HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971 01/07 - 1971 12/16REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 7, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 1/7/71, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Assistant General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, attorney John C Wefdman, Attorney Robert J. Hill, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Eng[neerA.L. Shoupe, Reporter for Sacramento Bee - John Murphy and Scott Hill. ABSENT: Director Edward E. Hegarty. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 12/17/70 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: As reported by Russell.L. Culp, General Manager: "Manager's Report January 7, 1971: Attached is the plant operations report for December 1970. You will note that the max[mum daily flow was 3-1/2 mg on December 31st and that the peak flow rate was 8.3 mgd on December 29. Total flow for the month was up about 10% over that of December 1969. On December 29 I attended the meeting of the Tahoe Regional Planning Association Wastewater Committee at which time the proposed wastewater component of the Regional Plan was approved. Inaddition, Proposed Policies were approved regarding the disposal of sewage and industrial wastewaters with the Lake Tahoe Basin and the Disposal of Solid Waste within the Lake Tahoe Basin were approved". PLANT OPERATION Total Plant Flow Dally Average Flow Max[mum Dally Use Peak Flow Rate Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used Alum Used 70.9 mg (Nov= 62.0 MG) 2.29 MGD 3.44 MG (Dec. 31) 8.3 MGD (Dec. 29) None 6,030 Lbs. None 6.1 Million Cu. Ft. 595,200 KWH 480 Lbs. Empty - Not Used. Recalcined: 127 tons Makeup: - 78 Tons 5,330 gallons DECEMBER 1969 Plant Flow = 63.9 MG Daily Average: 2.06 MGD". Manager Culp also reported to the Board of Employee Leslie H. Baker's condition; Mr. Baker is a long time employee of the District and is in critical condition at Sutter Hospital, Sacramento. President Fesler asked Manager Culp to check into the cuase of Mr. Baker's condition and to report as to whether it was due to anything that happened on the job. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. January 7, 1971 -2- Regular Meeting ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, wished the Board a Happy New Year. He stated that they have reached a point now to where there is a possibility of direct discharge out of Indian Creek Reservoir and requested a Study Session to discuss same. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: CONTRACT AND CONTRACTOR AND AMOU)~T: U.S.F.S. Sewer Schedule II, -Wismer and Becker Final 8404,700.00 (Includes Kiva Pump Sra.) As repotted by Engineer A.L. Shoupe: Percentage Completed 100% Assessment District Nos. 1968-3F and 3G Kirkwood-Bly, Inc. $708,650.00 99% Assessment District No. 1970-1 Terry Construction Company $35,650.00 O% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated he had no report. Attorney Robert J. Hill wished all a Happy New Year and mentioned that all items he had this evening are listed on the agenda for consideration. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: Director Kortes stated that a meeting of the Committee was held last Tuesday to discuss claims for sewer backups and an additional amount for umbrella coverage, which was referred to the Board for Study and same listed on the agenda for consideration tonight. (2) Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: Director Wakeman stated that he and Director Fesler, Director Ream, Manager Culp and AttorneyWeidman want to Placerville to see our new Supervisor - Tom L. Stewart inducted. . (3) Water and Recreation: No report. (4) Environmental Protection: No report. (5) Public Relations: No report; general Manager Culp mentioned that the Placque is due to arrive sometime late this month. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Assessment District No. 1970-1 --Excluded Parcels-- a. RESOLUTION NO. 1535, A Resolution Calling For Bids on Sale of Improvement Bonds. RESIOL1UTION NO. 1536, A Resolution Determining that the Issuance of Sub- district bonds is not subject to prior investigation, report and approval by California District Securities Commission. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1535 and 1536 be approved as presented. U.S.Forest Service Sewer System, Shcedule II (Wismer and Becker) a. Contract Change Order No. 7 - Decrease of $22.27. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Contract Change Order No. 7 be approved, as so recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. b. RESIOLUTION NO. 1537: A Resolution accepting project and directing the filing of the Notice of Completion. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1537 be approved. 3. District's Liability Insurance: Director Kortes stated that the liability claims was out of line regarding the backups. Director Kortes recommended to create a $500 deductible on our liability policy having to do with backup claims and that a Committee be created of the Manager, Assistant Manager, President Fesler and Director Kortes and an insurance agent representative. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Director Kortes' recommendation be approved. b. Umbrella Coverage Limit: - Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, that the umbrella coverage be increased by one-million dollars - making a total of $2,000,000. VOTES: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: Directors Kortes, Ream and Fesler None Director Hegarty Director Wakeman. Carried ....... 4. Assessment Districts Nos. 1968-3F and 1968-3G, Kirkwood-Bly, Inc., Contractor: - Damage claim by William E. Sites due to Contractor's C~erations. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claim be denied and referred to District Insurance Carrier. 5. Fallen Leaf Lake - Assessment District No. 1971-1: - Letter from Fallen Leaf Lake Protective Association requesting a meeting between representatives of Fallen Leaf Lake Protection Association and the Board of Directors of this District. It was agreed that there is a public protest hearing procedure and anything that this Association wishes to discuss can be discussed at that time; the letter was turned over to the Manager to reply. 6. Water System Acquisitions: Letter from Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch stating the District can buy the stock and assume the obligations and can acquire the stock, assets and liabilities of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company. 7. Harootunian Lease: Letter from Aram Harootunian requesting payment of $15,000 for April 1971 and April 1972 of $15,000 for land lease. Following lengthy discussion, Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, that a letter be sent to Mr. Aram Harootunian stating that the District will pay $15,000 rent to him as per the contract agreement. Carried unanimously. 8. L.A. Rose - Contractor - Claim for $797.68: - This was a purchase order request f~r two lateral construction jobs and Mr. Rose was asked by Mr. DavidW. Callahan for a detailed cost statement and he did comply with the request but added a total of $700.00 in addition to his original invoice. Mr. Callahan and Manager Culp agreed that the invoice should not be paid. Manager Culp stated that it appeared there were some materials installed on the property and this should have been billed to the property owner and not to theDistrict..Same turned over to the Environmental Committee for study and a recommendation to this Board. Assessment District No. 1968-3: - Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that 1968-3 Assessment District time expires 1/22/71, and that the contractor has completed about everything, with the exception of a few minor items - sections of line that have to be cleaned, tested, etc. The contractor did perform timely and because of the weather it caused the work not to be completed. Mr. Moyer also stated that subject to the Board approval he would recommend to provide for a release of the retained funds and a partial acceptance. That only sufficient money be retained to complete the testing. The second condition would be that the contractor would file with the Engineer a Notice of potential claims regarding this project. To be brought up at the next regular meeting of this Board. -4- Januar'V 7, 1971 NEW BUSINESS: 1. Assessment District No. 1970-2 - (a) Consider Resolution No. t538, A Resolution Referring Project to Attorneys and Engineers; (b) Consider Resolution No. 1539, Requesting that the County Health Officer of E1 Dorado County recommend proceedings for the acquisition and Construction of a Sanitary Sewerage System and Appurtenances, as Necessary as a Health Measure; (c) Resolution No. 1540 - Requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of E1 Dorado to Approve of the Proposed Resolution of Intention to be adopted in Proceedings for the Acquisition and Construction of Sanitary Sewers Under Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts, and to Approve of the Boundary Map of the Assessment District. (CALL FOR E NGINEERS REPORT ON 2/18/71 AND HEARING SCHEDULED FOR 3/25/71). Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1538, 1539 and 1540 be approved as presented. Engineer H.E.Moyer stated that Mr. Ebright, Director Hegarty and himself, met during the month of December, and it seems that the District will be needing a Right-of-Way Agent. It was mentioned that Mr. Noble T. Murray would probably be contacted. C OM M UNICATI ONS: 1. Letter from Nevada Districts: - Regarding Nevada Water Rights. 2. Letter from Lake Tahoe Area Council regarding meeting on 1/15/71 and dinner. 3. Call from Bruce Johnson regarding proposed meeting on 1/28/71, 1:00 P.M., re Davfs-Grunsky application. 4. Letter from Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control l~oard regarding Nevada Districts coming into South Tahoe District, and approval of same. Meeting scheduled for discussion and study regarding discharge requirements on 1/13/71, 3:00 P.M., District Office. John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated the other water companies should be contacted. Study Session scheduled for 1/11/71 regarding Appointments (County) per request of Thomas L. Stewart, Supervisor, E1 Dorado County. Environmental Committee meeting scheduled for 1/8/71, 4:00 P.M., District Office. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims,as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan, in the amount of $108,228.89 be approved, as presented. ADJOURNMENT: 10:04 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, President of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Bce rd and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 21, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on January 21, 1971, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors RobertWakeman, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream, President Robert W. Fesler, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Assistant General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C.Weidman, Engineer HarlanE. Moyer and Engineer Arthur L. Shoupe, Jeff Cowan of Tahoe Tribune, John Murphy of Sacramento Bee, Dave Evans and Jerry Wilson. ABSENT: Director Edward E. Hegarty and Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 1/7/71 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: - January 21, 1971, as presmnted by Manager Russell L. Culp: "The Environmental Protection Committee held a meeting on Friday, January 8, and the Board met in Study Session on Tuesday, January 19. Most of my time for the past two weeks has been spent in preparing our final report to FWQA on the Demonstration Grant project; this work will continue for approximately one more month. Access to Indian Creek Reservoir has been a problem, but the reservoir turnover system has been maintained in opera~o n and the water surface has been kept open during the cold weather. In taking over the U.S. Forest Service Pump Stations it appears that snow removal is going to require that we obtain some additional equipment before next year. We are also checking into the needs for compaction equipment to meet the new City requirements for trench backfill, and the possibility of hiring someone to inspect small repairs and construction jobs performed by local contractors for the District". Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that the preliminary design of the Nevada Sewer Systems for Tahoe Douglas and Kingsbury Grade Improvement District are completed; meeting has been held and-a firm schedule has now been established - both District's will be operating within a few days of each other; around 2/1/71, plans and preliminary costs estimates will be submitted to the Board for their review; on 3/7/71 there will be the first public hearing on the project, and if that is successful, approximately 30 days following, there will be another hearing for individual assessments to property owners. Near the end of April construction bids and bonds will be called for and around the 3rd of May - bids for same will be opened. President Fesler stated that he and other members of this Board will also want to attend the hearings. Also, Mr. H. Pischell, representative of Fallen Leaf Lake has requested a meeting with Mr. H.E. Moyer and his staff, and the meeting will be held at Redding on 1/27/71. Manager Culp stated that a letter was also received from Mr. Pfschell in which he stated that the District did not understand his letter and he will request a meeting with this Board. Mr. Moyer also stated that he has been in contact with Attorney Robert J. Hill and Mr. Hill stated that 1970-2 will be ready for Board consideration during the second meeting in February. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported byA.L. Shoupe: Contract, Amount and Contractor A.D. No.1968-3F and 1968-3G Kirkwood-Bly, Inc. $708,650.00 Percentage Completed 99% A.D.No. 1970-1, Terry Cons. Co. 0% Director Ream asked Mr. Shoupe if snow was being dumped in the area of 1970-1 - Mr. Shoupe stated that he was not aware of this and will check this out. REGULAR MEETING -2- January 21, 1971 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that he has been working on the status report for water system acquisitions. COMMITTEE MEETINGS - REPORTS: 1. Finance Committee - No meeting; a meeting is scheduled for 1/25/71 with Mr. Jim Lear. A letter from California Special Districts was referred to the Finance Committee for review and to report back to this Board. Meeting with California Sanitary and Sanitation District's -Attorney John C. Weidman might be in attendance at this meeting. Mr. Callahan cannot attend. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: No meeting scheduled. Director Wakeman stated that he would like to see this Board move forward regarding the LAFC O situation. Attorney Weidman advised to set same aside for just a short time. Attorney Weidman will arrange a meeting with EID representative - Mr. George Mall and Mr. Harry Dunlay and will notify Directors of time and place. Manager Culp stated that he will meet with the Sanitation Association and serve as a panel member re requirements for operators of sewage treatment plants, etc. 3. Water - Item on agenda for consideratian. 4. Environmental Protection Committee: Meeting was held on 1/8/71 regarding the purchase orders issued by the District to the contractors, etc. On 1/13/71, Director Kortes and Director Ream met at the home of Mr. L.A. Rose to discuss the invoice he submitted to this District for payment, which did not match the original lump sum invoice sent in for the same job. Listed on agenda for Board Consideration. 5. Public Relations: Director Hegarty absent. Director Ream stated that Director Hegarty asked that the President of the Board be told that the placque is on its way to the District. Regarding Employees Awards: - Manager Culp stated that he still has to obtain some signatures on the certificates. Manager Culp and his Committee to consider a time and place to award same to employees. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Assessment Districts 1968-3F and 1968-3G - Kirkwood Bly, Inc., Contractor. (a) Consider Change Order No. 6; and (b) Consider release of a portion of the retained funds. This project is approximately 99.9% complete; one section of line has yet to be tested, Mr. Moyer stated. Also, Mr. Moyer and Mr. Shoupe met with the contractor and spent one day reviewing the claims he filed. This change order also requests a time extension. Mr. Moyer recommended that the Change in Contract Time be extended from 1/22/71 through 5/15/71, on the basis that the contractor will need this time to complete the work; also, recommended that the retained funds be paid after the Notice of Completion is filed, except $10,000.00, which is double the amount being retained until all work is completed; approve additional payment of $27,994.20. President Fesler stated that he could not see where it is to the District's advantage to release the funds before the contract is completed. Engineer Moyer stated that the cOntractor is entitled to some compensation. Attorney Weidman stated that legally this project is close enough to being done. Mr. Moyer stated that if it had not been because of the demands of the U.S.F.S., the project would have been completed. Also, Mr. Moyer stated that the Contractor has certainly not taken the attitude of "I'll take what I can get" - also, Mr. Moyer stated that the Contractor's bonding agency must also agree to this Change Order before the Notice of Completion is filed. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the recommendations listed in Change Order No. 6, and the release of funds, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, be approved. 2. WATER SYSTEMS ACQUISITIONS: (1) Status Report - J.C.Weidman stated that meetings are scheduled with water companies - - REGULAR MEETING -3- January 21, 1971 Russell L. Culp, Manager, stated that he has not as yet received the report from Tahoe Keys Water Company. Pres[dent Fesler stated that a District Coordinating meeting is to be held in February or March to bring together all of the loose ends, work on the grants, and coordinate the public relations activities on same. Engineer Moyer stated we have met with four of the companies to discuss the acquisition. Tahoe Keys and Tahoe Sierra Water Companies are to furnish us with more data, as requested from Tahoe Southside Water Utility also. To date this has not been received. President Fesler stated that we must get the information to the public that we are not paying too much money for the water companies, and get all facts to the public to encourage them to vote for this. President Fesler also stated that he talked to representatives of the taxpayer's association, and others, regarding the acquisition of the Water Companies and they have stated that they are not going to go for a "Blank Check" to have this District negotiate with the Water Companies and they want some authority to gore their report on this. AttorneyWeidman requested, and same approved, that he be authorized to explore this matter so the people will have some firm basis as to the judgement of amounts, etc. Mr. Weidman will report to this Board. President Fesler also stated that he met with the Fire Chief regarding the Fire rating of this District and the Fire Chief stated that he felt he would be able to get this entire area from a rating of ~ to ~/. 3. L. A. ROSE, CONTRACTOR, CLAIM: Consider Revised Billing: Director Kortes, Director Ream, Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Rose met to discuss the claim Mr. Rose submitted to the District and same did not match the original invoice sent for the same job. Director Kortes stated that an agreement was reached that we could not accept the lump sum amount and we have to stay with the original amount submitted. Mr. and Mrs. Rose were agreeable to this. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claim for an additional amount be denied and that we accept the original invoice submitted in the lump sum amount, that Mr. Rose has been paid. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from California Department of General Services. Report approved, agreement was signed approximately three months ago but when the Governor froze all funds, etc., the agreement had to go back for another review and reviews were made on all projects that were not under construction - this caused the delay. LAKE TAHOE AREA COUNCIL MEETING AND DINNER: To attend will be General Manager and Mrs. R.L. Culp, Director and Mrs. G. Ream and Director and Mrs. R. Wakeman. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims [n the amount of $137,317.49, as recommended byAss[stant Manager David W. Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:40 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: ~ DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk-~yf Board & Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MF, ETING OF THE I~OARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 4, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on February 4, 1971, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Fesler, Directors RobettWakeman, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, A.1. Shoupe, Attorney John C. Weidman, RobertJ. Hill, Attorney, and Jeff Cowan and [ohn Murphy. ABSENT: Director Edward E. Hegarty. MINUNTES OF JANUARY 21, 1971: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 1/21/71 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: As follows - February 4, 1971, as reported by Manager Culp: "Manager's Report - February 4, 1971 Attached hereto is the plant operating report f~r January 1971. The reclaimed water continues to meet the export standards and Indian Creek Reservoir is in excellent condition. On January 22nd Les Shoupe, Harlan, and I met with Art Cort in Placerville and resolved a dispute between two contractors working for the County and the District on adjoining Sewer Projects. The Insurance Committee met on January 25th with Jim Lear to discuss operating procedures for handling sewer back-up damage claims under our new $500 deductible liability insurance. The Board met on January 26th with staff members of the Regional and State Water Quality Control Boards to discuss requirements for direct discharge to Indian Creek. On the following day, the Board met with staff members of the Department of Water Resources concerning the Davis-Grunsky grant for Indian Creek Reservoir. On January 28th, I met with Paul DeFalco, Jr., of the EPA in San Francisco, and Henry Ongwerth of the California Department of Health in Berkeley. On January 29th I visited the SMUD Nuclear Power Plant project at Rancho Seco to see the Cooling Tower. construction there. The Water Committee met in the morning of February 2nd with Lukins Brothers Water System owners, and in the afternoon with Mr. Lampson of the Echo View Estates Water Company regarding possible purchase of the systems by the District. The Board met in Study Session on 2/3/71" REPORT ON PLANT OPERATIONS FOR JANUARY 1971: - Total Plant Flow 73.2 MG (Dec. 70 = 70.9 MG) Daily Average Flow 2.36 MGD Propane Used None Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Rate Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Alum Used Emer. Storage Area 3.34 MG (1/2/71) 7.0 MGD (1/1/7 1) None 4,530 lbs. 4,495 gallons Not used - Empty. ~anuary 1970 = Plant Flow -- 87.0 MG Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Lime Used Makeup Recalcined 6.6 MCF 544,800KW[ 270.5 lbs. 53 Tons 111 tons Daily Average 2.80 MGD" Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented by Manager Russell L. Culp. REGULAR MEETING -2- February 4, 1971 ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that he has attended many of the meetin gs as mentioned in the Manager's Report and that he met with Tri- District's in Nevada last Monday nightamt tresented the preliminary plans and cost estimates of the Tahoe Douglas System; next Monday evening plans and cost estimates will be presented to the Kingsbury District. Thus far, Elk Point has not decided whether to come into South Tahoe or not. Meeting in Carson City between Nevada and FWQA and Harlan Moyer has been asked to atted that meeting. Mr. Moyer met last Wednesday with the representatives of the U.S.F.S. to discuss Emerald Bay System - 1971-1 and 1970-2 at Fallen Leaf Lake to establish the proportion of cost the U.S.F.S. will have to pay and what will be charged the property owners. Next Wednesday Mr. H. P£schell and representatives of Fallen Leaf Lake Association have asked to meet with Mr. H.E. Moyer,at Redding, to dLscuss some of the items mentioned in Mr. Pischell's Letter to Mr. H.E. Moyer. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented byA. L. Shoupe: Contract, Amount and Contractor Assessment District Nos. 1968-35 and 3G $708,650.00 Kirkwood Bly, Inc. Percentage Completed 99% Assessment District No. 1970-1 Terry Construction Company $35,070.00 10% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: As presented by Attorney Iohn C. We[dman: He attended meeting in Sacramento; attended Study Session - Water Negotiating Meetings; working on the Harootunian claim. He also requested a study session with this Board - Same scheduled for 2/8/71, 3:00 P.M., District Office. Attorney Robert J. Hill stated all items he has for this evening are listed on agenda. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: Met 1/25/71 with the Manager, Assistant Manager, Jim Lear, Director Kortes and President Fesler to discuss liability claims involving sewer back-up and damage. Director Kortes moved, seconded by D[rectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the District hire Mr. Jim Lear to handle this particular phase of our claim adjusting function which will be less than $500.00. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: Director Wakeman stated that a meeting was not held and requested a date be set following the next regular meeting of this Board. 3. Water Committee: Met with Water Company owners and listed on the agenda will be a report regarding Water System Acquisitions. President Fesler stated that the E1 Dorado Grand Jury made a recommendation that one entity take care of the Water Systems rather than to have several private owners. 4. Environmental Protection: No report. 5. Public Relations: Director Hegarty absent. President Fesler read a card that was received from Mr. Hegarty, who is on vacation. John Murphy, Sacramento Bee, mentioned that the Nevada State Journal had a write- up regarding Emerald Bay and referred to the piping, etc., (which was discussed by our Engineer sometime ago); this board was not aware of the article in the paper. -3- February 4, 1971 REGULAR MEETING UNFINISHF~ BUSINESS: 1. COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS UNIT NO. 5, E1 Dorado County: Engineer HarlanE. Moyer stated that he and Attorney R.I. Hill have reviewed the following resolutions and do recommend same for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 1541; A Resolution Approving Agreement for the acquisition, Maintenance, and Operation of and the Conveyance of a System of Domestic Sewage Disposal. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1541 be approved as presented. 2. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-1: Resolution No. 1542., A Resolution Determining Unpaid Assessments and Providing for Issuance of Bonds. ORDINANCE NO. 205: An Ordinance Awarding Sale of Bonds. Attorney Robert ~. Hill stated that the following bids were received today for Assessment Distr~t No. 1970-1 Bonds: luran and Moody, Inc. of St. Paul Minnesota - Average Interest Rate = 5. 68804 First California Co., San Francisco, Calif. " 5.7933 Kirchner, Moore and Co., San Franc. Calif. " 6. 1516.3 Stone & Youngberg, San Fran. Calif. " 6.23882 Grande & Co., Inc., Seattle Washington (1605 Hoge Bldg) " 5.9774 Gibralter Securities Co. 9100 Wilshire Blvd; Suite 435, Beverly Hills, Calif. " 6.2668 Stern Brenner & Co., Beverly Hills, California " 6.0448 Attorney Robert ~. Hill recommended adoption of Resolution No. 1542, and acceptance of the low bid received from [uran and Moody, Inc., of St. Paul, Minnesota. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Resolution No. 1542 be approved. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 205 be adopted and accepted as so recommended by Attorney Robert I. Hill. 3. WATER SYSTEM ACQUISITIONS: Manager Russell L. Culp stated that Mr. Bud Ogden called him and said he does have the information this District requested and asked for a meeting to explain same. Meetings scheduled for 9:00 A.M., 2/10/71, District Office. Engineer Moyer stated that meetings have been held with all the water company owners except Lakeside and we should have an idea of where we stand two weeks from now. President Fesler stated that we are making progress. 4. ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NOS. 1968-3F and 1968-3G: Manager Culp recommended adoption of the following: (a) RESOLUTION NO. 1543, Accepting Assessment District 1968-3F and Filing of the Notice of Completion. (b) Resolution NO. 1544, Accepting 1968-3G and Filing Notice of Completion. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director ~Vakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIO NOS. 1543 and 1544 be approved. REGULAR MEETING -4- February 4, 1971 Engineer H.E. Moyer stated that Assessment District No. 1970-2 is to the point now where preceedings can be started. The contract from the State of California has not as yet been received by the District, but it is expected next week. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding project priorities and requested a letter fromthe District as to what construction might be taking place so same can be given a priority on the lists for funds. Manager Culp and Engineer Moyer will prepare the information requested. Manager R.L. Culp stated that Employee Leslie H. Baker is now out of the hospital and in Southern California. Mr. Baker had his leg amputated, from the knee down and will be fitted for an artificial leg and hopes to be back on the job soon. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $72,205.16,as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:15 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTE ST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 18, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utlity District met in regular session on 2/18/71, 8:00 P.M., Conference Room - District Office. ROLL CALL: PRESENT were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes and Gerald G. Ream. Also present were General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney John C. Weidman, JudgeWillard Ball and E. Edmonds, and Jerry Wilson - Engineer from CH2M - Hill. Absent: Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 2/4/71 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Judge Willard Ball and Mr. E. Edmonds. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Russell L. Culp, General Manager: REGULAR MEETING _ -2- February 18, 19Y 1 //.2!/~z.7 Manager's Report, February 18, 1971 "On February 10 Bud Ogden came in to deliverand discuss the materials which we had requested from the Tahoe Keys Water Company. Copies of the material have been furnished to members of the Negotiating Committee. I had a visit from Bill Layton and calls from Tom Lewellyn and others concerning Tommy Stewart's proposed solution to North Shore Treatment and export problems. news release was made to clarify the District's position in this matter. A The Public Relations Committee met on February 16 and the Board met in Study Session on February 17. I have invited all former District Board Members and their wives to attend an informal meeting at 2:00 P.M., Sunday, March 7 to unveil the plaque which as been prepared to publicly recognize service rendered by the Directors. Also, I have invited all District employees and their spouses to attend a dinner meeting sponsored by the District Directors on Friday evening, March 19. At that time certificates of commendation will be presented to District employees in recognition of their service in three years of successful operation of the wastewater collection, treatment and export systems. These certificates are issued jointly by the Federal Water Quality Administration, the State Water Resources Cortmol Board and the District. State and Federal representatives will be present at the meeting. Jerry Wilson, Dave Evans, and I expect to complete the first draft of our final report to F.W.Q.A. about March 1, and Jerry and Dave will be leaving us after this is done". DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Contract, Amount and Contractor Percentage Completed Assessment District Nos. 1968-3F and 3G Kirkwood-Bly, Inc. = $708,650.00 99% Assessment District No. 1970-1 $35,070 - Terry Construction Company 30% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Met with the Board regarding the Harootunian matter. Also, Attorney Weidman met with the negotiating committee regarding the water systems. Attorney Weidman gave an up-to-date report on the status of the acquisition of the Water Companies and mentioned the meetings that are scheduled with Tahoe Paradise and Mar tin Brothers . Mr. Weidman also mentioned the possibility of obtaining funds from H.U.D. (Housing Urban Development). President Fesler stated that the Board would like to schedule a meeting for the future for meeting to discuss values on the water companies and the grant information, etc. ENGINEER'S REPORT: H.E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that the Nevada Tri Districts are proceeding very well; it appears the County of Douglas will assume running the assessment proceedings. President Fesler asked if a presentation is being prepared to present to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency regarding the sewering of West Shore. This meeting is scheduled for 2/23/71 at Harrah's at 10:00 A.M. Mr. Moyer will have a presentation. REGULAR MEETING -3- February 18, 1971 COMMITTEE RE PORTS: 1. Finance: No meeting, but one is scheduled for 2/19/71 with Mr. D. Maas, District's Health and Accident Insurance Agent. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: Director Wakeman stated there was no meeting but asked Attorney John C. Weidman what the word was regarding the Special District Route and LAFCO. Attorney Weidman stated that he spoke with Mr. George Mall and Mr. Harry Dunlap and a meeting is scheduled to further discuss this matter on 2/26/71 at Placerville at 3:00 P.M. 3. Water and Recreation: As reported earlier by Attorney John C. Weidman. 4. Environmental Protection: No report. 5. Public Relations: Director Hegarty stated that the plaque was received last Tuesday and that Manager Culp is sending a letter to all Directors, past and present, that have been members of this Board and those were invited to the unve£1ing of the plaque on 3/7/71, Sunday.,, Director Hegarty also stated that a dinner meeting is also going to be held on 3/19/71 for the employees and their spouses sponsored by the District Directors and they will receive certificates of commendation to be presented to the employees in recognition of their service in the three years of successful operation of the wastewater collection, treatment, and export systems. Also, the brochure that Fish and Game had regarding Indian Creek Reservoir, and which they published, was originally considered by the District the possibility of purchasing same from them, or the State; upon checking, it was learned and so recommended that these brochures be ordered from Denny-Wagoner-Wright of Oregon, as the cost would be much less - quoted price from Mr. Denny is 2,500 brochures for $870.00. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the brochures be ordered from John Denny of Denny-Wagoner-Wright in the amount of $870.00. President Fesler welcomed Director Hegarty back from his vacation. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. WATER SYSTEM ACQUISITIONS: As reported by John C. Weidman, Attorney's report. 2. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-2: (a) Status of Project to Emerald Bay. Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that this project (preliminaries) are completed and they have not taken it before the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency as the State Contract has not been received by the District., though it has been approved by the UoSoF.So; Mr. Moyeralso stated that he has reviewed the entire project with Attorney Robert J. Hill and Mr. Hill has prepared all of the necessary resolutions and has presented these resolutions to E1 Dorado County. If a possible extension of service to the North Shore is to be a part of this project, Mr. Moyer stated that the entire project will have to be reconsidered. Also, Manager Culp stated that he received a call from the State regarding this contract and the Attorney for the State did make some minor changes and therefore the contract will be sent to the District to approve the changes and then returned to the State. Action on the Emerald Bay System/Project postponed. Study Session scheduled Tuesday, 2/23/71, regarding discussion on the West Shore Emerald Bay for presentation to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. (Study Session scheduled for 3:00 P.M.). NEW BUSINESS: Manager Russell L. Culp and his son Gordon L. Culp have authored a book entitled "Advanced Wastewater Treatment"and same has now been published. REGULAR MEETING -4- February 18, 1971 Manager Culp stated that he and Assistant Manager Callahan attended the Bosses Day luncheon with their Secretary today. Manager ~ulp mentioned that this organization is the National Secretaries Association. The Secretary for the District is a member of this organization. There is a conference scheduled towards the end of April at Sacramento and he recommended that the District send Mary Parsley to same. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Mary Parsley be authorize d to attend the convention of the National Secretaries Association at Sacramento, April 29th. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board: - Re: New Procedures for State and Federal Grant Program for Community Wastewater Treatment and Disposal facilities. 2. Sierra Economic Development District (SEDD) Re: Public Service Careers. Meeting scheduled 2/19/71. Judge Willard M. Ball and Edward Edmonds were asked if they had anything to present to the Board. Mr. Edmonds stated they had no business to bring before the board but did compliment the Chairman and the Board for the orderly manner in which the meeting is conducted. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $107,343.89, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary to the Board of Directors thereof .... South Tahoe Public Utility District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTI~.TY DISTRICT February 25, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special Meeting, 3:00 P.M., 2/25/71, District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Ream, Hegarty, President Robert W. Fesler, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan. RESOLUTION NO. 1545: A ResolutionAuthorizfng Engineer to make a Feasibility Study on Sewer[ng West Shore and Accepting Sewage from North Shore for treatment and export. (Same to be under cost of $5,000.00) Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wake man, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 1545 be approved. ADJOURNMENT: 3:30 P.M. that ROBERT W. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District SPECIAL MEETING -2- February 25, 1971 ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary to the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility D~strict Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District March 4, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session March 4, 1971, 8:00 P,M. District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, and Gerald G. Ream and Donald H. Kortes; General Manager Ru ssell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman and John Murphy of the Sacramento Bee. ABSENT: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer and Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 2/18/71 be approved and that the minutes of 2/25/71 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed Mr. John Murphy of the Sacramento Bee to the meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: Mr. Russell L. Culp, Manager, presented his report, as follows: "Manager' s Report 3/4/71 Since the last regular meeting, the Board met in Study Session on February 23 and on March 3 and 4. A Special Board Meeting was held on 2/25/71 to authorize a 30-day study of sewer service to the North Shore. The Insurance Committee met on 2/19/71 and the Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee met on 2/26/71 in Placerville. The Board, Harlan Moyer, and I attended the TRPA meeting on 2/24/71, at which time we were asked to assemble information on sewer service to the North Shore; this work is now in progress. I attended the American Institute of Chemical Engineers in Hous~n, Texas, on March 1. There were 10 papers on the EPA, Washington, D.C. pilot phnt for advanced waste treatment. The papers were good and there were many exhibits of the latest equipment. It is of interest to us that theFederal people are presently giving serious consideration to break-point chlorination as the means for nitrogen removal in their full scale plant. Perhaps we should reconsider this approval for our plant." Manager Culp also mentioned that there is a stoppage in our force main from Pioneer Village Pump Station. This stoppage happened at 1:00 A.M., Thursday (today) morning. The stoppage is somewhere in the line between the plant and A1 Tahoe Blvd. Vern Rose, Contractor, has been pumping raw sewage from the pump station and dumping it here at the plant. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved, as presented. -2- March 4, 1971 Regular Meeting CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As Presented by President Robert W. Fesler: Contract and Amount and Contractor Percentage completed Assessment District Nos. 1968-3F and 3G Kirkwood Bly, Inc. $708,650 99% Assessment District No. 1970-1 Terry Construction Company S35,700 6O% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: lohn C.Weidman, Attorney, stated that he will file an answer to Harootunian's Attorney letter the week of 3/15/71. Mr. Weidman also stated that he made an investigation concerning the E.D~I. Grants a negotiated or established price will have to be submitted to the EDA people before a grant can be considered by them for this District. If this can be given to them, they will cons[der giving funds pr[or to an election. Mr. Weidman also mentioned the Tahoe City grant and amount of same requested in their application. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: Met on 2/19/71 to review the Employee's Health & Accident Insurance Policy. Also, a meeting was held to review the proposal for insurance through the Special District's Association. Manager Culp and Assistant Marager Callahan requested a date for a meeting with the Committee to discuss retirement and Workmen's compensation; scheduled for Thursday, 3/11/71, 3:00 P.M., District Office. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: Met in Placerville with Mr. H. Dunlap and Directors E. Hegarty and R. Wakeman and Attorneyl.C. Weidman, to discuss possible appointment of a Director from this Board to LAFCO Board. Attorney Weidman explained to this Board that after a lengthy meeting and discussion regarding representation of a member of the Board to LAFCO, it was decided it would be best to not' have representation from this Board. Director Kortes stated that this District has always had a good and favorable relationship with LAFCO and could see no reason to want to change this. Mr. Weidman also stated that if a member of this Board was on the LAFCO Board, he would not have a vote if any matters regarding the South Tahoe Public Utility District were to come up. 3. Water and Recreation: President Fester stated that the Negotiating Committee have met with eight out of the nine water companies and are now negotiating regarding selling of the company along with the values placed on their company. 4. Environmental Protect[on: No report. 5. Public Relations: Director Hegarty stated that he and Director Ream have met and arrangements have been made for the unveiling of the placque to be held 3/7/71, 2:00 PM, The Employee's award dinner will be held on 3/19/71, 6:00 P.M., Elk's Lodge. Director Hegarty also stated that he will attend the Air Pollution Conference in Pomona on 3/13/71. Attorney Weidman mentioned that the meeting with the PUC has been changed from the 15th of March to the 18th of March, Sacramento, 8:00 A.M., and then on to San Francisco 10:oo AM. '. Director Hegarty will attend this meeting. -3- March 4, 1971 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney OLD BUSINESS: 1. Assessment District No. 1970-1: RESOLUTION NO. 1546, A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 1526, A Resolution and Order Adopting Engineer's Report, Confirming the Assessment and Ordering the Work and Acquisitions. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1546, be approved, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan. NEW BUSINESS: Mention was made that our Engineers are working with Washington, D.C. Officials, regarding financing of 80% of projects. This might be beneficial to our District and Operation. COMMUNICATIONS: Manager Russell L. Culp stated that Tahoe Regional Planning Agency meets tomorrow morning and he will attend this meeting. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $114,258.62, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:25 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST:~ ) DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & ex-Officio Secretary of the Board thereof South Tahoe Public Utility District SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 18, 1971 - REGULAR MEETING The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on 3/1 8/71, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, RobertWakeman, Donald H. Kortes and Gerald G. Ream; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Engineer HarlanE. Moyer, Jack Jensen, Attorney John C. Weidman and John Murphy and Jeff Cowan. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 3/4/71 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: As reported by Manager Russell L. Culp: "Manager's Report - 3/4/71 The Finance Committee met on 3/10. Jerry Ream and I attended a meeting of the Alpine County Water Committee in Markleeville on March 15. The draft copy (514 pages) of our final report to EPA on the 3 year's demonstration grant program has been completed and forwarded to the appropriate agencies for comments prior to publication. About 80 graphs and charts have been sent to the Redding Office of CH2M-Hill for drafting in final form". PLANT OPERATION - 3/18/71; Report for Month of February 1971: Total Plant Flow 69.9 MG (1/71= 73.2 MG; Daily Average Flow Peak Flow Rate Chlorine Used Natural Gas Used Polymer Used Lime Used: Alum Used 2.49 MGD 8.7 MGD (2/15/71) 4,110 lbs 6.7 Million Cu Ft -264-1/2 lbs Maximum Daily Use Nevada District Flow Propane Used Electricity Used Storage Emerg. Area Makeup = 54 tons and Recalcined = 92 tons 2,520 gallons 3.6 MG (2/14/71) None None. 568,800 KWH Empty - Not Used -2- March 18, ;1971 Plant Operations (continued) ~ebruary, 1970 - Plant Fbw= 65.5 Daily Average = 2.3 MGD". Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: As reported by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer: - Mr. Moyer stated that he has been working on the Feasibility report to service Tahoe City and North Tahoe P.U.D. and this should be ready for presentation to this Board within the next two weeks. Also, he requested a study session for same. Study Session scheduled 3/29/71, District Office, 3:00 P.M. Regarding the Nevada Districts - Assessment rolls will be reviewed by Kingsbury District on the 31st of March; Tahoe Douglas on the 1st of April and by the City Commissioners on the 5th of April. Public Nevada Hearing set for 4/29/71. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: None ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he has been on vacation and has not report for this meeting. COMMITTEE REPORT: 1. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Meeting: Director Edward E. Hegarty stated that he attended the Air Pollution Convention at Pomona, California; he arrived back to this area late this evening and will have a report for this Board at a later date. He did mention, however, that the Convention was worth attending. 2. Water and Recreation: President Fesler stated that a meeting was held with Mr. S. Martin of Martin Brothers Water Company and Angora Company and discussed the evaluation of the companies; study session scheduled at a later time to discuss this. 3. Environmental Protection: Director Gerald G. Ream stated a meeting was held with the Alpine County Board of Supervisors and the Water District Directors to discuss the Lake and the level of same. 4. Public Relations: Director Edward E. Hegarty stated that all arrangements have been made for the Employee's Award Banquet Dinner; Director Gerald G. Ream stated that a no-host cocktail party will begin at 6:30 P.M. and a sit-down dinner scheduled for 7:30 P.M. 5. Finance Committee: Director Kortes stated that the Finance Committee met on 3/10/71 to discuss and review the various insurance matters. Blue Shield was reviewed and compared with our present Insurance Policy. The Committee felt that the District policy now in existence is a good policy and will continue with same. Also, as to whether or not the Directors's would be covered under Workmen's Compensation, when on District Business, was discussed with Insurance Agent - Jim Norton - who verified that the District Directors would be covered under Workmen' s Compensation. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. PORTABLE COMPRESSOR PURCHASE: Manager Culp stated that three quotations were received for the portable compressors: $4,270; $4,450. and $4,899.00. Manager Culp recommended purchase of compressor from Petroleum Equipment Company for $4,270. RESOLUTION NO. 1547: A Resolution Authorizing ~A'WARDof Purcahse of Protable Compressor f: Petroleum Equipment Company for $4,270.00 Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1547 be approved as recommended by Manager Culp. ~F..GULAR MEETING -3- 3/18/7 1 2. INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR - DAVIS GRUNSKY GRANT: Manager Culp stated he received a call from Mr. Walter Terry telling him that the year to accept the Davis- Grunsky grant is up on 5/1/71; and, if we are to ask for an extension of time, we must ask for same prior to April 1st. A letter was received from a Mr. Haley confirming this statement from Mr. Terry. The Bureau of Land Management ~lso requested that a lease be given for boat rentals at the reservoir. President Fesler stated that a letter be sent to BLM asking if there is a possibility that funds will be made available to us this year, so that we can proceed with the State of California. 3. HAROOTUNIAN: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that his answer is ready and will be mailing same soon to Mr. Harootunian's Attorney. 4. WATER SYSTEMS ACQUISITIONS: Mr. Jack Jensen stated that a meeting has been held with eight of the nine water companies and a letter has been received from the Lakeside Water Company. He stated also that progress is being made. The meeting is scheduled for 3/24/71 at San Mateo with Tahoe Paradise Company and the same day in the afternoon with Angora Water Company. President Fesler stated to the Board that it is difficult to imagine the amount of paper work Mr. Jensen has on this and the many flies now on the Water Company information. 5. U.S. FOREST SERVICE SEWER SYSTEM: Consider approval of Amendment No. 3, covering Stage IV Connection Charges. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the President of the Board be authorized to execute this amendment, as recommended by Manager Russell L. Culp. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. CWPCAAnnual meeting in Palm Springs. April 21 to 24 at Palm Springs. 2. TRPA Meeting Notice for meeting on 3/24/71, 10:00 A.M. at Community Center at Tahoe City. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $74,300.69, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for l~ayment. ADJOURNMENT: 8:50 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: , DAVID W. I~,' Clerk of Board & Ex Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING .... April 1, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session April 1, 1971, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, RobertWakeman, Donald H. Kortes and Gerald G. Ream; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman. ABSENT: Engineer Harlan E. Meyer and Attorney Robert J. Hill. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: None MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp: Manager s Report - April 1, 1971 I attended a meeting of the Water Supply Committee of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency on Friday, March 19, and later submitted a progress report to them on the District's acquisition of the private water companies in our service area. The Board met in Study Session on March 31 to review a preliminary draft of the Engineer's report on Sewer Service to the West Shore. Changes in the report as recommended by the Board are now being made. The Tahoe City Public Utility District, the North Tahoe Public Utility District, and J. K. Smith of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency have been invited to meet with us here at 3:30 P.M. on Wednesday April 14 for a presentation of this report. All have agreed to do so, but Tahoe City P.U.D. indicated that their attendance at such a meeting would be contingent on their receiving a copy of the report on or :about April 9, so that they would have an opportunity to reveiw it prior to the meeting on April 14." Manager Cylp briefly discussed the report with the Board and copies of the report have been sent as requested. PLANT OPERATION for MONTH OF MARCH, 1971: As follows: April 1, 1971 Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Rate Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Holding Pond Polymer Used Lime Used Alum Used 79.2 MG (Feb 71 = 69.9 MG) 2.6 MGD 3.3 MG (3/26/71) 7.3 MG(3/26 and 3/30) None 4,210 lbs. None 6.9 million cu. ft. 614,400 KWH Empty - Not Used 215 lbs. Makeup 38 tons Recalcined 86 tons 2,455 gallons MARCH, 1970 PLANT FLOW - 71.7 Daily Average = 2.3" Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. Also, a luncheon meeting was requested by Engineer Harlan E. Meyer on 3/12/61, 12:30 PM to further discuss the report prepared by Engineer Meyer regarding West Shore Sewer System. ENGINEER'S REPORT: None. REGULAR MEETING -2- April 1, 1971 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, reported that Harootunian's Attorney has filed an amended claim for damages. AttorneyWeidman has filed a demur to the amended complaint. The law suit figure is $3 and 1/2 million. Settlement by Harootunian's Attorney was offered at $241,800.00. Since this is a king size law suit, Mr. Weidman stated that at the present time he can handle this, but probably at a later date he will come before the Board to request assistance and consideration of obtaining some help from Mr. BobAubrey of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch Offices. Attorney Weidman also stated that many of the Eminent Domain Proceedings are being settled through the efforts of DavidW. Callahan. There is also a possibility of having the Morrison easement settled to the satisfaction of all involved. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: No report. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: Director Wakeman stated that he and Directors Ream and Hegarty did attend the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency meeting. The Directors agree that it is worth their time and of benefit to the District to be in attendance at these meetings. 3. Water and Recreation: No report as to a meeting held; however, a report as to the progress being made, is listed on the agenda. 4. Environmental Protection: No report. 5. Public Relations: Director Hegarty stated that he met and attended the employee's banquet dinner and commended Director Ream for his outstanding work done on this dinner. Director Ream stated that he felt the dinner went very well and was enjoyed by all. President Fesler stated that he felt it was a terrific dinner and commended the Committee on their work of preparing same. Also, on behalf of the Board, he expressed his thanks to the Consultants for their financial assistance. MEETING: Palm Springs - April 21 through 23, California Water Pollution Control Association. Manager Culp stated that three operators will be attending this conference. Also, it was requested that four reservations be made for the Directors to attend this conference. U1T INISHED BUSINESS: 1. PURCHASE OF CHAIN AND FITTINGS FOR PRIMARY CLARIFIER NO. 1: a. RESOLUTION NO. 1548: A ResolutionApl~oving Specifications. b. RESOLUTION NO. 1549, A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1548 and 1549 be approved. 2. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3 (Kirkwood-Bly, Inc.) There has been a dispute betweenKirkwood-Bly, Inc. andA. Teichert and Son, Inc. Kirkwood statingA. Teicherthas crossed their line and crashed same; Manager Culp and Engineer Moyer met with the County regarding this and the County is requesting that the Distr[ct withhold $2,298 fromKirkwood-Bly, Inc. The District can withhold $2,298.00 from the Contractor. 3. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-1: (Terry Construction Company) a. Consider Contract Change Order No. 1 - Increase of $727.00. Recommended in letter from EngineerA. L. Shoupe. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Contract Change Order No. 1 be approved as outlined by Manager Culp and as so recommended by EngineerA. L. Shoupe. -o- ~pFll 1~ 1~/ i 3. Assessment District No. 1970-1 (Terry Construction Company) CONTINUED: (b) Consider Request for Time Extension. Following discussion, Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that this request be tabled: Votes as follows: AYE S: NOES: Directors Hegarty, Wakeman, Kortes and Ream. Director Fesler. Carried - Tabled. 4. WATER SYSTEMS ACQUISITION: Status Report - AttorneyWeidman stated that originally a meeting was scheduled for 3/24/71 to meet with Angora Water Company and Tahoe Paradise Water company and same has been rescheduled for April 19, 1971, 10:30 A.M. and 1:30 P.M., at San Mateo. Attorney We£dman stated that he met with the Public Utility Commission to discuss acquisition of the Water Systems. He explained to the Board the different actions that could be taken and how it would all come about. He also discussed the cases of donated lines and suggested that this matter be explored with Supervisor's Thomas L. Stewart and William V. D. Johnson. President Fesler stated that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency is going to take a position that some accomplishment should be made along this line. Attorney Weidman stated that to obtain a grant, we have to have a definite and firm commitment in hand. President Fesler stat ed that he feels there is a pressing need to do something publicly regarding the acquisition of the water systems. We should think of having this subject placed on a ballot and let the public express their feelings. Manager Culp stated that possibility of a meeting could be held to discuss the wording on the ballot regarding acquisition of the water systems. AttorneyWeidman stated that he and Jack Jensen, Engineer - Clair A. Hill & Associates, felt they should meet with Mr. Ken Jones of Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch, Bonding Attorney, to discuss the wording for the ballot. President Fesler stated that it is not the desire of the policy makers of this District to "fool" around with this matter: and we must bring it to the people and if they decide "NO" then we can forget about water and if it goes the other way, then we have to do something about it. Attorney Weidman will discuss the wording for the ballot with KenJones. AttorneyWeidman will also check into the possible lease purchase with Mr. Car[' Hoffman of Tahoe Sierra Water Company. NEW BUSINESS: Director Hegarty inquired about the pictures taken at the unveiling of the placque ceremony. Copies of same will be obtained. Director Hegarty felt that a framed picture should be sent to all that were in attendance . MISCELLANEOUS: Manager Culp stated that the Employee's Association have asked for a meeting on 4/7/71, 4:15 P.M., District Office, with the Manager. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Meeting - Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, 4/8/71, 10:00 AM District Conference Room. 2. Meeting - A.P.A. - Crystal Bay Club, 10:00 A.M., 4/7/71, Assessment District No. 1970-1. Manager Culp stated that State Beaches and Parks called regarding Amendment No. 3 and they stated that no money figure is included in the amendment'. Manager Culp stated that a copy of the Purchase Order, which has the figure, was sent to the Department of Beaches and Parks. REGULAR MEETING -4- APril 1, 1971 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $76,109.94 be approved as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 A.M. ATTEST~ DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board~L~) Ex- Officio Secretary to the Board of Directors- South Tahoe Public Utility District ROBERT Wo FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ...... REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 15, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session April 15, 1971, 8:00 A.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: R.L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, :Attorney John C. Weidman, Murphy, Jeff Cohen. President Robert W. Fesler arrived 8:30 P.M. ABSENT: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer and Attorney Robert J. Hill. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN PRO TEM: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Donald H. Kortes be appointed Chairman Pro- Tern for this meeting. Present were Directors Kortes, Wakeman, Hegarty, Ream; General Manager John MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of April 1, 1971, be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Director Kortes welcomed Mr. John Murphy and Mr. Jeff Cohen - reporters - to this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: As Presented by Manager Russell L. Culp: "IvI~nager's Report - April 15, 1971: We have received a number of telephone calls regarding the water which is standing in the emergency storage area. This water is natural runoff from snow melt, and it is being drained to the plant slowly as this is the easiest way to dispose of it other than by evaporation which probably is not acceptable to our neighbors in the area. The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has completed a preliminary draft of their report on "Lake Tahoe BasinWastewater Collection, Treatment, and Disposal", and we have a copy for our review. It appears to be satisfactory from our standpoint, as it is written. This week we had a failure of the motor shaft on plant water supply Well No. 1, so that it is very fortunate that our rehabilitation efforts last fall to increase the capacity of Well No. 2 were successful as it is now carrying the entire load while we make parts for a motor of discontinued manufacture for Well No. 1. Recent experiences with line infiltration and breaks indicate that it might pay the District to obtain a TV Camera to aid in locating the sources of excess water. Also, on new lines it might be good to require a final inspection of all lines using a camera" Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: No report. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated Harootunian matter continued for two weeks. REGULAR MEETING -2- Apr[! 15, 1971 COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: - No report . 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: Director Hegarty stated that he and Director Fesler attended the Kingsbury Grade Improvement District meeting on 4/2/71, and Engineer Moyer and Andy Hall of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, presented the assessment rolls and they did indicate a strong desire to accept the assessments. On 4/5/71 another meeting was attended at Minden for the Nevada Commissioners and the same presentation was made by Mr. Moyer and Mr. Hall, and a date of 5/10/71 was set for the hearing on the Assessment District. There was some disagreement from the Glenbrook area and Clair A. Hill was requested to work out a plan to delete the residents of Glenbrook from the Assessment Roll. Director Hegarty also stated that he attended the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board meeting held at the District Office on 4/8/71 - the North Tahoe Contract was discussed; there was also a great deal of opposition by Fish and Game regarding the Long Valley plan. On April 14, Director Hegarty and Fesler attended another Nevada Meeting and the contract with Nevada and this District was discussed; seems Round Hill would offer the same as this District has offered in our contract with Nevada. Nevada asked that Round Hill submit a contract tn writing to be compared with the contract submitted by this District. 3. Water and Recreation: Director Fesler stated that the Water Committee is to meet Monday, April 19th at San Mateo at 1:30 P.M. with two (2) water Companies. 4. Environmental Protection: Director Ream stated that he and Director Kortes met on April 9th to discuss bids from local contractors. He had no report at this time. 5. Public Relations: Director Hegarty stated that there was no meeting; however, he had some pictures taken at the unveiling of the placque and recommended that same be developed to an 8 x 10 size and sent to each Director that was present along with a letter thanking them for attending - Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that recommendation from Public Relations Chairman be accepted. Also, Director Hegarty stated that he noticed an article in the local newspaper regarding the publication of our Manager's book. He stated that when the book is available, he would .[ ike to continue: to follow up some more publicity on same. Manager Culp stated that evidently the publisher had sent the news release in because he was not aware of this until he noticed the article in the paper. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. PLANT FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT AND EXPORT FOR WEST AND NORTH SHORES: Manager Culp stated that a meeting was planned with North Tahoe Public Utility District, Tahoe City Public Utility District, and Tahe City decided that they wanted to receive copies of the report and study this report and then see if they wanted to meet. Reports were mailed to the Directors and Engineers and the Managers of the Districts. Copy of report was also sent to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. A letter was wri'tten to Bill layton, with copies to Mr. Tom Llewellyn and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency stating we were forwarding the report and did not plan at this time to make a formal presentation unless we were asked to do so. Many requests have been received for oopies of this report and Mr. Moyer is having more printed. Director Hegarty also stated that he promised a copy of the report to Mr. William V.D. Johnson, Supervisor. 2. SEWER SERVICE TO NEVADA DISTRICTS:(a) Consider request for 90 day time extension of option period. Manager Culp recommended that the request for a 90 day time extension of option period be granted to Nevada. Director Fesler stated that maybe some thought should be given to placing a monetary value on th[s, since we have fees for work on this agreement/contract prepared by the Engineers and Attorneys. Director Hegarty stated that this District has helped Nevada Taxpayer's; if we can give any citizen a saving in tax then we have done a good job, Director Hegarty stated. REGULAR MEETING -3- April 15, 1971 Attorney Weidman stated that the money for the consultants and staff has already been spent; he also recommended the option request be granted to Nevada. After a lengthy discussion, Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, that Ordinance No. 206, Granting a 90 day Time Extension of Option Period for Nevada, be approved. Unanimously carried. 3. DAVIS-GRUNSKY GRANT FOR INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: (a) Letter from California Water Commission granting a six month's extension in accordance with the request of this District. (b) Letter from Bureau of Land Management stating funding will not be received this fiscal year 1972 for planning and development of recreation facilities at Indian Creek Reservoir, and doubtful they will receive lundin g for the Fiscal Year 1973; (c) Another letter written byW. R. Gianelli, Director, of the Department of Water Resources, regarding Davis-Grunsky Funds, etc., this letter was sent to Honorable Rogers C.B. Morton, Secretary of the U. S. Department of the Interior with copies to Bizz Johnson, Senator Teale, Assemblyman Chappie, our Board Pres[dent - Robert W. Fesler, and Mr. J. Russell Penny - State Director of the Bureau of Land Management - Sacramento. 4. ANNUAL RENEWAL OF INSTRUMENTATION MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: (a) Consider renewal at same price as current year with Honeywell, Inc. Manager Culp recommended that the Maintenance Agreement with Honeywell, Inc., be approved at no increase in contract cost. Cost for contract is $19,520. Director Fesler moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the Maintenance Agreement with Honeywell, Inc., be approved, as recommended by Manager Culp. 5. PRIMARY CLARIFIER - COLLECTOR CHAIN: Two bids were received fro~the Chain-Industrial Bearing and Supply, Inc., of Las Vegas; for $4,822.00. The other bid from South Shore Machine Shop of South Lake Tahoe Tahoe, California, in the amount of $4,337.76. D~rector Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that t~e bid received from the South Shore Machine Shop, in the amount of $4,337.76, and as recommended by General Manager Russell L. Culp, be approved, and accepted. NEW BUSINESS: 1. DIGESTER CLEANING: (a) RESOLUTION NO. 1550, A Resolution Approving Specifica- tions. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 1551, A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 1550 and 1551 be approved, as presented. 2. PROPOSED K CA RECREATIONAL CAMPGROUND. Manager Culp stated that this is a 57 acre site recreational campground and it is an agricultural zoning. After study by Manager Culp and Assistant Manager Callahan they recommend that the annexation fee of this property be as was charged to the Martin Brothers property and that a service charge of $3.00 per space be charged - and to.. be payable at the time of connection. Director Fesler stated that this matter was turned over to the Administrative Staff for study and recommendation and stated that he thinks they did a good job and that this Board should back them one-hundred percent. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the recommendation from the administrative staff be approved. MISCELLANEOUS - SEWER SERVICE BILLS: Manager Culp stated that the bills for next year are ready to go to the printers and if there are any changes to be made in the unit charges, etc., they should be made at this time. No changes requested. 3. BUDGET FOR 1971-72 AND PROCEDURE FOR MEETINGS WITH EMPLOYEE'S ASSOCtA- [IION REPRESENTATIVES: - (a) Consider scheduling Finance Committee meeting or board study session. A finance Committee meeting will be held on 4/16/71, 3:00 PM, with Manager Culp and Assistant Manager Callahan, District Office; three directors could not attend the meeting on 4/16/71 and therefore, same became a Finance Meeting, rather REGULAR MEETING -4- April 15, 1971 than study session. (b) Consider procedure with Employee's Association - - - Manager Culp stated that last year the Employee's Association drew up their suggestions and a representative sat down with Mr. Culp and reviewed same. At that time we did meet with the Board. The Employee's Association suggests now that the initial meeting be with both the Manager and this Board and they will outline their suggestions and then the Manager will meet with them and return to the Board with the unresolved items, if any. This meeting with the Employee's Association and the Board would not be to discuss the items presented - but to present them to where same could not be misunderstood; and felt this would save the Board's time. President Fesler stated that saving the Directors time is not the issue - he stated that they had the time when it comes to the Employee's of the District. Manager Culp is the Board Representative to meet with the Employee's Association;this Board will back our Manager. We want to convey to the employee's that anything they wish to talk with us about - we are willing to listen, but our Manager is the one that meets and works with them and settles anything that needs to be settled. Mr. Merle Kobernus stated that it is not the intent of the Association to go around Manager Culp. The Association felt they would like to meet with the Board and the Manager, explain the proposals/suggestions at that time, to avoid any misunderstanding, and at that time no other discussion would be taking place. Director Fesler and the Directors agreed that the Manager and the Association works things out, however they think it would be best; then if they feel all Directors should be in attendance, we should then attend the meeting, Mr. Fesler stated. C OMM UNICATI ONS: 1. Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board meeting, Monday, May 17, Board room. 2. CSSDA meeting - 5/7 and 5/8/71, Caravan Hotel, Indian Wells, California. 3. State Clean Water Grant Applications. Information session on 5/3/71, 8:30 A.M. Holiday Inn, San Francisco Airport, San Franciscan Room. President Fesler stated that the West Shore might be a potential annexation area; the Federal Funds have been frozen on the North Shore and he suggested it might be wise to move aggressively on the West Shore and some of the State Parks so this Board might explore that possibility.,. STATE OF CALIFORNIA CONTRACT: Manager Culp stated that we did send a copy of the Purchase Order from the USFS indicating the funds were available by the USFS and the State now requests that they want the amendment number 3 to stipulate that the funds are available this fiscal year. The USFS will modify the amendment the State has requested. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $55,107.35 be approved, as recommended by Assistant Manager David W. Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 A.M. ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors- South Tahoe Public Utility District ROBER~W. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 6, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on 5/6/71, 8:00 P.M., South Tahoe Public Utility District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors E. Hegarty, D. Kortes, G. Ream and R. Wakeman; General Manager R.L. Culp, Clerk of Board David lA/. Callahan, AttorneyIohn C. Weidman, Attorney Robert I. Hill, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, [elf Cohen and Don Showalter. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Ieff Cohen - Tahoe Tribune; Attorney Robert ~. Hill, Bonding Attorney - lA/[lson, ~ones, Morton and Lynch. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by D[rector-Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 4/15/71 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp: "Manager's Report - 5/6/71:--- Since our last regular meeting, the EPC met on April 22, and the Board met in study session on April 29. Several representatives of the District attended the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) meeting on April 28. Harlan and I met with the Consulting Engineers for the Tahoe City Public Utility District and all of the Tahoe City Public Utility District Boarfl Members in Sacramento on April 27. At the conculs[on of the meeting they asked that we prepare a draft of a proposed contract agreement to provide treatment and export services to the North Shore. This request was the subject of our Board study session on April 29. After full discuss[on and due consideration, the Board decided that the drafting of a contract at this time was premature and that there were at least two preliminary considerations to be resolved by the Tahoe City Public Utility District. The first of these items is the report which their consulting engineers are preparing in response to the TRPA (Tahoe Regional Plann[ngAgency) request on alternate treatment and export systems, lA/hen these alternates have been explored and reported to the same extent as the South Shore alternate then a comparison can be made to evaluate the need for a contract, and they will better know the extent of their interest. The second item to be cleared is tentative approval of the proposed pipeline routing through the State parks and across Emerald Bay. If State approval cannot be obtained under any circumstances then the project is not feasible, as there is no good alternate route to the South which is located outside of State Property. Until these two items are properly resolved, it does not appear that the considerable time and expense involved to prepare a contract is warranted, and the Tahoe City P.U.D. has been so advised. However, they were also advised that just as soon as their engineers have satisfactorily answered the above questions, then we will proceed immediately to draft the proposed contract. The Alpine County Board of Supervisors invited the Board to attend their meeting in Markleeville on Monday, May 17, but this is in conflict with the Lahontan meeting, so that they have rescheduled it for Thursday, May 20. Since this is our regular meeting day, Iadvised the Clerk that it was doubtful that Board members could attend. We have a request from Ierry Gilbert of the State Water Resources Control Board to meet with them in Sacramento on May 13 regarding sewer service to the West and North Shores. We have received a number of inquiries about sewer service to Angora Highlands. We have also been receiving inquiries about receiving at our plant the pumpage from vaults, including some in U.S.F.S. areas. A Study session is scheduled for 3:00 P.M. tomorrow to hear a presentation by the Employee's Association. Dave, Harlan, and I will be working soon on a preliminary draft of the budget for the coming year".. May 6, 1971 '/~ g' Regular Meeting -2- Plant Operation - 5/1/71: Report for April of 1971: - Total Plant Flow Average Flow, Daily Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Rate Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Holding Pond Polymer Used Lime Used Alum Used 84.5 MG (Mar 71 = 79.2 MG) 2.8 MGD 3.4 MG (April 16) 88 MGD (April 29) None 3,610 lbs. None 7.1 million cuft 614,400 KWH Empty - Not Used 266 lbs Makeup 33 tons Recalcined 111 tons 2,310 gallons APRIL 1970 Plant Flow 61.6 MG Daily Average = 2.1 MG Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: Met on 4/16/71 to review the budget for this coming year expenditures. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: DirectorWakeman stated that he attended the Conference at Palm Springs, California, and Director Hegarty also was in attendance, as well as three of the plant operators. They sat in a number of meetings at this conference. DirectorWakeman gave a report as to all meetings he attended while at Palm Springs. He also mentioned that this type convention will be hosted at Lake Tahoe next year. 3. Water Committee: Met twice with two Water Company owners. Further reports listed on this agenda. 4. Environmental Protection: Director Ream stated that a meeting was held on 4/22/71 to review equipment rental and local contractor's work. Many complaints had been received in the past from local contractor's stating requests were not received by them for work to be done for the District. Manager Culp t~repared a form letter and mailed same to the local contractors requesting that they complete and return to the District stating the types of work they are licensed to do. They were also asked to report types of equip- ment they have for rent and their rates. On 4/27/71 Director Ream and Director Kortes toured Section 10 and the Emergency Storage Area. Section 10 was extremely muddy and since there was no way to drive into the property, the Directors walked in and made a thorough inspection of same. Where seeding had taken place, sprouts approximately 1" high are visible; there was no erosion in this area. The U.S.F.S. had requested that we furnish signs to go on Section 10 and the emergency storage area showing that there would be no trespassing, signed by the U.S.F.S.; there were signs of bike riders and the public using the land. These signs will cost a total of $21.00 each. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the signs be furnished by the District as requested by the U.S.F.S. The Environmental Prote ct ion Committee felt that of all the contract's the district has had, the Restoration of Section 10 has proven to be the best of any contractor's. The emergency storage area was also toured and there was no erosion present, the pond is 99.5% empty, and a few bike tracks were evident; trees are budding, however, the birch trees are quite bad but the poplar trees are budding. If the birch trees are removed, then the area will look quite nice this year, Director Ream stated. REGULAR MEETING -3- May 6, 1971 COMMITTEE REPORTS - Continued: President Fesler asked if there was anything the Environmental Protection Committee could do about the deplorable condition of the Road coming to the plant, as there is a great deal of travel on that road. Manager Culp stated that the City had stated they would take care of the road last year and nothing has been done. Manager Culp called the City and asked them if this District could take care of the road and the city gave their permission. Bill and Knox Johnson have also given their permission to grade the road. Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer has not as yet voiced her opinion on same or given her cons ent/permis s ion. Director Ream and his Committee will follow through on the regrading of Johnson Road and report back to the Board. 5. Public Relations: Director Hegarty stated that this Committee went to Indian Creek Reservoir on opening day of the fishing season. Mr. Ream and Mr. Hegarty had an interesting conversation with the gentlemen from Fish and Game and the Bureau of Land Management. He further stated that there were fewer people there this year than last year and approximately 90% were Tahoe residents. Director Wakeman stated that there were signs posted "No Overnight Camping", however, what they meant was that people could not camp on the Lake side of the road. Also, the water was good and clear. The had and the the and Bureau of Land Management was concerned about the terrain of the area and put up posts and cables to keep the visitors from entering certain area. Fish Game representatives stated that we have not lived up to our Agreement regarding area of Indian Creek Reservoir, Director Hegarty stated. They also stated that Public Utility District made promises to obtain Federal Grants to build a reservoir to develop this into a recreation area and that this District would maintain this area_ The representative also had stated to our Directors that he had copies of the minutes of Alpine County Board of Supervisors stating what the District was to do. H.E.Moyer stated that this District did say Indian Creek Reservoir could be a beautiful Lake with clear water and we also stated that South Tahoe Public Utility District would not construct, operate, or maintain a recreation area. The report also stated that the South Tahoe Public Utility District is not the agency that is going to construct, operate, or maintain the recreation facilities and it was our opinion that BLM is the agency that would be most likely to take care of this. Mr. Moyer also stated that these people that make the statement that South Tahoe is not living up to their word do not know the facts. BLM did not want to believe one word we said as to the water being suitable for recreation and a trout fishery; however, they no see it is a beautiful Lake. President Fesler stated that a meeting should be scheduled with Alpine County to discuss this and straighten out some misunderstandings. Manager Russell L. Culp stated that we have no legal responsibility to maintain this Lake. Manager Culp also stated that Congressman "Bizz' Johnson has accepted the District's verdict that we will not operate or maintain the facilities at Indian Creek Reservoir. Also, there is possibility that the BLM will get $i97,000 to build the facilities at Indian Creek Reservoir. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Alt items and business listed on agenda. REGULAR MEETING -4- May 6, 1971 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: J~hn C. Weidman, Attorney, stated he at[ended the seminar for Clear Water Grant in San Francisco. He stated that at that time he also mentioned that Tahoe City, or North Shore should be included in the Basin Plan for Federal Funds. Aram Harootunian matter will be heard on May 14, 1971, Placerville. NEVADA CONTRACT: Ordinance and agreement have been sent to Manager Culp for Nevada. Les Berkson, Attorney for Nevada District, needs a letter from Mr. Bonderson's office stating that the State Water Resources Control Board has no objection of Nevada sewering into our District. That letter is forthcoming. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) Digester Cleaning: (a) Bid O pening. One bid was received in the amount of $5,800.oo. b. RESOLUTION NO. 1552, Authorizing Award of Contract for $5,800.00. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION N.O. 1552 be approved as so recommended by Manager Russell L. Culp/ 2. WATER SYSTEM ACQUISITION AND IMPROVEMENT: Met early this week with the Tahoe Sierra Wster Company and it was a fruitful meeting; also met with the Engineer and Gardner M>untain Water Company and with The Tahoe Paradise Water Company. Another meeting is scheduled for 5/11/71 with Tahoe Keys Water Company at 10:30 AM, and another meeting with Tahoe Paradise Water Company on 5/21/71. Tahoe Paradise requested this Board meet with them at Palo Alto. 3. BIJOU FORCE MAIN EASEMENT: The new owners of the Morrison Property requested settlement of the easement for $10,000. Attorney John C. Weidman made a counter- offer of $5,000 and recommended that this Board accept the counter Offer made to the new owners of the Morrison Property. DirectorK,rtes moved, seconded by Director Ream, that the recommendation of our Attorney be approved. Carried unanimously. 4. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1970-2: (Areas referred to as A, B, C, D, E): Engineer Moyer presented proposed plans, specifications and the Assessment Roll to the Board and pointed out all areas that will be involved/included in this Assessment District. He also explained the charges, assessments, routes, etc., for the facilities in this Assessment District. Attorney Robert J. Hill presented the Health Officer's letter and requested same be spread in full upon the minutes. Letter as follows: "February 18, 1971 Honorable Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District South Lake Tahoe, California Gentlemen: RE: Assessment District No. 1970-2 I am acquainted with the Sanitary Sewerage Project which you propose to undertake pursuant to Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Proceedings, or other appropriate proceedings, which project [s more particularly set forth in your Resolution Requesting Recommendation of Health Officer. I recommend, as necessary as a health measure, that you undertake proceedings pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this State, or other appropriate proceedings, as you shall determine, for the construction of said improvements and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby. This recommendation extends to such changes and modifications therein as you shall find to be proper or advisable, in the manner provided by law. Yours respectfully, s/Harold N.M,zar, M.D. Health Officer County of E1 Dorado" REG UL~t MEE TING -5- May 6, 1 9 7 1 ATTORNEY HILL recommended that the Letter from the County Health Officer and the following Resolutions be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 1553: A Resolution Determining to Undertake Proceedings Pursuant to Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts or Other Appropriate Proceedings for the Acquisition and Construction of a Sanitary Sewerage System and Appurtenances Without Proceedings Under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code. RESOLUTION NO. 1554: A Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct improvements. RESOLUTION NO. 1555:A Resolution Amending RESOLUTION NO. 1554 Entitled "A Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct Improvements", by adding certain improvements thereto". RESOLUTION NO. 1556, A Resolution Modifying Proposed Boundaries of Assessment District. RESOLUTION NO. 1557, A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 1554 Entitled "A Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct Improvements", By Changing Exhibit "A" Thereof and Paragraphs 9 and 10 Thereof, and Deleting Paragraph 15 thereof. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that the above RESOLUTIONS and LETTER from the County of E1 Dorado Health Officer be approved as so recommended by Attorney Robert J. Hill. VOTES AS FOLLOWS: AYES: Directors Ream, Kortes, Wakeman and Fesler NOES: None ABSTAINED: Director Hegarty Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 1558: A Resolution Setting the Fee for Apportionment of Unpaid Assessments Under Division 10 of Streets and Highways Code. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1558 be approved as presented. NEW BUSINESS RESOLUTION NO. 1559: A Resolution of Application by South Tahoe Public Utility District requesting that LAPCO take proceedings for Annexation of Territory to the District. South Tahoe Public Utility District Annexation No. 1971-1. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1 5 5 9 be approved as presented. COMMUNICATIONS: Following read by Manager Russell L. Culp: 1. Meeting notice, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, South .Tahoe Public Utility District, Monday, May 17, 1971, 9:30 A.M., to consider interim Water Quality Management Plan for the North Lahontan Basin. 2. Letter from Congressman "Bizz" Johnson regarding his efforts to secure BLM funds for construction of recreation facilities at Indian Creek Reservoir. 3. Letter from Mrs. Richard Codman. President Fesler directed Manager Culp to answer Mrs. Codman's letter. 4. Letter from Quentin H. Rink. ~00' c~ 0 · 0 0 ct 0 ~ 0 0 · 0 0 ~ C~ 0 ct 0 ~ o 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 }.