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JULY 6, 1972
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular
session on July 6 , 1972 , 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty,
Donald H. Kortes and Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of
Board David �/V. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineers Jack Jensen and
A.L. Shoupe, Reporters jeff Cohen and John Murphy, and various audience guests
� - none making an appearance before the Board. Absent was Vice President Robert Wakeman.
� MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carri�:d,
that Minutes of the Regular Meeting of 6/15/72 and the Special Meeting of 6/29/72
be approved as presented.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: None of the visitors present had any business in present;,
they were attending merely as observers .
MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Russell L. Culp, General Manager:
"Attached to your agenda is a copy of the Plant Operations Report for June 1972 .
john Weidman and I met with the Alpine County Supervisors on june 19 and 27 and on
july 3 and 5 to complete details of Amendment No. 1 to our contract with them.
The EPA, through Texas A & M University, conducted a one-week training course
in advanced wastewater treatment, using our facilities here during the week of
June 18th. Rbout twenty Engineers from EPA and State and local health departments
and pollution control agencies attended.
On june 20 , the Board made a field inspection of unsewered areas in and near Angora
; Highlands.
On June 26 , I met with Mr. Bud Ogden of the Tahoe Keys Water Company, and on June
28 the Board met in study session with representatives of the Tahoe Southside and
Tahoe Sierra Water Companies .
The Board held a special meeting on June 29 to approve Change Orders Nos. 5 and 6 to
the U.S.F .S. contract prior to the end of the fiscal year.
The Finance Committee met on June 30 to discuss audit and auditor relationships .
The Board met in study session on july 5 to discuss several items of current business.
I am tentatively planning to begin two or three weeks vacation starting either on
July 17 or July 24 . "
President Fesler questioned the tentative dates for vacation, wanting to know more
definitely when Mr. Culp will be away, and was advised more definite information will
be given him within the next few days .
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the
Manager's Report be accepted.
-2- July 6, 1972
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by Engineer A,L. Shoupe:
Mr. Shoupe stated thatA,D. 1970-2 , Schedule II ($154 ,500), Sub-Terra, Inc. ,
Baldwin Beach Pump Station is 98% complete . Will .be cleaned-up probabl.y b�r the
end of this week. Director Hegarty questioned items still outstanding and was
advised that some of the preliminary testing has been done and the rest to be
concluded this week. No problems so far in the testing, Director Ream asked if any
date is set for final inspection. Engineer Shoupe replied that they hope to have all
tested by Thursday or Friday, and then co�ld be ready for final inspection, and that
he felt it was a little premature to set date for final inspection at this time. Presiden,t
Fesler believes next week is open so the Board can tour this area . Date was set i
tentatively for Thursday, j�].y 13, 3:00 P,M,
Director Hegarty would also like to see the State installation at Emerald Bay at the
same time, if possible .
Director Ream inquired about the status of the Alarm Systems. Engineer Shoupe stated
the Telephone Company is ready but the Forest Service is not yet available -
tentatively set for next Saturday,
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman reported that A.B. 550 is scheduled
for hearing on Tuesday, july llth before the Senate Water Committee; report is that we
are in good shape with the exception of two people; the report is favorable from the
Governor's office . He would be pleased to have any Directors accompany him on 7/11.
Assembly is in recess next week because of the Democrat Convention; Senate has not
scheduled a recess and believe Senate Water Committee will be doing business; however,
may give up the ghost, Do not think we will need to do much testifying in this
Committee; the Finance Committee will be the next stage . Mr. Weidman stated that
if the Directors cannot make this meeting, he would appreciate attendance at the
Finance Committee meeting, not yet scheduled.
President Fesler inquired of Attorney Weidman - "Now that you are working for
another District and working for them in S a cramen to, how will you be charging your �
time to us ? " - Attor.ney Weidman reported that so far working for the other District
they are not involve d i n t h i s c o n t r o v e r s y; we have enough at stake to justify everybody's
efforts on our behalf, and it looks favorable and we should follow-through efficiently,
Harootunian = Have not been able to get an amended complain in yet; but have been
assured will be in Mr. Weidman's office the end of next week,
Guess I am just as glad Russ and I went to Alpine County, was confusing and
exasperating but do believe we will resolve the situation. After the 19th when we
all went over, felt agreed that the Agency was to assume responsibility to use water -
we were happy they merely agreed to use water, struck good note, we drafter Agree-
ment which was delivered, they then came up with more items, agreed to meet with
their Attorney to straighte.n out but they are still ar uin
and they came up with two new agreements, after someg�riticism,twe workedto t and
think we resolved the District's Contract with the WaterA�ency in the County of Alpine;
the three County Supervisors have to all vote in favor of any agreement; they came up
with theory this was an "option" which was unsatisfactory to us, My guess when this
Agreement gets back they will realize on wrong track; will have to change where they
assign to ditching company, and will sign with agency. Al came up with the idea if
we raise the reservoir we have to get approval of Fish and Game, Bureau of Land
Management, etc. . .After debate we wrote into Agreement several minor reauestc•
that we would PXr�rnico ,,,,�:,.� „_ ., ,
REGZ7LAR 1vIE�TING -3- JU'T�Y 6 , 1972 /3 7d�
Attorney Weidman also stated that re the B.L.M. situation - took bids, Schedule A,
lowest $190 , 800 , which was just about the amount of monies they had appropriated
at this time. They took bids on boat ramp - $85 , 181 , very high, believe they are
going to want Schedule A leaving out boat ramp; will have to be contracted fiscal year
1973-74 , which they estimate will then cost $102 ,000 . Regarding road - they do not
believe essential this year and get in next year - estimate cost $80,000 in next
year bid - they left out trails which they estimate to cost $26,000 , left out surfacing
of road estimate of $131,000 , so they are looking at $339 ,000 come next summer;
when we get Alpine County Contract may have to make slight adjustments in BLM
Agreement to reflect some of these above items , believe will not be entitled to our
mQney until after the access road is completed in fall of 1973 . They have to complete
i boat ramp and road, without surface , before we can get first grant amounting to
$182 ,000 . The Alpine County road looks real good into the area; possibly we should
wait and change the Ordinance when we know for sure what Alpine will do and BLM,
l . Utility Services . No meeting held.
2 . Environmental Protection: No report.
3 . I.ntergovernmental Coordination: Talked to Congressman Johnson today at luncheon
re items of interest.
4 . P�blic Iri formation: Vice President Wakeman absent.
5 . Finance: We met to reciew some items that are recommended for Study by
Committee; one was audit committee as to action by Board, also felt we should meet
with some other groups and so request another meeting be set. Rev iewea details
District Treasurer which should be included in Placerville meeting.
� 1 . Assessment District }97d-�'z.: Letter from TRPA to H.R. Ebright - All Assessments
were recorded and cannot be changed, were set by TRPA. Board Action. No change .
2 . Gravity Sewer to Eliminate Beecher Pump Station: Brought up because of the
possibility of saving on maintenance;. involving 9 manholes, estimated cost $53,000-
Board postponed action.
' 3 . U.S.F.S. Sewer System - Presentation of Plans and Specifications: RESOLUTION NO.
1 6 8 7 , Bridge Tract, last extension of sewer on Upper Truckee , estimated cost of
$91 , 000 all to be borne by U.S.F.S. , bid opening 3 August, 2:00 P.M. , with
completion 75 days . TRPA does not have jurisdiction of Forest lands , but are thinking
about it. No objection from USFS representatives in attendance. Board Action: -
Moved by Director Hegarty, seconded by Director Ream, �unanimously carried, approving
plans and specifications and adopting RESOLUTION NO. 1687 .
4 . Sewer Service to acreage North of Angora Highlands: Presentation of Engineer's
Report - area toured, made rough cost estimate = 37 parcels containing about 111
acres , cost $2,850 per acre , estimated $316,000 total project cost. Average
assessment would be $8 , 500 per parcel. Zoned U-1 , one dwelling per parcel.
Draft of letter has been prepared to send property owners , this delayed until R. Culp
gets clarification from TRPA as to density possibilities.
� ,..,�,�er nrrc'�rrirCC+.
�3 79 REGUT�AR 1VIEETYI�TG -4- �"Lr�Y 6, 197�
2 . Customer Bills: Proposed wording change through elimination of "Sewage
Units" and the rate of charge per unit and merely state as "Residence" and/or
"Motel" . This is to prevent misleading misunderstanding, Board Action - Moved
by Director D. Kortes , seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried.
3 . District Treasurer - Manager Culp reported office of County Treasurer and Tax
Collector has been compiled which may result in our checking our Ordinance to
see if changes necessary. David �N. Callahan has been doing work and see no
change necessary but believe we should get opinion of Attorney. Attorney
Weidman stated we made change information in 1962 , will take look at all
correspo.ndence to see if better to have handled up here. Board action--- -
Director Kortes will be give.n written summary of facts for further discussion. �
4 . Pretreated Wastes from areas outside District: - Manager Culp - A company
interested in activity, have equipment, summer service here at Lake including
Echo Lake , will establish receiving area foot of grade in Meyers , main question
would District accept such wastes and cost per gallon - private enterprise , believe
would be alternate to our having to handle , believe we can quickly compile costs,
which would be substantial. Board Action: - President Fesler asked Manager Culp
to prepare such report for presentation at next meeting.
5 . Sewer Line on Bijou Circle: Consider adequacy. Manager Culp stated that the
line crew has had several calls due to lack of proper facilities , cleaning lines
only temporary help, old - old line . Should refer to Engineer to see what can be
done to relieve situation. Board Action:- President Fesler asked Engineers Shoupe
and Jensen to investigate and report back.
COMMUNICATIONS: Letter received by Manager Culp from Mrs. Codman, original
to County, copy to the District, paying taxes under protest. President Fesler wished
entered in minutes that her letter was read by each individual director immediately
after this meeting.
Letter from Sub-Terra requesting release of dunds, 5% retention, in order to assist �
in paying bills. Engineer Jensen recommended this be done. Director Hegarty i
moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, 5% be rel-eased to
Sub-Terra per their request.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $89, 119 .42 , as recommended
by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Consider adjournment from July 20 to July 27 - notice will
be sent regarding correct date of adjournment.
j� 7
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ' �
J`C�LY 27 , 1972
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular adjourned
session on July 27 , 1972 , 8:00 P,M. District Conference room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty,
Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes , and Gerald G. Ream. Also Engineers jack Jensen
and A.L. Shoupe and Don Showalter; Attorney John C. Weidman and Acting Clerk.
ABSENT: General Manager Russell L. Culp and Clerk of Board David �N. Callahan.
! MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried,
� that the mi.nutes of 7/6/72 be approved as presented,
President Fesler stated that he had sent a cable to Manager Culp at Reston, Virginia,
which read that early returns on Tahoe Keys shows 91% for a Yes Vote for the water
situation. Hofman letters are going through the mail this week and that everything
else was under control.
RECOGNIT�ON OF VISITORS: Don Showalter and A.L. Shoupe - Engineers,
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack ��ensen reported the following:
FALLEN LEAF LAKE: Met with Barney Etcheverry, jim Norton and Dr. P. Storrs at /
Redding to discuss some alternate schemes/plans for sewering this area,
Mr. Jensen also mentioned to this Board that if they intend to take action next
meeting regarding this Assessment District that Mr. Bob Hill, Attorney, should be
notified to prepare the necessary documents.
Director Kortes stated that he felt the Board has given ample time to the people
of this area to finalize their plans.
Attorney Weidman stated that they could be thinking along the lines for
assistance from the Housing Bill which assists in the collection line system and the
i Senate Bill which would give assistance for the pump stations , force mains and
treatment plants .
President Fesler stated that it all depends on the five Directors and how they
feel about this Assessment District. President Fesler stated that he does not want
to force this issue. We could leave the initiative up to the Fallen Leaf Residents
and/or owners.
Director Kortes stated that we could leave it as it now is and when they are
ready to proceed they can come back to this Board for action.
President Fesler stated that our Engineers are completing all of the necessary
steps and work to put this Assessment District in order a.nd it is now whether the
Directors want this to go.
President Fesler also stated that we want to serve the people in this area and
we want to find out which is the best way to go.
Director Wakeman suggested a Study Session to discuss this. Directors agreed
that a Study Session will be held on Monday, 7/31/72 , 3:00 P.M. , District office.
Mr. Jensen stated that a letter be written to Mr. Morrid D, English, President of the
Pacific Marine Disposal, Inc. , regarding waste disposal for unsewered areas outside
but adjoing our District. The letter they requested would be helpful for thim in
obtaining funds to accomplish their goal, and Mr, jensen requested consideration be
given to approve this letter, as follows, and subject to approval of the General Manager•
Mr. Morris D. English, Presid�nt
� Pacific Marine Disposal . Inc -
�35� ADjCj�RN'�D REGU��1R MEETTI�� --2- jirLY 27, 1 9 7 2
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimQusly carried, that
the letter be approved, as recommended by the Engineer, and subject to the General
Manager's approval. Carried.
BRIDGE TRACT: - Mr, Jensen stated that 13 Contractors have requested plans for
the Bridge Tract, and the project will go to bid on Thursday - August 3rd.
CON STRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by Engineer A.L. Shoupe:
Assessment District 1970-2 , Schedule II, Sub-Terra, Inc. 99% complete
(Project Cost -$154 ,500. 00) .
Mr. Shoupe stated that the contractor felt that on 7/28/72 he will put the stations
on the line and same can be placed in service . He also stated that they have '
been after Flomatcher, Inc. , to come here to adjust the electrical work they did.
They have not shown and Mr. Bill Fraser from CH2M-Hill has been working at
the Pump Stations to correct this work.
Director Hegarty stated that when this Assessment District Project is ready to
operate , it might be wise to send a letter to all people involved, including the
State , and notify them that they can now connect to the system.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: - Attorney Weidman stated that AB 550 was cleared by the
Senate , and Mr. Paul Lunardi should be thanked for his assistance in helping
to get this bill through.
