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JULY 3 , 1969
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session july 3 , 1969 , 8:00 P.M„ District Confere.nce Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Heg�ty,
Gerald G. Ream, Robert Wakeman. Also present were Clerk of Board Callahan,
Engineer Harlan E . Moyer, Attor.ney John C . Weidman, Arthur L. Shoupe ,
John Murphy - Sacramento Bee and Howard Schwartz - Tahoe Tribune.
ABSENT: Manager Russell L. Culp, Director ponald H. Kortes and Attorney Robert
j. Hill.
MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried,
that the minutc� of June 13th and june 26 , 1969 , be approved as presented.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Preside.nt Robert W. Fesler welcomed the press
representatives - Mr. John Murphy a.nd Mr. Howard Schwartz , and Mr. A,L
Shoupe of Clair A. Hill a.nd Associates , to this meeti.ng.
MANAGER'S REPORT: Assistant General Manager David VV.Callahan read the
Manager's Report, as follows:
:"Manager's Report
f Jul� 3 , 1969
On June 23rd the Board held a Study Session and discussed an.nexation of excluded
parcels, a .new addition in Echo View Estates , a.nd 92 acres of Barton property.
On June 26th, a Public Heari.ng was held and Board action was taken to construct sewers
in Assessment District No. 1968-1(near South Lake Tahoe Airport) .
On June 27th, Mr. Culp attended, with three Board members , a meeting of the Lake
Tahoe Area Cou.ncil.
There have been a large number of visitors to the pla.nt duri.ng the past two weeks ,
including Governor and Mrs . McCall of Oregon, also Carl Klein, - Assistanl
Secretary of the Interior for Water Pollution Control.
Large quantities of grit comi.ng i.nto the pla.nt from the collection system have caused
serious problems in keeping the plant in operation. The exact source of the grit has
not been determined.
Attached is operation report for the month of Ju.ne.
Total Plant Flow 80.98 MG (May=63 .9 MG)
Daily Average Flow 2. 67 MGD(May = 2 .06 MGD)
Nevada District Flow None
Chlorine Used 2 , 510 lbs
Propane Used No.ne
Natural Gas Used 5 .9 Million Cu. Ft.
Electricity Used 590 ,400 KWH
� Polymer Used 878 Lbs.
, Emergency Holding Pond Empty--Not Used
Lime Used: RECALCINED 164 tons
MAKE UP 7 3 tons
Alum Used 2,780 Gallo.ns
Total Daily Average
Plant Flow June 1968 72.4 MG 2 .4 MGD
Plant Flow:
Less: Nevada Flows 17 .2 MG .6 MGD
55 ,2 MG 1 .8 MGD"
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TuIY �, 1969
Director Hegarty mentioned that he noted the comparison report from the
Manager and recommended that this report continue .
Regarding the grit, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, stated that attempts have been made
to find out the cause of this; he stated that the line cleaning could be a cause
of this; the systems that are now being constructed have been checked into and
there is nothing there that could cause the grit; he also stated that it appears
to him that it must come from the line cleaning activities or the construction
activities because the problems occur during the week and not during the week-
ends, or from q uite a lat of house connections that are now being made.
Mr. Moyer stated that if this continues to be a problem, it is
expenditure for grit removal before it gets into the plant, g°ing to mean an
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that �
the Manager's Report be approved, as presented.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Harlan E, Moyer stated that he attended the Study
Session on june 23, 1969, regarding the annexation; he met with Mr. C. Vogel of
Bohannan Organization regarding development of Montgomery Estates #5 and
discussed the possibility for sewering the area. He attended the protest hearing
on june 26, 1969, regarding Assessment District No. 1968-1 ,
Today, Mr. Moyer discussed developmerrt of Angora Highlands (for sewering) with
the developer. The developer stated that the system will
others not within the subdivision land and asked what hel go through lands owned by
would be able to P, if any, the District
give . Mr. Moyer mentioned to him that it was his responsibility
to pay for all right-of-ways. Mr. Moyer asked the Board if the developer should
acquire the easements or if the District should obtain the easements. President
Fesler stated, and the Board agreed, that if this District is to have the easements
then the District should acquire the easements. Also, if the Johnson's were to
object to easements, would the District exercise the right for Eminent Domain
Proceedings for a private subdivider. The District would not for a private owner.
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Mr. Arthur L. Shoupe, Engineer, reported:
Solids Handling Systems, BSP Corporation PERCENTAGE COMPLETED
Assessment District 1967-3, Leo L. Davis , Inc. 99%
Assessment District 1967-4 , Frontier Contractors 97%
Areas B & C Only, Frontier Contractors 1967- 78%
� ) 97%
USFS, Schedule I, Granite Construction 550�0
USFS, Schedule II,Wismer and Becker 7%
Trout Creek Trunk Sewer, .H.M. Byars Cons. Co, 20��0
Assessment District 1968-1 , Gene McLaughlin p��o
Mr. Shoupe stated that Assessment District No. 1967-4A is ready to be accepted
and for use by the District.
ATTORNEY'� REPORT; Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he has been working on
the excluded parcels; BSP matter; WSM law suit, Luther Pass Pump Station matter.
Mr. Weidman requested the Board to set a Study Session date to discuss Pre-Trial
Conference (HOOD) with Mr. John Lynch and the meeting with Clair A, Hill and
8/8/69 - Clair A. Hill & Associates
8/22/69 - Wilsan, Jones, Morton and Lynch i
� ,
1. Annexation: The Committee did not meet, Director Hegarty stated that the
proposed campsite by the Martin Brothers (Barton Property) was discussed at a
Study Session of the Board, and asked Mr. Harlan E, Moyer, Engineer, to report
on this.
EREGULAR MEETING -3- j�tly 3 , 1969 �d� 3
Mr. Moyer stated that it is in the District's interest to proceed with orderly
annexations , Also, that the right-of-service charge can be expensive for some
lands, and therefore , if the lands are zoned agricultural or recreational, the lands
then will be annexed to the District on a deferred payment basin of right-of-service
charge and as long as the lands remain agricultural or recreational. After the lands
are annexed, and put to interim use , that requires sewer service, then payment
will be required of 10% of annexation fee. This policy will not change or waive
any of the District's Ordinance s, etc.
When the lands are zoned residential, commercial, or
industrial, and sewer service is necessary, then the entire annexation fee will
become due and payable . Service will be given ai: the expense of the land owner.
� Director Hegarty stated that the Annexation Committee would like to have this
policy established,
Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that this should be incorporated in modification to the
Ordinance that covers annexations.
President Robert W. Fesler stated that when an owner brings in part of his property,
he has to bring in all of his property; this applies to the persons that were originally
Assistant Manager Z�avid W. Callahan stated that is an unwritten policy of this Board
and not so stated in any Ordinance.
Attorney �Neidman stated that the District daes not have the deferring of annexation
fees� in the Ordinance that now exists and stated that it would be wise to include
deferred payments in the Ordinance.
Mr. Callahan stated that there are several annexations that have been undeveloped
property where the annexation fees have been deferred.
Director Wakeman stated that he understands this deferred payment Lit the land owner
gets them in at a lower annexation fee. Harlan E. Moyer stated that the District has
always made it a practice to annex undeveloped land and defer payment.
President Robert W. Fesler stated that this policy has much more to it and we do
want to help the people all that we can; the Annexation Committee will review the
Ordinance covering annexations, etc.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
the Annexation Committee be instructed to review the Annexation Ordinance and bring
same up to date and some clarification, and in the meantime , the District abide by
Mr. Moyer's policy, as he so outlined above , and allow the Barton Property to be
annexed. (The owners of the property have made a formal request to this District for
Annexation and requested that 10% af the annexation fee only be charged at this time.)
Annexation Study Session scheduled for July 9 , 1969 , 10:00 A.M. , District Office.
2 . Planning: No meeting.
3 . Public Information: Met with Mr. Kline, Assistant Secretary for Water Quality
and Research, took pictures and released same to the press.
4. Personnel: No meeting.
�I 5.. Banking/Insurance: No meeting.
� �
6. Emergency Storage Area: Hearing is set for 7/18/69 , 4:00 P.M. District Office.
A meeting is scheduled on 7/16/69 with Mr. Nordgren , Mr. Ogden, to discuss
particulars regarding the Emergency Storage Area.
���� R��ULAR IvI��T7I�G -4- �'uly 3, I969
l. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION SITE:--Consider Manager's request to Authorize
Clair A. Hill and Associates to prepare plans and specifications for bringing the
site up to the requirements of the Special Use Permit and the Court Order.
Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that the work to be dQne will exceed $2 ,000;
the main work is to remove the "spoil Pile" .
Attorney John C . Weidman stated we did state we would remove the "spoil pile"
and at that time we had an agreement with Terry Construction that they would take
it out to the Keys and if they did not remove all of the "spoil pile" , the District
would. "If we are going to do this, some consideration should be given to the ,
appearance of the site� " , President Fesler stated.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
Clair A. Hill and Associates be authorized to prepare plans and specifications for
site improvement at Luther Pass Pump Station. (Approximately $6,000 for the work) .
2. AMERICAN LEGION TRACT:� Consideration of refund to Catholic Church for
connection charges for the American Legion Tract.
This goes back to the construction of a sewer line that was done by the Catholic
Chursch/School and paid for by the school. It was an agreement in 1960 by
the Board that if athers were to make use of this line that the District would
collect a proportionate share from other users and refund to the Catholic School
In 1965 the school paid 50% (Public School) of the Catholic Church line and the
original cost was $3 ,528.00; at the time the school district connected, $1,764
was given to the Catholic School.
American Legion is now going to connect to that line . We recommend the Catholic
School be reimbursed 2/3's of the cost of the line for a total of $588.00 .
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
the American Legion Tract be charged $588.00 and in turn same refunded to the
Catholic School.
3. LAKE VALLEY FIRE DISTRICT: Consideration of connection charge. The Fire
District requested permission to connect to the lines and the question is what
should they pay? They have not been assessed and the Fire District does not pay
ad valorm taxes and they give nothing to Meyer's U-1 Bonds.
Mr. David W. Callahan, Assistant General Manager, stated that the inspection
station and school does not provide any direct service to the District; the Fire
District will serve us and we do not pay for their service.
President Fesler stated that in the interest of not giving things away for nothing,
and on the other hand recognizing the fact that our insurance is much better
since we do have fire protection, he did not feel a charge should be made.
Director Hegarty stated that he feels the Fire District does do us a service and
would consider them a Public Entity.
Director Hegarty moved, that the District waive any connection charges in relation
to the Fire District, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried.
4 . ANNEXATION NO. 1969-4: Postponed until next regular Board Meeting. ' i
5 . SITE LANDSCAPING: Contract of Koller Plumbing. Change Order - request
for additional sprinklers, in the amount of $950.00 total.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
the Change Order for Koller Plumbing be approved.
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Director Wakeman and President Robert W. Fesler took a tour of the plant
grounds today and were well pleased with the results; however, President
Fesler stated that additional areas were sod and because of this, additional
sod will be required to complete the project. Approximately 50,000 square
feet of sod will be required at . 11� per foot, for an additional amount of $5 ,500 .
Director Wakeman stated that the plant looked so "cT ummy" we felt �nything
would help it look better and it was very obvious other areas had to be taken
care of to make it look like something; we have had a number of real hard
looks from the Federal people who have been out here and say how fine the plant
is and how poor the grounds are, Mr. Wakeman stated. We felt it had to go an
extra distance to complete the landscaping.
+ President Fesler stated that the additional sod requested will finish up the job
and it will be a good job.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty that the additional
50,000 square feet of �od at . 11� per foot, for an additional of $5 ,500.00
be approved to complete the landscaping:
VOTES: AYES: Directors Fesler, Hegarty and Wakeman
Noes: Director Gerald Ream
ABSENT. Director Kortes
C arrie d.
CONTR.ACT OF BILL A. YOUNG: - Grading. Consideration of RESOLUTION NO.
1 2 9 8, A Resolution Accepting Completian and Directing the Filing of a
Notice of Completion.
A letter has been received from Mr. Robert Mason stating that Bill A, Young has
completed the work, and requested payment be made to him.
A letter was received from Arthur L. Shoupe, Engineer, Clair A. Hill & Associates,
recommending acceptance of the Contract and Filing of Completion Notice.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
'-�RESOLUTION NO. 1298 be approved, and Notice of Competion filed.
1. Claim from Stardust Lodge in the amount of $3,516.01, due to sewer backup
on 3/29/69 ,
2 . Claim from Holiday Lodge in the amount of $228.00 for damages due to sewer
back up on 3/29/69 .
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
both above mentioned claims be denied and referred to District Insurance Carrier.
COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer read a card received from Director
Donald H. Kortes - who is attending school at Indiana.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $312 ,628 .47 and the
transfer of funds in the amount of $150 ,000.00, as recommended by Assistant
� General Manager Callahan, be approved.
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
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South Tahoe Public Utility District.
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JULY 17 , 1969
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session,
9:30 P.M. , District Conference.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty,
Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer,
Clerk of Board David w.Callahan, Attorney john C. Weidman and Arthur L.Shoupe.
ABSENT: Directors Donald H. Kortes and Robert Wakeman.
MINUTES: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously
carried, that the minutes of 7/3/69 be approved as presented.
MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Culp presented his report, as follows:
"Manager's Report
July 17 , 1969
For the fifteenth consecutive month, the plant continued to produce water conforming
to the export standards in all respects .
In response to an idea submitted by way of the suggestion box, a staff ineeting was
held for Senior Operators , the Chief Operator and myself on July 8th. It proved to be
a worthwhile meeting, and they will be continued at monthly intervals.
The Annexation Committee met on July 9th to discuss revision of the Annexation
Ordinance and several special annexation problems, which will be discussed in
detail later on the Agenda.
A Board Study Session was held on July 16th to discuss the upcoming Emergency
Storage Area hearing on Friday, july 18th.
Attached to the Agenda is a summary of visitors from the U. S. and foreign
countries which was prepared for the FWPCA and which may be of interest. You
will note that since the first tertiary plant was completed, a total of 1,270 persons from
35 states and 111 persons from 24 foreign countries have visited the District
facilitie s. "
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the
Manager's Report be approved, as presented.
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT; No change from last regular meeting.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Weidman menti oned to the Board that the meeting
originally scheduled for 8/22/69 with John Lynch of Wilson, Jones, Morton and
Lynch, will possibly have to be rescheduled. Will notify the Directors of a date
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (1) Harootunian Tree Damaqe: - Mr. Aram Harootunian �
requested time on the agenda but did not appear for this meeting. �
2. ANNEXATION NO. 1969-4 (Everett Bull) RESOLUTION NO. 1299 , A Resolution of
Application,Requesting that the Local Agency Formation Commission Take Proceedings
for Annexation of Territory to the District.
The Annexation Committee reviewed the charges for Annexation No. 1969-4 (Everett Bull)
and made the determination of the cost of $6,799 .74 .
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESO-
LUTION NO. 1299 be approved.
RE�v�� �E��r�rG -z- ruiY �7, i96� �a c �
3. ANNEXATION ORDINANCE: An Ordinance Regulating the Annexation af Territory to
South Tahoe Public Utility District and Establishing the Fees Therefor and Amending and
Superseding Ordinances Nos . 51, 98 and 183 .
The Board reviewed the above �RDINANCE NO. 188 , and the Engineer recommended an
addition to the Ordinance. (Section 2 , Sub-Section "C", Addition of "sewerage system" ,)
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
ORDINANCE NO. 188 be approved, as presented, and that the addition of the Engineer's
recommendation be approved.
' 4. ANNEXATION NO. 1969-5: (Martin Brothers) RESOLUTION NO. 1300: A Resolution of
� Application Requesting that the Local Agency Formation Commissian Take Proceedings
for Annexation of Territory to the Distric�
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1300 be approved.
5 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-3A - RESOLUTION NO. 1301, Ordering Changes and
6. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-3B - RESOLUTION NO. 1302, Ordering Changes and
7 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-4A - RESIOLUTION NO. 1303, Ordering Changes and
Modifications .
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NOS. 1301, 1302 and 1303 be approved.
8. PLANT LANDSCAPING: Contract of Koller Plumbing - Contract Change Order No. 3
(extra pipe) $288 .40.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Change
Order No. 3 in the amount of $288 .40 be approved.
9. FOREST SERVICE SEWER SYSTEM: Contract of Granite Construction Company, Change
Order No. 3 - This is in the amount of $750.00 to replace sod in the area of Camp
Richardson. The sewer line was installed through that area and U.S.F.S. requested
the sod be replaced. This $750.00 is part of the USFS funds and will be paid for by the
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
Change Order No. 3, USFS, be approved, in the amount of $750.00 .
1. MONTGOMERY ESTATES UNIT NO. 7; Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that a letter
was received from the Bohannon Organization, Mr. Charles Vogel, requesting certain
consideration on Montgomery Estates Unit No. 7 , which is a proposed subdivision just
north of the USFS Spray area and isolated from the existing trunk sewer approximately
2,000 feet. He had a system that involved two pump stations, which Mr. Moyer did not
accept. This subdivision would be served by gravity and would have to go through
Harootunian and Elwood johnson's proper ty.
� In constructing this off-site construction, Bohannon will finance one-half of the cost of the
Assessment through the proceedings and the other one-half the Bohannon organization
will pay in cash, and they want the District to accept an agreement that if within 10
years this property is developed and does make use of the sewer line, the District would
refund 50% of the costs .
If Bohannon Organization cannot g�t an easement from Harootunian, at a reasonable price,
would the District use its right of Eminent Domain to obtain the easement. The District
would decide what a reasonable price would be.
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The $oard agreed to accept the requests offered by Bohannon Organization and Harlan
E. Moyer, Engineer, will notify the Organization of same./
Mr. Moyer stated that if the Trout Creek System was constructed, a line could have
been constructed to the subdivision.
The Board agreed to accept the requests offered by Bohannon Organization and Harlan
E, Moyer will notify the Organization of the action taken by this Board.
2 . LAWN MOWING EQUIPMENT: General Manager Russell L, Culp stated that lawn
equipment will be needed within the next two weeks . Three prices received on three
different types of machines:
National $l,450 .80
Jacobsen $1 ,656.50
Toro .�1,975 .00
President Fesler, Directir Hegarty and Director Ream agreed to autharize the General
Manager to obtain the equipment he thinks will do the best job.
Hegarty moved� , seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Monday -
July 21, 1969 , be observed as a Holiday for the District Employee's.
COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from City of South Lake Tahoe regarding Notice of Public
Hearing Pre-Zoning in areas to be Annexed. This includes 1969-1, 2 and 3, and the
plant grounds.
President Fesler stated that he did feel representation from this District should be
there. General Manager Russell L. Culp will attend.
Letter from California Water Pollution Control Administration stating their
appreciation for this District's participation at the Conference at Anaheim May 7th
through May 9, 19 69 .
Lake Tahoe Area Council regarding dedication of USFS Stream Profile Chamber
on Sunday, july 27 , 1969 .
President Fesler stated that Lake Tahoe Area Council has also mailed another letter
inviting the Directors to attend a meeting on the 25th of July by which time the Council
will decide four possible courses for their future - - termination of the co�ncil; or to
merge with the League to Save Lake Tahoe; or become a separate organization, etc.
In answer to Director Hegarty's question, President Fesler stated that the Council has
become increasingly less affective; the council does want to change and get out of
business or change their approach so they will become more affective .
Manager Russell L, Culp stated that Lake Tahoe Area Council has been one of the most
affective agencies here and they should continue .
Attorney john C. Weidman stated that the Council should not join another org�niz�tion
and Director Ream agreed.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously
carried, that the claims in the amount of $134,424 ,28, as recommended byAssistant
General Manager Callahan be approved for payment.
President Fesler apologized to all present that the meeting was not held at the regular
time; however, he stated the delay was unavoidable .
ADJOURNMENT: 10:25 P.M. �--'
South Tahoe Public Utility District
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
� AUGUST 7 , 1969
The Board of Directors of t.he South Tahae Public Utility District met in a regular session
August 7 , 1969 , 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty,
Robert Wakeman and Gerald G. Ream; General Manager Russell L, Culp, Clerk of
Board David W. Callahan, Arthur L. Shoupe and Harlan E. Moyer, Engineers - Clair
A, Hill and Associates, Attorney john C. Weidman and Robert Mason - Architect.
ABSENT: Attorney Robert j. Hill and Director ponald H. Kortes.
i Following the Pledge of Allegiance, President Fesler asked all present to remain standing
and to observe a moment of silence in memory of William C. Taylor, our friend.
MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried,
that the minutes of 7/17/69 be approved as presented.
MANAGER' S REPORT: General Manager Russell L. Culp, presented his report, as follows:
"Manager's Report, August 7 , 1969
On July 18th the E1 Dorado County Planning Commission held a hearing on the District's
application for a Special Use Permit for the emergency storage area. The District
was represented by Directors Fesler, Ream, and Hegarty, Attorney john C. �IVeidman,
Architect Mason and myself. Following the hearing, the Plannirr� Commission approved
the District's application subject to the following conditions:
1. Layout to be in conformity with approved site plan. 2 . To expire whenever emergency
use as an effluent holding pond is no longer required. 3. Pond to be drained as soon as
possible whenever used in an emergency and 4, Area to be landscap�d with natural
vegetation in accordance with tl� standards and requirements of the US Forest Service
and US Soil Conservation Service.
The District presented a proposed time schedule for completion of the site improvements
which included completion of the final plans and specifications as of this date. This
schedule has been met and the plans are presented for approval later on the agenda. The
site improvements were reviewed and approved today by the TAC and OF THE CTRPA.
On July 23rd a safety meeting was held for all plant and collection system employees . Mr.
Phil Gru�ner of the South Tahoe Gas Company led a discussion on safety measures
to be observed in using natural gas under conditions at our plant. It is planned to continue
the safety meetings on a quarterly basis,
On July 30th, Mr. Fesler and I attended a meeting of the E1 Dorado County Solid Waste
Study Committee. The CTRPA is requiring the export of all solid wastes from the Tahoe
Basin by December 31, 1970; E1 Dorado County is coordinating efforts to see how this can
be accomplished. Basically, they would like to see everything possible done by private
enterprise; however, there are several things which private enterprise cannot or may not be
abte to do. It may be necessary for a public agency to purchase a disposal site outside
of the basin, and a site for a transfer station within the Basin. If pickups are to be
mandatory, then a public agency will need to be involved. The committee would like a
for our District to consider the extent to which we may or may not want to participate in
� a solids waste disposal system for the South Shore. If we are to consider this, we told the
committee that the first step which would be necessary, is the completion of the
preliminary study and report by our consulting engineers; with this in hand, our board could
then consider the policy which it would adopt in this regard. We should schedule a Board
study session on this subject.