-, 0 ~'- 0 4tPTJd dl 'A °.III IOO Ill 906I XRcIznIAI 'X P~o~X~I IlaUS- II°MalS- u~OH s~u!zd £ :IOU~[ Xq: laI.~-bI SS[.T-VIOOSSV XHcI'4fllaI ' ~I CIhIOIaIXVkI · sanoX Xlaxaou~.s · suoD~ooI pu~ s%noX~I 's~u~u~oo anoX sn aal~ pu~ sMu!a~ap -~no a~!Ao~ ~s~icI 'so snoquaxoj~ o~oo : o%I ~e~.u-~oJ.tI?o 'ooq~j~ q$noS 13!'~%s!CI s°!$.q!~fl o!IqncI ooq~j, qlnoS o/o X~P!~cI 'alAI 'seiki I lael ei,e~ldd ~ i~UlUli.l~lm. tI I"~l~Ud iii q.,tlt~ J~lt,"llil, lUl 'tNl.l"Ul~Xq~w W' ~ Joq.lo A,,~ $~ it ~lUlld ~lmleXl e,# lo leA~ '6 Hla.ia#,e tuOlPl ItlJUl ~¥# A0'I ll4~1, eqi 3o elS# .I '1 · itklOi I It:) 'mt" 4,#d.l$ .lUhl ~ LLL n,l. lOO#V ilq4d~ -j ~ d.r/a v aa~ ~gg q~noaqa g¥ sao'I ~atun pala!aua a^oqP aqq sunid pasodoad aqa a~qa uo!~!~!aaa~ ao~ a~uo!ssImmoo ~X~M ooq~ - gg q~'nOa'qa g~7 sao~i - 3 ~ atufl qanos oAoD :oM gOZg6 ~Iuao~!IWo 'aoqw% ~M~zI qanos flV xo~ '0 'A OZ6I ~9 asqo~D 9990-1¥g (916) 90~,516 'VD 'filO~"Y~L ~IV~I HJ~L08 &990 XOfl '0 '~ ~DI~I~SI~I Atl'I~fl OI'I~d 30HYJ, ' Ul elUl guz ol ,,xeu~o/,4,zedo.td ®ti1 .,1:o /,4111qlsuOdse.x eq:l e,zg tunlul~uOpUOO err4 5Ul.~ttl .(l.~do.ld ele^l.td eq'l trlqll~ seu1! eql pu~ ,R~,v, ~o :lqe, l,Z Ollqnd uo setrll eSOtll ,&'[uo ~Ul~lUl~ lOl.,tl~lCI ®q.T. · ,L.'oloe~elleS e.ze '~Re)l eoqe, I, 'O£ 11u.rl qlno~ eaoo ql~no2%r~ Zt, s:lo~ aoj ~ueld eql '0/.61 '8 ,,mqo:~oO }o .tellel ..mo,,( ol ~.Ide.t Ul enuenv elee, q~,no~ /..Og OZ61 '£~ ~eqoloo REGULAR MEETING -6- May 6, 1 9 7 1 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims as recommended by Assistant Manager DavidW. Callahan, in the amount of $79,894.72, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 12:06 P.M. ROBERT~V. FESLER, PreSident South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 20, 1 9 7 1 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session May 20, 1971, 8:00 P.M. District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream, Robert Wakeman, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Jeff Cohen, John Murphy. MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 5/6/71 be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: As read by Manager Russell L. Culp: "May 6, 1971 = On May 7 the Board met with officers of the Employee's Association to receive their proposals for the coming fiscal year. The Water Systems Acquisition Committee met with Mr. Bud Ogden of the Tahoe Keys Water Company on May llth. Four representatives of the District attended the preview of the TRPA Interim Plan on May 18. REGULAR MEETING -2- May20, 19 7 1 Manager Culp stated that the Alpine County Board of Supervisors would like to meet with this Board on June 10th to discuss [his matter, 3:00 P.M., District Office. Attorney Weidman stated that the threat of closure of the reservoir was only a discussion and was not definite. He stated also that BLM was not going to close without the cooperation of Alpine County and this District. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer mentioned that he was present at the Assessment Hearing of Douglas County and briefly discussed what had taken place during the hearing. Director Ream asked Engineer Moyer to have the status of Assessment District's 1968-3F and 1968-3G checked and report next meeting. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the Morrison easement was settled in the amount of $5,000.00. Harootunian case was continued to 5/28/71. President Fesler stated that the District has been honored in a major magazine by receivJ, ng a very fine write-up in the Reader's Digest as to what this District has done over the past years. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: No report. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: No report. Did attend the meeting at Sacramento with the State Water Resources Control Board and the representatives of the North Shore Districts. 3. Water: - Listed on agenda. 4. Environmental Protection: No report. 5. Public Relations: No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. AMENDED ASSESSMENT FEES: RESIDLUTION NO. 1 5 6 0 , A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 1558, "A Resolution Setting the Fee for the Apportionment of Unpaid Assessments Under Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code" by Increasing the Fee Provided for Therein. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1560 be approved as presented. 2. WATER SYSTEM ACQUISITIONS: - President Fesler stated that the Water Committee has met with several of the Water Companies and progress is being made. The time table, which was prepared by Jack Jensen, was also discussed regarding the election, REGUI~AR MEETING -3- MAY20, 1 9 7 1 1. Add fourth centrifuge at plant for sludge dewater[ng 2. Add grit removal facilities at head of plant 3. Add fourth pump on export line at Luther Pass Pump Stat[on 4. Increase capacity of old (1960) pr[mary and secondary clarifies by installation of settling tubes [n existing structures 5. Increase capacity of Bijou Pump Stat[on Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Manager Culp's recommendation be accepted and the additions as requested be approved to submit to Lahontan. Engineer Moyer stated that CH2M-Hiii has been retained by the U.S.F.S. to make a study of as to what to do about USFS water pollution problems and the problem of what we will be faced with, handling waste of the U.S.F.S. etc. 4. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-2: (a) Status Report: - Engineer Moyer stated that the plans are redrawn and will be presented to this Board at the next meeting. The areas that will benefit by this system will be included [n the assessment; the raw acreage will not be forced into development. 5. MONTGOMERY ESTATES UNIT NO. 7: - Cons[der RESOLUTION NO. 1 5 6 1, A Resolution Accepting Sewage Collect[on Facilities for Montgomery Estates Unit No. 7 Assessment District. A letter dated 12/3/70 from Eng[neerA.L. Shoupe recommends that the Board accept this system for Montgomery Estates Unit No. Y. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1 5 6 1 be approved, as presented. 6. Director Hegarty commended the Manager for having the Johnson Road graded. He also mentioned that there [s quite a bit of dust on this road and stated that because of this it is liable to get full of chuck-holes again. Manager Culp stated that we did receive verbal permission to grade the road, but not repave the road. When the chuck-holes appear, the District will regrade the road. President Fesler stated that the Board will meet with Clair A. Hill - Engineers to discuss the contract the District has with CA Hill and Associates on 5/22 and 5/23 at Redding. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Request from Tom Evans for irrigation tap-off Indian Creek Pipeline. Manager Culp presented Mr. Evan's request to the Board and the board referred same back to staff. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Letter from USFS regarding Sect[on l0 land, term[nation of bond on USFS Section 10 Land. 2. Meeting on Tahoe Regional Plan, 10:00AM, 6/16/71, Sahara Tahoe Hotel. 3. Environmental Protection Committee meeting regarding a possibility of hiring contractors to construct laterals; Thursday, 5/27/71, 3:00 PM District Office. Director Ream asked Manager Culp for some information regarding the Seminar scheduled at the Sahara Tahoe. Manager Culp stated that he and his son Gsrdon Culp will be z ~ / ~<~ULAR MEETING -4- May 20, 1971 ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ROBERt? W. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ..... IUNE 3, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session Iune 3, 1971, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, Directors Hegarty, Wakeman and Ream; Attorney Iohn C. Weidman, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, News Reporter leffCohen. ABSENT: Manager Russell L. Culp, Engineer H.E. Moyer, Attorney R.~.Hill. MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 5/20/71 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: [eff Cohen - Tribune ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Ishn C. Weidman stated that Mr. A.Harootunian's Attorney has now set the 18th of Iune as the date for Court. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: No report 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: No report. 3. Water and Recreation: Met in study session with the Board to discuss the status and progress to acquiring the water companies. 4. Environmental Protection: Director Ream stated that this Committee met on May 27th with Manager Culp, Assistant Manager Callahan and ~.L. Chada to discuss rights-of-way encroachment permits, excavation permits, etc. Local Con Contractors will not be issued the encroachment permits, therefore, the District would have to obtain the permits and in some cases the District wouFd have to pay for this. Any local contractor that does work will be responsible for the project and guarantee this work. Assistant Manager Callahan is drafting an agreement which local contractors will sign for types of work done guaranteeing their job to the district. 5. Public Relations: No meeting. Director Hegarty stated that he contacted Frank 2 lUNg 3, 1971 REGULAR MEETING UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. DAVIS-GRUNSKY APPLICATION: (a) Letter from William Gianelli - Regarding Federal Funds for operating a recreation facility by the Bureau of Land Management. Also regarding meeting of 5/20/71 with Department of Water Resources, Alpine County and representatives from this District regarding onshore recreation facilities funding by Congress. The Board directed Assistant Manager Callahan to contact Mr. Hubert Bruns of Alpine County to set up a meeting with Alpine and this District, preferably on 6/15/71 to discuss this matter of Indian Creek Reservoir. President Fesler stated that the Water Committee will meet with Mr. Carl Hofman of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company on 6/10/71 - this will be a study session meeting. 2. ENGINEERING SERVICES: Continued. 3. STATE LOAN - INTEREST MORATORIUM: AttorneyWeidman recommended that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 1562, A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Requesting further moratorium on interest payments on the State of California Loan to South Tahoe Public Utility District. VOTES: Ayes: Directors Hegarty, Wakeman, Fesler, Kortes and Ream. Carried unanimously. 4. SEWER SERVICE CHARGES: Trailer Courts and Campgrounds. Study session scheduled for 6/7/71, 3:30 P.M., District Office. 5. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-2: Continued 6. STATE CONTRACT - )a( Status Report: Assistant Manager Callahan stated that the State Contract was hand-carried to our office today for presentation to this Board and possible action by signing of same by the President of this Board. President Fesler stated that no action has been taken on Assessment District 1970-2 and because of this, and since this assessment district does involve areas that are also involved in the State contract, suggested this matter be held over until the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors when our Manager and Engineer will be present. 7. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3F: and 1968-3G: - (Kirkwood Bly, Inc., - Contractor.) Assistant Manager Callahan is to call Clair A. Hill, Mr. Les Shoupe, to obtain information on the status of this contract. 8. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-1: Contractor- TerryConstruction Company - Mr. Callahan to obtain information as to the status of this contract from Enginser Shoupe of Clair A. Hill & Associates. 9. BUDGET: Fiscal Year 1971-1972: Study session scheduled for 6/8/71, 3:30 P.M. District Office. NEW BUSINESS: REGULAR MEETING -3- ]'UNE 3, 1971 C OMM UNICATIONS: 1. Notice of hearing: State Water Resources Control Board, 6/7/71, 10:00 AM, Wastewater Treatment Project List, to be in San Francisco City Hall. 2. Notice of Hearing -Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, 6/10/71, 3:00 P.M., District Conference Room for Interim Basin Plan. Study Session. June llth, 9:30 A.M. - Adoption of Interim Plan. (Tahoe Regional Agency) 3. Brochure: California State Bonds: Picture of South Tahoe Public Utility District facility included in this bond brochure. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of 840,842.19 be approved as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 9:20 P.M. ROBER~TW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 17, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session June 17, 1971, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. Fesler, Directors Hegarty, Wakeman, Kortes and Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineer Don Showalter, Jeff Cohen and John Murphy- Newspaper representatives, V. Rounier and two other representa- tives from the Jamison Beach Division. ABSENT: Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of June 3, 1971, be approved as presented. MANAGER'.q R'P.P(']pT. A ...... +^A ~. REGULAR MEETING -2- ]rUNE 17, 1971 MANAGER'S REPORT (Continued) I attended the AWl/VA meeting in Denver, Colorado, on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of this week. There were several items on the program regarding waste- water reclamation which were of interest to us and to the California regulatory agencies. My attendance was well worth the time spent. Today there was a line stoppage which caused sewage backup in the Tahoe Sahara Motel. The line was cleared in less than 30 minutes of being reported. Damage is preliminarily estimated at $500 to $1,000.00. PLANT OPERATION, REPORT FOR MAY 1971 Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Holding Pond Polymer Used Lime Used A Alum Used 82.1 MG (April 1971 = 84.5 MG) 2.7 MGD 3.5 MG (May 31) 8.5 MGD (May 3) None 4,000 lbs. None 6.5 Million Cu Ft 654,000 KWH Empty - Not Used 368 lbs Makeup - 45 tons Reclacined - 123 tons 2,830 gallons MAY 1970 Plant Flow - 66.5 MG Daily Average - 2.1 MGD" Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. Manager Culp stated that while in attendance at the Wastewater Convention at Denver, discussion centered aroundWastewater Reclamation, and mention was made of South Tahoe Public Utility District Water Reclamation Plant being the plant in California that runs 100% of the time, and spoke highly of the District and facilities. Engineer Showalter mentioned that the Pump Station for 1970-1 project has arrived, and will be installed this week, and in operation two weeks from now. Directors also requested that a progress report of all projects be presented to the Board once a month. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he was in attendance at the REGULAR MEETING -2- ]~UNE 17, 1971 COMMITTEE REPORTS (Continued) 4. Environmental Protection: Director Ream stated that he and DirectorKortes toured the Emergency Storage Area, Section 10 land and Luther Pass Pump Station site. He stated that a tree count was also taken and noted that 105 of the birch trees are dead and all of thepoplar trees have survived. Littler erosion, if any, present in any of the areas. Director Hegarty requested Director Ream to meet with him to get some publicity on these areas, and when another tour of the area is planned he would also like to tot, tour for publicity purposes. Director Hegarty and all Directors will be notified of this tour. 5. Public Relations: Director Hegarty stated that the Rotary Club of South Lake Tahoe had six (6) visiting Brazilians and these visitors also toured the plant and facilities. They were very impressed wiry this District and the facilities. Director Hegarty also had an article which was written by a Prescott Sullivan, a Sports Writer, in which he was writing about Lake Tahoe and the sewerage problems. Director Hegarty requested Manager Culp to write to Mr. Pres cott Sullivan and also send some literature as to what has been happening and what has been done by this District. There is to be a Newspaper Conference of Editors on June 25, 1971, and Mr. Frank Newall of the Tribune has invited Mr. Hegarty and understood also that he had invited Manager Culp. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Assessment District No. 1970-2: Engineer Donald Showalter presented the Engineer's Report for Assessment District No. 1970-2 and explained and described the areas, changes, costs, etc., that would be involved in this assessment district and changes in accordance with the resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors on 5/6/71. Following discussion by the Board and Engineer, the following Resolutions were presented for consideration and/or adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 1564: A Resolution of Preliminary Approval of Engineer's report. RESOLUTION NO. 1565: A Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale. RESOLUTION NO. 1566: A Resolution Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests in Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improvements and Directing Notice. RESOLUTION NO. 1567: A ResOlution Calling for Sealed Proposals and Fixing Liquidated Damages for Failure to Complete the Work lNithin Time Specified. RESOLUTION NO. 1568: A Resolution Describing Proposed Boundaries of Assessment District, Directing Filing of Boundary Map and Assessment Diagram Directing Recordation of Notice of Assessment. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, that the above resolutions be approved: VOTES: AYES: Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Kortes and Ream REGULAR MEETING 3 [UNE 17, [97i 2. STATE CONTRACT - EMERALD BAY SEWER SERVICE: Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with the State of Calfforhia. The Board discussed this contract and it was agreed that the contract cannot be signed until the hearing of Assessment District 1970-2, which is scheduled for luly 29, 1971, 8:00 P.M., District Office. However, the Board is in full agreement with the contract as it is now drawn up, and that the State be notified as to the decision of this Board. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, that the decision of this Board be approved, and that the state be notified of same. VOTES: AYES: Directors Wakeman, Fesler, Ream, Kortes ABSTAINED: Director Hegarty C arrie d .... 3.ESTABLISHING SERVICE CHARGES FOR TRAVEL TRAILERS: Consider ORDINANCE NO. 207, an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 114 and Providing for Sewer Service Charge s. Manager Culp and the Directors reviewed the Ordinance regarding service charges for travel trailers and mobil homes. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 207 be approved as presented. 4. PLANT ACCESS ROAD, GRANT DEED TO CITY: RESOLUTION NO. 1569, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Grant Deed to the City of South Lake Tahoe for Plant Access Road and Acceptance by City for Maintenance. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1569 be approved as presented. 5. SCENIC RAILWAYS - EASEMENT AGREEMENT. Tabled. 6. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3 F & G: - Kirkwood Bly, Inc., Contractor: Manager Culp informed the Board that the district, Kirwood Bly, Inc., and Clair A. Hill and Associates have been served with summons and complaint by Kenneth and Elizabeth Dunn for alleged damages during sewer construction. NEW BUSINESS 1. Annual Salary Resolution: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1570, A Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. 1455 and Providing for the Annual Salary Resolution. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1570 be approved as presented. ORDINANCE NO. 208: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 48 and Providing for Expenses of Directors and Officers. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that REGULAR MEETING -4- IUNE 17, 1971 3/ ASSESSMENT DISTRICT U-l: RESOLUTION NO. 1571: A Resolution Ordering Transfer from U -1 Connection Charge Fund to U-1 Bond Interest and Redemption Fund. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1571 be approved as presented. 4. CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION, STUDIES PROGRAM IN SPECIAL DISTRICT'S MANAGEMENT: General Manager Culp stated thattthis Studies Program is scheduled at the University of California, Santa Barbara from Iuly 23 through July 30th, and the registration fee is $1Y5.00. Assistant Manager Callahan stated that he would like to attend this study program. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Assistant Manager David W. Callahan attend the Study Program at the University of California at Santa Barbara, July 23 through July 30 5. Water System Acquisition: Speaker at board of Realators Breakfast at 7:30 A.M. on 7/7/71, Sands Motel. Manager Culp and the Directors that can attend will represent the District and speak on the Water Program. Manager Culp has been asked to be the speaker at this breakfast. 6. Ski Run Village Townhouses: Sewer Easements: Assistant Manager Callahan stated that the District will acquire sewer easements for this area. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. T.R.P.A. Meeting Notice - - 6/23/71, King's Beach Elementary School, 10 AM. 2. Letter from Mrs. Richard Codman 3. Invitation to Grand Opening at South Tahoe Refuse Company Transfer Station Friday, June 25, 1:00 P.M. through 5:00 P.M. INSURANCE COMMITTEE will schedule meeting to discuss the Manufacturer's Life Insurance Retirement Plan. RECREATION FACILITIES AT INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR, Alpine County and District to meet on 6/24/71. Attorney Weidman will confirm. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $83,992.31 be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:40 P.M. ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE I~UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 25, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Spec Session on June 25, 1971, 3:00 P.M., to take action for this District regarding the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Plan. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, RobertWakeman and Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp and Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, John Murphy- Representative of Sacramento Bee. ABSENT: Director Donald H. Kortes. LETTER TO BE MAILED TO TRPA STATING DISTRICT'S POSITION, as follows: 6/25/71 Tahoe Regional Planning Agency PO Box 8896 South Lake Tahoe, California, 95705 Gentlemen: Over the past ten years the South Tahoe Public Utility District has strongly supported all activities aimed at protecting, preserving, and restoring the Lake Tahoe environ- ment. The District has engaged in an active program of water pollution control and has complied fully with all directives and requests of local, state, regional, and federal regulatory agencies, has met all established construction deadlines with regard to sewage collection, treatment and export within its service area, and has provided ample capacity in its facilities to serve further development. In solving water pollution control problems local taxpayers in our District have paid or obligated themselves for more than 21 million dollars, which represents more than 75 percent of the total cost of the work. Only about 25 percent of the cost has come from federal grants. In other words, the pollution con:rol cleanup program to date has been basically one of local leadership and action by our District with cooperation and assistance from state, regional, and federal agencies. The South Tahoe Public Utility District has endorsed and participated in the planning efforts of the California Regional Planning Agency and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency because good planning is essential to proper environmental control at the Lake. However, the South Tahoe Public Utility District cannot support the TRPA "Proposed Regional Plan, Lake Tahoe Region" dated May 1971 for several reasons. First is the disastrous direct financial effect which this Plan would have on our District. The proposed cessation of all building and development would destroy the local tax structure which permits the District to finance its water pollution control services. The residual tax base would be completely incapable of supporting necessary District operations. The Plan makes no suggestion or provision at all for alternate means of financing these activities. It is very doubtful that outside sources would be willing to finance District operations if the local tax base is reduced as contemplated under the Proposed Plan. The Proposed Plan completely ignores these very real and serious financial considerations. In our opinion, the adverse financial effects of the Plan on local water pollution control activities would defeat one of the primary purposes of the Plan which is the preservation of water quality in the Lake. '~AT~ SPECIAL MEETING -2- [UNE 25, 1971 LETTER TO TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY: (Continued) The South Tahoe Public Utility District further recommends that the Proposed Plan be modified to include more specific proposals for the solution of the storm runoff problem. Some early resolution of this existing problem fs essential to any plan for preservation of water quality in the Lake and protection of the environment because the nutrient load now entering the Lake in storm runoff is equal to the nutrient load present in all of the sewage produced in the Basin which is now being exported out of the Basin. Greater emphasis should be given to preparing some practical engineering plan to collect and treat storm runoff before it reaches the Lake. In summary, the South Tahoe Public Utility District recognizes the need for Basin wide planning, but recommends that the Proposed Plan be modified to include first, the practical, responsible, realistic financial planning which is necessary for the successful realization of its goals, and second, a sound solution to the storm runoff problem. Respectfully submitted, s/ Robert W. Fesler, President Board of Directors SOUTH TAH(iE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT cc: Tahoe Tribune, Lake Tahoe News, Tahoe City World, Nevada State Journal, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, KOWL Radio, KTHORadio, Laurie Ames, Chamber of Commerce News Bureau" Followfng discussion,Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1 5 7 2, Approving the above letter be mailed to Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, be approved. CORRESPONDENCE: President Robert W. Fesler read a post card received from Director Donald H. Kortes and Mrs. Donald H. Kortes, stating they have arrived at Bloomington, Indiana and will start summer college studies. MEETINGS: Scheduled with the Board at Harold Ebright's home next Wednesday at 4:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: 3:30 P.M. ROBERT'W. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 1, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on July 1, 1971, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Gerald G. Ream; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, John Murphy, Jeff Cohen, B. Ebright, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ebright and Jerry Martin. ABSENT: Director Donald H. Kortes and Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of June 17th and June 25th as presented be approved. MANAGER'S REPORT: July i, 1971: "On June 22 the Board met in study session concerning the proposed TRPA Regional Plan. This was followed on June 25 by a Special Meeting of the Board, at which a letter setting forth the District's position on the proposed Plan was approved for transmittal to TRPA. Representatives of the Board attended the TRPA meeting at King's Beach on June 23. The Board met in study session on June 24 regarding water system acquisition, on June 28 with Alpine County Supervisors Collard and Bruns to call Bizz Johnson regarding BLM funds for recreation facilities at Indian Creek Reservoir, and onJune 30 with Harold and Brigham Ebright concerning Assessment District No. 1970-2. Congressman Johnson was optimistic about appropriation of the $197,000 in funds to BLM. The District has a letter from Senator Cranston pledging his support of the appropriation maasure in the Senate. These funds would be used by BLM to construct roads, a boat launching, ramp, camping and picnic areas, a sand-swimming beach and other recreation facilities at Indi an Creek. It could also mean the eventual release of Davis-Grunsky funds to the District. We have been notified by the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Con£rol Board (LRWQCB) that our projects are approved for a grant application for the 1971-72 fiscal year. Today in cooperation with the LRWQCB the State Water Resources Control Board, the E1 Dorado County Health Department, the California Department of Public Health, the TRPA, and the EPA, and in conformance with local, state and federal regulations, we are today initiating a program to export all solid wastes from out plant through the services of the South Tahoe Refuse Company - Bi-State Transfer System. All of the Solid Wastes from our trea~r..vent plant operations, shops, and offices will be exported. These solid wastes con.~i~t nrim~r~l~r r~: ~¼ ~:,-~,~ ~^ t~ .... :~_ _~ ......... JULY 1, 1971 -2- REGULAR MEETING Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer stated that he has attended the study session scheduled by the Board. 1968-3F and 1968-3G Assessment District: - Contractor now has completed all testing and clean-up work. The area is available and ready for conmctions in those two areas. The project has been inspected by the County, but we have not as yet received their letter of acceptance; also, the extra work involved at Tahoe Paradise has been completed to the satisfaction of Tahoe Paradise, but we have not as yet received a letter from them accepting this. Wismer and Becket: Camp Richardson parking ~ot is now completed - repaired. Kirkwood B1y, Inc - has gone into Fallen Leaf Campground and working there. _Terry Construction Co. Pump Station, Stateline area will be ready for operation within a few days. ' ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weldman stated that he had no report; mentioned that he did attend the Committee Meeting and Study Sessions held by this Board. Harlan E. Moyer mentioned that on Tuesday, July 6, the Douglas County Commissioners will consider what action to be taken regarding the Sewer Systems of Tahoe Douglas. Meeting is to be held at 2:00 P.M. Minden, Supervisors Chambers. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: July 9 1971, 3:00 P.M., Finance Committee will meet with Mr. Joe Gaither, Employee Association Representatives and the Finance Committee, to discuss and/or clarify points in the Employee's Retirement Plan. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Committee: Committee members and the Manager attended the TRPA meeting at King's Beach. 3. Water Committee: Manager Culp will speak at the Realty Board Breakfast next Wednesday morning, re Water Acquisition, and what the District has been doing regarding same. Progress to date was discussed in length at this meeting - water acquisition; the Board has met with several of the Water Companies, and some of the Companies have voiced their desire to have the District acquire the companies. The Board agrees that this should go before the people and have the voters state their wishes regarding the water systems, and if they want the South Tahoe Public Utility District to acquire same. 4. Environmental Protection: No report 5. Public Relations: No report UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-2: Plans and specifications are ready for presentation to the Board. President Fesler stated that REGULAR MEETING -3- JULY 1, 1971 Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, that the following Resolutions be adopted: RESOLUTION NO, 1 5 7 3 - A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 1566, "A Resolution Appointin9 Time and Place of Hearing Protest in Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improvements, and Directing Notice "by changing Date of Hearing to 8/!2/71, 8 PM) RESOLUTION NO. 1574: A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 1567, "A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals and Fixing Liquidated Damages for Failure to Complete the Work Within Time Specified" by Changing Date of Receipt of Bids (8/10/7,1, 2:00 PMI VOTES: AYES: ABSTAINED: ABSENT: Directors Fesler, Wakeman and Ream Director Hegarty Director Korte s Carried. The Ebright's were in attendance for this meeting and quite concerned with any damage that might be brough to their property at time of construction. H.E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that at the time of construction, the safest thing for the property owners to do, would to file claim with the District regarding damage done to their properties. 2. TAHOE BRODER ESTATES NO. 1: - Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1575, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreement with Relation to System of Domestic Sewage Disposal. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that R[SOLUTION NO. 1575 be approved. 2A - PLASTIC PIPE, INSTALLTION AND USE OF SAME: -Jerry Martin stated that they have installed plastic pipe and have on order several hundred feet of same for the property where their trailer park is to be. According to the District's Ordinance, it is not allowed by owner's and/or contractors to use this plastic pipe. He requested the Board to restudy the Ordinance on certain pipes to be used, as the State now has approved and recommends that Plastic Pipe be used. The Board set an Adjourned Meeting for 7/6/71, 3:00 P.M., to review Ordinance. RECESS: 10:30 P.M. - RECONVENED 10:37 P.M. 3. PURCHASE OF GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON: a. Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1576, AResolution Approving Specifications for Granular Activated Carbon b. Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1577, A Resolution Calling for Advertisement for Bids and for Sealed Proposals for Granular Activated Carbon. (.8/S/71, 3t00 PM) Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1576 and 1577 be approved. 4. WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS: Tabled. 5. ANNUAL SALARYIF. SOLUTION , RESOLUTION NO. 1578 - Amending Resolution for Annual Salary and total number of employee's from 39 to 40. REGULAR MEETING 2 -4- [IULY 1, 1971 7. PURCHASE OF GASOLINE: a. Bid Opening: Four bids were received, RDC Distributors for .2249 per gallon; Mobil for . 2271 and Standard for . 2425 and Phillip's 66 for .248. Manager Culp recommended that GASOLINE CONTRACT be awarded to RDC Distributors, South Lake Tahoe, for their bid price of .2249 per gallon. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Gasoline Contract be approved for awarding same to RDC Distributors, as recommende¢ by General Manager Culp. 8. ALAMEDA AVENUE SEWER EXTENSION: a. Bid Ooening; three bids received, as follows: 1. Doc Hansbearry $2,658.50 2. Crasper Construct[on Company $2,916.00 3. Charles E. Spiva $3,755.00 b. RESOLUTION NO. 1579: Authorizing Award of Contract to Doc Hansbearry for his bid price of $2,658.50. Director Ream moved, seconded by Direct or Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1579 be approved. NEW BUSINESS: 1. STATE LOAN, INTEREST MORATORI'UM: Postponed. C OMM UNICATIONS: 1. TRPA meeting notice for 7/7/71, 10:00 AM, Crystal Bay Club. 2. CSSDA annual Workshop, 7/28-30/71, Monterey, California. All Directors except Director Ream, will be in attendance, General Manager Culp will also attend. Manager Culp ~vill make the reservations. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that claims in the amount of $14,017.96 be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 11:00 P.M. to 7/6/71, 3:00 P.M. ATTEST:/' - DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Boarc[ & Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ROBERTW. FESLER, Pres[dent South Tahoe Public Ut£1[ty District ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 6, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular session on 7/6/71, 3:00 P.M., District Conrerence Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman and Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, John C. Weidman - Attorney, Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Harlan E. Moyer- Engineer, Loren Rhode - City of South Lake Tahoe, Don Martin. ABSENT: Director Donald H. Kortes. PURPOSE OF MEETING: To review the District Ord£nance.rezjard[ng types of pipe to be used for sewer line installations from house to lateral connections. Manager Culp stated that he talked with the State regarding the pipe that Jerry Martin stated he set in the ground at the trailer park and the State has not approved this pipe for use. The pipe the Martin's now have in the ground must be removed. Manager Culp has contacted several cities regarding use of the plastic pipe. Only two cities have been approving same for this use and that was in Salem Oregon, and Reno, Nevada. ' Loren Rhode of the City of South Lake Tahoe stated that the Unified Plumbing Code has approved the pipe; however UPC does have its own testing lab and when a new material comes on the market, it is approved for use and a research recommendation sheet is sent out stating that the material was approved for certain uses. Mr. Rhode stated also that he attended a Plastic Pipe Conference last year and at that time this pipe was not approved for use. Although, there were some areas, considered non-coded areas, that were using this type of pipe. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, of CH2M-Hill, Consulting Engineers for this District, and Manager Culp had discussed the use of plastic pipe and Mr. Moyer mentioned to Manager Culp that this pipe is not used in any of the CH2M projects. The City of South Lake Tahoe will not allow this plastic pipe and does enforce the Ordinance of this District. Director Gerald G. Ream stated that he has always been against the use of plastic pipe for sewer lines. President Robert W. Fesler stated that we have taken'pride in the quality operation here at the South Tahoe Public Utility District and want to continue to have this pride in our goods and work. JULY 6, 1971 -2- ADIOURNED REGULAR MEETING Director Ream and the other Board members agreed that our Engineer should inspect the Martin Brothers installation prior to this District accepting the line for infiltration purposes. Manager Culp- recommended the following RESOLUTION be approved: RESOLUTION NO. 1580: -A Resolution of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Authorizing Execution of an easement agreement with Scenic Railways, Inc. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1580 be approved as recommended by General Manager Culp. CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT'S ASSOCIATION: This Association has been working with the workmen's compensation State Fund and group polices. This District has been associated with the State Compensation Insurance Fund. Same to be discussed with the Finance Committee on July 9, 1971 3:00 P.M at the District Office. ' ' REALTY BOARD MEETING: Manager Culp will be the guest speaker at the Realty Board Breakfast Meeting on Wednesday Morning, 7:00 A.M. regarding the acquisition of the Water Companies. AD]'OURNMENT: 4:10 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Bo~r~'-&- Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UT !LITY DISTRICT JULY 1S, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on July 15, 1971, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Hegarty and Ream; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer H.E. Moyer and J. Jensen, Attorney John C. Weidman, Jeff Cohen, John Murphy, Merle Kobernus. ABSENT: Directors Kortes, Wakeman and Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 7/1/71 and 7/6/71 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Robert W. Fesler welcomed the representatives from the press Jeff Cohen and Employee Merke Kobernus, President of the Employee's Association. MANAGER'S REPORT: As Presented by Manager Russell L. Culp: "The Board met in study session on July 8 and July 13 regarding water system acquisiti,~ns and sewer service to Nevada districts, and met on July 9 with our insurance carrier and officers of the Employee's Association to clarify certain provisions of the Retirement Plan. On July 7, the Board and I attended a breakfast meeting of the South Lake Tahoe Board of Realtors to discuss proposals for water company acquisitions and improvement by the District. Those in attendance appeared to be generally receptive to the idea of the District going into the water business in order to improve water supply for fire protection and to reduce the cost of fire insurance in unprotected areas". Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. ENGINEER' S REPORT: On July 3, Harlan E. Moyer and A.L. Shoupe met with the Fallen Leaf Lake Protection Association to discuss the sewer system plans for that area. There were approximately 40 or $0 in attendance. This was their annual meeting and discussion took place regarding the financing of private lands and U.S.F.S. lands, construction and environmental protection to the lands. Harlan E. Moyer also stated that regarding the Nevada Districts, on 7/6/7 1, the Nevada Commissioners adjourned to 8/5/71 to make a final decision as to whether they will come into South Tahoe system or not. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that he has attended the water negotiating committee meetings and study sessions. Also, allowed Mr. Harootunian's attorney until 8/6/71 to file his further amended complaint. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance: No report Legislative and Intergovernmental Committee: No report. Water: Met with Carl Hofman today and will meet with Mr. Bud Ogden next Tuesday REGULAR MEETING -2- 7ULY 15, 1971 Attorney Weidman stated that maybe consideration should be given as to whether Director Kortes should be in attendance for the 1970-2 meeting/hearing, or not, since Edward Hegarty is a property owner in this Assessment District, and if there is a 2/3 majority vote against the forming of this Assessment District, there must be a 4/5's vote of the Board to overrule same. Attorney Weidman and Attorney Hill will furnish Director Hegarty with a legal opinion as to whether he can or cannot cast a vote for same. Manager Culp stated that a Mr. Harnett of East Bay M.U.D. visited the plant today. He was thinking of forming an Advisory Committee and has asked Manager Culp if he would be a member of same; no final plans made. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. MODIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PLAN: The Board considered modifying employees retirement plan to provide full (100%) vesting; (1) at normal retirement age of 65 years, (2) upon death, and (3) at optional early retirement at age 62; also, in the event of termination of employment prior to retirement, for vesting in the amount of 5% for each full year of employment under the plan. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Modification of Employee's Retirement Plan be approved. 2. RENEWAL AND REVISION OF AGREEMENT WITH CONSULTING ENGINEERS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1581 be approved, A Resolution Amending the Engineering Agreement, dated 8/17/67, between the District and Clair A. Hill & Associates. 3. STATE LOAN, INTEREST MORATORIUM: RESOLUTION NO. 1582, AResolution Approving Amendment to a Contract Between the State of California and the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1582 be approved. 4. BLM RECREATION FACILITIES AT INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: Manager Culp stated that BLM requested a letter stating ;:hat this District would keep the water in the reservoir as agreement reads. Manager Culp drafted this letter to BLM and Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the President of the Board be authorized to sign the letter and mail same to BLM per their reque st. 5. EASEMENT, BIJOU FORCE MAIN: Quitclaim Deed to Grubb and Ellis Development Company for easement not required. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1583 be approved for this easement. 6. COUNTRY CLUB HEIGHTS UNIT NO. 4: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1584, A Resolution Accepting Sewage Collection Facilities for Country Club Heights Unit No.4. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1584 be approved as presented. MEETING -~- [[lILY iS, 1§~1 /g~'~ NEW BUSINESS: 1. PURCHASE OF CARBON DIOXIDE GENERATION EQUIPMENT: Per recommendation of Manager Culp: (a) Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1585, A Resolution Approving Specifications for CO2 Generation Equipment. (b) Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1586, A Resolution Calling for Advertisement for bids and for Sealed Proposals for CO2 Generation Equipment. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1585 and 1586 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 1587 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING CORRECTION OF DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT AS TO ASSESSMENT NO. 44, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1970-2 . Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1587 be approved. C OMM UNICATIONS: 1. Letter from TRPA Sub-Committee 2. Notice of LRWQCB meeting on 8/19/71, 9:30 AM, Mammouth Visitor Center. 3. Subpeona of District records from D vid W. Callahan, Clerk, By the Superior Court of California, for use in suit by Marvin Coleman vs A.D. Machinery Co., Inc. The District is not a party to tt%e suit. AttorneyWeidman stated that Mr. Callahan will contact Attorney Mel Beverly and ask him to come to the District to look for whatever he might need for this case. SCHEDULED BOARD MEETINGS: Thursday, 7/22/71, with Globin Water Company representatives. Tuesday, 3:00 P.M,, 7/20/71, with Bud Ogden - Tahoe Keys Water Co. Also, Supervisor Bill Johnson has invited this Board to attend a meeting at the Sands next Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. to discuss the TRPA Plan. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $136,134.05, as recommended byAss[stant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADIOURNMENT: 9:20 P.M. ROBERfW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRI CT JULY 26, The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utilt[y District met in a Special Session on 7/26/71, 4:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, GeraldG.Ream, Attorney John C. Weidman, Acting Clerk of Board and John Murphy - Sacramento Bee. ABSENT: Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, General Manager Russell L. Culp Director Ro~.~; W.keman, Director Donald H. Ko:-:..... ~ ' PURPOSE OF MEE'i'Ii~-~: To consid~-r ados;ion of ~ Ordinance A'stho:-iz£ng an A::n:_',:_lmer:t of Optio.r~Agreem~.a[ Between Taho~-Dou%-las District, Kingsbury General Improvement D~strict and Kingsbury Gene:-:l Imp:.sveme~tt Dis[r~c[ 82, an:'l South '.Tahoe Pab!ic Utility Dzstrict. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 211, An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Authorizing the Execution of an Amendment to Option Agreem'ent Between Tahoe- Douglas District, Elk Point Sanitation District, Kingsbury General Improvement District and Kingsbury General Improvement District ~2 and South Tahoe Public Utility District. ' ADJOURNMENT: 4:15 P.M. ATTEST: ROBERT W. FESLER, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on August 5, 1971, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Hegarty, Ream; Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer H.E.Moyer and A.L. Shoupe, Jeff Cohen, Mr. B. Collins and another representative from Plastic Pipe Manufacturing Company and two other representatives were present for residents in the Fallen Leaf Area inquiring about the use of a specific size plastic pipe. -2- August $, 1971 CH2M-Hill feels that consideration of a waiver of the District Ordinance to allow the use of plastic pipe where a small diameter pressure pipe is used. Manager Culp stated that he did not feel this would present a problem; however, he stated that the main concern with use of plastic pipe on gravity lines was the problem of infiltration. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the District allow the use of plastic pipe of less than 4" for pump pressure systems in areas that require same, especially on the West Shore of Fallen Leaf Lake. All pipe and installation to be thoroughly checked by the Inspector in charge prior to covering same. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp: s/s/71: - "Attached is the plant operaticns report for the month of July. For the first time daily average flows exceeded 3 mg, which ts up 15% from July a year ago. The max[mum dally use was 3.53 mg, and the peak rate of flow was 8.7 mgd. The Board met in Study Session on July 20 regarding water company acquisitions, on July 21 concerning A.D. 1970-2 and on August 4 on miscellaneous items of business. Representatives of the District attended the annual meeting of the California Sanitary and Sanitation Districts Association in Monterey on 7/28 through 31/71. David W. Callahan attended the Special Districts Management School in Santa Barbara during the week of July 26, and I participated in the E.P.A. Advanced Waste Treatment Seminar in Dallas on 7/26 through 7/28/71. A Study Session on the District's 1971-72 budget should be scheduled before 8/19/71. PLANT OPERATION, REPORT FOR JULY 1971 Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Rate Nevada District Flow Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Alum Used 98.4 MG (June 1971= 82.7) 3.17 MGD 3.S3 MG (7/31) 8.7 MGD *7/5 ,16 , 25) None 514 Lbs Used 5 hrs on 7/18/71 2,480 gallons Propane Used Chlorine Used Natural Gas Used 605 Gallons 6,920 Lbs. 6.1 Million Cu Ft Electricity Used 752,400 KWH Lime Used-Makeup 68 tons Recalcined: 130 tons JULY 1970 - One Year Aqo Plant Flow = 85.2 MG Daily Average: 2.75 MGD" STUDY SESSION, BUDGET: 8/18/71, 3:00 P.M..District Office. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: On July 21st Mr. Moyer met with Manager Culp, Attorney Weidman and the Bureau of Land Management to discuss construction of the Recreational facilities at Indian Creek Reservoir. -~- August 5, 1971 Les Shoupe gave a project report regarding the outstanding projects still under construction. BID OPENING FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-2:8/10/71 2:00 P.M D[stric[ Office. , · Mr. B. Collins and Mr. Andy Garabed[an, representatives of Gifford-Hill Manufacturers of Plastic Pipe attended [he meeting to present the material for their Company for house to sewer connections. Mr. Collins presented samples of the plastic pipe their company manufacturers, stated use of same, durability, sturdiness and' what uses for this pipe. Engineer Moyer stated that the real argument he has concerning this pipe is the little experience he has with its use; the soil loading strength and the mechanical :damage to same. President Fesler stated that this Board is not qualified to make any decision on plastic pipe and the Board does take the direction from our Engineers, and cannot take any action until the representatives meet with Mr. H.E.Moyer, who in turn will bring his findings and recommendations to this Board. Mr. Moyer will meet with the gentlemen from Gifford-Hill Manufacturing tomorrow morning, 8:30 A.M., District Office. Mr. Moyer will report to this Board at a later date regarding plastic pipe. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: No report. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: Nor&port. 3. Water: Received a letter from the Tahoe Keys Water Company and now awaiting another letter from Tahoe Sierra Water Company. 4. Environmental Protection: No report. 5. Public Relations: Several of the Directors, Manager and Engineer attended the CSSDA Conference at Monterey. Director Hegarty stated that it was well worth the time spent at this Conference. He also mentioned that Kary Mulligan gave a run-down on the Legislature proposals regarding sewer districts and federal funds - obtaining the fund, which would be 75% Federal and 15% State, and the requirements to obtain same. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. President Fesler stated that the District has scheduled a hearing for 1970-2 Assessment District on 8/12/71 at 8:00 P.M., and has learned that some of the property owners have obtained Attorney's to speak on the property owners behalf and will appear at the hearing. He requested a study session on 8/11/71, 3:00 P.M., with Mr. Moyer and Attorney Hill also present to discuss the legalities involved, etc. REGULAR MEETING -4- August 5, 1971 UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Continued) 2. PRESENTATION OF C.S.S.D.A. SAFETY AWARD TO DISTRICT EMPLOYEES: President Fesler presented the Safety Award to A1 Kaufmann, District Employee, for the perfect safety record the past year the South Tahoe Public Utility District has had. 3. RECOMMENDATION TO TRPA REGARDING EXTENSION OF THEIR SEWAGE EXPORT DEADLINE TO DECEMBER 31, 1972: Letter as follows: "Mr. Greg Hansen, TRPA Box 8896 South Lake Tahoe, California 95705 Dear Mr. Hansen~ We have your letter of [uly 23, 1971 requesting our comments and suggestions regarding the desirability of extending the sewage export deadline for one year. At its regular meeting on August 5, 19Yl the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District voted unanimously to strongly oppose any attempt to further postpone the sewage export deadline. As you know, the South Tahoe Public Utility District has been providing full treatment and continuous export of all wastewaters from its service area since March 31, 1968, a period of about 3-1/2 years. The Export requirement was made known to all sewer districts at the Lake more than five years ago, so that more than ample time has elapsed for full compliance by all distrimts. There are now four systems [n operation. Three of these systems provide satisfactory export of adequate capacity for all needs anticipated in the next few years. The fourth provides but temporary relief for only a portion of the area which the system now serves at the North end of the Lake. In this case, by their own estimate, it will be another four to six years before an adequate satisfactory permanent solution will be provided by any of the schemes which are now being considered. One plan, to connect this area to an existing export system, which could solve the problem within a year has been rejected. A four to slx year extension of the deadline appears to be out of the question and a one year extension would serve no constructive purpose. Therefore, we recommend that no extension be granted. We assume that a building moratorium or other sanctions may be applied by the TRPA in those areas not served by sewers and a satisfactory export system. We urge that such sanctions or restrictions be applied ONLY IN THOSE DISTRICTS WHICH DO NOT COMPLY and NOT in those areas which DO comply. It would be unreasonable and unfair to apply blanket sanctions to the whole Tahoe Basin because of the failure of a small minority to provide proper sewage facilities, and we would oppose any such blanket act[on. s/ ROBERTW. FESLER, Pres[dent South Tahoe Public Utility District" Cop[es of this letter were sent to the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, and other governmental agencies, and President Fesler asked ~eff Cohen, Tribune Reporter, to please have this letter published [n the paper, as [t is of great importance to our taxpayer's and should become first page news. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty,unanimously carried, that the above letter be mailed to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and copies sent to other governmental agencies and to the newspapers. REGULAR MEETING -5- August 5, 1971 UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Continued) 4. PURCHASE OF CARBON DIOXIDE GENERATOR: One bid was received from OZARK-MAHONEY COMPANY, $10,145.00, including freight to the Plant. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1589, A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF CARBON DIOXIDE GENERATOR, be approved, as recommended by Manager Russell L. Culp. NEW BUSINESS: 1. BARTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL SEWER SERVICE CHARGE: Consider request for deferment of payment for new units which are connected but which will not be in use this fiscal year. This is a Non-Profit Organization. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the request from Barton Memorial Hospital be granted and they not be charged for new units under construction as same will not be in use this fiscal year. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Meeting Notice: - Nevada Water Cr~nference Carson City on 9/23-24/71. 2. Meeting notice from Water Pollution Control Federation: Annual National Meeting in San Francisco on 10/3-8/71 3. August 11, 1971, Regional Plan Review, Crystal Bay Club - North Shore; the Board is having a study session this day and President Fesler asked Manager Culp to ask someone that will be in attendance for this meeting to please send a report to this district. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $50,275.70 be approved for payment as recommended by Assistant Manager David W. Callahan. FILING-DIRECTORS AT LARGE NO. 3 and %4: - President Fesler asked Jeff Cohen of the Tribune, to please publicize that there are two seats for this Board for the coming election. Director Wakeman holds seat number 4 and director Kortes holds seat number 3; papers can be picked up at the District off[ce and taken to the County Clerk's Office by 8/30/71, $:00 P.M. Placerville. ADJOURNMENT: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the meeting be adjourned to 8/12/71, 8:00 P.M., District Office. ROBERT . FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 12, 1 9 Y 1 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an Adjourned Regular Meeting and Hearing for Assessment District 1970-2. ROLL CALL: Present were Pres[dent Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer Donald Showalter, Attorney Robert [. Hill and Attorney [ohn C. We[dman. Jeff Cohen of Tribune, and several property owners in the Fallen Leaf and Cascade Properties areas. Bill Anderman - E1 Dorado County Health Depart- ment; Craig [ohnson- Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, Mr. McCargo- State of California; Mr. Iim Olsen of the United States Forest Service. President Fesler explained the format for this evening, why the protest hearing was called and scheduled. President Fesler asked Engineer Moyer to give his report. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer H.E. Moyer presented the map of the areas to be included in the Assessment District 1970-2, pointed out the line installation and where same to be located, the reduction of the assessments since receiving the bids on this Assessment District. He referred to areas in the assessment district as Area A - ~amison Beach and Val Halla properties; Area B - ten parcels on the West Shore of Fallen Leaf Lake; Area C - small parcel North of the Spring Creek Tract; Area D - privately owned parcels North-Westerly of Baldwin Beach and extending to Emerald Bay State Park. He stated that the U.S.F.S. has provided construction of major trunk sewers to service the general area from Fallen Leaf to Spring Creek Tract to ~amison Beach areas. There are pressure sewers from Tahoe Keys. The U.S.F.S. has entered into an agreement with the South Tahoe Public Utility District and this contract does state that in the event the private properties utilize the facilities within the U.S.F.S. areas, they will reimburse the U.S.F.S at that time. All properties will be charged $182.85 per acre; South Tahoe P.U.D. right-of-service charge of $500.00 per acre. Mr. Moyer also stated that the portion to be paid by the USFS, State and private properties are as follows: 41.2% by USFS; 30.0% by the State and 28.8% private. For Baldwin Beach Area Trunk Sewers: 25.6% USFS; 36.4% State and 38% private. Emerald Bay State P;~rk: 100% by the State of California Total project cost for 1970-2 = $586,200.00. Since the notices were originally mailed, bids have been received and assessments proposed to be considerably reduced. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Robert J. Hill, Bonding Attorney with Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, stated that if this project proceeds and there will be assessments and PROTEST HEARING - 1970-2 -2- August 12, f971 CRAIG JOHNSON of LAHONTAN REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD stated that Section 13951, Water Code of the State of Califomm , states that all sewage shall be exported from the Tahoe Basin January of 1972, and those properties that are not connected, and do have sewer installation lines to enable them to connect, will become a public nuisance and must then vacate the premises. BILLANDERMAN, COUNTY SANITARIAN, E1 Dorado County, stated that septic tanks will no longer be allowed and if there is a sewer system available, properties must connect within 90 days of the system installation; notices are sent out and if same have not connected within the 90 days, then they are in violation; after - January 1, 1972, if properties are not connected to the sewer systems that are available, they too are in violation because they are not connected to an export system in the Tahoe Basin. JIM OLSEN OF THE UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE stated that an agreement was drawn-up between the USFS and the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and the contract is being put into effect, and is being followed in this assessment district as well as everywhere else. MR. McCARGO - STATE OF CALIFORNIA stated that the State is presently under contract for developing a collection system within the Emerald Bay State Park and replacing all septic tanks with sewers. The State is ready to meet the requirements of the Lahontan Regional YVater Quality Control Board and ready to tie in when all is constructed. President Fesler stated that he has been a member of this Board for 10 years; Director Wakeman has been on this board for 12 years, and it has never been the policy to operate in a heavy-handed manner, and this Board has never forced any- thing or anyone or threatened in any manner; the orders are now from the regulatory agenc'[es and not from this Board. We feel the area should be sewered and we have made it feasible for the area to be sewered, President Fesler stated, and if various ones do not want to proceed President Fesler stated that the Board's position would be-fine - - - we will immediately de-annex the areas. MR. WIGGINS OF JAMISON BEACH stated that he has sent in a protest letter, but did mention to the Board that he felt his property should be considered a one-parcel instead of two-parcels he is charged for; he did not feel his property warrants the two unit charge and that they can get along sufficiently with only the one lateral, and he is being charged for two laterals. Mr. Wiggins also stated that he did write a letter to this Board on 7/12/71 and to the Assessor's Office, and in the meantime his property has been changed showing it is now one unit; copies of the deed sent to this District. DALE LAZELL, AREA "C" - PARCEL 52: Stated he has seven acres and did submit a letter of protest. He further stated that he does not want todevelop all of the 7 acres and wanted to know if he is going to be charged on the basis of the entire seven acres, or the one acre use only. Engineer Moyer stated that these parcels in Area "C" will be treated the same that the other large parcels and will be assessed up to one acre and the balance to be deferred and paid for as the parcel is developed. AD[[OURNED REGULAR MEETING and PROTEST HEARING 1970-2 -3- AUGUST 12, 1971 One visitor stated that he does own a lot in the Assessment District, does not have a dwelling on it and does not know if he will ever utilize the lot for a building. President Fesler stated that we cannot build a sewer line that way; we cannot eliminate one lot throughout a system. Engineer Moyer stated that bids have been received; no contract has been awarded; low bidder on the Assessment District was Sub-Terra, Inc., Tahoe City, California. Owner of Parcel ~52, Area "C" stated they would withdraw their protest if: Major facility cost would be $182.00 as stated by the Engineer. And would be no more than that. Right -of- service would be $500 per acre; incidental cost to be pro-rated to approximately $132; that the Engineer review the costs relating to infiltration and that the 5 acres was in fact correct. The owner feels it is closer to 4 acres to be utilized; if all can be reviewed and adjusted, then he would withdraw his protest. Attorney Hill stated that the Board cannot at this time state whether the conditions can be or cannot be made, but any further statements he so desires to make should be made at this time as this is the time set aside for the hearing. The Lawrence property was not included in this Assessment District because it was felt it was not appropriate to place large assessments on unsubdivided lots. The District has contributed $100,000 towards this assessment district to help reduce the assessments charged against the property owners. If at anytime some of the parcels are subdivided, they wi,1 then be charged a fee and the district will then recover some of the money advanced. Harlan E. Moyer stated that if the private areas so desired to construct their own assessment district, they would then be de-annexed from the South Tahoe Public Utility District. They would then have to come into the South Tahoe Public Utility District sewer system and the cost would become slightly higher and they would also have to construct same facilities according to the design of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. There would also be the possibility of a financial problem on this type of construction. Attorney John C. Weidman also stated that the owners should investigate if the County would let them form an assessment district and would also have to obtain approval from LAFCO, E1 Dorado County and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. WRITTEN PROTESTS were read by the President of the Board, Engineer and Attorney Hill. Requested by representative of Lot 104, 105, Ebright, parcel 77 and by Mr. J. Alegria to waive the reading of their protests, however, they wish their protests to stand. PRESIDENT FESLER THEN ASKED FOR ALL ORAL PROTESTS: Mr. Jim Norman, Attorney, from Auburn, California representingW. Stetsen andJ. Alegria. Mr. Norman stated that Mr. Stetsen had built hishr~m straddling two lots and received an assessment notice of $11,000. Mr. J. Alegria also has two individual parcels, one of which he had to acquire to a nd HEARING/PROTEST 1970-2 Assessment District -4- August 12, 1971 President Fesler stated that the change in the assessment charges does have another slant and this Board feels that action cannot be taken this evening; also, one of the Directors of this Board is attending the University of Indiana to obtain his Master's Degree and will return this coming week, and another Director - Edward E. Hegarty, is a property owner in this Assessment District. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that he will be prepared to make a recommenda- tion to the Board as to what can be done regarding the one or two unit charges, whereby the owner feels it should be a one-unit rather than a two-unit charge. In answer to a question - Attorney Hill stated that the owner cannot be re-assessed for sewers at a later time; the assessment will be based on only one acre - - one acre and less. You/the property owner - would no longer have to pay for sewers. If one owns a parcel that is more than one acre, then the sewer cost is now being assessed, upon the recommendation of the Engineer. If one owns two acres, they will pay for one acre and if in the future the extra acreage is Utilized,additional money will be due. President Fesler continued the hearing to August 26 1971 8:00 P.M District Office. ' ' · This meeting was adjourned at 11:10 P.M. ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk af Board & ex-Officio Secretary of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District NOiJEI~'I' W-~ k'ES£ER', Presic~ent South Tahoe Public Utility District BID OPENING, 8/10/71/Assessment District 1970-2 Present for the bid opening were President Robert W. Fesler, Director Edward E. Hegarty, Director GeraldG. Ream, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineers Harlan E. Moyer and Donald Showalter. Following bids were received and taken under advisement: Sub Terra, Inc. Schedule I 370,942.50 Box 199, Tahoe City Schedule II 154,500.00 $525,442.50 1 or 1 + II -2- AU~US~ 10~ J[971 W.II. Ebert Corp& Spartan Cons. Corp 1620 S. Seventh St San Jose, Cal~rnia Kaplan-Crasper-Olsen Box 3247 Daly City, California Engineer's Estimate: Schedule I Schedule II Schedule I Schedule II Schedule I Schedule II 439,449.00 .121,000.00 $530,462.00 552,478.25 157,200.00 $709,678.25 $424,000.00 140,000.00 $564,000.00 I or I+II REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ..... AUGUST 19, 19Yl The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session 8/19/71, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Donald II. Kortes, Robert Wakeman, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Attorney ]'ohn C. Weidman; Earl P. IIardie, Chief Operator, Julian Lee Chada - Foreman, Murle Spencer - Foreman of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 8/5/71 and 8/12/71 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed the three (3) employees from the District. They are to accept certificates for Safety Training. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Rus~sell L. Cut~ "Manager's Report - August 19, 1971: The Board met in study session on Wednesday, 8/11/71 to prepare for the public hearing on Assessment District 1970-2 which was held on the following evening. hearing was continued to August 26, 1971, 8:00 P.M. The The Board met in study session on 8/18/71 to discuss the budget for 1971-72 fiscal year. Word has been received from Congressman Johnson that the BLM appropriation of $197,000 + for construction of recreation facilities at Indian Creek Reservoir has received final approval and has been signed by President Nixon." Manager Culp also stated that we have had several requests for board consideration of the problem of septic tank pumpage and holding pumpage from Mr. S. Freeborn of Echo and BillAnderman of the County IIealth Department. Manager Culp recommended a Study Session be scheduled to discuss this. The high rate of receiving septic tank pumps here at the plant has been giving some problems. REGUIA R MEETING -2- AUGUST 19,19Yl ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. We[dman, Attorney, stated that Harootunian's Attorney has filed his second amended complaint and same will be heard on the 27th of August. Attorney We[dman, Engineer Moyer, Manager Culp met with BLM representatives on 8/12/71. President Nixon did sign the appropriation for $19?,000 to BLM for construction of the recreational facilities at Indian Creek Reservoir, which is what this $19Y,000 is for and for no other use. The District will contribute $36,000. Mr. We idman stated that the Davis-Grunsky will not pay the grants until the construct[on is completed; the project may not be completed by June of 19?2. Mr Weidman will also draft an option contract for the Tahoe Keys and Tahoe Sierra Water Company from their letter of intent. The State contract was received and Mr. Weidman stated that he will draft a letter to the State stating we are submitting the correct contract amended in accordance with the law. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance. No report. President Fesler welcomed D[rectfr Kortes back from Indiana where he has been attending college for the summer months. 2 . Water. Listed on agenda. 3. Environmental Protection: No report - no meeting. Director Ream stated that he took a tour of Section 10 area and noticed that the seeds that were planted did grow and germinate and die because of the lack of water; however, next year should cover the area nicely. Also, the U.S.Government did post the signs that the District had printed at their request. 4. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: No report. There is a meeting scheduled Friday, August 20 at the Tahoe Sands at noon regarding the Health Preservation and Resources; all Directors that can attend were asked to make it a point to be at that meeting. 5. Public Relations: Met last Wednesday to discuss the signs to be posted near the railroad corssing and entrance to the plant. Report to the Board and Present Sample of Sign or report as to size, etc. Also, Director Hegarty stated that he felt there should be a sign to the entrance of the District Conference Room containing "leading the nation in water reclamation" - South Tahoe Public Utility District .... Director Hegarty also mentioned that he felt this Board should send a telegram thanking President Nixon for the appropriation o! $197,000 for construct[on of recreational facilities at Indian Creek Reservoir. The Board felt that Congressman Bizz Johnson was the person that initiated the funds and should be the one contacted. Director Hegartywill make some arrangement to thank Congressman Johnson and make a report back to the Board. REGULAR MEETING -3- August 19, 1971 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. AWARD OF SAFETY TRAINING CERTIFICATES: Present to receive these certificates were Earl P. Hardie, Julian Lee Chada and Murle F. Spencer. They attended a Safety Training Program at Palm Springs, California. Earl Hardie stated that he received many ideas from this conference and also stated that he learned how to handle safety programs and what the responsibilities were as supervisors. Julian Lee Chada stated that he learned that there is a reason for every accident and an alert supervisor and staff who have the training can solve and stop most of the accidents by alerting all personnel of any of the possibilities that could and would cause accidents. Murle Spencer stated that he learned a considerable amount of knowledge on guarding machinery and equipment. Director Wakeman presented the certificates to the three employees and pictures were also taken. President Fesler stated that we are all proud of the work being done by all of the employees but more so proud of the fine job done by the supervisors and the completion of this training program means as much to the Directors as to the employees. 2. BUDGET, FOR FISCAL YEAR 1971-1972: - Lengthy discussion was held regarding the budget and whether to leave the tax rate as it is, decrease it or increase it. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the budget be approved and Ordinance No. 212, "An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Stating the Purpose for Which Taxes are Necessary, Fixing the Amount of Money to be Raised by Taxation, Fixing of Rate of Taxes, 1971-72 Fiscal Year. (TAX RATE = $1.15) Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 213, "AN Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District for Improvement District No. U-1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Estimating the Minimum Amount of Money to be Raised by Taxation for Said District and Fixing of Rate of Taxes. (Decrease of .05¢, TAX RATE SET AT .75¢) RESOLUTION NO. 1590: A Resolution of the South Tahoe Public Utility District adding to and making a part of the annual assessment levied upon the land upon which sewer service was used and charges therefor unpaid at the time of fixing the rate of taxes 1971-72 fiscal year. ($123,000 street lighting and sewer charges delinquent). DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1590 be approved as presented. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-2: Construction Bids: Letter was received from Northern Nevada Chapter of National Electrical Contractor's Association - this was a copy sent to the District of a letter written to the State of California. / ~..77 ~,~u,,~ lvl~:~:'±'lN(3 -4- August 19, 1971 ORDINANCE NO. 214, "An Ordinance Calling Special District Election for Acquiring and Improving Private lA;ater Companies" Director HegartM moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Ordinance No. 214 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 1591, "A Resolution Requesting Consolidation of Elections Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Resolution No. 1591 be approved. Ordinance No. 214 and Resolution No. 1591 will be hand-carried to Carl Kelly the County Clerk on Friday Morning, 8/20/71. C OMM UNICATI ONS: 1. Meeting Notices:APC AND TRPA, Crystal Bay Club, 10:00 AM on 8/25/71 2. Letter from HUD concerning FHA moratorium 3. Letter from Governor O'Callaghan PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director lA;akeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $107,226.57 be approved as recommended by Assistant General Manager David lA;. Callahan. AD7OURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. to 8/26/71, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROBER~W[ FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board ex-Officio Secretary of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District AD[OURNED CONTINUED HEARING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 26, 19Yl 8:00 PM The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned continued hearing of assessment district no. 1970-2, 8:00 PM, District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert lA;. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Robert lA/akeman, Donald H. Kortes and Gerald G. Ream, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David IA/. C~llahan, Attorney ~.C. lA/eidman, Attorney Robert ~. Hill, EnGineer Don ~q¼n~^~]~r T=~ ADIOURNED CONTINUED HEARING -2- Atlgtls~ 26, 1971 //~ President Fesler asked Engineer Mover to make his report on the revised Assessment District No. 1970-2. Engineer Mover stated that as a result of the oontinued hearing two weeks ago, they have again reviewed the engineer's report and have recomputed some of the assessments. The major assessments are in Area "D". Mr. Mover stated that he did give the estimated reviewed assessments at the last hearing. Many protests were entered on the basis of assessment units and engineers have reviewed each of these particular protests. Engineer Mover stated that he would recommend that PARCEL 23, AREAA - owner -WIGGINS, assessment be charged as one unit instead of two; also AREA "D", PARCELS 97 AND 98, was recommended to be charged as one unit instead of two. The District will contribute $100,000 for trunk sewers and pump station capacity and in the event that properties that are now not assessed and should require service in the future - the money will then be collected out of the proceedings to reimburse the District for their contribution. Another change - all large parcels of one acre or larger - that the District defer payment of the right-of-service fee at this time [nAREAS B, C, D, and the collection of the USFS major facility which if in excess of one acre. The fees will still be payable if, in fact, the properties do subdivide or put to use at some later time. The assessments and diagrams have been revised to show these various changes and at this point Engineer Mover presented the assessment map and diagram to the board. Engineer Moyer stated that in past assessment districts, such as 1968-3 and 1966-2 the assessments were much higher than those in assessment district 1970-2. The as assessments in the area of 1970-2 are in tine with assessments that have been paid for properties elsewhere, Mr. Mover stated. Assessment District No. 1970-2 will be benefited by being sewered and if the contract is awarded, construction should be completed by Iune of 1972,, H.E.Moyer stated that CH2-M Hill would recommend that this Board proceed with the Assessment District based on the revised assessments and making the financial changes discussed in the Engineer's report. President Fesler called on Attorney Hill for any further statement. Mr. Hill stated that he had no further statements to make other than what he stated at the last hearing. President Fesler asked for comments from the floor. One gentleman asked what the 61.6 assessable units represented. Engineer Mover explained to him that this would represent approximately 33 acres of land. There is approximately 160 acres of un- developed and unsubd[vided land; Mr. Hammond stated that he felt the State should be paying more than one-half of the costs because they are servicing a lot of people. Engineer Moyer stated that the USFS and the State are paying together more than 1/2 of the facilities that they are using jointly, which amounts to over 70% of the costs. The USFS has no use for the facilities as they extend west of Baldwin Beach. The State is paying 4?% of the line between the private and State facilities and the 47% is more than fair based on the capacity they need and they are limited to that capacity, w hich is 15,000 gallons per day. The service does not include the boat campground ADIOURNED CONTINUED HEARING -3- AUGUST 26, 1971 MR. I. NORMAN stated that MR. C. EBRIGHT has told him that he finds himself being assessed per parcel and at the same time he is going to have a right-of-way across his parcel. The right-of-way has not been settled and he would like to have the acquisition cost apply against his assessment. Attorney Hill stated that if and when assessments are confirmed and orders for work and various acquisitions are made, then anyone's assessment will be whatever they are set for; at that point, approximately 5 or 10 days following when the assessments are recorded and notice goes out and 30 days to pay that assessment in cash. If, during that time, the 30 day period, the cost for the acquisition of the right-of-way was settled, then Mr. Ebright, or anyone else, could certainly have that credited against their assessment; after the 30 day time it would not be as easy, but it might be possible, and might take quite a bit longer. Bonds would have to be sold to produce the money to pay for the acquisitions and rights- of- way and the construction work, etc. As soon as the bonds are sold, then it would not be possible to do this. Mr. Ebright can negotiate with the District during the 30 day period. President Fesler asked if there were any additional written or oral protests. NONE. Engineer Moyer stated that if the contract is awarded, and the assessment confirmed, the contractor has 15 days to start work after the contract has been awarded. This was in answer to a question asked by one in the audience. In answer to another question, Mr. Moyer stated that because some of the homes are located below the level of where the line is going to be installed, the raw sewage will have to be pumped to the line and all septic tanks will be abandoned. Attorney Hill asked Engineer Moyer (1) with reference to the properties with relation to this $100,000 contribution not included in this assessment district; and (2) parcels in B, C, D, which exceed one acre and which your recommendation tonight is and your revised assessment roll and diagram is based on excluded the rights-of-service charge and South Tahoe Public Utility District rights-of- service charge, with respect to those parcels shown on the assessment roll and diagram, is it fair to say that the parcels related to the plans that TRPA have been considering and other public bodies with reference to acquisitions, do relate in this general area. Engineer Moyer stated yes. The two interim plans which are now under consideration and those that the Board have had by public bodies in this area - Attorney Hill asked the Directors if they- have studied those and kept up with them; all directors had. Attorney Hill stated to Engineer Moyer that this Board is well aware of his qualifications and experience in this type of a project and his work regarding the distribution of costs to the parcels. He further asked Mr. Moyer if he is familiar with the plans and assessments, relating to this project, and if same was done under his supervision, and in his opinion the revised assessments, maps and diagram, which was filed with the Utility District today and discussed at this hearing this evening, represent a fair and equitable spread of the project on the parcels to be assessed. Engineer Moyer stated yes. Attorney Hill also asked Engineer Moyer if the properties will be benefited by having a sewer system. Engineer Moyer stated yes. President Fesler stated that before he closes this hearing he would like to ask AD][OURNED CONTINUED HEARING -4- August 26, 1971 The following resolutions, and ordinance, were presented for consideration of the Board. Attorney Hill reviewed RESOLUTION NO. 1592 in detail with the Board of Directors and recommended the following be considered for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 1592: A Resolution Overruling Protests on Resolution of Intention No. 1540. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream that RESOLUTION NO. 1592 be approve d. Director Wakeman asked if there was anyone present that wanted sewers in the area. There was no comment, except that one person did state, however, that he felt he had a system that would serve him very well, and would not need the facilities now. Also, Mr. Stetson stated that it has been indicated to the property owners that they had no choice as to whether they wanted sewers or not and this was indicated by this Board and the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Bc~rd. He further stated that there would be a unanimous vote against the installation of a sewer system if the property owners were given a choice. Attorney Hill stated that at the hearing there were representatives here from the various regulatory agencies who did make a speech so the people would know reasons for installing, or considering, sewer systems in areas of the Basin. But the "Ultimate Force" as concerning putting in the sewers has come from the Federal Government and agencies of the government and not by rules or regulations of this Utility District Board of Directors. This Board is complying with Federal regulations. Attorney Hill stated that the property owners still hnve a choice and they can use or not use their property. Mr. Stetson stated that he has been flying over the area for a number of years and this was the first year that he not[ced the Emerald Bay Campground was closed and upon questioning he learned that there were no sewer facilities to serve the public. He stated that he felt the State has a greater need for the sewer system than the Home Owners. Mr. Moyer, Engineer, stated that the Federal government has placed an order that all sewage must be exported out of the basin by January 1, 1972. The law does provide a procedure for a variance. The Lahontan Board has held hearings to consider the variances and Echo Lake did receive a variance, Emerald Bay and Fallen Leaf were also considered, but granted no variance by the Lahontan Board. The State is p tting their system in and complying with the law - - the law applies to everyone. Attorney Hill stated that this Board did not make these decisions. One asked abo.~ the Sewering of Glenbrook area. Engineer Moyer stated that Nevada Law is the same as California, all sewage must be exported by January of 1972. A sewer system is being planned and does include the Glenbrook area in Nevada. VOTES: AYES: Noes: Abstained: Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes and Ream None Director Hegarty Carried. /'-~'~ ADIOURNED CONTINUED HEARING -5- August 26, 1971 RESOLUTION NO. 1594:A Resolution and Order Adopting Engineer's Report, Confirming the Assessments and Ordering the Work and Acquisitions. Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman that Resolution No. 1594 be approved. VOTES: AYES: NOES: ABSTAINED: Director Fesler, Wakeman, None Director Hegarty Kortes and Ream Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 1595: A Resolution Designating Collection Officer. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, that RESOLUTION NO. 1595 be approved: VOTES: Ayes: Noes: Abstained: Carried. Director Fesler, Wakeman, Korte~, Ream None Director Hegarty ORDINANCE NO. 215: An Ordinance of Award of Contract. Engineer Moyer recommended that the contract be awarded to frae low-bidder - Sub-Terra, of Tahoe City, California. Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, that Ordinance No. 215 be approved. VOTES: AYES: NOES: ABSTAINED: Director Fesler,Wakeman, Kortes, Ream None Director Hegarty. Carried. RESOLUTION NO. 1596: Authorizing President of the Board to Execute the Contract between the South Tahoe Public Utility District and the State of California. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1596 be approved. ADJOURNMENT: 9:35 P.M. ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTE ST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility Digict REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIO UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 2,197i The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 9/2/71, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Robert W. Fesler, Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes, Robert lNakeman and Gerald G. Ream; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Attorney John C. Weidman, Acting Clerk of Board and John Murphy - Sacramento Bee. ABSENT: Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer H.E. Moyer and Attorney R.J.Hill. MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 8/19/71 and 8/26/71 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed John Murphy, Sacramento Bee Representative, to this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: September 2, 1971 As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp: The Board met in study session on August 27 to hear a presentation by Mr. Phi1 Gruener of the South Tahoe Gas Company regarding potential savings in export pumping costs and electrical costs at the plant using natural gas powered equipment. The Gas Company and the District's Consulting Engineers are to prepare preliminary cost data and to report back to the Board. The Board met in study session on September 1st to discuss progress on sewer service to the Fallen Leaf Lake area. The Environmental Protection Committee met with Mr. John Marchini on August 30th to discuss plans for collection and disposal of toilet wastes from Echo Lakes and other areas which have been granted variances to the export mandate by the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. It appears that a good solution may be found which will be handled by private enterprise and without involving the District". PLANT OPERATION REPORT FOR AUGUST, 1 9 7 1 Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Rate Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used Alum Used 104.5 MG (July 1971 -98.4) 3.37 MGD 4.1 MG (Aug. 17) 0.0 MGD (Aug 20) None 7,710 lbs. 0 Gallons 6.8 Million Cu Ft 752,400 KWH 358 Lbs Used 13 hours, 8/8/71 and 8/25/71 Makeup: 86 tons Recalcined 170 tons 2,615 Gallons REGULAR MEETING -2- September 2, 1971 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney lohn C. Weidman stated that he has been working on the B L M Grant regarding Davis-Grunsky, Alpine County. He also received another request from Harootunian's Attorney requesting another continuance to the 10th of September. President Fesler stated that he would like to have full reports as to the legal cases pending, completed, etc., anything concerning legal matters. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: DirectorlAZakeman stated that he and Director Kortes went to Alpine County to welcome Congressman "Bizz" Johnson, who was very pleased that they did attend the get together. Director Kortes stated that the Grant which the Congressman had successfully got through Congress may or may not be granted. The President did sign the grant, but the following day the freeze was put on. It was also discussed that Congressman [ohnson might have Alpine and E1 Dorado Counties taken away when the redistricting takes place. 2. Finance: No report. 3. lAZater: Hand-carried the Resolution to Placerville to Carl Kelly, County Clerk, and the water issue will be put on the ballot on November 2nd. President Robert IAi. Fesler also stated that we should try to attend as many service groups as possible and discuss the water problem and let them be aware of what this Board is doing in this regard. 4. Environmental Protection Committee: Directc~Gerald G. Ream stated that he, Director Donald H. Kortes and Manager Russell L. Culp met on August 30th with Mr. Iohn Marchini of the Tahoe Bssln Container Company regarding disposal of toilet wastes from Echo and other areas that were granted variances by the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. The Committee gave Mr. Marchini a good picture of what could and could not be expected from the Echo Association and we hope that he can work out some type of an agreement with the Echo Lake Association and hopefully they can handle this and export it out of the basin. Manager Culp stated that he did send a letter to the County Sanitarian and to the President of the Echo Lake Association. He also mentioned that Bill Anderman thought this was a good idea. Director Kortes stated to the Board that it was very encouraging to hear and see Iohn Marchini's response to this request. 5. Public Relations: No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The Following Resolutions were presented for adoption, Assess- ment District No. 1970-2: 1. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1956-1, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1597, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1956-1 September 2, 1971 Regular Meeting UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) 5. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-3, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1601, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1960-3 6. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-4: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1602, a Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1960-4 7. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1961-1, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1603, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1961-1 8. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1962-1, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1604, a Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1962-1 9. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1605, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1964-1 10 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1606, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1966-2 11. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1967-1 12. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-2, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1608, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1967-2 13. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-3B, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1609, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1967-3B 14. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-4A, Consider RESOLUTION No. 1610, A Resolution Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1967-4A 15. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-4B, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1611, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1967-4B 16. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-1, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1612, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1968-1 17. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-3F, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1613, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1968-3F 18. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-3G, Consider RESOUTION NO. 1614, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1968-3G 19. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1970-1, Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1615, a Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessments to Project 1970-1 Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1597 through 1615 be approved as presented. President Fesler asked Manager Culp what the progress on 1971-1 was and Manager Culp stated that CH2M-Hill are still working on the plans and same are near completion. NEW BUSINESS: None MEETING -4- September 2, 1971 COMMUNICATIONS (continued) 2. Invitation from Alpine County to attend installation of Hilary Cook, Former District Attorney, as Superior Court Judge at 1:30 P.M., Friday September 10th at Markleevflle Courthouse , 3. Notice - TRPA Meeting at Crystal Bay Club on 9/10/71 4. Meeting at Placerville, 9:00 AM, E1 Dorado Human Resources Development Office regarding emergency manpower. Attorney Weidman will attend. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amo_unt of $31,298.74 be approved as presented and as recommended by Manager R ssell L. Culp ' ADJOURNMENT: 9:10 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, PRESIDENT South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CAL~HAN, Clerk of Board & Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS .OF. T~F.,. SOUTH TAHOE PuBLIc' UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 16,1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 9/16/71, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Feeler, Directors Edward E. Hegar~ RobertWakeman, Donald H. Kortes, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C.Weidman, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee. ABSENT: Director Gerald G. Ream and Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. MINUTES: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 9/2/71 be approved as corrected. (Marchini's name ~nispelled.) RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: John Murphy - Sacramento Bee. Regular Meeting -2- September 16, 1971 MANAGER'S REPORT: As reported by Manager Russell L. Culp: "September 16, 1971 The District's argument for a "yes" vote on the water issue was submitted to the County Clerk on Monday, August 13th. No arguments were filed against the issue. One item of special interest is the fact that unit power costs at the Luther Pass Pump Station have been reduced from 1.7¢ to 1.2¢ per kilowatt hour due to lower power demand charges during the heavy use period which has just passed. This can be credited to improved station operation and preventative maintenance by Bernie Montbriand and his pump station crew. If this continues, the annual savings will amount to about $30,000.00:' Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: None ATTORNEY'S REPORT: The DistriCt has been granted one employee (P E P) - the County has relinquished approximately 20 employees to the other agencies. Other bus[ness listed on agenda. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: No meeting, no report. However, the Insurance Plan is due for a review and it was agreed that adate will be scheduled following October 7th. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Committee: No report. 3. Water: Met to discuss of the water project. and prepare the argument to go along with the ballot in favor Bill Johnson, E1 Dorado County Supervisor, asked that a question and answer article be prepared and given to him to be included in his mailing list. Manager Culp will do same and hand-carry to Mr. Johnson for his next issue. 4. Environmental Protection: No meeting - no report. 5. Public Relations: Director Edward E. Hegarty stated that he met with Manager Culp to discuss the sign that will be put up at the foot of Johnson Road. Also, when Director Ream returns, many meetings will be scheduled to discuss and plan presentations regarding the Water Issue. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-2: a. RESOLUTION NO. 1616, A Resolution Determining that the Public Interest and Necessity Require the Acquisition of Certain Lands and Rights-of-Entry Thereon and Directing the Filing of Eminent Domain Proceedings. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 1616 and 1617 be approved as presented. REGULAR MEETING -3- September 16, 1971 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (Continued) 3. SURFACING ENTRANCE ROAD TO PLANT: Consider Authorizing District's Engineers to Prepare Construction Plans and Specifications for Bidding Purposes. President Fesler stated that he felt the Manager could prepare the Plans and Specifications for this project. Manager Culp stated that he did not feel this was a project that should be done by him and recommended that same be requested of the Engineers. Following disoussion, Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, that the Engineers be Authorized to Prepare Construction Plans and Specifications for Surfacing South Entrance Road to Plant. VOTES: AYES: Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Hegarty NOES: Director Fesler ABSENT: Director Gerald G. Ream Carried ...... 4. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1618, A Resolution Approving Specifications and Calling for Sealed Proposals for One Complete Rotating Assembly for the 700 HP Pump Units. (Bids to be received and opaned on 10/14/Yl or on 10/28/Yl) Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1618 be approved. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Letter from Insurance Agent (Reed-Menelye~_requesting that the District waive the insurance coverage for Sub-Terra, "Builder's Risk Requirements" Following discussion, it was agreed that any action on this request be postponed until a recommendation is received from the Consulting Engineers - CH2M. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Thomas Kelly. Regarding 11/2/71 election, water issue. Suggesting that the incumbents appear on a panel to discuss the water issue; and also that the candidates appear on another panel to discuss same. Manager Culp will contact Mr. Thomas Kelly and mention the meeting of 10/21-22, and state that perhaps he would like to be in attendance for that hearing. We have scheduled this hearing and have gone through a lot of trouble to have some experts attend this hearing. The candidates are on their own, as far as the District is concerned, President Fesler stated. ~ 2. TRPA meeting notice; Elk's Lodge, 10:00 AM, Wednesday 9/22/71 3. Meeting notice, Water Pollution Control Federation (National Meeting) Civic Center, San Francisco, 10/3-8/71 4 Meeting notige, Lake Tahoe Area Council, Four Seasons Restaurant, Tahoe City, 6:3'0 PM, 9/24/71- SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 27, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special Session on 9/27/71, 3:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Wakeman and Hegarty, Attorney John C. Weidman, Harlan E. Moyer, lack Iensen of CH2M-Hill, Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Mr. Stan Meyer. ABSENT: Directors Gerald G. Ream and Donald H. Kortes. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. SURFACING SOUTH ENTRANCE ROAD TO PLANT: (a) Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1 6 1 9, A Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling for Sealed Proposals for Asphalt Surfacing and Sealing. (BID OPENING Scheduled for 10/14/Yl, 3:00 P.M., District Office). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1 6 1 9 be approved. MISCELLANEOUS: TRPA Meeting is scheduled at the Cal Neva, Wednesday, at 10:00 A.M. and Manager Culp stated that one item of interest might be the Building Moratorium to apply to California. Attorney Weidman stated that maybe this District should get a positive statement to the Board of TRPA before Wednesday. Following discussion, Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager be authorized to appear at the TRPA meeting Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. at the Cai Neva and make the statement that this Board opposes the building moratorium and also he is to prepare a statement as to what this District has done towards pollution, etc. NEW BUSINESS: 1. ENGINE DRIVEN DEWATERING PUMP: (a) Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1620, A Resolution Approving Specifications and calling for Sealed Proposals. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1620 be approved. 2. Manager Culp stated that Mr. Stan Meyer was in the office this morning to discuss the water situation and wanted to know what the cost factors were and Manager Culp stated he mentioned to Mr. M~yer that perhaps later in the week we could give him some information on that. President Fesler stated that it is the intention of this District to hold a Public Hearing on the Water Situation on 10/22/71 at 8:00 P.M. and there will be several people in attendance that have stated they will be bappy to support the efforts of this District reqardinq acaufr[na tba Watar Carnnani~ T-T~,-I=. lm 1N/r SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS · OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 1, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special Session on October l, 1971, 3:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes and Gerald G. Ream; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Attorney John C. Weidman, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Jack Jensen Engineer from CH2M-Hii1, Attorney L.H. Berkson, Mr. MacSween, Mr. Crawford and Connie Picking and John Murphy. PURPOSE OF MEETING: Contract with Nevada District. Mr. G. Crawford stated to the Board that the other members of Tahoe Douglas and Kingsbury were unable to attend this meeting, however, a meeting is scheduled with Tahoe Douglas Monday evening, October 4, 7:30 P.M., and Attorney 'Berkson will give a report then as to what takes place at this meeting to the Tahoe Douglas and Kingsbury Boards. Attorney Weidman stated that we are on an option time which expires 11/30/71 and we have not changed the contract from when it was first executed other than to extend the time of the option period. President Fesler stated that the contract between this District and Nevada was the result of many meetings and much time and consideration and since that time so much has happened - different ones of the Nevada District's have mentioned that parts of the contract are unacceptable and one part was regarding the costs. The Nevada District would like to receive credit for the P.L. 660 Grant Funds. Attorney Berkson stated that this meeting was called because of the insistance of Kingsbury General Improvement District. There was a meeting with the Commisioners and Tahoe Douglas and Kingsbury to get final consideration as to which plant should be contracted with and as of now Nevada has the option agreement with the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The District's and County, at this point, Mr. Berkson stated, are free to go into either plant. Attorney Berkson stated that he does not feel the State of California can or should restrict this Board from giving Nevada credit of Federal l~unds. This condition of the Division of Water Quality Control should not be a binding provision, Mr. Berkson stated. Manager Culp stated that he spoke with a Mr. John Nelson from Mr. Bonderson's office and read the letter that was received from Mr. DeFalco and Manager Culp asked Mr. Nelson if the conditions would still apply and Mr. Nelson stated that those conditions,he felt, were still valid and should apply - we still have to speak with Mr. Bonder$on, Mr. Culp stated. President Fesler stated that the question of the EPA Grant is one negotiation in the approach of Nevada coming with this District. Connie Picking stated that the Kingsbury Board members still feel very strongly about coming into the California plant. She also stated that there are some matters in SPECIAL MEETING -2- October 1, 1971 /~'~/~ Mr. Crawford stated thatthe Commissioners did attend the Kingsbury meeting and they did say they would not :do anything that did not have the approval of the two Nevada Boards. Both Nevada Boards instructed the County that they wanted to go through the South Tahoe Public Utility District by a vote and a letter to the Commissioners. Mr. Crawford stated that they would like to have a comparison to show to the Commissioners as to going with Nevada/Round Hill or coming into South Tahoe. President Fesler stated that we have been cooperative with Nevada in the past and have now spent more money that the option money will ever compensate us for and we are taking advantage of our taxpayer's far more than we are going to be compensated for. President Fesler also stated that within 30 days this District is going to election on 11/2/71 and ask our taxpayer's to let us go into the Water Business and we do not want anything controversial to enter into this because this is a very important consideration to us. Nevada has requested that the contract be amended as follows: (1) To contract forjoint use of facilities in 100,000 gallons per day increments; (2) Amend the excess sewage flow measurement provision from any five consecut-ive 24 hour period to the average of any 30 consecutive 24 hour periods; (3) Subject to approval of the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality Control, the South Tahoe Public Utility District would be willing to give credits for PL 660 monies received by the District in determining the cost for joint use facilities. Nevada representatives left the conference room to allow discussion between the Directors of this District regarding the ~bove requests. Following discussion, Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the requests of Nevada, mentioned above, be authorized and the letter to the Douglas County Commissioners be authorized. ADJOURNMENT: 4:30 P.M. ATTEST: '1 DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District R(DBERT lA/-. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOl/TH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRIiT OCTOBER 7, 1971 Due to a lack of a quorum, the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the ADIOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 14, 1971, The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular adjourned session on 10/14/71, 8:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Gerald G. Ream, Donald H. Kortes, Manager Russell L. Culp, Engineers lack lensen and A.L. Shoupe, Attorneylohn C. Weidman and Candidate for District Seat Louis Caspary. ABSENT: President Robert W. Fesler, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer and Attorney Robert 1. Hill. CHAIRMAN PRO TEM: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that Director Ream be appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this meeting. MINUTES: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of September 16, 1971, Regular Meeting, and the Special Meeting of 9/27/71 and 10/1/?1 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Chairman Ream welcomed Louis Caspary and Les Shoupe to this meeting. Manager's Report - October 14, 1971, as presented by Manager Russell L. Culp: "The Board met in study session on October 1 and October 13. Representatives of the District attended the following meetings; Lake Tahoe Area Council -Sept. 24, Sierra Economic Development District - Sept. 28; the Water Pollution Control Federation - 10/3 through 8, and a meeting regarding Insurance for Utility Districts. The Plant Operations Report for September is attached. I have a series of meetings with various civic organizations scheduled for the next three weeks to discuss water company acquisition. A Public Hearing on this question is scheduled for 8:00 P.M., Friday- October 22nd at the District Board Room" PLANT OPERATION FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1971: Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Ratw Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used Alum Used 83.9 MG (Aug. 1971~- 104.5) 2.80 MGD 3.7 MG(Sept. 7) 8.9 MGD (Sept. 5) None 6,235 lbs 0 gallons 6.4 Million Cu Ft 727,200 KWH 359 lbs Not Used Makeup: 86 tons---Recalcined: 170 tons 3,580 gallons SEPTEMBER 1970 - One Year Ago: Total Plant Flow DaLly Average 74.1 2.47 MGD Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manaqer's Report be approved as presented. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported byA.L. Shoupe, Engineer: 1970-1 Terry Construction: Pump station is in at Stateline, Minor clean-up left to do, project has been accepted and passed for connections. 1970-2: Sub-Terra, Inc. - 40% complete on the pipe line and 15% complete on the pump station. Director Hegarty stated that all residents are pleased with Sub-Terra's work and the contractor is also very pleased with the cooperation and very appreciative of the Engineers - CH2M-Hill' ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Filed eminent Doma[nAgainst Ebright's; also, Mr. Weidman stated that he attended the Insurance Agents Seminar and stated that he felt this one of the best seminar's of the non-legal nature and it was very valuable. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. FINANCE: Met AttorneyWe/dman at the Insurance Seminar last Thursday. Director Kortes also mentioned that this seminar was well worth attending. He pointed out many points of interest regarding "Risk Management" that he felt was very benef/cLal. 2. LEGISLATIVE & INTERGOVERNMENTAL COMMITTEE: Director Wakeman stated there was no meeting, however, there is a California Special District's Association meeting in San Diego on October 27, 28, 29 and 30, and he cannot attend this but would like to have his Committee Member Director Hegarty, and Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan attend. Referred to New Business for action. 3. WATER: Manager Russell L. Culp stated that he has attended many meetings to discuss the water issue and also a meeting with the News Editor regarding same. He has not encountered any opposition regarding the water issue. 4. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: No meeting. 5. PUBLIC RELATIONS: Director Hegarty stated that he attended the Water Pollution Control Federation at San Francisco. Also met here at the District with representatives from Washington, D.C., and Sierra Economic Development Department. Meeting scheduled for October 19, 1971 - 4:00 P.M. at the District with SEDD. Director Hegarty also stated that he was amazed and very pleased to learn how well known our Manager is and how famous he is, and stated that we are very fortunate to have Mr. Culp as our Manager. He is known and famous for his past and present work; this was mentioned time and again at the National Water Pollution Convention. The Board agreed with Director Hegarty's statements. Chairman Pro Tem Ream opened the hearing on the various assessment districts for amended assessments, at 8:45 P.M. - There were no written or oral protests received and the hearing was closed at 8:55 P.M. The following RESOLUTIONS were presented for adoption and/or consideration: 1. Assessment District No. 1956-1: Resolution No. 1621, a Resolution Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1956-1. 2. RESOLUTION 1622, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessments to Pr~i~ot 1Q~Q-1 OCTOS .R 14, 1971 -3- Regular Meeting 8. RESOLUTION NO. 1628, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1962-1 9. RESOLUTION NO. 1629, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1964 -1 10. RESOLUTION NO. 1630, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1966-2 11. RESOLUTION NO. 1631, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1967 -1 12. RESOLUTION NO. 1632, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1967-2 13. 14. RESOLUTION NO. 1633, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1967-3B RESOLUTION NO. 1634, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1967 -4A 15. RESOLUTION NO. 1635, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessments to Projects 1967-4B 16. RESDLUTION NO. 1636, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1968-1 17. 18. RESOLUTION NO. 1637, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1968-3F RESOLUTION NO. 1638, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1968-3G 19. RESOLUTION NO. 1639, A Resolution Confirming Amended Assessments to Project 1970-1 Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Resolution Nos. 1621 through 1639 be approved as presented. 20. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1970-2 , Schedule I, Sub-Terra, Inc. - Contractor: a. Consider change order No. 1 - Decrease of $306.00, and b. Consider Change order No. t, Sub-Terra, Inc., - Contractor, Schedule II Increase $3,972.00. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that Change Order No.1 for Schedule I and Schedule II be approved as presented. 21. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-2: Consider request of Sierra Pacific Power Company regarding Parcel ~18 282 10, requesting same be excluded from Assessment District. Following a lengthy discussion - the Manager, Engineer, and Bonding Attorney had recommended that this parcel not be excluded from the Assessment District. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that ,~,~ooer 1~, 1971 -4- Reguia~ Meet[ng ,/~? ,~/~ 22. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1970-2: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1640, A Resolution Calling for bids on sale of Improvement Bonds at 4:30 P.M. on November 18, 1971 Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1640 be approved. 23. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-2:A Resolution Determ[ning that the Issuance of Subdistrict Bonds is not Subject to Prior Investigation, Report and Approval by Califorr/a Districts Securities Commission -South Tahoe P.U.D. -Assessment District No. 1970-2. RESOLUTION NO. 1644. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1644 be approved as presented. 24. PURCHASE OF DEWATERING PUMP AND TRAILER: (a) Report of Bid Opening. One bid from South Shore Machine Shop was received - $3,431.15 plus California Sales Tax. Manager Culp recommended acceptance of this bid. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1641, be approved as presented, and recommended by the Manager. 25. PAVING SOUTH ENTRANCE ROAD TO PLANT: (a) Report on bid opening: - One bid was received and that from Tahoe Asphalt and Paving Company in the amount of $17,806.18. Engineer and Manager recommended acceptance of same. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1642 be approved, A Resolution Awarding Contract for Paving of South Entrance Road to Plant, to Tahoe Asphalt and Paving Company. 26. PURCHASE OF ROTATING ASSEMBLY FOR 700 H P PUMP AT LUTHER PASS: a. Bid Opening: One bid was received from Byron Jackson Pump Company b. RESOLUTION NO. 1643, A Resolution Awarding Contract for purchase of rotating assembly to Byron-Jackson Pump Company in their bid price of $7,696.28. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1643 be approved, as recommended by the Manager. 27. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM: Contract between E1 Dorado County and the District for Utility Man II, $7,104.00 per year from the first of November through the 26th of August 1972. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried that the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract agreement. ' NEW BUSINESS: California Special District's Association Convention, San Diego - October 27th through October 30, 1971. The approval of the Board was given for Director Hegarty and Assistant Manager David W. Callahan to attend the convention. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) Invitation from California Sec. AWWA to hold annual meeting in 1976 at South Tahoe - Board was in agreement with this. (2) Letter from Sierra Pacific Power Company regarding Power outages and lack of backup service. (Delay in obtaining the right-of-way). (3) Davis Grunsky contract extension to 5/5/72. -5- Reg utlar Meeting October 14, 1971 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan in the amount of $227,632.31 and the transfer of funds in the amount of $100,000.00 be approved. ADIOURNMENT: 9:35 P.M. Gerald G Re~'m · , Chairman Pro Tem South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN , Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District ..... November 4, 1971 The Board of Directors met in a regular session on November 4, 1971, 8:00 P.M. at District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, RobertWakeman, Donald H. Kortes. Also present were General Manager RussellL. Culp, Engineer Jack Jensen, Assistant Manager DavidW. Callahan, also Clerk of Board; John Murphy and Jeff Cohen - Newspaper Reporters, Greg Hansen, Marvin Smiley- Fire Chief, Ralph Andersen, Les Berkson -Attorney for Nevada Districts, Glenn Crawford - Nevada District, Jan Wakeman. ABSENT: Director Gerald G. Ream, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer and Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded bf Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 10/14/71 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: As Presented by Russell L. Culp, General Manager: "Attached to your agenda is a copy of the plant operations report for October 1971. Wastewater flows continue to be up slightly more than 10% from those of a year ago. The Board conducted a public hearing on acquisition of the water companies on Friday, 10/22/71 and met in study session on 11/3/71 to discuss the election results and the future of the water issue. Most of my time since our last meeting on October 14th has been devoted to meetings with civic clubs and others to discuss the water question. It was an enjoyable, enlightening, but unfortunately, an unsuccessful effort to secure a favorable vote on REGUIA X MEETING -2- November 4, 1971 / .