ALPINE COUNTY: Discussion held regarding the contract that the District
provide water to Alpine County for 10 years and Alpine provide and guarantee for
the next 40 years. Attorney Weidman to check into original letter and contract that
was signed by this District and Mr. Bruns , who represents Alpine County.
HAROOTUNIAN: Case pending.
SHOPE EASEMENT: This has been rescheduled and Attorney Weidman requested
of the Board that in cases such as this , it would be wise to get a Trial Apprai ser
for all court �rocedure . The Board agreed this should be done , and when needed,
Mr. Weidman mentioned that Mr. Don Goodrich's services would be requested. �
l , Utility Services: Director Hegarty stated that he and Director Ream met with
Mr. M. Stiles of Tahoe Southside Water Utility to discuss the possible purchase
of this Company. Also, a letter was received from Mr. Sherman Wilke, Attorney
for this Company, regarding notifying of the public re negotiations.
2 . Environmental: No report.
President Fesler stated that all Directors that could attend the convention at Rancho
Bernardo,and stated that he felt that by attending the Seminars and Conferences,
conventions, it really makes them much b�oader Directors.
3 . Intergovernmental Coordination: Mr. Fesler mentioned that a dinner is being
planned for Bob Norris , who is leaving the City Employ, for any that are interested
and can attend.
4 . Public Information: Director Wakeman mentioned that the State Water Resources
Control Board will be making an aerial photo of Indian Creek Reservoir and has re-
quested some sail boats be there at the time , which is 8/2 or 8/3/72 . Mr. Wakeman
will check into this and report back to the Board on the ha ppenings at a later date. I
ADjOURNED REG�LAl� IVIEETTN� -3- rUT,Y 27, 1 9 7 2 /38Z
1 . Water --- President Fesler stated that Tahoe Keys Water Company was
reported on earlier in the evening; Carl Hofman of Tahoe Sierra Water Company
is now having letters printed and will be mailed to customers this week.
NEW BUSINESS: Request from Peter j. Strusis re his property located at
4024 Azure and Lot 19 , Lakeside Lodge Subclivision, A. D. 1960-3 , John La-Grange
was the Contractor. Contractor did dig through his driveway and never repaired it.
Director Kortes moved, ' seconded by Director Hegarty, that the District be authorized
to repave Mr. Strusis' diiveway.
� VOTES: AYES: Directors Fesler, Hegarty and Kortes
ABSTAINED: Director Wakeman and Ream. CARRIED.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $236,389 . 38 be approved
as presented.
�-� ..�----
`I �`�<�' .
South Tahoe Public Utility District
—�b C.C�
DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-
, Officio Secretary to the Board of Directors of
South Tahoe Public Utility District
* * * * * * * *
AUGUST3, 1972
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular
session 8/3/72 , 8:00 P.M, , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Vice President Robert Wakeman,
Directors E. Hegarty, and G. Ream; also General Manager Russell L. Culp, Assistant
Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineers H.E.Moyer, J. Jensen,
D. Showalter, A.O.Shoupe, Attorney J.C . Weidman and Attorney R.J. Hill; Jeff
Cohen - Tahoe Daily Tribune reporter, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee Reporter, and
several representatives and property owners from Fallen Leaf Lake Area , Mr.
Bosworth and Mr. J, Olsen from the U.S.F.S. and Mr. Ralph Andersen.
ABSENT: Director ponald H. Kortes.
I 1�/TTI�TTTTFC• Tl�.-„1.+,,.- zn�-,i._.,...__ ------- , , , , --
��g'3 I2EGULAR M�ETING -2- August 3 , 1 9 7 2
MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp:
"The plant operating report for july is attached to your agenda.
At the pleasure of the Baard, we should schedule a study session on the
Clean Water Grant project, and a meeting of the Fina.nce Committee.
Early this week a pump failure occurred at Bijou Pump Station, and there
was no standby for a few days while repairs were being made:'"
Total Pla.nt Flow 102 .4 MG (Last Month 81. 0 MG)
(Last Year 98 .4 MG)
Average Flow 3. 3 MGD (Last Month 2 .7 MGD) '
(Last Year 3. 2 MGD) !
Maximum Daily Flow 3. 66 MG (7/13/72)
Peak Flow Rate 9 . 0 MGD (7/3/72;'
Nevada District Flow None
Chlorine Used 7 ,860 lbs
Propane Used None
Natural Gas Used 7 .1 Million Cu Ft
Electricity Used 786,000 KWH
Polymer Used 569 lbs
Emergency Storage Area Empty - Used from 7/9 through 7/10/72
Lime Used Makeup: 81 tons
Recalcined: 143 tons
Alum Used 6,470 gallons.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
the Manager's Report be approved as presented.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack jensen, District Engineer stated that he gave Manager
Culp a draft copy of the "Outside Waste Study" , and requested a Study Session
with the Board and Manager to discuss same . The Board agreed to meet with the
Engineer and the Manager on 8/10/72 , 3:00 P.M. , District Office. �
President Fesler welcomed Harlan E. Moyer back to the meeting. Mr. Moyer has
been with CH2M-Hill in Reston, Virginia.
A. D. 1970-2 , Sch II, Sub Terra , Inc. 99% completed
(Project Cost = ��154 ,5 00.00)
On 8/11/72 , Friday, the Directors will tour 1971-1 Assessment District area and
the Baldwin Beach Pump Station. Manager Culp stated that he spoke with Beaches
and Parks , State Department, and they plan to open the State Park and start pumping
wastes into the line and notify all that are ready and anxious �r connections that
they may now do�so.
l . Utility Services . No meeting and no report. Director Hegarty stated, however,
that he noticed an article in the Tribune regarding the water issue and as a result
with conversation of Jeff Cohen, Tribune Reporter, the information was obtained from
the minutes of the last meeting. The status of the Water for Tahoe Keys Company,
anc� Tahoe Sierra Water Companv, is favorabe for the District taking over, how-
rc��uLtix MEETIN"G -3- August 3, 1 9 7 2 /,jg�
RALPH ANDERSON appeared before the Board and stated that he was in hopes this
Board would not consider spending millions of dollars without going before the
public. He stated that he felt it was the duty of the elected officials of this
District to go before the people and to give them an opportunity to voice their
President Fesler stated that it is much too early to make any statements at this time.
2 . Environmental Protection: No report.
3 . Intergovernmental Coordination: No report.
4 . Public Relations: Director Wakeman stated that the State Water Resources Control
Board has been doing a film of the plant and the Indian Creek Reservoir - their
camera group has been here for two days , sailboats, etc. , were obtained at their
request to assist them in making the type film they so wanted.
5 . Finance: Man3ger Culp requested a Committee meeting to review the Insurance
Policy on new equipment.
2 . OLD BUSINESS: U.S.F.S. Bridge Tract: Jack Jensen reported on the bid opening
held today at 2:00 P.M. , as follows:
1 . Healy Tibbit ts Cons . Co.
411 Brannan St; San Francisco, Calif. $121 ,350.
2 . John J. Massa
Box 51, Shingle Springs, Calif. 89, 255 . 00
3 . Gold Coast Cons . Inc
Box 1981, Salinas, Calif. 98 ,572 , 50 98,572 .50
4 • J.R. Crasper Cons . Co. , Inc.
Box 691 , South Lake Tahoe , Calif. 108 ,075.00
5 • H.M. Byars Cons. Co
Box 748, Reno, Nevada 103 , 604 , 00 103, 604 . 00
6. S ub-Terra, Inc
Box 199, Tahoe City, Calif. 95 ,031. 00
7 . Lloyd E. Tull, Inc
Box 1908, Fresno, Calif 125 ,400. 00
8 . Venturini Corp.
1717 Lake St; San Mateo, Calif 135 ,906.50
9 . Contri Cons. Co.
Box 1150, Incline Village, Nevada 99 , 509 . 00
ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE . . . . , . . . . . , .$91,500. 00
Low bid received from John j, Massa and same was in order and Mr, jensen recommended
that RESOLUTION NO. 1688 , Authorizing the award of contrar.t tn Tnhn -r n�ra��,
/�{�5 � 1\Ll=fllLt1l� 1v1LL111V� -4- AUC�I.�St 3 � 1972
Attorney Weidman requested the Board adjourn to an executive session at this time
to discuss a strategic position regarding litigation - Harootunian Case . Board
adjourned to an Executive Session at 8:45 P.M.
Reconvened at 9:00 P.M.
1 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1971-1: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer was asked
to review the status of this assessment district to refresh memories of all those
present and why same is being considered. Mr. Moyer also stated that A.D.
1971-1 was started out as 1968-2 , and for the benefit of this --Mr. Moyer
mentioned that in 1966 the Federal Government, which was then the Federal
Water Pollution Control Association, held a conference , and as a result of
that conference , the conclusions were that all sewage was to be exported
from this basin and this was the only District that could provide for this.
Another recommendation was that this District should annex the properties
that were developed or to be developed, and they decided the only way to
protect Lake Tahoe was to export. In 1966 or 1967 , the District did not
include Fallen Leaf Lake and early in 1968 the District considered and did
annex this area , which is now Fallen Leaf Lake and over to and including
Cascade Lake and Emerald Bay; in addition, the U.S.F.S. owned a great
amount of property between Tahoe Keys and Emerald Bay and extending to
Fallen Leaf Lake . The District felt it was in the interest of the people to
include all the properties that could be developed in the future and presently
developed, and Fallen Leaf Lake is a tributary to Lake Tahoe, as well as Emerald
Bay and the private properties and U.S.F.S. owned properties , and therefore ,
all were annexed to the District boundaries . The Board of Directors of this
District authorized plans and specifications be prepared, which was then 1968-2
Assessment District, and now known as 1971-?� Assessmer�t District. '�ne system
and the major trunk lines were being provided on a Federal financing system. We
realized at the time that Fallen Leaf Lake and the other areas would be expensive
to sewer, but based on the Engineering study, the only economical way would be
to go the conventional sewer system. We studied all alternatives and this was
the only solution which would provide the overall least cost for this area.
We have had a number of ineetings with the Fallen Leaf Lake Association members
and property owners; etc. With each year that passes , the cost of this system
grows. Four years time has been spent on this engineering study for this area.
If we get into more and more detailed engineering, the cost will continue to
rise . Mr. Moyer also stated that in their engineering judgement, the best wa.�r
to sewer would be a conventional sewer system. The U.S.F.S. was consulted
and we spent much time in studying to provide a sewer system for Fallen Leaf Lake.
It is not the District's position that the District be an enforci.ng Agency. The question
of the State law is one that is to be enforced by the State of California and the
Federal Government. The District is to be an implementing agency and are
providing the vehicles and being able to offer the people the means of financing
the system and a solution to assist in exporting for the people . The District
does not enforce a system upon the people if the people do not want it,
Mr. Moyer again mentioned that many meetings have been held with the representatives
of the Fallen Leaf Lake Association, and the last one was held at San Mateo, and we
presented estimates of costs , systems , etc. , the procedure that would be followed,
etc, If the Board wishes to proceed, they will consider the engineering report, and
the plans and specifications , the estimated costs , the proposed apportionment
of that total cost to the property owners, telling what their assessment would be ,
�ato fnr a r�o�hlin 4,..��..-,.. �+ ...L..,-.1,. +L.,. ,.-•-"_-'-- ----- ---'- - �'- . . , . , . �
REGULAI� MEETING -5- August 3, 1972 �'38�
this to a hearing, a.nd let the decision rest with the people .
President Fesler stated that we have been moving along to bring this to a public
hearing for a decision; the deadline was extended from january 1972 through
December 1972. Mr. Moyer stated earlier in his presentation that the original
law provided the export facilities must be in operation by the end of January
�971 , and the law was extended for one year, which was Ja.nuary of 1972 .
The Lahontan Board has chosen that, since the District and the residents of
Fallen Leaf Lake have been engaged for a system, no enforcement proceedings
ha�ve take.n place. The Lahontan Board has undertaken some enforcement
proceedings of the State Law for areas that do not have active planning underway
for a sewer system. Fallen Leaf Lake is now in violation of the State of
California Law.
Engineer Jensen stated that they met one week ago with Mr. Etchverry, Mr. Storrs,
and Mr. Norman, and they viewed some schemes for alternates: (1) put line under
the Lake and bury it and transport to the north end of the Lake; t�is route would
cause far more damage to the environment than what we have prop�sed.
President Fesler stated that our Board wot.�ld like to make certain that the Engineers
have had ample opportunity to discuss their methods and suggestio.ns with our
Engineers. Mr, jensen stated that que�tions of all engineering phases were
discussed, and they fell nothing should be changed from the plans now available
for this system,
President Fesler stated that our Board has leaned over backwards to work with these
people , but it seems now we are running out of time in 1972 , If we go ahead and
establish a date for the hearing, what would be the timing on the first that the
contract could be let and the project started. Mr. Moyer stated the earliest would
be September 12 or 14 for the public hearing. Depending upon the wishes of Fallen
Leaf Lake, it is possible the contract could be awarded this fall; our contract, Mr.
Moyer stated, states that there can be no construction in that area between june
15th and October lst. It could be undertaken this fall and completed next year
at the same time , Mr. Moyer stated.
President Fesler stated that it is the intent of this Board to move along and get this
matter going; at the time of the hearing, we will have an exact amount of the
assessments , and depending on the wishes of the people, the project could proceed
or become abandoned.
stated that he wants to be brief in his remarks and turn the floor over to Mr. Phillip
Storrs, Engineer from Engineering Schience , Inc. , who has been hired and who is
now investigating the alternate possibilities for sewering this area. Mr. Norman
stated that they do differ understandably with the plans and specifications of
CH2M-Hill and they do not contest that the engineering plans prepared by them
are not to accomplish its objective; he stated that there is a great problem in the
environmental damage to the area that is being discussed for sewering, and to sewer
this area we would be faced with siltation problems, environmental damage , cost of
up to 1. 2 million dollars, removal of huge amounts of earth materials , etc. , and they
have some engineering problems that must be resolved; they are still trying to obtain
a variance from Lahontan; Mr. Norman stated Fallen Leaf Lake is within the District
and they want to work with this Board.