Next Monday, the State Fish and Game is going to plant 4 ,000 rainbow trout in Indian
Creek Reservoir.
Today, Battelle-Northwest moved into the plant with their trailer-mounted pilot plant, and
operating crew. This pilot-plant will make tests of the new Batelle-Northwest process for
ammonia removal. All of the work is being paid for under FWPCA grants to Battelle-Northwest
and the District. The pilot-plant tests will furnish Harlan Moyer with the data which he
needs to prepare his engineering design report on supplemental ammonia removal under the
District's most recent FWPCA Grant.
r rr
R�GULAR MEETING —2— August 7, 1969
A report of plant operations for july, as follows:
Total Plant Fl,ow 75 .9 MG (june 81.0 MG)
Daily Average Flow 2 .5 MGD(june 2 .7 MGD)
Nevada District Flow None
� Chlorine Used 4 ,725 lbs.
Propane Used None
Natural Gas Used 6 . 1 Million Cu. Ft.
Electricity Used 693, 600 KWH
Polymer Used 1 ,2 3 6 lbs.
Emergency Holding Pond Empty-Not Used
Lime Used; Makeup 86 tons
Recalcined 139 tons
Alum Used 4 ,150 gallons j
jULY 1968 Flows
Total Daily Average
Plant Flow - 82 .8 MG 2 . 7 MGD
Flows: 15 .4 MG 9 .5 MGD
Comparative Total 67 ,4 MG 2 .2 MGD"
President Fesler asked abut the District taking over the maintenance of the plant site;
Mr. Culp stated that the District did take the maintenanc e of this over Monday; Mr.
Unruh stated to Mr. Culp that he would replace any of the grass that was dead, even
though the District has taken over the maintenance of same.
A Study Session is scheduled for 8/13/69, 3:00 P.M. , to discuss the meeting Mr.
Culp had with Mr. Bruns regarding the reservoir.
A Study Session is scheduled for 8/19/69 , 2:30 P.M. , to review the Budget.
A Study Session is scheduled for 8/14/69, 3:00 P.M. , to discuss Solids Wastes.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
the Manager 's Report be approved as presented.
Solids Handling System BSP Corporation 99% complete
Assmt. District 1967-3 Leo L Davis 99% "
Assmt. District 1967-4 Frontier Cont. 95% ��
Areas B & C Frontier Cont. 99% "
USFS, Schedule I Granite Cons. 65% ��
USFS, Schedule II V�iismer & Becker 15% "
Trout Creek Trunk Sewer HM Byars Cons. 95% "
Assmt. District 1968-1 Gene McLaughlin 14% "
Mr. Shoupe stated that 1967-4A is ready for use and connections can be made to the
system. Areas 1967-3A and 3B are ready as of this evening, and would be accepted for
use, however, Mr, Davis is out of town, and his signature is needed before same system
can be used. Assmt. District 1967-3A cannot be utilized until H.M. Byars completes
his contract.
No word has been received from the USFS regarding their projects.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney john C . Weidman stated that he has received a letter
from Attorney Max Hoseit regarding Harootunian Tree Damage, requesting a portion
of the money for same . Mr. Weidman stated that he disputed the number of trees
mentioned in the letter. �
Manager Culp will contact our Forester, Mr. L. Hayes, to discuss same with him.
President Fesler stated that all of the Directors are going to meet with Wilson, Jones,
Morton and Lynch, Friday, 8/8/69 , at the request of Mr. John Lynch, regarding the
Hood Litigatian.
Mr, Weidman stated that Annexations 1969-2 , 3, and 4 will be presented to LAFCO
during September.
�.L�., �Ltin ����,r,liiv� -3- August 7, 1g69
/d 7�
1. Annexation: No report.
2 . Planning: (Director Kortes Absent) - President Fesler read a
note which was received fram Director Kortes, who
is attending school at Bloomington, Indiana, Mr.
Kortes will return to this area 8/20/69 .
3. Public Information: No report.
4 . Personnel: No report.
5 . Banking/Insurance: No report.
6. Emergency Storage Area No report. President Fesler stated that since this
Committee will no longer be active - same be
removed from the agenda.
1. ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 1967-4B and 1967-4C: Consideration of reduction of
retention and acceptance of use only,
2 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-3B: Consideration of reduction of retention and
acceptance for use only.
3. EMERGENCY HOLDING AREA: RESOLUTION NO. 1304: - A Resolution Approving
Plans and Specifications for Landscaping Emergency Storage Area.
RESOLUTION NO 1305• - A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals for Landscaping
Emergency Storage Area. (8/21/69, 3:00 P.M. - Architect's estimate =$38,400)
(Contractor will take care of the trees and lawn for a period of 30 days; district will
furnish sprinklers, etc.) .
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the
RESOLUTION NOS. 1304 and 1305 be approved as presented.
Bids received for Alum:
Allied Chemical $56. 00
Imperial West Chemical $55.50
Van Waters & Rogers $56.50
Manager Culp recommended bid from Imperial West Chemical be accepted,
Bids received for Chlorine:
Georgia-Pacific $150.00 ton
Van Waters & Rogers $133 .50 ton
Continental Chemical $108 ,00 ton
Manager Culp recommended bid from Continental Chemical be accepted,
Bids received for Gasoline:
Mobil .2319 gallon
Standard . 236 gallon
� Phillips , 2449 gallon
Manager Culp recommended bid from Mobil be accepted.
LIME: The District requests at least three bids; however, only one is always received
from Diamond Springs Lime Company @$21 .00 per ton.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the bids
recommended by Manager Culp be accepted.
CHANGE ORDER - LANDSCAPING - Deduction of $750. 00, Bill A. Yaung; Many of the
materials cannot be obtained at this time , therefore, other material replaced same,
which causes a reduction in contract price of $750, 00.
• � yy�` v' -`� Aug�ist 7, I969
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unan�rr�ously carried, that the
Change Order in the amount of $750. 00 be approved, as recommended by Engineer
Harlan E. Moyer.
LANDSCAPING: Trees and Lawn: - Letter from George Garrido, Inspector, stating that
he made final inspection on August 4, 1969 , and work completed and recommended same
for acceptance . Total contract price was $20,900; now due the contractor is $8,030 and
$2,009 retention due following filing af completion (35 days) .
RESOLUTION NO. 1306: Accepting installation of trees and shrubs (landscaping-
plant site) .
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1306 be approved, i
President Fesler stated that he felt Mr. Paul Unruh did a great job and certainly has
changed the entire appearance of the plant.
President Fesler asked Architect Mason if there was anything the Board or the District
could do to expedite the electrical work at the plant.
Mr. Mason stated that it would be the District's choice to cancel the contract or to
obtain another firm to do the work; however, ten (10) days notice to be given to Mr.
It was agreed by the Board that a letter be written to George Stalls that 10 days will be
given to him to camplete the electircal work, or this District will take over the
proj ect.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that a
letter be mailed, registered mail, to George Stalls giving 10 days notice to complete
the work at this plant site.
presentation to this Board during the first week of September.
KOLLER PLUMBING; RESOLUTION NO. 1307: Acceptance of project and filing
Notice of Completion.
Recommended by Goerge Garrido's letter to the Board stating final inspection was made
and work has been completed. Total price was $19 ,073.40; due contractor $2,455
and $1,907 . 34 retention held for 35 days after Notice of Completion has been filed.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1307 be approved.
President Feslerrr�ntioned that the CTRPA met in this meeting room yesterday and several
were in attendance . Many favorable comments were made rec�arding the meeting room
and how pleasant it was to meet here .
ANGORA WATER COMPANY - Lett2r received from Angora Water Company stating they
are the owners of Lot 35 , Rolling Woods Heights Subdivision, which was assessed
in the amount of $1,433. They claim this is owned by the Company and are
requesting that the assessment be set aside. Mr. Moyer stated that he has zzot had
an opportunity to review this and if this is a water producing site, the assessment
could be removed from the property. Mr. Moyer will check into thiS make Mr. Robert
j. Hill, Attorney, aware of this, so that Mr. Hill can proceed with the necessary ,
documents to take care of this. '
1. SALE OF USED SURPLUS PROPERTY: Consider request by Manager to received
sealed bids for sale_12 items of Used Surplus Property
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the
Manager be authorized to approve the sale of surplus material/property.
REGUT�AR MEETrI�G -5- August 7 , 1969 ��?S
2 . PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAH - 1969-1970: Copies of the Budget presented
to the Directors . Study Session for study of same scheduled for 8/13/69 , 2:30 P.M.
Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that Tahoe City Public Util.�y District has prepared a report
which sets forth the advantages to the praperty owners of the Meek's Bay, Rubicon Bay,
etc. , to annex to theTahoe City Public Utility District; Mr. Moyer received a letter
from a Mr. Dunlap, Attorney, representing many of the property owners of Tahoe City,
requesting Mr. Moyer's comments on the report prepared by Tahoe City Public Utility
District. Mr. Moyer stated that in his opinion, and others that have studied the report
in detail, many of the facts are not stated correctly. Mr. Moyer stated that he reviewed
the report and to say the least, Mr. Layton takes great liberty with facts relating to the
I South Tahoe Public Utility District and which contains many inaccuracies. None of the
information that is in the report of TCPUD was obtained from this District. As far as
Mr. Moyer is concerned, he felt that Mr. Layton has lied over a number of fa�cts in this
report relating to this District. Mr. Moyer also stated that he did tell Mr. Dunlap he
would look over the report and after he did this he felt the report was so bad it should be
discussed with this Board.
Mr. Moyer also stated that there are four courses of action tha t could be taken:
1. Forget about it; 2 . Write a brief letter to Tahoe City and to Mr. Dunlap that would
state that this report, in our opinion, is incorrect, and we deny any of the information
as it relates to this District; 3 . To correct the facts in the report that deal with this
District only; 4 . Write a report which would not only correct the statements of Tahoe City bu
one which would also bring out the t rue facts .
President Fesler stated that this report was prepared by Mr. Bill Layton of TCPUD, and
if he wishes to distort the facts to the property owners there, there is nothing we should
do about this .
Harlan E . Moyer stated that TCPUD has a dacument put out which is filled with lies
relating to our District and this report has been sent to the public and Mr. Moyer
felt is is wrong.
Also, Mr. Moyer stated that he is not talking about the annexation, but he did care
about the South Tahoe Public Utility District because he is quite proud of what this
District has done and does not feel that Bill Layton should be allowed to tell these
lies to the public.
Attorney Weidman stated that Mr. Dunlap is due an answer; they want someone from our
District to state how this report is in error, and Mr. Weidman stated that he felt same
should be told to Mr. Dunlap.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Mr.
Moyer draft a letter to Mr. Dunlap, copies to TCPUD, Beaches and Parks , and Mr,
Fletcher, clarifying some of the errors and inaccurate facts stated through Mr. Layton`s
report concerning this District.
1. Letter from Congressman Johnson regarding Indian Creek Reservair. Mr. Johnson
will be in the area toward the last week of August. Reply will be sent to Mr, johnson
stating the Board will rr�et with him at his convenience.
2 . Notice of Meeting from Nevada Water Pollution Control Association to be held at
� Las Vegas 8/13 ,14 , 15, 1969 .
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DirectorReam moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously
carried, that the claims in the amount of $461 ,400 .25 , and the transfer of funds in the
amount of $300 ,000.00 , as recommended by Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan,
be approved.
ADjOURNMENT: 9:45 P.M. % -----'"
ATT�S . � / f y
I� �,,�j� �,l✓ . ,� -�.�'�, �,
DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio
Secretary - South Tahoe Public Utility District
- �
A 1J'G US T 15 , 19 6 9
3:00 PM
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman,
Edward E, Hegarty and Gerald G. Ream, Also present were Manager Russell L.
Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney
John C. Weidman.
The purpose of the special meeting was to set the tax rate for Improvement District
U-1 Bond and Interest Redemption Fund.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried,
that ORDINANCE NO, 1 8 9 , An Ordinance of the South Tahoe Public Utilit
District to Improvement District U-1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility Dist ict
Estimating the Minimum Amount of Money to be Raised by Taxation for Said Distnct
and Fixing of Rate of Taxe s.
Tax rate was set at .80� per hundred assessed value.
��u-t-�-�-� ,-�
'� 1 "
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DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board &
Ex-Officio Secretary
* * * * * * * * *
AUGUST 21, 1969
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session on August 21 , 1969, 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL; Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman,
Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream and Edward E. Hegarty. Also present were
General Manager Russell L, Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer
Harlan E. Moyer and Arthur L. Shoupe, Attorne
Robert J, Hill, Robert Mason - Architect, Howard chwartzeid�lbune� Attorney
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: P�sdent Fesler welcomed Mr. Arthur L. Shoupe -
Engineer, to this meeting, and the press.
MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously
carried, that the minutes of 8/7/69 and 8/15/69 be approved as presented.
MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Russell L. Culp presented his report,
as follows:
"Manager's Report, August 21, 1969
The Board met in stu dy session on three occasions: 8/13 = regarding Indian Creek
Reservoir; 8/15 - to discuss solid waste disposal; 8/19 - to review the budget for
the coming fiscal year.
On 8/8/6g, the Board met with their Attorney's in San Francisco to discuss the HOOD
litigation, and on 8/18/69 , met with Congressman Johnson, Alpine County Officials
and others in Markleeville to discuss Indian Creek Reservoir",
REGU��.R MEETYI�G -2- �tiguSt 21, �969 �p7�
I�resident Fesler asked the Manager if he had noticed strong odors from the plant;
seems that President Fesler has received many complaints regarding odors. Manager
Culp stated that there was an odor at the Bijou Post Office area and he has the line men
checking on same. Also, Manager Culp stated that we are regenerating carbon and
this causes an odor.
ENGINEER'S REPORT; Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that he has been in contact
with the USFS and E1 Dorado County regarding Assessment District 1968-3 and the USFS
program regarding Phase III (Pope and Baldwin Recreatian Facilities); the USFS will be
in a position very shortly toinclude this Phase III construction.
; CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS : Reported by A.L. Shoupe:
Solids Handling System, BSP Corporation 99%
Assmt. Dist. 1967-3 Eeo L. Davis 99%
Assmt. Dist. 1967-4 Frontier 97%
Areas B & C Only (1967-4) Frontier 99%
USFS, Schedule I Granite Cons 68%
USFS, Schedule II �/Vismer & Becker 39%
Trout Creek Trunk Sewer H.M. Byars Cons. 97%
Assmt. Dist. 1968-1 Gene McLaughlin 25%
Attorney Hill stated that on all of these reports (construction) , we are referring to
Assessment Districts 3A, 3B and 4A, where we refer to Assessment District 1967-3 .
When we do refer to Assessment District 1967-4A, we are referring to Assessement
Districts 1967-4B, 4C, 4D and 4E.
Engineer A.L. Shoupe stated that Leo L. Davis contract 1967-3 is complete except for
repaving in 3A and 3B. 1967-4A has been completed and the County has accepted
the repaving; however, 1967-3A and 3B, the County has not been satisfied with the
work in this area and they expect Mr. Davis to return to make corrections in the
paving in this area.
ELECTRICAL CONTRACT, GEORGE STALLS: Manager Russell L. Culp stated that he did
write a letter to Mr. Stalls and 8/29/69 was the date mentioned in the letter for
completion of the cant,:act, - following this date, if the work is not completed, the
District will obtain another contractor to complete the project.
Completion of 1967-3 and 1967-4B: Harlan E. Moyer stated that these projects are
approaching completion (also 1967-4C) and will be way beyond the time of completion
and whether 1967-4D and 4E are completed in the time allowed, is doubtful.
The matter of completing the projects on time should be cansidered by this Board, or
refer same to a Committee, to see what action is to be considered before the Engineers
present acceptance of the Assessment Districts, and whether the Board desires to
assess damages to the contractors for late completion of the projects .
Engineer Moyer stated that the Board is the determining factor here and not the
Engineers, as to considering or assessing damages for late completion of contracts/
Director Wakeman stated that he just feels good about getting projects completed and
he does not think about damages.
! Director Ream stated that Engineer Moyer should make his recommendation to the
Board first and then this Board study this at a later date.
President Fesler stated that all this Board is trying to d0 is to create a certain amount
of consistency. If it is to be recommended that this District proceed against some
contractor for failure to complete a project on time, then he would like to look at all
contracts .
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C . Weidman stated that the pre-trial for HOOD
Litigation is scheduled for Monday, 8/25/69 .
He is also working on Eminent Domain for Assessment District No. 1968-1 . Mr.
Weidman stated that all easements, except two, have been negotiated for this assessment
district, and credit should be given to Mr. Callahan and Mr. Stewart for this; there
are a total of 30 easements to be obtained for this Assessment District 1968-1.
. . .. � u. �L����� -3- A�igust 21, �969
Attorney Robert J. Hill stated he had no report, A1 items are listed on the agenda.
No committee reports.
a, Report on bid opening for landscaping,
One bid was received from Bill A, Yo�g, Contractor. This was in the amount of
$70,863 .96. Architect's estimate was $38,400.
Along with the bid received from Mr. Bill A, Young,were a few su
an amount of $12, 000 could be deducted from this bid, by using dgtsin thetvic nity
of the project and not having to haul same in; along with another suggestion of
digging a pit to bury the debris in the area rather than hauling same away. This
would be approximately $4,000. Also, the plans and specifications called for
squaw carpet and this cannot be found here or in Southern California. Mr. Young
recommended hydro-mulch be used on the banks and this would be an addition of
$3,800, approximately, Mr. Mason stated that the estimate he proposed
was approximately $3,000 low.
The Board can re�ect the bid, readvertise, and/or reduce the amount of work
when readvertised, or same can be accomplished on a forced account; since-
only one bid was received, the District can negotiate with the contractor.
Manager Culp stated that he could see no reason to not accept the reduction in
the contract as so suggested by Mr. Bill A, Young,
The Board agreed to meet with Mr. Young in an adjourned regular session on
8/25/69, 4:00 P.M. , District Office, to discuss landscaping of the Emergency
Storage Area, and his bid. (Action on bid received is postponed to 8/25/69,
4:00 P.M.)
A Board Study Session will be held 8/26/69 with Mr. Lloyd Hayes, regarding
tree damage to Harootunian's property - 3:00 P.M. , District Office .
Mr. Robert Mason, Architect, did mention that he contacted a couple of
contractors in this area regarding the Landscaping and it seems that they are not
intere sted.
2 . SALE OF USED SURPLUS PROPERTY: Assistant Manager David W. Callahan
reported on the bid opening - totaling $2,005 .75 .
Manager Culp recommended the high bid be accepted in each case.
RESOLUTION NO. 1309: A Resolution Authorizing Sale to Highest Bidder for
Each Item.
Di�ector Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1309 be approved.
3 . BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1969-1970: Tax rate set at .95�.
ORDINANCE NO. 190: An Ordinar�e of the South Tahoe Public Utility District '�
stating the purpose for which taxes are nece.ssary, fixing the amount of money
necessary to be raised by taxation, fixing of rate of taxes , 1969-1970 fiscal year. '
RESOLUTION NO. 1319: A Resolution Adding to and Making a Part of the Annual
Assessment Levied Upan the Land Upon Which Sewer Service was Used and Charges
Therefore Unpaid at the Time of Fixing the Rate of Taxes 1969-,1970 fiscal year.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
Ordinance No. 190 and Resolution No. 1319 be approved.
Manager Culp stated that total expenditures are reduced $250,000. 00 from last year.
REGULAR M��TI1�G -4- �lugust 2I, 1�6� /d 7�
ASSESSMENT DISTRIC'S 1967-4B: Attorney Hill recommended adoption of the
following resolutions:
RESOLUTION NO. 1310- A Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications, 1967-4B
RESOLUTION NO. 1311 -A Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications, 1967-4C
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NOS. 1310 and 1311 be approved, as recommended by Attorney R.j. Hill.
MONTGOMERY ESTATES NO. 7: RESOLUTION NO. 1312, A Resolution Authorizing
Execution of Agreement with Relation to System of Domestic Sewage Disposal of
Montgomery E state s No. 7 .
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1312 be approved, as recommended by Attorney Robert j. Hill.
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3: RESOLUTION NO. 1313, A Resolution Authorizing
Execution of Agreement with Relation to Assessment Financing for Sewers for Forest
Service Recreation Re sidential Tracts.
Attorney Robert J. Hill explained this agreement to the Board, which was revised
as of 8/5/69 , regarding summer home tracts, USFS.
Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that this is proposed financing for those recreational
tracks that the USFS believes will become in private ownership in the future.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, that RESOLUTION NO. 1313 be
approved, as presented.
VOTES: AYES: Director Hegarty, Fesler, Kortes, Ream
ABSTAINED: Director Wakeman
8. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-1 , RESOLUTION NO, 1314: Calling for Bond Bids.
RESOLUTION NO. 1315 , A Resolution Determining that the Issuance of Subdistrict
Bonds is not Subject to Prior Investigation, Report and Approval by California District
Securities Commission.
Bids to be received 10/2/69; 4:30 P.M. , District Office.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1314 be approved.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1315 be approved, as presented.
RESOLUTION NO. 1316, A Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications (Delete
Assessment for Lot 35 , Rolling Wood Heights #1 Angora Water Company - Split re
1968-1-144 and delete one lateral from No. 1968-1-187 and 186) .
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1316 be approved as presented.
! RESOLUTION NO. 1308: A Resolution Determining that the Public Interest and
Necessity Require the Acquisition of Certain Lands and Rights of Entry Thereon and
Directing the Filing of Eminent Domain Proceedings. :
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKorteS unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1308 be approved as presented.
9. TROUT CREEK TRUNK SEWER: Change Order No. 2 , H.M. Byars Construction
Company. (Increase $150.00) .
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Change
Order No. 2 be approved, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer.
10 . US Forest Service Sewer System: Schedule I - Granite Construction, Change
Order No. 4 - (Decrease $148 .75) .
. .� -5 August 2I, 1969
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director He art
Order No. 4 be approved as so recommendec� b��nglneean Harlan ECaM d'r Change
11 . Assessment District No. 1968-1, Change Order No. 1, Gene McLaughlin
Construction Company(lncrease $1,242 . 00)
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Directar Ream, unanimously carried, that
Change Order No. 1 be approved, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E, Moyer,
12. TAHOE PARADISE UNITS 52 through 57: RESOLUTION NO.'1317 , Accepting
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that �
RESOLUTION NO. 1317 be approved as so recommended by Engineer Harlan E.Moyer.
13. American Legion Tract: RESOLUTION NO. 1318, Accepting Sewers.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO, 1318 be appraved, as so recommended by Engineer Harlan E.Moyer.
President Fesler stated that posted on the office door is a Notice of Petition for
Election for Directors on 11/4/69 , Tuesday, President Fesler stated to Mr.
Schwartz that he wauld appreciate publicity regarding this Election.
NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS: Regarding letter to be mailed to residents of
improved property stating that facilities are available for connection. Same to be
signed by representatives of this District, the City and County of El Dorado.
Director Wakeman stated that he spoke with a gentleman today that mentioned
something about the 1972 connection date; Mr. Wakeman stated to him that anyone
not connected to a sewer system (that is within 300 feet of same) is in direct
violation of City, County and District Ordinances.
SOLIDS WASTE COMMITTEE MEETING: Manager Russell L. Culp stated that we do have
the cost of completing the report but he did not feel we cauld reach a policy decision
until after the meeting of the solids waste Committee.
COMMUNICATIONS: From the City of South LakeTahoe regarding the property which
the A1 Tahoe Pumping Station is on. Regarding re=zoning, Hearing is scheduled
for 8/27/69 , 8:00 P.M. , City Chambers.
Another Letter from a David Rowe, Vice Pre sident of the Rubicon Tahoe Owners , Inc. ,
expressing appreciation to the Board of Directors , John C. Weidman and Harlan E.
Moyer for assistance given to Rubicon Tahoe Owners , Inc.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes ,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $82, 069. 61, and the transfer
of funds in the amount of $260,000. 00, as so recommended byAssistant General
Manager David W, Callahan, be approved.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 10:20 P,M. to 8/25/69 , 4:00 P.M.District
affice. ,�
ROBE T W. FESLER, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
,�LS/Z �-�-�-��.-� 1 �.-�.---
DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and
ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors
South Tahoe Public Utility District
, ****�****
AUGUST 25 , 1969
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an
Adjourned Regular Session on 8/25/69, 4:00 P.M. , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directars Edward E.
Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes, Attorney John C. Weidman, Clerk
of Board David W. Callahan and Manager Russell L, Culp, Also present were
Robert Mason, Architect, and Bill A, Young , Contractor.
' ABSENT: Director Gerald G. Ream.
President Fesler called this meeting to order at 4:00 P.M.
The notice was discussed and changes agreed to by the Board.
This letter or notice will be signed by the District, City of South Lake Tahoe, and
County of E1 Dorado.
meeting was called to negotiate the price bid by contractor Bill A. Young,
The contract and work was discussed in detail by the Board and the Architect and
the Contractor.
The Board agreed that the District personnel would and could do some of the work
called for in the plans and specifications of the landscaping of the area. This
would decrease the contract $30,921 .96, and bring the ,total contract price for the
Contractor's work to $39 ,942. 00. (Contractor's original bid was $70,863 .96)
The Contractor - Bill A. Young, Architect Robert Mason, and the Board of Directors
agreed to this.
Also, President Fesler mentioned that he would like to clarify the point as to whether
Mr. Mason has completed the job, or is he going to inspect the work as it progresses.
Following Discussion, Manager Culp and the Directors agreed that Mr. Mason would
do the general supervision/inspection.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1320, be approved, authorizing execution of contract and awarding
contract subject to the execution of change orders providing for a total contract
price to Bill A. Young of $39 ,942 .00,
Director Wakeman stated that he was very happy to see that Mr. Mason and
President Fesler did get together with the Contractor to solve this problem. President
Fesler stated that Director Ream is the one responskale and it was too bad he was not
in attendance so that we could thank hi m for his time spent studying this contract
and time spent in discussion with the contractor.
HOOD LITIGATION: Attorney Weidman statec3 that the Hood Litigation pre - trial is
set for 2/2/70.
� ADJOURNMENT: 5:12 P.M. ,-7 „_
/ ���:=�-� -r;��_--�._
ROBE T W. FESLER, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
, /
.,._ - �
DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board &�Ex-
Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors-
South Tahoe Public Utility District
�vp �
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
1�ublic Utility bistrict
September 4 ,1969
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session September 4 , 1969 , 8:00 P,M. , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Prese.nt were Directors R. Fesler, R. Wakeman, E, Hegarty and D.
Kortes . Also present were General Manager Russell L. Culp, Acting Clerk,
Engineer H,E. Moyer, Attorney J.C . Weidman, J. Murphy, H, Schwartz , A,L.
Shoupe , Leo L. Davis , Stan Martin.
ABSENT: Clerk of Board David W. Callahan and Director Gerald G. Ream, and '
Attorney Robert J. Hill.
MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously
carried, that the minutes of 8/21/69 a.nd 8/25/69 be approved - as corrected.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Stanley Martin appeared before the board to ask
what could be done a.nd when about the deplorable conditions of the streets left
by contractor-Delzer Pipeline. He stated that fall is here and there is only a
short time before winter sets in and he was getting rather co.ncerned and would
appreciate something done on this soon.
Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that Clair A. Hill and Associates have tried to
contact the Contractor, have written him also, and no reply has been received.
A letter has been writte.n to him stating a time limit by which the work should be
accomplished, and if he does not co�ply, then the District will have the work
performed and he will be billed for same , under the terms of the surity bond he
has filed with this District. Mr, Moyer also stated that it will be done this month,
whether Mr. Delzer does it or whether the District does it,
Attorney J,C. Weidman stated that Delzer does have a.n office at Carmichael, but
he is not there because of the project he has going i.n the North.
stated that Mr. J. Burn, President of the Teachers Association, was going to
appear before the Board to request use of the Conference Room Facilities of the
District for 9/8/69; there will be approximately twenty (20) people present for
this meeting.
Mr, ortes stated that the school facilities have been available i.n the past, however,
this area is more centrally located and much more attractive.
President Fesler stated that we want to use the facility for all public agencies , but
we have to study this as we cannot schedule constant meetings here; Mr. Russell
L. Culp, Manager, stated that to date we have not had any problems releasing
the co.nference room to any groups; however, we have not had an agency use it
every week and this might pose a problem.
Director Wakeman stated that there are 132 organizations meeting weekly in this area;
he also stated that he would be in favor of the Teachers Association meeting here
next week and Director Kortes and Fesler agreed. President Fesler stated that
this is a public building, built with public funds and should be used by the public
agencies of this area.
MANAGER'S REPORT; Ma.nager Culp reported the followi ng:
"During August a total of 82 . 3 million gallons of water was reclaimed in the pla.nt
and exported to Indian Creek Reservoir. A total of 98 millio.n gallons of water was
withdrawn from the reservoir for irrigation. The monthly flow is up 5 . 6 million
gallons or about 7 percent over August of last year. The water quality continues
to meet the export standards without exception. The monthly report of pla.nt
operations is attached.
We have .now a copy of an educational color-sou.nd movie film made
by the Encyclopedia Brittanica. The film story is co.ncerned with water supply and
water pollution problems , and uses our plant as the example of what can be done to
preserve water resources ,
September 4 , 1969 -2- Regular Meeting. �v��
(Manager's Report - Continued)
T.,ast week additional movies were taken of our facilities for a film
being sponsored by the Engineers and suppliers involved in the construction work.
In this co.nnection, shots were taken of Indian Creek Reservoir showing saili.ng,
water-skiing, and swimming, as well as of the release of water for irrigation.
(At this time , Manager Culp showed slides take.n at the reservoir) .
The contractor has started the rehabilitatio.n work at the emergency
storage area , and expects to have it completed by November lst.
Phase I of the plant landscaping is nearing completion. Some work
remains to be done on the fountain, but the lawn and other plantings are established.
In this regard, it might be an appropriate time to consider the possibility of holding
an open house at the plant, to give local citizens a chance to see the plant buildings
and grounds before cold weather arrives. This has been discussed by the Public
Information Committee , who favored the idea a.nd suggested Sunday, October 12th, as
a possible date.
Total Plant Flow 82 . 3 MG (July 75 . 9 MG)
Daily Average Flow 2 . 7 MGD (July 2. 5 MGD)
Nevada District Fl,ow None
Chlorine Used 4 , 655 lbs.
Propa.ne Used None
Natural Gas Used 5 . 3 Million Cu. Ft.
Electricity Used 699 , 600 KWH
Polymer Used l, 090 lbs .
Emergency Holding Pond Empty - Not used.
Lime Used: Recalcined 127 tons
Makeup 121 tons
Alum Used: 4 ,410 gallons
AUGUST 1968 Flows:
Total Daily Average
Plant Flow 76. 7 MG 2. 5 MGD "
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the
Manager's Report be approved as presented.
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Mr. Arthur L. Shoupe reported the following:
Solids Handling System, BSP Corporation 99% complete
Assessment District 1967-3 , Leo L. Davis 99 "
Assessment District 1967-4 , Frontier g7 "
Areas B & C Only, Frontier gg% �
USFS, Schedule I, Granite Construction 75%
� USFS, Schedule II,Wismer and Becker 45"
Trout Creek Trunk, H.M. Byars Cons , gg��
Assessment District, 1968-1, Gene McLaughlin 44%
Mr. Leo L. Davis stated that the underground work on his contract is and has been
completed for a month; he met with the County today about the paving and repaving.
He also stated that some of the lines were so deep in some areas , it was impossible
to get complete compaction. Mr. Davis stated that he is in hopes of having the
jcontract 100% complete by the next board meeting.
Engineer H.E . Moyer stated that the final cha.nge order has been received fr,om BSP;
we are now waiting for the legal agreement. BSP executed the agreement and mailed
same to Bird Machine Company for their execution, and we are in hopes it will be
here by the next meeting date .
Mr. Leo L. Davis asked if the Board could and would reduce the retention for this
H.E , Moyer, Engineer, stated that he had no recomme.ndation ton�.g}-�t for reduction
of the retention for Mr. Leo L. Davis, however, he does not have an objection to this.
Same will be discussed at the next regular meeting of this Board.
/�p� i�LI�VLtif\ 1V1LL111V1� -,j- (J./L�/69
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. ]'ohn C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that the contract for
landscaping the emergency storage area was drafted and executed and the Change
Order executed. He also filed and received right-of-e.ntry on property in the 1968-1
Assessment District area,
Mr. Weidman also stated as a matter of information that President Nixon is going to
be cutting-down on all Federal Grants and requested that the District's pending
grants be put into a priority.
Also, February 2 , 1970 , is the date set for the Hood Trial.
1. Annexation: No report; however, Attorney Weidman stated that three (3)
annexations of excluded parcels , including the Bull property, have been taken
care of the 17th of August, and Notices published in the paper.
Russell L, C�zlp, Manager, stated that lie attended the meeting (Permittee's)
regarding Rai.nbow Tract and many of those assessments are approximately
$2 ,500 . The reside.nts seemed pleased to be able to have a sewer system there
and they are more concerned with the damage to the trees and scaring the
H,E . Moyer stated that he attended a TAC meeting at Crystal Bal on 9/3/69 , and
presented the plans for 1968-3 RAINBOW TRACT, etc. Plans were recomme.nded
for approval and the TAC committee were very cooperative.
ANNEXATION NORTH SHORE: Director Hegarty stated that he drove to the North
Shore to attend the Annexation Meeting at 7:30 P M, that evening, (as advertised)
but same was held at 1:30 P.M, that afternoon instead. He stated that he heard
only eight (8) protests were received.
2 . Planning. No report. President Fesler welcomed Dir�ctor Kortes back to the area .
Mr. Kortes attended school this summer at Bloomington, Indiana.
3 . Public Information: Director Wakeman stated that the gentlemen that were
here making the movie , as was so stated in Mr. Culp� report, were assisted
in any way possible by the Public Relations Committee and Manager Culp. They
were also taken to Sa.nd Harbor(to take underwater pictures ) by Director Wakeman
a.nd Manager Culp. Pictures were also take.n at the Reservoir - Mr. Wakeman
lhad several pictures that were taken at the reservoir and presented same to the
Board to view.
Also, the Public Information Committee and Manager Culp discussed Open House
scheduled for Su.nday, October 12, 1969, 1:00 P,M, to 4:00 P.M. This will be
for the local commu.nity only and no invitations will be exte.nded to the legislature,
etc. Public I.nformation and Ma.nager Culp will work out the details of same.
President Fesler stated that he and Director Wakeman are very proud of the looks of
this plant and he would be willing to guess that 80% of the local people have no idea
what we have out here , therefore, this will be an informal open house for the local
people between 1:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. , October 12 , 1969 , Sunday afternoon.
A. President Fesler stated that this is the time for filing for Directors of the ,
Public Utility District; he mentioned to the press that anyone that wishes to file '
can do so at the District Office and filing is open until 9/15/69 .
B. Septic Tank Pumpings: The District has experienced quite a bit of trouble due
to septic dumps . Since everyone is subject to and are to be connected to the
sewer system by 1/1/70, we should probably consider adopting a policy that we
will contine to accept the pumping until 1/1/70 , as stated by Manager Culp; from
then on, the District will not accept anymore pumpings here at the plant. Manager
Culp recommended this be discussed at a Study Session or turned over to a Committee .
LETTER TO PROPERTY OjNNERS: The City will sign the letter and the county will be
ready to act on the letter next Tuesday (re connections and systems now available) .
F2�GUT�R M��TIN� -4- /ac�S
September 4 , 1969
Correcting and Modifying Assessment Nos . 536 and 537 .
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the
RESOLUTION NO. 1321 be approved.
RESOLUTION NO. 1322: A Resolution Approving Specifications for Sealed Proposals for
two 3/4 to.ns (Pickup) trucks, 3:00 P.M. , Thursday, October 2, 1969.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1322 be approved.
3. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING REPAIRS: Consider Manager's request to authorize
Clair A. Hill and Associates to prepare specifications for repairs to sidewalks at the
main entrance and to also consider changing of heating system.
Dir,ector Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes , unanimously carried, that
Mr. Culp's requests be approved.
COMMUNICATIONS: Meeting notice for Califor.nia Sa.nitary and Sanitation Districts
Mr. David W. Callahan does attend these meetings and Mr. Russell L. Culp will
make the necessary arrangements to have Mr. Callahan attend this convention.
(San Francisco from 9/24/ through 9/27/69) .
2. Letter from Wilson, Jones , Morton and Lynch regarding Federal Legislation
Affecting Tax-Exempt Status of Municipal Securities . Tur.ned over to Planning
Committee for study.
3 . By agreement with Mr. Harootunian, a time of 3:00 P. M. , Tuesday, 9/23/69 ,
has been sent for a meeting with the Board in study session so that he can present
his claim for tree damages.
4 . Call from Ge.ne Watson and a letter from California Department of Water Resources
regarding establishment of a fishery in Indian Creek Reservoir.
Mr. Howard Schwartz, Tribune Reporter, has written an article regarding the fresh
water lake at Lake Tahoe, and the Directors complime.nted him on an article well-
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty,
una.nimousi y carried, that the claims in the amount of $751,283 . 61 be approved as so
recommended by Manager Russell L. Culp.
A letter was received from Mr. Scott, of Denny-Wagoner-Scott thanking the District
for the courtesy and assistance during their recent trip to Lake Tahoe to film the
plant, the reservoir, and other subjects for the movie on tertiary treatment project.
He also stated in the letter that he was very impressed by
the knowledability and competence of the personnel, good housekeepi.ng and attractive
appearance of the plant and grounds .
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
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DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk o rd and
ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors
of the South Tahoe Public Utility District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
public Utility District - September 18 , 1969
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session o.n Thursday, September 18 , 1969 , 8:00 P ,M„ District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty,
Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes and Gerald G. Ream; also present were
General Manager Russell L, Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer Harlan
E. Moyer a.nd Attorney John C. Weidman, John Murphy of the Sacramento Bee and
Mr. Burns - President of the South Lake Tahoe Teachers Association, Bruce Pewitt-
of the USFS.
ABSENT: Attorney Robert J. Hill and Engi.neer Arthur L. Shoupe.
MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously
carried, that the minutes of 9/4/69 be approved as presented.
MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Culp read his report, as follows:
"Manager's Report
September 18 , 1969
A report on the District's operation of the water reclamation and export system was
made to the California State Department of Health at their meeting on September 12 .
The Encyclopedia Brittanica film which uses our plant as an example of good
water conservation practice was shown to the local Rotary Club and also to the
Rotary Club at Minden.
On September llth, the Board and their consultants met with Represe.ntative
Johnson's Field Representative-Gene Watson, with Representative Chappie, and with
representatives of the State Water Resources Agency, the Bureau of La.nd Management,
and Alpine County officials regarding possible recreational development at Indian
Creek Reservoir.
Bureau of Land Management, for the first time , indicated that they might act as the
construction andoperating agency continge.nt on securing adequate financing for
the project. A further meeting of the Bureau of Land Management, Alpine
County, and District representatives is scheduled for 11/10/69, 10:00 A.M.
A large contingent from the Western States Engineer's meeting toured the plant
yesterday. "
Manager Culp stated that at the time filming was taking place at Indian Creek
Reservoir some darnage was done to a persons car in the amount of approximately
$167 . 00 and the District insurance will not cover this. Manager Culp stated that
he would recommend the District pay this , as the car was being used for District
business .
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimoasly carried, that
the damages amou.nting to approximately $167 . 00 to a car used for District '
business , be paid for by the District, as recomme.nded by Manager Culp.
Director Hegarty commended Manager Culp on the fine presentation he made at the
local Rotary Club. Manager Culp was also asked to go to the Rotary Club at Minden
to give a presentation.
Manager Culp stated that the local Rotary Club and the Rotary Club of Minden
received him very well.
Director Hegarty also mentioned that the San Francisco Chronicle had an article
regarding Indian Creek Reservoir and the article was very well done.
CONFERENCE ROOM USE: In reply to President Fesler's questio.ns , Manager Culp
stated that the Califor.nia State License Contractor's Board met here Tuesday and
Wednesday; when the Engineering Group came to tour the pla.nt, the meeting room
was in use and the movie projector was moved into the reception office to show the
film. Manager Culp stated that the District was not aware that the Contractor's
Board was using the room for a hearing, for Leo L, Davis , Contractor a.nd M, Coleman,
n��uL�rc �v���11ivU -2- 9/18/�9 JDB�
Ma.nager Culp stated that the room has also bee.n reserved by the Public Utilities
Commission for a hearing - Holiday Airlines, route from here to Los Angeles .
Ma.nager Culp stated that requests will be cleared through him i.n the future for use
of the Confere.nce Room.
President Robert W. Fesler turned the study of the use of the Conference Room over to
the Planning Committee.
Director Wakema.n moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
the Manager's Report be approved.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harla.n E . Moyer, Engineer, presented architect's plans and
specifications regarding the Luther Pass Pump Station (site improvement plans)
approximate cost of $10 ,000.
Harlan E. Moyer reccrrrr�nded that the District proceed with the plans for Luther Pass
Pump Station Site Improvements.
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Harlan E . Moyer reported the following:
CONTRACT & CONTRACTOR Amount(%) Completed
Solids Handling System, BSP C�poration 99% complete
Assessment District 1967-4, Frontier 97%
Assessment District 1967-3, Leo L. Davis 99%
Areas B & C (Assmt. Dist. 67-4) Fro.ntier 99%
USFS, Sch. I, Granite Cons. Co. 78%
USFS, Sch. II, Wismer and Becker 51%
Trout Creek Trunk Sewer, HM Byars Cons. Co 9g%
Assessment District 1968-1 , G. McLaughlin 47%
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: All items are listed on agenda.
l. Annexation: No report
2 . Planning No report
3. Public Information. . . . , Director Wakeman stated that the public information
Committee did meet and the following are recommended
for co.nsideration and/or approval:
a . Public Address System
b. Fish p.ond to be installed in the lobby with rainbow trout
c. Photo album contai.ni.ng a letter from the Manager, pictures of the
reservoir, etc. , and the mailing of same to be limited to Governor's
of both States , Congressman Johnson, Senator Teale , Assemblyman Chappie
and Porter, Fred McLaren, Alpi.ne Cou.nty, Regional Agency, City of South
Lake Tahoe, FWPCA, etc.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, una.nimously carried, that the
above recommendations of the Public Information Committee Chairman be approved.
Director Wakeman also stated that he would like to have the Directors think about a
sign for the Emergency Storage Area, because people do pass this area and do not
know what it is . Mr. Wakeman stated that Ma.nager Culp suggester "Natural Park
and Catch Basin - Not Ope.n to the Public" .
4 . Personnel - No report
- 5 . Banking/Insurance/ No report. �
; 1. USFS Sewer System: Consider authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute
Amendment No. 2 with the USFS coveri.ng Stage III co.nnection charges .
Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that this is a continuatio.n of the agreeme.nt
. betwee.n the USFS and the District to serve Pope , Baldwin, etc. , to be constructed
during 1969 and 197 0. These facilities are in existance , for which trunk sewers have
been provided and are now in a position to be connected to the trunk sewers . This will
include areas - Spring Creek Summer Home Tract, Camp Richardson, C`�mpgrounds, Fallen
Leaf, Picnic Areas , portion of the Summer Home tract , V�,'est Shore of Fallea� Leaf Lake.
Total estimated amount approximately $670,860 . 00.
/vOv " . �yy�y"`^ -.s 9/18/69
Engineer Moyer stated that this is in the i.nterest of the area a.nd will provide
service to many of the existing facili�ies and recommended that the Amendment #2 be
accepted by the board.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, una.nimously carried, that
Amendment No. 2 be accepted, under RESOLUTION NO. 1326 .
Director Wakeman stated that it seems almost impossible that we can be this far
along when one stops to think of how much work has been done to get this.out.
E.ngineer Moyer stated that much of the credit should go to the USFS as they have
been extremely cooperative and considerate of the District.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Burns , President of the Teacher's Association,
appeared before the Board to request use of the Conference Room the first Monday
evening of each month at 7:30 P.M.
President Fesler stated that this subject was discussed earli�r and was turned
over to the Planning Committee for study and further reccrrnn endation to this
Board as to how we should work into the use of the Conference Room.
2 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 1968-3: Postponed.
3. MONTGOMERY ESTATES UNIT NO. 7: Consider request by David Bohannon
Organization to have the District's Attorney draft a reimbursement agreement
for off-site sewer line construction. When property in the area is served, the
District would charge a connection fee , which would be a refund to Bohannon
Organization, Mr. Moyer stated that he did mention to Bohan.non that a 10 year
period would be a time to consider; if this area is to be used withi.n 10 years and
made use of the line, then the District would reimburse Boha.nnon Organization.
Harlan E . Moyer, Engineer, recommended that the District proceed with this
Attorney John C . Weidman will draft the agreement regarding Montgomery Estates
Unit. No. 7 , and will have ready for approval at a later meeting of the Board.
a. RESOLUTION NO. 1327 , A Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications .
b. RESOLUTION NO. 1328 , A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals
)10-16/69) �
Last year the heavy snow and warm rains caused considerable infiltration around
each manhole.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried,
that RESOLUTION NOS. 1327 and 1328 be approved, as recommended by Engineer
Harlan E. Moyer.
