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1967 01/05 - 1967 06/15
REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in reeular session January 5, 1967, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, Bijou, South Lake Tahoe, California. _R~L_L__CA__LL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Her~arty, Kortes, Melikean, Attorney John Weidman, General Manager and District Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Clerk of Board and Ex-officio Secretary David W. Callahan, Mrs. E.E. Hegarty and Dave Trussel and John Murphy - Newspaper representatives, ~I_N_U_T_E_S_: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the minutes of December 15, 1966 (regular meeting), and the minutes of December 21, 1966 (special Meeting) be approved as written. M_A_N_A_C~E_R_'.S_?_E.P.O_R~T_: General Manager Moyer read his report, as icl lows: "Manager's IR ~ort January 5, 1967 PLANT OPERATION (December 1-31,1966) Total Plant Flow Average Daily Flow Chlorine Consumed Propane Consumed Electricity Consumed Douglas County Sewer Improvement Dist. No. Total Flow= Average Daily Nevada Flow 59.10 MG 1.91 MOD 6,200 lbs. 6,900 gallons 200,000 KWH 10.31 ~ 0.39 MOD CONSTRUCTION: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1: The Contractor, Robert Helms, started cons- ~r~c~i'°n"'"~'¢'k'on ~c~m-b%'~' 27-, 19~''. Yd' ~te - approximately I, I00 feet of main line sewer has been installed. Work is continuing on the contractors plans to work, except durine extremely severe weather. Don Wengler of Clair A. Hill & Associates is the project inspector and Les Shoupe is the Resident engineer. ~UTHE_R' PASS PIPELINE: The contractor - Ernest E. Pestana, Inc., has not worked since before the--h-~l i-da-~'s'. .... He has indicated that work may not resume until winter is over. Approximately 63 percent of the pipeline has been instal led. ~RE~M(N~ ~ANT ~B_~[%!.¢N~_S.: The Contractor - Rothschild, Paffin & Weirick, is continuing work but is operating on a reduced scale at present. The project is approximately 13 percent complete overall. The chemical clarifier is about 93 percent complete and the contractor is concentrating his efforts on comp letin~ this item and placing it into service durinq January 1967. The secondary clarifier is 40 percent complete; the sludge recirculation building is 15 percent complete; the primary clarifier is 15 percent complete and the tertiary building is 3 percent complete. Work is continuing on this project but will be subject to some weather delays. At this time the project is slightly behind schedule due to weather delays. MEETINGS: On Wednesday, January 4, 1967, Mr. Haskins Huntineton, Chief of Construction Management"===~~ Seattle Office of the Economic Development Administration (E.D.A.) visited the projects. Mr. Callahan and I reviewed fiscal requirement and construction proqress with him." ' Mr. Moyer stated that Mr. Huntington had expressed his satisfaction as to the proiects w that are now under construction. Mr. Moyer also briefly explained the functions of the primary, secondary, and chemical clarifier to the Board. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. R_ECO~NI]]ION_ .O_F_._VI..SI_T.O_R_S: President Fesler welcomed the members of the press and Mrs. E. E. Hegarty to the m~eting. _C_OMMI_TTEE,, .RE. PORT_S: I. EASEMENT: No report 2. PLANNING: Director Wakeman stated that the Planning Committee has met to prepare a schedule of items to be dtudied by the Board of Directors, as follows: (a) Schedule F; (b) Sewer Revenue and Zone Bonds (also for Mr. Ken Jones.to be present when the bonds are studied and discussed); (c) hirina of a new General Manager; (d) meeting to be held with the Alpine County Board of S~pervisors; (e) Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I - the $190,000 due the District. Mr. Moyer stated he is trying to contact Mr. Jerry Martin, Supervisor, to schedule a meeting with him and the Board of Directors. REGULAR MEETING -2- JANUARY 5, 1967 3~" _?U~.~I.~..]NF~R~_A~.!~: Director Kortes stated that he attended the Press Club Dinner on December 16, 1966. Also mentioned that the Tribune carried a very informatlge article regarding the grant which the Federal Water Pollution Control ~ssociation awarded to the District and thanked the Tribune for this article. General Manager Moyer also stated that the State Water Ouality Control Board had telephoned him and mentioned that three (3) Polish EnGineers will visit the District Facllities, January 6, 1967~ around I1:00 A.M~ " 4_% PERSONNEL: Director Melikean stated that there was not a meetinn of the Personnel Com~i~tee;"~'wever, he did mention that the operators at the plant h~d been ~iven the certificates (discussed at the last meeting). He also mentioned that the publicity received from the newspaper was very good. 5_; ._ _B_AN..KI NG_/I_N SURA. N.C.E: No report° OLD BUSINESS I. TAHOE KEYS - DILLINGHAM CORPORATION: Mr. Harlan E. ~yer, General Manager, stated ~h~ t-he "D]~tFiE~ '~e'FGe'd:'%- I e~r ~ rom Tahoe Keys, D i I I i nqham Corporatt on, reguesti no that the District accept the station, even though not completed (pumpln~ station)to service the houses (4 or 5) there at this time. Mr. Moyer stated that he would recommend the District accept the premature acceptance of this pump station prior to its completion so the sewage can be transported to the Distruct, until such time as their pump station is completed. There will be only four or five residents connected to this line, and there would be no risk involved from a health standpoint, Mr. Moyer stated. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the pumping station at Tahoe Keys be accepted prior to completion to enable the four or five residents to connect to the line and that the sewage be transported to the District pumping station. 2. EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN: U. S. Forest Service has exchanged the property in Section I0 I~n-d, 'Wh[c-h'i~'-b~'i'~-~ed to transport effluent to the Harootunian Property. Mr. Weidman stated that the exchange is not final and will probably not clear escrow until possibly March or April. The new owners are Mr. Edelstein and Mr. Bohannan and they want the improvements off the property. The conditions of escrow is that the lines be removed (a temporary force main was installed from Pioneer Trail to Harootunian property). Dir~tor Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the Attorney and Manager be authorized to negotiate on the legal action required to obtain temporary easement on Section I0 land being exchanged by the U. S. Forest Service. 3~ .RESOLUTION NO. 758: A_s_s~s~e~ District No. 1966-1: General Manager Moyer stated that a' I~'~t~F~'~%~ received fro~ ~r':" R~bert '~i"ll', Attorney from Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch, regarding Assessment 1966-1-019, requesting that the unit charoe be deleted from this parcel. Mr. Hill's letter stated that the minimum requirement is ~or a 60 foot frontage or 6,000 feet (square) unless the parcel not meetin~ such requirement was created prior to August, 1961. Since it appears that this 30' frontage parcel was created last year, the zoning application would appear to be applicable and recommedded that the total assessment on 1966-1-019 be reduced to $441.77. The followin~ resolution to be adopted: R~OLU~I.~N©. 758: A RESOLUTION ORDERING REDUCTION OF ASSESSMENT, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1: Dire'~or Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hemarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 758 be adopted. ' 4~o.~_~. DORADO COUNTY: Mr. Moyer stated that a letter has been received from Mr. Arthur El 'D~'ra~'~Unty Road Commissioner, demanding payment of $15,384.45 for costs of relocating Pioneer Trail Force Main. Mr. Moyer stated that there is considerable correspondence on this matter between the former Manager Mr. W. Priday and Mr. A. Cort and that he feels this is 9oing to take considerable legal assistance. Mr. Moyer recommended that this claim be denied and referred to our Attorney for study. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, that this claim be denied and referred to our Attorney. VOTES: Ayes - None Noes - Directors Fesler, Ko~tes, Melikean, Wakeman, He,arty Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that this claim be referred to our Attorney, John C. Weidman. REGULAR MEETING -3- January 5, 1967 5~. ¢.RA. NT__..D.E~.D .TO_ JOHNSON PROPERTY..~ - Road in front of the Plant to Black Bart Avenue. Upon recommendation of Harlan E. ~,'%yer, Director ~elikean moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the ('rant Deed from the Johnson's be accepted for the property described above, by adopting _~E~.O. LUT_I_f]..N. _N...O0. 759. 6. I.~r. Fesler stated that City Manager John Williams has reeuested a D_E. SCR. I_PT_IO_N.~ of the plant to annex ]rhe District to the City. - 7. ALPINE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING - Mr. Fesler will arranqe the meetinr~. N E W B U S I N E S S: I. FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ASSOCIATION CRANT: Manaqer Moyer stated that Offic~ at San Francisco and that same was awarded I/4/67 in the amount of $1,022,000, for a total project cost of $2,044,000, described in the following three phases: PHASE I: Use of lime coanulation and precipitation in removal of phosphates, BOD, COD, color, and turbidity from municipal waste water - recovery and re-use of lime. The purpose of this phase is to demonstrate on plant scale the advantages of ok lime use in advanced waste-treatment, the advantages of lime recovery and re-use, and methods for final disposal of waste lime sludoe. PHASE I1: Removal of nitrogen from municipal waste water by air strippino. The objective of this phase"is to demonstrate on a plant scale the advantages of ammonia strip¢ing at high pH. PHASE II1: Evaluation of performance. - The objective of this phase is to o[~serve and evaluate the design, performance, and cost of the systems studied and to ~eneralize the results for applicability to other locations, ecales of operation, environ'mental conditions, etc. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THIS GRANT~ as fo lows:. ( d i~e~ed--~r~%' me~ i~g"'¢~'e" "tar~e~" daCes" Ii stedI ) Crantee's best efforts will be project accomplishment:' ' below for various "milestones" in A. Award of Construction contract for Phase I - 30 days from date of Grant acceptance. B. Completion of construction for Phase t - 300 days from date of Crant acceptance. C. Initial operation of Phase I system - 300 days from date of Grant acceptance. D. Completion of Test Period of operation - 3 years, 9 months from date of Grant acceptance. E. Completion of final evaluati.on report (Phase III) and project - 4 years from date of Grant Acceptance. F. Complete design of Phase II - 150 days from date of Grant acceptance. G. Award of construction contract for Phase II -200 days from date of ~rant acceptance. . H. Completion of construction for Phase II - I year, 2-1/2 months from date of grant acceptance. I. Initial operation of Phase II system - I year, 3-1/2 months from date of grant acceptance. 2.) Performance under Phase III will require the preparation of detailed annual reports giving best possible evaluation, at the time, of design, performance, and cost of the systems studied. These reports will be due 30 days after completion of each year's operation of the systems studied startin~ with the initial date of operation of the first system completed. 3.) The collection and collation of all engineering, performance, and economic data for coordination and evaluation purposes constitutes a very important part of the work to be conducted. The planning and direction of data acquisition will be subject to the continuing approval of the Federal Water Pollution Control A6sociation which will assign a Resident Engineer to the project for this purpose. Sample collection, analysis, and data processing, etc., will acgually be performed by the Grantee as part of the project, but all methods, procedures, etc., must be approved by the Resident Engineer. The final evaluation and interpretation of the pro,.iect results and data for incorporation in Annual and Final Pe~orts will be subject to approval by the Federal Water Pollution Control Association. To carry out the above responsibilities, the Federal Water Pollution Control Association's Resident Engineer must have access to all information and data concerning the design, performance, and capital and operatin~ costs of the total treatment plant of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. ' s/ James M, Ouioley, December 23,1966" Mr. ~yer mentioned that the funds would be paid to the District in the way the District requested same in the application _ higher percentaqe for capital improvements and lower for operating costs. REGI:JLAR MEET I NO -4- January 5, 1967 This grant is the first awarded of its kind, Mr. Moyer stated, Mr. Moyer recommended that a resolution be adopted referring this proiect to the Attorney and Engineers. RESOLUTION NO. 760; A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC U-T-I-[-I~-Y" ~I'S'~'R'IC~T' -REFERRING PROJECT TO ATTORNEY'S AND ENGINEERS. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION N_O_. 7~q., as recommended by General Manager Moyer, be adopted, B_E_S_O_LU_TI_ON N_O._ 7..6.1..: RESOLUTION OF INTENTION, SCHEDULE "F" AND SCHEDULE "N". Director Nelikean moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESQLUTI O.N. _N_O_..7.61.... be approved. N~E:.. Hearing to be 1/26/67, 7:30 P.M., City Hall, Bijou, California. R. ESqL.UTI~N.N~.._ 792: ACCEPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SCHEDULE F AND A MINI~AU~ WAGE RATE WITHIN THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND CALLING FOR THE RECEIPT OF SEALED BIDS FOR SCHEDULE F - TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS - at 2:00 P.M0 on Thursday, Jan. 26, 1967, at the treatment Plant. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that PESOIUTIfhN NQ._ 7_62_ be approved. . ....... - .. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director IVelikean, unanimously carried, that the Board AUTHORIZE THE ENGINEERS TO PROCEED WITH THE DESIGN OF THE NITROGEN REI?,OVAL FACILITIES = 7---I -/-2- M~-'- -~C-FI-E-D-U L"E "N'". A~'.p]r]~]x jima.t'_e] ,'y $]2~J 7., ..00"0. "' Director I~elikean $~ated that we of the District and of South Lake Tahoe should be very proud to have this Treatment Plant as a model for the entire country, plus being the first to receive a FEDERAL GRANT. Director Fesler stated that he felt the Public Information Committee Chairman should look into the possibility of having a plague with the present Directors names to be installed at the District Facilities. COR~SPONDENCE: Harlan E. Moyer read a letter from ~.~r. J.T. Lenqett, Executive Officer o]-the' [~h~Yan Regional Water Ouality Control Board, which was written to Mr. Daryl J. McKinstry, County Counsel, regarding the disposition of the court action on the People of the State of California vs South Tahoe Public Utility District No. 1~531, Complaint for Injunction, in which Mr. Leggett mentioned that no dismissal take place, but that the trial be postponed until some indefinite future time so that if discharge violations occur in the future the matter may be reactivated. ~E~]_~F ~AI_M~_: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $104,293,03, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $30,000.00, as recommended by Assistant General Manamer D. W. Callahan, be approved for payment and transfer. ' ~PJ _O_U_P,.N_M_E_N_T_: ATTEST: I0:00 P.M. ROBEt::;fT FESLEt~, "PRES I DENT OF T'ILt-E' BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT David W. Cai lahan, Clerk of Boar'd-~?~' E-X'2 .... Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RECULAR MEETINC OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 19, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on the 19th of January 1967, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, Bi.iou, South Lake Tahoe, California. RILL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Hemarty, Kortes, Melikean, Sr.; ~ K. Jones, Attorney J. Weidman, ~eneral Manar~er Harlan E. Moyer, Assistant General Mana.qer and Clerk of Board & Ex-officio Secretary David W. Callahan; Dave Trussel and John Murphy - newspaper representatives. MINJTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, ~e minutes of January 5, 19i57, be approved as written. M_A_NA_~_R'_S_ R_Ep__ORT: General Manager Moyer read his report, as fol lows: "Manager's Report January 19, 1967 MEnINGeS: On Thursday, January 12, 1967, I attended a meeting held at the City Hall concern~n9 proposed county and city ordinances, resolutions and policies for the protection of the water quality of Lake Tahoe. Representatives of Placer County, El Dorado County, City of South Lake Tahoe, State of California and the State of Nevada participated in the meetinq. The proposed ordinances were prepared by staff members of the City, the two counties, the LakeTahoe Area Council and the Lahontan Renional Water Ouality Control Board. Two of the proposed regulations are of particular importance to the District: ONE._ - is a Resolution reqarding solid waste disposal wtthin the Lake Tahoe Basin. The ~E~?AD - is an Ordinance re~ardinn the disposal of domestic sewage and industrial waste waters within the Lake Tahoe Basin. I had not reviewed the proposed regulations prior to the meetinq; however, I did comment briefly on the matters which seemed to be of importance to the District. I believe we should review these proposed regulations in detail and submit in writing our comments in support of the regulations. Copies of the proposed regulations are attached to this report. L~_~..E~C~AN~.:' The UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE has been contacted re~ardinfi the acquisition by the District of 39 acres within Section 2. This parcel includes the existing 60 million gallon holding pond adjacent to Pioneer Trail and Black Bart Avenue. I have requested that the District be informed of the estimated cost and probable time schedule regarding the completion of the exchange. District personnel are now clearing ~he remainder of this land so that the portion not to be retained permanently can be released from the present Use Permit. ALPINE COUNTY DISPOSAL AREA: Preliminary application has been made to the BUREAU ~F~N~N~EME~T:~'~'~-U]sition of lands and riqht-of-way for the INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE and DISPOSAL AREA. The required ri~ht-of-way maps and survey maps are now being prepared to complete the application. These lands will be available at no cost to the District. ~S~_~I_SCH~R~E ~E~_I.~E~TS: The Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (LRWOCB) wlll consider tentative discharge requirements for the Alpine County Disposal Area at its January 26th meetin~ in Hesperia. I have discussed this matter with Fred ~cClaren of the LRWOCB and it is not necessary for the District to be represented at this meeting. The tentative standards have been set in order to meet requirements relative to the District's application for P.L. 660 certification of the pipeline. These standards will be reviewed and considered for adoption by the LRWOCB at the April meetinq here at South Tahoe. I have re- viewed the tentative standards and believe they will be acceptable to the District. CON,RUCTION: Treatment Plant. The new chemical clarifier is essentially completed and ~ f'l 1- 'b~' 'p - - -' .... ' ...... laced ~nto service on a temporary basis within a few days. This clarifier will appreciably improve the operating capability of the treatment plant. The contractor is continuing with other phases of construction and propress is satisfactory. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1: The Contractor - Robert Helms Construction Company, has ~-~¢~[~ ~n-t'i-~u'~s[¢'and approximately 70 percent of the main line has been installed. If no serious weather delays are encountered, the project should be completed in February,except for final cleanup and street paving which will be done after the spring thaw.,, JANUARY 19, 1967 -2- REGUL4R MEETING (cont Pr~ident Fesler requested General Manager Moyer to continued to work with the United States Forestry Service regarding this land exchange. A Study Session was discussed to review the Ordinances proposed by the City. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. R~C_OG.N_!7. EON_ O.E' .v. I_S' I_T_ORS meet i ng. President Fesler welcomed the members of the press to the CO_ ~MI_TTEE REPORTS: I. EASEMENT: Tahoe Meadows easements dissolved. 2. PLANNING: Director Wakeman suaaested a meetina be set up with Mr. Hilary Cook, ¢i-st-ri~-~'orney for Alpine Count~ to review the contract re export. Attorney Weidman stated that a meeting will be held next Wednesday at 2:00 P.M., January 25, 1967, Gene Chappies Office, Sacramento, California. Director Wakeman, Director Fesler, General Manager Moyer and Attorney Weidman will attend this meeting. Director Wakeman also mentioned that a meetin~ with the Board of Supervisors of Alpine County was not held as the PLANNING COMMITTEE decided that this meetin~ was not necessary at this time. C~neral Manager Moyer will write a letter to Nevada regardin~ the $190,000 due this Di strict. Many applications have been received for the position of ENGINEER/GENERAL ~AN~GER. No decision has been made. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Director Kortes stated he had no report. President Fesler stated {~{-"he-h~ been""approached to speak at the Taxpayer's Association meetin~ re~ardin~ the Revenue Bonds. Mr. Fesler also had a copy of the LAKE TAHOE JOURNAL, dated 8/31/5 which contained an article regardin9 a bond issue for $265,000 for the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, and read the article to all present. He asked General Manaaer Moyer to keep this in the District files. This paper was given to Mr. R. Fesler by Mrs. Ethel Clarke. 4..?EB~NN~.L_: Mr. George Melikean, Sr., Director, had no report. He did mention, however, that when the Manager is free and has some time to spend with him they will discuss procedures that will be used to further advance the trainin~ of the employees for new facilities at the District. B_A_NKI NO/I NSURANCE: No report. and Manaaer regarding insurance. Mr. Wink Ames has requested a meetin~ with the Directors be approved: General Manager Moyer recommended that the roi lowin~ Chan~e Orders 1_._._~5~qE.~R.D.EE~: No, I for RPTHSCHILD, RAFFIN & WEIDIGK~, ,INC. Treatment Diane Additions. Extend existine I'8" dM'¢"drain line twenty (20) feet on Southwest side of the ballast ponds. ~11 of the labor, materials and incidentals necessary to ~erform this work shall be paid for at the lump sum price of $235.00. C~.AN~ .~RDERS.: No. 2 for ROTHSCHILD, RAFFtN & WEIRICK, INC. Furnish and install 5 each No. ~ horizo~ta"l reinf~'rci'n"~ ba'r"s' in both 8 inch launder walls, (Inner and Outer), of the Secondary and Primary clarifier. Approximately 7,350 lbs of reinforcinm steel is required. $1,269.00 (Treatment Plant Additions), Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Heqarty, unanimously carried, that CHANGE ORDERS NOS. I and 2, ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN & WEIRICK, INC., TREAT~ENT PLANT ADDITIONS as recommended by General Manager Harlan E. Moyer, be approved. JANUARY 19, 1967 -3- REGULAR MEETING (continued) QHA~E. OR~E.~._N~.....I, ERNEST E. PESTANA, INC., LUTHER PASS PIPELINE, SCHEDULE "4". 24" Class 200 Pipe; Add 144 lineal feet at the contract unit price of $15.00 per lineal foot = $2,160.00. Cpnc_r~ ~.n.c.a_se?_ent: Add 16 lineal feet at the contract unit price of $20.00 per lineal foot = $320°00, TOTAL CHANGE ORDER =$2,480.00 Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that CHANGE ORDER NO. I fSr ERNEST E. PESTANA, INC., as recommended by General Manager Harlan E. Moyer, be approved. ~..__E.~F~_T..FO~_C.E _M~.I..~.:. Attorney J. Weidman stated that he met with Mr. Vooel of Bohannon and agreement was reached that a short term agreement would be drafted through 3/31/68~ for section I0 lands. There would be no compensation involved for the use of this land. This agreement will become effective the day escrow closes in the land exchange. (Owners of the property to be exchanoed by the U.S. Forest Service are Edelstein and Bohannon). 3. MEYERS TRUNK SEWER SYSTEM: Mr. Ken Jones, Bondinq Attorney, stated that many C'~i ~i~-i'~m~- ha~- ~e~n' "~'/0'u'p'~'~''-forth reoardino th i s pro]iect and the financing. Mr, Jones stated that property owners in the developed area have been asked to pay taxes to taxes to finance construction of the new trunk sewers which would not provide sewer service for them. "We are askinq people to pay for main trunks when they did not have sewer service available~ ~r. Jones stated. Pr. Jones further stated that his office, John C. Weidman and Clair A. Hill & Associates have reviewed this and feel that Echo View Estates, Mountain View Estates and Country Club Estates should be deleted from this sewer system. An election will not have to be held for this. ~.'¥. Jones recommended that the Board reconsider this-subject; adopt a ResOlution of Intention to form Myers Sewer Improvement District No. I, deleting the Echo View Estates, Mountain View Estates and the Country Club Estates. General Manager Moyer recommended this chan~e be made - Project Cost to be $2,272,000, as follows: Construction Cost: Construction Contingency: Engineering, Legal, Surveys, inspections, mapping, rinht- of-ways, etcl. Project Cost: ................. $1,709,000.00 85,000.00 __ 78,o0o.oo $2,272,000.00 ' Director He,arty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that a RESOLUTION NO. 763, A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION BE ADQPTED, as recommended by Ceneral ~%nager ~oyer and Attorney Ken Jones. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the hearing for the Meyers Improvement District No. I be set for 2/9/67, 7~30 P.M., City Hall. ~r. Ken Jones suggested a Resolution be prepared whereby the Health Officer of El Dorado County recommends this procedure as a necessity for a health measure. Director Hegarty recommended, and all Directors agreed, that Attorney Ken Jones have this Resolution for adoption next Thursday eveninq. 4,_ IN~I?N ~RE.EK._~I~I.~E: Consideration of time schedule for construction. C~eral Mana¢er Moyer stated that it appears the STATE W~TEP OU~.LITY CONTROl. BOARD WILL certify this project for P.L. 660 orant assistance. ~Ar. Moyer stated that "we must reach an agreement with Alpine County; consider a contract form as presented by the State regarding the loan and necessary money reoardinn this pipe line; we should be able to advertise this ~or construction at the earliest possible date by April or the last of May to be completed in this comin~ year; we need 30 days for advertisin¢ and up to 60 days to award the contract". 5._ COR.R_~S~4~E~.E] .... I, From LakeTahoe Area Council thankin~ the District for their 1966 membership dues and ~h~-I~tt[r ~t'a[ed ~'[%r next meetin~ to be held on the 20th of January at the Sahara Tahoe. 2. From DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, dated 1/17/67, from the Office of Mr. W. L. Warren, District Right-of-way Aeent, si~ned by Cilbert Mulcahy, re- garding Action No. 13250 and Action No. 15276 and re~uestinn dismissal of same. General Manager Moyer recommended that this letter be referred to our Attorney, John C. Weidman. President Fesler directed this letter to Attorney J. C. Weidman. January 19, 1967 -4- Regular Meeting (continued) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $17,818.15, as recommended by Assistant General Manager - David W. Gallahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that this meeting be adjourned to January. 26, 1967, 7:39 P.M., City Hall. ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. ATTEST: David W. Callahan, Clerk of Boa~ ex-officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ROB~-f~T W. FESLE[~, ~RESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BID OPENING SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 26,1967 2:00 PM for SCHEDULE "F"-- TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS (Solids Handling System) ROLL CALL: Present were Engineer/General Manager Harlan E. Moyer; Assistant General Manager and Clerk of Board David W. Gallahan, Directors Robert W. Fesler, Donald H. Kortes, and George Melikean, Sr; Mr. Gerry Kroneberger of Bartlett, Snow, Pacific; Mr. Marvin Lederman - Manager of Western Sales of Nichols Engineering & Research Corporation of New York, N.Y.; Mr. G. Suhr of Gornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield of Corvallis, Oregon; Mr. A1 Slechta of Clair A. Hill & Associates and Mr. David Trussel of the Tahoe Daily Tribune. General Manager Moyer opened the following bids at 2:00 P.M: 1. NICHOLS ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH CORPORATION 150 William Street; New York, N.Y. SUM: $989,600.00 (Bidders Bond attached and Contract Documents properly signed). 2. BARTLETT, SNOW, PACIFIC 3100 Nineteenth Street; San Francisco, California SUM: $906,500.00 (Bidders Bond attached and Contract Documents properly signed). On motion of Director Kortes, seconded by Director Melikean, and unanimously carried, award of the contract was taken under consideration for action at a later date. David W. Ca[laban, and ex-officio secretary for the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTIIITY DIS TRIG T ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOU. TH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTR.I CT JANUARY 26, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular session, January 26, 1967, 7:30 P.M. , City Hall, Bijou, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Melikean and Hegarty; General Manager H.E. Moyer, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretnry David W. Callahan; Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney R. Hill, Mrs. R. Wakeman, Mr. R. Andersen and John Murphy - Sacramento Bee. Director Fesler stated that this is the time and place for the hearing on the Revenue Bond and asked General Manager Moyer to explain the project. Manager Moyer stated that this is the hearing for the $500,000 Sewer Revenue Bond Act of 1933. These funds are for the completion of the Treatment Plant expansion which started last August. The treatment plant contract on schedule S & T were awarded last August under the Economic Development Administration Grant. The equipment for the sludge incinera- tor and lime recalcination facilities were not included in the contract last fall. The District has been working with the Federal Water Pollution Control Association and have been successful in obtaining $1,022,000 for equipment and sharing of the cost of the treatment plant ope~ational expenses for a period of three years from date completed. The Federal Water Pollution Control Association will contribute 68% of the capitol costs of the equipment to be placed in the plant. When the Federal Government was willing to provide a grant for this equipment, it became necessary for the District to furnish its share of the capitol costs so we must raise $450,000. The General Manager-Engineer reported that pursuant to RESOLUTION NO. 762, and NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS provided for therein, the following bids were received for construction of the SOLIDS HANDLING SYSTEM (SCHEDULE "F"), TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS, to wit: NICHOLS ENGINEERING & RESEARCH CORPORATION 150 Williams St; New York, N.Y. SUM: $989,600.00 (Bidders bond attached and contract documents properly signed). BARTLETT, SNOW, PACIFIC 3100 Nineteenth St; San Francisco, California SUM: $906,500.00 (Bidders bond attached and contract documents properly signed)· At 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, January 26, 1967, said bids were publicly opened, examined, and declared by the Board of Directors, in open session. On motion of Director ](ortes, seconded by :Director Melikean, and unanimously carried, award of the contract was taken under consideration for action at a later date. Mr. Moyer explained the three phases of the project to all present - necessary equipment, costs., etc. WRITTEN PROTESTS: Clerk of Board Callahan stated that no written protests were received. ORAL PROTESTS: Mr. Ralph Andersen stated that he was not critical of the program but rather surprised that it was not publicized more fully. Mr. Andersen asked if the District would actually need the $965,000.00 for this project. Mr. Moyer stated that the breakdown of the project is as follows: REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 16, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on the 16th of February, 1967, 8:00 P.M., in the small conference room of 'the City Hall as regular meeting facilities were being used by the Recreational Committee of the City. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Melikean and Kortes, General Manager HarlanE. Moyer, Acting Clerk of Board, Director Edward E. Hegarty and Mr. John Murphy- Sacramento Bee. ABSENT: Clerk of Board DavidW. Callahan, Director RobertWakeman, AttorneyJ. Weidman. (These three men were attending the meeting of the Local Formation Agency - Placerville, California). MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melfkean, unanimously carried, that 'the minutes of February 2, 1967, regular meeting, be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Moyer reported that he has spoken many times with representatives of the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration regarding the award of Schedule "F" Contract and the immediate need by the District. Mr. Moyer stated 'that they hoped to have some word for the District regarding the award of this contract by the 23rd of February, 1967. (NO WRITTEN MANAGER'S REPORT FOR THIS MEETING). ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1: Mr. Moyer stated that the contractor is just about complete with all of the pipe laying; he will be testing and clearing ~he lines next week. Cleanup will follow later. Easements have also been settled in this area. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President R. Fesler welcomed Mr. John Murphy of the Sacramento Bee to 'the meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: President Fesler stated that the Easement Commi'ttee will no longer exist and appointed Director Edward E. Hegarty Chairman of the ANNEXATIONS & DISTRICT GROWTH COMMITTEE. 1. ANNEXATIONS & DISTRICT GROWTH COMMITTEE: No report. PLANNING COMMITTEE: = President Fesler stated that the Planning Committee met with Mr. Norman Woods and spoke to Mr. G. Martin regarding annexations, etc. Mr. Fesler stated they both would do all they could to assist with the Local Formation Agency regarding future annexations· Springmeyer easement is settled, Mr. Fesler stated. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: The P~blic Information Commit'ted did not meet. Mr. Kortes mentioned that the Manager made the announcement of the $900,000 grant offer for export facilities received by the District from the Federal Water Pollution Control Association. o PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Mr. George Melikean, Chairman of Personnel Committee, stated that he was very pleased and proud to kpresent the OPERATOR I Certificate to Mr. William C. Taylor. He further stated that he would like to have seen this in 'the newspaper· President Fesler and all other Directors stated they too were proud of Mr. Taylor receiving 'the Operator I certificate. 5. BANKING/INSURANCE: The Insurance committee met with Mr. W. Ames of Reed-Meneley Insurance (present were Mr. David W. Callahan, General Manager H.E. Moyer and President R. Fesler~ 2/' 16,/6 7 -2- Regular Meeting · to discuss the insurance coverage for the District. Deletion of certain items were discussed as to whether the District should continue 'to carry insurance on all items or delete some from the insurance. A savings of approximately $1,500 would be involved and General Manager Moyer recommended that the District keep the present program of insuranceo O L D B U S I N E S S: FEDERAL GRANI~P.L. 660)- - General Manager Moyer stated 'that a letter has been received from Mr. William B. Schreeder, Regional Director of the Federal Water Pollution Control Administrat ion dated 2/15/67 stating that 'the FWPGA is pleased to offer the District a grant of $900,000 to help in the construction of effluent outfall line and 3,225 acre foot capacity holding reservoir. If the District wishes 'to accept this grant offer, a resolution authorizing a representative 'to sign ·this grant offer and all other documents in connection ·thereto should be certified and re·turned with Part A to FWPCA, with a copy of same to the California State Water Quality Control Board. No advertis- ing for bids shall take place until final plans and specifications for the project have been approved by the FWPGA. This grant offer would be made subject 'to the following (and acceptance) of the conditions listed below: 1. Pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1965, all references herein to the U. S. Public Health Service and the Surgeon General shall mean the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration and 'the Gommis sioner, re spectively. 