/1�'I 1��GtJ'T�A�2 1VI��'�TN'� -6- A�gust 3, 19'12
as three years ago, you cannot find these lines without a map.
President Fesler stated that the problem of damaging the property is between
Fallen Leaf Lake and Lahontan Board and not with us .
Mr, Norman stated that they do disagree with Mr. Moyer. They feel the
environmental damage is extremely serious; they want the best solution to the
problem and they do not believe the 1. 2 million dollar cost is the best solution
to the problem.
MR. PHILLIP STORRS, Engineering Science, Inc. , stated that in the last 3 months
or so they have gone over the preliminary plans in some detail. These are , he
stated, excellent drawings a.nd do which they were intended to do and they
were designed to bring the least amount of trouble to the propery ow.ners. There
is a high cost, because it is a difficult area to sewer; environmental damage ,
which is not your problem to decide , but the owners are concerned, and this
is why our request for additional, time and alternatives . Mr. Storrs stated that
he did not feel the alternates discussed at Redding with the District's engineers
was resolved; systems they have considered (The Fallen Leaf Lake Association
and Engineers for same) are well worth considering further, which would decrease the
amount of pipe in the road, depth of cuts involved, etc. Mr. Storrs stated that they
have considered a system which puts pipe in the Lake and is a cheaper way to go;
or incineration toilets , or collection and barge systems; the system
they are considering is 30% less than the costs of the conventional system now
proposed; they have 3 alternatives that should be given serious consideration.
Mr. Storrs stated they would like to take up the alternatives with the District
Engineers. A low pressure system would require another set of plans.
President Fesler stated that it is really difficult to know what to do here and we
have been working in good faith for this area; we are certainly not arbritary, we
never have been and would not be in this matter. We are trying to schedule a
hearing and get their feeling on this.
Mr. Storrs stated that they have appreciated the time allated them; we have had 3
months approximately, he stated since the preliminary plans were made available;
we all have the same objective . Additional time will be required before the matter
of these engineering alternatives can be finally recanciled.
Direc tor Hegarty asked what period of time does he need. Mr. Storrs stated that
they neex approximately one month and less than 2 months ,
Mr. Ralph Andersen stated that he is not against this at all, but environmental
damage and errosion has entered the picture instead of export. He stated that at
one meeting he recently attended, it was st,ated at that meeting that after Oct. 15
of this year no one can break ground for any building, which means there can be no
building until next spring. - Director Ream stated that is not the way the Ordinance
reads, and Mr. Andersen said that he is going to make it a point to get a
clarification on the Ordinance.
Mr. Moyer stated that what Mr. Andersen should know is that all public work
projects in the Tahoe Basin are approved by the Agency and the plans and the
specifications and the canstruction schedules , as well. The Agency has complete
control over what is done and any project we have done , the Agency is well aware of -
timing, etc.
Mr. Dave MacAbee stated that if the project is not voted in bv thP pPn„lA a,,.a
12�GUL�1R MEETING -7- August 3 , 1972 �'3��
Mr. Jim Olsen of the U.S.F .S. , District Ranger, stated that President Fesler
has been doing a good job in keeping this meeting i:z line and that he certainly
does sympathize with him. Mr. Olsen stated that to have the sewer put in
Fallen Leaf Lake is a very important issue and that the people , when they
vote on this, should take extreme caution on their vote , and that they know
what they are voting when they do vote for this system; if they vote against
it, it would mean they would be without and they would then not be complying
with State law. Fallen Leaf Lake mrust build out to justify the cost of the sewers.
The traffic on Fallen Leaf Lake now is unacceptable. .When thi s Board makes a decision
as to go or not to go, it will have a major effect on Fallen Leaf Lake , Mr. Olson
Mrs . Barbur stated that the homeowners should be
given more time to look into the
alternatives before a vote from the people is brought around.
Mr. John �Woodburn question was answered -- that there would be no tax levied by
the Utility District against the property owners; any installation of sewers on the
U.S.F.S. property will be between the U.S.F.S. and the permittee.
H.E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that with all due respect to Dr. Storrs' comments, he
did have a change to look at the plans for 3 months , which CH M-Hill studied for
four years; we do disagree with some of the things that Dr. Storrs said; we have
investigated some of the alternatives mentioned; there are other alternate means
but Mr. Moyer stated he would reject the alternative of low pressure or the vacuum systerr
as he feels they have studied this problem and does not feel that there is a need for
further engineering studies; the system we have proposed is the overall lowest
system we can come up with and we recommend it to the Board; we have investigated
all problems involved; Mr. Moyer stated that he does not want the property owners
to feel there can be a lower cost, at least not from this District.
Manager Culp stated that what happens if we br ing this to a hearing and it is re-
jected is that the District will have discharged its obligations and the property
owners then will have to account to Lahontan Board; under the new law, the owners
will not have the use of their property next summer. We have looked into all means
of sewering that area; have met with TRPA, Lahontan, and what our Engineers have
proposed is the best solution to sewering that area ,
President Fesler stated this is a sticky problem and the costs are staggering, and if
it will help to give them another 30 or 60 days, we should consider it.
Manager Culp stated we are not going to start any construction until after 10/1/72;
if we go beyond 10/15/72 , we are delaying the in-road construction.
Mr. Norman stated that they appeared this evening to set the format, and that he is
convinced at the hearing there will be an 85 to 90% no vote on the project. They
would like at least 30 days extension to review this project.
Engineer Jensen stated that unless they have come up with other alternatives since
the last meeting they held with Fallen Leaf Lake , there is no further discussions or
mee ting to be he ld.
Mr. Moyer stated that it is their recommendation to this Board that the South Tahae
Public Utility District, in its entirety, not accept any of the alternates that have
been proposed or discussed and Fallen Leaf Lake can design their own systems, get
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/�d7 gEGULAI� TvI��'��NG -$- August 3 , 1972
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Manager Culp stated that we have nat yet fulfilled our obligation under the law;
also, that the disbelief that we have not looked into the alternatives is amazing--
we have looked and studied every alternative , scheme , costs, etc.
Mr. Moyer stated that his firm has fulfilled their obligation to this District.
Mr. Storrs stated that it is not their intent to cut costs by using inferior materials;
it is not the intent of the people to pull out of the District, but to hope to find
another alternative that will satisfy these people; if the 60 day extension is
granted, we hope to meet cooperatively with your Engineers , Mr. Storrs added.
Director Ream stated that Lahontan has told us we have an obligation to the State
and he feels we should move ahead on this project. '
Mr. Moyer stated that one of the benefits of the people being a part of the District
would be the financing of their assessments .
Manager Culp stated that we have tried to work out every plan that is available
to the people and it is to their interest to proceed with this project.
Brown and Caldwell representative stated they came into the picture at the request
of Stanford Camp people.
Mr. Ralph Andersen stated that he was at a meeting two weeks ago, and the people
at Echo Summit went to the expense of hiring an engineer and an attorney and they
have the same problem these people at Fallen Leaf Lake have. He stated that this
Board should give these people a chance to prove their point on the system to go in.
Mr. Phil Wood also requested they be given an extension to c�ntinue to review
the ir plans .
The vote of the board as follows:
AYES: Directors Fesler, Wakeman and Ream. ,
ABSTAINED: Director Hegarty
They will be given 60 day extension.
(1) Letter from E1 Dorado County LAFCO; (2) Letter from District Insurance
Carrier; (3) Meeting Notices and Invitations: Dillingham Development -Invitation
to luncheon and tour of lagoon water treatment system at noon on 8/18/72; - Lake
Tahoe Airport - Invitation to Airport Appreciation Day 8/27/72; and Annual Nevada
Water Conference on 9/28 and 9/29/72 at Carson City, Nevada.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman,
unanimously carried, that the claims, as recommended by Assistant Manager C.�llahan,
in the amount of $9 , 100. 73, be approved for payment,
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South Tahoe Public Util ity District
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AUGUST 17 , 1972
The Board of Directors of the So�ih Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session on 8/17/72 , 8:00 P.M. , District Board Raom.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Rabert W. Fesler, Vice President Robert Wakeman,
Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes and Gerald G. Ream; also, General
Manager Russell L. Cu1p,Assistant Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan,
Attorney john C . Weidman, Engineers Jack Jensen and A.l� . Shoupe , Reporters
Jeff Cohen and John Murphy, and Delsa Beck.
MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimQusly carried,
� that the minutes of 8/3/72 be approved as corrected.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed reporters and the engineers
and Mrs . Beck to the meeting.
MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp:
"The past two weeks have been busy ones for the District. Wastewater flows have
exceeded all-time highs for the past eight consec�.�tive days. This is due both to
the number of tourists at the South Shore and to the number of new connections
having been made to the system. Daily flows have been greater than 4 mg and hourly
peaks have hovered in the 8 .5 to 8 .8 mgd range . The pump stations , treatment
plant, and export system have performed very well under this load, but parts of the
gravity collection system have been taxed to the limit. In the area from the Bijou
Shopping Center to the Bijou Pump Station manholes are standing at fu11 level during
peak flow periods. There have been no major overflows to date; however, in
expectation of the possibility of even higher flows before or during the Labor Day
holiday, measures are being taken to prevent any possibility of an overflow at that
time . An emergency pump is being installed at Bal Bijou Road and Bijou Circle .
This pump will intercept the flow from the A1 Tahoe area and pump it directly to the
16 inch force main to the plant. This should relieve the overloaded main below that
� point to the Bijou Pump Station and lower the water levels in the sewer system to
normal. Completion of the emergency facilities is scheduled for tomorrow night,
unless there are unforeseen complications . This matter of emergency relief and
that of a permanent remedy are both on the agenda.
The loan forgiveness bill has been signed into law by the Governor. John Weidman
will have further details about this good news.
Agreement has been reached with Alpine County on the first amendment to our
contract with them. This matter is also on the agenda .
We have been notified by the South Tahoe Gas Company that our natural gas service
will be interrupted for at least one month during the coming winter because of the
natural gas shortage.
We are in the process of expanding the capacity of our standby propane system to
take care of the entire plant load. In the past, one of the large furnaces has been
shut down during short interruptions of gas service , but the plant cannot survive a
30 day shutdown. This loss of natural gas also affects the District budget, since
the cost of propane is greater than that for an equivalent amount of natural gas. The
gas company estimates that it will be at least 5 years before full gas service will be
restored to the Tahoe area and that restriction on use will worse before they get better.
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Manager's Report be approved as presented.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Jack Jensen stated that he and jerry Wilson met with
the gentlemen from Pacific Marine and they did not appear to be as enthus�astic
as they were in the past; Jack is still working on the report regarding waste
disposal and will report to the Board very soon on the study of same . �
Estimates were prepared for the two subdivided areas around Angora Highlands.
Also, they have completed the plans for Angora Highlands, which would be '
Assessment District 1972-1 , and requested permission from the Board to I
present same to T.R.P.A. ---- Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director
Ream, unanimously carried, that the Engineer be authorized to prese.nt the
plans and specificati�ns for Assessment District 1972-1 , Angora Highlands,
to the TRPA.
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Les Shoupe reported the following:
A.D. 1970-2 , Sch II, Sub-Terra, Inc. 99% complete
(Project Cost = $154 ,500)
U.S .F.S. Bridge Tract, Shingle Springs Cons . Co. 0% complete
(Project Cost = $89 ,255)
Environmental Protection Committee has scheduled 8/22/72 , 3:00 P.M. , for a
tour of the 1970-2 Assessment District Area. Those that are planning to tour
this area are to meet at Les Shoupe's office at 3:00 P.M.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: AB 550 was signed by the Governor yesterday, which was thP
12th day after submission and will become effective 60 days after this current session.
This bill turns the loan into a grant, which will reduce theDistrict's loan �
approximately $414 ,000. Mr Weidman also mentioned that North Taho e and Tahoe �
City will receive approximately one-million dollars on their loan, They are to
receive more due to the fact that their loans were much more than what South
Tahoe loan was .
President Fesler stated that they recognize this loan forgiveness would not have
been possible if it had not been for the time and effort Attorney Weidman put into this.
Attorney Weidman also stated that same could not have been accomplished without
the assistance of Assemblyman Chappie.
1 . Utility Services: Director Hegarty stated that a meeting was held with Mr.
Carl Hofman on Monday; letters were sent out by Mr. Hofman and the replies
have been approximately 86% in favor of the District taking over the Water Company.
Committee meeting of Utility Services scheduled for 8/21/72 , 3:00 PM, District
Office .
2 . Environmental Protection: No report.
, 3. Intergovernmental Coordination: President Fesler stated that in view of the
REGUT�AR MEETING -3- August 17 , 1g72 /39Z
John Murphy, reporter for the Sacramento Bee , stated that he has attended several
p�blic meetings , and several organization meetings, and, regardless, the Manager
of this District is worth $1, 000 per week.
4 , Public Relations: Meeting scheduled for 8/25/72 , 3:00 PM, District Office.
Director Wakeman stated that the Real Estate Board Committee will tour the plant
facilities on 9/29/72 .
A letter was received from the State Water Resources Control Board thanking the
District for their assistance in filming the area of Indian Creek Reservoir. They are
' preparing this film on Pollution Control.
5 . Finance Committee met to discuss the question of the billing machine and the
insurance for same . No action was taken.
Also, discussion was held regarding the change in Auditing firms , as was mentioned
by Mr. Phil Gruener, who attended one of our meetings, and who represents the
Grand Jury. This was discussed at the Grand Jury and through Mr. Gruener's
suggestion the Finance Committee studied this .