5 . INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: Consider approval of Manager's letter to'Lahontan
Regional Water Quality Contro� Board requesting establishment of waste discharge
requireme.nts for recreational use of the reservoir.
Manager Culp stated that Mr. Fred McLaren had suggested this letter be written.
It does not mean, however, that the reservoir is ope.n for recreational purposes
at this time .
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the
Manager's letter to Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board be approved.
a. RESOLUTION NO. 1323 , A Resolution of the Board of Directors of South
Tahoe Public Utility District making determination land approving the proposed
annexation of territory, designated as South Tahoe Public Utility District,
Annexation No. 1969- .
b. RESOLUTION NO. 1324 , A Resolution of the Board of Directors of South
Tahoe Public Utility District making determination and approving the proposed
annexation of territory, designated as South Tahoe Public Utility District
Annexation No. 1969- .
September 18, 1969 • -4- Regular Meeting
(6) - Continued - ANNEXATIONS
c. RESOLUTION NO. 1325 , A Resolutian of the Board of Directors of the
South Tahoe Public Utility District making determination and approving the proposed
annexation of territory, designated as South Tahoe Public Utility District Annexation
No. 1969-4 .
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NOS. 1323 , 1324 and 1325 be approved.
Attorney John C. V�eidman stated that LAFCO approved the annexation of this pla.nt
! by the City.
Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that regarding Mr. Leo L. Davis' request
and visit to the Board two weeks ago - - Assessment Districts 1967-3A a.nd 1967-3B
are both availabLe�or �se by the District and the only reason same is not being
recommended for acceptance is because of some paving and cleanup to be completed'
and accepted by the County.
Harlan E. Moyer stated that he does not feel it is necessary to retain the full amount
of the 10% retention, and recommended that the Board reduce the retention to
approximately 5%.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
the retention be reduced to 5% for Leo L. Davis, Contractor.
a. RESOLUTION NO. 1 3 2 9: Approving plans and specifications for grit removal
b. RESOLUTION NO. 1 3 3 0: Calling for sealed proposals, grit remova1,10/16/69.
Manager Culp stated that we are getting excessive wear on the centrifuges due to grit and
the sludge pumps continue to plug; this spring there was a break in the line that
caused a great grit problem.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1329 and RESOLUTION NO. 1330, be approved.
NEW BUSINESS: President Robert W. Fesler stated that the Sacramento Bee has always
given the District good coverage on our meetings, and he felt that Howard Schwartz
did a good job for coverage in the Tribune , because of his willingness and he did
present all facts in a fair manner, and President Fesler stated that he personally felt
Mr. Schwartz is deserving of some type of a Resolution to express the District's
appreciation for his accurate coverage in the newspaper; this is an expression to the
Tahoe Daily Tribune that he (Mr. Schwartz) does know what he is doing and he does
report it to the public in a very capable manner.
Director Hegarty stated that the same type of a Resolution should go to John Murphy
of the Sacramento Bee also.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1331 and 1332 commendi.ng Howard Schwartz and John Murphy for their
�coverage of District affa�rs and same brought to the public through the Sacramento Bee
,, and Tahoe Daily Tribune newspapers.
I OPEN HOUSE - OCTOBER 12 , 19 69: 1:00 P.M. through 4:00 P.M. : Director Wakeman
requested the press to please publish notice of the open house scheduled by the District.
COMMUNICATIONS: A letter received from an owner of property at Jamison Beach
requesting service to his area of property and giving high priority to same.
H.E Moyer, Engineer, stated that the line extended only two-third's down Jamison
Beach and that another Assessment District would have to be formed to provide this
extension. He also stated that he was in hopes that Jamison Beach, Val Halla and
Fallen Leaf Lake would all be done under one assessment district.
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PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Directar Kortes,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $67 ,789 . 87 be approved,
the warrants in the amount of $336,000 . 00 transferring funds, be approved as
recommended by Assistant General Ma.nager David W. Callahan.
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DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board
* * * * * *
October 2 , 1969
The Board of Directors of the South T�hoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session October 2 , 1969 , 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Gerald G. Ream,
Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes , General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of
Board David W. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney Robert J. Hill,
and Attorney J.C . �/Veidma.n, John Murphy, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Thompson-Tribune ,
Mr. M. Springmeyer and A.L. Shoupe , Don Showalter.
ABSENT: Director Edward E. Hegarty.
MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director �/Vakeman, unanimously
carried, that the minutes of September 18 , 1969 be approved as presented.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Robert W. Fesler welcomed the visitors and
press to the meeting.
MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Russell L. Culp read his report as follows:
"In September, 61 . 9 million gallans of wastewater were fully treated and pumped to
Indian Creek Reservoir. This represents a 6% increase over September 1968. The ex-
panded plant and export system have now been in full operation for 18 months, during
which time 1-1/4 billion gallons af water have been processed and exported. From
this 1-1/4 billion gallons of wastewater, the following quantities of materials have been
removed: (1) 35 tons of detergent (MBAS); (2) 1,125 tons of suspended solids,
(3) 500 tons of turbidity, (4) 75 tons of phosphorus , (5) 1,250 tons of oxygen demanding
substances, (6) all color, odor, a.nd coliform bacteria.
Preliminary tests made the past two summers indicate rather complete virus
removal is also being accomplished. Virus have been found in the secondary effluent,
but none to date in any of the tests of reclaimed water.
All of the solid materials removed from the wastewater have been incinerated
at temperatures of 1,200 to 1,600°F to insoluble , sterile ash.
More than half a billion gallons of reclaimed water have been used for irrigation
purposes to the benefit of Alpine County.
O.n September 23rd, the Board and its consultants met with Mr. A. Harootunian
to hear his claim for tree damages . The foresters for both parties are to resurvey
the area in November and attempt to �s�e on the number of dead trees and the
number of other trees which probably will die.
Mr. Fesler a.nd I attended a meeting of the E1 Dorado County Solid Waste Study
Committee on 9/24/69 . It appears likely now that the solids waste collection
and export will be accomplished entirely by private enterprise . Investigations are
being made to see if there are means for mandatory pay under private franchise.
During the past two weeks there were three TV film clips made of the plant, and
. export system by Channel 10 , Sacramento, CBS news and NBC news" .
. � �..�����.,, -� 10/�/69
��9 �
Total Plant Flow 61 .9 MG (August 82 . 3)
Daily Average Flow 2 . 1 MGD(August 2.7 MGD)
Nevada District Flow None
Chlorine Used 4 ,225 lbs.
Propane Used None •
Natural Gas Used 5 .9 Million Cu.Ft.
Electricity Used 487,200 KWH
Polymer Used 761 lbs.
Emergency Holding Pond Empty - Not used
Lime Used: Makeup 154 tons
Recalcined 151 tons
Alum Used 5 ,2 2 5 gallons
September 1968 Flows Total: Daily Average
58 . 2 MG 1 . 7 MGD
ENGINEER'S REPORT: All items are on agenda.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that Supervisor William
V.D. Johnson has appointed him as a Director of Sierra Economid Development
Council - A Council which studies grants.
' Also, Mr. Weidman will discuss with Manager Culp a.nd Engineer Moyer the meeting
with the County Supervisors of Alpine County.
Mr. A.L. Shoupe, Engineer, reported the following:
Solids Handling System, BSP Corporation 99%
Assmt. Dist. 1967-3, Leo L. Davis , Inc. 99%
Assmt. Dist. 1967-4 , Frontier Contractors gg��o
Areas B & C Only, Frontier Contractors ggo�o
USFS, Sch. I, Granite Cons. 830�0
USFS, Wismer and Becker 63%
Trout Creek Trunk Sewer, H.M. Byars ggo�o
Assmt. Dist. 1968-1 , Gene McLaughlin ��o�o
Attorney Robert j. Hill stated all items concerning him are on the agenda.
l. Annexation: No report
2 . Planning: - Met o.n 9/22/69 to discuss the use of the Conference Room by other
organizations. Will have a report for the Board at a later date.
3 . Public Information: Met with the TV Newsman; also met with Manager Culp to
discuss the formal opening scheduled for 10/12/69 .
In answer to Director Wakeman's question, Mr. Culp stated that he notified Mr.
George Stalls that the District will obtain another contractor to complete the work
on the fountain. The other contractor will be here Monday to complete this project.
On Friday, October 3, 3:30 P.M. , the Public Information Chairman will meet
with Governor Laxalt to give him the copy of the book co.ntaining the pictures , etc. ,
regarding the reservoir. Hubert Bruns will present Governor Reagan with his copy.
Director Wakeman stated that agencies have given this District approximately 1
million dollars, and we feel that this folder will give them some idea of what we have
accomplished with the funds .
Emergency Storage Area Site - landscaping should be completed by 10/15/69 .
President Fesler stated that Architect Mason will be present to direct the placing
of the boulders in the pond in front of the Administration building,
4. Personnel: No report.
5 . Banking/Insurance: No report
v�,lvrs�,� � , lyby -3- R�gular Meetir�g.
l. Assessment District 1968-1: - Consider Change Order No. 2, Gene
McLaughlin Construction Company, amounting to increase of $6,443. 79 and
three days extension, as so recommended by Engineer Harlan E . Mo� r.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
Change Order No. 2 be approved as recommended.
2 . Assessment District 1967-4B and 1967-4C - : Consider acceptance for use
by the District and reduction in retention.
H.E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that the areas mentioned are ready for district
use and acceptance; and recommended that the District proceed with the
acceptance of these two areas and pay approximately 50% of the retained funds.
Director Ream asked what happened if the contractor does not complete the
work and we go through all winter without the wark being accomplished, Engineer
Moyer stated that the retained funds would more than cover work to be completed
by the contractor.
Engineer Moyer stated that it is to the District's interest and benefit to use
the system as quickly as possible.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
acceptance for use by the District and the :eduction in retention be approved, as so
recommended by Engineer Harlan E , Moyer for Assessment District 1967-4B & 4C.
3. Assessment District No, 1968-1;
a. Report of bond bid opening by Attorney Robert J. Hill stated that five (5)
bids were received, as follows:
1 . First California Company of California 7. 0374
2 . Stern Bren.ner �. 19
3. Miller and Schroeder 7,46
4. Kirschner and Moore 7 , 57
5 . Boetcher and Company � , 6�
Attorney R.J. Hill recommended that RESOLUTION NO. 1333 , A Resolution
Correcting Clerical Error on Assessment Roll, 1968-1 , be considered for adoption.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1333 be approved.
RESOLUTION NO. 1334: A Resolution Determining Unpaid Assessments and
Providing for the Issuance of Bonds , Assessment District No. 1968-1 .
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1334 be approved.
ORDINANCE NO. 191 An Ordinance Awarding Sale of Bonds , Assessment District
No. 1968-1 , First California Company.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
ORDINANCE NO. 191 be approved.
4 . Assessment District No. 1967-4:
a. Consideration of rescinding RESOLUTION NO. 1310, Assessment District
No. 1967-4B, RESOLUTION NO, 1335 .
b. RESOLUTION NO. 1336, Consideration of Rescinding RESOLUTION NO. 1311
Assessment District No. 1967-4C.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unariimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1335 and 1336 be approved.
��G��� ���TI�G -4- October 2 , 1969 �� g.3
a. Report of bid o��nirg; no bids were received.
Manager Culp state�: ?:i�at the car dealers were contacted and asked why a bid was not
submitted. Collins scated that the wheel base requirement could not be met by them;
Shelby Ford stated they did not receive the specifications; Shehadi Motors stated
they forgot the bid date and Springmeyer Service also forgot the bid date.
Mr. Springmeyer did submit a bid, however, it was not received until after
bid opening time .
Manager Culp recommended, and the Board agreed, that bids should be resubmitted
and same readvertised for bid opening on October 16, 1969 , 3:00 P.M.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
the trucks be readvertised for bid two weeks from tonight - October 16,1.969 , 3:0o PM.
6. TAHOE PARADISE UNIT 17-A; RESOLUTION NO. 1337: A Resolution accepting
completed sewers system for maintenance and operation by the District.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimausly carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1337 be approved.
7 . ANNESATION NO. 1969-6, (SMITH) , Assistant Manager Callahan stated that this
is another excluded parcel in Lakeview Heights Subdivision and that the annexation
fees have been paid. (Approximately $780.00) .
RESOLUTION NO. 1338 , A Resolution of Application, Requesting that LAFCO take
Proceedings for Annexation of Territory to the District.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried , that
RESOLUTION NO. 1338 be approved.
Callahan attended the conference held at San Francisco last Thursday, Friday and Sat-
urday and stated that he felt it was well worth his while and discussions were held
regarding taxation, revenue, service charges, computers , legislation, etc. , and
all proved to be beneficial. Mr. Callahan also mentioned that the Senate Resolutions
authorized some of the Se.nators to go to West Germany to study projects. He
again stated that he felt this was time well spent and that he had given manager Culp
a more detailed report on this conference .
Manager Culp stated that he received an excellent report from Mr. Callahan.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
Mr. Callahan's report be approved.
9 . INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: Consider meeting with Alpine County Supervisors before
November 10, 1969; the Manager and Engineer will meet with Mr. Hubert Bruns and
also the Directors to meet with Alpine County prior to November 10, 1969 .
President Fesler asked if the teachers can meet at 10:00 A.M. and Director Kortes
stated that they probably could not.
The Board will consider a meeting date at the next regular meeting of the Board.
As a matter of information, Engineer Moyer stated that in the future it might
. become quite remote to obtain Davis-Grunsky Funds/Grants because of the
extremely critical situation of Water Project Funds .
10. Sewer service to �tate of California at Emerald Bay State Park: Consider
authorizing the District's Attorney to draft a contract with the State for sewer service
to Emerald Bay Park; also, consider authorizing the District's co.nsulting engineers
to determine appropriate charges to the State for capacity in the District's system and
for annual maintenance and operation.
President Fesler asked if we could meet with the State in Sacramento. H.E.Moyer
suggested that this information requested by the State be sent, and following that,
request a meeting with the U.S.F.S. and State and this District,
Manager and engineer will set up a meeting with the State.
-5 October 2, l9 69
11. ASSESSM�NT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3: Harla.n E. Moyer stated that it would
be in the best interest of this District to delay action on this Assessment District.
Attorney Robert j. Hill requested the following Resolutions be considered for
adoption and the letter from the County Health Department be approved and typed
in fill in the minutes.
RESOLUTION NO. 1339: A Resolution determining to undertake proceedings
pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts or other
appropriate proceedings, for the acquisition and construction of a sanitary
sewerage system and appurte.nances without proceedings under Division 4 of the S
Streets and Highways Code.
Honorable Board of Directors
South Tahoe Public Utility District
South Lake Tahoe, California
RE: Assessment District 1968-3
I am acquainted with the sanitary sewerage project which you propose to undertake
pursuant to special assessment and assessment bond proceedings , or other
appropriate proceedings, which project is more particularly set forth in your
I recommend, as necessary as a health measure , that you undertake proceedings
pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this
State , or other appropriate proceedings, as you shall determine, for the co.nstructio.n
of said improvements and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited
thereby. This recommendation extends to such changes and modifications therein
as you shall find to be proper or advisable, in the manner provided by law.
Yours respectfully,
s/Harold N. Mozar, M.D.
Health Officer,
County of E1 Dorado"
RESOLUTION NO. 1340, A Resolution of Inte.ntion to Acquire and Construct
improvements .
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1339 and 1340 be approved, as presented.
1. Street Lights, Highway U.S. 50 between Stateline and Point We st of
Cresce.nt "V" Shopping Center: - Consider request of Sierra Pacific Power Company
to discontinue thirteen (13) lights and to remove poles.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Directar Ream, unanimously carried,that the
13 lights and poles be removed as requested by Sierra Pacific Power Company
and recommended by General Manager Culp,
COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from Department of Public Health thanking the District
for the activities and recreation ability of this plant for restoring wastewater.
Letter from El Dorado County regarding District Electio.n, Tuesday, November 4th,
1969 , and listing precincts for election.
Mr. Culp presented a copy of a flow diagram for the district to the Board which
was received and which was copied in Chinese .
President Fesler stated that he thinks it isregretable that these members of this Board
have to consider an assessment district and claims which we are going to consider
for payment this evening amounting to almost two-million dollars, and stated also that
an election will soon be held and that these people that have filed for this board have
not attended a meeting of this board nor not in attendance at this meeting regarding
the subrr,ission of two-million dollars that falls o.n the present board members
for their consideration and approval for payment.
Regular' Meeting -6- C�ctober 2 , 1969 /Q c��
Director Wakeman stated that some consideration was given regarding the name of
the area of the Emergency Storage Area. Mr. Culp had suggested "natural park
and catch basin" and Director �Nakeman asked the Directors to contine to think
of some title to give that area.
Also, Mr. Wakeman stated that we have been referred to as"STUPID" (STPUD)
directors on many occasions and now under Section 15798 of the Public Utility Code �
(1969) the name can be changed.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $500,096 . 56 and the transfer
of funds in the amount of $169 ,700. 00 be approved for payment as recommended by
Assistant General Manager Callahan.
� --
��;�-��-�'�,t-�= —
ROBERT . FESLER, President
South Tahoe Public Utility District
...''--! � -���
DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Boa and
Ex-Officio Secretary -
South Tahoe Public LJ�lity District
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session October 16 , 1969 , District Conference Room, 8:00 P.M.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman,
Edward E. Hegarty, Director ponald H. Kortes, Director Gerald G. Ream,
Manager Russell L, Culp, Clerk of Board David �N. Callahan, Attorney john C .
Weidman, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, John Murphy, George Kelly, David Hill,
W. Twinning, Arthur L. Shoupe , Mr. D. Dubois , Mr. V. Campondonico.
MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously
carried, that the minutes of October 2 , 1969 be approved as presented.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. D. Dubois presented a letter to the Board of Directors
which Manager Culp read regarding U-1 Assessme.nt Charges on Connection Permit and
the hardship the amount of cash payment, due at the time of connection, places on the
Mr. Harlan E. Moyer explained the reasons to Mr. D. Dubois regarding the U-1
Connection Charges , and also mentioned the alternatives contained in the Ordina.nce.
Upon further discussion by the Board, President Fesler stated that this was an
administrative matter and asked Mr. Callahan to take care of same.
Assistant General Manager Callahan stated that in the eve.nt deferred payment is
approved then he would like to have payments due prior to 8/15 of each year, as
suc� time as the annual service fees and/or lighting payments are due.
President Fesler stated that request of Mr. DuBois will be handled as an administrative
Mr. Fesler welcomed those in the audience to the meeting.
Mr. Twining stated he would like to make a statement regarding the comment made
as to the candidates being absent from the meetings of the Board of Directors of
this District, and also he stated that the comment was very well reported. Mr.
Twining stated that he believes the ever-increasing population in the basi.n causes
problems with the Public Utility District and others. He also stated that he and the
other condidates are very much concerned with the expenditure of two-million
REGULAR NIEETING -Z- `����u�l ��, ����
dollars, especially since this District has to spend it. He stated that one of
the solutions would be to limit the basin population. Mr. Twining stated that he
would like tothe o herC�a�nd date�s eceiped for not beingbntattendan�ce at t�heseing-
down he and
board meetings.
MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Culp presented his report, as follows:
" Manager's Report
October 16 , 1969
We have received from the U.S.Forest Service a list of their detailed require-
ments for restoration of old sp�r�hod for accomplishinglthe work wha hVislto be
meeting to discuss the best m
done . October 12th, to give local
An Open House was held at the plant on Sunday,
residents an opportunity to see the facilities including the recently completeared
landscaping of the grounds. An estimated 175 persons attended, and it app
to be well received.
Mr. Fesler and I attended a meeting yesterday of the El Dorado County Solid
Waste Study Committee , and heard a special report by John Mar�;hini of South
Tahoe Refuse Company concerning the disposal site which they have acquired
outside the Tahoe Basin. It now appears that solid waste expor�t �`' rl ate
accomplished within the deadline date almost, if not entirely, Y P
enterprise . "
President Fesler stated that he is on the Board of the Solid VVaste Disposal
Committee and he will be with the Committee to meet with Douglas County
Board of Commissioners regarding Solid �/Vaste Disposal.
Dir�ctor Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
the Manager's Report be approved as presented.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that he has been busy
working on the report reqnect o�n of the Emera deBay Recreat on area o the
Recreation regarding con
District's system; he requested that the Board or a committee meet with
him to discuss and study this report before same is mailed to the State .
STUDY SESSION SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 23 , 1969 , 3:p0 P.M. , District Office ,
to meet with the Engineer.
BSP Corporation 99%
Solids Handling System, 100%
Assessment District 1967-3 , Leo L. Davis , Inc.
Assessment District 1967-4 , Erontier Contractors gg°�o
Areas B & C Only 100%
U.S.F .S. Schedule I, Granite Construction Co. 65%
U.S .F .S. ,Schedule II, �Nismer and Becker 990�0
Trout Creek Trunk Sewer, H.M, Byars Construction Co. go%
Assessment District No. 1968-1 , Gene McLaughlin
Director Wakeman asked if now M�h Da�oject istme ely paper work; also,•in
stated that the remaining work o p
answer to Director Wakeman's question, Mr. Shoupe stated that Wismer and Becker
will not be complete by the time the ground freezes.
BSP CORPORATION - AGREEMENT - Manager Culp stated that he spoke with Mr.
Sebastian, Vice President of BSP Corporation, who assured him that the paper work
would be completed on the agreement and same received by this District before
the next regular meeting of the Board; also, Mr. Culp stated that Bird Machine
Company did sign the agreement, and following signatures from BSP Corporatian, .
the agreement will be sent to this District.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT• Attorney John C . Weidman stated tha� re has completed three
annexations. Hood Trial now sche dma menti nedthateit m ghpbelcons de d bY
Attorney John Lynch; also, Mr. W
this board to offer a settlement to Traveler's .
REGULAR 1VIE�TT.NG -3- Octob�r 16 , 1969 �� 7�
1 . Annexation. No report.
2 . P1an.ning. No report.
3 , Public In formation: Met with the new reporter and the Editor
of the Tahoe Daily Tribune - took them on a tour of the facilities, and gave them a
brief run-down of what was going on so they would be aware of what the District
is doing. Director Wakeman stated all was well taken by the reporter and editor.
President Fesler stated that an article regarding "Say Sewage Water Lake is Pure
Enough to Drink" , was in the Minneapolis newspaper, and read same to those present.
President Fesler also thanked Director Wakeman for his work on behalf of the Open
House and thanked General Manager Russell L. Culp, the employees of the District,
for their assistance .
4 . Personnel: No report.
5 . Banking/Insurance: Met with the Insurance Carrier for the District
to discuss liability limits . Minimum of one million dollars . President Fesler stated that
the Banking/Insurance Committee would recommend that the District set "One -Million"
dollars as a single-limit required of our contractors.
