HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 07/06 - 1967 12/21 REGULAR I'iEE-['IFi()OF THE LJ3Af-,D O~ DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TA~tOE PUi3LiC UTILITY DIS"IRICT J U L Y 6, 1967 lhe [~oard of Directors of ~he South Tahoe Public Uti lity District met in renular session the 6th of July 1967, 8:00 P.I.I.~ Conference Room of the City Hal I, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. F'esler, Directors R. Wakeman, D.~I. Kortes, E". E'. '~iegarty, G. Melikean, Sr., General Manager ~t. E. h'ioyer, Clerk of Board [)avid W. Cai tahan, Attorney J. C. Weidman, Attorney K. I. Jones, Clinton Smith, Ray Toney, ~4ike Ackley, John Nurphy, R. Donnahoe, Jack Jensen, Don Showalter. MINUTES: Director ttegarty moved~ seconded by Director Plelikean, unanimously carried, that the minutes of June 15, 1967, be approved as presented. h~A.N.A.GER'S REPORT:... General Manager~ tt.E. ~%yer read his report, as fol lows: "Manager's Report July 6, 1967 PLANT OPERA[ION: June 1-30, 1967: Total Plant flow Average Daily Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Electricity Used 73.17 ~GD 2.44 NOD. 24,650 pounds. 2,420 gallons. 109,440 KWH DOUGLAS COUNTY IMPROVENENT DISTRICT #1: ...... ?btal "flow Average daily flow 14.77 NG 0.49 HGD '[he secondary portion of the treatment plant is now back in operation. The secondary plant was out of operation for approximately 5 weeks, due to construction of the new faci Ii[les and due to a fai lure of the chemical clarifier drive mechan i sm. Effluent disposal is being accomplished by use of the eastern portion of the Forest Service disposal site in Section 10, the Western Portion of this area is not being used due to damage occuring to the dikes, due to natural runoff. The Lahontan Regional Water ©ual ity Control Boar_.d is being advised weekly of the District's effluent disposal operation. CONSTRUCTION TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS - THE CONTRACTOR~ Roth schi Id, Raffin & Weirick, is making substantial progress on this project, during the past weeks he has been working on all elements of the plant, and is now completing concrete work on the Incineration iJui Iding, starting the concrete work on the Aeration Basins and installing equipment in the Secondary Clarifiers, a sludge recirculation pump station and the raw sludge pump station, tie has also instal led the piping on the carbon columns and separation beds and is erecting the building on the tertiary plant. The project is 42 percent complete, as of June 26th. LUTHER PASS PIPELINE - THE CONTRACTOR - Ernest E. Pestana, Inc. is presently working in the vicinity of Grass Lake along tlighway 89. lie is encounterin9 some difficulty due to the excessive amount of ground waters sti II present in the lower areas, he has approximately 7,400 feet of pipe left to install in the Meyers Area, which ke will do after the ground water table [qas lowered somewhat. To date the contractor has instal led 54,500 feet of pipe or' approximately 72 percent of the total project'. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION - The contractor - Underground Construction Company is contin"~"i"n"g to dri'll, blast and excavate for the bui Iding, piping and storafie tank. All of the piping is now on the job, ready for installation, the Project was 12 per- cent complete as of June 26th. ASSESSPlENT DISTRICT 1966-1[~(, '[he ?CONTRACTOR- Leo Davis has been moving n in his equipment and mater'ial and intends to begin work along Highway 89 above Woodfords and work toward the Luther Pass Summit. He is scheduled to begin excavation on Thursday or Friday of th~s week . MEYERS SEWER SYSTEM~ The Contractor for the PUNP STATIONS,~ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN & WEIRICK has returned their signed contracts to the District and will be starting preliminary work on the stations in a few days. Mr. Max Burdick, President of Frontier Contractors of Murray, Utah~ telephoned me on July 5th and stated that he has signed the contracts for the installation of the trunk sewer systems, and the contracts and bonds haw; been mai led to the District from Murray, Utah. tie is planning to move men and equipment into the project w~thin the next 2 weeks For the Boards information, I have attached to the report a list of Clair A . Hi II personnel, now working on District projects and their project assignaments. LIST AS FOLLOWS: Les Shoupe Resident Engineer for 1966-1, 1966-2 and Tahoe Office. Z/~::~7 RE(]U LAR iqEET! NO -2- July 6, 1967 ~,A,~A,.~R'S REPORT (continued) A I S I echta Dick l)unnahoe Clint Smith [)an Conger Resident Enaineer - Treatment Plant ~xpansi on. Inspection - Treatment Plant and Luther Pass Pump Station. Tertiary Plant Research. Resident Engineer for Indian Creek Pipeline and Dam. Ray Toney Jack beene Charles Richardson Darrell Anderson Oscar Williams Inspector- Indian Creek Pipeline Inspector- Luther Pass Pipeline Inspector - 1966-2 With two (2) men Survey Crew on Indian Creek Pipeline and Luther Pass Pipeline With Two (2) men Survey Crew on Fallen Leaf and Camp Richardson Area for United States Forestry Service." General I,'ianager !qoyer also gave the comparison for the same time last year, re flows, as fol lows: July 1966 2-1/2 ktGD July 4~ 1967 2.7 ~,~GD ,June 4, 1966 2.8 NGD June 3, 1967 3.011'4GD Aisc, 1.4r. 14oyer introduced the Clair A. tiill men, who are inspectors for the various projects of the District: R. Donnahoe, Jack Jensen, Don Showalter, Ray Toney, Clinton Smith. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director ~elikean, unanimously carried, that the I'.,tanager's Report be approved as presented. C 0 tq ,~,I I T T E E ~q E E T I N G S & R E P O R T S: I. Annexation: 2. Planning: 3. Public Information: 4. Personne I: 5. Banking/Insurance: No report. Director Wakeman stated that the Planning Committee with t~r. H.E. Moyer to discuss the plans and specifications for the Conference Room; met again on 7/6/67. No report. Ptr. ~4elikean stated that recently,the District had a visitor that was an employee of the District - Mr. Oil Koehler. Mr. Koehler asked Idr. Melikean to express his appreciation to all employees, engineers, etc., for this recent tc'~r of the facilities. Mr. Melikean also stated that Mr. Koehler had no~iced the great accomplishments since he left the District. ~r. Fesler stated that a letter was received from the Insurance Carrier requesting a 30- 31-1/~% increase in rates this year. '/he Insurance Committee is considering this le-fter and will have a report for the next regular meeting of the Board. i:ULOI.JLAi{ t4EL]' Ii'l(? OF 'liiE [50AP.[)OF D IF. L~..,TO~o -2- U ii i:: I N I S Il ~Z [) L~ LJ S I ;i E S S: I. Ii~DIAri CREEK DA.~4 AiiEP i.~ES[]RVO!R: General i!anager r4oyer mentioned that eight (8) bids were received for this project and the Iow bidder was R & D W A T S 0 N~ $51~3~ 315.00. Engineer's Estimate = $695,000.00. The following letter was received for the Federal "dater Pollution Control Administration~ uponthe recommendation by 'the District: "June 28~ 1967 SOUTHn'EST RE(;IONAL OFF ICE ROOI~4 1802~ 100 ~lcAIlister San Francisco~ California~ 94102 ]'0: - SOUTH 7A~iOE f:'UBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ,~OST OFFICE BOX Au, i.~ijou South Lake Tahoe~ California~ 95705 Attention: Hr. Robert Fesler RL: President, Board of Di rectors WPC-CAL-300 South Tahoe P.U.L). Gentlemen: We have reviewed the final Part B of the Offer and Acceptance~ together with supporting material~ and find it to be satisfactory. Y~u are authorized to award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder to construct a dam and a 3~225 acre foot capacity holding bidder to construct a dam and a 3~225 acre foot capacity holding reservoir' all in accordance with you recommendation~ as follows: NAME OF CONTRACTOR R.'D." WATSON~ INC. TYPE OF WORK DAM & RESERVOIR AMOUNT $581~315.00~ *All eligible for Federal grant participation. ~towever~ no Federal payment will be made on this project until receipt of an adequate legal opinion concerning ownership of sites, easements and/or rights- of way in accordance with provision M of Part A Offer and Acceptance. A suggested form for the legal opinion is enclosed. The costs for Lngineering~ Legal and Fiscal that are involved in the acquisition or processing of the site and/or right-of-way will not be eligible for Federal Water Pollution Control Administration grant participation. For further clarifica- tion of this~ see enclosure #1 - Fiscal Records to be Haintained. As soon as the contract has been awarded~ send two certified copies of the cantract agreement to this office~ and one copy directly to the California State Water Ouality Control Board. Also~ as they become available, please forward the documents checked on Enclosure 5. The attached notification to hiring halls shou Id be reproduced in the quantity desired and completed and distributed by the contractor as required. Enclosed are the following documents: Enclosure I - Fiscal Records to be Maintained. Enclosure 2 - Weekly Statement of Compliance~ To be submitted with first certified weekly payrolls if not printed verbatim on payroll. Enclosure 3 - Labor Standards~ Instructions Enclosure 4 - Procedure for Handling Change" Orders Enclosure 5- Necessary Documents Enclosure 6 - Notice to Hiring Halls. It will be noted that the attached forms refer to the Public ~tealth Service and the provisions of the Water Pollution Control Act prior to the enactment of the Water Ouality Act of 1965. These forms are to remain in ~ffect except that all reference to the Public Health Service and the Surgeon General shall mean the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration and the Commissioner~ respectively. Other references inconsistent with the ckanges accomplished by the Water Ouality Act of 1965~ are aisc to be read as being in conformiffy with the provisions of that Act. Since Federal grant may not exceed 30 percent of the estimated eligible cost of the project~ the Federal grant is reduced by $330~000 (ie from $900~000 to $567~000.) -3- REGULAR MEETING ,July 6, 1967 LETTER FROPi Tile FEDERAL ','JATER POLLUTIOIi CONTROL ADI?'INISTP, AT ION (continued) Should you have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely yours, E.,H. I'HOUREN, P.E. Regional Construction Grants Program Director Enclosures (6) (See above) cc: CA L'wOCL~ Clair A. i!ill & t\ssociales (W/encl. I to 6) F'.';PCA = Washington~ D.C." r~eneral ['4anager Pioyer recommended that the award of contract for the INDIAH CREEK DAPl AND RESERVOIR be awarded to R & D WATSON for $518,315.00. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that OiTDIHANCE NO. 149, AWARDING CONTRACT TO R & D WATSON FOR $518,315.00, be approved. klr.Ployer stated that he was interested enough in the completion of this export project to go back to review some of the minutes and in the meetinn of 4/4/61, the minutes read that Clair A. Hill & Associates were au'thorized (moved by Director Pankost and seconded by Director Souza, unanimously carried, ) by the Board to proceed immediately with a report, study and necessary engineerimq plans for a final solution to the disposal of District effluent, and as of 1967, "1 am able to say we have completed and dicharaed that oblieation", !..Jr. Moyer stated. ' BOND BID OPENING:. $900,000 series "A", for 14eyers Improvement District No U-I: Attorney K.I. Jones ~ated that the fbi lowing bids were received today at 5:00 I. CINCOTTA~ IliC. 7/6/07 7765 Girard Avenue, Suite 209, LaJolla, California, 92037 Bid 92% of the par value thereof or $828,000 with interest computed from July 1967, as follows: Bonds maturing 1971 through 1~79, inclusive, at 6% per annum. Bonds maturing 1980 through 1985, inclusive; at 6.10% per annum. [3onds maturing 1986 through 1991, inclusive; at 6.25% per annum. Enclosed was their check for $20,000. Net interest computed: $1,007,725.50 or 6.64963%. ROBERTS~ SCOTT AND COhtPANY, INC. FIRST NATIONAL BANK [BLDG. SAiJ DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, 92112 Bid 93.27% of the par value thereof, plus accrued interest, for bonds to bear interest at the rate of 6-1/4%. Net interest computed: $1,007,757.50 or 6.64967% Check for $20,000 enclosed with bid. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NEVADA PO BOX 130 STATELINE, NEVADA, 89449 Bid n3,25% of the princlp~l amount thereof, plus accured interest from July 2, 1967, 'to date of delivery for all such bonds to bear interest at the rate of six and one-half percent (6-1/2%) per annum. Net interest compluted: $1,045,825.00 or 6.90085~ Check for $20,000 enclosed with bid. REGULAR i'4E ET -4- July 6, 1967 BID OPEN IIiG (continued) E. P. R. ERCKENi~RACK 2851 - 43rd Avenue West Seattle, Washington, 98199 Bid 92.50% of the par value thereof for the bonds, plus accrued interest from the date of the bonds, July 2, 1967, to the date of delivery, the bonds, bearing a semi-annual coupon, shall bear the fo check for $20~000 enclosed with bid). Bonds maturing 1971 through " " 1979 " u " 1983 " ,, v 1988 " lowing interest rates: (Certified 978 at interest rate of 5.50% per annum. 982 " " " " 5.75% " " 987 " " " " 6.00% " " 991 " : " '~ 6.25% " " Gross Interst Cost: $912,688.00; plus discount $67,500.00; Net interest Cost $980,188.00. Net effective interest rate: 6.467% (6.467749%). TAYLOR AND COMPNAY 439 North Bedford Drive Beverly Hills, California, 90210 Bid 93.51% ($841,590) of the par value thereof, for bonds bearing inlerest at the following rates: 1971 to 1972 maturities inclusive at 5-3/4% 1973 to 1978 maturities inclusive at 5.90% per annum. 1979 to 1991 maturities inclusive at 6% per annum, plus accrued interest (on all above) to the date of delivery. Check for $20,000 enclosed. Interest Cost Plus Discount NIC Rate $907,690.00 58,410.00 966,100.00 6.37479% (6.374793%) ROt)ERT E. SCttWESER CO~4PANY OF CALIFOF~NIA~ LTD. Suite 260, Prudential Building 3212 Loma Vista Road Ventura, California 7/6/67 This was an offer from Robert E. Schweser Company, which read as follows: OFFER: 94% of the principal amount thereof, plus accrued interest to date of delivery ~or bonds maturinq and bearing interest at the rate of 5-1/2% and maturing as set forH~ in Notice o~ Sale. Interest Rate Calculated to be: 5.856318% NOTE: '[his bid is considered unresponsive - - no bid bond or a cashier's check attache. Attorney Ken Jones recommended that 'the board of Directors accept the bid from [AYLOR ANr) COI4PANY of Beverly ill lis, Cai ifornia. The fbi lowing OROIHANCE to be adopted if so accepted. ORBIt'lANCE. NO. 150: AN ORal JA,qCE AWARDIM.~ SALE OF' BONDS, $900,000, SERIES "A", for lJ~YERS 1!4PR'OVEi,,IENT DISTRICT NO. U-I, to TAYLOR AND COMPANY, 439 North Bedford Drive, i~everly Hi lls~ California, 90210. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director hegarty, unanimously carried~ that the bonds be awarded to TAYLOR AND COMPANY, at 93.51%, as so stated in their bid, and upon the recommendation of the bonding Attorney Kenneth I. Jones, ORDINANCE NO. 150 be adopted. 3. PROPERTY ACOUISITION FROM STATE OF CALIFORNIA: Letter received from the Division of High~'ay~","~'ated 6/27/67, re: 03-E~-50, Parcel 18576-1, stating that the parcel has been appraised for $550.O0,b~sed on a land value of $5,000 per acre. Property description, as follows: A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST I/4 OF SECTION 4, T. 12N.,R.18E.,MDB&M, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRI~$LD I!J DIRECTOR'S DEED 18576-I-D, containing 0.11 acre, more or less. General Manager Moyer recommended that the District accept this proposal and check be approved for $550.00. Director Wakeman moved seconded by Direcior tteflarty, unanimously carried, that the property as described above be accepted and approved and payment for $550.00 be made to the Division of Highways, as recommended by General Manager Moyer. REGULAR ,~,IE. ET I t,~C F ! N I S ti E D B U S I N E S S (continued) 7/6/67 4. PIONEER VILLAGE SUBDIVISION: General !4anager Moyer recommended acceptance of the i'nstallation,"of sewers, pump station, force main from the Hofman Land Development Company (Pioneer Viilafle Subdivision). ~r. Hoyer stated that he nersonally , as did Mr. W. C. Taylor, inspected the pump station, force main and installations~ and recommends this for acceptance. Direc'tor ?4elikean moved~ seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that P, ESOLUTION NO. 856~ A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTE!,! FOR PIONEER ~"ILLA'GE SU[SDIVISION~ be approved. 5. iREA]PIENT. PLANT ADDITION: Consideration of proposed contract change order No'. 7~ constru'c~ion of ~dUi~ional aeration basin (Alternate "D"~.of Original Conffract). This will cost approximately $60,500.00 of which the District will share the cost o{ approximately 26%. Director Plelikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman~ unanimously carried, 'that CttANGE ORDEP, NO. 7 (additional aeration basin) be approved and accepted, as re- commended by General [,,'lanager H. E. f,4oyer. CONStDE.RATION OF CONTRACTOR'S REOUEST FOR CONTRACT TIME EXTENSION: Harlan E. t~4.oyer~ General Manager, stated that requests for 'time exte'nsion of contracts have been received from Rothschi Id~ Raffin & Weirick and Underground Construction Company. recommended by Genera l"Manaaer r,4oyer: The following extensions were ~. ROTHSCHILD, RAFFI & WEIRICK 50 calendar days. UNDERGr~OUND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 60 calendar days. Director Hegarty moved, seconde~ by Direc{or Kortes, that ROTHSCHILD~ RAFFIN & WEiRIOUK, be granted a 50 day extension, as recommended by Ceneral Manager Moyer. VOTES AS FO [.LOWS: AYES, Directors Wakeman~ Kortes, ~,!elikean and Heqarty NOES, Director Fesler ABSENT, None Oarr i ed. L.!!TH. LR PASS PUMP STATION, UNDERGROUND .CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACT TIME EXTENSION: Director tiegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried~ that UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY be granted a 60 calendar day time extension, as recommended by General i'4anager H.E. Moyer. 6. RESOLUTION NO. 857: A RESOLUTION PF~:OVIDING FOR POSTING ASSESSMENT NU.~BERS I 'a'n'd 2 to "TAX' BILL FOR ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 27 030 04, ASSESSI.'IENT DISTRICT NO. 1966-1. Regarding the above resolution .... at the time of commencement of these proceedinga and at the times of making and recording the assessment and filing said list of of unpaid assessments, said Assessment and Diagram Nos. I and 2 covered parcels of land designated on the records in the County Assessor's Office of El Dorado County as Assessor's parcel numbers 27 030 03 and 27 030 02~ respectively; and subsequent to the aforesaid times said parcels of land covered by said assessor's parcel numbers have been combined on the records of said County Assessor's office to form a single parcel of land for the 1967-68 and subsequent tax rolls, which single parcel of land is designated as Assessor's Parcel No. 27 030 04. Director Heflarty moved~ seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried~ that RESOLUTION.......NO. 8 5 7 , as recommended by Attorney K.I. Jones~ be adopted. ASSESSMENT DISI'RI(~T 1967-1: Engineer J. Jensen presented the plans~ specifica- tions' and assessment roll~ for Assessment District 1967-1, covering the areas of PIOUNTAIN VIEW ESTATES, UNIT I0, MOUNTAIN VIEW ESTATES UNITS 5,6~7,8, and ECHO VIEW ESTATES UNITS I and 2~ COUNTRY CLUB ~EIGHTS~ Units 1~2,3; TAHOE PARADISE UNITS 15~ 18 and 1SA and parcels along ~iighway 50, which are ~ot a part of the subdivisions, -[AHOE PARADISE UNIT 34 and COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES Units I and 2. .,'!r. Jensen also mentioned that there will be 17~600 feet of 4" laterals~ 6-1/2" pipe, 350 manholes and 66 rodholes; project cost $1,©aO,©nfi end asse!~(~4 rr:~'tq $1~683,631.20, which includes t'he $204,000.00 inright-of=service fees. ~ir. Jensen also stated that a typical lot is approximately 12~000 square feet and 'the charge is approximately $1~420.00, which includes one ~nit, one lateral and right-of-service fee. RE GU L/d~, F~EEI I~,, ~.~ -~-. 7/C~/~; 7 /~7 ~-' ,~j.~,~iCi' 19(~7-I ~continued) I. RESOLUT IOii Di sffic't 1967-I, A Resolution Amend;nm, .. Resolution "~o. 796, Direct'or liegarty moved~ seconded by Director Kortes~ unanimously carrie~, that RESOLUTIOH ~0. 858~ as recommended by Attorney K.I.Jones, be approved. 2. RESOLUTI*''''~,,~ NO, 859:A Resolution Determininn t'o Undertake Proceedinns pursuant to approprla e special assessment and assessment bond acts, or Other Appropriate proceed i nas. COUNTY HEALhi OF! iC£.?,~s LETTER ;:'*S FC'LLOVS: AP!~tl .... O, 196'7 "t~onorable L'¢oar'd of Directors South Tahoe Fubtic Uti l ity District South Lake Tahoe, California Gentlemen: RE: Assessment Di...t¢- ri;?.1 19(',7-1 I am acquainted with -th(:., sanitary sewerage project- which you propose to undertake ~-~e~ nt and assessment bond proceedinqs~ or other ~ .... ,~"iaie pursuant ~o specia~ a ....... sma proceedinqs~., which, ,.~roi¢~ct¢ is more particularly ~:,¢':t fort!~ in your Resolution ~-,eques?ing ~;ccommondali,;)n of iiealfh ~¢i~ I recommend~ a-~:_, nc}cessdry as a he}a I th ..... me,-}sl,'r'o~ th~gt ~ou undertake ~-¢c,¢¢ ~,~.., ....... 3o~u~ uon(~ ac:ts of this Stai-e~ or o~her appropridfe proceedings, as yea shall dekermine, ¢or f'h() cor~s~ructi,::,n rcm.¢'t t~*s -to be ben~::'f i ie:.i c¢ said improver~n]s and for asse:~siqg or faxir'g the p .~ ...... ti,ereL)y This r.;ccm,,(;nuc, ion OX~C~t.,r. t0 SUCh F'~Rr~6-"; and modi¢;c~1-ions therein ar~ you shall Find to; '"" .~; - ' ~e proper or adiv¢'=~.le~ ir, the ~,;~nner provided by Yours rospoctfui i./, E i [)c, rado Coun'!;/,! o~:t'lh Off icer" RLSOLU'TIOU ri~). ,R, OI: A ,,~;.,o!ution describ ng prr-,-p,~¢.d boundari of Ass~¢,s District, di ' * ~ rec, ing fi ling o! map and directin9 recorda~ ()n o~ ;ic, tice of Asse~:srnent. r,.f.:~t)Lb[Iuit ;i~.", ~]t32: A Resolution establir~hir(] pr~:~.vai l inn wane scale. ,,, ¢- , 1014 863' , ul . rXLo)LUT I~0 .... F rResof ion Appointing time and place o~ nearinfl pm-feasts in rel"a"~io'n to proposed acquisition onu improvements, and directing notice. I0~ 1967~ 8:00 P.i,.',. for P,,e nearing and ?:00 P.h'l. for the bid opening). Director Kortes moved, seconded by l)irec?or r,.lelikean¢ unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS ,4C:~. 859 through 8(i4 be approved~ ~,,s pre:.~ented by Attorney K.I Jones. ., t0,~.~ for' adoption: Attorney Ken Jones recornrr,ended l-he lei Iowina R~:;~.¢L(J[ r,,~¢ RESOLUTION NO. 865: A Resolution initiating proceedings for annexation of territory ±c~"'lmprovement Di;~t"ric, 1 No. 'U-I of 'Hie SOUT~ TfdiOE PIJbL!C UI t I'T'Y DISTI~ICf~ AN;iEXA-IION NO. 1907-1 U-I. Mr. Jones menl-ioned lhe reason for proposing the annexation is 1hat this _!oard, pursuant to the wr~itten recommendations oi ±he iiealth Cffieer of the County of' El Dorado, has inilia't-ed proceedings ~o provide sewage col lection facilities within the areas proposed 'fo be annexed~ which facilities will connect ~o the major trunk sewer and pumping system of Im, provement District No. U-I for' ultimate disposal through, the facilities of the District~ and said areas should ueco,,e',~ m responsible' for the obligations of said Improvement Distric'f throuHh District become available to them for use, Di rector ttegarty moved, seconded by Di recf'or Kortes, unan imous ly carr-ied~ that RESOLUTION NO. 865, be approved,, as recommended by A~torney K. Jones. July 6, 1967 (continued) 1,! I .~ .E L LA .,L,~)US UNF iN tSi~ED bUSiN~-c'c bI-STA'fE AU'i~iORITY: ?4eei'inq to be held Wednesday, Jul./ 12, 1967, Sacramento rogardin~j" the Z'[~erg iSill. Aitorney Weidman stated 1,hat he telt the District should prepare some type o~ presentation a~ this rnee1,ing as to what the District nas done for ibis area and for ~his facility, The at±orney and professional represenlative wilt prebare some presentation for this meeting. iic~"D CORPORA'lION: Attorney Weidman si-died ~' '~' .... ~n¢t a reques~ i~as been made to have t'¢'is''trial in El Dorado Coun-fy and hood Corporation is requesting that the suit be tried in a neutral county. 11, was also men~ioned thai t,4r. David ~l. Callahan should be present wherever the hearing is to be held, STUDY SESSION: With !qr. ~red hcLoren' * - to discuss Water OualiTy Control Policy enforcement set for JULY I?, !96'7, 3:00,~.r.4., ~"istrict Office. NOT!CE, , , , OF PUBLIC HEARING: At Placerville for variance 1,¢) locate mosquito abatement and dog poUBd~acili-ties adjacent to Pioneer Trail and existina District Holding Pond, Jury 13~ 1967, 2:45 P.M. ~ ,,,EjUL.~7 BY ,~4EYER$ CivIC I%-RuVE,,,~E~J ASSOCIA7 ION FOR A SPEAKER TO DESCRIBE DISTRICT PLANS-FOR SEWERS IN hIEYERS AREA ~ ,lijl..Y 19, 1967, 8:00 P.14. General t'4anager H.E. r~oyer and Public Inform~*,tion Committee Chairman D.H. Kortes wi II be there. PAYI,,iENT OF CLAIFS: Director !iegarty moved, seconded by Direc!-or Kortes, · ~ ' that' the amounl of $491,2,16,06 be paid and approved~ unanimously carried, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $50,000,00 be approved. MISCELLANEOUS: President Fesler sta'ted that t~e received a letter from Hans,,.eye'~ r, S~pt. of Schools, reaarding,_, (::lass on [}oardsmanship,. 1967 workshop. The ~'~ L,~rect'or's slated that they felt at least one-half of fha classes should be held in this area and the of,her half at Placervi lie. ADJ OURNI,'IEN7: I 0: 30 P. ~.I. ROBERi" ~.~. FESLE'_R, C[tAI RiqA~] S()UTIi TA~K)F_. PUi.q_IC UTILtTY DISTRICT ATTEST: DAVID ,,'7o CAI_L.A-FT.A,q, Clerk of [~oard & Ex-Officio Secretary - SOUTH TA~tOE ~Ui3L lC UTL IT? Di SIR ,J u 1 y z. U ~ ,;~iFii X;'~i iOi,, ~"' .... liTE[,: Ar:ne~a?ion and fulur'e cr-o~th commitiee m(.:ctinq Juiv 15~ i9(7 ~e ,::orqmi~:-- met-~r the i;i~:ir-ic! (-)f~ice al' :00 ~' ~1. Jul,/ 19(~7 ar-icj all rqember5 of ::cmrn;?~c,~ 'acre prescnf, 1'o ~hree (5) items i~ich w,:~re: ~-,_¢:.,~,,a for +m., meeting bc l iraited . . Th~ proposed Luti~er i'as3 Ar'ncx:~fion. ine commilfee dis{:::ussed tie feesiDi ii'ty of the ma_ior annexation of terrif-ory westeri,/ (:f the present disfri(:t boun4,:~ry ex¢endine lo lhe E I Derange- ~oun¢,/ [)oundary on the ,;est ~:*,. -'* . .... ore of the [a~o. if was concluded by the ccrn~ilfee if would be feasible to annex all ,of the privalely owned developable pr-operly~ if lands of the S?a'te of Oalifornia and t~e United :;tales roresf Service were included ~¢ilhin !he proposed annexation, ~he 5~a-re properly ~ould include Emerald Bay S?a?e Park~ D.L. L~liss State Park and Sugar Pine 3f'~te :'ark. !e~;eral properw would include all of the nroperf./ between the presen'f ~.~osterlV Cis1'r;c-[ boundary and Emerald bay and extending into Fat lan Leaf Lake and the ok, r in~ Oreck Summer !~ome i'ract, ibis Federal lana is fha area 1'h,~t the District is now pr~¢parinfi a preiipinary -~ .... + r~;,,..r, and p I 8ns for' a r uriK , ~ - ~- · ~-~/<x,e col iec1'ion s/stem. Ti~e commi Ptee concluded thar i'Is recomnencat,~on 1o 1he i.x-)ard should oe as fei lows: .... ,-~,.~u c, [Si rec:tor's should r'eqbes? ti~e ~x~r-'eersenl c;f bo~h fhc Stat~:~ ,:-,f Cai forr~ia and 1he dni!-ec :}1ate?: Forest ~;['.((.)~ff.'~C~[;)All(~i~ S,;r'vicc i'c [rclude all ,-;;f freir dev(:)iopdble lard wi'thin ;i~.., I: ......... P roi:;osea arin~xa! ;(.n, I f 'tho Urt i ted ~'faf'()% ~'oro5 l' Service and ~ ~ e :Staie o f (.a I i fern i a a:firee 1o fha annexal on ~ wh i ch wou i d ¢ of course~ be at' no cos~ ?o eiTht~r lhe Stale cr !eder'al Covern- then a pl;.s,~ s?,ould be developed fo incorporate the State and Federal pr'c;serty into e r~,~-Jjof ;mnexatior~ atonr with :~i~ ,,;~,~:~-'J~ "ri',/a-le lands wi?bin the r'jer:or~lty c,os(-r'iL;(~c~ ff ha? tho ;;,oard 4u! x/:r-. ,:7o: i;:ECOr,I~.Z,~E'A] IO:i resclutior, cf appiication~ maps and ...... , ', 1. ' ~)rlE:2r';~ ~ (~C~,-j~I provico 'f(r 'the insi~l I;:.ificr: of ,:2 ;(v,':;,~(' c~)l I~:~crion ';',,' :+,~F, ,,vi ,~ ~f'¢ p"icr ass¢~- ,-'. d; " ," ..... ~.)murt strict, hi:: i::, ,~ rel.~liveiy small :~rea~ a~:;;~(xc.n? ftc ii)~-:f-~.,~,.. fhere have been several rt?quesf-s eOF ,¢-~,,xs-,. · , .~,¢,,;r,~ ~ f'he ar,:?c ,::Is ~'h()re ~;~v() beer, s~,t,;eral sop?lc tank fai JtJrOS, It iS 'tile cOF;rni f'fe~ opinion t ~,]'t ii :aould De desirc~2!e to cr"er]-te any ' ~ r ..... ~: '~ih,~t the ;:oa~ru a(icFf li~e noci:ssar,/ F:esolu'l-icns 1o [nj-tiara proce(~dings 'to form ..... o~_,r-~;r,t D · Liirecfor !qelikean mov'ed~ seconded by L);r~t.,r.:l-or h(ortes~ una;~irr, ously carr ied~ 'the1 the above recommendations o~ the /mne:~ation Commi?tee be approved ,:)nd the tlanaeer Df-¢,r-¢p¢~ (Approved were above ~(,~- .......... , ..... ,. ............ ndations ,~',~s. I 3nd2.-~), ......... imrned;a!r~lv u F'USL I C t;4'-* .... ~ ~, t ),,t,J i]iii (:r_;t.i¢,!i ..... : q'ireclor r:or'fes s+~,tc,;¢ that' i~e and '" Ceneral [,'ianaaer No,/er made a preson'f~f'ion re,a~.~rdlr~' the t,%yers Sewer 'ecl!i lies ia r'ther sta,ted that ~,'.~ ..... la .... i fu ..... ,c;yer exp ined the procedure ne ~- :, · ' ' -, ,"ss(.::~sment Districts and an of cosl's to all pre~nf, They ~ere ~ell received by the aroup cuest ons ~l.ed ;Jr]d ~ne qroup was brought up 'fo d~,a on all pro, acts. C, enera t ..... ~ und~er ,.ov,~r stated that '., -. ," oul.orvisor Jerry ~la~*' this meelina and prior 'fo the p ....... ~.ion by tlr ~'4over-~ t'~r. " ,-~,, ~n was p .. or achievements and ahad complim~+,~x the ~ ~ · , ,~:rtin commented on the Disfric~ ~,o~rd cf Directors o~ fhis i is"rrict for their-work and time and efforts. He also mcr,'licmed tha? th~s was an oufsfandinc exc~mple c~ wh~t local confrol can do '*0(.}~ Ji ,i L L 1 ' ~-~'"' ,~: :)ir'ac-for .... likean stated 'that' f;enerai t!anager ~!oyer is sfi II ~orklng on ?he classificafi~n and schedule of empi~-, e,~' 4, bAN,<I'iG/ttJ'SLJLANCE COL,$,71 7 TLE: D i rector' F" ___ u..~er' staled that ne and tdr. [).~'~.Callahan vlsi., , .. ,~;c~ ',~'i'~h Lit. ~,iarcen hims of Crocker Citizens ~ank 'today refiarding an 5AiJrq N(/INbU, ,,~,,Ct.t,,~: ,, i I ILL ( ¢;on'f i hue.,'1 ) accoun-f for the S::uft~ [ahoe i;ut. Iic Uti Ii 1/ i'istrict , (Listed on Agenda under Now ness ). t,!r, :'~sler also sffatod th{~:? a meeting ,;,,~s netd wi ti,, r',r, t,. Frey, County Treasurer, and !ir. ['re,/ had explained fi~e TELTE!~ FUNb 1-o 1horn. i:roceeds from the bond issues are tn_ :::~o into +he, County Treasurer and inve~t~a-~:' ~' ' in time deposits, which the District can draw from time to lime, 5. i;LANNIiiG COP!HI~'iEE: Director Wakeman sla'tcd -ina't the contract fcr ~he er~gineer'in,3 firm has been discussed and felt that 'tomorrow (a tour of the Redding Lngineering Firm) d'iscussion could be held wilh r'4r. Clair A, tiil l to further dis,cuss this contract, - P'r. ?,;akeman slated thai the contract the District now has is a very loose contract and sludy will h~tve to be made 'to have another contract set up. }i~e Board of D;rectors will flour ti~e Lngineerir~fi Firm of Clair A. tiill & Associates tomtrrow~.,',~',, will leave 'the airport (via Clair A. iiill. Airplane), at 9:30 A.H.~ to return ~aturday r-,ornin9, I. /',D[4 i i ~ I S'i itAT I YE' A~'i"~O ~'!/Jl T I -?LjF?©S E_ _ ADD i T i ,'~ m T( ...... ~ ~,,,o .~ OPERATIOii BUIL[_)I,4L,: C, eneral ,anaq~,r r.'7:.v'e'r pre'sented preliminary p lans'"tc the Directors for.' consideration and requested consideration by the Board for [,,reparation of final plans~ specifications and contract ,::ocurrori1'S and fees 'rherefore. "~ x i ::., ~;ddi lion ~,;i t I ,),.*¢~ approx., imatet v ,/'¢ .... _,, ,,¢;0C;, and_ an area of ~.~p~,r~' n,'imatel y 1,800 feet wi ii be involv(~,.,,~. [)ire,':~cr ,iakcman moved~ secondeC by Direci-or Kc, rfes, unanimously (::arried~ that the r~anaqe, r be ,t~uihor ze,a to prc,(::eed with ali necessar'¥ dotal Is for the Administrative and r'iu It i -i:u r ;~ose Add i-t i OhS io Opera'f ions f~ui I d i ;i¢. ?:6'tikean asked 1he C;eneral I4ar~ager if this was such a projecl to have our local cent racf ,.., b i ,,,, for- sarne. . '*'r .... Pr. r.!oyer stated ~hat it definitely was !:i-;,i ':;:'"' '¥ , ' , "' W[IbF!AN P,E THE JOItti' t,,¢ER$ AC-,REEv~EqT: resident Rober. Fesler stated fha1- Attorney J.C. Weidman had given a marvelous presentation at Sacramento at the Joint Powers Hearing on belmlf of the Dislrict and thanked him for same. [tr. r'!elikean also stated that he received comment from l'hd County Officials regardinq h!r. ','!eidrnan's presentation and all persons had commented favorably to Hr. Weidman~s presenta fi on, iiO()L) (}ORiX}RATION: i~o final word. ~ E ,',' [~ U S I N L S S: I.,~,,'rr"t¢-q'r,_~, [~y CALIF()f~,i;i/~ INTEI~,STATE rELLf;tiOiiL C()~.IPA~7, TO PLACE TELEPHONE CABLE IN ',NBIAN CxEEK PIP~LIHL 1REN~]-i. kit Bert tlerr and hqr Tom Thurin requesting t-t~e California Interslate 7blephone COmpany presented a letter and request to the Board of Bi .... ~' as fei i~',, · "i'crmissior~ of the South Tahoe Public Uti ii-fy District 'fo place a 25 pair 22 qauFe telephone cable in l-he same citch with ~he bisfrict~s !8"sewer line that is under construction between Wood fords ;;nd !iope Valley". They stated that permission has already been received from the [)ivision of tii,qhways~ Bistricf's Engineerin,q Firm and ()ur Contractor on the ['resident Fesler stated f'i'~a~, our taxpayer's are paying to have 1'his line dug; we are paying the con-tractor. T,hc~ telephone company is a profit organiza~-ion and they do make a pr'ofi~ for the r compan/. (_,ara we charge the teiephone company for this? ~,/,r. Fesler alsc slaled tna~ "',!e ¢.'ant 'fo iaclp and we do want to be cooperative, but on the other hand, we werc e ecg, ed !o protect ti~e taxpayer's of' i-he area", f.,'r. Fesler further s'fafed i!'.,af ihis Dislrict does no? want to make a profit on this~ buff' felt that some conlriDukic:.n should bo maue by The telephone compan',/~ as our' -taxpayer's are paying for this ccn'.blruction. C, ener-a !4anager k%yer stated that ar, agreement could be drafted holding the District harmless in anyway and that the Telephone Company t'o be responsible for breakage or dama,ae to tile Dislrici' lines. ' '" ' '~ ' ' ~< ! ,' -j (.':ont' ......... · ,, .:~ ,-,~u~', b? i)irecf2r F.o~i'~,- unanir~cusly carried i~ha* 1he ..~ iNT AQ~EE~,%N~ ,x:~ prepared '~, ~ .... . , d.)L. A't lornev and thnt' the CALI linc irt ocinq S'tate o~ Cai ifornla~ L ivision of Oistric'l X 1976 East Chartc~r Stockton, A!' 1'on 11 i or~: !:rank '- ,c-;n t [ omen: these iSroceedihns Ur~dur- t~ppropriate~ r'w'-'.,:,.::~.i.~l Assesrsrnent and Assessment : Other Appropriate '-'rr'c¢,¢:r~jn?.,~ for the Ac(:uiq;Tion an..~ ' , ........... _, ,, ,.or.:, ruction of } 5ani~'~:ry [ESOLLJTIOH li3. U6F';: '" Fesolutic. r~ qecuostina C(msen1' of 1'he City Council of N~ "'~ ~Ui'~ Lake ahoe to Under'take [ roceedinq.~ for f'he Acquisifior~ an(; Cons1 - ~ Uc ~i on of Sanitary Sewers and to ~r'ovide ti~l' ~(ho Cos'i's Shall be Assessed LJr~on the [)is'f tigris ~)enefi'ted~ Under Appropriate ;?~eciat /~ssessmer~t ,-and A-~¢ ...... * F~.E.SOLUTI?q NO. 869: /' (~esoiut'ion Of ntenlion to Acquire and (:cnc+ruct f%~rovements Direc'tor ~iec~ar'fyn,',.~.,,,'- sec:cnced by [: t ,o,.. er Kor?es~ unanimously carried, (KSwLUTION N(). ~'70: ;', [?~sotu'fion of the LfOar~.~ of u~rectors of the SouTh ]ahoe F'ubiic . , U~,,w~KE : CI~iZL, i.> :¢ANK, a uommerciel Account Entitled "SOUTti TAHOE. PUU, LiC J~ILiTY [)lSat?lC-I, I'*'~n ' ' ' ~ Direcfor ~4elikean moved~ seconded by Director Kor't'es~ unanimously carriec~ that RESOLUTION NO, 870 be approved and adopted as requested, PRELIb!I~.IflR~ BUDCET~,,FISCAL YEA[~, /cJO7-19dL: S'ludy ;~e~," ¢~ion ~' * . ' .,e, for ;,'ednesdav~ Ju iv 26 7?? -6- July 20, 1967 he follov~in,q letter~, r-eceivud: From COLiN-IY CLERk" i nformi .... .. ~ri~:t Secre'.farios of Reef ina at South Tahoe Public Utilit'y ['~isfrict Office fo inform all Secretaries of duties under' new uniform Distric't i_lecflor uaw Fror~ r"'ur'?;'c"-' A~ itAROLD [. ": Z'" :'i~'''~' .... . ........ . .... ~,1 _z .iC, i? ou~ reques'fing District ?o consider construction of ~r;cess road 'fo INDIA!! CiK[]K NESL~WOI~. (General hlanaaer to hand ' From .iO:'~E!~i~l'~. ~L PtiA('N['.'LiZP r'ocuestinu. . ~' personal a*-t~t,c:,n, of board ?o conc;lude o easement in KELLEP TPACTq 78 and !'}0, ASqEr'~'' t~ Tr~ 1964-1. ( eneral r'anat'Ter to nandte.) ii'()ilCE F!R()r.i LA!id)iii'Ail i').[i~l,,,A~ i'~'~\-[,[[,, 1TY COiiTr~,OL u,~,A,,~,; regarding public hearing on ,qDr)Li~D!;r.! regnrdi ng I t!i:'LEL'iLNTATIOii TO T!~r~ LAKE TAti(;E WAIEN ()UAL ITY O0i'qTr~OL '?LLICf.~ JULY ~7, 19()7, !):~(,) A.i~., S()UT'ii LAKE -l-AiiOE~ Cil-Y tiALL. ;:Wr'IqE'''~___~, OF CLAIbiS: [)irector Kortes moved, second, ut"': b'/ Director iiegarty~ unanimously carried, t'hat 'Lfhe claims in the amount of $138 '~,~q ~,: ....12 and transfer of funds in the, amount of $98~S54. t~., be approved for payment as recommended by Assistant General AiJJ OU~dq! ILN 1: 9:45 ROBERT W. FESTER, President of the E~oard SOUTii 7AiiOE P!JBLIC !/TILt'FY DIoT~,ICT A1 TEST: David ',,',,'. Cai lah¢]7~, Clerk of [3card and E~= ()f~icio, Secretary of 1he iSoard of .~,~-"irec?ors ?L(;ULAF: [i~[.i' I;iG OF Ti iE bC)AiRD OF D IRECTC)RS OF 'l~Lr:j SOUTH TAtiOE i~lJ[3LIC UTILI13' DISTRIC'[ AUf;LJST 3, 1967 :hq: iSoard of uirectors of the South ~ehoe PuDlic (jti Ii'tv i)lstric-t' met in reaular session the 3rd of August 1967, at the £i-ty ~iall~ South Lake Tahoe, California, 8:O~ P.ki. ,~7(x'..L CALL: ~resen't were Directors f-esler~ Kortes~ ttegarty and ~,!eiikean. General [4a'nage"r"!t, E. Ployer~ Clerk of i~oard Davi0 L.'