Director Kortes requested Mr. Callahan to contact the Executive Offices for the League
of California Cities , Executive Officer of our Special District's Association, Mr. Gordon
Benson, Division of Local Government, State Department of Contract's Office , to
obtain their views on periodic changes of Auditors.
Our present Auditor, John Ehlman, was very cooperative when we met with him and
discussed this situation, and he was very understanding of same .
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1 . Budge for fiscal year 1972-73: Assistant Manager
Callahan stated that the tax rate will remain the same - $1.15 , and U-1 area -$1.90;
there will be no increase in service fees, and the budget has increased approximately
11% .
President Fesler gave the floor to any in attendance that wished to ask regarding tax
rate , etc. , and being no comments from the floor, the following Ordinances and
Resolution presented for consideration:
ORDINANCE NO. 223 - An Ordinance of the South Tahoe P.U.D. stating the Purpose for
Which taxes are Ne�essary, Fixing the Amount of Money Necessary to be Raised by
Taxation, Fixing of rate of Taxes, 1972-73 Fiscal Year ($1 . 15)
ORDINANCE NO. 224 , An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District for
Improvement District No. U-1 of the South Tahoe P.U.D. Estimating the Minimum
Amount of Money to be Raised by Taxation for Said District and Fixing of Rate of Taxes.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Lirector Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
ORDINANCE NOS. 223 and 224 be approved as presented.
RESOLUTION NO. 1689 , A Resolution of the South Tahoe P.U.D. adding to and Making
a Part of the Annual Assessment Levied UpQn the Land Upon Which Sewer Service was
Used and Charges Therefor Unpaid at the Time of Fixing the Rate of Taxes for 1972-73
Fiscal Year. (Approximately $115 , 000.00) .
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
/.3y� 12�GU'LA12 1VI��TING -4- August I7 , 197�
ORDINANCE NO. 226: An Ordinance Authorizing the President of the Board
to sign the Contract with Bureau of Land Management.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
ORDINANCE NO. 226 be ap�roved.
RE: Davis-Grunsky: Manager Cu1p stated that a letter was received from Davis-
Grunsky people and it might be that we might be able to receive partial payment
this year.
NEW BUSINESS: (1) Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1690, A Resolution Authorizing the
District's Consulting Engineers to Prepare a Report on the Adequacty of the
existing sewage collection system, particularly of the gravity main from the
Bijou Shopping Center to the Bijou Pump Station and any other parts of the system �
which may be overloaded or become overloaded in the future.
Mr. Callahan stated that in the past, the pump station was paid for through
general obligation and the collection lines were paid for through 1956 Assessment
District. (This was in answer to President Fesler's question as to who paid
for this in the past) .
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes , unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1690 be approved.
RES�LUTION NO. 1691: A Resolution Authorizing the District Manager and
Consulting Engineers to Take any Action Necessary for Emergency Temporary
Relief of the Overloaded Sewer Main from Bijou Center to the Bijou Pump Station.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1691 be approved, as recommended by Attorney john C, Weidman,
Manager Culp stated that a temporary easement was obtained, ($200 .) for work
to be done on property owned by Mr. Casaurang of Bijou. He was very cooperative
in this situation as was the Sierra Pacific Power Company, and Byars Cons . Co. �
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $133 ,969.42, as recommended
by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment.
John Murphy, Sacramento Bee Reporter, stated that he will be leaving this area to
report for work in the Sacramento Area and stated that it was a pleasure attending
the meetings of this Board.
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
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DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-
io/i�/�4 , `
� ' Attorney Weidman stated that the time schedules of John Lynch and himself were
� � wrong and we still do not have a decision on the Fallen Leaf Lake case. We are
� ✓ talking about approximately 2 years from tonight. I suggest that in view of this
� when you meet in San Mateo that you talk with John Lynch about this and that
you take down minutes and unless he positively knows some other time schedule
::that I have overlooked, that you be sure that he understands what I think the time
schedule is and then you can talk about releasing contractors the second meeting
in November, but I think you should get his opinion on it first.
This is a rather important case - and he stated that the District will prevail in this case.
Fesler stated we have poured money into this case - we are the stuckies from beginning
to end. If this is ever put together - all they will do is make an assessment district
and the contractor will make money but the district will not.
Weidman stated that the amount of money spent, if the District prevails, and go through
this , is not going to be as much as the amount of money you recover when you win
and go through the assessment district.
Fesler stated an assessment district is formed because the people want it; and we should
have gone along with the peoples wishes; in the meantime we are spending vast amounts
of money going through the courts and now Weidman tells us 2 more years - and Fesler
stated that he felt this was disastrous.
Weidman stated the State is appealing the $5 million cross-complaint.
He further recommended that the Directors discuss in San Mateo with Bob Hill�i
John Lynch if you want to swallow the fees that you have expended, andall the
other costs, or if you want to go along depending on the Judges decision.
Weidman stated that the board is talking about.releasing the contractor - he did not
think the boardshould releasing the contractor until after they have talked to john
Lynch, Bob Hill and Ken Jones of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch.
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SEPTEMBER 7 , 1972
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session on 9/7/72 , 8:00 P.M. , District Board Room.
ROLL CALL: Prese.nt were President Robert W. Fesler, Vice President Robert Wakeman,
Directors Edward E, Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes , Gerald G. Ream; also, General
Manager Russell L. Culp, Attorney john C. Weidman, Engineers Jack Jensen, A.L.
Shoupe, Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan, and Delsa Beck.
, MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously
carried, that the minutes of 8/17/72 be approved as written.
MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp:
9/7/72 - As you know , the Tahoe Keys VVater Company and the Tahoe Sierra
Water Companies have polled all of their water customers regarding the sale of
their companies to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The votes are all in
now and the results can be reported. In both instances , more than 50% of the water
customers returned their ballats. The following vote resulted from the ballot
circulated by the Tahoe Keys Water Company regarding the proposed purchase by the
Utility District: 149 yes , 38 No. In the case of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company the
result was: 1 , 100 Yes a.nd 182 No. The vote was very favorable in both cases ,
with 80% voting yes in the Keys and 85% voting yes in the area served by Tahoe
I understand that �/Vater Election Petitions are now being circulated in the area
served by the Tahoe Keys Water Company, which would petition the Board of
Directors of the District to acquire the Tahoe Keys Water Company, and to form
an improvement district comprised of the Company service area so that the
proposition of acquiring the water system can be submitted to the electors of
the service area at the next general election or at a special district election
called for that purpose.
Similar petitions have been requested for circulation in the areas served by
the Tahoe Sierra and Tahoe Southside Water Companies . The procedures to date
appear to be legal and proper. Further, if the petitioners in one or all three of
these areas are successful in obtaining sufficient signatures under the law the
District has no choice but to call an election in each of the areas where proper
petitions are obtained.
To be legally effective the petitions for each area must be signed by electors
equal in number to at least 15% of all votes cast in the respective area at the
last preceeding general election of State and County Officers .
1 In order to be prepared for the anticipated shortage of natural gas this winter,
contacts have been made toward providing sufficient propane standby to operate
the entire treatment plant. Since all of the District's standby generators at
outlying pumping stations are on a natural gas firm rate rather than an interruptible
rate , no new arrangements are necessary. However, we have inventoried all of
the changes which would be required to convert the standby engines from natural
gas to propane and have located the source of supply for the engine parts which
would be needed.
The Lahontan Board has proposed some minor changes in the discharge require-
ments for Indian Creek Reservoir which require some additional sampling and
standards for some items not previously covered. The District is already complying
with the proposed new quality standards and I see no problem in performing the
additional laboratory analyses recommended. Actually, the new standards will
be of assistance to the District in obtaining our Clean Water Grant and in
r-lr�nnmontinr't noir nn��3 SVStP.t11 OX�2T'StiOriS , The proposed changes appear to be good
/�y,s - �"'�� �' -� �eptember / , ly�z
With reduced flows , there is now the que stion of whether or nc�t to purchase
the rental pump unit which we have, or to dismantle and return it.
Our new Assistant Engineer, John Gonzales , is doing an excellent job.
He has been of great assistance in day-to-day plant operations, and has
developed a .number of new ideas in connection with nitrogen removal which
we plan to incorporate into our Clean Water Grant Project.
Director Robert Wakeman rno��ed, seconded by Director Kortes , unanimously
carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented.
Copy of Manager's Report will be sent to the Newspapers and to the two local
Radio Stations.
Mr. Culp was directed to make arrangements to purchase the rental pump unit �
instead of returning it. It was felt that it would be a wise i.nvestment to
keep the pump unit for future emergencies, and to also keep it on the property
that it is now on, for as long as possible . ;
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer jack Jensen stated that Dr. Storrs will be in
Fallen Leaf area next Monday, August llth.
The Angora Highland Project has been approved by the El Dorado County
Planning Commission,
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Les Shoupe reported the following:
A. D. 1970-2, Sch. II, Sub Terra, Inc. 99% complete
(Project Cost = $154 ,500)
U.S.F.S. Bridge Tract, Shingle Springs Cons. Co. 12%
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman reported that the contracts had been taken
to Alpine County and that they will be signed before the next regular meeting.
l,)Utility Services: No meeting - no report.
2 .) Environmental Protection: No meeting - no report.
3.) Intergovernmental Coordination: No meeting - no report.
4 .) Public Information: Director Wakeman reported that a meeting had been held
last month. A Progress Report was discussed. This will be a brochure type report
named "A Twenty Year Progress Report" , and is a report to the people from the
Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Color pictures ,
statistics, a history of the Board, and accomplishments will be included in the
brochure . Cost will be $5 ,780, for 20, 000 copies .
President Fesler felt that there should be a study session and that the Manager
should start getting copy together for Board approval, Committee recommended
that the Board direct the Manager to get a rough draft started as soon as
possible . Chair so directs.
5 .) Fi.nance: Director Kortes reported that there has been letters received regarding
audit. These will be sent to the Finance Committee for review and study on
�_��---�-- - , � , „�„ ,. „,. .. - - - -
REGUT,AR MEETTNG -3- September 7 , 1972 �`39�
1. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1972-1 (Angora Highlands Sewer System: -
a. RESOLUTION NO. 1692 , A Resolution Requesting the Board of Supervisors of
the County of E1 Dorado to Approve Proposed Resolution of Intention to be Adopted
in Proceedings for Acquisition and Construction of Sanitary Sewers Under the
Appropriate Special Assessment in Assessment Bond Acts , and to Approve the
Preliminary Map of the Assessment District.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO, 1692 be approved.
' b. RESOLUTION NO. 1693: A Resblution Requesting that the County Health
Officer of the County of E1 Dorado Recommend Proceedings Under Appropriate
Special Assessment Bond Acts , or Other Appropriate Proceedings , for the
Acquisition and Construction of a Sanitary Sewerage System and Appurtenances ,
as Necessary as a Health Measure.
Director Kortes, moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1693 be approved.
NO. 1694 , a Resolution Authorizing the District's Engineers to Prepare Plans and
Specifications for Relief Sewers and a New Permanent Pump Station in the
Bijou-Fairway Area.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 16,94 be approved.
Engineer Jack Jensen said that he had talked with Ken Jones from Tahoe Keys and
that a petition had been started for a water election, and that a map was being
attached. Board suggested that the map be checked for accuracy.
Meeting schedtzled for Monday, September 11 , 1972 for luncheon at Tahoe Sands
with Carl Hofman. This will be an information meeting, and price should be
discussed for acquisition of the Water Company, with plans being firmed up.
Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 12 , 1972 at the Tribune Building to
meet with Mr. Max Stiles of the Tahoe Southside Water Company for the same
purpose .
All water compa.nies will be coordinated for an early December election.
The Board of Realtors will be holding a luncheon at the South Tahoe Public Utility
District on September 20th. Don Kortes will meet with the Lee Igel on September
15 at 12:15 , noon, to work out the details of the luncheon. This will be a no host,
self-supporting project, with everything to be catered, even to the clean-up.
Manager wi11 negotiate for price of this service.
Lake Tahoe Area Council has invited this Board of Directors to attend a meeting
on Friday, September 15 , 1972 , 7:00 P.M. at Harvey's Inn.
�'� Y� REGULAR MEETING -4- September 7 , 1972
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $16 , 195. 54 , as re-
commended by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment.
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
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�DAVID �N. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board
South Tahoe Public Utility District
SEPTEMBER 21 , 1972
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session on 9/21/72 , 8:00 P.M. District Board Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Vice President Robert
Wakeman, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes , Gerald G. Ream.
Also General Manager Russell L. Culp, Assistant Manager David W. Callahan -
Clerk of Board; Attorney John C. Weidman, Attorney Robert J. Hill, jack Jensen,
J.L. Chada , Reporter Jeff Cohen, and Engineer pon Showalter, Delsa Beck.
MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously
carried, that the Minutes of September 7 , 1972 be approved as written. '
MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp:
"The Board met in Study Session on September 11 , 12 and 20 regarding water
company acquisition, Director Kortes represented the District at the Lake Tahoe
Area Council meeting on 9/15/72 . The South Tahoe Realty Board attended a
no-host luncheon here and toured the District's facilities on 9/20/72 . "
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
the Manager's Report be approved.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Charlotte B. Corday and Lisa Fesler.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Jack jensen reported that Mr. Storrs of Fallen
Leaf Lake Protection Association has discussed an alternate course they wish to
take. They will meet with Lahontan Water Control Board on October 12 to apply
for Variance;, District Board will take no action on 10/5/72 .
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, to
direct District Engineer to file impact study with the proper governmental
agencie s .
R�GU7..AR ME�TTNG -2- Septemb�r 2I, 1972 /,,���
1 . Utility Services: No report.
2 . Enviranmental Protectir�n: No report f
3 . Intergovernmental Coordination: No report
4 . Public Relations: Director Wakeman '�urned the time over to Director Kortes.