2. All con'tracts necessary for construction of the project will be awarded on or before June 30, 1967. No Federal payments will be made on this project until all contracts are awarded. 3. The applicant agrees 'to accept the conditions contained in the Nondiscrimination in Employment Assurance attached hereto and made a part of this Grant Offer. 4. This grant offer is subject to the approval of 'the Compliance Report by the Office of Equal Opportunity. Form 1351 will be sub- mit'ted prior to award of contract or within 30 days hereafter, whichever is less. 5. There shall be no flow of sewage or sewage effluent from the sewage collection, treatment, export, or disposal system 'to surface waters. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 774: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AN OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE AND RELATED DOCUMENTS, OF A FEDERAL GRANT FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS AND UNDER PL 84-660 AS AMENDED. ( INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE & RESERVOIR), be adopted. Director Fesler stated that he would like to meet with the Bureau of Land Manage- ment and the Department of Water REsources to discuss District programs and to get their opinions on same. Mr. Moyer has been 'trying to establish a meeting date. 2. CHANGE ORDER NO. 1:- - Assessment District 1966-1: - - General Manager Moyer recommended that Change Order No. 1, Assessment District 1966-1, be considered by the Board for approval, as follows: ADIOURNED REGULAR MEETING (cont.) -2- SCHEDULE F. SLUDGE INCINERATION EQUIPMENT: Estimated Cost: $1,013,000.00 Financing: FWPCA: 65Yo 658,000.00 District: 35Yo 355,000.00 January 26, 1967 NITROGEN REMOVAL FACILITIES: Estimated Cost: FWPCA: 65% District: 35% 237,000.00 157,000.00 80,000.00 Mr. Moyer stated that the total financing would be as follows: FW?CA $ 815,000.00 District: 435,000.00 Mr. Anderson also inquired about the tripto Washington D.C., which the Directors and Manager took. Mr. Moyer stated the trip to Washington, D.C. was made to try to obtain a contribution towards the $1,013,000. FWPCA stated they would be happy to give the District a grant of 65% of the cost of $1,013,000 facilities, if the District would agree to let the FWPCA come in and c~ltect data and publish 'the results and be able to research. The FWPCA also agreed to pay 30% of 'the operating costs for a three year period. The project, there- for, went from one million to two million dollars by adding the operational costs of which the Federal Government is going to pay one-half. The additional one-million is money that we are spending now, year after, and forever- made up of electrical power, gas, labor, parts, equipment, chemicals, chlorine,etc., all of which we buy and use now. The bond issue is not involved in ahyway in any part of this. We will be financially assisted by the Federal Government for the next three (3) years. Mr. Moyer further stated that the Federal Government will exert no control over the District operations. they will be here to observe and collect operational data. Mr. Andersen asked Mr. Moyer ~vhat the revenues are presently: Mr. Moyer stated as follows: (approxirra rely) Sewer Service Charges Annexation fee s D.C.S.I.D.~i (Nevada) Taxes Miscellaneous $160,000.00 240,000.00 110,000.00 407,000.00 50,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE, APPROXIMATELY ............. $1 , 200,000.00 Mr. Moyer stated that the Board is considering increasing the sewer service charges for the actual users of the District and decrease 'the tax rate. In answer to Mr. Andersen's question regarding collection of Annexation Fess - Mr. Moyer stated that annexations to the District, so far, have been developed lands. Mr. Andersen also asked Mr. Moyer if the Federal Governmen't has required 'that something be done with the waste. Mr. Moyer stated that the Water Quality Standards adopted for Lake Tahoe by the State of California and by the Federal Government and approved under 1965 Water Quality Control Act do call for sludge from sewer treatment plants to be: (1) Removal by incineration and (2) Removal from the Basin. This is a requirement from the Federal Government. DirectorWakeman asked Mr. Moyer if there is a possibility of a tax increase due to the expansion, etc., and added District Facilities, and Mr. Moyer stated no. Director Melikean asked if any revenue could be derived from 'the sludge. Mr. Mole r answered no. Director Fesler stated that since no written or oral protests were received, the hearing was closed. Director Hegarty commended General Manager Harlan E. Moyer on this thorough ex- planation of the project. Attorney R. Hill recommended the following resolutions for adoption: ~ /Y ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING (cont) -3- January 26, 1967 RESOLUTION NO. 764: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAS JURISDICTION TO PROCEED WITH THE ISSUANCE OF SEWER REVENUE BONDS--- SEWER TREATMENT PLANT, SCHEDULES F & N General Manager Moyer read RESOLUTION NO. 764 to all present. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 764, as recommended by Attorney R. Hill, be adopted. MEYERS AREA PROJECT: ..... RESOLUTION NO. 766: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER OF EL DORADO COUNTY RECOMMEN APPROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES AS NECESSARY AS A HEALTH MEASURE, IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-1 OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY E.~STRICT, MEYERS AREA, was read. On motion of Director Hegarty, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried said RESOLUTION NO. 766 was adopted. ' RESOLUTION NO. 765: A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 763, EntitledA RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO FORM IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WITHIN THE SOUTH TAHOE TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, was read. On motion of Director Hegarty, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried said RESOLUTION NO 765 was adopted. ' · Attorney Weidman reported that the form of HEALTH OFFICER'S LETTER had been submitted to the COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER for his recommendation. It was reported that the Health Officer of the County of E1 Dorado had submitted his recommendation, which recommendation was given in writing, in follows: "January 26, 1967 Honorable Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District Bijou, California RE: IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-l, MEYERS AREA Gentlemen: I am acquainted with the sanitary sewerage project which you propose to undertake pursuant to Section 16.407 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California, which project is more particularly set forth in your Resolution Requesting Recommenda- tion of Health Officer. I recommend, as necessary as a health measure, that you undertake proceedings pursuant to said Section 16407, or other appropriate proceedings as you shall determine, for 'the formatian of animprovement district and the acquisition or constnuction of said improvements, and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby. This recommendation extends to such changes and modifications 'therein as you shall find to be proper or advisable, in the ammner provided by law. Yours respectfully, s/HAROLD N. MOZAR, M.D. Health Officer of the County of E1 Dorado" ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING (cont.) -4- January 26, 1967 RESOLUTION NO. 767: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING TO UNDERTAKE APPROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES AS NECESSARY AS A~ HEBLTH MEASURE, IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-i, MEYERS AREA, was read. On motion of Director Kortes, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, said Resolution was adopted. Attorney R. Hill recommended the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 768: ARESOLUTION MAKING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS AND ORDERING REDUCTION OF ASSESSMENT (Assessment District 1966-1) (Re Assessment 66-1-020 and 66-1-053~. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 768 be adopted, as recommended by Attorney R. Hill. Mr. Callahan stated that the District has received approximately $51,000.00 for some assessments in the 1966-1 Assessment District. ADJOURN ME NT: 8:35 P.M. ROBER~ W. FE~LE'~[ PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIS TRIG T ATTEST: David W. Callahan~--Glerk of Board ~ff- icio Secretary iiSOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 2, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session February 2, 1967, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, Bijou, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Hegarty, Wakeman, Melikean and Kortes; General Manager HarlanE Moyer, Assis[an[General Manager, Clerk of Board and Ex-off[cio Secretar/ David W. Callahan, Attorney John Weidman, John Murphy of the Sacramento Bee and Dave Trussel of the T:~,hoe Daily Tribune. ABSENT: ROBERT W. FESLER. Following the pledge of allegiance, Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Director George Melikean be appointed Chairman Pro Tern for this meeting. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of January 19, 1967, January 26, 1967 and the bid opening of January 26, 1967, be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Harlan E. Moyer read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report February 2, 1967 PLANT OPERATION (January 1-31, 1967) Total Plant Flow Average Daily Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Electricity Used 60.23 1.94 10,230 lbs. 6,510 gallons 184,740 K.W.H. REGULAR MEETING MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) -2- February 2, 1967 (cont.) Douglas County sewer Improvement District No. 1, Total Flow= D.C.S.I.D.~i, Average Daily Flow= 10.38 MG 0.34 MGD During the recent storms the District operating personnel performed many hours of overtime work under extremely adverse conditions. In the period between Friday, January 20th, 1967 and Wednesday, January 25, 1967, there were many power failures, some of long duration. All pump stations and the treatment plant were operating on emergency power during much of the time. The personnel kept all elements of the system in operation and none of the stations were flooded. Several sewer line stoppages occurred during the period of high runoff,, all stoppages were cleared, even though some of the owork was done under extremely hazardous and difficult conditions. During the weekend of January 28th and 29th, 1967, extremely high flows were entering the plant. The high flows were caused by rain and snow melt flooding manholes and running into the system. The pumping capacity of the plant was barely sufficient to keep the effluent from overflowing the ballast ponds. The new chemical clarifier has been operating since Thursday, January 26th, 1967. The operation of the clarifier has been operating since Thursday, January 26th, 1967. The operation of the clarifier has greatly increased the efficiency of the secondary treatment. The secondary effluent is of such quality that the tertiary plant is running 10 to 12 hours between backwashes of the filters, as compared to 2 to 4 hours prior to completion of the clarifier. MEETINGS: Wednesday, January 25, 1967, DirectorWakeman, AttorneyJ. Weidman and I met in Sacramento with Hilary Cook, Attorney for Alpine County. Also present were re- presentatives of the State Department of General Service s and the State Allocation Board. This meeting was to reach preliminary agreement on a contract between the District and Alpine Gountyrelative to effluent disposal. We also discussed the 1.8 million dollar loan with the State representatives and Assemblyman Ghappie. CONSTRUCTION: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1: The Contractor, Robert L.Helms Construction Company, has continued to work despite the inclement weather. Approximately 93% of the main sewer line and 87% of the total job has been installed. TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS: The contractor, Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick, has stopped w~rk temporarily due to the heavy snow. LUTHER PASS PIPELINE & PUMP STATION: The contractors are not working due to heavy snow. ENGINEERING: Work has been started on bringing the District maps up to date. The overall maps and sewer grid maps will be revised to incorporate all annexations and new sewer systems constructed in the last two years. FINANCIAL REPORT: The general fund revenues and expenditures for the first six (6) months of the fiscal year have been summarized by Dave Callahan and a detailed report will be submitted to the board within two weeks. Revenues received to date were 700,188 compared to the total years budget of 977,720. : Expenditures to date are $423,201 compared to the total years budget of $977,975. Based on the first six (6) months, it appears total revenue will reach or exceed the budget amount and expenditures will be below the budgeted amounts." Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Chairman Pro Tem Melikean welcomed the members of the press to this meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Easement: No report. 2. Planning: DirectorWakeman stated that the Planning Gommittee has discussed the possibility of hiring another Attorney to specifically review the contract this District has with the Nevada District. Director Wakeman mentioned that Mr. Weidman has been REGULAR ~EETING -3- February 2, 1967 Planning Committee Report (continued) approached on this and he felt this would be agreeable to him. All Directors agreed with the Planning Committee Chairman, and Attorney Weidman was requested to contact an Attorney requesting his fees, - Attorney Weidman to report to the Board of Directors. NOTE: The Attorney to be contacted is not yet known; he will be hired, however, to review the contract documents as to the validity of the document and the District's legal position regarding the contract. ) l~nager Moyer stated that the letter he was to write to Douglas County Sewer Improvement Distri. ct regarding the money owed this District, is completed; however, he would like to go over the letter with the Attorney before mailing same to Nevada. 3. Public Information: Director Kortes mentioned there was no report; he did mention that General Manager Moyer is working on a report for the Tahoe Tribune annual progress edition. Director Hegarty mentioned that he noticed an article in the local paper and the Chronicle regarding Dr. Frank Stead and Dr. Stead's desire to be a member of the By-State Committee. Mr. Moyer mentioned that Dr. Frank Stead resigned yesterday (Department of Environmental Health). Director Wakeman stated that a convention of Jaycees will be t~ld at the SAHARA-TAHOE the weekend of February 11, 1967 and that he will make a speech re pollution. ' 4. Personne'::~' Director George Melikean stated that a certificate will be presented to Mr. William G. Taylor for successfully passing his test given by the State Water Pollution Control Association. Mr. Taylor is now classified as Operator I. General Manager Moyer stated that some weeks ago men from the District received .the Operator IV certifications. This school is sponsored by the State Water Pollution Control Association and is voluntary. Grade One is next to the highest grade one can attain - approximately 200 certificates have been issued to men for this grade classification. Grade One "A" is the highest grade one can attain and there are very few Grade I- A's issued. General Manager Moyer stated that he was very pleased Mr. William G. Taylor had passed this test; he has worked hard and has been very interested. 5. Banking/Insurance; No meeting. !Director Kortes mentioned that there will be a meeting next Wednesday with the General Manager - Harlan E, Moyer, Mr. W. Ames of Reed-Meneley Insurance, Mr. R. Fesler and Mr. D. Callahan. OLD BUSINESS: 1. General Manager Moyer recommended the following resolutions for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 769: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING UNPAID ASSESSMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1966-1 Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 769, as recommended by General Manager Harlan E. Moyer, be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 770: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CALLING FOR ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR SEALED PROPOSALS FOR STANDBY GENERATOR FOR BIJOU PUMP STATION, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, BIJOU, CALIFORNIA. NOTE: Mr. Moyer stated that Bid O0eninq will be held on the 16th of February 1957, 3:00 P.M., District Office. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 770, as recommended by General Manager Moyer, be adopted. REGULAR MEETING -4m February 2, 1967 Another RESOLUTION regarding payment of interest was presented for adoption. A Mr. Frank C. Howard filed a sworn affidavit as to loss of coupons in the amount of $275.00 , recommended by David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-officio Secretary. RESOLUTION NO. 77] - ARESOLUTION DIRECTING PAYMENT OF INTEREST. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 771, as recommended to the Board, be adopted. INDIAN GREEK PIPELINE AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM: General Manager Harlan E. Moyer stated 'that preliminary plans have been submitted 'to the State Water Quality Control Board for certification of P.L. 660 funds for this project. Mr. Moyer stated that the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration stated they would be unwitting to make a grant offer on the Indian Creek P~.peline only - they would want the Disposal Site included in this offer. Mr. Moyer stated the plans on the pipeline are completed but nothing has been done regarding the disposal site. He requested authorization from the Board for Engineering investigation of soil investigation and geological surveys on the site. Mr. Moyer mentioned [he cost to be approximately 815,000.00/$20,000.00. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimouslycarried, that the Engineers proceed with the recommendations presented by the General Manager for the Indian Creek Pipeline Disposal Site, and the cost not to exceed 820,000.00. EFFLUENT FORGE MAIN: Attorney Weidman stated he had no report for this meeting. NEW BUSINESS: 1. TREATMENT PLANT OPERATION: General Manager Harlan E. Moyer requested the Board to give consideration of preparation of operating manuals and operating procedures for the new Treatment Plant. Mr. Moyer stated that he feels this District should have a very detailed and completely detailed operational manual written for this entire plant for the Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Treatment, Incineration, Ammonia Stripping, Instrumentation of all facilities, process control, lab tests - why, when and how safety in regards to the chemicals used, etc. This would cover approximately five volumes between one and two inches thick: each. The could would bebbetween three and five thousand dollars. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager be authorized to proceed with the preparation of operating manuals and to employ professional consultants and not to exceed $5,000.00. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 772: ARESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER ENGINEER TO MAKE APPLICATION TO THE UNITED STATES BUREAU OF LAND MANAGE- MENT FOR THE WITHDRAWAL OF PUBLIC LANDS. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, 'that RESOLUTION NO. 772 be approved. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 773: ARESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REQUESTING THAT LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE DISTRICT- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT (Annexation No. 1967-4, Harootunian - - 20.00 acres, more or less). Upon recommendation of Attorney J. Weidman, Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 773 be approved. Attorney J. Weidman mentioned to the Board that on the 16th of February 1967, annexations for Sierra Meadows and two annexations (Meyers) will be presented to the Local Formation Agency. However, these he will discuss with the General Manager before a further report is made to this Board. MEETING -5- February 2, 1967 Regarding the letter from the E1 Dorado Road Department requesting $15,000 from the District for relocation of a sewer line on Pioneer Trail - Mr. Weidman to report at the next regular meeting. DIGTATION EQUIPMENT FOR THE DISTRIGT: General Manager Harlan E. Moyer re- quested the Board to consider having some type of dictation equipment for the District. All Directors agreed with the General Manager and requested that he report back to the board with costs, information, etc. GORRESPONDENGE: General Manager Moyer stated that a letter was received from Mr. William B. Schreeder, Regional .:TDirector, United States Department of the Interior, dated February 1, 1967, request£ng a Personnel Training Needs Questionnaire be completed by the District as required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act in the amendments of 1966. General Manager Moyer will complete this questionnaire as requested. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $154 700 87 be approved for payment. ' ' ' STUDY SESSION - REVIEW AUDIT REPORT: General Manager Moyer stated that a STUDY SESSION is scheduled for February 15, 1967, 3:00 P.M., District Office to review the Audit Report. ' AD]-OURN MENT: 9:30 P.M. George Melikean, Sr. = Chairman Pro Tern SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: D avid W~. CIll a h~an, C~l er k~o~a~an~d~_ Ex-Officio Secretary for 'the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIG UTILITY DISTRICT BID OPENING .... 3:00 P.M. - February 16, 1967 for the GENERATOR BIJOU PUMP STATION Bids were opened a[ 3:00 P.M., d District Office (South Tahoe Public Utili[y District, as follows: WAUKESHA PACIFIC EQUIPMENT COMPANY P.O. BOX 8526 Emeryville, California, 94608 (Bidders Bond Attached). 815,730.00 o CAL WEST ELECTRIC 461 South Van Ness San Francisco, California (Bidders Bond Attached). $14,509.04 o CASHMAN EQUIPMENT COMPANY OF RENO P.O. Box 5126 Reno, Nevada, 89503 /~/ / $25,320.00 David W. Callahan, ~ Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Item A: - Add 137 lineal feet of 6" pipe and 1 rodhole for new line in Pine Road. See sheet 9 for plans. Item B:- Add 14 lineal feet of concrete encasement on Line No. 11. Item G:- Add 50 lineal feet of six inch line to Line No. 7. Item D:- Delete 2 lateral extensions from existing Beach Trunk Line. Item E:- Add one (1) 18"x4" saddle· See sheet 11 of Plans. Item F: - Delete 25' of 8" line from Line No. 9. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: - Measurement of items shall be in accordance with 'the appropriate sections of the "Technical Specifica- tions'' A Basis of payment shall be as set forth in the proposal. Director Kor'tes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that CHANGE ORDER NO. 1, as recommended by General Manager Moyer, be approved. 3. TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS - - CLARIFICATION OF CONTRACT STARTING DATE.: General Manager Moyer received a letter from Mr. Robert Sondag, Project Manager for the Construction of the 1966 Treatment Plant Additions project, requested that the Board of Directors approve the contract starting date (CONTRACTOR = Robert L. Helms) be as of September 22, 1966. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Contract Starting Date for the 1966 Treatment Plant Additions Project be accepted as September 22, 1966. DICTATION E(~UIPMENT: This was discussed at the last regular meeting and it 4~as requested ot the General Manager to check into this equipment and bring a recommendation to the Board for consideration. Mr. H. E. Moyer stated that I. B. M. was contacted and 'that a local firm was contacted. The local firm could not supply the district with a price quotation. Mr. H. E. Moyer stated that the equipment would be approximately $1,500.00. All Directors agreed 'that the purchase of the dictation equipment, as re- commended by the General Manager, would be beneficial to the District. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the I. B. M. dictation equipment, as recommended by General Manager H. E. Moyer, be purchased. BID OPENING: - ENGINE/GENERATOR, ..B. IJOU PUMP STATION: The following bids were received and opened February 16, 1967, 3:00 P.M., District Office: WAUKESHA PACIFIC EQUIPMENT COMPANY P.O. Box 8526, EMERYVILLE, CALIFORNIA $15,730.00 (Bid Bond Attached) GAL WEST ELECTRIC 461 South Van Ness, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA $14,509.04 (Bid Bond Attached) 3. CASHMAN EQUIPMENT COMPANY OF RENO P. O. Box 5126; RENO, NEVADA $25,320.00 (Bid Bond (Check) attached). Upon the recommendation of 'the District Engineer and General Manager H.E. Moyer, Director Hegarty moved,seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 775, A RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR ENGINE/ GENERATOR TO GAL WEST ELECTRIC, IN THE AMOUNT OF $14,509.04, be adopted. 2/16/67 -4- Regular Meeting LEGAL SERVICES - REVIEW OF CONTRACT FOR THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AND DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWIiR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1: General Manager Moyer stated that Attorney J. Weidman has contacted a firm in Sacramento to review the contract document between this District and Nevada. The fee would be approximately $2,500.00. Mr. Moyer recommended that the Board authorize the Manager to contact the legal firm in Sacramento to review the contract document. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the firm of DOWNEY, BRAND, SEYMOUR & ROHWER, .be retained to review the contract document between this District and the Nevada District. 7. EQUIPMENT PURCHASE: - General Manager Harlan E. Moyer recommended that the District consider the purchase of a used Ingersoll-Rand Model RP-85 Portable Air Compressor, 85 CFM, Roto-Vane air end, machine approximately three (3) years old, recently overhauled, 30 day machine warranty. This machine is available from George M. Philpott Co., Inc., and was replaced by a larger new machine. The cost would be $900.00 not including applicable taxes. Also recommended by the General Manager was the purchase of necessary tools - paving breaker, hoses, etc., which would bring the total approximate cost between $1,300 and $1,400. Director Fesler stated if the District needs equipment, the District should have it. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the above recommended equipment be purchased. 8. RADIO INSTALLATION: General Manager H.E. Moyer recommended the Board consider the purchase of radio equipment for the District vehicles. Two (2) firms were contacted for information on radio equipment to be installed. A quote was received from Motorola and a quote received from Frontier Radio, Inc. Aquote of $6,607.77 was received from Frontier and a quote of $7,368.90 was received from Motorola. Directors agreed unanimously with the Manager that the radio equipment is a necessity. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the General Manager be authorized to advertise for bids for radio installa- tion, for the District Vehicles. MISCELLANEOUS: Director George Melikean requested the records show that the Board of Directors commends our Assistant General Manager - David W. Gallahan, for his presentation of the audit report in a very simplified form enabling all to understand the audit report. Mr. Melikean stated that the report prei~ared by Mr. Callahan was in conjunction with the Auditors Report, which contained several pages, but Mr. C llahan had summarized this on one page for us and it was a very concise and helpful summary. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $31,992.18, as recommended by General Manager H.E. Moyer, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: President Fesler adjourned the meeting at 9:30 P.M. to February 23, 1967, 7:30 P.M., City Hall, Bijou, California. ROBERT W. ~ESLER, PRESIDENT South Tahoe Public Utility District DAVID W. GALLAHAN, Clerk of boaFd~a~~ ex-Officio Secretary- South Tahoe Public Utility District ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING.OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 23, 1967 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, duly adjourned from February 16, 1967, was called to order by President Robert Fesler at 7:30 P.M., at the regular meeting place of said Board, City Hall South Lake Tahoe, California. ' PURPOSE OF THIS ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING: Hearing on Formation of Improvement District No. U-1. NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT: The Secretary advised that Notice of Adjournment had been duly posted within 24 hours of adjournment of 'the meeting of February 16 1967 as required by law: · ' The President declared the public hearing open, and called on Harlan E. Moyer, General Manager, to describe the proposed district. Mr. Moyer referred to a copy of the map showing the boundaries of the improvement district, which had been on file in the office of the Secretary as part of the formation proceedings, which map was displayed on the wall. He pointed the boundaries on the map and indicated the areas excluded, which in general, comprise subdivided lots which do not have collecting sewers installed. John Jensen, Registered Civil Engineer, representing ClairA. Hill & Associates, District Engineer, was then called upon 'to describe 'the proposed improvements. Mr. Jensen outlined the general location and extent of the proposed trunk sewer facilities and other proposed improvemen'ts, as indicated on the project map. He stated that the total estimated cost of the project was $2,700,000. Mr. Moyer was then again called upon to speak on the question of need and necessity for the project. He indicated that sewers were no longer optional but were essential in the Tahoe area, and cited 'that the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration had stated at their meeting held in July, 1966, that it was a requirement for existing utility districts to expand their boundaries and to bring service to developed and lands to be developed areas. Mr. Moyer generally described the proposed export system of the District and the Federal grant and other state and local sources of funds 'to construct the export system. He referred to the letter from the County Health Officer recommending the proposed Meyer Improvement proceedings as necessary as a health measure. Attorney K. Jones was then called upon to explain the legal and financial aspects of the project. Mr. Jones gave a brief history of the proceedings leading up to tong tonight's hearing, including the previous attempts of the District to finance the proposed facilities under the zone procedures added for South Tahoe Public Utility District at the 1966 session of the State Legislature. He explained that the purpose of the hearing was to allow property owners the opportunity to file protests at or before the time fixed for hearing, and to appear and give testimony, oral or written, regarding the project, the benefits therefrom, and its relation to their particular parcels. He called upon Mr. Callahan to provide the Board with a statement regarding the number of registered voters within the boundaries of the proposed improvement district. Mr. Callahan read his statement with regard thereto, to the effect that there are less than twelve registered voters in the area. Mr. Jones then asked Mr. Jensen whether in his professional opinion as a registered civil engineer, .all of the territory within the boundaries of the proposed improvements district as described in the RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 763, would be benefited by the proposed acquisitions and improvemants and by the incurring of a bonded indebtedness to finance the cost thereof. Mr. Jensen replied in the affirmative. ~ / AD]~OURNED REGULAR MEETING -2- 2/23/67 Finally, Mr. Jones stated that the procedure now being followed was pursuant to a 1965 amendment to the Public Utilities Code incorporating procedures from the Mun. icipal Water District Act. The only possible disadvantage of these procedures is they now contain an interest rate ceiling of 5%. However, legislation has been introduced at the current legislative session, namely Senate Bill No. 125, introduc- ed by Senator Cologne, which would increase this limit from 52 to 72. The bill is introduced as an urgency measure and therefore may become effective before any bonds are offered. In response to request from the President, the Secretary indicated that there had been one written protest received, filed by Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Anderson. It appeared that the Anderson's owned three parcels, one comprising three acres on which their home is built, the others being 1/5th's of an acre unimproved parcel and a large parcel of 16-1/2 acres with a cabin. The letter requested exclusion. Mr. Moyer responded to the points raised in the letter, stating that all three of these parc61s were within the service area of the project and would unquestion- ably benefit from the proposed trunk sewers. He stated that all properties in the district would benefit equally in proportion to their assessed valuations, because no improvements could be constructed within the area without sewer service. In response to a question, it was estimated that the tax rate for the bonds would not exceed .80¢ a $100.00, and that on this basis the additional taxes against the Anderson property would be about $136.00 a year. The Anderson's questioned why certain subdivisions had been excluded, and yet their property had not been, even though both areas were .unsewered. Attorney K. Jones stated that subdivided areas without collecting sewers were excluded because if included they would become subject to taxation for trunk sewers on the basis of subdivided lot assessed valuations without actually having sewer service. All acreage parcels, on the other hand, including the Anderson's, would be taxed only on low acreage assessed valuations until they were ready to subdivide, at which time they would also have collector sewers and actually receive service. It was emphasized that all subdivided by unsewered lands not now included in the improvement district would be charged their proportionate share of the cost of the trunk sewer system at the time the collection system was installed, so that there would be no free rides. There being no oral protests, other than that of the Anderson's, in supplement of their written protest, the hearing was declared closed. RESOLUTIONS FOR ADOPTION.- Attorney K. Jones briefly reviewed each of the following Resolutions prior to consideration by the Board. 1. RESOLUTION NO. 776: A Resolution Overruling Protests on Resolution No. 763, a Resolution of Intention to Form Improvement District within the South Tahoe Public Utility District, Improvement District U-i. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 776 be adopted. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 777: A Resolution Ordering the Formation of Improvement District No. I7-1 of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, Describing the Exterior Boundaries thereof, and Determining the Necessity of Incurring a Bonded Indebtedness Therefor - Improvement District No, U-l, Meyers. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 777 be approved. REGULAR ~EETING ~ ~ -3- 2/23/67 3. RESOLUTION NO. 778: A Resolution Rescinding Meyers Area Sewer Project Zone Proceedings, Meyers Area Sewer Project. Attorney Ken Jones explained to the Directors and all present the reason for the considera- tion of 'the Board and the adoption of the Resolution. (Previously Mountain View Estates, Echo View Estates and Country Club Estates were included in the Improvement District). Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that Resolution No. 778 be adopted. ORDINANCE NO. 13S: An Ordinance Providing for 'the Issuance of Sewer Revenue Bonds, Fixing the form of Bonds and Providing Covenants for their Protection - South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District, $500,000 Sewer Revenue Bonds of 1967. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that Ordinance No. 135 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. '779: A Resolution Calling for bids on Bonds $500,000 Sewer Revenue Bonds of 1967 - South Tahoe Public Utility )Distfi~t. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried that Resolution No. 779 be adopted. , The following resolutions were presented for consideration by the Directors: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, FIXING TIME, DATE AND PLACE OF HEARING OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1967-1 to SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, FIXING TIME, DATE, PLACE OF HEARING OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1967-2 TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTIL I TY DIS TRIC T. -------- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FIXING TIME, DATE AND PLACE OF HEARING OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ANNEXATION 1967-3~.to SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, that the hearing date for the above resolutions for annexatiors 1967-1. 1967-2 and 1967-3, be held on the 16th of March 1967. ' Following discussion, Director Wakeman amended the motion to set the hearing for the 30'th of March 1967, seconded by Director Melikean. Director Fesler asked for a vote on the amended motion .... Directors unanimously voted "NO" ..... Motion Lost Attorney J. C. Weidman suggested the above mentioned resolutions be postponed for action until 'the first meeting in March 1967. Directors agreed to postpone action on 'the resolutions. CONTRACT AWARD, SCHEDULE "F" SOLIDS HANDLING EQUIPMENT: General Manager ! , H.E. Moyer stated he has discussed the contract with Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Officials and they have advised him that it would take another week or two before their approval is granted to 'the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Mr. Moyer stated that on these basis, the District can legally hold the bidder to his original bid through Monday, February 27, 1967; Mr. Moyer recommended that the Board adopt ORDINANCE NO. 136 , AWARD OF CONTRACT - Subject to final approval from the Federal Water Pollution 'Control Administration. February 23, 1967 -4- Adjourned Regular Meeting Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, 'that ORDINANCE NO. 136, as recommended by General Manager Moyer, be adopted. Attorney John C. Weidman stated that he is working with United States Forestry Service regarding the land excahnge and that he has prepared a draft agreement regarding the District and Alpine County to present to the General Manager for his review before presenting to the Board. ADJOURNMENT: ATTEST: 9:30 P.M. ROBERT W. FESL~.R, President of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and e~- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of SOUTH T/HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TH E SOUTH TAHCE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 2, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session March 2, 1967, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Hegarty, Melikean, Wakeman and Kor'tes; General Manager H.E.Moyer, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, J.C. Weidman, Attorney; John Murphy - Sacramento Bee and Mr. D. Trussel - Tahoe Daily Tribune. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the minutes of February 16, 1967, and the minutes of February 23 1967, be approved as presented. ' MANAGER'S REPORT: "Manager's Report March 2, 1967 General Manager Moyer read h~s report, as follows: Plant Operation: Total Plant Flow Average Daily Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Electricity Used February 1-28, 1967 58.32 MG 2.08 MGD 7,380 Lbs. 6,290 Gallons 230,000 KWH DOUGLAS COUNTY SEVVER IMP. DIST.~]: Total Flow Average Daily Flow 8.63 MG 0.31 MGD CONSTRUCTION - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-]: This project is now completed except for final cleanup and repaying of roads. The Contractor - Robert L. Helms, will do the cleanup and paving whenever the snow and weather conditions permit. Ti{EATMENT PLANT ADDITION: Work is continuing on the 'treatment plant. Approximately twent~ m~r{ hre'now employed, and the work force will be increased in the next few weeks if no severe weather occurs. The concrete work on the Tertiary Treatment Plant is progressing rapidly, and the separation beds and carbon Regular Meeting MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) columns are scheduled for installation this month. Work continuing on the primary and secondary clarifiers, and this item should be completed well within the scheduled time. LUTHER PASS PIPELINE: The Con'tractor - Ernest E. Pestana, Inc., has not yet resumed work on the project due to the relative heavy snow pack remaining at the higher elevations ~ LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION: The Contractor - Underground Construction Company, tentatively plans to start work on April 1st, depending on snow conditiors . MEETINGS: On February 28th, Bruce Mienders, E1 Dorado Forest Engineer, met with me 'to discuss the proposed sewer service 'to the United States Forest Service - Pope, Baldwin, Camp Richardson, Fallen Leaf Lake Area. It appears the Uni'ted States Forest Service (USFS) will be ready to provide the initial increment of money necessary · to construct the initial system during 1967-68. I requested the Forest Service initiate a request to annex this area to the District as soon as possible. Other areas of discussion included (1) Prepara'tion of preliminary engineering plans and an engineering report on the necessary facilities to provide service to the area; (2) Preparation of a service agreement between the USFS and the District that will outline all terms and condi'tions of service and payment of costs by the Forest Service to the District; (3) Possible inclusion of the State of California Emerald Bay camp- grounds and facilities in the proposed _system. The Forest Service will, within the next 30 to 60 days, attemp to arrange for the necessary funds to have work started on the engineering report covering these general areas so that final decisions can be reached." In answer to the Director's questions, Mr. Moyer stated that the District will save approximately $2,000 by the installation of natural gas (i.e. $2,000 per year). Also, Mr. Moyer mentioned that the flows this year are approximately the same as las't year. Director Hegarty and Director Melikean both agreed that natural gas is very definitely a great saving. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President R. Fesler welcomed Mr. D. Trussel of the Tahoe Daily Tribune and Mr. John Murphy of the Sacramento Bee 'to the meeting. COMMITTEE RE,P. ORTS: 1. PLANNING. COMMITTEE: Director Wakeman stated that there will be a meeting 3/3/67 at Sacramento with the Bureau of Land Management and the Department of Water Resources to discuss the possibility of assistance from the Bureau of Land Management in the construction of Alpine County Facilities on the proposed reservoir at Indian Creek; additional funds made available for this project and David-Grunsky Act; withdrawal of public lands for District use, etc. 2., .ANNEXATION COMMITTEE: Director Hegarty stated that a formation Committee meeting was held 'March 1, 1967. As a very extensive report from this Committee will be presented at the next regular meeting of the Board - at this time, the Committee had nothing to report. 3. PUBLIC I1TORMATION: Director Kortes stated that the Public Information Committee did not meet; however, he expressed his appreciation on behalf of the Board regarding the recent article in the Tribune (Annual Progress rEdition) and the manner in which it was covered. President Fesler stated that the report was more or less on the technical information as to what has been accomplished and the article was all v~rr.thwhile, however, he stated that he felt the public is also very interested in the personalities that are running the District and stated more coverage should have been given to this. ~ ~'~ Regular Meeting -3- 3/2/67 COMMITTEE RE~ORTS: (continued) 4. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE- Director Melikean stated that the Manager is continuing work on the personnel side of the District (Uniform Method of Seniority with the District, Civil Service Benefits, etc.). 5. BANKING/INSURANCE: No report. OLD BUSINESS 1. CHANGE ORDER NO. 2: Ernest E. Pestana, Inc. $1,250.00 increase. LUTHER PASS PIPELINE: Pipeline changes due to minor relocations requested by the United States Forestry Service. 2. CHANGE ORDER NO. 3: Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick, - decrease $2,200.00. TREATMENT PLANT ADDITION: Eliminate deductive alternate "V", Ferric Chloride Pumps and Piping. 3. CHANGE ORDER NO. 4: Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick, - increase $1,391.00. TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS: Repair and ranovate existing concrete wall, tertiary treatment plant ($346.00). Install Fischer-Porter Sludge Flow Meter Tube in lieu of Fox-Boro Meter - $1,045.00. 4. CHANGE ORDER NO. 5: Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick - increase $2,:721.00 TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS: Modify motor control center No. 4 to provide for future service to Nitrogen Removal Tower. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Change Orders Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, as recommended by General Manager Moyer be approved as presented. RESOLUTIONS presented and recommended for adoption, as follows: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 780- A RESOLUTION INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXA- TION NO. 1967-1, TO THE DISTRICT AND SETTING THE TIME, DATE AND PLACE OF A PUBLIC HEARING THEREFOR. 1967-1 (Approximately 350/400 acres). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 780 be ado pted, as recommended by General Manager HE ~oyer. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 78]: A RESOLUTION INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXA- TION NO. 1967-2 to the District, and setting the time, date and place of a public hearing therefor. (Approximately 300/400 acres) Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 781t, as recommended by General Manager Moyer, be adopted. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 782- A RESOLUTION INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION 1967-3 TO THE DISTRICT, AND SETTING THE TIME, DATE AND PLACE OF A PUBLIC HEARING THEREFOR. (Approximately 1,500 Acres, 4,500 lots, and six and one-half million assessed valuatinn). Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 782 be adopted as recommended by General Manager HE Moyer. NOTE: HEARINGS ON THE ABOVE ANNEXATIONS WILL BE HELD ON THE 30th day of March 1967, City Hall, Bijou, California, 8:00 P.M. SCHEDULE "F", SOLIDS HANDLING EQUIPMENT: General Manager Moyer read the following letter received from Bartlett-Snow-Pacific, Inc., dated 2/27/67: "South Tahoe Public Utility District South Tahoe Treatment Plant Box AU, Bijou E1 Dorado County, California REGULAR MEE TING SCHEDULE "F", SOLIDS HANDLING EQUIPMENT (continued) (Letter from Bartlett, Snow, Pacific, Inc. (continued) Attention: Subject: Mr. Harlan Moyer Project No. WRD-59-01-67 Schedule "F" Dear Mr. Moyer: Confirming our conversation of last week, we can extend the validity of our Schedule "F" bid of January 26th an additional fifteen (15) days with the provision that any price increases, established by our suppliers as taking place subsequent to the initial thirty (30) day validity period, are to be per your account. This will only be the direct increases in price with no added handling charges or provisions for profit on our part. As mentioned to you, we do not normally like to do this, but because of the unusual delays experienced on this project, the cost basis could be affected to an extent not yet determined. Very truly yours, BARTLETT, SNOW, PACIFIC, II~ . s/G.F. KRONEBERGER, Process Engineering Division GFK/keg" The above letter will extend the validity of the contract for Schedule "F" from .January 27, 1967, through February 27, 1967, and 15 days thereafter, which would be March 14, 1967. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the above letter from Bartlett-Snow-Pacific, Inc., as read, be approved and accepted. Discussion was held regarding the above for Schedule "F". The District has until March 14, 1967, according to the letter from Bartlett-Snow-Pacific, Inc., and President Fes!er stated that if no word is received by March 10, 1967, from Washington, D.C., stating acceptance and approval of Schedule "F", he would like to see someone from the District go back to Washington, D.C., to see what can be done. General Manager Moyer stated that he talked to the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Officials and at that thime they did not have an Administrative Staff set up or had they designated a responsibility to a person to handle this. On March 2,1967, the District received the following letter: From: United States Department of the Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Administratimn 633 Indiana Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C., 20242 February 28, 1967 --- Grant No. WPRD 52-01 To: (Grantee Project Director) Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, District Engineer & General Manager :South Tahoe Public Utility District P.O.Box AU, Bijou, South Lake Tahoe, California Dear Mr. Moyer: I am pleased to advise you of the action we have taken to initiate work on the Research and Development grant recently awarded to you by the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. A Grant Project Officer has been appointed to serve as our representatit'e with responsibility for the technical direction of this demonstration project. He will meet with you in the near future to develop the detailed project plan and supplemental data required for the Commissioner's approval. Your Grant Project Offer is: Mr. Gerald Stern, RAsearch Chemical Engineer Treatment and ContrOl Research, AWT, F.W.P.C.A. : . Pomona Water Renovation Plant 295 Roselawn Avenue Pomona, California, 91766 REGULAR MEETING -5- 3/2/67 letter continued: Our Division of Grants Management will have responsibility for all administrative matters relating to the conduct of your grant. This Division will advise you within the next few days of a payment procedure established to fund the initiM,phase of the project. cc: Grantee Financial Officer Grantee Official Singing Regional Director Branch Chief Grant File" Sincerely yours, s/LEON W. WEINBERGER, Sc.D. Acting Assistant Commissioner Research and Development General Manager Moyer will notify the Directors and if no word is received by the 10th of March 1967, arrangements will be made for the Directors and Manager to go to Washington, D.C., to expedite this matter. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2: General Manager Moyer asked the board to consider the time and place of bid opening, protest hearing for Assessment District 1966-2. The Directors had discussed several dates for the bid opening and the protest hearing for Assessment District 1966-2 (LAKEVIEW TAHOE SUBDIVISION-HEAVENLY VALLEY). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, that Wednesday, April 19th, 1967, be set for the bid opening at 10:00 A.M., and that protest hearing at 7:30 P.M. Further discussion brought the above motion to the following amendment: Director Hegarty amended the motion to have the meeting on the 18th of April 1967 for the bid opening to be at 10:00 A.M. and the protest hearing to be at 7:30 P.M. It was unanimously voted by all Directors that April 18, 1967, 10:00 A.M. will be the bid opening at the District Office and aC 7:30.P.M. will be the Protest Hearing, District Office. LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY FOR HARLAN E. MOYER, GENERAL MANAGER: General Manager Moyer requested and was granted leave without pay for the period of 3/20/67 through 3/31/67. CORRESPONDENCE: From: Date To: Thomas H. Kuchel, United States Senator 2/11/67 Mr. Harlan E. Moyer "Enclosed is a copy of a report from the Water Pollution Control Administration in reply to my inquiry in your behalf of some time ago. Please let me know if there is anything I may be able to do to assist in this matter. With Kindest regards, Sincerely yours, s/Thomas H. Kuchel United States Senator: From: To: Date: United States Department of the Interior Federal Water POllution Control Administration Senator Kuchel January 20, 19 67 "This is in reply to your communication dated November 28, 1966, forwarding a copy of a letter from Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, District Engineer and General Manager REGULAR MEETING Letter to Senator Kuchel (continued) of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, South Lake Tahoe, California. Mr. Moyer writes concerning final payment on the grant (WPC-Cal-176) under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to assist in construction of waste treatment facilities. The grant offer on March 12, 1964, to which Mr. Moyer refers, was an increase in an earlier grant to the District. The offer was made to aid the District in enlarging the scope of its project to include construction of tertiary treatment facilities. The offer--as accepted by the applicant--was conditioned by a stipulation that no payment could be made until a firm commitment was received from the applicant for exportation of effluent of the Tertiary Plant from the Lake Tahoe Basin by the end of calendar year 1965. This was in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Secretary which require--in determining the desirability of projects for Federal aid-- that we consider any related projects which must be completed"...before full benefit can be derived from the project for which the application is made and the degree to which the completion of the related projects in the near future is reasonably assured;" (18 CFR, Part 601, § 601.27 (d)). Where grants are made upon condition that the related projects be so completed, our administrators have been directed to withhold payment when evidence of compliancel, is absent. Because of the many possible reasons for delay which can develop in such projects, we require that the related facilities be under contract to assure reasonable completion time. The latest information from our Regional Office is that plans and specifications for the pipeline portion of the export facilities have been received in the State Water Quality Control Board. The State agency has not yet indicated it s approval or forwarded the documents to our Regional Office with the necessary certification of priority for grant assistance in their construction. Plans and specifications for the holding pond, at the end of the pipeline, have not yet been received and we have been informed that these will be delayed another 6 months or more. In view of the above, our Regional Office and the grantee have been advised that the required evidence of assurance of completion of both the piDeline and the holding pond must be provided before any further grant payment may be made. We have been pleased to aid the South Tahoe Public Utility District in the past in its efforts to solve its waste disposal and waterpollution control problems, and we are eager to do so in the future within the limits of our legislative authority. I regret very much that I cannot reply favorably in the present instance. If you have any further questions, or if I can be of assistance at any time, please let me know. Sincerely yours., By:James M. Quigley Commissioner The above letter sent to: Honorable Thomas H. Kuchel, United States Senate, Washington, D.C. w/enclosure" Manager Moyer will continue to work on this payment of grant. MISCELLANEOUS: Director Wakeman moved that a gaval be purchased for the meetings. No Second - - Motion died. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $71,618.76, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $114,838.97, as recommended by :Assistant General Manager DavidW. Callahan, be approved for payment. A D[O URNME NT: 9:45 P.M. Robert W. Fesler, President of the Board of Directors - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DIST. ATTEST: DA~. C~LLAI--IAN, Clk of Bd. ~Off. Sec SOUTH ~.HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT *********** REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 16, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on the 16th day of March 1967, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, Bijou, Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors R. Fesler, R. Wakeman, E.E. Hegarty, D.H. Kortes and G. Melikean, Sr., Attorney R. Hill - Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch; Attorney J. Weidman, J. Jensen-Clair A. Hill & Associates, J. Murphy - Sacramento Bee, D.Trussel - Tahoe Daily Tribune. General Manager H.E. Moyer, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary David W. Callahan. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 2/23/67, which was presented for reapproval and the minutes of 3/2/67 be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Moyer read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report March 16, 1967 CONSTRUCTION: Work on the treatment plan't addition has been discontinued as a result of the heavy snowfall. The con'tractor worked through Friday, March 10, 1967, and had been making substantial progress. No work has been started as yet on the Luther Pass Pipeline or Pump Station. The Pipeline Contractor - Ernest E. Pes'tana, had tentatively planne:] to resume work this week or the remaining portions yet to be completed at the lower elevations. However, the recent storm has delayed his planned starting date. The Pump Station Contractor - Underground Construction - is fabricating pipe and material for placement just as soon as the snow conditions are such that he can reasonably start on site work. ENGINEERING: Soils investigation work is now underway a't the Indian Creek Dam site in Alpine County. The drilling equipment moved in on Tuesday, March 7th, and work was started at that time. Approximately two (2) feet of new snow is on the ground and is hindering the operation somewhat. Plans and Specifications for the Indian Creek Pipeline are being readied for submission to the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration (FWPCA) for approval 't~J call for construction bids when weather conditions permit. The Meyers Trunk Sewer System Plans and Specifications are also being readied for bidding, when weather conditions permit. The operational manuals for the treatment plant are also being worked on. Preliminary drafts of some portions have now been completed. CONTRACT AWARDS: Final approval to award 'the contract on Schedule "F", Solids Handling System to Bartlett-Snow-Pacific, Inc., has been received from the FWPCA, Washington, D.C. All necessary contract documents have been forwarded to Bartlett- Snow-Pacific, Inc., for signature. OPERATION: The primary sedimenta'tion basin has been out of service since March 6th, due to a broken drive chain. The basin has been emptied and all other parts are being inspected for evidence of new and possible need for replacement. The basin will be returned to service in a few days and any major overhausl will be delayed until the new primary basin is in operation later this spring. Satisfactory effluent quality is being maintained and the 'tertiary plant is operating while the primary basin is out of service. On Thursday, March 16, 1967, the dry well (equipment room) of the Lukins Pump Station was flooded by storm water runoff due to the street being blocked by snow. An emergency gasoline powered pump is being used to keep the station in service until 'the electrical equipment can be dried out and placed back in service'.' Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, 'that the Manager's Report, as presented, be approved. REGULAR MEE TING COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. ANNEXATION AND FUTURE GROWTH COMMITTEE:The following report was presented and read by Director Hegarty: " The Annexation and Future Growth Committee met a't 'the Treatment Plant, Tuesday, March 14, 1967, Present were Directors Hegarty and Melikean, and Manager Harlan E. Moyer. The agenda for discussion included the following: 1. Time schedule for construction of Meyers Trunk Sewer System. 2. Planning of the initial steps to form an assessment district 'to install collector sewers in subdivided areas now in the District, that will be served by the Meyer's Trunk Sewer System. 3. Consideration of the proposed annexation, 1967-1, 1967-2, and 1967-3, on which a public hearing is scheduled, March 30, 1967. After discussing the time requirement for planning, engineering and construction, the committee unanimously agreed upon the following recommendations: (1) Meyers Trunk Sewer System: .... This project is ready for construction as soon as weather permits, and it is recommended that advertising for construction bids be authorized beginning April 16th, and the bid opening be set for May 17, 1967. Resolutions required to call for bids can be ready for the regular board meeting on April 6th, and a contract award can be considered at the regular meeting of May 18, 1967. No further public hearings are required for this project. (2) Assessment District 1967-1: .... It is recommended that initial steps be undertaken to create an assessment district to install collector sewers within the following areas that are now within the Utility District: (a) Mountain View Estates, Units 5,6,7,8 and 10. (b) Echo View Estates, Units 1 and 2 (c) Country Club Heights, Units 1, 2, and 3 (d) Country Club Estates, Units 1 and 2 (e) Tahoe Paradise, Unit 38 '(f) Commercial areas fronting on Highway 50 between Pioneer Trail and Highway 89. The initial steps should be to authorize the District Bond Counsel, Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch, to prepare a resolution of intention, and a resolution authorizing the Attorney and Engineer to proceed. These resolutions can be considered by the Board at the special meeting of March 30, 1967i. In addition to these specific recommendations, the committee discussed and considered means of providing service to the proposed annexations 1967-1; 1967-2 and 1967-3. It was agreed that it will be possible, if the annexations are successful, to provide sewer service to all areas by the fall of 1968. No specific time schedule will be considered until the annexation proceedings are complete." Further discussion by the Board of Directors regarding the above report was held. It was suggested that for the meeting to be held on the 30th of March (hearing for annexations 1967-1, 1967-2 and 1967-3) a pamphlet or report be prepared describing annexations and territories to be annexed. Also, it was mentioned that a map pointing out the areas to be annexed also be included with this. This was turned over to the General Manager. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimouslF carried, that a brochure or pamphlet be prepnred for the March 30th Protest Hearing, and a map be in- cluded of the areas to be annexed/discussed. 7~ / REGULAR MEE TING -3- 3/16/67 COMMITTEE REPORTS: 2. PLANNING COMMIT~i ~ 'I~irector Wakeman stated that the Planning Committee met on the 3rd day of March 1967, in. Sacramento with the Bureau of Land Management, which was arranged by Assemblyman Eugene Chappie, to bring the State and the Public Utility District together for 1,000 acres of land. Udall has been requesting the Bureau of Land Management to help the District with this program. This meeting was an orientation meeting regarding export. Mr. Wakeman also mentioned that Mr. Orval Abbot is with the Water Resources Department now. Also, on 3/15/67, another meeting was held with the representa- tives of the Water Resources Department, Alpine County Road Commissioner and Planner and the Directors and Attorney for this District. This was to discuss the agreement with this District and Alpine County regarding export. Another meeting is scheduled with Alpine County 3/27/67, to re- view and study the agreement again. Mr. Wakeman stated that he felt complete cooperation is being received from Alpine County. On 3/7/67 The Planning Committee met with Mr. H.E.Moyer to discuss the time schedule for completion of the Alpine County portion of our export system. (NOTE: Report from H. E. Moyer and the time schedule typed in full in minute book). (Typed as an attachment to these minutes). Director Fesler stated that he felt a Study Session should be scheduled to discuss the agreement/contract with Alpine County. Attorney J.C. Weidman stated that he was requested to draft the contract prior to 3/27/67 at which time he will meet with Mr. Hilary Cook to discuss the draft of the contract. Directors agreed that a Study Session be scheduled for the 23rd of March 1967, 3:00 P.M., District Office, to discuss the Alpine County and South Tahoe Public Utility Dis'~rict contract as well as the contract of the State Allocations Board. President Fesler stated that the Directors are sold on the Tertiary Treatment Plant and that it would clear up the water without any question and the product would be available for any kind of use. This District has gone way out and has spend a great amount of money and we do expect this to work and to accomplish every- thing it should. General Manager Moyer stated that the.Engineers are very confident this treatment will accomplish everything it should. Director Melikean asked what the possibilities are of the clear effluent that goes into '[he reservoir of becoming contaminated and if the District would be held responsible. General Manager Moyer stated there is little danger of contamina- tion. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: DirectorKortes stated that the Public Information Committee did not meet. He requested that the District cons[der membership in the Local Press Club - the fee to be $4.00 per month. All Directors agreed that membership in the Local Press Club would be most valuable. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimous- ly carried, that the District obtain mambershi~ in the Local Press Club. Director Kortes stated that the Assistant General Manager had discussed changing the District stationary and decals on the vehicles. He will meet with the Manager and Assistant General Manager to discuss this and report to the Board. Name plates for the Directors, Manager and Attorney were ordered and presented at this meeting, as well as a gaval and block for the Chairman of the Board. The Directors expressed their appreciation for same to Assistant General Manager Callahan. 4. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Director Melikean stated that-the Manager is still working on reorganization and reclassification of employees for the District and hopes to: have a report within 30 days to present to the Board. 5. BANKING/INSURANCE: No report. OLD BUSINESS: REGULAR MEETING -3- 3/16./67 OLD BUSINESS (continued) 1. U. S. Forestry Service Land Exchanqe: Assistant General Manager Callahan stated that he attended the meeting regarding this land exchange. Present were Bob Rice, Mr. J.Williams - City Manager, Mr. D. McBain of KTHO Radio and two other Forest Service Representatives from Placervflle, The land includes 115 acres which will cost $540,000 an average of $4,700.00 per acre. The Radio Station wants the portion of land 'that the building is on; the City wants the land on both sides of the new Pioneer Trail. John Williams stated that by April 10th he would know whether the City could participate in the exchange, and if so, the City would be the purchaser from the U.S.F.S. and the District and Radio Station would buy from the City. 2. Contract- California/Nevada :Districts: AttorneyWeidman stated that a report should be received within 2/3 weeks from the Attorney. 3. Feasibility Study = Indian Creek Dam - Davis Grunsky Funds: Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Engineer be authorized to prepare the feasibility study on the INDIAN CREEK PIPE- LINE. This would be approximately $5,000; however, it was mentioned that the cost will undoubtedly be cut because State Funds will assist in this study. 4. State Loan of $1.8 Million: AttorneyWeidman will have some information to report to the Board at the March 30, 1967 meeting. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2 1. Presentation of Enqineer's Report: This Assessment District includes the areas of Lakeview Tahoe Subdivisions - Units 1 and 2. Total amount of Assessments to be $287,792.00. Lateral Charge - $200.00. In the area of Subdivision number 1, or Unit No. 1, a typical assessment (10,000 square feet) would be in the amount of approximately $1,176.00. A typical assessment for Unit No. 2 would be approximately $2,000.00. Mr. Jensen also mentioned this would be a very difficult construction job. Mr. Jensen further stated that some of the parcels are already connected; some have paid money to the District and others paid to a private developer and others did not pay at all. All persons involved will be notified and if they have paid, the Distr'ict will ask for evidence of this. 2. The clerk reported that he had received a letter from the Health Officer of E1 Dorado County, which letter, as follows: "November 28, 1966 Honorable Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District South Lake Tahoe, California Gentlemen: Re: Assessment District 1966-2 I am acquainted with the Sanitary sewerage project which you propose to undertake pursuant to special assessment and assessment bond proceedings, or other appropriate proceedings, which project is more particularly set forth in your Resolution Requesting Recommendation of Health Officer. I recommend, as necessary as a health measure, that you undertake proceedings pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this State, or other appropriate proceedings, as you shall determine, for the construction of said improve- ments and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby. This re- commendation extends to such changes and modifications therein as you shall find to be proper or advisable, in the manner provided by law. Yours re spectfully, s/Harold N. Mozar Health Officer of E1 Dorado County and ex-officio Health Officer of the City of South Lake Tahoe" '~2~ REGULAR MEETING -4- 3/16/67 3. Attorney R.Hill recommended the following resolutions for adoption: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 783: A Resolution Determining to Undertake Proceedings Pursuant to Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts or Other Appropriate Proceedings, for the Acquisition and Construction of a Sanitary Sewerage System and Appurtenances without Proceedings Under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 784: A LResolution of Preliminary Approval of Engineer's Report. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 785: A Resolution Describing Proposed Boundaries of Assessment District, Directing Filing of Map and Directing Recordation of Notice of Assessment. 4. RESOLUTION NO. 786; A Resolution Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests in Relation to Proposed Acquisitions and Improvements, and Directing Notice. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 787: A Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale. 6. RESOLUTION NO. 788: A Resolution Calling for Sealed Proposals. 7. RESOLUTION NO. 789: A Resolution Calling for Bids on Sale of Improvement Bonds. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 783 through 789 be adopted, as recommended by Attorney R. Hill. RESOLUTION NO. 790: A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Easement and Right- of-Way Lease (Effluent Pipeline Across Section 10 lands exchanged by United States Forest Service to a Mr. Edelstein). Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 790, as recommended by General Manager Moyer, be adopted. PUBLICATION OF STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION: General Manager Moyer recommended that the Board authorize the president to sign and cause to pubish Statements of Financial Condition for Fiscal Years 1964-65 and 1965 -66. Director Melikean moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the Statement of Financial Condition for Fiscal Years 1964-65 and 1965-66 be published, as recommended by General Manager H. E. Moyer. The above Statement of Financial Condition was to be l~ublished in the Lake Tahoe News; however, following discussion by the Directors, it was agreed that this Statement be published in the Tahoe Tribune, as it was felt this paper has the greatest circula- tion. It was mentioned, also, that both papers will be given equal publications as has been done in the past. ' NEW BUSINESS 1. ORDINANCE NO. 137: An Ordinance Amendinq Ordinance No. 114 and Providing for Delinquent Charges. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 137, as recommended by General Manager H. E. Moyer, be approved. 2. ORDINANCE NO. 138: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 24 and Ordinance No. 84, Adol~ting the Uniform Plumbfng Code of 1964 and Regulating the Connections to Public Sewers. VOTES AS FOLLOWS: AYES: Directors Fesler, Hegarty, Wakeman, Melikean NOES: None ABSTAINED: Director Kortes Adoption of Ordinance No. 138 carried. -4- 3/16/67 ~'~ REGULAR MEETING MI SC ELLANE O US ............ 