. Cai lahan, Attorney John C. t'/eidman~ Attorney K. I. Jones~ John [4urphy - Sacramento Bee and representative from the ~ahoe Tribune was also res~mt. Mr. (~:. Smith and ,,.,r. A P .... " . !_ . Shoupe - Clair A. Hill representatives and i)r. Ellen brown. AbSENt: Direclor Robert Wakeman. Director iiegarty moved, seconded by L;irector ~4elikean~ unanimously carried~ that a card and ~lowers be. sent ?o itobert '.,a (.man~ . , "' k~ i3arton !.!emorial [ospital, from the [)ir-cci'ors and Staff. LiINUTEb: Director b'!elikean moved~ seconded by Director Kortes~ unanimously '~ 'e'd earrl ~ thai the minutes of July 20, la67 be approved as presented ;,ug~af 5~ 1%7 Jack The Contractor is currenl l y 'wor-kinq one c:rew on the pc:~r'tion of line !:etweer, the pump s±alicr', and !_.ufher ~'ass aionq i'iiqhway 89 A secor;,' ¢:re~, is scheduled i-o staff worki,,U? b:/,),,.,~. 2. ~SoEo,x, f_;, DI 3TF'i CT i966-1: Conf racPcr: ' ' ' ~elms , ' ' - ~'~O~:,(:r t',,' L, In p .... f,~r'- Ci~arles F;ichardscn All work is complet'e excepf- for some proposed extra work to improve ant stabilize the roads, ' 3. AooLoo,,,D~ Di[:TP, ICT InX6-? -- . ..... ~'.' ,-: Ccnfrac'for: Rober± L. ~ielms !ns;)eci'or Charles i.~ichardson The work on ~i~is project is progressing very well and as of ti;e above date is 65% complete. AI1houqh much of -the work has been in rock~ liltle ~l~slinfi has been required. ' ..... 4. INDIAN CREEl< F;IF'ELIh'E: Cot, f factor: Leo ~_. .,'.;avis Res i dent' Er, g.: Dan (,~ndt;r Inspector: ~ay 'loney The conlractor- is pr'esenliy ~,or-kinr~ one <:row along Hiqhway qF, between Crystal 3prirgs C~rnp,3round anc ~-,:;pe Val ~, ~r,-,~-~ ' I,.,~,~ ~nd is ina -- --, . · CB' z/(: / apprcxirnately 6,700 {le,;f (-¢ pipe, /t second cr'e~., will sJarl work beiween Hope Val ia/ and Lu'fher Pass, 5. INDIA;~ CRLEK r)~,. , , · '.. S(~nlfaclor: i :s ~) dal~' tnc -'esident Eng: i;an Conger Sei and d,gr,~ si?os i~ :Jtn(Jcr'way. Pr-el ir;~inar', ': , .... ,~d: ion exc:avo'f ion for [50 m~Jn dam hi r~ S ~) ~3 C tJ n. ' ";il'~,in a >oak or' is behind sc:hedulc; d,:e io < labc:,r dispu-fc inv::,;vin2 the local piF:efif-!'ors union. 'The dispute has beer s,~':itied and crocress sf'uld increase -fo brina Thn pr-elect t',ack :- on schedule. " '- ,m~ r)ri,-.;.:~,, second,ir", ar ,J cnerr,~-;~i clar'i t Jets are nearly comp lei'ed. and htr:in(: ,~7~s been instel led, ~nc painlinq is no'~ being completed. rec:i~(;ul }tion, ~'~,r,'.~ *:fatir-r: is approxirnatelv, . r4ri'- ~'"'"~'',e e.:' i:alnffino and ,~,,Li-:/,-i l(;;i L>;Si:4 iX', I is apprcximaPcly (;0.,.', complele, Lxcavaficn .;or aeration basin ia;, 2 is completed ar, d concrete work will start upon completion of Nob i. Electrica! 'work is well underway, i-he main switch gear and po.~;er conduits are ins~atted and other ~,oeders are being installed. ]ne incineration bui Iding concrete work is almost complete. Instal lation of the steel but iding superstructure will begin next month° SCtiEDULE "T": instal lation of all equipment piping and control panels are complete in the tertiary plant, ihe steel but Iding is in progress. Ail major mechanical and electrical eqjipmenf for the project is now on lhe site and ready for installe- r'ion in fne various slructures. The p~-~;~r-...~t i s approximately 65% completed at t i~is iime. S(]tEDULL "F": Contractor: 5art lett-onow-~ act ftc Resident Enfi: Al SlechTa The cent a,, .... r nas moved equipment and material onto the site. Inslal lation of the sic. el for 'the furnace has started. This work is being coordinated with completion o~ li~e incineration bui Iding, r zt~,~t OPERATI : Juiv I >1, o~dl l;lani ? Iow Avera(~e [)aily Chlorine Used Ltectricit,/ Used '~;~-on a ne Used ,.cur ?./ Sower m~ rove. ,Ch, :]istrict ;~o, I: Total F Iow Average Dai i/ Flow 1 7.2 8 ' ~,56 ~.,c: plant' is st'ill o[eraiin!] with secondary treatment only. Some minor in[erruptions tc fi~c treatment process are occuring due to the new construction. ~:,~: [hursday, July 271'!~, I mai with 'two representatives of fha State L!ivision of ;~ ~ - ,!e sed _~aa,.nes and Parks. discus the Dist'ric~s contract with the (]ni fed o, ares Forest 5ervi ce~ regarding preparation of a mas'fer' p lan to sewer +he area to Emerald bay. The atate representatives indicated that the Oistrict wou~d be~ko'.... ~ to extend t'he limit of the present study to include State property ~'' ' and that a service at Emerald i~a)'~ C,L. bliss orate Park and Sugar Pine Point, agreement, similar to the United States Forest Service agreement would be forwarded by the State in a few weeks". (.;iroctor i';elikean_m.-,,~4... .... , ......~;,~¢r,nded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the ;:anager's.. [~epcri be approved ~:,-'~ i;'"'~ssnt~d,-~ i~LCOC:NITi[)N OF VISITORS: Dr, El lan L~rown appeared before the Directors stating that she s~oke "fo !4r, David W, ~allahan, who asked ti~at she make her reeuesi re~ardin9 connect;on of a guest house and her main house (Assessment [;is'frict 1966-1-23) as one connection, to the iSoard of i)irectors at this meel'ing. The guest house and the main house are on separate, lots. The guest house is not built to house a family and the facilities are not such that a ~amily could live in this house permanently. Dr. Ellen Brown requested that consideration be given to her to enable her to have the guest house and the main house (both on separate parcels) tied into one connection. Mr. Moyer stated that the District Ordinance requires a separate connection for each parcel and in the case of Dr. Ellen Brown there is a lot for each dwelling. Each lot has a lateral. This is to prevent future difficulties of possible splits of property. The connection could, however, be more economically made if one lateral could be used; however~ Mr. Moyer stated that the ORDINANCE is sound and that he would hesitate to make a recommendation against the ORDINANCE. He further stated that any property 200 feet in length, according to the ORDINANCE, must be connected to a separate laterao lhe Doard of ;irec13~s c~ 1'he Sc, ufh Tahoe !~u~ ic U!i!ilv District met in recul~r session ,luly 25 19(7~ , ity iiall Soulh Lake Tanoe~ California, 8:(,u ; ~' ,,~0~1. CALL~ ~'re.sen! were Direcf,3,-s ~' - 4oK~mdn~ iiegarty~ Kortes and ..... resler~ "-~' ~-- ~eneral Manaaer ~.F Mover~ Clerk of ~3oard and ix-officio ot~c_re,ary [Ja,,xid ./ C~I lahan~ ,~, ~o nuy Z C 'h'cldman~ ~ '- i~h q, . ' Tor: Tilurin - In?c;rstate T, lu .... o4e Cczr~pany i;tornia fnler-siate ('orr;i:,;:anyx A L. .zhoupe~ J /,iurph,~ Josepi~ine ~ Imore hlIi~UTES: Direc o-Fielikean moved, S,'-~cr'nao-~ by ~, ' ..... ,_~ . ~'irector Wakeman, unanirnously carr'ied~ {'hat t~b minuhas ~ July : 1967 be r'oved .-, b~ ~ app as presented, ?~IAGER~S RE'~ORi: 7:ener~i "anacer toyer read his report, as follows~ "July 20, 1967 klanager's Repor't OPERATI.4,~o: The secondary plan1' is in operation and the added treatmen? essentia Fy el~minal-ed the odor problem at ?he main holdinfi pond. [he afftached report sets forth f'ne results of a delai led inspection of the area made on July 1'7~ 1967~ by Clinton Smi'fh, 4i I liam Taylor end Earl ~iardie. On Thursday~ July ~3ffh~ several of the operatinfi personnel -[)ireclors Fesler~ and Director Korto~- _~nd myself~ observed a demonstration of a hvdraJlic sewer cleaninq machine, i'his equiprnent is ' definitely offers many advan?aqes over ~he relat'ively, new in tho indus?ry~ and District, The hvdrau I i .... ~ - ~ ,,ne cleaner doos older equipment now in use by the a much better and complete clean several rimes the length .pt line, within the same lime~ as ihe older roddine machine. Less personnel is necessary to operate the new equipmenl. F'IEETIN~S: On tk:~nday ~md Tuesdav~ July loth and I lth~ I reel w' lh of ~he ~Jureau c~ Land P~ananement regarding approval of the borrow area for Indian Creek Dam. t.lr, Philip Plaiher and John ~witchell, of Clair A. ~till and Associa'fes~ also attended ?he meeting, The /Jureau of I_~,~ t%nagement expressed concern over the location of the proposed area~ sfarino that ir c:onfl'-'+~.d recreational use around ~he reservoir-, ~ .... ~,il'h the mos? desirable areas for ! explained 'that the location was rhe only suitable area, containina sufficient material to permit construcf'ion of ihe dam~ within the limits of Burea of Land Management land. Any alternate area would have been several miles away and use of such a!ternaf-e areas would have increased the construction cos'Is by a very signi{icant amount~ at leasl $100,000.00 and probably even more. I also explained rha~ the proposed bor'row area could be used WithOUt desfrcying any future recrealional use of the same area. This can be accomplished by limiting tree removal and by grading of the area~ and restoring the area by seeding with a suitable ~rass. At present ?he area contains primar~ ly samebrush. Fhe bureau of Land .... ' ,',a,,agement represen?atives took all ~he reasons under consideration and promised a decision would be forthcoming within two weeks, 7his is mos? impor'l-anl as the Contractor wi i be delayed if the borrow area is noi approved wiihin 50 d~,s. CONSTrTUCT 107,' F'R()C;RE q q I LU-iliER P^~-¢ i~l!~i [INE _. n..~,~ _ - Contractor: t:rnest E. Pes,~ana Inspecl'or: Jack bc. en~. The ConGractor is p .... -~--~ ' ,u~q.n, ly workinq on ?he "~" ii,'~- a ighway {:}9~ between the pump sla-fion and "--. ," , . r ~:5,,3Lako~ and ,,d e nas insffal led 54,800 fee~ ~-~ pipe or dppr-oximately ' ~''' . l~,, o~ I'~c ~cfai job. ' Ray ,:~onq ~-~hwav ::~,:: / %':~ ~:nd is proc(~edinq uD thc hill tow~rds Luther ..... rdC S C.><~On oxf<:riencing .some d~ f~culf-,/ ',v~th his e~uip- ,..ce:~ure.~, has . r s, ,.D I led appr'oxim,:~te ly (~00 feet of p i po. 5,,, I r~:.: i,~,u~, , C'.'.,.:.. ,, [)Ail: r'~:]C:TC>r: ..P '.~, [} ./arson, I n:.'~soctor /Er'ai neet':_ Dan Conger, Th~ con~ractor ;s, movina in equiq,%ntr~' the week ?~., July 17th~ ~nd in"ends ?o '_~tarl the 8c:ces:~ road into the site through E.~ureau o~ Land h~anaqemenf J'a~ur -~ ._ ' ..... /u'~', , .... tr ~chi td~ F,affin & 'ideirick, (; r.~ .L.~F FLANT .u.xl~ IONS: Contractor: Po ~'' Fxesident Engineer: Al Slechta, ii~e con~ractor is continuing work on all elements of the project, ;,*~ pre. sen±~ ,+he over'ali pro~ec'f is approximately. 60 per~en? complete and some elements are still slightly behind schcdule, Fha contractor has increased c.r<xqre':;s tnr.,.~ugn overtime work and is concentr~.~±ing on those elements which are specified to Le placed into operal'icn at the earliest time, ~he [erf[ary Plant is nearing completion and the new control panels are nc:;.., ~.eing installed, Fhe existing tertiary plant is still out of bervice bu~ operation si~ould be possi[)le within IOdays, [he Ci~E!4!CA[ CLAR!FIEF% SECONDARY CL. ARIFIEFE and SLUDGE RECIRCULA- ~IO.U PUNP STATION are approximately 70 percent complete, Pumps and piping are being installed, These elements are scheduled to be operable on August lOth, The NEW PRINARY CLARIFIER and CONHECTING PIPING are being completed, 1'his clarifier is also scheduled for' operation on August IOth~ at wi~ich time the ,'low will be bypassed from the existing primary and necessary modifications fo be existing primary raw sludge facilities will be undertaken, The INCINERATION BUILDING concrete work is nearly completed, Equiprnent for this buildin.q.~ furnished under a separate contract~ will be on the site early inAu.a, usi- and installation will then begin," Fresident Fesler asked General ~4anager H.E. Ployer to make a brief statement regarding ihe financing status of 'the various projects, h~r. kloyer stated that the financing is very ,mood for all projects~ Lul'her Pass Pipeline, Treatnient i~lant P~ddition~ Assessrnent DisTricts and Indian Creek Pipeline and Dam and i~eser'voir. ?,r. ?4oyer also mentioned that the 40% payment due for the Indian L.'eek Dam has been requested. Dir'ec'i'or Keri'es moved ~ seconded by Director '.4akeman~ unanimously carried~ that the Nanagerts RNporf be accepted as presented by General I4anager ~oyer, REuuL~'rlON OF VISITORS: Fqiss Josephine Elmore appeared this evening ,o ask fha~ the ~oard consider eettlemen't of an easement in the 1964-1 Assessment District. Attorney John C, Weidman stated that b4iss Elmore has requested settlement of net easements - Assessment District 1964-1-400F and another #408A, Mr, Weidman further slated that an additional $40,00 is requested for the roadway and $500,00 for barricades~ plus $150,00 for lateral, inaaddition to the original ar~ount of $1~540.00 plus~ including interest. Also~ Ernest E, Elmore requested settlement of his easement -$700,00 plus $40,00 and interest~ and $200,00 cash on the barrica:ies for 400 D and 40lA, Final payment and amounts will be recommended for payment at 'the next refill regular ~eet nfl, Director Hefiar't'y ~,x:)ved~ seconded by CPi rector 'Wakeman~ unanimously carried~ that the above easements be sel'tled and payment be made- amounts (total) to be apDrc;ved ai- 1"he next reaular meefina, REGULAR MEETING August Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, that the request of Dr. Ellen Brown be denied. Dr. Ellen Brown stated that she felt the Directors were overlooking the fact of good faith and also overlooking the fact that if the property is sold, the new owners would certainly be told that there is not a separate connection of the building on that lot - that it is tied into the other connection. Dr. Ellen Brown further stated that the intent to sell is certainly not with her; her family has had the property for the past 47 years. ACTION ON THE MOTION TO DENY THE RE©UEST OF DR. ELLEN BROWN: AYES: Director Kortes NOES: Directors Fesler, Hegarty, Melikean Motion lost. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, that the Board waive the re- quiren~snt set forth inDistrict ORDINANCE requiring two structures be connected to separate laterals, as requested by Dr. Ellen Brown. (Dr Brown will be permitted to connect the guest house and the main house to one connetion. (Assessment District 1966-1-23) VOTES AS FOLLOWS: AYES: NOES: DIRECTORS FESLER, HEGARTY, MELIKEAN DIRECTOR KORTES Motion carried. The city will be notified that a permit can be issued requiring connection of both dwellings to one lateral. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I. Annexation: 2. Planning: No meeting/no report. No meeting/no report. Director Fesler stated that he would like to set a meeting with Attorney John C. Weidman regarding the Acquisition of Easements, etc. Meeting was set for August II, 1967, I:00 P.M., District Office. 3. Public Information: No meeting/no report. 4. Banking/Insurance: The insurance committee met and considered the requested increase in the hospital policy and the decrease in the Life Insurance Rates. It was decided by the Committee that the South Tahoe Public Utility District continue with the present insurance carrier (Guardian Life Insurance Company). Also, an Aircraft Coverage Policy has been prepared by Wink Ames, Reed Meneley Insurance Agency, to cover Directors and members of the District as passengers in any aircraft. This would be an additional $150.00 per year. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the policy for Aircraft Coverage be approved and accepted. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: I. ADMINISTRATIVE AND MULTIPURPOSE BUILDING ADDITION: General Manager H. E. Moyer presented the plans and specifT'~ations for the Administrative and Multipurpose Building Addition and recommended adoption of the following resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 871: A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTABLISHING GENERAL APPLICABLE WAGE RATES. RESOLUTION NO. 872: A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND MULTIPURPOSE ADDITION. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 871 and 872 BE APPROVED. LUTHER PASS PIPELINE: Request by Contractor - Ernest E. Pestana, Inc., for a contract time extension. General Manager Moyer stated that Clair A. Hill and Associates have sent a letter requesting a time extension for ERNEST E. PESTANA, INC. of 50 calendar days. Director Fesler stated that at the last regular meeting two (2) contract time extensions REGULAR MEETING -5- August 3, 19§7 were given (Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick and Underground Construction Company). Mr. Fesler stated that the contract is awarded for an amount in dollars and for an amount of specific days. It seems that additional money is being requested by change orders on all contracts and that time extensions are usually requested, and asked if there was a penalty for this. Mr. Moyer stated that the contract does not carry a clause of penalties - but a liquidated damage clause is carried in the contracts. Weather conditions here at the Lake Tahoe Basin have caused the contractors to request time extensions. The completion dates on these contracts were set on a total overall project and before the plans had even been started, we established a completion date of 9/15/67 on the projects. Due to financing and arrangements with Alpine County, we could not make the 9/15/67 date and we are going for December 1967. Mr. Moyer stated that the District is not charged in any way by granting an extension to the the contractor. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the contractor ERNEST PESTANA be granted a 50 day(calendar day) time extension on Luther Pass Pipeline. ASSE.SSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1: General Manager Moyer stated that consideration be given to restore washways b~' constructing asphaltic road mix surfaces, in Assessment District No. 1966-1. Mr. Moyer stated that a letter was received from the President of the Tah~ Meadows Association stating they were pleased with the construction and the cleanup of the area made by the contractor; however, the road in question is in very p~or condition and cannot be used, such as it is. Mr. Moyer recommended that the Board consider the repaving of this road. There is money in the Assessment District 1966-1 funds (which can only be used for this Assessment District) and requested that Robert L. Helms be hired to repaYe the road in Assessment Distri~ 1966-1, using the asphaltic road mix. This would be .08¢ per square foot, total cost of approximately $8,000.00. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Robert L. Helms repave the road in Assessment District 1966-1, with asphaltic mix, as recommended by General Manager Moyer. RESOLUTION NO. 873: A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THAT DAVID W. CALLAHAN IS CLERK AND EX ~FFICIO SECRETARY AND ASSISTANT TREASURER OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 873 be approved and adopted. INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE: Consideration of contract change order No. I(LEO L.DAVIS). CHAN.GE ORDER NO. I: This contract change order covers the following changes and/or modifications of Sheets 19 and 20 of Contract Drawings: I. Station 408 + 15 - 18 inch pipeline shall pass over the existing culvert. Omit air valve at 408+80. 2. Station 384+00 to 386+00 - construct straight line profile between these stations. 3. Alignment change at C - 130A shall be made in accordance with the revised drawings. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: No separate payment will be made as a result~of the above ~'~'anges. Payment for all quantities of work shall be included in the unit prices sent forth in the Proposal. TIME OF COMPLETION: No extension of contract time will be made as a result of this change order. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. I, LEO L.DAVIS, be approved. REGULAR MEETING -6- August 3, 1967 LAKE TAHOE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Consideration of annexation fees previously paid and requirement for further fees, if any. General Manager Moyer read the following letter: "July 24, 1967 Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District PO Box 825 South Lake Tahc~, California, 95705 Dear Mr. Moyer: In order to determine what reimbursement the district will receive under ?he State School Building Aid Program for the annexation of the high school to the Sanitary District, I need some information from you. The State normally will pay up to 75% o~ the annexat~ion costs which would result were the area developed residentially. Mr. RoOinson of the County Planning Commission staff informs me that the area would hold four units per acre if developed residentially. On this basis of four units per acre, what would be the fees for the 50 acre high school site were it developed residentially? I note that the annexation was based upon approximately 11.12 acres.* I assume this was due to the fact that the area of actual building is approximately Ilacres; however, is the entire 50 acre site annexed to the Sanitary District, fees paid, as of this annexation? The District has since acquired an additional 30 acres adjacent to ~he 50 acre site, on which nothing but a ski lift is presently located. Is this 50 acre parcel included in the Sanitary District? If not, should it be, how do we go about it, and what charges will be involved? Your help will be appreciated. Sincerely, slGERARD W. HAUCK, Assistant Supt. Business Services GWH/gp" *Letter 11/12/65, 11.12 acres @$400.00 acre + $5,150 Right of Service Charge." Mr. Moyer stated that the minutes did not clearly state what was done and Director Fesler turned this over to the Annexation Committee Chairman and General Manager for study and to bring a recommendation to the Board at the next regular meeting. MEYERS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-I: Consideration of approval of payments for WALTER BRODER ESTATE, approximately $9,000.00, andTAHOE PARADISE, INC., approximately $10,000 plus. Mr. Moyer asked the Directors to consider payment of the above. President Fesler stated that the Directors have agreed in the past that matters such as this are referred to and handled by the Administrative Staff; he thanked General Manager Moyer for bringing this to the attention of the Board. RESOLUTION NO. 874: A RESOLUTION CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF ELECTION OF DIRECTORS AT LARGE NO. 3 and 4 FOR THE SOUTH TAMOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO 874 be adopted. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-5: Request of Al Tahoe Forest Home Association to include water lines 'and dire hydrant in assessment proceedings. This matter was discussed by the Directors, Manager and Attorney. Mr. Jones stated that the Board has adopted Preliminary Resolutions for this Assessment District for the sewer facilities only. However, water facilities could be included in this and same is not governed by a letter from the County Health Officer; proceedings would be under an Investigation Act and hearings; ask for written petition of the property owners (at least 60%); responsibility would be that of the property owners, as would their plans and specifications. -7- August 3, 1967 Attorney K. Jones stated that if the Board desires to enter into this, the property owners must be advised (Al Tahoe Forest Home Association) that the work has been added but before it can be legally handled, a written petition of 60% of the area~ the preparation of plans and specifications for this work, etc., would have to be set up on a separate schedule. Mr. Jones stated that this added request would not delay the assessment district project. The above matter was referred to the Manager for handling, who in turn will contact Mr. Globin and all interested parties regarding this request, and report back to the Board. · RESOLUTION NO. 886, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, TO EXECUTE AN ENGINEERING SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CLAIR A. HILL & ASSOCIATES AND THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. President Fesler stated that due to Director Wakeman's absence, this matter will be postponed until the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. MISCELLANEOUS: .... BUDGET: ..... General Manager Moyer passed copies of the Budget ~o all Directors. This will be studied and reviewed by the DiFectors for action at the next meeting. The BUDGET discussion will be the first item of business on the AGENDA for discussion at the meeting of the 17th of August 1967. There is a possibility of a tax rate decrease also, Mr. Moyer stated; this will be a PUBLIC DISCUSSION at the 17th of August meeting, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, South Lake'""Tahoe, California. RESEARCH REPORT: General Manager Moyer passed out copies of the Report to the Federal Water Pollution Control Association for the past 26 months on research and demonstration grant project, as has been carried out at the District facilities. VISIT BY MR. E. H. THOUREN - P.L. 660 (WPC CAL 176): Mr. E. H.THOUREN will arrive at Yhe plant to conduct a final '¥~spection of the fa~ilities(P.L.660 WPC CAL 176) on 8/9/67. - CONVENTION - WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FEDERATION: To be held at New York City, N.Y., on the 15-18 October 1967, reconvene at Porto Rico. SOLIDS WASTE DISPOSAL PROJECTS: General Manager Moyer stated that he has just received some literature on SOLIDS WASTE DISPOSAL PROJECTS. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes,unanimously carried, that th~ claims in the amount of $366,831.98 and the transfer of funds in the amount of $50,000.00, as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk' of Board & E~ off i cio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 10:30 P.M. to August I0, 1967,8:00 P.M., City Hall. l,~ ~ / ,, i ROBERT W. FESLEI~: P~ss~-~fent of the Board SOUTH TAHOE PUBL lC UTI LITY DISTRICT AUGUST 10, 1967 BID OPENING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 2:00 P. M. 967--1 The following bids were received and opened at the District Office, on August 10, 196Y, at 2:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were General Manager Harlan E. Moyer, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary, David l/V. Callahan, ~rectors Robert W. Fesler, Donald H. Korl.es, Edward E. Hegarty. Also present were Engineers from ClairA. Hill & Associates ,Don Showlater and Loring Hansen. 1. Delzer Pipeline Cons. Inc. $837,226.50 PO Box 545 8148 Fair Oaks Blvd. Carmichael, California 2. Robert L. Helms Cons. Co. $837,405.50 3025 Mill Street Reno, Nevada 3. B & R Pi~eline $1,078,711.00 24822 2nd Street Hayward, California 4. W.H. Ebert Corp. $1,084,828.00 Spartan Cons. Corp. t620 South Seventh St. San Jose, California 5. Valley Engineers, Inc. $1,096,073.00 PO Box 992 Fresno, California 6. Granite Cons. Co. $1,151,793.30 PO Box 900 Watsonville, California ?. Ernest E. Pestana, Inc. $1,398,205.30 :'.". & Joe D. Miller, A.J.V. 2225 Old Oakland Highway San Jose, California ENGINNEER'S ESTIMATE: $999,833.00 DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEET lNG August I0~ 1967 AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT The meeting of the South Tahoe Public Utility District's Board of Directors was called to order at 8:05 P.M., Thursday, I0 August 1967, in the Council Chamber of the City of South Lake Tahoe, Bijou, California. Director Robert Fesler presiding. Directors Present: Robert Fesler, E. Hegarty, D. Kortes. ABSENT: R. Wakeman, illness. Also present'wewe H.E. Moyer, Manager, D.W. Callahan, Clerk of Board and Assistant General Manager, J.C. Weidman, Attorney, Don Showalter and Loring Hansen = Clair A. Hill and Associates, Attorney R. Hill and Attorney K. Jones - Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, Mr. Fesler asked all present for a moment of silence in memory of George Melikean who had passed away that day. Mr. Fesler expressed his deep personal sorrow at the loss, and that of the community a~ a whole for the many years of service rendered by Mr. Melikean. Director Fesler declared the Public Hearing on Assessment District 1967-1 open, and welcomed those who were in attendance, stating that their questions on the bonds and the physical aspects of the annexation can this evening be answered. Mr. Fesler called on Harlan E. Moyer for a brief, basic explanation of the physical properties of this project. Mr. Moyer stated that before going into that phase, he wondered if everyone was aware of the Lake Tahoe Basin and the water problems resulting. Recently passed through the Congress of the United States the Water Quality Control Act, wherein is set out satisfactory water quality control standards, wherein the Federal Government has adopted policies and laws relating to the implementation for these Standards. It is this District's function, as that of other Districts around the Lake, to provide sewers for the entire Lake Tahoe Watershed, and read excerpts from the Act which must be operable by January 1970. - "No septic tank and other sewage system may be installed unless approved prior to this law .... treatment facilities must be adequate .... no person may maintain a septic tank or other system and the District must," Therefore, after I January 1970 septic tanks within the Lake Tahoe Basin will be illegal. Further after completion of the District's export system, which is anticipated will be I January 1968, it will be illegal to maintain or use septic tanks. Therefore, the District must see that sewage facilities are rapidly installed, and, the District is moving ahead with annexations of outlying District and we must, within the next 18 months, be in position to provide complete service. Messrs. Hansen and Showalter gave a brief description of what the area encompasses (maps were on display in two locations at the meeting, and other copies were passed around for the interest of the audience) The District contemplated to be annexed is as follows: (there are seven (7) separate areas) Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area F Area G Mountain View #10 Mountain View #5, 6, 7 and 8 Echo View Estates #1 and #2 Country Club Heights #1, 2, and 3 Country Club Estates #1 and 2 Tahoe Paradise Units #18 and 18-A, and the Commercial Property along Highway 50 Tahoe Paradise, Unit #34 These collection systems which will be built in this Assessment District will be a part of the Meyers Collection System, comprising 18 miles of pipe, three miles of laterals, 360 manholes and 66 rodholes. In spite of the steep and difficult terrain this this District, they will be able to provide gravity flow to the !,114 parcels in the District. Mr. Moyer reported that "this afternoon the bid openings were held, seven bids were received, the Iow bidder was DELZER PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION, INC., with a total bid of $837,226.50. The second Iow bid was received from ROBERT L. HELMS CONSTRUCTION CO., with a bid of $837,405.60. There was less than $200.00 between the first and second bid. The Engineer's Estimate was $989,833.00. As a result of receiving the favorable bids, the estimated assessments will be reduced by a substantial amount. The total ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -2- August I0, 1967 estimated cost of the project, including all engineering fees, legal service, bond discount and including the "Right of Service Charge" which is applicable to an area not included in the original district, now totals $1,451,000. As approximately $155,000 will be received from the Meyers Improvement District #1, will result in a charge per assessment unit of $930.00, or a reduction of $290.00 per unit. The lateral charge of $200.00 will remain the same, therefore, the final assessment will be $1,130.00, in lieu of the $1,440.00 as figured in the estimate. This $1,130.00 includes $200.00 per lot for Right of Service charges If this charge were removed (which it cannot be) the assessment would be $930.00, which is less than the last assessment district carried out within the original District boundaries. It appears that the project costs are well defined a0d as previously stated will result in a substantial reduction to the estimated ,. assessment . This concluded the Engineer's Report. Mr. Fesler called on the Bonding Attorney, Ken Jones, for an explanation of the financial aspects. Mr. Jones stated, "It is usually helpful in a new assessment district to run through the procedures proposed. You have all received a notice giving an estimated figure, reporting your share of the cost of this collection system. The bids received will now reduce the assessment. Using $1,130 as a typical amount, this meeting will give you, as property owners, a chance to view your objections and criticism to any feature of this program which does not serve your need, now is the time to say so. ~ It is also helpful, usually, to describe What will happen if the project proceeds. If so, it will then go to construction as outlined. The contract period will extend over quite a long time, but obviously it is necessary for the work to be financed and paid for~ as ordered by the Board after tonight's meeting. All property owners are given an opportunity to pay all or part of the assessment in cash. The period allowed for cash payment is legally set at 30 days, but we have here a situation where construction will extend over a longer period due to the weather, which means there is no reason to curtail your opportunity to pay cash should you wish to extend until next year. In the meantime, the District will sell bonds to raise the cash, and enough bonds will be sold almost immediately to raise the cash to do the work. As is generally anticipated, not too many will want to pay in cash. Under the notice received, the payment period is set at 15 years. These are flexible assessments, and we intend to suggest to the Board tonight, depending on reaction, that the period be extended to 25 years. This, of course, will increase the amount paid, but will greatly reduce the amount paid each year. Again~ using the typical figure of $1,130, if the period is extended to 25 years, the average payment would be $88.40 per year, on the assumption that the interest rates will be the legal rate of 6%. Of course, this amount depends, on the competitive figure for the sale of bonds received by the District. This $88.40 per year assessment boils down to $7.37 per month, or .25¢ cents per day approximately. If the interest rate is lower, of course, the payments will be Iower~ but we cannot assure you of any actual rate at this time. If you feel the bonds should be held to 15 years, then payments would be increased, at 5-1/2% interest basis, to about $112.00 per year. The question always arises, if you make a decision not to pay cash and then decide at some future time you wish to clear your property, it is in reality a lien against your property, and the amount you would have to pay to clear would be the unpaid principle of the assessment, plus interest for probably a one-year period, plus an amount equal to 5% of the unpaid principle; this is in the nature of a penalty to you, and a premium to the bond holder. This would then fully discharge your responsibility to the assessment district." Mr. Fesler then asked Mr. Moyer two hypothetical questions generally raised in similar proceedings in other assessment district hearings: I. Homewoner has a septic tank and does not wish to hook to the sewer, does he have to do so? ....... Mr. Moyer stated that after January I, 19~0 septic tanks will be prohibited throughout the Lake Tahoe Basin, and if the property is within a district and facilities are provided for removal, then the property must be connected. This date may be as early as January I, 1968. AUJUU~NLU NEGULAR MEETING -3- August lO, 1967 2. i am holding a lot as an investment and do not want to pay more taxes; do I have to be included? Mr. Moyer stated the District has no control over disposition of any piece of property and the sewer system must be built as an intergrated overall plan. This means that a person paying in advance his cost for sewer ~-disposal facilities is generally paying no greater cost than providing a septic tank system. Ouestion was then raised from the floor, "What happens if the public itself doesn't want to be so serviced? What happens if people can no longer afford to live within an area because of these increased costs? Many have too much in the way of expenses and cannot afford to go into any more expenditure at this time." Mr. Fesler told him that his questions would be answered later in the meeting. Mr. Fesler then called to Mr. Moyer to read, in full, the written protests received: I. Miss Nerino V. Costa - Berkeley Country Club Heights Unit #3, Lots 271 and 273. Protested assessment, too high, taxes too high, sewers not needed. Single and unemployed and cannot afford. 