The Lake Tahoe Realty Board met here on Wednesday, September 20 for a no-host
luncheon with movie and tour of the facilities . President Fesler said that he
, had been informed that the Realtors were very favorably impressed with the program,
, The committee will evaluate the feasibility of continuing with this program for
various groups in the community. Pi�tures were taken and sent to local newspapers.
5 . Finance: Director Kortes reported that the committee had met on September 18 .
Letters received from auditors were reviewed and it was conceded that it was not
feasible to change auditors unless dissatisfaction was felt with the present one .
Committee recommends that no change be made with the present auditor.
Meeting date of October 10 has been set to meet with the Lake Tahoe Insurance
Agents for a recommendation in regard to the District's insurance , since the
death of Agent Dennis Maas,
1 . Safety Award: - Presentation of the 1971 California Association of Sanitation
Agencies Safety Award by President Robert Fesler to Julian L. Chada, Utility Foreman
for the South Tahoe Public Utility District, District employees compiled the lowest i
injury frequency rate to win the award in competition with other sewer utilities in the
state having 25 or more employees.
2 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1972-1 (Angora Highlands) a .)- Consider RESOLUTION
No. 1695 , a Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct Improvements .
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1695 be approved.
"September 12 , 1972
Honorable Board of Directors
South Tahoe Public Utility District
South Lake Tahoe , Califor.nia
Re: Assessment District 1972-1
I am acquainted with the sanitary sewerage project which you propose to undertake
pursuant to special assessment and assessment bond proceedings , or other appropriate
proceedings, which project is more particularly set forth in your Resolution Requesting
Recommendation of Health Officer.
I recommend,as necessary as a health measure , that you undertake proceedings
pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this State ,
or other appropriate proceedings , as you shall determine , for the construction of said
improvements and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby.
This recommendation extends to such changes and modifications therein as you sha11
find to be proper or advisable , in the manner provided by law.
September 21 , 1972
B. Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1696 , a Resolution Determining to Undertake
proceedings Parsuant to Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond
Acts or Other Appropriate proceedings , for the Requisition and Construction of a
Sanitary Sewerage System and A�purtenances Without Proceedings Under Division
4 of the Streets and Highway Code.
C . Consider RESOLUTION NO� 169? , a Resolution of Preliminary Appraval of
Engineer's Report.
D. Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1698 , A Resolution Appointing Time and Place of
Hearing Protests in Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improvements, and
Directing Notice .
E. Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1699, a Resolution Establishing Prevailing
Wage Scale .
F. Consider RESOLUTTON NO. 1700, A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals and
Fixing Liquidated Damages for Fail�re to Complete the Work Within Time Specified.
U. Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1701 , a Resolution Describing Proposed
Boundaries of Assessment District, Directing Filing of Boundary Assessment
District, Directing Filing of Boundary Map and Assessment Diagram and Directing
Recordation of Ntoice of Assessment.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, to
approve as a group tesolutions from Resolution No. 1696 through 1701 by roll call.
Directors Hegarty, Kortes , Ream, Wakeman and Fesler voted AYE,
3 . ANNEXATION 1971-U-1: a. Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1702 , a Resolution
Initiating Proceedings for Annexation of Territory to Improvement District No. U-1
of the South Tahoe P�blic Utility District.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, to
approve RESOLUTION NO. 1702 .
4 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1956-1: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1703 , A
Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1956-1 .
5 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1959-1: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1704 , A
Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1959-1
6 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-1: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1705 , a
Resolution �irecaing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1960-1
7 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-2: Consider RESOLUTION NO, 1706, a
Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1960-2
8 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-3, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1707 , a
RESOLUTION Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1960-3
9 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-4 , r'onsider RESOLUTION NO. 1708 , a
Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1960-4
10. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1961-1 , Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1709 , a
Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1961-1
REGUT�AR MEETYI�G -3- September 21 , 1972 /�+��
15 . Assessment District 1967-1: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1714 , a
Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1967-1
16 . Assessment District 1967-2: Consider RESOL'I7TION NO. 1715 , A Resolution
DiFecting Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1967-2
17 . Assessment District 1967-3B: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1716 , a Resolution
Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1967-3B
1$ . Assessment District 1967-4A: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1717 , a Resolution
Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1967-4A
19 . Assessment District 1967-4B: Consider RESOLUTION N0. 1718 , a Resolution
Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1967-4B.
20 . Assessment District 1968-1: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1719 . a Resolution
Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1968-1
21 . Assessment District 1968-3F: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1721 , a Resolution
Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1968-3F
22 . Assessment District 1970-1: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1722 , a Resolution
Directing Making of amended Assessments to Project 1970-1
23 . Assessment District 1970-2: a Resolution No. 1722 , Directing Making of
Amended Assessments to Project 1970-2 .
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes , unanimously carried, to
approve as a group throug Y� roll call, Assessment District 1956-1 through 1970-2
or Resolutions Nos. 1703 through 1722 , - AYES: - Directors Hegarty, kortes , Ream
and Wakeman and Fesler. Carried.
29 . WATER SYSTEM ACQUISITIONS: Tahoe Keys Water Company has presented a
petition to the District.
RESOLUTION NO. 1723: A Resolution Directing Preparation of Legal Description and Map
and Authorizing Submission of Proposal to County Surveyor. Improvement District "A"
of the South Tahoe Public Utility District (Tahoe Keys) .
A form of the petition was presented to President Fesler (unsigned copy) . The Clerk
certified that the petition was filed on 9/20/72; that there were 85 votes cast
within the service area of the Tahoe Keys �/Vater Company at the General Election
11/3/70; that there are 22 verified signatures of electors within said service area
affixed to said petition; that said petition is therefore signed by electors in excess
of 15% of all votes cast at said last preceding general election, and that said
petition is sufficient.
COMMUNICATIONS: (1) Letter from State Controller. (2) Letter from Bizz Johnson
regarding electrical service to Indian CreekReservoir. The way has been cleared by
Congressman Johnson so that electrical service to Indian Creek Reservoir can proceed
by Sierra Pacific Power Company. (3) Copy of Application to the Lahontan Board
by residents of Fallen Leaf Lake for variance under Section 13951 of the Porter-Colo�;ne
Act of 1970.4 .(Card from M,J.Doyle , Fallen Leaf Lake) 5 . Meeting Notice - National
SNater Pollution Control Federation, annual meeting at Atlanta , Geo�g�a , 10/8-13/72.
� T" SPECTAT� M��TrNG---October 2 , 1�72
South Tahoe2P�l¢�Utility District. . .
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Vice President Robert Wakeman,
Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes , Gerald G . Ream. Manager Russell
L. Culp and Clerk of Baard David W. Callahan also present.
PURPOSE OF MEETING: To consider RESOLUTION NO. 1724 , a Resolution Authorizing
the President of the Board af Directors to Execute a Contract Between State of
California State Water Resources Control Board and South Tahoe Public Utility
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION 1724 be approved.
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
DAVID W, CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board
South Tahoe Public Utility District
OCTOBER 5 , 1972
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session on 10/5/72 , 8:00 P.M. District Board Room,
RO��L CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Vice President Robert Wakeman,
Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes , Gerald G. Ream, General Manager
Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney john C. Weidman,
Jack Jensen, Les Shoupe , Newsman Jeff Cohen and Delsa Beck.
MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously
carried, to approve the minutes of September2l, 1972 and Special meeting of
October 2 , 1972 . Board of Directors compliments Delsa Beck for the fine form
and good order of the minutes she has written for the Board during the absence
of Mary Parsley.
MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp:
"Attached to your copy of the age.nda is the Plant Operating Report for
Carl Hofman called today to report that he has only a few more signatures
to get before submitting the water election petition for Tahoe-Sierra Water Company.
He will submit a petition with more than 300 signatures before our next meeting.
Tahoe Southside Water Utility has more than 200 signatures and they also anticipate
submission of their petition by October 19 .
The South Tahoe Kiwanis Club has scheduled their October 31st meeting
to be held here at our plant; they will tour plant and offices following no-host luncheon.
The Public Information Committee met on 9/22 , and the Board met in
na..--�-- n _ . ,. /..� . - '- - —-
RECUULAR MEETING -2- Octob��' 5 , 1972 ft�lD �.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: B. E. Etcheverry, Chairman of the Governmental
Relations Committee of the Fallen Leaf Association. Also, Mrs . B.E.Etcheverry.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen reported that he has heard nothing from Fallen
Leaf Lake or Pacific Marine . In regard to the Bal Bijou Pump Station, he felt that
the District should keep this pump station as a standby until such time as the
construction of the new station is completed,
A.D. 1970-2 , Sch II; ($154 ,500) - Sub Terra, Inc. 99% completed
' U.S.F.S. Bridge Tract ($89, 255) , -Shingle Springs Cons . 60% completed
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C . `^Jeidman stated that he hopes to bring the Ebright matter to
a head; as he has been in contact with their lawyer. Also, contact has been made in
the Harootunian matter.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Utility Services - Director Hegarty stated that the City of
South Lake Tahoe has contracted to install street lights on Highway 50 from Stateline
to Tahoe Valley and around Highway 89 within the city limits. Committee will work
on the project of checking into other areas on lighting needs.
2 . Environmental Protection: No report.
3 . Intergovernmental Coordination: No report
4 . Public Ir�formation: Director VVakeman reported that the Kiwanis Club will be touring
the District's plant and offices on their regular meeting date of 10/31, A no-host luncheon
will be included. The Lions Club will pick a date in January for a tour of the District's
plant, and the Jaycees have requested a date in January for a tour.
The Committee is working on the brochure "Twenty Years of Progress" , gathering data,
pictures, etc. , for this project.
5 . Finance: Director Kortes reported that the committee met on September 26 with Mr.
Ho ward In gwersen in regard to the District's Insurance program. Another meeting will
be held on Tuesday, 10/10/72 to furth�r discuss on the District's heald and welfare program.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) Indian Creek Reservoi.r: (a) Consider ORDINANCE NO. 227 ,
An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Authorizing the Execution of
Amendment No. 1 to the Davis-Grunsky Act Grant Contract B'etween the State of California
and the South Tahoe Public Utility District.
b. Consider ORDINANCE NO. 228 , An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District
Repealing Ordinance No. 226 and Authorizing the Execution of a Cooperative Agreement
Between the United States of American Bureau of Land Management and South Tahoe Public
Utility District for Indian Creek Reservoir Recreational Facilities.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
ORDINANCES NOS. 227 and 228 be approved.
NEW BUSINESS: (Tahoe Basin Health Care Study): - Letter from Dr. Kenneth Smith asking
for the District Board's endorsement for a Grant for a Basin Wide Health Care Study.
/f 0� REGUT�AR MEETTNG -3- dctober 5 , 1972
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $56 , 163 . 69 , as recommended
by Assistant General Manager Callahan, be approved for payment.
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
DAVID W. CALLA��3AN, Clerk of Board
South Tahoe Public Utility District
,J OCTOBER 19 , 1972
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session
on 10/19/7 2 , 8:0 0 P.M. , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors E. Hegarty, D. Kortes ,
G. Ream; General Manager R.L. Culp, Clerk Qf Board David VV, Callahan, Attorney
John C. Weidman, Engineer A,L. Shoupe , Reporter Jeff Cohen - Tribune, several in
attendance from the Fallen Leaf Lake Area. ABSENT: Jack Jensen (and Vice President
Robert Wakeman arrived following the hearing on the Assessment Districts�
President Fesler stated that the Board was delighted to have Mary Parsley back with
them this evening.
MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp:
"The Board met with representatives of Wilson, Jones, Morton and
Lynch in San Mateo on 10/6/72 to discuss financial and contractural terms for
acquisition of the Tahoe Keys �/Vater Company in the event the voters in the service
area elect to have the District purchase the system. The District's proposal for
formation of the Tahoe Keys �Nater Improvement District has been filed with the
County Surveyor. Representatives of the District attended the meeting of the TRPA
at South Lake Tahoe and of the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board at
Tahoe City on October 12 . The Lahontan Board voted 7-0 to deny the request by
residents of the Fallen Leaf Lake area for a variance to the State sewage export edict.
The Board met in Study Session on October 18 to discuss sewering of the Fallen Leaf
Lake area. The I.nsurance Committee met on October 16 to discuss backup exerpience
for the past year and coverage under the District's insurance policy which is up for
re ne v�.a 1.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the
Manager's Report be approved as presented.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed those in attendance to the
meeting - these were the residents from the Fallen Leaf Lake Area.
A.D. 1970-2 , Sch II, $154 ,500 Sub Terra, Inc. 99% completed
REGULAR MEETING -2- October 19, 1972 /�
l . Utility Services: No report. Director Hegarty stated that they did meet with the
Bonding Attorney regarding the Water Company matter.
2 . Environmental Protection: No report.
3 . Intergovernmental Coordination: President Fesler stated that he was in attendance
at the TRPA meeting on 10/12/72 regarding the 956 acres in Meyers. The TRPA turned
this down at the meeting, but it seemed if the owners were to come back and re-apply
with more safe conditions for the environment, TRPA might reconsider it for development.
4 . Public Relations: Director Kortes stated that we have a program on that will acquaint
the public with our facilities and on October 30th the Kiwanis will have their luncheon
meeting here and tour the facilities .
Also, the "Twenty-Year Progress" bulletin, which is being prepared by John Denny, is
ready for review. The Board will meet on 10/25/72 , 3:00 P.M. , at the District office
to review same.
5 . Finance Committee: Director Kortes stated that there were two meetings to discruss
and review insurance coverage for the District regarding insurance for buildings,
contents, public liability, crime a.nd boiler and machinery coverages .
Assistant Manager Callahan stated that the question is does Division 4 (boiler and
machinery) show a duplication of coverage or not. Mr. J. Norton will send a detailed
list of everything that was inspected by Hartford.
Director Kortes stated that in the discussion with Manager Culp and Assista.nt Manager
Callahan, it was decided that we not increase our umbrella coverage, however, if the
District does go into the water business , this well be reviR��ved. Director Kortes
stated that it is the recommendation of the Committee that the blan',{et coverage not
be increased at this time .