1. CLAIM OF VICKY POTTAGE: Resulting from sewer line stoppage. The District does have a service report on this. Claim for $316.76. General Manager Moyerrecommended this claim be denied and turned over the the District Insurance Agent. 2. CLAIM OF lOAN K. WINKLEMAN: Claim for damages resulting in misplaced manhole cover. Claim amounts to approximately $59.00. General Manager Moyer recommended that the claim be denied and turned over to the District Insurance Carrier. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that both claims, as mentioned above, be denied, as recommended byGener al Manager H.E. Moyer, and turned over to the District Insurance Carrier - Reed-Meneley, Insurance Company .... MEETINGS: The Lake Tahoe Area Council Meeting will be held at 3:30 P.M. at the Incline Village Racquet Club. Reservations for ten (10) will be made for the District. C ORR-E S P ON DE N C E: General Manager Moyer read a letter fromW.R.Gianelli, Director - Department of Water Resources, to Mr. ~. Russell Penny, District Director of Bureau of Land Management re- garding the recre'ation facilities for Indian Creek Reservoir in Alpine County, and in which he states that he has authorized Carl Werner, District Engineer of the Sacramento District and Orville Abbott, Supervising Engineer, to assist in this project. (ATTACHED AND TYPE IN FULL). Another letter to Congressman [ohnson from W.R. Gianelli, regarding Indian Creek Reservoir, Recreation Aspects, and Requesting Congressman ~ohnson to Urge Secretary Udall to make a decision in this regard as soon as possible. (ATTACHED AND TYPED IN FULL) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $99,769.24, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $105,000 be approved, as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan. ADJOURNMENT: Director Fesler adjourned the meeting at 10:00 P.M. to 3/30/67, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, South Lake Tahoe (Bijou), California. ROBERT W. FESLER, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~'~-ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF 3/16/67 as follows: 1. ANNEXATION AND FUTURE GROWTH COMMITTEE REPORT, as follows: 'To: Directors Hegarty and Melikean from Harlan E. Moyer, 3/15/67: The Annexation and Future Growth Committee met at the Treatment Plant, Tuesday, March 14, 1967. Present were Directors Hegarty and Melikean, and General Manager H.E. Moyer. The agenda for discussion included the following: 1. Time Schedule for construction of Meyers Trunk Sewer System. 2. Planning of the initial steps to form an assessment district to install collector sewers in subdivided areas now in the District, that will be served by the Meyers Trunk Sewer System. 3. Consideration of the proposed annexation, 1967-1, 1967.-2, and 1967-3, on which a public hearing is scheduled, March 30, 1967. After discussing the time requirement for planning, engineering and construction, the Committee unanimously agreed upon the following recommendations: 1. Meyers Trunk Sewer System. This project is ready for construction as soon as weather permits, and it is recommended that advertising for construction bids be authorized beginning April 16th, and the bid opening be set for May 17, 1967. Resolutions required to call for bids can be ready for the regular Board Meeting on April 6th, and a contract award can be considered at the regular meeting of May 18, 1967. No further public hearings are required for this project. 2. Assessment District 1967-1: It is recommended that initial steps be undertaken to create an assessment district to install collector sewers within the following areas that are now within the Utility District: (a) Mountain View Estates, Units 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10. (b) Echo View Estates, Units 1 and 2 (c) Country Club Heights, Units 1, 2, and 3. (d) Country Club Estates, Units 1 and 2. (e) Tahoe Paradise, Unit 38 (f) Commercial areas fronting on Highway 50 between Pioneer Trail and Highway 89. The initial steps should be to authorize the District Bond Counsel, Wilson, Jones, M~tton and Lynch, to prepare a resolution of intention, and a resolution authorizing the Attorney and Engineer to proceed. These resolutions can be considered by the Board at the special meeting of March 30, 1967. In addition to these specific recommendations, the committee discussed and considered means of providing service to the proposed annexations 1967-1, 1967-2 and 1967-3. It was agreed that it will be possible, if the annexations are successful, to provide sewer service to all areas by the fall of 1968. No specific time schedule will be considered until the annexation proceedings are complete." 2. PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING OF WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1967: "March 9, 1967 To: Robert W. Fesler, Robert Wakeman From: Harlan E.Moyer Subject: PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING OF WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1967: ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF 3/16/67, as follows: (continued) PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT (continued) "The meeting was convened at approximately 3:30 P.M., Chairman Robert Wakeman presided and other members present were Harlan E. Moyer and Robert Fesler. The primary purpose of this meeting was to discuss and attempt to arrive at a time schedule for the completion of the Alpine County portion of our export system. The first item discussed concerned the proposed agreement between Alpine County, The Alpine County Water Agency and South Tahoe Public Utility District. It was the unanimous feeling of the Committee that it would be to our benefit to have Alpine County andourselves agree to execute this contract at the meeting which is to be held on Wednesday, the 15th of March, Assemblyman Chappies Office. After some discussion of this matter, John Weidman was called and we formed John of the Committee's wish regarding the contract. The Committee asked John to call Hilary Cook, the District Attorney for Alpine County, and to inform Hi],ary of the District's feeling on this problem, this is to inform Hilary and ask him to inform the Alpine County Supervisors that we intend, on Wednesday the 15th of March, to reach final agreement, absolute final agreement on this contract. John said that he would contact Hilary and find out the feelings as best he could of the Alpine County Supervisors and report back to me either Tursday or Friday - the 9th or 10th of March. The Committee also decided that it would be well to have three (3) Directors attend the Sacramento meeting on the lSth since it is our understanding that a majority of the Alpine County Board of Supervisors will be in attendance, it therefore seems desirable to have at least a quorum of our Board in order tc~ assureAlpine County any agreement reached is, in fact, a majorif¥ decision on the part of the Board. The third member to attend will possibly be George Melikean. The second item of discussion concerned the agreement pertaining to the State of California Local Allocations Agency and the District, which is necessary in order to borrow the $1.8 of State funds necessary for the project. After discussing this, the Committee agreed that Harlan E. Moyer should prepare an outline of the elements necessary in this agreement and then have John Weidman work the outline into a brief legal agreement. The Committee also discussed this point with John and he was in general agreement and made a tentative appointment to discuss the agreement with Harlan E. Moyer on Friday - the 10th of March. It is the Committee's intention that the agreement will be ready and in final form for submission to the Local Allocation Agency at the meeting of the lSth of March in Sacramento. The third.item of discussion involves scheduling the cons truction of the Indian Creek Pipeline, which is the line extending from Luther Pass to the Alpine County Disposal Area. (Schedule Typed Following this Report) It will be the Committee's recommendation that advertising for bids be commenced lon or about the 1st of April; the bids be received on or about the 1st of May and that a sixty (60) day period be alloted in which contract awards can be made. The reason for the lengthy award period will be to allow for any contingencies that may arise in either achieving the State financing or otherpossible difficulties, legal or otherwise, that we could run in to. The entire schedule as laid out above, is - of course, dependent upon the weather and it will be necessary that most of the snow, particularly at the higher elevations of Luther Pass, be gone for a week or two prior to the bid opening date, otherwise, it would be impossible for contractors to submit a reasonable fair bid on that portion of the line. One of the major reasons for putting the pipeline out .to bid as early as possible will be to achieve completion of the line within the 1967 construction season. It will give us a firm figure as to the cost of the line which will allow firm budgeting for the remainder of the disposal project. The engineering plans are complete and will be submitted for Federal Water POllution Control Administration (F.W.P.C.A.) approval within the next two (2) weeks. Once the FWPCA gives their formal approval of the specific plans, we can advertise at any time. The fourth item of discussion centered around the request of Ronald Robie of Assemblyman Porter's Office, representatives of the Department of Water Resources and the Legislative Representative of Gene Chappie, for the District to authorize immediately a preliminary feasibility study on the proposed Indian Creek Dam in order to achieve Davis- Grunsky funds for that project. This request was made at the meeting held with the Bureau of Land Management in Sacramento on Friday, March 3, 1967. It was my recommenda. tion to the Committee that at this time we do not initiate any extensive feasibility studies because we do not have, as yet, sufficient complete geological and soils information necessary to determine a more precise cost of the dam-reservoir complex. Until the soils information is available and an accurate estimate is made, a feasibility report for ATTACHEMENTS TO MINUTES OF 3/16/67 PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT (continued)~ Davis--Grunsky purposes would not seem of great value. No recommendation has yet been decided upon by the C ommittee on this matter. The last itrems for discussion was a review of the necessary steps to be taken in order to complete the Dam and Reservoir Project. It was determined that on an optomistic schedule, it could be possible to have the Dam under construction by the latter part of July 1967. If this can be done, as I think it can, then it would be possible for the entire Alpine County construction to be completed by late fall of 1967. This is assuming a 'fl~ree:'to:.four~nonth construction period for the reservoir and dam, which is certainly adequate, and assuming that the project will attract competent contractors. If then the project in Alpine County can be completed by November of 1967 the only remaining problem, in order to initiate the export of reclaimed water, will be to determine that the treatment plant elements are sufficiently completed so that ye can be assured of continued and consistent operation which will produce reclaimed water meeting, or exceeding, the quality standards established by the Lahontan Regiona~ Water Quality Control Board. It is, of course, imperative that we export only when we are assured that the plant is sufficiently completed tot provide necessary stand-by capacity so that failure of one element will not adversely affect the efficiency of the treatment process. Whether or not this can be done by November of 1967, yet remains to be seen. At this time it appears that it will be entirely dependent upon the speed and efficiency exercised by Bartlett-Snow-Pacific, the Schedule "F' contractors. If they are able to supply some of the solids handling equipment and particularly furnish one of the Bird Company centrifugal's for sludge dewatering by November then we should be in reasonably good shape. If we do not have the means of dewatering sludge this coming winter, then I seriously doubt~, at we will be able to export, even though the disposal facilties may be completed." II "TENTATIVE TIME SCHEDULE, MARCH 15, South Tahoe Public Utility District Treatment and Export System 1967 TREATMENT PLANT (a) Schedule S & T, Plant Expansion Under Contract Completion November, 1967 (b) Schedule F, Solids Handling System Under Contract Completion February, 1968 EXPORT SYSTEM: (a) Luther Pass Pipeline, Schedule A Under Contract Completion September, 1967 (b) Luther Pass Pump Station,Sch. B Under Contract Completion, September 1967 (c)* Indian Creek Pipeline (Alpine County) (I) Advertise For Bids April 6, 1967 (2) (2) Bid Opening May 9, 1967 (3) Contract Award May 18, 1967 (4) Completion December 1, 1967 *(Design Completed, Plans and Specifications ready except for Final Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Approval). (d) Indian Creek Dam (Alpine County) (1) Complete Soils Investigation (2) Complete Preliminary Design and Cost Estimate (3) Complete Final Plans & :Approvals (4) Advertise for Bids (5) Bid Opening (6) Contract Award (7) Completion April 1, 1967 May 1, 1967 June 15, 1967 June 15, 1967 July 14, 1967 July 20, 1967 December 1, 1967" ATTACHEMENTS TO MINUTES OF 3/16/67 "March 10,~ 1967 Mr. J. Russell Penny District Director Bureau of Land Management 650 Capitol Mall Room 4017, Federal Building Sacramento, California Dear Mr. Benny: I am advised that you are now evaluating California's request that the Bureau of Land Management operate and construct the recreation aspects of the Indian Creek Reservoir in Alpine County. We appreciate this early and timely consideration of the last remaining problem of remov- ing sewage effluent from the South Lake Tahoe service area. In order to expedite your planning and evaluation of the Indian Creek Reservoir I have authorized Carl Werner, District Engineer, Sacramento District, and Orville Abbott, Supervising Engineer, to assist yoti in any way possible in your evaluation of the project. In addition I am advised that Ron Robie, Executive Consultant, Assembly Committee on Water; Lou Allen, Executive Consultant, Senate Water Resources Committee; Hubert Bruns, Chairman, Board of Supenzisors Alpine County; and Iack leggett, Executive Officer, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, will assist you if you so desire. We are in hopes of having the entire system in full operation this year. But to do so it will be necessary to begin construction on the terminal facility this spring. Therefore, time is of the essence. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance. Cc: Mr. H.E. Moyer Mr. J.T.Leggett , Ex. Offr. Mr. L. Allen Mr. R. Robie Mr. H.B.Bruns Sincerely yours, s/W. R. Gianelli, Director" "March 10, 1967 Honorable Harold T. Johnson Member of Congress Second California District 1031 House Office Building Wa shington, D.C. Dear Mr. Johnson: By letter of February 6, 1967, Louis B. Allen, Jr., Executive Consultant, Senate Water Resources Committee advised you of former Governor Brown's request to Secretary Udall that the Bureau of Land Management be authorized to operate the recreation aspects of the proposed Indian Creek Reservoir in Alpine County. Within a few days Norman Livermore, Jr., Administrator of the Resources Agency, will review and reaffirm this request. As you know Indian Creek Reservoir will be the terminus for the export facilities from South Lake Tahoe. As Mr. Allen explained in his letter of February 6, 1967, the South Tahoe Public Utility District is quite anxious to get going on the final phase of the export project. The staff of the Resources Agency is working closely with the South Tahoe Public Utility and the Bureau of Land Management to assist both agencies in preparing the necessary reports and evaluations required in order to make possible the development of the recreation aspects of Indian. Creek Reservoir. We are in hopes of having the entire system in full operation this year but~te do so it will be necessary to begin construction on the terminal facility by May. Inasmuch as time is of the essence, it would be "" ~ ATTACHMENTS TO MINUTES OF 3/16/67 extremely helpful if you could encourage Secretary Udal to make a decision in this regard as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, s/Bill, Director" The above letter is from W.R. Gianelli, Director, Dept. of Water Resources. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 30, 1967 President Robert W. Fesler opened the meeting, at 8:00 P.M. The Adjourned Regular Meeting was held at the City Hall, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Hegarty, Kortes and Melikean; Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, General Manager H. E. Moyer, Attorney J. Weidman and Attorney R. Haight. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Bianchi Mr. John Grau, Mr. and Mrs. I. Orr and B. Hauck. ' PURPOSE OF MEETING: held this evening. Hearings on Annexations 1967-1, 1967-2 and 1967-3 were Maps designating the annexations were passed out to all present. President Fesler declared the hearing open for Annexation 1967-1: General Manager Moyer pointed the area out on the mpas to all present and stated that ANNEXATION NO. 1967-1 is the area southeast of the present Utility District Treatment Plant and includes Meadow Heights, Sierra Meadows Units 1, 2, 31 and Lake Christopher, as well as Montgomery Estates Units 1, 2, 3, and 4. This also includes the Districts holding pond reservoir which is located on United States Forest Land. Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the Local Agency Formation Commission adopted their RESOLUTION NO. 1-67 - entitled "A Resolution of the Local Formation Commission of the County of E1 Dorado Making Determinations and Approving the Proposed Annexa- tion of territory, Designated as ANNEXATION NO. 1967-1, to the South Tahoe Public Utility District", which said Resolution No. 1-67 approved the annexation of territory proposed to be annexed, as described the South Tahoe Public Utility District Resolution No. 735. The Resolution of the Local Agency Formation Commission dated February 16, 1967. Director Fesler stated, and all Directors agreed, that this annexation is a sensible extension of the existing District. General Manager Moyer stated that both the County and the State are extremely concerned and want to see areas annexed and sewered. The Public Health Depart- ment states that annexations are essential and mandatory. Attorney John C. Weidman stated that a valid protest will contain the signature of the land owner, his residence, street and parcel/lot number. Also, if 19% of the land owners and 10% of the registered voters protest the annexations, an election might have to be held. Director Fesler asked the Clerk to read the written protests: (1) From Mr. and Mrs. Frank Globin (Frank Globin and Esther Globin) - 25-111-03; Land Value =$3,000, 4.5 acres. This parcel is the reservoir. Improvements: :on the property total $49,500. Discussion followed this protest and Attorney John C. Weidman stated that if the Directors find the property cannot be benefited by sewer service, same can ~be ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING excluded. -2- 3/30/67 General Manager Moyer stated that this property will eventually be benefited by service of the sewer facilities. The $49,500 improvement contains a pump station and other equipment. It does have a benefit - etimimtion of a potential health hazard to the reservoir itself. WRITTEN PROTESTS: (continued) From: Mr. William F. and Edna F. Duff; Lot 123, Montgomery Estates, Unit 1 Land Value - $1,500; parcel number 25-602-07. ' William J. and MaryE. Gabel - 25-595-03, Land Value - $950.00. 4. George Branch, Lot 39, Montgomery Estates, Unit ~1, Land Value = $1,500.00. Mr. John Grau (present in the audience) asked the following questions: 1. In December 1965 the District allowed an area to be annexed at the annexation rate established for that year. It was stated to Mr. Grau that the fee of 1965 will apply to the annexation. 2. Mr. Grau asked about the financing of the areas. Mr. Moyer stated that: (a) The property owners will have the option to pay in cash, or (b) have these costs financed through an assessment proceed of 15 years at an interest rate not to exceed 6% and will be included in the semi-.annual tax statement. (c) The averagee assessment for a typical lot (60 or 70 foot frontage) will be between $400/500. Presi dent Fesler closed the hearing on 1967-1. ANNEXATION NO. 1967-2: President Fesler opened the hearing on Annexation 1967-2. General Manager Moyer lointed the area out on the map to all present and stated that if any of the areas are to be used they must become a part of the South Tahoe Public Utility District or some other District that can provide sewer service. Septic tanks in this area will be prohibited by 1970. '~.RITTEN PROTESTS: None Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the Local Formation Commission Agency adopted their Resolution No. 2-67 on February 16, 1967, entitled "A Resolution of the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of E1 Dorado Making Determinations and Approving the Proposed Annexation of Territory, Designated as South Tahoe Annexahon No. 1967-2, to the South Tahoe Public Utility District", which said RESOLUTION NO. 2-67 approved the annexation of territory proposed to be annexed, as described in said RESOLUTION NO. 747 of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. President Fesler stated that it is economically :unfeasible to have this area without sewer facilities. ORAL PROTESTS: None President Fesler declared the hearing on Annexation 1967-2 closed. ANNEXATION 1967-3: President Fesler opened the hearing on Annexation 1967-3: General ManagerMoyer pointed the area out on the map to all present and stated that approximately 1200-1300 acres are involved; subdivided and unsubdivided land, in- cluding Juniper Park, Tahoe Paradise Subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Tahoe Paradise Units Nos. 33, 31, 20, 26, 30, 29, 27, 25, 23, 22, 21 and 20 and 19; portion of Mountain View Estates Units 1, 2, 3, and 4. Mr. Moyer further stated that inquiries have been received by the District for the Walter-Broder property as to if this property is in the District and if not, could be become a part of the district., etc. Attorney John C. Weidman stated that the Local Formation Commission Agency adopted their RESOLUTION 3-67 approving this annexation of territory to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING (continued) -3- 3/30/67 WRITTEN PROTESTS: 1. Downey-Brand-Seymour and Rohwer for Betty A. Bianchi and Vera Broder Silberstein; 593 acres; land valure = $218,000; one improvement totalling $50.00. 2. BettyA. Bianchi; 15 acres, 33 090 14, land value=S6,250.00. 3. G.A. Raum, 33 401 06, land value-S1,000.00. 4. GeraldA. Mahan- Not sufficient as no lot or block or parcel number mentioned. 5. David E. Heiman - 33 422 23, land value -$900.00. At this point, Mr. John C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that we are proceeding under the uniform public code and under the Knox Bill of 1965 which is applicable to all District's. 6. Robert J. Searles - 34 242 09, land value $1,000.00 7. John E. and Dorothy M. Maneavage, 33 434 15 and 17, land value $1,800.00. 8. Vera Broder Sibels'tein - 33 090 13; 14.94 acres, land value $7,000.00 9. Jack L. and Mary F. Barcelona, 34 591 09, land value $1,250.00. 10. Edward M. Smith, 34 222 10 and 11 - land value $1,700.00. 11. Mrs. Ray D. Booth - 34 252 12, land value $900.00 12. Arthur Lampert, 34 513 08 and 09, land value $1,800.00. 13. A:I and Emma Keller and Carol Flicker, 34 222 08, land value $850.00. 14. Harry M. Pires, 34 425 03, land value $900.00. 15. Reno Cavalieri and Mrs. Concetta Cavalieri, 34 222 08, land value $8s0.00. 16. George W. Smith, 33 481 14, land value $1,250.00. 17. Marshall Urie, 34 586 01 and 02; 33 422 26 - land value $2,700.00. This is the only resident. All other protests received are not residents of this area.* 18. Michael Karprisler, 33 511 03 and 13, land value $1,900.00. 19. Ge~orge C. Brennecke, 34 261 13 and 14 and 34 251 01, land value $2,Y00.00. 20. Mrs. Clotilda Woodyard, 33 363 01 and 02 - -land value $2,350.00. *Mr. E. E. Hegarty, Annexation Chairman, will visit and discuss the annexation with Mr. Urie. Mr. David W. Callahan stated the total land value protested amounts to $257,100.00 and the total amount of land proposed to be annexed amounts to $2,728,400.00. President Fesler stated that the main objection to the annexation is that taxes are high and will be going higher and 'they can see no benefit at this time for the sewer service. Mr. Meyer stated that many of the owners of these parcels reside part time here and are permanent residents elsewhere. Mr. Meyer also stated that more than water, power or anything else, this area needs a municipal sewer system, which is connected to the sewer treatment plant and which will allow this to be exported out of the bas ORAL PROTESTS: Mr. William Bianchi and Mrs. Betty Bianchi - protesting the Walter Broder property and Mrs. Silverstein who owns 1,500 acres. Mr. Bianchi stated that he is speaking for Mrs. Bianchi and Mrs. Silverstein. He stated they are very definitely against the sewer program. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING (continued) -4- 3/30/67 ORAL PROTESTS (continued): Mr. Bianchi stated that it was mentioned that the taxes for the property he is protesting was mentioned by the Board to be in the area of $2,000 and he stated that it would be more in the $20,000 range. This was explained to Mr. Bianchi and it was figured f.or him to where he d-id agree the tax fee would be in the $2,000 range. He further stated that 'this land was not subdivided--also stated 'that people wanting to purchase the property is in error. No one has approached them on this and he stated that until the money is received - there is no sale. This property was a cattle ranch to start with. He further stated that he felt this was a subdividers problem and not the land owners problem. Further, he mentioned 'that there are only two residents on this entire piece of property and stated that he knows that they will have to face annexation of 'this property in the future but they ame not financially able to do so now. Pmesiden't Fesler stated that Mr. Bianchi has mentioned the raasons that the District has proceeded with this annexation; the large parcels of land can now be brought in or annexed to 'the district and charges deferred. Mr. Mayer stated that it is true that people have been interested in this land; the acquisition of and if it is within the District Boundaries, etc. He further stated that it should be made clear that the land owner or the Estate should be, annexed otherwise there is no good use for this property. It is the owners problem to have this property annexed. Director Kortes mentioned that this property possibly could be excluded from the annexation; maybe it is not suitable for residential or commercial use and probably would be suitable for some other function, such as a park, etc. Mr. Mayer stated to Mr. Bianchi that there will be a major trunk line parallel to the Truckee River, which will be on this property and another trunk line through Angora Creek which will be on this property. He further stated there are no assessments on this property and will be no assessments on this property until the land is developed. Mr. Bianchi stated 'that maybe an agreement could be reached to obtain these rights-of-way needed by the District in lieuof assessments. Mr. Mayer stated that the District will hire a professional appraiser to appraise all land for easements, rights-of-way, e'tc., and he will also contact the property owner for these. Mr. Mayer made a rough estimate of $10,000/ $20,000 for the right-of-way on this land. Mr. Mayer stated that they will definitely have money coming from the District for the rights,of-way on the Bianchi Property. Mr. Bianchi stated that they want to be cooperative and thanked the Bca rd for their time and mentioned that they are defini'tely protesting this annexation. MR. IRVING ORR representing the TAHOE PARADISE ASSOCIATION. stated that he will eliminate the wr~rd "PROTEST". Mr. Orr Mr. Orr stated 'that he is speaking onl~ehalf and working on behalf of the property owners and possible buyers in the are of 1967-3 Annexation. "We would like 'to have something to tell the lot owners;' Mr. Orr Stated, about the annexation - the cost, present and future charges , etc. When will sewer service be available, etc. Mr. Orr asked if a letter could be prepared by the District stating the present cost to the owner, the future cost to the owners - when and why and when sewers will be ready for use to the owners, and have this letter addressed to the organization in layman's language so they could mail same to their owners of property there. The Board sta'ted this will be done as requested by Mr. Orr and thanked Mr. Orr for his interest in this annexation. (continued) MR. BILL HAUCK - LAKE TAHOE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT: Mr. Hauck asked if this annexation would include the Meyer's School. Engineer Mover stated that it would. Mr. Hauck also asked if the sewer service would be there by September. Mr. Mover stated that it would. President Fesler closed the hearing at 10:00 P.M. for annexation 1967-3 and requested a recess for five (5) minutes. President Fesler called the meeting back to order at 10:05 P.M. O :L D B U S I N E S S: The following RESOLUTIONS were considered for adoption: 1. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHC~ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAKING DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVING THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 1967-1-" TO THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. RESOLUTION NO. 791 Director Wakeman stated that he is definitely against excluding the Globin proper'tv from this annexation. All Directors agreed. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 791, be approved. 2. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAKING DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVING THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 1967-2" TO THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kor'tes, unan imously carried, 'tha't RESOLUTION NO. 792 be approved. Prior to adoption of RESOLUTION NO.793, the President of the Board asked Mr. Bianchi if he would like to wit-hdraw his protest. Mr. Bianchi stated that he did not feel they would withdraw 'their protest - he wants to have the protest stand and qualify. RESOLUTION NO. 793: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAKING DETERMINATION AND APPROV- ING THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "SOUTH THAT PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 1967-3" TO THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 793 be approved. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2: RESOLUTION NO. 794: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT THE ISSUANCE OF SUBDISTRICT BONDS IS NOT SUBJECT TO PRIOR INVESTIGATION, REPORT AND APPROVAL BY CALIFORNIA DISTRICT SECURITIES COMMISSION. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2 .... (Lakeview Tahoe Subdivision) RESOLUTION NO. 795: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT THE ISSUANCE OF SUBDISTRICT BONDS IS NOT SUBJECT TO PRIOR INVESTIGATION, REPORT AND APPROVAL BY CALIFORNIA DISTRICT SECURITIES COMMISSION, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT U-i, MEYERS AREA. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NOS. 794 and 795 be approved. ADIOURNED REGULAR MEETING (Continued) -6- 3/30/67 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1. presented for adoption: The following resolutions were RESOLUTION NO. 796: A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO/~QUIRE AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS. RESOLUTION NO. 797: A RESOLUTION REFERRING PROJECT TO ATTORNEYS AND ENGINEERS. RESOLUTION NO. 798: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER OF EL DORADO COUNTY RECOMMENDS PROCEEDINGS UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS OR OTHER APPROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS, FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES, AS NECESSARY AS A HEALTH MEASURE. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1. RESOLUTION NO. 799: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEW-ERS AND TO PROVIDE THAT THE COST SHALL BE ASSESSED UPON THE DISTRICT BENEFITED, UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1 ' Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 796 through 799 be approved. Attorney J. Weidman requested the adoption of a RESOLUTION BY TITLE AS follows: ' RESOLUTION NO. 800: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO THE STATE ALLOCATIONS BOARD AND DESIGNATING REPRESENTATI.VES '!'(General Manager, Attorney and President of the Board) TO CONDUCT NEGOTIATIONS ($1.8 Million Loan). Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 800 be adopted by title. Attorney J. Weidman stated there will be a meeting on the 4th of APRIL 1967, 2:00 P.M., at the California State Employees Association Building. ~/iISCELLANEOUS: A luncheon meeting, 12:00 NOON, at the Tahoe Sands-- Senator Teale to speak on the Bi-State Study Report. All Director, s are invited. President Fesler stated that he would like to have a dinner or a gathering with the employees of the District. He mentioned that he does not know many of the employees of the District and asked George Melikean, Sr., Personnel Chairman, to look into this. He felt that the Board should be acquainted with the employees and this would be a possible way to do this. Mr. Melikean stated that a report and a recommendation will be presented at the first meeting in April. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $6 309 78 be approved for payment. ' ' ADJOURNMENT: 10:30 P.M. RO BEi~T~FE SLE~ ,- [~RE SIDE NT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DAVID W. CALLAHAN~, Clerk of Bo~__ and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors thereof. - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BID OPENING _April 6, 1967 --3:00 P.M. $500,000 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEWER REVENUE BONDS OF 1967 Bids for $500,000 South Tahoe Public Utility District Sewer Revenue Bonds of 1967 were opened at 3:00 P.M. by Clerk of Board David W. Callahan. Following bids were received: ROBERT E. SCHWESER COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, LTD. Suite 260, Prudential Building 3212 Loma Vista Road Ventura, California BID: 97.75% of the principal amount. All bonds shall bear interest at 5.00% from their date to maturity. BID Certified Check included in the amount of $7,500.00. TAYLOR AND COMPANY 439 Bedford Drive. Beverly Hills, California BID: 97.59% principal amount· Maturities between 1968 to 1977 = 5% Maturities from 1978 to 1991 = 5.25% BID Certified Check included in the amount of $7,500.00. The above bids were taken under advisement and will be considered by the Board of DirectOrs at the regular meeting scheduled this evening. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD AND EX OFFICIO' SECRETARY SOUTH TAH~ PLBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 6, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session April 6, 1967, 8:00 P. M. City Hall, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present ~'ere Directors R. Fesler, R. Wakeman, D. Kortes, E. Hegarty, G. Melikean, Attorney ~. Weidman, Attorney D. Raymond, General Manager H.E.Moyer and Clerk of Board Callahan. Also present were Iohn Murphy of the Sacramento Bee and David Trussell of the Tahoe Daily Tribune. MINUTES: The minutes of March 16, 1967, and the Minutes of March 30, 1967, ---Director ~ortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Minutes of 3/16/67 and 3/30/67 be approved as written. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD -2- 4/6/67 MANAGER' S REPORT: 4/6/67 General Manager Moyer read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report 4/6/67 Plant Operation: March 1-31, 1967: Total Plant Flow Average Daily Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Electricity Used 73.06 MGD 2.36 MGD 8,230 lbs. 9,559 gallons 246,080 KWH Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1: Total Flow 10.48 MG Average Daily Flow 0.34 MG CONSTRUCTION 1. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1: The project is complete except for cleanup and street paving which will be done when weather and snow conditions permit. 2. TREATMENT PLANT ADDiYiONS: The Contractor - Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick, Inc., has concentrated his efforts on completing the concrete work on the tertiary plant. He has completed 95 percent of the concrete work. The structure is now ready for installation of the new separation beds and the carbon columns, which are scl~eduled to be installed starting the week of March 27, 1967. In addition, work has continued on the primary with concreting operations approximately 45 percent complete. Form work for thesludge flow division box has been started. The total work on the treatment plant is now 19 percent complete, with Schedule "8" 24 percent and Schedule "T" 8 percent. 3. LUTHER PASS PIPELINE & PUMPING STATION: The Contractor on the pipeline, Ernest E. Pestana, Inc., tried to clear snow in order to proceed with pipe installation on Barbara Avenue; however, his snow,'removal operations were just begun when recent storms hit the area. Heavy snow and winter weather conditions have so far stopped efforts to work on this phase of the project. The contractor on the pumping station - Underground Construction Company, cannot begin construction until weather permits; however, he tentatively schedules work to begin in April. MEETINGS: Friday, March 24, 1967, I met with Dr. Robert Dean, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration (FWPCA) advanced Waste Treatment Section, to discuss the administration and technical work to be done under the FWPCA Research and Development Grant. The meeting was held at the District Office and included Mr. Gerald Stern, FWPCA, and A1 Slechta of Clair A. Hill & Associates. The meeting was of a preliminary nature and no decisions were reached. Another meeting on this grant will be held at the District Office on April 17th with FwP ~ from Washington, D.C. Monday, April 3, 1967, John C. Weidman and I Met with Bruce Meinders, of the E1 Dorado Forest, concerning the proposed United States Forest Service annexation to the District. We discussed the means by which the U.S.F.S. could annex, and also the means by which sewer service could be provided, it now appears the USFS will ask the District to prepare an agreement which will provide for the District to design, construct, and operate all United States Forestry Service systems. /// REGULAR MEE TING -3- 4/6/67 (Meetings - continued) On Tuesday, April 4, 1967, the Planning Committee -AttorneyWeidman, and myself, met in Sacramento with representati~es:_of the State Allocation Board, Department of General Services and Department of Finance. This meeting was to review a preliminary draft of the agreement between the State and the District concerning the $1.8 million dollar State loan." Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted, as presented by General Manager Moyer. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. ANNEXATION AND FUTURE GROWTH OF THE DISTRICT: Director Hegarty stated that there was no meeting. J.C. Weidman, Attorney, stated that there is an easement (Eminent Domain) which is being tried at Amador County. The parties involved are requesting $22,000 and severance for the easement. 2. PLANNING COMMITTEE: This committee met on the 29th of March 1967, and discussed all items regarding the export system. A Study Session was held on the 5th of April and discussed at that time: (t) Final Draft of Contract with Alpine County, (2) General Services Contract, (3) Douglas County Sewer Improvement District f:l Accounts Receivable, (4) Assemblyman Chappies Forgiveness Legislative Bill and (5) the District Vehicle. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Director Kortes stated that the Public Information Committee met with Mr. David W. Callahan to discuss changing the letter-head for the District. Mr. Kortes stated that he has requested some suggestions from the Art Teacher and his Class at the High School. Examples of possible letter-heads will be presented to the Board soon. Director Fesler asked if the Directors agreed that we should advise our taxpayer's of the .97¢ tax rate for the sewer they are now paying as compared to the $1.80 the taxpayers on the North End of the Lake Are paying. The Directors discussed this suggestion, pro and con, and this item was turned over to the Public Information Committee to handle. Director Fesler also stated that we could offer our assistance to that area, if they so desire. The District would be pleased to assist them in any way it can. Director Hegarty stated that the District on the North End and this District are working towards the same thing - "Stop Pollution of Lake Tahoe". Attorney J.C. Weidman stated that we have asked Eugene Chappie to introduce a bill for protective purposes and this bill is to provide an "X" number of dollars to complete export facilities, if needed. 4. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Director George Melikean stated that at the last meeting he was requested to consider a get-together of the e employees and the Directors of the District in order that the Directors can become better acquainted with the Employees. Mr. Melikean stated that consideration has been given to this and a date will be set for this meeting/and/or get-together. The Directors will contribute their compensation for one meeting to have this dinner for the employees/Directors. Mr. Melikean also invited the press and their wives to this dinner. REGULAR MEETING (continued) -4- 4/6/67 7/0(2 President Fesl~r thanked Mr. Geoerge Melikean, Director, for his report and stated that the Directors are looking forward with considerable anticipation for him to complete the plans for this. 5. BANKING/INSURANCE: No report. OLD BUSINESS 1. SCHEDULE "F", SOLIDS HANDLING SYSTEM:General Manager Moyer recommended that the Board of Directors authorize construction inspection services by ClairA. Hill & Associates. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that inspectior~ services be authorized, as recommended by General Manager Moyer. 2. INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE: General Manager Moyer read a letter from FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ADMINISTRATION, from Mr. E. H. THOUREN, P.E., REGIONAL CONSTRUCTION GRANTS, PROGRAM DIRECTOR, as follows: "March 31, 1967 SOUTHWEST REGIONAL OFFICE Room 1802, 100 McAllister Street San Francisco, California, 94102 South Tahoe Public Utility District Post Office Box AU Bijou, California, 95705 Telephone No: Area Code: 415= 556-6635 - 556 6636 Attention: Mr. Robert Fesler Gentlemen: RE: WPC-CAL-300 So. Tahoe P.U.D. Weaare returning under separate cover one set of plans and specifications for the Indian Creek Pipeline South Tahoe Public Utility District as submitted by the California State Water Quality Control Board in connection with your applica- tion for Federal Grant. These plans and specifications have been approved by the California State Water Quality Control Board and the Federal Water Pollution Control Administrat ion. An identical set of approved plans and specifications should be available at the project site at all times. 1. You are authorized to advertise for and open bids on the project. Approval is granted only to advertise for and open bids. Under no circumstances should you award contracts prior to approval of the Part B ~col~ies enclosed) by the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. 2. Plans and specifications should be available to bidders for at least three weeks prior to bid opening. 3. If modifidations of the approved l~lans and specifications are necessary, they should be submitted in duplicate to this office for review and approval. An additional copy should be sent directly to the California State Water Quality Control Board. 4. We are enclosing Part B documents andinstructions. When bids are opened, two copies of the Part B Should be sent to this office and one copy directly to the California State Water Quality Control Board. The material should be submitted promptly after the opening of bids, so that you will not be delayed in receiving approval to award contract. 5. Attention is called to the necessity of submitting a legal description and opinion with the Part B (see Section E of Part B and Assurance M of the Grant Offer). A sample legal opinion is enclosed for your information. 6. The attached list indicates persons or firms ineligible to receive contracts on projects receiving Federal support. REGULAR MEETING (continued) -5- 4/6/67 (continued) Letter from E. H. Thouren (continued) As soon as possible, please furnish this office with proposed dates for advertisement for bids, bid opening, and contract award. If you have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely yours, ENCLOSURES: Under Separate Cover 1. Plans and Specifications Herewith 1. Draft of Legal Opinion 2. Part B (4 copies) 3. Ineligibles to receive FWPC contracts 4. Part B Instructions E. H. THOUREN, P.E. REGIONAL CONSTRUCTION GRANTS, PROGRAM DIRECTOR cc: California State WQCB Clair A. Hill Associates (w/cy of Part B form and Instructions FWPCA - Washington, D.C." Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, that the District proceed and authorize advertising for bids. General Manager Moyer presented the following RESOLUTIONS for adoption and the following ORDINANCE: RESOLUTION NO. 802: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY OF THE DISTRICT DEMANDS THE ACQUISITION OF A PUBLIC rYfILITY WORKS---DISPOSAL FACILITIES, INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE. RESOLUTION NO. 803: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS(D)F THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICA- TIONS FOR A PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS, DISPOSAL FACILITIES, INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE. ORDINANCE NO. 139: AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC UTILITY !/V©RKS SHALL BE ACQUIRED-- DISPOSAL FACILITIES, INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE. RESOLUTION NO. 804: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ASCERTAINING THE GENERAL APPLICABLE PREVAILING WAGE RAPE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS .... DISPOSAL FACILITIES AND INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE. RESOLUTION NO. 805: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CALLING FOR NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR SEALED PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS--- DISPOSAL FACILITIES, INDIAN: CREEK PIPELINE. Director Hegarty amended his motion to adopt all above RESOLUTIONS - Nos. 802 through 805 and ORDINANCE NO. 139, as presented by General Manager Moyer. Director Kortes seconded. BOARD ACTION: .... Amended Motion .... Carried unanimously. On the Amended Motion-- Carried unanimously. General Manager Moyer stated this is our first concrete move into Alpine County. REGULAR MEETING (continued) -6- 4/6/67 This is the last link in the export pipeline and scheduled for completion in 180 calendar days after the contract is awarded. We hope to be exporting out of the basin by late November 1967 or early December 1967, Mr. Moyer stated. Attorney John C.' Weidman requested the adoption of RESOLUTION NO. 801, which is a RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AN AGREE MENT BETWEEN SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AND ALPINE COUNTY AND THE ALPINE COUNTY WATER AGENCY. Attorney Weidman stated that he did not wish to have the President execute this agreement at this time, but does wish to have authorization that he is to ex- ecute the agreement. Mr. Weidman stated he wanted to have the certified resolutions and all other necessary documents attached to the agreement prior to the President signing same. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 801 be approved as presented to the Board. In answer to General Moyer's questions, Attorney We£dman stated: 1. Alpine County Board of Supervisors and Alpine Water County Water Agency did authorize the execution of the contract between the District and Alpine County, and (2) Mr. H. Bruns did sign the contract. BID OPENING - SEWER REVENUE BONDS. Two (2) bids were received at the District Office at 3:00 P.M. today - 4/6/67 -, as follows: ROBERT E. SCHWESER CO. OF CALIF., LTD. Suite 260, Prudential Bldg. 3212 Loma Vista Rd, Venture , California Bid: 97.75% of the principal amount. All bonds shall bear interest at 5.00% from their date to maturity. (5. 1330%) 2. TAYLOR AND COMPANY 439 Bedford Drive; Beverly Hills, California Bid: 97.59% of principal amount. Maturities between 1968-77 at 5%; maturities from 1978-1991 at 5.25%. (5,3748%) Attorney R. Raymond stated that Robert E. Schweser Company of California, Ltd., was the lbw bidder; however, the bid was non-responsive and therefore, Mr. Raymond requested the Board to reject all bids and then accept the Schweser bid on a private sale. The terms of the sale would be, in all respects, the same as the bid received. Mr. Raymond spoke to Robert Schweser Company about this and he also spoke to Taylor and Company and they stated they had no objection in the rejection of the bids and the private sale to Robert Schweser Company. The reason the request by the Attorney to reject all bids is that the 8chweser bid had a condition attached to it and therefore could not be accepted. The Directors discussed the bids in great length as to the legality of rejecting the bids and accepting Schweser's bid on a private sale; the feeling of the Taylor and Company to this procedure, etc. Mr. Moyer stated that he spoke to Mr. Ken Jones, Bonding Attorney of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, regarding this procedure and Mr. Jones stated that he would definitely recommend rejection of all bids and the Schweser bid be accepted on a private sale basis. The cost was one item that would enter into this if this were to go back to bid. Mr. Moyer stated that Mr. Jones is an ex- pert in the field of financing and this is why the District employes him/or the firm. Mr. Jones was very definite in his recommendation of this, Mr. Moyer stated. REGIfLAR MEETING (continued) -7- 4/6/67 Sehweser and Company has sent a telegram to the District stating that they agree to the award of the bonds on the basis of their bid. Attorney Raymond recommended the adoptionof the following Ordinance by title: ORDINANCE NO. 140: AN ORD~'NAN(iZ OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REJECT- ING ALL BIDS RECEIVED AND AWARDING SALE OF BONDS AT A PRIVATE SALE. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 140 be adopted by title. Clerk of Board Callahan requested the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 806: A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO.789 BY CHANGING TIME FOR RECEIPT OF BIDS ON SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2 (_April 18, 1967 - 5:00 P.M.! Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 806 be adopted. NEW BUSINESS: 1. CLAIM FROM JOAN A. WILLIAMS: General Manager H.E. Meyer read a letter received from Joan A. Williams in the amount of $222.25. Mr. Meyer recommended this claim be denied and turned over to the District Insurance Carrier. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claim from Joan A. Williams be denied and turned over to the insurance carrier. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager H.E.Moyer read the following letters: 1. From Mr. W. E o Schreederj Regional, Director of the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, dated 3/29/67, in which Mr. Schreeder mentioned that a West German Water Pollution Team representing the government of West Germany will visit the United States during May 1967 and that they will visit the District facilities around 5/16/67. Mr. Meyer will prepare a proper welcome for these people and make certain their visit here will be worthwhile. Director Kortes will assist General Manager Meyer. 2. From the California Water Pollution Control Association, dated 4/1/67, regarding membership in California and Water Pollution Control Association - A conference is to be held the 4th and 5th of May 1967, Long Beach, Calif. Mr. Meyer urged any Directors that are interested to please attend; he also mentioned that Mr. William C. Taylor, Plant, Superintendent, will attend this conference. Director Melikean asked Mr. Meyer if it would be feasible and practical to service the United States Forest Service land, Camp Richardson, and the other recreational parks, up to and including Emerald Bay by 1968. Mr. Meyer stated that we are working with the United States Forest Service to annex 3,500 acres from the western boundaries to Emerald Bay and up to Fallen Leaf, and in addition to that, we have had requests from the State of California to serve the Emerald Bay Area. This could be accomplished by 1968. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, the claims in the amount of $159,987.42, as recommended by Assistant General Manager D.W.C allahan, be approved for payment. REGULAR MEETING (continued) -S- 4/6/67 .AD$OURNMENT: President Fesler adjourned the meeting at 10:00 P.M. ROBERT W. FESTER, ~ESIDENT of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAH(iE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of ~ Board and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CORRECTION TO THE MINUTES OF APRIL 6, 1967 The meeting was adjourned to April 18, 1967, 7:30 P.M., at the Treatment Plant on Johnson Road - District Office. ROBERT'W. F~SLER,~'~l~re~ident of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHCE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING .... APRIL 18, 1967 PROTEST HEARING FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an adjourned regular meeting at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Melikean, Hegarty; General Manager H.E. Moyer, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary David W. Callahan, Engineer J. Jensen, E. Bull, S. Varney, AttorneyR. Hill, Mr. A. Trumbull, A.L. Shoupe, Grace Scroggin, Nancy Newman and Donald Showalter. PURPOSE OF MEETING: This is the time and place scheduled for the Protest Hearing on Assessment District 1966-2. General Manager Moyer stated that the area to be assessed will be the LAKEVIEW TAHOE SUBDIVISION UNITS 1 and 2, which is the last area within the Utility District, which is also a developed area, not having public sewers. Engineer Jensen stated that four bids were received - all of which were below the Engineer's Estimate. The low bidder, ROBERT L. HELMS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, RENO, NEVADA, 8115,440.00. Engineer's Estimate: $178,895.00. The total amount of the assessment was $287,792.08, which will be reduced to 8215,431.00; individual assessments will be reduced accordingly (approximately $326.00 reduction for each lot). The $200.00 lateral charge will remain. The reduction, of course, was due to the low bid of the Contractor. Mr. J. Jensen stated that ROBERT L. HELMS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY had the contract for 1966-1. They are a reputable and reliable firm. Mr. Jensen also stated that the Engineer's would recommend the contract be awarded to Robert L. Helms Construction Company of Reno, Nevada. Attorney Robert H.~ll NAME S stated that four (4) bond bids were received, as follows: NET INTEREST COST BOND DISCOUNT TOTAL EFFECTIVE RATE Robert E. Schweser Co. of California, Ltd. - 3212 Loma Vista Rd. Ventura, California; 1-1/2% for 1 year only (detachable) 1968-70 6% 97.253% 1971- 75 4 -i/4% 1976 4.3% 1977-78 4.4% ' 1979-82 4.5% $108,071.83 7,905.65 115,977.48 4.969524% STONE & YOUNGBERG 1314 Russ Bldg. San Francisco, Calif. 1968-74 5-3/4% 97.26% 1975-82 5-1/2% 5.896155% TAYLOR & COMPANY 439 Bedford Dr. No. Beverly Hills, Calif. FIRST CALIFORNIA CO. 300 Montgomery St San Fraancisco, Calif. 1968-77 5% 97.54% 1978-82 5 -1/4% $119,868. 86 7,079.69 1968-77 4-1/2% 97% 1978-82 4-3/4% 126,948.55 5.4396% 116,833.79 5.01% Attorney R. Hill stated that the firm of Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch, will recommend to the District to accept the low bid of Robert E. Schweser Company of California, Ltd. Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- April 18, 1967 WRITTEN PROTESTS: The following protests were read by Clerk of Board Callahan: 1. MRS. EDNA COSTA- lprotesting for Lot 46, Block 1, Lakeview Tahoe Unit and MR. THOMAS F. COSTA 2-.~RHARD WINKLER AND JULIE WINKLER protesting assessment. 3. CHARLES K. PATERA Protesting to acquisition of lands and easements. Mr. Jensen stated that the plans and specifications have been filed in accordance with law. Attorney Hill stated that plans and specifications have been on file at the District Office since the adoption of the RESOLUTION OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEERING REPORT~ and has been available to anyone that desired to see same. Mr . Patera also stated that the information sent to him was for the wrong parcel. His parcel is 28 070 15. Mr. Iensen stated the notice mailed to Mr. Patera was for the correct parcel and was the correct amount. 4. MR. AND MRS. V.R. WHITE (VERNIS AND GERALDINE): protesting assessment and project for their lot - Lot 1, Block 3, Lakeview Tahoe Tract. Mr. Jensen stated that the White';s letter mentioned sewers were installed in Keller Road where their property is situated. Mr. Iensen stated that sewers were installed by Mr. Bliss in Keller Road and By Mrs. Scatena in Bridle Road. The White's did not contribute to either. Attorney Hill stated that the sewers installed in Keller Road and Bridle Road will now be for public use. 5. JOHN B. SIMMONS, 1966-2-160, protesting assessment and project. 6. EDGAR G. VARNEY, JR. - 28 063 05 7. EVERETT L. BULL- 1966-2-13: Requesting a reduction of assessment. Mr. Bull is in favor of sanitary facilities but felt same should not proceed into areas that cannot and will not be able to use the facilities for rm'any years to come. Mr. Jensen stated that Mr. Bull's property faces on Keller Road - 209 foot frontage. Also, another road, which was taken as a public road and turned out to be a priv_ate road, for which Mr. Bull was also assessed will cause an adjustment in Mr. Bull's assessment. Originally, Mr. Bull was charged for 5.59 units and an adjustment will be made to charge him for 3.62 units, plus the $200.00 for the lateral. Total assessment charge to Mr. Bull will be $3,277.00 instead of original assessment of 86,773.84. Mr. H.E. Moyer stated that the line on Keller Road does not enter into the cost of this project; however, if this had to be installed and included, the cost to each individual would amount to much more. Mr. Bull was told that he will soon be contacted regarding the easements on his property that the District might have to acquire for this project. Mr. Moyer mentioned that previous boards had considered to include Lakeview Tahoe in Assessment District 1960-1 and in 1961-1. These areas are near Glenwood Way, Pioneer Trail, and construction cost in this area would be much lower than the construction cost in Lakeview Tahoe. Insofar as practical, assessment district's will be limited to similar topography so all property owners will be able to pay their equitable amount. Mr. Bull stated that sewer service facilities is a very necessary thing and congratulated the Board on the project. Mr. Bull also withdrew his protest. 8. PETER D. WALKER, 1966-2-163 - Mr. Walker's letter stated that he paid his share of this line to Mr. A. Trumbull for Mr. Bliss. 9. MR. ARTHUR L. TRUMBULL: This letter stated that his property is connected 'to the line in Keller Road and this was done by permission from Mr. Bliss. Mr. Trumbull was asked to encourage 'the property owners to connect to the sewer line installed by Mr. Bliss and for working on this project, Mr. Bliss had given him permission to connect to the line. Mr. Trumbull did not pay any money to Mr. Bliss. /~<'~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -3- April 18, 1967 10. VIRGINIA GRAYSON: 1966-2-90, 28 163 07: Mr. Jensen stated that -this is in regards to Lot 64 A and 64 B and 65. Mrs. Grayson stated that she is the owner of 2/3's of the original lot and Mr. Russell Making, is the owner of Lots 64 B and 65 1/3 portion. - Mr. ~ensen stated that originally these were equal parcels but since they have apparently split the lots further so the lot now is three equal parcels. Mr. ~ensen stated that he has written to Mrs. Grayson and further checking found that she was out of out of the area. Mr. [ensen stated that Mrs. Grayson has been assessed for what she owns. Attorney Hill asked Mr. ~ensen if the present assessment for the above conforms with the assessor's parcel. Mr. ~ensen stated that it does. 11. GORDON CALL: Stating that he is in favor of the project and that he has been waiting for three years to build. Now that the sewer will be installed he stated he can build. ORAL PROTESTS: Nancy Newman stated that a splendid job was done on the explanations of the need for this project that she was sold. She did ask how the assessments would be paid and how soon same would have to be paid. Attorney Hill stated that there would be a deadline set for the date the assessments can be paid in cash. Otherwise, the owners may let their assessments go to bond for a 15 year period at an interest rate of approximately 4.96%. In response to Mr. S. Varney's question as to if the Bond can be paid off after same goes to bond, Mr. Hill stated that to pay the bond off in full, the principal amount of the bond plus interest to maturity must be paid. Then the bond is called with a premium of 5% and the remaining interest is refunded to the payee of the assessment. Mt. Varney asked the Engineer why the District was assessing for area rather than use of the property. Mr. H. E. Moyer stated that the assessments are figured on a square footage. A sewer service charge is collected annually from the property owner for the use of the sewer - according to the sewer units their home contains. Mr. Moyer stated that the reason the area formula was used in this assessment was due to the irregularity of the lots. Mr. ~[. [ensen, Engineer, stated that the ones that had paid Mr. Bliss for connecting to the sewer line were contacted and requested to send documents, receipts, etc., as to who they paid, how much they paid, etc. He recommended that the assess- ment (total figure) be accepted as reduced and the ones that had paid for connec- tion at a prior time be reimbursed by the District in cash. Also, Mr. [ensen stated that Mr. and Mrs. Rothgeb had stated they had paid approximately $490.00 for connection to the sewer line; others paid as follows: Scatena Buss Trumbull Daverill Rothgeb Walker $2,256.00 plus 111.00 422.50 No payment. 422.50 (prior owner-C.Kurisa) 490.00 (approxirra rely) 422.50 Mr. Moyer stated that there are no records existing in the District files as to the payments of the above. However, the sewers were installed and Mr. Bliss financed same. The District did benefit by the installation of this line and this line can be considered a contribution to the Assessment District, and this line now belongs to the District. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the individuals that paid for connection to the Bliss line be paid the amount thereof in exchange for release of any private rights in said line. AD][OURNED REGULAR MEETING -4- April 18, 1967 Attorney Hill requested the Board consider the Health Officer's letter and make same a part of the records, which letter considers the need for sewer service in this area. Also, Mr. Hill requested the consideration of the Engineer's report and all materials contained 'therein and asked Mr. Jensen if, in his opinion, the method whichwas used to spread this assessment results in the total cost of the project being distributed properly and fairly to all of the property owners and the properties in the area that will be benefited. Mr. Jensen stated yes. Mr. Hill also asked Mr. Jensen if he agreed that each property that has been assessed has been benefited in an amount et least as much, if not more, than the dollar assessment. Mr. Jensen stated yes. Mr. A. Trumbull asked to discuss lateral locations with the Engineer's and the engineer's requested he contact them following this meeting. President Fesler closed the hearing at 8:55 P.M. Attorney Hill recommended adoption of the following Resolutions and Ordinances.: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 807: A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS ON RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 746. Assessment District 1966-2. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 807 be adopted. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 808: A RESOLUTION ORDERING REDUCTION IN ASSESSMENT --- $215,431.00. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, 'that RESOLUTION NO. 808 be adopted. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 809: A RESOLUTION AND ORDER ADOPTING ENGINEER'S REPORT, CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT AND ORDERING THE WORK AND ACQUISITIONS. Assessment District 1966-2. DirectorHegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 809 be adopted. 4. ORDINANCE NO. 141: AN ORDINANCE OF AWARD OP CON:£RACT-Assessment District 1966-2. Director Melikean moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 141 be adopted. 5. RESOLUTION NO. 810: A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING COLLECTION OFFICER. Assessment District 1966-2. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 810 be adopted. 6. ORDINANCE NO. 142-: AN ORDINANCE AWARDING SALE OF BONDS. Assessment District 1966-2. (Bonds awarded to Robert Schweser Company of California, Ltd.) Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 142 be adopted. MISCELLANEOUS: President Robert W. Fesler rerninded all Directors and thosepresent'that Senator Teale will be in the area 'tomorrow to speak on the Bi-State Regional Authority and this is 'to be for lunch at the TAHOE INN. Everyone is welcome to attend this luncheon. ADJOURNMENT: President Fesler reminded all present that the regular meeting of 'the Board of Directors will be held this coming Thursday at 8:00 P.M. ,City Hall, South LakeTahoe. ADJOURNMENT: 9:07 P.M. ,//~ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -5- April 18, 1967 ROBERT ~r[~F~.SLER, PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board & ~ Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BID OPENING ..... ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Bid for Assessment District 1966-2, 4/18/67 2:00 P.M. The following bids were received and opened at the District office, 4/18/67, 2:00 P.M.: 1. .t~RNEST E. PESTANA, INC. 300 East First St. Reno, Nevada Bidders bond attached. 2. H.M. BYARS CONSTRUCTION CO. PO Box 748 Reno, Nevada Bidders bond attached. 3. ROBERT L. HELMS CONSTRUCTION CO 3025 Mill St. Reno, Nevada 4. DELZER PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION INC 8148 E~,ir Oaks Blvd. Carmichael, Calif. Bidders bond attached. $152,114.00 $173,254.50 $115,440.00 $147,970.00 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE ........... $178,895.00 Present at the bid opening were: General Manager H.E. Moyer, Clerk of Board and Ex- Officio Secretary DavidW. Callahan, Engineer J. lensen, D. Showalter and Director Donald H. Kortes. ~eVrIkD o fW ~ oCa rA~ LaAn~AeNx'- O f f i c i o Secretary ~' SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ~dU'~I~ TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 20, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on the 20th of April 1967, 8:00 P.M., South Lake Tahoe, City Hall. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. W. Fesler, Directors R. Wakeman, D.H. Kortes,r,~-~=~m~z~/-z-~-/, ~.,-~-,~,~-~.,,~ ,~,,, E . Hegarty , General Manager H .E . Moyer, Clerk of Board and Ex-officio Secretary DavidW. Callahan, Attorney J.C. Weidman, D. Trussel, A.L. Shoupe. ABSENT: Director George Melikean, Sr. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that 'the minutes of 4/6/67 and zl/18/67 be approved. (4/18/67 minutes approved as corrected). MANAGER's REPORT: General Manager Moyer read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report April 20, 1967 CONSTRUCTION: Treatment Plant Addition: The contractor - Rothschild, Raffin and Weirick, has been severly hampered the last 'two weeks by the inclement weather. Little work has been accomplished other than the installation of the separation beds in the Tertiary Treatment Plant. No concrete work or excavation work has been performed. Luther Pass Pipeline and Pumping Station: The contractor on the pipeline, Ernest E. Pestana,Inc., has been unable to commence work due to the inclement weather. He is prepared to start work whenever snow conditions and weather conditions will permit. The contractor on the pumping station - Underground Construction Company, has not begun on-sight construction. The contractor has been fabricating much of the necessary piping and obtaining equipment;' however, and once weather uonditions permit, this construction should proceed quite rapidly. MEETINGS: On April llth, representatives of Bartlett-Snow-Pacific Company, 'the contractors on Schedule "F" and Rothschild, Raffin~ndWeirick, Contractors on Schedule "S", met with myself and representatives of 'the engineers in regards to coordinan'tion of the work under both contracts. Progress schedules for installation of the equipment under Schedule "F" were submitted by Bartlett-Snow-Pacific. It appears that major items of equipment will begin arriving at 'the site during 'the early part of August and the complete installation is scheduled for completion by the 1st of January 1968. The delivery time on the critical items, which were the centrifuges, has been greatly expedi'ted, a~d these_ should arrive at the site by the first of November. Assuming these schedules are met, the plant will be in full operation by the 1st of January 1968. On April 17th, representatives of the Federal Wa'ter Pollution Control Administration met with myself and Russell Culp and A1 Slechta regarding the District's research and development grants. Dr. RileyKinman of 'the Division of Grant Management and Dr. Edward Martin of the Division of Engineering Development and three staff members represented the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration at this meeting. I'tems discussed included termination of the existing research and development Grant No. 85 02 66 and 'the means of account for equipment that has beenpurchasedwith grant funds, and the general format of the final report that will be issued. Much of the time was spent discussing the new research and development grant 52 01 67, which is the $1,022,000 grant, recently made to the District. Procedures involved in approval of design and construction were arrived at as well as a determination of the necessary personnel involved in the three operational period during which data is to be collected on the efficiency and cost of the Tertiary Treatment Plant and associated operations. We also discussed 'the requirements for financial record keeping and the means by which payment would be made, by the Federal Water Pollution Control Association, to the District.. The District is to 'submit a de'tailed work plan showing all the work to be accomplished under the three phases of this grant and the estimated financial needs for each phase. Upon receipt of and approval of this plan, the REGULAR MEETING -2- April 20, 1967 Manager's Report (continued) representatives indicated that partial payments of the grant can be made in advance, and that the District financial needs will be met. They did say 'that no advance payment will be made within the next 30 days to 60 days, as an attempt is being made by all agencies of the Federal Government to reduce outgo from the Treasury, insofar, as possible" Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that 'the Managei~'s Report be accepted as presented by General Manager H.E.Moyer. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Robert W. Fesler welcomed Mr. A.L. shoupe, Engineer, Mr. D. Trussell - representative of the Tahoe Daily Tribune. COMMITTEE RE'BORTS: Report as follows: 1. ANNEXATION & FUTURE GROWTH OF THE DISTRICT: "April 20, 1967: The Annexation Commi't'tee met a't the District Office on 'the 19th of April 1967, at 3:30 P.M. Present were Director Hegartyand Manager Moyer. Subjects under discussion included the Meyers Trunk System, Proposed Assessment District 1967-2, 1967-3 and 1967-4, and Proposed Annexation 1967-4. The Committee recommended that the Meyers Trunk Sewer System be constructed in accordance with the following schedule: Advertisement for bids Bid opening Contract award Project Completion April 20, 1967 May 25, 1967 June 11, 1967 November 1968 The Committee further recommended that the Districts 1967-2, 1967-3 and 1967-4, should be ini'tiated as soon as possible. The approximate boundaries and locations of these assessment districts are Shown on the attached maps. The committee recomm~n ds that the necessary resolution of intention and resolution appointing Engineers and Attorneys for all three assessment districts be considered at the regular board meeting of 4/20/67. I'twas also tentatively decided that Assessment District 1967-2 should be completed first and a targat date of August 15, 1967, be established for bid opening and contract award, with construction to be completed by May 1, 1968. The target date for Assessment District 1967-2 will be to have the contract award, bid opening and hearing on September 20, 1967, with construction to be completed by June 1968. The target dates for Assess- ment District 1967-4 will have to have the bid opening, hearing and contract award on April 15, 1968, with construction completed by Decemberl, 1968. This schedule will provide the sewering of all presently developed areas within the District during 1968. The committee also recommended that the Attorneys and Engineer/Manager be authorized to proceed with the preparation of the necessary resolution of application to annex terri'tory for proposed annexation 1967-4. This annexation will be to have the contract award, bid opening and hearing on Sep'tember 20, 1967, with construction to be completed by June 1968. The target date for Assessment District 1967-4 will have to have the bid opening, hearing and contract award on April 15, 1968, with construction completed by December 1, 1968. This schedule will provide the sewering of all presently developed areas within the District during 1968. The committee also recommended that the Attorney and Engineer/Manager be authorized to proceed with the preparation of the necessary resolution of application to annex territory for proposed annexation 1967-4. This annexation will generally include existing subdivided lands extending from the Southerly boundaries of the District, South - along the either side of the Upper Truckee River, and adjacent to Highway 89, to approximately 'the Grass Lake Sub- division. The precise boundaries of this annexation will be determined after a more detailed review of the lands has been made" REGULAR MEETING -3- April 20, 1967 2. PLANNING COMMITTEE: The Planning Committee did meet, however, no report was given. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Director Kortes stated that a letterhead for the District stationary is still being studied. 4. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Director Melikean not present for this meeting. No Report. 5. BANKING/INSURANCE: Director Fesler stated that he and Director Kortes met with Senator Teale and his two Administrative Assistants to discuss t he letter from the Department of Finance regarding deferring payment/securing payment levy taxes as may be necessary, etc. Senator Teale will pursue [he matter further. Attorney J.C. Weidmanwill contact the Directors as to the meeting date, time and place. MR. PHIL BAKER, CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME , arrived at this meeting after recogni'tion of visitors and was recognized at this time. Mr. Baker stated 'that he would like to present recommendations from the Department of Fish and Game, as follows: "Board of Directors., April 20, 1967 South Tahoe Public Utility District South Lake Tahoe, California Attention: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer Gentlemen: We appreciate the opportunity to appear before your Board i:.his evening and discuss the Indian Creek Pipeline phase of your export plan. The overall objective of our Department in pollution control is to protect the waters of California so they provide suitable habitat for wildlife, fish and other aquatic organisms. The purpose of this presentation is 'to (1) define problem areas that may arise with the Contractor's operation at stream and creek crossings, (2) provide general guidelines that may help the Contractor to avoid muddying or silting of live streams, and (3) request that specific pollution control measures be included in the project specifica- tions as an addendum item. We are pleased that the project specifications for Indian Creek Pipeline have included fishery and esthetic interests. Particularly noteworthy is paragraph 2, page 4, under "Special Conditions" which reads as follows: "The Contrac'tor's operation at stream and creek crossings shall be performed in a manner that will conform to all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to waterways. He shall obtain the approval of the State of California, Department of Fish and Game of all such operations." We are offering the following informations as a guideline in helping the contractors to interpret the above paragraph in light of our interests. We hope it will assist them in preparation of their bids for the project. 1. Before starting work, the successful bidder should complete a Streambed Alteration Notice (Fish and Game Form 2023), attach one set of plans and specifications and mail to the Department of Fish and Game, Region II, 1001 Jedsmith Drive, Sacramento, phone 452 - 4981. The successful bidder also should notify our Department when he expects to start construction. 2. Excavated spoils and other deleterious materials, such as dirt, silt, cement, or petroleum products originating from the operation should not be allowed to enter stream channels nor should such contaminants be placed where they may later enter these areas. 3. In compliance with Fish-and Game Code, rubbish and construction debris, including cans, bottles, paper, stumps and slash should not be deposited within 150 feet of the high water mark of any stream. REGULAR MEETING -4- April 20, 1967 4. Work within major streams should be scheduled to take place during lowest flows. 5. Mechanized eq uipment should enter streams only when necessary and only within the immediate work area. As a further aid in protecting live streams against muddying or silting, we recommend that the following two requirements be included in the project specifications for Indian Creek Pipeline, as an addendum item. 1. Stream flows shall be diverted around the ,wzrk area by means of a cofferdam and culvert or other suitable alternative means approved by the Department of Fish and Game which allows for a minimum of stream discoloration during excavation of the streambed. 2. Water pumped out of excavations shall be discharged into settling ponds or an area separated from the natural stream channel. Discharge water returning to the stream shall not increase the background turbidity by more than 10 percent, measured with a Jackson Candle turbidime'ter. The se[table solid concentration of the discharged silt shall not be in excess of 0.5 milliliters per liter after one hour of quiescent settling. Alternative means to accomplish these requirements may be approved by the Department of Fish and Game. We suggest that the guidelines listed above, as well as the two additional specifications proposed, be mailed to each prospective bidder, that he may reflect these pollution control measures in his bid estimates. We feel that if these measures are followed, fish and wildlife resources in the project area will be protected. We urge that the Boar's most serious consideration be given our comments and recommendations. Sincerely, s/ROBERT D. MONTGOMERY, Regional Manager, Region II cc: ClairA. Hill & Assoc. District Ranger, Toiyabe National Forest Captain White Warden Brown Phil Baker" General Manager Moyer stated there would be no objection to the request of the Department of Fish and if the Board so desired an addendum to the specifications will be issued. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the letter of recommendation presented by the Department of Fish and Game be approved, an addendum be issued for the specifications (INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE) and (MEYERS TRUNK SEWER SYSTEM). General Manager Moyer gave an approximate total for all projects now under construction by the South Tahoe Public Utility District, as follows: Treatment Plant Addition Schedule F (Trt. Pit) Luther Pass Pump Station Assmt. Dist. 1966-2 Assmt. Dist. 1967-1 (Future) Assmt. Dist. 1967-3" U.S.Forest Serv. System $2,200,000 Indian Creek Pipeline $1,400,000 906,500 Reservoir Project 850,000 382,500 Assmt. Dist. 1966-1 60,000 115,000 Meyers Trk Sewer Sys 1,900,000 )Tonight) Assmt. Dist. 1967-2 900,000 700,000 800,000 Assmt. Dist. 1967-4 1,600,000 1,500,000 (to be discussed this evening) REGULAR MEETING _$_ April 20, 1967 OLD BUSINESS: 1. MEYERS TRUNK SEWER SYSTEM: Authorization to advertise for construction bids (a) RESOLUTION NO. 81] :A Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications, Estimates, Prevailing Wage Scale and Calling For Bids. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wa keman, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION. NO. 811 be adopted. ' 2. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1: Consideration of Contract Change Order No. 2, Robert L. Helms Construction for: Assessment District 1966-1 to: ' , CHANGE IN CONTRACT AMOUNT, INCREASE BY $3,325.44 CHANGE IN CONTRACT COMPLETION TIME: 3 calendar days. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Direct,Dr Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Change Order No. 2, Robert L. Helms, Construction Company, for assessment district 1966-1, be approved in 'the amount of $3,325.44. 3. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, $1,800,000 LOAN: The Planning Committee will mee't with officials of the State at Sacramento to discuss the re- payment of this loan. Mr. J.C. Weidman will schedule a meeting for discussion of this loan. 4. U. S. FOREST SERVICE: Consideration of Forest Service Proposals relating 'to Proposed Service Agreement for Camp Richardson Fallen Leaf Lake Recre'etion Area. ' General Manager Moyer pointed out the sections and areas on the map regarding the proposed U. S. Forestry Service System. The U.S.F.S. wants the South Tahoe Public Utility District to design this system and funds will come from the U.S.F.S. They have approximately $750,000 in their budget and this money has to be commited by Julyl, 1968. The U.S.F.S. wants to have the District enter into a service contract which would provide for preparation of a master plan of the sewer system and the cost associated with it. Additional contracts would be negotiable as the funds become available. NEW BUSINESS: 1. CLAIM FROM CHARI,ES WEDEKING: General H. E. Moyer presented a claim from Max H. Hoseit, Attorney for Claimant Charles Wedeking, totalling $808.86 that resulted as a result of overflow and backup of sewer. General Manager Moyer recommended that the claim be denied and turned over to the District's Insurance Carrier to handle. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that · the claim received from Charles Wedeking in the amount of $808.86 be denied and turned over to the District's insurance agent. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 812: A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and of the Board of Directors of the South Tak_oe Public Utility District to Establish in its name with Tahoe National Bank a Deposit Account Entitled "South Tahoe Public Utility District Construction Fund and Research Grant". DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 812, as recommended by General Manager H. E. Moyer, be approved. 3. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-2: Consideration of proposed Assess- ment District (as discussed in the Annexation Committee RepDrt). Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that the following resolutions be adopted: ' REGULAR MEETING -6- April 20, 1967 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-2 (continued) RESOLUTION NO. 813: A RESOLUTION REFERRING PROJECT TO ENGINEERS AND ATTORNEYS. RESOLUTION NO. 814: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICEROF EL DORADO COUNTY RECOMMEND PROCEEDINGS UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS, OR OTHER APPROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS, FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OFA SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES, AS NECESSARY AS A HEALTH MEASURE. RESOLUTION NO. 815: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND TO PROVIDE THAT THE COSTS SHALL BE ASSESSED UPON THE DISTRICT BENEFITED, UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS. RESOLUTION NO. 816: A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS. 4. ASSESSMENT..'DISTRICT 1967-3: Consideration of proposed Assessment District (as discussed in the Annexation Committee :Report: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried that the following resolutions be adopted: ' RESOLUTION NO. 817: A RESOi~UTION REFERRING PROJECT TO ENGINEERS AND ATTORNEYS. RESOLUTION NO. 818: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER OF EL DORADO COUNTY RECOMMEND PROCEEDINGS UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS, OR OTHER APPROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES AS NECESSARY AS A HEALTH MEASURE. ' RESOLUTION NO. 819: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO, TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND TO PROVIDE THAT THE COSTS SHALL BE ASSESSED UPON THE DISTRICT BENEFITED, UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS. RESOLUTION NO. 820:A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION :TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS. 5. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-4- Consideration of Proposed Assessment District (as discnssed in the Annexation Committee Report): DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the following resolutions be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 821: A RESOLUTION REFERRING PROJECT TO ENGINEERS AND ATTORNEYS. RESOLUTION NO. 822: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THATTHE COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER OF EL DORADO COUNTY RECOMMEND PROCEEDINGS UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS, OR OTHER APPROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS, FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES, AS NECESSARY AS A HEALTH MEASURE. RESOLUTION NO. 823: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION ~'ND CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND TO PROVIDE THAT THE COSTS SHALL BE ASSESSED UPON THE DISTRICT BENEFITED, UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS. REGULAR MEETING -7- April 20, 1967 (Assessment District 1967-5 (continued): RESOLUTION NO. 824: A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENTS. 6. CONTRACT AWARD--ANNU~fL GASOLINE SUPPLY: Consideration of bids received. Gen~ra!l Manager Moyer stated that three (3) bids were received for supplying gasoline for the district, as follows: MOBIL OIL CORPORATION PHILLIPS PETROLEUM: STANDARD OIL .2219~ .2425~ .26.9¢ Mobil Regular, as follows: 40-199= Gallons $.2519 (tank wagon delivery) 200-399 400 Gals. Gallons Min $.2319 $.2219 DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the bid from Mobil Oil Distributors be accepted. President Fesler stated that he did not like the idea of going to bid every year and felt 'that the supplier should be entitled to the contract more than a year at a time. Attorney J.C. Weidman stated that 'the code book definitely states annual advertising for bids. Correspondence; A letter was presen'ted to the Board from the United States Fidelity and Guarantee Company requesting the $50.00 deductible be submitted to them for the claim of JOAN WILLIAMS. President Fesler stated that the INSURANCE COMMITTEE will check into this and report to back to the Board. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amonnt of $18,795.69, as recommended by Assistant General Manager DavidW. Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: i0:00 P.M. ROBE!~T-~V. FE~SLF.~,, Pre~dent of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and~ Ex-Officio Secretary, SOl/TH TAHOE ~_ PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTLITY DISTRICT May 4, 196Y The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on the 4th of May 1967, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, South LakeTahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. Fesler, Directors Melikean, Kortes and General Manager H.E. Moyer, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary David W. Callahan, Attorney J. Weidman and Attorney K. Jones. Also present were Nit. and Mrs. M. Ackley and D. Trussell from the Tahoe Daily Tribune and John Murphy- Sacramento Bee. ABSENT: Directors E. E. Hegarty and Robert Wakeman. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the minutes of April 20 1967 be approved as pre sented. ' MANAGER'S RE PORT: Manager' s report May 4, 1967 General Manager Moyer read his report, as follows: "Plant Operation April 1-30, 1967: Total Plant Flow Average Daily Flow Chlorine Used Propane Used Electricity Used Douglas County Sewer Improve- ment District ~1 - Total Flow Average Daily (DCSID~i) 65.03 MG 2.17 MGD 7,900 LBS 12,100 Gallons 230,~100 KWH 7.03 MG 0.23 MGD CONSTRUCTION: 1. Treatment Plant Additions: The contractor, Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick, Inc., made little progress this past month. Inclement weather continually hampered construction ~perations. Work continued on forming the walls for the new primary clarifier. Wall forms are completed for the sludge flow division box and are ready for concrete. Work continued on 'the modifications to the plant's headworks. Installation of the new barminutor was completed, except for electrical connections. The existing Parshall flume modifications were done excep't for recalibrating instruments. The installation of the new air compressor is finished except for final connection to 'the air receiver tanks and electrical terminals. Demolition continued at 'the headworks, with the grit washer being removed from service and openings through the existing walls for new piping being completed. The six new carbon columns and four new separation beds were installed. The new alum tank was installed and work proceeded on constructing pipe supports for the tertiary plant's piping. The treatment plant expansion is now 28 percent complete with Schedule "S" 25 percent complete and Schedule "T" 34 percent. The job is approxirm tely six weeks behind schedule, primarily due 'to winter weather conditions. 2. Luther Pass Pipeline and Pumping Station: The contractor on the pipeline Ernest E. Pestana, Inc., and the contractor on the pumping station - Underground Construction Company, have been unable to begin work this spring due 'to heavy snow and inclement weather. It is anzicipa'ted that these projects will be started in early May. Underground Construction Company has fabricated piping and special fittings for the pumping station at their San Leandro yard. 3. Assessment District 1966-2: Work has not started on the project as yet. 4. Indian Creek Pipeline: More than 40 sets of plans have been issued on the project and contractor interest is very good. I expect several bids to be submitted by/on May 10th. REG ULAR MEE TING - - 2 - 5/4/6 MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) MEETINGS: On April 21st I met with representatives of the State Department of Water Resources and Bureau of Land Management in Sacramento. Also present were Jack Jensen and Robert Harding of ClairA. Hill & Associates. The meeting was held to discuss 'the various means by which the Indian Creek Dam can qualify for Davis-Grunsky Grant Funds. On Tuesday, May 2nd, I submitted a preliminary agreement to 'the Forest Service covering the preparation of a report and master plan for sewage facilities to serve the camp Richardson - Fallen Leaf Lake Area. On May 16th, the District will be host to a Water Pollution Control team from 'the West German Republic. This visit is sponsored by the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration and includes representation from that agency as well as the State of Illinois and Delaware and Harvard University." Mr. Moyer stated that the Visitors from West Germany will arrive the 16th of May between 9:30 A.M. and 10:00A.M. and he has planned technical presentations, tour of the facilities, luncheon and a possible tour of the Lake, either be boat or air. Also,s Mr. ClairA. Hill and Mr. Merryfield, as well as Mr. R. Broderick, will be present. Mr. C. Martin of the Lake Tahoe Area Council also was notified of the visitors arrival. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VIS Mike Ackley, also of weeks. ITORS: Mr. D Trussel of the Tribune introduced Mr. and Mrs. the Tahoe Tribune. Mr. Ackely will replace Mr. Trussel for two COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation and Future Growth of the District: Director Hegarty was absent for this meeting. No report. Mr. Weidman stated that the Springmeyer final grant approval has been received. 2. Planning Committee: No report. DirectorWakeman absent for this meeting. 3. Public Information Committee: Director Kortes stated that the Public Information Committee did not meet and the most important item of public information was covered in the Manager's Report regarding the visiting dignataries from Germany on the 16th of May 1967. 4. Personnel Committee: DirectorG. Melikean stated that plans have been made for the Employee/Director Social gathering. The date is the 25th of May, 1967, 7:00 P.M., George's Restaurant, Highway 89. Mr. Melikean stated that entertain- ment will also be available. He further stated that the Directors have unanimously agreed to donate their fees from one meeting 'to have this dinner for the employees and their spouse and the Directors. Attorney J. Weidman stated that the meeting is scheduled for 5/10/67 in the afternoon with the State Allocation Board regarding the $1.8 million loan. Also, Mr. Weidman suggested a Director be present to attend this meeting. Weidman will be in attendance as will Mr. Trout and Mr. H. Cook. Mr. OLD BUSINESS: 1. CHANGE ORDER NO. 6:- ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN & WEIRICK: 1. Furnish and install two 14 inch, 125 pound flanges in order to provide a 4 foot pipe spool in the 14 inch discharge line at the Sludge Density Gauge in 'the Sludge Recirculation Pump Station. 2. Additional 6 inch plug valve between existing Primary and Sludge Transfer Pump No. 2. 3. Additional column for Tertiary Building. 4. Revision 'to Tangential Water Inlets on Carbon Columns. 5. Modification on Ventilation and Chlorination Systems in Effluent Pump Station. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that CHANGE ORDER NO. 6, as mentioned above, be approved. -3- 5/4/67 President Fesler stated 'that consideration be given to a North/South Tahoe Export System; could a line run from North Tahoe to South Tahoe 'to bring the influent through our plant and into our export system? General Manager Moyer stated he has not given this any consideration but that it would be economically cheaper to the North Shore, help solve their problem, provide furtherassistance to protect the Lake, tahke care of sewage in the West Shore Area. Director Fesler stated that if we could assist the North shore we should. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager be authorized to study this suggestion, make a feasiblity study on same and report to the Board of his findings and his recommendations. Dave Trussel of the Tahoe Tribune asked Mr. Fesler if he has been contacted by one at the North Shore. Mr. Fesler stated he had not. OLD BUSINESS: 1. MEYERS IMPROVEMENT DISTRSCT NO. U-l: $2,700,000 Bond Issue: AttorneyK. Jones presented the following resolutions for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 825: A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $2,700,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF BONDS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-1 AND FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SAID BONDS IN SERIES: PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF A TAX IN SAID IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS: DESIGNATING 8900,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF SAID BONDS AS SERIES "A", DESCRIBING THE AMOUNT, DATE AND NUMBERS OF BONDS OF SAID SERIES "A" AND OF THE COUPONS TO BE ATTACHED THERETO, FIXING THE MAXIMUM RATE OF INTEREST THEREON AND PRESCRIBING THE MATURITY THEREOF. $2,700 ,000 Bonds of South Tahoe Public Utlity District for Improvement District No. U-i, Series "A", $900,000. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 825 be approved, as recommended by Attorney K. Jones. RESOLUTION NO. 826: A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS ON BONDS. Bonds of the South Tahoe Public Utility District for Improvement District No. U-1 Series "A", $900,000. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 826 be approved. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES - NINE MONTH REPORT (1966-67) Mr. Callahan prepared a report covering nine month revenue and expenditures for 1966/67. This was briefly discussed and it was suggested by President Fesler 'that the Directors study this report and have thi s on the agenda for the next regular meeting. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Moyer read letters from: 1. United States Department of the Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, May 1, 1967, RE: WPC-CAL-176, South Tahoe P.U.D. "Gentlemen: Acknowledgement of receipt of your letter dated April 19, 1967, which furnished the final information required prior to our being able 'to schedule a final payment inspection on this project. We have not yet been able to establish a definite inspection date; however, your request has bee~' included in our schedule of forthcoming inspections. When a date is set, you will be notified. Should you cc: California State WQCB ClairA. Hill & Assoc." have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely yours, s/E.H. THOUREN, P.E. Regional Construction Grants, Program Director CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 2. From United States Department of the Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration; dated- April 27, 1967, to: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Manager: "Dear Mr. Moyer: The advanced Waste Treatment Branch of the Federal Wa'ter Pollution Control Administration is negotiating a contract with the Swindell-Dressler and M.W. Kellogg Divisions of Pullman, Incorporated, for an "Appraisal of Contacting Systems for Granular Activa'ted Carbon Adsorption Treatment of Wastewater." We will expect the contractor 'to investigate the existing processes, consider otherfeasible contacting systems and prepare a report containing a comparative evaluation of contacting processes as a function of capacity. A cost estimate as detailed as the present state of the art will be prepared on two of the more promising systems. Since an evaluation of the pilot plant at Lake Tahoe vo uld be an essential part of 'this study, we would appreciate it if you would give permission for the contractor's representatives to visit the site sometime within the next 3/6 months. We anticipate asking uhe authorities a't the site or at the appropriate offices and review existing reports and operating records as deemed advisable. I envision that a vist of, a't the most, 2/3 days would be adequate. The interim and final reports on this project would, of course, be available to all interested parties. We have every confidence in the abilities of the Pullman Corporation and feel that the results of their study will play a significant part in the design of future water renovation plants utilizing the carbon trea'tment process. We look forward to hearing that you will allow the contractor to visit with you. Your assistance will be very much appreciated. Very truly yours, s/F.M.MIDDLETON, Acting Director of Research, Cincinna'tiWater Re se arch Laboratory" PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $251,284.83 be approved for payment, as recommended by DavidW. Callahan, Assistant General Manager. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned a't 9:45 P.M. ROBERt7 '~17. ~E~LE~,- President of the Board SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Boar~x- Officio Secretary ..... SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 9, 1967, DISTRICT OFFICE The Board of Directors met for a special meeting on the 9th day of May, 1967, at the District Office. This meeting was called by Attorney [.C.Weidman for the purpose of adopting a resolution accepting 'the contract between the State of California and the South Tahoe Public Utility District. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. Fesler, Directors R. Wakeman, E. Hegar'ty, G. Melikean and D. Kortes; A't'torney ~.C. Weidman, General Manager H.E.Moyer, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, D. Trussel and M. Ackley from the Tribune. Attorney I.C. Weidman presented a contract between the State of California acting by and 'through the State Allocation Board and a Resolution (NO. 827), a Resolution of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District authorizing the SPECIAL MEETING -2- S/9/67 execution of the above contract. Director Hegar'ty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the RESOLUION (No. 827) be approved. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 P.M. ROBERT W. l~SL~ER~-President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTLITY DIS TRI C T DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board~ Ex-Officio Secretary. South Tahoe Public. Utility District REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTLITY DISTRICT MAY 18, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session May 18, 1967, City Hall, South Lake Tahoe, California, 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. Fesler, Directors E. Hegarty, D.H. Kor'tes, R. Wakeman andG. Melikean. Dave Trussel - Tahoe Tribune, General Manager H.E. Moyer, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary- David W. Callahan. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 5/4/67 be approved as corrected ard the minutes of 5/9/67 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Moyer read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report May 18, 1967 CONSTRUCTION: The Treatment Plant Contractor, Rothschild, Raffin2 Weirick, has substantially increased his progress in the past two weeks due to good weather conditions. Work has been started on the aeration basin and on the incineration building. The primary and secondary clarifiers are being completed and the remaining concrete work is progressing and secondary clarifiers are being completed and the remaining concrete work is progressing rapidly. Further substantial increases in progress are to be ex- pected in the next few weeks. The LUTHER PASS PIPELINE contractor, Ernest E. Pestana, has started work as of last Monday, MaylS'th. Presently he is installing the pipeline crossings on Highway 50, and he will be starting additional pipelaying crews in the next few weeks. The LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION contractor, Underground Construction Company, will start construction on May 29th. The Contractor on Assessment District 1966-1, Robert L. Helms Construction Company, has commenced cleanup operations in Tahoe Meadows and will be repaying streets when the ground has dried sufficiently, probably within 'the next two weeks. Work will start on Assessment District 1966-2, within the next two weeks. Robert L.Helms is also the con'tractor on this project. ..'~EEGULAR MEE TING - 2- 5/18/67 ~ ' '~ MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) BID OPENINGS: The bid opening on the MEYERS TRUNK SEWER SYSTEM will be held on Thursday, May 25, 1967, at 2:00 P.M. There is a widespread interest in this project, and several bids should be received". Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation: No report. 2. Planning% Director Wakeman stated the Planning Committee met on 5/11/67 t%discuss the possiblity of offering e~'por/Yacilities to the North Tahoe Pu blic Utility District. President Fesler stated that this also be discussed with Mr. Martin of the Lake Tahoe Area Council at the Meeting tomorrow. (General Manager Moyer is working a feasibility study on this). 3. Public Information: No meeting. Visitors from Germany visited the plant and their visit was covered by the press. 4. Personnel: Director Melikean stated all arrangements have been made for the Director/Employee dinner on the 25th of May, 7:00 P.M. at George's. 5. Banking/Insurance: Director Fesler stated that another account has been opened for the District with WELLS FARGO BANK. Adoption of a resolution this evening. OLD BUSINESS: General Manager Moyer reported on the bid opening held on the 10th of May for the INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE and read the bids to the Directors. Mr. Moyer stated that all bids have been checked and are correct and are in order and presented a letter from ClairA. Hill & Associates stating so. The low bid received from Hood Construction Company- $773,848.00 Mr. Moyer stated that 'the HOOD CORPORATION COMPANY representatives met with him, AttorneyWeidman and President Fesler to discuss their bid. They claimed their bid was in error (computational error). Also present for 'this meeting - Director Wakeman and Engineer J. Jensen. HOOD indicated that they would like to withdraw their bid. Mr. Moyer stated 'that it did not appear to this District's representatives that their bid was in error and of such a nature to enable them to withdraw 'their bid without penalty. Mr. Moyer recommended, Attorney Weidman and Attorney Ken Jones agreed, that 'the contract should be awarded 'to the HOOD CORPORATION CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. ORDINANCE NO. 143: AN ORDINANCE AWARDING THE CONTRACT OF THE INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Direc'torWakeman, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 143 be adopted. President Fesler stated that the District has worked for five years tobring this export program to successful completion and the District has dealt right along in good faith and HOOD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY has jeopardized 'the whole future and this is very disappointing lo the Board. All directors agreed with President Fesler. RESOLUTION NO. 828: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROCEEDINGS TO OBTAIN RIGHTS-OF-ENTRY AND EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Direc'tor Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 828 be approved, as presented. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2: Mr. David W. Callahan stated that 55 easements are to be obtained and we have received permission to enter on 40 and we are in hopes of receiving more by the end of the next week. ~J? ~/'/ REGULAR MEE TING -3- 5/18/67 The following RESOLUTIONS were presented for adoption: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2: RESOLUTION NO. 829: A RES©LUTION DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LAND AND DIRECTING THE FILING OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS, Assessment District 1966-2 DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 829 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 830: A RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFI- CATIONS AND REDUCTIONS OF ASSESSMENTS. Assessment District 1966-2. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 830 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 831: A RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFICA- TIONS. Assessment District 1966-2. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 831 be approved. ' RESOLUTION NO. 832: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH THAOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING THECLERK AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTII~FY DISTRICT TO ACCEPT AND CONSENT TO DEEDS OR GARNTS CONVEYED TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, TITLE TO, INTEREST IN OR EASEMENTS UPON REAL PROPERTY. ' Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 832 be approved. ORDINANCE NO. 144: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCES NUMBERED 2 and 88 WITH RESPECT TO DEPOSIT OF FUNDS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AND THE BOND OF THE ASSISTANT TREASURER, AND PROVIDING FOR PAYING AGENCY AGREEMENTS. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that ORDINANCE NO. 144 be approved. ' RESOLUTION NO. 833: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHO] TAI-IOE PUBLIC UTLITY DISTRICT ESTABLISHING IN ITS NAME WITH WELLS FARGO BANK A DEPOSIT ACCOUNT ENTITLED - "SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STATE LOAN CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT". Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 833 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 834: A RESOLUTION APPROVING PAYING AGENCY AGREEMENT. Director Kor'tes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 834 be approved. ' NEW BUSINESS 1. EFFLUENT HOLDING BASIN t FORCE MAIN NO. 2' Mr. H. E. Moyer ~'c- general manager, requested consideration of the Board of adding a second forcemain from the treatment plant to the 60 million gallons Holding Pond, and requested approval for authorization for design of plans and specifica- tions of an additional force main - approximately $72,000.00. President Fesler turned this request over 'to the Planning Committee for study and to regport at the next regular meeting. 2. WAREHOUSE AND SHOP BUILDING: General Manager Moyer requested consideration by the Board of construction of storage building and maintenance shop at treatment plant. President Fesler turned this request over to the Planning Committee for study and to report at the next regular meeting. REGULAR MEETING -4- 5/18/67 ~'~/~ General Manager Moyer presented the following resolutions and ordinance for consideration reINDIAN CREEK DAM: RESOLUTION NO. 835: A RES©LUTION DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY OF THE DISTRICT DEMANDS THE ACQUISITION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS, DISPOSAL FACILITIES, INDIAN CREEK DAM. RESOLUTION NO. 836: A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND St{ECIFICATIONS FOR A PUBLIC UTLITY ~^rORKS, DISPOSAL FACILITIES, INDIAN CREEK DAM. ORDINANCE NO. 145: AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THAT PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS SHALL BE ACQUIRED, DISPOSAL FACILITIES, INDIAN CREEK DAM. RESOLUTION NO. 837: A RESOLUTION ASCERTAINING THE GENERAL APPLICABLE PREVAILING WAGE RATE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS, DISPOSAL FACILITIES, INDIAN CREEK DAM. RESOLUTION NO. 838: A RESOLUTION CALLING FORA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR SEALED PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC UTILITY WORKS, DISPOSAL FACILITIES, INDIAN CREEK DAM. Director Melikean moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RES©LUTIONS 835 through 838 and ORDINANCE 145, be adopted, as presen'ted. CLAIMS: The following claims were presented for consideration: 1. LAKESIDE MOTEL RESORT $1,328.88 2. LOUISA. STRAIT AND ELSA J. STRAIT, $2,000.00 Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the above two claims be denied and 'turned over to the District Insurance Carrier. CORRESPONDENCE: Geneal Manager Moyer stated that an Addendum regarding Implementation has been received from the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. General Manager Moyer suggested a STUDY SESSION be held to discuss 'this and that Mr. Fred McLaren be invited to attend to explain the report to those present. It was agreed that a STUDY SESSION be held to discuss 'this on Wednesday, 3:00 P.M., District Office, May 24, 1967, and Mr. McLaren will be contacted. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. LAHONTAN REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD regarding an operators short school with the Desert Section of the California Water Pollution Control As soc iation. General Manager Moyer agreed 'that the Districh sould send one man to short school. 2. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ADMINISTRATION, SOUTHWEST REGION OF SAN FRANCISCO, Regarding representatives from Sweden - Mr. Gunnar Stollenwerk and Mr. S. Bergling, who will visit the facili'ties here on June 1, 1967, arriving at the plant at 10:00 A.M. 3. DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1: Requesting a tour of the plant facili'ties on May 23, 1967, 10:45 A.M. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $34,695.98 and the Transfer of Funds in the amount of $100,000.00, as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. ROBERT~ Wi FESTER, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRI(~ REGULAR MEETING -5- s/18/67 DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTKLITY DISTRICT MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECT.~IRS - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTLITY DISTRICT, May 23, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utli'ty District met at 11:00 A.M., May 23, 1967, District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were president Fesler, Directors R. Wakeman, E. Hegarty, G. Melikean, Sr., General Manager H. E. Moyer. PURPOSE OF MEETING: To cons[der extension of bid date on Meyer's Trunk Sewer System, Improvement District No. U-1. General Manager Moyer explained telegram received from Associated General Contractor request!.ng two (2) weeks extension in bid date from May 25th to June 8th, 1967i, due to snow and water conditions preventing contractors from inspecting site conditions. Also stated that numerous., contractors requested extension of bid date because of flooded ground conditions. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 839, EXTENDING THE BID DATE FROM MAY 26'th to JUNE 8th, 1967, 2:00 P.M., be adopted. VOTES: AYES, DIRECTORS FESLER, HEGARTY, WAKEMAN AND MELIKEAN NOES: None ABB]~qT: Director D.H. Kortes Meeting Adjourned at 11:15 A.M. ROBERT W. ~EJ~ER,~ Pr~si~&nt SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILI1Y DISTRICT DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board and ex-Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT tUNE 1, 1967 The Board of Directors of 'the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session tune ism, 1967, at the City Hall, South LakeTahoe, California, 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. Fesler, Directors R. Wakeman, D. Kortes E. Hegarty, G. Melikean, General Manager Moyer, Clerk of Board D.W. Callahan, Attorney [.C. Weidman, Attorney m. Raymond, [. Murphy, M. Ackley, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rose. MINUTES: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of May 18th and May 23rd, 1967 , be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Moyer read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report June 1, 1967 PLANT OPERATION: May 1-31, 1967: Total Plant Flow Average Daily Flow Chlorine Used Propane used Electricity Used 73.84 MG 2.38 MGD 10,775 lbs. 3,890 Gallons 162,560 KWH DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1: Total flow Average Daily Flow 13.60 MG 0.44 MGD The secondary and tertiary portions of the plant have been out of service for approximately 'two weeks, due to the construction of new facilities. The tertiary plant control panel has been removed for reconstruction and rewiring for the ex- panded plant. The secondary clarifier has been shut down to allow installation of connecting piping and valves for the new sludge pump station and new clarifier. The new chemical clarifier has been out of service since May 5th due to a failure of the drive mechanism. The supplier - Doff/Oliver, Inc., and the contractor, Rothschild, Raffin & lNeirick, have been unable to determine the cause of the failure. The clarifier mechanism has been replaced by Doff=Oliver, Inc. and the clarifier is ready for operation when the secondary piping is completed. The recent thaws and resulting large amount of snow runoff has created some damage in Sprayfield No. 3 (I-Iarootunian Property).~ Two dykes have been damaged and re- pairs cannot be completed until the ground dries out somewhat. The Lahontan Regional Board has been notified and no spraying of el[lent'is being carried out adjacent to the damaged area. No direct runoff of effluent has occurred. CONSTRUCTION 1. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1966-1: The contractor - Robert L. Hlems, has done some cleanup work in the Tahoe Meadows area. However, the ground is still too wet to permit completion, of the work and to allow repaving of the street. The work will be completed as soon as weather conditions permit. Several of the property owners have expressed concern over the conditions and want the work completed. 2. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1966-2: The contractor, RobertL, Helms, is ready to start work on the project. The construction surveys are in progress and work should proceed with no delay. 3. TREATMENT PLANT ADDITION: The contractor, Rothschild, Raffin & Weirick, is working on all phases of the project. Concrete work on the clarifier is nearing completion. The incineration building concrete work is well under,ray. Excavation is completed for the new aeration basins, and concrete work will begin in a few days. Piping and electrical work is in progress and many items of equipment have been received on the job fol~ installation. ~UNE 1, 19 67 2 Regular Meeting (cont) Manager's Report (continued) 4. LUTHER PASS PIPELINE: The contractor, Ernest E. Pestana, has resumed work. Plp!:line crossings .on Highway 89 in the Meyers Area have been completed. Trenching and pipelaying is being completed on Barbara Avenue between Trout Creek and the Truckee River to connect the portions installed last fall. Workwill begin above the pump station within the next few weeks. 5. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION: The contractor, Underground Construction Company, has commenced work on the project. The next two or three weeks will be used to complete excavations for the station and reservoir and to install underground piping. All critical items of equipment have been received by 'the contractor and installation should proceed at a rapid date during the summer months. BID OPENING: The Meyers Truck Sewer System bid opening has been re- scheduled for Thursday, June 8th at 2:00 P.M., at the Plant. VISITORS: On June 7th, 1967, Mr. Gunnar Stollenwerk and Mr. S. Bergling of Sweden, will visit the Reclamation Plant." DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. (Marie N.) Rose of 3106 Wisconsin St., Oakland, California, 94602, appeared at the meeting regarding an easement on their property located at Keller 5 acres - Tract 78, Parcel D. Mr. Rose stated that he was to meet with Attorney J. C. Weidman two different occasions and both times Mr. Weidman failed to show for the meeting. He has also tried repeatedly to contact Mr. Weidman and was unable to. Therefore, Mr. Rose and Mrs. Rose stated they would like to have this matter taken care of. They would like to have the easement settled. Mr. Weidman stated that an initial offer was made which was unsatisfac tory and that Mr. and Mrs. Rose had stated they wanted the District to purchase the ir property. Director Hegarty stated that he would like to have time to take another look at this request by the Roses and will work with AttorneyWeidman and General Manager Moyer and will contact Mr. and Mrs. Rose in the very near future. Mrs. Rose mentioned that the City now does have building regulations, etc., and Mr. Moyer stated that any decision regarding building over a sewer line or any deci'~ion and nn~ the City Decision. The City has no control over the sewers. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. ANNEXATION: This committee met on the 31st of May 1967. Present were Directors Hegarty and Melikean, General Manager Moyer. Discussion of annexa- tion district's, future planning, United States Forest Service request to annex U. S. Forest Property, the agreement contract with the United States Forest Service. 2. PLANNING: Met on 5/24/67 to discuss construction of the warehouse, location of same, costs, preliminary plans and specifications, etc. The Planning Committee, Mr. Wakeman stated, Voted Unanimously to authorize the Engineers to prepare plans and specifications for the warehouse. Director Hegarty moved that the Engineers be authorized to prepare 'the pre- liminary plans for a warehouse, approximately 40' x 100', to build onto existing land with the Utility Distt. fct.Director Kortes seconded, carried unanimously. This, of course, would include the WAREHOUSE, PARKING SPACE AND BLACKTOP. D. irector Wakeman stated the Planning Committee also discussed building and the need for a conference room. This would be built right off the office space to accommodate 50 to 75 people. ]'une 1, 1967 -3- Regular Meeting Director Hegartymoved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the Engineers be authorized to prepare preliminary plans and specifications, as recommended unanimously by the Planning Committee, for the conference room. The PLanning Committee also discussed the County Request for land near the 60 MGD holding Pond (Old Pioneer Trail) - this is on the agenda. Another.item of discussion by the Planning committee - request for 5,000 feet of new line 'to go from the treatment plant to the holding pond. Presently there is a 12", 14 gauge bare steel line; 'this has been in operation for 6-1/2 years and the manage- ment is worried as to a failure of that line and the Planning committee recommended to proceed with a 7,500 MGm new line to be used to push the effluent up to the holding pond and if need be enable it to reverse and bring the effluent back to the facili'ty. Director Hegarty moved, sseconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the engineers be authorized to proceed with plans and specifications for second force main from the treatment plant to the 60 MG holding basin, as recommended by the Planning Committee, and agreed to unanimously by the Planning Committee. DirectorWakeman also stated that on 5/29/67, 7:00 P.M., he was served papers regarding the Hood Corporation, Inc., Contrafct. Also, June 22, 1967, the bids will be received and opened at 2:00 P.M., District Office, for the Indian Creek Dnm. The Planning Committee also discussed the North Tahoe/South Tahoe joint; export plan. Also discussed by the Planning Committee was the proposed service agreement with the United States Forestry Service; this is also on the agenda for discussion this evening. The Planning Committee requested an executive session in the very near future to discuss legal difficulties, contractual agreements, etc. --- June 14th, 1967, 2:00 P.M., was discussed and ~agreed to for the Executive Session. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: No meeting - no report. 4. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Director Melikean stated that the social gathering held the 25th of May 1967, for employees and their spouses, Directors and Attorney's, was a great success. Everyone enjoyed themselves, the entertainment was very surprising and very enjoyable. Mr. Melikean stated that the District Directors not only work hard at the District business but also works equally as hard keeping their personnel happy and content and this social hour held the 25th of May certainly proved that. Director Fesler stated that he agreed with all that Director Melikean stated and added that he would like to thank the consultants for their financial support, the fine dinner George's prepared, surroundings, entertainment, etc. 5. BANKING/INSURANCE COMMITTEE: No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE - HOOD CORPORATION: Hood Corporation did not return the contract signed in the length of time ( 10 days) they should have. They have filed suit in Los Angeles County against the District. Mr. Weidman stated that the District would have to enter their plea by way of a cross-complaint. He also sentioned that he was not certain whether this case could be transferred to E1 Dorado County. Attorney Weidman stated that he has discussed this matter with Attorney Ken Jones and they will work on this matter together, bringing a recommendation back to this Board. The Hood Corporation bid $110,000.00 less than the second low bidder, it was mentioned, and Mr. Weidman stated that he felt the District could recover this, if the contract must now be awarded to the second lowest bidder-who was Leo Davis. REGULAR MEETING -4- tune 1, 1967 UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) General Manager H.E. Moyer stated that the District will be damaged far beyond the $78,000 and felt that this should be examined very care- fully. Mr. Fesler stated that this Board wants to be certain that the taxpayer's of this area end the ones this District represents will be properly protected and mentioned to Mr. Weidmen that if he feels that he and Mr. Jones will need additional assistance regarding this case, the Directors will beck him in anything he feels might end should be done. Mr. Weidman stated that Attorney Ken Jones has had some experience in this line in the past. Mr. H.E. Moyer, General Manager, stated the District is not looking for a defense by an offense. Director Hegerty mentioned that we should (the District) start on this now. Mr. Weidman stated that he will have answers to all questions at the 14th of June Executive Session Meeting. In the meantime, the Directors and Manage- ment will be kept posted on [he developments of this case. ORDINANCE NO. 145: An Ordinance Awarding Contract for Indian Creek Pipeline to second lowest bidder - LEO DAVIS, INC. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 145 be adopted. 2. REQUEST OF COUNTY OF EL DORADO TO OBTAIN LAND ADJACENT TO EFFLUENT HOLDING OND FOR ANIMAL SHELTER AND MOSQUITO ABATEMENT OFFICE: Mr. H.E. Moyer, General Manager, stated that the District is in agreement with the location at this site and will state to the United States Forestry Service that we have no objection for this land that we have under the Use Permit. The County will grade, pave and maintain old Pioneer Trail. Mr. Melikean stated that this will be one way of showing our desire to cooperate with the County. Director Mellkean moved that the request of the county be accepted and approved and this was seconded by DirectorWakeman. Director Kortes moved to have this request by the County tabled until the next regular meeting. No second .... Motion lost. Director Kortes stated that he felt the residents should be made aware of what is to be there. Director Hegarty also mentioned that he did not feel the District should enter into this at ail. He also mentioned that he felt the residents should make their appeal to the County Planning Committee. Director Kortes stated that he felt it was the duty of the Public Information Committee to inform the people of what is happening and because of what overall affect this might have on residents he felt this request should be postponed. Director Melikean stated that the District does not care what the County does with this land; the question is "Will they use this land or not"? President Fesler stated that he felt this wes e proper course of action and that the District should proceed. We are in a position of needing County Cooperation, Mr. Fesler stated, and by taking some affirmative action will be a start. VOTES: AYES: DIRECTORS FESLER, WAKEMAN, MELIKEAN NOES: DIRECTOR KORTES .... ABSTAINED: DIRECTOR HEGARTY. Carried. REGULAR MEETING -5- June 1, 1967 RECESS .... 10:00 P.M. Reconvened at 10:05 P.M. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) 3. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR PREPARATION OF PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT AND MASTER PLAN FOR SEWER SERVICE TO UNITED STATES FORESTRY SERVICE RECREATION AREA: Request received from the United States Forestry Service for sewer service to the Fallen Leaf, Baldwin, Pope, Camp Richardson area and areas surrounding the United States Forestry Land for (1) Topographic mappint of the area (2) Master Plan of Preliminary Report that the District will provide service for; (3) Costs. (4) The agreement also stated that this was not (Preliminary Plans) to exceed $25,000. Mr. Moyer stated that topographic mapping would be $5.25 an acre - approximately $12,600; $12,000 for survey. The United States Forestry Service would pay approximately $24,600 to the District to have this done. Mr. Moyer stated that the United States Forestry Service had stated to him,and a letter follows, which has not been received at the District Office as yet, that the fee is satisfactory to them. The following suggestions were considered for action: (1) RESOLUTION NO. 840: AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT UPON RECEIPT FROM U.S.F.S. Director Mellkean moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 840 be adopted. (2) AUTHORIZE ENGINEERS TO PROCEED WITH SPECIFIED WORK AS OUTLINED IN AGREEMENT UPON EXECUTION BY DISTRICT. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the engineers be authorized to proceed with specified work as outlined in agreement upon execution by District. 4. REVIEW OF DISTRICT'S PRESENT AND PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM: General Manager H.E. Moyer had prepared a schedule showing the present and proposed construction program and passed out copies of sameto the Directors for information purposes only. Director Melikean complimented the General Manager on this report and thanked him for same, which would enable the Directors to answer questions asked by many at different times regarding present and proposed plans for the District. 5. ~I,~IM OF JOAN K. WINKLEMAN: General Manager H.E. Moyer stated, for the Directors information, that the claim of Joan K. Winkleman has been taken to small claims court and Mr. Callahanwill appear for the District on the 8th of June 1967, 2:00 P.M., Justice Court. 6.. Consideration of Award of Bond Sale, Meyers Improvement District No. U-l, for $900,000, First Sale: Attorney D. Raymond stated that no bids were received for this bond sale. Mr. Raymond stated that he had spoken to Mr. Ken Jones and Mr. Jones recommended to the Board to refer the Bond Sale to Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch for the possibility of negotiating a sale of the bonds. President Fesler stated that he was contacted by two gentlemen from the Bank of America, San Francisco, in which they expressed a great desire to bid on the bonds. He was later contacted by them stating that the manner in which the specifications were written by Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch., barred the Bank of America from bidding on same. REGULAR MEETING -6- ~une 1, 1967 UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) Attorney Raymond mentioned several reasons for failure of bidders to bid on these bonds. Attorney Raymond again suggested that this matter be referred toWllson, Jones, Morton and Lynch. They will find out why the bidders did not bid on the bonds and will also contact the Bank of America in order to learn what their rer:~son for not bidding was. This will be brought back to the Board on the 15th of June and Mr. Ken Jones will be present to discuss this matter with the Directors and discuss his findings. Mr-. Moyer stated that by referring this matter to the firm of Wilson, Jones, Morton 6, Lynch, they will not negotiate for sale of the bonds but will bring information to the Board as to why bids were not received. This matter was deferred until the 15th of June 196Y. At that time, Mr. Raymond will have some information for the Directors. NEW BUSINESS 1. LAHONTAN REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD: Consideration of Board for a Study Session to discuss Addendum regarding Implementation of Lake Tahoe Water Quality Control Policy with Fred McLaren. The Directors agreed that a Study Session with Mr. Fred McLaren be set for June 6, 1967, 3:00 P.M., District Office. DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1; Mr. Moyer read a letter from Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, signed by Oliver Kahle, in which they state as follows: "May 18, 1967 South Tahoe Public Utility District P.O. Box AU South Lake Tahoe, California, 95705 Gentlemen: Please consider this letter confirmation of the fact that the Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 has elected not to exercise its option pursuant to Paragraph 8 of the Second Amendment to Agreement between our two Districts dated May 15th, 1963. Kindest regards. Very truly yours, s/OLIVER M. KAHLE OLIVER M. KAHLE, President Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1 OMK.~ms ,, MISCELLANEOUS: Director Hegarty recommended the following dates for: (1) Alpine County Dam Site Visit - June 15, 1967 (2) Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch Offices Visit - June 20, 1967 (3) ClairA. Hill &Associates Headquarters Visit - June 30, 1967 (4) Douglas County Sewer Plant Visit - July 18, 1967 All Directors agreed with the above dates; Mr. Wakeman will attend all meetings but the visit scheduled for June 30th, 1967. REGULAR MEETING -7- [une 1, 1967 CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Moyer read correspondence from the fol bw ing: 1. From U. S. Department of Commerce, EDA, Seattle, in which they state they are pleased to enclose U. S. Treasury Check No. 85,696,237 in the amount of $448,065.00, representing the third disbursement of grant funds. (Letter da[ed 5/18/67 and signed by John H. Davidson for V. W. Cameron, Area Director). 2. From Creegan and D'Angelo, District Engineers for Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, in which they thank the District for arranging the May 23rd tour of plant facilities for their board members. Letter dated 5/26/67, signed by Jere E. Williams. 3. From Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Industrial Safety, regarding request of Eugene A. Chappie, that the Division of Industrial Safety meet with those involved in the design, construction, operation of various sewage disposal systems, City Hall, South LakeTahoe, California, 10:00 A.M., June 7, 1967. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $197,314.05, and the transfer of funds in. the amount of $50,718.31, as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan, be approved. A DJO URN ME N T: 11:00 P.M. ROBERTW. FESLER, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOTE: MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF 6/8/67 follows 6/15/67 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 15, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session the 15th of June 1967, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, South Lake Tahoe, Calif. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. Fesler, Directors R. Wakeman, D.H. Kortes, E. Hegarty, G. Melikean, General ManagerH.E. Moyer, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney J.C.Weidman, Attorney R. Hill, John Murphy of Sacramento Bee, Mike Ackley- Tahoe Daily Tribune, JefferyK. Smith of Trans/ America Devlopment, and Mr. R. Smith of Trans/America Devlopment, Mr. Keith Vincent of Valley Engineers, Inc., Mr. James Horsley- Sales Engineer for International Pipe and Ceramics Corporation, Everett L. Bull, Clinton Smith and A. L. Shoupe. MINUTES: DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of June 1, 1967, and June 8, 1967, be approved as pre se nted. MANAGEI~ S REPORT: General Manager Moyer read his report, as follows: REGULAR MEETING 2 ]'une 15, 1967 Manager's Report (continued) "June 15, 1967 Manager's Report CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS: 1. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1: Les Shoupe, Resident Engineer and my- self, met with Mr. Douglas Engs, representing Tahoe Meadows Associa- tion, Wednesday afternoon, the 14th of June, 1967. We toured the sroject with Mr. Engs, and discussed with him the remaining clean-up and'repavingwork work to be done by the contractor. I explained to Mr. Engs that the contractor has been unable to repave the streets because of the high water conditions, and uncertain weather. The contractor, Robert L. Helms, will start the repaying operations on Monday, June 19th. He will be able to complete this work during that week and will also complete 'the clean- up, with the exception of some minor areas that are under water. Les Shoupe is supervising the work remaining on this project. 2. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2: The contractor, Robert L. Helms, scheduled to start work on this project the week of the 19th of June. construction staking is approximately 90% complete, with only a few of the heavily timbered easement areas yet to be staked. Easement acquisition has been completed on this project with the exception of four property owners. The resident inspector on this project will be Charles Richardson. is The 3. LUTHER PASS PIPELINE: Work is progressing on the Luther Pass Pipe- line by the contractor, Ernest E. Pestana; the contractor's crew are now installing the 24 inch pipe in the vicinity of Meyers. The contractor is scheduled to start work on the portions above the Luther Pump Station about the first of July. The project inspector is Mr. Jack Beene. 4. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION: Underground Construction Company has commenced work on the Lut~ r Pass Station, and is now completing the excavation for the reservoir and the pump station. Concrete work and in- stallation of underground piping should commence within two weeks. The project inspector is Mr. Dick Dunnhoe. Approval has been received from the Federal Water Pollution Control Adminis- tration to award the contract for the Indian Creek Pipeline to LEO L. DAVIS, the contract documents have been sent to the DAVIS COMPANY for signature, and work on this project should start within the next week. Construction surveys have commenced on this project and will continue for several weeks. The project inspector will be Mr. Ray Toney. Construction bids for the Indian Creek Dam will be opened on June 22nd at 2:00 P.M. at the District Offices. Twenty sets of plans have been issued to prospective bi~ders on this project. Survey crews are doing preliminary construction staking to establish the center line of the dam, and the center line of the spillway, and to mark the high water line of the reservoir to enable the contractors to examine the site of the work. ENGINEERING PROJECTS IN PROGRESS: Preliminary control surveys have star[ed this week on the U.S.Forest Service Sewer System. Aerial photographs of the area will be taken within a short time and topographic mapping of the area will then begin. Final plans, specifications, and the engineer's report on Assessment District 1967-1, will be completed and ready for presentation to the Board at the first regular meeting in August. P reliminary design work is underway on the proposed shop and warehouse building at the treatment plant, and preliminary work has also started on the proposed addition on the administrative area and conference rooms. MEETINGS: On Wednesday, June 7th, Mr. Clifford Holden, Project REGULAR MEETING -3~ tune 15, 1967 MEETINGS (continued) ~epresentative, of the Economic De~elopmentAdministration, toured the treatment plant and Luther Pass Pipeline projects. Mr. Holdenwas satisfied with the construction progress, and his visit was of a routine nature." In answer to Director Fesler's question - Mr. Moyer stated that the inspectors named in the Manager's Report are from ClairA. Hill & Associates and have established residence at South Lake Tahoe. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's RepOrt be accepted as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Everett L. Bull presented a letter to the Board for consideration regarding parcel 29 170 04. Letter, as follows: Dated 6/15/67 f'Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District Mr. Robert Fesler, Chairman BOX AU South Lake Tahoe, California, 95Y05 Dear Mr. Fesler: I Hold a long=term lease on Parcel 29 170 04 tax are a code 75-01, which belongs toKathryn I. Bull, widow of my brother C. B. Bull. As I am responsible for all taxes and assessments under our lease, I propose the following for your cons idera tion. The above described parce~l will be put under your "Out District Service Contract" under the following conditions. The total monies due the South Tahoe Public Utility District have been estimated at $6,000.00. I will pay the South Tahoe Public Utility District $2,000.00 cash plus pay all monies due the City of South Lake Tahoe - estimated at $623.68. I would then pay the balance due the South Tahoe Public Utility District of approximately $4,000.00 in two pay- men'ts, $2,000.00 on July l, 1968, and $2,000.00 on July l, 1969, plus a reasonable . It would be much easier for us to hook into the sewer during our present phase of remodelling than it would at some future date, so Iwould appreciate your Board giving this their consideration and advising me as soon as possible as to their decision. Very truly yours, s/ E.L.BULL Everett L. Bull ELB/gae" Directors discussed 'this request of Mr. E. L Bull and Director Melikean stated that the Board should consider this request. Director Kortes stated that he did not feel the Board was in the financing business. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, that necessary arrange- ments be made to grant this request to Mr. Everett L. Bull, as so stated in his letter, with some protection as 'to if Mr. Bull should ever release 'this property, all fees become due and payable and the contract service agreement becomes void; also, that he (or any other individual) pay an Attorney cost involved in the prepara- tion of the agreement and any and all legal documents. Mr. Bull stated that he had no objection to paying for legal fees for preparation of all necessary documents. REGULAR MEETING -4- tune lS, 1967 NEW BUSINESS (continued) (EVERETTL. BULL'S REQUEST (continued) VOTE AS FOLLOWS: AYES: DIRECTORS FESLER, HEGARTY, MELIKEAN NOES: DIRECTOR KORTES AND DIRECTOR WAKEMAN Motion carried. Mr. Everett L. Bull stated that in regards to Mr. D.H. Kortes' comment that the District was not in the financing business is true; however, he felt 'that · the District should encourage customers to connect 'to the sewer system, as the District is in the sewer business and should get the customers into the District or to utilize the system in any way lossible. 2. REQUEST OF TRANS/AMERICA DEVELOPMENT: Mr. Jefferey K. Smi'th and Mr. Rex Smith appeared before the Board to discuss the following letter presented by them to the Board of Directors. The letter reads as follows: "June 14, 1967 Board of Directors South Lake Tahoe Sewer District Meadow Crest Lan~ South Lake Tahoe, California, 95705 RE: NEW BUSINESS CONSIDERATION, June 15, 1967, Regular Agenda Dear Sir: We respectfully request your honorable Board 'to consider granting a variance of existing ordinances with reference to sewer connection as they would presently apply to single owner, multiple leasee, properties such as are existing on the sixteen acre Lot owned by Jerome Draper Industrices and bordered by the Lake Shore on the North, Highway 50 on the South, Herbert Avenue on the East and Fairfax on the Wes't, and to which two entirely separate and unrelated commercial exterprises are presently existing. To Wit: Lakeland Village Motel on the Northwest corner of the property and Village Restaurant on the South east, and adjacent there to 'the Lakeland Village. We would further respectfully request that you consider the variance appeal at the earliest possible date inas much as the E1 Dorado County Health Commissioner has duly notified us that no new application for a County Health Permit will be approved and/or issued for the Village Restaurant prior to completion of connection of the sewer 'to 'the restaurant facility. Inasmuch as we foresee the necessity of opening for the summer season at the earliest possible moment, and inasmuch as construction and inspection for approval of · the system requires considerable time, we would greatly appreciate your cooperation in all possible ways. Sincerely, s/JEFFERY K. SMITH, TRAN S/AMERICA DEVELOPMENT VILLAGE RESTAURANT SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF. 95705" REGULAR MEETING -5- June 15, 1967 Request of Trans/America Development (continued) General Manager Moyer stated that he could see no reason not to grant 'the request of Mr. Jeffery Smith. Mr. Moyer also mentioned 'that within 6 or 7 months, all property having sewer lines at their property line will be forced to connect to the sewer system. This will be a law by the State and County. Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, · that this Board approve the variance of existing ordinances and grant the request of Mr. Jeffery K. Smith of Trans/American Development, as so stated in his letter for the Village Restaurant. Mr. J. Smith thanked the Board for their time and consideration. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Annexation: No report 2. Planning': Director Wakeman stated that the Planning Committee met to review 'the contract between the District and 'the Engineer's. He stated that Mr. Callahanwill have a report containing annexation costs, etc., and with this report is available, a report will be presented to the Board. 3. Public Information: No report. 4. Personnel: Mr. Melikean read letters from Mr. R. Haight, Attorney, 'thanking the Directors for the party sponsored by the Directors and Consultants for the employees. Also, a letter from the employees thanking the Directors for the party. Director Melikean also stated that certificates have been issued 'by the California Water Pollution Control Association to Mr. Norman E. Thomas and Mr. Johnnie N. Bonnet, now classed Opera'tor No. 4, both passed all tests. 5. Bankinq/Insurance: President Fesler sta'ted that Stone & Youngberg have contac'ted 'this Board to discuss financial consultants, their position, etc., and Mr. Fesler asked Attorney R. Hill what the difference in Stone & Youngberg firm would be and Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch. Mr. Hill stated that Stone & Youngberg are strictly financial consultants, whereas, Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch are not only financial consultants,. but also have their legal staff, as well as having a 'trial department that works in condemnation and bond procedures. OLD BUSINESS: The following resolutions were presented for consideration and adop'tion: RESOLUTION NO. 844: A RESOLUTION ORDERING CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS AND INCREASES OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 844 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 845: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING UNPAID ASSESS- MENTS AND PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. §45 be adop'ted. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967 - 1: RESOLUTION NO. 846 : A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTIONS Ni¢~.g.796 and 798, Assessment District 1967-1. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by DirectorKortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 846 be adopted. REGULAR MEETING -6- June 15, 1967 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-1 (continued) RESOLUTION NO. 847: A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 799. Assessment District 1967-1 RESOLUTION NO. 848: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO TO RECORDATION OF THE ASSESSMENT PROPOSED TO BE MADE IN PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND TO ASSESS THE COSTS UPON THE DISTRICT BENEFITED, UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS. ,Assessment District 19 67-1 DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Kor'tes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS 84? and 848 BE ADOPTED, as recommended by Attorney R. Hill. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-2:]_ RESOLUTION NO. 849: A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 815, Assessment District 1967-2. RESOLUTION NO. 850: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO TO RECORDATION OF THE ASSESSMENT PROPOSED TO BE MADE IN PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION 'OF SANITARY SEWERS AND TO ASSESS THE COSTS UPON THE DISTRICT BENEFITED, UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-2. Director Hegar'ty moved, seconded by Director. Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS 851 and 852, as presented byAt'torney Hill, be adopted. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967-R: RESOLUTION NO. 853: A RES©LUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 823, Assessment District 1967-4. RESOLUTION NO. 854: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO TO RECORDATION OF THE ASSESSMENT PROPOSED TO BE MADE IN PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND TO ASSESS THE COSTS UPON THE DISTRICT BENEFITED, UNDER APPROPRIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS. Assessment District 1967-4. Director Kortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 853 and 854 BE APPROVED AS PRESENTED BY ATTORNEY R. HILL. MISCELLANEOUS:, The South Tahoe Public Utility District is on the Agenda with 'the Board of Supervisors Monday. Attorney K. Jones and R. Hill, General Manager Moyer and Director Hegarty will defini'tely attend this meeting a't Placerville. MEYER'S SEWER SYSTEM, IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT U-l: Bids received on the 8th of June 1967, Scedule II - Pumping station and Schedule I-Sewers. FRONTIER CONTRACTORS of Murray, Utah, was 'the low bidder- $1,116,050 for Schedule I, Sewers. General Manager Moyer stated that the bid from FRONTIER CONTRACTORS was examined and proved to be in order and, therefore, recommended that 'the bid for the sewers, Schedule I, be awarded to FRONTIER CONTRACTORS of Murray, Utah. REGULAR MEETING -?- Kime June 15, 196Y MEYER'S SEWER SYSTEM, IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT U-1 (continued) Also, 'the bid for Schedule II, Pumping Stations, low bidder was Rothschild, Raffin andWeirick, $325,000.00, was examined and proved to be in order and it was recommended by General Manager H.E. Moyer that this be awarded to ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN AND WEIRICK, DirectorKortes moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the contract for Schedule 1, Sewers, be awarded to: FRONTIER CONTRACTORS OF MURRAY, UTAH, and the contract for the Pumping Stations, Schedule II, be awarded to ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN AND WEIRICK, by adoption of the following: ORDINANCE NO. 147: AWARDING CONTRACT, MEYERS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-i, SCHEDULE I. (Frontier Contractors, Murray, Utah). ORDINANCE NO. 148: AN ORDINANCE AWARDING CONTRACT, MEYERS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-1 SCHEDULE II, PUMPING STATION, (ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN & WEIRICK, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA). Mr. Moyer stated that Frontier Con'tractors, Murray, Utah, were not 'to happy over receiving this bid/contract. He further stated sections from the Government Code which relates 'to bids received, etc., contractor's rights, etc. Frontier Contractor's bid was in order and examined by the Engineers and Attorney. MR. JAMES HORSLEY, SALES ENGINEER FOR INTERNATIONAL PIPE & CERAMICS CORPORATION stated that 'they were the pipe supplier for FRONTIER CONTRACTORS; however, nothing was signed to 'this effect and he was in hopes that they would still continue to be the supplier for this contractor. 4. INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE EASEMENTS: A letter was received from Mr. Loren E. Blakeley, dated June 6, 1967, stating that easement would be granted 'to the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, subject to conditions mentioned below: 1. Said pipe line is to be used solely for the transmission of fully oxidimed, non-putrescible sewage plant effluent from facilities of South Tahoe Public Utility District, and said line is to be built and perpetually maintained in substantial accordance with the contract for its construction signed by said District on May.~, 1967. 2. That no effluent shall be permitted in any manner to reach the ground water supply available to Grantors lands in 'the Carson River Watershed lying upstream or higher in elevation than the terminal point of said water 'tight pipe line at the Indian Creek Reservoir Site in Alpine County. 3. That quality of effluent carried in said line be perpetually monitored and maintained equal to or superior to the standards of quality now set forth in existing agreements between the District and the County of Alpine, and Federal, State of California, State of Nevada, and local agencies charged with matters of quality of water supplies. 4. That said easement, while creating a major public use of 'the 25 foot strip of land for the transmission of fully treated sewage effluent, is terminable, upon a showing of failure by the grantee or its successors in interest, consistently and perpetually to maintain and operate its sewage treatment facilities in the Truckee River drainage basin in such a manner 'that effluent of the specified quality will be discharged within the watershed of West Carson River. 5. That in lieu of present paving of the 25 foot wide ingress and egress perpetual easement strip for District purposes, that said District be acceptance of 'this grant of a utility easement agrees to pave to the then existing standards of the County of Alpine a 20 foot wide strip of land within the boundaries of any road hereafter offered for dedication as a public road along 'the general line of the easement herein granted in said Lots 1 and 18." REGULAR MEETING -8- tune 15, 1967 INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE EASEMENTS (continued) Director Melikean moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that 'the request of Mr. Loren E. Blakeley, and his letter of June 6, 1967, stating conditions, be accepted and approved. NEW BUSINESS: 1. GENERAL DISTRICT ELECTION, 1967: Consideration of a't'torneyto handle election. Attorney John C. Weidman will handle the elections for the South Tahoe PUblic Utility District. NOTE: Sections 16151 and 16152 Public Utility Code have been amended in 1966 to provide 'that effective January 1st, 1967, the biennial election of directors shall be governed by the Uniform District Election Law. As a direct consequence, all directors elected or appointed at. 1he Public Utility District Election in May 1964 will hold office until December 29, 1967; their respective offices will have to be filled at the General District Election which will be held on November 7th, 1967. OLD BUSINESS: RELOCATION OF FORCE MAIN ON PIONEER TRAIL, PROJECT SS-3: The County has claimed $15,384.45 for relocation of force main on Pioneer Trail. All Directors agreed, and our General Manager Moyerrecommended that the District pay this claim. This has been checked and studied and it is of the opinion the District does owe this claim. 15trector Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claim in the amount of $15,384.45 be paid 'to the E1 Dorado County. CORRESPONDENCE: The following letters vere received by the District: 1. From United States Department of the Interior, Federal Water Polhtion Control Administration, dated 5/31/67, signed by A.B.Landgraf, Special Assistant, that the District for the gracious rece~.p'tion and hospitality extended to 'the German team that visited the Tahoe facilities. 2. From Mr. Katsuyoshi Tomono stating that he now has a microfloc process model plant in Osaka Prefecture. Also, 'that a Mr. Yoshiro Morimoto will be visiting the Tahoe Plant the 16th or 17th of June 1967. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $112,909.78, as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURN MEN T: 10:00 P.M. ROBERT W. F~S'LE'R, PRESIDENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT A T: DAVID W. CALLAHAN, C'~ERK OF BOA~ AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT-tUNE 8, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District held a SPECIAL MEETING on the8th of JUNE 1967, 8:00 P.M., Conference Room, City Hall, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Melikean and Hegarty;, Also present were General Manager Harlan E. Moyer, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Engineer J. Jensen, Attorney [. C. Weidman and Attorney K. tones, John Murphy of Sacramento Bee. BID OPENING---JUNE 8, 1967---MEYERS SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-i: General Manager Moyer stated that the following bids were received [une 8, 1967, District Office, 2:00 P.M.: Five (5) bids were received on the sewers and three bids were received on the pumping station. The five bids on the sewers, which were SCHEDULE I, as follows: 1. FRONTIER CONTRACTORS MURRAY, UTAH $1,116,050.00 2 . VALLEY ENGINEERS, FRESNO, CALIFORNIA $1,533,711.00 3. TAB CONSTRUCTION COMPANY RENO, NEVADA $1,836,910.00 4. PESTANA, ERNEST E. SAN lOSE, CALIFORNIA $2,200,110.00 5. HELMS CONSTRUCTION RENO, NEVADA $2,241,470.00. THE PUMP STATIONS, SCHEDULE II, AS FOLLOWS: 1. ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN, WEIRICK SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF $215,000.00 2. GEORGE OSBORNE REDDING CALIFORNIA $223,540.00 3. S & Q CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA $261,169.00 Engineers Estimate: $1,383,500.00 for SCHEDULE I $ 325,000.00 for SCHEDULE II Mr. Moyer stated that Max Burdick of FRONTIER CONTRACTORS called 'to say that he felt a mistake was made in their bid due to the difference of 'their bid and the next low bid. He further mentioned that he was not claiming a mistake, but that he was leaving for Murray, Utah, 'to examine the work sheets on same, and would contact the District if a mistake had been made. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: The purpose of this meeting was to consider and adopt resolutions regarding Improvement District No. U-l, Bonds, Series "A", $900,000.00 ,'~ Attorney Ken Jones and the DireScrs discussed the bonds and Attorney K. Iones re- commended to the Board 'that RESOLUTION No. 825, adopted on the 4th of May 1967, be amended by adopting RESOLUTION NO. 841, which provides for a 6-1/2% interest instead of the 5% interest rate. Attorney Ken Jones also mentioned that he does not know the reason the Bank of America did not bid on the bonds. He will, however, contact the Bank of America to find out 'their reason for not bidding on the bonds and will make a report 'to 'the board. SPECIAL MEETING -2- June 8, 1967 Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Direct or Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 841 be adopted, as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 841: A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 825, ENTITLED "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $2,700,000, PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF BONDS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-1 AND FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SAID BONDS IN SERIES: PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF A TAX IN SAID IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON SAID BONDS: DESIGNATING $900,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF SAID BONDS AS SERIES "A", DESCRIBING THE AMOUNT, DATE AND NUMBERS OF BONDS OF SAID SERIES A AND OF THE COUPONS TO BE ATTACHED TI-ERETO, FIX- ING THE MAXIMUM RATE OF INTEREST THEREON AND PRESCRIBING THE MATURITY THEREOF. - $2,700,000 BONDS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-l, SERIESA- $900,000. Attorney K. Jones recommended adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 842: A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS ON BONDS, BONDS ON THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-i, SERIES "A", $900,000. DirectorWakeman moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 842, be adopted, as recommend- ed by Attorney Ken Jones. RESOLUTION NO. 843:A RESOLUTION DIRECTING VALIDATING PROCEEDINGS, $2,700,000 BONDS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. U-1. DirectorKortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 843 be adopted. N O "T E: Bid Bond Ooening will be the 6th of July 1967. MEETINGS: Meeting originally scheduled for June 30th to tour the facilities of Clair A. Hill and Associates postponed I~f:il JULY. JUNE 20th: Study Session to discuss the bonds and any litigation now pending. JUNE 14th: Meeting at District Office to discuss the bid of Hood Corporation. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Melikean moved;-, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that 'the claims in the amount of $40,593.24, as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. -A-DJOURN MENT: 9:00 P.M. ROBERT-w~. ~E/SLE~'~ President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DAVID W. CALLAHAN, Clerk of Board &-'~'~.~___ Officio Secretary, - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTLITY DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 15, 1967 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session the 15th day of June 1967, 8:00 P.M., City Hall, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were President R. Fesler, Directors R. Wakeman, D. it. Kortes, E.' ~e~'a'r'ty , G. Melikean, General Manager Moyer, Clerk of Board David W. Callahan, Attorney J.C. Weidman, Attorney Robert Hill, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, Mike Ackley - Tahoe Tribune, Jeffery K. Smith - TranS /America Development, Mr. Keith Vincent of Valley Engineers, Inc., Mr. James Horsley - Sales Engineer for International Pipe and Ceramics Corporation, Everett L. Bull, Clinton Smith and A.L. Shoupe. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of June I, 1967, and June 8, 1967, be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: - General Manager Moyer read his report, as follows: "June 15~ 1967 Manager's Report CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS: I. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1: Les Shoupe, Resident Engineer, and myself, me~ with Mr. Douglas Engs, representing Tahoe Meadows Association, Wednesday afternoon, the 14th of June. We toured the project with Mr. Engs, and discussed with him the remaining clean-up and repaving work to be done by the contractor. I explained to Mr. Engs that the contractor has been unable to repave the streets because of the high water conditions, and uncertain weather. The contractor = Robert L. Helms, will start the repaving operations onMonday, June 19th. He will be able to complete this work during that week and will also complete the clean-up, with the exception of some minor areas that are under water. Les Shoupe is supervising the work remaining on this project. 2. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2: The contractor - Robert L. Helms, is scheduled to start work on this project the week of the 19th of June. The construction staking is approximately 90% complete, with only a few of the heavily timbered easement areas yet to be staked. Easement acquisition has been completed on this project with the exception of four property owners. The resident inspector on this project will be Charles Richardson. 3. L~THER_PASS PIPELINE: Work is progressing on the Luther Pass Pipeline by the Contractor- Ernest E. Pestana; the contractor's crew are now instal ling the 24 inch pipe in the vicinity of Meyers. The contractor is scheduled to start work on the portions above the Luther Pump Station about the first of July. The project inspector is Mr. Jack Beene. 4. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATIOlq: Underground Construction Company has commenced work on the ['u~'~' Pass Statibn, and is now completing the excavation for the reservoir and the pump station. Concrete work and installation of underqround piping should commence within two weeks. The project inspector is Mr. Dick Dunnhoe. Approval has been received from the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration (FWPCA) to award the contract for the Indian Creek Pipeline to Leo L. Davis, the contract documents have been sent to the Davis Company for signature, and work on this project should start within the next week. Construction surveys have commenced on this project and will continue for several weeks. The project inspector will be Mr. Ray Toney. Construction bids for the Indian Creek Dam will be opened on June 22nd at 2:00 P.M. at the District offices. TWENTY sets of plans have been issued to prospective bidders on this project. Survey crews are doing preliminary construction staking to establish the center line of the dam, and the center line of the spillway, and to mark the high water line of the reservoir to enable the contractors to examine the site of the work. ENGINEERING PROJECTS IN PROGRESS: Preliminary control surveys have started this week on t'he''U"."S~'""Fores~ Serv"ice'"Sewer System. Aerial photographs of the area will be taken within a short time and topographic mapping of the area will then b~§in. Final plans, specifications, and the engineer's report on Assessment District 1967-1, will be completed and ready for presentation to the Board at the next regular meeting. Plans and specifications, are in the progress for Assessment District 1967-2, and will be completed and ready for consideration by the Board at the first regular meeting in August. Preliminary design work is underway on the proposed shop and warehouse building at the treatment plant, and preliminary work has also started on the proposed addition on the and conference room. administrative area REGULAR MEETING -2- June 15, 1967 MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) MEETINGS: On Wednesday~ June 7th , ~Ir. Clifford I]olden, Project Representative, of the Economic Development Administration, (EDA), toured the treatment plant and Luther Pass Pipeline projects. Mr. ~tolden was satisfied with the construction progress , and his visit was of a routine nature." In answer to Director Fesler's question, Mr. Moyer stated that the Inspector's named in the Manager's Report are from Clair A. Hill & Associations and have established residence at South Lake Tahoe. Director Hegarty moved~ seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted and approved, as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Everett L. Bull presented a letter to the Board for consideration '~ga'rding parcel 29 170 04. Letter as follows - dated 6/15/67: "Boand of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District Mr. Robert Fesler~ Chairman, Box AU So. Lake Tahoe~ California~ 95705 Dear Mr. Fesler: I hold a long-term lease on Parcel 29 170 04 tax area code 75-01~ which belongs to Kathryn I. Bull, widow of my brother C.B. Bull. As I am responsible for all taxes and assessments under our lease, I propose the following for your consideration. The above described parcel will be put under your "Out District Service Contract" under the following conditions. The total monies due the South Tahoe Public Utility District have been estimated at $6,000.00. I will pay the South Tahoe Public Utility District $2,000.00 cash plus pay all monies due the City of So uth Lake Tahoe - estimated at $623.68. I would then pay the balance due the South Tahoe Public Utility District of approximately $4,000.00 in two payments, $2~000.00 on July I, 1968, and $2~000.00 on July I, 1969 ,plus a reasonable interest. It would be much easier for us to hook into the sewer during our present phase of remodelling than it would at some future date, so I would appreciate your ~oard giving this their consideration and advising me as soon as possible as to their decision. Very truly yours, s/E.L. BULL EVERETT L. BULL - ELB:gae" Directors discussed this request of Mr. E.L. Bull and Director Melikean stated that the Board should consider this request. Director Kortes stated that he did not feel the Board was in the financing business. Director Melikean moved~ seconded by Director Hegarty, that necessary arrangements be made to grant this request to Mr. Everett L. Bull, as so stated in his letter~ with some protection as to if Mr. ~ull should ever release this property~ all fees become due and payable and the contract service agreement becomes void; also~ that he (Or any other individual) pay an Attorney costs involved in the preparation of the agreement and any and all legal documents. Mr. Bull stated that he had no objection to paying for legal fees for preparation of all necessary documents. ' VOTES AS FOLLOWS: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: MOTIOH CARRIED. Directors Fesler, Hegarty, Melikean Director Kortes and Director Wakeman None Mr. Everett L. Bull stated that in regards to Mr. Kortes' comment that the District was not in the financing ~usiness is true; however~ he felt that the District should encourage customers to connect to the sewer system, as ~he District is in the sewer business and should get the customers into the District or to utilize the system in any way possible. REGULAR MEETING -3- June 15, 1967 2. RE©UEST OF TRANS/AMERICA DEVELOPMENT: Mr. Jeffery K. Smith and Mr. Rex Smith ap[~ared before 'the Board t© d'i'scuSs the following letter presented by them to the Board of Directors. The letter reads as follows: "June 14, 1967 Board of Directors, South LakeTahoe Sewer District Meadow Crest Lane South Lake Tahoe, California, 95705 RE: NEW BUSINESS OONSIDERATION - JUNE 15, 1967, Regular Agenda Dear Sir: We respectfully request your honorable Board to consider granting a variance of existing ordinances with reference to sewer connection as they would presently apply to single owner - multiple leasee - Properties such as are existing on the sixteen acre lot owned by Jerome Draper Industries and bordered by the Lake Shore on the North and Highway 50 on the South, ~terbert Avenue on the East and Fainfax on ~he West, and to which two entirely separate and unrelated commerciaJ. enterprises are presently existing. To Wit: - Lakeland Village Motel on the Northwest corner of the property and VILLAGE REST~O~ANT on the South East, and adjacent there to the Lakeland Village. We would further respectfully request that you consider the variance appeal at the earlies' possible date in as much as the El Dorado County Health Commissioner has duly notified us that no new application for a County Health Pe~rmit will be approved and/or issued for the VILLAGE RESTAURANT prior to completion of connection of the sewer to the restaurant facility. Inasmuch as we forsee the necessity of opening for the summer season at the earliest possible moment, and inasmuch as construction and inspection for approval of the system requires considerable time, we would greatly appreciate your cooperation in.all possible ways. Sincerely, s/JEFFERY K. SMITH, Trans/America Development Village Restaurant South Lake Tahoe, California, 95705" General Manager Moyer stated that he could ~ee no reason not to grant the request of Mr. Jefferey Smith. Mr. Moyer also mentioned that within 6 or 7 months, all property having sewer lines at t~eir property line will be forced to connect to the sewer system. This will be a law by the State and County. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that this Board approve the variance of existing ordinances and grant the request of Mr. Jefferey K. Smith of Trans/American Development, as so stated in his letter for the VILLAGE RESTAURANT. Mr. J. Smith thanked the ~oard for their time and consideration. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I. ANNEXATION: No report. 2. PLANNING: Director Wakeman stated that the Planning Committee met to review the "contract between the District and the Engineer's. He stated that Mr. Callahan will have a report containing annexation costs, etc., and when this report is available, a report will be presented to the Board. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION: No report. 4. PERSONNEL: Mr. Melikean read letters from Mr. R. Haight, Attorney thanking the"D'ir'e'ctors for the party sponsored by the Directors and Consultants for the employees. Also~ a letter from the employees thanking the Directors for the party. Director Melikean also stated that Certificates have been issued by the California Water Pollution Control Association to Mr. Norman E. Thomas and Mr. Johnnie N. Bonnet, now classed Operator No. 4 - both passed all tests. REGULAR MEETING COMM I TTEE REPORTS (cont i nued) -4- June 15, 1967 5. BANKI~¢G/INSURANCE: President Fesler stated that Stone & Younaberg have contacted thi~ 'Board to dis'cug's financial consultants, their position, et~., and Mr. Fesler asked Attorney R. Hill what the difference in Stone & Youngberg Firm would be and Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch. Mr. Hill stated that Stone & Youngberg are strictly financial consultants, whereas, Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch are not only financial consultants, but also have their legal staff, as well as having a ~rial department that works in condemnation and bond procedures. 0 L D B U S I N E S S: The following resolutions were presented for conside'ration and adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 844: A Resolution Ordering Changes and Modifications and I'ncre'a~ of Assessment District 1966-2. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 844 be adopted, as presented. RESOLUTION NO. 845: A Resolution Determinin~ Unpaid Assessments and Providino for '1 ........ -. ssuance of Bonds. Assessment District 1966-2. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 845 ASSESSMENT D I STR I CT I 967 I: RESOLUTION NO. 846: A Resolution Amending Resolutions Nos. 796 and 798, Assessment District 1967-1. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 846 be adopted, as presented. RESOLUTION NO. 847: A Resolution Rescinding Resolution No 799, Assessment District, 1967-1.-- ' ' RESOLUTION NO. 848: A Resolution Requesting Consent of the Board of Supervisors ~'f t'~e County of El Dorado to Recordation of the Assessment Proposed to be Made in Proceedings for the Acquisition ond Construction of Sanitary Sewers and to Assess the Costs upon the District Benefited, Under Appropriate SpeciAl Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts., Assessment District No. 1967-1. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS 847 and 848, as presented by Attorney R. Hill, be adopted. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1967 2: RESOLUTION NO. 849: A Resolution Rescindina Resolution No. 815, Assessment District 1967-~2." '" RESOLUTION N0.850: A Resolution Requesting consent of the Board of Supervisors o'~" the County of El [~orado to Recordation of the Assessment Proposed to be Made in Proceedings for the Acquisition and construction of sanitary sewers and to assess the costs upon the District benefited, under Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts. Assessment District 1967-2. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 849 and 850 be approved, as presented by Attorney Hill. A~ S S E S S M E N T D I S T R I C T I 9 6 7 - 3: RESOLUTION NO. 851: A Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. 819, Assessment DistP~ct 1967-3". R~SOLUTION NO. 852: A Resolution Requesting consent of the Board of supervisors of the County of El Dorado to Recordation of the Assessment Proposed to be made in Proceedings for the Acquisition and construction of Sanitary Sewers and to assess the costs upon the District benefited, under appropriate special Assessment and Assess- menf Bond Acts. Assessment District 1967-3. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS 851 and 852, as presented by Attorney ttill, be adopted. REGULAR MEET lNG -5- June 15, 1967 A S S E S S M E N T RESOLUTION NO. 853: 196'7-4. DISTRICT I 967-4: A Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. 823, Assessment District RESOLUTION NO. 854: A Resolution Requesting Consent of the Board of Supervisors of the CoUnty of El D~'rado to Recordation of the Assessment Proposed to be Made in Proceedings for the Acquisition and Construction of Sanitary Sewers and to Assess the Costs Upon the District Benefited, Under Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts . Assessment District 1967-4. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried,that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 853 and 854, as presented by Attorney R. Hill, be adopted. M I S C E L L A N E 0 U S: The South Tahoe Public Utility District is on the A"ge'~'d"a w'ith the Board of Supervisors Monday; Attorney K. Jones and R. Hill, General Manager Moyer and Director Hegarty wi II definitely attend this meeting at Placerville. M E Y. E R ' S S E W E R S Y S T E M~ I M P R 0 V E M E N T D I S T R I C T U-I: Bids received on the 8th of June 1967, for Schedule II, Pumping Station and "for Schedule I - Sewers. [R?qTIE..R CONTRAC.~ORS OF MURRAY~ UTAH~ Iow bidder - $1,116,050, for Schedule I-Sewers. General Manager Moyer stated that"the bid from Frontier Contractors was examined and proved to be in order and, therefore, recommended that the bid for the sewers, Schedule I, be awarded to FRONTIER CONTRACTORS OF MURRAY, UTAH. Also, the bid for S~HEDULE lib PUMPING STATIONS, Iow bidder was ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN & WEIRICK - $325,0'b'0.00, was ex~mined and proved to be in order and it was recommended by General Manager Moyer that this be awarded to ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN AND WEIRIC, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the contract for Schedule I, Sewers, be awarded to FRONTIER CONTRACTORS OF Murray, Utah; the contract for the PUMPING STATION, SCHEDULE II, be awarded to ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN & WEIRICK of San Francisco, California. (NOTE: Ordinances awarding these contracts listed below). (Ordinance No. 147 and 148--~--I- Mr. Moyer stated that Frontier Contractors, Murray, Utah, were not happy over receiving this bid/contract. He further ~ead-~se¢~i.~nssfPOmn~he Government Code which relates to bids received, etc., contractor's rights, etc. Frontier Contractor's bid was in order and examined by the Engineer and Attorney. MR. JAMES HORSLEY, SALES ENGINEER FOR INTERNATIONAL PIPE AND CERAMICS CORPORATION stated that they were the pipe supplier for Frontier Contractors; however, nothing was signed to this effect and he was in hopes that they would still continue to be the supplier for this contractor. ~.RDINANCE NO. 147: Awarding Contract, Meyer's Improvement District No. U-I SCHEDULE I. (See' action taken a'bove.) ' ORDINANCE NO. 148:An Ordinance Awarding Contract, Meyers Improvement Disfrict No U-I, Schedule 11. ('See Action taken above.) ' 4. INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE EASEMENTS: A letter was received from Mr. Loren E. Blakeley, dated' June 6, 1967, stating that easement would be granted to the South Tahoe Public Utility District, subject to the following conditions: "SAID EASEMENT IS GRANTED ON THE FOLLOWING EXPRESS CONDITIONS SUBSEQUENT: I. Said pipe line is to be used solely for the transmission of fully oxidizex, non-putrescible sewage plant effluent from facilities of South Tahoe Public Utility District, and said line is to be built and perpetually maintained in substantial accordance with the contract for its construction signed by said District on May , 1967. 2. That no effluent shall be permitted in any manner to reach the gro'~nd water supply available to Grantor's lands in the Carson River Watershed lying upstream or higher in elevation than the terminal point of said water tight pipe line at the Indian Creek Reservoir Site in Alpine County. 3. That quality of effluent carried in said line be perpetually monitored and maintained equal to om superior to the standards of quality now set forth in existing agreements between the District and the County of Alpine, and Federal, State of California, State of Nevada, and local agencies charged with matters of quality REGULAR MEET lNG -6- June 15, '1967 INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE EASEMENT (continued) of water supplies. 4. That said easement, while creating a major public use of the 25 foot strip of land for the transmission of fully treated sewage effluent, is terminable, upon a showing of failure by the grantee or its successors in interest, consistently and perpetually to maintain and operate its sewage treatment facilities in the Truckee River drainage basin in such a manner that effluent of the specified quality will be discharged within the watershed of West Carson River. 5. That in lieu of present paving of the 25 foot wide ingress and egress perpetual easement strip for District purposes, that said District by acceptance of this grant of a. utility easement agress to pave to the then existing standards of the County of Alpine a 20 foot wide strip of land within the boundaries of any road hereafter offered for dedication as a public road along the general ine of the easement h~rein granted in said Lots I and 18. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the request of Mr. Loren E. Blakeley, and his letter of June 6, 1967, stating conditions, as mentioned above, be accepted and approved. ' ,N, E W B U S I N E S S Iz GENERAL DISTRICT ELECTION~ 1967: Consideration of Attorney to handle election. Attorney John C. Weidman will handle the elections for the South Tahoe Public Utility District. NOTE: Sections 16151 and 16152 Public Utility Code have been amended in 1966 to-~'~ide that effective January Ist, 1967, the biennial election of directors shall be governed by the Uniform District Election law. As a direct consequence, all directors elected or appointed at the Public Utility District Election in May 1964 will hold office until December 29, 1967; their respective offices will have to be filled at the General District Election which will be held on November 7th, 1967. U N F I N I S H E D ~roject SS'3: B U S I N E S S: Relocation of Force Main on Pioneer Trail, The County has claimed $15,384.45 for relocation of force main on Pioneer Trail. All Directors agreed, and our General Manager Moyer recommended that the District pay this claim. This has been checked and studied and it is of the opinion of the District that we do owe this claim. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claim in the amount of $15,384.45 be ~aid to the El Dorado County. C 0 R R E S P 0 N D E N C E: The following letters were received by the District: I. FROM UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, F.W.~.C.A. (Federal Water Pollution Control Administration) dated 5/31/67, signed by A.B. Landgraf, Special Assistant, that the District for the gracious reception and hospitality extended to the German Team that visited the Tahoe facilities. 2. F~om Mr. Katsuyoshi Tomono stating that he now has a microfloc process model plant at Osaka Prefecture. Also, that a Mr. Yoshiro Morimoto will be visiting the Tahoe Plant the 16th or 17th of June. PAYMENT'OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean,~ u~'~nimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $112,090.78, as recommended by Assistant General Manager D.W. Ca lahan be approved for payment. .~DJOURNMENT: I0:00 P.M. W. CALLAHAN, CFe~k of Board & Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTLITY DISTRICT I~ent of the Board SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT