HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965 07/01 - 1965 12/17 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF OIRECTORS 3�/ OF THE SQUTH �'1q'Hl7E PUBL I C UT I L i TY D I STR I CT � JULY i , 1965 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in reqular session, Thursday eveninq, July i , 1965, 8;00 P.P.1.,Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROI.L CALL: Present were President Donald L. Clarke, Directors Thomas L. Stewart, Robert Fesl— er, Donald H. Kortes, Robert Wakeman; also present were General Manac�er ?riday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J . Weidman, Attorney J . Holtom, Enc�ineer Harian E. Moyer, John Murphy - Sacramento Bee, Charlie Johnson - Tahoe Daily Tribune, William C. Taylor - Supt. of Plant Operations for the South Tataoe Public Utility District. M NUTES: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the m�inutes of June 17, 1965, be approved as written. President Clarke stated that in regards to Mr. Euqene Hale's Request (minutes of June 17, 1965) this was turned over io General Manager Priday for handling and a Committee was not appointed. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manaqer Priday read his report, as follows: "h�nager's Report July I , 1965 PtANT OPERATION: Total plant flow for June 1965 58,827,000 c�allons Daily average fiow for June 1965 1 ,960,900 " From June 22nd through June 30th Nine (9) days, the average daily flow was 2.209 million qallons. Nevada=District flow for June 1965 13,394,900 c�allons Daily average flow for June 1965 446,496 " Averaqe daily use of Chlorine: 326.5 Ibs. Holding pond .f.reeboard 4 teet - 0 inches ' Matin E3rothers construction Company have just completed repair on the spray area dikes - so we can use the remainder of the filed in time for the heavy intlows. Preventive line maintenance is proving to be of considerable worth as there was only one ( I ) emerc�ency call with only 2.2 man hours spent during the month of J une. This particular instance involved cleaninq the lateral frmm the property line to the collection main. A baseball , numerous plastic toys and rocks were taken from the lateral . Heretofore, we have been too lenient with the resident responsible for such stoppages and the District has absorbed the costs inv�lved; however, this party, as well as all others, will be charqed for all labor, material , etc. , includinq administrative costs,twhen any stoppage of a sewer line is caused by $imilar objects. It is not fair or equitable for the District taxpayer�s to absorb any costs created by a few individuals who think that the sewer system is for any or all discarded materials. The effluent ballast pond at the plant will have to have the berms r raised about two (2) feet to increase the capacity for back-washing operations in the Tertiary Treatment facility. Bill Young - lowest C�idder - $1 ,650.00, will start immediately on this project, The District crews have aqain shown remarkable inqenuity by installing a f2 inch by-pass line from the new effluent pump to the holdinq pond force main as standby emergency, should it be necessary to work on any one of the old effluent pumps. It is very gratifying to see the many innovations that are being built each time the opportunity or need arises within the District factlities. , We have had considerable activity the past week in our new ; Tertiary Treatment Plant. Many interested spectators, as well as television, newspaper, � magazine and trade jowrnal people were here to learn and publicize the first in the world project. Direcfior Kortes can cover this subject much better than I ." Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanmmously carried, that the Manac�er's Report be accepted as presented. COMMITTEE REPOR?S: I . EAS� EME_ NT: Director Stewart stated that the Easement Committee met at the request of �ene Thomas; two (2) easer�ent in the 100 series (S�ec. Assmt. District 1964-I ? have been received but there was an error on one easer�ent and this had to be corrected. 2. PLANNING: Director Fesler stated that the Committee checked with the Fire Chief in . i .3J3" REGULAR MEETING - July I, 1965 (continued) Paqe -2- regards to an ac�reement re the property behind the E3ijou Pump Station. An aqreement was located and this aqreement was signed in Sep�ember of 1953 by Wiiliam Crocker and H. Buchanan. Mr. Fesler stated that was was a "Masterpiece of Contractual Simplicity". Mr. Fesler also stated that the Planninq Committee teels that action should not be taken at this time to acquire the entire property but that we do negofiate with the Fire Board to get clear title to the property that the Bijou Pumping Station is on. Planning Committee will discuss this with the Fire E3oard. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Director Kortes stated that the Public Information Committee has met with various television, radio and press people; KRON, Reno, made a s� - special report for Tuesday's special evening broadcast; Mr. Art Blum brought many ' television people, KTIX, from San Francisco and they toured the plant; Mr. Don Aron � took some pictures and prepared articles for newsweek. Wednesday's San Francisco Examiner had an article written by Dick Nolan concerninq our Tertiary Treatment Plant; Governor E3rown was im�ressed and called Mr. Nolan regardinq this article. Mr. Nolan contacted the District General Manaqer, Mr. Priday, and mentioned the article to him and the call from the Governor and also stated an article follows. Mr. Priday also stated that Dick Nolan mentioned that Governor Brown had told him that this District refused the $1 .8 million loan. Mr. Priday told Mr. Nolan that we did not take it because we could not take it under the conditions that were set forth. Mr. Priday also stated that he discussed another item with Mr. Nolan - which was the American River route for export and mentioned to Mr. Nolan that this District was stopped from exporting into the South Fork of the American River by Goeernor Brown's staff and the Central Valley Water Pollution Control f3oard. P�lr. Nolan also asked the General Manaqer about building facitities in Nevada (this District building) and Mr. Priday stated to him that this District was to receive an answer from the Attorney General �s office to clarify as to whether or not this could be done. Mr. Nolan was e very interested in all details and stated that he would have another articte in the paper re the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Mr. Nolan mentioned to Mr. Priday that Governor Brown guaranteed him that the South Tahoe F'dblic Utility District would be receiving the $1 .8 million loan. � Gaieral Manager Priday also stated that the standards for export for I�levada have been - lowered; Mr. Jack Leggett mentioned this to Mr. Priday. The Secondary Effluent would almost be accepted. Director Kortes stated that he had presented Mr. Vaughn Burlingham (Ex-Director of the South Tahoe Public Utility District) with a sample of the water treated by Tertiary Treatment. Pqr. E3urlinc�ham has this on display on his desk at his office. Also, Mr. Kortes stated that the T.V. Statior� have carried the story and pictures on the NEW PLANT - - Monday - Channel 12 at Chico; Tuesday - Channel 4 at Reno; Wednesday - Channel 5 at San Francisco. 4. STREET �IGHTING: No report. OLD BUSINESS I . ORDINANCE N0. 122: Attorney Holtom recommended that Ordinance No. 122, which is an � ERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED, DETFRMINING TNAT TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE NECESSARY, AND DECLARING INTENTION TO APPROVE SUCH ANNEXATION. ANNEXATION N0. 1965-4 Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that _ ORD tNANCE N0. 122, be ap�roved, as r,e�csrnm=nded by Attorney J . Ho I tom. � � I REGULAR P�EETING - July I , 1965 (continued) S`� Page -3-) Attorney Weidman recommended that the followinq Resolutions be adopted: RFSOLUTION N0. 568: A RESOLUTION OF TNE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE S H TAH PUBLIC UTI�ITY DISTRICT APPROVING ANO DESCRIBIN� TERR�TORY PROPOSF�D TO QE ANNEXED AND CHANGING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT. (Johnson-Springmeyer-Treatment Plant) Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION NO. 568 be approved as recommended by Attorney J. Weidman. RESOLUTION N0. 569: A RESOLUTION QF SOUTN TAFiOE PUQLIC UTILITY G APPRECIATION TO SENATOR PAUL J . LUNARDI FOR PASSAGE OF�SENATE BILL N0. 1149 PROVIDING A 1 .8 MILLION DOLLAR LOAN FOR SOUTH TAHOE EFFLUENT EXPORT FACILITIES. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RES�LUTION N0. 569 be approved. RESOLUTION N0. 570: A RESOLUTION OF SOUTH TANOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRI�T X N , RE ATION TO ASSEP�BLYMAN EUGENE A. CHAPPIE FOR HIS EFFORTS IN PASSAGE OF SE�ATE BILL N0. 1149 APJD OTNER LE�ISLATION FAVORABLY AFFECTING SOIJTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart and Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION N0. 570 be approved. DQJGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER I ; General Manager Priday stated that Mr. Mi ton I�lanoukian, A orney tor .C. . . . I , called to tell him this price, set by the South Tahoe Public Utility District, for the additional capacity repuested by Nevada will be discussed at a meeting and a letter will be mailed to this District containing the action taken; also, Mr. Fesier stated that he hoped the E3oard coulr� instruct the Manager that if Nevada wishes to meet, he would like too and al ! Directors agreed. NEW BUSINESS: � I . �ERVICE CONTRACT - OIVISION OF NIGHWAYS, STATE OF CALIFORNI,A: Clerk of Board a a an presen ed he is r�c ervice ,on ract rom ivision of Highways, State of California, to the Eioard of Directors for approval . This contract is for furnishing sewer and street lightinc� service to State-owned rental properties and any other properties that may be acquired durinc� the terro �f this contract located in the South Tahoe Area. Estimated expenditures under this contr�act = $I ,000.00; contract expires June 30, 1966. Director Stewart rioved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the SERVICE C6INTRACT be accepted, as outlined in RESOLUTION N0. 571 : - 2. SERV ICE f1GREEMENTS �- S I ERRA PAC I F IC POWER C(�h1PANY: Genera t Manac�er Pr i day presented two (2) service aqreements received from he ierra Pacific Power Company for: I . Sewer Holdinc� ponds and 2. pumpinc� piant - back of Fire House. Tt� Public Utilities Commission, requires a contract for service. DirectorWa{ceman moved, seconded by Director Fesier, unanimously carried, that the service agreements received fr�m SIERRA PACIFIC POWER COP�PANY be accepted as outlined in RFSOLUTION N0. 572. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manager Priday read the followinc� correspondence: I . From California Filter Company, lnc., dated June 17, 1965, which was in answer to General PAanaqer f'riday's letter to them of June 13, 1965. ; 2. From E. A. Oe Karske, dated June �5, 1965, requesting information about the theory and desiqn of the New Water Reclamation Plant. 3. Mr. Priday's answer to Mr. DeKarske. �/�' REGULAR MEETING - July I , 1965 (continued) Page -4- MISCELLANEOUS: Enqineer H. Moyer stated that he would be out of town for the next regular meeting and recommended that at the next board meeting, if the work is completed by CALIFORNIA FILTER COMPANY INC. , the Directors adopt a NOTICE OF COMPLETION. uesday, r. yer, Mr. usse Culp and Mr. Goerge Garri�o'n-- sp�ec�ed the WATER RECLAMATION PLANT and found several minor items that needed to be corrected. These should be corrected prior to the next Eioard meeting. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-I : Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that the Resident ngineer - . . oupe, men ione that this project will be completed within ten ( 10) days. The work has been completed; there is some testinq to be done; and some repairs due to flood damage. Mr. Nbyer stated that before the next rec�ular board meetinc�� the Special Assessment District 1964�1 will be completed in its entirety. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, hat e PAYMENT OF CLAIMS, as recommended by Genera� Manager �riday, in �he amount of $29,667.28, be approved for payment. ADJOURPJMENT: 9:30 P.M. n +; ' �j� � �'L���%QJ �, `;�v�C�3-�-�� D ALD L. CLARKE, President SOUTH TAHOE PUE3LIC UTILITY DISTRICT �� , �� � �.�1 - � �����L � � DAV W. l. , er of—E3oa� ���x=— Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ******�x**��*��*���**�**�***�*** REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT July t5, 1965 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in rec�ular session Thursday eveninq, 8:00 P.M. , Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley� California. RO�L CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes and Fesler. Attorney . ei man, General �-4anaqer Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, D. Davidson - Tahoe Tribune, John Murphy - Sacramento E3ee, Walt Little - Lake Tahoe News, A.�. Shoupe, Resident Engineer for Clair A. Hill & Associates and Mr, R. Li�:ttle. ABSENT: Thomas L. Stewart - Director and Attorney J . Holtom - bondinq Attorney for t e ou Tahoe Pubiic Utility District. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanin+ously carried, a�� e minutes of July I , � 965, be approved as corrected. MRJAGER�S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report, which is as foltows: "MAN�4GER'S REPORT July 15, 1965 PLANT OPERATION: �otal plant flow July I-13, 1965 33,345,000 qallons Average daily flow (same period) 2,565�000 " rJevada District flow (same period) 7,416,000 " Averaqe daily flow (same period) 570,�t6t " Holdinq Pond Freeboard 3' - II " REGULAR MEETING - July I5, 1965 S�� (continued) f ac�e -2- Manager's Report (continued) Construction is complete on the new NJater Reclamation Plant and the fi � inc� of the NOTICE AND THE ACCEPTANCE wiil be under old business on the agenda. The next bic� task confrontinq the South Tahoe Public Utility District, in addfition to the construction of export facilities, is providinq additional treatment capacity up to 5.0 million qallons per day� We must, within this calendar year, get estimates of costs and a preliminary desiqn report from our enc�ineers so we can ascertain by wl�at means we can raise the necessary funds. It appears that the construction proc�ram will have to be�in in 1966 and completion no later than the first part of 1967. This fact is borne out by the report � on the high flows throuqh the Treatment Plant recentl sent to the Subject to P�1r. Earl Thouren's visit, th�s report mustmcomerto a sudd�ard. close." General Manaqer Priday stated that Mr. E. Thouren visited the Tertiary Treatment Plant and was very pleased with the completion; he took many pictures and also toured the Spray Area. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1: Mr. A. L. Shoupe, Resident Enqineer, stated that the Con rac or as about completed the testinq and has only minor cleanup. Mr. Shoupe stated that he felt that no later than the middle of next week this should be compieted in its entirety. ; Regarding General Manager Priday's statement 4Manac�er's Report) ot additional capacity, Director Fesler asked in what form will this additional capacity be and General Manac�er Priday stated we miqht have to add another secondary clarifier and extra carbon columr�. The Primary and Secondary facilities will have to be increased. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes� unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . PLANNING: Director Fesler stated that he has been workinq with the Fire Department on rying�o acquire the ownership of the back of the ro ert E3" P P y ( i�ou Pump Station. ) Director Fesler state� that he was asked to appear before the Fire District Board, whch which he did; questions were asked of him reqardinq sewer connection fees, inspection fees, etc.; the Fire District's Attorney - M. E3everly, wi11 prepare an agreement and this will be submitted to this Ebard at our next reqular board meetinc�. 2. PUBLIC INFORMATION; Director Kortes stated that many distinquished visitors have visited he er iary reatment Plant -; these visitors were from Enqland, Southern California, E3ay Area,;San Diec�o, San Mateo and Oakland newsmen also visited the Plant. Mr. Kortes also mentioned that a letter has been received from Senator Paul J . Lunardi thanking this F3oard for the RESOLUTION which was sent to him; another letter received from P�'r. Ronafd F. Packham, Research Fellow at Harvard University - thanking Mr. P�iday, Mr. Taylor and Mr. G. Culp for their quidance and tour ot the plant. Director Kortes also mentioned that �eneral Manac�er Priday has been invited to San Francisco on the 20th of July to accomplish � 2:00 P,M. ap�earance on N.B.C. 's Nbnitor; 3:00 P.M. interview o� radio station K.C.B.S. to answer phoned queries on the project (New Plant); projected meeting with the San Francisco Chamber of Comr�erce Poltution Committe� Committee at t0:30 A.M. , Wednesday, July 21 , 1965. Mr. F'riday will most probably meet with the San Francisco Examiner on Wednesday also. P resident Clarke stated that K.P. I .X. T.V, from San Francisco, taped a proqram on 6/30/65, and released same on Channel 5 that evening. Mr. Clarke stated that this was a brief but good pro9ram; the Director of the Propram was interviewinq Mr. Priday and askinc� many questions. Mr. Clarke further stated that he feels this is the best proc�ram this District has had so far because to him "the visual phase of it is the educational phase." STREET LIGHTIN� COMMITTEE; Oirector Wakeman stated that there was no report. He also requested and moved t a the Street Lighting Committee be deleted from� the Agenda, seconded by Director Kortes. Director Fesler statedtthat he felt the Street Linhtinq Committee should be kept on the Agenda under Committee Reports and that this could be �ombined with Personnel Committee. VOTES: AYES: NONE �r..�_ NOES: Directors Wakeman, Fesler and Kortes. ABSFNT: Director Stewart The Street Lightinc�/Personnel Committee will appear on Aqenda; Director Wakeman chairman of both. ��� REGULAR MEETING OF THE f30ARD OF DIRECTORS (continued) Paqe - 3- July 15� 1965 OLD BUSIPJESS: � I . CALIFORNIA FILTER COMPANY, INC. (CALFILCO) ; -- .r- a. NOTICE OF COMPLETION: General Manager Priday stated that he asked Mr. R. Culp o check to see i everythinc� was in or�er at the Tertiary Treatment Plant, and it was in order. Mr. Priday recommended that the NOTICE OF COMPLETION be accepted by the E3oard. The additional amount for this contrac amoun s o approximatety � $10,000.00; these are in chanQe orders and have been reques'ted by Mr. W.C.Taylor, � Supt. of Plant Operations. Mr. Priday stated that' the 10� retention will be held for 35 days; also, that the District had to do extra work on this contract and asked Attorney Weidman if the District should tile a lien - ? Mr. Weidman stated that this NOTICF OF COh1PLETION can be accepted as follows: "NOTICE OF COMPLETION TO BE ACCEPTED AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION FILED FOR TERTIARY A M B N H , l^J ; , S F . I S I W L W N L FUR H F I .U AF-1AG S N I SP• I HARGES IN AN AMOUN Y TO E3E DETERMINED . Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimeusiy carried, that the NOTICE OF COP=1F'LETION be accepted as worded in above paraqraph. 2. DOUGLAS COUNTY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0. I : In answer to Director Fesler's question, Mr . Priday stated t at no answer as been received from Nevada regarding the District's letter re additionai capacity requested by Nevada. 3. PRELIMINARY REPORT - INCREASED FACILITIES (as mentioned in Manaqer's Report) The Directors agreed that a Study Session shouid be heid to discuss the preliminary report for increased facilities. General Mana�er Priday wiii notify the Directors when a Study Session will be held to discuss the preliminary report for increased facilities. Director Wakeman mentioned to the Board that he read where Mr. Wally Nlhite, Sanitation Eng. for Nevada, stated that one-hundred million dollars worth of development is waitinq for export. NEW BUSINESS: I . HIGH SCHOOL - SEWER PERMIT BEFORE ANNEXATION: Mr. Priday stated that this Dis ric as never received a reques from t e iph school to annex to the District; the District's concern now is that the school is ready to connect to our facilities; but we cannot issue a permit unless they are within the District. The hiqh school has authori2ed Mr. Weidman to go ahead with the annexation; however, the District does have to have a map showing the property to be annexed. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the District allow the school to hook-up to the sewer so we will in no way hinder their expansion as tong as they are diliqently seekinc� annexation to the District. CORRESPONDENCE: General Manaqer Priday mentioned that the California Sanitation �'sfric ,on�ve tion is now on at Narvey�s Waqon Wheel Casino and stated that any directors that are interested could attend. General Manager Priday stated that the Directors should qo to this convention to reqister and they they could qet an idea as to what proqram is set up, what they would like to hear. NEVADA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ASSOCIATION: Mr. Priday r_ead the letter from this , ssocia ion invi inq irec ors o a end e Nevada Water Pollution Control Associa- � tion to be held at th� Sparks Nuqget, Sparks� Nevada, Auqust 13, 14, 1965. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carrie , hat he claims in the amount of $49,833.55 as recommended by General Manac�er Priday, be appcoved for payment. ADJOURNMENT: 9:00 P.M. ; sZc _4- July 15, 1965 (cont. ) , f � ��- / � , t, t� r , � 1< ! onald L. C arke, President SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT j� � L,� ��K-k-,�'-�`� av i . Zra�T an, er o oar and Ex-Officio Secretary SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY OISTRICT i ' *�*�******* REGULAR MEET i fdG OF TNE E30ARD OF D I RECTORS OF THE SOUTH TANOE PUE3LIC UTILITY DISTRICT AU�UST 5, 1965 The E3oard of Directors of the South Tahoe Pubiic Utility District met in re�ular session at the Tahoe Valley Fire Houee, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley, Californi�. ROLL CALL: Present were President Donald L. Glarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler and�S ewart; also present were General Manaqer Priday, Clerk of F3oard Ca� lahan, Attorney J . Weidman, Attorney J . Holtom, Enc�ineer H. P4oyer and A.L.Shoupe - ResidentEnqineer, W.C. Taylor, Supt. of Plant Operations� �lilton S. Powell , A. Harootunian , D.Urquhardt, Robert Brown, George �aron, R. Anderson, S. Meyers, Ted Kolby, Aima Steep, Mei Beverly, Wait Little, Mr. Oavidson, Wink Ames, J . P�lurphy. MINUTES: The minutes of July 15, 1965 - Director Fesier moved, seconded by Director Kor�es,—unanimously carried, that the minutes be a-proved as written. Director Fesler requested th�t Attorney P^. E�everly be reco�nized prior to the Manac�er's Report. He further stated that when he (Fesier) appeared before the Fire E3o�rd, every courtesy was extended to him and he was put on the Agenda right away. ' Attorney E3everly stated that he had ta�o (2) items to present; I . RESOLUTION N0. 573: !1 RESOLUTION AND ORDER APPROVIN� ON AND CNANGING ROUNDARIES OF Tf1E DISTRICT ( 1965-5 --Potter) : � j RESOLUT I ON N0. 574: ii RESOLUT I ON f1ND dRDEP �PPROV I NG PROPO D XA D CHANGING BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT. ( 1965-6 - Ledbetter). 2. RESOLUTION PJO. 575: AGREEP�ENT FOR TRANSFER OF REAL PROPERTY FROM LAK VAL Y FIR PP.OTECTION DISTRICT TO THE SOUTN TAHOE PUE�LIC UTILITY DISTRICT. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanir�ousiy carried that RESO_ LUTION N0. 573 and RESOLUTION N0. 574, as wel ) as RESOLUTION N0. 