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1966 01/06 - 1966 12/17
Adjourned Regular Meeting I2/17/65(continued) RESOLUTION NO. 641 : - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,400,000. RESOLUTION NO. 642: - APPROVE BROCHURE OF BONDS. RESOLUTION NO. 643: - REOPEN BIDS 2nd MEETING IN JANUARY ( 1966). Mr. Moyer discussed the construction that will be taking place at the Plant Site. ADJOURNMENT: 12:00 Noon. _.7 Rosert -es er, `residen of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC • UTILITY DISTRICT David W. Callahan, Clerk of board and Ex-Officio Secretary - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ******** REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 6, 1966 The Board of Directorsof the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, January 6, 1966, 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present' were Directors Fesler, Kortes, Wakeman Bickle, Stewart, General Manager 'rriday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J . Weidman, Attorney J . Holtom, Engineer H. Moyer, W.C. Taylor, Supt. of Plant Operations; Mr. J .C.Peebles, Mr. Bill Pillsbury, Walt Little, Frank Gordon, John Murphy. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Pickle, unanimously carried, that t the minutes of December 16th and December 17th, 1965, be approved as presented. MANGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report, as follows: 'JANUARY 6, 1966 PLANT OPERATION: Total flow for December 1965 64 584 000 Average daily flow , , gallons Nevada flow for December 1965 9,308, 0 " Average daily flow 9,308,33220 " Chlorine used for December 1965 505,26lbs " 15 Average used perday ,505 lbs. Propane used for December 1965 500ls. Propane used - Average per day 7,2504 gaallons Holding pond freeboard 8 feetet gallons - - II inches Spray Area (New Field) has some run-off but this can be attributed to snow melt; however; chlorine residuals are maintained as prescribed by State Health Authorities. Old Spray Area in operation and all run-off is being intercepted by ditch for that purpose and going back into holding pond. Johnson property is being used as much as possible but must be controlled to stop any runoff. Attached for your information is a report on inspections made from October 1 , 1965, through December 31 , 1965, on sewer connections only." ATTACHMENT: Total buildings connected: Total inspections: Residences 39 old and 104 new 235 and total units =1 ,364. Apartments II old and 58 new Motels No old and 5 new. REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1966 (continued -2-) Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Pickle, unanthmously carried, that the Manae Manager's Report be accepted as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed all those present and asked if they had any+hing to bring before the Board for action. No Business. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . Easement: No report. 2. Planning: Director Stewart stated that the Planning Committee met en 1/5/66 and agreed that an Engineering Study Session should be held on the 12th of January, 1966, 10:00 A.M., District Office. Mr. Stewart passed agenda's to all Directors for this Study Session. Also, requested that Mr. Moyer contact a representative from Cornell , _ ' Howland, Hayes and Merryfield and requested Mr. Clair A. possible. Mr. Moyer will contact CH2M and Mr. Hill too find present, e Clair A. Hill out if they will be available for this committee meeting. 3. Street Lighting/Personnel : No Report 4. Public Information Report: - Director Kortes read letters from: I . D. I .DuPont DeNemours 8 Company, Wilmington, Delaware, requesting information re costs of installations, operating and number of operators required and the pamphlet describing the Water Reclamation Plant, operating conditions under both good and bad situations. ( letter dated 12/21/65). 2. From the United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Washington, D.C. , dated 1/4/66, requesting information on water systems, treatment and reuse of water, filtering systems, etc.,; they stated that the results of the research on "Denitrification and Ion Exchange for Nitrogen Removal from Sewage" would assist them in solving their water and filtering problems. General Manger Priday will reply to both letters mentioned above. 3. K.C.R.L. , Reno, Channel Four, stating that a half-hour color film on Lake Tahoe will be broadcast Saturday, January 8, at 7 P.M. Mr. Priday also mentioned that K.N. X .T. visited the Plant Wednesday and took some film of the Plant Facilities. Resident Fesler stated that it is very gratifying that these people are showing the interest in the facilities and further stated that the District can be proud it is attracting the International attention that it is. On 12/21 /65 President Fesler, Del Ross and Mr. McKinstry attended the first press club meeting held at Harvey's Wagon Wheel . 5. BANKING AND INSURANCE COMMITTEE: No report. Mr. Bickle read letters from Reed- MeneTey Insurance Agency and a letter from Mr. John Walker thanking the Directors for the meeting and tour of the facilities; another letter received from the auditors Irvine and Duce stating there would be a delay on receiving the audit. MONTGOMEREY ESTATES: Mr. Sickle stated that' re the litigation with Montgomery Estates, he contacted the Insurance Agency concerning this to see if they would settle for $2,500.00 and recommended that the District settle for $2,500.00 as Montgomery Estates stated they willlsettle for $5,000.00. Director Pickle moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that assuming the Insurance Company will pay $2,500.00, the District pay $2,500.00, to settle the claim with Montgomery Estates and to have the Attorney proceed immediately to settle for $5,000.00. LEGAL - MISCELLANEOUS: I . HARPED 8 BAXM - 1960-2 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: Attorney Weidman stated that briefs are to be submitted to the Judge; this will be discussed at the Engineering Session the 12th of January 1966. 2. INJUNCTION: - Attorney Weidman stated that he has a copy of the injunction filed against tl,e South Tahoe P.U.D. by Mr. McKinstry; however, it has not officially been presented to the District. Mr. Weidman stated that he would not care to make any comments at this time but stated that an Executive Session could be held to discuss this. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING THE NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) I , DAVID W. CALLAHAN, , being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is a citizen of the Unitdd States and over the age of twenty-one years; That at the instance of and for and on behalf of the South Tbhoe Public Utility District, he posted NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California, regular meeting of place of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. THAT said positing was fully completed on the 17th day of December 1965; that a copy of said notice is hereto attached, and by reference made a part tereof. , gk_ '0, ' .---1 (2,`,,,,,,c-,('),,_ t,„___ bav d tii:Callahan Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this i %a day of .f ,-,- ,,,-4 ,, L' , 1965. lt Notary PubI,ia in and for the Co ty of El Dorado, State of California NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT MLIFORNIA ) ) ss EL DORADO )) NOTICE is hereby given that the regular meeting of the (RECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT held f December 1965 has been adjourned to the 17th of december, he hour of 11 :00 A.M. of said day, at the South Tahoe Itty District Office, Iwhen and where it will consider or accepting the bid received for the sale of bonds :NUE BONDS in the amount of $700,000. l `, $avl . ". a a an, er o :oar• and Ex-Officio Sec. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UT,ILlTY DISTRICT REGULAR MELTING OF JANUARY 6, 1966 ( continued -3-) e5-72. MISCELLANEOUS: I . SPECIAL USE PERMIT - 40/50 ACRES: - Attorney Weidman is working on this with Mr. Bob nice. 2. PROSPECTUS FOR $1 ,400,000.00 SEWER REVENUE BOND: - Attorney Holtom stated that the prospectus for $1 ,460,060.00 sewer revenue bond has been mailed to all bond houses. 3. General Manager Priday stated that we have received $7,530.00 from the UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE on our DEMONSTRATION GRANT PROJECT. 4. Attorney Weidman stated that the State of California has qpproved payment of the claim filed by the District in the amount of approximately $4,300.00 NEW BUSINESS: I . LAKE VALLEY FIRE DISTRICT CONTRACT NUMBER 3: Mr. Fesler stated that the Fire Department wishes the District to enter into an agreement which states that the MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM is to be cleaned after each meeting; in the event this is not adhered too, the District (or any other organization meeting there) will be billed for $10.00 for clean-up fees. Director Bickle moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, t hat President Fesler sign the contract individually and for the Board of Directors. GRANTS, MISCELLANEOUS: - Engineer Moyer stated that the application to the U.S.Public Health Service Grants (approximately for $80,000 to/or $90,000, of which the District would have repayment of approximately $12,000.00) is under review by the U. S. Public Health Service Consulting Board . The Public Health Service wants to have the Consulting Board come to Lake Tahoe the 4th and 5th of February 1966, to inspect the advanced treatment plant the District now has and to check the work that has been done over the past year and the work to be done during the coming year. Mr. Moyer and General Manager Priday agreed that these people should visit the facilities) Mr. Moyer will notify them. Mr. Moyer also stated that Congress appropriated funds for the construction of the advanced waste treatment facilities; this is to be financed 100$ by the U. S. Public Health Service. They are requesting a site for this project; the site selection is going to be made in the near future and will be located in some area where existing facilities are available for the study. Mr. Moyer stated that if the District is interested, this would be an opportunity to have facilities paid for by the Federal Government. Mr. Moyer will check into further details on this and report to the board; the directors seemed very interested. General Manager Friday read the following letter from Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Chief Civil Engineer for Clair A. Hill & Associates: 'Dated - December 21 , 1965 "FE: LUTHER PASS EXPORT SYSTEM Dear Win: To expedite construction of this facility , it would be advisable to call for separate bids on the pumping equipment. The pumps required for the main lift station will be relatively special items and will require longer delivery time than normal . In order to assure installation during the 1966 construction season, the pumps should be on order by February or March. If the State Department of General Services will agree to loan the necessary funds and no other problems are encountered, the advertisement for bids could be ready by February and a contract award made by March 1966." This will be discussed at the meeting scheduled for January 12, 1966; 10:00 A.M. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $21 ,493. 12 be approved for payment and the transfer of fund in the amount of $2,513.61 be approved. ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 P.M. f ..." ROBERT FESL R, PR SIDEN OF THE BOARD OF )k)- -.\ eCk:41 ( VO 99417 9 DIRECTORS David W. Callahan, Clerk ofiBoard & Ex- Officio Secretary *************** S'A.3 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT January 20, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utiltty Distrct met eCalifornia. tin regular sessmon 1 /20/66, 8:00 P.M. , Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, CHAIRMAN PRO TEM: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Bickle, unanimously carried, that Thomas L. Stewart, be appointed Chairman for this meeting. General Manager ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Stewart, and Bottom; Engineer an H. Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J . Weidman, Atto,ney lllinois, John ngginee, Moyer, W.C. Taylor, Mr. J . Dunn of Nuveen Company, Walt Little, Frank Gordon. ABSENT: Director Robert Fester. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Bickle , minutes of 1/6/66 be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: January 20, 1966 "Plant Operation: otal flow from January 1st through 17th, 1966 32,250,000 gallons Average daily flow 2,01 ,000 " Nevada District flow 217,788 " Average daily flow 10 feet,9 inches Holding pond freeboard Many long hours have been spent by the Directooperations;Engineers, inr , Legal sCoun el , and for Administration in programming the next few months treatment facilities, export facilitve51Ononsiancdta°ailabof i�litycforndisposal ,facilities meetingMeyers, with examining some two dozen large subd ► No one canmdenyithe State and Federal Agencies to procure financing for these projects. fact that if we are successful ingand' Exportut facilitur ies, 'that dollars is alfrom worthewlnidle. Federal Agencies for the Treatment No part of the total program has a lesser degree of importance than any other; however, in evaluating the circumstances now facing the District, it appears that additional land for disposal must be considered top priority. This must be accomplished immediately to guarantee a safe disposal operation during the construction of the Treatment and Ex- port facilities, which will be almost simultaneous. there are yet some unknown answers regarding the terminus of the export system. Recent developments have indicated that Alpine County Board of Supervisors would ouldcepttem exported effluent from the South Tahoe Public Utility District provided Y terminated in Diamond Valley and �°onatld be monies neededirrigation. Diamondagain Valleysbrather nebulous determination as to adds however,is big ad at least ten ( 10) miles allther Agencies thatan our pweswillt ipipeon iteto°rt;Los Angeles if they made it plainisand simple will furnish the necessary money. All fTahoethese PubliclUtility'DistaictAwillLAKE be ready better get on the ball because the South to start construction of an export system by May of this year. If it is not started by then, the "DO-GOODERS" better get off our backs and get another ride somewhere else." The Manaaer's Renort was approved and accepted unanimously. C MMI ' EE REPOR L EASEMENT: Director Stewart stated that court action will have Lands. Mr. Stewart obetaken oobtain on Right-of-Entry for an easement across the Morrison and Mr. Stewart stated that the Cancheckor infor thethe amountou ofForce $1 ,560.00 ($1 ,500.00held r Morrison and the recommended0oothat $60.00 for Johnson) be approved this evening for the services of Art Reber and deposited with the court to gain Right-of-Entry. Carried. 2. PLANNING COMMITTEE: No report. PUBLIC INFORMATION:1. Director Kortes read the following letters: I. From Ralph H. Holtje, Assistant Chief Research and Training Grants Program, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, dated C 1/2M 1 1/66, frominaBe hesdda, Maryland to Mr. Russell L. Culp, SanitaryEngineer, sivisit plan the 4th and 5th of February 1966. 2. A press release, dated 1/ 19/66, re action plan for Lake Tahoe. A key feature of the legislative Action Program is the granting of authority to the South Tahoe Public Utility District to declare septic tanks a nuisance and to require connection to sewers within 90 days; also, objectives of a building ban to prevent further unsewered discharges into the Lake. REGULAR MEETING January 20, 1966 Page -2- (cont. ) PUBLIC INRORMATION COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued) 3. From Mr. Hubert Bruns, Chairman, Alpine County Board of Supervisors to Mr. W. F. Priday regarding a meeting - effluent disposal or export. 4. STREET LIGHTING/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Director Wakeman stated that the lighting commifTee did meet and have made arrangements to meet with the City's Planning Commission Committee on Public Utiltties 1/27/66, 3:00 P.M. , District Office. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Director Wakeman stated that a certificate was received for f- G i l berf 'r. Roeh ler, Jr., certifying that he has passed to Grade 2; Mr. Wakeman further stated that only twelve ( 12) of the applicants passed this test and that 1 the District is very proud and pleased that one of our men did pass. Mr. Wakeman requested that he would like to make the presentation to Mr. Koehler and have pictures taken of same. General Manager Priday mentioned that the South Tahoe Public Utility District now has seven (7) certified operators. BANKING/INSURANCE COMMITTEE: Mr. Bickle stated that there was no meeting; he did mention, however, that file District has now settled in the amount of $2,500.00 with Montgomery Estates; $1 ,250.00 of which the District will pay and $1 ,250.00 of which the Insurance Company will pay. BIND BID OPENING: Attorney Holtom opened and read the following received bids: I . Taylor and Company, 439 North Bedford Drive, Beverly Hills, California: This will pay $1 ,373,554 which is 98. 111% of the par value thereof, for bonds bearing interest at the following rates: 1967 through 1991 maturities inclusive at 4-1/2% per annum. Interest cost: 1 ,021 ,425 Plus Discount 26,446 NIC 1 ,047,871 NIC 4.6165% (check for $25,000 included). 2. Dean Witter & Company, 45 Montgomery Street; San Francisco, California: 4rl/4% per annum for bonds maturing in the years 67-83 4.30% " /111''1, It 84-91 4.404% 3. John Nuveen and Company, Chicago, Illinois = 4.405% Attorney Holtom recommended that Dean Witter and Company of San Francisco, California, be awarded the bid at 4.404% and the following Ordinance was adopted: OFOINANCE NO. 126: Awarding bid to Dean Witter and Company. NCTE: Checks in the amount of $25,000.00 accompanied all bids. Director Bickle moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the bid be awarded to Dean Witter and Company and ORDINANCE NO. 126 be adopted. CLAIM - - LAKEVIEW ARMS - - Nick Pandelis: Mr. Pandelis stated in his letter his claim is - in the amount of $7,162.77 for Water Damage and Sewage Disposal Damage on the 12th of August 1965. Mr. Callahan recommended and it was moved, seconded, unanimously carried, that the claim be denied and turned over to the Insurance Carrier. NEW BUSINESS: Re the letter received from Mr. Brun, Alpine County, Mr. Friday suggested thaf Attorney Weidman discuss with the Attorney General and the Counsel for Alpine County prior to any meeting of the two boards; Mr. Friday will contact Mr. Brun and Mr. Weidman will contect Mr. Gerrard and the counsel for Alpine County. RESOLUTION 6 3 9: Director Bickle moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that a resdlution be sent to Governor Brown endorsing his support for the Legislature Action Committee support for financing export. Copies of the RESOLUTION to be sent to Mr. Porter and others on the Water Committee. (Assembly interim Water Committee. ) J75 REGULAR MEETING (continued) Page -3- January 20, 1966 MISCELLANEOUS: Mr. Weidman stated that a Mr. Roble had contacted him requesting that the District present some clarification regarding the offer the district received from Nevada which was published in the Sacramento Bee 1/18/66 in regards to the option to purchase capacity and in which Nevada had requested an answer from the District within sixty (60) days. General Manager Priday stated that the correspondence received on this should be taped and when anyone desires information of this, send them a copy of the letter or correspondence . Mr. Friday will handle this. Attorney Weidman stated that he would like authority to negotiate and discuss with the ones in Sacramento regarding information they might need regarding grants and applications. The Directors agreed Mr. Weidman should keep abreast of what is happen- inq.- The 0.E.D.P. has been filed with the County, Mr. Priday stated; Mr. Grader does have it; the only thing they need now is a letter of designation and a letter of request for approval from the Chairman of the Board of Alpine County Board of supervisors. Mr. Weidman will contact the Chairman of the Board. COJRT APPEARANCE: Mr. Weidman mentioned that there will be a court appearance 1/21/66, I :'0 )'.M. at the Fairgrounds at Placerville, California, re the injunction notice. RESOLUTIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING: (Recommended by Attorney J . Holtom) : RESOLUTION NO. 644 - Tahoe Paradise I , 2, 3 RESOLUTION NO. 645 - Montgomery Estates Unit No. 4 RESOLUTION NO. 646 - Bijou Park Acres Addition No. 2. and Agreements accepted for same. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Bic!kle,NTS unanimoe usly ydcarried, that the RESOLUTIONS NOS. 644, 645 and 646 and the PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Bickle, unanimously carried, -Fhaf the claims in the amount of $47,747.73,6 be 7pbevepproved for paygneht and the transfer of funds in the amount of ADJOURNMENT: 9:00 P.M. 7' i ~ OVAS V L. STCVAIR ',�'CHA AN PRO TEM SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board andEx-Officio Secretary of SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT *********** SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY I , 1966 TFe Special Meeting of the Board of Directors held the 1st of February 1966, District Office, 2:00 P.M. , was called for the purpose of: I, ADOPTING RESOLUTION NO. 647. 2. TO DISCUSS LAND DISPOSAL. ROLL CALL: Present were Chairman Pro Tem Stewart, Directors Kortes, Wakeman; General Manager Ffriday, Clerk of Board Callahan, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, Donald L.Clarke, Councilman for the City of South Lake Tahoe; ABSENT: Director Fesler and Bickle. CI-AIRMAN PRO TEM: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that somas L.Stewart be appointed Chairman Pro Tem. SPECIAL MEETING HELD FEBRUARY I , 1966 (Page -2-) RESOLUTION NO. 647: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FILING OF APPLICATION WITH THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FOR A GRANT AND/OR LOAN UNDER THE TERMS OF PUBLIC LAW 89-136." AYES: DIRECTORS STEWART, KORTES AND WAKEMAN NOES: NONE ABSENT: DIRECTORS FESLER AND BICKLE 1 UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. LAND DISPOSAL: General Manager Priday stated that he has discussed land disposal problems with Mr. Aram Harootunian for the District's effluent disposal problem and Mr. Harootunian mentioned that he would want an annual lease rate of $85,000.00. Mr. Priday also stated that if the District decided to lease Harootunian's land, the District would also be liable for the taxes. Also discussed was the possibility of condemnation. The Attorney will investigate the condemnation proceedure furthur. Mr. Priday also mentioned to the Directors that a letter will be written by the Lake Tahoe Area Council and the City of South Lake Tahoe in support of the District's needs for Federal aid; and these letters will be taken to Mr. Eugene A. Chappies Office for the meeting tomorrow to discuss the P. L. 89-136 Grant Fund. ADJOURNMENT: 3: 15 P.M. `' 'tH6MA'L. STEWA''f, Chairman Pro Tem SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1 David W. Callahan, Clerk of :.ard & x- Officio Secretary for the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District ************ SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 7, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a special session 2/7/66, 7:00 P.M. , District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Kortes, Wakeman and Stewart; General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Engineer H. Moyer, Attorney J. Weidman, William V.D. Johnson, John Murphy. ABSENT: Director Donald Bickle and Attorney J . Holtom. 1 . REPORT OF E.D.A. APPLICATION: Attorney Weidman stated that the application was presented in person to the authorities at Washington, D.C. , and because of this he stated that he felt the district gained time in getting indiVidual approval of the funds. (E.D.A.. Economic Development Act). Mr. Weidman also mentioned that the District owes Governor Brown a vote of thanks for his letter prepared in support of the district for export and funds. Governor Brown is concerned about the south end of the Lake and the need for the export system; he will also place on the budget for consideration of export facilities from Luther Pass to Diamond Valley (funds) . Mr. Weidman also stated that part two of the application must be completed and submitted by March I , 1966, which is data for engineering, legal and financial . Also, while Mr. Weidman and Thomas L. Stewart were at Washington, D.C. , they stated that Mr. Bizz Johnson was of great assistance to them; he gave them his office and full time help from his Assistant - Mr. Dwight Barnes. They also mentioned that Mr. Eugene Chappie, Assemblyman, mad th tri Washington D.C. , in the District's behalf, and was very hepfuanbeneficaf to Thtim in every respect. 1 7 7 Special Meeting 2/7/66 (continued) General Manager Friday will write a letter of appreciation to: Governor Edmund C. Brown; Assemblyman Eugene Chappie, California Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lake Tahoe Area Council , City of South Lake Tahoe, Congressman Harold "BIZZ" Johnson, Mr. Dwight Barnes (Congressman Johnson's assistant) I , Mr. Quigley and Mr. O'Malley (Mr. Foley's office). Mr. Weidman stated that they had also discussed the $185,000 while at Washington, D.C. , and he felt that thisaamount will probably be received even before a contract is let. Director Stewart stated that Mr. Eastman's office should receive copies of all applications from the district. Mr. Moyer stated that a very detailed engineering report, financial report and legal supplement will have to be submitted with part two fothe f eapplibruca ion; this can be en completed and presented to the Board by the 2lsta y also mentioned that the reports presented with part two of the application must be within 10/20% of the range of being correct. Director Wakeman stated that the future of our aedepends disonithis isapplicationat being completed and that South Lake Tahoe depends onwhat ts meeting this evening. Mr. Wakeman also stated that he felt this was too critical to wait from meeting to meeting and suggested that a member of the board follow this through and suggested that the chair consider a committee to carry this through. Director Fesler stated that a RESOLUTION could ldebe passeddeurging ngnthe s etEngineerrfand osal Attorney to expedite, leaving no stone unturned, weeklystudyor status meeting to have this taken care of and completed. Or, could be held re EDA application. Attorney Weidman stated that he has dropped everything gin way to eoof districisbusiness as well as his private business to do everything possible EDA application; he has conferred with the Planning Commission at Sacramento regarding this for back up material needed - - he furtherstatedtthator tthereearire mplaces that he does go to obtain information and he could usea Harlan Moyer stated the important thing now for this program is to obtain the financing and he has spent considerable time on this part. ler Ci rector Wakeman moved that the cwem�rt-eeceio consisting Save Lakerector Tahoe",e5and todfollowrt go ahead in the direction that the through on all of the grants, loans and legal advice necessary to produce export system over this hill during 1966; to follow through and to see that this is done; to create a task for this and to accomplish this. No second. General Manager Friday stated that he cannot see where a task can be set up for something that has already been done. Mr. Stewart and Mr. Fesler will work with the Engineer, Manager and Attorney on the EDA application. LAND DISPOSAL: Mr. Friday stated that whatever the eedistrile doesd rdgaddi gcland: disposal he had prepared some figures regarding present The 120 acres of the old field - the district is paying $75.00 per acre per year; The new field - the district is paying $60.00 per pere per year. For the 264 acres - $64.00 per acre per year. Johnson land = $41 .60 per acre per year on 120 acres; Mr. Prid ssitltedd that a letter is being written to the Johnson's asking them if it is p bto continue to use their land. Mr. Harootunian is asking $87,500 per year plus $17,500 for taxes on the land; we have gone no further with Mr. Harootunian, as of this date, Mr. Friday stated. Mr. Friday read a letter from Mr. M.T.Wordell , Manager of County Airports, in which he stated that the county would allow the district to dispose on the airport; a map was included with Mr. Wordell 's letter and is now in the hands of Mr. Moyer, Engineer. This acreage totals approximately 300 acres of which possibly 100 acres would be useable. A planning committee meeting will he held to discuss land disposal and Mr. Friday requested that Mr. William V. D. Johnson be invited to attend this committee meeting. General Manager Friday will invite Mr. A. Harootunian to the next regular meeting of the Board of directors for further discussion of land disposal . Special Meeting 2/7/66 (continued) Director Stewart mentioned that they met (he and Mr. Weidman) with Mr. Ted Scheffler of the U. S. Forestry Service while at Washington, D.C. , to discuss Forestry land in this area. We brought him up to date as to what the District is doing and what they are planning, Mr. Stewart stated. Mr. Stewart further stated that it was not intended to go over ayyone's head but did ask Mr. Scheffler if Washington, D.C. , would give their blessings to the San Francisco Office for negotiations regarding Forestry Land. Mr. Scheffler mentioned that their office would do all they could to give the blessings of the department. Mr. Friday stated that negotiations have been started with the local Ranger, Mr. Bob Rice, and that Mr. Rice stated that he would see the District gets the longest term available and an easement. Another mention of possible land for disposal was the Barton Land. Mr. Friday stated that the District will proceed with all due diligence the offer from the County, U.S.Forestry Service of the additional 40 acres; harootunian, Johnson Land, Tahoe Paradise and the extension of one year with the U.S.Forestry Service. RESOLUTION NO. 648: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 648 amending RESOLUTION NO. 641 , as recommended by Attorney John Holtom, be approved. MONTGOMERY ESTATES - TRUNK SEWER IN AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: - Mr. Moyer stated that he met with Attorney Holtom and Mr. Vogel of the David Bohannon Organization to discuss sewer lmne installation at Montgomery Estates, Unit #4. The bids were received by M.E. #4 and were 17% higher than the engineers estimate. These bids were not accepted and they wanted to know how to reduce the cost for installation and were looking at the District Facilities. Mr. Moyer told them that he could not see where the costs could be reduced on these facilities. He further stated that he had mentioned that another alternative would be to include the construction of their pump station and trunk sewer in an assessment district. Mr. Moyer stated that he could not comment more on this. MSCELLANEOUS: - No letter of resignation received from Mr. Donald Bickle. ELECTION DATES`: First of April will be the last day to file for Director. Notice of-7177777n would be 3/3/66 and the last day of publication will be 3/2.7/66. MEETING: The Water Committee will meet Friday morning at Tahoe Paradise and Mr. Friday will attend and invited anyone that wished to attend with him. Another meeting - Local Agency Formation Commission, 8:00 P.M. , 2/15/66, Placerville, California. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, t'hat the payment of claims in the amount of $12,401 .06 and the transfer of funds in the amount of $60,000.00 be approved, as recommended by General Manager Priday. PLANNING COMMITTEE will meet 3:00 P.M. , 2/9/66, to further discuss land disposal . ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 P.M. < _ Robert Fesler, President of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District David W. ' allahan, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District ****** 5 7, REGULAR .MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT February 17, 1966 the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session February 17, 1966. The meeting was called to order by Director Fester at 8:07 P.M. at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Kortes, Stewart; General Manager Priday; Clerk of the Board Callahan, Attorney Weidman, Attorney Ken Jones of Wlon , Jones, Morton & Lynch, bonding office; Newsmen Little, Gordon and Murphy; ABSENT: Directors Wakeman and Bickle and Engineer Moyer. FLAG SALUTE was followed by a moment of silence in memory of Attorney John Holtom. MNUTES of three previous meetings were presented; Director Kortes moved, seconded by irector Stewart, unanimously carried, to approve the minutes of January 2.0, February I and February 8, 1966 meetings. PANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Priday presented the report as written. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, to accept the report, as follows: "Manager's Report 2/17/66 PLANT OPERATION: 29 318 000 gallons Reclamation plant flow, Feb. I through 15 , , Average daily flow, 2/I/ through 2/ 15/66, 1 ,954,533 " Nevada Daily flow, 2/1/-15, 1966 = 3,618,600 " Average daily flow, 2/1 /-15, 1966 = 241 ,240 nallons5 feet 0 inches Holding Pond Freeboard - 2/14/66 2/15/66 4 feet 8 inches 2/16/66 4 feet 5 inches 2/17/66 4 feet 2 inches. the above figures indicate the seriousness of land acquisition for temporary relief of the problem confoonting the district in regards to disposal of reclaimed water. The following is a list of lands and owners that the district has been negotiating with for temporary disposal operations:' Mr. A. Harootunian 375 acres + Sections 3 & 10 Tahoe Paradise(Saxon Cr. 160 acres + Section 15 Prop) 100 acres + Sections 16 & 21 Tahoe Paradise 100 acres + Sections 9 & 16 Lake Tahoe Airport Addnl . lands in Sections 2 & 9 U.S. Forest Service. As of now, we have been unable to make any arrangements for any additional ' lands. As of today, we are working on a plan to deep ditch (about 5/6 feet) along the contours of the disposal field so we can go back to using it as a stop-gap measure. One thing has been determined this week and that was where the thirty (30) mile pipeline for export would terminate. We have been given a general approval for fifteen ( I5) mile easement through Alpine County to construct the facility. I would suggest that this Board take the necessary steps to apply to the Lahontan Water Quality Control Board and the Alpine County Water Agency (Board of Supervisors) for discharge requirements into Indian Creek in Dutch Valley; we must do this in order to find out what other impossible situations might be facing the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT." Maiager Priday stated that Mr. Johnson has extended until June or possibly longer the use of the 128 acres. Mr. Friday suggested that the Lahontan write us a letter telling us what they would prefer and if they decide to run the pond over that that will be their decision. Vote was unanimous to approve this suggestion. VISITORS: Mr. Aram Harootunian appeared and stated that since land leased to others usually was on a minimum rental basis of 6% per year per valuation of the land, net, this was what he expected, although there was the possibility of paying $35,000 the first year and paying the balance of $10,000 a year at no interest charge, or possibly no money the first year; or of the District paying $37,000 the first year plus taxes of $17,500 and accepting 100 acres of his land into the sewer district at no charge; the following year if the option was picked up it would be $37,500 plus taxes only. At 8:20 P.M. Director Wakeman arrived and thereafter participated in the meeting. Aga REGULAR MEETING, 2/17/66 (continued) Director Stewart stated the Planning Committee had met February 9, 1966, and it was noted that the District is presently paying $75.00 an acre per year on the old spray area, $61 .00 on the new field, and $41 .00 on the Johnson property, with no taxes to pay. The urgency of the situation being considered, it was recommended to the Board that they offer Mr. Harootunian the sum of $100.00 per acre or a total of $37,500 per year for the use of his 375 acres for a minimum of one year with an option for and additional six months. It was noted that the District would be bonded for any damage to the property. However, Mr. Stewart pointed out that $37,500 plus taxes, plus annexation of 100 acres, would total $ 105,000 per year, which is out of the question. Manager Priday stated the next years budget would have to be prepared a little ahead of time in order to get a figure for the board to consider. It was agreed that Mr. Harootunian and the board would discuss the matter further with their respective attorneys to see what could be worked out on it. Mananer Priday added that the Lahontan Water Ouality Control Board should be advised to have a hearing on this matter of use and he was directed to make application right away. Director Fesler requested the Planning Committee to continue negotiation with Mr. Harootunian with an eye to making payments as deferred as possible. ®MMITTEE REPORTS: I. EASEMENT: Chairman Stewart reported that additional easements has been acquired and turned over to Mr. Callahan and there were approximately 125 easements which will be received some time soon. 2. Planning Committee: Director Stewart stated this was covered previously. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: - Chairman Kortes called attention to two recent magazine ar'icles covering the district's operation as well as accomplete article on the reclamation data from the Public Works magazine. In addition, the Calgon Corp. has requested pictures for their monthly bulletin. He added that the fitth grade class from the Bijou School had visited the plant recently. 4. STREET LIGHTING/PERSONNEL: Chairman Wakeman repotted that the Public Utility Committee met with the Planning Commission to discuss street lighting and it was agreed to work with the Planning Commission even on projects not in the city so it that they will meet the Code requirements when brought into the city. Underground wiring was mentioned as being desirable. Manager Priday announced he planned to attend an organizational meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Local Agency Formation Commission which would consist of one representative from each utility district on February 25th at 10:00 A.M. in Placerville, California. The purpose is to get an idea of the responsibility of each district so that when annexations occur they can predetermine the ability of the utility district to cover the request and they can set boundary lines in order to eliminate overlapping. Ci rector Wakeman stated the Personnel Committee would like to hold an executive meeting of the board as soon as possible with just membersof the board present; an executive session was set for February 28, 1966, 3:00 P.M., in the Manager's Office. 5. Banking/Insurance: Attorney Jones stated that the 1 .4 million revenue bond delivery would probably be Wednesday of next week. OLD BUSINESS: I . Application to Lahontan Water Ouality Control Board - Alpine County - Attorney Weidman recommended that the application go to Alpine County at this time pending a • Joint Power Agreement. Manager Priday stated he planned to work with the Lahontan Board when they set the standards they will require. Attorney Weidman commented on his trip to Sacramento, covering some of the major points covered in the legislation which was gassed, addinn that excellent cooperation and assistance was provided by Senator Teale Asmbly.Porter,Assemblyman Chappie,and that they accepted the Districts' recommendations completely. 2. Montgomery Estates Unit No. 4: Mr. Vogel of David Bohannon Organization appeared to request trunk lines be made available to the area now and that a study be made on feasibility of a bonding district for the area; Director Fesler advised this concerned engineering considerations and that it would be taken up with Mr. Moyer as soon as possible and Mr. Vogel would be advised. 3. LAND DISPOSAL: Director Stewart stated that he met with Messrs.Priday and Ledbetter, February 15, 1966, regarding use of the Ledbetter land; a meeting was also had with / Mr. Wilson of Tahoe Pre .r o Regular Meeting 2/17/66 (continued) Mr. Wilson of Tahoe Paradise regarding additional lands and negotiations were being made to acquire these lands. A Director Fesler noted that there had been no official letter of resinnation from Director Bickle. It was decided in view of the March 3rd filing date for applicants to fill vacancies, no attempt should be made to fill the vacancy now, but that contact would be made with Mr. Pickle so that an official resinnation might be obtained. Director Fesler asked the newsmen present to please publicize the need for candidates to fill the two or three upcoming vacancies on the Board. 5. Mr. Wakeman stated that Mr. Grau had atteppted to get a petition on Meadow- view. Director Stewart moved, Director Kortes seconded, unanimously carried, to extend the time and the $400.00 annexation fee on this matter to April I , 1966. NEW BUSINESS: I . Claims of Holiday Lodge - Manager Friday explained that this claim for approxia approximately $4,000.00 in damages and loss of revenue was for alleged stoppage November 20, 1965, through South Tahoe Public Utility District's negligence. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Holiday Lodge claim be denied by letter and that it be referred to the insurance carrier. 2. Office of the Attorney General - Attorney Weidman explained the letter received from this office in which they offer to prosecute for the district any claim that it might have against contractors charging illegally high prices for pipe during the years 1946 through 1964. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, to adopt a RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CALIFORNIA TO CONDUCT LEGAL PROCEEDINGS ON BEHALF OF THE DISTRICT IN THIS MATTER. 3. Manager Priday announced a meeting of the Lake Tahoe Joint Study Committee to be held February 25, 1966, 10:00 A.M., at Harrah's Edgewood Room for policy and organizational pruposes and that the District had been asked to outline their problems. Messrs. Friday, Kortes, Fesler, Wakeman and Stewart indicated plans to attend. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, Director Stewart seconded, unanimously carried, flat the payment of claims in the sum of $51 ,368.93 be approved and the transfer of funds in the amount of $25,000.00 approved as recommended by General Manager Friday. Meeting adjourned at 10: 10 P.M. � i' t L �V Robert Fesler, President, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ****** REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 3, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session March 3, 1966, 8:00 P.M. , Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe VAlley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Stewart, Wakeman and Kortes; C lerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J Weidman, Attorney K. Jones, Engineer H. Moyer, John Murphy- Sacramento Bee, Frank Gordon - Tahoe Tribune, George DuFort - District Attorney. ABSENT: General Manager W.F. Friday. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 2/17/66 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: No report. COAMITTEE REPORTS: I . Easement Committee: Director Stewart stated that an easement from the Roman Catholic Bishop has been received (400 series -SAD 1964-I ); three (3) other easements (Bartlett Estate) have been received. Attorney Weidman stated that the following easements are requested for payment from the District funds (these will be returned from the Assessment District fundsi : Nelson 250.00 Tahoe Meadows 5,000.00 Mauk 250.00 Barber 350.00 Adams 150.00 $6,000.'b0 Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the easements mentioned above, as recommended by Attorney J . Weidman, be approved for payment. 2. Planning: Director Stewart stated that the Planninn Committee did meet; have been in contact with Mr. Aram Harootunian and that the district is now waitinn for an answer from Mr. Harootunian in a written foom, outlining his offer to the district re the 375 acres of land. 3. Public Information: Director Kortes stated that Senator Teale toured the plant facilities last Saturday; following the tour, Senator Teale, Attorney Weidman and Director Kortes proceeded to Alpine County regarding the destination point for the final disposal point. 4. Street Lighting/Personnel : Director Wakeman stated that the Street Lighting Committee did not meet; the Personnel Committee did meet - no problems. 5. Banking/Insurance: Attorney K. Jones stated that the REVENUE BONDS will be printed and completed by march 9, 1966. Mr. Jones also stated that he had the signature certificate with him this evening to be signed by the President of the Board, Secretary of the Board and must also be sinned by the County Treasurer, Mr. A. Fry. By the 14th of March 1966, the bonds will have all been=cleared and the district will receive a check in the amount of $1 ,400,000.00. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT APPLICATION: (EDA) : Engineer Moyer Atforney J . Weidman stated that the engineering data was mailed to Washinnton,D.C. 2/28/66; part one supplemental and part two supplemental mailed from Sacramento directly to Governor Brown's representative, Mr. S15rague, who hand carried it directly to FDA. ENGINEERING DATA: Engineer Moyer presented the drawings, which accompanied the EDA application, as follows: Vicinity maps and index; general layout; flow diagram; secondary treatment layout; new primary clarifier; new aeration basins; new secondary clarifiers; new sludge pump station; new sludge incineration building; tertiary treatment layout; tertiary map pointing out the effluent disposal line from the top of Luther Pass to Alpine County into Dutch Valley. Mr. Moyer also mentioned that there are copies of reports made by Gordon Culp of Cornell , Howland, Hayes, and Merryfield, Corvallis, Oregon, Engineers and Planners of Corvallis, Oregon, and Alfred Slechta, Clair A. Hill & Associates, Consulting Engineers of Redding, California, re NITROGEN REMOVAL FROM SEWAGE, PLANT SCALE REGENERATION OF GRANULAR X 13 REGULAR MEETING Page -2- 3/3/66 ACTIVATED CARBON, RECOVERY AND REUSE OF COAGULANT FROM TREATED SEWAGE AND PRELIMINARY DOCUMENTS - - SCHEDULE A - Treatment Plant Additions; SCHEDULE B - Effluent Disposal Facilities,at the District Office. MNTGOMERY ESTATES UNIT NO. 4: Attorney Jones stated that there was a proposed application submitted to the Board of Supervisors last Monday to help solve the matter of M.E.#4; no work will commence until M.E. puts up the amount of cash necessary to complete the assessment district; M.E. will ask the county to award the contract to A. Teichert and Sons; Bohannan will finance this development if the M.E.District cannot. BUDGET: Clerk of Board Callahan stated that a five (5) year budget was prepared for this s strict some six (6) months ago and further stated that this can be considered as to how much money will be available for land disposal . CYSH ESTIMATE - DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. I : Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the cash estimate, as presented by Clerk of Board Callahan, be approved and sent to DCSID#I . RESOLUTION NO. 650: Attorney K. Jones recommended adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 650: A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 641 , ENTITLED "A RESOLUflON PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SEWER REVENUE BONDS, FIXING THE FORM OF BONDS AND PROVIDING COVENANTS FOR THEIR PROTECTION" SOUTH TANOEPPUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT $1 ,400,000 SEWER REVENUE BOND OF 1966. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, uanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 650 be approved as recommended by Attorney K. Jones. CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk of Board Callahan read the letter of resignation received from Director D.K. Bickle. Director Kortes .moved,' seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the letter from Mr. D.K. Bickle requesting his resignation be accepted be approved and that Mr. Bickle be notified by letter of the board's decision. MISCELLANEOUS: Director Fesler asked the press to mention in the papers that the meetings of the So. Tahoe P.U.D. are open to the public and that for those that are planning to file for the vacancies on the board, to attend some of the meetings to see what problems the district face. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the PAYMENT OF CLAIMS, in the amount of $35,492.06 and the transfer of funds in the amount of $30,000.00 be approved. Director Fesler was congradulated by Director Stewart for filing for a second term as a director for the South Tahoe Public Utility District. ADJOURNMENT: 9:45 P.M. • I R •, P•ES D ( ,.: , W . .. ,, pr - .•. EX OFFICIO SECRETARY ****** REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTPICT March 17, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session, Thursday evening, March 17, 1966, 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fester, Wakeman, Kortes and Stewart; General manager Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J . Weidman, Engineer H. Moyer, Pussell Culp- Resident Engineer for Cornell , Howland, Hayes and Merryfield, Alfred Slechta - Resident _ Engineer for Clair A. Hill and Associates; Frank Gordon - Tahoe Tribune, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News, Mr. E. Hegarty, Byron Kell , A. Coombs, Bill Pillsbury - Murray and McCormick Engineers. ABSENT: Attorney Ken Jones. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of March 3, 1966, be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Friday read his report, as follows: "PLANT OPERATION: (March 17, 1966) total Flow From March 1st through 15th 27,230,000 gallons Average daily flow 1 ,815,333 " Nevada District Flow 4,060,000 gallons Average daily flow 270,666 " Holding Pond Freeboard 6 feet 3 inches The maintenance crew, under the very able leadership of Mr. Lee Chada - foreman, have been successful in gaining almost 3 feet of freeboard in the Holding Pond since March 4th last when it was 3 feet 9 inches. The disposal area is now policed from 6 AM until 7 PM with no less than three men at any time. Two additional men have been added to cover weekends and days off. Just recently Martin Brothers Construction Company, finished the first phase of ditching operations at a cost of $3,800.00 on the Section 10 area. As soon as soil conditions permit, further ditching will be accomplished. These interceptor ditches are cut along the contours of the hills and are from 3 to 8 feet deep. They have worked well , even though we have had considerable runoff from melting snows. With the possibility of leasing more lands, it appears that this summer operations will be far less critical than last. Attorney Weidman has written a legal opinion, without recommendation, to the District Auditors, relative to a recent billing for capital improvements by this District sent to Douglas County Sewer Improvement District Number One, for which they deny responsibility. I talked to Mr. William Ledbetter, President of the Nevada District, relative to a meeting to resolve the situation and this was very acceptable to him. I suggested that the meeting consist of the two Board Presidents, the two legal counsels, auditors for each district, Mr. Callahan and myself . It appears that our construction program is progressing satisfactorily from both the Federal level and State level . Our 1 .8 million request from the State will be heard in the Senate Finance Committee Monday at 1 :00 P.M., March 21st, and on Wednesday, March 23rd, in the Assembly Water Committee. Mr. David Husby of the Walter Butler Company from St. Paul , Minnesota, (This Company is one of three Engineering Firms under contract to the Economic Development Act for checking of engineering data relative to grant applications) spent all of yesterday at the District with Mr. Moyer and me reviewing plans, specifications, finances, feasibility, reasons therefore, and many other aspects of the Economic Develop- ment Act application. He was extremely pleased with Mr. Moyer's presentation and complete- ness of the Engineering Data. As Project Director of the Demonstration Grants for the South Tahoe Public Utility District, I would like to introduce Mr. Gordon Culp, Resident Engineer, to review the 1965-66 program." (Mr. Friday also introduced Mr. Alfred Slecta, Resident Engineer for Clair A. Hill and Associates). Mr. Culp and Mr. Slechta presented slides covering existing Tertiary Treatment process to remove phosphates and organic materials, water quality at various points in process from raw sewage to secondary effluent to separation beds effluent to carbon column effluent, showing BOD, total organic carbon, ABS, color, turbidity, nitrogen. Mr. Culp stated that United States Public Health Department reported that all samples to date have been negative for virus on the preliminary reports sent to them from this District. Slides covering main carbon column operating data for ABS profile; carbon regeneration system; properties of carbon at various points in the regeneration process; pilot carbon columns- 4" diameter; comparison of virgin and first cycle regenerated carbon for adsorption of ABS REGULAR MEETING -2- 3/17/66 as a function of contact time; brief summary table of the Tertiary table - cost of activated carbon treatment and related pretreatment; pilot plant to remove nitrogen; performance of ION Exchange column - Treating carbon column effluent; ammonia stripping process; percent ammonia removal versus aeration time; cost of ammonia stripping; chemical cost for phosphate removal of nitrogen removal . Mr. Priday stated that people should give considerable attention to what happens when "They pull the chain". Mr. Priday thanked Mr. Culp and Mr. Slechta for their presentation and mentioned that this seems to be the solution in the long run. RE MEETING WITH DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER ONE: Director Stewart moved, seconded by 6irector Blakeman, unanimously carried, that (Sirector Fester meet with Douglas County Sawer Improvement District Number One Board. (As mentioned in the Manager's Report). RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed all visitors and present were three candidates that have filed for seat number one - Mr. Byron Kell , Mr. Edward Hegarty and Mr. A. Coombs. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . EASEMENT: Director Stewart stated that more 1964-I Special Assessment District easements have been received and completed since the last regular meeting; PIEDMONT easements are almost completed and the BIJOU PARK PROPERTIES are no longer with Mr. Frisbie and those are being worked on. Mr. Weidman stated that correspondence is beginning to bring responses. Director Stewart reouested that the EASEMENT COMMITTEE or the Board hire a RIGHTS-A-WAY AGENT for easements concerning the export line routing, which is covered by the Economic Development Act Funds. Mr. Moyer stated that all legal descriptions are prepared. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes,,unanimously carried, that the EASEMENT COMMITTEE obtain a RIGHTS-A-WAY AGENT, as requested by Director Stewart. Director Stewart mentioned that he will contact Mr. A. Reber. Mr. Reber has worked for the District before; has done work for the freeway and that he is familiar with easements - Mr. Reber will work with the Engineer. Mr. Moyer stated that easements to be acquired would be 30% in private lands; 30% in U. S. Forestry Land and 30% in Public Lands. Mr. Weidman stated that checks have been prepared for the following easements; SPRINGMEYER, TAHOE MEADOWS, NELSON, MAUK AND BARBER AND ADAMS. Mr. Weidman recommended that the following RESOLUTIONS be adopted for Annexations: RESOLUTION NO. 651 : McCann RES6LU'TION NO. 652: 1966-I RESOLUTION NO. 653: 1966-2 RESOLUTION NO. 654: 1966-3 Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 651 , 652, 653, and 654, as recommended by Attorney J . Weidman, be adopted. Mr. Weidman mentioned that other possible annexations are SIERRA MEADOWS (approximately six subdivisions), and ARAM HAROOTUNIAN. SERVICE CONTRACTS: Mr. Weidman will meet with Mr. T.L. Stewart and Attorney K. Jones fo discuss service contracts and also meet with the individuals involved. 2. PLANNING COMMITTEE: Director Stewart stated that the land lease agreement has been received from Mr. Aram Harootunian. (Referred to Old Business). 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Director Kortes showed slides of a brief run down of existing plant and lertiary plant; primary clarifier building and interior of primary clarifier building; primary clarifier; sludge digesters; scum collector; aeration tanks; final settling basin flows through holding pond to Tertiary Treatment Plant; laboratory; flow pattern from the Tertiary Treatment Plant; separation beds, backwash water and storage tank; filtration beds, control panel , chemical feed pump, carbon columns, sewage in its different stages from raw to final , regeneration system and furnace. 4. STREET LIGHTING/PERSONNEL: No report. wenn rttI INN -3- 3/17/66 5. BANKING/ INSURANCE: Clerk of Board Callahan stated that the bonds were sinned the 10th tY I°'dTtlf, 11)6b, and` accounted for as follows: $800,000.00 Tahoe National Bank 5% - 91 days $200,000.00 Rank of America 4-I/4% - 30 days $277,000.00 For District Use INSURANCE: Director Fesler stated that the District will meet with the Group Insurance Representative at a later date to discuss croup plan renewal . OLD BUSINESS I . APPLICATION FOR P.L. 660 FUNDS: All documents are prepared and ready for the PRESIDENT OF 1THE BOARD to sign. RESOLUTIONS covering same: RESOLUTION NO. 655: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AN APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL GRANT FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS UNDER 33 U.S.C. 466, ET SEQ. (FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL FACILITIES, SCHEDULE A - TREATMENT PLANT ADDITION; SCHEDULE B - EFFLUENT DISPOSAL FACILITIES). RESOLUTION 656: A RESOLUTION! AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF D)RECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAH0EPUBL1C UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AN APPLICATION FOP FEDERAL GRANT FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS UNDER 33 U.S.C. 466, ET SEO. (FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITION OF SEWAGE EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SYSTEM, DUTCH VALLEY PIPE LINE) Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NO. 655 and 656 be approved. 2. ELECTION: Clerk of Board Callahan recommended that the following RESOLUTION be adopted: RESOLUTION_ NO. 657: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE rtiBLIC-UfILi' Y DISTRICT ORDERING APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF THE PRECINCT BOARD AND DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACE FOR THE GENERAL DISTRICT ELECTION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 657 be approved. 3. LEASE AGREEMENT - ARAM HAROOTUNIAN: The Directors discussed at length the lease agreement received from Mr. Aram Harootunian. Attorney Weidman suggested a few changes that might be made and methtioned that he will discuss this with Mr. Max Hoseit, Attorney for Mr. Aram Harootunian. Attorney Weidman recommended that the Board authorize the execution of the lease subject to the approval to any of the changes and subject to the approval of Attorney Weidman and General Manager Friday. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the lease be accepted as written with a clarification of technical terms as approved by the Attorney and General Manager and covered by RESOLUTION NO. 661 . Attorney Weidman mentioned the various bills and activities that will take place at Sacramento: I . Senator Teale - Monday, 2:30 P.M., to amend that bill which will take away power from Lahontan Regional Water Ouality Control Board re- garding forcing hook-ups; 2. Another bill regarding location - Diamond Valley. (Export) 3. Assemblyman Porter - Re 1 .8 million to be before the Water Committee at 1 :30 P.M., Wednesday, to provide a moratorium on interest for ten ( 10) years and what the interest cost will be. Attorney Weidman stated that he felt a Director should be present for all bills to be presented Monday at 2:30 P.M., Tuesday at 2:30 P.M., and Wednesday at 1 :30 P.M. Mr. Priday stated the District has almost one-hundred percent ( 100%) of the total District sewered and only approximately forty-five (45%) percent connected. He further stated that he would prefer "demanding connection" be on someone else's shoulders. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EXPORT: Mr. Moyer stated that the plans and specifications are eighty percent (8 of completed and by the first of April and no later than the 15th of April will be ready for bids. R c REGULAR MEETING -4- 3/17/66 NEW BUSINESS: I . BID - GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON: General Manager Priday recommended that the following RESOLUTION be approved: RESOLUTION NO. 658: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CALLING FOR ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR SEALED PROPOSALS OF GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 658, as recommended by General Manager Priday, be approved. 2. SURPLUS EQUIPMENT: Office Manager, Mr. D. Callahan, mentioned that the District has a copy machine which an individual made an offer on for $225.00 (plus the paper that goes with it). Directors agreed and Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that this machine be advertised for sale, noting the least amount acceptable to be $225.00. 3. BALLAST POND: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried', ±Shat RESOLUTION NO. 659, be approved: RESOLUTION NO. 659: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CALLING FOR ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR SEALED PROPOSALS OF SECONDARY EFFLUENT POND ADDITION, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, 1966 TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION - CONTRACT NO. 2. 4. ASSESSMENT REFUND (North) : Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that Resolution No. 660, be approved, as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 660: A RESOLUTION ORDERING CORRECTION OF AUDITOR'S RECORD AND REFUND OF ASSESSMENTS ERRONEOUSLY COLLECTED, SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1959-I (NORTH) . CORRESPONDENCE: Director Stewart requested that a letter he written to Senator Paul J . Lunardi for his assistance during the time he served in the Senate. (Paul J . Lunardi , Senator, will retire. ) Mr. Priday will write a letter of appreciation to Senator Paul Lunardi . MISCELLANEOUS: President Fesler requested that General Manager Priday contact Mr. Ray Petragallo regarding meeting quarters at the Tahoe National Bank for the Board of Directors regular meeting. Mr. Priday will take care of this. PAYMENT_ OF CLAIMS: - Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $907,455. 14, as recommended by General Manager Priday, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 11 :00 P.M. Rober Fesler, President of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 1� David . Calla'han, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary - South Tahoe Public Utility District ************** • .5-S8 BID OPENING APRIL 7, 1966 SECONDARY EFFLUENT POND ADDITION CONTRACT NUMBER 2 The following bids were opened at 2:00 P.M., at the South Tahoe Public Utility District Office for SECONDARY EFFLUENT POND ADDITION, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, 1966 TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION, CONTRACT #2. I . P. F. Weaks $59,873 Tahoe Valley Calif 2. Sierra Pacific Cons. Co. Sacramento, California $69,475 3. Bill Young $60,800 Tahoe Valley, Calif. Same were taken under advisement and will be awarded and discussed at the regular meeting of the board of directors at the meeting this evening, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. bavi . . Callahan CLERK OF BOARD AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY ****************************** REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 7, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session April 7, 1966, Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. The meeting was called to order at 8:03 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Stewart and Kortes. General Manager Prides y,Clerk of Board Callahan, Engineer H. Moyer, Attorney J . Weidman, Mr. E. Hegarty, Mr. A. Coombs, Mr. R. Andersen, Mr. Frank Gordon, Tahoe Tribune, Mr. Weber of P. F. Weaks Company. ABSENT: Robert W. Fesler, President of the Board and Attorney K. Jones of Wilson, Jones,Morton and Lynch. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN PRO TEM: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimousry carried, that Director Stewart be appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this meeting. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of March 17, 1966, be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manger Priday read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report April 7, 1966 PLANT OPERATION: Total flows for March 56,384,000 gallons Average daily flows 1 ,818,839 gallons Nevada flows for March 8,585,800 gallons Average daily flows 276,961 gallons Holding pond freeboard 7 ft 8 inches The lease covering 365 acres of land belonging to Mr. Harootunian for disposal of effluent by the district has been signed. Our target date for the use of said land is about April 15th. A sixteen ( 16) inch connection will be made to the 64,i REGULAR MEETING -2- April 7, 1966 Pioneer Trail Force Main and thence over United States Forestry Service property to the new Disposal Area. The United States Forestry Service has agteed''to the routing and will amend the Section 10 Use Permit to cover it. We will begin dismantling the spray system on the old spray area in Section 3 and move it to the Harootunian land by mid April . In the intermim, control ditches will be dug on the new area. We should have the Section 3 area cleaned up by the expiration date on our use permit - June 30, 1966. Knox and Bill Johnson have agreed to extend the use of their land from April 1st through June 1st for $1 ,000 per month rental . Considerable work has had to be redone on the export pipe line construction plans by Mr. Moyer (to satisfy the Division tf Highways) through the Meyer's area. Final determination could not be made with the Division of Highways and U.S.F.S. in the Grass Lake Area as to construction alignment so Mr. Moyer is preparing alternate plans and the bid price might have to be the determining factor in any further negotiations with Division of Highways and the U.S.F.S. I request the Board of Directors consider the purchase of two (2) pick-up trucks to replace equipment that have served their useful life for the district. Two (2) 1957 International Pick-Ups and One ( I ) 1960 Ford Pick-Up. Each vehicle now requires extensive maintenance for the hard and continued use they are put to. Last week we purchased a 1958 four-wheel drive JEEP pick-up in excellent condition for $625.00, plus applicable taxes. This vehicle and the proposed two new ones will replace the three herein above mentioned. Moved, seconded, unanimously carried, that the Manager' s Report be accepted, as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Chairman Stewart welcomed all visitors and mentioned that Mr. E. Hegarty, Pyr. A. Coombs and Mr. R. Andersen are running for vacant seats on the Board. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Easement: Mr. Stewart met with Mrs. Betty Jackson and she brought him up to date on pending easement for 1964-I . Also, Mr. Stewart met with Mr. A. Reber twice and once with Mr. Reber and Mr. Moyer. Mr. Reber was hired as Rights- of-Way Agent for the export line. Mr. Priday stated to the audience that the easements discussed were for the 1964-I Special Assessment District and Mr. Reber was hired to obtain easements for the export line. 2. Planning: No Report 3. Public Information: Mr. Kortes read a letter from Harold "Bizz" Johnson, whic'h was released` to the press, stating their arrival at Lake Tahoe on the 30th of April through the 2nd of May, for a meeting at the Sands. This meeting is to evaluate the pollution problems with a view in mind regarding a Federal Contract basin wide. They intend to have 5 or 6 hours of testimony on Saturday and Sunday will tour the facilities and the tour of the Lake; Monday will be another four hours of testimony. Mr. Moyer stated that he will have any engineering data available that will be required or requested for this meeting. 4. Street Lighting/Personnel : No report. 5. Banking/Insurance: Mr. Callahan stated that the District faces another rate increase in Group Insurance. General Manager Priday stated that this be put into the hands of a Committee for study and Mr. Stewart will mention this to Mr. Fesler. (Mr. Fesler has Banking/ Insurance Committee. ) OLD BUSINESS: Engineer H. Moyer stated that the bids were opened 4/7/66, 2:00 P.M. , D strict Office. Bids received were as follows: I . P.F. Weaks $59,873 2. Sierra Pac. Cons. Co. $69,475 3. Bill Young = $60,800 ENGINEER' S ESTIMATE:= $57,500.00 Engineer H. Moyer recommended that the contract be awarded to the low bidder - P. F. WEAKS Company ; Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Mr. Moyer's recommendation be accepted and the contract be awarded to P.F. WEAKS COMPANY, accepting the FOLLOWING RESOLUTION: EFFLURESOLUTION bND•AD'bIlION,RDING SOUTHCTAHOECT TO PUBLIC•F.UTILITYSDISTRICT, 1966NY, FOR TECONDARY REATMENT EFFLU PLANT EXPANSION, Contract #2. Director Kortes mentioned that the low bidder on this contract is a Local Contractor and that it gives great pleasure to the District to be able to award a contract to a Local Firm. REGULAR MEETING -3- April 7, 1966 (cont. ) 2, RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR ACTIVATED CARBON: General Manager Priday recommended that the bid received from Pittsburgh Carbon be denied. Further checking found the bid to be higher than what the District has been paying to Pittsburg Carbon in the past. Mr. Russell Culp will discuss this bid with someone at Pittsburgh Carbon Company. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the bid received from Pittsburg Carbon be denied, as recommended by General Manager Priday. 3. RESOLUTION - SERVICE OF EXCLUDED PARCELS: 'General Manager-Pi1'day stated that the problem has been that there are 90 excluded parcels that do now belong tb the City and under the Public Utility Code, we cannot annex these parcels. This has caused a hardship on the people that wish to connect to the sewer system. Mr. Priday stated that this RESOLUTION provides that sewer service can be given to these people. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the following RESOLUTION be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 6 6 4:- A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SEWER SERVICE TO PROPERTIES WITifIN THE INCORPORATED CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE BUT EXCLUDED FROM ANNEXATION INTO THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AND STATING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FROM SAID SERVICE. 4. EXTENSION OF TIME - SIERRA PACIFIC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: (Bijou Force Main) Sieera Pacific Construction Company has requested an extension of time due to delays of unavialability of manufactured items and due to weather conditions. The contract was dated for 11/29/66 and provides for 120 calendar day construction time, which would have expired 3/29/66. The contractor started work on 12/1/65 and stopped because of weather conditions on 12/16/65. Started work again on 1/21/66 and again stopped 2/18/66 because of weather and started on 2/24/66 until now. Mr. Moyer stated that the Contractor has performed within the contract and recommended that an extension of time be granted to Sierra Pacific Construction Company until 5/1/66. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Sierra Pacific Construction Company be granted an extension until 5/1/66, as re- commended by Engineer H. Moyer. NEW BUSINESS: I . ACCEPTANCE OF AUDIT REPORT: General Manager Priday recommended that the FINANCE COMMITTEt study this Audit report prior to accepting same. Mr. Fesler will be notified of this. 2. BIDS: (As recommended in the Manager's Repert: ) Director Kortes moved, secs owed by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the two (2) Pick Up Trucks be purchased, as recommended by General Manager Priday, and as per specifications attached to RESOLUTION NO. 6 6 5. MISCELLANEOUS: Attorney J. Weidman requested that Mr. Thomas L. Stewart bepresent for the hearing scheduled for 4/14/66, Placerville, California. (Planning Commission- Harootunian). Attorney Weidman suggested that the Board of Directors have a Study Session to discuss the discharge point in Alpine County - he stated that by-the next regular meeting the District will have a grant offer. General Manager Friday stated that he did not feel it was the District's decision to make regarding a discharge point in Alpine County and suggested that an application be sent to LAHONTAN REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD, with a copy of the application to Alpine County. STUDY SESSION will be 4/13/66, 3:00 P.M., District Office. The interested parties running for seats on the board were also invited to attend this STUDY SESSION. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $119,436. 16 and the transfer of funds in the amount of $51 ,498.28 be approved, as recommended by General Manager Priday. In answer to Mr. R. Andersen's question, General Manager Priday stated that ( I ) Nevada is still under the allocation given them back in 1952 for 300,000 gallons capacity; (2) excluded parcels, under the Public Utilities Code, cannot annex to the District and since costs cannot be added to the tax roll , all fees must be collected from the property owner at the time they connect to the sewer line; (3) Mr. Priday stated to Mr. Andersen that he did not feel there wodild be an advance in sewer service charcies or taxes. Ic REGULAR MEETING -4- April 7, 1966 ADJOURNMENT: 9:20 P.M. ,- NONAS L. STEW/(Rf, CHA I�2MAN PRO TEM SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT O ki4 , II / / / DA ID W. CAtLAHAN, CL RK OF BOARD AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ************************ BID OPENING - APRIL 21 , 1966 (For Trucks-) Clerk of Board Callahan opened the following bids at 3:00 P.M. , District Office for Two 1/2 Ton, 4-wheel Drive, Pick-Up Trucks: I . Tahoe Truck and Tractor $4,300.00 Box 1066, Tahoe Valley, California 2. Springmeyer's Service $4,859.40 P.O. Box 650 Bijou, California, 95705 NOTE: SPRINGMEYER BID 'does not include excise tax; excise tax exemption certificate required. 3. PATTERSON MOTORS $4, 112.86 P. 0. Box 351 Placerville, California PATTERSON MOTORS BID includes $190.88 Sales tax. ************* REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 21 , 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session April 21 , 1966, 8:00 P.M. , Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Stewart, Wakeman, Kortes; General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Engineer H. Moyer, Attorney K. tones and Attorney J . Weidman; Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News, Jim Olson - Tahoe Tribune, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, R.N. Sutton - Candidate, Byron Kell-Candidate, A. Coombs - Candidate, Lorraine Woods - Candidate. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of April 7, 1966, be approved as presented. jlgel REGULAR MEETING -2- April 21 , 1966 MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report, which is as follows: "Manager's Report April 21 , 1966 PLANT OPERATION: TotaT flow for April 1st through 20, 1966 40,390,000 gallons Average daily flow 2,019,500 gallons Nevada flow for same period 5,574,700 gallons Average daily flow 278,735 gallons Holding pond freeboard 8 ft 8 inches Harootunian lands will be in use within the next few days. The force main connection is completed and pipe is being moved from the old spray area. We made a tour over the land yesterday with Mr. Harootunian to acquaint him with what the District intends to do. Protective dikes will be built and control ditches cut to insure a safe operation. No spray activity will be seen from a City or County Road, and no Resident should have any concern due to the large buffer area involved. New studies are now underway to determine the feasibility of building a dam and reservoir sight in Alpine County. The district has requested an amendment to the 6 6 0 APPLICATION to reflect this possibility. Mr. Moyer and I met with the engineers this morning from the U. S. Forest Service to review and up-date engineering data so the Forest Service can budget for engineering costs this year and budget for costs of construction next year-. It, therefore, appears that some 3,500 acres of Forest Service Land will be annex- ing to the District by the end of 1967. The present program does not include the Fallen Leaf Lake Area, but we pointed out to the U.S. Forest Service that it should include areas where residential use is now a fact. The total program appears to be of considerable magnitude and a great deal of study will have to be given to annexation fees and in-lieu charges for maintenance and service. Mr. Moyer and l met with Mr. Pillsbury and Mr. McCormich of Murray and McCormick engineering to try to resolve a problem of line sizing and additional costs involved in the Pioneer Village Subdivision. This situation is of growing concern to developers and Mr. Ernie Wilson (Attorney - Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch), has drafted some legislation for study that could be an answer to this particular problem as well as others." The bill drafted by Mr. Ernie Wilson, (Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch), is as follows: "AN ACT TO ADD SECTION 16410 TO THE PUBLIC UTILITY CODE, RELATING TO SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT; STATING SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES, AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF, TO TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY", and was discussed by the Board and agreed that a STUDY SESSION will be held the 4th of May, 2:00 P.M., District Office, to discuss this, as well as the AUDIT REPORT. Attorney Jones will ask Mr. Ernie Wilson to be present for this study-M77777-77d notify all directors if Mr. Wilson can be present. MISCELLANEOUS MEETINGS: General Manager Priday mentioned the meeting to be held 4/22/n by the LA'HONTAN REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD. ANOTHER MEETING scheduled for APRIL 27, 28/ 29, 1966, will be the CALIFORNIA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ASSOCIATION PROGRAM, MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA. Mr. Priday also mentioned that a presentation of "TERTIARY TREATMENT PRACTICES" will be presented by Alfred Slechta and Gordon Culp. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanilmously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Director Fesler welcomed all present, introduced same. There were four (4) candidates present for this meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . Easement: No report. 2. Planning: The Planning Committee met on 4/ 14/66 with the County Planning Department on the Harootunian Land. Special Use Permit for the Harootunian land was approved with the following conditions: I . A copy of a map of the area showing the location of the proposed area, runoff ponds, interceptor ditches, and their relation to creeks and streams in the vicinity, and plans showing the location of inlets and outlets of the runoff ponds and other pertinant information. (To be submitted to the El Dorado County Health Department) . 2. The entire perimeter of the area, and other areas being used „,3 REGULAR MEETING -3- April 21 , 1966 for the same purpose, be posted, at regular intervals ( I00 feet) with signs stating "DANGER - SEWER TREATMENT AREA - POSSIBLY CONTAMINATED WATER - KEEP OUT". THE words to be printed in block letters on a contrasting background, and on durable material and the letters to be at least 3" high. All signs must be placed where they can be easily seen by anyone approaching the property.” 3. Public Information: Mr. Kortes stated that information has been received from the U. S. Public Health Department regarding the grants to contilnue the research study. Mr. Kortes also mentioned that the Board will attend and make a presentation at the Congressional Hearing set up by "Bizz" Johnson (Congressman). 4. STREET LIGHTING/PERSONNEL: No report. 5. BANKING/INSURANCE: Director Fesler discussed insurance in- crease rates with Mr. Callahan; Mr. Callahan stated that he talked to the Sacramento Office and they requested that he mail a list of the employees, and maybe the Company would reconsider. Mr. Callahan also mentioned that Mr. Wink Ames has also contacted another Insurance Firm. Mr. Fester asked Mr. Callahan to continue the insurance for the employees, even if the rate increase does come into effect. AUDIT REPORT: This report to be postponed until after the election so the newly elected candidates can study this. BIDS - PICKUPS: Three (3) bids were received for pick-ups requested by the district, as follows: I . TAHOE TRUCK &TRACTOR $4,300.00(Does not include Ex. ) 2. Springmeyer's $4,859.40 3. Patterson Motors $4, 112.86( Includes Sal .Tax, ) Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carded, that the bid from PATTERSON MOTORS be accepted. RESOLUTION covering same: RESOLUTION NO. 669: ACCEPTING BID FOR PICKUP (2) FROM T'ATTERSON MOTORS, EACH 1/2 TON, PER SPECIFICATIONS. PARTIAL RE ASSESSMENT 1959-1 , ASSESSMENT NO. 2098-B: Resolution as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 670: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PARTIAL RE- ASSESSMENT, SOUTH TAI-IbE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1959-I ; ORIGINAL DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT NO. 2098-B. RESOLUTION NO. 671 : A RESOLUTION FIXING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING ON PARTIAL REASSESSMENT AND PROVIDING NOTICE, SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1959-I ; ORIGINAL DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT NO. 2098-B. Attorney Ken Jones mentioned to the Board that the purpose of the above mentioned RESOLUTIONS NOS. 670 and 671 is brought about because the wrong lot (originally) was credited with an Assessment payment. The parcel that was originally given credit for this payment of assessment, should not have been credited, and now will have to pay a total of $190.98, including interest. Moved, seconded, unanimously carried, RESOLUTIONS 670 and 671 be approved. LUTHER PASS PLANS: Engineer H. Moyer stated that the plans for Luther Pass Export are about completed and when approval is received from the Department of Commerce, the plans will be ready for bid. TREATMENT PLANT PLANS: Engineer Moyer stated these plans will be ready by the 15fR of May, 1966. Clarifier mechanisms are now arriving. ELECTION: Mr. Callahan mentioned that everything is in order and ready for the May 3rd election; ballots have been mailed. Mr. Fesler stated that he noticed the following: "Have no Fear, you are over the Hump, With candidate "X", in charge of your Sump". Attorney Ken Jones recommended the following be adopted: REGULAR MEETING -4- April 21 , 1966 RESOLUTION NO. 672, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN SOUTH T41-1OE PUBLIC UfILI'Y DISTRICT AND THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO WITH RELATION TO SYSTEM OF DOMESTIC SEWAGE DISPOSAL. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Resolution No. 672 be approved, as recommended by Attorney K. Jones. Attorney J . Weidman recommended the following RESOLUTION be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 668:- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC IJTILITY DISTRICT MAKING DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVING THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORIES, DESIGNATED AS: "South Tahoe Public Utility District Annexation No. 1965-I5 and South Tahoe Public Utility District Annexation No. 1965-16", to the South Tahoe Public Utility District. RESOLUTION NO. 666: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH THAOE PUBLIC UTIU T"f DISTRICT MAKING DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVING THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY, DESIGNATED AS "SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 1965-11 ", to the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. RESOLUTION NO. 667: A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 'EQUESTIFIG 1`HAT LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE DISTRICT - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. I965-17 (H A R 0 0 T U N I A N) NOTE: HAROOTUNIAN'S ANNEXATION WILL BE ANNEXED AT $400.00 PER Adt. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 666 (Mc CANN) be adopted, as recommended by Attorney J. Weidman. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 667 ( H A R 0 0 T U N I A N)be adopted, as recommended by Attorney J . Weidman. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 668 (JOHNSON-HOFFMAN ANNEXATION 1965-15 and 16) be adopted as re- commended by Attorney J . Weidman. STUDY - RESERVOIR: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Engineer of Clair A. Hill & Associates proceed with the feasibility study of building a dam and reservoir sight in Alpine County. CORRESPONDENCE: None PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $39,451 .21 be approved for payment and the transfer of funds, in the amount of $60,000.00 be approved, as recommended by General Manager Priday. UNDERGROUND ELECTRICITY: General Manager Priday stated that he discussed underground wiring with the Engineers from Cornell , Howland, Hayes & Merryfield and Clair A. Hill & Associates. He mentioned that he thought it best to keep everything underground and all poles now existing will be taken out. This will be approximately $1 ,500.00. Director Fesler asked the press to give as much coverage as they could to the coming election scheduled for May 3rd, 1966, to help stimulate an interest in the voters. The District is hoping for a good turnout at the poles and the papers could help bring this turnout at the poles and the papers could help bring this turnout about. ADJOURNMENT: 9:38 P.M. ROBERT W. FESLER CHAIRMAN 0 HE BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DAd/Ze-r\-- VID W. CALLAHAN, CLE K OF BOARD & EX- OFFICIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ********** 6-95- REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MAY 5, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session May 5, 1966, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Jim Olson, W. F. Priday, D. W. Callahan, Attorney J . Weidman, 7177777-Fesler,Fesler, Stewart, Wakeman,Kortes; Walt Little, Larry Muston, William V.D. Johnson, E. E. Hegarty, John Murphy. M NUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 4/21/66 be approved-as corrected. MAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report (as follows) : "MAI\AGE 'S REP'ORT - 5/8/66 PLANT OPERATION: Total flows for April 58,876,000 gallons Average daily flows 1,962,532 gallons Nevada flows for April 9,358,500 gallons Average daily flows 311 ,950 gallons Holding pond freeboard 6' - II " Chlorine used for April 12,095 lbs. Propane used for April 2,280 lbs. Electric Power for April 207,040 K.W.N. The Bijou Force Main is virtually complete and final testing will be finished next week. The spray operations on Harootunian land has started as of today; the District has re- ceived all necessary clearances from interested agencies. Two-hundred (200) warning signs have been ordered for posting the entire boundaries of the area. A pump has been installed in an overloaded pond in the Section 10 spray area to help prevent a possible overflow. Board Chairman Fesler and Manager Priday attended the 38th Annual Conference of the California Water Pollution Control Association at the Mark Thomas Inn, Monterey, California, April 27-30. There were 674 delegates. Many interesting papers were given providing one likes to start the day with an Industrial Waste Breakfast. Mr. Fesler and I chose a lighter diet of Sewer Maintenance, appropriately held in the Windjammer Room. Mr. Richard R. Blackburn, Operations Engineer, City of San Jose, spoke on the Subject of "How Long Can You Afford Emergency Sewer Maintenance". I thought his presentation was both informative and humorous, particularly the narrative part while showing colored slides. The next order of business was the "Welcome to Monterey" by the City Manager, followed by "Certification for Plant Operators" by Don Benninghomven of the League of California Cities. There has been a movement by the C.W.P.C. Association to sponsor State legislation to require all water and sewer plant operators to be licensed under State authority Mr. Benninghomven gave examples of pending legislation and pointed out the deficiencies in its application and administration, particularly the local control of hiring personnel . The next two topics - "Pollution Control Planning", by Robert F. Minnehan, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration and "COMPUTER Techniques in Systems Planning", by Gerald T. Orlob, President, Water Resources Engineers, Inc. , left the average individual out in left field. " Director Fesler stated that the convention held the 27th, 28, 29, and 30th of April , Monterey, California, was very interesting and very worthwhile. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the Manager's REport be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: All visitors were welcomed to the meeting and Mr. E.E.Hegarty congradilated for being elected to seat number one for the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. REGULAR MEETING -2- May 5, 1966 S{ PRESENTATION TO MR. THOMAS L. STEWART: President Fesler presented a gold hard hat to Mr. T'iomas 1. 5`fewart (outgoing director) and stated that any remarks he makes at this time could not sum up the work that Tommy Stewart has put into his job these past fdw years. Mr. Fesler also stated that it has been a pleasure der-Ong with Mr. Stewart on this Board. Mr. Stewart stated that he not only wanted to thank the Directors but-the Management and Legal Staff and the press. He further stated that they put in as many hours as he did trying to help solve all major as well as all minor problems of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. (Pictures of the presentation were taken by Mr. Larry Muston. ) COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . EASEMENT COMMITTEE: Mr. Stewart stated that there was not an Easement Committee meeting but mentioned that easements are being received but are not complete until approval is received from the Attorney. 2. PLANNING COMMITTEE: Mr. Stewart stated that the Planning Committee did meet twice since Che last regular meeting and the Court appearance was discussed. Also, an appearance was made in court and the District case presented. Mr. Stewart stated that the Attorney did an outstanding job in defense of the District. The Judge has taken this under consideration and no word has been received as of this date re the decision of the Judge. 3. Public Information: Director Kortes stated that presentations were made at the hearings (this pasf wee endsf (Convention Center at the Tahoe Sands) as to what the District has done and will do. 4. Street Lighting/Personnel : Director Wakeman stated that the Street Lighting Committee has been turned over to the City and requested this Committee be dropped. Director Fesler stated the Street Lighting Committee will be dropped. Personnel Committee: Director Wakeman stated that there are a large number of men at the Plant that are trying to become better plant operators and maintenance men. Many times the Directors have met to present certificates to the personnel . There are now seven (7) certified operators at the District Plant. Mr. Wakeman also mentioned that people do not try for certifications unless they are interested in the job. Men that will be receiving certifications are: Robert M. Deyerberq, J . L. Chada and A.L. Harris and Bernard Montbriand. Director Kortes stated that these men do take time (away from the job) to hold classes and they are very much interested in their work. Mr. Kortes also stated that some of the men from the plant were on the stand at the Hearing and it reflected in their ability to report of what their knowledge of the plant facilfties and functions were. Director Fesler stated that the Directors are very proud of the employees of the District. INSURANCE/BANKING: Director Fesler stated that Connecticut General Life Insurance Company still insists they are our Insurance Carrier and they still wish to increase the insurance rate and have less benefits. Mr. Fesler stated that other companies are being contacted and a report will be made to the Board at a later date regarding group insurance. Engineer Moyer stated that the project for Luther Pass Station •has come as far as it can. The plans and specifications are ready after: ( 1 ) we are assured of the money, (2) if financed through the Federal Grant, there will be additional requirements to be included in the documents. Word must be received regarding the GRANT before further plans can be made, Mr. Moyer stated. Work is being done on the proposed disposal area in Alpine County; soil engineers will be in the Alpine Area within two weeks to make the bore holes. Once approval is received from the Federal Government, we can go ahead, Mr. Moyer stated. Approximately the 15th of May the Treatment Plant plans will be ready; the additions and expansions will be ready to go out to bid if all Federal requirements are satisfied and funds are available. BIJOU FORCE MAIN: is about completed. The contractor is held up for lack of two (2) flexible couplings, which should arrive tomorrow (5/6/66). Testing will be done very soon. Paving and clean-up have been worked on this past week. Director Wakeman asked if the Teale Bill would effect the people that wish to build outside of the Sewer District and Weidman stated that it would not. Mr. Moyer answered Mr. Wakeman's question with - - the present plans will cost in the amount REGULAR MEETING -3- 5/5/66 of $2,200,000 and right now we have approximately $ 1 , 100,000. We could build for the amount of $1 , 100,000 but would have to revise the plans accordingly. The plant could be built for the $1 , 100,000 but not of the magnitude that is now designed. NEW BUSINESS: President Fesler invited Mr. Edward Hegarty(who will be taking office soon) to join the Board of Directors at the table for all items of new business. I . PROPOSED SERVICE CONTRACT FOR UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE DEVELOPMENT: Engineer IT. Moyer presented a copy of preliminary service agreement, outlining the general scope for possible contract between the District and U.S.F.S. Tentative Outline as follows: I . Area to be served. 2. Services to be provided. 3. Facilities to be provided. 4. Capacity to be provided. 5. Capital costs existing and immediately proposed facilities. a. District pump stations, force mains and sewers; b. Treatment and Disposal systems. I . Sewage Treatment Plant 2. Luther Pass Export System. 6. Financial Considerations 7. Maintenance and Operation Costs 8. Additional capacity rights. NOTE: AGREEMENT TYPED IN ITS ENTIRETY, AS FOLLOWS: "TENTATIVE OUTLINE (May 5, 1966) PROPOSED SEWERAGE SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AND THE U.S. FOREST SERVICE. I . AREA TO BE SERVED: The area to be sewered consists generally of U.S.F.S. facilities wiffiin Section 6, T. 12 N. , R. 18 E.; Sections 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, 36, T. 12 N. , R. 17 E.; and Section I , T. 12 N. , R. 17 E., all as shown on Exhibit B, Attached. IL SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED: The District will provide collection, treatment and disposal of sewage in accordance with standard practice and in accordance with all applicable laws and ordinances. Services will include maintenance and operation of such U.S.F.S. sewerage facilities as may be requested. III . FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED: The U.S.F.S. will provide fore the construction of all necessary sewers, pump stations and force mains required to serve development within the U.S.F.S. service area, and to transport the sewage to the District system. These facilities will be designed and constructed in accordance with District standard for such work. The District will provide facilities for treatment and disposal and for transportation of sewage within applicable portions of the District system. IV. CAPACITY TO BE PROVIDED: The District will provide tb the U.S.F.S. an initial capacity of 0.5 million gallons per day average daily flow and a peak capacity of 1 .0 million gallons per day to the year 1976. The capacity may be increased when future growth of U.S.F.S. facilities requires additional capacity and when District facilities are expanded to provide additional capacity. V. CAPITAL COSTS EXISTING AND IMMEDIATELY PROPOSED FACILITIES: The following formulas are proposed for a basis of cost sharing. The U.S.F.S. will pay to the District a sum based on the ratio of the U.S.F.S. capacity right to the designed capacity of the District facilities. Treatment and disposal systems will be based on average daily flow and pump stations, force mains and sewers will be based on peak daily flow. Sewerage facilities necessary to serve only U.S.F.S. developments, and used ex- clusively by the U.S.F.S., will be paid for entirely by the U.S.F.S. The following ratios will be applicable: A. District Pump Stations, Force Mains and Sewers: Design U.S.F.S. Capacity Capacity Ratio I . Tahoe Keys Pump Station & F.M. 6.0 MGD I .OMGD 2. Highway 50 Trunk Sewer 3.0 MOD 1 .0 MGD 33.33% 3. Al Tahoe Pump Station & F.M. 8.0 MOD 1 .0 MGD 12.50% ( Items Al , A2 and A3 are existing and were financed by District general Obligation bonds). 7 REGULAR MEETING -4- 5/5/66 )continued( B. Treatment and Disposal Systems: Design Capacity U.S.F.S. Ratio Capacity I . Sewage Treatment Plant 7.5 MGD 0.5 MGD 6.67% 2. Luther Pass Export System 7.5 MGD 0.5 MGD 6.67% ( Item BI is existing and present capacity is 2.5 MGD; The plant is proposed for expansion to 7.5 MGD by the end of 1967). ( Item B2 is proposed to be constructed and placed in service during 1967). VI . FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: The amount of capital costs determined by the formula ' sed forth in T. shall be paid to the District prior to the time sewerage services is provided for the U.S.F.S. developments. If any portion of the cost of proposed facilities Items VBI and VB2 are financed by a federal grant, from agencies other than the U.S.F.S., then the capital cost to the U.S.F.S. for these items shall reflect a credit; provided however that the credit may not exceed the amount of the U.S.F.S. capital contribution for these items. VII . MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION COSTS: A. Maintenance and operation of the U.S.F.S. system shall be performed by the District and the entire costs thereof shall be paid annually by the U.S.F.S. B. A portion of the maintenance and operation costs of the District system used by the U.S.F.S. shall be paid by the U.S.F.S. in accordance with the following formulas: I . Fixed costs such as salaries,taxes, insurance, equipment and replace- ment or repair of equipment in pumping stations, force mains, sewers, treatment plants and disposal systems shall be shared on the ratios set forth in paragraph V. 2. Variable costs, such as energy (gas,electricity or other fuel ) , chemicals used for treatment of wastes and other items used in proportion to the actual sewage flow shall be paid by the U.S.F.S. in proportion to the actual annual flow contributed by the U.S.F.S. to the total anneal flow of the District. 3. To the sum of the above annual costs, a 10 percent administrative charge shall be added. O'III . ADDITIONAL CAPACITY RIGHTS: The U.S.F.S. shall have the right to purchase an additional 6.5 1466 capacity right when such additional capacity may be necessary. Additional capacity will be contingent upon expansion of District facilities listed in Paragraph V. Payment for such additional capacity will be based on the ration of the total U.S.F.S. capacity to the design capactty of thesexpeaded system, less credit for amounts previously paid." NOTE: Map showing proposed area in District files. (SEE RESOLUTION BELOW1 Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 676 be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 676: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTiLI?Y D 1 ThIL`T DETERMINING CAPITAL, MAIN AND OPERATING CHARGES FOR SEWER SERVICE TO BE FURNISHED TO THE U. S. FOREST SERVICE. CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk of Board Callahan read the let*er from Kent Motel requesting payment of $47.00 for damages due to the back-up of sewer. Clerk of Board Callahan re- commended this claim be denied and turned over to the District Insurance Carrier. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claim received from the KENT MOTEL for damages amounting to $47,00 be denied and turned over to our Insurance Carrier. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $57,397.43, as recommended by General Manager Priday, be approved for payment. RECESS: The Board recessed at 9: 15 P.M. President Fesler called the meeting back to order at 9:20 P.M. Mr. E. Wilson of WILSON, JONES, MORTON & LYNCH, requested that RESOLUTION NO. 677: RESOLUTION BACKING AN ACT TO ADD SECTION 13066 TO THE WATER CODE, RELATING TO THE DISPOSITION OF SEWAGE IN THE LAKE TAHOE WATERSHED; STATING SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES, AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF, TO TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. Moved, seconded, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 677 be approved, as presented and recommended by Attorney E. Wilson. REGULAR MEETING -5- 5/5/66 (cont. ) ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 P.M. to Monday, May 9, 1966, to canvass votes, 3:30 P.M., District office. (Canvassing votes of 5/3/66 General Election). ROBER W. ES_ER, President of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT :. _04„„?(Ce, David W. Cal la�ian, lerk o{ ffd. 8 Ex off. Secretary - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ****** ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 9, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an Adjourned Regular session, May 9, 1966, 3:30 P.M. , District office, to canvass the votes of the election of May 3, 1966. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Stewart, Wakeman and Kortes, General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan. ABSENT: Robert W. Fesler, President. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN PRO TEM: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, -that Director Thomas L. Stewart be appointed Chairman Pro tem for this meeting. TOTAL CAST VOTES AS FOLLOWS: Director at Large No. I : Ralph W. Andersen 225 Allison S. Coombs 307 Edward E. Hegarty 400 Byron Kell I I Rodney H. Sutton 96 Thomas L. Stewart (write-in) 1 Director at Large No. 2: Robert W. Fesler 932 Del Parsley (write in) George Du Fort (write in) 3 Larry Hatcher (write in) Robert Mason (write in) William V.D.Johnson(write in) I Director at Large No. 5: George Melikean, Sr. 487 Dr. James S. Whitely 458 Loraine B. Woods 104 There were 3 absentee ballot requests filed, 3 absentee ballots returned, and no absentee ballots rejected, and the absentee ballots were counted in accordance with law and included in this said declaration of result at said general district election. There were 5 ballots spoiled and not used. The Clerk of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT shall make out and deliver to Edward E. Hegarty, Robert W. Fesler and George Melikean, Sr. , a Certificate of Election signed by said Clerk and authenticated with the seal of the Board of Directors of said District for the offices of Director at Large No. I , Director at Large No. 2 and Director at Large No. 5, respectively, as the persons having the highest number of votes for each said office at said general district election. RESOLUTION NO. 673: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY bISTRm-r DECLARING THE RESULTS OF A GENERAL ELECTION. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 673, be adopted. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -2- May 9, 1966 (continued ADJOURNMENT: 3:50 P.M. Th"omas `L. Stewart, Chairman Pro tem of the Board of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT :�9 Davic W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex-Officio Secretary - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ******* REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTLITY DISTRICT May 19, 1966 Tte Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California, 7:45 P.M. (Meeting opened early due to a hearing scheduled this date on 1959-2098) . The Board recessed until 8:00 P.M. The meeting was called back to order at 8:00 P.M. RQL CALL: Present were President R. Fesler, Directors R. Wakeman, E. Hegarty, G. Melikean, Sr., D.H. Kortes; General Manager Friday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Mr. P. O'Giblyn - Tahoe National Bank, J . C. Weidman - Attorney, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Jim Olsen - Tahoe Tribune, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee and Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News, Gertrude C. Hauser. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of May 5, 1966 and May 9, 1966 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Friday read his report, as follows: "PLANT OPERATION: Total Flow from May 1st through 17th, 1966 32,520,000 gallons Average daily flow 1 ,912,941 " Nevada flow from May 1st through 17th, 1966 4,999,000 " Average daily flow 294,058 " Holding Pond Freeboard 7 ft - 4 inches Spray disposal system can now be operated on a six (6) area rotation basis, four (4) on U.S.F.S. land and two (2) on Harootunian Land. We are continuing to operate three (3) pumps from the lower basins to insure no overflows. 0, the night of May 17th, vandals destroyed sixty-four (64) lengths of aluminum pipe in a spray disposal line on Harootunian land. In addition to puncturing the pipe, in some cases - a dozen or more times in each joint, they broke off thirty- two (32) risers and sprinkler heads. Not satisfied with this, they ran over the protective berms on motorbikes necessitating considerable repair. Without considering labor and inconvenience, the material cost alone will run from $2,500.00 to $3,000.00. The El Dorado County Sheriff's Department is investigating. The newly installed sixteen ( 16) inch force main from the Bijou Pump Station has been tested and is now in use. They are making the final cross-over connection to the original twelve ( 12) inch so uninterrupted service may be accomplished. The first phase of added treatment facilities is progressing on schedule. This is a new holding (ballast) pond and piping system to control peak flows during this summers load on the treatment plant. It appears that at least two (2) new inspectors will have to be hired within the next two (2) weeks. Six (6) and possibly eight (8) new subdivisions will be starting to construct sewer collection systems prior to June 1st. These positions might not be a 0©/ REGULAR MEETING -2- May 19, 1966 MANAGER'S REPORT (continued): year around need, but anyone local that has had experience in pipe line construction may apply to the District with a letter of qualifications to General Manager, Box A U, Bijou." General Manager Priday asked the newspaper representatives present to please make note of the request for men for pipe line construction. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Fesler welcomed all present for this meeting. Also congradulated and welcomed Mr. Hegarty and Mr. Melikean, Sr. to the Board of Directors. RESIGNATION OF PRESIDENT FESLER: President Fesler submitted his resignation to the Board of Tirectors and requested that the board select a new Chairman. Mr. Fesler acted as temporary Chairman and asked for nominations from the Board for a new Chairman of the Board. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Robert W. Fesler be appointed Chairman of the Board. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: President Fesler appointed the following committees: I . Planning Committee 2. Easement Committee Director Wakeman Director Hegarty 3. Personnel Committee Director Melikean4. Public Information Director Kortes 5. Banking/Insurance Director Fesler OLD BUSINESS: The hearing for Project No. and No. 2098-B was held at 7:30 P.M. this evening;59 being there wwereinl Diram no protests,sthet Nc following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 678: A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING PARTIAL REASSESSMENT- SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1959-I , ORIGINAL DIAGRAM AND ASSESSMENT NO. 2098-B. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 678 be approved. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT FUNDS: Attorney Weidman stated that no formal news has been received regarding ffie EDA funds but that he was advised a decision will be reached soon. Attorney Weidman requested that this item be put on the Agenda for the Study Session. Engineer H. Moyer asked Attorney Weidman if a date could be set so the bids could be advertised; Attorney Weidman suggested to hold off until final approval is received. HEARING: - THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA vs SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 14531 : Attorney Weidman stated that the preliminary injunction brought by the State of California was denied. Mr. Weidman also mentioned that the State has not as yet move moved for a permanent hearing in this matter and stated too that should there be further overflows, he does not feel that the State could again request a temporary injunction. General Manager Priday read a letter to the District Attorney from Mr. John R. Thompson, County Sanitarian, dated 5/12/66, as follows: REGULAR MEETING 3 May 19, 1966 "To: District Attorney From: John R. Thomson (El Dorado County Health Department). Date: May 12, 1966 MESSAGE: On April 14, 1966 a special use permit was granted to the South Tahoe Public Utility District by the planning comrhission. The permit involved the use of a portion of land known as the "Harootunian Property" and described as between Trout Creek and Upper Truckee River and southerly perimeter boundaries. As a condition of the permit the South Tahoe Public Utility District was advised that they must post warning signs at intervals of 100 feet around the perimeter of the property and that a plot plan must be submitted to the El Dorado County Health Department showing the spray areas, interceptor ditches, holding ponds, etc. An investigation made by Mr. Jack Garner, R.S. and myself on May II , 1966, indicated that the property referred to is, being, and has been, used in violation of the above requirements. There are no signs posted and this office has not received the required plot plan. Further a test made of the sewage effluent was not being chlorinated, at 11 :30 A.M. , as required by the Lahontan Water Quality Control Board and the force main leading to the spray area was being permitted to discharge sewage effluent onto the surface of the ground in at least three places outside the approved spray area and uphill from and within 100 yards of trout creek. The discharges were the result of poorly applied or loose fittings where pipe sections were joined. In view of the aforementioned violation of the Special Use Permit referred to, this department does hereby request that appropriate action be instituted to I . Secure immediate compliance or 2. Rescind the use permit. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. JRT cc: Daryl McKinstry Planning Department" Mr. Priday read another letter from the County Sanitarian to the District Attorney, as follows: "Date May 18, 1966 To: District Attorney From: John R. Thomson Subject: S.T.P.U.D. Spray Operation An inspection of the "Harootunian " property at Lake Tahoe, being utilized for sewage effluent disposal by S.T.P.U.D. , was made on May 17, 1966. At the time it was noted that the warning signs required under the special use permit have been posted. The signs and their locations are satisfactory to this office so long as they are maintained in a legible condition. In view of the above this office will withdraw its request, of a week ago, for action to be taken by your office, pending receipt of the map of the property showing the location of spray units etc. I will keep your office informed of any progress or changes along this line. Respectfully, EL DORADO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Harold N. Mozar, M.D. ,Health Officer s/John R. Thomson,R.S. Director of Sanitation JRT/za cc: S.T.P.U.D. Planning Comm." SIERRA MEADOWS PETITION: Attorney Weidman stated that ( in answer to Director Wakeman's question) Sierra Meadows will have a change to get a petition for annexation by the first meeting in June. SENATE BILL NO. 22: Attorney Weidman stated that Senate Bill No. 22 passed the Senate 5/18/66 buT he is not aware of the fact that it has passed the Assembly. MEETING QUARTERS - FOR JUNE 2, 1966, REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Director Fesler stated that the Fire Department requested the District not meet at the Fire House for the 2nd of June 1966 meeting. Also, Mr. Fesler stated that the general feeling is that the Fire House is not the most desirable place to meet and Mr. Petragallo of the ‘e23 REGULAR MEETING -4- 5/ 19/ 66 Tahoe Savings and Loan has been contacted re meeting quarters at the Bank. Mr. Priday will also contact the City Hall regarding meeting quarters. This meeting will be adjourned to June 2, 1966, 8:00 P.M. , District Office. SOUTH TAHOE GAS COMPANY: General Manager Priday read a letter from the South Tahoe Gas Company, re Export Pump Station - Christmas Valley, requesting the District give consideration to using natural gas as an energy source. General Manager Priday stated that the Southwest Gas Company has been contacted re- garding this; Engineer H. Moyer has discussed this with Mr. Griffith and Mr. Schultz. General Manager Priday will write to Mr. Phil Gruener of the South Tahoe Gas Company, as will Mr. Moyer - Engineer, explaining what has taken place to date. CITY PROPOSAL: General Manager Priday briefly explained the proposal received from the City and it was recommended that a STUDY SESSION be held to discuss this. The STUDY SESSION is set for May 24, 1966, 7:30 P.M. , District Offices, Tuesday Evening. Mr. Priday will invite Mr. John Williams, City Manager, to attend this STUDY SESSION and to make his presentation to the Board of Directors. Mr. Moyer and Mr. Weidman will also attend this STUDY SESSION. RESOLUTIONS: The Following Resolutions were adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 674: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING ITS DIRECTORS TO SIGN CHECKS FOR WITHDRAWAL FROM CHECKING ACCOUNTS IN ITS NAME. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 674, be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 675: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CALLING FOR ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR SEALED PROPOSALS OF GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 675, as recommended by General Manager Priday, be adopted. MISCELLANEOUS: General Manager Priday stated that the Lake Tahoe Area Council will hold a meeting tomorrow (Friday, May 20, 1966)- (Harrah's) at 3:00 P.M. and dinner at 6:30 P.M. Governor Grant Sawyer will be the guest speaker. (Six from the District will attend the dinner) . TAHOE MEADOWS: Mr. Callahan stated that several people from the Tahoe Meadows area have called the office asking when they could connect their property to the sewer. Mr. Moyer stated that the Beach Trunk Line was installed in 1960 in Tahoe Meadows and laterals were also installed, at the residents request. Also, in 1960, estimates were made regarding the cost of the collection system and turned over to the Tahoe Meadows Association. No word was received from the Association and it was dropped. Mr. Moyer will pursue this. He stated that an area such as Tahoe Meadows, adjacent to Lake Tahoe, should definitely be sewered. C9RRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read a letter from American Public Works Assoc. dated 5/16/66, stating their planned trip for this Friday and Saturday has been cancelled due to the Greyhound Bus Strike. Also, Mr. Priday read another letter from the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago, which states that a Mr. Roger Seaman, Administrative Aide to the President of the Metropolitan Sanitary District will visit the plant facilities on the 27th of June 1966. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman,unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $43,377.38, as recommended by General Manager Priday,be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. to 6/2/66,8:00 P.M. , District Office. ROBERT W. FESLER, PR SIE DENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS )(01 ( DAVID W. CACLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD & EX-OFF.SEC. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TA ************ ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JUNE 2, 1966 An Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors was held the 2nd of June 1966, 8:00 P.M. , District Offices. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Melikean and Hegarty; also present were General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney John Weidman, Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, Jim Olsen - Tahoe Tribune, Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimouslycarried, that the minutes of 5/19/66 be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed the press to this meeting. rim AGER'S REPORT: General Manager Friday read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report June 2, 1966 PLANT OPERATION: total flow for April 61 ,003,000 gallons Average daily flow 1 ,967,838" Nevada flow for April 11 ,343,500 " Average daily flow 365,919 gallons Chlorine used in April 11 ,775 lbs. Propane used in April 1 ,573 gallons Electric Power used in April 223,040 KWH Holding Pond Freeboard 7 ft. II inches Section 10 Spray Field is in full operation. Harootunian spray field will have all lines in and be operating 100% by June 4th. After that date, switching of disposal operations be- tween the two fields can then be accomplished , thereby allowing rest periods of the areas and a guarantee of good disposal of effluent. The Treatment plant is receiving a considerable quantity of septic tank pumpings and it appears that it will increase until residences connect to the collection system. The septic tank pumpings create a problem in the treatment operations and we have consulted with Mr. Cordon Culp, formerly of Cornell , Howland, Hayes and Merryfield and now with Micro-Floc Corporation, and his suggestion is to use Bicarbonate of Soda to correct the condition. It will take approximately 60 lbs. of soda for each load of septic material that comes in the plant. The cost of the soda is $4.80 per 100 lbs. depending on cost of shipping from Reno to the Plant. I would, therefore, recommend to this Board that, due to the additional cost of chemicals needed to treat the added septic materials, a charge of $5.00 be made for each load of septic material that is received at the treatment plant. I would also suggest to the Board that a plan be adopted showing as near as practicable the area presumed to be a service area that could be under the jurisdiction of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. It is entirely feasible for this District to expand its boundaries as soon as possible to an ultimate service area. It is also practical to create such a boundary in order to sustain a district in perpetuity for exclusive purpose of maintaining a tax base to help support the cost of operating an export system. The City or any other Governmental Agency could then contract for treatment and disposal with the District and any other service deemed expedient. This idea appears to be necessary in view of the thinking of the Bi-State Study Committee wherein other means of control could be forthcoming. I have purposely refrained from mentioning the approval of $3.253 million from E.D.A. (Economic Development Act) because I have already been scooped. But again, this will be a first for this District so let's keep going and think big." NOTE: Recommendation of charge to septic dumpers referred to NEW BUSINESS. NOTE: Following is the conversation with Congressman Harold T. "B1'ZZ" Johnson. 0S" ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING, June 2, 1966 (continued) Pane -2- Mr. Johnson stated that the Grant in the amount of three million, two hundred plus was made available today. The District will receive a letter from the Economic Development Act Department confirming this. Mr. Johnson stated that this has been in the process for sometime and that the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and Mr. Weidman. Attorney for the District, made a trip to Washington, D.C., to discuss this grant; through the leadership of Eugene Foley, Assistant Secretary and Direction of EDA, the first session of the 89th Congress made available $2.00 million dollars for projects thooughout the U. S. A. California will receive about two-million and Tahoe will receive two-million, three-hundred plus. Mr. Johnson went on to say, "I know that as far as the appreciation is concerned, dealinn with the South Tahoe Public Utility District, this is only a temporary measure of re- lief that will take care of you people at Lake Tahoe for several years until the final solution can be worked out. " Mr. Johnson further stated that he hoped the District took advantage of the money that was made available and that a successful contractor will be able to proceed with the Trunk Line. Mr. Johnson also named several that were responsible for assisting in having this grant approved, as follows: Mr. John Bladnick and Mr. Irv. Sprague; Mr. D. Barnes, as well as the Secretary of Commerce and his Under-Secretary - LeRoy Collins. Any amount of money over one-million dollars must be approved by the Secretary of Commerce. Mr. Johnson stated that, as our Representative, he is very grateful for this grant and hopes this does help in perfecting the disposal of effluent reducing the amount of money the District is now spending for ground at the present time. Mr. Johnson commended the Directors and the District Attorney and Engineer for bringing this to a successful conclusion by supplying all the data needed and necessary to have this grant approved. Senator Teale, Senator Begovich and Senator Lunardi were also very helpful in making the State Funds available. Mr. Johnson also mentioned that the District also helped by making 1 .4 million available by a recent bond issue which was passed. Mr. Johnson also mentioned that the Secretary of Interior stated that he was going to hold hearings dealing with pollution and that one would be held in the Tahoe Basin. No date, time, place, has been set for these hearings, Mr. Johnson stated he would notify the District when word is received by him. Mr. Johnson further stated that he thought we were well on the way to a real study and consideration of all of the problems in the Tahoe Basin. He also hoped that the District would be able to cut all of the red tape, net thecconstruction under way and make progress during this summer on the construction program. He mentioned that he and the others used the excuse of the short construction season to help get the loan through. He stated that the United States Forestry Service will be very happy with this Grant approval because they are concerned with the use of Forestry Service lands at the present time and the other lands that the District is now leasing is very expensive. President Fester stated that all of the Directors heard his report (conference telephone) and that they, as well as all of the people in the Tahoe Basin, are very appreciative of his efforts. Attorney Weidman asked Mr. Johnson to thank Mr. Bradnick, the E.D.A. people, Secretary of Commerce and the Under-Secretary, Irv. Sprague, Senators Teale, Benoatich, Lundrdi and the Governor. Mr. Johnson stated that these people have been thanked and letters are to be written stating same. Attorney Weidman stated that he would contact Mr. Johnson regarding the release of the funds. ********************************** MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) : Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . INSURANCE/BANKING: Director Fester stated that the Insurance Committee met 5/31/66 (Committee Members Director Kortes and Chairman Fesler, W.F. Priday and D.W. Callahan attended this meeting) to discuss the group insurance proposals received. Several of the Insurance Agents requested to make a presentation of their policy. The Insurance Committee will schedule another meeting and invite the Insurance Agents to this meeting so that they might make their presentation to the Committee. 