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1970 01/08 - 1970 12/17
-5- December 18, 1969 Regarding check no. 6579, Attorney YVeidman stated that stop notices were to be filed; and he does not know if the legal time or notice to ~-he person was legally within the time required,against Leo L. Davis, Contractor. Mr. Weidman Recommended that we honor the stop notice until it is proven that notice was sent as required by the law. ADJOURNMENT: 9:05 P.M. to January 8, 1970, 8:00 P.M. District Office. ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board"- and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board South Tahoe Public Uti~y District ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 8, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session January 8, 1970, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert %Ar. Fesler, Directors Edward E.Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Arthur L. Shoupe, and Mrs. Robert (Jan) Wakeman. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 12/18/69 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed Arthur L. Shoupe and Mrs. Jan Wakeman to the meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: Russell L. Culp, General Manager, presented his report, as follows: "Attached is the plant operations report for December 1969. All plant flows were fully treated and exported to Indian Creek Reservoir. Flows for the month are up 28% from December 1968. The Board met in Study Session on January 6th to discuss several matters and again on January 7th to review the annual report of the District's Auditors. William Anderman of E1 Dorado County and Gary Chase of the City of South Lake Tahoe plan to meet with the Board in Study Session at 3:00 P.M., Thursday, January 15th, to discuss actions which have been taken by their agencies regarding sewer hookups. The reservoir aeration and turnover system at Indian Creek Reservoir is installed and has been operating since Monday, January 5th. The 4 to 8 inches of ice cover which had formed previously is being melted by the circulation of water, and the dissolved oxygen content of the lake water is at saturation throughout the full depth of the lake. The Finance Committee is scheduled to meet on IvIonday, January 12th, 3:00 P.M., and the Environmental Protection Committee will meet at 3:00 P.M. , Tuesday, January 13" PLANT OPERATION, December 1969: Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used 63.9 MG (Nov. 50.2) 2.1 MGD (Nov. = 1.7 MGD) None 5,290 Lbs. 1,331 gallons Emergency Use - 12/27 and 12/28/69. Natural Gas used Polymer Used Electricity Used Emergency Holding Pond Lime Used Alum Used DECEMBER 1968 Flows: Plant Flow -/.- Director Hegar tM moved, seconded by Director Ream, the Manager's Report be approved as presented. -far~ttary 8, 1970 6.0 Million cu. ft. 731 lbs. 536,400 KWH Empty-not used Recalcined = 96 tons Makeup = 109 tons 7,850 gallons Total: 49.8 Daily Average: 1.6 MGD" unanimously carried, that ENGINEER'S REPORT: All items are listed on the agenda. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Arthur L Shoupe, Engineer, reported the following: ' Contract and Contractor Solids Handling System, BSP Corporation Assessment District 1967-4, Frontier Cont. Areas B and C Only, Frontier USFS Sewer, Schedule II, Wismer and Becker Trout Creek Trunk Sewer, H.M. Byars Cons. Grit Removal System, RCH Associates Assessment District No. 1968-1, Gene McLaughlin Manhole Modifications, Wunschel and Small Heating and Ventilation Modificat ions-JM Ryan Amount(To) Completed 100% 100% 100% 78% 100% 5% 100% 100% O% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. W'eidman stated that the six annexations have been filed with the State Board of Equalization, Assessor's Office and the Recorder's Office and will be included in the tax roll this coming year. Law suit of WSM - Entered - Mr. Weidman stated that he did not feel WSM would appeal. He has given assistance regarding the excluded parcels, moratorium, etc., discussed the moratorium with Assemblyman Chappie. Mr. Weidman will be contacting the North Tahoe District regarding moratorium discussions. Mr. Weidman, Manager Culp and a couple of Directors plan to meet with Mr. Bill Layton and the North Tahoe Public Utility District Attorney Chamberlain and a couple of their Directors to discuss the moratorium. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I. Finance: Meeting scheduled for 1/12 and 1/13/70. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee. Meeting is scheduled for 1/15/70, Thursday, 3:00 P.M., with the County and a Committee Meeting is scheduled for January 16, 3:00 P.M., District Office. 3. Water and Recreation: No report. 4. Environmental Protection: Meeting scheduled for 1/13/70 Tuesday, 3:00 PM at the District Office. 5. Public Relations: No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Certificates to Operators: Mr. Gunderson was ill and Mr. Trauner was out of the area; postponed until the next regular meeting of this Board. 2. ANNEXATION OF EXCLUDED PARCELS: The Committee to meet 3:00 P.M. January 14, 1970, District Office. ' 3. INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that following a meeting with Alpine County Ranchers he had looked at some of the possibilities of getting additional water for irrigation uses by the Ranchers. One possibility would be to pump water from the reservoir - this would cost approximately $25 000 including installation of pump, etc. ' ' ............ ~ ........... ~"~"~ -~- Jarlt~a~y ~ 1970 Another possibility was to construct a pipeline and irrigation ditch. //3/ This information was relayed to Mr. George Collard and Mr. Hubert Bruns. They appreciated receiving the information and both seemed particularly interested in the construction of a pipeline ditch. Mr. Collard would like to have more engineering investigation of the pipeline ditch. Mr. Moyer stated that he would have to go to the area to look at the ground before he could give an estimated of the costs. He also mentioned that the Ranchers would go to the Soil Conservation Agency to make an attempt to obtain 100% funding for this program. To date the engineering costs have been approximately $200 - and further work would be approximately $600. Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that the Ranchers desired as much information as possible to enable them to present same to the Soils Conservation Agency for funding. RobertWakeman, Director, stated that he felt the President of this Board should also send a cover letter along with the Engineering Report. President Fesler stated it is unlikely they will obtain 100% refunding, and will then look elsewhere for the remaining of the funds needed for their project. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Harlan E. Moyer, at the request of Alpine County for studies of the release of waters from the reservoir, complete his engineering studies in compliance with the Ranchers of Alpine County. 4. CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICT'S ASSOCIATION: Consider scheduling a meeting of the Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordina ting Committee to discuss membership and participation in this new Association. Committee to meet 1/15/70, 3:00 P.M., District Office. $. MANHOLE MODIFICATIONS: Wunschel and Small, Inc., Contract Change Order No. 2, Increase in contract amount of $399.76. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 2 be approved, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. Mr. Moyer stated that $500.00 bond has been posted by the Contractor for the remaining work (cleanup) to be done, when weather permits. In reply to Mr. Kortes' question, Mr. Moyer stated that he felt certain the installed/ modified manholes would do the job intended. 7. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-1: - Gene McLaughlin Construction Company. Consideration of Contract Change Order No. 3; increase in contract amount of $7,693.00 for additional work. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that Contract Change Order No. 3 be approved as recommended by Engineer Harlan E.Moyer. Director Hegarty mentioned that it would be a help to have the total contract project cost included in the Construction Progress Report. 8. TROUT CREEK TRUNK SEWERS: H.M. Byars Construction Company - Consideration of Contract Change Order No. 3; increase of contract amount of $8,527.03 for extra work required by the USFS. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Change order No. 3, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, be approved. NEW BUSINESS: STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD EUTROPHICATION SEMINAR AND BRIEFING CONFERENCE ON THE PORTER-COLOGNE WATER QUALITY CONTROL ACT. All Directors will attend the conference, as well as General Manager Culp, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer and John C. Weidman, Attorney. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -4- January 8, 1970 COMMUNICATIONS: Manager Russell L. Culp stated thathe wrote to Mr. Carl L. Klein, Assistant Secretary of the United States Department of the Interior, regarding the processing of water by this plant, quality of same, etc., and received an answer from Carl L. Klein commending this area for the great accomplishment of producing drinking water quality. Director Edward E. Hegarty will have this letter published in the local papers. Another letter received from Denny-Wagoner-Scott mentioning that the film taken of Lake Tahoe and these facilities are ready and complete and will be shipped to this District shortly. Additional prints can be obtained at $150 each. Directors agreed that it would be best to see the film before ordering additional prints of same. Also, a notice was received regarding the meeting of the Solids Waste Committee -January 28, 1970, 1:30 P.M. Letter received from Aram Harootunian with a copy of the tree survey taken on his property. Attorney Weidman stated that this matter should be looked into following the month of January. Also, that Manager Culp write a letter toAram Harootunian stating that we did agree to meet with him in the Spring of 1970 to finalize this matter on the tree damage. CLAIM: BLOOM - Total amounting to $96.80; raw sewage was going through the home of the Bloom's on 12/24/69, causing a damage cost of $96.80. Following discussion, the Board agreed that this claim should be paid. Assistant Manager Callahan stated that he will obtain the necessary documents for settling the claim. Manager Culp will write a letter and enclose the check in the amount of $96.80 apologizing for the inconvenience caused and the damage caused to their home. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Assistant Manager Callahan recommended payment of claims in the amount of $280,653.06, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $307,391.87. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $280,653.26 and the transfer of funds in the amount of $307,491.87 be approved, as recommended by Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 9:07 P.M. ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ROBERT W. FESLER, South Tahoe Public U~ity District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 22, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session January 22, 1970, 8:00 P.M. District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Ream and Hegarty, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary David W. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney John C.Weidman, John Murphy, John Morris, Rex LaVoie, Arthur L. Shoupe, Gerald Trauner and A. Gunderson. ABSENT: President Robert W. Fesler, and Attorney Robert J. Hill. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN PRO TEM: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Director Wakeman be appointed as Chairman Pro Tern for this meeting. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of January 8, 1970 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Chairman Pro Tern Wakeman welcomed all in attendance to this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: January 22, 1970 (As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp) "This past summer, between May 29 and October 2, nine sets of water samples were collected and submitted to the FWPCA laboratory in Cincinnati, for virus examination. Each set consisted of four samples, one each from primary effluent, secondary effluent, carbon column effluent, and reclaimed water. Counts in the primary effluent varied from three to 207 units. In one sample of secondary effluent, there was no recovery of virus. In the other samples of secondary effluent, there were counts varied from eighteen to 430 units. Virus were recovered from two of the nine samples of carbon column effluent with counts of one and nine units. All nine tests of the reclaimed water were negative for virus. The results in the summer of 1968 were similar, so that no virus has been recovered from the water being exported to Indian Creek Reservoir in two summers of sampling. While this does not necessarily mean that the water is free of virus, at least all of the data to date indicates that this is the case. Since the last meeting of the Board, all of the five new Committees of the Board have met. In addition the Board held a Study Session on January 14th to discuss annexation of all excluded parcels. Representatives of the Board and staff attended a seminar on Eutrophication and a briefing session on the new Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act in Sacramento on ~anuary 20th and 21st. These meetings were sponsored by the California Water Resources Control Board". ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that he did attend the conference Monday at Sacramento. Also, he received a letter from the U.S.F.S. regarding the work they wanted done to restore Section 10 area land and that a preliminary review and estimate of what the cost would be has been made. This project would cost approximately $35,000 and $16,000 would be for seeding the area. Mr. Moyer stated that it is beyond the District forces to do the work and recommended the plans and specifications be prepared so same can go to bid. No money has been budgeted for this project. Directors and Engineer to meet ts discuss this matter with the U.S.F.S. Finance Committee to meet Tuesday at 3:00 P.M. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Arthur L. Shoupe gave the following report: Assessment District 1967-4, Frontier Contractors Areas B & C Only - Frontier Contractors U.S.F.S. Schedule I, Wismer and Becker Grit Removal System, RCH A ssociates Heating & Ventilation, Adm., Building, J.M. Ryan 100% complete 100% " 78% " 5% " 0% " -z- lanuaty 2,2, 1970 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the HOOD trial is set for 8/3/70; WSM filed notice of appeal; Mr. Weidman has also been working on eminent domain; validation proceedings scheduled for 2/5/70 on Assessment District No. 1968-3F; also, requested a Board Study Session at a later date to discuss the State Loan. CALIFORNIA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ASSOCIATION CERTIFICATES: Chairman Pro Tern Wakeman and Director Edward E. Hegarty presented the certificates to Mr. Alton Gunderson and Mr. Gerald Trauner. Mr. Gerald Trauner is now Grade IV Operator and Mr. Gunderson classified as Grade II Operator. Director Hegarty requested consideration by the Board regarding a camera for use by the District; also, Mr. Hegarty stated that the film arrived and suggested that after this meeting there be a showing of this film. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance Committee: what accounts, loans, discussed. Met on 1/12/70 to review the picture of the District as to etc.; also, insurance coverage for the district was briefly 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: Director Hegarty stated that this committee intends to visit all public meetings that are of some benefit to this District, and to attend the Board of Supervisors meetings., Regional Agency meetings, County Planning Commission, etc., 3. Water and Recreation: No report. 4. Environmental Protection: - An outline of what this committee intends to work on was presented to each Director. This committee did meet on 1/13/70 to discuss the outline and guide lines to follow. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-3F: Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1424, A Resolution Determining that the Issuance of Subdistrict Bonds is not Subject to Prior Investigation, Report and Approval by California District Securities Commission. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3G: Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1425, A Resolution Determining that the Issuance of Subdistrict Bonds is not Subject to Prior Inve stigation, Report and Approval by California District Securities Commission. DIRECTOR KORTES moved~, seconded by DI'RECTOR REAM, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1424 and 1425 be approved. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1967-4D and 4E: Consideration of reduction of retention from 10% to 5% for Frontier Contractors. Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that the final pay estimate has not :been signed by Frontier Contractors; however, same was returned unsigned along with approximately four letters which involves claims. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that this matter be referred to the Engineer for review and recommendation to this Board. NEW BUSINESS: 1 Annexation No. 1970-2 (Excluded Lots) - Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1426, A Resolution of Application by South Tahoe Public Utility District Requesting that LAFCO take Proceedings for Annexation of Territory to the District. Assistant Manager Callahan pointed areas out on the map to come into the District and the other areas that will not be in the District as they are considered flood lands etc. , Director Kortes explained about the excluded parcels to those in attendance and how the parcels became excluded. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO., 1426 be approved. ~REG ULAR MEETING -3- January 22, 1970 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, SEWER RELOCATION: A letter received from California Division of Highways requesting sewer relocation, etc., also, Mr. Culp recommended consideration by the Board to have Clair A. Hill & Associates prepare plans, specifications and cost estimates for proposed line relocation. Ass!.stant General Manager Callahan recommended that the State sign a contract stating that they will pay the costs for the plans and specifications and cost estimates before any work is done on this project. CALIFORNIA SANITARY AND SANITATION DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION: To be held 2/14/70 in Anaheim, California Assistant Manager Callahan and any Directors that wish to attend. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Assistant General Manager Callahan and any of the Directors that wish to attend be authorized to do so. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Lloyd D. Hayes, Forester, regarding Harootunian tree damage for consideration by next Boad S'tudy Session on this subject (Study Session to be set at a later date). Letter from California Special Districts Association regarding organizational meeting for referral to Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $144,185.34 and the transfer of funds in the amount of $39,000 be approved as recommended by Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 9:35 P.M. ROBERT WAKEMAN, Chairman Pro Tem South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Boar~d and ex-Officio Secretary of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOi~ ISUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 5, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on February $, 1970, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Donald II. Kortes,Attorney Robert J. Hill and Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer and Arthur L. Shoupe, John Murphy - Representative of the Sacramento Bee, and Dave Evans - Engineer with Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield. ABSENT: Director Gerald G. Ream. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of January 22, 19YO be approved as presented. MANAGER:t'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp: "Attached is the monthly operations report for January 1970. The total flow for the month is 86.8 mg as compared to 69.0 mg for January of last year. The difference is in the amount of storm water which entered the system during the rains and high stream flow this year. Some defects related to this problem have been corrected, and others are still under investigation. I have spent some for a Federal Grant Project". PLANT OPERATION: Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Holding Pond Lime Used Alum Used time during the .past two weeks in preparing material 86.8 MG(DEC. 63.9) 2.8 MGD (Dec. 2.1) None 5,350 lbs. None 6.3 Million Cu. Ft. 568,800 KWH 711 lbs. Empty - Not Used Makeup 100 tons Recalcined 98 tons 6,600 gallons JANUARY 1969 Plant Total Flow 69.0 Plant Total Daily Average 2.2. MGD" President Fesler asked if this 20 mg could be due to the fact that those living in the areas which have flooded and opened the manholes to relieve the flow in the flooded areas. President Fesler stated that this could work through our exrtreme disadvantage and we should take some serious action on this problem. Engineer Moyer stated that some of this last month problem is due to the fact that there is now approximately three times the sewer system this January that there was last ~anuary and have about trippled the amount of sewer. We have found some manholes open in the past. Mr. Moyer stated that the water-tire manhole covers are the best to have in use. Director YVakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. Moyer stated that he has been working on the report for the financial requirements of the District; he has now requested a Finance Committee review meeting for this report as soon as possible. Also, he is still working on the preparation of the design report for the Nitrogen Removal Process and the first phase of this report is about ready. Also, he has reviewed the plans and specifications for sewer system Phase III of the USFS, and this should be ready to go to bid within the next 3 or 4 weeks. February 5, 1~70 REGULAR MEETING -2- The grant mentioned in the Manager's report is for the physical chemical processes and would be 100% funds and would allow this District to try out some new chemical treatment process and it might mean that the plant could be operated at a lower cost. The amount of the grant would be approximately $450,000. President Fesier stated that he felt the entire board should meet in Study Session for the financial report which Mr. Moyer has prepared. Study Session to review the financial report prepared by Mr. Moyer is scheduled for 2/10/70, 3:00 P.M., District Office. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Following presented by Arthur L. Shoupe, Engineer: Contract and Contractor Assessment District 1967-4, Frontier Contractors Areas B & C, Frontier Contractors U.S.F.S. Sewer System, Schedule II, Wismer & Becker Grit Removal System, RHC Associates Administration Building -Heating Systems, J.M. Ryan Percentage Completed 100% 100% 78% 10% 10% Engineer Shoupe stated that the reason for the delay on the U.S.F.S. Schedule II, Grit Removal System and Administration Building is due to the late delivery of equipment. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the Directors should stop in to visit with Mr. R. Raymond, Attofmey of San Mateo Bonding Office, if they do get to San Mateo to thank Mr. Raymond for his comments about this Board to the Court regarding Civil Action No. 18432, in the matter of the validity of the Assessment Levied Pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 1340 of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, as amended, and of theproceedings therefor of said Board. Also, Regarding Harootunian Law Suit - - Attorney Weidman stated this should be transferred from Matin County to E1 Dorado County. Engineer Moyer stated that the publicity on the matter of the Trees on the Harootunian property is not correct; it was not sewage that killed the trees, but the water that drowned the trees. President Fesler stated that this matter should be discussed in an Executive Session. AttorneyWeidman stated that 2/18/70 , Wednesday, 3:00 P.M., is the hearing date for ~ E1 Dorado LAFCO regarding excluded parcels AttorneyWeidman met with Assemblyman Chappie regarding tke State Loan and will again meet on the same subject this Wednesday and requested that at least two directors be in attendance. Depositions will be taken from Robert W. Fesler at 10:00 AM on 2/16/70 and at 11:00 AM for Mr. Robert Wakeman and from Mr. Harlan E. Moyer at 1:30 P.M. Also, Mr. Weidman has been obtaining information regarding the April Bill (Financial Disclosure Bill). Attorney Hill stated all the business he wishes to take care of is listed on the agenda. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: No report. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: DirectorWakeman stated that he attended the Consent Meeting on Tuesday at the City and did make them aware that he and Director Hegarty would be attending their meetings at the City Hall. One of the councilmen suggested that it might be better if the study sessions were attended. Director Wakeman also asked that the City have copies of their minutes sent to the District. COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued) 3. Water and Recreation: No report. President Fesler and Manager Culp met with the City to discuss the annexation of the District to the City and the joint use of our conference facilities. The City Council would use the facilities on Tuesday and the Planning Commission would use the facility on Wednesday. 'tA/e did reserve Thursday for the District, as well as other dates that are required for other meetings of this District. We did mention to the City that we did not need their voting machine and same will not be installed in the District Conference Room. Also, the matter of the Utility District taking over the Water Companies was discussed and Manager Culp prepared a letter to Gary Chase stating the reasons why we felt the Utility District should take over the Water Companies. Director Hegarty commented that the letter written by Manager Culp was an excellent letter. He stated all facts. Manager Culp mentioned that he has made the statement many times that the water business would not be a money-making business. 4. Environmental Protection. No report. President Fesler stated that Director Ream did mention he would like to have a meeting with George Kelly regarding permits, licenses, etc. Attorney Weidman requested that he be notified when this meeting is to be scheduled so he could attend. 5. Public Relations: No report. Manager Culp mentioned that the ABC News media was here today to film the facilities and to have a story on the Indian Creek Reservoir and Plant. Also, the TV Crew from Channel 4 were here today and will return tomorrow to film the reservoir and plant facilities. Another article about the District was in the recent issue of Fortune Magazine. Also, an article was in the January 25th issue of California Living. Director Hegarty asked Manager Culp if he would attend the Rotary Meeting next Wednesday to show the film. Manager Culp said that he would. President Fesler read a'letter from Assemblyman Chappie regarding sewage problems in and around the Tahoe Basin. A meeting is scheduled for 2/17/70 at 10:00 A.M., State Capitol, Room 3188. Board Members, Manager and Attorney and Engineer will attend this meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3G: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1427, A Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications Pertaining toAssessment Nos. 267 and 268. (Reducing the assessment amount by $519.00). RESOLUTION NO. 1428: A Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications to Assessment No. 30. The assessment charge is against a private public utility and is used only for a water well and it does appear that this land will not be used for anything other than water wells and therefore seemed appropriate to reduce the assessment to zero because the sewer system will not be beneficial to this lot. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1427 and 1428 be approved, as recommended by Attorney and Engineer. RESOLUTION NO. 1429: A Resolution Calling for Bids on Sale of Improvement Bonds (2/19/70--4:30 P.M. for bid opening and referred to Board that evening for consideration). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1429 be approved. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 1430: (ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3F:) AResolution Calling for bids on Sale of Improvement Bonds (3/5/70- 4:30 P.M.) - Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1430 be approved as presented. 3. PLANT LANDSCAPING ELECTRICAL CONTRACT: Acme Electric Company has submitted a bill for $4,337 for work performed on this contract. The plant landscaping contract was started by Acme Electric and they failed to complete the project; they now claim $4,337 is due them and have submitted an itemized list of these charges. It was agreed that Robert Mason should be in attenflmace at the Study Session scheduled for 2/11/70 with George Stalls of Acme Electric, 3:00 P.M., District Office. Manager Culp will contact Mr. Robert Mason regarding this meeting. 4. CALIFORNIA SPECIAL DISTRICTS ASSOCIATION: a. Consider recommendation by the Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee that the District join this Association. Assistant Manager Callahan stated that it was the recommendation of the Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee that the District join this organization and recommended that the Chairman and Member of this Committee be appointed as a representative of the District and an alternate respectively. AttorneyWeidman stated that this Association may deal with reorganizations, mergers, etc., and that he would be interested in attending their meetings, but did not wish to be a member - that is, a voting member. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the District join this Committee and Assistant General Manager Callahan' recommendation be approved that the Chairman and Member of the Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee be representative and alternate for this District. This Association is interested and concerned with Special Districts, legislation, etc. 5. FRONTIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - Claims for extra work. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that the letters received from Frontier Contractors were referred to him for review and a report to the Board. These claims cover Assessment Districts 1967-4B, 4C, 4D and 4E. Mr. Moyer's recommendation to the Board was to deny the claims in their entirety because the conditions, etc., encountered during construction are the contractor's responsibility. However, Mr. Moyer did mention tht he would recommend payment of one claim submitted in the amount of approximately $784.43. Engineer Moyer recommended that Attorney Weidman review the recommendations and see what he would have from a legal viewpoint. Attorney Weidman stated that he advises the Board to deny these claims submitted by Frontier Contractors; that this Board considered the claims of Frontier and that the Board denied and rejected same. Manager Culp will notify Frontier of the Board's decision. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the claims submitted by Frontier Contractors be denied and that the Manager notify Frontier Contractors of the Board's decision. NEW BUSINESS: None. //z/,g -s- F~btuary ,5, 1970 1. Letter from Max Hoseit, Attorney, regarding Harootunian Tree Damage. 2. Letter from U.S.F.S. concerning the Rainbow Summer Home Tract. (Assessments, etc .) 3. Letter from Wilson, ~ones, Morton and Lynch regarding validation procedures Assessment District No. 1968-3F. ' 4 . Notice of hearing from E1 Dorado LAFCO setting a time of 3:00 P.M., Wednesday, February 18th for annexation of excluded parcels. 5. Letter from Division of Highways in reply to Manager Culp's letter stating that the cost of relocation of sewer will be paid by them. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $84,201/02, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $100,000.00, as recommended byAssisr~ant General Manager Callahan be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:20 P.M. ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTF.~RT: / / DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ...... REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE South Tahoe Public Utility District February 19,1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public U~lity District met in a regular session 2/19/70, 8:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E.Hegarty, RobertWakeman, Donald H. Kortes and GeraldG. Ream. Also presentwwere General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer and Arthur L. Shoupe and John Murphy -representative of the Sacramento Bee. ABSENT: Attorney Robert J. Hill. Minutes: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, tl~a t the minutes of 2/5/70 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President RobertW. Fesler welcomed Mr. Shoupe and Mr. 1Vkrphy to this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Culp presented his report as follows: "Manager's Report February 19, 1970 The Board met in Study Session on Tuesday, February 10, 1970, to hear a preliminary report from our Consulting Engineers on their study of District revenues and expenses and met again on February 11 to discuss payment of a claim by Acme Electric Company for electrical work done in connection with the plant landscaping project. Agreement for settlement of this matter was reached with the Contractor. The new film on the Water Reclamation Plant and Export System was shown last week to the Rotary Clubs at Minden and South Tahoe, and seemed to be well received by both groul~ -z- MANAGER'S REPORT (Continued) The District was represented by the Office Manager and four board members at a meeting of the Sanitary and Sanitation Districts in Los Angeles. Director Hegarty, Attorney Weidman, and I attended a meeting with Assemblyman Chappie, State Officials, and representatives of other Lake Tahoe Sewer Districts in Sacramento. Agreement was reached on a Bill to be introduced to the Legislature regarding provisions of State Loans to the Districts. This will be covered fully under the Attorney's Report. While we were in Sacramento, we also visited with Mr. Karim concerning the proposed sewer system to serve Emerald Bay State Park. It is important that we have a joint meeting as soon as possible with Beaches and Parks and the Forest Service so that plans can be made for construction of this project next summer. Attached to the agenda, for your information and review, is the report of revenues and expenditures for ~uly l, 1969 to ~anuary l, 1970". Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, reported that early this week he received a call from Mr. Max Burdick regarding the claims that Frontier Contractors had submitted to the District for1967-4B, 4C, 4D and 4E. He had not received the letter from the District at the time of the conversation. Mr. Moyer did state to Mr. Burdick the reasons that the claims were denied. Mr. Burdick then requested a meeting with the Board to discuss the claims. Mr. Moyer stated to him that the Board had reviewed the claims ~-horoughly and that he did not see any reason for further meetings regarding these claims; also, he mentioned to Mr. Burdick that he could attend th~ the regular meetings of the Board and did tell him the regularly scheduled meeting nights. He again mentioned to Mr. Burdick that the claims had received due consideration and fair treatment. Mr. Moyer also stated that he talked with Mr. Bruce Pueitt of the U.S.F.S. and discussed plans for the coming year for construction. The U.S.F.S. are interested in seeing the Baldwin Beach area constructed but they do not know if they will have the funds available for construction this year. The first priority is to put money in the Fallen Leaf Area; the second priority is to service the Alpine Campground and then the existing Meyer's Ranger Station. The U.S.F.S. and the State have been negotiating and thus far the U.S.F.S. cannot be in agreement with the State. Mr. Moyer mentioned to Mr. Pueitt that once the system is built and operating, it then becomes the District property/ownership. Mr. Moyer stated that the State and the U.S.F.S. could negotiate an agreement as far as the State is concerned and we would not object to this ,as long as the share of the private properties does not increase. Mr. Moyer suggested a meeting with the State, U.S.F.S. and this District to resolve these problems and suggested either Tuesday or Wednesday the 3rd or 4th of March. President Fesler stated that the District stands ready and are willing to help them whenever they are ready to move ahead. Also, Mr. Moyer stated that he met with the supervisors of Alpine County regarding the irrigation system to serve lands from the Indian Creek Reservoir. Upon investigation, we found it would cost approximately $219,000; the Ranchers did not want to go this high in the cost. Mr. Moyer stated that the letter he prepared should be transmitted to the appropriate ones in Alpine County stating costs, etc. Manager Culp stated that we could discharge directly into the ditches and get water directly from our line this summer and this water would not go into the Reservoir. Manager Culp will contact Mr. Bruns and Mr. Campbell and send a letter and possibly schedule a meeting at a later date. k'abtLlaw 19, 1970 Engineer Moyer stated that he has been working on the District Financial Report and hopes to have the draft report ready next week for preliminary review. Manager Culp and Engineer Moyer are still working on the Grant Project for the Nitrogen Removal. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported by Arthur L. Shoupe, Engineer: Assessment District, 1967-4 Frontier Contractors 100% complete Areas B and C Only, Frontier Contractors 100% " U.S.F.S. Schedule II, Wismer and Becker 78% " Grit Removal System, RHC Associates 25% " Heating and Ventilation Modifications, Adm. Bldg., JM Ryan 25% " Mr. Shoupe mentioned thatWismer and Becket, RHC Associates and J.M. Ryan are waiting for equipment delivery. Attorney's Report: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he met with LAFCO, and Mr. Goerge Stalls of Acme Electric and attended the Bond Bid Opening held late today here at the District Office. Also, depositions were taken from Robert Fesler, Robert Wakeman and Harlan E. Moyer regarding the ~IOOD LITIGATION. He also attended the meeting at Sacramento - The Assembly Rules Committee and there were Attorney's, Manager's and Engineer's from other District's in attendance. Regarding the Interest Rate on the State Loan and Grants vs Loans - - No grant legislature is going to be proposed or seriously considered for matching money for Water Projects and it is not proposed changing Loan to Grants. Attorney Weidman explained the rates on State Loans and the Savings to the District. AttorneyWeidman also mentioned that Director Edward E. Hegarty was in attendance at the Sacramento meeting and he greatly appreciated his attendance. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: No meeting. Study Session on financial report has been scheduled. President Fesler stated that the District should proceed as quickly as possible to expedite this matter. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee - Director Wakeman stated that the City Council meetings have been attended; Director Hegarty met with the group in SaCramento with Assemblyman Chappie; and also Director Hegarty and Director Wakeman attended the LAFCO meeting in Placerville. AttorneyWeidman stated that it was an extremely fine feeling to have the two Directors in attendance at the LAFCO meeting. 3. Water and Recreation: President Fesler stated that there was a discussion with several of the City Councilmen regarding the District taking over all water systems and they indicated that this District might get the majority vote on this. AttorneyWeidman stated that we should approach the City and metion that we have been negotiating with a couple of the V~ater Companies and if there was no objection, we would proceed. Engineer H.E. Moyer stated that he did not feel we should approach on a basis of no objection but to tell them why the District is more qualified and better equipped to handle the water business. Manager Cuip stated if we go ahead with this, we should have the support of the City; if the City were to proceed they should have the full support of the District. President Fesler stated that he talked to the City Councilmen and invited them to meet with us jointly out here and see if these facilities will be adequate for their meetings. 4. Environmental Protection: No meeting. Manager Culp will arrange a meeting with George Kelly, Attorney Weidman and Director Ream. REGULAR NIE g'l'liq ~ $. Public Relations: Director Hegarty stated that a meeting was held and discussion was held regarding the purchasing of a camera. Vis[ted the Outdoorsman and found a camera that would meet the needs of the District - an 814 instamatic. Director Hegarty requested approval of the Board to purchase the camera in the amount of $139.50. //¢ Directors agreed the camera should be purchased for Public Relations and others uses by this District. Also, Manager Culp went to M[nden and showed the Rotary Club the movie; and attended the Rotnry Club at South Tahoe and showed the movie. He was well received. Manager Culp stated that FWPCA wants two copies of the movie - one for Washington, D.C. and the other to be in the Cincinnati Off[ce. Also, ABC;, CBC and NBC T.V. have had films of the District and facilities. West Valley Joint Junior College - Saratoga asked if the District could present the film to them. Manager Culprepl[ed to the College stating we would be happy to supply speakers, etc. Another request from the Pacific Telephone Company who want to have the film shown during their convent[on scheduled for March. A group from Davis University touring the plant on the 23rd of February. STUDY SESSION: DIRECTORS TRAVEL POLICY: 3:00 P.M. on March 3, 1970. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3F: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1431, A Resolution of Intention to Make Changes and Modifications. HEARING SCHEDULED 3/5/70, 8:00 PM at the District Office, concerning these changes and modifications. The Contractor- KIRKWOOD-BLY - has agreed to these changes. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1431 be approved. 2. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3G: Cons[der RESOLUTION NO. 1432, A Resolution Determining Unpaid Assessments and Authorizing Issuance of Bonds. Unpaid amount is $615,636.80. 5 Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1432 be approved. REPORT OF BID OPENING: Three bids received: First California Company of San Francisco, California, 7.0374 rate Miller and Schroeder, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota 7.4381 rate Stern, Brenner and Company of Beverly Hills, California 7.359 rate. Assistant General Manager Callahan stated that it would be proper to consider awarding the bid to the First California Bank Company. Mr. Callahan also stated that this is the best bond sale bids received in relation to the twenty bond index. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 192, Awarding Sate of Bonds to First California Company at their bid price, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan. 3. U. S. FOREST SERVICE SEWER SYSTEM: a. Granite Construct[on Company, Schedule I, Change Order No. 7 and No. 8. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Change Orders No. 7 and No. 8 be approved, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. b. Wismer and Becket, Schedule II - Change Order No. 5. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried that Change Order No. 5 be approved, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. ~'! ~ 9~REGULAR MEETING 5 Februarylg, 1970 4. ANNEXATION NO. 1970-1 (SETZER) - Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1433, A Resolution Approving and Ordering Annexation. This was approved at LAFCO meeting held on 2/1~/?0 and there are forty-(40)-acres involved. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1433 be approved. 5. ANNEXATION NO. 1970-2 (Excluded Parcels) Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1434, A Resolution of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District Initiating Proceedings for Annexation of Territory to the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and Fixing Time, Date and Place of Hearing on the Proposed Annexation Designated as "South Tahoe Public Utility Distritt Annexation No. 1970-2" HEARING SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 17TH, TUE SDAYat 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1434 be approved. NEW BUSINESS: None COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Reed-Meneley Insurance Agency regarding protection rating for the District. Mr. Culp contacted Mr. J. Norton and also wrote him a letter asking why the District did not receive a Protection Rating of 6 instead of 9. Same was reviewed and through the Insurance Company error, it was changed and we now have a Zone 1, Protection 6 rating, which will save the district approximately 25% of the premium. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $62,611.01 be approved, as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 10:10 P.M. ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTE~.' ': ///--,[...,., // DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 5, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session March 5, 1970, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Fesler, Directors RobertWakeman, Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes and Gerald G. Ream ; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Attorney Robert J. Hill and Arthur L. Shoupe, John Murphy of the Sacramento Bee. MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of February 19, 1970 be approved as corrected. MANAGER.S REPORT: March 5, 1970 As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp: The Board met in Study Session on March 3rd to discuss the use of excess water at Indian Creek Reservoir. Harlan Moyer and I met with representatives of the USFS to discuss sewer service to Emerald Bay and the basis for the sharing of costs for such service. A meeting of the Board with representatives of the USFS and State Beaches and Parks is scheduled in Placerville for 1:30 P.M., March 10th, Tuesday, for further discussion of this subject. The Environmental Protection Committee has a meeting with George Kelly for 3:00 PM Monday, March 16th. Attached to this agenda is a copy of the Plant Operations report for January 1970; surface Water inflow into the collection system has been reduced by line and manhole repair, but there are still some work areas which will not be accessible until spring". Director Wakeman mentioned that this District has been trying to meet with the State Beaches and Parks authorities for almost four years and it might be wise to also have a list of the dates or to take the file with us when we do meet with these people to let them know we have tried over a period of time and due to change over in personnel, it could very well be that they are not aware of the fact that negotiations have tried to take place. PLANT OPERATION Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emeragency Storage Area Lime Used Alum Used FEBRUARY, 1970 65.7 MG (Jan = 86.8) 2.4 MGD (Jan = 2.8) None 4,240 lbs. None 5.6 Million Cu Ft 427,200 KWH 232 lbs. Empty - Not Used 123 tons makeup 83 tons racalcined 3,095 gallons. FEBRUARY 1969 FLOWS: Total Daily Average Plant Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, the Manager's Report be approved as presented. 53.9 1.9 MGD" unanimously carried, that ENGINEER'S REPORT: No report - Engineer Moyer stated that CtairA. Hill & Associates and Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield were selected as the Engineers for the Denver total water reuse program that the City and County are contemplating. This will be approximately a ten year plan. Engineer Moyer stated that the firm is very pleased and felt too that a reason for their selection was because of the project here at South Lake Tahoe and they are very grateful for the opportunity that South Tahoe has given them. These two firms were selected out of the three largest engineering firms. REGULAR MEETING -2- March 5, 1970 President Fesler stated ~tis good for this Board that we have seen fit to retain the Engineering Firm and we are very happy they were selected as the Engineers for the Denver Water Project. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Contract and Contractor and Total Con£ract Cost Frontier Contractors Assessment District 1967-4 $1,254,217 Areas B & C Only $1,354,527.60 Frontier Contractors 100% Heating System, $8,987 J.M. Ryan, Gen. Cont. 45% USFS, Schedule II Wismer & Becker 78% $398,490.20 As presented by Arthur L. Shoupe, Engineer. Amount (%) Completed 100To Grit Removal System RHC Associates 70% $47,000 Director Hegarty expressed appreciation to Mr. Shoupe for the Contract Amounts now included in the Construction Progress Report ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman explained the Assembly Bill 836 to the Board regarding interest charge on State Loan, etc. ATTORNEY HILL reported all items relating to his business are listed on the agenda. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance. No report 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee. No meeting. Director Wakeman did attend the City Council meeting. Mr. Wakeman stated that he attends one meeting and Director Hegarty cover the other regular meeting of the City, etc. 3. Water and Recreation: President Fesler stated that he met with City and discussed the water issue generally with them and they did not want to continue until after the April election. The City Council did request a meeting at our office with our Board on March 17, 1970, 3:00 P.M. 4. Environmental Protection - No report. 5. Public Relations: Director Hegarty stated there was not a meeting but arrange- ments are being made to purchase the camera. Manager Russell L. Culp stated that he has received a request from the Water Pollution Control Association for 1,O00 copies of the brochures and has sent same to Washington, D.C.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Hearing -Assessment District No. 1968-3F - - 8:25 P.M. President Fesler opened the hearing at 8:25 P.M. Attorney Hill stated that this is the time and place for the hearing on Assessment District No. 1968-3F, as set forth in RESOLUTION No. 1431 regarding relocation of lines. ' There were none present that wished to be heard regarding this Assessment District, and President Fesler closted the hearing at 8:35 P.M. Attorney Hill and Engineer H.E. Moyer recommended that theChanges and Modifications be approved. REGULAR MEETING -3- March 5, 1970 CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 1435, A Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1435 be approved, as recommended by Attorney Robert ~. Hill and Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. RESOLUTION NO. 1436, A Resolution Determining Unpaid Assessments and Authorizing Issuance of Bonds, (Total Assessment Figure $545,937). DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1436 be approved. REPORT OF BID OPENING: Assessment District No. 1968-3F: Three (3) bids were received and opened today at 4:30 P.M., as follows: 1. Stern, Brenner, and Co. Beverly Hills, California 6.9958% 2. First California Company San Francisco, Calif. 7.0549% 3. Miller and Schroeder Minneapolis, Minn. 7.0943% Attorney Hill stated that once again we have broken the barrier of being less than 1% above the Bond Index. Engineer Moyer asked if he felt the bids were not being of a better rating because of the visit and correspondence that took place with the Moody Bond Rating Company. Attorney Hill stated that he felt this was the case. Director Wakeman asked if it is possible to prepare a list to show the difference in the past years of the bond ratings, interest rates, etc., to turn over to the Public Relations Chairman. Based on the bonds in the past, this District has saved up to thousands of dollars. ORDINANCE NO. 193: An Ordinance Awarding Sale of Bonds to Stern, Brenner and Company of Beverly Hills, 6.9958%. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 193 be approved. ORDINANCE NO. 194, An Ordinance Awarding Construction Contract. (Kirkwood Bly of Santa Rosa). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 194 be approved. 2. GRIT REMOVAL SYSTEM. (RHC Associates, General Contractor) Change Order No. 1 = Increase of $605 and one (1) day time extension. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Change Order No.1 be approved, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E.Moyer. b. Request for time extension for RHC Associates - requesting a time extension of thirty (30) calendar days. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes that the time extension be granted, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. VOTES: Ayes = Directors Hegarty, Ream, Wakeman, Kortes NOES: Director Fesler. Carried. SREGULAR MEETING -4- lvlarcn b ~ t~ / u 3. ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 1967-4B, 4C, 4D and 4E: Frontier Contractors, Inc. Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1437, A Resolution Accepting Completion and Directing the Filing of Notice of Completion. Engineer Moyer stated that these with the contract documents and completed and are acceptable to contracts are complete and in accordance the County stated the roads have been them. If no notice of lien is received by the District, the retention being withheld until after the 35 day time will be paid to the contractor. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO 1437 be approved. 4 . HEATING AND VENTILATION MODIFICATIONS. J.M. Ryan, General Contractor. Consideration of time extension. Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that a letter was received from J. M. Ryan stating that due to the fact he could not obtain the delivery of equipment, he is requesting a 30 day calendar time extension. The equipment is being shipped today. This time extension will go through 3/22/70, if approved. President RobertVff. Fesler stated that he is not against the time extension because he is not in sympathy with the contractor but he felt the contractor was asking the District to condone the delay. President Fesler stated that he could not see anything that we gain, on behalf of the taxpayer, by allowing the contractor the time extension. DirectorKortes stated that because of difficulties beyond the Contractor's control, he has had the delay. Engineer Moyer stated that the contract documents provide assurance to the contractor and owner that time is of the essence and that the owner will give the contractor due and fair consideration and protection. The contract documents do definitely speak of excuseable delays by which the contractor is entitled to have an extension of the time to complete his job. Contract documents do provide that they must present to the Board requests for time extensions. VOTES: AYES: ABSTAINED: NOES: Directors Kortes, Ream and Fesler Director Wakeman Director Hegarty. Carried ...... NEW BUSINESS: None C'OMMUNICATIONS: 1. Letter from Silver Dollar Motel stating appreciation of District employees working to clear the lines. 2. Letter and claim from Silver Dollar Motel for damages due to sewer back up. This claim was in the amount of $1,500 and DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director, Ream, unanimously carried, that the claim be denied and referred to our Insurance Carrier. 3. Another letter received from Irwin E. Bosworth Forest Supervisor, re Sewering of E1 Dorado National Forest Lands in the Tahoe Basin. Also enclosed was a copy of a letter they sent to Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board and a copy of impact study concerned with the sewering of the E1 Dorado National Forest Lands in the Tahoe basin. They also want to schedule a meeting with this Board, Lahontan Board and U.SFS. AREGULAR MEETING -5- March 5, 1970 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $64,66?.53, be approved and that the transfer of funds in the amount of $41,000 be approved, as so recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 9:45 P.M. to March 1?, 1970, 8:00 PM ROBERT W' FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 17, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular session March lY, 19Y0, District Conference Room, 8:00 P.M. This adjourned meeting was for a public hearing on Annexation No. 1970-2. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Ream, Kortes and YVakeman; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David~V. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney John C. ~Veidman, Marjorie Springmeyer, Mrs. Richard Codman, J~ck ~ensen and Mr. M. Springmeyer. ABSENT: Director Hegarty and Attorney Robert J. Hill. Pres[dent Fesler opened the hearing at 8:05 P.M. on Annexation No. 1970-2 and stated the procedure that would be followed. ENGINEER'A REPORT: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that this annexation will include within the boundaries of this District the parcels that have previously been excluded - A1 Tahoe, Lakeside, Upper Truckee, Country Cross Roads and in the vicinity of Ski Run Blvd. Meadow land - Bijou Golf Course - is not being included in this annexation. Service for some of the areas can be included in the existing lines and in other areas construction will take place. Engineer Moyer presented the map covering the annexation of properties. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. YVeidman stated that there are approximately 84 parcels and two of which are not in the City; this also includes forty land owners. He stated that the annexation fees can be included in the owner's County tax bill and paid over a fifteen year period. Attorney YVeidman stated that we are to hear all written and oral protests and hear any questions. President Fesler asked if there were any questions from those in attendance. None ¥%'~itten protests received and read and are on file at the District office as follows: I. Mrs. Richard Codman, Lot l, 2, 16, Block 10, A1 Tahoe, assessed value $6,300 and protesting annexation. MARCH 17 ~ 1970 -2- Adjourned Regular Meeting 2. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Springmeyer- assessed value 876,750 protesting the .13 year back tax charge; this is commercial property with one residential lot i~lichtield Station and Garage, Johnson's Acres (1 lot) and the Recreation Area on Highway 50. 3. Lawrence Ardell - assessed value of $1,450 for Lot 11, Block 18, A1 Tahoe. 4. A.F. Donald, Jr., Assessed value of $2,250 for Lot 3, Block 10, A1 Tahoe. Total assessed valuation of land of the above 4 totals $86,750 and total assessed undeveloped land $274,850 for all 84 parcels. The protests received were insufficient to require the ordering of an election. Engineer H.E. Moyer stated that after a sewer system is available the property owners have 90 days in which to connect to the facility, or it will constitute a nuisance, which can be abated. California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency passed ordinance requiring all properties that have sewer facilities to connect. City also requires connection to the sewer system and have also notified property owners of this; County Health Department has also required this when systems are available, or if systems are presently available. The Bill sponsored by Assemblyman Eugene Chappie states that all property within the Lake Tahoe Basin must be connected to the sewer system by January 1, 1972, or that the owners have their own export sewage from Lake Tahoe. After that date the property cannot be inhabited, as there will be no other form of sewage disposal other than export by January 1, 1972. ORAL PROTESTS: Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer stated that her Life Estate Property, which is included in this annexation, was going to be taken over by the freeway; however, no final word has been received on this and in the meantime a new map has been drawn and she does not know just where she stands. She further stated that until she knows just what is going to happen in that connection she hates to have to be saddled with all the back taxes and back assessments and it would work a very bad hardship on her to try to pick up this extra money. Engineer Moyer stated that the property is going to continue to be used for many purposes and that the action that the City has taken is that they intend to enforce the Ordinance regarding connections of property. The 1972 deadline is virtually mandatory. President Fesler asked if it were possible to annex the Springmeyer property on a deferred cost basis. From the time the property is annexed and the annexation is final, the property begins to pay the taxes which would be December of 1971. Also, the District passed an Ordinance that states when parcels are annexed to the District (excluded parcels) they will be paying the taxes they will have paid for all the years they have not been a part of the District; also, an assessment charge that would have been paid at the time the area was originally annexed to the District and when tge Assessment District was formed. 1970-2 will provide for financing and also a means of any necessary construction. the payment can be deferred - they can pay in cash or payments can be made along with the County tax bill over a period of 15 years. Mrs. Richard Codman stated that she can see the justice of this if the owners want to be annexed to the District; however, in her case and others that have requested exclusion, were legally excluded by the Board of Supervisors three times and have never petitioned for annexation to the District. She further stated that she and the others that have not petitioned are being forced to do this. She Stated that she saw an Attorney and he had stated that this could not be done, and these were the grounds she would stand on. Mrs. Codman referred the the LAFCO meeting which Mr. Weidman, Edward Hegarty and Robert Wakeman attended and referred to Mr. Weidman and Mr. Wakeman as the "Big Bad Wolfs". She also asked what the WAKEMAN BILL was. AttorneyWeidman stated that the P.U.D. generally throughout the State and prior to the enactment of the Wakeman Bill, you could not annex a parcel of land to the Utility District that was in an incorporated city; in 1968 the bill was passed which you could annex a parcel of land to a PUD that was within the boundaries of a MARCH 17, 1970 -3- Adjourned Regular Meeting incorporated city; this bill was introduced by Assemblyman Chappie and it does not carry any official name to Director Robert Wakeman and it has been Wakeman's policy to annex the excluded parcels within the city hthat have been excluded since 1958 and this merely carries out the desire of DirectorWakeman and Mr. We, idman stated we, therefore, affectionately call it the Wakeman Bill. Director Wakeman stated that a great many hardship cases came to us where the property owners had sold property and failed to tell the buyers they were not in the District and we realize that the owner or realtor will not tell the customers about these back taxes; at the time the poeple could only pay cash to become a part of the District and it was also taking a great amount of District time; the person can now finance connections to the system. Springmeyer's station is now being serviced through a contract and the annexation fees have been paid. Director Wakeman also stated that the City will close down anything that does not have a facility for sewer systems. President Fesler stated that thousands of property owners are paying their fair share in the costs except for 84 parcels to help keep Lake Tahoe blue; this Board is not discriminating against anyone; President Fesler stated also that he does sympathize with the Springmeyers but according to the law, all property must be in the Utility District. Mrs. Richard Codman stated that she does not feel the charge of the back taxes are right since she was legally excluded; she further stated that one cannot be charged for being forced into becoming a part of the Utility District, and something with a penalty when that person is or was legally excluded. Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that this is not a penalty but your property, or any property, must pay their fair share. Thirty million dollars is what has been spent here for these facilities, Mr..Moyer Stated. Mrs. Codman stated that the only fiat way to charge would be to take the assessed valuation of property year by year. President Fesler closed the hearing at 9:10 P.M. RESOLUTION NO. 1437: A Resolution Ordering the Annexation of the Excluded parcels. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1437 be approved. Adj ournme nt: 9:15 PM ROBERT W. FESLER, PRESIDENT South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTE S T: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk o~-Board a-~-d- ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 19, 1970 The Board of Directors of the Soulh Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session March 19, 1970, 8:00 P.M., Conference Room - District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert Pesler, Directors Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman. ABSENT: Director Edward E. Hegarty, Attorney Robert J. Hill and Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. MINUTES: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 3/5/70 and 3/17/?0 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed John Murphy of the Sacramento Bee andA.L. Shoupe of ClairA. Hill and Associates to this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Russell L. Culp presented his report, as follows: "Manager' s Report March 19, 1970 At 1:30 P.M. on Tuesday, March 10, 1970, a meeting was held in the U. S. Forest Supervisors Office in Placerville. Present were representatives of the U. S. Forest Service, the State Department of Parks and Recreation, and the District. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss cost sharing for sewer service to the Emerald Bay area, and to agree on rebates which would be due to the Federal Govern- ment, for use of existing sewers financed by the Forest Service. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer pointed out to the State that its connection fee would be based on, in part, the rebate due to the Federal Government for capacity used by the State in existing facilities. The U.S.F.S. then presented their proposal for cost sharing and calculation of rebates, which was rejected by the State. After much discussion, it was agreed that there would have to be separate negotiations between the District and the State and the District and the LU.S.F.S. Tentative agreement was obtained from the State that they might advance the U.S.F.S. share of the Baldwin Beach facilities if money was not available from the U.S.F.S., so that construction could be completed next summer. On Monday, March 16, the Environmental Protection Committee met with representatives of the Contractor's State License Board, the City Inspection Depart- ment, and the E1 Dorado County Health Department to discuss problems with installation of house-to-sewer connections by unlicensed contractors, and methods of correction. On Tuesday, March 17, the Water and Recreation Committee of the Board attended a City of South Lake Tahoe Study Session on Public Water Supply Service. It was agreed that unification of the ownership of all six private water companies under public ownership could produce better service ,and par ticularly better fire protection and low fire insurance rates. The advantages and disadvantages of City versus District operation were discussed. It was agreed that the City and the District would each appoint a Committee of two to meet as soon as possible and discuss the matter further. Also on Tuesday, a hearing was held on Annexation 1970-2 (Excluded Parcels) and Board Action was taken to provide sewer service to these areas. At Indian Creek Reservoir, the District sustained a loss by theft of equip- ment amounting to $2,930; before this equipment is replaced, steps will be taken to make theft or vandalism more difficult. Indian Creek Reservoir will be full on or about April 4th as previously' esti. mated. Ar~Fngements have been made with irrigators in Alpine County to take water from the pipeline prior to any possible overflow of the reservoir; the District made a special connection into Snowshoe Thompson Ditch No. 1 for this purpose." DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. REq~ ULAR MEETING -3- CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: CONTRACT AND CONTRACTOR and Total Contract Amount Match 19, 1970 Percentage Completed USFS Sewer, Schedule II, Wismer andBecker $398,49O.2O Includes Cont. Change Order ~1, Kiva Pump Station 78% Grit Removal System, RHC Associates $47,100 65% Heating and Ventilation Modifications Administration Building $8,987" JM Ryan 100% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated all business was listed on the agenda. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: Met 3/18/70 with Jim Norton, Insurance Carrier for the District, to review the present insurance policy regarding the recent loss of equipment and Indian Creek Re s e rvoir. Also regarding operational deficit and need for additional revenue for the District and possible increase in service fees. Study Session scheduled for 4/9/70, 8:00 P.M., Finance Study Session. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: Joint City and School District Recreation Board met and suggested adding members from theSchool District (2), City (2), South Tahoe Public Utility District (1) and E1 Dorado County (1), to this Committee. The above was postponed for any action until the Committee can make a recommendation to this Board as to whether the District is interested in a member of this Board becoming a member of the Joint City and School District Recreation Board. 3. Water and Recreation Committee: Met with the City concerning the water systems and the Mayor appointed a committee of two - Mr. Donald L. Clarke and Mr. Frank C. Souza to serve on that committee. Mr. Gary Chase stated that he has not yet had time to discuss the water systems, nor has he had the time to study this project to where he felt a recommendation could be made. Meetings for the above to be announced at a later time. 4. Environmental Protection: Met with George Kelly of the Licensed Contractor Board, Mr. Rohde and Mr. V. Ri:chin of theCity and with Mr. W. Trupin of the County Health Department to discuss the unlicensed contractors making sewer connections, etc. In attendance were Director Ream, Manager Culp, George Kelly and Mr. Ritchin, Mr. Rohde and Mr. Trupin. The following is a recommendation of the Committee: TO BE COMPLETED IF APPLICANT IS THE OWNER AND UNLICENSED INDIVIDUAL OR FIRM I, the undersigned, says: That I am not a general contractor or specialty contractor licensed by the State of California under the provisions of Sections 7000 et. seq. of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California. That I am exempt from the licensing requirements of Sections 7000 et. seq. of the Business and Professions Code for the reason or reasons set forth below. That I am the owner of the property, building or structures set forth above. I will do the work described above by myself or through my dependents living with me on the property. -4- Regular Meeting. I certify that in the performance of the work for which is permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workmen's compensation laws of California. This declaration is required by statutes enacted by the legislature of the State of California and is not a requirement of County or City Codes. Making a false declaration under penalty of perjury constitutes a felony punishable by imprisonment of not less than one nor more than 14 years. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is correct. Executed at South Lake Tahoe, California, on ,19 (Signature): Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the above recommendation be approved. (Copy of same to be mailed to Mr. George Kelly). 5. Public Relations: Manager Culp stated that several students have toured the facilities and upon their return to school drew posters and same were tacked to the walls in the conference room and lobby. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a. Claim against Frontier Construction Company by Angora Water Company in the amount of $950.00. ' It was agreed that we should protect the Water Company and hold payment back to Frontier Contractors because of damage to the property owner. b. Letter from Max Burdick requesting a meeting with this Board regarding clairns that Frontier submitted and same denied by the Board of Directors of this District. Manager R.L. Culp will contact Mr. Burdick for a scheduled time - possible date to be 3/31/70, Tuesday, 2:00 P.M. District office. To be confirmed. 2. ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NOS. 1968-3F and 1968-3G: Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1438, Determining that the Public Interest and Necessity Require the Acquisition of Certain Lands and Rights of Entry Thereon and Directing the Filing of Eminent Domain Proceedings Assessment District 1968-3F. Considerat[on of RESOLUTION NO. 1439, Determining that the Public Interest and Necessity Require the Acquisition of Certain Lands and Rights of Entry Thereon and Directing the Filing of Eminent Domain Proceedings Assessment District 1968-3G. Direct or Wakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1438 and 1439 be approved as presented. 3. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3G: Consider RESOUTION NO. 1440, a Resolution Amending Resolution No. 1432, entitled, A Resolution Determining Unpaid Assessments and Providing for Issuance of Bonds. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1440 be approved as presented. 4. Consi. der City Assessment District - Highland Woods No. 3: Consider Resolution No. 1441, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreement for the Acquisition, Maintenance, and Operation of and Conveyance cfa System of Domestic Sewage Disposal. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1441 be approved as presented. 5. County Assessment District - Montgomery Estates Unit No. 7: Consider Resolution N~ 1442, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with Relation to a System of Domestic Sewage Disposal. Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1442 be approved, as presented. REGULAR MEETING March 19, 1970 6. Water Supply System Acquisition: (a) = Set date for meeting by Water and Recreation Committee with Water Committee of the City - to be scheduled at a later date; (b) Set date for meeting with water system owners = tentative date scheduled for Tuesday, March 24, 1970. NEW BUSINESS: None C OMMUN ICATIONS: 1. Letter from Assemblyman Chappie regarding hearing on Assembly Bill 836 before the Assembly Water Committee April 8, 1:45 P.M. Room 2133, State Capitol. 2. Letter from Alpine County Board of Supervisors regarding special meeting at Markleeville, Friday, 3/27/.70, 9:00 AM. 3. Letter from North Tahoe Public Utility District regarding sewering and service to Trimont Land Development area and surrounding areas. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $78, 182.55 and the transfer of funds in the amount of $100,000 be approved, as recommended by Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan. Adjournment: 10:15 P.M. ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID Wo CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHqE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 2, 1970 The Board of Directors of theSouthTahoe Public Utility District met in regular session April 2, 1970, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present w-ere President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes and General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Egnineer Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney John C. Weidman, Arthur L. Shoupe, John Murphy, Bob Henderson, Mr. McPherson and anon:her representative from Highland Woods Unit ~3, Lorgen Enterprises. ABSENT: Attorney Robert J. Hill and Director GeraldG. Ream. MINUTES: DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of March 19, 1970, be approved as corrected. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed all in attendance to this meeting. REGULAR MEETING Apt[[ 2, [970 MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager R.L. Culp presented his report, as follows: "Manager's Report April 2, 1970 The Water and Recreation Committee met on Tuesday, March 24th and outlined an action program regarding the proposed public water supply system. I attended a meeting of the solids wastes committee on March 25 and heard the announcement that private enterprise has completed virtually all arrangements for the export of solid wastes within the established deadlines. When this operation starts, we will need to make arrangements for disposal of our furnace ash with the hauler. On March 31, there was a board Study Session to discuss a number of current District activities. Alpine County has agreed to release water from Indian Creek Reservoir for irrigation prior to any overflow. Releases probably will be started sometime in the next week or two. Apparently, they have also worked out a permanent plan for use of excess water for irrigation. I am planning to be on vacation from April 3 through April 12." PLANT OPERATION Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime used Makeup ...... 111 tons .... Recalcined... 115 tons Alum Used ........ MARCH 1970 71.8 MG (Feb. 65.7) 2.3 MGD (Feb. 2.4) None 5,485 lbs. None 5.1 Million Cu Ft 460,800 KWH 219 Lbs Empty - Not Used 5,245 gallons MARCH 1969 Flows: Plant Flow = Total: 57.5 Daily Average: = 1.9 MGD" Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Harlan E. Mayer stated that he has concluded a reanalysis of the costs of providing sewer service to the Emerald Bay State Park and associated areas. Copies of same presented to the Board for review and consideration. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the report prepared by Engineer Harlan E. Mayer be sent to the State with a cover letter from the District. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by Arthur L. Shoupe, resident engineer: Contract and Contractor USFS Sewer, Schedule II, Wismer and Beaker Grit Removal System, RHC Associates Heating and Ventilation Modifications by JM Ryan -Administration Bldg. Assessment District 1968-3F and 3G - Kirkwood-Bly Amount of Completion (%) 78% 80% 100% 0%" ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the Hood Corporation asked for a separate meeting with Mr. Weidman and John Lynch and the Directors whose depositions were taken regarding settlement discussions, etc. The meeting is scheduled for 4/15/70, 3:00 P.M., District Office. COMMITTEE REPORTS: -3- Ap~'il 2, 1970 1. Finance: No meeting. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: No meeting; the hearing for Assembly Bill 836 is scheduled to be in Room 2133, State Capitol, April 22nd at 1:45 P.M. 3. Water and Recreation: Did meet as mentioned in the Manager's Report. 4 . Environmental Protection: No report. 5. Public Relations: The second annual Birthday Party was held for the export system on 3/31/70 and lunch was served; all employees and staff, President Fesler and Directors Gerald Ream and Donald H. Kortes were in attendance. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: U.S. Forest Service Sewer System, Phase III: RESOLUTION NO. 1443, A Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling for bids. RESOLUTION NO. 1444:A Resolution Approving Wage Rates. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1443 and 1444 as recommended by Ehgineer Harlan E. Moyer, be a ppr ove d. Bid Opening set for 5/7/70, 2:00 P.M., District Office. 2. Assessment District 1968-3F and 1968-3G - - Change Order No. 1, Kirkwood-Bly, Inc. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 1 be approved, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. 3. Plant Instrumentation Maintenance Agreement: Consider annual renewal with Honeywell, Inc., cost has increased from $17,969 to $19,520. Honeywell also offered another contract for pump station maintenance in the amount of $5,746 annually. Manager R.L. Culp recommended the Maintenance Agreement of $19,520 be considered for approval and that the Pump Station Maintenance request not be approved. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Maintenance Agreement with Honeywell, Inc., be approved, as recommended by Manager R.L. Culp for an annual amount of $19,520.00... i President Fesler stated that he would like to be included in the next meeting regarding maintenan maintenance agreement with Honeywell, Inc., and the other Directors agreed they too would like to be at the meeting next year when the contract is discussed and to better understand their services to this District. a 4. Grit Removal System: RHC Associates (a) Consider request time extension. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, recommended that consideration be given to RHC Associates for an additional thirty day time extension; the shipment of equipment has delayed the contract completion and they are requesting a time extension from 4/3/70 to 5/3/70. General Manager Culp stated that the Contractor has kept the project right up to date as the equipment arrives and is installed. DirectorKortes moved, that the request from RHC Associates for a 30 day time extension, upon the recommendation of Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, be approved from 4/3/70 to 5/3/70. Seconded by Director Hegarty. VOTES: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Hegarty, Wakeman, Kortes Director Robert -W. Fesler Director Gerald G. Ream C arrie d ......... b. Consider Change Order No. 2 for increase of $480.00; this was for additional work requested o.f RHC Associates; also extends the contract date by two calendar days. //,b~' Regular Meeting -4- April 2, 1970 Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the contract change order No. 2 be approved and the time extension of the contract time by two calendar days be approved. 5. Administration Building - Heating and Ventilating Modifications: J.M. Ryan, General Contractor. Consider RESOLUIION NO. 1445, A Resolution Accepting Completion and Directing the Filing of Notice of Completion. Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1445 be approved as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. 6. Assessment Districts ,1967-3A, 3B and 4A - Leo L. Davis, Inc., Contractor. 7. Assessment Districts 1967-4B, 4C, 4D, and 4E, Frontier Contractors, Inc. Items 6 and 7 for informational purposes to the Board regarding stop notices received from Tahoe Paradise, Inc. 8. Highland Woods U nit No. 3 Assessment District: Consider letter received from Lorgen Enterprises regarding easement. Mr. McPherson appeared before the Board to discuss the easement he has tried to obtain from the owner of property who resides at Medford, Oregon; he has visited with the owners, made an offer of $1,200 for the easement, upon the survey made by the appraiser-Mr. Noble T. Murray, and has been unsuccessful in obtaining the easement. Mr. McPherson appeared this evening to request assistance from this Board to obtain the easement needed for the Assessment District. President Fesler stated that this should be turned over to the Environmental Committee for study and a recommendation to this Board. Mr. McPherson did state, however, that time was of the essence and would appreciate some action from this Board. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the District assist in obtaining the easement requested by Mr. McPherson for Highland Woods Unit No. 3 and the matter be turned over to the Environmental Committee for study and determine what action should be taken. 9. District Financial Report: (a) Consider rescheduling presentation of report from April 9th at 8:00 P.M. to Thursday, April 23rd, 8:00 P.M., District Office. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the presentation of the District Financial Report be scheduled for April 23rd, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. b. Consideration of Ordinance No. 195, An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 114. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 195 be approved, as presented. 10. Assessment District 1967-4; Frontier Contractors, Inc., request for new meeting date. Tentatively set for 2:00 P.M., Date= April 14, 1970, District Office, to discuss claims for extra work. NEW BUSINESS:.- l. California Sanitary and Sanitation Districts Association - Consider sending Assistant Manager and one Board Member to Workshop on Uniform System of Accounting in Oakland on April 14, 1970. Approved. 2~Board Chairman will attend the meeting on April 9th - Legislative Meeting with Lunardi. 3. California Water Pollution Control Association: State Meeting in Sacramento, April 30th and May lst; Directors can attend this meeting if they so wish; Manager Culp stated that he would send four representatives from the plant and any Board member that can attend should do so. President Fesler requested Mr. Culp to make reservations for at least two board members. REGULAR MEETING -5- April 2, 1970 4. Assessment Dfstrict No. 1970-1: Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1446, A Resolution Referring Project [o Attorneys and Engineers. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 1446 be approved. The Directors also discussed having a plaque installed at the District and all those that have served as Directors for this District have their names engraved on this placque. Director Hegarty, Public Relations Chairman, will follow through on this and report to the Board at a later time. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Letter from Irrigation Districts Association of California. Meeting at the Sahara-Tahoe on April 8th [hroughApril 10; invited Directors to the social event on April ?, 1970, 4:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. by Mr. RalphA. Nessin. They might also have some visitors from their group that will tour the District facilities. 2. Meeting notice from Lake Tahoe Area Council to be held at 6:30 P.M. Friday, ~lpril 10, 1970, Cai Nwva Lodge; five reservations were made. 3. U.S.F.S. regarding meeting on May 7th with Lahontan Board regarding variances; to be held at Placervflle Office of the U.S.F.S. at 1:00 P.M. Engineer Harlan E. Moyer will attend this meeting. 4. Letter from Department of Water Resources regarding the Davis-Grunsky Grant. It was suggested that a letter be sent to B.L.M. stating that the District stands ready to assist them whenever the necessary documents are prepared and sent to this District same will be reviewed and considered. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $96,756.63, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $100,000 be approved, as recommended by Assistant General Manager C~llahan. ADJOURNMENT: 10:25 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALIAHAN, Clerk of Board an~"d'~ ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 16, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on April 16, 1970, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL:Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes and Gerald G. Ream; also present were Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineer Harlan Moyer and EngineerA.L. Shoupe. ABSENT: General Manager Russell L. Culp and Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of April 2, 1970 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomedA.L. Shoupe, Resident Engineer, to this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: April 16, 1970 "A Board Study Session was held on April 14th to hear presentation of claims for extra work from Frontier Contractors for construction in Assessment District No 1967 -4. ' There is still about six inches of storage available in Indian Creek Reservoir; the trout fishing season opens on Saturday , May 2. The date of the meeting with the U.S.F.S. and representatives of the Lahontan Board in Placerville has been changed from May 7th to 1:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 5. As approved by the Board at the last regular meeting, today I will be attending a meeting of the Committee on Research of the American Water Works Association in St. Louis, Mo., at their expense" Assistant General Manager Callahan stated that he attended the work conference at Oakland on 4/14/70, and in the past few weeks has shown the District film to the Placerville Kiwanis Club, Local Realtor Board and Motel Association. President Fesler stated that the Directors have requested that the budget be studied at an earlier time this year; also, that there is a scheduled meeting on 4/23/70 to discuss this subject. FINANCE COMMITTEE, STUDY SESSION, 4/21/70, 3:00 P.M., Manager Culp's Office. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved, as presented. President Fesler thanked Mr. David Callahan, AsSistant General Manager, for his attendance at the conference and for showing the film to the various groups. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that he talked with the USFS and they wanted to know what was heard from the State of California - Mr. Moyer tol, d them he had not heard from the State; the USFS has prepared to negotiate an agreement with this District to provide for the design of the facilities to the Fallen Leaf Lake Area. On April 15, ~970, Manager Culp, Engineer Moyer and Engineers Jerry Wilson and Dave Evans met with the F.W.P.C.A. people, toured the plant, etc. ,; these were men from the Construction Grant Divisions from many of the offices throughout the United States and Washington, D.C. offices. -z- AptL1 16, 1970 //~,~ CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported by Engineer Arthur L. Shoupe: CONTRACT AND CONTRACTOR & TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PERCENTAGE COMPLETED U.S.F.S. Schedule II, Wismer Becket $398,490.20, includes KIVA PUMP STATION 78% complet ed Grit Removal System, RHC Associates $47 ,].00 95% " Assessment District 1968-3F and 3G, Kirkwood Bly $708,650 0% fm ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman reported that he was in attendance for the Frontier Contractor, Inc., meeting and the Hood Litigation meeting. Also, discussed the Knox's Assembly Bill, which tends to give all authority to City and County and he recommended that this District go on record to oppose the Bill. This matter was turned over to the Intergovernmental and Legislative Coordinating Committee for study and a report to the Board. Assistant General Manager Callahan stated that Senate Bill No. 476 was recieved, and President Fesler turned same over to the Intergovernmental and Legislative Coordinating Committee for study and a report to this Board. ACTING CHAIRMANSHIP: President Fesler stated that the following dates for the Directors to be Acting Chairman are as follows: May 7 May 21st June 4 th June 18th Acting Chairman Robert Wakeman Acting Chairman Donald H. Kortes Acting Chairman Edward E. Hegarty Acting Chairman Gerald G. Ream. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. FINANCE COMMITTEE: Met with representatives of Wells Fargo Bank to discuss the account the District has with their Bank. 2. LEGISLATIVE AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE: Director Wakeman mentioned the possibility of one of the Directors being a member of the Recreation Committee; it was agreed that this matter would be postponed indefinitely. 3. WATER AND RECREATION: Met with Gary Chase, Don Clarke and the District on 4/8/70 and discussed the situation of taking over the Water Facilities. Mr. Chase stated that this matter should be studied at greater length by the City; President Fesler stated that this Committee will approach the City again when the new Council members are seated. 4. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION COMMITTEE: No meeting was held. Will schedule a meeting at a later date regarding Highland Woods No. 3. Also, Director Ream stated that a statement was requested to be put on the back of sewer applications and the City has now been using these. In one week, Director Ream stated, four illegal contractors have been turned over to George Kelly, License Contractors Board. President Fesler also asked Director Ream to keep in mind the area around the holding pond, and the Harootunian matter; seems that President Fesler received a call from a Mrs. Weiss stating that the Recreation Director Mr. Walt Little and his Committee were surveying this particular area. 5. Public Relations: Met on 4/15/70 with Mr. David Callahan and Mr. Callahan will research and obtain names and dates of service for past and present Board of Directors to have engraved on the placque. Director Hegarty also mentioned that he and Manager Culp will show the film on April 27th, 7:00 P.M., at the West Valley College at Saratoga. Regular Meeting 3 April 16, 1970 DirectorKortes stated that on April 22nd a panel discussion will be held on air, water pollution, etc., and he has been asked to bring samples for a display showing the different stages of the water that has been processed and that Manager Culp will be asked to speak on that date at the school or a representative of this District will be asked to speak. ' Also, every copy of the film that has been produced has been spoken for. President Fesler complimented the Directors on their time, effort, and work put into all Committee Projects. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. U.S.F.S. Sewer System, Wismer and Becket, Contractors. Consider Change Order No. 6, increase of $603.74. Same has been approved by the U.S.F.S. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 6, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, be approved. 2. Assessment District No. 1968-3G: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1447, a Resolution Amending Resolution No. 1432, Determining Unpaid Assessments and Providing for Issuance of Bonds. DirectorHegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1447 be approved, as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan. 3. Sewer Connection: Assistant General Manager Callahan stated that Mr. Rohde of Public Works Department for the City of South Lake Tahoe has requested a meeting with the Board, City and E1 Dorado County sometime during the first week of May. Directors agreed to meet Wednesday, 5/6/70, 3:00 P.M., District Conference Room. 4. Highland Woods Subdivision Easement: This easement was discussed at a Study Session held on 4/15/70. Attorney Weidman stated that he should be authorized to prepare an agreement regarding this easement, mentioning that all expenses relating to acquisition of the easement will be paid for by the Assessment District and Loren Enterprises, Inc. Also, that the District will enter into this as a public agency, and at no cost to the District,and that the District make an offer to the owner for the easement. Also, to inform the owner of the authority given to the Lawyer and Engineer to prepare this agreement to acquire the easement, and if the negotiations are not successful, to inform the owner that the District could enter into Eminent Domain proceedings. Col,/ of letter and/or agreement will be sent to Mr. McPherson of Loren Enterprises. Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that Attorney Weidman prepare an agreement between the Assessment District and this District and write the owners of the property advising them of the Board Action. MEETING, CONFERENCE, TAHOE REGIONAL AGENCY, 5/3/ and 5/4/70, CRYSTAL BAY: Cai Neva Lodge. Director Hegarty expressed his desire to attend this meeting and conference; following discussion on same, it was mentioned that any Directors wanting to attend this Conference to please make necessary arrangements with Assistant Manager DavidW. Callahan. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Mr. Aram Harootunian regarding tree damage of 400 trees amounting to $60,000. It was mentioned that Mr. Aram Harootunian was advised by letter that the Board and consultants would meet with him and his consultant during the spring. Apr'fl 16, 1970 HarlanE. Moyer, Engineer, stated that Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board will meet in this Conference Room on April 23, 1970, 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Manager Culp will attend and Director Ream will also attend. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Assistant General Manager Callahan recommended payment of claims in the amount of $99,064.10. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $99,064.10 be approved by assistant General Manager David W. Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 9:35 P.M. ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Assistant Manager Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ROBERT IN'. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 7, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on 5/7/70, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Presentwwere Acting Chairman RobertWakeman, Directors Hegarty, Fesler, Kortes and Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer and Arthur L. Shoupe, David Evans, John Murphy and John Morris. Absent: Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried that the minutes of 4/16/70 be approved as presented. ' RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Hubert Bruns, Mr. George Collard and another representative from Alpine County were in attendance and all items listed on the agenda. Reporters from Tahoe Tribune and Sacramento Bee, Engineer A.L. Shoupe and Engineer David Evans were also present for this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by R.L. Culp, General Manager: "May 7, 1970 The report of plant operations for April 1970 is attached to the agenda. Average daily flows for april are 0.5 mgd less than a year ago, which was a period of heavy storm inflow into the collection system. The water level in Indian Creek Reservoir remains at slightly less that full level. As predicted, now that the reservoir has been almost full for several weeks, a the clarity of the water has greatly improved. An 8-inch white disc can now be seen at a depth of 19 feet in the Lake. Trout fishing in the Lake appears to be a great success. According to Bob Tharratt of the California Department of Fish and Game, approximately 920 anglers used the Reservoir last Saturday and Sunday, 730 fishing from the shore and 190 from boats. The estimated total catch for the two days was 1,250 fish. The trout caught averaged about 12 inches in length and between one and 1-1/2 pounds in weight. Overall fishing was rated "good", primarily because of the large size of the fish caught. Despite the large crowd of people, conduct was orderly and there was not much littering of the premises. State officials are extremely happy with the success of the recreational aspects of the project. REGULAR MEETING Manager's Report (Continued) -2- May 7, 1970 The District has been notified of State approval of the Dav£s-Grunsky grant application. Completion of agreements with BLM, the State, and Alpine County is now awaiting Congressional approval of BLM's budget request. No further progress, except for preliminary drafting of the agreements in which John Weidman is now engaged, can be made until the BLM budget request approved. Recently, we received a Handbook of Federal and State Programs on Financial Assistance for Water Development from Carley V. Porter, Chairman of Assembly Committee on Water. Included in this Handbook is a Federal Aid Program for development of Rural Community Irrigation Systems which is administered by the F armer s Home Administration of the Department of Agriculture. Under this program, farmers and ranchers can obtain loans for construction or enlargement of irrigation facilities with repayment periods up to 40 years at 5 per- cent interest. I sent a copy of the information sheet on the program to Hubert Bruns in Alpine County. Upon checking further on the details of this program, it appears that the Alpine County group is eligible for assistance under this program in construction of works for distribution of irrigation water from Indian Creek Reservoir, and they are proceeding as rapidly as possible to make their plans in this regard. Apparently, this loan will solve the financial problem, but time is short to complete the facilities for use this season. Since the last regular meeting, there have been several Board Study Sessions on financial planning for the District. The Board also met with officials of three Douglas County sewer districts serving residential areas in Nevada regarding contract service for treatment and e:~oort of their wastewaters. If a satisfactory agreement is reached, such an arrangement could be mutually advantageous. Representatives of the District attended and participated in a number of meetings and hearings in the past three wekks including: legislative hearings on the proposed interest moratorium for Tahoe Sewer Districts; a meeting with the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board and the U.S.F.S. on sewer service to Echo Lake, Glen Alpine, Angora Lakes, and other remote areas; the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Conference on the Environment; a meeting with City and County officials on sewer hook-ups; the Annual Conference of the California Water Pollution Control Association; the film of the treatment plant and export system was shown and discussed at an American Society of Civil Engineers meeting in Carson City and to a seminar at West Valley Junior College; and a meeting was held with representatives of State Beaches and Parks regarding sewer service to Emerald Bay State Park. PLANT OPERATION Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used Alum Used Total Plant Flow: 76.8 APRIL 1969 APRIL 1970 62.6 MG (March 71.8) 2.3 MGD (March 2.3 ) None 7,314 lbs. None 7.7 Million Cu Ft 505,200 KWH 505 lbs Empty - Not Used Makeup = 106 tons Recalcined-140 tons 6,020 gallons Daily Average = 2.6 MGD" Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Most itms on agenda; met with Douglas County Sewer Improvement District on the 17th of April; attended the Study Session on April 21st; Mr. Moyer also met regarding the Emerald Bay Sewer System on April 28th; attended the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Meeting on 5/4/70 and met with the U.S.F.S. at Placerville on May 5th; also attended the meeting of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency meeting on 5/6/70. Mr. Moyer stated that he contacted Dr. David Stephen and discussed with him the status of application for a research contract for physical chemical treatment processes here May 7, 1970 at this plant. We had asked for 100% Federal Funds for this research contract. Stephen did mention that there is a considerable amount of competition and many applications throughout the country have been received. Dr. Engineer Moyer stated that if the District wishes to pursue this grant, it might well be worth the time and effort to visit Washington, D.C., and to make an appointment with Dr. David Stephen to obtain this grant. TheBoard scheduled 5/13/70, 3:00 P.M., W'ednesday for a Study Session at the Distri. ct Office to discuss the possibility of the grant mentioned by Engineer Moyer. (Grants and Finance). CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by Arthur L. Shoupe, Engineer: CONTRACT AND CONTRACTOR AMOUNT % COMPLETED U.S.F.S. Sewer Schedule II, Wismer and Becker 78% $398,490.20 (Includes Kiva Pump Station, C.O.~:i) Grit Removal System, RHC Associates $47,t00. O0 99% Assessment District 1968-3G and 3F, Kirkwood Bly $708,650.00" 6% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that the closing papers have been drafted re HOOD LITIGATION; same sent to Hood and Travelers Insurance. He attended the Ways and Means meeting last Tuesday regarding the moratorium and interest reduction bill also came up. Another Bill regarding annexation of all agencies and suggested a committee next week, if possible, to review and studyA.B.2400. To meet 5/12/70, 3:00 P.M. Tuesday at the District Office. ' Also, at this meeting, the problem of sewering Echo Lake, Angora Lake, etc., was mentioned, requirements as to connecting, if system can be made available, etc. Acting Chairman Robert Wakeman asked the Environmental Committee to study these areas mentioned and to meet with the Manager and Engineer and report to this Board. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Met several weeks ago to review the financial report presented by the Consulting Engineer. Mr. Kortes mentioned that Mr. Dave Evans, Engineer, made a fine presentation at the High School and handled the display of the different stages of water treatment, etc., and made a very interesting speech to all students on "Earth Day". 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: Met with Manager to discuss the possibility of the several Assembly Bills flowing into the State Capitol. 3. Water and Recreation: A Committee was appointed by the past City Council to discuss the Water Companies and now that Committee is no longer a part of the City; Director Fesler stated that he is now at a loss as to how or who to meet with and as of now no meeting has been held With the City Council; Mr. Gary Chase will be contacted. 4. Environmental protection committee: No meeting; scheduled 5/15/70 to meet with our Forester to discuss Harootunian Tree damage. 5. Public Relations: Met with Assistant Manager Callahan to discuss the placque; have contacted two different companies regarding same and as of now no reply has been received; Manager Culp and Director Hegarty went to Saratoga to show the film as was requested; also, appeared at Indian Creek Reservoir opening day of fishing season and took several pictures. (Manager Culp took time to show the slides taken) Also went to KOWL on "Who Wants to Know" a week ago last Thursday and the conversation took place regarding the District facilities, etc. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Mr. Hubert Bruns and Mr. Goerge Collard and the President of Alpine Soil Conservation were present :~ at this meeting to discuss the possibility of obtaining assistance from the District, as well as Federal Funds, to survey the area //6~ -4 - May 7, 1970 in Alpine County to construct a ditch to keep the water level down and irrigate lands. ClairA. Hill and Associates have quoted a price toAlpire County; also, it was mentioned that there would be no cost-at all if Alpine County wanted to wait one year and then the Soils Conservaton Engineering Department would have this done and surveyed at no cost. After a lengthy conversation with the representatives from Alpine County, Director Fesler stated that he felt this was a policy matter and that the Board should meet in an executive session for further study on this matter and date was set for same - May 11, 1970, Monday, 2:00 P.M. for the Executive Session at the District Office. 2. U.S.F.S. - Letter from USFS regarding design of South Fallen Leaf Lake Sewer System. Engineer Moyer stated that he would recommend that he be authorized to contact the U.S.F.S. and enter into arranging for negotiations of the contract leading into the design of this area. Director Fesler moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that Engineer Moyer's suggestion be approved. RECESS: 10:00 P.M. - Reconvened 10:10 P.M. 3. U.S.F.S. SEWER SYSTEM, STAGE 3: Two bids were received today, as follows: 1. Kirkwood-Bly $735,920 2. W.H. Ebert Corp $767,272 Engineer's Estimate $590,000 Engineer Moyer stated that the USFS have $607,000 for this project; there are three alternatives that can be followed: (1) Authorize the District to proceed with awarding the contract; (2) negotiate reduction in the bid with the contractor by deleting some of the lines, work, etc., (3) ask the bids to be rejected completely and readvertise. Engineer Moyer stated that no action is necessary at this time as these bids must be referred to the U.S.F.S. for consideration and before any action can be taken by this Board. 4. SEWER SERVICE TO NEVADA DISTRICTS: Manager Culp read a letter from Mr. E.G. Gregory from Nevada Division of Health regarding possible sewer servioeto Nevada Districts. Engineer Harl~n E. Moyer presented copies of a preliminary draft of service to Nevada Districts. Following discussion of same, DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the preliminary draft, as presented by Engineer Moyer, be mailed to Nevada (Mr. Berkson) Districts, with a cover letter pointing out this is this District's suggestion and a basis for a contract. Director Fesler stated that Clair A. Hill and Associates have done an absolute fantastic job in submitting this report and that he is in complete agreement with it. 5. FINANCI[AL PLANNING: Engineer Hartan E. Moyer presented the preliminary report regarding service charges for this coming year. Director Fesler stated that he felt this should be reviewed, discussed and studied at an adjourned regular meeting one week from today and that all organizations, residents, etc., should be notified as to this meeting and what will be discussed, etc. This meeting to be held May 14, 1970, 8:00 P.M., District Office. 6. EMERALD BAY STATE PARK SEWER SYSTEM: H.E.Moyer stated that last Tuesday he and Manager Culp, Director Hegarty met with Mr. A. Karim and another gentleman from State Beaches and Parks and discussed the Emerald Bay State Park System and costs for sewering same. The State does have the financing to have this design completed; Manager Culp stated that everything between the State and District are firmed up; the dollar amount between the U.S.F.S.and the State still needs some negotiating. 7. SCENIC RAILWAY EASEMENT: received. -5- May 7, 1970 Letter and check from Robert E. Keller was Mr. Keller stated that if the District could give him an additional 10 or 15 feet the several trees would not have to then be cut and removed. Manager Culp stated that he did check this easement and mentioned that the 10 or 15 feet could be given rather than cut the trees. Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the check in the amount of $200 received from Mr. Keller should be returned until a formal negotiation is made. Also, before the easement is granted, a legal description and map should be prepared regarding this easement. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. David W. Callahan stated that Mr. Art Reber, District Right-of- Way Agent and Appraiser, has now retired and suggested consideration of hiring Mr. Noble T. Murray. AttorneyWeidman stated that Mr. Noble would be employed only when the District has need of his services. He will be the appraiser for 1968-3F and 1968-3G only. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Mr. Noble T. Murray be hired as the appraiser for 1968-3F and 1968 -3 G Assessment District, and when required services are needed by this District. C OMM UNICATIONS: 1. Letter from Lake Tahoe Unified School District stating their appreciation for Mr. David Evans appearance and participation at the High School. 2. Ida Rossa - Damage to Property due to Sewer Back Up. Same was considered and Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claim be denied and referred to the Insurance Carrier for this District. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $59,146.57 be approved as recommended by Assistant Manager David W. Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 11:15 P.M. to 5/11/70 at 2:00 P.M., District Office. ROBERT WAKEMAN, Acting Chairman South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board an-'d~.~x- Officio Secretary to the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ..... May 14, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular session on May 14, 1970, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream; Attorney John C. Weidman, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, John Murphy and John Morris, A1 Warren, David Evans, Jerry Wilson, Phil Gruener, R. Anderson, D. Weiss, Mr. and Mrs. William V.D. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Woods, Emory Upton, Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder, Mrs. Donald H. Kortes and Mr. M. Sampson. President Fesler welcomed all to the meeting and then stated that this meeting was to review and possibly consider the financial planning for this District as will be reported by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. He further stated that since 1959 sewer service fee has been .50¢ per sewer unit (a bathroom is a kitchen, a disposal, per year has been charged, stating that a three unit charge would be $18.00 per year for a two bath and one kitchen home. All developable lands have now been annexed and the District is now in need of more revenue. President Fesler stated that Tahoe City Public Utility District charges $51.00 per year for service charges, $1.20 tax rate and a $225.00 connection fee. Round Hill Sewer Improvement District annual charge is $84.00 per year and they have no tax rate as they have no capital investment. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that service charges have been charged at .50¢ per sewer unit per year since 1959 and no consideration was given at that time for the necessary funds that should be raised in the future. Also, we are now handling a larger volume of sewage and the costs are going up. Director Wakeman stated that the financial planning for this District has been studied since the first of the year and the question now is how is the best way to go aboo~t obtaining the additional revenue needed for this District. Engineer Moyer presented copies of the Financial Planning for South Tahoe Public Utility District to all in attendance which covers the proposed revenue plan for the next five years. Mr. Moyer explained in detail the report presented to the Board for consideration and stated that he would recommend that the service fees go from $0.50¢ per sewer unit per month to $4.50 per sewer unit per month. Mr. M. Sampson stated that he has been very proud of this Public Utiitity District and the men that have operated it; he further stated that he does have strange feelings regarding the increase in rates; Mr. Sampson stated that he noticed inflation has been mentioned at least five times throughout the report and mentioned that he did not feel inflation is to be a continuing thing. He also mentioned that the Hadden Stone Company in New York cut wages across the Board by 10% and executives by 15% and how they would like to see at least 200 resignations come in and mentioned that he did not see how this could spell out continued inflation; he further stated that he felt there was a weakness in the report of projection; in making his report that Mr. Moyer had gone by the past. President Fesler stated that if these inflations do not come about, then we will not have to worry about it. Mr. M. Sampson also stated that the Board will be funding 5% extra per year for wages and further stated that he would drive hard to get it if he were working for this district; he felt when the money is available, it is spent, however, he did state this may not be true in the District's case. REGULAR MEETING Adjourned -2- May 14, 1970 President Fesler stated that Mr. Sampson's point is well taken; also, that there are many items in this study that has not been completely agreed to by this Board. We feel that there are funds in this report that will not be spend in the amount of $100,000 per year. MR. RALPH ANDERSEN stated that he is known as a chronic complainer and that he has not been to the District for almost two years; he further stated that when he feels one is doing a good job, he does not complain, and that is the reason he has not been here. The District is doing a fine job. Mr. Andersen stated that he deals with people that invest in this area and are very concerned about the tax rate, service charges, etc., and if the investor is hit hard and all at once then he becomes frightened; when the small homeowner is now paying $18.00 per year and will soon be paying $54.00 per year it w[llhurt him and will also prevent many investors from coming to this area to invest; he felt it would be best to gradually increase this charge rather than to step it all up at once. Also, the vacant land owners should pay an increased tax and help out and let the tax rate go to either $1.00 or $1.10 and let the vacant land owners assist in this manner. MR. PHIL GRUENER commended Mr. Harlan E. Moyer on the detailed quality and thoroughness of his report. He stated that he found no argument with Mr. Moyer's numbers and that this Board is responsible for hiring competent men like Mr. Moyer. Mr. Gruener stated that of 7,842 maximum possible connections only 5,942 are connected. 22,631 lots have been provided with a sewer line; many people have purchased lots for specula tion purposes only and have no intention of building on the lots. He also mentioned that 74% are vacant lots. Mr. Gruener stated that he felt an increase should be made in the tax rate so all property owners, whether there is a dwelling on the lot or not, will share in the cost. Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that he agreed that Mr. Gruener 100% and that all property should be paying for this needed costs and not only the residents of the area that are connected to the facilities. In reply to President Fesler's question, Manager Cu[p stated that the plant can operate for approximately eight or nine months out of next year and this has to be done in 1970. President Fesler stated that when we spilt up from Nevada many people were relieved because they thought we were providing service to Nevada and they did not understand the situation. President Fesler stated that we do have unused capacity that we are not using. The Nevada People are having trouble now and we are in the process of making an offer to Nevada to assist them, and this would be a great assist to tour financial pr problem here if this materializes;, it will help this District. Mr. Emory Upton stated that he would agree with Mr. Phil Gruener and that is to increase the tax rate rather than to double or triple the service charges. MR. WILLIAM V.D. JOHNSON stated that he read the financial report and stated it was a very good report. Mr. Johnson stated that he felt for a long time that if we had any foresight ten years ago then we would never had the problem we have now. Fifteen years ago, 90% of the land was owned by 8 large ranching concerns and all except one is still in the ranching business. If the tax situation had not come into being and the subdivisions, etc., much of this acreage would not be broken up and all in all we would not be faced with the ecology problems on the South Shore. If the taxes are raised, the undeveloped property will have to be developed, the Johnson property, Harootunian property, Broder Estate, etc. The higher the taxes go, the sooner the properties will break up. Mr. Johnson stated that he felt all the property within the District is carrying a considerable load already and also carrying heavy assessments. Mr. Johnson stated that he felt the people that are using this plant facility should pay for this service; what has been accomplished here has been expensive; our service charges are reasonable here, Mr. Johnson stated. Manager Culp stated that if we were to increase the tax rate by . 12-1/2¢ and double the service charges, we would get by this year. RALPH ANDERSEN stated that ~n the past we were against servicing Nevada because we could not at that time take the Nevada sewage; however, he did not feel that anyone in this County would now object to taking Nevada sewage and treating it because we can now do this and it would certainly be to this District's advantage to do so. MRS. D. WEISS asked for an explanation of the .95¢ per $i00 tax rate and the additional .80¢ for Meyers U-1 Area· Engineer Moyer stated that the basic tax rate for all of the property in the Utility District is .95¢ per $100.00. In 1966 and 1967 there was construction of the trunk sewers and pump stations in the Meyers area - U-1 Improvement Area, and a 2-1/2 million dollar bond issue. The · 80¢ tax rate was to be used to retire the bonds and to build the pump stations and the trunk sewer. MR.M. SAMPSON asked what the status of the Indian Creek Reservoir was. Manager Culp stated that this District must meet certain requirements as to the quality of the water that goes to the reservoir. The Ranchers are thinking of constructing a ditch, which will cost approximately $140,000. They are hoping to obtain a loan with interest payment of 5% for 40 years· We are hoping to make more firm and definite commitments to where Alpine County will handle all the water during wet and dry seasons and a meeting is scheduled this Monday with Alpine County. Engineer Moyer stated that there is more than ample lands beyond Alpine County to be irrigated with more water than we can get over there. President Fesler stated that 9 years ago when he was elected to this Board he had hoped to check into the tax rate and to keep it as it is now and he will be very disappointed to have to take any action to increase tax rates. WILLIAM V.D.JOHNSON stated that he would like to know what it would cost the owner per month or per year if the service charge on an average house would be $18·00, and the .95¢ and .80¢. It would cost approximately $5.50 for basic district operation per month. Right now it is approximately $9.00 per month for sewer treatment, expmrt and trunk sewers. The assessment is a separate charge and paid in 15 annual installments, on the tax roll. For capital investment, operation cost, etc., it would cost the property owner approximately $17 plus per month. This is higher than in the valley towns, however, the degree of treatment of sewage is less and they are not faced with export, etc. Mr. Johnson stated that he attended the meeting at Incline Village and it was very crushing to him that many of the outside people were telling us that we were not doing things right here and that he has been very proud of this plant and was crushed to learn many did not know what was actually being done here and that many of the outside people were telling us what to do. Mr. Johnson stated it was all very crushing to him because he is very proud of this plant and many outside people were continuing to tell us what to do without being aware of what has been done and what is being done. President Fesler stated that we have faced up to the fact belatedly and unhappily that we are going to have to face this situation; we have explored every possible avenue of possible revenue. We are going to review this five year projected cost annually; if the Nevada contract does not develop, then this will have to be looked at again next year· The tax rate does not have to be set until August. Also, 1971-1972 would be the first year we could expect any revenue from Nevada if the contract comes into being. Director Hegarty stated that it would be much more equitable to go on the assessed value and add to the tax rate and would be more desirable; also, he stated that it has been indicated tonight that additional taxes would be the answer. -q- Ivtay 14, 1970 President Fesler stated that we have an idea of what the people want now; he thanked everyone for their attendance at this meeting. ADJOURNEMNT: l0:00 P.M. ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT /f ?I REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 21, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session May 21, 1970, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Acting Chairman Donald H. Kortes, Directors RobertW. Fesler, Robert Wakeman, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney John C. Weidman, John Murphy, Mr. Lane, Miss Gertrude C. Hauser. MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 5/7/70 and 5/14/70 be approved - 5/7/ as corrected and 5/14 as pre se nted. "Manager's Report May 21, 1970 There have been several meetings and study sessions since the last regular Board meeting. The Intergovernmental Committee met on May 12, and Study Sessions were held on financial planning, Nevada Sewer Service, Harootunian Tree Damage, sewer inspection, and water releases from Indian Creek Reservoir on May 13, 14, and 18. An Adjourned regular meeting was held on Thursday evening, May 14, to hear presentation of the Financial Planning Report and to receive comments and suggestions from the patrons of the District on the methods for raising the necessary additional revenue" Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that the U.S.F.S.,Phase III, contract has not been returned by them to us for any action. A meeting will be held at Barstow, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board on 5/28/70, 9:00 A.M., and suggested that representatives from this District attend. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer reported the following: Contract, Contractor and Contract Amount Percentage Completed USFS, Sch II, Wismer and B:cker ] $398,490.20(includes Kiva Pump Station, C.O.~I) 85% Grit Removal System, RHC Associates $47,100 99% //'7,2~ REGULAR MEETING May 21, 1970 Contract Progress Report (Continued) Assessment District 1968-3F and 3G, K[rkwood Bly $708,650.00" 15% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Documents have been sent to Hood Corporation and Travelers Insurance; two minor corrections will take place and that is now being taken care of by Hood Attorney. Same should be received within a week. Director Fesler stated that maybe this Board should plan to meet with Mr. Lynch to discuss this. Attorney Weidman will make arrangemants and not[fy the Board. COMMITTEE REPORTS: i. Finance. No report - Action to be taken on item listed on agenda. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee. Committee met on Tuesday, May 12, 1970. Present were Manager Culp, David Callahan, Bob Wakeman and Ed Hegarty, Bob Fesler and JohnWe[dman. John We[dman gave a report on five pending bills in the State Legislature. Committee agreed no action should be taken by the District at this time, but did instruct Mr. Weidman to continue his review of the bills and any others that might affect the District. The Committee agreed that its activity in the area of legislation would be to keep the Board of Directors advised of legislation that might affect the operation of the District. This will be accomplished by our membership in the California Special Districts Association and the California Sanitary and Sanitation Districts Association by the literature received from them; the information regarding specific bills would be forwarded on to John C. We[dman for his review, Mr. Wakeman stated. 3. Water and Recreation: Mr. Fesler stated that this committee met on 5/12/70 and discussed the possibility of obtaining a grant re water system improvements and if the District can obtain such a grant, Mr. Fesler stated we should pursue this. 4. Environmental Protection: Manager Culp, Directors Kortes and Ream met and toured the Emergency Storage Area Site to see how the landscape plantings were coming along and Mr. Ream stated that there was some growth, plus some of the trees that were planted may have to be replaced. 5. Public Relations: No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: To follow Item ~2 of New Bus[ness, as follows: (2) Water Rights Application by Private Water Companies. Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1448 Supporting appl[calJonby the Gardner Mountain Water Company and the pe£[tions by Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company to State Water Resources Control Board regarding water rights. Mr. Stanley Martin appeared before the Board, representing Angora Water Company, Tahoe Paradise, Tahoe Keys and Gardner Mountain Water Company and the petitions by Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company to State Water Resources Control Board regarding water rights. Mr. Martin requested this Board to adopt a Resolution in support of their application for water rights. They are requesting that the point of diversion be changed, and an increased amount of water can then be supplied. Director Fesler, moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously Carried that RESOLUTION NO. 1448 be approved. Mr. Fesler stated that he felt this would be of great benefit to this area. REGULAR MEETINg UNFINISHED BUSINESS: -3- May 21,1970 FINANCIAL PLANNING: a. Summary of Public Hearing was discussed and it was agreed by the Board to increase the unit charge for sewer service fees from $0.50¢ per sewer unit per month to $0.85¢ per sewer unit per month, minimum of 3 units per dwelling. ORDINANCE NO. 196: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. Il4 and Providing for Sewer Service Charges. Let[er from Gertrude C. Hauser was read by Chairman Kortes. Miss Hauser opposed the increase in sewer service fees and stated that she felt the taxes should be reaised instead of increasing sewer service fees. Director Fester stated that Miss Hauser's annual billing was $48.00 per year and she stated in her letter that it would now be $216.00 and he felt that she calculated this on the triple increase of sewer service charges and stated that this would not be triple· Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 196 be approved. An Ordinance Fixing the rate of District Taxes for the 1970 and 1971 Fiscal Year, and an Ordinance Fixing the rate of Taxes for Improvement District No. U-1 for Fiscal Year 1970-71 postponed. DirectorWakeman stated that the service charge is well established as to what is needed to be able to maintain this District and asked if we could instruct the Manager to work within the range of the new unit charge and set a tax rate to raise the necessary money. Attorney Weidman stated that the Board can apply a tax rate. Director Wakeman stated that we want to make the community aware of how we are going to solve the financial report of the District. Director Fesler stated that Tahoe City P.U.D. has a yearly charge of $50.00 and Round Hill has a charge of $84.00 per year and even if we change our charge from $18/00 to $30.00 per house, we are still way under the other Districts. Director Resler stated that he felt the action was reasonable and was in full agreement with it. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the budget be prepared for this coming year based on a tentative budget and based on $1.15 [ax rate. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-.1: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1449 , A Resolution Ordering Reduction of Contribution from Funds of Improvement District No. U-1. Director Fester moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1449 be approved. 3. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1967-2: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1450, A Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications tn Assessments. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1450 be approved as presented. 4. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM: a. Report on the possible availability of Federal grants for construction of water system improvements. John C. Weidman stated that he was asked to pursue the grants for reconstruction and improvements of water system that the District might obtain should [hey go into the water business. REGULAR MEETING -4- May 21, 1970 Attorney We[dman stated he talked with the Executive Director of E.D.A. We should file our preliminary applications and start processing same; these grants would cover funds for tying systems together, fire protection, etc. Harlan E. Moyerstated that he felt it was too early to tell what we are talking about in terms of dollars. Director Fesler moved that we authorize our Manager and Consultants to pursue the matter and to file these applications. Manager is to also be althorized to sign any necessary documents required; seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously can'ied. In answer to Director Wakeman's question, Engineer Moyer stated that E.D.A. looks upon the issuance of grant from a regional area basts 5. HOLDING TANK WASTES: a. Letter from the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board re the problem of surrounding areas with no sewer system and the area is unable to dispose of the domestic waste water. The Lahontan Board thinks that the only feasible solutisn to this problem of disposal is that this plant accept these wastes and would like to have our district apply for Federal Water QualityAdminis- tration Research and Development Grant to modify this plant for handling septic materials. Following discuss[on, Director Fesler stated that he felt a study session should be held with the Lahontan Board and the U.S.F.S., and our Engineer. Director Wakeman stated that there are some other means of disposing of sewage and stated he had hoped we could look into the possibility of studying some alternates. Director Fesler stated that he does not like the thought that some will be ex- cluded from having a system, etc., and others must connect to a system. Director Wakeman stated that there is no other adequate means of disposal and if there is it should meet what is being done here. H.E. Moyer, Engineer, stated he knows of nothing that would satisfy the State Law and the Lahontan Board other than what we now have. Echo Lake has a poor solution to the situation and Mr. Moyer stated that this whole question needs to be explored. 6. Assessment District No. 1967-4: Manager Russell L. Culp read the letters from Frontier Contractors and from Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Company, Angora water Company, regarding damages caused by Frontier Contractors and Leo L. Davis. The Board instructed Attorney John C. Weidman to write a letter to the Contractors involved stating this District's legal position in regards to withholding funds, etc. 7. INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: Cons[der authorizing manager to sign agreement with Alpine County regard[ngwater releases. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by D[rectorWakeman, that the Manager be authorized to sign the agreement with Alpine County. Director Fesler stated that we are not aware of what the agree- ment contains in [ts final form. Manager Culp stated that he felt too this should be drafted and presented to the Board for review. VOTES: AYES: None NOES: Directors Fesler, Hegarty, Wakeman, Kortes and Ream. Not carried. REGULAR MEETING -5- MAY 21, 1970 8. HIGHLAND WOODS EASEMENT NO. :~, ACQUISITION OF AN EASEMENT: Agreement which was drafted by Attorney John C. Weidman states that we will acquire the easement from the owner of the property and at no cost to this District. He recommended that a resolution be adopted, RESOLUTION NO.1451, Authorizing the President to Sign the Agreement. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1415 be approved. NEVADA DISTRICT CONTRACT: A discuss[on was held this afternoon with Mr. L. Berkson regarding the outli.ned agreement that was submitted to them. Some disagreements were stated, etc. The Board and the Nevada District representatives will meet here Friday, 5/22/70, 3 3:00 P.M. The Board will meet in Study Session at 2:30 P.M. 5/22/70. FILING INFORMATION CONCERNING PUBLIC AGENCIES AND MEMBERS OF GOVERNING BOARD: File with County Clerk and with the Secretary of State. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the information be filed with the County Clerk and Secretary of State, as so recommended by Attorney ~ohn C. Weidman.' COMMUNICATIONS: 1. From Eugene Chapp[e re Assembly Bill ~:836 - hearing on 5/29/70, 9:30 AM at the Senate Water Resources Committee, Sacramento, California. Attorney Weidman will attend. 2. Letter from Pacific Fire Rating Bureau stat[ore we are now rated Zone 1, effective 2/1/70 with a stop date of 12/1/69. INSPECTIONS: Discussion was held regarding the inspection of sewer connections. When the City was formed, they took over the Inspection Department for sewer connections, issuing the permits, etc. If this District does take Nevada, we will have to do the inspections, etc. The Inspection Contract is an annual inspection contract with the City, and District, and is renewed the 1st of July of each year, and if the District wishes to terminate this, we have to take some act[on now. Mr. Gary Chase, City Manager, stated that as long as the City had the job, they would do it, but if the District would like to have it back then they would like to give it back. Manager Culp stated that he felt the inspections can be done by this District; it will cut down the amount of water that has been coming into the plant and since this District operates the plant, Mr. Culp felt the interest is greater here than at the City; if we can save 10% of infiltration, we can save approximately $20,000 a year. Mrs. D. Weiss stated that she did not believe anyone inspected the connection of their property to the sewer line system. Director Ream stated that he would like to see the District take over the inspections. In andwer to the Directors qua stion, Mr. Callahan stated he did not see where this would create an administrative problem. At least 25% of the District's time is now used in answering questions, etc., for customers at our office and by telephone. Director Ream stated that he felt we owed it to the taxpayer to give them the best inspection we can without infiltration, etc., and further stated he is in favor of the South Tahoe Public Utility District taking back the inspections and that the City so be notified and terminate the contract with the City by 7/1/70. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the District take back the inspections and terminate the contract with the City of South Lake Tahoe. Director Fesler stated that the Manager personally deliver the agreement to the City and to explain to Mr. Gary Chase our actions', etc., so that there are no hard feelings. -6- MAY 21, 1970 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $105,577.19, as recommended by Assistant Manager DavidW. Callahan, be approved. ADJOURNMENT: 10:25 P.M. KORTES, Acting Chairman South Tahoe Public Utility District DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District - - June 4, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session June 4, o970, 8:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were Acting Chairman E. Hegarty, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary DavidW. Callahan, Engineer A.L. Shoupe and H.E. Moyer, Bruce Puiett and B. Meinders of the U.S.F.S., and representatives of Kirkwood-Bly, Inc., and Attorney John C. Weidman. ABSENT: Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 5/21/70 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Culp presented his report as follows: "Manager's Report June 4, 1970 Attached is the monthly report of plant operations. On May 22 the Board met in Study Session with representatives of the Tahoe-Douglas Elk Point, and Kingsbury Sewer Districts to discuss a possible service contract. Representatives of the Board also attended a meeting with PWQA in the same regard. On May 28 representataves of the District attended a meeting of the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board in Barstow regarding sewer service to remote areas in the Tahoe Basin. The Board attended a City Council meeting on June 2 and set the date for a joint meeting in this room on June 15 at 8:00 P.M. to discuss the possibility of a public water supply system and other matters of mutual interest. On May 25 the outl et from Indian Creek Reservoir was opened by the Water Master; outflow was maintained at about 0.2 mgd until June 2 when the flow was increased. Since June 3 all water from the export pipeline has been utilized for irrigation by Wm. Swacke, who owns land between Highway 89 and Heise Ranch." Regular meeting ('continued) Manager's Report (Continued) -2- luna 4, 1970 Plant Operations: Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Elec. Used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used Alum Used MAY 19 69 Flows: Plant Flow = Total May 1970 65.3 MG (April 62.6) 2.3 MGD None 8,840 lbs None 6.8 Million Cu Ft 596,400 KWH 431 Empty - Not Used Makeup - 148 tons Recalcined-167 tons 6,655 gallons 63.9 MG .... Average Daily = 2.1 MGD. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's report be approved as presented. ENGINEERS REPORT: Mr. Moyer has attended several meetings that the Board was aware of; he talked with Mr. A1 Karim of the Department of Parks and Recreation and Mr. Karim stated that the State is now in the position of drawing up the draft of an agreement between the State and the South Tahoe Public Utility District based on the various offers we have made to them over the oast several years. DirectorWakeman inquired about the installation of the sewer line on the North Shore and stated he noticed some of the line in E1 Dorado County. Manager Culp will check into this. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by Arthur L. Shoupe, Engineer. Contract and USFS, Sewer Price include Contractor Shc. II, ($398,490.20) s Kiva Pump Station, Contract C.O.~l) Amount (5) Completed 93% Grit Removal System, RHC Associates $47,100 and $48,460 -Final 100% Assessment District 1968-3F and 3G: Kirkwood Bly, Inc 17%" ATTORNEY'S REP. ORT: The Assembly Bill 836 was put up to June 12th, Sacramento, 9:45 AM. '!: Mr. ~Veidman suggested that some Board members be present at that time; Directors He garty and Wakeman will attend. STUDY SESSION scheduled for 3:00 P.M., June 9, 1970, Water Inspection. Regarding the meeting of the Board with Mr. Lynch - to be scheduled in July. HOOD CORPORATION LITIGATION: All necessary papers and documents have been signed by Hood Corporation and sent to Traveler's Insurance with the recommendation of the Hood Attorney that Traveler's concur. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: No report. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: Meeting was held to discuss Nevada Districts; Mr. Wakeman stated that he is not in a position at this time to make a comment regarding the Nevada District. 3. Water Committee: Directors Wakeman and Fesler and Manager Culp met on 5/26/70 to discuss matters regarding the Water Systems; a meeting is scheduled for 6/15/70, 8:00 PM = with this District and City to discuss water systems. 4. Environmental Protection: No meeting. Director Ream stated that he did take a tour of the Emergency Storage area and it is being irrigated regularly; the trees are surviving more so than the Committee felt one month ago and there are several trees that are dead. REGULAR MEET]lNG -3- june ~, ~/u COMMITTEE REPORTS (Continued) Manager Culp will review the contract and contact Mr. Bill Young. 5. Public Relations: No meeting; Director Hegarty stated that material has been received regarding the plaques the Board discussed. No report at this time. A meeting was scheduled for 6/ll/Y0, 4:00 P.M., to discuss and review all materials received. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Sewer Connection: John G. Irving Residence: Mr. Irving requested time on the agenda but was not present for this meeting. His problem is that he would like to have the District go an extension to the main line enabling him to have the line 100' from the main line. By doing this it would serve his property only. The Board agreed that this District could not be of assistance to him; however, the Board would be happy to talk with him regarding this matter. 2. Sewer Back-Up: Tahoe Savings and Loan Building: Director Fesler stated that he has been approached regarding damage to savings and loan building and property within the building. It was stated that this would not be the responsibility of this District; seems the pin tn the check valve was broken; the stoppage was due to a great amount of grease. The check valve was provided at the time the lateral was installed. Manager Culp stated that the line in that area was cle_aned ore week prior to the back-up. Director Ream stated that the check valve was inspected at the time the basement was built. Manager Culp stated that the District was served with a summons for damage to the Souza property amounting to approximately $1,500.30. Same to be turned over to District InsuranceCarrier. 3. U. S. F. S. Sewer System, Stage III - Engineer Moyer stated that the bids were above what funds were available. A letter has been received from the U.S.F.S. requesting that the District make a modification to the contract. Request the District to advance $35,000 and the USFS will add another $33,600, bringing the total construction cost figure to $675,600; Kirkwood-Bly bid was $735,920 The USFS requests deletion of the sewers from the Fallen Leaf Campground which amounts to $68,500. Also, that a change order be executed that removes the $68,600 along with the statement that this can be reinstated. Engineer Moyer stated that this is a satisfactory solution to the problem and to the District's benefit. Engineer Moyer recommended that the District award the contract for USFS ~3, to Kirkwood-Bly of Santa Rosa on the basis of their low bid with the conditions that Kirkwood Bly will accept a contract change order that will delete from the work on the sewers that will be in Fallen Leaf Campground and further that Kirkwood-Bly agrees that it again may be added to the contract prior to 8/1/70 with no adjustment. Mr. Bruce Pueitt and Mr. B. Meiners stated that Mr. Moyer explained their problem quite well. Representatives from Kirkwood-Bly are in full agreement as mentioned by Engineer Moyer this meeting. GRIT REMOVAL SYSTEM: (RHC Associates) Consider Contract Change Order No. 3. Increase of $275.00 and one day time extension. DirectorYVakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Contract Change Order No. 3 be approved and one day time extension be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 1452, A Resolution Accepting Completion and Directing the Filing of Notice of Completion. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, ~,~u..~, ~v~.~.,,~ -4- ~'une 4, 1970 unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1452 be approved. //?? PROPOSED SERVICE CONTRACT WITH NEVADA DISTRICTS: Engineer Moyer stated that there was a meeting of the Tri-District Group and this District; an agree- ment has been reached between this District and the Tri District Group. There was a meeting held in Oakland last Monday with the FWQA which was a direct result of Berkson's call to FWQA regarding eligibility for Federal Aid; attending this meeting were Engineer Moyer, Directors Fesler,Wakeman and Hegarty. The FWQA stated that this was not a Federal problem but a State problem. It was stated, however, that the Tri-District Group would stand a risk of losing all, or part, of the Federal Aid if they came into South Tahoe instead of going to a joint power plant. The Nevada District was invited to meet with Mr. E.Gregory next Wednesday; this District has not received a letter but Mr. Berkson asked that a representative be in attendance and asked Mr. Moyer to prepare a more precise report; Mr. Moyer stated that if this Board approved he would assist Mr. Berkson. He will also attend the meeting Wednesday,10:00 AM with Mr. Gregory. Director Fesler stated that we have nothing further to do on this project; it is now up to .,~evada. Also, he stated that maybe this District should think about obtaining $30,00 from the Tri District should they decide to come into South Tahoe; he also mentioned that Attorney Weidman look into the legal status of the situation where we sign the contract with the Tri District, liability, etc. Manager Culp stated that Mr. Gregory was at the District here and stated that he commented on what a remarkable job this District has done and is doing. IAMESON BEACH SEWERS: Several inquires have been received about connections to the facilities at ~ameson Beach. There is a line that has been built under the USFS contract. One half of the lots can now be served but to serve the other lots, an extension to the line between Camp Richardson and Pope Beach would be required. Service cannot be provided to anything in that area until the pump stations are inspected and tested. There are some lots that can be connected in that area now; we have not collected any money because we are waiting to be able to put this together into an assessment district; in order to not work hardships on people that can conre ct, it would be appropriate to allow people to connect where the systems are available. Checked with Attorney Hill on this and he stated this would be alright provided the District has obtained a release from the owner. The agreement would stated that the District does not waive any of the District rights in allowing them to connect. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that by signing the agreement provided by our Bonding Attorney, residents can connect to the sewer system where assessments and fees have not yet been paid. Mr. Meinders stated that a portion of the areas has now become USFS property. ANNEXATION OF 140 ACRES NEAR MYERS(G.Harold Duce Petition) - On 12/30/69 Mr. Duce and other property owners signed a petition to annex property to the District - 140 acres; the land is not contiguous to the present District boundaries and is within the USFS green belt area; they want to have the $700 figure per acre rather than the $1,500 per acre. Director Fesler stated that a letter be sent to this individual confirming the dollar figure. Mr. Callahan will write the letter to Mr. H. Duce. 8. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3F and 3-G(kirkwood Bly Inc. ,Contractor): Consider contract change order number 2 - total increase of $474.55 and no change in contract time. Director Feslermoved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 2 be approved as recommended by Engineer Harlan E.Moyer. SCENIC RAILWAY EASEMENT: Street crossing problem. Manager Culp stated that the District owns the road right-of-way where the railway crossing is and stated that we might consider deeding this to the City; also require a certificate of insurance from the Railway Company holding the District harmless. AttorneyWeidman stated that we have a hold harinless document and notification of public liability insurance and the legal description and we do have the right to add other general conditions as stated in the letter of intent. Manager Culp will contact the City regarding this road. june ~, J.