This is listed on the agenda for consideration and/or action.
1 . Truck Replacements:
a . Report of bid opening - Manager Gl.zlp stated that three (3) bids were
1. Springemeyer's $7 ,750 .50
$7 , 107 .70 , with exceptions
2 . Shehadi Motors , Inc $6,716.04
3 . Shelby Ford, Inc $6,739 . 55
RESO�UTION NO. 1342 , Authorizing Award of Contract to S��ehadi Motors , South Lake
Tahoe, California, at their bid price =$6 ,716. 04 .
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1342 be approved as recommended by Manager Culp.
2. Grit Removal System:
a . Report of bid opening - five (S) bids received, as follows:
1. Madsen Cons. Co. , Napa, Calif. $55 ,988. 00
2 . RHC Associates , Redding, Calif. 47 , 100. 00 ,
3 . OB�O Corp. , Orangevale , Calif. 54 ,470 .00
4 . Wismer and Becker, Sacramento 58 , 195 . 00
5 . Monterey Mech. co. , Oakla.nd, Calif. 52,950. 00
Engineer's Estimate . . . $50,000 . 00
RESOLUTION NO. 1343; �-uthorizing Award of Contract to RHC Associates , Redding,
California, bid price - $47 , 100. 00 .
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the
bid received from RHC Associates of Redding, Caliornia, be accepted, and RESOLUTION
NO. 1343 be approved awarding contract to RHC assaciates.
��y� R��U�I�R M�ETING -4- October 16, 1969
3 . Manhole Modifications.
a . Report of bid opening - six (6) bids received, as follows:
l. A. Teichert and Sans, Inc. , Sparks , Nevada $32 ,348 .00
2 . Gene McLaughlin Cons. Co. , Fresno 29 ,642 .00
3 . J.R. Crasper Cons. Co. , So. Lk Tahoe 54 ,985.00
4 . Terry Construction Corp. Stateline , Nevada 31 ,204 .00
5 . Wunschel and Small Inc, Carmichael 23 ,560.00
6 . RHC Associates , Redding, Calif. 29 ,725 .00
Engineer's Estimate: $20,000 . 00
RESOLUTION NO. 1344 , Authorizing Award of Contract to VVunschel and
Small, Inc. , of Carmichael, California, their bid price of $23,560.00.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1344 be approved, as recommended by the District Engineer
and General Manager.
Engineer Harlan E . Moyer stated that the U-1 funds will finance this job.
Inanswer to Director Wakeman's question, Engineer Moyer stated that these
manholes could not be accidentally opened and that these manholes will certainly
held the grit problem.
4. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-3A: RESOLUTION NO. 1341 - A Resolution
Determining that the Public Irrterest and Necessity Require the Acquisition of Certain
Lands and Directing the Filing of Eminent Domain Proceedings.
This is the property owned by Leslie Wright, near the Tahoe Paradise Golf Course.
Mr. Callah an and Mr. T.L. Stewart have made attempts to obtain this easement
from Mr. Wright, but have not been successful.
Director Hegarty moved, secanded by Director Ream, unanimously carried,
that RESOLUTION NO. 1341 be approued.
5 . ANNEXATION NO. 1967-7: (Horgan) RESOLUTION NO. 1345 , A Resolution
of Application requesting that LAFCO take proceedings for annexation of territory
to the District.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1345 be approved.
RESOLUTION NO. 1346, (Fenn Barkley) - Annexation of territory to the District.
This property is outside of the city limits and outside of the exterior boundaries
of this District, but contiguous to the District. Annexation amounts of approximately
$1 ,639 . 00, including 1/2 acre approximately.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1346 , be adopted.
6. PLANT LANDSCAPING, TREES: - Letter of acceptance received from Arthur L.
Shoupe, Clair A. Hill and Associates.
RESOLUTION NO. 1347 , Accepting Plant Landscaping Project and Ordering the
Filing of a Notice of Completion; Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director
Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLI�' ION NO. 1347 be approved, as
recommended by General Manager Russell L, Culp.
President Fesler asked what would happen if the trees died this spring; who will
replace them. Manager R.L. Culp stated that the contract documents state
guarantee is for one growing season only, which wauld be this season,
REGULAR MEETING -5- Octob2r 16, 1969 /� 9 9
l. INSURANCE, GENERAL LIABILITY LIMITS (As mentioned in the Banking/
Insurance Committee report) .
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, that the District set one-
million dollars as a single limit required of our contractors.
VOTES�. - AYES: Directors Wakeman, Hegarty, Kortes, and Ream
ABSTAINED: Director Fesler
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $59,418.78 be approved, as
recommended by Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan.
Presi�nt Fesler thanked all in attendance for their attendance .
�______, —_
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ROBERT . FESLER, President,
South Tahoe Public Utility District
'�'' 1 ��-�.�---�-�--��..�__--=�_.��� ...---
DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & -
Ex-Officio Secretary-
South Tahoe Public Utility District
NOVEMBER 6, 1969
The Board of Directors met in a regular session November 6, 1969, 8:00 P.M. ,
District Office .
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert Fesler, Directors Edward Hegarty,
Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes , General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk
of Board Dat�id W. Callahan, Attorney Robert j. Hill, Don Showalter, Harlan
E. Moyer, Arthur L. Shoupe , John Morris and John Murphy, David Evans.
ABSENT: Director Gerald G. Ream and Attorney John C . 1/Veidman.
MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director V�%akeman, unanimously
carried, that the minutes of 10/16/69 be approved, as corrected.
MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Culp read the Manager's Report, as follows:
"Attached is a summary of plant operations for October 1969 . Total plant flow for the
month is up about 15% from October 1968 . All reclaimed water was exported to Alpine
County, and the water continues to meet the quality standards in all respects.
Last week, Mr. Robert Tharratt of the Department of Fish and Game made nettings
of Indian Creek Reservoir to determine the survival and grawth of the rainbow trout
which his agency planted in the lake early this summer. From the large numbers of
fish captured, it is evident that the survival is excellent. The average amount of
growth is about 5 inches , and many of the fish are now of catchable size . Some
anglers are already taking advantage of this new fishing spot. Mr. Tharatt will be
making a report on his findings at the meeting with BLM and Alpine County next Monday.
The Board held a study session on October 23rd, regarding extension of sewer service
to Emerald Bay State Park. This subject is on the agenda tonight for further
1\L�fVLt11l lvir,r,iii�� -G 1Vov�rrlb2x' 6� 1969
Total Plant Flow 55 .5 MG (Sept. 61.9)
Daily Average Flow 1. 8 MGD (Sept. 2 .1 MGD)
Nevada District Flow None
Chlorine Used 4 , 230 lbs.
Propane Used None
Natural Gas Used 6 . 6. Million Cu Ft
Electeicity Used 625 , 200 KWH
Polymer Used 711 Lbs
Emergency Holding Pond Empty - not used.
Lime Used: Makeup 93 Tons
Recalcined 142 Tons
Alum LTsed 1 ,820 gallons
LOCTOBER 1968 Flows
Plant Flow - 48 . 3 MG Total l, 6 MGD-Daily Average"
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the
Manager's Report be approved as presented.
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Arthur L, Shoupe, resident engineer, reported:
Solids Handling System, BSP Corporation 99%
Assmt. Dist. 1967-3 , Leo L. Davis, Inc. 100%
Assmt. Dist. 1967-4 , Frontier Contractors 98%
Areas B & C Only (Frontier) 99%
USFS, Schedule I, Granite Cons. 100%
USFS, Schedule II,Wismer and Becker 67%
Trout Creek Trunk Sewer, H.M. Byars Cons. 99%
Assmt. Dist. 1968-1 , Gene McLaughlin 99%
Grit Removal System, R.C .H. Associates 0%
Manhole Modifications, Wunchel and Small 0% "
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. Harlan E . Moyer reported that most of the items are '
listed on the agenda. However, Mr. Moyer stated that he was authorized to prepare
plans and specifications for the heating system in the reception office, Nianager's -
Office and Conference Room. Mr. Moyer , Engineer, presented the plans and
explained same to the Board. Approximate cost of this heating system will be
approximately $6,000 .00.
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C . Weidman was absent for this meeting; however,
Attorney Hill did receive a letter from Mr. Weidman, asking him to check into any
legal matters that might come up at this meeting and notify him of same.
MI�CELLANEOUS: President Robert W. Fesler stated that a reorganization meeting
will be held on 12/4/69 and asked the Directors to think of how they would like to
have the board prganized.
1. Annexation: No report.
2 . Planning: No report. Committee is studying utilitizatiQn of Board Room, Report
to be given at a later date .
3 . Public Information: Director Wakeman stated that he spent time Sunday with a
reporter from the Oakland Tribune who did a research on the plant, etc. , and
water reclamation. He contacted Manager Culp two days later to request pictures
of the plant, etc. , and was also interested in finding out how much money the State
of Califarnia had spent to assist the District.
Director Wakeman also presented copies of an article written by the Christian Science
President Fesler stated that the past election has shown an outstanding accomplishment
of the board and one letter in the local paper from Mrs. D. Weiss in favor of the
Directors was certainly one which he felt was a very high commendation to this Board.
November 6, 1969
4 . Personnel: No report. Director Ream absent.
5 . Banking/Insurance: No report.
1 . Presentation of claim by Mr. Aram Harootunian. Mr. Harootunian did not appear
and Manager Culp stated that Mr. Hall did call stating that he was going to recommend
to Mr. A. Harootunian that the matter of the trees/damages be postponed until spring.
prepared a letter to Dep.artment of Beaches and Parks Department regarding costs and
facilities needed to serve Emerald Bay State Park. State of California wi11 provide
financing for this service. There are approximately 305 acres included in this
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
the communication prepared by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, as requested by the
State of California for service to Emerald Bay State Park be approved. Also,
copies of the communication were requested by the Directors .
No. 4 for Wismer and Becker be approved.
4 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-3A: Consider Contract Change Order No. 3 , Leo
L. Davis, Inc. , increase of $3, 903 . 50 .
5 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1967-3B - Contract Change Order No. 3, Leo L.
Davis, Inc. , decrease by $809 . 00.
6 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1967-4A: Contract Change Order No. 3, Leo L.
Davis , Inc. , decrease of $6, 064. 75 .
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the
change orders for assessment district's 1967-3A, 1967-3B and 1967-4A, as listed
above, and as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, be approved.
7 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 1967-3A, 1967-3B and 1967-4A, : Leo L. Davis, Inc. ,
Contractor:----RESOLUTION NO. 1348, Accepting Completion and Directing the
Filing of Notice of Completion.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1348 be approved, accepting completion of Assessment District
Nos. 1967-3A, 1967-3B and 1967-4A, Leo L. Davis , Inc. , Contractor.
8 . PLANT SITE LANDSCAPING: Electrical: This contract was completed by Day and
Night Electric instead of Acme Electric Company; and ACME was notified and when
due notice was given, Day and Night Electric took over the work and completed the
job. Day and Night Electric payments exceeded what Acme would have had; however,
Day and Night did complete the work. Acme's bid was $875. 00 for the Job and Day and
Night Electric charges will amount to $1 , 700. 00 .
Engineer Harlan E. Moyer recommended that Day and Night Electric be paid and that
the Notice of Completion be held until Attorney John C. Weidman returns .
Attorney Hill stated that the District can pay, and is obligated to pay, Day and Night
Electric, and the payment does not have anything to do with the Notice of
The matter will be tabled and discussed at the next regular meeting of this Board.
Moved by Director Wakeman, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried,
that this matter be tabled, and same discussed at the next regular meeting of this
9 . POND AREA REDEVELOPMENT: Postponed until the nex.t regular meeting of Board.
�jo Z R�GULAR M�ETrNG -4- November 6 , 1969
10 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3F and 1968-3G: Engineer pon
Showalter presented the maps of the two areas - 1968-3F and 1968-3G, are
contiguous areas . Plans and specifications for both areas are complete, the
assessment diagram and roll are complete.
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3F: - There are approximately 475 acres,
approximate cost $760, 042 . 50 and approximately $60, 000 . 00 to be charged to
Assessment District 1968-3G.
RAINBOW TRACT includes approximately 51 parcels.
Assessment District 1968-3G, approximately 389 parcels - approximate cost
$752 , 219 . 00.
Approximate unit costs per 1ot - 1968-3F = $2 , 200
1968-3G = $1 , 855
Rainbow Tract. . . . . . $3, 578
Director Wakeman stated that he does not see where we can do other than what
we should and agree with the report of the engineers; a protest hearing will
be scheduled for the owners to attend.
Attorney Hill recommended adoption of the following resolutions: {Assessment
District No. 1968-3F):
RESOLUTION NO. 1349, A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 1340, Entitled
"A Resolution of intention to acquire and construct improvements . " Director
Hegarty moved, seconded by Directar Wakeman, carried unanimously, adopted.
Also, the Engineers report has been filed with the C1erk for 1968-3F.
RESOLUTION NO. 1350 , A Resolution of Preliminary Approval of Engineers Report.
RESOLUTION NO. 1351: A Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale.
RESOLUTION NO. 1352: A Resolution appointing time and place of hearing
prot�sts in relation to proposed acquistions and improvements , and directing
notice. - DECEMBER l lth, 8:00 P. M. , District Conference Room.
RESOLUTION NO. 1353: A Resolution Describing proposed boundaries of
Assessment District, Directing Filing of Map, Directing Recordation of
Notice of Assessment, and Directing Filing of Assessment Diagram.
Assessment District 1968-3F.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried
that the RESOLUTIONS - NOS 1350 through 1353, as recommended by Attorney
R. J. Hill be approved.
RESOLUTION NO. 1354 , A Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct
Improvements .
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried
that RESOLUTION NO. 1354 be approved, as recommended by Attorney Hill.
A1so, Engineers Report has been filed with the Clerk for No. 1968-3G,
consisting of Assessment Diagram and Roll.
RESOLUTION NO. 1355 , A Resolution of Preliminary Approval of Engineer's
RESOLUTION NO. 1356: A Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale.
RESOLUTION NO. 1357: A Resolution Appointing Time and Place of Hearing
Protests in Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improvements, and Directing
Notice, DECEMBER 11 , 1969 , 8;30 P. M.
1.L`'„",�',n 1"l�,r,lllv� -5 N'Overrib�r 6, 1969
RESOLUTTdN NC�, 1358: A 12esolution Describing proposed boundares of
Assessment bistrict, directing filing of map, directing recordation of Notice
of Assessment and Directing filing of Assessment Diagram,
Dir�ctor Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NOS. 1355 through 1358 be approved as recommended by Attorney
Robert J, Hill.
12 . RESOLUTION NO. 1359 , A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals or Bids/
Assessment Districts No. 1968-3F and 1968-3G, DECEMBER 11, 1969 , 2:00 P.M.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1359 be approved.
Attorney Robert J. Hill stated we have entered into an agreement with the U.S.F.S.
regarding sewering USFS Tracts in 1968-3; he requested a resolution be approved
authorizing the secretary to execute an agreement with the USFS (1968-3F) approving
two minor changes which the USFS has made in these new permits . The USFS will
make no changes in the permit without our approval.
RESOLUTION NO. 1360 - Authorizing the secretary to execute an agreement with the
USFS regarding 1968-3F.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1360 be approved, as recommended by Attorney Robert J. Hill.
Attorney Hill recommended the adoption of the following resolutions, covering
changes and modifications in the assessment districts listed below:
Resolution No. 1361 Assessment District 1952-1
Resolution No. 1362 Assessment District 1959-1
Resolution No. 1363 Assessment District 1960-1
Resolution No. 1364 Assessment District No. 1960-2
Resolution No. 1365 Assessment District 1960-3
Resolution No. 1366 Assessment District 1960-4
Resolution No. 1367 Assessmant District 1961-1
Resolution No. 1368 Assessment District 1962-1
Resolution No. 1369 Assessment District 1964-1
Resolution No. 1370 Assessment District 1966-2
Resolution No. 1371 Assessment District 1967-1
Resolution No. 1372 Assessment District 1967-4A
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
the RESOLUTIO NOS. 1361 through 1372 be approved, as recomme.nded by Attor.ney
Robert J. Hill.
President Fesler asked Attorney Hill if Wilson, jones, Mo�ton and Lynch does this
every year without additional fee . Attorney Hill stated that he was going to bring
this before the Board and wi11 do so at a later date .
a . Billing for pouglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1
b. Use of Mee ting Room.
c. Gra.nting right-of-way to Pacific Telephone Company
d. Discuss Solids VVaste Commit�ee , Dis�rict's positio.n regarding water
Compa.nies; and costs of sewer service , etc.
The above study sessions are scheduled for 11/13/69 , 3:00 PM, District Conference
R oom.
Preside.nt Fesler also mentioned the meeting with the Alpi.ne County Board of
Supervisors Friday, 11/7/69 , 3:00 P, M. , and the Lake Tahoe Area Council mee�ing
11/7/69 at 3:30 P, M,
There are three (3) Directors planning to attend the Gover.nor's Conference at Los
Angeles o.n 11/17-18/69 , re water pollution.
General Ma.nager C ulp requested permission to go to Kansas to give a report at the
University of Ka.nsas regarding our facilities . Manager Culp will then proceed to
r�e�juLai ivieeuric� -b 11/6/6g
THE Marley Company as they have requested that he come down to see some of the
new equipme.nt.
The U.niversity of Kansas will pay Manager Cu1p's expe.nses . This would be
for January 7 , 1970; approximately two days (1/7-8/) and expe.nses a.nd travel �ime .
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Direccor Wakeman, unanimously carried, �hat
Manager Culp be given permission to atte.nd the confere.nce at Kansas City.
Manager Culp stated that the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Co.ntrol Board wi11 meet
at Markleeville on 11/20/69 , 10:00 A.M„ �o discuss discharge requireme.nts for the
reservoir. Manager Culp wi11 attend. On 11/19/69 , �he same group will tour �he
plant facilities at 1:00 P,M.
Mention was made that many requests have been received regarding restoralion of
some property due to construction by Frontier Contractors . It was stated that the re-
quests will be taken care of prior to final payment to Frontier Contractors .
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, secanded by Director Hegarty, that
the claims in the amount of $286,473. 06, and the transfer of funds in the amount
of $417 ,770. 56, as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan, be approved,
Carried unanimously,
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
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David W, Callahan, Clerk of Board and
ex-Officio Secretary
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the
South Tahoe Public Utility District
November 20 , 1969
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session
at 8:00 P.M. , November 20 , 1969 , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman,
Donald H. Kortes and Gerald G. Ream, Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board
David W. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Mayer and A.L. Shoupe, Attorney John
C. Weidman, John Murphy-Sacramento Bee and visitor from Tahoe Paradise , Calif.
ABSENT: Director Edward E.Hegarty and Attorney Robert J. Hill.
MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously
carried, that the minutes of November 6, 1969 be approved as presented.
"Manager's Report
November 20 , 1969
On November 10 , 1969 , the Board and its consultants met with the
Alpine County Supervisors and representatives of the Bureau of Land Management
and the California Department of Water Resources, California Department of Fish
and Game , and Congressman Johnson's office to discuss recreational development
at Indian Creek Reservoir. The District presented the fact it has already virtually
completed its obligations in this area by constructing the dam and reservoir,
providing the water, and filing the Davis-Grunsky application. At the meeting
it was agreed that Alpine County and B.L,M. would again meet to work out the
details of a B.L.M. budget request to be filed in December 1969 for funds to construct
on-site recreation facilities, a.nd to operate and maintain them.
In further regard to Indian Creek Reservoir, at its regular meeting in
Markleeville this morning, the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board approved
the water quality in Indian Creek Reservoir for recreational purposes,. including all
1��GUT,AR M�ETING -2- November 20, 1969 ���'�
water contact sports; however, the lake will not actually be opened for recreation until some
agency accepts the responsibility for operation and maintenance of recreation facilities" .
Manager Culp stated that he attended the meeting at Alpine County this morning and
Mr. Eger had stated that this Board should be commended on their good faith and how this
District carried through on what they said they would.
Also, another statement was made from a member of the State Board of Health, who stated
that the Department has been following the Directors and District operations for 21
months and during that time both have conformed to the standards for all uses of contact
sports and they gave their approval.
California Fish and Game stated that they have no question we can maintain this , Manager
Culp stated.
Mr. Culp mentioned that it was very pleasing to him to hear all the compliments, and he
stated that he wished the Board could have attended that meeting.
"The Planning Committee met on November 12th to discuss the final billing to Douglas
County Improveme.nt District for sewer service, right-of-way for Pacific Telephone and
other matters.
On November 19 ,the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board made a tour of
the Water Reclamation Pla.nt.
On November 17th, a TV news story was filmed by KSTP-TV, Channel 5 of Minneapolis-
St.Laul. Mr. Ray Voss, representing the station commented that it was refreshing to
see a District �hat had actually solved a problem in water pollution control, rather than
to just talk about it, or to assign it to a committee for study" ,
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's
Report be approved as presented.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer stated all items are on age.nda.
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Mr. A.L. Shoupe, Resident Engineer, stated that
construction progress is now as follows:
CONTRACT AND CONTRACT��R Percentage Completed
Solids Handling System, BSP Corporation 99%
Assessment District 1967-4, Frontier Contractors 99%
AreasB & COnly " " 99%
USFS, Schedule I, Granite Construction 100%
USFS, Schedule II, Wismer and Becker 72%
Assessment District 1968-1 , Gene McLaughlin gg%
Trout Creek Trunk Sewer, H. M. Byars Cons. 100%
Grit Removal System, RCH Associates p��o
Manhole Modifications , Wunchel and Small 20%
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the hearing for WSM is
scheduled for December 5 , 1969� also, that Mr. Small of WSM is not suing the District
. for any money but to declare the contract was not legal, Mr. Weidman stated.
1 . Annexation: No report.
2 . Planning: Met to review the policy re use of the conference room.
Far action on the agenda. .
3 . Public Information: No report.
4 . Personnel: No report. Scheduled Committee Meeting for Monday,
November 24 , 3:00 P.M. , District Office .
5 . Banking/Insurance: Letter from Insurance Agent pointing out that the
premium charge this year is $15 ,391. 00 and that last
year was $18 , 325 , 00. Insurance is $2 ,934. 00
less than last year, taking into consideration that
there is more coverage.
���6 REGUT�AFt M�ETI�1G -3- November 20, 1969
l . Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1373 , A Resolution of the South Tahoe Public
Utility District Declaring the Elected Candidates at the General District Election.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1373 be approved.
2, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-4A: - Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1374 , A
Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications.
3 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1967-3B: Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1375 ,
A Resolution Ordering Changes and Modificatinns.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, una.nimously carried, that
RESOT�UTION NOS. 1374 and 1375 be approved.
Authorizing the General Manager to execute a right-of-way agreement with
Pacifia. Telephone Company at the A1 Tahoe Pump Station site .
Manager Culp stated that this was discussed at a Study Session and the Agreement
and Resolution written as requested by the Board.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1376 be approved.
5 . TROUT CREEK, RESOLUTION NO. 1377 , A Resolution Accepting Completion and
Directing the Filing of Notice of Completion.
Engineer H.E. Moyer stated that this system is ready for use; there is additional
reseeding work to be done in the amou.nt of approximately $5 ,100. 00, and requested
that the retention be paid to the contractor except for the $5 ,100.00, until, the
reseeding work is finished, and this might not be until next spring because of the
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1377 be approved, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer.
President Fesler asked A.L. Shoupe if there were any claims from property owners . Mr.
Shoupe stated that there are no claims by property owners against H.M.Byars
6. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-1: Postponed u.ntil the next regular meeting.
Assistant General Manager Callahan asked if permits could be issued to property owners
in this area. Mr. Shoupe stated that the permits cannot, at this time , be issued, but
within two weeks everything underground will be completed, and permits could then
be issued for connection.
Engineer Moyer stated that he could see na reason why the property ow.ner could not
lay the pipe and not make the actual connection to the sewer main.
In regards to Tahoe Paradise Addition Nos . 4 and 5 , Attorney Weidman asked the Board
if property owners in these areas could connect, subject to inspection of Engineer
A.L. Shoupe.
Director Ream stated that it has been the practice of the City to leave the ditch
open at the street; some of the owners can make the con.nection and then they do not
call the City for inspection and then trouble starts; the main line is not tested and
when they start to do the testing, if the owners are connected there will be floods
in their house.
Engineer Moyer stated that the question now is - can we allow the permit to be issued
before the system is ready for use and accepta.nce . Again he stated that he did not
see why the owner could not lay the pipe and have it ready for connection within the
next two weeks when 1968-1 is ready for acceptance.
R�GULA�? MEETTNG -4- November 20, 1969 ��Q7
Mr. Moyer recommended that a motion be made to accept for be.neficial use the portion
of 1968-1 that has been tested and approved for use by the District Engineer; all except
Rolling Wood Heights.
Di�ector Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the
recommendation of Engineer H.E.Moyer be approved and accepted.
7 . U. S. FOREST SERVICE SEWER SYSTEM, SCHEDULE I: Gra.nite Construction Company.
a. Change Order No. 7 - - No action to be taken on Cha.nge Order No. 7 as this is just
a technical change order which makes the quantity agree with the final pay estimate.
RESOLUTiON NO. 1378: Accepting Completion and Directing the Filing of Notice of
�ompletion. Engineer Moyer reviewed the area to be covered by this Notice of
Completion with the Directors .
Also, Mr. Moyer stated that $500.00 would be withheld to cover reseeding as
requested by the U.S.F.S.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1378 be approved, as recomme.nded by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer.
8. POND AREA REDEVELOPMENT: Bill A. Young, Contractor - - Manager R.L. Culp
stated that a letter was received from Architect Robert Mason requesting payment to
Bill A. Young of $11,474 .80 and retaining 10% in the amount of $3 ,494. 20.
Manager Culp stated that the District should have something in writing in regards to
replacing of tree s , etc, , - - the se did not germinate.
The Contractor does have additional seed and would be willing to go back
to reseed the area; we should file the Notice of Compaletion and make final payment
withholding the 10% retention, recommended Manager R.L. Culp.
President Fesler stated that this is an entirely different contract and that he would like to
go look at the area and felt that maybe the entire Board should visit the area and postpone
accepting the Notice of Completion for two weeks.
Director Wakeman stated that one of the things that he had hoped for was that the road
would be cut off and he did notice the road is still there.
Manager Culp stated that Bill A. Young would like to have his money as he does have
sub-contractors to pay in the amount of $9 ,000. 00.
President Fesler stated that he did not feel it was unreasonable for the Board to go over
to lodc ak the jQb and see if we have what we have promised the citizens of this area.
Attorney Weidman stated that Bill A, Young is due the money.
Director Ream stated that he cannot see why the contractor should be penalized because
we have not taken the time to go out to look the job over.
Attorney Weidman stated that in the letter of transmittal to Bill A Young, it should be
noted that this Board has not accepted the project as yet.
l . December 3 , 1969 , 3:00 P.M. , to discuss the letter that will be mailed
to the property owners regarding connections to the sewer system; (2) level of reservoir,
a. RESOLU TION NO. 1379 , A Resolution Approving Specifications.
b. RESOLUTION NO. 1380, A Resolution Calling forSealed Proposals for
Equipment for a Reservoir Turnover System.
Approximate cost $8 ,000 .00. Bid Opening scheduled for 12/3/69, 3:00 P.M.
/rO� _5_ November 20 , 1969
Manager Culp stated that he did contact Sierra Pacific Power Company and furnished
them with a sketch as to wher� � if They can get the powerbineoor have Bo goefor the
bid is out, the District will k
portable generator.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NOS. 1379 and 1380 be approved as recommended by Manager R.L. Culp.
10 . SCHEDULE "F" , BSP Corporation Contract: Attorney J.C . Weidman stated that
an agreement has been reached regarding the language contained within the agreement.
He requested authorizatio P`°ith Si tnatureseof BSP Corporati nha d1Bird Machine me
has been received from BS g
Company - he wanted the District to be the last to sign the agreement.
There are a few items to be completed on this contract, Tertiary Plant - and if same
are not completed within the 35 days , a recommendation will come before the Board
to have this work done and this could be deducted from the amount due BSP Corporation.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the
President of the Board be authorized ndemg ficat on ag eeme pt r after same has beentual
release of contract obligations and i
received signed by BSP Corporation and Bird Machine Company.
10 A: Harlan E . Moyer, Engine er, stated that the plans and specifications for heating system
and snwv removal are ready and recommended adoptian of the following Resolutions:
a. R£SOLUTION NO. 1381 - Approving Plans and Specifications .
RESOLUTION NO. 1382 - Calling for sealed proposals for modifications to the
Administration Building. (12/11/69 - 3:00 P.M.- Approximate estimated cost $6,000)
Director VVakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes , unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NOS. 1381 and 1382 be approved as recommended by Engineer H.E.
10 B. Mr. Richard Doud had attarada e Addit on No S 4 and Nolr 5 to Theecounty had a
an d t h i s i s i n r e g a r d s t o T a h o e P
contract with A. Teichert and Sons , which gave the County the right to use any
completed portion of the system an d any lega l e n t i t y c o u l d u s e the com pleted portion
of the system. Mr. Weidman stated that he spoke with Mr. A. Cort and the County
is willing, when we are willing, to go by A.L. Shoupe's inspection of the system in
Tahoe Paradise Addition No. 4 and No. 5 , and enable connections.
Tahoe Paradise Addition No. 4 and No. 5 is one contract and Addition Nos• and78 t e�s into
8 is ano t h e r c o n t r a c t; a�a dlows a differeot d recti nYs Nos. 6 ,e7 and 8 do a f fect lines
Meyer's Trunk System
previously installed.
Damage was done to Addition 1, 2 , and 3 , while 6 , 7 and 8 of the
Meyer's trunk system were under construction. A letter was mailed to the contractor
statin g that if they did not p 11 the contr ctornd Thedc�ontractor doestnote ntend toe
District would proceed and bi
put these lines back into service . The District crew is working on same.
H,E. Moyer stated that there is nNou4sand ShaAlso,ethat theSD str'otssbou d take
problems i n the lines in Addition
whatever legal action we can to cover o�.�r�elves; Attorney Weidman stated that the
County should be notified of thetateda hathwe doswant to pro idehservice.to the
President Fesler s
property owners in the areas at the earliest possible date .
Manager Culp was authorized to proceed with any emergency work to provide service
to Tahoe Paradise Additions l, 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 and 8 . Director Wakeman moved, seconded
by Director Ream and unanimously carried.
10 C: - RESOLUTION 1383 , Accepting the system in Tahoe Paradise Addition Unit
4and5 .
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream,unanimously carried, that Resolution
No. 1383 be approved, accepting the system - Tahoe Paradise Addition Unit 4 and 5
R�GULAR MEETING -6- November 20, 1969 ��'9
It is going to be requested of the County to give the District permission to accept
this area and have it available for use .
Assistant Ma.nager Callahan stated that Units 1, 2 and 3 have been accepted by the
County two years ago; can permits be issued to the property owners? Harlan E.
Moyer, Engineer, stated that permits could not be issued in this area as damage
was done to the existing sewers. The system is not in a position to issue permits;
as soon as the system is restored, then we can issue permits for Units 1, 2 and 3 .
The line now is not cleared.
NEW BUSINESS: - Property Damage to owners of property due to Contractors working
in the area. . . . President Fesler stated that letters have been received regardi.ng
property damage from Contractors work on the different projects . Another claim
from a Water Company, claiming $7 ,800. 00 damage for water main repairs, and
this has not been paid by the Contractors. The water company is going to file
a lien against the District payments to Leo L. Davis. Attorney Weidman stated
that we should be put on Notice and anything that they can do to stop final payment
to the Contrad�r should be explored by the Water Company.
President Fesler stated that he felt we have a responsibility to the people and the
least this Boar�i can do would be to use our weight and job and power of retention
to force the Contractor to do the right thing for these people .
President Fesler stated one property owner did have some damage to the home; a
boulder was blown through her house and caused a considerable amount of damage.
President Fesler stated that he would like to see the property owners rights protected.
Manager Culp will write a letter to a Mrs. Baden assuring her that the amount claimed
will be withheld from the Contractor's payment.
GOVERNOR'S CONFERENCE - Los Angeles: - Director Wakeman stated that this was a
very fine and beneficial meeting; problems discussed were air, water, population
and land use. Many students attended this conference , making many statements regarding
the United States and Viet Nam, population, etc.
President Fesler stated that he too was very impressed with thisconference. The people
in the area feel very strongly about the smog problem and they want action to help
correct this . They want control agencies for buildings , etc. , --President Fesler also
stated that he was very impressed with the caliber of the presentations and the people
in attendance from 9:00 A.M. through midnight.
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3: Letters were mailed regarding this assessment
district and the hearing.
Assistant General Manager Callahan stated that a reply was received from a Mr. John
Kline who objected to the date of the hearing as being much to soon and asked if same
cannot be postponed - he protested the assessment.
Mr. Robert Rice, USFS, suggested this Board meet with the poeple in the Rainbow Tract.
USE OF DISTRICT CONFERENCE ROOM: Director Kortes stated that a meeting was held to
discuss the use of the meeting room. He presented suggestions from the Planning
Committee in le.tter form to each Director and requested same be studied for possible
action at the next meeting.
Manager Culp stated that when the Conference Rooms have been used, during the
breaks , those in attendance would want to get to the telephones; at one time all
five phones in the officer were in use. At � committee meeting, it was discussed
installing a public telephone. Same will be ins talled next week, Manager Culp
RESOLUTION NO. 1384 , Annexation No. 1969-9 (Edelstein, 80 Acres)
RESOLUTION NO. 1385 , Annexation No.1969-10 (Approximately 150 acres)
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Directar Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NOS. 1384 and 1385 be approved, as recommended by Assistant Manager
The above annexations will go before LAFCO during December 1969.
�/�� R�GU�R ME�TING November 20 , 1969
AUDIT: - Assistant Manager Callahan passed copies of the Audit Report to all
Directors for study and action at a later date .
COMMUNICATIONS: Notice received fram the City regarding annexation of this
property to be held on 12/16/69 , 8:00 P.M. , City Hall.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $84 , 273 .89 and the transfer
of funds in the amount of $50 ,000 be approved, as recommended by Assistant
General Manager Callahan.
President Fesler reminded the Board that the first meeting in December will be the
reorganizational meeting.
---� -
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
ATT �':
f�� ,�,,.,.-�<:���2�'-a'�--_._..
Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
of the
South Tahoe Public Utility District
December 4 , 1969
The Board of Directors of the South Tah� Public Utility District met in a regular
session December 4 , 1969 , 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were Fresident Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman,
Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream, Manager Russell L, Culp,
Assistant Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan , Engineer Harlan E.
Moyer, Attorney John C . �/Veidman, Arthur L. Shoupe , John Murphy.
ABSENT: Attorney Robert J. Hill.
MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried,
that the minutes of 11/20/69 be approved as presented.
MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Culp presented his report, as follows:
"Attached is the plant operations report for November 1969 . Total Flow for the month
is up 8% over November of last year.
On Monday, December lst, the Board met with the Alpine County Supervisors in
Markleeville, to discuss operation of India.n Creek Reservoir.
On December 3rd, the Board met with its consultants, representatives of the Forest
Service, and permittees from the Rainbow Tract. This meeting was followed by a Board
Study Session to discuss (1) means for securing more complete conformance with
Contractor license laws in making house-to-sewer connections; (2) methods for
notifying property owners of the availability of sewer service , and (3) use of the
Board Conference Room. The Board set a study session for 3:00 P.M. on VVednesday
on the 7th of January, 1970 , to review the annual report of the District's Auditors.
The Board also recommended that the regular meetings in January 1970 be postponed
from January 1, and january 15th, to january 8th and January 22nd respectively".
REGULAR M��TYNG -2- December 4 , 1969 ��I�
"�'lant Operations"
Total Plant Flow 50 . 2 MG (Oct. 55.5)
Daily Average Flow 1 , 7 MGD (Oct. 1.8 MGD)
Nevada District Flow None
Chlorine Used 4 ,845 lbs .
Propane Used None
Natural Gas Used 5 . 5 Million Cubic Feet
Electricity Used 570 ,000 KWH
Polymer Used 902 Lbs
Emergency Holding Pond Empty, Not Used.
Lime Used Makeup 88 Tons
Recalcined 106 Tons
Alum Used 6,205 gallons
NOVEMBER 1968 Flows:
Total: Daily Average
Plant Flow 46 .4 1. 5 MGD"
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
the Manager's report be approved as presented.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer stated he had no report.
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: A.L. Shoupe reported the progress, as follows:
Contract and Contractor Percentage Completed
Solids Handling System, BSP Corporation 100%
Assessment District 1967-4 , Frontier Contractors 99%
Areas B and C Only, Frontier Contractors 100%
U.S.F .S. , Schedule I, Granite Cons. 100%
U.S.F .S. , ScheduleII, Wismer and Becker 75%
Trout Creek Trunk Sewer, H.M. Byars Cons. 100%
Assessment District 1968-1 , Gene McLaughlin 99%
Grit Removal System, RCH Associates 5%
Manhole Modifications , Wunchel and Small 70%"
Regarding Assessment District No. 1967-4 , Mr. Shoupe stated that he , Mr. Moyer
and Robert Sondag and j. Brittian, Don Showalter, met to discuss damages in all
assessment district areas - 4B,4C, 4D and 4E, caused to property. Frontier was
told by District Engineers that the projects would not be accepted until Frontier could
obtain a letter from E1 Dorado County stating that they have accepted the job, agreeing
that Frontier can, when weather permits, return to complete the clean-up work; also,
claims made against Frontier by the property owners must have their attention with
notification to the District that the property owners have been satisfied, with
acceptance from the County and with some notification to the District regarding
the claims of the property owners against Frontier, this District will accept 1967-4B,
4C , 4D and 4E.
1. Anre xation: No report.
2 . Planning: Met regarding use of ineeting room; listed on agenda for
3. Public Information: Director Wakeman had copies of an article which appeared
in the "This World, " Sunday, November 30, 1959 issue,
POLLUTED" , regarding the Governor's Conference on
California's Changing Environment" held at Los Angeles
November 17 and 18 , 1969 , at the Ambassador Hotel.
4 . Personnel: Director Ream stated that the committee did discuss the
possibility of having a Christmas Party for the employees
and later same was discussed by the Board in Study Session.
It was agreed that rather than scheduling a Christmas party,
it would be best to have an employee dinner towards the
last of January or early February of 1970 .
5 . B�inking/Insurance: No report.
��/ y R�GU'T�F2 IVIEETING -3- December 4 , 1969
1. Organization of Board, Election of Chairman and Committee Appointments .
President Fesler appointed Director Wakeman temporary chairman of the Board and he
then resigned as Chairman of the Board.
Director Hegarty nominated Robert W. Fesler as President of the Board for 1970, Director
Kortes Seconded.
Director Wakeman asked if there are any other nominations - (asked 3 times)
no other nominations - therefore , by unanimous vote , Robert W. Fe sler was
nominated and elected by the Directors as President of the Board of Directors
of the South Tahoe Public Utility District for 1970.
President Fesler stated that he does accept the job with great thanks and he has
enjoyed being President of the Board, and will continue to do hi:. best as
Pre sident in the future.
President Fesler stated that the committee assignments will be considered at a later
meeting, but mentioned the existing committees are , or will become , obsolete and
named possible future committee titles:
Solids Waste,
Water Reclamation, etc.
President Fesler asked Manager Culp to please give some thought to Committee
titles before the next regular meeting of this Board.
Harlan E. Moyer stated that the Board adopted a Resolution approximately two
years ago for the various committees and the various committee responsibilities,
and suggested that it might be that the Board consider adopting another resolution.
Director Wakeman stated that this should be discussed at a Study Session rather than
a regular meeting. President Fesler will notify Directors of a date to discuss committee
responsibility, the Resolution, etc.
a. Bid Opening. One bid received from:
Luscombe Engineering of San Mateo , California
$7 ,300 .00
Manager Culp stated that the reason for receiving only one bid is because this is the
only firm that manufacturers this equipment.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director �ea m and unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1386 , Authorizing Award of Contract to LUSCOMBE ENGINEERING
of SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA, in the amount of $7 , 300. 00, their bid price , be
approved, as so recommended by General Manager Russell L, Culp.
General Manager Culp also mentioned to the Board the cost for electricity regarding
this project. After further discussion of costs by this Board, it was agreed that
Mr. Harlan Moyer, Engineer, and Mr. Russell Culp, General Manager, contact
Sierra Pacific Power Company requesting a meeting with one in authority to discuss
costs and notify Directors of time and date of ineeting.
3. PIONEER VILLAGE PUMP SITE: a . Consider accepting deed and paying back taxes.
RESOLUTION NO. 1387: Accepting deed and paying back taxes for Pioneer Village
Pump Station Site .
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1387 be approved.
Assistant General Manager Callahan mentioned that a deed for the Tahoe Keys Pump
Station site is not in the District files .
REGULAR MEETING -4- December 4 , 1969 ����
4 . USE OF BOARD MEETING ROOM: Planning Committee submitted a report regarding
use of the conference room, also policies for use of same . This report is o.n file at
the Dis trict Office.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the
use of the meeting room be approved, as recommended by the Planning Committee and
as so stated in their report to the Board.
POND AREA REDEVELOPMENT: - The Board toured the facilities of the Pond Area and
agreed that the Contractor did accomplish the work as specified in + the plans and
specifications of the contract. President Fesler stated that the Board also wants to take
another look at the area in the Spring to see that the plantings will grow or are growing;
there is a possibility that tamarack and/or pine trees, donated by the U.S.F.S. ca.n
also be planted.
RESOLUTION NO. 1388: Accepting and directing the filing of Notice of Completion.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1388 be approved.
HEARING: ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS: Confirming Amended Assessments.
President Fesler opened the hearing at 8:50 P.M. No written protests were received and
no communications were received. No one in attendance regarding same . President
Fesler closed the hearing at 8:55 P.M.
Resolution No. 1389 1952-1
Resolution No, 1390 1959-1
Resolution No. 1391 1960-1
Resolution No. 1392 1960-2
Resolution No. 1393 1960-3
Resolution No. 1394 1960-4
Resolution No. 1395 1961-1
Resolution No. 1396 1962-1
Resolution No, 1397 1964-1
Resolution No. 1398 1966-2
Resolution No. 1399 1967-1
Resolution No. 1400 1967-4A
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimausly carried, that
RESOLUTION NOS. 1389 through 1400 be approved.
18 . TAHOE PARADISE UNITS NOS. 6, 7 and 8: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by
Director Ream, unanimously carried, that:
a . RESOLUTION NO. 1401, A Resolution Accepting Sewer System
in Tahoe Paradise Units 6, 7 and 8, be approved.
19 . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 1968-1: Gene McLaughlin Construction Company.
a . RESOLUTION NO, 1402 , Accepting completion and directing
the filing of Notice of Completion.
There are only a few items of clean-up for this area and funds will be withheld until the
clean-up is completed; the system is ready for use, and District Engineers recommended
adoption of RESOLUTION NO. 1402 .
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1402 be approved.
��� e f R�GU'T�Ft IvMEETYNG -5- Dece mber 4 , 1969
MISCELLANEOUS: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer memtioned that when he was Acting
Manager for the District, he was asked ta obtain data regarding sewer service fees,
etc. , a.nd asked the $oard if they wanted him to prepare a report in final formal form
ar informal, or if he should continue with this . He stated that if this is to be
continued, the report could be ready for the District during early January. The cost
of preparing this report would be approximately $1,500 plus reproduction costs.
President Fesler stated that after the first of the year, this Board will be studying
service fees , inspection fees, etc. , and stated he would like to think about this
before authorization is given for preparation of any report.
Assistant Ge.neral Manager Callahan stated that if the Board agreed that an increase
in sewer service fees would be all that could be involved, then authorization to increase
same would a.nd could be approved at any time; however, the report that Mr. Moyer
would present, if authorized, would contain changes in unit service structure, and
this would take much more time; this was the reason for the early January mention
for completion of the report, if the Board approved.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes,
unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $218,787 .70 be approved
for payment, as recammended by Assistant Ge.neral Manager Callahan.
ADJOURNMENT: President Fesler adjoured the meeting at 9:00 P.M, to December
11 , 1969 , 8:00 P.M. , District Office.
---� ;-�--
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South Tahoe Public Utility District
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Clerk of Board a.nd ex-Officio Secretary
South Tahoe Public Utility District
BID OPENING. . . . . . . . .DECEMBER 11 , 1969 . . . . . . 2:00 P.M.
Nos. 1968-3F a.nd 1968-3G
Bid opening was held at 2:00 P.M. , District Conference Room.
PRESENT: Harlan E. Moyer, District Engineer, Donald Showalter, C'lair A. Hill
and Associates , Russell Culp, General Manager - So. Tahoe P.U.D. , David W.
