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1969 01/02 - 1969 06/26
~r~ u ~.n~< IvIEE'flNG -5- December PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $262,297.67, and the transfer of funds i.n the amount of $50,438.50, as recommended by Assistant General Manager DavidW. Callahan be approved for payment. President Fesler expressed appreciation to the employees of the District for the fine job they have done throughout 1968 and wised them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 P.M. ROBERT W o FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of the South Tahoe Public Utility D' ~ ' REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 2, 1 9 6 9 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Publ lc Utility District met [.n a regular session January 2, 1969, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Gerald G. Ream, Donald II. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty and General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E Moyer, Attorney John C. Weidman, Robert Sondag, Harvey Edwards, Leo L. Davis, David R. Evans and Howard Schwartz and John Murphy. ABSENT: Robert Wakeman, Director and Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 12/19/68 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: "Manager's Report January 2, 1969 Manager Russell L. Culp read his report, as follows: The Plant continues to operate very well. All flow has been fully treated in conformance with the quality standards and exported to Alpine County, with no exceptions. The total flow for December was 49.8 M.G. Indian Creek Reservoir now contains about 215 M.G. The water level is still below conserva- tion pool depth. Following our last meeting, a check was made regarding approval of the District's construction projects by the California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. The Agency approval of the U.S.F.S. sewer system was granted at [heir meeting on October 16, 1968. All otherprojects now under construction were initiated prior to the effective date of the new code provisions. A letter outlining the approval status and stating the District's policy of full cooperation and assistance to California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency was sent to Mr. Beverly, Attorney, on December 20, 1968, and we have a reply expressing thanks for the District's cooperation in this regard. All of the improvements recommended by our insurance carrier for Luther Pass Pump Station and Indian Creek Reservoir have been completed and the agent has been. ottf~ed. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented by Manager Russell L. Culp. -b- Ja.nuary 2, 1969 ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer had no report; wished all a Happy New Year and hoped that 1969 will be as successful as the other years before. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Mr. Robert Sondag reported that the progress on all projects are not changed from the report given at the December 19, 1968 meeting. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated thatW.S.M. Contractor's case is to be heard January 14, 1969, 2:00 P.M., Placerville, California, and requested the Engineer, General Manager and any Directors that can attend to please be there for the hearing. HOOD LITIGATION: No word; however, depositions were to be taken, but due to Mr. Lynch (Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch) being ill with the flu - same was postponed. EBRIGtIT/TAYLOR annexation completed. COMMITTEE REPORTS: l. Annexation: No report. 2. Planning: Director Kortes stated that Mr. William Penn Mott, State Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation met with Mr. Moyer, Mr. Culp, Director Kortes, Director Wakeman today to discuss sewering of the West Shore of the Lake - State Parks, etc. Mr. Moyer, Engineer, stated that Mr. Mott asked for this meeting. He was the gentleman that this District had submitted the report to regarding the sewering of Emerald Bay State Park. He wanted to discuss the possibility of the South Tahoe Public Utility District sewering the State Parks at Lake Tahoe, as the Departmentof Parks and Recreation now feel that Tahoe City Public Utility District will not be able to sewer these State Parks. Mr. Mott has also realized that this District does have an operational plant and an existing export system; also, Mr. Mort wanted to know if this District would reconsider and be willing to provide service to the other State Parks and also to provide a system that would not cross the entrance to Emerald Bay. Mr. Moyer stated that Mr. Mort did realize that crossing the mouth of Emerald Bay would be the most feasible way to sewer the area. The Directors that were present during this discussion did feel that much more consideration should be given to serve Emerald Bay, and that the Board's policy has been that this District is willing to assist in anyway to help solve the problem of sewage disposal and if we can be of any assistance to the State, we will give what assistance wecan. Mr. Moyer also stated that he did suggest alternates to serve Emerald Bay. Mr. Mott was pleased that this District had not taken a position that the deal was closed and also, that there could be alternate solutions to crossing Emerald Bay, and that this District could carry out the program of serving all State Parks. Mr. Mott stated that the Tahoe City Public Utility District may not be able to meet the deadline and has told the State to look for other alternates and that the SouthTahoe Public Utility District could provide service to the State Parks. It was mentioned that no decision could be given to Mr. Mott and that a Study Session would have to be scheduled to further discuss this. Mr. Bill Layton from Tahoe City called Mr. R.L.Culp today and asked many questions regarding various aspects of our operations; also, that Tahoe City Public Utility District will have a meeting Friday morning at ll:00 A.M. and invited Mr. Culp, Mr. Moyer and the Directors to attend. The Directors, Attorney, Manager are planning to attend the meeting at Tahoe City. REGULAR MEETING -Y- January 2, 1969 3. Public Information: No report. 4. Personnel: No report 5. Banking/Insurance: No report. 6. Holding Pond: No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Consider date for committee meeting to review status of 60 MG Holding Pond. Committee to meet January 7, 1969, 3:00 P.M. , District Office. 2. Incineration Equipment Spare Parts, Compressor: Mr. Russell L. Culp, Manager, stated that Nash Engineering Company, San Francisco, California is the only company that makes this water seal type of compressor. The District did advertise, as required by law,and no bids, other than from Nash Engineering received. Delivery would be approximately sixteen (16) weeks. Mr. Russell L. Culp recommended that the incineration equipment, spare parts, compressor, be purchased from Nash Engineering Company of San Francisco, Calif. in the amount of $9,620.00. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1238, a Resolution Authorizing Purchase, be approved, as recommended by General Manager Russell L. Culp, tn the amount of $9,620.00. 3. Consider Manager's Request to Authorize District's Consulting Engineers to Prepare Preliminary Report and Cost Estimate for GRIT REMOVAL FACILITIES. There were no grit removal facilities included in the design of the plant. Mr. Culp, General Manager, .recommended that the Board consider having a Study of Grit Removal Facilities made by ClairA. Hill and Associates, and not to exceed the approximate cost $2,250.00. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that ClairA. Hill and Associates prepare a study of Grit Removal Facilities, and not to exceed the approximate cost of $2,250.00, as so recommended by General Manager Russell L. Culp. 4. Study Session regarding sewering of State Parks .... Postponed. 5. U.S.F.S. Construction Proqram: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, District Engineer, stated that he spoke with Mr. munn of the U.S.F.S. today regarding construction program of the U.S.F.S. He stated that Mr. munn has been in contact with the Washington, D.C. Offices and it seems that the new legal opinion [s that the U.S.F.S. Can award the contract for the KIVA PUMP STATION [f the District is willing to advance the $30,000; and, same would be awarded toWismer and Becker. Mr. munn requested that the following be included in the agreement, and if agreed to by the Directors - will be included, as follows: "The District agrees to provide in advance a part of the connection charge to be off-set by reductions in refunds due the government in the future, for non- government loads to be sewered. Therefore, the District will pay a part of the total cost shown in Clause C-1 of Amendment No. 1 dated August 19, 1968 not to exceed $30,000.00. This arrangement will not alter the total cost days on which the proportions of connection charges are to be refunded to the government as defined in Clause D of said Amendment No. 1 - Refund accruing under Clause D of Amendment No. 1 and Article 7 of the Basic Agreement of June 30, 1968, shall be applied to reduce annual service charges to the government as provided for in Article 6 of the Basic Agreement." The Directors agreed that the above language, as so recommended by Mr. Dunn of the U.S.F.S., is acceptable. REGULAR MEETING -8- [anuary 2, 1969 COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Letter from American City Magazine stating that the South Tahoe Public Utility District is the winner of the merit award from American City Magazine for the fine work that the District has done, and as so was described tn the August issue of American City Magazine; the announcement will be made in January, and an attractive plaque will be sent to this District.. President Fesler stated that several meetings are held throughout the State of California and elsewhere and seldom, if ever, representation from this District has been present at any of the meetings, conventions, etc. He stated that he felt more interest should be taken in the meetings, etc., and most especially felt that it would definitely be to the advantage of this District and to the Board to have the Directors attend. Mr. Russell L., Culp, General Manager, stated that he would keep the Board informed of any such meetings, conventions, etc. 2. Letter from Lake Tahoe Area Council thanking the District for their support and subscription to the council. 3. Another letter from the Division of Water Resources regarding Davis- Grunsky Application and stating that the District has 90 days to submit this data; the report is about completed, Mr. Culp stated. He mentioned that this message was received via telephone, as a letter is following stating this and the Division of Water Resources called because they did .not want this District to become alnrmed when the letter was received at our office. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $312,973.73,,. and the transfer of funds in the amount of $520,000.00, as recommended by Assistant General Manager DavidW. Callahan be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: President Fesler adjourned the meeting at 9:20 P.M. ROBER~ ~v~[~FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the SouthTahoe Public Utility District. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT .... January 16, 1969 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session ~anuary 16, 1969, 8:00 P.M, District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman, Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream; Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Robert Sondag, Walt Little and Don Blaustone. ABSENT: Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 1/2/69 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Russell L. Culp read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report January 16, 1969 Mr. Taylor, Superintendent of Sewer Systems, has prepared a report on service calls for 1968, which shows that the number of plugged laterals or collection lines with reported damage and/or insurance claims was reduced from a total of six in 1967, to only three in 1968. With continued emphasis on the line cleaning program, it is hoped that even further improvement along these lines can be anticipated. As discussed at a previous board meeting, I will be participating in a seminar on Water Reclamation by Tertiary Treatment Methods on ~anuary 24th, 1969, at Tucson, Arizona. My expenses will be paid by the University of Arizona. In the past, the time and place of all Board meetings, hearings, bid openings, and study sessions have been announced at regular board meetings, which are attended by thepress. In view of the concern being expressed by the local press with public meetings of this nature, we plan, in the future, to notify the local papers, the Tribune and the News, in writing, of all such meetings of the Board. The flow and water quality data and the plant operation report for December, 1968, are attached. All water was fully treated in conformance with the quality standards and exported to Alpine County. The 60 MG emergency pond remains empty and has not been used since March 1968. The 9.0 MGD peak plant flow on December 26, 1968, requires some explanation. It was due to pumping of storm water from the lines served by the Upper Truckee Pump Station. Board study sessions were held on January 6, 1969, with regard to right-of-way easen]ents, on January 7th, with regard to the 60 MG holdingpond, and on ~anuary 15th, with regard to Assessment Districts 1968-1 (Airport Area) and 1968-2 (Fallen Leaf Lake Area). PLANT OPERATION: December 1968: Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Peak Flow Rate Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Holding Pond Lime Used: Makeup Recalcined Alum Used 48 tons 83 tons Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director VVakeman, Manager's Report be approved as 49.8 MG 1.61 MGD 9.0 MGD (Dec. 26) None 2,860 lbs. None 9.1 million cubic feet 463,200 KWH 575 Lbs. Empty. Not Used. 2,430 gallons." unanimously carried, presented by Manager Culp. REGULAR MEETING -2- January 16, 1969 ENGINEER'S REPORT: HarlanE. Moyer, District Engineer, stated that a meeting was held Monday, January 13, 1969, with Mr. Culp, Directors, Moyer and Mr. Jim Homar~ who is with the Department of Beaches and Recreation to discuss sewering of the State Parks on the West Shore of Lake Tahoe. Mr. Culp stated that Mr. Homan mentioned the decision regarding the sewering of the West Shore of Lake Tahoe, and how it is to be done will be known within two (2) weeks. ' CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Contract and Contractor Mr. Robert Sondag reported the following: Amount Completed: 99% 95% 68% 18% 75% 0% 0% Solids Handling System, BSP Corporation Assesemtn District 1967- 3, Leo L. Davis, Inc. Assessment District 1967-4, Frontier Contractors U.S.F.S., Sche~dule I, Granite Construction Well No. II, W stern Well Drilling U.S.F.S.Sched~tle II, Wismer and Becket Trout Creek Trunk Sewer, H. M. Byars Cons. Co. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the hearing withW.S.M. and H.M. Byars was held January 15, 1969, at Placerville, California. Mr. Weidman will get a deposition from H.M. Byars Monday and submit for written argument. Also, the District has been sued, but .not served, by Rothschild, Raffin andWeirick; this law suit for three claims in approximately $8,000, $19,000 and $540.00 Mr. Weidma.n also stated that he met at Assemblyman Chappies office with all of the County Supervisors regarding the Tahoe Regional Agency. He will keep the Directors informed. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation: No report 2. Planning: No report. 3. Public Information: DirectorWakeman stated that he and Manager Culp are working on a movie to have available to show visitors to try to acquaint them with the plant and the operation of same. 4. Personnel: No report. 5. Banking and Insurance: No report. 6. Holding Pond Committee - same on agenda under Unfinished Business. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. U.S. FOREST SERVICE SEWER SYSTEM: (a) Consider Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. GS-00T-1708 (Addition of KIVA PUMP STATION). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried [hat Change Order No. 1 be approved. ' 2. 60 MG HOLDING POND: (a) Fence Removal - Status Report - Mr. Russell L. Culp, General Manager, stated that the Insurance Agency for the District has nothing against having [he fence surrounding the Holding Pond removed; Bruce Robinson from the Planning Commission, E1 Dorado County, Called to say, and followed same with a letter, stating that the Commission thought it was a good idea to remove the fence. Mr. Culp will advertise in the local papers to have the fence removed. 2. Mr. Walt Little appeared before the Board to request consideration of the Olympic Committee Use of Holding Pond Area, and consideration of a RESOLUTION approving same. Attorney Weidman stated that this RESOLUTION should be drafted and studied and that he would meet with Mr. Walt Little and Mr. Russell L. Culp at the District Office on January 23rd, 1969, noon, to discuss same and draft the RESOLUTION. Also, the Directors could take action on this request prior to the next regular meeting of the Board. The Directors agreed that this meeting will be adjourned to January 27th, 1969, 3:00 P.M. District Office, to further discuss/adopt the RESOLUTION requested by Mr. Walt Little. T. V. PETITION: Mr. DavidW. Callaha.n stated that .no one has been to the office to request additional petitions for signatures. Director Wakeman stated that the present translator is approximately 25 years old and was purchased from Modesto; also, there is some doubt if this still puts out 10 watts; the TV Station from Reno broadcasts into this area at 186,000 watts. This station probably has no value at all and one of the translators does not even belong to this station. Director Ream stated that he spoke with Mr. Fred Hancock who stated that he will have more signatures than required. DIRECTORS FEES INCREASED: This was discussed by the Board and me.ntioned that the fees have been the same since 1953; presently, the Directors are paid a fee of $25.00 per day for attending meetings. All Directors agreed that the fees should be reconsidered and brought in line with present living costs. Attorney John C. Weidman, will contact Mr. Ernie Wilson of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, to discuss and set up a meeting with this Board to discuss the possibility of increase in Directors fees. C OMM UNICATI ONS: 1. Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board re meeting in District Conference Room, January 30, 1969, 9:30 A.M. 2. Invitation to attend Board of Directors meeting of Lake Tahoe Area Council, Friday, January 24th, 1969, 3:00 P.M., Edgewood Room at Harrah's. 3. Letter from Department of Water Resources regarding Davis-Grunsky Grant. 4. Letter from California Department of Public Health regarding meeting in District Board Room on 2/13/69, 10:00 A.M. regarding solid waste management in the Tahoe Are a. 5. Letter from Dr. Charles Gurchot, regarding Lake Tahoe Area Waters, etc. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $124,542.91, as so recommended by Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan, be approved for payment. Adjournment: President Robert W. Fesler adjourned the meeting at 9:45 P.M. to January 27, 1969, 3:00 P.M. District Office, to discuss the RESOLUTION requested by Walt Little. ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex- Officio Secretary .... South Tahoe Public Utility District ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNED REGUZAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT .... January 27, 1969 3:00 P.M. The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session (adjourned) on January 27, 1969, 3:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman, EdwardE. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, Donald H. Kortes, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Engineer HarlanE. Moyer, Attorney John C. Weidman, Delores Weiss, Ralph Andersen, Walt Little and Robert Sondag. Consideration of this District filing an application for a research contract with the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration on sludge dewatering. RESOLUTION NO. 1239: A Resolution regarding filing of an application for a Research Contract with the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration on Sludge [~ewateri~g. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 1239 be approved. ' President Fesler stated that Tahoe Regional Planning Agency should be notified of this action taken by this Board - - this is a contract and not a grant. Directors agreed that Tahoe Regional Planning Agency should be .notified of this action. RESOLUTION NO. 1240: A Resolution regarding filing of an application for a research contract with Federal Water Pollution Control Administration on Supplemental Nitrogen Removal. Manager R.L. Culp stated that this would be in the amountof approximately $579,500, and all to be 199% Federal Money. Also, the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration will retain the right to remove some of the equipment they install if they so desire. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1240 be approved, as so recommended by General Manager Russell L. Culp. A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SUPPORTING IN PRINCIPLE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SOUTH LAKE TAHOE HIGH ALTITUDE NATIONAL RECREATION AND ATHLETIC CENTER AND FOR JOINT USE OF FACILITIES BY SAID DISTRICT AND CENTER. The above titled resolution was discussed by all members of the board and Mr. Walt Little. Also, Attorney John C. Weidman and General Manager Russell L. Culp, had discussed same with Mr. Little prior to this meeting to set forth what was discussed into this resolution. Several changes were made to the resolution by the Board and Attorney John C. Weidman at this meeting. President Fesler stated that there is much ground work to be done regarding this resolution and that same should be discussed with the Planning Commission and the United States Forest Service prior to adopting a Resolution. Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that it would be wise to state the reason for the resolution; this is not the district's initiative and it should refer to this fact. Mr. Walt Little also stated that the City of South Lake Tahoe has no part in this. Mr. Little also,ted that the cost of the operation would be set up so that it would be a sustaining activity; many of the professional people would use the facility, and through scheduling - there would be enough interest to keep athletes coming here. Under no circumstances, would there be a cost to the taxpayer's of this area. The ones that use the faci lities would pay for same. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -2- January 27, 1969 Mr. Ralph Andersen congratulated the Board on the new building and conference room for meetings. Mr. Andersen also stated that he is not against the development of an Olympic Program of this area. He also mentioned that his livelihood depends on [he growth of this area; he is not in agreement with Mr. Walt Little. He stated that the Holding pond has, in thepast, been a detrement to the property owners. Most of the property owners were very pleased that the holding pond site would be landscaped and the fence would be removed. Mr. Andersen stated that many buyers of property ask what new developments will take place and when they learn that there will be a large recreation area that will create a noise and traffic problem, they will not cons[der purchasing of property in the area. Mr. Andersen stated that he doubted if any grants would be made once the true facts are known. Many of the property owners are trying to sell because they now feel that the holding pond will not be removed. Mrs. Delores We[ss stated that there are a great many property owners in this area and that same have not been mentioned at all regarding this possibility of an Olympic Recreation Area. Mrs. Weiss stated that this will bring heavy traffic problems, liter, parking problems and vandal[sm, and if this does go into a gigantic thing as expected, the property will be worthless. She mentioned that she was happy that this board is going to discuss this with the Planning Commission and U.S.F.S. before adopting a Resolution. She also stated that the owners of property should be mailed a letter stating this possibility because many of them do not receive the local paper, which many times does not carry the entire story. If the property owners are not aware of what is happening here, and do not know what is happening here, then the Officials of the District are not carrying out their job. Mr. L.W. Sanday, another property owner in the area of the Holding Pond, stated that the Holding Pond has been a definite detrement to all property owners concerned. Mr. Sandy stated that he has his life earnings tied up in his property, amounting to approximately $50,000, and he feels that something should be done about the Holding Pond Site. John C. Weidman, Attorney, asked Mr. Sanday how may property owners were affected. Mr. Sandy could not state exactly how many; however, Mrs. Weiss stated that approximately 250 lots are in this area. DAVIS-GRUNSKYAPPLICATION: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, presented cop[es of the revised Davis-Grunsky application to the Directors, stating that we have been able to take advantage of additional benefits that the District could not originally have. The Directors agreed to study same and to take action at the 2/6/69 regular meeting of this Board. ICE - - ENTRANCE: Mr. Russell L. Culp, General Manager, stated that he vis[ted the Tahoe Valley Post Off[ce to view the overhead heaters used to remove the [ce from their parking lot. If overhead heaters were installed at the District, it would mean the loss of one parking space, and the initial costs to install same would be approximately $2,296.00. The Directors agreed thatthe Manager will solve the ice problem. HOLDING POND FENCE: There is a clause in our agreement with the U.S.F.S. which requ[re~ the District to maintain the fence; Mr. Culp wrote to the U.S.F.S regarding this and requested that the U.S.F.S. remove that clause from contract use to emergency use only. No reply has been received. This will be discussed with the U.S.F.S. at the time the Holding Pond discuss[on regarding Olympic recreation use of same. INFILTRATION: MEYER'S AREA (U-l) : Since the pump stations and sewer installations have been completed, the wet well was beginning to fill. During the last storm there was a great amount of storm water runoff that was entering into the line. The system does not have waterproof manhole covers on it, because the waterproof manhole covers were not available until last year. The average daily flow is 1/8 mgd and during the storm the district handled 8 to 9 mgd per day. The big problem seems to be in the Angora and Sawmill Branch drainage. Approximately 95% of the manhole covers are under 1 to 1-1/2 feet of water. Mr. Culp stated that all of the pump stations were able to keep up with the flow and same was treated. /~?, ]~muz{m~ z/, l~b~ -5- najournea-- ~<egular lvleeting Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that the manhole covers should be raised to approximately 4it above ground level and 3 feet above vegetation level; the existing covers should be replaced and made water-tight covers. President Fesler stated that this Board is concerned mainly with policy and this situation should be the concern of the Engineers and the Manager. Mr. Moyer will work on this immediately - - manholes that are now involved. there are approximately 60 MEETINGS: U.S.F.S. and Planning Commission -With the Planning Commission on the 3rd or the 10th of February, and with the U.S.F.S. on Friday, January 31, 1969, - - Meetings to be confirmed. A.DJOURNMENT: 4:35 P.M. ROBERTWo FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Ut. ility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of the South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT-- February 6, 1969 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session February 6, 1969, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Hegarty, Kortes and Ream. Also present were General Manager R.L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Robert Sondag, Howard Schwartz, A. L. Shoupe, Mr. McCleary - Frontier Contractors, Mr. A. Todd. ABSENT: Director Fesler, Attorney Robert J. Hill and Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. CHAIRMAN PRO TEM: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Robert Wakeman be appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this meeting. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of January 16, 1969 and the minutes of January 27, 1969, be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Allan Todd appeared before the Board of Directors stating that he has a bill amounting to $635.00 which he has presented to Frontier Contractors for work dore by him and another gentleman on Frontier's main line; (They repaired a 12 inch sewer main). Mr. Todd stated that the Engineer's (Clair A. Hill and Associates) went over this invoice with him and approved of same. -2- February Mr. Robert Sondag stated that the men are entitled to payment for the work [hey did and also suggested that the Board could pay the amount of $635.00 and then attempt to settle this matter between the contractors. Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he would recommend the Board not pay the invoice being claimed by Mr. Todd at this time. He felt someone should be put on notice regarding this outstanding bill. Mr. Weidman also stated to Mr. Todd that he and the Board are certainly sympathetic and stated that within one week to ten days this matter should be settled and worked out to some satisfaction. Attorney Weidman and Robert Sondag will study this and make a report to this Board. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Russell L. Culp read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report, February 6, 1969: During January a total of 69 M.G. of water was processed in accordance with the quality standards and exported to Indian Creek Reservoir. The increased flow over December is due to the heavy precipitation which occurred, and the entrance of some surface runoff into the collection system. All pump stations, the plant, and export system handled, without overflow, all flows during the storm period which were as high as 9.1 mgd at times. The damming effect of snow pack on subsequent runoff from rains, pointed to some additional work which must be done on new sewer lines. These improvements are already underway. The telephone signal line alarm between Luther Pass Pump Station and the plant was inoperative for a period of ten days during the storm, which required around-the-clock inspection trips by the pump station crew at a cost, in overtime pay, in excess of $1,400.00. Drifting snow, on the access road to the station, necessitated the rental of a snowmobile for a few days in order to make the inspections. There were line stoppages reported on weekends which also required considerable overtime work. Two proposals for Federally financed research contracts were prepared and submitted to the FoW.P.C.A. (Federal Water Pollution Control Administration). A Preliminary Draft of a proposal to FWPCA for funds to conduct a public information program was also completed, and is now ready for review prior to submission. The Board met in an Adjourned Meeting on Monday, January 27th, to discuss the request of the Olympic Committee regarding possible joint use of the holding pond site. The Board also met in Study Session with Mr. Robert Rice, of the U.S.F.S. at 4:00 P.M. on Monday, February 3rd, regarding the holding pond site. I have been asked to participate in two meetings in March, and I would like to have an expression from the Board as to whether I should attend. The American Water Works Association is holding a meeting of its Committee on Research in New York City, on Monday, March 10th. As Vice-Chairman of the Committee, I have been asked to be there. The second invitation is to present a paper on "Plant Design for Nutrient Removal", at a seminar for Consulting Engineers at the University of Wisconsin, on Tuesday, March 18th. Travel expenses to these meetings would be paid by AWWA and the University of Wisconsin. At this time, I have been asked by Mr. William S. Foster, Editor of American City Magazine, to present to the Board, on his behalf, an award to the Utility District. If I may, I would like to come forward and read the citation. (Copy of Citation attached to Directors Agenda). The plant operations report for January was also attached to Directors Agenda." PLANT OPERATION FOR JANUARY 1969: Total Plant Flow: Peak Flow Rate (Jan. 20) Chlorine Used Natural Gas Used Polymer Used Lime: Makeup Recalcined 69.0 MG 9.1 MGD 2,850 lbs. 7.2 MCF 533 lbs. 66 tons 79 tons Daily Average Flow Nevada District Flow Propane Used Electricity Used Emergency Holding Pond Alum Used 2.23 MGD None None 540,000 KWH Empty-Not used. 2,440 gallons. Febrtlary 6t 1969 Mr. Russell L. Culp, General Manager, also presented the certificate of merit for leadership which was presented to the South Tahoe Public Utility District by the American City Magazine for Award Winner inWastewater Purification. (Same is in the entrance hall). Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Mr. Robert Sondag, project enginaer, reported the following: CONTRACT CONTRACTOR AMOUNT (%) COMPLETED Solids Handling System Assessment Districts: 1967-3 1967-4 Areas B & C Only U.S.F.S. ,ScheduleI Well No. 2 U.S.F.S. Schedule II Trout Creek Trunk Sewer BSP Corporation Leo L. Davis Frontier Contractors Granite Cons. Western Well Drilling Wismer and Becker H. M. Byars Cons. 99% 95% 68% 84% 19% 75% O% O% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Deposition taken from H.M. Byars. Also, the Attorney for the petitioner asked for the recap sheets and various calculations sheets of II.M. Byars. This was received by AttorneyWeidman and he stated that he will not send this information to the Attorney for W.S.]~. as he felt that this would only convey the methods used by II.M. Byars Company when they are bidding on jobs. COMMIT'i:'EE REPORTS: 1. Annexation: 2. Planning: 3. Public Information 4. Personnel 5. Banking/Insurance: 6. Holding Pond No report No report Working on the grant re public relations No report No re port No report. Meeting scheduled for 2/12/69, 3:00 PM, District Conference R.oom, UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. U.S. Forest Service Sewer System. Schedule I: No. 1, Revised. Contract Change Order Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 be approved. 2. U.S. Forest Service Sewer System, Schedule II' Change Order No. 1, KIVA PUMP STATION. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 be approved. 3. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-3: Contract Change Order No. 2: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 be approved. Consideration of reduction of contract retention to 10% of first 50% of contract, on areas 1967-4A and 1967-3B, when systems i.n these areas are acceptable for house connections. Attorney John C. Weidman, Robert Sondag - Project Engineer, and Manager Russell L. Culp, will study this and make a report to the Board. REGULAR MEETING Mr. Robert Sondag stated that he would recommend that the District write a letter to Leo L. Davis acknowledging receipt of his request, and that the District would look favorably upon his request, if the District could use the lines, but only at such time that the line is complete. Mr. Sondag also stated to the Board that the request of Mr. Davis regarding reduction in retention not be acted on at this time. Manager Russell L. Culp will write a letter to Mr. Leo L. Davis regarding his request. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-4: Consideration of Frontier Contractor's request for 60 day time extension. Mr. Sondag recommended that Frontier be notified by letter that this request is being taken under consideration. Mr. Culp to write to Frontier. DUMP TRUCK PURCHASE: RESOLUTION NO. 1241: Approving Specifications. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1241 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 1242: Calling for sealed proposals for purchase of dump truck. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1242 be approved. STATE LOAN INTEREST MORATORIUM: Re moratorium on interest on the State Loan as provided by Assembly Bill No. 1593. - -Attorney J.C. Weidman, Assistant Manager Callahan and Engineer Moyer, to study and work over the contract, and also to be studied by the Planning Committee. EXCLUDED PARCELS: Study Session scheduled for 2/27/69, 3:00 P.M. District office. DAVIS-GRUNSKYAPPLICATION: RESOLUTION NO. 1243: A Resolution Authorizing the Amendment of a request dated 4/18/68 for Preliminary Determination of eligibility for financial assistance under the Davis-Grunsky Act. (Section 12880- 12891, Water Code). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1243 be approved. RISING WELL MODIFICATIONS: General Manager Culp requested approval to have ClairA. Hill and Associates to prepare plans and specifications for rising well. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Manager Culp's recommendation be approved; Clair A. Hill authorized to prepare plans and specifications for rising well modifications. COMMUNICATIONS: Manager Culp stated that the following has been received: 1. Summons re Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick - claim for extra work. 2. Letter from California Department of Public Health inviting Board to attend meeting on solid waste disposal in our conference room, 10:00 AM, 2/13/69. 3. Letter from Mr. R. Keller regarding scenic railway. 4. Letter of protests from A.E.Coburn and T.Slageter, re holding pond. 5. Letter from Harry Matte re poor condition of streets in Tahoe Paradise. ......... ~vlLn, ,l~ -5- February 6, 1969 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS' Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, claims in the amount of $80,683.57, and transfer of funds in the amount of $48,000.00 be approved, as recommended by David YV. Callahan, Assistant General Manager. ADTOURNMENT: 10:07 P.M. ROBERT WAKEMAN, Chairman Pro Tem South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 20, 1969 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session February 20, 1969, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman,Kortes, Ream, Hegarty, David W. Callahan - Clerk of Board, Russell L. Culp, General Manager, John C. Weidman, Attorney, Robert J. Hill, Attorney, Robert Sondag, J. Murphy, H. Schwartz, H.E. Moyer, Engineer and A. Todd. ABSENT: President Robert W. Fesler. APPOINTMENT-CHAIRMAN PRO TEM: DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that Director Gerald G. Ream be appointed as Chairman Pro Tem for this meeting. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 2/6/69 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. A. Todd appeared before the Board requesting some informtation regarding the invoice that he presented to Frontier Contractors, and stated he has not heard nor received payment for same. Robert Sondag stated that a meeting was held 2/10/69 with himself, John C. lNeidman and Frontier Contractors, and Frontier indicated that this matter would be settled within 3 days. Attorney Weidman tried to contact Mr. Max Burdick and/or Mr. J. Brittian, and could not reach either of the men. Mr. Sondag also called Modesto, California, for Mr. Pat McQueary and left word, but the call was not returned. Mr. Weidman stated that he has been unsuccessful on three different occasions - tryint to reach Mr. Burdick and/or Mr. Brittian. Mr. Russell L. Culp, General Manager, stated that as far as the District is concerned, there does not seem to be anyway that we can pay them directly; the most we can do is to withhold the amount from one of the contracts, but this would not be certain these individuals would be paid. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that there is no legal means the District has to pay these bills. John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that he will attempt to contact Mr. Burdick and/or Mr. Brittian and give them his opinion as to paying this bill. It was suggested 'that Mr. A.Todd file a stop notice with the District to assure that funds will be available to pay for this work that was done. ..... ~ ~vi,,~,~ll~ -z- February 20 It was also mentioned that funds ce:, e withheld with a stop notice but cannot be disbursed. MANAGER'S REPORT': Manager Russell L. Culp read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report, February 20, 1969: "Attached to this report is a summary of laboratory and flow data for January, 1969. The Board met in Study Session on Friday, 2/14/69, with the E1 Dorado County Planning Commission, representatives of the U.S.Forest Service and the South Lake Tahoe Olympic Committee, regarding the emergency storage area. Representatives of the District attended a meeting of the California State Depart- ment of Health on 2/13/69 noncerning solid waste management for the Tahoe Basin. Mr. R. Keller was in seeking right-of-way for the proposed scenic railway. This matter was later discussed by the Planning Committee. It was decided to ask Mr. Keller to obtain in writing an indication from each owner with property abutting the plant grounds that there was no objection to the proposed railway location." Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: No report. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Mr. Robert Sondag reported the following: CONTRACT C ONTRAC T OR AMOUNT (%) COMPLETED Solids Handling System Assessment Districts: 1967-3 1967-4 Areas B & C USFS, Schedule I, USFS, Schedule II Well No. 2 Trout Creek Trunk Sewer BSP Corporation Leo L. Davis, Inc Frontier Contractors Frontier Contractors Granite Construction Wismer and Becker Western Well Drilling H. M. Byars Cons. Co. 99% 95% 68% 84% 20% 2% 75% 0% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, reported that the argument was received from W.S.M. and turned in last TUesday and Mr. Weidman will have the argument for the District turned in this coming Monday. )Trout Crek Trunk Sewer( COMMITTEE REPORT: 1. Annexation: No report 2. Planning: Met 2/19/69 (Attorney J.C.Weidman, H.E.Moyer, R.L.Culp, D.WoCallahan, Director Hegartyand DirectorKortes) to discuss many items; holding pond was discussed and the manner in which the District should go about contacting the property owners to discuss holding pond site; West Shore sewering was also discussed; right-of-way location for railroad that was presented by Mr. R. Keller; Department of Public Health Report; Fallen Leaf Lake property owners meeting was scheduled for Thursday, 8:00 P.M. 2/27/69. 3. Public Information: No report. 4. Personnel: No report 5. Banking/Insurance: No report 6. Holding Pond: Director Ream stated that a meeting was held last week regarding the holdingpond. Present were this Board, Engineer Moyer, E1 Dorado Planning Commission. Mr. Moyer gave a history of the holding pond and all of the engineering aspects involved in moving the pond to another location. Mr. Culp gave a review of the site that was a possibility. Mr. R. Rice, USFS, gave a verbal report stating that there was now no land available on U.S.F.S. land. -3- k'ebruary 20, 1969 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. EMERGENCY STORAGE AREA: Meeting with property owners set for 8:00 PM Thursday, March 13, 1969, to discuss improvements at emergency holding pond storage area, which will be of greatest benefit to the neightborhood. (To meet ~n the Conference Room). 2. ANNEXATION OF EXCLUDED PARCELS: Study Session set for 2/26/69, Wednesday, 3:30 P.M., District conference room. 3. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-2: Meeting with property owners from Fallen Leaf Lake in Study Session at 8:00 P.M. Thursday, February 27th, 1969, District conference room. COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Russell L. Culp, General Manager, stated that a summons regarding claim for damages (8/9/67) by Bonanza Motel, was received by the District. A letter was received from Harvey Strysland (A.Harootunian) regarding trees on the Harootunian property and possible contract for removal of same. Attorney Weidman suggested that Mr. Strysland's letter be answered stating that the District is not interested in this suggestion and that we will perform under the contract. Mr. Culp, Manager, will answer this letter. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $79,674.44, as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. Director Kortes commended Mr. Callahan on the progress of the clearing of Assessment District 1964-1 easements and payments. ADJOURNMENT: 9:10 PM GERALD G. REAM, Chairman Pro Tem South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 6, 1969 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session March 6, 1969, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. Fesler, Directors E. Hegarty, D.H. Kortes, R. Wakeman, General Manager R.L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Engineer H.E. Moyer, R. Sondag, J. Murphy and H. Schwartz, B. Springmeyer. ABSENT: Director G.G. Ream, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Attorney R.J. Hill. MI NUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 2/20/69 be approved as presented. MANAGER" S REPORT: -2- Ma~ch 6, 1969 General Manager Culp read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report March 6, 1969 Attached are two reports, one on plant operations for February, and the other summarizing laboratory and flow data for February. On Tuesday, March.Sth, Harlan Moyer and I attended a meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee of the California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. They recommended, to the Agency, approval of our Annexation 1968-1, which is located near the airport. At the request of Mr. Pischel, the meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 27th, with property owners from the Fallen Leaf Lake area was postponed indefinitely because of anticipated bad weather. A notice was mailed to about 300 property owners in the vicinity of the emergency storage area concerning a meeting to be held at 8:00 P.M., Thursday, March 13th, to discuss improvements at the site which will be of greatest benefit to the ne ighborhood." Director Kortes moced, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved, as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that he met with Mr Bruce Meinders and Mr. Bruce Pruitt of the United States Forest Service (USFS) at his office at Redding to discuss the U.S.F.S. program/schedule for 1969-70. $600,000 will be available to the U.S.F.S. for construction of collection lines, trunk sewer lines, etc. The financial policy was also discussed, and the USFS has expressed that they will not finance local improvements for the permitees. A future meeting will be held in San Francisco to further discuss this matter and asked that the directors from this District attend this meeting. Mr. Moyer stated to the USFS that he felt the Board would be willing to have representation there. On 3/5/69 met with the California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency - who approved the plans for Assessment District 1968-1. Assessment District 1968-1 Plans and Specifications are complete, the assessment roll is complete; however, the Engineers want to discuss with the Board the amounts to be assessed to the property owners. 1968--2 - Fallen Leaf Lake Assessment District: Plans are being held until the Engineers are certain as to what the USFS decides to do. 1968-3 Assessment District: (South of Present District Area) - approximately 75% complete with plans and specifications. Mr. Moyer requested a study session to discuss the report of Solids Waste Disposal. Same set for WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1969, 3:00 P.M. District Conference Room. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Mr. Robert Sondag reported that progress is still as reported at the last regular meeting of this Board. Mr. Sondag did recommend that the contractors that are now working on the Landscaping be approached to obtain a time of completion of same. The landscape project has been handled by the District and Mr. Robert Mason. Two other contracts are to be awarded for seeding and planting of shrubs and trees. Mr. Russell L. Culp, Manager, will contact Mr. Robert Mason to discuss this. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. John C. Weidman, Attorney, was absent for this meeting; however, his letter was read regarding Rothschild, Raffin and Weirick claims. This Board to meet with Rothschild, Raffin and Weirick's Attorney at their Office 3/14/69, 2:00 P.M., San Francisco, to discuss/make a settlement on the claims that might be settled out of court. ......... ,v~,.,,. ~.~,.~ -3- 3/6/69 COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation: No report 2. Planning: No report 3. Public Information: No Report 4. Personnel: Director Ream absent this meeting-no report. 5. Banking/Insurance: President Fesler stated that he attended the Risk Management Seminar (Insurance) at his own expense at Phoenix, Arizona, and stated that the discussion for the entire week was insuring public entities and they had many suggestions that this District might incorporate in the insurance policy. 6. Holding Pond: Agenda has been prepared and will be ready for the meeting scheduled a week from this date with the property owners. Also, it was recommended by DirectorWakeman, and agreed to be all Directors, that the Committee name be changed from Holding Pond to Emergency Storage Area. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. MEYER'S SEWER SYSTEM, SCHEDULE I: Consideration of Revised Final Contract Change Order No. 5 - Frontier Contractors. This change order is a correction to the final pay quantities made last October/November. There was a discrepancy and an incorrect quantity reported in the final pay estimate. This was discussed with Mr. Weidman, Attorney, and he stated that there was no reason legally to not pay the amount for the quantity of work. The contractor did perform the work - this is an increase of $13,956.00. Mr. Moyer recommended that the revised final pay estimate for Meyer's Sewer System, Schedule I, be approved. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 5, as recommended above, be approved. 2. WELL NO. 2: - Consideration of Contract Change Order No. 1 - This is to install another liner in the well that has been under construction for several months; would be an increase of $750.00; sand has been coming into the well; there are several reasons why this is happening - it could be that when the well casing was installed, it might have been damaged,' or the perforations in the well casing could be allowing this sand to come in. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 1 be approved. DUMP TRUCK PURCHASE: Mr. David W. Callahan, Clerk, stated that two bids were received, as follows: 1. Ken Collins Motors $8,271.59 South Lake Tahoe, California 2. Springmeyer's Service $7,286.87 South Lake Tahoe, California RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 4 4: Awarding contract for purchase of dump truck to Springmeyer's Service, in the amount of $7,286.87. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1244 be approved. ~.NNEXATION OF EXCLUDED PARCELS: Manager Russell L. Culp presented California Tahoe Regional Ordinance No. 6 - Relating to the Disposal of Domestic Sewage Within the Lake Tahoe Basin, also, City of South Lake Tahoe Code re Lakes and Other Public Waters", to the Directors; it was agreed that the Study Session for discussion and/or annexation of excluded parcels will be scheduled following the next regular meeting of the Board. GRANTS: Manager Russell L. Culp briefly mentioned the possible grants for this District: (1) Solids Handling, financed 100% by the Federal Government and the equipment used would be left with the District after the study is completed. (2) Nitrogen Removal - 100% Federal Grant, they would like to publicize this plant as we are further ahead than any other plant in the word and hopefully this would 100% Federal Grant Money. Mr. R.L. Culp called Dr. Stephen regarding this Grant, who mentioned that he would speak to the Commissioner and call Mr. Culp back. SCENIC RAILWAY RIGHT-OF'-~WAY: Consideration of request by Mr. R. Keller. This Board asked Mr. Keller to get an opinion from the people in the area regarding the scenic railway. He is now asking if he could receive a firm commitment on the property discussed previously. President Fesler stated that if there is going to be any conflict in the future to the people that we represent, he did not feel we should become involved with Mr. Robert Keller. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Letter from Department of Water Resources acknowledging receipt of revised Da vis -Grun s ky a p pl ica tion. 2. Letter from Department of Parks and Recreation regarding sewer service to the West Shore. To meet with Mr. William Mort (The Board for the District) Tuesday, 10:00 A.M., 3/11/69, Sacramento. 3. Letter from Tahoe Faradise Water and Gas Company regarding leaks and breaks in the water and sewer line construction. Mr. R. Culp stated that he spoke to Mr. Moyer and Mr. Sondag regarding this letter and that Mr. Weidman will be approached to see what should be done. President Fesler recommended that this also be submitted to the District Insurance Carrier. Also, copies of an Article written by Harlan E. Moyer re the South Lake Tahoe Water Reclamation Project, which also appeared in the December 1968 issue of Public Works, was presented to each Director. Also, Mr. Harlan E. Moyer prepared a letter to Mr. William Mott - - copies of same will be mailed to the Directors. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty , unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $78,840.56 be approved for payment, as so recommended by David W. Callahan, Assistant General Manager. ADJOURNMENT: 9:15 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District PUBLIC MEETING WITH PROPERTY OWNERS IN VICINITY OF PIONEER TRAIL AND BLACK BART AVENUE ..... 8:00 P.M., Thursday, M~arch_1_3,1969 DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that DirectorKortes be appointed Chairman (President Pro Tern) for this meeting. ROf. L CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Kortes, tIegarty, Ream, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney John C. Weidman, Howard Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, Grace Carricker, B. Nordgren, William V.D. Johnson, Mr. S~.ndy, Mr. DeAtri Mrs D. Weiss, Mr. P.Bird, Mr. A. (~oburn. ' · ABSENT: Robert W. Fesler, President. PURPOSh OF THEMEETII~ : To discuss with the people who have property adjoining the District Emergency Storage Area, as to how this land is to be used in the future. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that it is important that the people recognize the distinction between what the area was used for and what its present use will be, and .now is. ' When the holding pond was built in 1960, it was an integral part of the sewage system here at South Tahoe. Secondary treated effluent was pumped there and stored there on a continuous basis for 365 days of the year. Also, during the years between 1960 and 1967 there were times where the treatment plant capacity was exceeded and we were unable to give complete secondary treat- ment to the effluent and, therefore, the quality of the effluent suffered correspond- ingly, this, of course, caused an odor. During 1966 and 1967 the plant here has undergone an expansion and tripled its capacity. Once this District started to export effluent out of this basin and over Luther Pass into Alpine County, the use of the holding pond ceased as an effluent holding pond. After April 1, 1968, as soon as the weather permitted, and the pond dried up, the District went in and completely cleaned this pond area, all of the sludge removed and the pond was cleared to the b~re earth. In the contract with Alpine County, the District must have aoailable a 60 MG holding pond. Also, the Standards established by the State of California require that this District have available a 60 MG holding pond. In case of going into emergency a major power failure - for a day or more - rather than having the effluent Lake Tahoe, the Water Quality Control Board has required that an storage area be available. The pond is to be used only in case of an emergency, and Mr. Moyer also stated that the possibility of ever using the pond again is very remote. Mr. Moyer stated that we are confident that the problems of the property owners in the area of the emergency storage area, due to odors, have been overcome, and we are equally optomistic, Mr. Moyer stated, that it would be possible to develop the storage area into a nice landscape area to serve the area rather than as it is at this POin t. Mr. Russell L. Culp, Manager, stated that the purpose of this meeting is exploratory and we are willing to listen to any suggestions the people have re- garding this area. Possible improvements could be: a. Use as is, with no changes; (b) Remove fence and landscape area, but permit no public access, (c) Make area into a neighborhood park; (d) develop as proposed by Olympic Committee into a National Recreation and sports area. President Pro Tem Kortes asked Engineer Moyer to explain the costs. Engineer H.E. Moyer stated that the capitol investment the District has now is in excess of $250,000, which was spent in 1960. In order to prove a replacement facility, it would have to be located close to this plant, and would cost approximately between $400,000 and $600,000, not including the land. The District would need approximately 30 acres, if the location were to be moved. There is no USFS land available for this particular use within a reasonable distance from the facilities. Private lands are not available. Manager Russell L. Culp stated that many telephone calls and letters have been received, expressing the property owners opinions. Letters were received from Mr. Gordon, Mr. Tennant, Mr. and Mrs. II. Phillips, a cable from Mr.Knoap, Mrs. B Treleven, mainly all requesting the area be landscaped into a Park. Attorney Gillies stated in his letter that he owns approximately six (6) lots and requests the area to be landscaped into a park, but desires more information regarding the National Olympics. Mr. D. Phillips stated that he would like the area in question described at this time. Mr. I-I.E. Moyer pointed out the area on the map to all present. Mr. Moyer stated that the entire 39 acres will not have to be used for emergency storage area; however, if the District were to develop same into a park, the District would then use the entire 39 acres. Mr. Phillips asked what the Board thought of a park in this area. Director Kortes stated that the District does want to keep this land, and if the people want a park, the District would work with them on this possibility. Mr. Moyer stated that the District does have the legal power to operate parks and recreation facilities. Mr. Culp, Manager, stated that to develop a park in this area would not be subject to a bond issue. Mr. R. Lan~.ore asked the Board if this area has been explored for a park, and if so, what the costs would be. Mr. Robert Mason, Architect, stated that last year, preliminary plans were drawn, but costs were not discussed at that time. The District's primary function is to treat and dispose of sewage. Mr. R. Bird, resident of Sierra Meadows ~:4, stated that he lives approximately 300 feet from the storage area, and has resided there for 3 years. He stated that the fence was t to be of redwood and this is not the case, it seems to be cedar. Mr. Bird recommended that the eastern section of the area be landscaped as a park, provide a few picnic tables, no horse back riding, no basketball, baseball, football games. He stated that he hvped this decision regarding the holding pond area can be decided on before it is voted to become part of the City. Mr~ DeAtri asked what guarantee there would be that this pond would be used only at a time of emergency. Mr. Moyer stated that there would be no other reason to use this. Attorney Weidman stated that this District would request a USE PERMIT for emergency use only , rather than a term permit, flute Planning Commission would be requested to have our permit (used for emergency use only) issued as that. Mr. Sandy asked if the effluent that was sprayed over the land (sprayfields) is the same type that is now being exported over Luther Pass. Mr. Moyer, Engineer, stated that it was not - - this is a much higher treated effluent for export. The reason Alpine County requires requires this District have a IIOLDING POND availa~e is for emergency purposes only - power failures,, pump damages, etc. Mr. Sandy stated that he felt the value of his property has gone down because of the holding pond. ~.~ oL~K IVIEETING- PUBLIC MEETING EMERGENCY STORAGE AREA -3- 3/]-3/69 Director Robert Wakeman passed out brochures [o all present entitled "Wastewater Purification at Lake Tahoe", and asked those present to [urn to the last page of the brochure and asked them to read the explanation of the bottles which show different stages of treatment - from raw sewage to the final product. MR. FRED McCLARE N, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board stated that [he idea of export is to keep nutrients and phosphates out of Lake Tahoe. The Lake in Alpine County is a beautiful Lake and export is required to protect Lake Tahoe. MRS. J. PHILLIPS asked the Board what assurance the property owners have [hat this area in the years ahead will not be used for other purposes. It was stated to Mrs. Phillips that it would be a policy decision, and this Board cannot gunrantee what takes place this evening, or at any other meeting, will continue to exist with another Board of Directors for this District. Attorney Weidman stated [hat he is certain that the E1 Dorado County Planning Commission would no[ grant a use permit unless they were aware of what the land would be used for. - Furthermore, if this area were [o be converted into a park, the Planning Commission will have to approved this. Mr. A. Coburn stated that he would want the area landscaped. Mr. Bird stated that he would like [o see the fence come down, make some arrangements to have the picnic area and that the people c~uld get off the highway to [he area. MRS. DELORES WEISS stated that if the property owners do agree to landscaping the area, would [he Board back the property owners up to be against the Olympic Training Center locating in the area. President Pro TemKortes stated that the Board's main consideration is to maintain the facilities to the property owners liking. Director Hegarty stated that if this area were to be the site for the Olympic Training Center, a Special Use Permit would have to be obtained. MRS. J. PHILLIPS stated that a site was located for the Olympic Training Center and she asked if this Emergency Storage Area was the Site. This was answered by the Board - that this is not the location for the Olympic Training Ce nter. MRS. DELORES WEISS stated that everyone in the neighborhood would like something star[ed this year. Grace (2rrik~rasked what would happen if the property owners in this area are taken into the t.i~y - would [he City have a right to say what can be done with that area even if the District holds the lease? Once the District obtains the use permit from the County, and the District establishes the use of the area, then this District has [he right to use it as so desired. MR. De'ATRI asked when connection to the sewer facilities could be made in this area. Engineer Moyer stated that the area is sewered and all he would have to do is to appear at City Hall, obtain his permit for connection to the system. Engineer Moyer recommended that a Committee be organized amongst the property owners to work with the Board of Directors and Mr. Robert Mason. MRS. DELORES WEISS stated that she contacted the U.S.F.S and they mentioned that they could and would have their Architect work with Mr. Robert Mason. Directors agreed this would be of benefit to the District and the owners in the area surrounding the holding pond. EMERGENCY STORAGE AREA ~Z~ -4- March 13, 1969 Mr. Robert Mason, Architect, presented a map and explained the possibilities of landscaping the area. These plans were drawn up last year. MRS. WEISS stated that to have this area landscaped would be something that could also be included in the brochures that the District has available and which are sent all over the world. GRACE CARRIKER will arrange the Committee of people in and from each subdivision to work with the Board regarding the decision of the Emergency Storage Area; the meeting scheduled for Subdivision Committees and the Board of Directors will be held the 7th of April 1969, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. Mr. Russell L. Culp, General Manager, stated that the fence around the area could be removed at any time. Mr. William V.D. Johnson, Supervisor, stated that he was on the Planning Commission when the District applied for the use permit. Mr. Johnson stated that he was happy to see the progress that is now being made. MR. B. NORDGREN of the Planning Commission stated he was happy to see the District going ahead and not waiting until the last minute. ADJOURNMENT: 9:45 P.M. ATTEST: CHAIRMAN PRO TEM, Donald H. Kortes South Tahoe Public Utility District DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 20, 1969 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session 3/20/69, District Conference Room, 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes and Edward E. Hegarty. General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Robert Sondag, Robert Keller, John Murphy of the Sacramento Bee, Thomas J. Ontko and Terry B. Guild -employees of the District, and Attorney John C. Weidman. ABSENT: Director Gerald,G. Ream and Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of the regular meeting of 3/6/69 and thePublic Hearting of 4/13/69 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Robert W. Fesler read the letter from California Water Pollution Control Association, in which it stated that Terry B. Guild and Thomas J. Ontko successfully passed the examination for Water Pollution Control Plant Operator's. President Fesler presented Mr. Guild and Mr. Ontko with their V, ~ "GRADE I %~ERTIFICATES. All Directors, Engineer and Manager congratulated Mr. Guild and Mr. Ontko. REGULAR MEETING -2- March 20, 1969 MANAGER'S REPORT: Mr. Russell L. Culp, Manager, read his report, as follows: "On Tuesday, March llth, Directors Kortes andWakeman, IIarlan Moyer and I met with Mr. William Mort,FRED B. FORD and other State Officials in Sacramento regarding sewer service to the West Shore. On Thursday, March 13th, the Board met with owners of property located in the vicinity of Pioneer Trail and Black ABaft Avenue. Both of these items are on the agenda for more detailed discussion. On Monday and Tuesday, March 17th and 18th, I participated in~ a conference on Nutrient Removal from Wastewater at the University of Wisconsin. It was a very worthwhile meeting. There was a great deal of interest in what had to say about the District's program of treatment and export. I learned considerable about the current thinking in this field by technical exports and regulatory officials. There was also some benefit in meeting and talking to various Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Representa- tives and otherleaders in this area. Iappreciate having the opportunity to attend, and believe, in this instance, that it was the thing to do." Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director IIegarty, unanimously carried that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer IIarlanE. Moyer stated that he participated in the meeting with Mr. William Penn Mort and also was in attendance at the 3/13/69 meeting with the property owners regarding the Emergency Storage Area. lie also attended the meeting Friday at San Francisco with Ben Raffin on the Rothschild, Raffin and Weirick claims. Mr. Moyer requested a Committee of the Board and/or the Board meet in Study Session within the next two (2) weeks to discuss with Airport Manager, Mr. Mark Smith, and the Supervisors (Mr. William V.D.Johnson and Mr. Gerald Martin) Annexation No. 1968-1. Mr. Moyerwill contact Mr. Mark Smith for a meeting date and then notify the Directors and the Supervisors of same. CONSTRUCTIOi~ PROGRESS REPORT: Mr. Robert Sondag stated thai .no progress has been made and the report stands as was for the last regular meeting; he did meet with Granite Construction regarding their schedule and also with Wismer and Beckerregarding their schedule. Contractors on Well No. 2 arrived at the District yesterday to continue work on the well. Solids Handling System still remains inactive - performance tests are tentatively scheduled for April 14, 19 69. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that a hearing is scheduled on 4/4/69 regarding II. M. Byars Cons[ruction. Mr. Weidman attended the meeting in San Francisco with Rothschild, Raffin and Weirick and the meeting of 3/13/69 with the property owners regarding the Emergency Storage Area; he has been working on the report of mandatory connections. flOOD: Depositions will be taken in May; this will probably go to trial during August or September of this year. SETTLEMENT OF [ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN AND WEIRICK CLAIMS: Attorney Weidman recommended that the Board approve a draft in the amount of $13,500.00 in settlement of the claims that Rothschild, Raffin and Weirick have against the District. The claims amount to approximately $23,500.00 and Rothschild, Raffin and Weirick are willing to settle for $13,500.00. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director IIegarty, unanimously carried, that a draft in the amount of $13,500.00, as so recommended by Attorney John C. Weidman, be approved, settling the claims that Rothschild Raffin and Weirick have against the District. ' Match 20, 1969 COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation. 2. Planning: 3. Public Information: 4. Personnel: No report. No report. No report· (Two slide shows are on tape. Waiting for report for Federal Grant. Director Ream Absent. No report. Banking/Insurance: --- President F,e, sler stated that he spoke with tM Insurance Carrier for the District and that between now and October quotation will be given to the District and same to be studied by the Committee. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that progress is being made regarding installation of the Early Warning System, as requested by theInsurance Carrier; Mr. Russell L. Culp stated that the Telephone Company is installing the cable near Pioneer Trail and the Bottle Shop, as requested by the Insurance Carrier. 6. Emergency Storage Area: Donald H. Kortes, Director, reported on the meeting held with the property owners adjoining the Emergency Storage Area; Grace Carriker was appointed to form a Committee to meet with the Board 4/7/69, 8:00 P.M. AttorneyWeidman stated that he talked with Bruce Robinson, who stated that he would like to see this matter resolved as soon as possible. JOINT MEETINGS: City and SouthTahoe Public Utility District. Mr. Russell Lo Culp, General Manager to contact City Manager John Williams regarding Joint Meeting. SCENIC RAILROAD: Mr. Robert Keller appeared before the Board regarding the railroad and stated that he had been asked by the District to obtain signatures for this railroad from the property owners. Mr. Keller stated that he has spoken to many; Mr. Harootunian seemed to like this idea and Mrs. Harootunian was very definitely against it. Mr. Keller stated that he felt he would certainly get one negative response and requested the Board allow a letter to be mailed to the property owners, which he will prepare for approval of this District, and a time limit stated in the letter, by which they are to respond. Mr. Keller stated that thereis a definite misunderstanding about the railraod being installed; he has spoken with Marjorie Springmeyer, Bill Johnson and Knox Johnson regarding this possibility; he spoke about this at the Planning Commission Meeting and at the Soroptomist's Club; he also stated that he does not feel he would get the approval of the property owners at this time and again requested consideration of a registered letter being mailed to the property owners, stating the ideas and the reasons for same· President Fesler stated to Mr. Keller that it was not the intent of this Board to throw any roadblocks to him; the Board is trying to protect the interest of the people around this area. Mr. Culp will review [he letter and mail same to property owners - following discussion and approval of this Board. ANNEXaTiON NO. 1969-1: Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 4 5: A Resolution Making Application to E1 Dorado County, Local Agency Formation Commission for Annexation No. 1969-1 (Harootunian). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 4 5 be approved. ' /~,J 4,.~ i~-ULjUldi' lwee~ng -4- March 20, 1969 2. CARBON PURCHASE: RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 4 6: A Resolution Approving Specifications and RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 4 7, Calling for Sealed Proposals for Purchase of Granular Activated Carbon. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1246 and 1247 be approved. EMERGENCY STORAGE AREA: Consider Manager's request to authorize architect Robert Mason to prepare preliminary landscape plans for emergency storage area. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Mr. Mason be authorized to prepare preliminary plans for Emergency storage area. PERMIT AMENDMENT FOR S.T.P.U.D. FROM U.S.F.S.: Sometime ago, Mr. R. Culp, wrote to the U.S.F.S. requesting that Clm~se No. 31 be deleted from the Use Permit. This was approved, and the U.S.F.S. has now included Clause No. 34, as follows: "Whenever there is a need to use the pond for storing sewage effluent, the South Tahoe Public Utility District will provide 'On Premises Patrol' during entire time pond is in use ~o insure public safety and prevent accidents." RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 4 8, Approving Specifications for Fence Removal, and RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 4 9, Calling for sealed proposals for Fence Removal. NO DISTRICT EMPLOYEE WILL BE ALLOWED TO BID ON TIlE FENCE REMOVAL. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1 2 4 8 and 1 2 4 9 be approved, as presented. RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 5 0: A Resolution Authorizing the Clerk to Execute a Quit- Claim Deed for easements held but no longer needed. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 5 0 be approved. WEST SHORE SEWER SERVICE: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that a meeting was held in Sacramento with Mr. William P. Mott to discuss the West Shore Annexation-Sewer Service, and he said that they requested this District to serve D.L. Bliss and Emerald Bay State Parks. It was mentioned to Mr. Mort that several changes had taken place; TCPUD had already annexed into E1 Dorado County; Mr. Mort was informed that this District would be willing tO work with the State to see that the State parks are sewered, but that the cost to sewer this now would be much higher than originally stated. The State is going to take another look at the plans for sewering Emerald Bay, including Viking's Home and the Boat Camp. Mr. Moyer stated that he did mention to Mr. Mott that this District would have to know something soon because of weather conditions. This District has been negotiating with the State for one and one-f~alf years; nothing has been decided or settled; the blame is with the State Department of Beaches and Parks. If no word is received from the State by 4/1/69, this District should prepare a letter to the State putting them on notice, because the weather will be slipping away from us. The State is delaying in complying with the requirement of the Federal Law. The Federal Government and the State have established requirements for export, and for one and one-half years nothing has been done and the State is endangering their own compliance. Mr. Culp mentioned the agenda received from Placer County LAFCO and a call from Mr. Capell regarding the meeting to be held at Placer County on 4/1/69, Board of Supervisors Chambers, Auburn, California. PUBLIC INFORMATION GRANT: Director R. Wakeman stated that we should release the facilities at the Sahara-Tahoe, which was originally scheduled for the dedication facilities of this plant. ANNEXATION OF EXCLUDED PARCELS: Study session 3/25/69, 3:00 P.M., District OffLce. SERVICE CHARGE REVISIONS: report back to the Board. Assigned to the Planning Committee to review and llL~ UL/AK IVl~,E'£'il~t~ -b- March 20, 1969 RISING WELL MODIFICATIONS: RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 5 1, Approving Specifications. 1 2 5 2: Calling for Sealed Proposals for construction, 4/17/69 3:00 P.M. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 5 1 and 1 2 5 2, be approved as presented. MEYER'S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Consider request by Lake Tahoe Unified School District regarding acceptance of septic tank pumpage. Mr,Russell L. Culp stated that this would be no problem to the plant to accept the pumpage, since the area is not ready for connection. Mr. Culp will notify Meyer's School of this. And will include the point designated by the District for dumps of their septic tank. SPECIAL SEWER CONNECTION: Request of Tahoe Paradise Properties to Serve Several Buildings through One Sewer Ccanection. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, recommended that this be given a conditional approval that, at the time any of the property is sold, a separate connection will be required. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the request of Tahoe Paradise be approved, with the condition so stated by Mr. Harlan E. Moyer. C OMM UN ICATIONS: 1. Letter from Cai Pacific Forest Consultants. 2. Meeting notice from Lake Tahoe Area Council - Friday 3/21/69, Crystal Bay Club. (Four (4) from this district will attend) 3. Placer county LAFCO agenda received regarding their meeting 4/1/69. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS; Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $88,214.32, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $100,000, as recommended by Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. Attest: ROBE R~/W~. ~ ~, S {.E }~, ~ resident, South Tahoe Public Utility District DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT April 10, 1969 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session Thursday evening, April 10, 1969, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman, Edward E. Hegarty, Donald H. Kortes, Gerald G. Ream. Also present were Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, EngineerHarlan E. Moyer, A. L. Shoupe, D. Weiss, J. Phillips, H. Schwartz and John Murphy. ABSENT: General Manager Russell L. Culp and Attorney Robert I. Hill. ~ uloi lvl(2 0[1 ng -2- April 10, 1989 MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried that the minutes of 3/20/69 be approved as written and presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Preside~it Fesler welcomed the press - Mr. H. Schwartz and Mr. John Murphy and the visitors Mrs. D. Weiss and Mrs. I. Phillips, and Mr. A.I.. Sho:~p, - ClairA. Hill and Associates. MANA©£R'S REPORT: Assistant Gen~nl Manager David W. Callahan read the Manager's Report, as follows: "Attached to this report are the plant operations report for March 1969, the flow and laboratory data for March, and a recapitulation of flow and reclaimed water quality data for the first full year of export, April 1968 through March 1969. During the year, 731 million gallos of water were exported toAlpine County. Of this, 326 million gallons were used by irrigators, and 7.5 million gallons bya road construction contractor. Indian Creek Reservoir now stands a little more than half full and contains about 540 million gallons. The appearance of the lake water is excellent, and has never been better. Since the last meeting, comments on the State Board of Health report on solid wastes management have been forwarded as approved by the Board of Directors. At a Board Study Session on Annexation of Excluded Parcels, it was decided to mit future developments by regulatory bodies before taking further action. With themelting of the snow, the number of visitors to the plant has increased. Last week there were three visitors from Sweden, two from Minneapolis, and thirty from Orange County. One of the questions asked bya resident of Orange County was, "Now that the sewage has been taken out of the Lake, is it safe for swimming again?" There is still some P.I. work to be done." Mr. Culp mentioned that Mr. J. Troyan called to request a tour for eight (8) Russian Scientists on or about the 20th of May 1969. Water Renovation Plant Summary of Flow and Laboratory Data for the first year of Export, April 1968 through March 1969: FLOW DATA Total Plant Flow for Year, MG Average Daily Plant Flow forYear, MGD Peak Flow Rate for Year, MGD Total Flow for Year Into Indian Creek Reservoir. MG Total Flow for Year From Indian Creek Reservoir,MG Total Flow for Year from Pipeline Outlets, MG 731 2.0 9.1 (Jan. 20) 706 326 7.5 ~,- Requirements .Plant -Al-pi/ne Co Lahontan .R .W ~ Q. C.B. Performance Percent of time Percent of time _D., qscription 50 80 100 50 80 100 MBAS, mg/o less than 0.5 0.3 0.5 1.0 0.13 0.16 0.35 BOD mg/1, less than 5 3 5 10 1 2 6 COD, mg/1, less than 30 20 25 50 11 15 25 Susp. S., mg/1, less than 2 1 2 4 0 1 8 Turbidity, JU, less than 5 3 5 10 0.7 1 6 pH, units 5.5 to 8.5 6.5 to 9.0 6.4 to 9.1 Coliform, MPN/100 ml Adequately, Median less than2 Median less than 2.2 Disinfected Max. No. Consecutive No. of Consecutive samples greater than samples greater than .. . 50, 2 50, None [hosphorus, mg/1, less than' ' No'R~quirements 0.44 0.77 4.9 Regular Meeting Aprll ~0, i969 /'~';~ ~' PLANT FLOW, March 1969 DAILY AVE RAGE FLOW PEAK FLOW RATE NEVADA DISTRICT FLOW CHLORINE USED PROPANE USED NATURAL GAS USED ELECTRICITY USED POLYMER USED EMERGENCY HOLDING POND LIME USED: 57.5 MG 1.85 MGD 5.0 MGD (March 21) None 3,195 None 7.6 Million Cu. Ft. 526,800 KWH 195 Lbs. EMPTY-NOT USED ALUM USED Makeup 5 1 Tons Recalcined 1 1 1 Tons 2,915 Gallons" ENGINEER'S REPORT: None CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Mr. A. L. Shoupe stated that progress report stands as reported at the last meeting of the Board of Directors. Mr. Moyer stated that regarding the Solids Handling System, BSP has not run the operational tests that have been called for as put into the contract. BSP will be here April 14, 1969, to start the operational tests and continue with the operating training program for the operators. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney John C. Weidman, stated that in approximately one week, we will have a reading on the H. M. Byars Construction/W.S.M. Construction case. HAROOTUNIAN ANNEXATION ready to present to LAFCO next week. Also, Mr. Weidmen mentioned that he did not believe Tahoe City Public Utility District could annex D. L. Bliss State Park, the private lands, etc., without approval of E1 Dorado County LAFCO, as the property is in E1 Dorado County. (This comment made regarding a letter from Mr. William Penn Mort). CHAPPIE BILL: This bill is under consideration and to be introduced; it would be a legislative enactment of the F.W.P.C.A. edicts and the Water Quality Control Edicts of the State of California to export all sewage out of the Basin by January ]1, 1970. It also conforms with the City of South Lake Tahoe Ordinance. HOOD LITIGATION: Depositions set up for the 4th and 5th of June 1969. President Robert W. Fesler asked if anyone present could mention why Attorney Robert J. Hill ,bond counsel, has not been present at this and the past few meetings. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that he spoke with Mr. Hill and that Mr. Hill mentioned there was nothing pressing for the past meetings that he felt he should attend; however, he will attend the next regular meeting of the Board. Mr. H.E. Moyer also mentioned that he received a call from Mr. H. P[schell, Fallen Leaf, requesting a meeting with the Citizens of Fallen Leaf Lake Area and the District. Mr. Moyer stated to the Board that the U.S.F.S. has not made a decision as to the private homes and lands, and how they are going to be treated regarding the assessments; therefore, stated that it would be best to wait until word is received from the U.S.F.S. Mr. John C. Weidman, Attorney, mentioned that LEO L. DAVIS, Contractor, was given notice regard£ng maintenance of trenches and roads i.n certain areas; Mr. Shoupe, resident engineer, stated that Mr. Leo L. Davis is working on the trenches. MEETING COMMITTEE REPORTS: -4- April 10, 1969 1/ Annexation. No Report 2/ Planning. No report 3/ Public Information/ No Report 4/ Personnel. No Report 5/ Banking/Insurance _ No report. 6/ Emergency storage area. Ail Directors attended the meeting with th property owners April 9, 1969, to discuss the Emergency Storage Area. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. EMERGENCY STORAGE AREA: Mrs. Grace Carriker, Chairman of the Citizens Committee, presented a letter to [he Board, which will be mailed to the property owners of the area. Four (4) recommendations were set forth in the letter and the property owners were asked to reply to this letter by May 1st, 1969. Mr. Robert Mason was authorized by the Board to proceed with plans and specifications for the Emergency storage area. 2. HAROOTUNIAN TREE DAMAGE: Consider employing Consulting Forester, Mr. Lloyd Hayes, 4049 Mary Ann Avenue, Lafayette, California, to represent this District in settling cost of tree damage to Harootu.nian property. Preside.nt Robert W. Fesler stated that he felt this District should employ their own Forester to get an opinion on the trees that are damaged o.n the Harootunian Property. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer agreed that this was an excellent approach. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Mr. Lloyd Hayes be contacted and employed by this District. 3. INSTRUMENTATION MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: Consider Manager's request to renew agreement with Honeywell, Inc. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, una.nimously carried, that [he agreement with Honeywell, Inc., be renewed. 4. STATE PARK SEWER SERVICE: a. Letter was received from Mr. William Penn Mort, Jr., Director Of Department of Parks and Recreation, regarding the South Tahoe Public Utility District sewering the Emerald Bay State Park. John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that this District must have a contract from the State prior to any engineering work being done regarding sewering the Emerald Bay State Park. b. Reply to Mr. William Penn Mort, Jr., will be taken care of by Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, and letter to be approved by the Board of Directors. 5. PLANT TOURS: Consider request of Public Information Committee to purchase synchronized slide sound projector. (Approximately $1,200.00). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the synchronized slide sound projector be purchased. It was also mentioned that Manager Russell L. Culp is also in agreemant with this purchase DirectorWakeman stated. ' MEETING WITH F.W.P.C.A. OFFICIALS: Discussed meeting with Dr. Stephen, Contressman Harold T. "Bizz" Johnson, and others, regarding research contract proposals and other matters in Washington, D C at 9:30A M on Tuesday, May 13th. ' ' ' ' /~.~ Regular Meeting April 10, 1969 Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that this District has made application for two grants - $350,000 for Sludge Dewatering and $650,000 for Nitrogen Removal. Both to be one-hundred percent Federal Grants. The applications were reviewed by Dr. Robert Dean. Director Ream and Director Hegarty will not be able to attend, possibly Director Wakeman and Director Kortes can attend; President Fesler, Engineer Moyer and Manager Russell L. Culp will attend this meeting. 7. LANDSCAPING PLANT GROUNDS: President Fesler presented the plans and specifications prepared by Mr. Robert Mason, Architect. After reviewing the plans and specifications, the Directors took the following action: RESOLUTION NO. 1253: RESOLUTION NO. 1254: Approving Plans and Specifications. Calling for sealed proposals for landscaping, May 1, 1969, 3:00 P.M. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1253 and 1254 be approved as presented. 8. ANNEXATIONS: Consider ORDINANCE NO. 1 8 5, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 24, and requiring Annexation of any lot or parc el of land to South Tahoe Public Utility District prior to conne ction. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. i 8 5 be approved. 9. POSTPONEMENT OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 17, 1969: - Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the Regular Meeting of April 17, 1969 be postponed to April 24, 1969. 10. Koller Plumbing: President Fesler stated that Koller Plumbing has been asking for a check in the amount of $3,677.63 for work they have done at the District. Mr. Robert Mason checked all invoices and stated that he felt the work was done and that Koller Plumbing is certainly entitled to payment for this. The amount of $3,677.63 does not include the Sprinkler Heads. This check is included in this evening's payment of claims. NEW BUSINESS: 1. SEPTIC TANKS: Discussed present method of inspection of septic tanks at time house is connected to collection system. Director Ream stated that he has been approached many times in the past several months by contractors asking why some septic tanks are pumped and dumped at the District and why some are not. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that tn June of 1966, this District turned over the inspections to the City of South Lake Tahoe, and since that time this District has had nothing to do with inspections. Director Gerald G. Ream stated that he spoke with Mr. Ritchin about this and Mr. Ritchin stated that so far he has not come across this but did state that he felt there should be some way to know whether the septic has been pumped or not. Director Ream mentioned two ways in which to check on this. To be studied. President Fesler asked Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, to give some thought to this, and to review the entire inspection field and report to the Board. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer and Manager Russell L. Culp and Director Gerald G. Ream will work on this and report to this Board. REGULAR MEETING COMMUNICATIONS: 1. 2. 3. Letter from C.T.R.P.A. approving plans for Assessment District 1968-1. Letter from Max H. Hoseit - regarding Koller Plumbing invoices. Chamber of Commerce Annual Installation Dinner, Thursday, April 17, 1969. PAYMENT OE CLAIMS: Director Edward E. Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $92,448.26 be approved, as so recommended by Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. Robert W. Fesler, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DavidW. Callahan, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District BID OPENING---FENCE REMOVAL 4/17/69, - 2:00 P.M. Roll Call: Present were Russell L. Culp, Manager, Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, Director GeraldG. Ream, and Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan. The following bids were received and publicly opened at 2:00 P .M. 1. Jess Wright $ 13.75 PO Box 3676 South Lake Tahoe, Calif. 95705 Jack Kvasnicka PO Box 877 South Lake Tahoe, Calif. 95705 H. L. Long PO Box 7587 South Lake Tahoe, California, 95705 $150.00 $ 52.97 4. BernardA. Mosbacker $ 25.00 Bids were taken under advisement. David W. Callahan, Clerk of BSard South Tahoe Public Utility District BID OPENING GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON--- April 17, 1969 - 3:00 PM Roll Call: Present were Russell L. Culp, General Manager, Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, Director Gerald G. Ream, and Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan. The following bids were received and publicly opened at 3:00 P.M. 1. Calgon Corporation $18,500.00 (15 ton) Calgon Center Box 1346 Pittsburgh, Pa., 15230 Bids were taken under advisement. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District BID OPENING ..... RISING WELL MODIFICATION .... 4/17/69 3:00 P.M. Roll Call: Present were General Manager Russell L. Culp, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Director Gerald G. Ream, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan. The following bids were received and publicly opened at 3:00 P.M.: 1. Lawrence L. Jaeger $18,500.00 Box 1300 Yuba City, California, 95991 2. George R. Osborn Construction Co. $17,575.00 PO Box "O" Redding, California, 96001 Engineer's Estimate: Bids were taken under advisement. $16,000.00 DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 24, 1969 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session April 24, 1969, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. Fesler, Directors R. Wakeman, G. Ream, E. Hegarty, D. Kortes, General Manager R.L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. C~llahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Attorney R.J. Hill, Robert Sondag, L. L. Davis, Mr. Max Hoseit -Attorney, Mr. J. Kvasnicka, John Murphy of the Sacramento Bee and Howard Schwartz of the Tribune, Mr Robert Keller. MINUTES: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 4/10/69 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Feslerwelcomed all present to this meeting. Those present had business listed on the /%genda. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager R.L. Culp read his report, as follows: "Beginning Monday, April 14th, representatives of BSP, Bird Machine, Clair A. Hill and Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield, began performance testing of the sludge handling equipment. The tests are still in progress. Preliminary indications are favorable, but final amputations will not be made until the tests are completed. On Thursday, April 17th, representatives of the District met with E1 Dorado County Supervisors, Martin and Johnson, regarding sewer service to the airport, and a procedure was agreed upon for attempting to determine an equitable means of assessing the county for this service. The District was represented at meetings of the League to Save Lake Tahoe and the local Chamber of Commerce. During the past three weeks at Indian Creek, the snow has melted off the watershed, and the ice cover is gone off the Reservoir. Natural runoff into the Reservoir amounted to about 80 million gallons as compared to about 40 million gallons of reclaimed water which entered the Reservoir during the same period. The Reservoir is now about two-thirds full and contains about 670 mg. The water level is about 49 feet, which is 9 feet above conservation pool level and 6 feet below full level." Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Items listed on agenda. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Mr. Robert $ondag reported the following: CONTRACT AND CONTRACTOR Solids Handling System, BSP CORP Assessment District 1967-3, Leo L. Davis, Inc. Assessment District 1967-4, Frontier Contractors Areas A & B - ?rontier Contractors U.S.F.S. Sewer , Schedule I, Granite Construction U.S.F.S. Sewer, Schedule II, Wismer and Becker Trout Creek Trunk Sewer AMOUNT COMPLETED 99% 95% 68% 84% 28% 2% 0% ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. J.C. lNeidman, Attorney, stated that Harootunian Annexation will be presented to the Board this evening and consideration of adoption of a Resolution. - - He attended the E1 Dorado LAFCO meeting. - Assembly Bill No. 1943 - letter received regarding same. - Byar's Contract - Awaiting decision of Judge. President Fesler welcomed Mr. Robert J. ti. ill, Bound Counsel, to this meeting. Mr. Hill stated that regarding the extra work order that was in regards to Montgomery Estates, approximately within two to four weeks, $3,390.00 should be received from the County. Committee Reports: 1. Annexation. No Report. 2. Planning: No Report. 3. Personnel. No Report. 4. Banking/Insurance: Letter was received from the Insurance Carrier regarding a saving to this District re insurance. (To'~be discussed at a Study Se s s ion). 5. Emergency Storage Area: Letters were mailed to property owners regarding the Emergency Holding Pond - Landscaping. 6. Public Information: No meeting. Slide show completed. Delivery of projector expected to be three (3) weeks. May 20th eight (8) Russian Scientists are due to arrive to tour our facilities. Director Wakeman also requested Mr. R. Culp to contact Encyclopedia Brittianica regarding the film they made of this plant. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. SCENIC RAILROAD RIGHT-OF_WAY: Consideration of Easement Agreement. REGULAR MEETING -3- 4/z4/os j~ Letters were mailed to all property owners adjacent to the proposed scenic railroad route. Five letters were r!eturned and one returned because there was no forwarding address. (There are six property owners involved). No complaints were received. A draft of the easement was presented to the Board for consideration. Few changes were made by Attorney J.C. Weidman, who also recommended action be delayed on this until May 1, 1969. 3. STATE LOAN REPORT: a. Audit report by Assistant General Manager - DavidW. Callahan. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures and Statement of Principal Amount of Loan attsched to Directors Agenda for their information. Mr. Culp stated that a call was received today~from the State asking if this District would request the moratorium and if funds are going to be returned to the State. Study Session scheduled for 4/29/69 to further discuss State Loan. HAROOTUNIAN TREE DAMAGE: Directors agreed to schedule a meeting with Consulting Forester L. Hayes to discuss basis of employment and work to be done. Same scheduled for 5/19/69, 3:00 P.M. - Manager R.L. Culp to confirm. 4. EMERGENCY STORAGE AREA: Fence Removal - Sale of Fence. Four bids were received and the bid of Jack Kvasnicka in the amount of $150.00 was recommended for acceptance by Manager R.L. Culp. RESOLUTION NO. 1255 - Authorizing Award of Contract toKvasnicka in the amount of $150.00, per his bid. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1255 be approved. 5. RISING WELL MODIFICATION: Two bids were received for Rising Well Modifications. Engineer H.E. Moyer recommended that the bid from George Osborn Construction Co., of Redding, California, in the amount of $17,575.00, be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 1256: A Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract to George R. Osborn Construction Company of Redding, California, at his bid price of $17,575.00. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1256 be approved. 6. ACTIVATED CARBON CARBON: One bid was received from Calgon Corporation in the amount of $8,500.00. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1257 be approved, authorizing purchase of carbon from Calgon Corp., 7. CONSIDER PROPOSAL OF BIRD MACHINE COMPANY FOR SPARE CONVEYOR AND GEAR - INCINERATION EQUIPMENT: Manager R.L. Culp stated that the budget contains $30,000 for the furnace building necessities and that a conveyor unit and gear unit are now required. He also mentioned the quotes he received from Bird Machine Company and BSP Corporation. Mr. Culp recommended that this equipment be purchased from Bird Machine Company. The Directors agreed that the above should be put out for bid and requested that the plans and/or specifications be presented at the next regular meeting for action by the board. 8. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-3: L.L. Davis, Contractor. Mr. Max Hoseit, Attorney for Leo L. Davis, stated that they have appeared before the Board this evening to obtain some money for work that has been accomplished, etc., Mr. Hoseit stated that he had a purch listed prepared by Mr. Robert Sondag regarding items to be done, costs, etc. He stated that they were not in agreement of the costs which were estimated by Mr. Sondag, which was approximately $41,000 and Leo L. Davis and Mr. Hoseit seem to figure this to be approximately only $10,000.00 less. /~.~3 RE~ UEAH MEE TIN C4 -4- 4/~4/08 President Fesler asked when Mt. Leo L. Davis plans to complete the project.' Mr. Hoseit mentioned that as soon as the "hot plant" opens, Mr. Davis will complete the job. Several items were discussed between the Board and Mr. Hoseit and Mr. Davis - installation of lines, testing, laterals, manholes, lot damage, etc. Mr. Hoseit stated that it is a matter of law that it is wrong to hold funds for lot damage and the list shows an amount of $4,200.00 for lot damage. Mr. Weidman asked Mr. Hoseit what he considered a matter of taw. Mr. Hoseit replied that it is a matter of law when anyone becomes arbitrary and he felt that they should be reasonable. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, engineer, stated that he has not been in complete contact with this project, but he has discussed this with Mr. Sondag and Mr. Davis. Mr. Moyer also stated that Clair A. Hill and Associates, as Consulting Engineers, do have, according to all contract documents, the right to question and inspect all work. Mr. Moyer stated also that if this Board wished to set up a committee to work with and discuss this project and take a tour of same - same will be done. President Fesler stated that this Board does want to be reasonable and does want to do the right thing. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Mr. Robert Sondag, Mr. Gerald G. Ream, Mr. J.C.Weidman, Attorney and Leo L. Davis, Contractor, will meet at the Meyer's office 4/25/69 at 2:00 P.M. 9. WELL NO. 2: - Contract Chanqe Order No. 2 - A. Purchase and install the necessary pump to go into the well. Approximate cost $2,430.00. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 2 be approved. B. BUILDING CONTRACT: Bids were requested from four (4) local contractors for construction of the house around the pump, block and concrete work, etc. Mike Ryan, General Contractor, quoted $1,585.00 to do the entire job. Next low bidder was $2,556.00. Mr. Moyer recommended that Mr. Mike Ryan be authorized to proceed for the lump sum of $1,585.00. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Mike Ryan, General Contractor, be authorized to proceed with the Building Contract (Well No. 2) for the sum of $1,585.00. RECONSTRUCTION OF OLD CLARIFIER: The inlet ring that was installed originally was the wrong type - too small for the clarifier. Presently, our crew is much to busy to install the necessary items at this time, and recommended by Manager R. L. Cuop that L.A. Rose be authorized to install the ring, etc. His bid for same, as follows: Concrete $2,684.00 and for the Metal Work - - $1,270.00 The Directors agreed that the above request should go out to bid. Director Kortes mentioned that he visited the Indian Creek Dam and noticed [hat a very inexpensive lock was on the bullet proof door installed at the dam and requested that this be checked into by Manager Culp. Seems that same could very easily be removed by anyone. ANNEXATION NO. 1969-1: (Harootunian) Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1258 be approved. REGULAR MEETING _$_ COMMITTEE MEETINGS : 1. Banking and Insurance scheduled for 5/6/69 at Noon. 4/24/s9 2. Personnel: Scheduled for 4/30/69 at 2:00 PoMo District Office. Mr. Culp mentioned that a meeting is scheduled with BSP corporation 5/1/69. C OMM UNICATI ONS: 1. From E1 Dorado County Local Agency Formation Commission regarding sewer service cost factors for Western Shore of Lake Tahoe from Emerald Bay through Sugar Pine Point. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, was authorized to prepare the figures and present to the Board for review. 2. From California State Loan: Mr. R.L. Culp, Manager, stated that we owe Mr. a letter telling him what to do with the excess funds of $23,000 which this District has not drawn. Day 3. A.B. 1943: - Meeting to be held 5/5/69 regarding AB 1943 1:30 P M Room 2170, Sacrame.nto. ' ' '' Mr. Weidman, Attorney, recommended that this Board adopt a Resolution endorsing A.B. 1943: RESOLUTION NO. 1259: - - - Endorsing AB 1943. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1259 be approved. Mr. Weidman also stated that he has checked into ORDINANCE NO. 6 of the California Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (CTRPA) regarding the disposal of sewage in the Lake Tahoe Basin. To him it is unthinkable that the regulatory agencies should permit the use of septic tanks until January of 1972, which is contrary to all standards set forth by the State, Federal and Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. Mr. Weidman recommended adoption of a Resolution requesting E1 Dorado County to require no septic tanks after January 1970. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1260 be approved, as so recommended by Attorney John C. Weidman. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Assistant General Manager recommended payment of claims in the amount of $35,484.75, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $6,732.36. Director Hegarty ma~ed, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that Lhe claims and transfer of funds be approved as so recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 10:25 P.M. ATTEST: ROBERTWo FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utilit y District DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 1, 1 9 6 9 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session May 1, 1969, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: President R. Fesler, Directors R. Wakeman, G. Ream, D. Kortes, E. Hegarty were present; also, General Manager R.L. Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Engineer H.E. Moyer, AttorneyJ.C. Weidman, R. Sondag, J. Murphy, H. Schwartz, Bill Young, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips D. Weiss, R. Mason and P. Unruh. ' MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 4/24/69 be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager R.L. Culp read his report, as follows: " Performance testing of the Solids Handling equipment was completed today and a meeting was held this afternoon with representatives of BSP Corporation and Bird Machine Company to make plans for finalizing this contract. Last Friday, a meeting was held with representatives of the University of California and the Division of Water Resources to arrange biological studies of Indian Creek Reservoir. Friday afternoon, a meeting was held with Leo L. Davis concerning payments under his contract for work in Assessment District 1967-3 and completion of this contract. Each item of uncompleted work was reviewed in detail and it was found that only about $10,000 additional money could be released. It was apparent, if the contractor is to receive any substantial additional payments [:hat he must complete his work under the contract, which would [hen permit reduction of the 10% retention, under conditions previously agreed upon. The Board met with County Supervisors and the Airport Manager for further discussions regarding sewer service to the Airport. The Board met in Study Session on Tuesday afternoon regarding the interest moratorium and return of unexpended State Loan Funds, which will be discussed further later on the agenda. John Weidman met with Mr. Anderman of the E1 Dorado County Health Department, and Gary Chase of the City, at Mr. Anderman's request, to discuss sewer ordinances and AB 1943. Incidental to this, the matter of inspection of house-to-sewer connections was also discussed. The Personnel Committee met on Wednesday afternoon and discussed a number of items, most of which will be the subject of further discussion at a future meeting. In order to maintain continued good communications between myself and all employees, the annual oral interviews of all plant and system employees will be conducted. I also plan to place a suggestion box in the shop and pl ant to receive suggestions for plant and system operation, and to give all employees full freedom to voice complaints, if any. All suggestions and complaints will be carefully reviewed, and all those signed will be answered. We have a good group of employees, the morale is good, and by keeping the lines of communication open, perhaps this will continue." Mr. Culp stated that a meeting was held with BSP Corporation and Bird Machine Company representatives, and quate a bit of progress has been made and felt that a satisfactory conclusion will soon be reached. Also, met with Leo L. Davis and after carefully studying the punch list, etc., it seems that an amount of $10,000 could be released. D;rector Ream stated that everything was completely understood by Mr. Davis and the District. AttorneyWeidman stated that two letters are .needed from Mr. Leo L. Davis regarding lot damage and paving before any money is to be released. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director I-Iegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. Regular M~eting -2- Ma? 1, 1969 ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, District Engineer, stated that he attended all meetings mentioned in the Manager's Report. Also, at the last regular meeti meeting of the Board, a letter was received from LAFCO requesting Sewer Service Cost Factors for E1 Dorado County Area from Emerald Bay to Sugar Pine Point. Mr. Moyer and the Directors reviewed the letter prepared by Harlan E. Moyer. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the letter be mailed to Mr. Mark Nielsen· Attorney Weidman stated that this letter was drafter prior to receiving the Tahoe City report on the same item, and asked Mr. Moyer how it compared to his report. Mr. Moyer stated that a letter was received by Mr. Weidman and a comparison was made; Mr. Moyer did state he did take exception to the Tahoe City Cost Report. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Mr. Robert Sondag stated that no further progress has been made singe the last meeting. All of the contractors are now beginning to proceed with their projects, except Mr. Leo L. Davis -Assessment District 1967-3. Within the next two weeks Tahoe Paradise Units 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 57 and Montgomery Estates, Unit No. 5 will become active. H.M. BYARS CONSTRUCTION: Will begin work as soon as given the approval· Nothing has been received regarding the Court's decision of Byars-~.NSM law suit. ATTORNEY'S REPORT:Attended meeting with Leo L. Davis, BSP Corporation and also discussed State Loan Moratorium; attended a meeting with the Health Depart- ment; worked on the easement request for Robert Keller (Scenic Railway). Mr. Weidman also met with the Supervisors of E1 Dorado County (Johnson and Martin), and another meeting is scheduled for 5/5/69, 11:00 A.M., District Conference Room. HOOD LITIGATION: No word received. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexat ion: No report. (Possible future annexation of Echo Lake). Mr. Pischell of Fallen Leaf requests meeting. No word regarding decision from II.S.F.S. 2. Planning: No report. 3. Public Information: No report. Mr. Fesler, President, stated that he will attend the Lake Tahoe Area Council meeting and will introduce a RESOLUTION in favor of Assembly Bill No. 1943. 4. Personnel: Met 4/30/69, and had a general review and study of the Personnel Documents. The study is not complete at this time· Budget was also discussed. 5. Banking/Insurance: No report. Emergency Storage Area: Mrs. D. Weiss brought the answers from property owners regarding the letter which was mailed to same by Grace Carriker. All seemed to be in agreement with the suggestions/recommendations mentioned in the letter. One requested nothing be done to the area, and another requested the site be moved. President Fesler stated that this was a wonderful report to take to the Planning Commission. Directors agreed that Mrs. Grace Carriker should be commended for the wonderful job she and her committee did, and a letter mailed expressing the appreciation of the Board. J.C.Weidman, Attorney, will approach Mr. Bruce Robinson and ask l~mwhat should be done to accomplish what this Board arrived at tonight,regarding the Emergency Storage Area. Mr. Robert Mason will have the first meeting in June. -3- May It 196~ plans ready for the Board's consideration the Mr. Phillips mentioned that consideration should be given to the pond drainage. President Fesler and Directors thanked the Committee for their work regarding the Emergency Storage Area. LANDSCAPING PLANT GROUNDS: RESOLUTION NO. NO. 1262 . 1261 and RESOLUTION RESOLUTION NO. 1261:- A Resolution approving plans and specification Site Landscaping. Approving plans and specifications as presented this evening by Mr. Robert Mason. RESOLUTION NO. 1262: -A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals for Site Landscaping. (Trees and Shrubs). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1261 and 1262 be approved, as presented. 2. SCENIC RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY: Attorney Weidman and Assistant General Manager Callahan studied the agreement presented by Robert Keller, and also discussed the easement with Mr. Keller. Mr. Weidman recommended that the Board not sign the agreement as was submitted. It seems that Mr. Keller has submitted detailed easement agreements with many provisions to private landowners, and it would seem that the District should not enter into an agreement that contains any less provisions than a private land owner would insist upon. Mr. Robert Keller did request this District to authorize a letter of intent that we would be willing to execute an agreement based upon specific terms set forth in an agreement and contain such terms as a private owner would require. Mr. Keller will be here Tuesday at 1:30 P.M., May 6, 1969. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty that the letter be authorized. ' Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that we should have a precise legal description of the area of the easement. It was unanimously carried that the letter of intent be authorized, but not the easement at this time. 3. LANDSCAPE PLANT GROUNDS: BID OPENING: 3:00 P.M. Today, publicly opened by Assistant General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan. One bid was received, as follows: Bill A. Young, South Lake Tahoe, California, $15,400.00. Architect Robert Mason recommended that this bid be accepted and the contract was awarded to Mr. Bill A. Young,Contractor. RESOLUTION NO. 1263: A Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract (Bill A.Young) Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1263 be approved. 4. STATE LOAN, INTEREST MORATORIUM: Attorney John C. Weidman re- commended that the Board adopt a Resolution requesting the moratorium, and that the Assistant General Manager be instructed to carry through with the way the Resolution has been drafted; we are willing to execute an amendment to the contract to reflect the moratorium. R6gu[at mee[ihg -4- May ~, 1969 RESOLUTION NO. 1264: A Resolution Requesting Moratorium on Interest Payments on State of Oalifornia Loan. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1264 be approved and that Assistant General Manager Callahan institute negotiations for any amendment to the agreement. Manager Russell L. Culp stated that a Mr. Daigh also wanted to know the Board's intent. Mr. Culp will so notify him. President Fesler requested Assistant General Manager Callahan to consider the purchase of pitchers and glasses for the conference tables. RECESS: 5 Minutes. INCINERATION EQ UIPME NT :-S PARE PART S: a. RESOLUTION NO. 1265, A Resolution Approving Specifications for Sealed Proposals for Spare Parts for Bird Centrifugals. b. RESOL JTtON NO. 1266: AResolution Calling for Sealed Proposals for Bird Centrifugals at 3:00 P.M., Thursday, May 15, 1969. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1265 and 1266 be approved. MODIFYING EXISTING SECONDARY CLARIFIER: A. RESOLUTION NO. 1267, AResolu- tion Approving Specifications for Sealed Proposals for Modifying Existing Secondary Clarifier. b. RESOLUTION NO. 1268: AResolution Calling for Sealed Proposals for Modify- ing Existing Secondary Clarifier, at 2:00 P.M., Thursday, May 15, 1969. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Resolution Nos. 1267 and 1268 be approved. GRIT REMOVAL FACILITIES: Harlan E. Moyer stated that Clair A. Hill and Associates were authorized to, and had completed a study on the grit removal. This would enable the grit to be removed from the sewage with no manual labor. Harlan E.Moyer recommended that Grit Removal Equipment be installed at approximately $36,000.00; thi.~ is not in this year budget, but will be placed in the 1969-1970 budget, Manager Culp agreed with Mr. Moyer's recommendation. Total cost estimated at $50,000.00. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Clair A. Hill and Associates be authorized to prepare plans and specifications for Grit Removal. MEETING: Washington, D.C., - those that will attend the meeting will be President Robert W. Fesler, Manager Russell L. Culp, Director Donald H. Kortes, Director Robert Wakeman, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. TIME EXTENSIONS FOR WEATHER CONDITIONS: This involves time extensions for contractors by reason of 1968-69, winter exceeding areas average climatic range by 50 calendar days. The contracts involved are as follows: Assessment District 1967-3; Assessment District 1967-4A (Areas 4D and 4E Only); U.S.F.S., Schedule I; U.S.F.S., Schedule II; Trout Creek Trunk Sewer. Mr. Robert Sondag stated that the Court's feel that calendar day contract time extensions are not warranted but when the average climatic range in an area is exceeded than it is felt a contractor would be awarded a time extension. The U.S.F.S. projects are approved by the District and then by the U.S.F.S. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that the time extensions as so recommended by Robert Sondag, be approved. President Fesler stated that he could not see why or where the weather entered into approval of a 50 calendar day extension. Mr. Fesler also stated that he feels some contractor, or projects could have been completed and instead seemed to be lax in Regular Meeting -5- ~iay 1, 1969 many respects, Director Ream stated that this year the underground water table and working conditions is worse the 1st of May than it has been in past years on the 1st of March. ' Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that time extensions for all projects, except Assessment District 1967-3 be granted. VOTE AS FOLLOWS: AYES: NOES: ABSTAINED: Motion Carried. Directors Wakeman, Kortes Director Fe sler Director Ream and Hegarty NEW BUSINESS: None COMMUNICATIONS: (1) Notice of hearing re annexation - public hearing on May 14, 1969, City Council Chambers, South Lake Tahoe, regarding rezoning. Attorney Weidman suggested that the Board of a representative should appear at the hearing, especially if the holding pond is involved. Manager Culp will check into tl~is and write a letter to be read at the public hearing. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $30,328o61, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $108,735 °86, as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan, be approved. ADJOURNMENT: 10:20 P.M. ROBERT'Wo FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IVIAY22, 1969 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session May 22, 1969, 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream; also, General Manager Russell L. Culp, Assistant Manager-Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer, -Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney John C. Weidman, Attorney Robert J.Hill, Robert Somdag, Jack Jensen, Dolores Weiss, John Murphy and a representative from the Tahoe Tribune. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried that the minutes of May 1, 1969, be approved as presented. ' MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Russell L. Culp read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report May 22, 1969 All plant inflows during April were exported to Indian Creek Reservoir, The Emergency storage area and the sprayfield were not used. All snowmelt was drained from the emergency storage area, treated, and exported. The quality of the reclaimed water continues to meet the high export standards at all times. Indian Creek Reservoir is now about 70 percent full, and contains 700 mg of reclaimed water The appearance of the lake is excellent. ' A letter of thanks and appreciation was sent to Mrs. V.A. Carriker and her Resident's Committee for their excellent work in securing a concensus of opinion concerning future plans for the emergency storage area. It is anticipated that landscaping plans for the storage area will be presented to the Board for approval on June 5th. The U.S. Information Agency completed their filming of the plant, but we have not yet seen the results. The District was represented at the California W.P.C.A. meeting in Anaheim by Earl Hardie, Murle F. Spencer, Edward E. Hegarty, and myself. There was a great deal of interest in what our District is doing, and we had an opportunity to learn how other Districts and Cities are operating. On May 6th the Banking/Insurance Committee met. The results will be reported later in the agenda. The Board met in Study Session on May 19th with Floyd Hayes, Consulting Forester, who will represent the District in settling tree damage claims on the Harootunian sprayfield lease. Directors Fesler, Wakeman, and Kortes, Engineer Moyer, and I made a trip to Washington, D.C., in connection with two research contract applications which are under review by the FWPCA, and to obtain information concerning possible federal support for Public Information and Operator Training programs. Phase I ($12,500) of the Supplemental Nitrogen Removal project has been reviewed and approved and a contract is being prepared for signature. Final, approval of Phases II and III of the Nitrogen project is dependent upon the results of Phase I, and a decision cannot be made for about 3 to 4 months. The Sludge Dewatering project has received technical approval, and is now undergoing administrative review. It is expected that the contract for this work will be signed before July 1, 1969. For Public Information programs it appears that there is considerable moral support from Federal Agencies, but little, if any, financial support. Federal funds which may become available soon for training programs do not appear to fit the District needs at this time. On May 16th, Dave Callahan and I met with Gary Chase and Bob King, of the City, and Warren Turpin and William Anderman of the E1 Dorado County Health Department, regarding inspection of sewer connections, and compliance with the January 1, 1970, deadline. The City, which makes inspections of hookups under contract with the District, reported on three items. According to their survey of the situation, there are about 1,471 residences in the City not now connected to the sewer as compared to about 4,800 existing connections. The City plans to notify all presently unconnected properties of the City Ordinance requiring connection before January 1, 1970. We REGULAR MEETING -2- May 22, 1969 Manager"s Report (Continued) will be given an opportunity to review the wording of the notice before it is sent. The Ci~..., also reported on the status of permits issued but not finaled. The City also reported on their attempts to reconcile the number of septic tanks pumped versus loads dumped at the treatment plant, and outlined their plans for closer inspection of pump-out requirements in the future, which includes a tag to the District notifying us on the dumps. PLANT OPERATION Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Peak Flow Rate Nevada District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Holding Pond --APRIL 19 6 9 Lime Used: Alum Used Makeup Recalcined Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, the Manager's Report be approved as presented. 76.8 mg (1/3. increase 2.56 MGD(over March) 5.0 MGD None 1,990 LBS None 7.7 Million Cu. Ft. 594,000 KWH 687 lbs. Empty-Not used. (Snowmelt drained out) 52 tons 3 tons 2,175 Gallons" unanimously carried, that RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Feslerwelcomed Robert Sondag, the Press, Jack Jensen and Mrs. Delores Weiss to the meeting. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that he attended the meeting in Washington, D.C. last week regarding the F.W.P.C.A. Application. Met today at Placerville with the U.S.F.S. - I.Bosworth, Bruce Puiett and B. Meinders, Mr. R.L. Culp, AttorneyJ.C.Weidman, Attorney R.J. Hill and Director Gerald G. Ream to discuss Assessment District 1968-3 - the area along the Upper Truckee River, South of Highway 50 to Christmas Valley and also three U.S.F.S. summer home tracks and campgrounds. Engineer Report for the U.S.F.S. property will be presented to this Board during the month of July. No firm commitment from the U.S.F.S. regarding Fallen Leaf Tract. RE: WASHINGTON VISIT: President Fesler stated that he felt the F.W.P.C.A. was looking with great favor of Nitrogen Removal and Phase I is being approved. Mr. Fesler stated that he felt the Sludge Dewatering requrest was a lost cause until this visit was made, and same discussed with Dr. Stephan - and Harlan E. Moyer discussed the technical importance of the Sludge Dewatering with Dr. Stephan. Director Wakeman stated that it is important that people know what we are doing and Dr. Stephan was not aware of the Sludge Dewatering at all. ANAHEIM: CWPCA CONFERENCE: Director Hegarty attended this conference with Mr. Culp, Manager, and Mr. Earl Hardie, Chief Operator, and Mr. Murle Spencer of Maintenance. Director Hegarty stated that the conference was well worth the time spent there; Manager Culp spoke and showed slides during the conference Friday morning. In answer to President Fesler's question, Mr. Hegarty stated that he felt attendance at these conferences should be continued. May 22, 1969 ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that he attended a hearing on Assembly Bill No. 1943; there is a possibility of extending the deadline for export to Januaryl972; Mr. Weidman will review Senate Bill No. 22 of 1966 and stated that he will reserve judgement until he actually sees the amendment to Assembly Bill No. 1943. Mr. Weidman stated that maybe the i970 was a little unrealistic but the bill did shake up a few people and did get them going. President Fesler stated that he felt it is a very serious matter of extending the bill to 1972; this District worked very hard and spent a lot of money to comply with the deadline date of 1970; if anyone is going to change the deadline date, Mr. Fesler stated that he felt another look should be taken at this; if they are not going to enforce any deadline on the North Shore until 1972, then we are not going to subject our taxpayers to any of this. AttorneyWeidman stated that the bill is still in the Assembly and has not gone to the Senate. Harlan E. Moyer stated that this District has spent $19 million dollars to complete projects from 1967 to 1969. Attorney Weidman stated that he felt it would be a legitimate quest ion to ask Secretary of Interior, F.W.P.C.A., for their comments. President Fesler stated that he was getting more and more concerned about the State getting in and connections made prior to the deadline; however, he felt now that maybe they had no intention of meeting the deadline. He felt that if this deadline can be put off until 1972 - then it would become very easy to continue to postpone any deadline dates. Manager Culp and Attorney Weidman will find out the status of the above and report to the Board. President Fesler thanked Mr. C~llahan, Assistant General Manager, for obtaining the pitchers and glasses requested by the Board at the last regular meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation: No report 2. Planning: No report 3. Public Information: Director Wakeman stated that he received an article published in Business Week by McGraw-Hill Company regarding pollution and the article mentions the progress South Lake Tahoe has made to prevent this. Also, Mr. Wakeman read many letters mailed by the Sth grade students of Soutt South Tahoe that toured the facilities. 4. Personnel: No report 5. Banking/Insurance: President Fesler stated that two recommendations by the Committee are to be presented for consideration and/or action by this Board. a. That the District approve the $10,000.00 deductibe (Insurance) for the District. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the District request $10,000.00 deductible from the Insurance Policy for the District. b. That two signatures (mechanical) be allowed for the payroll checks only. Signatures to be those of the Banking/Insurance Committe - Robert W. Fesler, and Donald Iff. Kortes. Also, that the checks do have printed - "not valid in excess of $1,000.00". Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that recommendation "B" of the Banking/Insurance Committee be approved, and that Robert 'W. Fesler and Donald II. Kortes will be the signatures for the payroll checks. 6. Emergency Storage Area: Letter was sent to Grace Carriker expressing the District's appreciation to her and her committee. Landscape plans will be ready for consideration and/or approval 6/5/69. Attorney Weidman stated that the E1 Dorado Planning Commission would like to hold the meeting regarding this area here at the District. Mr. Weidman will take the plans to the Planning Commission when completed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS .... 1. LANDSCAPING PLANT GROUNDS: a. One Bid was received from Bill A. Young in the amount of $5,300.00. b. RESOLUTION NO. 1269: A Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract to Bill A. Young. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1269 be approved. 2. WELL NO. 2: A. Consideration of contract change order no. 3: Well has been completed. b. RESOLUTION NO. 1270; A Resolution Accepting Completion and Directing the Filing of Notice of Completion. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 3 and RESOLUTION NO. 1270 be appr~ed, as recommended by Engineer Harlan E. Moyer. 3. MODIFYING EXISTING SECONDARY CLARIFIER: a. One bid received from L.A. Rose, $7,427.00 b. RESOLUTION NO. 1271 : A Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract to L.A. Rose. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1271 be approved. 4.~ INCINERATION EQUIPMENT-SPARE PARTS: a Report of bid opening: $15,241.00. One bid received from Bird Machine Company b. RESOLUTION NO. 1272:A Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract to Bird Machine Company. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1272 be approved. 5. SUPPLEMENTAL NITROGEN REMOVAL: a. Report on Project Status. This Phase I has been approved, $12,500. and contract is being prepared for signature by FWPCA. General Manager Culp requested consideration to authorize preparation of an engineering design report by Clair A. Hill and Associates, upon signing of the research contract by F.W.P.C.A. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Clair Hill and Associates be authorized to prepare the Engineering Report, in the amount of $12,500, upon signing of the Research Contract by F.W.P.C.A. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1968-1: Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that this area will include along Highway 50 opposite the airport, South, and the Rolling Wood Heights Subdivision. Approximately 186 parcels of land; 28,500 feet of pipe. Area "A" (Rolling Wood Heights, -appr~imately $151,952.000 Area "B" approximately $350,123.90 Bid opening date set for June 26, 1969, 2:00 P.M.; Public Hearing same date 8:00 P.M., District Conference Room. Letter from E1 Dorado County Health Department received, and reads as follows: REGULAR MEETING -5- May 22, 1969 Assessment District No. 1968-1: Following is a letter from the E1 Dorado County Health Officer of the County of E1 Dorado: 1/29/69 "Honorable Board of Directors, South Tahoe Public Utility District South Lake Tahoe, California Gentlemen: RE: Assessment District 1968-1 I am acquainted with the sanitary sewerageproject which you propose to undertake pursuant to special assessment and assessment bond proceedings, or other appropriate proceedings, which project is more particularly set forth in your Resolution Requesting Recommendation of Health Officer. I recommend, as necessary as a health measure, that you undertake proceedings pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this State, or other appropriate proceedings, as you shall determine, for the construction of said improvements and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby. This recommendation extends to such changes and modifications therein as you shall find to be proper or advisable, in the manner provided by law. Yours respectfully, s/Harold N.Mozar, MD Health Officer County of E1 Dorado" Attorney Robert I. Hill recommended the following resolutions for consideration/adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 1273: A Resolution Determining to Undertake Proceedings Pursuant to Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts or other Appropriate Proceedings, for the Acquisition and Construction of a Sanitary Sewerage System and Appurtenances Without Proceedings Under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code. RESOLUTION NO. 1274: A Resolution of Intention to acquire and construct improvements. RESOLUTION NO. 1275: A Resolution Amending RES.NO. 1274, Entitled "A Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct Improvements". RESOLUTION NO. 1276: RESOLUTION NO. 1277: RESOLUTION NO. 1278: A Resolution of Preliminary Approval of Engineers Report A Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale. A Resolution Appointing Time and Place of Hearing on Engineers Report and Directing Notice. RESOLUTION NO. 1279: A Resolution calling for Sealed Proposals or Bids. (6/26/69-2 PM) RESOLUTION NO. 1280: A Resolution Describing Proposed Boundaries of Assessment District, Directing Filing of Map, Directing Recordation of Notice of Assessment and Directing Filing of Assessment Diagram. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carriec~ that RESOLUTION NOS. 1273 through 1280 be approved as recommended by Attorney R.J.Hill. NEW BUSINESS: 1. MEADOW LAKES SUIiDIVISION UNIT NO. 1: RESOLUTION NO. 1281, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreement with Relation to System of Domestic Sewage Disposal for Meadow Lakes Subdivision Unit No. 1. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIO NO. 1281 , be approved. REGULAR MEETING -6- May 22, 1969 ANNEXATION NO. 1969-2: RESOLUTION NO. 1282: A Resolution of Application by South Tahoe Public Utility District Requesting that Local Agency Formation Commission take Proceedings for Annexation of Territory to the District (Annexation No. 1969-2) Lot 4, Block 84, A1 Tahoe Subdivision). Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, that RESOLUTION NO 1282 be approved. · Clerk of Board David W. C~llahan polled the Board .... AYES: Director Fiegarty, Director Wakeman, DirectorFesler, Director Ream and Director Donald H. Kortes. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NOES: None ABSENT: None 3. MISSCELLANEOUS PLANT ELECTRICAL WORK: RESOLUTION NO. 1283, AResolution approving Plans and Specifications. RESOLUTION NO. 1284: A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals for Miscellaneous Electrical Work (Well No. 2, CO2Compressor, Air Compressor and Fioist). Director Fiegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 1283 and 1284 be approved. MISCELLANEOUS: ENTRANCE TO DISTRICT OFFICE: Director Wakeman again mentioned the entrance to the office, requesting something be done about the ice- build-up during the winter. Manager Russell L. Culp will check into this and report to the Board. An estimate will be made to include this project in the budget. Also, it was mentioned to study possibilities of having separate heating in the Conference Room. C OM M UN ICATI ON S: 1. Letter from Clair A. Fiill and Associates regarding Frontier Contractors and Montgomery Estates Unit No. 4; area is ready for connections and the Contractor is being paid all but $1,000.00; remaining in the Assessment District Funds is a total of $3,290.17. 2. Letter from Clair A. Hill and Associates regarding connection fee for the Meyer's Agricultural Inspection Station. Letter from Don Showalter, Clair A. Fiill and Associates, stating the fees. This letter was written in answer to one from a Mr. Gray; it was agreed that a letter be directed to Mr. Gray stating that the board has approved the amounts so mentioned in Mr. Don Showalter's letter. Mr. R~ssell L. Culp, Manager, will study and review with the Board service fees for tax exempt properties. 3. Letter from Lake Tahoe Area Council- RE: WATER COMPACT. 4. Letter from State Water Resources Control Board regarding State Loan and Intere st moratoriu. 5. Letter from U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company regarding referral of Tahoe Paradise Water and Gas Claims to Liability Carrier for Leo L. Davis, Contractor. 6. Notice of Hearing from Placer County LAFCO, 6/3/69, 7:30 P.M. Auburn. 7. Letter from John C. Weidman, Attorney, regarding Hood Litigation. 8. W.S.M./Byars - The District won the case and the District was right in awarding the contract to FI. M. Byars Construction Company of Reno. Manager Russell L. Culp will send a letter to FI. M. Byars Construction Company with a copy of the decision from the court, and tell them there is no reason why the contract cannot be started. REG .ULAR MEETING -7- May 22, 1969 PAYMENT OF CL..~tMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $681,461.19 and the transfer of funds in the amount of $555,700.00 be approved for payment and transfer, as so recommended by Assistant Manager David W. Callahan. Adjournment: 10:15 P.M. ROBER~ Wi FESI~ER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTE ST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 5, 1969 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session June 5, 1969, 8:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes, and Gerald G. Ream; also present were General Manager Russell L Culp, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Robert Sondag, Delores Weiss, Representative from Day and Nite Electric, Howard Schwartz and John Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, Robert Mason, Jerry Martin and Stan Martin. ABSENT: Attorney John C. Weidman and Attorney Robert J. Hill. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed all present to this meeting. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Russell L. Culp read his report, as follows: "Manager"s Report June 5, 1969 Attached is the report of plant operation for the month of May. Sixty-four million gallons of reclaimed water conforming to the export standards were exported to Indian Creek Reservoir. On May 28, Directors Hegarty, Wakeman, Ream and I attended a meeting of local contractors, and City and County Officials concerning house-to-sewer connections. Permits, construction methods, costs, and other related ma~Iers were discussed. On May 29, Harlan Moyer, Bob Sondag, Don Schowalter, and I met at Spray Field No. 2 with Bob l~ice and Cliff Moyer to discuss clean-up work which will have to be done before returning this land to the U.S.F.S. The Forest Service asked for time to study the situation in more detail. On June 3, Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes and Hegarty, Harlan Moyer, John Weidman, and I attended a Placer County LAFCO hearing in Auburn regarding West Shore annexation by the Tahoe City P.U.D. in order to clarify, for the record, the District's past and present position in this matter. During the past two weeks, I have personally interviewed 33 plant employees to discuss suggestions and complaints concerning our work. In addition, 23 employees have made use of the suggestion box to contribute their ideas. These personal interviews and written suggestions have been very valuable to me in conducting the annual salary study as provided for in the personal ordinace. The annual report and recommendations to the Personnel Committee and the Board are now in preparation, and will soon be ready for consideration, again, as provided for by the Personnel Ordinance. PLANT OPERATION, M.AY 1969 Total Plant Flow Daily Average Flow Peak Flow Rate ~Tov~da District Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used Polymer Used Emergency Holding Pond Lime Used: Makeup Recalcined Alum Used 63.9 MG 2.06 MGD 4.7 MGD None 2,425 lbs None 6.6 Millbn Cu. Ft. 541,200 KWH 810 Lbs Empty-Not Used 8 tons 13 tons 2,970 Gallons" Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved, as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer, District Engineer, stated that he met with the U.S.F.S. on 5/28/69 to discuss sewering the various summer home tracts -- the U.S.F.S. will request this District to sewer Rainbow and Upper Truckee areas. Mr. Culp, General Manager, stated that a rumor was going around that the State Application of two-million dollars was going to be eliminated from the Budget and he spoke with Mr. McLaren, who stated this was not so. On 5/29/69 Mr. Moyer again met with the U.S.F.S. regarding the Special Use Permit for Section 10. On 6/3/69 Mr. Moyer, Mr. Weld an and Mr. Lynch met at Auburn regarding the HOOD Litigation. Also, Mr. Weidman and Mr. Lynch spent Wednesday and today in Los Angeles taking depositions. On 6/3/69 Mr. Moyer also attended the Placer County LAFCO meeting at Auburn, where they were considering giving jurisdiction to Tahoe City regarding E1 Dorado property and stated that he did present a report to the LAFCO Board. Last Friday, Mr. Moyer and Mr. Culp met with City Engineer Bill Pillsbury, who is also the Construction Engineer for Tahoe Keys. They wanted to know if this District would relax any of the requirements regarding the pumping stations. Many maps have been submitted to this District for subdivisions and one of which is for the Highland Subdivision No. 3. Highland Subdivisions ~l and ~2 have been sewered. The map had a small lift station shown. Mr. Moyer prepared a letter regarding Highland Subdivision No. 3 in which he stated that the tentative system, as shown on the map, would be acceptable to this District and that we do discourage small pump stations. President Fesler and the Directors agreed the letter should be mailed, as recommended by Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer. President Fesler stated that during the eight years he has bee on .this board, all of the activities have always been conducted with politeness at all Board Meetings, and that he had never attended such a meeting as the one at Placer County LAFCO. It seemed a decision had already been made by the LAFCO board prior to the arrival of the Directors and Engineer from this District. This District felt we should let our views be known at this meeting and we asked Mr. Moyer to give the factual recitation. Mr. Moyer did an excellent job. LAFCO really landed on him with both feet and they were the rudest and most impolite Board. President Fesler stated that he was sorry Mr. Moyer was put through this. Placer County was not interested in this Df strict and/or what this District would or are ready to do. We would not wait for the action to be taken because of the rudeness of LAFCO and we left,; President Fesler stated that he had never been exposed to such an exhibition of rudeness. President Fesler again mentioned that Harlan E. Moyer, District Engineer, did a marvelous job on presenting the facts and he was treated very rudely. REGULAR MEETING -3- 6/S/69 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT, Robert Sondag reported the following: Contract and Contractor Solids Handling System, BSP Corporation Assessment District 1967-3, Leo L. Davis, Inc. 95% Assessment District 1967-4, Frontier Contractors 71% Areas A & B, Frontier Contractors 90% U.S.F.S., Schedule I, Granite Construction Co. 38% U.S.F.S., Schedule II, Wismer and Becker 4% Trout Creek Trunk Sewer, H.M. Byars Construction, Co. 1% Rising Well Modifications, Osborn Construction 35% Amount of Completion 99% COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation: No report 2. Planning: No Report. 3. Public IAformation: Met on 6/5/69 regarding dedication of the plant; the Committee recommends that this be shelved because of the cost to the District and because it is not likely the Federal Government will assist in financing the project; therefore, the committee felt the dedication should not be considered at this time. A symposium of technical training was to also be held here and the Committee recommends that this also be shelved. Mr. Culp, Manager, well set this up when he considers he is ready for this. 4. Personnel: No report. Manager Culp is finishing his annual personnel study and the committee would feel that it would be best to review same at a Study Session rather than by the Personnel Committee alone. 5..Banking/Insurance: No report. 6. Emergency Storage Area: Items listed on Agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: LANDSCAPING PLANT GROUNDS: a. Change Order No. 1, Koller Plumbing Co. b. Change Order No.1, Acme Electric. c. Change order No. 1, Bill A. Young, Contractor. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that the above three (3) change orders be approved, as reccrrmended by Architect Bob Mason. VOTES: Motion carried. AYES: Directors Wakeman, Kortes and Ream NOES: Directors Fesler and Hegarty 2. LANDSCAPING EMERGENCY STORAGE AREA: 1. Mr. Robert Mason reported to the Board and presented the plans and landscaping of the Emergency Storage Area. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the plans be approved, as changed, and same be presented to the Planning Commission for their approval. President Fesler requested of the Board to change agenda to take one item of New Business at this time. Board agreed. NEW BUSINESS: Annexation No. 1969-3: Mr. Gerald Martin presented a map of the Barton Tract, which he is requesting annexation to the District; there are approximately 92 acres involved, which will be used for a private campground. The Board agreed that this should be studied by the Annexation Committee; meeting scheduled for 6/11/69, 3:30 P.M., District Office. REGULAR MEETING -4- UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Continued) 3. MODIFYING EXISTING SECONDARY CLARIFIER: 6/5/69 Postponed. 4. MISCELLANEOUS PLANT ELECTRICAL WORK: One bid was received today from Day and Night Electrict in the amount of $5,457.00 Another bid was received after bid opening time, and due to construction over Spooner Summit - there was a delay and Acme Collins bid was held up and therefore could not make it for the bid opening. Engineer's Estimate= $5,000.00. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO.. 1285, A Resolution Authorizing Award of Contract to Day and Night Electric, be approved. 5. RISING WELL MODIFICATION: Change Order No. 1, decrease $i,758.00. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 1 be approved. 6. HAROOTUNIAN TREE DAMAGE: Consideration of per diem rates and employment of Forestry Consutltant - Mr. Lloyd D. Hayes. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the per diem proposed by Mr. Hayes be approved, as so recommended by General Manager Russell L. Culp. 7. BOARD STUDY SESSIONS: a. Davis-GrunskyApplication: (June 17, 1969, 3:00 P.M., District Office). be Personnel and Annual Salary Resolution meeting - (June 17, 1969, 3:00 P.M. District Office) 8. INSURANCE AND BANKING COMMITTEE MEETING: June 10, 1969, Noon. President Fesler stated that this District has been extremely fortunate in having a good relationship with employees. He stated that the District has not had a party for the employees since we met with Mr. G. Melikean. President Fesler stated that he felt .this should be looked into and requested Director Gerald Ream, Chairman of Personnel, check into same and report back to this Board. NEW BUSINESS: Owner's (Mr. Stunz) Request for Annexation of Excluded Parcel: This involves four lots in A1 Tahoe on Lakeview Avenue that were excluded. The cost to the property owner to bring same into the District would be $2,400.00. Director Kortes stated that we now have the authority to annex excluded parcels. If the person has the money and is willing to pay all costs, the person should be enti[led to annex into the District. It was mentioned that excluded parcels should again be reviewed to see if there is a possibility of having a mass annexation. Mr. Callahan, Assistant General Manager, stated that the $2,400.00 would cover all administrative fees involved. Action on Annexation No. 1969-4 will be taken at a later date; also, the Annexation Committee will meet to discuss excluded parcels on 5/16/69 at noon. -3- ]urge 5, 1969 COMMUNICATIONS: Aletter was received from Mr. B.T. Baker, Country Club Heights %2, stating that he felt the District should be responsible for obtaining an easement through another property to enable him to connect his house to the sewer system. It seemed that the house is three feet below the line for connection. Robert Sondag drew a diagram for the Board showing the problem which Mr. Baker stated in his letter. Mr. Sondag stated that he could see no physical reason or problem connecting this facility and he (Mr. Baker) could be served by gravity; Mr. Sondag also stated that he did not feel this should be the expense of this District. Manager Russell L. Culp will advise Mr. Baker of the discussion at this meeting. Another notice from Lake Tahoe Area Council regarding Buffet scheduled for 6/27/69 2:30 P.M. at Tahoe Keys. Eight (8) from this District will attend. Reservations to be made for same. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT HEARING 1968-1: June 28, 1969, 8:00 P.M. MISCELLANEOUS: At the City Council Meeting, the Mayor suggested that a meeting with the City and this District be set up regarding the deadline dates for connections. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $71,430.67, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $500,000.00 be approved, as so recommended by Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan. ADJOURN ME NT: 10:26 P.M. ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID ~V. CALI~t[IAN, Clerk of Boa~and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. South Tahoe Public Utility District SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 13, 1969 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special Session June 13, 1969, 1:00 P.M., District Conference Room. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan. All Directors waived the requirement of Advance Notice of this meeting. The meeting was held to consider adoption of a Resolution Requesting the City Council of the City of South LakeTahoe to approve of A~sessment District 1968,1. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that: ]'une 13, 1969 RESOLUTION NO. 1286, A Resolution Requesting City Council of the City of South Lake Tahoe to approve of the Proposed Resolution of intention in Proceedings for Acquisition and Construction of Sanitary Sewers Under Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts, and to Approve of the map Showing the Proposed Boundary of the Assessment district No. 1968-1. ADJOURNMENT: 1:15 P.M. ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Pre s ide nt South Tahoe Public Utility District Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility Distri ct REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 19, 1969 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session 6/19/69, District Conference Room, 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, Robert Wakeman, Gerald G. Ream; General Manager Russell L.Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney John C. Weidman, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, Howard Schwartz, Robert Sondag, A.L. Shoupe, Lisa Fesler, ChesterA. Horning, Merle A Kobernus and Bob E Eppler. ' ABSENT: Director Donald H. Kortes and Attorney Robert J. Hill. MINUTES: Director Wakeman stated that the minutes of 6/5/69 contained the followirrg-, should have Director Wakeman stated, that in his opinion, it should be known that the boundary lines of this District now is to Emerald Bay; because of the action taken by Placer County LAFCO, it will not be necessary for the South Tahoe Public Utility District to concern themselves with sewering any areas beyond Emerald Bay". Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 6/5/69 be approved as corrected and the minutes of 6/13/69- Special Meeting - be approved, as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Feslerwelcomed all present to the meeting. Clair A. Hill employees - Robert Sondag and A.L. Shoupe, District Employees - MerleA. Kobernus, ChesterA. Horning and Bob E. Eppler, andIisa Fesler; also press representatives Mr. John Murphy and Mr. Howard Schwartz. MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Russell L. Culp read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report Tune 19, 1969 -2- June 19, 1969 The District's proposal for contract research on Phase I of the Supplemental Nitrogen Removal project has been approved by FWPCA since our last meeting. The next step is to do the pilot plant work, which will be started just as soon as the Batelle-Northwest Trailer Mounted Unit becomes available. Regarding Assessment District 1968-1, and the hearing on June 26, to date nine (9) written protests have been received. Based on a total of 183 parcels, this represents less than 5 percent, which is about average for previous districts. During the past two weeks there have been two meetings of the Annexation Committee, a meeting of the Insurance and Banking Committee, and two Board Study Sessions. One study session dealt with the Annual Salary Resolution and other personnel matter s, the other with service to the Fallen Leaf Lake Area. Committee activities will be discussed later in the agenda". Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, District Engineer, stated that he has met with the Annexation Committee, a week ago Wednesday, to discuss the property of Martin Brothers - owned by the Barton family, approximately 90 acres to be annexed for the private campground. Another meeting of the Annexation Committee to discuss annexing the excluded parcels. Also met with the U.S.F.S. at Placerville Wednesday (Puiett and Meinders) to talk a bout the activities in the Pope, Baldwin Beach Recreation Areas, regarding what they intend to do for funding installation of sewer system; then met with the U.S.F.S. in the afternoon at the District Office and with the Fallen Leaf Home Owner's Association. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Robert Sondag reported the following: CONTRACT AND CONTRACTOR Solids Handling System, BSP Corporation Assessment District 1967-3, Leo L. Davis, Inc. Assessment District No. 1967-4, Frontier Areas B & C, Frontier Contractors U.S.F.S.,Schedule I, Granite Construction U.S.F.S., Schedule II,Wismer and Becker Trout Creek Trunk Sewer, H.M.Byars Rising Well Modifications, Osborn Construction PERCENTAGE COMPLETED 99% 96% 74% 94% 5O% 6% 12% 100% President Fesler stated that an Insurance Agent for Tahoe Paradise had contacted him regarding damage to the water lines at Tahoe Paradise and was referred to Mr. Sondag by Mr. Fesler. Mr. Sondag stated that the Agent has not contacted him; Mr. Sondag also stated that many water lines were broken during the construction and which were repaired by Tahoe Paradise, between an agreement with Leo L. Davis to do these repairs. The Water Company experienced some breakes within the lines during the winter months which were attributable to sewer line crossings, where repairs were made, but did not hold up satisfactorily; the back-fill was not done to acceptable standards. Mr. Sondag stated that since he does not know the details of the agreement with Tahoe Paradise and Leo L. Davis, Inc., he cannot tell who is responsible regarding the backfill; however, under the terms of the contract documents, it is the responsibility of the contractor - - the general contractor is responsible for any damage that arises. Manager Russell L. Culp stated that our insurance agent was notified of this and referred all claims back to Leo L. Davis' Insurance Agent. Engineer Moyer asked when the following assessment districts would be ready for connection to the system, and Mr. Sondag.answered as follows: 1967-4A- 7/3/69; 1967-3B - 4 weeks; 1967-3A-not until the trout creek sewers are installed; 1967-4B and 4C: 30 days. -5- lune 19, 1969 Lateral installations are completed and the paving is now taking place; approximately 1,800 feet of sewer line remains to be installed. President Fesler stated that this Board has heard quite a bit about the contractor- Leo L. Davis, and he asked Mr. Sondag what kind of a job Frontier Contractor's are doing. Mr. Sondag stated that there is room for improvement regarding Frontier Contractor's; he also stated that when we get Non-Local Bidders to work in this area, that are not familiar with this area, we have problems. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that HOOD depositions were extended for two days at Los Angeles;trial date is set for 9/29/69 and Mr. Weidman requested that the Board think of a date to meet with him and with Mr. Lynch sometime during July or August; date to be set at next regular meeting of this Board. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation: Director Hegarty stated that the Committee met with the Martin Brothers regarding their request of annexing 90 acres of the Barton property to be utilized for campground. We asked them to bring some additional material to us to study; same has arrived. Any recommendations deferred until a Study Session can be held by this Board as this annexation will involve policy matters. Study session re Martin Annexation (Barton Property) scheduled for 6/23/69 3:00 ~.M., District Office. ' The Annexation Committee also met on the excluded parcel problem. This should also be discussed at a Study Sessi on. (Set for 6/23/69, 3:00 P.M. District Office) 2. Planning: No activities for this Committee. 3. Public Information: No meeting. 4. Personnel: Director Gerald G. Ream stated that a meeting was held (Study Session) regarding salary resolution and same was completely review ed. The Board agreed to a 7% increase cost-of-living for all employees and that the employees working graveyard shift be given a total of 10% premium pay. This increase of premium pay to apply only to the graveyard shift employees; all others, as so stated in the Ordinance, to receive a total of 5% premium pay. Action to be taken later in the Agenda. 5. Banking/Insurance: Committee met with the Manager to discuss the various questions received by the employees during the interviews with the Manager. Manager Culp stated that all questions were discussed with our Agent Carrier and a memorandum will be prepared for all employees. 6. Emergency Storage Area: No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Assessment District 1967-4: Consideration of Contract Change Order No. 2. This contains a few minor field changes; no change in the contract amount; and a time extension consideration by reason of the severe winter weather - an extension for 50 calendar days for 1967-4D and 1967-4E, to 8/22/69. Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, that change order No. 2 be approved. President Fesler asked Clerk of Board Callahan how many votes are required to pass and/or approve a motion. Clerk of Board Callahan stated that a majority vote is required - 3 votes. Robert Sondag mentioned to the Board that at a past regular meeting, this Board did approve time extensions for the contractors. Carried, unanimously. REGULAR MEETING -4- Iune 19, [969 2. FOREST SERVICE SEWER SYSTEM, SCHEDULE h Consideration of Contract Change Order No. 2 - Provides for a reduction in the contract price through deletion of some work. Amount of $[8,500. The U.S.F.S. is debating whether they are going to add additional work into the contract and if they decide to add the work back then the total will be decreased to $5,400; these change orders also include the 50 calendar day time extension. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 2 be approved. 3. FOREST SERVICE SEWER SYSTEM, SCHEDULE II: Consideration of Contract Change Order Ncr: 1 1 Provides for seven minor changes in the work on the pump stations increasing the contract price by $3,667.13 and 5 calendar days - also, the 50 calendar days because of the weather; this has been discussed with the U.S.F.S. and also approved by the U.S.F.S. These changes are ones that ClairA. Hill and Associates have reviewed and recommended for approval. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 1 be approved. 4. TROUT CREEK TRUNK SEWER: Consideration of Contract Change Order No. 1: - H. M. Byars construction Company. At the time the contract was awarded to H.M. Byars Construction Company, it was discussed that the U.S.F.S. would require additional changes. All changes perre- vised drawings 5, 6, and 9, dated i/8/69. This will increase by $1,493.70, and the total increase in contract price is $36,621.70. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Contract Change Order No. 1 be approved. 5. RISING WELL MODIFICATION: Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 1287, Accepting Completion and Directing the Filing of Notice of Completion. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1287 be approved. SOLIDS HANDLING SYSTEM: Contract Change Order No. 6 - Lump sum credit of $3,359.39 and reducing the contract price in that amount; no extension of time. Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that many meetings have been held with B.S.P. Corporation and Bird Machine Company regarding this project. Agreements were reached; there will be an agreement (non-litigation) drawn up by our Attorney and e executed by BSP and Bird Machine to assure the District there will be no litigation against the District for costs. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 6 be approved. 7. EXISTING SECONDARYCLARIFIER MODIFICATIONS: Consideration of Contract Change Order No. 1 (Final) reduction of $950.00 and RESOLUTION NO. 1288, Accepting Completion and Directing the Filing of Notice of Completion (L.A. Rose) Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 1 and Resolution No. 1288 be approved. 8. ANNEXATION NO. 1969-3 (STUNZ) Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan stated that the property owner has paid the fees and filed a written consent for approval of annexation of his property. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLLT ION NO. 1289 be approved - requesting the Local Agency Formation Commission Take Proceedings for Annexation of Territory to the District. 9. STATE LOAN-ALPINE COUNTY: Assistant General Manager Callahan presented a report of the current status of the State Loan, and discussed same with the Directors. Mr. Callahan stated that (in answer to Mr. Moyer's question) the District has earned $50,000 on the State Loan Money. /0 ~' & REGULAR MEETING NEW BUSINESS: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 9 0: A Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. 1143 and Providing for the Annual Salary Resolution, effective 7/3/69. Director Gerald G. Ream recommended that the classification of Plant Engineer be eliminated from the list of employees - making a total approved number of 38 employees instead of 39. Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLLTION NO. 1290 be approved. In reply to Howard Schwartz' question, President Fesler stated that the increase in salary amounts to approximately $24,000. ORDINANCE NO. 185: Amending Ordinance Nos. 155 and 158, and providing for compensation of officers of South Tahoe Public Utility District - Gen~r al Manager and Assistant General Manager to the 7% increase for cost-of-living. Director Ream moved, seconded by D[rectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 185 be approved. ORDINANCE NO. 186: Amending No. 162 and providing for a premium payment. 1 This provides the 10% increase (total) for graveyard employees. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 186 be approved. President Fesler stated that this Board and the Engineer, Manager, will meet with the City Manager, Engineer, Mayor, to discuss location of lines for particular subdivisions and other related matters on June 25, 1969, 3:00 P.M. at the District Office. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1967-1: Three bids were received for installation of laterals, as follows: Terry Construction Company $1,552.00 Charles E. Spiva $2,450.00 Castle $2,425.00 Engineers estimate: $1,594.00 Since the amount is less than $2,000 the bid can be awarded without any advertising and Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, recommended that this procedure be followed and that a purchase order be issued to Terry Construction Company in the amount of $1,552. - RESOLUTION NO. 1291, Awarding Contract to Terry Construction (Purchase Order). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1291 be approved. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1962-1: Three bids received for installation of laterals as follows: Terry Construction Charles E. Spiva Castle Engineer's Estimate: $ 894.00 $1,600.00 $1,750.00 $1,785.00 RESOLUTION NO. 1292: Awarding purchase Order to perform the work to Terry Construction Company DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1292 be approved. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY MR. LAMPSON TO PROVIDE FINANCING FOR SEWER SYSTEM COST IN NE'W SUBDIVISION: Harlam E. Moyer, Engineer met with Mr. L. Lampson on 6/18/69 at the District Office. Mr. Lampson was the developer of the Echo View Estates (1967-1). He would like to develop a portion of the undeveloped property and requests the Utility District to conduct an assessment proceedings to pay for the installation of the sewer ....... ,~ .v~,,~,~ll~ -6- luna 19, [ 969 system necessary to serve these subdivisions he is now putting in. Mr. Moyer stated that he told Mr. L. Lampson this should be discussed with this Board. The Board scheduled a study session for 6/23/69, 3:00 P.M., District Office, to meet and to discuss this request of Mr. L. Lampson. COMMUNICATIONS: Letter from ClairA. Hill and Associates regarding completion of sewer in Montgomery Estates Unit No. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 1293: Accepting, upon recommendation of Clair A. Hill and Associates, sewers installed in Montgomery Estates Unit No. 5. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 1293 be approved. 2. Letter from ClairA. Hill and Associates regarding completion of Well No. 2 Pump House and Appurtenances - this was per district purchase order. 3. Notice from E1 Dorado County Planning Commission - and 4. Letter from John C. Weidman, Attorney, regarding E1 Dorado County Planning Commission. Meeting scheduled for 7/18/69 at the District Conference Room, at 4:00 P.M. Mr. Culp to contact Mrs. Grace Carriker regarding a letter to be sent to owners of the area, subject to approval of the Board. 5. Letter from Leonard Weisser to Mr. David W. Callahan thanking th e District for prompt attention to his request regarding repairs of the streets in his area. (Assessment District - Leo L. Davis). A visit was made to this District by a Mr. S. J. Holsinger of Cline, Zerkle and Agee, regarding cleanup and landscaping of Luther Pass Pump Station Site. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that we always did intend to plant a few trees in this area and to scatter the boulders; possibly that thespoil pile would be completely and physically removed from the site. President Fesler stated that this is an Administrative detail and if the Directors concur, same to be handled by General Manager Russ ell L. Culp; President Fesler stated that this District does want to live up to the agreement and nothing more. Robert Sondag stated that he has decided to change jobs and wanted to take this opportunity to explain that he was leaving Clair A. Hill and Associates and going back into construction, which he felt was the right move. Mr. Sondag stated that in dealing with numerous contractors and engineers in the past, he has a very high regard for ClairA. Hill and Associates and stated to the B~0ard that they have an excellent, fine, consulting Engineering firm. Mr. Sondag stated also that he has enjoyed being associated with this Board and that out of all the Boards he has been associated with, this Board most certainly does have the taxpayers and peoples interest in mind; there is compassion at these Board meetings. Mr. Sondag thanked the staff he has worked with in Operation and in Maintenance, Mr. Culp - Manager, Mr. Callahan -Assistant General Manager, and their staff- Charlotte, Mary, Ruth and Louise. President Fesler stated that this Board has looked to Mr. Sondag in the past for an unusual amount of help regarding all projects under construction, and that this District could have been in a lot of trouble without Mr. Sondag's help. President Fesler stated that on behalf of the District and the Board, he wished him good luck on his new job. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried,that the claims in the amount of $100,967.29, and the transfer cffunds in the amount of $107,723.57, be approved, as recommended by Assistant Manager Callahan. ADIOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. tolune 26, 1969, 8:00 P.M., District Office· ROBERT 5/V. FESLER, President, South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary to the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District BID OPENING -- IUNE 26, 1969 2:00 P.M. for ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-1 Bid Opening for Assessment District No. 1968-1 was held today at 2:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President RobertW. Fesler, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, and Jack Jensen, General Manager Russell L. Culp and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan. BIDS RECEIVED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. Terry Construction Company $307,340.00 PO Box "Y" Stateline, Nevada, 89449 Gene McLaughlin Construction Company P.O. Box 992 Fresno, California $266,225.00 Frontier Contractors P.O. Box 610 Fair Oaks, CalifDrnia $323,340.00 Engineer's Estimate: $299,460.00 Bids were taken under advisement. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE /'~J'~ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 26, 1969 PROTEST HEARING FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1968-] The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an Adjourned Session, Pro[est Hearing, Assessment District No. 1968-1, District Conference Room, 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: President were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Edward E. Hegarty, RobertWekeman, Gerald G. Ream; General Manager Russell L. Culp, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Don Showalter- Clair A. Hill and Associates, Attorney Robert J. Hill and Attorney John C. Weidman; also property owners from the area of Assessment District No. 1968-1. ABSENT: Donald H. Kortes President Robert Fesler welcomed all present to this meeting and introduced the Directors, Engineers, General Manager and Clerk of Board.. President RobertW. Fesler opened the hearing and requested Engineer Harlan E. Moyer to describe the areas involved in this Assessment District and details regarding the assessment of same. ENGINEER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer, stated that Assessment District 1968-1 is one of the continuing series of projects undertaken by the Utility District. The area includes property along Highway 50 and Northerly of Truckee River at Meyer's. Extends along the vicinity of the airport. Also, another portion of the Assessment District is Rolling Woods Height Subdivision. Approximately 186 parcels of land - requiring 28,500 feet of sewer pipe and a lateral connection to each property line. Natices that the property owners received, were preliminary notices based on the Engineer's estimate of cost. Today bids were opened and three bids received, Terry Construction Company Stateline, Nevada $307,340 Gene McLaughlin Construction Co. Fresno, California $266,225.00 Frontier Contractors, Fair Oaks, California $323,340.00 Engineer's Estimate $299,460.00 The low bid is below the Engineer's estimate and because of this, all assessments will be reduced to each property. Construction will start on the project two - three weeks from now and should be completed well before winter, so that sewer connections could be made in November of this year as connectionns to the sewer system must be made prior to the deadline of January 1, 1970. The total cost for project was estimated at $502,075.90 and it is now $466,366.20; total assessment will be reduced $375,336.20 by contribution of Improvement Dis trict "U- 1" Area "A" - Rolling Woods Heights Subdivision properties will be reduced from 81,124.50 to $1,060.50. Area "B" - west of Airl~ort from $11.85 per foot to $10.30 per foot~. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney Robert J. Hill stated that basically, in the event this Assessment is confirmed by this Board, this assessment would be levied and payable in cash at your option within 35 days from tonight; if the assessment is not paid in cash, and so that there will be money to pay for the construction of the Assessment District, bonds will be sold to represent the unpaid assessment of the amount not paid in cash; the assessment will be included on the (Jounty Tax Roll and spread over a period of 15 years. Each year's installment will be approximately 1/10th of the total assessment; everyone's assessment will be reduced and within 10-15 days all property owners will receive another notice stating the final amount due for their PROTEST HEARING-ADIOURNED MEETING -2- June 26, 1969 assessment. Attorney Hill stated that based on the bonds sold over the last year and one- half, he would guess the interest would now be approximately 6-3/4% or even a little higher or lower. These bonds will be sold approximately 60 days from now. If the property owner desires to let their assessment go to bond, then later decide to pay same off in full, it can then be paid off at anytime - all or part ~ however, there will be a 5% penalty charge, plus an interest payment to the next January 2nd or July 2nd, onwhatever the outstanding principal is at the time the prepayment is made. Engineer Harlan E. Moyer ex plained the method used in assessing parcels involved in this Assessment District; one lateral is included with each parcel; if the property owner desires more than one lateral - a charge of $200.00 per lateral is required. If land is divided, then the assessment has to be divided and to conform with the new assessor's parcel. Unit charges were also explained by the Engineer. President Fesler asked Engineer Harlan E. Moyer what he felt about the individuals that have houses on lots and do not feel that sewers are necessary at this time; or, an owner of a vacant lot~hat does not feel a sewer facility or system is needed, and that the septic tanks are sufficient at this time for those owners who are not wanting sewer facilities. Mr. Moyer stated that there is no guarantee a septic tank will remain satisfactory. Beyond that, in the interest of public health, sewer systems are necessary and so stated by the County Health Officer and for the protection of Lake Tahoe. The Water Quality Control Act of 1965 was placed into effect by theFederal Government. July of 1966, the Federal Conference, held here at Lake Tahoe, stated that all sewage will be exported from the Lake Tahoe Basin by 1970. The City of South Lake Tahoe does have an Ordinance in effect now that requires connection to the system. The State Law provides that if one is within the boundaries of a Utility District that has a treatment plant and export facilities, they must connect to the facilities; the law now states that in order to continue occupancy, one must have sewer systems. It is unfortunate on vacant lots; but a sewer system cannot be built for only one or two houses in an area; the line must run by all of the properties; as of 1970 - - unless properties are connected to the sewer systems, same cannot be utilized. President Fesler stated that we all do not have the complete freedom with our property here in the Tahoe Basin because the various forms of Government have taken some of our freedom away from us. WRITTEN PROTESTS: Clerk of Board Callahan stated that fifteen (15) written protests were received, representing 16 property owners, out of a total of 180 assessments. All written protests were read. ORAL PROTESTS: One gentleman asked why connections have to be made to the sewer systems and why is this Assessment District now taking place. Engineer Harlan E. Moyer stated that the State Law and Federal Government require this be done by 1970. IVY DE LULIO stated that she is being assessed for the entire frontage of her property but the line does not cover the entire property. Engineers checked into this and the line will be extended. Another visitor requested a map of the area (assessment district 1968-1) showing where the lines will be, etc., and Mr. Moyer asked him to leave his name and address with him after this meeting, and a map will be mailed to him. -~- june Zb, l~b~ Attorney Robert [. Hill asked Mr. Moyer if the costs of this Assessment District are in line with other Assessment Districts that the District has had in the past. Engineer Moyer said the costs are in line with other Districts. Also, Attorney Hill asked Mr. Moyer if the costs given here this evening, the construction portion of those costs, are based on the last bids pursuant to a public call and a public bidding. Mr. Moyer stated that this was correct. Also, Attorney Hill asked Mr. Moyer if he was familiar with all of the Assessment Sewage Projects here in Lake Tahoe, and others within the State, and this system, and the proposed system, as well as the spread of the Assessment to the various parcels of land within this District. Mr. Moyer stated "yes". Also, Mr. Hill asked Mr. Moyer if each of the parcels assessed be benefited by the completed project in an amount as great, if not greater, than the amount of the assessment. Mr. Moyer stated "yes". President Fesler closed the hearing at 9:05 P.M. Attorney Hill stated that he and the Engineer have studied the assessments and regarding the Assessment No. 173 - - the division of this parcel was made by the owner, and the mere fact that it is a driveway would not change the assessment, but in examining the assessments of all three of the parcels, we feel the total of the assessment should be lower. Total assessment for No. 173 as we are recommending, to be $152.00 for right-of-service. H.E.Moy~r, Engineer, stated that this parcel driveway is shown as a separate parcel and it did receive an assessment, and this piece of property was assessed two time s. The Board agreed the recommendations of the Attorney and Engineer are just and so agreed to accept their recommendations. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that: RESOLUTION NO. 1294, A Resolution Overruling Protests on Resolution of Intention No. 1274 RESOLUTION NO. 1295, A Resolution Ordering Reduction of Assessments. RESOLUTION NO. 1296, A Resolution and Order Adopting Engineer's Report, Confirming the Assessment and Ordering the Work and Acquisitions, and, RESOLUTION NO. 1297, a Resolution Designating Collection Officer, be approved. In answer to Director Ream's question, Attorney Hill stated that if additional laterals are desired by the property owners, the District would have to have a written request within 30 days from tonight, then we can add it to the assessment. After that time, the lateral can still be obtained, then it would have to be paid in cash. Director Wakeman asked Mr. Moyer how long the owner had to let the District know just where they would like the lateral located. Mr. Moyer stated they would have to advise the District prior to construction. Also, Mr. Wakeman asked Mr. Moyer if the laterals were ever installed in areas where they would be of no use to the property owner, and Mr. Moyer stated that the laterals are installed where it is of the most benefit to the property owner. ORDINANCE NO. 187 -Award of Contract to Gene McLaughlin Construction Company, at unit prices in its bid. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 187 be approved. President Fesler asked Mr. Moyer if he has had any experience with the Contractor- Gene McLaughlin. Mr. Moyer stated that he had not, however, the documents mentioned Roy Price of Valley Construction and they are very good people to have working on a project. PROTEST HEARING -4- Iune 26, 1969 Presi dent Fesler thanked all for attending the meeting. President Fester also mentioned to the Directors the meeting scheduled with Lake Tahoe Area Council is at 2:30 P.M. tomorrow. ADJOURNMENT: 9:20 P.M. ROBERTW. FESLER, President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTE ST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District