2. LeRoy Lampson - Developer of Echo View Estates Protest assessment on Parcel 33 020 12 land. of $51,000.80, as this is unsubdividable Mr. Moyer exhibited on the map where this property was located, stating a strip of 150 feet on each side of the road is to be included, but it was felt the remainder of the property could be excluded because there is no forseeable future development of this property. "A valid Protest". Mr. Kortes asked and was answered by Mr. Moyer - "This would not then be an excluded parcel, but would be later considered if the property is developed, and would they then pay their costs for inclusion?" Mr. Moyer reiterated the assessment are not intended to be placed against large acreage not slated for imminent development. o Albert and Ike Devries and others - Forestville, California Echo View Estates #2 - Lot 57 and 42 In favor of sewer project, but protest unreasonable cost. Martha Wiederkehr - Oakland Tahoe Paradise Unit #34 - no lot number given. Protest assessment District. Cost too high and already have improvement bonds on land. Joseph Boggiono - Los Altos Country Club Heights, Unit #3 - No lot number given. Protest assessment, not in need of sanitary sewer. Bob Griffis - Morgan Hill Mountain View Estates, Unit ? Lot 808 Protest Assessment - only vaca-'~'ron use, need only septic tank. D.R. Brandenburg Echo View Estates #2 - Lot 33 Protest price of the system and inquired how determined. Mr. Moyer answer that competitive bids were taken;the revised final assessment based on lowest bid received. Mrs. Mary E. King Country Club Unit #2 - Lot 118 Protest sewer system, no need for sewers at this time. 9. Orvis Lunis - San Leandro Mountain View Estates - no unit or lot number; protest assessment. I0. Mr. and Mrs. Soohoo~ Uchida and Young Tahoe Paradise, Unit #18~ Lot 18 - protest assessment. -4- August I0, 1967 I1o Leona L. Wesley - Inglewood Country Club Heights #3, Lot 257 Protest assessment; other bond of $1,500 already paid; wants to know how assessments are determined. Mr. Moyer answered by describing the method of determining assessment is made on an area basis with a unit charge being assessed on a lot up to a certain size, generally 12,000 square feet for average lot, and then lots with square footage in excess are determined on a proportionate share on the actual area of the parcel. i2. Leon F. Willat Country Club Heights #3 - Lot 170 .... protest assesessment. 13. Edward Sassoon - Hollywood Country Club Heights -Lots 195,196,254,295,297,290,291,292,293 Protest annexation and bond. 14. Margaret L. Baker - Concord Country Club Heights #3 - Lot 283 Protest assessment and annexation. 15. Letizia and Sons, Inc., Sepulveda Mountain View Estates Unit #10, did not specify lots; protest high cost and minimum need for sewers. Protest annexation. 16. Mary Ann Sledzieski - Sacramento Country Club Heights #3 - Lot 237 Protest annexation and assessment. 17. Mrs. Idelle G. Mitchel - South San Francisco Country Club Heights #3, Lot 250; protest annexation and assessment. Already paying on a $1,400 assessment and taxes going up every year. John C. Siemens, Kentfield Mountain View Estates #10 - owns 4 lots. Protest connection and assessment. Desirous of sewer by object to cost. 18. 19. Theodore L. Lewis - Concord Mountain View Estates #10, no lot given. Protest annexation and assessments. Foil. owed letter by telegram stating unable to attend meeting but reaffirming opposition to said assessment district and connection. Stating not supplied with details and maps so a study could be made. Mr. Jones answered that such materials are too bulky to be sent in the mail, and that the legal notice mailed each property owner so states, but makes reference to where they may be perused. 20. Hunter Investment Co. - San Anselmo, California Mountain View Estates #10, Lots 1129, 1130 and 1131. Protest annexation and assessments - excessive costs - what happens if construction does not require complete bonded amount. Mr. Moyer answered that amounts are included in original call for bids, for any ' unforseen emergency during construction. Tf these contingency funds are not needed, there are specific legal things that can and cannot be done with this money. They can be placed in a Trust Fund and used to reduce the bond assessment. 21. E.A. Hamson = Cassel, California Mountain View Estates #8, Lot 2 Protest assessment and annexation, and wanting to know why some property not being included in the District. Why these charges not included in original subdivision lot charges. Mr. Moyer answered that the lots excepted from the district are those that are being acquired by the State for the future freeway. Assessments not placed against any property until the District is a ~fact". 22. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson - Ojai, California Country Club Heights #2, Lot 137 Prot. est Annexation ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -5- August I0, 1967 7~]) 23. Francis Hooker - San Leandro (telegram delivered at the meeting) Country Club Heights #3 - Lots 246 and 247, Protest Annexation. Mr. Moyer explained "Right of Service Fees" - Ordinance created at the time the District was set up~ approximately $200.00 per unit - to compensate for facilities otherwise installed. Thus ended the reading of oral protests, Mr. Fesler mentioned that twenty-three (23) written protests were received, and then open the meeting to verbal protests from those in attendance, also will answer any questions or comments. Mr. James Thomas Dodds, Country Club Heights, Lot 150, who had previously asked questions, and which questions had been answered during the reading of the written protests, now merely stated that he was entering a "Formal Protest ". Mr. Van Der Pool, Mountain View Estates #8, Lot 807, asked why the cost is based on a square foot rather than a linear foot? Engineer answered because of the lot shapes~ such assessment would be very unfair, and as depth for assessment is limited to 150 square feet, this means is used. Mr. Van der Pool then entered a Formal Protest, stating further as he is living in a thinly-populated area where practically all residents are protesting, and because their drainage is not directly to the Lake, he believes the septic tank system in the area is adequate, as the only drainage would be into Angora which runs underground after the Saw Mill Pond area. Although Mr. Moyer had previously answered as to the legal aspects of the Water Quality Control Law~ he again explained that it will be mandatory to be connected, this is beyond the control of the District. Any subdivisions now being developed in that area are also being included in the assessment plans. Mr. Moyer would presume that appropriate legal action would be taken against individual owners as against the District if the Water Ouality Control Requir~en~s are violated, such action no doubt being first referred to the District~ then to the County~ and then to the Attorney General. Mr. Vsn der Pool questioned~ "Is not expense now involved too~areat for the area", but Mr. Moyer stated the District is 'forced' to take this action for your benefit. Upon question, Mr. Moyer explained the $200.00 per lot is a "Right of Service "fee which is for a new area that is being connected. Additionally, the District charges to be paid to connect to a line are the required $10.00 Permit Fee and one year's service cha~ges in advance - standard fee is $18.00 per year~ or $1.50 monthly (2 bathrooms and kitchen). Then, when connecting you pay the contractor's fee from your house to the District lateral, which is on the ~roperty line. Mr. Van der Pool again - "We know it is a health hazard, but why cannot Tidelands Funds be used, as this increase in expenses will force many to see their homes". Mr. J.C. Weidman stated that many might think, it unfair what the District is doing, but in 1966 the State Legislature passed la~s, wherein if the District did not ss do so~ the State would step in and install and charge-back the entire expense to the property owner. Mr. Bellaville, Mountain View Estates #7, Lot 783, made a formal oral protest. Mrs. Hildinger questioned the $200 Right-of-Service Charge, which is included in the #1,~30 total fee. Mr. Moyer explained there are 510 acres in the annexation, the total amount split among 1,014 parcels that make up the total assessment district, and this fee is required for connection in any area not in original District. Mrs. Hildinger ~i~she$ t~att~e~$ewers ~been originally installed before the property owners were subjected to the expense of sewer systems. Mr. Tom Souza, Lots 828 and 829 of Mountain View, stated he was not quite clear as to the method of assessment on large areas, also what is this going to mean as a total payment in addition to our taxes. Mr. Moyer explained average payment per lot $88.40 per year on a 25 year bond. As to the assessment on large areas, first had included Mr. Lampson's property in the assessment district as the understanding was a subdivision map had been filed, later disclosed not so, therefore, was excluded~ except for the 150 foot strip along the road. Lots paying one unit are figured to be approximately I0,000 to 12,000 s~uare feet, as that is averaHe of the majority in the area. ~' ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -6- August I0, 1967 Mr. Dodds inquired why a large parcel is excluded and not some small lots? Mr. Noyer stated that when the excluded property is later subdivided it will pay the fees the same as other lots, but now a large acreage is not benefited by the District. Subdivision lots are benefited and are~suftable fo use. Any later subdivided land will still pay on the basis as if mow being included. Mrs. Hildinger understood the bonds used to be only a maximum of 15 years; can they now be extended to 25 years, and, if so, can the property owner recom~snd the 25 year basis. She was assured - "Yes". Mr. Hilainger inquirea as to any projected estimates of the monthly service charges when export is begun, understand will be somewhere in the neighborhoold of a Million Dollars, who will have to pay this? Mr. Moyer feels that the estimated cost for the first year's operation will approximate $70,000 for power, and the annual budget has been prepared and will be considered at the regular meetint next Thursday. The budget contemplates maintaining the same level of service charges this year. Budget also contemplates a slight reduction the the annual tax rate for the District. Based on figures of estimated growth, quite confident thai within the foreseeable future there should be no change. LeRoy Lampson stated, "1 own 30 acres which have just been talked about, and I am President of Echo View Estates #1 and #2. Hope all problems can be worked out. Noticed most protests are about the cost. You have my letter of protest on the 30 acres of undeveloped land which I do not believe should be included; the assessments now are too much. Presently must install dry sewers, and the additional expense will prohibit our developing this land. I don't want to see the County "Price itself out of Business", but this is happening, but would like to call your attention fo a statement you issued of $603,000 in administrative costs. Think you should fake a real good look at that cost and reduce and thus save. I think some of the listed costs are exceptionally high. Understand the bids received were very satisfactory and I do understand that costs in this line will be very high. "One other item that comes to my mind, in Unit #2, we have four lots there that will run over $3,000 to bring the line to these properties, and it would be my suggestion to the Board, inasmuch as we have until 1970 to save putting that sewer line up to these four lots and allow them to use septic tanks until 1970. I tnink if the Board takes a good look at some details like this, they might save more money, As a subdivider ! will pay our share on the unsold lots." Mr. Fesler declared a short recess that those in attendance could have a closer look at the maps and plans of the proposed annexation. Mr. Fesler called the meeting back to order, at which time a Mr. 'Doc' Whipple entered an oral protest for an Antoinette Gill, Unit #34 of 'Tahoe Paradise, Lot 6, who feels costs a little out of line, otherwise she feels that the District should be annexed. Mr. Moyer then reported in summing up the written protests received, there were 21 written protests representing approximately 39 lots, which by area represent approximately 3% of the projected assessment district. In addition there were two written protests received from the ~loor this evening, so approximately there is a protest representing 3-1/2% of the anea to be annexed. There are approximately 1,0t4 parcels of land but do not know exactly how many owners are involved. Mr. Jones stated there was one question asked him during the recess which he felt would be of interest to all - - the figure of $88.40 per year if let go to bond over a 25 year period is an average annual payment of both principle and 6% interest. On a 15 year bond basis, the comparative figure is $112.58. Thereafter, Mr. Fesler declared the Public Hearing on Assessment District 1967-1 to be officially 'closed'. Attorney Hill then questioned if the RESOLUTIONS may be considered as follows: RESOLUTION 876 (by title only) - If you desire to proceed ~ith the project~ must first have resolution over-ruling protests, including findin~ protests not received from majority percentage of owners. Mr. Hegarty inquired if there must be a majority protest before we can take action to over-rule ---answered if less than a majority then you can proceed. ~otion by Mr. Kortes to adapt RESOLUTION 876, seconded by Mr. Hegarty, unanimously carried. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -7- August 10,1967 RESOLUTION NO. 877: Declared that certain facilities are within the trunk sewer district U-1 and what contribution from District U-1 ($155,561.70). Motion by Director Hegarty, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOUTION NO. 877 be adopted. RESOLUTION 878: Ordering reduction of assessment and providing for reduction of assessment $573 to 0, and after taking into consideration estimate of costs and the contribution that was covered by RESOLUTION 877 and if you reduce $573 to 0 will leave a reduction for all other assessment parcels tn the amount of $290 per unit charge, bringing down to figure discussed earlier. Motion by Director PIegarty to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 878, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 878 be adop'ted. RESOLUTION NO. 879: Adopt Engineer's Report confirming assessments and ordering work and acquisition in accordance with modifications of RESOLUTIONS 877 and 878, just passed, and ORDINANCE NO, 151-Award of Contract. Assmt. Dist.1967-1. Motion by Director Hegarty, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 879 be adopted,and ORDINANCE NO. 151 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 880: Appointing a Collection Officer for the Assessment District and designation Mr. DavidW. Callahan. Motion by Mr. Kortes to adopt RESOLUTION 881, seconded by Mr. Hegarty, voted and carried. RESOLUTION NO. 881: Intention to make changes and modifications in the District and orovide for changing these procedures from 15 to 25 years on the bonds. Set for a hearing, date to be decided, and would require publication notice one time. Believe notice could not be issued sufficiently early to set hearing for the 17th of August, therefore, next meeting is September, which will allow sufficient time. Motion by Mr. Kortes to accept RESOLUTION 882, seconded by Mr. Hegarty, voted and carried. RESOLUTION NO. 882: Calling for bids on sale of improvement bonds for 1967-1, first sale $700,000, and would call for bid to be received by 5:00 P.M., 7 September and referred to the Board for theirmeeting at 8:00 P.M., 7 September 1967. Motion by Mr. Hegarty to accept RESOLUTION 883, seconded by Mr. Kortes, voted and carried. Question raised from floor as to savings that might accrue if all bonding not needed - would then be either refunded to the assessed parcel or transferred to a general surplus FUND of the District. Engineering costs are based on and paid on established charges that have been used for many years and are so specified under the contract. Mr. Fesler declared this completed the RESOLUTIONS in connection with Assessment District 1967-1. Mr. Fesler then moved to the question of Assessment District 1967-1-U-1 and declared the hearing open. Mr. Moyer explained this annexation is carried concurrent with the hearing on 1967-1 because the properties are the same as those being considered. The purpose of the annexation is to bring into the Meyers Improvement district U-l, all property not included in the district at the time of the creation of that district, approximately 3,000 acres annexed this year. The Meyers Improvement District to provide the instruments for construction of the major trunk area and the pumping stage, potential of approximately $14,000. The property comprising 1967-1 did not include the Improvement District, and now they should be included. The Improvement District is the vehicle that provides the means of transport. Mr. Jones stated it is of vital consequence as the Meyrs area is in need of a trunk system and the financing of U-1 is by bonds, and it will be their responsibility to pay their share of the cost. Additionally, there will be a considerable income through connection charges when the system is built. All this morley will be made available to the payment of bonds. There will be a cost in the form of taxes against the properties in this district, but these figures are not immediately available. AD OYRN D R GU AR -8- August 10,1967 Mr. Fesler stated we are also taking into consideration in this hearing the written and oral protests and communications as those received for 1967-1, and some could also apply to 1967-1-U-1. Mr. Hill found approximately 6 or 7 applied but felt the Board might want to take notice of all 23 received, to which Mr. Fesler replied that we have considered and duly noted all protests received. Mr. Fesler called for any oral protests and questions or comments. None were forthcoming. Mr. Fesler declared the public hearing on 1967-1-U-1 to be closed. RESOLUTION NO. 883 ..... Approving annexation of the territory of Improvement District U-1 to South Tahoe Public Utility District No. 1967-1-U-1. Motion by Mr. Kortes to adopt RESOLUTION NO 883, seconded by Mr. Hegarty, voted and carried. Under other business, Mr. Fesler i ,quired if the District would be sending a floral expression for the funeral of Mr. Melikean, "George worked very hard for the District's interest for a long, long time" Mr. Fesler authorized the Assistant Manager to take care of this. Inquiry also as to whether there might be any HEART FUND contributions requested, and Mr. Callahan will be guided accordingly. Mr. Fesler thanked all those who had appeared and taken part in the public hearing. No further business appeari.ng. ,the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.M. / ~_,./~.._,_/', ROBERT W.' FES£ER, hairman SOUTH TAH(iZ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 2//TTEp~ __ DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 17, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session' August 17, 1967, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Kortes and Hegarty; General Manager H. E. Moyer, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Attorney John C. Weidman, Eugene G. Finn - reoresentative from Rothschild, Raffin and Weirick, Mike Ackley - Tahoe Tribune; Robert Sondag andA. L. Shouoe - ClairA. Hill andAssocfates and R. Dunnahoe - Clair A. Hill and Associates. ABSENT: Robert Wakeman, Director. MINUTES: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 8/3/67 be approved as presented, and the minutes of 8/10/67 be approved as corrected. BUDGET: General Manager Harlan E. Moyer presented the budge[ for consideration and adootion. The Manager and Directors studied the budget and reviewed each schedule of same. Total estimated revenue for 1967-1968 = $1,186,000.00 Mr. Moyer also mentioned that for the past six (6) years the tax rate per assessed valuation has been $.977 per $100.00. This year the tax rate has been decreased by two cents - $.95? oer $100.00. Mr. Moyer also mentioned that the State Loan of $1.8 million referred to in the budget (this was in answer to Mike Ackley's question) is a State Loan Fund of $1.8 million dollars made available to the District for construction of Alpine portion of the export facilities, Indian Creek Pipeline and Indian Creek Dam. Mr. Moyer also stated' that the District is not borrowing the $1.8 million dollars, but will borrow approximately $1.1 million dollars instead and will pay interest only for ten (10) years. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the budget be approved as presented by General Manager Harlan E. Moyer. ORDINANCE NO. 152: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING TAX RATES ($.95¢) FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967-1968. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the budget be approved as presented by General Manager Harlan E. Moyer. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Moyer stated that he has not oreDared a formal Manager's Report; however, Mr. Robert Sondag is present in the audience and will give a report regarding the progress of the different projects now under construction for the District. Mr. Moyer stated that he did meet with reDresentatives of the United States Forest Department on Tuesday of this week and they are eager to have the feasbility study for the sewer system carried out as rapidly as ~ossible, as the money budgeted and approved for construction of the first stages for the Camp Richardson - Fallen Leaf Area-- 8700,000 is available for construction prior to 6/30/68. Mr. Moyer stated that there is no question the District will extend service to Emerald Bay - West Shore Area. Also, a representative of the Fallen Leaf Lake Home Owners Protective Association visited the District Office and requested information regarding facts re annexations, costs, etc., for their area. JOB STATUS REPORT: Mr. Robert Sondag drew a !0ercentage vs time graoh to exolain the job status graph ~repared for the Directors. The graph contained the various projects now under construction for the District; starting date of contract, approxi~ te completion of same. LUTHER PASS PIPELINE (Ernest E. Pestana, Inc.) Completion date - 11/7/67; 71% complete and contractor is on schedule. REGULAR MEETING -2- August 17, 1967 LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION (Underground Construction Company) 17/% complete, on schedule. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1 (Helms Construction Company) 89% complete - on schedule. BARTLETT-SNOW-PACIFIC (Solids Handling, Schedule "F") - 20% complete at this time. The project was delayed; furnaces are now under way (construction wise)' approval of all critical equipment received. ' INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE: (Leo Davis) 19% complete. MEYERS PUMP STATION: (Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick) - 3% complete. On schedule and some ahead of schedule. MEYERS SEWER SYSTEM: (Frontier Contractors) 3% complete. Approximately 500 feet of 12" pipe installed. INDIAN CREEK DAM: (R & DWatson) 5% complete. On schedule. Construction stages on all projects are very good, Mr. Sondag stated. President Fesler stated that we have March 8th, 1968, as a deadline date. At that time, the lease of the HAROOTUNIAN PROPERTY will be up. The treatment and export projects are the most important project at this time. Mr. Soadag stated that it appears there will be no problem in meeting the March 8, 1968 deadline date. TREATMENT PLANT ADDITION: (Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick) Mr. Sondag stated that the contract document general conditions as set forth by the Economic Development Administration (EDA) does allow contract time ex- tensions due to strikes, etc., severe weather conditions, etc.; legally, the contractors for the treatment plant are entitled to the contract time extension. The treatment plant contract is on schedule. The contractor was unable to do some work on the clarifiers due to severe weather conditions, but he did work on other phases of the contract. A week from [omorro~ (8/2ff~/67) is ,~he deadline~date on t!~e;_f;rst ?haWse sr.:the construction and the contractor will not make that date on the clarifier. Approximately three (3) weeks from today, or two (2) weeks from the deadline date will be required for completion of the clarifiers. The contractor has also been delayed in revising piping and grades at the plant. MR. EUGENE G. FINN. representative of ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN & WEIRICK, stated that due to severe weather conditions, work on the chemical clarifiers was delayed; work on other phases of the project took place, which normally would not have been worked on. The weather was breaking so hard and it was so cold, the 30 inch valve was not installed during the winter and was then installed in the spring. The valve had failed and had to be pulled and reinstalled which caused the delay. ' The secondary clarifier had to be reinstalled. Mr. Fin requested an extension of time until September 8, 1967. General Manager Harlan E. Moyer stated that the contract is set up in three (3) different phales. The chemical clarifierwas completed on time and was placed into operation and equipment failure caused shut-down of the clarifier, through no fault of ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN & WEIRICK, and has not been in operation since. D~rector Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, that the request of ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN & WEIRICK for a time extension to 9/8/67, be granted. VOTES: AYES: Directors Hegarty and Kortes NOES:Director Fesler ABSENT: Director Wakeman Motion lost. REGULAR MEETING -3- August 17, 1967 Attorney John C. lAfeidman stated that the motion must be carried by a majority vote of the board to pass, and upon request of President Fesler, Mr. Weidman read same from the Public Utility Code Manual. Mr. Robert Sondag stated that according to the General Conditions of the Contract set up by Economic Development Administration (EDA), provisions are made for time extensions granted to contractors for delays, such as strikes, severe weather conditions, etc., up to thirteen (13) days; however, it does require board action. Mr. Sondag further stated that he felt the board should consider a time extension request of the contractor - ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN & WEIRICK. Manager Harlan E. Moyer stated that the contractor has made every effort to do a good job for the District. Director Hegarty, Director Kortes and PresidentFesler agreed that a JOB STATUS REPORT, as prepared by Mr. Robert Sondag, be presented to the Board of Directors (in smaller form) a't the next regular meeting, to enable the directors to keep up with the progress of the various projects of the District. Mr. Sondag will have this prepared and ready for the next meeting. The Directors thanked Mr. Robert Sondag for this thorough presentation of the progress on the construction projects. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation. No report 2. Planning No report. 3. Public Information. No report. 4. Personnel No report. 5. Banking/Insurance. No report. REPLACEMENT OF GEORGE MELIKEAN, SR.: Director Hegarty placed Gerald C. Ream for nomination to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. George Melikean, Sr. At this point, President Fesler called for a five (5) minute recess to contact Director Wakeman (absent for this meeting because of illness) to find out his feelings regarding the nomination of Gerald G. Ream. RECESS: 9:35 P.M. The meeting was called back to order at 9:40 P.M. President Fesler.stated that Director Wakeman agreed to the nomination of GERALD G. REAM to fill the vacancy on the Board of Directors. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that GERALD G. REAM be appointed to replace George Melikean's seat on the Board of Directors. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. TAHOE KEYS SUBDIVISION -- RESOLUTION NO. 884, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER SYSTEM, PUMP STATION AND FORCE MAIN FROM THE DILLINGHAM CORPORATION OF CALIFORNIA. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 884 be approved. INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE (Change Order No. 2) Leo L. Davis, Inc.: Increase in contract amount of $7,177.40 (above requested by the State Division of Highways). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 be approved. REGULAR MEETING -4- August 17, 1967 TREATMENT PLANT ADDITION: CHANGE ORDER NO. 8 (Rothschild, Raffin & Weir~ck). Increase in contract amount of $6,057.00. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that CHANGER ORDER NO. 8, TREATMENT PLANT ADDITION, be approved. MEYERS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-l: RESOLUTION NO. 885: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROCEEDINGS TO OBTAIN RIGHTS-OF-ENTRY AND THE FILING OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS FOR TRUNK SEWER EASEMENTS. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 885 be approved. NEW BUSINESS ............. 1. ACQUISITION OF NEW HYDRO-DY-NOMIS SEWER CLEANER: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that lease of the above mentioned equipment, as recommended by General Manager Moyer, be granted. The District will lease available equipment prior to purchase of UNIT made to District specifications. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 886: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO EXECUTE AN ENGINEERING SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CLAIR A. HILL & ASSOCIATES AND THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 886 be approved. 3. EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN NO. 2: RESOLUTION NO. 887: A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTABLISHING GENERAL APPLICABLE WAGE RATES. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 887 be approved, as recommended by General Manager H.E.Moyer. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 888: A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS TO BE SUBMITTED BY 2:00 P. M., (EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN NO. 2)., September 7, 1967, for construction of EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN NO. 2. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, [hat RESOLUTION NO. 888 be approved. COMMUNICATIONS: President Fesler read a letter from Planning Director Gary Chase regarding [he meeting of the Planning Commission to be held the 17th of August, 1967. Also, a letter from Congressman Harold "Bizz" Johnson regarding the Recre~:,tion Development at the Indian Creek Reservoir. Another Letter from Attorney John C. Weidman, relating to the procedure to be taken regarding the vacancy on the Board due to the Death of Director George Melikean, Sr. REGULAR MEETING -5- August 17, 1967 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $50,138.30 be approved for payment as recommended by Assistant General Manager DavidW. Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: Adjourned to Special Meeting August 31, 1967, 3:00 P.M., at the District Office for consideration of contract award for construction of ADMINISTRATION AND MULTIPURPOSE ADDITION. Consideration of preliminary Engineer's Report on ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-2 and other business that may be considered. ADJOURNED AT 10:00 P.M. to August 31, 1967, 3:00 P.M., District Office. ROBERTW. F~ESLER, President of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIS TRIC T ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BID OPENING---ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING AND MULTIPURPOSE AUGUST 31, 1967 -- 2:00 P.M. The bid opening for the .i~LDB/IIBHSTRATION BUILDING AND MULTIPURPOSE ROOM ADDITION was held at 2:00 P.M., August 31, 1967, District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Ream, Kortes, Hegarty; also present were AttorneyR. Hill, Engineer J. Jensen, Clerk of Board DavidW. C llahan, Mike Ackley - Tahoe Tribune and John Murphy ~. Sacramento Bee. ABSENT: R. Wakeman The following bids were received and opened: D rrell G. Cope PO Box 8894 South Lake Tahoe, Calif. $44,515.00 o J.M. Ryan PO Box 828 - Bijou South Lake Tahoe, Calif. $44,328.00 o. Thomas Construction Co. PO Box 394 - Bijou South Lake Tahoe, Calif. $40,631.00 o Roberts Construction PO Box 9004 South Lake Tahoe, Calif. $56,214.00 o Donald B. Buss Construction Co. PO Box 7363 South Lake Tahoe, California $43,311.00 o Lo!sez-Souza, Inc. PO Box 642 South Lake Tahoe, California $46,474.00 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE:= $40,000.00. Bids were taken under advisement to be possibly awarded at the Adjourned R~gular Meeting at 3:00 P.M. today, District Office, Adjourned Regular Meeting. ROBERTW. FESLER, Chairman SOUTH TAH([E PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex- officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of theSOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADIOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 31, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an Adjourned Regular Session the 31st of August, 1967, 3:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Hegarty and Ream. Also present were Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Engineer J.Jensen and L. Hanson, R. Sondag, Attorney R. Hill and Attorney J.C.Weidman, Reporters Mike Ackley and John Murphy, Mr. J.J. Thomas of Thomas Construction Company and a representative from Thomas Construction Company, Robert Mason. ABSENT: General Manager Harlan E. Moyer. BID OPENING REPORT FOR ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ADDITION: Engineer J. Jensen stated that the bids were opened at 2:00 P.M. today. The low bidder was Thomas Construction Company - $40,631.00, and the high bid amounted to $56,214.00. The engineers' est[mate was $40,000.00. Mr. Jensen stated that the bids were checked and he recommended that the bid from Thomas Construction Company in the amount of $40,631.00 was fourrt to be in order and recommended that the contract for the ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ADDITION be awarded to THOMAS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 889, A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ADDITION TO THOMAS CONSTRUCTION, be approved. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-2: Mr.L. Hanson of ClairA. Hill & Associates presented the map covering Assessment District 1967-2, which will include SIERRA MEADOWS, MEADOW HEIGHTS, LAKE CHRISTOPHER, MONTGOMERY ESTATES Nos. 1, 2. 3. Approximately 246 acres, 9 miles of 6 and 8 inch sewer line and 2 miles of four inch laterals, 160 manholes and 20 rodholes. Total cost approximately $845,645.48. This Assessment District is divided into two areas; one area contains 275 parcels and the other contains 330 parcels. Construction for one area is approxira tely 37% of the total cost and the other is 63% of the total cost. Parcels in area ~%1 will be assessed approximately $864.00 per lot and parcels for area no. 2 will be assessed approxirm tely $1,274.00, including the laterals. FROM COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER, AS FOLLOWS: "August 8, 1967 Honorable Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District South Lake Tahoe, California Gentlemen: RE: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-2 I am acquainted with the sanitary sewerage project which you propose to undertake pursuant to special assessment and assessment bond proceedings, or other appropriate proceedings, which project is more particularly set forth in your RESOLUTION REQUESTING RECOMMENDATION OF HEALTH OFFICER. I recommend, as necessary as a health measure, that you undertake proceedings pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this State, or other appropriate proceedings, as you shall determine, for 'the construction of said improvements and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby. This recommendation extends to such changes and modifications therein as you shall find to be proper or advisable, in the manner provided by law. s/Yours re spectfully, HAROLD MOZAR, M.D. Health Officer E1 Dorado County" ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -2- August 31,1967 ' '"~' The following RESOLUTIONS were recommended for adoption: ?.]~SOLUTION NO. 890: A Resolution Determining to Undertake Proceedings Pursuant 'to Appropriate Special Assessmen[ and Assessment Bond Acts or OtherAppropr[ate Proceedings, for the Acquisition and Construction of a Sanitary Sewerage System and Appurtenances Without Proceedings Under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code. Assmt. Dist. 1967-2. RESOLUTION NO. 891: A Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale, Assmt. District 1967-2. RESIOLUTION NO. 893: A Resolution Describing Proposed Boundaries of Assessment District, Directing Filing of Map and Directing Recordation of Notice of Assessment. Assm't. Dist. t967-2. RESOLUTION NO. 894: A Resolution Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests in Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improvements, and Directing Notice. Assmt. Dist. 1967-2. RESOLUTION NO. 895: A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals - Assmt. Dist. 1967-1. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 890 through 895, be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 896: A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 882, Entitled, "A Resolution Calling for Bids on Sale of Improvement Bonds", Assmt. Dist. 1967-1 (Change date from 9/7/67 to 9/21/67) Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 896 be approved. At this point, President Fesler thanked Mr. Robert Mason for having the PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS for the administration building addition out on lime. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS - ALL PROJECTS' Mr. Robert Sondag presented a job status report to all Directors, showing the completion percentage of each project now under construction for the District. TREATMENT PLANT: Rothschild, Raffin & Weiric, 75% complete and on schedule LUTHER PASSPIPELINE: Ernest E. Pestana, 75% complete and on schedule LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION: Underground Cons. Co., 25% complete and will be on schedule. BARTLETT-SNOW-PACIFIC: Solids Handling System; 25% complete and ahead of schedule. INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE: Leo L. Davis. 30% complete and an ..schedule. INDIAN CREEK DAM: R & DWatson - 7% complete and on schedule. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1: Helms Cons. Co., 100% complete; repaving completed. Residents very happy with the repaving and the cleanup of this Assessment District. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2: Helms Cons. Co., 81% complete and approximately six weeks ahead of schedule. MEYERS PUMP STATION & TROUT CREEK PUMP STATION: Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick - 3% complete. Mr. Jensen stated that Mr. Robert Mason was asked to assist on the architectural part of the pump stations. MEYERS S~'.,'VER SYSTEM :' Frontier Contractors 4% complete. /~;~'~ ADIOLfRNED RP, G~ILAR MEETING -3- August 31, 19 67 DELZER CONSTRUCTION .... ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1 To begin constr~ction within two weeks. FINANCING FOR ALL PROJECTS: DavidW. Callahan stated that the financial situation for all projects is good. FEES --- RE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CLAIRA. HILL & ASSOCIATES AND SOUTH LAKE TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT: Discussion was held regarding the fees to be charged by CLAIR A. HILL & ASSOCIATES; the agreement reads that any work, etc., taken place after the 17th of August 1967, will be charged according to the new agreement executed · the 17th of August 1967. ATTORNEY R. HILL REQUESTED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTIONS BE CONSIDERED FOR ADOPTION: RESOLUTION NO. 897: A Resolution amending resolution No. 686, A resolution appointing engineers and attorneys. Assmt. Dist. 1966-1. RESOLUTION 898: A Resolution amending Resolution No. 743, A resolution referring project to attorneys and engineers. Assmt. Dist. 1966-2. RESOLUTION NO. 899: A R~solution amending resolution No. 797, A resolution referring project to attorneys and engineers.-Assmt. District 1967-1. RESOLUTION NO. 900. A Resolution amending resolution No. 813, A resolution referring project to attorneys and engineers. Assmt. District 1967-2. RESOLUTION NO. 901: A Resolution amending resolution No. 817, A remlution referring project to attorneys and ...::ngineers - Assmt. Dist. 1967-3. RESOLUTION NO. 902: A Resolution amending Resolution No. 821, a Resolution referring project to attorneys and engineers. Assmt. Dist. 1967-4. RESOLUTION NO. 903: A resolution amending resolution No. 866, a Resolution referring project to attorneys and engineers, Assmt. Dist. 1967-5 Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 897 THROUGHg03 be approved, as drafted. Mr. D~9~id W. Callahan requested the following resolution be considered for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 904: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAI~OE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING ITS DIRECTORS TO SIGN CHECKS FOR WITHDRAWAL FROM CHECKING ACCOUNTS IN ITS NAME. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 904, as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan, be approved. NEW BUSINESS: HOLDING POND PUMP SITUATION: Mr. J. lensen stated that approximately six weeks ago, the two southern wells, which contain the turbines, collapsed. One had collapsed to the extent that it was difficult to get the pump out of it. Subsidence was noted around the pumping station that housed the turbines; sand s~:arted entering the well and a large void appeared under the west end of the building. Coarse gravel was shoveled into the void, but the foundation along the west side is virtually unsupported. The real danger here, Mr. Jansen stated, is 'that the building would collapse and crush the casing for the one pump on the west side of the building, and could also damage the pump near the east side of the building, which could cause the District [o lose both large pumps and could not pump out of the pond. Bill Taylor and his crew had started to construct a raft on which he had mounted the two centrifugal p,~mps. He also intends to install a Gorman-Rupp pump on the raft and with it 'the combined capacity would be somewhere between 2-1/2 and 3mgd. This should be in operation next week. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -4- 7~;~7 August 31, 1967 Mr. Jensen stated that the immediate thing to do was to attempt to shore up the building so that it would not fall and collapse the well casings. This would cons[st of installing concrete foundations outside the building and near the west end. Then two large steel beams would be installed and thread these through the building on each side of the pedestal that the pump is '.,nounted on. By means of brackets suspended below the beam, the pump pedestal would be attached to the beams. The beams would then be jacked up to take the load, and grout under them to the foundations. Cost will be approxirr~ely $2,500.00. DISCUSSION OF POSITION OF MANAGER: Pres[dent Fesler stated that the District must think of obtaining a General Manager. Harlan E. Moyer has been doing everything for us, Mr. Fesler stated, -- he is an engineer on one hand, and an excellent Administrator on the otherhand, and it would take two men to replace him .... one for the Plant Operation and one for the Administration Posit[on. Mr. J. Jensen stated that he has discussed this with Mr. ClairA. tIill and they agreed that the District needs a man for the Plant 'tha't has a technical background. The General Manager Position, of course, would be dealing with Public Relations, and overseeing the overall operation and a man that w~ uld have someknowledge/ experience of Utility Background. Mr. Jansen also stated the Plant O'oeration will be more of a chore than it has been in the past. President Fesler requested, and Directors agreed, that ClairA. Hill & Associates and Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfiled get together to canvass the areas for a man who has a technical background and requested that they interview men to obtain a good man for the Plant Operations. Mr. Jensen stated that the bulk of the problems that have occurred over the past few years have now been solved. The problems that are going to be encountered over the next few months will be routine, and if not, CtairA. Hill & Associates are prepared to offer the District the very best assistance. The construction projects will be ClairA. Hill & Associates responsiblity. President Fesler stated that readvertising for a Manager will take place; interviews, etc. In the meantime, Mr. Fesler will sign any necessary letters, documents, on behalf of the District, as President of the Board. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Memorandum from Local Agency Formation Commission, signed by H. N. Bishop, Assistant Executive Officer. Letter states that the Placer County Local Agency Formation Commission is inviting all the California Agencies in the Tahoe Basin with the power to provide sewer services to a meeting in Auburn on September 5, 1967, 7:45 P.M., at the Placer County Supervisors Chambers at 175 Fulweiler Avenue. The Directors and Attorney J.C.Weidman will attend this meeting. Engineer J.Jensen will also attend this meeting. 2. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING --- Hearing will be held at City Hall Callahan will attend this hearing CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TI-IA OE: , 9/5/67, 8:05 P.M. - Mr. Wakeman and Mr. on behalf of the District. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Assistant General Manager Callahan recommended the payment of claims in the amount of $8,926.84. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $8,926.84, as recommended by Assistant General Manager - D.~vidW. Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 4:55 P.M. :.O2ERT W. FESLER, CHAIRMAN SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -5- August 31, 1967 ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTLITY DISTRICT BID OPENING---SEPTEMBER 7, 1967, 3:00 P.M. EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN NO. 2 The following bids were received and opened at 3:00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present for bid opening were Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Engineer J.Jensen, President of the Board Robert W. Fesler. 1. ROBERT L. HELMS CONSTRUCTION CO. $77,266.00 3025 Mill Street Reno, Nevada 2. LEO L. DAVIS, $60,524.00 Fort Jones, California 3. DELZER PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION,INC. $78,722.00 P.O.Box 25- Zephyr Cove, Nevada 4. FRCNTIER CONTRACTORS $96,051.00 PO Box 7837 South Lake Tahoe, California ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE= $71,300.00 The above bids were taken under,:advisement; contract to possibly be awarded at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors at 8:00 P.M., City Hall, September 7, .1967. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-Off. Sec. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 7, ~967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session September 7, 1967, 8:00 P.M., City IIall, Bijou, South Lake Tahoe, California, ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, IIegarty, Kortes, Ream. Also present were Attorney J.C. Weidman, Attorney R. Hill, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, J. Jensen, Engineer, D. Donnahoe, R. Sondag, A.L. Shoupe, C. Smith - ClairA. Hill and Associates, Mike Ackley - Tahoe Tribune, Dr. Gillespie (representing and deliverir~gza letter from a resident of Tahoe Marina Inn). ABSENT: General Manager Harlan E. Moyer. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director IIegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of August 17, 1967 and the minutes of August 31, 1967, be approved as presented. HEARING ---ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1967-1: Attorney Robert Hill stated that this is the time and place established by RESOLUTION of the Board of Directors for the HEARING of RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO MAKE CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS IN THE 1967-1 PRECEEDINGS. There were no protests - written or oral. Hearing was closed. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 905, A RESOLUTION ORDERING CIIANGES AND MODIFICATIONS--- ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1967-1, be approved. MANAGER'S REPORT: Mr. John Jensen stated that: HOLDING POND: Pump Station went into operation last Friday. Five (5) feet of freeboard at present. TREATMENT P;[ANT: Expec't to start the primary, secondary next Monday, will take approximately two (2) weeks for full operation. OTHER CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS: Frontier Construction Job (Meyers Trunk Sewer System). Three (3) crews now at work and a fourth starting. Just finished the line on Pioneer Trail and building manholes to be completed by this coming Friday. Another crew on the 12" and they are putting in the 15" line behind 'the golf course and starting the force main from the Upper Truckee Pump Station that will run from Barbara Avenue to the Treatment Plant. The water level is no worse 'than theContractor had anticipated. The contract is on schedule. Also, Mr. Sondag stated that a breakdown of expenditures has been delivered to the Clerk of the District. MEETING: LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION: Mr. J. Jensen stated that Mr. ClairA. Hill, J. Jansen, J. Martin and J.C. Weidman, A Mr. Neilsen- Administrative Assistant for E1 Dorado County, attended the meeting at Auburn. Mr. Jensen stated that approximately 40 people were in attendance and discussion was regarding proceedings for TAHOE CITY PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT to annex the Bliss State Park, which is in E1 Dorado County. They were to resolve the question of Tahoe City Public Utility District legally annexing through Placer County Local Agency Formation Commission, and to also annex an alternate to serve this area. The Chairman appointed a representative from each Utility District and report in a month on what progress had been made and what has been done on the other alternatives presented to serve the area and the legal matters of same. Mr. Jensen was the representative from this District. ALPINE COUNTY MEETING: Mr. J. Jensen and Mr. R. Sondag met with Mr. II. Bruns ~/ REGULAR MEETING -2- September 7, 1967 of Alpine County and three other citizens of Alpine County on Thursday, 10:00 A.M., to locate fire outlets and two irrigation outlets. They request another fire outlet. They now have five (5). This would cost the District approximately $300 or $400. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that another fire outlet be installed, at the expense of this District, as requested by Alpine County. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION AND PIPELINE: Welding on the pipes is of a routine nature; a laboratory company comes to the area to x-ray this. Both of the contractors are from the Bay Area and the welders come from Reno (Pipefitters). The pipefitters have not been able to be obtained from Reno. Mr. J.C. YVeidman, Attorney, stated that he has contacted the local pipe- fitters Union regarding this and was assured 'that if a picket line were to be put up by Nevada, it would not jeopardize anyone else working on the job. Mr. Weidman stated that pipefitters have now been obtained as of 4:00 P.M. today, and will be here Friday morning to see if they are on the job. _OIRECTOR HEGARTY moved, seconded by DIRECTORWAKEMAN, unanimously carried, that the REPORT BY THE ENGINEER, MR. J. JENSEN, be approved. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler asked the following to introduce the mselve s: R. Sondag, C. Smith, D. Donnahoe- from Clair A. Hill & Associates. and Mr. A.L. Shoupe Mike Ackley - Tahoe Tribune. Mr. (Dr.) Gillespie appeared at the meeting and presented the following letter from Tahoe Marina Inn: "Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District South Lake Tahoe, California Dear S irs: Regarding bill and penalty for sewer service at the Tahoe Marina Inn. The above mentioned bill was misaddressed by your staff and sent to Allen J. Roach, the former owner of the Inn (Prior to April 1966). It was forwarded to him from here as is our custom regarding all such mail with the consideration that we have no legal right to open mail addressed to another party. The bill was not returned until after the elapsed time and was promptly paid when called to our attention. At that point our check was returned and we were informed that a penalty was to be paid. We feel that we ac':ed promptly and in good faity; that the responsibility for the delay was caused by your staff misaddressing the bill and therefore request acceptance of our original check and waiver of the penalty. Very truly yours, s/Harvey Wm. Glasser M.D." Mr. David W. Callahan, Office Manager, stated that the annual statements were mailed approximately the 5th day of June 1967, addressed to the address we had on the District records. Property owners were given until the 15th day of August 1967 to pay this and at that time a .10% penalty was added to the bill and same sent to the tax roll - E1 Dorado County. Mr. Callahan further stated that approximately three (3) dozen checks have been returned to the owners since the deadline date. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that [he request from Tahoe Marina Inn be dented. REGULAR MEETING -3- September 7, ].967 COMMITTEE REPORTS: At thispoint, President Fesler appointed Mr. Gerald G. Ream as Chairman of the Personnel Committee, and to also assist with [he Annexation Committee. Director Wakeman will assist Gerald G Ream with the Personnel Committee. ' 1. Annexation No report 2. Planning No report 3. Public Information: Director Kortes stated that he was contacted by Mr. Arthur Trumbull requesting the District present a disp2ay at the HOME SHOW, OAKLAND, September, showing progress being made by the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The Directors discussed this in length and it was decided that [he Public Information Chairman, Donald H. Kortes, contact the Chamber of Commerce and inquire as to 'their desires - to pursue this with our Engineering Firm and come up with some ideas, call a meeting with the Directors to review and/or reject this proposal. Moved by Director Hegarty and seconded by Director Kortes. Mr. Fesler stated that the Chamber of Commerce obtains funds from their members, and stated that he did not know if the use of tax funds for this purpose would be considered proper. VOTES: AYES: NOES: Carried. 4. Personnel 5. Banking/Insurance: DIRECTORS KORTES, HEGARTY, REAM, WAKEMAN DIRECTOR FESLER UNFINISHED BUSINESS No report No report 1. EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN NO. 2: The Engineer reported on the bid opening held this afternoon: 1. Robert L. Helms Cons. Co. $77,266.00 2. Leo L. Davis $60,524.00 3. Delzer Piepline Cons. $78,722.00 4. Frontier Cont. $96,051.00 ENGINEERS ESTIMATE: Low bid of Leo L. Davis $60,524.00 $71,300.00 Mr. J. Jensen stated that the bids were checked and found to be in order and recommended that LEO L. DAVIS, INC., OF FORT JONES, CALIFORNLA, be awarded the contract for the EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN NO. 2 - if so approved, requested adoption of 'the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 906: A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN NO. 2 TO LEO L. DAVIS, FORT JONES, CALIFORNIA, AS AWARDED THE CONTRACT FOR THE EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN NO. .2 - $60,524.00. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 906 be approved. ' RESOLUTION NO. 907: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROCEEDINGS TO OBTAIN RIGHTS-OF-ENTRY AND THE FILING OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS FOR EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN NO. 2 SEWER EASEMENT Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, that RESOLUTION NO. 907 be approved: VOTES: AYES: Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Hegarty, Ream NOES: None ABSTAINED: Director Kortes CLARIFICATION OF CONTRACT STARTING DATE ON LUTHER PASS PIPELINE & LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION CONTRACTS: REGULAR MEETING -4- September 7, 1967 Mr. DavidW. Callahan stated that the contract for the above was executed on the7th day of September, and the notice to proceed was issued on the 22nd day of September 1966. The other contracts were executed at the same time and the notices were issued at the same dates from the 22nd of September; therefore, the otherprojects/contracts were accepted from the 22nd day of September and he requested this be also as of the 22nd day of September. Director Kor~e's moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that 'the NOTICE TO PROCEED with the above mentioned contracts be as of September 22, 1966, as recommended by David W. Callahan. CONSIDERATION OF TIME EXTENSION, SCHEDULE "S" AND "T": Deleted from Agenda CONSIDERATION OF TIME AND DATE FOR STUDY SESSION: This study session will be held to discuss 'the job specifications, prepared by General Manager Harlan E. Moyer and Engineer I. Jensen. Directors agreed to meet Monday, September Il, 1967, 2:30 P.M., at the District Office, to discuss the job classifications for Plant Engineer and General Manager. RESOLUTION NO. 908: A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS ON BONDS FOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-1. This would be for bonds in the amount of $1,450,000 instead of $900,000. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 908, as recommended by Attorney Robert Hill, be approved for the amount of $1,450,000. Attorney Hill also mentioned to the Board that Mr. Ken Jones went to New York last week to discuss bond rating for the District and will have a report on this meeting for the Board. CONSIDERATION OF ANNEXATIONS: Annexation Committee will meet to discuss the BOHANNAN AND HAROOTUNIAN ANNEXATIONS. RESOLUTION NO. 909: A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION MAKING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS (to be held October 3, 1967 for the hearing). RE: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1967-2. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 909 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 910: A RESOLUTION ANNEXATING PROPERTY - (This property was not initially included in the Improvement District No. U-l). This is to be annexed and approved at the hearing scheduled for October 3, 1967. ANNEXATION NO. 1967-2-U-1. Mr. Jensen stated that this will appear in the future as the District goes up the export system to annex the property to U-1 Improvement District. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 910 be approved, as recommended by AttorneyR Hill. HOOD LITIGATION: Hood Corporation was $110,000.00 low on their bid to the District and have since filed a law suit in Los Angeles County; the District requested this be moved to E1 Dorado County, which was gran'ted. HOOD had requested for dismissal in Los Angeles County and reffled in San Francisco. The District will also request this be transferred to E1 Dorado County. APPLICATIONS -- FOR DIRECTOR AT LARGE NO. 3 and DIRECTOR AT LARGE NO.4: Thus far, those that have filed are George McNamee, RobertWakeman, and Donald H. Kortes. REGULAR MEETING -5- September 7, 1967 CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Jensen read the following: From: To: Robert B. Dean, Ph.D. Dr. Riley Kinman Re: South Tahoe Contract 52-01 Date: August 21, 1967 "We have now received five copies of the final report on WPD-85, Recovery of Coagulant, Nitrogen Removal, and Carbon Regeneration in Waste Water Reclamation. This is an outstanding report and an admirable summary of the work done under the Sect[on 5 grant. It should be noted that it is also a report under the new Demonstration Grant 52-01 and copies should be filed accordingly. I understand that your office has a substantial number of copies. I suggest 'these be saved in Dr. Stephan's office for reference and distribution. By copy of this memo I am requesting additional five to ten copies from Mr. Moyer since the work is pertinent to so much that we are doing in Advanced Waste Treatment. s/Robert B. Dean, Ph.d. CC: Dr. A.A. Bacher F.M. Middle ton R.L. Stenburg Harlan Moyer" Also, Mr. lensen mentioned that Dr. Robert B. Dean will visit Lake Tahoe September 18, 1967, at 10:49 A.M., to return that evening at 6:00 P M to San Francisco. ' · PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, that the claims in the amount of $837,180.47, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $50,000.00, as recommended by Assistant General Manager DavidW. Callahan, be approved. Votes as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSTAINED: DIRECTORS FESLER, WAKEMAN, HEGARTY, None DIRECTOR GERALD G. REAM KORTES Carried. ADJOURN MENT: 9:45 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, Presi~er~t of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIS TRIC T ATTEST: DAVID W. dALLAHAN, Clerk of'$~rd and ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 21, 1967 The 8oard of Directors of the South Tahoe Pu blic Utility District met in regular session September 21, 1967, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, South E.~l~e Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Hegarty, Ream; Also present were Acting General Manager and District Engineer J.A. Jensen, Clerk of Board David IN. Callahan, Attorney R. Hill, Attorney J.C. Weidman, A.L. Shoupe, C. Smith, R. Sondag, J. Murphy and M. Ackley. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Direct orWakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 9/7/67 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: 1. lP. EATMENT PLANT and HOLDING POND. Treatment Plant now in full secondary operation. Will go into tertiary operation next week. Plant flow averaging about 2.0 rog, average daily flow = 2-1/2 mgd and middle of the week - 1.6 mgd. Holding pond freeboard = 5';. cleaned 85,000 feet of sewer line in thirty (30) days using new rodding machine. 2. CURRENT SUMMARY OF PROJECTS UNDER DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION: Total of twenty-four (24) projects under construction and total cost = $19,450,000. 3. Mr. Robert Sondag stated that minature copies of Job Status Reports have been passed out to [he Directors regarding progress on the following: TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS, Rothschild, Raffin & Welr[ck, - 83% complete. LUTHER PASS PIPELINE, Ernest E. Pestana, 88% complete. Mr. Ernest E. Pestana appeared at the meeting to explain the delay of the project to [he Directors. He stated that the main problem is the welders. Two (2) welders were obtained, who worked for a couple of days and then decided that they did not like the job site, so walked off the job. There is nothing to say they must finish the job they start... Mr. Pestana also mentioned thai he spoke to the UNION at San Jose and they stated thai they could not send welders from [here to the jobsite because welders were available from Reno. He also mentioned that an apprentice from his company has passed the welding course and will be on the jobsite for [he construction. Mr. Pestana stated that they are doing all they can to keep the construction going; there are four men bias[ion and four joints are being welded per day. The contract , however, is expected to be completed by the completion date, except for the cleanup work. Paving is now 2/3 complete. ~ LUTHER PASS PUMP STATIONLS - 35% complete and two weeks ahead of schedule (Under- ground). INDIAN CREEK DAM ( R & DWATSON) 20% complete. INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE (Leo L. Davis) 55% complete and two weeks ahead of schedule. :SOLIDS HANDLING (Bartlett-Snow-Pacific) 45% complete and five weeks ahead of sche d ule. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1 100% complete (R.L. Helms Contractor) ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2 ) 96% complete --- three weeks ahead of schedule. MEYER'S PUMP STATION (Rothschild, Raffin & We[rick) - 7% complete and three (3) weeks behind schedule. Great problem dewatering the site. MEYERS SEWERS (Frontier Contractors) 25% complete and behind schedule. REGULAR MEETING September 21, 1967 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1 (Delzer Pipeline) Construction has not started. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ADDITION- Thomas Construction Company) 30% complete and approximately ten (10) days ahead of schedule. EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN (Leo L. Davis) Project not started yet. Mr. John A. Jensen stated that two certificates have been received by the District for Mr. Norman Thomas and Mr. J. Bonnet, who have both been classified as Operator 4. Mr. Ream will meet with Mr. Jensen for date of presentation of the certificates: I:o Mr. Thomas and Mr. Bonnet. Mr. J. Jensen also mentioned that the Airport has extensive plans for enlargement. This will involve both Luther Pass Pipeline and Meyer's trunk Sewer. This afternoon Mr. Jensen, Mr. Weidman met with Jerry Martin and the Airport Director. Engineers for this district will look at revised location for Meyer's Sewer and Mr. Jensen will meet with Mr. Brandley, Airport Engineer, next Tuesday to resolve this as best for both parties. NEVADA FLOW for August, 1967: 20.02 MG and Daily Average = 0.646 MGD PLANT FLOW for August = 89.9 MG and Daily Average - 2.9 mgd . Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report, as presented by JohnA. Jensen, and the report of the projects by Robert Sondag, be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Feslerwelcomed the representatives of the Press, Mr. Ernest Pestana and representatives of [hat firm to the meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. ANNEXAT;iON: Director Hegarty presented his report of the meeting held at the District Office 9/18/67, 3:00 P.M., coverinq annexations, West Shore Annexat ion, (same typed in full in official minute book). will meet Tuesday, October 3, Annexation. Mr. J. Jensen stated that the Placer County 1967, at Placer County, to discuss the West Shore 2. PLANNING: DirectorWakeman stated that the Planning Committee met on 9/8/67 to discuss the road problem in and out of the Plant when the freeway comes through. Mr. William V.D. Johnson has offered to give the District enough property to put a road in from the rear of the Treatment Plant foal Tahoe Blvd. Mr. Wakeman stated that the Planning Committee felt this should be turned over to the Engineers to make a study on this and to see if this would be a practical thing to do. Also what the costs, etc., would be. President Fesler directed this to the Engineer. The Planning ~ ' '- ',~omm~t[ee met again a~ 9/18/67 to discuss the exclusions that now exist within the District boundaries. There are approximately ninety-seven (97) excluded parcels remaining in the District. The Planning Committee would like to have some legislation started and propose legal work done to get the remaining excluded parcels into the district. · ,DIRECTORWakeman moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Attorney be authorized to take whatever legal steps are necessary to proceed with this legislation necessary so the South Tahoe Public Utility District can form an Assessment District to take in the excluded parcels. Also discussed was the line from Tahoe City to the Treatment Plant to assist the people at 'the North End of the ]~nke dispose of the effluent. President Fesler stated that the Planning Committee has set up a luncheon meeting for next week with City Manager John Williams and Mayor N~rman Woods, Engineer J. Jansen, Attorney Weidman, to discuss the Functional Organizational Chart for the District. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Director Kortes stated that the Public Information Committee did not meet. At the last meeting of the Board, it was REGULAR MEETING -3- 9/21/67 whether or not the District should participate in the Home Show to be held at Oakland by presenting a project from [he South Tahoe Public Utility District - it was decided there was not enough time to enter and participate in this Home Show. Mr. Kortes also mentioned that the gentleman that was carving [he emblem for [he city was enroute to the home show and the emblem was in the back of the truck. The emblem fell out of the truck and was demolished. 4. PERSONNEL: Director Ream stated that the Personnel Committee met with the South Tahoe Unified School District last Wednesday, 9/20/67, to disc~ssl State and Employee Retirement program. A full report will be presented to [he Board at a later date. 5. BANKING/INSURANCE: Director Fesler stated that Reed-Meneley Insurance Agency has scheduled an Insurance Meeting for 10/12/67 with the District and the Insurance Carrier (U.S.Fidelity 6, Guaranty) · to discuss the District's property damage policy and other phases of the Insurance policty. UNFINI SH ED BUSINESS: 1. BOND BID - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1: follows: CHANDLER AND COMPANY 9777 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 512 Beverly Hills, California Three (3) bids were received, as For $700,000 par value, will pay 96.06% of par value, plus accrued interest as follows: 5-1/2% in the years 1970 to 1975, incl. 5-3/4% in the years 1976 'to 1981, incl. 5.90% in the years 1982 'to 1987, incl. and 6% in the years 1988 to 1993, incl. Estimated Interest Cost = $729,812.68 Average Net Interest Cost = 6. 149571% For $700,000 as follows: STONE & YOUNGBERG 1314 Russ Building San Francisco, California par value, will pay 94.55% of the principal amount, plus accrued interest 5-1/2% in the years 7'/2/70 to 7/2/75 incl. 5-3.4% £n the years 7/2/76 to 7/2/81, incl. 5.90% in the years 7/2/82 to 7/2/93, incl. Estimated net interest rate = 6. 1849% TAYLOR AND COMPANY BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA For $700,000 as follows: par value, will pay 95.52% of the par value, 5.75% in the years 1970 to 1974, incl. 5.90% in the years 1875 to 1984, incl. 6.00% in the years 1985 to 1993 incl. Estimated Interest Cost = $741,055.63 Average Net Interest Cost = 6. 22997% Robert L. Hill, Attorney, recommended [hat the bid from: CHANDLER AND COMPANY be accepted. plus accrued interest REGULAR MEETING -3- September 7, 1967 COMMITTEE REPORTS: At thispoint, Pres[dent Fesler appointed Mr. Gerald G. Ream as Chairman of the Personnel Committee, and to also assist with the Annexation Committee. Director Wakeman will assist Gerald G. Ream with the Personnel Committee. 1. Annexation No report 2. Planning No report 3. Public Information: Director Kortes stated that he was contacted by Mr. Arthur Trumbull requesting the District present a disp.lay at the HOME SHOW, OAKLAND, September, showing progress being made by the South Tahoe Public Utility District. The Directors discussed this in length and it was decided that the Public Information Chairman, Donald Iff. Kortes, contact the Chamber of Commerce and inquire as to their desires - to pursue this with our Engineering Firm and come up with some ideas, call a meeting with the Directors to review and/or reject this proposal. Moved by Director Hegarty and seconded by Director Kortes. Mr. Fesler stated that the Chamber of Commerce obtains funds from their members, and stated that he did not know if the use of tax funds for this purpose would be considered proper. VOTES: AYES: NOES: C arrie d. 4. Personnel 5. Banking/Insurance: DIRECTORS KORTES, HEGARTY, REAM, WAKEMAN DIRECTOR FESLER No report No report UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN NO. 2: The Engineer reported on the bid opening held this afternoon: 1. Robert L. Helms Cons. Co. $77,266.00 2. Leo L. Davis $60,524.00 3. Delzer Piepline Cons. $78,722.00 4. Frontier Cont. $96,051.00 ENGINEERS ESTIMATE: $71,300.00 Low bid of Leo L. Davis $60,524.00 Mr. J. Jensen stated that the bids were checked and found to be in order and recommended that LEO L. DAVIS, INC., OF FORT JONES, CALIFORNLA, be awarded the contract for the EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN NO. 2 - if so approved, requested adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 906: A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN NO. 2 TO LEO L. DAVIS, FORT JONES, CALIFORNIA, AS AWARDED THE CONTRACT FOR THE EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN NO..2 - $60,524.00. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 906 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 907: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROCEEDINGS TO OBTAIN RIGHTS-OF-ENTRY AND THE FILING OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS FOR EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN NO. 2 SEWER EASEMENT Director Hegarty moved, seconded by D[rectorWakeman, that RESOLUTION NO. 907 be approved: VOTES: AYES: Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Hegarty, Ream NOES: None ABSTAINED: Director Kortes CLARIFICATION OF CONTRACT STARTING DATE ON LUTHER PASS PIPELINE & LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION CONTRACTS: ~/~"'~ REGULAR MEE TING -4- September 7, 1967 Mr. DavidW. Callahan stated that the contract for the above was executed on the7th day of September, and the notice to proceed was issued on the 22nd day of September 1966. The other contracts were executed at the same time and the notices were issued at the same dates from the 22nd of September; therefore, the otherprojects/contracts were accepted from the 22nd day of September and he requested this be also as of the 22nd day of September. Director Kor~te's moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the NOTICE TO PROCEED with the above mentioned contracts be as of September 22, 1966, as recommended by David W. Callahan. CONSIDERATION OF TIME EXTENSION__~ SCHEDULE "S" AND "T": Deleted from Agenda CONSIDERATION OF TIME AND DATE FOR STUDY SESSION: This study session will be held to discuss the job specifications, prepared by General Manager Harlan E. Moyer and Engineer J. Jansen. Directors agreed to meet Monday, September 11, 1967, 2:30 P.M., at the District Office, to discuss the job classifications for Plant Engineer and General Manager. RESOLUTION NO. 908: A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS ON BONDS FOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-1. This would be for bonds in the amount of $1,450,000 instead of $900,000. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, · that RESOLUTION NO. 908~, as recommended by Attorney Robert Hill be approved for the amount of $1,450,000. ' Attorney Hill also mentioned 'to the Board that Mr. Ken Jones went to New York last week to discuss bond rating for the District and will have a report on this meeting for the Board. CONSIDERATION OF ANNEXATIONS: Annexation Committee will meet to discuss the BOHANNAN AND HAROOTUNIAN ANNEXATIONS. RESOLUTION NO. 909: A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION MAKING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS (to be held October 3, 1967 for the hearing) RE: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1967-2. ' Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 909 be approved. ' RESOLUTION NO. 910: A RESOLUTION ANNEXATING PROPERTY - (This property was not initially included in the Improvement District No. U-l). This is to be annexed and approved at the hearing scheduled for October 3 1967 ANNEXATION NO. 1967-2-U-1. ' ' Mr. Jansen stated that this will appear in the future as the District goes up the export system to annex the property to U-1 Improvement District. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 910 be approved, as recommended by AttorneyR Hil]. HOOD LITIGATION: Hood Corporation was $110,000.00 low on their bid 'to the District and have since filed a law suit in Los Angeles County; the District requested this be moved to E1 Dorado County, which was granted. HOOD had requested for dismissal in Los Angeles County and refiled in San Francisco. The District will also request this be transferred 'to E1 Dorado County. APPLICATIONS -- FOR DIRECTOR AT LARGE NO. 3 and DIRECTOR AT LARGE NO.4: Thus far, those that have filed are George McNamee, Robert Wakeman, and Donald H. Kortes. REGULAR MEETING -5- September 7, 1967 CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Jensen read the following: From: To: Robert B. Dean, Ph.D. Dr. Riley Kinman Re: South Tahoe Contract 52-01 Date: August 21, 1967 "We have now received five copies of the final report on WPD-85, Recovery of Coagulant, Nitrogen Removal, and Carbon Regeneration in Waste Water Reclamation. This fs an outstanding report and an admirable summary of the work done under the Section 5 grant. It should be noted that it is also a report under the new Demons[ration Grant 52-01 and copies should be filed accordingly. I understand that your office has a substantial number of copies. I suggest these be saved in Dr. Stephan's office for reference and distribution. By copy of th~s memo I am requesting additional five to ten copies from Mr. Moyer since the work is pertinent to so much ~hat we are doing in Advanced Waste Treatment. s/Robert B. Dean, Ph.d. CC: Dr. A.A. Bacher F.M. Middleton R.L. Stenburg Harlan Moyer" Also, Mr. lensen mentioned that Dr. Robert B. Dean will visit Lake Tahoe September 18, 1967, at 10:49 A.M., 'to return that evening at 6:00 P.M. to San Francisco. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, that the claims in the amount of $837,180.47, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $50,000.00, as recommended byAss~stant General Manager DavidW. Callahan, be approved. Votes as follows: AYES: NOES: ABSTAINED: DIRECTORS FESLER, ~VAKEMAN, HEGARTY, None DIRECTOR GERALD G. REAM KORTES Carried. ADJOURNMENT: 9:45 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER, Presi~e~t of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIS TRIC T ATTEST: · N, Clerk of'B~rd and ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 21, t967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session September 21, 1967, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, South La~e Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Hegarty, Ream; Also present were Acting General Manager and District Engineer J.A. Jensen, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Attorney R. Hill, Attorney J.C. Weidman, A.L. Shoupe, C. Smith, R. Sondag, J. Murphy and M. Ackley. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Direct or Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 9/7/67 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: 1. ~.EATMENT PLANT and HOLDING POND. Treatment Plant now in full secondary operation. Will go into tertiary operation next week. Plant flow averaging about 2.0 mg, average daily flow = 2-1/2 mgd and middle of the week - 1.6 mgd. Holding pond freeboard = 5'; cleaned 85,000 feet of sewer line in thirty (30) days using new rodding machine. 2. CURRENT SUMMARY OF PROJECTS UNDER DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION: Total of twenty-four (24) projects under construction and total cost = $19,450,000. 3. Mr. Robert Sondag stated that minature copies of Job Status Reports have been passed out to the Directors regarding progress on the following: TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS, Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick, - 83% complete. LUTHER PASS PIPELINE, Ernes[ E. Pestana, 88% complete. Mr. Ernest E. Pestana appeared at the meeting to explain the delay of the project to the Directors. He stated that the main problem is the welders. Two (2) welders were obtained, who worked for a couple of days and then decided that they did not like the job site, so walked off the job. There is nothing to say they must finish the job they start... Mr. Pestana also mentioned that he spoke to the UNION at San Jose and they stated that they could not send welders from [here to the jobsite because welders were available from Reno. He also mentioned that an apprentice from his company has passed the welding course and will be on the jobsite for the construction. Mr. Pestana stated that they are doing all they can to keep the construction going; there are four men bias[ion and four joints are being welded per day. The contract , however, is expected to be completed by the completion date, except for the cleanup work. Paving is now 2/3 complete. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATIONLS - 35% complete and two weeks ahead of schedule (Under- ground). INDIAN CREEK DAM ( R & DWATSON) 20% complete. INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE ( Leo L. Davis) 55% complete and two weeks ahead of schedule. :SOLIDS HANDLING (Bartlett-Snow-Pacific) 45% complete and five weeks ahead of sche d ule. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1 100% complete (R.L. Helms Contractor) ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2 ) 96% complete --- three weeks ahead of schedule. MEYER'S PUMP STATION (Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick) - 7% complete and three (3) weeks behind schedule. Great problem dewatering the site. MEYERS SEWERS (Frontier Contractors) 25% complete and behind schedule. REGULAR MEETING -2- September 21, 1967 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1 (Delzer Pipeline) Construction has not started. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ADDITION- Thomas Construction Company) 30% complete and approximately ten (10) days ahead of schedule. EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN (Leo L. Davis) Project not started yet. Mr. John A. Jensen stated that two certificates have been received by the District for Mr. Norman Thomas and Mr. J. Bonnet, who have both been classified as Operator 4. Mr. Ream will meet with Mr. Jensen for date of presentation of the certificates: to Mr. Thomas and Mr. Bonnet. Mr. J. Jensen also mentioned that the Airport has extensive plans for enlargement. This will involve both Luther Pass P~peline and Meyer's trunk Sewer. This afternoon Mr. Jensen, Mr. Weidman met with Jerry Martin and [heA[rport Director. Engineers for this district will look at revised location for Meyer's Sewer and Mr. Jensen will meet with Mr. Brandley, Airport Engineer, next Tuesday to resolve this as best for both parties. NEVADA FLOW for August, 1967: 20.02 MG and Daily Average = 0. 646 MGD PLANT FLOW for August = 89.9 MG and Daily Average - 2.9 mgd . Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report, as presented by JohnA. Jensen, and the report of the projects by Robert Sondag, be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Fesler welcomed the representatives of the Press, Mr. Ernest Pestana and representatives of that firm to the meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. ANNEXATION: Director Hegarty presented his report of the meeting held at the District Office 9/18/67, 3:00 P.M., covering annexations, West Shore Annexation, (same typed in full in official minute book). Mr. J. Jensen stated that the Placer County will meet Tuesday, October 3, 1967, at Placer County, to discuss the West Shore Annexation. 2. PLANNING: DirectorWakeman stated that the Planning Committee met on 9/8/67 to discuss the road problem in and out of the Plant when the freeway comes through. Mr. William V.D. Johnson has offered to give the District enough property to put a road in from the rear of the Treatmen't Plant to A1 Tahoe Blvd. Mr. Wakeman stated that the Planning Committee felt this should be turned over to the Engineers to make a study on this and to see if this would be a practical thing to do. Also what the cos'ts, etc., would be. Pres[dent Fesler directed this to the Engineer. The Planning ~ ' - . '~-.omm~ttee met agair~ cm~ 9/18/67 to discuss the exclusions that now exist within the District boundaries. There are approximately ninety-seven (97) excluded parcels remaining in the District. The Planning Committee would like to have some legislation started and propose legal work done to get the remaining excluded parcels into the district. · :DIRECTORWakeman moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Attorney be authorized to take whatever legal steps are necessary to proceed with this legislation necessary so the South Tahoe Public Utility District can form an Assessment District to take in the excluded parcels. Also discussed was the line from Tahoe City to the Treatment Plant to assist the people at 'the North End of the lake dispose of the effluent. President Fesler stated that the Planning Committee has set up a luncheon meeting for next week with City Manager John Williams and Mayor Norman Woods, Engineer J. lensen, AttorneyWeidman, to discuss the Functional Organizational Chart for the District. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION: DirectorKortes stated · that the Public Information Committee did not meet. At the last meeting of the Board, it was REGULAR MEETING -S- 9/21/67 whether or not the District should participate in the Home Show to be held at Oakland by presenting a project from the South Tahoe Public Utility District - it was decided there was not enough time to enter and participate in this Home Show. Mr. Kortes also mentioned that [he gentleman that was carving the emblem for the city was enroute to the home show and [he emblem was in the back of the truck. The emblem fell out of [he truck and was demolished. 4. PERSONNEL: Director Ream stated that the Personnel Committee met with the South Tahoe Unified School District last Wednesday, 9/20/67, to disc~ssl State and Employee Retirement program. A full report will be presented to the Board at a later date. 5. BANKING/INSURANCE: Director Fesler stated that Reed-Meneley Insurance Agency has sc~duled an Insurance Meeting for 10/12/67 with the District and the Insurance Carrier (U.S.Fidelity & Guaranty) to discuss the District's property damage policy and other phases of the Insurance policty. UNFINI SH ED BUSINESS- 1. BOND BID - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1: follows: CHANDLER AND COMPANY 9777 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 512 Beverly Hills, California Three (3) bids were received, as For $700,000 par value, will pay 96.06% of par value, plus accrued interest as follows: 5-1/2% in the years 1970 to 1975, incl. 5-3/4% in the years 1976 to 1981, incl. 5.90% in the years 1982 to 1987, incl. and 6% in the years 1988 to 1993, incl. Estimated Interest Cost = $729,812.68 Average Net Interest Cost = 6. 149571% STONE & YOUNGBERG 1314 Russ Building San Francisco, California For $700,000 par value, will pay 94.55% of the principal amount, as follows: 5-1/2% in the years 7'/2/70 to 7/2/75 incl. 5-3.4% in the years 7/2/76 to 7/2/81, incl. 5.90% in the years 7/2/82 to 7/2/93, incl. Estimated net interest rate = 6. 1849% plus accrued interest TAYLOR AND COMPANY BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA For $700,000 par value, will pay 95.52% of the par value, plus accrued interest as follows: 5.75% in the years 1970 to 1974, incl. 5.90% in the years 1875 to 1984, incl. 6.00% in the years 1985 to 1999 incl. Estimated Interest Cost = $741,055.63 Average Net Interest Cost = 6. 22997% Robert L. Hill, Attorney, recommended that the bid from: CHANDLER AND COMPANY be accepted. R~,G ¥IAR M~,~,TING -4- 9/21/67 ~-'~:~ Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the bid from CHANDLER & COMPANY, as recommended by Attorney Robert Hill, be accepted, and that ORDINANCE NO..1,5 3 , AN ORDINANCE AWARDING SALE OF BONDS, ASSESS- MENT DISTRICT 1967-1, be adopted. TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS: Change Order No. 9: as follows: 1. Revamp piping on lower manifold for carbon columns, 2. Modify door No. 2 on 'the third floor of the incineration building. 3. ByPass line at eductor pit. 4. Change in gas piping. Increase in contract price of $6,421.00. Mr. Sondag stated, in answer to President Fesler's question, that Federal Funds will be available for this change order; these are within the contingency fund provided for in the contract. DirectorKortes moved, seconded .by ]DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that CHANGE ORDER NO. 9 be approved. SCHEDULE "F" - CHANGE ORDER NO. 1: As follows: 1. Furnish one ash conditioner system as requested by Bartlett- Snow-Pacific, fncreasing~the contract price by $4,775.00. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that CHANGE ORDER NO. 1, as recommended by the District Engineer, and requested by BARTLETT-SNOW-PACIFIC, be approved. Federal Funds w~ll be provided for this increased amount also. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1966-1: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 911, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING COMPLETION AND DIRECTING FILING OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION, be approved. MONTGOMERY ESTATES UNIT :~4: RESOLUTION NO. 912: SYSTEM FOR MONTGOMERY ESTATES ~4. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING SANITARY SEWERAGE Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 912 be approved. APPROVAL OF LETTER TO APPLICANTS FOR POSITION OF "ENGINEER" TREATMENT PLANT OPERATIONS" Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirecLor Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the letter presented by Engineer and Acting General Manager JohnA. Jensen, be approved. STUDY SESSION, RE: FUNCTIONAL ORG~xlIZATIONAL CHARTS: Study Session scheduled for OCTOBER 4, 1967, 2:30 P.M., District Office. Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 913, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROCEEDINGS TO OBTAIN RIGHTS OF ENTRY AND FILING OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS FOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-1. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 913 be approved. N E~WT B US IN E S S ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-5: (Tahoe Summer Home Tract) 120 lots; 6,600 lineal feet of 6" pipe; 2,000 lineal feet of 4" oine, and 22 manholes, estimated construction cost $72,500.00; total to be assessed - 896,134.04; typical assessment-- $808.00 including the lateral and [he largest assessment in this District is $1,100.00. REGULAR MEETING -5- Sestember 21, 1967 Director Kortes moved, RESOLUTION NOS. 914 through 919, as listed below, be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 914: RESOLUTION NO. 915: RESOLUTION NO. 916: RESOLUTION NO. 917: RESOLUTION NO. 918: seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, zhat Determining to Undertake Proceedings Preliminary Approval of Engineer's Report. Establishing Prevailing Wage Scales Describing Pro,oosed Boundaries. Apnointing Time and P1 ace of Hearing. (10/26/67, City Hall). 8:00 P.M., RESOLUTION NO. 919: Calling for Sealed Proposals.(10/26/67, District Office, 2:00 P.M.). N O T E: Letter from E1 Dorado County Health officer snread uoon these minutes, as follows: "September 20, 1967 Honorable Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District South Lake Tahoe, California Gentlemen: RE: Assessment District 1967-5 I am acquainted with the sanitary sewerage project which you propose to undertake pursuant to special assessment and assessment bond proceedings, or other appropriate proceedings, which project is more particularly set forth in your Resolution Requesting Recommendation of Health Officer. I recommend, as necessary as ahealth measure, that you undertake proceedings ~ursuant to appropriate s~ecial assessmen't and assessment bond acts of this State, or other appropriate ~roceedings, as you shall determine, for the construction of said improvements and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby. This recommendation extends to such changes and modifications therein as you shall find to be proper or advisable, in the manner provided by law. Yours respectfully, s/HAROLD J. MOZAR, M.D. HEALTH OFFICER EL DORADO COUNTY" PARKING LOT ADDITION: Mr. J. Jensen presented the plans for the Parking Lot Addition and recommended that the following resolutions be apsroved for same: RESOLUTION NO. 920; A Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Establishing General A.oplicable Wage Rates. RESOLUTION NO. 921: A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals to be submitted for Parking Lot Addition (10/5/67, 2:00 P.M., District Office). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 920 and 921 be approved. Also, Pres[dent Fesler stated that the Planning Committee's suggestion regarding the offer from Wflliam V.D. Johnson and the authorization for the Engineer to proceed with a preliminary study of practibility and cost to build a road from the rea of the treatment plant to A1 Tahoe Blvd., be dropped and Mr. David W. Callahan will send a letter to Mr. William V.D. Johnson stating that this proposal has been dropped at this time. RESOLUTION NO. 922: A ResolutlonAuthorizing Execution of Agreement, Tahoe Paradise Units Nos. 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 and 47~ (Ins?ct[on fees). Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 922 be approved. REGULAR MEETING -6- September 21, 1967 CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. DavfdlN. Callahan stated that a letter has been received from Mr. Bobby Page requesting that the penalty charged for his property be waived and that his check be received. Mr. Callahan stated that the check was received after the deadline date, which was 8/15/67, and recommended that the request of Bobby Page be denied. DirectorWakeman mowd, seconded by Director Hegarty, that the request received from Mr. Bobby Page be denied: VOTES: Ayes: Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Hegarty, Ream Noes; Director Kortes Absent: None Carried. HOOD LITIGATION: AttorneyWeidman stated that last Friday the case was transferred from San Francisco to E1 Dorado County. ELECTION---APPLICATIONS FOR DIRECTORS AT LARGE NO. 3 and NO. 4: Mr. DavidW. Callahan stated that Mr. G. McNamee has filed for DirectorWakeman's seat and that Mr. C. Herron has filed for Di:~ector Kortes' seat. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $196,500.07 and the transfer of funds in the amount of $300,000.00, as recommended by DavidW. Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: This meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.M. to October 3, 1967, 8:00 P.M. District Office. ANNEXATION COMMITTEE REPORT: September 18, 1967 SUBJECT: Current Status of Previously Proposed Annexations and Consideration of Any New Annexations. The Committee met at the District office at 3:00 P.M., September 18. All members were present, plus Mr. Moyer, Mr. Jansen and Mr. Callahan. DISCUSSIONS: 1. Callahan initiated a discussion as to the status of areas which have been annexed to the Utility District but which might not have been annexed to Improvement District U-l, even though they are in the Meyers Service Area. The original intention was that these annexations were to be identical and simultaneous. It was agreed that this is still the intent. (Note that this does not apply to Assessment District 1967-1, Annexation 1965-2, which had originally been purposely omitted from U-1 and then later annexed. Jansen is to call INeidman and Hill to resolve this. 2. The proposed Luther Pass Annexation is still active. As soon as the area to be annexed can be clearly defined, this will proceed. 3. The proposed West Shore Annexation was also discussed. Annexation to the Emerald Bay will be considered in the study currently being prepared by the District for the U. S. Forest Service. People from the State Division of Beaches and Parks have indicated that they are preparing an agreement for a similar study to extend from Emerald Bay to the E1 Dorado County Line. Jensenwas to discuss withWeidman further contact with Beaches and Pnrks and also discuss the advisability of informing E1 Dorado LAFCO that the District may consider annexation of the West Shore to the County Line. 4. Two new aunexations were discussed. a. Two (2) 20 acre parcels of Harootunian property. These are currently listed as 1967-4 and 1967-6. The later will be changed to 1967-5. Terms of one annexation are covered by an earlier agreement between the District and Harootunian. b. A 119 acre parcel (adjacent to Harootunian) proposed for annexation. Because, he does not hold title to all of the property, no action was taken at this time. s/John A. Jensen, Acting Manager" -7- September 21, 1967 ROBERT IN. FESLER, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: DAVIDW. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex- Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BID OPENING--OCTOBER 3, 1967-- ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2:00 P.M. for 1~67-2 The following bids were received and opened at the District Office, October 3, 1967, at 2:00 P.M., as listed below: Leo L. Davis, Inc. PO Box 246 :Fort Jones, California $ 443,885.00 W.H. Ebert Corporation Spartan Construction Corp. 1620 So. Seventh St. San Jose, California, 95112 $ 447,272.10 Granite Construction Co. PO Box 900 Watsonville, California $ 458,041.00 Valley Engineers, Inc. PO Box 992 Fresno, California $ 463,343.00 Robert L. Helms Construction 3025 Mill Street Reno, Nevada $ 473,804.00 B & R Pipeline 24822 - 2nd Street Hayward, California $ 491,139.00 7 R H.M. Byars PO Box 748 Reno, Nevada $ 532,432.00 8 A. Teichert & Son PO Box 825 Sparks, Nevada $ 564,718.75 9 Universal Pipeline PO Box 211 Mtlipftas, California $ 639,847.50 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $518,700.00 OCTOBER 3, 1967 ASSMT. DIST. NO. 1967-2 -2- Bid Opening, 2:00 P.M. Present at the bid opening: General Manager H.E. Moyer, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Director D.H. Kortes, Engineer Don Showalter, J.A. Jensen- Clair A. Hill & Associates. Bids were taken under advisement; possibly to be awarded at the adjourned regular meeting this evening, 8:00 P.M., District Office. DAVID W. CALLAH~N, Clerk of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOAR D OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR: PROTEST HEARING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-2- and forANNINATION DISTRICT NO. 1967-2-U-1 ....................... October 3, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an Adjourned Regular Meetingthe 3rd of October 1967, 8:00 P.M., at the District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. Fesler, Directors R. Wakeman, G. Ream and D.H. Kortes, General Manager H.E. Moyer, District Engineer J. Jensen, Don Showalter, David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board, and Attorney R. Hill. Many residents of the areas involved were also present for this hearing. ABSENT: Director E.E. Hegarty and Attorney John C. Weidman. HEARING: Assessment District 1967-2: President Robert Fesler called the meeting to order and opened the hearing at 8:15 P.M., pursuant to resolution number 894 and resolution number 909, and asked General Manager H.E. Moyer to explain the preceedings to those present. Mr. H.E. Moyer, Manager, stated that the people that are here tonight are here to understand and to learn the reason why the South Tahoe Public Utility District has initiated the Assessment Proceedings. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-2: This is one of the series of Assessment Districts created by the Utility District to provide sewers within the South Shore of Lake Tahoe. Assessment District 1967-1 is now under construction in Meyer'sArea, and three (3) more immediate Assessment Districts will follow this one. This will provide sewers to the entire subdivided area from Stateline, to the foot of Echo Summit, Luther Pass, Camp Richardson to Emerald Bay. By 1969, the District will have the entire area of the South Shore sewered. _T~his District is acting in accord with Federal, State and County Laws and Ordinances, and City Laws and Ordinances, which require the District to see that sewers are installed. Last July the Federal Government held an Enforcement Conference called by the Water Quality Control Board Act of 1965, passed by our congress, to establish standards and to establish a program and to see 'that the program is carried out. The South Tahoe Public Utility District and other Utility Districts at the Lake were ordered to provide immediate sewers to all of the subdivided areas within the basin of Lake Tahoe and South Tahoe Public Utility District is carrying out that program and the conference ordered the District to export the effluent from the basin by 19 70. The export system will be completed by 1967 and by 1968 all of the treated effluent will be removed from the basin. The State of California, at the Legislative Session, passed a law which states that OCTOBER 3, t967 -2- Protest Hearing:Assmt. Dist. 1967-2 & Annexation Dist. 1967-2-U-1 (cont.) all existing developed areas within a Utility District will connect to a Public Sewer System once the Utility District has an operable and export system. Any property that is within the District will, by State Law, have to connect to the sewer system. In addition, a series of Ordinances have been adopted, which stated that all of the subdivided areas within the Lake Tahoe Basin (or within a Utility District) must be connected by 1970 and After January 1, 1970, septic tanks will be illegal within the basin. Mr. Moyer stated that a number of protests have been received against this assessment district. A protest has also been received regarding the sixty (60) million gallon holding pond (containing a number of signatures) with a copy sent to the E1 Dorado Planning Commission. At the time the holding pond was built, the people were told it would be temporary for five years. Mr. Moyer has not had a chance to check into the minutes regarding this. However, Mr. Moyer will check the minutes regarding the action on this Holding Pond and the Use Permit issued and report to the Board. Complaints regarding the odors: Mr. Moyer stated that because of the multi-million dollar expansion program at the plant, the effluent has been receiving only the primary tre atme nt. Future of the Holding Pond: --- When the District starts to export, the holding pond will no longer be in use as a facility for the District, but the District will retain the Holding Pond because in the event of a major power failure, the main pump station would be put out of commission and the District would need a place to store the effluent. This pond would be retained for emergency purposes only. This plant expansion has tripled from 2-1/2 mgd to 7-1/2 mgd, and this facility can treat to the highest degree. If any effluent is to be stored in the holdingpond, it will be the highest treated effluent. Mr. Moyer also stated that he was confident that there will no longer be odor problems from the Holding Pond. BID OPENING: Mr. Moyer stated that the Notices with amounts received by the property owners were estimated amounts. This afternoon the bids were received and opened, as follows: 1. Leo L. Davis, Inc. 2. W.H. Ebert Corporation 3. Granite Construction Co. 4. Valley Engineers, Inc. 5. R. L. Helms Cons. Co. 6. B & R Pipeline 7. H. M. Byars 8. A. Teichert and Son 9. Universal Pipeline $443,885.00 $447,272.10 $458,041.00 $463,343.00 $473,804.00 $491,139.00 $532,432.00 $564,718.75 $639,847.50 Engineer' s Estimate: $518,700.00 Mr. Moyer stated that the final amounts to be paid will be based upon the low bid received today, which will be an approximate reduction of ten percent (10%). MR. JOHN A. JENSEN stated that Assessment District 1967-2 provides for construction of a sewage collection system in an area of about 250 acres, near Pioneer Trail, Southeast of the Water Reclamation Plant. Includes Sierra Meadows 1, 2, 3, 4, Meadow Heights Subdivision, Montgomery Estates 1, 2, 3, Lake Christopher Subdivision, and four (4) unsubdivided parcels. There are a total of 604 parcels. Eonstruction includes about nine (9) miles of 6" and 8" sewers, two (2) miles of 4" laterals and 160 manholes. The system will be conre cted to the Meyer's Trunk Sewer, which is now under construction. Total estimated construction cost $490,000.00; total to be assessed $758,680.20. Area to be assessed was separated into two areas, namely Area I and Area II. AREA I: $285,101.70, 274 parcels, typical assessment, including laterals - $785.00. OCTOBER 3, 1967 -3- Protest Hearing: Assmt. Dist. 1967-2 and Annex. Dist. 1967-2-U-1 (cont.) AREA II: $437,578.20, 330 parcels, typical assessment, including laterals, $!,145.00. Cost to be assessed was broken into two parts. Area I: ---West of Pioneer Trail, predominately 6,000 square foot lotsl,relatively flat land. AREA II: -- East of Pioneer Trail, predominately 8,000 square foot lots, relatively hillside land. The Contractor would have 300 calendar days to complete the contract; ten (10) months contract~ime; to be completed in August of next year, depending on weather conditions. Mr. Moyer stated, in answer to a question asked from the audience, that there would be additional charges for connection to the sewer; there is a charge for a permit and one year's service charges in advance. Usually the sewer service charges will cost $18.00 a year, or $0.50~ per sewer unit per month. Mr. H. E. Moyer explained that the charge was based on the square footage of the lot. In AREA~i the average lot was 60 x 100' and that is what ~vas used for that particular area. AREA ~2 is a much larger average lot and the typical lot was approximately 8,000 square feet. W Mr. Fesler asked Mr. Moyer to mention the total costs of an assessment district: CONSTRUCTION cost is made up of the competitive bids and a contingency allowance of approximately ten (10) percent for extras. ENGINEERING fees to cover surveys, mapping, plans and specifications, assessment roll and diagram, construction survey, inspections. LEGAL fees to sell the bonds to finance. EASEMENTS and ACQUISITIONS - RIGHT OF SERVICE charges in the area which will be a part of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. At this point also, Mr. Moyer mentioned that an annexation fee is set by the District and for this year it was $500.00 per acre; however, because people had petitioned last year to have this area annexed, the District used the figure of $400.00 per acre. MISCELLANEOUS FEES for WORK and BOND DISCOUNT of approxirra tely 5%. In the event money from the ASSESSMENT DISTRICT is not spent; and [f the amount is below $1,000.00 or 5%, same can be transferred to the General Fund; the money will be retained for Maintenance and Operations in the specific Assessment District; or, can be refunded to the property owners or placed into the BOND FUND for early retirement of the bonds. In answer to the question of what is the average cost for connecting to the sewer per foot, Mr. Moyer stated that approximately $4.00 per foot in Montgomery Estates and approximately $2.50 or $3.00 in the Black Bart Area. Attorney Hill stated that financial considerations involved are --- the assessment roll will be recorded; within a few days of this hearing; the property owners would be given thirty (30) days to pay in cash or let the assessment go to bond; a notice will be received following this hearing and the final assessment figure will be noted on same . If the property owner does not wish to pay the assessment this can go to bond over a period of 25 years, (if this is what the Board so desires rather than the 15 years period), the bonds will then be sold so the District can get the money to OCTOBER 3, 1967 -4- Protest Hearing (cont.) pay the contractor, and the owner will receive installment payments on the assessment which will include principal, interest, and the interest rate not to exceed 6%. In the event the Board votes for the 15 year bond - roughly estimated installment would be 1/10th of theamountfor the 25 year bond, the installment will be less than 1/10th of your total assessment. This assessment will appear on the November 1968 tax roll. In answer to a question, Attorney Hill stated that if this Assessment proceeding does not go through, than there will be no assessment. Mr. Hill also stated that the bonds will be sold at one sale, probably in December 1967, and dated January 1968. Mr. Stevens stated that he would like to know why this Assessment District includes property that is not subdivided. Mr. Moyer mentioned that one owner does not pay for the sewer system - only their own assessment for their property; each lot has an assessment, whether used or not. Remarks and comments from the audience as to why create a subdivision when lots are vacant and cannot be sold; why didn't this go through five to ten years from now. President Fesler mentioned that in this area, we are operating in accordance with the order from the State of California and the Federal Government, as was stated earlier by General Manager Moyer. Regarding a protest and the statement that a $1,000.00 has recently be spent for the septic tank now on the owners property, Mr. Moyer stated that eventually all septic tanks will be prohibited, they are doomed to fail eventually, and by January 1, 1970, if the property is not connected (where a building is) the same property cannot be used and must be vacated until such time connection to the sewer facility is made. This will be by order of the State. Ordinarily, if over 50% of protests were received, the Assessment proceedings could be dropped; however, in this particular case, the Federal Government and the State of Calkforn[a have ordered the District to sewer the entire area of the South Shore of Lake Tahoe, have also stated that January 1, 1970, is the deadline date set for all facilities, and this District must abide by those orders; therefore, in the event a majority protest has been received, it is the decision of this Board to proceed or drop the Assessment District, but by a letter received from the E1 Dorado County Health Department, which states this is a health hazard, it is mandatory that all areas be sewered and be used by 1970. Attorney Hill stated that the Assessment Proceedings are being conducted under the 1913 Act, which covers all types of improvements, and provides for protests which are to be considered and heard by the Board pursuant to that act. The Legislature has recognized that there might be situations that people might not want it and primarily because of a health hazard. No matter what the people feel, regarding costs, etc., it may be for the public issuance and convenience to install same. Mr. Hill also stated that this Board will also consider the State and Federal Requirements, as well as property owners protests and the Board does have the legal right to proceed with the assessment and annexation in spite of the protests. The question from the audience -'If you know from the very beginning that you are going to overrule us, why are you holding this hearing'. Mr. Hill stated that to undertake the proceedings, because of the County Health Officers letter, it provides that Notice be given to all people involved and hear them, and this is what this Board is doing. This Board has not and will not make their decision until this hearing is closed. Another reason for the hearing is that in the past some assessments have been found to be in error, and same corrected and/or adjusted and considered at the protest hearing. OCTOBER 3, 1967 -5- Protest Hearing (continued) Regarding the construction on Barbara street - Mr. Moyer stated [hat one side o is for the force main and the other for the export line. This fs not a sewer assess- ment, however, in time, th£s area will also be sewered, Mr. Moyer stated. In answer to a quest[on from the audience, President Fesler stated, that people appear to learn of the costs, etc., regarding an assessment district, to consider the protests, to consider the roll and correct or adjust assessments. Mr. Moyer stated that the Federal Government has immense powers and if they belive, or have a reason to believe, that an Interstate Body of Water is be£nq polluted or in danger of becoming polluted, [hey can tell the Slate what has ~o be done to prevent or remove this situation. If the State does not do it, then the Federal Government will take care of it. In July of 1966, Secretary of Interior, held a conference on pollution of Lake Tahoe at HARVEY'S WAGON WHEEL and at that time they establisheda program to be followed to prevent the pollution of Lake Tahoe and to remove the effluent from the Lake Tahoe Basin by 1970. The State of California in turn have also, at the 1966 Session, passed a law stating that once a Utility District provides sewer facilities and has a treatment plant to remove effluent fromt~e Basin, then all property with- in the District Boundary shall connect within 90 days to that system. County and City Laws and Ordinances, at the request of Lahontan Regional Quality Control Board, have been adopted, setting standards and controls on the waters of Lake Tahoe, stating also that by 1970 septic tanks will be illegal. A gentleman from the audience stated that many people have been here and many have purchased lots and do not realize the danger of septic tanks. He further stated that this is his third dry well on his property in the past ten years. He mentioned also that he has always fought usage of septic tanks and would like to have the people realize the necessity of sewers and the danger of septic tanks. Mr. Stevens stated that he is no[ objecting to the sewers, he cannot understand why they allow a system to go through when there are no homes in the area. It was mentioned that maybe there are no homes now, but there will be at a later date. Requested by one in the audience was a copy of the assessment for each lot fn the Assessment District. They were told same was available at the District Office. Mr. Moyer stated that approximately 42% have protested this assessment district. Mr. Fesler stated that it is required by law to read all written protests. Mr. Forrar, who is the owner of parcel number 25 643 12 requested that his protest be withdrawn. In answer to a question regarding septic tanks, Mr. Moyer stated that unless the tank is concrete, same will have to be pumped and backfilled. Mr. Moyer mentioned that all protests received prior to this date have been read by the Directors - copies were mailed to them. Mr. Hill also stated that in the event the property owner would wan% zhis assessment to go to bond and at a later date wish to pay it off, interest must be paid to the next interest paying date (January 2nd and July 2nd of each y~ar) and a 5% premium and penalty. Mr. Moyer stated that the Health Officer recommends the system be installed as does the State and Federal authorities; the Lake has never been contaminated from the District's disposal areas; by order of the Federal Government and State, the District has spent nine million dollars to remove the fear of pollution from Lake Tahoe; the grants received by this District provides that these projects be carried out; without a sewer system, no property can be sold because no property will then be used; connection fee is part of the permit fee with an approximate cost of $18.00 for annual sewer service charges. The bids that were received today fsa guarantee that · [he property owner is having this done at the most economical rate. The annual fee of service charge will go on forever. Mr. Moyer also stated that property owners in territories to be annexed wilt be for the f~¢ilities that other residents have paid for right along. Areas that were not annexed and not within the District, will pay a maintenance and operation charge otherproperties within have been paying right along. OCTOBER 3, 1967 -6- Protest Hearing Attorney Hill asked Mr. J.A. Jensen if he wastthe Engineer of Work on this Project. Mr. Jensen stated that he was. Also, Mr. Hill asked Mr. Jensen if he had in his possession and under his supervision the Engineer's Report regarding the Assessment Diagram, Roll, Plans, Specifications, regarding this project and same prepared and submitted to the Board, and if he was familiar with all facets of this project, costs, etc., and that the Board is familiar with same. Mr. Jensen stated yes. Based on 'the above, Mr. Hill asked Mr. Jensen if, in his opinion, will the land and property involved in this Assessment and Annexation District benefit from this proceeding. Mr Jensen stated yes. · PRESIDENT FESLER CLOSED THE HEARING AT 10:30 P.M. The following RESOLUTIONS and ORDINANCE presented for considera[ion and a doption: RESOLUTION NO. 923: A Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications Assessment District 1967-2. ' Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 923 be adopted. ' RESOLUTION NO. 924: A Resolution Overruling Protests on Resolution of Intention No. 816, Assessment District 1967-2. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that Resolution No. 924 be adopted. ' RESOLUTION NO. 925: A Resolution Ordering Reduction of Assessments; Assessment District 1967-2. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimous ly carried that Resolution No. 925 be adopted. ' RESOLUTION NO. 926: A Resolution and Order Attopting Engineer's Report. Confirming the Assessment and Ordering the Work and Acquisitions. Assessment District 1967-2. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 926 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 154: An Ordinance of Award of Contract (LEO L DAVIS) Assessment District 1967-2. ' Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 154 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 927: A Resolution Designating Collection Officer. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 927 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. Improvement Bonds. , A Resolution Calling for Bids on Sale of Bonds of Attorney Hill recommended that the Board not take action on the above RESOLUTION calling for bids on bonds until the expiration of the cash payment period. HEARING, ANNEXATION 19 6 7-2 -U- 1: Attorney Hill stated that this is the time and place for the Hearing on Annexation No. 1967-2-U-1. PROTESTS: Mr. Hill stated that all protests received and pretaining to Assessment District 1967-2 are also protests for this Annexation 1967-2-U-1. All protests were read with the hearing on Assessment District 1967-2. Hearing closed at 11:00 P.M. RESOLUTION NO. 928: A Resolution Approving Annexation of Territory to Improve- ment District No. U-1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, Annexation No. 1967-2-U-1. Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 928 be approved. Mr. Fesler recognized Mr. George McNamee, candidate for Director, and mentioned that if there are any questions he would like to ask, he should feel free to do so. ADJOURNMENT: 11:05 P.M. ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ROBERTW. FESLER, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BID OPENING, OCTOBER 5, 1967, PLANT SITE IMPROVEMENT Bid opening for the Plant Site Improvement was held at the District Office October 5, 1967, 2:00 P.M. The following bid was received: TAHOE ASPHALT AND PAVING COMPANY: Alternate "A" $12,363.00 Alternate "B" 16,730.00 $ 29,093.00 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT No Bid Bond attached. Bid taken under advisement. REGULAR MEETING - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS .... OCTOBER 5, 1967 ...... The Board of Directors of the Sou th Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session October 5, 1967, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Ream, General Manager H. E. Moyer, Clerk of Board David YV. Callahan, Attorney ][. C. Weidman, Attorney R. Hill, Mr. R. Sondag, Mr. Clinton Smith Mr and Mrs. Mike Ackley, Mrs. 7. J. Thomas. ' ' ABSENT: Director Edward E. Hegarty. MINUTES: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously acarried, that the minutes of September 21, 1967 be approved as corrected, and the minutes of October 3, 1967 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Moyer read his report as follows: "Manager's Report October 5, 1967 PLAN T OPERATION: Total Plant Flow (September 1-30,1967) Average Daily Flow Douglas County Sewer I.Do~:i Douglas County Average Daily Flow Chlorine Used Electricity Used Holding Pond Freeboard (October 1) 66.25 MG 2.21 MG 17.67 MG 0.59 MG 16,070 LBS 211,500 KWH 4 ftll inches The Sewer line cleaning crew, working with the hydro-dynamic equipment, cleaned 94,395 feet in 18 days. This is an average of 5,240 feet per day. With the older equipment, previous work averaged 600 feet per day, with a maximum of 1,000 feet per day. The cost, including labor and equipment rental amounted to 2.7 cents per foot with the new equipment. ' The effluent disposal system is operating satisfactorily. The temporary installa- tion of rental pumps has proven successful and, at present, [here appears to be no problem with any operation at the disposal area. PERSONNEL: Three (3) applicants have responded to date for the position of engineer in Charge of Plant Operations. The applicants will be at Tahoe Friday, October 20, 1967, for personal interviews". At this point, Mr. Moyer stated thai another application had been received today. "MEETINGS: Mr. Ronald Robie, from Assemblyman Porter's Office, has arranged, through Mr. Ddvid W. Callahan,to tour the treatment plant and export projects on Wednesday, October llth. There will be several persons, including Mr. Paul Bonderson of the State Water Quality Control Office, Mr. Jack Leggett of Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, and possibly Assemblyman Gene Chappie" PROGRESS REPORTS: As reported by Mr. Robert Sondag: Treatment Plant Additions Luther Pass Pipeline Luther Pass Pump Stations Solids Handling Indian Creek Pipeline Indian Creek Dam Assmt. Dist. 1966-1 Assmt. Dist. 1966-2 Meyer's Pump Station Meyer' s Sewers Assmt. Dist. 1967-1 Administration Bldg. Addn. Effluent Force Main 86% complete 91% complete 45% complete 52% complete 63% complete 34% complete 100% complete 98% complete 8% complete 30% complete Not started yet; possibly by October 16, 1967. 38% complete - on schedule. 5% complete REGULAR MEETING -2- October 5, 1967 ~,~ dP Mr. Moyer stated that Mr. R. Robie will be here in the area - Tribune Building at 10:00 A.M., Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board Local Office, Friday, October 20, 1967. Directors will meet at the District Plant prior to this meeting. Mr. Moyer stated that Mr. Russell Culp and Mr. ClairA. Hill, as well as himself, will be interviewing the applicants, and he requested the Directors be present, if they so desire. The interviews will be conducted around the technical phase. The first interview is scheduled for 8:30 A.M. Approximately two hours will be given for each applicant;, Mr. Moyer will notify the Directors prior to the interviews to state the time and the applicant to be interviewed. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler recognized those present - Mr. R. Sondag, Mr. C. Smith, Mr. J. Murphy - Sacramento Bee, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ackley- Tahoe Daily Tribune, Mrs. J. J. Thomas, Thomas Construction Company., and Mr. G. McNamee. M~s. Thomas stated that they are having trouble with the Union and that workers were ordered off the job by the Union (Administration Building Addition). A Mr. Irving from the Union stated that subsistence must be paid to their workers, and that Mr. Irving had stated he spoke to the District Engineer who had told him this was a subsistence job. Mr. Robert Sondag stated that he spoke to Mr. Irving, who had cornered him at the Luther Pass Piseline Site, and a Mr. Fre~t Bruce, and that he had stated to them that the matter of craft agreements is something that the owner and the Engineer did not enter into. Mr. Clinton Smith was approached by Mr. Irving and asked if the plans/specifications require subsistence to be paid to the workers. Mr. Clinton Smith stated that the specifications did not so state; however, he did mention to Mr. Irving that the contractor must pay the going wages and allow the legal holidays, etc. Mr. Irving and Mr. Bruce mentioned to Mr. Sondag that they were not going to stop the job but they would take this matter to arbritation. Mrs. Thomas stated that the attorney for the Union was approached this evening and she wanted to see what the Board had to say before going to talk to him about this. At this point, Mr. Weidman offered his assistance to Mrs. Thomas, and stated that he would speak to the Attorney following this meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation: The committee met at 3:0 0 P.M., .°/26/67. Discussion was held regarding the letter from Mr. J. A. Jensen to E1 Dorado County LAFCO regarding District intentions on annexations along the South and West Shores. The letter to LAFCO stated that the District would have preliminary plans and estimates for service along the West Shore, to the E1 Dorado County Line, late this year. The annexation committee would recommend that the Board of Directors reaffirm its authorization to the Engineers to proceed with that study along with the U. S. Forest Service Study. Mr. Moyer stated that he would agree to have this study continued. Our budget has budgeted $3,500.00 for this study would eventually be reimbursed by the United States Fore stry Service. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Engineer's be authorized to proceed with the Study, alongwith the U.S.F.S. as mentioned above. Other proposed annexations (1967-4 and 1967-6, Harootunian property)_were discussed and recommendations to be at a later date. ANNEXATION 1967-5 - Bohanno~a, was discussed, and recommendation to be at a later date. Other discussion - obtaining of easements in Assessment District 1967-1; some parcels will be taken by the State for Freeway Right-of-Way. Mr. Callahan is to request from Mr. T.L. Stewart an estimate of the 'total number of lots and the cost involved. OCTOBER 5, 1967 -3- Regular Meeting 2. PLANNING: DirectorWakeman stated that the Planning Committee met met with Mr. JC~IN WILLIAMS, City Manager, MR. GARY CHASE, Planning Director, and MR. N. WOODS, Mayor; to discuss areas that are not being operated by the District and the areas covered and operated by the City. This was considered a coordination meeting. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Director Kortes stated that the meeting of 9/26/67 with John Willfams,NormanWoods, Gary Chase , was, as Director Wakeman stated, to become coordinated. Mr. Williams asked 'that the District keep the City posted as to the projects that are taking place and any and all information possible to be sent to the City to let them know what 'this District is doing. 3. PERSONNEL: The Personnel Committee met on 9/28/67, 3:00 PIM to discuss the Retirement Plan for Employees. More information to be presented to the Board at a later date. Also discussed Salary Adjustments, etc. - same listed on Agenda for action this evening. 4. BANKING/INSURANCE: No meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. PLANT SITE IMPROVEMENTS: Mr. H. E. Moyer, General Manager, stated that one bid was received for the Plant Site Improvements. This was from Tahoe Asphalt and Paving; however, a bid bond was not enclosed/included with the bid. The bid was as follows: (Alternate A - $10,210.00 - Albernate B $12,090.00 = Engineers Estimate~ TAHOE ASPHALT BID:---Alternate A = $12,363.00 Alternate B = $16,730.00 Mr. Moyer stated that he would recommend this bid be rejected and that the Manager be authorized to have the work done by forced account. Director Moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the bid from TAHOE /kSPHALTAND PAVING be rejected, and that the Manager be authorized to have the work done by forced account. 2. TROUT CREEK TRUNK: U. S. FOREST SERVICE SPECIAL USE PERMIT: General Manager Moyer stated that the Trunk Sewer mainly goes through Tahoe Paradise Units Nos. 46 and 47 and through United States Forest Lands. The District has tried to secure a Use Permit for this area, which lies within the Green Belt. The District reserved the right to delete the Trout Creek Trunk Sewers at no cost to theDistrict, at the time of the bids. The U.S. Forest Service does not want to have the Forest disturbed and, therefore, Mr. Moyer recommended that: A Notice be issued to FRONTIER CONTRACTORS that the District is removing that port[on of the TROUT CREEK TRUNK SEWER from Frontier's Contract. (The District will have two (2) Pump Stations built instead). Director Wakeman Moved, Seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the TROUT CREEK~TRUNK SEWER be removed from the FRONTIER CONTRACT, as Mr. Moyer so recommended, and Mr. Moyer to notify Frontier Contractors of same. OCTOBER 5, 1967 -4- ~ ~ Regular Meeting HOLDING POND SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND PETITION RECEIVED BY RESIDENTS TO REMOVE HOLDING POND: A petit[on was received 10/3/67 by residents requesting that the Holding Pond be relocated or removed;, Mr. Moyer stated that he will check into this matter and further check the minutes regarding the Special Use Permit for this Holding Pond and will report 'to the Board. Also, rental fees for the Holding Pond requested to be paid in the amount of $7 , 000 . 00 ,plus or minus, and President Fesler stated that he would prefer to have this turned over to the Planning Committee for study and to report back to the Board. OPERATOR'S TRAINING SCHOOL: General Manager Moyer requested authorization to proceed ~c~ conduct 'the Operator's Training Program, scheduled for approximately 11/2/67. Director Kortes moved, seconded by DlrectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager be authorized to proceed to conduct the Operator's Training Program. President Fesler mentioned to Mr. George McNamee that any assistance or answers to questions he would have regarding the District would gladly be answered by the Directors or Staff and again welcomed him to this meeting. MONTGOMERY ESTATES, UNIT NO. 5: Consideration of RESOLUTION NO. 929, Authorizing Agreement with County of E1 Dorado. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the RESOLUTION NO. 929, accepting the agreement with relation to system of domestic sewage disposal for Montgomery Estates Unit No. 5 - Assessment District, be adopted. ClAIM-DAMAGES: A claim for damages amounting to $802.02 has been received from PAUL J. HANSEN, stating that flooding resulted due to a plugged sewer main in Keller Road. General Manager recommended the claim be denied and referred to the Insurance Carrier for the District. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claim be denied and referred to the District Insurance Carrier - Reed Meneley Insurance Agency. APPRECIATION BAR-B-QUE: For Senator Stephen Teale and Assemblyman E. Chappie, to be held Sunday, October 22, 1967, 1:00 P.M., Tahoe Keys, Sun Bear Beach. RESOLUTION NO. 930: A Resolution Providing for Salary of Employees. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 930 be approved. ORDINANCE NO. 155: District. Providing for Salary of Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 155 be approved. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Friday, October 20, 1967; meeting at Harrah's Edgewood Room, presentations by California and Nevada Highway Departments regarding design concepts for future highways and freeways in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Dinner at 6:30 P.M. and social hour at 5:15 P.M., guest speaker to be Mr. William Gianelli, Director of the California Department of Water Resources - subject: "A Need for Harmony" 2, Meeting on October 19, 1967, 1:00 P.M., Community Center, Placer County, Tahoe City, regarding District Boundaries for the Tahoe Basin. Mr. Weidman will attend this meeting and any Directors that wish to go. 3. Letter from Mrs. Elsie Melikean thanking the Directors and Staff for their consideration and sympathy extended during her bereavement. g'~O OCTOBER 5, 1967 -5- Regular Meeting Mr. Callahan stated that he had received a call from Dr. Riley Kinman, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Washington, D.C., stating that the request of $700,000.00 has been approved for Solids Waste Disposal and approval of and for the Nitrogen Tower Plans and Specifications. Mr. Fesler requested that the Agenda contain report from District Counsel. HOOD LIGIGATION: No final word. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carri, ed, that [he claims in the amount of $1 344 638 21 be approved for payment. ' ' ' ' _ADJOURN MEN T: ATTEST: 10:05 P,M. ROBERT W. FESLER, ~re~ident SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Off[cio Secretary of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Regular Meeting of Lhe Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 19, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session October 19, 1967, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were President R.W. Fesler, Directors R. Wakeman, E. Hegarty, G. Ream, D.H. Kortes; General Manager Harlan E. Moyer, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Attorney J. C. Weidman, A[torneyR. Hill, Clinton Smith, A. Slechta, A.L. Shoupe, John Murphy- Sacramento Bee, O. Carhart, Mr. and Mrs. j. Oliver, Mrs. Weiss, Mr. N. Hankoff and Mr. W. Kingman, Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Gordon, Ralph Andersen, F. McLaren. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, Lhat [he minutes of 10/5/67 be approved as corrected. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed all [hose present this evening. MR. O. CARHART stated that he is [he owner of Lot 35, Horace Greely, and he did not receive a NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT, nor an estimated or final assessment figure. Mr. Carhar[ fur[her stated that the deed was recorded [he 1st of May of [his year. Attorney Robert Hill mentioned [o Mr. Carhart [hat the Prior owner would have received [he NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT as [hey were on ihe recorder's records as of ~he Is[ of March of 1967. President Fesler requested the[ Attorney R. Hill discuss this with Mr. Carhart. AREG ULAR MEETING October 19, 1967 MR. N. HANKOFF and MR. W. KINGMAN, representat£ves of rad£o station K.T.H.O. appeared before the Directors this evening to request permission for an easement from the District to install wires on Black Bart and Pionee~ Trail. Mr. H.E. Moyer, General Manager, stated that he had talked to Mr. Hankoff and Mr. Kingman prior to this meeting and had asked that they con[act an expert in the field of corrosion and they did this. The Engineer stated that [he installation would have no effect upon the underground pipes as a result of [he operation of the radio system. The wire would be buried approximately six (6) inches underground, whereas, the iron pi~es are placed four (4) feet underground. Since the two ~i~es are not near one another there would be no electrolytic corrosion. President Fesler stated [hat this District would be willing to give the radio stat[on an easement provided that the Un[ted States Forest Service has also given a~proval. Mr. Hankoff s?ated that Mr. Don McBain, Technical Director for radio station K.T.H.O., mentioned that approval has been received from all concerned but the D£s[r£ct. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer recommended that the Board grant permission to K.T.H.O. as far as the District interest is concerned, subject to the approval from the United States Forest Service and notify the approval by letter to K.T.H.O., w~th a co~y to the United States Forest Service - easement to be at no cost. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the recommendation of General Manager Harlan E. Moyer be approved. MANAGER'S REPORT: No writte~ r~'~ort b~, ~!ne Manager; however, Mr. H.E. Moyer stated that last Wednesday [he Directors enjoyed an inspection tour of all District Projects with Mr. E. Chappie, R. Robie, F. McLaren, which was well received and very successful tour. On 10/12/67, Mr. Moyer mentioned that he met with Mr. Fred McLaren and discussed the proposed discharge standards that are to be considered by the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board for Alpine County Discharge. On 10/19/67 Mr. J.C. Weidman, DirectorWakeman, Manager FI. E. Moyer met at Tahoe City to discuss District Boundaries for Lake Tahoe. On October 20, 1967, three (3) applicants wili be at the District to be interviewed for the Engineer/Manager position. Next Monday another applicant will be interviewed and next Tuesday another applicant will be interviewed. MR. A.L. SHOUPE, stated that Mr. Sondag could not be here [his evening, and progress on the following projects, as listed below: LUTHER PASS PIPELINE: 93% complete. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION: 65% complete INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE: 77% complete INDIAN CREEK DAM: 65% complete ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1 and 1966-2: 100% complete MEYERS PUMP STATION: 10% complete ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1: To start project next week. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING: 60% complete EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN: 34% complete TERTIARY TREATMENT PLANT: 98% complete (Schedule "T") SCHEDULE "S" - THE BUILDING IS COMPLETE EXCEPT FOR THE PAINTING, CLEANUP,ETC. BARTLETT, SNOW, PACIFIC: 65% complete PARKING LOT: Bill Young is performing the clearing and earthwork for parking lot. Mr. Moyer mentioned that the District should be pumping over the hill by February 1968. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: John C. ?Veidman, Attorney, stated that today a meeting was held with LAFCO, Placer County, and that Harlan E. Moyer, Manager, presented a report in his usual fine manner, with more clarity than ever presented before. County Sanitarian - John Thomson was also present for this meeting. A Joint Meeting is scheduled with Placer County and E1 Dorado County LAFCO the 25th of October, Placerville, 7:30 P.M. Mr. Weidman suggested this meeting be attended. REGULAR MEETING Mr. lAfeidman, Mr. H.E. meet_ing at Placerville. -3- October 19, i967 Moyer and any Directors that can will attend this HOODS Attorney approached this District's Attorney with a settlement offer and also TRAVELLERS Attorney had approached with a settlement. Mr. Weidman recommended a Study Session be scheduled to discuss this HOOD LITIGATION. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation No report 2. Planning No report 3. Public Information No report 4. Personnel No report 5. Banking/Insurance: Met with Insurance Carrier to discuss all phases of the District's liability Insurance, especially, the claims that have been settled by the Insurance Carrier this past year. Mr. Fesler stated that he has received a letter from the Insurance Carrier stating requirement/suggestions, etc., regarding the policy and conditions of same. He stated that this should be studied further and again turned over to the Banking/Insurance Committee for study. ttIOLDING POND: Several people appeared at this meeting to discuss the Holding Pond and its removal, if possible, or a possible solution to the area there and what to be done with the Holding Pond. Mr. Moyer stated that he did some research on this as did Attorney J.C. Weidman. Mr. Moyer also stated that the Holding Pond is a necessity to the District system and by February of 1968 the Holding Pond will no[ be used, however, in case of a major power failure, the Holding Pond will have to be used. There is no standby power source available at the Luther Pass Pump Station, because of the tremendous horsepower involved. We are occupying the property under the terms of a Special Use Permit and they have requested we acquire this land. It appears this property can be made into an attraction for the community and requested that the Board authorize the Manager to conduct the necessary engineering and retain an architect to landscape same. Mr. Moyer stated that he felt it would be worthwhile to invest a small sum to see what can be done with [his Holding Pond to remove it from being a nuisance and into an asset for the community. Mrs. Weiss presented a copy of the minutes of July 15, 1960, stating where the District was granted this Special Use Permit for five years. This was to be temporary only. Mr. Weidman stated that he was instructed to sign an application for the Special Use Permit and he had attended a meeting regarding same. it was called temporary- because, at that time, the United States Forest Service wanted the District to export the effluentoutof the Basin. Mr. Moyer stated that he feels further check- ing into this is necessary, because at the time the Special Use Permit was obtained, permission was also granted for use of the spray area and he would like to be certain these two are not confused as to the temporary status. The spray disposal area was to be used for five years, but the Holding Pond was designed for permanent facilities. Mr. Moyer stated that he is reasonably sure that the Holding Pond was not ho be removed, but that the spray area was to be used for the five years only. Mrs. Weiss mentioned that the minutes definitely state the Holding Pond. Mr. F~esler mentioned to those present that he hoped they did not expect the five directors now on the Board to do away with a quarter of a million dollar installa- tion without having all facts and figures. Mr. Fesler also stated that the Directors and District are aware of people's position and hoped they were aware of the District's position and further stated that he felt the Directors owed it to everyone to investigate this more thoroughly; he turned this matter over to the Attorney for further study and investigation and asked that he report to the Board on the 16th of November 1967. Those present stated that the Holding Pond area has most certainly degraded their property in the condition it is in now and has been in. REGULAR MEETING -4- October 19, 1967 The following RESOLUTIONS presented for consideration and adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 931: A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals for 121 tons of ACTIVATED CARBON to be submitted by 3:00 P.M., Thursday, November 2, 1967. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 931 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 932: A Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Ascertaining the General Applicable Prevailing Wage Rates for Cons[ruction of SCHEDULE "N" AMMONIA STRIPPING TOWER. ' DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 932 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 933: A Resolution Calling for Notice to Contractors for Sealed Proposals for Construction of SCHEDULE "N", AMMONIA STRIPPING TOWER, to be submitted by 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, November 21, 1967. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 933 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 934: A ResolutionApproving Plans and :Specifications and Ascertaining the General Applicable Prevailing Wage Rages for BIJOU PUMP STATION STANDBY GENERA~- OR INSTALLATION. Resolution No. 935: A Resoluttion Calling for Notice to Contractors for Sealed Proposals for BIJOU PUMP STATION STANDBY GENERATOR INSTALLATION to be submitted by 2:00 P.M., Thursday, November 2, 1967. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS 934 and 935 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 936: A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals for One (1) Hydo- Dynamic Sewer Cleaner - Truck Mounted - to be submitted by 3:00 P.M., Thursday, November 16, 1967. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 936 be adopted. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION, INCREASE OF $12,594.00. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. i be approved. CHANGE ORDERS NOS. 1 and 2: Assessment District 1966-2: Decrease of $2,860.64. Direc[orWakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that CHANGE ORDER NOS. 1 and 2 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 937: A Resolution Accepting (bmpletion and Directing the Filing of a NOTICE OF COMPLETION - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 937 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 938: A Resolution Determining Unpaid Assessments and Providing for Issuance of Portion of Bonds, Assessment District No. 1967-1. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 938 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 939: A Resolution of Application by South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District Requesting that LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION Take Proceedings for Annexation of Territory to the District. (South Tahoe Public Utility District, Annexation No. 1967-5 (BOHANNON). B' 2 7 ]lEG ULAR MEETING -5- October 19, 1967 RESOLUTION NO. 940: A Resolution of Application by South Tahoe Public Utility District Requesting that Local Agency Formation Commission Take Proceedings for Annexation of Territory to the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIS'i~RICT, ANNEXATION NO. 1967-6 HAROOTUNIAN) Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 939 and 940 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 941: BIJOU PARK ACRES ADDITION NO. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 942: HIGHLAND WOODS SUBDIVISION UNIT ~:1. The above two resolutions are for the President of the Board to execute an agreement for the above named subdivisions, and when same is completed, and inspected, the District will maintain both subdivisions. CLAIM FOR DAMAGES - EL RU MOTEL: Due to Sewer Line Stoppage -Amount Claimed = $8,619.13. General Manager Moyer recommended that the claim be denied and turned over to the District Insurance Carrier. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claim received from EL RU MOTEL in the amount of $8,619.13, be denied, as recommended by General Manager H. E. Moyer, and turned over to the Insurance Carrier for the District. MEETINGS: Mr. Moyer stated that the LAHONTAN REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD will meet at 9:30 A.M., October 26, 1967, City Hall, South Lake Tahoe, California, to discuss WASTE DISCHARGE STANDARDS for ALPINE COUNTY DISPOSAL by the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Mr. Fred McLaren stated that the people of ALPINE COUNTY felt it was the responsibility of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, and that the DISTRICT felt it to be the responsibility of Alpine County. Mr. Fred McLaren stated that if there appears to be a conflict of this matter at the meeting scheduled for October 26, 1967, 9:30 A.M., City Hall, same will be turned over to the Attorney General for his opinion/decision. General Manager Moyer stated that the District has received a letter from the United States Forest Service regarding a fire that occurred on the upper end of the old South Tahoe Public Utility District Spray Area. Letter dated 10/16/67, stating that the fire was caused by unsafe smoking habits and a fine in the amount of $58.79 (suppression costs) charged the district. Mr. Moyerwill handle this situation. Another letter received from EL DORADO LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION dated 10/17/67, regarding the meeting of LAFCO (Placer County) at Placerville, Planning Commission Room, as to who will sewer the Western Shores of Lake Tahoe,north of Rubicon Bay. Also, stating that the letter written by ]-ack Jansen stating the current status of the District being an excellent letter. Theyre- quested attendance at this meeting from the District. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $90,580.27 be approved for payment, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $270,000.00 be approved. ADJOURNMENT: 10:10 P.M. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex- Officio Sec. South Tahoe Public Utility District. to 8:00 P.M., October 26, 1967, City Hall. ROBERTW. PESLER, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BID OPENING- ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-5 2:00 P.M. October 26, 1967 SOUTH TAIIOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT The following bids were received at the District Office as follows: D. Gerald Bing Engineering Contractor P.O. Box "Y" Stateline, Nevada, 89449 $42,299.50 J. R. Crasher Construct[on Co. P.O. Box 691 Sottth Lake Tahoe, Calif. $44,925.00 Robert L. Helms Cons. Co. 3925 Mill Street Reno, Nevada $61,498.00 4. Donv£11e Pipeline Inc Castro Valley, California $123,469.28 Engineer' s Estimate: $63,000.00 Bids were taken under advisement. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT .... OCTOBER 26, 1967 TI'w, Board of Directors met in an adjourned Session October 26, 1967, 8:00 P .M., Ci[~, l[l,~ll, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Robert Fesler, RobertWakeman, Edward E. Hegarty, Gerald G. Ream, Donald II. Kortes, General Manager II. E. Moyer, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Engineer J. Jensen, Attorney John C. Weidman, Attorney R. Hill. Also present were George Brady, Mr. and Mrs. O.D. Kettleman, Mr.a~d Mrs. K. R. Lean, Robert Mason, Mr. P. McLaren, H. Bray, Mrs. McWilliams, G. McNamee and Mr. and Mrs. William F. Jewett. HEARING--ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-5: President Fesler opened the HEARING ON ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-5 at 8:02 P.M., and asked for reports from the following: k~ARLAN E. MOYER, GENERAL MANAGER, stated that this Assessment District consists o~t the AL TAIIOE SUMMER TRACT HOMES. The areas surrounding this area were sewered iN Assessment Districts 1959-1 and 1960-1. This area, at that time, was under the ownership of the Government; as a result of the Water Pollution Control Board Hearing last July, here at South Lake Tahoe, and due to the Ordinance recently adopted by the City to install sewers, this area was formed into [his Assessment District. ENGINEER J. JENSEN, - stated this Assessment District contains 120 lots, approximately 90' x 120' (average lot size). The sewer system consists of 6,600 lineal feet of 6" line, 2,200 lineal feet of 4" line, 23 manholes; laterals will be installed to the property line ($200.00 charge for each lateral). These sewers will be connected to existing sewers that are outside of the track. The following bids were received and opened at 2:00 P,M'~ today, District Off£ce: ADJOURNED MEETING -2- October 26, 1967 1. D. Gerald Bing $ 42,299.50 2. J. R. Crasper Cons. Co. 44,925.00 3. Robert L.Helms Cons. Co. 61,498.00 4. Donville Pipeline, Inc. $123,469.28 Engineer' s Est[mate: $ 63,000.00 Based on the above bids, the overall assessment figure (total) has been reduced from $96,135.04 to $70,964.15. A typical assessment will amount of $605.00 for a 90' x 120' lot. ADJUSTMENTS TO BE MADE AS FOLLOWS, AND AS RECOMMENDED BY ENGINEER: PARCEL NO. 1: Delete Assessment. Connected to existing sewer system for several years and payment of $522.00 was made to the District. The District to contribute this amount to the Assessment District 1967-5. LOTS 50 and 61: Owned by the City of South Lake Tahoe; Fire Department is now located on these lots. No assessment charge for this. LOTS 75 and 76: Occupied by a Church; been assessed for two laterals and the~/ need only one. Deletion of one lateral. Mr. Jensen stated that, in answer to Mr. Lean's question, that LOT ~105, which was dedicated to E1 Dorado County, was not assessed. The bid of $42,299.50 will include the collection line, laterals, fees, rights- of way, bond discour~, etc.; construction contingencies equal approximately 10%; VARIOUS FEES equal 12 to 18% (engineering, surveys, mapping, plans and specifications, preparation of Assessment Roll and Diagram, Staking, Auditors Records Bond Printing, Bond Discount, Inspection, Legal, Acquisitions, Treasurer's Report). ATTORNEY ROBERT HILL stated, if this Assessment [s Confirmed, within one week the assessment will be recorded and from then on, each owner will have a~proximate- ly thirty (30) days to pay their assessment in cash, or let same go to bond. A Notice will be received in the mail stating the cash payment due and date to pay same in cash, plus a Notiae regarding the location of the lateral. For assess- ments not paid in cash, bonds wilhbe sold (under the 1915 Act) and not Lo exceed 6%; assessment will be paid over a 15 year period, installments to include principle, interest and appear on the 1968 tax bill. If an owner wishes to pay in cash after the assessment has gone to bond, interest will be charged to the next interest paying period and a 5% premium will be charged. Because of the small amount of assessments, it is not adviseable to have the bond go beyond a 15 year period. MR. K. R. LEAN, representing 119 property owners stated that he came prepared this evening to ask many questions but the majority have been answered. He further stated that Mr. Duane Thompson, Spink Engineering, was employed by the Association to have a survey made of the A1 Tahoe Summer Tract and he did this, giving a figure of $450.00 for sewer service facilities. He also asked the Board why an estimated figure was sent out before putting out for bid; Mr. Mo}er answered that this is a statutory requirement of the Legislature. Regarding location of laterals - Mr. Jensen stated'a letter will be included with the Notice to Pay Final Assessment regarding installation and location of laterals by owners. WRITTEN PROTESTS: General Manager Moyer read protests from the following: George T. Campap , Jr. 5524 Thomas Avenue Oakland, California, 94618 Protesting asses: ,u~.nt - no lot or block stated. HEARING-- -ADIOURNE D MEE TING -3- October 26, 1967 O.L. Lozey, 19 Lombardy Lane, Orinda, California Protesting assessment for Lot 77, Cave Rock Avenue Julie Justice 70 IIelen's Lane Mill Valley, California Protesting assessment for Lot 16. 4. Mr. William F. Jewett Protesting Assessment for Lot 8, Los Angeles Avenue. Mr. Fesler stated the written protests, as read, do not protest the sewer facilities but the assessment cost. ' Mr. II. E. Moyer stated the $605.00 typical assessment for this Assessment District is less than owners paid in 1960-1, 2, 3, assessment districts --- a 90' lot in the 1960 Assessment Districts ran close to $800.00; th~s district has carried out approximately fourteen (14) assessment districts and has invested over twenty- million dollars in collection and trunk sewers, and this assessment district is the lowest assessment district ever sewered. Assessment District 1966-2, just completed- Assessments were in the range of $1,400.00 per lot. Assessment District 1967-1 - Meyers, Assessments were approximately $1,200.00 per lot. Assessment District 1967-2, Montgomery Estates, Assessme.qts were approximately $800.00 per lot. Mr. Jensen stated that the lat,m~al will be installed to the property line (this was in answer to questions from the audience). In answer to Mr. Bray's question, Mr. Jensen stated the assessment is f fgm~.ed in accordance with the lot. A typical assessment (90 x 120) is assigned a one unit charge plus one lateral. Also, in answer to Mr. Bray's question- - no State or Federal Aid available for this. EXCESS FUNDS FROM ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: 1. If 5% or $1,000.00 excess, same can be transferred to General Fund. 2. In excess of $1,000.00 - can be transferred to special fund for maintenance of the Assessment District only. 3. Can be transferred into bond redemption fund This to be a decision of this Board. OTHER CHARGES; When connecting to Sewer facilities, a charge of ten dollars (single dwelling) for permit and inspection fee and .50¢ per sewer unit per month, payable in advance (one year); whether the property is occupied or not, the sewer service charge continues, once connection to the sewer facility, is made. 1V~. William F. Jewett withdrew his protest. Mr. Fred McLaren, representative of Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, stated that he appeared this evening to speak in the District's behalf, but he stated it appeared that good strong support has been received from the people of this proposed Assessment District. Attorney Hill asked Mr. Jensen if he was the Engineer of Work on this Project. Mr. Jensen stated that he was; Mr. Hill asked him if he had in his possession and under his supervision the Engineer's Report regarding the Assessment District Diagram, Roll, ADJOURNED MEETING---HEARING -4- October 2.5, 1967 Plans and Specifications, regarding this project and same prepared and submttted [o the Board, and if he was familiar with same. Mr. Jensen stated yes. Based on the above, Mr. Hill asked Mr. Jensen if, in his opinion, will the land and property involved in this Assessment District benefit from this proceedings --- Mr. Jensen stated yes. ORAL PROTESTS: None. Attorney Hill recommended for consideration and adoption the following resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 943: A Resolution Overruling Protests on Resolution of Intention No. 869. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 943 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO.944: A Resolution Ordering Reduction of Assessments. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 944 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 945: A Resolution and Order Adopting Engineer's Report Confirming the Assessments and Ordering the Work and Acquisitions. Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 945 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 946: A Resolution Designating Collection Officer. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, RESOLUTION NO. 946 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 156: An Ordinance Awarding Contract. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, that ORDINANCE NO. 156 be adopted. ADJOURNMENT: 9:20 P.M. unanimously carried, ROBERTW. FESLER, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board t~ Ex- Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY BID OPENING---NOVEMBER 2, 1967 for [he BIJOU PUMP STATION STANDBY GENERATOR INSTALLATION The following bids were received and opened at 2:00 P.M., November 2 1967, District Office. ' Present were General Manager Iff. E. Moyer and Clerk of Board David W. Callahan. Thomas Construction Company PO B ox 394 South Lake Tahoe, California $6,453.00 Acme Electric Company PO Box 3257 South Lake Tahoe, California $4,885.00 Engineer's Estimate: $6,087.00 Bids were taken under advisement. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, ~-~- Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF Tf~IE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 2, 1967 The board of directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session November 2, 1967, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Hegarty, Ream, Kortes, General Manager II. E. Moyer, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Dick Donnahoe, A . L. Shoupe, C. Smith, Mrs. J. J. Thomas, AttorneyJ. C. Weidman, Mr. George Stallas -Acme Electr£c Company. ABSENT: Director RobertWakeman. (Mr. Wakeman is representing the South Tahoe Public Utility District at Gardnerville, Nevada, this evening at a meeting of the Soil Conservation District - to speak of the benefits Alpine County will receive re export. Mr. Alfred Slechta is also at this meeting). MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of October 19th and October 26th, 1967, be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: G,e::.eral Manager Moyer stated that he did not have a written report for this meeting. The past few weeks have been spent trying to find a man (Engineer/Manager) ~o fill the position at the District. He further stated that a man was chosen (Mr. Arthur Maas) by the Engineers, Manager and Directors, and that he had received a call from Mr. Maas stating thai he could not accept the position. Mr. Moyer requested the Board have an Executive Session following this meeting to further discuss this matter. REGULAR MEETING -2- November 2, 1967 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: LUTHER PASS PIPELINE LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE I.NDIAN CREEK DAM ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS: 1966-1 1966-2 MEYERS PUMP STATION MEYERS SEWER SYSTEM ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN Dick Donnahoe reported progress on Mr. Arthur L. Shoupe reported the following: Ernest E. Pestana Underground Cons. Leo L Ddvis R & D Watson 96% complete 75% complete lYo complete 95% complete 100% complete 100% complete Rothschild, Raffin and Weirick 15% Frontier Contractors 65% Delzer Not Thomas Construction 75% Leo L. Davis 78% complete complete started complete complete the following: SCHEDULE S SCHEDULE T SCHEDULE F --- Rothschild, Raffin and Weirick 85% complete " ............ 98% complete All equipment installed; (Incineration Building); waiting on the centrifugal units. Johnson Service of San Francisco will do the electircal installation. FORCED ACCOUNT-PARKING AREA-- Mr. Moyer stated this is coming along fine. ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. J. C. Weidman stated that the annexation of Placer County LAFCO received a recommendation that Tahoe City Annex only, at this time, to the E1 Dorado County - the McKinney Water District. At the meeting held last Tuesday at Auburn, SupervisorGreiner recommended that Tahoe City go to the North Boundary of Sugar Pine Point and the staff was instructed to prepare maps, etc., to be submitted on 11/28/67, to 'then decide to approve the annexation or/and what to do with the remainder of land. Mr. Moyer stated that Tahoe City Annexation has proposed to include a large part of developed area in E1 Dorado County, and if this is so, this will be in direct conflict of this Boards action when the committee recommenc~dthat we go ahead to E1 Dorado County/Placer County Boundary. The committee might have to review · th is. Mr. J. C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that the E1 Dorado LAFCO will meet 11/15/67 and recommended that this District come up with a recommendation before that meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. ANNEXATION: 2. PLANNING: 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION: 4. PERSONNEL: 5. BANKING/INSURANCE: No report No report Mr. D.H. Kortes mentioned that this evening paper has the picture of the men in the plant who recently received operator's and maintenance certificates. No report. The insurance committee met with Reed/ Meneley and asked them to secure another insurance proposal as the District is in the process of accepting another three (3) year renewal; they did get another quotation and the Committee found that the Insurance Carrier we presently have is right in line with what the District wants. Mr. Fesler stated that the Insurance Committee recommends the District to continue with the present insurance company (Reed/Meneley) Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the District continue the policy with Reed/Meneley Insurance Agency. REGULAR MEETING -3- November 2, 1967 General Manager Moyer recommended for consideration: Authorization to engineers, ClairA. Hill and Associates, to make a study of capacity and design of the Highway 50 line; and, determine whether or not it is feasible to proceed with any type of a warning system recommended by the Insurance Company - what type could be installed, how it would work, and what the cost would be. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, 'that RESOLUTION NO. 947: A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District Authorizing the District Engineer (Clair A. Hill & Associates) to proceed with the Desf!gn of Highway 50 Trunk Line/ Installation of Warning System. THOMAS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: TIME EXTENSION: Mrs. J. J. Thomas presented a letter to the President of the board which requested a two (2) week time extension. Attorney J. C. Weidman, General Manager H. E. Moyer, Clinton Smith, agreed that a time extension for Thomas Construction Company is warranted. Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the time extension of two (2) weeks be granted to Thomas Construction Company, contractor for the Administration Building Addition. .BIJOU PUMP STATION STANDBY GENERATOR INSTALLATION: General Manager H. E. Moyer stated that two (2) bids were received today, as follows: 1. Thomas Construction Co. 2. Acme Electric Company ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE~: $6,087.00 $6,453.00 $4,885.00 Mr. Moyer also stated that the low bid received from Acme Electric Company is satisfactory and does meet all requirements and recommended that Acme Electric Company be awarded the contract. RESOLUTION NO. 948: A RESOLUTION OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AWARDING CONTRACT FOR BIJOU PUMP STATION STANDBY GENERATOR INSTALLATION, FOR SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT (Acme Electric Company). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 948, Awarding Contract for Bijou Pump Station Standby Inst Generator Installation, as recommended byGener~:~l Manager H E Moyer be adopted. ' ' ' GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON: Mr. H. E. Moyer stated that bids were received and opened at 3:00 P.M. today, District Office, on the 121 tons of Granulated Activated Carbon to be supplied for the new Tertiary Treatment Plant. One bid was received: CALGON CORPORATION, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 121 tons of Filtrasorb 300 Granular Activated Carbon. Amount = $72,794.00 Mr. Moyer stated that this is .30-1/2¢ per pound, .02~ per pound lower than the last order of carbon received approximately 18 months ago. RESOLUTION NO. 949: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, AWARDING CONTRACT FOR GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON TO CALGON CORPORATION, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Direc't~r Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 949, Awarding Contract for Activated Carbon to CALGON CORPORA- TION, as recommended by General Manager H. E. Moyer, be adopted. REGULAR MEETING -4- November 2, 1967 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1: - INDIAN CREEK DAM & RESERVOIR: R & D WATSON contractor. Install 13° bend in outlet works 24-inch line; change 1 itch vent pipe · to 2 inch pipe; install 150 feet of 6 inch non-perforated pipe on Saddle Dam drain line; excavate saddle dam drain line to daylight, approximately 200 lineal feet; total increase in contract price = $1,830.00. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that CHANGE ORDER NO. 1, INDIAN CREEK DAM AND RESERVOIR - Contractor: R & D WATSON, INC., be approved,as recommended by General Manager H.E. Mayer. CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 - MEYERS SEWER SYSTEM SCHEDULE I FRONTIER CONTRACTORS~ INC. ' ' This change order covers revisions of the Upper Truckee River Trunk and Branch Sewers, revisions of the Meyer Trunk and Branch Sewers, revisions of the Angora Creek Trunk and Branch Sewers, revisions of the Trout Creek Sewer, revisions of the Upper Truckee River and Trout Creek Force Mains. Increase in Contract Amount - $72,677.00. Mr. Mayer stated that this will be paid out of the contingency fund - no cont rac,t time extension will be required. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that CHANGE ORDER NO. 2, FRONTIER CONTRACTORS, as recommended by General Manager H. E. Mayer be approved. EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN-CONSIDERATION OF TIME EXTENSION: LEO L. DAVIS: General Manager H. E. Mayer recommended a time extension be granted to LEO L. DAVIS, EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN, FOR two (2) weeks or unt£1 11/16/67. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that a time extension of two (2) weeks or until 11/16/67, be granted to LEO L. DAVIS, EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN PROJECT, as recommended by General Manager Harlan E. Mayer. HOLDING POND: Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he has the records on the Holding Pond but that he has not come to a conclusion regarding this. Director Hegarty suggested that some conclusion be reached next week, enabling the Directors to discuss this situation and possibly have some ideas to present 'to the people at the November 16, 1967, meeting regarding the holding pond. It was agreed by the Directors that a Study Session be scheduled for November 14, 1967, 3:00 P.M., to discuss the nature of the Holding Pond. HOOD LITIGATION: Still no final word. NEW BUSINESS: 1. CLAIM FROMANGELINA BONDIETTI-BONANZA MOTEL: Claim for damages due to Sewer Line Stoppage, August 9 1967 in the amount of $13,029.42 . ' ' President Fesler stated that this claim had been paid to ANGELINA BONDIETTI by her Insurance Carrier, who carried sewer backage damage coverage on the policy. Their Insurance Company is now trying to collect from this District for this amount they paid to Bondietti's. General Manager Mayer recommended that the claim be denied and turned over to the Insurance Carrier for the District - Reed-Meneley, Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claim from ANGELINA BONDIETTI,BONANZA MOTEL, in the amount of REGULAR MEETING -5- November 2, 1967 BONDIETTI CLAIM FOR DAMAGES (continued) $13,029.42, be denied and referred to REED MENELEY INSURANCE AGENCY, Insurance Carrier for the South Tahoe Public Utility District. AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO EXECUTE SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH UNITED STATES FORESTRY SERVICE, FOREST SUPERVISOR, RENO, NEVADA, FOR RESEEDING- EROSION CONTROl, ON INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE: Mr. Moyer stated this will not exceed $2,500.00 and same will be done by the United States Forest Service. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegartlz, unanimously carried, that the M,;~.;.~AGER be authorized to execute service agreement with U.S.F.S. Forest Supervisor, Reno, Nevada, for reseeding-erosion control on Indian Creek Pipeline. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter received from STATE WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD regarding meeting to be held at South Lake Tahoe, City Hall, November 9, 1967, 9:00 A.M., to inform the State Board of the Lake Tahoe Sewage Export Process. Also, Mr. Bonderson will have a group of c~bout fifty (50) people to tour the plant facilities in the morning and approximately 30 people to tour the Alpine County facilities in the afternoon. PAYMENT OF G~IMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $1,049,629.55, and 'the transfer of funds in the amount of $52,459.35, as recommended by Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan, be approved for payment and the transfer be approved. _ADJOURNMENT: 9:05 P.M. ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ROBERTW. FESLER, President of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ............. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 16,1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session November 16, 1967, 8:00 P.M. City I-tall South Lake Tahoe, California. ' ROLL CALL: Present were Directors R. Fesler, R. Wakeman, D.H. Kortes, E.E. Hegarty and G.G. Ream. Also present were General Manager H. E. Moyer, Clerk of Board David W. Csllahan, AttorneyI. C. Weidman, Attorney K. Jones and Attorney R. J. Hill, J. Jensen, A.L. Shoupe, C. Smith, R. Rolls, Joe Neilsen, Steve Kech- Tribune, Bob Sondag, Mr.and Mrs. A.D. Gordon, Mr. Ralph Andersen, Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer and Mrs. Weiss. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutss of November 2 1967 be approved as pre sente d. ' ' RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President R. Fesler welcorr:ed all present. Any business to be discussed by those present was listed o~ the Agenda. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager H. E. Moyerread his report, which is as follows: "Manager's Report November 16, 1967 PLANT OPERATION: October 1-31, 1967 Total Plant Flow Average Daily Flow Chlorine Used Electricity Used Natural Gas Used Douglas County Sewer Improvement No. 1 Flow: Daily Average Flow: 59.18 1.91 MGD 9,190 lbs. 207,600 KWH 604,000 C.F. 13.85 MG 0.45 MGD During the month of October approximately 76,000 feet of sewer line was cleaned in nineteen (19) days, using the Hydro-Dynamic Machine. The cost was approximately 3.4cents per foot. This is a slight decrease from the previous month due 'to more difficult lines and more time involved in obtaining water for the cleaning equipment. MEETINGS: Tuesday, November 7th, Mr. Art Molin, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Regional Office, and Mr. Bob Day - State Water Quality Control Board, met with Mr. Callahan and I to review progress on the Indian Creek Pipeline and Dam Projects. The projects were ;.nspected by the visitors and progress was deemed satisfactory. As a result of this inspection, the FWPCA will authorize a partial payment on the PL 660 Grant The payment will be for 30 percent of approved project costs to date and is in the amount of $396,200. The payment should be here by December 1st, 1967. Thursday, November 9th, the State Water Quality Control Board met at South Lake Tahoe. Thepurpose of the meeting was [o obtain progress reports on past and current sewage collection, treatment and disposal projects from all districts at Lake Tahoe. I presented a report on behalf of this District. After the meeting, the Board Members and guests toured the Water Reclamation Plant. Approximately forty (40) people visited the plan and many favorable comments were received regarding the plant and the District total system. REGULAR MEETING Manager's Report (continued) -2- N svember 16, 19 67 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: On November 14, 1967, we received at the District Office notification from the FWPCA of an approval of grant payment for construction of waste treatment works in the amount of $187,100. The notice states that if the check is not received in fifteen (15) days we are to notify the regional office of FWPCA. This payment is final payment of the grant for the original water reclamation plant and has been expected since July 1965. ENGINEERING: The final feasibility report on the INDIAN CREEK DAM and RESERVOIR concerning eligibility for a DAVIS-GRNSKY GRANT to defray a portion of the project cost has been completed. The report has been submitted to the Department of Water Resources for a preliminary review. The preliminary design report on the United States Forest Service Sewer system is nearing completion. The proposed sewer line locations are being reviewed with the Forest Service and the report will be ready for submittal within a short time after the line locations are approved. It is anticipated that the Forest Service will, in the next month, seek to negotiate an agreement with the District to complete the design and place the system under by June 1st, 1968.' DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report, as presented, be approved. PROGRESS REPORTS - Robert Sondag stated the following: Treatment Plant (Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick) Luther Pass Pipeline (Ernest E. Pestana) Luther P ass Pump Station (Underground) Solids Handling (Bartlett-Snow-Pacific) Indian Creek Pipeline (Leo L Davis) Indian Creek Dam ( R & D Watson) Assessment Districts 1966-1 & -2 Meyer's Pump Station (Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick) Meyer's Sewer System (Frontier) Assessment District 1967-1 (Delzier) Administration Building (Thomas Cons. Co.) Effluent Force Main (Leo L. Davis) Bijou Pump Station Generator Assessment Districts 1967-2 and 1967-5 92% complete 97% complete 78% comole te 65% complete 92% complete 99% complete 100% complete 28% complete 73% complete 1% complete 92% complete 83% complete Not started Not started ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Met with Annexation Committee to discuss Holding Pond. Election documents have been completed and ready for action this evening. No word from Hood Corporation. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation: Attorney J. C. Weidman stated that Placer County LAFCO will have their meeting on 11/28/67 to discuss the annexation of territory and the application of Tahoe City to annex the territory down to the North Boundary of Sugar Pine Point. This has caused some questLons in many quarters and does not seem to be a logical annexation at this time. The E1 Dorado County LAFCO had this material before them yesterday and they adopted a Resolution asking Placer LAFCO not to annex into E1 Dorado County until cost studies have been made by the South Tahoe Public Utility District and Tahoe City to see what would be most beneficial to the property owners. There will be a meeting at Auburn, 11/28/67, 7:30 P.M. to discuss the above. COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued) 2. Planning Committee: Met 11/15/67 to discuss the hiring of a General Manager. To be discussed under New Business. 3. Public Information: Met to discuss means of having information of progress of the District sent to the people. President Fesler asked the Public Information Committee to continue to work with the Manager to get information to the people regarding all Distr£ct projects. 4. Personnel Committee: No report. 5. Banking/Insurance: No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-2: Review of Amount of Assessment No. 1967-2-12 requested by owner Mr. Joe Neilsen. This was discussed amongst the board at great length and a sketch of the block in which this lot is located was drawn on the board. Lot 4 has been divided in half and therefore both owners will have an assessment against their property. Mr. Moyer stated that each parcel with an assessment of 8,000 square feet will be assessed the number of units to the nearest hundredth unit, equal to [he ration of assessment area to 8,000 square feet. Further discussion led to the following motion: Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Assessment is an equitable one and that the request of Mr. Joe Neflsen be denied. HOLDING POND : Consideration of property owners and residents protest to continued use of 60 MG holding pond at Pioneer Trail and Black Bart Avenue. Attorney J. C. Weidman stated that early in 1959 a 2-1/2 million dollar bond issue was passed for Treatment Plant, Force Main and Pumping Stations and funds available for Holding Pond and irrigation ponds. The District took the only available land from the United States Forestry Service who told the District the use could be for only a limitsd time. In 1960 a Special Use Permit was obtained, for temporary holding pond for effluent, to expire in 1966. This was for the continued storage of secondary effluent. The use for the Holding Pond as it is now - continuous use and storage of secondary effluent. The export system will be completed in early 1968 and then the Holding Pond can be drained, cleaned. The District has not applied for an extension for the Holding Pond for the purpose of holding continuous secondary treated effluent. The District has a need for a dry storage well only to be used in case of emergencies, should a major power failure occur at Luther Pass Pump Station. This type of an emergency would result in storing highly treated effluent containing no odor or color. Mr. Moyer stated that in the agreement with Alpine County, it is mandatory that this District retain the Holding Pond in case of an emergency. Mr. Moyer mentioned, as in the past meetings, that this could be developed into an asset and maybe into a recreational area; this co,fid be landscaped. Furthermore, as mentioned to those present, the determination of the existence of the Holding Pond will be made by higher authorities. Mrs. Weiss stated thatprior to the commitment made to Alpine County to retain the Holding Pond for emergency purposes, this District had a commitment to the people of the area ---this pond was to go last year and she stated that the Board should have taken this into consideration prior to the commitment with REGULAR MEETING -4- November 16, 1967 Holding Pond (continued) Alpine County. Mr. Fesler stated that this Board did understand the residents position and sympathize with them, and that this Board also understands the District's position and the power to make final decision to remove this Holding Pond is not in the hands of the District. This has been discussed at great length. The District, at this time, does not plan to put any more money into the Holding Pond ...... we do not know whether the District will acquire this land or purchase this land. Mrs. Weiss suggested a tank be used and remove the holding pond. Mr. Moyer stated that a tank would be the same size as the holding pond if this were to be used. Another visitor mentioned that Mr. Fesler stated there would be no more money spent at the Holding Pond. He stated there is a new pipeline put in there recently and wanted to know why the pipeline was in the Holding Pond. Mr. Moyer stated that the new pipeline was put in and by-passes the holding pond. We have constructed a force main which ties into a force main that was presently there. The line put in originally is now going to be converted into a draining line. The effluent will be disposed of by by-passing the holding pond. In answer to Mrs. Springmeyer's quest[on , Mr. Moyer mentioned that the District pays approximately $7,000.00 a year for forty (40) acres for the Holding Pond property. Several suggestions as to where the holding pond could go were made by the visitors. Director Wakeman moved that the District maintain the Holding Pond in its present location for emergency use only and that the Manager be author[zed to have preliminary plans for landscaping, beautification and public use facilities in the area with particular consideration roads[de rest. ~rector Kortes seconded the motion and same carried unanimously. AMMONIA STRIPPING TOWER: General Manager Moyer recommended that the bid opening for the Ammonia Stripping Tower be extended from November 21st to Tuesday, November 28, 1967. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, the bid opening for the Ammonia Stripping Tower be postponed until November 28, 1967. that SEWER CLEANING EOUIPMENT: The bid opening for the Sewer Cleaning Equip- ment, Truck-Mounted Hydraulic Sewer Cleaner, was held today. The bid received from Pacific Pipe and Tool, Sacramento, California, as follows: Ae Truck mounted High Pressure Sewer Cleaner per Specifications. Manufactured by Hydro-Dynamics Mounted on Truck identical to rental unit now at District: $14,903.00 745.15 (5% tax) $ 3,600.00 - Less Rental Payments $12,048.15 [~hls was the only bid received and it was recommended by the General Manager that this bid be accepted. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the bid received from Pacific Pipe Too 1 in the amount of $12,048.15 be accepted. Mr. Fesler stated that this was also a requirement of the Insurance Carrier to renew the insurance policy for this District. REGULAR MEETING -5- November 16, 1967 TIME EXTENSIONS: Luther Pass Pipeline and Underground C onstruction (Ernest E. Pestana - Luther Pass Pipeline. Underground Construction -Luther Pass Pumn Station) General Manager Moyer recommended a time extension to December 22, 1967, be approved for Ernest E. Pestana and Underground Construction Company, contracts mentioned above. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that a time extension be granted to the above two contractors until the 22nd day of December 1967. SCHEDULE "F", SOLIDS HANDLING SYSTEM: Consideration of change order nu number 2. General Manager Moyer recommended that Change Order No. 2 for Schedule "F" be approved. Increase of the contract by $2,950.00. Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 2 be approved, as recommended by Genera.[ Manager H. E. Moyer. ~[DMINISTRATION BUILDING ADDITION (Thomas Construction Comoany): General Manager Moyer recommended that(a change order);cons£deration be given to authorize the General Manager to negotiate with Thomas Construction Company a change order to remodel the laboratory space and office space. This was also included in the budget. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimo;~.sly carried, that the Manager be authorized to negotiate a Change Order to remodel the laboratory space and Office soace with Thomas Construction Company. ASSESSMENT DISTRI~'f 1967-2: Request by Jeanne Jessie Cornick to remove lateral assessment No. 1967-2-530. Mr. Moyer stated that this lady owns two adjacent lots and each lot has been assessed and each with a lateral. She now informs the District that she has' requested the County to combine both of these lots into one piece of property and she wants a $200.00 lateral deleted from her assessment. There is an easement request for this property and Mrs. Cornick is objecting to the easement. The removal of rocks, trees and shurbs are her main objection. Mr. Moyer stated that he had mentioned to Mrs. Cornick if she could get the property owners of that area to agree to the expense of pumping into the street line rather than to be serviced by gravity then added consideration could be given to this area. General Manager Moyer recommended that the lateral charge remain. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the request received from Jeanne Jessie Cornick be denied. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-2: H. E. Moyer pointed out the areas to be assessed and Attorney Hill recommended adoption of the following resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 950: - Making Changes and Modifications. RESOLUTION NO. 951: - Determining time and place for receiving bond bids. RESOLUTION NO. 952: - Classifying assessments. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 950 through 952 be approved. REGULAR MEETING -6- November 16, 19 67 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1: Resolution No. 953: A Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications and Correcting List of Assessmerts remaining Unpaid. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director tIegarty, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 953 be approved. ' RESOLUTIONS AMMENDING ASSESSMENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS: RESOLUTION NO RESOLUTION NO RESOLUTION NO RESOLUTION NO RESOLUTION NO RESOLUTION NO RESOLUTION NO RESOLUTION NO RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION NO. 954: - 1952-1 955: - 1956-1 956: - 1959-1 957: - 1960-1 958: - 1960-2 959: - 1960-3 960: - 1960-4 961: - 1961-1 962: - 1962-1 963: - 1964-1 964: - 1966-1 Director Hegarty that RESOLY TION Robert J. Hill. moved, S NOS. seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, 954 through 964 be adopted as presented by Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 965: A Resolution Declaring Elected Directors. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director HegarW, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 965 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 966: Authorization to purchase and to advertise for bids for two (2) pickup trucks. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 966 be approved for the nurchase of two (2) pickup trucks, and that bids be limited to ones that could'service equipment completely. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-3: Engineer and District Manager Moyer $ointed out the areas involved in this assessment district and stated that the following would be referred to as: 1967-4-A: Tahoe Paradise and Juniper Park 1967-3-B: Tahoe Paradise by the Golf Course Sierra Parks Unit No. 1 1967-3-A: Tahoe Paradise Subfvisions (Upper Subdivisions) All of the above listed will be serviced and sewered by the Meyer's Trunk Sewer. Estimated Construction cost for AREA 4-A: $375,000.00 Right of Service Fee: 93, 850.00 Incidentals, etc: TOTAL COSTS: Are a 4-A: Area 3-B: Are a 3-A: $598,378.00 $576,934.00 $697,693.86 the following resolutions were presented for consideration and adoption re- garding the above mentioned assessment districts: (BELOW LISTED PRETAIN TO ASSESSMENTS DISTRICTS NUMBERED 1967-3-A; 1967-3-B; 1967-4-A: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-3 RESOLUTION NO. 967: -A Resolution Determining to Undertake Proceedings Pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts or other appropriate proceedings, for the acquisition and construction of a sanitary sewerage system and appurtenances without proceedings under division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code ..... Assessment District 1967-3. REGULAR MEETING -7- November 16, 1967 (RESOLUTIONS FOR 1967-3/4 Continued) RESOLUTION NO. 968: - A Resolution Determining to Undertake Proceedings pursuant to appropraite special assessment and assessment bond acts or other appropriate proceedings, for the acquisition and construction of a sanitary sewerage system and appurtenances without proceedings under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways code. - Assessment District 1967-4. RESOLUTION NO. 969: - A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 820 Entitled "A Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct Improvements" - Assessment District No. 1967-3-A. RESOLUTION NO. 970: - A Resolution of Prelininary Approval of Engineer's Report - Assessment District 1967-3-A. RESOLUTION NO. 971: - A Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale. Assessment District 1967-3~A. RESOLUTION NO. 972: - A Resolution Describing Proposed Boundaries of Assessment District, Directing Filing of Map and Directing Recordation of Notice of Assessment. Assessment District 1967-3-A. RESOLUTION NO. 973: A Resolution Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests in Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improvements, and Directing Notice. Assessment District 1967-3-A. (NOTE: Hearing set for January 3, 1968, 8:00 P.M., District Office, Johnson Boad). RESOLUTION NO. 974: A Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct Improvements - Assessment District 1967-3-B RESOLUTION NO. 975: A Resolution of Preliminary Approval of Engineer's Report. Assessment District 1967-3-B. RESOLUTION NO. 976: A Resolution Establishing Prevailing.Wage Scale. Assessment District 1967-3-B. RESOLUTION NO. 977: - A Resolution Describing Proposed Boundaries of Assessment District, Directing Filing of Map and Directing Recordation of Notice of Assessment. - Assessment District 1967-3-B. RESOLUTION NO. 978: A Resolution Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests in Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improvements, and Directing Notice. Assessment District 1967-3-B. RESOLUTION NO. 979: A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 824, Entitled "A Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct Improvements. Assessment District No. 1967-4-A. RESOLUTION NO. 980: - A Resolution of Prelininary Approval of Engineer's Report - Assessment District 1967-4-A. RESOLUTION NO. 981: A Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale. Assessment District 1967-4-A. RESOLUTION NO. 982: - A Resolution Describing Proposed Boundaries of Assessment District, Directing Filing of Map and Directing Recordation of Notice of Assessment - Assessment District 1967-4-A. RESOLUTION NO. 983: - A Resolution Appointing time and place of Hearing Protests in Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improvements, and Directing Notice. - Assessment District 1967-4-A. RESOLUTION NO. 984: A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals: Assessment District 1967-3-A Assessment District 1967-3-B Assessment District 1967-4-A. November 16, 1967 REGULAR MEETING -8- NOTE: Hearing for above Assessment D~stricts (and Annexation No. 1967-3-U-1) to be held the 3rd day of January, 1968, 8:00 P.M., District Office, Johnson Road, South Tahoe Public Utility District. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 967 THROUGH 984, as listed above, be approved. ALSO .... Typed below fs the letter receh~ed from the E1 Dorado County PIealth Officer: TO: ~Honorable Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District South Lake Tahoe, California August 8, 1967 Gentlemen: RE: Assessment District 1967-3 I am acquainted with the sanitary sewerage project which you p~)pose to undertake pursuant to special assessment and assessment bond proceedings, or other appropriate proceedings, which project is more particularly set forth in your RESOLUTION REQUESTING RECOMMENDATION OF HEALTH OFFICER. I recommend, as necessary as a health measure, that you undertake proceedings pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this State, or other appropriate proceedings, as you shall determine, for the construction of said improvements and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby. This recommendation extends to such changes and modifications therein as you shall find to be proper or advisable, in the manner provided by law. Yours respectfully, s: Harold N. Mozar, M.D., Health Officer E1 Dorado County" ALS(]:.---Typed below is another letter received from the E1 Dorado County Health officer: TO: "Honorable Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District South Lake Tahoe, California August 8, 1967 Gentlemen: RE: Assessment District 1967-4 I am acquainted with the sanitary sewerageproject which you propose to undertake pursuant to special assessment and assessment bond proceedings, or other appropriate proceedings, which project is more :oarticularly set forth in your RESOLUTION REQUESTING RECOMMENDATION OF HEALTH OFFICER. I recommend, as necessary as a health measure, that you undertake proceedings pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this State, or other appropriate proceedings, as you shall determine, for the construction of said improvements and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby. This recommendation extends to such changes and modifications therein as you shall find to be proper or advisable, in the ammner provided by law. Yours respectfully, s: Harold N. Mozar, M.D. Health Officer E1 Dorado County" Director Kortes mova~d, seconded by DirectorYVakeman, unanimously carried, that the Health Officer's Letter regarding Assessment District 1967-3 and Assessment District 1967-4, be approved and made part of the minutes. November 16, 1967 RESOLUTION NO. 985: A RESOLUTION INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-1 OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT---ANNEXATiON NO. 1967-3-U-1: DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RESIOLUTION NO. 985 be approved and the Meeting Date Set for the Hearing to be January 3, 1968, 8:00 P.M.District Office, Johnson Road, South Tahoe Public Utility District. AUDIT REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1967: Directors acknowledged receipt of the audit report and agreed to have a study session, with Mr. JohnEhlman present, on the 29th of November, 1967, 3:00 P.M., District Office, to study and discuss this report. REPORT BY BOND COUNSEL: AttorneyK. Jones stated that he visted New York and the Bond Office to try to receive a better rating for the South Lake Tahoe - South Tahoe Public Utility District. Thus Far, this area does not have a good rating and Mr. Jones stated that the rating now is in the 5th out of nine catagories. Attorney Jones further stated he discussed the bond ratings inlength with officials of MOODY'S INVENSTORS SERVICE, INC. ,as to how the District could receive a higher rating that they are deserving of. It was suggested by Mr. Jones that a DATA REQUISITE for REVIEW OF BOND RATING BE prepared for this District and presented to MOODY'S to review. Also, Mr. Jones stated that upon completion of this data, same should be hand-carried to New York - MOODY'S. HIRING OF A GENERAL 1ViANAGERt Several Committee Meetings were held to discuss the hiring of a General Manager. General Manager H.E. Moyer recommended to the Board of Directors that Russell L. Culp, Corvallis, Oregon, be considered for the position of General Manager for this District. Mr. Moyer stated that Mr. Culp is undoubtedly the best in the Country and would certainly be the man for the job with the District. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that Mr. Russell L. Culp, Corvallis, Oregon, be employed as General Manager for the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Mr. Culp will be in the area and in the position as of January 8, 1968. ORDINANCE NO. 157: Amending Ordinances NOS. 45, 49, 70, 95 and 128, and provid£ng for place of meetings to be at the DISTRICT OFFICES ON JOHNSON, ROAD, SOUTH LAKE TA'HOE, CALIFORNIA. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE 157 be approved. PAYMENT Oi: CLAIMS:, Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director W'akeman, unanimously carried, the claims in the amount of $115,441.99, as recommended by Assistant General Manager- DavidW. Callahan, be approved for payment. MISCELLANEOUS: Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer requested an easement obtained in 1962 from her by the District, please be taken off the records. Mr. Weidman stated that he could not find where same had been recot'ded but will take care of [his immediately and clear records of same. ADJOURNMENT: 11:00 P.M. to District Office December 7, 1967, 8:00 P.M. Rober~W. Fe~ler, President South Tahoe Public Utility District A ST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of South Tahoe Public Utility District BID OPENING .... December 7, 1967: 2:00 P.M., District Office. Present: President R. Fesler, Gez.~ral Manager H. E. Moyer, Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Don Showalter-Engineer with ClairA. Hill and Associates. The following bids were opened at 2:00 P.M., December 7, 1967, for ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS: 1967-3-A 1967-3-B 1967 -4 -A Leo L. Davis, Inc. PO Box 246 Fort Jones, Califorhia, 96032 $867,920.00 Robert L. IIelms Construction Co. 302.~ Mill Street Reno, Nevada .$889,035.00 Valley Engineers, Inc. P.O.Box 992 Fresno, Cahfamia, 93714 $1,016,162.00 o Delzer Pipeline Constraction, Inc. P.O.Box 259 Zephyr Cove, Nevada, 89448 $1,102,096.00 o W. H. Ebert Corporation Spartan Construction company 1620 - Seventh Street San Jose, California, 95112 $1,178,305.00 o Frontier Contractors P.O.Box 7837 South Lake Tahoe, California $1,293,330.00 Tab Con~struction, Inc. 3429 W. Spring Mt. Road Las Vegas, Nevada, 89102 $1,814,780.25 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $1,080~340.00..' Bids were taken under advisement. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Boa-~ffdr South Tahoe Public Utility District BID OPENING: December 7, t967, 3:00 P.M., District Office. (FOUR WHEEL DRIVE, P. ICKUP 3/4 TON) Present: Director Robert W. Fesler, General Manager ti. E. Moyer, Clerk of Board, David W. Callahan. The following bids were received and opened at 3:00 P.M., District Office: 1. David-Deemer Ford, Inc. $8,155.24 Ford Placerville, California 2. Springmeyer Garage $7,733.00 International South Lake Tahoe, Calif. (60/90 day delivery) Bids were taken under advisement. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board, South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 7, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Ut £1ity District met in a regular session, 8:00 P.M., District Office, December 7, 1967. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors R. Fesler, E. Hegarty, R. Wakeman, D. Kortes and G. Ream; also present were General Manager H. E. Moyer, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Attorney R.J. Hill, Mr. H. Hoff, Mr. J.G.Irving, H. Neimeister from Ernest E. Pestana, Inc., R. Sondag, A.L. Shoupe, Clinton Smith and D. Showalter. MINUTES: DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 11/16/67 be approved as corrected. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed all present to this meeting. Director E. Hegarty mentioned that he did not see anyone from the press here. It was stated that due to the City Council cancelling last Tuesday's meeting and holding it this evening, could possibly be the reason for the press not being here. Also, President Fesler asked the Board if a quorum would be present for::tbe December 21, 1967 meeting. Mr. Wakeman, Mr. Ream and Mr. Kortes stated they would be present. Presi_dent R. Fesler and Director E. Hegartywill not be in the area that date. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager H. E. Moyer read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report December 7, 1967 PLANT OPERATION: Total Plant Flow Average Flow Chlorine Used Natural Gas Used Electricity Used November 1-30, 1967 51.00 MG 1.70 MGD 8,850 Lbs. 7~. 69 MCF 192,000 KWH DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ~:1: Total Flow 12.06 MG Average Flow 0.40 MGD The sewer line cleaning crew completed cleaning of 77,200 feet in November. cleaning equipment was operated for sixteen (16) days for an average of 4,830 feet per day. The cost averaged 3.3 cents per foot. The BID OPENINGS: Bids for construction of the AMMONIA STRIPPING TOWER were opened at 2:00 P.M., November 28, 1967. There were seven bids received on this project. A tabulation of the bids attached. Bids for construction of the SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-3A, 1967-3B, 1967-4A, were opened today. A tabulation of the bids received attached. Consideration of bids and a possible contract award will be at the public hearing scheduled for Wednesday, January 3, 1968, 8:00 P.M. MISCELLANEOUS: I am pleased to report that on Monday, November 27, 1967, we received a check from the Federal Water Polbution Control Administration in the amount of $187,100.00. This check was in payment of the Public-Law 660 Grant for construction of the original tertiary treatment plant project. We have been working to achieve this payment since July 1965. The Federal Water Poilu,rich Control Administration has also sent the first installment of the Public Law 660 Grant for the INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE and INDIAN CREEK DAM. This check was in the amount of $396,200.00 and assures adequate cash flow through completion of the project. REGULAR MEETING -2- December 7, 1967 MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) MISCELLANEOUS (continued) We have received to date $2,900,232.00 from the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION. This amount equals 90% of the Grant and under present rules is the total amount to be paid until the project fs completed and audited. We have requested Mr. Clifford Holden, of Economic Development Administration, to ask the Washington Office to increase our payment to 95% without the necessity of an audit or project completion. If this can be done, the cash necessary for final -payment to the contractors will be available at an earlier date." Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Mr. Robert Sondag made the following report on progress for all projects now under construction by the District: Treatment Plant Additions, Rothschild, Raff[n andWeirick 95% complete Luther Pass Pipeline, Ernest E. Pestana, Co. 97% complete NOTE: Mr. Herb Neimeister, representative of Ernest E. Pestana, Co., stated that they are doing everything within their power to complete this contract on time. They are striving to have the pipeline in and operating by December 22, 1967. He stated that they can work in the snow but are not able to work in blizzards and winds at 60 miles an hour. President Fesler asked if the pipeline will be tested and ready torece[ve the effluent when the District is ready to export by March 1, 1968; Mr. Neimeister stated yes. Luther pass Pump Stat[on, Underground Construction Co. 90% complete Solids Handling System, Bartlett-Snow-Pacific 75% complete Indian Creek Pipeline, Leo L. Davis 95% complete NOTE: Mr. Sondag stated that 50% of theline has been tested. The State prefers that they do not complete their cleanup work this year. The State stated they will extend the encroachment permit so cleanup can be done next year. This line should beoperable by December 22, 1967. Indian Creek Dam Assessment Districts 1966-1 and 1966-2 Meyer's Pump Station Meyer's Sewer System(Frontier) Assessment District 1967-1(Delzer) Administration Building: (Thomas Cons) Effluent Force Main: Leo L. Davis NOTE: 99% complete 100% complete 35% complete 82% complete To start in the spring. 100% complete 86% complete This contract has been held up because of tie-in facilities that Rothschild, Raff[n andWeirick had to construct at the plant, and is now ready for final connection by LEO L. DAVIS. Assessment District 1967-2 To start in the spring Assessmant District 1967-5 (Bing) 18% complete. The contractor stated that he would probably stop construction and start again in the spring. Bijou Generator: Acme Electric 18% complete ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Attorney JohnC. Weidman stated that: We have applied for the Special Use Permit. The annexations are ready for LAFCO No wnrd from HOOD CORPORATION Springrseyer's Lot in A1 Tahoe Taken care of. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation Committee: No report. 2. Pianning Committee: Met on 12/~/67, discussed with Manager H.E.Moyer,R. Hill andK.Jones of Wilson, ]'ones, Morton and Lynch, San Marco, ~©M~ITTEE REPORTS (continued) -3- December 7, 1967 Planning Committee (continued) California, the presentation to be made at New York regarding bond rating for the District. Met again on 12/6/67 with the U. S. Forest Service and collected their figures regarding Winter Sports Income, to add to the presentation Mr. Hill and Mr. K. Jones will present to the Bond Company at New York. 3. Public Information: Met 11/17/67 and 11/20/67 and another meeting is scheduled to discuss and publicize the operational facilities of the Plant. ATTORNEY ROBERT J. HILL arrived at 8:50 P.M. Mr. Fesler asked that Director Kortes contact Mr. A. Trumbull to discuss Public Information activites of the District. 4. Personnel: No report. 5. Banking/Insurance: No report. Manager H. E. Moyer stated that Mr. W. Ames requested an Insurance Committee Meeting to discuss retirement program. Director Fesler stated that any time after the first of the year. BOND BID OPENING: Two (2) bids were received for IMPROVE_MENT BONDS, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1967-2 as follows: ' Chandler and Company 977 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, Calfornia, 90212 5-1/2% on bonds maturing in the years 1969-75 5-3/5% on bonds maturing in the years 1976-86 6% on bonds maturing in the years 1987-93 Estimated Interest Cost = $692,768.65. Average Net Interest Cost=6.0996. Will pay 96. 433% of the par value. o Stone and Youngberg 1314 Russ Building San Francisco, California, 94014 Bid: 94.50% of the principal amount, plus accrued interest to the date of delivery, for all of such bonds to bear interest at the following rates per annum: Bonds maturing 7/2/69 to 7/2/85 Bonds maturing 7/2/86 to 7/2/93 s-3/4% 6% Average Net Interest Cost = 6. 2452% AttorneyH..[ll recommended that the bonds be awarded to Chandler & Company, of Beverly Hills, California, and recommended adoption of the following: RESOLUTION NO. 997: A Resolution Determining Unpaid Assessments and Providing for Issuance of Bonds. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 997 be approved. ORDINANCE NO. 160: An Ordinance Awarding Sale of Bonds. (Chandler and Company). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 160 be approved. ~u~-~r~ ~v~.~.lil~m -4- December' 7, I96Y UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (Hearing on the following assessment changes opened) RESOLUTIONS CONFIRMING AMSNOEDASSESSMENTS: (Projects & Resolutions Numbers listed below): RESOLUTION NO. 986: 1952-1 RESOLUTION NO. 987 1956-1 RESOLUTION NO. 988 a 1959-1 RESOLUTION NO. 989 1960-1 RESOLUTION NO. 990 1960-2 RESOLUTION NO. 991 1960-3 RESOLUTION NO. 992 1960-4 RESOLUTION NO. 993 1961-1 RESOLUTION NO. 994 1962-1 RESOLUTION NO. 995 1964-1 RESOLUTION NO. 996 1966-i There being no pro Director Wakeman that RESOLUTION test on the above listed amended assessments, hearing closed. moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, NOS. 986 through 996 be approved. ORDINANCE NO. 158: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCES NOS. 59, 71, 77, 100, and 127 AND PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION OF THE GENERAL MANAGER OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried that ORDINANCE NO. 158 be approved. ' Also, General Manager Moyer stated that an Executive Session should be held to discuss his position with this District. All Directors expressed their contentment regardinq hiring Mr. Russell L. Culp as General Manager for the South Tahoe Public Utility District. They felt that the District is very fortunate to obtain the man that had started the project at the District, and felt that he was about the best in the Country. ORDINANCE NO. 159: AN ORDINANCE AWARDING CONTRACT ON TREATMENT PLANT ADDITION, SCHEDULE "N", AMMONIA STRIPPING TOWER~ TO P.M.I. CORPORATION, P.O.BOX 15264, Sacramento, California, in the amount of $288,495.00 for WOOD TOWER, deductive alternate "A" General Manager Moyer stated that all documents were sent to the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Dr. Dean. We have received word Tuesday from Dr. Dean that the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration has assroved the bods and approves the contract award to P.M.I. Corporation for $288,49J.00. The Federal Government will pay 75% of the project and the District will pay 25% of the project cost. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried that ORDINANCE NO. 159 be adopted. ' TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS: Change Order No. 10: Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick: Increase of $4,831.00 to the contract. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 10 be approved. PICKUP TRUCKS: Two bids received: Davis Ford - Placerville, California, and from Springmeyer's Garage (International). Davis Ford (Ford) Springmeyer (International) $8,155.24 $7,733.00 General Manager Harlan E. Moyerrecommended that the bid from Springmeyer's Garage for the International Trucks, at the price of $7,733.00 for two each, be approved and accepted. Mr. Springmeyerwill also be able to maintain the vehicles. 75/ itLt.~ULflil ivlhLlll~t~ --0-- ~3ecemoer /, PICKUP TRUCKS (continued) Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that a Purchase Order be issued to purchase two (2) trucks, as so listed in the bid from SPRINGMEYEi~ S GARAGE, and as was recommended by General Manager Harlan E. Moyer. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, THOMAS CONSTR CTION COMPANY, CHANGE ORDER: At the last regular meeting Harlan E. Moyer, General Manager, was authorized to negotiate a Change Order with Thomas Construction Company, to remodel the laboratory and Offices at the Plant, and recommended approval of this Change Order. Director Korlten moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the change order as recommended by General Manager Moyer, for the laboratory and office remodeling, be approved. EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN-TIME EXTENSION--LEO L. DAVIS: Due to another contractor not completing a section of work, a delay has been caused. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, that a time extension to December 15, 1967, be approved. VOTE: Ayes: Director Kortes, Wakeman, Hegarty and Ream Noes: Director Fesler Motion carried. NEW' BUSINESS: 1. Claim for damages due to sewer line stoppage from Mr. Willard Laywer in the amount of $635.82. General Manager Moyer recommended that this claim be denied and referred to the District Insurance Carrier. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claim be denied and referred to the District Insurance Carrier. TRIP TO NEW YORK FOR BOND RATING RECONSIDERATION: General Manager Harlan E. Moyerrecommended ar~proval from the Board of Directors for the trio to New York to visit Moody's to discuss bond ratings for this District - - those to go to New York will be Attorney Robert J. Hill, Mr. Russell L. Culp, Attorney Ken Jones, Harlaa E. Moyer, Edward E. Hegarty, RobertW. Fesler. Director~¥akeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the above mentioned, and as recommended by General Manager H. E. Moyer, be authorized to proceed to New York to visit Moody's and discuss the bond rating for this District. LAKE TAHOE AREA COUNCIL MEM!~ERSHIP DUES: General Manager H. E. Moyer presented a letter from the Lak~: Tahoe Area Council requesting this year's membership dues in the amount of $100.00. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director %Nakeman, that this matter be turned over to the Planning Committee for review. Director Fesler stated that he felt the Lake Tahoe Area Council has done an excellent job in the basin; they are worth being members of, and they are not under a denomination of politics. He further stated that the $100.00 membership fee is definitely a good investment and would like to see this District pay the dues. Director Hegarty agreed with Director Fesler and recommended that this District pay the membership dues in the amount of $100.00 to the Lake Tahoe Area Council. VOTES AS FOLLOWS: (To turn over to the Planning Committee for review) AYES: Director Wakeman and Director Kortes NC,ES: Directors Fesler, Ream and Hegarty. Motion Lost. REGULAR MEETING -5- December 7, 1967 LAKE TAHOE AREA COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP DUES (continued): Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the membership dues for this District, in [he amount of $100 00, be Paid to [he Lake Tahoe Area Cournil. ' STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION: Consideration of proposed contract to provide for District preparation of preliminary report for a sewage system to sewer Emerald Bay, D.L Bliss and Sugar Pine Point State Parks. ' Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, [hat RESOLUTION NO. 998-A-, A Resolution authorizing the President of the Board of Directors to execute between the South Tahoe Public U[llity District and State of California an agreement for preliminary survey of sewer service for Emerald Bay, D.L. Bliss and Sugar Pine Point State Parks. ACCEPTANCE OF AUDIT REPORT AND AUTHORIZATION TO PUBLISH A STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1966-67: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, thai the AUDIT RE'PORT be accepted, and that a Statement of Financial Condition for Fiscal Year 1966-67, be published, and that copies of the financial condition be put in the LIBRARY. TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETINGS President Fesler requested the Administrative Staff to contact the Tahoe Regional PI arming A,2'ency to notify the District as to where and when they hold their meetings; President Fesler stated that the Directors should attend these meetings. Mr. Fesler also stated that during the 1st week of January, a reorganizational meeting will take place; due to re-election of two members to the Board, and asked that the Directors think about reorganization between now and then. Protest Hearing on 1967-3; to be held January 3, 1968, 8:00 P.M., District Office. CORRESPONDENCE- Notice from the Planning Commission, 2850 Cold Springs Road, Placerville, California, requesting attendance from this District regarding the Special Use Permit for Emergency Use Only, to be held December 14, 1967, 1:40 P.M. AttorneyJ. C. Weidman, Director R. Wakeman and Director G. Ream will attend. Mr. D.H. Kor~:es stated that one week from today is the Press Club Dinner. Mr. Moyer stated that he has the completed organizational charts for the District and passed copies of same to [he Directors for their review and study. Attorney Weidman stated that he received a letter from Mr. Aram Harootunian stating [hat he wanted Mr. Weidman to call attention to the Board of the shabby handling of his annexations, etc., damage to the sprayfield, etc. Max Hosiet has since inquired of the District if the District would be off the Harootunian Land as originally planned. Mr. Weidman assured him that the District would. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $1,062,767.28 be approved for payment, as recommended by Assistant General Manager DavidW. Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: 10:15 P.M. ROBER~IAr. FESLER, P[esident, South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST[ DAVID W. CALLXHAN, C[e~[ of Board & Ex- Officio Secretary ---SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ,i.i~EGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 21, 1967 DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that Director Donald H. Kortes by Chairman Pro Tern for this meeting. Director and Chairman Pro Tern Kortes opened the meeting at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Kortes and Ream, General Manager H. ~ Moyer, J.C. Weidman -Attorney, R. Sondag, H. Hoff and J.G. Irving, Steve Kech and John Murphy- newspaper representatives, and Acting Clerk. ABSENT: Director E. E. Hegarty and President Robert W. Fesler and Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan. MINUTES: DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 12/7/67, be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: (Verbal) General Manager H. E. Moyer stated that the trip to New York City to discuss Bond Rating Change for this District seemed to be a successful one and further mentioned that Mr. Fesler will report further on this at a later date. Mr. Moyer also mentioned that he had not completed the reclassification, and organizational chart but same will be ready within two weeks for the Personnel Committee to review. Director Ream moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report (verbal) be accepted. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT: Mr. Robert Sondag reported the following: Treatment Plant Additions 96% Luther Pass Pipeline 97% Luther Pass Pump Station 92% Solids Handling 79% Indian Creek Pipeline 96% Indian Creek Dam 99% Assessment District 1966-1 100% Assessment District 1966-2 100% Meyer's Pump Station 38% Assessment District 1967-1 1% Administration Building Addition 100% Effluent Force Main 89% Assessment District 1967-2 1% Assessment District 1967-5 Bijou Generator complete complete complete complete complete complete complete complete complete complete complete azmple te complete - winter shutdown 38% complete- winter shutdown 307~ complete LUTHER PASS PIPELINEf LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION & INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE: Above contracts are up this week and from that time on the Contractors are liable for damages if not completed. Mr. Moyer felt that if the contractor for the Luther Pass Pipeline had started the work when he had the opportunity this could have been completed in September; he is testing lines now that were installed last fall. Ninety (90) days total time extansion was granted the contractor. Mr. Moyer stated there is no valid reason for any furtherextension of time and that the the contractors should be notified that they are in default of the contract and that they are now liable for damages. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that General Manager HoE.Moyer notify the contractors and put them on notice that they are in default of their contract and liable for damages. ALSO: Director ~Vakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that LEO Lo DAVIS, EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN Contractor, be notified they are in default of the contract and that the District is suffering damages and they be put on Notice. Mr. Moyer to contact them. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: this meeting. -2- December 21, i967 Chairman Pro Tern Kortes welcomed all present to SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION: Meeting Quarters, 7:00 P.M. Continued to January 19, 1968, District LAFCO-ANNEXATIONS APPROVED: Mr. Weidman stated that he spoke to Mr. Fiarootunian regarding his annexation of his property for annexation. Mr. Harootunian was content and would give his consent for the District annexing twenty (20) acres for last year fee and twenty (20) acres for this year fee. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation: No report. 2. Planning: DirectorkVakeman stated that he attended the California Tahoe Regional Planning Committee Meeting at the Sands, however, he did not feel too much was accomplished. This committee will operate within the framework andordinances of each District. 3. Public Information: No report. . 4. Personnel: No report 5. Banking/Insurance: No report UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. BIJOU GENERATOR INSTALLATION: General Manager FI. E. Moyer recommended that liquidated damages be assessed the generator supplier for 49 days delay at $50.00 per day, totalling $2,450.00 (Cai West Electric Inc.,) . Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried. 2. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION: State requested deletion of D. L. Bliss and Sugar Pine Point Parks from proposed sewerage study. Mr. FI. E. Moyer, General Manager, stated that he did not feel this study should be carried out on such a limited basis. Following discussion of the above---DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the Administrator of Resources and the Officials of Parks and Recreation be contacted by General Manager H. E. Moyer, requesting a meeting to discuss same. CHANGE ORDERS: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, General Manager, recommended approval of the following: 1. CHANGE ORDER NO. 11 - Treatment Plant; - Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. ll be approved. 2. CHANGE ORDER NO. 12 - Treatment Plant: (Increase $4,572.00). - Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried that Change Order No 12 be approved. ' 3. CFIANGE ORDER NO. 3=- Luther Pass Pipeline: -DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Direct or Ream, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 3 be approved. 4. CHANGE ORDER NO. 2: Luther Pass Pumo Station: Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that Change Order No. 2 be approved. ANNEXATIONS--- RESOLUTION NO. 998: A Resolution of the Board of Directors of The South Tahoe Public Utility District Making Determinations and Approving the Proposed Annexation of Territory, Designated as South Tahoe Public Utility District Annexation 1967-4-6 to the South Tahoe Publ ic Utility District and Making ~Deterrn[nat[ons and Approving the Annexation of said Territories to Improvement District No. U-1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, Designated as Annexation No. 1967-4-&-6 U-1 to said Improvement District. (Fiarootunian) RESOLUTION NO. 999: Same as above - except Annexation No. 1967-5 (Bohannon). Director'W-nkeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 999 be approved. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Director Ream moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the recommendation of the General Manager be approved: Purchase One Tractor Mounted Backhoe Loader Unit, and same be advertised for bids. 2. Recommendation from the Manager to have this District jo£n the National Committee for Utilities Radio. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that this District become members of the National Committee for Utilities Radio at $20.00 per year. 3 Letter from Fallen Leaf Lake Protective Association requesting,rnforrnat~on relat ire to sewage program for Fallen Leaf Lake. Mr. Moyer mentioned that he has passed available information on to those interested in Fallen Leaf Lake Protective Association and will continue to inform them of any information available and of tnterest to them. CORRESPONDENEE: 1. From: State of California Department of Water Resources approving South Tahoe Public Utility District to store water in the Indian Creek Dam. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, secQnded by Director Ream, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $39,281.72, as recommend- ed by General Manager Harlan E. Moyer, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Pro Tem D.H. Kortes adjourned the meeting at 9:30 P.M. to January 3, 1968, 8:00 P.M., District Meeting Room. DONALD H. KORTES, Chairman Pro Tem S OUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: DAVIDW. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT