2/7/74 Director Ream also stated that something should be stated in the contract on rising costs of power - should this increase come along, we would like to pass some of the costs along also. Attorney Weidman suggested this be done in two agreements: (1) Being simple for the period before they get the reverse osmosis. Engineer Jensen stated that there have been some accidents transporting the effluent to another area. Mr. Andy Kirk stated that they have a bond now that states the driver or truck is responsible for any damage to private or public property. They have Petroleum Tank Line out of Sacramento to haul the effluent. Director Fesler stated that we should hold a charge of $30.00 per 6,000 truckload on this. If it should work out that this can be done for less, then we should drop the costs to them. Attorney Weidman stated that the Board should (1) Authorize acceptance for a 60 day period of 18,000 gpd and charge $30.00 per truck for 6,000 load and billed monthly, and not have reverse asmosis subject to the approval of the memo written by George Mall and E.I.D.D. and Kirkwood Meadows, and also we at the District will be notified in advance of the delivery time. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Attorney Weidman's recommendation be approved as stated above. Mr. Hubert Bruns of Alpine County stated that on behalf of the County he wanted to express appreciation for the decision made by the Board this evening to assist those in Kirkwood Meadows. 2. WATER COMPANY ACQUISITION: (a) Status Report; (b) discussion re same. Attorney Weidman stated that after lengthy negotiations it appears that we can purchase the stock of the Tahoe Southside Water Utility; we may be able to do this in 20 payments of $90,000 per year, with no down payment; we would be buying the stock and corporation and take over the liabilities and the assets. We do not have a definite yes from every person invilved with the Water Company, but we have been led to believe this may be acceptable. Manager Gulp stated that the Ordinance we are considering tonight would authorize execution of the agreement on the terms we have offered to the water company. Attorney Weidman stated we will be buying the water company for $953,000 at 7-% interest, for 20 years times $90,000 per year payment and there will be no payment the first year. The operation is going to have a warranty as to what the liabilities were on 12/31/73 when due, what incurred since then, what income and expenses received since 12/31/73 statement. The liabilities are going to be spelled out and the contract liabilities and pay back liabilities will all be spelled out, so we will know what we have. We were of the impression that some cash may also be needed by the owners of the water company and we thought that cash money would be $50,000 to take care of Mrs. Globin's estate; $45,000 to get the property - and this is not the case now. Director Fesler stated that he would deem it a great honor to be the one to make the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 244, An Ordinance Determining to Acquire the Works of the Tahoe Southside Water Utility and Authorizing the execution of an Agreement Therefore, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried - - to be launched into the Water Business. Director Hegarty was not present for this meeting, but he stated to Manager Gulp via telephone that he would be 100% in favor of this action. Attorney Weidman stated that Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch firm is not a GPA Lawyer Tax Firm and he requested consideration from the Board to employ the firm of Downey, Brand and Seymour from San Francisco and have that firm meet with Mr. John Ehlman and David W. Gallahan to clarify the tax liability to the District; they could go over the matter of how we are going to acquire this company and liquidate it; they could also assist in the liquidation of this corporation after we acquire the stock. REGULAR MEETING -4- 2/7/74 Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the recommendation from Attorney Weidman be accepted, and the firm he suggested by employed for a reasonable fee. Mr. Bill Dunckhorst stated that he was glad to hear this vote this evening; he discussed some of the items that would have to be taken care of when the District does take over the company. 3. STATE LOAN AGREEMENT: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1874, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Amendment No. 2 to the Contract Between the State of California and the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1874 be approved as presented. NEW BUSINESS: Heavenly Valley Ski Area, Sewer Service: A letter was received by the District from the USFS requesting a review of the Plans and Specifications for Heavenly Valley Ski Area. This will be referred to a study session so that figures can be developed regarding service to the area, and Manager Gulp will call the USFS stating this. COMMUNICATIONS: Letters received from the following: (,2) Letter from W. Jaxon Baker, Inc. - giving 60 day extension. (2) Letter from Orange County Water District - Manager Gulp stated they are building a plant like this plant at Tahoe, but two times as large. They would like to send 3 people for 2 weeks the next time we regenerate carbon. President Wakeman stated he would not like to see any recruiting of our men. Director Fesler stated that the first time we lose a man then that is the last time we cooperate with someone using our people. Manager Gulp will mention this in the reply to Orange County Water District's letter. (3) Letter from William F. Pillsbury, Inc. Mr. Pillsbury would like to meet in Study Session with the Board to present his qualifications, and the Board agreed this should be held. Manager Gulp will contact Mr. Pillsbury. (4) Another letter from John G.M. Gonzales, P!ant Engineer, regarding stolen tools. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $164,442.22, as recommended by Assistant Manager Gallahan be approved. ADJOURNMENT: 10:45 P.M. ROBERT WAKEMAN, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. GALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 21, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 2/21/74, 8:00 P.M., President Wakeman called the meeting to order at that time. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty and Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Gulp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John G. Weidman, Engineer A.L. Shoupe and Jeff Cohen-reporter for the Tribune. ABSENT: Director Robert W. Fesler and Engineer Jack Jensen. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 2/7/74 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Jeff Cohen from the Tribune. Mr. D. Paterson and another gentleman from Sub-Terra, Inc. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Russell L. Culp, General Manager: Mr. Fesler and I met with Mr. Bob Lewis, Director of Planning and Research, and Mr. Hal German, Grants Division, of the State Water Resources Control Board in Sacramento on Friday, February 8. We discussed with Mr. Lewis our tentative plans regarding proposed research aimed at future beneficial in-basin reuse of our reclaimed water. We pointed out that this would not only increase 'the net available water supply in the Basin for future use, but more importantly that discontinuation of the pumping required for export would save enough electrical energy to serve 4,000 domestic dwelling units. Mr. German informed us that the San Francisco office of EPA would be issuing the District a check in the approximate amount of $320,000 under the reimbursement grant program for projects completed since 1966. This check should be received before July 1, 1974. It may be used to reduce our existing State loan. On February 14 and 15 we had 2 visitors from the Washington, D.C. office of EPA, Technology Transfer Branch. The Board met in Study Session on 2/20 to discuss sev6ral current matters. I have made tentative arrangements for Bill Pill. sbury to meet with the Board in Study Session at 3:00 P.M. on Wednesday March 6, 1974, as per his request. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carrie~?, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: None. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented byA. L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts WRPImprovements ($1,o8 ,ooo) Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson P.S. ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Contractors Ziebarth and Alper Percentage completed 77% Teichert Construction Company Schedule 1 22% Schedule 2 10% Schedule 3 42% Schedule 4 21% Pope Beach Sewer Sys. ($104,158.05) So. Tahoe Gonstruction Co. 65% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: No report. Though Mr. Weidman requested an executive session regarding Item No. 1 on the agenda - Sub-Terra, Inc. Regulnr Meeting February 21, 1974 COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) I N -BASIN WATER REUSE: Director Hegarty stated that there was not a meeting of the committee, but that he was happy to see where we are making progress re In-Basin Reuse as reported in the Manager's Report. There will be a committee meeting on 2/25/74 at 3:00 P.M. 2. Utility Services: Met in Study Session several times to discuss acquisition of the Water Company. 3. Energy Conservation. No report 4. Finance. No report. 5. Public Information: Working on pictures of the facilities. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1970-2 ---Sub-Terra, Inc. Consider request from Sub-Terra, Inc. Mr. D. Patterson, President of the Sub- Terra, Inc., from Tahoe City, stated that the firm did a job for the District approximately one year ago - pipeline and pump station for A.D. No. 1970-2. He also stated that an invoice was received from the District for extra inspection fees in the amount of $4,965.48. He stated that Sub-Terra, Inc. had spent approximately $5,000 tokeep the Ebright'shappy and to enable the contractor to go through his property and get the job done. He stated that they did a good job on the pipeline and finished approximately 2 months earlier than the contract called for. He also mentioned they were 42 days over on the pump station contract. He stated that he did not believe they have hurt the District in that amount of money. Mr. D. Patterson stated that they talked through Max Hoseit to Mr. ~ohn C. Weidman for settling for one-half the money and split right down the middle. They are not in agreement with the hours claimed by our Engineers. John Weidman stated that he did mention to Mr. Hoseit that he would recommend to the Board to deduct $1,500 from the claim. An Executive Session was called at 8:45 P.M. and President Wakeman called the meeting back to order at 8:55 P.M. Attorney Weidman stated to Mr. Patterson that the Board agrees to split the invoice because by completing the work eary inspection fees were saved; what the contractor did for the Ebright property was of great assistance to the District. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Attorney Weidman's recommendation be accepted. Director Ream stated that he would have personally made the same recommendation. Mr. Patterson thanked the Board and mentioned that they have a very efficient Board. 2. WATER COMPANY ACQUISITION: Attorney Weidman stated that we are now waiting for Sherman Wilke to return from his vacation to sign the documents. 3. JOHNSON BLVD. PUMP STATION AND INTERCEPTOR: Contractor's Request to Resume Construction on March 11, 1974. Following discussion, the Board agreed that Manager Gulp will contact the City and TRPA for clearance on this request. 4. EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS: Two bids were r. eceived - one from Tahoe City Linen, and the other from Tahoe Linen. Tahoe Linen was the low bid (approximately .80¢ per uniform). The uniforms will be new and will be blue instead of the white as in the past. Also, the following letter was received from Harry Hanson - Employee's Association President. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, that the bid from Tahoe Linen be accepted, and that the following letter received from the Employee's Association be incorporated in this motion. Director Kortes stated that the letter was reviewed by the Board, and that the Board is pleased the Association is happy over the change in uniforms. Motion carried unanimously. /~-~ ,5-' REGULAR MEETING -3- February 21, 1974 To: Mr. Robert Wakeman, President South Tahoe Public Utility District of Directors and Board Members From: South Tahoe Public Utility District Employee's Association The employee's Association is happy to learn that the District is considering a change in uniforms. I can personally say that the employee's agree with you that a change in uniform will be of benefit to the District and to the appearance of the District employees. Thank you. s/Sincerely, Harry J. Hanson, Vice President of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Employees Assoc." 5. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1972-1 (Angora Highlands) - RESOLUTION NO. 1875, A Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 1875 be approved. 6. HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE: Manager Gulp stated that the letter received from Mrs. F.Maas was presented to the Board sometime back and tabled. Director Kortes stated that Mrs. Maas appeared before the Finance Committee and ex- plained her qualifications to those present. David W. Gallahan stated that it would not make any difference in the operation if Mrs. Maas were appointed as the servicing agent. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, that Mrs. F. Maas be the servicing agent for the Health and Accident Insurance for the District. VOTE AS FOLLOWS: AYES: NOES: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: Directors Wakeman, Hegarty, Ream None Director Korte s Director Fesler... Carried. NEW BUSINESS: (1) SECTION 208 - FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT: Consider District's Position and Possible Recommendation Regarding (1) Designation of One or More Agencies to Implement a Waste Treatment Management Plan for the Truckee River Basin in California and Nevada, or (2) Non-Designation. Following discussion Manager Gulp stated that he would recommend that TRPA be designated as a sewer treatment agency f Dr the area which they presently have authority. Attorney Weidman stated that if they did want to split up, we would recommend that TRPA be extended by acts of the Legislature in Congress. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that re- commendations from Manager Gulp and Attorney Weidman be accepted. COMMUNICATIONS: From Jerry Lynch of Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch stating the brief on Fallen Leaf Lake will be filed Friday or next Monday. Mr. Weidman stated that Jerry Lynch will be in the area soon and will request he meet with the Board to bring them up to date on the Fallen Leaf Lake situation. (2) Notice of Meeting - Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, South Tahoe PUD Conference Room, Thursday, 2/28/74, 9:00 A.M., Item 7 on Agenda - NPDES Permit, So. Tahoe PUD. (3) Lake Tahoe Area Council Quarterly Meeting, Harrah's Tahoe, new convention facility, So. Shore of Lake Tahoe, 7 p.m., Manager Gulp will make reservations. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $102,736.53, as recommended by David W. Gallahan, Assistant General Manager, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:15 P.M. AT. f DAVID W. CALnAHAN, ~l~rk'of South Tahoe Public Utility District ROBERT WAKEMAN, President Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 7, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 3/7/74, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Pre~sident Robert Wakeman, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Gulp, Engineer Jack Jensen, Attorney John G. Weidman, EngineerA.L. Shoupe. ABSENT: Director Edward E. Hegarty and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan. MINUTES: Director Ream moved,seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 2/21/74 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: WelcomedA.L. Shoupe, Engineer for CH2M Hill. Director Fesler mentioned that a Mr. Bob Lee, Attorney, approached him to discuss and learn of those who are politically involved in the community. Mr. Lee could not be present this evening but hopes to attend the next regular meeting of this Board. Manager Gulp also mentioned that the Board did meet with Pillsbury Engineering Firm and received their presentation as to their qualifications, etc. Same was discussed with Jack Jensen, District Engineer for CH2M Hill, and Mr. Jensen stated that in the event there would be some type work that Pillsbury Firm could do for the District, GH2M Hill would have no objections, as they do try to get the assistance for as many local firms as needed. MANAGER'S REPORT: As reported by General Manager Russell L. Gulp: "On 3/1 representatives of the District met with officials of the Tahoe Southside Water Utility in Sacramento to make final changes in the agreement for acquisition of the water company by the District. It is anticipated that the contract will be signed next week. On March 1 representatives of the District attended two hearings of the State Water Resources Control Board in Truckee and Reno in connection with designation of a 208 planning agency for pollution control in the Truckee River Basin. The Board met in study session on 2/22 and 3/4 on water system acquisition, on 2/26 and 3/5 on collection system infiltration, on 3/6 regarding sewer system service to Heavenly Valley and to hear of the engineering services offered by Wm. E. Pillsbury, Inc., a local firm. The regular meeting of the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board was attended by representatives of the District on 2/28/74. I have been asked to present a paper on virus inactivation in water and wastewater treatment at a conference sponsored by the University of Texas in Austin on 4/1-3/74. They probably will pay my travel expenses, although this is yet to be confirmed. I would like to request Board approval to attend this meeting. Mr. William Graven called me today to report that some previously impounded federal grant funds for construction of collection sewers had been released by the President, including funds for a project at Incline Village. I called the California Water Resources Control Board in Sacramento. They do now have limited funds in this category. They are checking the priority of the Fallen Leaf project and are to report back on their findings. Jerry Lynch and John Weidman have requested a meeting with the Board on Thursday March 14 at 3:00 P.M. to discuss the Fallen Leaf Lake litigation. We were formally notified today by the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board that our NPDES permit has been approved. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler that the Manager's Report be approved. Director Kortes amended the motion to read that the Board authorize the Manager to attend the meeting at Austin, Texas, as mentioned in the Manager's Report, and further authorize the expenses to be paid by the District in the event the University does not pay Manager's Gulp's expenses. Motion and second to accept manager's report - carried unanimously. Motion on the amended motion to accept and authorize expenses for Manager Gulp in the event the University does not pay his expenses - carried unanimously. Regular meeting -2- March 7, 1~'/4 PLANT OPERATIONS REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1974: Total Plant Flow 86.9 MG (Last Month 124.3' MG).. (Last Year 80.5 MG) Daily Average Flow 3.1 MG (Last Month 4.0' MGD) (Last Year 2.9 MGD) Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Rate, Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used Makeup: Alum Used 34 tons 4.2 MG (2/16) 10+ MG (2/5) 13,545 lbs None 7.2 million cuft 582,000 KWH 436 lbs Pond empty as of 2/2/74 Recalcined: 83 tons 2,285 gallons '2.3 MG of excess flow which had been pumped to emergency pond on 12/30 and 12/31/73, was reprocessed through the entire treatment plant at a rate of about 1.3 mgd for the month of January. The pond was empty on 2/2/74." ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen stated the Board met Tuesday to discuss the infiltration report. Also, they are working on the plans for the location of lines at the plant facilities; he presented an aerial photo of same for the Board's information. GONSTRUGTION PROGRESS REPORT: Contracts and Amounts W R P Improvements ($1,082,000) As presented by EngineerA.L. Shoupe: Contractor Percentage Completed Ziebarth and Alper 77 To Johnson Blvd. Pump Station: Teichert Cons. Go. Schedule I ($193,000) Johnson Pump Station Schedule 2 ($ 10,000) Bijou Modification Schedule 3 ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. Schedule 4 ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Pope Beach Sewer Sys. ($104,158.05) So. Tahoe Cons. Co. 22% 10% 42% 21% 65% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: The Planning 208 meeting was the subject of the Manager 'S Report. The meeting was a group called the AGG of Washoe County and they consented to T R P A being the entity which would be the 208 Planning Entity for the Truckee Water Shed, Mr. Weidman stated. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) In Basin - No report. (2) Utility Services. No report. (3) Energy Gonservation - No report. (4) Finance. No report. Director Fesler requested a report from the Chairman regarding the appointment of Mrs. Frances Maas as Servicing Agent for the District, since Mr. Fesler was not present at the meeting when the action was taken. Director Kortes stated that our annual policy date, every 3 years, will be coming up for renewal about 7/1/74; should there be an increase for premium by the carrier, it would be turned over to the Insurance Committee to take the information and study it. The other agent, Howard Ingwerson, asked Director Fesler if he would be considered in the future. Director Ream stated that Mr. Ingwerson was appointed servicing agent but did not have too much to do as it was set up by Denny Maas; Denny Maas' wife receives the revenues from this insurance and Mr. Ingwerson did not receive any compensation. Mrs. Maas now has her license and is capable of continuing with this service to the District. (5) Public Information: No report. Regular meeting -3- March 7, 1974 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) WATERGOMPANYAGQUISITION: Discusstion was held regarding possible tax liability for purchase of water company; the meeting and contract draft prepared by Sharon White for last Friday in Sacramento at Sherman Wilke's Office. Attorney Weidman thanked Bob Wakeman and Jerry Ream for also attending this meeting in Sacramento. 2. HAROOTUNIAN: All documents signed and releases received. Gase closed. 3. HEAVENLY VALLEY SEWER SERVIGE: Referred to Study Session March 18th at 3:00 P.M.. ,District Office. 4. FUTURE IN BASIN BENEFIGIAL WATER REUSE: Referred to Utility Services Committee. 5. FALLEN LEAF LAKE SEWERS: Brief was filed last week. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES: Postponed to next regular meeting. 7. GLEAN WATER GRANT, PLANT IMPROVEMENTS: (Also, some additional paving around the ammonia stripping tower). Referred to Engineer. NEW BUSINESS: None. GOMMUNIGATIONS: (1) Meeting LTAG, Harrah's, 7:00 P.M., Friday 3/15/74. (2) AWWA-Galifornia Section Meeting, Reno, 4/18 and 19. Referred to Director Hegarty. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims, as recommended by General Manager Gulp, in the amount of $77,389.46, be approved as presented. ADJOURNMENT: 10:35 P.M. ROB~.R~ wAKEMAN",' President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID' W. CAL~-~H~N, G[erk of Boarci~a~ .... Ex-Officio Secretary to the Board of the South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 21, 19Y4 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 3/21/74, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert lNakeman, Directors Robert YV. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty and Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Gulp, Clerk of Board David IN. Gallahan, Attorney John G. 5Veidman, Engineers Jack Jensen and A.L. Shoupe, A1 Kruse and reporter for Tribune Jeff Cohen. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 3/7/74 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Wakeman welcomed Jeff Cohen, Les Shoupe and A1 Kruse to the meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Russell L. Gulp, General Manager: Representatives of the District attended the Lake Tahoe Area Council Meeting on 3/15/74. Also on 3/15 the Board met in Study Session to learn the latest developments in the Fallen Leaf Lake litigation from the District's Attorneys. John Gonzales represented the District at a meeting on Tahoe Basin Research needs as sponsored by the Lake Tahoe Area Council on 3/12 and 3/13. The Board met in Study Session on 3/18 to discuss sewer service to the Pioneer, Blue Angels, and Sitzmark facilities of Heavenly Valley. The Financial Committee members attended a meeting in Fresno on 3/12 and 3/13 which dealt with insurance for public utilities. The District has received verbal approval from the City of South Lake Tahoe and the TRPA to resume construction of the interceptor on Treehaven and Fremont Avenues as requested by the Contractor. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen stated that the Contractor met with the City Engineers today and asked Les Shoupe to check with the contractor regarding the compaction. Mr. Jensen asked Manager Gulp if he wanted him to meet re Heavenly Valley with him and the Engineers from Greegan and D'Angelo. Manager Gulp stated that the report should be formalized first and then a meeting will be held regarding Heavenly Valley. GONSTRUCTIOIqPROGRESS REPORT: - As reported by Les Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts WRP Improvements ($1,082,000.00) Contractors Ziebarth & Alper Percentage Complete 80% Johnson Blvd. Pump Sta ($193,000 Johnson Pump Sra. ($ 10,000 Bijou Modification ($ 44,250 Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940 Treehaven Tr. Pope Beach Sewer System ($104,158.0,5) Teichert Cons. Go. Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 So. Tahoe Cons. Go. 22% 10% 42% 21% 70% Regular Meeting -2- 3/21/74 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John G. Weidman stated that he has been working on the Heavenly Valley request; Fallen Leaf Lake litigation and contract for the Water Company acquisition. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) In-Basin: Director Hegarty stated that he has been out of the area, however, a meeting of this committee with the Manager is scheduled for 3/22/74 at 4:00 P.M. Director Fesler stated that acquisition of the buffer zone around the plant is very important; same is being studied by the Committee Director Hegarty stated. (2) Utility Services: No meeting. (3) Energy Conservation: No report. (4) Finance: Director Fesler stated that he and Director Kortes attended the seminar at Fresno on 3/13 and 3/14/74 regarding insurance on public utilities. He stated that they have information that they feel would be helpfull in the event the District does acquire the water company and suggested a meeting with the District Insurance Agent and Dave Callahan. (5) Public Information: No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) WATER COMPANY ACQUISITION. Mr. Sherman Wilke has found the contract documents satisfactory with the exception of some language but that will not change the contract to any great extent; t he PUG approval is being handled from the offiqe of Ken Jones of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, and Mr. Walsh is doing the preliminaries; after the contract is signed it will be required to have probate court approval; the contract is with the Estate and approval of all others involved. (2) ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1876, A Resolution Adopting Amended Environmental Guidelines. Director Fesler stated that before the Board adopts this Resolution, more information should be given to the Board. Manager Gulp stated that the amendment does not effect anything the District has done; the State has changed the guidelines to comply with the State guidelines and Manager Gulp stated that he did not see any point in delaying adopting this Resolution. Director Fesler stated that on the basis of the recommendation of our Manager, he moved the adoption of RESOLUTION NO. 1876, seconded by Director Ream: VOTES AS FOLLOWS: AYES:Directors Fesler, Wakeman and Hegarty, Ream. ABSTAINED: Director Kortes NOES: None Carried. NEW BUSINESS: (1) Consider Request for Legislative Council Opinion on AB 2782. Attorney Weidman stated that he received a call from Stan Martin regarding this bill, and Mr. Martin asked if this would.give the Public Utility District authority to levy standby charges in the Angora and Gardner Mountain areas. Mr. Weidman stated that he told Mr. Martin thati'n his opinion it would not. "..ssemblyman Chappie and John C. Weidman did not think this go De ~-he ~a~. Mr. Ghappie did call Mr. Martin also. The conclusion that was reached was that we would like authorization to get a legislative council opinion on this levying of standby charges. /~/ REGULAR MEETING -3- 3/21/74 Director Fesler stated that we are not planning on levying any standby charges and if we do purchase the water company it does not contemplate the levying of standby charges. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that J.C. lVeidman request a legislative council opinion through our Assemblyman on AB 2782. COU Mr. -VVeidman stated that the Martin Brothers will be notified of this opinion and they will also receive a copy of the letter that goes to Assemblyman Chappie requesting this opinion from Mr. Weidman. (2) DEWATERING PUMP: (a) with Ford Engine = $2 , 800 , Engine = $3,617. Manager this pump as an emergency $2,800. Two bids received: Barnes Pump and (b) Marlow Pump with Ford Gulp recommended the purchase of from Barnes Pump in the amount of Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty,unanimously carried, the Barnes Pump be purchased as a great emergency as recommended by Manager Gulp. HONEYWELL CONTRACT RENEWAL: Study Session 3/26/74, 3 pm. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) Letter from US E P A Validating District's Claim for reimbursable Grant. Manager Gulp to request clarifica- tion of this letter. (2) Letter from Assemblyman MacDonald re legislation introduced for State loan program of $150,000,000 to upgrade water supply sytems to meet health standards. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $85,708.57 be approved as so recommended by Assistant General Manager Gallahan. ADJOURNMENT: 9:45 P.M. Robert Wakeman, Ghairman South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTE S~T: // .~ / /David ~r. Callahan,Glerk of Board-- South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 4, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 4/4/74, 8:00 P.M., District conference room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Robert ~r. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes and E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream. Also present were General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Plant Engineer John G.M. Gonzales, and EngineerA.L. Shoupe. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 3/21/74 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Gary Brovcn and Don Price. Mr. Brown is with the E1 Dorado Irrigation District and has time on the agenda regarding dumps from Kirkwood Meadows. ~vIANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Russell L. Culp, General Manager: Attached to your c! py of the agenda is the Plant Operations Report for March 1974. On Monday of this week there was a thaw and rain. Although this storm did not compare to the one of last December 30 and 31 which produced the mammoth runoff, you will be pleased to know that plant flows for the day and at the peak were only about 1 mg and 1 mgd respectively above present dry weather flows, as cnntrasted to 10 or 11 mgd above normal experienced during the year end storm. I have made tentative arrangements with the Carson City office of BLM for their Park Superintendent at Indian Creek Reservoir to guard and operate our submarine weed cutter during July, August, and September for $300 per month, the balance of their Superintendent's salary to be paid by BLM. I hope that this is agreeable with the Board. The BLM recreation facilities and access road at Indian Creek Reservoir are expected to be completed about 7/1/74 (except for the boat launching ramp which cannot be built until about next October, at reservoir low water level). I have talked to Bruce Johnson of California Department of Water Resources regarding payment of the Davis-Grunsky money. He indicates that we can draw all of the money except for the cost of the boat ramp about July 1 when the other work is complete and the balance when the boat ramp is completed. We need to schedule a Board Study Session to discuss personnel matters, possibly on Tuesday, April 9. The TRPA has been designated as the 208 Planning Agency for the Area now under their jurisdiction for other purposes to develop a plan for control of runoff and erosion. This is in accord with the recommendations that we made at the public hearings in this regard. I participated in a Seminar on "Virus Survival in Water and Wastewater Systems" at the University of Texas on Monday through Thursday of this week. The University of Texas paid my air fare to and from the meeting, and for some of the meals. Lodging and the balance of the meals were charged to the District. It was an excellent meeting, and my paper concerning virus removal in our plant was well received. I also learned a great deal from the other presentations were very good. A copy of the program is attached to your copy of the agenda. The In-Basin Reuse Committee met on 3/22 and Mr. Hegarty and I met with the LTAG Research Executive Committee on 3/26. The Board met in Study Session on 3/28 at Indian Greek Reservoir. John Ehlman,John Weidman, and Jack Jensen are meeting with David Gallahan and me tomorrow morning, 9:30 A.M., regarding Schedule A of the contract with Tahoe Southside Water Utility. PLANT OPERATION Total Plant Flow 104.0 Daily Average Flow 3.4 Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Rate Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used 10,220 4.7 March 30 9.2 March 1 and lbs. None 7.3 million cuft 650,400 KWH FOR MONTH OF MARCH 1974 (Last Month 86.9 MG) (Last Year 85.0 MC) (Last Month 3.1 MGD) (Last Year 2.7 MGD) 6 Plant Operations report for March 1974 (Continued) Polymer Used 618 lbs Embergency Storage Area - Pond Empty Lime Used Makeup 54 tons Alum Used 2,800 gallons Recalcined 90 tons Director Hegarty stated that he was reviewing the brochure "Virus Survival in Water and Wastewater Systems" subject of the Seminar that our Manager attended at the University of Texas last week, and he gave a paper at the Seminar. Mr. Hegarty stated that we are very fortunate to have this type of a man, Mr. Gulp, as our Manager. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. PLANT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. John Gonzales, Plant Engineer, gave a report on an organization being formed called the "South Shore Utilities Coordinating Council" which will have an office to handle all calls for any utility company within the area and in turn will contact the correct utility company for any trouble reported. The dues for same are $25.00 per year. The Board of Directors for same are Mr Gruener, Henry, Muston, Cords, Martin, Hendrickson and Gonzales. Director Fesler agreed this was an excellent organization to form and in the event they are in greater need of financial assistance we do support that. Director Ream stated that this District does have accurate "As Built Maps", more so than any other utility company. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that we approce the District's participation in the South Shore Utilities Coordinating Council. ENGINEER'S REPORT: None CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT, As reported by A.L. Shoupe, Engineer: Contracts and Amounts WRP Improvements $1,082,000.00 Johnson Blvd Pump Sta $193,000. Johnson P.S. $ 10,000. Bijou Modif. $ 44,250. Fairway Tr $ 91,940. Treehaven Tr. Pope Beach Sewer Sys $104,158.05 Ziebarth and Alper Percentage Completed 82% Teichert Cons Go Schedule 1 25% Schedule 2 70% Schedule 3 55% Schedule 4 21To So. Tahoe Cons. Go. 75TO ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.G. Weidman requested the Board take up Item ~1, Unfinished Business: OUTSIDE WASTES: Consider Contract Extension. Mr. Gary Brown requested a 2 month extension for Kirkwood Meadows dumps at $35.00 per 6,500 gallons. Manager Gulp and John Gonzales will study this request to see if there is any difference in the water flow at Indian Greek Reservoir and the difference in costs to treat same. Director Fesler moved that the Board authorize an agreement with Kirkwood Meadows for additional two month's on the same terms we had taking the Reverse Osmosis Secondary Treatment, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried. Regular Meeting -3- April 4, 1974 Director Kortes stated to Mr. G. Brown that the Board is pleased to extend this for the next two months and pleased we are able to assist him and help our taxpayers at the same time. Mr. G. Brown thanked the Board and stated that they really do appreciate this consideration given; the Board expressed their desire to take a tour of the Reverse Osmosis Plant and same was also scheduled for 4/11/74 at 2:00 P.M. Attorney Weidman distributed copies of a letter he had written to Manager Gulp re Fallen Leaf Lake Protection Association, et al., vs State of California, State Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Regional Control Board and South Tahoe Public Utility District, Cross - Defendants', A court hearing is set for 4/26/74, 10:00 AM Superior Court, Placerville, California. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) In-Basin - Director Hegarty stated a meeting was held last Friday with Manager Gulp, on 3/26/74 he attended the Lake Tahoe Area Council Executive Committee meeting and Manager Gulp gave a talk regarding In-Basin Disposal. They asked Manager Gulp to also appear before their Science Advisory Panel and give another Talk. Director Hegarty also stated that the Executive Director of the LRWQGB will be invited to one of the Study Sessions so we can discuss the In-Basin Disposal and try to find out why he is against this. Manager Gulp will contact this man and set up a meeting at his convenience and try for the date of 4/10/74. Director Fesler stated that this man is paid by and has his allegiance to the State; when anyone comes up with in-basin disposal, he would go against it; if we do meet with him we would want him to know we understand his position. Manager Gulp stated that we are the only District that has fully complied with the LRWQGB disposal requirements. (2): - Utility Services. Director Kortes stated this Committee met on 4/2/74 and talked with the Attorney regarding Schedule A of the Water Contract (via phone). Also met with John Gonzales and discussed the plant operations, infiltration, etc. (3) - Energy Crisis. No report. Director Hegarty moved that we postpone our next regular meeting from 4/18/74 to 4/25/74, Director Kortes seconded. VOTES: AYES: Directors Kortes and Hegarty. NOES: Director Fesler, Ream and Wakeman. Motion voted down. Regular meeting being changed to 4/25/74 - failed. (4) - Finance: Director Fesler stated a meeting was held on 3/27/74 to discuss the insurance policies of the District. (5) - Public Information. No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (2) WATER COMPANYACQUISITION: Attorney Weidman stated that we have the corrected contract from Sharon White and are meeting tomorrow morning regarding Schedule A and will submit same to Mr. Wilke for his signature. (3) POPE BEACH SEWER SYSTEM (USFS): - Contractor - South Tahoe Construction Company. Consider Contract Change Order No. 1 - Increase of $2,875.00 and same was explained to the Board by A.L. Shoupe. This contract change order also includes a request for a s even day time extension. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Contract Change Order No. 1 be approved as presented by A.L. Shoupe, Engineer. /~"~ ~' ~ -4- April 4, 1974 NE%V BUSINESS: (1) EMERGENCY REPAIR, DECANT TANK: Consider proposal of PMI Corporation, in the amount of $3,048. for 14 cu yds, any additional ~ yards would be charged for. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that this Decant Tank, as recommended by Manager Gulp, from P M I Corporation, at their stated price be approved, and we find it to be of a great emergency. (2) REAL PROPERTYACQUISITION: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1877. A Resolution Adopting Regulations Giverning Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition. Attorney Weidman explained this Resolution to Board and recommended same be adopted. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, the RESOLUTION No. 1877 be approved. GOMMUNIOATIONS: Letter from Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer, opened at this time, re Eminent Domain Proceedings, Superior Court Case 22832. Also attached to Mrs. Springmeyer's letter were copies of letters (2) from Allison S. Goombs - Sergeant re 22832. All read in full in the meeting. Manager Gulp will acknowledge letter and same turned over to J.G. Weidman. (2) Announcement of "Workshop on Financial Reporting by Governmental Units", International Hotel, Los Angeles 5/7/74. Manager Gulp recommended that David Gallahan attend this workshop. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, Mr. Gallahan attend the workshop on 5/7/74 Letter from W. Jackson Baker, Inc., extending time foravard of contract re Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer System. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the 60 day time extension be approved. Annual Meeting, South Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce, Wednesday, 4/24/74, Harrah's Tahoe Hotel, 7:00 P.M. Wakeman's and Hegarty's will attend. GWPGA Annual Meeting, San Jose, April 24-26,1974; Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, that Manager Gulp send the employees he desires to send to this convention. Energy Crisis Committee Meeting for 4/16/74, 3:00 P.M., District Office. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, the claims in the amount of $86,178.47,as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan be approved for payment . ADJOURNMENT: 11:30 P.M. Robert ~Vakeman, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 18, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 4/18/74, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Robert W. Fesler, and Gerald G. Ream, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John O. Weidman, Engineers Jack Jensen and A.L. Shoupe, and Jerry Martin. ABSENT: Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes; General Manager Russell L. Gulp. MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 4/4/74 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Jerry Martin appeared to discuss the iten on. the agenda- City of South Lake Tahoe Proposed Abandonment of a Portion of Bellevue Avenue. The Board agreed to move this item up to this point of the agenda. Mr. Martin stated that there is no other access to the meadow except this portion of Bellevue Avenue, and stated that one of these days that isroperty will belong to the City and they will need all the access they can get. Mr. Martin stated that this Board approved a 10' easement to the pump station, and this is not adequate. Director Ream stated that he does not recall where this was brought before this Board; Mr. Martin stated that this is on the City agenda for a hearing on 5/7/74, and the Mosbacher's are requesting abandonment of the property. Director Fesler stated that we want to maintain vehicle access to that property. Attorney Weidman suggested that Mr. Gulp contact the City, or Public Works Dept., to negotiate over this. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that this Board oppose the City's abandonment of a Portion of Bellevue Avenue. Director Fesler also mentioned that he would want Manager Gulp to give the reasons for this Board's action, and why we are opposing abandonment. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Assistant Manager Gallahan: - "On Friday 4/5/74 Board Members and Staff met with J.G. Weidman and ~. Ehlman to prepare exhibits for the contract with Tahoe Southside Water Utility. The Board met in study session on 4/9/74 to discuss personnel matters, on 4/10/74 regarding right-of-service charges for Heavenly Valley, at Kirkwood Meadows on 4/11/74 to see the new reverse osmosis waste treatment plant, on 4/~5/74 with Lahontan Board staff and L T A G staff to discuss demonstration projects, and on 4/16/74 to discuss energy conservation and budget matters. The test hole for the proposed new Tahoe Southside Water Utility well near Pioneer Trail and Highway 50 has been completed, successfully it appears. More information will be available soon. It is likely that the well will be completed to a depth of about 380 feet. Yield can be estimated as soon as core samples are screened. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen stated that he met with the Board in Study Session last week to discuss the Heavenly Valley Project. Also asked Directors to please get their requests to him as to the time they wish to leave for the trip to Redding in May for a meeting. /~-% ~ '7 Kegu,ar lvlee]:lng -z- April 18, 1974 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Contracts and Amounts WRP Improvements ($1,082,000.00) Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson Pump Station ($ 10,000) Bijou Modification ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Pope Beach Sewer System ($ o4,158.o5) As presented byA.L. Shoupe: Contra ctor s Ziebarth & Alper Percentage completed. 83 To Teichert Construction Co. Schedule 1 26 TO Schedule 2 75% Schedule 3 90% Schedule 4 21 To So. Tahoe Cons. Go. 75?/o ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that the hearing for Fallen Leaf Lake Project is now scheduled for 5/3/74. Also confirmed Study Session on Guidelines on Tuesday, 4.23.74, 3:00 P.M. District. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development. No report. (2) Utility Services. No report. (3) Finance: Met on 4/16/74 to discuss operating expenses and whether there should be consideration given for sewer fees increases. Our Manager stated that he is not looking into any increase in service fees for operational expenses. (4) Public Relations. No report. (5) Energy Conservation. No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) WATER GOMPANY AGQUISITION: (a) Status Report, (b) Discussion. Attorney Weidman stated that the letter of transmittal is ready to be mailed to Mr. Wilke and the contracts as well for signatures. (2) INFILTRATION AND INFLOW: (a) Status Report. (b) Consideration of one temporary Utility Man II for 3 months to assist in locating and stopping inflow. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that this be approved. (3) INSTRUMENT MAINTENANCE SERVICE: Consider Annual Renewal of Honeywell Service Contract. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the service contract with Honeywell be renewed. NEW BUSINESS: EPA GRANT APPLICATION, RESOLUTION NO. 1878, A Resolution Authorizing the President to Sign an EPA Grant Application for $24,864. in Federal funds to Finance a Study of "Virus Inactivation in an Operating Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant", A Cooperative Project with the University of California at Berkeley. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1878 be approved. (2) CALIFORNIA PACIFIC UTILITIES RATE INCREASE' REQUEST TO PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION. Study Session 4/22/74, 3:00 P.M., District Office. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) Letter from Mr. Paul DeFalco of EPA enclosing check to District for $165,797. This is a partial payment of our reimbursable grant for the export project. The money will be applied against our State Loan as provided by law. (2) Letter from California Transportation Agency declaring its intention to rescind the Freeway Route adoption on Route 50 between Riverton and Meyers and asking for written statements before 5/15/74. Study Session to be scheduled at a later date. Regular Meeting -3- April 18, 1974 //~'-~ ~ PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, carried, that the claims in the amount of $252,602.24, as recommended by Assistant Manager Gallahan be approved. ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 P.M. Robert ~V~'keman, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District unanimou sly REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 2, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session 5/2/74, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL GALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Robert W. Fesler Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream; General Manager Russell L. Gulp, Clerk of Board David W. Gallahan, Attorney John G. Weidman, Engineers J. Jensen and A.L. Shoupe, Terry B. Guild and Robert Hydorn of International Union of Stationary Engineers, Local 30, San Francisco, California. ABSENT: Donald H. Kortes, Director. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 4/18/74 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Wakeman welcomed Robert Hydorn of the Union, Terry B. Guild and A.L. Shoupe to themeeting. Mr. Hydorn stated that he had no business to discuss with the Board, but that he was here as an observer only. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Russell L. Gulp, General Manager: The monthly report of plant operations is attached to your copy of the agenda. We received word from Jerry Lynch that the Court date for Fallen Leaf Lake had been postponed to 5/17/74. As you probably already know, Mary Parsley has been named Secretary of the Year by the local chapter of the National Secretaries Association. We have word that Jerry Waldie will tour our District facilities at 7:30 A.M. on Sunday May 5. Mr. Hegarty and I represented the District at the recent spring meeting of the California-Nevada-Hawaii Section of the American Water Works Association in Reno on 4/18-19/74. The Board met in Study Session on April 22 to discuss a proposed increase in natural gas rates by California-Pacific Utilities Company. If approved by the California-Public Utilities Commission the rate increase for our interruptible supply would be 110 percent of the present price. Annual costs for natural gas would be increased from about $45,000 to $94,500. The Board met in Study Session on 4/23 to review amendments required to local guidelines to implement the Environmental Quality Act. /~) ~ ~ Kegular lvleeting -2- ,5/2/74 On April 24 I attended a meeting of the new WATERCARE organization in Sacramento. And on April 24 I met with the District's Energy Conservation Committee. On 4/29, District representatives met with Assemblyman Arnett, the Chairman of the Resources Agency, a deputy Attorney General, and representatives of Fallen Leaf Lake property owners, Stanford Camp, the Lahontan Board, and State Water Resources Control Board to discuss sewering of Fallen Leaf Lake and related litigation. The Board met in Study Session May 1 to discuss sewer service and fees for the upper Heavenly Valley area. PLANT OPERATION April 1974 Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Maximum Daily Flow Peak Flow Rate Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Embergency Storage Area Lime Used Alum Used 106.0 mg (Last Month 104.0 MG) (Last Year 89.5 MC) 3.5 mgd (Last Month 3.4 MGD) (La st Year 3.0 MGD) 5.1 mg (4/1/74) 9.5 mgd (4/9/74) 16,000 lbs None 7.3 million cu. ft. 697,200 KWH 407 lbs NOT IN USE Makeup: 81 tons and Recalcined: 93 tons 3,140 gallons" Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. J. Jensen stated that he attended the meeting with Manager Gulp, John G. Weidman, Donald H. Kortes, Mr. D. Showalter, Mr. Livermore, Mr. Arnett, representatives from Lahontan Board and Fallen Leaf Lake Association regarding the sewer project at Fallen Leaf. He also attended the Study Session Wednesday at the District. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented byA.L. Shoupe: Contract and Amounts Contractor WRP Improvements Ziebarth and Alper ($1,082,000.00 original bid) ($1,093,525.44) Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson Pump Station ($ 10,000) Bijou Modification ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($91,940.) Treehaven Tr. Percentage Completed 84% Pope Beach Sewer System ($104,158.05) ($107,033.05) Teichert Cons. Go. Schedule 1 27% Schedule 2 75 To Schedule 3 90% Schedule 4 60 % So. Tahoe Cons. Co. 81% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: The Fallen Leaf Lake matter will be on the court agenda 5/17 at 10:00 AM, Placerville, Courthouse. President Fesler stated that he is interested in whether anyone is going to red tag the Fallen Leaf lake property and prevent occupancy during the summer season and if they will allow occupancy throughout the year. Attorney Weidman stated that the State could do this and the residents and people of Fallen Leaf Lake are concerned about this and whether or not they have to export from holding tanks on all of the wastes. Regular Meeting GOMMITTEE REPORTS: -3- 5/2/74 (1) Research and Development: No report. Director HegarW stated that he attended the AW~;A Seminar at Reno and felt it was well worth the time to attend. The seminar was on energy conservation. Director Fesler asked who arrived at the Committee name of Research and Development. Manager Gulp stated that this came about because of the objection from Lahontan re In-Basin-Disposal so that committee name was immediately changed. Director Wakeman requested Mr. Hegarty to review the title of the committee, and if he feels the title is correct - it will remain, and if not - same to be changed. (2) Utility Services. No report. (3) Energy Conservation: Director Ream sCa,ted that the committee met on 4/25/74 with Director Hegarty, Manager Gulp, John Gonzales, and G. Ream to discuss the infiltration subject. A few weeks ago the Board authorized hiring one man to work on this infiltration problem. In one week this employee found in excess of one- million gallons of water seeping into our line s. He stated that the employees are also cooperating on the gasoline situation. Director Fesler stated that he almost ran into our Hydro truck and felt that this should be marked and lighted much more than it is right now. Manager Gulp will check into this. Director Ream stated that we do have one man on the infiltration as a temporary employee and he recommended that this employee be kept on the District staff as this could prove to be a full time job. Manager Gulp stated that for any EPA Grants in the future - reports and studies have to be presented to show what was done and being done to qualify for the EPA Grants. Director Fesler stated that one of the reasons for the success of this Board is because we stick to policy and let the Administration take care of the administrative business. Mr. Ream stated that he has acquired a new hydraulic crane and the contractor for Pope Beach approached him re use of same for the pump stations and Mr. Ream did allow him to use this crane, and did not cha.r.ge for same. (4) Finance: No meeting. However, Mr. Fesler stated that he will be attending a Finance Seminar in Los Angeles next Tuesday with Dave Gallahan. (5) Public Information: No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) WATER COMPANY ACQUISITION: Status report and discussion. - - Attorney Weidman stated that all have singed the contract re Tahoe Southside Water Utility except the Sisters of Mercy, and they have agreed to sign. (2) PLANT IMPROVEMENTS, GLEAN WATER GRANT (Ziebarth and Alper - Contractor):- Consider Change Order No. 2 - 120 days extension - requested by the contractor as the equipment that was ordered has not yet arrived. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Contract Change Order No. 2 be approved, subject to approval by the State. (3) CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1879, A Resolution Adopting Amendment to Amended Local Guidelines Implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. ---Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1879 be approved. (4) JOHNSON BLVD PUMP STATiONS SITE ACQUISITION: Consider Compromise Offer of $6,745 for the Pump Station Site and Temporary Working Easement. Assistant Manager Gallahan and Attorney Weidman recommend we accept the compromise offer. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the compromise offer of $6,745 as recommended be approved and accepted. Regular Meeting -4- 5/2/74 5. UPPER HEAVENLY VALLEY SEWER SERVICE: Manager Culp drafted a letter for the Board's review. Engineer Jensen stated that the point of connection should be pointed out in the letter also. The connection to the system will have to be approved by the District, that is, the point of connection. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the letter be approved with the additions as so approved by the Manager, and copies of same be sent to Mr. H. Killibrew, County Health Department, Attorney J.G. Weidman, All Directors, Lahontan Board, Creegan and D'Angelo, Heavenly Valley. NEW BUSINESS: None COMMUNICATIONS: None PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $146,449.75, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. HYDRO TRUCK: Director Fesler suggested that some type of emergency lighting be on the hydro immediately. The Board felt that the employees were not getting the protection they need as the truck is not lighted enough to bring caution to other drivers. Same turned over to Manager Culp. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Hydro Truck be pulled off the line maintenance until it complies with all safety standards. ADIOURNMENT: 10:25 P.M. ~obe~t Wakema~, President ' South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 16, 19Y4 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 5/16/74, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL GALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Gulp, Clerk of Board David W. Gallahan, Attorney John G. Weidman, Engineers Jack Jensen and A.L. Shoupe, Plant Engineer John G.M. Gonzales, and Mrs. Lynn Smith. ABSENT: Director RobertW. Fesler. MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 5/2/74 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mrs. Lynn Smith. Regular Meeting MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by General Manager Russell L. Gulp: It appears that one of the major sources of inflow during the end of the year flood has been located. It is a manhole near the Truckee River and Highway 50 opposite the KOA Campground. The sealed ring and manhole cover were completely removed from the top of a manhole which was about 18 inches below flood level in the Truckee River. Computations indicate that the 15-inch line might have passed as much as 11 mgd under these conditions. The manhole has beenresealed. There is a cable around the concrete barrel of the manhole and the speculation is that it is a line which was used to winch a Jeep or other vehicle which was stuck in the River bottom, and that it first had been attached to the manhole ring and cover pulling it loose from themanhole barrel. Since our last meeting Mr. Bowen of Shell Oil Company and Keith Gottschalk of the City have contacted me regarding the buffer zone acquisition, and this subject is on the Agenda. In cooperation with the LTAG during Dr. McGauhey's illness, f have prepared a preliminary draft for them of a research application for continuation of studies at Indian Greek Reservoir as a LTAG project. During the past week the Research and Development and Energy Conservation Committees met to discuss the infiltration and inflow, research grant applications, and other items of business. The Board met in Study Session on Monday May 13 to hear information from Mrs. Kenneth Smith regarding upcoming Proposition 2 for additional Glean Water Grant Funds and to consider the preliminary budget for 1975. I would like to request Board Study Sessions on Thursday May 23 at 3:00 P.M. to discuss personnel, and on Friday May 24 to discuss water system operations. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. PLANT ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. John Gonzales discussed the costs to the District for treating the waste water wastes from Kirkwood Meadows. Following Mr. Gonzales'report the Board agreed to charging Kirkwood Meadows a total of $97.50 for accepting, treating and exporting their wastes. SOUTH SHORE UTILITIES COORDINATING COUNCIL: Met.and the committee has come up with recommended street markings for the different underground utilities. Also discussed at the meeting - what type of fines should be levied against contractors working without a permit. The telephone number this organization has is 541-DIGS and is locatednear the Public Works Department of the City. Engineer Jensen stated that the older grid maps and As-Builts of the District are not marked exactly where our sewer lines are and could be off 5 feet or more; he stated that caution should be taken to protect the District from a case such as this if the line were 5 feet or more off, as compared to the As-Builts. We do not want to assume any responsibility if the line is not located where our maps indicate. Attorney Weidman and John Gonzales will meet to discuss this matter. INFILTRATION: John Gonzales presented a report to the Board regarding infiltration, and manholes that need corrective action taken, etc. The District hired a man to work on the infiltration for the District and to date he has covered 1/Sth of the area. Mr. Gonzales stated that 10,000 gpd flowing through one manhole and this alone could cause 757o of the infiltration. Most of the infiltration is from manholes and not sewer lines. Jerry Ream stated that the Energy Conservation committee met on 5/9/74 and reviewed the pictures taken by Mr. Eppler on the infiltration. He stated the Committee is really gratified to know that John Gonzales and his staff are finding and correcting these problems. Director Kortes stated that Director Ream has been aware of this problem and has been very concerned and spoken to the Board many times regarding this infiltration problem. Director Ream stated we should continue this progress in order to correct all the problems before next winter. Regular Meeting -3- May 16, 1974 Manager Gulp stated we hired this temporary man to check into the infiltration for 3 months and we should get the thinking of the Board on this hire, and if we should keep him longer, or whatever the feeling of the Board might be. The Committee will bring a report to the Board at a later date regarding this employee. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen stated that he and Manager Gulp met with Mr. Howard Neice today, who is the Planning Director of the City, regarding some proposed high rise development in the Stateline area and the City was interested if the District had the capacity to take care of the load. There will be a meeting next week on this, and he requested the District write a letter stating ample capacity is available for this development. (Mr. Neice requested this letter). The Board agreed to discuss this further in a Study Session 6/3/74, 3:00 P.M. Mr. Jensen also stated that the meeting on 5/24/74 should also include a discussion and study regarding improvements to the Tahoe Southside Water System. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by A L Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts WRP Improvements ($1,082,000 original bid) ($1,095,525.44) Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson Pump Sta. ($ 10,000) Bijou Modification ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Pope Beach Sewer System ($104,158.05) original bid ($107,033.05) Contractors Ziebarth and Alper Teichert Cons. Go. Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 So. Tahoe Cons. Go. Percentage Completed 86% 30% 75% 99% 90% 95% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman stated that he picked up the LAFCO agenda and then called the County Administrator regarding what information they would like to have re water, sewer, etc. Information from this District was satisfactory. On 5/17/74 Fallen Leak Lake Association subject will be on the Placerville court calendar. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development: Director Hegarty stated that this committee met with Manager Gulp and discussed the name for the committee as was suggested at the last regular meeting of this Board. The committee agreed that this name is suitable for this committee and would retain the title as it is now. (2) Utility Services. No report. (3) Energy Conservation: Given with Plant Engineer's Report. (4) Finance: No report. (5) Public Information: Working on the public information to inform the public. Manager Gulp stated that John Denny is now working on the script for the new film for the District; Lake Tahoe Area Council has requested a 20 x 24 aerial photo for their exhibit in San Francisco and John Denny will prepare this for them. Virus Proposal got through the Preliminary Screening for the Grant. Meguiar lvleeting -4- May 16, 1974 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) WATER GOMPANYAGQUISITION: J.G. Weidman stated that the final contract has been signed by all involved. Mr. Wilke decided to get final notice on probate court approval and then the P U C approval and we are working on the preliminary draft to get P U C approval. Mr. Wilke wants Weidman, representative from Wilson, Iones, Morton and Lynch, and himself, to visit the P U C to discuss the contract with them also prior to formally filing the petition. (2) OUTSIDE WASTES: Kirkwood Meadows. As reported by Engineer Gonzales, and action taken regarding costs to the District discussed with Plant Engineer's Report. (3). BUFFER ZONE ACQUISITION: Manager Gulp stated that Mr. Bowen from Shell came in to discuss this buffer zone acquisition. Annexation fees were discussed, connection fees discussed. This will be studied further when Mr. Bowen gets the zoning from the City. (4) UPPER HEAVENLY VALLEY SEWER SERVICE: (1) Letter from Heavenly Valley Ski Area. The Board agreed that the letter received was not a formal application to their request, and a check in the amount of $200.00 was not received for review of the plans for Heavenly Valley. Manager Culp will discuss same with Creegan and D'Angelo and then set up a meeting as Heavenly Valley requested. NEW BUSINESS: (1) PROPOSITION 2 - State Election: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1890, A Resolution Endorsing Proposition 2 and Asking Public Support for the Second Issue of State Bonds for Clean Water Grants (following): WHEREAS, the State of California has placed a $250 million bond issue, Proposition 2, on the ballot for assistance to local communities to meet clean water standards, and WHEREAS, this financial assistance will relieve the burden of such expenditures from property taxpayers, and WHgREAS,the facilities to be constructed with these funds are necessary for the improvement of water quality, WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District, undoubtedly will receive additional State grants for sewerage facilities in the future, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Tahoe Public Utility District does hereby endorse Proposition 2 and urges overwhelming support for the goal of clean water for California. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1890 be approved. (2) BOND RATING: Letter from Gibralco, Inc. - Consider Asking District's Bond Attorney to submit any Necessary Data to Moody's. Referred to Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch. (3) LONG RANGE ENGINEERING OR FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR SEWER SYSTEM AND WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS. (a) Requesting engineering and construction needs for the next 5-10 years. (b) Referred to Finance Committee -Alternate Methods of Financing the Recommended Construction Program - Federal/State Grants; Expansion of U-1 District; Connection Charges; Cost of preparing final plans and specifications for certain selected projects so as to be ready to file grant applications immediately upon future release of funds by Federal/State agencies. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Engineers be authorized to prepare preliminary l~lans for the next 5 years. COMMUNICATIONS: Meeting Notice - Lake Tahoe Environmental Education Consortium - LTAC Research Coordination Board, Lake Tahoe Research Seminar, June 7th, Friday, 9-4pm, Sands Convention Center. Manager Gulp recommended that John Gonzales attend this Seminar. 2. CASA - Annual Work Conference. San Diego -August 21-25, 1974. 3. Letter from E1 Dorado County Groundbreaking Government Center, 11:30 AM 5/20/74. 4. Letter from Mrs. Carmen Cole regarding back charge for the store which has been connected to the sewer system for several years and property not charged for same. Following discussion, the board agreed that the back charge sent to Mrs. Cole should be deleted and she be charged currently only. Director Kortes was not in agreement with this, and suggested a charge to the property for the past 4 years be considered. ~legular Nteettng -5- May 16, 1974 / j'"z/ o Director Wakeman stated that he did not feel this situation was any fault of Mrs. Cole. Director Ream stated that the District was inspecting at that time and felt that it was the fault of the District for not catching this connection; Director Hegarty stated that he felt the back charges should be dropped and current charges only apply. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, that all back charges be deleted and current charges only apply to this property. VOTES: AYES: DIRECTORS VrAKEMAN, HEGARTY, REAM NOES: DIRECTOR KORTES CARRIED. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, the claims in the amount of $78,349.34, as recommended by Manager (assistant) Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 11:00 P.M. Robert Wakeman, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 6, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on 6/6/74, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert lArakeman, Directors Robert lat. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Gulp, Clerk of Board David IN-. Callahan, Attorney [ohn C. lAreidman, Engineers [ack [ensen, Harlan E. Moyer, L. Shoupe, D. Showalter, Jerry Martin, Mr. and Mrs. B. Mossbacher. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 5/16/74 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Wakeman welcomed all to the meeting and since Mr. and Mrs. B. Mossbacher were in attendance to discuss abandonment of Bellevue Avenue, the Board agreed to move number one item of Old Business to this point on the Agenda. Mrs. Mossbacher stated that she was totally surprised that the Board had taken up the subject of the abandonment of Bellevue Avenue. She also stated that not only were they in favor of this abandonment, but other property owners in the area are as well. She stated that a Mr. lqillets mentioned he spoke with people at the Sewer District and discussed this with them, and was told that there would be no problem. She suggested a 12' easement be given to the District for their use and access to the pump station located there; she stated they have been good neighbors for the past 10 years, knows our men and doubts that the Board can say there has been nuch vandalism there as they do keep an eye on the property - - -~zhen they cannot handle something that is taking place in that area they call the Police. She stated that this is a problem area - kids in the area use it for their beer parties, or dope parties, etc. There have been times when the men from the District have left the gate open, they would notice it and call the District, and the men arrive immediately and take care of that. She stated they would like to Regular Meeting -2- June 6, 1974 ~.".L~ ' landscape a portion of the property where the errosion is taking place to help control this; further down the road she would like an open space where parking can be near the pump station. They do not want to fence or a gate to block the entrance entirely, but perhaps a sign reading "No Unauthorized Vehicles Allowed", etc. They want to get rid of the vandalism and the parties that take place there. One of the neightbors stated that she "fears for her little girl - when the kids whip down the street in their cars". We don't want the road closed entirely, Mrs. Mossbacher stated, and hoped with the District's help, the City will grant their request. - Manager Gulp stated the property should be resurveyed by our engineers to make certain that our property is where it is supposed to be, and not on anyone else's. Mr. Willets spoke with Mr. Gallahan and was told that there was no problem as long as we had access to the pump station. In answer to Director Hegarty's question, Manager Gulp stated we do need at least 16 or 20 feet of access in the road. Director Ream stated there is no way if we had a 4' storm that we could plow down to 10, 15 or even 20 ' widths, and does not see where we can do with any less than we have now. Mrs. Mossbacher stated that paving would encourage some of the problems; the winds are also heavy through that area. She spoke with the Public Works Dept. and stated that if they accept the streets she would request paving, gutters, etc., and she was told the City would not have to make any improvements whatsoever if they were to take this over. Mr. Jerry Martin stated that would not stop the kids from in the city that is not paved it is not in the best interest to abandon this public street; it having their beer parties, etc., there is more than one street he stated. There are 600 acres back there, about 3 of the properties have been broken up to where little access to the 600 acres is left; if this is done the Bartons will be left with 600 acres that they cannot get to. I-Ie stated the street might not seem too important today, but perhaps in 10 years this street would become very important to the meadow. He also stated it is to the best public interest that the 40' right-of-way be kept there. Director Kortes stated that our main interest is that we have the pump station there, and our vehicles will be able to get access to the station and how wide it is becomes important to us. Director Ream stated that the erosion problem is no worse there than in other areas. Mrs. Mossbacher stated that they have invested money in the area; and she would not like to see people make decisions on personalities. She stated they have offered the easement and they think it is fair. She further stated that she understood the concern for the future, and they feel that by abandoning this road they are also thinking of the future. She stated they would like to see this road abandoned and would like the District's support in this. Following further discussion, Director Fesler.moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that we need our access and we oppose the abandonment of this road. Mrs. Mossbacher thanked the Board for letting her give their side. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by R.L. Gulp: Attached to your agenda is the Report of Plant Operations for May 1974. The Board met in Study sessions as follows: 5/23-Personnel; 5/24-Water Acquisition; 5/29- Water Acquisition; 6/1-Long-range Planning - Grants; 6/3-Service to High Rise Area; 6/4- Water Company personnel; 6/5-Bellevue Avenue Closure. As directed by the Board I contacted Earl Cooper regarding the installation of street lights at the entrance to the plant. A Sierra Pacific Power Company Engineer has surveyed the situation and will make a recommendation soon as to what should be installed. I will report back to you at that time. Regular Meeting -3- 6/6/74 Manager's Report (Continued) On Sunday night June 2 there was a general power outage that lasted for about 3 hours. There were no problems other than making the usual adjustments to keep the system functioning under these conditions. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week, the installation of new equipment made it necessary to discharge to the emergency holding pond. Today, export to Indian Creek Reservoir was resumed. Next Monday I will be touring the Tahoe Southside Water Utility System with Bill Dunckhorst. On Wednesday I will be attending a one day WATERGARE meeting at the Santee Water District, and on Thursday I have made a tentative date with Stan Martin (Angora Water Company) to discuss the Highway 89 fire protection line. PLANT OPERATION FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1974: Total Plant Flow 93.2 Last Month Last Year] 105.6 MG 89.1 MG Daily Average Flow Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Rate Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Pblymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used Alum Used 3.0 Last Month 3.5 MGD Last Year 2.9 MGD 4.3 (5/26/74) 7.9 (5/26/74) 11,730 lbs None 7.8 million cuft 684,000 KWH 515 lbs Pond Empty 5/31/74 Makeup 67 tons and Recalcined 131 tons 1,952 gallons Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. ENGINEER'S REPORT: None. GONSfRUGTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented byA.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts WRP Improvements ($1,082,000.00) original bid ($1,095,525.44) Contractors Ziebarth & Alper Percentage completed 87% Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson Pump Station ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Teichert Construction Company Schedule 1 39% Schedule 2 75% Schedule 3 99% Schedule 4 92% Pope Beach Sewer System ($104,158.05) original bid ($107,033.05) So. Tahoe Cons. Go. 95% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Davis=Grunsky contract should be done by July; Johnson settlement blew up temporarily; we are going to have to get permission from the Johnson Heirs. Hearing on Fallen Leaf Lake 6/7/74. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development: No report. The recent meeting at Redding was in the line of this Committee; we authorized our Engineers to design an overall plan to meet the needs of the District the next 5 years. (2) Utility Services: No report. (3) Energy Conservation. No meeting - still working on infiltration. (4) Finance: Looking into new facilities; insurance program review; and group insurance review. (5) Public Relations. Noreport. OLD BUSINESS: (2) WATER COMPANY ACQUISITION: Contracts are signed with the water company and we are now waiting for PUG approval and following that, we will assume respon: bility of operating the Company. COUNTY WATER LOAN: Mr. Weidman will appear Wednesday regarding this $95,000 contract. VALIDATION OF BILL 28: Passed on an emergency basis and signed by Governor. Mr. Weidman stated that they are trying to run the contract re the Water Company through PUG on an informal basis. REGULAR MEETING ] -4- 6/6/Y4 /~'-~/~' Manager Gulp stated that we have agreed immediately upon acquisition of Water Company that we will start to provide fire protection on Highway 89. Mr. S. Martin would like to meet with Manager Gulp and the Engineers to discuss this on Thursday at 1:30 PM, 6/13/74. NEW BUSINESS: (1) Presentation of Plaque to RobertW. Fesler, Past President of the Board. President Wakeman presented the plaque to Robert W. Fesler from the Board and stated that he remembered when the Board was at the Top of the Wheel with Manager Priday, who decided to give the District to John Williams and four of the Directors went along with this, until we called on Bob Fesler, who stated then that with the multiple of problems the City had, why take the District. Mr. Fesler was very opposed to this and brought the District back together. Director Hegarty stated that Mr. Fesler has given the District outstanding guidance during the 9 years and that he, of all people, could have and did the job and does not know of any person that could have done it as well as he did and the people of South Lake Tahoe are in debt to Mr. Fesler for doing an outstanding job as for his leadership. Director Kortes stated that one of Mr. Fesler'sgrong points was to keep the personality conflicts out...he has a keen ability to keep us on the tract. Director Ream stated that the possibility was there that this District could not be where it is today, if it had not been for the guidance of Mr. Fesler. Harlan E. Moyer stated that those years from 1964, 1965 and up, until the present time, were filled with great opportunity and challenge for the Board, anti Bob Fesler who served as President. The people of South Lake Tahoe really will never fully understand the trememdous services that was given to them by Bob Fesler as Chairman of the Board. The trememdous projects (the State and Federal), and Bob Fesler and the Directors performed an outstanding service in being able to be the only area that really and truly solved the water control problem at a very minimum cost to the local taxpayers here. This plant, the export system, 8 years ago, it was almost unheard of that any local district could provide a production such as this where 75% of the funds came from Federal sources and it did only because Bob Fesler and the Directors had the ability, forsight, courace, and guts to come forth and get the job done. I worked with a lot of Board, have seen many chairman's, and Bob Fesler is truly an outstanding individual, and Mr. Moyer stated he was proud to have been able to work with him, and to count him among his friends. Manager Gulp stated that he has spoken to visitors from all over the world, and the USA, and they ask why the success of Tahoe .... the thing that he knows definitely between Tahoe and other places is that the success is due to the strong political leadership, and that is the answer to it...the single difference is the strong local political leadership. Attorney Weidman stated that when Bob Fesler came into the District, he could have looked at this on the short range, and done things that might have been temporary popular, but he got the overall picture in view that noone else could and Mr. Weidman stated that what Manager Gulp stated is correct, and that Mr. Fesler tipified all the Board members we had in leadership to get all problems solved. The community is fortunate that it had Mr. Fesler and his leadership. Engineer Jensen stated that most of his experience with this Board was when Bob Fesler was Chairman, he further stated that this is the best Board he has ever had experience with, and he stated when he first came as Engineer with the District, Bob Fesler wanted the pipeline to be of polyethylene. Mr. Callahan stated that when Bob took over as President the financial position of the District was in the red, but over the years he served he caused the financial situation to be in an excellent state. Director Fesler tanked all and that he was honored to receive the plaque, he stated that he was more honored to have served as Chairman of this Board for the past 8 years, and enjoyed every minute of it. He thanked all from the bottom of his heart for this presentation and the comments. REGULAR MEETING -5- 6/6/?4 2. California TRPA, Interim Plan: This would stop all building at South Tahoe. Director Fesler stated that all of the tax supported entities in this area are concerned over this. He also stated that any long term moratorium would have an adverse affect on the ehtire District. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that we gon on record as opposing this and have that Resolution presented by our Manager on the 21st of June. Attorney Weidman stated that we are an entity dealing with sewer, and there is no reason for a moratorium here. Harlan E. Moyer stated that there is not only no reason for this, but is against every- thing the District has stood for, and worked for, all these years; it is an action that would be so unfair - it is just beyond comprehension. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) Letter from W.Jaxon Baker,Inc., re Fallen Leaf Lake Sewers - Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the letter be accepted. (2) Letter from Bizz Johnson Supporting~Research Grant Application. (3) Letter from V.A.Lauderdale re house lateral: At the time this connection was made, our inspection department approved same, and showed cleanout at property, though there is not one there. It was moved by Director Ream, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that we offer to install a cleanout for the Lauderdale's, and that they waive the cost of any damages. (4) Letter from John Denny re new film for District. Until Ziebarth and Alper complete their project, Mr. Denny cannot take photoes, this was an informative letter only. (5) Letter from City of South Lake Tahoe re Overlay of Streets in Johnson Blvd. Project. Manager Gulp was asked to write a letter or discuss this with the Public Works Department and Mr. Hendrickson, and report to~.~o the Board. (6) Telephone Call from Rex Belding re Wastewater from M.S.Dixie: It was agreed that this should be charged on the same basis as we have charged Kirkwood Meadows. Mr. Fesler mentioned the meeting at the Sands tomorrow of the Research Groups. Mr. John Gonzales will attend this meeting. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $176,088.99, as recommended by Mr. Caltahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:45 P.M. ROBERT WAKEMAN, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk o[ Board South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 20, 1974 The Board of Directors met in a regular session 6/20/74, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL GALL: Present were President Wakeman, Directors Kortes, Fesler, Hegarty, Ream, General Manager R.L. Gulp, Clerk of Board D.W. Gallahan, Plant Engineer J. Gonzales, Eng[neerA.L. Shoupe. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cotta, Mr. McGuire and Mr. Cohen from Sequoia-Pacific Construction Company of Sacramento. ABSENT: Attorney J.G. Weidman and Engineer J. Jensen. MINUTES: Director R. Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes,unanimously carried, that the minutes of 6/6/74 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr.and Mrs. E. Gotta and representatives from Sequoia- Pacific Construction Co., and A.L. Shoupe - Engineer, GH2M Hill. MANAGER'S REPORT: . As presented by R.L. Gulp: "On June 13 the Board made a field trip to inspect the facilities of the Tahoe Southside Water Utility, and on June 19 the Board met in Study Session with legal counsel regarding Public Utility Commission approval of water system acquisition. On June 12 I attended a meeting of WATERGARE in San Diego and in connection with the meeting toured the water reclamation facilities of the Santee Water District. On June 13 Jack Jensen and I Met with Start Martin regarding fire protection on Highway 89. As of June 17 all water stored in the emergency holding pond during lime furnace modification was reprocessed through the plant. The first annual meeting of WATERGARE is to be held at Newport Beach on 7/17 and 7/18/74, and I would like to ask the Board's permission to attend. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager attend the meeting on 7/17 and 7/18/74 for WATERGARE at Newport Beach. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. President Wakeman moved Item One under Unfinished Business to this point of the Agenda for the convenience of Mr. and Mrs. E. Gotta. (1) PARADISE PARK CAMPGROUND, ANNUAL SERVICE CHARGE. Mrs. Cotta stated that she would like to request a hearing on the annual fee that they have to pay at the campground. They are open from 5/30 Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend only. They use the campground only 3-1/2 months of the year, and are being charged $612.00. There are 60 spaces and there are no hookups - they do not have that many units, only have 8 showers and 8 toilets; there is no sump station on the property. Mr. Callahan stated that the 60 unit charge was based upon the Ordinance and charges the same as for a trailer park. Mr. Hegarty stated that he felt this should be studied; President Wakeman turned same over to the Research and Development Committee. Our Manager will communicate with Mrs. Gotta. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported by A.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts Contractor WRP Improvements Ziebarth & Alper ($1,082,000 original Bid) $1,095,525.44. Johnson Blvd. Pump Station (193,000)Johnson Pump ~$ta. (10,000) Bijou Mod. (44,250) Fairway Tr. (91,940) Treehaven Tr. Pope Beach Sewer System ($104,158.05 - Original bid) ($107,033.05) Percentage Completed 88% Teichert Cons. Go. Schedule 1 55% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 99% Schedule 4 98% So. Tahoe Cons. Go. 95% Director Hegarty suggested a tour for the Board of Pope Beach and Teichert Construction Projects. A.L. Shoupe will contact the board for the tour. Regular Meeting -2- 6/20/74 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: None. Mr. G. McGuire and Mr. Cohen from Sequoia Pacific Construction Company were present in the audience, and also listed on the atenda. President Wakeman moved their item of business to this point of the meeting. Mr. McGuire stated that they have purchased the building permit for the Sierra Gardens Apartments which was paid under protest as it was a great deal of money to pay for the connection charges, and asked if the Board would reconsider the charge on this. Director Fesler stated that we faced up to the problem that is being raised by these gentlemen and we were beseiged with people who wanted back dated permits, etc., we took a firm stand at the time this connection charge went through. Any permits issued after 7/6/73 would be subject to a connection charge. Director Ream stated that he did not see why this should apply at this time. Director Fesler stated it would not be fair to all the other people we have applied this connection charge to. Mr. Cohen stated that he is not asking for any special favors, he wanted to clarify this and when same became effective. Mr. McGuire stated that they really appreciated the job this Board is doing here. He also stated he appreciated all the efforts of the Board, and that he was certainly not requesting any special treatment. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Research and Development. No report. 2. Utility Services. No report. 3. Energy Conservation. Met on 6/14/74 and under Old Business will be a report by our Plant Engineer on infiltration. (4) Finance. Met on 6/14/74 in answer to a request for Economic Crisis re moratorium. (5) Public Information. Director Wakeman, Manager Gulp and John Gonzales met with the Editor of the Tribune, Mr. A. Risdon, and Reporter Jeff Cohen. Mr. Risdon is the new Editor of the paper, and is very much interested in our facilities and what is being accomplished here. Manager Gulp stated that he felt Mr. A. Risdon is very favorable towards the District, and giving us good coverage. John Gonzales stated that Mr. Risdon is very interested in our facilities, and that he has contacted him since their visit to the plant and has asked many question. They also wanted to have pictures of the entire facilities after the construction is completed. President Wakeman stated that the meeting held in Sacramento with Mr. Livermore re the moratorium was not too encouraging. Mr. Gary Chase from the City told Mr. Livermore that if the moratorium is 'passed, he and the Council have no intention of paying any attention to it. Manager Gulp will attend the meeting at South Tahoe High School tomorrow and will present the Resolution passed by this Board opposing the moratorium. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (2) Infiltration and Inflow, reported by John Gonzales. Mr. Gonzales stated that on the infiltration study and copies of same have been distributed to each Director; he also mentioned what the future studies are to be. Director Fesler stated that the District has a good man working on the infiltration study; an excellent report was given this evening. Director Ream stated that he would like to commend John Gonzales and his staff on what they have done to date and recommended that this program be continued. Director Ream also stated that the Committee has considered keeping this man on the job on a permanent basis. Manager Gulp suggested a copy of this report be sent to the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. Regular Meeting -3- 6/20/74 WATER COMPANY ACQUISITION: (a) Manager Culp stated we have run into some difficulty with the PUG on getting the acquisition approved. Mr. Weidman and Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch are working on this and we should have some news on this next week. Director Kortes suggested a meeting with Mr. Weidman and Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, to set up a meeting to converse as to how to approach the PUG. Scheduled for Tuesday, 6/25/74 at 3:00 P.M. District Office. Another possible date for the tour of Teichert Construction program for 6/27/74 3:00 PM. LesShoupe will confirm. The Board agreed to July 11, 1974 for the next regular meeting, as July 4th is a holiday. RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT BET.X~rEEN EL DORADO COUNTY AGENGYAND SOUTH TAHOE PUD FOR FIVE YEAR, NO INTEREST LOAN OF' $95,000.00. - .... Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO 1891 be approved. ' · 4. Annaul Salary Resolution and Compensation of Officers: RESOLUTION NO. 1892, A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Publ ic Utility District Superseding Resolution no. 1822, and Providing for the Annual Salary Resolution. Director Fesler stated that the City solved their problem at 10To and we are higher - on the increases in salaries for our employees, and next year when we sit down to talk about these things that it be recognized then we were higher than the other entities on increases. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously Carried, RESOLUTION NO. 1892 be approved. Manager Gulp recommended that an Ordinance Providing for Compensation of the Officers and a Resolution for Salary of Plant Engineer be postponed until the next regular meeting. Requested a Study Session on 7/3/74, 3:00 P.M. to discuss same. 5. FURNACE BUILDING EQUIPMENT. Proposal for Lime Bin Activator and Feedei~. Manager Gulp recommended purchase of same in the amount of $7,086 - this was budgeted. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream that Lime Bin Activator and Feeder be purchased, as recommended by Manager Gulp: VOTES: AYES: Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Hegarty and Ream. NOES: Director Fesler .... Carried. NEW BUSINESS: (1) Street Lighting, Rancho Bijou: Letter from Mary Ann Temple. Same turned over to Utility Services Committee for study. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $80,572.68, as recommended by Mr. Gallahan, be approved. ADJOURNMENT: 10:35 P.M. R(~BER~ WA}~K,~N~ ~[e~dent South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTES T: DAVID W. GALLAHAN, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Duly Held Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District July 11, 1974 Room. The Board of Directors met on July 11, 1974, 8:00 P.M., District Conference ROLL GALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty and Gerald G. Ream. Also present were Manager Russell L. Gulp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John G. Weidman, Engineers Jack Jensen and A.L. Shoupe. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 6/20/74 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: As reported by Russell L. Gulp, General Manager: "The Board met in study session on June 25 to discuss PUG approval of water system acquisition, on June 27 to inspect the Johnson Boulevard Pump Station project, on July 3 to discuss personnel matters, and on July l0 regarding sewer service to Heavenly Valley. The Committees on Utility Services and Energy Conservation met on July 9. At the CTRPA hearing on June 21, I presented the District's Resolution opposing a Building Moratorium. On June 26 Mr. Wakeman and I accompanied the Editor of the Tahoe Tribune on a tour of our plant and office facilities, and on July 2 Jeff Cohen, reporter for the local paper, took pictures of plant improvements being constructed under the Glean Water Grant Program and gathered information for a story on the project. We have been advised by the EPA that studies of virus removals at our plant will be conducted, as a part of a national study and that our request for a more detailed study at our plant under a Federal Grant had been denied. On July 8 I represented the District and WATERGARE at a meeting in the University of California, Sanitary Engineering Research Laboratory in Richmond This meeting was concerned with a proposal for a 8500,000 research study by the U (~F G., of trace organics in reclaimed wastewater which is aimed at answering questions raised by the California Department of Health in connection with future water reuse for potable purposes. Others in attendance were engineers and virologists from the University of California and representatives of EPA, SWRG Board, and the State Department of Health. WATERGARE will decide whether or not to support this proposal at the meeting in Newport Beach next week which I will be attending. PLANT OPERATION FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1974: Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow 102.2 MG Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Rate Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used: Alum Used 3,4 MGD 4.3 MG (6/29/74) 7.9 MGD (6/24/74) 19,705 None 7.2 million cuft 745,200 KW H 502 lbs Pond Empty - Not Used - June 17, Makeup = 67 tons 3,420 gallons" Last Month 93.2 MG Last Year 93.5 MG Last Month 3.0 MGD Last Year 3.1 MGD Last Year 3. $ MG 1974 Recalcined - 165 tons. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ' ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen stated that he and Manager Gulp met with Mr. Start Martin re fire line on Highway 89. He stated the Engineers are working on this matter now o Duly Held Meeting of the Board -2- 7/11/74 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Contracts and Amounts WRP Improvements ($1,082,000 = original Bid) (81,095,525.44) As reported byA.L. Shoupe Contract ors Ziebarth andAlper Percentage Completed 9O% Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson P.S. ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Pope Beach Sewer System ($104,158.05 = Original Bid) ($107,033.05) Teichert Construction Company Schedule 1 55Yo Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 99% Schedule 4 1 00% So. Tahoe Cons. Co. 96% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the Davis-Grunsky contract is completed; we can go ahead with the final inspection and apply for our money. Attorney Weidman also recommended that before our engineers meet with Heavenly Valley, a study session should be scheduled to review the costs and flow and capacity contribution with Heavenly Valley. Same scheduled for Monday, 7/15/74, 3:00 P.M. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development: Director Hegarty stated that this committee did meet with John Gonzales - report to be presented at the next regular meeting of the Board. (2) Utility Services: Met on 7/9/74 to review street lighting charges and four alternates have been discussed (1) provide this service; (2) turn it over to the City; (3) turn all the lights off and request the residents get night guards; (4) leave it as it is. Another Committee meeting is scheduled for 3:00 P.M., 7/16/74 at the District Office. Director Wakeman stated he has been quite concerned over this and Directors Fesler and Kortes have worked out an answer to Mrs. Temple's letter regarding street lighting. (3) Energy Conservation: This Committee met with John Gonzales regarding South Shore Utilities Goodinating Council and John Gonzales explained in detail more as to what it is all about; Mr. Gonzales had also mentioned that this organization might approach the District for some financial aid next month. (4) Finance Committee: No report. (5) Public Information: Met with the fditor of the Tribune; an article was in Wednesday evening paper concerning this meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: OR): Consider Change Order No. 3. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 3 be approved, as recommended by the District Engineer. (2) JOHNSON BLVD PUMP STATION PROJECT (Teichert Cons., Contractor). After a lengthy discussion regarding street overlay and encroachment per mit and the consideration of a time extension, the Board agreed that no action should be taken at this time, as recommended by the District Engineer. · (1) CLEAN WATER GRANT PROJECT (ZIEBARTH AND ALPER, CONTRACT- (3) AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS: (a) District Service Area; (b) Indian Creek Reservoir; (c) Plant. Engineer presented pictures of same for the Board's approval. (4) COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS: ORDINANCE NO. 245, An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District amending Ordinances Nos. 221 and 228 and Providing for Compensation of Officers of South Tahoe Public Utility District. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 245 be approved. Duly Held Meeting -3- 7/11/74 RESOLUTION NO. 1893: Resolution Amending Resolution No. 1871 and Providing for the Salary of the Plant Engineer. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1893 be approved. 4; WATER COMPANY ACQUISITION: One person yet to sign the contract, as of this date. Tuesday - Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch will file same with the P U G. Manager Gulp stated that the well located at Barbara and Martin is giving 2,000 gallons per minute of good clear water. 6. LIME BIN BOTTOM AND FEEDER: RESOLUTION NO. 1894, A Resolution Approving Specifications for Equipment for a Bin Bottom and Vibrating Screw Feeder, and RESOLUTION NO. 1895, a Resolution Advertising for Sealed Bids for a Bin Bottom and Vibrating Screw Feeder. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1894 and 1895 be approved as recommended by Manager Culp. NEW BUSINESS: None CORRESPONDENCE: Annual Meeting of CASA from 8/21-24/74, San Diego. The Board agreed that the Manager and any Board Members interested attend this meeting - Director Fesler stated that any Board members that can attend should make every effort to do so as their attendance could only result for the good for the people we represent. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager and any Board Member attend this meeting of CASA. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, the claims in the amount of $226,152.06, as recommended by Assistant Manager Gallahan be approved for payement. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. ROBERT WAKE MA-N, President South Tahoe Public UtiLity District ATTEST: DAVID W. GALLAHAN, Gl~rk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District July 18, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 7/18/74, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty and Gerald G. Ream. Also present were General Manager Russell L. Gulp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineer Jack Jensen and EngineerA.L. Shoupe. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 7/11/74 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: None MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Gulp stated he was in attendance at the Study Sessions on 6/15, 6/16 and 6/17/74. He attended the Watercare meeting at Newport Beach, California, and returned this evening, He also mentioned that while in the area he toured the Orange County Water District Facilities. Director Hegarty stated that this Board has been talking about visiting Santee Water District and since all will be in San Diego for an annual meeting of G A S A, he suggested the Board plan a visit to Santee when they are there. To be discussed at a Study Session. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler that this matter be discussed at a study session. VOTES: Ayes: Directors Fesler, Kortes, Ream and Wakeman. ABSTAINED: Director Hegarty. NOES: None. Carried. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen stated that they have prepared a list of the material needed for the Emergency Pump Station on Johnson Blvd. and Teichert was informed of this, and we will be doing the work, and using Teichert's facilities. Materials will be here tomorrow and work will start then - same should be completed by Tuesday. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Items are on agenda. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT, as presented byA.L. Shoupe: Contract & Amount Contractors Percentage completed. WRP Improvements Ziebarth & Alper 91 To ($1,082,000.00) Orig. Bid. ($1,136,707.08) Johnson Blvd. Pump Station Tcichert Cons. Go. ($193,000) Joe:nson Pump Sta. Schedule 1 ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. Schedule 2 ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. Schedule 3 ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Schedule 4 Pope Beach Sewer System ($104,158.05) Orig. Bid. ($107,033.05) So. Tahoe Cons. Co. 55% 100 % 99% 100% 96% COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development: Director Hegarty stated that they had no meeting; one scheduled 7/29/74, 3:00 P.M., to review the four campgrounds. (2) Utility Services: Met on 7/16/74 to continue the study of street lighting. Two letters were prepared - one in answer to Mrs. M. Temple's letter, and the other to go to the City - same to be discussed under Old Business. (3) Energy Conservation: Met on 7/16/74 with Mr. Callahan and Mr. Gonzales and Director Ream stated that they would like to have a complete board meeting with the Manager, Mr. Gallahanand Mr. Gonzales on 7/25/74, 3:00 P.M. (4) Finance: Director Fesler stated that this committee studies expenditures, tax rates, service fees, etc., and requested a study session on 7/23/74, 3:00 P.M. Regular Meeting -2- 7/18/74 Attorney Weidman also requested a Study Session to discuss the water situation on 7/22/74 at 3:00 P.M. Public Relations/Information: Held no meeting. Requested a meeting with the Manager on 7/19/74 at noon. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) Jack Jensen requested information from the Directors as to the mosiac of the entire District, size, cost,etc. Same will be ready for their review around the 1st of August. Director Fesler stated that after we receive the large map, we should purchase at least 10 on a smaller size to give to other public entities that would like to have them. (2) WATER COMPANY ACQUISITION: Study Session 7/22/74, 3:00 P.M., District Office. Attorney Weidman stated that he will meet with Attorney Ken Jones of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch,to discuss this contract. (3) STREET MGHTING: Letter was prepared to send Mrs. Temple in reply to her letter. In the event this letter is not satisfying to Mrs. Temple, our Manager will call her and request a meeting with the Board. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried that the letter be sent to Mrs. Temple. , Another letter was written to the City of South Lake Tahoe regarding street lighting, and it was agreed that same would be handcarried to the City Manager , Gary Chase, and discussed with him. At the same time this is hand-carried to the City, Manager Gulp will also discuss the subject of inspections. (5) HEAVENLY VALLEY SERVICE: A meeting was held by the Board with Jack Jensen and Harlan E. Moyer. A letter was prepared by Mr. Moyer to send to the USFS re Heavenly Valley Service. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the letter be mailed to Mr. J. Neil Hunsaker, Acting Administrator, U.S. Dept. ofAgric., Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, Box 8465 So. Lake Tahoe, Ca. 95731. ' Director Kortes stated that we should send a letter to Mr. Killebrew stating that our normal procedure is that we contract with the USFS regarding permittees using USFS lands and his letter requesting service was not properly handled, but we are going to contact the USFS regarding Heavenly Valley property and we are returning the $200.00 check, seconded by Director Ream, after Director Kortes put this into a motion. Director Fesler stated the USFS did not initiate this procedure. Mr. Killebrew's check was sent to have the plans checked, which is the policy, and felt we should keep the money in the interest of all the taxpayer's of the District. Assistant Manager Gallahan stated that the 8200.00 received from Mr. Killebrew was the cost of reviewing the plans. Attorney Weidman stated that he would agree with the letter, but not refund the $200.00, as that is the fee for plan checking. VOTES: (As requested by Director Kortes): AYES: None. NOES: Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Kortes, Hegarty and Ream. DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN: Finance Committee Study Session to be scheduled for discuss£ng deferred compensation plan. CORRESPONDENGE: Letter from California Special Districts Association regarding representation on Sierra Planning Organization to be held on 7/24/74 in San Francisco. A list of Board Members were sent to Mr. YVakeman along with a copy of the letter re this meeting and it was agreed that the Secretary would call all'on the list to remind them of this meeting to be held at San Francisco on 7/24/74. LAKE TAHOE AREA GOUNCIL: Meeting on 7/26/74 re History of Tahoe at Meeks Bay Resort on Highway 89. Mr. & Mrs. Fesler and Mr. and Mrs. %Arakeman will attend. Regular Meeting -3- 7/18/74 Director Hegarty mentioned the article in the paper regarding construction of 80 units at Fallen Leaf Lake, and another article to the Editor by Mrs. SD Lome. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: The Board reviewed the salaries of the employees and questioned one which was quite high for one of the employees. Same explained by David W. Callahan. Board agreed to look into same. Also, Honeywell Contract was discussed and the Manager will look into the parts and on call contract. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $45,677.20, as recommended by Assistant Manager Gallahan, be approved for payment. AD JO URN MENT: 10:45 P.M. Robert Wakeman, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: David W. Oallahan, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District August 1, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 8/1/74, 8:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Robert AN. Fesler, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Gulp, Clerk of Board David AN. Callahan, Attorney John C. ANeidman, Bob Scheering, Jack Jensen, Jeff Cohen, A.L. Shoupe, M. Rogers, A.J. Gunderson, T.B. Guild, and Mrs. T.B. Build, E.E. Fox, and several employees of the District. ABSENT: Director Donald H. Kortes. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 7/18/74 be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: As reported by General Manager R.L. Culp: "The Plant Operations Report for July 1974 is attached to your copy of the agenda. The Plant flows compared to th~se of last year indicate that the infiltration and inflow reduction program is producing results. The movie crew for Denny, ANagoner, and ANright have spend the week here shboting the plant and Indian Creek Reservoir for the new film to replace the one made in 1968. I have a tentative date with Gary Chase for Monday August 5 to discus Sewer Inspections and Street Lighting. The Board met in Study Sessions on July 22, 23, 25, 29. By tomorrow night the temporary pump at Johnson Boulevard Pump Station will be complete except for the motor starter which is expected any day now. We have a letter dated July 24, 1974, from W.Jaxon Baker, Inc., extending his offer an additional 60 days. Officers and staff of the Lake Tahoe Area Council will be touring Indian Creek Reservoir and the plant on next Thursday Regular Meeting -2- 8/1/74 (continued) Manager's Report (Continued): - Today I inspected tae 60 mg holding pond as suggested by President Wakeman. In my opinion the dikes and grounds are in the best and most stable condition ever. The erosion gullies for the most part are old ones which now have some growth in the bottom. It would be a mistake to disturb the surface in order to obtain a smoother finish. The seeding and tree planting which was done 3 or 4 years ago are showing maximum results to date. The United States Forest Service has requested a meeting at 3:00 P.M. on Tuesday, 8/13/74 regarding sewer service to Upper Heavenly Valley". Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported by A.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts Contractors Percentages completed WRP Improvements ($1,082,000.00) original bid ($1,136,707.08) Ziebarth and Alper 93% Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson Pump Sra. $10,000 - Bijou Modification $44,250 - Fair:way Tr. $91,940 - Treehaven Tr. Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 56% 100% ~9To 100% completed. Pope Beach Sewer System ($104,158.05 - orig. bid) ($107,033.05) So. Tahoe Cons. Go. 98% completed ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen requested that the retention fund which is now 10% be reduced to 5To and the other 5% be paid to Zeibarth & Alper. Director Fesler asked of what benefit it would be to the District to reduce the retention of 5%, he also stated that the construction progress report shows that the project is only 93% completed. A.L. Shoupe then stated that we are not paying for work that is not done on the project. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, that the 10% retention fund be reduced to 5% and that Zeibarth and Alper be paid 5% of the retention fund. VOTES: Ayes: '~ Noes: ABSENT: Directors Wakeman, Heg~rty, Ream. Director Fesler Director Korte s. Carried. LETTER FROM SOUTH TAHOE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (POPE BEACH PROJECT): Requesting a time extension. Jack Jensen stated that there is a stop order issued against South Tahoe Cons. Co. by Coast Pump Inc. So Tahoe Construction Company had to travel to Coast Pump firm to pick up the materials and the pump stations and they they were not complete stations. Director Fesler and Director Ream did not agree to a time extension on this project. J. Jensen stated that the Board could grant this extension, and then charge for any additional inspection costs. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that this matter be taken under advisement and voted on at the Board convenience. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney stated that three items for discussion are on the agenda for this evening. Regular Meeting -3- 8/1/Y4 COMMITEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development: The meeting originally scheduled for the study and tour of the campgrounds postponed. Wednesday on August Yth will be a committee meeting and a tour of the campgrounds will then be taken, and a report to the Board at the next meeting. (2) Utility Services. No report. (3) Energy Conservation: No report. (4) Finance: Met on 7/24/74 with Director Fesler, Kortes, Callahan and Ice Gaither to discuss Life Insurance and Group Insurance, and also discussed Deferred Compensation. The committee decided to not recommend any action at this time. (5) Public Relations: No meeting and no report. Director Fesler asked what all the picture taking this evening was about. Director Wakeman stated that the Board previously had voted to have a new film made and Denny, Wagoner, Wright are doing this. The expense was agreed to by this Board at a previous meeting. The Board agreed to discuss this project in a Study Session on Tuesday, 8/6/?4, at the District Office. i ' UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) WATER COMPANY ACQUISITION: Attorney Weidman stated the application of the District and Tahoe Southside Water Company was filed with the P U C and the stock transfer and dissolution of the Company was filed Tuesday. Next Tuesday the commission will assign the application to a commissioner - Weidman and Ken [ones will meet with the commissioner to discuss the application. (2) SEWER CONNECTION, HANS TVETEN: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1896, A Resolution approving Plans and Specifications. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1896 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 1897. A Resolution Authorizing Advertisement for Bids . Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the RESOLUTION NO. 1897 be approved. (Bid Opening scheduled for 8/29/?4, 2:00 P.M. - Meeting at District Office at 3:00 P.M.) (3) Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer System. No decision to date, Mr. Weidman stated. (4) RULES OF APPEAL TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: This was discussed in length with the Board and with Mr. Michael Rogers, attorney representing the employees: A.~.Gunderson, E.E. Fox, T.B. G~ild, and with AttorneyWeidman and Bob Scheering. Mr. Rogers stated that he did not appear here this evening to adopt a set of rules - he stated that he would like to meet to discuss establishing rules that would be acceptable to both parties. Attorney Weidman requested that Mr. Rogers introduce himself. Mr. Michael B. Rogers stated that he is an Attorney for Stationary Engineers, Local 39. Attorney Weidman stated that he was here this evening to represent the 3 employees in question and also representing the Union (Mr. Michael B. Rogers). At-this point, the Rules of Appeal to the Board of Directors was discussed in length and changes agreeable to all parties were made. Attorney Rogers stated that on ,behalf of the organization he represents he would request that the Rules of Appeal include for'arbitration as a means of resolving disputes that may arise. Attorney Weidman stated that he would recommend to the Board to adopt the Rules of Appeal as modified and agreed to by Mr. B. Scheering, Mr. Rogers and himself, but that we do not include in the rules an alternate of arbitration, at this time, and at a later time that a Meet and Confer process be undertaken with a regard as to how to handle grievances. Director Fesler moved that RESOLUTION NO. 1898, Rules of Appeal to the Board of Directors, be adopted, as recommended by our Attorney ~.C. Weidman. Director Fesler also stated that he would call to the Board's attention that we spend a lot of money for legal advice and we have two consultants and they have recommended this Resolution in its form, and he felt that by adding Rules of Appeal, it just carries out ~ 1..~ ~ I Rcgular Meeting -4- 8/1/74 and continues the same feeling that is in the Personnel Ordinance. Director Hegarty seconded, unanimously carried. Mr. Rogers requested that RESOLUTION NO. 1898 be drafted in form indicating that this has been approved following Meet and Confer process and it would be included in the Personnel Ordinance. Attorney Weidman stated to Mr. Rogers that he assumed Mr. Rogers wanted to make some corament to the Board. Mr. Rogers stated that he sent a telegram to R.L. Gulp, General Manager; he further stated that he is representing A. J. Gunderson, E.E. Fox, and T.B. Guild, who received a letter on 7/29/74 terminating their employment with this organization. Mr. Rogers requested that these 3 individuals be reinstated. He also stated that the reasons for their termination was for other reasons than stated in the letter, and that he was concerned about protecting the rights of these 3 individuals and the other employees here. Attorney Weidman stated to the Board that they could decide on Mr. Rogers recommendation to reinstate the employees (Gunderson, Fox and Guild), or go on the Rules of Appeal. Mr. Rogers requests that the 3 employees be reinstated, even if they are given another discharge letter tomorrow, and he would like to have them working pending the appeal process. Mr. Weidman advised the Board they did not have to do what Mr. Rogers is requesting and they may wait for the appeal process, and the employees not be reinstated. Mr. Rogers then stated that no harm will come to the District to allows these people to go back to work here. Mr. Weidman again mentioned to the Board that they have two options: (1) reinstate; (2) maintain the discharge now in effect subject to the appeal process. Director Fesler stated that he would like Mr. Weidman to request of Mr. Rogers that if he has anything further to tell us to please do so and if not we can get on with our deliberations. Mr. Rogers stated that he felt these discharges were contrary to law. Director Fesler stated that he personally felt our Manager, who we have charged with the responsibility of hiring and firing, and when we are not satisfied with what he does, we can change him; our Manager has taken his action and I think it is a matter of confirming and ratifying the action of our Manager. We have the Rules of Appeal established now and they are perfectly fair. Mr. Rogers stated that he asks that the people be allowed to work pending the Appeal processes. Director Hegarty agreed with Director Fesler backing our Manager. Attorney Weidman stated that the Board is now willing to back the Manager at this time pending the hearing. Mr. Rogers stated that he respectfully requests that the letters of 7/29/74 are invalid; and he also stated that he has reason to believe that the motivation for these discharges are related to Employee Organization. Mr. Rogers stated too that these 3 employees have ne,vet been fully warned or disciplined, he stated that the statements in the letters are being taken in retalliation for their employee activities; he stated that the Union nor the District have the right to take action against an employee because they exercise their democratic right. Director Fesler stated that we have a procedure for one and all. Mr. Rogers read his appeal into the records for A.J. Gunderson, E.E. Fox, and T.B. Guild. Court Reporter will see that this is received at the District within the next few days. Attorney %Meidman recommended that Manager Gulp mail a Bill of Pairticulars on E. Fox, T. B. Guild, and A.J. Gunderson to Mr. Rogers. Attorney Weidman requested a recess at 10:25 P.M. for 5 minutes. Reconvened at 10:30 P.M. Haaring dates set as follows: A.J. Gunderson 8/26/73 10:00 A.M. District Office E.E. Fox, 8/27/74, 10:00 A.M. District Office. T.B. Guild, 8/28/74, 10:00 am, District Office. Regular Meeting -5- 8/1/74 Bill of Particulars be received by Mr. Rogers at least a week from .Monday (8/12/74). Also, that the hearings should be with the condition that if the schedule of Mr. Rogers does not permit the hearing time on all 3 of the dates that we (between council) can adjust with the Board's approval and conform to his schedule and as of now all Board members and council, except Director Kortes, who is absent this evening, can meet this present schedule. Mr. Rogers gave his card to Manager Culp and stated he will receive all mail regarding the three employees. He also mentioned that he did state his position and his reasons for the motivation, and that he does reserve the right to challenge that act of management. Attorney Weidman stated that the Board of Directors have not made any decisions on Mr. Rogers allegations and they are not responding to any statements regarding management because they will hear this evidence at the hearing. The correspondence delivered this evening by Mr. Rogers will be taken under submission and referred to Mr. Scheering, the letter simply notifies the District, Mr. Rogers stated, of a matter that has taken place between the Employees and this Union. The employees association and Union officially merged on 7/24/74. It was mentioned that the dates for the hearings on Gunderson, Fox and Guild, were set by our Manager Russell L. Gulp, who is the Employee Relations Officer. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $195,325.88, as recommended by Assistant Manager David W. Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 11:20 P.M. R~BER~ ~VAKEMAN, P~sident South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: " ~, ~/ / ~ ,~ . DAVID W o GAL~N, Glerk of Board South Tahoe Publia U~lity Distriat REGU~R MEETING OF THE BOA~ OE DIREGTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIG UTILITY DIST~GT AUGUST 15,1~74 The Board of Directors met in a regular session on 8/15/74, 8:00 P.M., district conference room. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. ~rakeman, Directors R. Fesler, D. Kortes, E. Hegarty, G. Ream, General Manager Gulp, Clerk of Board D.~V. Callahan, Attorney J.G. YVeidman, Engineers J. ~ensen andA.L. Shoupe. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 8/1/74 be approved as presented. /~ ~ ~eguiar Meeting -2- 8/i5/74 MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by R.L. Gulp: "Most of my time since our last meeting has been devoted to personnel matters. John Weidman and I completed the Bills of Particulars for the three dismissed employees and they were mailed to the interested parties on Tuesday, August 13. Mr. Hegarty, Mr. Gallahan, and I met with City Manager Gary Chase on August 5 to discuss street lighting and sewer hook-up inspections. At this time it appears that the street lighting responsibility will be ours although this is not final. Tentative agreemtnt was reached that the District would resume sewer hook-up inspections on October 1 of this year. It is likely that we will be meeting with City Council representatives for further discussion of both of these matters in the near future. A most important development was our receipt of approval by the Public Utilities Commission of District acquisition of the Tahoe Southside Water Utility. We are to assume ownership and begin operations on 9/1/74. Mr. Gallahan, Mr. Weidman, and I have taken several measures required for the transfer of ownership and operation, and there are several actions required by the Board as indicated by tonight's agenda. It is anticipated that any additional actions of the Board which may be necessary, can be considered at the Adjourned Board meeting on 8/29/74. In addition, I suggest that President Wakeman consider assigning two committees of the Board to work with staff in carrying out the many details necessary to begin water utility operation on 9/1/74. One of these committees could give their attention to physical facilities and the other to financial aspects. I believe that most of the things to be done would fall logically into one or the other of these categories. Dr. Robert Dean of the Cincinnati Laboratory of the U.S. EPA spent two days here reviewing with rae the latest improvements to the plant and the most recent plant operating experiences. You will recall that Dr. Dean was our Project Officer from the U.S.I~tH.S. and FWPGA project days, and he still serves as a science advisor to the present EPA's Project Officer. Dr. Dean was quite pleased with our more than 6 years of highly successful operation, and with the amount of engineering and financial data which the District has contributed to EPA in return for their financial assistance. They feel that they have received more than their money's worth. We had engineers from South Africa and Belgium visit the plant last week, and we are expecting another group of Rusian scientists next Monday or Tuesday. Under EPA auspices, Dr. Roger Wible of the Carborundum Go. is collecting samples of our reclaimed water for virus testing. He and Mr. Strictcher have been working with John Gonzales today and they will continue through tomorrow and possibly Saturday on this project. The activated sludge process which had been upset about two or three weeks ago due to an overgrowth of slime organisms has been restored to normal by the fforts of plant operators using a new approach suggested by John Gonzales which avoided the necessity for dewatering the aeration basins and provided quicker recovery. This method involved the use of hydrogen peroxide and chlorine to kill the undesirable growth, and the use of ferrous sulfate to stimulate the desirable activated sludge organisms. Congressman McFall will be visiting the plant at 8:00 A.M. on Tuesday, August 20th." Presi dent Wakeman appointed the Energy Conservation Committee to physical facilities for water utility operation, and the Finance Committee for the financial aspects regarding same. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as submitted. President Wakeman stated that some news should be in the newspaper regarding Dr. Dean, as was mentioned in the Manager's Report. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen stated that he and Manager Gulp, Mr. Gallahan, three Directors and H.E.Moyer met with Mr. Hunsiker and Mr.M.Goggins of the USFS. The District made their point clear that they want to deal with the USFS only and not the permittees. Mr. Jensen also met with Stan Martin and the report on the feasibility of Highway 89 fire line should be ready to present to the Board very soon. Regular Meeting -3- 8/15/74 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported byA.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts Contractors Percentages completed. WRP Improvements Ziebarth and Alper 95% $1,082,000 - orig. bid $1,136, ?07.08 Johnson Blvd. Pump Sta. $193,000 Johnson P/Sra. $10,000 Bijou Mod. $44,250 Fairway Tr. $91,940 Treehaven Tr. Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 56% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 99To Schedule 4 100% Pope Beach Sewer System $194,158.05 - orig. bid. $107,033.05 So. Tahoe Cons. 100% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that a letter of appreciation should be sent to Gene Ghappie for his assistance to the District, and that the District should have a farewell party for Gene Chappie. Director Hegarty and Attorney Weidman will work on this and report to the Board. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that a letter be sent to Gene Ghappie for his help and our acquisition of the Tahoe Southside Water Utility. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development: There was no meeting. The committee did tour the holding pond site and felt the site is in the best condition yet; the many planting of the trees by the USFS are doing well. There are 18 pine trees and some poplars on the site; much growth and wildflowers; there are a few gulleys and some erosion, but overall it looks good. Still have not had the opportunity to visit the campgrounds, but hope to after labor day. (2) Utility Services: No meeting. Director Kortes asked what the Board wanted to do about the street lighting; President Wakeman stated this should be in full study session after we receive a report from the City council (after Tuesday-Aug. 20). No word has been received to our letter from Mrs. M. Temple. Mr. Fesler spoke with Mr. Temple, who stated that Mrs. Temple was satisfied with The District's reply to her. (3) Energy Conservation: No report. (4) Finance: Fesler stated they met on 8/9/74 to compare the Health/Accident Plan with what the City provides and both the City and District are covered by Guardian Life Ins. Co. He stated the City has much more coverage, provides more coverage (cost wise) for the employees, they also have a dental plan and a $50,000 major medical - the District does not have the dental and has $25,000 major medical. (5) Public Information: Director Wakemanstated he has a copy of AB 2794 and asked J.C. Weidman to check on status of same. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) Water Company Acqusition, Transferof Ownership, and Operation. Manager Gulp stated we have PUC approval. (b) Ordinance establishing rules for water service rates, operation, methods for enforcement deferred to 8/29/74 adjourned regular meeting at 8:00 P.M. (c) ORDINANCE NO. 246, An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Amending Ordinance No. 65 and Providing for Additional Duties of the Manager. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 246 be approved. ' -' ~"~ Regular Meeting -4- 8/15/74 (d) Ordinance No. 247:An Ordinanee of the South Tahoe Public Utility District providing for the Duties of the Clerk of the District as read to the Board. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried Ordinance No. 247 be approved. ' (e) Job Classification Description for Plant Engineer postponed to 8/29/74 adjourned meeting. (f) RESOLUTION NO. 1899, A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 1892 Providing for the Annual Salary Resolution. (Adding Water System Positions and Electronic and Pneumatic Instrument Technician. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1899 be approved. (g) RESOLUTION Authorizing employment (temporary) of Mr. M. Steil as Water System Advisor was postponed to 8/29/74 adjourned meeting. 3. CHANGE ORDERS - ZIEBARTH & ALPER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: Change Order No. 4 - extension of 120 days upon State approval. Directs: Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the bid be awarded to Vibra Screw, Inc. for their bid of $6,557.00. NEW BUSINESS: MARYSVILLE, CALIFORNIA. Consider request of City to rent submarine weed cutter with operator. Manager Gulp recommended against this and transporting and returning from Marysville poses problems and would also be exposed to vandalism. Director Fesler stated that we should decline with regrets. Director Hegarty felt this should be looked into. A report will be given on this matter at the 8/29/74 meeting of this board. 2. LETTER FROM STATIONARY ENGINEERS, LOCAL NO. 39: Attorney Weidman recommended that the Board recognize the Union as the employees representative. Attorney Weidman read the letter from Michael B. Rogers, the minutes of 7/24/74 of the employees association, and a notice of 8/2/74 stating the employees associa- tion and Union have merged. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty that we recognize Local 39 as a representative for the employees, and that the District Employees Association has ceased operation. VOTES: AYES - Directors Fesler, Kortes, Hegarty, Ream. NOES: Director Wakeman ..... Carried .... COMMUNICATIONS: Re Tentative Dedication of New BLM Recreation Facilities at Indian Creek Reservoir, Saturday 9/7/74. The Board requested Manager Gulp to request another date since the Board members will not be in the area that date. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $152,347.92 be approved as presented and recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan.. ADJOURNMENT: 11:00 P.M. to 8/29/74, 8:00 P.M% District Conference Room. ROBERT WAKEMA~, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: . /.~ / -)- . 'DAVID W. CAI~LAHAN, Clerk of B'oard ~'- South Tahoe Public Utility District BID OPENING 8/29/74, 2:00 P.M. TVETEN LATERAL Bids received and opened by Clerk of Board David W. Gallahan; present were Engineer A.L. Shoupe and Clerk of Board David W. Gallahan. Bids received were as follows: Joe Gassle Excavating $6,268.00 PO Box 7915 So Lk Tahoe Ga 95731 So. Tahoe Construction Go. Box 3645 Stateline, Nevada 89449 $6,844.00 Action Construction Go. Box 4585 Stateline, Nevada 89449 $5,959.00 Sub-Terra, Inc. $ Box 199 Tahoe City, Ga. 95730 $7,844.00 Galicia Construction Go. PO Box 7858 So Lk Tahoe Ga 95731 $4,655.00 Bids were taken under advisement. ! DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board SouthTahoe Public Utility District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 27, 1974 President Wakeman called the meeting to order at 12:00 Noon, Board room of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. ROLL GALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Gulp, Clerk of Board David W. Gallahan, Attorney John G. Weidman, and Attorney Lee Schtrering. PURPOSE OF MEETING: Consider adoption of RESOLUTION NO. 1902, A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utit[tyDistrict Establishing Procedure for the Conduct of Appeal Hearings to the Board of Directors by Alton J. Gunderson, Terry B. Guild, and Everett E. Fox, the three employees dismissed. After much discussion, Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the RESOLUTION NO. 1903 be adopted. ADJOURNMENT: 12:40 P.M. RoBert Wakeman, 'President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District 7 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 30, 1974 The Board of Directors met in an adjourned session on 8/30/74, 2:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Hegarty, Ream, Clerk of Board Gallahan, General Manager Gulp, Engineers John Gonzales, Les Shoupe, and Attorney J. G .Weidman. ABSENT: Director Fesler. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) Assessment District 1971-1: (a) Consider Request of Norman Miller for refund of assessment paid. Attorney Weidman recommended refund of assessment if provided by law. (2) Water Company Acquisition, Transfer of Ownership and Operation: (a) Consider Ordinance No. 250, an Ordirance Establishing Rules for Water Service Water Rates, Operation and Methods for Enforcement. (Essentially same as present Water Company Rules and Regulations). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Ordinance No. 250 be approved. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 1908: Establishing Bank Account for Water Enterprise at Wells Fargo Bank. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1908 be approved. Lakeside Mutual Water Company. Manager Gulp stated that this water company may be for sale. (c) Consider JOB CLASSIFICATION Description for Plant Engineer (Water and Wastewater Systems Engineer) as Revised to Include New Duties on the Water System. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, the recommendation of Manager Gulp for JOB CLASSIFICATION description for Plant Engineer be approved. (d) Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1905, A Resolution Authorizing Temporary Employment for Mt. Mac Steil as Wa ter System Advisor. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RE~OJ_UTION NO. 1905 be approved. (e) Consider Completion of Martin Well. Water company to place orders for completion; Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the orders of equipment be made by Tahoe Southside Water Utility. 3. TAX RATE: (a) Consider ORDINANCE NO. 249, An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District stating the Purpose for Which Taxes are Necessary, Fixing the Amount of Money Necessary to be Raised by Taxation, Fixing of Rate of Taxes, 1974-1975 Fiscal Year. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 249 be approved as presented. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 1904: A Resolution of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Adding to and Making a Part of the Annual Assessment Levied Upon the Land Upon Which Sewer Service was Used and Charges Therefor Unpaid at the Time of Fixing the Rate of Taxes 1974-75 Fiscal Ye ar. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1904 be approved as presented. Adjourned Meeting. -2- 8/30/74 4. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1970-1: Consider RESOLUTION NO.1906, A Resolution Ordering Correction of Error and Transfer of Funds to the Bond Redemption Funds. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1906 be apprOved. TVETEN LATERAL: a. Joe Cassle Excavating $6,268 b. South Tahoe Construction $6,844 G. Action Construction Go $5,959 d. Sub-Terra, Inc $7,844 e. Galicia Cons. Go. $4,655 (Les Shoupe presented results of the opening bids, as follows: and recommended Galicia Construction Company be awarded the contract for the low bid of $4,655.00. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Resolution No. 1907, A Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract (Galicia Construction Company) be approved. NEW BUSINESS: (1) ECHO SUMMIT SKI AREA: Consider Request to dispose of sewage by pumping and trucking to plant. To be discussed with U.S. Forest Service. (2) SEWER INSPECTION: Termination of Agreement with City of South Lake Tahoe for Inspection Services effective October 1, 1974. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager be authorized to prepare a letter to be sent to the City regarding termination of Inspections by the City of South Lake Tahoe. ADJOURNMENT: 4:00 P.M. Robert Wakeman, President . South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District September 5, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session September 5, 1974, 8:00 P.M., District Board Room. ROLL CALL: Present were PresidentWakeman, Directors R. Fesl~r,D. Kortes, G. Ream. E. Hegarty, General Manager R.L. Culp, Clerk of Board D.W. Callahan, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Engineers J. Jensen and A.L. Shoupe. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 8/15/74 and 8/27/74 and 8/30/74 be approved as presented. Regular Meeting -2- 9/5/74 MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by General Manager Russell L. Gulp: "Since our adjourned meeting on 8/30/74, the principal event which has occurred is the District's assumption on 9/1/74 of operation of the Tahoe Southside Water Utility and David Gallahan met with the water company employees on 8/29/74 to answer questions concerning the transfer. Director sReam and Hegarty, David Gallahan, andI met with Messrs. Steil and Dunckhorst on Tuesday to discuss consolidation of water company and District facilities and operations. The Board met in Study Session on 9/4/74 to discuss possible further water system acquisitions and fire protection in the Highway 89 commercial district. ENGINEER'S REPORT: J. Jensen mentioned the pictures of Indian Creek which were sent over, mounted and the same on the wall in the]doby and conference room. Also, the wall mosiac will be over next week. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported byA.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts WRP Improvements ($1,082,000.00 - Grig bid) $1,143,376.08) Contractors Ziebarth & Alper Percentages completed 97% Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson P.S. ($ 10,000) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Teichert Cons. Go. Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 65% 100% 100% 100% Pope Beach Sewer System ($104,158.05 - orig. bid) (~109,347.45) So. Tahoe Cons. 100% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that no decision has been made on the hearing by Judge Stewart of the 3 employees. He also mentioned the meeting with B L M and Davis-Grunsky Representatives will be on Tuesday, 9/10/74, at 11:00 A.M. at the Indian Creek Campground. COMMITTEE REPORTS: No meetings by committee:, and no reports, Research and Development, Director Hegarty stated. Director Wakeman mentioned to the Board that following this meeting there will be a closed meeting of the Board and the Manager to discuss personnel. 2. Utility Services. No report. 3. Energy Conservation: Director Ream stated that he and Manager Gulp, Assistant Manager and Director Hegarty met with Mr. Mac Steil and Bill Dunckhorst in the Tahoe Southside offices, toured the properties that the District has acquired with the acquisition of the Water Company, looked over the offices, took tour of the warehouse and the property located approximately 4-1/2 acres off Pioneer Trail. The Committee suggested boundaries be run on the property off Pioneer Trail. The District needs were also discussed - what could be done regarding location of the water office and if to keep they offices where they are now located or elsewhere. The property which the Water Company is renting has now changed ownership and there is a lease until 1977. A study session will be scheduled to discuss what the Committee has mentioned above. There is a meeting scheduled 9/11/74 with the E1 Dorado Water County Agency - will meet and leave from the District approximately 8:15 A.M., however, Manager Gulp will check the time the District is to appear on the agenda. Mr. Ream also mentioned that there is a cabin loacted on the property near the Martin Well and suggested the Finance Committee check into this re insurance, et. Director Fesler stated that getting into this water business is such an important matter and we should take up all of the matters at a Study Session. The Finance Committee was to figure out ways to finance the needed facilities and now we do not have adequate facilities. He further stated that the Committee is very disappointed that the tax rate went down .04~ and hoped this did not happen again - the District will need the money. Regular Meeting -3- 9/5/74 Director Fesler also stated that John Wynn called on 8/28/74 and asked if he would meet with Bob Van Allen of GTRPA who is very interested in our facilities. Mr. Fesler stated that he gave the background of the District to this man and brought him to the plant for a tour of the facilities. Also, Jim Norton met with Mac Steil and then assured Mr. Fesler that the insurance on the District behalf causes no concern. Also, Director Fesler stated that there was an article in the Tribune this evening that mentioned the notice regarding the tax rate drop. 5. Public Information. No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) a. U.S.F.S. POPE BEACH SEWER SYSTEM. Contractor- South Tahoe Construction Company. Consider Change Order No. 2 - Time extension request for 160 days from 3/6/74 to 8/14/74. Engineer Jensen stated that he did write a letter to the USFS and talked with the representative and stated that he did state the time extension was fine with him, but we have not as yet received a written confirmation, and Mr. Jensen recommended, subject to written confirmation from the USFS, the time extension of 160 days be granted and approved. VOTES: AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Kortes, Hegarty, Ream, Wakeman. Director Fesler None Carried. b. Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1909, A Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of the Project and Filing of the Notice of Completion. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Resolution No. 1909 be approved as presented. 2. WATER COMPANY OPERATION AND ACQUISITIONS: (a) Uniforms. (b) Trucks and Equipment - to be discussed in study session. (c) Engineering Consultants - Manager Gulp recommended that our Engineers, GH2M Hill, take over this project. Attorney Weidman suggested a look into the contract that Tahoe Southside Water Utility has with their present engineering consultant. (d) Board contact with Tahoe Sierra Water Company scheduled for Tuesday, 9/12/74, 1:00 P.M., with Manager Gulp, Mr. G. Hofman and Directors are to meet at Mr. Hofman's office. Also on Friday 9/6/74 a noon meeting with Mr. Hofman and Directors Hegarty and Fesler. (~) Board contact with Lakeside Mutual Water Company. Director Ream called Mr. Ed Pollock, Manager for the Company, who told him that the water board would have their annual meeting sometime in September. Mr. Ream mentioned to him that the District is interested in acquiring the company, and Mr. Pollock will make mention of this at the annual meeting. (f) Highway 89 Fire Protection Line. Manager Gulp stated that Stan Martin was in to see him today regarding this matter. Director Fesler stated that Highway 89 is a disastrous fire area and there is no fire protection there now. Attorney Weidman stated that the District will be paying for this protection, and still not acquire the water company. Director Fesler stated that we promised the City to provide this fire protection. Mention was also made that the benefited parties will be assessed for this protection. (g) Tahoe Keys Water Company request for rate increase. From $75.00 to $87.60 per year , and from $72.00 to $84.00 per year, approximately $12.00 to $12.50 increase per year. This was mentioned for informational purposes to the Board. (h) Water Rights - E I R: Manager Gulp stated that Tahoe Paradise mentioned to him that they received a notice from Water Rights Division of State Water Resources Gon*.rol Board, as did the Martins, and they have to file an environmental impact report. Manager Gulp stated that Tahoe Paradise and Martin's will drop their applications, plan to develop more wells before this compact is signed. (i) Stock transfer and dissolution of corporation. Mr. Weidman stated that Mr. Dick Hoffelt wants to meet next Thursday or Friday. (j) Consideration of approval of job classifications for Water Systems Supervisor, Senior Water Accountant Clerk and Water Serviceman Grades and and B. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, the approval of classifications. (k) Connection Fees: Referred to the Finance Committee. NEW BUSINESS: None. Regular Meeting -4- 9/5/74 COMMUNICATIONS: (1) Mentioned under Attorney's Report regarding meeting with BLM and Davis-Grunsky Representatives for 9/10/74. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Assistant General Manager Callahan recommended payment of claims in the amount of $130,231.87, corrected amount, after changing Ziebarth andAlper's payment from $51,930o01 to $26,891.40. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims be approved as changed by Assistant Manager Gallahan. .. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. ATTEST: David W. Gallahan, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ~o'~r t ~ra k~ ma~,~re s id en t South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District September 19, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on September 19, 1974, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Gulp, Clerk of Board David lA;. Gallahan, Engineers J.G.M. Gonzales, Jack Jensen andA.L. Shoupe, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Mr. J. Flynn - E1 Dorado County Water Committee, Kerry Campbell of Tahoe Tribune, Bill Dunckhorst - Water Systems Supervisor. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 9/5/74 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: On September 10, District representatives made an inspection of BLM recreation facilities at Indian Greek Reservoir in company with BLM and California Department of Water Resources officials. It appears that the District may be in a position to request payment of all Davis-Grunsky grant funds within the next few weeks pending completion of the boat launching ramp. On September Il, President Wakeman, John Weidman, and I attended the September meeting of the E1 Dorado County Water Agency in Placerville. At that time the Agency approved release of the $95,000 to the District for construction of the Martin Avenue well, and the funds should be received soon. On September 12, David Gallahan and I met with Carl Hofman and Mel Linn, accountant for Tahoe Sierra Water Company. Mr. Gallahan requested data to update our files, so that an offer for purchase can be prepared. On September 16, Jack Jensen and I met first with Roy Ramseier and later with City Fire Chief Smiley regarding water system improvements including the Martin Avenue well and the Highway 89 fire protection line. On September 17, John Weidman and I met with Union representatives Art Viat and Ron Wood regarding grievance procedures. They presented rules which are in effect in sewer districts in Sacramento and other places which John Weidman has taken under advisement. The Board met in Study Session on September 17 and 18o Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. Regular Meeting -2- September 19, 1974 WATER SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR REPORT BY BILL DUNCKHORST: Mr. Dunckhorst gave a report on the water system that the South Tahoe P.U.D. has acquired (formerly Tahoe Southside Water Utility) stating one minor factor with the A1 Tahoe well, gave a breakdown and comparison of gallonage pumped last year and this year, stating this year approximately 13 million gallons more than last year pumped. Mr. Dunckhorst also recommended that the A1 Tahoe Well is going to have to be pulled and checked as there are considerable rattles in the gears; also, requested consideration of a purchase for a boring machine in the future. Director Fesler requested that recommendations of the Water System Supervisor be put in writing to the Board so we can schedule study sessions on the recommenda- tions he offers. Study Session scheduled for Wednesday 9/25/74 at 3:00 P.M. on Wa ter Recommendation s. WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM ENGINEER'S REPORT: lohn G.M. Gonzales presented a map pointing out the entire water system the District now has. He als? gave the flows from A1 Tahoe and the Filter Plant mt Cold Creek; stated that the problem now is at Montgomery Estates where the pressure is very poor; also advised the board of the flows from all pump stations. Mr. Gonzales also stated that the letter from L. Speigel was replied to and same will be checked regarding his complaint of no water to his house. Study Session scheduled 9/25/74, 3:00 P.M. ENGINEER'S REPORT (Jack Jensen): Mr. Jensen requested a meeting at 1:00 P.M. 9/25/74 with Manager Culp, Mr. Dunckhorst and Mr. Gonzales to discuss the reservoir, etc., for the water system. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported byA.L. Shoupe: Contracts and Amounts WPR P1 ant Improvements $1,082,000 orig. bid. $1,143,376.08 Contractors Ziebarth & Alper Percentage ComplY.ted 97To Iohnson Blvd. Pump Station $193,000 lohnson Pump Station Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 65% $10,000 Bijou Modification $44,450 Fairway Tr. $91,940 Treehaven Tr. Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100% Schedule 4 100% Tveten Sewer $4,655.00 orig. bid. Galicia Cons. Go. 0% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. J.C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that he and Mr. Gallahan and Mr. Culp will meet with Mr. Hofet regarding the transfer of the water company stock next Thursday morning at Sacramento. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER COMMITTEE: Consider appointment of District representative to agency: Mr. J. Flynn representing the E1 Dorado Water Committee appeared before the Board and stated that the Water Committee is to be reorganized and it was the recommendation of the Water Committee to have a representative from Georgetown District, E.I.D., and South Tahoe Public Utility District. There will be a meeting next Monday in the room of the Planning Commission at 8:00 P.M., and another at San Francisco on October 3, 1974, 10:30 A.M. Director Ream nominated and moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Director Hegarty be appointed as the representative from our District and that the alternate by ~ohn C. Weidman, Attorney. At this time President Wakeman recognized employee E. Schmidt. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development: Director Hegarty stated that he and Director Fesler met with Mr. C. Hofman of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company to discuss acquisition of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company. There was a meeting set up with the Manager and Assistant Manager and Mr. Hofman. Director Fesler stated that the meeting with the Manager and Assistant Manager did take place, so the committee is moving right along. (2) Utility Services. No report. (3) Energy Conservati~o.~: No report. (4) Finance: Director Fesler stated a meeting was held on 9/13/74 regarding connection charges and Mr. Fesler stated that since there are no connection charges presently being charged, it would not be the thing to do for our District to levy and assess a new charge and we (the Committee) recommends that no connection charged be applied at this time. Also on 9/17/74 met with the District Insurance Representative regarding property and liability insurance and the District is adequately covered. Also, the Committee discussed the proper postings (signs) be put at the sites to keep people away from the areas. Mr. Fesler also stated that a letter was received from Guardian Life Insurance today, our insurance carried for Health and Accident, and same will be studied and a report to the Board at the next regular meeting. (5) Public Information: Mr. %Arakeman stated that a letter was received from biologists requesting a meeting to discuss the possibility of fishing at Indian Creek Reservoir. Manager Culp will reply stating the Board will meet with them at their convenience. OLD BUSINESS: The following Resolutions Considered for Adoption: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-1 - Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1910, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment Re Certain Assessments Under Resolution of Intention No. 173. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-2: Consider Resolution No. 1911, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessments Under Resolution of Intention No. 199. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-3: Consider Resolution No. 1912, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessments Under Resolution of Intention No. 213. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-4: Consider Resolution No.1913, a Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessments Under Resolution of Intention No. 239. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1961-1: Consider Resolution No. 1914, a Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessments Under Resolution of Intention No. 287. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1962-1: Consider Resolution No. 1915, a Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessments Under Resolution of Intention No. 430. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1964-1: Consider Resolution No. 1916, a Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessments Under Resolution of Intention Na 497. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1: Consider Resolution No. 1917, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessments Under Resolution Of Intention No. 796. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-2: Consider Resolution No. 1918, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessments Under Resolution of Intention No. 816. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-3G: Consider Resolution No. 1919, a Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessments Under Resolution of Intention No. 1354. Regular Meeting -4- 9/19/74 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1970-1: Consider Resolution No. 1920, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessments Under Resolution of Intention No. 1500. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1972-1: Consider Resolution No. 1921, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re Certain Assessments Under Resolution of Intention No. 1695. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Resolutions Nos. 1910 through 1921 be approved as presented. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1971-1 (Fallen Leaf Lake Sewers) Consider request of Norman Miller for refund. Attorney Weidman advised a refund not be made to Mr. Miller and a letter be written to him by David Callahan stating that he was a written protestant, interviener and is a member of the Association. OUTSIDE WASTES (ECHO SUMMIT SKI AREA): Consider letter from Engineer for Lessee. (Facility is not within Tahoe Basin). Murray and McCormick requested that they would like us to accept sewage hauled by truck to the plant, approximately 4,600 gpd now, and approximately 11,500 during the ski season, and at a later time transporting raw sewage to our plant by pipeline. Manager Culp will study and make a re] report at the next regular meeting of the Board. OUTSIDE WASTES (Waste Dumping) Consider Policy on Gravity versus pumped discharge. Postponed to next regular meeting. Director Fesler suggested that a division of the agenda be made - one part for the water matters and the other for the sewer matters. They agreed to have the water discussion and action first and then the sewer discussion and action. WATER SYSTEM, NEW FACILITIES: Consider letter from Lloyd Dyer, along with a report. Mr. Dyer is the executive Vice President of Harrah's who is requesting a meeting to discuss cost sharing for system improvements. Referred to Attorney and Manager, Jack Jensen, Bill Dunckhorst and Mac Steil. WATER SYSTEM (MARTIN AVE. WELL): Consider change order eliminating speed control unit from contract (of former Tahoe Southside Water Utility) with Johnston Pump Go. and accepting revised proposals at reduced amount. FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION AND/OR ADOPTION: Resolution No. 1922: Eliminating speed control unit from contract (of former Tahoe Southside Water Utility) with Johnston Pump Company and accepting revised proposal at reduced amount. Resolution No. 1923: A Resolution approving specifications for hydraulically operated variable speed drive. Resolution No. 1924: A Resolution authorizing advertisement for bids for hydraulically operated variable speed drive. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Resolutions Nos. 1922, 1923 and 1924 be approved as presented. President Wakeman stated that he has given such thought to forming a personnel committee with two members of the board on same. Robert Fesler, Director, stated that our relationship with the Manager is where we deal with policy; if a personnel committee is set up, then we get into the field of management and administration - John C. Weidman and General Manager Gulp will meet with the employees and report to the five men o n the Board. COMMUNICATIONS: USFS concerning sewers for Upper Heavenly Valley. Manager Gulp and J.C. Weidman, Attorney, Engineer J. Jensen will reply to this letter. Letter from Frank Sebastian, Sr. Vice President of Envirotech concerning visit to plant of Russian/E P A Scientists on Saturday and Sunday 10/19/74 and 10/20/74, and an invitation to evening cruise on M.S. Dixie. /~- 7q REGULAR MEETING --5 9/19/74 Notice: National meeting of Water Pollution Control Federation in Denver, 10-6/10/11/?4, and request of Operator Ed Schmidt. Manager Gulp stated that he does not see where we can assist Mr. Schmidt, except to wish him well on this meeting; we have in the past sent our men to the California meetings, but cannot recommend assistance in this area. Director Fesler stated that we take our Manager's recommendation on this. If there is any way we could assist Mr. Schmidt, we would, but we cannot at this time. ~re are a California tax supported entity and we have in the past, and will in the future, encourage our employees to attend conferences. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $172,582.62 be approved for payment, as recommended by D.~V. Callahan, Assistant General Manager. ADIOURNMENT: 10:45 P.M. Ro~ert W~keman, President ~- South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District October 3, 1975 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 10/3/74 in the District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Kortes, Fesler, Hegarty and Ream; General Manager P~L. Culp, Glerk of Board D.¥V. Callahan, Attorney J.C. %Neidman, Engineers J. Jensen, A.L. Shoupe, Employees M. Kobernus and H. Hanson and visitor Mr. Charles Kinser. ABSENT: President Robert Wakeman. Vice President Donald H. Kortes presided over the meeting and called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 9/19/74 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: M. Kobernus and H. Hanson and C. Kinser. PLANT OPERATIONS FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1974: Total Plant Flow 99.0 (Last Month 122.7 MG) Daily Average Flow MGD Maximum Daily Flow MG Peak Flow Rate MG Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used (Last Year 108.9 MG) 3.3 (Last Month 4.0 MGD) (Last Year 3.6 MGD) 4.2 (9/1) 9.2 (9/1) 21,120 None 7.5 Million Cu Ft 794,400 KWH 657 lbs. Emergency Storage Area: Pond Empty (Used for about 28 hours during repair of break in Luther Pass Pipeline) Lime Used: Makeup- 127 tons and Recalcined: 170 tons Alum Used 2,460 gallons. Regular Meeting -~- 10/3/74 MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by R.L. Gulp, Manager: "Since our last meeting, the District has received a warrant in the amount of $95,000 from the E1 Dorado County Water Agency for construction of water supply facilities including the new Martin Avenue Well. We have been advised by Sierra Pacific Power Company that they plan to complete installation of street lights along Johnson Road at the plant entrance before October 15. At the last meeting the Board expressed interest in the cost of a covered 100,000 gallon ground level steel water storage tank. We have obtained estimating figures from Pittsburg Des Moines Steel Company of $40,000 for a new tank or $28,000 for a reconditioned used tank. Such a tank would improve water service in the pressure district at High Meadows Trail. We have also prices for a boring machine ranging from $610 to $1,725. The $1,725 machine is the one that would be most useful to us. The District reassumed the building sewer hookup inspection and permit program on Monday of this week and things seem to be going well despite a considerable backlog of work which has accumulated. Kerry Campbell interviewed me this week to obtain information for a news story on public operation of water systems. The Board met in Study Session on September 26th and October 2nd. I suggest a Study session be scheduled at the Board's convenience to discuss cost sharing on water system improvements and negotiations with Tahoe Sierra Water Company. Manager Gulp also mentioned that the Engineer for Harrah's will meet with him and J. Jensen and Attorney Weidman on Thursday 10/10/74, District office. Regarding the boring machine - the Board agreed no action would be taken until the catalogue has arrived and same can be reviewed. RE: Overlaying - Streets - Bijou Area. Mr. Fesler was approached by Mr. A. Hendrickson of the City regarding repairing of the streets in the area where the construction has taken place in Bijou (Teichert Project). It was agreed by the Board that the Manager would write to Mr. Hendrickson explaining the District's intent - and that the District would make the necessary repairs on the streets for emergency purposes for snow removal, etc. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: J. Jensen mentioned the mosiac which is now on the wall in the conference room and which the Directors ordered. A meeting to be held with the Engineer for Harrah's, Mr. Don Hill, and another meeting will be scheduled with C. Hofman's accountant to discuss acquisition of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Contracts and Amounts WRP Improvements ($1,082,082,000.00 orig. bid) 81,143,376.08 ..... Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson Pump Station ($ 10,000) Bijou. Mod. ($ 44,450) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Tveten Sewer ($4,655.00) orig. bid. As presented by A.L. Shoupe. Contractors ~Perccntaqe ~ompzetea Ziebarth & Alper 97% Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 65% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100% Schedule 4 100% Galacia Cons. Co. 10% Regular Meeting --3-- 10/3/74 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that we received the Hearing Officer's decision and same mailed to each Direc~r for each employee that was dismissed. He also requested this meeting be adjourned to 10/10/74 at 8:00 PM to take action on same. Also, Hubert Bruns mentioned to Mr. Weidman tb~t BLM cannot obtain the funds to operate Indian Greek Campground and same is not budgeted for 75-76 fiscal year, and was asked to contact Congressman Johnson and McFall regarding this. Attorney Weidman stated that the District signed a contract with the Davis- Grunsky people until the BLM committed funds and recommended that the District not make an application for drawing the money from Davis-Grunsky. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development. No Committee meeting. Director Hegarty attended the E1 Dorado County Water Committee meeting last Monday at Placerville, was unable to attend the meeting today at San Francisco. Discussion took place at the meeting in Placerville re the future water systems at Lake Tahoe, and Mr. Hegarty did mention then at the meeting that the District's present plans are to acquire 2 or 3 more water companies. A line (8") from Fallen Leaf Lake to Camp Richardson was also discussed at the water meeting and the possibility of connecting to same for our supply too. (2) Utility Services. No report. (3) Energy Gonserva~n. No report. (4) Finance: Director Fesler again mentioned the Health & Accident Increase for employees dependents and that a meeting will be scheduled for same to discuss who will pay the increase - District or the employees. Attorney Weidman stated that if the recommendation of the Committee is to not pay the increase for Health and Accident a Meet and Confer meeting with Local 39 will have to be held. (5) Public Relations: Director Wakeman absent - No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: RESOLUTION NO. 1925, A Resolution Appointing four Directors for the Southside Water Utility. By adopting Resolution No. 1925, that makes the four Directors for this private corporation. Also, this is taking the initial step to close out the corporation and will close out at a later date. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1925 be approved as presented and recommended by the Attorney. Attorney Weidman recommended that a President and Secretary be nominated. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Director Hegarty be appointed President. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes,unanimously carried, that Director Fesler be appointed and elected Secretary. We have a written consent of the shareholders and a waiver and consent of this meeting and going into voluntary dissolving the corporation; same to be filed in the State and Office of the County Clerk, and authorization to have certification of election to dissolve the water utility. Attorney Weidman requested that the Board authorize the execution of the Gertificate of Election to wind up and dissolve the water utility. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried. The Directors to authorize to proceed and to wind up and dissolve the water utility and cancellation of the stock and the President and Secretary to prod.uce the necessary documents to carry that into effect. Moved by Director Kortes, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried. President Hegarty adjourned the Water meeting at 9:35 P.M. Regular Meeting -4- 10/3/74 WASTEWATER BUSINESS: RESOLUTION NO. 1926, Award of Purchase of Speed Control Unit. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, th.a, Resolution No. 1926 be approved and speed control unit purchased from Borg- Werner at $6,477.00, as recommended by Manager R.L. Culp. STUDY SESSION SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY 10/14/74 to discuss offices and locations of same for water and wastewater, at 3:00 P.M. TUESDAY, 10/15/74, Hofman Water Company; and WEDNESDAY 10/9/74, Water Company study session. JOHNSON BLVD. PUMP STATION: Report by Engineer on standby power unit delivery. Delivery cannot be made until September of next year and Teichert has offered other types pumps for the station. After discussing same - Directors felt there was more information need regarding the alternates and postponed until the next regular meeting or until the adjourned meeting of 10/10/74. SEWER INSPECTOR: Consider changing job description so that his Supervisor is Assistar Manager Callahan. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Inspector supervisor is the Assistant Manager. NEW BUSINESS: None. Communications: None Payment of Claims: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $65,661.00 as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:40 P.M. To 10/10/74, 8:00 P.M. District Conference Room. ROBERT WAKEMAN, PRESIDENT South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAH~N, ~ L~.RK~[5F- BO"A'RD EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY OF THE BOARD South Tahoe Public Utility District AND Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District October 10, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular session 10/10/?4, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: President Robert Wakeman, Directors RobertW. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty, C.G. l~eam, General Manager Assistant David W. Callahan - also, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, E. Fox, T.G. Guild, H. Hanson, and several other employees of the District. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) Dismissal of Employee Alton I. Gunderson: President Wakeman turned the hearing over to Attorney John C. Weidman, who read the Hearing Officer's Decision, and the Hearing Officer's Memorandum Opinion. Also Attorney Weidman asked the following questions of Assistant Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan. Did the District receive on 9/23/74 a communication from Coleman Stewart regarding Alton J. Gunderson, and a memorandum opinion and proposed decision. Mr. Callahan answered yes. Is same filed and made of public record? Yes, Mr. Callahan stated. Also - the following questions asked of Mary Parsley: Did you mail out the letters and the proposed decisi~on and memorandum opinion to Alton J. Gunderson and Mr. Weidman's letter of 9/30/74, and also copies to those shown on the letter to Mr. Gunderson. The answer was yes. Attorney Weidman asked each Director if they each received copies of his letter of 9/30/74, a copy of the proposed decision, and the memorandum opinion. Each Director stated they did receive the documents and the letter and each read same. Attorney Weidman stated that the Board can, at this time, adopt as recommended the decision and memorandum opinion; adopt decision but reduce the penalty; order the transcript and decide the case on that basis; order a transcript and take additional evidence; refer the case to the hearing officer for the taking of additional evidence. Alton J. Gunderson was not present for this hearing and Harry J. Hanson, Shop Steward, appeared before the Board and stated that he had no comment to make regarding Mr. Gunderson. Director Fesler stated that in this particular case, having read this report from Judge Stewart and the fact findings and the conclusion is unmistakeably clear, he moved adoption of RESOLUTION NO. 1927, seconded by Director Ream, and roll call vote as follows: AYES: Directors Fesler, Kortes, Hegarty, Ream and Wakeman. NOES:. None Carried unanimously. Director Hegarty before his AYE vote stated that his remarks made to an employee prior to the hearings is in no way related to this action this evening. RESOLUTION NO. 1927: Adopting Jude Stewart's Proposed Decision and Memorandum Opinion. Proposed Decision and Memorandum Opinion adopted in its entirety. 2. DISMISSAL OF EMPLOYEE EVERETT E. FOX: Attorney Weidman asked Clerk of Board Gallahan if the proposed decision and the memorandum opinion were received about 9/27/74. Mr. Gallahan stated yes. AttorneyWeidman asked if same was filed and made public record, and Mr. Gallahan stated it was. Attorney Weidman asked Mary Parsley if the proposed decision and the memorandum opinion from Judge Stewart and a letter from Mr. Weidman were mailed to E. E. Fox and copies sent to those mentioned in Mr. Fox's letter and she answered yes. The Directors mentioned and answered they received copies of Proposed Decision and Memorandum Opinion and did read same. Harry Hanson and Everett E. Fox approached the Board and Mr. Hanson stated that upon the advice from the Union, he felt they had no comments to make and recommended no procedure other than what the Board is going to do. Regular Adjourned Meeting -2- October 10, 1974 Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, that in reviewing the Decision and the Finding of Facts that the adoption of Resolution No. 1928, Adopting the Hearing Officer's Recommendation, be approved in its entirety. Roll call vote as follows: AYES: Directors Fesler, Kortes, Hegarty (NOTE: Director Hegarty repeated the remark he made as to taking the vote re A.J. Gunderson) and Wakeman. NOES: None ABSTAINED. Director Ream. Carried ........ 3. DISMISSAL OF EMPLOYEE TERRY B. GUILD: Attorney Weidman asked the Clerk of Board if he received Decision and Memorandum Opinion from Judge Stewart on the 30th of September 1974 and filed and made of public record, and Mr. Callahan stated yes. Also asked Mary Parsley if she mailed AttorneyWeidman's letter of 9/30/74 to Mr. T.B. Guild, with copies of the Proposed Decision and Memorandum Opinion regarding T.B. Guild; all answered they did and they read same as ,replied from the Directors. Mr. Weidman mentioned the five options the Directors could take. Mr. Harry Hanson and Terry B. Guild approached the Board and Mr. Hanson stated that upon advice of counsel they have no comment to make at this time. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, and by roll call vote - unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1929, Adopting Proposed Decision and Memorandum Opinion be adopted in its entirety. Director Hegarty made the same comment following his vote as he did for A.J. Gunderson and E.E. Fox. Regarding hearing - Director Fesler asked what technical top confidence does a shop steward have? Mr. Weidman responded that a shop steward is a member of the Union, and elected by his fellow brothers to represent them in the absence of a business agent and manager. HEARINGS CONCLUDED NEW BUSINESS: Attorney Weidman stated that the Directors and Management called his attention to the problem which is really focused on an employee Charlotte B. Corday and may well be that this employee has a terminal illness and has exhausted Sick Leave by the end of next week. Should the District extend the Sick Leave with pay under certain conditions for a limited time for people who have a terminal illness and including all of their benefits, and Mr. Weidman stated that he did discuss this with Mr. R. Wood of Local 39 who agreed this would be a benefit that the Union would be very receptive to. Also, Mr. Weidman spoke with the Department of Human Resources in Sacramento who do agree to this, but he as yet has not discussed this with Social Security Office regarding the legality of same. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1930 , Amending Section 23 of the Personnel Ordinance for Specified Illness be adopted as presented by the Attorney. Harry Hanson stated that he felt this was a very good move in his personal opinion. Attorney Weidman asked Assistant Manager Gallahan to obtain a brief Medical Report so the District has the evidence in this case of Charlotte B. Gorday. Being no further business, the President adjourned the meeting at 8:55 P.M. ATTEST: RCrSERT ~VANEMAN, President South Tahoe Public Utility District DAVID W. GALLAHAN, Clerk of Board Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District October 17, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on October 17, 1974, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors R. Fesler, D. Kortes, E. Hegarty, General Manager D.W. Gallahan, Clerk of Board, A.L. Shoupe- Engineer, J.G.M. Gonzales - Water and Wastewater Systems Engineer, Attorney J.G. Weidman, Bill Dunckhorst - Water Supervisor, Chester A. Homing - Inspector, Merle Kobernus and Harry Hanson - employees of the District, and Bill Young - Contractor. ABSENT: J. Jensen, Engineer and Director Gerald G. Ream. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 10/3/74 and 10/10/74 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: PresidentWakeman recognized Merle Kobernus, H. Hanson. Mr. Kobernus stated that the members of the Union had a meeting and elected H. Hanson and M. Kobernus as shop steward's for 1974-75. He also stated that they met with Mr. Callahan and John Gonzales. Mr. Kobernus also explained the job of a steward - the go- between employees and management. ACCEPTANCE OF RUSSELL L. CULP'S RESIGNATION: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, that Mr. Culp's resignation be accepted with deep and abiding regrets. Carried unanimously. Mr. Bill Young approached the Board requesting sewer service to the ski area at Echo Summit. Attorney Weidman asked Mr. Young who would pay for the study, and Mr. Young answered that he and Echo Summit would be responsible for this. Also, Mr. Weidman suggested that Bill YSung meet with Mr. D.W. Callahan, J. Jensen and John Gonzales to determine the trucking costs, etc. A meeting will be scheduled to discuss this when Mr. J. Jensen returns from vacation. Mr. Gonzales stated that the engineer does not have to be present to determine the costs as information is available for this and would be similar to what Kirkwood Meadows is being charged. APPOINTMENT OF DAVID CALLAHAN TO ASSUME THE DUTIES OF GENERAL MANAGER: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Mr. D.W. Callahan assume the duties of the General Manager. IVIANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by D.W. Gallahan, General Manager: "Since assuming the duties of General Manager on Tuesday of this week, John Weidman, John Ehlman, I-Iarlan Moyer, Carl Hoffman, Melvin Linn and myself have met to discuss the acquisition of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company. Director Hegarty, John Weidman, Mike Davin and myself met to discuss the lease agreement on the water office. The Insurance Committee met to discuss the medical insurance premium increase. The Board of Directors met Wednesday afternoon to discuss the items on tonight's agenda. By the end of the month, John Gonzales will have represented the District at five speaking engagements including Nevada Water Pollution Control Federation, Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada, American Public Works Association, E1 Dorado County Teachers Association, and Lahontan Water Quality Control Board. Saturday the 19th, An EPA - Soviet Delegation will visit our facilities. A visit to Indian Greek Reservoir in the morning and an afternoon tour of the plant is scheduled. Saturday evening there will be a cruise on the MS Dixie for the Directors, their wives, myself and Mrs. Gallahan participating. I suggest a study session be scheduled with Kenneth Jones of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch to discuss (Status of Assessment District 1971-1; Financing for Highway 89 fire line, and recent tax laws affecting special districts. At this time I request Ghet Homing to give a report on sewer inspection," 2 10/17/74 Regular Meeting "On the 1st of October 1974 the City turned over to the District a total of 379 permits. From the 1st to the 16th of October there were 130 permits finaled, of this number there were 75 permits that had been hooked-up to the collection system, but not finaled by the City. Those 75 permits represent a total of $10,874. of annual service charges; Seventy-one new permits have been issued since the first of October:' Manager Gallahan stated there will be ameeting on 11/9/74 with Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch at their office in San Marco. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report and Inspection Report be approved as presented. GONS'i'RUGTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by A.L. Shoupe, resident Engineer. Contracts and Amounts WRP Improvements ($1,082,000) orig. bid. ($1,143,376.08) Contra ctor s Ziebarth and Alper Percentages Completed 98% Johnson Blvd. Pump Station Teichert Cons. Go. $193,000 - Johnson P.S. Schedule 1 65% $ 10,100 - Bijou Mod. Schedule 2 100% $ 44,250 Fairway Tr. Schedule 3 100% $ 91,940 - Treehaven Tr. Schedule 4 100% Tveten Sewer Lateral $4,655. - orig. bid. Galacia Cons. Co. 80% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development: Director Hegarty stated this committee met with Mr. Callahan, J. Weidman, E. Hegarty and Mike Davin to discuss the lease on the building and the costs, suggestions were made regarding the present cost of leasing the building for the Water Department. Mr. Davin will get in touch with us at a later time to discuss the costs. '(2) Utility Services.: No report. (3) Ener97 Conservation: No report. (4) Finance Committee. Met on 10/15/74 to discuss the group insurance increase and same on agenda this evening. (5) Public Relations: Director Wakeman stated that he and Manager Gulp met and went through the entire public information program and same was filed to where we can have easy access to same. Also there was an article in the paper regarding Mr. Gulp's resignation, and the paper did a wonderful job of putting this article together. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (WATER SYSTEM)'~--- (1) Dissolution of Corporation: Attorney Weidman stated that it will take a little time for our tax clearance and our title report, the corporation should be dissolved between the middle of November and 1st of December. (2) Acquisition of Other Water Companies: A meeting was held with Mr. G. Hofman of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company and we requested more information. Mr. Hofman mentioned a figure for the company that was much higher than the staff and counsel thought should be. Mr. Gallahan stated that he felt we could reach a compromise and a price that would be acceptable to the District. President Wakeman stated that he would like to have Mr. Gallahan contact B. Frizzee for a meeting with he and Mr. Weidman. Mr. Weidman will contact the Mutual Water Company next week. Mr. B. Dunckhorst had nothing to report. Also, the meeting with the Harrah's representative took place to discuss the well and the 12" line. Jack Jensen and Mr. Hill will go into this on an engineering level before the Directors meet again. Regular Meeting - 3- 10/17/74 AMENDED ASSESSMENTS: President Wakeman opened the hearing on the amended assess- ments at 9:15 P.M. There was no one present to where any discussion took place regarding amended assessments, and President Wakeman closed the hearing at 9:20 P.M. The following considered for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 1931, Confirming amended assessments RESOLUTION NO. 1932, Confirming amended assessments RESOLUTION NO. 1933, Confirming amended assessments RESOLUTION NO. 1934, Confirming amended assessments RESOLUTION NO. 1935, Confirming amended assessments RESOLUTION NO. 1936, Confirming amended assessments RESOLUTION NO. 1937, Confirming amended assessments RESOLUTION NO. 1938, Confirming amended assessments RESOLUTION NO. 1939, Confirming RESOLUTION NO. 1940, Confirming RESOLUTION NO. 1941, Confirming RESOLUTION NO. 1942, Confirming amended amended amended amended assessments assessments assessments assessments 1960-1. 1960-2. 1960-3. 1960-4 1961-1 1962-1 1964-1 1967-1 1967-2 1968-3G 1970-1 1972-1 Director Fesler moved, seconded by RESOLUTION NOS. 1931 through 194 Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the 2 be approved. 2. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1971-1: FALLEN LEAF LAKE: (a) Release Contractors. Attorney Weidman stated that the time schedules of John Lynch and himself were wrong and we still do not have a decision on the Fallen Leaf Lake case. Mr. Weidman stated we are talking about 2 years from tonight. He suggested that in view of this when the Directors meet on 11/9/74 in San Mateo they should discuss this matter with John Lynch. Director Fesler stated that he felt this has cost the district money and that if the assessment district is ever put together, the contractor will make money, but the district will not. He also stated that an assessment district is formed because the people want itt we have spend vast amounts of money and now it was mentioned that we have about 2 more years of this and court costs, etc., and Mr. Fesler statqd that he felt this was disastrous. Attorney W-eidman stated that he would suggest the contractor not be released from the Fallen Leaf Project until the Board has their discussion on 11/9/74 with Mr. J. Lynch and with Mr. R. Hill. ' 3. MEDICAL INSURANCE PREMIUM INCREASE: The committee did not have a recommendation at this time and same was postponed. Mr. Callah:m stated that the increase is 10% per employee and per dependent and he stated that he would recommend that the Board accept this increase and that the District pay the total premium without asking the employees to pick up any of it. Director Fesler stated that all Federal employees are covered by Blue Shield and from time to time the premium increases. Mr. Fesler also stated that we have in the past picked up and paid the additional premium and he still feels that we should do this for the employee but he does not feel it is the District obligation to pay for the employee dependent coverage increase. Harry Hanson stated that right now are off-guard to discuss this matter with the Board and asked the Board if they would postpone any action for a few days. Attorney Weidman stated that tis is a board matter to settle. The employee Union stewards have requested this be deferred for a few days, but the board does not have to honor that request. Director Hegarty suggested that ~ defer action and have Mr. Gallahan, Personnel Director, pursue it further and bring a report to the next regular meeting of the Board. NEW BUSINESS: (1) VEHICLES: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1943, A Resolution Approving Specifications and Galling for Bids for Two 3/4 Ton Trucks. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1943 be approved. CONSIDER RESOLUTION NO. , A Resolution Approving Specifications and calling for bids for truck mounted high pressure hydraulic sewer cleaner. POSTPONED. REGULAR MEETING -4- 10/17/74 COMMUNICATIONS: Notice of meeting - Lahontan Water Quality Control Board on 10/24/74, 9:00 A.M., District Conference Room. 2. Report of Russell L. Gulp. Study session scheduled for 10/22/74, 3:00 P.M., District Office. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that claims in the amount of $113,196.71, be approved as presented and as recommended by General Manager David W. Gallahan. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. ATTEST: il DAVID W. GALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District November 7, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 11/7/74, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. Wakeman, Directors R. Fesler, D. Kortes, General Manager D.W. Gallahan, Engineer J.G.M. Gonzales, J. Jensen, Clerk of Board, H. Hanson. ABSENT: Directors E.E. Hegarty, G.G.Ream, Attorney J.G. Weidman. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 10/17/74 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by D.W. Gallahan: "Since the last meeting John Gonzales and myself met with Bill Young regarding accepting sewer from Echo Ski Resort - the Board met in Study Session on October 22, 23, 29 and November 6. On October 30th a repair was made to the Luther Pass force main. It was not L.- necessary to use the emergency holding pond during the repair. Mr. and Mrs. Kortes and Mr. and Mrs. Gallahan will attend the Lake Tahoe Area Council Meeting on November 15th. Attached is the Plant Operation Report for the month of October. PLANT OPERATION FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 1974: Total Plant Flow MG 1974 Total Plant Flow MG October September Daily Average Flow - MG October September Maximum Daily Flow Chlorine Used - lbs. Natural Gas Used Million Gu. Ft. Electricity Used KWH Lime Used - Tons New: Recalcined 1975 Number of Unit Number of Unit Units Cost Units Cost 89.5 79.1 99.0 108.9 2.9 2.6 3.3 3.6 3.4 (14th) 3.0 (20th) 9,539 $0.104 11,960 7.25 $688.80 7.2 715,200 $0.093 714,000 91 $61.44 60 102.5 102 $0.07 $470.60 $0.076 $34.65 Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. /~ R~gula~ Me,fling -2- November 7, 1974 ENGINEER'S REPORT: J. Jensen stated that the Johnson Blvd. Pump Station is at the same point of progress as the last report given at the last regular meeting; Tveten Later&l is completed and will request consideration later on the agenda; treatment plant construction is completed and needs only the final inspection which will be done next week. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development: None. (2) Utility Services: None. (3) Energy Conservation: None. (4) Finance: None. (5) Public Information: - Director Wakeman and Manager Callahan met with an environmentalist and a biologist and some other visitors and toured Indian Creek Reservoir and the site and discussed the possibility of a "catch and rehurn" program for fishing at Indian Creek, the possibility of making this reservoir into a Trout Fishery. These men will take an overall look at this and prepare recommendations for the District's consideration. ENGINEER'S REPORT (Continued): Mr. J. Jensen stated that the Piute Indians are contesting the service eater rights of Tahoe Southside Water Utility (now owned by STPUD). Mr. Jensen stated a Study Session should be held on this so we can get together with John C. Weidman, Attorney, to discuss this situation. Mr. Jensen also stated that negotiations are still with Harrah's re the contract. Re Highway 89 Fire Line, Mr. Jensen stated that he does have a good cost estimate, but a meeting should be held with Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch to discuss an Assessment District in the area, which will be approximately $260,000. Director Fesler stated that we should move right along with this project. WATER SYSTEM UNFINISHED BUSINESS (1) MARTIN AVENUE WELL, CHANGE ORDERS AND PURCHASES. Engineer Jensen stated that the Manager ordered the centrifugal pump in the amount of $3,043.00, and would like the Board to ratify same. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the action of the General Manager be ratified for the ordering of the centrifugal pump in the amount of $3,043.00. Mr. Jensen also stated that we need to order engine controls and these are ready to order from Caterpillar in the amount of $2,084.21; also thermal protection, heaters and screens in the amount of $400.00, and requested approval of valves and electrical equipment be put out to bid, this is approximately for $4,000.00. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the items needed in the amount of $2,084.21, $400.00 be approved, and that the valves and electzical equipment be put out to bid. NEW BUSINESS: Director Fesler read a letter from our insurance Carrier - Gooroon and Black,Meneley & Ames in which they stated that there will be a $4,000 increase in premium, which is for $1,222 FOR acquiring the water system; $1,135 for new construction, and $1,800 which is the additional increase on all property (rate increase). ~.,VASTEWATER SYSTEM: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1)TAHOE TYROL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: David Gallahan read a letter received from the City of South Lake Tahoe requesting acceptance from the District on this system. The City did inspect this sewer system and Ghet Homing, Inspector for the District, did some checking on this line and he does believe it is acceptable. David Gallahan recommended acceptance of same. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Dire'ctor Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1944, A Resolution Accepting Sewage Collection Facilities for Tahoe Tyrol Subdivision be approved. (2) Tveten Lateral: (a) Manager Callahan read the letter from Engineer A.L. Shoupe recommendmg acceptance of the installation of the Tveten Lateral. Also, Mr. Tveten came to the District and paid his share of $1,500.00 for this project. Manager Galla han recommended RESOLUTION NO. 1945, A Resolution Accepting Completion and Directing the Filing of Notice of Completion. NEW BUSINESS: (1) Audit Fiscal Year 1973/74: Consider setting a Study Session for review. Same was postponed to the next regular meeting of this Board. Director Fesler asked if anyone was doing anything to acquire the Tahoe Sierra Water Company. Manager Callahan stated that he wanted to wait until J.C. Weidman returned from his vacation, however, Mr. Hofman was asked to supply some additional information to the District . Mr. Callahan will pursue. Manager Gallahan stated that he received information regarding the Tahoe Keys Water Regular Meeting , -3- 11/7/74 Company today and a meeting is scheduled with Mr. B. Frizzee on 11/20/74 to discuss same. Mr. Weidman will contact the Mutual Water Company. Mr. Kortes asked Manager Gallahan if he would also contact the company to set up a meeting with them. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) Lake Tahoe Area Council Annual Meeting 11/15/74, 6:30 P M. Harrah's Convention center. ' , (2) California Special District's Association Annual Meeting 11/20-22/74 at Fresno, Ga. (3) Heavenly Valley requesting meeting on Wednesday 11/13/74 10:00 A M at Heavenly Valley. ' · · (4) Subponea of Heavenly Valley for Taking Deposition on 11/26/74 1:30 P.M , District Conference Room. ' ' Director Fesler suggested that Engineer Jack Jensen attend the meeting on 11/13/74 at Heavenly Valley to represent the District - The Board agreed. Mr. J. Jensen stated that a Study Session should be scheduled for 11/13/74 at 3:00 P.M. here at the District Office. WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: John G. M. Gonzales reported that the water reclamation plant improvements are about completed, need only final inspection. The plant has undergone repainting and refinishing. Everything is running fine at this time in the plant, Mr. Gonzales stated. There was a break in the force ~./' main between the plant and Luther Pass last week, and because of the fine operation of the plant, it was no problem to fix this break, Mr. Gonzales stated. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, that the claims in the amount of $161,175.69, as recommended by Manager Gallahan, be approved for payment. Director Kortes amended the motion to not pay check f~14099 for membership dues to the AWWA; seconded by Director Fesler. vote s; (on amended motion) AYES: Directors Fesler, Kortes, Wakeman. NOES: None ABSENT: Directors Hegarty and Ream. CARRIED. NOES: None. AD JO URN MEN T: On the original motion to pay the claims: AYES: Directors Kortes, Fesler, Wakeman. ABSENT: Directors Hegarty and Ream. CARRIED. ATTEST: 10:00 P.M. ROBERT WAKEMAN, President ~'- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTIL~Y DISTRICT DAVID W. GALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY OF THE BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT /~, u6) Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District November 21, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 11/21/74, 8:00 P.M. ROLL GALL: Present were President Robert Wakeman, Directors Donald H. Kortes, Robert W. Fesler, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, Attorney J.G. Weidman, General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Gallahan, Engineers J. Jensen andA.L. Shoupe, Systems Engineer J.G.M. Gonzales, Harry Hanson. SELECTION OF A PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD. The Board had decided that the President's will serve one year at a time. Director Hegarty stated that he would like to take this opportunity, and it is a distinct privilege, to nominate Donald H. Kortes as incoming President. Director Ream seconded. Director Ream moved the nominations be closed. Director Hegarty seconded. Carried. A unanimous vote was cast for nomination of Director Kortes for President this year. Director Wakeman congratulated Director Kortes and turned over the gavel to him. ELECTION OF A VICE PRESIDENT: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream that Edward E. Hegarty be nominated as Vice President. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that the nominations be closed. Carried. ' A unanimous vote by roll call carried for Mr. Hegarty as Vice President of the Board. Attorney Weidman stated that the Board had a successful year under President Wakeman. The District has acquired a water company, and Mr. Wakeman has been on the Board for over 15 years and acquiring the water company was a major accomplishment during Mr. Wakeman's term as President. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 11/7/74 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Harry Hanson. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by General Manager David W. Callahan. "Directors Fesler, Hegarty and Kortes, Jack Jensen and myself, met with Attorney K. Jones and Attorney J. Lynch in San Marco on 11/9 and 11/10/74 regarding district tax revenues and A.D. 1970-1 (Fallen Leaf Lake). John Weidman, Jack Jensen and myself met with representatives of Heavenly Valley and LRWQGB regarding sewer service to Heavenly Valley on 11/13/74. On 11/20/74 John Weidman, Jack Jensen and myself met with representatives of Tahoe Keys Water Company regarding acquisition of that water system. I will be on vacation the Wednesday before and Friday after Thanksgiving." Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: All items are on the agenda. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported byA.L. Shoupe: WRPI 98% completed; centrifuge installation to be done and delivery expected next week. Johnson Blvd. Pump Station is 67% completed. Re the paving and overlay at Johnson Blvd. Pump Station, Mr. R.L. Gulp did meet with Mr. A. Hendrickson of the City and he did accept as is. Mr. Jensen and Mr. Shoupe met with Teichert Contractor to discuss and review their claims and requested a Study Session with a Board Committee to study and review. Regular Meeting ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Discussion to be held at 2 pm Friday re Fallen Leaf Lake. Water Rights of Tahoe Southside Water Utility: Attorney Weidman will receive some documents from Sherman Wilke regarding the water rights and tbs n more information will be available to the Board. Mr. Weidman will meet with Mr. Fred Gerhard regarding this. Mr. Jensen stated that Mr. Weidman should be authorized to obtain the services of an Attorney (Water Rights Attorney) if needed. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Research and Development. No report. (2) Utility Services: No report. (3) Energy Conseraat[on: no report. (4) Finance:; Director Fesler stated that S.B. 90 is of great concern to the Finance Committee. Mr. Callahan stated that the tax rate will remain stable for M & O of the District unless some emergency arises. Attorney Weidman stated that S.B. 90 could be on its way out, maybe the Finance Committee might undertake a project of a legislative committee and explore this. (5) Public Information: No report. REORGANIZATION OF COMMITTEES BY PRESIDENT KORTES AS FOLLOWS: 1. Research and Development - Hegarty/Fesler 2. Utility Services - Wakeman/Hegarty 3. Energy Conservation. - Ream/Wakeman 4. Finance- Fesler/Ream 5. Public Information - Kortes UNFINISHED BUSINESS (1) MEDICAL INSURANCE PREMIUM INCREASE: General Manager Callahan recommended that the District absorb the increase of the Medical Group Insurance for employees and their dependents. Director Fesler stated that he feels very strongly about this issue, but in view of the fact that we have an~:Item coming up under new business, I feel the General Manager knows what we can assume and strictly on the Manager's recommendation, Mr. Fesler moved that we approve the action and recommendation of the General Manager. *-' Director Hegarty seconded, unanimously carried. 2. AUDIT FISCAL YEAR 1973-1974: Study Session 12/3/74, 3:00 P.M. Study Session. Water Company and Johnson Pump Station claims 11/26/74, 3:00 P.M., Jensen and Weidman; board to meet at 3 pm re claims and Tahoe Sierra Water Company. NEW BUSINESS: General Managev/Appointment of Same: Director Wakeman appointed David W. Callahan as General Manager - moved that same be done, Director Ream seconded. Dire ctor Fesler stated that he would like to know if there are any conditions on this motion; he also stated that this is the first time the subject has come up and the appointment of the General Manager for District should be made subject to review in 6 months. Director Wakeman amended the motion to read - to appoint David W. Callahan the General Manager and to have this come up for review in 6 months from 10/14/74, and adopt Ordinance No. 250 for same. Seconded by Director Ream. Unanimously carried. At this time the Board took time to congratulate David W. Gallahan as being appointed General Manager of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. WATER SYSTEM..~;. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) ACQUISITION OF OTHER COMPANIES AND STATUS REPORTS: (a) Tahoe Sierra Water Company. Mr. Callahan stated that Iack Jensen is preparing an evaluation of the company assets to support our price and prevent a tax liability upon our acquisition. Another meeting with Tahoe Sierra Water Company is scheduled 11/26/74. (b) Tahoe Keys: Tahoe Keys Water Company will consider what was then discussed at the meeting held and will contact the District at a later date; Mr. Jensen stated to the Board that at this meeting it was told to the Tahoe Keys representatives if this cannot be concluded by February that the District would not be interested. /~ ~ R~gular M~eting -3- 11/21/74 (c) Lakeside Mutual Water Company: Mr. Weidman stated that he contacted Mr. L. King, who requested copies of the Globin contract, and we then requested the financial statements from Lakeside. Director Fesler asked if the water bills were sent out, and if the money is coming in; Mr. Gallahan stated yes to both questions; as to the Water Company and Water Reclamation being combined, Mr. Gallahan stated this cannot be done until a decision is made as to whether or not the offices will all be in one building, etc. He also stated that several disconnect notices have been mailed, and same will be disconnected if bill not paid. Director Fesler requested a report from Mr. Gallahan as to what paid, not paid, and who disconnected. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) E1 Dorado Water Agency to meet 11/25/74 at 8:00 P.M. at Placerville. WASTEWATER SYSTEM: SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: As presented by John G.M. Gonzales, Systems Engineer: "The Lake Tahoe Area Council Laboratory closed down completely earlier this month. We were very sorry to see lab technicians Jack Archambault and Nancy Leeder go. Both of these people have contributed a great deal to the successful water quality monitoring program of Indian Greek Reservoir. This monitoring program is continuing, however, as our men here at the District will sample and run water quality tests on the water of Indian Greek. The good weather conditions we have been enjoying the past month has enabled our maintenance crews to finish a great deal of painting and clean up work around the plant grounds. Our electricians are installing some plant flood lights to give the plant more adequate lighting in formerly dark and potentially hazardous locations. I spoke with Earl Cooper of Sierra Pacific Power Company concerning our decorative lighting. He indicated that Sierra Pacific had enough fuel this year and that a firm request to curtail unnecessary lighting would not be issued this year. The decision as to whether or not we turn on our decorative lights this year is a Board decision. The plant is running smoothly after a few incidents of unit process down time. Last week we shut off the entire plant for 2-1/2 hours to replace a main breaker that had a burned contact. The electrical crew who worked on this problem were able to complete the installation in this minimum time period, so that plant operation was not disrupted. The speedy and accurate way these men installed this breaker is greatly appreciated by all of us. We are continuing a testing program coordinated with EPA in Cincinnati to evaluate organics, bacteria, and virus concentrations in our final effluent. Our pump station operators are sampling from Luther Pass pumping station and are shipping the samples for evaluation to New Orleans. We do not have complete results on this study, but preliminary indications are that our final effluent is exceeding the water quality expectations." Mr. Gonzales stated that this morning he attended the TRPA meeting re the Proposed Master Plan for storm drainage and runoff, which was suggested all be going into the sewer systems, and which was heavily opposed by all sewer districts. 1. VEHICLES: Bid opening held at 3:00 P.M. today, and the following bids were received: (a) Tahoe Valley Motors, GMG Trucks - $11,240.00. (b) Shehadi Motors (Ghev.) $9,807.60...and (3)Pardee (Internationals) $10,233.69. General Manager Callahan stated that he would recommend adoption of THE RESOLUTION NO. 1946 Authorizing Purchase of 2- 3/4 ton trucks. (Mr. Gallahan also stated it would be a 65 to 75 day delivery date). Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1946 be approved as recommended by Manager Gallahan. Mr. Gallahan mentioned that two new employees have been hired - one in operations, and the other in solids systems; Mr. J. Dalecke has terminated his services with the District, and has left in good standing, the staff is now as authorized. Regula~ Meeting -4- 11/21/74 2. HEAVENLY VALLEY: ~ohn C. %A;eidman, Mr. Callahan and Mr. I. ~ensen met with Heavenly Valley representatives last week; their engineers are to reconsider the amount of flow they w~ll be discharging into our system and make an additional report to our District. RE THE ~UBPOENA: Mr. YVeidman requested the file on depositions and a report will be made to the Board following receipt of same. CO~vIMUNICATIONS: (1) Marjorie I. Springmeyer: Attorney %A;eidman stated that 5 or 6 months ago we met with Mr. Dayton Cart and could not reach a settlement with him. We will now formalize the summons and complaint. Mrs. Springmeyer is correct that she should be served, and we should proceed with this, but Mr. Cart did not want to settle until he saw the pump station finished. Mr. Weidman also stated that he was employed by Mr. P. Hale on an hourly basis, and his fee was less than $1,000.00 based on an hourly arrangement. The District employed Mr. Hale to come here to discuss where the sewer line should go and not the pump station. (2) Lake Tahoe Area Council and letter and Resolution of Appreciation. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, the claims in the amount of $143,700.82, as recommended by Manager David W. Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:45 P M. DONALD H. KORTES, PRESIDENT South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY OF THE BOARD South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District December 5, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular sess[on on December 5, 1974, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL GALL: Present were President Donald H. Kortes, Directors Robert YVakeman, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream. Robert YV. Fesler, General Manager and Clerk of Board David %Ar. Callahan, Systems Engineer [.G.M.Gonzales, Resident Engineer A.L. S~oupe, Attorney [.C. %A;eidman, H. Hanson and M. Kobernus. ABSENT: Engineer [. [ensen. Also present was Jerry Martin. MINUTES: Director %AZakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 11/21/74 be approved as written. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS. Mr. Jerry Martin appeared before the Board representing the Tahoe Valley Campground. He presented a map showing the campsites, and stated that he felt the District was charging for all spaces with or without hookups and he felt that this was an inequity. He further stated that there are only five units that are winterized. The new units that will be built will be winterized. He stated that he would like the Board to reconsider charges for all campsites. Director Fesler stated that there should be some ad3ustment made for these spaces that do not have a full hookup. Director -VVakeman stated that we are beginning to have to much call for the capacity that we have and must keep these facilities available for the people who have lots so they can build on them. Manager Callahn stated that Mr. ~. Martin is asking if it is an equitable charge by us for spaces that do not have a full hookup. Regular Meeting -2- 12/5/74 Mr. Martin also mentioned that their three busiest months -- their water bill was only $125 per month, and that charge includes a sprinkling system that was put in. Director Ream stated that we have been kicking this around since last June and the Gommittee and the Board have not come to any conclusion. Director Kortes stated that we are charging one unit per space and this does not sound too unreasonably to him as it amounts to approximately 83-1/3 cents per month p~r space. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, that we charge one-half unit for spaces that do not have full hookup facilities, and to amend Ordinance No. 114 to include this. Mr. Gallahan stated that on the basis of flow, no one can know how much flow a campsite puts in a system; each 6 campsites equal one home, if the sites are to be charged 1/2 unit. Director Fesler stated that it seemed to him that we are dealing with the overall capacity of the District and we are operating at only 50% now and full capacity won't be until 1980. That we are talking about flows that come into the plant from these different types of uses and he felt this difference should be recognized. Manager Gallahan stated that 6 campsites camping for 24 hours a week, without space hookups, and using the showers, laundry facilities, rest rooms, their septic dumps, etc., could produce more flow than a single family dwelling. Director Ream stated that he did not see how a decision could be made this evening. Director Wakeman moved to amend the :notion to postpone this subject until the next regular meeting, December 19th, and G. Ream seconded. Director Fesler asked if we are going to have any further information on this matter on the 19th of December for action or decision to warrant the postponement. VOTES: To postpone to 12/19/74: AYES: Directors Kortes, Wakeman, Ream NOE: Director Fesler ABSTAINED; Director Hegarty. Garried I postponed to 12/19/74 ..... MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Gallahan: "Gash revenues of the Water Department for the period of 9/1 through 11/30 was $134,000, an increase of $18,500 over the same period a year ago. We also received the $95,000 loan from the Gounty -El Dorado Gounty Water Agency. Expenditures for operation, capital improvements and deposits to Repayment Fund of $67,500 total $189,475.79. Additional information was attached to Direct:ors agendas. Sewage flows for the month of November is approximagely 4% higher than a year ago; the number of connections approximately 7% greater; District personnel is continuing on control of infiltration. Also attached to the agenda is the Plant Operations Report. The Board of Directors met in Study Session on November 26, December 3 and 4. Effective January 1975 the District will prepare the payroll on its own equipment instead of using a Data Service Genter." Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. REGOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Kortes welcomed Harry Hanson and Merle Kobernus to the meeting. ENGINEER'S REPORT: None. Regular Meeting -3- 12/5/74 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Contract and Amounts WRP Improvements ($1,082,000 orig. bid) $1,143,376.08) As presented by A.L. Contractors Ziebarth & Alper Shoupe: Percentages Completed 99% Johnson Blvd. Pump Station ($193,000) Johnson P. S. ($10,100) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 70% Schedule 2 100% Schedule 3 100% Schedule 4 100% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. Weidman reported that there are oral arguments on Fallen Leaf Lake and that the Judge would make a decision by the 1st of the year. Regarding the Water Rights and the Piute Indian Tribe, Jack Jensen called Norm Brazelton who is at the GH2M Hill Office at Sacramento, and met with the Water Resources Engineer Board and made an application for a 90 day extensfon. Norm Brazelton would and can monitor State Water Resources Control Board meetings in anything that would happen regarding this subject. COMMITTEE REPORTS: No reports except Public Information and Director Kortes stated he and Manager Callahan met last Monday to review the matter of administrative change within the District. Director Fesler stated that he noticed the article and picture of the Manager in the Tribune but that he did not see any news regarding the new President of the Board. Mr. Gallahan presented an article published in the E1 Dorado County Chamber.of Commerce news report bulletin which told about our District. WATER SYSTEM: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) Attorney Weidman stated that the Secretary and the President should sign a bill of sale and grant deed to the District. To sign the papers is the same as a transfer, and if the Internal Revenue and State Franchise Board honor the date the papers were signed in September then we will have no tax liability, but if they do not we have some tax liability. (2) ACQUISITION OF OTHER WATER COMPANIES, STATUS REPORTS: (a) Tahoe Sierra Water Company: Director Ream stated that he and Director Kortes met with Mr. C. Hofman of the water company today, who is interested in selling the company to the District; we mentioned to Mr. Hofman that the Manager and the Attorney will contact his accountant to see what type of an agreement could be worked out. (b) Tahoe Keys Water Go. Manager Gallahan stated that Mr. Frizzee called twice this week and he and his attorney are working on the information regarding price and the accomplishment of the transfer and Mr. Frizee stated same information would be ready next week for another meeting. Attorney Weidman stated that he received a call from a gentleman in Los Angeles regarding the Tahoe Keys Water Company. Also, it was mentioned by our board members that Mr. Callahan contact Mr. Carl Richter of the Tahoe Keys Homeowner's Association/ (c) Lakeside Mutual Water Company: No information received the past two weeks; they did promise to send financial information, to date nothing has been received. 3. EARTH BORING EQUIPMENT: Consider request to purchase. Manager Gallahan stated that Mr. Dunckhorst mentioned this sometime ago at a previous meeting. Director Ream reviewed all information received on machine and Mr. Callahan recommended the purchase in the amount of $1,945.00. ---- Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman and unanimously carried, that the Boring Machine in the amount of $1,945.00 be purchased as so recommended. /~---~'~, R~gttiar Meeting -4- 12/5/74 WASTEWATER SYSTEM: Report by Systems Engineer John G.M. Gonzales: "We have received part of our vibra screw vibrating tin bottom to be installed in our solids system handling building. Within the next few weeks, we hope to install the entire set up, relieving much of the noise problem in the furnace building and allowing for better lime handling. Our new centrifuge has been delivered and should be installed by the contractor in the near future. I have been working on the second draft of the new Operations and Maintenance manual for the plant. Final printing of the manual should be a few months away. I met with Bill Jensen of Honeywell on Wednesday concerning a new alarm system for the District. Our present alarm system for outlying pump stations has given us trouble in the past and beeause each alarm signal is sent through telephone wires, we are at the mercy of the telephone company to receive the proper signals; we are also charged monthly for each station. A tone system alarm set up would use one set of telephone wires and up to 150 alarm signals could be received at the base station. Tone systems are more reliable and because only one set of telephone wires would be required for the entire outlying station set up, the system could pay for itself within a few years in savings in phone bills alone, not to mention man hours required to check false alarms because of telephone line problems. Later the system could also monitor alarms for the water utilities. This system would not have to be serviced by Honeywell as we have our own instruments technician. I am reporting this item of interest as a possibility for the future. Total cost for a new alram package would be about $15,000. We completed sandbagging the bank of the Upper Truckee River near our pump station. Our line maintenance crew did a very fine job ensuring that our Upper Truckee Pump Station does not get washed into Lake Tahoe during flood stages on the Upper Truckee River. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) Request of Tahoe Paradise Campground owners. Same discussed earlier and postponed to next regular meeting 12/19/74. NEW BUSINESS: (1) SUPPLIES: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1947, A Resolution Oalling for Advertisement for Bids for GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON. Manager Gallahan stated that the estimated cost for 13,500 lbs, including freight, is $8,000. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Resolution No. 1947 be approved. Attorney Weidman stated that Mrs. Springmeyer had requested a copy of invoice from Mr. Hale to him; this was requested in a letter written to Mr. Oallaha. Mr. Weidman stated he would have to get Mr. Hale's permission to do this; he also mentioned that he has had no assignments regarding promissary notes with Mr. Hale. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DirectDr Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $81,920.50, as recommended by Manager Oallahan be approved for payment. ADJOURi~ffMENT: 10:10 P.M. ATTEST: DONALD H. KORTES, PRESIDENT South Tahoe Public Utility District ? DAVID W. CALLAHAN, CLERK OF B-'~ARD AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY OF THE BOARD South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District December 19, 1974 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 12/19/74, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Donald H. Kortes, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, Robert Wakeman, General Manager David %Ar. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineers Jack Jensen and A.L. Shoupe, Water and Wastewater Systems Engineer John G.M. Gonzales, Harry Hanson and Merle Kobernus - employes of the District. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 12/5/74 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: As reported by David W. Callahan, General Manager: "December 17, 1974 John Weidman, Jack Jensen, John Ehlman and I met with representatives of Tahoe Keys Water Company concerning requisition of the water company. Further discussion is planned in about three weeks. The Board of Directors met in study session 9~n the 17th to discuss progress towards acqtisition of Tahoe Keys and Tahoe Sierra Water Company. They also met on the 18th to discuss today's agenda items. ~ The agreement with Mac Steil for his services was completed on 12/17/74. We are grateful for his assistance in accomplishing the transfer of the operations from Tahoe Southside Water Utility to the District. The District will host its employees and Directors tomorrow for a Christmas lunch. Attached is a financial report for the first four months of the fiscal year. (Mr. Callahan also requested a study session for review of this report). Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. Jack Jensen, Engineer, stated that he met with Don Hill, Engineer for Harrah's, to discuss the improvements of the Tahoe Southside Water Utility System. Director Ream was also present. No conclusions reached, though still working on this matter. He also spoke with Attorney Ken Jones regarding formation of an assessment district on highway 89 for the fire line. Director %gakeman stated that we do want the people to be in favor of this; and Director Ream stated that those benefited by the water line should sign the petition or if they do not want to do so we will or can drop it. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - JOHNSON BLVD. Mr. Jensen stated that he met three weeks ago with the contractor (Teichert) and discussed the claims, and came to a settlement. This to be discussed under old business. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Contracts and Amounts WRP Improvements ($1,082,000.00) orig. bid. ($1,143,376.08) As presented by A.L. Shoupe, resident engineer: Contractors Percentage completed Zeibarth & Alper 99Yo Johnson Blvd. Pump Sra. ($193,000) Johnson P.S. ($ 10,100) Bijou Mod. ($ 44,250) Fairway Tr. ($ 91,940) Treehaven Tr. Teichert Cons. Co. Schedule 1 70% Schedule 2 100Yo Schedule 3 100Yo Schedule 4 100Yo ATTORNEY'S REPORT: [.C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that he would like to discuss two items that should be taken up in study session: (1) Decide what to draw or not draw from Davis-Grunsky; (2) Anti-recession grant matter. Study session scheduled 1/9/75 at 3:00 P.M., District Office. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. Regular Meeting -2- 12/19/74 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: DISSOLUTION OF TAHOE SOUTHSIDE WATER UTILITY CORPORATION: (a) Attorney Weidman stated all documents should be ready and completed next week. 2. ACQUISITION OF OTHER COMPANIES: (1) Tahoe Sierra Water Company: There is a meeting scheduled next Monday at 10:00 A.M. to meet with the C P A to discuss the acquisition of the water company. (2) Tahoe Keys Water Systems: Met on 12/17/74 and Tahoe Keys presented several points that wanted clarified; discussed purchase of the company. They wanted the stock to remain with the company and not be liquidated - District did not go along with this; they also requested 8-1/2% interest rate on the purchase price and we did not think it was legally possible, perhaps an 8% as of 1/1/75 would be. They also wanted a 20 year plan rather than a 25 year repayment plan. We discussed the well and agreed to contact them in about three weeks again with more information and a firm price. Mr. Gallahan did leave word with Tahoe Keys to have Mr. C. Richter contact him. 3. Lakeside Mutual Water Company. No word from Lakeside Mutual Water Company. Engineer Jensen stated that a letter should be sent to the company asking what their intentions are for this summer; we have served them with water, if the well on Martin Avenue is not operating, there could be a shortage of water this summer. Manager Gallahan will write a letter to Mr. Frazier, c/o L. Gaine's office at Lodi. Mr. Gallahan stated that today the special use permit was reviewed and application completed for the Martin Avenue well and same to be subbmitted to Planning Commission for their approvals. WASTEWATER SYSTEMS .... SYSTEMS ENGINEER'S REPORT: "The pump station operators have completed the installation of a new pump shaft in one of the pumps at Luther Pass Pump Station. With help from our plant maintenance crew and electricians, the pump run crew was able to save $3,000 doing the work themselves. After some modifications by our plant maintenance crew our new grit removal facility is back in operation, and seems to be operating to our satisfaction. Our report for November - water quality of our effluent from the water reclamation plant has received praise from the people we send the report to, telling how well our D~nt is operating." TEIGHERT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1: J. Jensen gave a breakdown of claims that Teichert and he had discussed, amounts, etc., discussed same with the Board this evening in detail; total amount of the change order is for $16,668.48, and the original figure presented by Teichert was almost double this amount. Mr. Jensen recommended this change order be approved. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that we pay the amount of $16,668.40 that our engineer negotiated with Teichert Construction. Director Fesler stated that the campground fee discussion was postponed to this meeting and requested consideration and/or discussion at this time; Director Fesler stated that KOA campground has 54 spaces, Tahoe Paradise has 60 spaces, and he felt that it was not fair to charge an unimproved campsite for full amount of sewer service fees, and he would again suggest that those campsites be charged 1/2 unit charge (full unit is $10.20) per year, per unit...Director Fesler moved to take the subject of the campground off the table and reduce the sewer charge at the campsite and charge 1/2 unit. Seconded by Director Hegarty. ROLL GALL VOTE AS FOLLOWS: AYES: Directors Fesler and Hegarty. NOES:Directc~s Ream, Wakeman, Kortes. ABSTAIN ED :N one Motion lost. NEW BUSINESS: Lake Tahoe Area Council Symposium 1/16/75. Director Hegarty requested reservations be made for him and possibly Director Fesler to attend this to be held at Harvey's Inn, 8 to $ pm on 1/16/74. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS; Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $89,435.07, including payment to Teichert Cons. Go. of $16,668.40, be approved for payment as recommended by Manager Gallahan. DAVID W. GALLAHAN, Clerk of Board DONALD H. KORTES, PRESIDENT South Tahoe Public Utility District