575 be approved. P�IANAGER'S REPOP,T General P�anager Priday read his report� which is as follows: "Manaqer's Peport August 5, 1965 t PLANT OPERATION: Reclamation Plant flow for July 77, 170,000 galions Averane Daily 2,489,350 " Nev�da flow for July 19,365,000 " � Daily flow tor July 624 690 " Electrical load increased by 38£i K.W.H. Hoidinc� Pond Freeboard ] 4' 6" Probably the most important phase in the life of the South Tahoe Public Utility District is takinq place now. Many determinations have to be made in order to continue the success story of the South Shore. A recent study session of the E3oard outlined the need for construction of certain facilities. We cannot identify them in any order of importance, as each ties in directly to the other. The new Force P�la i n tr�oro the E3i jou Pump i n� Stat ion i s needed NO�ti� to hand le the sewac�e load presently facinc� us. Last weekend collection lines were backed-up in many areas, because the station couid not relieve the intlow. This is a major item in order to protect the area from any raw sewac�e overf lows. �ar� / -2- �/ 5/65 (cont. ) (Manager's Report ---Continued) The Treatment Plant is overburdened by a considesable mar�in, makinq it almost impossible to c�et as hic�h a deQree of treatment as should be exper_ted. This, of course, relates directly to export. A hic�h dec�ree of treatment is necessary for not only our present disposal activities, but to ex�ort into any other watershed outside the basin as well . I have qiven considerable thouqht to the problems and their impact on the community. It is my concerned opinion and, r�ore particularly, the means by which we can afford the tremendous program. i think the timinq of the issue is of less ' importance than the issue itseit. Relative to this, I feel it wouid be fundamentaily sound to consider expansion of some facilities to not less than 10 MGD in this program. The export facility, as has been indicated, shouid possibly be much larc�er than our present plan has outlined. Regardless of what r�ay or may not happen on other facilities, the new Force P��ain from the Bijou Pumpinc� Station must be considered immediately. I sugc�est that the Engineers proceed with plans and specitications on this time, with- out delay, and be given a "go-ahead" on a more detailed study of plant expansion. i also suqgest that study sessions of the Boarci be set to work out the exactina details before commitments are made to the Public-At-Large." Director Wakeman stated that "this is the most sensible report I have ever read." Director Kortes rioved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried that the Manac�er's Report be accepted as presented. NOTE: PLANT EXPANSION, AS PIENTIONEO IN THE MANC:ER'S RFPORT, REFERRED TO NEU1 BUSINESS. RECOGP�ITION OF VISITORS: Mr. Ted Kolbe stated that he is President of the Taxpayer's , Association an a e would like to make one comment: The Taxpayer's Association I will suppprt any action the Eioard members here take to improve export facilities, etc. , dependinc� on the cost; he further stated the Taxpayer's Association will support , any recommendations by the Manager and Enqineer of the South Tahoe Pubtic Utility District. President Clarke asked the visitors present if anyone had to leave,the Board will hear them at this point. No further comr�ents. COMMITTEE REPORTS: . EASEMENT (Director Stewart) : Mr. Stewart stated that the Easement Committee did mee ewar , es er, ei man wi �rs. Arlene Thomas; approximatety 90� of the easements for Spec. Assmt. Dist. 1964-1 have been prepared and mailed. To date, �pproximately 25 easements have been receiveci �t the District office (com�leted) . SPRiNGMEYFR EASEMENT: This case is set for £3/23/65. JOSEPf�INE ELMORE'S EASEP�ENTS. PAr. Stewart stated that Miss Elmore arrived before the mee ing an iscussed er pro lem with hiro and the Committee will study this further. 2. PLANNING COM�^ITTEE (Director Fesler) : This Committee (Fesier, Stewart and Priday) me an oure e p an an ma e aware of the fact that the facilities are overloaded and that the effluent which was beinc� produced was highly puestionable. 3. PUBLIC INFORM/1TION: (Director Kortes) : Director Kortes stated that the Water P,eclama ion Plant is receivinc-a a �reat deal of reconnition. Last Friday several i newspaper reporters toured the facilities; also, a letter was written to Governor Brown from President Donald L. Clarke reqardinq the Expo�ht E3ill No. 1149. No reply has been received as of this date. 4. STREET LIGHTING/PFRSONNEL (Director Wakeman� : P�o Report O�D E3USINESS: Items I and 2 listed on Aqenda was taken care of prior to Manaeer's epor . 2. JOHf��SON ANNEXATION: ( 1965-4) ; Attorney J . Hoitom presented Resolution No. 576 or a option. is annexa on includes same 300 acres. Also, two conditions have been set forth in the RESOLUTION, as requested in a Study Session by the Board of Directors. �/5/65 Minutes (cont�-�' �» �-- Director Fesler stated that the present plant facilities cannot service any area without expansion. He asked if the District could de-annex �roperty at a later time if the District cannot provide sewer service. Direc,tor Stewart stated that to finance expansion of the District facilities, annexations are neede�d because it is throuqh the annexations the District can qo for a revenue bond for expandinq the plant. In answer to Director Kortes' question, P.4r. Priday stated that for this annexation (JONNSON) approximately 125 acres would be deve►oped and this wouid mean approximately $45,000.00. Mr. Priday further stated that for this particuiar annexation, the owner will pay the entire cost of every facility within this annexation, they size the line, pumping station and everythinq that ctoes in. This is seif-supportinq. There will be ' no cost to the District. Director Fesler stated th�t the $45,000.00 is not intended to expand the plant; if they had been in the District oric�inally, this is the amount they would have paid. He further mentioned, that he is in favor of ali annexations; however, if the District cannot service them� should the District accept any annexation? Director Kortes askedsD�irector Fesler if he felt this annexation should be postponed and Director Fesler stated that he would like to study this further. Attorney J . Holtom stated that these people (JOHNSON f�NNEXATION) have complied with everything the District has requested and he felt that it was unfair for further study on this. Director Kortes stated that the District has been faced with an overflow problem the past two weeks and due to this, has put an entirely different outlook on everythinq. Generai Manager Priday stated that two budqet's h�ve been set up for the next five (5) years - - it was figured in these budgets, future annexation fees; if the E3oard turns annexation down, there wiii be an increase in taxes of .54d. MR GEORGE BARON stated that accordinq to the Enqineers and Manager's records and statements, the Distriict does not have the facilities ta serve the present area; the way to resolve the problem is to resolve it on a total basis; these new areas wiil help the District to qet the revenue needed; those properties have to p�y their way and those fees will be a payment of the existinq facilities and on the back t�xes; Mr. Baron further stated that the Board has the authority to serve when and if they can serve. P�R. DON URQUHARDT stated that the Planning Cor�mission requires a letter from the District stating facilities will be or are availabie. (This letter is written for the area to be developed or the subdivider and brought ta the Plannin� Commission. ) MR. UROUHAP.DT also stated that someone wili always say "if we can't qet service, we will construct a plant." Mr. Urquhardt stated that one plant is the only thinc� that is c�ood for South Shore. � Director Fesler stated that the District did negotiate other annexations in nood faith in the past; however� in the past two weeks situations have chanc�ed and in view of this� the District is qoinc� �to have to take some other action. Director Stewart stated that by annexinq these lands, the Qistrict can look forward to a revenue bond; without these annexations the oniy qurantee the District wou �d have to raise money would be through a G.O. E3ond, which means a tax increase. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, that this hearinq on the JOHNSON ANNEXATION ( 1965-4) be continued. President Clarke stated that we have had a couple of explanations from two experts in this field. " I do not think that we are qualified to state our opinions ac�ainst the opinions of experts", Mr. Clarke stated. He turther stated that he does not hink the dallars and cents have, at the moment, any bearinq on it. The situation this District has to consider is that we are in business to serve people and once we stop servinca people "we had better quit". Mr. Clarke also stated that there is no choice, in his opinion� but to qo ahead. This annexation will h�ve no bearin� on this operation untii (ong after this proposed bond- issue has been presented to the peopie/public. Psr. Clarke stated that in his opinion it is "full steam ahead". Money wil ) be received from these people which will help the District take care of the matters. MR. ROE3ERT BROWN stated that if the District cannot provide service to a subdivider, he cannot subdivide or sell his lots. Director Stewart 5tated that a man cannot be stopped from developinq his land; peopie will put in septic tanks if they are not within the boundaries of this District; what is the use of havinq a sewage treatment piant if the people wiil not use it, Mr. Stewart stated; also, there are homes qoinn in at Montc�omery Estates - they are puttinq in septic tanks; this District is trying to qet rid of the septic tanks; to cle�n up sewage and to keep the Lake �z3 8/5/65 (cont. ) clear, P,1r. Stewart stated. Mr. Ralph Anderson stated that this area is just qettinq over the bad publicity we had a coupie of years aqo; if the District does not c�o into this annexation, the story wi ► I hit the papers aqain statin� that the District cannot take care of sewaae needs. Motion carried. �JEU! E3US I NESS: Gener�I D�lanaqer Pr i day read a I etter f ror� a Mr. Sepsey i n wh i ch he stated that the c�arbaqe disposals were not installed and request•ed a refund for same. A refund in the amount of $i£39.50 was recor+mendeci by General P1ana�er Priday. ! � Director Fesler moved, seconded by Directors Stewart and NJakeman, that Mr. Sepsey be refunded $189.50 as recommended by General P�lana�er F'riday. Carried unanimously. PLANT EXPANSION; (Referred to New E3usiness from the Manac�er's Report-3 Mr. Harlan E. Moyer, Engineer� reviewed the events that have occured since the oriqinal survey was made by E3rown and Caidweil in 195£3. (E�rown and Caldwell were then th the Enc�ineers for the District. ) The area that was surveyed consi5ted of Cave Rock to the "Y" at flic�hway 50 and 89 and west of Fallon Leaf Lake; this service area contained approximately 46.5 square miles or 29,840 acres of which 3,700 acres were in Nevada. At that time, Brown 8 Galdwell made recommendations to the Board for a construction stage program. They recommended that a New Sewac7e Treatment Plant should be constructed for 2-I/2 M.G.D. and that this should suff•iY:e until 1965; at that time, ( 1965) expansion ot the treatment piant should occur. Mr. Moyer stated that in 1962 Cfair A. f�ill 8 Associates prepared a repart and in 1963 the Lake Tahoe Area Council requested the World Famed E3oard of Sanitary Engineers to study the area. Three (3) independent reports/studies ot this problem were made and they were three (3) identicai reports. It appears that Nevada will construct their plant and wiil leave this District in 1968. Mr. P�loyer stated that the events of this summer have shown that the treatment facilities are exceeding their capacities; that expansion is necessary; that it is stated that the Bijou Pumpin� Station has reached its capacity. The facts are that the treatment plant must be expanded to come up to the demands that are _ cominq upon it. Brown R Caldwell report recommended that the plant be expanded in 1965 to 5 P�i.G.D. and in 1962 - Clair A. Hili 8 Associat�= report aqreed with this. Several additional facilities wiii hav� to be added - - clar-�fier, carbon re- generation system, separation beds, etc. ' Director Fesler asked Mr. Moyer if this District would be eli�ible for P.L. 660 Grant? Mr. Moyer stated that conditions must be met to entitle one to t�his grant, such as: I > the need and 2) the fiscal limitation that can be piaced upon the maximum that can be received. P•1r. Moyer requested that the Enc�ineers be autharized to continue with the Investic�a- tion they have started and be abie to make and develop the plans �nd reasonahle accurate cost estimate. Director Fesier moved, seconded by Directar Wakeman, unanimousiy carried, that we authorize our Enc�ineer to make a cost survey to come up with the information we need. That he c�o ahead riqht now and work up the cost information we need for anythinc� essential to our plant, P^r. Moyer stated that he hoped to have the report ready within thirty (3m) days. CORRESPOPJDENCE: �eneral P�lanager Priday read a letter from Douqlas County Sewer Improvement District No. I in which they request an answer from the South Tahoe Public Utility District within sixty (60) days re the additional capacity Nevada requested. PAY��ENT OF CLAI��S: Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes,unanimously carried, that the clairr,s in the amo�nt of $41 ,365.79 be approved for pay►nent, as recommended by Genera 1 h���nac�er Pr i day. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-I : Prr. Moyer stated that 1964-I Special Assessment Dis ric as been comp e ed; e ines have been tested and available for residents to connect to the facilities; easer�ents have been cleared. - - - f�^r. Stewart asked it the Easement Comr�ittee could qo with Mr. Shoupe to survey the area, especially where the easements are concerned; ��r. Stewart will make an appointment with Mr. Shoupe to tour this area, �/5/65 (cont. > '� �' / P�r. Ted Kolbe stated that this was the first meeting he has attended for the �oard of Directors of the South Tahoe �ublic Utility District and complimented the �oard of Directors for the way the meetin� was canducted, handled, their action an� for actin� in the best interest of the people here. h^r. Ko� be further stated that he attends many meetings and he cannot say the same for those meetings. Mr. Clarke stated that this Qoard is workin� for the interest of the peopie. Mr. Clarke thanked all of the visitors for attendinq this meetin� and for their ehelp and invited them to ,return for other meetin�s. � ' ADJOURNP�IENT: I 0:20 P.M. � � � �` � �r''�Z. � -� �.`I r�', � I. ona . , ar e, resi en o e E3oard of Directors .� c� �` ' ��� v- Dav i d J. a a an, , er o oar an Ex-Officio Secretary �***��***�� REGULAR MEETiNG OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE � SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT August 19, 1965 The E3oard of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in re�ular session Thursday, August 19, 1965, �3:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire Nouse, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke� Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler and Stewart; Gene� r�a�ana�er Priday, Clerk of Board Caliahan, Enc�ineer H. Moyer, Attorney J .Weidman, Attorney J . Holtom; A.L. Shoupe, W.C. Taylor, Wm. Johnson, K. Smith, M.D. , L. Haii , Mr. ' and Mrs. J . Leggett, G. Qaron, Attorney b+lindroff, Mr. W. Ames, John Murphy� C.Wentworth, P�r. and Mrs. Bur i i nc�ham, M. S i ms, �-�r. J . Leavy� Mr. D. Urauk�art. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesier, unanimousiy carried that e minutes of Augu�t 5, 1965, be approved as written. MANAGER'S REPORT: General Manager Read his report, which is attached and made part of these minutes. P�1r. Priday gave a brief explanation of the chart, which was an attach- ment to the r�anager's Report. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted. GOMMITTEE REPORTS: Director Stewart there was no report from the Fasement committee but asked Mr. J . Weidman about the proc�ress on the Sprinqmeyer Trial and Johnson Estate Property. S�rinqmeyer Trial was bc�mped because of a Criminal Case and there is a possibility thi+s will be settled out of court; Mr. Weidman wili obtain the deed for the JOHNSON ESTATE PROPERTY. PLANNING COP�MITTEE: ;Director Fesler stated that the Planninn Cor�mittee met with Mr.John ompson, P�1r. Don Urquhardt and P�1r. Br�ce Robinson and discussed the existinc� plant facilities and expansion; current annexation to the District. f�lso, �^r. Fesler stated that the County Officiais pledged their support in trying to �et a bond passed as they felt that this bond is definitely essential . � PUE3LIC INFORMATION: Director Kortes stated that many visitors have appeared at the � rea men ant o tour the facilities and that he felt it was very rewardina to see so many people interested in the Tertiary Treatment facilities. STREET LIGHTING/PERSONNEL: Director Wakeman stated there was no report. OLD BUSINESS: Engineer Harlan P�loyer stated that preliminary desic�ns and cost estimates ave een com�leted for the existinn plant and the new plant expansion. This is not in formal form as yet; however, Mr. P-^.oyer stated that he wouid qive the cost estimates of plant expansion to �he Directors this evening. The Treatr�ent Faciiities now are over- loaded and P9r. ^1oyer stated that the sooner plant expansion can take pl�ce, the better. P�1r. Moyer stated that the secondary clarifier is now overloaded and this should be taken care of as quickly as possible - recommended a new secondary ciarifier of approximately 100' in diameter and a 10' water depth to handle flows of 5 h^.G.D. �Z 5 8/19/65 (cont. ) SLUDGE DIGESTER FACILITIES - - an ad�itional di�ester is needed, approximately 100' in diameter and a 30� wide water depth. Primary Treatment Facilities wiil need a new sedime�tation basin, barminuter, etc. ; treatment piant will require expansion to its second staqe, this will rr�an two additional separation beds, two carbon columns and stora�e facilities; electrical capacity of the existinq plant controls wiil have to be increased and the emer�ency power capacity of the present plant; the Bijou Force Pfain will need modifications; secondary treatment to be ex�anded; additional expansion on the Tertiary Treatment Facilities - - this wili provide a capacity of approximately 7-I/?_ MGD, which is approximately two times the flow now received. The approximate cost of the expansion, as mentioned above, will be $?_,305,000.00 of which 30� wiil be through Federal Grant P.L. 660 Funds, and with the $185,000.00 j the District now has,the cost would be approxi�ately $1 ,428,500.00 The Fi�ures !, mentioned by h"r. Moyer will inclu�e all incidentals, en�ineer;ing fees, etc. ; and these new facilities wiil be ample throu�h approximately 1970-71 . Essestial construction now should be the Bijou Force �^ain; Secondary Clarifier, diqester facilities� primary facilities, electrical facilities. In answer to Director Fesler's question, P�1r. Moyer stated if this District did not do anythin� for another .year - the plant will be 15/20� overioaded; the secondary stage is not �ettinq any �reatment now-later, without construction sewaqe will be run throu�h the plant and i� will be watched as it qoes by - no treatment. ,\ Director Stewart stated that this problem was disci�ssed at the last re�ular meetinc� and �t was concluded that the only way we could finance this wouid be throuc�h a bond issue - for a revenue bond. Attorney Iioltom stated there are roethods to finance this new construction: I . G. 0. E3ond 2. Revenue E3ond 3. Assessment Proceedin�s Followinc� discussion� Attorney Holtom recommended that the fo� lowinq Ordinance be adopted. ORDINANCE �d0. 124: AN ORDINf�NCE CALLI��G A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE SOUTH TAHQE PUE3 U Y D STRICT FOR TI-IE PURPOSE OF SUBh^.ITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE DISTRICT THE PROPOSITION OF ISSUING REVENUE BONDS UNDER THF REVENUE FiOND , LAW OF 1941 TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR TNE ACOUISITION, CONSTRUCTION, IMPROVINC' AND F I NANC I NG OF ADD I T I ONS� EXTENS I ONS, AND I P�?PROVEh1ENTS TO THE D i STR i CT SEUJER SYSTEPI, AND pECLAR I�dC THE PR I�JC 1 PAL Ati10UNT OF THE E30�dDS AND THE �_�AX I MUM RATF OF I NTEREST TO BE PA I D THERF_ON - - SFI^JFR PROJ ECT. This Ordinance sets a Speciai District Electi�n for the 21st of September 1965, pollinq place, etc. Director Wakeman renuested sor�e comments from the visitors present reqardinq this Ordinance. General Planaqer Priday stated that the tax rate will still be .97� if this Bond Issue does pass. MR. GEORGE E3ARON stated that Tahoe P�radise Units I , 2 and 3, approximately 500 lots, will be constructed and need sewers this fall or sprinc7. ��R. LARRY HA�L stated that he has apprmximately 160 �cres around the sawmill and 160 lots have already been subdivided; 100 lots approxir�ately have been subdivided in the Country Club Estates. P�1R. "VJINK" AMES stated that it has not been mentioned that if the District has a 1 .4 miliion dollar bond issue on 9/21/65 - - another election. wiil be for 5 million for the School - - and In�orporation will follow. MR. S. McKISSOCK asked �-�r� H. Moyer what the most vital construction is - - Psr. �� Moyer stated that ( I ) E3ijou Force Main immediately and (2) treatment plant facilities. �Ar. McKissock stated that he shared �^r. Ames concern; however, he is in 100� aqreement that the treatment facilities need to be taken care of also, but he is concerned about the proximity of these dates. P�IR. DON URQUHARDT stated that he considered the problem the District is tryin� to solve is one of the most critical and felt that it would be drastic it the District slowed down. MR. JACK LEGGETT stated that exportation is your biggest problem and if enlarc�ement SZ �O 8/19/65 (cont. ) : is not considered - then the District had better forc�et export. ��r. Lec��ett also stated that it is questionable in his mind if the effiuent would n�w be acceptable (the nresent effluent) . Mr. Legqett stated that within another year, sewa�e will be going into the Lake and it wif ) not be tre�ted - - if the �eople want sewaqe runnin� into the �.ake, they have to live with it. ATTORNEY WENDROFF stated that the State would want some assurance that the transportation system was goinc� to be useful ; if the effluent is not want�d anywhere, the State certainiy won't want it; �^r. udendroff stated that he could not see wher� the District could get the 1 .8 mi':t.lion dollars if the District cannot find any place to put the effluent. Mr. I�di nk Ames asked Mr. Lec�qett, h1r. d�lendroff and the E3aard what wou I d happen i f the District Bond Issuecfaiis. Mr. Clarke answered with the auestion: "What happens if the school bond or Incorporation fails, are "we �oinq ta nuit?" �"R WINK At�IES stated that to sacrifice ( ncorporation would be an inalterable sin. P�!R. JP,MES LEAVY stated the district has tried ?_-3 times to pass a Qond Issue and each time it was turned down and asked the Directors if they feel it will �o this tir�e. Director Stewart stated "YES" - - the �ast bond issues were G.O. E3onds and this is the first time a Public Entity has had the opportunity to offer this Community a Bond Issue of a revenue nature, which does not and will not increase the taxes. P�oney will be coming into the District quicker than the time the bond would have to be paid ott, Mr. Stewart stated. D-�r. Stewart also s#�ated that he does not see where this E3ond Issue would interfere with the School F�nd Issue or Incor�oration; this issue will be considered on its merits. MR. L^JILLIAM A. SCf�UI�TZ, ATTORNEY, stated that Incorp�ration �nd Bond Issues have failed for his area in the past because the people were holding a fear ot increase in taxes. DR. KEN SP�11TH asked if the election were p�stponed until November or December if the District could �o ahead with Construction then. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated this would delay the two major eler�ents that wouid take care ot the District problem this spring or summer - - the District situation is criticat , �^r. Moyer stated. MR. LARRY HALL asked if the property owners could help by sic�ninq comr�itments? P�r. Pri�ay stated that the $2,305,000.00 was based on $185,000.00 beinc� received from P.L. 660 funds. Mr. P�loyer stated that it the District is c7oinc-� to construct, the money must be on hand. MR. GEORGE QARON stated that when different types of ACTS were beinc� used, the Contractors always wanted to know if they were qoinc-� to be paid off in r�oney or paper. Also, Mr. Qaron stated that the District could be accused of becominc� polfutinn or contaminating - - - 'if the Plant exists its c�pacity, you mi�ht qualify as contaminators. Just for the record h�1r. E3aron stated that a POLLUTER is a foreic-�n substance found in somettn�ng - water, etc. , and to contar�in�te is to let a germ or a disease qet around an area. MR. JACK LEGGETT stated that peopie are not aware of the fact that this District is treating the sewage well at this time; your flows are increasin� daily; there is much more sewage to deal with this ye�r than last year and sewac�e is apt to be discharaed into the LAKF without the treatment that you had last year. DIRECTOR STEWART stated that r�any people have walked into the District Office and reauested permits for connections; unless samething is dane with the E31JOU PUMPING STATION, as weil as the Plant, Mr. Stewart stated that he felt there wi � l be pressure put upon this District as it was one year hack, ff buildinc� is sto�ped, economy is stopped. D�RECTOR FESLER P•10VE'D, SECONDED BY DIRECTOR STEW/1RT, UNAN1�10USLY CARRIED TNAT ORDINANCE N0. 124 BE ADOPTED AS RECOP�?MENDED AND �UTLINED E3Y ATTORNEY J . HOLTOM� RESOLUTION N0. 576; PAr. 4�lendroff worded this RESOLUTION in a manner which he thouqht would be passed by the E3oard. pIRECTOR STE6�IART MOVED, SECONDEQ f3Y DIRECTOR KORTES, UNANi�^OUSLY CARRIED, THAT RESOLUTION N0. 576, which is A RESOLUTION OF TNE BOARD OF D�RECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUE3L1 U ILITY D S RICT DECLARING I IN d 0 EXP R SEWAGE EFFLUEN 0 OF HE LPK.F i�MOE . MR. JACK LEGGETT asked if the Eioard of Directors would consider havin� a meetin� with the Dou�las County Sewer Improvement District No. I . �^r. Clarke stated that plans are under way. P1r. Leggett asked if he would be notitied so he could attend the r�eetinq. A1r. Clarke will notify �1r. Leg�ett. i P�r. Clarke stated that this District has nc�t turned its back on PJevad�; this District has never considered discontinuinq nec�otiations with Nevada; "We can't Afford too". `�Z 7 8/19/65 Attorney fi�itbm a�ain requested that the � oard consider adoptin� a RESOLUTION tor i965-4 ANNEXATION this eveninq. This Resolution was postponed/adjourned from the last re�ular meetinn to this meetin�, Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, that this hearina be pestponed until October 7, 1965. Director Stewart stated this p�stroned onee; he stated that action should be taken on this or a decision reached toninht. This is not a serious problem and wilt show the people that the District is sincere in their efforts for a REVENUE BOND. P�1r. Stewart stated that he teit the best support the �'istrict could come up with in promotinq a �nd issue would be to accept this annexation. General P�anaqer Priday stated that the Ordinance has been passed; if anythin� should happen that these revenues are not forthcominry, this annexation would not be a �art of the �roqram. The sooner these people are in the District, the sooner the money qets to us, There cannot be a REVENUE BOND with annexations, Mr. Priday stated. VOTES: AYES: DIRECTORS UJAKEMAN, KORTES AND FESLFR . NOES: DIRECTOR STEWART Motion carried. PENALTIES - SERVICE CNARGES: General P�lanager Priday stated that on the delinquent tax roll there has been t is year a 10� penalty added. We have several peoplP complain that they did not receive the original bill , which was mailed to them in June. The penalty was added to the accounts that wereddelinquent the 2nd of August, 1965. The oftice is follawinq the Ordinance which was adopted reqardinq penalties. General Manager Priday recommended that we leave it as it is now and next ye�r include it on their bill and if they do not pay then it wiil be added to the tax roll , except for the individuals that purchased the property in the meantime and the office did not have the correct name �nd mailing address. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Nlakeman, unanimously carried, that General Planager's recommendation/suggestion be approved. PAYMENT - Cf�LFILCO(CALIFORNIA FiLTER COMPA�fY) Generai Mananer Priday stated that certain monies are to be withheld from the pay- ment to Calfilco. Attorney Weidman suqqested that the Inspection fees in the amount of $5,257.65 be withheld from the payment to CALFILCO and not liquidated damages or the $1 ,744.04� for additional days the Company took to cor�piete the contract. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that Attorney l�Jeidman's suc�qestion/recommendation be accepted and approved. NOTICE OF CONIPLETION-SPECIAL ASSESSF�IENT DISTRICT 1964-I : Attorney Holtom pcesented R U . , w ic is A ING OMPLETION AND DIRECTING ENGINEER F J ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETION. SANITARY SEWFRAGE PROJECT N0. 1964-i . Uirector Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION PJO. 577 as it pertains to the NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF 1964-I , be approved. EMERGENCY MEASURES - QIJOU PUMPING STAT��Nt-- Directors agreed to have General Manager ri ay an e is. ANNEXATION OF EXCLUDED PARCELS: General Mane�er Priday stated that all fees have i een pai y e owner o is property �nd he now wants to connect to the District facilities. This will be a P^otel . Director Stewar.t stated that this would be somethinc� that wiil be addinc� to the flow increase probiem in the very near future. Past annexations that have been postponed will not be a contributinq factor for a conple of more years. General �lanager Priday stated that we have� prior to this, issued permits so the owner could proceed providinc� ail fees were paid. Director Kortes moved that this person be given a permit and proceed with annexation. NO SECOND P�otion died for lack of a second. II/19/65 3�� ORD I NA�dCE N0. I 23: fiN ORD I NA�JCE OF TEiE SOUTH TAHOE PUE�L I C UT I L I TY D I STR I CT STAT I NC TH R , ti� �t�H TAXES �1RE NECESSAP.Y, F I X I PJG THE AP�!�UNT Of" P-�ONEY NEGESSARY TO BE RAISFD E�Y TAXATION, FIXING OF RATE OF iAXES, AND ADDING TO AND h^AKING A PART QF THE ANNUAL ASSFSS��ENT LEV I ED UF'ON THE LAND UPON t�JH I CH SEWER SERV i CE WAS USED AND CHARGFS THEREFORE UNPAID AT TfIF Ti�^EOF FIXI�dG THE RATE OF TAXES - 1965/66-Fiscal Year. Director Wakeman moved, secondecl by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE N0. I2_3 be adopted. h1EYERS ANNEXATION - PETITION; Attorney Haltom presented the petition f�r the h^eyers Annexa ion o e ecre ary to verify sic�natures. The hearinq for this Annexation is October 7, 1965. CORRESPONDENCE: Generai �^anac�er F'riday read a letter from the E� Dorado County Road Depar�ment where they are requestinc� to construct a roadway on property which the District has a use permit for. Director Wakeman maved, seconded by Directnr Kortes, unanimously carried, that the COUNTY request be c�ranted. (This was with the approval of the General P�anac�er and the Engineer of the District. ) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: General Manager Priday recommended payment of claims in the amount of 8, . and t e Transfer of Funds in the amount of $60,000.00. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that �eneral Manager Priday's recommendation be approved. ADJOURNMENT: f � : 15 P.M. . �'��.. <� . �. � :,�'{ . �t�T��A�2K , , } SOUTH TAHOE PUBI.IC UTILITY DISTRICT ,, �� ,� ,'���- . , , - OFF 1 C 10 SECRETARY - SOUTH TAHOE PUE3l.I C UTILITY DISTRICT ����**��*����*�**�* ATTACHP�IENTS TO TNESE MINUTES OF 8/19/65: I . h�1ANAGER'S REPORT: P ant flow from 8/I throuqh 8/17/65 38,224,000 aallons Average daily (same period) �,248,470 '" NEVADA flow from 8/ I/ throuah 8/17/65 12, 115,000 " Average d�ily (same period) 712�647 " The above figures are taken from flow meters within the plant; however, as has been felt for sometime, actual flows have exceeded these readings, and recent surveys made by plant personnel and consultinn en�ineers have substantiated this. The attached chart indicates actual flows by weir measurement with meter readin�s in parenthesis to show comparisons. (This chart is not attached to these minutes, Mr. Priday has the chart) . These actual flows indicate a need for expansion to the ultimate lir�its that we can afforc The following report is indicative of the need for expanded facilities outside Treatment Plant: "At approximately 1 :45 PM today, we received a call for help from the Lakeview Arms Motel on Ski Run Rlvd. , that they were flooded with sewaqe. Mr. Eppler and Ed Collins went to investigate and found they were flooded. Further investiqation revealed that the F3ijou Pump Station was fldoded, due to the extra water in our lines caused from above normal high flow cominq into the Station. We immediately cailed our P�aintenance Department and they sent a crew to relieve the situation. Floodinc� of the PAotel was caused by a stoppac�e between manholes No. 60 & 61 . i went into Lakeview Arms to inspect the dama�e and found that six (6) units on the nroun� floor had damage to the runs near the toilets. The (�ffice had a run (near the reception desk) which was soaked from water which was seepinq throuc�h a crack in the floor. The kitchen was flooded to a depth of about 6 inches. Damac�e there was confined to cleaninq up the kitchen. The maintenance man of the P�otel said they had a stoppac�e from 7:00 A.M. at which time they calied a plumber to try to ciear stoppaqe. i �`aq ��� 9��5 The Doiphin Roor� was closed ail day due tc� the water floodin� the kitchen and Dininc� Area' Relative to the expansion pro�ram, but not havinq any bearing on a possihle bond issue, is the inadeauate disposal facility. This proqram was discuss�d at len�th at a meetinq last Thursday in Mr. Nuc�o Fisher's Office with representatives of the State Department of Water Resources, ('eneral Services, UJater Pollution Control and Finance. President Clarke, En�ineer Moyer and Manac�er Priday attended for the District. The purpose ot the meetinc� was to determine how the District was to obtain the I .8 million dollars for the export pronram. Leavin� out the detaiis discussed, r,y conclusion would be that the meetinq was profitable tor the District, and it appears that the money is readily available to us throuc�h a rather simple proceedure---- the first ot which is RESOLUTIOPJ N0. 576, comina before you tonight. I mi�ht point out, however, that we have not seen the fine print in the contract document yet. Another meetinq that ran concurrent with the Sacramento meetinn was one calied by the Lahontan Rec�ianal Water Pollution Control En�ineer in H�ope Valley. Representatives there were from Alpine Co., California Water Resources, Fish and Game, Bureau of Sanitary Enqineerinc�, Nevada Fish and Game, Clair A. Hill Enqineers and South Tahoe Public Utility District. There was no conclusion reached at this meetin� as it was a Study Session relative to a request r�ade bv the South Tahoe Public Utility District for export into Hope Valley over L�ther Pass. Regardless of the fin�l conclusion far the export route, we can sincerely say that all bases have been well convered and no one should ask the question: "WNY DIDN'T Y�U TRY THIS WAY?" � The fo I i ow i nc� i s a l�Jork i n Proc�ress Report by Nar I an �^oyer, Res i dent Eng i neer: To confirm work we now have in progress, ( am listinq below the jobs so that you may utilize the information in keepinn your records. JOB L.45.66: "�urveys, Plans and Specifications for Additional Secondary Nolding Pond." JOB L.45.87: "Location Surveys far New E3ijou Force Main. Job L.45.88: "Plans and Specifications for New Ciijou Force Main." JOE3 L.45.90: "Plans and Specifications for Stac�e I ) Water Reclamation F'lant." In accordance with the decision by the Board of Directors, at this time, we wili proceed with �reliminary plans and estimates in order to determine the estimated cost of the expanded p�ant. Final plans will not be prepared untii authorized by - the District. In addition to the above, we are doinq some work on miscellaneous jobs, such as the JOHNSON ANNEXATION and other small pro�ects. This work qenerally consists of re- viewinc� plans and furnishinc� desic�n information to tother enqineers on extensions to the collection system. We also have prepared a map (scale I "=400' ) showinc� the area� to be annexed under the MEYERS ANNEXATION. We will be starting preliminary planning very soon on the Meyers sewer system to determine the trunk sewer routing, pump station and force main locations and the ex- tent of area to be inciuded within the initial assessment district." ����*****�***����**�**�*�**� REGULAR MEETIN� OF THE E30ARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUE3LIC UTILITY DISTR.ICT SEPTEP^BER 2, 1965 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met iM regular session, Thursday eveninq, September 2, 1965, 8:00 P.M., Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Present were President Clarke, Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Stewart and I Fesler; General Manager Priday, Cierk of E3oard Callahan, Engineer H. Moyer, Attorney J . 4Veidman, Attorney J . Holtom, A.L. Shoupe, ��1.C. Taylor, John Murphy-Sacramento Bee and Walt Little-Lake Tahoe �Jews. President Cl�rke complimented the Fire District on the improvements in the meeting room----- the room has been painted, venetian blinds, etc., and stated th�t it is quite noticeable. MINUTES: Director F"esier moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, �minutes of 8/19/65 be approved as presented. ��z�ES ,S3o MANAGER'S REPORT: General P�anaqer Priday read his report, as follows: np.n.ANArER�S REPORT : September 2, 1965 Tot�l flow tor Aunust 1965 81 ,935,000 n�llons Aver�oe daily flow 2,643,064 " The above is taken from present r�eterinc� devices; as has been mentioned betore� there is a percentage of error in the meter readinc�s and the followin� is a staff re�ort indicatinq the actual flow by rx>re accurate methods of ineasurement. Total flow for Auqust 1965 91 ,939,000 c�allons Averac�e daily fiow 2,960,000 " ; The followin� is a composite for the hic�hest day durina Au�ust which was Saturday the 20th. Flow variation: T I P�1E: � P�^GD 9:00 A.P�I. 3.71 II :00 A.M. 4.08 I :00 P.M. 4.08 3:00 P.M. 4.08 5:00 P.PA. 3.86 7:00 F'.P�1. 3.86 9:00 P.Pv1. 3.7 5 II :00 P.M. 3.38 I :00 F1P�1 2.00 5:00 A.M. 1 .67 7:00 A.M. 1 .49 For a period of 16 �ours - - from 9:00 A.M. to I :00 A.P�1., there was a sustained flow of 3.77 MGD Nevada District flow for fluc�ust 1965 20,999,500 �allons Average daily fiow 645, 145 " The PJevada tlows will be measured by the same method in order to determine the �roper percentage relationship. Chlorine used far Auc�ust 1965 5,765 Ibs. @135.00/ton - cost = 38�3.80 Propane used for Auqust 1965 3,993 qallons @ .Q9/gallon - cost - 359.37 Electrical power used for Au�ust 1965 270,720 K.ti�.H. (^? .013/KWN - - `cost = 3,419.36 Total Cost:-----$4, 167.53 These fiqures for plant only miqht be of some interest inasmuch as they are a part of the approximate $35,000 per month total operatinc� costs out of General Funds. The New Water Reclamation Facility is operating to its maximum and producing the hic�h quality of effluent as expected. it has been running steady and perfectly for the last eic�ht (8) days without interruption and producin� an avera�e of 2.6 P�1('D. The overage has been by-passed but the dilution factor from the Tertiary Treatment Plant has produced a very high quality anyway at the disposal site. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimo�sly carried, that the Manager's Report be accepted. r COPAMITTEF P,EPORTS I . EASEMENT: Director Stewart stated that the Easement Committee met with Mrs. r�ene i�omas. Mrs. Thomas had to resinn as her personal business needed her attention. Mr. Stewart requested the F3oard's authority t� interview others in the area th�t mic�ht be interested to replace Mrs. Thomas. P�r. Stewart stated that he did discuss this with a P�rs. E3etty Jackson - referred by Miss Josephine Eimore. Mrs. Jackson was em�loyed by Mr. Fr i sb i e of E3i jou Propert i es. President Clarke asked Directors Stewart if the District was doinq all they couid do to speed the completion of ail easements in the Special Assessment �istrict 1964-I . Director Stewart stated that riore help from the le�a) department could be used. t f3 f 9/2/65 Director Fesler asked if the person to be hired wil � be hired by the District and is there a clas>ification for same. Generai P�anac�er Priday stated that durinr. the interview, the person should set their fee; they will be hired under contract, not as an employee, Mr. Priday stated. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanrnmously carried, that the Easement Committee hire P�trs. E3etty Jackson or whomever they wish for this job. 2. PLAN�JING COMMITTEE: Director Fesier stated that the �'lannina Committee met with Mr. F3ud P�eneley and discussed the Fconomic Act af 1965� Senate Bill No. 164£�. This will make available four-hundred miilion dollars for five (5) years for Public Works Grants, Sewer Systems, Export Systems, etc. This would be done on a basis of 50% of the project cost under the Economic Act of 1965 and 30� under the , P.I., Grant. Psr. Fesler stated that this District was asked to work on this by the North Tahoe Public Utility District, who asked this District to join them. l�!e would ask our Enqineer to work on the size of export facilities and the area as well as the amount of the Grant that this District should ask for and to work with Conqressman "E3izz" Johnson. General M�naqer F'riday recommended that �^r. P-�oyer be sent a copy of these minutes to show to Congressman Johnson to show that the Directors are interested. 3. PUE3LIC INFORMATION: Director Kortes thanked President Clarke for handlina the press re ease. so, mentioned that the Preliminary Report is completed and wiil be discussed with P�r� Harian E. Moyer at this meetinq. Mr. Kortes stated that the Oistrict would ap�reciate the various oraanizations opinions to advise the Pubiic that they are behind the District for the expansion of the plant, etc. 4. STRFET LIGf�TIPJG/PERSONNEL: Director Wakeman stated that the Personnel Committee met the h of Au�us 1965. OLD BUSINESS: Harlan E. P�oyer stated that the report he has tonic�ht is a written record which he briefly stated to the Directors at the last re�ular meetinq re- �aardinq Piant Expansion Facilities. The report summarizes the re�sons for the expansion of the existina facilities; the need of present treatment plant and the sewage transportation system; Bijou Pumpin� Station, etc. Psr. ��oyer stated that the estimated ex�ansion proqram will cost approximately $7_,305,000: E3ijou Force Main ?_50,000. Treatment Plant Expansion: Phase I 798,500. Phase II 1 �256,500 Phase I : Construction of ( I ) Secondary clarifiers and relatPd facilities; (2) a i ional siudQe digestion tank and related facilities. Phase II : Constructi�n of ( I ) ail primary treatment facilities; (2) additionai separ�on beds and carbon columns required to expand the tertiary treatment capacity; (3) compietion of the sludc�e digestion and disposal facilities; (4) modification to existing aeration basins and increased aeration blower capacity and additions to the aeration basins. Mr. P�loyer stated that PHASE I shouid be initiated by December I , 1965 and completed by the summer of 1966. '�HA��F il proqram can be placed under construction durinc� the spring of 1966, with co�etion set for approximately one year thereafter. PHASE II will result in an operable plant with adequate capacity to treat sustained flows up to 7.5 MGD. ; Mr. h.loyer stated that the most critical need in the entire District is a new force main from the E3ijou Pump Station to the Treatment Plan-t. The force main should consist of approximately (3, 100 feet of 16-inch diameter pressure sewer pipe. Final enc�ineerinq plans are now in proqress for this work and the project c�n be placed under construction in October 196�, assuminc� financinq is available - the construction can be completed within 120 days. Mr. Harlan E. P�oyer cailed special attention to the last parac�raph of the letter of transmittal " It h�s been a pleasure to work with the District staff in prepdration for this report. Particular thanks is expressed to Mr. William Taylor, Su��t. of Operations� and his staff� for their cooperation and help durinq investiqation �.f� 9/2/65 of the existing facilities." h1r. PAoyer stated that the [)istrict and the Directors should be aware of this and of their c�ood fortune of havinc� a staff that was capable of hel �inq in thi� manner. i President Ciarke stated that the District has had a thouc�ht for a lona time that this is the type of personnel there is at the District. NEW E3USI��dESS: Attorney Holtom stated that he will have several Assessment Splits to present to the Directors at the next reqular meetinc� for their action. �ncluded will be splits involving easements in the Special /issessmant District 1964-i . CORRESPONDEPdCE; t'eneral P�^ananer Priday read corres�ondence from the Lahontan Reqional Wa er o u �on Control E3oard statinq there will be a meetinq at the Tahoe Valley Fire Nouse, September 21 , 1965, 1 :30 P�h1. , renardin� the dischar�e of effluent over Luther Pass into Al �ine County. Mr. Priday stated that on Tuesday� September 7, 1965, the people froro Alpine County will be at the District Plant. � Attorney J . Weidman stated that there are approximately 20-30 easements coropleted for the 1964-I Special Assessment District and requested that a PESOLUTION be adopted approvinq and acceptin� the easements so that the r�oney can be obtained. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIOPd 577, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CERTAIN DFEDS OF EASEMENTS, SF'FCIAL ASSESSMENT D S i C�I 9r�1 , be adopted by t i t I e. P�EYERS ANNEXATION; Attorney J . Holtor� stated that the boun�aries of the South Tahoe Pubiic U i i y District are to be re-districted and until this is completed, it wili be impossible to check the signatures on the Meyers petition. STUDY SESSION: Director Fesler asked the �irectors if they would be in favor of havinc� a Study ession to discuss the Plant Expansion, E3ond Issue, etc. AII �irectors, �4r. F�. P�!oyer and Attorn�y J . Hottom aqreed that a Study Session would be favorable and the date and time set: 9/13/65, I :00 P.P4. , District office. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Qirector Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the claims in the amount of $77,397.71 be approved as recommended by General Manager Priday. Mr. Priday stated that the amount of $53,718.81 , �ayabie to CALIFORNIA FILTER COMPANY is the final payment less the $5,000.00 plus that was taken off for extra work done by Clair A. Hill & Associates. President Clarke thanked Att�rney Weidman for the resume of the 1965 le�islature. ADJOURNP�IENT: 9:30 P.M. t � �)�.� . ' , � ��r %� , Dona d L. Clarke, President South Tahoe Public Utility District , � ��lt������� "�-�-1.