~/u NEW BUSINESS: ENGINEERING STUDIES: Consider authorizing preparation of engineering report on direct releases from Indian Creek Reservoir into the Carson River. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Engineer ClairA. Hill &Associates be authorized to prepare this report, not to exceed $2,500 without further action of this board. ACCEPTING AND DISPOSING OF HOLDING TANK WASTES AND ALTERNATE COLLECTION SYSTEMS: It was recommended that our Engineer be instructed to prepare a report and to notify the Lahontan Board that this study has been started. Director Resler stated we do not want to become involved in any other alternate except what we are doing now. Engineer Moyer stated that only disposal for Echo Lake is to dispose the water into the American River watershed. We should look into this to see what we think should be done. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the Engineer proceed with the study as requested by Lahontan at the Barstow meeting. TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY, REPORT ON PLANNING CONFERENCE: This is the first indication this District has had along the lines of future water needs and the possibility of having the water put back into the Lake; Mr. Culpwill prepare a letter to the Agency's Executive Officer concerning District cooperation and participation; this board will review letter. BUDGET: Study Session June 17, 3:00 P.M., District Office. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Neptune Micro Floc thanking the District for allowing them to install a pilot tube settler in the plant and thanking the employees for their courtesies. 2. Letter from Employees Merle A. Kobernus and A. Gunderson regarding an employee association. Postponed for the next meeting at which time a date will be set for a study session. Manager Culp to notify Mr. Kobernus and Mr. Gunderson of District action this evening. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims as itemized be approved and as so recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 10:15 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTE ST-q'. ) . .... ,~ DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex- Off[cio Secretary to the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IUNE 18, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session June 18, 1970, 8:00 PM, District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Acting Chairman Gerald G. Ream, Directors Edward E.Hegarty, Robert Wakeman and Robert W. Fesler. Attorney J.C. Weidman, Attorney R.J.Hill, Manager R.L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Engineer H.E.Moyer and A.L.Shoupe. ABSENT: Director Donald H. Kortes MINUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 6/4/70 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager R.L. Culp. "The Board met in joint session with the City Council on 6/15/70 to discuss the public water supply situation. The result of the meeting was that the City gave preliminary approval to the District to proceed immediately with this project. It was agreed that details of certain services to be provided to the City and of future consultation with the City would be worked out as a part of the project. Tentative arrangements for plant scale testing of certain physical- chemical treatment procedures are being worked out for the week of July 7; assistance in these tests will be furnished by BSP Corporation at no cost to the District. If the tests are successful, the procedures may be utilized full time to improve quality of reclaimed water and reduce operating costs. The modified treatment has already been tested in the laboratory and appears promising." ENGINEERS REPORT: On agenda. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented byA.L.Shoupe, Engineer: CONTRACT AND CONTRACTOR USFS Sewer, Schedule II, Wlsmer & Becket $398,490.20 (Includes CCO~%l-Kiva Pump Sta) PERCENTAGE COMPLETED 98% USFS Sewer, Stage III, Klrkwood Bly, Inc $735,920 2% Assmt. District 1968-3F and 3G: Kirkwood Bly $708,650. 23% In reply to Director Fesler's question,Mr. Shoupe stated that Klrkwood-Bly Contractors are good contractors and are giving the District a good job. Wismer and Beck er are now running tests at all four pump stations. ATTORNEY S REPORT: AttorneyWeidman will attend a meeting at Sacramento re several Assembly bills; also mentioned another bill by which unpaid balances for water charges be enabled to be added to the tax bill, etc. HOOD LITIGATION: Talked with Attorney for Traveler's and documents are still in home office of Traveler Insurance Co. District has been served with Harootunian Law Suit. Mr. Weidman received a call from the Bureau of Reclamation and the Congressman regarding the contract - Bureau of Land Management. Mr. Weidman stated that the contract looked like a sure think and the District should proceed with same. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: No report. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee. No report. Director Fesler stated that he had heard of some dissatisfaction from those in attendance during the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency regarding our Conference Room. Director Wakeman stated that he had heard the Agency will refuse to meet here unless adfditional parking space can be provided, a smoking area provided also. Director l~esler stated that this conference room is inadequate for that group that meets here. Manager Culp will discuss with J.K. Smith. Room holds 50 comfortably - no more. 3. YValer and Recreation: Met on 6/11/70 with three water company representatives- Mr. C. Hoffman, Mr. Max Style and Mr. Stan Martin. 4. Environmental Protection: No meeting - No report. 5. Public Relations: Director Hegarty stated a meeting was held on 6/11/70 to discuss the plaque. Still obtaining information and a report to be made at a later date. The District received 2,500 trees from the USFS and same planted at the Emergency Storage Area. DirectorWakeman stated that Tahoe Keys Corporation is going into a $10,000 advertising program and several of the District brochures will be included in this. Also, Director Hegarty presented an advertisement from United States Steel Pipe Company stating that the South Tahoe Public Utility District has used their pipe, etc., and showed a beautiful picture of the Lake on the advertisement. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Assessment District No. 1967-3A: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1453, Ordering Changes and Modifications.- .... Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1453 be approved. 2. Proposed Service Contract with Nevada Districts: Engineer Moyer stated that last Wednesday he attended the meeting which was called by Nevada Division of Health. Another meeting was held with the Governor and representatives of the Tri-Districts the following day. The Governor considered the proposal of South Tahoe and he offered all and any support needed. Mr. E. Greogry is still not prepared to make a recommendation to FWQA until he has a contract in hand from STPUD showing the offer for Tri-Districts; they want the contract as quickly as possible to work on the Federal Funding. AttorneyWiedman now has the final revisions and will put same into legal form. H.E. Moyer briefly mentioned the changes is the contract ready for the Board's review early next week. H.E. Moyer stated that the Tri-Districts have asked CA Hill and Associates to do the Engineering work on their, system; Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch have been employed as their financial and bond councel. Mr. Moyer stated that the designing will not take place until the contract between STPUD and the Tri District is signed; Mr. Moyer stated that CA Hill's sole interest is the South Tahoe Public Utility District and he could not see where there would be any conflict of interest. Director Fesler stated that he has grave misgivings about this and would like to have the recommendation of the Mana[ger and Attorney; he further stated that he has nothing against ClairA. Hill and Associates designing the facilities at Nevada; however, at a later time Nevada will require more work of Clair A. Hill and this will put and could put this District in direct conflict. Manager Culp stated that he has given this considerable thought and it is to the benefit of this District to have Clair A. Hill design and do the work for Nevada. Attorney Hill stated that Mr. Fesler's concern is not with the design of the facility but with the possibility of Clair A. Hill becoming the Consulting Engineers for Nevada. Anyone that serves one client is not closed from serving another client; however, he cannot serve the same clients on the same subject matter. Director Fesler stated that he would like to hear from our Manager, Attorney and Engineers Ltd. , that this is alright to be done. 3. Contract for Sewer Inspections. Renewal of contract with City for inspection service. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that we rescind our letter giving notification of termination of contract and request the contract be continued in [ts present form as of 7/1/70 on. 4. Public Water Supply System: AttorneyWeidman stated that the District has not formally applied for Federal Grants and recommended filing preliminary grant applications. RESOLUTION:No. 1454: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Resolution No.1454 be approved .... A Resolution REGULAR MEETING -3- J'une 18, 1970 authorizing filing of preliminary grant applications and signature by President of the Board. Report on engineering studies to update reports on existiag private water systems, and interconnection and improvement of the systems; procedure for further negotiations with water companies, water revenue bonds. Being studied by our engineer. A letter will be sent to water companies mentioninq that we are seekinq acquisitions and that our engineer will be arriving to proceed with the preliminary and ask their cooperation. The letter to include the minutes of the meeting held with City and District. President Fesler stated that the water c ommittee could be helpful and stated that this committee would like to work with the Manager on this; same turned crier to the Water Committee. 5. Sewer Service to Emerald Bay: k Contract has been received from the State. A few minor changes were made in the contract. The USFS wants service by 5/31/71 - - total contract $380,000. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the District accept the $380,000 and authorize the engineer to complete negotiations with the State, authorize preparation of engineering plans and specifications, subject to the signing of the contract with the State. 6. Employees Association: Date forStudy Session to discuss the question of recognition; Wednesday, June 24, 4:00 P.M. ----The Board will meet at 3:00 P.M. and then will meet with the employees at 4:00 P.M.) 7. U.S.F.S. Restoration of Section 10-Sprayfield: To meet with USFS on 6/20/70, Monday, 3:00 P.M. 8. Landscaping: Luther Pass Pump Station. Plans to be presented at the next regular board meeting. NEW BUSINESS: ;:l:. Annual Salary Resolution - Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1455, A Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. 1290 and Providing for the Annual Salary Resolution. ORDINANCE NO. 198: An Ordinance Amending Ordinances Nos. 155 and 158 and Providing for Compensation of Officers of South Tahoe Public Utility District. Manager Culp also requested that one step be added to the Resolution for three (3) employees - Bussboom, Spencer and Montbriand. Director Fesler moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 1455 and ORDINANCE NO. 198 be approved and to include the additional three steps requested by Manager Culp. 2. U.S.F.S. Sewer System, Heavenly Valley: Connection Charge. Referred to Engineer H.E. Moyer. COMMUNICATIONS: From Larry Munston for damage due to back-up - $3,000. Director Fesler moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the claim be denied and referred to Insurance Carrier for this District. 2. Received issuance of summons by Harootunian for $300,000 and another claim in the amount of one and a half million dollars - referred to Attorney weidman. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried that the claims in the amount of $76,333.47, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan be approved. AttorneyWeidman requested adoption of RESOLUTION NO. 1456, approving E.D.A.'s overall Program. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1456 be approved. ADJOURNMENT: ll:10 P.M. REGULAR MEETING ROBER'TW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Publ[c Utility District ATTE S/T.4 /~ DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex- Officio Secretary to the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District July 2, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session July 2, 1970, 8:00 P.M. District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Ream, Hegarty andWakeman, General Manager R.L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Attorney John C.Weidman, Engineer H.E. Moyer, A.L. Shoupe, J. Murphy, J. Irving, Tribune Representative. ABSENT: Director Donald H. Kortes and Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of June 18, 1970 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Culp presented his report as follows: "Manager's Report - July 2,1970: Since our last regular meeting, I have written a series of letters regarding the water supply system, including (1) a letter to the City regarding the District-City agreement; (2) a letter to each of the nine (9) water cor~anfes (private) now operating within our District; (3) a letter to the CSDH. On June 24 the board met in study session with the Vice President and Secretary of the Employee's Association. On June 25 and 26 I attended a workshop of the University of California Sanitary Engineering Research Laboratory at Tahoe City and presented a discussion of ammonia removal by air stripping; on Saturday, June 27, the group attending the conference toured our plant and visited Indian Creek Reservoir. This was a very worthwhile meeting and did much to gain acceptance of our technology and our operation among the influential top technical people in California. The board met in study session on June 30 with Jim Olson of the USFS and made a field inspection of the Section 10 sprayfi2ld. The trees and other vegetation in the area have made a remarkable recovery in the 2-1/2 years since spraying ceased. Lee Chada and I made a tour of the Harootunian land on July 1 and it appears that many trees of questionable vigor are recovering, and ground cover is becoming reestablished. Fishing in Indian Creek Reservoir continues to be good; today fish and game stock the Lake with 5,000 more rainbow trout of catchable size. The aeration and turnover equipment is being reinstalled with adequate precautions against vandalism or theft. Attached is the total plant flow Daily Average Flow Peak Flow Rate Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Alum Used operations report for June - 1970: 75.5 MG Natural Gas Used 2.51 MGD Electricity Used 6.9 MGD(June 15) None 7,190 lbs None 8,320 gallons Emergency Storage Area Polymer Used Lime Used: Makeup Recalcined 6.4 Mill. Cu Ft 636,000 KWH Not I~se( 501 lbs 11 tons 14 tons JUNE 1969 Flows: Plant Flow = Total 81.0 Daily Average: = 2.7" REGULAR MEETING (continued) -2- [ULY 2~ 1970 DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the manager's report be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. John Irving stated that in 1961 he was assessed for $1,640 for sewer assessment and today he does not have a line to connect to. The State has acquired some right-of-way. Mr. Irving further stated that his septic tank is still good but that he is not compling with the law since he cannot connect to the sewer facility. Manager Culp stated that a line would have to be constructed and this would serve only Mr. Irvings' property. President Fesler stated that this was an administrative problem and turned same over to Manager Culp. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Moyer stated that he talked to the State regarding Emerald Bay contract and that he has made some revisions that are in letter from for the Manager to review. Hehoped by the next regular meeting the contract will be in final form. Mr. Moyer also has been in contact with Mr. Les Berkson of the Nevada District; Nevada has received approval from the Division of Health in the State of Nevada to have SouthTahoe P.U.D. treat the sewage and if the FWQA accepts the State decision, the contract should be ready for signing. Next week Mr. Moyer will make a review of the Echo Lake area to discuss with the USFS.what might be done there regarding disposal of sewage as far as this District is concerned. The USFS has also stated that they are anxious to negotiate an amendment to the agreement regarding stage four facilities. The meeting is set for 7/22 and 7/23/70 with the USFS and their officials at 10:00 A.M. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported byA.L. Shoupe: Contract and Contractor Percentage completed USFS Sewer, Sch II Wismer & Becket ($398,490.20 - Includes Kiva Pump Sra. C.O.~i) 99% USFS Sewer, stage 3 Kirkwood-Bly 6% Assessment Districts 1968-3F and 1968-3G $708,650 Kirkwood Bly 27%" ATTORNEY'S REPORT: AttorneyWeidman stated that the contract/agreement between the Tri-mistrict and this District is in draft form and the first half of the contract will now be turned over to Manager Culp and Engineer Moyer for their review. Attorney Weidman has also attended the meetings at Sacramento regarding the interest moratorium and interest reduction bill. He has filed and received orders of entry on three eminent domain proceedings for Assessment Districts 1968-3F and 1968-3G. He requested and received an extension of time regarding Harootunian claim. No word re HOOD litigation. STUDY SESSION scheduled for July 9, 1970, 3:00 P.M., District Office, regarding agreement/contract with Nevada and South Tahoe Public Utility District. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: None 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Co., - No report. 3. Water and Recreation: Met and reviewed the letters sent out by Manager to the Water Companies; discussed the agreement between City and District and same to be mailed Monday to City. Attorney Weidman stated that he would recommend this Board adopt a RESOLUTION NO. 1456, Authorizing the President to sign the preliminary application for mavis-Grunsky Funds. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1456, as recommended by AttorneyWeidman, be approved. COMMITTEE REPORTS (CONTINUED) 4. Environmental Protect[on: No report. 5. Public Relations: Met and prepared a letter which was in the papers and also spotted on radio regarding the increase in sewer service fees and necessity for same. Also, on Y/l/Y0, visitors from Africa vis[ted our facilities and picture of same taken with Dave Evans for paper. Mr. Hegarty mentioned that the Local Rotary Club exchanged flags with the gentleman from Africa. RESOLUTION NO. 1457: A Resolution Determining that the Public Interest and Necessity Require that Acquisition of Certain Lands and Rights-of-Entry thereon and directing the filing of Eminent Domain Proceedings. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1457 be approved. (McPhearson Easement) 2. STUDY SESSIONS - Scheduled as follows: a. Proposed service contract with Nevada Districts 7/9/70, 3:00 P.M., District Office. b. Employee's Association: 7/8/70, 3:00 P.M. Di~strict office. c. Water Systems - Postponed. d. Trailer Parks Service Charges: 7/13/70, 3:00 P.M., District Office. e. Public Relations: Postponed. f. Harootunian Tree Damage: Postponed. 3. USFS RESTORATION OF SECTION 10 SPRAYFIELD: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Clair A. Hill & Associates be authorized to prepare plans and specifications. 4. LANDSCAPING - Luther Pass Pump Station: Postponed. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Sanitary and Sanitation Districts Association: Consider District Representation at Annual Work Conference, July 15 through ~uly 19, 1970, San Diego. Assistant General Manager Callahan will attend and Director Hegarty mentioned his desire to attend. ANNUAL BIDS FOR GASOLINE: Three bids were received and Manager Culp stated that he would recommend the bid from RDC Distributors, Inc. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the low bid of RDC Distributors Inc. , be accepted as so recommended by Manager Culp. 3. TOUR GUIDE: Mr. A. Kruse, a retired Sanitarian and an employee of the Public Health Service for 20 or more years, was inquiring about a position with the District and Manager Culp stated that he would like to hire Mr. Kruse on an hourly basis to give the tours throughout the facilities. The board agreed the decision is administrative and turned same over to Manager Culp. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Claim for property damage from Tahoe Savings and Loan Association. (2) Claim for property damage from Don Edison Realty. (3) Claim for property damage from Keith's Barber Shop. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the above claims be denied and turned over to District Insurance Carrier. -4- fULY 2, 1970 4. Claim from "Doc" Hansbearry for repair of sewer lateral on Shawnee Street, ?ahoe Paradise, Unit No. 4, in the amount of $2,136.00. Same referred to General Manager Culp for decision. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, s~eonded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $165,746.54, as recommended by Assistant Manager David W. Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:35 P.M. ROBERT~W. FESLER, P-resident SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board an'~'~ ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 16, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utlity District met in regular session July 16, 1970, Thursday evening at 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Hegarty, Ream, Assistant Manager David W. Callahan - Clerk of Board, General Manager Culp, Engineer Moyer and Shoupe, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, Mr. and Mrs. B. Etchevery - F lien Leaf and Mrs. H. Craven- Fallen Leaf, Mrs. D. Weiss. ABSENT: DirectorWakeman, DirectorKortes and Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 7/2/70 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed all to the meeting. H.E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that the Lahontan meeting was held at this office today and it was stated that no variance that would allow the use of septic tanks would be allowed. The State Board intends to devote a great deal of time to Lake Tahoe matters within the next six months. The USFS stated that it is feasible to have sewer systems at Fallen Leaf Lake. Mr. Etchevery stated that residents of Fallen Leaf Lake do not want to contribute to the pollution of Lake Tahoe. He further stated that Dr. Goldman was requested to analize the water flow from Fallen Leaf via the Taylor Creek to Lake Tahoe, There is no pollution and no nutrient building material entering into Lake Tahoe via Taylor Creek. The Goldman report has been submitted to the Lahontan Board requesting a variance. Mr. Etchevery stated that he could see no reason to incur costs to those at Fallen Leaf Lake when there are no benefits for the property owners. President Eesler stated that we are a public entity that handles the disposal of sewage at the South end of the Lake. We simply serve as the means by which action is taken according to the regulatory agencies. MANAGER'S REPORT: Since the last Board meeting, study sessions have been held regarding the proposed service contract with the Nevada Districts, the employees association, service charges, and public relations. Harlan Moyer and I toured the Echo Lake area with representatives of the USFS. Observations made on the trip confirmed earlier conclusions as to the physical impossibility of providing either conventional gravity sewers or pressure sewers in this area. //~:~,~ - z- JULY16, i970 Manager's Report (Continued) In connection with the proposed public water supply systems, a preliminary application was filed with the Department of Water Resources to determine eligibility for State Davis-Grunsky loan funds. A preliminary draft of an agreement with the City concerning planning and operation of the water system was forwarded to the City Manage. A City-District meeting on this subject scheduled for Tuesday luly 14, was postponed at the request of the City Manager who was following legislation in Sacramento." Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer stated that the last two weeks he has been working on the Nevada Contract and attending Study Sessions of this Board. On Tuesday, 7/23/70, 10:00 A.M., there will bsa meeting with the U.S.F.S. from the San Francisco area and the El Dorado Forest to discuss Stage IV program for the USFS area; Emerald Bay and a portion of Fallen Leaf. This will be a staff meeting and mentioned same this evening in case some of the Directors wished to attend. President Fesler stated if this is going to be a public meeting the Directors would like to attend; if it is going to be a closed meeting the Directors will not attend. Mr. Moyer and Mr. Culp to check into this and report to the Directors. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported byA.L. Shoupe, Engineer: CONTRACT AND CONTRACTOR USFS Sewer, Sch II, Wismer & Becker $398,490.20 (Includes Kiva Pump Station, CCO:~i) Percentage completed 99% USFS, Stage 3 $667,88O.0O Kirkwood BIy 15% Assessment Districts 1968-3F and 3G $708,650.00 Kirkwood Bly 45% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Items listed on agenda. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: No report 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental: No report - Attorney Weidman stated that the interest moratorium bill will be up for final hearing next Monday. 3. Water and Recreation: Met and also received a copy of a letter from Wink Ames written to Mr. Gary Chase regarding the City forming an assessment District to put in Fire Hydrants on Highway 89. At the time the meeting was held between the City and the District, no mention was made regarding an assessment to install the fire hydrants. Manager Culp will contact Gary Chase regarding this. 4. Environmental: No report. 5. Public Relations: No meeting. One meeting is scheduled for Monday at 3:00 P.M. for Employees association on 7/20/70 and another meeting for Tuesday 7/21/70, 3:00 P.M. regarding the placque. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Annual Audit - Consider employment of auditing firm - President Fesler read a letter from Mr. J. Tammi regarding the desolution of the partnership of Irvine, Duce, Ehlman and Tammi. Mr. Tammi and Mr. S~unders will continue with their auditing firm and Mr. John Ehlman will have his own auditing firm. Mr. Ehlman stated to the Board that he has served the District for the past 11 years and stated that it has certainly been his pleasure to work with the District over the past years and would certainly continue to feel this way if this Board considered him to continue with the District. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that John Ehlman be employed as accountant/auditor for this District. SEWER SERVICE FOR NEVADA DISTRICTS: (a) Report on status of proposed contract by Attorney John C. Weidman. Following lengthy conversation, RESOLUTION NO. 1465, Authorizing execution of the contract by the President of this Board, was approved for adoption. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1465, be approved as presented. HOOD CORPORATION LITIGATION: Judgement has been entered and the District has received a $25,000 payment. 5. HAROOTUNIAN LITIGATION: A letter was received from Mr. Max Hoseit, Attorney for Harootunian in which he stated that Mr. Harootunian had requested him to revoke the settlement set forth in his letter of July 20, 1970. Attorney Weidman and Manager Culp will consider hiring an appraiser to give an estimate on trees that were lost on the Harootunian proper ry. 6. SEWER SERVICE TO EMERALD BAY: Manager Culp stated that he spoke with Mr. A1 Karim and Mr. Karim stated that the contract should be at the District Office this week. The U.S.F.S. wrote a letter to the L.R.W.Q.C.B. regarding the variance requested by the Fallen Leaf Association requesting a prompt reply regarding same. August 11, 1970, 3:00 P.M. will be an adjourned regular meeting of this Board to discuss Sewer Service to Emerald Bay and the contract from the State. PROPOSED PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM: (a) Last Friday was spent with Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch discussing the facts and the means of financing for the water system. Report 'should be available for this Board in the very near future. Study sessions regarding water systems have been deferred and an adjourned meeting to be held 8/27/70 to discuss acquisition of water companies with the owners of the water companies. 8. CARBON DIOXIDE COMPRESSOR: Bid received (one only) from Nash Engfneering in the amount of $9,796.00. RESOLUTION NO. 1466: A Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract to Nash Engineering. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1466 be approved as presented. 9. LANDSCAPING - LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION: Four bids received, as follows: I. Murray Baxter, San Rafael, California $19,077.00 (Total Bid) 2. BillA. Young, So. Lake Tahoe, California $20,075.00 " 3. J.R. Crasper Construction Co. (So. Lake Tahoe, Calif. $25,594.43 " 4. Unruh's Turf (SCHEDULE "C" ONLY) , Minden, Nevada $ 7,650.00 Bid received from Bill A. Young was not in order - not signed. The Directors, Engineers and Attorney, discussed the bids in length. Following recess, H.E. Moyer, Engineer, recommended that all bids received be rejected and readvertise the work under a single contract, instead of three separate schedules. Bid opening will be 8/27/70 at the District Office. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Engineer Moyer's recommendation be approved and all bids rejected and to be readvertised for 8/27/70, ................ **~ -5- AUGUST 6, 1970 STREET LIGHTING: Some inquiries have been received regarding street lighting. One lady has requested that a District be formed to have lighting. Director Wakeman stated that the Street Lighting Committee worked for one year with Sierra Pacific Power Company regarding street lighting and when the City was formed, the City stated that the District not do anymore with the lighting situation as they would be taking care of it. Assistant Manager Callahan stated that the lady that called the office regarding lighting stated that she had called the City about the request who told her they had nothing to do with the lighting and to call this District. Mr. Callahan stated that he would like to see the District get out of the street lighting business. Manager Culp will contact Manager Chase and Mr. Hendrickson to discuss this matter. FRONTIER CONTRACTORS: Letter received from Frontier Attorney requesting a letter from the Engineer on the factual basis on the claim and that Mr. Weidman reply re- garding the legal status of the claim. Both felt the Attorney was requesting information that he is entitled to and Manager Culp will reply to the letter stating the information will be forthcoming. U.S.F.S. SEWER SYSTEM - KIRKWOOD-BLY CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Change Order No 2 was approved. . 13. ANNEXATION NO. 1970-3 (HAROOTUNIAN) - RESOLUTION NO. 1467: A Resolution of Application by South Tahoe Public Utility District requesting that LAFCO take proceedings for annexation of territory to the District. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 1467 be approved as presented. ' Attorney Weidman recommended adoption of the following resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 1468, Filing Eminent Domain - 1968-3F and 1968-3G. RESOLUTION NO. 1469 - Correcting descriptions on previous resolution adopted by this Board. Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 1468 and 1469 be approved. ' NEW BUSINESS: N ONE COMMUNICATIONS: Meeting Notice from Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, Thursday, 8/13/70, 9:30 A.M., High School, regarding siltation. Invitation received from Robert Keller to have Directors ride the railroad - Mr. Culp to notify Mr. Keller. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Assistant Manager Callahan recommended payment of claims in the amount of $302,401.70. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims, as recommended by Mr. Callahan, be approved. ADJOURNMENT: ATTEST: 10:55 P.M. to 8/11/70, 3:00 P.M., District Office. ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District ....... ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 11, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session (adjourned) at'3:00 P.M., on August 11, 1970, District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors E. Hegarty, R. Wakeman, and G. Ream. Also present were General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callaha.n, Attorney John C. Weidman, and Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. ABSENT: Director Donald H. Kortes. Manager Russell L. Culp presented the Board with proposed agreement for providing sewer service to the Emerald Bay State Park property. After complete review by all present, it was determined that Mr. H.E. Moyer, Engineer, should make some revisions in the proposed agreement and return to the State of California for their approval. ADJOURNMENT: 4:50 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, Pre~i~'ent South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors- South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 20, '1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session 8/20/70 at 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Fesler, Directors Hegarty, Wakeman and Ream; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Attorney J.C. Weidman and Attorney Ken Jones, Engineer H.E. Moyer and A.L. Shoupe, John Murphy of Sacramento Bee, Acting Clerk Stanley Martin. ' ABSENT: Clerk of Board David W. Callahan and Director Donald H. Kortes. MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 8/6/70 and 8/11/70 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed John Murphy, A.L. Shoupe and Stanley Martin to this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Culp presanted his report, as follows: "Manager's Report - August 20,1970 The Board met in adjourned meeting on 8/1'1 to consider the proposed State Contract for sewer service to EmeraldBay. The Board recommended changes in the contract to make the time of payment by the State consistent with that of other patrons of the District and to define conditions for contract termination. These revisions have been outlined in a letter to the State; no action has been taken by the State due to the fact that Mr. Karim and Mr. McCargo are both on vacation. Met with Gary Chase and -Mr. Hendrickson of the City on 8/13, and we reached an agree- ment on a proposed contract between the City and the District to be submitted for fina~ -2- AUGUST 20, 1970 Manager's report (continued) approval by the Board and the Council at a proposed joint meeting at 8:00 PM on Monday, August 24th in this room. After seeing in the paper a mention of the District in a list of agencies which might be notified in the future of Lahontan Board requirements concerning siltation control, I called David DuBois to see what is expected of the District. The Lahontan Board expects to set standards which basically prohibit the entrance of silt into the surface waters of the Tahoe Basin during and after construction. Preventive or control measures will not be specified by the Lahontan Board but will be the responsibility of the District on our construction projects and maintenance work. Some legal clarification is required to determine responsibility on the projects constructed by developers under County Assessment Districts for later assignment to the District, and also for siltation problems developing on private right-of-way after completion of construction. I asked that the District be notified just as soon as definite requirements are established so that we can incorporate any necessary changes in the specifications for contrsct work and avoid the need for contract change orders. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved, as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer reported that he has been working on the claims of Frontier Contractors and his report regarding same should be available for the Board for review. It was agreed that an executive session be held on Wednesday, September 2nd, 3:00 P.M., at the District to review same. Also, on 8/19/70, met with Mr. Culp, Mr. Crawford and Mr. Berkson to review the proposed contract (Nevada). Nevada hopes to have the contract executed by next Monday evening. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported byA.L. Shoupe: Contract & Contractor and Amount U.S.F.S. Sewer Schedule II, Wismer and Becker ($398,490-20) I~ncludes Kiva Pump Station Percentage Completed 99% U.S.F.S. Stage 3, Kirkwood Bly ($667,880) 44% Assessment Districts 1968-3F & 3G, Kirkwood Bly ($708,650) 62% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Assembly Bill No. 836 (Interest Moratorium) passed the Senate Tuesday and goes on its way to the Governor's office. Assembly Bill 1535 was reconsidered and is on its way to the Governor's Office. Both Bills should be signed within ten days, Attorney Weidman stated. Attorney Ken Jones stated that Assembly Bill 1535 was drafted at his office. He stated that it received great reception in the assembly but quite a bit of objection from the Senate. Mr. Jones stated that Mr. Weidman should be highly commended for having achieved its passage and getting it out of the Senate Office. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: Met with Directors Fesler, and Mr. Callahan and two representatives from the YVells Fargo Bank to discuss the finances regarding West Shore possible construction. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: Hegarty andWakeman attended the Lahontan Water Quality Control Board meeting on siltation. 3. Water and Recreation: Items on agenda. 4. Environmental Protection: No report 5. Public Relations: To meet on 8/26/70 regarding placque for Directors. - Also, regarding recreation - Director Wakeman stated that there are approximately 600 to 700 acres of Johnson Property available and he was approached and requested to ask if this -~- ^ugust s0, 1970 District would be interested in same becoming a Park. President Fesler stated that the District has never been in the financial posi[£on to take on anything that large. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. U.S.F.S. Restroation of Section 10 Sprayfield: Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1470, A Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications. RESOLUTION NO. 1471: Calling for Sealed Proposals on 9/1/70, 3:00 P.M. President Fesler stated that many of the local contractors cannot bid on some of the projects because they cannot get the insurance for two and one-half million dollars. After a lengthy discussion regarding insurance, it was agreed that the insurance requirement for the UoSoFoSo Project - Restoration of Section 10 Sprayfield, and Luther Pass Pump Station, be a $300,000.- single limit. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1470 and 1471 be approved as presented and that the insurance coverage be changed to single limit - $300,000.00. 2. PROPOSED PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM: President Fesler stated that it would be to our advantage to go into a good campaign and get a citizens committee to get the information across to the people and the taxpayer's regarding the Water Revenue Bond for the proposed public water supply system. Manager Culp stated that he received a call from Fire Chief Smiley who volunteered his services to help get the facts known and that Mr. A1 Hendrickson, City Engineer and Mr. Gary Chase, City Manager, offered to help convey information to the public. Manager Culp will work on this and coordinate this program. PROPOSED AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY: Study session scheduled for 8/21/70, 3:00 P.M. to review same. RESOLUTION NO. 1472: A Resolution Requesting Consolidation of Elections - South Tahoe Public Utility District, Special District Election, Water Revenue Bonds, General Statewide Election. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1472 be approved as presented by Attorney Ken Jones. 3. HAROOTUNIAN CLAIM: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claim ofAram Harootunian and Stella Harootunian in the total amount of $256,350 for dead trees, and $150,000,000 for erosion damage, ben denied and turned over to the District Insurance Carrier, as recommended by Attorney John C. Weidman. BIEW BUSINESS: Consider request by California Division of Highways. Manager Culp stated that the State has purchased quite a bit of property for the freeway and a notice from the County Health Department was sent to them stating the septic tanks must be pumped and limed and backfilled. There are approximately 25 to 30 septic tanks to be dumped and wanted to request the district to accept these dumps. The Board agreed same will be turned over to Manager Culp for his decision. 2. PURCHASE OF PICKUP TRUCKS (2) - (a). RESOLUTION NO. 1473, A Resolution Approving Specifications and RESOLUTION NO. 1474 Calling for Sealed Proposals. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1473 and 1474 be approved as recommended by Manager Culp. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter received from FWQA thanking the District for their efforts in entertaining the visitors from Russia. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $55,456.46 be approved as recommended by Manager Culp. //~,~, -4- AUGUST 20, 1970 ADJOURNMENT: 10:06 P.M. to Monday, 8:00 P.M., 8/24/70. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex- Office Secretary,of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utilty District Robert W. Fesler, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 24, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned session on 8/24/70, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room, in joint session with City Council of the City of South Lake Tahoe. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors E. Hegarty, R. Wakeman, G. Ream, General Manager R.L. Culp, Attorney John C. Weidman, Clerk of Board D:~vidW. Callahan. ABSENT: Director Donald H. Kortes. A complete review of the proposed agreement regarding the District providing water service in the City of South Lake Tahoe was made. Several changes were proposed. The City of South Lake Tahoe authorized City Mayor to execute the proposed agreement as amended. The Board of Directors moved, seconded and unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1475, A Resolution Authorizing the President to Execute an Agreement with the City of South Lake Tahoe regarding Water Service. ADJOURNMENT: 8:50 P.M. to Thursday, ATTEST<.~ ~ / ~ DavidW. Callahan, Clerk of Board anfFEx- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District 8:00 P.M., 8/27/70, District Office. ')Cf) .~,z)' Robert W. Fesler, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTLITY DISTRICT ........ August 27, 1 9 7 0 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular session on 8/27/70, 8:00 P.M.,District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes, Robert Wakeman, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer and Jack Jensen At[orneyJ.C. Weidman, Tahoe Tribune Representative, Mr. H. Butler, Jerry Martin, Stanley Martin, Donald Strand, and two representatives from the Tahoe Southside Water Utility District and Mr. Bill A. Young. -2- AUGUST 27, 19ZO Bid Opening - LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION: Bids were received and opened at 3:00 P.M. today, District Office, as follows: 1. Iversen Construction Company PO Box 6415 San Jose, California, 95125 $18,285. 2. BillA. Young PO Box 8956 So. Lake Tahoe, California, 95705 $18,900 Another bid was in shortly after 3:00 P.M. and not opened. RESOLUTION NO. 1476: Awarding Contract to Iversen Construction Company. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 1476 be approved. ' 2. PROPOSED PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM: ClairA. Hill and Associates have prepared a feasibility study and have been working on since June as to the District acquiring the nine privately owned water systems that are within the boundaries of the Public U~ility District . Mr. Moyer stated that the report is not in formal form for presentation, but can be discussed on an informal basis as to the conclusions reached regarding the feasibility of this program. ClairA. Hill and Associates have been working on the evaluation of the existing Water Companies; On a program of necessary improvements to integrate all nine companies into one water system andbring the systems up to a rating that would be considered higher than the area has now as far as fire protection is concerned; and determining the feasibility, financially, of such a program. JackIensen has bee.n in charge of the actual work regarding the evaluation and improvement of the system. Mr. Jensen stated that information has been obtained from the Public U~lity Commission records, Brown and Caldwell Water Report and the Spink Engineering Report, which was prepared for the City and which covers only the systems within the City. Mr. Jenses further stated that improvements would consist of 200,000 feet of pipe, 6" to 16" in diameter, 350 to 400 fire hydrants; three million gallons of storage capacity and five new pumping installations. There is a possibility of obtaining a Low Interest Davis-Grunsky Loan and an EDA Grant. Mr. Jensen presented a map of the water systems and a report prepared by Attorney Ken Jones, regarding bond redemption. Mr. Jansen stated that he will be working with the individual water companies to negotiate a fair amount of morn:y for their company. The other route would be to go to condemnation proceedings through the Superior Court, but in hopes this will .not have to happen. Mr. Jansen stated that a tentative price has been reached and it also provides a basis for the financial program. A figure has been reached as Dwhat the acquisition and improvement program would cost the District. If Federal and Davis-Grunsky funds could be obtained it could be used for improvements only; the acquisition funds would have to come from some local source of financing. Total project cost would be approximately $6.5. Also standby charges were discussed to where vacant properties would be charged and thereby contributing to the improvements and acquisition of the systems. E ngineer Moyer stated that he felt it is entirely feasible to proceed with this and it would mean a low cost to the consumer, better fire protection, and lower fire insurance cost to the residents and owners of the area. Attorney Weidman explained Assembly Bill 1535 and stated that this would enable the District Lo levy a charge against unoccupied land and if not paid would then become a lien against the property - standby charges. Attorney Weidman stated that we will file for a grant with EDA; also, he will check into seein~ what possibility the District has to obtain a grant from House Urban Development. ~ -~j~,ui~,~.~ lvl~.~.±'ll~t~ -3- AUGUST 27, 1970 Attorney Weidman stated that it might be feasible at a later time to go for an election conditional upon a federal grant. This would be an £ndication to the Grant people that this area is interested; he further slated that this D/strict will not know for some Lime about the certainty of the grants and it does not seem feasible to go for the early election in November. Mr. H.E. Moyer stated that we should start negotiations with the Water Companies regarding acquisition as soon as possible. President Fesler stated that we want to go to the people with the firmest and most factual statements we can. Mr. Moyer stated that he felt this could be brought to a conclusion by Spring of 1971 and we will have all the answers and the complete report ready for presentation. Mr. S. Martin asked if the District would assume the main ii.ne extension contracts or would it be necessary that these be paid off prior Lo the District acquiring the Company? Mr. Moyer stated that there has been no determination on this. Mr. S. Martin asked what the cost of the new improvements and construction costs would be? The Directors felt this could not be discussed at this time and not until all companies have been contacted. Jerry Martin asked if the $7.2 figure would include acquisition and improvements. The answer was yes. Mr. Martin stated for information purposes that Placer County just received a grant for one and one-half million dollars for a water system. Since the individual water company owners have not been contacted,the estimated figures were .not discussed and would not be until after this District has negotiated with the water companies. RESOLUTION NO. 1477: A Resolution of the Board of Directors rescinding RESOLUTION NO. 1472, which was adopted at an earlier meeting of this board, and wich was a Resolution that did not set the election but it was a preliminary step that if voted through could get a consolidation if the Board of Supervisors were willing. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded byh Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the District rescind RESOLUTION NO.1472 by adoption of RESOLUTION NO. 1477. ' Mr. Jerry Martin asked if it would make any difference to the District if the water companies merged prior to the District acquiring the water systems. Mr. Moyer stated that he did not feel it would make any great difference, but did mention to Mr. J.-'-- Martin that if any major improvements are planned this District would appreciate knowing of them. STUDY SESSION: FRONTIER CLAIMS: 9/4/70, 3:00 PM District Office ADJOURNMENT: 9:40 P.M. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board~&-rEx- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors - South Tahoe Public Utility District ROBERT Wo FESLER,President South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 3, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on September 3, 1970, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wake~nan, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream; Edward E. Hegarty. General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Att6~ney Robert J. Hill, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, A.L. Shoupe, D. Showalter, Chester A. Homing and John Murphy - Sacramento Bee. MINUTES: The minutes of 8/20, 24, 27/ 1970 ---Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of August 20, 24, 27th, 1970, be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomedA.L. Shoupe, D. Showlater, John Murphy and ChesterA. Homing to the meeting. "Manager's Report - September 3, 1970 The City Council and the Board met in joint session on Monday, August 24th, at which time final approval was given to the agreement regarding the proposed public water supply system; the agreement has since been signed by both parties. On Thursday, August 27th, the Board held an adjourned meeting to discuss the proposed water system. It was decided to obtain tentative committments regarding Federal Grants and State Loans and, if possible, to secure options on the purchase of private water companies prior to setting a date for a revenue bond election, so that more accurate and complete information wouj[d be available to voters. A Notice of Intent to apply for a Federal Grant was filed with the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, the non-metropolitan clearing house for this area. Plans and specifications for restoration of U.S.F.S. Section l0 land were also filed with T.R.P.A. for approval. Harlan E. Moyer, John C. Weidman, and I attended the A.P.C. meeting of the T.R.P.A. on September 2nd at Crystal Bay at qhich time the A.P.C. approved both of the above items. Attached hereto is the plant operations report for August 1970. For the first time, daily average flows exceeded 3 mgd. The total flow for the month was 93 rog. This is a result of the near completion of the sewer hookup program at the South Shore. PLANT OPERATION - AUGUST 1970 Total plant flow Daily Average Flow Maximum daily use Peak Flow Rate Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used: Alum used 93.6 mg (July 1970 =85.2 mg) 3.02 mgd 3.4 mgd (August 22) 7.2 mgd (August 18) None 6,415 lbs None 6.6. Million Cu Ft 748,800 KWH 630 lbs Empty - Not Used Makeup= 8.1 tons Recalcined = 15.0 tons 6,070 gallons AUGUST 1969: Total Plant flow 82.3 mg Daily Average: 2.7 mgd" Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. -2- September 3, 1970 REGULAR MEETING Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that he has not received a reply fromWlsmer and Becker regarding their delay in the contract. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented byA.L. Shoupe: USFS Sewer Schedule II, Wismer and Becket 99% complete $398,490.20. (C.C.O.%i Kiva Pump Station) USFS, Sewer, Stage 3, K£rkwood-Bly, Inc. $667,800 55% ' Assessment Districts 1968 3F and 1968 3G - Kirkwood Bly, Inc. 65% complete $708,880 Luther Pass Pump Station Improvements Iverson Cons. Co. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney[.C. Weidman stated that he has filed three eminent domain proceedings, He also checked with the Governor's Office twice and as of this date he has not signed any of the Assembly bills for us. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: No. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental: No report - did attend the Tahoe Regional Ptanning Agency Meeting last Thursday afternoon. 3. Water Committee: This committee met ten days ago because of the concern about the Revenue Bond Issue. 4. Environmental Protection: No meeting. 5. Public Relations: - Met to discuss the placque and same should be available sometime during October. Manager Culp stated that KCBS Radio Station interviewed him and there are now fifteen three-minute spots onthe National Broadcasting Systems regarding South Tahoe Water Reclamation Plant. OLD BUSINESS: (1) Purchase of Pickup Trucks: Four bids were received, as follows: 1. Ken Collins = $8,010.70; Shehadl Motors = $7,875.00; Tahoe Valley Motors $8,027.62; Springmeyer's Garage = $6,669.50. Present for the bid opening were Manager R.L. Culp and Clerk of Board and Assistant General Manager mavldW. Callahan. Manager Culp stated that he called Shelby Ford to inquire as to~w.hy they did not bid. He was £nformed that they did not bid because of the way the bidding was handled last year; bids were opened last October 16, 1967, and .same rejected and readvertised for bids; Shelby Ford stated that their bid had been submitted at the regular time and that at a later time (after closing time of bids received) another bid was received. No bid was accepted after the bid time by the District and same was explained to Shelby Ford. Manager Culp recommended the low bid of Springmeyer in the amount of $6,669.50 be accepted and that RESOLUTION NO. 1478 be approved, authorizing purchase. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes,as recommended by Manager Culp, RESOLUTION NO. 1478 be adopted. Director Hegarty stated that the horsepower of the low bidder is not in line with the specifications and maybe same should be checked into. Director Ream stated that he did not feel this made that much of a difference. VOTES: AYES: Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Ream and Kortes. NOE: - Director'I-Iegarty. Motion carried - RESOLUTION NO. 1478 approved ...... September 3, 1970 REGULAR MEETING 2. U.S.F.S. SEWER SYSTEM, STAGE III, KIRKWOOD BLY, INC. Change Order No. 3 - Innrease in contract price of 85,621 and five calendar days. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 3 be approved, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. 3. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3F: Consider Change Order No. 3, Kirkwood-Bly, Inc., increase of $2,695 in contract price. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Contract Change Order No. 3 be approved as presented by Engineer H.E. Moyer. 4. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-1: Engineer Moyer presented the map covering the area to be sewered; he stated that some excluded parcels will remain in the meadow area. Public Hearing on this Assessment District is scheduled for October 21, 1970o Attorney Hill recommended adoption of the following resolutions regarding Assessment District No. 1970-1: RESOLUTION NO. 1479: A Resolution requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of E1 Dorado to approve proposed Resolution of Intention to be adopted in proceedings for acquisition and construction of sanitary sewers under the appropriate special assessment in assessment bond acts, and to approve the preliminary map of the assessment district. RESOLUTION NO. 1480: A Resolution requesting the City Council of the City of South Lake Tahoe to approve the proposed resolution of intention to be adopted in proceedings for acquisition and construction of sanitary sewers under the appropriate special assessment in assessment bond acts. RESOLUTION NO. 1481: A Resolution requesting that the County Health Officer of the County of E1 Dorado recommend proceedings under appropraite special assessment in assessment bond acts, or other appropriate proceedings, for the acquisition and construction of a sanitary sewerage system and appurtenances, as necessary as a health measure. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1479, 1480 and 1481 be approved as presented. 5. SEWER SERVICE TO EMERALD BAY: RESOLUTION NO. 1482: A Re solution Approving Contract with State of California and Authorizing the President of the Board to Sign for the District. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1482 be approved as presented and as so recommended by Manager Culp. Engineer Moyer stated that a Study Session should be scheduled at a later date to discuss the creation of an Assessment District for private areas - Jamison Beach, Valhalla, Cascade Lake, etc. 6. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM: (A) Schedule meeting with representatives of Board, Attorney and Engineer and Manager before scheduling meeting with water companies. September 14, 1970, 3:00 P.M. is scheduled for the Study Session Negotiating Committee for the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Finance and Water Committee meeting with Attorney Weidman regarding Federal Grants, scheduled for 9/15/70, 3:00 P.M. 7. Employee's Association: Study session scheduled for 9/14/70, 3:00 P.M. for two unresolved requests. 8. U.S.F.S. SEWER SYSTEM: Contract with USFS, Change Order No. 3 - - Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 3 be a p pro ved. ~O~ unto /vir~r. iil~ -~- bep~emoer ~, l~/u 9. RESOLUTIONS DIRECTING MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENTS RE CERTAIN ASSESSMENTS, AS FOLLOWS: a. RESOLUTION NO. 1483, A Resolution Directing Making of Amended Assessment re certain assessments under Resolution of Intention No. 47 - 1952-1 b. RESOLUTION NO. 1484, A Resolution directing making of amended assessment re certam assessments under Resolution of Intention No. 72 - 1956-1 c. RESOLUTION NO. 1485, A Resolution directing making of amended assessment re certain assessments under Resolution of Intention No. 146, 1959-1 d. RESOLUTION NO. 1486, A Resolution Directing making of amended assessment re certain assessments under Resolution of Intention No. 173,- 1960-1 e. RESOLUTION NO. 1487, A Resolution directing making of amended assessment re certatn assessments under Besolution of Intention no. 199, - 1960-2. f. RESOLUTION NO. 1488, A Resolution directing making of amended assessment re certain assessments under resolution of Intention No. 239, 1960-4. g. RESOLUTION NO. 1489, A Resolution directing making of amended assessment re certain assessments under Resolution of Intention No. 287 - 1961-1 h. RESOLUTION NO. 1490, A Resolution directing making of amended assessment re certain assessments under Resolution of Intention No.430 - 1962-1 i. RESOLUTION NO. 1491, A Resolution making of amended assessment re certain assessments under Resolution of Intention No. 497 - Proj. No. 1964-1 j. RESOLUTION NO. 1492: A Resolution directing making of amended assessment re certain assessments under Resolution of Intention No. 746, Proj. No. 1966-2. k. RESOLUTION NO. 1493, A resolution directing making of amended assessment re certain assessments under Resolution of Intention No. 796 1967-1 1. RESOLUTION NO. 1494, A resolution directing making of amended assessment re certain assessments under Resolution of Intention No. 816 - 1967-2 Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Resolution Nos. 1483 through Nos. 1497, as recommended by AttorneyR.J. Hill, and Assistant General Manager C~llahan, be approved as presented, and that the hearing on szme be held on 10/1/70, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. 10 - OPTION- NEVADA - 8 MONTHS: Nevada feels that they do not want to enter into a cuntract with this District until after they have gone to their people for approval or rejection of the program. They have offered to pay $5,000 for this option and in the event they do not sign the contract this money will remain with the District, and in the event they do sign the contract, the money will apply as a credit to Nevada. Attorney Weidman recommended that an ordinance be adopted, authorizing the President of the Board to sign the agreement with Nevada. ORDINANCE NO. 202 - An Ordinance Authorizing the President of the Board to sign the option. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 202 be approved. ILLEGAL CONNECTIONS: It was stated that many who have been connected illegally have obtained the permits and have paid effective as of the date the permit is issued. By October a complete report should be available as to those that are connected legally and/or illegally. RESTORATION OF SECTION 10: Bid opening scheduled for 9/17/70, 3:00 P.M., District Office. NEI/V BUSINESS: None -4- september 3, 1970 COMMUNICATIONS: None PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Assistant Manager Callahan recommended payment of claims in the amount of $366,087.20. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $366,087.20 as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:05 P.M. ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 17, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session September 17, 1970, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: P. resent were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Robert ~rakeman, Gerald G. Ream and Donald H. Kortes; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Arthur L. Shoupe, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Attorney R.~. Hill, J. Martin and Donald Strand and the repre sentative. ABSENT: None MINUTES: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 9/3/70 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed all to the meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Culp presented his report as follows: "Manager's Report September 17, 1970 The Board met in Study Session on September 4th to discuss claims by Frontier Construction Company, and on September 14th to discuss Employee's Association proposals and the proposed water system. On September 9th the Finance Committee met to discuss Harootunian claims. On September 15th the Water and the Finance Committees met to consider E.D.A. Grant Application procedures. On September 15th we were visited by the San Francisco Supervisors and Officials of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce. On September 4th and 5th, Dr. VanVuren of South Africa visited us to exchange current ideas on Water Reclamation and Reuse." Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by Arthur L. Shoupe: CONTRACT AND CONTRACTOR AND AMOUNT PERCENTAGE COMPLETED U.S.F.S. Sewer, Schedule II, Wismer and Becket 99% $398,490.20, Includes Kiva Pump Sra. C.C.O.~i U.S.F.S. Sewer, Stage 3, Kirkwood Bly $667,800 68% / REGULAR MEETING -2- Construction Progress Report (Continued) Assessment Districts 1968-3F and 3G, Kirkwood Bly $708,650 September I~', 1970 75% complete Luther Pass Pump Station Improvements, Iverson Construction Co. 0% complete" ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the Governor has signed Assembly Bill 836 and Assembly Bill 1535. RegardingA.B. 836, in order to get the seven year moratorium, the District is going to have to get approval of the State VFater Board and Department of Finance. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: Met on 9/15/70 with the representatives of EDAregarding the program we should be involved with concerning the EDA Grant to obtain water grants. Miss Elizabeth George and other representatives attended this meeting. STUDY SESSIONS scheduled for 9/25/70, 3:00 P.M., with this Board to discuss the grants. On 10/13/70 the Board and Miss George will meet again. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental: No report. 3. W ter and Recreation: Matters are on agenda 4. Environmental: No report 5. Public Relations: No report UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Restoration of Effluent Spray Disposal Site No. 2: - (a) Bid Opening - Present for the Bid Opening = General Manager Culp, Clerk of Board Callahan, and Engineer Moyer. Eight (8) bids were received, as follows: 1 T & T Trucking, Inc $33,975 Lodi, California, 95240 2. Martin Brothers $23,910 So. Lake Tahoe, Calif. 3. Iversen Cons. Co. $24,730 San Jose, California 4. Carl L. Johnson & Sons, Inc $10,391 Sacramento, California 5. Bill A. Young $28,110 South Lake Tahoe, California 6. Claude C. Wood Co. $34,870 Lodi, California 7. Wolm and Sons, Inc. $44,000 Sutter Creek California 8. Terry Construction Company $18,375 Stateline, Nevada Engineer's Estimate $32,000 Engineer Moyer stated that the low bid of Carl and Johnson and Sons, Inc., is in order and contains a bid bond in the amount of 20% of the bid. REGULAR MEETING -3- September 17, 1970 Engineer Moyer stated that he spoke with the Contractor after the bid opening and questioned him as to whether he had looked at the site and asked him if he made his own determination of the work that had to be done .... he had. Mr. Moyer also asked him if any sub-contractors were involved and Mr. Johnson told him no. Mr. Moyer stated that Mr. Johnson's bid is extremely low; he is a licensed contractor. Attorney Weidman stated that the Board could reject all bids and readvertise or award the bid to Mr. Johnson until evidence has been received he did make a mistake. The bid must be awarded to the man and if he should come back to the District with a legal mistake, the Board must examine it. RESOLUTION NO. 1498: AResolutionAu[horizing Award of Contract to Carl L. Johnson and Sons, Inc., of Sacramento. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1498 be approved. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-1: Engineer H.E. Moyer pointed out the areas involved in this Assessment District, which includes several excluded parcels, the Stateline area. He also presented the plans and specifications for Board approval and discussed all costs for this Assessment District. Attorney Hill stated that the letter of the Health Officer has been filed and same to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting, as follows: "9/17/70 Honorable Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District South Lake Tahoe, California Re: Assessment District No. 1970-1 Gentlemen: I am acquainted with the sanitary sewerage project which you propose to undertake pursuant to special assessment and assessment bond proceedings, or other appropriate proceedings, which project is more particularly set forth in your Resolution Requesting Recommendation of Health Officer. Irecommend, as necessary as a health measure, that you undertake proceedings pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this State, or other appropriate proceedings, as you shall determine, for the construction of said improvements and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby. This recommendation extends to such changes and modifications therein as you shall find to be proper or advisable, in the manner provided by law. Yours respectfully, s/Harold N.Mozar, M.D. Health Officer, County of Eldorado" RESOLUTION NO. 1499: A Resolution determining to undertake proceedings pursuant to appropraite special assessment and assessment bond acts or other appropriate proceedings for the acquisition and construction of a sanitary sewerage system and appurtenances without proceedings under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1499 be approved as presented. Attorney Hill recommended adoption of RESOLUTION NO. 1500 ,Intention to Acquire and Construct Improvements. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1500 be approved as recommended by Attorney Robert J.Hill. (The Engineers report has been filed with Clerk including the Assessment report and diagram). REGULAR MEETING -4- ~eptemoer 1/, ~/u RESOLUTION RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. 1501: A Resolution of Preliminary Approval of Engineers Report NO,1502, A Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale NO,.1503, A Resolution Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests in relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improvements and Directing Notice. (Hearing Date set for 10/22/70, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room). RESOLUTION NO,1504, A Resolution Calling for sealed proposals and fixing liquidated damages ($50.00) for failure to complete the work within time specified. (Bid Opening 10/22/70, 3:00 P.M., District Conference Room). RESOLUTION NO. 1505, A Resolution describing proposed boundaries of Assessment Districts, directing filing of boundary map and assessment diagram and directing recordation of notice of assessment. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1501 through 1505 be approved as presented. TAHOE PARADISE UNIT NO. 48 (County Assessment District):- After completion of this system by the County, the District then owns, operates and maintains same. RESOLUTION NO. 1506:A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreement with Relation to System of Domestic Sewage Disposal. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1506 be approved, as recommended by Attorney Robert J. Hill and Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM: Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that final est[mates are now being prepared to enable the district to enter into negotiations with the water companies. These costs will be available in a few days. The negotiating Committee will consist of two representatives from the engineering firm, two attorney's - John C. Weidman and possibly Mr. John Lynch of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch and a Director of the District. CORRESPONDENCE FROM FRONTIER CONTRACTORS: Directors will leave Friday morning to discuss the outstanding claims of Frontier Contractors with the Contractors at Salt Lake City, Utah. ILLEGAL CONNECTIONS: The list has not been completed by line maintenance as of this date. NEW BUSINESS: 1. LAHONTAN REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD: Waste Discharge Requirements for silt. Manager Culp spoke with Mr. D. DuBois , who stated he would like to have a re l~ort from us to assure compliance with this order of preventing siltation. Mr. Culp stated that he will prepare a report stating what this district has done to prevent siltation and erosion and same will be in draft form for review. EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION STUDY SESSION: 9/30/70, 3:00 P.M., District Office. SOLIDS WASTE COMMITTEE: The Directors and staff agreed that this District could no longer participate or contribute to this Committee and directed Manager Culp to not[fy by letter of this decision of the Board. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. From Lake Tahoe Area Council regarding dinner meeting 9/18/70, Cai Neva Lodge - North Shore. 2. From Tahoe Regional Planning Agency regarding thei r meeting on 9/23/70. STREET LIGHTING: Manager Culp read a letter from a resident of the area requesting street lighting be installed in her area; several residents of that area had also signed the letter requesting same. Following discussion, same was turned over to the Environmental Pr otectfon Committee for study and review and to report to the Board by at [east the first meeting in November. REGULAR MEETING -5- September 17, 1970 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty move¢ , seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the ar~ount of $92,689.56 be approved, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 9:40 P.M. ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board-"~'~ Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District. ROBER~ W. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District SPECIAL MEETING-SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 22, 1970 Special meeting was held on 9/22/70, District Conference Room, 4:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Fesler, RobertWakeman-Director, Donald H. Kortes and Gerald G. Ream - Directors; Russell L. Culp - General Manager, DavidW. Callahan,-Clerk of Board and Attorney John C. Weidman. ABSENT: Director Edward E. Hegarty. Attorney John C. Weidman read the letter from Carl L. Johnson & Sons, Inc. requesting rescinding of award of contract on effluent spray disposal site No. due to computation error on bid. Attorney John C. Weidman recommends rescinding of Resolution No. 1498, and awarding contract to Terry Construction Company at lump sum perse in its bid $18,375.00. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1507, A Resolution Rescinding Award of Contract to Carl L. Johnson & Sons, Inc., and awarding contract to Terry Construction Company, be approved. Manager Russell L. Culp presented proposed letters to Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding tentative waste discharge requirements for surface runoff. The Board of Directors gave their approval as proposed. Attorney John C. Weidman reported on meeting with Frontier Contractors held on 9/18/70, President Robert W. Fesler repcrted that he met with Insurance Agent regarding Insurance for Directors. Discussion without any action. ADJOURNMENT: 5:10 P.M. ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Boa~'~-d-r & Ex- Officio Se cre tart. ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE t UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBE~ 1, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on October 1, 1970, 8:00 P.M., South Tahoe Public Utility District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Fesler, Directors Donald H. Kortes, Robert~Vakeman, Edward E. Hegarty, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidXA/. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney [ohn C. Vffeidman, Jeff Cohan-Tribune Representative. ABSENT: Director Gerald G. Ream, Attorney Robert J. Hill and Arthur L. Shoupe, Resident Engineer - Clair A. Hill and Associates. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of September 17th and 22nd be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed the Newspaper representative - Mr. Jeff Co han to this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Culp presented his report - as follows: "Manager's Report, October 2, 1970 On September 23 Mr. Wakeman and I attended the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) meeting at the North Shore. The agency approved both the Notice of Intention to Apply for a Federal Grant on the Water Project and the plans for Restoration of Forest Service property at old sprayfield number 2. The experience at this meeting indicates the importance of attendance by District representatives at any time items on the agenda affect the District. The meeting with the Alpine County Supervisors scheduled for September 21 was cancelled due to the fact that the irrigators apparently have completed all arrangements for the new ditch, tt is expected that this ditch will be completed before spring of next year, so that there should be no further problems in disposing of all reclaimed water from Indian Creek Reservoir. The Alpine County Water Agency is attempting to resolve the questions of water allocation internally. Representatives of the Board met with Frontier Contractors in Salt Lake City on September 18 in an effort to resolve claims for extra work as presented by Frontier. The Board also met in study session with officers of the Employees Association on September 30, 1970." PLANT OPERATION, SEPTEMBER 1970 Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Rate Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used Makeup: 74 tons Alum Used 73.1 MG (August 1970 - 93.6 MG) 2.66 MGD 3.4 MGD (September 20) 7.6 MGD (9/6/7O) N one 6,750 lbs None 6.6 Million Cu. Ft. 682,800 KWH 597 lbs Empty - Not Used Recalcined: 178 tons 3,660 gallons. SEPTEMBER 1969 Plant Flow - Total: 61.9 MG Daily Average: 2.1 MGD ~.~ ui~/~K lvl~li'±'ING -2- Ockobet 1, i970 The Lahontan Regional Watee Quality Control Board met this afternoon and this morning at the District and Mr. Weidman appeared on behalf of the District requesting that the requirements for waste discharge be reworded. There is a difference between sewage overflow and silt and storm runoff. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. ENGINEER'S REPORT: All items are listed on the agenda. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As presented by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. CONTRACT AND CONTRACT AND CONTRACT AMOUNT U.S.F.S. Sewer, Schedule $398,490.20 Includes Kiva Pump Station, CCO~i) PERCENTAGE COMPLETED 99% Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that he has not received a reply to the letter sent to Wismer and Becker and stated that if the work is not completed by the next regular meeting of this Board, he will recommend that the contract be terminated with Wismer and Becket and the work completed by District forces or a local contractor. U.S.F.S. Sewer Stage 3 , Kirkwood Bly, Inc. $667,880 80% complete Assessment Districts 1968-3F and 3G = $708,650 , Kirkwood Bly Luther Pass Pump Station, Iverson Construction Co $18,285 85% complete 44% complete Restoration of Old Spray Field No. 2 - Terry Construction should be stnrting on this work next week. President Fesler asked Engineer Harlan E. Moyer to explain the percentage Clair A. Hill and Assocates would be receiving from Tahoe Douglas Districts for design, inspection, surveys, etc. Mr. Moyer stated that ClairA. Hill and Associates would be receiving 2% for Assessment work; 6-6-1/2% for design and 45 for inspection fee. A meeting is scheduled for October 9, 1970, with the Lahontan Board regarding the routing of effluent into the Carson River. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman stated that he has filed eminent domain proceedings on U.S.F.S. -Stage 3, Jamison Beach. No news has been received from Frontier Contractors - Murray, Utah, regarding their claims submitted to this District. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: Met last Tuesday to reveiw matters regarding employees and officers of the District and a report will be available next meeting. 2. Leqislative and Interqovernmental Coordinatinq Committee: Attended the meeting of Tahoe Regional Planning Agency at the North Shore. 3. Water and Recreation: President RobertW. Fesler stated that he received a call from a member of the taxpayer's association inquiring abou[ the Company' -Agency or Official Body the District will be contacting regarding the amount to be paid to the Water Companies. Mr. Fesler stated that he mentioned to them that a meeting has not yet been held regarding this. 4. Environmental: No report. 5. Public Relations: No report. REGULAR MEETING -3- October 1, 1970 ~NFIN[SHED BUSINESS: President Fesler opened the hearing at 9:00 A.M. regarding the following resolutions. Noone was in attendance to object to the amended assessments. Clerk of Board Callahan recommended adoption of the following resolutions; Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that the RESOLUTIONS - NOS. 1508 through 1522 be approved, as follows: ITEMS NOS. 1 through 15 RESOLUTION NO. 1508 RESOLIYTION NO. 1509 RESOLUTION NO. 1510 RESOLUTION NO. 1511 RESOLUTION NO. 1512 RESOLUTION NO. 1513 RESOLUTION NO. 1514 RESOLUTION NO. 1515 RESOLUTION NO. 1516 RESOLUTION NO. 1517 RESOLUTION NO. 1518 RESOLUTION NO. 1519 RESOLUTION NO. 1520 RESOLUTION NO. 1521 RESOLUTION NO. i522 Confirming Confirming Confirming Confirming Confirming Confirming Confirming Confirmmg Confirming Confirming Confirming Confirming Confirming Confirming Confirming of Amended Assessment of Amended Assessment of Amended Assessment of Amended Assessment of Amended Assessment of Amended Assessment of Amended Assessment of Amended Assessment of Amended Assessment of Amended Assessment of Amended Assessment of Amended Assessment of Amended Assessment of Amended Assessment of Amended Assessment 1952 -1 1956-1 1959 -1 1960-1 1960-2 1960-4 1961-1 1962-1 1964 -1 1966-2 1967 -1 1967 -2 1967-3A 1967-3B 1967 -4A 16. HAROOTUNIAN TREE DAMAGE: Letter from United States Guarantee Insurance Company stating the Insurance Company the District in this claim. Fidelity and could not assist 17. RIGHT OF WAY FOR SEWER RELOCATIONS: Letter from Division of Highways regarding right-of-way acquisition. John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that in some areas the District does not have the documents for the easements requested. Director Koi'tes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that this matter and letter be turned over to Assistant General Manager Callahan to handle and/or reply. 18. ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NOS. 1967-2 and 1967-3A, 3B and 4A: Letter from Leo L. Davis regarding possible claims. Harlan E. Moyer met with Marvin Coleman, who was associated with Leo L. Davis, and he had a letter authorizing Marvin Coleman to be an agent and to pursue any and all claims that Leo L. Davis has against the District. Assessment District No. 1967-2 has been paid for two years and the Contractor accepted the final pay estimate and accepted the pay. Mr. Coleman had stated that he was shorted on his job and did not get paid, Mr. Moyer stated; no formal claim was made, the job is closed and payment was made in full. No action will be taken by this Board unless a formal claim ks submitted. Items: 19 and 201:f. S. F. S. Stage III Sewer System and Assessment District Nos. 1968-3F and 3G Change Orders. Postponed. 21 SEWER HOOKUPS: A report on field investigation of properties claiming to be connected to the sewer was presented to each director. There are 27 connected with a permit and no special action required; 18 connected but no permit and District will notify and bill be letter; 12 not connected and 17 unable to contact or test and District to furnish City and County with list of names and addresses and threre are 3 which are vacant or have only a garage on the property. 22. Tahoe-Douglas option payment: AttorneyWeidman stated that he does have the option and Tahoe Douglas has not yet signed. Signatures should be collected within two weeks and $5,000 paid at the time of the execution of the contract. REGULAR MEETING 23. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that when the Directors, Attorney, Engineer, met with Frontier Contractors at Salt Lake City, it was stated that we would possibly release funds to Frontier for various claims. We withheld $9,500 for property damage claims, some of which were actually claims, and others that we withheld for possible claims; a stop not[ce was received also from Pacific Clay Pipe Products. The stop notice has never been released. There was a $1,000 claim filed by a Water Company that has been released. Mr. Moyer stated we cannot recommend any release of the large amount under the formal stop notice. Harlan E. Moyer requested that authorization for the payments that have been withheld by the District to be released to Front[er,subject to the District receiving a letter from the Engineer, that those items of work have been satisfactorily completed. Also, upon legal not[ce of withdrawal of the stop not[ce the funds can be paid to Front[er Contractors. President Fesler stated that last weekend he flew to San Diego and flew to Los Angeles and noticed the fires. He further stated that we have some areas here that are without fire protection - 50% of the area here does not have fire protection, and if a fire were to start in this area, he felt we would be completely wiped out because of no fire protection. There are no facilities for fighting the fires and felt this was something this District should look into. COMMUNICATIONS:i.Rece[ved notice from SEDD regarding their meeting scheduled for 10/7/70, 4:30 P.M., North Shore. C. Mark Smith will be the speaker. 2. Received a letter from the Iunior Class of South Tahoe High School thanking the District for allowing them to cut wood to make money for their class. Manager Culp stated that Julian Chada helped these students on his own time. 3. California Sanitary and Sanitation Convention is scheduled for 10/30 and 10/31/70 at Fresno, California. Assistant General Manager Callahan mentioned that we received a payment from Hood Corporation in the amount of $6,000. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously cart[ed, that the claims in the amount of $394,596.98, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJ OURNME NT: 9:59 P.M. PRESIDENT, Robert W. Fesler South Tahoe Public Utility District DavidW. Callahan, Clerk of Board andEx- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 15, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session October 15, ,1970, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Puesident Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, Donald H. Kortes; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney Iohn C. Weidman, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Jack Jensen and Arthur L. Shoupe; John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, Jeff Cowan - Tribune, several representatives from Halla Properties, several employees of this District. MINUTES: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of October 1, 1970, be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Ken Leam, President of the Val Halla Properties, introducted Mr. Arthur Baginstaz, who spoke on behalf of Val Halla. Mr. Baginstaz stated that Val Halla has been negotiating with the U.S.F.S. regarding the sale of Val Halla. A letter was received by them stating a figure of $19,900 for sewer facilities to Val Halla Properties. Mr. Baginstaz requested an explanation of this cost and the arrival of this amount. Engineer H.E. Moyer did not have the exact figures with him this evening and stated from memory the approxirr~e costs that were involved to amount to the $19,900 figure for sewer service facilities. Mr. Moyer stated that approximately $11,500 is for the percentage of the contribution to the U.S.F.S. by pro rata flow; engineering, inspection, legal fees, right-of-way costs, etc., would be approximately 15% or $2,000. Annexation of the property is $500 per acre; 2% for preparation of the roll and diagram and 2-1/2 % for bond counsel and 5% for bond discount. When does the Val Halla Properties start with the lien against the property? Engineer Moyer stated it would probably be in January of 1971. Mr. Leam requested a copy of the breakdown of the costs from our Engineers. Mr. Moyer stated that he will send a copy of these costs to him. President Fesler stated that this District has gone through many difficult times over the years and that there are now very few problems. Mr. Vernon Wall was present at this meeting and he was also Chairman of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board from 1959 through 1961 and was asked to approach the conference table and be recognized. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Culp read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report - October 15, 1970. Since our last meeting, Harlan and I have attended three meetings. The first was the variance hearing held by the Lahontan Board on October 2. No decision on possible ariances will be made until the November or December meeting of the Lahontan Board, but from the comments made at the hearing by Board Members and their staff, it appears very doubtful that any variances will be granted. We also met with the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency on October 7, and approval of plans for Assessment District 1970-1 was obtained. Last Friday we met with Paul Bonderson, Fred McLaren, and Dave DuBofs in Sacramento regarding discharges from Indian Creek Reservoir. The initial response is favorable, and we will be meeting with Nevada authorities soon to explore this matter further. Indian Creek Reservoir is drawn down near recreation pool level and is now in the refilling cycle. Mr. Hefse is coming to the office tomorrow to discuss plans for a second irrigation ditch to use water released from the reservoir. n~:t~ U~.An lV~:~:'i'll~C~ -2- OCtober 15, 1970 f,,~ ,/~ Manager Culp statec{ that he and Mr. Moyer met with the Fire Chief to discuss the acquisition of the water companies and they felt Tahoe Keys and Tahoe Paradise water companies have the best systems. The Lake Fire Department does want to see our plans for the water systems. Director Wakeman moz ed, seconded by Direct or Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: ALL ITEMS ON AGENDA. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Mr. A.L. Shoupe reported the following: CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR & TOTAL COST OF PROJECT U.S.F.S. Sewer System, Schedule II, Wismer & Becker $398,490.20,Includes CCO~i, Kiva Pump Station) PERCENTAGE COMPLETED 99% U.S.F.S. Sewer,Stage 3, Kirkwood Bly, Inc. $667,88o 94% Assessment Districts Nos. 1968-3F and 3G, Kirkwood Bly, Inc. $708,28s 91% Luther Pass Pump Station Improvements Iverson Construction, Inc. $18,2S5 78% Spray Area No. 2 Restoration, Terry Construction Co $18,375" 2O% Mr. Shoupe stated that Well No. 2 was pulled and reinstalled this weekend and is now pumping 200-300 gallons per minute. Also, regarding Tahoe Paradise Units Nos. 58 and 60, County Assessment District, this area should be ready to connect within 2 weeks. Harlan E. Moyer stated that U.S.F.S., Schedule II, Wismer and Becker Project, has just been hanging for the last four months and that he has been completely at a loss as to why Wismer and Becker has not completed the few minor items that need to be done. There are three items of work to be finished byWismer and Becket; (1) reinstallation of a flow meter that was defective; (2) leakage in the pump room of one of the pump stations; (3) adjustment of control system in another pump station. Mr. Moyer stated he would like to send Wismer and Becker notice that the District will, in fact, terminate their contract, and withhold funds from their contract needed to complete this work, ifWismer and Becker has not completed this work within two weeks. There is no reason the work should not have been completed; several letters sent to the firm; the resident or project engineer has written letters, telephone callhs have been made, Mr. Moyer stated. President Robert W. Fesler stated that he felt the Board should meet with the Contractor to discuss this. Manager Culp and Engineer Moyer to contact Wismer and Becker to meet with this Board regarding their contract with the District. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman wrote a letter to the State regarding easements the District obtained through Eminent Domain Proceedings. This was in reply to a letter received from the State requesting condemnation on certain properties. Director Wakeman asked Attorney Weidman if he intended to appear at a meeting of the California Sanitary & Sanitation Districts prior to their conferSnce on 11/23/70. Mr. Weidman stated he did plan to attend. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: This committee has met from time to time regarding the financial matters of this District. No report at this time, Director Kortes stated. 2. Leqislative & Interqovernmental Coordinatinq Committee. No report 3. Water and Recreation: Engineers are completing their preliminary work on the water systems. REGULAR MEETING -3- October 1S, 1970 COMMITTEE REPORTS (Continued) 4. Environmental Protection: Director Ream stated that he took a tour of Section 10 and stated the work is progressing nicely; also, he toured the area of Luther Pass Pump Station and stated he was amazed at the progress there. Also mentioned that if the Board has not seen it - they would not recognize it after this landscaping. Earlier in this meeting, Director Hegarty stated that he felt the entire Board should tour the projects now under construction. Director Ream stated he agreed with Director Hegarty on this and requested the date of October 20, 1970, 2:00 P.M., be scheduled for a Study Session and touring of the projects by this Board. 5. Public Relations: Director Hegarty stated that there was no report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Employee's Association: Consider a proposed change to Ordinance No. 162 and 201 regarding compensatory time and vacation time. ORDINANCE NO. 203: Proposed Changes to Ordinance No. 162 and 201. President Fesler stated to the officers and the employees in attendance at this meeting that they wanted three weeks vacation per their request after three years and following checks by our ]~anager with other public entities, etc., President Fesler stated that instead of the three weeks vacation after three years, the Board felt if they came down from 8 years to 5 years, would be a stop in the right direction. Merle Kobernus, employee, asked for a breakdown as to how the Board voted on vacation leave. President Fesler stated that action has not yet been taken and he will ask for a poll of the board. ORDINANCE NO. 203: Amending Ordinance Nos. 162 and 201 and providing for compensation, benefits, and working conditions for employees. VOTES: AYES: Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Ream, Hegarty NOES: None ABSENT: None Carried unanimously. ~, DAVIS-GRUNSKY GRANT, INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: (a) Report on Status: - Manager Culp stated that an application has been received regarding a $180,821 grant for Indian Creek Dam and Reservoir Project. He requested a study session of the Board to discuss the contract and about reaching an agreement with the Bureau of Land Management. Study session scheduled for 10/27/70, 3:00 P M. District Office. ' ' 3. U.S.F.S. Sewer System, Stage III, Kirkwood-Bly, Inc., Contractor Consider Change Order No. 4, decrease of $4,095 and no time extension requested. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 4 be approved, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. 4. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS: Consider acceptance of landscaping. The Board agreed to defer action on acceptance of the landscaping until after they tour the facility on October 20th and hope to take action on Ootober 22, 1970, Adjourned Regular Meeting. 5. Bond Counsel - Legal Services Contract. Extension of contract. Deleted from agenda. 6. Proposed Public Water Supply System: Engineers are completing their preliminary report on the water system. Meeting was held concerning involvements regarding negotiations, etc. REGULAR MEETING -4- t~ctooer la, l~ / u /.~/~ NEW BUSINESS: 1. Damage Claim: Mrs. B. Ratto: This property is located on Glenwood Road and there had been a stoppage in the District portion of the line and quite a bit of damage was done. $440.00 new carpeting was installed and $25.00 of cleaning for a total of $465.00. Manager Gulp recommended the claim be denied and referred to our Insurance Carrier. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that this claim be denied, as recommended by General Manager Gulp, and referred to our Insurance Carrier. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Miss Otto and Miss Aldinger: Owners of property Lot 895, Tahoe Paradise Unit No. 22 - damage to their driveway. They are now asking that the District repair and repave their driveway. Manager Gulp stated that we did repair this at one time and mentioned then that if the work was not satisfactory we would redo the work. They now want the asphalt pavement replaced to the property line. Manager Gulp recommended the driveway be asphalted to the property line as requested by Miss Otto and Miss Aldinger. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Manager Culp's recommendation be approved and that the driveway owned by Miss Otto and Miss Aldinger be asphalted to the property line. 2. Copy of a letter written to Barton Memorial Hospital to A1 Hendrickson of the City regarding street lighting. The Board agreed to a study session to discuss the lighting problems and requests received prior to meeting with the City. Attorneylohn C. Weidman mentioned at this time that the District cannot, and has never, made a profit on any part of service given. It cannot legally be done and this District never has. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Direct~ Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $63,618.31 be approved for payment, as so recommended by Assistant General Manager DavidW. Callahan. ADIOURNMENT: 9:40 P.M. to October 22, 1970, for HEARING OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1970-2, 8:00 P.M., DISTRICT OFFICE. ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST'-//./! - ~ ~ DAVID w. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District BID OPENING, 10/22/70, Assessment District No. 1970-1 Bids were received and opened at 3:00 P.M., District office. Present were Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineers Harlan E. Moyer, Donald Showalter, Arthur L. Shoupe and Director RobertW. Fesler. The following bids were received: (1) Terry Cons. Co., Stateline, Nevada, $35,070; (2) l.R.Crasper Cons. Co., So. Lake Tahoe = $51,370; (3) ALF Burtleson Construction Company, San Francisco, Calif. 94110 =$53,950; Engineer's Estimate $25,000. Bids were taken under advisement. DAVID Wo CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 22, 1970 The Board of Directors met in an adjourned regular session 10/22/70, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room for the hearing on Assessment District No. 1970-1. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Director Robert Wakeman, Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream. General Manager Russell L. Culp, Engineers Harlan E. Moyer, Donald Showalter, Attorney John C. Weidman, Robert[ . Hill, DavidW. Callahan- Clerk of Board, Mrs. B. Springmeyer and Mrs. Richard Codman, and other visitors in areas that are involved in this Assessment District proceedings. OPEN HEARING: President Fesler opened the hearing at 8:00 P.M. and asked that Engineer Harlan E. Moyer please 9ire his report. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that Assessment District No. 1970-1 has been initiated by this District to provide for sewers for three (3) separate groups of parcels within the Utility District. Some of the parcels were excluded and included in this Assessment District. Group "C" is the area between Stateline and Stateline Avenue, adjacent to Lake Tahoe for which sewers have not been previously provided but not excluded parcels. Groups "A" and "B" were excluded from Annexation No. 1959-1 of this District. Harlan E. Moyer explained why the parcels were excluded from the District to all present. He then explained the costs to the properties in Group "A", "B" and "C" Total Total Total Assessment fDr Group "A" $170,254 Assessment fDrGroup "B" $7,470.82 Assessment for Group "C" is $40,900 Group "A" is paying for an assessment for a collection system which is the same or equivalent to an assessment for property that would have paid had they been included in the Assessment District at an earlier year. Group "B" is paying the same as Group "A" except only the right-of-service charge and acquisition charge and for treatment and disposal. Group "C" is paying for the construction cost, incidental fees. Engineer Moyer stated that the bods on Assessment District No. 1970-1 were opened today and the following bids were received: Terry Construction Company, Inc. $35,070 Stateline, Nevada, 89449 J.R.Crasper Cons. Co. South Lake Tahoe, Calif.95705 $51,370 Engineer's Estimate $25,000. Engineer Moyer stated that an additional amount of $6,700 is needed in addition to what has been bid on Group "C". ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Robert J. Hill explained the costs to all present, bonds, interest, etc. He further noted that the notices were estimated fDr Group "C" but Group "A" and "B" will be the final figure on the properties. Pay- ment can be made in full, part, or if so desired, the property owner can let this assessment go to bond and same will be included in their tax statement to be paid in fifteen (15) installments. The first installment would be due and payable on the 1971-72 tax year. Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- 10/22/70 ~/~ Engineer Moyer explained how GroupA, B, and C were assessed and also in answer to a question from an owner regarding his property not being included in the Utility District - Mr. Moyer stated that this District has faced this problem of exclusion, and that the District has made attempts to annex the excluded parcels. Attorney Hill stated that there is no way for us to tell the property owner that the£r property is excluded from the District. This District has been given extraterritorial jurisdiction to enable them to levy assessments against the properties that are not within the District. Attorney lNeidman stated that the Title Company does not have an obligation to tell the owner or have the report state whether the property is within or not within the District and ff same is or is not excluded. Mrs. Richard Codman stated that she felt it was not the Title Company' job to give information as to whether a property is or is not excluded. The property was legally excluded by the County Board of Supervisors. Mrs. Codman requested answers to some of the following questions: 1. Ordinance No. 188 is still in force. Answer was yes. In that Ordinance it repeatedlymentioned annexation fees and in this new Ordinance - it seems the words "annexations fees" was abandoned, Mrs. Codman stated. In 1960 what was the total assessment and how much was the annexation fee in 19607 It was stated that the properties that were annexed in late 1958 the annexation fees were nothing. In 1958 ffa piece of property that had been excluded from the 1958 annexation was annexed, the fee would have been the amount that the property would have paid in property taxes had the property been included in the 1958 annexation. Mrs. Codman stated she was asking these questions in relation to her property located and referred to as 1970-1-19, 26 045 01, and a cottage on 1970-1-20, parcel 26 045 08, property located at LakeviewAvenue and Pasadena and other at Pasadena and Merced. Mrs. Codman was told that the figures she requested could not be given to her this evening because the assessed valuation for that year would have to be looked up. Harlan Moyer, Engineer, stated that the lots that were excluded should have paid the same as the lots in that same area that was not excluded. Mr. Moyer also stated that the amount of the assessment you pay in 1970 is the same you would have paid if you had been annexed in 1960. Attorney Weidman stated that Mrs. Codman wanted to know what the fees going back to 1960 were before the Board decides on this Assessment District this evening. There is no difference whether the lots have a house on it or not because the f~gures are based on the assessed valuation as shown on the County Assessor's records. Included in the annexation fees are right-of-service in the sewer treatment facilities, in the export facilities, right-of-service in District trunk sewers and pump stations. The sewers that are in the street and for the lateral to your property line. Mr. Moyer stated that the difference on Mrs. Codman's property is that the longer the property is excluded, the greater the annexation fee becomes. Also, the property annexed in 1970 pays the same as if it had been annexed in 1960. Mrs. Codman requested a letter with an itemized list of year by year figures; Mr. Moyer will prepare this list for Mrs. Codman. Mrs. Codman also asked if the increase in labor, materials and overhead in the past ten years accounts for the increase for annexation from 1960 to 1970. The answer stated was no. Everything is being computed entirely on assessed valuations. She also asked if the total assessment figure for 1960 and 1970 covers all of the costs of connecting to the sewer at any time after the dates mentioned. The answer was no. It is the property owners responsibility to connect to the line; there is also an annual sewer service fee to be paid to the District once the property has been connected; there is also a Adjourned Ret,~ular Meeting -3- October 22, 1970 (cont.) charge for a permit for connecting to the line. At this time, Mrs. Codman stated that a Mrs. Fillaber connected to the line and she had to remove her septic tank completely. It was stated that the County and City Ordinances requires that septic tanks be emptied, limed and backfilled; Mr. Moyer stated that he knows of no Ordinance that requires removal of the septic tank from the property. Mrs. Codman asked if 1970 totals are to include all costs for a sewer connection and why were 1970 connections based on $?.00 per foot of lateral connections. Harlan Eo Moyer stated that they were not; there was nora set dollar figure per foot amount tn service or annexation fees - there was no foctage charge at all, Mr. Moyer stated. Mrs. Codman asked how can this be estimated down to a cent; total estimted cost was $218,295o43; Mr. Moyer, Engineer, stated that this was a matter of professional pride and that the estimated amount is a language used as required by law; also, that the amounts that were called estimates for Groups "A" and "B" are exact amounts that were computed to the last penny. Mrs. Codman stated that since the project is to be financed by using bonds with 7% coupons, what is the actual rate of interest we will be required to pay. The answer was that it would depend on the bids received and the actual amounts will be determined as a result of these competitive bids. Mrs. Codman also asked if we were to pay the 7% on the unpaid balance of the fifteen year period or must we psy 7% on the total amount. The answer was that it will be paid on the unpaid balance. She also asked if the bonds had coupons and the answer was they did. Also, how is it known what the coupons are worth; the coupons are figured on a given date as on an unpaid balance as of that date. She requested this information be included in the letter to her. Marjorie Springmeyer asked how the tax assessor valued the property; Attorney Weidman stated that he takes the assessed valuation of the property and takes approximately 25% of that and this is the assessed valuation. WRITTEN PROTESTS: All written protests were read and same are on file with the Clerk of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. RECESSED: 10:05 P.M. - - - RECONVENED - 10:12 P.M. Attorney Robert J. Hill stated that one letter referred to the fact that they were paying double for this assessment and Mr. Hill stated that property has never paid District taxes. ORAL PROTESTS: Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer stated that she is nbw reading a book and that the last chapter tells of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and she feels that when we are buying into this multi-million dollar project that we were really paying so that Nevada State can grow. In 1966 when the effluent was being sprayed on the Government Land, some of the effluent was running onto the Johnson and Springmeyer land and at that time Mrs. Spring.meyer submitted a bill for 810,000 to this District because of the runoff causing damage to the property. Mrs. Springmeyer stated that she would like to make a deal regarding her life estate and asked the Board if consideration could be given to her regarding the claim she had submitted. Attorney Hill stated that as far as the remark goes made by Mrs. Springmeyer that Nevada was benefitting for useof these facilities - he stated that whatever took place by this District back in 1963 was strictly in favor of our taxpayer's and money that our taxpayer's did not have to pay and this District is benef~ing today by what this District did in 1963 Attorney Hill stated are paying for their that there are no back taxes being paid by the property owners; they right to be served by the District wide facilities. Regarding illegal connections - sewer connection service fees in no way relate to annexation fees. A~l£urneci steguiar lV~eet[ng -4- 10/22/70 Mr. Hill stated that some of the protest letters referred to the assessment as being much too high and asked Mr. Moyer that, in his opinion, and based on his experience, and other assessment districts of the past, and with other entities, and based on his knowledge and of the facts, that each property within the assessment district will be benfited. Mr. Moyer stated each property would benefit in the amount as great or greater than the amount of the proposed assessments as set forth in the assessment roll that was preliminary approved by this Board. President Fesler closed the hearing on Assessment District No. 19Y0-1. RESOLUTION NO. 1523: A Resolution Overruling Protests on Resolution of Intention 1~o. 1500. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1523 be approved. Mrs. R. Codman stated that the RESOLUTION the Board just adopted will possibly bring legal objections. In order to have proper presentations, Attorney Robert J. Hill recommended that other business listed on the agenda be postponed. Directors agreed to continue action regarding resolutions at the second meeting of November at 8:00 P.M., District Office. .ADJOURNMENT: 11:10 P.M. ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 5, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, 11/5/70, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Fesler, Directors Edward E.Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer Arthur L. Shoupe, John Murphy, Jeff Cowan - Newspaper representatives, Mr. Leonard Stevens of the Reader's Digest, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlman and Acting Clerk. ABSENT: Director Gerald G. Ream, Attorney John C. Weidman, Attorney RobertI. Hill and Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimoualy carried, that the minutes of 10/15/70 be approved and that the minutes of 10/22/70 be approved, as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: As presented by Manager Russell L. Culp: "Manager's Report - November 5, 1970 Attached is the Plant Operation Report of October 1970. There have been a number of Study Sessions, Committee Meetings, and other meetings since the last regular Board meeting, as follows: (Manager's Report - Continued) -2- November $, 1970 Da te: Meetings: 10/20/70 10/21/70 10/22/70 10/23/70 Study session - field visit to Luther Pass Pump Station, Section 10 Sprayfield, and Wismer & Becker Pump Stations. Meeting of Insurance Committee Assessment District no. 1970-1 Hearing Meeting with FWQA and Nevada Districts Regarding Federal Grants 10/26/70 10/27/70 10/28-29/70 10/30/70 11/2/70 11/3/70 11/4/70 Study Session on Street Lights Study Session on Davis-Grunsky Grant for Indian Creek Dam and Reservoir. FWQA Advanced Waste Treatment Seminar in San Francisco Meeting with Dr. Middleton and Mr. Cohen of FWQA Laboratory at Cincinnati regarding nitrogen removal. Meeting with Alpine County Supervisors and Water Master regarding past and future operation of Indian Creek Reservoir. Meeting with Insurance Carrier representatives regarding group life insurance plan for Employee's Association. Meeting of Water Committee. Last Friday I carried the latest revision of the Contract with the Nevada Districts and the option agreement to Mr. L. Berkson, Attorney. He expects to have it signed and returned to us along with the $5,000 check in the next few days. The Attorney for the State Department of Parks and Recreation called at the Office to propose a revised method for calculating M & O Charges to be paid by the State; after some discussion, he agreed to investigate further the possibility of State approval without further change, I also emphasized the need for the State to sign the agreement,if service is to be provided. Attached to this report is a letter to Mt. Jack Leggett of the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board which includes a discussion of a high degree of nitrogen removal which has been observed in Indian Creek Reservoir. I would like to read this part of the letter and discuss it at this time. October, 1970 .... PLANT OPERATION: Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Rate Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used Alum Used 64.1 MG (Sept. 1970 = 73.1 MG) 2.07 MGD 2.35 MGD (Oct. 21) 6.1 MGD (Oct. 25) None 6,350 lbs. None 7.7 Million Cu. Ft. 63,1,200 KWH 427 lbs. Empty - Not Used Makeup 65 tons Recalcined 180 tons 2,055 gallons Plant Flow - Total = 56.4 MG OCTOBER 1969 Daily Average 1.8 MGD" -3- NOvember 5, i970 /Z 2.$ Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. Director Hegarty stated that he was talking with Mr. G. Hueson and discussing the election of the Nevada officials, and Mr. Heuson had mentioned also regarding our Engineer - he had nothing but praise for our District Engineer. Mr. Moyer had attended the Meeting at Nevada last night regarding the Agreement and clarified any and all points requested. Nevada was very pleased with Mr. Moyer and the report and information he presented at that meeting. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that the Agreement was executed and (Tahoe-Douglas) that both Kingsbury District's will execute the agreement at their meeting next week. Also, that all Nevada,Districts, except for one Board Member, are in favor of the sewer disposal facilities and want the facilities available as quickly as possible. The Engineering on the Nevada sewer system should be completed around late January and construction should start around the first of May of 1971. President Fesler asked what would be necessary in June of next year regarding the Nevada District contract agreement. Engineer Moyer stated that under the terms of the option as it now exists, they can exercise the contract again and payments will start as provided in the contract. If the contract is not signed, then the offer of this District to Nevada becomes null and void. Mr. Moyer stated that he met with Director Hegarty, Director Wakeman, Mr. L. Berkson- Attorney, Andy Hall and Glenn Crawford at San Francisco, with other officials of the FWQA to discuss the regional funds for Nevada Districts. Mr. DeFalco, Jr., was also present. Three weeks ago each Nevada District received a letter from Mr. John Merrill stating that since Nevada Districts plan to join with South Tahoe District, regional funds could not be made available to them. Engineer Moyer stated that after a complete and frank discussion with Mr. DeFalco regarding the proposal South Tahoe made to the Nevada Districts, Mr. DeFalco stated that the FWQA would reverse their position and that the Tri-Districts in Nevada would qualify for funds under Public Law 84-660, if the FWQA receives a certification from Nevada that the project does meet the Nevada Planning requirements. Mr. Moyer also stated that at the time he spoke with Mr. E. Gregory, Mr. Gregory stated that he would give such a certification just as soon as he receives a favorable report from the Nevada clearing house. An unfavorable opinion was that the water received from Nevada and Kept by California should also be utilized by Nevada. Second: That the South Tahoe Public Utility District receive the approval of the appropriate State regulatory agencies for issuing this contract to the Nevada District. Harlan E. Moyer recommended that this District request this from the Lahontan Board. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT, AS reported byA.L. Shoupe, Resident Engineer: Contract and Contractor and total cost of project Percentaqe Complete U.S.F.S. Sewer, Sch. II, Wismer and Becker $398,490.20 99% Includes Kiva Pump Station, C.C.O.~i U.S.F.S. Sewer, Stage 3, Kirkwood-Bly, $667,880.00 98% Luther Pass Pump Sta Improvements, Iverson Construction Co 818,285 $18,285 Final 100% Spray Area No. 2, Terry Construction Co. $18,375 8O% Assessment District 1968-3F and 3G, Kirkwood Bly, $708,650 95To" ~']~]/~ Regular Meeting -4- November 5, 1970 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Absent: COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: Met twice since the last regular meeting of this Board and discussed Health - and Accident Insurance Carriers to update the plan Director Kortes stated another meeting on 10/29/70 was with Mr. Helgeson and the new Manager of the Bank of America to discuss our account there. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: DirectorWakeman stated that he and Director Hegarty attended the conference of the California Special Districts, Fresno, October 30 and 31, 1970. This organization has done an out- standing job. He felt that this District should encourage all of the other Districts to join this organization. There were several Districts around this area that did not have representation at this Conference. Discussion held at the meeting also was a Special District's Hospital Plan that was proposed which Director Hegarty and DirectorWakeman felt was worth scheduling a Study Session to discuss the matters that took place at this conference. STUDY SESSION SCHEDIILED FOR THURSDAY, November 12, 3:00 P.M. 3. Water and Recreation: Item for consideration listed on agenda. 4. Environmental Protection Committee: Director Ream absent - no report. 5. Public Relations: Met and action will be taken or consideration given regarding Commemorative Plaque to be purchased. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Presentation of Annual Audit Report by[ohn Ehlman, DistrictAud[tor. Mr. [ohn Ehlman, Auditor, presented copies of the annual audit report and asked that a Study Session be scheduled with him to review same. Study Session set for November 23, 19Y0, 3:00 P.M, District office. 2. U.S.F.S. Sewer System, Schedule II, Wismer and Becket Contracting Engineers: Status of Contract Completion: Engineer H.E. Moyer stated that the contractor has made an attempt in the last two weeks to correct the most serious problems on the proj e ct. 1. Repair leak in Pimp Room at Tatlac Pump Station. Still trying to correct this. 2. The control adjustment is taken care of. 3. Station flow meter was defective and had to be taken out, reinstalled. In checking this, it appears that there is another flow meter that is defective. It also appears that all of the flow meters will have to be worked on. If the contractor takes care of everything but the flow meters, then,Mr. Moyer stated,a recommendation to accept the pump stations will be made at the next regular meeting of this Board of Directors. 4. California Special Districts Association: Questionaire on LAFCO participation. This has to do with the report from the Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee regarding the conference the Directors attended at Fresno. Study Session has been scheduled. 5. Assessment District No. 1970-2: Letter from U.S.F.S. regarding Val Halla property: ---This is the property which the U.S.F.S. is in the process of acquiring. These parcels referred to were not included in the recreation area, but were included in Assessment District No. 1970-2; if this were taken out of the Assessment District and turned over to the U.S.F.S. the District would stand to lose a great deal of money in regards to annexation fees; this property is still privately owned. 6. Proposed Public Water Supply System: Letter to California Public Utilities Commission regarding donated lines. Manager Culp requested consideration to authorize the President of the Board to sign this letter and forward to Public Utility Commission. -b- November 5, i970 / 2 :~. ~'- Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the President be authorized to sign the letter as so recommended by Manager R.L. Culp. 7. Commemorative Plaque: Authorize purchase of same at $643.50. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the plaque in the amount of $643.50 be approved and purchase be made, as so recommended by Manager R.L. Culp. 8. Bond Counsel - Legal Services Contract: Extension of Contract: - This contract is as the past contracts have been, except to include water facilities. Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that extension of contract - Bond Counsel - to include the water facilities be approved. 9. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS: Iverson Construction Company: --- RESOLUTION NO. 1524: A Resolution Accepting Project and Directing the Filing of the Notice of Completion. Director Hegarty stated that this is one project completed ahead of schedule and commended Iverson Construction Company. 10. North Tahoe P.U.D. Pump Problems: President Fesler stated that he has been reading about the pump problem on the North Shore and asked if the vibrations caused by this problem could destroy that operation. Manager R.L. Culp stated it can become a serious problem. President Fesler stated that this District is very fortunate to have had the Engineer and Management we have had to keep us from having the same problems as North Tahoe Public Utility District. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Letter from Sierra Pacific Power Company regarding Tahoe Keys Pump Station. 2. Meeting notice from Tahoe Regional Planning Agency regarding wastewater committee. 3. Letter from Frontier Contractors regarding their claim. President Fesler stated he received a call from Mr. M. Burdick of Frontier stating that he would submit the revised claim in letter form to the District. Same was received and turned over to Engineer Moyer for study and a report to be given at the next regular meeting of this Board. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $307,192.09, as recommended by Manager R.L. Culp, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:25 P.M. ATTEST: DAVID-vV. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Boar~and Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Util~y District. Rober:t W. Fesler, President South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEET'tN© REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT November 19 ,].970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on ll/19/Y0, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E.Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream. Also present were General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer Arthur L. Shoupe, Attorney John C. Weidman, Mr. Solheim of Wismer and Becker, [ohn Murphy and [. Cowan - Newspaper Representatives. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 11/5/70 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT - November 19, 1970: "On November 10, 1970, Harlan and I met with Ernest Gregory of the Nevada State Health Division concerning service to Nevada Districts, Water Rights and lNater Quality. All of our proposals were favorably received. On 11/11/70 the Water Company Acquksition Negotiating Committee met in San Mateo at the Offices of Wilson, [ones, Morton and Lynch. This was followed on 11/18/70 by a meeting with Mr. Bud Ogden of Tahoe Keys Water Company, and on 11/19/70 with Carl Hoffman of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company. On November 12th the Board met in Study Session regarding matters related to~tivities of the California Special Districts Association. On 11/13/70 Harlan and I met with the Wastewater Committee of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. We were appointed to a Subcommittee along with Wally White to draft procedures for Tahoe Regional Planning Agency review of Federal Grant applications, and have since prepared our recommendations in this regard. At the request of Don Kortes, I called Les Berkson regarding the status of the option agreement with the Nevada Districts; the agreement has been signed by the Tahoe- Douglas and Kingsbury No. 1 District's and was to be signed by Kingsbury No. 2 last night. The Elk Point District is going to use the services of the Round Hill Plant. Payment of the option fee of $5,000 is expected next week. All approvals required to release the check have been secured. We are in the process of completing the data collection program on plant operations under the FINQA Grant Program. Our final report is due in February 1971. I will be spending most of my time from now until February in writing and editing this report." Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Contract and Contract and Amount Percentage Completed 1. U.S.F.S. Sewer, Schedule II, $398,490.20 99% K[rkwood-Bly, Inc., Includes CCO~:i Kiva Pump Station 2. Assessment District 1968-3F and 3G: Kirkwood-Bly, Inc $7O8,650 99% 3. Spray Area No. 2, Restoration $18,375, Terry Cons. Co. 100% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney J.C. Weidman discussed the Frontier Contract with the Board. President R.W. Fesler and Engineer H.E. Moyer will contact Mr. Max Burdick of Frontier and report to this Board. 7 REGULAR MEETING -2- November 19, 1970 ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that he hoped by the next regular meeting, a recommendation for acceptance of the contract by Wismer and Becket will be presented to this Board. Also, a meeting is scheduled by Wismer and Becket, U.S.F.S. and the Board and Engineer Moyer on December 1, 1970, 3:00 P.M., District Office, regarding excess costs due to the delay in construction of the pump stations. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance: No meeting washeld; meeting scheduled to discuss Health and Acc[dent Insurance on November 20, 1970, noon, Pres[dent's Fesler's off[ce. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: Met on 11/12/70 with the Board in Study Session regarding Special Service District. 3. Water and Recreation: President Fesler stated negotiations are taking place with the Committee and the Water Companies. 4. Environmental Protection: No report --- On 11/18/70 met with Cliff Moyer and a representative from the newspaper to tour the Restoration of the Old Spray Area. Gerald Ream, Director, stated that the U.S.F.S. was very pleased with the construction and work at this site. Director Ream requested Manager Culp to meet with the Environmental Committee on 11/24/70, 3:30 P.M., District Office. Director Hegarty also mentioned the article that is in the December 1970 issue of National Geographic regarding this District. Also, that a representative from Reader's Digest was here making a survey and story on this facility. Engineer Moyer stated that it would be beneficial to publicize the ::.rep orts and let same be known to the people of this area. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. U.S.Forest Service Sewer System, Schedule III (Kirkwood-Bly, Inc) - Consider Change Order No. 5 -increase of $2,094.00. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 5, as recommended by Engineer H.E.Moyer, be approved. 2. Assessment District No. 1970-1: - a. RESOLUTION NO. 1525, A Resolution Determining that the South Tahoe Public Utility District shall contribute $6,370 and Ordering Reduction of Assessments. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 1526, A Resolution and Order adopting Engineer's Report, Confirming the Assessment and Ordering the Work and Acquisitions. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 1527, A Resolution Designating Collection Officer. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1525, 1526 and 1527 be approved as presented. (d) ORDINANCE NO. 204 - Awarding Contract to Terry Construction Company (at the bid pr[ce of $35,070.00). DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 204 be approved. 3. U.S.F.S. Sewer System Service Contract. a. Consider Supplement to contract (b) Cons[der Change Order No. 4. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Supplement to contract and Change Order No. 4, as recommended by Engineer H.E. Moyer, be approved. 4. Assessment District No. 1967-4 (Frontier Contractors) Cons[der claim for extra work. Following disucssion, the Board, Engineeer,to meet 11:10 AM tomorrow to request a conference call to discuss the claim with Mr. Max Burdick of Frontier Contractors, Inc. REGULAR MEETING -3- November 19, ,1970 5.RESTORATION OF SPRAY AREA NO. 2, Terry Construction Company, Consideration of Contract Change Order No. 1, inmrease of $551.00 Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that "~Change Order No. l, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, be approved. b. RESOLUTION NO. 1528 -A Resolution Accepting Project and Directing the Filing of the Notice of Completion Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1528 be approved. 6. Assessment District No. 1968-3F and 3G: Change Order No. 5--Postponed. 7. Trailer Park Service Charges: Study Session Scheduled 12/8/70, 3:00 P.M., District Office. NEW BUSINESS: None COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Notice of Meeting for 11/25/70, 9:00 A.M. , Cai Neva Lodge. 2. Tahoe Land Institute Meeting Notice at 6:30 P.M., Kings Beach. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $100,141.57, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 P.M. ROBERTW. FESLER, Pres[dent South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary to the Board thereof, South Tahoe Public Utility District SPECIAL MEETING Ot' THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 24, 1970 On Tuesday, November 24, 1970, 4:00 P.M., The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special Session in the District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Pres[dent RobertW. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, RobertWakeman, Donald H. Kcrtes and Gerald G. Ream. Also present were General Manager Russell L. Culp, Attorney John C. Weidman, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan. PURPOSE OF MEETING: Manager Russell L. Culp explained this meeting was called for the purpose of making a settlement of the claim of Frontier Contractors and authorize payment. AttorneyWe[dman explained the nature of the claim, which had been discussed by the Board of Directors in detail at several previous meetings. The original claim of Frontier Contractors for extra work for construction of Assessment District 1967-4D and 1967-4E was in the amount of $245,000. Attorney Weidman explained that if the settlement was made in Superior Court it would be in the amount of at least $33,000 and possibly as high as $130,000. Frontier Contractors would also receive interest of 7% per annum on the amount of the Court Order and the District would incur Attorney Fees, which would amount to several thousand dollars. AttorneyWeidman pointed out that the settlement of the Hood litigation cost in excess of $20,000 and the settlement was made out of Court. President Robert Fesler reported that on Friday, November 20, 1970, Harlan Moyer - District Engineer, Directors Hegarty, Wakeman and Fesler held a conference telephone call with Mr. Max Burdick of Frontier Contractors and that he agreed to accept $40,000 as full payment for the claim and release his rights to any further settlement. RESOLUTION NO. 1529: A Resolution authorizing paymentof $40,000 to Frontier Contractors in settlement of all claims upon execution of a pro per release by the Contractor. This Resolution provides for payment of $21,500 from Assessment District 1967-4D and for payment of $18,500 from Assessment District No. 1967-4E. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1529 be approved as recommended by Attorney John C. We[dman - adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 1530: - A Resolution Determining that a portion of Public Improve- ments acquired and constructed pursuant to Resolution No. 1076 constitute branch trunk lines providing a main trunk connection for collection sewers in Improvement District No. U-l, Determining that a contribution therefor shall be made to the Assessment District 1967-4D Construction Fund and ordering transfer of $22,800 for the purpose thereof. RESOLUTION NO. 1531: - A Resolution determining that a port[on of public improve- ments acquired and constructed pursuant to Resolution No. 1081 constitute branch trunk lines providing a main trunk connection for collection sewers in Improvement District No. U-l, determining that a contribution therefor shall be made to the Assessment District 1967-4E Construction Fund and ordering transfer of $19,000 for the purpose thereof. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1530 and 1531 be adopted as recommended by Manager Culp. ADJOURNMENT: 4:45 P.M. ROBERTW. FESLER, PRESIDENT, South Tahoe Public Utility District DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary to the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Ut[lkty District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 3, 1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session 12/3/70, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, l~obert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes and Gerald G. Ream. Also present were Manager Russell L. Culp , Assistant Manager and Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, John Murphy and Jeff Cowan - Newspaper Representatives and L. Berkson, Attorney and G. Crawford - Nevada District Repre sentative s. ABSENT: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer Arthur L. Shoupe and Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 11/19/70 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: Presented by Manager Russell L. Culp: Manager' s Report December 3, 1970 "Attached is the plant operating report for November 1970. On November 20 I met with Wally White and Greg Hanson of TRPA on Wastewater Subcommittee work. Also, I attended a luncheo~t meeting of the Insurance Committee. On November 23 the Board met in Study Session to review the annual audit report. On November 24 I met with Art Cort of E1 Dorado County regarding a problem between contractors in Assessment Districts 1968-3F and 3G. On December l, the Water System Acquisition Negotiating Committee met with representatives of the Tahoe Southside Water Company/ On November 24, the Board held a special meeting to act on a proposed settlement with Frontier Contractors regarding claims on Assessment District 1967-4D and 4E. At a recent meeting of the Board interest was expressed in the benefits to the District resulting from the 3 year program of data collection on the advanced wastewater treatment plant which is nearing completion. If it is agreeable with the Board, I would like to ask Jerry Wilson and Dave Evans to report on this subject at the next regular Board meeting. Also, if agreeable, I would like to invite plant operators to attend this part of the meeting. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved:' Plant Operation - November 1970: - Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Maximum Daily Use Peak Flow Rate Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Storage Area Lime Used Alum Used 62.0 MG (Oct. 64.1 MG) 2.07 MGD 2.77 MG (11/25) 6.3 MGm (ll/1/) None 6,240 lbs N one 6.9 million cu. ft. 581,500 KWH 454 lbs Empty-Not Used Makeup:-30 tons, Recalcined: 170 tons 1,950 gallons NOVEMBER 1969: Plant Flow= 50.2 MG Daily Average = 1.67 MGD" -2- CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: December 3, 1970 Contract and Contractor & Amounts USFS Sewer, Sch. II, Wismer and Becket $398,490.20 (Includes CCO~:i Kiva Pump Station) USFS Sewer, Stage 3, Kirkwood Bly Inc $667,880 Percentage Completed 99% 100% Assessment Districts 1968-3F and 3G Kirkwood Bly $708,650. ' 99% Director Hegarty stated that Mr. "Shrimp" Ebright has requested a meeting with Manager Culp and Engineers HarlanE. MoyerandArthurL. Shoupe. Manager Culp will make the arrangements for the meeting. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorneylbhn C. Weidman stated that he has written a letter, of which copies were distributed to Directors, regarding the service to the Nevada Districts, Harootunian Law Suit; requests a Resolution be approved regarding Eminent Domain proceedings for 1970-1 Assessment District. Final Annexation of Harootunian land will be heard at the LAFCO meeting 12/15/70. Regarding Grants .... Attorney Weidman stated that we will probably still have to continue working with Sierra Economic Development District and mentioned that a priority report was prepared by Sierra EDD and this District ranks number 11 on the report. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Finance Committee: - Met on 11/20/70 to review the District's Health and Accident Policy; the additional increase in premiums of 17% and a readjustment in the hospital plan. Manager Culp stated that we should have a meeting of the employees and Mr. D. Maas to explain the District is increasing the per day room fee and the additional premiums due to increased rates. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the District accept the increase in premium and the per day room fee as so recommended by the Committee. ' Requested December 11, 1970, 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., to have Mr. D. Maas meet with the Employee's to explain the increase in premium. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Committee: No report. 3. Water and Recreation: A press release was prepared by Manager Culp regarding water meetings with the owners of the Water Companies. Meetings have been held with owners of the Water Companies also. 4. Environmental Protection: No report 5. Public Relations: No meeting; Director Wakeman had obtained a copy of the 1971 "Science Year Book" and pointed out the article regarding the District. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Service to Nevada Districts ......... a. Option Agreement: - Mr. Les Berkson, Attorney, and Mr. G. Crawford, representing the Nevada District, stated that he has brought the $5,000 check to present this evening as/and according to the terms of the Contract with this District and Nevada. Also, he requested that some action be taken in regards to revision of Paragraph 35 of the contract agreement. All Nevada District's have signed the contract. Mr. Berkson further stated that after South Tahoe Public Utility District has signed the contract, the formal approval from Mr. Ernest Gregory must be obtained, and Mr. Berkson mentioned that Mr. Gregory had verbally approved this contract/agreement. Nevada also has to obtain the approval of the Attorney General and Mr. Berkson stated he ant['cipates no probl'em there. ~ '~ Regular Meeting -3- December 3, 1970 Attorney Berkson mentioned also that in respect to Elk Point, they are very close to a manhole where they could go with Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1; they could start work in the spring and within 60 days have their sewer facilities available. Mr. Berkson met with Elk Point last night and they did agree to sign the contract. Mr. Berkson stated that he mentioned this because he did want this Board to be aware of the thinking of Elk Point District. The reason for the requested proposea revision in Paragraph 35 is to satisfy the State Engineer to enable Nevada's application to get through for Federal Funds from FWQA. Nevada is having a problem with FWQA Funding. As to the timing , Mr. Berkson stated they are approximately 60 days behind schedule. The necessary engineering will be ready and available in January and we will be ready for a Special Hearing in February and March~ In answer to Attorney Weidman's question, Attorney Berkson stated that all of the District's have signed a joint-power agreement and this has to again be approved by the Attorney General's office. This is to be submitted along with the option and final contract. Attorney Berkson also stated they are in the process of merging both of the Kingsbury Districts and hopes to eventually consolidate all Nevada District's into one. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the proposed revision of Paragraph 35, as requested by Lester H. Berkson, Attorney, in his letter to AttorneyWeidman, dated 11/25/70, be approved, subject to formalization at a later date. Mr. Glenn Crawford, Director on one of the Nevada District Boards, stated that he has appreciated the attendance of General Manager Russell L. Culp and other members of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Board at their meetings. Also mentioned he has appreciated the assistance given by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. 2. U.S.Forest Service Sewer System, Schedule III (Kirkwood Bly, Inc). a. Change Order No. 6; (b) Accepting project. POSTPONED ............. 5. Harootunian Tree Damage: Referred to Study Session on 12/10/70, 4:00 P.M. NEW BUSINESS: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 1531: Filing Eminent Domain Proceedings - 1970-1. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1531, as recommended by Attorney John C. Weidman, be approved. Also a check to Carl Kelly Clerk - the amount of $4,011.00 for same. NEW BUSINESS: (2) Employees Bonds. For insurance purpose select employee to be designated as Bookkeeper. Each employee will be bonded now for $10,000 and Manager Russell L. Culp, Assistant General Manager DavidW. Callahan, and Mary D. Parsley- designated as Bookkeeper, to be bonded for $50,000.00. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the recommendation of Manager Culp be approved. COMMUNICATIONS: General Manager Culp read the following correspondence: 1. Public Utility Commission. (2) Lahontan Meeting Notice - 12/10/70, 9:30 A.M. at the Cai Neva. (3) U.S.F.S. Regarding Section 10. (4) California Department of Housing and Community Development. (5) Communication to Don Showalter of Clair A. Hill & Associates, regarding property owner of 1968-3G-214, commending Clair A. Hill and Inspectors for the excellent work done by them as so requested by Mr. C. M. Bubnick. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $135,295.47, and $4,011.00, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $5,897.04, as recommended by Assistant Manager David W. Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:45 P.M. REGULAR MEETING _4_ December 3, 1970 ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board &-~x- officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District ROBERT 'W. FESLER, PRESIDENT South Tahoe Public URlity District REGULAR MEETING OF TIlE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 17,1970 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session on December 17, 1970, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Director Kortes be appointed Chairman Pro Tern for this meeting. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Ream, Hegarty and Chairman Pro Tern Kortes; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Jeff Cowan, A.L. Shoupe, Jerry Wilson, David Evans, Earl P.Hardie, Leslie II. B~ker, Michael D. Guthrie, Vern Trujillo andA. Kaufmann. ABSENT: President Robert W. Fesler, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer and Attorney Robert J. Hill. ~MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director IIegarty, unanimously carried,. that the minutes of 12/3/70 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Russell L. Culp read his report, as follows: "On Monday, December 7, the Water Acquisition Negotiating Committee met for the second time with representatives of the Tahoe Sierra Water Company. On Tuesday, December 8, the Board met in Study Session regarding sewer service t charges to trailer parks. On Thursday, December 10, I attended the meeting of the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board at which time they adopted their policy on variances. Later that day the Board met in Study Session with the U.S.F.S. and Wismer and Becker to discuss completion of the pump station contract. In addition, the IIarootunian litigation was discussed. On Friday, December 11, two meetings were held with District employees to advise them of the latest changes in the District's Health and Accident Policy and to give them an opportunity to ask questions of our Insurance Carrier." Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. Moyer, Engineer, absent. ~ December 17, 1970 -2- Regular Meeting CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT, As reported by A.L. Shoupe: CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR, TOTAL COST PERCENTAGE COMPLETED U.S.F.S. Sewer, Sch. II, Wismer & Becker 100% $398,490.20 U.S.F.S. Sewer, Stage 3,Kirkwood-Bly,Inc. 100% $667,880. Assessment District Nos.1968-3F and 3G, Kirkwood Bly,Inc. 99% $708,650 Assistant General Manager Callahan stated that Wismer and Becket office called today and stated that they would adsorb one-half of the inspection cost, providing no other funds are withheld from their payments. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimous[[y carried, that the Engineer's Report as presented by A.L. Shoupe be approved. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he was present at the meetings regarding the water acquisition; and the Harootunian annexation has been approved by LAFCO. Mr. Weidman also stated that he has received an amended complaint in the Harootunian matter but has not as yet reviewed same. He is also working on Eminent Domain Proceedings for 1970-1. C OMM ITTEE RE PORTS: 1. Finance: No report. 2. Legislative and Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee: No report. 3. Water: No report 4. Environmental Protection: No report. 5. Public Relations: Director Hegarty stated that the District did receive a front page coverage in the Tribune concerning the Water Negotiating Committee Meeting with Mr. Carl Hofman and his Accountant. Regarding the Placque: - DireODr Hegarty stated that delivery could be expected within ten weeks, middle of January. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Plant Data Collection Program: Summary of three year study presented by DJvid Evans and Jerry Wilson. 2. Annexation (District) No. 197 0-3: HAROOTUNIAN : Consider RESOLUTION NO. 1533, A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Making Determinations and Approving the Proposed Annexation of Territory, Designated as South Tahoe Public Utility District Annexation No. 1970-3, to the South Tahoe Public Utility District". Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1533 be approved as presented. December 17, 1970 -5 .... ~ .............. / ~-~--~ t,/ 4. U.S.F.S. SCHEDULE II (Wismer and Becket, Contractors): a. Consider Contract Change Order No. 7. Mr. A. L. Shoupe, Engineer, stated that Clair A. Hill and Aosociates recommend that no act[on be taken at this time, and that 84,600.00 withheld in addition to the 10% retention. Mr. Solheim of Wismer and Becker had stated that he felt that the proposed withholding of the lnspection charges is unreasonable and that the Pump Stations were completed on time and that the ~nspection charges were much higher than they should have been. Also, during the telephone conversation, Mr. Solheim stated that they would accept absorbing one-half of the extra cost providing that all other funds were paid, as properly due them; Mr. Callahan stated that they are due everything but the 10% retention and the $2,750.00. The decision does not have to be made this evening. Director Hegarty recommended that this matter be postponed until a later date and same referred to our Engineer for a report and recommendation. 5. U.S.F.S. SEWER SYSTEM, SCHEDULE III, Kirkwood-Bly, Inc.) - a. Consider Contract Change Order No. 6 (Increase of $2,672.85). Director Hegartymoved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 6 be approved, as recommended by EngineerA.L. Shoupe. aRESOLUTION NO. 1534: AResolution Accepting Project and Directing the Filing of the Notice of Completion. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1534 be approved as so presented. 6. ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS NO. 1968-3F and 3G: -Kirkwood Ely, Inc. - - Accept for use only lines serving Christmas Valley No. 1 and No. 2 and Rainbow Tract. Assistant General Manager Callahan stated that several requests were received by the District for connection to Christmas Valley No. 1 and 2 and Rainbow Tract. Mr. Callahan stated that he check with our Engineer and learned that the lines were tested and are ready for use. Mr. Callahan requested that the residents in the area mentioned be allowed to connect to the lines, since this ~s a separate line. Director Ream moved that we accept the lines for Christmas Valley Nos. 1 and 2 and Rainbow Tract and 1968-3F and 3G, and allow those residents to connect to same as so recommended by Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan. NEW BUSINESS: None C OMM UNICATION S: 1. Letter from California Water Commission regarding Davis-Grunsky at Indian ~Zreek. 2. E1 Dorado Planning to meet 12/21/70, 1:55 P.M., Placerville, California, regarding Sewage Pumping Station and the extension to Balldwin Beach. 3. From District Insurance Carrier requesting a meeting regarding increase of liability coverage. Suggested date for meeting - December 28th or week thereof. 4. From Mr. Bruce Robinson commending the District on the appearance of the Luther Pass Pump Station site. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $54,766.24, and the check in the amount of $15,464.69 toWismer and Becker Contracting Engineers, be approved for payment. ,~' ~ ADJOURNMENT: 9:50 P.M. DON%LD H. KORTES-~ 'C~Hairfnan Pro Tem South Tahoe Public Utility District DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board *************