Callahan, Assistant General Manager - So. Tahoe P.U.D. and Director Gerald
G. Ream and President Robert W. Fesler of the Board of Directors of the So. Tahoe
1 . Kirkwood-Bly, Inc. , PO Box 6164 , Santa Rosa, Calif. 95406 $ 708,650
2 . Valley Engineers, Inc. ,PO Box 992 , Fresno, Calif. 841 ,376
3. Ernest E. Pestana, Inc. , 2225 Old Oakland Hwy, San Jose,Calif 1 ,185,442 .
4. Frontier Contracts, Inc. , Fair Oaks , California 882 ,310.
5. J.F.Shea Co. , Inc. , 1290 Smith Rd. , Redding, Calif. 894, ].15.
6. A. Teichert & Son,Inc. , 2545 Tacchino St;Sparks ,Nev. 975 ,968.50
7 . Terry Construction Corp. , Box "Y" , Stateline , Nevada 786, 100
ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$798 ,765 .00" �
/� f ' .�i �_.lL-�-�-`k-'/
Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary
South Tahoe Public Utility District
DECEMBER 11, 1969
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Ufil.ity District met in an adjourned
regular session for HEARING ON ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3F AND 1968-3G.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Robert Wakeman, Donald H.
Kortes and Edward E . Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream - Directors; Ma.nager Russell L.Culp,
Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney John C .
Weidman, Attorney Robert j. Hill, Donald Showalter and Arthur L. Shoupe of Clair
A. Hill and Associates; Bruce Puiett - U.S.F.S. and D. DuBois of the Lahontan
Regional Water Quality Control Board. Several visitors were in attendance.
General Manager Russell L. Culp read this resolution, which is a
moratorium on all building at the North Shore or the South Shore, or both; states that
the capacity the South Tahoe Public Utlity District can now handle and can handle in
the future - - 90% of the area in this District is sewered and 10% to yet be sewered
will be treated through this plant also.
Manager Culp recommened that RESOLUTION NO. 1403, be adopted and approved, and
also stated that the South Tahoe Public Utility District sees no reason whatsoever, from
the standpoint of sewage collection, treatment, or export, to place a moratorium o.n
development within the South Shore area from Stateline to Emerald Bay".
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1403 be approved, as recommended by General 'Mar�ager R.L. Culp.
HEARING: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-3F: President Fesler opened the hearing
on 1968-3F Assessrr�ent District at 8:20 P.M. , and mentioned the procedure that would
be followed; statements by the various regulatory agencies that are concerned and an
explanation of the Assessment District location, boundary, etc. , by the Engineer and
a report of the financial aspects by the Bonding Attorney Robert J. Hill; also that
an ample opportunity would be given all in attendance for questions, etc. , after all
presentations have been made; written protests will then be read and oral protests
will follow and the hearing then closed.
Following the above, Hearing on Assessment District No. 1968-3G will then be opened
and the same procedure will follow.
President Fesler requested a statement from the U.nited States Forest Service representa-
tive , Mr. Bruce Puiett.
Mr, Bruce Puiett stated that the U.S.F.S. would encourage the permittees in the Rainbow
and Upper Truckee Tract to take this opportunity to have sewers built by this project
and the financing taken care of by bonding. He further stated that he felt this might be
their only chance, and if .not, then other plans will have to be made sometime in the
future and the financial conditions could be greater at a later date. It could also
result to where if sewers are not available , the property could not be used. He stated
that the U.S.F.S. would like the residents to think very carefully before they make a
decision and again me.ntioned that this would be their best opportunity to get the job
done and meet the state requirement at a low cost.
stated that all sewage should be exported from the Lake Tahoe Basin. The Lahontan
Regional Water Quality Control Board required three public utility districts in the
California portion of the basin to export sewage from the Lake Tahoe Basin; also,
A.B. No. 1943 stated that after January 1, 1972 , all sewage from within the Lake Tahoe
Watershed shall be placed only into a sewer system for transportation outside the basin and
the use of any sewage disposal means within the watershed or the occumpancy of a
building discharging sewage which is not exported is a public nuisance and that
legal action may be brought to halt such occupancy and prohibit the use of the
property. Mr. DuBois further stated that anyone who asks to be excluded from the
export mandate is asking for the right to contribute to the pollution of Lake Tahoe
while others are endeavoring to protect it for the benefit of everyone .
• �" , `��� -� r�a�o�trnea xegula� M�eting
///� Hearing-1968-3F � 3G
1/2 9/69
"Honorable Board of Directors
South Tahoe Public Utility District
South Lake Tahoe, California
RE: Assessment District 1968-3
I am acquainted with the sanitary sewerage project which you propose to undertake
pursuant to special assessment and assessment bond proceedings , or other
appropriate proceedings, which project is more particularly set forth in our
Resolution Requesting Recommendation of Health Officer.
I recommend, as necessary as a health measure, that you undertake proceedings
pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this State,
or other appropriate proceedings, as you shall determine, for the construction of
said improvements and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited
thereby. This recommendation extends to such changes and modifications therein
as you shall find to be proper or advisable , in the manner provided by law.
Yours respectfully,
s/Harold M. Mozer, M.D. ,
Health Officer
County of El Dorado"
General Manager Culp stated that this gives the board the option of overriding any or
all protests , even if 100% protested.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer explained and pointed out the boundaries covered
and included in Assessment District No. 1968-3F, U.S.F,S . Summer Home Tract,
Rainbow Tract, Upper Truckee Summer Home Tract, Grass Lake Units 1 and 2 , South-
gate Subdivision and Southgate Subdivision No. 2 containing 207 parcels, 71 parcels
which is USFS 51 in the Rainbow Tract, 20 parcels in the Upper Truckee Tract and
the remaining parcels are privately owned.
Harlan E. Moyer stated that there are two assessment districts to be considered this
evening, both being contiguous , therefore, in the interest of economically being
constructed, the Board agreed the two districts shauld be included in one
construction contract. At 2:00 P.M. today bids were opened on the work for both
assessment district's - 3F and 3G - a total of seven bids were received, as follows:
l . Kirkwood-Bly, Inc. , PO Box 6164 , Santa Rosa, Calif. 95406 $708 ,650
2 . Valley Engineers , Inc. , PO Box 992, Fresno, Calif. $841,376
3 . Ernest E. Pestana ,Inc. ,225 Old Oakland Hwy, , San Jose , Calif. $1 , 185 ,442
4 . Frontier Contractors, Inc. , Fair Oaks , Calif. $882 ,310.00
5 . J.F. Shea Co. , Inc. , 1290 Smith Road, Redding, Calif. $894 , 115
6 . A. Teichert and Son, Inc . , 2545 Tacchino St, Sparks, Nev.89431 $975 ,968.50
7 . Terry Construction Co. , PO Box Y, Stateline,Nev. , 89449 $786, 100
Engineer's Estimate: $798,765 . 00
Present at the bid opening: - Harlan E . Moyer,District Engineer, Don Showalter-Clair
A. Hill and Associates , Russell L. Culp, General Manager, David �N. Callahan, Clerk
of Board and ex-Officio Secretary, Directors Robert W. Fesler and Gerald G. Ream " .
Due to the low bid of Kirkwood-Bly, the cost of the assessment districts can be reduced
and a reduction in each individual assessment for assessments in 1968-3F can be reduced
on the area of benefit method. These two assessment districts are the 24th and the 25th
assessment districts for sewering collection system in the Utility District since 1956.
Assessment charges are based on an area for one unit assessment=15 ,000 sq, ft.=100'
frontage and a depth of 150 feet. Greater than 15 ,000 sp, ft. , the property is charged
with a 2 unit assessment or pay an assessment in proportion.
On large areas the depth of the parcels is limited to 150 feet from the sewer; the assess-
ments are made on the basis of construction costs , plus an allowance for a construction
contingency amount, additional costs for easements and acquisitions, District right-of-
D�CEIvIBER 11 , 19�9 -3- Adjour'nec� R�gutlax' M�eting /���
Protest Hearing
service charge for newly annexed areas , which is an amount which would put the
parcels on par with areas that have been included in the District since its formation,
the charge for this area is $500 per acre9 this property was annexed to the District
in 1968. Other charges include engineering fees, plans and specifications, etc. ,
administrative and legal fees . As a result of the low bid received today, the total
cost of 1968-3F is $589 ,106.00, therefore, total individual assessment for the size
of 15 ,000 sq, ft, would amount to $1,990. 00.
Harlan E . Moyer, Engineer, gave a breakdown of total individual assessments over
the past years, as follows:
Assessment District 1966-2 $1 ,260
Assessment District 1967-1 $1 , 360
Assessment District 1967-2 $1 ,380
Assessment District 1967-3 $1 , 290
Assessment District 1967-4 $1 , 305
Assessment District 1968-1A $1,420
Assessment District 1968-1B $1,380
Assessment District 1968-3F $1 ,990
Engineer Moyer also gave information regarding the above mentioned assessment
districts, and the amount of line that was installed for each.
Mr. Moyer also, as a matter of information, stated that the North Tahoe Public Utility
District has an assessment for each lot of 100 ft. $2,590; Tahoe City Public Utility
District No. 4 - an assessment for same size lot of $2,G20 and Incline Village
an assessment of $1 ,415 for the same size lot.
Mr. Moyer stated that the above has completed his report on Assessment District
No. 1968-3F.
BONDING ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Robert J, Hill stated that Engineer Moyer gave
deductions by reason of the construction bids, which are proposed reductions, as this
still requires board action.
The portion of right-of-service fee that are established under the Ordinance regarding
Upl trunk sewer system is $60.00. The $60.00 is the minimum charge under the
Ordinance which is the charge applicable to any single family residence but not for a
larger parcel that might be developed.
ASSESSMENT FINANCING: - If the Board proceeds with this project, and would
confirm an assessment to handle the construction, the owner would receive, possibly
within two or three weeks after the board action, the new written notice, which would
contain the amount due, the new reduced amounts would be the correct figure. Also,
notification would be received by which date the assessment could be paid - either
in full, part. The date would be approximately twenty days following the notice .
If all of the assessment is not paid, the unpaid amount,for which bonds will be sold
so the money will come in to pay the contractor and other costs , will go to bond over
a fifteen year period and the first payment would be payable in the fiscal year
1970 tax roll. This will be shown separately on the tax roll from the ad-valorem
taxes . The assessments will be a lien on your property. Installments will not be
the same each year. The amount paid on each installment each year will vary- The
amount that is payable on interest, plus the principal, on whatever bonds mature.
Bonds are in the denomination of $1, 000.
If you do not pay and bonds are sold, one could pay any or all of the portion that
remains due; when this is done - principal is paid, plus any interest to the next interest
paying date on the bonds, which is January 2nd and july 2nd of each year, and a 5%
premium or penalty on the amount of the principal remaining at the time you or the owner
decide to pay it off.
President Fesler stated that many property owners have objected to an assessment district
in one case or another because their property is used only a few months of the year and
they maintain their septic tank is sufficient; also, others have purchased la.nd and it
does remain vacant and they cannot see the reason for sewers at this time.
ic�ciiiuci L.i � L:�iv •t HU UUfl1C,-`U t(e ULcII- 1V12eC117
���5 �'rotest Hearing
Engineer Harlan E . Moyer stated that the very first comment made by President Fesler
was answered by Mr. D. DuBois of the Lahontan Regional VVater Quality Control Board.
As far as the septic tanks are concerned, Mr. Moyer stated that by State Law, in
January of 1972 , it can be deemed as a nuisance if not exported, Also, the County
Health Officer points out that septic tanks are a health hazard. Septic tanks are
clearly no longer adequate in the Tahoe Basin as a means of sewage disposal.
Sewer Systems cannot be built only for properties having dwellings; also, in the case
of the State Law and Federal Requirement - the deadline date is for 1970. Lots will
derive benefit from a sewer system. Construction costs have been rising from
S to 7% per year, and it is not economical to wait for construction at a later time .
President Fesler opened this hearing to the Public for questions.
l . Manager Russell L. Culp was asked if the adoption of the Resolution regarding
the moratorium could mean that all sewer construction might have to stop. Mr.
Culp answered that this does not include sewer construction at this time , as long
as the sewer construction meets the standards.
2 , It was asked of Attorney Hill if the interest paid an the bonds will be deducta.ble
and Mr. Hill answered yes . The maximum interest rate could be 7%. The County
and the District will have a record of every installment showing principal, interest,
etc .
3. Mr. Moyer explained that 15 ,000 sq ft was used as a one unit charge and every
parcel of land useable that is 15 ,C00 sq ft or less does have a one unit charge and
larger that would }� more than one unit charge.
4. Attorney Hill was asked what rating and discount would the bonds go for. Ten
percent discount and the rating for the Utility District for general obligation bond
purposes; however, this is in the bottom of the top four rates. These bonds are
assessment bonds and not general obligation bonds , but are equivalent to general
obligation bonds.
5 . Mr. Hill was asked if thisl0% discount rate is what is used in the assessments
received. He replied it was. Also was aked if the discount does go more than 10%
will the assessments go up. Mr. Hill stated that the assessment as confirmed
cannot go up; however, he did mention that there could be a supplemental
assessment proceedings in the future , where costs exceed the amount of
the original assessment. In this District this has never happened, nor was it
necessary. Attorney Hill stated that the revised estimates as given this evening
will be sufficient to cover all costs of the assessment district involved.
6. Mr. Hayes asked regarding the right-of-service charge for acreage of $500 .00.
Engineer Moyer stated that the annexation or right-of-service charge is a charge
which has been established by the District for many years . The District when it
was started contained approximately 300 acres and by annexation it now is to
4,000 acres. The annexation acre charge is for property that has not been within,
but that has received benefit from the facilities built by this District, and a charge
to bring the property to an equal charge to where other properties have been paying
a charge sine 1959 . Each year the annexation fee will increase . Also, parcels
less than one acre will pay an amount less than the acreage charge . This
charge helps to pay for maintenance and operation of the plant and existing systems -
the tax rate for this District is $0.95� per $100; also, in addition to this tax rate,
there is an $0. 80� per $100 bond retirement tax rate for Meyers U-1 Improvement
District, which is to pay for the main trunk sewer and pump stations, etc. ,
constructed to serve the entire U-1 Improvement District area.
Also, it was asked that due to the construction cost, would it not have been better
to have done some of this construction at the time some of the lines were laid prior
to this, and Mr. Moyer stated that in 1966 the Federal Water Pollution Control
Administration held a conference at Lake Tahoe and ordered both Nevada and
California to treat all sewage , collect and export from the Lake Tahoe Basin .
To accomplish this goal, the District has spent twenty-million dollars which
represents a great many contracts , expansion of the plant, 27 miles of pipeline,
etc. The District felt the first and foremost thing to do was to complete the plant
and export system. It would have been impossible to obtain one contractor to complete
the entire job for 12 or 13 million dollars, so the District adopted a program of
stage construction.
becember 11 , 197b -5- Adjourned Regular Meeting /��9
Portest Hearing
Also, Alpine Campground is not included at this time in the U.S.F.S. program, the
U.S.F.S. has spent over two-million dol lars for sewers .
President Fesler closed the question and requested written protests be read,
There were written protests amounting to 67 for No. 1968-3F.
Attorney Hill answered Mr. Depoe's question regarding taxe,s - - the tax bill will include
the ad valorem tax, will include the tax rate levied by an y body within which the
person lives, County, Fire District, School District, etc. , and this Utility District that
will show as one amount. If a breakdown is desired the County would give the breakdown.
There will be a new and separate amount on the tax bill which will be the installment
on the unpaid assessment, including principal and interest due for that year on the
Special Assessment.
Another question was - why are taxes being paid now when the be.nefit is not there and why
were these not paid before. It was answered that the property was not annexed to the
Utility District until 1968; taxes are paid for the reason one pays a school district tax,
because these facilities are built here . This does benefit the property to the degree that
the facility is here and one can make use of it and if not paid now; the annexation fee
in the future will be even higher.
Attorney Hill recommended that Assessment District hearing on 1968-3G be declared open
as the hour was getting close to midnight.
Mr. Arthur Shelton stated that in the matter of the proposed assessment district
No. 1968-3F, he presented a list of parcel numbers for which he is protesting this
President Fesler declared the hearing on 1968-3G open at 11:55 P.M.
RECESS: 11:56 P.M.
Meeting reconvened at 12?15 P.M.
Assessment District No. 1968-3F - Continued): - Mr. Arthur W. Shelton, jr. , stated
th�t he is representing his client and pointed out the area on the map that was involved.
He further stated that the clients arrived from a foreign country, saved a little money,
of which a great portion is tied up into this Tahoe Property. He requested that this
property be eliminated from this Assessment District and also requested exclusion of
property in the Grass Lake Creek #l; he stated that this could easily be deleted from
the system. He asked the Clerk and the Attorney for the District what the total area
of land within the proposed assessment district 1968-3F is. The total area within
the Assessment District totals to 169.4 acres; the total number of protests by
acreage - it was stated that the total number of protests reach 50%.
Mr. Shelton read a section from Streets and Highways Code , Section 10311 (read a
portion of this section only) . He further stated that the letter received from the County
Health Officer of E1 Dorado County was read and he strongly suggested that this Board
not rely on this letter as an escape cause.
The Health Officer has not been here nor has he stated one fact as why
he did recommend �:l�iis as a necessary measure , Mr. Shelton stated. Also, that it does
not identify 1968-3F and that the letter also was dated January 29, 1969, and much
planning went on before this letter and before you adopted the Resolution of Intention,
Mr. Shelton told the Board, plus that there is not one fact in the letter. Also, two
documents offered regarding waste water reclamation which was authored by Mr.
Russell L. Culp and Harlan E. Moyer and asked that this be marked in the record on
protests on #1 . The second paragraph of this report by Manager Culp and Engineer
Moyer was read by Mr. Shelton.
He presented another article, offered and marked #2 - protests. He read paragraph 6
of the article, on page 7.
Mr. Shelton further stated that he did not feel there was a health hazard a.nd that one
cannot be established;there are no site of dwellings on the property he is protesting
annexation to where it could possibly constitute a health hazard. Mr. Shelton asked
Mr. Moyer if all that would be removed in the system of Grass Lake Creek 1 and 2 were
eliminated from the assessment would be the end of the chain. Mr. Moyer stated it would.
/��0 ' '"'"" -n Adjourned Regular Meeting
Prote s t Hearing
�VTr. �helton then stated that to remove this would not be an integral part of the system
and Mr. Moyer stated that was correct. Mr. Shelton the.n asked Mr. Moyer if that
could be taken out without increasing the balance of the cost of the system that
remains and Mr. Moyer stated he did not wish to answer that without studying that
system in that area.
Mr. Shelton stated that if his client had not gone in the area and put down the sub-
division,and put that road in,his total assessment would be something like $18,000
instead of $93 ,000, He further stated that nothing has been developed on the lots
for years and that his client is not going to develop them. Mr. Shelton also stated
that the 15 ,000 sq, ft, unit is used as a measure because it is like a 1/4 acre lot,
It was mentioned that the 15 ,000 sq, ft, area is used as a basis because it does
represent what we would term an average size residential parcel of land.
Mr. Shelton stated that this is not anything but an arbritary way as it affects his
clients. Mr. Shelton did not feel that his client should have to pay up to 2-1/2 times
as much; also, Mr. Shelton stated that there have been some areas with extreme
drainage problems and they have found for various subdivisions that there are package
treatment plants that can be bought and it is economical to buy a package plant for a
given subdivision of 25/40 units that will meet the highest and the toughest of the
Also, Mr. Shelton stated that his client did not receive the notice of this hearing that
is required by code. The letter was delivered the first or second day of December
and not within the 20 day time . He stated that No. 10307C was not complied with and
that the overall estimate was received of the total assessment of the entire project,
Mr. Shelton wanted ta call the Board's attention to the fact that 25 lots carry 1/7th of
the entire project and if the Board does go forward with this assessment district, he
respectfully requested the Board disengage the property he is concerned with from the
District (Grass Lake #2) .
Attorney Robert j, Hill stated that protests are not based on the Health Officers letter to
overrule protests; a majority protest and to overrule same is based on Section 2932 a part
of division 4 of Streets and Highways Code, Part 6, if there is a majority protest, then
2930 of Part 2 applies; Section 2932 refers to also acquisitions or improvements for
sewering and drainage only,
ORAL PROTESTS (continued) --- Mr. Hunt of the Rainbow Tract stated that one letter was
read protesting for the Rainbow Tract and there were 38 letters from 38 parcels; however,
not all were identified because of lack of legal descriptions .
Mr.Hunt stated that the residents are not protesting sewers, not building, they are
protesting costs. A meeting was held with the District Engineers and several items
were explained to them. He further stated that he wanted to imply that they did wish
to become part of the assessment district, wish to be included in the sewer system and
in fact have to have them; they want nothing to happen to jeopardize this .
Attorney Hill asked Mr. Hunt if he desired to withdraw his protest, and Mr. Hunt stated
that after the meeting held with this Board and the Engineer, he would be willing to with-
draw his protest; however, following further discussion Mr. Hunt decided to let his protest
stant mentioning again that he and the other residents are protesting the costs. Mr. Hill
asked Mr. Hunt if he will withdraw his protest if the assessment does not exceed $2 ,713
per parcel. Mr. Hunt said that he would.
Mr. Kline stated that he would like to add comments of the legal firm; stating that they
own parcels in Grass Lake Creek #1 which adjoins those that Mr. Shelton discussed
and seven lots have been sold. Each of the lot owners of the subdivision have protested.
Mr, Kline stated that his main protest is the cost factor. He also mentioned that he has
been in the engineering business for 25 years , a Contractor for 10 years , working with
sewers, septic tanks , etc. He had never devised a system such as exists here, and
again stated that the costs are exhorbitant; also, that within his sewer district, including
other lots , total exceeds the figure he could not accept. Total assessment exceeds
$50. 00 lineal foot of sewer; if it were double or triple, but in Mr. Klines opinion, this
charge is quadruple or more.
Mr. Klein stated that he also asks to join Grass Lake #2 and requested the Board's
consideration of excluding them. He stated that with the combination of the lots, he is
�r��,r,lvlrst�x 11 , 1y6g -7- Adjo�i�`n�d R�gu1�r Me�ti�g
�'rotest Hearing ��Z�
requesting deletion of Mr, and Mrs . Ceases which amounts to $93,000; he felt they
could build a sewage plant that would meet all health codes. He stated also that
many owners have stated that they cannot afford the costs and will be forced to leave
their property.He stated that he has two cabins which have been built in 10 years
and same purchased in 1959 , which are used 20% of the year, at the very most,
maybe used three times a year; also, he stated that the factors are so far out that
they cannot live with them unless forced to; the owners have taken pride in the great
beauty of the Sierra's and Tahoe - - there will be grade changes and Mr. Kline
stated that"it does scare the owners to death:.
Mr. Kline also mentioned the spoil pile being an ugly site.
Attorney Hill stated that the letter from Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board
to be read into the minutes, as presented to the Board by Mr. DuBois, and as follows:
Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board - 12/11/69
Each of the local sewering agencies within the Lake T�hoe Basin has met some public
opposition to its plans to provide sewage service to all properties in its area needing
the service . Much of this opposition is expressed at assessment district protest
hearings conducted by the agencies. This statement clearly defines the policy of the
Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding the export of sewage from the
Lake Tahoe Basin and reaffirms the need for cooperation by all property owners in the
are a.
Since 1966, the policy of the Lahontan Regional Board has been quite clear. All
sewage should be exported from the Lake Tahoe Basin. In its "Addendum Regarding
Implementation to the Lake Tahoe Water Quality Control Policy" , adopted in
May of 1967 , the R��:ional Board required that the three public utility districts in the
California portion cf the basin be exporting sewage by 1970. The California Legislature,
through the passage of Senate Bill No. 22 in 1966, imposed another requirement that
all septic tanks and other private sewage disposal systems be abandoned within 90
days of the completion of available sewage export facilities.
More recently, the 1969 Legislature enacted Assembly Bill No. 413, which states that
a regional water quality control board may specify certain conditions or areas where the
discharge of wastes will not be permitted. Also passed by the Legislature was
Assembly Bill No. 1943 which states that, after january 1, 1972 , all sewage from
within the Lake Tahoe Watershed shall be placed only into a sewer system for transporta-
tion outside the basin. AB 1943 also states that the use of any sewage disposal means
within the watershed or the occupa.ncy of a building discharging sewage which is
not exported is a public nuisance and that legal action may be brought to halt such
occupancy and prohibit the use of the property.
The immediate problem of the utility districts is to provide sewage collection
facilities in those areas which are not sewered presently. All sewage discharg ed
with the Lake Tahoe Basin, be it through a properly installed septic tank system or
through direct discharge to the lake, does contribute algae supporting nutrient
material to the waters of Lake Tahoe. Nutrients contained in wastes discharged
to land eventually find their way to underground waters which in turn flow to surface
streams and on into the lake. Therefore, all sewage which is not exported will
contribute to the water quality problem of Lake Tahoe.
It would be inequitable to require the export af sewage from some areas and not
from others when all sewage contributes to the problem. The only fair solution is to
require total export, and the utility districts need the close cooperation and assistance
of citizens in the area to accomplish this objective before 1972 . Anyone who asks to be
excluded from the export mandate is asking for the right to contribute to the pollution
of Lake Tahoe while others are endeavoring to protect it for the benefit of everyone" .
�� � � DE��IVIB�R 11 , 1969
-8- l�djourned Regular Meeting
Protest Hearing
Attor.ney Weidman asked (- Under A.B. 1943 , could this District accept sewage from a
plant at Grass Lake, treated by and exported by us . The answer was no.
Package treatment plants provides nothing, there is no practical way by which it could
be put into the existing system. The most economical problem is to be serviced by
our plant and export system.
Harlan E . Moyer stated that in regards to Assessment No. 417, regarding the fact
that they are not equally assessed because they have only a 20' street frontage;
the map shows a 43' frontage - it is a culdesac and pie shape.
Assessment No. 445 relates to the fact that easements are inequitable and
questioned what the U.S.F.S. are paying and if their share; it was mentioned
that the U.S.F.S. are paying their cost without question.
Also, Assessment No.452 , relates to the same standard regarding grade changes
and this is statuatory language and the construction will .not change the grade or
natural terrain of the ground.
Attorney Hill clarified a few of the points brought up by Arthur Shelton, Jr. - Mr.
Moyer stated that Mr. Shelton's forst exhibit, which was the article written by
Harlan E. Moyer and Russell L. Culp, regarding pollution of Lake Tahoe. Mr.
Shelto.n was taking the word pollution to mea.n contamination, and the entire article
is around prevention of pollutio.n at Lake Tahoe.
The article written by Harlan E. Moyer in the Public Works, also mentioned by
Mr. Shelton points out that export is now required and land disposal is not an
acceptable means of disposing of sewage effluent. Mr, Shelton did not read far
enough in the article.
Attorney Weidman stated that the map was submitted to the Health Officer and this
map did include the Cease and Klein property subdivisions, and the Health Officers
letter was signed based upon the investigatio.n; notices were also sent to Cease and
Klein and they did not protest before or after the hearing,
Manager Culp stated that it was inferred that the article state Lake Tahoe is not
polluted and made sewering the area not necessary; Mr. Du Bois stated that the
Quality Control Board can take measures now to stop pollution if the need be.
Attorney Hill stated that the Board is aware of the qualifications of Engineer
Harlan E. Moyer, etc. , a.nd asked Mr. Moyer if, in his opinion, would it be
economically practical in area 1968-3F to omit the lines that are to be constructe.d
to serve Kline and Shelton and then later add them? Mr. Moyer stated no - only
at a greater cost.
Mr. Hill asked Mr. Moyer if the total cost of this project has been equally spread in
proportion to the parcels, areas, etc. , and Mr. Moyer stated "definitely". Mr. Hill
also asked Mr. Moyer if each parcel will be benefited or is benefited in terms of
enhancing value of the parcels in an amount as great, or greater than, the proposed
assessment to be placed on each parcel and Mr. Moyer stated they have so been
benefited, as well as the property which Mr. Shelton and Mr. Kli.ne spoke of.
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-3G as follows:
Please note letter from County Health Officers letter as read at the start of this
hearing (1968-3F) , and made a part of these minutes.
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Moyer pointed out the boundaries of Assessment
District 1968-3G and explained that the unit charge is based on 15 ,000 sq/ft. , as
in 1968-3F. Total amount to be assessed, based on the low bid received today,
is $639 , 147 . 60; there are 408 . 2 assessment units in the 389 parcels and the total
individual unit charge for one unit will be $1, 318 , plus the $260 U-1 charge , making
a total of $1 ,578.
Attorney Hill mentioned that the above figures mentioned are proposed and will still
require Board action.
�yv" "'�' '�1 , 1"'" -y �djour`ned Reg�ilar' MActirig
Protest Hearing ��Z"
WRITTEN PROTESTS: Eighty-five (85) written protests were received and read for
Assessment District No. 1968-3G.
Attorney Hi 11 asked Mr. Moyer if he was the engineer for this project, and if, in his
opinion, assessments made by this District on the parcels involved were equally
charged on the basis of the project. Mr. Moyer stated he was the engineer a.nd
the assessments made were equally charged and based on this project. Mr. Hill
asked Mr. Moyer if each of the properties have been benefited by this assessment and
Mr. Moyer stated ye s.
Letter received from Mr. Ernest Caine was read stating his complete support for
Assessment District No. 1968-3G,
President Fesler closed the hearing at 1:45 A.M. , 12/12/69
It was asked of Mr. Callahan, Clerk, if the protests are less than 50%, Mr. Callahan
stated that if the Rainbow Tract residents do not file their protests , it will be less than
RESOLUTION NO. 1404: A Resolution Declaring that Certain Facilities are Within the
Scope of Trunk Sewer Work for Improvement District No. U-1 and Or�ering
Contribution; Assessment District No. 1968-3F.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, una.nimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1404 be adopted.
President Fesler stated that the ge.ntleman that said he wanted to take the Grass Lake
Division out of the assessment was because he does not have the money. This man
is a subdivider and a developer and he is doing a great dis-service to the people who
might eventually purchase theproperty.
Engineer Moyer also stated that in his review of these lots and parcels, he not�d that
the majority of protests are from owners outside of the basin - maybe one from this area.
Attorney Hill prese.nted RESOLUTION NO. 1405, A Resolution Overruling Protests on
Resolution of Intention No, 1340, Assessment Distri�t._
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1405 be approved.
RESOLUTION NO. 1406- A Resolution Ordering Reduction of Assessments, Assessment
District No. 1968-3F. -
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1406 be approved, as recommended by Attorney Hill.
Attorney Hill recommended adoption of RESOLUTION NO. 1407 , A Resolution and Order
Adopting Engineer's Report, Confirming the Assessment and Ordering the Work and
Acquisitions - Assessment District No. 1968-3F.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1407 be approved, as so recommended.
RESOLUTION NO. 1408 , A Resolution Designating Collection Officer - Assessment
District No. 1968-3F, as recommended by Attorney Hill.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes , unanimously carried (polling
of board) that Resolution No. 1408 be approved, as recommended by Attorney R.J. Hill.
RESOLUTION NO. 1409: A Resolution Directing Validating Proceedings, Assessment District
No. 1968-3F.
Director Hegarty moved, secQnded by DirectorReam, unanimously carried, that
R'.�SOLUTION NO, 1409, be approved, as recommended by Attorney R,J, Hill.
i��` � • -lu Adjoux'ned R�g�il�r Me�tinq
Prote s t Hearing
RESOLUTION NO, 1410: A Resolution Overruling Protests on Resolution of Intention
No, 1354 , Assessment District No, 1968-3G.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1410 be approved, as presented by Attorney Robert j. Hill.
RESOLUTION NO. 1411: A Resolution Ordering Reduction of Assessments,
Assessment District No. 1968-3G.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes , unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1411, as recommended by Attorney Robert j. Hill, be approved.
RESOLUTION NO. 1412: A Resolution and Order Adopting Engineer's Report,
Confirming the Assessment and Ordering the Work and Acquisitions, Assessme.nt
District No. 1968-3G.
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes , una.nimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1412 be approved, as recommended by Attorney Robert J, Hill.
RESOLUTION NO, 1413: A Resolution Designating Collection Officer, Assessment
District No. 1968-3G.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1413 , as recommended by AttorneyRobert J, Hill, Be approved.
AWARD OF CONTRACT: The Boa rd of Directors agreed to postpone action on this
contract award until a later date; Ninety (90) days is allowed for awarding the
Contract by this Board.
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that
the Contract Award be postponed, as recommended by Attorney Robert J. Hill.
ADjOURNMENT: 2:20 A.M. , 12/12/69 .
� `f L��,'- �~� �: l-,..L._
South Tahoe Public Utility District
: �,
�. ���
DAVID W, CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board
and Ex-officio Secretary of the Board
South Tahoe Public Utility District
Page missing from Original Scan.
DECEMBER 18, 1969
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session December 18 , 1969 , 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman,
Gerald G. Ream, Edward E. Hegarty and Donald H. Kortes. Also present were
General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney
John C. Weidman, Engineers •Harlan E. Moyer and A.L. Shoupe of Clair A. Hill
and Associates, john Murphy and John Morris - press representatives.
ABSENT: Attorney Robert J. Hill
MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously
carried, that the minutes of 12/4/69 be approved and the minutes of 12/11/69 be
approved as presented.
MANAGER'S REPORT: As read by General Manager Culp:
"Manager's Report, December 18 , 1969:
The Board met in study session on December 9th to discuss Assessment Disttrict
1968-3, and again on December 17th, regarding Committee Organization. The Board
also met on December lOth, with the B�rd of Supervisors of Alpine County , and
representatives of B,L.M. , Departme.nt of Water Resources, and Congressman
Johnson's Office to discuss water level control and recreation at Indian Creek
Reservoir. A proposed letter to the Department of ZNater Resources confirming the
understandings reached at this meeting is on tonight's agenda for consideration by
the Board.
On December 17th, I presented to the joint meeting of the California and Nevada
Tahoe Regional Planning Agencies Board Resolution No. 1403 , regarding the
proposed building moratorium at the Lake.
On December llth, the Board held public hearings on Assessment Districts 1968-3F
and 1968-3G (1968-3) , and passed the necessary Resolutions to proceed with
sewer service to these areas" .
Mr. Culp, Manager, stated that he attended the Regional meeting today at City Council
Chambers and the moratorium was approved. He also stated that the moratorium
will only affect new projects.
County of El Dorado and Placer County and letters from the Governors were also read
at the meeting; however, it was understood by all in attendance that this District is
concerned strictly in the treatment and export of sewage.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the
Manager's Report be approved.
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: As reported by A.L. Shoupe , Engineer:
Solids Handling System, BSP Corporation 100%
Assessment District 1967-4 , Frontier Conto 100%
Areas A and B Only, Frontier 100%
USFS, Sch II, Wismer & Becker * 78%
*All reamining work to be completed for this contract is interior work anly.
Trout Creek Trunk Sewer, H,M. Byars 100%
Assessment District 1968-1 , Gene McLaughlin 100%
Grit Removal System, RCH Associates 5%
Manhole Modifications, Wunschel and Small 99%
-� Decembe�` 18, 1��5 /1 Z (�
ATTORNEY'S REPORT: �ttorney John C. Weidman stated that the HOOD trial is
scheduled for 12/20/69; WSM also scheduled for that date; BSP Corporation
matter is on the age.nda; several a.nnexations on agenda for consideration.
Mr. Weidman also requested a Study Session with the Board regarding excluded
parcels. Mr. Sherman Wi1ke,Attorneyfor Globin property, should also be invited
to attend a portian of the Study Session.
President Fesler stated that a Study Session, as requested by Attorney Weidman,
will be called after the first of the year.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: President Fesler stated that the following are the new
committee for this year:
1. Finance Director Kortes -Chairman, Director Hegarty
2. Legislative a.nd Director Wakeman, Chairman, Director
Intergovernmental Coordinating He art
g Y - Member
3 3. Water and Recreation Director Fesler, Chairman,Director Wa keman
4 , Environmental Protective Director Ream Chairman,Director Kortes
Me mber.
5 . Public Informatio n Directory Hegarty Chairman, Director
Ream, Member.
stated that NBC News took an outstanding news clip (5 minute run) and it is being
considered for a 'picture excellence' award.
Also, Director Wakeman me.ntioned to Mr, Russell L, Culp, Ma.nager, that the
reason he has not been able to obtain a copy of the film is because it will not be
released until after the first of the year.
Manager Culp stated that another article regarding this plant and facilities is being
prepared by the Fortune Magazine.
1. BSP Corporation, Schedule "F": - (a) Consideration of Contract Change Order
No. 6. This is a decrease in the contract amount of $2,381 , 57 ,
Many meetings have taken place between BSP Corporation and this Distri ct
to resolve this matter regarding Schedule "F" and the Ma.nager and Engineer
both feel this is an equitable settlement between BS P and the Distri ct , and
this is the final contract change order, and Manager and Engineer recommended
same for acceptance.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried,
that Contract Change Order No. 6 be approved, as recommended by the Manager
a.nd Engineer.
President Fesler stated that this contract has run almost two (2) years late and
appreciated the work and time put in by the Manager, Engineer and the Attorney,
to keep this matter from entering court.
(b) Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1414 , Accepting and Directing the Filing
of Notice of Comple tion.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, u.nanimously carried, that
RESOLUTION NO. 1414 be approved.
Also, Attorney VVeidman requested action on the following:
"That the President be authorized to sign the release af operating guarantee,
mutual release of contract obligations and indemnification agreement" - (BSp)
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that
the President be authorized to sign the release of operating guarantee,mutual
release of contract obligations and indemnification agreement, as recommended by
Attorney �ohn C. Weidman.
1��GT�L�1R MEETrNG -3- D�cemb�r 18 , 1�69 �/Z 7
HAROOTUNIAN TREE DAMAGE: Attorney Weidman stated that the District does
owe �VIr. Harootunia.n some money for tree damage on his property due to District
use. He is concer.ned about S tatute of Limitations and would like to have this
waived. Mr. Weidman stated that he sno}:e with Mr. Hoseit, Attorney for Mr.
Harootunian, who agreed that he could not see how this could be waived; Mr.
Weidman also mentioned to Mr. Hoseit that this Board would consider this to-
night and would .not take any act ion if his advice was followed. Attorney Weidman
definitely does not recomme.nd �hat a waiver of Statute of Limitations be approved
by this District.
It was agreed to delay final settlement, at the request of Mr. Harootunian and
his Forester, until this spring. Attorney Weidman has received a number of letters
regarding Harootunian's matter. President Fesler authorized the Ma.nager to write
a letter to Mr. Aram Harootunian confirming the meeting with this Board and Mr.
Harootunian for this Spring.
MANHOLE MODIFICATIONS: Wunschel and Small Contractors - CHANGE ORDER
NO. 1 - (Adding and changing heights of ma.nholes; increase of $385. 00) .
Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the
Contract Cha.nge Order No, l, as so recommended by Engineer H.E .Moyer, be
DAVIS-GRUNSKY APPLICATION: Consider approval of let�2r to Department of Water
Resources confirming the results of the latest meeting of parties concerned.
General Manager Culp read the letter to the Board which was prepared for their
review. Following discussion, and the addition of "under these conditions and
subject to availability of the State funds" , the District would consider
executing an agreeme.nt.
Director Kortes moved, second�i by Director �/Vakeman, unanimously carried, that
Manager Culp be authorized to prepare this letter, with the additions, and send
to Mr. Walter Terry.
ANNEXATIONS: Attorney John C. Weidman recommended adoptinn of the following
ANNEXATION NO. 1969=5 (MARTIN: RESOLUTION NO. 1415: A Resolution of the
Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Making Determinations
and Approving the Proposed Annexation of Territory, Designated as "South Tahoe
Public Utility District, Annexation No. 1969-5" to the South Tahoe Public Utility
ANNEXATION NO. 1969-6: RESOLUTION NO. 1416 , A Resolution of the Board of
Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Making Determinations and
Approving the Proposed Annexation of Territory, Designated as "South Tahoe Public
Utility District, Annexation No. 1969-6" - to the South Tahoe Public Utility
District (SMITH) .
ANNEXATION NO. 1969-7: RESOLUTION NO. 1417:A Resolution of the Board of
Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Making Determinations and
Approving the Proposed Annexation of Territory, Designated as "South Tahoe
Public Utility District Annexation No. 1969-�" to the South Tahoe Public Utility
District, �HORGAN) .
ANNEXATION NO. 1969-8: RESOLUTION NO. 1418: A Resolution of the Board of
Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Niaking Determinations and
Approving the Proposed Annexation of Territory, Designated as "South Tahoe Public
Utility District Annexation No. 1969-8" to the South Tahoe Public Utility District,
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimr�usly carried, that
RESOLUTIO NOS. 1415 through 1418 be approved as recommended by Attorney John
C . Weidman.
ANNEXATION NO. 1969-9: - A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT (RESOLUTION NO. 1419) , Making Determinations and
r / �o Lec:.l�, lyny
Approving the Proposed Annexatian of Territory, Designated as "South Tahoe
Public Utility District Annexation No. 1969-9" to theSouth Tahoe Public Utility Dis
District (EDELSTEIN) , and to Improvement District U-1 ,
ANNEXATION NO. 1969-10 - RESOLUTION NO. 1420: A Resolution of the Board
of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Making Determinations
and Approving the Praposed Annexation of Territary, Designated as "South
Tahoe Public Utility District Annexation No. 1969-10" to the South Tahoe
Public Utility District and ta Improvement District No. U-1.
Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, una.nimausly carried, that
RESOLUTION NOS.1419 and 1420 be approved, as recommended by Attorney
John C, Weidman.
J.M, Ryan, Zephyr Cove , Nevada $ 8,987 , 00
RHC Associates, Redding, Calif. $16,000. 00
Engineer's Estimate = $6 ,000. 00
This bid had to be bid by one that was in possession of an electrical, heating
and air-conditioning license, #B-l. Mr. Moyer stated that this could explain
why only two bids were received.
Mr. Moyer briefly explained what the work involved was and recommended that
the Board consider a contract ward to J. M. Ryan, General Contractor, Zephyr
Cove, Nevada, for his bid price of $8,987. 00 .
Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried,
that RESOLUTION NO. 1421 , Authorizing Award of Contract to J.M. Ryan,
General ' Contractor, in the amount of $8,987 , 00.
NEW BUSINESS: ANNEXATION NO. 1970-1 (SETZER) - Approximately 40 acres
Tahoe Paradise .
RESOLUTION NO. 1422 , A Resolution of Application by South Tahoe Public
Utility District Requesting that LAFCO take Proceedings for Annexation of
Territory to the District.
David Callahan, Assistant Manager, stated that annexation fees will be charged
at $700 an acre , which is the 1969 annexation fee charge.
Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried,
that RESOLUTION NO, 1422 be approved.
Attorney John C . Weidman stated that he has received two calls regarding
property that will be annexed or exchanged and they wanted the exchanged
property annexed and they are concerned about the annexation fees.
Also, can those interested in annexing, be taken in by letter to take advantage
of the present annexation fee , or must they petition.
President Fesler stated that when the interested parties petition, that is when
they come into theDistrict, and that is when the fees apply.
PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes,
una.nimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $142 , 220. 00, as
recommended by Assista.nt General Manager David W. Callahan, be approved
for payment.
Kt,I�ULHK ivit��rlivU -5 D2c2mb�r 18, 1965 //L p
I2egarding check no. 6579, Attorney Weidman stated that stop notices were
to be filed; and he does not know if the legal time or notice Co rhe persan was
legally within the time required,against Leo L. Davis, Contractor. Mr. Weidman
Recommended that we ho.nor the stop notice until it is proven that notice was
sent as required by the law.
ADJOURNMENT: 9:05 P.M. to January 8 , 1970 , 8:00 P.M. District Office.
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DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board
and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board
South Tahoe Public Util.ity District
january 8 , 1970
The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular
session January 8 , 1970 , 8:00 P.M. , District Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E.Hegarty,
Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream, General Manager Russell L.
Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney john C . Weidman, Engineer
Harlan E. Moyer, Arthur L. Shoupe, and Mrs. Robert (Jan) Wakeman.
MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously
carried, that the minutes of 12/18/69 be approved as presented.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed Arthur L, Shoupe and
Mrs. Jan Wakeman to the meeting.
MANAGER'S REPORT: Russell L. Culp, General Manager, presented his report,
as follows:
"Attac hed is the plant operations report for December 1969 . All plant flows were
fully treated and exported to Indian Creek Reservoir. Flows for the month are up
28% from December 1968 .
The Board met in Study Session on january 6th to discuss several matters and again
on January 7th to review the annual report of the District's Auditors .
�Nilliarn Anderman of E1 Dorado County and Gary Chase of the City of South Lake
Tahoe plan to meet with the Board in Study Session at 3:00 P.M. , Thursday,
January 15th, to discuss actions which have been taken by their agencies regarding
sewer hookups .
The reservoir aeration and turnover system at Indian Creek Reservoir is installed
and has been operating since Monday, January 5th. The 4 to 8 inches of ice
cover which had formed previously is being melted by the circulation of water,
and the dissolved oxygen content of the lake water is at saturation throughout
the full depth of the lake.
The Finance Committee is scheduled to meet on NTonday, January 12th, 3:00 P.M. ,
and the Environmental Protection Committee will meet at 3:00 P.M, , Tuesday,
January 13" .
PLANT OPERATION, December 1969:
Total Plant Flow 63 .9 MG (Nov. 50 .2)
Daily Average Flow 2 . 1 MGD (Nov. = 1 .7 MGD)
Nevada District Flow None
Chlorine Used 5 ,2 90 Lbs.
Propane Used 1 ,331 gallons
Emergency Use - 12/27 and 12/28/69 .