~/o~ Manager's Report (Continued) Plant Operation for October 1971 Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Peak Flow Rate Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used: Alum Used 71.8 MG (Sept. 1971= 83.9 MG) 2.3t MGD 6.8 MGD (9/24/71) None 5,465 lbs None 5.9 Million Gu Ft 604,800 KWH 255 Lbs Empty - Not Used Makeup= 28 tons Recalcined: 15.3 Tons 1,250 gallons Plant Operational Flows for October 1970: Plant Flow Daily Average 64.1 2.1" President Fesler stated that Manager Culp did a good deal of good visiting almost every service club on the South Shore and the District is better off by getting the information across to the people. Director Hegarty agreed that he felt as President Fesler did and that Manager Culp did an excellent job. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: None CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by Jack Jensen: Contract and Amounts' Contractor Completion Dates A.D. 1970-2 Sub Terra Inc 7/15/72 Sch. I ($370,942.50) Amount Completed o{%) 80% Sch. II Sub Terra, Inc 7/21/72 ($154,500.00) 16% A.D. 1970-1 Terry Cons. Co. 4/5/71 ($35,070.00) 98% Utility District Re pa ving ($17,806.18) Tahoe Asphalt 11/20/71 75% Director Hegarty stated that Sub-Terra, Inc., is doing a ~antastic job in the Assessment District and feels that they are one of the outstanding contractors the District has had. President Fesler stated that he has hard from Attorney John C. Weidman, who is on vacation and that he did get himself a deer. Regular meeting -3- November 4, 1971 COMMITTEE RE PORTS: 1. Finance: No meeting and No report - - Assistant Manager Callahanstated that he and Auditor John Ehlman would like to have a meeting with the Finance Committee. Also, the Board wants to review the insurance policy and same scheduled for November 10, 1971, 3:00 P.M. , District Office. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committe · D~rector Hegarty attended the Conferen~ ~e ..... · ..... e. No meeting. ' ~ ~ ~, ~s[r~cts, San Diego, and stated that it was most interesting and very informational. 3. Water - All business to be discussed under Old Business. 4. Environmental Protection: Director Ream absent - no report. 5. Public Relations: Met two times to discuss the water election and worked on the campaign for a "YES" vote for the water issue. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Water Election: General Discussion ...... President Fesler stated that he would like to convey to the people who worked on the Citizen's Committee our appreciation to them. Aletter will be sent out to each member of the Committee and another letter will be sent to Tahoe Keys Water Company and to the Tahoe Sierra Water Company stating that because of the unfavorable vote there would be no further action regarding the option. President Fesler stated that the District did the best they could and put the best program they could to the people; we were not trying to convince the people of anything and the District could have proceeded without an election if they so desired. However, if at some date in the future the Public wants to initiate some action on this through a petition they can do so. Director Wakeman stated that he spoke with Mr. Frank Newell who wanted to know what people would do who really wanted the District to take over the water systems. Director Wakeman mentioned to Mr. Newell that the public would have to petition the Board and mentioned that it would take a certain percentage of the votes cast (during the general election) to bring it to the District's attention. Director Wakeman asked Fire Chief Smiley if,without water, the fire department is to keep the fire from spreading rather than putting it out. Fire Chief Smiley answered that when exposures are threatened the Fire Department protects the expos ute s. ' President Fesler stated that the official posture of the District now is in the future. We stand ready to respond by a request from the people as we are not refusing to look at this in the future and will work with any interested group. Mr. Greg Hansen stated that he wished to congratulate the incumbents that were re-elected and that this should be a vote of confidence for the entire board. Mr. Hansen stated that he felt the election failed because not enough information was put across to the public to give them enough time to think about the issue. The opponents of the issue would probably be converted if they were aware of the problem. Mr. Hansen also stated that as an indication one of the opponents had a larae NOVEMBER 4, 1971 -4- Reguiar Meeting Mr. M. Smiley stated that just after the election his office was absolutely swamped with telephone calls and whether they will have fire protection or not in their areas. He stated that the election is not a lost issue and this election is not taken, and should not be taken, as a personal defeat. Mr. Smiley stated that he does look for the leaders of this community to carry this further and not let it die here. Manager Culp stated that he received a call from Bud Ogden of Tahoe Keys and Mr. Ogden would like to meet with this Board. 2. NEVADA DISTRICTS - SERIfICE: - Attorney L.H. Berkson stated that he was here this evening to request an extension of the option agreement to 3/1/72. Another request was for credit of the P.L. 660 funds. Following a lengthy discussion, Director Hegarty moved that the option agreement with Nevada be extended to March 1, 1972. Motion died for a lack of a second. Attorney Berkson stated that they would like to know one way or the other as to what possible action might be taken regarding their request, and if the action is negative, then Nevada has no other choice but to forget the California plant. President Fesler stated that he did not feel Nevada Representatives could assume this Board will not extend the option, but there is not a full Board present this evening, and the Attorney is not present this evening, and therefore, action on the requests will be taken at the next regular meeting of this Board. 3. STATE CLEAN WATER GRANT 1971-72 -- Consider directing the Engineer and the Manager to prepare the required feasibility report, environmental impact statement, and application for the plant improvement project. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Engineer and the Manager prepare the required Feasibility report, as recommended by Manager Culp. 4. Assessment District 1970-2: Contract Change Order No. 2 - deferred. MR. RALPH ANDERSEN stated that word came to him early this morning that there would be many circulating a petition. They do not want to obey the will of the people. He stated that this is sad, because the people have spoken. Mr. Andersen stated that the . Taxpayer's Association cannot make recalls or back any candidate or help any candidate. The "Voice of the People Organization" is now being formed, there will be no President, Secretary, etc., but there will be a number of people in this organization. Mr. Andersen stated that he felt people should be asked their opinion when a vast project such as the water issue is planned. This new group that is being formed will be a powerful organization and they can help a candidate, and this organization will also take action on recalls, etc. NEW BUSINESS: None. November 4, 1971 -5- Regular Meeting COMMUNICATIONS: Clipping from Mountain News regarding Indian Creek Reservoir: October 22, 1971 issue of Mountain News. Congressman Harold T. "Bizz" Johnson representing the Central Sierra area, today predicted that by the end of next summer, a major camping and recreation area will have been constructed at the Indian Creek Reservoir in Alpine County. Site survey and design work has been started by Bureau of Land Management Officials in Sacramento with a time table established for awarding construction contract early next spring. The recreation development will be financed through a special $197,000 appropriation for the Bureau of Land Management, won by Congressman Johnson during congressional consideration of the Interior Appropriations Bill. The Congress, at Representative Johnson's urging, added the funds over and above the President's recommended budget. The appropriated funds now have been released to the State Bureau of Land Management office and design work has commenced. Contemplated is a recreation facility involving some 35 camping units and 20 picnic units. The normal parking, water and sanitary facilities required for this type of development are included in the package. "Also to be funded by the special appropriation," Congressman Johnson said, "Will be road access to the recreation site from the airport road, a boat launching ramp and hiking trails in the immediate area. "The Indian Creek reservoir was completed in 1967, utilizing waste water from the Lake Tahoe area basin. The basic project was constructed primarily with Federal Economic Development Administration funds. "Since completion of the reservoir the California Department of Fish and Game has developed a rainbow trout fishery there. "This project holds great promise in 2 ways," Congressman Johnson noted: "First of all, it is an outstanding demonstration of how local, state and federal governments, represented in this instance by the County of Alpine, the South Tahoe Public Utilities District, the California Department of Fish and Game, the California Department ofW ter Resources, and the Federal Bureau of Land Management, can work together to achieve a dual purpose facility which will be beneficial to the people of several areas. "Secondly, we have here an environmental development featuring the re-cycled water which has achieved national attention, t am gratified that the congress, this year, insisted that the federal government meet its responsibility in this joint effort, and we are now moving ahead on a project that should have been completed at an earlier date." ([0/19/71)" PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $186,845.26 and the Transfer of Funds in the amount of $100,000 , as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:15 P.M. / - Robert W. Fe sler, President South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 1 8, 1 9 ? 1 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on November 18, 1971, 8:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Hegarty, Wakeman, Ream and Kortes, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Assistant Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney Robert J. Hill, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineers Jack Jensen andA.L. Shoupe, Mr. and Mrs. R'.Bay , Attorney L.H. Berkson and Mr. Glenn Crawford. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 11/4/71 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bay, Mr. Glenn Crawford, and Mr. Les Berkson, appeared before the Board this evening to request an extension of the opt[on agreement which will run out on November 30th. Pres[dent Fesler stated that this Board has discussed the credit of the P.L. 660 funds and EPA funds and it does not appear feasible that this District can work that credit into the computations. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 216, An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Authorizing the Execution of an Amendment to Option Agreement between Tahoe-Douglas District, Elk Point Sanitation District, K[ngsbury General Improvement District, Kingsbury General Improvement District ~2 and South Tahoe Public Utility District, and ORDINANCE NO. 217, an Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Authorizing the Amendment of agreement for joint use of sewage disposal facilities between South Tahoe Public Utility District and Joint District Sewer Commission, Tahoe Douglas District, Elk Point Sanitation District, Kingsbury General Improvement District, Kingsbury General Improvement District ~2 and South Tahoe Public Utility District. Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that we incorporate the changes, except the one allowing credit for the grants as discussed. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp: "November 18, 1971 The Finance Committee met on Wednesday, November 10th to review the District's Insurance coverage. The Board met in Study Session on Wednesday, November 17th, to discuss the Clean Water Grant Application. Most of my time for the past week has been devoted to assisting our Consulting Engineers in preparing the application for a Clean Water Grant. Tomorrow at l:00 P.M. the Governor of Japan and the Japenese Consul from San Francisco will be visiting our plant. The signed contract for sewer service to Emerald Bay has been received from the State of California. With the Board's approval, I am planning to take five days of vacation beginning on December 6th. I plan to be in Kansas City on December ll REGULAR MEETING -2- November 18, 1971 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman reported that Harootunian' has filed an amended complaint which is in detail. Other legal business listed on tonight's agenda. COMMITTEE REPORTS: s Attorney 1. Finance: Met on 11/10/71 with Insurance Carrier Wink Ames and Mr. J. Norton, Mr. Callahan, Mr. Culp and Mr. Ehlman, President Fesler and DirectorKortes. The Insurance Policy was reviewed and decided that the items and values are adequate. Regarding the limits of our umbrella policy, the District now has a two million umbrella covering all facilities and suggested a raise to five million. Director Kortes stnted that the Finance Committee is of the opinion to leave the policy as it now is. Director Hegarty, Ream andWakeman agreed that further study is needed and same referred to Finance Committee for further study. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: Met with the Board in Reno on Monday regarding the possibility of a trip to Washington, D.C., to discuss the possibility of obtain grant funds for the District. 3. Water Committee: Same removed from Committee Reports and Agenda. 4. Environmental Protection: No report. 5. Public Relations: No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1645, A Resolution Declaring the Candidates Elected at the General District Election. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 1645 be approved. ' MONTGOMERY ESTATES UNIT NO. 9 -Assessment District: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1646, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreement with Relation to System of Domestic Sewage Dis-Assessment District. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1646 be approved as presented. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-2: a. Schedule 1. - Contractor Sub Terra, Inc. Consideration of Contract Change order No. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 1647, A Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications' DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1647 be approved as recommended by EngineerA. L. Shoupe. b. RESOLUTION NO. 1648, A Resolution Determining Unpaid Assessments and Providing for issuance of Bonds. REGULAR MEETING -3- November 18, 1971 /3~/ SEWER ASSESSMENTS ON CEMETERY LOTS OWNED BY CITY: Following discuss[on, this item was turned over to Attorney Robert J. Hill for review and recommendation to this Board. PAVING SOUTH ACCESS ROAD TO PLANT: Contractor - Tahoe Asphalt and Paving Company. a. Consideration of Contract Change Order No. 1 - Increase of $1,403.00. Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 1 be approved as recommended by EngineerA.L. Shoupe. b. RESOLUTION NO. 1649, A Resolut[onAccepting Project and Filing of Notice of Compelt[on. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1649 be approved. Also, letters will be sent to District's Insurance Carrier and to the City Fire Department stating the job is complete and the road is now available for travel. 1967 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMONSTRATION GRANT PROJECT: The final report for this grant was presented to the Board and it was agreed that a study session will be held on 11/30/71, 3:00 P.M., District Office, to review same. STATE CLEAN WATER GRANT 1972-72: - Manager Culp gave a report on this grant application stating that the total project would be $790,000 plus of which 20% would be District funds, 25% State funds and 55% Federal funds for items needed for the project under. State Clean Water Grant. A lengthy discussion was held and following same, it was recommended that RESOLUTION NO. 1650, a Resolution Directing the Filing of an Application for a State Clean Water Grant with the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, that RESOLUTION NO. 1650 be approved: VOTES AS FOLLOWS: AYES: Directors Kortes, Wakeman, Ream and Hegarty NOES: Director Fesler. Carried ...... NOTICES FOR DISTRICT MEETINGS: President Fesler stated that all Committee Chairmen understand we meet two t~nes a month for regular meetings; special meetings are announced at the regular meettngs and study sessions are announced, and every Chairman must announce, if possible, their scheduled committee meetings. INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: Attorney Weidman stated that the $197,000 funds were available to Alpine County and funds were not frozed. BLM has been active in construct[on at the Indian Creek Reservoir. There will be a meeting at Alpine County and BLM representatives regarding the Indian Creek Reservoir on 11/23/71, 1:30 P.M. /.~ ~' REGULAR MEETING -4- Novernber [8, [971 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $118,728.91, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $3,092.46 be approved, as recommended by Assistant Manager DavidW. Callahan, for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. ATTESTs_ l~ DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District' ROBERT W. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT.. DECEMBER 2, 1971 The Board of Directors met in regular session on December 2, 1971, 8:00 P.M. District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Rober~W. Fesler, Directors RobertWakeman and Gerald G. Ream. General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, AttorneyIohn C. Weidman, Engineer A.L. Shoupe and[elf Cohen. ABSENT: Direc~rs Donald H. Kortes and Edward E. Hegarty, Engineer [ack [ensen. MINUTES: DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, carried, that the minutes of 11/18/71 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Culp: "'1 2/2/7 l - The Plant operations report for November 1971 is attached to your copy of the agenda. Plant flows are up 10 percent from one year ago. On Friday, November 19th, I hand-carried the Clean Water Grant Application to the SacramentoWRCB Office and it was duly filed on that date. The necessary papers were filed by marl with the State Clearinghouse on November 29th. On Wednesday, November 24th, I attended the TRPA meeting and obtained the non- metropolitan clearinghouse approval for our application. On Tuesday, November 23rd, representatives of the District met with B L M Officials at Indian Creek Reservoir to view progress at the site cm development of recreation facilities by B L M. The board met in study session on Tuesday, November 30th, to review the District's final report to the Environmental Protection Agency on the Plant Demonstration Grant, and met on Wednesday, December Ist to see a demonstration of a magnetic record computer. On December 1st I attended a meeting in Sacramento of the Convention Committee of the California Water Pollution Control Association regarding the annual meeting next sorinc~ at Lake Tahoe" REGULAR MEETING -2- December 2, 1971 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented byA.L. Shoupe, Engineer: Contract and Amounts Contractor Percentage Complete A.D. 1970-2, Sch I $370,942.50 Sub Terra, Inc 90% Sch. II Sub Sub Terra, Inc 38% ~ls4, $ O0 A.D. 1970-1 Terry Cons. Co. 98% President Feslerread a thank you note from Mrs. John Lynch. District sent a green plant to Mr. John Lynch (Bonding Attorney) who was in the hospital; ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that most items to discuss are listed on the agenda. COMMITTEE RE PORTS: 1. Finance No report 2. Legislative No report 3. Environmental Protection: Director Ream stated that he and Director Kortes toured the area of Assessment District 1970-2 and stated, too, that he and Director Kortes were very pleased with the progress and work of Sub- Terra, Inc. Public Relations No report UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Maqnetic Record Computer: Consider Purchase. Assistant General Manager Callahan stated that the program of the Burrough's Machine was outlined to the Directors yesterday and requested that the Board consider the purchase of same. The Directors did discuss this at this time and agreed that they would like to see the same machine in operation, which is located at Incline Village. They visited the City today and were given a demonstration of the City Computer. December 14, 1971, Tuesday, 1:00 P.M., the Directors will plan to go to Incline Village to look at the computer. They felt they wanted to learn more about the machine before considering purchase of one. 2. INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: Manager Culp stated that a meeting was held with B L M and same had proven to be worthwhile. B L M is very enthusiastic over the recreation program. Attorney Weidman stated that the B L M Agreement will be available by the 16th of December. Mr. Weidman also stated that there should be some changes made in the Davis- Grunsky application and there will be a meeting on 12/21/71 at Walter Terry's Office at Sacramento and invited any Directors that might be able to attend. Alpine County Water Agency has already agreed to supply them with water and we have only their signature on a letter that if we furnish the water for the next 10 years they would furnish it thereafter and Manager Culp recommended this be put into REGULAR MEETING -3- Decerflbe~ 2, 1971 NEW BUSINESS: 1. PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY REAL ESTATE BOARD: A letter was received from Karl Mag[dson suggesting that pictures of our facilities be placed on posters and inform the public that tours are available; he also requested brochures for different real estate offices so that they might hand same out to visitors and those interested. President Fesler stated that this request should be turned over to the Public Relations Committee Chairman and same will be held over Until the next regular meeting. MISCELLANEOUS: Manager Culp stated that the Mountain News, Markleeville, has been sold to Flip Brandi, Editor of the Lake Tahoe News. Also, a letter was received from Mr. Les Berkson requesting the changes be put into a letter that the Board acted on at the last regular meeting. COMMUNICATIONS: (1) Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board meeting Thursday 12/16/71, 10:30 A.M., District Conference Room. (2) T.R.P.A. Meeting on 12/8/71, Elks Lodge at 10:00 A.M. -Review of the Regional Plan. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $176,911.63, as recommended by Assistant Manager David W. Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:00 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAH DE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT December 16, 1971 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on 12/16/71, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Fesler, Directors GeraldG. Ream, RobertWakeman, Donald H. Kortes, EdwardE. Hegarty, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Jack Jensen, A. L. Shoupe, Jeff Cohen and John Murphy. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp: "Manager's Report, December 16, 1971: The quality of the water beina ~nr~rt~H tr~ TnH~n (~,~t- D ....... ~ .... ~: ..... REGULAR MEETING -2- December 16, 1971 MINUTES: DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 12/2/71 be approved as presented. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Contract and Amount A. D. 1970-2 Schedule I $370,942.50 As reported by A.L. Shoupe, Engineer: Contractor Percentage Completed Sub Terra,Inc 96% A. D. 1970-2, Schedule II Sub Terra Inc 50% $154,500.00 , Assessment District 1970-1 $35,070.00 Terry Construction 100% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the Harootunian Case is scheduled for 12/24/71. Also, Mr. Weidman stated that he will submit the revised Nevada Contract to Les Berkson tomorrow night. Mr. Weidman also mentioned that the Board of Supervisors stated there are 23,000 acre feet of allocation. This was discussed with our Manager and Gary Chase and the County representatives. (Water) Attorney Weidman mentioned that South Lake Tahoe will become a water deficient area and this would probably be sometime in the 1980%. The water supply source in this area is absolutely critical, Mr. Weidman stated, and felt that some entity should be doing something about it on the source point of view. A meeting is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, 10:00 A.M., Sacramento, with Mr Walter Terry to discuss the Davis-Grunsky project. ' Attorney Weidman requested a special meeting, or an adjourned meeting, to approve a piece of property for annexation to the District. LAFCO will meet on 12/22/71. Attorney Weidman requested this meeting to prepare annexation proceedings. The Board agreed to have an adjourned meeting on 12/23/71, 3:00 P.M., District Office. CONTRACT WITH B L M: This will be completed this Friday. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Jack Jensen stated that bids for the Nevada District were opened last l~bnday and thirteen bids were taken and opened. Low bidder for the following: Tahoe Douglas A Teichert and Sons Kingsbury Pump Stations Total overall project was $5,841 COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Teichert and Sons Ryan Construction Company ,639.00 and Engineer's estimate was $6,070,000.00. 1. FINANCE: - Director Kortes stated that there was no meeting of the Finance Committee. He felt, however, that the Finance Committee does serve in an important part of our District and that it is a worth-while Committee to continue in existance and he felt that the benefits the District has derived from this Committee speaks for itself. '~'-- ~ December 16, 1971 COMMITTEE REPORTS (Continued) 3. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Director Ream stated that he had no report to present but felt this committee should definitely be continued and felt same was worthwhile. 4.~-~ PUBLIC RELATIONS: Director Hegarty stated that the Committee did not do as much as they could have in the past, however, it is a difficult job to cover all of the bases. He thanked Jerry Ream for being a part of this committee and for his assistance. Also, Mr. Hegarty mentioned the sign that was made by the District Employee's and stated that he felt a letter should be sent to Mr. William Bussboom commending him for a job well done. Manager Culp will write the letter. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Organization of Board: 1/ Election of Chairman. President Fesler resigned as President of the Board and turned the gaval over to Director Wakeman. Director Wakeman entertained a motion for President of the Board. Director Kortes moved that Robert W. Fesler be nominated as President of the Board. Being no further nominations, Director Wakeman declared the nominations closed and Mr. RobertW. Fesler will be President of the Board for the next two years. VICE PRESIDENT: Following a lengthy discussion, Director Hegarty moved that Director Wakeman be appointed Vice President of the Board for a two year period - seconded and unanimously carried. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES AND CHAIRMAN: President Fesler named the following committess and asked the Directors mthing about the committees they would like to work on and all will be appointed at the next meeting - January 1972. The following are the committees and President Fesler's suggestion for chairman of same. 1. Finance: Kortes 2. Environmental Protection: Ream 3. Utility Services: Hegarty 4. Public Relations: Wakeman 5. Legislative and Intergovernment: Fesler 2. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1970-2: RESOLUTION NO. 1651, A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 1648, "A Resolution Determining Unpaid Assessments and Providing for Issuance of Bonds" Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried· that RESOLUTION NO. 1651 be approved. 3. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1960-4: RESOLUTION NO. 1652, A Resolution Ordering Cancellation of Remaining Installments Payable on Unpaid Assessment No. 925 and Refund of Installments Heretofore Paid Thereon. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried that )~)]~'(~(-~T TT'TmT~I~T lkT/-~ · REGULAR MEETING -4- /,~ 3 ~) December 16, 1971 NEW BUSINESS: 1. Annual Audit Report: Consider date for study session to review report. Postponed until 1/6/72 regular meeting and a date will then be set for a study session. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Tentative meeting scheduled for the Lake Tahoe Area Council on 1/21/72. EMPLOYEE CHRISTMAS PARTY: Manager Culp will make plans for same and notify the Directors. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $78,047.13 , as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. President Fesler wished all a Merry Christmas. ADJOURNMENT: President Fesler adjoured the meeting at 9:20 P.M. to December 23, 1971, District Conference Room, 3:00 P.M. ROBERT Wo FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public U~ility District ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT- 12/23/71 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular meeting at 3:00 PM, District Conference Room, 12/23/71 ROLL CALL: President were Vice President Robert Wakeman, Directors Kortes and Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp,Assistant General Manager David W.Callahan, and clerk of Board. ABSENT: President RobertW. Fesler, Director Edward E.Hegarty and Attorney John C. Weidman. PURPOSE OF MEETING: Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1653, A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Making Determinations and Approving the Proposed Annexation of Territory Designated as "South Tahoe Public Utility District Annexation No. 1971-1, and Making Determinations and Approving the Annexation of Said Territory to Improvement District No. U-1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Designated as Annexation No.1971-1, U-1 to Said Improvement District" Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1653 be approved as presented.