Also, the Board agreed the payment prepared this evening for Coroon, Black, Meneley
and Ames not be paid at this time , or until we resolve the matter of coverage for
machinery and boilers.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) Plant Standby Propane Facilities: Consider Resolution
NO. 1725 , A Resolution Authorizing Furchase of Vaporizer-Mixer Equipment -
(Approximately $8, 855) .
President Fesler stated that this is recommended by our Manager for plant operations
and he felt we should take positive action on this .
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1725 be approved.
2 . U.S. Forest Service Sewer System: Consider Authorizing the President of the Board to
sign Amendment No. 4 to Contract No. GS-OOT-1708 (TP) with the USFS Covering Stage 5
(Pope Beach) Connection Charges.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the
President sign the Amendment No. 4 to Contract No. GS-OOT-1708 (TP) .
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�y�� tCt�l� ULHK �v��;�;ll�v� -3 October 19, 1972
.�: President Fesler stated that the key to success for the Fallen Leaf Lake Area would
be if we could obtain these funds. This would amount to the grant of 75% and the
residents would be paying 25% for the system.
Mr. Jim Ncrman stated that Dr. P. Storrs has completed his engineering report
and is ready to have same distributed to the Board. He did meet with Mr. Moyer
at Rec�ling to discuss several of the alternates .
Dr. Phillip Storrs presented members of the board with a copy of the plans that his
company has prepared for the alternates for the sewer system at Fallen Leaf Lake.
President Fesler stated that in view of the fact that this is a technical matter, our
Engineers should check into this , but requested Dr. Storrs to go over the
highlights of the report to them.
Dr. Storrs briefly discussed the alternates with the Board, relocation of lines ,
barging, pressure sewer systems , etc.
President Fesler thanked Dr. Storrs for his report and mentioned that it seemed it would
be to everyone's advantage and interest that we arrive at some agreement on the
engineering phase so we can get our application into the government for the aid.
Mr. Jim Norman stated that the land owners will give any assistance they can to this
District to obtain the funds.
Representative from Brown & Caldwell stated that they were not included in the report
presented by Dr. Storrs. Also, in order to decrease the excavations and damage to
the environment that might occur, Stanford Camp wauld be willing to install pump
stations and eliminate the gravity line. He recommended to eliminate the gravity
line and only install the force main and it would decrease the construction cost in
Sta.nford camp. This representative will write a letter to the District stating this.
Again, President Fesler stated that it is to everyone's advantage to work together
and get in the application for the funds.
President Fesler opened the hearing for each individual assessment district listed
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1956-1 , Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1726, A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1956-1
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1959-1: Consider Resolution No. 1727 , A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1959-1
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-1, Cansider RESOLUTION NO. 1728 , A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1960-1
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-2 , Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1729 , A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1960-2
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-3 , Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1730, A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1960-3 ,
ASSES�MENT DISTRICT 1960-4 , Cansider RESOLUTION NO. 1731 , A Resolution
Cnnfirming Ame.nded Assessments to Project 1960-4 .
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1961-1, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1732 , A Resolution
REGU'LAR �/IEETT.NG -2- N���rrlb�r' 'L , iyiL /cf/'„�„
A. D. 1970-2 , Schedule II, Sub-Terra, Inc. 99% completed
($154 ,500)
U.S.F.S. Bridge Tract, Shingle Springs Cons . Co. 87% completed
($89 , 255)
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C . �/Veidman absent. .
COMMITTEE REPORTS: (1) Utility Services --- Director Hegarty stated that he still
felt some meeting should be held with the City regarding street lighting. Necessary
steps are being taken regarding the water company matter, and same listed on agenda
for discussion this evening.
(2) Environmental Protection: No report.
(3) Intergovernme.ntal Coordinating: No report
(4) Public Information: Met in full study session to discuss the Twenty-Year Progress
Report, Also, the Kiwanis hosted a luncheon here on 10/31/72 and toured plant facilities .
Manager Culp stated that the Jaycees plan another meeting with another group to meet
here for lunch and tour facilities to make up the 50 for a luncheon. This date is not set
until they can get a group of 50 to attend. Manager Culp will contact the President of
the Jaycees to try to arrange an alternate for them.
President Fesler also mentioned that the tax bills are now out and that this is the first
time the County has itemized the charges on the tax bills , and that the District Office
has been receiving calls regarding the South Tahoe Public Utility District taxes .
5 . Finance: Met with the Auditor and Mr. Callahan, President Fesler and Vice President
Wakeman and Director Kortes to discuss the procedure for handling purchases, as well
as the State Loan liability. The audit report will be ready for the next regular meeting
of this Board.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) Assessment District No. 1971-1 , Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer
System:---Manager Culp prepared a letter to Mr. David DuBois of Lahontan Regional
�/Vater Quality Control Board concerning the present str�tus and future proceedings relative
to the sewering of the Fallen Leaf Lake Area. Same reviewed by the Board and President
Fesler asked that copies also be sent to Jim Norman, Attorney, and Mr. Hilgreth, Mr.
Craven and Mr. Etchverry.
Engineer Jensen stated that the Plans for Fallen Leaf Sewer System have been presented
to TRPA; also, Mr. Jensen has been trying to contact the Engineer for Stanford Camp to
set up a meeting and when he does meet with their Engineer, he would then like to schedule
a study session with this Board to discuss those plans .
2 . U.S.F .S. Sewer System: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1752 , A Resolution Approving
Revised Engineering Fee s as Provided for by Agreement with U.S.F .S.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
REG�T�AR rvIEETING -4- October 19 , 1972 ����
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1 , Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1735 , A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1966-1
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2 , Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1736, A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1966-2
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1 , Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1737 , A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1967-1
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-2 , Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1738 , A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1967-2
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-3B, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1739 ,A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1967-3B
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-4A, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1740, A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1967-4A
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-4B, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1741 , A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1967-4B
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-1 , Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1742 , A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1968-1
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-3F, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1743 , A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1968-3F
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1970-1, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1744 , A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1970-1
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1970-2 , Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1745 , A Resolution
Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1,970-2 .
Following the hearing for each assessment district, and there being no written or
verbal protests, hearing was closed.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes , unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NOS. 1726 through 1745 , as presented, be approved.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously
carried, that the claims in the amount of $79 ,978 . 37 , as recomme.nded by Assistant
Manager Callahan, be approved for payment.
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
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October 26 , 1 9 7 2 . . .
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned
regular session, 10/26/72 , 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Vice President Robert Wakeman,
Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, Donald H. Kortes , General Manager
Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney Robert J. Hill and
Attorney John C , Weidman, Engineer Jack Jensen, Donald Showalter and A.L. Shoupe,
and many in attendance from the Angora Highlands Area.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Jack jensen gave a report on the bid opening
held at 2:00 P.M, today, as follows:
Sub Terra , Inc $297 ,565
PO Box 199 , Tahoe City, Calif.
Tab Cons. Co. , Inc $337 ,207 .00
3429 West Spring Mt. Rd. 33 ,720. 70 = 10% less
Las Vegas , Nevada $303 ,486 .30
Contri Cons . Co. $288 ,175 ,50
PO Box 1150 , Incline Village, Nevada
Valley Engineers , Inc $220, 167 .50
Box 992 , Fresno, Califor.nia
Sierra Drilling & Blasting, Inc $238 ,362 .25
Box 884 , Helendale , California
MGM Cons . Co. $359 ,042 , 50
Box 5757 , Concord, California
Ian M. MacSween $374 , 308 .00
1004 Skyland Dr; Zephyr Cove , Nevada
W,I-i�/Ebert Corp/Spartan Cons. Corp $293 ,670. 00
1620 S. Seventh St; San Jose , Calif.
A & E Pipe Lines, Inc $311 ,049 .75
Box 7186
Sacramento, California
Joseph R. Ramos $290,790 .00
24822 2nd St; Hayward, Calif
J. R. Crasper Cons . Co. $244 ,248 .75
South Lake Tahoe , Califor.nia
Low bid received from Valley Engineers , Inc, of Fresno, California, in the amount of
$220 , 167 .50 - Engineer's Estimate was $315 ,200 . 00 . Valley Engineers , Inc, were
the contractors for Assessment District 1968-1 and they did excellent work. Mr.
ADjOLI�RI�ED REGUT�AR MEETTNG -2- dctober 26, 1972 ���$
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attor.ney Robeit J. Hill stated that if these assessments are
c�nfirmed by the Board, and the Board proceeds with this assessment district, notices
will be mailed to property owners showing the correct amount of their individual
assessment, approximately $2 ,249 , and there would be a 30 day period in which the
assessment can be paid in part, in full, whichever they wish to do, and if they owner
does not wish to pay any of the assessment, bonds will be sold to pay the contractor
and other costs involved, and the owner will pay the assessment off over a period of
15 years , and same to be included in the El Dorado County Tax Statement; if the
owner does not pay in cash and lets the assessment go to bond, interest will be paid
on the declining principal on the installment which cannot exceed 7% , probably be
only 6% , however, that is but an estimate . Each annual installment would be
approximately $225 .00.
President Fesler took this opportunity to ask the audience if they had any questions
of the Engineers or Attorney.
MR. JOHN O'HARA asked why the lines were located on the street below the property.
Don Showalter, Engineer, stated that the reason is to give gravity flow and service to
as many properties as possible , and there would be less damage caused to the property
taking this route .
MR. MEREDITH stated that his house would be 15 or 20 feet below the road and wanted to
know how he was to connect his bathroom facilities to the line; it was mentioned to Mr.
Meredith that the only feasible way to b�.,iild his house would be at street level,
otherwise , if it is built 15 and/or 20 feet below street level, he would have to install
a pump.
It was also explained that the houses that are to be built well below the street would
require a pump and this would cost the property owner between $8G0 ar $1,000. President
Fesler stated that to assist these people with homes built well below the street would
require a pumping station to be installed and considering the entire idea, to install a
pumping station is not feasible .
MR. PETE HALL stated that the residents in this area are very proud of their streets and
their subdivision and wanted to know what would happen if the contractor damages any
part of the owner 's properties and the streets. Engineer Jensen stated that there will be
some damage to the pavement outside the trenches , and if this does happen, the
contractor must repair same to its original condition, or better. The Districts holds a
retention fund from the contractor until a11 repairs , cleanup, etc. , are met, and that he
has satisfactory completed his work and all bills paid; in this area, the County Road
Department would be giving approval as to whether or not the area is restored to its
original condition.
Attorney Robert J. Hill stated that this District, in doing the job will do the most they
can, and because these are county roads , they will have prime responsibility regarding
the resurfacing - but the District inspectors will see that the sewer line installation is
done correctly. The District is well aware of the residents feelings and concern regarding
damage to the roads , properties , etc. , but the County will have the final say, and it
should be mentioned to the County, but the owners , of their concern for the roads and
damage to properties, trees , etc. , to make their inspectors aware of this .
President Fesler also stated that a liability bond is required of the Contractor, which is
the ultimate guarantee , and remains in effect for one year.
MR. ROBERTS asked if it would be possible to move the line over 12 feet, just below the
flow line . Engineer Jensen stated that there are some utilities that must be avoided,
��� tiv��urcivt�li xt�UU11�1R MEETTNG -3- October 26, 1972
MR, HALL wanted to know where the laterals will be installed and Mr. Jensen stated
that the property owner can request location on the jobsite, and in the case of an
absentee owner, the District and Contractor install the lateral where they feel
it is most advantageous.
Also, Mr. Hall inquired as to the procedure if trees and/or private properties were
damaged by the Contractor. Mr. Jensen stated that the Contractor does carry
public liability insurance ; and if he damages trees , etc. , off the right-of-way,
the owners have a claim against the contractor; however, the contractor does
have the right to call in a tree surgeon to treat the trees , whatever steps necessary.
Since no construction work can be started until probably May of 1y73 . Mr, jensen
stated he did not feel it would be a good idea to request lateral location at this
time .
MR. ROGERS asked Jerry Ream what the cost to the owners would be to connect to the
system; Mr. Ream stated it would be approximately $500 , depending on the footage
($3 . 50 per foot) . (Charges would include the $60 to pump and fill the septic tank,
$60 for the U-1 Charge , $15 .00 for permit, and then an average cost of $30. 60
for a minimum of three sewer units per home .
WRITTEN PROTESTS: The following sent in protests that were read in full from:
1 . Pres�esting Assessment District for Lots 11 , 13 , 59 and 66
2 . J, R. Davis - Lot 2 3
3 . Marvin L. Bishop - Lot 30
4 . Mr. Williamson - Lot 40
S . Jerome S. Stanley - Lot 62
6 . G. J. Ceriez , Lots 83 and 112
7 . John E. Reamer - Lot 109
8 . William Wayne Rymers, Lot 115
9 . Robert R. Scherwin, Lot 120
10 . Winifred Baker, Lot 25
11. Chas . A, Brice and Beverly Brice - Lot 166
12 . Carol and John O'Hara, Lot 144
13 . Protesting assessment for 32 362 10
There were no further written protests - the above protests represent 10% of the entire
Assessment District, and are on file at the South Tahoe Public Utility District Office ,
MR. MEREDITH stated that he is the owner of 15 lots, and he stated that he is not here
to protest the sewers and that he was elated when he learned the price had been cut
from $3 , 066 per lot to $2 ,249 approximately, for each individual assessment. He did
state , however, that there are approximately 60 acres of land adjacent to Angora
Highlands and he felt that since this will eventually be subdivided, they should be asked
to share in the cost of the trunk line.
It was stated by Mr. Jensen that we have to show where the properties would be
benefited ��y having this .l_ne , and we cannot �lo that for that area , since they will
not benefit from this line now - the assessment district being discussed this evening
will be tying into one that was constructed under assessment district 1967-1 , and
people and property owners in that area paid for that line , and the same would apply
to this assessment district.