( LC�. David W. allahan, Clerk of E3oard and Ex- Officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District. �*�***��*�***�**���*��� REGULAR MEETiNG OF THE E30ARD OF DIRECTORS OF T�IE = SOUTH TANOE PUE�LIC UTIL�TY DISTRICT September 16, 1965 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular sessian, Thursday eveninc�, Septemher 16, 1965, F3:00 P.P�. , Tahoe Valley Fire Ho�se, Tahoe Valley, Californi�. ROLL CALL: Present were President D.L.CLarke, Directors D.H. Kortes, R.Wakeman� R. Fesler, T.L. Stewart, �eneral ��anac7er Priday, Glerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J . Weidman and Attorney J .Noltom, Mr. W.G. Lutticken (GALFiLCO>, h7r. Chet Parks (CALFiLCO), Mr. R.A. D'Elia (CALFILCO), John P�lurphy, WC Taylor. `r� 9/16/65 NOTF: P4r. Donald L. Ciarke was absent at the start of the meetin� and PAr. Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that Mr. Donald H. Kortes be appointed Chairrran Pro Tem for this meetinq. M�N� UTES; Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Udakeman, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 9/2./65 be approved as corrected. PIANAGER'S REPORT: �eneral Ffanager Priday read his report, which is as tollows: "September 16, 1965 - Manager's Repofit: { � �lant Operations: Total Plant Flow for 9/I-9/9/65 Avera�e daily (same period) Nevada District flow 9/I/�9/9/65 Averaqe daily (same period) NOTE: NO FIGURES GIVEN Hoidinc� Pond Freeboard 5'-10" Considerabie damac�e has been done to facilities in the spray disposal areas. Locks have been shot off many sections of expensive aluminum pipe, which have been destroyed by c�un shot or falttened by beinn run over and motorcycle riders h�ve been usinq the berms for a race caurse. It is TOQ BAD PFOPLE CP.NNOT BE ��ADE TO UNDERSTAND NOW h�UCN VANDALISM COSTS EACH YEA.R. Water Reclamation Plant is stiji functioninn within its capahilities of 2.5 million gallons per day, which is only �art of the heavy flows stiil beinq crammed into the treatment facilities. In regard to thP forthcominc� REVENUE F�OND ISSUE, I would like to publicly thank those individu�ls and orqanizations who c�ave of their time and effort in backinc� this most important issue that ran be thie stronn�:st link in the chain of continuinc; grawth at the South Shore. �Je have been accepted very qraci�usly by all of the Oraanizations to whom we spQke; it is oratifyinn to see the enthusiasm �nd the thouqhtful considerations beinc� qiven to all of the issues that will be voted on by the peopie of this community within the next three (3) mnnths." Director UJakeman moved, seconded by [)irector Stewart, that the ��anaqer's Report be accepted as presented. Director ponald L. Clarke stated that P�"r. �'riday has been doinc� double duty - and doinc� it very well , as attested to on the report. P�r. Clarke thanked him tor a c�ood j ob. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: P�r. Robert A. D'Elia, General Manac�er of CALFILCO in- ro uces �r. i iam :,. Lutticken - F'roject ��anager for the job on the l^'atPr Reclamation Plant. PAr. Lutticken stated that he wished to complir�ent the South Tahoe Public Utilitv District on the Water Reclamation Plant; also, P�r. Lutticken mentioned that thel Inspector on the job - Mr. Georqe Garrido (with Clair A. Hili & Associates) was a very conq�nial person, he knew his work, the job, the shap and was certainly a c�entleman. That he enioyed ��aorkinq with ��r. Georqe ('arrido. Mr, Lutticken also stated that every aspect of the job was not all "roses and lolli�ops". Also, that the letter received by CALFILCO from the South Tahoe Public Utility District was mentioned by Mr. Lutticken which was penalizinc� CALFILCO in the amount of �5,207.65 because of �dditional time needed on the job. P�1�. Lutticken stated that the Newport News Shipyard Nouse has a branze Plaque, - that reads: "WE OF NEWPORT UJ I Ll. E3U I LD GOOD SIi I F'S: WE 6�11 LL E3U I LD THEM AT A PROF I T �a'EIEN �°JE CAP�, � E3UT I�JE W I LL BU I LD GOOD SH I PS." Mr. Lutticken stateci that to paraphrase the above words are words of CALFILCO - - that they can and did build a ryood �lant. CALFILCO is proud of the Water Re- clamation Plant but it was not built at a profit - CAL�:ILCO lost. $70,500.00. There were three (3) major easons for extendinc� the job, �1r. Lutticken stated: i . LAE�R : CALFILCO dealt with LQCAL 350� Sparks, Nevada� and stated that this was� e�"Tworst' of any he had ever dealt with - - arroc�ant, non-cooperative, petty complaints, etc. 2. SUPPLIERS: Materials, supplies, were delayed by suppliers. One example - - 9/16/65 vr-3� the laroe tanks (carbon columns) were ordered and Southern Pacific Railroad told CALFILCO these could not be loaded on the 50' cars but must be on the 40' cars; there were no 40' cars on fihe West Coast; these �0� cars had to cor�e from the East Coast. Forty-foot cars were obtained and 3£3 days later the tanks arrived at the job site. Had this been ordered ( if it were possible) fr�m C3urlinc�ame, California, it would have taken 5 conservative days for delivery to the job site. JUNE 1965: The sludae bed dike broke and flooded the excavation, which took 14 day�`correct. Another flood - the dECANT TANK - this was fiiled and was io be turned off by the District - - was not turned off and this fiooded. , AT TH I S PO I NT P�IR. �rl.C. TAYLOR, SUPT OF F'LANT OPFF2AT I ONS, stated that Mr. Georae Garrido checked with one of the CALFILCO r�en who was assigned the job of turnin� this off. One of the District men went to make his rounds about 3:00 A.Ps. and noticed the tank was fioodinc� and turned this off. (This was 6 days followinc� the sludqe bed dike flood) . Mr. Lutticken stated that he stands corrected thinking the District man was responsible for turninq the DECANT TANK off. 3. WEA.THER: Early winter ( 1964-65) . This, alonc� with the labor and supplier difficulties. CALFILCO is a mechanicai Contractor and �t the mercy of his sup�iier. This should be taken into consideration. t The above three reasons did ndt show in the plans or specifications, Mr. t_utticken stated, and also mentioned that these were the "warst conditions he ever worked under". The roof could not be put on the buildinq because the carbon columns couid not Qet there - - weather was being shoved out of the buiidinq for II days; 6 days of no work because of weather; trucks could not c�et to the job site because of the weather. Also, $4,000.00 was returned to the District because of a chanc�e in the carbon Column underdrains. Thirty additional days for pipinc�; additional days for extras required. There was a totai ot 242 days additionally because of Labor, Suppliers, and Weather difficuities. r ��Ir. Lutticken requested that the Board of Directors reconsider their action and not penalize the CALFILCO in the amount of $5,207.65 for a qood job. Mr. Lutticken further stated that "this not only hurts - it really binds'". Mr. D'Elia thanked the Eiaard for their time and consideration. Attorney Weidman askec� Mr. D'Fiia and Mr. Lutticken if the District has satisfactorily per�formed within the contract except tor the $5,207.65. Fioth stated "YES". Director Fesler stat�d that it is possibie some of the facts presented by Mr.Lutticken this evenina were not known at the time action was taken and stated he would like to take another look at this. Manaqer Priday aqreed. c Mr. Ct�arke stated that he felt this entire situation sh�uld be evaluated and that the entire E3oard, alonq with the Enc�ineer, should hold a Study Session. CALFILCO witl be notified of the Eioard's decision. EASEh1ENT COF�MITTEF: Director Stewart stated that an easement from Floward Inawerson as een receive ; a so Stipulation of Discaissal was received. No other easements re- ceived. 9/3/65: pirector Fesler and Director Stewart interviewed and hired P�rs. Betty ,lackson. �...�.. 9/7/65: Director Stewart took all easement files ta M1�rs. Jackson from the District Office. 9/8/65: Met with Mr. Weidman and �1rs. Jackson re�arding easements; �^r. Weidman stated i�e worked witth Mrs. Jackson (ast Monday, (�Iso the prior Friday), Wednesday and today �n the 400 series. He also stated that Mrs. Jackson' knowled�eof the 400 weries is very qood and in excees of what ��^r. Frisbies was. 9/10/65; Pqr. Stewart and Mr. 6�leidman met with P�iss Josephine Flmore and Josephine Pha— endler re�ardinq their easements. Their easement is a roadway and they requested that barriors be put up to keep trespassinc� out. This was turned over to C?enerai Manager Priday. ��� . 9/16/65 9/IQ/65 ; P�1r. Fesler, Stewart met with the FI Dorad� Planninq Dept. and then to P^rs. J acksonTs home to meet w i th P-�rs. F'haend i er and Pri ss F I r�ore. 2. PLANNI�dG: Director Fesler stated that he met with the Health Official and Director and the County Officials have expressed their desire to assist in helpinr� to pass our forthcoroin� bond issue. (9/21/65). Mr. Fesler also mentioned that he did not feel the federal Grant should be slowed down - the district should definitely c�o ahead for it; as he feels a basin-wide approach will be the solution to many problems. 3. PUE3LIC INFOR��ATION: p�ir. Dpnald L. Clarke stated that r,eetinqs were held at the an with Genera� Manager Priday and rr�mbers of the press; also, a meetinq was held at the Sands and that he was tavorably surprised at the presentation ' of the funds for advertisin�, radio and paper. For these funds to be considered, P�r. Ciarke stated that the �eop�e must have a favorable attitude for the Bond �ssue. P�'r. Fesler stated that he was with General P^ana�er Priday and ap�eared on the "WFiO WANTS TO KNOW" proc�ram. Mr. Priday did a fine job and it was a successful �p�earance. Generai h,1anager Priday stated that he appeared betore the Realtv F3oard, Chamber of Commerce� Radio and P�onday wiil be on the Local T.V. Statior:, ��r. Stewart appeared before the Tax�ayer's Association and st�ted that he was received very well . Also, the Taxpayer's Association made a n,ove, which was eeconded, carried unanimously, to support the forthcominc� E3ond Issue. h1r. Stewart also mentioned that he was present at the Realty Board '�^eetin� and commended Mr. Priday for his speech. Mr. Clarke stated that he was present at the Lake Tahoe Area Council when Mr.Priday presented the paper containinc� the f�cts and the dates re�ardinc� our effors for E3onds. Many people told P�r. Clarke that was the best information that has ever come out o out of our operation and the most influencinq. Generai Manager Priday stated that he has received a number ot calls requestinq the paper. ��IR. JONN MURPHY -(Sacramento Bee) - stated that rec�ard i nq the �.E'conomi c Deve�opment Act, there will be a meeting at Sunnyside Lodc�e the 22nd of Se!tember and this is most always discussed. STREET LIGNTING/PERSONNEL: No report. OLD BUSINESS: Attorney J . f�oitom stated that the resolutions for orderinq c ��an,ges a dn�modifications will be presented at the next reqular meetino. AGREEMENT/ATTORNEY: Attorney John Holtom presented an anreement to the Eioard of Direc ors or consideration. This is an agreement to represent the South Tahoe Public Utility District durinq the conduct of proceedinns to be taken by you for the acquisition, construction and com�letion of extensions and improvements to a sanitary sewerac-�e collection, treatment and disposal system, etc., in association with the law office of John C. UJeidman, Placerville, California. This was turned over to P-�r. R. Wakeman, Chairman of Personnel Committee. Mr. Stewart mentioned that a Mr. Jenninc7's was present at a specific meetinq and mentioned that if Incorporation should fail , perhaps the Directors of this District could take a lonq look into what other fields they mic�ht qo into; other areas that need attention. CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence was received from Mr. John R. Thomson, R.S. commendinc� the District on the proc�ress beinq made tawards the E3c�nd Issue Fiection as weil as offering their help in any capacity needed as they are anx ious to have this E3ond Issue pass so that the Sewa�e Treatment Facilities can be enlarqed and the growth and economy of l.ake Tahoe can continue to qrow. (Letter dated 9/13/65- EI Dorado County Health Department) . 9/I 6/65 `�3� P�ir. Priday stated that Mr. Jack Lec�gett cafled to say he failed to qet a letter to the District in time but that the Lahontan R.eqional Water Pollution Control Board wishes the District much success and that he is in ac�reement with everythin� the Health De�artment mentioned in their letter. Attorney Holtom stated that he has discussed the E�ond Issue with many people in this area and many are of the ir�nression that it is �oinq to cost ther� cre in taxes. Mention was made th�t this will be cleared P"�nday evenin�. PAYP�E�dT OF CLAIMS: Director Cla,-ke moved, seconded by Director Stewart and Wakeman, that the c aims in the amount of $38�678.70, as recomr�ended by General �nananer Priday, be approved for pay�lent. Carried unanimously. Mr. Donaid L. Clarke comp{ imented �.�r. Donald N. Kortes for his manner in conductinn the meertinq this eveninq. ADJOURNh�ENT: This meetinq was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. to September 27, 1965, 3:00 PM at�ie`T�is�i ct Off i ce to canvass the votes. ��I�1�,i� . . � � ��cc Je' �, �n� �• C I arke, �����of � the Board SOUTH TAHOE PUE3LIC UTILITY D�STRICT , ! i'1 r � � G Dav i d VJ. a I ahan, iC erk of Board x- Officio Secretary SOUTH 7ANOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ���*�*���****� ADJOURNFU RE�ULAR MEETIPIG OF THE QOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TNE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT September 27, 1965 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an Adjourned Regular session to canvass the votes of the Special Election` held 9/21/65. t ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Kortes, Stewart, Clarke and Fesler; also present were�nqineer H. Moyer, Attorney J . Weidman, General Manager Priday and Clerk of .Board Callahan. AE3SENT; Director Robert Wakeman. Clerk of Board Callahan appointed Directors Clarke and Stewart as Inspectors and the Absentee E3allots were opened and counted, as follows: YES: 4 hJ0 : I Total votes cast = 832 for and 122 aqainst. Director Clarke moved, seconded by Directors Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION N0. 578 be adopted, as follows: � RESOLUTION N0. 578 A RESOLUTION CANVASSING RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULT OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION NELD SEPTEMBER 21 , 1965, IN SOIJTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of EI Dorado, State of California, that it is hereby determined as follows: WHEREAS, said E3oard, by Ordinance No. 124, adopted on the 19th day ot Au�ust, 1965� duly called and ordered held within South Tahoe Public Utility District, a Speciai Bond Election, on the 21st day of September 1965, tor the purpose of submittinc� to qualified electors thereof the proposition thereon set forth; V�'HEREAS, said special bond election was held and conducted on said date, as re- quired by law and said resolution: VdHEREAS, it appears th2�t notices of said election were duly and legally c�iven, that the voting precinct was properly established therefor, that polling place cards and sample ballots were mailed to all reqistered voters within the District� election ofticers were appointed and election supplies furnished; and that in all respects said election was held and conducted and all votes cast thereat reeeived and canvassed and returns �"3� 9/27/65 (cont. ) thereof made, determined and declared in time, in form and manner as required by law; 6+lHEREAS, the Board of Directors of said District met at the rgqular meetinq place of said Board on September 27, t965, to canvass the returns of said election and declare the results thereof; WHEREAS, said canvass was duly completed and the results thereof are as hereinafter set forth: I . Said speciai bond election was held and conducted within the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of EI Dorado, State of California, on Tuesday, September 21 , 1965, in the time, form and manner as required by law. 2. There was one special election precinct established within said District for the purpose of holdinq said election, consistinq of cons�lidations of such portions of State and County precincts as last established by the Board of supervisors, County of EI Dorado, for the conduct of State and County electmons as were within the boundaries of said District. The poilinq place desiqnated therefor was American Leqion Elall , U.S. Mic�hway 50, South Tahoe, California, within said District. 3. A canvass of the votes cast in said District upon the measure submitted was duly held in accordance with the order of the E3oard of Directors and in accordance with law, and the returns thereof presented to this E3oard. 4. The Secretary certified to this Board that 5 duly reqistered sroters, who expected to be absent from their respective election precincts on the day of election� secured ballots from him and, that 5 absentee baliots were issued and 5 voted. 5. The proposition voted upon at said speciai bond �lection and the number of votes received for and ac�ainst the proposition are as foilows: PROPOSITION: Shall the South Tahoe Public Utility District issue revenue onds in the princi �al amount of One P•niliion Four Hundred Thousand Dollars (�1 ,400,000), for the a�quisition, construction, improving and financing for the acc�uisition, construction, improvinq and finaocinq of additions, extensions and improvements, including the acquisition of lands and easements necessary therefor, and alt costs incidental thereto, to an enterprise consisting of sewage treatment plant and facilities, trunk sewers, pumpinc� station and disposal facilities of the entire district, toc�ether with all additions and improvements to said system hereafter made, porsuant to the Revenue F3ond Law of I 94 I? SEWER BONDS SOmTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ABSENTEE TOTAL SPECIAL ELECTION PRECIN(;T For 828 4 832 Against 121 . � 122 .__. �.� 6. At said election, more than two-thirds of the vr3tes cast thereat were in favor of, and did autharize, the issuing of �he bonds to the amounts and for the purpose set forth in the proposition herein stated; that said proposition has been accepted and approved by the electors ot said District and that said bonds will be issued to defray the costs of the improvements heretofore specified, and to the amounts stated therein. 7. The Secretary of this F3oard be, and he is hereby, instructed to enter this resolution in full � in the minutes of this Board, as � statement ot the result of said special bond election. *******��*�* I hereby certify that the foreqoinc� resolution was duly and rec�ularly adopted and passed by the f3oard of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District at a meeting thereof held on the 27th day of September, 1965� by the followinc� vote: AYES: and in favor thereof, Directors Clarke, Kortes, Fesler and Stewart. NOES: Directors - - None ABSENT: Director Wakeman s/David W. Callahan ecre ary, ar of irec ors o South ahoe F'ublic Utility District APPROVED; s/Donald L. Clarke Presiden �*���**** 9/27/65 ��� ANNEXATIONS: Attorney J Weidman presented the foliowin� resolutions for adoption: r RESOLUTIONS ��OS. 579, 580, 581 and 582. : A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY SOUTH A PUB IL D R p G THAT LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATIONS OF TERRITORY TO THE DISTRICT; 579 - - BFAULIEU 580 - - Giobin/Fisher 581 - - DARYL EUGENE MORRISON 582 - - AYERS Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Clarke, unanimously carried, that the above RESOLUTIONS as recommended by Attorney J. Weidman be approved. � Attorney J . Weidman brietly explained to the Directors that Annexations are by ' RESOLUTIONS now rather than ORDINANCE. Also, the District will initiate the Annexations first and then it will po to the Local Forr�ation Ac�ency. The hearinc� for the above RESOLU�IOPdS (579/�32> will be set for November 1965. TAHOE MEADOVJS: Annexation will be before the Local Formation A�ency the 7th of October �.�ow`ing this, Mr. Weidman stated that he will have a RESOLUTION to present to the Board annexing the property. P•.1r. Weidman also mentioned that this particular annexation will be referred to as uninhabited annexations as there are only 12 reqistered voters for Tahoe Meadows. If 10� of the rec�istered voters protest, an election will have to be held. Attorney J . Weidman also mentioned to the Directors that there has been a chanqe in the law rec�arding the continuation �f the District on Incorporation of a City ---- it used to be that if your City and The Distri�t are the same size, your City becomes the Directors of the District; if your area (district) is larger than the City, the District will remain separate until the City annexes. There is a change in this law now - - - - - If 80� of the people of taxable or assessable property are within the District, there is pr,oceedure for merger. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Gener�l Manager Priday recommended the payment of claims, as follows: $150.00 - total fees for election board. $14,052.67 - Joe D. Miller (Warrant �do. 1342--Final Payment for Special Assessment District 1964-I ) General P�anaqer Priday stated that the 10% retention amount was $17,584.59 less work amountinq to $3,231 .92 (see letter �ated 6/25/65 trom District to Joe D. Miller) and less the amount of $300.00 (see letter dated 9/21/65) from Clair A. Hill and Associates) . Mr. P�ilier was notified of the amount �o be deducted($3,231 .92) and the $300.00) . Director Fesler move�, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the above claims be paid as recommended by General Manaqer Priday. CALIFORNIA FILTER COMPANY: Director Fesler stated that he. felt the Directors should re- consi er c aim. Also, it was mentioned to Mr. Harlan E. Moyer� Engineer, about Calfifco's request and their appearance at the last rec�ular meetinc�. CALFILCO claims that the $5,207.65 is tor additional inspections. CALFILCO claims that the amount of $5,207.65 should be reimbursed them beeause of labor, weather and supplier difficulties. Mr. Harlan E. Moyer stated that the $5,7_07.65 is for additional inspections. The contract provided for $50.00 a day liquidated damaqes and we charc�ed them nothing for Engineering and Supervision time but the direct expense for the Inspection Time. , Mr. Moyer also stated that he did not see where labor problems would be a leqal cause ; for delay; if this had been a strike, then the contractor would not be held responsible. Mr. Moyer did state, however, that he agreed that the pipefitter did qive CALFILCO a terrible slow-down, Attorney Weidman stated that he and Mr. h1oyer will qet together to discuss this. P�r. Fesler stated that if CALFILCO has anything cominq, this Board should consider giving them their amount - because of public relations and rather than havinc� to c�o to Cou rt. pirector Stewart stated that their presentation was based on the inability of the Union, suppliers, etc., do they have a legal claim against the Distrmct or the Union? Mr. Clarke asked it CALFILCO saved the District approximately $4,000.00 in the construction over and beyond their responsibility. '�3� 9/27/65 (cont. ) P�r. �4oyer s�ated that there was an aiternate desi�n on the plan calling for the under- drain and based on their bid, it indicated that we would save $4,000. We changed �he column carbon underdrains on the bottan and on the top� Mr. Weidman stated that this was CALFILCO'S only claim aqainst the District-$5,207.65. Mr. Moyer stated that the District has to go by the legal requirements of the contract which was executed by the Contractor and the District. Mr. Priday stated that there was so much more money that could have been cha�qed to CALFILCO in addition to the $5,000 plus. The District took only the $5,000 plus due because of additional ins�ections. The $3,000 plus could have also been added to this bill of C�LFILCO'S. Mr. Clarke suqgested that this be approeched from their point of view as was presented ' by their representative and if there is som�thinq to consider, the Board should consider it. Mr. Stewart stated that CALFILCO is trying to recover their loss. Mr. Priday stated that CALFILCO'S material was covered with snoW and that thev had been advised prior to bad weather to buifd a shed or sanething because they were not familiar with the snow weather and they would have to hunt for materials. Mr. Moyer read the following from the �eneral Conditions containe� in the Specifications: "The Contractor shall not be assessed with liquidated damages nor the cost of engineerinq and inspection during any delay beyond the time named for the completion of the work, caused by an act of God or by the public enemy, acts of the Owner, firey floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, and freight embargoes� or delay of sub- contractors due to such causes; provided, that the Contractors shail notify the En� ineer in writing the causes of delay within ten ( 103 days from the beginning of such delay, and the Engineer shall ascertain the facts and the ext�nt of the delay, and his findin�s of the facts thereon shall be final and conclusive." Mr. Moyer stated that if what the contractor said is true� ( i ) he shouid have notified the owner and the enqineer that this was the case. P1r. Moyer stated that the District is within the ri�hts of the contract. Mr. Ciarke stated that it seemed to him they did n�t pay too much attention to the contract and if we should refuse to consider this� we would have to reply and qive our reasons. The Contractor had submitted January 1965 for a completion date and he was allowed ninety (90) days beyond that date for completion. Mention was made that the original for�nan did not help CALFILCO and when he (foreman) left the employ ot CALFILCO he asked Mr. Priday and Mr. Moyer for recan�endations. Mr. Priday nor Mr. Moyer couid give a recommendation. Mr. Moyer stated that if CALFILCO would submit a w"ritten letter containin� their claim, the entire claim could be studied item by item and he wouid brin� � report back to the board. Director Fesler moved, that the Manager write to CALFILC� re�uesting an itemized biii and copies be sent to our Engineer and Attorney and that the Attorney and En� ineer have a report for this E3oard the first meetinq in October. Director Stewart seconded, carried unanimousiy. General Manager Priday wi � i cali CALFILCO for this intormation and follow-up with a letter requestinq same. Attorney Weidman stated that Mrs. Philliber was here this afternoon and requested that her property be annexed; however, she wants to annex the property throuqh some improve- ment proceedings. They did not get into the annexation the last time and they want to come in through bonding, either with Tahoe Meadows or the Morrison annexation. It was mentioned that the Philliber's exciuded themseives; they had two (2) oppartunities to be included in an annexation. Once incorporation takes place, and if it should take place this year, the parcels that are now excluded will remain excluded. Mr. Weidman stated that he will mention to the Philliber's that they had their chance to annex and they refused. BIJOU FORCE M�IN: Mr. Moyer stated that at the next regular meetin�, the District wi � l ca for b� s or construction of the �ijou Force Main. 9/27/65 `r�� EXPORT: Engineer Moyer stated that sometime ago he wrote a letter considering LUTHER PASS vs p GGETT PASS for export and the design was r�ade for LUTHER PASS. The LUTHER PASS desic�n was based on 5 h1GD. Since that time, re the plant expansion of approxir�ately 8 ��GD and because Douc�I as County Sewer Improverient D i str i ct No. I are apparent I y c�o i ng to get the i r own facilities, we did two things, Mr. P�oyer stated: I ) A new design on Luther Pass to 8 MGD and(2) an additional design of how much it would cost to make the export a 15 P�GD to take care of the South Shore Service Area. Oric�inal Estimate: $1 ,650,000 5 MGD Luther Pass 1 ,842.,000 8 M�D Same 2,500�000 15 MGD - If If this District can obtain the 50� Grant under the Econor�ic Act� the District should go for it; the bond issue for $1 ,400,000 should be used as little as possible until the District sees what wilt develop; the Senate Bill No, ii49 for $1 ,800,000 has not been figured into the above fic�ures given by Mr. Moyer for ex�ort. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart� un�nimously carried, that the Attorney draft BESOLUTION 583 to �overnor Brown reqardinc� SENATE EiILL N0. 1149 with copies to Senator Lunardi , �ugo Fisher, and Jack Leggett, with a cover letter to Senator Lunardi to have this on the Aqenda. Also, Mr. P.�oyer stated that the Senate E3ill 1149 contains a Section that shoulci be deleted and this will also be requested. DELETE SEC. 3 of SENATE f31 Ll. N0. I 149. Mr. Stewart �sked Mr. Moyer about the Economic Developr�ent Aid and Mr. Moyer stated that the District has a real oppartunity to get these funds because this is the only area at the Lake that qualifies under Title i . Lake Tahoe is a nationaliy known sewac�e proglem and this aid �'rs now set up to provide public growth. Mr. Moyer stated that he felt the Directors should make a personal plee to the Con�ressman and felt that one of the Board members should go to Washington and discuss this with Congressman "Bizz" Johnson. Director Fesler asked Mr. h�oyer if he would also be availabie to make this trip. Mr. Moyer stated that he would but that an Fnc� ineer discusses this f�om a technical viewpoint. Director Fesler stated that we ask our Attorney if he could contact "E3izz" Johnson to see if a meetinq could be' arranged with us or whether he wou►d like to have us approach hir� on a basin wide approach and qo with a re�resentative from the North End of the Lake. Mr. Weidman will contact "Bizz" Johnson tomorrow. Mr. Priday stated that we shouid state our interest and mention to the North End that we are going on such and such a date to Washinc�ton D.C. and if they want to qo alonq they are welcome. Mr. Moyer stated that he wouid like to know how far the Enqineers should qo on this export scheme. UJinter wi I I be here soon h1r. P�oyer stated and requested that the f�oard authorize the engineers to qo ahead with the preliminary survey and aerial mapping - - E�ighway 89 L rf'her Pass to Treatment Plant and Section 24 - Fbpe Valley. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Clarke, unanimously carried� that the Engineers proceed with the preliminary survey and �erial mapping. Mr. Stewart stated that those at the Gourt Nouse at Markleville stated that they were against expo�ting into Hope Valley. Mr. Stewart asked the E3oard if they could continue with their trips there (f�ope Valley and �1arkleville) to obtain information and to promote some type of public relations. h�r. Priday stated this might be the opening we are looking for. ADJOURNMENT: 5:20 P.M. J. 1 + � i.. � M1 L , -`'-►.r�� t �. C��;/; ona . arke, res� en��o��3oard of Directors SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ' C.U� �� � avid . a a an, er o ar x- icio Secretary of the Board of Directors of the SOUTN TAHOE PUE3LIC U7ILITY DISTRICT thereof **��**���******�*�*�� `� REGULAR MEETING OF TFiE QQARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT October 7, 1965 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session the 7th of October 1965, 8:00 P.M. , Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valtey, Calif. ROLL CALI: Present were Directors Wakeman, Kortes, Fesler and Stewart; Cenera� Manager ri ay, lerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J . Nottom and Enc�ineer H. Moyer/ ABSENT: Donald L. Clarke, President of the Board and Attorney J . Weidman. A►so present were . I.. D�i i ler, Wait Little, John Shields, �eorc�e Baron. Director Kortes moved, sec,onded by Director Stewarta unanimously carried, that Di,recfior. Fesler be appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this meetinq. MINUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, t a e minutes of 9/18/65 be approved as written. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 9/27/65 be approved as presented. MANAGER'S REPdRT: General Manager Priday read his report which is attached and made part of hese minutes. NOTE: Alternate number 2 mentioned in the Man�c�er's Report to be discussed under New Qusiness. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the Manaqer's Report be approved as presented. Mr. Walt Little suggested that copies of Mr. Donald L. Clarke's letter'fio Congressman Johnson (See Manager's Report) be mailed to Senators Kuchel , Murphy, E3ible and to Mr. Dick Little. Letters will be mailed to the above. COM�1ITTEE REPORTS: I ) EASEMENT; Mr. Stewart stated that he has kept in contact with Betty Lou Jackson and a�so men�ioned that the Attorney has been very helpful to her reqardinq the easement in 1964-I Special Assessment District and that the easements for this Special Assessment District are beinc� cleared right alonp. 2) PLANNING: This committee met on 9/23/65 to discuss annexations. The Planninq Z;ommim -�'`Ff�ee recommended that the E3oard accept requests of any annexations within the boundaries of the District, On 9/24/65, a trip was made to Markleville to discuss export and to obtain the thoughts from the people rec�ardinq exporfi throuqh Hope Valley. They seer�ed to have a neqative attitude, Mr. Stewart stated. Also, P�lr. Dave Wood was contacted and ma�s were obtained as well as the owners of record of the properties and assessed valuation of the properties. On 9/29/65 PQr. Priday and Mr. Stewart made a trip to Placerville and met with the EI Dorado Planning Department for a meetinc� with Federal , State and Local AQencies. They called upon our District to state what accomplishments have taken place, what the District present and future plans are. Mr. Stewart stated that Mr. Priday made a brief but ric�ht to the point presentation. Director Fesier stated that the E3oard is very appreciative of the hlanaaer's Representation and that we know he handled it very professionally. The Planninq Committee recommends the followinc�: I . FAVORAEiLE AND I•MMEDIATE BOARD ACTION FOR A�IL ANNEXATIONS NOW PENDING. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director NJakeman, unanimously carried, that recommendation number one be approved and accepted. 2. TO AUTHORIZE OUR ENGINEER TO PROCEED WITH ASSESSME�dT PROCEEDINGS ON THE MEYERS ANNEXATIONS: THIS UJILL PROViDE REVENUE FOR OUR E30NDS. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanir�ously carried, that recommendation number two be approved and acce�ted. 10/7/65 (cont. ) ,�� � 3. THAT THE ENGINEER BF AUTHORIZED TO EXPEDITF THE F'INAL CONSTRUCTION OF PNASE I AS OUTLIPdED IN TNE PLANS AS PRESENTED BY THE ENGINEER. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that reCommendation number three by the Planninq Committee be approved and aceepted. 3. PUBLIC INFORP�IATION .COMMITTEE: Director Kortes stated that the District is doina t e �ob hey sai wou e done if the Bond Issue passed. 4. STREET LIGHTING/PERSONNEL: Director Wakeman stated that the Street Lic�htinc� Committee di not mee . e ersonne ommittee met to discuss the Contract presented by the Attorney. Director Wakeman stated that this is identical to the past contr�cts except � for a date chanc�e. Action to be taken under NEW BUSINESS. OLD BUSINFSS RESOLUTION N0. 587; A RESOLUTION AND ORDER APPROVING PROPOSED ANNEXATION APJD CHANGING U D RICT. (Annexation No. 1965-4 ELWOOD JOHNSON) Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION N0. 5F37 be approved. _.�._.. � ORDINANCE N0. 125: AN ORDINANCE DESCRIE3ING TERRITORY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED, OETERMiPJ►N� CONDITIONS ARE NECESS/�RY, AND DECLARING INTENTION TO APPRQVE SUCH ANNEXATION. ( 1965-2 MEYERS) Director Kortes rioved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that ORDINANCE N0. 125 be approved. HEARING set for II/£3/65, 3;00 P.�q., District Office. BONDS: Attorney Holtom recommended that the E3onds be sold at the first ( Ist) sate being $7�00 and the second (2nd> sale beine� $700,000. The first sale will be scheduled for the second meeting in December. The following Resoluti�ns were approved for: I . Prov i d i nq for the (ssuance for the E3onds 2. Approv i nc� fiond E3rochure 3. Ca I i i nc� for B i d s � RESOLUTIONS 588 589 and 590: Director Wakeman rioved, seconded by Director• Stewart, unanimous y carried, t at the above RESOLUTIONS (Nos. 588, 589 and 590) be approved, as recommended by Attorney John Holtom. ANNEXATIONS: Qirector Kortes moved, seconded by Director� Stewart, unanimously carried, that RES UTIONS NOS. 584 and 585 be approved: RESOLUTION N0. 584: A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATIOP� BY SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY S - U � THAT LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMP�IISSION TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATIONS OF TERRITORY TO TNE OiSTRICT ( 1965-12 French) . RESOLUTION N0. 585: A RFSOLUTION OF APPLICATl�N OF APPLICATION BY SOUTf� TANOE Y RICT REOUESTING THAT LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE DISTRfCT. • ( 1965-13 Philliber) NOTE: Resolution �Jo. 584 annexes one lot and Resolution No. 585 annexes seven lots. ,..�..._ SET UP PLAN CHECK CHARGE: General Manager Priday st�ted that he did not teel the District s ou pay or p ans being checked by our Fnc�ineers for annexations, subdivisions, etc. , but that the parties involved should pay Clair A. Hill �, Associates direct. Mr. Priday will discuss this with Attorney la�eidman, Engineer P�loyer and report to the Qoard. RESOLUT(ON PJO. 586: B I JOU FORCE MA I PJ - A RESOLUT I ON OF THE E30ARD OF D I RECTORS OF THE SOUTH AHOE PUBL C U I�j'i'�"�'CALLtNG FOR NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR SEALED PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC UTI�ITY WORKS. MATER I ALS FOR E31 J OU FORCE MA 1 N, B I J OU, C/�L I FORN I A Director Stewart mpved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION N0. 586 be approved. _...� � �� f0/7/65 (cont. ) FIFTEEN ( 15) MILLI�N GALLQNS PER DAY EXPORT FACI�ITY - CARSON VALLEY; General ��1ana�er Priday recommended that the En� ineer pu�sue is rou e as ey t e Luther Pass � Route, with a little more detail � Mr. Priday stated that he talked to Mr. J . Pruitt and tried to contact Mr. Wallace White and that Mr. Pruitt thought this was a wonderful idea (CARSON VALLEY ROUTE) and that he w�uld help all he could. Mr. Priday also�mentioned that there will be a meetinq with P�ir. W, White, Mr. J . Pruitt and Mr. Moyer and himself to discuss this. Director Kortes moved that before anythinq is done on this, this District should find out what conditions would be imposed upon them. Does this effluent have to be piped to Minden or just to the foot of Daqgett Pass? Director Stewart seconded. � Director Kortes ar�ended the motion to read that a meeting with Dougias Count Se I Improvement District No. I and the State of Nevada peopie should be scheduled bewer for authorizing any engineering work. Director Wakeman seconded, carried,unanimously. PUBLIC LAW 89--136: Engineer Moyer stated that there is an excellent opportunity e e conomica Development Act) for this District to get financial assistance from the Federal Government; I . This is the only area at the Lake that quatifies under the law; 2. This District does have a c�ood project if financing can be had; 3. This wili provide the general well-beinq and economical development of the area; 4. To prevent deqradation of the L_ake, the treated sewac�e must be removed from the Lake Tahoe F3asin. Mr. Moyer stated that this District should move ahead with the proqram and the representatives of ,the District should discuss this with Conc�ressman Johnson. Chairman of the E3oard Clarke wrote a letter to Conqressman Johnson regardin4 this and is now well on his way to Washington, D.C. , Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that the Board authorize the Directors (as many as can qo) to make a trip to UJashin�ton, D.C. to meet with Federai Aqencies and representatives. � CORR.ESPONDENCE: October 8, 1965, 10:00 A.M. , Tahoe Vailey Fire House, the State puality Wa er E3oard wili meet to discuss the run-offs of effluent, over-flows, Cease and Desist Order. RELOCATION OF FORCE MAIN ON PIONEER TF2/11�,; Mr. Priday stated that the Road Depart- ment shou d have receive his e er aut orizinc� the relocation of the Force Main and in which he stated it would be the Responsibility of the Road Department and also subject to the South Tahoe Public Utility District inspection. Mr. Priday also stated that he sent the specific�tic�ns to the Rosd Department and that he talked to Dr. Mozer and Mr. Thompson and that he told them they were solely responsible (Road Dept. solely responsible)� (Or. Mozer and Mr. Thompson with the Health Department. ) ATTORNEY CONTRACT; Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, ha e Agreement be accepted as presented. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS; General Manaqer Priday rec�mmended the payment of $32,397.41 and the approva of a transfer of funds in the amount of $75,000. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the claims and transfer be approved as recommended by Generai P�lanaqer Priday. Engineer Moyer stated plans for Meyers annexations have been received and checked; intract plans for Tahoe Paradise I , 2 and 3 have been received; these are sub- divisions that will be connected to the Meyers, Upper Trout or Truckee Line, Mr. Moyer stated. ADJOURNMENT; (0:45 P.M. -� � _ , _ ��J �j ��� �l OE3 ES R, Chairman pro � % /� SOUTH TAHOE PUE3LIC UTLITY DISTRICT (� ��� i Qavid W. a ahan, erk o Board Ex-Officio Secretary SOUTN TAHOE PUQLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ���*�*�*��* . e.S'�j� AfiTA�HN1�Nfi S �� M I NUTES OF October 7, I 965 I . MANA�ER'S REPORT "Total flow for September Average daily flow for �eptember (�JOTE: No f iqures c�iven for f lows) Nevada Flow for 5epterober Average daily flow Fiolding Pond Freeboard 7'-2-I/2" The spray disposal area is saturated and cannot properly accomodate the heavy flows experienced this summer. It is becomina more eviden�t every day that a solution to the disposal problem was needed yesterday. The Planning Cor�mittee ot this Eioard has been cognizant of the situation and is pursuinc� all avenues in order to c�et the necessary monies. Congressman "Eiizz" Johnson has already been contacted in Washinqton, D.C. relative to our particip�tion in getting money from the recentiy enacted Public Law 89-136. Con�ressman Johnson set the wheels in motion by r�akinq arrangements for District representatives to meet with Mr. James M. �uigley, Assistant Secretary of the Depart- ment of Health, Education and RecceatFon for II ;00 A,.��!., October 12th. Also to meet with the Deputy to h1r. Eugene Foley� Assis��nt Secre�tary of Cor�merce for the Fconomic Development Pro�ram. Followinq is the letter received from Conc�ressman Johnson: "October I , 1965 To: W.F.Priday In accordance with John Weidman's request I have set up a meetin� with P1r.James W. �Juigley, Assistant Secretary of the bepartment of Heaith, Education and Recreation, for II :00 A.M., October IZ, in his office, Room 5264 North Building. The Deputy to Eugene Foley, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for the Economic , Development Program just cailed me and said that they would be very happy to r�eet with you people that week. fle was not certain as to h1r. Foley's Schedule here in town. H!wever, he thought h� would be here and promised to set up a meeting with him if he is in the city on either the Ilth or 12th. In any event he will meet with you if Foley is not in the city so it appears that you will be able to talk to the proper people at - the Department of Commerce as well . The Deputy, Robert Cochran, suqc�ested that i call Foley personally Monday, the Ilth, and firm up a time, which I shall do. P-�r. Cochran restated the same views which t passed along to you earlier that there are not criteria and no regulations drafted up -- that they could not discuss a specific application. However, they will be very happy to go over the project and the overali proposal with you on a c�eneral basis, which I think would be helpful . Look forward to seemng you the week of the Ilth. If i can be of assistance on hotel reservations, etc., please let me know. Sincerely your�, s/ Harold T. (Bizz) Johnson Member of Congress" Chairman of this Board, Don Clarke, sent a letter to Congressman Johnson alonc� with data prepared by Mr. Harian P"oyer, Consultinq Engineer, outiininq the program tor export: "Airmail - Special Delivery October 4, 1965 Dear h1r. Johnson: Enactment of Public Law 89-136 appears to be the solution for preservation of Lake Tahoe from permanent decaradati�n by sewaqe effluent. There is no need to dwell on the problems of Lake Tahoe as you are intimately familiar with the area �nd its c�rowth. The South Tahoe District is prepared to embark on a sewa�e disposal proc�ram which will � satisfy the ultimate needs of the area. The District is in the process of c�reatly expand- ing its area and providing sanitary seweraqe for the rec�ion. Until the present time, we have been unable to proceed with a final solution for sffluent export due to a number ot factors, inoludinc� action by State Agencies p�ohibiting a discharqe of any quality into theAmerican River. However, the Lahontan Reqional Water Pollution Control Board on September 21 , established quality standards which will permit disposal into the Carson River watershed in Al �ine County. This action clears the way for immediate progress, subject to completing satisfactory financial arranc�ements for the necessary capital cost. Preliminary en�ineerinq work has been completed on the Luther Pass Export Line, and a map is enclosed showing the pipeline route and other pertinent information. The route will represent a substantial construction cost, and it appears that the most economical solution would be to provide a pipeline of adec�uate size for the predicted uftimate , `.. � � � ��� c� vr � U///65 - - PA�E 2 Octaber 7, I9�5 sewage flow of 15 million qallons per day. (pA.��p. ) Based on preliminary engineerinc� estimates, the 15 MGp export line can be constructed for a total cost of $2,526,000. Ulith an additionai cost of $500,000 for disposal facilities in the Carson River watershed, the total cost would be $3,02b,000. As a part of the total proqram, the existinc� water reclamation plant will re- quire expansion. This planned expansion will increase the plant capacity to 8.0 P,1GD and will cost $2,055,000. Our En�ineer's report explaininc� the proposed expansion is enclosed. These are two reasons for constructinq the �lant to only 8.0 MGD at this time. - I . Treatment Plant costs are reasc�nabie proportional to capacity and no appreciable financial gain will be realized by expansion to 15 P�iGD at this time. 2. Future growth pattern in the area may weli dictate the desirability of a second plant in the h1eyers-Tahoe Paradise area, rather than dupiicatinq fenc�thy collector sewers and the associated pump stations and force mains. The total proqram as outlined will cost approximately $5,081 ,000, ($3,026,000 for export and $2,055,000 for treatment>. Proposed financiai consideration would be as follows; Total Capital cost Federal Grant PL 660 $5,0£3f ,000 Federal Grant PL 89-136 $� �20�,000 $2,540,500 Total Grants $3,7Qp,500 Required local financing: ► , The District has successfully passed a bond election providing for the issuance of up to $1 ,400,000 in sewer revenue bonds. This money can be made availabie to provide the local financing fn order to move ahead with the pro�ram. Also the State of California has provided a loan of up to $1 ,800,000 for District use in construction of sewaqe export facilities. Unfortunately the state loan, as passed by the leqislature and signed into law, provides that the $I ,F300,000 shall be re- duced by any Federal Grants received. This provisian in the law is seemingly useless as it limits the maximum cost of the project to $1 ,800,000. The District is hopeful that legislation wiil be forthcoming that will remove this restriction on the use of the State loan. The Distrit�t is extremely anxious to move ahead with the program as outlined; any assistance that you can give that would enable the District to obtain qrants under the applicable federal laws would be riost appreciated. Represent�tive of ' the Board of Directors would welcome the opportunity to meet with you in Washinqton and discuss the program with any persons that you might think would be helpful . s/ Donald L. Clarke" ��*�*���**��***�� BID OPENING -- BIJOU FdRCE MAIW SOUTH TP,HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICi� October ?_I � I 965 Clerk ot E3oard Cal lahan opened the (�ids at 3;00 P.�^., from the fol (owin�: I . Smith Scott Co., Inc. �'•�. Box 866, Livermore, Calif. Alt. "B" $65�g35.20 (40 days - after receipt of PO) 2. Water Works Supply Co. , Inc. 33379 Railroad Av. �'•�• Qox 73£3; Union City, Calif. '� Fittiriqs Only $3,329.68 (21 days - delivery) 3. Southern Pipe $ Casings Co. Uiv. of American Pipe and Construction Co. Azusa, Calif. (P,O�Box "C" $66,297_.90 (45 days after P.C. ) 4. Johns-P�ansvi I le P•�•F3ox 1587; Stockton 40 days = $70,939.T5 Adjourned: 3:20 P.P^. 20 d�Ys = $70,939. 15 \1�n �°� � \ � �l � �i� � �i '� � �✓V n r�,.r',. �V ���k!�'A ,�,,� �. `��+--- .f�GLYi�L DAV I D UJ. CfILLAHAN, CI.ERK OF BOARD S�6 REGULFIR E30ARD OF D I RECTORS �1EET i NG - OF TNF SOUTH TAHOE PUE3LIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOC3ER 21 , 1965 The Board of Director`s of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in regular session October 7_I , 1965, 8: 00 P.�1., Tahoe Valiey Fire Nouse, Tahoe Valley, California. ROLL CALL: Directors Fesler, ;tewart, ��lakeman and Kortes; General Manager Priday, Clerk of Eioard Cal I ahan, Attorney J . Ho I tom, Attorney J . bde i dman, Enq i neer H. �^oyer, Mr. F. Clark of Smith Scott CcZ., Inc. , Mr. V�Jalt Little, John �^urphy, W.C. Taylor,Frank Gordon and Mr. Qobby Paqe. AE3SENT: h-1r. Donald L. Clarke, President of the E3oard. - CHAIRMAN PRO TEM: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart� unanimously � carrie , ha Director Fesler be appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this P�!eetinq. i �11NUTES: Director 6�Jakeman moved, seconded by Directc�r Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of 10/7/65 be approved as written. RECOG�J I T I OfJ OF V I S I TOf�S: P1r. E3obby Paqe appeared before the Board for c I ar i f i cat ion of the sewer unit charqe for the Laundromat located at the Crescent "V" Shoppin� Center. Mr. Page felt that this charqe ($324.00) is quite hiqh and stated that for three months of the year the Laundror�at does a c�oad business and it is busy but for the remaininc� nine (9) months, it is not. He asked if the Eioard would c�ive some consideration to this. Chairman Fesier assigned this request to a Committee - Director Wakeman - for study and P1r. NJa�eman w i I I report back to the E3oard. MANAGER'S REPORT: (Unanimousiy adopted ) (See Attachments to these minutes for full report �, I . EASE��ENT: Attorney t^Jeidman stated that the easements for the Special Assessment is ric �I are beinq cleared riqht alonc�� He mentioned that there are � few problems in the 400 series. l�ttorney Holtom stated that ��1iss Josephine Elmore has contacted him many times reqardinq her easements within the Spec. �issmt. Dist. 1964-I . Fllso, that the Assessor's map showed three-quarters of property owned by h�iss Elmore (this was on the preliminary map which Mr. Holtom worked from) but on the finaf map, P1�ss Elmore was the owner of only one-fourth of the property. When �1iss Elmore received her assessment charge, she contacted P�lr. Holtom and this was checked into. This will be taken care of and changed. SPRINGMEYER EASEMENT; Attorney J . Weidman stated that he had contacted P,�rs. Springmeyer s Attorney last week and aqain today and asked for the conditions which are to be drcafted �nd sent to us. If he does not have these by next week, Attorney Weidman will draft the conditions and submit for the next meetinq of this E3oard. 2. PLA��NING: The Planning Committee met on 10/19/65 (Mr. F�loyer, Mr. Weidman, P"r. Eugene Chappie and Director Stewart) and proceeded to Sacramento, California, to discuss a complaint by the Supervisors of Alpine County reqardinc� Hope Valtey and approval as a disposal and discharc�e site for export. Mr. Stewart stated that he felt �.1r. Jack Leqqett and �^r. Frank Stead did an excellent job in explaininq to the people of f��pine County and their Attorney that by Discharc�inc� in Hope Valley we would not be causing any tppe of health hazard. Mr. Moyer stated that he felt the meeting was interestin� and very worth while. ^1r. Moyer further stated that the meeting bec�an in an atmosphere ot hostility and ended in a complete feeling of contentment. DELETIOPJ OF SECTION 3 - (RE $I ,800,000) : Attorney J . Weidman stated that Senator unar � men ioned tha the Dis rict request for Deletion of Sec. 3 from S.E3. 1149 will , i�e before the legislature in February. � Another meeting of tre Planninc� Committee was on the 20th of October 1965, with Director Stewart, Director Fesler, Manac�er Priday, P�r. Frank Stead and Mr. Waily White. Export was discussed and it was aqreed by all present that a decision had to be made immediately and the District must get going on export by 1966. AIl present aqreed that export via Luther Pass was the best possible route. 3. FUE3L I C I PdFORP�IAT I OPd COP�1M I TTFE: D i rector Kortes thanked everyone that he I ped to ge e in orma ion o he peop e as to what the District plans are and what is presently being accomplished. ✓'1 / REGULAR ��1EET I�JG (CONT I�JUED) October 21 , I 965 4. STREET LIGHTI�JG/PERSONNEL: Director Nlakeman stated that t�ie Personnel Committee �dic��mee . ere was a r�ap present showing a proposed improvement for street liqhting along the Highway (89) trom the "��lYE" and pointed out the areas that would or could be havinq street lights. I�e mentioned that the f�iqhway Department is looking favorably reqardinq the liqhts for safety but they will not allow Sierra Pacific Power Compant to put the lights in at this tirie. General Manac�er Priday stated that there should be an ORDIfJA"10E regarding street lightinq. if the District does qet into this, there will have to be an ORDIPdANCE. RESOLUTIOflS: Director Fesler recommended that a Resolution be adopted for Z,ongre-` s�"sman Johnson showinc� the District's appreciation for his assistance while the Directors were at Washinqton, D.C. i Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that I RESOLUTIOP� PdO, 598, be adopted. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried that RESOLUTIO�d N0. 599, be adopted which states the District's appreciation to Senator uchei for his assistance while the Directors were visitinc� Washington, D.C. Generai Manac�er Priday recommended that RESOLUTION N0. 597; be adopted, which is a RESOLUT I ON OF THE E30ARD OF D I RECTORS F S�UTfI AHOE PUf3L I C lJT l L I TY D I STR I CT SFTTING A ROUTE FOR EXF'ORT OF RECLAIMED WATER OVER LUTHER PASS iNTO HOPE VALLEY, ALPINE COUNTY, AND SETTING A DATE FOR THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Also, that copies of this Resolution be mailed to Govern�r E3rown, �overnor Sawyer, ��1r. Frank Stead, P�1r. Walty White and Congress�an Johnson. General Manager Priday stated that this Resolution should contain the ROUTE FOR EXPORT Wia Luther Pass, Plans and Specifications, deadline of April 1966 for export, and that it should also be noted in the Resolution, providing funds are set up, this wili take place. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTION N0. 597 be approved and that all recommendations made by the General Manager be inc u e in this RESOLUTION. However, reqardinc� the funds, �eneral Manager Priday stated that a cover letter could be attached to this RESOLUTION stating that this will be done, providing funds are forthcoming. Engineer P�loyer stated that he would like to meet with the Ef1SEMENT COMMITTEE immediately to obtain entry into the Hope Valley area, for soil borinc� as soon as the right-of-entry's are obtained. These should come throuc�h the District, Mr. Nbyer stated, and not through the Consultinq Enqineers. The EASEMENT COMMITTEE will start on this immediately. ASSESSMENT SPLITSj Attorney Noltom recommended that the foliowing RESOLUTIONS be adop ed: RESOLUTION N0. d603: A RESOLUTION DIRECTIN� P��AKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTA�N A S ME U JD -R SUPPLEMENT/�L P,ES. OF INT. N0. 47 - SA�J. SEIrl. PRQJ . I 962-I . RESOLUTION N0. 604: A RESOLUTION DIRECTI�lG MAKI�JG OF AMENDED �1SSMT. RE CERTAIN ASSESSMEN S UNDER RES. OF INT. N0. 146, as AP•1ENDED - SAN.SEW.PP.011ECT 1959-I RESOLUT I ON �d0. 605; {1 RESOLUT I ON D I RECT I NG MAK I��G OF A���ENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTA I N S -SSME UN R RES. OF INT. N0. 173 - SArd,SEWERAGE PROJECT 1960-I . R'tSOLUTION N0. 606: A RES�LUTION DIRECTING MAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN A SMEN ESOLUTION OF INTENTIOPJ P�O. 199-SA�J SEW. PROJ . 1960-2. RESOLUT I ON PJO. 607: A RESOLUT I ON D i RECT I PJG F�AK i PJ� OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTA I N A S SS�^E U ES.OF INT. PJO. 213 - SAN SEW. PR�J . 1960-3. RESOLUTION N0. 608: A RESOLUTIOPJ DIRECT�fJ� MAKING OF AP-1ENDE0 ASSESSMENT RE CERTAIN A �1 U SOLUTION OF INTENTIO�� N0. 239, as amended. San Sew Prdj. 1960-4. R6SOLUT I ON N0. 609: A RESOLUT I ON D I RECT I�JG P�1/�KI NG OF APrENDED ASSESS��ENT RE CERTA I N � A E S U J R ESOLUT I OPd OF I fJTENT I ON PJ0.287, as amended.SAN SEW F'ROJ . I 961-i . i RESOLUTION N0. 610: A RESOLUTIOPJ DIRECTING PnAKING OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT RE CERTAI�J SOLUT I ON QEs. I�JTENT I OPJ �JO, 430. SAN. SEW. PR011ECT I 962-I RESOLUT ION PdO, 61 I : SAP�1E E3UT FOR I 964-I ; Nearing for the above resolutions will be II/18/65. Director Wakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanir�ously carried, that the above resolutions (NOS. 603 throuqh 6�i1 ) be approved. \ RErULARMEET IPdG (COPdT lrJl)ED) October 21 , I 965 `r� � Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the foilowing RESOLUTIOfdS be adopted. RESOLUTION h�0. 591 : A RESOLUTIOt� OF TNE (30ARU OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUE3LIC UT L TY D I R I C MAK I PJG DETER�^I hJ{lT I ONS AiJO Af'FROV I PdG Tf�E PROPOSED ANPJEXAT I bN OF TERRITORY, DESIGNATED fiS "SOUTN T/�HOE PUF�LIC UTILITY DISTP.ICT ANNEXATION N0. 1965-7", to THE SOUTH TAHOE PUF3LIC UTILITY �ISTRICT. ( [3Ef1U L I FU ) RESOLUTION �JO. 592: A P,ESOLUTIO�d OF THE E30ARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAH�E PUQ�IC U P�AKI�dG DETERM I fdAT IOPdS APdL� APPROV I"!G THE PROPOSED APJNEX/1T ION OF TFRR ITORY, ' DESIGNATED AS "SOUTH TAHOE �NNEXATIOPJ N0. 1965-�-8", TO THE �OUTH TANOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ( � LOB i N) RESOLUT I ON N0. 593:� f� RESOLUT I OPJ OF THE E30ARD OF G I RFCTORS OF THE SOU�TFI TANOE PUEiL I C UT I L U L ) , AK I NG DETERh1 I NAT IONS AND APPROV(�dG THE PROPOSED ANNEXAT I OPJ OF TERR I TORY, DESIGN/1TFD AS "SOUTH TAHOE A�dNEXATiON N0. 1965-10" (A Y E R S) RESOLUTION N0. 594: A RESOLUTIOfJ OF THF BOARD OF DIRECTORS QF TNE SOUTN Tf1H0E PUE�LIC U LI Y I , MAKING DETERMIPlATIONS AND APPROVIfJG TNE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY, DESIGNATED AS "SOUT{i TAHOE ANNEXATION N0. 1965-9" ( P� ORR I SON) RESOLUTION N0. 595: A RESOLUTIOfJ OF THE QOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTIi TANOE PUBLIC U I L I Y D S R C MAK I�JG DETERP•1 I P�AT I ONS REGARD 1 P�G THE PROPOSED ANNEXAT I ON OF TERR I TORY TO THE �OUTF� TAHOE P,UQL�C UT I L i TY D I STR I CT ArdD F I X I rJG A T I�-^E, DATE Ar�D PLACE OF HEAR I f�JG THEREON. SOUTH TAHOE APJNEXAT I ON PdO. I 965-3 (T A H 0 E P� E A C� 0 t^! S) RESOLUTION N0. 596: A RESOLUTION OF APPI.ICATIOPd BY SOUTN TAFIOE PUBLIC UTILITY pISTRICT -Q E � N CAL AGEPJCY FORMAT I OPJ COMMI SS ION TAKE PROCFED I tJ�S FOR ANNEXAT ION OF TERR I TOP,Y TO THE D I STR I CT. SOUTN TAHOE AN�dEXf1T I OP! I 965-I 4 ( A S C H E R ) AWARDING CONTP.ACT - MATERIALS F�R BIJOU FORCE P•4AIN: Upon the recommendation of the ngineer, irec or or es move , secon ed y irector tdakeman, unanimously carried, that SP�ITf�-SCOTT COMPANY, I�JC. be awarded the contract for P^aterials for the C3ijou Force Ma i n ---- D � PJTED ---OPEN I PdG OF E3 I DS, I 0/2 I/65 - M i nute Fiook. ) RESULUT I ON N0. '601 : A RESOWT I ON OF TNE SOUTH Tf�HOE PUBL I C UT I L I TY D I STR i CT AW/1RD I P,G CONTRACT - M1-�AT FR!f�LS FOR E3 I J OU FORCE MAIN Also, upon the recommendation of Engineer P�loyer, Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the � lans and specifications be accepted by the E3oard for Construction of the E31JOU FORCE Mi�IN and that the Cierk publish the Notice Calling for Bids. RESOLUTION AS FOLLOWS: RESQLUTION N0. 602: A RESOLUTIOPd OF TNE E�OARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTH TAHOE PUE3LIC UTILITY DISTRICT CALLING FOR NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR SEALED PROPOSALS FOR COfdSTRUCTION OF A PUE3LIC UTILITY WORKS FOR BIJOU FORCE ��AIfJ, E31JOU, Cf�LIFOR��IA. CLA I�"S F0� UAP�IAGES, ETC. I . VILLA DEL P�AR: Ciaims $2,577.02 for repairs - back up of the sewer that caused damaqe o e Mo e : Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, un�niriously carried, that this ciaim be denied and turned over to the Distr=ict Insurance Company. 2. Di1LE LAP�IBERT; Mr. Lambert is claiming $125.00 for the lateral installed. The house was ui o low for the lateral and therefore the lateral cannot service the lot. Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimausly carried, that hnr. Lambert's Claim be denied. DEN�NSTRATION GRANT; - INCREASE: Enc�ineer P��oyer recammr�nded that General �^anaqer priday be authorized o sign t e supplemental for an increase in Demonstration Grar�ts. Mr. hloyer also recommended that a contin�aance of the grants he allowed firom 3/66 throuqh 2/2�/67 - $72,395.00 into one grant. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes that Mr. Priday be authorized to sign the supplemental and to request a continuation of the grants. CARRIED UNANIP�IOUSLY. ; J �J REGULAF� �^EFTiP�G (CONTINUED) I0/21/65 CORRESPONDENCE; General P�lanager Priday read a letter from the Lahontan Regional Water �lu ion o�rol Board statinc� that there will be a meetinq 10/29/65, 10:00 A.P,�., Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California, rec�arding the Cease and Desist Order issued 10/8/65. PAYMENT OF CLAIP�IS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carroed, tha t e claims in the amount of $47,390.37 be approved as recor�r�ended by General ��anager Priday. ADJOURf�MENT: 10:30 P.M. ��� ;�;.�� � � , __ � ��'TE�' South Tahoe Public Utility District � � �� � ; . J ' ;, ; �,_ avid W. a a an, er o ard x-, � Secretary-SOUTH TANOE PUE3LIC UTILITY DISTRICT ��*�*��**�**���*** ( I ) MANAGER'S REPORT: OCTOf3ER 21 , 1965 "Plant Operation: Average daily flow - Treatment Plant 2,427,000 G.P;D. Average Daily flow - Nevada District 333,572 " NOLDING POND FREEEiOARD 7ft 8 inches October 8, 1965, the Lahontan Regional Water (�uality Control E3oard met at a special meeting at Tahoe to hear testimony from interested aqencies relative to overflows from our spray disposal area. After short deliberation and sideline coachinq from the State Attorney General 's Office, the f3oard issued a Cease and Desist Order allowinc� the District until October 29, 1965, to comply with said order. As soon as arrangements could be made, seven (7) laborers were hired ( 10/II/65) to dig diversion channels and control ditches at the Spray Field. They are still workinc� and wifl continue to work on trying to control the problem at the Spray Disposal Areas. They have manaqed to impede the runoff on the old field but have not worked long enough on the new area to make any determination at this time. During the week of October Ilth last, the District Directors and Enqineer went to Washington, D.C. , on a very successful fund procurinp journey. This will be covered in another report but I would like to comment that the three-day work session by the Directors was the most important mission that has ever been accomplished for this or any other similar tax supported entity. Conqratulations for a job well done. This leads us now into the actual implementation of an export prograr�. p.q�ny hours of hard work have brought us to this point. Surveys have been made, hearinqs have been held, we have screened every potenfiial , met with every agency, we have been ridiculed by many, helped hy some and in particular by Conqressman Johnson. So it is my firm recommendation that a RESOLUTION be adopted immediately desiqnatinc� the export route and orderinq the Engineer to expedite the plans and specifications for said export; we rnust bring to a final determination this lonc� overdue program. Ule know that there will be some protests �nd financial hurdles to overcome reqardless of what we do. The time has come to rnake a decision and to stick with it until a successful conclusion has been reached and that is "EXPORT I�d '66"." ***�*�**�*****�**��**���**�*�**�*� sso RFGULAR PfEET I'.G OF TNE E30ARD OF D I RECTORS bF THE SOUTH TAf�OE PUBL I C UT I L I TY D I STP.I CT NOVEP�1f3ER 4, 1965 The P�ard of Uirector� ot the South Tahoe Pubiic Utility District met in reqular session the 4th of November 1965, 8:00 P.P-1., Ta�oe Valley Fire Nouse, Tahoe Va � ley, California ROLL CALL` Present were Directors Clarke, Fesler, Stewart, Kortes, Ulakeman; General Manager Priday, Clerk of E3oard Callahan, Attorney J . Weidman, Attorney J . Noltor�, Harian Nbyer, .A.L. Shoupe, John Shields, Frank Orr, John �^urphy and Irl. C. Taylor. h^IN`UTES: Qirector Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that ! the minutes of 10/21/65 be approved as written. f�IANAGER'S REPOP,T: As fo I I ows: "Plant O�eration: o�a I��f ow for October 74,267,000 c�a I I ons The avera�e daily flow is still hovering around 2.4 r�qd PJevada total flow for October 11 ,283,600 c�allons daily averaqe floa� 3�,3� 116 �� Holding Pond Freeboard 7�__7�� For sometime now the reconstruction of Pioneer Trail , bc�tween Eilack E3art Avenue and our new Spray Uisposal Area, has been �oing on. About 1 ,500 feet of force main has to be relocated and this worl% will be done durin� the week of �lovember 8th. The Contractor for the County is doinq the work under the direction of our Inspection Departm�nt. AI ) responsitle aqencies have been notified that the County of EI Dorado is doinq the relocation work. P-1ay I aqain bring to this f3oard 's attention that the Holdin� Pond and the Old Spray Area is under a use permit with the lJ. S, Forestry that wili officially be terminated P�1ay 30, 196b. I would, therefore, suc�c�est that our lec�al counsel take the necessary steps on behalf of the District to start land exchange proceedinqs with the U. S. Forest Service. I propose that the District consider purchasinc� about 40 or 50 acres lyin� Westeriy of the new 'aliqnment of Pioneer Trail , which will include about 30 acres on which the present Holdinq Pond is situated. One other matter needinq immediate attention by our legal counsel is the predeterminations of what might be facing the District in our export proqram into Hope Vailey. This sounds like a bic� order but we must first of all qain lec�al entry onto certain lands(Private) for exploratory work connected with the engineerinc� phases. We must determine the validity of fihe Alpine Caunty Ordinances recently publicized. 6�Je must also make some determination as to what ;might happen if the District is enjoined from this route of export. Whn �s caoinc� to cammit themselves in support of our pro�ram when the chips are down? I don't know how these nebulous situations r�ight be answered before they get to the courts; we might have to instinate a test case on our own behalf. In plain English, I want to know who - amonc� the many ac�itators - will come torward and have the fortitude to back up their convictions before we are stalled at the plans and specification stac�e of the export proqram after having spent our own tax supported funds for nothinq?" NOTE: P�1r. Priday's recomr�endations referred to New E3usiness. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Clarke introduced P�r. Frank Orr - Mr. Orr's business has been re erred o �ew E3usiness. COMMITTEE REPORTS: I . EASEMENT: Director Stewart stated that the Easement Committee met 10/ 27/ 65 to discuss he easements and proqress re Special Assessment L�istrict 1964-I . No report. � a. LAfdD COMMITTEE: Mr. Stewart stated that the Land Committee, through the - direction of t e Enqineer, had correspondence regarding Riqht-of-En�ry onto lands throughout Hipe Valley for qeologicai survey. As of this date, P�r. Stewart stated that right-of-entry have been refused to make these surveys. 2. PLANNIN�: Pdo report. 3. PUBLIC INFORMATIOP�J; �^r. Kortes stated that he had no formal report but mentioned that ongressman aro d . (PBIZL) Johnson visited the �'lant facilities II/2/65. D�^r. Johnson's plans are to form a committee to met in December or January to discuss �nd to study the sewage problems at Lake Tahoe. 4. STREET LIGHTING/PERSONNEL: P�r. Wakeman was not present the first part of the meetinp NO REPORT. � S/ Regular P�leetinq -2- 11 /4/65 (continued) OLD E3USIfdESS: Director Kortes stated (VIATER COMti11TTEE REPORT) that the P�lanager researched water flows to determine the amount of water used by F3obby Page's Laundromat, Lawrences Department Store and Town and Country Laundromat. (NOTE: PAr. Paqe appeared at the last meetinq to request a study of this as he felt that he was paying too much for service charc�es. ) The comparison of sewer charge to Domestic Water Flow as prepared by the Planaqer, as follows: Sept. PAGE LAWPENCES TOWPJ & COUfvTRY through LAUNUROMfIT DEPT. STORE LAU�JDRO�^A.T Ma � m . AV. FLOW 72,202 2,774 25,51F3 Mthly. I Serv. Chg. $27.00 $2.00 q19.5C1 Chq. per thousand Cu.Ft. of t�ater Flow $0.374 $0.722 $0.765 Director Kortes mentioned that he felt P-1r. Pac�e was and is justly charged and recommended that the P�^anager notify r�l�� Paqe �s to how his establishment compared to Lawrences Dept. Store and Town and Country Laundromat. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Direct�r Kortes, unanimously carried. BIU OPENIPJG -- REVEfJUE QONDS: Attorney Holtom recommended that the Bid Openinc� for the Revenue F3onds be postponed until Decer,ber 16, 1965. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Qirector Kortes, unanimously carried, that the RESOLUTION be ar�ended to read that the bid openinq will be heid;'on the 16th of December 1965. F�EVE�JUE E30NDS - F I SCAL AGENT - P�AT IONAL E3A"dK: Attorney Hol tom asked the E3oard of irec ors w a eir opinion woul e i e bonds could be handled by a Fiscal Agent, National E3ank. �^r. Holtom mention�d that the County Treasurer is very much overloaded, arti also mentioned that he would recommend the District �ppoint a fiscai Agent. A PJational Bankinq Aqency does have the experi�nce and personnel to handle Revenue Bonds; their fee is very nominal and it would take the burden off the County Treasurer's Office. Director Feslerrequested that this be turned over to a Committee. Mr. Clarke will appoint a Committee to study this and Mr. floltom will be notified of the meetinq date so that he may attend. NEW BUSINESS: I . CLA I h1 - MRS. KAh1P: C I erk of Eioard Ca I I a ha n presented a c i a i m rece i ved f rom P1rs. Kamp whic claims damaqe done to her furniture because of a back-up of the sewer line. Mr. Callahan recommended this claim be turned over to the Insurance Company for the District. Direct�r Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that this cla�m be denied and turned over to the Uistrict Insur�nce Company. MANFlGER'S RECOMM11ENDATIONS: 1 . Director Kortes moved, seconded by Uirector Stewart, unanimousiy carried, that Attorney J . �leidman be requested to take the necessary steps on behalf of the District to start possible land exchange proceedinc�s with the U. S. Forest Service. �General Manager Priday sugqested that the District consider purchasinq about 40 or 50 acres lyinq Westerly of the new alignment of Pioneer Trail , which wili include about 30 acres on which the present Holdinq Pond is situated) . I 2. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that the Attorney be authorized to determine the validy of the AI.PIPJE COUPJTY ORDINANCES, as recommended by the Pfanaqer in the Manaqer's Report. Mr. t�Jakeman stated that a �^r. Leonard Anchor i s hav i na a meet i nc� at the OVERLAND NOTEL, �linden, Nevada, II/19/65 and requested that a representative ot the District be present to discuss export, etac. It was mentioned that a representative from Clair A. Hill and Associates (P1r. FlI ;lechta) will be present at this meetinc�. Mr. b�Jakeman also mentioned that Mr. Raleic�h visited the Plant Facil ities and that Mr. Slechta spent quite some time with him to explain just what was beinq done and what was ha�pening. REGULAR P�1EET f�JG i I/4/65 (cont i nued) �'�S—Z Director Kortes stated that the Public Intormation Committee will assist all they can to let the peopie of Alpine County know what they want to know. GFOLOGICAL SURVEY: Attorney wiil take care of this matter imr�ediately to try to obtain rig -o -en ry on o land in Alpine County. Uirector Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried,that the Attorney be authorized to obtain the lec�al riqht-of-entry upon these lands as requested by our Engineer. Mention was made that besides the fiic�hway router there is another route throuqh private lands through an existinq 50 year easement that belonqs to a Utility Company. ��r. Clarke authorized the Engineer to investiqate this possibility. h1r. Priday thanked h1r. E3ob Rice for his interest and concern re�ardinq export, etc. RECOGNITOfJ OF VISITORS: �^r. Frank Orr stated that proqress cannot be stopped and that he, as o hers, are in avor of sewers. Iie mentioned, however, that his lots (Heavenly Valley) are anywhere from 6 to IG feet lower than the sewer line and that the sea�ers cannot be used because ot this. Mr. Clarke stated that this will be turned over to a Committee for study and that r.^r. Frank Orr will be notified reqarding the Study made. (�^r. �rank Orr, E3ox 213, Tahce Valley, California>. Mr. Orr also mentioned that he would like a relief of the assessment charqes for these lots which he cannot use (se�ver facilities) . Mr. h�1oyer mentioned to the Directors that one of the First Ordinances adopted by the District provides that in any case where services from the lot to the sewer cannot be obtained by gravity, then it is the owners responsibility to qet the sewer fiow to the District Facilities. ANNEXATIONS: - IN�UIRIES:Mr. Clarke asked Mr. Moyer if the residents in the E31ack E3art rea cou reques annexations. Mr. P��oyer stated that there are no facilities there at the present time. It was mentioned that these residents can request annexation and that 35� of the residents wiil be a valid petition. MEYEP,S: P^r. Clarke also mentioned that people have stated to hir� that only some lots are being annexed to the District. Mr. Priday stated that if the property owners wish to annex to the District they can request annexation. Mr. Holtom requested that inquiries such as these should be reterred to the Manaqer or the Attorney. Mr. Kortes stated that there will be a meetinq at Meyers on II/ 17/s65 and that the Pt�blic Relations Uepartment will explain annexati�n proceedinc�s to the group present. Mr. Fesier will also attend this meetinq. ELECTION; - RESIGNf1TI0NS, ETC. : Director Feslerasked the Attorney what the proceedure wou be i m�habers of the E3oard of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District were elected to the City Council . Mr. Hoitom stated that upon certitication of the State that the area is officially a City, a resiqnation must be presented to this F3oard. PAYPIENT: h�r. Priday read a letter from P�^r. Mi Iton P-lanoukian, Attorney far D.C.S. I .U.#I , w i��ch enclosed a check inthe amount of $25,289.56 to the District. CORR�SPONDENCE; Mr. Priday read the let;er from Hugo Fisher to Robert Fesler acknowiedainq recetp�`o��es`olution No. 597. PAYA^ENT OF CLAIMS: Uirector Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, a t �e ciaims in the amount of $18,633.64 be approved for payment and th�t the transfer of funds in the amount of $50�000.00, as recor�mended by General P-1ana�er Priday be approved. ADJ OURNMENT: 9:30 P.M. to P�'bnday, I i/F3/E�5, 3:00 P.P1,, D i str i ct Of f i ce. , , �,=�1���� � � ���� dona d . Clar e, residen - South Tahoe 'j Public Utility Oistrict � ��, � � �� � David W. ,al ahan, er of E3oard and Ex- Officio Secretary = South Tahoe Public Utility District ��***����* Page missing from Original Scan. .S'S`�J' ADJOURfJED REGULAR P.�EET I^JG (cont i nued ) I I/8/65 I . Narper and E3axter 2. Eminent Domain - Special AssessMent District 1964-I (Possible) 3. George E. �"iller - Special Assessment District 1960-i ,Aitorney Weidman recommended that the Georqe E. �-�iller case be settled and recommended �ayr�ent of $5,250.00 to Georqe �^iller. (Special Assessment District 1�60-I ) . Director Fesler rr�oved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimou�ly carried, that Georqe E. P�liller be �aid $5,250.00, in Isettlement of a law suit, as recommended by Attorney J . 4�Je i dman. (NOTE: TH I S t�JA5 PA I D E3Y WARRANT ��0. I 345, DATED I I/8/65) . SPR INGh1EYER EFlSEh^ENT; Attorney J . 1^!e i dr�an stated tha�t a I I data has been rece i ved and he i s in hopes of havinq everythinq settled t�y the next regular meetinc� of this E��rd. P�IONTGOMERY FSTATES: Attorney L�Je i dman stated that ��ontqomery Estat�s has been of fered , .0 o se e this law suit; however, 'Fhey are requestinq an additional $2,500.00 HARPER 8 BAXTER: Trial set for I/4/66. CAL I FOR�J I A F I LTER COMPANY CLA I h-1: Attorney ��Je i dr�an recommended that a I etter be sent to s a ing a e is rict is not c�oinc� to honor their claim in the amount they requested. MISCELLAPdEOUS - ANNEXATIONS; P^r. John Grau inquired about the Lake Christopher Area, �erra P�Ieadows �n al and the P�eadow Fleic�hts Subdivisions and whether or not these aceas can annex to the District. It was stated to Mr. Grau that these areas couid annex to the District; however, signatures must be obtained from the property owners desirinc� to annex; a map to be presented to the Distric:t containing the �roperties to be annexed. Also, if this area is to annex durinq 1965 - �fihe annexation fees will be $400.00 an acre, plus assessment charges and Attorney Fees. Generai Manac�er Priday stated that he would discuss this with Mr. J . Grau. ALPINE COUPJTY LIT,IGATION: f�ttorn ey Weidman stated that Alpine County passed Ordinances pretaining to and restrictions of indirect discharc�e into Alpine County, Hope Valley. Also that he has reque�ted copies of their Ordinances and mentioned that their Ordinances could be sent to the Legislature for study as the Le�islature can take away the power the County has. Attorne�� WQidman will explore this and report to the E3oard. RIGHT OF ENTRY - ALPINE COUNTY: Riqht of Entry was discussed. Attorney Weidman will proceed on he eqa aspec s o the ric�ht-of-entry, and the Alpine County Ordinances and wi i I report to the E3oard. ADJOURNMENT; 4; 10 P.M. � 2�,�E �� � � ���s ona d . larke, President - - SOUTH TAH�E PUE3LIC UTILITY DISTRICT i. f ;' C�, �-��{� ' �-1 David W. atlahan, lerk of E3oard x- Officio Secretary - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRIC7 �*���*�**�*�� Page missing from Original Scan. Page missing from Original Scan. S6'6 REGULAR MEETIfJG OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE S�UTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER i�3, I 965 , The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in reqular session the 18th of PJovember �965, £3:00 P.Pq., Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California. ROL�L CALL: Present were Directors Clarke, Fesler, Stewart, Kortes, Wakeman� General P�lanaqer Priday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attc�rney J . Weidman, Attorney J . Noltom, Harlan Nbyer, G. Hauser, J . Murphy, Jerrod Peebles, Bill Younq, C. Voc�el . M�JUTE=_ Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that the minutes of II /4/65 be ap�roved as written. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that the minutes of II/£3/65 be approved as written. MANAGER�S REPOP.T: General Manager Priday read his report, as follows: "Manaqer's P,eport . November 18, 1965 PLANT OPERATION; T'lant flow from Nov. I throu�h 15 34,209,000 oaifons Averac�e daily flow 2,280,600 " Nevada flow from Nov. I through 15 5,743, 100 qallons Average daily flow 382�873 „ Holdinq Pond Freeboard 6 ft 8 inches Spray disposai operations on new s�ray area shut down from 11/7/through II/16/65 for the relocation of Force Main in Pioneer Trail by Contractor for EI Dorado County Road Oept. The following wiil probably be covered by a Committee report, however, negotiations have been informatly completed with Mr. Knox Johnson and Mr. Wiliiam V. D. Johnson for the rental of about 120 acres for the disposal of effluent at $500.00 per month. The amour�t, of course, has to be approved by the Board. Also, a letter has been sent to the Lahontan Regional Water CJuality Control Board requestinq an amendment to their Resolution 60-4, for the inciusion of the Johnson Property for effluent dis{�osal purposes. I discussed fihe situation with Mr. J . T. Lec�qett and he commended us for the idea. Fl map of the area is a�tached and made a part of this re�ort . (See oriqinal copy of Manager's Report for map and for report from F�1r. Robert L. Rice, District Ranger. ) Another Public Entity, City of South Lake Tahoe, has been added to our little family of interested participants in the qoverninq of the Lake Tahoe Basin. This new City will certainly add prestige to the Lake E3asin and to the South Shore in particular. We are counting on this new entity to support our position as a District. If they do, it will give us added strenqth to face up to the many kibitzers now performing on st�qe. I think a close working relationship between the City ot South Lake Tahoe and the South Tahoe Public Utility District is imperative. The success or failure of the District will reflect itself in the imaqe of the City. Ghe District manaqement and personnel will be willina and abie to help the City of South Lake Tahoe at a moments notice." RECOGNITION OF VISITORS; Mr. Biil Youn� appeared before the E3oard reqardinc� his property w ich is exc uded. is property was in Special Assessment District 1960-4; Marjorie Springmeyer requested this property to be excluded. P�Ir. Young has purchased this property and was not aware of any problems connected with it. Mr. Younc� is unable to qet a building permit until he qets a sewer permit. Director Fesier moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that General Manager Priday study this to see what assistance can be c�iven Mr. Younq tor a permit to be issued to P�Ir. Young,enabiinq him to obtain a buildinq permit to buiid. Discussion was heid regardinq excluded parcels and how to get the information over to the buyers of the property. Attorney Holtom stated he would contact the Title Companies to see what assistance they can have on the titie search indicatinc� it property is or is not excluded. COMMITTEE REPORTS: ` I . EASEMENTS: Attorney tti�eidman stated the Nusz easement is completed; workin� on the Elmare and Filmore easement, Catholic Church and Herb Stiles easement. a. SPRIN�MEYER EASEMENT: Not completed. LAND COMMITTEE: On II/15/65 birector Fesler, General Manaqer Priday and Director Stewar�met wi� �l�Jilliam V.D.Johnson and Knox Johnson to discuss rental of their property ( 120 acres) for a temporary disposal siqht. Page missing from Original Scan. Regular meeting Nov, f8, 1965 (con�.�� � Attorney John Holtom recommended the adoption of the foilnwinn RESOLUTI�NS: Resolutions tJo. 617 throu�h 625:- re assessment splits for assessment Qistricts 195 - , 19 9-I , 1960-I , f960-2, 1960-3, 19E0-�, 1961-I , 1962-I and 1964-� . Director Kortes moved seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that RESO�UTIO�JS NOS. 617 throuc�h 625 E3E APPROVED AS RECOMMEPJ(JEU F3Y ATTORNEY J . IiOLTOM. RESOLUTION N0. 628: A Resolution Directing Pqaking of Amended Assessment re Certain Assess- men under eso u �on of Intention �10. 146, as amended. San. Sew. Project 1959-I . RES�LUTION N0. fi29: A Resolution Oirectinq Makinc� of Amended Assessment Re Certain Assessment Under Resolution of Intention No. 173; San. Sew. Proj . i960-i . Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, that RFSOLUTIONS N0. 628 and 629 be approved as recommended by Attorney J . f�ltom. AHARDING CONTRACT - E31JOU FORCE MAIN: I . S N . 0: Director Fesier moved, seconded by Director Stewart unanimousiy carrie , a ierra acific �onstruction Company, as recoromended by En� ineer H. Moyer, be awarded the contract for E31JOU FORCE MAIN. Lf�1D RENTAL: Director Fesler rioved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that e J � �1 LAND be rented at $500.00 per month for temporary disposal use. AUTHb�I -) A�, �EMENT - RESOLUT I N . . MISCELLANEOUS CLAIMS; Attorney J . Weidman stated that approximately $4,300.00 will be reimbursed he is ric for a claim submitted to the State Eioar� of Equalizatian in September the 19th. CLAIM: LEMO�d: = Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimousiy carried, that the claim submitted by DOROTHY APdD GE�RGE LE�^ON be denied and referred to the District Insurance Company. ANNEXATIQN FEES - - N4�GH SCHOOL: General Manaqer Priday present�d a breakdown of the actual 50 acre site being used by the Niqh School : 4.87 Acres E3uildinq Area 4.79 Acres Paved Roads and Parkinc� 1 .46 Acres Paved Play Area 10.98 Acres Turfed Play Area Director Irlakeman moved, seconded by Director Kortes, uaanimously carried, th�t the Hic�h School be assessed for 11 . 12 Acres, Approximately $4,400.00. VOTES: AYES: Directors Wakeman� Kortes and Clarke NOES: Directors Fesler and Stewart Motion Carried. MONTGOMERY ESTATE CLA;IM: Mr. C. Voc�el appeared to plea the District relieve P.�ontc�omery s a es o e c arge or oversize pipe required be put in; h�r. Moyer had notified the engineer of Montgomery Estates statinq that 25� of the area must be sewered and Mont�or�ery Estates sewered approximately only ' 10� of the area. Director I�Jakeman moved, seconded by Director Fesler, claim be denied and the District continue to abide by ORDIPJANCE N0. 122. Plotion Carried. MISCELLANEOUS: Attorney Weidman stated th��t a meetin� is scheduled with �^r. Paul Joseph, Sacramento, ( :30'P.M.', Welis Fargo Bank Quildinq to disr.uss lec-�al and practic�l probiems re export. R6IGPJATION - PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD, MR. DONA�D L. CLARKE: Donald L. Clarke submitted his resignation for consideration. Mr. Clarke is novv a City Councilman and cannot hold two elective positions. ;(Resignation in Mr. Clarke's file at the District Office. ) Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director b+,�akeman, unanimously carried, that Mr. Clarke's resic�nation be accepted. AII Directors agreed that through P-1r. Clarke's guidance as Chairman of the F3oard, the District has accomplished many tasks. ^Ar. Clarke also mentioned that the District can rest assured that he, as a Councilr�an, wiil do all he can to assist and speak for and help the District. CHAIRMAN PRO TEP�1; Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that Director Wakeman be appointed Chairman Pro Tem for this meetinc�. Carried. Page missing from Original Scan. ,�sy APPOINTh^E�IT OF CHAIRMAN OF THE F30ARD: Director Kortes rioved, seconded hy Director ewar , t a irector es er be appointed Chairman of the E3oard. Carried. PAYh�^E�T Or CLA I MS: D i rector Kortes r�oved, seconded by D i rector ��Jakeman, unan i mous I y carr�e , ha e claims in the aMount of $40,771 .22 be approved tor nayment as recommended by Genera I 1�^anac�er Pr i day. AQJOURNMENT: This meeting adjourned at 11 :00 P.M. to Pdovember 30, 1965, 7:30 P.h�. Dist Dis ric Office. �-�-,� � ..� R B R FES� ,, CHA RP^AN QF � E30ARb - SOUTH TAHOE PUF3LIC UTILITY DISTRICT 5=-�, .�-,.��L� - L,�.� � ' .��_ DAV ID NJ. CAL�AHAPJ, CLERK OF E30ARD AND EX OFFICIO SECRETARY - - SOUTH TAHOE F'UE3L I C UT I L I TY 0 I STR I CT *******�*�*�� ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EiOARD OF DIP.ECT�RS OF TNE SOUTHTAHOE PUE3LIC UTILITY DISTRICT November 30, 10965 President Fesler called the meetinc� to order at 7:50 P.M. , District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were R. Fesler, D.H. Kortes, P.. Wekeman, T.L. Stewart, F.Gallo, Frank Roberts, Wink Ames, Vauc-�hn E3urlingham, Don Bickle and Clerk of Board Callahan. President Fesler stated that this adjourned reqular meetinq was for interviewinq applicants for the vac�ancy on the board of dmrectors created by Donald L.Clarke�s resi�nation. DON E3ICKLE: President Fesler read F�r. E3ickle's letter to the Qoard. Mr. E�ickie stated t eFi foliowin9: He does reside in the Cistrict; now rentinq at Tahoe Keys for the winter; plans to build in the spring; will be apermanent resident; has been here four (4) years. Mr. Bickle was employed by the Wels Fargo Bank and the E3ank wanted to transfer him from the area. He wanted to make this area his home and transferred to the Tahoe National Bank. He has worked in many positions in bankinc� - from Assistant Manac�er, Manaoer, Assistant Vice President and now holds the position of Vice President. He owns second deeds of trust; does not have tour (4) years of colleqe but does have three (3) years of college (Eastern Montana); has attended bankinc� schools in New York and the American Institute of banking. He has two boys - 12-I/2 and 2-I/2 and a airl II-I/2 years of aae. Mr. E3ickle stated that he felt he would be available to attend day meetings providinq all Junior Officers are not out of the Bank. He aiso stated that he had contacted Mr. Del Ross (President of the Eiank) prior to applyinc� for the vacancy on the f3oard to be certain that this would be approved by P-�r. Ross. Mr. Ross sent him a letter statina that he would most c�rtainly approve of Mr. Bickle's application for for Director and wished him the best. He f.urther stated there would be no reason he could not attend a 3/4 day meeting out of the area if the need be, but stated that he would like to be notified a day or two ahead of the scheudled meetinq to make arrangements to leave his office. Also, he has worked on many civic boards and stated that he feit his own sincerity, financial backgoojnd would be of some assistance to this E;oard. Elis decisions will be based on the policy only and personalities will not enter into his decision. Regardless of the one posinc� the probiem, his decision wili be stricikly for the policy and not the individual pssinq the problem. He would consider running for re-election in P,�ay of 19E6 and would be prepared for the cost that might be involved; he has no realtives empioyed by the District; there would be no conflict of interests-----the District has deposited funda at the Tahoe National Bank and P�!r. Qickle stated that the E3ank makes no money from this. Page missing from Original Scan. �s' Noverober 18, 1965 Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler that Art Reber be hired as the District's appraiser for easement, etc. , re export plans, - - unanimously carried. QIJOU FORCE MAIN EASEMENTS: r.�r. P�loyer stated that five t5) e�seroents are needed as puickly as possible in order that the Contractor can start construction on the Bijou Force PAain. Attorney Weidman recommended Resolution No. 6?_6, A RESOLUTIO�! OF PUBLIC CONVEf� I ENCE AND NECES5 I TY A�JD DETERM I�J I�dG THAT F I L I NG 0� FM I fJENT DOP�A I N PROCEED I NGS, �S NECESSARY - be adopted. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler� unenimously carried, that RESOLUTIOPJ N0. 626 be approved. Attorney t^leidman also recommended that RESOLUTION fJO. 627,A RESO WTION OF PUBLIC CONVEN I ENCE AND NECESS I TY AND DETERP�1 I N I PJG TH�T F I L I NG OF E��11 NFNT OOMA I N PR.QCEED 1 tdGS I S NECESSARY FOR EXPORT SYSTEM, be adopted. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried that RESOLUTION N0. 627, be approved. 2. PLANNING; The Planning Committee met II/16/65 to discuss action to be taken this even"�"n�;�'o�iTow i ng New Bus i ness. 3. PUE3LIC INFORMATIONt 10/27/65 Mr. Kortes spoke to five (5) civic ciasses re the s a us of e Dis ric personnei , trip to Washington D.C. , Ac�encies , the District is working with such as State, Nationai and Local . Also, he spoke to hthe Junior Classes last Friday. Mr. Priday and ��4r. Kortes spoke to the Meyers people re annexing property proceedures� etc. 4. STREET LIGHTING/PERSONNEL: The Personnel Committee met to discuss a salary increase for the General P�!anaqer . Mr. Wakeman stated and rioved that P�1r. Priday is well deserving of an increase in salary and recommended �hat his salary be increased to $15,000.00 per year and amendinq Ordinance to state such by ado�ting Ordinance No. I2_6. (Salary becomes effective 30 days followinc� adoption of Ordin�nce No. 126) . Director Kortes seconded, carried unanimously,��that ��rdinance No. 126 be adopted and approved. a. WATER COMP�IITTEE: Mr. �^Jakeman stated that he met with the Alpine Soil Conservation Dis rict and Carson Valley peopie, the farmers ot Carson Valley also to discuss export water, transportation, etc. According to Mr. Wakeman, the visitors were made aware of the District plans, export route, what type of water would be exported, etc. They toured the p�ant facilities and were quite amazed at what they saw. Aiso, a meeting is scheduled II /19/65, Overland Notei , P�1inden, �Jevada, and Enqineers, , Director Fesler, Director Stewart and Director Wakeman wiil attend to discuss export with the people. OLD BUSINESS: I . ,q CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION N0. 568, entitled, 'A RESOLUTION AND ORQER APPROVING QROPOSED ANNEXATION AND A � � ES OF DISTRICT, ANNEXATION NQ. 1965-I , (JOHN;ON-SPRINGMEYER-TREATMENT PLANT) ' was recorded with the County Recorder of the oun y o ora o, ate o a i ornia, on. . .JUtY 16, 19b5, in E3ook 749 at Paqe 194, Officiai Records of said County, Document No. 12153." 2. A CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION N0. 573, entitled 'A RESOLUTION AND ORDER APPROVING PROPOSEQ ANNEXATION AND C A � J� S OF DISTRICT� ANNEXATION N0. 1965-5 , (DONALD E. POTTER ETUX. )', was recorded with the County ecor er o e ,ounty of ora o, S a e o a i ornia, on Auc�ust 13, 1965, in Book 752, at Page 533, Official Records of said County, Document No. 14054." 3. A CERTIFIED COPY OF RESO�UTION PJO. 574, entitled, 'A RESOLUTION A.ND ORDER APPROVING PROPOSED ANNEXATIQN AND A � U bA ES OF DISTRICT, ANNEXATION N0. 1965-6, (WILLIAM E3. LEDBETTER, ETUX), was recorded with the County Recorder of the County of EI Dorado, S�-ate of California, on August 13, 1965, in f3ook 752 at Page 538, Document No. 14055, Official Records of said County." ATTORNEY WEIOMAN RECQMMENDED TNE ADOPTION OF TNE FOLLOWINGRRESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION No. 612 (French annexation) RE50LUTION N0. 613 (Philliber annexation) RESOLUTION N0. 616 (Ascher annexation) Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried� that RESOLUTIONS �•lOS. 612, 613 and 616 be approved as recommended by Attorney J . �Veidman. Page missing from Original Scan. sss E31 D OPEN I NG - CONSTRl1CT I ON OF F3 I J OU FORCE P�1A I��J November 15, 1965 Clerk of Board Callahan opened the toliowing bids at 7_:00 P.h�I., November 15, 1965, at the Uistrict Plant: ROLL CALL: Present were Clerk ot F3oard Calfahan, �1r. R.H. Heacox - Kirkwood Bly, Inc., N.M. E3yars, Mr. Ed Coates of TAB CONS� CO., NJeicchmann Enqineering, Mr. Massa from TAE3 CONS. CO., Martin Brothers of MARTIN BROS. CONS. , and P�1r. P�1cCue - SIERRA PACIFIC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. I . Sierra Pacific Construction Cor�pany Ciond and flddn.