2. Easement Committee: Director Hegarty stated that the Easement Committee did not meet. Mr. Hegarty stated that he will net together with Attorney Weidman next week to discuss this. General Manager Priday also suggested that Mr. Art Reber should be invited to the Easement Committee meeting to brine the Directors and the District up to date as to what he has been doing. 3. Planning Committee: Director Wakeman stated that there has not been a formal Planning Committee meeting. Page -3- 6/2/66 006 COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued): 4. Public Information Committee: Director Kortes stated that four (4) gentlemen from the Water Resource Division - Mr. J . Terrine, Mr. C. Werner, Mr. Fairchild and Mr. Weisland visited and toured the plant facilities today. They were given this tour by Mr. Alfred Slechta. General Manager Friday stated that Mr. Al Slechta (Clair A. Hill & Associates) did a fine job by answering all of their questions. Mr. Friday stated that Mr. Slechta was as adept in answering all of their questions, as they.were_.-n asking. Mr. Terrine) was familiar with the treatment facilities and had several questions to ask, which Mr. Slechta handled beautifully. Mr. Friday stated that one of the men mentioned that the analysis showed the turbidity, BOD, etc., was better than the Sacramento water they are pulling out to drink. 5. Personnel : Director Melikean stated that Mr. Friday has set a date for him to meet with ' -he employees of the District. Will have a report for the next regular meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Clerk of Board Callahan recommended that the Following RESOLUTION be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 679: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH rl<4NbE Pl 3L I C 1JT I L I TY DISTRICT AWARDING CONTRACT FOR GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 679 be approved. Mr. Moyer stated that the plans and specifications for the WATER RECLAMATION PLANT and the LUTHER PASS PIPELINE are completed with the exception of the contract documents. As soon as Mr. Moyer finds out what is to be included inithe contract documents, the contract can go out for bid. Mr. Moyer stated that the District is now six (6) weeks behind the original schedule. Mr. Weidman stated that the Chief of Public Works is going to call him to inform him of where and what should be done to get the contract documents completed. Attorney Weidman recommended that the Board authorize the Engineer to go wherever and do whatever must be done to expedite approval of the grant documents (EDA). Mr. Moyer stated that he is in hopes of calling for bids on the 16th of June. He mentioned that everyday the District loses now is not on time but on money. It will be the 1st of August before the contract is awarded and mobilized. (Contract to be for Primary and Secondary - Tertiary Treatment Plant; Solids Handling Facilities and the Expansion of the Existing Treatment Plant. ) ALPINE COUNTY SITE: Mr. Moyer stated that the question of disposal on the Alpine County Site must be resolved; the pipe line from Luther Pass to Alpine Disposal Area. The mapping is completed. The pipeline design from Luther Pass to Woodsford must be designed. The area has been photographed. General Manager Friday stated that the EDA is going to wat us to determine how this is going to end; also, agreed with Mr. Moyer that we must move ahead on this design for the Luther Pass to Woodsford Pipeline Design. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried that the Engineer be authorized to proceed with the design of the pipeline from Luther Pass to Woodsford. Attorney Weidman stated that he will work on the point of discharge; the State General Service Administration to be contacted to get the contract ready for order; when the grant is received, Mr. Friday, Mr. Moyer and Attorney Weidman will go over it and find out just where the District is - and, if necessary, to call a Special Meeting to accept the grant. Authorization was given to Mr. Moyer and to Mr. Weidman during the month of February, 1966, to get all of the items mentioned above in order and ready to go. CITY-DISTRICT CONTRACT SERVICES: President Fesler stated that Mr. John Williams, City Manager, attended a Study t ession on 5/24/66, to discuss the program of the City and the South Tahoe Public Utility District merging. The Directors held an Executive Session to discuss personnel . The City has indicated their desire to hire Mr. W. F. Friday as Director of Public Works and Mr. David W. Callahan as Finance Officer. This meeting was held yesterday to discuss whether the District should merge with the City or not. After a lengthy discussion - -0 I . It appears that the General Manager will move to the City and will be Director of Public Works. This, of course, will be hard to take and will be a great loss to the District. Mr. Fesler mentioned that the same goes for Mr. Callahan. This change will be effective July 1 , 1966. If these two individuals will be leaving the District, Mr. Fesler stated that thought was given to what would happen in the meantime. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that his services would be available to the District as District Engineer or Temporary General Manager to help us through this change-over. COo r\uJvur\NLU rtt UL/- I"LLI INU Page -4- 6/2/66 President Fester stated that the District certainly thanks Mr. W. F. Priday and Mr. D.W. Callahan for their past work and also Mr. Harlan E. Moyer for his willingness to assist the District. DIRECTOR WAKEMAN stated there could be a possibility of consolidating the equipment for joint use. DIRECTOR KORTES stated that we have our Attorney meetiwith the City Attorney to discuss a merger. Mr. Kortes further stated that he would definitely be in favor of certain departments going to the City. DIRECTOR MELIKEAN stated that during the past 4/5 years the District has been conducted very efficiently, both in the financial department and by the General Manager. It is going to be hard to take the loss of both of these men, Mr. Melikean stated, however, after careful consideration and reviewing of Mr. William's letter, "I can see where it is good business to transfer some of these various office departments to the City." Mr. Melikean stated that he is in favor of going along with the City as the District will have everything to gain and nothing to lose. DIRECTOR HEGARTY stated that he will agree with Director Melikean and that he feels this will do the taxpayer's a favor and save them some money; Mr. Hegarty also stated that he felt that Mr. Friday and Mr. Callahan will be of great assistance to the City. DIRECTOR WAKEMAN stated that the District Auditors should enter into this discussion with the City to see if a merger would be a saving to the taxpayer's of this District. DIRECTOR KORTES moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Our Attorney be instructed to contact the City Attorney to discuss the proposal by City Manager John Williams regarding the finance, billing, inspection and permits. (The Planning Committee will enter into this discussion also) . President Fesler stated, and all Directors agreed, that there would be NO JOINT PERSONNEL. The City will have their employees and the South Tahoe Public Utility District will have their employees. Mr. Callahan will also be present to discuss the items mentioned with Attorney John Weidman and Attorney Mel Beverly, as well as the Planning Committee. Mr. Walt Little asked how this would be beneficial to the people within the District but outside of the City Limits. Mr. Friday stated that there will be three (3) separate books kept; the saving would be approximately $40,696.60 annually, if the District and the City were to merge. NBI BUSINESS ---- I . MEETING OUARTERS: Director Melikean stated that the meeting room at City Hall wilt'hold several people and that he feels happy about having the meeting of the District held here. a. ORDINANCE NO. 128:- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCES NUMBERS 45, 49, 70 and 95 AND PROVIDING FOR PLACE OF MEETINGS. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 128 BE ADOPTED, changing meeting quarters for the District from the Tahoe Valley *ri`re douse to the City Hall , Bijou, California. SEPTIC CHARGE FOR DUMPS AT PLANT: As mentioned in the Manager's Report, Director Kortes moved, seconded by D ri ector Hegarty, unanimously carried, that General Manager Friday's recommendation to charge $5.00 per dump be charged to all septic dump firms. This will be effective as of 7/1/66. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $58,881 .28, as recommended by General Manager Friday, be approved for payment. EASEMENT SECRETARY: Mention was made to Mr. Edward E. Hegarty that Mrs. Betty Lou Jackson has been working on the 1964-I Special Assessment District Easements and that he could contact Mrs. Jackson for information of same. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 10: 10 P.M. to June 16, 1966, 8:00 P.M. , City Ha l l . ROBE R SLER� . (,F�SLE ,,"-F, .E-5'I DENT I �� SOUTH T ALOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT �, /a---L�+Ltn BOARD OF DIRECTORS t�g-e i L�1 ana ier'k o4 board ! tx-Oft. Sec. - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ************ REGULAR MEETING OF THE B0ARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 16, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an Adjourned Regular Meeting, 6X16/66, 8:00 P.M. , City Hall , South Lake Tahoe, Bijou, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Hegarty, Melikean and Kortes. General Manager Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Engineer H. Moyer, Attorney J . Weidman, Attorney Dick Raymond, Walt Little, John Murphy, Jim Olsen, William V.D. Johnson, Mrs. Chet Horning, Edward Eppler. ABSENT: Director Robert F tler. Fdlowing the Pledge of Allegiance, Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, t hat Director Wakeman be appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this meeting. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 6/2/66, be approved as presented. MAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report, as follows: "Ibnager's Report June 16, 1966 Total Plant Flow foom 6/1/66--6/14/66 29 274 000 Daily Average flow . , gallons 2,091 ,000 " D.C.S. I .D.No. I , Flow from 6/1-14/66 5,329,600 " Daily Average flow 380,000 " Holding Pond Freeboard 8 ft 7 inches A request has been made to the U. S. Forest Service for a possible reimbursement of a portion of land rental on Section 2 Spray Disposal Area. The District has not used the site for about 45 days. The United States Forestry Service (USFS) has considered the request and an inspection was made yesterday by myself and District Ranger Bob Rice and Ranger Cliff Moyer. Engineer Harlan Moyer and I made a field trip with Ranger Cliff Moyer to pumping station site in Christmas Valley to clarify export route through USFS lands this afternoon. Holding pond and by pass system now under construction is about 50% complete. I would suggest to this board that favorable consideration be given to the payment of 50% in engineering fees, to Clair A. Hill and Associates for the plans and work done by them on Treatment Facilities and Export System. They have carried this account for a considerable period of time and due to extenuating circumstances of Mr. Moyer' s new relationship with the District as Acting Manager, it should be taken care of before a possible conflict of i nteresta¢nu l d arise. The next few words are certainly written with mixed emotions but the time has come for me to make a very important decision as it relates to the South Tahoe Public Utility District and the City of South Lake Tahoe. I have been privileged to accept the position of Director of Public Works for the City of South Lake Tahoe therefore terminating my position as General Manager of the South Tahoe Public Utility District as of June 30, 1966. Many volumes could be written on my experience with the District but to me the outstanding have been the pleasant relationships I have had with all of the many Directors during the past five and one-half (5-1/2) years, the Engineers, more particularly Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, the Attorney - John C. Weidman, the many fine and devoted staff personnel . I can only sav many many sincere thanks for their hard work that made my position tolerable. I would like to quote the following that I think fits this particular occasion: SOMETIME Sometime, when you're feeling important, Sometime when your ego's in bloom, Sometime, when you take it for granted you're the best-qualified in the room, Sometime, when you feel that your going, Would leave an unfillable hole; Just follow this simple instruction, And see how it humbles your soul . Tike a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it, up to your wrist; Pull it out, and the hole that's remaining, is a measure of how you' ll be missed. You can splash all you please when you enter, You can stir up the water galore; But stop, and you' ll find in a minute that it looks quite the same as before. The MORAL of this quaint observation is to do just the best that you can; Be proud of yourself, but remember, THERE IS NO INDISPENSABLE MAN." 42 v REGUBAR MEETING Pane -2- 6/16/66 DIRECTOR WAKEMAN stated that he was on the Board at the time General Manager Friday was hired.to take on an unsurmountable jpb; he gave professional administration for the first time in our District; there was a time, Mr. Wakeman stated, that the District was in dire need of a man and that man was Mr. Friday, who put the District on a professional basis. Now the City of South Lake Tahoe needs him ore than the Board does. "We are certainly releasing him with regrets", Mr. Wakeman stated. DIRECTOR MELIKEAN stated that the District will miss Mr. Priday but that the District will benefit by his move to the City. DIRECTOR HEGARTY stated that he certainly hates to see Mr. Priday leave the District and that he is confident Mr. Priday will do a real fine job for the City; also, the District will have a friend that they can rely on. DIRECTOR KORTES came up with a bit of comedy, stating to Mr. Priday that, "as long as you keep my streets plowed, we' ll get along fine". TWD items from the Manager's Report, were transferred to NEW BUSINESS: I . Clair A. Hill & Associates - Engineering Fees. 2. Resignation of General Manager Priday Director Kortes moved, seconded by Dieector Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Mr. Hegarty stated that he has met with Mr. Art Reber. No Official Report for EASEMENT COMMITTEE. 2. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Director Kortes stated that he took a trip to Sacramento to meet-v/14meet- v/14i the Governor and take pictures accepting the TEALE BILL and the loan which was approved. Mr. Kortes mentioned, however, t hat the bill (S.B. 117) is still not acceptable to the District. 3. BANKING INSURANCE: Director Kortes mentioned that the Banking/ Insurance Committee Met last week to examine some proposals of change in the District's Insurance (Group) Carrier. After examining the policies that were presented, and meeting with representatives of the Insurance Companies, the Committee felt that because of the additional cost that our present Insurance Carrier requests (CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY) the District change from the present insurance carrier to GUARDIAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Benefits are more plentiful and premium is less. Mr. Callahan stated that he felt the GUARDIAN INSURANCE offer has better benefits and reduced costs but that the changeover should be timed so the employees will not be without insurance. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Administration handle the change-over at the proper time. The change-over will be to the GUARDIAN INSURANCE COMPANY. PERSONNEL: Director Melikean stated that Mr. Priday took time out to have the personnel meet wit}i him. He stated that he not only was pleased to meet with the staff but that he also had an opportunity to tour the plant facilities. He mentioned, too, that arrangements should be made for the public (taxpayer's) to tour the facilities. Mr. Melikean requested that a PERSONNEL MEETING be held next Tuesday at 10:00 A.M. to discuss personnel for the District. Following this meeting, Mr. Melikean suggested a SPECIAL MEETING be called for any action that must be taken. PLANNING: The Planning Committee met 6/12/66 at the Tahoe Sands with Directors Fesler and Wakeman, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J. Weidman and Mr. John Ehlman, Accountant with Irvine & Duce (District Auditor). Discussion was held regarding whether or whether not the District should merge with the City. At the conclusion of the meeting, Director Fesler had stated that the District would release the General Manager to the City to become Director of Public Works. The Inspection Department and the Permit Section would also become part of the CITY. Regarding inspections outside of the District was not brought to a conclusion. Mr. Moyer stated that there is a need now for an Administrative head for the District who will be responsible for all purchasing and administrating areas of the District. W. Moyer recommended that a position for Assistant General Manager is needed. This man would be responsible to the Board and all areas involved. This would be a position assuming further responsibilities and require a further increase in compensation. The salary to be between $11 ,000 -$12,000 annually. Mr. Ehlman agreed. 15; /o REGULAR @IEETING Page -3- 6/16/66 M r. Moyer stated that he had discussed such a position with Mr. Callahan as he felt that Mr. Callahan was capable of assuming further responsibilities and this would be very beneficial to the District. EXTENSION OF TIME: Mr. P.F. Weaks and Company have requested an extension of time through the 15th of J10( 1966. Mr. Moyer agreed that this extension is justified and Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that an extension of time be granted to P. F. Weaks and Company. SERVICE CONTRACT: General Manager Priday requested that this be discussed at the Personnel meeting. EQJNOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT GRANT: Mr. Weidman stated that there are a couple of conditions ha mus e a en care o efore contracts can be let. ht. Moyer stated that he has received guidance from EDA and mentioned that there is a great deal of criteria that must be included in the documents. There will be approximately a two-week delay on contract documents. These documents, upon completion, must go to Washington, D.C., for approval . E.D.A. is willing to do everything possible to expedite this grant, Mr. Moyer stated. Director Wakeman and the Directors agreed that Mr. Moyer hand-carry the documents to Washington, D.C. , when completed and stay until accepted. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 681 , signed the 13th of JUNE 1966, by Director Wakeman, be accepted. RESOLUTION NO. 681 : A RESOLUTION RATIFYING SIGNATURE OF CHAIRMAN PRb 1tM WAKEMA11 AND ACCEPTING THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACT GRANT. TAHOE PARADISE UNIT NO. 51 : Attorney D. Raymond recommended the adoption of the following Resolute n: RESOLUTION NO. 680: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN SbUT1-1 TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AND THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO WITH RELATION TO SYSTEM OF DOMESTIC SEWAGE MISPOSAL. TAHOE PARADISE UNIT NO. 51 Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 680 be approved. PURCHASE OF AUTOMOBILES FROM DISTRICT BY CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE:Referred to Personnel for the meeting next luesday. ENGINEERING FEES - CLAIR A. HILL & ASSOCIATES: General Manager Priday stated that he would recommend the Board of Directors approve payment of $110,000.00 to Clair A. Hill and Associates for Engineering fees, as follows: For professional services in connection with design, plans, specifications and contract documents of expansion of Water Reclamation Plant: $ 60,000.00 For professional services in connection with design, plans, specifications of Luther Pass PIPELINE and Pumping Stations $ 50,000.00 Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Engineering Fees, as recommended by General Manager Priday, in the amount of $ 110,000.00 be paid to Clair A. Hill & Associates. RESIGNATION OF GENERAL MANAGER W. F. PRIDAY: Director Melikean moved with regrets that Mr. W. F. Priday's resignation be accepted, effective June 30, 1966; Director Hegarty seconded, and it was unanimously, regretfully, accepted. Mr. Moyer expressed his appreciation for work that he and Mr. Priday have done over the past six years and stated that it has been a very enjoyable experience working with him. Attorney John Weidman stated that he was also here when Mr. Priday was hired and that the District needed someone - Mr. Priday was the one that got the District on its feet and it was much easier to work and get jobs done. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimous/y carried, that Mr. Harlan E. Moyer be appointed as Acting General Manager, effective July I , 1966. e7" REGULAR MEETING Page -4- 6/16/66 CORRESPONDENCE: The following correspondence was read: I . To: J .T. Leggett From: F.R. McLaren Date: 6/6/66 This letter listed a summary of recent occurrences at the South Tahoe Public Utility District found, by,:Mr;.-McLaren. 2.From: Attorney General To: John C. Weidman Date: 6/8/66 This letter was regarding submission of interrogatories in Western Pipe Cases. Attorney Weidman recommended that the Board of Directors withdraw RESOLUTION NO. 649, adopted 2/8/66, which is a RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CALF FO NIA TO CONDUCT LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Board adopt the following RESOLUTION: RESOLUTION NO. 682: A RESOLUTION WITHDRAWING FORMAL AUTHORITY NERAL TO PROCEED ON THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT'S BEHALF. Further discussion was held in regards to Mr. Moyer's recommendation for an Assistant General Manager and the Directors agreed to adjourn at 10:00 P.M. for an Executive Session to discuss this matter with Mr. David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board and Office Manager. Prior to adjournment, Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the PAYMENT OF CLAIMS in the amount of $170,887.00, as recommended by General Manager Friday, be approved for payment. *************** THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RECONVENED AT 1 1 :00 P.M. (David W. Callahan, accepted the position of Assistant General Manager)ar. Director Melikean stated that the Directors discussed the position of Assistant General Manager with Mr. David W. Callahan and that he accepted the position at a salary of $12,000 annually; it was moved by Director Melikean, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Mr. David W. an be app Assistant General Manager, effective at this time - 6/16/661- 11 :00 P.M. inted Director Melikean stated that since the position of Assistant General Manager was taken care of, the PERSONNEL COMMITTEE for next Tuesday will be cancelled. PURCHASE OF AUTOMOBILES: General Manager Priday stated that he did not feel there would -be further need for the trucks that the District has recently purchased because he is taking over the Inspection Department for the City. Mr. Friday stated that since the Inspection Department will now becomeCity, the City has expressed their desire to purchase the two (2) Ford Trucks, the Falcon and the Ford Galaxie (which Mr. Priday is now driving) (4 door sedan). Attorney Weidman stated that he will draft a contract mentioning the departments that will go to the City and will also declare the vehicles surplus. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the above mentioned vehicles by Mr. Friday be declared surplus items. Attorney Weidman was authorized to draw up an agreement setting forth the terms and conditions of the District using or employing City Inspection Services - for contracting inspection services between the District and the City of South Lake Tahoe. (This will be in draft form) . Moved, seconded, unanimously carried. ADJOURNMENT: 11 :30 P.M. ROB 'f WAKEMA , CHAIRMAN PRO TEM SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS lkZALL"C Qom'c�' DAVID W. CALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD $ EX-OFF ECRETICTY - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY **************** 6/i REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT July 7, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session July 7, 1966, 8:00 P.M., City Hall , South Lake Tahoe, Bijou, California ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fester, Wakeman, Kortes, Melikean and Hegarty; Acting General Manager Moyer, Assistant General Manager, (also, Mr. Callahan is Clerk of Board as well as Assistant General Manager), Attorney John C. Weidman and Dick Raymond and representatives of the press Mr. J . Olson and Mr. J . Murphy. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of June 16, 1966, be approved as corrected. MANAGER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer, Acting General Manager, read his report, as follows: "PLANT OPERATION - June 1966: Total Plant Flows 66.27 MGD Average Daily Flow 2.21 MGD Chlorine Consumed 19,000 lbs. Propane Consumed 1 ,210 gallons Electricity Consumed 246,400 KWH Douglas County Sewer Imp.Dist.#I Total Flow 14.41 MGD Average Daily Flow 0.48 MGD Holding Pond Freeboard, July I , 1966 8.33 feet Peak daily flow during July 2-4, 1966 3.0 MGD Peak Hourly Flow 4.5 MGD • Total Plant Flow - June 1965 58.83 MGD D.C.S. I .D.#I Total Flow - June 1965 0.45 MGD. CONSTRUCTION: P.F. Weeks, Contractor for the new effluent ballast pond and plant piping modifica- tion, is approximately 70 percent complete. Essential elements, which will allow proper operation of secondary and tertiary plant during peak flow periods, will be complete by July 15th. Some additional work will remain after that time. EtINEERING: Final design work is under way on the Woodfords pipeline, extending from Luther Pass to the vicinity of Stevens Lake. The District Engineers met with Division of Highways Engineers on July 6, 1966, to discuss location of the pipeline. Design is proceeding on the Meyer's Sewer System. Preliminary Engineering has been completed on the proposed Indian Creek Dam and reservoir in Alpine County. The engineering report will be submitted prior to the next regular meeting. MEETINGS: On Wednesday, June 29, 1966, I presented the plans and specifications for the Treatment Plant Expansion and Luther Pass Pipeline to the Seattle Office of the Economic Development Administration. The contract documents were reviewed at this meeting and I requested that approval by EDA be given prior to July 7, 1966, if possible. On Tuesday, July 5, 1966, I attended ( with Directors Fesler, Melikean and Hegarty and Assistant General Manager Callahan) a meeting with the various state agencies. The meeting was held in Sacramento to discuss preliminarily the forthcoming Federal conference on Lake Tahoe and to determine what testimony should be presented by the District. A further meeting in this regard is scheduled for July 12, 1966." ! Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed the representatives of the press. Also, Mr. tiCk '2aymond was introduced to President Fester. Mr. Raymond attended the last renular meeting, representing the District's Bonding Office - Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch. Mr. Fester was absent at the last regular meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . EASEAMEN'f: Director Hegarty stated that the Easement Committee met with Mr. Art Reber two weeks ago and again this afternoon. He mentioned that eight (8) out of the twelve ( 12) property owners were contacted this afternoon and easements were discussed with them. 47/45 REG ULAR MEETING -2- 7/7/66 (continued) COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued): (Easement Committee - continued) Ne furter menfioned 'that another property owner from Berkeley has been contacted and that the Easement Committee hopes to meet with him next week. party from Berkeley will be the site the pumping property owned by the P p � station is planned for. Mr. Moyer mentioned to Attorney Weidman that if owners wish to build over the surfaces (easements) they can do so as long as it is not a permanent structure. (Such as black- top, etc. ) 2. PLANNING: Director Wakeman stated that meetings have been held but on a routine basis. He mentioned that Mr. David W. Callahan is now Assistant General Manager, responsible to the Board of Directors ( he is also Finance Officer and Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary) . Mr. Harlan E. Moyer is Acting General Manager and a professional man (Engineer) more so than an Administrative man. Mr. Wakeman stated that the Committee is very happy with the way things have worked out. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION: No report. 4. PERSONNEL: Director Melikean stated that the Planning Committee and the Chairman of the Board has done an excellent job as far as the future of the District is concerned. Mr. Melikean stated that more meetings are planned and a report will be made before the Board at the next regular meeting. Mr. Melikean also stated that the District is very fortunate in having a professional engineer and that the overall picture for the personnel of the District is going to be very very good. 5. Banking/INSURANCE: No report. OLD BUSINESS I . RESOLUTIONS: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that he received a telephone call from S Seat+le on 7/6/66 from the EDA (Economic Development Act) office giving approval for the District to advertise for bids for the Plans and Specifications for Luther Pass and Treatment Plant Additions. He recommended that the following RESOLUTIONS be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 683: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH tgict T'l1BLl( UTILITY DISTRICT ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, ESTABLISHING MINIMUM WAGE RATES, AND SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR BID OPENING FOR EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SYSTEM - LUTHER PASS PIPE LINE (ADVERTISE FOR BIDS JULY 7, 1966, BID OPENING AUGUST 8, 1966), 3:00 P.P ., PDST). Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 683, es recommended by H.E. Moyer, be approved. S SHOULD BE COMPLETED WITHIN THREE-HUNDRED AND SIXTY (360) CALENDARND S -OTE: T HIAND THE APPROXIMATE COST OF THE CONTRACT TO BE $1 ,750,000. ) RESOLUTION NO. 684: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC U lLIYY DISTRICY ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, ESTABLISHING MINIMUM WAGE RATES, AND SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR BID OPENING FOR TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS; (ADVERTISE FOR BIDS July 8, 1966, BID OPENING 8/9/66, 3:00 P.M. , PDST) Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 684, as recommended by H.E.Moyer, be adopted. (NOTE: COMPLETION TIME IS 450 CAL'Ntj R DAYS; COST = $ 1 ,950,000). "'-- Director Fesler stated that the General Conditions of the Contract state that employment of local labor should be obtained if at all possible. Mr. H.E. Moyer stated that 50% of the funds is involved in labor. 3. MEYERS SEWER SYSTEM: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that he requested this be on the gen a ase elf that Attorney Ken Jones would be at this meeting to discuss this with the Board. Wr. Moyer mentioned that the cost of the system would be approximately $2,000,000. The cost will provide the following major features: I . Upper Truckee Pump Station and Force Main - (2)- Upper Truckee Trunk Sewer, 3. Angora Creek Trunk Sewer - (4)- Trout Creek Pump Station and (5) Trout Creek Sewer. Mr. Moyer also mentioned that assessment proceedings were deemed undesirable to finance this project and that general obligation bonds would be the most equitable and practical way to finance. Another source of funds would be under the Federal Grant P.L.89-117. The Board instructed Mr. Harlan E. Moyer to pursue with all due diligence because the District is interest in the P.L. 89-117 Federal Grant. In answer to Director Melikean's question, Mr. Moyer stated that if financing was adopted and put before the voters, the Federal Grant could still be obtained. The Planning Committee will work with Mr. Moyer on this Matter. CO/x REGULAR MEETING -3- July 7, 1966 4. PURCHASE AGREEMENT: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that a letter has been received from John T. Williams, City Manager, stating that the City will purchase: Two: 1962 Ford Pickups 850.00 Each One: 1961 Falcon 450.00 Each One: 1963 Ford 800.00 Each TOTAL COST: $2,950.00 The above mentioned vehicles were declared surplus at the last regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the above mentioned vehicles be purchased by the City of South Lake Tahoe for the amount of $2,950.00. 5. AGREEMENT - MONTGOMERY ESTATES NO. 4 - SYSTEM OF DOMESTIC SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Assistant General Manager Ca I I al:ian`ment i oned ttiat the TBoa rd of D i eectors did- adopt a RESOLUTION in January of 1966 for the above, authorizing the President to execute the agreement. This agreement has not been signed and Mr. Callahan requested that the President of the Board sign this agreement. 6. DALE LAMBERT vs SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that correspondence as been rec-e ved from Dare Lambert stating tht the authorized agenlrfor the District signed an agreement with him to install a lateral in exchange for an easement granted to theDistrict. This lateral was not installed. Mr. H.E. Moyer recommended that the District pay the 162.50, which Mr. Lambert is requesting, on the basis that the man was not compensated for his easement originally. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the Manager's recommendation - pay Mr. Lambert $62.50 - be approved. 7. SPECIAL USE PERMIT - UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE: Manager Moyer recommended that the Board obtain an extension of existing USE PERMIT on Holding Pond and Old Spray Area ( 120 acres) to November II , 1966, and provide for further extension and modification to retain 50 acres for the Holding Pond after 11/11/66. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the SPECIAL USE PERMIT EXTENSION be requested, as recommended by General Manager Moyer. 8. SERVICE AGREEMENT - CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE AND SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT: Postponed - to be discussed at the regular meeting July 21 , 1966. 9). CONFERENCE - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that Director Edward E.Hegarty and Director Donald H. Kortes, be authorized to attend the conference at San Diego, California, the 14th through the 17th of July 1966. NEW BUSINES S: I . AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE DISTRICT VEHICLE FOR MANAGER AND ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER: Acting General Manager Moyer recommended that the Board consider the purchase of a 1966 4-door sedan for the General Manager and the Assistant General Manager. This would be a six (6) passenger, V-8, 200 HP, Automatic Transmission, Heater, Air-Conditioner, Radio, 119" Wheel Base, solid color, positive traction. Mr. Moyer stated that consideration has been given to Fords, Chevrolets and Dodges. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO 685 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADVERTISING FOR BIDS ON AUTOMOBILE, be adopted. 2. SOUTHUTAHOE GAS COMPANY: : Harlan E. Moyer stated that a letter has been received from Mr. Philip Greunder, South Tahoe Gas Company, requesting the District's opinion and interest in changing over to Natural Gas. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager be authorized to determine terms and conditions of service and provide for change to natural gas. (THIS RELATES TO THE TREATMENT PLANT ONLY). 3. JOHNSON ROAD ACQUISITION: Harlan E. Moyer recommended that the Board of Directors atAhorize the execution of deed. Attorney Weidman stated that the Directors should authorize the acceptance of this deed and that he will obtain the necessary signatures. July 7, 1966 (Regular) N E W BUSINESS: (continued) 4. FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ADMINISTRATION: This meeting is scheduled for u y ;, '••, •.00m 1 , •esources :ui ding, acramento, California. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that Ha E. Moyer represent the District at this meetin ' rlan exhibits for same. 9, prepare testimony and supporting 5. STATE OF CALIFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICE, Chaster 47, Statute of 1966: Mr. Moyer stated that a letter was received from Paul Officer, Department of General Services, stating thatlSenatengaBillLocaNo. 17lshastbeen approved, ($1 ,800,000), and requested that the District keep their office advised as to the District's progress. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that Attorney Weidman be authorized to represent the District, as well as Mr. H. E. Moyer, and to prepare and review all necessary documents. 7. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-I : Attorney Dick Raymond recommend the following RES6tUT)SIS BE ADOPTED: RESOLUTION NO. 686: APPOINTING ENGINEERS AND ATTORNEY. RMSLUTION NO. 687: INTENT TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTIONs."688: nOUEST CONSENT OF THE CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE TO UNDERTAKE ASSESSMENT PROCEEDINGS RESOLUTION NO. 689: REQUEST HEALTHOFFICER. TO RECOMMEND PROCEEDINGS. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS 686 through 689, as recommended by Attorney Dick Raymond, be adopted. NOTE: INCLUDED IN THIS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT WILL BE THE MORRISON AND FRENCH PROPERTY. COF?RESPONDENCE: I . Mr. Harlan E. Moyer mentioned the letter received from the State of California, Water Quality Control Board, establishing priorities for applicants under Public Law 660 Federal Construction Grant. The letter also mentioned that the South Tahoe Public Utility District stands first on the priority list for Federal Construction Grants under P.L. 660. President Fesler stated that this has been an outstanding job our Engineer has done to get us at the top of the priority list and keep us there. Director Fesler congratulated Mr. Moyer for being on the ball and stated that this is an example that we are receiving the finest. 2. Mr. Moyer read another letter from a Mrs. Florence Blain regarding EASEMENT # 400-F and #402-B, 1964-I Special Assessment District and settlement for same. This was turned over to John Weidman, Attorney. 3. Mr. H. Moyer read another letter received from Marion H. Corrill , protesting her payment of $36. 15 for lighting charges. Mr. Moyer will answer this letter. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $ 125,677.33 and the warrant for $40,000.00 be approved for payment. COMPENSATION - ACTING GENERAL MANAGER: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer has been Acting General Manager {or the Soutfi Tahoe Public Utility District as of 7/1/66. President Fesler 1 stated that he would recommend that Mr. Moyer become General Manager and that his compensation be set at $ 16,000.00 per year. (Also, will be the District Engineer. ) It was agreed by all Directors that this compensation will be set by Ordinance. Mr. Moyer mentioned that he will be available Tuesday through Friday at the District, during the week. ADJOURNMENT: 10:20 P.M. ----- ROBERT FESL R, PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD UTILtTYEISTRICT THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC DAVD W. CALLAHAN,CLER OF BOARD & EX-OFF SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD. OFC• DIRECTORS. ********** to/4, REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT JULY 21 , 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session, July 21 , 1966, 8:20 P.M., City Hall , South Lake Tahoe, Bijou, California. ROLL CALL: Present were President Robert W. Fesler, Directors Hegarty and Melikean, Attorney ken Jones, Manager H.E. Moyer, Assistant General Manager Callahan (also • Clerk of Board), Jim Olsen and Mr. Art Reber. ABSENT: Directors Robert Wakeman, Donald H. Kortes and Attorney John Weidman. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that 1-)-e minutes of July 7, 1966, be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT:General Manager Moyer read his report, as follows: "July 21 , 1966 Manager's Report PLANT OPERATION: July 1-15, 1966 Total Plant Flow 38.68 MGD Average Daily Flow 2.58 MGD Chlorine Consumed 9,500 lbs. Propane Consumed 1 ,330 gallons Electricity Consumed 108,480 K.W.H. Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I-Total Flow 6.94 MGD Average Daily Flow ( Nevada ) 0.46 MGD Holding Pond Freeboard, 7/15/66 7 feet - 3 inches Total Plant Flow - July 1-15, 1965 38. 18 MGD Total Nevada (DCSID#I ) flow, July 1-15, 1965 3.84 MGD CONSTRUCTION: P. F. Weaks, Contractor for the new effluent ballast pond, is approximately 90 percent complete. All piping and pond construction necessary to permit operation of the secondary and tertiary plant is installed, as of today. Remaining work can be completed with no further interruptions to the plant. ENGINEERING: Interest in the Treatment Plant Addition and Luther Pass Pipeline is very high. Over fifty (50) sets of plans on each project have been issued to Contractors and Suppliers. Additional requests for plans are received daily. MEETINGS: Tuesday, July 12, 1966, I met with officials of various state agencies in Sacramento. This meeting was held to finalize and coordinate testimony to be given by the state and local agencies at the Federal Water Pollution Control Association hearings on pollution of Lake Tahoe. On Monday and Tuesday, July 21st and 22nd, I attended the Federal Water Pollution Control Association (FWPCA) hearings on Lake Tahoe held at the Wagon Wheel Hotel . I presented the District's testimony on Tuesday morning. The oral presentation was limited to a summary of the full written report. The complete report will appear in the transcript of the hearing. Additional copies of the report are available at the District office. Wednesday, July 23, I met in Placerville with Mr. Douglas Leisz, Forest Supervisor, regarding the proposed annexation of the Pope-Baldwin-Camp Richardson area. The proposed service contract between the District and the United States Forestry Service (USFS; was discussed and tentative agreement reached regarding costs to the U.S.F.S. for maintenance and operation, capital contributions, and initial capacity to be provided. A revised contract, in draft form, will be written next week and submitted to the Forest Service. It is necessary to proceed with this contract as rapidly as possible in order to reach agreement in time to prevent delay of contract award under the Economic Develop- ` ment Act Grant. Following this meeting, I met in Sacramento with representative of the State Water Resources Department and the United States Puresu of Land Management. Preliminary discussions were held with the Bureau of Land Management regarding procedures to be followed in the withdrawing of public land for the proposed Indian Valley Reservoir. co i y Regular Meeting -4- July 21 , 1966(continued) CORRESPONDENCE: (continued) 2. From Mrs. LLOYD HECATHORN, protesting lighting charges. 3. From CARLEY V. PORTER - RE: HEARING ON AUGUST 10-11 , 1966, STATE WATER PROJECT AND RELATED FISCAL MATTERS. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $65,446,77, as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:00 P.M. T) Z . ROBERT W. FESLER, PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Bevis '. a a an, er o :.ar. Officio Secretary - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ********** REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 4, 1966 Tle Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session on August 4, 1966, 8:00 P.M., City Hall , South Lake Tahoe, Bijou, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Hegarty, Kortes and Melikean; Attorney Ken Jones and Attorney John Weidman, Clerk of Board Callahan, General Manager Harlan Moyer, J.. Olsen and J . Murphy, newspaper representatives. M'4IINUTES: General Manager Moyer read his report, as- follows: "Manager's Report August 4, 1966 PLANT OPERATION: July 1-30, 1966: Total Plant Flow 77.80 MGD Average Daily Flow 2.51 MGD Chlorine consumed 20,000 lbs. Propane consumed 2,300 gallons Electricity consumed 212,800 KWH Douglas County Sewer Improve. Dist #1- 16.79 MGD Average Daily Flow 0.54 MGD Holding Pond Freeboard 7/31/66 8.33 feet Total Plant Flow, July 1965 77. 17 MGD Total Douglas County Sewer Improv. District No. I , Flow, July, 1965 - I9.36MGD. Monday, July 25th, the new effluent ballast pond and piping modifications were completed. This work provides the means to assure operation of the secondary and tertiary treatment plants within their design capacity. The secondary and tertiary plant have been in continuous operation since Monday, July 25th, and no serious plant upsets or operational problems have occurred. The resulting total treatment efficiency has been substantially increased. MEETINGS: Tuesday, July 26th, I met in Sacramento with Mr. Ron Robey, Assistant oo Assemblyman Carley Porter, Representatives of the State Department of Water 45 PZv Regular Meeting -2- 8/4/66 MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) Resources, State Water Quality Control Board, U. S. Bureau of Land Management and Alpine County. The purpose of the meeting was to prelimarily discuss means by which the Bureau of Lamdc.Management may assist in construction and operation of recreational facilities for the proposed Indian Creek Dam. These facilities are necessary in order for the District to qualify for grant funds under the Davis- Grunsky Act. As a result of this meeting, a field trip with the same representatives was held on Wednesday, August 3rd, at the proposed reservoir location to determine what type and extent of recreational facilities may be .constructed. At the Sacramento meeting, the State Water Ouality Control Board representative advised me to expedite, insofar as possible, the submittal of final plans aon the Indian Creek Pipeline and Dam for purposes of certification to the FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ASSOCIATION for P. L. 660 Funds. It appears there will be far more projects than there will be funds available this present year. Even though the District received the highest priority, funds are allocated on a first come, first served basis. PROJECT BID OPENING: The Luther Pass Pipeline bids will be opened on Monday, August 6, 1966, at 3:00 P.M. The Treatment Plant Addition bids will be opened on Tuesday, August 9, 1966, 3:00 PM These bid openings will be held at the Treatment Plant on the respective days, and the press and public are cordially invited to attend. More than 150 sets of plans have been issued on the Treatment Plant Project and approximately eighty (80) have been issued on the Pfipeline." Mr. Moyer also mentioned the bid opening for Luther Pass Pipeline will be August 8, 1966, 3:00 P.M. at the District office and the bids for the Treatment Plant Addition will be August 9, 1966, at the District. The bids will have to be approved by the Economic Development Act Department and Mr. Moyer stated it would be wise to have these bids hand-carried to the Economic Develop- ment Office - Seattle, Washington. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Director Resler welcomed the press. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . EASEMENT: Director Hegarty asked Mr. Weidman to report on the easement and progress made. Aftorney Weidman stated that all of the title reports re export easements are in. Mr. Art REBER has contacted all of the owners of property except Tahoe Paradise to secure signatures to complete the easements. Tahoe Paradise will be taken care of Monday, Mr. Weidman stated. Miss Josephine Elmore will be at the District Office 8/18/66 to discuss her easement. Mr. Weidman stated that this easement will too be settled without any problems except for the barricade problem. 2. Planning: No report. 3. Public Information: Director Kortes mentioned that the Public Information Committee did- not meet but asked the press to please make a note in the paper regarding the bid openings August 8th and August 9th for the Luther Pass Pipeline and the Treatment Plant Addition. 4. Banking/Insurance Committee; Director Fester stated that there was no meeting; however, he mentioned that the Insurance Committee witL meet with the Attorney regarding the Insurance for the Economic Development Act Insurance. 5. PERSONNEL: Director Melikean stated that a Personnel Meeting is going to be held and stated- that he felt this would be a very important one and would like to get to- gether with Mr. Moyer and Mr. Fester to set a date. A presentation will be made to the Board at the next regular meeting. OLD BUSINESS: General Manager Moyer recommended that the following RESOLUTIONs be adopted: I . RESOLUTION NO. 694: - A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC t)OC / r-dye -LREGULAR MEETING 8/4/66 OLD BUSINESS (continued) PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ACCEPTING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SECONDARY EFFLUENT POND ADDITION, 1966 TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION - CONTRACT NO. 2, AND THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION. The final 10% retention is in the amount of $5,998.89 and will be held for 35 days providing no liens or claims have been filed within that period. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the RESOLUTION NO. 694, and the NOTICE OF COMPLETION, as recommended by General Manager Harlan E. Moyer, be accepted. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 695: General Manager Moyer recommended that the Board adopt the following resoluf o`n7 " RESOLUTION NO. 695:- A RESOLUTION REFERRING PROJECT TO ATTORNEYS & ENGINEERS. MEYERS AREA SEWER PROJECT - Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 695, as recommended by General Manager Moyer, be approved. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 693:- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE r0=1:111-7177717717Trr MAKING DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVING THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY, DESIGNATED AS "SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 1966-I", to the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Director Melikean moved, seconded by DirectorWakeman, unanimously carried, that the RESOLUTION(N0. 693) as recommended by Attorney John Weidman, be approved. 4. AGREEMENT FOR SEWER PERMIT ISSUANCE AND INSPECTION SERVICES: At the last regular meeting, General Manager Moyer presented a draft regarding an Agreement between the District and the City of South Lake Tahoe, which Attorney Weidman drew up into legal form. 5. The Directors studied the agreement and agreed that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 696: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT AND FORWARDING TO TI- ( C1YY aF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 696 be adopted. 6. Attorney Ken Jones recommended that the following RESOLUTION BE ADOPTED: RESOLUTION NO. 697:- A RESOLUTION AMENDING PARTIAL REASSESSMENT - DIAGRAM AND Ads SS1H R' }46. 2098B, Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1959-I . Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 697, as recommended by Attorney Ken Jones, be adopted. DISTRICT VEHICLE - Mr. Callahan stated that the new car will be delivered as soon as the positive traction has been received and installed. MR D. LAMBERT - CLAIM FOR DAMAGES. Settled CLAIM - RE DAMAGES CAUSED BY SEPTIC DUMPS: - Approximately 3 years ago, the District received a directive from the Health Department to accept all septic dumps at the District facilities. At that time, the Health Department (State) was told that they would be responsible for any and all damages that this might cause. Attorney Weidman stated that the agreed figure for damages to be received by the South Tahoe Public Utility District will be $4,390.00 approximately. H. PER AND BAXTER CASE: Report at the next regular meeting. NEW BUSINESS: I . REVIEW OF DISTRICT SERVICE CHARGES:- Discussion by Manager of service charges established by -woomm 1n. Il4, - possible board action to authorize manager and appropriate committee 'e' w charges, prepare a study of charges and submit recommendations for possible change. Mr. Moyer stated that the Maintenance and Operations charges are definitely much 450002 REGULAR MEETING -3- 8/4/66 NEW BUSINESS (continued) higher now then when ORDINANCE NO. 114 was approved. A time has come to consider more of the burden through the actual users. A comparison should be made as to what it costs the District to process one gallon of sewage as to what it would cost in other areas. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Planning committee work with Mr.Harlan Moyer, General Manager, on this matter. Director Fesler asked for the Directors point of view on this matter. DIRECTOR HEGARTY stated that he is in accord with this, he feels the taxes should be kept down and the actual users pay for the service. DIRECTOR WAKEMAN agreed with Mr. Hegarty and felt this is the time to explore this. DIRECTOR MELIKEAN stated this should be given a good study and if the need for increased service charges is there, we should adjust accordingly. DIRECTOR FESLER stated any fees set in 1956 is long overdue and should be looked at again. DIRECTOR KORTES agreed with Director Fesler. 2. REVIEW OF DISTRICT PERSONNEL CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY SCHEDULE: General Manager Moyer stated that he felt there were many inequities under the personnel and salary schedule that is now in existence. Mr. Moyer stated that this merits considerable study; the District should be prepared to pay competitive with any area in the county. Director Melikean stated that this be referred to the Personnel Committee for study with the General Manager. Mr. Melikean stated that he too felt a complete review in the District Personnel is due. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Personnel Committee meet with General Manager Moyer to study and review the District Personnel Classifications and Salary Schedules. ASSESSMENT SPLITS: Attorney Ken Jones recommended that the following RESOLUTIONS be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 698: A RESOLUTION MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN ASSESSMENTS 11\16ET RESOLZIT INT OF INTENTION NO. 47 - for :1952-1 . RESOLUTION NO. 699: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN AfSE'SMENTS 'JNDER RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 146, 1959- I . RESOLUTION NO. 700: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN ATtES`S`MENTS U• NDER RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 173 - 1960-I . RESOLUTION NO. 701 : A RESOLUTION DIRECTING MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN ASS ESSM(N1S UNDER RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 199 - 1960-2. RESOLUTION NO. 702: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN ASSEMEJTTS M• IR RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 213 - 1960-3. RESOLUTION NO. 703: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN ASSrSSMCNTS UNDER RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 239, 1960-4. RESOLUTION NO. 704: A RESOLUTION DI ECTING MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN AS't ESSMEMr§ UN6ER RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 287, 1961-I . RESOLUTION NO. 705: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN ASSEMFNTS 0/DER RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 430, 1962-1 . RESOLUTION NO. 706: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN MEST ENTT U• NDER RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 497, 1964- 1 . NOTICE: HEARING FOR ALL AMENDED ASSESSMENTS LISTED ABOVE IS TO BE HELD ON THE 1st day of September, 1966, 7:30 P.M., City Hall , South Lake Tahoe, Bijou, California. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the RESOLUTIONS listed above (Nos. 698 through 706) be approved as recommended by Attorney Ken Jones. -4- 8/4/66 V /� CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Moyer read the following: I . From: The Resources Agency of California, written by Hugo Fisher, Administrator of Resources, dated 7/25/66 - - EXPRESSING GOVERNOR BROWN'S APPRECIATION TO MR. HARLAN E. MOYER FOR HIS APPEARANCE AND TESTIMONY AT THE CONFERENCE HELD JULY 18-19, 1966. 2. From: Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, written by J.T. Leggett, Executive Officer dated 7/26/66 to the Board of Directors, REGARDING MR. CJ'IBERT T. KOEHLER'S, JR., PRESENTATION TO THE OPERATORS SHORT SCHOOL. LHIS PRESENTATION WAS ON AN OPERATORS VIEW OF THE TERTIARY TREATMENT PROCESS USED BY THIS DISTRICT. MR. LEGGETT STATED THIS WAS A VERY WELL PRESENTED AND VERY INTERESTING PRESENTATION: THAT THE DISTRICT IS FORTUNATE TO HAVE A MAN OF THIS CALIBER - - ENCLOSED A CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE FOR MR. KOEHLER. Mr. Moyer stated that this certificate was given to Mr. Koehler and that, unfortunately, Mr. Koehler has completed his service with the District as of the 3rd of :-,c s August to accept another position with Micro-Floc at Corvallis, Oregon. BUDGET: Director Fesler stated that action will be taken at the next regular meeting. PIRCHASE OF BRIEF CASES FOR DIRECTORS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, that the Clerk of Board purchase brief cases for the Directors of the District (to become the property of the District) not to exceed $13.00 or $14.00. VOTES: AYES: Directors Melikean, Hegarty and Fesler. NOES: Directors Kortes and Wakeman Carried PAYMENT OF CLAI MS: M Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that the claims in the amount of $28,655.44 be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:45 P.M. ********* / ' ' S ', residen o t e '.ard o Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: 4e/612- David W. ualla1 an, erk of Board l 'x-Officio Secretary - Board of Directors - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT /7 Regular Meeting -2- July 21 , 1966 I also discussed,with the Department of Water Resources, the District's proposed application of eligibility for receiving Davis-Grunsky Grant Funds for the Indian Creek project. Mr. John Weidman attended both the Placerville and Sacramento meetings with me. On Thursday, July 21st, 1 presented testimony to the California Legislature Interim Committee on Water, which is now holding hearings regarding Lake Tahoe. This testimony centered around the District's present and proposed plans for treatment and export facilities. Additional copies of the testimonies are available at the District office. Director Hegarty movdd, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carrie0, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . EASEMENT COMMITTEE: No meeting; however, Director Hegarty stated that he and Director fortes were to attend a conference at San Diego, California, but due to the airline strike they did not attend. Mr. Hegarty also stated that he talked to Mr. Art Reber and that Mr. Reber stated he does have 5 or 6 title reports in. (Mr. Reber:arrived at the meeting and mentioned that he has contacted a party from Fresno regarding the property next to the Elks Lodge - Meyers. He visited with Mrs. Ledbetter and has tried to contact Mr. and Mrs. Kyburz. He further stated that all people have been contacted either by telephone or in person re easements. ) 2. PLANNING COMMITTEE: Director Wakeman absent this meeting. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Director Kortes absent this meeting. Director Melikean mentioned that the Directors were interviewed and discussed the present and future plans of the District on Channel 10, Television. 4. PERSONNEL: George Melikean stated he has not called a personnel meeting. 5. BANKING/ INSURANCE COMMITTEE: Assistant General Manager Callahan mentioned that the District will changeover from CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY to the GUARDIAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY as of July 26, 19664 OLD BUSINESS: I . BIJOU PARK ACRES, ADDITION NO. 2 - SEWAGE SYSTEM: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by DirecfOr Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 690, as recommended by General Manager Moyer, as follows, be accepted: RESOLUTION NO. 690: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ACCEPTING SANITARY SEWAGE SYSTEM FOR BIJOU PARK ACRES, ADDITION NO. 2. 2. OPENING OF BIDS - FOUR (4) DOOR SEDAN, SIX (6) PASSENGER SEDAN: The following bids were opened: a. TAHOE VALLEY DODGE 1966 Coronet, 4 Dr Sd WL 51 $3,089. 16 b. TAHOE VALLEY DODGE 1966 Dodge Polara 4 DrSD DL-4I $3,382.56 c. PATTERSON MOTORS: 1966 Chevrolet Impala, 4DRSD $3,262. 11 d. BOB MURNANE FORD 1966 Ford Galaxie, 4DRSD $3,029.55 Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 691 , AWARDING BID FOR DISTRICT VEHICLE TO BOB MURNANE FORD, 1966 Ford Galaxie, $3,029.55, be adopted. REGULAR MEETING - -3- August 18, 1966 74`1 Mr. Moyer stated ( in answer to questions) that if Schedule "F" could be obtained under another application for grant funds - - Economic Development Administration stated this might be done. Chairman Pro Tem Wakeman welcomed another vistor - Mr. Thomas L. Stewart. Mr. Stewart stated that he was glad to see the District is going to overcome some of the obstacles. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-I : The Clerk reported that the District had received a letter from the County Health Officer, recommending that proceedings be undertaken as necessary as a health measure. The letter is as follows: "Honorable Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District County of El Dorado, State of California Bijou, California RE: Assessment District 1966-I Your Resolution No. 689, entitled 'A Resolution Requesting That the County Health Officer of El Dorado County and Ex-Officio Health Officer of the City of South Lake Tahoe Recommend Proceedings Under Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts, Or Other Appropriate Proceedings, for the Acquisition and Construction of a Sanitary Sewerage System and Appurtenances, as Necessary as a Health Measure' for Assessment District No. 1966-I , has been received by the undersigned Health Officer of El Dorado County and ex-officio Health Officer of the City of South Lake Tahoe. Pursuant to your request, a sewer survey has been initiated by the El Dorado County Health Department and an evaluation made on the basis of ( I ) overflowing sewerage disposal systems, (2) septic pumping reports, (3) high ground water areas, (4) existing lots that are too small for adequate sewerage disposal . The findings of this survey indicate that health hazards do presently exist in the above project area. Pursuant to Section 2808 of the Streets and Highways Code, in consideration of the serious health hazards presently existent within the boundaries of your proposed sanitary sewerage project No. 1966-I , the undersigned Health Officer of El Dorado County and Ex-Officio Health Officer of the City of South Lake Tahoe hereby urges the construction of sanitary sewers as an emergency health measure and re- commend as necessary as a health measure, that your district undertake proceedings pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts of this State, or, other appropriage proceedings, as you shall determine, for the construction of sanitary sewers and for assessing or taxing the properties to be benefited thereby. This recommendation extends to such changes and modifications therein as you shall find to be proper or advisable, in the manner provided by law. Dated: August 5, 1966. Respectfully yours, /s/ Harold N. Mozar 1-lealth Officer of El Dorado County and Ex-Officio Health Officer mf the City of South Lake Tahoe" R60LUTION NO. 707: A RESOLUTION DETERMINING TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO APPROIIATE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS OR OTHER APPROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS, FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND APPURTENANCES WITHOUT PROCEEDINGS UNDER DIVISION 4 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-I (Tahoe Meadows) . Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION *NOO.7Q7, be approved, as recommended by Attorney Haight and that the letter from the Health Officer of El Dorado County be typed in full in the minutes. ( fetter typed above. ) AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE: The agreement prepared by the Manager was approved by this 'oard at the last regular meeting and same was accepted by the City of South Lake Tahoe. NEW BUSINESS:- Claims: I . LOUIS NIELSEN- Claim for damages - $153.00. Denied by the Roard and referred to the District Insurance Carrier. 2. HANS V. TVETEN:Claim for damages - $1 , 138.34. Denied by the Board and referred to District insurance carried. 6 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BID OPENING FOR THE LUTHER PASS PIPELINE - - - E.D.A. PROJECTY-- 07-1-00062 Monday, August 8, 1966 The proceedings were opened by Harlan Moyer, District Engineer and General Manager at 3:00 P.M. sharp. Mr. Moyer announced the time at 3:00 P.M. and stated no further bids would be received. The Manager then announced that this was the time and place for opening bid for South Tahoe Public Utility District, Luther Pass Pipeline, EDA Project 07-1-00062, and stated that if no objections were noted only total princes would be read aloud and unit prices would be listed on the bid tabulation which would be sent to all parties concerned. The Manager then announced that any control award would be subject to inclusion of the minimum wage rates which were on file at the District Office as per telegraphic notice sent to all plan holders. There being no objections, the following bids were opened and read aloud: I . GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Schedule A $1 ,705,867.00 P.O.Box 900, Watsonville, Calif. Grand Total , Sch.A $1 ,804,842.00 NOTE: Schedule A - IA-31A + 33A- 39A Grand Total A - IA-20A + 32A +33A Schedule B No bid 2. TAB CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. P.O.BOX 2667, Reno, Nevada Schedule A $1 ,531 ,716.00 Grand Total , Sch A 1 ,592, 147.00 Schedule B: 455,000.00 Pressure Pipe Supplier: Smith-Scott Sch.B - (Pumps & Motors) Byron Jackson 3. ERNEST E. PESTANA, INC. 2225 Old Oakland Highway, San Jose, Calif. Schedule A: $1 ,362,400.00 Grand Total A(Sch. ) $1 ,360,450.00 Schedule B: No Bid Schedule A-Supplier: Smith-Scott 4. J .W. BRIGGS CONSTRUCTION, INC. P.O.Box 335, Lumas, Calif. Sch. A $2, 168, 196.77 Grand Total A: $2,242,788.91 Sch. B No Rid Supplier: Smith Scott 5. FRONTIER CONSTRUCTION, INC. 4474 South Main St; Murray, Utah Sch. A $2,063,335.95 Grand Total A: $2, 146,213.65 Sch. B No Bid Supplier: Smith-Scott 6. DELZER PIPELINE CONS. CO. , INC. P.O.Box 545, 8145 Fairoaks Blvd. Carmichael , Calif. Sch. A $1 ,396,592.30 Grand Total A: $1 ,489, 194.80 NOTE: Any added costs not the fault of the Contractor - will be the responsibility of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Schedule B: No Bid Pipe Supplier: Smith-Scott Co. 7. PASCAL AND LUDWIG 1500 W 9th St. , Upland, Calif. Sch. A $1 ,444,268.00 Grand Total A: $1 ,502,806.00 Sch. B $ 437,400.00 If Sch. A and Sch. B are awarded together, deduct $ 15,000.00 from Sch. B. Pipe Supplier: Smith Scott Co. Pumps & Motors: Bryon Jackson 8. HOOD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P.O.BOX 4368, Whittier, California Sch. A. $1 ,525,551 .50 Grand Total A. $1 ,554,706.50 Schedule B: No Bid Pipe Supplier: Smith-Scott Co. -2- 9. UNDERGROUND CONS. CO. , INC. Sch. A: $ 1 ,687,611 .00 2600 William St. ; San Leandro, Calif. Grand Total A: $1 ,738,577.00 Sch. B: $ 382,900.00 Pipe Supplier: Smith Scott Pump: Byron Jackson Motors: U.S. Motors 10. ROBERT L.HELMS CONS. CO. Sch. A: $1 ,874,899.00 3025 Mill St; Reno, Nevada Grand Total A: $1 ,924,514.00 Sch. B: No Bid Pipe Supplier: Smith-Scott Co. II . JOE D. MILLER Sch. A: $1 ,978,689.00 3333 Edison Hwy. ;Bakersfield, Calif. Grand Total A: $2,034, 135.50 Sch. B: No Bid Pipe Supplier: Smith-Scott Co. 12. S $ 0 CONSTRUCTION CO. Sch. A: No Bid 48 So. Linden Ave Sch B: $403,451 .00 So. San Francisco,Caif. Pump Supplier: Bingham or Byron-Jackson Motor: U.S. Motors or Westinghouse 13. CHARLES J . DORFMAN 124 No. LaBrae,Ave; L.A. , Calif. Sch. A: $1 ,540,878.00 Grand Total A: 51 ,596,938.00 Schedule B: No Bid Pipe Supplier: Smith-Scott 14. VALLEY ENGINEERS, INC. P.O.Box 992; Fresno, Calif. Sch. A: $1 ,432, 174.05 Grand Total A: $1 ,474,039.25 Sch. B: $ 430,000.00 $ VALLEY ENGINEERS, INC., WILL ACCEPT AWARD OF SCHEDULE B ONLY IF AWARDED SCHEDULE A. Pipe Supplier: Smith Scott Pump $ Motor Supplier: Byron-Jackson 15. C. Norman Peterson Sch. A: No Bid Box 98, Sta A; Berkeley, Calif. Sch. B: $432,000.00 NOTE: C. Norman Peterson's Bid states that: "We wish to advise that our bid or chedule B, Luther Pass Pipeline, Contract No. 2, will be reduced to $422,900.00 if awarded to us with Schedule S or Schedule T for the Treatment Plant Addition. Materials Supplier: Byron-Jackson and Westinghouse. After all bids were read, the Manager announced the Engineers Estimate and announced that all bids would be taken under advisement. The Manager then announced that any contract award would be subject to the approval of the Economic Development Administration. ATTENDANCE: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT: R. Fesler, President of the Board of Directors, Robert Wakeman - Director, D.H. Kortes - Director, 0. Melikean - Director, E. Hegarty - Director, E. Hegarty - Director, H.E. Moyer - Engineer and General Manager, D. Callahan, Clerk of Board and Assistant General Manager and Mary Parsley - Secretary. OTHERS: Approximately sixty )60) bidders and interested parties were in attendance. ********************* BID OPENING - - AUGUST 9, 1966, 3:00 P.M. TREATMENT PLANT ADDITION Project No. 07-1-00062 - - The proceedings were opened by Harlan Moyer, District Engineer and General Manager at 3:00 P M. Sharp. Mr. Moyer announced the time at 3:00 P.M. and stated no further bids would be received. The Manager then announced that this was the time and place for opening bids for South Tahoe Public Utility District, Treatment Plant Additions, Project 07-1-00062, stating that total prices would be read aloud for Schedules S, T and F, as well as the prices for Sections 18, SI9.2, 520. 1 , S2I , S24, S25, S26. I , S26.2 and S27; also, read the Alternate Proposal for Schedule S and Schedule T, as well as deductions. Monday - August 9, 1966 -2- Bid Opening CGS?t ‘ Bids as follows: I . ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN AND WEIRICK 875 Sansome Street San Francisco, Calif. SCHEDULE S: Basic Lump Sum: $1 ,302,403.00 MECHAN ICAL EQUIPMENT: SECT IONS: AMOUNTS: I . Aerators S18 36,600.00 2. Sludge Transfer Pumps I and 2 S19 4,640.00 3. Same - Nos. 3 8 4 SI9.2 10,680.00 4. Secondary Sludge Pump Number I and 2 S20. 1 8,850.00 5. Secondary Sludge Pump Number 3 1 S20.2 1 ,640.00 6. Instrumentation and Control Systems S21 29,500.00 7. Rapid Mixer S22 2,480.00 8. Lime Mud Thickener S24 11 ,310.00 9. Waste Activated Sludge Thickener S25 35, 172.00 10. Final Effluent Pumps S26. 1 27,300.00 II . Speed Controllers for Effluent Pump S26.2 25,235.00 12. Secondary Effluent Pump S27 5,480.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. I : 98,451 .00 The bidder agress to deduct from his basic lump sum bid for Sch. S: 7,600.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. 2: 17,200.00 The bidder agrees to deduct from his basic lump sum bid for Sch. S: 78,000.00 BASED PROPOSAL, SCHEDULE T: 700,200.00 Alternate i'roposal No. I - Deduct: 1 ,800.00 Alternate Proposal No. 2 - Deduct: 2,200.00 Schedule "F" = No Bid. 2. JOHN F. OTTO AND CHARLES F. UNGER (Joint Venture) SCHEDULE S BASIC LUMP SUM $ 1 ,523,226.00 MECHANICAL EOUIPMENT SECTIONS AMOUNTS I . Aerators S 18 79,652.00 2. Sludge Tsf. Pumps I & 2 S19. 1 7,795.00 3. Same - Nos 3 & 4 S19.2 16,056.00 4. Sec. Sludge Pump l & 2 520. 1 13,677.00 5. Same - No. 3 S20.2 3,005.00 6. Instrumentation and control systems S2I 43,261 .00 7. Rapid Mixer S22 3,972.00 8. Lime Mud Thickener S24 15, 164.00 9. Waste Activated Sludge Thickener S25 51 ,212.00 10. Final Effluent Pumps S2.6. 1 38,803.00 II . Speed Controllers for Effluent Pumps S26.2 37,354.00 1 , Sec. Effluent Pump S27 7,578.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. I : 123,074.00 Bidder Adds to the Basic Lump Sum: 5,694.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. 2: 57,242.00 Deduct from Lump Sum: 37,078.00 BASED PROPOSAL, SCHEDULE T: 778,860.00 Alternate Proposal No. I : Deduct 2,398.00 Alternate Proposal No. 2: Deduct 2,541 .00 SCHEDULE F: No Bid (y7 AUGUST 9, 1966 -3- BID OPENING 3. BUTLER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 711 El Paso Blvd; Salt Lake City, Utah Schedule S: Basic Lump Sum $1 ,244,990.00 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT: SECTIONS AMOUNTS I . Aerators S18 71 ,260.00 2. Sludge Tsf. Pumps I & 2 S19. 1 4,636.00 3. Same - Nos. 3 & 4 SI9.2 11 ,081 .00 4. Secondary Sludge Pumps I & 2:S20. 1 8,630.00 5. Secondary Sludge Pump #3 S20.2 / 1 ,562.00 6. Instrumentation & Cont. System: S21 37,700.00 7. Rapid Mixer S22 4,639.00 8. Lime Mud Thickener S24 13,640.00 9. Waste Activated Sludge Thickener S25 37,237.00 10. Final Effluent Pumps S26. I 26,918.00 II . Speed Controllers for Effluent Pumps S26.2 27, 102.00 12. Secondary Effluent Pumps S27 5,544.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. I : De 79,711 .00 Deduct 5,000.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. 2: 38,980.00 Deduct 30,665.00 BASED PROPOSAL -SCHEDULE T: 699,785.00 Proposal No. I - Deduct: 1 ,600.00 Proposal No. 2 - Deduct: 2,200.00 No Bid on Schedule "F". 4. C. NORMAN PETERSON COMPANY - CONTRACTORS P.O. Box 98, Station A Berkeley, California SCHEDULE S: BASIC LUMP SUM $1 ,433,400.00 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SECTIONS AMOUNTS I . Aerators S18 75,900.00 2. Sludge Tsf. Pumps I & 2 S19. 1 4,400.00 3. Same - Nos 3 and 4 SI9.2 10,600.00 4. Secondary Sludge Pump I & 2 S20. 1 7,984.00 5. Same - No. 3 520.2 1 ,400.00 6. Instrumentation & Control Systems S2I 26,800.00 7. Rapid Mixer S22 3,800.00 8. Lime Mud Thickener S24 10,300.00 9. Waste Activated Sludge Thickener S25 32,800.00 10. Final Effluent Pumps S26. 1 25,600.00 II . Speed Controllers for Effluent Pumps S26.2 2 , 100.00 12. Secondary Effluent Pmps S27 5,000.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. I : 80,400.00 Deduct 5,200.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. 2: 46, 100.00 Deduct 46,700.00 SCHEDULE T, BASED PROPOSAL: 745,600.00 SCHEDULE S & SCHEDULE T, COMBINED TOTAL BID WILL BE 2, 127,000.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. I Deduct 2,200.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. 2 Deduct 2,600.00 Schedule F: No Bid ..zd BID OPENING -4- August 9, 1966 5. NOMELLINI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P.O. BOX 1528 Stockton I , California SCHEDULE S: BASIC LUMP SUM $1 ,694,455.00 MECHANICAL EOUIPMENT SECTIONS AMOUNTS I . Aerators SI8 71 ,000.00 2. Sludge Trsnsfer Pumps I and 2 519. 1 4,600.00 3. Same - Nos. 3 and 4 S19.2 10,500.00 4. Secondary Sludge Pump Nos. I and 2 S20. 1 10,000.00 5. Secondary Sludge Pump No. 3 S20.2 5,000.00 6. Instrumentation and Control Systems S21 29,000.00 7. Rapid Mixer S22 4,000.00 8. Lime Mud Thickener S24 14,000.00 9. Waste Activated Sludge Thickener S25 38,000.00 10. Final Effluent Pumps S26. I 27,000.00 II . Speed Controllers for Effluent Pumps S26.2 26,000.00 12. Secondary Effluent Pumps S27 15,600.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. I : 120,000.00 Deduct: 100.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. 2: 40,000.00 Deduct 38,000.00 Schedule T: - Based Proposal 916,296.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. I : Deduct 2,640.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. 2: Deduct 2,800.00 Schedule F - No B i d 6. ARNTZ CONSTRUCTION 1745 Filbert Street San Francisco, California SO-IEDULE S BASIC LUMP SUM $1 ,313,500.00 NOTE: SCHEDULE T OPERATING SEPARATRELY WITHOUT SCHEDULE S - THIS COMPANY WILL ACCEPT SCHEDULE S WITHOUT AWARD OF SCHEDULE T. MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SECTIONS AMOUNTS I . Aerators SI8 64,393.00 2. Sludge Tsf. Pumps I and 2 SI9. 1 5,331 .00 3. Same - Nos. 3 and 4 S19.2 11 ,659.00 4. Secondary Sludge Pump I and 2 520. 1 9,977.00 5. Secondary Sludge Pump No. 3 S20.2 1 ,952.00 6. Instrumentation and control systems S21 29,895.00 7. Rapid Mixer S22 4,328.00 8. Lime Mud Thickener S24 12,932.00 9. Waste Activated Sludge Thickener S25 36,361 .00 10. Final Effluent Pumps S26. I 29,012.00 II . Speed Controllers for effluent pumps S26.2 26,537.00 12. SecondaryrEffluent Pumps S27 5,733.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. 1 (S18.2 101 ,000.00 Deduct 500.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. 2 (S18.3) 31 ,600.00 Deduct 46,000.00 BASED PROPOSAL, SCHEDULE T: 739,000.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. I Deduct 3,000.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. 2 Deduct 2,800.00 NO BID ON SCHEDULE F. BID OPENING - - 5- Aunust 9, 1966 7. S 8 0 CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 48 South Linden Avenue South San Francisco, California No Bid on Schedule S BASED PROPOSAL - Schedule T $866,666.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. 1 Deduct 3,000.00 ALTERNATE PROPOSAL NO. 2 Deduct 3,300.00 NO BID ON SCHEDULE F. 8. BARTLETT-SNOW-PACIFIC 3100 NINETEENTH STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, 94110 NO BID ON SCHEDULE S AND NO BID ON SCHEDULE T. SCHEDULE F: ALTERNATE A: $895,500.00 ALTERNATE B: $899,500.00 SIBCONTRACTORS FOR BARTLETT-SNOW-PACIFIC: G.P. Thorpe, Oakland, California A. P. Green, San Francisco, California A. E. Anderson, E►neryville, California Dee Engineering. ***************** 652- REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 18, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session August 18, 1966, 8:00 P.M. , City Hall , City of South Lake Tahoe, Bijou, California. RLL CALL: Present were Directors Hegarty, Wakeman, Kortes, Melikean; General Manager Harlan 1. Moyer, Clerk of Board 8 Assistant General Manager David W. Callahan, Attorney J . Weidman and Attorney Haight; Walt Little, John Murphy and Dave Trussell (all three newspaper reporters) ; Mr. Bob Apocotos and Mr. Don Zehner, Vern Escobar and John Ehlman - both from Irving and Duce, Auditors for the South Tahoe PLBlic Utility District. ABSENT: President Robert Fester. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN PROTEM: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unan mously carried, that Robert Wakeman be appointed Chairmen Pro Tem for this meeting. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the minutes of August 4, 1966, be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Moyer read his report, as follows: "%nager's Report August 18, 1966 PLANT OPERATION: August I , 1966 through August 15, 1966 Total Plant Flow 40.55 MGD Average daily flow 2.70 MGD Holding pond freeboard 8 ft - 2 inches Douglas County S.E.D.#I Total Flow 6.31 MGD Average daily flow 0.42 MGD METINGS: Friday, August 12, 1966, I met with Robert Rice and Bruce Meinders of the El borado National Forest. We discussed the alternate routes for the Luther Pass Pipeline on the basis of the bids received. After discussion of the costs and reviewing the locations, the Forest Service agreed that the lower route adjacent to Grass Lake was the most economical and feasible. The Forest Service approved the proposed contract award based on the lower route. Tuesday, August 16, 1966, Directors Fester and Kortes and myself met with Economic Development Administration Officials in the Seattle Regional Office (EDA Officials) . At the meeting all documents relative to the bid opening of August 8th and August 9th were submitted for review. Further discussion of this matter is scheduled under old business." Drector Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Chairman Pro Tem Wakeman welcomed all visitors to this meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . Easement: Mr. Hegarty stated that a formal meeting was not held; however, he did meet with Mr. Weidman and Miss Josephine Elmore regarding her easement. Mr. Hegarty stated that by next week, the District will know whether the easement settlements have been rejected or accepted. 2. Planning: The Planning Committee met with General Manager Moyer to review the bids of August 8th and 9th, 1966. 3: 3. Public Information: No meeting. (Economic Development Administration meeting to be discussed under OLD BUSINESS. 