Attorney Robert J. Hill stated that it would 'be possible that when someone connects
ADJOLrRI�ED �tEGU'T�AR MEETIN� -4- October 26, 1972 ���/�
Attorney Robert j. Hill stated that the Board is familiar with Mr. Jensen's knowledge
and experience of this kind, and asked Mr. Jensen if he supervised the engineering
and the spreading of the assessments , and with his past exper.ience , and based on
his knowledge of the facts , that each property within the assessment district will be
benefited in the amount as great or greater than the amount of the assessments as set
forth in the assessment roll that was preliminary approved by this Board. Mr. Jensen's
stated yes.
President Fesler closed the hearing at 9:50 P.M.
Attorney Hill requested a 5 minute recess . . . .Recessed at 9:50 P.M.
Reconvened 9:55 P.M.
The following resolutions and ordinance were presented for consideration.
Attorney Hill stated that the individual assessments have been changed from $3 ,066 to
$2 ,249 . (The $60 .00 U-1 charge deleted at this time) .
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1746 , A Resolution Overruling Protests on Resolution of Intention 1695 .
RESOLUTION NO. 1747 , A Resolution Ordering Reduction of Assessments ,
RESOLUTION NO. 1748 , A Resolution and Order Adopting Engineer's Report, Confirming
the Assessment and Ordering the Work and Acquisitions ,
RESOLUTION NO. 1749 , A Resolution De�ignating Collection Officer.
be approved.
ORDINANCE NO. 229 , An Ordinance of Award of Contract. Director Ream moved,
seconded by Director Kortes , unanimously carried, Ordinance No. 229 be approved.
Attorney Hill stated that there will be no reason to sell bonds until next spring , and
requested that the Board take action to have a date set later than the normal 30 day period.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Board
give our Bonding Attorney leave to extend the cash payment period later than the normal
30 day time period.
ANNEXATION NO. 1972-1-U-1: - President Fesler opened the hearing on Annexation No.
1972-1-U-1 . There were no written or oral protests , and he declared the hearing closed.
RESOLUTION NO. 1750 , A Resolution Approving Annexation of Territory to Improvement
District U-1 to the South Tahoe Public Utility District.
�irector Hegarty:�.�mved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO, 1750 be approved.
CLEAN WATER GRANT, RESOLUTION NO. 1751: - A Resolution Accepting Grant Offer
of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. . (In the amount of $395 ,000 for Water
Reclamation Improvements) .
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1751 be adopted.
NOVEMBER 2 , 1 9 7 2
The Board of Directors met in a regular session on 11/2/72 , 8:00 P.M. , District
Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Vice President Robert
Wakeman, Directors Edward E . Hegarty and Donald H. Kortes . General Manager
Russell L. Culp, Engineers jack Jensen and A. L. Shoupe , Clerk of Board David
W. Callahan, Mr. J. Massa and Mr. Morgan from Shingle Springs Construction
Company, Jeff Cohen - Tribune Reporter.
ABSENT: Director Gerald G. Ream and Attorney Jahn C. Weidman.
MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously
carried, that the minutes of 10/19/72 and 10/26/72 be approved as written.
MANAGER'S REPORT: As reported by General Manager Russell L. Culp.
"Attached to your agenda is the Plant Operating Report for October 1972 .
The Board met in Study Session on October 25th to review a preliminary
draft of the Twenty-Years of Progress report, on October 26th to discuss state
legislative matters with Assemblyman Gene Chappie , on October 30th to review
a letter from the State Controller and to discuss Federal grants with Congressman
Johnson, and On October 31st to discuss the Fallen Leaf Lake Assessment
District. On October 31st the Kiwanis Club hosted a luncheon at our plant and
followed it with a tour of the District's facilities .
Total Plant Flow 78 .4 MG (Last Month = 86. 1 MG)
Daily Average Flaw 2 . 5 MGD (Last Year = 2 . 3 MGD)
Max. Daily Flow 3 . 2 MG (10/19/72)
Peak Flow Rate 8 . 9 MGD (10/6/72)
Chlorine Used 6, 080 Lbs
Propane Used None
Natural Gas Used 7 . 9 Million Cubic Feet
Electricity Used 696, 000 K W H
Polymer Used 399 Lbs
Emergency Storage Area Not in Use
Lime Used Makeup: 65 tons
Recalcined: 98 tons
Alum Used 3 ,245 gallons"
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed Jeff Cohen, Tribune Reporter,
a.nd Mr. J. Massa and Mr. Morgan of the Shingle Springs Construction Company.
Mr. Massa was present this evening to request a time extension for the Bridge
Tract Project and requested a 30 day time extension.
Engineer Shoupe stated that the contractor has put forth a very good effort to complete
this contract in the required time and the 30 day extension that they are requesting
will not cause any hardship to any of the residents.
Engineer Jensen asked if the U.S .F.S. was aware of this time extension. Engineer
Shoupe stated he was not aware of this .
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty,unanimously carried, that
the 30 day time extension be granted to Shingle Springs Construction Company,
NOVEMBER 16, 1972
The Board of Directors met in a regular session 11/16/72 , 8:00 P. M. , District
Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Vice President Wakeman,
Directors Hegarty, Ream, Kortes; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of
Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidrrian, Engineer A.L. Shoupe.
ABSENT: Engineer Jack jensen.
MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously
carried, that the minutes of 11/2/72 be approved as written.
MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Russell L. Culp, General Manager:
"The Board met in Study Session on November 9 to discuss the johnson Blvd.
Pump Station and interceptor sewer project and on November 14 and 15 to discuss
terms for possible acquisition of the Tahoe Keys Water Company. The Utility
Services Committee met on November 8 to review a proposal by Sierra Pacific
Power Company for improved street lighting in the Rancho Bijou area.
The District was represented at the Don and Ethel Clarke Day ceremonies to
honor Mrs . Clarke as the District's first secretary and Mr. Clarke as a past
President of the Board.
Today I attended a meeting at the TRPA office of all local, state, and federal
agencies having an intarest in water quality monitoring of Lake Tahoe. The purpose
of the meeting was to coordinate activities in this field. In addition, brief
progress reports were presented by 9 or 10 agencies and EPA's role in the Tahoe
planning effort under the new law was discussed by a representative of that agency
from San Francisco.
Sierra Pacific Power Company is in the final stages of completing construction
of the power line to Indian Creek Reservoir. When in service this line will increase
our electric power capacity and allow more efficient use of our reservoir turnover
and aeration system. This together with plant improvements planned under the Clean
Water Grant Program will give the District control over ammonia-nitrogen
concentrations in the Reservoir.
John Weidman has arranged a meeting with representatives of the State
Controller's office in Sacramento at 1:00 P. M. , Wednesday, November 29 .
Manager Culp also stated that he will be on vacation from 12/2/72 through 12/15/72 .
President Fesler asked that Assistant Engineer John Gonzales sit in while Mr. Culp
in on vacation.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the
Manager's Report be approved as presented.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Jack Jensen absent.
CONSTRUCTION �ROGRESS REPORT: As reported by A. L. Shoupe, resident engineer:
Assessment District 1970-2 , Schedule II, Sub Terra, Inc. 99% completed
($154, 500)
U.S.F.S. Bridge Tract, Shingle Springs Cons . Co. 90% completed
1�/� f�LL..7ULHtC 1V1LL111V1� G 1VOV@ri11�@r !b, ly/G
(]) Utility Services: Met to review the Bijou Lighting System. Mr. Earl Cooper
made another survey on the street lighting situation in the Bijou Area, at the
request of this committee, and the committee studied the diagram, etc. , presented
by Mr. Cooper, where a few changes were made, and the committee approved
this survey and the changes involved.
(2) Environmental Protection: No report.
!'3) Intergovernmental Coordination: No report.
(4) Public Information: Met last week with the public utility commission regarding
the Holiday Airline flights into Lake Tahoe and better service into Lake Tahoe.
He stated that we have people from all over the world coming to see the plant
facilities and they cannot land at Tahoe, they land at Reno and bus to Tahoe, Mr.
Wakeman stated.
Manager Culp stated that he also went to that meeting, which was to start at
9:00 A.M. the following day, for the second session, and no one was around.
(5) Finance: Director Kortes stated that he and President Fesler attended the
conference of the California Sanitary and Sanitation Agency at Fresno. He stated
also that the State Clean Water Grant was discussed and they asked how much
money would be available for collectors sewers . They assumed from the remarks
made by Mr. Dendy that there would be no monies available for this . President
Fesler also stated that Mr. Dendy was very negative regarding the availability of
funds for this .
Another Item Discusses: - OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act� The
Governm ent has certain standards and we rnust comply with these standards/ there
is going to be a workshop on OSHA and President Fesler stated that he felt this
was administrative and that Manager Culp or Assistant Manager Callahan should
plan to attend this workshop.
Attorney Weidman stated that he would like to be notified of the date of this
workshop as he would like to attend. He also mentionec3 that the Public entities
are exempt from these strict standards at the present time.
(1) Annual Audit - Study Session Scheduled for 11/28/72 , Tuesday, 3:00 P. M. ,
(2) Highland Woods No. 3 - Howell B . Murphy easement; Mr. Murphy did not pick
up his certified mail on defau't; ; the originial summons is now in the Police Dept.
at Medford, Oregon, and is being sent to Mr. Weidman. This will be cleared, Mr.
Weidman stated.
President Fesler stated that we have a lot of money that is being held on some other
ea.sements and we can get it out. Attorney Weidman will check into this and have
same taken care of.
(3) johnson Road Pump Station and Interceptor Sewer,Phase I: Consider Res .
No. 1756, A Resolution Authorizing the District Engineer to Prepare Plans and
Specifications, Project Report, and Application for Federal-State Grant.
Director Wakeman stated that he felt if funds were available, the District should
xt�c�u�ix ivit��riN� -;� ivovember ib, iyi.s
El Dorado County Ad Hoc Water Committee. Consider Appointing District
representative to this committee. Director Hegarty was appointed by President
Fesler as this District Representative .
(1) State Water Resources Control Board Siltation Workshop, 10:00 A. M. ,
November 27 in the South Tahoe Public Utility District Conference Room.
(2) Letter from City of Berkeley regarding sewage disposal at Echo Lake Camp.
Requested that they be excluded from the District and not be assessed.
(3) Letter from Congressman Johnson regarding approval of $395, 000 grant received
for the District. President Fesler requested that this be published in the paper.
(4) Lake Tahoe Area Council Meeting Notice for Firday, December 8, 6;30 P, M.
at Harvey's Inn and the speaker willl.be Mr. Andrew Schmidt.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $53, 801 . 68, as recommended
by Assistant Manager David W. Callahan, be approved for payment.
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
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DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-
officio SecrEtary of the Board of Directors of
South Tahoe Public Utility District
DECEMBER 7, 1972
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session 12/7/72, 8:00 P. M. , District Office.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty,
Donald H. Kortes, and Gerald G. Ream; Assistant Manager And Clerk of Board David
W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Assistant Engineer john G. Gonzales ,
Arthur L. Shoupe - Resident Engineer.
ABSENT: General Manager Russell L. Culp, Vice President Robert Wakeman,
Engineer Jack Je�nsen.
MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously
carried, that the minutes of 11/16/72 be approved as written.
��/� h nr,�.,vLtirc 1V1LL111V1� -G llecember %, 1y72
Power was supplied to Indian Creek Reservoir by Sierra Pacific Power
Company on November 24. At the present time we have eight air compressors
supplying air to ten lines going into the Reservoir. There is some ice build-
up around the shore of the reservoir. However, most of the lake is being
kept free from ice build=up. More air compressors have been ordered so we
wi11 be able to run ten at all times.
I have initiated the formation of a Plant Safety Committee consisting
of the supervisor and one employee from each department with myself as
representative for Mr. Culp and administration. The purpose of this Safety
Committee is to find feasible solutions to any problem or danger areas . It is
the responsibility of the Committee to make suggestions and to educate the
District employees on safety procedures . Two items already initiated are a
plant speed limit of 15 miles per hour, and plans to designate parking areas for
both visitors and employees. These will help alleviate dangerous driving
inside the plant gates and ease some of the parking congestion which
frequently occurs .
I have formed two other important committees to insure continued
smooth plant operations . A Supervisors Committee consisting of each department
head and myself was formed to insure coordination between each department.
A Senior Operators Committee was formed to assure that plant operations are
coordinated between the three shifts .
A considerable portion of my time has been spent learning the workings
of the plant and making some suggestions to improve plant performance.
Operations has been running smoothly, however, any time working conditions
can be improved or the employee can be helped in the performance of their duties ,
I feel it is my responsibility to do so. My door is always open to any employee
who may need help with. a problem or who may have a suggestion to improve
plant performance.
In January we intend to start an operators training school. This course
will be a review to some operators and a training program for non operators who
want to become more familiar with wastewater treatment. I will be the principal
instructor for this course which was designed by a Sacramento State College
professor and is used for training purposes all over the country. Operators
from North Tahoe Public Utili ty District have asked to sit in, and publicity
concerning the method in which we intend to implement the course has spread
na tionwide.
One item that has been accepted quite favorably is a District News-
letter. It is being used as a communique for the employees . Announcements
and articles of interest to the District and District personnel are welcome
and requested. I would like to extend an invitation to the Board of Directors
to use the District Newsletter for any announcements, articles , or comments
that they would care to submit so that full communications may exist between
the employees and the Board.
My engineering functions at the plant have included;
1 . Updating and revising control tests for closer monitoring of treatment
processes .
2 . Revising some operational procedures to produce improved process
control resulting in better effluent.
3 . Testing for new methods of wastewater treatment. The major
emphasis has been placed on improved ammonia nitrogen removal processes .
These tests are discussed in the following Manager's Report Supplement.
�g.-r .s� xt;c�uLAR M��TING -3-
November 2 , 1972
Engineer Jensen presented the Income and Expense Schedule for the Tahoe Keys
Water Company and the Board requested the Manager to contact Mr. Ken jones
a.nd ask him to expedite the agreement regarding Tahoe Keys Water Company so
this Board can set up another meeting with the Keys Water Company.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
Engineer Jensen be autharized to prepare the Income and Expense Schedule for the
Tahoe Southside Water Utility and the Tahoe Sierra Water Company/
NEW BUSINESS: There is to be a Don and Ethel Clarke night on 11/15/72 and it
was agreed by the Board that a RESOLUTION be prepared to present to them for
the past services rendered to the community,
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried,
that RESOLUTION NO. 1755 be approved.
Manager Culp stated that we have been trying to get a quote from contractors to
re-roof the Tertiary Building, and only one bid has been received and he
recommended that we accept the bid from Cooper Roofing in the amount of $3 ,050
to re-roof the Tertiary Building,
Following discussion, it was suggested that other c n r
this job and the Manager report back to t his Boar d, �� t actc�rs be contacted for
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty,
unanimously carried, that the payment of claims , as recommended by Assistant
Manager Callahan, be approved for payment.
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
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DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Page missing from Original Scan.
REGULAR MEETING -3- December 7, 1972 ����
One of the most important and interesting projects I have undertaken
since my arrival in July has been that of testing new methods for removal
of ammonia nitrogen in waste water. The methods have included the following
laboratory tests on high pH water; (1) stirring, (2) spraying with recirculated
water, (3) bubbling compressed air, (4) water allowed to sit representing a
holding pond, and (5) simulating possible bacteria action on the high pH water
by introducing bottom muds from Indian Creek Reservoir. The most successful
removals of amr�onia occurred with s�irring, spraying, and bubbling compressed
air. However, bubbling compressed air caused a calcium carbonate buildup
on the bottom of the bucket and a drastic reduction in pH. Stirring p;�oved very
successful, however, on a large scale it would be infeasible. Recirculated
sprays proved to have the best results and could also be tested on a larger
plant scale. Another line of testing carried out at the plant was using the
holding pond. High pH water was piped into the pond and tested for ammonia
removal. Three methods were used during the testing program: (1) Ammonia
removal was tested daily while the pond water was allowed to stand with no
flow in or out and no recircul ation. The only outside factor which entered
into the removal of the ammonia was wind velocities . (2) A flow-through
basis was set up where high pH water entered the pond and was detained for
several hours, then allowed to flow out. The ammonia Concentrations were
checked for the incoming water and the flow out of the pond. (3) A pump was
installed to recirculate high pH water in the ponds, returning the water to the
pond through spray nozzles . The latter test was the most successful. However,
because of the small size of the pump compared to the water volume of the pond,
the quantity of high pH water that could be recirculated was small. To afford
a higher recirculation rate using larger plant scale flows , the ammonia stripping
tower was used at full capacity of the tower pumps . Originally the entire plant
flow was pumped through sprays located in the bottom of the tower. Samples of
flow enter�ng and leaving the tower were tested for ammonia. The second phase
was to recycle high pH water within the tower to determine how many turnovers
(time the water is pumped through the sprays) it would require to reduce the
ammonia content substantially. The third test yet to be run using the tower and
pumps is spraying high pH water in an outside basin to determine if an ammonia
odor problem would exist in an outside pond and also to see whether forced draft
(running the tower fan) has an advantage over natural wind convection as would
be found in an open pond. We have been very successful in reducing ammonia.
using recycled spray inside the tower. With larger pump capacity, it would be
feasible to recycle the entire plant flow through the tower several times . The
most important parts of the ammonia removal in the tower are the number of �
times the water is sprayed, the formation of fine spray water droplets, and
the amount of air which is pulled in by the tower fan for contact with the water
droplets formed. Operating in this manner does not allow an ice buildup as readily
as using the tower packing media . Therefore, sprays could be utilized during
the entire year. Operation of such a system is quite simple, it requires only
periodic backflowing of the pumps and changing the spray nozzles to avoid
calcium carbonate build up. Because we are going to have more stringent
requirements placed on us concerning nitrogen levels in Indian Creek Reservoir,
it will be important to reduce ammonia levels in our effluent a s economically
and effectively as possible at all times of the year. Possibly the best answer to
this problem is to run the plant flow into a holding pond where large pumps
will recirculate the �low through sprays several times during the hours the water
is detained. Following detention in the pond the flow would continue to the
ammonia stripping tower where it would be recirculated through sprays inside
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/�/g L.���� . 1V1LL111V1� -4 �cC�IYlUGT� 7, 1972
Total Plant Flow 71 .94 MG
Daily Average Flow 2 .4 MGD
Maximum Daily Use 3 .6 MGD (11/12/72)
Chlorine Used 8 , 660 lbs
Propane Used None
Natural Gas Used 7 . 37 million cu ft
Electricity Used 528, 000 KWH
Polymer Used 393 lbs
Emergency Storage Area Not used
Lime Used; Makeup= 66 tons Recalcined: 60 tons
Alum Used 5,790 gallons
OCTOBER, 1972 '
Plant Flow -- 78 .4 MG Daily Average 2 . 5 MG (Last Year= 2 . 25 MG) "
Assessment District 1970-2 , Schedule II, Sub Terra , Inc 99% completed
($154, 500
U. S.F.S. Bridge Tract, Shingle Springs Construction Co. 99% completed
($89 , 255)
Assessment District 1972-1 , Valley Engineers 0% completed
($220, 167 . 50)
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: k john C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that the Shope Easement
will be settled; another easement for State III, USFS, will be settled for
$1 , 200, which is located on Cathederal Way - Mr. Zellar is the owner); there is
also a total of a.pproximately 27, 000 .00 for Ebright easement; Mr. Weidman
stated that a settlement will be recommended or move to have same get into
court. President Fesler stated that the Board would like to meet with the
Attorney and Assistant Manager Callahan to discuss the Ebright easements .
JOHNSON PUMP STATION SITE: Attorney Weidman stated that he would like to hire
another appraisor to look over this site for comparison. He also mehtioned
that he did not feel we should terminate the services of Noble Murray, but
that we should also try to seek another appraisor for easements . President Fesler
stated that we would want a top professional man in this field. Assistant
Manager Callahan will check into this and report to the Board.
HAROOTUNIAN: Amended complaint not as yet received.
TAHOE SOUTHSIDE WATER UTILIT'Y COMPANY: President Fesler stated that he
would like to have Attorney Weidman meet with Attorney Sherman Wilke regarding
the Tahoe Southside Water Utility and his thoughts on same. President Fesler
stated that he did not feel this District would acquire this Company for the next
five years; Mr. Weidman will make a report to this Board following his meeting
with Mr. Sherman Wilke.
1 . Utility Services . No report.
� r------- - -� ^--�- -.. ._ _ ._ .
REGULAR MEETING -5- December 7, 1972 ��LO
l . Tahoe Keys Water Company: Mr. Callahan stated that Engineer jensen called
him and stated that Mr. Ken Jones secretary will send the contract for this Company
on Friday to the District and that Mr. Jones would like to meet with the Board to
discuss same.
Mr. Jensen also has completed the Environmental Impact Study for Fallen Leaf and
would like to have this reviewed by the Board at the same Study Session for Tahoe
Keys Water Company contract.
The Board scheduled the Study Session for December 13, 1972 , 3:00 P,M. , District
President Fesler asked if there would be a quorum for the December 21st meeting.
He will not be present, however, the other Directors will be in the area, and the
meeting will be held by the District.
Director Kortes stated that he received a call from Bud Ogden of the Tahoe Keys
Water Company who stated that he wanted to know if we would be taking any action
of the contract and that their company is wanting to proceed as quickly as possible.
Clerk of Board Callahan suggested that Ken jones or Robert Hill be contacted to
request that they start proceedings on the Improvement District. Mr. Callahan will
contact Ken jones regarding same.
3 . OUtside Waste Report: Engineer jensen is working on this report.
4 . Preliminary Applications for (a) johnson Pump Station, and (b) Fallen Leaf
Lake - Manager Culp will report on this .
5. Shingle Springs Construction Company: USFS did approve the 30 day extension,
however, they will not approve further inspection payments . This matter postponed
and will be discussed at the 12/21/72 meeting of this Board.
6 . Letter to State for claim of $75, 000 ($15, 000 Davis Grunsky disallowed because
of possible reimbursement) . A request from Engineer Jensen that john C. Weidman
write a letter to the Controller's Office of the State inquiring as to the reimbursement '
for the feasibility report - the contract states this is a reimbursable item.
7. Assessment District 1972-1 , Award of Contract: Assistant Manager Callahan stated
that he discussed the award of contract with Engineer jensen and Attorney Robert Hill.
Valley Engineers assured Mr. Hill that the contract would be in their office b�y 3:00 PM
Friday, December 8, 1972, and if this is not delivered to Mr. Hill's office at that
time, then the foll�wing Ordinance should be considered for adoption to award the
contract to the second low bidder:
ORDINANCE NO. 230; Awarding contract to second low bidder for Assessment District
No. 1972-1 . Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously
carried, that Ordinance No. 230 be approved. (NOTE: Second low bidder was Sierra
Drilling and Blasting, Inc.) --- (NOTE: Valley Engineers did deliver the contract to
Mr. Hill's office Friday, December 8, prior to 3:00 P. M.)
8 . Assessment District 1972-1: Property at Elk Point Road (40 acres) . There is one
�-- -- - • ., . , _.
r/ a� REGULAR MEETING -6- December 7 , 1972
COMMUNICATIONS: Letter was received from Coorroon Black, Meneley a.nd Ames
regarding the Boiler & Machinery Insurance Premiums .
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $126, 566. 63, as recommended
by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment.
ADjOURNMENT: The Board adjourned at 10:40 P.M. to December 13, 1972,
at the District Office, 3:00 P, M. , to discuss the Tahoe Keys Contract.
`��.�= cV���-C:
South Tahoe Public Utility District
DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and
Ex-Officio Secretary to the Board of Directors
South Tahoe Public Utility District
DECEMBER 13, 1972
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned
regular session on 12/13/72 , 3:00 P. M. , District Office.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Vice President Robert
Wakeman, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream,
Attorney John C. Weidman, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer Jack
ABSENT: General Manager Russell L. Culp.
The board discussed Tahoe Keys Water Co�mpany Contract; the Environmental Impact
Statement for Fallen Leaf Lake, and the O tside Waste Report. No action
Meeting adjourned at 4:55 P. M.
��<...��-,��.�, _...
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Regular Meeting Of The Board of Directors J�� �
of South Tahoe Public Utility District
December 21, 1978,
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session
December 21 , 1972 , 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were Vice President Robert Wakeman, Directors Edward E. Hegarty,
Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board
David W. Callahan, Attorney john C . Weidman, Engineers Loring Hansen and A.L.
ABSENT: President Robert W. Fesler and Engineer Jack Jensen.
MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried,
that the minutes of 12/7/72 and 12/13/72 be approved as written.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS; Vice President Wakeman welcomed Engineer A.L. Shoupe
to the meeting.
MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Russell L. Culp, General Manager:
"December 21 , 1972 - The Board met in Study Session on Wednesday,
December 6, and Wednesday December 13, to discuss the updated environmental
impact statement and acquisition of the Tahoe Keys Water System.
During the severe cold weather in December at Indian Creek Reservoir only 4
small open areas could be maintained in the ice cover. At the present time more than
one-fourth of the area is free of ice and more area is clearing.
On Sunday December 16 there was a rapid thaw of snow cover and some rain
which produced flows in the collection system equal to any on record. Total flow
for the day was 3 . 9 mg. It was necessary to install the emergency pump at Bal
Bijou to handle the flows in this part of the sewer system.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the
Manager's Report be approved.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. Loring Hansen stated that the plans for the Johnson Road
Pump Station should be ready for raview within the month.
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by A.L. Shoupe, Engineer:
Assessment District No. 1970-2 , Schedule II, Final - Sub Terra, Inc 100% completed
($158, 772 .00)
U.S.F.S. Bridge Tract, Final - Shingle Springs Construction Company 100% aompleted
($88, 974. 50)
Assessment District 1972-1 , Valley Engineers, ($220, 167. 50) -0-% completed.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C . Weidman, Attorney, repnrted that he contacted Mr.
Laskin at the Auditor's Office regarding the Davis-Grunsky Funds . Hopes to receive
some answer within 2 or 3 weeks.
(1) Utility Services: No report.
(2) Environmental Protection: No report
December 21 , 1972 -3-
Regular Meeting r�G �f
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $56,]59 .75, as recommended
by Assistant Manager David W. Callahan, be approved for payment.
ROBERT WAKEMAN, Vice President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
DAVID W. CAL LAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-
Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of
Sout h Tahoe Public Utility District
january 4, 1973
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session January 4, 1973 , 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Hegarty, Kortes
and Ream; General M�;nager Russell L. Culp, Engineer Jack Jensen and A.L. Shoupe,
Attorney John C . Weidman, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Reporter jeff Cohen,
A1 Kruse - Tour Guide for South Tahoe Public Utility District.
ABSENT: Vice President Robert Wakeman.
MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried,
that the minutes of December 21 , 1972 be approved as written.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed Mr. Cohen, Mr. Kruse
and Mr. Shoupe to this meeting.
MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by General Manager Russell L. Culp:
The Board met in Study Session on January 3 regarding final details of the
contract with Tahoe Keys for water system acquisition. Purchase is contingent,
of course, on the will of the people in the water service area as expressed at an
election yet to be scheduled.
I have been in touch with Mr. Casaurang with respect to renewal of our
easement for the Bal Bijou emergency pump station.
Lee Chada and I met with Messrs. Hendrickson, Dyerberg, and Brauner of the
C;itv reaardina manholes and snow removal. ,
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