#I included P.O. E3ox 41197 $85,387.5� Sacramento, California 2. Kirkwood Bly, Inc. f3ond and Addn.#I included P.O. E3ox 1625 $93,500.00 Santa Rosa, California 3. fI.M� E�yars Construction Bond included but not Addn.#I P.O. E3ox 748 $105,000.00 Reno, Nevada 4. Wicchmann Engineerinc� F3ond included but not Addn.#I 2545 Tacchino Street $96,900.00 Reno, Nevada 5. Martin E3rothers Construction Co. E3ond and Addn.#I included Tahoe Valley, California $148,500.00 6. Joe D. P�liller 8 Company f3ond and Addn.#I included 3333 Edison Highway $111 ,761 .66 7. Underqround Cons. Co. E3ond and Addn.#I included ?_600 1^Jilliam St. $95,870.00 San Leandro, California B. Tad Construction Addn.#1 and E3ond Included $113,0OO.OQ _, � � �C ��, ��� ��--�-i-�...---- Dav i d �1. a I a an, er o F3oard and x- Officio Secretary SOUTH TAfiOE PUF3L I C UT i L i TY D I STR I CT Page missing from Original Scan. ��3 ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF TF',E BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH T/�HOE PUBLIC UTI �ITY D�STRICT NOVEME3FR B, 1965 The E3oard of Directors of the South Tahoe Pubiic Utility Ois�hrict met in an adjourned regular session the 8th of November �965, 3;00 P.M., District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Clarke, Kortes, Wakeman, Fesler, Stewart; �eneral �_�anac�er ri ay, lerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J . fioltom, Attorney J . Weidman, h^r. H. Prescott, Jr. , P�^r. Ccawford, P•1r. John Grau, Frank Gordon. p:1EYER'S A�d�dEXATION: Attorney J . Hoitom stated that this is the date and time set for e earing on e Aeyer's Annexation. Whereas, no persons interested filed with the Board written protests to the annexation or to the approval of the terms and conditions and no owners of taxable property in the territory proposed to be annexed tiled written protests to the protests annexation or to the approval of the terms and conditions, and after due consideration, the Board has found that all of said property proposed to be annexed will be substantially benefited by annexation and has not modified the boundaries of the property proposed to be annexed. Pre�ident Clarke closed thishearinq and Attorney f'oitom recor�mended that the followinq RESOLUTION be adopted: RESOLUTION N0. 614: A RES�LUTION ANU ORDER APPROVING PROPOSED A�dNEXATION AND CNANGING F30UNDARIES QF DISTRICT. ANNEXATION N0. 1965-2 "h� E Y E R ' S A N Pd E X A T I 0 N" JUNIPER PARK SUE3DIViSION; Mr. Crawford asked why the Juniper Park Subdivision was not inclu ed in this Annexation. General ��anger Priday stated that the District did not canvass the area for the Meyer's flnnexation; however, anyone wishing to annex to the District can annex from the Juniper Park Subdivision providing enouqh of the signatures can be obtained. Director Stewart moved, seconded by Directors Fesler, unanimously carried, that RFSOLUTIOfJ N0. 614 be approved. \ Director Stewart stated that this annexation approval is a long dream come true and President Clarke thanked ali that worked on and for the �-leyer's Annexation. TAHOE MEADOWS - ANNEXATIOP� 1965-3: Attorney Uleidman stated that this is also the date se for t e hearin� on a oe Meadows Annexation, 1965-3. To date, no written protests have been filed. Mr. Bliss, President of the Tahoe Meadows Association, stated to �1c. Weidman n�ither he or the E3oard ��embers or Directors of the Association could be present for this hearing but that they were all in favor of this annexation. (Nearing ciosed) . Attorney Weidman recommended that the followinc� RESOLUTION be adopted: RESO�UTION N0. 615; A RESOLUTION AND ORDER APPROVING PROPOSED ANNEXATION AND CHANGING E30UNDARIES OF DISTRICT. ANNEXATION N0. 1965-3 "TA HO E MEADOWS") Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Fesler, unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIOPI �d0. 615, as recommended by Attorney VJeidman, be approved. President Clarke expressed his thanks to all that worked on the TAFiOE P.1EAD04�IS ANNEXATION. PENDIPJG /�NNEXATION RE�UESTS: Attorney Weidman stated that dsther annexations pendin� are: I . French 2. Philliber 3. Ascher. _ Director tti�akeman stated that there are many peopie in the area that are still not aware of what the consequences will be when this area becomes a City. They will not be able to annex if their property is now EXCLUDED from the District. Director Kortes mentioned that this information was in the newspapers. JOFiN50N LA�dDS NEGOTIATION; General Manaqer Priday requested that the E�ard ailow him to neqo iate wi h e J S reqardinq lease of their lands. Director Fesler moved, seconded by Director Stewart, unanimously carried, that General h^anac�er Priday approach the JOHPdSON'S reqarding leasing their land. LEGAL P•1ATTERS: Attorney J . Weidman stated that the followinq law suits, etc. , are still pe�n 'i nq� Page missing from Original Scan. ' REGULAR h1EETiN� 12/16/65 (cont. ) 5--68 ANNEXATION REQUEST; Attorney Weidman stated that a Mr. ��1cCann desires to bring in 9.862 acres for annexatron and is willing to pay all fees. However, there is a totai of approximately 40 acres and Pioneer Trail c�oes right through the middle of the acreage. He does not wish to bring in the 29 acres which is contiquous. Director Stewart stated that the road does not separate the parcels and stated th�t they shouid bring the entire property into the District and they can pay their fees on the portion they are going to develop. Attorney Weidman will discuss this with the property owner. HAROOTUNIAN: ANNEXATION: - Mr. A. Narootunian wishes to have a few lots brought into �ie�sfr�icf. �fewart stated that we should continue to follow the policy and request that all parcels be brouqht into the District. We could accept this request tor annexation in order that Mr. Harootunian couid qet in for the $400 an acre fee but that he must bring in all property. Mr. Callahan mentioned that Mr. A. Harootunian's check in the amount of $5�212.00 was received and deposited by the District. ANNEXATION RE�UEST: MONTGOMERY ESTATES N0. I , 2, 3, - SIERRA ��EADOWS, - MEADOW VIEW HEIGHTS, LAKE CHRISTOPHER Attorney Weidman stated that a petition would have to have 5� of the resident voters, file it with the Local Formation Ac�ency and would require 35� of the resident voters to have a mandatory hearing. The Title Company has promised Mr. Weidman the petition on Pv1onday. The above listed property is contic�uous to the Etwood Johnson Property. Attorney Weidman stated that the owners have made application and stated that if the petition carries 5� of the reqiste�ed voters by the end of #he year, that they be allowed to annex for the $400 per acre. Engineer H. Moyer sugc�ested that it might be feasible to establish a fee of per lot rather than per acre for an existinq subdivision. - Mr. George Baron stated that he aqreed with Enqineer Moyer regarding the estabiishment of fees for lots rather than acreage. Director Stewart mov�d, seconded by Director Kortes, unanimously carried, that ANY ANNEXATIONS PENDING NOW (SIERRA MEADOWS, P�IONTGOMERY ESTATES NOS. I , 2, 3, LAKE CHRISTOPNER, MEADOW NEIGHTS) be granted the month of JANUARY ( 1966) for this purpose which will allow the $400 per acre to stand during the month and not go to $500.00 per acre. CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk of Board Callahan read the letter from Alpine County, Office of Clerk, Audi or and Recorder, stating that the Board of Supervisors will be happy to cali a meeting with this Board to discuss export. Director Fesler requested the Clerk of Board to acknowledqe the letter statinq that the 2nd week of January would be the most desirable time for a meetinc� with them. ENGINEERING STUDY - PLANT EXPANSION: - Friday, January 6, 19b6, early afternoon, a study meeting wi be held to discuss plant expansion. Exact time to be announced at a later date. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman, unanimously carried, t a e c aims in the amount of $26,678.69 be approved for payment. GEORGE BARON - TAHOE PARADISE: Mr. Baron stated that he is proposing annexation of 188 acres o an w ic is con iguous to their present acreage near the airport. This is the site located next to SECTION 10 - SOUTH OF PIONEER TRAIL, near the present Spray Disposal Area. President Fesler stated that the F3oard would look favorably upon the annexation. �6 4 REGULAR MEETING I'L/ Ib/�7cconT. � I ADJOURNMENT; 10:00 P.M. to 12/17/65, II :00 A.M. , District Office. �-��J � � RO�����Z_F R� B� � OF QIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTEST; ' � n�� � �' i' ' ". . . t' _ D V W. � L A N, CL 0 ARD AND EX-OFFICIO SECRETARY TNERETO *********� ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE B�ARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAFIOE PUBLICUUTILITY DISTRICT DECEME3EF2 17, 1965 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in an Adjourned Regular meeting 12/17/65, II :00 A.M. , District Office. ROLL CALL: Present were Directors Fesler, Wakeman, Kortes, E3ickle, T.L.Stewart, Clerk o�oE3 a�rd+�allahan, Enqineer H. Moyer and S. McKissock. REVIEW- - OPENING OF E31DS - - REVENUE BONDS - - FIRST DIVISION SALE �700,000: The Direc ors discussed e bids received and opene a e regu ar meetinq e at 8:00 P.M. , 12/f6/65, Tahoe Valiey Fire House and whether it might be wise to reject or accept the bid received or to go for the entire $1 ,400�000. Engineer H. Moyer stated that he did not know how long the Oistrict can wait for cash; obtigations must be met - especially on the E3ijou Force Main, which will have payments due of over $150�000. If the District is going to consider advertisinq for the full amount of $1 ,400,000, it should be done as quickly as possibie and this should not go along with what the bond market miqht or might not be. Mr. Moyer stated that the District now needs money; the interest rate which accompanied the bids last night is as good a rate as could be asked for. Attorney Holtom had stated that if the District were to go for the $1 ,400�000 - the bonds could sell within three (3) months and that he also talked to the low bidder and they stated they would not hold the District to the Resolution. Mr. P��oyer stated that we need the additional (2nd sale) by July - - the District cannot wait one fuli year for the money. (Mr. Holtom had stated that the 2nd issue would not be able to go to bid for one full year. ) Director Fesler stated that if the above two (2) bids were rejected, the District would have to wait an additionai 30 days before funds could be received if the District decides to go for the full amount of $1 ,400,000. COUNTY FUNDS: Mr. Catlahan stated that Mr. Weidman went to the County Auditor this morn'i'n'q ancl"�received an additional $15,000.00, makinq a totai of $65,000.00 to be received by the District the Ist of January 1966. Mr. Callahan further stated that during the next three (3) months, the District wili need more than $65,000.00. Mr. E3ickle stated that if we go for the larqer amount, we miqht receive a better ', interest rate; however, it would be 60 days before funds would be received by the � District. Attorney Holtom telephoned the Directors for their decision as the bidders had to be not i f i ed. The Board took the foliowing action: ( I ) Uirector Bickie moved, seconded by Director Kortes� unanimously carried, th�t the dids received at the 12/16/65 reqular meetinq be rejected and that the Attorney proceed immediately for the entire amoun't of $1 �400,000.00. (RESOLUTION N0. 640) (2) Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman� unanimously carried, that the following RESOLUTIONS be adopted: ,� /v Adjourned Reqular Meeting 12/17/65(continued) RESOLUTION N0. 641 : - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,400,000. RESOLUTION N0. 642: - APPROVE BROCHURE OF E30NDS. RESOLUTION N0. 643: - REOPEN BIDS 2nd MEETING IN JANUARY ( 1966) . ' Mr. Moyer discussed the construction that will be taking place at the Plant Site. ADJOURNMENT: 12:00 Noon. ���, �� � Ro ert -es i er, -�'res i de�a�h�rd of Directors of the SOUTH TAHQE PUBLIC . UTILITY DiSTRICT ,�"� ,� � i �' � ,�, > 7 David . Calla an, lerk of ard and Ex-Officio Secretary - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT *�*��**� REf;ULAR MEETING OF THE BOARU OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTEi TAHOE PUE3LIC UTILITY DISTRICT JANUARY 6� 1966 ' The Board of Directorsof the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in reqular se�sion at the Tahoe Valley Fire Nouse� January 6, 1966, 8:00 P.P�n. RQL CALL: Present�� were Directors Fesler, Kortes, Wakeman E3ickle, Stewart, General NT�anage�riday, Clerk of Board Callahan, Attorney J . Hteidman� Attorney J . Holtom, Engineer H. Moyer, W.C. Taylor, Supt. of Plant Operations; h1r. J .C.Peebles, Mr. Biil Pillsbury, Walt Little� Frank Gordon, John Murphy. M�lUTES: Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director F�ickle, unanimously carried, that the minutes of December 16th and December 17th, 1965, be approved as presented. Mf�JGER'S REPORT: General Manager Priday read his report, as foilows: 'JANUARY 6, 1966 , PLANT OPERATION: otal flow for December 1965 64,584,000 qallons Average daily flow 2,083,000 " Nevada fiow for December 1965 9,308,320 " Average daify tlow 300,268 " Chiorine used for December t965 15,505 Ibs. Averaqe used perday 500 Ibs. Pro�ane used for December �965 7,744 gallons Propane used - Averaqe per day 250 gallons Holding pond freeboard £� feet - - il inches I - S�ray Area (New Field) has some run-off but this can be attr-ibuted to snow melt; however; chlorine residuals are maintained as prescribed by St�te Fiealth Authorities. Old Spray Area in operation and all run-off is beinq intercepted by ditch for that pur�ose and going back into holding pond. Johnson property is beinq used as much as possible but must be controlled to stop �ny runoff. Attached for your information is a report on ins�ections made from October I 1965, through December 31 , 1965, on sewer connections onlY•�� 235 and total units =1 ,364 AT�ACHMENT: Total buildings connected: Total inspections: Residences 39 olc� and 104 new Apartments II old and 58 new Motels No oid and 5 new. ��/ � . � . - � REGULAR b1EET I P'G OF J A.f�UARY 6, I��66 (cont i nued -2-) Director Stewart moved, seconded by Director Bickle� unanmmousiy carried� that the Manae Manager's Report be accepted as presented. RECOGNITIOP� OF VISITORS: President Fesler welcomed all those present and asked if they I�d any ing to brinq before the E3oard for ection. No E3usiness. COMP�1 I TT EE REPORT S: I . Easement: No report. 2. Planning: Director Stewart stated that the Planninc� Committee met on I /5/66 and agreed that an Engineering Study Session should be held on the 12th of January, �966, i 10:00 A.M., District Office. Mr. Stewart passed agenda's to all Directers for this Study Session. Also, requested that Mr. P�loyer contact a representative from Corneli , � Howland, llayes and Merryfield and requested ��r. Clair A. Hill to be present, if poss i b l e. Mr. Moyer w i I I �o�t��t cf�2r� and Prr. C 1 a i r !�• E�i � � to f i nd out i f they w i I I be available for this committee meetinq. 3. Street Lic�hting/Personnei : No Report 4� Pubiic Information Report: - Director Kortes read letters trom: � � p. I .UuPont DeNemours 8 Company, Wilmington, Del�ware, requesting information re costs of installations, operati�ian+d o�eba+�°� °o�dat°,°Onsrunderebothd the pamph�et describinq the Water Reclamation , P good and bad situations. ( letter dated 12/21/65) . 2. From the United States Department of the Interior� Fis��+�� W�4/66�erequesting E3ureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife� Washingt�n, D.C. , information on water systemsrofrthe�resear�chrons"Denitrificationeand91on5ExchangeCfor they stated �that the resuits Ni+ragen Removal from Sewaqe" would assist them in soivinq their water and filtering problems. General Manqer Priday will reply to both letters mentioned above. 3. K.C.R.L. , Reno, Channel Four� statinq that a half-hour color film on Lake Tahoe will be broadcast Saturday� January 8, at 7 P.M• Mr. Priday also mentioned that K.N. X .T. visited the Plant Wednesday and took some film of the Plant Facilities. R-esident Fesler stated that it is very gratifyinc� that these people are showinq the interest in the facilities and further stated that the District can be proud it is attracting the International attention that it is. On 12/21 /65 President Fesle�, Del Rossee1d Mr. �AcKinstry attended the first press c�ub meeting held at Harvey s Wagon Wh 5� BANKING AND INSURANCE COMMITTEE: N�omeM°�t�ohnrWaBkerithank�n.getherDirectorsefor Mene ey insurance Agency and a letter fr the meeting and tour of the facilities; another letter received from the auditors Irvine and Duce statin� there wouid be a delay on receiving the audit. MONTGOMEREY ESTATES: P1r. Bickie stated that� re the litinati�n with Montcaomery Estates, e con ac e e nsurance Agen+heco�nS��nc�9settletfore�2_,500h00 asuMontgomerYfEstates $2,500.00 and recommended that stated they willlsettle for $5,000.00. Director Bickle moved, selonded $Z �ooe00,rtherDistrictnpayu$2,500r00edtotsettaesthen9 the insurance Company wi p Y . claim with Montqomery Estates and to have the Attorney proceed immediately to sett e for $5,000.00. LEGAL - MISCELLANEOUS: I . HARPE & BAX - ( 960-2 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: Attorney Weidman st�ted tha briefs are to be submit ed to the udge; t is wi be iscussed at the En�ineering Session the 12th of January 1966. 2. INJUNCTION: - Attorney Weidman stated that he has a copy of the injunction filed aqainst t e South ahoe P,U.D. by Mr. McKinstry; however, it has not officially been presented to the District. Mr. Weidman stated that he wou�d not care ta make any comments �t this time but stated that an Executive Session couid be held to discuss this. AFFIDAViT OF POSTING THE NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT________ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) 55 COUNTY OF EL DORADO ) I , DAVID W. CALLAHAN, , beinq tirst duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is a citizen of the Unitdd States and over the ac�e of twenty-one years; _ That at the instance of and for and on behalf of the South T�hoe Public Utility District, he posted NOTIGE OF ADJOURNMENT at the Tahoe Valley Fire House, Tahoe Valley, California, reqular meeting of place of the Board of Oirectors of the South Tahoe Public Utility Districto THAT said positing was fully completed on the 17th day of December 1965; that a copy of said notice is hereto attached, and by reference made a part fiereof. / ' , j�� , � l t�� `-'J ``._L.'�-...k('T.r�;_cv-.'''�,/X.z.t_.. B�v d . Callahan, Clerk of Board 8 Ex-Officio Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me th i s �� �r' � day of ��(� � �.�:,,��t r,;�-, � I 965. ) ��r^ .f-� , , -�' , ; �; r` G� � -CG't �� 'c, Notary Pub ;i n and for the Co ty of EI Dorado, State of Californya � NOTICE OF AQJOURNMENT �LIFORNIA ) ) ss EL DORADO )) NOTICE is hereby given that the regular meeting of the IRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT held f December 1965 has been adjourned to the 17t1i of december, he hour of II :00 A.ti�. of said day, at the Sauth Tahoe Itty District Office, Iwhen and where it wil ) consider or accepting the bid received for the sale of bonds :NUE BONQS in the amount of $700,000. � � �� ��C� ��.�-��r- -�----� �.. �_�, avi . a a an, er o oar and Ex-Officio Sec. SOUTF-I TAHOE PUBL I C UT=I L I TY D I STR I CT Ktc�uLAfz P1tETING (cont i nued) I 2/I 6/65 s.�` CALFILCO CLAIM ($5 257.65) : To briefiy review; The District and CALFILCO entered into a contract �n January ot 19 5 for the Tertiary Treatment Piant. The centract ca� led for completion of 300 calendar days and the work was not completed in the contract time. Prior to expiration of the contract, CALFILCO requested 30 additional days, which was brouqht before the Board of Directors and c�ranted. The project was still not operatinq at the close of the 30 day extension. The �lant was actually compieted in June of 1965. CALFILCO had requested an additional extensian and the Board did not grant their request. Final payment was made to CALFILCO on 7/6/65 and this payment included all payments due them. The amount of $5,257.65 was withheld for extra inspections, etc. Mr. Moyer stated that CALFILCO did have some difficulties - - breakage of sludqe dike, re- excavation, etc. Mr. Moyer also stated that CALFILCO'S job was satisfactory; they did an excellent job, no complaints. The plant is giving as good a service as the District could hope for. Mr. Moyer mentioned that we should all realize that the project CALFILCO took to build was the first of its kind - - difficult and unusual . Director Stewart stated that he has spent considerable time studyinq CALFILCO'S claim and moved that the District pay CALFILCO the amount which was withheld in the amount of $5,257.65. Director Wakeman seconded and vote carried unanimously. Director Fesler agreed that the District did owe CALFILCO that amount. Director Wakeman asked if the representative of CALFILCO could make a statement re performing the warranty, etc. Mr. Luttigen of CALFILCO stated that he can see no reason why CALFILCO would not continue to perform their warranty; further stated that they have every reason to do so. Also mentioned that CALFILCO is proud of the Plant and they want to do a qood job warranty-wise. "We have no other motives about not doing a c�ood job, and I speak for CALFILCO", Mr. luttigen stated. ASSESSMENT SPLITS: Attorney Holtom recommended the followinq resolutions for adoption: RESOLUTION N0. 637: A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AMENDED ASSESSMENT - SAN. SEW. PROJ . 1960-I RESOLUTION N0. 638: A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AMENDED ASSESSMENT - SAN. SEW. PRQJ . 1959-i Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Wakeman� unanimously carried, that RESOLUTIONS NOS. 637 and 638 be adopted, as recommended by Attorney J. Holtom. _�..._� BID OPENING - CLARIFIER MECHANISMS 1966 TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION, CONTRACT N0. I ; ngineer oyer s a e a two i s were received and opene a .M. today, District Office: ' I . EIMCO Corporation #I = 13,818.48 San Mateo, California #2 = 29,775.20 ��� _ $43,593.68 2. DORR-OLIVER : #I = 12,542.20 Oakland, Cali'fornia #2 = 29,869.85 �� _ $42,412.05 AIl three (3) items delivered by 5/15/66� $350.00 to be deducted. Mr. Moyer stated that he could Bee no reason the items could not be delivered to the jobsite prior to 5/15/66 - he could see no problem regarding delivery and recommended that the bid of DORR-OLIVER C0. be accepted. In answer to Director Bickle's question, Mr. Moyer stated that both Companies are well known companies. RESO�UTION N0. 639: A RESOLUTION OF THE E30ARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY I A ARDING CONTRACT - CLARIFIER MECHANISMS, 1966 TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION, CONTRACT N0. I . � Director Kortes moved, seconded by Director Bickle, unanimously carried, that the contract be awarded to DORR-OLIVER, for the amount of $42,062.05, as recommended by Enc� ineer hloyer, and by accepting and adopting RESOLUTION N0. 639. REVENUE BONDS - BID OPENIPJG: Attorney Holtom opened the following bids: I . Taylor and Company 439 No. Bedford Drive, E3everly Hills, California, 90210 They will pay $686,000.00 which is 98� of the par value ($700,000 - SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEI��ER REVENUE BONUS OF 1966, First Division) at the followinq r�tes: 1967-74 5� per annum 1975-78 4-I/2� per annum 1979-91 4-3/4� per annum Interest cost: $520,062.50 Plus Discount: �14,0� 00.00 = $534,062.50 - - Net interest cost: 4.8706