4. Personnel : Mr. Melikean stated that a Personnel Meeting was not held. 5. Banking/Insurance: Director Fesler was absent - no report. OLD BUSINESS: I . ORDINANCE NO. 129: AN ORDINANCE OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STATING THE PI. at ror 01-I(C'l TAXES ARE NECESSARY, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION, FIXING THE RATE OF TAXES, AND ADDING TO AND MAKING PART OF THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LEVIED UPON THE LAND UPON WHICH SEWER SERVICE AND STREET LIGHTING WAS USED AND THE CHARGES THEREFOR UNPAID AT THE TIME OF FIXING THE RATE OF TAXES - 1966-67 Fiscal Year. CO REGULAR MEETING -2- August 18, 1966 OLD BUSINESS (continued) This ordinance also sets the tax rate at $0.974 per $100.00 - same as last year. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 129 be adopted. 2. BID OPENING - TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS AND LUTHER PASS PIPELINE: General Manager Moyer stated that fhirfeen ( 13) 'bids were received for the Luther Pass Pipeline and Six (6) bids received for the Treatment Plant Addition. MR ERNEST PESTANA of SAN JOSE, WAS THE LOW BIDDER for the Luther Pass Pipeline $1 ,366,350.00. (This was below Engineer's Estimate) . '- SO-IEDULE B: Low bidder was UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY=$382,900.00. LON BIDDER FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION: Rothschild, Raffin and Weirick - $ 1 ,403,890.00. SECOND LOW BIDDER FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION: BUTLER CONS. CO-' $1 ,431 ,994.00. ' One bid was received for SCHEDULE "F": BARTLETT-SNOW-PACIFIC = $895,000.00 Mr. Moyer stated that available district funds were discussed at the PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING and it was apparent that there were insufficient funds to award SCHEDULE "F", at this time. Deleting SCHEDULE "F", the complete project will cost EDA (Economic Development Administration) $4,403,000.00, and the District must provide $1 , 050,000.00 of which the District can do by making use of the revenues from Bond Issues of 1965 and hopefully the money that has been advanced from the Clarifier Mechanism. Construction financing was discussed and Mr. Moyer stated that financing will be provided from District cash on hand, 25 percent - grant payment on approval of contract award, 50 percent grant payment at 50 percent project completion and 15 percent grant payment upon construction completion. The remaining 10% grant funds will not be received until final audit on the project is made. The project costs (estimated) are as follows: Lands and Right-of-Way 40,000.00 Construction Contracts 3,853,340.00 Engineering Fees 243,500.00 Resident Inspector 67,000.00 Legal and Administrative 35,000.00 Capitalized interest Project contingency 164, 160.00 Mr. Moyer mentioned that forms numbers 503 are yet to be completed by and received from Mr. William V.D.Johnson and Heavenly Valley. Directors and Attorney will meet with Mr. Johnson Saturday. The officials from the EDA also mentioned that if an agreement by the District and U. S. Forestry Service is made stating that the U.S.F.S. could get sewage facilities to the U. S. Forestry lands, the U. S. Forest Service will provide for construction of all necessary sewers, pump stations, etc. , required to serve National Forest Developments and to transport the sewage to the District system, and if Forest lands are annexed to the District - the normal annexations fee will be waived; the District would charge the U. S. Forestry Service for maintenance and operation and sewer service charges comparable to the residents within the District - and the completion of the forms 503 by Johnson Family and Heavenly Valley are obtained, the award of contract can be made by the 26th of August 1966. Director Kortes also mentioned that a meeting will be held with the EDA officials, Contractors and the District - this will be a Pre Construction meeting. Mr. Moyer also mentioned that there will be one ( I ) inspector for the Treatment Plant and Four (4) inspectors for the Pipeline. Mr. Moyer answered Mr. Apocotus's questions with - the deletion of Schedule F, Alternate "D" will be the aeration pumps (cuts out one-half of the cost) . Also, the engineering fees are based on the approved construction cost. Since Schedule "D" was deleted, we are not paid an engineering fee on that portion. A01 44 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 25, 1966 President Fesler called the Special Meeting to order at 11 :40 A.M. , August 25, 1966, District Office, South Tahoe Public Utility District. RQL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Melikean and Hegarty. A s-�o present were General Manager Moyer, Assistant General Manager and Clerk of Board and ex-officio Secretary Callahan. PURPOSE OF SPECIAL MEETING: This meeting was called to discuss and take action on a letter written to the U.S. Forestry Service stating terms of agreement for sewer service to the El Dorado National Forest, and Resolution No. 708. RESOLUTION NO. 708: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO ISSUE A LETTER TO FOREST SUPERVISOR, EL DORADO COUNTY, EL DORADO NATIONAL FOREST, STATING THAT THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT HAS AGREED TO PROVIDE SEWAGE SERVICE TO EL DORADO NATIONAL FOREST SERVICE AREAS WITHIN THE SOUTH TAHOE SERVICE AREA SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS. Mr. Harlan Moyer, General Manager, presented the letter to the Directors stating the terms of agreement and the Resolution (Number 708) covering same. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the letter stating terms of agreement and the Resolution, No. 708, be approved. ADJOURNMENT: 11 :55 A.M. RobertFester President esident of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: (20!a2-t.-, David . al anan, Zlerk of Board and Ex- Officio Secretary - - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ************************** 615 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September I , 1966 The Board of Directors met at the City Hall , South Lake Tahoe, Bijou, California, on September 1st, 1966. President Fesler opened the meeting at 7:55 P.M. RQL CALL: Present were Directors Melikean, Fesler, Hegarty, General Manager Moyer, DW Callahan, Bob Hill , John C. Weidman. (Director Wakeman and Director Kortes arrived at 8:08 P.M. ) HEARINGS - - - Atto rney Bob Hill presented the following RESOLUTIONS for adoption: RESQUTION NO. 712: A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AMENDED ASSESSMENT - San. Sew. Proj. 1952-I Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESolution No. 712 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 713: A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AMENDED ASSFSSMENT-SAN. SEW.PROJ . 1959-I . Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RFS. No. 713 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 714: A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AMENDED ASSESSMENT-SAN.SEW.PROJ . 1960-1 . Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, +hat RES. No. 714 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 715: A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AMENDED ASSESSMENT-SAN.SEW'.PROJ . 1960-7. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RES. No. 715 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 716:- A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AMENDED ASSESSMENT-SAN.SEW.PROJ. 1960-3. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RES. 716 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 717: A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AMENDED ASSESSMENT-SAN.SEW.PROJ . 1960-4. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty,unanimously carried, that RES. 717 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 718: A RESOLUTION NO. 718 CONFIRMING AMENDED ASSESSMENT. SAN.SEW.PROU. NO. 1961-I . Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RES. Ho. 718 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 719: A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AMENDED ASSESSMENT. San.Sew.Proj. 1962-I . Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RES. No. 719 be adopted. RECESS: 8:05 P.M. Director Wakeman and Director Kortes arrived at 8:08 P.M. - - President Fesler called the meeting back to order at this time. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the minutes of August 18, 1966, August 25, 1966, August 26, 1966 and August 29, 1966, be approved as presented. MANAGER' S REPORT: General Manager Moyer read his report, as follows: "Manager's Report September I , 1966 PLANT OPERATION: August 1 -31 , 1966 Regular meeting -2- 9/i/6F. (continued) 36 Manager's Report (continued) Total Plant Flow 80.33 "GD Average Daily Flow 2.59 mGD Chlorine Consumed 15,800 lbs. Propane Consumed 3,990 Gallons Electricity Consumed 289,920 K.W.H. Douglas County Sewer Improvement Dist. No. I Total Flow 15.5 MGD ( Includes 2.5 MG estimated for Sahara-Tahoe meter, out of order for part of July 1966) Average daily flow (D.C.S. I .D.#1 ) 0.5 MCD -ioldi Holding Pond Freeboard 7 ft - 7 inches Treatment Plant Average Daily Flow, August 1965 2.64 MGD D.C.S. I .D.#I Average Daily Flow, August 1965 0.64 MGD ENGINEERING: MEYERS SEWER SYSTEM: Pinal Plans for this project are proceeding in accordance with the time schedule adopted. Several inquiries regarding the date service will he available in the MEYERS AREA have been received from land owners within the annexed area and also areas outside that have indicated a desire to annex. WOODSFORDS PIPELINE: Final plans on the project are approximately 50 percent complete. The route has been submitted to the Division of Highways for formal approval . This project will he ready to advertise for construction bids during October 1966. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-I : Plans for this project are 50 percent complete. The project can be advertised for construction this fall and can be completed prior to the summer of 1967. MEETINGS: At the request of the State Office of Planning, I attended a meeting of the Alpine County Planning Commission. Thursday, August 25, 1966, the Proposed Indian Creek Reservoir and Recreation Development was briefly discussed. Regarding the Alpine County Planning Commission meeting held Thursday, August 25, 1966, Mr. moyer stated that a discussion was held re the overall planning program of Alpine County and that he was asked to explain the District plans as they now stand re recreation facilities and/or developments that might be placed around the reservoir in Indian Creek. WOODSFORDS PIPELINE: Mr. H. Moyer mentioned that this pipeline would be financed under both State Loan and 30% under P. L. 660 Funds. Director Wakeman noted that the flows, compared to last year, are not as great. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. RECX)GNITION OF VISITORS: The following visitors arrived and were recognized by the Board of Directors: lir. on 'gravis - Churchill Board of Commissioners, Ernest Elpers - Lyon County, Tony Ferris - Churchill County Board of Dommissioners, Freeman Morgan, John Stone - Assistant District Attorney for Lyon County, the Chairman of the Board of Lyon County, Jim Wood - Churchill County and Mr. and Mrs. J. Rickey - Lyon. Mr. Don Travis mentioned that their visit here this evening was to receive some information regarding the export of effluent and the plans of the District. President Fesler introducted Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, District Engineer and General Manager, to the group and asked that he explain the plans of the District. Mr. Moyer stated that present plans are that the effluent export System for this District which includes the California side of the South Shore of Lake Tahoe, extending to approximately Emeral Pass, Meyers to Luther Pass. This will be at Alpine County, California. The proposed dam site will impound a reservoir of approximately 3,500 acre feet; this water will be used by Alpine County Soil Conservation District and Water Agencies for irrigation purposes on the lands which are below the reservoir which consist of Diamond Valley and Dutch Valley, which Indian Creek flows into. The effluent (Mr. Moyer stated he did not like to refer to it as 'effluent' ) is to be a very highly treated effluent. At this time, Mr. Moyer extended an invitation to those present to tour the plant facilities to see the quality of water produced. The District has a third stage or a tertiary stage treatment, which is done no where in the country. The water is the equivalent to drinking water and it far exceeds the requirements that are published for irrigation water - it is completely disinfected; it is not a water producing 6 39 REGULAR MEETING -5- 9/1/6F contamination or pollution. Mr. Moyer further stated that he felt this District is being very kind in giving this water to Alpine County for their use. The District is working very close with the State on this; the State will make available funds for recreational use. The Public Health Department has stated that the water will be approved for the water sports. This will he a benefit to the Alpine County Area and will provide a source of irrigation water which is very sorely needed as well as recreation water. Amounts of water to be available(predicted) : 1967 2400 acre feet 1968-69 2500 acre feet 1970 3600 acre feet 1975 4800 acre feet 1980 6000 acre feet 1990 8400 acre feet 2000 11 ,000 acre feet This is within the South Shore area of California not Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I , Nevada. Mr. Moyer stated that the Federal Government has stated it is mandatory to export. The District is comploying with all directives from the State of Califonria and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Mr. Moyer also answered questions as to why the District will not export or discharge into the South Fork of the American River. Also, Mr. Moyer stated that watersheds in Nevada and California have been studied that are within the economical reach of this District and there was no land, outside of Alpine County, for any indirect discharge for the quantity of water to be discharged. CarsonValley via Dagget Pass was rejected - - American River considered and rejected; Alpine County was the final decision. Mr. Moyer was asked about eutrophication of the Lake. He stated that eventually the Lake would eutrophy - the Lake cannot he preserved forever and ever. Mr. Travis thanked Mr. Moyer for his explanations of the present and future plans of the District. President Fesler stated to the visitors that this District is far from satisfied; he further stated that export was forced upon us and that we will be foreed to pick up a good share of the cost. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . Easement: Mr. Art Reber-cave a report on theeasements for the export line. Mr. Hegatty stated that the Easement Committee unanimously recommends that the Board adopt RESOLUTION NO, 710, which is a RESOLUTION OF CONDEMNATION. He further stated that we cannot lose time on obtaining easements for the export system. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 710 be adopted. 2. Planning. Director Wakeman stated that the Planning Committee met 8/31/66, to discuss an easement which the District obyained sometime ago and now learned there was a roadway included (Miller Drive) which presents problems. On this property is a duplex and the only access to this property is through, and on, this roadway. The party that deeded the easement and roadway to the District is now trying to ohtain maintenance on the road to enable the rtenants access to and from the duplex. President Fester asked the Planning Committee to study this and to brine a recommenda- tion to the Board. 3. Public Information: No report. 4. Personnel : Mr. Melikean passed copies of a letter from General Manager Harlan E. Moyer to all Directors regarding Personnel Classifications, etc. Mr. Melikean, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, recommended and moved (as agreed to by the Personnel Committee) that RESOLUTION NO. 711 , Increasing Employees Pay Rates, be approved. Director Kortes seconded and carried unanimously that RESOLUTION NO. 711 he adopted, as recommended by the Chairman of the Personnel Committee. 5. Banking/ Insurance: Mr. Fesler stated a meeting was held on 8/29/66 with Mr. Callahan MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF 9/1/66 -2- Planning Banking/ Inslrance Committee report ) (continued) : Mr. Wink Ames, Director Kortes, Director Fester, to discuss a utter received from Fred S. James and Company in which they requested the possibility of reviewing the District's Insurance Coverage. Mr, Fester stated that the Committee felt very satisfied with our present carrier and asked Mr. Callahan to please write to the Fred S. James Company thanking them for their interest and stating the Committee's decision. Mr. Fesler also mentioned that the Guardian Life Insurance Company now carrier the District Employee Group Insurance Coverage, effective as of 7/26/66. OLD BUSINESS I . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION. Have not received approa All conditions of the grant have been satisfied and EDA is satifsieldfwr ithoAlternate aDd. of the plans. EDA (Seattle Office) has not heard from Washington Headquarters regarding FORMS 503 from Heavenly Valley and from Johnson Properties. Mr. Moyer stated that E DA has not been satisfied that we did confirm to the criteria for advertising of the bids. These were advertised through the DODGE REPORTS and we are now working with the LOS ANGELES Office to obtain these advertisements (copies) for FDA, Seattle Office. Mr. Wakeman mentioned he had copies of the DODGE REPORTS and Mr. Moyer stated that he will visit his office to obtain these. Mr. Fesler stated that any and all of the Directors stand ready to assist in any way to get approval of EDA for this project. ELDORADO COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE - SEWER CONNECTION: Director Fester mentioned that the E Dorado County S erif s •f ice has expressed a desire to connect their facility to the South Tahoe Public Utility District Sewer System. He also mentioned that the District Ordinance does state that all property contiguous must he connected - - not only portions of the property. NEW BUSINESS: I . Mr. Moyer stated that a letter has been received from HOFMANUJ LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, INC. , (representative was present forthis meeting) stating they propose to install STET LIGHTING in the PIONEER VILLAGE NO. I SUBDIVISION and requested that the District form a lighting district within the subdivision for the purpose of col reimbursing Sierra Pacific Power Company for their maintenance chargeslectinq funds and Upon General Manager Moyer's recommendation, Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that this request from HOFMANN LAND IMPROVEMENT be oranted. 2. Mr. Moyer read a letter from COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, Mr. Gal District explore the possibility of the COUN RY CLUBESTATESed usingithereouestEFFLUENTgforethe GOLF COURSE. Mr. Moyer will work on this. 3. Mr. Moyer also read a letter from EUGENE NELSON regarding LOT 2, BLOCK 6, TAMARACK SUBDIVISION, stating that at one time the house had been disconnected at is orisc nal connection point and reconnected at a different point on the main sewer trunk. A portion of the original sewer outfall ( laundry basin) had not been reconnected and as a result the water was discharging into the ground and not the sewer line. Mr. Nelson requested the District to disburse funds for corrective work to the sewer connection. Mr. Moyer stated that he did not feel this was the District's responsibility and upon Mr. Moyer's recommendation, Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that this request by Mr. Eugene Nelson be denied. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $33,634.39 be approved for payment. NOTE: Mr. John C. Weidman requested that a check in the amount of $500.00 be made and approved for Payment to Mr. Elwood C. Johnson. Mr Johnson stated to Mr. Reber and to Mr. Weidman that he will sign the easement forms when he receives the money for same. (This amount is included in the amount of claims approved for payment) . BRIEFCASES FOR DIRECTORS: Director Hegarty stated, and all Directors agreed, that Mr. Callahan is to be thanked for complying with their wishes to obtain brief cases. ,' REGULAR MEETING 9/1/66 -3- Director Metikean stated, and the Directors agreed, that General Manager Mover handled the visitors from Churchill and Lyon County very well and thanked him for thoroughly explaining the District's present and future plans for this area. ADJOURNMENT: 10:20 P.M. to Friday, September 2, 1966, 3:00 P.m., District office. (* c` / ROBERT W. FESL"E6, PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATT ST: 6> O-eeitj _____ David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board & Ex- Officio Secretary - South Tahoe Public Utility Districty ********************************************* SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 6, 1966 Special meeting of the Board of Directors held September 6, 1966, 3:30 P.M., District Office. Director Fester called the meeting to order at 3:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Hegarty, Kortes and Melikean; also present were General Manager Moyer, Clerk of Board Callahan, J. Olson - Tahoe Tribune. ABSENT: Director Wakeman and John C. Weidman, both in Seattle, Washington. TELEGRAM received this date from Economic Development Administration, Seattle, Washington, was discussed. Authorization given to award bids requesting confirmation of conditions by return telegram. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Directory Hegarty, unanimously carried, that a telegram,as written by General Manager Harlan E. Moyer, he sent to FDA office. A Special Meeting to he held at 1 :00 P.M., September 7, 1966, to adopt an Ordinance authorizing Award of Contracts. It was stated that this is the largest amount contracts let by the District. Also, largest grant award in California by the Economic Development Administration. ADJOURNED AT 4: 15 P.M. kOBEPT W. FELER, President of the Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PURLIC UTILITY ATT DISTRICT 1-K 07C6 ! David W. t`aI Iahan, Clerk of Board & Ex- Officio Secretary - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ************ & 78 REGULAR MEETING _3_ August 18, 1966 NEW BUSINESS (continued) RESOLUTION NO. 708:- RESOLUTION INCREASING EMPLOYEES PAY RATES BY 5 percent FOR FISCAL Yr'AR 1966-67. Director Melikean (Personnel Committee Chairman) stated that he was certainly in agreement with this pay increase but requested that this resolution be set aside until the next regular meeting as a meeting is to be held with the Manager, Assistant General Manager and Personnel Committee to reclassify employees, etc. Mr. Moyer mentioned that this will be retroactive to July I , 1966 - all directors agreed. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 708 be referred to the Personnel Committee. REQUEST FROM RUDOLPH S. GERSICK - PENALTY CHARGES ON SEWER SERVICE BILLING: A letter was read from Mr. Rudolph S. Gersick requesting the District demove the penalty charges for sewer service billing. He stated in the letter that his wife has been ill and she takes care of the bills, etc. Director Melikean stated that the District certainly sympathizes with the hardship entailed in this case, however, the District cannot waive these penalties that are due. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the request to waive penalty on Mr. Gersick's sewer service charge bill be denied. CORRESPONDENCE: - A letter from Rust and Hoffman, Attorneys (for Nick Pandelis), was 7e777 the Board stating that the trial date set for the claim of Nick Pandelis vs the South Tahoe Public Utility District is set for January 16, 1967. This was re- ferred to the Insurance Committee - Mr. Robert Fester, Chairman of the Insurance Committee. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS : - Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $28,503.08, and the transfer of funds in the amount of $50,000.00, be approved for payment and transfer. ADJOURNMENT: 9:35 P.M. •ber a eman, airman ro em Board of Directors - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: !0 it,I _ Davi . W. allahan, C er o :.ard x-• icio Secretary - Board of Directors - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ********************** REGULAR MEETING -2- October 20, 1966 Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the MANAGER'S REPORT, as presented, be accepted. COMMITTEE REPORT: I . Easement Committee; Director Hegarty stated that he toured the construction site with Attorney Weidman and Director Kortes and that he and the others are satisfied with the progress being made. 2. Personnel Committee: No report. 3. Public Information: Director Kortes stated that a meeting was held (LEAGUE TO SAVE LAKE TAHOE) at Carson City, Nevada, and a great deal of time was spent on the Agenda as to what the future and present plans of the South Tahoe Public Utility District are. 4. Banking/Insurance: Director Fesler stated that a meeting was htld with the Insurance 'harrier for the District and mentioned that he spent a morning with Reed-Meneley to obtain the bond for signing for EDA funds. (Mr. Kortes also met with Reed-Meneley to complete forms and answer questions for the bond to sign for EDA funds) 5. Planning: Director Wakeman stated that a hearing was held at Placerville to try to obtain a variance for the pump station at Grass Lake Subdivision. Mr. Wakeman stated that our Attorney pleaded our case to the utmost. Director Fester stated that he did not feel the Planning Commitsion gave fair consideration to the District's problem and their first intent was to absolutely deny the District's request. OLD BUSINESS: I . ORDINANCE NO. 134: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 114 - To provide for an increase in service charges for street lighting installed after July 1 , 1966. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Ordinance No. 134 be adopted. 2. HAROOTUNIAN LAND LEASE: General Manager Moyer recommended that an amend- ment to the existing rease be granted, quitclaim deed and right-of-way contract. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that a RESOLUTION be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 728 - Granting the Lease Amendment, Quitclaim Deed and Right-of-Way Contract re HAROOTUNIAN LANb LEASE. 3. HARPER AND BAXTER Cts SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT: Attorney Weidman stated that he would advise the District to not-appeal this case further and that the District should settle in the amount of $54,000.00 with Harper and Baxter. Attorney Weidman briefly stated the points of the case which Harper and Baxter won and the other points the District benefited from. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the case of HARPER AND BAXTER vs THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT be settled in the amount of• $54,000.00. NEW BUSINESS: I . FIRE PROTECTION FOR THE WATER RECLAMATION PLANT: - General Manager Moyer sated that the District is covered by the Lake Valley Fire Department throught November I , 1966, and requested that this Board request the City of South Lake Tahoe provide fire protection for the Water Reclamation Plant. Director Kortes moved, secondedb by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the Manager's request be accepted. Mr. Moyer will handle this. 2. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2: Land Adjacent to Proposed Meyers Sewer Zone. Mr. Moyer stated that several requests have been received from the Sierra Meadows and Montgomery Estate residents desiring annexation to the District. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Mel ikean,unanimously carried, that the Attorney and Manager proceed with RESOLUTIONS OF APPLICATION and report to the Board for action. General Manager Moyer discussed the cost of annexing these properties with the Board. CORRESPONDENCE: The following letters were read by Clerk of Board Callahan: I . From Mrs. Marjorie Springmeyer regarding an easement. Mr. Weidman stated that he will take care of this and report to this Board. 2. From: Department of Water Resources regarding the DAVIS-GRUNSKY funds.( letter dated 10/18/66) 3. From: Department of Water Resources to Mr. R. R. Fesler, re and in answer to Mr. Fesler's letter of 9/26/66. (Dept. of Water Resources letter dated 10/18/66) . PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried that the claims in the amount of $21 ,494.31 and the sum of $54,000.00 for Harper 8 Baxter be approved for payment, as recommended by Clerk of Board Callahan. 0 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TIE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 7, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special Session, September 7, 1966, 1 :35 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Kortes, Wakeman, Hegarty and Melikean; General Manager Moyer, Clerk of Board Callahan, Mary Kortes - San Francisco Chronicle, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, Art Suverkrup - Nevada State Journal , Nelsen H. Chick - Underground Construction Company, E. R. Clark - Smith-Scott, Inc., James F. Olson - Tahoe Daily Tribune, J . Hamerues - Ernest E. Pestana, Inc., Joe D. Miller - Ernest F. Pestana, Inc. , Ernest E. Pestana from Ernest E. Pestana, Inc. , Jack Furey - Ernest F. Pestana, Inc. , Nephi Clayton - Economical Development Administration - U.S. Department of Commerce, Henry C. Gravelle Jr., - Gravel le & Gravel le, John C. Weidman - Attorney for the South Tahoe Public Utility District, Bennett L. Raffln - Rothschild, Paffin and Weirick, Inc., Fred R. McLaren - Lahontan Regional Water Ouality Control Board. Harlan Moyer recommended that ORDINANCE NO. 132 be adopted authorizing awarding of contract for effluent disposal system, Luther pass Pipeline, Schedule A. Director Kortes moved, seconded by birector Wakeman, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 132 he adopted. Mr. Pestana (Ernest E. Pestana) then signed the contract for construction of Pipeline, Schedule A. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer recommended that ORDINANCE NO. 131 be adopted, authorizinn award inn of contract for treatment plant additions, Schedule "S"and "T". Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 131 be adopted. Mr. Raffin then signed the contract for construction of TREATMENT PLANT ADDITION, SCHEDULE S AND T. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer recommended that ORDINANCE NO. 133 be adopted, AUTHORIZING AWARDING OF CONTRACT FOR EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SYSTEM, LUTHER PASS PIPELINE, SCHEDULE B, PUMP STATION. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE NO. 133 be adopted. The contract was then signed for construction of SCHEDULE B, PUMP STATION. m-Ar e ROBERT W. FE LEP, Pres Bert of the Board of Director of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: eAe.,/ David W. al lahan, Clerk of Board U Ex-Off icTo Secretary - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ****** REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUT H TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 15, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session, September 15, 1966, Thursday Evening, City Hall , City of South Lake Tahoe, Bijou, California. Regular Meeting -2- September 15, 1066 ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Melikean, Hegarty, Attorney J . Weidman, John Murphy, A.L. Shoupe, Dave Trussel . ABSENT: general Manager Harlan E. Moyer; Clerk of E3oadd Callahan and Director D.N. Korteswere also present. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 9/1/66 be approved as written. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 9/6/66 and 9/7/66 be approved as written. MANACER'S REPORT: No report. However, Assistant General Mananer Callahan mentioned that there is a Lake Tahoe Area Council Meetinn and dinner at 6:30 P.M. , Harvey's Comstock Room and all Directors were invited to attend. Director Wakeman stated that he will qo, Mr. Melikean also will attend, Director Fesler and Director Hegarty cannot attend the 6:30 P.M. meeting. Director Hegarty mentioned that he might be able to attend the afternoon meeting. Director Kortes will go, Mr. Callahan stated. (Mr. Kortes arrived late for the meeting but Mr. Callahan had spoken to him earlier about this dinner and meeting. ) RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler recognized the visitors - Mr. A. L. Shoupe and the press representatives. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . EASEMENT: Director Hegarty stated that Eminent Domain rinhts will he filed ''riday, September 16, 1966. Mr. Weidman stated that oral approval has been given to be wherever the District now is on certain lands. Mr. Reber will contact Barton and Clohin re the easements. Mr. A.L. Shoupe (Engineer for Clair A. Hill & Associates)stated that there have been no problems renarding easements - - the Contractors has put in approximately one-mile of pipe to date. ROTHSCHILD (Contractor)has started clearinn. UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION does not anticipate gettinn any work outside of the clearing finished before fall . Director Melikean stated that he has spoken to many people and they have expressed their happingess of the local people being hired to work on the District proiects. Mr. Hegarty stated that he too has spoken to different ones and they have expressed their pleasure at having local people working on the projects. PUNNING COMMITTEE: No report. Mr. Melikean asked Mr. Wakeman if any letter was received from the County regarding the connection of the jail facilities, etc. , to the sewer system. Mr. Wakeman stated he had not; however, Mr. Callahan stated that Mr. Thomson had called the office and was told what would be required to connect the facilities to the sewer system. Director Fesler stated that the District will do all they can to encourage the County facilities to connect to the sewer system. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Mr. Kortes stated that a meeting was not held. Mr. Melikean stated that in the absence of Director Kortes he took Mr. Joe Bell (Newspaper correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor, National Business Magazine Business Week, etc. ) to the plant and Mr. L.H. Baker nave him a tour of the facilities. Mr. Edwards, Tahoe Keys, offered his boat so that Mr. Joe Bell could take a tour of the Lake. Mr. Bell was very impressed with the plant facilities, the cleanliness and the attractive machinery as he was with the clarity of the Lake. Mr. Bell stated that he had enounh information as to the Lake and the facilities of the plant to help with any and all publicity for the City of South Lake Tahoe and the South Tahoe Public Utility District. PERSONNEL: No report. BANKING/ INSURANCE: Director Fester stated that this committee met on 9/13/66 - - present were Director Fesler, Director Kortes, Mananer Moyer and Assistant General Manager Callahan to discuss: REGULAR MEETING -3- September 15, 1966 Banking/ Insurance Committee Report (continued) I . Opening of an account at the Tahoe National Rank (Mr. Del Ross and Mr. P. O'Giblyn were also present) This is a requirement of FDA - Funds be kept in a separate bank account; the committee recommended that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 721 : ESTABLISHING A DEPOSIT ACCOUNT WITH TAHOE NATIONAL BANK FOR GRANT FUNDS FROM THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION (FDA) . Dimector Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 721 be adopted. 2. Also discussed at the meeting - the $1 ,800,000 loan. 3. The P.L.-660 Funds that is due the District; this will be discussed with the P.L. 660 Officials at San Francisco. 4. The interest received from the monies deposited at Tahoe National Rank have amounted to $21 ,000.00 ( information only). 5. To pursue the Davis-Grunsky funds. Mr. Moyer will work on this. 6. Meyers Sewer System - Bond Issue. OLD BUSINESS: I . SPECIAL USE PERMIT: (Export Line Easements) Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the President of the Board be authorized to sign the Special Use Permit as requested by the U. S. Forestry Service for easements along the route of the export line. 2. STATE_LOAN: Attorney Weidman will discuss this loan Monday with the General Service Offices at Sacramento and report to the Planning Committee (Director Wakeman and Fesler). 3. MEYERS SEWER SYSTEM: The Directors agreed that the General Manager pursue this and that if he so desires the Directors will assist him in any way possible. 4. INSPECTION OF EXPORT LINE AND TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Clair A. Hill and Associates provide inspection of the export line and treatment plant expansion. Mr. Shoupe mentioned that there will be approximately four (4) inspectors involved in the projects. PRE TRIAL CONFERENCE - LAHONTAN REGIONAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA vs THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Attorney Weidman stated the pre-trial has now been set for January, 1967. At that time, this will either be dismissed or continued. CORFESPONDENCE: Clerk of Board Callahan read the following correspondence: I . From BARTLETT-SNOW-PACIFIC stating that they extend the time for acceptance of their bid for SCHEDULE "F", Treatment Plant Addition, to November 15, 1966. 2. From BOBBY PAGE requesting the hoard reduce sewer service charge fees. President Fesler requested that Mr. Callahan answer this letter stating that fees wilt be increasing due to the projects that are now underway. MISCELLANEOUS: Attorney Weidman suggested that a word of thanks should be sent to Congressman Johnson, Carley V. Porter and the Senators that assisted in receiving the funds for the District Projects. President Fesler asked Mr. Weidman to please do this for the Board. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director MeliIkean, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $ 149,524.37 he approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9: 10 P.M. // ROBERT W. FFSLER, PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD t.(9.4..-,dkaP0)1144 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT David W. Callahan, Cle k of Bd. 8 Ex.-Off. Sec. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTR'rT r.' 6113 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 6, 1966 The Board of Directors met October 6, 1966, 8:00 P.M. , City Hall , Bijou, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Kortes, Melikean and Wakeman; Director Hegarty arriving at 8:20 P.M. and Director Fesler and General Manager Moyer arriving at 9:00 PM. Also present were Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J . Weidman, Attorney K. Jones and Bill Hill from Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch - Bonding Attorneys, Mr. A.L. Shoupe and Mr. J . Jensen - Clair A. Hill & Associates, Mr. Dave Trussel from the Tahoe Tribune. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN PRO TEM: Director Wakeman,moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that Director Kortes he appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this meeting. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 9/15/66 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPORT: No report. Mr. Callahan mentioned to the Directors that the total daily flows for the month of September = 2.2 MCD for the plant and .5 MCD per day for Nevada. (MGD= Mil long Gallons Per Day) . RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Pro Tem Kortes welcomed the press and visitors from Clair A. Hill & Associates - Mr. A.L. Shoupe and Mr. J . Jensen. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . Easement - No report. 2. Planning - Director Wakeman stated that the Planning Committee had three (3) meetings; also, a trip to Sacramento was taken by the Planning Committee members, Attorney and General Manager to meet with representatives of the Department of Water Resources and the representatives to discuss the Davis- Crunsky Act. Discussions were held regarding funding the Alpine County Project. Also, this District must have a contract with Alpine County. Director Melikean asked if all possible means have been exhausted to have the reservoir brought to El Dorado County. He was told that this was studied and tried. It was also mentioned that several areas were tried for export and it was Alpine County that met with the least resistance, maybe not the most enthusiasm, but certainly the least resistance. Mr. Weidman mentioned that the contract with Alpine County will not be too difficult to net under way and not very time consuming. He stated that he would like to meet with the Planning Committee members to discuss the rough draft of the contract with Alpine County. 3. Public Information: Director Kortes had no report and asked Mr. A. L. Shoupe to report on the progress of the Contractors: Mr. A.L. Shoupe mentioned that the Contractors are going along satisfactorily and he mentioned that the contractor is now in a more difficult region from the Pump Station up to the Summit and working now in the region of Grass Lake. In approximately ten ( 10) days, this portion should he completed. The contractor has approximately four (4) miles completed. 4. Personnel : No Report 5. Banking/Insurance: No report. OLD BUSINESS: Attorney Ken Jones presented the following RESOLUTIONS for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 722: A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO TO THE EXERCISE OF EXTRA-TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION TO UNDERTAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ACOUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND TO FORM A ZONE WITHIN THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO FINANCE SAME - MEYERS AREA SEWER PROJECT - Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 722 be approved. REGULAR MEETING -2- October 6, 1966 4,SLt OLD BUSINESS (continued) RESOLUTION NO. 723: A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCTIIMPROVEMENTS AND Yo ORM g' far 'W1 HIN THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO FINANCE SAME. MEYERS AREA SEWER PROJECT Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 723 be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 724: A RESOLUTION OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF ENGINEERS REPORT. MEYERS AREA SEWER PROJECT Mr. J . Jensen, Clair A. Hill and Associates, briefly explained the acquisitions and improvements in the areas of: Upper Truckee River Force Main and Trunk Sewer ('' tem; Angora Creek Trunk Sewer System; Meyers Trunk Sewer System, Trout Creek Trunk Sewer System; Branch Systems and Auxiliary, costs, etc. (Tbtal Project Cost=$2,925,000) . Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 724 be approved as presented. RESOLUTION NO. 725: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING PROTESTS IN REL/i t I ON In P O' OSEb ACQUISITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS, AND DIRECTING NOTICE. MEYERS AREA SEWER PROJECT Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 725 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 726: REQUESTING CERTIFICATION OF BONDS BY DISTRICT SECURITIES COMMISSION (FILIOS AMn BMISSIONS TO BE MADE THEREAFTER WITH COMMISSION AS REQUIRED). Dieector Melikean moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 726 be adopted by title. 0 LD BUSINESS: I . LETTER FROM SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COMPANY RE PIONEER VILLAGE NO. L: This letter states that the Sierra Pacific Power Company would like to utilize a pole top mounted, 175 watt mercury vapor, G.E. PMC#I16, luminaire with a mounting height of 16' and underground circuit to supply energy to the fixtures. The rate as filed under Sierra Pacific Power Company's tariff in the State of California- is $7.05 each per month for these fixtures. With twenty-nine (29)units to be installed, the total monthly cost to the South Tahoe Public Utility District will be $204.45. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the General Manager and Assistant General Manager prepare an ORDINANCE to present at the next regular meeting regarding the costs. As it stands now, the present charges for lighting as now exists with the District's present ORDINANCE, will not cover the costs as mentioned in the letter from Sierra Pacific Power Company. 2. LETTER FROM JOHN R. THOMSON, R.S., DIRECTOR OF SANITATION - RE CONNECTION OF SHERIFF'S SUBSTATION ONLY TO PUBLIC SEWERS: The request in this letter: That the Utility District approve the connection of the sub- station at this time and waive the policy requirement that all units on the same piece of property be connected. It is my understanding that the campground and other buildings will be connected within three years ehen the funds are available. That the Utitity District advise us as soon as possible of any costs that will be incurred in such a connection so that construction may proceed without undue delay. Director Hegarty stated that he cannot understand why there has not been any progress made by the County to connect the campground facilities to the sewer system. These grounds are located approximately 150 feet from Lake Tahoe and they will have a private party in to pump the septic tanks when needed. We have a sewer system here and I feel they should connect. "I , personally, am not in favor of the sub-station connection only", Mr. Hegarty stated. Director Fesler stated that the Committee has met in series over the past several years and Mr. Thomson has leaned over backwards in forcing people to connect to the system, etc. , and further stated that he does agree with Director Hegarty 100% in principal , however he feels that this is a step in the right direction and feels that we should let them connect the Sheriff 's Substation now. Director Hegarty mentioned that the County had withdrawn a $2.0,000.00 allocation which was set aside for sewer service facilities to work on other projects. Director Wakeman stated that this has been hanging fire for a long time; the campground is too close to the Lake; we have to make a deviation from our ORDINANCE, that has never been g REGULAR MEETING -3- 10/6/66 OLD BUSINESS (continued) granted to any other agency; Mr. Wakeman moved that a Committee or the Manager work this out with a timetable schedule, etc. , to put the County project together. Mr. Wakeman amended the motion to state that the Manager and the County Sanitarian set a definite timetable schedule. Director Hegarty seconded. Mr. Moyer stated that he does not feel that he and the County Sanitarian should be the ones to approach the Board of Supervisors and suggested that this Board set up a committee and he and the County Sanitarian will assist that Committee. Director Fesler stated that he is against the amendment to the motion and stated that this is the first step and that Mr. Thomson is trying hard to get connections made where needed and if money allows, Mr. Fester stated that he felt the other facilities would be connected. ACTION - AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION: AYES: Director Wakeman NOES: Director Hegarty, Kortes, Melikean and Hegarty. ORIGINAL MOTION: Our Manager will send a letter to the County along with notification that the Board of Directors have accepted their request to connect the Sheriff's Sub- station only to the sewer connection system and that the letter is ratifying this three (3) year time period and making it a condition of our acceptance that the County connect other facilities within the next three (3) years. Director Fesler moved that the original motion be accepted, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 727: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTfICT MAKING DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVING THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY, DESIGNATED AS "SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 1966-3, TO THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT". Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carrded, that RESOLUTION NO. 727, as recommended by Attorney John Weidman, be accepted. MISCELLANEOUS: Director Fester asked when are the contract payments (Pipeline Contract) going to be made to the District and in what nature? Mr. Moyer stated that no money has been received from the Economic Development Administra- tion and we do not know when we will receive or when to expect the money. We have verbal assurance that they are going to make progress payments on the grant. Mr. Moyer stated that the man he talked with had said that the policy has been changed within the past forty-five (45) days and that nothing has been told to us as yet. Mr. Rae of Seattle Washington Office was here and discussed the finance affairs with Mr. Moyer and Mr. Callahan. If EDA does not make the progress payments then interim financing will have to be made through private sources on a letter of credit extended by EDA. EDA has requested that when progress payments are made, to have these made in as large amounts as possible. Director Fester stated that our Manager be directed to use all efforts possible in pursuing this EDA Grant, including taking a couple of Directors back to Washington, D.C. , if this will help in any way. Director Kortes stated that it appears we are not making any progress with the Regional Office. STATE LOAN: The Manager was urged to take another look at the State Loan Offer and open the negro iiations in whichever manner he thinks best. DAIS-GRUNSKY ACT: Mr. Moyer stated that he talked to Mr. R. Robie and that he had pointed out that he visited with Mr. W. Steiner (Department of Water Resources) and discussed the eligibility of the proposed dam in Alpine County, etc. Mr. Robie stated that he felt the project (Alpine County) would qualify for Davis-Grunsky funds. ro {6 REGULAR MEETING -4- 10/6/66 CORRESPONDENCE: The following letters were read: I . From: Mr. E. H. Thouren, P.E. , Chief Construction Grants Activities, re: WPC-CAL 176, South Tahoe P.U.D., stating that when all contracts have been awarded, necessary to complete the facilities required for ex- portation of effluent out of the Lake Tahoe Basin, consideration will be given to your request. (District's Request) 2. From: El Dorado Planning Commission: A meeting to be held 10/13/66, Placerville, California, re Special Use Permit ( 1 :55 P.M. - - Mr. Weidman and Mr. Moyer will attend and they invited any Directors that wish to attend) . 3. From: STATE OF CALIFORNIA: Regarding contract arrangements with the U.S. Forestry Service. Division of Beaches and Parks stated in this letter that they are interested in being included in the proposed sewage disposal study that the U.S. Forest Service is now negotiating for. Their cost would be approximately $5,000.00. They have requested funds from the Department of Finance to participate in the study of this. (Letter from State of California, Division of Beaches and Parks, dated 9/28/66, signed by James B. Hommon, Division Engineer. ) 4. From: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DATED 9/26/66; stating that the Contractor on the welded steel sewer line contract on road 03-ED-89 was found to have started work within the Highway Right-of-Way. An estimated 102 trees had been knocked down and bulldozed into piles from a swath about 30 feet in width for a considerable distance. No permit had been applied for. They request that the trees unnecessarily removed be replaced and the scarred landscape be restored to a semblance of the appearance before the gross removals. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, General Manager, will take care of this matter. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that theclaims in the amount of $194,061 .54 be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 10:45 P.M. `Ae t bo'ald H. Kortes, 'r sident Pro Tem South TAhoe Public U ility District Board of Directors - ATTEST: David W. Cal ahan, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary - - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT **************** (or REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TBE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT October 20, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session Thursday Evening, 8:00 P.M. , City Hall , City of South Lake Tahoe, Bijou, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Kortes, Melikean, Wakeman and Hegarty; Attorney John C. Weidman, General Manager and District Engineer Harlan E. Moyer, Assistant General Manager and Clerk of Hoard David W. Callahan, Mr. A.L. Shoupe- Resident Engineer - Clair A. Hill $ Associates (consulting Engineers for the South Tahoe Public Utility District, Dave Trussel - Tahoe Tribune and John Murphy - Sacramento Bee. • MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, thathe minutes of October 6, 1966, be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer read the Manager's Report - as follows: "Manager's Report October 20, 1966 PLANT OPERATION: September 1-30, 1966 Total Plant Flow 65.88 MGD Average Daily Flow Chlorine Consumed 2. 19 MGD Propane Consumed 12,000 lbs. Electricity Consumed 5,500 Gallons Douglas County Sewer Improvement District #1 287,000 KWH Total Flow 12.76 MGD Average Daily Flow 0.42 MGD ENGINEERING: Plans and Specifications for the INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE are nearly comple+e. Approval of the alignment within State Highways have been received. Plans, specifications and assessment roll and diagram for ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-I (TAHOE MEADOWS) will be completed and presented to the Board at the meeting of November 3, 1966; the tentative time schedule for the project will establish the bid openings for construction and assessment bonds on Monday, December 5, 1966. The hearing and contract awards should be the same day, assuming favorable bids are received. The MEYERS TRUNK SEWER SYSTEM planning is on schedule. The final plans and specifications will be completed prior to the scheduled date. MEETINGS: Thursday and Friday, October 13th and 14th, Mr. Walter Rasp and Mr. John Davidson from the EDA (Economic Development Administration) Regional Office (Seattle, Washington) visited the construction project. The construction progress was reviewed both on the Treatment Plant and Luther Pass Pipeline. The progress to date was in- dicated to be more than satisfactory to E D A. All contract documents and grant requirements were reviewed and deemed satisfactory. Procedures relative to receiving partial payment of the EDA grant were discussed. A request for partial payment, based on funds expended to September 30, 1966, was prepared and submitted to the Regional Office for review. The EDA representatives indicated the Regional Office would review the request and send it on to Washington, D.C. , for review and final approval . The EDA representatives indicated that the Regional Office would approve the District request for partial grant payments. On Wednesday, October 19, 1966, the District's Insurance Agent met with Dave Callahan and myself to discuss changes in fire and extended coverage required due to the new plant construction. We also discussed possible decrease in the fire i nsurance rate that might be obtained by providing a fire system using plant water storage and pumping facilities. This proposal will be further studied and submitted to the Pacific Board fof Fire Underwriters. CONSTRUCTION: Treatment plant additions are now well underway. The Contractor- Rothschi)d, Raffin and Weirick, have completed excavations for all clarifiers and the Tertiary Treatment Plant. Underground piping for the clatifiers is being installed and forming for the concrete work is under way. The proposed progress schedule has been submitted and reviewed and appear satisfactory. Resident engineer on the Treatment Plant is Mr. Al Slechta of Clair A. Hill and Associates. The Luther Pass Pipeline is ahead of schedule. The contractor has installed approximately 40 percent of the pipe. Work has been concentrated in the wet areas along the Truckee River and Grass Lake. Much of the pipe installed has yet to be completed, lacking complete backfill cleanup, installation of fittings and accessories and other items of work. Les Shoupe is resident engineer on this project and is assisted by inspectors Bob Espy and Von Kinnamon, all of Clair A. Hill and Associates.' 45 C REGULAR MEETING -2- November 3, 1966 (continued) MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) : On Thursday, November 3rd, 1966, Congressman Harold T. "Bizz" Johnson visited t the District. Congressman Johnson, Directors Fester and Melikean, Attorney Weidman and myself inspected the construction now under way. The Congressman was pleased with the progress of the Treatment Plant Additions and Luther Pass Pipeline. He again offered his assistance to the District relating to payments of the Federal Grants and in other matters. CONSTRUCTION: The Luther Pass Pipeline is now approximately 50 percent completed. The Contractor is installing valves and appurtenances on section of the line and has one crew working on cleanup and restoration of the areas where pipe has been installed. Pipe- laying is continuing with one crew working along Highway 89. To date, the contractor is approximately two weeks ahead of his schedule. However, some of the more difficult portions of the job lie ahead. The Treatment Plant Additions are proceeding on schedule. The contractor has been pouring concrete for the new clarifiers, excavating and installing pipe. It appears the clarifier w311 be completed on schedule and can be operating by January 4th, 1967, and the completion date for that portion of the work. BUDGET REPORT: Mr. Callahan has prepared a quarterly summary of the budget expenditures an d revenues for the first quarter of fiscal year 1966-67. He will briefly review this report at this time." Mr. Callahan briefly explained the quarterly report to the Directors and also mentioned same was for information purposes only. Regarding the request for payment from EDA - Mr. Moyer stated that all documents necessary have been mailed to the Regional Office - this was the second submission. Director Fesler stated that he is very concerned as to what the Federal Government is going to do as the District is in need of funds for the projects now under construction. Director Melikean stated that Congressman Johnson offered his assistance in this matter. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Melikean, carried unanimously, that the Manager's Report be approved as presented. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . EASEMENT: Director Hegarty mentioned that the Easement Committee had one meeting since the last regular meeting to discuss the problems on the easements - past and present. t!r. Weidman and Mr. Reber will have a report for the next regular meeting of the Board. 2. PLANNING: Director Wakeman stated that the Planning Committee met twice since the last regular meeting and mentioned the meeting they attended (Mr. Wakeman and Mr. Fesler) with the Joint Study Committee. This Joint Study Group will eventually control all grant funds, and all requests for grants would have to be cleared through this Committee. The By-State Committee Group will be made up from members of El Dorado County, City of South Lake Tahoe and arepresentative appointed by Governor Brown and the Nevada side would lave a representative from Douglas County, Washoe County and a representative appointed by Governor Sawyer. Mr. Fester asked Mr. Weidman to check into this and felt that we should have some active interest and participation in this. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Director Kortes stated that he met with Director Hegarty to discuss the outline of activities to present to the public concerning the South That Public Utility District projects, activities, etc. 4. PERSONNEL: Director Melikean stated that he met with the General Manager to discuss the reclassification and reorganization of the District employees. Will report to the board at a later date. 5. BANKING/ INSURANCE: Director Fesler stated that the Committee and Mr. D. Callahan met with the District Insurance Agent and also met with Mr. D. Gay and Mr. H.E. Moyer regarding fire protection of the plant. 6.1r,/ REGULAR MEETING -3- November 3, 1966 (continued) OLD BUSINESS: - I . General Manager Moyer requested the Board to consider resolutions for adoption regarding ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-I . Mr. J . Jensen of Clair A. Hill & Associates briefly discussed the Engineer's Report, cost and Assessment Roll - for Lakeland Village, Lake Shore Manor (Tahoe Meadows) with the Directors. Total project cost to be $328,683.95. RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION 729: PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF ENGINEERS REPORT. 77c or ortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried that: RESOLUTION NO. 729 :be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 730 : A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PREVAILING WAGE SCALE. (A.D. I966-I ) RESOLUTION NO. 731 : A RESOLUTION DESCRIBING PROPOSED BOUNDARIESOF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IShpetTING F1LII1G OF MAP AND RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. (A.D. 1966-I ) RESOLUTION 732: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING PROTESTS. (A.D. 1966-I ) RESOLUTION NO. 733: A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER IMPROVEMENT (A.D. 1966-I ) RESOLUTION NO. 734: A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS ON SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS. (A.D. 1966-I ). Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 730 through 734 BE ADOPTED, AS RECOMMENDED BY GENERAL MANAGER MOYER. HEARING ON THE ABOVE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-I , as follows: PROTEST HEARING: 12/5/66, 7:30 P.M. , City Hall , Bijou, California CALLING FOR SEALED PROPOSALS: Monday, December 5, 1966, 10:00 A,M. , District Office CALLING FOR BID ON SALE OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS: Monday, December 5, 1966, 7:30 P.M. City Hall , Bijou, California. (NOTE: Bids not to be received after 5:00) P.M. December 5, 1966). 2. ATTORNEY WEIDMAN RECOMMENDED THAT RESOLUTION NO. 735: A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION TO ANNEX TERRITORY *(SIERRk MEA6OWS, MONTGOMERY ESTATES, LAKE CHRISTOPHER, SIEARRA MEADOWS -) ANNEXATION NO. 1966-3, and 3. RESOLUTION NO. 736: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 444. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimou§ly carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 735 and 736 BE APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED BY ATTORNEY J. WEIDMAN. 4. INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE: Harlan E. Moyer, General Manager, presented the plans and specifications for the INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE (proposed 1966 effluent disposal system) and recommended that these plans and specifications be submitted to the State Water Quality Control Board for certification under Public Law 660 Funds. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Ko rtes, unanimously carried, that the plans and specifications for the INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE be submitted for certification as recommended by General Manager Moyer. NEW BUSINESS: I. AUDIT REPORT - - - Mr. John Ehlman, Auditor, presented the Audit Report to the Directors for the past fiscal year. Director Fesler thanked Mr. Ehlman and mentioned that the District would be contacting him to discuss this report in more detail . CORRESPONDENCE: Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, General Manager,read letters from: a. From E.D.A., Seattle, Washington, Mr. John Davidson, dated 10/25/66, regarding PROJECT NO. 07-1-00062, costs eligible for partial reimbursement. This was in answer to the District's letter of request dated 10/14/66. b. From Mr. John H. Davidson, dated 10/25/66, re PROJECT NO. 07-1-00062, request for partial disbursement of grant funds. This letter was in reply to the District' s letter of October 14, 1966, written by Mr. H. Moyer and also in reply to Mr. Callahan's letter of same date. REGULAR MEETING -4- November 3, 1966 (cont. ) to J PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Heoarty, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $423,928.68, as recommended for payment by Assistant General Manager Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: Pre$ ident Fesler adjourned this meeting at 9:55 P.M. to November 10, 1966, 7:30 P.M., City HAII', Bijou, California. / / 7 Robert Fester, Chairman or the Board SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: re,, / David W. a lahan, Cler of -noard and Ex- Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT . • *************** ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 10, 1966 President Fesler called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. PDLL CALL: Present were Directors R. Fester, R. Wakeman, E. Hegarty, D. H. Kortes, G. Melikean, Assistant General Manager and Clerk of Board Callahan, General Manager Harlan E. Moyer, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney K. Jones, Mr. J. Jensen and Mr. A. L. Shoupe - Clair A. Hill and Associates, Mr. and Mrs. G. Moroni , George Baron, H. S. Prescott, Sr., H.S. Prescott, Jr., J . T. Dodds, Mr. C. Vogel and Donald J . Norby. The President announced that this was the time and place fixed for the hearing on the question of forming a zone in the MEYERS AREA to finance the trunk sewer project. Harlan Moyer, General Manager and registered Civil Engineer, described the project by referring to a large map on the wall showing the proposed boundaries of the zone and the location of the proposed trunk sewers, force mains and other facilities. He briefly referred to the enabling legislation under which the proceedings were being conducted, and in response to questions stated that all of the areas in the proposed zone were capable of being served by the proposed facilities and that in his opinion all of the properties in the proposed zone would therefore be benefited by being included therein. Attorney Jones then addressed the Board and the audience and outlined the background and reasons for the legislation which was being used to finance this project. He stated that the hearing was being held to give the property owners a voice in the proceedings and that the election was required in order to provide registered voters with their traditional voice in such matters. The following written protests were received from: I . Esther Rosenham 2. William J . Romaine, ETUX 3. From Attorney's Beverly & Riley for Barton and Ledbetter, and the letters were read by the Secretary. tt was pointed out that three of the lots described in the third letter were not located in the zone at all , and that there was aquestion of the ownership of one of the remaining three. Mr. Moyer identified the location of the remaining two and stated that their elevation was such that they could be served by the proposed facilities and therefore clearly benefited. W. Moyer made substantially the same statements with regard to the parcels involved in the first two protests. The meeting was then opened to oral comments, questions or protests. (S3 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -2- November 10, 1966 (cont. ) NR. HAROLD PRESCOTT, SR. , representing TAHOE PARADISE, INC. , spoke in favor of the program. He asked to be consulted during the period of preparation of final plans and specifica- tions because minor changes were required on behalf of TAHOE PARADISE, INC. MR. CHARLES VOGEL, of DAVID D. BOHANNON ORGANIZATION, then addressed the Board in favor of the project stating that his principals controlled a total of some 720 acres, about 470 of which were now in the District and the remainder would be annexed at the proper time. He expressed strong support for the project. MR. GEORGE BARON of Tahoe Paradise, Inc. , also addressed the Board in favor of the project. MR. JAMES TO. DODDS stated that he was protesting for personal reasons. There were only ten ( 10) homes in his particular area surrounded by hundreds of lots. It seemed foolish to him to spend millions of dollars to construct trunk sewers for such a small number of residents. He stated that in his opinion the high taxes would retard growth and prevent the construction of additional houses. He cited another sewer project in his experience that had been financed by the acquisition of the water system and by paying off sewer bonds with the profits from the sale of water. It was pminted out by Mr. Vogel and Mr. Baron that the County had required the construc- tion of collecting sewers in a good number of subdivisions in the zone and that the trunk sewer project was an absolute necessity in order to connect these dry sewers to the treatment and disposal facilities of the District. Attorney Weidman pointed out that no further development of any kind would be allowed in the Tahoe Area without sewers, and there was little or nothing anyone in the room could do to change this situation. In response to a question from Mr. Dodds, Mr. H.E. Moyer stated that every effort was being made to exhaust the possibilities of Federal assistance. In particular, application had been made under the HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1965, upon which grants up to 50% of the cost might be available. There being no further comments or statements to be presented, the hearing was de- clared closed and Attorney Jones presented the followingproceedings to the Board: RESOLUTION NO. 737: A RESOLUTION OVERRULING PROTESTS ON RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 723, was read. On motion of Director Kortes, seconded by Director Melikean, unanmmously carried, that said resolution be adopted. It was pointed out that parcels 4 and 5 at the southerly end of the District had not yet been annexed to the District. Director Hegarty moved that said parcels 4 and 5 be delted from the zone. The motion was seconded by Director Wakeman and unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 738: A RESOLUTION AND ORDER ADOPTING ENGINEER' S REPORT, DETERMINING THAT THE [terra IrrnEST, CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY REQUIRE AND ORDERING THE WORK AND ACQUISITIONS AND ORDERING THE FORMATION OF A ZONE WITHIN THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO FINANCE SAME, was read. On motion of Director Melikean, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, said RESOLUTION was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 739: A RESOLUTION DIRECTING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND ESTIMATES, was read. 6n motion of Director Melikean, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, said RESOLUTION was adopted. Mr. John Jensen of Clair A. Hill and Associates then presented plans and estimates and estimates of revenues, prepared as directed in the preceding resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 740: A RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEER'S PLANS AND ESTIMATES AND DETERMIN- ING INSUFFICIENCY OF REVENUES, was read. On Motion of Director Wakeman, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, siad RESOLUTION was adopted. Fi`SOLUTION NO. 741 : A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT EXISTING UTILITIES FOR SANITARY SEWERAGE SERVICE CANNOT BE OBTAINED AT AS LOW A COST AS SUCH CAN BE ORIGINALLY ACQUIRED, CONSTRUCTED AND COMPLETED, was read. On motion of Director Kortes, seconded, by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, said RESOLUTION was adopted. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -3- November 10, 1966 (cont. ) RESOLUTION NO. 742: A RESOLUTION FORMULATING PROPOSITION FOR THE MEYERS AREA SEWER PROJECT fON1=` and for the. SUBMISSION OF SAID PROPOSITION TO THE ELECTORS OF SAID BONE, was read. On motion of Director Kortes, seconded by Director Melikean, and unanimously carried, said RESOLUTION was adopted. It was then stated that the ORDINANCE calling the bond election would be before the Board at the next regular meeting, November 17, 1966. ADJOURNMENT: 9:20 P.M. Robert Fes e President of TRW-7= - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS ATTEST: David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board and Ex OFFICIO SECRETARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS-- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ************************ REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 17, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in renular session on November 17, 1966, 8:00 P.M., City Hall , South Lake Tahoe, Bijou, California. PDLL CALL: Present were Directors Wakeman, Hegarty, Kortes, Melikean, Assistant General Manager and Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J . Weidman, Attorney Bob Hill , A.L. Shoupe and R. Sondag - Clair A. Hill and Associates, Mr. D. Trussel - Tahoe Tribune, John Murphy- Sacramento Bee. ABSENT: Director and Chairman of the Board Robert Fesler and General Manager Harlan E. Moyer. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN PRO TEM: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that Director Hegarty be appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this evening. MINUTES: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutesof NOVEMBER 3, 1966 AND NOVEMBER 10, 1966, be approved as written. N\NAGER'S REPORT: Assistant General Manager, D.W. Callahan, reported as follows: 'Harlan E. Moyer, General Manager, Bob Fesler - President of the Board, Russell Culp of Cornell , Howland, Hayes and Merryfield, are in Washington, D.C. Bob Fester reported today by telephone that: I . The Economic Development Administration has issued a check in the amount of _. $298,862.00 as first portion of the $3,253,000 grant. The District should receive same by money. 2. The main purpose of the trip was to obtain a grant for the purchase of the sludge disposal .facilities (Schedule F) a law (Public Law 89-753) signed by President Johnson November 3rd, 1966, authorized grants of up to 75% for Demonstrations at existing plants. The funds are administered by the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. This will be the first grant under the new law. They are positive of obtaining the grant to equal about 75% of the cost of facilities." !iv ha REGULAR MEETING -2- November 17, 1966 (continued) LUTHER PASS PIPELINE CONTRACT: Mr. A. L. Shoupe, Engineer, stated that the contractor has installed approximately 60% of the pipe. R)BERT SONDAY stated that the contractor has completed approximately 50% of the work on the chemical clarifier and that this will be completed on schedule because the weather conditions are holding up. Sludge recirculation should be ready to start next week. Secondary clarifier and the wals are being formed right now; the excavation has been completed for the Tertiary Treatment; the Treatment Plant contractor is on schedule. Mr. Callahan mentioned that Friday Mr. Fester and Mr. Moyer will meet with the Federal Water Pollution Control Association and the Economic Development Administration to discuss progress payments for the district. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Chairman pro tem Hegarty welcomed the Engineers and the Press to fie meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I. EASEMENT: Director Hegarty stated that the Easement Committee met on the 9th of November with Mr. Kortes and Mr. Moyer, Mr. J.C. Weidman - Attorney and Mr. Hegarty, to discuss how to best complete easements - now outstanding, past ones too. Mr. Moyer was to make a report to the Boadd and this will be presented at the next regular meeting. Director Melikean stated that he was readina an article in the Tahoe Tribune reaardinq the handling of easements on the North Shore:. 2. PLANNING: Director Wakeman stated that Mr. Moyer, Mr. Clair A. Hill , Mr. Fesler and himself met to discuss obtaining an Operational Manager for the District. Mr. Hill had assured the Directors that Mr. Moyer will be available to assist in any way and that Mr. Moyer's time will be the District's time. He did mention that within a year, a competent person should be hired to run the plant. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Director Kortes stated that the Public Information Committee did not meef but asked the press to let the public know of the progress made by Mr. Moyer and Mr. Fester at Washington, D.C. , as mentioned in the Manager's Report. 4. PERSONNEL: No report. 5. BANKING/INSURANCE: No report. OLD BUSINESS: I . MEYERS SEWER PROJECT: Attorney Bob Hill stated that Mr. Ken Jones and J. C. Weidman will meet with the Supervisors (El Dorado County) to discuss the Meyers Sewer Project. The meeting will be held the 22nd of November 1966 and a report to the Board at the next regular meeting. NEW BUSINESS: I . ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-2: Upon recommendation of Attorney Bob Hill , the following resolutions were adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 743: A Resolution referring project to Attorneys and Engineers. - Assessmen' 6isfrict No. 1966-2. RESOLUTION NO. 744: A Resolution requesting that the County Health Officer of El Dorado (,`ounty Recommend Proceedings Under appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts, or Other Appropriate Proceedings, for the Acquisition and Construction of a Sanitary Sewerage System and Appurtenances, as Necessary as a Health Measure. Assessment District 1966-2. R60LUTION NO. 745: A Resolution Requesting Consent of the City Council of the City of South Lake Tahoe, to Undertake Proceedings for the Acquisition and Construction of Sanitary Sewers and to Provide that the Costs shall be Assessed Upon the District Benefited, Under Appropriate Special Assessment and Assessment Bond Acts. Assessment District 1966-2. RESOLUTION NO. 746: A Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct Improvements. - Assessment District 1966-2. REGULAR MEETING -3- October 20, 1966 ADJOURNMENT: 10: 15 P.M. i R6BERT FESLE , CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: 4 0 , Of / , J, , 11, . 8. 11 .r , :,'-, • ,, v,..4 10 SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ************** REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT % November 3, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session the 3rd of November 1966, 8:00 P.M., City Hall , South Lake Tahoe, Bijou, California. TOLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Hegarty, Kortes and Melikean; nerk of Board Callahan, General Manager H.E. Moyer, Attorney J. Weidman, Attorney B. Hili , Mr. John Murphy-Sacramento Bee, Mr. D. Trussel - Tahoe Tribune, Mr. and Mrs. John El kman - Auditors, Mr. L. Hansen, J . Jensen, A.L. Shoupe of Clair A. Hill and Associates - Consulting Engineers for the District. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, haft the minutes of October 2.0, 1966, be approved as presented. • 'r MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Moyer read his report, as follows: "Pbnager's Report November 3, 1966 Plant Operation (October 1-31 , 1966) : Total Plant Flow 57.77 MG Average daily flow 1 .93 MOD Chlorine Consumed 7,965 lbs. Propane Consumed 5,080 gallons Electricity Used 262,080 KWH Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I : Total Flow 14.89 MO Average Daily flow 0.48 MGD MEETINGS: On Tuesday, October 25th, members of the El Dorado County Planning Commission and the 'Nanning Director met with Mr. Weidman, Director Wakeman and myself to view the proposed site of the Luther Pass Pump Station and the location of the pipeline. Several hours were spent viewing the construction work in progress and discussing the proposed construction. On Tuesday, November 1st, 1966, Mr. Weidman and I attended the El Dorado Planning Commission hearing concerning issuance of a Special Use Permit for the Luther Pass Pump Station. The Planning Commission, by unanimous vote, granted the Special Use Permit and approved the routing of the Luther Pass Pipeline. Wednesday, November 2nd, 1966, the Seattle Regional Office of Economic Development Administration (E.D.A. ) called to state that the District's first request for partial grant payment had been reviewed and approved. The Regional Office has sent the request to Washington, D.C. for payment. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING �6/ -3- December 5, 1966 ROBER LE , airman SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: 'avis ". a a an, er o :oar. and Ex-Officio Secretary thereto SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ********** REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 15, 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session December 15, 1966, 8:00 P.M., City Hall , Bijou, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Hegarty, Kortes, Melikean, General Manager H.E. Moyer, Clerk of Board and ex-officio Secretary David W. Callahan, Attorney J . Weidman, A. L. Shoupe, Mr. McCormick and other representatives from HOFMAN LAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. MINUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of December 1st, 1966 and December 5th, 1966, be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Moyer read his report, as follows: "Manager' s Report December 15, 1966 CONSTRUCTION: The treatment plant Contractor - ROTHSCHILD, RAFFIN b WEIRICK, have been able to continue work through the recent inclement weather. The chemical clarifier is now approximately 90% complete and, unless serious weather problems develop, this item should be completed early in January. The Secondary clarifier is about 50% complete, the foundation and floor slab on the Tertiary Building have been completed, which should allow work to continue on the Tertiary Plant. The Luther Pass Pipeline Contractor - ERNEST F. PESTANA, has been delayed by the weather. Pipelaying operations have ceased for the present and work is being done on installation of pipeline markers and other appurtenances. The contractor plans to resume installation of pipe in the Tahoe Paradise Area if the weather condition permits. The Contractor on Assessment District 1966-I , ROBERT L. HELMS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, of RENO, NEVADA, plans to start construction as soon as rights-of-way are cleared and a Notice to Proceed issued. GRANTS: On Thursday, December 15 1966, I talked with Dr. David Stephen, with the 7e77Water Pollution Control Association (FWPCA) in Washington, concerning the status of the District Grant Application for $1 ,022,000 under Public Law 89=753. Dr. Stephen indicated that the District would receive the formal grant offer by Tuesday, December 20, 1966. MEETINGS: On Tuesday, December 6th, the Board of Directors, Attorney J . Weidman and I met in Sacramento with Assemblyman Eugene Chapple, Legislative Assistant Ron Robie and others. The meeting was for the purpose of discussing progress of the present construction program; financial needs of the District to complete the export program and possible legislation that could be required to assist the District' s export program. On Thursday, December 15th, Director Fesler, Director Wakeman and I met with Mr. M. Manoukian, Attorney for Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I . The purpose of the meeting was to discuss various aspects of the unresolved claim for payment on the TERTIARY TREATMENT FACILITIES. Both of the above meetings may also be covered in the Planning Committee Report. G3--6 REGULAR MEETING -3- November 17, 1966 (continued) Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS 743 through 746 be approved as recommended by Attorney Bob Hill . Attorney John C. Weidman recommended that the following Resolutions be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 747: A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTR1C1 "2EQUESTING THAT LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE DISTRICT - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY (DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 1966-4. RESOLUTION NO. 748: A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT IE7UESTING THAT LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE DISTRICT. - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, ANNEXATION NO. 1966-5. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS 747 and 748, as recommended by Attorney J. Weidman, be approved. CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk of Board Callahan read a letter from Reed-Meneley in which they mentioned the claim from Hans Tveten in the amount of $1 ,000.00 has been settled. Director Melikean mentioned that manholes (West Lukins ) are sinking badly and asked if something could be done about this. (To be reported tote plant. ) FAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $44,050. 17, as recommended by Clerk of Board Callahan, be approved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9: 15 P.m. Edward E. Hegarty �;h, rman ro Tem SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC U B'ISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS ATTEST: David W. Ca Gahan, Clerk of Board and Ex- Officio Secretary, Board of Directors of the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT *********** *** REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT December I , 1966 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session December I , 1966, 8:00 P.M., City Hall , Bijou, Lake Tahoe, California. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fester, Hegarty, Kortes and Wakeman. Also present were Attorney J. Weidman, General Manager Moyer, Assistant Manager and Clerk of Board and Ex=Officio Secretary Callahan, Mr. A.L. Shoupe and Mr. R. Sondag - Clair A. Hill and Associates, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, D. Trussell - Tahoe Tribune and Mr. Henry Butler. ABSENT: Director George Melikean, Sr. M MUTES: Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, 777—716 minutes of November 17, 1966, be approved as presented. MANAGER' S REPORT: Harlan E. Moyer, Manager, read his report, as follows: "%nager's Report December 1 , 1966 PLANT OPERATION (November 1-30, 1966) : Total Plant Flow Average Daily Flow 53. 14 MG Chlorine Consumed 1 .77 PGD Propane Consumed 6,700 lbs. Electricity Consumed 5, 100 gallons 220, 800 K.W.H. Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I - Total Flow 18.30 hoG Average Daily Flow 0.61 PO MEETINGS: On November 16th, 17th, 18th, 1966, Mr. Fester, Mr. Culp and myself were in Washington, D.C. The primary purpose of the trip was to meet with the advanced Waste Treatment Section of the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration regarding the possibility of obtaining a Federal Grant for construction of the sludge incineration facilities for the Treatment Plant. As a result of this meeting, the District has made application for a $1 ,022,000 Grant for the following purposes: 1 . Construction of sludge incineration and lime recalcing facilities. 2. Construction of an ammonia stripping tower for nitrogen removal . 3. Operation and studies of the treatment facilities for a three year period following completion of construction, The formal grant application was sent to Washington on November 23rd and we expect to receive notification of the grant award prior to December 30, 1966. While in Washington, Mr. Fesler and I met with officials of the Economic Development Administration, regarding procedure for disbursing grant funds to the District. We were assured that EDA (Economic Development Administration) will make partial payments of the grant - - the District has received the first payment of $298,000 and has requested a second payment amounting to over $600,000. On Wednesday, November 23rd, 1966, I met with Mr. Paul Bonderson, Executive Officer of the State Water Quality Control Board, in Sacramento. Mr. Bonderson approved the District' s application for the Federal Grant described earlier in this report. We also discussed requirements for State Certification of the INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE under the Public Law 84660 Grant program. It was indicated by Mr. Bonderson that, on receipt of certain other information, the project would be certified." Mr. Moyer stated that Ernest E. Pestana, Inc., has installed 46,500 feet of pipe, or approximately 62% of the total amount of pipe for the job; however, bad weather has slowed pipe laying operations, but the contractor stated he will continue working until the weather stops him completely. CONSTRUCTION - PLANT SITE: Mr. Robert Sondag stated that the Contractor is I % completed on the project - dollar wise. approximately poured. Secondary Clarifier is about 25% complete. ary Treatment Plant is ready to be Mr. Moyer stated that he telephoned Dr. David Stephan to inquire about status of Federal Water Pollution Control Association Grant application and Dr. Stephan stated that the application was received and that he was working on preparation of the formal grant offer 6 sg? REGULAR MEETING -2- December I , 1966 a nd acceptance. This offer and acceptance should be completed this week and will be sent to the Commissioner for review and approval and following the signature of the commissioner, the offer will be forwarded to the District for acceptance. Mr. Fesler stated that while in Washington, D.C. , he and Mr. Culp and Mr. Moyer were led to believe that this grant would be made to the District - they were anxious to get the Grant to the District. Director Hegarty stated that he felt the trip to Washington, D.C., (which was made by Dr. Fesler, General Manager Moyer and R. Culp) ) , proved to be very fruitful . Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Director Fesler welcomed the press and the engineers to the meeting. Mr. Henry Butler, a visitor; requested a few words with the Directors regarding his property at Tahoe Meadows. Mr. Butler requested that his assessment be reconsidered as hE is being charged for two parcels (separately listed at the assessor's office) and the two parcels are used strictly for his home and he considers the back portion as his back yard which cannot be built on as it is too swampy. Attorney Weidman stated that Mr. Butler had mentioned this problem to him but he could not make any commitments for the District and further stated that he hoped the Board would entertain his request. Mr. Moyer stated that he feels Mr. Butler does have a problem and he will check into this and this again will be brought up at the December 5, 1966, (7:30 P.M. ) hearing at the City Hall . COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . EASEMENT COMMITTEE: Director Hegarty read the following: "The Committee met on Wednesday, November 9, 1966; present were Directors Hegarty and Kortes, Attorney Weidman and General Manager Moyer. Discussion of various possible means that the District could employ to obtain easements resulted in the following recommended method for future projects: I . The District staff will obtain legal description from the Engineer and obtain necessary title report. 2. The District staff will prepare a standard easement agreement form and send the form with a letter of explanation to the property owners. The compensation offered for the easement will be based on appraisals obtained from a qualified independent appraiser. 3. If easements are not granted by the owners involved within a reasonable time, the Attorney will be authorized to proceed with legal action to obtain rights-of-entry and eventual acquisition of the easement by eminent domain. 4. The District will not employ a right-of-way agent on a permanent or temporary basis. In addition to the above recommendation, the Committee discussed action to be taken to complete acquisition of easements mow pending. The Committee agreed the Attorney should, under existing authorization, complete the following: I . Prior to Assessment District 1964-I : Review all cases on file, complete any pending action and record easements obtained. (Target date to report to the Board was set as December 16, 1966). 2. Assessment District 1964-I : Record all easements that have been obtained and supply a is o e easemen s a can be completed and obtained under current negotiatbons. 3. Export Line: Continue current negotiations with those owners where easements are not yet settled and it appears likely the easement can be obtained." Director Hegarty moved, seconded by director Wakeman, unanimously carried, the adoption of the above report. Mr. Moyer stated that he spoke to Mr. A. Reber today and requested that he supply the District with all appraisals as quickly as possible. Mr. Moyer stated that the District should have these appraisals within two (2 ) weeks, DECMBER I , 1966 -3- Regular Meeting COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued) 2. PLANNING COMMITTEE: Director Wakeman stated that Attorney J . Weidman, Attorney K. Jones, Mr. J. Jensen and Dirctor Wakeman attended the meeting at Placerville 11/2.2/66 regarding the Meyers Trunk Sewer System with Mr. Ray Chism - Board of Supervisors at Placerville. Mr. Wakeman stated, however, that he does not have an answer for the Board at this time regarding this meeting. (Another meeting is planned with the El Dorado County Supervisors) . 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION: No report. 4. PERSONNEL: No report. (Director Melikean absent for this meeting. 5. BANKING/INSURANCE: Director Fesler stated that the Committee was at Washington, D.C. requesting payment of funds and assistance from the Federal Water Pollution Control Association. OLD BUSINESS: I . INDIAN CREEK PIPELINE AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM: General Manager Moyer stated that he had spoken to Mr. Ronald Robie (Water Assembly Committee) and he is in the process of a report regarding the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT export program. He wanted information regarding the contracts now under way, plant expansion, etc. It was suggested to Mr. Robie by Mr. Moyer that before he submits a report to the Assembly Water Committee it might be well if we met with him and Carley V. Porter to discuss in detail some of the points he is interested in. Director Wakeman and Director Fesler stated that they would be available next Tuesday to meet with Mr. R. Rob ie, as will Attorney Weidman and General Manager Moyer. Mr. Moyer will contact Mr. Robie to see if Tuesday will be agreeable. 2. DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. I : Discussion was held regarding the letfer received from Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I regarding the Statement of Account and Agreements between the two Districts; - whether or not the Nevada District should be responsible for a pro-rata share of capital costs of the tertiary treatment plant, etc. Attorney J. Weidman and the Directors voiced their opinions regarding this letter and the agreement, etc. , and it was agreed that Attorney Weidman and President Fesler will contact the Douglas County Sewer Improvefnent District No. I and request a meeting. NEW BUSINESS: I . EMPLOYMENT OF MANAGER: General Manager Moyer stated that discussions have been 'held regarding this and stated that he felt it was imperative that considera- tion be given to employing a General Manager for the District. He further stated that he has a draft of qualifications and duties of a General Manager and that, if accepted by this Board, the District should advertise widely for a competent person to fill this position. DU(IES AND QUALIFICATIONS REQUESTED FOR GENERAL MANAGER, AS FOLLOWS: ENGINEER---MANAGER The South Tahoe Public Utility District is employing a General Manager. The duties and qualifications for this position are briefly outlined below. The District is a public agency, governed by a five-man Board of Directors. The District is located in South Lake Tahoe, El Dorado. County, California. the District is operating a 2-1/2 Million Gallon per Day Treatment Plant, now being expanded to 7-1/2 Million Gallons Per day capacity. Treatment includes primary, activated sludge secondary, tertiary with chemical coagulation, filtration and activated carbon adsorption, and facilities for incineration of biological sludge and recalcin- ing and reclaiming lime. Effluent Disposal facilities to remove the treated water from the Lake Tahoe Basin are under construction, including 29 miles of force main and a 2400 H.P. pump station. The sewage collection system contains 145 miles of sewers, nine pump stations and will be expanded to 200 miles of sewer and twelve pump stations. DUTIES: ................ Direct and manager the operation and maintenance of the District. 66e REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS -4- December I , 1966 DUTIES AND QUALIFICATIONS REQUESTED FOR GENERAL MANAGER (continued) : Employ, train and supervise all operating and maintenance personnel and develop performance standards for such personnel . Prepare budgets for operation and maintenance and purchase all material , equipment and supplies required for the operation. Supervise the administrative staff of the District. Administer District policies, rules and procedures. Prepare and present regular and special reports on District affairs. Advise contractors, subdividers and others on District requirements for utility construction and service extensions. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: A minimum of a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil or Sanitary Engineering, a Masters of Science degree in Sanitary Engineering is preferable. Registration as a Professional Engineer is desirable but not mandatory. Have a thorough knowledge of and experience in the principles and practices of sewage and water treatment operations with administrative experience in the use of materials, methods and equipment used in treatment operations. Ability to supervise the operation of a sophiscated, advanced waste treat- ment process and provide leadership in improving advanced waste treatment efficiency and method of operation. Have a considerable koowledge of administrative techniques, ability to program and supervise the work of others and to gain results from their efforts. Ability to meet the public and represent the District at public meetings. SPLARY: The Salary range for this position will be commensurate with the experience and qualificatmons of the individual . APPLICATION: Qualified applicants are requested to submit a written resume of education, and experience, including salary requirements. Selected applicants will be contacted for a personal interview. Submit resume to: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT P.O. BOX AU, BIJOU POST OFFICE, SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIFORNIA, 95705 Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's recommendation be accepted and the District proceed to advertise for a Manager as out- lined by our Manager. 2. CLAIM OF FRED L. TABER: Harlan E. Moyer, General Manager, read a letter from Mr.Fred L. Taber requesting the amount of $21 .62 for damages caused by a plugged sewer line. Mr. Moyer stated, however, that our report (No. 267) states that our sewer line was plugged. Mr. Moyer recommended that the claim be denied and referred to our Insurance Carrier. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that the claim received from Fred L. Taber be denied and referred to our Insurance Carrier. 3. CLAIM FROM RAYE C. ROBBINS: Mr. Moyer stated that a claim was received from a Raye C`. }dobbins, wFo was injured on the job, employed by Dillingham Corporation. Upon recommendation of Attorney J . Weidman, Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that this claim be denied and referred to our Insurance Carrier. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Upon recommendation of Assistant General Manager Callahan, Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $387,201 .83 and the transfer of funds in the amount of $36,963.49 be approved. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. to December 5, 1966, 7:30 P.M., City Hall , Bijou, Lake Tahoe, California. q-7,t/-7 ATTES : R(SBET �'ELER PRES I p�NT OF YH 'Kapp OF C / SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISERI�T CU David W. Callahan, Clerk of Bd 8 Ex-Off. Sec. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT BID OPENING --- DECEMBER 5, 1966 District Office for FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM - - - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-I Present were Bob Smith - A Teichert & Son, Wayne Schmeckpepper and M. Henrich - Ernest E. Pestana, Inc., Kenneth McCormick, Bert Weiss, Marvin Coleman from C & M Construction Company, Jack Crasper of J . R. Crasper Construction Company, A.L. Shoupe - Engineer for South Tahoe Public Utility District, Mr. David W. Callahan - Clerk of Board and Ex-Officmo Secretary for the South Tahoe Public Utility District and Mr. R. Fesler - President of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District. BID OPENING: David W. Callahan opened the following bids at 10:00 A.M. sharp and mentioned to all present that the bids would be taken under advisement and action would be taken at the meeting this evening at 7:30 P.M., City Hall , Bijou, California. I. A TEICHERT & SON, INC. GRAND TOTAL: $ 108,868.50 P.O.Box 891 , Tahoe City, California Bidders Bond Attached. 2. J .D. MILLER Grand Total : $246,931 ,00 3333 Edison Way, Bakersfield, California Bidders Bond Attached. 3. ERNEST E. PESTANA, INC. Grand Total : $129,635.00 2225 Old Oakland Hwy; San Jose, Calif. Bidders Bond Attached 4. ROBERT L. HELMS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Grand Total : $ 59,279.50 3025 Mill Street; Reno, Nevada Bidders Bond Attached. 5. Sierra Pacific Construction Co. , Inc. Grand Total $ 109,955.00 P.O. Box 41197, Sacramento, California Bidders Bond Attached 6. C & M Construction Company Grand Total : $ 81 ,801 .90 P.O. Box 4§3, Truckee, California Bidders Bond Attached. 7. TAB CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Grand Total : $ 103,879.00 P.O. Box 2367, Reno, Nevada Bidders Bond Attached. NOTE: TAB CONSTRUCTION COMPANY BID ARRIVED AT 10:03 A.M. Mr. Callahan stated that the Engineer's Estimate was $90,000.00 ; he also stated that (as mentioned at the first part of this Bid Opening) that all bids would be taken under advisement and considered at the meeting this evening at 7:30 P.M. Adjourned at 10:07 A.M. Za.-076e , / David W. Callahan, Clerk of Bd & x-Off. Sec. - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ************* BID OPENING - - Proposal for Bonds - Project 1966-I December 5, 1966 - - 5:00 P.M. Mr. David W. Callahan, Clerk of Board and Ex-Officio Secretary opened the following at 5:00 P.M. sharp, December 5, 1966, and stated that same would be taken under advisement and considered at the meeting this evening at 7:30 P.M., City Hall , Bijou, Lake Tahoe, California: 1 . ROBERT E. SCHWESER COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, LTD. 3212 Loma Vista Road, Ventura, California Bids on $328,683.95 - - the above bid 94.27% . For all bonds maturing in 1968 to 1977 inclusive bearing interest at 6% from their date to their respective maturities and for all bonds maturing in 1978 to 1982 inclusive bearing interest at 5.75% from their date to their respective maturities. Net Interest Cost 162,086. 18 Plus Discount 18,833.59 Total Net Interest Cost: 180,919.77 Net Effective Interest Rate::-' 6 48506%. DAVID W. CALLAHAN, CLERK OF BOARD AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 66 42d ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 5, 1966 (Monday) The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met it an adjourned session, December 5, 1966, 7:30 P.M., City Hall , Bijou, Lake Tahoe, California. President Fesler opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Hegarty, Wakeman and Kortes; General Manager Moyer, Assistant General Manager and Clerk of Board and ex-officio Secretary Callahan, Attorney J . Weidman, Attorney B. Hill , J. Jensen, A.L. Shoupe, R. Sondag - Clair A. Hill and Associates, Mr. Henry Butler. ABSENT: George Melikean, Sr. , Director. RE BID OPENINGS: Bids were opened at 10:00 A.M. this date for the CONSTRUCTION OF S`E'GIAGt COLLECTION SYSTEM - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1966-1 . BID OPENING FOR THE BONDS FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1966-I WERE OPENED AT 5:00 P.M. this date. NOTE: See Page 661 , Official Minute Book for bids received. Mr. Callahan read all bids received for the Construction and Bonds and stated that the Enaineer's Estimate was $90,000.00. Attorney Bob Hill stated that one bid was received and that was from ROBERT E. SCHWESER COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, LTD., 3212 Loma Vista Road, Ventura, California. Their bid was 94.27% of the par value with an interest at 6% from their date to their respective maturities and for all bonds maturing in 1978 to 1982 inclusive bearing interest at 5.75% from their date to their respective maturities: Net interest cost: 162,086. 18 Plus Discount 18,833.59 Total Net Interest Cost: 180,919.77 Net Effective Intrest Rate: 6.548506% Attorney Bob Hill stated that this is a satisfactory bid and that the firm (Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch) would recommend acceptance of same. WRITTEN PROTESTS: Mr. Callahan read the written protests from: I . James B. Westcott, RE: 66-1-028 2. Henry R. Butler: RE: 66-I-113 and 114 Mr. Westcott's letter dtated that arrangements were made with the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT for an extension of the lateral to across 100 feet of his property. Mr. Moyer stated that the District does not have on record showing where the lateral has been extended. Mr. Moyer also stated that he felt the Board of Directors should accept the word of Mr. Westcott and reduce his assessment by the amount of $80.00 and eliminate this lateral in the proceedings and if the lateral is not there, he (Mr. Westcott) will have to install the lateral at his own expense. As to the ration of Mr. Westcott's annexation - Mr. Moyer stated that Mr. Westcott has had an improvement on his property for quite sometime and his right-of-service charge would be appreciably higher. Another protest letter from Mr. Butler (Mr. Henry R. Butler) was received regarding his parcels 66-1-113 and 114. He stated that the assessments made against his property are inequitable with others in the area. Mr. J . Jensen stated that Mr. Henry R. Butler was assessed for a unit charge, front footage and lateral on each parcel . The land is too swampy to build on and Mr. Jensen stated that this was agreed too by the Engineers. Mr. Jensen also stated that the parcel which is swampy had the assessment charge removed and only the right-of-service charge remains. Mr. Butler has had the assessments removed from one parcel (66-I-I14.) except the right-of-service charge and Parcel 66-1-113 will have a charge of front footage and all other charges - - the front footage charne (has been changed from 133 feet to 147 feet) at $8.00 per foot. Mr. Henry R. Butler stated that this was satisfactory to him and that he wised to withdraw his protest. ADJOURNED RECULAR MEETING -2- December 5, 1966 Mr. Harlan E. Moyer read another letter from a Graham B. Moody stating that Mr. Moody had sold LOT 6 of LAKESHORE MANOR on SEPTEMBER I , 1966. Mr. Moyer stated that the transaction was made after the proceedings were started and the splits cannot be made until next year. Mr. Moyer stated, however, that Mr. Moody was notified as to what his assessment split would be. Mr. Henry R. Butler asked Mr. Jensen how deep the line was to his property and what trees would be removed from the area. Mr. Jensen stated that he had profiles available and would show same to Mr. Butler following this meeting. As for the trees, Mr. Jensen stated that it was the District's intention to save all of the trees that they possibly can save. HEARING WAS CLOSED AT 8: 10 P.M. Since this contract is less than $ 100,000.00 - the Contract will be awarded by RESOLUTION. Mr. J . Jensen stated that the low bidder was substantially lower than the next low bid received and that he had spoken to the representative of HELMS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY and stated that Mr. Stone (the Helms Representative) was shocked to learn of the difference in bids but he did indicate that he would go ahead with the bid and Mr. Jensen stated that CLAIR A. HILL AND ASSOCIATES recommends the contract be awarded to ROBERT HELMS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Mr. Moyer stated that HELMS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY has a contract with Nevada at this time. Also, his bid to the District was submitted in order and that ROBERT HELMS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY is reliable. Mr. Meyer also stated that he spoke to Mr. Stone of Robert Helms Construction Company regarding is bid and that Mr. Stone did not indicate a mistake in his bid. Attorney Bob Hill recommended approval of the following RESOLUTIONS, explaining each RESOLUTION prior to adoption to the Board and those present. RESOLUTION NO. 749: A Resolution Overruling Protests on Resolution of Intention No. 687 - ASSES`SMENT DISTRICT 1966-I . Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 749 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 750: A Resolution Ordering Reduction of Assessments - Assessment District - . Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 750 be approved. RESOLUTION NO. 751 : A Resolution and order adopting Engineer's Report, confirming the -Assessment and Ordering the Work and Acquisitions - Assessment District 1966-I . RESOLUTION NO. 752: A Resolution Awarding Sale of Bonds-Assessment District 1966-I . Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS 751 and 752 be approved, as recommended by Attorney Bob Hill . RESOLUTION NO. 753: A Resolution of award of Contract - Assessment District 196;-1 . (Awarded to ROBERT L. HELMS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY) Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 753 be awarded, as recommended by Attorney Bob Hill . RESOLUTION NO. 754:A RESOLUTION Designation Collection Officer, Assessment District 1966-I . Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 754 be approved, as recommended by Attorney Bob Hill . RESOLUTION NO. 755: A Resolution Determining that the Public Interest and necessity Require the Acquisition of Certain Land and Directing the Filing of Eminent Doman Proceedings, Assessment District 1966-I . Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 755 be approved, as recommended by Attorney Bob Hill . ADJOURNMENT: 8:45 P.M. REGULAR MEETING (continued) -3- December 15, 16 o OLD BUSINESS: I . MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR LAKE TAHOE AREA COUNCIL: General Manager Moyer stated tat membership in this organization certainly is warranted and Directors Agreed. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the membership dues be paid to the Lake Tahoe Area Council . 2. UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE (SPECIAL USE PERMIT): General Manager Moyer recommended -hat the Distr ct request an extension for the Special Use Permit, with the U. S. Forest Service for Section 2 - Old Spray Area. Di rector Melikean moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that an extension for the Special Use Permit, Section 2 - Old Spray Area, be requested from the U. S. Forest Service. 3. CITY OFSOUTH LAKE TAHOE: (Communication from City Manager regarding the District's Request for Fire Protection) General Manager Moyer stated that he was directed by the Directors of this Board to contact City Manager Mr. John Williams renarding Fire Protection for the Water Reclamation Plant. A letter was received from the City Manager stating that for the District to be on a first call basis - they request that the District annex to the City. Discussion was followed the reading of this letter and many questions were brought up in which Attorney Weidman suggested the Board let him check into all matters of annexing to the City regarding taxes, etc., and he will bring a report back to the board at the next regular meeting. General Manager Moyer will pursue this matter and report to the board. 4. PIONEER VILLAGE SUBDIVISION: General Manager Moyer stated that a request from the w• M ' ' 'i 14 -10Y M- IMP' ' was received by the District to accept sewer improvement of PIONEER VILLAGE. Pioneer Village Subdivision is located North of the Plant and one of the Subdivisions the District will provide sewer service for. A Pump Station and Force Main were installed and Mr. McCormick of Pioneer Village Subdivision (HOFMAN LAND IMPROVEMENT DEVELOPMENT COMPANY) requested the District to approve same. The pump station is not in a state of completion. General Manager Moyer stated that a letter was written to HOFMAN LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, INC. regarding Pioneer Village Subdivision, and recommended that the Board accept the request of the HOFMAN LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, INC., subject to the following conditions: I . The Hofman Land Improvement Company will assume all expense of operation and maintenance. 2. If this one pump should fail , the Hofman Land Improvement Company will assume the expense of transporting sewane from the station to the treatment plant by truck. 3. The Hofman Land Improvement Company agrees to pay the expense of, or perform, all remedial work that is necessary to complete the station prior to final acceptance by the District. 4. The Hofman land Improvement Company agrees to furnish a guarantee bond in the amount of $20,000 for aperiod of one year after final acceptance of the station. This bond is to provide for reimbursement to the District of any costs incurred due to repair or replacement of material or equipment as a result of defects or faulty workmanship. (See Letter of December 15, 1966, to Hofman Land Developement Company, Inc. ). Mr. McCormick, representative of Hofman Land Development Co., Inc., stated that he discuss- ed the conditions with Mr. Hofman and the conditions are agreeable to him. Director Kortes loved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the District accept sewer improvements of PIONEER VILLAGE requested by HOFMAN LAND DEVELOP- MENT COMPANY, subject to the above conditions. b 6 I REGULAR MEETING -4- December 15, 1966 (continued) 5. MEYERS ZONE BOND: Attorney Weidman stated that Attorney Ken Jones went with him to obtain approval for the proceedings of the Meyers Zone Bond from the Board of Supervisors. Approval was denied by the Supervisors. Mr. Chism was definitely anainst this. An agreement was reached with Mr. Arthur Cord - Road Department. This will be brought before the Board of Supervisors again during January, 1967. President Fesler stated that after the 1st of year - meetings will be held regarding Nevada payments due the District, Meyers Zone Bond area and with the Alpine County Board of Supervisors. MISCELLANEOUS: Director George Melikean stated that the District has been very for-unafe having the Manager that it has. He further stated that much time and much work has been put forth by the Manager for the District. Mr. Melikean stated that he was not aware that the District was advertising for another General Manager as he was on vacation. Mr. Melikean recommended that the District give Mr. H.E. Moyer, General Manager, any time off during the Christmas and New Years Holidays to be with his family. These days off to be at his own discretion. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Hegarty, unanimously carried, that George Melikean's recommendation be accepted by the board. NEW BUSINESS: I . RESOLUTION NO. 756: A Resolution Declaring Funds in Assessment District 1961-I to be Surplus and frans erring said funds to the District's General Fund. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION NO. 756, as recommended by Assistant General Manager Callahan, be approved. 2. UNITED STATES BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT: General Manager Moyer recommended that the hoard authorize him to proceed with-777-application to withdraw lands (public lands) in Sections 3 and 4, T. IO N. R., 20 E. , (Alpine County) for use as reservoir and pipeline right-of-way. Director Melikean moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Mr. Moyer' s recommendation (Re-application - Alpine County) for use as reservoir and pipeline right-of-way) be accepted. 3. BIJOU PUMP STATION: General Manager Moyer stated that Bijou Pump Station is in definite need of modification - installation of an emergency genrator and to change the two pumps that are now there. This would be approximately $40,000.00 Mr. Moyer stated. Director Hegarty moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that plans and specifications be prepared by our Engineers for Modification of the Bijou Pump Station. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Moyer read a letter from Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch, Attorney Bob Hill , stating that his office did have contact with Robert E. Schweser Company of California, Ltd., regarding ; his bond bid. Mr. Hill also stated that the Schweser bid was a good bid under the current market situation. 2. Another letter received from RUST, HOFFMAN, MILLS AND NEWLAN, Attorneys for NICK PANDELIS. This is in regards to Pandelis vs South Tahoe Public Utility District, stating that the case was set for January 16, 1967, but has now been reset as depositions are being requested from Mr. Edward Eppler (formerly with the District and now with the City) and from Mr. George E. Collins, employee of the District. MISCELLANEOUS: President Fesler stated that there will be a meeting of the By- S udy oma mitt e at the Tahoe Sands Saturday and stated that he felt all Directors should try to attend this session. Mr. Kortes stated that there is also apress club meecFing tomorrow night. Mr. Fesler also requested Mr. Callahan to check into having the microphones available for District meetings. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Upon recommendation of Mr. Callahan, Mr. Kortes moved, seconded by Director Oa'eman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $49,913.56 and the transfer of funds in the amount of $50,000.00 be approved. Adjournment; 9:50 P.M. k9S- RULAR MEETING (continued) -2- December 15, 1966 MANAGER'S REPORT (continued) PERSONNEL: The California Water Pollution Control Association has notified the 7177777F—That the following men have passed theft examination for Water Pollution Control Plant Operators: Grade IV: ALTON J . GUNDERSON, VERN TRUJILLO, CONRAD I , ROSS and ALFONS KAUFMANN. The certificates were forwarded with a letter of congratulations from the California Water Pollution Control Associates. I believe it would be appropriate if a member of the Board would present the certificates to these men." President Fesler stated that the Personnel Committee Chairman will distribute the certificates to the above mentioned men. Director Wakeman asked if ERNEST E. PESTANA, CONTRACTOR, had pulled his equipment from the job site. Mr. A.L. Shoupe, Engineer, stated that he had not. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Melikean, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be approved. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed Mr. McCormick and the other representa-fives from the HOFMAN LAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Mr. McCormick stated that they would wait to discuss Pioneer Villages, as it is on the agenda for discussion. COMMITTEE REPORTS: ( I ). EASEMENT; Director Hegarty stated there was no meeting. Attorney J. Weidman mentioned that regarding the easements (Eminent Domain) re the export line - - the CLINE EASEMENT is the one that the District is really concerned with. The Cline's have had a preliminary appraisal , which shows $17,000 to $2. 1 ,000. (2) . KYBURZ PARCEL - - There has been a change in ownership and the new owners are ready to negotiate. (3) . All easements are being worked on. President Fester mentioned to Mr. Hegarty that after all of the easements are taken care of that are now trying to be obtained and settled - - it might be well to check into the possibility of deleting the EASEMENT COMMITTEE and that Director Hegarty would be assigned another Committee. 2. PLANNING: Director Wakeman stated that today the Planning Committee met with Mr. Manoukian, Attorney for Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I ., and that everything was brought out that was discussed regarding the money they owe this District. l Mr. Wakeman stated, however, that he did not feel the meeting brought any change in status. They stood by the letter that was sent to this District. Director Wakmman furtherstated that he did not feel the meeting was conclusive. President Fesler stated that this will have to be a decision of the Board regarding the payment of money due from Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. I , and suggested a study session or an executive session be held after the first of the year. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION: Director Kortes stated that the Public Information Committee aid no+ meet. President Fesler stated that approximately two weeks aro he was invited to appear on Channel 10, T.V. by Larry Muston; At that time, rr. Fesler stated that discussion was held renardinn televising the District's meetinc. (City Council meetings are televised). Probably around February the District meetinn will be televised. Director Hegarty stated that he invited Ceneral Managet Moyer to be a speaker at the Rotary Club Wednesday evening. He further stated that Mr. Moyer made an excellent presentation and that he did an outstanding job; the croud was very attentive and the presentation well received. 4. PERSONNEL: Mr. Melikean stated that he had no report as he has been on a vacation; however, he did mention that the District is proud of the men mentioned in the Manager's Report. Mr. Melikean also mentioned that he visited a Water Treatment Plant while in Honolulu and briefly described what they did there. Mr. Melikean also stated that he will be very pleased to present the certificates to the boys that so justly earned same. Director Hegarty at this time welcomed r°r. Melikean back from his vacation. 5. BANKING/INSURANCE: Mr. Fesler stated there was no report - - the check from c8767-i7evelopment Administration was put in the bank ($298,000). REGULAR MEETING -5- December 15, 1966 (conti ed a Robe t W. Fe'sler, resident SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: �V\ Davi lqtlahan, Clerk of Board & E # icio Secretary-SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTLITY DISTRICT ************************* SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 21 , 1966 )(Wed)( The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a Special Session December 21st, 1966, District Office, 3:00 P.M. PURPOSE OF MEETING: The purpose of this special meeting was to adopt a RESOLUTION, ADThMI t T IE'ntS I DENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT TO EXECUTE AN OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE OF A FEDERAL GRANT UNDER SECTION 6(a)(2) 1966 AMMENDMENT TO FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, Hegarty and Melikean. Harlan E. Moyer, David W. Callahan, Dave Trussel (tribune) and John Murphy (Sacramento Bee). President Fesler called the meeting to order at 3:00 P.M. Harlan E. Moyer, General Manager, stated thatthe Federal Water Pollution Control Association Grant Offer must be accepted by the District before Deeember 31 , 1966. As time is of the essence, Engineer Moyer and a Director or Directors should travel to Washington, D.C., to review the offer; then, if acceptable, accept and sion the grant offer. Harlan E. Moyer suggested that Donald H. Kortes be President Pro Tem and Adopt RESOLUTION NO. 757 as mentioned above. Unanimously agreed too by the Directors. DIRECTOR Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that three (3) Directors and the General Manager travel to Washington, D.C. ( if need be) to review the grant. The grant offer amount is $1 ,02.2,000.00. Pres'i dent SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST: Davi . . a a an, , erk of gipard . x- f . Secretary - SOUTH TAHOEPUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT *******